*********************************************************************** Tales of Symphonia *********************************************************************** Side-Quest and Sub-Event Guide *********************************************************************** Author: bumpygrimes Additional Contributors to this Guide: Shadow Dino, Fullgore EXE, LordSelane Email Address: bumpygrimes@yahoo.com AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name: RallyMonkey66 *********************************************************************** FAQ History: Version 1: First version of this guide. Version 1.2: Fixed a few grammatical errors here and there, changed some misinformation, added info that needed to be addressed. (Thanks to all GameFAQs users who gave me info to add the my guide.) *********************************************************************** Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Mini-Games 2.1 EB 2.2 Colette the Waitress 2.3 Scavenger Hunt 2.4 Red Light! 2.5 Desert Uncle Scramble 3. Sub-Events and Side-Quests 3.1 Name the Dogs 3.2 Kratos the Swordsman 3.3 Copy Cats 3.4 The Restoration of Luin 3.5 Mature Presea 3.6 Old Ozette Neighbors 3.7 The Pink Pearl Ring 3.8 Clara is Healed! 3.9 Yuan’s Fiancée 3.10 Raine and Genis’ Mother 3.11 Raine’s Sickness 3.12 Princess Hilda Has Been Kidnapped! 3.13 Missing Child 3.14 Trouble at the Hot Springs 3.15 The Truth about Noishe 3.16 Genis the Mana Master 3.17 Sheena’s Friend Returns 3.18 Regal’s Dynast 3.19 Presea’s Gaia Cleaver 4. Costume-Changing Sub-Events and Side-Quests 4.1 The Mask of Zelos 4.2 Presea the Dream Traveler 4.3 Dance Party 4.4 Colette the Maid 4.5 Katz Katz Katz 4.6 The Awakening of Mizuho 4.7 Bathing Suits! 4.8 Raine the Maiden 4.9 Arggh, Me Hearties 4.10 God of the Kitchen 5. Sub-Bosses 5.1 The Elite from the Underworld 5.2 Abyssion and the Devil’s Arms 5.3 Maxwell, Lord of Summon Spirits 6. Credits/Legal Stuff *********************************************************************** 1. Introduction *********************************************************************** There are quite a few side-quests, sub-events, sub-bosses, and mini-games in Tales of Symphonia. I separated these extra goodies into five different sections for easy navigation. Locate the side-quest you want, then Ctrl + F the number next to it. (For example, if you want information on “Kratos the Swordsman,” press Ctrl + F on your keyboard at the same time, type in 3.2, and click “Find Next.”) *********************************************************************** 2. Mini-Games *********************************************************************** ------- 2.1 EB ------- Available: As soon as you reach Izoold (Genis must be in the party). Prize(s): Apple Gels, Life Bottles, Lemon Gels Description: Talk to the Katz in the port area of Izoold to play this game. It is a very simple mini-game. The Katz will show you four emotions, one for each D-Pad direction. These emotions include a musical note, a question mark, a light bulb, a sweat drop, and an angry blob of smoke… uh… thing. Additionally, the L and R buttons are used for jumps of joy (L) and sobs (R). Make sure you write down the correct controls for the correct emotions, as they vary each time you play. You can play EB in four different difficulties: Easy (10 rounds), Normal (20 rounds), Hard (30 rounds), and Non-Stop EB (Unlimited rounds until you lose). If you get a 10/10 on the Easy difficulty, you are awarded with five Apple Gels. If you get a 20/20 on the Normal difficulty, you win five Life Bottles. And if you become the ultimate champion by getting a perfect score on Hard, you win five Lemon Gels, which heal 60% of your HP. Joy! As for Non-Stop EB, that’s for your own personal record. You aren’t awarded anything for playing this difficulty, only satisfaction. ------------------------ 2.2 Colette the Waitress ------------------------ Available: As soon as you reach Palmacosta, until Palmacosta is destroyed (Colette must be in the party). Prize(s): 0-500 Gald, Palma Potion, Colette’s “Turbo Waitress” Title Description: To start this mini-game, go to the Palmacosta Academy cafeteria (right-most door on the first floor) and talk to guy behind the counter. He tells you that he needs a waitress to assist in making food and distributing it to the correct customers. This is an extremely annoying mini-game. The customers will come piling into the cafeteria and yelling out what kind of food they want and the amount of food they want. The best advice is to QUICKLY write down the descriptions of the customers and what they want to chow down on. I say “quickly” because their orders will only be on screen for about five seconds, and then they will randomly sit down at one of the two tables in the cafeteria. The first round of ordering will have two customers, the second has three, and the third and final round has four. After serving all of the greedy students, the chef will come out and give you your reward: 0-500 Gald depending on how well you got the customers’ orders right. If you haven’t repaid the group of imposters with a Palma Potion early in the game yet, then the chef will give you a Palma Potion as well. If you play this mini-game and do well, Colette will get the title of “Turbo Waitress.” ------------------ 2.3 Scavenger Hunt ------------------ Available: After defeating Kilia, until Palmacosta is destroyed. Prize(s): None Description: This is a worthless, yet fun mini-game. After you fight and defeat Kilia in the dungeons of the Palmacosta government building, talk to the soldier facing the river in the southern section of the area with the government building, church, and academy. He’ll ask if you