The X-Files: Resist or Serve (PS2) FAQ/Walkthrough v1.25 by Sailor Amaya ============================================================ CONTENTS ============================================================ 1)Introduction 2)Version History 3)Story 4)Characters 5)Controls + Gameplay Controls + Inventory Controls 6)The Screens + Gameplay + Inventory 7)Walkthrough + Mulder - Episode 1: Renascence - Episode 2: Resonance - Episode 3: Reckoning + Scully - Episode 1: Renascence - Episode 2: Resonance - Episode 3: Reckoning 8)Inventory 9)All The X-Tras + Secrets and Easter Eggs + Special Features + Cheat Codes 10)End Notes ============================================================ 1)Introduction The X-Files. It's one of the most popular television series of all time, and has made its mark in the history of science fiction. Its success has spawned tons of merchandise ranging from t-shirts to books to anything else the fans could touch. However, there was one area it did not succeed at, and that was video games. Up to now there have only been two X-Files games. An arcade pinball game released by SEGA in 1996, and a PC game released by FOX Interactive in 1998 called "The X-Files: The Game". In this game, you played as another FBI agent who had to find Mulder and Scully, who have gone missing. The game had a point-and-click engine similar to Myst, and there were several puzzles and objects that could be interacted with. As original and nice-looking the game was, it didn't receive great reviews (probably due to the absence of the show's stars, or the fact that the PC version was seven discs long and took up a huge chunk of HDD space). However, The X-Files: Resist or Serve looks to be very different. In the game the player will control either Mulder or Scully, and guide them through full-3D environments while taking out any monsters they may find. While many label it as a Resident Evil or Silent Hill clone, it's still very unique in its own way, clone or no clone. This is my first FAQ/Walkthrough to be published on GameFAQs. I've put a lot of time and effort into putting this together to help other players with this game. Being a huge X-Files fan, as well as a gaming fan, I couldn't resist buying this game and taking up the challenge of putting a FAQ together! I hope it will help you while playing the game, and maybe even teach you some things you didn't know about it. The truth is out there... so go find it! NOTE: There will be SPOILERS throughout the walkthrough. So when you see the word SPOILER, it's up to you to skip past it or continue reading. ============================================================ 2)Version History 3/25/04 - Initial release. Contains story and character info, guides over the screens and controls, walkthroughs for episode 1 with Mulder and Scully, and a starting list of easter eggs and Special Features. 4/4/04 - Added the walkthroughs for episode 2 with Mulder and Scully. Updated Secrets and Easter Eggs section. Updated Special Features section. Added a little bit to the Controls section. Minor edits here and there. 4/15/04 - The walkthrough for Mulder's game is completed! ^o^ Combined the Secrets and Easter Eggs and Special Features List section into one section called All the X-Tras, and added a new section to it: Cheat Codes. The Special Features and Easter Eggs were also updated. Corrected a small mistake in Scully's episode 2 walkthrough, as well as made some minor edits here and there. 4/19/04 - The walkthrough for Scully's game has been finished, which puts this guide at version 1.0! ^o^ The Special Features have been updated to include the remaining storyboards and concept art. This might be the last update for a while, since I've covered practically everything in and about the game. I may do some fixing up in the future... 7/5/04 - Hi, remember me? I'm just cleaning up some stuff, correcting some errors and such. I revised some stuff in the walkthrough for Episode 2, Act 2 as Mulder, and also updated the guide for his final boss as well. The easter egg section of All the X-Tras has been updated as well, and I moved around some eggs that were in the wrong section. ^_^; Silly me... ============================================================ 3)Story Two FBI special agents, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, have been assigned to investigate several murders in Red Falls, Colorado. The prime suspects, twin girls named Katlyn and Mandy, are accused of practicing witchcraft. However, the two girls vanish before the agents arrive. As Mulder and Scully investigate Red Falls, they realize that there is a lot more to this case than they originally thought. They are confronted by an evil force unlike any they have ever seen, and they find evidence