==================================== >>>>>Suikoden V Newspaper Guide<<<<< ==================================== By Blazefeeler (Kooptsk@hotmail.com) Contents~ 1. Introduction =============== -A) Contribution History -B) Copyrights 2. Taylor ========= 3. The Articles =============== 4. Credits ========== 1. Introduction ---------------- In the Suikoden Series, we've had an opportunity to really get a feel for the political spectrum as well as what is going on behind the scenes by way of often reflective, as well as introverted characters found in game who give us a bit of narration to the overall story. Suikoden V has been no exception to this rule with the inclusion of Taylor, who chronicles the "Dawn Times". I'm not going to go into recruitment details on how to obtain him, as there are already many fine guides on how to bring him and others into the fold. What I will detail, however, is all of the information contained in game and delivered up for you in the story by way of his newspaper articles. Please keep in mind that several names, mainly those of your army and headquarters, may differ from something you may read here in the guide. I'm going to try to filter out all references to names that I use in my own games, but if I miss one or two, you'll just have to bear with me until I notice it and can correct the error. These articles are often based on both what we see firsthand playing the game, but sometimes more importantly, what we do not get to see going on behind the works with characters in the story as they come and go. I hope you find as much interest in reading this, as I do in bringing it to you in this guide. Enjoy! -A) Contribution History ------------------------ 10/14/2008- Initial Entry -B) Copyrights -------------- This guide may not be posted in any other website other than Gamefaqs.com without my expressed and prior written approval. I will more than likely grant permission if you simply ask and give credit where it is due. If you notice an error, or have found something not listed in this guide, please email me and I will correct the faqs and give credit for your find. This guide may not be sold or bartered for on Ebay or any other website for sake of profit. If I see my work on said site, or any like it, I will report it immediately and legal action will more than likely be taken against the user who violated this copyright of original content if an agreement can not be reached or communication is not returned. This could include action being taken by said site staff on my behalf against said offender, if said offense occurs. Comprende? Good. 2. Taylor --------- Enigmatic and blunt, you'll find his character key to your unlocking of his collective works as you won't be able to take advantage of the newspaper feature in game without him. As I mentioned above, you can recruit him into your party early on in a scenario that plays out mostly around the HQ. If you need help in recruiting him, I suggest you read up on one of the other guides or feel free to ask on the board. Sending me an email works as well, but overall, he's really not that difficult to bring into the fold. 3. The Articles --------------- You often get new "issues" of the newspaper after any of the story related events get completed, post recruitment of Taylor. They are usually broken down into a front page, back page, and serial article. You'll want to play close attention to all three of these, if you are seeking more information on your enemies, their motives, and the backdrop to this epic story. With all of that being said, we're going to start out proper here by going from Issue #0 on up. This would be the very first issue in the series and acts as a "Preview Edition" of what is to come. Issue #0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "The Dawn Times" -Preview Edition Thanks to the kindness of Prince, our newspaper, "The Dawn Times", will soon be ready for publication here at the castle. And now, with publication nigh, there is one thing we hope our esteemed readers will understand: Although "The Dawn Times" does support His Royal Highness' cause, we are not an arm of the Prince' Army. Our purpose is strictly to report the news from an unbiased perspective. We will be ever-vigilant in pursuit of the truth. Taylor, "The Dawn Times" Reporter. Issue #1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Queen's Knights Reduce Lelcar to Ashes" According to top-secret sources, "The Dawn Times" has learned that during the recent battle for Lelcar, the Godwin army set fire to the town in order to facilitate their own speedy evacuation. After pouring fuel throughout the western islet and igniting it, the Godwin troops waited for the Prince's siege to let up, then evacuated. Although many Lelcar residents still remained behind, the Godwin troops then ruthlessly destroyed the western bridge to make sure they couldn't be followed. Thanks to rescue efforts of the Prince's army and Orok, the leader of the western islet, casualties were kept to a minimum, but the populace is furious over the Godwin faction's barbarous act. And the fact that the Godwin commander was a Queen's Knight, sworn to protect Falena, is inciting even more anger. Back Page- "Lelcar Strikes Alliance with Prince" The representatives of Lelcar's three islets, Volga, Wasil, and Orok, have recently promised full cooperation with the Prince's army. Lelcar's islets have long been known for their disparate political views. Since the start of the war, hostility between these factions has only intensified. However, the cowardly actions of Queen's Knight Zahhak during the recent battle over the town have instilled a great anger and resolve in all the peoples of Lelcar; all factions are now firmly in the camp of His Royal Highness. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Introduction" In this special serial publication, "The Dawn Times" hopes to use its extensive investigative acumen to focus on the heinous cast of enemy characters who continue to threaten the Prince Army and, indeed, the very way of Falenan life. Many of our esteemed and loyal readers have been gravely injured or had family members maimed, murdered, and kidnapped by this rogues' gallery of scoundrels. Therefore, it's natural to wonder why anyone would want to learn more about them. However, in order to achieve victory, it is vital to know one's enemy as one knows himself. Therefore, "The Dawn Times" firmly believes that this series, however controversial, can help contribute to the eventual victory of the Prince Army. Next time, "Portraits of the Enemy" will take an in-depth look at the traitorous Queen's Knight Zahhak, who cowardly set Lelcar ablaze during the recent battle over that town. Issue #2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Prince Living Double Life as Bandit?" Rumors have been circulating that the Prince has been spotted in Sable performing what are described as "bandit-like activities". This news has caused much consternation among the Prince's forces. However, there are conflicting reports that state the Prince was in Lelcar at the time. But and eyewitness from Sable who requested anonymity is sure the culprit is indeed His Royal Highness. "I seen him with my own two eyes." the witness said. "He was walkin' all regal. Ain't no doubt it was the Prince". Perhaps not even an official denial by the Prince will put an end to these suspicions. Back Page- "Yashuna Village Hot Springs Dry Up?" "The Dawn Times" has learned that Yashuna Village, a tourist resort famous for its hot springs, is experiencing a strange and sudden reduction in the amount of hot water coming from its subterranean source. The proprietors of the hot springs inn are at their wits' end. Adding to the stress and heartbreak for the citizens of Yashuna is that no one can pinpoint the cause of this mysterious drop in water volume. "None of us can figure out what's gone wrong!" an inn proprietor tearfully exclaimed. "If something doesn't happen soon, we'll be out of business!" Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Zahhak" As promised in the previous installment of "Portraits of the Enemy," "The Dawn Times" will share what we have learned about the traitorous Queen's Knight Zahhak. To begin with, we must mention that Zahhak is of noble birth; he is actually a distant relative of the Godwin Family. In fact, it was Lord Godwin who first discovered Zahhak's talent for swordsmanship and recommended him for a position as a Queen's Knight. Zahhak's first real taste of battle was during the Armes invasion eight years ago, where he proved himself among the strongest of the Queen's Knights. Zahhak is known for his quiet, measured disposition, but he's actually more cold and unfeeling than calm and composed. Those who have worked closely with him reveal an almost megalomanical personality--one who would do absolutely anything to achieve his goals. "Portraits of the Enemy" has uncovered the reason Zahhak turned his back on the royal family. According to insiders, Zahhak is firmly convinced that Lord Godwin's iron-fisted methods are truly the best way to make Falena into a more powerful nation. Zahhak's unwavering devotion to the strong-arm tactics of Lord Godwin is probably the reason he set Lelcar ablaze. In Zahhak's judgement, this tactic was probably the best way to put the Prince's forces in disarray and secure the Godwin faction's rapid evacuation, even if it put many innocents at risk. Former comrades of Zahhak now say that they won't put anything past him in the future. "I was surprised at the time, but now that I think about it, that's just the kind of cold, calculated maneuver he'd make in battle." former Queen's Knight Kyle said. "I was a damn fool not to expect it." Issue #3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Euram Barows Behind "Bandit Prince" "The Dawn Times" has learned that, as expected, the Prince was indeed innocent of the "bandit-like activities' ascribed to him by witnesses in Sable. The Prince's forces succeeded in capturing a band of bandits on Ranro Mountain outside of Sable; the bandit ringleader had been pretending to be the Prince. It turns out that Euram Barows was the mastermind behind this scheme; in his words, he wished to "sully the Prince's name." But the Prince's forces were able to lure Euram to Sable and revealed his scam in public, clearing the Prince's name. Instead, it is the Barows family whose name has now been "sullied". Back Page- "Sable Corps Joins Prince's Camp" With the "Bandit Prince" scandal resolved, "The Dawn Times" has learned that Lord Raulbel of Sable has declared complete support for His Royal Highness. Lord Raulbel officially announced that the main force of the Sable Corps, led by General Dinn, would be placed under the Prince's command. On the condition that he join the Prince Army, Roy, the leader of the bandits, was pardoned of the crime of "gross impersonation of a regal with the intent to profit and deceive." Roy himself has now personally sworn fealty to the Prince; he is currently residing in the Castle. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Euram Barows" In this installment of "Portraits of the Enemy," we examine one Euram Barows, the man behind the "Bandit Prince" scheme. Due to his incompetence and other shortcomings, we strongly considered whether he was even worth including in this series. However, his plot could have severed ties between the Prince Army and Sable, so we will take a closer look at him. As our readers doubtlessly know, Euram is Lord Barows' second son. Because his eldest son, Hiram, was assassinated during the battle over succession between Princess Falzrahm and Princess Shahrewar, Euram is in line to eventually become head of the Barows family. Euram is certainly not the ideal candidate to head up a Senatorial faction, lacking common sense, strength, and bravery. Furthermore, he is hugely unpopular among the citizenry. "Portraits of the Enemy" has reason to believe that this chicken-hearted man is not done scheming against the Prince. According to Luserina, Euram's sister, the two of them were very close when they were children. But as she got older and began to help their father with his work, Euram became cold and distant. Around this time, he became deeply--indeed, some might say obsessively--attached to Princess Lymsleia. Issue #4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Nether Gate Sets Fire to Beaver Lodge" Beaver Lodge was set ablaze last night in a bold and shocking pre-dawn attack. Fortunately, the Prince's forces rushed to the scene and performed search-and-rescue operations, keeping casualties to a minimum. However, most of the Beaver Lodge's residences were severely damaged in the attack. According to the Prince's forces, Nether Gater, the assassin group that also participated in the assault on the Sun Palace, was behind last night's arson. One of the attackers is alleged to have declared that the purpose of the assault was 'complete and total genocide' against the beavers and their community. Lord Godwin has often made public references to Falena's historic, racial, and cultural identity being 'subverted by the continued existence of the inferior demi-human races.' There is little doubt that his scurrilous beliefs are behind this surprise attack on the beaver community. Back Page- "Beavers, Prince Strike Accord" The morning after Nether Gate's sudden assault on Beaver Lodge, Fuwalafuwalu, the beaver elder, expressed his deep appreciation to the Prince for rushing to help his community in its greatest hour of need. He formally announced the beavers' official intention to ally with His Highness and to oppose the Godwins. The beaver community is known for its ability to stay out of conflicts. During this war, the beavers have done well to maintain their neutrality, but after discovering that the Godwin faction was plotting their extermination, they deemed it pointless to maintain this position any longer. Prince heartily accepted Fuwalafuwalu's offer of an Alliance. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Dolph" This time, "Portraits of the Enemy" examines Dolph, the enigmatic young man apparently behind the surprise attack on Beaver Lodge. Dolph is a member of the notorious assassination organization Nether Gate, and we have reason to believe that he played some role in the assault on the Sun Palace as well. However, "Portraits of the Enemy" has been unable to uncover the slightest hint about his personal history prior to joining Nether Gate. In fact, even his place of birth and parentage are shrouded in mystery. We do know however, that he has been known to go by the alias of "Michafute." This name is strikingly familiar to that of Takefute, who was supreme commander of Nether Gate at the time of its dismantling eight years ago. But we can only speculate on the relationship--if there is any--between the two. Issue#5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Rainwall falls into Enemy Hands" Around the same time Beaver Lodge was attacked, the Godwin Army stormed into Rainwall and gained control with little resistance. But the townsfolk had little sympathy for Lord Barows, now knowing that he had secretly conspired with Armes to divide our beloved Falena. Some even said that he deserved this defeat. Back Page- "Lyon Snaps at 'Bandit Prince' 'The Dawn Times' has learned that, upon capture of the 'Bandit Prince,' the Prince's bodyguard, Lyon--known for her mild disposition--openly unleashed her fury on Roy, the one who had been impersonating His Highness. Lyon apparently urged him in no uncertain terms to repent for his actions. Rumor has it that this "talk" with Lyon is what persuaded Roy to give up his bandit ways. Allegedly, Lyon was sent over the edge after Roy persisted in addressing her as 'sweetie' and calling His Royal Highness a 'coward'. 'The Dawn Times' attempted to reach both parties for interviews, but was rebuffed in both cases. 'Please, don't ask me about that! I'm so embarrassed." Lyon said. Roy was less cordial, simply snorting and walking away, muttering what sounded like, "Crazy - ass reporter!' under his breath. Serials- "Portrait of the Enemy: Salum Barows" This time, we examine the actions of Salum Barows, the unscrupulous head of the Barows family. When Rainwall collapsed, Lord Barows was forced to surrender to the Godwins, his long-standing enemies. The public, however, tired of his constant selfish maneuvering, has shown no sympathy. After all, it was Lord Barows who pushed for Princess Falzrahm to ascend to the throne despite her being only second in line to the title, igniting the Falzrahm-Shahrewar conflict. And it was Lord Barows who pushed dam construction forward, which planted the seeds for the Lordlake uprising. Lord Barows even stole the Dawn Rune and allied with the New Armes Kingdom. Lord Barows' intentions were decent, as his goal was to maintain peace by preventing the rise of the hard-line Godwin faction. But he is a man who would sell Falena out to accomplish that goal, a true blight on our nation. Issue #6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Godwins Planning Lymsleia Coronation" According to reliable sources, the Godwin faction is planning to push forward with Princess Lymsleia's 'coronation' ceremony as soon as the period of mourning for the late Queen Arshtat has ended. After suffering a series of humiliating losses to His Royal Highness, "The Dawn Times" believes that if the Godwins cannot defeat the Prince militarily, they will out-maneuver him politically. "Please, this isn't even worth commenting on." a spokesperson for the Prince Army commented. While the Prince's forces may be putting up a facade of nonchalance, there is little doubt that, in private, schemes are being hatched to stop this 'coronation.' An informal survey by the 'The Dawn Times' reveals that the Godwins have little support among the common folk. "The Godwins have already taken one Queen from us." said a townsperson who requested anonymity. "Do they really plan to further desecrate the throne by installing their own puppet ruler?" Back Page- "Godwin Coronation: International Affair" With Princess Lymsleia's 'coronation' ceremony approaching, sources say that the Godwins have sent out invitations to all the surrounding nations. The Godwins are no doubt planning to use the presence of international delegations at the ceremony to prop up the legitimacy of their suspect regime. Recipients include the Island Nations Federation, The New Armes Kingdom, the Scarlet Moon Empire, and the Dukedom of Gaien. In a shocking development, an invitation was even sent to Nagarea. We have not had formal diplomatic relations with this violent theocracy since their invasion of Falena generations ago. While the invited countries surely have heard rumors about the legitimacy of the 'coronation', none are in a position to make waves by turning down such an invitation. Reliable sources say that all the invited nations are expected to show diplomatic courtesy; all will be sending delegations to the ceremony. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Gizel Godwin" As soon as Princess Lymsleia's 'coronation' ceremony is held, Gizel is expected to assume the role of Commander of the Queen's Knights. His father, Lord Godwin, is a man who makes his presence felt, while Gizel lurks in the shadows. But insiders say that Gizel is the one who's really dangerous. We have reason to believe that he was the brains behind Childerich's victory at the Sacred Games. While Lord Godwin is known for taking only necessary action, Gizel is the opposite. He loves to meticulously set traps and then watch his victims squirm in the palm of his hand. One can only imagine what sort of diabolical schemes he'll have in store as Commander of the Queen's Knights. Issue #7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Coronation Ceremony Held" The Godwins announced that Princess Lymsleia's 'coronation' ceremony was held at the Sun Palace yesterday, celebrating the new Queen's enthronement with grandeur. They also demanded the Prince's allegiance to Queen Lymsleia and immediate cessation of rebellion, calling for unity throughout Falena. "We will not negotiate with a corrupt and tyrannical occupying regime,' a spokesperson for the Prince said. 'We will continue to demand the immediate halt of Princess Lymsleia's unlawful detention and an end to the illegal occupation of the SUn Palace." Back Page- "Meeting with Island Nations Delegate" More than ten days before Lymsleia's 'coronation' ceremony, the Prince traveled to Nirva Island for a secret meeting with the Island Nations Federation delegate, Admiral Skald Egan. The Prince was able to negotiate an alliance with Admiral Egan, sure to be a strategic ally from now on. In the interest of full disclosure, 'The Dawn Times' had received word of this meeting beforehand. However, in the interest of protecting the safety of His Royal Highness and Admiral Egan, we decided to hold off on running the story until the well-being of both parties could be ensured. Side Notes: "The Dawn Times Editorial Position" The Godwin faction has announced Princess Lymsleia's enthronement, proudly proclaiming her the new Queen of Sol-Falena. However, "The Dawn Times" entirely supports the Prince's opinion that this 'coronation' was completely illegitimate, illegal, and invalid. While we maintain the utmost respect and reverence for Her Royal Highness the Princess, we do not recognize the puppet Queen of an occupying regime. Therefore, "The Dawn Times" will continue to refer to Prince as 'His Royal Highness the Prince', and to Lymsleia as 'Her Royal Highness the Princess.' We hope we have the understanding and support of our esteemed readers on this matter. Please note that, due to space limitations, the 'Special Series' column will not appear in this edition. Issue #8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Notices- "Notice: Publication To Be Suspended" Due to circumstances beyond our control, publication of "The Dawn Times" has been temporarily suspended. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our loyal readers. We will, however, return before long. We plan to resume publication in time to cover the next big military operation. Thank you for your patience, loyal readers. Issue #9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Prince Proves Military Superiority" Pushing his forces into Doraat, a strategic position for the Godwin faction, the Prince succeeded in capturing the city. In the middle of the battle, the people of Doraat threw open the castle gates, which contributed largely to the Godwin Army's defeat. The news of the Queen's Knights setting fire to Lelcar had spread throughout the Queendom so, wanting to avoid a similar fate, the people of Doraat were probably trying to evacuate as quickly as possible. With the capture of Doraat, His Royal Highness is now in control of more than two-thirds of Falena. The Prince' Army holds an overwhelming advantage over the Godwin faction. Back Page- "Twilight Rune Used" The siege on Doraat ended in triumph for the Prince, but "The Dawn Times" has learned that the Godwin faction, in its desperation for victory, brought the sacred Twilight Rune into battle. The Queen's Knight Alenia held the Rune, but was unable to handle its power, nearly causing the Rune to go berserk. The Prince's forces have strongly condemned this action. Not being Falenan royalty, it is blasphemous for the Godwin faction to bring the Twilight Rune--a sacred symbol of the Royal House of Falena--onto the battlefield. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Alenia" This time, "Portraits of the Enemy" takes a look at the traitorous Queen's Knight Alenia, who recently carried the Twilight Rune into battle during the siege of Doraat. Her father, also a Queen's Knight, trained her with a blade. When he fell in battle during the Armes invasion, Alenia said that he "died because he was weak." Thus, she hates for anyone to imply that she is following her father's footsteps or trying to avenge his death. For some time, she has made no secret of her strong affinity for the Godwin faction --or rather, the Godwin family itself. This affinity is thought to be the reason for her betrayal, unlike Zahhak and his unshakable convictions. Indeed, Alenia seems to often act based on her emotion rather than logic. Special Issues %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Aethelbald Family Tree Discovered" Prince recently acquired a chart of the Aethelbald family tree. Even though the Aethelbalds fell into ruin 100 years ago, they are still considered one of the most prestigious families in all of Falena, as one can trace their lineage to the country's founding. The family's brilliant history is gloriously inscribed in the chart that His Highness obtained. The family tree is deemed priceless as both a museum piece and a historical artifact. However, a mysterious thief known only as "Crow" has been targeting the family trees of the aristocracy recently, so the Prince has asked the detective Oboro to safeguard the precious Aethelbald chart. "This 'Crow' is nothing more than a third-rate thief," Oboro said, his lips forming a confident smile. "I've caught him in the act before, and I'll do it again. Believe me, the Prince has got nothing to worry about!" With such an experienced detective on the case, it appears the Prince can rest easy. Issue #10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Princess Lymsleia to the Front?" Fresh from defeat at Doraat, the Godwins have released a shocking statement: 'Our new monarch, Queen Lymsleia, intends to go into battle to personally put down the rebel army." a Godwin spokesperson said. This plan is surely not Princess Lymsleia's own; many feel the Godwins have forced her to the battlefield. However, the Prince's tactician, Lucretia, remained characteristically unfazed at this development. 'We were expecting something like this," she said. 