The Legend of Alon D'ar Version 1.0 By Isaac Sherman at Part Breakdown: 1: Version History 2: Walkthrough 2.0: Prelude 2.1: Orin 2.2: Dagan 2.3: Palash 2.4: WhiteWater Gorge 2.5: The Kemarran Highlands 2.6: Orin-Dromar's Tomb 2.7: Dagan-Again, briefly 2.7.3: Whitewater Gorge-Market, briefly 2.7.6: Palash-La'Shon, briefly 2.7.9: Dagan-Deep Swamp 2.8: Palash-Spire of Suspicion, and the Twisting Deeps, purple scarab section 2.8.5: Free Time 2.9: Dagan-Bogroat's Lair 2.10: Twisting Deeps-Road to Zonra's Tomb 2.11: Opening Charak's Tomb 2.12: The land of the P'Gok 2.13: The Land of the Chandarath-The Final Battle 3: Legal Notes 4: Quest Guide 5: Skill Guide 6: Credits --- 1:Version History--- 1.0 The walkthrough is finished. It _will_ get you from beginning to end without dying (much). It does not cover many of the in depth things that make this game great. I'm working on that. This was written entirely from memory, and there are bound to be minor errors (perhaps even a few major ones). I will also include a comprehensive list of all side quests, their solutions, and their rewards. I Promise. But not yet. Prelude (Section 0): The game begins with Jarik having a dream. It's a strange dream, mentioning the weakness of the Wyrd, Alon D'ar, Drindithar, and Zaharinar. From there, he wakes up, a friend telling him of Kemmarans being in the village. The reason for their presence is unknown. Anyway, Jarik doesn't care, and it's time to watch the introduction. Everything is said very nonchalantly, like it's the kind of thing commonly done everyday. To sum it up: He runs off after Lord Gandar taunts him, comes on to a Kemarran(Leyala), then notices that his house is on fire. He rushes back toward the ruckus, and sees a Dagani running from the crime. He kills him with his bare hands, and the Dagani turns into a dead monster. The monster drops a rock, he picks it up to examine the symbol, and the rock flares, burning the symbol into his hand. He runs back to town, to explain the happenings to Grandar, who doesn't believe him. Nefreet, the wise woman, believes him, and Grandar goes off to start a war. You have to stop the war that is about to start, and find out what that symbol is... After some more talk, it's time to loot Grandar's keep. Section 1: Orin There are a few items here for the taking. Wither Bane can be found almost everywhere around Orin. Near most rocks, you'll notice it, growing. Only the ones near rocks are any good, and if you run out, you can let it grow back. There are also 5 drinking horns, which belong to your friend Riley. Most are on the edge of the area; follow the wall and you'll find 4. The fifth is in the center of the area, between two boulders. He'll give you 30 gold, and you'll get some PP too. It's worth it. You'll also notice that what's left of your house is on fire. Use water from the well to rescue your rather meager possessions. First, you need to go to the keep. Look for the banner in town, and then walk to the keep from there. It's a large stone building not far from town. Once inside, get the small silver key from the box in the first room (with the fire pit), then go to the back of the place. Talk to the guard, then pull the two unlit torches down. You'll get some Quest Items, and then you can walk in to the treasure room. Over to one side, you'll see a weapon rack. On it is a lump hammer. Knock the crystal out of the wall with it, then go to the box. There's a katar, 20 gold, and a healing potion inside. If you use the hammer, you'll break the potion. Use the key if you have it. Next, it's off to the training area. It's pretty self-explanatory. Once you're done, head across the bridge and down to the area where you saw all the Skurlings. Head down, talk to people, find acorns... it's all pretty simple at this point. I stuck with swords through most of the game, but you should do one of two things: 1) buy the woodcutters axe as soon as you talk to the man at the bridge. The skills with it will become important later on, and it is useful for killing Skurlings. With a few levels of Damage, you'll take the pesky critters out with one hit. You'll also take a lot of damage because you're slow. If you run into any lurkers, it's also your best shot for survival (and one of the acorns is right next to a Lurker... they look like rocks). Or B) Head along the way you're supposed to go, ignoring the bridge, and the man's pleas for help. Keep heading along until you get to the safe haven, and from there it's a short trip to Lord Kort's keep. Plus, you can heal to full whenever you want, making it much easier to build up. Second, across from Kort's is a Weapon Smith, with a heavy katar, among other things, and a Longsword. I recommend buying the Longsword, but the heavy Katar is the way to go if you're hard up for gold. Either way, you'll be killing enemies in only a few hits, with much less delay than the axe. If you got the rusty sword from one of those zombies, he'll turn it into a shortsword for free, which sells for 150 gold. It's also a good weapon in it's own right. Whether you did the first or second(I recommend the second; it means backtracking, but you'll take less damage), it's now time to go across the bridge. There's a save point, which I recommend using, as well as a pack of Skurlings. Follow the path to the cave, then kill the 3 Skurlings inside. Feel free to look around; you'll find a Stone Orb, which allows you to channel the Earth Fates. You'll also get a leather jerkin for your trouble (your first armor, which is auto- equipped). Once you're done, you may notice a giant oak out the window. Oddly, there aren't many silver acorns near it. Only 1, if memory serves correctly. Remember where that is, it's important later on. Once you're done there, head back to Patch Village. Buy