Tekken Tag Tournament (PlayStation 2, Namco, 3D fighting game) Unknown FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 12/17/01 V1.0 Written by: Richard Uyeyama (ru e ama ru e ama best vwh net)* * Instances of the letter "y", the "at" symbol, and all periods have been removed (replaced with spaces) from the above e-mail address in order to prevent unscrupulous UCE (unsolicited commercial e-mail) bot processes from adding to the amount of e-mail I already get... The latest version of this file can be found at: King of Iron Fist Dream Match 2000 http://ruyeyama.best.vwh.net/psx2/koifdm00.html Document formatting, organization, and wording Copyright 2001 by Richard Uyeyama. Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its entirety for NON-PROFIT purposes only. All other rights reserved. Author reserves the right to rescind specific or general permission, if he sees a reason (such as loophole abuse) to do so. Unauthorized duplication of this document is a violation of all applicable national and international laws. This document is protected by International Copyright Law. It is a criminal act to use this document (or any derivative work (including translations)) in any way that makes you (and/or your company) money; you MAY NOT sell this document, host this document on a website with an ad banner and/or membership fee, give this document away as a "purchase bonus", and/or use this document in any other manner which profits (financially) you (and/or your company) either directly or indirectly. If you are unsure as to whether you can use this document, or if you wish to apply for specific rights not granted to you by the above, send a polite, detailed, and clearly phrased inquiry to me at the e-mail address listed above. Note, however, that due to the amount of e-mail I get, I may not be able to reply to every query or request I receive (also note that the lack of a reply will NEVER constitute legal permission). GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) has been granted permission to host this document. The following webpage contains the most recent version of the above copyright notice. If there is a discrepancy between the above copyright notice and the one located on my current webpage, the information on my webpage will be treated as authentic: http://ruyeyama.best.vwh.net/faqlegal.html Tekken Tag Tournament is Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999 by Namco, Ltd. All rights reserved. "The other ... was like an old wolf-leader, whose eyes miss nothing..." -- Late Autumn, Half Moon, Waxing (excerpt from The Gypsy, by Steven Brust & Megan Lindholm) Table of Contents: 0. Document History I. Basic Stuff 1. What is this document? 2. Who is Unknown? 3. Terminology, notation, and stuff? II. Unknown Styles 1. Is it possible to select Unknown's style, or is it random? A. When does Unknown select her style? B. How do I change Unknown's style without tagging out? 2. Which character styles can Unknown use? 3. How do I recognize which style Unknown is using? A. Round-initial B. Fighting stance C. Other 4. Is there any difference between the normal and Unknown versions of a character? 5. Can Unknown use character-specific Tag moves? III. Miscellany 1. What's the win condition against the Arcade Mode CPU Unknown? A. Is there a way to play as the CPU-version Unknown? 2. Hey, how come I didn't get any match-winning scene replays at the end of my Arcade Mode game? 3. Is there a way to start a round with my secondary character? 4. How many styles can the game keep in memory? ------------------- 0. Document History ------------------- V1.0: 12/17/01 Launch version (12/13/01: J version PS2 Tekken Tag Tournament (Mega Hits!) now on sale) (11/24/00: EU version PS2 Tekken Tag Tournament now on sale) (10/18/00: U/C version PS2 Tekken Tag Tournament now on sale) (3/30/00: J version PS2 Tekken Tag Tournament now on sale) -------------- I. Basic Stuff -------------- I.1 What is this document? This document is an English language informational resource for the PlayStation2 version of Tekken Tag Tournament, a 3D polygon versus tag fighting game by Namco. In this document, I'll be covering the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions in regards to the character Unknown, as well as some other Unknown-related information which may also be of interest. This is not a strategy guide, however, so do note that I will *not* be detailing strategies on playing against CPU and/or human opponents, either as or against Unknown. This document was written for the J version of Tekken Tag Tournament (home (PS2) version; Unknown is not playable in the arcade version). It is, however, likely that some, if not all, of the Unknown-related information contained herein will also apply to other home versions (U/C, EU, etc.) of the game... I.2 Who is Unknown? Unknown is the 14th (i.e. last) character that will be released via the "time release" process (complete Arcade Mode with different primary characters) which unlocks the 14 extra characters (for more information on character unlock processes, consult a Secrets FAQ for this game). Once released, Unknown will be available (hidden) to the right of Roger/Alex on the character select map. Unknown is the "boss" character in Arcade Mode, and was *not* playable in the arcade version of the game (i.e. she's an extra added for the home version). Unlike the other characters, Unknown doesn't really have a fighting style of her own... well, sort of. Technically, her fighting style is that, from a limited repertoire of other character's styles (a