want to play a game called “Orienteering.” If you say yes, he’ll get things ready for you, and then come back with a clue. The clue is a hint as to what the location of the next clue is. Sound familiar? For completing this game, you do not win anything. I don’t know why, but you don’t. It’s just a fun game to play when you’re bored. Because you know how much time you have to spare when you’re trying to save two worlds. -_- -------------- 2.4 Red Light! -------------- Available: Whenever the Grand Tethe’alla Bridge isn’t “up” (Genis must be in the party.) Prize(s): Genis’ “Strategist” Title, One World Description: To start this mini-game, speak with the blue Katz on the Grand Tethe’alla Bridge. This game isn’t as innocent and childish as it sounds. In fact, your competitors in this game are ruthless. They show no mercy. It’s a typical game of “Red Light, Green Light.” While the Katz is turned around, press A repeatedly to move forward. To move to the left, hold the L button while pressing A repeatedly. Do the same thing with the R button to move to the right. As soon as the Katz turns around and says, and I quote, “Red Light!” you must stop pressing A. If the Katz notices any movement out of you or any of your rivals, that person or persons must go back to the start. If any two people touch, the one who is farther from the goal must go back to the start. The first person to reach the goal wins. If you win round one, you will move to round two. Round two is harder, as there are more evil children competing against you. Beat round two to move to the climax: round three. This time, even MORE demonic youngsters will try to frustrate you by purposely running into you. Beat round three to obtain the “Strategist” title for Genis. If you beat all three rounds of Red Light Green Light after opening the door to the final boss (using the Vinheim Key and watching a scene), you will win the One World; Genis’ most powerful weapon in the game. (Unless you’re one of *those* who consider the Devil’s Arms weapons the best in the game.) HINT: Whenever the Katz turns around, press start to pause. Even if you were moving while the Katz was facing the contestants, you won’t be forced to go back. Additionally, it’s helpful to STAY AROUND THE EDGES at all times. That way the possessed children of doom can’t maliciously bump into you as easily. ------------------------- 2.5 Desert Uncle Scramble ------------------------- Available: After beating the Remote Island Human Ranch. Prize(s): Lloyd’s “Midlife Crisis” Title, 1980 Gald Description: This is probably the most random mini-game ever. I don’t know what Namco was thinking when they put it in their game. Nonetheless, it is still fun to play. To play it, talk to the middle- aged man (you’ll be seeing a lot of these) near the inn in Triet. The game goes like this: a handful of middle-aged men will walk down Triet. One will say, “I’m number 1!” another will say “I’m number 2!” etc. After each man has told you his number, they will all get in a line (NOT in order, their placement in the line is completely random). Talk to Number 1 first, Number 2 second, and whatnot. The only piece of advice I have for this game is to write down what kind of hair each person has. For example, if the Number 1 guy has an afro, write down “Afro – 1.” If the number two guy has a mohawk, write down “Mohawk – 2.” If you talk to a man in the wrong order, he’ll get angry at you and the game ends. If you are patient enough to correctly classify 100 men, Lloyd receives the “Midlife Crisis” Title. If you have WAY too much time on your hands, you can complete the game completely and win a measly 1,980 Gald. *********************************************************************** 3. Sub-Events and Side-Quests *********************************************************************** ----------------- 3.1 Name the Dogs ----------------- Available: Any time Colette is in your party. (She MUST have her voice.) Prize(s): Colette’s “Dog Lover” Title Description: This is a simple, yet LONG side-quest that spans throughout the whole game. Whenever you see a dog, change Colette to the viewable character and talk to the little beast. Colette will say something along the lines of, “How cuuuuute!!! OMG this dog’s name is… uh… how about Bob?” thus permanently naming the dog. Once naming ALL thirty dogs, Colette is rewarded with her “Dog Lover” title. Here’s a list of the dog’s locations: -Iselia (1) -House of Salvation near Triet (1) -Triet (1) -Izoold (1) -Palmacosta (2)* -Thoda Geyser House of Salvation (1) -Thoda Geyser (1) -Asgard (2) -House of Salvation near Asgard and Luin (1) -Hima (2) -Meltokio (2) -Sybak (2) -Mizuho (1) -Ozette (2)* -Flanoir (2) -Altamira during the Day (1) -Altamira, Casino/Theater Area (1) -Exire (2) -Heimdall (2) -Fully-Restored Luin (1) *Make sure to name these dogs before their respective town is destroyed. ------------------------ 3.2 Kratos the Swordsman ------------------------ Available: As soon as you reach Palmacosta, until you go to the Tower of Salvation. Prize(s): None Description: At four points near the beginning of the game while Kratos is in the party, you can trigger scenes where Kratos trains Lloyd’s swordsmanship skills. You aren’t rewarded with anything for doing these events. Seeing these events does, however, make Kratos’ opinion for Lloyd much better. The four events MUST go in order and can be missed if you don’t activate them at the correct time. Here are the locations where the events are triggered in the correct order: -In Palmacosta, talk to the soldier outside the government building. (The one to the right of the door.) -After defeating the fake Summon Spirit on the altar in