GENSO SUIKODEN V Character Recruitment Quick FAQ by yangxu ( =============== VERSION HISTORY =============== Version 0.1 -Added recruitment info on 73 characters Version 0.2 -Added recruitment info on all 108 Stars Version 0.3 -Fixed errors related with Haleth's recruitment and some spelling mistakes related with characters' names, added the non-SoD character recruitment section Version 0.4 -Updated Jeane's recruitment information, fixed errors regarding Mohsen's recruitment, added more information on Josephine's, Norden's Ax's, Nick's and Yoran's recruitments Version 0.5 -Updated Sorensen's, Mohsen's and Dongo's recruitment information, fixed some errors related to Raja and Toma Version 0.6 -Many updates have been made regarding Mohsen's, Murad's, Faylen's, Faylon's, Retso's, Sorensen's and Genoh's recruitments. Thanks to all who emailed me the corresponding information Version 0.7 -First of all, I'd like to apologize and thank all of you who emailed me in between the last update and this one, because I've been having a lot of finals in April, I wasn't able to check my emails at all during that period. My mailbox basically flooded when I logged on today, it'll take too much time to reply to every single mail, so I think I'll give my deepest and most sincere gratitude to you all here, I have tried my best putting everyone's contribution in this update, but if I happen to miss anyone, please let me know and I'll add you right away, thanks! Number of updates regarding Mohsen, Byakuren, Takamu, Alhazred, and many other's recruitment info. Version 0.8 -More updates on recruitment info on Bastan, Hazuki, MiFaSo, and Genoh. Thanks to everyone that mailed me! Version 0.9 -I'd like to thank all who mailed me for corrections on various character recruitment methods. I've been treated with consecutive exams lately, so I don't have time to reply to all you good contributors in time. Please forgive my rudeness, your contributions, however, will be noted in the guide as well as under the acknowledgment section. For those who mailed me asking for helps, I'm sorry I can't give you immediate responses, hopefully our board members have solved your problems already. Gavaya, Bastan, Alhazred, Oboro, and Nakula get corresponding updates on their recruitment info. Minor updates on The characters now have star indications next to their names, hopefully this will ease up your search if you don't know the character's name yet. Version 1.0 -It's been forever since I updated this FAQ, but now that I do, there are quite a number of updates on specific character recruitments. I have received countless emails over the year, although I could not reply to every single one of them, I sincerely thank all of you for your passion for Suikoden V and kindness to help making this FAQ even better. ============ INTRODUCTION ============ This is just a simple FAQ that answers your five Ws and one H questions during your character recruitment quests. I've listed each Star of Destiny in alphabetical order, it should be less confusing than ordering them according to their positions on the SoD Tablet. If you want to know which characters are missable, press Ctrl + F to pull out the find box and type the word "missable" in the text box, then press enter. The highlighted word should appear under certain characters' names (press enter a few more times to allow the browser to skim through the FAQ for more), these people are the ones you should pay close attention to during your playthrough if you want to get all 108 SoDs. Note that this FAQ has some minor spoilers, use it at your own risk if you are afraid of being exposed to anything you haven't seen or heard so far. You are welcome to email me if things are not clear or wrong and I'll gladly credit your contribution. ========= Quick FAQ ========= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you start reading, I'd like to point out a few things, there are spoilers in this section, so please read it at your own risk. 1. Some characters can die during major wars, the chances are very low, however, they can still die, meaning you'll lose them forever. Thus, always always always always always save before you start a major war, you won't know when a character will die as his or her squad gets trashed by the enemies. 2. There are certain points in game when characters can no longer be recruited, so make sure you get as many as you can before these events unfold: -Coronation Ceremony/New Queen's Campaign -Liberation of Stormfist Thanks to Webapprentice for reminding me about random yet permanent death of character during major wars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero/Prince (Tenkai Star) -Protagonist, joins as soon as you start a new game Alhazred (Chisui Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! Do the following before you begin the siege on Stormfist. Meet him at the trade shop in Rainwall first. After Lordlake's been revived, go to Tricolor Inn's second floor to find a fortune teller in one of the rooms, pick the choices given in any order and he'll give you a book. Store it at Chuck's place and rest at the inn in your HQ. Come back to Chuck and he'll return the book to you saying that it might be cursed. Return the book to a woman at the room where the fortune teller was in Yashuna and head for Estrise to look for Alhazred who's standing at the town square. If he's not there, sleep at the inn to refresh the game's setting... Tell him about the book and take him to see the fortune teller in Yashuna only to find the book's slowly draining the guy's soul away. You'll be thrown into a battle with the book, defeat it and watch the scenes, Alhazred will join in the end. Thanks to Michelle for pointing out that the fortune teller's at the Tricolor Inn (bath house), not the normal inn; Robert Andrews, keric, Xaneorath, ravenbear, mastertwo, matthall, sebhyres, darkstar_dragoon, and reinsel002 for updating me on the timing of his recruitment. Ax (Tenku Star) -Joins automatically if you choose to abandon your castle during the joint assault by Armes and Godwins. If