Tekken 5 Character Profiles FAQ Copyright 2005 Nymbus Created By: Nymbus email: nymbusnexus@hotmail.com Version. 1.1 ===================== --Table of Contents-- ===================== 1) History/Updates 2) Introduction 3) Character Profiles a) Anna Williams b) Asuka Kazama c) Baek Doo San d) Bruce Irvin e) Bryan Fury f) Christie Monteiro g) Craig Marduk h) Devil Jin i) Eddy Gordo j) Feng Wei k) Ganryu l) Heihachi Mishima m) Hwoarang n) Jack-5 o) Jin Kazama p) Jinpachi Mishima q) Julia Chang r) Kazuya Mishima s) King t) Kuma u) Lee Chaolan v) Lei Wulong w) Ling Xiaoyu x) Marshall Law y) Mokujin z) Nina Williams aa) Panda ab) Paul Phoenix ac) Raven ad) Roger Jr. ae) Steve fox af) Wang Jinrei af) Yoshimitsu 4)Contributors 5) Disclaimer 6) Credits ======================== -- 1. History/Updates -- ======================== - (V 1.25)I added some information on Asuka Kazamas language. I also added a tidbit of info on Bruce Irvins fighting Style. I also added a Contributors section for the people who help contribute to this FAQ. So with that note I would to send... -Thanks to Don "Gamera" Chan for sending me a whole lot of great information on Asuka Kazama. Which I do want to add all of it by the way but I need to come up with a new layout. So as of right now I'll just add her language. I will give credit once again as soon as I do use your information though. -Thanks to Red Ollero for the helping me to decide to add info on Bruce Irvins fighting Style. Also feel free to email me with any info you guys have on the characters. - (V.1) March 18, 2005 Well I finally decided to do a FAQ for this website. If you see any errors or mistakes please email me at: nymbusnexus@hotmail.com Also feel free to send me any info on the characters you would like to add to this FAQ to make it even better. I will be giving credit to those who help out! ===================== -- 2. Introduction -- ===================== Welcome to the Tekken 5 Character Profile FAQ! This FAQ consists of profiles of all the Tekken 5 characters. I mostly decided to do this because I always see people on the message board asking about a particular characters story or history. This FAQ will be useful for those of you who want to know a bit about the games various characters. You learn some basic info such as age, nationality, and fighting style etc. You will also learn about why each particular character has entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 and what they hope to accomplish by winning it. All of this information was used from the Tekken 5 videogame except for the characters ages and some of their fighting styles. The information about the ages and styles I got from www.tekkenzaibatsu.com. So all credit for that goes to them. Well I hope you find this FAQ useful and entertaining. Now onto the FAQ! =========================== -- 3. Character Profiles -- =========================== ---------------------- -- a) Anna Williams -- ---------------------- Age/ 22 Nationality/ Irish Fighting Style/ Assassination Arts Story/ Sister and rival of Nina Williams, Anna had been leading a dull and boring life since the disappearance of her sister. That all changed one day when she received a phone call from Nina. Having been apart for two years. However, upon seeing her sister's face, Nina immediately opened fire. Anna returned fire and the ensuing gun battle lasted for days. Both sides failed to land a decisive blow and it was decided they would settle things at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Anna vowed to eliminate her sister once and for all. --------------------- -- b) Asuka Kazama -- --------------------- Age/ 17 Nationality/ Japanese Language/ Japanese with Oosakaben regional accent. Fighting Style/ Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts Story/ Ever since she was a child, Asuka had received training in Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts from her father. Born with a strong sense of justice, Asuka was well known around Osaka for breaking up fights in the neighborhood. Upon returning home one day, Asuka found pupils of her father had been roughed up. She learned from her father's pupils that an unknown Chinese man showed up at the dojo, severly beat them and sent her father to the hospital. Several days later, an interpol detective from Hong Kong came to investigate the incident, mentioning that the suspect is most likely planning to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament. Upon hearing this, Asuka decides that she too will enter the tournament. --------------------- -- c) Baek Doo San -- --------------------- Age/ 48 Nationality/ Korean Fighting Style/ Tae Kwon Do Story/ Tae Kwon Do master and Hwoarang's mentor. Baek was on his way home from teaching Tae Kwon Do out in the country when he was attacked and lost consciousness. Baek later awoke in a military hospital. An official from the Defense Department was present and explained that Baek had been in a coma for over a year. The official persuaded Baek to become a Tae Kwon Do instructor for the military once he recovered. A year later, Baek was teaching Tae Kwon Do at a military base when military brass convinced him to contact Hwoarang and ask him to return. The two met again for the first time in two and a half years. Two months later, Baek asked Hwoarang to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 in order to test his skills in Tae Kwon Do. -------------------- -- d) Bruce Irvin -- -------------------- Age/ 53 Nationality/ American Fighting Style/ Muay Thai/Kick Boxing Story/ Bruce Irvin, famous within the personal guard of Kazuya Mishima. 21 years earlier, Kazuya was defeated by his father and Bruce decided to leave Kazuya's group of mercenaries. Bruce traveled the globe working as a mercenary for various organizations. One day, Bruce learned that Kazuya, who he thought to be dead, had fought in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. He also learned that the Mishima Zaibatsu, without Heihachi, was scheduled to hold the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Bruce, who had survived countless conflicts on battlefields across the globe, sensed something sinister about the tournament but at the same time felt a rush of excitement. He had grown bored in recent times and it looked as though the Mishima Zaibatsu was about to provide some entertainment. ------------------- -- e) Bryan Fury -- ------------------- Age/ 31 Nationality/ American Fighting Style/ Kickboxing Story/ In order to receive technological upgrades to his cybernetic body, Bryan entrusted himself to Dr. Boskonovitch and drifed into a deep sleep. Upon regaining consciousness Bryan realized that his body remained unchanged. Dr. Boskonovitch explained that Bryan's body contained many complex machanisms that would require more time to be fully understood but he was able to install a perpetual power generator as an emergency measure. "Perpetual power generator?... Incredible". Bryan exulted. Bryan shoved Dr. Boskonovitch out of the way as he headed for the door. Several members of the Manji Clan try to stop him but are sent sprawling to the ground as Bryan leaves the secret base of the Manji Clan behind him. A few days later, Bryan learns that the King of Iron Fist Tournament will be held again. Bryan decides to enter, thinking it is the perfect test of his newly installed perpetual power generator. -------------------------- -- f) Christie Monteiro -- -------------------------- Age/ 19 Nationality/ Brazilian Fighting Style/ Capoeira Story/ Christie Monteiro, granddaughter of a Capoeira master. Christie went to the prison where her grandfather is being held as he was to be released after a long incarceration. Prison life had been hard on her grandfather. He had become emaclated to the point he was barely recognizable. Christie immediately took her grandfather to a hospital, where she was told that her grandfather had been diagnosed with an incurable illness. Without treatment, he only has about six months left. If only she possessed the advanced technology of the Mishima Zaibatsu, she might be able to save her grandfather... Several days later, Christie finds out that the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 is scheduled to be held. She decides to enter the tournament, seeing it as a chance to save her grandfather. --------------------- -- g) Craig Marduk -- --------------------- Age/ 28 Nationality/ Austrailian Fighting Style/ Vale Tudo Story/ Undefeated Vale Tudo fighter Craig Marduk was infuriated over his loss to King in the previous tournament. After being released from the hospital, he endured a harsh training regimen which enabled him to hone his body into the ultimate weapon. One day, Marduk entered a Vale Tudo tournament wearing a black jaguar mask. He succesively downed every opponent in his path and announced his intent to face King once more. The two will meet again at the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 5. ------------------ -- h) Devil Jin -- ------------------ Age/ Unknown Nationality/ Japanese Fighting Style/ Unknown Story/ Jin, overcome by the devil gene. With the destruction of Honmaru, Jinpachi was finally released from his long imprisonment. Seeming to coincide with this event, the Devil Gene within Jin became activated. Two months later, Jin was completely taken