Hudson Soft and Red Entertainment present: ########## ######## ### #### ###### # #### ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ### ## # ## # ## ### ## ## # ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ####### ## ##### ## ## ## ## ### ## ##### ####### ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## #### ######## #### ### ###### #### #### #### ### ### # #### #### #### #### ##### ## ## ### ### ### ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ## ## # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## # #### ## ## ## ## ## # ## ####### ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## # ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ##### ###### ################### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Manji### ### Maru ### ### ### ### ### ### ### #################### Version .071 Written by DragonmasterDan First release on 9,29,03 Last Updated on 10,03,03 Email: Copyright 2003 Table of Contents: Section A. General Information about on the game 1.Notes regarding the guide itself 2.Background Information on the Tengai Makyou series 3. Changes from the original release of the game. 4. General Notes for importers Section B. Walkthrough 1. Scene 1 the beginning 2. Scene 2 From destruction to savoir 3. Scene 3 A Hero 4. Scene 4 The other side of the mountain Section C. Legal notices Section A 1. Notes: This is the first portion of the walkthrough to the remake of Tengai Makyou II for Game Cube, it will be updated gradually as I play through it. I also plan to add the actual Japanese names of the towns and areas once I dig out my old Japanese textbook. If you READ ahead there WILL be spoilers.This guide is being written using the GameCube version of Tengai Makyou II. While it is HIGHLY likely that this guide will work with the Playstation 2 version of the title, I can't guarentee it. My understanding is that the only differences between versions of the game are significantly slower loading time on the PS2 version. A special mention goes out to Jeff Davis who I worked with on an incomplete HTML based version of a guide for the original PC engine CD-rom version of this title. 2. Background information on the series: The Tengai Makyou/Makyo series (also reffered to as "Far East of Eden" is one of the most popular series of RPGs never to be released outside of Japan. Tengai Makyou II for which this guide is based on, was one of the best selling titles for the PC Engine CD in Japan. Unfortunately, the title never saw a US release (despite an apparent attempt by TTI to release it as Far East of Eden II before their closing). The series has also appeared on Super Famicom in Tengai Makyo 0 and the Sega Saturn with Tengai Makyo 4 as RPGs and several fighting games were made based on the characters from the series for Neo Geo AES, PC Engine Arcade CD and PC-FX. Finally a Game Boy Advance title called Oriental Blue is soon to be released. While it isn't a new Tengai Makyou title, Oriental Blue is a spin-off of the Tengai Makyo series. The games are loaded with actual voice samples and anime cutscenes (a bonus left out of far too many of todays Role Playing games). They have fantastic art and overall design and the Tengai Mak you series was developed by many of the same people at Red Entertainment who created the incredibly popular Sakura Taisen series for Sega. 3. Changes from the original release of Tengai Makyou II. As you might expect from a game originally released for PC engine Super CD and remade for the Nintendo GameCube. There are a number of changes from the original release first off and most noticably the graphics have been redone substancially. Both the regular in game graphics and animation have been completely overhauled. There are now highly detailed cel shaded models of each character and object compared to the dim looking low color sprites of the original. The buildings and other features are completely 3D rendered and while you have an isometric view of the game now, you don't have total camera control (only partial using the C stick).There is also much nicer looking battle graphics with very vividly animated looking enemies. The anime cutscenes have the same outline but have been completely re-colored and animated and look fantastic. There is also a nifty map icon that shows you an overlay of the land which makes it a lot easier to navigate tough terrain and sections of the overworld. Another signficantly gameplay difference is that battles seem to be a lot easier and they sure do load a lot quicker then they did on a Turbo or PC engine CD-rom. The game itself seems to be a bit easier with a lot less time leveling up required to move forward. The music scores have been remixed in some places that originally had PCM audio in the PC engine version. but the score itself remains almost identical to the original release. Overall there are a lot of changes, but they are mostly visual and sound improvements. Much of the gameplay that made this game a classic thankfully remains intact. 