xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxx xxx SIDE STEPPING TRICKS x x x x x x x xEKKEN x xAG x xOURNAMENT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx Side stepping plays a very important role in either offense or defense of any Tekken player may it be in T3 or TTT. It has been a revolution to this game of King of Iron Fist Tournament series. Many would claim falsehood of the things I say but the truth is it is very REAL. You cannot deny that it has given depth, variation, and versatility to every character in the game. Name it, it’s there - the Mishimas, Kazamas, Williams, Phoenix, Law, so on and so forth including the underdogs, the Jacks and Kuma/Panda. Of all the fighting games out there, Tekken is almost real. Incomparable. But the first two releases of the series were lacking freedom. Freedom that would really define it as a three-dimensional (3D) game - the Side Step. In this document, I would like to bring to your attention the so-called autoSS. It's a feature unique to TTT which you can exploit to your advantage. This is the sole reason why I called my faq "Side Stepping Tricks". *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Contents ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** Ethics and Legalities Credits Purpose of this FAQ Revision History Sidestepping Guidelines Definition Sidestep Properties Sidestep Properties Generalization Info on frame Category of attacks To Sidestep or not to sidestep... Sidestep Applications Anti-Sidestep Strategies to follow *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Ethics and Legalities ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** Before you read on any further, I want you to know that I bled before being able to come up with this. It took hours of "frustration and frustrating" just to analyze and come up with a generalization on how to SS attacks properly. The time I spent and hours of analysis I went through in order to make this faq/guide/tutorial into realization is reason enough that you shouldn't mess with my work. In this regard, copying, editing, rewording, making profit out of this document by copying, editing, rewording is UNETHICAL and will not go unpunished. If you want to mirror this document, do so but please contact me first for my permission. To PS mags out there, you haven't made a feature topic on SS that comes close to mine. So much for the ETHICs. Now comes the LEGALITIES. Whether or not you make profit out of this document, the contents, regardless being of substance or not, it is ILLEGAL to copy, edit, reword the document because this is my work and is protected by copyright. Any infringement means your mine! I will make way for all available means, even encouraging my grandfather, who is a book author, to help me in seeing to it that you rot in jail. Tekken, Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Tekken Tag Tournament are registered trademarks and are copyrighted by Namco. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document and contents herein are for free distribution over the web . If you have received this faq/guide/tutorual by any other means other than those constituted and outlined in Gamefaqs you must at all cost dispose of this document and all of its contents. This document can also be found in other sites, visibility of the document was granted my permission or endorsed thereof by myself. Usage Agreement You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before taking advantage of this document and contents herein. Unless I was crazy enough to give permission to any publisher, editor, employee, associates/partners,or kins of any media corporation - publishing, editing, broadcast and the like, group, business, and or establishment as well as any gaming guides, game sites, magazines, guides, books, and the like, including (cheap way) photocopying copying, editing, rewording, reprinting, republishing and other similar means thereof your use of this document being a faq/guide/tutorial indicates your acceptance of this usage agreement. This is a free document meant to be used by everyone in accordance with the Usage Agreement above. Subject to the terms you agreed upon, you are hereby allowed to use this document for evaluation purposes. If you, from then on, after being able to realize that this document and contents herein are of any use to you, you thereby bind yourself to the aforementioned agreement and with all known US and international copyright laws applicable. Payments made for receiving this document is by all means UNETHICAL and ILLEGAL. When payment is made for this document or any of its contents quoted, reworded, republished, rewritten, reprinted, edited, copied, phtocopied, you must notify me, the site where this faq/guide/tutorial can be found, I already mentioned, as soon as possible so that we can kick the crap out of those people and/or entities who have done such maliciosness. I warn those people and/or entities with such malicious mischief that you may not alter or modify any part of this document and cannot give anyone else permission to modify my work. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU ALLOWED TO DO ANY OF THE ABOVE DISCUSSED INFRINGEMENT AND MISCHIEF TOWARDS THIS DOCUMENT AND CONTENTS HEREIN. Disclaimer of this Document For your information, there is no assurance that you will win after using this faq/guide/tutorial. THIS DOCUMENT AND CONTENTS HEREIN ARE TO BE FREELY DISTRIBUTED “AS IS” WITH THE SOURCE BEING THE SITE WHERE IT IS ORIGINALLY FOUND AND CAN ONLY BE DOWNLOADED WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO IMPROVING YOUR PERFORMANCE OR PROMISING YOUR VICTORY OR ANY OTHER STUFF. You will only win if you do things accordingly, vary your game style, adapt to your opponent, and is able to execute moves at the right time at the right moment plus the fact that you have that innate killer instinct, very focused, composed, a very good defender, and things I forgot to mention that should be included. And another important thing, I assume the responsibility that you are not a newbie, scrub, or still a scrub, and/or otherwise. All the discussions herein are highly suited for average and high level players as only such kind of people have a high probability or chance of pulling off any of the things that will be stated and discussed from now on. If by any chance you belong to those which I have mentioned, do not despair as everyone goes through that stage or have gone through it but not when they played Tekken. Provided that you are distributing the document, do so in its entirety and must remain untouched, altered, edited, reworded and the like via electronic means. There is no charge for this document. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies and/or part herein thereof, however made; and from distributing the documentation with other published or unpublished work (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission. If you read up until this end of the legal stuff section, you just consumed about three minutes. I just wanted you to know. All work and analysis done by Son_Kazama except when stated therein wherever it is applicable if the contents were borrowed referrences from other entities or individuals. *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Credits ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** This tutorial on Sidestepping would not be possible if not for the man who wrote a very good Jin faq. He is none other than Dario Natoli...Red King. Check out his faq on Jin. It really is good. Dario is one of those faq writers who make it a point to publish complete and very useful guides or strats. I would also like to mention Exar Kun and EsSenceofjr for their invalueable help on the completion of this faq, for their confirmations on my theories and queries. Most of all, putting up with me. Of all the people whom I have mentioned, special mention goes to my forum mate maureen of's forum. You were a great help. Your encouragement and comments kept me going on as making a faq is so tiresome and time consuming. Your words were comforting... Well I shouldn't forget these guys who have helped me a lot. They just didn't know. This is tough so I have to go with Sophita first because she is one of those who first introduced me to the forum. It's spelled S O P H I T A and not Sophitia like that for Soul Edge or Soul Calibur. Here it goes. Thanks to TheAmazingRando, Blackwind, Baby_Nina, Tagio, abs911, victoria or Queen Victoria or Victoria's Angel, Cros, Superstar Keoki, aiken, tribaL, karnage, unknowngirl, Shao Khan, SuLongTong, Professor Jumping Jax, ultimateLEE, KaNE, DenDog220, Kimmy Fury, and a whole lot more impossible for me to remember. But I'm really sorry to have forgotten to name you in here. BTW, SUPERCOP and/or PERFECTKAZUYA, you're in here too! Jamie, what would I do without you? You've got a very good profile!!! I wish you visited my dorm!!!!!!!! yay! I wouldn't want to miss out on acknowledging my cousins. Alex Lopez or should I say Sidestep king of Iron Fist. He has opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of the game and he showed me that no move could be invincible. Bong Lopez for his encouragement and faith in me that I can do it and defeat my bad-ass Ogre-using cousin Julius Lopez. My cousin Bong plays one of the best Law and Bryan I've ever seen and Julius for making me believe that Ogre is truly the god-of-fights. Also, thanks a lot to these guys because they rather play Tekken than put up with their wives whinings. Last and the least, my dumb-ass cousin Iya Lopez, Yhuichi "Okama" Kurata (thanks for being a certified ass-hole and for your attention), and my cousins wives for also playing Tekken. We all play Tekken!!! There is but one last dude I forgot to mention. He has opened my eyes to Tekken showing me that it is, was, and will be the best ever fighting game. Thanks Leo! I would also like to thank other people I matched up against. Especially that guy whom I fought against with one hand. It was a tight match though despite the fact that I lost! *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Purpose of this FAQ ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** At first, I wanted to make a Jin strategy guide. Hmm? There were too many Jin faqs out there in the net already. Some good ones, others I cannot say... I haven't read all the faqs on Jin, just three. Why? Just read them. Then I suddenly bumped into Dario, Dario Natoli who happens to be popularly known as "...Red King". I think most of you guys know he made a really good faq about Jin. I myself am a Jin player too, but not in the strictest sense. I favor him though. Anyways, if you try to look into his faq a little deeper, you will understand that everything in the faq is genuinely true and masterfully crafted. As he notes "...almost all the faqs out in the net are old and every trick since writing the faq are already known and too over used...". Atleast I think that was what he really wanted to say; I did some modifications with his statement. "Red King, please forgive me on this one." When I emailed him, what I really wanted to do is to commend him. But I did just the opposite. I asked him about some of the weirdest questions, one would be about how to do an EWGF which he stated very well in his faq. STUPID. On my next e mail, I tested him. " would Jin fare with Law?" that was my question. With the answer he gave me, I was convinced on the concreteness of every detail in his faq. Except for some views he had on SS. If you are a SS-happy player you might say you can SS Bryan's f,f+3 3 out of 5 times in a match. But can you SS it every time? How about Hwoarang's f,f+3 at RIGHT STANCE, or Ogre's standing 4? Most say it is very difficult to SS such moves in a match. # moves that travel horizontal Bruce and Bryan's f,f+3 Pauls d+4 Ogre's standing 4 Lei's db+4 Kuma's f+1+2 # if you are too close to the opponent, don’t try to sidestep since you’ll be poked during the first few frames of the motion. Always stay atleast a half-character distance to sidestep safely.