any new skills you want at the Safe Haven, then head to the village proper. If you've talked to Kort, you'll have been quested to destroy the mound in the middle of the village. It only has about 45 HP, give or take, and it dies very easily. Ignore the Skurling until the mound is dead; you don't get any extra PP for killing several Skurlings. When you're done, the people in the village will open their doors to you. Talk to everyone, one of them has a Silver Acorn. Another offers a Stone Orb for sale, which you should already have, and there's also some armor. There's also an herbalist, who'll sell you potions, and make potions from Wither Bane leaves you've found, which restore 50 HP instead of 20. Talk to Kort again, and he'll give you his Token, which allows safe passage to Dagan. If you've got all thirty acorns (One is in the graveyard, another is near the entrance to Whitewater Gorge), and are at least level 3, go ahead. Otherwise, you may want to stick around for a while. Side Note 1 (Collectible Items): On a note about hunting acorns (and almost all other collectibles), what I do is follow a wall (Pick one, either left or right), and stick with it. This takes me to all the out-of-the-way-places-you'd- probably-miss-otherwise. Then the only ones remaining are the ones that are out in plain sight; which are sometimes the hardest to find. If you want to take a more slipshod (albeit faster) approach, you can just check around trees and sheep, and (Of course) OOTWPYPMO. Backtracking is also very useful for finding collectibles which you missed because of your angle. I won't have an extensive list of the collectible items in this FAQ; I might do that in another FAQ, if someone doesn't beat me to it, or if the demand is high enough. Section 2: Dagan You'll find yourself in the Dagan swamp. A Dagani named Riffin will talk to you for a bit, before you're allowed to move. Once you can, you'll notice papers scattered around. 1 ancient scroll, and a few of the Journal Chapter 2 pages. Get them. You'll also run into some new enemies; I'll call them gremlins, though that's not what they are called in the game. Use the Safe Haven frequently until you feel confident. I've found that Daggers and Swords work best for me against these creatures, though Hammers and the like work very well also. Spend your PP wisely in whatever weapon you choose, but make a point to put some in Two-Handed Axes (particularly Speed and Damage, then Critical, then Block, and finally Accuracy). The time you'll need them is drawing nearer. Continue along the swamp; you'll find an Orin named Zoe who'll introduce you to another quest. Collecting tree frogs. Back-tracking is especially useful on this collectible item quest. The tree frogs look like large, red frogs, and are usually at Jarik's eye-level on a boulder or tree. They're also usually on the back side of the tree from the way you're supposed to go, too. The particularly difficult ones are on the side closest to the edge of the screen, meaning you'll spend a lot of time in the swamp water looking for them. You can't get them all on your first pass through the swamp. I don't believe that the chirps and croaks you can hear sometimes are related to them, but they might be. If anyone can verify this, let me know. Also, when wandering in the swamp, you can sometimes find money, and possibly armor. I got 2 studded leathers, and equipped them, since they're better than the Jerkin (or nothing at all, if you didn't bother with getting it). The first part of the swamp is very straight forward; enemies,totems, and bridges. The totems are easily read. Just head whichever way they point. After a while, you'll meet up with Tahir, who'll try to kill Jarik. A ghost will stop the fight, and you'll have Tahir in your group. Talk to the people in the village, and make a point of getting the Large Ornate Axe. Make sure Jarik has this in his belt. Tahir has a Cho Pin Tou, which is a good axe, but the weapon you'll probably want him using (for speed and damage) is his Dagani Katar. Keep the Cho Pin Tou available, though. Before you leave, he'll tell you that you need to find an Amareth's Heart. And, the easiest way to find an Amareth's heart is to kill an Amareth. Goody. Nothing for a brave warrior like Jarik, right? Leave the village, heading for the raft. It's opposite the way you came in. Talk to the Dagan standing there, and he'll sell you a Water Orb. It's got it's uses... Give it to Tahir if you want it. You probably won't miss it, if you don't. Heading across the raft, you'll come to an area with more Pages strewn about, and a Dagan there giving directions. Head south along the path, then east, and you'll get to the Oracle, who'll heal you to full just by touching it. The Amareth you seek lies west of the Oracle. The gremlins here can be taken out by a concentrated attack of Tahir's Katar, and a shot from the Longsword, but they may attack 4 or 5 at a time, so be prepared. Return to the Oracle as needed (I horde my healing potions). After a while, you'll find poison gas, which Tahir could walk through if he wanted to, which is near you destination. There's also a save point nearby. Eventually you'll see the Amareth. It's not moving when you first see it, but it's near one of the Sacred Places (the large stone with 5 larger stones placed around it). It's a tree. A walking tree with a nasty look on it's face(trunk?). Killing it isn't easy. With the Cho Pin Tou and the Ornate Axe equipped, and plenty of healing potions at the ready, you'll kill it eventually. It has around 500HP. Your longsword doesn't stand much of a chance at all, and neither do any other weapons I've tried. Axes are definitely the way to go. With speed and damage as high as you could manage, Axes are still quite slow, but they'll