The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction Move list/Fighting/Boss FAQ Version 1.0 Table of Contents: I. Introduction............................................................H001 II. Version history........................................................H002 III. Controls..............................................................H003 IV. Basic movement.........................................................H004 A. Early Combos B. Charging Moves C. Running and Jumping D. Grabbing and Throwing V. Move Lists..............................................................H005 A. Chapter 1 B. Chapter 2 C. Chapter 3 D. Chapter 4 E. Chapter 5 F. Chapter 6 G. Chapter 7 H. Chapter 8 (End Game) VI. Fighting Startegies....................................................H006 A. Some Basics B. Smaller Enemies C. Strike Teams D. Bosses VII. Cheats................................................................H007 VIII. Future Plans.........................................................H009 IX. Contributors...........................................................H010 X. Closing & Copyright.....................................................H011 _______________ ================================/ \============================== I. Introduction H001 ================================\_______________/============================== The title says it all. This FAQ's purpose is to list and describe all of the moves that are attainable in Ultimate Destruction, and to provide some useful fighting strategies against bosses as well as the smaller enemies you will face in the game. Why write this? Well, I wrote one for Spider-Man 2 and it went over pretty well. I figured it was time to write another. Note: These are some of the abreviations you will find in this FAQ. LG - Life Gauge PCG - Power Crisis Gauge SP - Smash Points TL - Threat Level ST - Strike Team _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________ ==============================/ \============================= II. Version History H002 ==============================\__________________/============================= Version 1.0 - September 6th, 2005 All the moves you can acquire throughout the game are listed and most have prices along wiht my own personal rating. The boss strategies are also covered as well as some fighting and movement basics. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________ =================================/ \=============================== III. Controls H003 =================================\_____________/=============================== Left Analog Stick - Character movement Right Analog Stick - Camera control A - Jump X - Attack Y - Special attack B - Grab/Throw L Trigger - Lock on target R Trigger - Run White & Black - Taunt _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________ ==============================/ \============================== IV. Basic Movement H004 ==============================\_________________/============================== Starting out in any game can be rough. Surprisingly though, The Hulk starts out with quite a few moves and combos. Most of which should be more than enough to get through a good portion of the game. Where's the fun in that though? The Hulk has an obscene amount of moves and upgrades that he can acquire throughout the game, many of them are easily obtainable and very few of them are worthless. Let's not get ahead of ourselves though. ***************** --A. Early Combos ***************** X,X - No Name X,Y - Left Uppercut Y,X - Two Fisted Smash Y,Y - Right Uppercut X,X,X - Explosive Triple Y,X,X - Spinning Roundhouse Punch Y,X,Y - Demolition Knee Y,Y,X - Spinning Roundhouse Punch Y,X,X,X - Slam Dunk ******************* --B. Charging Moves ******************* Charging moves is one of the most important aspects in the entire game. All you have to do is hold whatever button down to charge an attack. Jumps are also chargeable and doing so will allow you to travel acorss great distances with ease. Once you press and hold a button, green energy will begin to surround Hulk. Once you see the energy flash brightly, that's the signal that you jump as at maximum charge. When charging an attack, Hulk will automatically release the hit once the maximum charge has been released. Charging attacks deals greater damage but leaves you wide open for attacks while you are charging. Charging serves another purpose though in that it can create new combos. Example: X,X,X is normaly the explosive triple combo. If you charge the last hit, last two hits, or all three hits you will perform the Judgement Day combo. Simple enough, yeah? ********************** --C. Running & Jumping ********************** There's not much to cover here. Hold the R trigger to run and press A to jump. To scale up the side of a building, all you have to do is run into the side of it and keep R held. If you jump towards a building but begin to fall before you actually reach it, pressing B will cause Hulk to latch on to the side of it. Continue to keep R pressed and once Hulk grabs the building he will immediately dash upward. ************************ --D. Grabing & Throwing ************************ To grab enemies and objects, simply next to them/it and press B. From here you can do a few things depending on what type of object you are holding. Some objects can even be changed into different weapons by pressing the Y button. For the most part, these special "Weaponizations" will have