4. General Notes for importers. If you are playing the game using a US system the Freeloader bootloader disc sold by Datel does work. However you need a fresh memory card and you CAN NOT check the memory card using the GameCube card browser. Though it asks you if you want to format your card, it does so whether you ask it to or not and you will lose your saves. Remember to take your Japanese format memory card out BEFORE you play any US games or use the browser to check it. There is no way to copy saves from Japanese games using a US system at the present time (unless a Japanese game allows it within the game itself). Trust me on this I learned the hard way and lost many hours of gameplay saves. Since I've had a few emails about the proper way to play the game using a Freeloader here is a basic walkthrough. 1. Use a fresh GC memory card for the game 2. ONLY use it for this or other Japanese games 3. Take it out when starting ANY US software or going to the memory card manager screen. 4. Remove all US cards when playing Japanese games. As long as you follow these instructions you shouldn't have any problems. Section B: Walkthrough Scene 1: Beginning the quest Start Town: When you first start the game you will watch animation of two orbs floating through space before landing on Earth. You will then be introduced to the title character of this game, Manji Maru. Once you take control of the character you will be unable to leave your front doot. Go upstairs and check your window, no you will climb out and land near a building, you will be unable to leave with the two people blocking the door, so go inside the building and talk to all of the occupants including the dog. They will now join your party. Now you can get past the people blocking the exit the village. World Map: This is your first time on the world map, random battle encounters can occur here most of them are fairly simple so just click through the battles and move on, it's a good way to level up. Now that you are out of town and head East, when you reach a certain point the ground will shake and there will be some discussion about what happened. Go over the bridge heading East then go South down the bridge near the river then West to the new town. If you need to heal or save go back to the village and go to the building with the pink baloon looking object above it. Click through the first option to save and heal. Town 2: Now that you've reached town you are free to explore for a bit. Once you're ready to move on with the story, Go to the building in the far North Eastern corner of town, go upstairs and talk to the three evil looking characters, all of them will talk back to you. Try talking to everyone in the upstairs rooms. One guy looks like a silly knight wearing purple he will talk back as well. Now leave this house and head dead East ignoring the building above you. Go East to the house next to it. Head upstairs talk to everyone on the upstairs then stand on the swastica looking symbol (or Manji). A new cinema will begin which brings us to part 2 of the game. Scene 2: Town Destroyed After the animation of the evil demons attacking and the giant flower wrecking the town go downstairs you'll notice all the other people have disappeared. Go back into town, you can walk up to the flower but for the time being you can't attack it. So you'll want to leave town. World Map: You may want to level up a bit so walk around the overworld and then go back to heal. After you've gone up a few levels go across the bridge and head to the first town you see, there is nothing really important here as of yet and no significant events occur. So leave town and again then go up further North to visit another, then East again to go over a bridge and reach a cottage talk to the little kid to heal unfortunately, there is no save point here. Directly South of you is a cave, before entering it you may want to do some more leveling up here on the world map, there are a few fairly difficult enemies and you can build up experience points fairly quickly. Cave: Once you've leveled up sufficently head south to the cave, you need to walk around a small rock formation (no biggie). Once you reach the cave you will be greeted by the three evil scientist characters. The cave is pretty linear, head left, then up, then right, then up then left to go up the first flight of stairs. When walking through the cave you will notice that people from the town that was destroyed are caged in throughout the first floor. Keep walking. Then left and up and left to go to the top room. You may want to get the treasure chests on the second floor. Once you reach the top go to the altar to face your first boss. Your mom is directly behind him being held captive by the villianous skeleton. He's a tough fight so you may want to go back down through the cave and fight a few times, return to the cottage, heal and go back up hopefully gaining a level or so. Boss 1: Skeleton His first form is a cakewalk, once he comes back to life you need to heal a few times and just keep up regular attacks. Just keep yourself over 25 HP and if you fall lower heal. As long as you do this you'll be fine since he can pull off multiple devastating attacks