* The only credible statement made about SS is that of Lei, Paul's d+4,2 and Kuma's. You just can't, if and only if you SS at an arms lenght away or farther and even if done at the exact time of execution or earlier. You can SS Kuma's f+1+2, for example, only if at a very close range. But you won't go that close. And if at very close range an opponent dishes out a WGF or TGF, you can even SS to the wrong side. As long as it is timed very well. How? SS the same time the input command is executed or as the motion to attack is starting. The same goes for Lei's sweep. If you always SS when you're upclose to an opponent, even Paul's Deathfist can hit you. HEHEHE! My arguement is plain and simple, there are very many misconceptions of the SS and properties surrounding them. I started to deeply involve myself in the the art of SS by the mere fact that I got my ass whoopped by my cousin who attained mastery of SS. When I told Dario about that he greatly appreciated my observation and acknowledged with a great response. Honestly, I don't consider my work to be a strategy guide or a faq. It's more of a tutorial written down. I have not mastered the SS and auto SS art. To do such feat would mean incredible effort for an individual. I am still on that path where every player of this game has been and will be. There's always somebody out there I haven't met and haven't beat. *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** How To Use This Tutorial ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** It has occurred to me that you may be experiencing troubles on how to "swallow" the contents in these document. One good way for you to fully utilize the contents herein is ask assistance from someone to play as your dummy opponent. You really need someone who would do what you ask them to do and would be willing to do it. Just don't tell them that you are training to kick the hell out of them. *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Sidestepping Guidelines ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** Everything must be governed by rules all must observe; it incorporates a set of rules for easy understanding and for convention, synchronization. I made the following guidelines in order for you, the reader, to SS properly. And remember, SS is used first and foremost for defensive purposes. When you learn to use it in that way, using it offensively will not be as hard as you think. 1. Never rely on the SS as your bread and butter. You can't win a fight by just avoiding attacks alone. 2. Never SS just to annoy your opponent or because it might somewhat avoid an attack. 3. Never SS before a move. It can get you into trouble. 4. A delayed SS is will not evade a hit even if done correctly. 5. The rule SS left if the attack is done by a left limb (the same goes for the right) is limited to Linear attacks, and diagonal attacks as stated in the Attacks-SS strats category section in this document. 6. SS at the initialization of your opponent’s move/you can also SS within the starting frames of the move. Takes a lot of timing and a very trained sense of sight. 7. You must be quick with your attacks after a successful evasion of an opponent’s attack via SS. 8. Always perform the fastest, safest moves, throws, or juggles. 9. Always have another SS ready for a very good CDer and Counter. 10. Some attacks, minimal number, cannot be SSed easily and requires an anticipated SS and very close range. So as much as possible, gain familiarity with what attacks these are and be ready to parry or block or CH. 11. If any attack within a "string" is SSed, SS again to avoid being tracked and hit or opt for the best choice, counter hit/poking. 12. Always look at your opponent's movements, not yours. It applies to the game in general as the starting motion reveals the attack. The key in each and every successfull SS is a good recognition of the motion of the first few frames of the attack. It is indeed the hardest way of SSing any known attack there is. As the move executes, the limb used for the attack is exposed but the time for you to make the decision where to SS is so limited that it is impossible to do such feat at first try. It takes a lot of practice and a lot of patience as you will get hit by doing such method if that is the path you will take on how to SS attacks. Second will be a very good guessing game. This method of SSing an attack is the most common and most utilized manner of SSing attacks. You just pick a direction. That's it! Third would be the fact that the move your opponent will do is a part of his pattern; no matter how good your opponent is he has a pattern. Why did I say that? It's because of the fact that the moves one must use are limited by the character's available moves. And to add that the move one will do are the moves that will suit the situation in a match. Hey! would you do an unblockable if your opponent was completely mobile in a high level game? Come on! These patterns maybe a set of juggle starters or custom strings your opponent is doing. The mere fact that you limit the effectivity of these moves by your opponent will greatly affect game play and the match itself. A good game wasn't always short. A better game would always be a time up and a close fight. But that's just my opinion. What comes next is range. Yes, range is very important. At close range, although you, I mean "WE", have been given by Namco at our disposal the ability to SS even at the wrong side at close range, some attacks are seemingly impossible to SS. The same goes for kicking and throw range. It's because of the fact that in a high level match the probability of the same mistake being done is very,very slim. And to add that you probably won't go very close to your opponent. There is always somewhat a distance gap. When I say very close by the way, I mean really close. You can actually see both characters face to face. Also, the diagonal attack thingy follows the general rule of SS right for right limb attack kinda thing. In the case Hwoarang's frontal righty stance attack of f,f+3, it's kind of tricky as you get fooled by thinking that it was his other leg that does the kicking. If there are anything which is for you a very, very vague concept or idea, tell me. The reason why I stress such rules is because of the fact that the SS in TTT is in a sense "overpowered". You don't need that much skill as in T3 to SS moves you often have difficulty SS against. It is more likely that Namco will tone this move down if another sequel is released in this already popular Tekken series. But one good addition to the SSing property is that of the AutoSS. It is a powerful tool that if you master how to do it, you will get the so-called "Psychological advantage" between you and your opponent and thereby shifting the balance to your side for an inevitable victory. That's if you do... *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Definition ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** It is equally important that you don't just know how to execute moves, escape throws and stuns, and tag in or out but also how to move about as the match goes on, progresses or expires immediately. Knowing how to SS and when to SS is to your advantage. The following definitions have been made by myself for reference purposes in this faq and for any other future revision or discussion. It is just for the purpose of sliming down numerous definitions that may come out. But I do keep myself up-to-date about it so there will be no problem about some queries with different definitions or terms. DEFINITION SS is the abbreviation for the word side step. In the entirety of this document, the meaning of the above term is the normal sidestep as what tragic explained in his illustrations. BKs stands for back turned sidestep. It basically does the same function but the scope of the step you make is less compared to a normal one. AL or armslength (characterwise) only denotes that the distance from your character to your opponent's is just an armslength of the average Tekken character. SSa are the standard attacks that come off sidesteps as a package. NP stands for normal position or start of match, mobile, or standing position wherein you face your opponent dead ahead. At NP and both characters are at the ends of the screen, a dash, charge, or run will null a SS position. The invincible charge as some call it, does this as the light charge can be avoided by SSing. SSw is a term for a SS done the opposite direction of the right way to SS an executed move. This is the hardest, trickiest SS move to pull off as perfect timing and excellent perceptual speed are needed. This is the ultimate reward for knowing and understanding the properties of any given attack. I seldom pull through with this move so I instead use the regular one. Stopped sidestep The stopped sidestep is accomplished by pressing f, b halfway through the completion of the actual SS. Such SS has distinct advantages like being able to SS a move to the wrong side while anticipating the move you actually intend to SS. The properties which a stopped SS has is the same as a SSw although the latter is much more complicated. A stopped SS can also be done by executing moves immediately after the SS - f, b, CD, SS, U, D - almost any move. Effective range of throwing is an armslength from a regular character's outstretched arms. Basically, you can throw your opponent if both of your characters fists get close; the leading fist of an opponent's character is enough to consider a throw. The distance of throwing prowess can go farther depending on the situation. Auto SS this is the ability of any character to SS any succeeding move of short or ten strings prior to blocking any hit from the string. Using the concept of the Auto SS requires familiarity of string you are blocking since if you choose the wrong path to auto SS, you will get hit. CONVENTION 1 - Left Punch, square 3 - Left Kick, cross 2 - Right Punch, triangle 4 - Right Kick, circle 5 - Tag button f - tap forward Tapping is generally doing a d-pad b - tap backwards or stick motion fast. Hold would d - tap down mean you must press or tap on longer u - tap up for that certain motion to execute. d/f - tap down/forward d/b - tap down/back u/f - tap up/forward u/b - tap up/back Forward F or forward f means to move F - hold forward or advance dead ahead to your opponent B - hold backwards with relation to his current position. D - hold down Backwards B or backwards b is relatively U - hold up the same but is done by moving away your D/F - hold down/forward opponent. D/B - hold down/back U/F - hold up/forward U/B - hold up/back I have only listed down conventions regarding the motion. That's the consideration I can give a newbie. I reiterate, I assume the responsibility that you are not a newbie, scrub, or still a scrub, and/or otherwise. All the discussions herein are highly suited for average and high level players as only such kind of people have a high probability or chance of pulling off any of the things that will be stated and discussed from now on. If by any chance you belong to those which I have mentioned, do not despair as everyone goes through that stage or have gone through it but not when they played Tekken. *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Sidestep Properties ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** As in any move, SSing also have properties which are very useful if you gain familiarization on how to use such properties. When you are told to SS either right or left, it literally means to your character's right or left. In Player 1 position, a SS to the right directly translates into a SS to the screen or away from the background. TOP VIEW DIAGRAM Start of match/ This is the intial position at the start of a Mobile position match. It would be typically be around two-arms (AL) length in distance. If you SS in a start of a match, P1 side P2 side say you successfully did, you can advance an AL and grab your opponent. It's quite annoying. _ _ Anyways, the important about knowing your distance O_ _O from your opponent is the fact that it determines the type of move you'll execute. Normal Sidestep(SS) After doing a full, complete SS, you'll end up close