************************************************* ************************************************* ** *How to Destroy the Mishimas. * ** ** *Version 1.2. * ** ** *By EssenceofJr * ** ** *and Exar Kun * ** ** *Essenceofthejin@hotmail.com * ** ** *exar30@hotmail.com * ** ************************************************* ************************************************* A FAQ on the Mishima styles and how to counter them with each character. Compiled and partially written by: EssenceofJr (Essence of the Jin) And Exar Kun Also written by: Almost every Tekken Guru out there. You can E-mail EssenceofJr at: Essenceofthejin@hotmail.com You can E-mail Exar Kun at : Exar30@hotmail.com There will be a list at the end of the document of everyone's name and E-mail address that helped in the production of this FAQ. I must say that Exar Kun did most of the writing and that I (Essence) did most of the compiling and collection of submissions. This guide is written using WordPad using Courier New (Western) Font 10. 1234567890 .......... If the dots and numbers are aligned then it's properly formatted. ************************************************************************************************ Legal Stuff. ************************************************************************************************ Unpublished Work Trademarked (tm) and copyrighted (c) Nicholas Seemungal and Edgar Camago Jr. 2000, 2001,2002,2003,2004. All Rights Reserved. IMPORTANT: YOU MUST READ AND AGREE TO EVERY PART AND EVERY WORD TO THIS DISCLAIMER. USE OF THIS FILE CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE TO THIS DISCLAIMER. In no event shall this document be reproduced or retransmitted in any way, shape, or form (including but not limited to physical, natural, or electronic). 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Currently, this document is being maintained and is the sole property of Nicholas Seemungal and Edgar Camago Jr. (exar30@hotmail.com, EssenceofJr@aol.com) document is protected by ALL APPLICABLE copyright and trademark laws, patent laws, and international treaties. YOU MUST TREAT THIS DOCUMENT LIKE YOU WOULD WITH ANY OTHER COPYRIGHT MATERIAL SUCH AS ADOBE GOLIVE AND ADOBE PHOTOSHOP FROM ADOBE SYSTEMS, INC. Remember any breach of copyright, trademark, and/or patents (which includes but not limited to plagiarism, stealing, laming, pirating, or otherwise) and failure to adhere to the aforementioned URL and ALL PARTS of this disclaimer counts as unauthorized reproduction and/or distribution (partial or full), resulting in severe civil and criminal penalties, which is punishable through prosecution under the maximum extent possible under the law. Nicholas Seemungal and Edgar Camago Jr. acknowledges and respects all copyrights, patents (pending or not), and trademarks whether if it's mentioned or not somewhere in this document as no copyright infringement was intended. Nicholas Seemungal and Edgar Camago Jr also acknowledges and respects all copyrights, patents (pending or not), and trademarks of ALL OTHER FAQ AUTHORS (whether if it's Kao Megura, John Culbert, Henry LaPierre, Josh Harring, Mark Kim, or otherwise) and if for any reason I MUST USE any or all of the document, it will be mentioned somewhere in this document, commonly in the Acknowledgements section of this document. If for any reason you must use any or all of this document for your own FAQ, please properly give credit where credit is due. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS LISTED AT THE URL AFOREMENTIONED ABOVE AND/OR IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS DISCLAIMER, then you must destroy this document at all costs. Tekken, Tekken 3, Tekken Tag Tournament, Kazuya Mishima, Heihachi Mishima, Jin Kazama, devil and all other related events and objects are registered trademarks and copyrighted (c) Namco. All Rights Reserved. This document was carefully prepared and created by Edgar Camago Jr. and Nicholas Seemungal in respect to all Namco Properties, as no copyright infringement was intended. I'll make this clear: This document is OURS and there is NO UNAUTHORIZED USE of this document at any cost!!! You are free to mirror this document at your web site, but IT MUST BE SHOWN IN ITS ENTIRETY AND IT MUST REMAIN 100% ORIGINAL AND UNTOUCHED. Feel free to distribute this document BUT IT MUST BE DISTRIBUTED ELECTRONICALLY AND FREE OF CHARGE. I didn't create this document so that some lamer will come around and steal this work and/or have a Gaming Mag Company (namely EGM, who's been making blood money from some Tekken 3 FAQs back in 1997) print this document into a magazine. NO MONETARY COMPENSATION CAN BE MADE FROM THIS DOCUMENT AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE. ONE FINAL FOOD FOR THOUGHT: THE DOCUMENT MUST BE FREELY ACCESSIBLE WHICH MEANS NO PASSWORDS, NO USER ACCOUNTS, NO CHACHI CAN BLOCK ACCESS TO THIS DOCUMENT!!! Game Cave: KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF THIS FILE AT ALL COSTS!!! WE'VE HEARD THAT YOU'VE BEEN MAKING BLOOD MONEY OUT OF SOME PEOPLE AND WE ARE GETTING SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR MISCHIEF. THIS WORK IS OURS AND IF YOU EVEN DARE USE THIS WORK TO MAKE MONEY OUT OF IT, WE WILL TELL YOUR PROVIDERS TO SHUT YOU DOWN FOR GOOD. Note: This copyright is shared with Kao Megura's and Mark Kim's well-placed copyright except that Mark decided to make the copyright a little more severe. Notice that Mark Kim as well as Nicholas Seemungal and Edgar Camago Jr. acknowledges ALL of Kao Megura's works and admires his work and we wanted to imitate his copyright.This copyright that you see is similar to Mark Kim's copyright on his LA Machine Guns Anti-Terrorist Manual. *********************** * ******************* * * *Table of Contents* * * ******************* * *********************** Legal Stuff. About this FAQ. Conventions. Character Genres. The Crouch Dash. 1)Should I really block Low? The Infamous Wave Dash. 1)Beating the Wave Dash. Mishima Style Analysis. 1)Heihachi 2)Kazuya 3)Jin 4)Devil/Angel Major Mishima Moves. 1)Generalised Moves 2)Heihachi 3)Kazuya 4)Jin 5)Devil/Angel Character Specific Strategies. Conclusion. Tekken Sites. Acknowledgements. ************************************************************************************************ About this FAQ. ************************************************************************************************ "It's always hard to beat good Mishima players since they have so many useful attacks and very few weaknesses" -Renick- "Good idea. It seems pretty crazy that TTT is becoming so deep that it has ANTI-character FAQs. Heheh." -Siroccoh (Robby Stone)- "Let Mishima players get cocky when they see your Jack of choice." -Trekk- Essence of Jr says: Basically this FAQ is designed to teach EVERYONE, no matter who you use, to beat (or at least give a worthy battle to) the Mishima Characters. The general section practically tells things that are of "general" nature. Meaning, they apply to practically everyone. Over the course of this FAQ several people have contributed making this probably the most influential FAQ ever. You wont be hearing from just one or two pros of the game, but by (place number here) Tekken gurus! Each one of these people has a certain expertise with certain characters so it was necessary to do this. Yes, I know, the compilers of this FAQ are both Mishima players, but so what? We are getting tired of everyone calling the Mishimas cheap and annoying. Everyone has forgotten that they share a fair amount of weakness just like everybody else. We are going to expose their strengths and weaknesses so that you (the player) will know what to expect when you go into a battle with ANY of the Mishimas. We will be using terms and abbreviations that are used daily by Tekken Experts. Aight..... I'm out. Exar Kun says: Lately I find that the Mishimas are becoming targets. Targets for everyone. People complain and complain and complain about them. So that's why Essence came up with this and why I'm helping him in the writing of this FAQ. This is to show and teach everybody that the Mishimas can be defeated. This project is the work of a lot of people each of them are well versed in the workings of their characters and it is with the assistance of these people we have put together the largest (not to mention only) Mishima killing FAQ there is. Here you'll find tips and strategies from people who use many different characters. it's ironic I guess that the authors of this FAQ use Mishimas themselves and now they're helping people to beat them. But I guess anything will do to raise the standard of Tekken to greater heights. Well peeps, here we go... ************************************************************************************************ Revision History. ************************************************************************************************ Version 1.0 Well, it's the first version of the FAQ, so basically everything is new. We hope to update this sequentially as more strategies come in. July 3, 2000 Version 1.1 First update. Fixed the formatting problem. Added some new stuff to the wave dash section. Twin Pistons strategies against Kazuya and Devil added. New strategies for Kuma/Panda and King II. February 14th, 2004 Version 1.2 Added Jun strategy. Gave the FAQ a overhaul.I got a few complaints that the format was too cumbersome so I'm trying to fix that. The specific characters section is totally revamped. Thanks a lot to Abrar Rana for some of the ideas. It took a long time for me to get to this version which will undoubtedly be the last.Just posted it so that all the contributors get their stuff out there,even if it's so late. ************************************************************************************************ Conventions ************************************************************************************************ 1 - Left Punch 2 - Right Punch 3 - Left Kick 4 - Right Kick 5 - Tag button f - tap forward once b - tap backwards once d - tap down once u - tap up once d/f - tap down/forward once d/b - tap down/back once u/f - tap up/forward once u/b - tap up/back once F - hold forward once B - hold backwards once D - hold down once U - hold up once D/F - hold down/forward once D/B - hold down/back once U/F - hold up/forward once U/B - hold up/back once h - attack hits high i.e. can be blocked high m - attack hits mid i.e. can be blocked high l - attack hits low i.e. can be blocked low sm - attack hits special mid i.e. can be blocked high or low ! - unblockable i.e. can't be blocked (duh) H - hits high and grounded opponents M - hits mid and grounded opponents L - hits low and grounded opponents + - Commands must be input simultaneously , - Move to be done following the previous one _ - Or i.e. either command may be input ~ - Command to be input immediately after the previous one (and I mean immediately) FC - Fully Crouched WS - While Standing from a crouch N - Neutral joystick i.e. no movement SS - Side Step WR - While Running < - Command may be slightly delayed CD - Crouch Dash i.e. f,N,d,d/f or with Mist Step (Kazuya) f,N,d/f OB - forces opponent's back to face you OS - forces opponent's side to face you OSB - forces opponent's side to face you when blocked JG - juggle starter BN - bounce juggle starter RC - recovers crouching after a move CH - requires a counterhit DS - double over stun *can be escaped* FS - fall back stun LS - lift stun GS - gut stun KS - kneel stun HS - hunch over stun TS - trip stun CS - crumple stun CFS - crumple fall stun CF - crumple fall BS - block low stagger SH - stagger hit GB - guard break big - big character combo i.e. Jacks, T.Ogre, Kuma WGF - Wind God fist EWGF- Electric Wind God fist TGF - Thunder God fist cc - crouch cancel ********************************* * ***************************** * * *Character Genres by Essence* * * ***************************** * ********************************* Fast Characters. That have martial arts like moves. These characters have quick jabs and some of them have stances. Many of them can counter the CD with just a standing 4. //Forest Law, Lee Chaolan, Lei Wulong, Ling Xiaoyu, Eddy Gordo/Tiger Jackson\\ Slow Characters. That have big bodies and many slow moves. Their strength lies in well, their strength. They are stronger than all the other characters and have better stamina as well. They all have f+1+2 and some variations. //Gun Jack, Jack-2, Prototype Jack, Ganryu, Kuma/Panda\\ Power Hitters. That have several moves that take major damage; Most notable, Paul's Death Fist. Bryan has probably the best WS moves in the game, and Bruce has all of those elbows and knees. //Paul Phoenix, Bryan Fury, Bruce Irvin\\ Williams. That have quick jabs and great interrupting moves; Probably the best pokers in the game. They both have d+1,N,4 ; d+4,1 ; d+3,2. These moves are used very often. //Nina Williams, Anna Williams\\ Changs & Wang. That have quick jabs as well, but more importantly a G-Clef combo (1~1,1) that can interrupt many of the Mishimas moves. They will kill you with all the tick damage. //Julia Chang, Michelle Chang, Wang Jinrei\\ Kings & Alex/Roger. That have many throws and some have Multi-throws. They utilize mostly the same moves except that Armor King has a WGF type uppercut that can be used almost the same way. //King II, Armor King, Alex/Roger\\ Mishimas & Kazamas. That have the same shining fist series (except Jun) and almost exactly the same moves. These are the people that we're trying to destroy here (except Jun). Anyways, they have CD and several moves that come out of it. //Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima, Jin Kazama, Jun Kazama, Angel/Devil\\ Mitsus. That have Really annoying moves as well as useful unblockables. These characters have the fastest unblockables in the game and can kill with simple strings. //Yoshimitsu, Kunimitsu\\ Ogres, Unknown, & Mokujin/Tetsujin. That are basically a compilation of several other peoples moves. The Ogres are made of Tekken 2 characters and Unknown and Moku/Tetsujin can take the form of any character. Ogre's moves: Kazuya's punching strings Wangs powermoves and throw Baek and Lee's kicks Bruce's elbows Armor Kings aerial attacks and rush The big characters throws Kunimitsu's stabs Anna's FC attacks -Renick- //Ogre, True Ogre, Unknown, Mokujin/Tetsujin\\ ********************************* * ***************************** * * *The Crouch Dash by Exar Kun* * * ***************************** * ********************************* The life-force of the Mishima offense. Their entire game revolves around being able to crouch dash. I won't go into detail of how the crouch dash works since this isn't a Mishima FAQ. Instead I'll just outline the possibilities and get straight on to how to beat it. Their are a total of five different moves which can be done conventionally from a crouch dash: 1) Wind God Fist 2) Electric Wind God Fist- Jin and Heihachi Only 3) Hell Sweeps 4) Thunder God Fist 5) Tsunami Kicks All of these moves are essential for the Mishimas offense and defense. And these are only the conventional moves. Crouch dash can be buffered into a 'f' and therefore by just pressing 'f' after the dash you get the equivalent of f,f and therefore it can be buffered into a: 1) Stone Head Throw (Escape with 1+2) 2) Left Splits kick 3) Demon god Fist- Heihachi Only 4) Demon Paw- Jin Only Also during a crouch dash by pressing b or d/b plus a button you get the equivalent of a WS move meaning that they can also buffer WS attacks into the crouch dash giving easy access to: 1) Demon Gut Punch- Kazuya Only (WS+2) 2) Twin Pistons- Kazuya and Jin only (WS+1,2) 3) Dark Thrust- Heihachi Only (WS+2) 4) Rising Uppercut- Jin Only (WS+2) Crouch dash moves can also be executed immediately or the dash can be delayed for some time before the move is executed. This should give you an idea of the kind of depth and variation the crouch dash allows Mishimas. You must now be wondering "How the hell do I stop this?" Good question. The most effective way of stopping a crouch dash: 1) A low jab or d+4 will easily stop it due to it's sheer speed and priority. This is the easiest way to combat a crouch dash. Whether you use or are willing to use attacks like d+1 and d+4 is up to you entirely. 2) It's quite easy to sidestep a crouch dash though this is not recommended in any way since in the beginning of the dash it tracks movement very easily. 3) Certain characters like Law can stop the dash with a standard '4' or Yoshimitsu with his Yoshi Flash. The crouch dash can also be cancelled by tapping 'f' at any time during it's execution meaning that once it's started the player doesn't have to commit to it. This leads to a very advanced and powerful technique which I've almost arrived at... ***************************** **Should I really block low** ***************************** Ask anyone how to defend against crouch dash and they'll say to block low and you'll stop anything. I myself are guilty of saying such a thing in each of my FAQs. Although everyone acknowledges that although you can still block Thunder God fist, Tsunami Kicks will still hit you. This low block thing will work fine against beginner players who use what crouch dash provides straight and nothing else. But when you get to the higher levels, I've looked at many high level matches that were captured and not in one, NOT ONE of them did I see someone defending a crouch dash by blocking low. Why? To be honest, it's safer to just block high. Blocking low is fine against Devil and Heihachi since they don't really have any dash buffered or cancelled moves. Well maybe not so much against Heihachi, although Demon Fist can be easily avoided, Dark Thrust is kind of harder, but not really I guess. Against Kazuya and Jin, you just must go high. Can you really chance getting hit by Kazuya's flawless Twin Pistons? Or Jin's Demon Paw or Rising Uppercut? You may say, these moves have 14 and 15 frame executions, I can avoid them. Well that's still one quarter of a second, while you could easily get up in time to stop Thunder God fist, f,f+2 and WS+2 are different matters. Most likely , you'll never make it up in time to block them and you'll eat the damage. So now you're wondering, what do I do against the Hell Sweeps? Do what you can, if you can anticipate them and block low or parry then good for you. But the fact is people won't use Hell Sweeps as much as they'll use crouch dash cancels and dash buffers. What would you rather get hit by? Hell sweep to small juggle or hell sweep followed by nothing or by a WS+2,b,f+2,1,2,f,f+2 / WS+1,2,WGF,d/f+4,4? Simple question, simple answer. But remember, this only applies to the more advanced Mishima player and chances are, that's who you want to beat if you're reading this guide. If you're playing a novice, then go ahead and block low. ************************************************************************************************ The Infamous Wave Dash by Exar Kun. ************************************************************************************************ This has recently been a big obsession among Mishima players that started right after the first batch of Korean tournament movies were available. Most people know wave dash as the near invincible art of executing and canceling crouch dashes, making the Mishima always able to execute a WGF. There's a lot more to it than that, however. The good news is that most people will never have to deal with an experienced wave dasher. By experienced I mean someone who can use it to its full potential and not just keep doing a forward wave dash for style. If you're one of the people that have to deal with wave dash then you know the problems fighting it. That's what this section will hopefully be about. Please note that any character who has the crouch dash motion can do a wave dash but since Mishimas have the most effective moves from it, it is most useful when used by them. By constantly executing and canceling crouch dashes since the command to cancel is incidentally the same command used to start a crouch dash, a very fast crouching standing motion is achieved. This is wave dash. Wave Dash covers ground very quickly and is very confusing as it's not possible for the person to know what the wave dasher is planning on doing, stonehead, WGF or maybe hell sweeps. At very fast speeds all it takes is a single button press and poof! Electric Wind God Fist is done. This'll out prioritize