================================================================================ = = = _ __ = = _ _ _ _ _ ______ / / / = = \ \ \ THE \ \ \ \ \ __ \ _\_\ \_ = = \ \ \ _ _____ _ __ ___ _ _\_\ \ \ \ \_\ \\_\_ _\ = = \ \ \ \ \ __ \ \ \ \/ __\ \ \ __ \ \_\_____\ \_\_\ = = \ \ \___ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ / \ \ \_\ \ = = \_\____\ \_\_____\ \_\_\ \_\_____\ _ __ = = _ __ \ \ \____ _ _____ = = _\_\ \_ \ \ _ \ \ \ __\ = = \_\_ _\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _\_ = = \_\_\ \_\_\ \_\ \_\____\ = = _ __ = = \_\_\ = = _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ ____ _ ______ _ ______ = = \ \ \/ __\ \ \ \ \ \ \/ __ \ \ \ __ \ \ \ ___\ = = \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ /\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \___ \ = = \_\_\ \_\_\ \_\_\ \_\_\ \_\____ \ \_\_____\ = = _ __\_\ \ = = \_\______\ = = = ================================================================================ = = = P A R T I I I = = T H E R E T U R N O F T H E K I N G = = = ================================================================================ GAME Lord of the Rings: Return of the King GUIDE KIND FAQ/Walkthrough DEVELOPER EA Games PLATFORM PC CD-ROM, NGC, XBOX, PS2 ESRB RATING Teen (Violence) FAQ AUTHOR August McAllister (geek guy) FAQ STATUS Complete MOST RECENT UPDATE February 18 2005 2:00p MOST RECENT VERSION Final FAQ SIZE 117 KB ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************** * * * Text Tests * * * ******************************************************************************** ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [TXTTST] =============== = Text Test A = =============== If the following row of numbers is broken up into two or more lines, you're not using a TXT79 browser. I suggest you get it, or you're going to have lots of trouble reading this guide. 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 =============== = Text Test B = =============== If the following lines do not look like an X, then you need to get a browser that makes it look like an X, or you'll have trouble at both reading the guide and seeing the outstanding ASCII art I made! ____ ____ \ \ \/ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / / \ / / /\ \ /_/_/\_\_\ ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************** * * * Introduction * * * ******************************************************************************** ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [INTRO] Hi, everyone! geek guy has returned from his continuous guide-making! As I vowed in my Spider-Man: The Movie guide, this time would come! I am now doing an LOTR ROTK FAQ/Walkthrough! Now, isn't that great! I've been having some great gaming times, viz. LOTR FOTR, which I've made a walkthrough for already! Well, I can't stand here chatting all day! Let's go! My lords, ladies, and gentlemen, may I present to you: August McAllister's Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, FAQ/ Walkthrough! ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************** * * * Version History * * * ******************************************************************************** ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [VRSN] Current Version: Final The way these versions work: This is my own kind of versions. It shows exactly how many sections I have left. For example -17 would mean I have seventeen sections left. Version -42 Sep 05 2004 10:00a FAQ Skeleton 12.5 KB Well, then, I see you're reading this guide, because if you weren't, this text wouldn't be here, and then it would be irrelevant me saying this. But, you've dropped in on Version History, I'll tell you this is basically the start. Version -41 Sep 05 2004 5:27p FAQ Partial 15.9 KB Well, why not take more than one update a day? I needed a bit of break from this square screen. But now I'm back, and after finishing, I have exactly forty-one sections left. More justice seen to be done. Version -40.5 Sep 06 2004 10:54a FAQ Partial 18 KB See? I promised! I said more justice would be done, and behold, it has been! So then, let's continue on with Paths of the Dead! Version -40 Sep 07 2004 12:20p FAQ Partial 20.2 KB Well, let's finish Paths of the Dead, as I was a bit lazy yesterday. Version -38 Sep 23 2004 11:33a FAQ Partial 27.7 KB On for more guide-makin' fun! Whoa, has it really been so long since I last made an update? Oh well, I'll finish Road to Isengard and Escape to Osgiliath today. More justice to be done later! Version -36 Sep 24 2004 7:23p FAQ Partial 34.7 KB Back to the keyboard again! Starting on King of the Dead, I'll do some of Minas Tirith-Top of the Wall. No, just kidding, I'm going to finish that. Version -35 Sep 25 2004 12:30p FAQ Partial 39.7 KB Now, then. I finished Shelob's Lair. That's it. There isn't any more for this part, you got it! Now, I want you to understand, accept, and move on with your life! For crying out loud, these people. Version -33 Sep 26 2004 1:45p FAQ Partial 47.2 KB I did, um, well, I did Southern Gate. And Minas Tirith-Courtyard. End of story. Version -31 Nov 26 2004 10:25a FAQ Partial 58.4 KB I did Pellenor Fields and Cirith Ungol. Oh, plus I decided to create the bonus, upgrades, and story (major spoilers!) sections today as well. P.S. Sorry about the difference between this start date and the last one. I took a two-month break from the computer. Version -15 Nov 29 2004 2:03p FAQ Walkthrough Complete 73.8 KB What a day! I finished the walkthrough! Well, the palantir levels still need to be done, but it's a good time to ship my first version into GameFAQs. Version -13 Dec 6 2004 4:13p FAQ Final Stages 77.4 KB I did the palantir stages, and sent this one to GameFAQs. Version -11.5 Dec 16 2004 1:50p FAQ Final Stages 83.1 KB I wonder why my times almost always end up being even. Anyway, I did Aragorn's and some of Legolas' Upgrades. Version -10 Dec 20 2004 10:00a FAQ Final Stages 87.8 KB I haven't updated for a while, but only because it took GameFAQs some three days to do an update. Maybe it's because of the Universal upgrades. Well, anyway, I finished Legolas and Gimli's upgrades. I'm so happy! Five days until Christmas! Version -7 Dec 21 2004 6:20p FAQ Final Stages 95.9 KB I finished the upgrades section, and started on the Bonus stuff. [Correction: Version -4] Dec 22 2004 11:50a FAQ Final Stages 101 KB I finished Bonus stuff and started on the War of the Ring (MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!). HAPPY NEW YEAR! Version -3.4 Jan 4 2005 5:10p FAQ Final Stages 106 KB I continued work on the War of the Ring (The Hobbit). Version -3 Feb 8 2005 3:40p FAQ Final Stages 108 KB It's been a while since I've updated. Anyway, I continued work on the War of the Ring (The Hobbit (completed)). Version -2.5 Feb 15 2005 2:05p FAQ Final Stages 110 KB Sorry I haven't updated lately, I've started work on my Enter the Matrix guide. It's due for release about... say around the end of February. Anyway, I contin- ued work on the War of the Ring (The Fellowship of the Ring). Version -1.9 Feb 16 2005 2:20p FAQ Final Stages 113 KB I continued work on the War of the Ring (The Fellowship of the Ring (completed) ). Version -1 Feb 17 2005 11:30a FAQ Final Stages 117 KB I continued work on the War of the Ring (The Two Towers (completed)). ******************************************************************************** LATEST VERSION Version: Final Start Date: February 18 2005 2:00p End Date: February 18 2005 2:02p FAQ Status: Complete KB Size: 117 KB I continued work on the War of the Ring (The Return of the King (Completed)), made a final spell check, then sent this final version into GameFAQs. That's all folks! But don't worry... I'll be back. ;) ******************************************************************************** ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************** * * * Legal * * * ******************************************************************************** ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [LGL] As usual, guides have legal sections, showing you not at all to take without asking, and in some cases, not at all. And in this case, it's not at all. Soft- ware piraters, warez businessmen and a whole lot of thiefs are out there. You may gladly ask me for my guide... provided you'll accept the answer NO. And if you're not with CNet, don't dare lay finger on this guide, or I'll send four million volts through your computer. ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************** * * * Table of Contents * * * ******************************************************************************** ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [TOC] QuickSearch: QuickSearch is a tool on FAQs where you can move to a specific part of the guide, simply by pushing Ctrl+F (Command+F for Mac users) and typing in the specific code for that part. Note: You might have to push enter twice. TITLE [Search Tag] PRO-GUIDE BLABBER i) Text Tests [TXTTST] ii) Introduction [INTRO] iii) Version History [VRSN] iv) Legal [LGL] TABLE OF CONTENTS [TOC] 1.0) LOTR ROTK Manual [MNL] 1.1) Command Reference [CNTR] 1.2) Gameplay Screen [SCRN] 1.3) After a Mission [CMPLT] 1.4) Copyright Notice [CPRHT] 2.0) LOTR ROTK Walkthrough [WKTHRU] 2.1) Spoiler Alert! [SPLRLRT] 2.2) Helm's Deep [HLMDP] 2.3) Paths of the Dead [POTD] 2.4) Road to Isengard [RD2ISN] -Boss Fight: The Dam [W1-B] 2.5) Escape from Osgiliath [SCP] 2.6) King of the Dead [KOTD] -Boss Fight: King of the Dead [K2-B] 2.7) Minas Tirith-Top of the Wall [MTTPW] 2.8) Shelob's Lair [SPIDER] -Boss Fight: Shelob [H2-B] 2.9) Southern Gate [STHRNGT] 2.10) Minas Tirith-Courtyard [MTCRT] or [DUH!] 2.11) Pellenor Fields [PLLNRFLDS] -Boss Fight: Witch-King [K4-B] 2.12) Cirith Ungol [CRTHNGL] -Boss Fight: Snaga [H3-B] 2.13) The Black Gate [BLCKGT] or [HUH?] -Boss Fight: Mouth of Sauron [K5-B] or [W5-B] -Boss Fight: The Nazgul [K5-B2] or [W5-B2] 2.14) FINAL LEVEL: Crack of Doom [CRCKDM] -Final Boss: Gollum [FBF] -Ending [END] 2.15) BONUS: Palantir of Saruman [PSRMN] 2.16) BONUS: Palantir of Sauron [PSRON] 3.0) Upgrades [PGRDS] 3.1) Aragorn/Faramir [ARGFAR] 3.2) Legolas [LGOLS] 3.3) Gimli [GML] 3.4) Gandalf [GNDLF] 3.5) Hobbits [FSMP] 4.0) Bonus Stuff [BNSSTFF] 4.1) Cheats [CHTS] 4.2) Unlockables [NLCK] 4.3) More on the Palantirs [MRPLNTR] 5.0) The war of the Ring -- Full Story Overview* [WRRNG] 5.1) Super spoiler alert! [SPLRLRT2] 5.2) The Hobbit [PRLD] 5.3) The Fellowship of the Ring [FOTR] 5.4) The Two Towers* [T3] 5.5) The Return of the King** [ROTK] 6.0) Closing [CLSN] 6.1) Other Guides [OTHRGIDS] 6.2) Next Guide up [NXTGDP] 6.3) Credits [CRDTS] 6.4) Legal [LGL2] 6.5) End [FIN] * = In Production ** = Coming Soon So without further ado: my guide! ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************** * * * 1.0) LOTR ROTK Manual * * * ******************************************************************************** ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [MNL] Keep in mind that this is NOT the real LOTR ROTK Manual written out. I just like calling it a manual. ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 1.1) Command Reference ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [CNTR] Control | PC | GameCube | PlayStation 2 ------------------+---------------+-----------------+---------------------- Move | W/A/S/D | Control Stick | Left Analog Stick Speed Attack | LMB or Num2 | A button | X Button Fierce Attack | RMB or Num8 | Y button | /\ Button Kick | Ctrl or Num6 | X button | () Button Parry | Q or Num4 | B button | [] Button Killing Move | Space | R button | R2 Button Action | E | Z button | R1 Button Charge Range Att. | L-Shift | L button | L1 Button Fire Range Att. | LMB or Num2 | A button | X Button Jump Back | Tab | Control Pad V | L2 Button *Special Ability | E | L+R buttons | L1+R1+L2+R2 Buttons Sorry, I couldn't find the controls for Xbox anywhere. *The special ability varies depending on character. Followers of the Path of the King(Aragorn,Legolas,Gimli,Faramir) have a special ability that gets you to per- fect mode easier. Characters that are followers of the Path of the Wizard (Gandalf) have a special ability that makes a shield so no enemy can attack you. Characters that are followers of the Path of the Hobbit(Frodo,Sam,Merry,Pippin) have a special ability that makes them invisible for a short period of time. But after every time you use the special ability, there is the "cooldown" effect, in which you need to wait until your character icon is not grayed out. Only then can you use the special ability again. ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 1.2) Gameplay Screen ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [SCRN] __5________6_/_7________________ / \________4___________/ \ | 1 |____________________| 3 | \_____/_________2__________\_____/ 1: Character icon/Special ability timer 2: Health bar 3: Skill Meter 4: Experience bar 5: Ranged Attacks Left 6: Experience Points Earned 7: Experience Points Left NOTE ABOUT FIGURE 3: As you attack, the skill meter gets bigger, and you get more points when you defeat the enemy. When the meter fills, you go into perfect mode, where all enemy scores are quadrupled. NOTE ABOUT FIGURE 4: The Experience bar shows how many Experience Points (xp) you have. As soon as the bar fills, you gain an extra level, which allows you to buy more advanced upgrades. NOTE ABOUT FIGURE 7: What I mean by that is how many experience points you need before you earn an extra level. ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 1.3) After a Mission ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [CMPLT] As soon as you complete a mission, you get more XP, and a chance to purchase upgrades. When you are finished, go to Continue and Voila! Back to the level tree. Note: For upgrade info, search for [PGRDS] ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 1.4) Copyright Notice ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [CPRHT] (C) MMIII New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. "The Lord of the Rings; The Return of the King" and the names of the characters, items, events, and places therein are trademarks of the Saul Zaentz Company. d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. Game Code and certain audio-visual elements (C) 2003 Electronic Arts Inc. All Rights Reserved. Electronic Arts, EA, EA Games and the EA Games logo, are trademarks or regis- tered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. DivX(R) Video Video provided by DivXNetwork, Inc. DivX and the DivX logo are used under license. (C) August McAllister MMIV-MMV. Guide is sole property of GameFAQs(tm) and GameSpot (tm). GameFAQs(tm) and GameSpot(tm) are (C) MMIV-MMV CNet Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************** * * * 2.0) LOTR ROTK Walkthrough * * * ******************************************************************************** ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [WKTHRU] Welcome to tonight's main feature, the walkthrough! This [hopefully] will get ya through the game. So, sit back, relax, and let's go destroy the Ring! Note on Difficulties: I will now list the difficulties from easiest to hardest. Cinch | Very easy, like a training level of some sort. Simple | Provides a small challenge, but still a very simple level. Challenging | A level that provides an intermediate challenge. Hard | A level that provides a very advanced challenge. Devastating | Is a very hard level that will make you die a few times. Godswork | A level that I can train at for over a week without success. Note on Displays: Sometimes I put special sections in the guide. I'll show you a few. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | Shows the level is over. +------------------+ +---------------+ | BOSS DEFEATED | Shows that you have defeated a boss. +---------------+ +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | Shows that you have touched a checkpoint. +------------+ +---------------------+ | Boss Fight: The Dam | Shows that there is a boss to be defeated. +---------------------+ ################################################################################ Tip: [Tip inserted here] ~ [Contributor Name here] ################################################################################ ^ Shows that I have a tip to show here. It is either one of my special tips, or tips from a contributor. ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.1 Spoiler Alert! 2.1 ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [SPLRLRT] ******************************************************************************** SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-A LERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOI LER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-A LERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOI LER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT SPOILER-ALERT ******************************************************************************** There we go! I warned you! Don't say I didn't warn you because I did, and if you get the plot spoiled, don't come crying to me! ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.2 Helm's Deep 2.2 ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [HLMDP] Path of the Wizard Characters: Gandalf Character Reccomendation: Gandalf ^_^ Difficulty: Cinch The Story So Far: The Fellowship of the Ring was formed to destroy the One Ring, forged in secret by the Dark Lord Sauron. While Frodo moves with his friend Sam, and their strange but trustworthy guide Gollum, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and a reborn Gandalf travel to Edoras, capital of Rohan, but are forced to flee to Helms Deep. There Aragorn finds word that more than ten thousand armed orcs come for one sole purpose: to destroy the world of Men. Helm's Deep is under attack! Gandalf to the rescue! Try out some combat. Go on and kill some Uruk-Hai. Use both fierce and speed attacks, and remember to parry to block their swords. When enough are defeated Legolas will call for reinforce- ments. Head up the ladder and shoot out the Uruk archers up on the wall there. A cut scene soon comes up showing that Uruk-hai are going to blow up the gate. Go down the hook ladder and shoot all three catapults with the Action Button. When you've fired all three catapults, the cart explodes and Helm's Deep is saved. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ The orcs are driven out of Helm's Deep, and peace restored once again to Rohan. ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.3 Paths of the Dead 2.3 ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [POTD] Path of the King Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli Character Reccomendation: Aragorn Difficulty: Cinch / Simple The Story So Far: Pippin has been hurt by the dangerous Palantir. He has seen a glimpse of the enemy's plan to attack the White City of Minas Tirith. They call for aid, and Rohan rides there. They gather up men, but there is not enough. Elrond comes with news to Aragorn that Arwen is dying. He gives him the sword of the king, and tells him to go to the place under the mountain, where the Army of the Dead dwell. That army was sworn to fight with Isildur at the battle of the Last Alliance, but did not come. Isildur cursed them, so that they would never be able to rest in peace until they made up for their mistake. One and only one person can command them: the King of Gondor. The reforged blade Narsil is the only sword that can prove against the King of the Dead that Aragorn is the real king of Gondor who can command them. Well, then, start by running through this mist until you see white things flying above you. When you get out of the mist, head towards the bones. The spirits fly into the bones and raise out the Ancient Dead Spirits! They're not so hard. They just make the graphics buggy with their CRASH effect. When they are defeated get the red health potion if you need it, then head over towards the other end. Here more dead soldiers spawn, so kill the dead :p Anyway, head over this way and go through the mist until MORE dead spawn, kill them, same thing with the archers and the other soldiers up this path. Go around the path to the right. On one outcrop is a rock that you can push onto some dead soldiers to smash them. On the other outcrop is an Elven Runestone. Do you like Experience Points? These Runestones give you a thousand points each. Do get it, do kill the soldiers, and DO go around and kill more soldiers. The path to the lower level gives you a red health vial. Go through here and kill more soldiers. Kill more inside this path here, then go through here to a drawbridge. Shoot out the soldiers, then turn this drawbridge down and walk across. +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ Millions of dead soldiers turn up here, give them something to think about on their way back to the grave. At the top of this cliff here is a red health vial. Get it and head back down this way. There is another vial here, but then these pillars here fall down. Go around them, beating dead soldiers, and remember to break the shields with fierce attacks. When you get through to the mist, walk through and beat the dead soldiers over by the bone ladder. Go up the ladder to a very long battle. Dead soldiers spawn quickly, so destroy all of them, until one appears with a health meter over his head. This is a HERO soldier that takes a few more hits than normal creatures. Just keep wacking him until that meter at the top empties and he is defeated. Through the next passage, stop and kill two archers and two shielded soldiers, then go over and around the bridge. On the other side are two champion soldiers ready for killing, so come and do it. They both drop health vials, and there is also a health vial inside the covey they came from. Now just turn the wheel, go back around and go through. If I was the head of EA, I'd say this would've been a great place to stick a checkpoint. But I'm not the head of EA Games, and so, coincidentally, they didn't. Anyway, just go across the bridge. Halfway over two big rocks stop you from cro ssing. Dead soldiers pour out like milk out of a pitcher, so use your wits and kill them. Be sure to preserve your health long enough so that you can face the tough hero creatures that appear later. When you kill 35 soldiers, go over the rest of the bridge. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ Aragorn will soon confront the King of the Dead, and to force him to yield will require great courage. ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.4 Road to Isengard 2.4 ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [RD2ISN] Path of the Wizard Characters: Gandalf Character Reccomendation: Gandalf ^_^ Difficulty: Simple / Challenging The Story So Far: The Ents of Fangorn have found that the armies of Isengard have burned a two-acre part of the forest. The Ents march to Isengard to wreak havoc on Saruman. And now the events set at motion at Helms Deep will be concl- uded. Isengard must be cleansed, and in the shade of Fangorn's trees the Uruk- hai will find no refuge. So, off with the blurb, in with the fun! Run off in this direction, fight a few Uruk-hai, and remember to use that fierce move to break shields! Soon an Ent will come marching by, killing a few Uruk-hai. Head this way, kill some more of the Uruk-hai, and shoot out an archer in the tree. Shoot this explosive cart, a huge explosion kills a few Uruks. Shoot the archer up on the hill, then shoot a cart, that is as a matter of fact explosive as well! It kills a few more Uruks, but that does not include some more archers on the bridge. ############################################################################### Tip: If you have a hunger for XP, go around the bridge and fight a few more Uruk-hai that want to kill you. Only do this if you have good health, or a death wish :p ~ geek guy ############################################################################### Keep going around these next few turns, killing Uruk-hai as you go, and then, after a short hairpin turn and an ambush by four orcs: +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ Well, then, what have we here, a million Ents stomping and crushing. These huge bastards have no clue what they're stomping on, not even that they're stomping on ground, so watch where you're stepping here, because you just might get Ent footmarks on you. If you're low on health, I'd suggest staying on the hill till seventy-five orcs are down. When they are, get out of there! After a few more turns and a few more uruks, you come to: +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ Go up the hill and shoot out another archer. Shoot the explosive cart to kill some more Uruk-hai, and keep this way until you get to some towers that start firing arrows. Some orcs immediately attack you, so kill them. Parry a stream of arrows, then target one of the carts under the towers with your ranged at- tack. Fire it to destroy the tower. When all of them are blown up, then you just saved lots of health. Go across the bridge and kill the two shielded orcs. Turn left for an elfstone (tiny shiny whitey thingy) for 1,000 xp. Go back down for more orcs for killing. There are also some archers here, so be sure to kill them. A ways down here you'll see an Ent having trouble breaking the dam. +----------------------------+ | Boss Fight: The Dam [W1-B] | +----------------------------+ Difficulty: Challenging This Ent needs to break the dam, but the archers are burning it up! There is a hero creature here, be sure to kill it. This way there should be LOTS of orc archers. Kill the ones on your side, then shoot out the archers on the other side. More will soon replace them, so be quick. Shoot out all of the evil orcs you see, and be careful of the armed orcs that go immediately to attacking YOU, and not the Ent. When there are currently no archers firing at the Ent, he will start pulling, which starts emptying the bar above the dam support. Keep shoot- ing out archers until the Ent gets enough time to break the dam support. +---------------+ | BOSS DEFEATED | +---------------+ The floods from the dam wash through Isengard, quenching the fires and putting an end to Saruman's plan. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.5 Escape from Osgiliath 2.5 ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [SCP] Path of the Hobbits Characters Available: Sam Character Reccomendation: Sam ^_^ Difficulty: Simple The Story So Far: Faramir has captured Frodo and Sam and is holding them capture in the city of Osgiliath. Frodo has reasoned with Faramir that they must go to Mordor. As they gather their strength, Frodo and Sam prepare for their long escape out of the city. Run through the tunnel here to some orcs. Sam is a sturdy fighter, but wading into trouble isn't the way of the Hobbit. Remember to use your Killing Move to kill them if an orc is down but not out. Go up the stairs and kill the archer and two more orcs. The wall crashes out and kills a few orcs. Go out again and use your knives to take out the archer. Go up and fight off a few more orcs. Guess what happens now! A giant Nazgul on a dragon soars overhead and if you stay in the clear sunlight for too long, the Nazgul will grab Frodo and take him away, and the Ring is returned to Sauron, obviously ending in the destruc- tion of the world. We don't want that to happen, right? ################################################################################ Tip: It doesn't matter if Frodo is undercover or not. Only Sam needs to hide for the meter to start dropping. ~geek guy ################################################################################ Right. So let's get out of here. Kill a few orcs here if you want. Head to the stairs and wait for the Nazgul meter to lower down. Go up, kill a few archers, then head this way as a fireball destroys some orcs. Kill two more orcs, then climb down the ladder to two more archers. Beat them, climb down, then do all you can to fight off these orcs. If you bought the Orc Bane for the fellowship, you can use it now, since it gets you into perfect mode immediately. This is both safe AND you can get lots of XP. Keep heading this way up to an archer. Do him some justice, then fight a few more orcs up here. Go up the stairway and fight. There is another orc, and a few more other orcs. Beat them, and watch as the orc kills this soldier here. Have revenge on him and beat him to pieces. Do the same thing to the archer over here. Head outside. +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ More orcs. I'm starting to get restless. Kill the orc that attacks, then climb the long ladder up to the top. Be smart and forget about XP for now, just live through it. Climb up the wooden bridge and dart to the left under cover. Use your throwing knives to take out a few archers and another orc that attacks. You can go back down and kill a few more orcs if you're interested in XP. When you've killed to your heart's content, head down the ladder over there. Climb down to more orcs and a stairway up to an orc and a giant bell. Push it down so that it smashes a few orc brains :p as well as a giant wall. Head through and fight. Sam says you've done it, but you haven't quite yet. Kill the orcs, head up the ramp, and then run like hell over to the boarded area at the far end of this place here. Rest, then prepare yourself for another daring flight. From this boarded area, turn around, and run for the ramp. Get over to cover, fight a few orcs (go back and fight some if you want), then repeat. This time, there's a ladder that heads down to two more orcs and another ladder to the sewers. Here there are quite a few orcs, not to mention a HERO orc. To defeat this biggie, have him come here, parry his sword three times (or sidestep if he smashes his hammer), then hit him with a few fierce attacks until his armor falls off. Then you can just combo and speed attack him until he dies. ################################################################################ Tip: An easier way to defeat the HERO orc is to turn on your special ability, sneak behind him and use your killing move to kill him immediately. ~ geek guy ################################################################################ When the HERO orc falls, kill the other orcs, use one of the health vials, then turn the gate a few times. Step outside and smell the fresh air. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ The hobbits move steadily towards Mordor, and the mountain of fire. But as they think they are being led there, Gollum is instead leading them to their death. ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.6 King of the Dead 2.6 ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [KOTD] Path of the King Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli Character Reccomendation: Aragorn Difficulty: Challenging / Hard The Story So Far: Aragorn has entered the paths of the dead, and gotten to the realm of the king. The King of the Dead appears, and he must be forced to yield. +-----------------------------------------+ | Boss Fight: The King of the Dead [K2-B] | +-----------------------------------------+ Difficulty: Challenging The King of the Dead apparently doesn't know that we need some help! So now, we have to fight him. Lovely. When he goes into the ground, he comes up again in front of you. Parry his three blows, then give him a few blows of your own. Keep this pattern for a few times until he appears at the far side of the chamber. He summons his dead soldiers for you to fight. Easy enough. Defeat them, then go to the same pattern as before. Soon he starts howling in rage, then goes into the ground and appears in front of the statue. He shoots lots of wind, so stay by the cliff to make sure you don't get blown away. He shoots three blasts, so duck out between each blast and shoot an arrow at him. Soon he pops out of the ground and starts the same pattern as before, except he swings five times, so this time around, parry more than usual. When he goes into the ground again, soldiers come again, this time there are archers. Shoot them down, then fight the king again, then get behind one of the bolders before he shoots the wind. Again, duck out in the pause and shoot an arrow at him. You can keep this path until all three of the rocks are destroyed, or until you defeat him. +---------------+ | BOSS DEFEATED | +---------------+ The king has been forced to yield, but the caverns are collapsing, and you must escape! +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! The caverns are collapsing! You've got to get out of there! Quick! Run across the bridge and through this path to get past the main gate. The rocks stop falling, but only for a short time. Fight the dead soldiers here, then head out before the rocks come down. Don't let the rocks get you, or it's game over! Go this way and up to the giant rock. Dead soldiers come and bother you, so defeat them. This time there are HERO soldiers there, so be sure to kill them. Run down this spiral here, and quickly go through the mist, then come here to a green health potion. Fight until you defeat these soldiers, or until you get killed. At the end of the strain of enemies comes 3 HERO soldiers! Defeat all three of them, then walk through and breathe the fresh air. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ The King of the Dead has been forced to yield, and so quickly, with an entire army at his posession, they speed off to Minas Tirith's southern gate. ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.7 Minas Tirith -- Top of the Wall 2.7 ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [MTTPW] Path of the Wizard Characters: Gandalf Character Reccomendation: Gandalf ^_^ Difficulty: Devastating / Godswork The Story so Far: Minas Tirith has recieved an attack by Sauron's army, and the city is counting on Gandalf to help win this war. Yes, it's true, I could do this for a week without success. Now there is another way of dying. The new meter you see is an overrun meter. The more orcs that come up here, the more this meter fills, and when it fills completely, the city has been taken by orcs, and you need to restart. You also have to knock down ladders that appear, because that's were the orcs come from. You can knock down ladders with the kick button. You also have a map up there, like this: _____ T / E \ T \___ /____.____.________ __________________.___.________ / | | | | \ | \___/ | | .X X X X. ___ | |__________________________ \____._______.___/ / P \__________________| /C \ \ \ / \____/\ / / \________________________/ X = Places where grappling hooks appear T = Places where towers appear . = Places where ladders appear C = Catapult P = Health Potion E = Elfstone Tower (more on that later) Grappling hooks can be used to climb down to the lower level, where you can kick down ladders without having to fight orcs. Ladders also appear here though. A ladder on your map is a red dot. Keep knocking down ladders and fighting orcs until a cutscene comes up. It shows some trolls coming with siege towers. To take down the siege tower that pops up (as a blue dot on your map), go up the stairs to the catapult and shoot it. When it reloads, do it again. Another siege engine pops up, but this time you can't use a catapult. Instead, run over to the right wing of the castle and shoot him with your ranged attack. Remember to kick down ladders as you come across them. A third siege engine soon pops up on the other side, signified by the blue dot. Head to the catapult and fire it once. A Nazgul appears, so shoot it before it kills one of the catapult men! It goes crashing down into the side of the tower, and wrecks it so that you can't pass. Shoot it again and head this way. Before you can do anything about it, a siege tower crashes into the wall of the city, and your overrun meter boosts extremely quickly. Run down and use one of the grappling hooks to get down to the lower level, then go to the one to the east end of the wall. Climb up the grappling hook, then go up the tower here and shoot the tower four times to bring it down. As if that wasn't enough, now there is a battering ram about to knock down the wall! Head to the top of the tower and grab the seven elfstones for 7000 xp. Head back down and fight some orcs if that's your will. Or, if you have bad health, head down the stairs and keep going until you see the orcs break down the wall. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.8 Shelob's Lair 2.8 ==----------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [SPIDER] Path of the Hobbits Characters: Sam Character Reccomendation: Sam ^_^ Difficulty: Challenging / Hard The Story so far: Gollum's treachery has lead the hobbits into Shelob's lair, a cave-like maze in which a giant spider roams. Sam, now determined to save Frodo, is willing to face up against this danger, even if it means death. So, then, Master Samwise. You want to save Frodo? Suit yourself, since this will be a hard task. This first part of the level is a maze, and in it is an orc, two elfstones, and lots of spiders. To find the first elfstone, follow the wall to the right until you find it, then fight the spiders. A good combat move for them would be to use the Final Judgement. Sam rocks at that. When all of the spiders are dead, try to navigate your way around this maze. When you bump into a spider deal out Final Judgement, then make your way around again. If you get lost, you can use this map: /\ Exit Elfstone 2 \ / /\ / /\ \ \/ \ \ /\ \___/ /\/ /\/ ____ \ \/ \/ \ \ \ ___ Green health potion \ | / \ \| / Elfstone 1 |/ | | Start When you get to the place marked Exit, you'll meet some spiders, so beat them. There are also lots of small spiders, so take one of the torches and make them scatter. Run across and use this next torch to burn through the web. Go up this way to an orc camp. You can either sneak around, or throw a torch there and fight all the orcs. It's your health, dude! Go through this arch here and fight a few MORE orcs. Throw a torch at the dead wrapped up body to bring it down and burn up the orcs and spiders. Keep this way to a tunnel to some more orcs. But this time, take a more stealthy approach. Take the ramp to the right and fight the orcs up here. Step into the blue circle and press the action button to bring the rocks down on the orcs. Down here are some more spiders, though, so fight them, and walk through. Sam notices a giant spider under the overpass. Sam must hurry. +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ Well, what a good place to stick this Checkpoint. Head across and kill a few orcs and a few spiders. Throw the two torches at the spiders to move them out of the way. Throw a torch at the spiders to part them, then use the torch here to burn the webs. Go around and walk through to meet up with a few spiders, and a few orcs. Beat them all, then throw a torch at the spiders to the right. Beat some spiders, then throw the torch at the webs far away. Head back down and use the torches to get through. Halfway through, MORE of those damned orcs come to bother you! So, you know the drill. Put a little blade through their head (I won't say brain because they don't have one) and continue to more ****- ing spiders. Well, cut their legs off and stick a blade through their eye. +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ Walk up this way to: +---------------------------+ | Boss Fight: Shelob [H2-B] | +---------------------------+ Difficulty: Hard I'm telling the truth! This rotten thing is incredibly hard! Walk up to Shelob from the front (she doesn't appear to pay any attention) and do two Orc Hewers on her. When she walks forward to you, parry her three leg strikes, then do an Orc Hewer. Continue fighting this way until Sam cuts off her leg. This is the sign for you to back away. Now, kill all the spiders before Shelob jumps back down. If you don't hurry, Shelob will jump down on you, not only hurting you, but also will scare the shit out of you. To prevent this from happening, move out of the way, then land an Orc Hewer on her. Soon, she reaches red mode, and she starts galloping around the room like mad, and then crawls up on the wall again. Fight the spiders and then wait for Shelob to come down. Keep fighting her until she gives up. +---------------+ | BOSS DEFEATED | +---------------+ Sam finds his master dead. Sting starts glowing and orcs approach. Fortunately, the orcs reveal that he isn't dead; he's only been stunned. Unfortunately, the orcs take him to Cirith Ungol, and now Sam has to make his way up there. Mount Doom draws steadily closer. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.9 Southern Gate 2.9 ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [STHRNGT] Path of the King Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli Character Reccomendation: Legolas / Gimli Difficulty: Hard / Devastating The Story So Far: Aragorn and his companions have forced the king to yield, but now they also must get to Minas Tirith before the battle is lost. Start by running forward towards the open gate. Gimli smells orc, and a troll immediately jumps down. I suggest you take him down immediately, but it's not necessary. I'll tell you why later.To tell the truth I wish these orcs weren't so powerful! This is oneof those levels were you're bound to die a lot of times before you get it. It happened to me! These orcs take the crowd method and get around you so you can't attack them, and you can't scatter them because they do not give you enough time to charge your Devastating attack! Ay ay ay! What are you to do? Well, I know that "where there's a will, there's a way." The simplest and safest method is to parry like you've never parried before. Just keep hitting [] until you get over to one of the catapults and fire! It should tear down a bit of the wall. Parry yourself over to the other one and fire! It tears down the whole tower, allowing you to climb to the top of the gate. Huzzah and all that rubbish. Fire at the troll! That's what the last one will do. It knocks out 1/3 of the health of the troll on the wall. Once that's done, head up the ladder to some orcs and the troll. You know the story. Get them all six feet underground. Yes, and the mumakil that shows up afterwards. You don't know how to kill them? How horrible. Just fire a fully charged ranged attack at each of the shields. Then, when all three are down, aim for the cart on the beast and let fly. Now what happens? ____ ______ ______ _ _ _ | o \ | | | | | \ / | | | | / | | | | | \ / | | | | < | [] | | [] | | \ / | |_| | o \ | | | | | |\ \/ /| | _ |____/ |______| |______| |_| \__/ |_| |_| Mumakil dead, all that's left now are a few orcs. If you're really desperate, keep killing until one of them drops a health potion. Grab it and fight until you get the chance to turn the gate open. ############################################################################ Tip: If you didn't kill the troll like I told you to, you can use the boiling oil to kill it. You'll also need to use it later, so keep this in mind. ~geek guy ############################################################################ When the gate's open, MORE orcs come and try to cut you off. Use the boiling oil to get them dead. Get down and parry your way over to the door. If you need some more xp, go ahead and orc hunt, but be wary of your health. When you're finished, head out the door towards Minas Tirith. The three hunters speed towards the Pelennor Fields, ready to fight for their lives. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.10 Minas Tirith - Courtyard 2.10 ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search tag: [MTCRT] Path of the Wizard Characters: Gandalf Reccomended: Gandalf [DUH!] Difficulty: Hard / Godswork The Story So Far: The orcs have made an all-out assault on Minas Tirith, and the soldiers are forced to flee to the courtyard. The orcs persist and give trouble to not only the soldiers, but the citizens as well. Gandalf must find and save as many as he can. You know, I've just noticed something. There's no such thing as an evil genius. People that smart should know enough to stay away from evil. And with orcs, none of them even know anything except kill everything that moves and that is not ugly. They're going to die with that knowledge. Basically this level is just constant battling. Your objective is to rescue 200 citizens (who are some- how all women) and that's it. Unfortunately, that's a lot harder then it sounds though, as everything is in this game. It starts out easy, but you casually get harder and harder orcs to fight. I've made a reference chart to show you what and when (where is obvious... in the courtyard). What | When ---------------------------|-------------------------------------- Normal unshielded orcs | 0 Citizens Rescued Shielded orcs | 25 Citizens Rescued Uruk-hai | 50 Citizens Rescued Hero uruk-hai | 100 Citizens Rescued Trolls | 150 Citizens Rescued It gets harder as you go. The citizens pour out from the east and northwest sides of the courtyard. The escape point is at the southwest side of the court- yard. The orcs pull out from not only there, but also from the giant open gate. As you thought, they give you the most trouble. There are only three health potions in this level, so use them sparingly. There's a red one in the barrel by the east entrance, one in the barrel by the gate, and a green one in the barrel on the southwest side of the courtyard, near the escape point. There are also some spears which you can use for the trolls and the champions. ############################################################################### Tip: You can kill champions with two spears: one to break the armor and one to kill him. ~geek guy ############################################################################### The champions become the real trouble, especially when they gang up on you. Just parry like nuts and in a little while, they'll give you time to attack. When they lose their armor, give all you got to puncture his inner self. This works until the trolls appear, when they and the champions attack, you're in deep doo-doo, so always take out the trolls first. Eventually the two-hundred citizens you need escape. The orcs continue to attack, and the soldiers are forced even further in. Gandalf has played his role in the battle. Now the fate of Middle-earth rests upon a king and a hobbit. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.11 The Fields of Pellenor 2.11 ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [PLLNRFLDS] Path of the King Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli Reccomended: Legolas Difficulty: Devastating / Godswork The Story So Far: Aragorn & Co. speed towards Minas Tirith and the onslaughter of orcs, Uruk-hai, and Easterlings. Well, for starters you'll have to defeat eighty enemies. A good tip is never to jump right into the middle of the fray or your goose will be overcooked. Enemies other people kill count too, so you can finish by just standing at the edge and firing. Lots of champions will be around here, so remember: fierce then speed. A lot of people find this bit hard. And yes, it is hard. But I wouldn't be writing a guide for it if I didn't get past it, so that should show you that, yes, it is possible. So try as you may until you defeat eighty. Merry and Eowyn are out on the battlefield. Mumakil, the giant elephant-like beasts start lumbering towards them. Yep, that's the story. But first: +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ You notice Merry and Eowyn's life meter in the corner. That meter is vital to your continuation of playing this level. To defeat the mumakil run up to it and fire several ranged attacks at the shields and then at the cart. Catapults have the same effect. Once that one is down another one appears, except it's on the other side. Go down the ramp and speed over the battlefield and do the same with this one. Be careful, now melee enemies attack while you try to fire. +-------------------------------+ | Boss Fight: Witch-King [K4-B] | +-------------------------------+ Difficulty: Devastating Once this second Mumakil is down, the Witch-King swoops down and knocks down Merry and Eowyn. Now the jig is up, so let's go save them. Run to the side that is opposite the side the mumakil come, run down the tiny ramp to the reach point and fire. Keep firing until the witch-king takes off. You'll notice his health meter. That needs to get killed. When the witch-king takes off, another mumakil will come. During the cutscene, look around to see what side the Mumakil is on. Then head over there and kill him. The witch-king comes. Fire at him. This keeps going until you die, Merry and Eowyn die, or the witch-king dies. +---------------+ | BOSS DEFEATED | +---------------+ The witch-king takes battle with Merry, and is soon interrupted by Eowyn. It is said no man can kill the witch-king. But Eowyn is no man, now is she? She stabs the witch king in the, *ahem*, "face," but even so, the danger isn't over. More mumakil approach and it looks like the end. But lo! and behold! the army of the dead have come to save the living. As the battle is ended, Eowyn's father, king Theoden is killed. He goes to rest in peace as does the army of the dead. Our hero Aragorn lifts the curse, and they finally rest in peace. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.12) Cirith Ungol 2.12 ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [CRTHNGL] Path of the Hobbits Characters: Sam Recommended: Sam Difficulty: Challenging / Hard The Story So Far: The orcs and Uruk-hai have waged war with each other, making it easier, but not unharmful to sneak through the tower of Cirith Ungol and find the One ring and Frodo. To get through this maze requires almost constant use of the elven cloak, and some brains. For the beginning of this level you need to defeat 80 orcs. Start by sneaking over to the hero and stabbing him in the back. Then quickly bring the bridge down on the unsuspecting orcs. Deal with the remaining orcs then head up the bridge. An orc screams, "Intruder!" and immediately two orcs, two Uruk-hai, and a hero orc appear. You can easily take down the orcs but it'll be harder for the hero orc, since I'm sure your special ability hasn't re- charged yet. If it has recharged, you know what to do. If it hasn't, you still know what to do. When he's dead, head over to another uruk. Use the spear to kill him, then head down to two more orcs and then way too many orcs! Yep, time for you to fight beyond your wildest dreams. If you need to, I'll let you use the braziers and Elven Cloak gladly. These things mean a lot to me, so I want them back in one piece. Anyway, use those two things and your sword, and soon you'll have eliminated all the orcs. After that, head up the short stairs, and around the atrium. You'll come to a stairway that halfway up leads to two orcs and some boiling oil you could use on the orcs below. All the way up there is ANOTHER hero orc. Use whatever method you want on him, then cut the rope to bring down the house. ############################################################################### Tip: If you can get into hero mode while fighting the hero orc, you'll get a lot of xp when you destroy the atrium. Plus you might also hit your 80-orc mark! ~geek guy ############################################################################### Some more orcs come to join the party. Give them your impaling welcome, then end the party on account of sudden business. When you go back through the atrium, look for a passage which leads into some more orcs. They might be ugly and icky, but it's good for your xp. Head through and over towards the right from where you came down to the big brawl. You'll come to another big brawl. Take out the orcs and lower the drawbridge. Climb up, take the ladder, take out another two orcs, then push the barrel down on the company of orcs below. Head up the plank and watch the orcs retreat to the tower. Head to the catapult and take out the hero orc. Fire the catapult then run across the bridge as fast as you can, or else the bridge will fall down under you and the game will end so fast you'll get a heart attack! ############################################################################### Tip: Before you fire the catapult, go into the crowd of orcs and fight away as many as you can. Some of them are invincible, but most of them aren't. This is of course seriously life-threatening, so only do it if you've got a good health status. ~geek guy ############################################################################### +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ When Sam gets to the tower he sees Frodo down at the side of the room, and two orcs there. One kills the other, then grabs a sword and heaves at Sam. +------------------------+ Boss Fight: Snaga [H3-B] +------------------------+ Difficulty: Hard This orcs is said to be called Gorbag, but I did some research in the book and found out that Gorbag was in fact killed by another orc. Instead, the orc's name is Snaga. Anyway, this guy can be easy as pie, or, um... not easy as some- thing else. It all depends if you focus on brawn or brain. Both work now. But before you can attack him, you need to disarm him. The shield is too hard for you to break with your fierce attack even, so grab a spear from the corner and toss it at him. It breaks his shield. Another one breaks his sword. He stands dazed for a little, and this means attack. Lay into the X and [] buttons like a madman. When he gets another sword, you just repeat until your or his meter runs out. +---------------+ | BOSS DEFEATED | +---------------+ The other orc apparently wasn't dead. He grabs Frodo's mithril vest and runs off. Where he goes has nothing to do with us. The hobbits are close to Mount Doom, close to the one place to end this terrible war. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.13 The Black Gates 2.13 ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [BLCKGT] Path of the King Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf [HUH?] Reccomended: Legolas, Gandalf Difficulty: Hard / Devastating The Story So Far: Realizing that there are now more than a million orcs between Frodo and Mount Doom, they plot a diversion to help Frodo get to Mount Doom. They march to the Black Gates and Aragorn starts a good battle speech: "People of Gondor, of Rohan! My brothers! I see in your eyes the same fate that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the age of men fails, when we break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day. A day may come of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down. But it is not this day. This day, WE FIGHT! FOR FRODO!" But before they confront the orcs, they must face a greater enemy: The Mouth of Sauron. +------------------------------------------------+ Boss Fight: The Mouth of Sauron [K5-B] or [W5-B] +------------------------------------------------+ Difficulty: Challenging Really, this guy isn't that hard. Just don't let up. Dish together as many combos you have, and let them out on him when he crouches. If you fail to stop him when he crouches, he'll make a jump that is both unblockable, and knock- you-downable. Just give him you're all, and soon, as Gimli says, negotiations will conclude. Oh yeah, here comes the fun part. +---------------+ | BOSS DEFEATED | +---------------+ Negotiations with Sauron are over. Now it's just time to fight. +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ NOTE: This next part of the level is looked on as playing with Legolas. This next part of the level is very hard. The gates of Mordor open, and millions of orcs pour out of the barren wasteland. To get through this point, you need to defeat seven hero orcs. That counter is decieving you. A hero creature appears later that doesn't add one to the counter after you kill it. But I'm chattering on... by now you should be pretty used to fighting hero creatures. But not while protecting three of your companions! Fight orcs for a while, until a new batch comes in and Gimli's health meter appears. You need to keep him safe. Stay by him and fight orcs. When his health meter drops, stand by him and make him start glowing. This refills his health bar little by little. Soon Aragorn's health bar appears, and another hero creature appears. Throw two spears at him to kill him. Fight off the remaining orcs here until Gandalf and his health bar appear. Another hero orc is going for him, and you need to fight him off. You know the deal. Once you defeat him, a cutscene will ensue, showing you that orcs are now attacking from all sides! And to put the proof in the pudding, head over to Aragorn just in time for a hero orc to attack! Once he's dead, you have to defeat two heros orcs at the same time! Once those two are down, the seventh and final hero will appear. You know how to defeat them, don't you? When he's down, enjoy this delicious little checkpoint. +------------+ | CHECKPOINT | +------------+ Three Nazgul fly out from Mordor, and now times get hard. +-----------------------------------------+ Boss Fight: The Nazgul [K5-B2] or [W5-B2] +-----------------------------------------+ Difficulty: Hard The Nazgul are hard to defeat just by themselves. But it's even harder when you have helpless friends to protect too! Hurry up and spear the Nazgul before they run away. Then one by one, take them down, but with ranged attacks. If one of your companions starts screaming for help or getting a red health bar, quickly head over there. The healing effect still works here. When all three are down, congratulations! +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ The companions fight on, even though at the moment they are losing the war, and all hope seems lost. But hope lies still, that Frodo will escape Sauron's Eye, and that the Ring will be destroyed. ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.14 Final Level: The Crack of Doom 2.14 ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [CRCKDM] Path of the Hobbit Characters: Frodo Reccomended: Frodo (of course) Difficulty: Devastating The Story So Far: The hobbits have traveled to Mount Doom, but Frodo is taken by the Ring, and he slips it on, when Gollum appears and bites off his finger to get the ring. Now a fight ensues, between Frodo and Gollum. +--------------------------+ | Final Boss: Gollum [FBF] | +--------------------------+ Here we are at last, the final level! Gollum is very hard indeed. To defeat him you need to get him off the side. To lure him over there, you can either just run to the side and have him follow you, or start using attacks. A speed attack will make him jump backward and right. A fierce attack will make him jump back- ward and left. That is, Gollum's left and right. When he gets over to the side, attack him to make him start cartwheel his hands backwards to keep his balance. Give him a Kick to knock him down on the rock, then use a killing move to push him off. Dead at last! Or only seeming so. He clings to the rock face and climbs up again. Meanwhile, Mount Doom is getting angry, and rocks start falling down on the tiny platform. Gollum is furious now, and this round will be a little harder, because now he gives you less time to use those atttacks to get him over to the side. Just get him over there somehow, then repeat what I said in the last paragraph. Attack, Kick, Killing Move. Then Gollum climbs up again. Now he gives you even less time to move him over to the side, and he uses a mean kick flip! And as if that isn't enough, lava starts pouring down on the platform! You can spot where lava is coming down, because yellow sparks rain down before the lava does. Get Gollum to the edge, then repeat. Attack, Kick, Killing Move. Once more he climbs up, and now, part of the platform drops down into the lava. You won't be on the platform, but it gives you less room to run around. Once more, get Gollum over to the side, and attack to make him cartwheel. Kick him to get him off, then use the Killing Move to make him drop off. This last round is the toughest. Rocks and Lava fall down randomly, and you can no longer use the attacks to get him over to the side. Once more, lure him to the edge, and attack to make him lose his balance. Kick him to get him off, then use the Killing Move to take him down for the last time. +---------------+ | BOSS DEFEATED | +---------------+ Gollum grabs the ring and knocks Frodo down. The war has been lost, and evil has now triumphed. But Gollum is so happy because of his precious, that he dances right off the edge. He is drowned in the lava, and so is the ring. The ring-bearer has succeeded. +------------------+ | MISSION COMPLETE | +------------------+ =============================================================================== 2.15 Ending 2.15 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [END] MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! SPOILER WARNING! SPOILERS WILL COMMENCE IN 3, 2, 1, 0! SPOILED! Mount Doom explodes, and the hobbits race out and are trapped on a rock. They think this to be the end of their life here. But the Great Eagles appear and carry them off. Several days later, Frodo wakes up in Rivendell. His companions greet him, and then they go to Minas Tirith, where Aragorn is crowned King of Gondor, and is wed to Arwen, who has since recovered from her time of near- death experience. The King is led up to the four hobbits, and they bow to him. But Aragorn remarks, "My friends. You bow to no man." The whole crowd of people then bow down to the four hobbits who saved the world. They travel back to Hobbiton, where they resume their normal life. Frodo writes a story of his adventures, and adds it in with Bilbo's book. A few days later, Frodo and Bilbo set out with Gandalf and Elrond to the Gray Havens, because their work in this world has been completed. And, as Gandalf says, the work of others is about to begin. You know the story: And they lived happily ever after, to the end of their days. THE END Or is it...? ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.16 The Palantir of Saruman 2.16 ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [PSRMN] Bonus Level Characters: All Reccomended: Gandalf, Legolas, Frodo Difficulty: Devastating ############################################################################### Tip: Don't throw any characters in here until they reach level 10 and max out their upgrades. ~geek guy ############################################################################### The Palantir of Saruman is a bonus stage where characters can practice their combat efforts. It's divided up into 20 stages, each with a certain number of monsters. I won't give you a walkthrough for it, but I'll show you what enemies are on what levels. Level 1: 14 dead soldiers Level 2: 14 Uruk-hai Level 3: 7 dead soldiers, 7 Uruk-hai Level 4: 8 dead soldier archers Level 5: 7 Uruk-hai archers Level 6: 5 Uruk-hai archers, 5 dead soldier archers, ranged ammunition pickup Level 7: 6 shielded dead soldiers Level 8: 6 shielded Uruk-hai Level 9: 4 shielded Uruk-hai, 4 shielded dead soldiers Level 10: 6 dead soldiers, 6 Uruk-hai archers Level 11: 30 spiders, 3 mutant spiders, ranged ammunition pickup Level 12: 6 shielded dead soldiers, 5 Uruk-hai archers Level 13: 6 shielded Uruk-hai, 5 dead soldier archers Level 14: 4 Uruk-hai, 4 shielded dead soldiers, 4 dead soldier archers Level 15: 6 shielded Uruk-hai, 4 dead soldiers, 3 dead soldier archers Level 16: 5 dead soldier Heros, ranged ammunition pickup Level 17: 4 Uruk-hai Heros, ranged ammunition pickup Level 18: 4 Trolls, 20 spiders Level 19: 3 shielded Uruk-hai, 1 Troll, 2 dead soldier Heros, 3 spiders Level 20: 2 Trolls, 3 dead soldier Heros, 4 dead soldier archers, 3 spiders, 3 shielded Uruk-hai, ranged ammunition pickup ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== 2.17 The Palantir of Sauron 2.17 ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [PSRON] Bonus Level Characters: All Reccomended: Gandalf, Legolas, Frodo Difficulty: Godswork The Palantir of Sauron is like the other Palantir, except the fact that there are much harder enemies in this one. Level 1: 24 orcs Level 2: 28 Easterlings Level 3: 14 orcs, 14 Easterlings Level 4: 16 orc archers Level 5: 14 Uruk-hai archers Level 6: 10 Uruk-hai archers, 10 orc archers, ranged ammunition pickup Level 7: 12 shielded Uruk-hai Level 8: 12 shielded Easterlings Level 9: 8 shielded Uruk-hai, 8 shielded Easterlings Level 10: 12 Orcs, 12 Uruk-hai archers Level 11: 5 orc archers, 16 Easterlings, ranged ammunition pickup Level 12: 10 Uruk-hai archers, 10 shielded Uruk-hai Level 13: 10 Orc archers, 12 shielded Easterlings Level 14: 8 orc archers, 8 Easterlings, 8 shielded Uruk-hai Level 15: 6 orc archers, 8 orcs, 12 shielded Easterlings Level 16: 6 Uruk-hai Berserkers, ranged ammunition pickup Level 17: 6 Easterling Heros Level 18: 4 Uruk-hai Berserkers, 3 Easterling Heros, 1 Troll Level 19: 6 Uruk-hai Berserkers, 4 Easterling Heros, 1 Troll Level 20: 6 Orc archers, 8 Uruk-hai Berserkers, 6 Easterling Heros, 2 trolls, ranged ammunition pickup ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************* * * * 3.0) Upgrades * * * ******************************************************************************* ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [PGRDS] =============================================================================== 3.1 Aragorn/Faramir's Upgrades 3.1 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [ARGFAR] Link 1: Orc Bane Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Parry, then immediately kills orc and puts you in perfect mode. Link 2: Warrior Bane Level 5 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 10,000 xp Parry, then immediately kills easterling and puts you in perfect mode. Link 3: Bane of Sauron Level 7 Cost: 9,000 xp Fellowship: 12,000 xp Parry, then immmediately kills uruk and puts you in perfect mode. Devastating 1: Ranger Fury Level 2 Cost: 4,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Aragorn sweeps his sword to devastate enemies. Devastating 2: Wilderness Rage