that connects their investigation to a conspiracy they have gone after for so long. A conspiracy involving the existence of extra-terrestrials and their plans to colonize Earth! If there's one thing Mulder and Scully do know, it's that the truth is out there, and only you can help them find it. Trust no one, prepare for anything... ============================================================ 4)Characters Here is the cast of characters you will meet in the game. Detailed information on each character can be found in the game's instruction booklet. This info can also be viewed in the Special Features section of the game under "Dossiers". Special Agent Fox Mulder - One of the two agents you will play as in the game. While searching the basements of the FBI building in Washington D.C., Mulder discovered several unsolved cases filed under "X". These were known as the X-Files, cases revolving around the paranormal and other unexplainable phenomenon. Intrigued by their nature, he decided to investigate these cases himself, hoping to unravel the mystery behind them as well as a personal mystery of his own: the disappearance of his sister Samantha nearly twenty years ago. Played by: David Duchovny Special Agent Dana Scully - One of the two agents you will play as in the game. A well-respected scientist, Scully was assigned to the X-Files to disprove Mulder's theories about the paranormal by using logical explanations. However, she found herself wrapped up in the mysterious world of the X-Files as well as Mulder's personal quest to find his sister. It wasn't long before she began to question her beliefs, especially after she was abducted by extra-terrestrials herself. Played by: Gillian Anderson Assistant Director Walter Skinner - Mulder and Scully's superior in the FBI. At first he appeared to be an enemy of Mulder and Scully, but over time they began to accept him as a formidable ally. From time to time he helps them uncover the mysteries of the X-Files, while still obeying the FBI's policy at the same time. Played by: Mitch Pillegi Cigarette-Smoking Man - For several decades, the mysterious Cigarette-Smoking Man (CSM) has played an active role in the Syndicate, a group of men who work to cover the ever growing conspiracy involving the existence of extra-terrestrials. He keeps a close eye on Mulder's work, and has often made attempts to derail his work or have him and/or Scully killed. Yet, there have been several points in time where he spared Mulder's life. Despite this, he still desires to break Mulder's will and prevent him from uncovering the truth. It's really hard to describe him in a few words since his character is very complex. Played by: William B. Davis Alex Krycek - Krycek was Mulder's second partner in the FBI after the X-Files were closed for the first time. He seemed to be well on Mulder's side, until it was revealed that he was working with the Cigarette-Smoking Man. Shortly after his secret was revealed he disappeared from the FBI. While his relationship with Mulder is quite sour, he claims to be helping Mulder out half the time to save his life. Played by: Nicholas Lea The Lone Gunmen - A diverse trio of men and the show's source for comic relief, The Lone Gunmen first met at an electronics convention in 1989. They also met Mulder at this same convention, and they soon became good friends. The three men that make up the group are Byers (a well-dressed man who is deeply patriotic), Langly (a computer nerd who claims he can hack into any security system), and Frohike (a short man with a sharp wit, and also an accomplished hacker). Together, the three men publish an underground newspaper called "The Lone Gunman", which strives to expose the follies of the government. Played by: Bruce Harwood (Byers), Dean Haglund (Langly), Tom Braidwood (Frohike) Marita Covarrubias - Marita used to work as the assistant to the Special Representative to the Secretary General of the United Nations. She was contacted by Mulder when his informant, known only as "X", left a clue before he died. Marita proved to be a good informant, until Mulder learned that she was working with Alex Krycek. However, Krycek ended up betraying her and turning her over to the Syndicate. The group infected her with the black oil virus so they could test a vaccine against it. Played by: Laurie Holden ============================================================ 5)Controls The layout of the controls may seem a little overwhelming at first, but don't feel discouraged. It may take some time to get used to the controls depending on your skill level; you may get the hang of it instantly and you may not. Just be patient. There are three different control schemes for the game. In this guide I will cover only the