to your opponent's side. The distance is about 1/6 of P1 side P2 side a complete circle or 1/3 of a half-circle. Please take note that it does not completely place you adjacent _ to your opponent at a 90 degree position with respect O_ to the start of match or mobile/standing position. \ What happens next is that you are drawn closer to your \O opponent. It is only a matter of opinion whether you are in a tight situation or a good one. If you know what to do next, which I believe you do, you can punish your opponent no matter how fast a move is dished out. After a successful SS from an opponents attack, even if he tries ducking and retaliating, you'll get him with a throw,a fast one for that matter. Just take note of recovery times and you're on your way. Stopped Sidestep There are distinct advantages of ST that are completely unknown to many. But the timing is P1 side P2 side difficult. I have a simpler example than what I gave before. _ I want an example that covers much of what I said. O_ \ You are faced with an Ogre user. Your opponent attempts \O to execute a f+2. It is an attack needing to be evaded to you right. But he also has the option to do a standing 4 for which Ogre is noted. The standing 4 of Ogre can be SSed to the left. If you think about it, choosing to SS left is basically good. The reason for such is because you can perform a stopped SS. You can press b for defensive purposes and you will be able to evade both attacks given that you did right with the timing. But I suggest you do a stopped SS by executing a throw ASAP. This is because you will out prioritize both moves as you will catch the opponent as the character is in the frames of executing the move and gain about a neat 30 points of damage off your opponents life bar. Before I forget, you end up still in front of your opponent but slightly on the side facing the former if you decided to push b. The only reason you'll tap f is because you are faced with someone you're wasting time against. Wrong-way Sidestep(SSw) A good example would be that of Jin's TGF. If a Jin user doesn't know how to delay and time the execution of a TGF, a SSw will evade the attack. If you notice a TGF dash, you can SS right. It will sometimes involve a ST at first followed by a SSw, that's if the opponent delays his CD attack upon the situation. This is very dangerous to do especially if you don't usually do it and know of the timing of when to SS. A single SS will also do but is very, very risky. Try this experiment. At close range, you can SSw a TGF to the right if you execute the SS the same time the CD progresses into a TGF. SSing the wrong way takes a real good guessing game skill of knowing when the attack is about to come in contact. You cannot delay your SS when we talk about going the wrong way. And to add that not all attacks can be SSw. Anything as fast as an 8-frame jab will get you everytime. When I refer to guessing game skills, it doesn't totally mean that you're facing a below-average player. Trying to defend against attacks requires guessing game skills as well in a sense that you must have an idea of what moves to defend against "will the move hit high, low, or mid?" as well as "will the next offensive be a throw?". See my point. Auto Sidestep(orAutoSS) An auto SS requires recognition of moves and strings. It does not just end there. You must also be familiar P1 P2 with what limb the succeding move will utilize as it _ _ determines which way you must choose to auto SS. O_ _O The foundation of the Auto SS rests upon the fact that you are able to perform thw SS motion only after the P1 advances to blocking motion of your character ends. attack P2 This is very critical as if the succeeding move you will Auto SS is very fast and has good tracking ability P1 P2 you will then get hit. _ _ O_._O Aside from this, the SS has gained a lot of advantages since T3. You will notice that SSing in TTT is a lot P1 connects with easier than in T3. This is one of the reasons why I hit but P2 blocks won't put up a character SSing guide. I just told you and does an how to SS one of the seemingly impossible moves to SS, auto SS while he the hell sweep and the u_u/f+4,4,4,4. blocks the attack Going back to the autoSS again, it will not be possible P1 P2 to AutoSS all moves. A perfect example would be the u_u/f+4,4,4,4. The reason behind this is due to the , fact that the second and third hit of this string is O_ too fast and is very complicated to autoSS even if it \ was possible. Just imagine, you have to block low then \O input the SS command as fast as you can but in the end the tracking ability and the speed of the succeeding P2 auto SS the moves are just too much. blocked attack to the left making The autoSS is indeed a great innovation but the P1 whiff altering of the SS in whole was beyond what I call as being FAIR. I still adhere to skill rather than luck. You'll just get lucky. Take note that you cannot auto SS BUT IN SOME POINT, being able to autoSS is not just every move dished done by luck if you pull it off consistently. It takes out by your opponent such skill as well to do such a move. First off, you as you have to should have knowledge in how, when, and where to SS a consider the frames particular attack in a string. You may be able to you have been guard autoSS but did you SS the right way? All moves in stunned and the speed Tekken have a natural way or direction in SSing and to of the following successfully avoid such attacks. This alone makes me attack and your think twice at times if the autoSS is really that bad, character's SS speed remember that even SSing single moves in TTT is much easier because of this innovation; Namco may have over did the SSing evasion property. ************************** SSing and AutoSS details ************************** I really have to credit the people at Tekken Zaibatsu for this. I was wondering while I was evading attacks via SS in TTT that it was so easy, far more easy than in T3. Sequential SSing is far more efficient this time around but not recommendable. Since I don't know who to talk to about this matter...all I can do is to rant to myself about it. It's so hard as everyone who doesn't realize this turn your ideas down. It is a fact that SSing in TTT by any character is tremendous as it has become deeper and more easy to pull off. This are the changes you should note. Some of the people I've talked to don't even SS. Quite stupid of that guy. But it only shows that some tourney participants play Tekken 2D style. Gaining further knowledge on SSing is the difference between you and a very tough opponent if you try to face them head on, the 2D way. It can break their momentum and shift the balance of the game's outcome to your side. I have experienced the effects of SSing back in T3. I thought I already became good enough but good enough isn't always the best thing. Every move I did whiffed and I got a major ass beating. It took me about a week of pondering about what I was doing wrong. If you look at it, I was doing pokes which is SOP in the game. I was caught by surprise when my Jin's white heron was SSed in the middle of its execution. I thought doing the u_u/f+4,4,4,4 would do something. But it was to no avail. It was hard to think of a way to counter it at first. Really hard. In a very matched 2D battle, the SS and autoSS is a determining factor in whether you win or loose. Frame Information on Sidestep I beg your pardon as my llustration and text graphics are grade school level. Nevertheless, try getting my point. Also, it is not drawn exact to scale so please don't get ideas that you have some kind of extreme advantages or you are in a disadvantaged situation. TOP VIEW Sidestep frame info ,***.**** |=====| -. frames * * |-----| | 1 to -. * * |-----| -' 11 | -. '***'**** |-----| | frames | | | frames | 12 | _|-----|_ 8 | -. to | \ / to | frames | | ** \ / 43 | 24 | 43 | ** \ / | to | | ,***.\ / | 43 | | ** * *: -' -' -' ** *** ** - if Ogre, King, A.King, T.Ogre, or female '***' ** one frame total to start SS With regards to offensive moves, the sidestep has great advantges in execution as it only needs a frame to initiate. Your opponent is so busy and concentrated at hitting you with his move that he is unaware that you have just evaded the move. But this doesn't come without a set back. If you tap u or d too late or too soon, you'll get hit. Doing a SS too soon will not make it into SSw. There is a big difference, I have already stated this in the definition section of this document. Do not abuse the use of the SS. If you try SSing all the time, most especially from a distance, you are in VERY BIG TROUBLE if your opponent dishes out an attacking having good tracking ability to your chosen path of SSing. Some moves require very complex motion that SSing the motion is enough grounds to say "I got you!!!". But just be careful if and when the opponent taps f. Note that you still have time for another SS since the move coming out of the motion also has some couple of frames before it hits. frames 1 to 11, 11 frame total The next section is describing an 11 frame total in which you are vulnerable to fast pokes, attacks rendering you unable to block. This is the most important frame in SSw since it tells you what moves you can only SS the wrong way. Julia and Michelle's 1 cannot be SSw since the execution of their move is at 8 frames, too fast. You will not get hit during the first few frames of the execution of the SS. You will get hit after 8frames, theoretically. Also because you become too close to your opponent as SSing makes you come closer to your opponent. In TTT, the SS is given more depth and evasiveness. This is also the reason why a dashed EWGF can be SSed. Even doing SSw! If you remain observant on your opponent, he will dash in and you will notice that if you SS before the opponent does or tap f the CDer will be able to follow you. All you need is composure. Notice also that the intent of the CDer is a DEWGF. He is too busy pulling off the move. You must SS when you see the actual crouch motion up until only the point wherein the opponent's character's shoulder rises. It takes time, practice, and skill to perceive all that I have stated. It is rather difficult for some to do such feat because they tend to look at their characters and not of their opponents. When in a match, even in an actual fight, look at your opponent's limbs to tell whether they will attack or not. Reaching these frames means you are home free. frames 8 to 43, 36 frame total The section next to the above mentioned is detrimental to whether you kick ass or you getting the end of what they dished. Within these frames, you have the option to poke or perform any attack not requiring motion input. Standard SS attacks can be performed after these frames. frames 24 to 43, 20 frames elapsed If you make it to the 25th and 40th frame, it's a pretty easy life... I reiterate, I assume the responsibility that you are not a newbie, scrub, or still a scrub, and/or otherwise. All the discussions herein are highly suited for average and high level players as only such kind of people have a high probability or chance of pulling off any of the things that will be stated and discussed from now on. If by any chance you belong to those which I have mentioned, do not despair as everyone goes through that stage or have gone through it but not when they played Tekken. frames 12 to 43, 31 frame total This is the point were in you can block attacks, especially if you perform a stopped SS with pressing b. If you noticed, you can still input commands performing standard SS attacks. When doing so, you give better tracking to you attack but you suffer delays. Please remember that I also based the explanation for the frame data from my experience in SSing. It is also understood that you SSed as a reaction to your opponent's attack or as an anticipation to your opponent's attack. If you SS from afar and blame me for being hit, go to a shrink!!! Summary from 1st to 11th you are unable to block from 8th to 43rd attack input, such as 1,2,or the like, possible from 24th to 43rd motion input possible, CD, RD 43rd end of SS animation ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** What is an auto Sidestep? ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** As defined ealier, the auto SS is executing a SS while blocking and afterwards, you will auto SS after the block animation has ended. Other such attacks you SS without getting hit before SSing is a plain SS. Take a peek at this moves: CharacterOpponent's AttackSide Step Direction Lei Wulong f,N+1,2,1,2 (after 1st hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right f,N+1,2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left* or Right (see #1 note) f,N+1,2,1,2 (after 3rd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right Jin Kazama b,f+2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* Forest Law b+1,2,1 (after 1st hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* b+1,2,1 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left* or Right Gun Jack 2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* Jack 2 2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* Prototype Jack 2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* Kuma & Panda 2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* Paul Phoenix FC,d/f+2,1 (after 1st hit blocked)Your character's Left* or Right (see #2 note) FC,d/f+2,2 (after 1st hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right Heihachi Mishima b+2 Your character's Left* or Right* f+1,b+2,1(after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left* or Right* Kunimitsu f+3+4Your character's Left* or Right* Kazuya Mishima d/f+1Your character's Left* or Right* Almost all attacks listed are in the category of being auto SSed. All except for that of Heihachi's b+2 Kunumitsu's f+3+4 Kazuya's d/f+1 These moves can be evaded by the plain SS. Remember the definiton of the SS? WELL YOU SHOULD AND IF YOU DON'T, FIND A BRAIN!!! BTW, this proves that SS in TTT is a bit easier now than in T3. Try SSing while blocking a tenstring. ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Back turned Sidestep ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** I have nothing special to mention about BK due to the fact that it is not that used or involve in gameplay too often, only on special occasions. But for the sake of those who would want to know... ,***.**** |=====| - one frame total to start SS * * |-----| * * |-----| vulnerable, cannot block '***'**** |-----| - starts to turn around at 15th | | - cannot block up to 21 frames _|-----|_ after the 21st frame, blocking possible \ / till the end of animation and beyond \ / \ / - 40 frames for complete ** ,***.\ / Side step execution ** *** *: * * ** - if Ogre, King, A.King, T.Ogre, or female '***' (tail or hair! whichever applies) ** ** from 1st to 21st blocking impossible at 15th starts to face the opponent from 22nd to 40thPossible to block at 40thEnd of the SS animation It is extremely difficult for the person who will BKs as the threat of retaliation or offensive is not in his deck of cards. The only available options for someone back turned are regular kicks, punches, or to duck low. He may even try to face towards the opponent but it takes too much time. Lots of risks are involved since throws are a lot damaging plus the fact that you cannot block. Look at the frame data presented. What's worse is that you can't block for about one-third of a second against that of a normal SS, 11 frames. Also, not all opponent tend to BK while in a match if that is not intrinsic of their character - turning back to opponent. But please put in mind that an opponent in BK position becomes dangerous if you are careless. Do not charge in if you are not doing the invincible charge. Fake them out. Otherwise, pray and kneel in hiding as you will get a beating... ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Special Notice ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** Thank you very much Tekken Zaibatsu for the frame info and clarification I had about what made the SS a more deadly art, the auto SS. Thank you castel for putting up with me. But still...v_v The following is what I based my work with this revised SS faq Side Stepping A Side Step in Tekken Tag is achieved by tapping up or down. Various characters have special attacks from the Side Step movement, check the according move lists each character. Besides these Side Step attack you also have other options during the Side Step animation including standard attacks or Side Step cancels. Take a look at the chart below for frame details. FramesFace Forward Side StepNote from 1st to 11thNo blocking from 8th to 43rdAttack input possible from 24th to 43rdNew motion input possible at 43rdEnd of the SS animation A Side Step can also be done while your character has his back turned towards the opponent. The chart below does not apply to Ling Xiaoyu or Lei Wulong as they have special back turned properties. We currently do not have to accurate frame information for these two characters or the attack frames. FramesBack Turned Side StepNote from 1st to 21stNo blocking at 15thChange to Face Forward Position from 21st to 40thPossible to block at 40thEnd of the SS animation NOTE: If up to the 21st frame, blocking is impossible, then it follows that you can only block on the succeeding frame. Auto Side Step Auto Side Step are done beholding up or down, depending on which direction you can Auto Side Step, while blocking your opponent's attack. You will Side Step as soon as the block animation has ended. Look at this as a bufferable Side Step. The following chart lists the moves after which you can Auto Side Step while blocking and the direction in which you can Side Step. In some cases this technique will avoid being forced to block the rest of the attacks if you select the correct way to Side Step, but in some other instances you get hit during the Auto Side Step. The directions marked with a * indicate which way to Side Step to not get hit if at all possible. CharacterOpponent's AttackSide Step Direction Lei Wulong f,N+1,2,1,2 (after 1st hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right f,N+1,2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left* or Right (see #1 note) f,N+1,2,1,2 (after 3rd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right Jin Kazama b,f+2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* Forest Law b+1,2,1 (after 1st hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* b+1,2,1 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left* or Right Gun Jack 2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* Jack 2 2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* Prototype Jack 2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* Kuma & Panda 2,1,2 (after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right* Paul Phoenix FC,d/f+2,1 (after 1st hit blocked)Your character's Left* or Right (see #2 note) FC,d/f+2,2 (after 1st hit blocked)Your character's Left or Right Heihachi Mishima b+2 Your character's Left* or Right* f+1,b+2,1(after 2nd hit blocked)Your character's Left* or Right* Kunimitsu f+3+4Your character's Left* or Right* Kazuya Mishima d/f+1Your character's Left* or Right* #1 A Side Step Left after the 2nd blocked punch will cause the 3rd to hit but you will Side Step the 4th. #2 If the 2nd hit is not delayed what so ever you will get hit regardless of the direction you Side Step to. The following information is shown in Text document as I cannot show the original HTML document. Please be advised the I showewd the original content I base my work since I want you, the reader, to see any difference and for you, the reader, to see my point. I would like to thank tragic for the former SS frame info in this faq. The following is his work for the T3 frame info found at Please be reminded that only the frame information is taken. ___________________________________|\ | | | | | \ |1| 11 | 17 | 25-40 | ' 40 frames for a full Sidestep |_|______|________|____________|____ / | | | | |/ | | | | ` | | | `- advantage point of SS | | | | | `- SS can be canceled from this point on | | | `- frames in which you cannot block | `- frames to initiate Back Turned (BK) Sidestep Information . _______________________________|\ | | | | | \ |1| 9 | 9-16 | 16-22 | ' 22 frames for a full BK Sidestep |_|_____|________|_________|____ / | | | | |/ | | | | ` | | | `- can input moves | | | | | `- considered turning around (no longer BK) | | | `- considered back turned to this point | `- frames to initiate ...end of document for SS info by tragic ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Sidestep Properties Generalization ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** 1. It takes 6 SSs composed of 3 SSs to the to the background and 3 SSs to the to the screen to circle an opponent. Movement can be interchanged. Coincidentally, it takes 6 SSs to circle an idiot. 2. A SS extends the grabbing capability of throws. 3. It evades attacks,charging attacks as well as charging opponents - only applies to short charges and not the long, invincible charge - and places you behind your opponent's back. 4. SS attacks have tracking ability as long as they are delayed. 5. You cannot block when you have started to SS for about 16 frames after the execution of the initialization frame. 6. You cannot SSw an 8 frame attack or the like. 7. You can SS sequential attacks or tenstrings by taking into consideration the succeeding attack as you block and SSing to the direction where the said attack can be SSed while blocking. * The best way to SS is to SS as if you are blocking a telegraphed attack. A telegraphed attack doesn't necessarily mean that the attack is very slow, you just know that it is coming by the motion done by executing the attack. The attack then "slows down". But not all attacks can be SS as I have mentioned in the beginning. Auto SS is a harder form of SS. You must be able to realize that you have to SS to the opposite direction of the following attack with regards to the attack that you blocked. *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Info on frame ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** Hmm? you might ask what a frame is, so, I'll fill you in. A frame is the short term for picture frame used in TV broadcasting/ Broadcasting Engineering. The frame is what composes a scene that we see on TV and the like. Frame rate is referred to as how fast a frame changes in a sec to form a scene. Referring to NTSC standards, the frame rate is 30 frames per second. Tekken on the other hand runs at 60 frames per second which accounts for the fluent, real-like motion of the moves done by the characters. Actually, what we see per frame is not the whole picture but scanned line images, but you wouldn't want to know about it,so, there's no reason for me to discuss further on it. Why scanned line images? So you wouldn't be having trouble with the flickering screen. Note: SS is also time governed. ********************* SSing and Real-time ********************* It occurred to me that you must be wondering about SSing in a match. you are in an actual fight then as the round starts both of you quickly back dashed, SSed, the other went offemsive or a throw. You the tell yourself that I based my work on start of match settings. Well, it's simple. Look at your opponent's character while checking on your character as well once in a while to see the distance gap. Spacing plays a very important role in Tekken. If you see your opponent's character executing a move, think about what limb, the path taken by the attack, and where to SS it. That is how you do it. SSing just to confuse is fairly good as long as you are not too far away or not too close. I find it funny at times and intriguing about why other people SS when they are too far away or too close. Being too far away and SSing is just wasting time while SSig when proximity is minimal has both its pros and cons. At such short distance, you may evade attacks that you don't even have to think about where to evade it. But beware that attacks such as a DF, EWGF, WGF, TGF, ETGF, simple pokes can hit you and will if done while you initiated motion for the SS. Timing of an attack is the best attack of all. I will elaborate