Suikoden IV Trading Guide ************************* By Blazefeeler 6/9/2006 Contents~ =============== 1. Introduction =============== -A) History -B) Copyrights 2. Trading Guide =============== -A) Locations -Tips -No Tip Information -Key Items to Purchase -B) Advanced Material Unlocking -Amounts needed to unlock -Prices -C) Quick Trade Table 3. Credits =============== ----------------------------- 1. Introduction ----------------------------- Work began on this particular faq and guide around the date of 5/9/06. Many people have been posting on the boards asking about what the quickest way is to make potch during and before endgame. The aim of this faq is to provide you with the information on what and where to buy items during your gameplay to supplement those earnings you win during the course of battle. By end game, some of the best and quickest ways to earn money are those made effective by timely and mass-quantity trading. There will be Spoilers possibly in this guide, so ye have been warned. I will be adding more tips into the guide if they are found and confirmed. The second portion of this guide dealing with the Advanced Material Unlocking, will also detail the price of materials and trading for later in the game when time and potch are more abound. -A) History --------------------------- 5/9/2006-Work began on Suikoden IV Trading Guide 5/11/2006-First reached Obel Island 5/13/2006-Journey to Nay and Na-Nal 5/26/2006-Journey to Mordo 5/28/2006-Pirates Nest and Beyond 5/29/2006-Return to Razril 6/1/2006-Finishing Up the Journey 6-6-2006-Worked out some more tips 6-9-2006-Finished up work on the Faqs -B) Copyrights -------------------------- This guide may not be posted in any other website other then, or informational source without my approval. I will more then likely grant permission if you simply ask, and give credit where it is due. If you notice an error, or have found something not listed in this guide, please email me and I will correct the faqs and give credit where due. A LOT of effort went into this guide, and I would be most upset to see it used without consent, credit, or due notice. That being said. Spoilers abound. Ye have been warned, again! On with the faqs! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2. Trading Guide xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -A) Locations~ =========== This section will list all of the locations in the game that have a viable Trading Post. Please keep in mind that due to story reasons, you will not always be able to visit certain posts, or stand the chance of advancing the plot if you do so. The following tips are important to keep in mind when Trading in Suikoden IV. I have included in this guide, 3 different costs from visits to the various Trade Posts. This is what you would expect to be in range of paying for these items WITHOUT Tip Activations. -1) Prices change at each post are based on Quantity. The more that the dealer has on hand for sale, the less you will have to pay to buy the item. Prices often increase after tip activation, so once you get the Tip/Rumors down, you may want to purchase some Trade Items ahead of time/tip activation. 2) Rumors are set at certain regions based on storyline, and can/will not change regardless of how many times you speak with the tip/informant until you advance the story. Some informants who have different rumors will often not give them to you until the buy/sell point is able to be accessed. Meaning, if you get this line in Obel,"Actually, right now....Flax Cloth has crashed big time in Nay. Word is you can buy it really cheap", you will never be able to change that tip effect once payed for, until you either A) Advance the game time 1/2 hour+, or B) Speak with another informant at another post to activate a tip. This becomes more difficult to do later in the game. If you can't go to Nay for some reason during that point in the story, the tip was worthless to buy. 3) Informants will not change dialogue for you, by simply starting/re-setting your system. Again, Storyline and other tips make/break the information ring. Sometimes, but not at all times, when you start your system up again all tips will be reset. Meaning you can start at whichever post you want to activate a tip at, and then take advantage of the price increases. 4) You can check at a post, exit out of the dialogue, and speak to the clerk immediately thereafter, and be met with different quantity/prices of items to buy. Quantities will also be found to change when you sail out, or blink out and then return. Your best bet is to wait for 5-10 minutes of game time to get a different quantity. 5) Don't forget that the number one rule of Trading is to buy, buy, buy! You always want to spend some potch at the post when you know, or expect you may be going to a couple of the different Islands. You don't always need tips to rake in big cash. 6) You have a limited time to take advantage of the tips after they are activated. Speed is everything. Meaning, roughly 1/2 hour until the tip activation loses effect, and a new tip is reset randomly. Keep that in mind, for once you activate the tip at a certain location, you want to be blinking somewhere to get the item(Or several places) and then blinking to where you need to sell to take advantage of the tip you activated. Once you obtain Viki, Trading becomes a more viable option to make some extra potch. 