Tekken 5 EWGF/JF Guide Written by DMario14 (m2dave) Written on 3/8/2005 Version 0.75 My e-mail - generalaccnt@sbcglobal.net --Contents-- -Copyright -Update Information -Author's Note -Eletric Wind Godfist (EWGF) and the Like -Kazuya Mist Step EWGF (short section) -More EWGF Info (speed,buffer,DEWGF,etc.) -Just Frames (section to be included in the next update) Heihachi (Omen Thunder Godfist) Hwoarang (Just Frame Sky Rocket) Paul (Demolition Man) -Conclusion -Credits --Copyright-- This Guide is mine.Please do not steal it and claim it as your work.I will allow you to publish it on your homepage,magazine etc. by just sending me an e-mail,and asking me nicely.Tekken 5,as well as any other Tekken,is (C) Namco. All rights reserved. --Update Information-- 0.75 - All complete except Just Frame moves which will be added when next update occurs. --Author's Note-- This Guide/FAQ will probably cover some more advanced gameplay,so be sure you know the basics about Tekken conventions,which can be found at www.tekkenzaibatsu.com -> Legends (right upper corner of the home page) as well as Tekken's frame data.Tekken 5's frame data is not released as of this Guide.Be sure to check www.tekkenzaibstu.com for future updates. --Eletric Wind Godfist (EWGF) and the Like-- This section will cover the EWGF in detail and attempt to explain to you the concepts of the EWGF.Moreover,by reading this,you will understand how the EWGF is done correctly without having the general misconceptions about it.As a start, in Tekken 5 Jin has the Eletric Wind Hook Fist (abbreviated as EWHF) and the Electric Crouch Dash [left punch] (abbreviated as ECD+1).On a side note,his (E)CD+2 is actually called "Thrusting Uppercut" in the in game move list;however,most players refer to it as CD+1 (for the normal version) and ECD+1 (for the electric version of the move).In any case,Devil Jin and Kazuya have the EWGF,and Heihachi has an EWGF as well. Before we get to the part where I explain how to do it,let's take a quick look at the advantages the electric versions have over the normal ones.Since (normal) Jin doesn't really have an EWGF,but rather similar-looking moves to an EWGF,I will discuss the advantages of Kazuya's,Devil Jin's,and Heihachi's EWGF first,followed by Jin's EWHF and ECD+1 adavantages over their normal versions.Just to remind you that Jin changed his style in Tekken 4 which he carried over to Tekken 5.Even though Jin doesn't have a true EWGF as the rest of the Mishimas,the concept of doing his versions of the EWGF (EWHF and ECD+1) are almost the same ones as for all the other Mishimas.The only factor that will differ,however,is difficulty which will be discussed later,but for now let's take a look at the advantages of Kazuya's,Devil Jin's,and Heihachi's EWGF over their normal versions of the move (the WGF).Some common misconceptions will be included as well. 1.The electric versions have better recoveries - this is quite simple.The EWGF recovers quicker than the WGF allowing for better combo opportunities as well as safer set ups. 2.The EWGF has a larger hitbox than the WGF - this means that the EWGF has more range than the WGF.In other words,the EWGF can hit from the distances where the WGF would fail to hit,and thus,whiff. Misconception about the EWGF - the major misconception about the EWGF that it is faster than the WGF.This is NOT true.The EWGF is as fast as the WGF,but you are more likely to perform an EWGF faster than the WGF because you cannot delay the EWGF from the crouch dash which you can do easily with the WGF. Now onto Jin's EWHF advantages over its normal version (the WHF). 1.Same as with the EWGF - Jin's EWHF has a much better recovery than the WHF, which of course is important to juggles and set ups. 2.Again,just like with the EWGF,the EWHF has a much larger hit box than the WHF. This may be important to punishing moves and such. Misconception about the EWHF - same as EWGF's misconception.Read above. Lastly,Jin's ECD+1 advantages over its normal version (the CD+1). 1.The ECD+1 juggles higher than CD+1 - the ECD+1 juggles a little bit higher than his CD+1 allowing for better juggles. 