smaller repertoire than Mokujin's, in case anybody was wondering), she can randomly change her style *during* a battle, without having to tag out first (as Mokujin would have to, if he wanted to change his style). Unknown has two costumes: her default costume (select Unknown with either Punch button) and an alternate (new for the PS2 version, since Unknown had only one costume in the arcade version) costume (select Unknown with either Kick button). I.3 Terminology, notation, and stuff? For the sake of simplicity, when referring to Mokujin in this document, I shall use the pronoun "he" (as opposed to "he/she" or "he/she/it"). In this document, I shall be using the "standard" numerical notation, when referring to the five buttons: numerical function controller defaults 1 2 5 LP RP Ch S T L1/L2/R1/R2/R3/RA 3 4 LK RK X O At times, I may also use the following notation: + at the same time as , then / or And in denoting d-pad/stick positions and movements, I'll be using the following notation: n neutral Here's a visual chart: u up d down u u f forward ub uf uf ub b back b n f f n b df down-forward db df df db db down-back d d uf up-forward ub up-back (facing right) (facing left) And here are some terms I may employ: Primary character - The character you selected first. The character ending you get in Arcade Mode will be for your primary character. Secondary character - The character you selected second. Foreground character - The character currently participating in the battle. Background character - The character waiting to tag in. ------------------ II. Unknown Styles ------------------ II.1 Is it possible to select Unknown's style, or is it random? It's random. And yes, it is possible for her to select the same style twice (or more) in a row... II.1.A When does Unknown select her style? ----------------------------------- Unknown seems to select a definite style at these times: 1) Character select screen: Jun style 2) Team intro sequence: Unknown intro 3) Match-initial action: Jun style 4) Round-initial, foreground: Jun style 5) Win/lose pose, background: Jun style Unknown seems to select a random style at these times: 1) before each time she tags in 2) any time you change her style in-foreground II.1.B How do I change Unknown's style without tagging out? ---------------------------------------------------- Click the R3 button. (i.e. press down (into the controller) on the right analog knob (as if it were a large button) until you hear a click) By doing this, you can change Unknown's style in-foreground (i.e. without having to tag her out) if: a) Unknown is not attacking, blocking, or getting hit, and b) Unknown is standing (n), walking forward/backwards (f/b), dashing forward/backwards ((f,f)/(b,b)), running forward ((f,f) from a distance), crouching (d), or crouch advancing/retreating (df/db). (I think those are the only times at which Unknown can change her style in-foreground) Basically, you should (as far as I can tell) be able to change Unknown's style at any time you're able to tag out, *except* when she's lying on the ground (when she's lying on the ground, you can tag her out, but cannot change her style). Side note: If you're using a controller without an R3 button (e.g. an arcade style stick, or a first generation (with no analog knobs) PSX controller), you will *not* be able to change Unknown's style in-foreground, thus losing an enormous tactical advantage against any human opponents you play... Side side note: The PS2 DVD remote control (J version) actually has an R3 button... Of course, the remote seems to have trouble sending multi-button commands (b+1, 2+4, d/f, 1+2+3+4, etc...), so it's probably not a good choice to use for this game anyway, but... ^^; II.2 Which character styles can Unknown use? Unknown can use the style of any character in the game except: Devil/Angel, Ganryu, Gun Jack, Jack-2, Kuma/Panda, Ogre, P.Jack, Roger/Alex, True Ogre, and Mokujin. Here's a pair of lists for easy reference (characters listed in alphabetical order (except for Mokujin)): Styles Unknown can use (23) Styles Unknown cannot use (10) Anna Devil/Angel Armor King Ganryu Baek Gun Jack Bruce Jack-2 Bryan Kuma/Panda Eddy/Tiger Ogre Heihachi P.Jack Hwoarang Roger/Alex Jin True Ogre Julia Mokujin Jun Kazuya King Kunimitsu Law Lee Lei Michelle Nina Paul Wang Xiaoyu Yoshimitsu Side note: Unknown has a smaller repertoire of styles than Mokujin (23 styles, as opposed to 28). In addition to the characters that Mokujin cannot play as, Unknown also cannot play as any of the heavy characters (hmm, I guess maybe Unknown is more weight-conscious than Mokujin is... =) ). II.3 How do I recognize which style Unknown is using? II.3.A Round-initial ------------- Round-initially, Unknown will *always* use Jun's style (if Unknown is the foreground character). This fact, of course, can be both advantageous and disadvantageous, as both you and your (human) opponent will know what style Unknown is using. Of course, if you're not very good with Jun, or your opponent is good against her, remember that you can always change Unknown's style as your very first action (or at any other time that's likely to confuse your opponent...), or even start with your other character in the foreground... II.3.B Fighting stance --------------- For all other in-foreground times, you'll have to examine Unknown's stance instead. Each of the 23 characters she emulates has a unique ready stance, so if you learn to recognize those, you'll be able to identify Unknown's style at times other than just round-initially. II.3.C Other ----- Attacks - If