Arvin Yabut Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. ±°Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam°± Alias : acidrain Date : 10.15.02 Version : 1.8 User Level : All Levels e-mail : Sites Accessed : ««Disclaimer»» May this statement serve as a warning that this FAQ should not be reproduced by any means other than recognizing it for personal use only. Also, it should not be utilized for profitable intentions. If you want to reproduce this FAQ, please consider the copyright above this statement. ««Why I Made This FAQ»» I wrote this FAQ because I would like to share to Tekken players specifically to Lee players what I have observed and studied for my past few months in playing Tekken 4. I cannot guarantee that the information which I have placed on this FAQ is true and reliable. I wish I would be able to give some helpful information that will improve your Lee strategies. I'll be updating this FAQ from time to time as I get your feedback again by mailing me at Thank you and happy reading! ««Version History»» 1.0 : Jan. 1, 2002 - first FAQ I have ever made 1.1 : Jan. 4, 2002 - added combo list section - updated move list section 1.2 : Jan. 20, 2002 - added bridging the gap section - updated move list section - updated frame database section - updated move analysis section - updated combo list section 1.3 : Feb. 18, 2002 - reconciled information - updated move list - updated differentiating similarities - updated move analysis - updated combo list 1.4 : Apr. 1, 2002 - added okizeme section - updated bridging the gap section - updated move list section - updated frame database section - updated combo list section - updated credits & shouts section 1.5 : Apr. 10, 2002 - added poking & defense section - renamed combo list to juggle summary - updated bridging the gap section - updated move list section - updated frame database section - updated move analysis section - updated okizeme section - updated credits & shouts 1.6 : Apr. 20, 2002 - reconciled information - updated move list - updated poking & defense section 1.7 : May 21, 2002 - added custom strings & analysis section - reconciled information - updated bridging the gap section - updated juggle summary section - updated okizeme section - updated poking & defense section - updated credits & shouts section 1.8 : Oct. 15, 2002 - added versus mode section - updated bridging the gap section - updated custom strings & analysis section ««Contents»» SECTION 1 : Biographies 1.1 Lee Chaolan 1.2 Violet SECTION 2 : Bridging the Gap 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Some Command Notations 2.3 Extra Definitions 2.4 Some Acronyms 2.5 Frame Database Terms & Symbols 2.6 Sets of Chains 2.7 Classifications of a SS & SW SECTION 3 : Move List 3.1 Grappling Arts 3.2 Special Arts 3.3 Hitman Arts 3.4 Unblockable Arts 3.5 String Hit Arts SECTION 4 : Frame Database 4.1 Grappling Arts 4.2 Basic Standing Arts 4.3 Special Arts 4.4 Hitman Arts SECTION 5 : Move Analysis 5.1 Knee Driver 5.2 Double Punch - Mist Step 5.3 Double Punch - Violet Kick 5.4 Jab - Acid Rain Combo 5.5 Left & Right Violet Screw 5.6 Schwartz Rose Hook 5.7 Side Kick 5.8 Split Axe Kick 5.9 Dragon Slide 5.10 Mist Wolf Kick 5.11 Mist Trap 5.12 Silver Low - Head Kick - Violet Hammer 5.13 Tsunami Kick & Infinite Starters 5.14 Shredder 5.15 Delayed Dragon Slide 5.16 Machine Gun Kicks 5.17 Laser Edge - Violet Spin Hammer 5.18 Soviet Kick Combo SECTION 6 : Differentiating Similarities 6.1 Soviet Kick Combo vs Shredder 6.2 Violet Knee vs Hop Kick 6.3 Silver Low - Head Kick - Violet Hammer vs Laser Edge - Violet Spin Hammer 6.4 Left Violet Screw vs Right Violet Screw 6.5 Quick Catapult vs High Catapult 6.6 Rising Kick vs Extended Rising Kick SECTION 7 : Juggle Summary 7.1 Violet Knee 7.2 Hop Kick 7.3 Uppercut 7.4 Extended Uppercut 7.5 Extended Hop Kick 7.6 Standing Kick 7.7 Soviet Kick Combo 7.8 Scatter Blow 7.9 Blazing Kick 7.10 Silver Heel 7.11 Ship Slicer 7.12 Quick Catapult 7.13 Split Axe Kick 7.14 Acid Rain Combo 7.15 Jab - Acid Rain Combo 7.16 Wall Combo 7.17 Forward Push 7.18 Side Push 7.19 Switch Sides SECTION 8 : Custom Strings & Analysis 8.1 Sidestep Chain 8.2 Low Poke Chain 8.3 Double Punch Chain 8.4 Violet Knuckle Chain 8.5 Mid Poke Chain 8.6 Hitman Chain SECTION 9 : Poking & Defense SECTION 10 : Okizeme 10.1 Sleeper 10.2 Roll Backwards 10.3 Basic Get Up 10.4 Ground Tech 10.5 Wall Tech 10.6 Jump Over Trick 10.7 Counterhit ... SECTION 12 : Versus Mode 12.1 Jin Kazama ... SECTION 16 : Credits & Shouts -=¤§Biographies§¤=- ««Lee Chaolan»» After he betrayed Heihachi and sided with Kazuya at The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, Lee was expelled from the Mishima Zaibatsu. For quite sometime, thoughts of revenge consumed Lee. Eventually, he realized that it was pointless to kill an old man who probably had only a few years left in his life at best. With that realization, Lee distanced himself from fighting and moved to a mansion in the Bahamas to lead a solitary life. One day, he discovered a huge sell-off of G Corporation’s stock online. Lee’s intuition told him that something happened within the company. His intuition was correct. He hacked into their classified computer network and accessed their internal corporate communications. Lee learned that the Mishima Zaibatsu attacked G Corporation and caused significant damage to their research facilities. He also came across information that a new life form under development by the Mishima Zaibatsu would be completed by next year. In order to complete the life form, however, it appeared that they were missing a critical component... Oddly enough, an announcement was made for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 around the same time. Lee’s fading passion for fighting was rekindled - along with his resentment towards the Mishima clan. In order to prevent the Mishima Zaibatsu from discovering his true identity, Lee signed up for the Tournament online under a false name. As an additional measure to mask his identity, he dyed his gleaming silver hair purple. ««Violet»» Violet is a majority shareholder and the de facto leader of a manufacturer of humanoid robots. Apparently a fighter in his past, he lived a quiet life in a mansion in the Bahamas. Bored by his career lifestyle, Violet decided to enter The King of the Iron Fist Tournament 4. The senior executives in his company wrote this off as the mere diversions of a rich man. In any event, there were no weaknesses in Violet's physique, forged by state of the art training equipment. There was another significant reason for his entrance in the tournament. Violet believed that he could complete the ultimate fighting weapon based on his pursuit of developing advanced humanoids. He believed in a utopian world where inorganic humanoids would carry out the will of their human masters. But the tide of technology in the world favored biotechnology. The Mishima Zaibatsu and Heihachi Mishima were part of this movement, seekers of unfathomable power through genetic engineering. Violet accelerated the development of a prototype humanoid for the tournament. If the prototype could be completed in time, he could leverage this tournament as an excellent PR tool. Violet's mind was filled with visions of him and his prototype dominating The King of the Iron Fist Tournament 4. -=¤§Bridging the Gap§¤=- ««Introduction»» As Tekken Tag had gained enough notoriety, predictable clues show that Tekken 4 have been uncovered. News arise about Dean Earwicker's name change, Marduk's debut, and Monteiro's unending search for Eddy. The main plot announces Kazuya's resurrection but no sign of Lee. Hoping for Lee's return might have been too optimistic and I felt like giving up. Weeks have passed and there came Violet. His moves resembles Lee's and he's not bad so I decided to go on playing Tekken 4. Combot became the next release character and Lee really showed up. And there came back my passion for Tekken. Well what can I say? If Lee is not the most improved character in Tekken 4, he maybe one of the most well-developed character in this installment. A lot of his moves could now be linked to Hitman Stance and his Mist Step became more functional for both offense and defense. He's got a sidestep command that hits mid and there rose my personal favorite -- the Acid Rain Combo. Another interesting move of Lee is the versatility of the Mist Trap which will connect even if it hits the opponent; moreover, it could now be utilized in spicing up your combos to maximize Lee's fighting style with finesse. In this section, you will find the basics of Tekken and of this FAQ. It will help you understand the terms, symbols, acronyms, etc. that you will encounter throughout