2.Just like with the EWGF,the ECD+1 seems to have more range upon the execution of the move. Misconception about the ECD+1 - people think ECD+1 is safer than CD+1. Unfortunately,this doesn't seem to be the case at all.I've tested it.Both seem to be -13 on block. Now to the probably most demanded part of this section.HOW DO I DO AN EWGF? The MOST important part to performing an EWGF (any version is considered here EXCEPT Jin's ECD+1,but the concept is still the same.Simply follow the instructions below,and instead of pressing "2" after f,N,d,d/f just press "1") is to press "d/f+2" simultaneously while doing f,N,d,d/f+2 (again,with Jin's ECD+1,press "d/f+1" simultaneously while doing f,N,d,d/f+1).Maybe a good way to imagine it would be to consider this notation: f,N,d~2~d/f (again,a last reminder,with Jin's ECD+1,consider this notation: f,N,d~1~d/f).Also,keep in mind,it is NOT about doing it as fast as possible.In fact,you can actually wait after "f,N" and then move on to the precise part which is crucial ("d,d/f+2").Like I said,you can wait after "f,N" as long as the "N" part is still being registered by the game,so doing the motion quickly is not much of a big factor here.However,the "d,d/f+2" part needs fast inputs because of FRAMES (along with the simultaneous "d/f+2" input) that determine if you will perform an EWGF or not. As you may have already noticed,Jin's,Devil Jin's,Kazuya's and Heihachi's EWGF have all different difficulties as far as performing their EWGF is concerned. In reality,however,we can break break down all of the Mishimas'EWGFs in 3 categories that DETERMINE how difficult their EWGFs are to perform.Frames are the key here to realizing how this works.After I explain frames below, I will mention to which character(s) this category applies to.Also,just keep in mind that we are talking about the "f,N,d,d/f+2" notation below. -a requirement of inputting "d" to "d/f" in 4 FRAMES (or less) and pressing "d/f" simultaneously with "2" (or "1"). This applies to Jin ONLY with his EWHF and ECD+1. -a requirement of inputting "d" to "d/f" in 3 FRAMES (or less) and pressing "d/f" simultaneously with "2". This applies to Kazuya's and Devil Jin's EWGF ONLY. -a requirement of inputting "d" to "d/f" in 2 FRAMES and pressing "d/f" simultaneously with "2". This applies only to Heihachi's EWGF. THUS,in order of easiest to hardest (as far as performing their EWGFs are concerned),it would Jin's EWHF and ECD+1,followed by Kazuya's and Devil Jin's EWGF (they both share the same difficulty because they share the same frame; look above),and finally,Heihachi's EWGF is the hardest to perform since it has the smallest frame from all the EWGFs.In other words,the smaller the frame,the harder the EWGF becomes to perform. I know all this info might be hard to memorize at first and might be considered confusing,so let's take a look at a summary of each character's EWGF and break it down.Other random info,such as the notation,hit range, whether it launches or not,the advantage/disadvantage on block,etc. will be mentioned as well.PLEASE do take your time to read this if you did not understand any of the above. -Jin's EWHF Notation: f,N,d,d/f+2 Proposed Practice Notation: f,N,d~2~d/f How to perform:A requirement of inputting "d" to "d/f" in 4 FRAMES (or less) and pressing "d/f" simultaneously with "2" Hit Range:High Launcher:No (but can be used in juggles.For example,combos like WS+2,EWHF, EWHF are possible) Advantage/Disadvantage on block:+1 (not 100% confirmed since no official frame data has been released yet) Advantages over WHF:Safer (better recovery) and larger hit box -Jin's ECD+1 Notation: f,N,d,d/f+1 Proposed Practice Notation: f,N,d~1~d/f How to perform:A requirement of inputting "d" to "d/f" in 4 FRAMES (or less) and pressing "d/f" simultaneously with "1" Hit Range:Mid Launcher:Yes Advantage/Disadvantage on block:-13 (not 100% confirmed since no official frame data has been released yet) Advantages over CD+1:Larger hit box and launches higher -Kazuya's EWGF Notation: f,N,d,d/f+2 Proposed Practice Notation: f,N,d~2~d/f How to perform:A requirement of inputting "d" to "d/f" in 3 FRAMES (or less) and pressing "d/f" simultaneously with "2" Hit Range:High Launcher:Yes Advantage/Disadvantage on block:+4 (not 100% confirmed since no official frame data has been released yet) Advantages over WGF:Safer (better recovery) and larger hit box -Devil Jin's EWGF Notation: f,N,d,d/f+2 Proposed Practice Notation: f,N,d~2~d/f How to perform:A requirement of inputting "d" to "d/f" in 3 FRAMES (or less) and pressing "d/f" simultaneously with "2" Hit Range:High Launcher:Yes Advantage/Disadvantage on block:+4 (not 100% confirmed since no official frame data has been released yet) Advantages over WGF:Safer (better recovery) and larger hit box -Heihachi's EWGF Notation: f,N,d,d/f+2 Prposed Practice Notation: f,N,d~2~d/f How to perform:A requirement of inputting "d" to "d/f" in 2 FRAMES and pressing "d/f" simultaneously with "2" Hit Range:High Launcher:Yes Advantage/Disadvantage on block:+4 (not 100% confirmed since no official frame data has been released yet) Advantages over WGF:Safer (better recovery) and larger hit box --Kazuya Mist Step EWGF-- Not to confuse you readers,I thought I should seperate the major section above from this one.Basically,Kazuya,and only Kazuya,has the ability to cancel his EWGF from his Mis Step ("f,N").Thus,the notation for the Mist Step EWGF is f,N,d/f+2.I suggest trying f,N~2~d/f as a practice notation.The Mist Step EWGF is EXACTLY the same as his normal EWGF,but only the speed at which the EWGF comes out differs.The speed of all EWGFs is discussed below along with other crucial terms and gameplay elements you should be familiar with. --More EWGF Info-- Speed of EWGF - Jin's EWHF,Kazuya's,Devil Jin's and Heihachi's EWGF all come out at 11 frames without any inputs.Jin's ECD+1 is a lot slower than that and its specific speed is unknown at this point since it's a new move in Tekken 5,and accoridingly,its frame data has not been released yet.In any case,back to the EWGF.The EWGF comes out at 11 frames,but don't let that confuse you since that's the frame data WITHOUT any inputs.The average EWGF comes out at 15 frames.Let's see why... f,N,d,d/f+2 has 4 inputs in its notation.f = 1 input,N = 1 input,d = 1 input, d/f+2 = 1 input (since it's a simultaneous input).Thus,we have 4 inputs.Keep in mind that every input is equivalent to exactly 1 frame.Now,let's combine that with the actual speed of the EWGF (11 frames).Here's what we have, 4 inputs (4 inputs = 4 frames) + 11 frames = 15 frames (is the actual speed at which the EWGFs come out). Furthermore,did I not say that Kazuya's Mist Step EWGF speed differs from all of the EWGFs,even his normal one?Let's see why... f,N,d/f+2 has 3 inputs in its notation,so one less input than f,N,d,d/f+2. Thus,Kazuya's Mist Step EWGF comes out at 14 frames.To clarify even further, f = 1 input, N = 1 input, d/f+2 = 1 input.Thus,we have 3 inputs.Let's do the math yet again, 3 inputs (3 inputs = 3 frames) + 11 frames = 14 frames (is again the actual speed at which Kazuya's Mist Step EWGF comes out).To conclude this,Kazuya's Mist Step EWGF is 1 frame FASTER than all of the rest Mishimas' EWGFs.Keep in mind that this only applies to Kazuya's Mist Step EWGF;his normal version is as fast as everybody's (15 frames that is). Buffering an EWGF - Buffering has two meanings;the first one refers to button commands,specifially with throws.For example,if you press and hold "1" and then tap "2" after it,you've buffered "1+2" now.This is mostly useful with throws,especially multi-throws,such as the one's of King and Nina.The second one,and the one we will be discussing,differs from the above.Buffering as a second definition means doing a particular move while you're recovering from another move.In addition to that,you can also buffer your move when you block an opponent's move.For example,doing CH d/f+2, Mist Step EWGF (Mist Step EWGF will launch here if done properly) (Note:CH d/f+2 gives you 13 frames to launch.Anything later will result in a non-launch EWGF). with Kazuya requires you to do another move (in the case above the EWGF) while you are recovering from your initial move (in the case above d/f+2 on a successful counter hit).You may ask yourself why do I need to do this and what's the whole idea behind this.First of all,the WHOLE point in buffering is to save frames,so that the move comes out faster when buffered. With the EWGF,ONLY (I repeat ONLY) the "f" in the whole EWGF notation can be buffered.So,only "f" in f,N,d,d/f+2 (or "f" in Jin's ECD+1 case) or in Kazuya's Mist Step EWGF (f,N,d/f+2) is being buffered,not any other inputs. Thus,if read the sub-section above,you would know that with buffering 1 input is saved (the "f" input is saved),so a buffered EWGF is one frame faster than usual.Jin's EWHF,Kazuya's,Devil Jin's and Heihachi's