to be unlocked and purchased. I'll list each type of weapon and what their attacks are now... Note: All moves that are done while running must first be purchased Pole weapons: Trees, Steel beams, Light posts, etc. X - Horizontal swing Y - Vertical swing B - Double Handed Toss X while running - Running Club Ram Y While running - Club Smash B While Running - Spear Impale Small Vehicles: X - Overhead smash Y - Weaponization 'Steel Fists' B While running - Double fist toss Large Vehicles: X - Overhead smash Y - Weaponization 'Shield' Shield: X - Thrust Attack Y - Overhead Smash While in air, Y - Shield Grind (Must be purchased) While Shield Grinding, Y - Shield Grind Kick (Must be purchased) Large Crane Trucks: X - Overhead Smash Y - Weaponization 'Ball and Chain' Ball and Chain: X or Y - Yo-yo attack A "Spherical" object: The globe above the gas stations, some rocks, etc. X or Y - Overhead smash B - _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________ =================================/ \=============================== V. Move Lists H005 =================================\_____________/=============================== As I said, The Hulk has a lot of moves that can be unlocked during the course of the game. One of the things I disliked about Spider-Man 2 was that there were a good number of moves that I rarely used. Obviously The Hulk has its share of moves that are better than others, but there are very few that I would consider completely worthless. ************ A. Chapter 1 ************ Steel Fists - Acquired Automatically at the start of the game - Press Y while holding a small vehicle and Hulk will form two boxing gloves out of the twisted steel. Your melee attacks will do extra damage while you have these gloves on. I didn't use this move very much when I started out, but once I got to the tougher enemies, this little move was a huge help. Rating: 4/5 ************ B. Chapter 2 ************ Dashing Straight - 4,000 SP - Press X while Running to let out a fierce winding punch. I really didn't use this move much. It's decent to use in a one on one fight, but that rarely happens in this game. Rating: 2/5 Air Recovery - 2,000 SP - After being knocked into the air press A to recover quickly and be ready for action. This is one of the most useful abilities in the game. Period. Rating: 5/5 Running Grab - 6,000 SP - Press B while runing to grab enemies or objects without having to stop. This is another extremely useful ability. Anything that allows you to attack or prepare to attack without having to stop is a must have. This is especially useful when you are fighting things that have homing missles, which near the end of the game means almost everything. Rating: 5/5 Ground Smash - 9,000 SP - Pressing X & Y together will cause Hulk to do a dual fisted pound. The shockwave sent out after hitting the ground will damage any enemy in your immediate area. This is also extremely effective against tanks. I used this quite a bit at the beginning of the game, but as you progress, this move becomes obsolete. Rating: 3/5 Backhand - 500 SP - Pressing X,Y,X as a combo will cause Hulk to do a backhanded pimp slap to anything in front of him. This is not a very effective attack in any respect. Rating: 1/5 Punt Kick - 3,000 SP - X,X,Y is the combo, and the last hit will send enemies flying off into the distance. This is another attack that I used frequently when I first got it. That is, until I found out that the Ground Smash move works so well against tanks. Other than needing this to complete certain bonus challenge missions, you can pass this move up. Rating: 2/5 Sonic Clap - 2,000 SP - Press Y & B together to release this area effect attack. This attack is one of the better area effect attacks to use. It does decent damage and can even hit enemies in the air as long as they are relatively close to you. Rating: 3/5 Air Stomp - 10,000 SP - While in the air, press Y to rocket down to the ground and send out a shockwave effect much like the Ground Smash move. This move would be good against tanks if Ground Smash wasn't so powerful. And clearing out groups of soldiers is already no problem since you can basically just run through them. Sonic clap would be a much better choice to go with and it costs 8,000 SP less than this attack. Rating: 2/5 Smash Express - 5,000 SP - X or Y while running with any two handed weapon. Like I said, any move you can do while running is useful at one point or another. While I wouldn't suggest using this attack exsclusively at any point in the game, there are a few times when you will be glad that you have it. Rating: 3/5 Double Fist Toss - 7,000 SP - Press B while running to perform this move. Read the above description... This move gets a higher rating though as throwing things while running is a life saver in some cases. Not to mention that throwing things deals some of the highest damage in the game. Rating: 4/5 Critical Atomic Slam - 25,000 SP - This will be your first Critical Mass attack available to you. This is basically an extremely powerful version of the Ground Smash move. The range is much farther also. Keep in mind that it does not affect enemies in the air though. However, you should get this as early as possible as it is great for crowd control. Rating: 3/5 ************** --C. Chapter 3 ************** Slam Kick - 6,000 SP - While holding a two-handed weapon, press X then Y. This is another useful move for one on one battles. Weapon attacks tend to do