anything and means that nothing will get through you defense. And since crouch dash allows for such a wide variety of moves, they are easily at your disposal. This is very useful to Heihachi and Jin in particular mainly because of what they can do out of a crouch dash. They gains access to instant hell sweeps which opens up a plethora of choices. They also has the availability of Wind and Electric Wind God fist, EWGF in particular is very deadly as it causes such a long guard break and it can interrupt just about anything. If you can wave dash very fast EWGF is just a button press away. The ability of wave dash to stay right up in your opponents face is invaluable and it is the primary weapon of many Korean masters. It is one of the most unstoppable moves in the game even to a d+1 or d+4 as Electric Wind God fist can easily overcome any one of those moves. As of my time of writing the wave dash is, in it's advanced state, considered to be almost invincible. Anyway, here's how to do the omnipotent wave dash: Command: f,N,d,d/f,f,f,N,d,d/f,f,f,N,d,d/f,f OR f,n,d,d/f,n~f,n,d,d/f,n~f,n,d,d/f. The second command is commonly used for light dash as it is quicker as you can see by watching the commands and comparing. Lightdash, by the way is considered any wave dash faster than 4 times per second, generally accepted as being as fast as 8 times per second. Basically you're canceling one crouch dash with the 'f' command of starting a new one. If you need a movie of wave dash check out http://www.tekkenzone.com run by a guy named Dohee, it has a few wave dash movies of varying speeds. But that's not all there is to wave dash. It is also used in some other regards and knowing how to balance them all is what separates a pretender from a true master. *************** * *Fake Wave* * *************** In fake wave, instead of buffering a 'f' into it and so moving your player forward, a 'b' is buffered into it and the character is seen as sort of chopping back and forth while doing his full wave dash motion. What's the use of this? Well, it keeps them in place at all times, neither advancing nor retreating while allowing at all times, full access to the moves available from crouch dash. The use of this is obvious, instant EWGF from the standing position basically. Here are the commands for Fake Wave: f,N,d,d/f,b~b,f,N,d,d/f,b~b,f,N,d,d/f,b~b OR f,N,d,d/f~b,f,N,d,d/f~b,f,N,d,d/f~b Either way will work fine although the second way is faster though it doesn't push you as far back. **************** * *Snake Dash* * **************** Snake dash is generally used to confuse. Canceling the crouch dash into a sidestep allows the use of crouch dash moves before the sidestep and then after or during the sidestep you have access to any sidestep attacks the character has. The use of sidestepping doesn't need to be stated, so the use of having an EWGF beforehand to protect the sidestep from attacks is invaluable. f,N,d,d/f~f,SS,f,N,d,d/f~f,SS,f,N,d,d/f~f,SS ******************************* * *Dash & Wave Wind God Fist* * ******************************* Dash Electric Wind God Fist: DEWGF Wave Electric Wind God Fist: WEWGF Dash and Wave Wind God fist are sidestep killers. They track sidesteppers like police dogs track crack. This is bad news particularly for chronic sidestepping characters, namely Baek and Hwoarang. This pretty much kills the notion of sidestepping an EWGF. f,f,N,d,d/f+2 As you can see this is just a 'f' entered before the Wind God fist. As you know, tapping forward makes you face the opponent, and therefore their sidestep will be cancelled so you can snag them with your WGF. Wave Wind God fist takes longer to execute than DEWGF, but since they're using a wave dash, it tracks the opponent better. Needless to say, it's harder to do than DEWGF: f,N,d,d/f~f,f,N,d,d/f+2 WEWGF in addition to having it's longer range also gives them options while you're in the first wave. NOTE Heihachi is an exception to the WEWGF rule. It has been concluded that Heihachi is incapable of performing a WEWGF, most probably because of the precision it takes when performing his moves. ************************************************************************************************ Beating down the Wave Dash. ************************************************************************************************ ********************** * *Essenceofjr Says* * ********************** Lately I've (ESSENCE) read articles somewhere that using a Wave Dash technique up front is useless. I've read that WD should only be used when your opponent is grounded. In many of the movies I've seen Waving leads to opponents being confused and only people that can do a fast wave dash can make it REALLY scary to fight against. A complete, key word, COMPLETE crouch dasher will do CD cancels, Snake Dashes, Wave Dashes, and Dash CD's. (CD canceling in essence is light dashing) Just doing Waves is useless in the fact that it's predictable. Once I see any high skilled player start to wave I immediately interrupt with any fast mid or low move (preferably a kick). HOWEVER, if I was on the ground, I couldn't interrupt. One mistake (a mistimed back or front roll, a tech roll for no reason, or a slow rising kick) could mean eating okizeme moves like WGF and Hell Sweeps. So while on the ground, stay until you know they will try a ground hitting move like D+3 and chances are you will get hit by it, but it will knock you far away enough to get up safely. Isn't that better than getting launched into the air again? Let's go back to up front waving. If someone waves at you and he is not a complete CD user use a fast mid or low move. But if you were fighting an advanced CD user they would probably wave in then light dash so that they could block your attempt to interrupt. In this scenario let them block and try to set up a throw/mid move mix-up game. Just make sure they are light dashing and not wave dashing. The reason for this is because in a light dash, you cannot do any moves because you canceled the dash to begin with. When they are waving they could hit you with a EWGF and the likes. Against snake dashers (they CD and then SS, but fast) hold forward because it allows your character to follow the sidestep. When you push f, it will make you face the SSing character so you won't get as confused. I hope this explanation of things wasn't too confusing. *************************************** * *********************************** * * *Mishima Style Analysis by Essence* * * *********************************** * *************************************** ******************* *Heihachi Mishima.* ******************* The heart of the crouch dash. Heihachi will try to stay just outside of throw range so he can utilize his Crouch Dash to its max potential. This is WGF galore now. When I play Hei, I tend to overuse this move on accident and this is where I get punished. Don't underestimate Heihachi when he's within throw range though, he still has his 1,1,2 combos and EWGF if he can pull it off. And of course he has his throws which can lead to dangerous okizeme games which will hurt you badly. And in addition to that, Heihachi has his new corpse splitter (b+1) move that can kinda stun you if you rush way too much. So, what do you want to do? Simply, you have the choice of moving in and causing pressure so that a Heihachi player will not have room to breathe or use any of his CD moves. Use a lot of pokes and fast flowing strings. Your other choice is to turtle and wait for Hei to make the first move. If you choose this option, NEVER attack first. I've found myself to be quite vulnerable with Hei when someone makes me attack first. I usually end up doing WGF anyhow and somehow I become predictable and end up eating a Konvict kick from King. To interrupt a CD timing is of the ESSENCE (pun intended). You have to predict and attack before anything comes out. Just make sure you don't do a high hitting move as you'll find yourself in a deep world of hurt as his CD moves WILL go under. Also, when playing against a good Hei player, you want to watch out for slow recovery moves. Don't do anything that can leave yourself with too much lag or you'll eat his quick Twin Pistons, but if missed they give a -27 frame disadvantage to Heihachi. Another thing with Hei, do not overuse any moves as a good player will find out the timing and counter with WGF. SUMMARY (E)WGF for countering Twin Piston/Chi Palm/Shining Fists Retaliation Shining Fists poke or 12 punches, b+1 stutter WS+2 game (ok, but not as good as Kaz or Jin) Head butt Throw ***************** *Kazuya Mishima.* ***************** Since Kazuya's WGF is the best out of these four, you REALLY have to be careful. His combos won't deal out as much damage, but he WILL connect more often if you are dealing with a WGF fanatic. Remember not to abuse jabs at a more outside range, as any wiffed moves WILL be punished. He can play a variety of games. Most recognizable are his inside game and his outside of throw range game. INSIDE: Kazuya is jus as powerful here as he is OUTSIDE. He will set up pokes/strings (1,1; 1,2,4) and his WS game. This is your chance as you can punish with fast hitting mid moves. Remember, Kaz has d+1, making him a very good poker and seter-upper of WS. OUTSIDE: This is where you'll see a lot of wave dashing and WGF/Hell sweep game. Try to keep close to get out of this. Look at the above for Hei and apply what makes sense for Kaz (same for Jin and Devil/Angel). You'll see more specific things later on. Best WGF for countering, but weaker juggles, mist step before CD Shining Fists poke or 1,2,4; has d+1 jab; df+4,4 "Easier to trip with" Hell Sweeps (trips on connection, despite distance) Stuns- WS+2, df+2 Head butt Throw WS game- 1,2 ************* *Jin Kazama.* ************* Of all the Mishimas, Jin is the most versatile. He has a variety of moves, which make him a fancier character, and strong juggles off of the E_WGF. His only real weakness is the fact that he has a bad repertoire of low moves, and his only real good one (Hell Sweep) has been toned down so much. Since his WGF is not a more primary move, he goes inside for pokes. If he does go into CD mode, chances are, he'll do EWGF. He has his b,f+2,1,2_d+2 rush, which is a very good pressure move, but can be SS. He has a better SS game then the other Mishimas, so watch out (SS+2). He will hit you with E_WGF after wiffed moves. Watch out with getting up with a rising 3. Jin will ALWAYS block this and go for the Rising Upper. This is the move that makes Jin dangerous. Watch out for his WS game. SUMMARY E_WGF may hit high, but he has the strongest juggles (EWGF is for countering, E_WGF is for wiffed moves) Shining Fists poke or 1,2; has d+1 jab; df+4,4 Stun Punch rush combos Float combos B+4 okizeme/stun Tooth Fairy (SS) WS+2 Head butt Throw ****************** *Angel and Devil.* ****************** Angel/Devil will play WGF like Hei or Kaz. More like Hei though because he doesn't have as good strings as Kazuya. Devil is a threat to those who tag in a lot because Lasers are easier to perform than TGF. When you play against him, treat him like a Heihachi with a d+1 and lasers. That's practically the only difference. Devil has the basically same twin pistons as Kazuya except his come from the standing position. So expect to see twin pistons when you get low parried or after he blocks your moves. Also, Devil has a powerful uppercut that will send your opponent WAY into the air, leading to sick juggles. SUMMARY WGF for countering Twin Piston/Shining Fists Retaliation Shining Fists poke or 12 punches, Devil has d+1 "Easier to trip with" Hell Sweeps (trips on connection, despite distance) SS+2 crazy combos Unblockable lasers Head butt Throw ********************** *Summary of Mishimas.* ********************** By Tysan. NOTE: This are strategies to have a solid game against Mishima players, I'm not going to guarantee that you will destroy them, Mishimas are very powerful characters that will destroy you in a couple of hits , so take this is mind... I'm going to divide this analysis in a couple of strats that Mishima players tend to use: MINOR COUNTERHITING: This is one of the most dangerous things Mishima players do... 1,1,2 -- If you get blocked a move with medium recovery you will be 1,1,2ed since all hits are guaranteed, a +10 frame disadvantage is the only they need... df+1,2 -- In the case of Heihachi he will minor counterhit with Twin pistons for more damage, he needs a little more FA (frame advantage), but not that much more... (E)WGF -- The most powerful weapon, moves with bad or mid recovery will get you WGFed for major damage...And almost any wiff will guarantee them a WGF. What to do? My best advice is to use fast pokes that don't let them minor counterhitting, such as the d+1,n+4 df+4 etc... THROWING Mishima players tend to throw a lot, especially Heihachi and Kazuya, so a good escape throw technique will make you better defensive against the Mishima and evade some nasty mix-ups. FAST MOVEMENT AND SS Mishima players can move very fast, and his sidestep is quite good, use fast interrupting pokes as 1,2 d+1,n+4, or preemptive pokes as Nina's ss+1,2 against very sidestep happy Mishima players, also try to ss at the same time to anulate her side advantage. DUCKING MISHIMAS Many Mishima player like to duck a lot, why? easy, if they duck you a move, they will ws+2 for mayor damage in the case of Jin and Kazuya, Heihachi ws+2 is not as good minor counterhitting with ws+2, but he can still do ws+4,4 for good damage, also they can ws+2/ws+4,4 you out of may low block staggers, so ducking they will minor counter high and low hits and throws... I have mixed feelings, ducking Mishimas will give you sometimes free juggles, but I prefer to use a lot of mid pokes as df+1,2 to make them think two times to duck... FAST POKES Mishimas also like to tick with 1,1 (and they even have time to input 2 if they see the first1 hits) or 1,2 if they wiff the first jab, is not a bad idea to try to reverse or parry, I say reverse because is not usual to buffer a chicken there... Well there are more things and could explain this better but don't have time now, feel free to question any doubt... Some more tidbits about Mishima players: TAG IN You must defend your tag, because if you tag carelessly Mishima players will punish you TAG entry with WGF, the worst of this is that you cant reverse or parry Hei or Kaz WGF or Jin's tag buffered WGF, so you entry and get juggled (and painfully juggled) So my advice is try to defend your tag, tag-throw, throw and tag, poke your opponent to gain some frame advantage (or even confuse him) to tag out... AGAINST MISHIMAS TAGGING IN Try to pressure Mishimas tagging out, specially Kazuya and Heihachi Tagging in to get some free juggles or set up opportunities, while they entry tag-running, ok maybe they can add d~db, but if you are fast even that wont save them, in the case of Jin, he can try to reverse while tagging in, what I usually do if I expect this is QCF+1 irreversible, or d,df+4 with Nina (well he could parry, but most of the time he will try to reverse to take only a chicken not a full juggle) another thing is to screw their reverse timing, if they try to reverse while tagging in, you can wait a bit, just to make him to miss the reverse, and punish the reversal recovery... -TYSAN- ************************************* * ********************************* * * *Major Mishima Moves by Exar Kun* * * ********************************* * ************************************* "When we talk about Mishimas the first move that clears are mind is usually the (E)WGF. But even though Mishima players know it's priority, they can't win a match with only one move. Another move frequently used by all Mishima players is the Twin Pistons, which is known as one if the safest juggle starters within the game." -Renick- This section will be used to outline the major moves you will encounter when engaged against a Mishima. It will describe how the move is most likely to be used, what it is capable of and it's general weakness. ********* *General* ********* Shining Fist 1,1>2 h,h,m 5,8,18 The Shining Fist is the best of the Mishima punch combinations. It does good damage, is guaranteed after the first hit connects regardless of the situation and since it starts with a left jab, has a 10-frame execution window. The final hit also results in a knockdown to you. The final hit also has the ability to be delayed. How Used. The Shining Fist is the move of choice to counter moves that leave a small frame disadvantage, too small to use a Wind God fist. After blocked moves that leave you vulnerable, expect one of these to greet you. They are also used after you whiff a move, but in that case expect to get hit more by a Wind God fist than Shining Fist there. The first two punches since they execute and recover well will be used a lot in their poking game against you only being completed if one of the two hits connect. Weakness. The Shining Fist has only two weaknesses. The first is that the first two hits are high so they can be ducked. However you must follow up quickly and interrupt or the final hit, which is mid will knock you down. The second is the long recovery time of the final '2' hit. Blocked or otherwise you will have a suitable window of opportunity to retaliate here. If blocked you will be presented with a sizable 17-frame window with which to attack in. However most players won't throw the last hit out unless they know it's guaranteed. Tsunami Kicks. WS+4>4 or f,N,d,d/f_d/f+4,4 M,m 13,18 This move isn't a highly used move but since it's one the standard Mishima moves I thought it should be mentioned. How Used. Tsunami Kicks are mostly used in juggles by most players so you won't have to worry about defending against them...much. They also play an important part in okizeme as they can pick you up during a roll. The first hit, as it doesn't lag much may also be used in s sort of keep away game sort of like a poker. Another use of it is against people who always block any incoming crouch dash moves low since Wind God fist now hits special mid and to defend against Hell Sweeps, they'll throw this out to mess you up and drop some good damage down on you. Weakness. I can't see many weaknesses here, the only one being the 15 frame delay after the second hit is blocked, the first hit is rather solid and won't present much to go at. Thunder God fist f,N,d,d/f+1 (All) f,N,d/f+1 (Kazuya) b+1,d/f+1 (Jin) =3 Mid Kick (Devil, Kazuya and Jin) m 10 =4 Hell Sweep l 10 m 29 The most powerful non-unblockable possessed by a Mishima. Thunder God Fist will smack your ass up really bad. It's a pretty slow move so you can see it coming very easily and you can interrupt either of the follow-ups. How Used. The main use of Thunder God fist I think is after a class 1 tag. It does a lot of damage and the follow up add it up too. It's a great stun finisher for any Mishima. Also expect to see it a lot after a careless tag out, one of the best uses of this move. I use this most against hyperactive people, when they start to get a little too out of control, they get smacked with this to humble themselves. Weakness. Thunder God fist is one of those moves just asking to be punished. If your opponent throws one of these out of the blue, make sure you make them forget that mistake as you'll have adequate time in which to do so. It's the only weakness I see in this move but it's about as glaring and the sun on a hot summer day. Anyone who consistently uses TGF should not be considered trouble. ************************************************************************************************ Heihachi Mishima ************************************************************************************************ Wind God fist f,N,d,d/f+2 Sm 25 JG This move needs no introduction. It is the most important member of the Mishima offense and interrupting. It floats to the perfect height, has excellent priority and is basically a pain in the ass. How Used. Wind God fist is used for everything. Offense, countering, defense, you name it, it does it. There's no real how used here, Wind God fist is used in every possible facet of the game. If you're trying to start a string, he'll use it. If you're a just out of throw range, he'll use it. If you twitch, he'll use it. And it'll out prioritize just about anything along the way. Weakness. This isn't so much a weakness but since the Wind God fist hits Sm it can be blocked