on this further at the anti-SS strategies section. Please be advised. *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Category of attacks ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** In this section, I will not discuss each character and how and where to SS their attacks since what I want to teach you is to SS via reaction. You must learn this unique technique of executing a SS and such follow up moves such as a Juggle starter and/or a throw, which is to my opinion, under-rated and belittled. The throw is a very powerful weapon. It only becomes such as I have claimed if you know when to dish out the move. I have only cited a few moves and from which character they belong to so as to give you an idea. Learning the offensive nature of an attack will teach you how to defend against it. In the end, you can never use the same attack twice... ****************** I. Linear attacks ****************** There are basically two types of this kind of attack Vertical attacks Horizontal Attacks Vertical attacks are those that run down-up and up-down. Most juggle starters fall under this category of attack especially kick attacks and uppercuts. Avoid these attacks as stated in the RULES section. Just take note of whether the attack is a class1, class2, class3 juggle launcher. Why? If you eat a class1, you go up so high and land for sometime!!! Horizontal Attacks are further divided into two types which are the (1) Straight horizontal attacks which travel horizontally forward. Examples would be the regular 1 and 2 punches, and the lightning kick when grounded. Next, the (2) Sweeping horizontal attacks. The mentioned attack can be SSed by the average Tekken player with medium difficulty, I guess so. These attacks travel horizontal while doing such attack in a sweeping or arcing manner. Attacks of this nature are those of Bryan and Bruce's f,f+3, Ogre's standing 4, Jin and Jun's roundhouse 4. For punches, Ogre and Kaz's Demon Gut punch fall under this category. SS to the direction of your opponent’s attack if the nature of the attack is horizontally turning. If the attack sweeps right, SS to your right. The simple rule for these attacks is the SS left for left limb, SS right for the right limb. One of the exceptions for this attack are hellsweeps. It utilizes a right limb but in fact it must be SSed to your left. *********************** II. Specialized attacks *********************** These type of attacks do not follow the rule stated above. If you don not believe me, just keep on being hit by your opponent. Diagonal attacks Low horizontal attacks Two limb attacks Sequential horizontal attacks Combinational attacks Crouch dashing arts It seems pretty simple. But the truth is most comment on these attacks as very hard or extremely difficult to SS. Diagonal attacks Are those of Hwoarang’s f,f+3 at Right stance and, similarly, Xiaoyu’s f,f+3,. It is indeed very hard to SS these moves since the moves have annoying priority for slow moves. Against these, you must SS it opposite the direction of the sweep. Moves like this are difficult to SS. You should opt for a grab at the starting motion if you ever get the chance or a counter hit. If you try to SS these type of moves, you absolutely must not delay your SS. You will get hit. Low horizontal attacks Lei's d/b+4 is a low horizontal sweep attack and SSing such a move from a distance is impossible. You can only do it up close. Also in this category is Paul's d+4. Bryan's d/f+3 is also in these category. But of all the attacks in this category, Bryan's sweep can be SSed easily. It just lacks speed that Paul and Lei's move possess. Don't even try SSing Paul's d+4, it'll get you in BIG TROUBLE!!! In T3, SSing Bryan's d/f+3 will take a Jin player the necessary skills in order to evade this move. Heihachi's SS was simply better. Two limb attacks Kuma and Panda's f+1~2 which is a two limb attack which sweep in both direction. To evade it, try reversing it first to get an idea of where to SS. Okay, just it to your ****. It's just if you forget where to SS it, reverse the move and the limb tells the direction of the evasion. The same goes for that of Nina's f+1~2. The Jacks also have two limb attacks, Eddy too. Hmm, since I mentioned Eddy, I''l talk about him a little. Capoeiran Eddy Gordo's attacks can be SSed but don't get too comfy about it. Despite the fact that you can evade his attacks, you must be able to interrupt the other moves or defend against them. Besides Jin and Kaz's u_u/f+4,4,4,4, Eddy's attacks have impressive tracking ability. If you are not the kind of person with lightning fast reaction, you'd have to opt for a poke or interrupt as Eddy does his moves. Learn what moves Eddy has that you can SS and has not that good a tracking ability. Also learn when and where to SS again if you are not in a good position for retaliation. Eddy's stance BTW is a natural SS killer. Watch him follow you as you SS. The only way for you to avoid his attacks is when you SS the attack not SSing then hoping to evade it. Afterwhich, any fast interrupting move of Eddy's strings is a must or you will get hit. Sequential horizontal attacks Examples of sequential horizontal attacks are the hell sweeps and, Kaz and Jin's u/f_u+4+4+4+4 plus Jin's b+2+1. With regards to SSing these attacks, extreme skill and timing must be present in the player who will SS the attack. Also, Law's punch and Hwoarang's kick arrays are in these category. Please see the section about auto SS for more information. SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (Note: My technique is one of the reasons adding to why the u_u/f+4,4,4,4 is NOT a good move. If I see someone doing this move in a match, I even provoke him to do it or persuade him to do that "spin thingy"). SSing Hellsweeps, INTO THE WHIRLWIND TECHNIQUE A hell sweep is a sequential horizontal attack which hits low and sweeps counter clockwise. If you are upclose and an opponent dishes this out, SS to your left and you will be able to evade being hit. If at a distance, the hell sweep tracks pretty well. So the only solution left for you to do is to defend low...just joking! What you should do is to anticipate the right timing of when to SS. A good distance would be...this is hard to explain and for you to swallow...I think you are experienced enough to tell whether the second sweep or the first sweep is ABOUT to hit you or not, the distance would be before the first hell sweep or second is about to hit. If you're really up to it, you'll go for the first sweep. . . .CATCHING THE WHIRLWIND This is the same technique I use with Hei's highly regarded hell sweep. Some people like to frighten their competition or annoy them. But I have varied and improved it. The second hit can be a WGF for Hei, roundhouse for Jin, hell sweep for Devil, Angel, the...Jins, and Kaz. My technique is not with out assurance, it is a double edged sword. If you did avoid being hit when you SSed, you can over power him with the follow up in my technique...that is catching the WHIRLWIND. In Tekken, the only way you can catch someone is to do a throw. So the really safest way is to SS and grab your opponent! Even if Hei and Jin does a different move, IT DOESN'T MATTER. The throw will out prioritize their move. So if you have that incredible concentration and composure, your skill will be heightened to such level of play that I assure you will not loose as long as you know your Tekken basics. (The above move is patented to me, and no one in the whole Tekken community, game guides has ever come up with a technique or strategy to evade such moves.) Jin's b+2,1 can be SSed but you must act quickly if the opponent does delay the move. It will track and hit. SS the first hit to your right. Just that. Also, if the opponent doesn't delay, poke. But let me tell you that if you do not have the knack for when this move is coming at you, no matter what you do you will get hit, SS..that's what I meant. And if you are experienced enough and is up to the challenge, you can SS this move in both directions if you see Jin move back, at times followed by neutrality, than a sudden forward with his right elbow being shown behind his back then a horizontal attack - right hook. If you get hit while guarding, SSing the next move to the right will be almost impossible...impossible if you Auto SS the wrong way. You can only SS the second hit if you were not hit by the first. But if the first hits you, tap f immediately not repeatedly because you will break your own guard and that is quite stupid. Another alternative would be By SSing the first hit successfully, you must interrupt the second hit at all cost. If you end up close while the second hit is about to make will hit the spot. Some may use the laser canon/scrapper in a very wrong way against SSers. Do not attempt to use this move to scare someone at a very wrong distance because it is fairly easy to evade the move given such opportunity. Some attacks, even at close range, just cannot be SSed. Combinational attacks Examples of this kind of attack are Paul's d+1,4,2 and ten strings. You don't get the chance to SS all the moves in this type of attack but SSing the first array of the move can be a relief. Paul's d,d/b,b+3,2,2 can back track as long as it is delayed and all that. So be careful when you do evade the first and second hit of this attack since if you don't guard or CH as you evaded the move, the back tracking last attack will hit you. That is if the opponent did delay the move. Otherwise, your opponent will end up showing his stuff while you punish him afterwards. Crouch Dashing arts I have menioned that the rule SS left if left limb blah, blah, blah is not all that true. Do you SS a hell sweep done by a right limb to your right? I think not! Anyways, I will not discuss about the standard CD attacks but those attacks which revolve around the specialized use of the crouch dash, highly regarded but are unconventional moves in reality. START OF SPECIAL MENTION Don't try too many ss up close unless you have a decent frame advantage .. cause wgf will pick you up out of a close ss all the time (I learned that the hard way) .. One little tip is IF YOU SEE A CD COMING TOWARDS YOU, DON'T SIDESTEP. at that point it's too late and hellsweep or wgf will track you. do the ss in anticipation for good results. END OF SPECIAL MENTION SSing a CD You can SS a CD. All you need to do is if you see the opponent after a forward dash go into crouch position, dash forward and SS to your left. What comes next are S.O.P. which I think you know what to do by now... punish them!!! What's this special mention all about? The one thing he did a good job on was telling you not to SS sequentially. Other than that, he doesn't know the mechanics behind the SS. It takes a keen eye to see an EWGF coming. It doesn't take as much skill to see whether a WGF, or hellsweep coming at you. That's just my opinion as that's the way I see it. A good example of a CD move coming at you would be the TGF. You see the crouching motion as it draws near your character. SS left, throw or CH or Juggle. End of discussion. Wave dash WGDRUC (Wave Uppercut) f,N,d,d/f,b,WS+2 WGDRDUC (Wave Pistons) f,N,d,d/f,b,WS+1,2 WEWGF (Wave Electric Wind godfist) The Wave uppercut and Pistons are two risky moves against a defensive expert. But if they don't know it yet, it's one hell of a move and juggle starter. The same goes for the WEWGF. The only thing that I see as a stand out move from the rest of these branched wave dash forms is the WEWGF. It covers more distance than the Wave Uppercut and Wave Pistons and it comes out faster. Do not let your opponent gain distance to dish these moves out. Move CLOSE as possible to them (which I think will not be your option 4. You will not be able to SS this move after being guard stunned. You can SS the WGDRUC to your left, the WGDRDUC to your right but be careful since the Twin Pistons of Kaz is flawless as the word goes around, which is TRUE. The WEWGF can be SSed to the left as long as you don't SS the first CD. To evade the hit by an EWGF, get close to your opponent and SS the seccond CD, not the first CD. But if you don't get me, just