TALES OF SYMPHONIA GC-TO-PS2 CHANGES GUIDE (v2.0, 11-06-04) by Edward Chang (chang dot 459 at osu dot edu) Revision History v2.0 (11-6-04) Much improved set of revisions backed up by data from the newly released official Complete Guide (ISBN 4-902372-04-5). v1.3 (10-17-04) Additional revisions. v1.2 (10-9-04) Additional notes added, new boss ougis listed. v1.1 (10-6-04) More changes noted. v1.0 (10-4-04) First version. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Cosmetic Changes -Minor Graphical Changes -Minor Musical/Sound Changes -New Outfits 3. Gameplay Changes -New Titles -New Elemental Variations -New Unison Attacks -New Techniques -New Hidden Ougis -Fixed Bugs -Powered-Up Bosses -New Events -New Monsters -Other Changes 4. Credits 1. INTRODUCTION This is a guide to the PS2 version of Tales of Symphonia. Specifically, it deals with the numerous changes and additions to the PS2 version from the original Gamecube incarnation. The PS2 version has not only changes in graphics and such, but adds new moves, new titles, new outfits, and so on to the original. This guide is split into two major sections: Cosmetic Changes and Gameplay Changes. Cosmetic Changes have absolutely no effect on the game or game mechanics; they're just there in general to 'look pretty'. Gameplay changes, on the other hand, are actual changes to the gameplay which in some cases alter considerably what you could have done in the original GC release. This guide assumes you have played through the GC version and thus does not spend any huge amount of time describing things present in the original. It also has potential spoilers. 2. COSMETIC CHANGES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINOR GRAPHICAL CHANGES -The "Tales of Symphonia" logo on the title screen is now magenta-colored. -Most of the angels' wings now have deeper colors. -The "Synopsis" option in the menu now shows the newest entries at the top. -When a character is about to overlimit, their portrait will start to glow (in the GC version, the character sprite would flash red). -When the unison attack gauge fills up, it glows. -The Gamecube-object in the Sylvarant base now looks like a strange machine (it doesn't look like a PS2...) -Sword Dancer is now a regular white skull. -Shiina's summons now show a cutaway of her face once they cast (likely to make them match with other characters' hidden ougis). -New anime movies have been added for Colette's first Angel transformation and for the first flight of the Rarebirds. -The skits are graphically more dynamic. Portraits get larger or smaller quickly, swing from side to side, shake, and so on. -There are more post-battle win poses. -The 'dark' rooms in the Tower of Lightning are actually dark now (so that you have to wait for the lightning flashes to see where you're going). -The end credits now feature a mini-movie off to the left side. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINOR MUSICAL/SOUND CHANGES -The opening theme has been changed to "Soshite Boku ni Dekiru Koto" (by the same band, Day After Tomorrow). -The background music just before the fights with Pronyma and Yggdrasil has been changed (appropriate, since it was an instrumental version of the opening theme). -Zelos now says "Utsukushii~!" if he finishes an enemy with a combo. (For some reason, Zelos and only Zelos did not have such a line in the GC version). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW OUTFITS Most of the characters have gained an additional outfit in the PS2 version of Symphonia. They are as follows: Colette (Lloyd's Clothes) During the Flanoir event, pick Colette. Then, between the time you spend the night in Heimdall and the time you fight Kratos, return to Dike's house and speak to Dike. Colette will fall into the river and Lloyd will offer her his clothes instead. Afterwards Colette will gain the title "Kimi to Osoroi". Lloyd and Kratos (Japanese Clothes) Make sure Shiina has won in the Shiina/Kuchinawa one-on-one fight. Trigger the event where Igaguri regains consciousness. During the Flanoir event, pick Kratos. Now after Kratos rejoins your party, go to Mizuho and speak to Taiga. He'll give Lloyd and Kratos traditional Mizuho clothing from two legendary heroes, Musashi and Sasaki. Lloyd will gain the title "Musou no Mousha" and Kratos will gain the title "Dai-majin?". Genius and Presea (Winter Clothes) During the Flanoir event, pick