Asgard, you’ll wake up in the expensive Asgard hotel. Go to Linar’s house to get Raine back in your party. Then return to the same hotel you just stayed in and pay 600 Gald to spend the night again. That night, Kratos will offer another training session. -After sneaking into the Asgard Human Ranch undercover and being saved by Sheena, talk to the guy near the destroyed Weapon Shop. Kratos will appear out of nowhere and say he wants to train again. -When all the characters are standing in different points of Hima before you go on the dragon trip to the Tower of Salvation, talk to Kratos twice. This should activate the fourth and final event. ------------- 3.3 Copy Cats ------------- Available: After blowing up the Asgard Human Ranch. Prize(s): None Description: Remember those stupid imposters from Palmacosta? Well, they’re back. There are four areas you can see them after Palmacosta. These events must be seen in order. The first three will not happen on Disc 2. -After destroying the Asgard Human Ranch, go back to the altar where you fought the fake wind Summon Spirit. The imposters will be there trying to steal money from the people of Asgard! The real party shows up and gets kicks those losers out of Asgard. -Next, you’ll catch them leaving the Balacruf Mausoleum, already with stolen money from the two tourists and the dog in front of the ruins. Those greedy mullets! -After the tenth large payment to restore Luin back to its former state, the imposters will be causing trouble once again in front of the item shop. -Fourth and finally, the copy cats are back in Asgard after you clear the Iselia Human Ranch. The citizens of Asgard have the shortest. Memories. Ever. --------------------------- 3.4 The Restoration of Luin --------------------------- Available: After Raine heals Pietro’s sickness. Prize(s): Lloyd, Sheena, and Raine Statues in Luin Description: Even though those dirty Desians destroyed Luin and took all of its residents prisoner, you can still rebuild the city by donating money to Pietro. First you must heal Pietro in Hima by forming a pact with Undine and obtaining the Unicorn Horn. Afterwards, Pietro will stand near Luin’s entrance taking donations to rebuild the city. You most donate money in certain increments for the town to be rebuilt. For example, you must donate 5,000 Gald the first time and 12,000 the second. You cannot, however, donate 17,000 at a time. Only 5,000 of that 17,000 would be used. Additionally, you must leave Luin and come back in between each donation for Luin to improve. After the eleventh donating stage, the Weapon Shop begins selling each character’s second most powerful weapon (not including the Devil’s Arms) for 40,000 Gald each. Here are the stages of donating: 1. Donate 5,000 Gald (Pietro thanks you). 2. Donate 12,000 Gald (A new resident moves in). 3. Donate 21,500 Gald (Name changes to “Luin: City of Rebirth”). 4. Donate 15,000 Gald (More workers move into town to help rebuild). 5. Donate 20,000 Gald (More citizens move back to Luin). 6. Donate 25,000 Gald (More workers move in). 7. Donate 35,000 Gald (Inn and Item Shop re-open).* 8. Donate 40,000 Gald (Even more people come to Luin). 9. Donate 45,000 Gald (Katz return). 10. Donate 50,000 Gald (Weapon Shop re-opens). 11. Donate 75,000 Gald (Weapon Shop now sells stronger weapons). 12. Donate 100,000 Gald (Name changes to Luin: City of Water). 13. Donate 5,000 Gald (Sheena Statue is placed near Weapon Shop). 14. Donate 5,000 Gald (Lloyd Statue is placed atop the fountain). 15. Donate 5,000 Gald (Raine Statue is placed near Item Shop). *Only the first seven stages can be completed before you go to Tethe’alla for the first time. The other eight stages can be completed once you return to Sylvarant. ----------------- 3.5 Mature Presea ----------------- Available: After consulting with Altessa for the first time. Prize(s): Presea’s “Mature Kid” Title Description: After going to Altessa’s house to ask him to make a Key Crest of Presea, go back to Ozette and walk up the giant tree branch towards the item shop. Some random guy named Wells will yell at the party for bringing Presea back to Ozette, then leave. After beating the Remote Island Human Ranch, go to the gravestone in the main area of Altamira (NOT Alicia’s gravestone on the company building). You’ll encounter that Wells guy again for another scene. After all this is said and done, Presea receives the title of “Mature Kid.” ------------------------ 3.6 Old Ozette Neighbors ------------------------ Available: After defeating Rodyle’s dragons in Tethe’alla and saving Colette. Prize(s): None Description: To begin this non-rewarding series of sub-events, go to Meltokio after rescuing Colette from Rodyle. Go to the east-most house in the “Rich People Square” and talk to the girl looking out the window. She will tell you that she has been practicing the harp in order to show her brother in Sybak her musical skills one day. Leave the house and Lloyd will talk to Presea. Continue the sub-events by choosing the first option. Now head over to Sybak and talk to the guy next to the dog outside the Sybak University. He will tell you that Presea looks just like a girl who babysat him and his sister Janet back in the day. Leave the area and Lloyd will once again consult Presea. Choose the first option to continue the sub-events. Now return to Janet in her house in Meltokio. Talk to her again for another scene, and then try to leave the house. She will then offer to play you a song on her harp. Listen to her song to finish this side-quest. ----------------------- 3.7 The Pink Pearl Ring ----------------------- Available: After defeating Rodyle’s dragons in Tethe’alla and saving