Tales of the Abyss: Guy Character Guide -------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS [ToC] -------------------------------------- 1: Table of Contents...............[ToC] 2: Introduction....................[Intro] 2.1: Contact Information........[Contact] 3: Version History.................[Version] 4: Guy FAQ........................[Guy00] 4.1: Guy basic breakdown.......[Guy01] 4.2: Guy Arte breakdown........[Guy02] 4.3: Guy Recommendation........[Guy03] 5: Legal Mumbo Jumbo...............[Legal] 6: Conclusion......................[Conc] -------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION [Intro] -------------------------------------- Hello, my user-name is dagoldenclip2 but everyone simply calls me Clip. I started playing Tales in 2003 with Tales of Symphonia, but I didn't gain higher technical insight until I started getting into solo and challenge runs. With many runs and character understanding under my belt over the years I've managed to gain a good grasp in terms of how to effectively master the vast amount of characters in the series. Many fans are average players who simply enjoy the experience and move on. However, there is a small fraction of the fan-base who engage in higher level Tales game-play. The wide-spread misinformation amongst the fan-base has slightly motivated me to correct this with character and mechanic guides to explain everything I learned over my development as a Tales player. This FAQ is here to specifically detail Guy and all of his capabilities. This FAQ is not here to debate between characters in this game or other characters in the series. It's here to guide new players or old who may want to get some understanding of how Guy plays. -------------------------------------- CONTACT INFORMATION [Contact] -------------------------------------- Considering I'm a human being (I think) there will most likely be mistakes. This is all of the information I feel is worthy to note so any additions you feel are necessary can be voiced in a PM sent on Youtube. www.youtube.com/dagoldenclip2 If you decide to PM me be clear in what you feel needs to be added or questioned. If you take the time to ask irrelevant questions you will be ignored. I ask that you title the PM "Guy Information" or something to that effect so I know what you're talking about. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. If you picked up a technique or have something of interest to add don't hesitate to say something. In that same breathe the insight I give here is from a solo perspective. -------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY [Version] -------------------------------------- Version 1.00: Finished but subject for future updates -------------------------------------- GUY FAQ [Guy00] -------------------------------------- Let's get cracking then. So you decided you wanted to step up your Guy or simply wanted to see more in-depth information on Guy. You're at the right place. If you want to see Guy in action I recommend you check out dagoldenclip2's Guy solo http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6A0F69F8A5B0EEE3 -------------------------------------- GUY BASIC BREAKDOWN [Guy01] -------------------------------------- Guy is the second front-line unit after Luke. He primarily focuses on swift hits to pressure enemy guard and provide secondary filler support if the player wants to go on an offensive attack. He hits hard enough for his position and alongside his guard-pressure abilities he is a force. In a party scenario bosses will find it difficult to attack, as Guy's abilities synchronize well with allowing casters to throw spells about. In the Japanese version Guy is capable of breaking the usual base-arcane arte chains. His recovery lag was nearly non-existent and his artes left the enemy staggered for longer periods. They fixed this slightly in the English version, but Guy still has a few opportunities to break the mechanics. -------------------------------------- GUY ARTE BREAKDOWN [Guy02] -------------------------------------- If you would like to get a visual of Guy's artes I suggest you check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiJBGO6MP08 OTG = Off the Ground (Pick-up effect) AoE = Area of effect Demon Fang ------------- Demon Fang is unfortunately one of the useless artes. Its speed works for combo filler, but the lack of OTG hinders its usefulness in the end. Crescent Strike ----------------- C.S is a decent arte. I find it has a higher guard-breaking chance when attacking an enemy from behind, but it also serves as a safe tool to use regardless of positioning. Considering it is one of the few base artes I suggest its use. Void Tempest --------------- -Green FSC for stealing A great guard-pressure arte. If it doesn't break an enemy's guard it will more than likely force the enemy to guard mid-attack. However, it is a bit slow on the start-up, which leaves Guy vulnerable for about 0.5 - 1.0 seconds. This is a great arte to use a sun-light chamber on for Dragon Tempest. Center -------------- One of Guy's self-sufficient artes. Center heals a nice amount of HP if you add a red chamber to increase the effectiveness. Tiger Blade --------------- This arte is the main factor for Guy's BnB. In the English version Tiger Blade is the main arte choice for breaking the combo chain. Tiger blade has a quick recovery and the stagger on enemies is slightly extended. With proper movement you can continue another combo chain. With fast enough inputs you can do O x7 -> Tiger Blade -> Ox7 -> Tiger Blade -> Enemy Tech down (Depends) O x7 -> Tiger Blade -> Tiger Blade -> O x7 Tempest ---------- Another great arte for guard-pressuring and hassling enemies with little threat to Guy. It works best on larger enemies, but with a blue FSC Guy will have a higher success rate of dragging human enemies with him. If you intend to use this arte against human enemies I suggest you open up with up neutrals to slightly raise the enemy into the air. This way Tempest will carry and push them so the combo will not drop. On another note, I suggest you follow Tempest with another base arte like Tiger Blade. For someone reason arcanes do not connect well with Tempest. Infernal Torrent ------------ -FoF from Fire or Light + Demon Fang Slow start-up, but it works if you see the opportunity for it. The recovery is quite slow, so an enemy may catch you off guard for a punish. The damage spread is rather low unfortunately. Frigid