either high or low. If blocked low you will stagger back a bit, however. The WGF has a 10-frame disadvantage on being blocked. This means people with 8 frame jabs can easily get in here, it also means that if you're fast a enough, a 10 frame jab could get in, but don't count on it. The main weakness here, I think is that the crouch dash on the whole can be easily sidestepped, meaning the WGF if it executes will wiff and you get a free shot. But with the tracking ability the crouch dash has on the whole I don't recommend even trying, just block the damn thing. The Wind God Fist is not reversible at all nor can it be punch parried by any means. e only way of actually stopping in such a fashion is with a Yoshi Flash ( b+1+4). Electric Wind God Fist f,N,d~d/f+2 Sm 25 JG GB The undisputed best move in all of Tekken. If your opponent can consistently do this, say your prayers. It juggles higher and straighter, more priority, 11 frame execution time. How Used. Just like regular Wind God fist, Electric Wind God fist is used for everything. Offense, countering, defense, you name it, it does it. There's no real how used here, Electric Wind God fist is used in every possible facet of the game. If you're trying to start a string, he'll use it. If you're a just out of throw range, he'll use it. If you twitch, he'll use it. And it'll out prioritize just about anything along the way. The only difference is that EWGF is confined to the more skilled players, so if you see this chances are you're facing good competition. Weakness. Aside from the sidestep ability, this is the most uncounterable move there is. If you block it, HE gets a 4-frame advantage! Blocked high or low, you still lose out. My advice is to just block the damn thing, nothing can be done in 4 frames. The Wind God Fist is not reversible at all nor can it be punch parried by any means. e only way of actually stopping in such a fashion is with a Yoshi Flash ( b+1+4). Hell Sweeps Command Name Range Properties f,n,d,DF+4 Hell Sweep L JGc KS =N+4 Rising Kick m =N+4,4 Tsunami Kick m,m =1 Thunder God Fist m =4_4,4 Hell Sweeps L_L,L BS =N+4 Rising Kick m =N+4,4 Tsunami Kick m,m =1 Thunder God Fist m Hell Sweeps are a master of masking what Heihachi is about to do next. It's a pain to detect what's coming as it can alternate from low to high very quickly and subtly. How Used. Hell Sweeps are mostly used to break defense. When you're blocking too much and won't take anything. Heihachi will dish out Hell Sweeps in an attempt to juggle you and get you back into aggressive mode where he can dominate you. Weakness. Hell Sweeps have been weakened in every Tekken game since Tekken 1. It's execution time now is a long 16 frames and if blocked they get a 23 frame disadvantage due to the new stagger effect in the game. This 23 frames is an eternity in which you can do just about anything to Heihachi. Don't try to sidestep this as the sweeping motion will pick you up easily. If the first sweep wiffs, most likely he will go for a mix up with a mid attack like Tsunami kicks but you can easily take him out before he can do it with a high priority attack. Deathfist d,d/f,f+2 m 30 Deathfist's use is mainly for countering. It's an easier motion to do than WGF and it's quick easy damage but higher level players don't use this move much. How Used. Deathfist will be mainly used to counter you or in juggles. It will normally interrupt whatever you're doing and send you flying. It's execution time is quicker even than Paul's so it'll overclock a lot of moves. Deathfist is also the move of choice for finishing Heihachi's stuns. Weakness. Deathfist leaves him open to many moves if blocked as it's a -17 disadvantage if blocked. But since it's main use is in countering, there's nothing you can do unless it's mistimed, if so you can get in some good punishment after you block it. Twin Pistons d/f+1,2 m,m 8,21 JG Twin Pistons is a great juggle starter. However it's only great when used to counter, any other time Heihachi will get straight beat down when using it. How Used. Like I said Twin Pistons is normally used as a juggle starter on counterhit after a lagging move. This is the only feasible use for it as in any other situation a severe beat down will follow. Weakness. Since this is normally used to counter, there's nothing you can do for that. But if it's used otherwise, then you greatly punish the person for using it. After being blocked, the Twin Pistons lags for 27 frames! Almost a half second! Again any move will do here and just use your discretion as to how you'll make this person pay for playing like a fool. ************************************************************************************************ Kazuya Mishima ************************************************************************************************ Stature Kick Combo 1,2,4 h,h,l 5,10,17 A very nice poking combo Kazuya recently gained, the two punches are fast and are followed by the subtle Stature kick, which also executes very quickly. How Used. This combo is a good poke Kazuya players will constantly try to use on you. They'll use it at any time especially in their custom strings and in pitbull rushes. The better players will also mix this up with 1,2,d/f+2 to catch anyone who was going to block the Stature Kick. Weakness. On blocking this has a -14 frame loss so you can capitalize here. After the 1,2 you could tap d/f to parry the Stature Kick or avoid the high backhand, but if you find that your opponent likes to mix the stature kick with the gut punch forget the parry and just eat the stature kick, the pitiful damage is not worth a CH gut punch over. Wind God fist f,N,d,d/f+2 or f,N,d/f+2 Sm 25 JG This move needs no introduction. It is the most important member of the Mishima offense and interrupting. It floats to the perfect height, has excellent priority and is basically a pain in the ass. How Used. Wind God fist is used for everything. Offense, countering, defense, you name it, it does it. There's no real how used here, Wind God fist is used in every possible facet of the game. If you're trying to start a string, he'll use it. If you're a just out of throw range, he'll use it. If you twitch, he'll use it. And it'll out prioritize just about anything along the way. Weakness. This isn't so much a weakness but since the Wind God fist hits Sm it can be blocked either high or low. If blocked low you will stagger back a bit, however. The WGF has a 10 frame disadvantage on being blocked. This means people with 8 frame jabs can easily get in here, it also means that if you're fast a enough, a 10 frame jab could get in, but don't count on it. The main weakness here, I think is that the crouch dash on the whole can be easily sidestepped, meaning the WGF if it executes will wiff and you get a free shot. But with the tracking ability the crouch dash has on the whole I don't recommend even trying, just block the damn thing. The Wind God Fist is not reversible at all nor can it be punch parried by any means. e only way of actually stopping in such a fashion is with a Yoshi Flash ( b+1+4). Hell Sweeps f,N,d,d/f+4,4 L,L Standard Mishima move. Kazuya's hell sweeps hit twice low and is a no frills version unlike Heihachi's. It executes in average-slow speed of 16 frames. How Used. Hell Sweeps are used as guard breakers and Kazuya's are no exception. If you're turtling and blocking a lot expect some of these to come in and cut you down. Psychologically this is to get you back on attack where he can counter you to his hearts content. Unlike Heihachi's and Jin's Kazuya's sweeps cannot be transformed into juggles so it the first hits the second will be executed as well. Weakness. Hell Sweeps have been constantly weakened ever since their introduction. Kazuya's sweeps aren't as slow as Jin's are at 16 frames, but this is more than enough time for it to be interrupted easily. But the major hindrance is if it's blocked. The new block stagger feature gives this a -23 on being blocked. So juggle him for all he's worth and make him never use a hell sweep again as long as he lives. Demon Gut Punch WS+2 m 25 DSc JG FS This needs no introduction either. This is Kazuya's signature move and what everyone fears. Demon Gut Punch allows for vicious juggles after it hits and it in itself does a load of damage. Not to mention the double over stun it induces. How Used. Demon Gut Punch is used to counter after a high move has been executed. Kazuya will duck under and come up with this. In higher level games, this is rarely used because it is very hard to get off one against quality competition. Alternatively, Demon Gut Punch may be used after a d+1 which is a more often used method. Weakness. Even if it hits, Demon gut Punch is screwed. You can tag out after the hit or simply hold 'f' to fall quickly and mess up your opponents juggling game. Demon Gut Punch takes a lot of time to execute so don't expect to hit much and if you block it, there's a 13 frame window in which you can react. Gut Punch d/f+2 M 21 JG CFSc This is a sort of revamped version of Kazuya's Demon Gut Punch. It can be performed from the standing position but it doesn't do as much damage as or stun as long as the Demon Gut Punch does. But unlike the Demon Gut Punch, the stun it causes is inescapable. On CH very powerful juggles are also possible here. How Used. Gut Punch will be mostly and best used to counter with. It's recovery time also means it's not too bad an attack to use it the offensive game. Kazuya players will go for this more than DGP due to the inescapable stun and since it's faster to do. Weakness. Gut Punch hits from Kazuya's right meaning that if you sidestep to his left it can be avoided. It's an average speed attack at 14 frames so this would be a good attack with which to use your fast moves against for the interrupt. Aside from that Gut Punch is a very solid attack that'll cause you a lot of headaches after eating enough CH d/f+2,b+1+4. Twin Pistons. WS+1,2 m,m 12,15 JG Expect to see this more often out of WS than DGP as it's a guaranteed juggle. The Twin Pistons also moves you slightly forward when you do it. How Used. Used like the Gut Punch is used, except that because of its greater speed Twin Pistons are more likely to connect as interrupts than the Gut Punch is. Weakness. Aside from a well placed sidestep, Twin Pistons is basically unstoppable and unpunishable unless you possess an 8 frame jab with which you can interrupt with, or you can use a d+1 or d+4. There really is no escape from this, 11 frame execution and no block retaliation chance. The only weakness of the move itself is it's pathetic range, but since good players know better than to use a Twin Pistons from range, this isn't much of a factor. ************* *Submission.* ************* Kazuya's Piston can only be executed in WS form, and this makes it easier to fight for a number of reasons: Kazuya usually has to be in crouch position to execute the Twin Piston, which means he is far less mobile than from standing position where Devil can utilize df+1,2 with far more ease (more easy counterhits etc.), because he can add (crouch)dashing to get within range. The first hit of Kazuya's Twin Pistons lacks range, and because he's less MOBILE from the crouch than Devil is from standing position, it's harder to connect the first hit DUE to that lack of range. So you have a couple of options if Kazuya goes in his crouch trying to execute Twin Pistons: - You can remain out of range of the ws+1 (1st hit of Twin Pistons). If Kazuya indeed pulls a Twin Pistons and whiffs ws+1, you can CH-4 them before the 2nd hit reaches you, or perhaps a good and quick mid level range attack, like Bruce's 3,2,1-CH- or a hopkick. If your quick attack is within range of Kazuya, but OUT of WS+1 range, you'll counter him in transition due to the range momentum. If your character has a punch parry, you can parry the 2nd hit in this scenario. But watch out, there are still ways for a skilled Kazuya player to utilize his pistons: - The Chef told me about this one on IRC so credit goes out to him: Kazuya players might use instant WS execution to utilize Twin Pistons. But when involved with Kazuya's mobile game this brings some risk with it if not pulled consistently. This is slightly more dangerous but if you remain out of range of the first hit, you shouldn't have as much trouble as you would against Devils Standing Pistons. - If a Kazuya player ducks a high attack or throw (very rare), he won't hesitate to piston you when within appropriate range. If you use high attacks within too close range, you are asking for this. Stay out of ws+1 range, and it'll be much harder for Kaz players to get these opportunities. Just make sure you don't get vulnerable up close when Kazuya's within his crouch. - If a Kazuya player uses d+1's to get within proper range safely to set up the Pistons, don't try to attack them if they connect, that's what they are betting on. Just eat or block the low jab, and if it's an interrupt ws+1 usually won't reach when consecutively pulled. If d+1's blocked or whiffed, dash out of distance or a fast interrupt will do. Kazuya's Twin Pistons are a good tool at close range and minor countering, but if your character has good, quick and powerful mid level ranged attacks, like Bruce/Bryan 3,2,1-mixups, and if you dominate from mid-level range just out of twin piston range, Kaz players will have trouble utilizing the Pistons due to the range momentum you have if you manage to maintain the distance (if you suspect them to execute the ws+1,2). If you leave yourself open at close range, it's a different story though. -Renick- ************************************************************************************************ Jin Kazama ************************************************************************************************ Wind God fist f,N,d,d/f+2 h 25 JG This is just like any Mishimas Wind God fist with the exception that it hits high instead of the normal special mid. It juggles on normal hit, on counter hit, it launches you right across the screen. This is also 1 frame slower than other Wind God fists. If a tag is buffered into this move, it hits Sm instead of high. How Used. Jin players will be careful as to how they use this as it can be ducked under. But still, expect to see it used often enough. It most likely won't be used to counter as no juggle can come out of it. It will more likely be used as an offensive starting maneuver. Weakness. The primary weakness of this move is that it hits high. That alone should make you know that your best bet when a crouch dash is coming is to block low. The move doesn't give any chance to retaliate after being blocked. Also since it won't launch on CH, that foils a good section of the opponent's plans right there. You can sidestep it also although with crouch dash's tracking ability, I wouldn't recommend it. Jin's (E)WGF can be reversed by any reversal capable character. The only way this is not attainable is if a tag is buffered into the (Electric) Wind God Fist. Electric Wind God fist f,N,d~d/f+2 h 30 JG GB Same as Wind God fist except it's execution time is reduced to 11 frames. It launches on any hit and causes guard stun if blocked. If a tag is buffered into this move, it hits Sm instead of high. How Used. Same as Wind God fist, just more efficiently. This is the tool of the high level Jin, once you see this, you're playing a good player, or someone lame with fast hands. Weakness. The primary weakness of this move is that it hits high. That alone should make you know that your best bet when a crouch dash is coming is to block low. If blocked, you get stunned so you can't do a thing. Ducking or sidestepping is the best bet here. Jin's (E)WGF can be reversed by any reversal capable character. The only way this is not attainable is if a tag is buffered into the (Electric) Wind God Fist. Hell Sweeps. f,N,d,d/f+4,4 L,m 18,15 A Mishima bread and butter attack, this Hell Sweeps first hits low and then goes to a mid attack making it a great guard breaker. The execution of the move however is very slow at 20 frames. How Used. The primary use of this is as a guard breaker like all Hell Sweeps and low attacks on the whole. If you're blocking everything and basically turtling, expect this so you take some damage. The psychology behind it is to get you to play an attacking where he can dominate you with quick, high priority attacks. The second hit most likely won't be used much as it's very easy for you to be juggled for good damage after the sweep. Weakness. The weakness of this move is in its slow execution and the new block stagger feature which causes a long delay if it is blocked. The slow nature of the move means that you can easily interrupt if you were playing an attacking role, but since it's rarely used like that most times you'll have to block or parry it. Blocking it gives you a huge advantage, 26 frames on the sweep and only 14 frames on the mid kick. But as long as you get the sweep use this huge advantage to punish in any way you fell necessary, preferably with a juggle starter. Laser Cannon b,f+2,1,2_d+2 m,m,m_m 18,14,24_15 JG(d+2) DSc This move is a three hit stun punch rush. The first hit causes a stun on counter hit only. The final hit can juggle. Generally players tend not to use the final hit if the first isn't a stun. The main use of this however, is in juggles. How Used. The first hit will be used mostly to counter people and then follow up with a juggle. Higher level players tend not to use the whole combo at all. This'll mostly be encountered in juggles where it can do some major damage. Don't expect to see this much if not at all in regular play. If you do most likely it'll be started at maximum range so the first hit just touches you, to reduce the chance of you interrupting them. Weakness. There really isn't any lag to take advantage of here. If blocked this is a very safe move. Its execution is average so your characters 'quick attacks' should make fast work of it. It's pretty easy to tell when this is coming by watching your opponent. But you really shouldn't take chances with this as it'll do some major damage if you get hit. Demon Paw f,f+2 m 27 This is like a characters standard power shot. Its execution is 15 frames but it has excellent priority. Not to mention that the motion can be buffered into a crouch dash which makes it a great offensive weapon. How Used. Aside from its use in juggles, the Demon Paw is commonly used as both a counter attack and as an offensive opener. This will have to started outside throw range since a f,f is very easy to detect and the move can be interrupted by quickies. Wave dash makes this particularly deadly as you'll never know what's coming. Don't be surprised if this is used from outside range when buffered with a crouch dash as this gives it a greater range advantage. Weakness. The only real weakness to this is the 'f,f' motion that gives away when it's probably coming. Since they won't use this too close, you'll know it won't be a StoneHead. The recovery on this after blocking is 11 frames so if you're speedy you can get in a combo starting with a jab. This move is also very side-steppable. Rising Uppercut WS+2 m 18 JG Jin's best launcher, it launches a hair higher than the Wind God fist, also it hits mid and it does good damage as well. It also launches on any hit, regular or on counter unlike his Twin Pistons which is why they suck. This is by far Jin's best launcher as the recovery is so quick, it makes adding a TGF extremely easy. How Used. This is used just as any WS move is used. After ducking a high move or using a d+1 to interrupt, expect this right out of the blue. Since it's a safe move, they won't hesitate to use it. More advanced users can also use it to great effect after a crouch dash by canceling it into the WS move. Also it can be executed by simple ducking then coming up, this is slow but is made much quicker by using the quick WS motion so it can be done just like that. Weakness. This move again, has no immediate weakness. Its execution is 14 frames meaning that it can be interrupted by jabs and quick attacks and its blocking disadvantage is 12 frames meaning that you can retaliate with a jab or combo starting from a jab. The best way to fight this is to just block it and then throw in a little jab. Or if you want to take the chance of getting juggled, you can try to interrupt it. Tooth Fairy SS+2 m 16 JG A sidestepping juggle starter. Its execution is a slow 18 frames. It also has a lot of range on it as Jin really sticks his elbow out when doing it. How Used. As it quite obvious this move would be used after a sidestep. Since sidestepping is a vital part of the movement game on the whole, this could come out anytime. But it won't be used unless Jin is a little further than throw distance out as it's slow execution guarantees that it'll be interrupted. Don't be fooled however at this range it is still perfectly capable of hitting as Jin really lurches forward. Weakness. The weakness of this move is in its slow execution. If this is ever used up close, interrupt it easily as 21 frames is more than enough time. Or if you're feeling lazy just block it and respond in the 17 frames of disadvantage with a hop kick or any other move of your choice. ************************************************************************************************ Devil Jin ************************************************************************************************ Devil Jin Possession can be done only when Jin is teamed with Heihachi. It's executed by pressing b+1+2(electric block),2,2,3. When done correctly, Jin's body will become enveloped in lightning and it will begin to pulse around him. His stance will also change to that of Heihachi's. Possession will end after doing a move, walking back, tagging, jumping or ducking, everything else you can do. In Devil Jin mode he can't do the b+1+2 electric block. Wind God Fist f,N,d,d/f+2 m 30 JG GB The greatest move in the game! Thank god that Devil Jin can only use it. Executes in 11 frames and it hits mid. How Used. This will be used first thing when the opponent gets possessed. There is absolutely so way they won't use this. It has too many pros mot to be used. It juggles higher than any other allowing for some really sick juggles like WGF, EWGF, and TGF. And it's a completely no risk move. Weakness. This move has no faults. 