Level 4 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Aragorn sweeps his sword to devastate enemies. Devastating 3: Wrath of Numenor Level 6 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Aragorn sweeps his sword to devastate enemies. Ranged 1: Dunedain Arrows Level 3 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Arrows emit a fire arc on contact. Ranged 2: Rivendell Arrows Level 6 Cost: 5,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Arrows emit a lightning arc on contact. Ranged 3: Mithril Arrows Level 8 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Arrows pass through enemies, setting them on fire. Combo 1: Orc Hewer X,X,/\ Level 2 Cost: 1,000 xp Fellowship: 3,000 xp A powerful strike that is useful against any kind of enemy. Combo 2: Final Judgement X,(),R2 Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Strike, knock down, then instantly kill an enemy. Combo 3: Balrog's Gambit X,(),/\ Level 4 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Strike, knock down, then strike an enemy. Combo 4: Dark Deliverance /\,X,X,/\ Level 5 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp A powerful strike combo that can attack multiple enemies. Combo 5: Shield Cleaver /\,/\,(),/\ Level 6 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp Enough to unshield, strike, and kill an enemy. Combo 6: Lightning Strike X,/\,X,X Level 8 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp Deals enough damage as a lightning bolt. Combo 7: Helm's Hammer /\,/\,/\ Level 9 Cost: 12,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp Twice as strong as Shield Cleaver. Combo 8: Swift Justice X,X,X,X Level 10 Cost: 12,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp The name really says it all... Ability 1: Gondorian Sword Master Level 3 Cost: 3,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Give more damage and stay in perfect mode longer. Ability 2: Kingmaker Level 7 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Give even more damage and stay in perfect mode even longer. Health 1: Strength of Stone Level 3 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 2: Strength of Iron Level 5 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 3: Strength of the Fellowship Level 6 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 4: Strength of the Evenstar Level 10 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Extends your health. Damage: Sword Mastery of Kings Level 10 Cost: 25,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Increases damage given. Perfect: Killing Zone Level 8 Cost: 10,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp Gets you to perfect mode quicker. Rising: Rising Revenge Level 3 Cost: 10,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp After being knocked down, attack while rising. =============================================================================== 3.2 Legolas' Upgrades 3.2 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [LGOLS] Link 1: Orc Bane Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Parry, then instantly kill attacking orc. Link 2: Warrior Bane Level 5 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 10,000 xp Parry, then instantly kill attacking easterling. Link 3: Bane of Sauron Level 7 Cost: 9,000 xp Fellowship: 12,000 xp Parry, then instantly kill attacking uruk. Devastating 1: Elven Fury Level 4 Cost: 4,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that emits fire on contact. Devastating 2: Elrond's Rage Level 8 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that emits lightning on contact. Ranged 1: Mirkwood Arrows Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Arrows that emit fire on contact. Ranged 2: Lothlorien Arrows Level 5 Cost: 5,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Arrows that emit lightning on contact. Ranged 3: Arrows of the Valar Level 7 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Arrows that emit fire and lightning on contact. Ranged 4: Mithril arrows Level 9 Cost: 10,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Arrows that pass through enemies, making them explode instantly. Combo 1: Orc Hewer X,X,/\ Level 2 Cost: 1,000 xp Fellowship: 3,000 xp A powerful strike that is useful against any kind of enemy. Combo 2: Final Judgement X,(),R2 Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Strike, knock down, then instantly kill an enemy. Combo 3: Balrog's Gambit X,(),/\ Level 4 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Strike, knock down, then strike an enemy. Combo 4: Dark Deliverance /\,X,X,/\ Level 5 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp A powerful strike combo that can attack several enemies. Combo 5: Shield Cleaver /\,/\,(),/\ Level 6 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp A combo strong enough to unshield, strike, and kill an enemy. Combo 6: Lightning Strike X,/\,X,X Level 8 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp A combo that deals as much damage as a lightning bolt. Combo 7: Helm's Hammer /\,/\,/\ Level 9 Cost: 12,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp Twice as strong as Shield Cleaver. Combo 8: Swift Justice X,X,X,X Level 10 Cost: 12,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp The name really says it all... Ability 1: Light of Lothlorien Level 3 Cost: 3,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Strike to emit fire on contact. Ability 2: Galadriel's Gift Level 7 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Strike to emit lightning on contact. Health 1: Strength of Stone Level 3 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 2: Strength of Iron Level 6 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 3: Strength of Fellowship Level 8 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Damage: Elven Bow Mastery Level 10 Cost: 25,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Increases damage given. Perfect: Killing Zone Level 8 Cost: 10,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp Gets you to perfect mode quicker. Rising: Rising Revenge Level 3 Cost: 10,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp After being knocked down, attack while rising. =============================================================================== 3.3 Gimli's Upgrades 3.3 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [GML] Link 1: Orc Bane Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Parry, then immediately kills orc and puts you in perfect mode. Link 2: Warrior Bane Level 5 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 10,000 xp Parry, then immediately kills easterling and puts you in perfect mode. Link 3: Bane of Sauron Level 7 Cost: 9,000 xp Fellowship: 12,000 xp Parry, then immmediately kills uruk and puts you in perfect mode. Devastating 1: Dwarven Fury Level 2 Cost: 4,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that emits fire on contact. Devastating 2: Mountain Rage Level 4 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that emits lightning on contact. Devastating 3: Wrath of Moria Level 6 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that emits fire and lightning on contact. Ranged 1: Erebor Axes Level 5 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Axes a fire arc on contact. Ranged 2: Moria Axes Level 7 Cost: 5,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Axes a lightning arc on contact. Combo 1: Orc Hewer X,X,/\ Level 2 Cost: 1,000 xp Fellowship: 3,000 xp A powerful strike that is useful against any kind of enemy. Combo 2: Final Judgement X,(),R2 Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Strike, knock down, then instantly kill an enemy. Combo 3: Balrog's Gambit X,(),/\ Level 4 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Strike, knock down, then strike an enemy. Combo 4: Dark Deliverance /\,X,X,/\ Level 5 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp A powerful strike combo that can attack multiple enemies. Combo 5: Shield Cleaver /\,/\,(),/\ Level 6 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp Enough to unshield, strike, and kill an enemy. Combo 6: Lightning Strike X,/\,X,X Level 8 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp Deals enough damage as a lightning bolt. Combo 7: Helm's Hammer /\,/\,/\ Level 9 Cost: 12,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp Twice as strong as Shield Cleaver. Combo 8: Swift Justice X,X,X,X Level 10 Cost: 12,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp The name really says it all... Ability 1: Lonely Mountain Lore Level 3 Cost: 3,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Give more damage and stay in perfect mode longer. Ability 2: Axe Mastery of Kings Level 7 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Give even more damage and stay in perfect mode even longer. Health 1: Strength of Stone Level 3 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 2: Strength of Iron Level 5 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 3: Strength of the Fellowship Level 7 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 4: Strength of Gloin Level 8 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Extends your health. Health 5: Strength of Khazad-Dum Level 10 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Extends your health. Damage: Dwarven Axe Mastery Level 10 Cost: 25,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Increases damage given. Perfect: Killing Zone Level 8 Cost: 10,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp Gets you to perfect mode quicker. Rising: Rising Revenge Level 3 Cost: 10,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp After being knocked down, attack while rising. =============================================================================== 3.4 Gandalf's Upgrades 3.4 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [GNDLF] Link 1: Orc Bane Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Parry, then immediately kills orc and puts you in perfect mode. Link 2: Warrior Bane Level 5 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 10,000 xp Parry, then immediately kills easterling and puts you in perfect mode. Link 3: Bane of Sauron Level 7 Cost: 9,000 xp Fellowship: 12,000 xp Parry, then immmediately kills uruk and puts you in perfect mode. Devastating 1: Fog of War Level 2 Cost: 4,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that emits fire on contact. Devastating 2: Wrath of Anor Level 4 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that emits lightning on contact. Devastating 3: Flame of Udun Level 6 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that emits fire and lightning on contact. Ranged 1: Light of the Pilgrim Level 3 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Projectile emits lightning on contact. Ranged 2: Light of the Forges Level 5 Cost: 5,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Projectile emits fire and lightning on contact. Ranged 3: Light of the Valar Level 10 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Projectile passes through enemies, setting them on fire. Combo 1: Orc Hewer X,X,/\ Level 2 Cost: 1,000 xp Fellowship: 3,000 xp A powerful strike that is useful against any kind of enemy. Combo 2: Final Judgement X,(),R2 Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Strike, knock down, then instantly kill an enemy. Combo 3: Balrog's Gambit X,(),/\ Level 4 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Strike, knock down, then strike an enemy. Combo 4: Dark Deliverance /\,X,X,/\ Level 5 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp A powerful strike combo that can attack multiple enemies. Combo 5: Shield Cleaver /\,/\,(),/\ Level 6 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp Enough to unshield, strike, and kill an enemy. Combo 6: Lightning Strike X,/\,X,X Level 8 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp Deals enough damage as a lightning bolt. Combo 7: Helm's Hammer /\,/\,/\ Level 9 Cost: 12,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp Twice as strong as Shield Cleaver. Combo 8: Swift Justice X,X,X,X Level 10 Cost: 12,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp The name really says it all... Ability 1: Wizard's Power Level 3 Cost: 3,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Stay in shield longer. Ability 2: Power of the Palantir Level 7 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Stay in shield longer. Ability 3: Enchantment of the Heavens Level 10 Cost: 10,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Stay in shield even longer. Health 1: Strength of Stone Level 3 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 2: Strength of Iron Level 5 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 3: Strength of the Fellowship Level 7 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Damage: Power of the Istari Level 10 Cost: 25,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Increases damage given. Perfect: Killing Zone Level 8 Cost: 10,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp Gets you to perfect mode quicker. Rising: Rising Revenge Level 3 Cost: 10,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp After being knocked down, attack while rising. =============================================================================== 