you choose to defend the HQ, then you'll have to bring a male party to Gordius again to recruit Nick, Yoran and Ax. Credit goes to Andrew for providing the info on their recruitments. Babbage (Chisou Star) -After the coronation ceremony, your HQ should expand a level down such that you can explore the floor below where Luserina's standing. With Sorensen in your active party, head down and go for the northeast door, in the next area, look for the room that has "Gear" displayed as its title. Attempt to enter to get a scene. When it's over, depart for the Babbage lab in Estrise, once the event's done, take Babbage to the gear room. Leave the castle completely then revisit the gear room and Babbage will join the SoD. Bastan (Chisei Star) -First try recruiting Sorensen and you should get lots of ?Paintings during your journey inside the Revolving Bridge. Return to Haud after that quest and enter the appraisal shop. Talk to Bastan, if the normal appraisal menu appears, speak to him again. Eventually, Bastan will ask you something about the ?Painting you're carrying, and will join you when he's done with his babbling. It doesn't really matter where you get the ?Painting, as long as you have some in your party items, you can go recruit Bastan. Sorensen is NOT a mandatory pre-requisit! Michelle confirmed this by recruiting Bastan using the ?Paintings she got in Ranro Mountain. porcell78 told me that exiting and re-entering Bastan's shop after each dialogue is not mandatory, all you have to do is talk to him agan after the previous conversation ends, which saves a lot of time. ZeovisMu provided an extensive analysis on Bastan's recruitment since a lot of people seem to struggle to get him, I'll quote what he wrote here: "I would like to point out an error in your FAQ. Sadly, additional errrors are printed in the official strategy guide from Brady Games, Hence the number of people who've had trouble recruiting Bastan late in the game. I have a save file that is directly after the death of Lord Barrows. I have several unidentified paintings in my inventory, from Wyverns by Stormfist, and Revolving Bridge enemies. I've talked to Bastan 100 times, cancelling out when I get the appraisal menu, and then trying to talk to him again. I also brought him many paintings and had him appraise them - individually, leaving the shop and returning for each painting. It blew my mind that a random event could be this rare. But then I loaded an earlier save file (just before the New Queen's Campaign). I took one unidentified painting from the Revolving Bridge (I did verify it was a graffiti first), and then talked to Bastan 11 times, cancelling out of the appraisal menu each time it came up - without even leaving the shop. And I recruited him the 12th time I talked to him. I haven't tested it much, but it looks like you have a 10% chance to recruit him each time you talk to him while an unidentified painting is in your inventory. From the posts I've read about fellow players with this problem, it sounds like everyone is past the Stormfist Seige like I was. I'm not positive if the point of no return is the Stormfist Seige itself, or the death of Lord Barrows. I did notice the dailogue of several Haud NPCs change after Barrows death, though. I also have a save at the point where you have to choose to abandon your headquarters or not, but at the moment, I can't go to the Revolving Bridge or to Haud (because of the enemy blockade). I am thinking that once I regain access to those two places, it will probably be a snap to recruit Bastan, but I can't say for sure. By the way, many players who waited to recruit Bastan did so most likely because of the strategy guide published by Brady games. I did, for instance. Here is the exact quote from the guide about Bastan: 'Bastan works as an appraiser in Haud Village, and he'll join you if you bring him a particular ?Painting. The best place to look for it is in the Revolving Bridge (see Sorensen) where enemies drop it randomly. It's extremely rare, so bring characters with Treasure Hunt ability and kill foes till you have dozens of ?Paintings. Then bring them all to him for appraisal. Later in the game you can get it more easily from the Wyvern enemies outside of Stormfist.' So, what do you deduce from this paragraph? Well, I took it to mean 1) I don't have to worry about recruiting Bastan until I get access to Stormfist. 2) It will be easier to recruit Bastan at Stormfist. 3) As who NEEDS an appraiser at the HQ anyway, why work harder just to get Bastan early in the game? It doesn't help that the official guide also claims the point of no return for recruitment is the Sol Falena Seige, and provides no indication that Bastan is a missable character whatsoever. I'm also kinda annoyed that though I can't recruit Bastan after Stormfist Seige, I can still investigate him with Oboro, which again makes me think he's still recruitable." Thanks a lot for your in-depth analysis on Bastan & ZeovisMu! Belcoot (Tenan Star) -When you get your HQ, head to Yashuna Village and look for him near the inn. Ask the whereabouts of Marina and persuade him to join. Get in the inn and watch the scene. Tell her to go to your castle and the couple will join the SoD. Bergen (Chishu Star) -Joins with Levi Bernadette (Tenjyu Star) -Joins by default Boz (Tenmou Star) -Joins by default Byakuren (Chido Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! Each time you recruited 20 characters, you'll encounter it at the hanging bridge before exiting your HQ. If you have Levi or Genoh joined the SoD already, when you defeat it, it'll join you. You only have 5 chances to recruit it, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE LEVI OR GENOH RECRUITED BEFORE FIGHTING IT! Another way to recuirt her is to bring Genoh with you and visit the lower level of your castle right after the expansion. Thanks to DerangedFlame for letting me know the exact requirement to get her to appear on the hanging bridge and level4paperboy for providing the alternative method to encounter Byakuren. Cathari (Tensoku Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! If you haven't recruited her after the liberation of Stormfist, you will never be able to get her to join you again. To make her your companion, first speak to the man at the western entrance of Port Spinacks, then head back to HQ and ask Logg to take you to the newly accessable Hershville Port. Talk to Cathari there. When you finished the Twilight Forest quest, go back to Spinacks and speak to Cathari again (she's near the rune shop). Pick the second choice on her second question and she'll join your party. Bring her back to Lucretia in the War Room (3rd floor) of your HQ and she'll permanently join the SoD. Cathari can be recruited even before you head to Sauronix Castle, all you need to do is follow what is being said above and she'll join the SoD. Thanks to Rion for this update. Chisato (Chiken Star) -Be sure to watch Chisato's puppet show during your first visit to Nirva Island, bring Bernadette with you and pay a revisit there (take the ship in Estrise), watch some scenes unfold and speak to Chisato, tell her it's too dangerous and watch the scenes that follow. Once you freed the kid, exit the inn and ask Chisato again at her booth and she'll join the SoD. Chuck (Chison Star) -Joins by default Cius (Chikai Star) -Joins by default Cornelio (Chigaku Star) -Visit the large mansion in Haud (south to the appraisal shop) and defeat all the DoReMi Elves in there. Cornelio rushes out and scolds you for your irresponsible actions. He then joins the party and a battle with a Doremi Elf after you exit his house automatically ensures. Capture it with Cornelio's Doremi Rune or kill it and he'll join the SoD. Thanks goes to FruitOfTheLoom for pointing out that killing the elf doesn't affect Cornelio's determination to join your party. Craig (Tenyu Star) -Joins by default Dinn (Tenman Star) -Joins by default Dongo (Chiko Star) -If you have a Silver, Gold or Platinum Hammer, you can return to Drawf Camp and ask Dongo to sharpen your weapon to the maximum level the corresponding hammer allows. You'll get to watch two events involving Dongo and his master, followed by his request to join the SoD. Giving Dongo the Iron Hammer will warrant a cutscene, but will not be enough to recruit him. Thanks to Ji Hui Lim, Michelle, jaguire, springgan, Meowakin, porcell78 and jon france for corrections and updates on the exact criteria for Dongo's recruitment. Egbert (Chihei Star) -Once you rescued Lucretia, go to the dungeon beyond the Dwarf Camp and head all the way till the split path before the entrance to Agarte Prison. Take the left path until you find Egbert. During your conversation with him, there'll be a part when he talks extremely slow (letter by letter), DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING UNTIL THE ICON THAT SIGNALS YOU TO MOVE ONTO THE NEXT PHRASE APPEARS! If you did this correctly, Egbert will join you in the end. If you fast-forwarded his passionate speech, exit out to the worldmap and come back to talk to him again. Eresh (Tenfu Star) -You'll need to recruit Jeane first. After your HQ upgraded to its second level, revisit the Big Hole and you should encounter Eresh not far from where Levi was standing. She'll join your party and you'll need to go all the way into the Underground Ruin room where Jeane examined the altar. A new path should be revealed which leads you deeper into the ruins. In the deepest area of this new dungeon, you will have to fight a very tough boss, you must make sure you are at a high enough level before you handle this (level 60 is good). When you win, Eresh will join the SoD. Note that if you recruit her, you'll have to give up on getting Euram since both of them share the same star. Thanks to Ben who discovered that Jeane's letter regarding a revisit to the Big Hole as well as her presence in your active party are not mandatory factors to recruit Eresh. Eresh will still join you even if the whole letter mess didn't take place. The only difference from what I can see so far is if you read Jeane's letter and brought her with you to see Eresh, there are additional dialogues between them suggesting some unknown relation between the two sages. Ernst (Tensatsu Star) -Joins with Norma Euram (Tenfu Star) -You must first recruit Isabel and Alhazred. When Stormfist has been liberated, go to Rainwall and talk to him at the Barrow's Manor then watch the scenes that follow. Talk to him again to get him to join the SoD. Note that if you recruit Euram, you cannot recruit Eresh anymore (both of them share the same star). Faylen (Chiin Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! Joins with Roy when you choose "I was just trying to clear my good name" when Solis thanks you followed by your agreement on releasing Faylen and Faylon upon Roy's request (credit goes to Robert Shin who pointed out the correct choices the Prince needs to pick. MAKE SURE YOU DO THE FOLLOWING AS SOON AS YOU CAN, IF YOU HAPPENED TO MISS THEM DURING YOUR QUEST TO GET ROY. If you happen to select the wrong answer when you respond to either of the questions, a small quest must be done to recruit Faylen and Faylon. Bring Roy with you and revisit Solis' house in Sable. Talk to the people on the first floor, then head for Roy's base on Mountain Ranro for an event. Take out the 3 stolen items and return them to the people in Solis' house and the two will join you. Now if you still haven't recruited them before the Armes' invasion, and you chose to defend HQ, Roy will die but The couple will live on. You can then find and recruit them at the cemetary area below your castle. Thanks goes to Josh Patterson, Robert Shin, Bob Spamoni, Apokk, Aaron P., lucas.broster for clarifying the deaths related issues with these two characters. Faylon (Chisu Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! Joins with Faylen Flail (Tenson Star) -Joins by default Fuwalafuwalu (Chikyou Star) -Joins by default Fuyo (Chizen Star) -Joins with Oboro Galleon (Tenyu Star) -Joins by default Gavaya (Chibi Star) -Bring Viki, Norma and Faylen to Raftfleet. Talk to him at the platform before the