Moon ------------ -FoF from Water or Dark + Crescent Strike It has similar properties to Crescent Strike in terms of guard-pressure. I don't use the FoF often as I like to allow casters to utilize FoFs. Dragon Tempest --------------- FoF from Wind or Light + Void Tempest A fantastic FoF. It falls under Guy's BnB arsenal as well. It retains the long stagger-rate from the JPN version, allowing Guy to continue a combo 100% of the time. Focus ------ FoF from Earth or Dark + Center 10% defense boost for a minute (Tales minute) is a good trade-off for the healing. Worth the use if you find yourself in a FoF. However, Natalia's support artes may hinder Focus to be useless. Wyrm Wrath ----------- FoF from Earth or Dark + Tiger Blade Considering Tiger Blade is a must for Guy you may find yourself using W.W often. It has a reliable stagger rate and is aesthetically pleasing. Moonlight Demon ---------------- The arcane BnB arte. On larger enemies the demon fang will hit two times. Allowing you to continue a combo or reset an arte chain. Very useful. However, on smaller enemies the demon fang will hit only once. That combined with Guy's recovery may lead to getting punished. Guardian ----------- I've only seen Vercsase use this properly. It reduces damage greatly, but it also has a hidden property that prevents the player from dying. That combined with a blue FSC allows you to survive a situation you may find yourself in. Demonic Void -------------- The ability to follow up on this arte is slightly possible. I believe I accomplished it only a handful of times. Outside of those attempts I still find this to be a good arcane arte for a finisher. The push-back allows Guy to recover with more safety. Demonic Tiger Blade -------------------- Considering it ends with Tiger Blade the recovery is faster than his other arcane artes. Overall it is a good arte, but I have a preference to his other artes. Beast ------ Beast is Guy's only arte that knocks the enemy down. Great damage, but the first hit lacks the reliability I expect from Beast. Outside of that I still believe the lion is the best lion in the series. Moonlight Tempest ------------------ For an arcane arte it has a rather good mix of guard-pressure and guard-breaking. The push-back again leaves Guy in a comfortable and safe position. White Tiger Strike ------------------- I feel the same about this arte as I do Demonic Tiger Blade. It's worth a slot if you want it. Safe recovery option for an arcane. Severing Wind --------------- Another arcane BnB. Shreds enemy guard and creates a 25% wind FoF. Combined with a sunlight chambered Void Tempest and you have an infinite combo of S.W -> D.T -> S.W -> D.T While I don't use the infinite much, I do prefer one D.T to reset Guy's position. S.W alone leaves Guy recovering too long. I suggest you add blue FSC to increase the height the enemy is dragged. Nihil Blade Tempest -------------------- Another arcane with a V.T push-back. Same effect and logic behind it with me. A preference arte but safely helps Guy. Sword Rain: Alpha ------------------ I'm 50/50 with this arte. The amount of hits helps break enemy guards, but the subsequent flip leaves Guy wide-open for punishment. If he was capable of a follow-up into Tempest or an aerial Tiger Blade I could appreciate it a bit more. Final Cross ------------ -Stealing with Green FSC This is the arte required for Brilliant Overlord. Outside of that it serves as a decent arcane arte. Soaring Light Spear -------------------- A random arte for sure, but I personally like it. I throw a blue FSC to increase the lift and push of the arte. It works safely as a combo finisher on human enemies. I don't recommend using this on larger enemies as the push-back will not have much effect. Thunder Beast -------------- FoF from Wind or Light + Beast This FoF hits rather hard and includes knock-down properties. Considering how rare this arte is in the series I like to give it some use. Searing Gale ------------- FoF from Fire or Light + Severing Wind I personally wish Guy got this instead of Severing Wind. It has the same effect as S.W, but as a FoF it has the dramatic camera and increased recovery attched to it. Eternal Quake -------------- FoF from Earth or Dark + Sword Rain: Alpha The same exact feelings I have towards SR:A apply here. The flip hurts Guy more than it helps him unfortunately. Final Glacier --------------- FoF from Water or Dark + Final Cross It has a high damage output and the slight push-back helps Guy out. His recovery is quick as well, making this one of the few useful FoF artes. -------------------------------------- GUY RECOMMENDATIONS [Guy03] -------------------------------------- There isn't much to say in terms of developing Guy. -Tiger Blade is your base arte BnB for combo chains and breaking the combo limit. -Moonlight Demon works well on large enemies to continue C.Cs. For example Void Tempest -> Tiger Blade -> Moonlight Demon -> Crescent Strike/Neutral hit -> Tiger Blade/Arcane Arte finish. Tiger Blade -> Tiger Blade -> Arcane finish Tiger Blade -> Severing Wind -> Dragon Tempest -> Neutral -> Crescent Strike -> Severing Wind -> D.T, etc. -Void Tempest as an opener does well for guard-breaking. That's if you use it without neutral hits prior. -Outside of the few artes I mentioned earlier, its best to attach Red FSC to Guy's artes. -Unfortunately, Guy feels the effects of the nerf in his basic attacks. His recovery time is ridiculously slow after basic attacks, which leaves him to get punished easily. I suggest you get use to arte chains and only using basics for hit confirmation in loops. -Guy works best with Natalia alongside him. Between those two enemies will never have opportunity to do much. -------------------------------------- LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO [Legal] -------------------------------------- All characters and Tales material belong to Namco. The links provided in this guide belong to myself. The only site allowed to host this is Gamefaqs. Use of this guide for profit is plain crazy and just don't do it. Or face the wrath of Plantix. -------------------------------------- CONCLUSION [Conc] -------------------------------------- Special thanks to... Gamefaqs for hosting said guide. Aseliawiki for extra arte information. Kouli since his guides over the years kept me interested in the series. Namco for making said series and bringing this title over here. You for reading it. One