3.5 Hobbits' Upgrades 3.5 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [FSMP] Link 1: Orc Bane Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Parry, then immediately kills orc and puts you in perfect mode. Link 2: Warrior Bane Level 5 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 10,000 xp Parry, then immediately kills easterling and puts you in perfect mode. Link 3: Bane of Sauron Level 7 Cost: 9,000 xp Fellowship: 12,000 xp Parry, then immmediately kills uruk and puts you in perfect mode. Devastating 1: Poison Blade Level 2 Cost: 4,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that gives more damage. Devastating 2: Cloud of Shadow Level 4 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that knocks down enemies. Devastating 3: Cloud of Rage Level 6 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A A powerful strike that knocks enemies down and poisons them. Ranged 1: Poison Daggers Level 5 Cost: 5,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Daggers knock enemies down. Ranged 2: Morgul Daggers Level 7 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Daggers knock down and poison enemies. Combo 1: Orc Hewer X,X,/\ Level 2 Cost: 1,000 xp Fellowship: 3,000 xp A powerful strike that is useful against any kind of enemy. Combo 2: Final Judgement X,(),R2 Level 2 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Strike, knock down, then instantly kill an enemy. Combo 3: Balrog's Gambit X,(),/\ Level 4 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 8,000 xp Strike, knock down, then strike an enemy. Combo 4: Dark Deliverance /\,X,X,/\ Level 5 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp A powerful strike combo that can attack multiple enemies. Combo 5: Shield Cleaver /\,/\,(),/\ Level 6 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp Enough to unshield, strike, and kill an enemy. Combo 6: Lightning Strike X,/\,X,X Level 8 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: 11,000 xp Deals enough damage as a lightning bolt. Combo 7: Helm's Hammer /\,/\,/\ Level 9 Cost: 12,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp Twice as strong as Shield Cleaver. Combo 8: Swift Justice X,X,X,X Level 10 Cost: 12,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp The name really says it all... Ability 1: Cloak of Haldir Level 3 Cost: 3,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Stay invisible longer. Ability 2: Cloak of Celeborn Level 6 Cost: 7,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Stay invisible longer. Ability 3: Cloak of Galadriel Level 10 Cost: 10,500 xp Fellowship: N/A Stay invisible even longer. Health 1: Strength of Stone Level 3 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 2: Strength of Iron Level 5 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 3: Strength of the Fellowship Level 7 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: 15,000 xp Extends your health. Health 4: Halfling Strength Level 8 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Extends your health. Health 5: Baggins Strength Level 10 Cost: 5,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Extends your health. Damage: Strength of the Gaffer Level 10 Cost: 25,000 xp Fellowship: N/A Increases damage given. Perfect: Killing Zone Level 8 Cost: 10,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp Gets you to perfect mode quicker. Rising: Rising Revenge Level 3 Cost: 10,000 xp Fellowship: 20,000 xp After being knocked down, attack while rising. ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************* * * * 4.0) Bonus Stuff * * * ******************************************************************************* ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [BNSSTFF] To protect the fun of the game, none of the bonus stuff is unlocked until the end of the game. =============================================================================== 4.1 Cheats 4.1 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [CHTS] To use a cheat, follow these simple steps. 1. Pause the game. 2. Hold down all the shoulder buttons (Ctrl+Alt+Shift for PC users.) 3. Type in one of the game codes listed below. Character | PS2 cheat | GC cheat | PC cheat +1,000 Experience Points for: Frodo | v,/\,^,v | X,Y,^,X | 9689 Sam | /\,X,v,X | Y,A,X,A | 6494 Merry | v,v,[],X | X,X,B,A | 9974 Pippin | /\,X,[],X | Y,A,B,A | 6474 Gandalf | (),/\,v,^ | X,Y,^,X | 5689 Aragorn | ^,[],/\,X | ^,B,Y,A | 8764 Legolas | X,/\,^,X | A,Y,^,A | 4684 Gimli | (),(),/\,X | X,X,Y,A | 5564 Faramir | [],/\,^,[] | B,Y,^,B | 7687 Unlock Special Character: Frodo | (),[],[],X | X,B,B,A | 5774 Merry | X,v,v,X | A,X,X,A | 4994 Pippin | [],X,(),/\ | Y,X,B,X | 6579 Faramir | X,X,/\,/\ | A,A,Y,Y | 4466 Main Cheats: All Upgrades | ^,v,/\,[] | ^,X,Y,B | 8967 Fierce attacks | /\,^,/\,v | Y,^,Y,X | 6869 Infinite ranged | [],[],v,() | B,B,X,X | 7795 Invincible | [],(),[],^ | B,X,B,^ | 7578 Infinite Perfect | (),v,[],X | X,X,Y,A | 5964 Targeting Indicator Mode | v,(),^,[] | X,X,^,B | 9587 Restore Health | [],[],(),() | B,B,X,X | 7755 =============================================================================== 4.2 Unlockables 4.2 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [NLCK] The following is a list of unlockables in the game. Unlockable........................................................How to unlock Film Concept Art...............................................Beat Helm's Deep Hobbits on Gaming..............................................Beat Helm's Deep Game Concept Art.........................................Beat Paths of the Dead Christopher Lee Interview.................................Beat Road to Isengard Sean Astin Interview.................................Beat Escape from Osgiliath Film Production Stills.......................................Beat Southern Gate Ian McKellen Interview.....................Beat Minas Tirith -- Top of the Wall Elijah Wood Interview........................................Beat Shelob's Lair Billy Boyd Interview.....................................Beat The Crack of Doom Dom Monaghan Interview...................................Beat The Crack of Doom Andy Serkis Interview....................................Beat The Crack of Doom David Wenham Interview...................................Beat The Crack of Doom geek guy Interview.........................................Go meet him yourself =============================================================================== 4.3 More on the Palantirs 4.3 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [MRPLNTR] The Palantirs are some bonus levels that I'm sure you saw my walkthrough for in the walkthrough section. I made this section to tell you a bit more about them. First of all, the palantirs need to be unlocked. The Palantir of Saruman is un- locked after you finish Crack of Doom. The Palantir of Sauron is unlocked when you finish Crack of Doom, and get to Level 10 with one character from each path on the level tree; in other words, once you get Level 10 with Sam, Gandalf, and Legolas, Aragorn, or Gimli, the Palantir of Sauron will be unlocked for your playing enjoyment. Secondly, it's best not to throw any of your characters in either of the palan- tirs until they reach level 10. Your best attacks won't come until level 10. FMI check out section 3: Upgrades [Search Tag: PGRDS]. Finally, I'll give you some info on the pickups. Starting at level 1, there won't be any. But there will be one on level 2. If you don't use a health pick- up in one level, it's carried over to the next level, so if you cheat for invi- ncibility, you'll end up having twenty unusable health potions at the last level. You change location every five levels, and once you change location, you get a ranged ammo upgrade. Now I've told you everything I know about the palantirs, so be happy and move on. ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************* * * * 5) The War of The Ring -- Full story overview * * * ******************************************************************************* ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [WRRNG] =============================================================================== 5.1 Super Spoiler Alert! 5.1 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [SPLRLRT2] ******************************************************************************* SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER AL ERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOIL ER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! S UPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALE RT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILE R ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER S POILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SU PER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALER T! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPO ILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPE R SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! SUPER SPOILER ALERT! ******************************************************************************* There you go! The following in this section gives away the entire saga of how Frodo and the ring traveled to Mordor. Those who have not seen all three movies depicting the Lord of the Rings saga should proceed with caution. This applies DOUBLY to those who have not read The Lord of the Rings trilogy AND its prelude The Hobbit... =============================================================================== 5.2 The Hobbit: The Prelude to the Lord of the Rings 5.2 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [PRLD] In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Bilbo Baggins was a respected hobbit. He lived a comfortable life, and never had any adventures. So Bilbo was rather surprised when Gandalf the wizard invited him to a great adventure. He politely declined. But not before accidentally inviting Gandalf to tea. The next day Gandalf arrived with thirteen hungry dwarves. They ate everything the poor hobbit had to offer, then sang sad songs, and listened to their king, Thorin Oakenshield. The hobbit, wizard, and dwarves then discuss the reason for why they are leav- ing; to win back the Kingdom of Erebor in the Lonely Mountain, reclaim the gold that they discovered, and have revenge on the Dragon Smaug that drove them out of their kingdom in the first place. Bilbo is frightened by this talk, but when his position within the group as a burglar is volunteered by Gandalf himself, Bilbo faints and begins a dream... when he wakes, a change has come over him. He wanted to visit distant lands, explore caves, and carry a sword instead of a walking-stick. To his own astonishment, Bilbo agreed to go with the dwarves on their adventure. The next morning Bilbo meets with the dwarves as they gear up for their quest. After they start traveling, Gandalf leaves the company to "look ahead". But the company soon finds themselves tired, wet, and low on food. Soon, Balin noticed the light of a fire. Thorin sent Bilbo, their new burglar, to investigate. The light came from a fire by three giant trolls. He figures going back would only make the dwarves say that a first-class burglar would pick the trolls' pockets, so he attempts to steal a wallet from one of the trolls. But he is discovered, along with the dwarves, and the trolls popped them into sacks. Then the trolls started arguing about how to cook them. Gandalf imitated their voices, and tricked them into a nasty fight. When the sun rose, the trolls turned to stone. They look into the troll cave nearby and find some new weapons. Gandalf finds a sword that he names Glamdring, Thorin finds a small dagger, and Bilbo finds an Elvish blue blade that glows, that he names Sting. The company finds shelter in the Misty Mountains, but when goblins attack, Bilbo is lost in the fray, then falls and cracks his head on a rock, knocking him unconcious. When he woke, he was alone. He has apparently fallen into a Goblin mine, but soon finds his way out again, into some old caves. There, Bilbo finds a strange golden ring, and a creature called Gollum. They resolved to a game of riddles. If Bilbo won, then Gollum would show him out. But if Gollum won, he would eat Bilbo! Bilbo puts the ring in his pocket, then gives Gollum the riddle "What do I have in my pocket?" Gollum replies that he must get three "guesseses." He guesses four times, but all wrong. The creature says he must find something before sho- wing Bilbo out. He digs in a pile of rocks, then screams. "My ring!" Bilbo quickly slips on the ring and disappears. Then Gollum runs toward the exit, thinking that Bilbo left the caves. Bilbo follows him to the exit, then finds his friends on the other side of the Misty Mountains. But then Goblins and Wargs attacked! The company scurried into the treetops, then are carried off by the Great Eagles, friends of Gandalf. At the edge of the Mirkwood Forest, Gandalf announced that he was leaving once more. He showed them the way through the forest and warned them not to stray from the path. The hungry dwarves soon saw wood-elves feasting in the forest. They rushed toward them, leaving the path. The wood-elves vanished, and Bilbo found himself lost again. He makes his way