------------------------------------- -TMNT 2: BATTLENEXUS TOURNAMENT FAQ v1.0 - ------------------------------------- By Pelord (pelord@hotmail.com) http://pelord.sclassic.net ********************************** Contents ********************************** A. About the FAQ B. Updates C. General Info and Bracket c1. General Tournament Info c2. Tournament Bracket D. Tournament Information d1. Open Brawl d2. Monster Open d3. Foot Fight d4. BattleNeXus Tournament E. Other e1. Unlockables e2. Other Information ********************************** A. About the FAQ ********************************** This is a FAQ containing information on the Tournament Modes in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: BattleNexus for the GameCube, Playstation 2, and XBox consoles. All info is based off of playing the XBox version of the game. Please note: this FAQ does NOT apply to the GameBoy Advance game of the same name. ********************************** B. Updates ********************************** April 4th, 2005- First release. Certain to contain many errors :P ********************************** C. General Info and Bracket ********************************** ---------------------------------- c1. General Tournament Info ---------------------------------- First things first: you need to know how to access the Tournament mode. Simply highlight the 'Home' station on the main map (it's on the NY City Map), and enter it. Press RIGHT to select the Tournament Mode. From the start, you only have access to the first Tournament, the Open Brawl. To unlock the other Tournaments, you need to have progressed far enough in the Story mode of the game, as well as complete each Tournament in order. You won't have access to the BattleNeXus Tournament until you have completed the Story mode of the game, and have completed the first three Tournaments. The objective of each Tournament is to defeat 10 'opponents' in a row. Usually, you have to fight more then one enemy at a time, such as a group of Foot Soldiers or monsters. As you get into the more challenging Tournaments, you will have to fight boss characters, most of them which you already fought in the Story mode of the game. While you are allowed to bring a Doppleganger (extra life) into a Tournament, you cannot use cheats to complete a Tournament. You can however, use any unlockable characters you have in a Tournament. After you defeat each 'opponent' in a Tournament, several crates will appear in the arena. You will have a few seconds to break as many as you can open, to get the items inside them. The crates will either contain shiruken, soda, pizza, or nothing at all. Upon finishing each Tournament, you are given a statistics screen. This screen tells you your time for defeating each 'opponent', and the MVP Character (the character that performed the best in that battle). You are then given the total time it took you to complete the Tournament, as well as your remaining health. This screen will also inform you of any prizes you won for completing the Tournament. Before selecting any of the Tournaments, you can press the R trigger button to view the Tournament Bracket. If you haven't faced an 'opponent' yet, the 'opponent' will be identified as ???? and their picture will be blacked out. If you faced the 'opponent', you will see the 'opponents' name, as well as a picture of them. This screen also tells you your fastest time for defeating the 'opponent', and your win/loss percentage against that 'opponent'. Finally, when you highlight a Tournament, the prize(s) you can win will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you already completed the Tournament, your prize will be a Doppleganger. Now... for the Tournament Brackets... ---------------------------------- c2. Tournament Bracket ---------------------------------- **OPEN BRAWL** Round 1: FOOT Round 2: MOUSERS Round 3: BATS Round 4: SHOOTERS Round 5: TEAM UTROM Round 6: ARCHERS Round 7: FEDERATS Round 8: GIANTS Round 9: MUSCLE Round 10: ALIEN INVASION Prize: Crystal, Antique Search **MONSTER OPEN** Round 1: BERGS Round 2: GREENS Round 3: RAPTORS Round 4: DURIANS Round 5: SPIDERS Round 6: RAZ Round 7: THE ROCKS Round 8: NAILS Round 9: RYNOKKS Round 10: LEATHERHEAD Prize: Crystal **FOOT FIGHT** Round 1: TECHS Round 2: ELITE GUARD 1 Round 3: FEUDALS Round 4: ELITE GUARD 2 Round 5: MEGA FOOT Round 6: HUN Round 7: ELITE GUARDS 3 Round 8: FOOTMECH SPLINTER Round 9: KARAI Round 10: MEGA SHREDDER Prize: Crystal, Antique **BATTLENEXUS TOURNAMENT** Round 1: CREATURES Round 2: OMEGA BURSTS Round 3: TRAXIMUS Round 4: NINJA RATS Round 5: ULTIMATE NINJA Round 6: KROKODILS Round 7: SPLINTER Round 8: SLASHUUR Round 9: MIYAMOTO USAGI Round 10: DRAKO Prize: Crystal, Antique ********************************** C. Tournament Information ********************************** ---------------------------------- d1. Open Brawl ---------------------------------- Round 1: FOOT This shouldn't be hard at all. It's just a few Foot Soldiers, armed with staffs, swords, etc. Round 2: MOUSERS This shouldn't be much of a threat, either. You will fight a few normal Mousers, some of the Utrom/D'Hoonnib Mousers, and a few Krokodils. Raphael's drill dive (his aerial attack) works good. Round 3: BATS The bats are mostly annoying then difficult. Dash around until they give chase, then turn around and hit them with a combo. Shiruken can be helpful. You can also have fun using Michelangelo's