the most damage early in the game, so the ability to kick a bus into your enemies face should come in handy at certain points. However, this is definitely not the best thing to do against enemies with heat seeking projectiles. Rating: 3/5 Shield - 20,000 SP - Press Y while holding a large vehicle to smash down on it and create a make-shift shield. I find this little trick highly useful as it will block incomming missles and melee attacks. Even while you are running you can deflect projectiles with it! This is most useful when you are fighting groups of 3 or more Hulk Busters. Rating: 4/5 Shockwave Smash - 15,000 SP - Charge Y to the fullest to unleash a shockwave effect in front of you. This attack is extremely effective against tanks, normally destroying them in two hits. Later on an additional upgrade can be purchased to make this attack even more effective. This is easily one of the best attacks in the game. Rating: 5/5 Air Dash - 12,000 SP - Pull the R trigger back while in the air to do a short dash. This dash move has a couple of worthwhile uses. First of which being that it can give you a little extra distance for clearing jumps during challenge missions. The second is that no matter which direction you are facing, performing the dash will cause Hulk to dash in any direction you choose. If you see yourself heading for water, just pull back on the left analog and dash backwards. This can be upgraded twice later on. Rating: 4/5 Dashing Sonic Clap - 5,000 SP - This is the exact same attack as the regular Sonic Clap, except you can perform it while running. And what do I say? That's right! Any move you can perform while running, is a good thing. Rating: 4/5 Tornado Uppercut - 12,000 SP - Press Y, then charge Y to perform a gigantic uppercut. This will launch your enemy into the air allowing for an air combo, or just create some space between you and a foe. While this certainly isn't a bad move, I find myself using other attacks. Rating: 3/5 Tornado Frenzy - 20,000 SP - Press X, then max charge Y, then press X,X in the air. A nifty little air combo that is basically just a variation of the Tornado uppercut move. Rating: 3/5 Rapid Punch Burst - 8,000 SP - Press X,X, then pause for a split second and press X,X,X,X. I find it a little difficult to pull this move off when I really need it. The combo does a good chunk of damage to anything in front of you, but an enemy actually standing still so you can perform it is another story. Rating: 3/5 Critical Thunder Clap - 50,000 SP - Hold Y + B once you have power in your PCG to perform a huge and devestating version of the Sonic Clap. I love this move. Especially in the later levels of the game. Like when you are being attacked by two Hulk Buster Destroyers and a handfull of regular Hulk Busters. Being an area effect attack that hits above you, this should be your top choice when it comes to Power Crisis moves. Rating: 5/5 Power Surge Level 1 - 25,000 SP - This upgrade gives a permanent boost to your life gauge. Need I say more? Rating: 5/5 Club Smash - 5,000 SP - Press X + Y while holding a club type weapon. Again, not that this is a bad move, but I find myself going after rocks and cars mostly, as they seem to do more damage than club weapons. Rating: 2/5 Rising Upper - 8,000 SP - Use the L trigger to lock on to an enemy, then pull the Left Analog away from them and press X. This attack is a two fisted uppercut that launches your opponent for an air combo, or creates some space for you to dash away. This is one of those moves I rarely, rarely use. Rating: 1/5 Air Ground Slam - 12,000 SP - Press X + Y while in the air to perform this move. There is not much difference between this and the Air Stomp other than this move does slightly better damage. Rating: 3/5 Air Sonic Clap - 9,000 SP - Press Y + B while in the air to perform the Air Sonic Clap. Again, the Sonic Clap remains to be one of the better moves in the game for its damage and area of effect. This version is great to use against helicopters or Hulk Busters that are flying around. Later on this move because slightly less effective against helicopters, but it is still an all around good move. Rating: 4/5 Missle Punch Back - 20,000 SP - Press either X or Y as a missle is about to hit you to punch it away. If you are locked on to a target you will actually punch the missle back at them. If you can master this move, it will be your bread and butter against helicopters and jets until you get the air jack move. Rating: 4/5 Headbutt - 10,000 SP - Press X + B together to deliver a crushing headbutt. This move has a much shorter range than I would like. However, this is the most effective attack against Hulk Busters, normally destroying them in two hits. Rating: 4/5 Air Critical Atomic Slam - 50,000 SP - Charge X + Y to the max while in the air once you have a power crisis move available. This version does more damage than the normal Critical Atomic Slam, but I refrain from using it once I get the Air Critical Thunder Clap. Rating: 3/5 ************** --D. Chapter 4 ************** Air Enemy Grapple - 20,000 SP - Press B while in the air and near a 'Hulk sized enemy', meaning Hulk Busters. You can deal out quite a bit of damage once you have them in your grasp, but if you get hit while holding them, you will drop them. This is best used in a one on one fight, but even then there are better things to use. Rating: 2/5 Spear Impale - 8,000 SP - Max charge B while you are running with a club