Colette. Prize(s): None, unless you steal the Pearl Ring and the 5,000 Gald. Description: After rescuing Colette from Rodyle, a student wearing blue clothing will appear outside the Sybak Library. Talk to him and he will give Sheena the Pink Pearl Ring that he once gave his ex-girlfriend. Go to Altamira after clearing the Iselia Human Ranch. As you walk towards the Elemental Railway, Sheena drops the Pearl Ring. A girl named Rosa picks it up, gives it back, and asks if you can give 5,000 Gald to the person who gave you the ring. Return to Sybak and attempt to give Joshua the money. He idiotically refuses 5,000 free Gald that he could use for his college intuiton. Now go to the wealthy area of Meltokio to bump into Rosa once again. You'll find out that she works for an oppressive boss that forced her to engage him. Now, return to ol’ Joshy and tell him the story. To finally finish this long side-quest, go to the Meltokio slums after the doctor Flanoir events. Joshua and Rosa will be there to take back their ring. -------------------- 3.8 Clara is Healed! -------------------- Available: After killing Rodyle and clearing the Remote Island Human Ranch. Prize(s): None Description: Remember Clara, Dorr’s wife from a loooooooooong long time ago near the beginning of the game? Well, it’s finally time to turn her back into a human. After the Remote Island ranch is cleared, go to the beach area in Izoold. You’ll run into Clara. Raine will use the Resurrection Technique to turn Clara back to normal. ------------------ 3.9 Yuan’s Fiancée ------------------ Available: After killing Rodyle and clearing the Remote Island Human Ranch. Prize(s): None, unless you keep Yuan’s ring. Description: After Mithos saves you from Rodyle’s dragons and whatnot, leave the Sylvarant Base and fly to Hima. Yuan will be there, looking for something. When he can’t find it, he leaves. So go to the top of Fooji Mountain in Tethe’alla to find Yuan again. He finally admits he’s looking for a ring, and then he leaves all flustered and such. After beating the annoying Latheon Gorge level, go to the Palmacosta Ranch ruins to find Yuan again. You find out that he was engaged to Martel before she died. You then give the ring you found earlier in the game on Hima back to Yuan, and all is good. ---------------------------- 3.10 Raine and Genis’ Mother ---------------------------- Available: From the beginning of Disc 2, until you free Raine from her illusion in Welgaia. (Thanks to Shadow Dino for this information.) Prize(s): Virginia’s Diary Description: Once you get to Disc 2, fly to Exire (the floating city in Tethe’alla). Find the small, raised house and go inside. The man in the house, who happens to be the elder of Exire, tells you that Virginia lives in this city. Now go to the other side of the city. Once you get in front of Virginia’s house, a lady outside will warn you not to go in. Completely ignore this warning and go inside. You will now see a very odd scene with Raine, Genis, and their mother, Virginia, who is sick in the head. She is holding a doll that she THINKS is Raine. And she acts like she doesn’t know the real Raine or Genis standing right in front of her. Leave Virginia’s house and return to the city elder to obtain Virginia’s Diary and to hear the story of why Raine and Genis were abandoned. --------------------- 3.11 Raine’s Sickness --------------------- Available: After the event where the party, including Mithos, goes to the Sybak Library. Prize(s): Genis’ “Friend” Title Description: After going to the Sybak Library and diagnosing Colette’s sickness, return to Altessa’s house where Raine faints. After much ruckus, the party splits up, with Zelos, Colette, and Presea going to see Flanoir’s doctor, and Sheena and Regal going to see Meltokio’s doctor. Raine, Lloyd, Genis, and Mithos are the only four that remain at Altessa’s house. Mithos tells Genis that Raine has the Ozette Flu. He also knows of a flower atop the Fooji Mountain that is the only cure for the deadly disease. Lloyd overhears their conversation and wonders if he should follow them. Choose to follow them, and you’ll end up at a scene in the Fooji Mountains where Lloyd saves the two half-elves. During this scene, Genis obtains his “Friend” title. --------------------------------------- 3.12 Princess Hilda Has Been Kidnapped! --------------------------------------- Available: After hearing the Elf Storyteller’s story on Latheon Gorge. Prize(s): Zelos’ “Princess Guard” Title Description: After beating the annoying Latheon Gorge level, go to Meltokio and talk to Zelos’ butler. A soldier will come to the mansion to tell Zelos that he needs immediate assistance. The Tethe’alla King tells Zelos that Princess Hilda was kidnapped by the pope, and the pope would only give Hilda back if Zelos met him at the Grand Tethe’alla Bridge. Go to the bridge to meet the pope and Princess Hilda. Zelos immediately notices that the Princess Hilda in front of him is a fake. Quickly fly to and enter the Gaoracchia Forest through the entrance near Mizuho. You will meet up with the pope. Fight three Papal Knights to complete the first half of this side-quest (for the second half, read the information on “4.1 Dance Party” in the Costume-Changing Side- Quests section). Zelos obtains the “Princess Guard” title for saving Hilda. ------------------ 3.13 Missing Child ------------------ Available: After speaking to Celes. Prize(s): None Description: After Zelos talks to his bratty sister at the Abbey, head over to Sybak and talk to the child outside the inn. He will tell you that he was separated from his mother and doesn’t know what to do. A soldier comes by and eventually finds the child’s mother to end this simple