kill the tree pretty easily. Once you have the heart, head back to the Oracle. The gremlins have come back again, so make sure you are able to handle them. Talk to the Oracle, and you'll get a lot of information. You might want to take notes, to understand the plot a little better, but it's not necessary. Tahir remembers all of it. It's time to head to La'Shon, the trade city of the Sarojin. On the way, you'll meet a female Sarojin who can't remember her name, or anything else. She'll beg you for help, but she'll stay there. If you didn't already find it, there's a tree frog to her right, perched on the wall. Keep following the totems. Section 3: La'Shon Eventually you'll reach a save point with a treasure chest and a Sarojin near it. Save, and check your HP. If it's getting low, return to the Oracle. You'll be fighting Lurkers on the way down, two and three at a time. Axes are best for them (including the Cho Pin Tou), but because of their slowness, you'll probably take a lot of damage. If you're healed to full to begin with, they won't be much of a problem. You'll also find Pieces of Amber to collect (another 30 piece set... how odd). You can't collect all of these at this time either, but you can get a nice chunk. Just down the hill, follow the pillars until you meet another Sarojin. He'll tell you which path is La'Shon. Take it. There's a portal there, as well as a few shops where you can buy more stuff (Particularly healing potions). I missed my chance the first time through at buying a blazing orb, a Fire focal item. It's pretty useful(As magic Orbs go). Again, you'll want to give this to Tahir. I'll tell you why later. The man who has the cure for the Spell of Forgetfulness is in the middle of town by the Sarojin Spike. He says he wants the Diadem of the Sleeping Beast for it. The diadem is at WhipTail's grave. You need to go there anyway, so you might as well handle two things at once. Not like you have much of a choice... Head back to the place where the Sarojin (LongTooth), told you which path lead to town. Head toward the Spire of Suspicion by following the pillars. Keep a close eye out: you'll see Darkfell totems. The party will comment about them if you're not sure. Turn right, heading down the hill past the totems. You'll see an Amareth. And, as luck would have it, once you kill it, you get the Jade Scarab! Head back to town to heal. There are also quite a few pages/amber pieces spread around, which are easy enough to find. Heading out again, don't deviate from your path. Follow the glowing pillars all the way to a save point, which you may want to make use of. From there, you're very close. You'll pass another sleeping Amareth, and then find your way to the Spire of Suspicion. More collectibles strewn about this area, so take your time. The cauldron also helps a lot. It restores you both the full. Once you're done, walk up to the barrier. A cutscene will ensue, and it'll leave you in a battle with _Two_ Amareths! And you thought one was tough? Think again. Punch the hell out of them. If you start to lose Big Red (aka Juggernaut), just morph again. It's at the bottom of your command list. Have Tahir heal, or use the Blazing Orb. The two Amareths should go down very quickly. Gather the papers, and grab the diadem. Morph before most battles from here on. Big Red is Tough. He's fast, hits like a freight train, he's free. But there aren't any drawbacks! None that I've found, anyway. As long as you make sure Tahir heals himself, Big Red will destroy the competition. Oh, and if you morph while Jarik is at full HP, Juggernaut will have full HP. If Juggernaut gets hurt, then changes back, Jarik _still_ has full HP. That saves on healing potions, too. All in all, the difficulty for the game (at least survival-wise) just plummeted. Just don't be afraid to use Juggernaut! In fact, I order you to abuse him! Most of the time, you should change just before battle to minimize damage to you and your party Also, start training Tahir in the White Fates. Get at least to Healing Mist. You don't have a focal item yet, but you will soon. Once you're sure you're done here (including getting that crystal), talk to the Sarojin and he'll let you use the transporter, which takes you back to the Safe Haven at La'Shon. Stock up, buy any skills you're looking for, and give that diadem to BrambleFoot (that Sarojin with the bell). No loss there. Walk back to the Sarojin female with the memory problem, and she'll tell you some important information about SunDeep, and his master, SilverScale. Her name is JadeThroat, by the way. She'll give you an item to get another item. Notice a pattern? Now that that's done, head back across on the raft. Fight everything that comes your way. And get used to Juggernaut. I use him for almost every fight from here on. Your next step is to head to the very beginning of the swamp. You'll see a dock. You'll also have a few Amareth to fight. No problem for Juggernaut. Load Tahir up with healing potions etc.. Most of the time, he's the only one who needs healing. Get on the boat to head to WhiteWater Gorge. I believe there's a Tree Frog on the docks, too. Be sure to get it. Side Note 2: Juggernaut's HP Just a reminder; Big Red's HP when you morph are based on Jarik's current HP. If Jarik has 500/750, Juggernaut would have 667/1000. In the same situation, if Jarik had 14 HP, Big Red would have only 19. (This happened once my first tim through!) One down side to Juggernaut is that healing him only lasts until he changes back; so don't do it often. Heal Jarik before the fight, and all should go well. Section 4: WhiteWater Gorge One word describes this place. Labyrinth. Pick a wall, and try to do all the quests while you're here. Only break from the wall on Pelewan's quest, which is fairly