7) The more of an item you sell when using a tip activation, such as wine on Obel, the lower the price will become. Meaning, the more of the item you sell, the lower the price will be per piece. Say you make a trip to Obel with Wine, after activating the tip. You sell it for 1280 potch per Wine. You then blink over to Nay, pick up some more and blink back. You will notice the price has now changed, and is lower often times because the Trade Shop now has some inventory or the wine you sold beforehand to it. The price is now 920 potch per wine. Still very profitable, considering you can buy them for an average of 100 potch on Middleport, but also something to keep in mind. Here are your Trade Locations and their respective inventories in the order you can visit them. Keep in mind that the purchase price of items I have listed are subject to vary, due to the fact that quantity also determines base price. I will provide 3 different costs that were not taken when a rumor/tip was active, to give you an idea of what you would expect to pay. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Middleport Island Trade Stand ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase Item | Cost | Cost | Cost | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Iron Ore | 54 | 50 | 46 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Gold Ore | 50 | 50 | 44 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Cotton Cl. | 250 | 200 | 175 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Wool Cloth | 106 | 94 | 106 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pearl | 2833 | 2500 | 2500 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sugar | 45 | 49 | 50 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Salt | 200 | 196 | 200 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayonnaise | 98 | 78 | 94 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Candle | 50 | 50 | 55 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Musk | 55 | 50 | 44 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Native Costume| 360 | 230 | 280 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Deer Antler | 1100 | 1000 | 1200 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Book | 250 | 350 | 325 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Text | 500 | 600 | 434 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Herbal Med. | 330 | 254 | 350 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Flower Seed | 52 | 43 | 48 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Wine | 100 | 100 | 112 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rum | 120 | 130 | 196 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumors~ ======= "Actually, right now...Nay has a surplus of Silver Ore. Word is, you can buy it for cheap!" "At the moment...there's an ethnic costume fad going on in Obel. You can profit greatly by selling them! "Word is... They're buying up Rum in spades in Mordo! I heard you can sell it for a good chunk of change!" No Current Rumor~ ============== "Right now...It seems there aren't any particularly nice deals." Key Items to purchase~ ================= Flower Seed x 1 (for a later recruitment, or sell at Nay Island) Pearls (Tip Activation-Sell in Mordo for 4-5 times normal price!) Book(Tip Activation-Sell in Na-Nal for 2-4 times normal price!) Wine(Tip Activation-Sell at Obel for 12-15 times normal price!) Native Costume(Tip Activation-Sell in Obel for 2-3 times normal price!) Rum(Tip Activation-Sell in Mordo for 48-50 times normal price!) Gold Ore(Tip Activation-Sell in Obel for 7-23 times normal prices!) Deer Antlers (For your return to Middleport) Sugar(Sell in Obel) Mayonnaise(Sell in Mordo) Musk(Sell at Nay Island) Ancient Text(Sell in Na-Nal) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Obel Island Trade Stand ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase Item | Cost | Cost | Cost | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Gold Ore | 116 | 92 | 108 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Cotton Cl. | 56 | 40 | 58 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Flax Cloth | 100 | 100 | 120 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sugar | 175 | 250 | 200 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Soy Sauce | 50 | 44 | 50 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Soap | 250 | 200 | 150 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Ball | 120 | 80 | 100 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Candle | 98 | 78 | 94 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fur | 100 | 50 | 100 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Native Costume| 200 | 200 | 250 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Holly Berry | 44 | 50 | 48 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Deer