before you are able to counter, they are no more damaging that I've seen then 23 HP. Now you've saved your mother and are ready to move the plot on. Scene 3: The scene starts off with an anime of the events that occured in the original Tengai Makyou game Ziria. After that another anmation will occur with Manji Maru becoming a hero, he is now equipped with a sword and new hero clothing. You are finally free to leave your house via the front door. Go to the baloon building and save then head out to the world map. World Map: Go East, then South down the bridge, then down towards the flower town then rather then head East again. Go West then South to a small fort. Fort: If you ventured here before defeating the skeleton boss this town was closed off. The door is now open and you are free to go South to the lower part of the map. Take a look around then head south again. World Map: Head directly East and a little South to a new village you can visit if you'd like. Village: This town has a weapons shop in the upper corner and a place to save and heal (another place with a baloon). Take a look around and make sure to save and heal. World Map: You may want to walk around and once again play the leveling up game by returning to the village, your path is fairly linear since several areas are being blocked by giant green tentacles. Once you leveled up head South and then East past the trees (which despite sticking out in the envirionment you are able to walk through) and over the bridge. Then continue East then Go South (but not over the bridge) and stay East and you will see the opening of yet another cave which is where you want to visit. But first head way East near a river, you will see a white flag icon on your map when you are near it, you will find a small hut. Enter it and talk to the man inside. Hut: Just click on the guy and talk to him a few times, then leave. World Map: Now head back West and then South towards the cave that we mentioned before. You may want to go back to town for one last healing and save before entering. Cave: There is a staircase once you enter to go down it and look around, remember to hold down A to run, Once you enter you will see zombies walking around, try to avoid them as it will result in a battle. Go after the treasure chests on the first floor but DO NOT open the one in the lower right corner center this will result in another battle. Head all the way south to see a rather unsaviory character blocking the next set of stairs. Walk near him and begin the next boss battle. Boss 2: Just keep attacking, if he hits you enough times use a heal. He isn't nearly as difficult as the first boss.Once you are done go up the stairs and out to begin Scene 4. Scene 4: New Territory World Map: You are now on the other side of the mountain, you have reached a new territory. Looking directly East you will see several statues, try talking to them, it's actually people who were turned to stone. Once you are done, head South and West a bit to reach a village. Village: As soon as you enter the vilage an animation scene will occur in which you meet Kabuki a character who will play a much bigger role as the game progresses. For now though, you should walk around the town for a bit, a building towards the center right will allow you to heal. World Map: You may want to level up a bit before you do this as the enemies in this area particularly the South and Eastern corners of the territory are VERY VERY VERY difficult casting poison spells and attacking in groups. Once you are ready to give it a go. Head south then over the bridge and then further South and a bit East, you will eventually reach a cave. Cave: Go inside talk to the old man. Leave to the world map and then come right back into the cave, the pots will light up and he will start talking (audio talking here). Once he's done you can get the treasure chest on top of the staircase. Now you are ready to go. World Map: Now go North back to town and heal up a bit and try to go back and forth leveling up, there is a lot of difficult to deal with enemies around, especially that travel in packs. Once you are ready to move on head South and West of town to the end of the line. Then go East over the bridge and then straight South and West again and you will come to the next dungeon. Dungeon: Go into the Dungeon, walk up the stairs and you will find a dead end. You need to open the dungeon so you will need to leave and head East. Section C: Copyright notes: This guide itself is (c) DragonmasterDan This FAQ cannot be reused or copied in any form without my consent. It may not be modified or changed. Without my consent as well, if you would like to use this guide on your site or would like to use some of the contents of this guide please just wait for my consent. To clarify, End users are free to print my guide or copy it locally for their own personal uses, just don't repost it without my consent and do not modify it in any way shape or form. I am in no way affiliated with Hudson Soft, Red Entertainment or any companies that were/are involved with production and publication this game.