over by the Devil Gene, transforming into an evil destructive life form. ------------------- -- i) Eddy Gordo -- ------------------- Age/ 29 Nationlality/ Brazilian Fighting Style/ Capoeira Story/ Eddy Gordo, legendary Capoeira prodigy. Eddy's master was about to be freed from prison after a long incarceration. Eddy went to the prison to meet his master but instead found a frail old man that was only a shadow of the strong Capoeira master he once knew. Upon taking his master to a hospital, Eddy was told his master had an incurable illness and had less then six months to live. However, it may be possible to discover a cure if they had access to the technology and resources of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Several days later, Eddy decides to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 with Christie. ----------------- -- j) Feng Wei -- ----------------- Age/ 26 Nationality/ Chinese Fighting Style/ Chinese Kenpo Story/ Master of Chinese Kenpo, Feng Wei continues training on his path to become the strongest fighter alive. As a young boy, Feng Wei began training under a Kenpo master who was so skilled he was known as Shinken, or one who possesses 'Divine Fists'. As he matured Feng Wei became, without a doubt, the strongest fighter at his dojo. In his quest to be the strongest however, he broke the dojo's rules forbidding contests with martial artist of other styles. When his master tried to interfere, Feng Wei killed him. It is during this confrontation Feng Wei learns that, in order to truly master the art, he must learn the secrets hidden in the Shinken scrolls that were stolen by the Mishima clan. Feng Wei enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament intent on recovering the secret scrolls. --------------- -- k) Ganryu -- --------------- Age/ 55 Nationality/ Japanese Fighting Style/ Sumo Story/ Ganryu had been the youngest ever to attain the rank of Ozeki in Sumo. Ganryu established a Sumo dojo in Hawaii as part of his plan for a luxurious retirement. Even though he was rejected by Michelle, he was happy at how things had turned out. One day, Ganryu was watching a video of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 and spotted Julia Chang, reminding him of Michelle. He immediately fell head over heels in love with her. He also learned that Julia had entered the tournament to recover the reforestation data from the Mishima Zaibatsu. It was shortly after that an invitation for the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 arrived. Ganryu thought it was a perfect opportunity to recover the reforestation program by winning the tournament. Surely Julia would fall madly in love with him if he were able to recover the data. ------------------------- -- l) Heihachi Mishima -- ------------------------- Age/ 75 Nationality/ Japanese Fighting Style/ Mishima Style Fighting Karate Story/ Head of the Mishima Zaibatsu and sponsor of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Heihachi Mishima. After losing to Jin Kazama, Heihachi was cornered by a group of Jack robots in Honmaru. Heihachi and Kazuya began to fight off the Jacks together but Kazuya fled and Heihachi was caught in the explosion when the Jacks detonated. The tremendous exlosion would have killed a normal man but Heihachi, no ordinary man, managed to survive. A month later, Heihachi learned that someone had taken control of the Mishima Zaibatsu and planned to hold the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Heihachi, having fully recovered, was determined to enter the tournament. "I don't know who's behind this but the Mishima Zaibatsu is mine!" ----------------- -- m) Hwoarang -- ----------------- Age/ 21 Nationality/ Korean Fighting Style/ Tae Kwon Do Story/ Tae Kwon Do ace and rival of Jin Kazama, Hwoarang. Hwoarang was taken into custody by the South Korean military during the last round of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, keeping him from his long awaited fight with rival Jin Kazama. Hwoarang was taken to the Korean embassy where he was brought before the ambassador. "You have received an official pardon granting you immunity from charges related to this incident. Also, we have received urgent military papers addressed to you. Please read them immediately!" After reading the papers Hwoarang stood up abruptly. "I can't believe it. Are you sure this is correct?" Two months later, Hwoarang finishes his military service. With nothing holding him back, Hwoarang is free to persue a confrontation with Jin Kazama. --------------- -- n) Jack-5 -- --------------- Age/ Unknown Nationality/ Unknown Fighting Style/ Brute Strength Story/ Beloved Jack-5... Two