weapon. Other than stunning an enemy this move serves little purpose. Rating: 1/5 Dashing Uppercut - 15,000 SP - Press Y while running to launch an enemy into the air, jump up to follow with an air combo. I fairly useful move to quickly get an enemy into the air and put a beating on them. Rating: 3/5 Bowling - 15,000 SP - Press Y while holding any spherical object to weaponize it and turn it into a massive bowling ball. This move is great if you want to go on a destruction rampage. As for fighting, it does good damage and has good speed and is best suited for ground based enemies like tanks and such. Rating: 3/5 Cyclone Skyjack - - Jump towards an aircraft and press B to grab the front of it and ride it down to the ground. Locking on to a target helps you aim, and charging your X attack while in the air will close the distance between you and your foe, making it easier to time your grab. This is the easiest and most effective way to take out any air based enemy. Rating: 5/5 Dashing Ground Slam - 8,000 SP - Press X + Y while running to perform yet another version of this move. Once again, it's useful because you don't have to stop to charge it up for max damage. Rating: 4/5 Gamma Quake - 15,000 SP - Grab a Hulk sized enemy and charge Y. Not only does this move do great damage to the enemy you are holding, but it has an area effect upon impact. Although, the area effect does little damage. Rating: 3/5 Elbow Drop - 15,000 SP - Press Y while wall running or climbing to drop the elbow on your enemy. Locking on helps to aim yourself, but can be a bit disorienting at times. With that said, this is the most powerful single hit attack in the game. It can kill most things in two hits, and take chunks of life off of Hulk Buster Destroyers. Rating: 5/5 Floor Kick - 5,000 SP - Press Y near a downed enemy. Well, to be honest, I've only used this move when I was trying it out. Enemies don't normally stay down too long if they have any life left, making this attack almost completely useless. Rating: 1/5 Critical Mass Surge Level 1 - 25,000 SP - This increases the number of sections on your PCG from 1 to 2. Rating: 5/5 Shield Grind - - While holding a shield, jump up and then press Y to 'grind' on the shield and ride it like a skateboard. Other than being cool and the fact that some challenges require you to have this, there is very little use to this move. Rating: 2/5 Super Air Strike - 35,000 SP - Press X while in the air for an increased damage and range air strike. This is one of the more useful upgrades to get as it really helps in destroying the missle launchers mounted on destroyers. Not to mention it makes performing the Skyjack a lot easier as well. This is an all aorund good attack to use on any enemy. Rating: 5/5 Shield Grind Kick - 10,000 SP - Press Y while doing a shield grind to kick your shield towards your foe. Lock on helps a lot with this. Maybe it's just me but I find this attack to not do very much damage and take an exsessive amount of time to perform. Rating: 1/5 Hitchhike - 20,000 SP - Press B while in the air and near a large enemy to grab a hold of them. This doesn't open the oppurtunity to do major damage to an enemy, but it is one of the safer routes to go if you are low on health. If you hang on too long you will eventually be shaken off. While you are holding on press X to punch and Y to do a flip kick that causes you to dismount from your foe. Rating: 3/5 Missle Catch - 35,000 SP - Press B when a missle nears you to grab onto it. Hold down the throw button to max charge and activate the homing system on the missle. I love to use this move against jets. It's much harder to Skyjack a jet than it is a helicopter, but it's much easier to catch the missle of a jet than it is a helicopter. Rating: 4/5 Super Air Dash - 25,000 SP - A longer and faster air dash. Moving faster and farther is always a good thing. Rating: 4/5 Shockwave Smash Repeater - 60,000 SP - Max charge Y, then after the initial hit press Y,Y,Y,Y. This is one of the most pwerful combos in the game and no tank stands a chance against you with this. The range and width of the shockwave is also increased. Rating: 5/5 ************** --E. Chapter 5 ************** Air Critical Thunder Clap - 40,000 SP - While in the air, charge Y + B to the max while you have power in your PCG. I find this attack insanely useful against groups of destroyers and busters. Jumping into the air to perform this attack helps give you enough time to reach the full charge power necessary to unleash the attack. Rating: 5/5 Hammer Toss - 35,000 SP - press B when near the barrel of a tank to grab a hold of it, then roatate the left analog counter clockwise to build up speed and throw the tank into the distance. If you lock on to an enemy you can actually throw the tank into them causing massive dammage. Since this instantly destroys any tank you grab, this move is a must have. Rating: 5/5 Missle Pack Weaponize - 40,000 SP - After destroying a missle launching vehicle, grab the box shaped launcher and press Y. Doing this will cause The Hulk to make his very own shoulder mounted missle launcher. Max charging an attack button will activate the homing system in the missle. For the most part, the missles will destroy just about anyhting in one hit. Useful? In the desert, very! Rating: 4/5 Ball and Chain - 30,000 SP - Press Y while holding onto a large crane truck to rip out the ball and chain. The weapon acts like a yo-yo and the higher you charge