TALES OF LEGENDIA TITLE FAQ (v1.0, 9-10-05) by Edward Chang (chang dot 459 at osu dot edu) Revision History v1.0 (9-10-05) First version. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Title List 3. Credits 1. INTRODUCTION This is an FAQ and walkthrough for the PS2 RPG Tales of Legendia. Tales of Legendia is the latest game in Namco's Tales of Series, although it is not made by Namco's Tales Studio division, making it somewhat different from previous games such as Tales of Rebirth and Tales of Symphonia. Tales of Legendia has been confirmed for a US release; as of yet no official release date for the US has been set. This FAQ deals with Titles. As should be familiar with Tales veterans, Titles are special designations character receive throughout the course of the game for doing specific things or after specific events. They can be equipped (in Legendia, on the Equip menu, not on the Status menu) to provide a variety of bonuses to the character while they are equipped. They do not provide cumulative bonuses (as in Rebirth), nor do they give you bonuses on level up (as in Symphonia/D2), so the Titles in Legendia are less important than in other games. But they are still there, so you might as well use them. This FAQ makes use of SJIS encoding in order to display Japanese characters. I included this feature so that if you do not know Japanese, you can easily match up the characters on your TV screen to the characters in this guide. You will need to have support for viewing Japanese characters on your computer, however. Newer versions of Windows should have it built in, though you may have to install some new files from your Windows Install CD; otherwise, you'll either need to get a program like NJStar Communicator, or you'll need to get Japanese character support for Internet Explorer and open this file in IE instead of Notepad/Wordpad. The only website authorized to post this FAQ is www.gamefaqs.com. If you see this document elsewhere, not only are they posting without my permission, but they likely do not have the most current version of this FAQ. Emails to me asking questions already answered in the FAQ, even if the answers are not in the version you are reading, will be deleted without response. 2. TITLE LIST This section lists the titles by character, and then at the end titles that are shared between several different characters are listed. Each entry shows the name of the title, my translation of the title, the effects that title has when equipped, and how to earn that title. Many titles are earned automatically as the game progresses after certain story events; others require specific feats in-battle to learn. Titles are automatically carried over to new games after you beat the game once, so you can always start with your best titles should you choose to do so. ------------------------------------------------------------ SENEL COOLIDGE ------------------------------------------------------------ Kind Brother やさしいお兄ちゃん Default Default title. Cowardly Brother いくじなしお兄ちゃん INT+1 Automatic during Chapter 6. Bum Brother ろくでなしお兄ちゃん INT+2 Automatic during Chapter 7. Stubborn Brother どんかんお兄ちゃん HIT+1 Automatic during Chapter 7. Still Brother いまだにお兄ちゃん LUCK+1 Automatic during Character Quest Introduction. Sleepy Brother ねぼすけお兄ちゃん EVA+1 Automatic during Chloe's quest. Brutish Brother ひとでなしお兄ちゃん INT+3 Automatic during Jay's quest. Flowery Martial Artist 花の格闘家 LUCK+3 Obtain the Ray weapon by defeating the MelloMello and MelloMello Head in the Man-Eating Ruins during Norma's Character Quest. To find them, use the Sorcery Scanner in the room with a lot of petrified people. Puzzle Master パズルマスター INT+4 Clear all of the Puzzle Booths in the main quest by yourself (no using the Start Menu option to have your party members solve it for you). True Puzzle Master 真パズルマスター INT+5 Clear all of the Puzzle Booths in