inn and he'll join. Georg Prime (Teni Star) -Joins by default Genoh (Chihi Star) -Do this as soon as you can when you gained access to Beaver Lodge, it will save you time later. After you met Fuwalafuwalu, talk to the beaver standing outside his house to get some info about "boss", go back and talk to Fuwalafuwalu for an extented explanation. Have someone old in your active party (like Alhazred, Galleon Levi, not Jeane or Zerase) and make sure that person's level is no more than 1 ~ 2 levels below the Prince's. Head to Water Basin's deepest area (where you recruited Richard) and kindly ask Genoh to join you. If Fuwalafuwalu moved to your HQ before you could get your info on "boss" (make sure you talk to the beaver standing outside the elder's house in Beaver Lodge first), you can find him in the Beaver Lodge room located on B1F, second room from the elevator when your HQ upgarded the first time. You can also find him standing near Logg, Lun and the dwarfs after the New Queen's Campaign. Thanks to Webapprentice for correcting me on the characters you can bring to recruit Genoh. Thanks also goes to JC, Webapprentice and Michelle for correcting my mistake on who to bring and how far apart the level should be between the Prince and the old folk; Rem for mailing me about the pre-requisits for recruiting Genoh; JC, OSC740, chopstickev, Andrew Kung for telling me the whereabouts of the old beaver in the HQ; and benoit levesque for mentioning that Zerase and Jeane should not be in your team when you recruit Genoh. Goesch (Chitou Star) -Joins by default Gunde (Chibun Star) -Joins by default Haleth (Chikou Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! Once HQ has upgraded for the second time, go to the Administrator's Office in Hershville and talk to him. Return to HQ and watch the scenes in the tavern (Lower Basement Level, just take the elevator), then go back to Hershville. Enter the leftmost house near the armor shop for more scene and leave Hershville. Come back AGAIN and talk to the person in the Administrator's Office (where Haleth was standing originally). Drop in at HQ's tavern again to recruit him. If he didn't join you by the time Stormfist is liberated, you won't be able to recruit him any longer. Haswar (Tensyo Star) -Joins with Urda Hazuki (Chikyu Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! DO NOT BRING BELCOOT WITH YOU WHEN YOU SEE HER THE FIRST TIME, IF YOU DO, HAZUKI WILL DISAPPEAR FOR ETERNITY! The quickest way to recruit Hazuki is to kick out Marina and Belcoot from your party (if you have them) and talk to her at Port Spinacks first, then bring Belcoot (and Marina if you want extra dialogues) back to Hazuki to recruit her. However, if you happened to talk to Hazuki with Marina in your party the first time, she'll disappear for a while. When this happens, you can go ahead and finish your mission at Sauronix Castle first, then blink to your HQ, add Belcoot in your party, and teleport back to Port Spinacks. Hazuki should be there, talk to her again and she'll join the SoD. Big thanks to Matsuura, maxence ulala, Squeenix Man and Heretic for pointing out some of the crucial details on Hazuki's recruitment. Isabel (Chii Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! After the discussion about coronation, attempt to head toward the Babbage Lab and a scene will take place (if you can't trigger this, try recruiting Alhazred by going through the event about the cursed book). Go back to HQ and talk to Luserina, have less than 3 people in your party and head for Haud. Some scenes will take place as you enter. Agree to exterminate evil with Isabel and the pair will join the SoD. If you still haven't recruited her by the time Stormfist has been taken over, you'll miss them completely. Thanks to xander and Jax for pointing out that cursed book scene may influence the event involving Isabel, Robert Andrews and Gilberto for verifying that Alhazred is not a mandatory requirement to recruit Isabel and JaX for pointing out that Isabel's a missable character. Isato (Tenritsu Star) -Joins with Urda Jeane (Chiketsu Star) -First, head over to the Big Hole and talk to the soldier there. When Lelcar's been burnt down, head over to the rune shop to meet Jeane. Pick the first choice for her first question and second choice for her next question and she'll join your active party. Make sure to bring some strong party members with you, then revisit the Big Hole. Go beyond where Levi's standing for a scene, and head all the way to the end of the new Underground Ruin for another scene. Jeane should join the SoD permanently after that. Josephine (Chichin Star) -If you have Sialeeds in her fancy royal costume in your party, go to Haud and talk to Josephine at the southwest part of the town and ask her to join you. You can also bring Sharmista or Shula with you to recruit her if you didn't do so with Sialeeds. Thank TMR_Xenith for providing names of other specific characters that can recruit her. Killey (Tenbi Star) -Once you saved Lucretia from the prison, bring Cius and visit the eastern wing cells for a scene with Killey. When Lorelai and Zweig have joined you, you'll encounter Killey again at the entrance of your HQ, be nice to him and he'll leave. He'll join the SoD once the events at Twilight Forest are over. If you didn't save him from the cell after the Twilight Forest scenes have taken place, simply follow the above instructions and head for Ceras Lake Ruin's deepest area to get him to join. Several people have been forwarding their concerns on Killey as the events in Ceras Lake Ruin would not trigger at all, thereby making him a missable characer. The only thing I can say is that I was able to recruit him when I missed him the first time using this method, but it would definitely be a good idea to get him when he first becomes available. I apologize for any inconveniences this information might have caused you. Kisara (Chisatsu Star) -Joins by default Kyle (Tenko Star) -Joins by default Lance (Tenhei Star) -Joins by default Lelei (Chifuku Star) -Joins by default Levi (Chizen Star) -After