the move, the farther and more damaging the attack is. This move is extremely damaging and cna be performed in the air as well. Rating: 4/5 Air Spike - 12,000 SP - While in the air press X to start an air combo, then max charge Y to slam your foe to the ground. Although this is a good damage attack, I rarely use it. The full air combo using just X is effective enough not to need this. Rating: 2/5 Target Kick - 15,000 SP - While riding an aircraft, lock on to another target and max charge Y to kick the aircraft to the designated target. This is great when you are fighting groups of helicopters or even a mix of helicopters and jets. If the aircraft connects, it is instant death for the target. The only problem is that the aircraft you are riding will normally hit the ground before you even have a chance to kick it away. Rating: 4/5 Gamma Grinder - 55,000 SP - Max charge Y while holding a hulk sized enemy. This is an improved version of the Gamma Quake. The move is bigger and more damaging, as is the area effect it causes. Rating: 4/5 Critical Pain - 75,000 SP - Max charge X + B while you have energy in your PCG. This is the most damaging critical mass attack. The downside is that it only hits one enemy. However, that enemy is in for a world of hurt. Rating: 4/5 Power Surge Level 2 - 50,000 SP - A health increase? Sure! Rating: 5/5 Double Air dash - 60,000 SP - As the name implies, this allows you to dash twice in the air. No complaints here. Rating: 5/5 Running Club Ram - 15,000 SP - Press X while running with a club to slam it into your enemies face. You know the drill by now. Doing moves while running = good. Rating: 4/5 Gamma Bomb - 80,000 SP - Grab a Hulk sized mech enemy, jump as high as possible and max charge Y. Great damage and decent shockwave area effect damage as well. It's a little pricey, but will kill your captured foe in one hit. Rating: 4/5 ************** --F. Chapter 6 ************** Air Cannonball - 100,000 SP - While in the air, max charge X to go rolling into an enemy at tremendous speed. This is a great upgrade to get as it does high damage and it moves quickly to the target, which helps you when dodging missles. I have zero complaints about his attack. Rating: 5/5 Critical Mass Surge Level 2 - 80,000 SP - Increases your PCG from two slots to three slots. Rating: 5/5 ************** --G. Chapter 7 ************** Super Shockwave Smash - 100,000 SP - Max charge Y, then press Y,Y,Y,Y. This is an improved version of the Shockwave Smash Repeater dealing very high damage. The final hit sends out three large shockwaves that spread out, annihilating anything in front of you. Rating: 5/5 Double Super Air Dash - 150,000 SP - As you may have guessed, this upgrade makes both air dashes have greater speed and distance capabilities. Rating: 5/5 Power Surge Level 3 - 120,000 SP - Increases your max health to the maximum possible. Rating: 5/5 ************************* --H. Chapter 8 (End game) ************************* Savage Banner - 1,000,000 SP - You get to play as Bruce Banner, but with all of the Hulks power. All Hulk, no green. While this may be a neat little unlockable, it certainly isn't going to make anything any easier on you. Rating: 1/5 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ ============================/ \========================== VI. Fighting Strategies H006 ============================\_______________________/========================== Here I will go over some basic things that you need to know in order to play the game in the most proficient way. Then I will go into in-depth strategies for fighting each type of enemy found in the game from the lowely Policeman to the final confrontation with Abomination. **************** --A. Some Basics **************** The first thing I want to touch on is the Power Crisis Gauge, or the PCG. Collecting green globes that enemies drop will raise your health meter. Once you max out your health meter, the remaining health will be filtered in to the PCG. The PCG serves two purposes, the first being the obvious. Having energy in the PCG allows you to perfrom Critical Mass attacks, which are some of the strongest attacks in the game. The second purpose for the PCG is to actually store health and increase your maximum limit well beyond the normal Life Gauge (LG). If your energy happens to reach very low levels, you will enter what the game calls "Adrenaline Rush" state. During this state Hulk does more damage to enemies and is able to use one critical mass attack. My suggestion is that if you do reach this state, quickly use the critical mass attack and then run. If Hulk takes no damage for a few seconds his health will auto regenerate back up to the normal starting position. ******************** --B. Smaller Enemies ******************** **Police, Soldiers, and Missle Soldiers** Puny, Puny humans. These guys are the lowest of the low and can be dispatched of with a single blow. You can even simply run over top of them to teach them a lesson. **Tanks & Rocket Launchers** Tanks can be deadly if you don't know what you are doing. The most effective regular attacks against them are the shockwave attacks, which include; ground smash, shockwave smash, shockwave smash repeater, and super shockwave smash. All of those become obsolete once you get the hammer toss move though. Keep in mind that destroying a tank using the hammer toss yields no health globes, so it's not always the best choice. The same goes for the Rocket Launchers. All