the whole game by yourself. He Who Knows the Forest 森を知る者 LUCK+4 Clear the Forest of No Return in Chapter 3 without Moses's help. He Who Knows the Palace 宮殿を知る者 LUCK+4 Clear the Mirage Palace in Chapter 7 without Will's help. Baker パン屋 DEF+5 HIT+5 Make at least 1 of every kind of bread (50 in all). Bread Master パンマスター ATK+5 HIT+4 Learn all 50 recipes and listen to the skit. Battler 闘士 HP+20 Achieve Level 20. Conqueror 覇王 HP+30 Achieve Level 40. Martial Emperor 武帝 TP+20 Achieve Level 60. God of Battle 戦神 TP+25 Achieve Level 80. God of War 闘神 HP+50 TP+25 Achieve Level 100. Daredevil がむしゃら HIT+3 EVA+3 While controlling Senel, use solely normal attacks (at least 20 times) during a battle. Indecisive 優柔不断 EVA+3 While controlling Senel, with Norma in the party, choose to run and then cancel running during a battle. Speed-of-sound Warrior 音速の戦士 ATK+3 HIT+3 While controlling Senel, during a back attack, win in 10 seconds or less. Halfwit うすのろ HP+30 EVA+3 While controlling Senel, with Norma in the party, take more than 5 minutes to win a battle where the enemies are 3 levels or more lower than your party. Give Orders 命令させろ ATK+2 While controlling Senel, use the L2/R2 shortcuts or tell an ally to use a particular skill 10 times or more in a battle. Battle Administrator 戦闘奉行 HIT+3 While controlling Senel, change party orders four times or more in a battle. Tears of Loneliness おさみしなみだ EVA+3 While controlling Senel, with all of the other party members dead or petrified, change party orders. Unreliable Brother たよりないお兄ちゃん HP+30 Have Shirley use an item on Senel 3 or more times in a battle. Enthusiastic Brother はりきるお兄ちゃん ATK+3 While controlling Shirley, use the L2/R2 shortcuts or use the battle menu to tell Senel to use a skill 5 times or more in a battle. Popular Senel もてもてセネル TP+15 DEF+3 Make a party of Senel, Chloe, Grune, and Shirley. Solidarity 一致団結 ATK+3 Have Senel defeat the last enemy in the battle with a Climax Combo. True Martial Artist 真の格闘家 HP+50 Be in 1300 encounters (you can check how many encounters you've been in on the main menu). Lightspeed Fist 光速の拳 HP+50 ATK+5 HIT+5 Clear the Upper Rank battle in the Arena with Senel. ------------------------------------------------------------ WILL RAYNERD ------------------------------------------------------------ Scholarly Old Man 博物オヤジ Default Default title. Lightning old Man 雷オヤジ ATK+1 Automatic during Chapter 1. Maniac Old Man マニアオヤジ INT+1 Automatic during Chapter 1. Attacking Old Man 攻めてるオヤジ HIT+1 Automatic during Chapter 2. Stubborn Old Man 堅物オヤジ HIT+2 Automatic during Chapter 4. Ironfisted Old Man 鉄拳オヤジ ATK+2 Automatic during the Character Quest Introduction. Professor Old Man 先生オヤジ LUCK+1 Automatic during Will's quest. Old Man of Flowers 花のオヤジ INT+2 Automatic during Will's quest. Janitor 清掃員 INT+3 Obtain the Deck Brush from the Synthesis shop. Rare Monster Master レアモン使い DEF+5 INT+5 Find and defeat all 19 Rare Monster spots. See my Sorcery Scanner checklist for a list of where to find all of these monsters. Researcher 研究者 TP+15 Achieve Level 20. Scholar 学者 TP+20 Achieve Level 40. Professor 博士 HP+30 Achieve Level 60. Sage 賢者 HP+40 Achieve Level 80. Great Sage 大賢者 HP+50 TP+25 Achieve Level 100. Hammer Instead of Pen ペンよりハンマー ATK+4 While controlling Will, use only normal attacks in battle. Great Variety バラエティに富む INT+5 HIT+3 While controlling Will, use 10 or more different spells in battle. Intelli-champ インテリチャンプ TP+25 DEF+5 INT+5 Clear the Upper Rank battle in the Arena with Will. ------------------------------------------------------------ CHLOE VALENS ------------------------------------------------------------ Girl Swordsman 少女剣士 Default Default title. Aloof Swordsman つんつん剣士 ATK+1 Automatic during Chapter 2. Terrible Swimmer Swordsman カナヅチ剣士 EVA+1 Automatic during Chapter 2. Houseguest Swordsman いそうろう剣士 HP+10 Automatic during Chapter 5. Girlish Heart