simple. You have something else to search for while you're here: Moorlet eggs. These are very well hidden. There's one under a wagon, one on a ledge outside of your line of site, in a cauldron, as well as several in chests. And there are many that are out in the open to keep you from finding one that's hidden near it. Be thorough on this time through; they're tough to find. By the way, don't use the poison resistance item. Keep it for later (it's used in a quest, and using the cheap method, poison doesn't matter much anyway). Talk to the people at the market. Especially Riffin and the Scholar. Riffin is particularly useful, with his stories. In fact, you can probably figure out exactly where Dromar is buried if you think about it. Once you're done, be sure to buy at least 1 white orb from the man who sells them. Give one to Tahir. He's going to be your healer for a while. Side Note 3: Combat for dummies Basically, whenever any difficult fight comes along, have Tahir/whoever your healer is cast Healing Mist repeatedly, while Big Red thumps enemies to nothing. This works for a long time even after you have all four characters, though one casting of healing mist seems to lose some of it's effectiveness after a while (which is why you may want 2 white orbs). The sooner you get Healing Mist up to Level 6, the better. So, if I refer to a cheap method of combat, this is what I mean. In spite of being mazy, if you follow a wall, it won't be difficult at all. Many cactus flowers can be found here, to make into potions. Here's the trick: check cacti with flowers on them. Flower Spikes, for making Spike Potions, can also be found; just look for the plants with huge flowers (they remind me of Peyote). There aren't many of these, though. Finding all the Moorlet Eggs is another matter. If you're interested in that, you'll probably do a lot of backtracking, head banging, and toe stubbing, at least until I finish my collectible items guide. Just before you reach the Bogroat lair, a Sarojin spike, like the one you saw in La'Shon will appear. Make sure you're healed. Swords don't seem to bother Bogroat, but big, red fists do. Switch to Big Red (before the fight) and use the cheap method of combat. Morph back as needed. He'll go down very quickly. It's almost sad. Anyway, get the items in the lair, including the Sphere of Calling. Now's a good time to head back to the Whitewater Gorge Market, looking for Moorlet Eggs, and finishing any other quests you've picked up here (I _think_ you get the sound amulet, for Pelewan's quest, at the Bogroat Lair, but I'm not certain). It's good to get the experience now. It might be needed later. It's time to go to Orin. From the Bogroat lair, it's fairly simple. Head for the brightest area. When you see a Moorlet egg in plain sight sitting on a ledge, you're close. The path forks here. The right path leads to the Sunken Market and Orin. The left path leads to Orin. Decisions, decisions. Take either path first; there are things to collect on both. And make a brief stopover at the Market. There are a couple of Moorlet eggs down there, as well as a place to change those cactus flowers and flower spikes into potions (you may actually need all those magic potions now). If you didn't get all the acorns earlier, you'll probably see an acorn just past the save point that marks the end of the gorge. Section 5: The Kemarran Highlands Once you're in Orin again, you should head straight to Dromar's Door. Of course, you could go complete that "Search the Graveyard for Clues" quest... which is a good idea if you like fighting with a bow. Especially a bow that is very good against the undead. Follow the path from the gorge back to the split; one of the signs points to the Door. Go through, talk to the guard, and head on. You'll speak to a few people, including a crazy corn farmer. You'll also hear about a new collectible: Viviana's Amulet. Scattered in 30 (surprise!) pieces. You're supposed to find it. It's useful. Just so you can weigh the work: It makes its wearer regenerate 50 HP every 30 seconds or so. I got it, and it worked well until about level 7, at which point 50 HP was barely anything at all. Here's the catch, though. You only have one chance to get it. So, make up your mind now. Once you're through the second door, you're in the highlands proper. From here, there's a bridge down to a statue of a woman. You'll use the Sphere of calling automatically when you're close enough. A Windsinger will appear, and after a brief dialogue, she'll make a bridge appear. From there, it's simple. Follow the glowing posts, until you reach the Matron. Of course, you may want to leave the path to build up and search for Crystal Shards. If so, be sure to remember the cheap method of combat. It's still very effective. In fact, after gaining a few levels, you may want Tahir to just attack. The Fen Skurlings are quite a bit more powerful than their country cousins, and if you want Viviana's amulet you need to destroy their mounds. Some of the shards are under the mounds. All in all, while you're here your levels should soar. There are plenty of Tengu to kill, as well as Fen Skurlings, and some very strong zombies. You can also pick Ullapa leaves here, and of course make them into potions. I always keep Tahir stocked with four or five Ullapa potions, mainly because he was the only one using magic until the end of the game. Once you're done looking around, head to the Matron. She'll tell you to kill a Hakar. Simple enough. This one goes down just like the Bogroat. There are a few zombies on the way, as well as a at least 2 crystal shards(One's in the cave with the bones). Just head northeast of the village till you come to a bridge. Cross it, kill the zombies, (get the crystal shard). Cross the next bridge, and you're