Antler | 460 | 460 | 500 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Book | 300 | 233 | 200 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Herbal Med. | 150 | 100 | 75 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Wine | 285 | 315 | 300 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumors~ ======= "Actually, right now....Flax Cloth has crashed big time on Nay! Word is you can buy it really cheap! (Rare rumor in the game-Drives the price of Flax Cloth in Nay to the ground. Normally 5-7 times less expensive than normal sell prices. You can turn around and sell it in Obel for profit!) "Actually, right now....There's a "discard Ancient Texts movement" going on in Na-Nal." "Actually, right now...Cultivation is hugely popular in Middleport! Flower Seeds are in huge demand, and apparently selling for high prices!" No Current Rumors~ ================= "I get a fair share of well-kept secrets every so often, hehehehe...Though, I don't have any right now." Key Items to Purchase~ ================= Crystal Ball (Tip Activation-Sell in Nay for 10-35 times normal price! ) Deer Antler (Tip Activation-Sell in Middleport for 3-4 times normal price!) Native Costume(Tip Activation-Sell in Nay for 2-3 times normal price!)\ Soy Sauce (Sell in Nay) Candle(Sell in Na-Nal) Holly Berry(Sell in Nay) Herbal Medicine(Sell at Mordo Island) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nay Island Trade Stand ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase Item | Cost | Cost | Cost | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Iron Ore | 140 | 160 | 140 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Silver Ore | 90 | 110 | 98 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Flax Cloth | 167 | 150 | 184 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Salt | 53 | 49 | 47 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Soy Sauce | 200 | 200 | 170 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayonnaise | 95 | 95 | 100 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Soap | 49 | 47 | 50 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Ball | 750 | 600 | 600 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Flute | 53 | 48 | 50 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Musk | 200 | 215 | 200 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fur | 44 | 58 | 58 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Native Costume| 100 | 105 | 105 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Holly Berry | 275 | 325 | 300 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Flower Seed | 200 | 210 | 200 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Wine | 195 | 190 | 190 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumors~ ======= "Actually, right now...I hear Obel has a shortage of gold ore. Word is you can sell it for alot right now!" (Price of Gold Ore Jumps 7-15-23 times normal price, depending on which Ore you are selling!) "Actually, right now...I hear that Mordo has an excess of Fur goods. Word has it you can buy it for cheap right now." (Mordo....doesn't sell Fur. The only thing I can think of here would be a mis-translation of one of the other posts.) "Actually, right now...I hear Na-Nal has a shortage of Silver Ore. Word is you can sell it for alot right now." No Current Rumor~ ============== "Have you heard of any good deals lately?" Key Items to Purchase~ ================= Native Costume(Tip Activation-Sell in Obel for 3-4 time normal price!) Flower Seed(Tip Activation-Sells in Middleport for 10+ times normal price! ) Wine(Tip Activation-Sells in Obel for 12-15 times normal price!) Silver Ore-All Grades(Tip Activation-Sell in Na-Nal for 6-8 times normal price!) Flute(Sell at Na-Nal) Soap (Sell on Obel) Salt(Sell on Mordo) Fur(Sell in Na-Nal or Obel) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Na-Nal Island Trade Post ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase Item | Cost | Cost | Cost | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Silver Ore | 233 | 216 | 184 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Flax Cloth | 45 | 50 | 55 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Wool Cloth | 275 | 250 | 200 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pearl | 2750 | 3250 | 3125 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sugar | 105 | 90 | 105 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Salt | 108 | 94 | 104 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Ball | 170 | 200 | 200 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Flute | 109 | 108 | 93 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Candle | 500 | 560 | 560 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fur | 205 | 207 | 193 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Native Costume| 156 | 147 | 140 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Book | 320 | 400 | 400 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Text | 630 | 750 | 750 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rum | 500 | 436 | 468 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumors~ ======= "I heard that Pearls are hot right now on Mordo! I hear they're selling at fairly High prices!" "I heard that orbs that light up are hugely popular on Nay right now! I hear they're flying off the shelves!" "I heard that deer horns are a huge fad in Middleport right now! I hear they're flying off the shelves!" No Current Rumor~ ============== "If you hear any good rumors during your travels, please let me know." Key Items to Purchase~ ================= Pearl(Tip Activation-Sell in Mordo for 4-5 times normal price!) Crystal Ball(Tip Activation-Sell in Nay for 10-35 times normal price!) Bad Flax Cloth(Sell in Nay) Salt (Sell on Mordo, or Middleport) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mordo Island Trade Post ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase Item | Cost | Cost | Cost | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Iron Ore | 200 | 200 | 175 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Silver Ore | 51 | 47 | 60 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Gold Ore | 275 | 250 | 300 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Cotton Clo.| 145 | 160 | 150 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Wool Cloth | 350 | 284 | 284 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pearl | 7900 | 7300 | 5800 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Salt | 310 | 300 | 300 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Soy Sauce | 100 | 95 | 100 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayonnaise | 180 | 190 | 200 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Ball | 40 | 54 | 50 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Candle | 300 | 340 | 300 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Musk | 100 | 90 | 100 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Deer Antler | 846 | 702 | 702 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Medicine | 580 | 540 | 520 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rum | 250 | 158 | 214 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumors~ ======= "Actually, right now...I hear books are popular on Na-Nal! I hear they sell for really high prices!" "Actually, right ore is selling like crazy in Middleport! I hear it's being traded for real cheap!" "Actually, right now...there's a bit of a wine boom in the Kingdom of Obel, I hear wine sells at a high price! No Current Rumor~ ============== "Won't you make a trade? If you drop by on a regular basis, you'll find some good things every so often!" Key Items to Purchase~ ================= Crystal Ball(Tip Activation-Sell in Nay for 10-35 times normal price!) Deer Antler(Tip Activation-Sell in Middleport 6-8 times normal price!) Silver Ore(Tip Activation-Sell in Na-Nal for 6-8 times normal price!) Rum(Tip Activation-Sell in Mordo for 48-50 times normal price!) Gold Ore(Tip Activation-Sell in Obel for 7-23 times normal prices!) Silver Ore-All Grades(Tip Activation-Sell in Na-Nal for 6-8 times normal price!) Musk(Sell on Nay Island) Soy Sauce(Sell on Nay Island) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -B) Advanced Material Unlocking xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx As you have no doubt noticed, some of the materials that are needed by both Adrienne and Phil, require advanced forms of material to create. To obtain these materials, such as Good Gold Ore, or Good Flax Cloth, you need to unlock them at the respective Trading Post's. To unlock these items, you first need to know where their base items are sold. Refer back to the above locations, or simply read on. I will show you the required path to obtaining the items. All Trading Posts start off with the bad version of the materials. To get a "Normal" version of the cloth/ores, you need to buy around 35-40+ of the ore/cloth and sell it to another trading post in order for Normal ores to appear at that trading post where you SOLD the ores. Meaning if you want to unlock the Normal Silver Ore on Mordo, you need to go to Na-Nal, and Nay and purchase as much Bad Silver Ore as you can/require and bring it back to Mordo to sell to the Trade Post. Once you sell 35-40+ Ores, you will notice that the Post now sells/trades the Normal Silver Ore. Bingo! Now you can purchase some to use in your own material tayloring on your ship. Now, to unlock the "Good" versions of the Ores/Cloths you need to do the same sort of thing with the "Normal" versions, as you did with the "Bad" Ores. Only this time, the quantity needed to unlock the next tier is a bit lower. Usually somewhere in the 25-30+ range. Meaning, now you must Trade 25-30 Normal Silver Ore somewhere (such as Mordo) to open up the "Good" Ores/Cloths for purchase/trade. Here is a brief breakdown of the materials and their locations for reference. Middleport Trade Post~ ------------------------------ Bad Iron Ore~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Gold Ore~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Cotton Cloth~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Wool Cloth~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Normal