11 frame execution, way too much priority, hits mid, if it's blocked the B frame is +27, yes he gets the advantage. More than enough time for you to get hit by an EWGF. The only way to escape this is with a sidestep or make him block so he'll lose possession. Devil Corpse Thrust 1+2 m DSc Same look as his d/b+1 but this move stuns. Its execution is the same time as well. How Used. This won't be used nearly as much a WGF. But it'll be used at just about throw range and to counter, just as d/b+1 would be used. Weakness. It takes forever to execute, 21 frames, get him here and it's blocking disadvantage is 12 frames so you can get him there as well. ************************************************************************************************ Devil and Angel ************************************************************************************************ Wind God fist f,N,d,d/f+2 or f,N,d/f+2 Sm 25 JG This move needs no introduction. It is the most important member of the Mishima offense and interrupting. It floats to the perfect height, has excellent priority and is basically a pain in the ass. When Angel uses this though, it has almost no range and it's hard to do any combo with it. How Used. Wind God fist is used for everything. Offense, countering, defense, you name it, it does it. There's no real how used here, Wind God fist is used in every possible facet of the game. If you're trying to start a string, he'll use it. If you're a just out of throw range, he'll use it. If you twitch, he'll use it. And it'll out prioritize just about anything along the way. Weakness. This isn't so much a weakness but since the Wind God fist hits Sm it can be blocked either high or low. If blocked low you will stagger back a bit, however. The WGF has a 10 frame disadvantage on being blocked. This means people with 8 frame jabs can easily get in here, it also means that if you're fast a enough, a 10 frame jab could get in, but don't count on it. The main weakness here, I think is that the crouch dash on the whole can be easily sidestepped, meaning the WGF if it executes will wiff and you get a free shot. But with the tracking ability the crouch dash has on the whole I don't recommend even trying, just block the damn thing. The Wind God Fist is not reversible at all nor can it be punch parried by any means. The only way of actually stopping in such a fashion is with a Yoshi Flash ( b+1+4). Hell Sweeps f,N,d,d/f+4,4 L,L 12,12 Same as Kazuya's hell sweeps. Devil's hell sweeps hit twice low and is a no frills version unlike Heihachi's. It executes in average-slow speed of 16 frames. How Used. Hell Sweeps are used as guard breakers and devil's are no exception. If you're turtling and blocking a lot expect some of these to come in and cut you down. Psychologically this is to get you back on attack where he can counter you to his hearts content. Unlike Heihachi's and Jin's Devil's sweeps cannot be transformed into juggles so it the first hits the second will be executed as well. Weakness. Hell Sweeps have been constantly weakened ever since their introduction. Devil's sweeps aren't as slow as Jin's are at 16 frames, but this is more than enough time for it to be interrupted easily. But the major hindrance is if it's blocked. The new block stagger feature gives this a -23 on being blocked. So juggle him for all he's worth and make him never use a hell sweep again as long as he lives. Devil Twister SS+2 m 30 JG A class one juggle starter. This enables some of the coolest juggles on the planet. It's a slow 20 frame execution but if it hits send you straight into the stratosphere coming down headfirst and unable to techroll. How Used. This can be used out of any sidestep so you should expect it anytime since sidesteps are a vital part of movement. Weakness. This move can be seen coming far away so you can easily block it or interrupt Devil. Block rather than interrupt as a class one is nothing to laugh about. When you block it, retaliate against him as he'll be helpless for 19 frames. Laser Attacks. 1+2 40 u+1+2 20 3+4 50 3+4,3+4 60 ! All these attacks are slow, except the u+1+2 which executes in 15 frames but it won't hit much. For the standing laser, sidestep or duck. For the flying lasers, sidestep and then begin running towards Devil and get him as he comes down. If you're close for the flying lasers, run under him, if he flies the other way just sidestep, if not, get him with a back throw or time an unblockable for when he comes down. Twin Pistons. d/f+1,2 a. 11 frame execution b. evades high attacks c. always juggles on hit d. 6 frame disadvantage when blocked, so there are no free guaranteed hits, making them safe. How Used. This is a major launcher for Devil. You may even see this more than WGF. It is completely safe and has good execution. The only problem is that it doesn't have the range added to the WGF by means of the crouch dash. This is used frequently up close and generally abused by Devil players. ************* *Submissions* ************* a. Watch your spacing. Dash back a lot and make those twin pistons wiff, following up with a juggle. b. reverse/parry the second hit. c. Remember that after blocking them, your opponent is now at -6 frames to you, so if they are repetitive, you can usually CH them depending on what moves you try. I recently lost in a tourney to a devil player that did: twin pistons, if they hit, juggle, if not d+1, repeat. Well, that d+1 interrupted me a lot. Now I know I could have CH 4'd that d+1 all day long. -jjt- But against Devils standing Pistons, it's much harder to gain advantage. Because his Twin Pistons is executed from standing position (df+1,2), he has more mobility than Kaz from his crouch, and due to (crouch)dashing, he can get within range with far more ease. With the Standing pistons he can just slash through with CH's without having to risk getting punished by mid attacks like Kazuya does, simply because his Twin Pistons have far more priority. This makes it very hard to defend against Devils Pistons, because you cannot stay as easy (or not even close, to say it best) out of range, Devil can involve the Twin Pistons with his mobile game far better than Kazuya can. Your best bet is when he whiffs the first hit and then counter, but good Devil players know when to get within range without much range. Use a lot of fast attacks, like 4's, standing jabs are your best weapons against Devils pistons, but it's really not waterproof. Another good idea is characters who are susceptible to (punch)parries. But many Devil players just over use df+1,2 not really giving a **** what you do, they know full well the indications of Devils priority attacks. Devil is the hardest Mishima to fight simply because of this attack, despite what people say about Jin being well-rounded and Heihachi's powerful juggles. To have a pretty accurate display, Devil is basically a simple built skeleton of the neutral Mishima character, with all the priority trademark Mishima attacks as residue. And that's just hard to fight, since he has little to no high risk attacks. Simple as that. The Twin Pistons is a great example to display why this is a fact. -Renick- *********************************** * ******************************* * * *Character Specific Strategies* * * ******************************* * *********************************** The fact is, any advice we give you, well, it'll just be our advice. Having a range of ideas to choose from is always preferable to the ideas of one which is why the Tekken community exists to well. This section will be mainly made up of strategies and advice taken from many different Tekken players from many different places. All ideas and knowledge in this section were given courtesy of their respective authors. They are still the official property of their respective authors. It is forbidden for you to use these contributions for your own intentions without the permission of its respective author. These people have put their contributions in our care and if we detect any plagiarism of any sort we'll be sure to shut you down and get your FAQ boycotted by the entire Tekken community. So just leave it all alone. Finally I would like to give many thanks on behalf of Essence of Jr and myself to all those who contributed in this section. This wouldn't be a real FAQ without your work. Thanks you all. Now onto the good stuff. ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================Alex/Roger ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Roger\Alex is one of the fastest little animals in the game. His d+1 comes out at an incredible speed, and can be linked into the n+2 for a crouching opponent for poke damage. His AGF is IMHO more powerful than the Mishima's TGF, although that is only MHO. This is to be debated. He goes into a crouch dash VERY fast, and has some HIGH lag moves, that create so much block stun, that any move is guaranteed, although it may take a CD to get into them close enough. He also has some very powerful command throws, some which are unbreakable, and do large amounts of damage. And can punish a blocked move very quickly, some of the command throws may be hard to pull off without practice. Against: Jin: Jin is "THE CHARACTER OF HIGH LEVEL PLAY" as far as lots of people are concerned, but I think he is just done to death. His WGF hits high, or Special Mid if buffered with a ~5. But this does not make it any less dangerous. On a ?"CH"? It will send you flying backward, leaving no opportunity for his incredibly damaging juggles. However, if you are juggled, you are looking at a large portion of your life bar missing. Jin also has the WS+2 to watch out for, perhaps his BEST juggle starter against Roger\Alex. His toothfairy is almost useless against Roger\Alex, I will explain later. Also, Jin's f,f+2 is his best Long Range, power move, that can be used as a juggle ender for big damage. All this, adds up to the basics of Jin. With the exception of his new "Demon Steel Pedal" b+4, which can be used as Okizeme, stuns on CH, can link to small juggles, and hits mid. All this makes him sound scary, but here is the trick to killing him. Jin has a seriously lacking Crouch game, when he CD's, duck and do a 1+2 Animal Headbutt to get him off. If you are fast, you can go into a crouch dash yourself, and go for the AGF on CH that will do huge amounts of damage, and if timed right, you will go over Hell Sweeps. When Jin CD's, and if you have a keen eye, you can wait for the move to come out. Duck straight away, and wait. If the move takes a longer time to come out, then it will be a TGF. The reason you would want to do this is because if it is a Hellsweep, the block stager will give you enough time for a 1+2 WC. The WGF will go right over your head, leading to whatever you feel, small juggles, the headbutt, stand up and throw.. Whatever. If you block the THF you can be fast and land the "Frankensteiner" d/f+3+4 for good damage. Else, if you want to make sure in high levels of comp, when you see the crouch dash, a simple d+1 will suffice. Jin has ONE sidestepping move, the "Tooth Fairy" and against Roger\Alex it is close to almost totally useless. The reason for this is because of Roger\Alex's SS+4 animal sweep. This move goes SOO low, that mid moves don't come CLOSE to hitting Roger\Alex during the animation. The SS+4 can be utilized during almost ANY of Jin's moves, and be totally safe. Also make sure that you mix it up with the Hop Kick for small amounts of extra damage through Roger\Alex's limited but useful juggles. Be careful and wary of using too much d+1, Jin's most useful attribute is the amount of moves that do HUGE damage from juggles etc, off "CH". This can be achieved by doing a b,f+2 or a b+4 from Jin, and will stun you if you even do the d+1 at the wrong time. Remember Roger\Alex have very long legs, and there sweeps are always underestimated for range. So rather than doing nothing but d+1 use the d+3_4 also. They are not as fast, but do the small poke damage that Roger\Alex are so good at. Last of all, use the f,f,n+2 for any opponent running in toward you, it will knock Jin right back, its range should be enough to hit a slider before they slide. The d/b+3 Tail Trip is another awesome move that should be used when you are close to Jin and it is a reversal happy Jin. The tail trip has a "high" animation, where Roger\Alex turn around, but it hits "LOW" and knocks your opponent off their feet. Otherwise, simply poke and beat your opponent down. Oh, after the "SHINNING FISTS" wiff 1,1,2 there is huge lag after the 2 for whatever you feel, like a hop kick u/f+4 etc. LATER ON!! After extensive play, I have found that Jin's B,F+2,1 STUN can lead to huge damage. This is prevented on the B, F+2 stun, by pressing and holding ~F before initiating the block. HOWEVER if you get hit by the B, F+1,2 then you can easily tap ~f, and initiate the block before the rest of the combo is initiated. Kazuya: Hands down the most DAMAGING of the Mishimas, Kazuya is a record breaking "Gut Massacre" creature. This Mishima takes GREAT pleasure in smashing your guts right into your spine. Although, his most pleasurable downfall is the fact that he has to Tag Slide or Tag Dive, he can go into Crouch Dash at an incredible speed from the tag, and this often leads to the Electric Wind God Fist (EWGF) which, I might add, if you get hit by you better be ready for a world of pain.. This is best stopped with a simple D+1 which will, chances are, stop most of the crouch dash movements.. Which is generally what you want. Although, if you are not lucky, you will get launched for a juggle, on counter. The other option is to Side Step, one of his sides are his vulnerable side, I forget which.. And do the animal sweep. This will duck under the WGF\EWGF without a problem, and most likely, depending on execution, beat him out of the TGF and the Hell Sweeps. Of course, if miss timed, you will be in a world of pain once again, and needing to get the hell out. Kazuya has the most powerful Crouch game in the game IMHO. He can do the most damage out of all the characters, and it is because of his Demon Gut Punch, WS+2, that this is possible. If you get hit by this, on a CH you must tap and HOLD ~F and then block, this takes time to learn how to do at a good speed unfortunately.. Kazuya runs on his other slow moves like f+1+2 and f+2 for power. These are easy to stop, and wiff fast, but a good player will counter with them, leading to a new world of pain. Making Kazuya come to you easily stops this. If you do this, Roger\Alex's throws are incredibly useful. Learn the DDT motion very quickly, as a running or CD'ing opponent can be slammed head first into the ground, and then you can laugh, laugh REAL loud.. Also, learn the Tomb Stone, Frankensteiner, and Giant Swing at command. They are solely the most useful throws in the game IMHO. Otherwise, beat out everything you can with whatever you have, when the CD is initiated you can do a d/b+3,4,3,4 and watch the surprise well up on your opponents face. It makes me laugh every time, watching the damage well up. =) Everyone has there own style that they prefer, you just have to learn one of the techniques listed above. Also, watch out for the twin pistons. They will lead to dangerous juggles, and stop you entering your CROUCH position. Watch your opponents strings. And learn to interrupt them accordingly. Heihachi: Hands down the best MISHIMA in the game. He has gotten weaker over the period of Tekken, Tekken 2, Tekken 3 and finally Tekken Tag Tournament. He is still by far, one of the best jugglers in the game. His WGF hits SPECIAL MID not MID, and so does his hellsweeps, which are the best hell sweeps in the game. His TGF hits mid, and does good damage, and his Twin Pistons are somewhat bigger than his "Children" do. They also set up for slightly larger juggles, and leads to a high launcher with the f,f+2. He has a new B+1 that leads to block stun, and Shadow Steps b,b,n+3+4 to keep him out of your range. What does this mean? Poke, don't let him come to you, he is best played at CD distance, and can do huge amounts of damage from this distance whether it be small juggles or large indescribable juggles of huge damage proportion. If he Crouch dashes, GO LOW, its not often he goes for a TGF, and now his WGF hits mid, so you can block it low. You must not let him initiate his crouch dash often, play the game at YOUR pace, don't let him set it, he will try to lift you with the TWIN PISTONS d/f+1,2 often for a juggle, and if you manage to sidestep this, go for the throw, f,f,n+2 or any other small juggle etc you can think of, SS+4 as often as you can, to keep him off his feet, and if he gains initiative, take it off him again. d+1, d+1,n+2 d+3, d+4 whatever you can do to stop his arsenal of mix up moves. Also, if you find yourself Sidestepped, DUCK and go for the FC+1+2. It will autotrack you "HOPEFULLY" And anyway, you can guarantee that he is going for the Shining Fists or a throw, so either way they are going to wiff. This is going to be a hard battle, lay into Heihachi as often and with whatever you can. Because when he gains initiative, you have a long way to go to get it back. I think, perhaps his biggest weaknesses are his slow move while in close, and his best played game from CD distance. Don't let him do anything, and he can't hurt you. And remember, POKING STOPS ALMOST EVERYTHING. Also, keep to low lag moves, that don't leave you open for his power moves, like his Deathfist, which isn't as powerful as Paul's, but can still nock of a good portion of your life bar without a problem. Devil\Angel: These two really are a joke, make sure you tag very carefully, and make them come to you. When they CD poke with a d+1,N+2 and throw. Their WS+1,2 Twin Pistons are the most annoying juggle starter they have. They lack in juggles, and can't do much more than annoy you. It is very hard to distinguish the Hell Sweeps from the WGF so you really have to stop Angel\Devil from going into a crouch dash. Once again, play it at your own pace, and do much the same as what you would do for Kazuya. Watch out for his SS+2, because it will lead to nasty tag juggles with Jin. It is easily dodged with SS+4. -Grim Walker- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Anna Williams ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ PLEASE SUBMIT!!!!! ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Armor King ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Yes, I am a [King and] A.King player.. I recommend using the D+1~N+2 ALOT... that will stop the EWGF. Stay close and try trick throws... 