'We need only deal with whatever the enemy may bring. We cannot allow the enemy's actions to fluster our ranks and cause panic and dissent.' Back Page- "Mysterious Man Appears at Big Hole" "The Dawn Times" has learned that a peculiar-looking old man was recently seen at the Big Hole north of Rainwall. A Prince' Army guard on duty at the Big Hole said that he man had a dwarven companion with him, and continously stared at the western sky with a look of grave concern. The Prince' Army guard called out to this enigmatic elder in an attempt to get his attention, but the man didn't respond, and proceeded to enter the Big Hole. The soldier gave chase, but both the old man and the dwarf had mysteriously vanished. This sighting occurred on the same day as the siege of Doraat. The old man appeared to be looking in the direction of Doraat, but one wonders how he could have seen it from the Big Hole. But the Prince' Army guard reported that the man didn't seem to be simply looking in that direction by chance. Serials- "Portrait of the Enemy: Queen's Army" This time, 'Portraits of the Enemy' won't discuss a single person, but will instead investigate the newly formed force that the Godwin faction has chistened the 'Queen's Campaign Army.' The battleground against the Queen's Campaign Army will probably be on the plains northeast of Doraat. Thus, this will likely be a battle of ground troops only. The strongest Godwin ground soldiers are General Novum's troops, but they haven't budged from Rainwall. This means, then, that the main main force of the Campaign Army must be the Imperial Defense Force stationed in Sol-Falena. And Queen's Knights such as Zahhak and Alenia will most likely head them up. Normally, the Commander of the Queen's Knights takes control of a campaign army, but these are hardly 'normal' circumstances at the Sun Palace. Thus, it remains a mystery whether Gizel himself will show his face in battle. Issue #11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Prince Prevails Northeast of Doraat" The Prince's army engaged the Godwin main force, which approached from the north, in a battle northeast of Doraat, and succeeded in driving them back. Princess Lymsleia herself accompanied the Godwin Army, but it is thought that she safely withdrew to Sol-Falena along with the core of the Godwin Troops. 'The rebel army has gone too far even for them! Imagine, to revolt against our fair Queen herself?' a Godwin spokesperson said. The people of Falena aren't buying this propaganda, however, and popular perception is that the Godwins themselves put Princess Lymsleia in harm's way. Back Page- "Lyon Severely Injured" 'The Dawn Times' has learned that the Prince's bodyguard, Lyon, was critically wounded in the recent engagement northeast of Doraat. Even though she seems to have narrowly escaped death thanks to the healing efforts of Dr. Silva, Lyon remains in a coma, critically wounded. Without a hint of celebration anywhere in the Castle over the recent victory, we have been strongly reminded of exactly how important Lyon really is to our cause. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Queen's Knights" In the engagement northeast of Doraat, the Queen's Knights--meant to serve and protect the Royal House of Falena--were instead divided into two camps and forced to do battle, essentially destroying themselves from the inside. Today, we focus on the Queen's Knights. Their history dates back to the founding of Falena, but they were originally a part of the Imperial Defense Knights, with hundreds of members. But when the capital was relocated to Sol-Falena, an Imperial Defense Corps was organized separately. Instead, the Queen's Knights were assigned as 'personal bodyguards' to protect the Queen and her closest relatives alone. Their numbers were also drastically reduced, with less than ten at any given time. Being chosen as a Queen's Knight, therefore, meant being recognized as one of the best warriors in Falena; there was no higher honor. It is certainly distressing, then, to see warriors given such a distinguished honor become mere puppets of the Godwin faction. Issue #12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Prince to Meet with Dragon Cavalry" 'The Dawn Times' has learned that the Prince is scheduled to visit Sauronix Castle to officially meet with the leader of the Dragon Cavalry. The cavalry is forbidden to get involved in domestic disputes within Falena; it seems unlikely that the Prince will gain any immediate support from them. However, because it's impossible to deny the possibility that the Godwin faction, caught in an inferior military position, might conspire with foreign powers, we believe that the Prince would like to discuss this scenario in advance with the Dragon Cavalry. Back Page- "Oracle Haswar Returns to Lunas?" Ever since the Godwin faction occupied Sol-Falena, the oracle of Lunas, Haswar, has stayed at the Sun Palace as a show of support for Princess Lymsleia. However, we have received word that she returned to Lunas following the recent 'coronation' of Her Royal Highness. Information within Sol-Falena is being strictly regulated these days, so this rumor is difficult to confirm. However, we have received confirmation from several different channels. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Sialeeds" It is with the deepest regret imaginable that 'Portraits of the Enemy' runs this column. But there is no denying that it was Sialeeds who interfered with the operation to rescue Princess Lymsleia during the engagement northeast of Doraat. Sadly, we now have no other choice but to call her an 'enemy'. So, what caused Sialeeds' sudden turn to the enemy's side? An investigation reveals that her turn may not have been so sudden. About ten years ago, Queen Falzrahm was crowned with the help of the Barows family. Despite this, however, she was always careful not to let their influence grow too great. To preserve the balance of power between Senatorial factions, she engaged her second daughter, Sialeeds, to be married to young Gizel of the Godwin Family. However, Gizel and Sialeeds, rather than being distressed about being forced together for political reasons, were actually quite pleased. In fact, Gizel is said to have practically worshipped Sialeeds. It would probably be too simplistic to assume that Sialeeds' relationship with Gizel is the reason for her traitorous actions. However, 'Portraits of the Enemy' can find no other plausible explanation. Issue #13 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Dragon Cavalry Promises Cooperation" After a meeting at Sauronix Castle with Commander Craig Laden of the Dragon Cavalry, the Prince received a firm promise of full cooperation in the event of foreign military intervention. The talk was quite cordial from beginning to end; Commander Laden couldn't hide his sympathy for the Prince's cause. However, the discussions didn't end with a simple confirmation of the Dragon Cavalry's intentions. Instead, they will take a much more active role than originally anticipated. 