Genius. Then, after defeating the Dark Dragon and passing through the main door in Ventheim, go to Flanoir and spend the night. The "Penguin Ojiisan" will give Genius and Presea the clothes he had intended to give to his grandchildren; Genius and Presea will also go out on a date. Genius will gain the title "Samuku Nai Yai!" and Presea will gain the title "Atatakai". (Note: If you pick Presea in the Flanoir event, you can get Presea's winter outfit but not Genius's. Thus, for efficiency's sake, it would be better to pick Genius.) Shiina and Zelos (Biker Clothes) During the Flanoir event, pick Zelos. See the event where Igaguri regains consciousness. Now go to Altamira and spend the night in the hotel. There will be an event where Zelos attempts to cheer Shiina up by taking her on a ride on the Rarebirds. For the ride, they'll each get a set of biker clothes. Shiina will get the title "Ryuusei Rider" and Zelos will get the title "Altamira Bousouzoku". (Note: When I tried doing this with picking Shiina at Flanoir, I got Lloyd cheering up Shiina at Altamira instead; Shiina got the new title and outfit, but Zelos did not. Thus, for efficiency's sake, it would be better to pick Zelos.) Regal (Noble's Clothes) During the Flanoir event, pick Regal. Now go to Altamira and speak to George; Regal will dress up in his President's clothes to conduct business negotiations. Afterwards he'll gain the title "Koushaku". Refill (Bunny Girl) Refill's outfit can be obtained any time after the Casino in Altamira is open. To get it, purchase the "??????" item from the bunny girl to the right of the main counter in exchange for 150,000 chips. You'll see an event where Refill is "Employee for a Day", and she'll gain the title "Erabareshi Bijou". 3. GAMEPLAY CHANGES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW TITLES -If you successfully complete the Orienteering minigame in Palmacosta in under a minute now, you get the "Dr. Palmacosta" title for Lloyd (the GC version gave you nothing). -Each character has one new costume title - see the Cosmetic Changes section for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW ELEMENTAL VARIATIONS There are now new elemental variations of moves (such as in the GC version, using Shunjinken 200 times and then using it with lightning-elemental weapon enchantment caused it to be Shunraiken instead). As in the original, each one requires the base move to be used 200 times and then a specific element weapon enchantment. They are as follows (organized by character). Lloyd Kaen Rekkuu (Rekkuuzan + Fire) Zelos Dankuuken (Senkuu Reppa + Wind) Presea Shippuu Ressen (Ressenbu + Wind) Raishuu Hougeki (Houshuugeki + Lightning) Regal Retsuenshuu (Resshuugeki + Fire) Hien Raikyaku (Hien Renkyaku + Lightning) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW UNISON ATTACKS There are now several new unison attacks. Regal, who had zero in the GC version, now actually has some. Rock Mountain Grave (Kratos/Zelos) + Grave or Rock Break or Grand Dasher (Genius) Genma Getsueika Yuugenfu (Shiina) + Kogetsusen (Presea) Yuugen Shoufu or Yuugen Seifu (Shiina) + Gessen Kuuha or Shougetsu Sousen or Shoubu Retsugekka (Presea) Zanma Getsueika Sakurikifu (Shiina) + Kogetsusen (Presea) Sakuriki Shoufu or Sakuriki Seifu (Shiina) + Gessen Kuuha or Shougetsu Sousen or Shoubu Retsugekka (Presea) Genma Hienkyaku Yuugenfu (Shiina) + Hienkyaku (Regal) Yuugen Shoufu or Yuugen Seifu (Shiina) + Hiryuugaku or Hien Renkyaku (Regal) Zanma Hienkyaku Sakurikifu (Shiina) + Hienkyaku (Regal) Sakuriki Shoufu or Sakuriki Seifu (Shiina) + Hiryuugaku or Hien Renkyaku (Regal) Critical Blade Flame Lance or Eruption (Genius) + Bakuen Renbu or Bakuen Shouha (Presea) Explode (Genius) + Renga Bakusaijin (Presea) Note: This is evidently an homage to Roni's hidden ougi Critical Blade from Tales of Destiny 2; Presea's line during the move is even exactly the same as Roni's line. Gungnir Kuuhashou or Fuujinken (Lloyd/Zelos/Kratos) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill) Masoukoufu Sakurikifu or Hama Toufu (Shiina) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill) Kou'on Angel Feather or Judgment (Colette/Kratos/Zelos) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill) Grand Cross (Colette) + Ray or Holy Lance (Refill) Ryuuko Metsugajin Makoujin or Majin Rengazan (Lloyd) + Yousou Shuuraku or Yousou Moushuukyaku (Regal) Innocent Edge Makoujin or Majin Rengazan (Lloyd) + Bakuen Shouha or Bakuen Renbu or Renga Bakusaijin (Presea) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW TECHNIQUES A few characters have gained new moves. Lloyd Shinkuu Senrestuha (35 TP) Lloyd gains a new combination ougi. He needs to be level 53 and have the advanced versions of Chiri-sazame and Rekkuuzan at 50 uses apiece. Colette Grand Cross (40 TP) A new angel magic. Colette learns this at level 42. Refill Inspect Magic (16 TP) Functions the same as a Spectacles. Refill learns this at level 20. Kratos Shugo Houjin (12 TP) A new light elemental attack that also heals nearby allies. Kratos learns this at level 39. Zelos Judgment (40 TP) Zelos now can learn Judgment like Colette and Kratos. To do it, simply perform his "Shining Bind" hidden ougi (see below for details) and he will learn it at the end of the battle. Regal Hatsu (25 TP) An explosive radius attack that is also the key to Regal's hidden ougi. Regal learns this at level 53. Hishou Tenshuubu (38 TP) A new combination attack. Regal learns this at level 58. Souryuu Rengadan (28 TP) A new combination attack. Regal learns this at level 66. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW HIDDEN OUGIS There were only three hidden ougis in the GC version of ToS (Lloyd's Tenshou Souhazan, Colette's Holy Judgment, and Genius's Indignate Judgment). In the PS2 version, every character gets at least one hidden ougi and some get two (an exception is Shiina; her summons have gotten changed a little graphically so that they match with the other hidden ougis, but she gets no new one herself). The new hidden ougis and the methods to perform them are as follows. Any hidden ougi that requires your HP to be below a certain amount can only be performed once per battle. However, any hidden ougi that simply requires being in Overlimit can be performed as many times as desired, provided you attain Overlimit status again. Refill Sacred Shine (150 TP) A massive light-elemental attack on all enemies. To perform this, simply use Ray or Holy Lance 100 times; then during overlimit, perform Ray or Holy Lance. Fairy Circle (150 TP) A defensive hidden ougi that heals all allies 75% and raises their attack, defense, and magic attack temporarily; it also does some damage to all opponents (not as much as Sacred Shine though). To perform this, use Resurrection 100 times; then during overlimit, perform Resurrection. Zelos Shining Bind (100 TP) After clearing the Tower of Salvation in Tethe'alla, perform Majin Senkuuha during overlimit with Zelos's HP at less than 15% max (you must have used Majin Senkuuha at least 100 times). After the battle, Zelos will learn Judgment. Divine Judgment (150 TP) With Judgment's usage count at least 20, perform Judgment during overlimit. Kratos Shining Bind (100 TP) Pick Kratos during the Flanoir event and equip him with the "Judgment" Title. Now either remove Lloyd from the party or unequip the Material Blade from him; with Kratos's HP at less than 15% max, press square+circle+X simultaneously. Presea Reppa Enshougeki (100 TP) After Presea regains her true self, and with Shikou Metsuryuusen at at least 100 uses, during overlimit perform Might Charge (Level 3 EX skill; hold down O until "EX Skill Effect" appears over her head) and then perform Shikou Metsuryuusen singly (not in a combo) when an enemy is in range. Hien Messhoujin (100 TP) After Presea regains her true self, and with Shikou Metsuryuusen at at least 200 uses, during overlimit, with everybody else in the party dead, and with Presea's health below 10% max, perform Limit Over (Compound EX skill: Appeal (Level 1) + Might Charge (Level 3); hold down O until "EX Skill Effect" appears over her head) and then perform Shikou Metsuryuusen singly (not in a combo) when an enemy is in range. Regal Garen Reshuugeki (100 TP) After Regal reveals that he is the Lezareno Company President, with Hatsu at at least 100 uses, during overlimit perform any chain of three moves (ground to anti-air to air, for instance, or anti-air to air to ground) and then perform Hatsu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIXED BUGS -The bug that allowed using Rune Bottles to get 99 of any item has been fixed. -The bug that allowed some characters to learn both T and S variations of a move has been fixed. -The bug that allowed the player to tell when Colette's Holy Song would turn into Holy Judgment (the Targetting icon