you've taken Doraat, head to the Big Hole and speak to Levi in the cave's tunnel, both he and Bergen will join the SoD. Linfa (Chishu Star) -Once your HQ's been established, head to Estrise's inn and talk to Linfa. Agree to play her card game and lose 2000 potch to her. Head to Yashuna Village and meet her again near the rune shop. Look for more stars and allow the story to advance further, then head to the inn in Raftfleet (Linfa should be there before the coronation event takes place). Speak to her and play the silly game again (doesn't matter if you win or lose), agree to help her pay off the debt to the old hag and she'll join your force afterwards. Logg (Chitan Star) -Joins by default Lorelai (Chikatsu Star) -Joins by default Lucretia (Tenki Star) -Joins by default Lu (Chikei Star) -Once Babbage has joined the SoD. Bring Sorensen with you and head back to the Babbage lab for a scene. Agree to help her find the lost gear (examine the left area near the entrance) and she'll join you. Lun (Chikaku Star) -Joins by default Luserina (Chikai Star) -Joins by default Lyon (Tenei Star) -Joins by default Marina (Chihi Star) -Joins with Belcoot Maroon (Chima Star) -Joins by default Mathias (Chiei Star) -Joins with Isabel Meroon (Chiku Star) -Joins with Moroon Miakis (Chiin Star) -Joins by default Miroon (Chiretsu Star) -Once the coronation ceremony has completed, take Muroon with you and visit the Tricolor Inn. Talk to Miroon there and investigate the cave by exiting the door to the right of the counter. Walk all the way to the end for a scene, give permission to allow Miroon to set up a bath house in your HQ and she'll join the SoD. Mohsen (Chiyu Star) -Be sure to talk to him and purchase some equipments from his shop before Lelcar burned down. Thanks to Webapprentice who points out that buying some stuff from Mohsen's shop in Lelcar WILL have an effect on whether you can recruit him right after Lelcar's incident. Talk to him again after his store's destroyed and he'll join you when you offer him the opportunity to open an armor shop at your HQ. If you didn't talk to him before Lelca's destroyed, or if you tell him to "Pull yourself together" when you are given a choice, you will have to buy 6 items at his shop in Doraat to recruit him. Note that the 6 items you purchase must be items in his regular stock, not the rare find ones! After a certain point in game, Mohsen cannot be recruited at his shop in Doraat, you'll need to head over to Hershville to get him to join you. Credit goes to Pete for providing me the insights on how to recruit Mohsen if you missed him in Lelcar; Rem Ogaki for clarifying that the 6 items doesn't include rare finds; and Takeshi for informing me on Mohsen's availability in Hershville when he can no longer be recruited at his shop in Doraat. Moroon (Chibou Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! Bring Maroon, Miroon, Muroon with you and take the boat to the Baska Mineshaft. Talk to Moroon near a collapsed house and head to Beaver's Lodge for Meroon (she's standing in front of the trade shop). Bring the 4 of them to see Moroon again, then revisit Beaver's Lodge for a scene. Thank Moroon and he'll join you with Meroon. If you still haven't recruited him after Sol-Falena's been liberated, he's gone forever. Thanks goes to Jonathan Van En for emailing me on this. Mueller (Tenkoku Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! Joins with Wilhelm Muroon (Chiman Star) -When you first get your HQ, talk to him twice at the entrance of the HQ port where a save point is located and he'll join the SoD. Thanks goes to jon france for pointing out its gender. Murad (Chijyu Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! You need to persuade this guy 3 times before he decides to join you. Murad moves from town to town, and will always show up in the town where a major war took place to help the injured. He is MISSABLE! If you are unable to recruit him after the liberation of Stormfist, he will never show up again! Based on the timeline of each major war, Murad could be showing up in the following order (this may vary in your game, just make sure that you look around in town after a war has taken place there): Rainwall ---> Raftfleet ---> Lordlake ---> Lelca ---> Beaver Lodge ---> Doraat (after you claimed it the first time) ---> Sable (after liberation) ---> Stormfist (after liberation). Credit goes to bobert123 for adding the info on Murad's presence in Doraat and Brett Bellmore for his correction on Murad's presence in Stormfist (after liberation) after the liberation of Sable. Nakula (Teni Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! Head into the inn's second floor and meet Nakula on your first visit to Sable. After the events at Sable involving Roy are over, teleport back there and talk to Nakula, then speak to Oboro at his detective agency in Raftfleet and head back for Nakula. Once the dialogues are over, Sagiri and Nakula will join the SoD. In some people's playthrough Nakula may no longer be available if you didn't talk to him between getting Roy and going to Nirva Island for the first time, other people have had the experience of being able to recruit him by bringing Oboro to him after the battle of Doraat without talking to Nakula beforehand, try both methods if one didn't work out for you. Big thanks to P.J.Reed, Deathguise0 and Roy&Mary Bohling, and Nick Toft & Jessica Hjelsand for providing Nakula's recruitment info! Nelis (Chitai Star) -Joins with Yahr Nick (Tensui Star) -Joins automatically if you choose to abandon your castle during the joint assault by Armes and Godwins. If you choose to defend the HQ, then you'll have to bring a male party to Gordius again to recruit Nick, Yoran and Ax. Credit goes to Andrew for providing the info on their recruitments. Nifsara (Chimei Star) -Joins by default Nikea (Chiaku Star) -When Lelca's been burnt down, head to the inn in Estrise and duel her and she'll join you when you win. Norden (Chiyu Star) -First, talk to Norden inside the inn (near the bar counter) for a scene, and head over to Oboro's