sub-event. ------------------------------- 3.14 Trouble at the Hot Springs ------------------------------- Available: After the Flanoir Doctor scenes (Zelos must be in the party). Prize(s): Colette’s “Ironing Board” Title, Sheena’s “WOW!” Title, and Lloyd’s “Peeping Tom” Title. Description: To activate this strange, yet funny event, fly to the Hot Springs and talk to the pastor to let the females take a dip in the spa. While they are in there, Zelos peeks at them like the perv he is. Lloyd observes him doing this, so he scolds Zelos. The girls hear voices coming from Lloyd and Zelos, so they get out of Hot Spring. Zelos quickly runs from the scene, leaving Lloyd to take the blame. During this event, Colette receives her “Ironing Board” title and Sheena obtains her “WOW!” title. Lloyd gets the “Peeping Tom” title. --------------------------- 3.15 The Truth about Noishe --------------------------- Available: After Heimdall is destroyed. Prize(s): None Description: Talk to the elf children in Heimdall after it is destroyed. They talk about a creature that supposedly evolved from a slug to a fish to a bird… you get the picture. After this propaganda is told to Lloyd, Noishe appears and they quickly exclaim that he is the creature that they were talking about. Lloyd reassures them that Noishe is just a dog. -------------------------- 3.16 Genis the Mana Master -------------------------- Available: After you get the Derris Emblem. Prize(s): Genis’ Meteor Storm Tech and “Mana Master” title. Description: Talk to the two men in the east park in Heimdall. Genis shows them some of his magic skill. Because he is so powerful, one of the elves teaches Genis the all-power “Meteor Storm” skill, giving him the “Mana Master” title. Genis also promises to duel with one of the elves after the world is saved. ---------------------------- 3.17 Sheena’s Friend Returns ---------------------------- Available: After you get the Derris Emblem, and after Sheena fights with Kuchinawa. Prize(s): None Description: Enter Iselia, and a new skit should appear in which Sheena tells Lloyd that she feels Corrine’s presence. Head over to the Martel Temple where Sheena explains that she knows Corrine is near. Go to the seal room and Corrine will appear in a bigger and more Summon Spirit- looking form. Sheena is happy and all is good. ------------------- 3.18 Regal’s Dynast ------------------- Available: After you get the Derris Emblem. Prize(s): Dynast Description: Go to the Meltokio Castle, then go left one room. Walk down the stairs to reach the prisons. Walk up to the bottom left prison and press A. You’ll talk to a man who used to be a cell-mate of Regal when he was in prison. The prisoner tells Regal that Master Levin, the one that taught him how to fight with his feet, is at the Hot Springs. Fly over to the Hot Spring, where you’ll find Levin. Talk to Regal’s master to see a scene. Return to Levin when Regal reaches Level 80 or after he has mastered all his techs to obtain the Dynast, Regal’s most powerful weapon. (Not counting the Devil’s Arms.) NOTE: You must also have opened the door to the final boss with the Vinheim Key, entered the door, and watched a scene before Regal can obtain the Dynast. (Thanks to LordSelane for the info about the Vinheim Key.) -------------------------- 3.19 Presea’s Gaia Cleaver -------------------------- Available: After you get the Derris Emblem. Prize(s): Gaia Cleaver Available: Go to Ozette, where you’ll find a man standing near the gravestone of Presea’s father. The man introduces himself as Ralph, one of Presea’s father’s greatest friends back in the day. Come back to Ralph when Presea gets to level 80 or when she masters all her techs to get her strongest axe: the Gaia Cleaver. NOTE: You must also have opened the door to the final boss with the Vinheim Key, etered the door, and watched a scene before Presea can obtain the Gaia Cleaver. (Thanks to LordSelane for the info about the Vinheim Key.) *********************************************************************** 4. Costume-Changing Sub-Events and Side-Quests *********************************************************************** --------------------- 4.1 The Mask of Zelos --------------------- Available: After talking to Celes. Prize(s): Zelos’ “Masked Swordsman” Title. Description: Take a trip to Meltokio and walk towards Zelos’ house after he speaks to his sister. A bunch of girls walk by greet the Chosen. The party thinks it’d be funny if they hid Zelos’ face behind a mask. Zelos hides his face, giving him the title of “Masked Swordsman” and a new costume. ----------------------------- 4.2 Presea the Dream Traveler ----------------------------- Available: After clearing Latheon Gorge. Prize(s): Presea’s “Dream Traveler” Title. Description: Talk to George in Altamira where he explains that the city needs a new mascot. Coincidentally, Presea is the perfect size to fit inside the mascot’s costume. She gains the “Dream Traveler” title, as well as a new costume. --------------- 4.3 Dance Party --------------- Available: After completing the “Princess Hilda Has Been Kidnapped” quest, and after the Flanoir Doctor scenes. (Zelos must be in the party.) Prize(s): Lloyd’s “Nobleman” Title and four of the following titles: Colette’s “Fair Lady” Title, Genis’ “Easter Sunday” Title, Raine’s “Glamorous Beauty” Title, Sheena’s “You Look Great!” Title, Zelos’ “Narcissist” Title, Presea’s “Little Madam” Title, or Regal’s “Dandy” Title. Description: If you have completed the side-quest involving the princess, talk to Zelos’ butler in Meltokio after the Flanoir Doctor events. He tells the party that they are having a dance party thing-a- ma-bob at the castle, and everyone