EWGFs,which come out at 15 frames normally,come out at 14 frames when buffered.Kazuya's Mist Step EWGF comes out at 14 frames normally;with buffering,however,it comes out at 13 frames.So,yes,that's the reason why you can launch after CH d/f+2 with Kazuya when you buffer his Mist Step EWGF.CH d/f+2 gives you 13 frames to launch,and you can do so by buffering his Mist Step EWGF.Believe me though, it is NOT that easy. DEWGF - A lot of people get confused when they see this for the first time. It's nothing more than a "Dashed Electric Wind Godifist."Jin can also dash his EWHF,which is then called DEWHF.In addition,Jin can also dash his ECD+1, which is then called DECD+1.It's simply done by inputting one or more "forwards" before doing the EWGF (EWHF and ECD+1 with Jin).Thus,the notation for a dashing in EWGF is: f,f,N,d,d/f+2 (f,f,N,d,d/f+1 for Jin's ECD+1).You can also do f,f,f,N,d,d/f+2,just keep in mind that by inputting more "forwards" you dash in more;however,with more inputs,your EWGF gets slower. Keep that in mind too. Wavedashing/Lightdashing - Wavedashing (WD) and Lightdashing (LD) are consecutive crouch dashes (f,N,d,d/f,f) chained into each other.Every Mishima can wavedash/lightdash now in Tekken 5 and cancel an EWGF from the WD or LD. If a player cancels an EWGF from the WD or LD,it's called "WEWGF (short for Wave Electric Wind Godfist)".Accordingly,for Jin's EWHF it would be WEWHF,and for his ECD+1,it would WECD+1.As already mentioned,you WD/LD by bonding consecutive crouch dashes together;this is done as follwing: f~QCF~f~QCF~f~QCF~f,etc. After each "f" you cancel into another crouch dash.Moreover,if you wanted to cancel an EWGF from the WD/LD,you would have to stop at "d/f" while doing "QCF".Remember,all rules still apply while doing the EWGF from the WD/LD.Make sure you hit the "2" simultaneously with "d/f" as well as consider all the other factors. Finally,a difference between wavedashing and lightdashing does exist.WD is doing 3-5 crouch dashes a second;LD,however,is doing 6 (or more) crouch dashes a second. --Just Frames-- Just Frames are moves that requires certain timing in order for them to come out.So,only during certain frames (usually small ones of course) will they be executed.Namco has kind of closed their "Just Frame Project" since a lot of Just Frames were removed from Tekken 4,and thus,don't exist now in Tekken 5.In addition,a lot of Just Frames were made easier in Tekken 5 as well,so I will NOT list all of the Just Frame moves.If you want a view of what has been removed and changed from Tekken 4 to Tekken 5 in terms of Just Frames, do take a look at my old Tekken 4 Just Frame Guide which can be accessed here: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/tekken_4_jf.txt However,I will go over some Just Frames in Tekken 5.Mostly the ones people ask on message boards over and over again.These will be included in the next update,so be patient. Heihachi's Omen Thunder Godfist (OTGF) - soon to come!!! Hwoarang's Just Frame Sky Rocket (JFSR) - soon to come!!! Paul's Demolition Man - soon to come!!! --Conclusion-- That's it for now.If you have found any mistakes,or you have questions about this Guide/FAQ,or you maybe want sections to be explained further,or perhaps you would like to contribute some info,etc.No problem.My e-mail is generalaccnt@sbcglobal.net. Make sure you contact me if you need to.In closing,I would just like to hope that you fully understood what I have been talking about in this Guide and that you learned something from it. Also,this Guide/FAQ should ONLY be available in the future on: www.gamefaqs.com www.tekkenzaibatsu.com In MeLikePie's future Beginner's FAQ (some sections might be excluded) Any other site that has this Guide/FAQ on their site has published it without my permission.I am really NOT making a big deal out of this.It is something I do for fun and want people to learn from it.I at least expect you to e-mail me and ask me for permission. --Credits-- Celph TiTled - for providing me with some info about the speed of the EWGF Cao Biao - for providing me with some minor EWGF info My cousins - for playing Tekken 5 with me Scabble - for providing me with some EWGF info TruKing - for providing me with some EWGF info PS:If you think you should be on this list,e-mail me and state your reasons. Copyright 2005 dmario14/m2dave