Swordsman おとめごころ剣士 EVA+2 Automatic during Chapter 6. Can't Become Honest Swordsman すなおになれない剣士 TP+5 Automatic during Chapter 7. Yearned Swordsman なつかれ剣士 HIT+1 Automatic during Chloe's quest. Morning Returner Swordsman 朝帰り剣士 LUCK+1 Automatic during Chloe's quest. Dreamer Girl 夢見る少女 LUCK+2 Complete the Love Love Couple subquest. See my main walkthrough for details. Straightman ツッコミ HIT+3 Obtain the Paper Fan weapon by defeating the Bomb Element in the Bandit Lair. To find the Bomb Element use the Sorcery Scanner to search the area behind a Chaotic Zone with seemingly nothing behind it. Masked One 仮面の人 DEF+3 INT+3 Obtain the Bone Helmet from the Synthesis shop. Lower-class Knight 下級騎士 HP+20 Achieve Level 20. Upper-class Knight 上級騎士 HP+30 Achieve Level 40. Royal Guard ロイヤルガード TP+20 Achieve Level 60. Paladin パラディン TP+25 Achieve Level 80. Knight of Legend ナイトオブレジェンド HP+50 TP+25 Achieve Level 100. Beautiful Finish 華麗なるフィニッシュ TP+15 ATK+3 While controlling Chloe, defeat the last enemy in a battle with Climax Mode active. Rain and Hail あめあられ HIT+4 While controlling Chloe, perform 5 Guard Breaks in one battle. This is actually pretty easy if you simply find one of the turtle-like enemies who guard a lot and then simply use her Chirisazame and related skills. Soul Edge ソウルエッジ HP+50 ATK+5 HIT+5 Clear the Upper Rank battle in the Arena with Chloe. ------------------------------------------------------------ NORMA BIATTY ------------------------------------------------------------ Treasure Girl おたから娘 Default Default title. Bubble Girl シャボン娘 DEF+1 Automatic during Chapter 3. Fast-asleep Girl ばくすい娘 INT+1 Automatic during Chapter 5. Frivolous Girl ヘラヘラ娘 TP+5 Automatic during Chapter 6. Naming Girl ネーミング娘 HIT+1 Automatic during Chapter 6. Naive Girl じゅんぱく娘 INT+2 Automatic during Norma's quest. Favorite Pupil Girl まなでし娘 LUCK+1 Automatic during Norma's quest. Imitator Girl ものまね娘 ATK+1 Automatic during Chloe's quest. Seeker of Love 愛の探求者 HIT+3 Obtain the Lovelove Straw weapon by finding it in the Man-Eating Ruins during Norma's quest. It's just a standard treasure chest, no hidden tricks or anything. Scan Master スキャンマスター LUCK+5 Find all hidden treasures with the Sorcery Scanner. Delinquent Girl 休学娘 LUCK+3 Obtain the Midi Blouse by defeating the Atlas Helmet Hopper in the Forest of No Return. To find the Hopper, use the Sorcery Scanner right past a Chaotic Zone with nothing behind it, up and left from a small lake. Greatest Treasure Hunter 至高の宝箱ハンター LUCK+2 Find and open all treasure chests in the game. Collector Soul コレクター魂 INT+5 HIT+4 Complete the Collector's Book. Rich One お金持ち HP+50 LUCK+5 Obtain 9,999,999 Gald. Pretty Girl プリティガール TP+15 Achieve Level 20. Noisy Girl やかましガール TP+20 Achieve Level 40. Beautiful Girl ビューティフルガール HP+30 Achieve Level 60. Wonderful Girl ワンダフルガール HP+40 Achieve Level 80. Eternal Girl 永遠のガール HP+50 TP+25 Achieve Level 100. One-track Mind 進んだら一直線 ATK+3 With more than one element spell learned, use only one element in a battle. All Luxuries 贅沢三昧 DEF+4 INT+4 While controlling Norma, perform two Climax Combos in one battle. The Sky is Blue 空が青い EVA+3 Let Norma be knocked down 3 times in one battle. Exhilirated ウハウハ TP+25 INT+5 Obtain three or more Sculptures from enemies killed by Norma in one battle. Bubble Master バブルマスター TP+25 DEF+5 INT+5 Clear the Upper Rank battle in the Arena with Norma. ------------------------------------------------------------ MOSES SANDOR ------------------------------------------------------------ Beasttamer Man 魔獣使いの男 Default Default title. Hit-often Man ボコられる男 EVA+1 Automatic during Chapter 3. Family Love Man 家族愛の男 DEF+1 Automatic during Chapter 7. Dirty Man フケツの男 HIT+1 Automatic during Will's quest. Instinct Man 本能の男 ATK+1 Automatic during Chloe's quest. Man Among Men 男の中の男 EVA+2 Automatic during Moses's quest. Wild Man 野生の男 HP+10 Automatic during Jay's quest. Empathetic Man 人情の男 