1,2, d/b+1+2... the poke into the fig.-4 throw or 2,1, G. Swing.... U can poke into almost all special throws like the musclebuster, fig4 , G.Swing, and the tombstone (if u can)... Always poke use the 1,2, d/f+1 ... if u hit the CH d/f+1 then that is a free ground throw or at least a d+3+4 .. With King do the d/f+1~2 every once and a while. They will block the elbow but not the last swipe. These are just a few tactics that can be against EVERYONE... but the D+1~N+2 against the Mishimas, that stops most of the EWGF Fest... lol. Ohhh... sometimes this works, do a Frankenstiner after some poke strings... IT MIGHT NOT WORK.. but I have been doing it for awhile, it seem to get me at least one per round. If u need some more help.. ICQ me or AIM me....[Check the credits section for AIM SN's and E-mail addresses] -Pimpimitsu- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can use CD+4 or uf+4 against Crouching opponent. (Essence: Especially against Jin and Kaz as they duck WAY too much) -The Blacksmith- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heihachi - Heihachi is fairly simple but effective. Heihachi players tend to poke at you using the Hammer Fist, the first hit of the Twin Pistons, and Wind God Fists. When they see how you react to these attacks, the fun begins as they mix in the Spinning Demons and Flash Punches afterward. The best way to attack Heihachi is to play a wait and see game. When the fight starts, let him come after you instead of the other way around. This way you'll get a feel for how your opponent likes to poke. If he likes you use the Hammer Fist, use the Dark Uppercut to snuff them out or simply block and Knife Edge Chop him. The Knife Edge Chop won't hit him, but he won't be able to do anything but block. People ALWAYS assume you can snuff it with something, but even the Electric Wind God Fist won't come out fast enough. If your opponent likes to use the Twin Pistons as a poke, be very careful about using the Knife Edge Chop or Mule Kick, as he'll go right under them and rock your world. The best way to stop the Twin Pistons abuse is the Elbow Smash. You'll counter the first uppercut 1 on 1 every time, and you can even perform a Ground Throw or People's Elbow since it will land as a counter. If your opponent is in your face doing the Wind God Fists a lot, simply give him a 1, 2 Combo after you block it. It's one of the only absolute guaranteed retaliations, and afterward you can mix up the Giant Swing "Tick" and the Elbow Smash with good results. What about the Spinning Demons? You tend to stay vertical against Heihachi, so this move can sneak in and hurt you a lot if you're not careful. The first hit is auto-blocked, so immediately either block low or low parry instead if you're fast. He can mix up what he does after the sweeps - but you can usually retaliate after them, so just block high when he stops sweeping. Kazuya - Kazuya probably has the smallest arsenal of attacks in the entire game, but due to the sheer damage and effectiveness of those move remains a very effective character. Kazuya is probably the most crouch dash reliant character in the entire game, even more than Armor King! One thing of note is that Kazuya has a modified crouch dash that can be cancelled rather quickly, so stay alert. From his crouch dash he can execute the Wind God Fist, the Thunder God Fist, and the Hell Sweeps. While Heihachi's sweeps are blocked low automatically, Kazuya's are not. However as a penalty, he can only do 2 at a time. His Wind God Fist is the fastest in the entire game, and works much like an electric version all of the time, even though he doesn't have one. While you can overpower Jin's and Heihachi's God Fist's with your Dark Uppercut depending on timing and distance, don't try this with Kazuya. Also of note is that like Jin he can follow his Thunder God Fist with a hi/low kick mix-up. Don't even bother guessing about which to block. If you block a Thunder God fist, simply do a 1, 2 Combo followed by a Mule Kick or Dark Uppercut. When fighting Kazuya you want to stay on the offensive from beginning to end. Don't give him a chance to use his crouch dash mix-up games. Attack him with short un-punishable strings like the 1,2 Combo and 2,1 Combo. Insert the Elbow Smash whenever he has a chance to attack. Kazuya's non crouch dash moves tend to have a delay in starting up, so counter them before they actually come out. Finally, Kazuya's W/S Gut Punch does absolutely insane amount of damage and produces a fall stun if it lands on a CH, so be sure of your attacks is he's crouching :) Devil/Angel - Basically a weakened Kazuya with lasers, a wicked sidestep juggle starter, and Yoshimitsu's Banzai Rush. Fight Devil and Angel like you would Kazuya, only due to the lessened damage and priority you can open up a bit more. If your opponent is fond of lasers, it's no big deal. If they do the standing laser, simply duck it. If they try either of the flying lasers, just wait until you actually see the laser come out and the then sidestep twice in the same direction, followed by running at them and giving them a Dark Uppercut juggle. This way you won't be fooled by the fly-behind variation of the flying laser. The Banzai Rush variation leaves you with your back turned if you get hit, so get ready with the Shameless Kick if they try to attack. Other than those mild variations, treat Devil/Angel like a low priority Kazuya. Jin - As though Jin wasn't strong enough in Tekken 3, look out because in TTT he's much worse. Pretty much the only weaknesses Jin had in Tekken 3 were his lack of low moves and a low parry. In TTT everyone has a low parry, and he has a brand new ultra high priority Demon Steel Pedal that hits foes on the ground and can start juggles. Jin also has a new Low Demon's Paw that still hits mid, but tends to sneak under high pokes very well. He also gained a new offensive block that can be followed with a Wind God Fist. Does Jin have any weaknesses anymore? Not many. You can now escape the stun from the Laser Scraper counter hit, and still lacks moves that you have to block low. Fighting against Jin is still more or less trying to overpower his attacks. Your Dark Uppercut will beat his Wind God Fist and even his Electric Wind God Fist 1 on 1, so don't be scared to match moves with him. If he likes to do the laser scraper series, just block the first 2 hits and sidestep the 3rd, or block all 3 and give him a Mule Kick for his troubles. His normal Wind God Fist still hits high, so feel free to duck it if your opponent can't or doesn't do the electric version. Follow with either a K's Flicker or European Uppercut. If you're being fancy, this is also a great time to do the Armor King Driver and/or it's Tag Lariat variation. Jin's only low moves are his Hell Sweep and his d+3 knee kick, so you can safely stand and fight him most of the time. The best way to fight against Jin is much the same way you would fight Heihachi: just wait and see. Jin players tend to give themselves away while being forced to attack. What I mean by "give themselves away" is that they tend to show you everything they plan on doing right away. Gauge what attacks they tend to do and counter accordingly. Sidestep the Demon's Paw, duck the wind God Fist, block the Thunder God Fist (and follow with 1, 2, Mule Kick), counter his crouch dashes from mid range with your Dark Uppercut, and Dark Lariat him if he uses the new Demon Steel Pedal out of range. If you ever eat a Laser Scraper on a counter hit, don't panic; just press forward then back to reset your guard. More than likely the Jin player will perform the last hit of the Laser Scraper series anyway, giving you a chance to actually come out ahead following your retaliation. Finally, if Jin tries to mix up his White Heron finishes, don't even bother trying to guess which way to block. Simply give him a low jab after the 3rd hit to put an end to his madness. This is not going to be an easy fight - but it's certainly winnable. For some insight on how a master handles this match-up, watch the MIC/Valle World TTT Championship videos at Tekken Zaibatsu. MIC defeated Valle's highly touted Jin/Law team with his King/Armor King team. Much of it was actually overpowering Jin's attacks with the Dark Uppercut and King's K's Flicker. -Domingo- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Baek Do San ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ PLEASE SUBMIT!!!!! ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Bruce Irvin ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ (ESSENCE: this is for Mishima pokers or practically pokers in general) His mid kicks are pretty decent to use here though. When I'm using Bruce, and my opponent is a poking fiend, I use the d/f elbow to knock them into the air for a juggle, a kick, a string, or if you're feeling a bit more daring go for the Nightmare Mach Punch (ff+2). It dodges an oncoming punch and connects at the same time. Oh yeah, also of course the knee is good (just one unless its CH). (ESSENCE: said on a separate occasion) Love the d/f elbow launcher. stops annoying turtles when they dash in for an attack, and sets up the infamous "triple knee!!" Nightmare Mach Punch (ff+2) useful for the punch poking abusers. evades punch and hits at the same time. not really a parry, just a special hit. if they try to do an uppercut and whiff (specifically for Heihachi) using the triple knees (a self contained juggle) also is useful. for more flash, try the tornado uppercut=). the backflip to bazooka kick works on aggressive players using moves jujus a bit too far away, such as Jin's ff+2, Heihachi's uppercuts, his deathfist, etc. also mentioned by Assblaster, the b+1 can evade some attacks and does okay damage. his mid-hitting strings all also useful for the dashing Mishima opponents and poking in general. (ESSENCE: said on ANOTHER separate occasion) also forgot to mention sidestepping game. works against all three, but best against Heihachi. in particular: The hopping long kick- if you time it just right, you can get a back throw here anytime you want to. deathfist- also can be sidestepped fairly effectively. uppercut- a bit harder, but practice just sidestepping the CPU Hei and you'll see how to get around moves like these, he does them a lot. hellsweeps- this is not advised, but possible. if you sidestep away, and sidestep with the last sweep its actually possible to avoid them and get behind him. Can be alternated with 1+2 head on, or once behind him a good couple of kicks will do nicely. This works, specifically, well for [Fury] and Bruce. [I wont mention this with the Jacks, for obvious reasons.] Also, against the Mishimas one should use caution against the sweeps, as for example Hei can go to the upper, the kick, more sweeps, etc., but jumping hellsweeps should be met with low parries once on the ground (Jin). other simple sidesteps include moves such as Jin's ff+2. -Trekk- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Bryan Fury ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Essence: Words inside of a [] are for Ogre. Don't bother reading those unless you need Strategies for Ogre. It's always hard to beat a good Mishima players since he has so many useful attacks and very few weaknesses. Most players will stay offensive on you and if you stay too defensive they'll try and throw you with f,f+1+2. It's best to try and attack cautiously, don't make any reckless errors since opponents can punish everything you whiff with an EWGF. Punish every time they whiff the EWGF, since good players won't easily make the same mistake twice. Use the backdash into SS tactics (stairs) against godfist happy players, DON'T try to punch parry it with Bryan, against all Mishima's this is important. Don't get b+4'd, Jin players will try to set this move up with pokes offensively speaking. With Bryan, use INSTANT ws+3 and f+4 to force Jin into a dashing/ss-ing game to anticipate a ch, don't whiff the startup of the 1,2,1 or 3,2,1 mix-ups to avoid a juggle. Use the 1~4,3,3_doom knuckle mix-ups cautiously to avoid getting ducked and ws+2'd. The df+1,2 after a left jab will discourage Jin players to duck all the time. What really puts Jin in advantage over Bryan is the Hellsweeps, which are hard to defend against if you allow a good Jin FREE MOVEMENT. That's why it's important to keep in busy with you body blows, f,f+4 and Gatling mix-ups. [With Ogre, his huge sidestep is a formidable weapon against those who constantly pressurize via wavedashing, if you and up at their side ss+4 or sidethrow them.] Watch out for hellsweeps, but they are a greater treat for your Bryan [than Ogre.] Bryan is a better choice to fight Jin, since he can adapt from offense to defense like Jin, while Ogre isn't as well rounded and will be disadvantaged more easily. If they turtle too much go for 3,2,1, df+2, COM (with Bryan) [unblockables, FC+3,3,N+3_d+3, low attacks, throws (with Ogre). Especially low attacks with Ogre do well against players that look out to counter with EWGF all day, they are forced in ducking position making them vulnerable for uf+4's. Against Heihachi, you can play a little more offensively.] With Bryan, f,f+4 works well, if you set this move up, it's very safe, if it's blocked you still recover fast enough to block an EWGF, and use your 1,2,1 pacing mix-ups without too much trouble afterwards, perhaps even d+1 into C.O.M. Also, if you can anticipate to block the Twin Pistons (df+1,2) you can punch parry (b+1+2) the second hit. His Hellsweeps are much weaker than Jin's or Kaz', you can try to parry them, or block them, and punish with [Ogre or] Bryans WS-games. Don't get hit by b+1, either stay out of it's range or interrupt it. Use your ws+3(ch) and f+4(ch) off b,b~f,f~ss-like movements to anticipate good counters, especially ws+3, which sometimes even beats the 1+2 and allows you to connect b+1~5. [I usually tag in Ogre with the snake kicks for big and easy damage after b+1. I wouldn't recommend Ogre against Hei, d+1 kills a lot of stuff Ogre can do from the crouch, one of his main strengths, you best bet is Ogres sidestep, and from mid-level range from standing position, enough range to connect the df+1, which allows free d+1's.] Kazuya is probably the easiest among the 3 Mishima's to beat, with Bryan especially since he can punch parry a lot of Kaz' powermoves. Go with Gatling mix-ups here, as well as df+1,2, uf+4 and throws (com). You can punish missed/blocked WGF with a throw, Mach Punch(f,f+2) or ws+1, which can be done from both standing and crouching position, since Bryan can throw and juggle in both ways. Kaz players like to screw up your timing with f,N,df and f,N,d,df with the WGF and hellsweeps, and it leads to a formidable mix-up off the CD, and players often fall for it by staying in standing position. Stay in crouching position since WGF can also be blocked standing (it hits Sm) and punish with Bryan [or Ogres] WS-game [(Infinity Kicks are recommended, first 4 hits are guaranteed once first connects)], or use a C.O.M in Bryans case. Watch out for ws+2, which can lead to big damage loss, it's better than Ogres and can't be parried. With Bryan you can stay offensive without too much problems, with Ogre, you can count on a fairly even match. Against the Mishima's in general you cannot allow them to freely do crouch dash movements (that includes wavedashing), you must keep the game as small and the opponent as immobile as possible (especially with Bryan this works best with his various ways to mix up his strings). If you can't do that, [both] Bryan [and Ogre] will be hugely disadvantaged. -Renick- (check out his Ogre/Bryan FAQS) ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Angel/Devil ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Basically you have the same pokes and moves, and you most likely know their moves as well. Use your existing knowledge to eliminate the CD and WGF and use your own CD and WGF and you should be fine. Also, the person who does their WGF faster, (not always who does it first) will most likely connect. You can abuse the twin pistons as it is a GREAT move against 1,1 and CD. Use your lasers at far distance because they might start wave dashing. -Essence of JR (Essence of the Jin)- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Eddy Gordo/ Tiger Jackson ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ PLEASE SUBMIT!!!!! ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Ganryu ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ PLEASE SUBMIT!!!!! ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Gun Jack ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ If your opponent does not take you seriously here, and they often wont, some more powerful moves can be used to take advantage of overconfident players. the crosscut saw (f+1+2) is good against pokers who start strings too far away, for example. the better of the two follow ups for this is the d/f+2. if the crosscut hits, this is guaranteed, but even if it doesn't, this move has a good chance as most players will then expect the knee smasher follow up. even if they block the d/f+2, they will be knocked back, so they wont be able to retaliate that well. if they do immediately, try using the b+2 single shot. don't abuse the guns, but if you need to stop a rushing Mishima who is at least a half second out of range, the b+1+2 works nicely, and consecutive hits are usually guaranteed (not on flying attacks of course). d+1+2 is good against the punch-poke abusers as it dodges high hits, and can be made into a juggle for considerable damage with the 1+2 immediately after. good anti-wavedash tactics include the thunder slap-d/f+2+3 at a bit of range, the d/b 1,1,1... machine gun(sort of risky if they see it coming) and simply the 1+2. if you're crouching, and they rush/wavedash, the 1+2 (while crouched) aptly dubbed the "take down" will also help out to send them flying across the screen while setting up a shoulder tackle if they get up. if not, you can always step on them. other tactic (if you have time for the move to execute) to stop the dashing is the b+2. to interrupt pokes, the standing 2 is also helpful, as well as stopping potentially hazardous tenstrings which seem to be abused more against Jack. when attacking with ground rushes, don't forget to mix-up endings with the mid/hi/low attacks. also good is the crouched 1, then 2 for a mid that will knock them away or at least push them back if they block. against the more cautious player, running up with an easy throw like the volcano d/f+2+4 can be used, and easily be juggled with a 1+2 or f+1+2. (ESSENCE: Said on a separate occasion) Hey, I was looking over the GunJack stuff I sent you after I had practiced some more today, and I noticed three things- first, I said that the d+1+2 is good against the punch-poke abusers as it dodges high hits, and can be made into a juggle for considerable damage with the 1+2 immediately after. that much was true, but I forgot the better one (more hits too): the d+1+2, 2, 2, f+1+2. I also said that the d/f+2+4 can be used, and easily be juggled with a 1+2 or f+1+2. that does not always work, however. replace that with this okizeme- I'm pretty sure it's guaranteed if done right after the volcano (the name of the throw), I tried it a lot on max difficulty and I never missed- u/f+3+4. also note that the volcano is NOT the throw listed in the command list- the volcano BLASTER is a variation- on the way down, your opponent is very close to you. for extra damage, after the dust comes up (right after) a 1+2 is guaranteed. finally, I have another easy interrupt throw to add and an interrupt juggle- the throw is u/f+1+2, d, d/f+2. the juggle can be used at a whiff, as an interrupt at a bit of range, or of course in response to a crouch dash- WS+1, 2, f+1+2. also, the WS+1 can be tagged out of. -Trekk- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Heihachi Mishima ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Mishimas versus Mishima is never easy but as long as you have a higher technique, you can easily overcome anything. Make sure you make full use of the Shining Fist, there are many moves in Mishima's arsenal that leave a long delay, use this to your advantage. If your opponent likes to Wind God fist a lot, just block it, there's really nothing you can do. Against Kazuya, don't try to trade hits and don't wiff anything, only take the shot if it's guaranteed. Don't block the Stature Kick in the 1,2,4, better players will do 1,2,d/f+2 instead and kill you. If a player tries to use Demon Gut Punch in offense counter it every time with 1,1,2. Against Jin, you can duck anytime you see his crouch dash coming but I don't recommend it that highly, people will recognize what you're doing and use Demon Paw or Tsunami Kicks instead. You can afford to go a WGF-off here as your will take him every time. If you're on the floor off-axis, use of side roll quickly or he'll kill you with soccer kick (b+4). Devil is very simple. All he has really is his crouch dash, everything else sucks. With your move variety, you'll easily take him down. His lasers are easy enough to evade so they aren't an issue. Just don't get hit by a Devil twister. If you're dealing with Angel, even better, she has just about no range on the Wind God fist. Versus yourself is no problem, as long as you know Heihachi's own strengths and weaknesses, you should have no problem. Against wave dashers, play defensive, unless you can do it too, in which case, go head to head and hope for the best. -Exar Kun- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Hwoarang ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ As both a Bob and Jin player (I just like to watch them argue at the beginning of the match every once in a while), I would advice you to STAY AWAY from his Jabs. Sure you've got jabs, but he has priority. Against Jin I usually don't stay in flamingo too long else I'll get SMACKED by his Demon Paw (ESSENCE: f,f+2)(or fist... I can't remember what it's called). Anyways, be on the move a lot, especially against users of Jin that LOVE the SS+2.