but Lloyd’s costume for the party has arrived. Head over to the castle where Lloyd receives his “Nobleman” title, which changes his costume to formal attire. In the next scene, a lady tells you that there is a character waiting for you inside. A list of all the characters shows up, so choose the character in which you want to also receive their fancy costume. Once you’re in the ballroom, talk to three other characters. They will each get a new title and a new costume. -------------------- 4.4 Colette the Maid -------------------- Available: After seeing the Flanoir Doctor scenes. Prize(s): Colette’s “Maid” Title. Description: Talk to the maid inside Meltokio Castle. She tells you that she needs someone to help her do the castle’s chores. Colette agrees to help her. You’ll then view a slightly hilarious scene of Colette attempting to be a maid. After the scene, Colette gains the “Maid” title and a new costume. ------------------ 4.5 Katz Katz Katz ------------------ Available: After seeing the Flanoir Doctor scenes. Prize(s): Genis’ “Katz Katz Katz” Title Description: After the part of the game where the doctor in Flanoir heals Altessa’s injury, enter the slums in Meltokio. You’ll see a Katz being pursued by a child. Follow them to one of the rooftops. The kid will tell you that Noah, his grandfather, is dying, and he wishes to see a Katz before he dies. But the Katz the kid was chasing refuses and runs off. Walk over to the Meltokio Item Shop (to the left of the entrance) and talk to the Katz inside. This Katz will tell you that Noah used to hunt and perform experiments on Katz long ago. (Can you blame the guy? If I saw a large cat that walked on too legs and had the face of a human, I’d want to experiment on it too.) So anyway, hop on your Rheiards and fly to the most northwest continent in Sylvarant, where you’ll find the Katz Village. Talk to the Katz Elder at the top of small town. The elder gives Genis the Katz costume that Noah used to hunt Katz in. Return to the slums in Meltokio and talk to Noah. He’ll say some corny line about how he wanted to apologize to a Katz before he died. Now that his wish is fulfilled, he and his grandson both go to heaven or something, ending this side-quest. --------------------------- 4.6 The Awakening of Mizuho --------------------------- Available: After seeing the Flanoir Doctor scenes, and after Sheena fights with Kuchinawa. Prize(s): Sheena’s “Successor” Title, Kannazuki Description: Return to Mizuho and talk to Orochi and Tiga to learn news regarding the Chief of Mizuho and the Temple of Lightning. Fly to the Lightning Temple and return to the seal where you summoned Volt a long time ago. Watch a scene and go back to Mizuho. You’ll immediately be alerted that Chief Igaguri has finally awakened from his long coma. Sheena obtains her “Successor” title, as she is the heir to Mizuho. This title also contains a new costume for Sheena. Return to the Chief in Mizuho after unlocking the door to the final boss with the Vinheim Key, entering the door, and watching a scene to get Sheena’s Kannazuki robe. (Thanks to LordSelane for the info about the Vinheim Key.) ------------------ 4.7 Bathing Suits! ------------------ Available: After seeing the Flanoir Doctor events. (Zelos must be in the party.) Prize(s): Lloyd’s “Beach Boy” Title and three of the following titles: Colette’s “Mermaid” Title, Genis’ “Beach Comber” Title, Raine’s “No, Not the Sun!” Title, Sheena’s “Queen of the Beach” Title, Zelos’ “Pickup Artist” Title, Presea’s “First-timer at Sea” Title, and Regal’s “Swimmer” Title. Description: Take a trip to Altamira and talk to the lady in front of the hotel. She tells you that her four daughters are missing, and all are somewhere in Altamira. First go to the end of the beach and speak to the little girl (boy?) there. She (he?) will go back to her (his?) mother in front of the hotel. Next, take the elemental railway to the amusement park and talk to the little girl there. She won’t budge. So return to the main area and talk to the mother again. Now return to the little runt at the theme park and talk to her again. This time she’ll return back to the mother. For the third daughter, go to the second floor of the hotel and speak to the little girl while Zelos is the on- screen character. She’ll return to her mother. For the fourth and final kid, go to the smoothie bar on the beach. Talk to the girl there. She says that she’ll return to her mother now that her three sisters have. Talk to the mother again for a thank you. She also tells you that she has some presents prepared for the party in the hotel. So enter the hotel and talk to the lady at the front desk. Lloyd will receive a bathing suit, as well as the “Beach Boy” Title. The front desk lady also gives you a choice for one other character to get their bathing suit. Additionally, the two characters that like you the most will receive bathing suits and titles. -------------------- 4.8 Raine the Maiden -------------------- Available: After seeing the Flanoir Doctor scenes (Zelos must be in the party.) Prize(s): Raine’s “Maiden” Title Description: In this simple side-quest, go back to the altar in Asgard. The residents of the town will ask Raine if she can show them the Maiden dance atop the altar once again. After Raine does her dance again, she obtains the “Maiden” title as well as a new costume. ---------------------- 4.9 Arggh, Me Hearties ---------------------- Available: After seeing the Flanoir Doctor scenes, and after you have paid the 11th donation to rebuilding Luin. Prize(s): Lloyd’s “Arggh, Me Hearties” Title, Aifread’s Hat. Description: Talk to the out-of-place pirate standing near the boat in Luin. He’ll offer