through the forest, until he meets giant spiders that have captured the dwarves. He frees them and leaves the forest, but are soon caught by elves. Bilbo slipped on the ring just in time, but the dwarves are taken and thrown in the stockade. Bilbo finds an uncom- fortable but possible way to leave the elves' palace. They are put in barrels and float down the River Running. The barrels beach at the dock of Lake Town, and Thorin is proclaimed King Under the Mountain. They ate everything they could fit inside them, and soon are rested and ready to travel on to the Lonely Mountain. There they find Smaug the dragon. Bilbo tip-toes in to find a weak spot on the dragon, and he finds one. All the scales on his chest are impossible to damage. But there is a hole in a scale that proves to be his weakness. But the dragon discovers Bilbo, and brin- gs down the mountain. The dwarves and Bilbo were trapped inside. They head up the steps of Erebor to the Kingdom under the Mountain, where Thorin hears word that a mighty man from Lake-town slew Smaug the dragon, and that the people of Lake-town were going to Erebor to claim their treasure. Thorin starts negotiating war, and tells Bilbo to retrieve a mighty treasure, The Arkenstone. But during the night, Bilbo slips off with the Arkenstone and offers it to the race of men as a gift. They take it, and in return offer gold and jewels to Thorin. But Thorin refuses, and curses Bilbo. The war began, with armies of men, elves, and dwarves standing on the battle- field. But before they could begin fighting, two armies of goblins approach, mounted on Wargs. The leaders of the three colonies meet, and decide to work together to fight back the goblins. Bilbo takes his stand on Ravenhill, amongst the elves. The war rages round, a Battle of Five Armies. During the fray, Bilbo is struck over the head by a rock, right after seeing the Eagles fly over the sky. When he awakes, the war is over, and the Goblins driven from Lonely Mountain. But Thorin, however, is mortally wounded. He asks Bilbo for forgiveness, and wishes that just like Bilbo, he and the dwarves would value song and cheer above hoarded gold. The legend is fullfilled, and gold ran from the Lonely Mountain into the river of Lake Town to be rebuilt. Bilbo takes two golden chests with him and returns home. "And he lived happily ever after, till the end of his days." =============================================================================== 5.3 The Fellowship of the Ring: the first part of the Lord of the Rings 5.3 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [FOTR] It has been many years since Bilbo had his grand adventure to the Lonely Mount- ain. Now it's going to be his eleventy-first (111th) birthday, a rather fine number for a hobbit looking so young. However, during his birthday speech, he slips on the Ring and disappears. He is confronted by Gandalf, who forces him to give up the Ring. Bilbo leaves for Rivendell. Frodo, Bilbo's cousin, inherits the ring from Bilbo, but is soon found by Gan- dalf who says that it's a magic evil ring created by the Dark Lord Sauron, who used it to govern the world. The ring was lost, but now if Sauron finds it, it will be the end of the world, and that the only way to destroy it is to toss it into the fires of a mountain in Mordor itself. Gandalf tells Frodo to set out to Rivendell. But when they spot Frodo's friend Sam eavesdropping, Gandalf decides he should go on the quest too. They go through the Old Forest, bumping into two friends: Meriadoc Brandybuck (aka Merry) and Peregrin Took (aka Pippin, aka Pip). They come too, and narrow- ly escape a Dark Rider, a servant of Sauron's. They travel to the town of Bree, where they meet a man called Strider. They travel to Rivendell, but they stop at Weathertop, where Frodo is stabbed almost mortally. They go to Rivendell and heal it as fast as they can. Frodo wakes in Rivendell to find Gandalf, who says he was held captive by Saru- man, head of the wizards, because he had turned to Sauron. The head of Riven- dell, Elrond, holds a council determining who will take the Ring to Mount Doom and cast it into the fire. Frodo agrees to take the ring. With him goes Strider whose real name is Aragorn, Boromir of the city of Gondor, Legolas from the wood-elves, Gimli, descendant of the dwarves of Erebor, and of course, Sam, Merry, and Pippin. When they set out, they try the pass of Caradhras through the mountains. But Saruman stirs up a snowstorm, so they are forced to retreat. They decide to go through the Dwarrowdelf city in the mines of Moria. But during their journey through the dark, they are attacked by a hideous monster called the Balrog, and Gandalf falls. They do not grieve for long, for they soon move on through the woods. There they are captured by elves and taken to an elf-city, home of Lady Galad- riel, and Celeborn. There Frodo is told that this quest was beset for him and him alone. If he doesn't find a way, no one will. If one fails, all will fail. When they depart, Frodo is given the light of Elendil, their favorite star. As they depart, Legolas asks Gimli what gift she had for him. He says he asked for a lock of hair from her golden hair. She gave him three. They beach along the banks of Anduin, on the shores of Amon Hen. Boromir con- fronts Frodo and tries to take the Ring from him. Frodo escapes, but soon Uruk- hai, an advanced form of orc, attacks the company, and Boromir is killed, and Merry and Pippin taken. As he dies, Boromir says that he was sorry. His heart stops. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli set off to get back Merry and Pippin. Frodo leaves the company to go to Mount Doom by himself without anyone else. He can't have his wish, since Sam comes and wants to come with him. Frodo wonders if he'll see them ever again. Sam says they might. END OF PART ONE OF THE LORD OF THE RINGS =============================================================================== 5.4 The Two Towers: The second part of the Lord of the Rings 5.4 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [T3] The two hobbits are cautiously descending the mountains, until they come across a horrible stink, which convinces Frodo that they're not alone. Meanwhile, the Uruk-hai have quickened their pace, because they picked up the three hunters' scent. Legolas says they run "as if the very whips of their masters were behind them." Meanwhile, during their sleep, Frodo and Sam are attacked, by none other than the fierce creature Gollum. They pin him down and force him to show them to the black gate. The Uruk-hai holding Merry and Pippin set down near the edge of the forest of Fangorn. When an orc tries to eat the two hobbits, riders attack, saving them at the last instant. They run into the forest. Aragorn and company have lost track of the uruk-hai. Riders approach them, whom Aragorn identifies as the Riders of Rohan. They ride up to him, and the chief man shows himself as the son of the King of Rohan: Eomer. Saruman has poisoned the mind of his father, King Theoden, and he banished them. They say they atta- cked the uruk camp during the night, and left none alive, conquering all hope that they had that Merry and Pippin might be alive. Gollum has led Frodo and Sam to the Black Gates, but they find themselves un- able to get in unseen. Gollum says there's another way into the black land of Mordor, above the Winding Stair, near the pass of Cirith Ungol. Sam is suspi- cious of Gollum, but Frodo does not hesitate to say "Lead the way, Smeagol." Aragorn and company discover proof that the hobbits are not dead, but that they went into Fangorn forest. They go into Fangorn forest, where they find a newborn Gandalf. Gandalf tells them that when he fell, he fought the Balrog on top of a mountain taller than imagination. He cast down the Balrog, and passed into darkness, but was sent back to complete the task that he was given: to protect Frodo. He says not to worry about Merry and Pippin because they're a lot safer then Gimli was about to be. He says under his breath that this Gandalf is a lot grumpier than the old one. Merry and Pippin have found shelter with Treebeard, an Ent of the Fangorn for- est. Meanwhile, Smeagol is battling his "other self," Gollum, over the choice to help the hobbits or to kill them. Gandalf, Aragorn and company travel to Edoras, capital of Rohan, and Gandalf frees the mind of the king, and banishes Wormtongue, his assistant who turned to Saruman. He then starts to expect an attack on his people, and decides to move to Helms Deep, a stronger fortress to fight from. Frodo, Sam, and Gollum are captured by Gondorian riders. The people flee to Helms Deep, but at the fortress, Theoden gets word that over ten thousand orcs are marching to strike Helms Deep. Theoden is appalled, but says to let them come. And they do. Treebeard and his fellow Ents meet together to decide to go to war with Saruman. The Gondorian riders take the hobbits to Osgiliath, where a war is raging. Frodo learns the name of the head of the riders: Faramir, who is Boromir's brother. The Ents decide not to go to war with Saruman, and despite Merry's protests, Treebeard says that their chapter in this story is over. That couldn't have been farther from the truth, for on their way out of the Forest, Treebeard, Merry and Pippin stumble onto a whole acre of the forest that has been burned. Treebeard is outraged by this, and changes his decision to go to war. The Ents wash the filth of Isengard away. Faramir was under orders from his father, the steward of Gondor, to take the Ring from the hobbits, but he changes his mind, and lets them out. However, he curses Gollum and says that if they should come into any harm, Gollum should die. The battle rages on at Helms Deep. Gandalf shows up with Eomer's troop and win the battle for Helms Deep. After the war, Gandalf says "The battle for Helms Deep is over. The battle for Middle-Earth is about to begin." END OF THE SECOND PART OF THE LORD OF THE RINGS =============================================================================== 5.5 The Return of the King: the third part of the Lord of the Rings 5.5 =============================================================================== You don't need me to tell you the last part: you have the game right there! :p ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== ******************************************************************************* * * * 6) Closing * * * ******************************************************************************* ==---------------------------------------------------------------------------== Search Tag: [CLSN] =============================================================================== 6.1 Other Guides 6.1 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [OTHRGIDS] Spider-Man: The Movie 76.3K Version Final The Fellowship of the Ring 28.1K Version FINAL =============================================================================== 6.2 Next Guide Up 6.2 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [NXTGDP] Enter the Matrix Developed by Shiny Entertainment Published by Atari Rated T for Teen (Violence, Mild Language, and Suggestive Content) Coming February/March 2005 Plus, an exclusive bonus coming later: The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King BOSS FAQ Developed and Published by EA Games Rated T for Teen (Violence) Coming Very Soon! =============================================================================== 6.3 Credits 6.3 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [CRDTS] EA Games - Developer and Publisher of the game geek guy - Me, I made the guide! Shift - Another guy who wrote a terrific FAQ for this game! You - You're reading this, aren't you? and last but not least, Frodo - You saved the world! J.R.R. Tolkien - This story rocks out loud. =============================================================================== 6.4 Legal 6.4 =============================================================================== Search Tag: [LGL2] As usual, guides have legal sections, showing you not at all to take without asking, and in some cases, not at all. And in this case, it's not at all. Software piraters, warez businessmen and a whole lot of thiefs are out there. You may gladly ask me for my guide... provided you'll accept the answer NO. And if you're not with CNet, don't dare lay finger on this guide, or I'll send four million volts through your computer. =============================================================================== 6.5 End 6.5 =============================================================================== Well, it's been nice here, but all things must come to an end. Like this guide, for instance. Lord of the Rings has been really inspiring to me. Tolkien opened a door for me with his flowing writing and clever placement of words. This is truly one of the best stories in the history of the world, don't you think so? It would take an idiot not to like this. But, my guide comes to an end, just like Tolkien did. And now I must scat. Thankx a lot for reading my guide. Bye! ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! _______________________________________________________________________________ (C) geek guy 2004-2005 End of File