in the Hakar cave. I believe there are a few Tengu there (Tengu are blue, gargoyles are yellow, but they look alike). Once you've finished them off, you're right in front of the Hakar. Kill it, grab it's fang. Incidentally, I thought the sound effects were very juicy here. Nice touch. Anyway, return to the Matron. She's gone! She headed for the Dragon's Maw, which is almost all the way back at the transparent bridge you crossed. Go there. Notice how quickly night passed? A few more enemies are there, mostly the tougher zombies and a few Tengu. The zombies are tougher than the Hakar, but still not difficult. Once you reach the temple, some changeling Sarojin will attack. They're weak, but they catch the Kemmarans by surprise. Kill them, earn your respect, and enter the temple proper. There are a few shards here, too. By the sheep. Look around. Once you're done, head to the Maw of the Dragon. It's a pit that opens onto the void. You'll witness the end of a trial, where Tylonee is sentenced. Anyway, good old Tahir is as considerate as usual, and asks the Matron for the Tattoo. Eventually she gives it to him, but it seems you've worn out your welcome... If you leave, remember that you CANNOT come back. Ever. If you want those shards, you'll have to stay here and find them. I'm not going to wait for you, though. Section 6:Dromar's Tomb Once you leave the highlands, Tylonee will join you. Her special attacks are pretty useless, but aren't everyones? She's well-trained across a variety of weapons, though, and comes with several. She is good with weapons, though, and has a high Dex, which makes for slightly faster attacks. Most importantly, though, she's a third character, and makes battles that much easier. I recommend training her in the use of Two-Handed Swords. I'll explain why in this section. You'll see a Hakar in that massive trap you passed earlier. Go ahead and kill it. It's worth good PP, and Tylonee needs all she can get. Walk back to Hollow Grange. It's not far, you probably know where it is by now, especially if you got the Acorns. Just follow the signs. And don't cross the bridge. You'll find it. You need to talk to Nefreet. She'll tell you what to do. For all the worry and talk, none of the villagers give Jarik a problem at all. Nefreet tells you where to go. You're heading to the hermit's cave. The one that you cleared out earlier. Go inside, and you'll hit your first necessary puzzle (you may have done some optional ones earlier). For simplicity's sake, I'll pick names. They don't need to be followed, but it makes it much easier to write, and to understand. Have Tahir stand on the stone block. Have Jarik step on the plate at the bottom. Move Tahir onto the plate on the top ledge. Have Jarik get off, then stand on the block. Have Tylonee step on the plate. Have Jarik step off the block. Move Tylonee to the block. Make Jarik pull the lever. Look around the area with whichever one you want. When you're done, meet up near the entrance to the caves. Once you're in the caves proper, you'll start getting journal chapter 1 pages. In fact, all 25 are in this cave (Except for the 1st that started this quest). You'll also start getting some Ancient Artifacts. Talk to the "Crotchety Old Sarojin", and you'll get a new quest. You can't complete this quest for a while, though. Right behind him, as he says, is a healing point. Follow the white scarabs for a while, until you have a cutscene where you can see a piece of the ShadowFire's journal. Go over to it. You can easily get all 25 pages in here. In fact, 12 are all in the same room, laying in plain sight. They practically give these to you. You'll also start collecting Ancient Artifacts (30 of them... again...). I recommend that you don't leave until you're done collecting the papers. However, you can't get all the Ancient Artifacts here, so don't worry about that. You'll eventually come to a room with papers everywhere. You might see one in a section that's walled off by shelves. Don't go there until you have killed the enemies. A bunch of the changelings will attack you, and they have ranged weapons. If you tell your guys to go after them, they'll get stuck and take damage for a while. Try to be in the center of the room when the battle starts. I almost died my first time. Don't answer greed's call, young Jedi. As usual, kill the enemies however you want, but if you have trouble, remember the cheap way. Once you're done, look around. You'll get Dromar's Torc, about 12 pieces of Chapter 1 (which should complete your collection for chapter 1. If it doesn't, grab a wall, and start looking. They're all past the first place where you had your cutscene. Next, leave the tunnels. You may notice an orange barrier. If you look right behind it, there's a chest. It's got the Magic Shovel in it, but you can't get there now. That's just so you know where it is. From there, head to Dromar's tomb. It's outside; remember that huge Oak tree? Good. Go there. Go inside. As an aside, the story Riffin told said that Dromar only had one friend left, who planted an acorn on his grave. That must have been a hell of a friend. To dig out this huge chamber was quite nice of him, I thought. And all by himself, too. Anyway, once you get to him, you'll be faced by an Ethereal. Again, blunt weapons work best. That includes fists. He's very easy, so don't worry. He doesn't even deserve to be counted as a boss. In fact, Juggernaut seems custom-tailored to destroy them. Once you're done, an interesting scene will follow. Once you're finally done there, give Dromar's sword to Tylonee. Why? Because it's slow, but powerful. The opposite of juggernaut. Also, you can't use Reveal out of battle, and there are some times that you would definitely want to. If Tylonee has it, she provides support