to sell his boat to Lloyd for 3,000 Gald. Agree to this deal. The pirate will disappear and Raine will realize that Lloyd had been cheated. Leave Luin and come back. The pirate Aifread will be standing there again. He offers Lloyd a new deal to look for the Spiritua Ring. Agree to his terms to receive Lloyd’s “Arggh, Me Hearties” Title. When Lloyd uses this title, he dresses up as a pirate! :D Next, head to the following Houses of Salvation in this order: Asgard, Iselia, Palmacosta, and Thoda Geyser Dock. You’ll end up obtaining the Spiritua Ring, which is what the pirate Aifread asked you to find. Fly over to Hima and talk to Aifread in the graveyard. Give the ol’ scarvy Lyla’s Letter that you received a looooooooooooooooong long time ago in the first few hours of the game. (If you do not have this letter, then you missed it at the beginning of the game and cannot complete the rest of this side-quest.) Aifread will give you a letter to give to Lyla. Take this letter to Lyla in Izoold, and she tells you that it says the party is going to pay her the 100,000 Gald that Aifread owed her. (That sneaky pirate…) To make this money, sell the Spiritua Ring to the old man at Hakonesia Peak. To finally finish this side-quest, talk to Max at the Izoold dock to get Aifread’s Hat. ----------------------- 4.10 God of the Kitchen ----------------------- Available: After defeating Yggdrasill and following Kratos to Heimdall. Prize(s): Regal’s “God of the Kitchen” Title. Description: It’s time for a cook-off! Approach the man arguing with the Wonder Chef outside Meltokio Castle. The man, who happens to be a member of the Dark Chefs, challenges Regal to a contest. Regal learns the recipe for Beef Stew, and the cook-off begins! When it’s all said and done, Regal wins the “God of the Kitchen” title, which changes his costume, making him look like a chef. After the cook-off, make Regal the on-screen character, put on his chef costume, and talk to the cooks in the Tethe’alla Houses of Guidance and the chef in front of Asgard for some new recipes. *********************************************************************** 5. Sub-Bosses *********************************************************************** --------------------------------- 5.1 The Elite from the Underworld --------------------------------- The Elite from the Underworld, more commonly known as the “Sword Dancer,” is one of the most popular side-quests in Tales of Symphonia. You fight the Sword Dancer three times throughout the game, and each encounter must happen during a certain time period. In addition, you must win the previous Sword Dancer battle to encounter the next one. Here is the location, information, and descriptions for each Sword Dancer appearance: | Sword Dancer 1 | Location: Ossa Trail Cave Available: Once you reach Ossa Trail, until you go to the Tower of Salvation. Prize(s): Yata Mirror Health: 8,888 HP Level Suggestion: 20+ Description: The first Sword Dancer encounter can be very hard or very easy, depending on which level your party is when you fight it. I suggest a party consisting of Lloyd, Kratos, Raine, and Colette. Don’t take on the Sword Dancer until your characters are level 20 or higher. If you feel lucky, you can take it on during your first trip through Ossa Trail. But believe me, you’ll get PWNED. Have Raine constantly heal the party while you and Kratos attack the Sword Dancer head on. The giant skeleton’s biggest weakness is Colette’s angel techniques, so have Colette constantly use Angel Feathers. You’ll obtain the Yata Mirror charm for defeating the Sword Dancer the first time. | Sword Dancer 2 | Location: Gaoracchia Forest Available: As soon as you can enter the Gaoracchia Forest, until Sheena summons Luna and Aska. (Raine and Colette must be in the party.) Prize(s): Yasakani Jewel Health: 33,333 HP Level Suggestion: Around 50 Description: To reach the second Sword Dancer, enter Gaoracchia Forest from the Mizuho entrance. Go north until you reach a left, and take that left. The Sword Dancer should be at the end of this path. For this battle, I suggest using Lloyd, Raine, Colette, and another character of your choice (I used Genis). Make sure your characters are all around level 50. (Level 45 at the VERY minimum.) Like last time, have Raine heal and have Colette use her angel techniques while you attack the Sword Dancer head-on. If your other character is Genis, have him use his most powerful techs (Tidal Wave, Lightning Blade, Gravity Well, etc.) If you have any All-Divides and can afford using one up, then go right ahead and use one. It makes the battle easier. Best the Sword Dancer for the second time to receive the Yasakani Jewel. | Sword Dancer 3 | Location: Iselia Forest Available: After Colette’s sickness is healed, until the end of the game. Prize(s): Kusanagi Blade Health: 99,999 HP Level Suggestion: 65+ Description: It’s time to defeat the Sword Dancer for good and send him back to the underworld. Enter the Iselia Forest from the entrance near Dirk’s House. For this battle, I suggest using Lloyd, Raine, Colette (as usual), and either Genis or Kratos (if he’s in your party). Use the same techniques as before (Raine heals, Colette uses angel techs, etc). I really suggest using an All-Divide for this battle, as it is TOUGH. Defeat the Sword Dancer once and for all to receive Lloyd’s most powerful weapon: the Kusanagi Blade. --------------------------------- 5.2 Abyssion and the Devil’s Arms --------------------------------- This is a long and involved side-quest. You must find the nine Devil's Arms (cursed weapons belonging to the family of Demon Hunters) to help lift the curse off a man named Abyssion. You can NOT acquire any of