the shockwave attacks are the most effective, but you cannot perform the hammertoss move on them. These things can be a real pain in pairs or groups. I would advise against jumping to get in close. Stay on the ground and run towards them, dodging any missles as neccessary. Jumping actually decreases your manueverability and leaves oyu wide open to get hit with a barrage of missles. **Helicopters and Jets** Helicopters like to fly in close to you and alternate between missles and machine gun fire. The Sonic Clap is the most effective attack against them and will normally destroy them in a couple of hits. As with the tanks though, once Cyclone Skyjack becomes available to you, that attack becomes obsolete. Skyjack lets you grab on to the front of a helicopter and ride it down to the ground. You can even purchase an upgrade that lets you kick the helicopter away and towards whatever target you are currently locked on to. A great move for taking out a large group of helicopters quickly. Jets are a little different. Rather than being able to hover over top of you, the jets actually make passig runs against you. They will come towards you, fire a couple of missles, fly past you, pull a U-turn, and repeat the process. They are also much better at dodging incomming air attacks, which makes the cyclone skyjack a little harder to pull off against them. The missle punch back and missle grab attacks are probably going to be your best friend. I personally prefer the missle grab. **Hulk Busters** These little mechs are only a threat early into the game. The effective attack against them is the headbutt, taking all but a tiny spec of their health. It can be annoying fighting these guys in large groups though. Anytime you try and charge up the headbutt, one of them will rush in and knock you out of the air. I find that the best hting to do is to knock them down with the air strike move, then do a small jump and immediately start charging the headbutt. **Hulk Buster Destroyers** The bigger, meaner, stronger, more defensive brother of the Hulk Buster. There are a couple of ways to go about fighting these guys. I find that the hitchhike move that allows you to latch onto large enemies, is relatively worthless. It's definitely the safest route to take, as you can't really be hit by them if you are attached to them, but your attacks in this state do very very small amounts of damage. When you are fighting a single destroyer, concentrate on removing the shoulder mounted missle launchers first with either the air strike or the cannonball. The Critical Thunderclap helps greatly as it not only does damage to both missle launchers, but the destroyer itself as well. Don't bother trying to hit the destroyer itself from the air, he will simply shrug you off and cause damage to you. Steel fists help out in the fight, as does throwing objects. If you are getting low on health, grab a pair of steel fists and grab on to him with the hitchhike and pound away. Your Y attack in this state causes Hulk to do a backflip kick off of the enemy before they have a chance to forcefully remove you. If you have to fight two or more of these guys at once, go for the Critical Thunderclap ASAP to destroy the missle launchers on both of them. ***************** --C. Strike Teams ***************** Here I will go over specific strike teams that you will encounter. Depending on where you are located and what chapter you are on determines what ST you will be facing. There are no ST's in the first chapter and they don't appear until mid-way through the second chapter when the game finally tells you about the threat level meter (TL). Chapter 2 City: 2 Helicopters Desert: Chapter 3 City: Desert: 3 Helicopters Chapter 4 City: 4 Hulkbusters - 2,000 SP Desert: 2 Hulkbusters - 1,000 SP Chapter 5 City: 3 Helicopters & 2 Hulkbusters - 4,000 SP Desert: 2 Hulkbusters - 1,000 SP Chapter 6 City: Desert: Chapter 7 City: Desert: Chapter 8 (End game) City: Desert: *********** --D. Bosses *********** These are the strategies that I developed while fighting against the bosses in the game. Some of you may have better ways of dealing with them, and I am certainly open to suggestions and contributions. I am currently playing through the game again in order to see what other strategies I can come up with, so I plan on updating this section when I do my first update to the FAQ. --Dated 9/6/05 **Abomination** The openeing scene before you begin the fight should give you a clear hint of what you have to do. The object is to knock abomination into the large white tanks that surround the area. The best attacks to use are the Judgement Day combo, Punt Kick, or the Backhand combo. Do not ever jump unless you absolutely need the health power ups located around the area. Everytime you jump abomination will charge at you, grab you, slam you into a wall, and then jump up and slam you into the ground. If your LG gets low eneough for you to enter an adrenaline surge, quickly perform a Power Crisis move to create some space between you and Abomination, then go run after a health globe. Once Abomination loses a health bar, he will run back and throw a few large objects at you. Simply run to dodge them and when he stops, move in for a combo. Once you get Abomination to under one life bar remaining he will start to do the smash repeater combo on you, so watch out. Abomination also likes to block a lot. You have to look for an opening, strike quickly with your first two