block it and be prepared if the opponent opts for a throw or hellsweep. Deal with the taunts... What makes WEWGF better than the other two is due to the fact that you can opt for a fake dash if you're in a tight spot. And if you notice that your opponent knows where to SS this move, you can opt to slow down from the transition of the first CD to forward wihich cancels the move and do the second CD at EWGd speeds. Dash Electric Windgodfist This move is good to pull out when an opponent whiffs at a distance. This variation of the CD helps the EWGF to gain ground than a normal EWGF. SSing this move is to SS left but pay attention to when the opponent's character (Jin or Hei) comes out of the CD to deliver the EWGF. This is also SSed the same manner as a WEWGF. Get close when the second CD comes. The DEWGF cannot be SS if you whiffed or you are just coming out of a guard stun as it is almost guaranteed to hit - f,f,F+3 then DEWGF. Wave Electric Windgodfist This move, if the opponent is SS happy and is a bit scared of your offensive is pretty much good to dish out if at a distance. It covers more ground than a DEWGF. If you do not know the mechanics of this move, you'll have a hard time evading it. But pay attention to when the opponent decides to attack as he will most likely time his move of when to dish it out even if you SS the right way. You will get hit if you SS out of phase or timing with when the opponent executes the move. Fake Wave The fake wave is to lure the opponent into whiffing. If the opponent falls for this move, what comes next is INEVITABLE if done correctly, EWGF. This is my move of choice especially against a good Bryan player who doesn't do short strings. Bryan's b+1~2 is an outstanding move! But I'm better because I can always pull the plug and say I'm the champ!!! hehehe!!! Snake dash The snake dash is as risky as doing a mist step. I refer to the move as Jin and Hei's mist step version of Kaz's mist step. The move sucks if you don't know how to SS correctly. You can SS to any direction but do you really have an idea yourself what move an opponent will do if the former stands still and watches your every SS while at neutral guard? But I don't want you to get thew notion that the mist step is a bad move, it isn't! This move comes in handy as a guessing game tool. ******************** Just my opinion... ******************** The Wave Uppercut and Pistons are for masters use. Wave dashing and move coming out of it won't work very well against defensive experts. The fake wave, it takes a very good perceptual speed to see what move comes out but you are risking retaliation if you don't know your spacing. The snake dash is as good as wave dashing and mist step all together minus the mist step moves that you have at your disposal after the SS, that's if you get to use it too much. That's just my opinion. You have yours. Look at the First Ammendment because I have my rights. And one of them already know! The key in SSing these moves is perceptual speed that you possess. My Perceptual Speed Theory (ha!) will only work if you have a good knack to see any of the above moves coming coupled with your ability to react as fast or even faster than your opponent. My theory also incorporates the thinking " move is a result of your move..." which is pretty easy to understand. Are you buying this? Let me illustrate. A dashed EWGF can be SSed. But what you need to do is to put in mind if the opponent will push through with his attack. If he is planning up on other things, I suggest that you prepare an escape for a throw, and be on Active guard. Otherwise, you'll see the opponent coming at you full speed. That is his mistake since he is so busy pulling off an EWGF after tapping forward that you just evaded him. To evade the DEWGF is to SS once the character leaves the CD into the attack. Also, you can just dish out a throw as he draws near because it'll out-prioritize the opponents offensive. Once the opponent is as near as twice an AL or lesser, you can do a throw while noticing that your character also moves forward. It only shows that you have out prioritized his move. A WEWGF takes composure to SS. If we break down and disect further into the WEWGF, we will notice that it is a crouch dash immediately followed by a DEWGF. It is always good to break down a good offensive's blue print rather than attacking it head on because at such compound level, analysis of any weak points for the move is very hard. But the thing is if you're trying to do the breaking down in a match for the first time, you'll end up eating the first barrage of offense your opponent does. ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** To Sidestep or not to sidestep... ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** If you SS often, they refer to you as the SS-happy Tekken player. If you don’t SS, you’re a...jack-in-the-box? So, which is which? Let me explain. The series was a given the ss move for various reasons. One of which was to add substance to a character's game style, even yours. It is there for you to be able to evade attacks and counter hit in an offensive and defensive manner. I would like to demonstrate to you, the reader of this document, the prowess of the sidestep against well known attacks that deplete life bars in a matter of seconds. AGAINST TEN-STRING MESSIAHS* Just ss. But SS the first move of the string, most recommended, or any move in the string that can be SS. If the best choice is to counter hit, then by all means do so. You can freely, but quickly, hit your opponent in the back if you ss correctly. Some ten string users use their combos within close proximity. For this matter, block then counter hit or sidestep. Also, be aware of the low hitting strings in the combo they are doing because once it hits you, you are most likely to take the damage of the rest of the strings. For those who use the ten string at a distance, you can still have a glass of your favorite beverage after SSing the the string and ending up behind your opponent. This is the lousiest way of using ten strings. It's effective for scrubs as they tend to get intimidated by the combo. Too far is too risky. Remember that as you play this game. AGAINST A CDr** Even if your opponent taps f then CD-attack just ss to wherever (more on the direction stuff later) it should be SSed and you’ll find yourself at your opponent’s side, if and only if he follows up the CD with an attack such as f,f,N,d/f+1~_2_4, 4. The only thing he could do if he wants to execute his CD attack is to tap f to follow you. But then again you can always CH your opponent as he does the CD motion. Buffered CD attacks are another story...fairly easy to evade. The key in evading CD attacks is to let the CDr execute the attack. It takes a lot of skill to pull a SS against a very skilled CDr. A TGF for example can still track you down despite SSing it the right way. It takes mastery and experience to SS CDr such as I have described. Also, these ones are dangerous. Just the mere fact that they successfully hit you with a TGF is scary. Okay, okay. It's too hard. Try doing a SS against a Jin, Kaz, or Hei doing an u/f+4,4_4,4 (for Kaz and Jin). SS to your left then grab that dude. Also take note that Kaz and Jin can do the a special variation of the said move by pressing "u" instead of "u/f". This variation is very good to intimidate a SSer or for okizeme purposes. It would be hard to do the "u/f" variation against, say, Lei so what you are left with is the "u" version. Plus the fact it takes a shorter time for it to connect giving you a slight advantage. In other words, if you see someone doing this as a part of their offensive, trying stteing up a match with a very large wager (Hey dude, if I defeat you your girlfriend is mine!). When doing a sequential SS, you are at a disadvantage, my friend. I have seen the effects of what a CD preceeded by f can do. And it can do very nasty things to you. It says it all. Sequential. That's what's wrong. When the CDer taps forward, he faces you and can do and EWGF which will be your doom if you SSed it to the wrong side. And even if you manage to SS it to the correct side, you'll have no guaranties of ever avoiding a hit. If you're in neutral guard, take note of whether your opponent will do a throw or a low attack. That's the worst thing that can happen to you if you can't see it coming. But if you see the opponent coming near you and is at a distance to your advantage, give him a quick lesson not to do CD moves ever again. Timing is the key to a successful SS. If you have won using only one move in a match, then you know what I'm talking about. Otherwise, work on it. The truth is, as long as you SS the right way, you can never be at a disadvantage. But there are exceptions which I have already mentioned. SSing moves when you just got recovery from a lag time is a very bad idea. You'll only get hit while doing the SS since you just delayed it. Another would be that the infamous convention of right limb, SS it right and etc. * for confused newbie, E mail me. AGAINST A SKILLED SSing OPPONENT This kind of match is a good one and very hard and frustrating; assuming that both players are indeed knowledgeable SSers and not SSing just for the sake of it. You both know when, where, and how to SS each others attacks. In this kind of match, the first one who SSs looses. Why? When you SS as your opponent observes you, you are vulnerable to his attacks. As what Ben Cureton ( has demonstrated in his analysis of the SS, there are advantage and disadvantage points. But there are exceptions to his notations on whether it is an advantage or disadvantage point. If you are matched against someone who has a sense of direction, you will notice that they have been SSing so fast and is now out of axis. If you face a Mishima player, don't despair as most won't be able to do a WGF. Many would do a SS+2 with Jin. When I say out of axis, the character is now at an angle to the main axis or is now perpendicular to it. ** If you still are confused, try this one. It’s a Jin vs Bryan fight. You’re Jin. Your opponent after a few seconds of start got you with a f,f+2 but you got up and the next thing you see is a f,f+4. If you SS, I suggest that you SS to your Left. You’ll be at his right side and you can either grab him with the f,f+2, do a E/WGF, a Tooth fairy, or if you got him dumb founded by making him wonder why you didn’t got hit, do the ultimate stupid-opponent-KO move - b+1~4. Actually doing a spinning godfist out of the blue leaves your opponent stunned, paralyzed for some unknown reason. Actually, most unblockables can do this. One of which I use is Heihachi’s Lightning Hammer. But I don’t suggest that you do unblockables every time. But if it gets them, the faq on taunts comes in very,very handy. I am not saying that Bryan is a no-good character. Actually, he is so hard to defeat using a Mishima. You will have a hard time. But I didn't do this document just to tell you that. Before I forget, I would want to tell you, the reader, that frequent SSing or a sequential SS is very, very bad. You can only do such a move if your opponent whiffed a move. And at that stage, it still is bad. You just wasted a good opportunity to punish your opponent's mistake. Another reason why it sucks is because your opponent can dish out a move that tracks to your chosen path of SSing, either to the left or right. And you will get hit. You will! I reiterate, I assume the responsibility that you are not a newbie, scrub, or still a scrub, and/or otherwise. All the discussions herein are highly suited for average and high level players as only such kind of people have a high probability or chance of pulling off any of the things that will be stated and discussed from now on. If by any chance you belong to those which I have mentioned, do not despair as everyone goes through that stage or have gone through it but not when they played Tekken. Also, take note of the rules I imposed on you before doing any SSing. Remember them by heart! *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Camera Angles ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** In Tekken, you