aerial move (it is very easy to hit airborne enemies using his helicopter kick). Round 4: SHOOTERS You can use Shiruken, but it's easy enough to dash around these guys and hit them with your combos. They are just standard D'Hoonnib Federation guards, some of the laser Mobsters, and some Triceratons. Round 5: TEAM UTROM A random group of Utrom guards. Some of them are the Human-looking ones, the others are the robotic looking ones. The ones crouched down are the ones that shoot. Round 6: ARCHERS Foot Solders with bow and arrow. Nothing major to see here. Round 7: FEDERATS A group of D'Hoonnib Federation soldiers. Nothing you haven't already been through. Round 8: GIANTS The name is a bit misleading. This is basically just a mix of previous battles. You will fight a few of the Afro Mobsters here, too. Round 9: MUSCLE Another mix. This one has the Purple Dragon guys in it. Round 10: ALIEN INVASION This is nothing but a group of D'Hoonnib shooters, and it's quite a challenge compared to everything you went through to get here. Shiruken are good to start, since it's extremely difficult to get close to these guys, especially if they are grouped together. When you are out of Shiruken, just dash around them, then try to get close when you see an opening in the shots. Leonardo's dash attack is good for separating the group. PRIZE: Your prize for winning the Open Brawl is a Piece of Crystal, and the Antique Search. The Antique Search helps you find levels where you have not found the Antique in yet. When you highlight an area on the map in Story mode, if you have not collected that level's Antique yet, an icon of an Antique Box will appear next to the name and number of the level. ---------------------------------- d2. Monster Open ---------------------------------- (note: nearly all of the Monster Open battles have those Venus-Flytrap creatures in them, I just didn't feel like mentioning them every time) Round 1: BERGS A group of big guys. Use combos on them, then Leonardo's dash attack. You can then run behind them, hit them in the back with another combo, then dash into them again. Round 2: GREENS This battle contains the large green monsters that spit acid. A Leonardo combo/dash attack usually works good. Round 3: RAPTORS A group of raptors. There really isn't a preferred method, but Raphael's drill dive works well against them. Round 4: DURIANS The spiky, web spitting creatures. Deal with them like you would any other large enemy. Round 5: SPIDERS A few random acid spitters are here, plus the big spider miniboss you faced in level 1-1 in the Story mode. Deal with the big spider like you did with the Redurians (DURIANS). The spider can be dangerous up close, so shiruken are also good against it. Round 6: RAZ This character accompanied the big spider in 1-1. Avoid the acid and combos, then use combos of your own, and Leonardo's dash. Round 7: THE ROCKS This is the big guy you faced in level 1-2. Same method used against any other big enemy works against him. Round 8: NAILS The last enemy you faced in level 1-2. Same method used against any other big acid spitting enemy works against him. Round 9: RYNOKKS More large monsters? Do I need to explain this? Round 10: LEATHERHEAD Finally, a boss character! Unlike in Story mode, you have a lot more room to fight Leatherhead here. Take out the bats as soon as you can, because they make fighting Leatherhead a bit more difficult (either use the dash and lure method, or Michelangelo's aerial move). Stay as far away from Leatherhead as you can, to trick him into using a running charge attack. Jump over the charge, so he runs into a wall. When he is stunned, let loose with a combo, then back away. You can easily avoid Leatherhead when he enters the water by staying on dry ground, but it's hard to avoid him when he jumps out. Just keep tricking him into ramming into the walls, and he should go down before you do. PRIZE: Your prize for winning the Monster Open is a Piece of Crystal. ---------------------------------- d3. Foot Fight ---------------------------------- Round 1: TECHS This isn't too difficult, when compared to what's to come. You will fight a few of the purple Foot Soldiers (the ones that turn invisible), and some of the robot shooting Foot Soldiers (the Omega Bursts). Take down the Purple guys first, then go for the robots. Get close enough to the robots so they shoot, then dash out of the way. Then attack. Round 2: ELITE GUARD 1 This should tell you that things aren't going to be easy from here on out. This is the axe-weilding Elite Guard, and he has some fire-arrow archers with him. Take down the archers with a few hits, then go for the guard. Combos and Shiruken are the best to use. Leo's dash attack is sometimes hard to connect, due to the quickness of the Elite Guard. Round 3: FEUDALS This is one of the hardest Tournament battles, and it fustrates nearly everyone. You are fighting a group of Feudal Japan Foot Soldiers, and each one has a deadly combo that is near impossible to escape if you get caught in one. Get close to one of them, but not close enough for them to hit you. The Feudal should do either a 2 or 4 hit combo. While still moving, wait for the 4 hit attack to miss you, then hit the Feudal with a running attack to knock them down (or stun them, if you are using an unlockable character). Then just repeat the process (if the Feudal is stunned, you can either hit them