'Both Commander Laden and His Royal Highness the Prince are well-aware that Falena will be in grave danger if the Godwin faction conspires with any foreign powers.' a spokesperson for the Prince said. 'The two sides will work together to actively pursue any leads on the matter.' Back Page- "Lyon Recovers" The Prince returned home to a surprise after his meeting with Commander Craig Laden of the Dragon Cavalry. Lyon, who had been in a coma, suddenly took a turn for the better and has regained conciousness. Her subsequent prognosis is turning out to be quite favorable. Some are of the opinion that the Prince saved Lyon by using the Dawn Rune's new powers, but 'The Dawn Times' is unable to confirm the details of this story. Regardless, morale inside the castle has improved for the first time in what seems like ages. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Enemy Mysteries" On their way back from Sauronix Castle, the Prince's forces investigated the ruins in the Deep Twilight Forest. Inside, they were suddenly attacked by a gigantic tree and forced to fight it off. Huge, mysterious monsters also appeared in the Ceras Lake Ruins. While these creatures are not directly involved with Lord Godwin's forces, one can certainly call them 'enemies' nontheless. However, they seem to only appear in Sindar ruins. Why might this be? Issue #14 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Godwins Begin Counteroffensive?" In a daring pre-dawn attack, the Godwin Army has quickly and decisively brought Doraat under their control. And we have word that in concurrent attacks, the Armes Western Marine Corps invaded Estrise, and the Armes Southern Mountain Corps made an assault on Sable. With simultaneous attacks in Doraat, Estrise, and Sable, it seems clear that the Godwin faction has made an alliance with the Armes Army, suddenly putting the Prince in an inferior military position. Just as had been feared, the Godwins have conspired with a foreign power. But, the Prince' Army had anticipated the possibility of an attack like this, and came up with a detailed evacuation plan. In Sable, evacuation was carried out quickly; everything went according to plan, without a single casualty. In Doraat, too, the evacuation proceeded smoothly, but pro-Godwin residents refused to go along with the plan, choosing to stay behind. Now, there is much concern about how the Godwin Army will treat them. Some reports claim that Estrise fell without a fight, though 'The Dawn Times' has yet to confirm this. Back Page- "Alliance Between Godwins and Armes" In the past, Lord Godwin has been quoted as saying that Falena should use the unparalleled might of the Sun Rune to take control of all 'barbaric' nations. It has long been believed that, were Lord Godwin in a position of military authority, the New Armes Kingdom would be first on his 'hit list'. Armes, too, has long been aware of Godwin's supremacist beliefs, and has never tried to conceal its animosity toward the Godwin faction. That is why this alliance is all the more incomprehensible. There are rumors that the Godwin faction has promised Armes some kind of grand 'reward' for their cooperation, but our sources are unable to determine what exactly this 'reward' might be. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Childerich" Today, we focus on Childerich, newly appointed as a Queen's Knight. Just as with Dolph, however, information about him is surprisingly limited. Everyone knows that he was the Godwin faction's representative at the Sacred Games, but his activities before then are a complete mystery. The only thing we can say for certain is that he is a member of Nether Gate. But while most Nether Gate assassins show no emotion, the cold-hearted, cruel Childerich is quite different. After gaining control of Doraat, rumor has it that he enforced discipline in the most brutal of ways--ways so violent and cruel, in fact, that they are unsuitable for printing in this newspaper. Childerich is sure to remain a key enemy of the Prince' Army. Issue #15 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Dragon Cavalry Doesn't Respond" After the Armes invasion, the Prince rushed personally to Sauronix Castle. The Prince and the Dragon Cavalry had agreed to an alliance in the event of a foreign invasion, but Commander Craig Laden refused to go through with an attack, not even giving reason for his actions. There are rumors that the Godwin faction is blackmailing the Dragon Cavalry in order to keep them in line. However, with war raging, there is simply no time to investigate the matter any further. Back Page- "Cave Dwarves, Prince Reach Alliance" His Royal Highness has gained more allies in the fight against the occupying regime. Lord Godwin, still determined to wipe out the 'inferior' demi-human races, recently ordered Nether Gate to annihilate the cave dwarves, with several murders successfully carried out. However, the Prince's forces happened to pass through the cave dwarves' underground lair just as an attack was taking place. In great debt to the Prince, the cave dwarves have sworn vengeance on the Godwins. They are the newest members of the Prince' Army. Serials- "Portrait of the Enemy: Nether Gate" Thanks to the Prince, the Nether Gate assassins who attacked the dwarves were turned back. Upon investigation, these assassins were using a powerful drug called Raging Nostrum, which temporarily gives an ordinary man superhuman strength. When its effect wears off, however, the user invariably dies. At one time, there was a division of Nether Gate that specialized in drug development. 'Portraits of the Enemy' believes that Raging Nostrum and the Dark Arcanum used in the Sacred Games and the attack on the Sun Palace are, without question, creations of that allegedly defunct division. That leads to this question: Could the Nether Gate drug division have been revived? 