the course of this FAQ. ««Some Command Notations»» _ - normally used inside a parenthesis; referred to as "or" ~ - must be executed immediately after + - done simultaneously : - requires a just frame timing to perform [] - optional move < - can be delayed {} - will not connect but required to complete the juggle ««Extra Definitions»» Active Window - the number of allowed frames for your character to make inputs Anticipate - to predict the opponent's next move Axis - a basis of a determining successfulness or failure of a move involving an imaginary straight line usually directing to the opponent Buffer - the act of pressing a single or a number of buttons Close Distance - a length modifier which indicates that you are right beside your opponent Combo - a succession of commands Connect - synonymous to a guaranteed hit Counterhit - a state wherein one's attack dominates over his opponent's Crouch - the effect of holding a relatively downward direction as a single move Delay - the act of postponing a complete move Duck - any form of crouching which usually avoids a relatively high move executed Frame - Tekken's main unit of measurement in terms of time Juggle - one or more combos that are absolutely inescapable Jump Over Trick - a tactical approach to attack the opponent wherein the common goal with this technique is to make your opponent's back face you Just Frame - a move that requires the exact timing of tapping of buttons in order to perform the entire command completely Length - the relative distance between you and your opponent Link - a possible connection of a move after a given command Midsection - elongated word for 'mid' Misfire - another term for whiff or a missed hit Okizeme - art of attacking your opponent to disallow his full recovery from the ground and from walls Orbit Distance - a length modifier wherein you are more than two steps away from your opponent Parry - to deflect or ward off an opponent's attack Poke - any quick move which deals only a small amount of damage Range - the area where a move will tend to hit Reach - the extent to which a move will most likely to hit with respect to its distance Retaliate - to manipulate your opponent's unsuccessful move Riser - another term for launcher or juggle starter Sleeper - a technique wherein a grounded player would rather choose to get hit by a ground-ranged attack than to anticipate an opponent's next move hoping that he would get less damage by just lying down Slide Low - taken from Law's advance technique in misleading the opponent which is done by d/f,d,d/f... Stagger - a low block or a hit wherein one suffers great recovery time in an agitating animation Stun - to stupefy the opponent after an attack Sweep Distance - a length modifier which takes a step or two away from your opponent Turtle - a fighting technique which generally waits for the opponent to commit a mistake or a move in which the opponent would suffer obtainable amount of recovery time ««Some Acronyms»» HS - hunch over stun ex. Jin's completed Kazama Fury (1,3,2,1,4) CFS - crumple fall stun ex. Kazuya's Glorious Demon Fist (f+1+2) GB - guard break ex. most characters' Leaping Slash Kick (f,f,f+3) KND - knockdown position ex. Lei's Ankle Kick (4~4) FCD - face down position ex. Lei's Clean Sweep (4~3) GS - gut stun ex. Kazuya's Gut Punch (d/f+2) KS - kneel stun ex. Steve's Rising Upper - Eagle Claw (WS+1,2) RC - recovers crouching ex. King's Ali Kick (d+3+4) JG - juggle starter ex. Julia's Heaven Cannon (f+1+4) OS - forces opponent's side to face you ex. Hwoarang's Nose Bleeder (LFF b+4) BN - bounce juggle starter ex. Bryan's Snake Slam (b,b+1) c - counterhit modifier desc. BNc means the opponent will bounce and could be juggled only on counterhit cc - crouch cancel desc. tapping f,f or u will nullify your crouching motion co - crouching opponent modifier desc. KSco means the opponent will endure a kneel stun while crouching ««Frame Database Terms & Symbols»» "F Hit" column denotes the number of frames of a command after fully executing it "B Adv" column refers to the number of frame advantage or disadvantage when a move is blocked "H Adv" column refers to the number of frame advantage or disadvantage when a move connects while the opponent is in a standing position "Hc Adv" column refers to the number of frame advantage or disadvantage when a move connects while the opponent is in a crouched position "CH Adv" column refers to the number of frame advantage or disadvantage when a move connects as a counterhit "Esc F" column refers to the number of frames alloted to escape during a position change animation "x" is symbolized as a not applicable attack "KD" means that opponent will get knocked down ««Sets of Chains»» SSC - Sidestep Chain LPC - Low Poke Chain DPC - Double Punch Chain VKC - Violet Knuckle Chain MPC - Mid Poke Chain HMC - Hitman Chain ««Classifications of SS & SW»» according to position SSR/SWR - to the right SSL/SWL - to the left according to surface SSB/SWB - to the background SSF/SWF - to the foreground according to direction SST/SWT - towards the wall SSA/SWA - away from the wall -=¤§Move List§¤=- ««Grappling Arts»» Command Place Name Damage Escape ------- ----- ---- ------ ------ 1+3~(u_d_b_f) any Position Change N/A 1 2+4 front Wu Tip 30 2 F+2+4 front Neck Fracture 30 2 f,f+3+4 front Knee Driver 28 1+2 F+2+4_2+4 left Harassment 40 1 F+2+4_2+4 right Stunner 38 2 F+2+4_2+4 back Bulldog 45 N/A ««Special Arts»» Command Name Damage Range Properties ------- ---- ------ ----- ---------- 1,2 Double Punch 5,10 hh = ~f,N = Mist Step N/A N/A = 2 = Violet Knuckle 10 h = <4[~3] = Violet Kick [HMS] 10 m HSc 1,2,4:4[~3] Double Punch - Silver Rain [HMS] 5,10,20 hhm HS 1,3:3:3 Jab - Acid Rain Combo 5,14,8,5 hhmh CFS 1,F+2,2<2 Violet Knuckle Combo 5,12,5,10 hhmh b+1,1 Fang Rush 8,8 hm = ~f,N = Mist Step N/A N/A #1 = 2 = Triple Fang 15 h = 3+4 = Hitman Stance N/A N/A b+1:1 Alternate Fang Rush 8,8 hh = ~f,N = Mist Step N/A N/A #1 = 2 = Alternate Triple Fang 15 h GB; KND = 3+4 = Hitman Stance N/A N/A SS+1+2 Schwartz Rose Hook 21 m HS; FCDc 2,2 Rave War 10,10 hh F+2<2<2 Rave War Combo 12,5,10 hmh SS+2 Rear Cross Punch 17 h GB = ~f,N = Mist Step N/A N/A SSR+3[~4] Left Violet Screw [HMS] 30 h d/b+3 Slice Kick 16 L HSc u/f+3 Quick Silver Sting 20 h GB d/f+3 Side Kick 18 m GS f,f+3 Split Axe Kick 23 m GB; JG FC,d/f,d,d/f+3 Dragon Slide 17 L 3<3 Head Kick - Violet Hammer 18,19 hm KSco; GB 3,(f_d/f)+3 Head Kick - Step In Kick 18,15 hm f+3:3:3 Acid Rain Combo 14,8,5 hmh CFS b+3[~4] Mist Wolf Kick [HMS] 18 m b+3<3 Mist Wolf Combo 18,18 mh b+3~3 Feint Mist Wolf 18 h b+3~3:4 Mist Trap 30 h #2 #6 d+3,3 Silver Low - Head Kick 8,18 lh = (f_d/f)+3 = Step In Kick 15 m = <3 = Violet Hammer 19 m KSco; GB WS+3,3 Tsunami Kick 10,17 mm = d/f+3 = Step In Kick Infinite Starter 15 m #3 = D+3 = Silver Low Infinite Starter 15 l #3 = 3,3,3 = Rave Kicks 10,15,10 mhmh #4 = u+3,3,3 = Violet Hammer - Rave Kicks 15,10,15 mmh #4 = d+3,3,3 = Silver Low - Rave Kicks 15,10,15 lmh #4 f,f,N+3,4 Shredder 20,15 mm = <4 = Shredder Combo 25 h GB = <(f_d/f)+4 = Mid Shredder 15 m = <(d_d/b)+4 = Low Shredder 15 L RC u/f+3+4 Silver Sting 30 h f,f,N+3+4 Delayed Dragon Slide 15 L b,b,N+3+4 Handspring Backflip - HMS N/A N/A 4,3,4 Shaolin Spin Kicks 16,12,12 hhh 4,3,3 Violet Spin Hammer 16,12,19 hhm KSco; GB FC,(u/b_u_u/f) Feint Catapult N/A N/A FC,u/f+4[~3] Quick Catapult [HMS] 25 m JG; RC FC,U/F+4 High Catapult Kick 30 m FC,U/F+3+4 Rainbow Kick 30 M #5 SSL+4[~3] Right Violet Screw [HMS] 24 h d,d/f+4 Silver Tail 18 L OSc; RC U/F+4 Hop Kick 13 m JG u/f+4 Violet Knee 15 m JG; GB u/f,N+4 Extended Hop Kick 25 m JG f+4 Silver Whip 7 h d/f+4[~3] Extended Rising Kick [HMS] 10 m b+4[~3] Silver Heel [HMS] 22 m BNc WS+4[~3] Rising Kick [HMS] 20 m b,b+4[~3] Violet Cutter [HMS] 19 h d,d/b+4 Blazing Kick 22 m JG 4,(u_u/f)+3 Standing Kick - Somersault 16,30 hm 4,4,4 Machine Gun Kicks 16,8,10 hhh d+4 Laser Edge 7 l = = d+4,N+4~3 Low Cancel Silver Cyclone 7,80 l, d/b+1+2 Silver Demon Fist 10,70 ! = u,u = Cancel N/A N/A ««String Hit Arts»» Command Hits Damage Range ------- ---- ------ ----- d/f+1,2,2,1,3,3,3,4,3,4 10 10,5,6,5,7,6,7,7,10,25 mhm"hh"Lhhhm -=¤§Frame Database§¤=- ««Grappling Arts»» Command F Hit B Adv H Adv Hc Adv CH Adv Esc F ------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- 1+3~(u_d_b_f) 11 x +1 x x 5 (2+4_F+2+4) 12 x 0 x x 5 f,f+3+4 12 x -6 x x 5 ««Basic Standing Arts»» Input Range Dmg F Hit B H Hc CH Input Range Dmg F Hit B H Hc CH ----- ----- --- ----- - - -- -- ----- ----- --- ----- - - -- -- 1 h 5 8 +1 +7 x +7 2 h 10 10 +1 x +7 +7 3 h 18 12 -14 -3 x -3 4 h 16 11 -4 +5 x KD f+1 h 6 10 +1 +7 x +7 f+2 h 12 12 +1 +7 x +10 f+3 m 14 16 -10 +1 x +4 f+4 h 7 10 -7 +4 x +1 d/b+1 Sm 5 8 -2 +7 +7 +7 d/b+2 Sm 10 10 -2 +9 +9 +9 d/b+3 L 16 16 -14 -3 -3 -3 d/b+4 l 7 12 -11 -12 -8 0 FC+1 Sm 3 8 -2 +7 +7 +7 FC+2 Sm 8 10 -2 +9 +9 +9 FC+3 l 12 13 -17 -3 -3 -3 FC+4 l 12 13 -17 -3 -3 -3 WS+1 m 12 12 -2 +9 +9 +9 WS+2 m 15 15 -8 +4 +3 KD WS+3 m 11 10 -21 -10 -10 -10 WS+4 m 20 11 -6 +5 +5 +5 d/f+1 m 10 13 +1 +7 +7 +7 d/f+2 m 12 15 -7 +4 +3 KD d/f+3 m 18 15 -6 +1 +1 +1 d/f+4 m 10 13 -9 +2 +2 +2 ««Special Arts»» Command F Hit B Adv H Adv Hc Adv CH Adv ------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ 1,2~f,N 8 0 0 +1 +6 +6 +7 x x x +6 +6 +7 1,2,4~3 8 0 0 -14 -14 +6 +6 -3 -3 x x -3 -3 +6 +6 -1 -1 1,2,4:4[~3] 8 0 0 -2 -8 +6 +6 +5 -1 x x +5 -1 +6 +6 +5 -1 1,3:3:3 8 0 -10 -8 -17 +6 +1 +3 KD x x +3 x +6 +1 +3 KD 1,F+2,2<2 8 0 +1 -7 -9 +6 +7 +4 +7 x x +4 x +6 +10 -1 +7 b+1,1,2 15 0 -5 -15 +6 +6 +1 x +6 x +6 +6 +1 b+1:1,2 15 0 -5 -6 +6 +6 KD x +6 x +6 +6 KD SS+1+2 20 -2 +2 +2 KD 2,2 10 +1 -7 +7 +7 x x +7 +7 F+2,2<2 12 +1 -7 -9 +7 +4 +7 x +4 x +10 -1 +7 SS+2~f,N 14 -5 +2 +1 +8 x x +1 +8 SSR+3~4 21 -10 -12 KD KD x x KD KD u/f+3 22 +1 KD x KD f,f+3 21 +7 KD +13 KD FC,d/f,d,d/f+3 16 x KD KD KD f+3:3:3 16 -10 -8 -17 +1 +3 KD x +3 x +1 +3 KD b+3<3 14 -8 -10 +3 +1 +3 x +3 +1 b+3~3 30 -10 +1 x +1 b+3~3:4 30 KD KD x KD d+3,3,3 16 -14 -14 -13 -3 -3 -8 -3 x +16 -3 -3 KD WS+3,3 11 -20 -19 -10 -8 -10 -7 -10 -8 = d/f+3 -19 -8 -8 -8 = D+3 -19 -8 -8 -8 = N+3,3 -16 -16 -5 -5 x x -5 -5 = (D_D/F)+3,3 -16 -19 -5 -8 x -8 -5 -8 = U+4,4 -16 -18 -5 -8 x -8 -5 -8 f,f,N+3,4 15 -17 -13 KD KD KD KD KD KD = 4 -5 KD x KD = (f_d/f)+4 -14 -3 -3 -3 = (d_d/b)+4 -22 -11 -11 -11 f,N+3,4 15 -6 -16 +5 KD +5 KD +5 KD u/f+3+4 25 -2 KD x KD f,f,N+3+4 29 x KD KD KD 4,3,4 11 -4 -14 -6 +5 -17 -1 x x x KD -17 KD 4,3,3 11 -4 -14 -13 +5 -17 -8 x x +16 KD -17 KD FC,u/f+4 19 -16 KD KD KD FC,U/F+4 13 -31 KD KD KD FC,U/F+3+4 48 x KD KD KD SSL+4~3 17 -3 -6 KD KD x x KD KD d,d/f+4 17 -18 -7 -7 +8 U/F+4 14 -12 KD KD KD u/f+4 14 -8 KD +2 KD u/f,N+4 23 -11 KD KD KD b+4~3 20 -3 -1 +7 +8 +8 +9 KD KD b,b+4~3 19 -9 -7 KD KD x x KD KD d,d/b+4 22 -17 KD KD KD 4,(u_u/f)+3 11 -4 -1 +5 KD x KD KD KD 4,4,4 11 -4 -5 -5 +5 +6 +4 x x x KD KD KD d+4 12 -11 -12 -8 0 = N+4,4,4 -9 -5 -5 0 +4 +4 x x x KD KD KD = N+4,3,3 -9 -14 -13 0 -17 -8 x x +16 KD -17 KD = N+4,3,4 -9 -14 -6 0 -17 -1 x x x KD -17 KD = N+4,u+3 -9 -1 0 KD x KD KD KD D+4,4,4,4~3 12 -(11 20 25 20 10) -(12 21 14) KD KD -(8 9 14) KD KD 0 -(9 14) KD KD f,N,b,N+4 18 -14 +2 +2 +12 b,b,u/b 15 0 KD KD KD ««Hitman Arts»» Command F Hit B Adv H Adv Hc Adv CH Adv ------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ 1,1 12 0 -1 +9 +8 x x +9 +8 1,4~3 15 -10 -11 +1 +1 +1 0 +3 +3 1,4:4~3 15 -10 -4 +1 +3 +1 +3 +3 +3 2 19 -6 KD KD KD 3 17 -10 KD x KD 4 31 -22 KD KD KD -=¤§Move Analysis§¤=- The moves that were only included in this section were the ones that I believe will be significant in the gameplay and/or may need some clarifications about the properties etc. ««Knee Driver»» f,f+3+4 It's all right even if Lee's Knee Driver isn't a launcher like Law's. What's important is that you could execute your throws unexpectedly. You could fake your opponent by delaying the Knee Driver in such a manner that you buffer as f,N,f+3+4. It's like performing a Mist Step immediately followed by a throw - the remaining f+3+4. ««Double Punch - Mist Step»» 1,2~f,N This move is obviously effective in juggles preferrably keeping your opponent in mid air. I don't usually advice people to use this move when your opponent's feet is on the ground because it could easily be ducked. I guess there's a better option. ««Double Punch - Violet Kick»» 1,2<4[~3] In Tekken Tag, I used to do 1,F+2,2,2 after a blocked hit which only gives me a few frames of advantage. But there a problem exists. Sometimes, my opponents could block the last right punch and retaliate with a FC or WS move. It definitely bugs me a lot. With the Violet Kick appearing in Tekken 4, I changed my comeback move. It's definitely less dangerous than my old move because Violet Knuckle Combo ends in a high range and the Violet Kick deals a greater amount of damage. Another property of the Violet Kick is that it could be linked to Hitman Stance and guaranteed after a bump on the wall by a 1+3~f. In addition, this kick could be upgraded to the Silver Rain. Though it requires just frame timing, it decreases opponent's lifebar by 10 points more. And still, it can be chained with a Hitman Stance. Lastly, they all connect on a counterhit including the last hit which ends in the midsection. ««Jab - Acid Rain Combo»» 1,3:3:3 I consider this more of the real Acid Rain Combo than the f+3:3:3 because the former is definitely more useful and more efficient. This one's my personal favorite. It's 8-frame fast and you could have full control of this flashy move once you have practiced it well. Once you have seen that the jab and the first kick was blocked, you could stop at the second kick which only has a -8 which implies a much safer kick than the first and the last kick. Opponent will be smacked by a crumple fall stun on hit. And above all else, this menacing move is perfect on counterhit. ««Left & Right Violet Screw»» SSR+3~4_SSL+4~3 It's a good news to Lee that he could link his various moves with the Hitman Stance. His Violet Screws could now be considered a safer one. I use this when Hwoarang does his Flamingo Stance and keeps on sidestepping until I lose my axis on him. If he sidesteps right, I face him my left screw and vice versa. Now it could be linked with Hitman Stance, you could more or less be safer and block a retaliating move in case your opponent has anticipated your move, ducks and do a WS move. ««Schwartz Rose Hook»» SS+1+2 Like I have mentioned earlier, as he sees you sidestep, he could assume that you'll do a Violet Screw so he might just duck or whatsoever. My point is quite simple Violet Screws hit high and this slamming move hits mid. I feel like doing Marduk's b+1 while doing this. The stun looks cool. ««Side Kick»» d/f+3 This is another move which I have underestimated. Maybe I just don't give enough attention to this until it became a special move. Lee lifts up his left foot up to the midsection in a more sideward manner compared to the d/f+3 in TTT. Therefore, it serves as an anti-sidestep in its littlest fashion and a good interruptor too. It keeps the attacking opponent distant to you with a simple gut stun specially on counterhit. This becomes handy after a sidestep or a sway. ««Split Axe Kick»» f,f+3 I included this move in this list because of its beauty in guard break. He will be hit with a Blazing Kick as he dashes backwards, tripped by the Delayed Dragon Slide as he turtles, and be striken by some aggressive move like Shredder, Soviet Kick Combo, or like f,N,u/f+4. ««Dragon Slide»» FC,d/f,d,d/f+3 This is another of Law's components that is useful to Lee. Link the Dragon Slide after tech roll (any button for tech roll~D, d/f,d,d/f+3) or after the Hitman Stance (3+4~D,d/f,d,d/f+3). You could also slide low (d,d/f,d,d/f...) as you go near the opponent and mix him up with either Tsunami Kick or the Dragon Slide. ««Mist Wolf Kick»» b+3(~4_<3) This move itself is a some sort of preconstructed custom string in itself. Here are some of your options which I believe that would enhance your tricky & poking gameplay. You could just buffer b+3 and delay the 2nd which makes up the combo (<3). Your opponent might think that nothing follows your 1st Mist Wolf attack. It's quite deluding if you exaggerate the delay. When your opponent anticipates that you would delay the 2nd kick, you position Lee into Hitman Stance in a surprising act, or you could even just do the b+3 and follow it with another move or none at all. It's all about doing the ones that your opponent doesn't expect. I don't consider it a guessing game, it's more of a psychological concept. ««Mist Trap»» b+3~3:4 Here maybe the 3rd or 4th option to your Mist Wolf strings. Well, at least this is less difficult than Acid Rain Combo. This move is best for the turtles especially when they don't know how to duck. For the experts, again, execute it at the most unexpected time. Mist Trap could now connect even though your opponent has not blocked the move; in fact, it could be already performed in juggles. ««Silver Low - Head Kick - Violet Hammer»» d+3,3,3 This is the improved version of Silver Low - Head Kick - Feint Hammer back in Tekken Tag. A problem that I encounter before is that when I do this Feint Hammer, I sometimes miss b+3 so I end up another Head Kick so I easily get juggled. This time, you don't have to buffer the joystick to get a hammer. ««Tsunami Kick & Infinite Starters»» WS+3,3,(D+3_d/f+3) I usually use this move right after a tech roll and maybe successfully blocking a low hit. In