(Tooth Fairy) This way, you'll both wiff completely for a nice funny moment. But to fight them? Don't be predictable. As soon as Jin players see that you're stringing, Counters are in greater order than Chinese food. I'd like to exaggerate throws and DIFFERENT throws at that. Try out the d/b 1+3 and QCB 1+3. That way those people that're good at countering throws will be caught. Lesse... Of course, there are also advantages to stringing. Just remember those delays! Don't be predictable and you'll get him. -Locke- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For right heel lance I use 3,3,3,3... not very flashy but it gets the job done. or u can do 2,4... also not flashy but it does decent damage. u could probably do a f+4, 1 ... something combo from right heel lance but I haven't played around enough with his right flamingo sidestep to make one yet. a few anti Mishima tricks... wavedashing in from far away, u can lff f,f+3 him. of course if he anticipates this and sidesteps you'll be in for some hurt. if someone's crouch dashing close in towards you it'll be safe 75% of the time to duck. most often it'll be a WGF which hits either h or sM. it'll also block hellsweeps. of course that doesn't do anything for the mid hit switch ups. but with Jin u can at least see the f,f+2 and the b,f 2 ... eating his axe kicks is better then getting juggled. finally don't do the flamingo sidesteps randomly... try to guess when he'll attack and then sidestep. it's only useful when its a surprise. you don't always have to sidestep three times either. some mid level hwao's ALWAYS ss, f+3, ss again. if you're around them with ss, f+3, pop them up quick with b+4. sidestepping again just gives them time to react. also I noticed f+3 alone seems to go under certain high hits and puts you slightly to their side. very useful... -HwAOrAnG13- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tagio: yes. dat is one major problem w/ flamingo ss. It moves Bob to his right. The problem w/ this is that most CD moves can hit any char ss-ing to the right. So my solution is to learn the new sis. The one that moves to Howe's left instead of right. The command is f,n,4 There are two bad thing to this ss though. It is a little slower than his LFL and there is no real good juggle off the right hill lance. Oops. I'm talking like u said u have trouble w/ CD moves. Since u just said they hit u out of it most of the time and didn't say they did it w/ a CD move. I would suggest using fast moves from flamingo stance so u can keep them guarded. When I go into my flamingo my opponent usually guards because I normally follow up w/ a fast move if my attempt of 3x/2x flamingo ss fails. Thus keeping the opponent in guard. Try to come out of the flamingo using the jab. It is fast and does more damage than regular jab. Also even if u dun succeed every time the payoff of the succeeded 3x/2x flamingo ss is good so dun be afraid to use it. also. 2x flamingo ss is best when done at extremely close range. And 3x flamingo ss is done best at range 1-2. If u can't train them to guard when u go into flamingo use it more like a surprise move. Don't abuse it too much on them. Instead of using the flamingo strategy try to use other strategies. If he is a pitbull use Hwoa's infinite string. Or if they turtle use guard spinners and throw. And pop-up a 3x/3x flamingo ss occasionally. I have a very weird way of baiting for the LFF 2,4 and RFF 2,3. I usually do it at the beginning of the round or when I'm really low on energy. I find my-self using LFF 2,4 mostly when I'm low on energy and my Hwoarang tags in vulnerable. I usually throw out the 2,4 because I have nothing to lose. I already low on energy and if I connect awesome, but even if I dun it still doesn't matter because I was on the verge of lose anyways. I have won lots of matches doing this. It just feels good to c the shock in the opponents face after losing to this move -HwoaRang's Talon- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ The Jacks in General ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ For the Jacks- let Mishima players get cocky when they see your Jack of choice. then block/let their moves whiff (they try more risky/less intelligent moves against Jacks, obviously they're underestimated). the ff+1+2 (or f+1+2), i.e. crosscut saw, is good here. probably not a good idea though to finish with the knee-bashing follow-up, but its usually safe against good players to use the d/f+2. it knocks them back if first hit is blocked, and is guaranteed if first connects. good also is the d+1+2. ducks high hits, very nice damage, juggle starter. can be followed up with the 1+2 or cross cut saw mentioned earlier (with good timing). but please, anyone fighting Jin, if your opponent is just "that type" *sigh* and insists on doing lightning screw uppers on you, use the 1+2 and smash them! I hate seeing Jack players get abused by people trying to show off for their friends. usually, a good Jack player will never get hit by this. also good to use (when crouching) 1+2, the "take down." often, when I play a Mishima, if they back off for a second and see me crouching, they might come in for hellsweeps and the like. this move has decent range, sets up a shoulder tackle, and does good damage. a special note with Prototype- he doesn't NEED the follow up (knee breaker) to the crosscut saw! using the ground drill here (d/f+1+2) I have NEVER missed an extra (rather powerful) hit using this. DO NOT pancake press. easily stopped by get-up kick. special note with Gun Jack- the single shot (b+2, I think) is a nice match opener (for me anyways). don't abuse the b+1+2, but also good against those rushing pokers if you can last through the half-second delay before the guns fire up. remember, as against anyone with the Jacks, the best poke is 2. do not go crazy on poking, however, unless you need to get out of situations such as tenstring abuse. if you're good at throws, interrupting with a strong Jack throw is also always helpful. also, thunder slap (d/f+2+3) can stop less experienced crouch dashers at a bit of range. not a good idea to use up close, at risk of WGF and hellsweeps, of course. -Trekk- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Jack-2 ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ PLEASE SUBMIT!!!!! ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Jin Kazama ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ If you're Korean, don't read this. HAHA, J/P. Jin must basically stop the CD from moving. If you can snake dash you'll find it less useful as an EXPERT Mishima player will hold forward before waving so they can immediately face any SSing opponent. Try not to use stairs techniques either. Go up head to head and use your 1,1 attacks frequently. CD when you have room and if you can, WAVE DASH! Use tsunami kicks to stop other CD's. And remember you have a reversal! Use it whenever you have to, just beware of chickens. (I doubt you'll see one against an EXPERT. They're usually too busy waving and moving) When you are on the ground, try to wait for an attempt to okizeme you. If you must, fake a back roll with your body motions! All in all, stay pretty close and don't give up! -Essence of JR (Essence of the Jin)- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Julia Chang ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Really Julia's greatest asset in the game is her throw. Mad axes, mad asses, Mad axes. You can buffer this throw out of almost everything and its delayability is very very abusable. The throw is has really insane range considering Julia's short hands, do exceptional damage and has a 1+2 break with almost 0 frame for breaking it. In fact the throw has so much priority that you would be able to throw your opponent out of a CD/ WGF attempt if you time it just right. The second thing you need to know about about all the Mishima's is that they do NOT have any move that is lower than 10 frames. Yes thats right. Their jabs are 10 frames which means that no matter how much stringing or pressuring they do, there will some time that even on defence you have the advantage. Remember that the Chang's hold a huge advantage in their 8 frame 1 jab which links to either 1~1,1 or 1~2,1 both launches for some nice face elbow juggling. Speaking of elbows, although Julia's elbows may not be the best compared to Michelle, you should never the less use it. f,f+1 elbow is the perfect setup for mad axes and should your opponent feel the need to retaliate you can delay the skyscraper kick (note: f,F+1,4 is needed if you want to delay the skyscraper kick) and get some free damage. The same for d,df+1<2 though I think any Tom, Dick and Harry knows this trick by now. Lastly, ABUSE standing 4 a lot. I can't remember the countless times that I CH my opponent with standing 4 when they were trying to df+1,2 (Devil) or EWGF me. Move around a lot (sidestep, double sidestep) and throw out standing 4 outside range 0. When block, the Mishima's do NOT have anything guranteed. When ducked, their choices are limited because they may (and usually will) wiff a WS move. Remember that on CH, you get a f,f+1, f,f+1, f,f+1, d,df+1,2 juggle. -ILuvMomo- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Jun Kazama ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ DO NOT overuse her white heron/leg cutter strings as any good player will easily duck and respond with a WS move that will deal out so much damage.... You'll feel sorry you even tried. Most of your moves can be countered already by WGF so be careful. Jab a little to stop their own custom strings. If you know that they won't use the WS tactic (by using your own strings you can do this) White heron them and confuse them! Keeping close will eliminate the CD, but Heihachi has Shadow steps and the other Mishimas can still create room somehow (stairs). Just play a close range game with pokes and throws. -Essence of JR (Essence of the Jin)- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best moves to use w/ Jun... -f+2(of course)-f+2~D... Tooth Fairy and Tooth Fairy Fake Everyone loves f+2, some people abuse it and thats not good cuz it leaves you at a frame disadvantage when blkd. Thats where your f+2~D comes in handy to trick the opponent and if he comes at you, WS+1 or WS+3. You can use the fake in the beginning of the match just to set the tone and use f+2 out of the blue to keep your opp. guessing. A WGF can catch you here which is why you need to distance yourself from them while doing both of these moves. -3~4_db+4... Leg Cutter This is a great tool to poke with because rarely do ppl expect you to poke low from the beginning.. some think mid or high, but not enough think low first. It might have a -1 when hit or CH and -11 when blocked and thats a reason why this move should not be used too much, maybe once or twice a round. If blocked, throw out a 1+4 and you'll have frame advantage so you are equalizing both negative and positive advantages. The best way to stop a WS+2 from any Mishima off this move is to block and try another one if you are quick enough. -b+2_SS+2.. Diving Sparrow Another good poking weapon from Jun's arsenal, throwing this out in a match especially on CH is good. Making this a SS move as well helps a lot when you want to interrupt. A lot of ppl like to use this then input f+1... DON'T DO THAT. f+1 off b_SS+2 has a slow recovery it is really only good for juggling and you will be df+2, WGF'd, etc off of it if its blocked. Use f+1 to poke yes, its quick n effective, but not after b_SS+2. This is a very good move to use against Jin's f,f+2 and possibly Hei's f,f+2. You would be hitting this off a SS and doing a b+2,1,4. Ive never tried doing a b_SS+2 during a WD to poke them out of it, something to think about. -b+1(at times)... Sparrow Trip One of Jun's slowest moves that really helps at times. Against those (E)WGF abusers, this move helps you a bit, but I suggest you don't do it during a (E)WGF because both come out faster than b+1. You can use b+1 as an okizeme and if they tech roll, instant counter or you can use b+1 to set up attack combos if timed right. The only way you could really get ahead of a (E)WGF is if you time it earlier than when they input their command. Thank God this move is a low move, if it was mid, then this move would be useless. -SS+4.. Sparrow Pirouette One of Jun's best SS moves as it knocks them down on CH for a good okizeme attack such as Leg Cutter or the Cartwheel. Good for evading f,f+2 or b,f+2,1,2(Jin). You could bait a WD by just standing there and popping the SS+4 out, and remember this move has priority over ALL punch attacks so don't worry bout being hit. When blocked, it causes stun even though its at a frame disadvantage. One of her most safest moves to pull out vs a Mishima. -WS+3... Moon Scent The all-famous WS+3 move that has saved my ass many times from a Mishima Okizeme. After being hit and grounded, you can pull this off while you are gettin up. Most of the time that type of attack from grounded position surprises them. It might be slow too some since its a WS move but don't forget iWS. You should use this a few times against the Mishimas, more Hei than Jin n Kaz because of the quickness of those two. It looks like it hits low, I think it hits mid but it gives you an advantage especially if you need to tag out. -WS+1.. Sparrow Gut Punch This move comes out pretty quick when done with the right timing and should only be used for poking and starting a combo attack such as d+1,WS+1,f+2, etc. There really isn't much to this move when it comes to helping you against the Mishimas esp. vs Kaz and his fast WGF. -1+4... Start of the White Heron ONLY USED FOR POKING.... do not throw this out every single time to poke at them. Never try to finish the string either, its too risky and too predictable. Its good to do against Hei because you have more of a chance to do a SS move once he tries to attack. Against Kaz, you'd be dead because of his mist step and vs Jin, EWGF will just stop you dead in your tracks. -3+4(for okizeme)... Cartwheel Just like it says above, you for okizeme. You can't ever throw this out against the Mishimas while they are not grounded because you will eat a (e)WGF GUARANTEED. VS Jin... One of the most powerful of the Mishimas because of his ability out of the WD is probably the HARDEST to beat w/ Jun. All you can really do is poke him to death w/ leg cutters n white heron starter. The best thing to play around with is f~f, for example.. you have two options out of it, f+2 or f,f+2 and the one that you should try the most is f+2 because she can fake it into a WS move, preferably WS+3. The use of f,f+2 becomes too predictable when you dash forward. SS+4 is always good to use, but risky against the WD. Since Leg Cutters have some decent range, you can try it against Jin's WD at the right moment of the dash. I think it keeps you clear of WS+2(also has good range too) too. Doing 1,4 will save you here and there as it is a good poke to use against him. You are really limited in what you can do vs Jin because of his power and speed so poking confusing WITHOUT those stupid strings is the best chance you have against him. VS Hei... The Old Man, the patriarch of the Mishima Clan, is a bit less difficult than Jin because of his limited movelist. He doesnt have as much speed as Jin or Kaz. The best move against Hei would have to be 1+2 because some of his moves have blk disadvantage such as f,f+2 and B+1 and 1(after f+1,b+2). Hei's strengths are his WGF and his HS which is why hes kind of less difficult than Jin and Kaz. Poking is what needs to be done against because if you try to attack upfront on him, he'll kill you. VS Kaz... The FASTEST WGF in the game and theres really nothing you can do about it but block and pray you can hit afterwards. Why is Kaz so difficult for Jun?? his Mist Step, that move can destroy you quickly and I'm not talking about just doing f,n more like f,n,df+2, etc. Jun can beat him pokes but never try a B+1 on him because of his quick WGF. Since Kaz's Mist Step used alone can move him anywhere, it gives Jun the advantage w/ her SS game because on 1 Mist Step, he could come to Jun for a guaranteed hit. Believe it or not FC,df+2 is a good move to be used against Kaz as a poke during a 1,1,2 or f+2 and I believe df+2. You have to keep your spacing as well especially when doing a WS move because his WS+2 will get you. Poke, poke, poke, poke is all Jun can do against him and every other Mishima. She is limited in what she can do because of how she is but she can give the Mishimas a run for their money in the right hands.. -DReignMan- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Kazuya Mishima ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Jin is your easiest bet. Since his Wind God Fist is high you can duck and just respond with Twin Pistons all the time. But don't carry on with this too long in case they get smart and go for Tsunami Kicks or Demon Paw. You can out WGF him, easily so get right to it. Use 1,1,2 to respond to any frame advantage you may get and make good use of d/f+2 on the countering scenes. If he tries to pitbull you with punch strings, as you block a 1,2, go for d/f+2 so if he tries it again you'll get a CH. Heihachi is much harder. You can't out WGF him so it'll be a war of attrition here. If you block his Twin Pistons, WGF his hide. watch out for EWGF as there's nothing you can do there. Also be very careful to block his hell sweeps or it's big damage for you. His WS game is pathetic compared to yours so don't worry. Like I said it's going to be a war of attrition here. Devil sucks, he has a few of your moves and some crappy moves of his own. Stick to basic tactics here, as long as you don't get hit by Devil Twister you shouldn't have much if anything to worry about. Against wave dashers, play defensive, unless you can do it too, in which case, go head to head and hope for the best. -Exar Kun- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ King ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ First of all, King II has a crouch dash, too, and no one ever uses it. Possible moves out of the CD include not only the 1+4 and 2+3 chain throw starters, but an Ultimate Tackle (f,n,d,d/f,D+1+2...and its a 1+2 escape, no less) into the damaging 3+4 -> 1+2 tackle chain. Forego the punches, they're too easy to block. Also, using a hop kick at the end of the CD is a good idea as well, it continually surprises the crouching Jin players waiting for the ws+2. The last thing I'll mention is the SS+2+4~b Reverse Stretch Special Bomb cancel. Jin players especially love to watch King II whiff the grab and counter with whatever they want. I love to