you're unable to identify Unknown's style solely from her stance, you may be able to identify her by what attacks (including throws) she is able to do. Change her style - If you're unable to identify Unknown's style, this probably puts you at a disadvantage. So before you start losing *too* badly, remember that you can always change her style (or, if she's gotten badly injured, you can even tag her out), and hopefully her new style will be one that you're more easily able to recognize. ^^; Win pose - If you failed to identify Unknown's style during the round, and yet still somehow won, you could try identifying her style (for future reference, in order to help you identify that style the next time you see it) by her win pose. Each character has up to four win poses, which can be selected simply by holding down one of the four attack buttons as the win pose loads (this command will be applied to both your foreground and background character). Win pose summaries: (characters Unknown cannot play as are marked with an asterisk (*)) Characters with 4 win poses (19): Bryan, Eddy/Tiger, *Gun Jack, Heihachi, Hwoarang, *Jack-2, Jin, Julia, King, *Kuma/Panda, Law, Lei, Michelle, Nina, *Ogre, Paul, *True Ogre, Xiaoyu, Yoshimitsu. Characters with 3 win poses (3): Anna (1, 2/4, 3), Lee (1/3, 2, 4), *P.Jack (1/4, 2, 3), *Xiaoyu 5P costume only (seifuku) (command 1 randomly yields win2, win3, or win4). Characters with 2 win poses (10) (commands: 1/3, 2/4): Armor King, Baek, Bruce, *Devil/Angel, *Ganryu, Jun, Kazuya, Kunimitsu, *Roger/Alex, Wang. Characters with 93 win poses (1): *Mokujin. =) Side note on win poses: The game seems to end the win pose scene once *either* character (foreground or background) has completed his/her win pose. So if one character has a shorter win pose than the other, the longer win pose will get cut short... II.4 Is there any difference between the normal and Unknown versions of a character? Yes. While Unknown has no extra (or disabled) moves (aside from the ability to change her style in-foreground, that is), there are some other differences. Height - The Unknown version of a character may be taller or shorter than the normal version of that character. While in most cases, a slight difference in height will not make any significant difference in how one should play a particular style, in some cases, you may notice a difference in the effectiveness of certain moves and combos. Energy effects - Unknown's energy effects will differ from those of the character she's emulating. Unknown's energy effect is a splash of pink flames. II.5 Can Unknown use character-specific Tag moves? Yes, but only when tagging out (i.e. going from foreground to background), it seems. So if you're playing with Unknown and Jin, for example, if Unknown is using Jun's style, you'll be able to do a Jun-to-Jin tag move (b+1+2, 5); but if Unknown is in the background, you won't be able to do a Jin-to-Jun tag move (f,f+1+2, 5). Side note: If paired with Devil, Unknown, when using Kazuya's style, *will* actually use the special Kazuya-to-Devil transformation, when tagging out. --------------- III. Miscellany --------------- III.1 What's the win condition against the Arcade Mode CPU Unknown? The Arcade Mode CPU-version Unknown is constantly regenerating (side note: plus she has damage resistance, being that she has no partner). Thus, in order to defeat her, you must knock her recoverable health (the red bar on the life meter) down to zero. In essence, you can just think of the red bar as being representative of her health. Although for "Time Up" victories, the blue part is what determines her health level. Also, note that because a character will automatically get knocked off his/her feet when his/her health (the blue bar) reaches zero, certain combos will be more difficult to maintain, whenever Unknown's health bar (the blue part) hits zero... Side note: In 1 on 1 Mode, CPU Unknown's health bar will actually act normally (i.e. like any other character's health bar). III.1.A Is there a way to play as the CPU-version Unknown? -------------------------------------------------- As far as I know... no. III.2 Hey, how come I didn't get any match-winning scene replays at the end of my Arcade Mode game? If Unknown is your primary character, then her ending will play *before* the end credits (instead of during (or after, if you interrupt the credits) them, like for every other character). Apparently, the Unknown ending thus ends up taking the place of the match-winning scene replays, instead of playing either before or after them. I don't know whether this was intentionally done, or perhaps just a side effect of putting the Unknown ending in the same slot as the match-winning scene replays... On the plus side, though, Unknown does have the only pre-rendered ending in the game, with its own music and sound effects, even. =) III.3 Is there a way to start a round with my secondary character? Yes. Just hold down button 5 (Change) while the round is loading, and for that round, your secondary character will start in the foreground. III.4 How many styles can the game keep in memory? As far as I can tell: 31. In other words, the game can apparently hold in memory every style in the game *except* one. I tested this in Practice Mode, in Versus Mode, and in an Arcade Mode challenge, using a team of True Ogre and Roger versus a team of Mokujin and Devil. If you're interested in details, see my Tekken Tag Tournament Mokujin FAQ (which should be available via the webpage listed at the top of this document) for more information... (eof)