years ago, a physics scientist named Jane tried to sneak into Mishima industries with Gun Jack but were discovered by a Tekken Force patrol and were fired upon. Gun Jack placed himself in the line of fire to protect Jane, however, after the hail of bullets stopped Gun Jack had ceased to move. The day after, Jane was found and rescued by a G Corporation freighter. Jane joined the robotics division of G Corporation and succesfully created Jack-4. Jane used data collected from Jack-4 and began work on a newer model, Jack-5. She saw the upcoming King of Iron Fist Tournament as the perfect chance to test the latest model, equipped with state-of-the-art technology. ------------------- -- o) Jin Kazama -- ------------------- Age/ 21 Nationality/ Japanese Fighting Style/ Karate Story/ Jin Kazama, son of Kazuya Mishima and Jun Kazama. After the grueling battle between Kazuya and Heihachi Mishima, Jin takes flight, leaving Honmaru behind. He is overwhelmed by an evil presence and loses conciousness. Jin wakes to an unknown voice and sees a mountiain forest, which appears to have been ravaged by a giant tornado. However, Jin had no doubt that he was responsible for the destruction. Upon returning to Yakushima, Jin was plagued by reoccuring nightmares. Jin could feel the influence of the devil gene growing stronger. "It is only a matter of time before I am completely overcome by the devil gene". Although he has no direction, Jin begins his journey guided only by fate... -------------------------- -- p) Jinpachi Mishima -- -------------------------- Age/ Unknown Nationality/ Japanese Fighting Style/ Unknown Story/ Founder of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Jinpachi Mishima. Jinpachi was once a renowned martial arts master, famous throughout the world. However, after being betrayed by his son Heihachi he lost the Mishima Zaibatsu and faded into obscurity. As Heihachi began to steer the Mishima Zaibatsu into the military industry, Jinpachi plotted a coup d'etat but failed and was imprisoned in an underground prison. For decades Jinpachi endured until, after a tremor, the prison seal restraining him weakened. Jinpachi, filled with inhuman strenght, unleashed all of his power and broke free. Jinpachi, surrounded by an evil aura, grinned devilishly as his eyes glowed a fiery red. -------------------- -- q) Julia Chang -- -------------------- Age/ 20 Nationality/ American Fighting Style/ Xing Yi based Kung Fu Story/ Julia Chang continues her research on forest rejuvenation. Disappointed that she was unable to recover the reforestation data during the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Julia returns home and resumes her research.Each time her work hits a dead end, she is reminded of the data that she was unable to retrieve. At that point she received a letter addressed to her in a foreign language. Attached is an announcement of the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 5. In order to fulfill her hopes for forest rejuvenation, Julia decides to enter the tournament. ----------------------- -- r) Kazuya Mishima -- ----------------------- Age/ 49 Nationality/ Japanese Fighting Style/ Mishima Style Fighting Karate Story/ Son of Heihachi Mishima and the one who possesses the devil gene, Kazuya Mishima... During the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Kazuya suffered a defeat at the hands of Heihachi and later Jin at the Honmaru. When he finally regained consciousness he was surrounded by a Jack-4 squad. "G Corporation! So they plan to take me out too" Kazuya teamed with Heihachi to fight off the successive waves of Jacks until he saw his chance and left the Honmaru without Heihachi. He morphs into a devil and takes flight just as the Honmaru explodes. Kazuya, determined to exact revenge on those who betrayed him, decided to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. ------------- -- s) King -- ------------- Age/ 30 Nationality/ Mexican Fighting Style/ Wrestling Story/ King, a masked pro wrestler who inherited the spirit of two champions. After defeating Craig Marduk in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 and avenging the death of his master, King headed towards Marduk's hospital room to put an end to everything by killing Marduk. Before he can lay the finishing blow, King realized the foolishness of his desire for vengeance and walked away. Upon returning home King Hears that Marduk wearing a black jaguar mask, has declared his desire for a revenge match.. " I will not stand by and allow my mentors names to be disgraced!" King decides to face Marduk at the King of Irong Fist Tournament 5. ------------- -- t) Kuma -- ------------- Age/ 