not appearing) has been fixed. -The infinite combos some people had with normal attacks -> spell cast -> spell cancel -> normal attacks have been removed. -The bug that would give Lloyd the Eternal Sword during battle has been fixed. -The bug that allowed taking Kratos's equipment off when he joins you a second time has been fixed. -The bug that allowed casting Indignate Judgment twice during one overlimit has been fixed. -The bug that allowed opening the menu during the ending has been fixed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POWERED-UP BOSSES Some bosses have gotten even harder in ToS now thanks to new moves. Some of these moves only appear on Hard difficulty or above. Botta Botta has a new ougi, Saiha Messhoujin (only on Hard or above). Kratos If you fight him on Mania, Kratos will use Shining Bind against you. Prisoner (Regal) If you fight him on Mania, the Prisoner will use Garen Zesshuugeki on you. Yuan Yuan has a new ougi, Tenshou Raizangeki. He also gains Shunraiken as a standard move. Celsius Celsius has a new ougi, Shikou Hyousaigeki (only on Hard or above). Ifrit Ifrit has a new ougi, Inferno Limited (only on Hard or above). Luna Luna has a new ougi, Lunatic (only on Hard or above). Zelos If you fight him on Hard, he will use Shining Bind against you. If you fight him on Mania, he'll even use Divine Judgment against you. Yggdrasil He now gets Yggdrasil Laser (shades of Daos Laser from way back in ToP...) and also uses Time Stop once his HP gets below half. Mithos He gains Time Stop. On Hard or above, he'll also use Shining Bind. Meredy In the Arena, on Hard or above, Meredy will now use Time Stop, making her even more annoying than before... Abyssion Abyssion is now immune to All-Divides. On Hard mode he gains the new hidden ougis Tenshou Souhazan and Shining Bind (complete with facial cutaway); on Mania he even gains Divine Judgment and Time Stop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW EVENTS Book Readings There are now five new book events that will let you read about the history of the Ancient War and Mithos' journey. The location of the books and the times you can read them are as follows: -before heading to Palmacosta, in Iselia in Colette's house. -after reaching Palmacosta and before releasing the third seal, in the school in Palmacosta. -after reaching Asgard and before releasing the third seal, in Harley's house in Asgard. -after reaching Asgard and before releasing the fourth seal, there are three separate books in Asgard; one apiece in Harley's house, the Kyoufuukan Inn, and Raina's house. -after clearing the Meltokio sewers and before Colette is abducted in Ozette, in Zelos's house. Balacruf Mausoleum After clearing the seal in the Balacruf Mausoleum, return to Asgard and speak to Raina for an event. Refill will go into Ruins Mode again... Mithos the Hero There are two new events that will let you get more insight into the ancient hero, Mithos. First, after defeating Rodyle and speaking to Neil and before heading to Meltokio, talk to Mithos in Altesta's house. Now after clearing Welgaia, go to the Sylvarant Base and speak to Yuan in his office. New Luin's Mayor Anytime after rebuilding Luin to the furthest rank possible, speak to Pietro. He and the residents will have decided to thank your party by making one of your members honorary mayor. You get to choose a member here; who you choose gains +1 in their affection (in Kratos's case only, you must pick yourself instead of Kratos to gain +1). Altamira Theater After seeing the Regal and Alicia event, go to the hotel and you'll get a ticket to go see a play at the theater during the nighttime. You will get an event with Refill and Zelos. You must have picked up the "Shinpi no Netachou" key item from the well in Mizuho to trigger this event. Casino The Casino in Altamira now actually works. You can play Blackjack or Slots to gain chips, and then trade in the chips for items. You can also trade in your possessions for items: Gald (500 Gald/1 Chip); EX Gems (Level 1: 1, Level 2: 2, Level 3: 5, Level 4: 10, MAX: 50); or Grade (10 Grade/1 Chip). The items you can get for chips are: Miracle Gummy (20 Chips) Rune Bottle (500 Chips) Rare Pellet (2000 Chips) Strike Ring (5000 Chips) Technical Ring (5000 Chips) Mental Ring (15,000 Chips) Bijascora (the Devil's Arm kendama) (250 Chips) Forget-me-not (75,000 Chips; allows viewing of movies in Nekonin