can determine what motion input to do after a different and confusing camera angle by observing if your character's axis is leaning to the right or left with respect to his line-of-sight axis. Or, if you are put in such a situation that you recognize that you reached a point wherein you are at a 3-SS position with respect to the normal position, the motion input you must execute must be opposite from where you first SSed on the first place. I think Namco went back to the old camera angle system back in Tekken one days. Try playing it and you'll say to yourself that you could only beat the CPU at easy mode since the camera angles are so frustrating!!! I think you know that if you are out of phase regarding your axis with respect to your opponent, it is a very hard time. I just experienced this but both me and my cousin's characters were both out of axis, hard time trying to get the advantage over the other. *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Sidestep Applications ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** In the strictest sense, SSing is mainly used for defensive purposes. But then there's always an exception. I reiterate, I assume the responsibility that you are not a newbie, scrub, or still a scrub, and/or otherwise. All the discussions herein are highly suited for average and high level players as only such kind of people have a high probability or chance of pulling off any of the things that will be stated and discussed from now on. If by any chance you belong to those which I have mentioned, do not despair as everyone goes through that stage or have gone through it but not when they played Tekken. THROW GAME, TAG GAME, JUGGLE Most Tekken players don't notice why others consistently SS. With reference to the second property I wrote, that says it all. Some may disagree that if you SS and grab you must be close or closeR. NO! It's a misconception. Try SSing and if you are about one to three-halves arms-length away (characterwise), try to execute a throw. It'll grab your opponent to your and his surprise. Also, a back and side throw is as TRICKY to escape as a multi-throw because any throw can be executed for the same motion, side throw if grabbed by the sides...right side motion and left side motion have similar commands. Back throw if grabbed behind. And to add that back and side throws are much flashy. When your throw is being escaped, your opponent must be able to initiate the escape command as fast as he can, but it seems impossible especially if you evaded an attack. The recovery time of your opponent from such a move works to your advantage. Back throws cannot be escaped! But you can always duck. That is if your opponent doesn't juggle you. And don't under-estimate a BIG character. "Ah! ...beware of a good SSing Jack who always pulls off side and back throws." heehee! If you end behind your opponent after SSing an attack, you have a couple of choices. One of which is to juggle, quick juggles I mean. If you can inflict juggles that can take more than 40 points of damage off your opponents life bar, the better. If you can't, opt for a grab for an instant 60 points damage. That is if your opponent does not face you before you grab. Well, if you're trying to work on your juggle, execute one to gain better juggling ability. But you'll pay the price if you make a mistake. Juggles I'm quite speechless when it comes to juggles and all that. Almost everything about the aspect of juggling has been covered by so many faqs/guides here in gamefaqs. Just for the sake of it, here I go... To be able to do and execute juggles everytime defines the outcome of the match. The more devastating the juggles you know, the more the fight is going to be easy for you, that is if you get it to connect at all. In high level matches, seldom do these kinds of attacks arise since both competitors know of the damage potential if the other inflicts a juggle. Characters like the Mishimas and the Kazamas are natural jugglers and deal powerful juggles. If you get juggled by a Jin player once, that maybe all that he needs. Each of the opponents set up attacks then link it with juggle follow up moves that can mean the end of the round. If you are able to escape it, good for you. Atleast pray that your opponent miscalculates or does a mistake. The only thing you can do is to block or avoid it as much as possible. In my case, avoiding a juggle starter would be the best option. Why? If you successfully SS and avoid a juggle starter move, you've set yourself up for free hits at you opponent. And that means it your time to do some juggling yourself. And do it as fast as possible if the attack you've manage to avoid has quick recovery time. But be aware of the moves you dish out for not all moves you do would create an opportunity for you to do damaging juggles. If you can only do juggles after such predicament in which the damage is meager, than I suggest learn the more damaging juggle move. Practice makes perfect. But the way you do it is the key to whether you win or not. You must possess excellence in execution for if not and even if you do know how to juggle, it would just have been a waste of time since you can't use it to work for you. It is the newest addition to the game aside from new moves the characters were given - TAG. Tagging would only be useful if you successfully do a juggle starter but it will certainly complement your SS game. So let me discuss on tagging a little before I go on... The Tag One thing notable about tagging is that it is a move on its own right. There are pros and cons incorporated into it. One of the reasons for tagging is to change characters within the round for a different approach, mostly for offensive purposes or just to recover your main character's health. Also, it helps to avoid further damage inflicted to any of your character's by "escaping" from a very bad predicament. One example would be okizeme. Instead of receiving more damage, you roll out and tag-in your partner. Isn't that nice?! But I think with the introduction of new features in the game of Tekken, the tag has been most exploited, used, and known about. Almost all of you Tekken buffs out there know more about the mechanics of game play behind tagging than SSing. But so much for that... ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Throw Game ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** Does anyone do throws in Tekken anymore? I know I do. In local arcade matches, seldom would you see someone do a throw, unless their King, Nina, Anna, Bruce, etc. But you see, throwing is still in and can be of great advantage to you. You can also gain psychological advantages if you know how to do it. Hmm, it comes to my attention that when you do a throw, your opponent just escapes it with relative ease. Here's where I come in to frustrate your enemies. ****************************************************************************** I. Execute throws on whiffed moves ****************************************************************************** This will be your biggest advantage. The recovery time of your opponent works against your opponent and not you. It'll always get your opponent and frustrate him as it now becomes trickier to escape. As a general rule, the longer the recovery time, the harder it is to escape the throw and the better the chance for you to do some damage with the throw. Also consider a back dash a whiffed move. ****************************************************************************** II. Execute throws with two input escapes ****************************************************************************** It's pretty hard to escape throws with two input escapes. But if your opponent can escape it everytime, it'll be hard for him to know if you did such kind of throw we are speaking after you do a sidestep. Very nasty, isn't it? Some Tekken players can see what kind of throw you are pulling off. Kind? I mean the kind of escape for the throw you just did. Hmm, you seem amazed. But it isn't all that impossible. To basically know what throw escape to dish out when an opponent does a throw is to have some idea of what arm he used to grab you with. I will list them down, and it's regardless of what throw your opponent does as long as you know what arm he used 1. Throw done with the left arm extended than the right arm can be escaped with the inputting of 1 (square) 2. Throw done with the right arm extended than the left arm can be escaped with the inputting of 2 (triangle) 3. Throw done with both arms extended can be escaped with both punch buttons 4. Throw done while on the left side can be escaped by 1 5. Throw done while on the right side can be escaped by 2 You must remember one thing when doing such escape. You must do it before your opponent's character twist's, lift's or lay's hand on your character. Once any of the following have been executed, is twisting, lifting, grasping already, on your character, escape is inevitable even if you press the right escape button. Being late is has never done any good, even in real life. If you want to learn how to escape multithrows, site dedicated to King is a good place to visit. ****************************************************************************** III. Execute side throws ****************************************************************************** Side throws are cool! Refer to Lee's side throws for some first hand experience on side throws; thanks a million "maureen" - maureen of forum. She is quite good with Lee and Law. Anyways, side throws are for guessing games. Aside from doing an attack or standard SS attack, you can opt for a side throw. And it deals quite good damage for that matter. The advantages of side throwing are obvious. First off, it's conceiled...whether what throw you do since you hide behind your opponent or your back is exposed to the screen. Second, if you evaded a move you can grab your opponent's character even at two armslength distance, characterwise. Just do it to know more. Some of the facts I told you are based on the glicthes in the game. ****************************************************************************** IV. Back throws ****************************************************************************** This is the ultimate throw you can ever execute but you won't usually end up behind your opponent. The rewards in pulling this move off out weighs the risks that you are faced with. Back throws, for a fact, cannot be escaped. Period. Nothing follows. Be a scrub all your life. Second, back throws are very devastating. It even out-weighs damages some juggles and unblockables inflict. Refer to Kaz's back throw for coolness and Toshin, Ogre's back throw for some kick ass damage. Actually, you can go to the washroom and do your stuff than come back to see the Ogre has just depleted a whopping 70 points of damage off your opponent. Just remember one thing about trying to back throw, be quick about it. I asked a friend, Blackwind, about the decency of back throwing against Jun and her White heron after evading the third hit (Yes, you can evade the third hit). It turns out that Jun's WH is far different than Jin's WH since it has real good tracking ability than the latter. Blackwind, thanks a lot for this info!!! ****************************************************************************** V. Throwing before a move ****************************************************************************** This requires EXTREME skill, COMPOSURE to it's fullest, and TIMING. If you think you don't have this qualities in you, don't try it. If you see a move coming and you have time to block it, I suggest you throw out a throw. You can throw, Hei, Kaz, Jin as they do a WGF or that of Paul's DF. It is even useful against those who use unblockables (!), with some exceptions. Hwoarang's f,f+3 can also be caught if you know the timing and if you're up to it. If you think you can do more damage from a juggle, do it then as long as you know what to do because yoiu need to do it fast! I reiterate, I assume the responsibility that you are not a newbie, scrub, or still a scrub, and/or otherwise. All the