what I have observed, all of those 3 hits will connect on a counterhit. I paired the Tsunami Kick with an Infinite Starter off to indicate the efficiency when a counterhit comes along or just letting your opponent block the Tsunami Kick and make him guess with a mid or low hit with an Infinite Starter. ««Shredder»» f,f,N+3,4 If you think there's no much use for Shredder now because of the presence of the Soviet Kick Combo, think again. This one's got better damage, less recovery time, and Lee leaps higher. The Shredder's damage is 20,15 while the Soviet's is just 10,16. Your opponent could at least poke you after blocking Lee's Shredder while moves such as Jin's 1+2 will connect after a blocked Soviet Kick Combo. In juggles, it depends on the kinds of risers and combos prior to the finale - either the Shredder or the Soviet Kicks. When your opponent is on mid-air, it's preferrable to use the Shredder when your opponent is near and at a relatively high range. Use the latter for distanced opponents and located at a low mid-air range specially for moves that could be linked to a Mist Step. ««Delayed Dragon Slide»» f,f,N+3+4 One of Lee's stealth attacks, plus the fact that he's got a Dragon Slide, this one's a silent bomber. Unlike the Dragon Slide, you don't have to duck before execution. Slow but slick, passive but polished. Could be linked with moves requiring a guard break when blocked and moves with quick recoveries. Moreover, it could even increase its delay when you buffer it as f,N,f,N+3+4 similar to the Knee Driver. ««Machine Gun Kicks»» 4,4,4 This is one of the fastest kicks in Tekken - an 11-frame triple high kick. I usually utilize this move as a finale for juggles when the opponent gets hit on walls specially when I perform that 1,2~f,N several times as my opponent approaches the wall. If you notice, the Machine Gun Kicks doesn't always work when you bring your opponent to the wall because there has to be a certain timing in such a manner that your opponent will not make a wall tech be available for him. When the distance gap between you and the wall might be too far to do the 4,4,4 and maybe too near right after you Mist Step and he will be able to wall tech, I buffer 4 for the Violet Kick or the Silver Rain Kick to take effect. Put Lee in Hitman Stance if desired. A well-developed Lee necessitates the skill of timing. ««Laser Edge - Violet Spin Hammer»» d+4,N+4,3,3 I've been wishing for a move like this and it was a blessing when it came true. One of Lee's arsenal which I apply is his Laser Edge - Shaolin Spin Kicks because it does give some damage when it counterhits. I believe that the point for including the Violet Spin Hammer is to Lee's safety. Perhaps Namco have realized that Lee has too many moves ending up in a high move and/or ending up with an irritating recovery time. Adopted from d+3,3,b+3 in Tekken Tag, a mid-ranged hammer requiring a guard break when blocked was developed with the joystick unnecessary to buffer it backwards. I advise you not to use 4,3,3 without a Laser Edge as your primary attack. The reason for this is to make your opponent to consume at least your d+4,N+4,3 on counterhit and in case he blocks your hammer, the remaining left kick to be buffered, you'll be more or less unharmed with a retaliating assault due to its special property; in fact, you might even be able to dizzy him up by follwing some quick moves up. ««Soviet Kick Combo»» f,N+3,4 Like what I have mentioned earlier, the Shredder and the Soviet Kick Combo has its own distinct functions. Mixing your opponent up as you Mist Step will give you the option to proceed with either a f,N,f+3+4 ("delayed" Knee Driver) or a 3,4 (Soviet Kick Combo). On the other hand, the Shredder will help you encounter with quick and distanced attacks which will most likely to misfire your opponent's move. Yes, its possible to link Shredder right after the Mist Step (f,N,f~N+3,4) but even the slightest frame gap would be to your disadvantage. I guess this comparison would be a clearer example. -=¤§Differentiating Similarities§¤=- ««Soviet Kick Combo vs Shredder»» Soviet Kick Combo Shredder ----------------- -------- Damage 10,16 20,15 Block Advantage -16 -13 Range mM mm Mist Step Linking excellent satisfactory As a Juggle Launcher (Difficulty) easier easy As Final Input in Juggle Combos (Difficulty) easy moderate ««Violet Knee vs Hop Kick»» Violet Knee Hop Kick ----------- -------- Damage 15 13 Guard Break yes no Hit on Crouching Opponent Advantage +2 KD Reach fair good ««Silver Low - Head Kick - Violet Hammer vs Laser Edge - Violet Spin Hammer»» Silver Low - Head Kick - Violet Hammer Laser Edge - Violet Spin Hammer -------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Total Damage 8,18,19 7,16,12,19 Property to Delay last hit 2nd hit F Hit 16 12 Range lhm lhhm # of Duckable Hits 1 2 Reach fair good ««Left Violet Screw vs Right Violet Screw»» Left Violet Screw Right Violet Screw ----------------- ------------------ Damage 30 24 F Hit 21 17 B Adv -10 -12 -3 -6 ««Quick Catapult vs High Catapult»» Quick Catapult High Catapult -------------- ------------- Damage 25 30 Juggle yes no F Hit 19 13 B Adv -16 -31 ««Rising Kick vs Extended Rising Kick»» Rising Kick Extended Rising Kick ----------- -------------------- Damage 20 10 F Hit 11 13 B Adv -6 -9 H Adv +5 +2 Hc Adv +5 +2 CH Adv +5 +2 Input from Standing Position unsatisfactory good -=¤§Juggle Summary§¤=- I have included the possible combos which I think that a player will most likely use in his gameplay. The column '# of hits' refers to the total number of hits in a combo inclusive of the riser. Calculating for the damage was based on how Tekken Tag was computed. I believe that this will relatively measure the intensity of one combo with another. The computation for this column also includes the damage of the riser; therefore, this column shows the total damage dealt to the opponent. The 'Difficulty' column was based on a beginner to intermediate Lee player. Results may vary. Also, please take note of some footnotes indicated within this section. Riser Combo # of hits Damage Difficulty ----- ----- --------- ------ ---------- ============================================================================================= ««Violet Knee»» u/f+4 b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 49.4 v.easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 55 v.easy 1,2~f,N, 1, d,d/b+4 5 37.5 easy b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 47.4 easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 53 easy 1,2~f,N, 1,2<4:4 6 41.5 medium 1, b+1,1~f,N, 1, b+1,1~f,N+3,4 7 42.5 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 46.9 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 51.4 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 52.5 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 57 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 64.3 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 69.9 medium d/f+1, f,f,N+3,4,4 5 53 hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Hop Kick»» U/F+4 b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 47.4 v.easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 53 v.easy 1,2~f,N, 1, d,d/b+4 5 35.5 easy b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 45.4 easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 51 easy 1,2~f,N, 1,2<4:4 6 39.5 medium 1, b+1,1~f,N, 1, b+1,1~f,N+3,4 7 40.5 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 44.9 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 49.4 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 50.5 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 55 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 62.3 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 67.9 medium d/f+1, f,f,N+3,4,4 5 51 hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Uppercut»» d/f+2 (CH)¹ b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 46.4 v.easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 52 v.easy 1,2~f,N, 1, d,d/b+4 5 34.5 easy b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 44.4 easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 50 easy 1,2~f,N, 1,2<4:4 6 38.5 medium 1, b+1,1~f,N, 1, b+1,1~f,N+3,4 7 39.5 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 43.9 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 48.4 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 49.5 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 54 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 61.3 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 66.9 medium d/f+1, f,f,N+3,4,4 5 50 hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Extended Uppercut»» WS+2 (CH)¹ b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 49.4 v.easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 55 v.easy 1,2~f,N, 1, d,d/b+4 5 37.5 easy b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 47.4 easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 53 easy 1,2~f,N, 1,2<4:4 6 41.5 medium 1, b+1,1~f,N, 1, b+1,1~f,N+3,4 7 42.5 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 46.9 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 51.4 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 52.5 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 57 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 64.3 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 69.9 medium d/f+1, f,f,N+3,4,4 5 53 hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Extended Hop Kick»» u/f,N+4 b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 59.4 v.easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 65 v.easy 1,2~f,N, 1, d,d/b+4 5 47.5 easy b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 57.4 easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 63 easy 1,2~f,N, 1,2<4:4 6 51.5 medium 1, b+1,1~f,N, 1, b+1,1~f,N+3,4 7 52.5 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 56.9 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 61.4 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 62.5 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 67 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 74.3 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 79.9 medium d/f+1, f,f,N+3,4,4 5 63 hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Standing Kick»» 4 (CH)¹ b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 50.4 v.easy b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 48.4 easy b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 47.9 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 52.4 medium b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 65.3 medium --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Soviet Kick Combo»» f,N+3,4 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 10 63 easy 1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 10 62 medium 1, f,f,N+3,4,4 6 60 hard 1,2~f,N, 1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 10 62 hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Scatter Blow»» HMS 2 u/f+3+4 2 47 v.easy f,f, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 7 52.5 v.easy f,f, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 8 50.5 easy f,f, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 5 50 medium f,f, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 8 54.5 medium f,f, 1,2~f,N, 4,u+3 5 55 medium f,f, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 9 60 medium f,f, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 8 67.4 medium f,f,N+3,4,4 4 59 hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Blazing Kick»» d,d/b+4 SS, u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 62 v.easy SS, u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 60 easy SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 61.6 easy SS, u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 59.5 medium SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 61.1 medium SS, u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 64 medium SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 65.6 medium SS, u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 76.9 medium SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 78.5 medium b,b+4~3, 2 3 48.7 hard f,f,N+3,4,4 4 58 hard U/F,N+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 70 hard b+3~3:4 2 51.4 v.hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Silver Heel»» b+4 (CH)¹ ~3, 4 2 39.6 v.easy ~3, 2 2 40.4 v.easy ~3, 1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 8 49.5 easy ~3, 1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 7 51.5 easy SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 61.6 easy SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 63.6 easy ~3, 1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 5 49 medium 4,u+3 3 49.8 medium ~3, 1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 8 53.5 medium SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 61.1 medium SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 65.6 medium ~3, 1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 8 66.4 medium SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 73.4 medium u/f+3+4 2 46 hard f,f,N+3,4,4 4 58 hard b+3~3:4 2 51.4 v.hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Ship Slicer»» HMS 4 FC,u/f+4 2 42 v.easy d/b+1, cc, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 52 easy d/b+1, cc, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 54 easy d/b+1, cc, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 56 medium d/b+1, cc, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 68.9 medium --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Quick Catapult»» FC,u/f+4 u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 65 v.easy 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 8 45 easy 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 7 53 easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 63 easy 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 8 56.5 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 62.5 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 67 medium 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 8 69.4 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 79.9 medium --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Split Axe Kick»» f,f+3 (CH)¹ SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 9 62.6 easy SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 8 64.6 easy SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 6 62.1 medium SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 9 66.6 medium SS+2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 9 79.5 medium --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Acid Rain Combo»» f+3:3:3² d+3,3,3 6 41.2 v.easy d/f+1, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 10 63 v.easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 10 67 v.easy d/f+1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 11 67 v.easy d/f+1, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 11 61 easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 11 65 easy d/f+1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 12 65 easy d/f+1, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 8 60.5 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 8 64.5 medium d/f+1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 9 64.5 medium d/f+1, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 11 65 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 11 69 medium d/f+1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 12 69 medium d/f+1, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 12 77.9 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 11 81.9 medium d/f+1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 12 81.9 medium f,f,N+3,4,4 6 57 hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Jab - Acid Rain Combo»» 1,3:3:3² d+3,3,3 7 46.2 v.easy d/f+1, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 11 68 v.easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 11 72 v.easy d/f+1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N+3,4 12 72 v.easy d/f+1, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 12 66 easy u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 12 70 easy d/f+1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, f+4 13 70 easy d/f+1, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 9 65.5 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 9 69.5 medium d/f+1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, b+3,3 10 69.5 medium d/f+1, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 12 70 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 12 74 medium d/f+1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, u/f+4 13 74 medium d/f+1, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 12 82.9 medium u/f+4, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 12 86.9 medium d/f+1, b+1,1~f,N, 1,2~f,N, 1,2~f,N, d+3,3,3 13 86.9 medium f,f,N+3,4,4 7 62 hard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Wall Combo»» opponent 4,4,4 7 +50 medium hits the wall³ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Forward Push»» 1+3~f (wall) 1,2,4 5 32 v.easy (wall) 1,2,4:4 5 42 medium --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Side Push»» 1+3~(u_d) (wall) 4,4,4 7 49 v.easy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Switch