combo hits, then max charge the last hit to send him flying. If you purchased the running grab ability along with the dual fisted throw, then pick up an object whenever you can and max charge your throw to cause some good damage to Abomination. **Prototype Hulkbuster Destroyer** As soon as this fight starts, use your lock on ability to target the radars that are positioned around the area. Use max charged attacks with weapons to destroy them quickly. Destroying the radar stations will take away the ability for the prototype to call in reinforcements. If you fail to do so, he will call in a squad of his little brothers, the Hulk Busters, to help him out. The Destroyer fires enough missles on his own so you really don't want another 4-5 guys shooting them at you as well. Once the radars are destroyed, take out any remaining Hulk Busters if need be. Collect enough health globes to put you into Critical Mass. Be sure not to collect more than you need though, you may need them for later. Once you are able to critical mass, let loose a Critical Thunderclap right in his face. That should help you out a bit in what is to come. Next, lock on to him and tap the right analog stick so that you are targeting the missle pods on his shoulder. There are plenty of weapons laying around the arena, so pick one up, jump into the air and max charge your throw to lay in some good damage. Alternatively, the headbutt also does good damage to him and his missle pods. Once you finish off the missle pod, do the same thing for the other one on his other shoulder. Now that we can move around without heat seeking missles tracking our every step, lock on to the big guy and go to town on him. The only two attacks you really need ot watch out for is his laser attack, which hits you at a distance, and his blue charge melee attacks. Again, the headbutt is probably the best thing to use, but if you are low on health and need to play it safe than just throw things at him from a distance. Both attacks do about the same damage, but the headbutt can be pulled off quicker than running, grabbing, and max throwing. **Chief Combat Warden** This really isn't much of a boss fight, the warden is just a regular Hulkbuster with some extra energy. Since this is a Hulkbuster, the headbutt should be your first choice as it does the most damage with minimal effort. Once you get his life down to one bar remaining, he will run off and fly from building to building. Don't worry about hitting him, but you do have to catch up to him after he stops each time. Normally the building he lands on has a couple of rocket launcher flunkies for you to bash. Do so, and collect their health globes. If you're at full health than just continue the chase. The combat warden finally comes to rest in an open park area where he and a batallion of tanks are waiting for you. Since your health and PCG should be full after all those puny humans you just fought, jump into the very center of the tanks and show them your Critical Thunderclap. That should hopefully destroy all of them, but if not, they shouldn't be more than a hit away from total destruction. After all the tanks are disposed of, turn your attention to the combat warden and finish him off. I almost feel bad for him because the headbutt takes so much life away, so if you feel comfortable enough to mix it up, then feel free to slap him around a bit before you finish him. After he is defeated, grab his power module and head back to the church. **Mercy** Talk about easy. Go ahead... talk about it, discuss it. The first thing you need to know about Mercy is that she likes to teleport as soon as you get near her and try to attack. There is an easy way to get around this though. You will notice health globes scattered around all over the area you are fighting in. There is more than enough to get you into crisis mode twice. If you purchased the Critical Mass Surge Level 1 upgrade, that is going to make things even easier. If you did purchase it, then fill up both sections of your PCG. It doesn't really matter how close or far you are from Mercy, just use a power crisis move and watch the health drain away. After you hit her with the first crisis move, she should be near death. Lock on to her and perform max charged air strikes from as far back as possible. These will hit her most of the time and should not take more than four or five hits to finish her off. Once her life bar has been depleted she will stand up and become super pissed. Watch out for her triple energy shot, find an opening and use your second crisis move. This should take her energy all the way down to zero, but you will still need to hit her once more to put her to rest for good. One charged air strike is all it will take. Easiest fight in the game by far. **General Ross** Before you even begin the fight, you need to purchase the Hammer Toss move. The fight takes place in a square area, you begin in the center with General Ross. The first thing you want to do is immediately run and jump to the outskirts of the area. At each of the four corners there is a tank. You have to begin the hammerthrow move, then lock on to General Ross and let the tank fly into him. Rinse and repeat, the tanks respawn every few seconds, so just make your way around the square and throw each one into the giant mech. It's an easy but fun fight. **Devil Hulk** I highly recommend purchasing the cannonball upgrade for this fight. This fight takes place on a circle shaped