10 Nationality/ Unknown Fighting Style/ Heihachi Style Advanced Kuma Shin Ken Story/ Kuma, loyal pet of Heihachi. Kuma finally accomplished his goal of defeating Paul in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. However, Kuma's happiness was brought to an abrupt end with the death of his master Heihachi. Kuma lived in sorrow over Heihachi's death but, upon seeing the uncertainty surrounding the Mishima Zaibatsu, Kuma realized that saving the Mishima Zaibatsu would be the ultimate display of loyalty to his deceased master. The chaos at Mishima Zaibatsu had already subsided when Kuma arrived and he was thrown out of the building by security. Kuma had no choice but to return to the mountains. It was later that the Mishima Zaibatsu announced the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 and Kuma decided he would enter the tournament and take back the Mishima Zaibatsu. -------------------- -- u) Lee Chaolan -- -------------------- Age/ 48 Nationality/ Japanese Fighting Style/ Mishima Style Fighting Karate and Martial Arts Story/ Heihachi's adopted son and rival of Kazuya Mishima, Lee Chaolan. Lee had entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament in disguise hoping to defeat Heihachi. He was quite surprised when his opponent turned out to be Kazuya Mishima, who was thought to be dead, and was defeated. In the confusion surrounding the death of Heihachi, Lee was scheming to take over the Mishima Zaibatsu but was enraged when he learned that someone else had already beat him to it. Lee, believing it was Kazuya who usurped the Mishima Zaibatsu, was vexed that Kazuya had once again stood in his way. A month later, the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 was announced and Lee immediately decided to enter. Lee was determined to settle the score with Kazuya in the tournament and claim the Mishima Zaibatsu. ------------------- -- v) Lei WUlong -- ------------------- Age/ 47 Nationality/ Chinese Fighting Style/ Five Form nased Chinese Martial Arts Story/ Super detective Lei Wulong. Lei once again made headlines after arresting several members of the Syndicate at the close of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. Lei soon became interested in a string of attacks on martial arts training halls throughout China and started an investigation into the matter. Among the victims were several reknowned Kung Fu masters that Lei knew personally.Lei poured all of his effort into the investigation but the attacks stopped abruptly and the trail went cold. One day Lei received a report that several similar attacks had occured on dojos in Japan. It was then that Lei began to suspect the events were linked and that the perpetrator would surely be at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. -------------------- -- w) Ling Xiaoyu -- -------------------- Age/ 18 Nationality/ Chinese Fighting Style/ Hakke Ken, Hike Ken & Various Chinese Martial Arts Story/ Ling is a high school student who is on a personal mission to save the Mishima family. In the previous tournament, ling was saved from the evil plans of Heihachi by Yoshimitsu, who taught her the history of the Mishima family. Hearing this, Ling began to believe that the root of all misfortune surrounding the Mishimas started with Heihachi's cruel upbringing of Kazuya. When Ling heard of the death of Heihachi, a tear came to her eye. "If only I could turn back time..." Ling said with a hint of sadness and regret. Later, Ling happens to meet a brilliant scientist who claims that he can make a time machine as long as he gets the funding for development. Under the condition that she will be first to use the machine, Ling pulls out the wadded scrap of paper in her pocket... an invitation to the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. --------------------- -- x) Marshall Law -- --------------------- Age/ 48 Nationality/ American Fighting Style/ Martial Arts Story/ Martial arts master and expert chef Marshall Law. After a failed restaurant business, Marshall Law entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament hoping to get back on his feet again. However, he failed to win the tournament and didn't even have the money to fly home. Marshall ended up staying in Japan and working at a famous Chinese restaurant as a day laborer. A month after the tournament, Marshall received a phone call from his wife. Forest had taken Paul's motorcycle for a joyride and ended up causing a major traffic accident. Marshall needed an enormous sum of money to cover the property damage and hospital bills. He soon realized that, in order to raise enough money to bail out Forest, he had no choice but to