Sides»» 1+3~b (wall) b+1:1,2, d+4, d/b+3 7 57 medium ============================================================================================= ¹Because the damage on a counterhit varies, I computed the least total damage possible that would be dealt to an opponent. ²Since the launcher itself is undeniably arduous, I just based the difficulty as far as the combos are concerned. ³Since the number of hits vary, I summed up the number of Machine Gun Kicks and the number of times the opponent would hit the wall because damage would also be dealt to an opponent when one gets hit after a basic juggle hit. -=¤§Custom Strings & Analysis§¤=- These are some of the strings that I find effective in beating most characters. I consider these strings for long-run purposes because they're relatively cumbersome to counter because they actually induce mind games for your opponent as a player. I am not generalizing that all of these strings are effective for all characters. Nevertheless, I have placed in another section regarding the adjustments that will involve in tailoring your offense and defense in fighting against different characters. Please do not limit yoursevles with these strings because there might be efficient custom strings left undiscovered. ============================================================================================= ««Sidestep Chain (SSC)»» SSR ~f~N~SSR~f~N... +2~f,N 1,2,4:4 [b+3<3] 1,2~f,N f,f+3+4 f,f,N+3+4 [f,f] b+3[<3] +1+2 [d,d/f+4] ~f,N+3 d/f+3 3<3 This would be your main string. It's advisable to specifically sidestep to the right to evade most of your opponent's moves specially when counterattacking. Your main footwork would be a snake wave to intimidate your opponent at the same time misdirecting his axis. There are 2 options: ending your snake wave by sidestepping or with a Mist Step. If you end with a SSR, you could do either a Rear Cross Punch or a Schwartz Rose Hook. If you end with a Mist Step, you'd go for a Soviet Kick. If you did a Rear Cross punch, it should more or less hit and continue with a guaranteed 1,2,4:4 or a 1,2~f,N if you want to deceive your opponent more. You could either do a Knee Driver when he turtles, do a Delayed Dragon Slide if he's good at escaping throws (but it's really quite rare to escape a throw right after getting hit), or fake him by dashing forwards and doing a Mist Wolf Kick or two. You only perform the Schwartz Rose Hook when your opponent attempts to crouch during your snake wave. If it connects as a counterhit, a Silver Tail is guaranteed. A Soviet Kick works better not finishing it (doing the 4 in f,N~3,4) because you could make him fall for a better trap. If he usually attempts to retaliate right after that move, a Side Kick would be a good option. If he usually turtles, it's advisable to continue with a Head Kick and delay your Violet Hammer. Again, a counterhit would make your opponent open again for another Silver Tail. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Low Poke Chain (LPC)»» d/b+1 WS+3,3,(D+3_d/f+3) FC,d/f+4 This interrupt is one of the most important moves in all of the Tekken installments. Good thing Lee can make a mixup out of this simple attack. Deciding whether to use Tsunami Kicks or Silver Tail depends on how your opponent reacts after your d/b+1. If your opponent turtles, Silver Tail will gradually damage him somehow. If he interrupts, right after your d/b+1, do the Tsunami Kicks plus the mixup of either Step In Kick Infinite Starter or a Silver Low Infinite Starter. If your Tsunami Kicks connect, do a Silver Low and a Rave Kick, if I'm not mistakened, they're guaranteed. By the way, if you have low poked your opponent and he blocks it while he's crouching, I suggest you don't do any string because more often than not, he'll do a WS move. Well, Tsunami Kicks could still be an option but it's a little more risky this time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Double Punch Chain (DPC)»» 1,2~f,N d/f+1 - MPC ~B [u/f+4] I could consider this as the next starter after the Rear Cross Punch. Perhaps d/f+1 would be the most practical move after this one. The purpose of immediately halting Lee's Mist Step is to fake your opponent making him think that you're done with your strings but you suddenly counterattack with a Violet Knee. There is the element of surprise with this string. Don't abuse it too much because your opponent will be able to anticipate it better. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Violet Knuckle Chain (VKC)»» 1,F+2,2 d/f+1 - MPC (when hit) d/b+1 - LPC (when blocked) Since some people usually wait for Lee's 1,2 and then interrupt with a d/b+1 assuming that Lee would do a Mist Step, this would make them think twice. When 1,F+2,2 connects, d/f+1 is safe to barge in and then link it with the MPC. If 1,F+2,2 gets blocked, d/b+1 would be the safest move though it's still quite a risk because a blocked 1,F+2,2 would give you a -6. But only a few players react to that. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Mid Poke Chain (MPC)»» d/f+1 (d+4,N+4,3,3_U/F+4) 1,2~f,N f,f+3+4 f,f,N+3+4 [f,f] b+3[<3] 1,F+2,2 - VKC This is another essential move quite reasonable to abuse. After d/f+1 was blocked, check whether you're in a sweep distance or close distance with your opponent. If you think that when your opponent tries to interrupt with a d/b+1 will whiff, consider it sweep distance; otherwise, it's close and you'll be needing more pokes to damage him. At sweep distance, perform the Laser Edge, Violet Spin Hammer more often because it's really burdensome to make your opponent to crouch. On close distance, I'd suggest you use the 1,2~f,N more often because it is more probable that your opponent will attempt to retaliate after your d/f+1. The purpose of the 1,F+2,2 is just as the same as the 1,F+2,2 in the VKC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ««Hitman Chain (HMC)»» HMS [~D] N+2 ~D,d/f,d,d/f+3 ~D,d/f,d,u/f+4[~3] Among the other strings, you might notice that none of the strings were linked to a Hitman Stance. But in any case, I just put this one to indicate some advisable strings that could be linked during HMS. There are two common ways in which how your opponent reacts when a Lee opponent goes to HMS. One is to interrupt right away hoping that his attack would get in first. Another is to turtle and may even dash backwards. If you think your opponent tends to counterattack, do a Scatter Blow for a possible juggle. You can even crouch first before doing it for further deception. If otherwise, you intimidate your opponent by sliding low and doing either a mid/low mixup with a Dragon Slide or a Quick Catapult. If you have decided to execute the latter, bring it back to HMS when blocked and you can repeat the whole process. ============================================================================================= -=¤§Poking & Defense§¤=- I think this is where Lee's subtance is -- poking. His poking may not be as annoying as Nina's but Lee's poking will lead to turpitude. Those little mid and low quick kicks will surely demoralize your opponent. I consider this as his intensive offense. Since Lee has a poor stamina, it is a must to also concentrate on his defense arsenal. There must be proper anticipation and presence of mind. I call his defense as his stealth offense. This section gathers, selects, and delineates the moves that could help in Lee's poking and defense game in order to immensely develop his offense. Let's start off with my most basic poke. I like to do the Laser Edge most of the time because it's 12 frames fast, relatively safe, and could be linked with various kick combos. One of which is the Violet Spin Hammer. Input that move when the opponent would probably attack you. Besides, it's not that dangerous because of the guard break that the last kick gives. On the other hand, you could also use d/b+4 as another option for d+4. This overlooked move has better reach and it recovers in crouched position so you could follow it up with WS+4~3. It a little bit dangerous to follow it up with FC+4 though because opponents tend to dash backwards and the Rising Kick is defenitely more useful because it's relatively fast and you could end it with the Hitman Stance. The Mist Wolf kick is an excellent mid poker because it deals on players who usually crouch thinking you would give him a low hit. This also works for executing it at an unexpected time. I don't advice this to link it with a Hitman Stance nor complete it with the Mist Wolf Combo because it would add a little danger from your recovery time. This avoidance of the continuation with the Mist Wolf Kick only applies with Lee's poking game. Lee's one of his most cunning