Iron Ore~Trade 25-30 for "Good"--------------Average Price-116 Normal Gold Ore~Trade 25-30 for "Good"--------------Average Price-112 Normal Cotton Cloth~Trade 25-30 for "Good"----------Average Price-440 Normal Wool Cloth~Trade 25-30 for "Good"------------Average Price-188 Good Iron Ore---------------------------------------Average Price-150 Good Gold Ore---------------------------------------Average Price-158 Good Cotton Cloth-----------------------------------Average Price-570 Good Wool Cloth-------------------------------------Average Price-260 Obel Trade Post~ ----------------------- Bad Gold Ore~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Cotton Cloth~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Flax Cloth~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Normal Gold Ore~Trade 25-30 for "Good"--------------Average Price-193 Normal Cotton Cloth~Trade 25-30 for "Good"----------Average Price-50 Normal Flax Cloth~Trade 25-30 for "Good"------------Average Price-500 Good Gold Ore---------------------------------------Average Price-350 Good Cotton Cloth-----------------------------------Average Price-210 Good Wool Cloth-------------------------------------Average Price-530 Nay Trade Post~ ---------------------- Bad Iron Ore~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Silver Ore~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Flax Cloth~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Normal Iron Ore~Trade 25-30 for "Good"--------------Average Price-320 Normal Silver Ore~Trade 25-30 for "Good"------------Average Price-450 Normal Flax Cloth~Trade 25-30 for "Good"------------Average Price-850 Good Iron Ore---------------------------------------Average Price-450 Good Silver Ore-------------------------------------Average Price-485 Good Flax Cloth-------------------------------------Average Price-1200 Na-Nal Trade Post~ ------------------------- Bad Silver Ore~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Flax Cloth~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Wool Cloth~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Normal Silver Ore~Trade 25-30 for "Good"------------Average Price-875 Normal Flax Cloth~Trade 25-30 for "Good"------------Average Price-153 Normal Wool Cloth~Trade 25-30 for "Good"------------Average Price-550 Good Silver Ore-------------------------------------Average Price-1133 Good Flax Cloth-------------------------------------Average Price-250 Good Wool Cloth-------------------------------------Average Price-800 Mordo Trade Post~ -------------------------- Bad Iron Ore~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Silver Ore~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Gold Ore~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Cotton Cloth~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Bad Wool Cloth~Trade 35-40 for "Normal" Normal Iron Ore~Trade 25-30 for "Good"--------------Average Price-500 Normal Silver Ore~Trade 25-30 for "Good"------------Average Price-150 Normal Gold Ore~Trade 25-30 for "Good"--------------Average Price-580 Normal Cotton Cloth~Trade 25-30 for "Good"----------Average Price-300 Normal Wool Cloth~Trade 25-30 for "Good"------------Average Price-850 Good Iron Ore---------------------------------------Average Price-350 Good Silver Ore-------------------------------------Average Price-224 Good Gold Ore---------------------------------------Average Price-610 Good Cotton Cloth-----------------------------------Average Price-450 Good Wool Cloth-------------------------------------Average Price-1350 You will need some heavy funds to make all of this possible. I suggest running the trade routes and buying from all the stands before you start trying to advance the Ores/Cloths. Also, try to open one stand up fully, before moving on to the next. It will make it easier later on for you to pick and choose materials if you are short on funds. ======================= -C) Quick Trade Table ======================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Items Buy Sell ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pearl Na-Nal Mordo Island Sugar Middleport Obel Salt Nay-Kobold Mordo Island Soy Sauce Mordo Island Nay-Kobold Mayonnaise Middleport Mordo Island Soap Nay-Kobold Obel Crystal Ball Mordo Island Nay-Kobold Flute Nay-Kobold Na-Nal Candle Obel Na-Nal Musk Middleport Nay-Kobold Fur Nay-Kobold Na-Nal/ Obel Native Costume Nay-Kobold Middleport Holly Berry Obel Nay-Kobold Deer Antler Obel Middleport Book Middleport Na-Nal Ancient Text Middleport Na-Nal Herbal Medicine Obel Mordo Island Flower Seed Middleport Nay-Kobold Wine Middleport Obel/ Nay-Kobold Rum Mordo Island Na-Nal =========== 3. Credits =========== -Thanks to Konami, for yet another excellent addition to the Suikoden Series. -Thanks to Gamefaqs and CJayC for providing posting of this faqs and the boards at Gamefaqs. (my home away from home) -All of the posters at Gamefaqs, for which this guide is intended to help. -Thanks to my family for being so patient with me, and my hobbies. -My email should you wish to contact me about this guide, is