detective agency to trigger the next series of events. Once the investigation ends, talk to Norden near the entrance of Rainwall and he should join the SoD. Credit goes to Pete for reminding me about the details on how to trigger Norden's event. If somehow Norden doesn't join you after the investigation scene is over, Corey Fisher mailed me explaining that an alternative way to get him on your team is available: "All you have to do is talk to him one time in Rainwall and then wait till Lordlake has been restored, then go to Oboro's Detective Agency where one of them tells you that Norden has left for Lordlake. Go to Lordlake and he should be somewhere to the left of the entrance." Thanks Corey! Katie Nicely also added that Norden will appear in Raftfleet's inn if you miss him the first time, he'll reject you a few time, but will eventually join you after Lordlake's liberated. Furthermore, Takeshi commented that: "You don't have to talk to Norden in Rainwall ever other than the one time that Oboro automatically brings him in when you get the Dawn Rune. You can still get him even if you never enter the bar there." Thanks Takeshi. Norma (Tenyu Star) -Talk to her without Levi in your party at the inn in Raftfleet first, then talk to her again with Levi in your party and she will join the SoD along with Ernst. Thanks to Ben for his addition about the effect of Levi's absence and presence on Norma's recruitment. Oboro (Chiyu Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! In Rainwall, when Lucretia asks you to find Oboro to investigate the Lordlake incident, go to the port in Rainwall to find Oboro's ship, and you'll get a series of scenes and several choices to make within. ALWAYS PICK THE ANSWER THAT ALLOWS YOU TO STICK WITH OBORO TO INVESTIGATE THE CASE TOGETHER WHENEVER YOU GET TO MAKE A CHOICE! If you did this correctly, you can recruit Oboro and Shigure by visiting them once the agency moves to Raftfleet. If you didn't choose to stay with Oboro during the investigation on Lordlake, you'll have to visit his ship in Raftfleet from time to time (whenever there is an advance in story) and ask him to join you. He'll refuse several times before deciding to be recruited. It's very important that you fetch him before the new queen's campaign begins, otherwise Oboro's ship will leave Raftfleet and will not be found for the rest of the game. Rem mailed me about the specific number of times you should visit Oboro before he disappears: "If you fail to recruit Oboro during the Lordlake investigation in Rainwall, he'll refuse four times before agreeing to join on the fifth time. There are six opportunities to recruit Oboro between Lordlake and the coronation, so I think you can afford to miss only one opportunity to ask Oboro to join or you will miss him entirely." Luminaria sent me further clarifications on the exact steps to get Oboro if you missed your first chance, which is extremely helpful: "[y]ou can still recruit him if you passed up the opportunity to help him investigate stuff in Rainwall (which the Bradygames guide doesn't even mention...), and you do need to ask him to join you 5 times. He'll refuse 4 times, then join on the 5th. Your guide was a little vague on when you're able to ask Oboro to join you, so here are the times when I asked, and when he finally joined: 1) After Lord Barrows kicks you out of Rainwall, but before you actually leave town. 2) After destroying the dam at Lordlake and recruiting Nord 3) After defending Lecar 4) After you rescue the Beavers from Beaver Lodge when Godwin's forces set it on fire 5) After talking to Lucretia in your war room, but before actually going to Nirva Island (He joined here) If you've done all of this, Oboro et al will move to your castle after the siege at Doraat You really cant stress the importance of Oboro enough. Recruiting Oboro lets you also recruit Fuyo, Shigure, Sagiri, Nakula, and Raven. Six SoD all depend on you getting Oboro." Reidge also wanted to mention that the number of times Oboro refuses you depends on when you decided to drop the investigation on Norman's relation with the Barrows: "The number of Oboro's refusals to join prince's army depends on how long you stick with him when you investigate Barrows' case in Rainwall. You said that Oboro will refuse us 5 times, but in my case, I choose to leave the investigation at the last time, so he only refused me once. It will be different if you choose to leave the investigation at the second time or third time" Thanks goes to Rem for his discovery, Brian Hofrichter for letting me know that Oboro can be recruited before the new queen's campaign takes place, Luminaria for the in-depth analysis and Reidge for pointing out Oboro's refusal times in relation to when you decide to drop the investigation on Norman. Orok (Tenpai Star) -Joins by default Rahal (Chiki Star) -Joins by default Raja (Tengou Star) -Joins by default, thanks to Joan for pointing out my missing info on this character. Rania (Chisa Star) -Bring Miakis with you and talk to her at her house in Sauronix, some events will unfold as you exit the house. Invite her afterwards and she'll join the SoD. Raven (Chisatsu Star) -Once Doraat has fallen into your control, head to Sable and speak to Solis at his mansion, he'll tell you that his family tree has been stolen. Return to either Raftfleet or HQ and speak to Oboro at his agency (near the Gear Room on the first floor if you plan to visit him at HQ). Afterwards, talk to Egbert at the HQ inn to receive his family tree and give that to Oboro. Watch the scenes that follow and rest at the inn. Oboro'll come to you at night time and you'll need to investigate the Storage Room. Check the top right corner and Raven should reveal himself. When you get a choice to pardon his behavior, choose to forgive him and he'll join the SoD. Retso (Chizou Star) -Persuade him at Raftfleet's inn to join you after the coronation ceremony, make sure you've recruited Subala and have unlocked the fishing minigame. Retso'll mention something about sashimi. Go back to HQ and play the fishing game till you