moves is his 3<3. Your opponent will probably think that you have committed a mistake by buffering the Head Kick but he then realizes that you did that on purpose when you delay that Hammer Kick again which causes your opponent's face splat on the floor. This is also useful when you actually made a mistake in performing a move involving the left kick. More often than not, your mistake will end up with a Head Kick so you might as well be productive out of your unforced error. There would be two moves that could be used when opponent tries to attack you from sweep distance -- The Extended Rising Kick and the Standing Kick. The former would be more effective if you use this when your opponent is trying to attack you from orbit to sweep distance. This time you follow it up with a Hitman Stance because it's safer in that case. The uppercut is a classical move specially when your opponent tries to attack you at a fairly close distance. Your opponent gets a special aching animtaion and gets knocked down on counterhit. In short, use d/f+4~3 when your opponent about to attack you and use d/f+2 if your opponent is bombarding you with short-ranged attacks. I don't think I have the right words to express the importance of this move because this could be Lee's most important move. Any move that Lee had blocked which gives the opponent beyond 8 frames of disadvantage will give you the prestige to retaliate with that glorious 1,2,4. Don't delay it and don't link it with Hitman Stance. My objective for this is to attempt for a Silver Rain Kick. It's quite safe if you fail performing the Silver Rain Kick so long as there's an assurance that you have blocked a move beyond 8 frames of disadvantage and you have buffered 1,2,4 with enough speed. In addition, I sometimes do a Laser Edge after a successful 1,2,4. This combo is also applicable for interrupting your opponent to get a counterhit but another move is more recommendable. There may be times where you get more than 8 frames of advantage on an attack you have blocked but you can't retaliate with a 1,2,4 nor 1,2,4:4 because the reach of its jabs are short. This is how the Mist Trap becomes so flexible that you'll surprise your opponent. This move might be relatively slow but we should also consider the fact of its element of stupefaction. Since it's a norm in Tekken that you won't get hit when blocked as far as no unblockable is concerned, Mist Trap culminates as a threat factor thinking that you have blocked this move and then the next thing you know is that your face meets the ground. The Acid Rain Combo suits its job to threaten pitbull players to simmer them down a little bit. They can't just complacently attack you. Shove them some Acid Rain Combo as Lee's one of his special interrupts to maximize your counterhit attacks. Analogous to the Mist Trap's function, the Rear Cross Punch also serves as a substitute for 1,3:3:3 because of poor reaching property. Also, it's a good escape to opponents that bomabrd you with simple jabs which give them +1 advantage and as you try to interrupt, you get thrashed. Performing a sidestep redirects your opponent's axis plus the input of 2 would redirect the axis a little bit more as you give your opponent some shot. Here's a very essential function of the Violet Cutter: Lee drives his right foot in a centrifugal manner. Lee ducks as he performs this so there's a capability to avoid high attacks in a more strategic way. Moreover, there's a guaranteed Ship Slicer when you hit your opponent and end up in Hitman Stance. This 15-frame Side Kick would be better described as relatively strong move which could be considered a second best after b+3 in mid poking. Despite its ability to refrain your opponent to sidestep particularly to the right as mentioned in the 'Move Analysis' section, it deregulates too much movement from your opponent. You could follow up a low hit specially on counterhit because it causes your opponent to throb due to the hit making it appear like the Silver Rain Kick using the left foot. Allow me to draw the line between the two anti-sidestep moves - b,b+4 is for those who attack you as they sidestep big time and d/f+3 is for those who try to redirect your axis. The best poker for any player would be the Basic Low Poke. For Lee's case, it's d/b+1 because some characters have a special move executed when d/b+1 is buffered. You might probably ask, "Why not d+1?" In Tekken, the less risky the moves would be, the better. There will always be a room for errors and there will always be a chance, no matter how rare would it occur, that you buffered a d+1 and you would see your character do a sidewalk. you wouldn't want that to happen. What we're just trying to do is lessen your probability to get stumped. Remember, any expert would even commit the silliest mistakes. As I was saying, you could almost interrupt almost every move that you encounter. It halts wave dashes, WS moves after the Basic Low Poke, some quick strings, setups, and many more overlooked chances. Well, if there's anything that Lee's d/b+1 cannot reach, the Silver Whip will accomplish. This move is one of the most rapid kicks in Tekken installments. I consider this as Lee's d/b+1 in sweep distance. When you defend against a low attack. The two most common responses that you would do is to block low or parry. These two have distinct functions for each. You basically block low when you know that that move will stagger and you parry when it will not stagger when blocked low. After blocking a staggered opponent's low attack, you could do either a WS+4~3 or u/f,N+4 depending on the B Adv your opponent had suffered. When you parry, you either do an U/F+4 or a throw depending on the reach. [Come on! It's not cheap to throw sometimes. You deserve it somehow after you parry. It's not that easy to parry you know.] If you have parried or have low blocked at nothing, you could either do FC pokes such as FC,D/B+4 or FC,d/b,N+4~3. To put Lee's poking & defense moves in a nutshell, we have the following: Low Pokers d+4[N+4,3,3] d/b+4 [WS+4~3] Mid & High Pokers b+3 3<3 Anti-attackers d/f+4~3 d/f+2 Short B Adv Retaliator 1,2,4[:4] b+3~3:4 Anti-Pitbull 1,3:3:3 SS+2 Anti-sidestep b,b+4~3 d/f+3 Best Pokers d/b+1 f+4 Defense on Low Attacks D/B d/f Options After a Successful Low Block WS+4~3 u/f,N+4 Options After a Successful Parry U/F+4 f,f+3+4 These are some of the tips in getting efficient with Lee's moves. It is really important to be aware what move to execute at any given situation. Remember that a well-developed Lee needs a well-developed offense and that this offense relies on his poking abilities and defensive skills. -=¤§Okizeme§¤=- Okizeme may be referred before as keeping your opponent on the ground. But since Tekken 4 featured walls in this gameplay, I consider this more of an art of attacking your opponent to disallow his full recovery from the ground and from walls. Only the most common Get Up Techniques are displayed. You use the appropriate moves depending on the range and distance. You could check Section 2 for the differentation of the three different distances under the 'Extra Definitions' segment. Please take note on the 'Properties' column for additional information. Get Up Techniques Moves F Hit Range Distance (max) Properties ----------------- ----- ----- ----- -------------- ---------- ============================================================================================= Sleeper d/b+3 16 L close f,N+3,4 15 mM orbit f,f,N+3+4 29 L orbit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roll Backwards d/b+3 16 L close b+3[<3] 14 m sweep #1 f,N+3,4 15 mM orbit f,f,N+3+4 29 L orbit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Get Up f,N+3,4 15 mM orbit #2 (Stand Up or f,f,N+3+4 29 L orbit #2 Recover Crouching) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground Tech b+3~3:4 30 h close SS, d,d/b+4 22 m sweep --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wall Tech 1+3~(u_d_b_f) 11 h close d/f+3 15 m close SS+1+2 20 m sweep #3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump Over Trick u/f+3, d/b+1 22 hSm close #4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Counterhit b+4~3 20 m sweep #5 ============================================================================================= #1 Input only the last Mist Wolf Kick if the first connects. #2 If the opponent tries to stand up or to recover from crouch, you should use f,N+3,4 or f,f,N+3+4 respectively with great anticipation. You could delay the move by displaying the Mist Step for a more strategic execution. #3 The execution of the Schwartz Rose Hook must be fast enough in such a manner that it should be performed right after the opponent