discussions herein are highly suited for average and high level players as only such kind of people have a high probability or chance of pulling off any of the things that will be stated and discussed from now on. If by any chance you belong to those which I have mentioned, do not despair as everyone goes through that stage or have gone through it but not when they played Tekken. Also, take note of the rules I imposed on you before doing any SSing. Remember them by heart! ****************************************************************************** VI. Miscellaneous Info on Throwing ****************************************************************************** I just want everyone to know that there are other things about throwing vaguely known, understood. An opponent doing a two-fisted dive can be thrown if and only if you are close and as long as your opponents feet do not leave the ground. You can also throw someone doing flip kicks. But I haven't done it yet, only my cousin. He consistently does that if you consistently do flip kicks. So, sorry if I can't inform you about how to do it. I won't write down what I don't know. Hmm, my friend told me that when Law does his flips kicks, you can do a throw as long as Law's foot is in contact with the ground, perpendicular in nature is the position. Thanks, Blackwind!!! I don't quite get it sometimes, but as long as I win, who cares about it!!! ****************************************************************************** Effective Range of Throwing ****************************************************************************** Almost everyone will say that to execute a throw with a a probability of one out of one you should be done close to the opponent or half an AL. But that is not true at all! Give me ten reasons why you doubt me when you e mail but I'll answer your queries right now here in this section. I will be devoting this section to the analysis of the throw range ER. Effective Range has been defined in the definition section of this faq to be twice an AL to its maximum range. I don't think specifying the minimum range would do any good. But why 2AL? The 2AL can only be confirmed on whiffs and on article five (V. Throwing before a move) of the Throw game section. It is only then can you execute a throw at its maximum distance. But keep in mind that you may find it as something really WEIRD. An example of this is when an opponent, say uses Jin, does a WGF at a distance from you just enough to count as twice an AL, quickly execute a throw and voila, you got yourself about 30 points of neat damage while leaving your opponent wondering what went WRONG, very wrong!!! It's some kind of mathematical glitch which the system buffers as a valid throw. *TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT* ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Anti-Sidestep Strategies ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** Why an anti-SS guide? The purpose of my tutorial is to impart knowledge to all about what I know about Sidestepping and as well as knowing that SSing can evade almost all the moves an opponent can dish out, I am also aware that not every move can be evaded. The infamous WEWGF and DEWGF are said to be very good anti-SS moves. But is it all that? And does it really track a SS 100%? I think you'd also be asking that yourselves. Nonetheless, Tekken is still a game. A game which is governed by the protocols intrinsic to the game's program. If you are knowledgeable about all the aspects of this rules, you are vey lucky for you are the better fighter. That's of course if and only if you know it and know how to use such knowledge. ***************** SS Misconceptions ***************** No move is invincible once you get to know more about it. This is what I've learned. This is what I keep in mind whether I go into offense or be on the defensive end when I fight. Keep this in mind, make it one of your philosophies while fighting. To go on, there are many misconceptions about the SS. Let me then list some of them down for you. SS-cancelling sequential SSing close proximity dashing forward and back tap; SS-cancelling This generally refers to the well known "if your opponent SSs, SS to cancel their SS" thingy. This is generally good if you're up against manageable opponents. It's very hard pull this off against better opponents since they have the option to CH you as you are in the starting frames of the SS motion or perform a throw depending on the proximity. This also leads to a sequential-SSing contest, if close, where each player SSs to get the advantage and nail the other. When this is most likely to happen, it is much better to crouch and to low pokes than quickly respond to any mid offensive done by your opponent. As you perform a SS out of your opponent's SS, you are vulnerable to be thrown if and when you are up close. The throw is done as you SS and not after the 16th frame vulnerability since you can crouch after the said frames. Quite decent but not that good... sequential SSing This is a very bad move. This move sucks since DEWGF and WEWGF will hit you. Especially if your opponent can do EWGF very fast, the CD motion, at close proximity you're a GONER!!! Don't try doing this against someone doing a Devil possession with Jin. I do believe Devil Jin's WGF is by then extremely fast. One more reason why this move is bad is because if your opponent is knowledgeable with SSing, a move that tracks very well to the direction where you are SSing is your opponent's choice. An example of such situation would be if you sequentially SS to your right...a Wind Godfist really means Wind Godfist. It'll hit you unless your timing and distance are just right for a SSw. But take note that DEWGF and WEWGF can only hit you if the actual EWGF move is preceeded by a slow forward to track a SSing opponent. A very fast WEWGF and DEWGF will whiff. That's if you are facing a very good opponent. Most of the time, you're just facing a decent levelled player who doesn't even wave dash. To be fair, sequential SSing is hard if you don't have a sense of what's really going on. Remember, your opponent is also taking a chance as they won't be able do move that they usually do when they get out of axis. The best way to get to these guys, sort of a first option, is by way of poking. Strike with the limb closest to them. close proximity At this range, you can make a fool of anyone if you know when and where to SS, start and stop, hit and do a throw. But usually you won't end up this close and that you haven't experienced being this close. In this range, you can sequentially SS and do a SSw as long as you are not faced with the Changs and with anyone with an 8 frame jab. At this range, the better pitbull player has an advantage. No body does do serious SSing game. And if you do see someone, their just one in a million. dashing If you play Tekken using a stick rather than a d-pad you have an advantage since dashing with a d-pad is hard if you want to do a dash at high level of play and perform variations since blisters are inevitable. Even a seasoned d- pad Tekken player will say so. Crouch dash, wave dash, roll dash. Some would refer to dashing as a prelude to demolishing a SSing opponent. If the SSing opponent is stupid enough to SS out of the blue without any attack to evade, than these things are true. Otherwise, read the definition of what a SS is really used for and rethink about this. ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** Anti-SS strats ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** There is quite a big difference between an anti-SS move/strat/technique to a SS-tracking move. If you get hit by a SS-tracking move, you are just plain stupid. Read what SS means in the definiton section before you go on. Wave dashing, leading to WEWGF, DEWGF, is a move that if your opponent SSs at a very early stage, will track them down since the EWGF has incredible speed to boot! Now, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION? Anti-SS strat 1 Paul's Death Fist is a prime canditate for SSing. It's very slow compared to Hei's DF but the rewards are very high IF you get them to connect. Against a decent player, you may not be able to sink this move in. The only solution is to use the property of the dash motion to your advantage. This is how it goes Paul's DF motion does a crouch and is executed by d,d/f,f. If you hit 2, you get a DF. But the thing is your opponent can easily evade this move to the right. What move will you have to do in order to not whiff? Change the attack but be able to use the crouching motion of the DF. This is done by executing a QCF then immediately followed by d+4. Do you remember that d+4 with Paul is virtually impossible to SS? Right! And the QCF motion helps you close in the gap to prevent stagger effects. What you've got is a potent tool against a correctly done SS. But this move is for Tekken 3 only. For those of you who have noticed, this move is quite one of Paul's dreaded moves in T3. They (Namco) toned it down. It was so good in T3 that you have a guessing game for Paul's RD unlike for TTT. Anti-SS strat 2 Poke when the opponent is in the first few frames and you will be so happy because it'll hit them. Intiendez? This is specially effective against someone doing a sequential SS. Also, there is a trick here. You have to poke in between the starting and up to the 11th frame of the SS motion. This is due to the fact that your opponent cannot block your pokes at this stage. Another thing is that if your opponent is a persistent SSing dude. The best thing to do is give them the knock out move. Anti-SS strat 3 Slow input of forward or CD cancel for DEWGF, WEWGF will track a SSing opponent. This is the trick wherein it makes these two motions very effective as anti-SS strategies. If you always tend to do the CD cancel very fast, you will whiff because of such fast motion input cannot follow a SS move. That's if the SS is done to the left. Just be careful if your opponent SS left. Mechanics For DEWGF and before second CD for WEWGF, press forward when your opponent SSs. That means waiting for your opponent to SS. It will look as if you've executed a slow DEWGF and WEWGF but delaying the forward will make the EWGF track the SS and hit your opponent. You also have the option to cancel the dash into a fake dash if you ever get into a tight spot and even doing an EWGF will only make you whiff. Anti-SS strat 4 Back dash, dash forward, SS as well, then use moves that track both to the left and right then use them interchangeably. This also plays as a guessing game for your opponent. Lastly, you only meet a good SSing opponent once in a blue moon. Most players SS one way. That's either only to the left or to the right. So take note of these little things. What I presented to you the reader are basics behind SSing to be incorporated to your game. When I started to do serious WD techniques, my SSing skills became below-average that at times when I needed to SS, I always get hit. No technique is superior. It only becomes such when you use it correctly. Use everything you know and start to get to know your opponent's limitations and skills. Once you get there, you will go to another level. You don't just learn to fight, you learn to get to know your opponent first. ************************************************************ ***** ***** ***** My Email Address ** ** ** ************************************************************ ** ** ** For such insulting and violent comments, email me at I would greatly appreciate your comments, queries, and doubts about my work as I will greatly relieve you of any second thoughts. Also, please send in comments on what you want to be added. But please be advised that I'm most likely not going to add a section particularly about SSing every characters attack. BTW, I never expect you to understand everything I wrote. It'll be unlikely for me to release anoither revision as I am busy with other stuff. So, I would like to thank you for spending time reading this. Well, another will come out if there comes a need for it... "Ore wa Bakemono? Chigau! Ore wa Akuma da! hahahahahah"!!!