with a strong attack, or throw them). Leonardo's dash is the easiest to connect with, but it will take a while to defeat all the Feudals with it. Round 4: ELITE GUARD 2 This is the Elite Spear Guard. You don't want to get hit by the spear, because it can temporarally poison you. This guard also has some bow and arrow Foot Soldiers, so take care of them first. Round 5: MEGA FOOT These are the huge sumo-foot Soldiers. They are no different then the large monster enemies (knock them down, get behind them, use a combo, knock them down again). Round 6: HUN This is almost the same battle as the one on the Freighter, but this time you have more room to work with, and there are no regenerating Omega Bursts to worry about. Keep knocking Hun down with strong attacks until he turns bright red, then dash away from his attack, then go back into offensive when he turns normal color again. When Hun gets angry (turns very bright red with steam coming off of him), get some distance from him and use Shirukens. Round 7: ELITE GUARDS 3 Not one, but TWO Elite Guards! One is the dual-katana guard, and the other is the dual-sai spear guard. They both like to run towards you, so it will be hard to take them on one-by-one. Combos and Shiruken are effective. At one point, the arena is sure to be filled with the Shadow Warriors, in which you can dash into them with Leonardo, sending them flying into the real guards. (If you can't defeat them with Leonardo, you might have to wait until Slashuur becomes playable, since the range and power of his combos are unmatched.) Round 8: FOOTMECH SPLINTER This is an interesting and difficult fight. The Footmech Splinter has an attack to handle just about anything you can use against it. If it charges up for the fireball blast, dash away and throw shiruken. Combos are effective, but Footmech Splinter can counter them with the flame kick. It's best to keep the Footmech Splinter off it's feet as much as possible, but don't try to attack it when it gets up, because it will almost always use the flame kick. If you get too far away from the Footmech Splinter, it will shoot lasers from it's eyes. Round 9: KARAI Karai starts out slow, and gets quicker as she loses health. She will have a few purple Foot Solders with her at the start, so take them out, then go after Karai. Unlike most enemies, Karai will run away from you, so dashing is almost needed to get any decent attacks in. Sometimes, when she jumps in the air to throw shiruken, you can then throw some shiruken yourself to take her down, then move in and attack when she recovers. Try your best not to jump unless you have to, because Karai will try to use her charge dash attack on you. Only jump to avoid the charge dash attack. Round 10: MEGA SHREDDER It's no suprise that The Shredder is the final boss of the Foot Fight. This is the same battle that was on the Freighter, except there are a few Omega Bursts, and you only have to defeat him once. Take out the Omega Bursts, then go after The Shredder. Stay about medium distance from him, and wait for him to throw the exploding shiruken. Dodge the shiruken, then attack with a hit-and-run combo. Shiruken are also very effective. Just watch for the drill attack (he will crouch down a bit, then launch forward). It is very possible to counter attacks like the homing missile blast if you can hit him before he fires it. If you cannot counter the attack, just dodge the spheres of energy. The Lightning Attack is a bit harder to avoid, but you can dodge it by dashing at the last second. PRIZE: Your prize for winning the Foot Fight are a Piece of Crystal, and the Foot Fight Trophy (Antique #54 in Second Time Around). ---------------------------------- d4. BattleNeXus Tournament ---------------------------------- Round 1: CREATURES Here you will fight The Rocks, Raz, and Nails from the Monster Open, all at once. By now, you should have the Aerial Combo (have enough of the attack crystals for the Quadruple Combo, and all Aerial Crystals, which isn't easy by any means), so use it for some serious damage. Remember, if you knock them down, get behind them, and use the combo again. Nothing new here, really. Round 2: OMEGA BURSTS You have faced them before, but now this is an entire group of them. Just get close enough to one so it fires, dash out of the way, then attack with a combo. Shiruken are very useful in atacking a group from a distance. Round 3: TRAXIMUS It makes no sense that this supporter of the old republic has laser shooting allies with him, but anyway... take out the laser shooters first, then go for Traximus. The best way to defeat him is to wait for him to swing his axe at you, avoid it, then knock him down with a strong attack. You can try to keep him down by hitting him with low level charge attacks just as he gets back up, though after a while, he will probably counter this. Just keep repeating the process. Shiruken are useless against him, but you don't really need them. Most of his attacks are easy to dodge as long as you aren't close. Round 4: NINJA RATS This would of been much easier if it wasn't for the Feudal Foot Soldiers that were thrown into this battle. Take out the rats first, either with Leonardo's dashing, or Slashuur's combos. Then take out the Feudals using the same exact method you used in the Foot Fight. Round 5: ULTIMATE NINJA When this battle starts out, get rid of the bats first using your method of choice. When