the Devil's Arms unless all eight party members are with you. (Thanks to Fullgore EXE for this information.) Here is a step-by-step process of how to complete this side-quest: -After destroying the large mass of mana in the Toize Valley Mines, check its rubble to receive the Evil Eye, Colette’s darkness weapon. -Talk to the homeless man near the entrance of Flanoir to learn of the Devil’s Arms. He gives you Lloyd’s darkness weapon, the Nebilim, as well as the Nebilim Key. -Open the dark chest in the Gaoracchia Forest with the Nebilim Key to obtain the Fafnir, Kratos and Zelos’ darkness weapon. -Go to Altessa’s House and talk to the Gnomelette inside. He’ll return to the Temple of Earth. Follow suit, and enter the secret entrance in the temple. Walk past the dragon to find all five Gnomelettes. Walk down further to find another dark chest. Open it to receive Sheena’s Darkness weapon, the Gates of Hell. -Talk to the man on the bridge between the casino and theater in Altamira. He’ll sell you the Disaster, Genis' darkness weapon, for 1000 Gald. -Fly to Triet and talk to the man near the produce stand south of the Katz team. Then talk to the man sitting by his dog in the oasis area. Now head to the left side of the lonely mountain north of Triet. One o’ them shiny skit point things should appear. Walk inside of it to fight the Sand Worm. Defeat this monster to get the Soul Eater. -Open the dark treasure chest in Latheon Gorge to get the Diablos. -Open the dark treasure chest in Welgaia to get the Apocalypse. -Now return to Abyssion in Flanoir. He thanks you for finding eight of the nine Devil’s Arms. He heads off to the Seal Room in the Temple of Darkness. -Fly to Hakonesia Peak in Sylvarant and talk to Koton, who very conveniently happens to have the ninth Devils’ Arm. Raine trades some strange relic she acquired years back for it. -Go to the seal room in the Darkness Temple where Sheena summoned Shadow. Abyssion will be there. He’ll suddenly morph into some weird creature. | Abyssion | Location: Temple of Darkness Available: After finding all nine Devil’s Arms, until the end of the game. Prize(s): Presea’s “Empty Soul” Title Health: 120,000 HP Level Suggestion: 70+ Description: Abyssion is the toughest boss in the game. Make sure you’re well-prepared item-wise and level-wise (yay for hyphens!) before fighting this demonic sub-boss. Have a party of Raine, Genis, Lloyd, and another character of your choice. Disable all of Raine’s techniques except for Revitalize. Have Genis constantly cast Meteor Storm, as well his other strongest techs. Have Lloyd attack Abyssion with his sword head-on. (Use Rising Falcon a lot.) If you are below level 70 when you fight Abyssion, it’s best to use an All-Divide. I also suggest to use an All-Divide even if you are level 70 or higher, but it is still very possible to beat him without one. After you defeat Abyssion, Presea gains a new title, and the true power of the Devil’s Arms are activated. Each time you kill an enemy, each Devil's Arm gets stronger. The power of these darkness weapons is unlimited, thus potentially making them the strongest weapons in the game. ----------------------------------- 5.3 Maxwell, Lord of Summon Spirits ----------------------------------- Even after Sheena summons the eight elemental Summon Spirits and Origin, she still has one left to go. Maxwell, who is considered the leader of the spirits (and also has a very strange name), lies in floating half-elf city of Exire. To fight and ultimately summon him, you must first have gotten the Derris Emblem in Welgaia. Choose thefour party members you wish to use in the battle against Maxwell. I suggest using Lloyd, Raine, and Genis in addition to Sheena (who MUST take part in this battle). Equip the Aquamarine, Garnet, Ruby, or Opal to each of the four fighting characters, then approach the gravestone in Exire (behind the elder’s house) to fight Maxwell. | Maxwell | Available: After you get the Derris Emblem, until the end of the game. Location: Exire Prize(s): Sheena’s “Master Summoner” Title, Turquoise Health: 60,000 HP Level Suggestion: 60+ Description: Maxwell is definitely easier than Sword Dancer 3 and Abyssion, but he is still not a pushover by any means. He has a whopping 60,000 HP and uses some of the most powerful techs in game, including Meteor Storm. Have Raine constantly cast Revitalize while Lloyd and Sheena directly attack the summon spirit lord. If you have Genis in your party, then command him to use Meteor Storm as well as his other strong techniques. An All-Divide is certainly not necessary at all for this battle unless you are below level 60. Defeat Maxwell and Sheena will summon him, as well as receiving the Turquoise charm and the title of “Master Summoner.” *********************************************************************** 6. Credits/Legal Stuff *********************************************************************** This guide is the property of the author and may not be distributed, copied, or retransmitted in any form under penalty of law. © BumpyGrimes 2004-2005. I’d like to thank the Brady Games “Tales of Symphonia” Strategy Guide for providing the structure and order I listed the side-quests, as well as some of the facts and information listed in my FAQ (HP of bosses, etc). If you have anything you think should be added to my guide, please let me know. If I think your information is valid and worthy of my guide, I will put it in and credit you at the top of the guide where it says “Author.” NOTE: If you wish to use any info from this guide, you MUST email me or send me an instant message to ask permission. You also must list this guide as a source of your information. Thank you.