pick up some "Strange Fish". Note that you can only play the game when you are free from missions that affect the progress the story (eg. before an upcoming battle). Return to Retso and ask him to examine the fish for a scene, then take him and Shun Min back to HQ (if you used the Blinking Mirror, go outside south from where you are) and the two will join the SoD afterwards. Credit goes to Webapprentice for letting me know that the two can only be recruited after the coronation ceremony; and JC for pointing out that the fishing minigame only becomes available when you're free from missions that can affect the progress of the story. Richard (Chian Star) -Once Mueller's joined the SoD, go to Water Basin south of Beaver's Lodge (stick to the river bank). Do not bring anyone old with you (eg. Alhazred or Levi). Go to the deepest area in this dungeon and ask Richard to join. When he refuses, look for Mueller in one of the rooms in the inn in your HQ and revisit Richard at Water Basin. He'll then join the SoD. Roog (Chimou Star) -Joins by default Roy (Chizoku Star) -Joins by default, however, if you want Faylon and Faylen to join at the same time, pick the first choice when he asks you if you could release Faylen and Faylon. DO NOT CHOOSE TO DEFEND YOUR CASTLE DURING THE ARMES/GODWIN INVASION, otherwise you'll permanently lose Roy! Thanks to Kean for stressing the importance of the choice you make before the enemies' counterattack. Sagiri (Chikyou Star) -Joins with Nakula Sairoh (Chikou Star) -Buy 6 salts at any trade shop, then check for rumors with the guy at the trade shop in Raftfleet from time to time after Shinro has joined the SoD. If you see the information "the price of salt has skyrocketed", talk to Sairoh beside the guy until he asks you to bring down the inflation. Sell your 6 salts here and talk to Sairoh again and he'll join the SoD. Thanks to TckeyTheGlove for telling me that Shinro isn't required to recruit Sairoh. Sharmista (Chii Star) -Joins by default Shigure (Chikou Star) -Joins with Oboro Shinro (Chiyu Star) -Once Raftfleet becomes your ally, talk to Shinro at the item shop and he'll join the SoD. Shoon (Tentai Star) -Joins by default Shun Min (Chishu Star) -Joins with Retso Shula (Tenkyu Star) -Joins by default Silva (Chirei Star) -Joins by default Sorensen (Chishun Star) -You can recruit Sorensen right after you left Rainwall for Raftfleet provided that you met the trio in Estrise's Babbage lab. Go to the Revolving Bridge and talk to the soldier there, visit the Babbage lab again, talk to the two nerds and bring them to the Revolving Bridge again. Head all the way up to fight a boss, and watch the scenes when you enter the room behind. Sorensen should join you after this quest's done. During your picnic there, you probably encountered numerous gear enemies, they drop a hell lot of ?Paintings, be sure to keep some because you'll need these to recruit Bastan later. Big thanks to Joan and Ji Hui for pointing out the missing info on recruiting Sorensen; and Takeshi, Shoelip and Alexander W for letting me know that Sorensen can be done right after you left Rainwall. Subala (Chikei Star) -Bring Lun to Raftfleet once you get your HQ and talk to her on the platform before the Inn. Agree to compete in the fishing game with her. Beat her in that minigame and she'll join. If you lost, go back to Raftfleet and talk to her again to play the minigame until you beat her. Thanks to Rem, Shoelip and Michelle for correcting my spelling error on her name. Takamu (Chimou Star) -Right after you freed Lucretia from prison, bring Cius and Lelei (Lelei alone does not trigger this event) with you and visit the prison's western wing (the areas after your save point). Cius will free Takamu, agree to find his suitcase for him (in the top right corner of the room with the save point) and Takamu will join the SoD. Note however that if you are on a mission that advances the story, you cannot recruit Takamu, you can only get him to join you when you get the time to scout for companions. Thanks to Dragon Valhall and Dave Smith for letting me know that Cius AND Lelei are required to free Takamu, thanks to black_sword_rune for clarifying that having just Lelei in your party does not trigger the event with Takamu. Talgeyl -Joins by default Taylor (Chiyou Star) -When you first get your HQ, head outside for a scene with Taylor. When Lelca's destroyed, give him the permission to do his interview by talking to him in the following order in your HQ: Outside the inn, in front of the Sealed Room, in front of Georg's Room and he'll join you. If you rested at inn before you get him to join you, you'll have to start over again. Toma (Tenkou Star) -Joins by default, thanks to Joan for pointing out the duplicated info on Toma. Urda (Chisou Star) -!!MISSABLE CHARACTER!! After you rescued Lucretia, put Takamu in your party and visit the Lunas' Norther Forest to find her. Agree to accompany her to Lunas (the path behind her) and talk to Isato in the Oracle's Conclave. Once the major battle following the coronation is over, visit the Oracle's Conclave with Urda again and some events should take place. Escape from Lunas and Urda, Haswar and Isato should join the SoD. She can no longer be recruited after you liberated Sol-Falena, so be sure to get her before that happens. Thanks to Thomas Shelton for pointing her unavailability after Sol- Falena's been liberated. Viki (Chibin Star) -Joins by default Volga (Tenken Star) -Joins by default Wabon (Chijiku Star) -Joins by default Wasil (Tenzai Star) -Joins by default Wilhelm (Tenbou Star) -MISSABLE CHARACTER!! Once you get your HQ, bring Viki or some other cute girl with you and talk to him at the Raftfleet inn. Mueller and Wilhelm move from time to time (Raftfleet ---> Lelca ---> Doraat), however, if you still haven't gotten these two to join by the time you get your final upgrade on your HQ, you won't ever find them again! Yahr (Chisin Star) -Note that if you are on your way to recruiting Chisato, you'll have to come back here later to recruit Yahr and Nelis. YOU CANNOT GET ALL OF THEM