;: .. ;titiDifLfi: ;fDEKKKKKKKKEGGGfi;t;. ;LEDfGjfLLtjLDEEEEEGfi, .LEEGDLDDfGLfGEEEKEDDDf: :LLKEEDiLLGLGDGEEKKKLi;jf, :.fEEEDGLftLDLGKEEEEE; . iGfDDt;,;,;;fEKKEjjf: ,jfttGGji;;ijEKEEE; t, GGLLLGEGGtt;LEtjiLj :. iWDDGGLftttiiffLj,., ,KKGLff;ti;;;;;iLGLft, .EWDLLff:,j;i;:,iffLLff, ,iGKELLLLLjGttii;jfffDWt :j:.iLDLLGGGLfLffjLLLfEE, :tfffLLjjffLGLLGGGDDGLGKL: ,jjfffGGjjjjtttjLLGGDGGLLL: ,jjffLGLjjjfLfLLLLGGDDLffLi .jjjffGfGLfLGLjffjjLGDGLftf. ijjjjffffjfLDfEfDGLLDLLfffi .jjjjjLfjjjGLGDWfGfjfGDGji: ijjjffLfjjjLDDKWDGLfffGL: fLffffLffjjfffEWWWLfLffLLf, :GLLLjLfffjjLffWWWWDfLfffLLf, :fjffjLffffLffGWWWWWLfLffffLj, jfjjjfffffLffDWKDWWDfLfffffLj. :GLfjfLfLLLffWWEfEWKffLfLGLfjt .ifGLLLGDGGLfDWWKt:DWGGEWWWKfLt; .;itfittjfWWWKWWWWj ;WWWWWWWWGfft, .ititjijttjLWWWWWWWD. GWWWWWWWDfLtt, ;ttit;;jit;:KWWWWWWK, ;WWWWWWWKffftt ,ttiti;;tit. jWWWWWWWt GWWWWWWWGfftj, :ttiit,;,tt, .KWWWWWWL ,KWWWWWWWfjttt. .ittiitt;itj. DWWWWWWL. jKWWWWWWKfjjt; ;tjtiittttti EWWWWWWL. ifWWWWWWWKjftt. :itjiittttij, ,WWWWWWWf ;tGWWWWWWWEfjt; itjt;tttttij. iWWWWWWWf ,tjDWWWWWWKGftt. ,ttjtittiitti tWWWWWWWf .ttfWWWWWWWEfjt; .;tjjiittittj, ;WWWWWWWf ittEWWWWWWKfftj. ,itjtiijtiiij. DWWWWWWL ;itjKWWWWKEDGtt; .;ttjtitjttitt iWWWWWWG. :ttjLGGLLLGDitt; :itjjtiti,;it; tGGLLLfG, .. jjjjfffj;. .;ii,iit. . :fffffjf, ,jjtjjjLi : .. :ffffjffi ifjjjjjL; iLfjfffj. ffjLffLt ;GffffLf. tGfLLGGL. jLfLffL; tGLDKEEj GLLLLGG; LKWWWWWi tGKWWWEf ;EKWWWDG, iKWWWWEf :fGEDGf, ,GLDDGGt ;jLj:. ,tfLLi .::. Tales of Symphonia Guide V 0.75 Copyright 2004 Joel Acree, "Triad" (triad@teamclouds.com) Table of Contents I. Legal Junk (LJK) II. Updates (UPD) III. Introduction (INT) IV. Instructions (IST) A.The Basics (TBS) B.The Menu Screen (TMS) 1.Tech (TCH) 2.U.Attack (UAT) 3.Strat (STT) 4.Status (SAS) 5.Synopsis (SYN) 6.Items (ITM) 7.Ex Skill (EXS) 8.Equip (EQP) 9.Cooking (COK) 10.System (SYS) C.Controls (CTR) 1.Towns (TWN) 2.Dungeons (DNG) 3.World Map (WDM) 4.Battle (BTL) V. Walkthrough (WLK) A. Disc I (DSK 1) 01. Classroom 02. Iselia 03. Martel Temple 04. Iselia 05. Iselia Forest 06. Iselia Human Ranch 07. Iselia Forest 08. Dirk's House 09. Iselia 10. Nova's Caravan 11. House of Salvation 12. Triet 13. Sylvarant Base 14. Triet 15. Triet Ruins 16. Triet 17. Ossa Trail 18. Ossa Trail 19. Izoold 20. Palmacosta 21. Nova's Caravan 22. House of Salvation 23. Hakonesia Peak 24. Palmacosta 25. Hakonesia Peak 26. Palmacosta Ranch 27. Palmacosta 28. Thoda Island 29. Thoda Island Geyser 30. Temple of Water 31. Hakonesia Peak 32. Asgard 33. House of Salvation 34. Luin 35. Balacruf Mausoleum 36. Luin 37. Asgard Ranch 38. Luin 39. Hima 40. Asgard Ranch 41. Asgard 42. Hima 43. Tower of Mana 44. Temple of Water 45. Lake Umacy 46. Hima 47. Balacruf Mausoleum 48. Ossa Trail 49. Dirk's House 50. Triet Ruins 51. Hima 52. The Tower of Salvation 53. Sylvarant Base 54. Fooji Mountains 55. The Imperial City - Meltokio 56. Tethe'alla Bridge 57. The University Town - Sybak 58. Fooji Mountains 59. Meltokio Sewers 60. Meltokio 61. Sybak 62. Gaoracchia Forest 63. The Mystical Village - Mizuho 64. The Quiescent Village - Ozette 65. Altessa's House 66. Toize Valley Mine 67. Ozette 68. Mizuho 69. Temple of Lightning 70. Tethe'alla Base 71. Exploring Tethe'alla Part I 72. Dragon's Nest 73. Exploring Tethe'alla Part II 74. Temple of Earth 75. The Snowy City - Flanoir 76. Temple of Ice 77. Ozette 78. The Seaside Paradise - Altamira 79. Otherworldly Gate 80. Palmacosta 81. Exploring Sylvarant Part I 82. The Remote Island Human Ranch 83. Palmacosta 84. Sylvarant Base 85. Exploring Sylvarant Part II 86. Altamira 87. Meltokio 88. The Temple of Darkness 89. Loose Ends Part I 90. Linkite Tree 91. Tower of Mana 92. Iselia Human Ranch B. Disc II (DSK 2) 93. Iselia 94. Melotkio 95. The City in The Sky - Exire 96. Altamira 97. Sybak 98. Mizuho 99. Ymir Forest 100. The Hidden Elven Village - Heimdall 101. Latheon Gorge 102. SE Abbey 103. Loose Ends Part II 104. Tower of Salvation 105. The Holy City - Welgaia 106. Tower of Salvation 107. Altessa's House 108. Flanoir 109. Loose Ends Part III 110. Tower of Salvation 111. Heimdall 112. Torent Forest 113. Heimdall 114. Dirk's House 115. Derris-Kharlan 116. Welgaia 117. Vinheim 118. Unfinished Business 119. Niflheim 120. Meltokio Coliseum 121. The Final Battle 122. Finale VI. Mini-Games/Side Quest (M&S) A. Mini-Games 1.Mini Game: Emotional Balloon - (MGB2) 2.Mini Game: Waitress - (MGW2) 3.Side Quest: Pop Quiz - (SPQ2) 4.Mini Game: Orienteering - (MGO2) 5.Mini Game: Red Light/Green Light - (MGL2) B. Side Quest 1.Character Titles 2.Colette's Dog Naming - (CDN1) 3.The Restoration of Luin - (ROL1) 4.Figurine Book - (FGB1) VII. Characters - CHR VIII. Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) IX. Outro (OUT) ======================================================================= I. Legal JUNK - LJK ======================================================================= I wrote this document while playing through Tales of Symphonia, while I have gathered information from other sources, I'd like to think that this Guide is of my own doing. So please be respectful and don't steal, alter, sell, or do any other crap like that with this Guide. It's for your own personal use. This guide should only be seen on GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/game/32812.html), IGN (http://faqs.ign.com/objects/481/481670.html), Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com) Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com) Gamehelper (www.gamehelper.com) or TeamClouds (www.teamclouds.com). If you would like to ask any questions or contribute to this Guide, feel free to email me: triad@teamclouds.com ======================================================================= II. Updates - UPD ======================================================================= 08/03/2004: I've been lazy, I'm sorry. I did however manage to update up to after completing the Temple of Ice, so that should tide you over for a while. I decided a few things though, and that is that I'm most likely going to cut out any sort of data chart or what have you not. I just don't have the time, and I don't find it nearly as entertaining as I do writing the actual walkthrough. Oh well, there's plenty of FAQS on GameFAQs now, so you should be able to find whatever it is you're looking for. Hmm... I forgot to mention in the last update that I ditched the Type To Keys for the sections of the actual walkthrough in favor of just looking up the number. I've also added a few more sites to the Legal Junk section. 07/26/2004: Finally got an update done. Pretty big one too. I fixed all the stuff that got messed up in the rush job submission last time. Made things a little more pretty with borders and what have you not. Changed the version number to reflect more on the progress of the guide. As you can see the guide goes up to completing the Tower of Salvation. That's currently where I'm at in the game, so as I progress I'll be adding more. Added some stuff to the Side Quest section, some of it a little more incomplete than I would have hoped. Don't expect the data charts anytime soon, when the actual walkthrough is finished than we'll talk. Well, there you go. I'll try to get another update up as soon as possible, so hand in there. Oh yeah, added some more allowed sites. 07/20/2004: V.1 is finished. I got my official Brady Games guide today and finished filling out the Instructions section. I've only made it up to Palmcosta in my game, and any information in this guide before then could be incomplete. I'll try to go over the official Guide and my own writings of events prior to Palmcosta in future updates. Everything after Palmcosta (first visit) will be checked with the guide. So never fear. Hmm... What else... Well I do mean to get up a bunch of data for Section VII. I already plan on doing Character Information, Tech Skills, Ex Skills, and Union Attack List. I might do more.... hopefully. In any case.... look forward to more of the guide as it is written. Also... seems I was having some technical difficulties with submitting this so I had to take it into MS Word and mess with it. I'll try and make it look pretty again with the next update. ======================================================================= III. Introduction - INT ======================================================================= Hello, I'm Triad, and this is my first FAQ. As you can see.... this one isn't quite finished yet. No, in fact I haven't even completed the game yet, but I will be updating this thing as often as possible. As far as I'm concerned getting all this Introductions and Instruction crap out of the way will make life a lot easier on me. Anyhow... the ASCII art up there is of my favorite character Sheena <3. I originally intended for this guide to be an all in one deal, but it turns out that I just don't have the time to complete a project of that magnitude. The guide will cover the entire walkthrough of the game, including all the side quest and mini games, each area will have a complete list of everything that can be done and obtained there, but what I won't be including are data charts like I would have like to have included. So you'll have to go to another guide to find a Complete Bestiary, Character Title Stats, Techs, and EX Skills. But other than that, this guide should be complete. I've tried my best to list everything in the Walkthrough in an order that eliminates backtracking as much as possible. Also, I've tried to include everything.... though there's a lot to cover =p. On top of that, I tried to make this as Spoiler Free as possible, when spoilers do apply however - I'll give you a warning. Hmm.... oh yeah... as you can see in the Table of Contents, each section of the guide has a type ahead tag... so if you need information on a specific part then just hit Ctrl-F and enter the tag I've provided in the Table of Contents. For example.... say you want to get to the next section (Instructions) you'd hit Ctrl-F and enter IST. Boom, instantly there. Good stuff I'd say. Well I hope you find this guide useful, see ya at the Outro! ======================================================================= IV. Instructions - IST ======================================================================= Note: All Instructions are based on the default control setting. If you need these instructions to learn a certain aspect of the game, it would be in your best interest to use the default config, at least until you are comfortable with everything. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A. The Basics - TBS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tales of Symphonia is a Role Playing Game (RPG) and thus you will be spending a lot of time increasing your characters stats to survive in the world. This is accomplished mainly by leveling your characters up by gaining experience through battling the enemies that dwell in ToS's Dungeons and Fields. You'll also be in charge of outfitting your characters, setting up their combat skills, and so on and so fourth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- B. The Menu Screen - TMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is one of the most important aspects of the game. This is where you will setup your characters for battles; manage equipment, skills, titles, items, and even various cooking recipes. You can also save your data on this menu, view your current game statistics (Cash, Playtime, # of Encounters, and # of your maximum combo) and check a synopsis of the game so far. If you press down to go to your characters you will have the option of setting the On Screen Character, as well as choosing your party. The first four slots will be you're active slot, while the ones below it will be inactive. Also, the first party member on the list (whether they are the on screen character or not) will be the one you control in battle. Here's what the menu screen looks like (roughly) ------------------------------------------- |Tech U.Attack Strat Status Synopsis | |Items EX Skill Equip Cooking System | ------------------------------------------- |>------ Lloyd HP 327/327 ||Gald| | | | || 500| | | | T <+ S TP 36/36 ||Time| | | | Lv 3 Next 249 ||0:00| | ------ ||Enc | | || 0 | -------------------------------------|Comb| | 0 | ------------------------------------------- Close enough.... The Blank Box is Lloyd's Portrait, Enc is Encounters, and Comb is Combo, and the > next to the box represents the 'On Screen Character' Flag. You can view up to four of your characters on one screen, that would be your active party. While you're reserve members can be seen by pressing down, they'll be shaded out a bit. Regardless, that's the menu screen for you. Now I'll explain each aspect of the menu as best I can. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Tech - TCH ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is where you will assign and manage your character's learned skills. There are two different tech screens, and three different control settings. These can be cycled by pressing the Start button. In most cases, your other party members will be set to Auto. Anyways... I'll start by explaining The Manual and Semi-Auto Tech Screens by using Lloyd as an example. On Lloyd's Tech Screen you will see a list of Buttons on the left side, and a list of learned skills on the right side. On the left panel you can assign any one of Lloyds skills to a specific button combination. For example, Lloyd's Demon Fang will automatically be assigned to the stilled Control Stick at the start of the game. During combat if you press B, he'll use Demon Fang. If you were to assign Demon Fang to say, the next button combination, which is B + Up, You would have to Press Up on the Control Stick as well as the B button at the same time. Now whenever you have a certain button combination highlighted on the tech menu, you can remove it by pressing the X Button. To reassign a skill just press A and select one from the bank to the right. Now, you will also see the C Stick on Lloyd's Tech Screen. This is reserved for your other party members. So Lloyd can only have four skills assigned at a time. The two C Stick Buttons are for you to select a skill from your other party member's banks. So for example, if you choose the First C Stick (Up) and chose Genis' Fire Ball Spell, you would push Up on the C Stick in Battle to have Genis cast that spell. It's that easy. As for the skill bank on the right. Here you will see all the Techs that Lloyd has learned. To access it, Press A. Once in the bank you can assign any of the Techs here to any of the four button combinations in the left. You can also press X to Forget, or Y to Execute. The only Techs you'll be able to Execute in the Menu are Supportive Skills like Healing, so most of the time, for Lloyd at least, this will be useless. Now then, switch over to Genis's Tech Screen (By pressing Left or Right to shift through party members) which should hopefully be set to Auto. If not do so. Now you will see a large a skill bank, rather than a skill bank and a button assignment panel. Here you can set which skills you want the AI to use by turning them ON/OFF. Select Fire Ball and you will get the options of Pressing A to Execute (Won't work, same rules apply as before with Lloyd) Y to turn the skill ON/OFF, and X to Forget. If you turn a skill OFF, The AI won't use the skill in battle...ever. you'll have to do it if you want to use it. You're other option on the Auto Tech Screen is to setup your Union Attacks. The attacks you assign here are the attacks that will be available when you trigger an U.Attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.U. Attack - UAT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Setting up Union Attacks is easy enough. When you go to the U.Attack screen, you will see a box representing each character in your active party, along with four of their skills assigned to a button configuration similar to that of regular Tech Attacks. When you use an U.Attack in Battle, Lloyd will start it off by using whichever one of his skills has been assigned in the U.Attack Menu. For example, if you had Demon Fang assigned to the first button combination, and you wanted to use it in The U.Attack. You'd first fill up the U.Attack Gauge in battle, then press Z to start it. Assuming Lloyd is your controlled character, his action button would be A. So to perform Demon Fang, you'd just press A during the U.Attack Prompt. Now let's say Kratos is the second character and he has Sonic Thrust Assigned to The Up Direction. After using Lloyd's Demon Fang, you'd press Up + B to have Kratos use Sonic Thrust. It's just like using tech attacks, but with different buttons for each party member. The game suggest that you start off by just using the first attack you've assigned (a single button press for each party member as opposed to combinations) to get a feel for the system. Not a bad idea really. The more complicated aspect of U.Attacks are pulling of Compound U.Attacks. Compound U.Attacks are triggered when two party members use two skills that complete the requirement for the Compound Attack one right after another. Each Compound Attack involves two party members using two different techs. There are a few CU Attacks to be found throughout the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.Strat - STT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- On The Strategy Screen, you will see your party members and three types of strategies by each of them. If you select a party member, you can assign the strategy you'd like the AI to use. For example... Select Lloyd. Then choose the first option which is how the Character should Attack in battle. You can choose any of the strategies from the bank to the right. The description is listed at the bottom of the screen. For whichever character you are controlling in battle (IE: Manually, the Computer isn't doing anything with that character) none of this really applies, but when the computer does take over, this is how it will act. Below Attack Behavior, you can set how the character will spend their TP. You can either order them to go all out and waste all of their TP, Conserve it and use it only when they really need to, or just not even use it at all. Below that you will be able to setup their movement in combat. You can either have the character up close and personal with the enemy, or sniping away from the back lines where it's a bit safer. For the most part, Melee characters should be up front, while Mages and weaker characters should be in the back. Aside from that, you have the option to choose Orders, this option will appear when you don't have a specific character selected. Press X to bring up Orders and you will have the option of selecting an overall configuration. As you will be able to see, all of your characters setting will be changed the same way according to which Order you choose. You can have three different order settings, and these can be helpful because you can switch to these orders on the fly during battles. Below you can see a Graph that will kind of display how active your characters are in battle, as well as they're position. Characters towards the front will be really up and in the thick of it all, characters in the middle will use caution when attacking, and characters in the back will be pussies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Status - SAS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you go to the Status Screen you will be treated to a portrait of the selected character as well as a full list of their stats (duh) The Format of The Stats will be listed as such Character Name Title Lv X T/S Meter HP X/X TP X/X Exp XXX Next XXX Str XX Det XX Sla XX Acc XX Thr XX Eva XX Int XX Lck XX Weap. Weapon Name Body Armor Name Head Headgear Name Arm Arm Gear Name Acc.1 Accessory Name Acc.2 Accessory Name Now for an explanation of what all that means: Character Name: The Name of The Character's Stats you are looking at... Go Figure Title: The Character's Current Title. Pressing A will bring you up to the Title Bank where you will be able to Select a Title for the Character. Titles are earned in various different ways throughout the game. When you highlight a title you will see which stats will level up when you gain a level with this title equipped, you'll also get a brief description about the title, usually how it was obtained. Level: Character's Current Level T/S Meter: This meter shows you how developed you are with your EX Type. T-Technical, and S-Strike. When the meter is complete in one direction that is your assigned Ex Type, and any skills you learn from compounding Ex Gems will be of that type. Furtur details on this will be explained in the Ex Skills section of the instructions below. HP: Character's Current HP/Max HP TP: Character's Current TP/MAX TP EXP: Current Experience Points Character has accumulated Next: The Required amount of Experience points the Character needs to Level Up Str: The higher the "Strength" the higher the damage done. Def: The higher the "Defense" the less damage taken. Sla: Lloyd Only It affects the damage done when he performs a 'Slashing' attack Acc: The higher the "Accuracy" the higher the damage done, when the character's attack hits the enemy. Thr: Lloyd Only. It affects the damage done when he performs a "Thrusting" attack Eva: The higher the "Evasion" the less the damage taken. when the enemy's attack hits the character. Int: The higher the "Intelligence" the more effective spells are, and the less damage taken by spells. Lck: "Luck" affects many things, including the Critical Hit percentage. Weap.: The Character's Currently Equipped Weapon Body: The Character's Currently Equipped Armor Head: The Character's Currently Equipped Headgear Arm: The Character's Currently Equipped Arm gear Acc.1: The Character's Currently Equipped Accessory Acc.2: The Character's Currently Equipped Accessory Pressing Down on The C Stick will tell you which Skills you can learn from your current equipment. While pressing Left or Right on the Control Stick (or Pad) will allow you to cycle through characters (as usual) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.Synopsis - SYN ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is pretty cool. When you check the Synopsis Screen you will see a list of events that have unfolded so far. When you highlight one of the events you can see where it took place (the name of the place AND the location on the map) as well as your current level when the synopsis was recorded as well as the date (the real date) Cool Beans! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.Items - ITM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is pretty self explanatory, the item system is laid down much like it has been in previous installments of the 'Tales' Series, and it also reminds me of Star Ocean (like a lot of other things in this game... hmm). But I digress, Perhaps you haven't played any of these (for shame ><) Basically there are several categories you can cycle through to kind of sort the items you're looking at. The first icon (the little baggy) will show you every item you have. While The Red Gel will show you healing, the pieces of equipment will show you a list of your current inventory of that respected piece of equipment, and so fourth. You can only hold up to 20 of any given item. You can also Press X to Discard an item, but that's kind of foolish considering you could sell it if you really didn't want it =p ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.EX Skill - EXS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ex Skills are an interesting aspect of Tales of Symphonia that have quite a bit of depth to them. To start off, the big number here is four. Each character has four slots for four ex gems, and there are four levels of ex gems that can be found. Each level of Ex Gem has four different skills. And each character has a different set of skills. Now, selecting an Ex Skill is simple enough. Once you acquire an Ex Gem just place it into any slot for any character. When you do this you'll be able to select from the four skills of that Ex Gem Level for said character. Once you get in there, and you're doing it, it's simple enough. Now, it's easy enough to tell which of these skills you want. For the most part they'll boost your stats or what not. The tricky part comes in picking the right combination. A few things to keep in mind when selecting a combination of ex skills. First, any ex gem you insert cannot be removed. It can be replaced, but not removed. Ex Gems aren't as rare as you would think, but they're rare enough that you shouldn't be changing them at all times, especially Level 4s. Of course, you can spend your hard earned grade points at the Katz shop to buy more gems, but it's generally not recommended. Anyhow... second thing is to keep in mind what the skills type is. S or T. Depending on your S/T alignment you'll be able to choose from Ex Skills of that type. Now, that isn't to say that if your meter is completely full towards S Type you won't get any T Type Skills, but you are going to get a better selection of higher level S Type Skills than T types. Finally, the biggest part about selecting ex skills is trying to unlock a compound ex skills. Compound Ex Skills come about when a character combines two different skills that unlock a particular compound skill. So for example... if you give Lloyd Strong and Tough.... He'll learn the Compound Skill EX Attack. To learn the skill, all you need to do is have the right combination of Ex Skills equipped, and fight one battle. That's it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.Equip - EQP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you go to the Equipment screen you will see your character and a list of their current equipment. As well as equipment you have in your inventory. If you highlight the characters name you can press Y to access the Optimal Menu.... not sure what this does yet. If you move down to the actual equipment section, you can sort the order of the equipment in your inventory by pressing Y. You can sort your equipment in Alphabetical Order, or by the Equipments Paraments. When you highlight a piece of equipment you will get a description of the weapon at the bottom of the screen. If you press Start you can view the equipments paraments. If you select a piece of equipment that can be removed, press X to unequip it and place it back into the inventory. Press A to select a piece of equipment from the inventory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.Cooking - COK ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Cooking Menu you can select a character and see they're rank in the art of culinary. According to the number of stars they have, you'll be able to determine how skilled they are, and what their maximum potential is. Obviously, the character with the most stars is the better cook. You can press X to cook the selected recipe which will appear under the characters name, and will be displayed in the description box at the bottom... assuming you have the required ingredients which can be seen on the right. Along with a list of additional ingredients that can improve the meal beyond the standard requirement. As you can see, a more skilled character will have a wider variety of additions to choose from. If you highlight the current recipe you'll see the recipe book, in which you can select any of your collected recipes. Once a recipe is chosen, this is what you will cook. Aside from cooking in this menu, you'll be given a choice to cook after battles. By selecting a different character in the Cooking Menu, this is the character that will be given the chance to cook after battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.System - SYS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You can Save, You Can Load, You Can Customize your game. That was easy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Controls - CTR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are several different areas in the game, and each of them uses a different set of controls. Here you can read about those sections and their respective controls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Towns - TWN ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Towns are easy enough to navigate. Use your control stick to move your character around town, and use the A Button interact with people, doors, and other objects. Skits can accure in towns, so press Z if you see the skit indicator appear. You can go to shops and purchase items and equipment. And some towns have Blacksmiths. You can still access your menu by pressing Y, and you can even use The Sorcerer's Ring by pressing X. Though it has no real use in Towns. Customizers Customizers are pretty much like normal shops accept you trade items for better ones rather than buy them. The customizer will take an old piece of equipment and combine it with raw materials that you can find around the world. Sometimes you can get stuff that's way better than what's currently offered in a shop, so be sure to invest in this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Dungeons - DNG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dungeons are pretty much exactly like towns. With the exception of Monsters roaming the area instead of people. You can and will often use The Sorcerer's Ring in Dungeons. Also to access a memory circle in a dungeon you will need to activate it by fighting monsters until you find one that drops the gem to activate the save point. Skits can happen in Dungeons just like anywhere else, so be on the lookout for it. Other than that, it's the exact same setup as with towns. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.World Map - WDM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll spend a fair bit of time on the World Map, so it would help to get accustomed to how things work. Although there will be several points in the game where you will acquire new means of transportation where different rules apply, I'll lay down the just of it all. You can access your menu screen the same as usual, you can also save anywhere on the world map. Skits can happen out here as well. Monsters will roam around the map, and if you're on foot, then you'll probably end up encountering most the enemies you come across. Pressing Start will change the Mini Map in the bottom right hand corner. You also have your compass in the top left hand corner. When you're near a city or an area you can Press A to Enter it, or B to leave it without entering. Press X to ride Noishe when you have Long Range Mode, which will be explained automatically in the game. Pressing R/L will rotate the camera in the respective direction. Push left or right on the control pad to view the world map. Sometimes you will come across Relationship Skit Points on the World Map. These are glowing objects that when you interact with will engage you in a little dialogue with choices between Lloyd and other members of the party. How you answer will determine the kind of relationship Lloyd has with his fellow part members. Later in the game, when you get a Boat, you can use it by going to a pier and pressing B. And even later on you can press B anywhere on the world map to summon a Rheairds to fly around on. Cool Beans ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Battle - BTL ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you're in a battle you have quite a few things to keep in mind. First off, for whatever character you're controlling A is a Normal Attack, while B is a Tech Attack. Pushing A and a direction on the control stick will yield several different types of attacks. The same holds true for Tech Attacks, whichever Attack you've binded to the combination of the B Button and the Control stick will be executed when you perform the respective combination. Pressing Y will bring up a Menu. All movement in battle will stop while the menu is up. From the Menu you can select tech attacks for each character to use, you can select union Attacks, Change the Strategy of your party members, change equipment, use items, or flee. If you attempt to flee a gauge will appear and it much chare fully before you will be able to escape. Pressing X will Block, Pressing X with a combination of directions on the Control Stick will have you performing various different types of blocking, even jumps. Z will activate a Union Attack if you're able to execute it at that time. Using the direction pad you can shift between your preset orders on the fly. You'll be able to use the C Stick to trigger the Techs of your party members that you have bound to the appropriate direction. Pressing or Holding R will allow you to switch targets. And pressing start will pause the battle. ======================================================================= V. Walkthrough - WLK ======================================================================= *Note: The Table of Contents does not include the hundreds upon Hundreds of times I've written "World Map" if you want to see what you need to do on the World Map search for the last section you were on, or the next section you're going to, and behold.... the World Map section is in the middle of the two. That easy. Watch the opening scene that explains a bit of the back story while you get an overview of the land. Finally we zoom into our destination, where this journey will begin. ======================================================================= A. Disc One - DSK 1 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= 01. Classroom Items: Magic Lens Title: Klutz (Colette) Skit: It'll Be Fine ======================================================================= Watch the scenes here. Once you gain control of Lloyd, familiarize yourself with the controls of the game. The Control stick moves Lloyd around. The Control Pad's Left and right buttons will pivot Lloyd in their respective directions. Pressing Y will bring up the Menu Screen. Anyways... Now that you've (hopefully) familiarized yourself with the controls thus far, go around the classroom and talk to everyone. To talk to people just walk up to them and Press A. The button will flash on the screen in the lower right hand corner, so that shouldn't be too hard! Make sure to talk to everyone several times. Sometimes they have more things to say. Keep talking with them until you either read all of what they have to say, or just plain get tired of them. When you're finished talking to everyone, try and leave the classroom. Choose the first choice when you get the chance. After the scene Colette and Genis will join you. A window will pop up explaining about Skits. Make sure to be on the lookout for the Z button to appear in the corner of the screen! Before leaving make sure you examine the hole in the wall to view a short scene, and get a new title for Colette! (Information on Assigning titles can be found in the Instructions section) Also, talk to the boy with the Blue Hair to get a Magic Lens. ======================================================================= 02. The Village of Oracles - Iselia ======================================================================= Watch the scene. You're objective now is to escort Colette to the Temple. I'd suggest exploring the Village first. Before going very far, you might want to Save your Data at the memory circle. It's right next to the school house. A tip from an RPG Veteran: Save Often, and use multiple saves. At least two, one for 'safe' times, and one for 'dangerous' times. Safe like on the World Map, or in a Town. Dangerous like a dungeon. Use your instinct (and/or this guide!) to help decide which is which and when is when. If that makes any sense... Head south from the Memory Circle and you'll come across The Item Shop "Halo". You can stock up if you want, though your funds are rather limited at the moment. Aside from that, there isn't much else to do. You can check out Genis house for a little information about the Densian, and you can go to Collette's house and have Frank heal you. Everything else is locked, and you can't go out the South Gate. Once you head north past the save point, a monster will appear and you will be engaged in your first battle. The game will provide you with some brief (I mean really brief) tutorials over the next couple of battles. For more information on the battle system check the Instructions section. If for any chance a battle will call for a drastic overall in the strategy settings, I will include that in the initial walkthrough. After the short battles you might want to go back to Frank to heal, afterwards head out the north gate and onto the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: What's The Temple Like? ======================================================================= Once on the world map you can save as if you were on a Memory Circle. Also, you'll notice that you'll be able to see the monsters roaming the land so you have somewhat of a choice whether you want to fight them or not. I seriously recommend fighting every monster you see throughout the entire game unless I state otherwise. This should keep you from having to spend much time 'level-building'. Which is more or less taking time from the game to stop and focus your efforts on just fighting battles over and over to gain experience for underdeveloped characters! It's up to you though. You should probably spend a little time gaining a level or two now though, and familiarize yourself more with the combat system. When you feel you're ready, head into The Martel Temple at the tip of the peninsula, southeast from Iselia. ======================================================================= 03. Martel Temple Items: Life Bottle, Panacea Bottle, Sorcerer's Ring Skit: Test of The Chosen?, Lloyd's Thoughts on Angels., Do I Have To?, The Oracle. ======================================================================= When you arrive watch the scene. Now head up the stairs towards the Temple. Watch a scene and then you will get into a battle with Two Soldiers. They seemed easier than the monsters outside to me. Afterwards you will get into your first boss fight! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Vidarr: HP: 4000 TP: 30 Strong Against (S): None Weak Against (W): None Exp: 115 Gald: 25 Item: Life Bottle This guy's attacks hurt, so watch out, and try to be on the defensive. After a short little bout a scene will commence. After the scene, the fight will resume. The same rules apply as before, except now you have a little more slack due to your new found ally. He'll cast healing spells on you, so you can take some risk if you're feeling impatient. You might as well use up all your TP here as well. It won't take long to finish off this guy after that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle.... watch more scenes! Now that Liquid Snake.... I mean Kratos has joined you, you have a healer of sorts (Yay!) Anyways... after a scene Kratos will give you a training manual. You can review it in the Items Menu. Pretty basic stuff though. Go right and keep going along the path until you come to a stairway leading down. The enemies in this area aren't so tough, and provide some pretty good experience. Take advantage of having a full party. Though be careful, seeing as how I'm sure everyone is running low on TP, Kratos doesn't have infinite TP to heal with! Head downstairs and watch Collette act stupid.... after the battle watch a scene. The scene will explain what you have to do to progress. Basically you're gonna want to fight these Golems and keep pushing the blocks they leave behind into the holes. Use the stairs on either end of the platform to go down to the area where you've been pushing the blocks into. After you've mad enough pathways you should be able to get the two treasure chest, and the ring you saw from the scene upon your entrance (which is needed to progress) Once you get the ring, you can press X to use it. This will be helpful in getting past the next part of the Temple. Now head back to the main hall. When you get upstairs you should see another skit. Once back at the entrance take the north stairway up to a blue barrier. There will be a short scene and the group will decide that you should try using the ring. Do so, then watch another scene. Now take the teleporter. Watch a scene. Afterwards talk to your peeps. Scene. Walk around the room a bit for a skit with Genis. Warp back down. After a fairly humorous scene walk around a bit for another skit. Wait around a bit for yet ANOTHER skit. Attempt to exit the temple for a short scene. Head back to the map. ======================================================================= World Map Skits: The Journey ======================================================================= As soon as you exit the temple you'll see another friggin skit. Now head back to Iselia. ======================================================================= 04. Iselia Items: Collector's Book, Grapes, Bread Skit: Sole Redeeming Feature Title: Brotherly Love (Genis) ======================================================================= Go around the village and talk to people. Maybe even stop by the Halo and buy some Gels and Bread. When you're done messing around, head over to Collette's House for a scene, and you will receive a Collectors Book. A handy little item that will list all of the items you've collected so far save for key items seemingly. Afterwards head to Genis' House. On the way, pass by the schoolhouse to trigger a skit. Also, make sure to walk into the classroom for a scene and get a new title for Genis. When you get to Genis'House you'll get some stuff to make sandwiches with, and a tutorial on cooking. If you ever want to check out the tutorial again, come back and expect that cabinet where you got the ingredients. When you're ready, head down to the south gate for a scene. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Just walk on over to the Forest. Simple ======================================================================= 05. Iselia Forest Items: Apple Gel, Life Bottle Skit: Genis' Friend ======================================================================= Watch a short scene and then head up the path until you get a skit. Proceed up the path collecting the treasure along the way. When you come towards a Memory Circle, you'll see a short scene. Save and head towards The Human Ranch. ======================================================================= 06. Iselia Human Ranch Items: Orange Gel ======================================================================= When you enter the Ranch you'll see a short, disturbing scene. Walk forward for another scene. Pick the first choice when you have the chance, then the second one. After the scene plays out you'll have to help her out. Head back towards the entrance and behind some trees to get to a ledge. After the short scene, you'll receive a short tutorial about the action button. Jump on up. Jump up again, and the jump to the right for a chest. Jump back down, and jump up to the left. Watch a scene, and then you'll be fully healed. Watch more scenes. Get into a fight with a couple Whip Masters. They aren't too hard. Watch a scene. ======================================================================= 07. Iselia Forest Items: Leather Glove, Apple Gel(X2), 500 Gald, Orange Gel ======================================================================= After the whole ordeal, you'll end up back at the save point with Genis' equipment. Hold onto it for him. Head north onto the next screen. Since Lloyd is by himself now, be careful with combat. Don't be afraid to use a lot of tech attacks, Lloyd can regain TP with ease. Head north and pass the first passage, go right at the second and open a chest. Head back and go left towards another chest. Now head back towards the entrance Go right at the first passage and circle around the roundabout to get to a chest. Head back down a bit to the bridge and cross it, keep going until you see a chest. Follow the path up and pass under an old trunk acting as a bridge. Head up towards the trunk and walk to the Bag to collect the goods. Keep heading north until you reach the exit. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Restless Noishe ======================================================================= Head right towards the small house with the river passing by it. Along the way you'll encounter a skit. ======================================================================= 08. Dirk's House Item: Apple Gelx2, Life Bottle, 500 Gald, Sylvarant Map ======================================================================= When you enter you'll see a scene. You can't do much here, so just head inside the house. Scene... oh yeah. After the scene, you'll see another one, and then have a choice. Pick the first one.... and watch a scene. In the morning, head downstairs and talk to Dirk at the grave. Watch a scene, and get some loot, including a map of Sylvarant which should come in handy. After a few more scenes you'll be in... ======================================================================= 09. Iselia Item: Apple Gel, Orange Gel Skit: Dirk, the Craftsman, What is Colette Hiding?, Desians Attack Title: Drifting Swordsman (Lloyd) ======================================================================= Well... that was fast. Anyways... you'll see a short scene, afterwards make sure you re-equip Genis. Talk to the people around the entrance than head into the yard of the Item Shop Halo, you should get a skit. Head to the right and you should get another skit. Make the rounds... talking, shopping, and all that good stuff. Save if you'd like. Afterwards head over to Collette's House. Scene Time. Afterwards talk to Frank if you need to heal, then brace yourself and head outside. You'll see a short scene, and now there will be a Memory Circle outside of Collette's House. I suggest you use it, I also suggest using your 'danger' save if you took my advice from earlier. Anyways, time to bust some heads. Go around the whole town, but avoid the south exit for the time being. After you fight the guys up by the schoolhouse, the militia guy will give you an Apple Gel and an Orange Gel for helping out. Afterwards you should see a skit. Walk by Genis' House for a short scene. When you're ready go back to Collette's House to rest and save, than make your way to the south gate for a scene. Boss time! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Exbelua HP: 5000 TP: 38 S: None W: None EXP: 280 GALD: 320 Item: Panacea Bottle This guy can be pretty tough, you're best bet would be to hit it with as many Demon Fangs as your TP will allow you. When you run low try to go in and get a combo going, I found that I was able to keep the boss from attacking while whacking on it quite a few times consecutively, Hell.... if Genis got in on the action. You might need to use a few Gels though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some rather depressing scenes will ensue. After the scenes talk to Phaidra and Frank. The rest of the Village is off limits aside from the Militia man you helped at the school, and Collette's Empty House. So you may as well head out the south gate. There you will see a short scene. Lloyd will than receive the title of Drifting Swordsman. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Just head south, following the road. eventually you'll see a Caravan. ======================================================================= 10.Nova's Caravan ======================================================================= When you enter there will be a short scene. You'll be able to rest here for free. After that little interlude, head back out onto the World Map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Keep going along the path. Before long you'll stop for a short scene. You'll get an explanation on how to use Ex Skills. Afterwards keep going along the path. Before long you'll see a building. ======================================================================= 11. House of Salvation Skit: Why do Desians Exsist? ======================================================================= Enter and walk up a bit to trigger a scene. Here you'll get an explanation about Traveling in Long Range Mode, and using Guidepost Monuments. After you've heard about those, head inside the House itself. Stand still for a moment in the doorway and you should trigger a skit. Talk to the people in here. You'll be told to go upstairs to rest, do so if you so desire. Afterwards head back outside, and exit to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Item: Ex Gem LV.1 Skit: I don't sleep in class Skit Point: Genis ======================================================================= You should be able to ride on Noishe now by pressing X on the World Map. Before heading up towards the Desert, and without mounting Noishe, head over to the forest area west of The House of Salvation and you should see a chest. Open it to obtain a Level 1 EX Gem. You can equip this, or save it. I chose to equip it on Lloyd. After getting the chest, head east into a long path of forest. When you reach the end you should see your first Shiny Relationship Skit Point. When you walk onto the glowing circle you will see a skit scene, according to how you answer will affect the relationship between Lloyd and Genis. This will hold true for all these Shiny Relationship Skit Points. Now, Head up towards the desert area. Watch out for the snakes and scorpions that will appear in some encounters around this area, they're pretty tough. Head towards the town in the desert to trigger a skit. You might want to consider building some levels before entering the town. As I said, some of the enemies in this area are pretty tough, and they give good experience. Might as well take the time to better situate yourself. I recommend running back and fourth from the desert to Nova's Caravan to rest. Sure, it's farther away than The House of Salvation, but at least Nova doesn't charge 100 bucks ><. Either way, I was at level 9 before I decided to move on. You might want to consider 10 (if not higher) if you are so patient. But I was getting tired of the Snake/Scorpion poison. Whenever you're ready enter Triet. ======================================================================= 12. The Desert Oasis - Triet Item: Soft Leather, Cabbage, Pork Recipe: Cabbage Rolls ======================================================================= Watch a scene yo. This is important - DON'T LOOK AT THE POSTER YET. Alright. First you want to go around town, talk to peeps, and check out the item shops. You should come across a guy who will ask for a minute of your time. Agree. This is the game's first customizer. He'll ask you for some beast hide. I'm sure you have some by now, so give it to him. He'll give you a Soft Leather, and agree to make you something. Go ahead and get the Hard Leather. Next to him you'll find a Weapon Shop, some pretty pricey items here, but I highly recommend you at least upgrade Lloyd's Weapon. And right next to THAT is an Armory. Luckily Lloyd just got that free Hard Leather, so he's not too pressed to upgrade, but if you can afford it, do so. And next to that is... well a fairly humorous hole =p. You'll see a funny looking cat person who represents The Katz Exploration Team. These can be found throughout the game, they will look into stuff on the map you may have missed for you... for a fee that is. You probably don't have the funds to blow right now, so just keep it in mind for later. There will be another useful person around the Katz center that will trade you Ex Gems for your GRADE. Grade as you might have noticed is something collect after each battle depending on how well you did. My advice to you would be to save your Grade up for now, and keep this place in mind for later. Across the street from the Katz center, and past the Wanted Poster (don't check it yet!) you'll get to the Inn. Stay/Save if you'd like, than head upstairs and down to the end of the hall for a scene that will yield a new recipe for your group! Head out of there and go north past the Katz Center to a new area of the town. Talk to the people there and eventually you'll come to a shop that sells Cooking Ingredients. Stock up if you so desire. Head down the path and go into the Fortune Teller's Tent for a scene. When given the choice you might as well pay.... though you end up getting ripped off anyways =p. Afterwards she'll tell you your compatibility with your party members for free. Nice. Once you are done messing around.... you can finally check the poster. After that try and leave and watch a scene. Then a battle. Afterwards a scene. ======================================================================= 13. Sylvarant Base Items: Beast Hide, Beast Fang, Magical Cloth, 1500 Gald Skit: Unknown Technology, Feels Different, Help, Genis? ======================================================================= Watch a scene and listen to some groovy music. Afterwards you'll have to shoot the guard with the Sorcerer's Ring. After you get out of the cell, open the one next to you for a treasure, and the one after that for a Memory Circle. Head right past the cells and head up to the chest to get your gear back. Go right more until you get a scene and then a battle. After beating these wimps head up through the door. Watch a scene that'll describe how to complete this puzzle. Touch the globe to change the function of the Sorcerer's Ring. Now you can start working on this puzzle. If you run around the room you should trigger a skit. Also, if you get into a fight with one of the robots, don't worry. Another will take it's place. In fact you should at least fight one, when you finish the battle you should trigger a skit. Afterwards take the left door into a hallway, and take the first passage north. In this room grab the chest. You'll also see a vending machine that you can purchase items from. Leave the room and head back down, take the stairs left into the... hehe.... Gamecube room. Use the Memory Gem if you have it to activate the Memory Circle. Wait around near the GCN for a Skit. Now check the panel on the left side of the GCN for a short dialogue. Afterwards you'll know that you need to step onto the platforms and fire the Sorcerer's Ring at the pillars. Shoot the middle and top pillars and the light in the room should change read and say that the entrance has been opened. Go south and collect a treasure. There's nothing else you can do here, so head back to the GCN room. Back in the GCN room, shoot the top pillar, the middle pillar, and finally the bottom pillar. The room's light should turn Green, and it should say the Control room has been unlocked. Save your game, than go north through the door. Watch a scene and then you'll get into a Boss Fight ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Botta, Two Foot Soldiers HP: 4200 TP: 224 S: None W: None EXP: 475 Gald: 1500 Item: Poison Charm Luckily you have a full party for this fight. This guy can be pretty tough, make sure to take out the two Guards first, than you can pound on Botta. Sword Rain and Tiger Sword are really good for juggling this boss if Lloyd has those. Kratos will be here to heal, so you have some slack. Even so, this guy can really rack up the damage, so be alert. And don't be afraid to use items. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now time for a scene. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Know The Enemy ======================================================================= You've got a full group again now. But before you do anything else, you should head back to Triet. As you approach the town, a skit will automatically ensue. Afterwards Combos and Status will be added to the Training Manual. Afterwards, head into town. ======================================================================= 14. Triet Item: Monster List Skit: Journey to Save the World Dog: Cammy ======================================================================= Watch a scene when you enter the town. After the scenes talk with Kratos, and then leave your room. Go upstairs and enter the first door on the left. Watch a scene. Afterwards talk to Raine, than examine Genis. The choice is up to you, but I left him alone. Now try and leave the room and view a short scene. When you come out of the room you'll see another scene, choose to follow him. Watch another scene. The next morning leave your room again and leave the inn. Scene. You'll receive a monster list from Raine during it. Afterwards Raine will join the party. *Note*: Raine has a special ability that when she uses a Magic Lens in battle she will get the complete information on any monster she scans, she is the only one who can get complete information. If you are a completeist, this would be you'd have to include her in your party for every unique battle in the game (save for the ones before getting her). Just thought I'd let you know. Head back towards the end and you should trigger a skit. If you head up north to the next screen and talk to a man wearing a turban standing next to the water you'll trigger a scene. Afterwards make Colette your on screen character and then talk to the dog standing next to the man, she will then name the Dog. This is a little side quest that will last throughout most of the game, there's usually a dog in ever area for Colette to name, and in the end you will get a special title for naming them all. I've included a complete list of the locations of all the dogs in the Side Quest section of the guide. Hop over to Colette's Dog Naming (CDN1) if you'd like to check that out. *NOTE: I missed the first three dogs on the list at first, so I won't be able to list the names until hopefully my next update.* At this point you should decide which characters you'll be using for a while. I replaced Raine with Genis, seeing as how I like Raine and Genis was the second highest leveled next to Lloyd, so I figured he could afford to warm the bench for a while. Go ahead and gear up your party members. If you can afford to upgrade everyone, by all means do so. Before heading out, stay at the inn again, you'll trigger a scene. When you're ready to leave head out to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: We're not on Vacation, Kratos' Intention, Noishe Worries, Sense of Direction Skit Point: Colette Dog: Kitty (Uhh Okay Colette) ======================================================================= Your destination are the Triet Ruins to the west of Triet, but you might want to catch up on some leveling you might have missed out on due to a lack of members. The battles should be easy enough with a full group. I didn't spend too much time out here. With a full group the enemies were easy, and the most experience any group of enemies yielded was about 40. You can still spend some time out here if you wish though. Before heading into the ruins though, head back to the House of Salvation and have Colette name the dog there. Next wander around near the Base area and you should trigger a skit. If you wander around the desert some more you should get another skit. If you head far east from Triet you'll be able to find the Mapstone Marker which will enable you to ride Noishe in the desert. Also if you keep trying to head towards what looks like an entrance to a mountain pass you'll see two skits. One should appear when you're getting close, and another when you try to enter the area, that one will automatically happen, and will keep happening for as many times as you try to enter that area prematurely. After that, pass by the mountain path and head toward the grassy area, you should come across a Shiny Relationship point. This one is between Lloyd and Colette. Regardless of whether you were leveling (and if you were, I'd suggest returning to town to rest) or skit hunting, when you're finally ready to move on, head to the ruins. Before entering though, head down the long path of Grassy Area next to the ruins on the other side of the mountain. You'll find another Shiny Skit Point. This time between Lloyd and Raine. After that's over with, head back to the ruins and enter. ======================================================================= 15. Triet Ruins Skit: Combo! Lloyd and Colette Title: Archeological Mania (Raine) Items: Lemon Gel, Apple Gel, Bracelet, Life Bottle, 1000 Gald, Mumei, Stiletto, Circlet, Savory ======================================================================= When you enter there will be a scene. You'll get into a battle with two Fire Elements. Nothing Special. Afterwards a scene. Afterwards all you're party members will learn some valuable skills. Lloyd will learn Guardian, Colette will learn Damage Guard, Raine and Genis will learn Force Field. You can assign these skills as a special move, or you can press Down and X during battle to activate it. Once that's over with, the scene will resume. After the scene you should trigger a skit right away. After that head to the stairs and watch a scene. During the scene you'll obtain the title of Archeological Mania for Raine. Then the scene will resume. Afterwards, head down into the dungeon. Head up the path and head south down and left down the path until you get to a chest with some rocks on top of it. Use the Sorcerer's Ring to knock the rocks off and collect the treasure. Along the way make sure to fight the monsters and get a feel for your new guarding abilities, they'll prove invaluable throughout the game. Go up through the door in front of you and head right for a scene. When it's over use the Sorcerer's ring to light the torch. There will be a couple scenes. Once back in control head back towards the entrance and enter the first door you see along the way. In this area go around and collect all the treasures. When you're done raiding the chest, push the two big stone blocks in the room in the crevice next to the base of the ramp you see straight across from where you entered. Cross over the blocks at light the torch. Head up the ramp and follow the path for more treasure. Head back to the main hall, and take the remaining path north, IMPORTANT: IGNORE THE CHEST, for now at least, but keep it in mind. Head through the door into the next area. Head along the path until you get to another Stone Block, push it into the hole not far from it. Cross over, grab the treasure, and light the torch. Head towards the new path you just made and follow it up, past the memory circle point and the warp to grab some treasure. Head over and unlock the memory seal (if you don't have the gem, go find it) save. Heal up and put Genis in the party if you already haven't. Turn off all of Genis skills except for Aqua Edge, change his strat to go all out with TP, and setup a shortcut for Aqua Edge on your controlled character if you'd like. Step onto the teleport. Watch a scene, and than a boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Ktugach HP: 5000 TP: 50 S: Fire W: Water, Ice EXP: 628 Gald: 85 Item: Red Quartz Boss: Ktugachling x2 HP: 1500 TP: 180 S: Fire W: Water, Ice EXP: 60 Gald: 15 Item: None Obviously, your best means for dealing damage in this battle is to use Genis' Aqua Edge... A LOT. Aside from that, it'd be in your best interest to take out the two Ktugachlings first. Afterwards just focus all your attacks on the main boss. Kratos (or Raine) should be in your party to heal. Better Kratos than Raine seeing as he can at least try to fill his TP back up with relative ease. Just keep pounding it with Aqua Edge, and watch out for it's magic attacks, they hurt! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards you'll see some scenes. After it's over, Colette will learn Angel Feathers. Now step onto the warp, save, then make your way out of this place. (NOTE: Still don't open the chest, now is not the time for it. Just keep it in mind for later!) When you get outside you'll witness a scene. During the night talk to everyone, though save Colette for last. Answer everyone however you want, it makes no difference really. Talk to Colette, and then talk to her again. You'll see a scene. Afterwards you'll be back on the World Map. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: To Palmacosta ======================================================================= You should trigger a skit immediately, viewing it will suggest that you return to Triet. Do so now. ======================================================================= 16. Triet Title: Sisterly Love Skit: Prayer ======================================================================= When you enter, there will be a scene. Raine will get a new title "Sisterly Love" after the scene. Head over to the inn and rest there, you should see a skit. Afterwards, save and shop if you need to. When you're finished, head back outside. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Your destination is The Ossa Trail you may have ventured to earlier to grab the Mapmarker Stone and to trigger a few skits. You can go there now, or you can return to the Triet Ruins for some leveling. I'd suggest the leveling, seeing as how the Ruins is a pretty good place to build up some Exp, at least for a couple of levels. I got up to level 14 before I decided to move on. This is more than enough, really it's up to you though if you'd like to be higher or lower than that. If you're level 12 and aren't having any problems fighting the monsters in the area than you're more than efficient enough to go onto the next area. None the less, whatever you decide, once you're finished rest/save and head off to the Ossa Trail. ======================================================================= 17. Ossa Trail Item: Battle Staff, Melange Gel, Apple Gel, Orange Gel Skit: Team Coordination ======================================================================= Enter and head up the path until you encounter a scene. Here you'll meet my favorite character in the game, Sheena ^^. When you get a choice choose whatever option. I went with the second. After the scene continue up the path. The only enemies to be careful of in this area really are the Manadragoras, despite their appearance they can do some seriously wicked damage. The Bear creatures aren't even a challenge, just watch out for their grabs. They won't do that much damage but they can hold you for a few seconds. Keep going along the path until you get to a chest, then go along again. When you get up far enough there will be a little stop where you can save and collect two treasure chest. Do so, and then proceed forward. Follow the path until you get to another chest, open it, before going on though - HEAL!! up if you need to, you have a boss coming up. Then keep going until you see a scene. And then a boss battle! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Clumsy Assassin (Sheena) HP: 1800 TP: 131 S: None W: None EXP: 200 Gald: 128 Item: Holy Bottle Guardian-Wind HP: 2000 TP: 400 S: None W: None EXP: 250 Gald: 250 Item: Magic Lens This battle was tougher than I had imagined it would be. First off it caught me off guard so I wasn't fully healed. Second off I went after the Guardian First. Bad Idea, Sheena is the one who will be laying waste to your party members. So make sure you pound on her. It can be difficult because she likes to guard a lot, but keep at it. Try to keep everyone's health up, and after you've dealt with her the Guardian is laughable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards, a scene as per usual. Before heading into the cave, keep going down the path. Try to leave and you will automatically get into a skit with Lloyd and Kratos. After it you will FINALLY be able to use Unison Attacks. There will be an explanation on them. Setup your U.Attack now by going into the menu and selecting U.Attack if you'd like. Then step outside for a minute. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: An Assassin? ======================================================================= As soon as you exit the trail a skit will trigger. Afterwards save and head back into the trail. ======================================================================= 18. Ossa Trail Items: Fine Guard, Black Silver, Beast Fang, EX Gem Lv1 Skit: The Ossa Trail, Raised by a Dwarf ======================================================================= Head into the cave now. When you enter you should get a skit. Head down the path a little and you should get another skit. Keep going down the path. Ignore the left split and keep going, take the second left turn you see and grab the chest. Head back towards the entrance and take the right passage this time, head south to get a chest. Head back to the main hallway, and go north to the next screen. Avoid talking to the skull and back your way past it to the back of the room to get two chest (one is hidden behind a crate) Just for your information the Skull is a really difficult boss that there's no way you can take on at this point. Ignore it for now and keep it in mind for later (like that damn chest in the Triet Ruins) *UPDATE* I got an email stating that it's quite possible to defeat this monster when you first arrive, and now that I think of it, I probably could have. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi. I was going through your ToS FAQ, because there was a pretty toug henemy that I fought and I wanted the name of. It is that skeleton thing with four weapons, in the Ossa Trail. When I went to your FAQ, you state that there is no way to beat him....I beat him when I first got there! ^O^ What yo ucan do to beat him is always have Genis charge a Stalagmite, and always have Collette charge up an Angel's Feather. Have Kratos always healing Lloyd or using Orange Gummies on some body (just maek sure he doesn't get in fornt of the enemy) With Lloyd, go up to him and block and do a combo when he is open. DO NOT go back, because when there is nobody right in front of him, he starts to go towards the party. With this strategy, Lloyd can attack and withstand it somewhat, and everyone will be supporting with spells from behind. He will be dead after a while. I used an Eyeglass on him to find out he has 8000 HP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit goes to Mohammed Ahmed for this tip. So give it a shot if you'd like. However you can come back to this later if you prefer, I'll cover that later on in the guide. Now that you're done here, head back to the World Map. ======================================================================= World Map Item: Lemon Gel Skit Point: Genis, Kratos ======================================================================= Save and all that good stuff, then head out. If you head faaaar north from the trail you'll see a bridge, before crossing it go towards the mountain side and you should find the Marker Stone. Grab that and then cross the bridge, on the beach there will be a Shiny Skit between Lloyd and Genis. In this area of beach near the Shiny Skit are some fairly difficult battles. It's not anything you can't handle, but they are noticeably more difficult than any other encounter in the area. Just a fair warning. However, don't go furtur north past the beach with the Shiny Skit, this is an area you aren't supposed to be in yet, proof of that lies in the monsters in this area that will wipe the floor with you, so just stay outta there. Once you're done messing around way up there, head all the way south back to the trail and you should see your destination just a stone's throw away. But first, head past it going furtur south. You'll soon end up at the tip of a peninsula and won't be able to go any furtur, that's alright though because the Shiny Skit I sent you over for is right here! This one is between Lloyd and Kratos. Make your way over and into the Port Town of Izoold. ======================================================================= 19. The Small Fishing Port - Izoold Item: Rice, Lyla's Letter Skit: Even if I become an Angel? Recipe: Rice Ball Dog: Pookie ======================================================================= Not too much to do in this quiet little village. As usual talk to everyone in town. There's a dog near the entrance of town for Colette to name. Head into the first house on the left, this is the inn. Stay the night for a rather touching little skit. Avoid the top left house for now and head around the rest of the village first. Head into the house that the Kats are standing around and go to the top right hand corner of the house, examine the spot and you'll meet up once again with Wonder Chef. He'll teach you the recipe for the infamous Rice Balls. In the port area you can talk to a Katz to play Emotional Balloon. ---------------- Mini Game: Emotional Balloon - (MGB1) --------------- Emotional Balloon, or "EB" is a little memory game Genis can play with the Katz person in Izoold at anytime. There are three different difficulty settings, each a little more complex than the last. If you match the Katz' emotions by pushing the correct buttons perfectly, you'll get a prize at the end. Here are the three prizes for each difficulty. Mode: Easy| Rounds: 10| Prize: 5 Apple Gels Mode: Normal| Rounds: 15| Prize: 5 Life Bottles Mode: Hard| Rounds: 30| Prize: 5 Lemon Gels ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyhow.... when you're ready go check out that house I told you to pass over before. Have a chat with Lyia for a scene. Afterwards, chase after her. Go into the port area and down the dock to trigger a scene. When given the choice, pick the first option. Afterwards, if you're ready, talk to Max to set sail for Palmcosta! There will be a scene when you board the boat. ======================================================================= 20. The Port City - Palmacosta Item: Rice, Egg, Palma Potion Skit: To Fight the Strong, Dorr of Palmcosta, Imposters, Colette's Imposter Recipe: Omelets Dog: Teddy, Pepe Title: Turbo Waitress (Colette), Honor Roll (Genis) ======================================================================= When you arrive there will be a scene. Talk to everyone along the docks, if you stand still for a while on the docks you should get a skit. Afterwards Battle Tips will be added to the Training Manual. Keep going along of the docks into the harbor area. Get Colette out and talk to the dog near the market stands. Talk to everyone around here, and then head down to the shops. You'll find a customizer here, so try and take advantage of that. You probably won't have any White Silver so the Masamune and Mage Cloak are out of the question ;_;. You should be able to make a Slicer Ring, Gem Rod, and Steel Sword though. After that head to the armorer in the next stall. You should have a pretty fat stack of cash at this point, and seeing as how you shouldn't have to buy to upgrade most of your party's weapons, you can probably afford to upgrade everyone. I'd certainly recommend it. Head down to the Weapon Shop at the bottom stall and buy new weapons for Lloyd and Genis. Head down the bridge into the next part of town. Watch a scene. You can't go past the Inn (the building where the other group came out of) so head in there, Rest here, use the memory circle, all that good stuff. Head back outside and head across the bridge, talking to people along the way. Entering the building at the end of the street will yield a scene. Afterwards you'll trigger a skit. It turns out this is an item shop, and they sell Palma Potion! It cost 1k though... if you have that, that's all well and good. If you don't Cacao will suggest taking up a part-time job at the Palmacosta Academy. I had the funds on me so I went ahead and bought it without all the hassle. If you head upstairs and examine the bookshelf you can read a little bit about the Desians. Now leave the shop and head back to the adventures to settle your debt. If you head across the bridge next to the item shop you'll come to the next part of town, and a scene. Talk to the people here and then switch Colette to be the on screen character, have her talk to the dog. If you enter the building in the right most corner there will be a scene. Then you'll have a choice to accept a challenge. Do so, if only just to show these punks up. After the scene head over to the weird looking post and examine it. Tada! Wonder Chef is here to teach you how to make Omelets. If you head down the hall on the first floor, the second door will bring you to the Academy's Cafeteria. If you talk to the guy in the back, Colette will be able to take up the Part-Time job as a Waitress. You should do this even if you had the money to pay for the Palma Potion, because doing so will net Colette a new title. --------------------- Mini Game: Waitress - (MGW1) -------------------- This little mini game can be played by going to the Cafeteria in Palmacosta's Academy. Colette will take up a part-time job as a Waitress. All you have to do is remember the customers order, order it from the kitchen, and then bring it out to the right customer. Simple enough... you'd think. But it's kind of hard to tell the customers apart. The best tip I can give you is to jot down a few little notes on a piece of paper. Write down the order and maybe the hair color of the customer. You don't have all day to view the orders before the customers will take their seats, so be quick about it. When you're finished you'll be paid according to how well you did (and get a free Palma Potion if that's what you came here for) as well as get a title for Colette. You can play this Mini Game again, but you'll only get Gald from now on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now go up to the second floor of the academy. Enter the first door you come across and watch a scene. Now you'll be able to study for the challenge. You'll be asked some questions. I've provided the answers here, but if you'd like to solve them yourself, go ahead. -------------------- Side Quest: Pop Quiz - (SPQ1) -------------------- When you first arrive in Palmacosta and visit the Academy you'll be able to accept a little challenge to show off how smart Genis is. Before the challenge however you'll have a pop-quiz. This may or may not effect the out come of the actual challenge, but none the less, here are the answers for the three questions Raine will ask: 1. Guardian 2. Acceleration due to gravity 3. I don't know ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards it's time to head over to the test room. Exit the classroom and head over next door. Watch some scenes. Afterwards Genis will get a new title. Leave the classroom. Now the once empty classrooms are full again, so talk with the students if you'd like, then finally head out of here. Head next door to the academy and enter the church. If you head to the front and talk to the Pastor standing there, you'll see a scene. In the right corner of the church next to the entrance you'll see Chocolat, talk to her for a scene. Once you head outside there will be a scene. Next to the church you'll see a path leading up to a Steam Ship. Head towards the ship for a scene. When you're finally ready to move on head to the Governor Building and talk to the guards for a scene. When given the choice go ahead and pick the second one. Watch a fairly humorous scene and then head back to the Governor Building. Head up the steps for a scene. Once it's over you'll trigger a skit. Now... You're finally done with Palmacosta! For now at least. So make your way back towards the inn. When you try to cross the bride that leads back towards the other section of town you'll trigger another skit. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Once you leave Palmacosta you should see a forest with Nova's Caravan parked in it just to the north. Head on over there. ======================================================================= 21. Nova's Caravan Item: Linkite Nut ======================================================================= When you enter watch a scene. Afterwards talk to the children standing next to Nova. After all this talk of nut shaking you'll get a Linkite Nut by talking to the little girl. After talking to everyone here there will be a scene. Afterwards you can go back to the map. ======================================================================= World Map Item: Ex Gem Lv. 2 ======================================================================= Head around the mountain just to the east of Nova's Caravan to get a chest containing an Ex Gem Lv. 2! Follow around the mountain until you see a road bridging out on your mini map, heads north towards it and along the way you'll find the Mapmarker Stone. Hit that up and keep heading towards the road. Head west along the road to come to a House of Salvation. ======================================================================= 22. House of Salvation Dog: Caramel ======================================================================= When you enter talk to the people. You'll notice a dog in the corner, so bust Colette out and talk to it. Head inside the house for a scene. You'll be given an option, I choose the first one of course, and you should too! After the scene, Head upstairs and nap if you'd like. Once you're done here head outside. ======================================================================= World Map Item: Magic Mist ======================================================================= Your destination is to the north of the House of Salvation. Head up that way until you see what looks like a mountain pass. Before going in, head east and you'll find a treasure chest. After getting that, look on your mini map for a peninsula to the south east of Hakonesia Peak, go there now. You'll see a bunch of forest leading up to the tip of the small tip of land, at the edge you'll find a map marker stone. Now head into Hakonesia Peak. ======================================================================= 23. Hakonesia Peak Skit: Lloyd Admonished ======================================================================= Walk up and talk to the people, but ignore the building for a moment and walk towards the guards, they'll direct you to the building. So head down there now and enter. Talk to the old man for a scene. When you leave the building there will be a scene. If you stand in the middle of the crowd of people, there should be a skit. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Lloyd's Praised ======================================================================= When you exit Hakonesia you should trigger a skit. Now then, you can't go to the Hose of Salvation yet because the head Priest isn't there right now. So head over to Palmacosta instead. You might want to level a bit if you've been slacking off. I had the chance of leveling while looking for stuff on the map, and I'm Level 17. I'm sure 15 would be fine though. Regardless... Should you consider leveling, use the House of Salvation as an Inn. When you're ready head to Palmacosta. ======================================================================= 24. Palmacosta Skit: Mystery of the imposters, Palmacosta's Future, Don't tell Lloyd ======================================================================= Once you enter town, head to the inn, rest/save, and head to the east side of town when you're ready. Watch a scene, afterwards you'll get into a battle. After the fighting watch a scene. Once that's over with, you should trigger a skit. Head downstairs and then outside for another skit. Head back towards the end, but head up into the Harbor Area for a Skit. Anyhow, once you're done messing around, head towards the exit. You'll see a priest standing here, if you talk to them they'll ask if you can escort them to Hakonesia Peak. This works out for your benefit because if you agree to, it'll instantly take you to the peak, which is where you need to go. Another alternative is to take them half way, to the House of Salvation, or you can just flat out refuse them. Might as well take them all the way. ======================================================================= 25. Hakonesia Peak ======================================================================= When you arrive the Priest will thank you, afterwards head up the path. You'll see a scene. When given the choice, agree. Afterwards exit the Peak. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Defeat Magnius ======================================================================= You're off to another Human Ranch, in order to get there head back to the House of Salvation. Stand around the House of Salvation for a few seconds to trigger a skit. Now head down the road to the east of the House of Salvation (the one I told you to come up from behind the mountains when you originally came to this House of Salvation) Once you pass the mountains you'll see a large building in the forest. Save and enter. ======================================================================= 26. Palmacosta Ranch Item: Omega Shield, White Silver, Orange Gelx4, Life Bottlex3, Apple Gelx2, Ex Gem Lv.2, Mage Cloak, Melange Gel, Panacea Bottle, Purple Card, Blue Card, Red Card Skit: The Second Ranch, At the Palmacosta Ranch ======================================================================= As soon as you enter you'll trigger a skit. Head up a bit to trigger a scene. The choice is a bit tricky. It can go either way and neither will end up affecting much aside from the entrance into Palmacosta Ranch. I'm going to follow the advice of the Official Guide here and go into the Ranch first, if you decide you want to go back to Palmacosta first, it's pretty straight forward. Anyways... pick the first option and we're ready to roll. Head to the right and up the path until you get to some guards, you're gonna have to fight your way in. After you wipe up the guards open the gate and head in. Fight your way through more guards until you get up to the entrance of the ranch itself. Head down into the interior. Examine the object in the center of the room to change the function of the Sorcerer's Ring. This 'Radar Ring' will allow you to see hidden items and objects throughout the dungeon. After the short scene explaining the ring, head to the room on the right. There should be a skit. Turn on your radar ring and you'll see little specs of light floating in the air. These are the hidden treasures. Collect the one in the bottom right corner of the room to get an Omega Shield. The one at the top near the entrance is a White Silver (YESSS!!! Okay Sorry.... Really wantin that Masamune ><) Now then, turn on your ring and access the switch in the top right corner, this will create a bridge. Cross over to the right for a scene. Here you will encounter a Refresher. This device will heal you, as well as act as a basic shop. After the scene is over dispose of the guard, He'll drop the Purple Card. Afterwards flip on the Radar and grab the sparkle in the top right corner of the room for an Orange Gel. Hit the radar once more and activate the bridge switch to the left, cross over and activate the radar again to see a light. Collect it for a Life Bottle. Head back across, and make sure to turn the bridge off (this is important for later) Head back across the bridge to the previous section of the room, and turn that bridge off as well. Now make your way back to the main corridor. This time cross over to the left room. Fight the guard in here to obtain the memory gem. Afterwards activate the radar and collect the sparkle for an Apple Gel. Head down the path and take a right at the fork, keep going along and you'll see some stairs leading up. This is the entrance for those who chose to go back to Palmacosta before storming the ranch. You can't go out that way now, so just keep going. Turn on the radar to see a spark in the corner, collect it for an Orange Gel. Head back the way you came and take the left path this time. When you get to a doorway leading up, flip on the Radar and collect a sparkle for another Orange Gel. Soon after you pass the doorway hit your radar and get another sparkle for a Life Bottle. Now head back to the main chamber where you started. Turn on your radar and enter the warp at the top of the room. In this room there's a memory circle in the center, and another warp at the top. Use the memory circle now if you so desire, but ignore the warp at the top (not like you can do anything with it just yet anyways). Head left into the next room for a scene. During the scenes you'll get a Blue Card Key. Afterwards head back into the previous room and cross over to the next. In this room there are invisible boxes that can only be seen with the radar on. First head down to where you see slots in the floor. Turn on the radar and push the box closet to the slots in and cross over it. Turn the radar on again and collect an Ex Gem Lv. 2. Head up to the top of the room and activate the radar, pull out the box that's blocking the spark, then collect it to get a Mage Cloak. Go ahead and push the box you just pulled out into a slot down below. Go back up, turn on your radar, and activate the bridge switch. Cross over and head downstairs. You'll get the Red Card. Now head back upstairs, across the bridge, and deactivate it. Go ahead and push the last two boxes into place, then return to the central room again. Go ahead and save if you want, then head up to the teleporter. Activate your radar and step on it, you'll insert the three cards you've gathered. Afterwards you'll be teleported. This little bit is tricky. You're now in a maze of teleports and there's a lot of treasure to be found, so let's get to it. For starters, stepping into the warp in the middle of any room, at anytime will take you back to start. Now then let's start. Take a left and activate your ring, you'll see a sparkle, grab it for a Melange Gel. Turn on the ring again and enter the yellow warp. In this room, head up towards another yellow warp. Take it into the next area and turn on your ring again. Collect the spark near the entrance for an Apple Gel. Then head straight up to a green warp and take it. You'll be back in one of the rooms from before. Now if you did as I told you and turned off all your bridges, you'll be able to climb up this staircase. At the top, turn on your radar and collect a Panacea Bottle. Now head back down and through the warp. Head back down to the yellow warp point again, take it once more and this time take the red warp to the left (you'll notice a spark, if you try to collect this it'll trigger a battle. No Biggie) in this next room head south and take the yellow warp. In this room, use the ring right away to spot a spark. Get another Life Bottle from it, than go back into the yellow warp. Go north and go through the yellow warp, head left and you'll see a sparkle next to another yellow warp. Grab it for yet another orange gel. Now use the yellow warp. Head north to the top yellow warp point in this room. In this room take the left red warp and watch a scene, follow by a battle. After that, watch a scene. Now, before follow Chocolate head right and find a sealed memory circle. Unseal it and prep yourself for a difficult boss battle. Of course you're gonna want to restore your HP/TP with items. But I'd like to make another suggestion as well. Seeing as how you have U.Attacks now, there's no reason not to take advantage of a fairly powerful Compound U Attack. Make sure Lloyd and Kratos are in your active party and have them set with the skills Tiger Blade (Lloyd) and Lightning (Kratos). It'd help if you went into this battle with a full U.Gauge as well. Anyways, when you feel that you're ready head on up towards the green warp. In the next room, watch a scene, and then a battle. You should cook at the end of the battle to try and restore some of what you may have lost during the fight. Now another scene followed by the boss fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Magnius, Bowman, Whip Master HP: 8500 TP: 120 S: Fire W: None EXP: 675 Gald: 1700 Item: Warrior Symbol, Ex Gem Lv1 Magnius has some cronies with him, but they can be taken care of easily enough, just make sure to do it fast. Then you can begin wailing on Magnius. Once the guards are down, you should trigger U.Attack and use Lightning Tiger Blade, the CU.Attack I had you prepare earlier. After that just hack away at him with your strongest skills. He's pretty tough with some deadly fire attacks, and even Lloyd's Beast skill. Just keep working on him and he'll go down, though I had to use quite a few gels throughout the battle to keep everyone up and... not dead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards some scenes. Now that you're finally done here, head out to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Make Sense? ======================================================================= As soon as you get outside you'll trigger a skit. Afterwards, it's time to head back to Palmacosta. ======================================================================= 27. Palmacosta Item: Pass (or Card Key) Skit: Justice and Strength, He's a Father, Mystery of the Desians, Parental Love ======================================================================= Now that you're here, head into the inn rest/save. Your destination is Dorr's House, but you might want to stop into the Harbor and craft that Masamune while you're here. You've got a boss coming up so it wouldn't be a bad idea, truly. Now head over to Dorr's Manor and enter for a scene. Before heading downstairs make sure Colette is in the party and that she can use Angel Feathers. It'll prove quite useful in the upcoming boss fight. When you're ready, head down to the basement for a scene. After the long scenes you'll get into that boss battle I've been going on about. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Killia HP: 10000 HP TP: 400 S: Dark W: Light EXP: 500 Gald: 500 Item: Heal Bracelet Yeah... that's a big number. But in truth, Killia is easier than Maginus. Now, I told you to bring Colette to use Angel Feathers, right? Yes... well Angel Feathers will do massive damage to Killia so you'll be able to quickly deplete her large amount of HP. Other than that, use practically the same strategies as you did with Magnius. Try and pull off a Lightning Tiger Blade as well. She'll go down fast enough. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see a scene, when given the choice, have a heart and say Okay. You'll get a Pass now (or codes to unlock the alternative entrance into the ranch, should you have decided to go that route). Watch some more scenes. Afterwards, walk around the Governor's Office until you trigger a skit. There's a bit of a side quest to do here if you feel so inclined, yet a fair warning, you'll get no rewards for completing it. It's more or less just a little challenge. ------------------- Mini Game: Orienteering - (MGO1) ------------------ This little side quest, while yielding no prizes upon completetion, can be a fun little distraction from the main quest. To partake in it, talk to the Guard who will be positioned in the Governor's Building Square of Palmacosta after beating Killia. Talk to the Guard and you can have him explain the rules. More or less, this is a little scavenger hunt or sorts that will have you running around the city looking for people or objects. The guard will hint to what the first checkpoint is, and once you find that checkpoint it'll give you a hint as to what the second may be, and so on. You'll repeat the process a number of 4 times to complete the game. If ever you should need more of a hint, go back to the guard and ask him about the next checkpoint. When you get to the last check point, you may or may not be asked some questions. Some of these questions you might not be able to answer unless you've finished the game. In any case, when you've found all the checkpoints, head back to the guard to end it all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back across the bridge to the other section of town, and you should trigger a skit. Head into Cacao's store for a scene, when it's over head back outside to trigger a skit. Head over to the inn and rest/save. When you come back out of the inn you should trigger another skit. Aside from going around and seeing what everyone has to say about recent events, there's little else to do here. So when you're ready head on out to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Someday, Strange Raine, Light Eater ======================================================================= As soon as you're on the world map, you'll get a skit. Now you need to go over to the House of Salvation once again. The main priest has returned, so go ahead and talk to him for a scene. When given the choice, pick the first one. Now you'll be off to Thoda Island. Leave the House of Salvation and head over to the Human Ranch. If you wander around near the ruins of the Human Ranch, you'll get a skit. If you get into an encounter around here, and cook after the battle, you might get a skit afterwards. Anyways, when you're ready, head east of the Human Ranch and walk south along the beach until you spot a building. ======================================================================= 28. Thoda Island - Sightseeing Boat Dock Dog: Binky ======================================================================= Place Colette as the leader of the party and than speak with the dog near the entrance. There's nothing else to do outside save for talking with the man standing by the building, so go on inside. You'll notice that this place is like a House of Salvation. So head upstairs to save/rest if you'd like. Afterwards head downstairs and talk to the lady behind the counter and pay 200 Gald to rent a boat. Watch a scene afterwards. ======================================================================= 29. Thoda Island Geyser Item: Spiritua Statue Dog: Bob Skit: Tower of Salvation ======================================================================= When you arrive watch a scene. Afterwards save at the memory circle on the dock if you want. Head up the slope path towards the people. You'll see a scene. Now feel free to talk everyone, you'll see a dog, so make sure Colette names it. The guy in the Green Hat with the back pack closest to the slope path will sell you some basic items if you'd like. If you head up the stairs towards the sign Colette noted in the scene, you'll see a scene. Now you'll have to play a little mini game of sorts to get across and grab the statue. Genis will freeze the water and Lloyd has to make his way across, go in the direction Genis tells you to. You have three chances to mess up and then you'll have to start over. Once you get the statue you'll see a scene. You should trigger a skit sometime shortly after getting the statue. Anyways... Now search behind the sign to find a stone switch behind it. Examine it for a scene. ======================================================================= 30. Temple of Water Item: Mermaid's Tear, Life Bottle, Circletx2, White Silver, Orange Gel, Stun Bracelet, Ex Gem Lv.1 ======================================================================= When you enter there will be a scene. Now head forward along the path fighting enemies along the way. Eventually you'll get to a chest, grab the loot inside and keep going. When you finally reach the bottom head over to the right, you'll see a device that can change the function of your ring, DON'T USE IT YET!! Instead walk past it and collect the booty. Now head back left and take the left most path down into the next area. See the two large stone pillars in this room to the right? Try walking in between them and you'll come into a secret room. Grab the treasure here and return to the previous room. Now back in this room, you'll see two stone hedges with fire markings on them, next to each of them is a torch. Use you're Sorcerer's Ring to light them. Now you can go back into the last area and change the function of the ring, and watch a scene. Afterwards, don't go back to the torch room yet, instead take the bottom right path out of this room. In this room, head down the stairs and collect the treasure chest under the arch. There's another arch with another chest right next to the first one, so grab that. Fight the enemies in this room, one of them will drop the Memory Gem. Now take the stairs down and follow the path to the left, head under the passage and emerge back in the torch room. Push the box you see here right back under the passage you came from, it'll fall into a slot and make a click. After that, head over towards the large structure and fill the bucket there with water using the ring. Now head back the way you came and return to the upper part of the room with the torches. Once back in here, use the memory gem to unlock the circle, then save. Afterwards, head over and fill the second bucket with water. The platform next to the structure will rise, and you'll be able to teleport to the water seal, but first head back to the memory circle to save and prepare. You've got a boss battle coming up, and these are my suggestions: First, make a party with Lloyd, Genis, and Kratos in it. Next, make sure Lloyd and Kratos can do their Lightning Tiger Blade CU Attack. Finally, turn off all of Genis spells except for his Fire and Lightning Elemental ones. Now heal yourselves up, save, and head over to the warp. When you arrive watch a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Adulocia HP: 10000 TP: 248 S: Water, Ice W: Lightning EXP: 825 Gald: 765 Item: Mermaid's Tear Amphitra x2 HP: 2300 TP: 120 S: Water, Ice W: Fire, Lightning EXP: 150 Gald: 200 Item: None Start by taking out the two Amphitras as swiftly as possible. Then focus all of your attacks on Adulocia. Adulocia's close range bubble attack can quickly deplete a character's health, so watch out for that. Unleash the Lightning Tiger Blade and keep pounding her with Genis' Spells. She has a lot of health, but the barrage of elemental attacks from the Child Prodigy should bring her to a hasty defeat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle watch a scene. Now then, it's time to get out of here. Just head back the way you came to return to the Geyser. When you enter the Geyser area again you'll see some scenes. Afterwards you'll be back out on the docks, take the boat back to the docks and return to the world map finally. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Getting Boring ======================================================================= When you're back on the world map, you'll trigger a scene. Now it's finally time to pass through Hakonesia Peak. So head on over there. ======================================================================= 31. Hakonesia Peak Skit: Angel Language ======================================================================= Head on into the building and talk to Koton for a scene. Afterwards, head outside and you'll trigger a skit. Now that you've taken care of everything this side of the mountain, it's time to pass through. Head up to the gate, with pass in hand you'll have no problems this time. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= From the exit of Hakonesia Peak, head directly north towards a House of Salvation, ignore it and head west, and finally south until you spot a rather large structure within the mountain. This is the city of Asgard, and your next destination. ======================================================================= 32. The City of Ruins - Asgard Item: Beef, Kelp Skit: Sleepless Night, Human Ranch, Leave it to me Dog: Hal, Murry ======================================================================= Head up talking to the people along the way, the first building to your right is The Vortex Inn. This is the Inn you're going to want to use if you ever need to rest in Asgard (save for one occasion I'll explain later on) Now... for some reason there's three inns in Asgard, go figure. Each inn has a different price though, and the Vortex is the cheapest, so there you go. Now then, should you require some R&R head inside. Moving on, head up the stairs in front of you, and head into the first building. You can buy ingredients here, so stock up if you need to. Next to the shop there is an entrance to a cave, talk to the people inside to discover while Asgard is a major tourist location. Next door to the cavern is an armory and a weapon shop. There wasn't much to be had in the weapon shop for me, aside from the Hydra Dagger for Kratos, the armory is a different matter though. You shouldn't have any problems upgrading with the funds you've earned over the course of your adventure thus far. There's also a customizer in here too, here's where the real weapons lie. It should be easy enough to get a Mystic Ring, and a Falling Star. I didn't have a Battle Staff to make the Earth Staff with however. You should also be able to make a White Robe, and two Gold Circlets. Now the matter of upgrading Lloyd's and Kratos' weapons is a bit more difficult. There are two different weapons for each, The Sinclaire and the Earth Dagger are ideal, yet they have some steep requirements. It's doubtful that you'll be able to forge both without trading in some Grade Points for more Silver. It doesn't cost that much, so I just went ahead and did it, I wouldn't recommend spending anymore Grade Points though. If you head up the ramp outside the shops you'll come to the Katz Center. Once you're done up here, head back down and take the rightmost staircase down. There's a general store setup in an outdoor stand here, and a dog for Colette to name right next to it. Now head back past the general store and enter the cavern tucked away in the back. Talk to the people here, then make your way back outside. Head up the slope to reach the Cool Breeze Hotel, you shouldn't need to stay here right now, but keep it in mind. Now head back down, and go to the lowest section of Asgard and follow the path forward until you reach a cave with a child standing outside of it. Head inside to see uh... something. Once back outside, head over to the right and up the stairs to find the third and final inn of Asgard. Again, no reason to stay here... in fact you don't ever need to come back here again. Head back down the steps and take a right, following the path to enter the next section of town. In this area there are a lot of people to talk to, as well as another dog for Colette to name. There's a small house in the area in which you can talk to the woman inside, the larger house has a door in the back right corner that will lead you to a workshop. Nothing to do here yet, but keep it in mind. Now head back outside and up the steps, the house on the right is home to Aisha you've been hearing about. Talk to her, though she doesn't have much to say, than head upstairs and check the phonograph to summon the Wonder Chef. He'll teach you the recipe for Meat Stew, now head back downstairs and leave the house. There's a house next door to Aisha's, you can talk to the man inside, and tucked in between the two houses is a cavern workshop. Finally head up the stairs to find another little house, not much to do here aside from talking. Once you're finished in this part of town, head all the way back to the first part. Now take the remaining path to the north in between the two inns to proceed to the next part of town. Head up the large stairway for a scene. While Raine is going on, and on head behind the Ruin to trigger another scene. Watch a couple of hilarious scenes ^^. Afterwards head back up the stairs for a scene. Now head back to the other section of town with all the homes. Head up the stairs to Aisha's house and enter for a scene. Afterwards you'll be forced out of the house. You have a boss fight coming up, so save and rest if you need to. Now head back to the steps to talk to the Mayor again, watch a series of scenes. After the scenes a Boss fight ensues. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Windmaster HP: 10000 TP: 220 S: Wind W: None EXP: 1325 Gald: 800 Item: Map of Balacruf, Talisman This guy has an even more annoying attack than the Adulovia's Bubble Attack. His swinging wind scythe can quickly drain a character down by about 500 HP, so watch out for it, and keep your healers TP up. If you have Genis in your party, his earth spells will fair well here, as well as Kratos' Earth Dagger you may or may not have customized earlier. All in all he's not that difficult, especially if you upgraded all your gear. Just keep pounding away at him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards a scene. You'll find yourself outside the Cool Breeze Hotel, however, you want to step back inside and stay another night. You should trigger a skit. Afterwards... stay the night... again for another skit. Now then, head over to the residential area part of town and go to Aisha's House for a scene. After the scene, Raine will rejoin your party, and you'll get the map of Balacruf. Now then, you can go around town talking to people if you'd like. When you return to the first part of the city you'll trigger a skit. Before leaving, head back over to the Cool Breeze... yeah, yeah I know. But this is the last time, I promise. Stay the night, and you'll see a scene with Kratos, Agree to go with him. Watch a scene. Now you're finally ready to leave Asgard, so head back to the World Map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Not far from Asgard is the House of Salvation you passed earlier, it's time to go there now. ======================================================================= 33. House of Salvation Dog: Monmon ======================================================================= As per the usual with the Houses of Salvation, talk to the people inside and out, you can save/rest here if you'd like. It's important that you talk to the guy standing in the back of the house on the first floor. This will trigger a scene in just a little bit. Also, make sure that Colette talks to the dog hanging around outside. Once you're done here, head back out to the map. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: An Adult's Sense of Taste Skit Point: Raine, Kratos ======================================================================= Note, that if you get into a battle around here and cook afterwards, when the battle is finished you should trigger a skit. Anyways, if you head along the road leading north of the House of Salvation you'll spot a slope where you can climb up to a raised area. Here you'll find Lake Umacy. Go ahead and enter. You'll see a short scene, and that's about all you can do here for the time being. Now head back outside and head down one of the slopes to the east of the lake. Now head north, you should see a shiny skit point and Nova's Caravan. Let's grab the skit point first. This one is between Lloyd and Raine. Now head over to the Caravan. There isn't much going on here, the family is all abuzz about The Unicorn at the Lake, and Nova will still show the memo about the glowing bird. Nothing to important, so head on outta here. Back on the map head all the way west until you get to a road. From the road go west towards the mountains, you should see a slope leading up to some raised land. Head north along the raised land that's spotted with tons of forest, around here you might find yourself in battle with a mushroom monster. The only way to harm the mushroom is to kill the smaller mushroom offspring first. Just a fair warning. Anyways, once you reach the end of the raised land area you'll find another shiny skit point. This one involves Kratos. Now, I'm sure you've no doubt noticed the large city below you, so now it's time to roll on over there and see what's up. ======================================================================= 34. The City of Hope - Luin Item: Cod, Kelp Recipe: Seafood Stew ======================================================================= Head across the bridge talking to the people along the way, the first building you'll see is the Inn. Head in there to chat, rest, save. You know the drill. However if you do stay the night, you'll trigger a scene. Next door to the inn is a weapon/armory store, and a customizer, though I found most of their wares lacking after having upgraded everything in Asgard, I was still able to upgrade Raine's Weapon. Finish talking with the rest of the people in this area of town, and then head across the bridge in the lower left corner near the shops to move onto the next part of town. The first building in this area is a General Store, stock up if you'd like. Yeah... I know you see that steaming pig, and I know you want to mess with it, so do so. Surprise! Wonder Chef strikes again, and this time he teaches you how to make Seafood Stew. Now head across the bridge to enter the next part of town. When you arrive watch a cute scene ^^. When given the choice, pick whatever you like, though you shouldn't have any problems figuring out which one I picked =p. Anyways, afterwards just talk to the people around the fountain. If you head up the slope next to where you entered from it'll take you back to the first area. So follow Sheena's route to go back to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Item: Technical Ring, Ex Gem Lv.2, Strike Ring Skit Point: Raine, Colettex2 ======================================================================= Head Northwest from Luin, and then west passing the bridge and keep going west you'll find a chest containing a Technical Ring and a shiny skit point. To get to the Skit point, just head down onto the beach and around to the tip of land. This skit is between Lloyd and Raine. Now head back to the bridge you passed earlier and cross over to hit up a marker stone. Alright, now this next point you're going to is out there a ways, so bare with me. You want to head far to the west of Luin, follow the road that's laid out. When it comes to an end, turn west and pass through the mountains and run along the beach south bound. Now when you go as far south as you can go, go north east behind the mountain until you get to the very end. Here you'll find a map marker stone, and a shiny skit involving Colette. Now, along the way here, and back you might encounter enemies called Cockatrice in battles. These enemies are very difficult, not only because of their powerful multi-hit attacks, but also because they can petrify you. If this happens it can of course be cured with a Panacea Bottle, but you'll be out of action until you're healed. Now head all the way back to Luin, then head over to that bridge from earlier, the one next to the marker stone. Cross that and head towards The Tower of Mana (You can't miss it o.o) pass the tower and keep going, you'll find a chest containing an Ex Gem Lv.2. If you head Northeast from Luin, you'll find a Human Ranch. Pass by it and keep going north. By the mountains you should find a narrow passageway leading east, when you're on the other side, head south to a Skit Point. This one involves Colette again. Now it's FINALLY time to move on, so head back to Hakonesia Peak. To the east of Hakonesia Peak you'll spot a bridge that connects to a long strip of island. Cross the bridge and head up the path until you spy a chest containing a Strike Ring. Beyond that tucked in between the mountains is our next destination. ======================================================================= 35. Balacruf Mausoleum - BFM1 Item: 1800 Gald, Beast Fang, Iron Guard, Blue Ribbonx2, Beast Hide, Ex Gem Lv.2 ======================================================================= When you enter, you'll view a short scene, afterwards talk to the people in the area. There's a chest under one of the huts behind a traveler to the left. Once you're done around here, head up the steps to view a couple of scenes. Once you regain control, head over to the right and open a chest. You'll notice a plaque on the east wall, plaques like these are scattered throughout the dungeon and are the key to solving it's puzzle. However, as you'll find out, it's too dark to read it without lighting the nearby torch. If you light the torch though, the wind will blow it out. So you're mission is two fold, first you must stop the winds from blowing out your fires, and secondly you must light the fires to read the plaques. Now then, head back left and up the stairs. You'll see a floor trap here, walk slowly over it to avoid triggering it. Should you trigger it you'll take some fairly hefty damage and it will knock you back, so be careful. Cross over the bridge and light the torch, then read the plaque. Go down and to the left to get to another plaque. You'll see a box just below that, push it over the edge, then head down the stairs to the right, fighting the enemy along the way down to claim a Memory Gem. Once at the bottom, push the box over onto a switch and the wind current will stop. Now head back up and over the bridge back to the first plaque. Now head left and carefully make your way through the closing spike traps. On the other side you'll see another wind current you'll need to take care of. Head up the stairs to the left and up towards another plaque. Now you'll have to make your way past another spike trap. After that, light the two torches to open a doorway, but pass it for now and head down the stairs to the right. Read the plaque and head down towards another box, push it over to the right and onto the switch to stop the currents. Now head up and collect the two treasure chest. Head down to light another torch and collect the chest. Now head all the way back to where the previously active current was disabling you from reading the plaque. Now that you've read all the clues, it's time to move on. Head back towards the stairway you opened earlier, go down the stairs and activate the device to change the function of the ring. Now attempt to head up the stairs for a scene. Now you're in the main puzzle room, and you'll have to use the riddles that were scattered throughout the previous section to solve it. More or less you need to use the wind from the ring to blow the windmills in the correct order. Once you blow a windmill, you can stop it by blowing it again. There are several solutions to be had here, one that allows you to move on, and two others that will provide treasure. Should you not feel like completing this little puzzle on your own, I've provided the answers. First Solution: Red, Green, Yellow, White, Blue Second Solution: Blue, Red, Yellow, White, Green Third Solution: Red, Yellow, Green, White, Blue Now you've unlocked the door to the north, but before going in prepare for a boss fight. If you'd like to go back to the memory circle and save do so. At least make sure you're healed, and if Genis is going into this battle, turn off his Lightning and Air Magics, they'll be useless. When you're ready head up the stairs and watch a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Iapyx HP: 14000 TP: 88 S: Wind, Lightning W: None EXP: 1324 Gald: 2000 Item: Paralysis Charm, Spirit Bangle Like most bosses as of late, moving in close for the kill is deadly, and foolish. It's best to stay back and pound on Iapyx with magic attacks. All of Genis Spells (save for the wind and lightning ones) will do great against this foe, as well as Colette's Angel Feathers. Kratos/Raine should constantly be healing, and whenever you can pull of a few cheap shots with Lloyd, so be it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight watch a scene. Afterwards Colette will learn a new ability called Holy Song. Now make your way back downstairs and head for the exit. But before you can leave you'll be stopped for a scene followed by another boss fight! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Resolute Assassin (Sheena) HP: 4500 HP TP: 164 S: None W: None EXP: 300 Gald: 450 Item: Dark Bottle Boss: Guardian Lightning HP: 5500 TP: 400 S: None W: None EXP: 250 Gald: 250 Item: Fine Pellets, Magic Lens Yeah, I love this tune! Anyways... this fight is quite similar to your last bout with Sheena, so make sure you focus all your efforts on here, and then go after the Guardian when she has fallen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards, a scene. Now exit the ruins for a series of startling scenes. When the scenes have finally concluded, it's time to leave, so make for the world map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now we're off to Luin again, though no one actually told you to go there. ======================================================================= 36. The City of Devastation Luin Skit: Tragedy in Luin, Corrine's Happy Too, Sheena Afraid of Failure ======================================================================= Damn... Well as you might expect, there's not much to be done here. If you try to cross the bridge into the next section of town it'll collapse. So head all the way around to enter the late Fountain Plaza. Watch a depressing scene ;-;. Afterwards a choice... AGREE AGREE AGREE!!!! Finally Sheena will join the party, and now she'll be my on screen character permanently =p (previously was Raine). Afterwards you'll trigger a skit. Afterwards you might want to check out Sheena's Gear and Skills, She comes to you pretty bare boned, so give her what you can for now, but make sure you upgrade her next chance you get. Talk to the old man near the fountain, and afterwards you'll trigger a skit. Run around the fountain area for yet another skit. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now you just need to head over to the Human Ranch you passed earlier. ======================================================================= 37. Asgard Ranch Item: Beast Hide, White Robe, Iron Bracelet ======================================================================= When you enter you'll watch a series of scenes. When you regain control feel free to talk to the Desians. To the right are a series of crates, navigate your way through a little passage in the crates to grab a chest. Head towards the back and down the stairs, head to the back to the control room, talking with the guards along the way. When you enter the control room you'll see a scene. When your back in command head over and grab the chest. Now head down along the walkway next to the convaory belt. When you read the bottom half you'll find a memory circle, save if you'd like. Now go up the other side, take the left path and head up towards the chest. Fight the guard here to get a memory gem, and then claim the treasure. Now head up the path until you trigger a scene. After the scenes, head out of here and back to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Head back to Luin. Simple enough. ======================================================================= 38. Luin ======================================================================= Watch a scene baby! When the choice comes up, pick the first option. Once the scenes are finished, you'll be back in the fountain plaza. If you walk down the bridge to the south of the fountain you'll find a man who tells you someone who escaped the ranch headed for Hima. This is your next destination, but first head back to the other part of town. Talk to the man standing next to the wreckage to trigger a scene. Agree to train with Kratos once more. Afterwards there's nothing left to do in Luin so head for the exit for a scene. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now you're off to Hima, which is far to the west of Luin. You may have passed this area earlier while hunting around the map per my instructions. Just follow along the road until it ends, then head south towards the mountain path leading up into Hima. ======================================================================= 39. The Village of Adventures - Hima Item: Rice, Cheese, Desian's Orb Skit: Kratos... angry? Recipe: Risotto Dog: Boo, Rockie ======================================================================= Head into the village until you spot the Inn (the only building in town...) talk to the people outside and name the dog, than make your way inside the inn. Rest and save if you'd like, then talk to the woman on the stairs for a suspicious scene. Head into the next room and talk to the people here, also examine the pot with the yellow steam coming out of it to discover the Wonder Chef. This time he bestows up you the secrets of Risotto. Now head back outside and talk to Mr. All-in-One Shop next to the inn. Upgrade your equipment in the various shop, things can get a little pricy here with so much equipment for the three ladies of the group. In the customization shop you should be able to make Two Armet Helms. Sadly I didn't have the Slicer Ring for the Stinger Ring, nor did I have any Black Silver for the awesome Red Shield. Something to keep in mind though. Anyways, when you're done here head behind the inn and up the slope. There's a Katz center along the way, and when you reach a certain point you'll trigger a scene. After the scene you'll acquire the Desian's Orb. Make sure you name the dog in the gravesite area, then head up more. When you arrive on the next screen you'll trigger a skit. Keep heading up until you reach the peak, and watch a scene. Now that you're done here, head back down the mountain. You can go to the second floor of the inn now and talk with Sophia and Pietro if you'd like. Other than that, it's time to leave. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Lloyd's Parents ======================================================================= Now it's time to head back to the Human Ranch. You should know the way. When you get close to the ranch you should trigger a skit. ======================================================================= 40. Asgard Ranch Item: Cleric's Hat, Pellets, Lamellar Leather, Ex Gem Lv2, Card of Earth, Stun Charm Skit: The Power of Exspheres ======================================================================= When you enter you'll get a skit. After that, examine the rock for a scene. After the scenes, a battle, and then another scene after the battle. As hinted at in the scenes, you'll have to split your party into two groups. The "Infiltration" Group will be fighting the boss of this area, while the "Deactivation" Group will have to shut down the defense system. The important group here is obviously the Infiltration Group. You have to take Lloyd, and you should know by now that a Healer is mandatory. So I took Kratos based off of story reasons (he said he wanted to go after Kvar, remember?) plus I like Kratos. And my third choice was of course Sheena. You can take whoever you want of course, but go ahead and decide so we can get this show on the road. Once you're split the group, you can head down and talk to the device in the middle of the control room to buy supplies or heal yourself. Now, start by taking the northwest door into the Exsphere storage area. Head all the way down the hall to collect a chest. Head over to the next hall and walk down to the end to pick up two more chest. Head back up the hall and to the left to activate a device. Now return to the control room and take the southwest door. You'll be back in the convaory belt room from your first visit. Head over to the device in front of you to change the function of the sorcerer's ring. Head down and walk along the convaory belt, you have to shoot the cylinders across from you with the ring. When you finish one side, head around to the next. Once you've blown up all the cylinders, the belt will stop. Now head over to the platform area to the left. If you examine the top device it'll explain how to stop the belt (lot of help that was, eh?) Now head up the path to where you're last trip to the ranch ended, head over to the convaory belt to the left and walk up it. Take the stairs up towards the door, ignore it for a minute and collect the chest to the right. Head through the door and clear out the guards here. Head to the north part of the room and unlock the memory circle. Save, then head into the warp. Now you'll be taken to the Deactivation team in the control room. This time take the southeast door out of the control room. In the next room you'll get into a battle, after that examine the door he was guarding to find that it's locked. Now backtrack through the courtyard you went through on your first trip here, head into the crate maze to the right and move the boxes that obscure your path. Enter the door and head into the next area, take a right and head up to a room with a chest and a switch in it. Hit the switch and go into the room on the left. Watch a scene, then head to the left and enter back into the previous area. Grab the chest here then hit the switch. Head back into the prison area and take the south door back into the main area once again. Now go around to each side and fight the Raybits there to trigger the switches. When you trigger the second switch you'll go back to the Infiltration Team. Now then, prepare your group for the upcoming boss battle. Heal, Save, and all that. If Sheena is in your party make sure to equip her with the Card of Earth you found, it gives her a huge boost in attack power. When you're ready step onto the warp again and watch a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Kvar HP:10000 TP: 340 S: Lightning W: None EXP: 1680 Gald: 1500 Item: Holy Ring, EX Gem Lv1 Boss: Energy Stonex3 HP: 5500 TP: 100 S: Everything W: None EXP: 300 Gald: 765 Item: None First and foremost, get those Energy Stones out of the way as fast as possible. After that it's time to pound away on Kvar. With my party of all fighter characters this battle was fairly easy, and fun to boot. Should you have Genis in the group have him use spells aside from Lightning, see as that's what Kvar uses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards watch a scene. All I have to say is Kratos is the man! Ahem... ======================================================================= 41. Asgard Item: Figurine Book, 6 Pellets ======================================================================= After the scenes you'll automatically wind up back at Asgard. You'll find yourself the bastard inn of the group, yeah the one I said to never go back to. Oh well, guess it can't be helped. Before heading out, return to the stone dais atop the long stairway. Here you'll find that annoying imposter group again. Watch a scene and then agree to let the poor fool go. After another free rest at the luxurious Cool Breeze hotel, go over to Harley's House and head into his workshop. Talk to him for a scene, then you'll receive the Figurine Book and 6 Pellets. To use these items you'll need to visit Dirk back in Iselia, but all in good time. You'll be going back there before long, so don't fret. There's nothing else to do in Asgard, so head out to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Avenge ======================================================================= Once you're on the world map, you'll get a skit. Now you're off to Luin once more, head into the fountain plaza and talk to the traveler man. He needs an escort to Hima, agree to escort him and you'll be taken to Hima. ======================================================================= 42. Hima Item: Tower Key Skit: Born to save the World ======================================================================= When you arrive head forward to trigger a scene, then go to the inn for a scene. Head into the inn and stay a night to trigger a skit. Now when you're ready, talk to the traveler man again to get back to Luin quickly. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Once back in Luin, head back to the world map. Your next stop is the Mana Tower that you've no doubt seen while traversing the area. In case you don't know where it is though, head towards the bridge near Luin, cross is to the east, and then head north around the mountain. When you turn the corner you'll see the tower for a certainty. ======================================================================= 43. Tower of Mana Item: Armet Helm, Moon Robe, Lunar Guard, Ex Gem Lv2x2, Stinger Ring, Iron Mail, Boltzman's Book Skit: Splitting up is Worrisome, Hurry and Regroup ======================================================================= Enter and watch a scene, use the key you got in Hima to open the door. Enter and watch a scene, and once again you will have to split your party. Lloyd and Colette have to go together with one other party member. Once again, it would be wise to take a healer with you. This time I choose Raine. Proceed up the stairs, fight the enemies along the way, one of them will drop the memory gem. When you finally reach the top there will be a chest, open it and then head through the doorway. In the next room you will discover the way the puzzles in this dungeon work. First use the Sorcerer Ring to burn the read curtain in the back of the room. Now that light is shining through you have to use that light by harnessing it in the special block nearby. Push the block into the middle of the room so that the light is shining out of both the left and right sides and is hitting both sides of the room. When it's in the correct position you'll hear a jingle and the door will open. In the next room head up and unlock the memory circle, save. Then examine the tablet next to the entrance for a short scene. This will allow you to switch your parties. Once in control of the second party you can go back to the first by examining the object in the middle of the room. Now head up the stairs and you'll enter a similar looking puzzle room. Again, use the ring to burn the curtain than push the block into place. Now head up through the newly opened doorway. You'll now be in the room below your other party. Head all the way north to find three chest and a memory circle. Now you have to solve this big room's puzzle. Start by heading all the way back down and to the left to burn the red curtain. Now if you linger around the area a bit you should trigger a skit. Anyways, let's get started here. Push the bottom right block into place so that it shines all the way up to the northern most bulb. From there use the two slanted boxes to bounce the light off of each other and push the double sided box in between the two bulbs. The light should hit the double sided box and fill both bulbs. Now if that was a little complicated (and it may be because I didn't note the original locations of the boxes) here is a little diagram. |-|<<<|-| v O v ^ v ^ v ^ O<<<|-|>>O ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|-| Credit for this little ASCII Diagram goes to A I e x's guide on GameFAQs. I hope he doesn't mind that I used it o.o Once you solve the puzzle you'll hear the jingle and a bridge will be formed on the upper levels. Now it's time to make your way up there. Enter the door at the top of the puzzle room and open the chest in the next room, then head to the right door and enter the next room. Head down in this room and you'll reach another series of stairs. When you reach the top, enter the door and head into the next room. In this room just head left into the next. Here you'll find two more treasure chest to claim. After grabbing the loot, head across the bridge you made for a scene. Now you'll take control of the first group again, a light bridge will appear for you to cross. So save and make your way across, and up, and across, and up, and across once more. Phew. On your way though, you might trigger a skit, make sure to stop and view it before meeting up with the rest of your party. You'll see a scene and be reunited with your party, now prepare for the boss, if you're going to include Colette in your party (and you should) make sure to outfit her with the elite gear you found throughout the tower for her. Now enter the warp for a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Iubaris HP: 16,800 TP: 1500 S: Fire, Lightning, Light W: Dark EXP: 2650 Gald: 2500 Item: Brass This boss has some pretty powerful close range attacks, so it might be best to use a party that focuses more on long range attacking. Genis is a key player in this battle, just make sure he isn't using Lightning or Fire Magic though. Lloyd will be all to busy trying to keep the beast away from your long range attacks, but with Raine or Kratos healing him he should be alright. Make sure to refill Genis' TP with Gels as needed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards a somewhat different scene then what you're used to will commence. Afterwards Colette will learn the skill Sacrifice. It would be in your best interest to turn this skill off... though I don't think the AI would use it very often, or at all. But why risk it, eh? Anyways, head back into the warp and make your way down to the bottom of the tower. Back at the entrance check the bookshelf in the northwest corner to obtain the Boltzman's Book you came here for. Watch a short scene in which you learn your next destination, than go around the room and read the rest of the books on the shelves if you'd like. When you attempt to leave watch a rather startling series of scenes. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Lloyd's Bad Habit ======================================================================= Head over to Lake Umacy where you saw the Unicorn before, remember? Just in case you forgot, it's southeast from the remains of the Human Ranch. Enter and watch a scene, once that's over head back to the world map and you should trigger a skit. Now head for Hakonesia Peak, and pass through it to the other side. Now head for the Thoda Island Boat Docks. ======================================================================= 44. Temple of Water Item: Aquamarine Skit: The Pursuit of Strength, Summoner Sheena ======================================================================= When you enter the boat dock, stand around for a second and you should trigger a skit. Afterwards "Mastering" will be added to the training manual. Now cross over to Thoda Island, head up to the Temple of Water and enter. Head all the way through the temple to the end again. If you need any instructions just go to the previous Temple of Water walkthrough (TOW1) Make sure you prepare yourself for the Boss before entering the warp that leads to the seal room. You need to have Sheena in you're party, but I'd also recommend Lloyd, Genis, and Raine. Genis and Raine can stay in the back and attack/support from a safe distance, while Sheena and Lloyd are on the front lines. Turn off any Water/Ice Spells, and when you're ready, enter the warp and watch a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Undine HP: 13000 TP: 320 S: Water, Ice W: None EXP: 2110 Gald: 765 Item: Guardian Symbol Ouch, this broad packs a punch. Not only do her physical attacks hurt, but her magic really hurts! That's why it's important to keep Genis and Raine (or Colette if you took her) in the back while you're melee characters try to hold her off. You NEED a healer in this battle, no questions about it. If Raine knows Nurse that'll help a lot. Try to make use of your defense skills to try and soften the blow of some of her attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the rough battle, pat yourself on the back and watch a scene. Afterwards you'll acquire Aquamarine, Sheena will learn S. Seal: Water and Summon: Water. Not bad, not bad at all. Now it's time to leave this place for good. When you head back through the warp you'll get a skit. Now head back through and out of the temple, back to the docks, and finally out to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now you have to head all the way back to Lake Umacy. ======================================================================= 45. Lake Umacy Item: Unicorn Horn Title: Grand Healer (Raine) ======================================================================= Enter the lake for a fairly humorous scene ^^. Afterwards watch a few more scenes, during which you shall acquire the Unicorn Horn. A few more scenes in which Raine will learn the ridiculously useful skill Resurrection, and gain the title of Grand Healer. Now that you're done here head back out to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= We're off to Hima once more, you know the way. ======================================================================= 46. Hima Skit: Why is Colette..., Do Goddesses get sick? ======================================================================= Enter Hima and walk forward towards the inn for a scene. When it's over enter the inn. Stay a night at the inn to trigger a skit. Afterwards head upstairs and into the room for a scene. Now that you've save Pietro you can start a little side quest that will span for the entire rest of the game. The Side Quest is called The Restoration of Luin, and from now on Peitro will be accepting donations to help rebuild the ruined city. This event is so big that I made as well post it's own portion in the Side Quest section, but you can start now and it'll keep going until the end of the game. So don't worry if you're short on funds right now. Anyways...if you'd like the details on this check out The Restoration of Luin (ROL1) section in The Side Quest Section. Once you're done here it's time to tie up some loose ends before going onto The Tower of Salvation. Before leaving the room with Pietro, you should trigger a skit. After that you're done in Hima for now, so stock up and head for the exit for a scene. Ignore talking to the Dragon Guy at the Peak for now, this will take you to the last part of the first disc, and we don't want to do that yet. Instead talk to the traveler guy again to return to Luin. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= When you arrive in Luin, if you'd like to take part in the Restoration side quest feel free. Otherwise head outside. Now you're off to the Balacruf Mausoleum once more in order to get another summon spirit. ======================================================================= 47. Balacruf Mausoleum Item: Opal ======================================================================= Alright, head inside the dungeon and navigate your way all the way back to where the seal room is. Now before heading up to the altar in the seal room prepare yourself for the boss. It would be wise to set your character's attack strategy to "Attack Same" seeing as how there are three bosses in this battle, and you'll want to knock that number down ASAP. You NEED Raine, really... it's not even funny how bad you'll need her excellent healing arts, though you might want to turn Nurse OFF... really, it takes a long ass time to cast. So then I'd take her along with Lloyd and Sheena, and for the last character Colette. Colette Angel Feather's always helps, and her Holy Song will help a lot as well. When you're ready, take a deep breath and head towards the altar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Fairess HP: 6190 TP: 250 S: Wind W: None EXP: 690 Gald: 285 Itme: Saffron Boss: Yutis HP: 6480 TP: 80 S: Wind W: None EXP: 770 Gald: 290 Item: Sage Boss: Sephie HP: 7320 TP: 220 S: Wind W: None EXP: 880 Gald: 320 Item: Savory Wow... this fight is HARD. You can easily have your entire party wiped out as soon as the battle even begins. It's very important that you take down one of the Sylphs as fast as you possibly can. Man, take out Fairess(with the shield) first, she is by far the most annoying and deadly out of all the bosses. Her spells hurt everyone and she just generally makes life miserable. She may have high defense, but she also has the lowest HP. After you drop that wench move onto Sephie (with the sword) as she also does a lot of damage. Once you have the battle down to just Yutis, it's as good as won. Though don't get cocky, your party members are no doubt weary, and she does still posses enough power to drop them. Remember you can (and should) summon Undine if at all possible (Sheena has to be in Overlimit to Summon Spirits) and use items! While Raine is healing with magic, you can have someone using items! Don't be stingy either, I used 6 life bottles throughout the fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Phew... Let's never do that again, shall we? Anyways... after the battle will be a scene and you'll obtain an Opal, and Sheena will learn S. Seal: Wind, and Summon: Wind. Now get out of this hell hole for good. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Just Another Pact, Chicken or the Egg ======================================================================= When you leave the Mausoleum you should get a skit. Afterwards head over to the House of Salvation if you need to heal up (I'm sure you do) then it's off on a long journey back to Iselia. To get back to Iselia you have to head all the way northwest from The House of Salvation, passing Luin via crossing the bridge. Keep heading west along the road and you'll see Nova's Caravan, keep heading west past the Caravan until you get to a bridge. Recognize the area? This is where I told you to yield from going any farther once upon a time ago. Well, even if you don't remember keep heading south. Once across the bridge you might trigger a skit. Just keep heading south and eventually you will reach the ole' Ossa Trail. Now you must know where you are! Ooooh yeah... how about that Skull inside the cave? Let's pay him a visit. ======================================================================= 48. Ossa Trail ======================================================================= If you didn't beat the Skull Earlier on in the game, now's your chance. With levels that dwarf those of your previous visit you will be able to rape the poor fiend. Head into the cave and all the way to the back where you'll find the Skull sitting there. Talk to him to challenge him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: ?????? (Sword Dancer) HP: 8000 While you'll be able to take down the Bosses less than impressive 8000 HP with relative ease, he can still do some pretty hefty damage. So make sure you either have Kratos or Raine in your party (Frankly, I don't see why you wouldn't ever have one of them in your party) Just keep pounding away on him until he falls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards you'll receive the Yata Mirror and the skull will vanish. The creatures name is Sword Dancer (you can check the Monster Manual now and it'll say as much) so from now on the Skull will be named as such. Now head back through the Ossa Trail to Iselia. On your way out examine the trap door with Sheena for a funny comment ^^ ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now that your back in the desert, head on over to Triet to stock up on items and check with the fortune teller to see how things are going with your crew. It's crucial that you stock up here because you have another difficult boss battle coming up. Once you're done in Triet head north towards Iselia and head into Iselia Forest. Head through Iselia Forest and then over to Dirk's House. ======================================================================= 49. Dirk's House Item: Ex Gem Lv3, Metal Sphere, Onion, Exsphere Shard ======================================================================= Dirk's House is the location of one of the more difficult Side Quest in the game to complete. If you visited Harley in Asgard as per my instructions and picked up the Figurine Book, head on in and talk to Ole Dirk for a scene. When give the choice, go ahead. Then you can read the Explanation. More or less, you can use items called Pellets you collect throughout your journey to make Figures. This process is both complex and simple in it's own right. Complex in knowing when to make what, with what. And simple in it's just a matter of using some Pellets to make a damn figurine. None the less, the Quest is so large that is has a special section in Side Quest for you to check out if you so desire. Check out Figurine Book (FGB1) for details on starting this Side Quest now, or making plans for the long run. Regardless of what you do, talk to Dirk to get a boat load of goodies including an Ex Gem Lv.3! When you're ready to leave, head back to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now head all the way back to Triet. If you need to rest jump into to Triet and head for the inn. After staying the night get back out onto the map and make your way over to the Triet Ruins. ======================================================================= 50. Triet Ruins Item: All-Divide, Spirit Bottle, Garnet ======================================================================= Head down into the dungeon itself and make your way towards the seal room. But wait... on the way... oh yeah! Remember that chest that you couldn't open so long ago? Well brace yourself for a battle and open it now to confront a tough monster called a Fake. You'll need to use magic to harm this thing at all, so make sure Genis is in the party for the battle. The Fake will drop an All-Divide and you'll get a Spirit Bottle after the bout. Now make your way towards the Seal Warp and SAVE. Now prepare for one helluva boss fight. You can use the same party as you used against the Sylphs (Lloyd, Sheena, Raine) and you can either use Colette or Genis. If you go with Genis make sure to turn off his Fire Spells. Heal up and brace yourself, then head into the warp. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Efreet HP: 18000 TP: 850 S: Fire W: None EXP: 2430 Gald: 945 Item: Attack Symbol Efreet isn't nearly as hard as The Sylphs were, but he can still give you a run for your money. His fire magic is so devasting he can reduce a damn near 2k HP Lloyd to nothingness should he get caught in the blast. The best thing to do is just to pound on Efreet while Raine heals, if you should need more assistance have Genis use items to revive, heal, or restore tp. If you can help it, when you see Efreet casting magic (Especially Explosion) try to run away as fast as you can and guard. Just keep at it and he'll fall. Should you get the chance to summon Undine you will really bring the hurt down on this bad boy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards you'll watch a pretty funny scene and than obtain a Garnet, and Sheena will learn S. Seal: Fire, and Summon: Fire. Now you're done here for good, so head back out to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Once again, stop by Triet if you need to rest and/or restock. Once you're done it's time to make the trek all the way back to Hima. ======================================================================= 51. Hima Item: Assassin's Ring ======================================================================= Alright, we're head to a point of no return, so make sure you have a back up save, because you can't leave this next area until you've completed it. And if you find yourself in a bind... well things won't be pretty. So prepare, save, do any of the above side quest, or anything else you might have forgotten, then head to the summit of Hima for a scene. After the scenes, Lloyd will be by himself. Now you can go around Hima and talk to all of your party members. First up is Sheena who is standing right next to you. Next up outside of the inn you'll see Colette and Raine. IMPORTANT: Leave Colette for last. So the next person to talk to would be Raine. To the right you'll find Genis. Now head up the mountain path towards the gravesite to talk to Kratos. After talking to Kratos once, talk to him again for the final training sequence. Once you've talk to everyone else, go talk to Colette. You'll view some scenes, including a fairly interesting one. During one of the scenes you'll pick up the Assassin's Ring. After the scenes head back to the peak. Watch a scene and then choose who you want to ride with, you should know who I picked =p. ======================================================================= 52. The Tower of Salvation ======================================================================= When you arrive with the person you rode with, you'll meet up with your other party members and watch a scene. Now head through the door and head up the bridge for a scene. Afterwards head over to the warp and watch some startling scenes. During the scenes Colette will learn the skill Judgment. So begins a series of three consecutive boss fights, the first you have to win, the second you don't have to, and the third you can't. These bosses are spoilers so here's you warning. For strategies on them scroll down past the spoiler warnings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Remiel HP: 16000 TP: 258 S: Light W: None EXP: 2795 Gald: 1840 Item: EX Gem Lv.1, Rune Bottle You should use the same strategies you used against the Summon Spirit Bosses, even though Remiel isn't near as tough. Of course he's pretty difficult in his own respect, so just make sure Raine keeps everyone healthy, and if you need to use items do so. Though try to reserve at least some for the next boss, even though you don't HAVE to win that one, you should. Anyways... just pound away on Remiel with your best techs. He's strong to Light Spells, so avoid having Raine use Photon and the like (don't know why you'd waste TP on them anyways). After the battle make sure you Cook! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch even more startling scenes! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Kratos HP: 22500 TP: 1500 S: Light W: None EXP: 3280 Gald: 2900 Item: EX Gem Lv.3, Life Bottle This is a very difficult battle to win, and the fact that you don't even have to win it might persuade you to give up from the get go. Even still, I like to beat him. You will need to use tons of healing items and spells, and guarding techs to withstand Kratos' onslaught. The man who once fought beside you will hold no punches in this bout. Kratos is harder than any boss you've faced thus far, you'll have to fight for this victory, tooth and nail. But keep at it, play cautions, and be patient. You can do it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards watch some more scenes. Things are really getting crazy around here eh? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Yggdrasill HP: 40000 TP: 3000 S: Light W: Dark EXP: 3000 Gald: 0 Item: None For one, don't worry about losing this battle, you can't win. The only way you'll be able to win is by replaying the game and using the benefits that come with a Replay Game. Otherwise... no, it ain't gonna happen. Yggrdrasill may be a pretty boy, but a pretty boy that can kick your ass. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After your inevitable defeat watch even more scenes. ======================================================================= 53. Sylvarant Base Item: EX Gem Lv.2, Straw Hat, Protect Ring Skit: Lloyd's Humiliated, Betrayer Kratos, Yggdrassil's Aim ======================================================================= Watch some more lengthy scenes that recap and explain all of these events unfolding around us. Once you're in control again head to the right and up (it's the only way you CAN go) head down the stairs and enter the next room. Here you'll find a vending machine which can restore your health, and you can restock on general items here as well. When you cross over the bridge to the right you should get a skit. When you're on the other side of the room you'll find a memory circle. Save, then head into the door on the right. In the next room, head up and around the boxed platform to trigger another skit. Now circle around and head towards the Sorcerer's Ring Device. You should trigger yet another skit. Now examine the device to change the function of the Sorcerer's Ring. Now you must solve another puzzle in this large room. Start by heading up the stairs near the entrance and make your way across the platform south until you reach another set of stairs leading down to the southern part of this room. You want to push the two creates onto the panel with the pink lights surrounding it. Position them so that they make a bridge to the raised platform with the box on it. Cross the make shift bridge and push the new box onto the floor below. Now push two of the boxes into a bridge formation on the east side of the room, and a final box bringing the now accessible platform to the platform with the treasure chest on it. Now head up the stairs and cross over the box bridges to reach the loot. Now head back down and push the blue box onto the blue panel to open a stairway. Before going down the stairs push the two remaining boxes back over onto the pink light panel. This time however, line them up vertically. Now head down the stairs. Down in this odd looking room you'll find a control panel to the left that has no power. Head up a bit to the electric cylinder just north of the control panel and fire an electric charge from your Sorcerer's ring. Now activate the switch to bring the boxes from above down. Cross over the box bridge to the other side of the room. On the south side of the room you'll find another electric cylinder, shoot it then head up the stairs to activate the control console. This will drain the water in the room. Head back down the stairs, but before crossing back over to the north side of the room, head behind the control console and find a hidden chest. Now cross back over and push the blue box over the edge. Cross back over to the south side of the room and head down the stairs. Push the blue box onto the blue panel to open the gate ahead of you. Shoot the electric cylinder here to unlock the door in the south part of the room. Enter the door for a scene. Hey! Remember this room? Sure you do. Now head to the west and take the north passage to get to the hanger. After some scenes you'll be in Tethe'alla! ======================================================================= 54. Fooji Mountains Item: EX Gem Lv.2, Cool Orbit, Card of Fire, Misty Robe Skit: Don't Give Up, I'm a Hypocrite, They're Elves, Flying, Angel Yggdrassil, Tethe'alla's Chosen, Kratos Our Enemy ======================================================================= Watch some more scenes here, afterwards stand around for a moment to trigger a skit. Run around the wrecked Rheairds to get another skit. Now then, start making your way down the mountain by head south until you get to a memory circle. Save if you'd like then proceed down the path. On the next screen you should get another skit. Head down the path and collect the first chest you come upon, then keep going. Before long you should get yet another skit. Keep heading down the beaten path and before long... you'll get another skit. Eventually you'll find two treasure chests near each other along the path, collect them and keep going. Not long after grabbing those chests you should get another skit. And even before you can take a few more steps you'll probably get another skit, if not... give it a couple more steps. You'll come to a fork in the road marker by a tree. Instead of heading south to exit the mountain, head left along the path to get a treasure. If you head down south past the tree you'll trigger a scene. ======================================================================= World Map Item: Super Pellets, Anti-Magic Bottle, Reverse Doll Skit: Angry Noishe, Lloyd Confesses His Love Skit Point: Raine ======================================================================= Ah finally out of the land of infinite skits... oh wait here's another skit. Now then, before running on over to Meltokio, take time to explore this new land. If you head far to the east of Fooji Mountain, and a bit north towards the coast line you'll find a skit point involving Raine. Head west along the Coast until you see a building, this is a House of Guidance. These are similar to the Houses of Salvation in Sylvarant except...they charge 600 a night. Sheesh. There's not much to do here other than talk with the locals or get ripped off. There is a trader here who will trade you items for Grade Points... don't really know WHY he's here, but he is. Anyway, step outside to get another skit. Head west from the House of Guidance to reach a mapstone marker. Now head back to Fooji Mountain to better position yourself for these directions. Head south from the mountain and you'll find a chest containing some Super Pellets. Head directly west from here, heading along the road, and then behind some mountains until you find a chest containing an Anti-Magic Bottle. Now head north towards the capital city (it's fairly large, hard to miss) but before heading in search the forest to the west of it for another chest, finding this well hid chest will net you a Reverse Doll. When you're finally ready, enter The Capital City of Meltokio. ======================================================================= 55. The Imperial City - Meltokio Item: Beef, Onion, Fruitx2 Skit: Tethe'alla the Flourishing World, Intellectual Hunnies Recipe: Steak, Fruit Cocktail ======================================================================= Watch a scene, and... NO!!! OH GOD NO!!! ;-;. Okay... let me get a grip here... Ahem. *Whines* You'll get a skit after you see the name of the city displayed. Head through the gate for a scene. I couldn't help but laugh at this scene. Anyways, if you talk to the man standing by the stairs he'll tell you about the different areas in the city. Now head to the right and enter the first building. This is the inn, so rest and save if you'd like, then talk with all the people. Now head back outside and head left past the man at the stairs and into the next part of the city. Talk to the people here, then enter the first building you see. This is a General Item store, so stock up if you need to. You'll notice there are a lot more items here than any of the stores you've been to so far. These are all very good, though very expensive items. You might consider picking some up, but it isn't required. Not now anyway. The Katz Center for this city is also located inside this store, but I hardly involve myself with them. Head up behind the item shop to talk to the people here if you'd like. Now return to the entrance and walk up the stairs for a scene with the man they call Zelos. Haha, pretty funny scene all in all. Talk with the people in the square than head to the east. Enter the first building in this area to find the Weapon Shop, and the Customizer. You might want to wait and come back here before leaving the city... you'll see why. But before you leave, check out the Cat in the back of the store. The Wonder Chef is not one to be stopped by alternative worlds, and so, here he is in Tethe'alla to teach you how to make Steak! Now leave the shop and talk to all the people outside, then go ahead and enter the Coliseum. Talk to the people here, then check the bulletin board on the right side of the room, "Other Tips" will be added to your Training Manual. The Coliseum is a Side Quest you're no doubt interested in, however you can't fight any of the bouts right now. So then, head back to the central area where you bumped into Zelos. This time cross the bridge over to the right and you'll find the armorer. Again, it'd be in your best interest to come back here before leaving Meltokio. Now go back down the stairs to the area below and take the right path, going past the inn. Go north into the Elemental Research Laboratory. You can talk to the people in here for a bit of information, though not much. When you're finished with that, head back outside and take the lower right path into another section of the city. This is the slums, and in the slums there's pretty much nothing to do save for talking with the people. So once that's over with return to the city square once more. Now head up the stairs into the next area. Man this city is big eh? Anyway, talk to the people around here, then head to the building on the left. This is the Church of Martel, there's not much to do here right now, but you'll be coming back here real soon, so keep it in mind. Head back outside and take the lower right path to the next screen. There's nothing to do in the first building to the left so ignore it, talk to the people as you make your way along the path. Go into the next building you come across on the left, and head upstairs. Head down the hall and... what's that? In the corner, well let's examine it and find out. Wonder Chef!? Again. You better believe it, and this time he's going to teach you how to make a Fruit Cocktail. Now head back outside and finish talking to the people in this area. When you're done, head back to the previous area. Now then, head up the stairs towards the big castle doors and talk to the guards for a scene. You'll be denied entrance, so head for the church. Head up the alie and talk to the old man standing in front of the altar for a scene. Here you'll meet my second favorite character Presea <3. Exit the church for a bit of a funny scene. Follow after Presea for another scene. Now Presea will join the party, this almost makes up for the loss suffered when we entered this damn town. ;-;. Anyways, you can go around and explore the palace now if you'd like. There's not much to do here, save for talking to all the people. When you're ready head to the top floor and try to enter the Royal Chambers. You'll trigger a series of scenes and then you'll be free to roam the Palace some more if you'd like. When you're ready to move on, exit the castle and head over to the Church again. Talk to Zelos for a scene and then Zelos will join the party. Wooboy, this city is hoppin, but now you're done... except for doing your shopping (see why I told you to wait?) You'll notice that Zelos is a lot like Kratos... so you have another Healer/Fighter again. Cool Beans. Also, Zelos comes with the EX Skill Personal already learned. What's interesting about this is that whenever Zelos is the on screen character he will flirt with every female you talk to. There's a good chance they'll give you an item when you do! There's a special in title in store for you should you talk to every woman in the world. More on this in the titles section though. Him and Presea come in with some pretty lousy equipment, so make sure to gear them up at the shops. So let's head on over there and see what we can do (boy this is gonna hurt the ole' wallet) Head on over to the Weapon/Customizer shop first. If you check with the Customizer you will see that you can buy some of these items in the Weapon shop, so don't waste your precious materials. I was lacking any Black Silver which would have been extremely useful in getting a Gale Staff, and a Red Shield. In the weapon shop you might as well pick up an Ogre Sword, Ray Thrust, and Silver Sword. Now then, head over to the Armory. Man... I wasn't even able to afford everything here. I barely made away with Two Splint Mails, Two Elven Protectors, and a Striped Ribbon. If you're in the same situation I am (or worse) we're gonna need to do some money making. If not... I envy you. Well then... if you have enough money go stay at the inn to trigger a skit. Then we're done here. The sooner the better I'd say. Head for the exit. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Head along the path to the Tethe'alla Bridge, you can't miss it! ======================================================================= 56. Tethe'alla Bridge Skit: Nicknames, Ozette and Colette Title: Strategist (Genis) ======================================================================= When you enter watch a scene, afterwards head up the bridge. When you talk to the first man on the left you'll get a scene. On the next screen you'll see Sea Katz, don't talk to it yet, instead wait around for a bit and you should trigger a skit. Now then, talk to Sea Katz to begin a new mini game called Red Light/Green Light. I'm sure you know of it. ----------------- Mini Game: Red Light/Green Light -------------------- Red Light/Green Light is just like the classic children's game that you may have played before. To control Genis you must press the A Button repeatedly to move forward, the same holds true for moving left and right, except in that case you hold down R to go right, and L to go left. You can quit the game at anytime by pressing start. To complete the game you'll have to win three rounds in a row, this can be kind of difficult because if get hit by a child behind you you'll get thrown back a bit. The best way to win is to try and move out of the way of the children by heading to one of the sides of the bridge, then rapidly press a to move forward, when the Katz starts to turn around, press start, then cancel. No matter what you're doing, you'll stop moving, so this is a little trick that will keep you from getting caught. It might take you a few times, and it can get frustrating, but the reward is a new title for Genis the "Strategist". If you come back later in the game you can win all three rounds again to get a special weapon for Genis. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After a while of failing at Red Light/Green Light (if you're like me -_-) you should get another skit. After either winning or giving up in disgust cross the bridge. ... Finally. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Similar ======================================================================= When you arrive on the world map you should trigger a skit. Now head over to the town not far from the bridge to reach Sybak. ======================================================================= 57. The University Town - Sybak Item: Rice, Egg, Tethe'alla Map Recipe: Fried Rice Title: Ill-fated Girl (Colette) Skit: Curiosity of the Unknown, Sheena's Spell ======================================================================= When you enter you'll be treated to a scene. Talk to the people in the center of town. The first building to the right of the entrance is the inn, so head on in there. When you're done in there head back outside and check out the shop stands in the central area of town next to the Academic Resources Building. There's even more expensive stuff here that you probably can't afford right now *sigh*. Now head into the Resources building and talk to the peeps around here. On the right side of the building, in the back of the room is an attractive looking stack of magazines just begging to be examined. Do so and you'll find that mysterious little Wonder Chef again. This time he'll tell you how to make Fried Rice. Now leave the resource building and take the southwest path past the man to enter the Academy area. Head into the Academy for a scene. During the scenes you'll get a new title for Colette "Ill-fated Girl" kind of a depressing title, ne? After the scenes you can freely explore the Academy. It's a fairly large place, so it may take a while to fully explore. When you're done, head back outside and make your way back to the city's center. Talk to the junk merchant next to the shops for a scene. Now head back to the Academy and talk to the man at the door for a scene. Now head back to the room you were in earlier, if you don't remember where it is just go west into the hall, it's the second door you come across. Watch a scene, then leave the room and head back to the entrance for a scene. Man... this really sucks eh? Anyways... keep watching these revealing scenes. Woohoo!!! During the scenes Sheena will rejoin the party and you'll get the Tethe'alla Map. Before leaving the room, walk around and you should trigger a skit. Now head out of the secret passage, and make your way back to the center of town. Before leaving this screen however you should trigger another skit. Now leave Sybak. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Hurry along the Tethe'alla Bridge, Half-Elves in Tethe'alla ======================================================================= Head back over to the Tethe'alla bridge, when you enter you should get a skit. Now hurry up along the bridge until you get to a scene and a battle. Afterwards you'll watch another scene and then Raine and Genis will rejoin the crew. Now head back onto the world map for a skit. If you stop by Meltokio you'll see a scene. You'll be denied access from the city, but one of the guards will sell you items. Whenever you're ready to move on, head back over to the Fooji Mountains. ======================================================================= 58. Fooji Mountains Skit: A Girl Who Lost Her Heart, We're Alike ======================================================================= When you enter watch a scene, then start the long hike up the mountain. Be wary though, for the monsters on the mountain have grown a lot stronger since your last visit. When you get to the top, make sure you save and heal up at the memory circle. You've got a boss fight coming up. The boss is weak to Light Attacks, so putting Colette and Raine in your party would be a good idea. When you're ready head towards the crash site for a scene, followed by a boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Pronyma HP: 18000 TP: 750 S: Dark W: Light EXP: 3000 Gald: 1500 Item: Rosemary, EX Gem Lv.2 Not to brag but... I really spanked this broad hard. Between the Onslaught of Lloyd and Sheena she barely had the chance to do much. Things slow down a bit when the TP dropped, but Raine was there healing, and Colette was laying waste with Angel Feathers and Judgment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle watch a startling scene. Followed by some more, light hearted scenes. Things are definitely looking up now. Now then, head all the way back down Fooji... *sigh* On your way down, you should trigger a skit. When you get close to the exit, you'll trigger another skit (something about this mountain and skits...) Now exit the mountain. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= You should head over to the House of Guidance to rest. After that head over to Meltokio ======================================================================= 59. Meltokio Sewers Item: EX Gem LV.2, Spirit Ring, EX Gem Lv.3, Great Ax, Breastplate, EX Gem Lv.1, 2500 Gald, Thunderbolt, Card of Lightning, Elixir ======================================================================= When you enter watch a scene. Now you'll be in the Sewers of Meltokio, and your next dungeon, so let's get crackin. Now head up the path until you get to a dead end where you'll find the Sorcerer's Ring Terminal. The ring bestows upon you a mighty strange power this time, the power to shrink yourself. Shrink yourself down and head to the left of the Ring Terminal to find a small ledge you can walk across. Enter the hole at the end and... WOAH!!! Sheesh... try to avoid the rat and grab the bag for a treasure. Shrink yourself down and walk across the spider-web near you. Head up the stairs and fight the monster here to gain a memory gem. *NOTE*: Avoid battles while in mini mode, the monsters will be bigger than your characters and will have twice as much power as they normally do. Head along the path and down the stairs, hidden under the stairwell is a chest. Head back up the stairs and follow the path to a stairway and you'll see a scene. Afterwards grab the chest under the stairs. Head up the stairs and you'll find an interesting device. Shrink down and enter the hole to the left of the Garbage Compactor and grab another bag. Now it's time for a little puzzle. Activate the machine to form a cube, you'll notice little slits around the edges of this upper platform, you'll need to push a box into these slits. One box in the middle slit on the left side, and two at the bottom. Now head back down the stairs and make your way over to the block bridge. Shrink yourself down and make your way across, then examine the blue valve to open the door above. Head for the newly opened door and enter the next area. Directly ahead of you, you'll find a sealed memory circle. Unlock it and save if you'd like, then head down the stairs to the right of you. Head across the blue panel and shrink, then examine under the stairs for a chest, now head back up the stairs. Head toward the memory circle, then left and down the stairs. You'll find a box here, shrink down and jump in it. Examine the red valve to open the top door in this room. Shrink down and make your way back across the way and head up to the door you just opened. Now it's time for a slightly more difficult puzzle. Start off by making another cube. Push this cube along the catwalk until you get to a corner (don't push it over the edge!) Now, shrink yourself and walk across the web, make yourself big and pull the cube towards you one time. Shrink again and cross back over the web, make yourself big and start pushing the cube again. Push the cube to the right until you get to another corner, this time push it off. Now head back into the previous room and make your way downstairs entering the door under the stairs. Take this time to head to the north part of the room and up the stairs. Along the north wall right next to the stairway you'll find another hole. Shrink and enter for another bag. Head back to the room's entrance and head down the stairs, now follow the path, heading across the box you made, and into the opening on the left. Head up the stairs and walk between the bars of the cage, then make yourself big and open it. Now head all the way back to the second garbage compactor and make another cube. Push the cube along the catwalk, shrinking when needed. You want to bring the cube to the fourth corner you come across, and push it over the edge so that it lands in front of the cage. Now, as you might have guessed, head back to the cage. Push the cube into the center of the cage to complete a bridge to the west. Now head back to the second garbage compactor once more and make the final block. You wanna take this one all the way to the end of the catwalk and push it over the ledge to the right. Now make your way all the way back down, and towards the area where you shrunk and entered the hole. You'll find your box around here, so push it down towards the hole, and through the slit. Head down to the bridge you completed earlier, head across it, then down the stairs to find a narrow path and your block. Cross the path to get to the yellow valve that'll open the door in this room. Now then, make your way back to the memory circle and make sure to save, then head along the path to the door you just opened. In this room grab the chest then head down the stairs. Head up the path, past the blue panels, then shrink and enter the hole to the right. Exit the hole, and watch out for the rats, cross the thin path at the back of the room behind the water falls and enter another hole on the other side. Before you come to the blue panels make sure you're healed up because you have a boss fight coming up. When you touch the blue panels you'll see a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Convictx3 HP: 6300 TP: 300 S: None W: None EXP: 300 EXP Gald: 150 Item: None Hardly a Boss Battle I suppose, maybe a Mini-Boss... or just some unique monsters? Huh... it doesn't matter, spank em. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch a surprising scene afterwards. Now then, up the stairs is a treasure chest, but it's a FAKE, so be careful. You might want to head back to the Memory Circle and save before taking it on. Remember, only magical attacks can harm the Fake, so bringing Genis is a MUST. Keep his TP up and this imposter should drop before long. You'll get another All-Divide when you beat him, as well as an Elixir. Now head up the stairs to leave these damn sewers. ======================================================================= 60. Meltokio Skit: Corrine in Danger, EC Dog: Chibi, Pudding ======================================================================= After the scene you'll find yourself behind the item shop. Go in there and stock up if you need to, then make your way to the east side of town. Stop at the inn and rest for a night if you'd like. Now, before heading up to the Research Center, you might want to go and name the two dogs in the city now. The first one is in the slums standing next to a man on the second level. The next one is in the Rich Folk's Residential Area, so make your way up towards the palace plaza and you should trigger a skit. Then head right into the district and you'll find the dog sitting outside one of the houses. Now make your way to the Research Center. Enter for a scene. Now head back to the Nobel District and go to Zelos' Mansion (it's the second building on the left) Enter and watch a scene. Now Bud... er Lloyd will have the opportunity to talk to the whole party. Head upstairs for a cute scene between Genis and Presea ^^. When you're ready talk to Sebastian to rest. The next morning, head back to the Research Center. Watch a scene and you'll obtain a Wing Pack in the process. Now make your way back towards the item shop, along the way you should trigger a skit. When you get back to the item shop, go behind it and enter the sewer again. You'll be able to "Quick Jump" to the other side. So head out to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Item: Kuchinawa's Charm ======================================================================= Make your way over to the Tethe'alla Bridge. Enter for a scene, then head up and to the right for a scene. Now head down the stairs and meet up with Kuchinawa for a scene. During the scene you'll get Kuchinawa's Charm. Now you'll get instructions on controlling the EC. Now take EC across the water to the pier on the other side. Get out, and make your way over to Sybak. ======================================================================= 61. Sybak Dog: Chappy, Turbie ======================================================================= When you enter watch an unexpected scene. Now that you're here again, take the time to name the dogs. One is outside the inn, and the other standing next to a man in the Academy area. Also, you should have gained some more funds by now, so upgrade your gear if you'd like. When you're ready to move on, enter the manhole on the far left side of the academy area. Speak with Kate for a scene. Now leave Sybak. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now you're off to the Gaoracchia Forest, it's northeast of Sybak, just follow the road and you'll get there. ======================================================================= 62. Gaoracchia Forest Item: Drain Charm, Phoenix Rod, Pretty Ribbon, Angel Bracelet Skit: Forest Labyrinth, Legendary Strategy Skit Point: Genis ======================================================================= Enter the forest for a scene. Walk ahead just a bit to trigger another scene, and then a battle. Now follow the path north until you find the Sorcerer's Ring Console. This modification allows you to emit a beam of light that will burn vines that block chest and paths throughout the forest. But it only has a certain amount of power, you'll have to recharge it in certain lighted areas. You should get a skit now. Before going on in the forest, head west and you'll find an exit leading outside. Hop out there for a moment to collect a couple things. Head north and then around the mountain, head east and you'll find a map marker stone. Now if you head north from the marker you'll find a skit point with Genis. Now head back into the Forest. If you go east from the Sorcerer's Ring Device you'll enter a new screen. Near the entrance you'll find a recharge point, use it, then head south from the recharge point to find a chest hidden under a tree. Now head north along the path where you'll find a chest under some vines. Use the ring to burn the vines away and collect the treasure. Now things can get complicated at this point, seeing as how you can get lost by either going to far north or south. Your objective now is to collect all the treasures and successfully navigate through the forest. Should you get caught in the maze (you'll notice when you keep walking through the same area where there's nothing inside, vines, monsters, treasures, or otherwise) to get back on the path, just head the way you came in. If you find yourself going around in circles enough time, you'll trigger a skit. You can take any of the three paths from the area with the charger and the two chests to reach the next area. This area contains one chest with a Pretty Ribbon in it. Some of these chests are annoying to uncover because you have to try so many different angels to get the right one. You'll know when you're doing it right when the green bubbles form. The next area has one chest in it that contains a Witch's Robe. The next area has another chest containing an Angel Bracelet. In the next area you'll find a blue chest that you won't be able to open for a while. Just keep it in mind. In this same area, one of the skull monsters will drop a memory gem. Also in this area is a Black Skull. Yup, it's our old friend the Sword Dancer. I'm sure there are some strategies for taking him out at this point, but he'll be here for a good while, so you can always come back. That's what I'm going to do. If you head into the next area you'll find a memory circle to unseal. If you haven't collected all the items on the Item List, go back in and try to find what you're missing. Before heading past the memory circle, make sure you save and heal up. You've got another Boss Battle coming up. When you're ready head south onto the next screen for a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Convict (Regal) HP: 12000 TP: 320 S: None W: None EXP: 2250 Gald: 1500 Item Elixir Man, you've gotta give this guy credit. Going 1 on 4, all the while his hands shackled. Well... anyway This guy can really lay the hurt down on you, but he can't withstand your own character's assault. Before long he'll drop, but he might take someone down with him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle watch a scene. Then head south to exit the forest. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Pretty Boys Die Young Skit Point: Sheena ======================================================================= You should get a skit as soon as you're on the map. Just to the west of the forest you'll find the village of Mizuho, but you'll also see a skit point. So head over to that first, this one, as you might imagine being so close to Mizuho, involves Sheena. Now enter Mizuho. ======================================================================= 63. The Mystical Village - Mizuho Item: Panyan, Black Satay, Seaweed Skit: Mizuho's Information Network, Small Knight, Reasons for the Shackles, Mizuho, The Mystical Village Dog: Tiggy Recipe: Ramen Title: Gentle Idealist (Lloyd), Idiot Chosen (Zelos) ======================================================================= Watch a couple scenes when you enter the village. Talk to the people around the village, one of the children you talk to will trigger and interesting dialogue about Presea. You'll find a dog for Colette to name next to the item shop. This place is also a customization shop, so check out the wares. Ah... more stuff to spend your hard earned cash on. When you're ready, talk to Orochi outside the Vice-Chief's House. Now you'll see a series of scenes. Afterwards Lloyd will get the title of "Gentle Idealist". Afterwards some more scenes, then Regal will join the group. Regal is a real powerhouse with a ton of Tech Attacks, he'll make a great addition to the group. Sadly he starts off with some pretty crappy equipment, as per the usual. Anyways... go around the village talking to people and collecting Skits. There are a few to be had here. If you talk to Tiga you can spend the night for free, awesome. Also in Tiga's house you'll spot an old fashion washing machine in the back of the right side of the room. Examine it and Wonder Chef will appear to teach you the art of Ramen! If you attempt to exit Mizuho, you'll see a scene. Don't actually leave yet though, you want to at least see the Skit called "Mizuho, The Mystical Village" this will earn Zelos a new title. When you're ready, return to the World Map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Head over into the Forest again and take the first right you come across. Follow it out to the field again. Make your way across the bridge nearby and you'll find Ozette tucked away in forestry. ======================================================================= 64. The Quiescent Village - Ozette Item: Meat, Tomato, Onion Skit: Weird Guest Dog: Kalcy, Sammy Recipe: Tenderloin ======================================================================= Enter for a scene. Walk forward and talk to the people, swing a left and head down into the inn. Stay the night if you'd like. Make sure to examine the Red Parrot in the inn for another encounter with that infamous Chef of Wonders. This time he's gonna talk to you about Tenderloin. Exit the inn and head to the right, here you'll find a dog for Colette to speak with. Enter the building next to the dog to find an Armor and Customizer Shop. Upgrade your gear if you'd like (or if you have the funds even) Head back outside and south and you'll reach a spiraling ramp. Head up it, here you'll find a rather rude guy, and another dog for Colette to name. The building here is an item shop if you need to stock up. Otherwise, return to the center area of the village and head south from the shop to find a path leading down. Take it to the next screen for a few morbid scenes. Afterwards you should trigger a skit. Head out of the house than try to go south, you'll trigger a scene. Afterwards head out to the world map. Altessa's House is right there, so head in. ======================================================================= 65. Altessa's House ======================================================================= Head up to the door and enter the house for a few scenes. Well... that didn't get us very far. There's nothing else to do here, so head back to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Item: Secret Notebook, Rune Cape Skit: Is Tabatha an Angel?, Use Your Head, Homesick, Dirk and Altessea, Two Chosen's Skit Point: Colette, Regal ======================================================================= When you're back on the World Map, you'll trigger a skit. You'll have to head back through Ozette to get to the nearest EC dock, so do so. When you're back on the map, you'll trigger another skit. Before boarding the EC, head back to Mizuho real fast for a little task. Talk to the guy at the Item Shop and he'll ask you to find something he dropped in the well. Head over to the well on the other side of the Chief's House and examine it. Turn in the "Account Book" for a fairly weird scene and you'll obtain the Secret Notebook. While you're here, pick up a Mizuho Portion. You'll need it later. Now then, head for the EC Dock by Ozette. Now you can explore the world a bit in the EC. You can't visit every area right now, but you can get quite a few items and skit points. You might want to press start to make your mini map bigger, this may help a bit with exploring. While you're out on the sea you might get a skit or two. Head north from the EC Dock and you'll find another one directly across from the one you left. Dock here and take note of the Temple of Lightning. Now head over to the west and you'll find a skit point with Colette. There's nothing else to do here yet, so board the EC again. If you go all the way to the southeastern most continent on the world map, and go to the very south of that continent you'll find a dock. Exit the EC and nearby you'll find a skit point involving Regal. To the north of the dock you'll find the Toize Valley Mine, we aren't ready to go there just yet, but keep it in mind. If you walk northeast from the skit point, along the coast line, and eventually down onto a beach area, you'll find a chest containing a Rune Cape. There are a couple other areas you can access right now, but it's not the time for them. So head back to the mine and enter (make sure to save first!) ======================================================================= 66. Toize Valley Mine Item: Sage, EX Gem Lv.1, Crescent Ax, Saint Rapier, Sand Saber, Iron Greaves, Battlesuit, Silk Robe, Thunder Cape, Super Pellets, EX Gem Lv.3, Inhibitor Orb Skit: Mine from Ancient Times, Machines that are still Alive, Bomber Ring, I'm Tired of Mines ======================================================================= Enter the mine and make sure everyone is healed up, and that you saved outside. I'd suggest using a party that contains Raine, and having her being the dedicated healer for this upcoming complex battle. Step forward for a scene then a boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Defense System HP: 12000 TP: 100 S: None W: None EXP: 2350 Gald: 0 Item: Metal Sphere, Mythrilx4 Boss: Auto Repair Unit HP: 5500 Boss: Orbits HP: 3000 Boss: Guard Arms HP: 8000 Wow... well... this battle is complicated because there are so many targets. The key is knowing which one to go after. The main boss is the Defense System, once that goes down, everything goes with it. But in order to really hurt the Defense System, you're going to want to take out the Auto Repair Unit first. Ignore everything else, once it's gone focus on the Defense System. When the Repair Unit is back online, take it out again, and resume your assault on the Defense System. This boss really isn't very hard, but there's a lot going on, so it can get out of hand. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle watch a scene. Afterwards, head back into the previous room and check the right side of the room next to the area where you fought the Defense System to get a chest. Then, down by the entrance behind an overturned mine cart you'll find another. Head back into the room and along the path, after a bit you'll trigger a skit. To the right you'll find a lift device of sorts, before messing with it you should get another skit. Now when the lift comes over to you, step on it and ride it over for a scene. Now get back on the lift and when you come across the switch, use the Sorcerer's Ring to change the direction of the lift. Ride the lift to the new destination, fight the monsters on this platform to obtain the memory gem. Examine the large door in the north wall for a scene. Now south of the door you'll see an elevator, when it comes to your level, get on it and ride it down. Down here head to the right and you'll find a chest hidden behind some carts. In the lower right corner you'll find the Sorcerer's Ring Device. Examine it to change the ring's function, then head up the little ramp to the left. Up here you'll find another chest, then head up along the path, you should get another skit. At the end of the path you'll find yet another chest. Now head back to the elevator and take it back up. Once back on the upper path, head over to the big boulder on the left and use the Mana Bomb. Now take the lift back down and change the function of the ring back to normal (by examining the device once more) Head back up and ride the lift, hit the switch to change the direction of the lift again, and ride it back to the left. Now jump across the ledge in the top left hand corner. Ride the elevator back down once more to change the function again. Ride the elevator back up, jump across the gap, and ride the lift over to the right. Head in the door to move onto the next screen. You'll find another boulder to blow up with the Mana Bomb. Do so now, then head up and to the left to find a chest. Head back down and to the right to find another boulder, blow it up and head along until you get to another boulder. After blowing that one up, head left across the middle path and down a ramp into a lower depression where you can find another chest. You can finish blowing up the boulders that block the roundabout path that eventually lead to a ramp and a locked memory circle. Unlock the memory circle to save, then head down the ramp. Here you'll find another chest, and an odd little creature roaming about. Talk to him for a scene, if you took my advice and picked up the Potion in Mizuho, give it to him (yeah, I know, he's a rude little bastard. Just do it) Now he'll head "home" We'll be seeing him later. Now if you make your way over to the right side of the room the camera will change at a certain point. Then if you step on the stone switch in the ground a scene will ensue. Regal will point out a switch that will deactivate the boulders, but you don't want to do that just yet. Head along the path and pass the switch cautiously, you'll see a spinning square and then get a scene. Now you should know what to do, you want to have the Bacura chase you back to the boulder slope, and you want to trigger the boulder to come down on him. If you do get into a battle with this thing... you can't win. Afterwards turn off the switch, and you'll be able to go back up the boulder ramp without fear. Take the nearby elevator down to the lower level, you should trigger a skit shortly after touching solid ground. Head along the path and you'll find a chest, keep heading along the path and you will come across the remains of the Bacura. Examine it and you'll get a scene, you'll get an Evil Eye in the process. The Evil Eye is the start of a difficult side quest that you can take part in later on. For now grab the chest and make your way back up. Head back down the boulder ramp, and along the path leading down into the next area. In this new area, head down the ramp, here you'll find another chest. Now head back up the ramp and take the bridge to the right where you'll see a scene. Afterwards place a bomb around the boxes on the right side and you'll uncover a chest. Examine it for a scene. Now make your way out of the mines. When you get to the exit you'll see a scene. Now leave the mine ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Head back to the EC Dock and cruise on over to Ozette's Dock. ======================================================================= 67. Ozette Item: Cheese, Pasta, Milk Skit: Colette's Secret, I'm not a Kid, Pray for Colette's Safety Recipe: Gratin ======================================================================= Now head on over to Ozette and you'll get a scene, followed by a battle. After the battle a series of scenes. Agree when giving the choice. Watch another scene and then you'll be able to quick jump to Mizuho. Refuse the Quick Jump, you've got something else to do in Ozette. Head into Presea's House and examine the big stuffed Bear by the bed to call upon the Wonder Chef. He'll teach you how to make Gratin. On your way out of the house you might trigger a skit. On your way out of the village you'll trigger another skit. If you head into the inn and talk to the lady inside you'll get a scene. You may as well choose the first option. If you stay at the inn you'll get a skit. Now leave the village and head to Mizuho. ======================================================================= 68. Mizuho Skit: Sheena's Real Name ======================================================================= Talking to the villagers you will see that there is some tension in the air. Head into the Chief's House and talk to Tiga for a scene. After the scene you'll be able to talk to your party members around the village. When you head towards Sheena at the gravesite you'll get a scene. After the scene you'll be back in the Chief's House, and you'll get a skit. Now leave the village. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now it's time to go to the Temple of Lightning, which you may have seen earlier while exploring. Return to the Ozette Dock and board the EC, head directly north to the next dock and head into the temple. ======================================================================= 69. Temple of Lightning Item: Silver Guard, EX Gem Lv.3x2, Duel Helm, Thunder Scepter, Shining Star, Spirit Bottle, Battle Cloak, Power Greaves, Corrine's Bell, Sandonyx Skit: Do Your Best, Beautiful Mutual Understanding, Beware of Lightning, For Depressed People Title: Summoner (Sheena) ======================================================================= When you enter there will be a scene, after which, you'll get a skit. Oh boy... get ready for one hell of a dungeon. Walk forward along the path, and watch out for the lighting that strikes, it'll do damage to you. If you walk around this area you should get a skit. Now head up the right path and examine the lightning rod to raise it. Now take the middle path and lower that lightning rod. Go back to the right and raise the rod again, finally raise the left one. Now go step on the white switch on the middle path. Head over to the device you just uncovered to change the function of the ring. Now you'll be able to shoot out blue electricity which can blow up the Blue Boxes you see. Head to the right and up to find some of those boxes. Head up the path and you'll find a chest. Now head up the central path and keep going to the next screen. Head up either staircase on the right and left sides of the room to take you up to Volt's Seal. Here destroy the blue box with your ring. To complete this dungeon you'll need to find the Yellow, and Red Lightning Devices as well. Head back down the stairs and up to the door in the middle of the room, blow up the blue box there to pass on into the next area. Go up the stairs to the left, you'll see another blue box. Destroying this one yields an encounter, once you're done with that head up the stairs. Enter the doorway at the top for a scene. In this dark room you'll have to wait for the lightning to strike to light your way up the stairs or else you might take a wrong turn and fall off the stairs. If you are about to fall you can tap A to try and hang on. When you get to the top take the door to the south into the next area. Walk along the balcony until you find a lightning rod and a blue box in the air. Shoot the blue box to drop a chest below, then raise the lightning rod to drop the part down to the next level. Now grab the chest and make your way over to the left to shoot down another box and hit another rod. Open the chest here, then head over to the rod, shoot box, hit rod. Now raise the final lightning rod to stop the lightning from electrifying the water below. Head into the door on the right to enter another dark room, this time just jump off the edge. Head up the steps and enter the main room again, head to the left and down into the water. Lower the lightning rod here, then head up to the device on the platform to change the blue electricity to yellow. Head all the way back to the entrance and to the left passage and you'll find some yellow boxes to blow up, revealing a chest. Now head back to the seal room and up to the top to blow away the yellow box, one more to go. Head down the west stairway and you'll find some yellow boxes to blow up, this time you'll uncover a passageway. Instead of going through the passage you just uncovered, go over to the east side of the room and enter the door here to find yourself in another dark room. When you get to the top you'll find a yellow box to drop. This one drops a Lightning Rod to the area below. Enter the dark room again and let yourself drop. Enter the main area again, and head right to raise the new lightning rod. Now head to the west and up the stairs to enter the first dark room again. Make your way through here to get to the top. Head up the stairs here and cross the bridge to the right, then down the stairs and into another dark room. Carefully make your way down this dark room and you should get a skit in the process. Along the way you'll come to a split in the path, where you can take a stairs up, or a path under an overpass. Head under the overpass to get a partly hidden chest, then go up the stairs to be on your way. You'll find yourself back in a familiar area. Head along the balcony to the lightning rod, then lower it for a scene. Make your way back up through the dark room again. Back in this top area you have a little puzzle to solve. If you examine the device tucked under the stairs you'll get a scene. The trick to this is to make a circuit for the electricity to pass up to the boulder. To do this you must destroy certain boxes. Head up the stairs twice to get to the level with two blocks and an enemy. Defeat the enemy to claim a memory gem, then head up another level. Here, on the third level blow up the left most box. Then head up to the fourth level and blow up the right box. Now head back down and start the machine. The boulder will drop and break the bridge if you did it correctly. Now reset the blocks by examining the machine and selecting reset. Go all the way to the fourth level and blow up the left box, then go down and start the machine. Now head down the ramp you created by destroying the bridge, and head up the stairs to collect the box you just dropped. Head down the stairs in this lower area to reach a door leading south, go in and examine the device to get the red electricity. Now return all the way to the entrance again. Take the right path and you'll find some red boxes. Behind them lies a chest. Now return to the seal room, but don't blow up the final box just yet. Instead head into the dark room on the west side of the room you uncovered earlier. Carefully make your way through this twisted corridor to the top where you'll find more red boxes, blow them up to get a chest. Make your way back to the seal room, but head downstairs into the water room once more. Unlock the memory circle, save, and rest up. You've got a difficult boss coming up. You'll need to have Sheena in your party, I'd also recommend taking Raine. Whoever else you want to take is up to you. I went with Genis and Lloyd. When you're ready head up to Volt's Seal and blow up the red box. Raise the rod for a scene, followed by a Boss Fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Volt HP: 24000 TP: 240 S: Lightning W: None EXP: 3580 Gald: 2800 Item: Emerald Ring Like all Summon Spirits, Volt's Magic is very powerful and can really rack up the damage. But Raine should be able to keep everyone up to shape while the rest of the party pounds away on Volt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle watch a surprising series of scenes. Afterwards you'll acquire Corrine's Bell, a Sardonyx, and Sheena will learn T. Seal: Lightning, and Summon: Lightning, she'll also obtain the title of Summoner! Sheesh. As for this Emerald Ring... The Battlesuit, the Duel Helm, and now this Emerald Ring that practically does the same thing... Star Ocean anyone!? Ahem... When you try to leave the tower you'll see a scene. Before leaving you should get a skit. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Thank You Corrine ======================================================================= When you're back on the map you'll get a skit. Head over to the icy continent surrounded by rocks to the east. In the southeastern part of the Continent, between some rocks, you'll find an EC dock and The Tethe'alla Base. Dock, and enter. ======================================================================= 70. Tethe'alla Base Item: Silver Circlet, EX Gem Lv.3x2, EX Gem Lv.2, Card of Ice, Lightning Sword, Dragon Tooth, Silver Mail, Lavender, Aqua Cape, Tomahawk Lance, Beam Shield Skit: Tingles, Renegades Technology ======================================================================= Enter for a scene, afterwards you can talk to Orochi to be healed, you can save at the memory circle, examine the Sorcerer's Ring Device to change it's function, and examine the vending machine on the left side of the room. When you're ready, head through the south door. Take the east door into the next area. Here you'll find a laser device that's path must be obstructed in order to pass by. You'll find several of these throughout the base. You want to drag the nearby blue box down and push it into the beam's path. Head east and enter the room to fight an enemy. You'll get part of the pass code after you beat him. Head back into the previous room and position the box so that you can go north. In this room you'll find a chest to the right. Move the box in this room so that you can reach the door on the west side. Enter this area and move the box so that you can past to the west again. In this room, fight the guard to get another part of the pass. Afterwards you'll see a device and a cylinder in the top right hand corner. Charge the cylinder with the ring then examine the device. Now head back to Orochi. Talk to him if you want to heal, then head back into the circular chamber. This time take the west passage. Head north in this next room, and the hang a left in the next. Enter the door here and fight the enemy inside to get the last part of the pass code. Open the chest here then leave the room, then head north up the hall. Head up the stairs and fight the enemy here to get a Memory Gem. Now keep going up the stairs and you'll find the lift you raised earlier. Pull the box off the lift and over to the left. Then get behind it and push it over the edge onto the beam device below. Now head back down the stairs, and south down the hall. Back in this passageway, pull the block down, and push it to the left so that you can go to the west. Enter the first door to find a chest, then head west more to another door with a chest. Now head back to Orochi a third time and talk to him to heal and hear the code in it's entirty. Now head back to the room where you got the second part of the pass code. Collect the two chest on the west side of the room, then return to the previous hall and push the block so you can go north. Unlock the memory circle here and save. Head up the stairs to the north to collect a chest. Go back down the stairs and to the left where you'll find two blue boxes. Push these boxes into the niches in the north wall to form a bridge, then go up the south stairs, and down the north stairs to get onto the bridge. Cross over and collect another chest. While you're on the bridge angel yourself in a position that you'll be able to shoot a spark at the nearby cylinder. While messing around in the warehouse you might trigger a skit or two. Push one of the boxes down next to the stairs so that's it's lined up with the rectangular platform, you should be able to walk from the stairs onto the box. Anyways, push that box over to the left once more, then push another box into the position where the last one used to be. Climb up the stairs then walk out onto the box, head left another the first box and open a chest here. Now push one of the boxes onto the upper right corner of the lift, stand on the lift yourself and examine the switch to go up. Push the block up once onto the ledge then go back down. Climb up the stairs again and then up another set, head east then down another set of stairs. Make your way to the box and pull it east, then drop it down off the edge. Walk onto it and fire a shot at the cylinder. Alright, drag the last box onto the lift in the lower right hand corner of the room, board the lift with the box and ride it to the top. Pull the box off the lift then push it forward to bridge a gap between the platform and the chest. Cross over the gap and collect the treasure, then head back south and take the stairs to the west. Head all the way west and cross over the suspended lift, keep going north and you'll find another chest. Head back to the lift and light up the cylinder, then take the lift with the box down below. Pull the box off the lift then push it onto the box below to bridge the gap to another chest. Now leave the room and re-enter to reset all the blocks. Save before going on because you've got a boss fight coming up. Drag one of the blocks onto the lower right lift again and ride it up. This time push the block into the gap to form a bridge that will allow you to cross to the north part of the room. Here you'll find another lift to take you up. At the top you'll find a control console to enter your pass code in. I don't know if it changes, but mine was THE POWER OF THE STAR IS THE RADIANCE OF LIFE. Before going through the door make sure your party is ready. If you're going to take Genis into this battle, turn off his Earth and Lightning Skills. Enter the door when you're ready and watch a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Yuan HP: 16000 TP: 652 S: Lightning W: None EXP: 4890 Gald: 3150 Item: EX Gem Lv.4!!! Boss: Botta HP: 12000 TP: 580 S: Earth W: None EXP: 1680 Gald: 2800 Item: None You're obviously going to want to take out one of these guys ASAP. I'd suggest Botta for starters. So focus all of your party on him. Just make sure to keep an eye on your healer so Yuan doesn't go slash happy on them. Don't be afraid to lay off of beating down Botta to get Yuan away from weaker party members, Botta can't do much on his own aside from cast weak earth magics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle watch a scene. Now you'll get a tutorial on controlling the Rheairds. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now that you have the Rheairds you can pretty much go to any location in the world. So with that said... ======================================================================= 71. Exploring Tethe'alla Part I Item: Rice, Onion, Red Satay, Revive Ring, EX Gem Lv.4, Sephira, EX Gem Lv.3, Rare Pellets, Elven Boots Skit: Common and Silly, Presea's Wish Tag, Wish Tag from Sacred Wood, When the Wish Comes True, Small Hope, Reminiscent Skit Point: Regalx2, Sheenax2, Zelosx3, Preseax3, Genis, Raine Recipe: Curry ======================================================================= While you're flying around you should get a skit. To start, head back to Mizuho to rest and restock on anything you might need. Head back out and zip on over to Altessa's House, on your way you might get another skit. Here talk to Tabatha for a scene. Tabatha will teach you the wonderful recipe for Curry. Take that Wonder Chef! If you got the previous skit about the Wish Tag you should get a follow up shortly afterwards. Now head back out onto the world map and let the true exploring begin. Start at the northwest cluster of islands. If you land on the three largest islands you will find A Skit Point featuring Regal, a treasure chest containing a Revive Ring, and another chest containing an EX Gem Lv.4. Before long you'll get another skit concerning the wish tag. Next head east towards the large north continent that is home to the likes of Mizuho and Ozette. If you land on the northern most part of the continent where the Temple of Lightning resides, you'll find a skit point involving Sheena. While traveling you should get a skit. To the southeast of the Tower of Salvation you'll find a map marker near the coast line. Toe the west of the map marker you'll find a skit point for Zelos, also along the coast line. Before long you should get a skit. To the west of the Tower of Salvation in a forest area that falls between Ozette and Altessa's House (though the forest is separated by a mountain to each area) you should find a chest containing a Sephira. Equip this on someone NOW! You'll get 50% more Gald. To the east of the north continent you'll see two islands that are in between the north continent and the snowy rock region where the Tethe'alla base is located. The southern most island contains a skit point for Presea, while the northern one has a map marker stone on one of it's islands. Now head over to the Icy Region known as Flanoir. It's the northeastern most continent. In the middle of it all you'll find some smooth land, which contains the Town of Flanoir, as well as the Temple of Ice. Ignore those for now and head north of the Temple, and east around the mountain to find a skit point about Zelos. To the southeast of Flanoir you will find a fairly large island with a big city on it, you might have noticed it when exploring in the EC. Land here and you'll find another skit point with Regal in the middle of the island. Now head down to the southeast and explore the largest continent in the world of Tethe'alla. On a beach on the north part of the continent, directly southeast of Altamira (the big island we were just at) you'll find a skit point involving Genis. On a very small beach island just to the southwest of the Genis skit point you'll find a chest with an EX Gem Lv.3 in it. On the northern part of the southeastern most part of the continent you'll find a chest containing some Rare Pellets near the shore. South of there you'll find a skit point for Presea. You'll have to land ON it to actually get to it. To the northeast of the Toize Mines you'll find a map marker. To the west of the mines near the ocean you'll find yet another skit point for Presea. To the west of the Presea skit point is another skit point for Zelos. To the northwest of the Zelos skit point you'll find a chest containing Elven Boots. And just to the west of THAT, you'll find another skit point. This time it's for Sheena. To the north of that skit point you'll find another on the beach, finally one for Raine! Phew, finally done... for now. You can explore some of the places scattered around, but you should wait until later. Don't worry, I won't forget about them! And besides you HAVE to go to most of them at some point. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Getting back on track, fly towards the western most part of the world map. In between Flanoir and the Largest Continent you'll find something odd floating in the sky. Save before entering. ======================================================================= 72. Dragon's Nest ======================================================================= Watch a scene when you enter. Afterwards you'll get into a boss battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Winged Dragon HP: 18000 TP: 400 S: None W: None EXP: 2450 Gald: 1200 Item: Venom, Flare Cape Boss: Baby Dragonx2 HP: 12000 TP: 800 S: None W: None EXP: 1250 Gald: 500 Item: None Sheesh... Quite the stats these folks have. Well, start by focusing on one Baby Dragon at a time. You'll want to take them out first and foremost. Afterwards you should be able to deal with the Winged Dragon easily enough, try to avoid his earth magic though, it really hurts. Man... I had to use more life bottles in this battle than I'd like to admit. Of course I didn't bring Raine into battle with me, probably my biggest mistake. Well... however you decide to handle it, just be careful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards a scene. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Looks can be Deceiving ======================================================================= You'll arrive here during the scenes. Colette will join the party... again. You'll wind up on the world map after a little rest, right outside the Temple of Earth. You should also get a skit now. Before going into the Temple, it's time to go exploring again. This time it won't be as long. ======================================================================= 73. Exploring Tethe'alla Part II Item: Pink Pearl Ring Skit: Their Relationship, Top of the Class, I can't tell anyone, Kendama Competition, Cute and Strong Ribbon, Time Does not Go Back, Thank You for Saving Me, Zelos' Lecture, Smile and Forgive, Zelos' Power of Observation, Mystery Behind Zelos' The Valedictorian, Lloyd Reluctant Skit Point: Colettex2 ======================================================================= Head back to the southeast continent around the area where you found the rare pellets. Head northwest from the location where the pellets once were and you'll find a skit point in the forest concerning Colette. While flying around you might trigger a skit. On the northern continent on the eastern side you'll find another Colette skit point. Now head back to Mizuho to restock and rest if you'd like. You might get a skit when you enter. When you enter the Chief's house to go rest you might get another skit. When you go to leave the village you'll get another skit. Head over to Meltokio, remember you have to quick jump via the sewer to enter. Shortly after arriving in town you should get another skit. Head up the steps to the town's center and you should get a skit. Now head up the steps and go right into the Noble district. You should get a skit here. Now head into the house to the east of Zelos' and talk to the woman in the back of the room for a scene. When you leave the house you'll get another scene. Ask Presea what's wrong. Now head back out of Meltokio. Along the way you should get another skit... or two. Now head on over to Sybak. Head towards the junk dealer and you'll find a new person there. Talk to him for a scene. You'll get a Pink Pearl Ring. Now head over to the Academy area and speak with the researcher standing next to the dog for a scene. When you attempt to leave the area, you'll get another scene. Choose the first option. Now head back to Meltokio and talk to the girl from before, Janet, for another scene. When you try to leave you'll get another scene, go ahead and choose the first option, you'll get another scene. Now head out of the city again. Along the way you should trigger yet another skit. Now it's time to get back to the main quest. Head back over to the Temple of Earth. Along the way you might get a couple more skits. ======================================================================= 74. Temple of Earth Item: Mythril Circlet. Mythril Guard, Mytrhil Bracelet, Bellebane, EX Gem Lv.3, Ancient Rod, Bardiche, EX Gem Lv.2, EX Gem Lv.1, Ghost Shell, Ruby Skit: Ribbon ======================================================================= Enter and walk up to the Sorcerer's Ring device to change the function. Head along the path and you'll find some rock columns. Use the power of the ring to make a passage. If you should happen to use the ring at a wrong point you'll get into an encounter with cave worms. Walk forward to the bridge and talk to Gnomelette 5, if you haven't given the Gnomelette in the Toize Mines a Potion you won't be able to go any furtur. Head back there and give the little guy a Mizuho Potion (or Palma Potion if you have one) then come back to the Temple. Now cross the bridge and head down the winding path, down to a cave. Enter the cave and cross the bridge to find a chest. Head back to the entrance area, and west of the bridge you'll find a sign. Just a little south of the sign you'll find a rock formation, use the ring to knock the rocks down and make a path. Head toward the rock column near by and use the ring to knock it over, then collect the chest. Afterwards, head back up a bit and take the stone bridge across to another cave. Head down the slope and you'll find a chest. Damn... that's a lot of Mythril. If you finish going down the path you'll come to a dead end. Head back to the entrance area and head back to the sign post, now head west into another cave. Head in and cross over the bridge where you'll find another Gonmelette. When you approach him you'll get a scene. He'll request that you make him something spicy to eat. You'll have had to pick up the Curry recipe from Tabatha at Altessa's House. Have someone skilled in cooking make the dish for the little smart ass. If you prepared a decent curry then everything will be good, if not, you might have to pay him to pass. Either way, afterwards head up the path to the right (ignoring the other Gnomelette for a minute) and you'll find a chest at the top. Now head back down and approach the Gnomelette for a scene. Now at this point you'll be doing a little back tracking if you want to collect all the treasure chest. You see the bridge that the Gnomelette was standing on? See how it's cracked? Well each square of the bridge (three total) can be broken away by using the sorcerer's ring, but each one leads to a different path, and different treasure. Don't worry about making a mistake, you can come up and down as many times as you like. Now let's start by standing on the first square (the rightmost one) and use the ring. You'll find a chest containing an EX Gem Lv.3. Collect it, then break the bridge to fall down lower. Break the next two bridges, then you'll find yourself near a larger bridge. Avoid taking the right most portion of the bridge, you can take either of the other two squares down. Collect the chest here for an Ancient Rod, then take the left square down to another level where you'll find a Bardiche. Now take the last of the bridges to the bottom where you'll find a Dragon Monster and the Gnomelette. *NOTE*: This dragon is a wonderful, wonderful creature that will bestow upon you some sweet experience, and a massive amount of Gald. 10k to be exact, and that's without modification devices like the Sephira Statue. The great thing about the Dragon is that you can fight it as many times as you want, and you'll always get that stack of cash. The experience you gain gets lower as your levels get higher, but not the cash. And you can get several other Gald Modification Accessories in the game that will boost the amount even more. You should never have to worry about money... ever. There is a catch though... as you might imagine. The beast is tough, and his HP matches his purse. That's right, 10K HP, and he has high defense. Fighting him at this point will be like fighting a boss, but later on it'll become easier. It's still quite manageable at this point assuming you don't under estimate it. Now head over to meet up with your "old friend" Gnomelette 1. After speaking with him, enter the secret passage to return to the entrance area. Avoid talking to Gnomelette 3 for now, and head back to the bridges to collect the rest of the loot. This time take the last square (the one on the far left) On the next level break down the bridge, then on this level you'll find a chest containing an EX Gem Lv.2. Now take the bridge down to the next section, sadly you'll drop through to another level. Here you'll find an EX Gem Lv.1. Now take the bridges down to the bottom and go back one last time. This time take the middle bridge down, then the next one and cross over to collect the final item, a Ghost Shell. Go all the way back to the bottom and return to the entrance area. Now then, talk to the Gnomelette. Now the Gnomelette will slowly make his way down to the bottom of the path, your job is to run ahead of him and make sure that no enemies get in his way. If an enemy touches him he'll charge you money, so be careful! Don't go in the cave before him like I did -_-. Once into the cavern talk to the little man on the bridge for a scene. Now what you have to do is cause an earthquake with the Gnomelette. The Gnomlette will count to 3 then jump into the air. When the Gnomelette jumps you should use your Sorcerer's Ring to synch up with his impact. After you do it successfully three times the bridge will break. Now head over to the memory circle and save, heal up, and prepare for a boss battle. As usually you'll have to take Sheena with you, I'd also suggest Lloyd, Genis, and Raine. Turn off Genis' Earth Magic, and when you're ready head towards the Gnome's Seal for a scene. Man I love Gnome ^^ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Gnome HP: 28000 TP: 682 S: Earth W: None EXP: 5890 Gald: 4280 Item: Holy Symbol Woooo Doggy! That's a lot of HP! Sheesh... I wish that was the ONLY thing Gnome had going for him, but no, he's really fricking hard. His attacks (especially Ground Dasher) will slaughter your party. Raine needs to be casting healing spells at all times, while other party members are trying to hold off this over grown... thing and using Life Bottles. If you can summon Sylph during this battle, it will help... a lot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fierce battle watch a series of funny scenes. I just can't stay mad at this guy ^^. Afterwards you'll obtain a Ruby, and Sheena will learn T. Seal: Earth, and Summon: Earth. You're not quite finished here yet though. Leave the Temple of Earth, you'll trigger a skit on the way out. When you get to the exit you'll witness a scene. Now fly over to Altessa's House (stop by Mizuho to rest and restock if you'd like, you know the drill) Enter the house and head to the left and you'll find the last Gnomelette! Now head back to the Temple. Head into the secret passage and fight the dragon again. Afterwards head to the end of the path to find the Gnomelettes. After the short scene walk to the end of the path to find a Blue Chest, you'll be coming back for this in a bit. Now you're done with the Temple for now, so head back to the World Map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now we're off to Flanoir, the continent of ice and snow. It's the continent in the northeastern part of the world map, where the base is located. You might have explored near the city of Flanoir, and the Ice Temple earlier if you've been following the guide. Head into the city. ======================================================================= 75. The Snowy City - Flanoir Item: Nebilim, Nebilim's Key, Egg, Meat Dog: Poochi, Penny Recipe: Quiche ======================================================================= The first building on the left is the inn, so pop in there and see what's up. Rest and save as usual, then head back out into the cold. Talk to the people in the center of town, and make sure that Colette names the pooch. If you obtained the Evil Eye earlier, You'll notice a man in red sitting on the steps nearby, talk to him for a scene. You'll acquire Nebiliim, and Nebilim's Key. You'll now be able to open those blue chest you've been seeing around the world. This is all part of the Devil Arms Side Quest, as I'm sure you can imagine. I'll have a section for that side quest up ASAP, but not to worry if you're following along with the guide, I'll tell you where and when you can obtain them all throughout the walkthrough. Anyways... If you head to the right of Abyission you'll find a man with a backpack. Talk to him for a scene. Head upstairs and you'll find people waiting in line to get into the clinic, nothing too interesting here. To the left you'll find a food stand, and another dog for Colette to name. Now head left past the tree into the next area. Head up the stairs nearby and enter the house to talk to the old man about the Penguinist Gloves. You'll have to get three Penquinist Quills then come back to him. The lady behind the counter here sells various different accessories, including two very good ones, at a very steep price. Back outside, head up the stairs to the right to get to the church. In the back left hand corner of the room you'll spot an orange object on top of a green pillow, upon examining it you will uncover that sneaky Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you how to make Quiche. Head back to the previous area and head over to the building on the left. Here you'll find an Equipment shop and a Katz Center. For some reason the guy won't do any customization yet, but you can still check his wares. Luckily most of what he offered I already head (and you should too) so it didn't take much out of my large stack of cash! Now to the left of the shop you will find a mini gallery, containing some weird pictation of Big Foot, and... wow Wonder Chef is bigger than ever before. Sadly this statue won't bestow you with any recipes. And last but not least, that loveable yellow bastard Pac-Man. Well then, with all that done, it's time to head over to the Temple of Ice. ======================================================================= 76. Temple of Ice Item: Defenser, Ancient Robe, Mytrhil Shield, Ice Coffin, Mytrhil Gauntlet, Mytrhil Armor, EX Gem Lv.2, Penguinist Gloves, Celsius' Tear, Rosemary, EX Gem Lv.3, Sapphire Skit: Zelos' True Nature Skit Point: Kratos Title: Elemental Summoner (Sheena) ======================================================================= Before heading over to the Temple, head southwest of Flanoir and you'll find an unexpected skit point. Now head over to the Temple. Head up and take a right and you'll find two treasure chest. Head back to the left, and keep going left until you find another chest. Fight the enemies out here in hopes of getting a Penguinist Feather. Now go inside the cave and change the function of the Sorcerer's Ring at the device just next to the entrance. Now you'll be able to freeze droplets of water throughout the Temple. You'll find a chest down the path a ways, and another one not far from the last. Now head up the small ramp to the left, and then the larger one also on the left, you'll find a chest at the top. Now head out of the cave here. Head down to the right and you'll find droplets of water dripping from the icicle above. Use your ring to freeze them and cross over the gap. Head down the pass until you get to another cave opening. Enter it and open the chest inside, then examine the Celsius' Tear on the ledge here for a scene. Hopefully by this point you have at least three Penguinist Feathers. So head out of the Temple and return to Flanoir. Head back to the Old Man in Flanoir and have him make you a pair of Penguinist Gloves. Equip them and head back to the Temple. Now make your way back to the Tear. Once you have the tear head back into the main cave area and make your way to the right across an ice bridge. Head down the path and take a right, and go up the ramp here. You'll find a dripping icicle in the back, freeze it and push the ice cube over and into the crevice to bridge the gap. Cross over to the overlook for a scene. Notice the direction that statues are facing, remember it for later. Now head down the ramp and follow the path down to another icicle. Freeze a drop then push the block into the nearby gap. Walk to the end of the path and examine the lake for a scene. Now that the lake is frozen you'll be able to slid across it. The trick is that the only way to stop sliding is to run into an object. So follow these directions to get across. Walk onto the ice from the gap in which you pushed the block into. Slide up until you stop, go left, go down, go left, go up, left, up, right, down, and left. Collect the chest here and head down to the bottom of this little outlet. This time you want to head onto the ice below the two rocks. Slide right, up, left, down, right, up, right, up, and collect the chest. Now head up the path here and you'll come to four statues. You need to turn these statues in the direction they were facing in the lake. So have the bottom one face right, the right one needs to be facing south, change the top one so it faces left, and finally have the last one facing right. When done correctly the door will open. Prepare yourself for a Boss Fight and heal up before entering. When you're ready, head inside and make your way towards the seal for a scene to meet my favorite Summon Spirit, Celsius ^^. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Celsius HP: 18000 TP: 600 S: Water, Ice W: Fire EXP: 5120 Gald: 5800 Item: Spirit Symbol Boss: Fenrir HP: 12000 TP: 300 S: Water, ice W: Fire EXP: 2600 Gald: 1380 Item: Blue Quartz For some reason Celsius brings the mythical beast Fenrir into battle with her, this makes life a little more complicated than it would be otherwise. Still, if you have Genis laying on some serious fire magic, and maybe get Sheena to summon Efreet and enchant the fighter's weapons with the Fire Seal, you should be sitting pretty. Try to get rid of Fenrir first, than focus on Celsius. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards watch a scene. Come to think of it... Efreet is pretty cool too. Hmm, well as per usual you'll get some goodies. You'll get a Sapphire, and Sheena will learn T. Seal: Ice, and Summon: Ice. Sheena will also obtain the title of "Elemental Summoner". Now leave the Temple of Ice. One the way out you'll trigger a skit. When you attempt to leave you'll witness a rather startling scene. ======================================================================= 77. Ozette Skit: Two Who Can't Return, Kendama and Mithos, Let's be friends, Mithos the Hero, Secret of Ozette ======================================================================= You'll arrive here during the scenes, watch some more surprising scenes. After the scenes you'll get a skit. Head inside of Presea's house for a skit. Head towards the ramp that used to lead up to the upper part of the village for another skit. Now head towards the exit for another skit. Outside head over to Altessa's House. Head towards the house and you should trigger a skit. Then head towards Altessa and Tabatha for a scene. Afterwards head inside the house and talk to Altessa for a lengthy scene. During the scenes you'll be given a choice, go ahead and agree. Now head back to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Head over to Altamira, the island with the large city on it, just in the middle of the two large continents on the eastern side of the world. Land on the island and head into the city of Altamira. ======================================================================= 78. The Seaside Paradise - Altamira Item: Employee ID Skit: Older Sister, Otherworldly Gate Dog: Lulu ======================================================================= When you enter watch a scene, Regal will wait outside for you. Walk up and talk to the people, the first building on the right is one of the fanciest hotels we've seen yet, so be sure to check it out. If you stay the night you'll get a skit. If you go to the right you'll find an elevator (yes... this place IS that big) If you head up to the second floor you'll find a Katz Office and some shops. The first shop on the right is an item shop that also acts as a Customizer. The shop right next to that is the Weapon store that sells everything you can make at the Customizer. At this point though, you can probably afford to drop the cash required instead of wasting items on customizing items that can be bought at the same time. It's up to you though. And finally, the third shop as you might imagine is the Armorer. Ride up to the next floor and talk to the people here, the other floors are blocked off so just head back outside. Talk to the people here, and make sure Colette names the dog. Head up the path next to the dog to trigger an interesting scene. Afterwards you will obtain the Employee ID. Head back towards the Hotel and take the stairs down to the beach, then head into the next area. Talk to the people around the beach. The whole thing about Watermelon splitting... it's some part of Japanese Culture, though I don't know much else about it. Just thought I'd share that with you. Anyways, head back towards where the dog is sitting and take the bridge left to get to the Elemental Railway. The Elemental Railway will either take you to the Lezareno Company or the Amusement Park, as tempting as the later might be, pick Lezareno for now. Head toward the elevators in here for a scene. You're heading for the Sky Terrace, but feel free to explore elsewhere. When you reach the Sky Terrace enter the garden area in the middle for a sad scene. When you go back down you'll see a scene. Now take the railway back. If you'd like to explore the Amusement park go ahead. When you arrive you should get a skit. Now you can ride the rides! Head up the steps to the Ferris Wheel and you can ride around... woo. Head to the left and you can spin in the tea cups. I used to love these things ^^... wee. That's it, so head back to the first area. If you head back to the inn and stay the night you'll get another skit. Now head to the exit and Regal will rejoin your party. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Past Wounds, What Sheena Gave ======================================================================= Get on your Rhearids, but before heading over to the Otherworldly gate head back to Flanoir. And go into the inn, head upstairs for a skit. Stay the night at the inn for another skit. Now head back outside and head right to the man with the backpack. If you haven't already given him some of the Celsius Tear, do so now. You'll get 5000 Gald in return. Not Bad! Now you're done here so head back outside and make your way to the gate. The gate is on a small island at the northeastern tip of the large continent in the south. You'll see a bunch of rocks marking the Gate itself, so land and enter. ======================================================================= 79. Otherworldly Gate ======================================================================= When you enter watch a scene. You'll get in a battle. After the easy battle watch some more scenes. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Aska...Fascinating... ======================================================================= Phew... good to be back home, and Raine is back in the party, so all is well. You'll find yourself outside of Palmacosta and you'll trigger a skit. So check that out then enter the Port City. ======================================================================= 80. Palmacosta Item: Mithos' Panpipe Skit: What Raine Wants ======================================================================= Talk to the people here to see what's been up while you were away, then head into the inn and stay a night for a skit. Don't forget to have Zelos talk to all the ladies in Sylvarant as well! Whenever you're ready to move on, head over to Neil's Crib and have a chat with him. During the scene Mithos will give Genis his Panpipe. You're done here for now, so head back out to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Human Ranch Rebuilt ======================================================================= When you're outside you'll get a skit. Now that you're back in the world of Sylvarant with the power of the Rheairds, it's time to do some exploring. So... ======================================================================= 81. Exploring Sylvarant Part I Item: All-Divide, Energy Tablets, Red Sage Skit: Again on a Journey of Regeneration. Noishe and Mithos, She's a walking Bomb, Traitors, What Colette Wants, Reagl's Suggestion, Lloyd's Suggestion, I...I...I...I Skit Point: Sheenax2, Zelos, Regalx2, Preseax2 Dog: Lucky ======================================================================= Start by heading up the road that leads north from Palmacosta until you get to a bridge. Cross the bridge and head east towards the mountains until you find a skit point for Sheena. After getting that skit point take off on the Rheairds, you should get a skit. Now head south of that skit point to a small island to find a treasure containing an All- Divide and a skit point for Mr.Zelos. Now fly over to a little island in the southeastern part of the world. This island is the home of the Thoda Geyser that we've been to before. You'll find a skit point involving Regal here. Now fly over to a funky heart shaped island to the west of Palmacosta. Along the way you should trigger a skit. On this island you will find a skit point featuring Presea. Now make your way over to the Desert region of Triet and up to the first house of salvation. If you fly west from the house behind some mountains you'll find another skit point for Presea. Now if you head all the way north you'll find a new continent in the northwest corner of the world map. Land around the lower left portion of the continent to find another skit point of Regal's. To the north of the skit point you'll find a map marker stone in between some mountains. Head west along the continent and a little over half way you'll find a chest that bestows an Energy Tablet for you. At the very west tip of the continent you'll find the Katz' Village. You can check it out now if you'd like but I'll cover it later. Now head to the largest continent in Sylvarant and located the Tower of Salvation. To the southwest of the tower near the ocean you'll find a chest containing some Red Sage. To the east of the chest you'll find another skit point with Sheena. Now on the little strip of land that jets out from the main continent you'll find a beach with a skit point for Genis on it. This is located just to the west of the little island next to Palmacosta's Region. Well that's about it for exploring for now. Head back anywhere you'd like if you missed anything before, like naming dogs *grumble*. Make sure to visit all the cities you've been to before and have Zelos talk to all the women. Stop by the fortune teller in Triet and check out your relationship status. Donate as much as you possibly can to rebuild Luin! Oh you also might want to head over to the Balacruf Mausoleum and meet up with some old 'friends'. When you leave the Mausoleum you might get a skit. If you try to enter Iselia you'll still be rejected, you might get a skit when you get kicked out though. If you stay at the inn in Triet you should get more scenes from the continuing Genis series. Head over to Izoold to talk to the chickies here and stay at the inn for another Genis Skit. Don't forget to visit all the Houses of Salvation, including the Thoda Island Boat Dock, and the Geyser itself to talk to all the women. If you head into the Hakonesia Peak and talk to the old man Koton you'll get a scene about the Collection Book. More on this in the Side Quest Section. If you stay at one of the inns in Asgard you'll get another of the Genis Skits. If you head into the item shop you should get the last scene of The Genis Gift events. Cute ^^. Now you can head over to Luin and make some donations. I made up to the sixth donation and was able to talk to a few more ladies, and a dog for Colette to name. If you can donate this much, or more do so. Just keep some cash for upgrading and restocking, you still have plenty of time to help rebuild Luin. Well that about wraps it up for part one of this exploration, so let's get back on track. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Head back over to Hakonesia Peak (Palmacosta Side) to find Nova's Caravan nearby. You can enter and talk to Nova to get the memo about Aska again if you want. Otherwise head for the ruins of the Palmacost Human Ranch. When you enter watch a scene. After the startling turn of events, talk to Botta to go to the Remote Island Ranch. ======================================================================= 82. The Remote Island Human Ranch Item: Stone Charm, Holy Staff, Vajra, EX Gem Lv.2x2, Saffron, EX Gem Lv.1, Holy Cloak, EX Gem Lv.3x2, Minazuki, EX Gem Lv.4, Mythril Axe, Mythril Greaves, Revive Ring Skit: Remote Island Human Ranch ======================================================================= Watch a scene, then make your way up the hallway. In this next area the path splits off into three directions. You can't take the left or the right paths, so head down the middle one. In the next area you have to walk a particular path to proceed. Step out onto the first panel and go right, right, up, up, left, left, down, down, down, down, right, right, up. Cross over until you get to the next section of floor panels. Walk out onto the first panel, then go down, down, right, down, down, right, right, up, up, left, left, up, up, up, up, right, right, down, down, right, right, down, down, left, left, up, up, left, left, left. Phew. Now make your way right and head into the next area. In this area you'll find the Sorcerer's Ring device and an elevator. Change the function of the ring, then ride the elevator up to the next level. Exit out into the prison area and go around the room hitting the four switches to unlock all the cell doors. While doing so check for three different treasure chest, each hidden behind a pillar on the outer portion of the room. When you release the cell doors watch a scene then enter the elevator and go up another level. In this room use the Sorcerer's Ring to summon a moving platform. The platform will move along the light tracks in the direction indicated by the yellow light on the platform. You can change the light by using the ring. You want to avoid the little blue sparks along the path or you will suffer damage. And you want to hit the orange teleporters that beam up to get to the top level. If you hit a dead end, or a teleporter beaming down you'll go down a level. If can be a little frustrating, but it shouldn't be hard to figure out. Head through the room into the next area, a multi level room that uses different color teleporters to move around. The color indicates the destination you'll end up at, and to change the color you use the ring's power. Start by changing the first warp to red. Ride it up and open the chest on this level. Head back into the red warp, and take it back to start. Now change the warp's color to green and ride it to another area. Open the chest here then head back through the warp. Now change the color to blue and warp to the next area, then head to the right and change the warp here to red. Take the red warp to a control panel to release lock 2. Head back to the previous room and change the white warp here to blue, take that warp to another white warp you want to change red this time, head through THAT warp to get another chest. Head back to the previous room and change the warp here to green and ride it up to a room with a staircase. You'll find a chest behind the staircase. Now head up the stairs and change the warp ring at the top to blue. Head left to claim another chest then warp back to the previous room. Change the warp here to green to enter the next room. Under the stairs you'll find a chest, after collecting the loot head up the steps and over to get to another switch. Warp back again. This time change the warp to red, here you'll find two chest under the stairs, so collect them. Now head up the steps and change the warp to blue to head up to the level above. Again, head under the stairs here and get another chest. Then head back and actually climb up the steps. Climb the steps all the way to the top to unlock the last lock. Afterwards you should get a skit. Now head back downstairs to the white warp and change it to red, go through to find another chest. Now head back and change the warp to blue. In here you'll find a chest under the stairs, and one up the stairs. Now go all the way up the stairs here and change the warp up here to red. Ride it up to an area containing a memory circle. Make sure to save your game and heal up, you have a difficult couple bosses coming up back to back! When you're ready head through the door and take the elevator up and into the next room for a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Rodyle HP: 35000 TP: 500 S: Earth W: None EXP: 6240 Gald: 5800 Item: None Wow... quite the makeover for Rodyle. Regardless... I've been wanting to rip into this guy for a while, and after that last scene, I'm sure you do too. So let's get to it! This guy can do some pretty heavy damage, so you'll want Raine here keeping everyone alive. I had three melee fighters with me beating the crap out of Rodyle while Raine made sure everyone had enough HP to withstand this Beasts' Wicked attacks. Just keep at it and you'll take him down. Make sure to cook a meal after the battle! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle you'll get a rather sad scene. Afterwards you'll get into a battle with three baby dragons similar to those you fought at the nest before. Except they only have 8000 HP. But there's three of them like I said, so don't take this lightly. This battle is only made harder by the fact that it follows directly after the fight with Rodyle. After the battle you'll get another series of scenes. ======================================================================= 83. Palmacosta Skit: My Exsphere, What is Best, Don't Betray Me, You're Not Alone ======================================================================= After the scenes you'll be back here, just outside of Neil's place. You should trigger a skit. Cross the bridge back over towards the inn and the exit of town and you'll get another skit. Enter the inn to get another skit. If you stay the night then in the morning you should trigger another skit. Now you're done here so make your way to the exit. You'll have to go to Sylvarant Base now, so go ahead. ======================================================================= 84. Sylvarant Base Skit: To Altamira ======================================================================= You'll arrive and watch a series of scenes. Afterwards you'll be able to use the Rheaird's Dimensional Transfer Capability to travel between the worlds. You'll view more scenes. When you're back in control you'll be told to head to Altamira. First it's time to head back to Sylvarant and explore some more. So leave Altessa's House and get on the Rheairds. On your way out you should trigger a skit. Fly over to the Tethe'alla base and you can transfer to the Sylvarant Base. ======================================================================= 85. Exploring Sylvarant Part II Item: Soul Eater Skit: Luin Rebuilt 1 Title: Midlife Crisis (Lloyd) ======================================================================= While flying around you should trigger a skit. Now make your way over to Izoold and enter. If you try to head down to the beach you'll get a scene. Choose the first option to step in. You don't get much in return for finally saving the poor lady, well other than the fact that you did the right thing! Now jet on over to Triet... hmm, when you land you might notice a skit point to the west. If you step on it though you will get in a tough encounter with the rumored Sand Worm that's been terrorizing these parts. This guy is pretty tough, but you should be able to take him. If you have Genis in the party casting water magic it will RAPE him. Once the battle is finished you'll get a scene in which you get another one of the Devil Arms. Now head back over to Triet and into the town for one of the most annoying mini games in the entire game. You'll find a new person standing in front of the wanted poster... talk to him to begin the nightmare... ----------------------- Mini-Game: The Uncle Game --------------------- Basically, this is a memory game. You will see a series of men walk towards you, and they will each be numbered. After you view the men you have to pick them out of the crowd in the order they were numbered. This goes on for several rounds, and you have to complete it flawlessly to get any sort of a reward. When you complete the game you will get 1980 Gald. Well... 5 Rounds, that wasn't so bad? No... but to get the real prize... a new title for Lloyd, you have to identify 100... yes... 100 Men. UHG!!! It'll become easier as you see all of the men and you will be able to come up with your own nick names for them and run them through your mind before picking them out. You should unlock High Speed mode at some point. If you're confident with your abilities you can play this more difficult version of the Uncle Game. If you can manage it, things will go by a little quicker. Once you've identified 100 Men, you'll have to beat the game again to get the real prize of this whole ordeal. A new title for Lloyd "Midlife Crisis" To hell with the Uncle Game, we're outta here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you're done in Triet, head over to Luin before going back to Tethe'alla. Make any donations you can. I was only able to make one more donation since last time. But every bit counts! When you're done in Luin head on over to Hima. When you enter you'll get a short scene. Now it's time to head back to Tethe'alla. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Before heading to Altamira, fly over to Fooji Mountain and enter. You're gonna have to climb all the way up to the summit again... yeah, yeah, I know. Here you'll find Yuan, talk to him for a scene. When you're done here, make your way back down the mountain, then head off to Altamira. ======================================================================= 86. Altamira Item: Pasta, Onion, Tomato Skit: Avenged Recipe: Spaghetti Dog: Kenny Title: El Presidente, President's Job ======================================================================= When you enter you'll get a short scene. Head over to the Elemental Railway and ride it to the Lezareno Company. When you enter there will be a series of sad and startling scenes. When given the chance you can pick either option I suppose, but I went with the first. Genis will ask how Presea feels anyway. Afterward Regal will get a new title. Before long you should trigger a skit. Now take the Elemental Railway back to the entrance of town and you'll trigger a skit. Now head over to the hotel and stay the night, the clerk will ask if you'll be going out at night. Agree and you'll be able to explore Altamria at night! At night you can explore the fourth and fifth floors of the hotel, as well as go to two new areas of the city. Start by going up to the fourth floor of the hotel. Examine the pumpkin next to the stairs to summon that whacky Wonder Chef. This time he's going to teach you how to make Spaghetti. If you go to the Fifth Floor and enter the massive suite room and examine the bed you'll be able to crash and it'll be day again. Let's finish exploring first. Now head over to the Elemental Railway and travel to the Casino and Theater area. In front of the casino don't miss another dog for Colette to name. You can enter the casino and talk to people, but sadly that's about it. Hmph. Head back outside and cross the bridge towards the Theater area, and talk to the people here. There's nothing left to do now, so head back to the inn and sleep at the Suite. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Fly to the Fooji Mountains then fly south until you see a building on top of a mountain. Land on the ground next to the mountain and enter the cave here to enter the Temple of Darkness for a scene. After the scene you'll have to leave the Temple and head on over to Meltokio. ======================================================================= 87. Meltokio Item: Blue Candle ======================================================================= You'll have to take the stupid sewers like always. When you reach the other side you'll get a scene. Now make your way towards the Research Laboratory for an unexpected encounter! Afterwards enter the Laboratory for a scene. Now you'll have to go to the Coliseum and enter some matches, so make sure you stock up and supplies and rest and save. Now enter the Coliseum and talk to the lady behind the desk to enter. If you enter with anyone besides Presea or Zelos it will cost you 10000 Gald, if you enter with Presea it'll be 5000, and Zelos for free. So hopefully you can go with Zelos. You'll also get a hilarious scene for entering Zelos ^^. Now you'll have control of whoever you chose. (Man, not having Lloyd's Personal EX Skill is a REAL bummer ><) talk to everyone here (especially the girls if you're Zelos). Talk to the guard at the gate when you're ready. The fight isn't too hard, though don't be tempted by going after the Sorceress' you'll get blocked into a corner and it'll be the death of you. It might be a little rough but you can manage. If not, just use Lloyd and rape these fools. After the bout enter the door on the right in the waiting room and pass into the prison area for a scene. During which you'll get the Blue Candle, which will light the dark in the Temple of Darkness... huh... haven't I used a Blue Candle like this for the same purpose before? Ahem. Now go ahead and leave Meltokio. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: The Life She Chose ======================================================================= When you're back on the map you should get a skit. Now head back over to the Temple of Darkness and enter. ======================================================================= 88. The Temple of Darkness Item: EX Gem Lv.2x2, Headband, EX Gem Lv.3, Shadow Dancer, EX Gem Lv.4, Amethyst Skit: Another Side of Lloyd, Darkness Beam, When the Worlds Split Apart ======================================================================= When you enter you'll see a scene in which the group uses the Blue Candle. Afterwards head a long the path, skipping the bridge for the moment and going up to a chest that's tucked behind a pillar. Grab it then head back to the bridge. Cross the bridge and head down the ramp into the lower area, here go right and examine the small shadow for a scene. Now your objective should become clear for completing this dungeon. Now leave the room the way you came, then return and touch the shadow to activate it. Now it'll start following you. If you should walk into the light, get too far ahead, or get into an encounter it will be deactivated and you'll have to touch it again. Now enter the door on the right, leaving the shadow behind for now. Head down the stairs to the left until you can examine an object on the wall. Lloyd will go into a little hole by himself, on the other side you'll be able to change the function of the Sorcerer's Ring. Now you'll be able to shoot little shadow balls at the statues throughout the area, when you do this you'll be able to push or pull blocks to interact with another block at a different point. This will be key in navigating the dungeon. Now head back out and continue down the steps. At the bottom search under the stairs for another chest. Now head all the way back up to the top level and go to the statue you moved by the entrance. Push the statue all the way into the wall, then return to the stairs and head down to the bottom. Enter the door at the bottom of the stairs into the next area. Head up the stairs to the left and you'll find a memory circle here, use it if you'd like. Head up the ramp to the right and fight the enemy near the top to get a memory gem. Now head to the right and you'll find a chest hidden away. After grabbing that, head all the way left, past a light, and down the ramp, then head right along the narrow passage. At the end you'll find a small shadow, touch it to have it follow you back across. Head up the ramp and when you get to the light use your shadow ring to turn it off, then the shadow will be able to pass. Now run the shadow down to the memory circle and he'll wait here for you to gather his buddies. Head back up the ramp to the middle level then head left until you get to another statue, this one has blue eyes. Use the ring on it, then push it all the way in, now return to the upper area again. Take the newly bridge gap across to find a chest and another shadow. Take the shadow with you back across the gap, then head down the stairs again. Enter the Sorcerer's Ring Area again, activate the statue here and pull it out again, then return to the stairs and head back to the upper level. Grab the shadows here and lead them left, put out the light along the way. Lead the two shadows down some stairs to meet with another shadow, and activate the green eyed statue here. Pull the statue out, now head back up the steps and lead the shadows down to the bottom of the room to join their brother. On the way down you might get a skit. Now head back up the ramp and return to the area with the two statues. This time activate the one on the left and push it in, this will drop a block with a shadow on it. Now activate the green statue again and pull it out. Head down the stairs, and take a left down to where the shadow is. Now pull the block out, and push it to the right, then up into the wall, the shadow will get off the block. Head up the stairs then down to meet with the shadow, now escort him to meet up with his amigos. Now that you've got them all together, take them down the ramp into the bottom area. Now take the shadows left down the stairs, then head straight north along the path down some more stairs. When you get to the intersection take the south path down and to the right to find a chest. Head back to the intersection and take the right path to find another chest. Finally head back to the intersection and take the north path then head left down the stairs, then south down some more stairs. Now head right down some more stairs... and south down some more, and at the bottom you'll find a sealed memory circle. Unseal it, save, and heal up, you've got a boss fight coming up. A Summon Spirit boss fight in fact, so you're going to want to take along the usual party of Lloyd, Sheena, and Raine. This time throw Colette in the mix, her light attacks will be very useful in the battle. Now head west down the longest set of stairs yet, then north down another set of stairs, sheesh, at the bottom you'll finally reach the Seal Room for a scene. Shadow is by far the coolest summon spirit in my opinion. No, Celsius is still my favorite, but this dude is just way too cool to ignore. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Shadow HP: 30000 TP: 800 S: Dark W: None EXP: 6320 Gald: 4500 Item: Dark Seal Shadow has some devastating Area of Effect spells, so try to avoid them at all cost. Even worse would be his gattling gun of punches he throws your way, they cause massive damage to a non-defended character. Shadow can haul ass across the field to your casters, so always stay on the move. Also, most of Lloyd's Techs will do minimal to no damage, it'd be best to use normal attacks and rely heavely on Colette's light magic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle watch a scene. Sheena does have a point... Shadow's not much of a talker ^_^. You'll get an Amethyst, and Sheena will learn T. Seal: Darkness, and Summon: Darkness. Now it's time to leave this place. When you return to the main area you'll get a skit. Back in the first stair room you'll get another skit. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Shameful Knowledge ======================================================================= When you arrive back outside into the sunlight at long last, you should trigger a skit. Now it's time to wrap up some unfinished business in both worlds. But before we get started, you might want to head to Mizuho and stock up/rest. Whenever you're ready... ======================================================================= 89. Loose Ends Part I Item: Gates of Hell, Yasakani Jewel, Fafnir, Disaster Skit: Elite from the Underworld Returns, Where Shall We Live? Sylvarant Team ======================================================================= First let's head back to the Temple of Earth. Head up and enter the secret passage to get to the area with the dragon, fight it once to get by, though while you're here you might want to fight it several times to grab donation money for Luin. Head to the end of the path and open the Blue Chest from earlier to get another one of the Devil Arms. That's it for the Temple of Earth. Now head back to Mizuho and stock up/stay the night if you'd like. When you're ready enter the Gaoracchia Forest. Now head north into the area with the memory circle, head north again then west to find the Sword Dancer. If you haven't beaten him before this is your last chance to do it in the Gaoracchia Forest. You should be ready to fight him with little enough trouble. This time the Sword Dance has 30000 HP, and his attacks are as powerful as ever. You might want to bring Colette into this battle because the Sword Dancer is weak to Light Attacks. He also has some powerful magic spells so watch out for those as well. This time your reward is the Yasakani Jewel. Directly following the battle a skit will occur. Head back to the right and up and you'll find a blue chest (if it's covered in vines still, you'll have to find the Sorcerer's Ring device to burn them away) open it for another Devil Arm and exit the forest. This time Abyssion might come along for a short conversation. When given the choice choose what you want, I went with the second option myself. Now head over to Altamira and head to the Theater area at night. On the bridge from the casino to the theater you'll encounter a person. Talk to him for a scene, and he'll sell you a Kendema for 1000 Gald. It turns out to be another Devil's Arm! Abyssion will show up again for another short chat. Now head back to the Hotel and crash for the night. Now it's time to head back to Sylvarant, so head to the Tethe'alla base and warp. Make your way to Luin to make some donations if you can spare the coin. Upon exiting Luin after making a donation of 40k I got a skit. If you get up to the Tenth Donation and enter the part of town with the Item Shop you'll find the Imposters once again! That about wraps everything up, so when you're finished in Luin and everywhere else, it's time to move on. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Memories of Corrine ======================================================================= Fly towards the Sylvarant Base, then fly Northeast towards a small valley with a single tree in the center. When you get near you should trigger a skit. Now Land and enter the tree. ======================================================================= 90. Linkite Tree Item: Linkite Ocarina ======================================================================= Enter and make your way towards the tree, examine it for a scene. Now you'll have to go find Nova, so leave the tree and get on your Rheairds. Nova is still parked at the entrance to Hakonesia Peak on the Palmacosta side, so land there and enter his caravan. Talk to Nova to go over all the information you've heard before about the Linkite Tree. There will be a scene after you've gone over the memo again. Now leave the caravan and head back to the tree. Examine the tree again for a scene. You'll get the Linkite Ocarina afterwards. Go ahead and leave the tree now. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Where Shall we Live? Tethe'alla Team ======================================================================= When you get outside you should get a skit. Now before you go tearing off to the Tower of Mana to form the last pact, head back to Tethe'alla to complete a little sub event. When you're back in Tethe'alla make your way to Altessa's House. Go inside the house and talk to Mithos for a scene, afterwards examine the red exosphere on the table for a series of scenes. You'll end up in the Toize Mine after the scenes, without Zelos. Hopefully you remember your way around the mine and how it functions, if not check the Toize Mine section for a recap. Head back to the area where you found the Exsphere for Presea. Don't worry, you don't need to hit any switches (aside from the one in the second area to start up the gondola) or change the function of the ring, just go to the area. When you arrive head across the bridge for a scene. After the scenes it's time to get back to work, so head back to Sylvarant and make your way to the Tower of Mana. ======================================================================= 91. Tower of Mana Item: Topaz Skit: For Lazy People ======================================================================= Enter the tower and make your way all the way up to the seal. On the way up you might get a skit. Haha, good point Lloyd. Before going towards the seal room, make sure to save and prep yourself for a boss fight. When you get to the seal room you'll encounter some old friends. Watch a couple scenes then you'll get into a boss battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Aska HP: 19650 TP: 600 S: Meh... Everything except Dark W: None EXP: 3480 Gald: 2800 Item: Rare Pellet Boss: Luna HP: 18000 TP: 720 S: Light W: None EXP: 3250 Gald: 4800 Item: Moonstone Having to fight both of these Summon Spirits at once can be a pain, though Luna isn't very difficult, although she can rack up some nice damage, she'll usually only cast Photon throughout the entire battle, where as Aska is much more of a threat. If it's possible, have Lloyd go head to head with Aska while the rest of the part either heals him or deals with Luna. Whichever one drops first, have everyone switch to the other. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle you'll get a scene, and receive a Topaz. Sheena will also learn S. Seal: Light, and Summon: Light. Watch a CG scene after claiming your rewards. Uh Oh... You'll see a long series of scenes. Afterwards Kratos will rejoin the party, and obtain the title of "Traitor". You'll see some more scenes afterwards. ======================================================================= 92. Iselia Human Ranch Item: Lovely Mittens, Muramasa, Cor Leonis, Solar Spinner, Rune Robe, Aqua Greaves, Rune Shield, Rune Mail, Rune Guard, Hairpin, Rune Gauntlet, Rune Cloak, Rune Circlet, War Hammer Skit: Enemies ======================================================================= Well, Well... things are certainly getting interesting. You'll notice that Kratos has taken Sheena's place in the part for now, I suggest you use him. Kratos comes with some sweet equipment and he's on the verge of learning some really wicked tech attacks. Anyways... you should get a skit right off the bat. Now, walk through the gate and head down the stairs on the right to enter the Ranch. Inside you'll find a save point and a Sorcerer's Ring Device. Save if you'd like then examine the device for a scene. The ring will now shoot out mana light, which absorbs your own mana, so keep an eye on it throughout the dungeon. Head up the path, and avoid the sliding red cylinder lest you want to take damage. When you enter the next area you'll get a scene. Now you'll have to pick teams again, keep in mind that the Reactor Team (Lloyd's Team) will be fighting the boss of this area, while the rescue team will... do nothing. So just pick you're best characters to go with you. You should at least include Raine, and I'd definitely recommend Kratos. Once you've picked your teams you can examine the blue circles in the room to rest or buy supplies. Don't miss the chest next to the control panel in the south part of the room. Now head up north until you get to an intersection. On both sides you'll will find a trove of treasure chest containing new weapons for all your part members, sweet! Now head back to the control room where you picked your parties. Now use the ring to activate the two orbs by the door to the left. Head through the corridor to the left and avoid the laser cylinders. At the end you'll get a scene. The rescue team will leave the group now. Head downstairs and enter the hall on the right, cautiously make your way by the cylinders. At the end of the hall you'll find a treasure. Now head up the stairs to the left and you'll find that the path splits off in several directions. Start by heading to the left and opening the door with the ring, you'll find three more chest in here! Next make your way up the middle path and unlock the door here to find three more chest. Head to the right and down the first set of stairs you see, avoid the laser traps as you make your way south. Unlock the room at the end of the hall for even more treasure. Head back up the stairs, then head down another set of stairs to the north and head east then south until you find a sealed memory circle. Enter the door here to find a chest and an enemy with a memory gem. Activate the Elevator device here, but it won't really be useful just yet. Now head back to the previous room and unseal the memory circle, now head north avoiding the crazy traps and you'll find a warp, prepare yourself for a boss battle and step onto the warp. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Forcystus HP: 20000 TP: 400 S: Wind W: None EXP: 7100 Gald: 5800 Item: Faerie Ring Boss: Exbone x2 HP: 6000 TP: 320 S: Wind W: None EXP: 0 Gald: 0 Item: None This battle can be annoying, you want to take out the two flying enemies first, but all the while Forcystus will be pounding the crap out of everyone. Once you get rid of the two Exbones the battle will become easier, but Forcystus can still dish out some sick damage, and he also has a lot of defense, so be ready for a fairly long bout. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch a pretty stupid death scene afterwards =p. Make your way back out and down to the Elevator Device, use it to return to the upper levels and exit the ranch. When you get back outside watch an amazing scene o.o. Now you'll see another sweet CG scene. Follow by an ever cooler scene. And then the best CG Scene yet, Weeee!!! Now you'll see some more scenes. Finally! We have reached the end of Disc I, so pop in that second Disc and let's get this show back on the road! ======================================================================= B. Disc 2 - DSK2 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= 93. Iselia Item: Miso, Kelp, Egg Skit: Small First Step, Is it my fault?, The Cursed Sword of Nebilim, The Desian Hero, Is it a Punishment? Recipe: Miso Stew Dog: Bunz ======================================================================= Oddly enough, you start the second disc in the same place you started the first. Ah well... you'll watch some scenes before you gain control again. Once you do you can go around the village and talk to people, to advance the story head over in front of the school house for a scene. If you want to explore the village a bit first, just ignore it for now. When you're ready, head over and watch the scene. Now head down to the ruins of Genis and Raine's house to find Raine for a scene. Shortly afterwards you might trigger a skit. If you run around the village some more you might trigger another skit. Just avoid getting close to the south gate for now if you want the skit. When you're ready to move on head to the south gate to meet up with Colette, after a scene you'll be brought to Dirk's House. When you arrive you should get a skit (if you've been doing the Devil Arms Side Quest anyways...) When you walk towards the house you will automatically trigger another skit. Head towards the house for a scene. After the scenes have concluded you can go area the area of Dirk's Property and talk with all your party members. Avoid the balcony outside of Lloyd's room for last. When you're done talking to everyone (Sheena gets the shaft here =\) head up to the balcony and talk to Colette to move on. When you're in control again, head for the exit and you should get a skit. Before leaving return to Lloyd's room and examine the object by his bed to summon fourth thy Wonder Chef. This time he'll teach you how to make Miso Stew! Now leave Dirk's House. Head back over to Iselia and have Zelos as your on screen character and talk to all the ladies in the village, you can also talk to everyone in the village and see what they have to say. One of the women in the village is working in the grape vines, to get to the grape vines, just head behind the item shop Halo. Finally, don't forget to have Colette name the Dog outside of the Ruins of Raine's House. Now that should be it for Sylvarant right now, if for some reason you have come across large sums of money feel free to head over to Luin and pitch in on the construction fund. You can also fly by the ruins of Palmacost, but you can't enter. When you're ready head to the base and warp back to Tethe'alla. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Chosen's Sickness ======================================================================= Start by heading to Altessa's House, enter the house for a scene. Now leave and head over to Sybak. Enter the Library to the north of the city's center for a scene. When given the choice go with whatever option. Zelos seems to be on to something... you may have noticed the guy is smarter than you'd think at a glance. Something interesting to keep in mind none the less. Run around Sybak for a bit and you should trigger a skit, afterwards leave the city. Now fly over to Meltokio and enter the sewers as per usual. ======================================================================= 94. Melotkio Item: King's Letter Skit: Fifteen Years From Now, End of Revenge, Zelos' Hormones, A Fine Chosen Title: Spiritua Reborn (Colette) ======================================================================= Along the way you should trigger a skit. When you exit the sewer you'll get a scene. Afterwards you should get a skit. Then exit the sewers and head for the Church of Martel. Head inside and enter the door on the left for a series of scenes. Haha... very clever Zelos. During the scenes Colette will get the title of "Spiritua Reborn". After the scenes head around the Castle and have Zelos talk with all the ladies. When you're ready, head to the right most wing of the castle to find a memory circle and the Royal Library. Enter the Library for more scenes. When you're ready head to the Throne Room on the bottom level and speak with Princess Hilda for a scene. You'll get the King's Letter. After that you can leave the Castle. The ban on Zelos and the party will be lifted now, so no more shifting through sewage to enter the city, yay! If you head right into the Nobel's District you might trigger a funny skit. Now if you stay at the inn you should get another skit. When you're done in Meltokio head back to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= You're next destination is Altamira. But first you can do a little side quest. You may have noticed the floating city of Exire during your exploration of Tethe'alla. It moves from three different locations in the skies of Tethe'alla. Find it and attempt to land on it to enter. ======================================================================= 95. The City in The Sky - Exire Item: Fruit, Egg, Milk, Virginia's Diary Dog: Simon, Chuchu Recipe: Shortcake ======================================================================= Make your way up the path talking to people along the way. There's a dog for Colette to name along the way. Make sure to have Zelos talk to the women in this city in the sky. Enter the first house that you come across that you actually CAN enter and talk with the Village Elder for a scene. Head across the sky bridge to the next area and enter the multi-story building to descend to lower levels. You'll find the Katz team on the top level. On the next level examine the model Rheaird (at least that's what I *think* it is) to summon the Wonder Chef. Wonder Chef makes an appearance up in the Clouds to teach your party how to prepare some Shortcake. Exit the building and you'll find a dog in the area that's up the stairs. When you head up the stairs to the last area of this city you'll get a short scene. Now head inside the house for a surprising scene. After the scenes head back to the Elder's House to get Virginia's Diary and watch a scene. If you return to Virginia's House you'll get a scene. There's nothing left to do in this depressing city, so head to one of the exits and return to the world map. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Mother ======================================================================= You'll get a skit right away. Now head over to Altamira. ======================================================================= 96. Altamira Title: Eternal Sinner (Regal) ======================================================================= Note: Apparently there is an event that is supposed to happen near the Gravestone in the first section of town involving Presea and a new title. For some reason I missed the first event of this sequence, so it would seem that I'm out of luck and won't be able to get this scene or title until I play through the game again. I'll try to add that as soon as possible. Head over the bridge to the Elemental Railway for a scene (you'll only get this scene if you bought the ring from the guy near the junk dealer in Sybak) make sure that you choose the second option when given the chance if you want to complete this little side quest, and don't accidentally click on the first option like me, and have to do the entire Exire events over again because I forgot to save afterwards for reasons unknown...uhhhg. Ahem... She'll give you 5000 Gald to give to Joshua back in Sybak. We'll take care of that soon enough, for now keep going. Tale the Elemental Railway to the Lezareno Company and head to the President's Office. Talk to George for a scene. Talk to George again afterwards to get a new title for Regal "Eternal Sinner". Now head down to the second floor for a scene. After the interesting scene you're off to Sybak. ======================================================================= 97. Sybak Item: Zircon ======================================================================= First head up towards the junk dealer for a scene. Joshua won't take the 5000 Gald, and so the event drags on once more. If you remember, Rosa said she'd be at her house in Meltokio. So we'll be heading back there shortly. Now head over to the Research Academy for a scene. Head into the left hall and enter the first door to find the Zircon you're looking for. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Now head over to Meltokio and head for the Nobel District. If you head west towards Zelos' house you'll encounter Rosa again. Afterwards head back to Sybak and talk to Joshua again. Choose the first option when given the chance. Now you've done all you can for the couple for the time being, so let's get back on track. Head over to Mizuho, you've got a date with Kuchinawa. Make sure to SAVE before entering the Village. ======================================================================= 98. Mizuho ======================================================================= When you enter you'll get a scene. After the scene the party will consist of Sheena and Lloyd. You can go around the village and talk to your other party members if you'd like. Talk to Orochi when you're ready for the duel. Prepare yourself for one of if not the hardest battles in the game. Why is this battle so hard? For one, it's Sheena VS Kuchinawa in a one on one brawl. Kuchinawa would probably be hard against FOUR party members let alone one. For two, the worse reason is that you CAN'T use items. So you're going to need to pull out all the stops, and hope to god you can pull off a summon during the battle. You don't HAVE to win the battle, you'll get Corrine's Bell back if you lose and the game will go on, but if you win you'll get an awesome weapon for Sheena and an extra scene. The battle will be very hard to win, if you just can't seem to win you can try leveling Sheena up a bit, and make sure she has the best equipment, tech attacks, and EX Skills she can get. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Future of this Kingdom, To Heimdall ======================================================================= Sadly, I couldn't manage to beat him at this time, so I'll go on with the game and note when I went back and finally beat him. Leave the outskirts of Mizuho (before having fought Kuchinawa) and fly around a bit, you should get a skit. Now fly to the Tower of Salvation and fly directly south to a forest area with a village on an island in the middle of the water. Land and make your way around to the entrance of Ymir Forest. Along the way you might trigger a skit. ======================================================================= 99. Ymir Forest Item: Resist Ring, Solar Guard, Gladius, Maid's Hairband, Crystal Shell, Ymir Fruit, Metal Sphere Skit: Heimdall, Ymir Fruit ======================================================================= When you enter watch a short scene, you'll trigger an automatic skit right after the scene. When you regain control head north towards the Sorcerer's Ring Device and change the function. The ring now makes sounds which will summon animals at certain points in the forest. Start by heading over to the tree stump next to the device and using the ring on the pink flowers. After the short scene, head around west behind the tree to find a secret chest. Now head back down, then east, and south to find a chest. If you try to open the chest you'll find that you can't open it without striking it with a powerful force. So climb up on the stomp and summon the boar down to hit the chest. Climb back down and open the chest. Head north from the chest and head behind the tree here to find another hidden chest. Now head back to the Ring Device and head west this time. Head up the tree to the upper level, then head all the way north, along the path into the next area. Here, head north, then west down the tree to the lower level. Head south, then east, and north under the tree, and to the west and north up the tree to get to the upper level again. Head east then south towards the round about path, then head west and south to the lower level again. Head west to a small island with a memory circle on it. Save if you'd like, and search behind the tree for another chest. Now head up to the child for a scene. Now head all the way back to the first area of the forest, and head east past the sorcerer's ring device again. Head north towards the tree again, but this time head left and then north into the next area. Take the first left in this area to find a stump with a pink flower on it. Climb up on the stump and use the ring. Now head back to the previous area and head north, then take the second left for a scene. Head back to the last area and take the right path this time. Keep heading east along the path until you get a scene. Climb up on the stump and use the ring, now pick up the blue seed for a scene. Now search behind the tree for yet another hidden chest. Now return to the Sorcerer's Ring device and plant the Blue Seed in the little garden to the left of it. Blue Flowers will now bloom on Liliypads throughout the forest. Now return to the area where the child is waiting and you'll find a blue flower you can use just to the west of the entrance. Use the ring to summon a fish that will push a chest over near the island with the memory circle. Fetch the chest to get the white seed. Head back to the little garden and plant the new seed. Now white flowers will bloom on branches throughout the forest. Head to the branch and the white flower that was shown in the scene. Jump out onto the branch and use the ring to summon a bird. The bird will take you to another branch with a box on it. Push the box off into the water then return to the previous area. Head north up the eastern path again and enter the next area. Head north and to the west and follow the path towards the tree where you got the blue seed. This time head north and climb up the tree to the higher level. Head north, and then west along the path and head down the tree to the lower area when you get a chance. Head all the way to the east and cross over the crate you knocked down earlier. Climb onto the tree stump on this small isle and summon a boar to knock down the Ymir fruit. You might get a skit before doing this. Now you have to go about manipulating the fish to move the Ymir fruit to an area where you can obtain it. Start by returning to the area with the blue seed tree. You'll find a stump near the tree that you climb to get up to the upper level in this area. Get on the stump and summon a boar to knock a worm from the tree to distract the big fish. Now head over to the blue seed true and follow the path north from it to a liliypad. Summon a fish to move the fruit past the distracted fish. Head toward the island where the fruit has been "docked" and climb onto the stump to summon another boar. The waves will float the Fruit south. Return towards the blue seed tree and head west to find a liliypad partly hidden behind a tree. Jump on it and summon a fish to move the fruit more. Now head east and up the tree to the upper level. Head all the way to the back of the area and west towards a branch. Jump onto the branch and summon a bird. Head east and climb up onto the stump to summon another boar to break the boulder. Now return to the previous area. Head back to the area where Lloyd commented about the big fish and jump onto the liliypad. Summon a fish to move the fruit south into the first area of the forest. Follow the fruit back to the Sorcerer's ring device and head west under the tree and along the path to get to a liliypad. Jump on and have the fish move the fruit to a liliypad near the garden. Head over there and grab that damn fruit. Now head back to the kid and give him the fruit. He'll give you a Metal Sphere and will let you pass. After the short scene head north for a scene. ======================================================================= 100. The Hidden Elven Village - Heimdall Item: Elf Elder Staff, Milk, Onion, Carrot Dog: Coco, Cookie Recipe: Cream Stew Title: Dog Lover (Colette) ======================================================================= After some interesting scenes Raine and Genis will leave the party until you're done in the village. Talk with all the people outside the entrance area, make sure Zelos talks to all the females. The first building on the left is the Weapon/Armor Shop and Customizer. Upgrade your gear, because I'm sure it's been a while. Don't forget to grab stuff for Genis and Raine! The second building on the right is the item shop, stock up if you'd like, you'll also find the Katz Team here. " The building in the back of the village is the inn, enter and see what's up. Rest/Save if you'd like. Outside of the inn, head to the left to find a little area that you can pass under the inn. On the other side you'll find a Dog for Colette to name. Now head back through the pass and head left into the next area of town. Talk to the people in this area. You'll find a guard guarding the entrance to the Torent Forest, you can't do anything about it now, but keep it in mind for later. Head to the back of the village by crossing the bridge to reach the Elder's House. Before entering you can find a secret passage way under the house similar to that of the inn's. Head through it to find another dog, and that my friends... should conclude the Dog Naming. And Colette will receive the title of "Dog Lover" if you've named all the dogs up to this point. Now then, head back and enter the Elder's House. Talk to the Elder for a scene. After the scene you'll get the Elf Elder's Staff. Now head into the room in the back of the Elder's House and examine the painting of The Wonder Chef to... gee I wonder what will happen? You'll learn how to make Cream Stew. Now leave the village, and use "Quick Jump" to skip Ymir Forest. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: My Sister, The Eternal Obsession ======================================================================= At this point I decided that my thin wallet was bugging me, so I headed over to the Temple of Earth and fought the Dragon until I earned about 280k. If you'd like to do the same, go ahead. You should have enough to finish the restoration of Luin, so warp on over to Sylvarant and finish up that little side quest. If you complete the reconstruction, or at least make the 11th donation. At least buy the Money Bag for Sheena, it will be extremely useful when trying to beat Kuchinawa (if you haven't done so yet, or haven't given up on it) If you stay the night at the inn you might get a skit. When you leave Luin after the final donation you might get a skit. Now head back to Tethe'alla, and then to Mizuho if you'd like to try beating Kuchinawa. I was able to do it this time, so I'll provide a Boss Strategy of sorts ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Kuchinawa Alright, Kuchinawa is one tough nut to crack. Half of winning this battle lies in preperation. For starters Sheena's Equipment. It's almost mandatory to have the "Money Bag" Weapon you can get from Luin after the 11th donation. This weapon increases Sheena's Stats, and her attack power greatly. You'll also want the best armor you can fit on her at this point it'll probably be stuff from the "Rune" Category, as well as the Maid's Hairband you found in Ymir Forest. The next important pieces of equipment are accessories. There's several combinations of accessories you can use. Either two Black Onyx (can be bought in Flanoir for 20k a piece) or a Black Onyx and a Holy Symbol or Faerie Ring. I managed to beat him with Black Onyx/Holy Symbol. So that's what I'd recommend. As far as Techs go, I had Pyre Seal and Life seal assigned to two different keys. Both of these attacks will do great damage (about 1k for both of them I got) and Life Seal is vital to restoring some health. I binded Summon: Water and Summon: Fire to the C Stick. These are the best summons to use in the battle. Undine will heal Sheena and do some damage, while Efreet will do a huge chunk of damage. Use whichever based on the situation I guess. It would help going into this battle near Over Limit. Yeah, it's not something you can tell really, but try anyways. As far as EX Skills go I had Dash, Guard Plus, Strong and Prolong. This gave me the Compound Skill "Hard Hit" which is very useful. Guard Plus is useful in it's own right for defending during the bout. Strong increases your attack power, so that's important too. Finally... levels. Sheena was level 56 because I thought getting the Cyclone Seal would help, obviously it didn't, but that's what level she was at. When you start the battle you can either play it safe and defend while trying to figure out a good attack pattern, or you can just run up to him and try to whack the bajeezus out of him. That's what I did, and that's what a lot of this setup is aimed at doing, so it might be in your best interest to do the same. Linking together strong normal attacks while spaming Pyre Seal, I was able to OWN Kuchinawa without even having to summon. Even still... he's hard, and it might take you a few tries to take him down, but it can be done! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle you'll get the Asura Card... which is kind of useless if you got the Money Bag. Oh well... at least you get the better conclusion to this little sub event. When given the choice choose "Stop Him". After the scenes you'll get Corrine's Bell and you'll be back in the village. Head over to the Chief's House to rest then leave the village. Now fly to the Latheon Gorge which is located due southeast of Ymir Forest. There's a House of Guidance behind the Gorge, so make sure to pop in there and have Zelos talk to the Hunnies. When you're ready, enter the Gorge. ======================================================================= 101. Latheon Gorge Item: EX Gem Lv.4x3, Rare Pellets, EX Gem Lv.3x2, Star Cap, Rare Shield, Diablos, Flare Greaves, Toroid, Elixir, Draupnir, Pasta, Fish, Tomato, Mana Leaf Herb Skit: Rhythm, On Purpose Recipe: Pescatore Skit: There She Goes Again ======================================================================= Walk up the path a bit for a scene. Afterwards head up north more and you'll find a chest. Head back down, and go east until you can head south. Here you'll find this dungeon's Sorcerer's Ring Device. This time when you use the ring, the on screen character will be incased in a bubble. You'll need to combine this powers with the strange flowers in the area to progress. Now head back up and east, the north and you'll find a path leading to higher ground and a chest. Get in front of the Flower and use the ring's power to float across the gorge to the dead flower you saw in the scenes from earlier. Examine it for a scene, then head north along the path. You'll eventually find a tree with some fruit on it and a scene. Afterwards head back down the path and use the Kirima on the dead plant. Get in front of the plant and use the ring's power to float across to the other side, then make your way east into the next area. Here head east, passing the slope leading upward to find a chest. After grabbing the chest, head back and take the slope to the upper area, to the left you'll find another chest. Now head east behind the blowing flower and up another slope to find a Kirima Tree. Take one then head north and down a slope to a dead flower. Revive the flower then head back to the flower you passed earlier. Use the ring's power in front of the flower to float across the gorge by aid of the flower you just revived as well. When you reach the other side head north up the path to another fruit tree for a scene. You'll get an Amango, these fruits when fed to the flowers will kill them. Grab one of them. Head east and then north up the slope to enter the next area. Head all the way north ignoring the slopes along the way, and turn west to find a small chest tucked away. You'll also find a large flower in this area. Stand in front of it and use the ring's power to be blown to a small island. At the island revive the dead flower and then stand in front of it and let it blow you behind the waterfall. Head west and pick up a hidden chest, then east to find a flower that will take you back to the small island. Back on the island, take the other flower this time to find another big flower and a chest. Open the chest then get in front of the big flower to have it take you back to the second area of the dungeon. Head up the slope and on the way you'll find a blue chest containing another one of the Demon Arms. Grab that then make your way back to the third area we left just a short while ago. When you return to the third area, revive the two plants here, and then stand in front of the northeast one (the one near the Kirmia Tree) and use the ring. You'll run along a current course and be brought to the upper level where you can find two more chest. Don't forget to revive the dead plant at the top! When you're done here, use the southern most flower to blow yourself across the gorge to another big flower. Take the big flower into the next area. In this area, head to the west, and then up the southwest slope. Up here revive the flower that is facing south and stand in front of it. Use the ring's power to be blown off the edge where you will find a chest. Sadly... you're back at the dungeon's entrance. So backtrack to the previous area. When you're finally back take the first flower you see (on the hill you're on) to the northwest. Kill the flower that is blowing southeast then ride the wind south. Revive the other plant on this hill. While messing around here you might trigger a skit. Head up to the first flower in this area (the one that is blowing northwest) and kill it. Then return to the plant that is blowing northeast and take it across the gorge. You might get another skit in the process. On the other side head up the slope and revive the flower along the way. Keep going up to the top and stand in front of the flower here, have it blow you into the current of the flower you just revived and it'll take you to the next area. Have the flower here blow you to the left, then head up the path and have the big flower blow you to the right. If you revived the flower from earlier you'll be able to travel a wind circuit here that will take you up to a higher ledge. Revive the flower here, than use the ring to head west. Revive the flower here, then enter the cave. Inside the cave you'll find a chest containing a Fake. Make sure to take Genis with you into battle or you're in for a long fight. You're reward will be an Elixir. Now head to the west, and then south to exit the cave. Revive the flower out here and use it. use the big flower here to blow over to an area above the cave you enter a short while ago. Here use the flower to blow to the right and the flower from below will blow you up to the higher level. When you arrive you'll get a short scene. Head west and revive the plant, and then have it blow you over to the cave. Inside fight the slug enemy to get a memory gem, then head west, and then east up a slope to claim a chest. Head down the slope to the south and head over to the southwest exit again. Back track to the ledge and then head up the slope and follow the path in the next area. Revive the first plant you come across, then cross the bridge to revive another one. Head back across the bridge and use the ring to be blown to a rock which you will knock down. You'll land back on the bridge so head west. Ignore the shack for now and head south to find a chest. Then head back to the shack and use the memory circle to save. Head inside the shack but avoid talking to the man. Instead head behind him and examine the bunny looking object to summon thy Wonder Chef. This time you'll learn how to prepare Pescatore. Now talk to the story teller for a scene. The Storyteller will open the gate for you, so head south into the previous area. Head east towards the flower for a scene, then use the flower to get to the cave. Unseal the memory circle here and enter the cave. Head toward the plant for a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Plantix HP: 36000 TP: 250 S: Earth W: Fire EXP: 7500 Gald: 1250 Item: Blue Sephira What a push over. I went into this battle unprepared even (didn't heal) and I was able to whoop him without any problems. Though I'd imagine Genis' Fire Magic, and Efreet could own this guy a fair bit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle you'll get the Mana Leaf Herb and then a skit will automatically play out. Afterwards you'll be back at the storyteller's shack. Save... this is going to be a long story. Get ready for a shock! After the series of scenes you'll be brought to the entrance of the Gorge automatically (Thank God!) now leave here. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= You're headed to the SE Abbey, which as it would happen... located in the southeast portion of the world. You might have passed by or inspected the area during earlier explorations. Now is the time to enter though. ======================================================================= 102. SE Abbey Skit: Your Sister Hates You? ======================================================================= Make sure to have Zelos talk to the ladies around here, then enter the abbey. Head between the two guards and talk to Seles for a scene. And that's all. Yup... that's all. So head outside and you should trigger a skit. Then leave the Abbey. ======================================================================= 103. Loose Ends Part II Skit: Klonoa Title: Friend (Genis), Dream Traveler (Presea), Masked Swordsman(Zelos), Princess Guard (Zelos), Tactical Leader (Lloyd) ======================================================================= Having completed Latheron Gorge and having had talked to Seles, you've unlocked several side quest. So before moving on, let's see what we can do. First off, head to Altessa's House for a scene. When given the chance choose to follow Genis and Mithos. Watch a few... interesting scenes during which Genis will obtain the title "Friend". Watch some more scenes to finish the event. Now leave Altessa's House and head over to Sybak. You'll find a small child just outside the inn. Talk to him for a scene. Talk to some of the people in the area until you get a scene. Afterwards this little sub event is finished. Now make for Altamira. Head to the Lezareno company and head up to the President's Office for a scene. Aww so... friggin cute xD, and quite funny too ^^. Presea will obtain the title of "Dream Traveler" as well as her Klonoa Costume. Wahoo. You can go around Altamira and talk to everyone Wahoo. Ahem... when you're finished in Altamira head back to the world map. Meltokio is the location of the rest of these little sub events, one of which includes participating in Coliseum matches. So you might want to warp to Sylvarant and go to Luin to invest in some of the novelty weapons for your characters. They certainly aren't cheap, so if you're limited to only a couple of them, make sure you get them for your main fighter characters. Enter Meltokio and head towards the Nobel District. You might get a skit along the way. Head towards Zelos' house and you'll get a scene. Haha, the return of the masked swordsman (assuming you used him for the Mithos Cup) Zelos will now don the title "Masked Swordsman" and obtain the mask costume. Now enter Zelos' house and talk to the Butler Sebastian for a scene. Now head for the Castle for more scenes. Now leave the Castle and head for the Tethe'alla Bridge for a scene. Leave Meltokio again, this time fly over to Mizuho and enter the Gaoracchia Forest for a scene and an easy battle. After the battle some more scenes, and Zelos will obtain the title of "Princess Guard". There's more to this little quest, but you'll have to wait for later to finish it. Now that everything is Honky Dory with the Kingdom, head to the Meltokio Coliseum. Talk to the airhead of a Receptionist (it's better to talk to her using Zelos ^^) and get an explanation on how this all works. Now you'll be able to enter the Single Matches Beginner Class for 5000 Gald. This is similar to what you did during the Mithos Cup, so select your best character. You won't be able to use items and the battles are back to back, so make sure you're prepared. When you're ready to fight, choose a character then talk to the guard in the waiting room. You'll have to win three one on one fights in a row. Nothing too hard really. These are actually the same as the Papal Knights you just fought in the forest. It can be kind of rough with only one character, but a fighter character with one of the Novelty weapons should be fine. You'll get 12000 Gald and a set of gels if you complete the Beginner Class. Afterwards you'll watch a scene. Now if you head back inside you'll find another receptionist. If you talk to her you'll be able to do group battles, which is pretty self explanatory. You'll also be able to compete in Single's Intermediate Class. If you're going to do the group matches, keep in mind that it's the first three party members in you're roster that will compete. Make it a habit to always include Raine... it makes life that much easier. In the Beginner class of team battle you'll have to overcome five battles. None of which are too hard, this stuff is fairly easy compared to Single Battles actually. The first couple fights will have you fighting Papal Knights and various other Human Enemies, where as the last few will put you against several tough baddies you may not have faced yet. You're reward for winning these matches is 20000 Gald and another Gel Set. The Intermediate Singles Match is a lot harder, with an extra match to survive and tougher foes. You might not have the stuff to make it through this one yet, but if you do go for it. Having Ingredients and a good cooker goes a long way to helping you advance through the battles. If you can conquer this Class you'll be rewarded 20k and more medicine than you can shake a stick at. Afterwards you'll get another scene. The Advanced (There is no Intermediate apparently) Group Match is quite a bit tougher than the cake walk that was Beginner Class. It's still Five Battles, but these battles host some rather fierce enemies. Battle Three is the real trick, the Red Mantis is a horrifically powerful beast that can make your HP go bye-bye. What's worse is that they can also poison you, which pretty much seals your fate. If you can get past this battle you should have the rest of this class in the bag. When you win you'll get a scene. Lloyd will then receive the title of "Tactical Leader". You're reward for clearing this Challenge is 50k and an Extreme Symbol. And then... you'll face a trio of characters from previous Tales Games. Meredy, Farah Oersted, and Garr. Will you win this battle? Oh Hell No. Just try to stay alive long enough to have Raine use a Magic Lens on all three of them. Don't worry, you'll be able to try and fight them again later. It's also highly unlikely that you'll be able to complete the Single Advanced Match either, it's pretty rough. Besides, there's a much better reason to clear Advanced Class later in the game, though you can get a nice reward for completing it now, it's nothing compared to the treats ahead. Lastly, head over to Sylvarant, and fly to the Palmacosta Human Ranch Ruins. If you've seen the first two scenes involving the Yuan's Ring event you should meet Yuan here for a scene. That concludes side tracking for now. Hopefully you had fun, because it's time to get serious again. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= When you're ready to move on, prepare your best party, stock up, rest, and save. The next section of the game will require you to complete it before you can go back for supplies or do anything else. When you're ready, fly over to the Tower of Salvation and enter at the base of the tower. ======================================================================= 104. Tower of Salvation ======================================================================= Walk forward for a scene, then climb the stairs for another scene. After the... odd scene, enter the tower and move along the path until you get to the warp ring. When you're ready for the boss fight, step on the warp ring and watch a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Kratos HP: 25000 TP: 980 S: Lightning, Light W: None EXP: 7600 Gald: 4800 Item: EX Gem Lv.4, Energy Tablets Well... Kratos has some pretty devastating Light Magic Attacks... I mean his Judgment does near 2k, but that's only IF it can hit you. Other than that, he was waaay easier than last time. Taking a group of three fighters along with Raine for support, you should be able to lay into him like no tomorrow. Again, you don't HAVE to win this battle, but I don't see why you'd lose. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= 105. The Holy City - Welgaia Item: Apocalypse, Mana Fragment Skit: Dolls, Strange City, Angels Without Soul ======================================================================= You'll arrive here after the battle with Kratos and watch some scenes. Man... if ONLY Regal would fight with his hands ><. Now take the lift across the way and head south, then west to find a memory circle. Save if you'd like, then head towards the spinning ring on the platform for a scene. After the scene you'll be in control of Colette, move the boxes around the warp so that the rest of the party can come through. Once you're reunited head through the warp for a scene. After the scene you should get a skit. Now you can go around the city and talk to all the Angels to learn a great deal of information. After talking to a couple people you should get another skit. Head to the right and enter the building to the north, you should get a skit. Head to the left to find a blue chest, and inside you'll get the Devil Arm "Apocalypse". In this same building you'll find an Elevator that can take you to the various floors for the sole purpose of talking with people, if that's your thing go ahead. I recommend you do, because there's a lot of information to be had. When you're done, head back outside and enter the building to the east. Talk to the guard on duty here for a scene, during which you'll obtain the Mana Fragment. Score! Now let's get the hell outta here. Head back outside and make your way west to the moving pathway, and head north into the next area. Head towards the transporter and talk to the guard for a scene. Head back south, then east along the path to another moving floor way and head into the next area. In this area head to the east talking to people on the way, at the end you will find a terminal. Examine it for a scene, and then check out all the information. After you have the information, leave the terminal and start taking some of these lifts up and down. The lift in front of the terminal to the left of the information terminal will take you to a refresher. To the left of that you'll find another refresher. The lift in front of the information terminal will lead you to a vending machine. When you're done here, head back to the entrance of this area and take the stairs down. Get on the platform to the right and cross the gap for a scene. ======================================================================= 106. Tower of Salvation Item: EX Gem Lv.3x2, EX Gem Lv.4, Rare Guard, Holy Robe, Nagazuki, Laser Blade, Dragon Fang, Energy Tablets, Holy Circle, Elevator Key, EX Gem Lv.2 Skit: Looking at the Stars, Empty, Silent World, Weightless, Almost to the Exit, Genis Disturbed ======================================================================= You'll end up here after taking the emergency exit out of Welgaia. Head to the west to find a memory circle, save, then descend the stairs. Head west towards the new kind of chest tucked in the southern part of the room, then keep heading west. Head west all the way until you can go south, and descend some stairs into the next area. Follow the path through here until you spot a door to the east, enter it for a scene. This Anti-Gravity room is much like the ice lake in the Temple of Ice. So you'll have to follow a set path to reach your destination. Head east all the way to the other side of the room. Along the way you should get a skit. Now head down, left, up, left, up, left, down, left, up, left, down, right, down, right, down, right, up, and right. Phew. You should get a couple skits in the process. Open the chest in the south part of this new room, then activate the red control to unlock some doors. Now return to the weightless room and head for the west door. Back in this corridor, head south, then west through the newly unlocked door to find a chest. Now head back the way you came, all the way to the first area again. From the stairs head north, then west, and then north again. Head into the small doorway on the right, then head down the stairs to find a chest. Head to the east and follow the path until you get to some stairs. In the next area head north, collecting the chest along the way. Follow the path until you get to an intersection and take the south passage to return to the original area. Head west again and then north, this time take the left passage down some stairs into the next area. Go south at the first intersection and collect a chest, there's another one right next door to it. Head to the west side of the room, and the north to activate the blue console. Now the blue doors will open. Head back up the stairs into the previous area, then head straight to enter the small doorway on the right again. Head straight and pass through the newly opened door and examine the elevator. There's nothing you can do with it now, but note it for later. Now head back the way you came and then down the stairs. Head down the path, and the north at the intersection to collect a chest from the small room. Now you can go all the way around and exit the room through the small door, or you can just head back the way you came. Whichever you choose, make your way back to the Weightless room. You want to make your way to the "lift" in the room. It's a cylinder shaped tube with arrows pointing up. To get there, head east to the other side of the room. Now head down, left, up, left, up, left, down, left, up, left, down, left, down, right, up, right. In this new weightless room you want to reach the door in the northern part of the room. To get there go down, right, up, left, up, right, up, right, down, right, down, right, up, left, and up. Follow the path until you get to an intersection and keep heading east to find a chest. Now backtrack and take the south path. Now that you're back in the upper weightless room again, you need to get to the lift in the south part of the room. From the entrance at the end of the path we just took head left, up, left, down, right, down, right, down, right, up, left, down, right. You'll be back in the first weightless chamber. Head straight and take another lift down. Now you're in the last weightless room. You're head to the door at the top eastern part of the room. To get there go left, up, right, up, right, down, right, down, left, down, left, up, left, down, left, up, right, down, right, up, and right. Grab the chest in the south part of the room, then examine the light to get the Elevator Key. Now head back to the lift you came down from, it's not hard to get there. Back in the original weightless room, head forward ignoring the other lift, head up, then left to exit this weightless nightmare. Now you're going to make your way back to the Elevator, along the way you might want to jump up the stairs and save, you've got a boss coming up. Use the Key on the little panel to the left of the Elevator, then enter and examine the blue glove to go down. Exit the elevator to the east, and keep heading in that direction until you find a chest. Head north from the chest and east down the path. You should get a skit on the way. Keep heading east and down some stairs to find a warp. Make sure you're ready for a boss fight, then enter the warp. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Yggdrasill HP: 40000 TP: 3000 S: Light W: Dark EXP: 3000 Gald: 0 Item: None Yggdrasill is still one tough mofo. The difference this time? You stand a fighting chance. Even still... the object of this battle is not to win it. it's just merely to survive and deal a certain amount of damage in order for the battle to end with a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch some interesting scenes here. Dun Dun Dun... Ahem. When you're in control again exit the Tower of Salvation. On the way out you might get a skit. ======================================================================= 107. Altessa's House ======================================================================= When you leave the Tower of Salvation you will be brought here immediately. Notice the Memory Circle? Kind of odd isn't it. Oh well... save here then head into the House. Watch some insane scenes! You'll get into a battle during all the madness, nothing special. After the battle talk to Yuan, then talk to Raine and Tabatha. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: He Was My Friend ======================================================================= Head outside and you should get a skit. Then fly over to Flanoir. Make sure to save before you enter! ======================================================================= 108. Flanoir Item: *Kratos' Locket, *Snow Hare, *Zelos Cruxis Crystal Skit: Good Doctor, Mind over Matter ======================================================================= When you enter you'll get a scene. You should get a skit afterwards. Now then, head over to the clinic. On the way you might want to talk to Abyssion for a little skit. He'll head off to the Temple of Darkness and wait for you to collect the Last Devil Arm (assuming you've gotten them all up to this point) Genis will suggest that you go see Koton at Hakonesia Peak. Keep that in mind for later, actually soon you'll be going on a bunch of side quest, so then would be a good time. When you arrive at the Clinic you'll witness a weird scene. Afterwards you should get another skit. Now enter the clinic for a scene. Now here's a tricky little thing. People will enter Lloyd's room and ask him to go walk with them. Now you can agree and get a scene with that person... or you can hold out for someone else. If you reject everyone you'll get a special scene involving Kratos. ------------------------------- SPOILER ------------------------------- The Choice you make here will decide whether Zelos leaves the party and Kratos joins in his place. Or if Zelos stays in the party. If you witness the Kratos scene you'll get him. If you witness any other scene, you'll likely get Zelos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you watched the Kratos scene, in the morning Noishe will give you Kratos' Locket. Should you choose Colette (who will always be the first person to enter the room) you'll get a scene with here, and you'll get the item "Snow Hare". If you go with any other character (the two that appear in the room after Colette are you're highest rated party members in terms of Relationship Points. This excludes Colette and Zelos) you won't get anything. And finally... Zelos. There is a way to get a scene with Zelos, though I'm not sure how. I'd imagine it has to do with ignoring the training sequences with Kratos from earlier in the game (these are apparently what determine getting the scene in Flanoir, so it makes sense, no?) So Zelos might be the alternative "Last Option". Either way, when you're done you'll watch a couple scenes then be back on the world map. You've just unlocked a ton of side quest, so let's get to tying those loose ends! ======================================================================= 109. Loose Ends Part III Item: Spirtua's Ring, Heart of Chaos, Aifread's Letter, Aifread's Hat Skit: Next Chief, Chief Awakens, The Conman, All Guys are the Same!, Drik's Way of Memorization, You Have Us, Title: Nobleman (Lloyd), Little Madam (Presea), Glamorous Beauty (Raine), Fair Lady (Colette), You Look Great! (Sheena), Easter Sunday (Genis), Narcissist (Zelos), Dandy (Regal), Successor (Sheena), Beach Boy (Lloyd), First-timer at Sea (Presea), Mermaid (Colette), Queen of the Beach (Sheena), Beach Comber (Genis), No, Not The Sun! (Raine), Pickup Artist (Zelos), Swimmer (Regal), Ironing Board (Colette), WOW! (Sheena), Peeping Tom (Lloyd), Arrgh, Me Hearties (Lloyd), Maiden (Raine), Katz Katz Katz (Genis), Empty Soul (Presea) ======================================================================= First let's head to Meltokio where several events can be completed. Enter the city and head for the Slums area to the east for a scene with Joshua and Rosa if you've been keeping up in that little drama. Now leave the slums and re-enter for yet another scene. Now make for Meltokio's Item shop and talk to the Katz there. You'll have to go to the Katz Village in Sylvarant to complete this quest, but for now just keep it in mind. Head over to the Nobel District and talk to Sebastian for a scene. Now head over to the castle as Lloyd. When you enter you'll get a scene. Booyaw, Lloyd is looking pretty sexy now. With the title Nobleman Lloyd will be able to change into this snazzy attire at anytime. Now when you arrive at the Reception Hall you'll be able to choose a party member. Whichever one you choose will also get their Title/Outfit, and I would imagine it affects relationship, but I'm not sure. You can still pick a few more characters to get their costumes as well, but not all of them. Anyway... just choose the first one for now. Now you'll be given the chance to talk to three of your party members. The three that you talk to will also get their titles/costumes. You'll have to play through the game again to collect them all. After you've talked to three party members you'll... *drools* damn Sheena. Erm... You'll meet up with whichever character you picked first. After a couple more scenes this quest finally comes to a close. Now you're done in Meltokio for the moment, so head back to the world map. Now you're off to Mizuho, so fly on over there and see what's up. Head over to the Chief's House and talk to Orochi for a scene. Afterwards enter the Chief's House and talk to Tiga for a scene. Now leave Mizuho and head to the Temple of Lightning for a scene. Now make your way to Volt's Seal for a series of scenes. When given the chance talk to your party members around the fire. In the end Sheena will obtain the title of Successor and a new costume! Wahoo. If you wander around the village a bit you should get a skit. If you go back to the Chief's House and talk to him you'll get a scene. When you head back outside you might get another skit. Now you're done here so head back to the World Map. Now it's time to head over to Altamira. Enter the city and talk to the woman in front of the Hotel. You'll have to find her four children that our scattered throughout the city. Jo is located on the beach, as is her sister Mary who is standing by the snack bar. She won't return until everyone else is back. So head to the Elemental Railway and go to the Amusement Part. You'll find Beth by the Dock but she won't go back just yet. Return to the main are and talk to her mother, then go back and fetch Beth. Now head to the second floor of the hotel and have Zelos as your on screen character. Talk to Diana to have her return. Then you can finally have Mary return. Talk to the mother again for a scene. Now head into the Hotel and talk to one of the Clerks to obtain the title "Beach Boy" for Lloyd as well as his swimsuit. Now as with the Dinner Party you'll be able to choose the companion that is waiting for you and they'll get their costumes/title. But the other two characters who get theirs are determined by their relationship value. So if you make a save game beforehand, you can experiment with who all gets a swimsuit. Sheena... *drools*. Ahem. Now you'll be able to talk to the three party members down at the beach. And that concludes another round of collecting Costumes. Now it's finally time to hit those Hot Springs. Talk to the Priest standing outside for a scene. After the scenes talk to the Priest again and pick Females for a funny scene ^^. Colette, Sheena, and Lloyd will all obtain funny titles. You can go back into the springs to get more scenes if you'd like. Quickly head on over to Heimdall and talk to the Children to the right of the entrance for a scene telling the truth about what Noishe actually is. Now we're done in Tethe'alla for the moment so head on over to the base and warp back to Sylvarant. For starters head to Luin. If you've at least made the 11th donation to the reconstruction fund you can finally find the infamous Aifread on the boat that's docked by the fountain. Agree to "buy" the Boat for 3000 Gald. After the scene, leave Luin than return. Head to the dock once again to talk to Aifread. Agree to sign a new Contract with Aifread and Lloyd will obtain the title of "Arrgh, Me Hearties" and a new Costume! Now you'll have to visit all the Houses of Salvation scattered throughout the world. Leave Luin and you should get a skit, then fly over to the Asgard House of Salvation. Enter the House for a scene, now fly over to Asgard for a scene with the Imposter Group for the last time. Ah, they weren't so bad after all... in the end. Now then head up the stairs leading to the dais for a scene. Raine will obtain the title of Maiden and her Acolyte Costume. Fly over to Iselia's House of Salvation next and enter for a scene. While you're in the area, fly over to Triet, and to the southeast of it behind a mountain is Nova's Caravan. Talk to Nova about the Giant Worm which you may or may not have slayed yet, if so you'll get a short dialogue about the Monster Book. If you complete it you can come back and get a title for Raine. Now zip on over to the old Palmacosta region and enter the House of Salvation here. Enter the house for a scene. Now fly over to the Thoda Dock and enter, head to the dock area and talk to Auguste for a scene. Afterwards you'll obtain Spiritua's Ring. Before heading back to Hima to meet up with Aifread, fly over to Hakonesia Peak and talk to Koton for a scene. You'll obtain the final Devil's Arm "Heart of Chaos". Now head for Hima, and make your way to the gravesite to talk to Aifread. After the scene you'll get Aifread's Letter. Fly to Izoold to deliver Aifread's Letter to Lyla. After the scenes head to the docks and talk to Max to get another scene and Aifread's Hat. Yeah... your guess is as good as mine as to why he has this. And with that, you've concluded this long side quest. Now leave Izoold and fly over to the Katz Village which is located on the northwest island. There's not much to be done in this small... weird village. Just head to the top and talk to the Katz Elder. Now we're done in Sylvarant for now, so head back to Tethe'alla. Fly back to Meltokio, on the way you might get a skit. Enter the city and head to the Slums area. After the scenes Genis will obtain the title of "Katz Katz Katz" and obtain the funny Katz Costume. Now you can head to Flanoir and you'll notice that the Weapon/Armor Shop is stocked with new equipment, also the customizer is open for business. Make sure to upgrade! Now at this point, you have a few options. You can either head to the Temple of Darkness and Complete the Devil Arms Quest by fighting one of the toughest bosses in the game, or you can move on and save it for later. If you are going to complete this quest, make sure that you are stocked to the brim with every kind of healing item you can get your hands on. You also might want to have an "All-Divide" item that the Fake Monsters drop. Your party should be armed to the teeth with the best gear they can possibly get at this time, most importantly the Novelty Weapons. Head into the Temple of Darkness and head to the seal room where Sheena made a pact with Shadow. Make sure you save before going in. Give the Devil's Arms over to Abyssion for a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Abyssion HP: 120000 (...) TP: 8200 S: None W: None EXP: 8000 Gald: 6800 Item: Hyper Gauntlet, Jet Boots Yeah... this guy is friggin hard. Like Kratos Round One Hard, but with a lot more HP. It would be in your best interest to use an All-Divide so poor Raine can try and keep up with healing the party (No Questions, Put Raine in the damn party) You're going to need Gels to Heal, Gels to restore TP, and Life Bottles, Tons of Life Bottles. Just keep pounding away at him, if you get the chance to cost some Light Magic you'll do great damage, if Sheena can Summon: Light, awesome. Abyssion's most fearsome attack is the most powerful Magic Spell that Genis will be able to learn later on "Meteor Storm" it hurts... a lot. So brace yourself for it. The battle will be long, and it will be hard. But I mean long... (I got 11 minutes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you beat him you'll get a scene. During which Presea will obtain the title of "Empty Soul". Which kicks all manners of ass. Now the cool thing about killing Abyssion this early is that you can actually make use of the Devil's Arms. The Devil's Arms have the potetional to become the most powerful weapons in the game, for after you defeat Abyssion they will be "unlocked". And while their visual statistics don't change, they will become more powerful the more often they are used in battle. It'll take some time to get them up to decent shape, but with time they can become extremely powerful. It's something to play around with, and perhaps might help you dominate the game's Final Bosses. Anyways... time to leave the Temple. On your way out you might get a skit. That should do for now, think you've collected enough titles in this section? Well... when you're done with everything. ======================================================================= World Map ======================================================================= Head somewhere to rest and stock up. When you're ready head over to the Tower of Salvation again. Note: If you equipped the Devil's Arms, you might want to take them off for now. You've got a Boss Fight coming up, and it might be in your best interest not to use these unstable weapons on such an important battle just yet! ======================================================================= 110. Tower of Salvation Item: Diamond Shell, Ogre Ax, Hanuman's Staff, Southern Cross, Heavenly Robe, Energy Tablets, Star Mail, EX Gem Lv.4x2, Phoenix Cloak, Star Guard, EX Gem Lv.3x2, Shaman Dress, Star Helm, Star Shield, Star Circlet, Star Gauntlet, EX Gem Lv.2, Star Bracelet, Spirit Bottle Skit: Hurry!, Remnants of The Giant Tree, Priorities, Genis Apprehensive, Sacrifices, Dear Friend ======================================================================= Head up the stairs to the Tower entrance and Yuan will appear for a scene. You'll be taken into a secret passage, to the right you can buy stuff from the vending machines. When you're ready for a boss fight step on the warp to the left. The scene and boss you fight here will depend upon your actions in Flanoir. If you didn't see the Kratos Scene you'll fight... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Gatekeeper HP: 18000 TP: 800 S: Light W: None EXP: 8880 Gald: 8970 Item: Mystic Symbol Boss: Angel Swordians x2 HP: 8000 I haven't fought this battle so I can't tell you much about it. I'll do so in the next game. If you fought this boss and didn't get the Kratos scene in Flanoir, skip down to the next section (past the spoiler). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you did see the Kratos Scene... -------------------------------- SPOILERS ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Zelos Wilder HP: 28000 TP: 1200 S: Light, Lightning W: None EXP: 9300 Gald: 9800 Item: Mystic Symbol Apparently Zelos forgot that you could pound the crap out of him judging by the battles he's fought along side you. Needless to say Zelos is pretty easy, just watch out for his insane Judgment attack which he must have gotten with his wings. Other than that, slaughter him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle watch a scene. Zelos will now leave the party for good. You'll get a replacement soon enough... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- At this point both paths will meet up. Head to the right and use the memory circle to save. Move around a bit and you should get a skit. Head north up the path and you should trigger another skit. Walk around some more should yield another skit. At the intersection head north, use the sorcerer's ring to burn the root blocking the path. Wander around the next area for yet another skit. Now head to the edge of the room and jump out onto the broken bridge which acts like a teeter-totter. The group will drop down to the area below and Presea will notice a giant boulder that you'll have to use to balance the weight. Collect the chest at the bottom of the room, then take the stairs back up and run around to the bridge again. This time when it falls, don't get off, instead head up it, and have it lower to the other side. Head east into the next area and follow the path south. When you finally get to an intersection, head to the east and fire several shots to burn away the mess of roots. Behind them you will find three chest. Now head north, then west, burning the roots in your path. Keep heading west until you get to some stairs, head up them into the next area. Instead of heading up the stairs, head to the west and use the control console to open the gate, now head up the stairs. Head east, burning the root along the way. At the intersection head west to find a chest. If you head straight east you'll find another chest hidden behind some roots. Head south and to the east and burn up some roots in your way. You'll find two chest tucked away back here. Now head back west, and keep going until you return to the main room. Grab a chest on the west side of the room then shoot the boulder with the ring three times to drop it. Now head back to the room where you unlocked the gate and head through it, follow the path back to the original area, then return to the teeter-totter room. Head down to the lowest section of the room and jump on the bridge. Head up it until it balances in the middle and jump off. Collect the chest here, then head up the stairs. Take the warp ring here to move on. Head down the stairs for a scene. Nice quote there Regal. Anyways, in this next section use the memory circle. You're going to see a lot of them in the upcoming sections. Before getting on the warp, explore this area for some chest, you can also find a Vending Machine here. In the next area head down the long spiral and try to cross the bridge for a scene. Gah... the party is getting thin. Head west along the path and then south. Make sure to grab the chest when heading south. At the end you'll find another memory circle. Keep heading along the beaten path, there aren't any intersections or items to collect. Eventually you'll reach a warp that'll take you to the next area. Head forward for a scene. *Whines*. This area is just like the last one, so make your way west, then south. When you're heading south you'll notice and opening to the west, enter it to find a chest, then head back out and keep going along the path. Eventually you'll find a memory circle. Save your game then head back to the opening and follow the path to find a warp ring. Head down the stairs and make your way to the doors at the bottom for a scene. Just the two of you now, luckily you might have noticed the encounters have become much easier, so don't worry about the lack of party members. Now, head west then south until you find a chest tucked behind a hedge. From the chest head east to find a memory circle. From the memory circle head east, north, then west to find another chest. Head back to the memory circle and head south, west, then north to find a third chest. From that chest head south, then all the way east to a warp ring. In the next room head north carefully, avoid going north and the intersection and head to both the west and east to find chest. Then head back to the center of the room and go north for a scene. After the scene you'll get a skit. In this room head south, east, then north to find a chest. Now return to the entrance and head east, then south when you get the chance for another chest. From the chest head north, then all the way east until you get to a memory circle. Save then head south to find a warp ring. Head up a bit to trigger a scene. After the scene head up the stairs and save at the memory circle. Now examine the sword stuck in the wall. Yeah! Now we're back in action. So before the serious battles start make sure you organize your party nicely. You'll want to include Lloyd and Raine for a certainty. It'd be a good idea to include Sheena as well, her T: Seals and Summons will be quite useful (specifically, Light and Darkness for each boss fight respectively) whoever else you want to take is up to you. Don't forget to restore everyone! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Pronyma HP: 32000 TP: 850 S: Dark W: Light EXP: 7000 Gald: 4800 Item: Red Savory Boss: Idun x2 HP: 11000 TP: 0 S: None W: None EXP: 1200 Gald: 1200 Item: Black Quartz Spank Her, Hard. She's not hard, nor are her minions. If you can cast Luna just consider the battle over. Alright... warm ups over, now for the real deal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll watch quite a few scenes before the battle. You'll even be able to reorganize your party again. You'll have to include Lloyd though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Yggdrasill HP: 40000 TP: 3000 S: Light W: Dark EXP: 8320 Gald: 4800 Item: EX Gem Lv.4, Energy Tablets This time it's for real so don't hold back. Lay into Yggdrasill with everything you've got. Align your weapons with the Dark Property, Try to Summon Shadow, and just pound away. He's not nearly as hard as you might think though. But he can still do some damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle you'll get a scene, then you'll be back at the Tower's Entrance. You should trigger a skit. Now leave the Tower. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Martel's Memories ======================================================================= You're next stop is Heimdall, on your way over there you might get a skit. ======================================================================= 111. Heimdall Skit: Next Step ======================================================================= You'll watch a scene when you enter the village, afterwards you'll be able to go around and talk to all your party members. Avoid the inn and Colette for the time being, until after you've talked to the rest of your party members. When you're ready to move on, talk to Colette at the inn. In the morning head to the west side of the village and talk to the Elder. Along the way you should trigger a skit. After talking with the Elder, head north and talk to the watchman to enter the forest. ======================================================================= 112. Torent Forest Item: Stardust, Crystal Dagger, Acalanatha, Angel's Tear, EX Gem Lv.3, EX Gem Lv.4x2, Shield Ring, Warlock Garb, Mana Protector, Diamond, Skit: Forest of the Elves, As long as Genis is Alive, Recognition, ======================================================================= When you enter you should get a skit. Not long after that skit you should get another. Now head up the path until you get a scene. Head up towards the stump the little creature entered and you'll get another skit. From the stump head north, then west all the way until you find a chest. Now head back to the stump and head south, then east to find another chest. Head back to the stump and fire the sorcerer's ring into it to drive the creature out, now follow it into the next area. Should you enter an area the creature didn't enter, you'll wind up back on the same map, so make sure you gather the treasure in each area, then follow the guide to the next. In the next area head north to find another chest. From that chest head south, then east, at the next intersection head south to find a chest. Head back to the stump located at the entrance of this area and drive the creature out. Follow him into the next area. In this area head east until you get to a pond, keep heading east past the pond, then north. You'll fight a big plant enemy here who will drop a memory gem. From there head northeast to find a Golden Dragon. This Dragon is much like the one from the Earth Temple except this one bestows you with a fair amount of experience. Keep heading east from where the Dragon was to find another stump. Follow the guide into the next area. In the next area head north, the northeast at the intersection. Keep heading east and grab the chest along the way. Just east of the chest you'll find a memory circle. Make sure to unseal it and save. From the memory circle head east to find some more loot. Head back to the memory circle and head south this time. At the intersection keep heading east along the path and you'll wind up behind a waterfall with two chest. Now head back to the memory circle and make your way all the way west, passing the entrance into the area. Stop when you get to the west exit, and instead check to the north and south to find two more chest. Now that you've collected all the loot, make your way back to the memory circle and SAVE. From the memory circle head south, and then keep heading east until you reach an intersection. At the intersection head south, and again head east until you find another stump. Follow the guide. Here head all the way up north towards the exit. Off to the right near the top you'll find a stump, smoke the little guy out. Before following him into the next area make sure everyone is healed up, and prepare Lloyd for a very difficult duel. Enter the area for a scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Kratos HP: 12000 TP: 1400 S: Lightning, Light W: None EXP: 9990 Gald: 5520 Item: None The key here is to be cheap. The key here is Rising Falcon. An Overdrived Lloyd equipped with the Nebilim should be able to take Kratos out with about six or seven Rising Falcons and take little damage. If you're not so lucky, watch out. Kratos packs a punch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle you'll witness a couple scenes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Origin HP: 40000 TP: 800 S: None W: None EXP: 10240 Gald: 9870 Item: Reflect Ring Now it's time to fight one of the toughest Summon Spirits of all. Well... according to the game. In all honesty Origin isn't that tough, but it's about the same deal as it was with Kratos. The man has four arms, he can hurt you, he can hurt you bad. So you're going to want to pound away on him with everything you have before he can slaughter your party. A few linked Techs, a summon, and one or two Unison attacks should do the trick. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch a scene in which you'll get a Diamond, and Sheena will learn the awesome ability to summon Origin. Watch some more scenes (Thanks Genis >,>) Now watch an awesome CG Sequences, follow by more scenes. ======================================================================= 113. Heimdall Skit: There's Still Time ======================================================================= You'll arrive here after the scenes. Now you'll have to race around the village trying to save the elves. You should get a skit before long. Now, start by heading to the west of where you started to find an elf trapped under some debris. From that elf, head back to the first part of town and cross the bridge south to find two more elves. After saving them head back to the Village Elder's House and talk to him for a scene. After that head towards the exit of the village to trigger another CG Scene. You'll watch a few more scenes afterwards. Now leave the village. ======================================================================= World Map Skit: Mithos' Abandonment and Sadness ======================================================================= Whoa, check out the sky. Groovy. Now then, head to the Tethe'alla base and return to Sylvarant. Now head for Dirk's House. Along the way you might get a skit. ======================================================================= 114. Dirk's House Item: Material Blade, Eternal Ring Title: Judgment (Kratos), Dad (Kratos) ======================================================================= Enter the house for a scene. Now you'll be kicking ass. Well... you'll get the Material Blade which is a gift from both of Lloyd's Fathers, and the Eternal Ring. Also, if you went the Kratos route, he'll join you now for the rest of the game. If not... well you still made out pretty good. If Kratos joins your party he'll get the title "Judgment" which will allow him to wear his alternative costume. And when you head outside, if Kratos joined the party... you'll get a skit, and Kratos will get the title of "Dad" Now if you re-enter Dirk's House and talk to him, he'll offer customization service. You can get some pretty sweet stuff here, but for a steep cost of materials. When you're ready, leave the house. ======================================================================= World Map Title: Eternal Swordsman (Lloyd) ======================================================================= Now it's time to head to Derris Kharlan. To get this, head to the Tower of Salvation (or at least where it used to be) in Tethe'alla. Head up the ruined steps of the once monstrous tower for a scene. You'll be given the option to turn back. While it's true you'll be stuck in the next section of the game for a while, it isn't the last time you'll be able to return to the worlds of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla. So if you're ready agree to push on. You'll watch a scene in which Lloyd obtains the title of "Eternal Sowrdsman". ======================================================================= 115. Derris-Karhlan Item: EX Gem Lv.2, EX Gem Lv.3, Golden Helm, Magician Ribbon, EX Gem Lv.4x2, ======================================================================= After the scenes you'll be brought here. From the warp head east and follow the path to a chest. Keep following the path and you'll find another chest. From this chest head down the southwest path, and then head east up the slope to enter the next area. In the next area head up a bit to find a chest. Now from this area head west, and keep following the long, long path until you get to an intersection. At the intersection head west again, and then at the next intersection head north to find a chest. Now head back two intersections and go east this time. When you get to an intersection head south to find a chest. Now if you head all the way north you'll find a blue emblem on the ground. If you step on it you'll get a scene and be separated from your party. Finish exploring the area first, if you're ready, step on it. After the scene head forward and enter the warp ring. In the next area head forward to watch a scene. Afterwards Colette will rejoin the party. Now head onto the glowing symbol. ======================================================================= 116. Welgaia Item: Spider Figurine, Chipped Dagger, Mirror Shard, Derris Emblem Skit: Pitiful Mithos ======================================================================= After you warp from the glowing symbol you'll end up back here. A force field prevents the party from going forward, so you'll have to find the rest of your party members first. Head south to find a memory circle, then keep going south into the next area. You'll see a scene here. After the long events you'll get a Spider Figurine. After that, examine the glowing symbol on the ground to initiate a boss fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: The Fugitive HP: 20000 TP: 500 S: Water, Lightning, Light, Dark W: None EXP: 2800 Gald: 3200 Item: Magic Ring Slaughter it. Compared to any of the boss fights you've fought lately this and the other two "sub-bosses" in this area are cake. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle head to the south and enter the warp you came from the prison area on your first visit to Welgaia. Save at the memory circle here then make your way over to Presea and Regal in the cell. After the scenes you'll get a Chipped Dagger. After the scenes examine the blood to fight another sub boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: The Judged HP: 20000 TP: 500 S: Wind, Earth, Light, Dark W: None EXP: 2800 Gald: 3200 Item: Attack Ring Same as the last one, might even be easier this time if you like using Presea and Regal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now return to the central area and head east towards the exit of Welgaia that you took last time. In this area you can use the refreshers still to heal and stock up. Head down the stairs in this area and make your way to the bottom level to find Raine and Genis. Is it just me, or was this whole event kind of funny? Lloyd busting in, the mirror fragments just floating down during conversation. Eh... I dunno. Either way you'll get a Mirror Shard after the scenes. Afterwards examine the broken mirror to fight the last sub boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: The Neglected HP: 20000 TP: 500 S: Fire, Ice, Light, Dark W: None EXP: 2800 Gald: 3200 Item: Defense Ring Same old, same old. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now head back to the central area again. Along the way you should get a skit. Now head toward the central warp that was previously blocked off. On the way when you cross over the plate where the force field used to be you'll get a scene. You'll get the Derris Emblem. Now head onto the warp to be taken back to a part of Derris-Kharlan. Head to the symbol on the ground and warp to the final dungeon of the game. ======================================================================= 117. Vinheim Item: Energy Tablets, Prism Guard, EX Gem Lv.4, Spirit Bottle, Morality Cloak, Ninja Sword, Elemental Guard, Past Stone, Elixir, Blue Shield, Shield Ring, Vinheim Key, Future Stone, Demon's Seal, Sacred Stone Skit: Derris Emblem ======================================================================= When you arrive you'll get a skit. Head to the right to find a memory circle. From the memory circle head east into the next area. Ignore the stairs in here for the moment and keep making your way east across the room. Defeat the angel enemy here and a black chest will appear high above. Ignore it for now and head into the next room. Open the chest here, then return to the previous room. Make your way up the stairs here and head east into the next room. Search behind the red couch to find a chest. Return to the previous room and head up the stairs crossing over to the west side of the room. Back in the main room on the upper level, head into the door just to the north. First head west down the stairs and collect a chest, now head east up the stairs, ignoring the first door for lack of any interest in that room. Enter the next doorway you come across and grab the chest. Head behind the couch to find a hidden chest. Return to the stairway and keep heading up the stairs until you get to a yellow door. Exit out onto the balcony and search behind the wall to find a hidden chest containing a Ninja Sword. Head west across the balcony, and check behind the wall here to find another hidden chest. This one contains an Elemental Guard. Now head into the door here and wake your way down the west stairway. Enter the first door you come across on your way down and fight the angel enemy here to make another black chest appear, open this one to obtain the Past Stone. Enter the next door you come across and grab the chest inside. Ignore the rest of the doors on your way down and open the chest at the bottom. Now head back up two doors and you'll find yourself on the balcony of the west wind. Head south and enter the door. In this room head to the west side ignoring the stairs. Enter the room here and obtain the chest. Now return to the west wing stair room and head down a door. You'll find yourself back in the main room, ground floor. You'll get a scene in which the past stone activates. You can't do anything about this yet, so head to the right and save at the memory circle. Now head up the main stairs to find a huge Dragon Enemy. Talk to the Dark Dragon and agree to fight him. The Dark Dragon is just like all the other Dragons, so spank him. After the battle you'll obtain the Vinheim Key. Now open the large doors and enter for a scene. Now turn around and leave, unless you're ready to warp to the final boss. This event is important to unlock the final side quests of the game, so make sure you see it before leaving Vinheim. ...and just how exactly do you leave Vinheim? Well, that's what the Past and Future Stones are for. Seeing as how we haven't yet opened that first black chest, let's get to doing that. Head back into the west wing stair room and make your way op to the balcony of the main room. Enter the door to the south of the stair room. Head west and up the stairs here, then head south and up the stairs. Now you can either go left or right. Go right and you'll arrive on another balcony in the main room. Head east across the balcony and enter the door to find the black chest. Open it to get the Future Stone. Now head back to the split path and go left this time. Enter the room and grab the chest, then return to the main room. Head to the east side of the room and the Future stone will activate. Now you've got a bit of a puzzle to solve as you might imagine. Notice the two glowing symbols on the ground. Well, let's start by pushing blocks onto the left one. You have to push the blocks in this exact order: Black, Dark Blue, Red, Purple. When you push a block onto the symbol, you and the block will be teleported to the area high above. You have to push the blocks into the spaces to the side of the warp. When you bring the purple block up above, push it across the makeshift bridge into the indent in the floor. Now it's time to work on the right side. Push the blocks onto the warp in this order: Yellow, Green, Light Blue, White. Do the same as you did before, but this time push the white block into the indent. Now you will lower the force field around the chest. Open it to obtain the Sacred Stone. With this item in your possession return to the main room and head to the lower warp ring you entered from. With Sacred Stone in hand you will be able to return to the Tower of Salvation! ======================================================================= 118. Unfinished Business Item: Pork, Bread, Egg, Dynast, Gaia Cleaver, Kannazuki, Meteor Storm Spell, Potato, Vegetable, Purple Satayx2, Rice, Fish, Kusanagi Blade Skit: Pact with Maxwell, Welcome Back, Kratos, Corrine is Calling Me, Elite from The Underworld Take III, Raine's Statue Recipe: Beef Stew, Pork Cutlets, Potato Salad, Paella Title: God of The Kitchen (Regal), Mana Master (Genis), Gourmet Master (Kratos), Gourmet King (Lloyd), Charismatic Chef (Colette), Little Chef (Genis), Passable Chef? (Raine), Master Cook (Sheena), Gourmet Prince (Zelos), Master Chef (Presea), True Chef (Regal) ======================================================================= Well, this is it. Everything in the game is up for the taking now. Where to start? Well, as always seemingly, Meltokio is the source of a few events. So heading there might not be a bad idea. Head towards the Castle and you'll find the Wonder Chef arguing with someone! You will obtain the recipe for Beef Stew, and then you'll watch another scene. And Regal will obtain a hilarious Chef outfit along with the title "God of The Kitchen". Enter the castle with Regal as your on screen character and make your way to the dungeon (to the left of the entrance and down the stairs) here examine the first cell on the left to have Regal talk with a prisoner. You'll then be asked if you can go to the Hot Springs. Agree, and keep it in mind for later. The Advanced Classes at the Meltokio Coliseum will now yield titles and weapons upon completion. And there's a special battle/event that will take place if Zelos is in your party. I would suggest saving this for last though, seeing as how it is one of the more difficult quest to accomplish. Now leave Meltokio and fly over to the house of guidance on the other side of Mount Fooji. Make Regal your on screen character and make sure he is using the God of The Kitchen Title. Talk to the Cook to the right of the entrance of the house to learn how to make Pork Cutlets. The last thing to do on this continent at the moment is by far the most annoying as well. Head back to the Tethe'alla Grand Bridge and have Genis play that stupid friggin Red Light / Green Light game again. If you manage to win this time, you'll get a powerful Weapon for Genis. At least this time you can play using the Katz Katz Katz title. No... that doesn't do anything for you, I just thought it was fitting. Now head on over to the Hot Springs and head into the Hot Spring area to talk to Levin for a scene. If Regal is Level 80 or higher, Levin will give him The Dynast Greaves. If you aren't (which is likely on a normal game) come back later. Now head over to Ozette and have Presea talk to Ralph. When given the choice, choose whichever, but friend is the right answer. Now this is pretty much the same deal as Regal and Levin, if Presea is Level 80 she'll get the Gaia Cleaver. While you're in the area head to Altessa's House and talk to him for a scene. Like Dirk, Altessa will now customize powerful accessories for the group. Fly over to Mizuho and visit with the Chief to get the Kannazuki for Sheena. Return to the Ruins of Heimdall Village and find that the Villages have returned. Head to the east side of the village for a scene between Genis and two villagers. Genis will now learn his most powerful Spell "Meteor Storm", and will obtain the title of "Mana Master". If you head into the west part of the village and talk to one of the elves wandering around you'll hear about the book of Niflheim. We'll get around to taking care of this matter later. If you talk to the Village Elder with Kratos in your party you'll get a scene. Now head to the House of Guidance that's just south of Heimdall. Head inside and have Regal talk to the Cook to learn the recipe for Potato Salad. Before heading to Exire (the floating city) stop by Mizuho or some place to rest, stock up, and save. You've got a boss fight coming up. Now, in Exire head to the Village Elder's house and move around behind it. Follow the secret path up to a gravestone. Now equip each of your four active party members with the stones: Opal, Garnet, Aquamarine, and Ruby. Now examine the Gravestone for a scene. Watch the scene and you will meet the Final Summon Spirit Maxwell! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Maxwell HP: 60000 TP: 800 S: None W: None EXP: 10800 Gald: 8250 Item: Spirit Robe Maxwell will fall like all the rest. As you may have expected, he wields some powerful magic attacks, but those won't save him from your onslaught of attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle you'll obtain the awesome Turquoise Stone which recovers 3% of HP/TP during battles at a fixed rate. Making this one of the game's best accessories. Sheena will also learn Summon: Birth, and obtain the title of Master Summoner. Afterwards if you head into the Elder's House you should get a skit. Now head for Sylvarant to take care of business on this side. For starters you might want to head to Asgard to pick up the last of the recipes. Head up to the middle class inn and talk to the Chef staring at the Windmill to learn how to make Paella. Now with all the recipes in hand, you can strive to obtain titles for all of your characters. To learn the cooking titles you will need to have a character master each recipe (complete set of stars) this is a very daunting task, it's enough to get one character to master them all. In that case, I suggest that if you only have one character master it this time around, make it either Kratos or Zelos, if in your next game you choose the other character, you won't have to worry about missing out on getting the other ones titles. Anyways... to claim the titles you'll have to visit the Wonder Chef who has relocated to the Restaurant in Altamira. Make sure you make the character who has mastered all the recipes the onscreen character before taking the elevator to the third floor. Talk to the Wonder Chef in the back and he'll give you the title for your efforts. Should you deice to stay at the inn (any inn I'd imagine) you should get a skit about Kratos. Now if you haven't done so already, you might want to head to Luin and complete your collection of Novelty Weapons. Now head to Iselia Village and you'll get a skit about Corrine. After watching the skit head to Martel's Temple for a scene. Afterwards head up to the seal room for another scene. After the scene you can go ahead and leave the Temple. Now prepare yourself for a very difficult boss battle and enter the Iselia Forest from Dirk's House side. At the entrance of the forest you'll find the Sword Dancer for the last time. This time he has a hefty 99,999 HP, so you're going to need to go all out to pull away with the win this time. When the difficult battle is won, you will get Lloyd's Strongest Weapon, the Kusanagi Blade. Afterwards you'll automatically view a skit. While you're in the area you can stop by Dirk's House and attempt to make some Figurines. I've read that the process of Figurine Making can be made easy by using some simple mathematics and keeping track of the Pellets you use. Basically, Dirk won't make duplicate Figures, and each kind of Pellet can only be used a certain amount of time to makes figures. So once you give Dirk enough type of a Pellet, you won't accomplish anything by giving him more of that Pellet. For a more detailed explanation check the "Finale" Section. For now, try to at least get the Kratos Figurine (A Fine Pellet, and a Rare Pellet) and the Judgment Figure (A Super and a Rare) if he's in your party. Should you run out of Pellets, and wish to make more figurines. The best way to obtain Pellets is by having Colette use her Item Thief and Rover skills on particular monsters. You'll also want to make sure Colette is using the Compound EX Skill Item Getter which can be gained by combining the EX Skills Lucky (LV.3), Sharp Eye (LV.1), Stat Boost (LV.4), and Magical (LV.2) The monsters you want to steal from are as follows: Pellets: Jellyfish (Meltokio Sewers) Fine Pellets: Giant Snail (Temple of Earth) Super Pellets: Lobo (Temple of Ice) Rare Pellets: Phantom Knight (Derris-Kharlan) The best place to get Super Pellets might be from the Phantom Knights. See... not only can you steal Rare Pellets from them, but they sometimes drop Super Pellets after battle. You'll need both if you're going to try and get that Kratos Figure, so you might as well hit these guys up. This is also a good opportunity to build up levels, and cooking skills. To find the Phantom Knights, head to the Tower of Salvation in Tethe'alla and use the warp, but don't quick jump to Vinheim. They'll be around in the first area of Derris-Kharlan. When you're ready, head back to Tethe'alla to wrap up things here. Now for some reason I was hovering over the Tethe'alla base when I got a skit about Raine's Statue. So... I dunno, do the same or fly around? O.o. For starters you're going to want to take out that Book of Niflheim. There's good experience and items to be had from it, so it would do you some good. You've no doubt obtained the Sacred Stone from Vinheim by now, so make sure to SAVE, and head to Sybak. Head to the Library and examine the book on the bottom shelf for a scene. Origin will ask you if you want to go in or not, agree and enter Niflheim. ======================================================================= 119. Niflheim ======================================================================= This area is very difficult in that you only have a limited amount of time to navigate it. Niflheim consist of 15 randomly generated floors, each full of monsters, braziers, and sorcerer's ring devices. You'll notice a "Soulfire" counter in the top left corner of the screen. Soulfire is your time limit, when you run out, you die. Soulfire is constantly diminishing, hence your time limit. To restore Soulfire, you can fight battles. After each Battle you'll get some soulfire back. You can also gain Soulfire by lighting Braziers, but it cost 10 Soulfire to use the ring, so be careful not to miss. If you examine the Braziers after they've been lit you can get a benefit, or a handicap. These effects will take place on the next floor. Aside from the risk of a handicap, every time you examine a brazier your soulfire will deplete faster. Finally, shooting the ring at the devices will form bridges. A few tips: On some floors you will need to fight all the enemies, or a particular enemy to make the warp appear. On floors where you are forced to use one character, it might be wise to equip that character with an anti-stone item. It seems to me that there are three different kinds of floors. Green Floors are normal, they have a set path and the only string attached is that sometimes you might have to choose a handicap for that floor. Blue Floors are about the same except they have bridge devices. And Red Floors require you to kill a certain enemy. With that said... Red Floors Suck. When you leave the Tenth Floor you will fight a Mini-Boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Hell Knight HP: 88000 TP: 9800 S: Fire, Lightning, Dark W: Light EXP: 11000 Gald: 30000 Item: Force Ring This guy is pretty tough for a Mini-Boss. He can really rack up the damage. One of my character died before I even knew it. Still, he shouldn't be too hard at this point. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Before leaving the 15th floor make sure your party is ready for a difficult boss battle. Trust me when I say this, you don't want to lose. If you lose you have to do this entire dungeon over again, and that would almost suck as much as going through an entire dungeon of red floors. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Living Armor HP: 120000 TP: 0 S: Fire, Lightning, Dark W: None EXP: 13000 Gald: 25000 Item: None I'm not kidding. This guy is friggin hard. Fight, Fight as hard as you possibly friggin can, because you are at such a risk of having to do this dungeon over again. This guys managed to kill three party members before I even knew it, I'm not kidding. Needless to say he's very powerful, his attacks hurt, and he has a lot of health in him. This guy's normal attack, I've seen it do 1.5k damage. So guard if you need to. Have Raine constantly using Revitalize. My only other advice to you would be to use an All-Divide. It might also be a good idea to bring Genis, I'm not sure how resistant this guy is to magic, but he can take a lot of normal damage and keep on ticking. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You're reward for taking out this mofo is a sweet pair of Persian Boots. When given the chance make sure to burn the soulfire! World Map Before going back to Meltokio, you might want to stock up on items and cooking ingredients before taking part in the Advanced Matches. Cooking plays a major role in the survival of these tough matches, so don't be stingy on the food budget. ======================================================================= 120. Meltokio Coliseum Item: Krona Symbol, Valkyrie Saber, Excalibur, Divine Judgment, Bahamut's Tear, Kaiser Greaves, Title: Sword of Swords (Lloyd), Conqueror (Kratos), Grand Champion (Zelos), Rose of Battle (Sheena), Deadly Flower (Presea), King of the Coliseum (Regal), Super Girl (Colette), Ultimate Kid (Genis), Gladiator Queen (Raine) ======================================================================= Well... this should be the last thing on your list now. Perhaps you even did it earlier. Regardless... I'm covering it now. Yeah, it get's it's own section because it's big. Now, earlier we went over the Beginner, and Intermediate Classes of Single Mode, as well as the Beginner and Advanced Classes of Group Mode. In this section I will explain Advanced Single Battles, and the strategies for each character. I will also detail a strategy for winning the expedition match. For starters, no matter what match, or mode your doing. Make sure you save before you enter. Some of these contest cost a fair bit of coin, and if you lose there's really no reason not to reload. Next make sure the character is fitted with the best equipment, techs, and ex skills they have. Finally, set a food that'll heal your HP/TP, Miso Stew rules you with an iron fist. Now for the monsters you'll be fighting in Advanced Single: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 1: Velocidragon HP: 2300 TP: 0 W: Ice S: None Dragon Rider HP: 2680 TP: 0 W: None S: None ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 2: Crush Tortoise HP: 9400 TP: 0 W: Lightning S: Water, Ice ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 3: Drake HP: 11850 TP: 1000 W: Ice S: Fire, Lightning ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 4: Ice Warrior HP: 4320 TP: 0 W: Fire, Lightning S: Water, Ice ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 5: Dragon Knight HP: 13500 TP: 0 W: None S: None ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So now that you have the stats, how about the strategies? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lloyd Lloyd is by far the easiest character to use to clear Advanced Mode (or any mode with). He's far more powerful than any character, so if you can't beat this mode with him, you better prepare yourself better. The best equipment for Lloyd would be the Nebilim, if you don't like the Nebilim use the Kusanagi Blade or another equally powerful blade. Armor isn't that important, just give him the best stuff you have. Accessories: Faerie Ring and Extreme Symbol. You could use the Turquoise instead of the Extreme Symbol if you'd like. Round One: Two on One. Favor in Lloyd. Slay them. Round Two: *Yawns* Round Three: This match will be great for lesser characters. See if you go under the Drake he can't attack you. For Lloyd... it's no different than the first two. Round Four: Use Rising Falcon... hehehe Round Five: Same as with the Ice Warrior. Just try to stay behind this guy and you've won it all. Cake, right? Lloyd's Rewards: Sword of Swords, Valkyrie Saber ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The First time you beat Advanced Mode you'll get a Krona Symbol. And every time you beat Advanced Mode you'll get a cash reward and a recovery set. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kratos/Zelos The same as Lloyd, except for the weapon the best I had at this point was the Crystal Dagger. If you've pumped up the Soul Eater that'd be great as well, same accessories work fine. The great thing about these two is they can heal themselves. Round One: Now it's serious. Things aren't so easy with the other characters. It might be cheap to spam skills like Demon Fang and Hell Pyre, but hey... it works! Round Two: A lot easier. The turtle is slow and Kratos/Zelos can heal up before the beast even gets close. Same techs work here too. Round Three: Take this opportunity to heal in full if you aren't already. Then own this little dragon. Round Four: He's slow like the Turtle, so stand back to heal and attack. Round Five: Gah, this one can be hard. You have to be patient and get lucky. If you can get in a position where the Fireballs won't hit you, you'll be able to heal. Defend a lot, and move in and try to knock his ass out. Krato's/Zelos' Rewards: Conqueror/Grand Champion , Excalibur ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now apparently if you're Zelos you will now have a duel with Seles. If you beat her you can win the most powerful sword "Last Fencer". I haven't done this yet so I don't know what to tell ya. I'll be sure to add it in the next play through though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheena Ah Sheena, if you followed my strategy to fight Kuchinawa you should know just about what to expect here. Money Bag is a must, you can pick up the Kannazuki from the Mizuho Chief at this time, and Magical Ribbon and Shield Ring top off the armor nicely. As far as accessories go, the infamous Faerie Ring, and the Turquoise will do nicely. Round One: She's fast, and Pyre Seal and Demon Seal Hurt. Sheena is actually really good in this arena. Round Two: You can run circles around the Tortoise while healing yourself slowly with the Turquoise. When it comes to killing him though you'll take some blows. Round Three: Same as always, let the Turquoise heal ya up real nice. Round Four: This guy can be tough for Sheena. Like the Tortoise he's slow, but also like the Tortoise you'll take some damage while you're trying to take him out. Use S Seal: Fire to add some extra damage. Round Five: Easy. All you have to do is basically run up and hump the Dragon. His fireballs will go over you completely. The only way he'll be able to attack you is with his axe, and if you defend it does barely any damage. Sheena's Rewards: Rose of Battle, Divine Judgment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Presea Presea is pretty much the same as Lloyd, except you might want to exchange the Faerie Ring for the Turquoise. The best weapon I had for her at this point was The Pow Hammer DX, which isn't a bad weapon by any means. Anyways... you should know Presea by now, she's powerful, and she's a tank. So you're basically doing the whole Lloyd thing over again, just with a lot less power and speed. Round One: These guys can do a lot of damage to Presea, though she can do a lot of damage back. You'll probably have to spend the next few rounds healing though. Round Two: Tougher than a Giant Tortoise. Presea spanks this over grown Turtle. Round Three: Same as always. Round Four: This battle is kind of in between one and two. He can do some damage to you, and you can do a lot to him. But you'll find yourself on the ground a lot. Round Five: Same thing as with Sheena. If she can duck under Fireballs... Presea's Rewards: Deadly Flower, Bahamut's Tear ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Regal Regal is a fun character to take into the arena. With all his combos, he's practically built for the job. Your best bet would be to hook him up with an Extreme Symbol, and Faerie Ring. He has Healer and Grand Healer which will help out a lot during the battles. Also don't forget to bind the tech skill "Mirage" very handy for getting behind monsters... like the Dragon. Round One: This is probably Regal's Hardest Match. Try your best to dance around the duo and swing away at them. Round Two: Back up and use Grand Healer, then run towards the Turtle and Mirage to get behind him. Rinse, Repeat. Round Three: Get under him and use Healer to get yourself back into shape. Then slay him. Round Four: This guy isn't so tough, but I ran into a problem with Regal running out of TP. So I had to hold back a bit and store some for the Dragon. Round Five: Get close and keep using Mirage to get behind him. As long as you don't run out of TP you'll be fine... Regal's Rewards: King of the Coliseum, Kaiser Greaves ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Genis ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Raine ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Colette ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah... I didn't finish these three. They were pretty hard... well Colette's wasn't that hard, but I was getting frustrated. These three are definitely the hardest to get through the arena with though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Exhibition Match This may be the toughest battle in the game. These three characters from the past Tales games are very tough. Lucky for you, you can use items in this match. Now to win you're going to need Raine in the party spaming Revitalize. And for her to do that you're going to have to protect her, at the same time trying to take down Merendy which is your biggest threat. Merendy has extremely powerful magic attacks, and she can revive her comrades. She also has an Angel Ring, so she might come back to life right after you kill her! Fun stuff huh? After you get rid of Merendy (for good) go after Farah, who is no doubt pounding the crap out of your party. She also has an Angel Ring, so same thing over again. Once you get down to Garr you've pretty much won. And your prize? The best armor in the game... too bad only Lloyd can equip it... cause you know he REALLY needs it *rolleyes* Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= 121. The Final Battle ======================================================================= Whenever you're done with the side quest get yourself ready for the last boss. It should be obvious, but I'll say it anyways... once you use the teleporter in the room in Vinheim, there's no going back, so finish everything else first. Keep in mind that it's impossible to get EVERYTHING in one run through the game, so don't worry if some things are missing, you can get them next time. We'll talk more of going through the game again in the Finale, for now... Stock up on everything, there's no reason not to spend all you're money now. Make sure your party is properly equipped with the best equipment, techs, ex skills, and set up a good union attack. At this point you should know that Lloyd and Raine are always a good idea when it comes to boss battles, the other two characters are up to you. When you're positive that you are ready to finish the game, take the warp in the Tower of Salvation to the deepest levels of Derris-Kharlan to return to Vinheim. Head up the steps through the double doors and take the warp. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Mithos HP: 55000 TP: 5000 S: Light W: None EXP: 8200 Gald: 1690 Item: None Don't be fooled by his appearance. This is the hardest form of Mithos (Yggdrasill) yet. His attacks are just as deadly as ever, except now he has the ability to cause status effects on the whole party. While the battle progresses there will be dialogue between Mithos and Lloyd, all the while you should be trying to recover from the status effects. Use all the Pancecea Bottles you want, just save some stuff for the next battle though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Mithos HP: 60000 TP: 1500 S: Light, Dark W: None EXP: 0 Gald: 0 Item: EX Gem MAX Uh Huh... well Mithos looks pretty stupid right now, but he's still one tough cookie. Start the battle off trying to recover from the last one. Heal all status effects, and use some energy tablets if you need to. This Mithos can do a lot of damage, but he fell faster than the other one did. All in all, both battles are far easier than the likes of Abyission or the Living Armor. Ah Well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the ending scenes which are quite good. And try to guess the name of the Tree =p Watch the credits and make sure you check out the final ending scenes afterwards! ======================================================================= 122. Finale ======================================================================= Phew. I'm always sad when I finish an RPG. Luckily Tales of Symphonia isn't over with yet. There's plenty of reasons to go through the game again, because there's still a ton of stuff to do. Even if you're not interested in collecting everything, try setting the game to x10 EXP to dominate it, or give yourself a challenge and reduce the EXP in half. You can even check out the new Battle Modes which will increase the difficulty of monsters. Unfortunately this guide doesn't scratch the surface of collecting everything, but I've tried my best to provide a detailed step by step walkthrough, and you can be sure I'll be adding the missing parts when I go through the game again. However, I'd recommend a few other guides that can be found on GameFAQs. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/file/tales_of_symphonia_complet ion_a.txt Kildread2's Completion Guide http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/file/tales_of_symphonia_complet ion.txt Seroin's Completetion Guide http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/file/tales_of_symphonia_titles. txt A I e x 's Titles Guide Both of these guides will help you in collecting everything ToS has to offer. Kildread's is a little more in depth, where as Seroin's is more of a Check List. Both are good. Now, when you start a New Game using your Completed Data, you will have access to the Grade Shop. In the Grade Shop you will be able to spend the GRADE points you earned throughout the game, all Grade points carry over into the new game as well (The ones you haven't spent that is) There are some pretty expensive items here, so pick carefully. I would recommend grabbing all the stuff that will help you with Completion first. I'd also recommend grabbing the Grade Modifier. It doesn't cost that much and will help out a lot when you complete the game for a second time. I'm sure you'll be able to buy a lot more than... should you choose to go through the game a third time. The big purchases you have to worry about are Gald (1000), Titles (1000), Tech (1000), 2X EXP (1000), and 10X EXP (3000). Gald transfers all your Gald over from the last game, which might seem useful, but I consider it a waste, it's easy enough to earn Gald in the second half of the game. Titles will transfer all the Titles you earned in the previous game over. This, in my opinion is by far the most useful. Not only will it save you loads of time from having to do some of the longer side quest again, and not only does it enable you to collect more of the costume titles for your other characters, but it's really helpful to level your characters from square 1 with these beefy modifier titles. Tech will transfer all the Techs you've learned over from the last game, this can be useful, granted. But Techs just don't seem that hard to learn, you'd be better off getting an EXP Modifier if you wanted to go this route. The Experience Modifiers are self explanatory. I'm sure x2 is useful, but we all know x10 is where it's at. If you can manage to snag this, expect to rip through the game. Very hand for multiple play through. A few things to keep in mind as you make your way through the game again. For all the completions, I urge you to check out one of the FAQs I linked above, you don't want to miss one tiny little detail that throws your whole collection out of whack. Also, check out the Titles FAQ I posted up there as well, and try to get some of the harder Requirement Titles. Like going through part of the game without using Gels, or anything other than the Wooden Sword. ======================================================================= VI. Mini-Games/Side Quest - M&S ======================================================================= ======================================================================= A.Mini-Games ======================================================================= ---------------- 1.Mini Game: Emotional Balloon - MGB2 -------------- Emotional Balloon, or "EB" is a little memory game Genis can play with the Katz person in Izoold at anytime. There are three different difficulty settings, each a little more complex than the last. If you match the Katz' emotions by pushing the correct buttons perfectly, you'll get a prize at the end. Here are the three prizes for each difficulty. Mode: Easy| Rounds: 10| Prize: 5 Apple Gels Mode: Normal| Rounds: 15| Prize: 5 Life Bottles Mode: Hard| Rounds: 30| Prize: 5 Lemon Gels ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 2.Mini Game: Waitress - MGW2 -------------------- This little mini game can be played by going to the Cafeteria in Palmacosta's Academy. Colette will take up a part-time job as a Waitress. All you have to do is remember the customers order, order it from the kitchen, and then bring it out to the right customer. Simple enough... you'd think. But it's kind of hard to tell the customers apart. The best tip I can give you is to jot down a few little notes on a piece of paper. Write down the order and maybe the hair color of the customer. You don't have all day to view the orders before the customers will take their seats, so be quick about it. When you're finished you'll be paid according to how well you did (and get a free Palma Potion if that's what you came here for) as well as get a title for Colette. You can play this Mini Game again, but you'll only get Gald from now on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 3.Side Quest: Pop Quiz - SPQ2 -------------------- When you first arrive in Palmacosta and visit the Academy you'll be able to accept a little challenge to show off how smart Genis is. Before the challenge however you'll have a pop-quiz. This may or may not effect the out come of the actual challenge, but none the less, here are the answers for the three questions Raine will ask: 1. Guardian 2. Acceleration due to gravity 3. I don't know ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 4.Mini Game: Orienteering - MGO2 ------------------ This little side quest, while yielding no prizes upon completetion, can be a fun little distraction from the main quest. To partake in it, talk to the Guard who will be positioned in the Governor's Building Square of Palmacosta after beating Killia. Talk to the Guard and you can have him explain the rules. More or less, this is a little scavenger hunt or sorts that will have you running around the city looking for people or objects. The guard will hint to what the first checkpoint is, and once you find that checkpoint it'll give you a hint as to what the second may be, and so on. You'll repeat the process a number of 4 times to complete the game. If ever you should need more of a hint, go back to the guard and ask him about the next checkpoint. When you get to the last check point, you may or may not be asked some questions. Some of these questions you might not be able to answer unless you've finished the game. In any case, when you've found all the checkpoints, head back to the guard to end it all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- 5.Mini Game: Red Light/Green Light - MGL2 --------------- Red Light/Green Light is just like the classic children's game that you may have played before. To control Genis you must press the A Button repeatedly to move forward, the same holds true for moving left and right, except in that case you hold down R to go right, and L to go left. You can quit the game at anytime by pressing start. To complete the game you'll have to win three rounds in a row, this can be kind of difficult because if get hit by a child behind you you'll get thrown back a bit. The best way to win is to try and move out of the way of the children by heading to one of the sides of the bridge, then rapidly press a to move forward, when the Katz starts to turn around, press start, then cancel. No matter what you're doing, you'll stop moving, so this is a little trick that will keep you from getting caught. It might take you a few times, and it can get frustrating, but the reward is a new title for Genis the "Strategist". If you come back later in the game you can win all three rounds again to get a special weapon for Genis. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= B. Side Quest ======================================================================= ======================================================================= 1.Character Titles ======================================================================= Coming Soon ======================================================================= 2.Colette's Dog Naming - CDN1 ======================================================================= Throughout the game you will find all sorts of Dogs in towns, and various other friendly locations. If you make Colette your on screen character and talk to the Dogs, she will name them. Naming all the dogs in the game will result in getting the title "Dog Lover" for Colette. The following is a list of the locations where the dogs are: 1.Iselia House of Salvation 2.Triet 3.Izoold 4.Palmacosta 5.Palmacosta 6.Palmacosta House of Salvation 7.Thoda Island Dock 8.Thoda Island Geyser 9.Asgard 10.Asgard 11.Asgard House of Salvation 12.Hima 13.Hima 14.Meltokio 15.Meltokio 16.Sybak 17.Sybak 18.Mizuho 19.Ozette 20.Ozette 21.Flanoir 22.Altamira (daytime) 23.Altamira (nighttime) 24.Exire 25.Exire 26.Heimdall 27.Heimdall 28.Iselia (later in the game) 29.Luin, City of Water (post-reconstruction) ======================================================================= 3.The Restoration of Luin - ROL1 ======================================================================= This massive side quest becomes available as soon as you heal Pietro in Hima. Basically Pietro has decided to spend the rest of his days trying to rebuild the poor ruined city that was once Luin. Your part in this reconstruction comes from supplying the man with the funds to do it. Now aside from rebuilding a once peaceful city and doing the right thing, what does this get you? Well quite a few things actually... but it's going to cost money, and a lot of it. The trick is knowing how much to spend at a time. The reconstruction process is broken into 15 different stages. Each of these stages cost a certain amount of money that must be paid in donation in order to complete, but no more. So for example, say you want to give Pietro 20000 Gald to get this thing up and running, 5000 will go towards restoring Luin to the first stage, while the other 15000 will be wasted. Yeah... wasted, it WON'T go towards the next stage, and you WON'T get it back, so don't do it. Now then, here's the walkthrough for the 15 stages of Restoration. *NOTE*: It's important that you LEAVE Luin after making a donation then re-enter before making another donation, or it will be void. 1. 5000 Gald The first donation can be made right after you heal Pietro. Just head on over to Luin where you'll find Pietro. If you have the funds on you at the time, you should fork it over. What does this accomplish? Pietro gives you his gratitude. Yeah, I'm serious, that's all that happens. But it's an important process because this project isn't going anywhere without it. So fork over the gald. 2. 12000 Gald Well... Pietro hasn't seemingly done anything with his 5 Grand yet, but here's hoping something will come out of 12k! After making that steep donation, leave and re-enter the city to be dazzled and utterly amazed at the change! Behold! A woman now stands near Pietro... NICE JOB PIETRO!!! *Sigh* Well give it time.... I'm sure he has something cooking. 3. 21500 Now we're back from another world with a fat stack of cash, so let's go and give Pietro a hand. Make the donation than head out and return. The city's name will now change to The City of Rebirth - Luin. Hmm, not bad Pietro. You'll find that the place has been cleaned up a bit and there's some more people here now as well! 4. 15000 Now that we've started to make some serious progress here drop another 15k down for Pietro. This time you'll find more people here, as well as another dog for Colette to name! 5. 20000 This time give Pietro 20k and see what happens! Well... not much this time. There's one new woman to talk to, other than that the workers are just getting into the spirit of rebuilding the city. Oh well... 6. 25000 Pluck down the largest donation yet and head outside, then return to see what progress has been made this time. Boo... not much, just a couple more people here. 7. 35000 The amount of money required to make the next donation keeps on rising with this one. The good news it this is the most drastic change yet. The bridges are being fixed, the inn and the item shop are open, and best of all the music has changed! Yay! Things are definitely looking up. 8. 40000 Progress has been coming along smoothly, so it should be reasonable to part with 40k, no? You'll find that the city is coming together nicely, and that more people have started to travel to the city. Not bad. 9. 45000 Five Thousand more than last time, what will the results be? You'll find that the reconstruction is almost complete, yay! You'll also find that the Katz Team is back... if that's any consolation. 10. 50000 This is it folks, after this donation Luin will be restored to it's former glory. So pluck down a hefty 50 Thousand and watch the magic happen. Now that the city is back to normal we're done, right? Wrong. Pietro won't rest until Luin becomes the best city in the entire game, but chances are you don't have the funds to pay for the next two donations and have anything left in your wallet. So... another time, another time. 11. 75000 Alright, the second to the last of the real big donations. You won't be disappointed with this donation's benefits. Upon re-entering the city you will notice that there has been some serious road work done, but the best part is the Weapon Shop now sells novelty weapons that are very powerful! 12. 100000 Ouch. This one hurts. But this is the last big payment towards the best city in the game. So grit your teeth and fork it over. The city is looking great now, all the buildings and bridges have been upgraded. And the city has been renamed to Luin - The City of Water. 13. 5000 The last three donations are merely a drop in the bucket. Three payments of 5000 Gald and this little quest will be done. But what does this first donation get you? A Statue of Sheena has been constructed outside of the Weapon Store <3. 14. 5000 Now? Well there's a fierce statue of Lloyd in the fountain! 15. 5000 Finally, the last donation. This time a statue of Raine has been erected in front of the Item Shop. Now if you talk to Pietro you'll get a scene. Pietro will now leave Luin, and that wraps up the reconstruction of Luin. Make sure Zelos talks to all the ladies, Colette names the dog, and you take advantage of those sweet weapons in the Weapon Shop. ======================================================================= 4.Figurine Book - FGB1 ======================================================================= Completing the Figurine Book is a rather lengthy, yet fun process. You can start this Side Quest after defeating Kvar at the Asgard Ranch. Talk to Harley in his workshop in Asgard to get the Figurine Book and some Pellets. If you take the book to Dirk back in the Iselia Region, he'll be able to process the Pellets to construct figurines. There are a few things to keep in mind when processing Pellets. First of all, you have four different pellet types. Pellets, Fine Pellets, Super Pellets, and Rare Pellets. There is no set combination of Pellets to construct a figurine, but there are likely combinations, these will be listed below in the Figurine List. When processing Pellets you can use Pellets, Fine Pellets, and Super Pellets on their own, but rare ones need to be paired with a different kind of Pellet. Obtaining Pellets is simple enough. You'll either find them in chest or after fighting monsters. The easiest way to collect Pellets though is to have Colette use her "Item Getter" skill on a select few monsters. You can steal these kinds of Pellets from these monsters: Pellets: Jellyfish in Meltokio Sewers Fine Pellets: Giant Snail in Temple of Earth Super Pellets: Lobo in Temple of Ice Rare Pellets: Phantom Knight in Derris-Kharlan Even so, Rare Pellets are just that - RARE. It might be impossible to collect all the Figurines in one game. You can however, extract your figurine data from a previous game in a replay game... for a price. Another thing to keep in mind is that each figure has a requirement that must be met before it can be processed. Most figures will become available after a certain "season" passes in the game. While other require certain events to happen before they can be constructed. Here are the 9 Seasons of the game: 1. After Colette joins the party in Triet 2. After clearing Palmacosta Human Ranch and defeating Windmaster at Asgard 3. After clearing the Tower of Salvation in Sylvarant 4. After clearing Gaoracchia 5. After Colette is kidnapped at Ozette 6. After visiting Katz' Village and Flanoir 7. After clearing Tower of Salvation - Descent 8. After the Doctor event in Flanoir 9. After using the Vinheim Key at Vinheim Knowing this, all Figurines can be processed in Season 9 (assuming you've met the requirements for some of the special ones) So it might be in your best interest to wait for that season before trying to complete the Figurine Book. So what do you get for all this hard work? Well, you get a nice little collection of 288 Figurines of the characters and NPCs found throughout Tales of Symphonia. You also get the title of "Figurine Collector" for Genis. ======================================================================= VII. Characters - CHR ======================================================================= Coming Soon ======================================================================= VIII. Frequently Asked Question - FAQ ======================================================================= Coming Soon ======================================================================= IX. Outro - OUT ======================================================================= Thanks and Shout Outs To: You - For Reading this damn thing. I just hope it has helped you in some way GameFAQs - For Hosting this, and for being the best source for FAQs on the net IGN - For Hosting this... dot dot dot TeamClouds - Oh they didn't really do anything - Bastards PeTeRL90 - UP_IN_ARMS!?!? Momo Hime - For doing an excellent Sheena Commission Drawing ^^ Nintendo - For The Hardware to play this fine game on Namco - Because I want to Father their children.... more Xenosaga plz Me - Nice Work, now get back to writing >,> Written by Joel Acree - Triad - triad@teamclouds.com PS: It's ALL about Sheena <3 ~FIN