has bumped into the wall, assuming he will do a wall tech. #4 The d/b+1 will cause the opponent to turn his back on you on a successful trick. #5 The Silver Heel is considered effective for okizeme since it could be executed for unpredictable retaliations from your opponent on the ground. If your opponent tries to retaliate, you might get a bounce juggle from your opponent. If your opponent stays on the ground, a Hitman Stance will be very versatile for your preparation in your okizeme. -=¤§Versus Mode§¤=- This section is a relative tailoring of how to defend against a specific character by using Lee. I would consider this section a little bit more generalized because some tactics could also be used by other characters such as techniques as when to poke, when to sidewalk, etc. This includes all of the techniques I know because some may be unaware of one technique and some may know another. It is not conclusive that the techniques mentioned in this section to be the most effective for all but it is based upon my common experience in challenging the good players I have encountered. ««Jin Kazama»» As Jin was announced to be the first-release character, I became eager to venture on his new moves with the knowledge of his move list. It was quite convincing that Jin was more difficult to to duel with back in Tekken Tag. His Electric Wind Hook Fist (f,N,d,d/f+2) doesn't juggle anymore regardless the kind of hit his opponent will face and his Lingering Soul Omen won't do much. He's still a threat though, but all he could possibly do was those mid and low mixups. Soon, I finally realized that his revitalized Traditional Karate was not a regret for unlearning Mishima-ryu Style after all. That Laser Scraper Just Frame was something to quiver. It eventually became the Jin users' favorite and winning factor that it removes almost half of the opponent's life with just a simple juggle. Not only that, Jin's parries almost every move [including Marduk's head butt] that it's a sure 2,4 when he parries the opponent's last move in a combo. In other words, Jin turned out to have the safest, easiest, and strongest moves in this installment. a) Twin Thrusts - Inner Axe (1,2,3) --> Double Punch - Silver Rain Kick (1,2,4:4) Jin pulls off good mixups right after this move. This combo ends with an annoying guard break that allows a +3 for Jin. Sidestepping would be an option but you might eat some Roundhouse if Jin does a 1,2,4 instead. Since the last moves animates Jin to raise his left foot first before it reaches you, it is interruptable. As soon as you see Jin performing his first punches, counterattack with your 1,2,4:4. It may be difficult at first, but you'd get used to it as you practice. Other applicable move(s): • Axe Kick - Lead Thrust - Vertical Kick (f,f+3, 1,3~3) b) Final Upper Thrust (WS+2) --> Double Punch - Silver Rain Kick (1,2,4:4) This is his most effective blockable juggle riser. Well, allow me to cite the obvious. It takes 12 frames to recover when blocked and your 1,2,4:4 is guaranteed. Other applicable move(s): • Needle Shrine Scraper (b,f+2,1,d+2) c) Needle Shrine Gates (b,f+2,1:D+2) --> SWR Like most people, this might be the reason why most people find it cumbersome to defeat Jin. The last move of this three-hit-combo hurts a lot. It only takes at least two of these to take a round away from you. Some players come up with different solutions but may not be applicable for certain situations. For example, a Quick Silver Sting would be a very effective counterattack but what if your opponent decides not to do the just frame one and does not delay either? A sidestep would be nice but what are the odds that you would sidestep again believing that would be able to escape that trap again? Concerning all of those kinds of situations, there must be only one move that would be applicable enough to escape all of those. Sidewalking to the right is a very good tactic in avoiding Jin's last hit. Allow me to prove to you that it would be applicable in all cases. Let us determine first the possible cases that evolve around this cunning move: (1) He could go for the unblockable, just frame move. (2) He'd go all the way doing the b,f+2,1,d+2 without any just frame nor any delay. (3) You take a normal hit with Jin's first two gut punches. (4) You take a counterhit with Jin's first two gut punches. With sidewalking to the right, the easiest to escape is the first case but the second would be tougher. Once you see Jin doing the Needle Shrine, pull the joystick right away in such a manner that Lee will sidewalk to the right. It's safe to pull the joystick in advance even before the second punch succeeds because of the freeze window that Lee experiences. It's advisable to do the sidewalking at that estimated time in order to register the move as a sidewalk. There would be a lesser chance to pull off a successful sidewalk after Jin's second attack. Same thing goes for the second case. It would add a little difficulty compared to the first case because there's no delay doing the last punch. Nevertheless, sidewalking to the right would be a consistent solution. This also applies to the third case. Regardless whether you get hit with the first two punches, the exact instructions for the first two cases would be applicable. The last case would be a little more complicated because you have to tap forward as soon as you see Jin's b,f+2 hit as counterhit, then you do the sidewalking. I know it's easier said than done but if you practice with a friend like requesting him to do Needle Shrine Gates throughout the entire match, you'll really get the hang of it. They really sound difficult to execute but it will be a lot easier if you practice. You've really got to spend time to master escaping these cases to bring you to a more certain position. Phew! Other applicable move(s): • Needle Shrine Scraper (b,f+2,1,d+2) d) Other Guidelines: Be the pitbull. Don't let Jin make you anticipate his moves. Be ready with your mixups and be careful with his parries. If he likes to parry, perform incomplete or safe moves. Low poking is a key in duelling against Jin specially when he crouch dashes. Jin's mixups such as d/f+1,(4_4~4) would be fairly attainable to anticipate. [Still to Come......] Just Frame Review Key Strategies (Anticipation, Adjustment, & Execution) Stage Analysis Building the Chemistry (Pitbull & Turtle) -=¤§Credits & Shouts§¤=- you : Thanks for reading this FAQ. I hope that you'll be able to improve your gameplay and enhance your strategies. Namco : Thank you for creating another installment of Tekken. I consider this classic game as one of your masterpieces. 'Castel' & TekkenZaibatsu : Thank you very much for giving us a relatively reliable source and for the move lists, combo lists, frame data, forums, galleries, movies, etc. I've been your avid surfer since Tekken Tag was released. I owe to you and your site my interest and skill for playing Tekken. I hope to support your site soon. Raijin Aoki : Thank you for enlivening me with your awesome juggle combos in your Silver Mist Tribute. I sure gave time to practice them. 'Catlord' : Thanks for pursuing with your "Catlord's Just Frame Project". You helped me increase my probability of executing the Mist Trap and Acid Rain Combo successfully. 'Ertai' : Thanks for encouraging me to play Tekken 3 and influencing me to play Tekken Tag. God, this game's so addictive! I even cut class to practice Lee & Devil back in Tekken Tag. Also, thanks for being my "kakulitan" friend. 'qcb,f+2' : Thanks for calling me up just to curse on the Mishimas telling me how biased they are. Thank you also for sharing your latest discoveries on glitches or hidden techniques, etc from Tekken Tag and Tekken 4. You really are a bored person (lol). 'kilbaine' : Thank you for your efforts in teaching me how to play Tekken. I'll never forget you as my best mentor. Andrea : Thank you for inspiring me to become a better person and helping me achieve my goals in life. My warmest thanks and my most caring love to you! to the Lee players : Thank you for your unending support by posting on the forums and sharing your thoughts with what you have learned. I do hope you keep on playing Tekken. This is the only video game in the past few years I got hooked on. I wish to get to play with you in the coming weeks or onths. To the Lee players in the Philippines, I'll be dropping by your places soon. shouts : 'TeT-E', 'ZAP_HWOARANG', 'HAPPYMAN_09', 'stnx', 'Vhans', 'Kamui', 'EcofighterJunKazama', 'Nathaniel Louie', 'Mentos', 'Ryokimitsu', 'jjt', 'KOFTEKKEN', 'Cybermitsu', 'ultimateLee', 'Noitulive', 'evil_flower', the Cabanatuan team, and to all those who have helped me in one way or another... Thanks!