in battle, and becomes an excellent fighter in her own right, once you've mastered the two-handed sword. Side Note 4: Revealing guidelines Now that you have Dromar's sword, you may want to use it all the time. That's fine, but sometimes it's better to duke it out rather than reveal their true forms. Don't bother revealing Sarojin, or Orins/ Kemarrans, unless they carry bows. Always reveal Dagani, because their axes can cause grievous wounds, which reduce your attack power every time you attack. Always reveal archers. Always, always, always. Since discovering the cheap method, the only time I ever died was on changeling archers. That includes the last battle. You want to go back to Dagan, thanks to Tahir daydreaming when he should have been learning his lessons. Lord Kort should be able to help again. Find him near his village. A zombie lord is attacking, and you can't leave till he's dead. Kill his minions, then him (He's colored differently than the others). Not a problem for Juggernaut and Tylonee, right? Right. Head back to Kort, get his token, and go again to the portal. Section 7: Dagan-Again, briefly. From the Dagan portal, head to Gormira. If you didn't already, you can go get another Tree Frog past the first poison gas wall. Tahir will be happy to, I'm sure. Once in Gomira, head to the massive totem that marks Mahir's grave. After a cutscene that lasts for hours (this is the Chant of Charak after all. Do you understand now why Tahir was daydreaming?), you need to head to Whitewater Gorge. It seems Grandar was seen there. The fastest (and only way they'll allow), is to head back towards the portal and take the ferry. Section 7.3: Whitewater Gorge-Market, briefly Go talk to Brin. Don't forget Ekue if you got those acorns(He gives you a Ring which makes you resist poison. Sort of useful in the Gorge and Dagan. While you're there, you might want to do some research at the library, or maybe even buy another healing orb. But then, it's off to the Twisting deeps. The closest entrance that you can use is near the Spire of Suspicion, so that's where you're going. You should know the route by now. I think you get to use the portal here, but I'm not sure. I'll check. You should never get to read this! Section 7.6: Palash-La'Shon, briefly Head to the Spire of suspicion. On the way, you meet LongTooth, who tells you that you can't pass thanks to the Darkfell. To fix the problem, you need to head back to Dagan. Section 7.9: Dagan-Deep Swamp Head along the road past the red Amareth until you reach the area where the poison cloud was. You may notice a tree frog there. There's also a banner and a small pedestal. Jarik comments about how lucky it was that the cloud moved. So, you have plenty to look for. You'll see a raised area where a few Dagani are standing. They have things to sell, but you may want to sell any excess items you may have. About the only potions that are worth anything at this point are magic potions, and even then the Ullapa are the only ones I use. Follow the totems until the path doubles back on itself, then kill the Darkfell. In the fight, one of the enemies throws green skulls at you. Kill all of them, and you'll get a skull key. Since you're there, you can check for Charak's tomb, which is along the other path, right near where you started. It won't take long, and you'll know that you can't get in as it is. Return to LongTooth. Section 8: Palash-Spire of Suspicion, and the Twisting Deeps, Amethyst Scarab Sector Head past Longtooth, and follow the pillars to Whiptail's tomb. You may have found the entrance too the deeps earlier, but it's easy to find otherwise. Go inside, and wander around for a while. You'll eventually find SilverScale, who'll taunt you, but he won't fight you yet. Once he leaves, you need to find Sundeep. Again, just follow a wall or wander around; he's not that far away. Talk to him. He'll apologize for his behavior, and tell you something about the sigil on Jarik's hand. After a while, he'll join your party. Give him a weapon, any weapon, but he's to weak from the darkness to cast much magic. You need to revive him; he needs sunlight. But you can't get out without him. So, there must be some sunlight here, in the Deeps. The deeps can be confusing; in fact, I'm not sure where the sun-bed you need to find is. I found it, though, without much trouble. I was following the left wall from Sundeep's prison cell. Once you rest on there, he'll become much more powerful, and able to use nodes to your heart's content. Take your time and look around here. You'll find Sundeep's scarab rings, a few new orbs, and some other interesting things. Particularly, Koldor's items (to get the Dragon Halberd), and some Ancient Artifacts. You may also find where to use them. If you wander long enough, I think you can even find the Magic Shovel (which you can trade for a La'Shon Halberd). You can find all sorts of things in the deeps, including two of the Dragon's Ordeals, most of the Chapter 3 pages, and all of the Ancient Artifacts. I recommend a vacation there, once you have time. Silverscale's lair is near the safe haven. Go there, and you'll get a few quest items. From there, you need to head to the M'Ton area. Follow the White scarabs until you reach a path with green. Then follow them. You'll have a puzzle to do (one time only), but it shouldn't be difficult. Beyond there, it's not far. You'll see Lord Grandar. He runs to the land of the K'Tik. Follow him. They'll drag it out, but eventually he'll be cornered. Kill him (you can reveal him if you want. I didn't bother; I wanted to give Tahir some satisfaction). Mahir is still haunting, though, so he hasn't been avenged yet. You'll automatically return the Thorn of Dementia to it's place, and be healed fully. Return to the elevator (fighting