it's just you and Ultimate Ninja, you will find out that dashing is effective as usual. Ultimate Ninja tries to run around in circles, then attack you with a spinning baton-like thing, or jump in the air and throw shiruken mines at you (which stick to the ground for a few seconds), and there is the green smoke attack that will stun you for a few seconds. Try to dash close to him, and attack with a combo. Usually a powerful combo or an attack that knocks Ultimate Ninja down will make him teleport to another area of the arena. Chase him down, but be careful of when he summons the green dragon. ultimate Ninja can't be harmed while the green dragon is in the arena, but you can attack him as soon as it's gone. Just keep your distance until then. Round 6: KROKODILS Consider this break time. Raphael's drill dive works great here. Round 7: SPLINTER Exactly the same as Footmech Splinter, but he throws shiruken instead of firing lasers from his eyes. Round 8: SLASHUUR This should be easy if you made it this far. Dash away from Slashuur's normal attack, then attack with a combo. When Slashuur teleports away, he will either reappear close for another normal attack (in which you just repeat what you did previously), or he teleports farther away from you. If he teleports far away, dash to the side to avoid his spinning weapon, then attack Slashuur with another combo while he is defenseless. If Slashuur teleports to the middle of the arena, quickly take cover in the water to avoid the 'black hole' attack. Round 9: MIYAMOTO USAGI Now this is a tough fight. Shiruken are useless, and it seems Usagi is able to block and counter any of your attacks. Try to keep a good distance from him, and watch for him to dash to the side. After Usagi dashes to the side, jump to avoid his stun dash attack. Try to jump in the direction he's facing, because the best time to attack is to hit him from behind before he can recover from the dash. Just be quick about it, then dash away and wait for the chance again. You also don't want to be near Usagi if you see a white flash appear on the screen... Round 10: DRAKO After defeating Usagi, this is an easy fight. Especially with the Aerial Combos. The hardest part is getting the first hit, but if you can do that, the rest of the battle is yours. Watch for Drako's staff to start glowing, and dash around to avoid the energy spheres it fires. As soon as the staff stops glowing, move in and attack with your combo. Slashuur's Aerial Combo should knock Drako into the air (like with most of the the monster enemies), then just get behind him, and hit him with another combo, and repeat. It's not much harder with Leonardo's combo and/or dash technique. The only other attack you have to watch for is the Earthquake attack, but it's nothing serious to worry about. PRIZE: Your prize for winning the BattleNeXus Tournament are a Piece of Crystal, and the BattleNeXus Trophy (Antique #55 in Second Time Around). ********************************** E. Other ********************************** ---------------------------------- e1. Unlockables ---------------------------------- There are a few extra unlockables that can be unlocked from completing the Tournaments, apart from the obvious prizes... -Upon completing the Open Brawl Tournament, you will gain access to a new costume for Leonardo. Also, if you haven't unlocked Casey Jones yet, he will become playable after completing this Tournament. -Upon completing the Monster Open Tournament, you will gain access to a new costume for Raphael. -Upon encountering Karai in the Foot Fight, she will become playable, if you haven't already unlocked her. (I've heard you have to actually defeat her within a certain time limit, but I can't confirm that yet.) -Upon encountering Slashuur in the BattleNeXus Tournament, he will become playable, if you haven't already unlocked him. (Unconfirmed if you have to defeat him or the tournament for this.) ---------------------------------- e2. Other Information ---------------------------------- -FAQ ADDITION REQUESTS- If anyone has anything important that I can add to this thing, please e-mail it to me (pelord@hotmail.com). There are a lot of holes that need to be filled in (colors of the Crystals you win in the Tournaments as prizes, and to confirm unlockables, mostly. Any strategies for certain battles are also welcome.). Please make sure you Subject line in your e-mail mentions TMNT2: BattleNeXus, or it will probably be deleted. -FAQ USAGE- If you want to use this FAQ on your site, e-mail me first at pelord@hotmail.com. I'll probably say yes, but let me know about it first. As with the FAQ Addition Requests, please make note in your subject line that you are sending me something related to TMNT2: BattleNeXus, or your message will probably be deleted. -OTHER GAME RELATED THINGS- I don't think I can really stop this, but please, DO NOT e-mail me anything about this game that isn't related to the Tournament Mode. I will not answer any questions about the game related to getting SS Ranks, getting the Crystals, defeating bosses, or anything like that. Also... please do not e-mail me anything relating to the Fox cartoon, or the comics. And do not ask me to join any TMNT related fanclubs or anything like that either. Thanks :P ============================================================ -THANKS TO- GameFAQs Konami Mirage Studios Fox The 5 people that are reading this :P