HIT+1 Automatic during Jay's quest. Pirate 海賊 HP+40 INT+3 Find and defeat every rare monster Kaz tells you about, then return to Kaz and obtain Aifread's Hat from him. See my Sorcery Scanner checklist for details on finding all of these. Big Brother あにき HP+20 Achieve Level 20. Naughty Big Brother やんちゃなあにき HP+30 Achieve Level 40. Wandering Big Brother はっちゃけあにき TP+20 Achieve Level 60. Strongest of the Legacy Big Brother 遺跡船最強あにき TP+25 Achieve Level 80. Strongest in the World Big Brother 世界最強あにき HP+50 TP+25 Achieve Level 100. Bullet 鉄砲玉 ATK+3 HIT+3 During a battle, let Moses go to the front line (closest to the enemy) by himself. Seven Falls, Eight Rises 七転び八起き HP+30 ATK+3 Let Moses be killed 5 or more times in one battle (he must be alive at the end of the battle). Crying Face 泣きっ面にはち TP+15 DEF+3 Let Moses be inflicted with a status effect 5 or more times in one battle. The easiest way to do this is to find an enemy that uses a 'status down' FOE, then simply have Moses run in and out of the FOE. Good Brawler ケンカ上等 HP+50 ATK+5 HIT+5 Clear the Upper Rank battle in the Arena with Moses. ------------------------------------------------------------ JAY ------------------------------------------------------------ "Unseen" Jay 「不可視」のジェイ Default Default title. "Taunting" Jay 「挑発」のジェイ HIT+1 Automatic during Chapter 4. "Spoiled" Jay 「かたなし」のジェイ DEF+1 Automatic during Chapter 5. "Cheeky" Jay 「生意気」のジェイ INT+1 Automatic during Chapter 6. "Thundering Voice" Jay 「一喝」のジェイ ATK+1 Automatic during Chapter 6. "Rebellious" Jay 「ひねくれ」のジェイ EVA+1 Automatic during the Character Quest Introduction. "Youngest" Jay 「末っ子」のジェイ LUCK+1 Automatic during Jay's quest. "Crying" Jay 「泣きべそ」のジェイ ATK+2 Automatic during Jay's quest. Flavor of Home 家庭の味 EVA+4 LUCK+3 Learn the "Meat Stew Bread" recipe. Beginner Boy かけだし少年 HP+30 Achieve Level 40. Swift Boy しゅんそく少年 TP+20 Achieve Level 60. Sonic Speed Boy 音速少年 TP+25 Achieve Level 80. Light Speed Boy 光速少年 HP+50 TP+25 Achieve Level 100. No Deviations 偏りがち DEF+4 Have Jay use only one skill during battle (he must use it 10 or more times). Killer Jay 殺し屋ジェイ HP+50 ATK+5 HIT+5 Clear the Upper Rank battle in the Arena with Jay. ------------------------------------------------------------ GRUNE ------------------------------------------------------------ Mysterious Sister なぞのねえさん Default Default title. Confused Sister どさくさねえさん DEF+1 Automatic during Chapter 5. Careless Sister うっかりねえさん HIT+1 Automatic during Chapter 6. Singer Sister うたひめねえさん LUCK+1 Automatic during the Character Quest Introduction. Will-ish Sister うぃるすねえさん ATK+1 Automatic during Will's quest. Easygoing Sister ほんわかねえさん EVA+1 Automatic during Moses's quest. Sharp Sister しゃっきりねえさん INT+1 Automatic during Grune's quest. Bathtime バスタイム LUCK+2 During the Character Quests, check the lion head in the bathroom in Will's house. Model モデル TP+20 Achieve Level 40. Beautiful Model 美人モデル HP+30 Achieve Level 60. Super Model スーパーモデル HP+40 Achieve Level 80. Heavenly Maiden 天女 HP+50 TP+25 Achieve Level 100. Let Her Drink Too Much のませすぎ EVA+3 Have Grune use 5 or more Liquor Bottles in one battle. Doesn't Learn 学習しない LUCK+2 Have Grune use an elemental spell that the enemy has resistance against 5 or more times in a battle. Lethargic Syndrome 無気力症候群 EVA+4 TP Consumption 1/2 While controlling Grune, do absolutely nothing (not even moving) in one battle. Relies on Others 他力本願 LUCK +2 While controlling Grune, do not move at all during a battle. Queen 女王様 TP+25 DEF+5 INT+5 Clear the Upper Rank battle in the Arena with Grune. ------------------------------------------------------------ SHIRLEY FENNES ------------------------------------------------------------ Praying Girl いのる少女 Default Default title. Cheerful Girl うきうき少女 EVA+1 Automatic during the Character Quest Introduction. Can't-Call Girl 呼べない少女 HP+10 Automatic during the Character Quest Introduction. Jealous Girl やきもち少女 DEF+1 Automatic during the Character Quest Interlude. Blessing Girl 祝福の少女 LUCK+1 Automatic during the Character Quest Interlude. Slapping Girl ひっぱたき少女 ATK+1 Automatic during Chloe's quest. Teasing? Girl いじめっこ?