IN ONE TRIP (evil, evil Konami...). Bring Bernadette with you and revisit Nirva Island by taking the ship at Estrise. At the bottom left part of the port, you'll get an explanation about rune cannons from a soldier. Head into one of the rooms at the inn to get a scene with Nelis and Yahr. Attempt to return to Estrise and the pair will join you. Some scenes will take place on the sea, choose to investigate the light and you'll be thrown into a ship graveyard followed by a boss fight. When you defeat the creature, go deeper into the wrecked ship till you see a group of 3 pirates sitting on the deck. Approach them for a scene and the boss you faced returns. You'll get a time-limit choice here, if you quickly pick the second choice (fire the rune cannon), Yahr and Nelis will join you later. Otherwise, you'll have to recruit them at the inn in Nirva Island once this whole mess is over. Yoran (Tenrou Star) -Joins automatically if you choose to abandon your castle during the joint assault by Armes and Godwins. If you choose to defend the HQ, then you'll have to bring a male party to Gordius again to recruit Nick, Yoran and Ax. Credit goes to Andrew for providing the info on their recruitments. Zegai (Tensyo Star) -Whenever you get a choice involving Zegai, always defend him for the good cause. After you've recruited enough SoDs, come back to Lunas' Northern Path and finish the first part of the quest involving Urda (bring her to Lunas and talk to Isato). Exit to the worldmap and come back in, head for where Urda's standing and a monster's squeeking sound should be heard. Go up the path to meet Zegai. If you have enough SoDs, he will join; otherwise, come back later when you've recruited a large number of companions. Zerase (Tenkan Star) -Joins by default Zunda (Chiri Star) -After getting your HQ, head for the Dwarf Camp and go up the ladder near the rune shop. She's behind the man standing on the building (zoom in with R1 if you can't see clearly). Talk to her and agree to show her see a window. Make sure to bring Takamu with you, go to Lunas and visit the upper room as soon as you enter the Oracle's Conclave for a scene and she'll join the SoD. If you recruited Urda, Isato and Haswar before you recruited Zunda, you'll need to bring Urda with you in order to take Zunda back to Luna, Takamu won't work at this point in time. Thanks goes to Ben for reminding me to bring Takamu along in order to enter Luna's Northern Forest before the Dragon Knight's scenario. Zweig (Chisoku Star) -Joins by default ============================== Non-SoD Recruitable Characters ============================== Besides the 108 Star of Destiny characters in this game, there are also 5 more non-SoD characters (more like monsters) you can recruit and these are the DoReMi Elves Cornelio's after. If you manage to get them all in your first playthrough, you can listen to various background musics in Suikoden V by talking to Cornelio at the cafe in your HQ. VERY IMPORTANT! These elves can only join you when you have Cornelio in your battle party, which means you can't put him in the Entourage group. This is because you'll need his DoReMi Rune's first skill to tame the elves. Furthermore, you MUST ensure that at least one position is empty in your active party (battle or entourage), otherwise, no matter how many times Cornelio uses his rune, the elf won't join. The elves are met in random encounters at specific locations, you can kill them if you wish, they'll keep coming back until you recruited them, so no need to worry whether they are missable or not. ReMiFa -Automatically encountered after Cornelio joined the SoD. If you accidentally killed it, you can capture it in the northern forest near Estrise on the worldmap through random encounters. MiFaSo -Can be captured in the forest southeast of Doraat on the worldmap through random encounters. It can also be found in a forest with one tree across the river directly to the west of Baska Mine on the world map, get there by trekking southeast from Doraat (thanks to Shoelip for the alternative location to capture MiFaSo). FaSoLa -Randomly encountered by running around the forest southwest of Rainwall (cross the bridge to the right of Rainwall and go down and left till you see some forest) on the worldmap. SoLaTi -Randomly encountered IN the mountain path between Yashuna Village and Beaver's Lodge, NOT ON THE WORLDMAP. LaTiDo -Randomly encountered IN the Twilight Forest before the ruins, NOT ON THE WORLDMAP. ================ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ================ I'd like to thank the following people who helped me out greatly during the FAQ construction: -Kouli -Andrew -Pete -TMR_Xenith -bloodywolf2k5 -Trevor -Joan -Wepapprentice -Ji Hui Lim -JC -Corey -Rion Guardona -Brett Bellmore -Rem -bobert123 -Robert Shin -Ben -JaX -Katie Nicely -Jonathan Van En -Takeshi Kubo Templin -Michelle Taylor -Thomas Shelton -Bob Spamoni -Shoelip -xander -Brian Hofrichter -Alexander -DerangedFlame -OSC740 -chopstickev -Andrew Kung -maxence ulala -Squeenix Man -Matsurra -ZeovisMu -TckeyTheGlove -FruitOfTheLoom -black_sword_rune -P.J.Reed -Deathguise0 -Roy&Mary Bohling -Nick Toft -Jessica Hjelsand -Robert Andrews -Gilberto -Luminaria -Kean -Reidge -level4paperboy -jon france -Heretic -keric -Xaneorath -ravenbear -mastertwo -matthall -sebhyres -darkstar_dragoon =reinsel002 -jaguire -springgan -Meowakin -porcell78 -Bob Spamoni -Apokk -Aaron P. -lucas.broster IF I FORGET TO CREDIT YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION, PLEASE LET ME KNOW, I RECEIVE AT LEAST 20 MAILS A DAY AND THERE MIGHT BE A CHANCE THAT I LET SOME MAILS SLIP BY MY EYES AFTER READING THEM THROUGH. THANKS! ========= COPYRIGHT ========= Unpublished work Copyright 2005 by yangxu ( This FAQ is meant only for private use, and is protected by US Copyright Law. This FAQ may not be changed or referenced without permission from myself. Any change made to this FAQ by unauthorized personnel will be punished under the International Copyright Law All names and references used here are copyrighted by KONAMI.