a few more Ice Hakar and K'Tik), then follow the right wall to the Gatekeeper. He'll tell you to get the memory crystals. (by the transportation node), you can find what you'll do with Shadowfire's journal pages. For each complete chapter, you can get one stat-enhancing wearable. There are also a couple of chapter 4 pages around here, so you should take the time to look before leaving. Once you're done, use the transportation node. Section 8.5: Free Time Now that you have a Sarojin in your group, you can go anywhere except the Kemarran Highlands. It's a good time to finish any quests, build up, grab some collectibles you missed... In general, free time. I recommend the Roshogon quest, since it regenerates MP the same as Viviana's amulet does HP, though only 30 at a time. The moorlet egg quest is also very useful: It gives you a charm which increases weapon speed by 20%, making even the Blessed axe(recovery speed 7) almost as fast as Dromar's sword(recovery speed 4), with both classes mastered, of course. Also, you may remember that transport node in Orin, near Dromar's door. Go there to get one of Koldor's weapons. Section 9: Dagan In Whitewater, talk to the scholar. He'll tell you what the Memory Crystals may be known as: Zonra's Tears. So, that's where you're heading. Zonra's Tomb. But you need one more crystal, so go talk to the Oracle at Dagan. Right now, you can go any way you want. The oracle wants his dragonet back. The dragonet has the crystal. You aren't far from where you need to be. Remember Charak's Tomb? It's near there. Instead of following the adjoining path back, keep going straight. Puzzle time. Names marked with a star(*) must be followed. Otherwise, use whoever. First, have *Tahir head through the poison gas. Second, move *Jarik up to the log and morph into Juggernaut. Move the log, and then move Tahir and Tylonee to the area around the node. Move *Sundeep up to the node. Once there, grab the journal page and the tree frog, and go into the Bogroat's lair. He goes down as easily as the first. Don't forget to search his lair, though. He's got a few things you'll want. Your work is done here. Head to the Twisting Deeps. The fastest way is the Palash portal. While there, if you want all the chapter 2 pages, you have to help LongTooth again. Clear out 2 nests of Darkfell (Using the Mossy Skull you recovered from the Bogroat Lair). Then head to the Orin side of the Twisting Deeps (If you don't want to search, just use ShadowFire's cave). You could use a portal, or you could walk through the deeps. It doesn't matter, unless you're pressed for time. The Dragon's Fall (Chakram) is near the entrance to WhiteWater Gorge, if you're interested. Section 10: Twisting Deeps-Road to Zonra's Tomb This part is easy. Just walk along, following the red scarabs. Go through the various barricades(you'll automatically use the crystals), and you'll find Zonra's tomb in no time at all. Well, almost no time. Also, from the point where Jarik talks about his destiny, you're only about 5 hours from the end. And most of that is fighting. He also means exactly what he says: If you don't turn back before you reach Zonra's tomb, your choices will be extremely limited. From here, the game becomes extremely linear. If you are missing anything that you want to pick up, now's the time to get it. At the end, you will reach Zonra's tomb. You will be attacked by 4 Hakar, then you'll have the tomb to yourself. Another puzzle, this one very simple. Have three members stand on the pressure plates in front of the entrance. Then have a fourth stand on the one inside. Move the three off the plates, then regroup inside the tomb. The inside section consists of three concentric circles. You'll have to walk in a long circle to open the next door without closing it. The large pressure plates are the key. One will close the next door, one will open, and one is a decoy. You have to go in by avoiding the one that closes the door. Simple, but annoying thanks to the long circles. Once you make it to the inner circle, Tylonee will take over, a cutscene will ensue, and you'll get the Memory Crystals. After a very clarifying discovery(ie., major spoiler which I won't put in my FAQ), you may return to the M'Ton's cave. Head through the tunnel, back to the first room with the rats (and where you got the Magic Shovel). Use the transporter node there, then go to the Twisting Deeps, again. Section 11: Opening Charak's Tomb Head to the M'Ton's caves. Follow the white scarabs, till you reach the signpost. Then follow the green. Talk to the M'ton (I always use Juggernaut... he's so much more impressive, but it doesn't matter). You'll fight some Ice Hakar here, which should be no problem now. Head right into the middle. You'll see a huge purple geyser. It's pure Wyrd, and the M'Ton are too weak to close it. Help them. Head past them into the storage room, where there's an extra lever. Once you get the lever, the sleeping Ice Hakars will attack. Not a surprise, not a problem. Return the lever. Use Juggernaut to pull it. Continue to the temple (use Big Red to open the door), and talk to the Master Stone Mover. He'll give you what you need. Return to the swamp (The transporter is in the temple). The fastest way is from Palash. Head to the tomb, and watch another cutscene. The final battle is near, though (I'll tell you up front), they certainly manage to drag it out. Oh, you'll also get another form. But it's not as good as Juggernaut. Once you're ready, head for the land of the P'Gok. Side Note 5: Big Blue While this form's name is something else, I'll use Big Blue (I was thinking about Big Grey Al, but I discarded it), because his real name is a spoiler. It has more HP than Big Red, but it's punches are weak (1 damage weak) and slow, and it's magic