少女 TP+5 Automatic during Jay's quest. Girl of Hope 希望の少女 HIT+1 Automatic during Grune's quest. Attracting Girl 看板娘 INT+4 Obtain Mimmy's Hat by visiting the empty house in Werites after having learned all of Mimmy's recipes. Representative of the Souga 滄我の代行者 TP+20 Achieve Level 60. Child of the Ocean 海の申し子 HP+40 Achieve Level 80. Proud MelNes 気高きメルネス HP+50 TP+25 Achieve Level 100. In Charge of Items アイテム係 EVA+3 Have Shirley 5 or more items in a battle. Proper Girl おすまし DEF+4 Do not let Shirley run (move) during a battle. Pound Them たたみかけ INT+4 Have Shirley use an elemental spell that the enemy is weak against 5 or more times in a battle. One Woman 紅一点 EVA+3 Form a party of Shirley, Will, Jay, and Moses. Angry MelNes 怒りのメルネス TP+25 DEF+5 INT+5 Clear the Upper Rank battle in the Arena with Shirley. ------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON TITLES ------------------------------------------------------------ Some special notes for these titles: -each title must be learned individually. So if Senel learns Combo Beginner, you still have to learn Combo Beginner for all of the other characters. -there is a bug with the Combo titles in that if the battle ends while the combo counter is active, you will not get the title even if the combo is more than what you would need. So if you perform a 121 hit combo, but the enemy was the last one and it dies, you will not get the 100 hit combo title for anybody. Thus, if you're shooting for the titles, it would be best to stop the combo as soon as you get to 100 hits. -the character must participate in the combo to get the title, i.e., they must contribute at least one hit towards the combo. -characters will not receive titles if they are dead or petrified. Combo Beginner コンボ初級者 ATK+3 (All Characters) Have the character participate in a 10 hit combo. Combo Initiate コンボ有段者 HP+40 (All Characters) Have the character participate in a 30 hit combo. Combo Master コンボ達人 TP+25 (All Characters) Have the character participate in a 60 hit combo. Combo Graduate コンボ免許皆伝 HP+50 TP+25 (All Characters) Have the character participate in a 100 hit combo. No Women むさい HP+30 ATK+3 (Senel, Will, Moses, Jay) Form a party of Senel, Will, Moses, and Jay. Four Women 紅四点 INT+3 EVA+3 (Chloe, Norma, Grune, Shirley) Form a party of Chloe, Norma, Grune, and Shirley. Berserker バーサーカー HP+30 ATK+5 (Senel, Chloe, Moses, Jay) Form a party of Senel, Chloe, Moses, and Jay. Wizard ウィザード TP+15 INT+5 (Will, Norma, Grune, Shirley) Form a party of Will, Norma, Grune, and Shirley. Berserk ベルセルク HP+40 ATK+4 (Senel, Chloe, Moses, Jay) Have the character defeat 5 or more enemies in one battle. Arts-type Master アーツ系制覇 HP+50 ATK+5 (Senel, Chloe, Moses, Jay) Have the character master every skill they can learn. Breath-type Master ブレス系制覇 INT+5 (Will, Norma, Grune, Shirley) Have the character be able to cast (i.e. get enough Sculptures) every spell they can learn. One-hit Kill 一撃必殺 ATK+3 INT+3 (All Except Senel) Have the character defeat the last enemy in a battle with a Climax Combo. 3. CREDITS Thanks go to: Namco for another great Tales of game. The only website authorized to post this FAQ is www.gamefaqs.com. If you see this document elsewhere, not only are they posting without my permission, but they likely do not have the most current version of this FAQ. Emails to me asking questions already answered in the FAQ, even if the answers are not in the version you are reading, will be deleted without response. This FAQ Copyright 2005 to Edward Chang. Redistribution in any form, including reprinting in electronic or print media, without express permission of the author is strictly forbidden.