'Portraits of the Enemy' will investigate this matter with the greatest vigilance possible. Issue #16 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Lordlake, Lelcare Fall to Enemy" With the Armes Southern Mountain Corps bearing down on Lordlake, and the main force of the Godwin Army approaching Lelcar, the Prince' Army advanced on both towns. They carried out bold defensive battles in both Lordlake and Lelcar but, in the end, the Prince's forces were hopelessly outnumbered. Not being able to maintain the front lines of either town, they were forced to retreat, regrettably allowing enemy troops to take both Lordlake and Lelcar. But the defeats were not a total loss. The strong defensive fight shown by the Prince's forces gave the townsfolk enough time to evacuate completely. In fact, sources say that the safe evacuation of Lordlake and Lelcar was the reason behind the Prince' Army presence in the first place. Back Page- "Prince's Forces Hanging on by a Thread" After losing Lordlake and Lelcar, the only territories still held by the Prince's forces are Raftfleet and his HQ Castle. Fortunately, these areas can probably withstand a siege. But with Lord Godwin gaining much military might, the Prince's outlook seems grim. Still, the Prince's tactician, Lucretia, isn't showing the slightest bit of anxiety, and the Prince and his staff seem to be maintaining their composure as well. How can they be so calm? Does the Prince's inner circle have some sort of trick up their sleeves in the event of invasion? Serials- "Portrait on the Enemy: Jidan Guisu" Jidan Guisu is the leader of the Armes Southern Mountain Corps, who invaded both Sable and Lordlake. Many of our readers will also remember that Guisu also once conspired with Lord Barows. Yesterday, Barows. Today, Godwin--he certainly lacks loyalty. And he has apparently always been this way. 'That guy only got where he is by kissing Commander Sparna's ass.' an anonymous Armes insider said. 'He'll make a deal with anyone, anywhere, as long as it'll get him ahead. And once the deal's over--or even before--he'll stab you right in the back if he finds something better.' Issue #17 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Prince Floods Out Foes" The Prince had to flee his own castle and literally go 'underground,' but recently was able to return safely. First, he managed to secure the services of the Feitas Dragon Cavalry. Then, in an ingenious plan, the enemy occupation met a swift and speedy end. The Prince closed the sluice gate that controls the water level of Ceras Lake. In the ensuing flood, the enemy forces that had been occupying his HQ Castle were forced to evacuate. With His Royal Highness recapturing his base of operations, things are looking up for the first time in a long while. Back Page- "Godwin-Dragon Cavalry Blackmail Plot" 'The Dawn Times' has uncovered the truth behind the Dragon Cavalry's recent refusal to repel the Armes invasion. It turns out that the Godwin's took dragon horse foals and eggs as hostages, threatening to slaughter them if Sauronix Castle did not agree to complete silence and compliance. 'The Dawn Times' has learned that it was none other than His Royal Highness the Prince who uncovered this malevolent consipiracy. The Dragon Cavalry is said to have sworn vengeance on the Godwins for their reprehensible act. Side Notes- "Armes Western Marine Corps Goes Home" The Godwin Army and Southern Mountain Corps' defeat at the Prince's castle has apparently convinced the Western Marine Corps, which had been occupying Estrise, to withdraw to its native Armes without incident. Despite a long period of occupation, Estrise appears to have suffered little damage. With its return home, the Western Marine Corps has essentially deserted the Southern Mountain Corps, who still occupy Sable. However, the valya Family, the head of the Western Marine Corps, has always been known as a moderate Armes faction. In fact, 'The Dawn Times' has learned that the Western Marine Corps may have not been dispatched for fighting purposes at all. Sources say they were sent only to keep the more hard-line Southern Mountain Corps in check, preventing the wholesale slaughter of major Falenan cities. Issue #18 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Doraat and Sable Recaptured" The Prince's forces have recaptured Doraat and Sable in two separate, spectacular military triumphs. After the valiant defense of his Castle, the Prince dispatched units to pursue the fleeing enemy. The main force of the Godwin Army holed themselves up in Doraat, where they were defeated. Meanwhile, the Armes Southern Mountain Corps fled to Sable, where they were intercepted by the Prince's forces and repelled. With these two victories, the Prince' Army has succeeded in regaining the territory originally lost in the shocking Armes invasion. 'The Dawn Times' has confirmed that General Bahram Luger, Commander of the Godwin Navy, and General Jidan Guisu of the Armes Southern Mountain Corps, both perished during these recent skirmishes. Back Page- "Prince repels Southern Mountain Corps" Leading the pursuit of the Armes Southern Mountain Corps, His Royal Highness and General Dinn stormed into Sable. They defeated the enemy General, Jidan Guisu, and completely expelled the Armes forces, finally liberating Sable from the iron fist of Armes. According to information gleaned from the battlefield, part of the reason for the Armes collapse is due to the traitorous actions of Southern Mountain Corps Commander Maha Sparna, who secretly fled back to her native Armes while Guisu was engaged in the defensive. Furthermore, Sparna even demolished Sable's southern gate, creating a blockade so that the Prince couldn't pursue her. As a result, Guisu and his men were boxed into Sable, forced to fight to the death. After stabbing her own men in the back, Sparna will surely not be welcomed back with open arms in Armes. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Maha Sparna" Maha Sparna, the great Commander of the Armes Southern Mountain Corps, cowardly deserted Jidan Guisu in an attempt to save her own skin. But after all the trouble she went through to escape back to Armes, her country apparently didn't give her a very warm welcome. The nation of Armes is an alliance of five major clans, and the Sparna family is a prestigious member of the Darja Clan, one of these five. The recent invasion of Falena came about because of collusion between the Darja Clan and the Godwin faction. However, even from the very beginning, there were apparently many who feared that an invasion would be imprudent. Even King Jalat himself could not have been called enthusiastic about the idea. And when the invasion ended in failure, the Darja Clan turned on Maha, making her a scapegoat for the entire Armes defeat. This means that after being used by the Godwin faction and betraying General Jidan, Maha was betrayed by her own clan as well. Due to her selfish actions on the battlefield, 'Portraits of the Enemy' cannot say that her ultimate fate is undeserved. The ultimate outcome of the Armes invasion, then, may well be a positive one. The military failure has greatly weakened the hard-line Darja Clan's position within the country. Wanting to avoid future conflict, the more moderate Ishvaak and Madra Clans have taken over leadership. Issue #19 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Godwins' Stronghold Collapses" The Prince' Army recently pushed its troops into Stormfist, the Godwin faction's stronghold and, after a fierce engagement, succeeded in capturing the town. A group of former gladiators joined forces with the Prince's forces, contributing significantly to the victory. Lord Godwin and the main force had already moved to Sol-Falena, so the capture of Stormfist doesn't mean an end to the war. But General Novum and Childerich both died during this battle so, combined with the loss of their castle, the Godwin faction has been dealt a heavy blow indeed. Back Page- "Sialeeds with Twilight Rune?" During the recent siege of Stormfist, the Godwin faction once again showed its desperation by using the Twilight Rune. This time, however, it was in the hands of the Prince's aunt Sialeeds, not Queen's Knight Alenia, and its power was noticeably stronger. Sialeeds' actions are becoming more and more enigmatic and unpredictable. Many in the Prince's inner circle have privately confided to 'The Dawn Times' that Sialeeds' erratic behavior is becoming a grave concern. Serials- "Portrait of the Enemy: Dilber Novum" Novum, who was defeated by the Prince during the siege of Stormfist, was known as a warrior among warriors. Many, including Lord Wilde, lamented his death. As with his friend General Luger, siding with the Godwin faction was Novum's downfall. However, one can understand Novum's devotion to the Godwin faction. During the Armes invasion eight years ago, Novum's unit was so enraged by the brutal tactics of the enemy that they deviated from tactician Lucretia's strategic plan and charged the Armes forces. But they soon found themselves boxed in by the enemy--only a valiant charge by the Godwin family troops, led by Marscal, rescued Novum and his men. From that day forward, Novum never forgot the debt he owed the Godwin family, and vowed to do absolutely anything for Marscal. However, because that devotion led to his ultimate demise, 'Portraits of the Enemy' wonders if he was satisified with his choice in the end. Issue #20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Sun Palace Recaptured, Princess Rescued" The Prince's forces have stormed the Imperial Capital Sol-Falena, stamping out the last of the Godwin forces. During the assault, Princess Lymsleia, who had been held captive in the Sun Palace, was finally rescued. The long war against the occupying regime appears to have finally come to an end. Back Page- "Lord Godwin Steals Sun Rune, Flees" 'The Dawn Times' has learned that Gizel Godwin, pretender to the position of Commander of the Queen's Knights, has died in battle. Almost all remaining Godwin underlings, including Queen's Knights Zahhak and Alenia, have also fallen in combat. The Godwin faction is now nearly completely annihilated. However, the remains of the occupying regime, including Lord Marscal Godwin himself, have fled Sol-Falena and, in a cowardly and desperate act, seized the Sun Rune and are now at large. With such a powerful weapon still at their disposal, Falena is not yet free from the tyranny of the Godwin Faction. Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: Marscal Godwin" Now that he has lost Gizel, his only blood relative, and nearly all of his men, we wonder what Marscal will do now. Marscal had a cousin that he was extremely close to ever since childhood, and they continued to be very close even into adulthood. This cousin was Mardas, the man who married Princess Shahrewar. And Marscal was said to have a very loving relationship with his wife, Rosalind. But Marscal lost both Mardas and Rosalind during the succession conflict. While these tragedies no doubt influenced Marscal's current behavior, they are no excuse for the bloodshed he has brought on this nation. Issue #21 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Front Page- "Feitas Water Level Rises Rapidly" In an urgent special report, 'The Dawn Times' has learned that the water level of the Feitas River has risen considerably, quickly reaching dangerous and deadly heights. According to unname sources within the Prince' Army, it is believed that while Marscal was making his getaway, he used the Sun Rune to melt the Ashtwal Mountains Glacier. His Royal Highness has expressed his intention to go there immediately and investigate. Back Page- "Yashuna Village Hot Springs Recover?" 'The Dawn Times' has learned that Yashuna Village, whose very existence had been threatened by an unexplained reduction in hot water volume from its famed hot springs, has experienced a sudden, miraculous recovery. Business at Yashuna's once-popular hot springs inn, which had been drastically reduced since the drop in water volume, has now returned to normal. 'The War is over!' an unidentified inn worker exclaimed, beaming with joy.'We're back in business!' Serials- "Portraits of the Enemy: The Sun Rune" The Sun Rune is one of the 27 True Runes and is also a symbol of the Queendom of Falena. The Sun Rune, however, has revealed its frightening side to its people. This weapon of unimaginable power is now in the possession of Lord Godwin. According to an investigation by Zweig and others, an inscription on an ancient tablet gives precise instruction on how to draw out the Sun Rune's power. Marscal apparently brought this tablet with him to the Sun Palace. If Marscal is still able to unleash this power, must we fight the Sun Rune as our enemy? And can we hope to win such a battle? Many feel that only the Prince's Dawn Rune and Lyon's Twilight Rune can stand up to such brutal power. =========== 4. Credits =========== -Thanks to Konami, for yet another excellent addition to the Suikoden Series. -Thanks to Gamefaqs for providing hosting and posting of this guide in all of its forms. -All of the posters at Gamefaqs, for which this guide is intended to help. -Last and most importantly, thanks to my family for being so patient with me and my hobbies for all of these long years.