is more powerful than one punch, but very slow. And it's on the top of the list, which means you might use him accidentally. Decimate is the most powerful spell, but it only hits one enemy. Conjunction hits up to 6, I think, for 200ish damage. Vanquish basically makes the enemy bleed, and sometimes inflicts random status effects on them. Restore heals 1000hp to one member, making it useful for healing. It's not that it's a bad form, but I like Jarik better. Section 12: The Land of the P'Gok The land of the P'Gok can be easily reached from the Gateway area, where you met with the M'Ton Gatekeeper. From the series of bridges at the beginning, turn left at the first fork. From there, it's straight. Once you go below, you'll probably want to use Save Points as landmarks, since everything is hard to see. The path is still quite straight, though, but be prepared to fight a lot of P'Gok. Especially if you want the two Dragon's Ordeals that can be found here, Dragon Storm, by far the most powerful, and Dragon Tooth, a Cho Pin Tou that is good for augmenting Dragon Storm. Once you get those two, only use the combinations (Dragon Lightning and Dragon Vapor, respectively.) They're faster, and they do more damage. Dragon Lightning does 5 hits at about 400 a piece on P'Gok, but the other enemies don't last long enough to determine it's exact damage. :-) In fact, if you give Dragon Storm to Jarik, don't bother with Juggernaut anymore. Or Big Blue, for that matter. Jarik by himself can decimate most any of the enemies you'll come across. You'll have to kill a lot of P'Gok when you go for the weapons, but they're more than worth it. They make the last battle a breeze. Just keep Dromar's sword ready for revealing. Especially after you kill SilverScale (Finally). There's another section of the P'Gok area which has prisoners. You'll reach this just after Drindithar kills Leyalla. One of these is the real Lord Grandar. You'll watch a cutscene with him. You have to find him, because of Tahir's blood-curse. Once you do, you can enter... Section 13: The Land of the Chandarath-The Final Battle There's a safe Haven where you can save as per normal, but you can't teleport away, either. You're stuck here, now. Can't go back. There are only three enemies here. A type of Hakar, a type of Bogroat, and those Devilish-Little-Monkey-Things-That-Take-Forever-To-Kill-With-A- Normal-Sword-But-Die-In-One-Hit-From-Dragon-Storm's-Dragon-Lightning. As their name implies, the DLMTTTFTKWANSBDIOHFDSDL are very easy to kill with Dragon Lightning. The Hakar's will go down in two hits from it, and the Bogroats last only a little longer. Oh, and you can't use Big Red or Big Blue, not that you need them. You'll also be getting a lot of Ancient Heals and Magic Potions. Most every enemy you meet will drop 2 of each, so you may want to discard any Ullapa Potions you have on you. After your first cutscene, head for the blue glowing torch. Follow the path, and you'll soon come to an area where Jarik says he can feel his enemy in the Arena. There's a save point near there, which you may want to use. Before you enter the arena, make sure that Dragon Storm is _Not_ on Jarik. Why? You'll see. Trust me. Anyway, they drag out this boss fight too. He'll send some enemies at you corresponding to one of each type you've fought in Chandarath (and one of each of their weaker cousins), then one Juggernaut. Use Decimate on him, while Tylonee (Or whoever you gave Dragon Storm to), uses Dragon Lightning, while your healer heals. Then you'll fight 2 more, then 3 (On these battles, switch to Conjunction). Immediately after the battle with 3, run. Doesn't matter how far, as long as all 4 members are separated, allowing for easy item use. In fact, between any of the battles, you can go to your inventory screen (not the HUD). You just need to be quick. Once you start fighting Zaharinar, use the same tactics, though if you have a backup healer(who doesn't have Dragon Storm), you may want to have both heal. He can hit all four members for 600 hp a whack with one spell, so be careful. Keep yourselves constantly regenerating. He goes down pretty quick, and then you can see the ending. It's short, but well-earned and kind of funny. ---3 Legal Stuff--- Notice of Copyright: This Document, hereafter referred to as "the/this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)", is property of Isaac Sherman, hereafter referred to as "me/myself/I". No one may copy, distribute, electronically, physically, or mentally, any part of this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) without my express written consent, or under the grounds that you plan to play the game using the aid of this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), in which case you are hereby granted permission to mentally copy this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), or to place it on your hard drive, or other primary electronic storage media, and/or to print one copy (one and only one, no more, no less, unless granted permission for extenuating circumstances by me), for your personal use only, including but not limited to playing, reviewing, or deciding to purchase this game. All rights reserved. This document copyright 2001 Isaac Sherman. ---4 Side Quest Guide--- Forthcoming. ---5 Skill Guide--- Forthcoming. ---6 Credits--- Special thanks to CJayC for making GameFAQs in the first place. Thanks to Jon for letting me interrupt his Hot Shots Golf 3 games to double-check information. Thanks to God for giving me the ability to write this FAQ. Thanks to Apple for making a great computer. Thanks to Ubisoft and Stormfront Software for making the game. Thanks to Your-Name-Here for reading this FAQ. And a very special thanks to NCSoft, for giving me something else to be addicted to :-)