watch them crouch in eager anticipation of the grab and then eat a WS+4 standing kick followed by a (usually) CH b+4, BT+3 combo. It's not guaranteed by any means, but a Jin player will eat the WS+4 for sure, and then try something stupid and eat the b+4 as well. The fun is when they stand to block the WS+4 and the King player "forgets" to cancel the grab. Oops. Chain throw. -Kingus Maximus- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Kuma/Panda ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ I would just like to share some stuff that I have picked up while playing Kuma against the Mishimas. I will not go into detail reminding you what to watch out for when going up against Mishimas, as I'm sure all players know their capabilities well. Kuma has certain attacks that are well suited to battle Mishimas: - d/f+2 : This move is quite under-rated and not used well. Its Kuma's quickest and easiest launcher. A simple juggle after it would be f+1,f+1+2. You can use this against Mishimas in-close, as a main interrupter....however do not attempt this against their already-initiated Crouch Dash. I have been hit doing that many times. - f+1 : This is a good move that many Kuma players have come to know and love dearly. Its used primarily as an interrupter in medium range (1-2 character lengths). It leads to f+1~1~1 and launches on CH. DO NOT use this move to combat a Mishima Wave-Dash or Crouch-Dash, as they go under Kuma's f+1 too often. - 2 : I use this version instead of his f+2, mainly due to its speed. f+2 does more damage and moves Kuma forward but against Mishimas, its slower when compared to 2. When your alternating quick pokes, you need the 2. Use this at your own discretion as a poking tool. - f+1+2 : I should add here that in TTT, this move hits high 90% of the time. BUT when Kuma is 1-2 character lengths away, its classified as a mid-hit. I use this mainly to catch the Mishimas when they are moving....follow it up with a 1+2~f to get into Hunting Bear Stance and mix-up your attacks from there. - f,f+2 : This is Kuma's high launcher, and thank God, it doesn't whiff as often in TTT as it did in Tekken 3. You will be quite safe if it is blocked by Mishimas depending on the distance between the characters. Its best used to punish a back-dash or Mishima crouch-dash. Also use this to punish whiffed attacks, like EWGF or 112. - CH 4 : I use this a lot and it can be a risk at times, due to its slow speed. I use it against any Mishima attack except 1,1,2. After it, you can do a f+1+2 for an easy damaging combo. Its just one of the few tricks that you have to use, to win games. Works well against aggressive Heihachi players, who like to poke. The CH 4 also stops/hits Mishimas when they are at the apex of their wave-dash....a handy tool indeed. - HBS (Hunting Bear Stance): The best moves out of this stance are- 1,2 and 3+4. The 1,2 are two quick swipes that hit low and will stop any Mishima movement close to Kuma, and you have the added advantage of ending up in while-standing animation afterwards. So you can do things like WS+2, WS+1~2 to make your rise safer. The 3+4 is a rush-tackle which allows you some chance in mixing up throws and attacks after it is blocked. Go for the Circus Roll throw after it which is tag-able. - d+1 : Some say this interrupts the flow of one's own game. BUT against Mishimas, you need everything you can lay your hands on. Kuma's d+1 has the best reach in the game like king's d+1. I use a d+1 anytime a Mishima gets close. |Summary| I play against the Mishimas, mainly interrupting with quick pokes, and doing tick damage. I also try and use his CH 4 when I get the chance. I aim for the launchers like d/f+2 and f,f+2, and take off as much damage as I can. Once I have the opponent Mishima wary of freely moving in-close to me, I start offense a bit more and start to use his standard throws. I also use all the tricks that I can find, mainly bufferable throws like Circus Roll and Headbutt. I take some risks like using Kuma's hopkick in-close, knowing completely well that if it is blocked, I can get punished big time. Another main point to using Kuma effectively is to use the Tag feature, and keep replenishing Kuma's health and use your other character in the meantime. I'll end by saying that what is said above is my own opinion, and you do not have to agree with it. Everyone plays characters differently, so experiment with what I have said and see what works for you and what doesn't.....and take it from there -Abrar Rana- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kuma Anti-Mishima Strategy Prototype This part of the guide will follow the basic techniques a Kuma user can usually use against a Mishima player...keep in mind this is VERY beta and will be updated with more advanced tricks soon. Level 1 Mishima Player ->Jin Scrub ->Heihachi Scrub ->Devil Scrub ->Kazuya Scrub Level 2 Mishima Player -->Jin Intermediate -->Heihachi Intermediate -->Devil Intermediate -->Kazuya Intermediate Level 3 Mishima Player Coming Soon... Level 1 Staple Moves: f~1 F~1~1~1 f+1+2 1+2 |_~F |_3+4 Uses: f~1-A quick poke which will stop your usual masher from starting the usual barrage of mashable moves like Heihachi's 1+2 and Devil's Lasers. Use: Often F~1,1,1-A quick juggling move version of the f~1 basically (at least at this level as usually blocks wont come into effect) I'd suggest using it as much as you want as long as you aren't insanely far away from your opponent, if your a beginner start with a simple repeat of this move but more advanced players will want to go for a juggle which you can find on one of Castel's Kuma Juggle Listing. Use: Very Often f+1+2-This move will be your move of choice for whiffed moves against scrubs abusing moves such as Heihachi's deathfist, simply block and attack, the fact they continue to mash will make it guaranteed. Use: Counter Move 1+2-Use for punishing a blocked move with large lag time without many fast move followup's (i.e. a d/f parried or blocked u/f+4,4,4,4). Use: Interruption Followups to the 1+2- This is where the 1+2 starts to shine at this level, most scrubs DONT escape this, it does a good chunk of damage if you can tack on the 3+4. Specific Case Problems: Devil- Most players will NOT have a problem but some Kuma players have a hard time side stepping his laser, I'd suggest for these players simply just interrupting with a poke or ducking, more advanced players can try for a 3+4 to duck under devils 1+2 laser then following up with an attack of your choice (timed based on point of attack [more on this to come in next revision]) Heihachi- Heihachi can be a pain to Kuma starting players, his b+2 may not seem like much but it can lead some players to insanity, I'd suggest attacking with pokes to keep him out of range. Jin- UGHH...this can be annoying, unless your facing a masher the danger of b+4 is always there, and starter Kuma players will ALWAYS have trouble escaping his, it really depends on the player's skill but usually your best bet is to just stand right up after his two b+4's, if the player uses a 1+4, 1+4 then don't worry he usually will do VERY little damage and you can followup with a tag because your out of range. Kazuya- ALOT of scrubs one even touch Kazuya because they don't understand him..the few scrubs I have seen were all basically 1,1,2 abusers, go easy on the close range F~1,1,1's because of the free 1,1,2's and also worry about b+1+4 as they seem to use those a lot. Level 2 Staple Moves: f~1 F~1~1~1 f+1+2 f+1, hcb,f+1+2 (advanced) 2+4 1+3 f,f+1+4 f,f+2 1+2 |_~F |_3+4 Uses: f~1-Again this will be your main poking attack here I'd say use is in place of 15% of walking forward, its that safe a move about 75% of the time you use it, pokepokepoke! Use: Evil Poking Maniac Tool F~1~1~1-If you ever need to juggle ever, this is your tool, usually I'd say use f,f+2, but for my tastes this move is better (and easier to chicken if a reverse happy Jin player is the target) can be easy to stop at f~1 if your sure it wont get a CH hit f+1+2-Oddly enough this move basically has the same exact use as it does against scrubs as most intermediate's still will makes stupid mistakes with a long lag time (i.e. doing f,f+2[Heihachi or Devil] from way out of range thinking you wont backdash) f+1, hcb,f+1+2 -All I can say is learn this, I plan to go into this later but you will really want to learn this, most intermediate's wont throw break the move and will give you a free throw and tag, great damage too. Basic Throw's or Stone Head-I don't use this nearly as much as the above move but yes most intermediate's STILL wont escape just a normal thrown out throw. 1+2-Still great for punishing moves but followups are rare for techrollers and those who use d+4 (FU/FT) I'd suggest it only when your REALLY SURE THEY WONT MOVE. Level 3 Mishima Staple Moves To be discussed soon. -Armorkingman- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Kunimitsu ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ 1+2 is great against high attacks. (Essence: Mishima 1,1 or 1,2 combos) Use f,f+4 a lot for interrupting and crouchers. -Brahma- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kunimitsu Specific: General Mishima: Like Yoshi, Kuni works bests in close range. F+3+4 is a nice get-in tactic since it also hits CDing Mishimas. -Celedor- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Against the Mishimas I usually mess with 1,2,1 to out poke em (as if there is such a thing). 1+2 This ducks under all high attacks. I also sends em flying...lol. b+1+2 is a good defensive move. It stops just about everything! Learn to back dash to make opponent's whiff with the WGF. Then retaliate with a d/f+2 or f+1. Try u/b~b then 1+2 or u+1+2 for evasion tactics also. Try u/b~b d+1+2 when opponents rush and run at you. Try this annoying mix-up I discovered the other day... While crouching D+3. Press D+3 when they rush in. Tekken 1+2 cheese..LOL. Switch up with D+3+4 when they try and get slick. Remember that D+3+4 juggles. Try D+B+3,3,3,4 or whatever. Do a f,f, N+2 real quick after a blocked attempt. -Kgunsurugi- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm getting better with using her d+1+2 disappearing act. It sucks against attack strings (Bruce's attacks for example), but when they like to use single strikes (WGF, throws, sweeps), I'll vanish and come up with a d/f+2, dashing throw or unblockable. -shauno- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ About 1+2 - This move is pimp. Goes under Mishimas 1,1,2, goes under lots of high moves, it is just great. Easily one of the best news moves she has. -drumdude- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Forest Law ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ I have found that the best way to stop WGF with law is just by pressing 4 right when you see them do the wave towards you. The Law kick will come out before the WGF and making it into a juggle........ -heihajin- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'd probably write a Hei FAQ myself, but anyway, here's an anti-Heihachi quote from my Law FAQ: "The master juggler (no, he ain't no clown, dammit!) and, like I said, my second favorite character. If he blocks one of your juggle starters, it's almost all over for you cause his double uppercut (Essence: twin pistons, df+1,2) has almost zero execution time. But that goes for him too---if you block both uppercuts you can also retaliate with a Dragon Storm (b+1,2,1) and he won't be able to escape. Keep those in mind and generally just try to anticipate everything. He also has a very good high-low mix-up strategy (I'm talkin' Hell Sweeps here) that spells pain even if only one of his moves connect. Just jab a lot to prevent this and proceed with while-standing right kicks for a confusing game of your own." The above strategy also works for WGFs. If you block one, it's pretty much over for him. But if he blocks a Dragon Storm, you better think of some other way to end it rather than the common uppercut or you're the one who's toast. Hmmm...what else? Oh yeah, if he's a little far from you and crouch dashes, do any variation of Law's back flips. And if he uses a 1,1,2 strategy, just anticipate with your punch counters and juggle afterwards. If he jumps for you, most likely he'll do one of two things: kick your gut in mid-air or land with a sweep. Either way, a sidestep will keep you safe, and on the offensive---Double Dragon!!! -Joseph Christopher- (check out his LAW FAQ) ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Lee Chaolan ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Same as any character against Mishimas- don't use moves with long recovery unless your opponent is pushed back well out of range after blocking, due to the 1,1,2 and WGF. Lee's fairly well off in this regard. With him, stay close to your opponent, since Lee's got more fast pokes than Hei or Jin or Kaz. Just quick punch strings and quick kick strings. 1-2 jabs, a few punches of the machine gun rush, F+2,2, d/f+2 (and do a little juggle on CH, people never expect this from Lee), f+4, 4~4~4 , 4,u+3 (and chicken the u+3 against Jin, Jin players always try to reverse it), and d+4,N+444 and d+4,4,u+3. All of these keep you pretty close to your opponent, minimal disadvantage if blocked, and serious damage if your opponent takes the 4 of the 4,u+3 string on CH :) Unusually, I wouldn't recommend using the advanced triple fang against Mishima players (it's usually one of my favorite moves with Lee), since you don't WANT to push them back. And as always at close range- throw every now and then (a pity that Lee has no throws with a 1+2 break), and watch out for throws from your opponent. Luckily, Hei and Kaz share Lee's lack of command throws (and the Stone head isn't a throw commonly used during a close range poking contest), and most Jin players forget about theirs :) Either duck and WS+3,3,D+3,3 afterwards when they crouch dash or if you've got a little room use the b+3 kick, which always seems to hit them while they crouch dash and comes out pretty quick. I tend to find that Lee doesn't have too much to fear from Mishima crouch dashing, you just have to make sure not to start a high kicking string from out of range, but that goes for absolutely every character. Maybe it's due to me being really familiar with fighting against Mishima players, but overall I find that Lee has nothing special to fear from his adopted family. Stay close, don't get predictable with high strings, throw now and then, you'll be fine. -Raf K- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Lei Wu Long ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Use your Rush Punches a lot and refrain from staying too long in the Play Dead stance or even going to that stance at all, since each Mishima can very well counter that with a Hell Sweep. Low parry a lot and juggle afterwards... [Exar's Note: The following are quotes from JChristopher's Lei FAQ] Heihachi: If he blocks one of your juggle starters, it's almost all over for you cause his double uppercut has almost zero execution time. But that goes for him too---if you block both uppercuts you can also retaliate within UF+4 to juggle and he won't be able to escape. Keep those in mind and generally just try to anticipate everything. He also has a very good high-low mix-up strategy (I'm talkin' Hell Sweeps here) that spells pain even if only one of his moves connect. Just jab a lot to prevent this and proceed with while-standing right kicks for a confusing game of your own. Jin: He has his father's uppercuts and his mothers little four-hitters, plus some moves of his own and the ability to reverse an attack. His main weapon, however, is that three-hit electric punch combo that's lethal if connected on a counter hit. A good strategy would be to use your Drunken Stance as a punch parry on his SECOND blow because 90% of Jin users expect a counter on their third punch and not their second. Most Jin users are probably planning to fake their third punch and throw you instead, but never their second punch. If, on a rare occasion, you fail and parry nothing, just gamble with a Staggering Slide. Kazuya: be careful never to fall prey to his "stunning" gut punch, as that is the move which he can always use to make you cry. Use your Rush Combo a lot, and always remember to fake your Razor Rushes into sidestepping stances cause he'll rarely see it coming. In case he knows better than to block your combos' second hits, quit right from the first one and proceed with a Dragon Falls. Devil: Their new sidestep uppercut is extremely powerful and has the ability to launch an opponent WAY up in mid-air, so use your Drunken Stance as a punch parry and follow up with an ender of your choice. Their moves also rely a lot on the oh so versatile crouch dash (F,N,D,DF) that can branch into a whole lot of things like Hell Sweeps and Wind God Fists so, as stated in my Heihachi strategies, try to generally anticipate everything, jab a lot, and proceed with while-standing right kicks for a confusing strategy of your own. Another reminder, if they happen to nail you with a high-damaging juggle from which you need to tag, it is highly recommended that you use a slide as an entrance cause they've probably already anticipated your tag and are preparing to shoot their cheappy laser beams. Lastly, don't think you can still run towards them when they do a mid-air laser blast cause they now have the ability to fly around you and shoot from behind. Sidestepping is the key... -Joseph Christopher- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With Lei - well, you've the option of being a good old fashioned Lei scrub with the PLD, 3+4 or PLD,3,4 mix-ups (PLD to avoid launchers - or any other grounded position, for that matter). Watch for Jin and his b+4, though. And don't underestimate the effectiveness of 3~4 - you end up in Face Down/Feet Towards, from where you have the ability to mix-up between another 3~4 or a 4~3 sweep to PLD (or 4~3,4 Rave Combo). I've had some success with the f+3+4 punch parry while tagging in - I don't know that I'd try it against Jin - you can't count on him to go for a punch, not when he's got b+4 as well - but it works fairly well against Kazuya, since people tend to rely on his powerful punches. Haven't tried it much against Heihachi, but the same applies to him - you're more likely to be facing a punch than a kick when you tag in to a waiting Hei. [Both] Lei [and Yoshi] [have]has the ultimate defense against annoying pricks who will score a hit at the start of the round then constantly back off and block and otherwise turtle from then on - energy recover!! Lei's 1+2 from DRU [and Yoshi's d+3+4] [are]is a great way of forcing such a person to come to you - [with Yoshi you have the ability to teleport as they approach, and with any luck get a free hit/throw to their back!] -Josh- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Ling Xiaoyu ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Ling has some of the quickest jabs in the game. Her 1,2 jab string has a frame rate of 8x I believe. The Mishimas have a frame rate of 10 for their jabs. This means that Ling can out-jab a Mishima player all day. Always keep Ling moving. This means by doing her Triple sidesteps (ssr,b+3+4,ssr). Lings standing 4 can do wonders as well. on a CH d/b+1 is guaranteed. The Mishima family has to main weapons. The WGF and the Hellsweep. Learn how to block the Hellsweep and stay out of WGF range. If you have to get in close make sure you are putting on pressure with simple strings such as these. 1,2,d/f+1,2,1. And when you get knocked down from a hit or juggle don't always get back up. A WGF hit rolling or tech rolling opponents. The main weapon against the Mishimas are Lings jabs. Use them! Simple strings like 1,2,4 can lead to juggles from the CH 4 at the end. On a blocked in close WGF the 1,2 jabs are guaranteed. -LingPanda- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Michelle Chang ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Michelle: She is basically the same as Julia with a few EXCEPTIONAL differences which should not be ignored. The most obvious would be the elbows of Mich. On CH, the sky scraper Kick is guranteed and so is a f,f+1 etc juggle. Her elbows are really a good poking tool against the Mishima's because of its high priority and ability to interrupt even the almighty WGF. Again really, her standing 4 is an Indespensible tool along with her standing 1. Although she has gained a substantial amount of SS moves, IMO only SS+2 is of any use against the Mishimas. Even then SS against a Mishima is way to risky if you ask me. -ILuvMomo- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Nina Williams ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ PLEASE SUBMIT!!!!! ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Ogre ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ Essence: Words inside of a [] are for Bryan. Don't bother reading those unless you need Strategies for Bryan. It's always hard to beat a good Mishima players since he has so many useful attacks and very few weaknesses. Most players will stay offensive on you and if you stay too defensive they'll try and throw you with f,f+1+2. It's best to try and attack cautiously, don't make any reckless errors since opponents can punish everything you whiff with an EWGF. Punish everytime they whiff the EWGF, since good players won't easily make the same mistake twice. Use the backdash into SS tactics (stairs) against godfist happy players, [DON'T try to punch parry it with Bryan, against all Mishima's this is important.] Don't get b+4'd, Jin players will try to set this move up with pokes offensively speaking. [With Bryan, use INSTANT ws+3 and f+4 to force Jin into a dashing/ss-ing game to anticipate a ch, don't whiff the startup of the 1,2,1 or 3,2,1 mix-ups to avoid a juggle. Use the 1~4,3,3_doom knuckle mix-ups cautiously to avoid getting ducked and ws+2'd. The df+1,2 after a left jab will discourage Jin players to duck all the time. What really puts Jin in advantage over Bryan is the Hellsweeps, which are hard to defend against if you allow a good Jin FREE MOVEMENT. That's why it's important to keep in busy with you body blows, f,f+4 and Gatling mix-ups.] With Ogre, his huge sidestep is a formidable weapon against those who constantly pressurize via wavedashing, if you and up at their side ss+4 or sidethrow them. Watch out for hellsweeps, [but] they are a [greater] treat for [your Bryan than] Ogre. [Bryan is a better choice to fight Jin, since he can adapt from offense to defense like Jin, while] Ogre isn't as well rounded and will be disadvantaged more easily. If they turtle too much go for [3,2,1, df+2, COM (with Bryan)] unblockables, FC+3,3,N+3_d+3, low attacks, throws (with Ogre). Especially low attacks with Ogre do well against players that look out to counter with EWGF all day, they are forced in ducking position making them vulnerable for uf+4's. Against Heihachi, you can play a little more offensively. [With Bryan, f,f+4 works well, if you set this move up, it's very safe, if it's blocked you still recover fast enough to block an EWGF, and use your 1,2,1 pacing mix-ups without too much trouble afterwards, perhaps even d+1 into C.O.M. Also, if you can anticipate to block the Twin Pistons (df+1,2) you can punch parry (b+1+2) the second hit.] His Hellsweeps are much weaker than Jin's or Kaz', [you can try to parry them], or block them, and punish with Ogre [or Bryans] WS-games. Don't get hit by b+1, either stay out of it's range or interrupt it. [Use your ws+3(ch) and f+4(ch) off b,b~f,f~ss-like movements to anticipate good counters, especially ws+3, which sometimes even beats the 1+2 and allows you to connect b+1~5.] I usually tag in Ogre with the snake kicks for big and easy damage after b+1. I wouldn't recommend Ogre against Hei, d+1 kills a lot of stuff Ogre can do from the crouch, one of his main strengths, you best bet is Ogres sidestep, and from mid-level range from standing position, enough range to connect the df+1, which allows free d+1's. Kazuya is probably the easiest among the 3 Mishima's to beat, [with Bryan especially since he can punch parry a lot of Kaz' powermoves. Go with Gatling mix-ups here, as well as df+1,2, uf+4 and throws (com). You can punish missed/blocked WGF with a throw, Mach Punch(f,f+2) or ws+1, which can be done from both standing and crouching position, since Bryan can throw and juggle in both ways.] Kaz players like to screw up your timing with f,N,df and f,N,d,df with the WGF and hellsweeps, and it leads to a formidable mix-up off the CD, and players often fall for it by staying in standing position. Stay in crouching position since WGF can also be blocked standing (it hits Sm) and punish with [Bryan or] Ogres WS-game (Infinity Kicks are recommended, first 4 hits are guaranteed once first connects), [or use a C.O.M in Bryans case.] Watch out for ws+2, which can lead to big damage loss, it's better than Ogres and can't be parried. With Bryan you can stay offensive without too much problems, with Ogre, you can count on a fairly even match. Against the Mishima's in general you cannot allow them to freely do crouch dash movements (that includes wavedashing), you must keep the game as small and the opponent as immobile as possible (especially with Bryan this works best with his various ways to mix up his strings). If you can't do that, [both Bryan and] Ogre will be hugely disadvantaged. -Renick- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Paul Phoenix ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ -If you see any indication of a crouch dash, do f+1+4. -If you see a Mishima sidestep, which most players don't generally do, get ready for 1,1,2 or Jin's SS+2 to counter. Most likely, they won't chicken. -Keep mid-distance. Use Paul's QCB,1 on aggressive Mishimas. On CH, you'll be able to run up and do QCB,3,2,2. -Also on aggressive Mishimas, use d+1,2 (chicken buffered), followed by f+1+4 since most will try to retaliate after the d+1,2 -Generally, if you don't do f+1+4 when you see a crouch dash, just crouch. If they go low, you'll get a block stun for a WS+2. Their WGF hits special mid/high and the TGF can be seen coming a mile away and most people generally don't chicken a reversal. -Against a wave dasher though, it's a little more complicated. As usual, do f+1+4 or a standing 4. Standing 4 on counterhit will give you a deathfist for a minijuggle. -If a Mishima whiffs a WGF and you're close enough, go for his hopkick(s). You can get a pretty decent juggle. u/f+3,1,2,f+1+2 -Assblaster- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Prototype Jack ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ PLEASE SUBMIT!!!!! ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Wang Jinrei ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ I thought that maybe I could throw in my two cents about how to beat Mishimas with Wang.... Some of the best tools to snuffing Mishimas are: b+1+3_b+2+4 (his reversal) Do not ever let a Shining Fister go unpunished with Wang. His reversal is Unchickenable when reversing left punches. Excellent tool. Will also reverse the first hit of the Demon Pistons (df+1,2) with no chance for the opponent to chicken. His normal right kick (4). This is Wang's best move to use as a WGF or even an EWGF interceptor. It does run risky, and you have to learn the timing for when to use it, but when it does hit, you can then tack on a guaranteed f+2 on float when the 4 CH's the WGF'er. Just moving around in general (bb, u,N, d,N, QCF). Get yourself out of range from a WGF and then when they whiff, PUNISH them ALWAYS. A QCF+2 or hopkick usually does the trick and does plenty of damage and puts YOU on the initiative instead of them. -Siroccoh (Robby Stone)- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Got it. Sit back. Play good defense. The Mishimas can be annoying if in the right hands. People that like to throw a lot of jabs, after all Mishima's have the 1,1,2, just counter. I know that sounds dumb, but so long as you counter their left hand Wang cannot be chickened. I spent hours finding where the left punches were in all the strings used against me. DO NOT overuse Wang's db+4,2, this move is really good, but when overused it becomes your worst enemy. Only use this move when you are almost guaranteed a major counter. If the first part hits on a major counter then you set them up for a nice fat damage juggle. Poke a lot with the first two hits of Wang's 1,1,1, if they block the third hit, you are screwed. Also, remember this, many Mishima players get caught up in their incredible ability and will try to dazzle you for seconds at a time with their amazing crouch dash skills. If you notice a trend of more than two CDs in a row while they are next to you (you know, the wavestep) interrupt with either df+2,1, or you can usually grab them with a Waning Moon. -WangJin- ************************************************************************************************ ================================================================================================ Yoshimitsu ================================================================================================ ************************************************************************************************ With Yoshi - b+1+4 is great against crouch dashes.db+2,2,2, 2+4 (just hold the last two, and hit 4) is great against anyone - especially those Mishima bastards who just wait for you to do stuff, block it, then counter with a WGF or something. [Both Lei and] Yoshi [have]has the ultimate defense against annoying pricks who will score a hit at the start of the round then constantly back off and block and otherwise turtle from then on - energy recover!! [Lei's 1+2 from DRU and] Yoshi's d+3+4 are a great way of forcing such a person to come to you - with Yoshi you have the ability to teleport as they approach, and with any luck get a free hit/throw to their back! -Josh- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yoshimitsu Specific: General Mishima: The largest strength of the Mishima is his crouch dash. Range plays an important role here, since the Mishima's strongest range (crouch dash range) is one of Yoshi's weaker ranges. Try and stay close to your opponent and keep the pressure up. Note that if he blocks your constant poking, eventually he will be pushed out of poking range and will be able to fully utilize his CD options. Make sure you slowly rack up damage with your pokes, and take full advantage of juggle opportunities. Yoshimitsu's Uppercut works well against the Shining Fists. If he uses only the first two hits of the Shining Fists (1,1) then you can try and score a hit with Bad Breath (b+1+2,ANY). There will always be times when you will not be at poking range. The Sidekick is a fairly safe move to throw out here since it hits opponents in the middle of their crouch dash. Just don't be too predictable. Good Mishima players will wait for you to wiff then retaliate with their WGF. Spinning Sweeps also work well against opponents who like to Crouch Dash. They are best started just outside the range of the non-delayed WGF. If you do not use the Front Kick(F+4) after the second spin, then it is better to Spin to dizziness, since they can Axe Kick you before you do your rising Kick. Lastly the b,b+1<1 also works well since it takes a fairly long time to get started and will usually trick your opponent into started his crouch dash ... straight into your spinning saw blade! Avoiding the Puddle (u/b_u_u/f+4) is good against Hellsweeps. Especially the u/b version. After blocking a hellsweep, immediately do the Raining Banish (FC, d/f+3) and follow up with the juggle of choice. u+1+2, 1+2, ff+4 works well. vs. Angel/Devil: This Mishima has the one of the lowest move counts in the game, but it is completely possible for one to win using Shining Fists, Twin Pistons, Hellsweeps, and WGF. Everything else is just mixed in to add variety and a change of pace. This is the easiest Mishima to use, and also the easiest to defeat. His Devil Twister is a joke...Just block it and juggle him. The only thing to be wary about is that his Twin Pistons can outprioritize the Uppercut, so be more careful when using it. vs. Kazuya: Learn to escape his Stuns. This applies to any character. vs. Heihachi Mishima: Use the Sidekick or Knee Bash to retaliate against a blocked Twin Pistons. The Sword Counter vs. Crouch Dashing also seems to work better with Heihachi than the other Mishimas. vs. Jin Kazama: Without a doubt the most dangerous of the Mishimas. Quick Thinking and quick reflexes are what will save you when fighting Jin. The Sword Slice can interrupt his Laser Cannon if started at a distance. You can also try Bad Breath if you've mastered how to get it out at the fastest time. Beware of WS+2..It can be a killer. This is where Tag buffering your uppercut will really help, since Jin players like to crouch in order to utilize their wonderful WS+2 move. You can Sword Counter his Tooth Fairy with good timing for a monstrous juggle. The Alternative is to block and uppercut (chicken buffered!). You can interrupt his White Heron String before the third hit with a d+1. If he delays his Laser Cannon, you can SS+1 for a CH juggle, or at least a free hit. With proper timing a Sword Counter can also be done but I haven't mastered the motion yet and am not sure if it can be consistently done. -Celedor- ************************************************************************************************ Conclusion. ************************************************************************************************ Exar Kun says: Well this is it. The decisive guide on how to kick Mishima ass. Strategies from almost every Tekken Guru on the internet that we could find. If you still don't know how to beat them or still believe they're invincible after reaching this far, then you probably skipped right to the conclusion. Well, I hope this FAQ has taught you something on how to face off against the Mishima characters. Also finally I would like to thank Essence of Jr who first came up with this project and I would like to thank him for bringing me into it. It was a lot of fun to write. *NEW* I'm really sorry about the delay in releasing this new version, it was really my fault that it took this long to come out. More than likely, unless I get a lot of new submissions, this will be the final release of this FAQ. Originally when we started on this we envisioned a large FAQ consisting of a lot of user sent in strategy and tactics that would be a definitive guide. The feedback we got in terms of strategy was somewhat less than ecstatic but thanks to all of you who did contribute. Perhaps the Tekken community is not yet ready for a FAQ in these terms yet. Later. Essence Hope you enjoyed the FAQ. It was a tiresome experience and I hope to do another anti FAQ just like this one. You should be able to put up a worthy fight (if not beat) to a Mishima. Have fun. Looks like us Mishima players gots some competition now...... ************************************************************************************************ Tekken Sites. ************************************************************************************************ In case you're looking for more Tekken information. http://tekkenzaibatsu.3dportal.net/index.html THE Tekken site to go to. They've got it all. Movelists, combos, frame data, FAQs and not to mention Castel's kick ass movies. Oh, and this place also has the most kick ass forum I've ever seen, period. Features galore. Mad props out to Castel and all the people who work on it for this one. If you have to visit just ONE Tekken site, this is the one. http://www.tekkentagtournament.com Namco's official site. Check here for updates often and for movelists and they've also got a forum for those heated discussions. Everything you expect from an official site. It's official but not much else. http://www.fighters.net They've got a great TTT section with all the FAQs and movelists etc. Check them out also for ALL the videos on the World Tournament that concluded a few months ago. Also check here for anything remotely concerning fighting games. Just recently got a forum. http://www.gamefaqs.com THE FAQ archive on the net. If you're looking for a FAQ and it ain't here, then it probably doesn't exist. They don't just have Tekken, they're got nearly every game in recent memory. http://www.tekkenzone.com This is a cool site run by a guy called Dohee-Kim, it has some great combo movies as well as movies on wave dash, crazy step and the like. Check it out also for videos of the recently completed Korean tournament. They have a pretty nice board too. Dohee is quickly making a name for himself in this regard, check it out. http://www.counterhit.com This is a cool page run by SauerKraut, it has a nice little analysis on the difference between WGF and EWGF not to mention some nice movies. http://www.tekkensalute.net This is probably one of the best forum sites. Go here or Zaibatsu if your looking for forums. Salute's forums have been around for years and feature some the most informative threads out there. http://titan.spaceports.com/~tekken/main.html Tekken Oblivion has a large collection of stuff that has been archived here. If you missed the Asian Champs videos, here's where to get them. http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Bridge/2700 Abrar Rana's page. You can get some nice Kuma videos here. There're also guides created on site for various characters in the game and a special section where articles are placed about various subjects concerning Tekken. http://apollo.spaceports.com/~3xlei/index2.html Great movie archive by Triple Lei including movies done by DigitalLee that are very good and also not availible anywhere else since his it closed down. There are also other Japanese movies here and fight movies among other things. http://www.kovito.com I'm not sure if I should've mentioned this site.It's the Korean gaming league's site.If you can find your way around, you can snag fight movies of Korea's best competing.Good movie quality as well. ************************************************************************************************ Acknowledgements. ************************************************************************************************ To us, Essenceofjr and Exar Kun for writing the damn thing. Mark Kim and Kao Megura for their excellent copyright. Kao, dude, you've been retired long enough, and even though you've gotten screwed by people more times than ever, you're an inspiration and you need to get back to work. To Catlord for his excellent Tekken movelists. How he finds all those moves is anyone's guess. Keep up the good work man, and make another psychology FAQ:) Castel and the tekken zaibatsu staff for making the most kick ass site out there and for having those awesome movies. Castel you're a damn juggling god man. And where else can you get all that great and essential frame data? http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com The following list is of the people who really made this FAQ unique. Our contributors. They have provided this FAQ with multiple viewpoints and strategies and without them this would just be Essence and Exar raving along all day long. You guys deserve big props and much thanks. Abrar Rana : Kuma/Panda Armorkingman : Kuma/Panda Assblaster : Paul Brahma : Kunimitsu Celedor : Yoshimitsu, Kunimitsu Domingo : A.King DReignMan : Jun Drumdude : Kunimitsu Grim Walker : Alex/Roger Heihajin : Forest Law HwAOrAnG13 : Hwoarang HwoaRang's Talon : Hwoarang ILuvMomo : Julia Chang, Michelle Chang Jjt : Devil Twin Piston info Joseph Christopher : Forest Law, Lei Wulong Josh : Yoshimitsu Kingus Maximus : King II Kgunsurugi : Kunimitsu Ling Panda : Ling Xaiouyu Locke : Hwoarang Pimpitsu : A.King Raf K : Lee ChaoLan Renick : Ogre, Bryan, Ogre moves info and information on fighting Twin Pistons Siroccoh : Wang Shauno : Kunimitsu The Blacksmith : A.King Trekk : Jacks in General, Gun Jack, P.Jack, Bruce Tysan : Mishimas in general summary Wangjin : Wang These character have no submissions. C'mon, someone must know how to play with them: Eddy Gordo Jack-2 Ganryu Nina Williams Anna Williams Baek Do San True Ogre Versus Wave Dash Strategies We are still accepting submissions in any category so if you think you have a strategy that needs to be up here, then e-mail us. It would be very much appreciated. exar30@hotmail.com essenceofthejin@hotmail.com Namco, for making the greatest fighting series of all time and for continuing to bless us with these wonderful games. To the sites that posted our FAQ for all to see. Thank you. To you, the reader for choosing to read our FAQ. We hope it helped. *********************************************END************************************************