platform. The devil hulk will run into the small circle in the center of the area and begin summoning up spires to hit you. Stay as high as possible in the air to avoid them. You should see three blue pods surrounding the circle. Lock on to one and max charge the X button while in the air to perform the cannonball. The move will allow you to smash through the spires and hit the pod you are locked on to. Immediately jump back into the air and repeat the process untill all three pods are destroyed. The pods leave behind some health globes, so pick them up and they should put you into critical mass. Devil Hulk will now jump out of the hole in the center and come after you. Get right in his face and let loose an Air Critical Thunder Clap to take off a good amount of health. Eventually he will retreat back into his hole and you will have to destroy the pods again. After a couple of times repeating this process, the Devil Hulk will fall. **Abomination II part 1** Your object here is to chase Abomination through the desert while keeping the military off your back. Don't worry about keeping up with Abomination, he will eventually stop at certain spots. Your main concern is quickly dispatching of any military force that gets in your way. If you try to chase down Abomination, you will have him pounding on you when he stops running, as well as military aircraft shooting missles at you, so just concentrate on the military presence. The good thing is that when Abominaiton stops, whatever vehicles or aircraft that are in that area will shoot at him, making your job much easier. Once you have dispatched of the other foes, collect all the health you can and go after Abomination. He shouldn't need too much more of a pounding before he runs off again. Do the same thing this time, concentrate on all military enemies first then go after Abomination. After the third time he runs off, you will be able to access a jump point to take you to the final show down. **Abomination II part 2** This fight takes place on a dam. The object is to finish off Abomination before he destroys the four generators located in the small area. If he destroys all four, the dam will collapse. To top things off, there is a squad of jets constantly firing missles at the both of you. Don't bother destroying the jets unless you need health. If you destory one, another will spawn and take its place. Directly to the right of your starting position there is a semi-truck. Pick up the front end and make steel fists out of them. Go in towards Abomination and start laying into him with your best combos. If you see him charging up, run! He is most likely charging up the Super Shockwave Smash, with can take over half of your life away, so do your best to dodge it by jumping and air dashing. When Abomination goes in for a generator, lock on to him and start doing headbutts. If you continue to use headbutts, he will eventually be shocked by the generator and will lose a bar of life. If you don't use headbutts, he will eventually rip the generator out of the floor and fling it across the stage, when it hits the ground it will cause a shockwave effect that rivals your Critical Thunder Clap. Avoid this at all costs. Repeat this process for the next two generators. When and if Abomination goes for the forth generator, he should be very near death. Lay in a few more hits as he is trying to pull it out to finish him off. _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________ =================================/ \================================= VII. Cheats H007 =================================\___________/================================= These are the cheats I have found thusfar. Most of the cheats are unlocked by collecting comics that are scattered throughout the game. Once you unlock the cheat, you can then enter it in the options menu. Villain OCanada America Drapeau Mutanda History Bringit Kingkng Smash5 Smash15 _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________ ==============================/ \============================= VIII. Future Plans H008 ==============================\__________________/============================= I'd like to get some other strategies for the bosses. Namely, Devil Hulk and the Abominaiton dam fight. All the other bosses have very easy tricks to beating them, so I would imagine these two would be no different. I'm also going to try and obtain the rest of the comics so I can complete the cheat list. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________ ==============================/ \=============================== IX. Contributor's H009 ==============================\________________/=============================== None as of yet! _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ =============================/ \============================ X. Closing & Copyright H010 =============================\____________________/============================ In closing, I'd like to thank for continuing to be the best damn gaming site on the net. I'd like to thank Radical Entertainment, Sierra, and Vivendi Universal for helping me forget that first horrible Hulk game. This FAQ is Copyright 2005 by Josh Ford The only site with permission to host this FAQ is If you would like to host this FAQ please e-mail me at Anybody wishing to contribute to this FAQ may send an e-mail to the same address. You will of course be given full credit in the FAQ under the contributor section. Thank you, come again!