enter and win the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. ---------------- -- y) Mokujin -- ---------------- Age/ Unknown Nationality/ Unknown Fighting Style/ Mokujin Ken Story/ Mokujin was a wooden dummy used to train martial artists made from white oak. Mokujin started to move all of a sudden two years ago but ceased moving after Ogre was defeated by Jin Kazama. When returned to the museum, Mokujin's face seemed to be smiling. Once again Mokujin has started to move upon the emergence of a powerful entity... Will Mokujin ever be free? ---------------------- -- z) Nina Williams -- ---------------------- Age/ 24 Nationality/ Irish Fighting Style/ Asassination Arts based on Bone Martial Arts and Akido Story/ Her past still shrouded in mystery. Nina continued her life as a contract assassin. Although Nina discovered that Steve Fox was her biological son after receiving information from the Syndicate, she remained emotionally unchanged. Soon after, the Syndicate was taken down by Hong Kong detective Lei Wulong and Nina no longer had a motive for assassinating Steve. She instead decided to concentrate her efforts on uncovering her past. Nina believed that payiing her sister Anna a visit might help in recovering her memory. Upon meeting up with Anna the two engaged in a fierce gun battle. The battle lasted for days but neither side was able to finish the standoff so it was decided that they would meet again at the recently announced King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. --------------- -- aa) Panda -- --------------- Age/ 9 Nationality/ Chinese Fighting Style/ Heihachi Style Advanced Kuma Shin Ken Story/ Panda, pet and bodyguard of Ling. After the conclusion of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Ling Xiaoyu had been feeling down. Panda, worried about Ling, was searching for a way to cheer Ling up decided the best approach would be to find Jin Kazama. Panda tried various methods but was unable to find Jin. One day, Ling burst into the room excited. "Panda, I've decided to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 and I need your help once again". Panda didn't quite understand Ling's reason for entering the tournament but decided to help if it would make her happy. ---------------------- -- ab) Paul Phoenix -- ---------------------- Age/ 48 Nationality/ American Fighting Style/ Combined Martial Arts based on Judo Story/ Self-described 'most hot-blooded fighter in the universe'. Paul Phoenix. "This time I'll show them. I'm gonna win this tournament!" Paul thought as he tried to contain his excitement about facing off with Kazuya Mishima, a rival he hadn't fought in over twenty years. However, Kuma stood in his way, as always. Paul started out well against Kuma but soon began to feel desperate because of Kuma's tenacity. Paul realized he had been overconfident when he was dealt a severe blow by Kuma and lost the match. Reflecting on his loss to Kuma, Paul realized that he had forgotten some important lessons and had strayed from the path to becoming a great fighter. He decided to start over again in order to discover that which he had lost. Two months later, Paul entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. "I'll win this tournament and prove to everyone that I'm the greatest fighter in the universe!" --------------- -- ac) Raven -- --------------- Age/ Unknown Nationality/ Unknown Fighting Style/ Ninjutsu Story/ Codenamed 'Raven', he is known as one of the most skilled and ruthless agents from a certain government intelligence agency to which he belongs. Other than the x-shaped scar on his face, little is known about him. While on a mission to investigate connections between Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation, he witnesses Heihachi Mishima being assaulted by a deployment of Jacks and the explosion that ensues when the Jacks self-destruct. Afterwards, news reaches Raven that The King Of Iron Fist Tournament will be held. Raven decides to enter in order to gather intel about the tournament and the motives of those behind it. ------------------- -- ad) Roger Jr. -- ------------------- Age/ Unknown Nationality/ Unknown Fighting Style/ Commando Wrestling Story/ Roger Jr. is the second generation of kangaroo that were genetically altered and bred for military use. Roger was the first kangaroo born at the Mishima Zaibatsu biotech lab run by Kazuya. Shortly after Roger entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, Roger Jr. was born and the family lived in peace. However, one day Roger was taken away from his family. Feeling the recently announced King of Iron Fist Tournament might provide clues to his father's