Village) ???? (150,000 Chips; Refill's Bunny Girl outfit) Free Pass to Altamira After seeing the Regal and Alicia event, make Lloyd the party leader and head to Altamira. Lloyd will be congratulated on being the one millionth visitor to the park and will receive a Free Pass, which will allow the use of the rides in Altamira's amusement park. You can ride with another character to raise their emotions towards you. You will also get a one- night pass to the hotel's deluxe suite. You can then use this to see an event with Lloyd and your #1 character (regardless of who you picked in Flanoir if you do this after the Flanoir event; if Colette was the first one through the door and you picked somebody else, you'll still get a Lloyd/Colette event in Altamira). Riding the teacups in Altamira will prompt you to choose someone to ride with. Picking Regal will get you +3 with him; Colette will get you +2 with her; and anybody else will get you +1 with them. During the ride you'll be asked what you prefer to drink; answering tea will get you +1 if you're riding with Colette or +3 if you're riding with Regal, whereas answering coffee will get you +3 if you're riding with Refill or +1 if you're riding with Kratos (no change for other members). Grave Visiting After seeing the Regal and Alicia event, go to Alicia's grave in the Lezareno Company in Altamira. You'll see an additional event with Presea and Regal. Choosing to pray with them (first choice) will get you +3 for Presea and Regal, whereas choosing to watch quietly will get you +1 for Regal. Farewell, Tethe'alla After having made the contract with the first 6 spirits, you'll automatically get a scene where your party members contemplate what to do once the two worlds split. Then, after making the pact with Shadow, you can visit various cities around Tethe'alla to see a new scene with the following characters: Meltokio: Zelos Sybek: Refill Ozette: Presea Altamira: Regal Mizuho: Shiina Altesta's House: Genius Zelos Reminiscing After clearing the Iselia Ranch, if you go towards the snowman in Flanoir you'll get an event with Zelos. Here you can choose to ask him what he's thinking (first choice) or just leave him alone. Asking him will get you +2 with Zelos. Virginia, Continued After defeating the Dark Dragon and passing through the main door in Ventheim, return to Exire and go to Virginia's house. You'll see an additional event with Virginia, Refill, and Genius. (You must have seen the previous event with Virginia in order to trigger this one). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW MONSTERS The Monster Collection now has 257 entries instead of 251. The new monsters are present in the extra Forbidden Book dungeon. They are the "Gen'ei" versions of Forcytus, Magnis, and Pronyma on Floor 15 and the "Eiyuu" versions of Mithos, Yuan, and Kratos on Floor 20. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER CHANGES -The Unison Attack gauge fills up faster. The GC version required 200 total hits to fill up, whereas the PS2 version only requires about 150. -During the Flanoir event, Kratos no longer comes in automatically as the fourth visitor. If you refuse the first two visitors, you will automatically go with the third. Thus, to recruit Kratos instead of Zelos for your final party, Kratos MUST be in your top three. -The Earth Dragon in the Earth Temple now drops 1000 Gald instead of 10000. This makes rebuilding Luin a lot harder; by contrast, the Gold Dragon in the Trent Forest now drops 8300 Gald instead of the 1052 it used to drop; however, you don't run into the Gold Dragon until much later. -"Vicious Core" (the Devil's Arm kendama) is no longer bought from the man on the bridge at Altamira during night; rather it is a prize from the Casino for 250 Chips. You still must have gotten both Maken Nebilim and Jaken Fafnir first. -The Forbidden Book extra dungeon is now accessible even without clearing the game first. It is now 20 floors instead of 15. -The battle camera is smarter when playing with more than one person now (it doesn't stay focused just on the first player like in the GC version). -The enemy AI is somewhat smarter. 4. CREDITS To Namco for bringing a great game to the PS2 and making it even greater. This FAQ Copyright 2004 to Edward Chang. Redistribution in any form, including reprinting in electronic or print media, without express permission of the author is strictly forbidden.