disappearance Roger Jr., tucked away in his mother's pouch, decided to enter the tournament. ------------------- -- ae) Steve Fox -- ------------------- Age/ 21 Nationality/ Brittish Fighting Style/ Boxing Story/ World champion and boxing extraordinaire. Steve Fox. In entering the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Steve had hoped to gain international exposure and clues that would help unravel the mystery surrounding his birth. Steve, with the cooperation of Lei Wulong, found out about Mishima Zaibatsu's evil designs and the Zaibatsu's involvement in his conception. He made up his mind that he would see to it Mishima Zaibatsu never made this mistake again. Shortly after, the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 was announced and Steve decided to enter. Steve was full of confidence as he set off to win the tournament and destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu. --------------------- -- af) Wang Jinrei -- --------------------- Age/ 105 Nationality/ Chinese Fighting Style/ Xing Yi Story/ Long ago, Wang had a close friend from a distant land... Jinpachi Mishima. Just as the world was about to be engulfed in the flames of war, his friend come to him and said "In order to bring about peace the Mishima clan must be destroyed". Jinpachi disappeared leaving these words behind. Some time after, Wang learned of the death of his friend as the world was embroiled in war. Thirty years later, Wang was living in isolation when an invitation to the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 was delivered. Along with it was a message... "I need your help old friend. Seek me out, Wang Jinrei". Believing his friend to be dead, Wang Jinrei was quite surprised by the message and decided to enter the tournament to look for Jinpachi. -------------------- -- ag) Yoshimitsu -- -------------------- Age/ Unknown Nationality/ None (Originally Japan) Fighting Style/ Advanced Manji Ninjutsu Story/ Yoshimitsu, head of the Manji Clan, plans to use money from winning the tournament to help the starving people of the world. At the end of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Yoshimitsu broke into the Mishima Zaibatsu vaults and stole the money for his own. During this operation, Yoshimitsu notices the fallen Bryan Fury and takes him to Dr. Boskonovitch. One month later an S.O.S. goes out from Dr. Boskonovitch's research facility. Yoshimitsu races to the facility and finds everything in ruins and many members of the Manji Clan slaughtered. Yoshimitsu finds the defeated Dr. Boskonovitch in the deepest section of the research laboratories and learns it was Bryan, with his newly implanted perpetual power generator, that was responsible for the carnage. "He destroyed those who helped him... I'll never forgive hom". Yoshimitsu's fist shakes with anger. When Yoshimitsu hears that Bryan has entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, he signs up as well, seeking revenge on behalf of his dead Manji Clan members. ===================== -- 4. Contributors -- ===================== These are the people who have helped to add info on the FAQ. I would like to personally thank: -Don "Gamera" Chan for a whole lot of information about Asuka Kazama. -Red Ollero for the helping me to decide to add info on Bruce Irvins fighting Style. -- 5. Disclaimer -- =================== This FAQ is copyright 2005 of Nymbus (Marcos Galbis). This FAQ may not be reproduced in any way or form. It is intended for personal use and it not to be displayed on any other website other than www.gamefaqs.com. Any use of this FAQ other than private use is prohibited and is a violation of said copyright. Gamefaqs is the only person/s authorized to reproduce this FAQ.This FAQ is not an official FAQ for Tekken 5. All characters, stories, trademarks belong to their Namco and their repective owners. All rights reserved. Some of the characters ages and fighting styles I used in this FAQ were gotten off of www.tekkenzaibatsu.com. ================ -- 6. Credits -- ================ I would like to thank: - God for without him nothing would be possible. - Namco for creating such a wonderful game in Tekken 5. Without them this awesome game would have never existed. - I would like to thank my PC, without it I would not have been able to create this FAQ. - All my friends who play Tekken 5 with me. Without them I would have noone to play with. - GameFaqs for having such a great website where people can gather and share information, tactics, and just communicate, as well as people FAQ's. - www.tekkenzaibatsu.com for having such an informative website on all things Tekken. Copyright 2005 Nymbus (Marcos Galbis)