default scheme (layout #1). It's up to you which scheme you use, but I suggest you use the default for now. ============================================================ Gameplay Controls ============================================================ START - Pause the game (can be done during gameplay or cutscenes) - In some cutscenes, press START to skip the scene entirely. SELECT - Displays the Inventory Screen. D-Pad - Press UP to view the Map (if you have it for this area) - Press DOWN to view your Notes. Left Analog Thumb Pad - Move your character. Right Analog Thumb Pad - Freelook. This only works if you are holding your flashlight. When using the Freelook mode, you will be able to target any nearby enemy while holding your flashlight. Triangle - Draw weapon or put away weapon. Circle - Uses an item from the Inventory (if equipped). X Button - Perform an action when the Interactivity Icon appears. - Fires weapon (while holding R1). - Punch (while holding R1, no weapon equipped). - During some cutscenes, press X to be given a menu that asks if you want to skip the cutscene. Square - Melee Attack. This consists of punches and kicks than can be used to attack the enemy. You can also use this to break loose of an enemy's hold. - While holding R1, if an enemy is targeted, your character will kick the enemy. Very useful if you're low on ammo. If you do it enough times the enemy will die, but it can take a while. - If you're holding a weapon or flashlight, you can hit enemies with those as well. - Light a Molotov Cocktail (when the Cigarette Lighter is equipped) R1 - Press and hold to lock onto an enemy. R2 - Jog (hold while walking). You cannot jog if your character is holding a weapon and a flashlight at the same time. L1 - Reload weapon. L2 - Switch between targets (when there are more than one) ============================================================ Inventory Controls ============================================================ START - Nothing SELECT - Exits the Inventory Screen. D-Pad - Move the cursor up, down, left, and right - Pan up, down, left, or right (while examining) - Go forward and backward one page (while viewing Notes) Left Analog Thumb Pad - Pan up, down, left, or right (while examining) Right Analog Thumb Pad - Rotate object (while examining) Triangle - Cancel a selection - Exit the Inventory Circle - Select an item, then select another to combine them. X Button - Examine an item even further (while examining) Square - Examine the selected item. R1 - View map (if it has been obtained for that area) - Zoom in (while examining an item) R2 - Go forward to an act or episode (while viewing notes) L1 - View notes. - Zoom out (while examining an item) L2 - Go backward one act or episode (while viewing notes) ============================================================ 6)The Screens There are two main screens in the game: the regular gameplay screen and the Inventory. The rest of the menus are pretty self-explanatory, so I'll leave those up to you. ;) -Gameplay Screen- The regular gameplay screen is pretty much devoid of anything except in a few instances. Every now and then you will see one of these three objects on the screen. Interactivity Icon - this is a spinning X that appears in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Press X when you see this to perform an action. This could be talking to a person, picking up an important item, etc. Notes Icon - Whenever Mulder or Scully finds something of use in their investigation, they will record it on a notepad. You'll know when you have new notes when you see this appear in the lower left-hand corner during gameplay. Be sure to check the notes often to learn more about the mystery and get some clues to certain puzzles. Boss Meter - Occasionally you will have to fight a boss. When you do, a green X will appear in the upper right-hand corner. When it's completely green, it means the boss is at full health. As you deal damage to the boss, it will slowly turn to black. When the X turns completely black, fire a few more rounds to finish the boss off. -Inventory Screen- The Inventory screen can be accessed at any time during the game by pressing SELECT. Here you can view what items you have collected and much more. Here's the basic layout of the screen. ======================================= | ======= ======= ========= | | | 1 | | | | 4 | | | | ======= | | |----|----| | | ======= | | | | | | | | | | 3 | |----|----| | | |---2---| | | | | | | | | | | | |----|----| | | ======= | | | | | | | ======= ========= | ======================================= 1 - Mulder and Scully's FBI badge. 2 - Underneath the badge window you'll find an equipment window. The top half shows what weapon is currently equipped, and the bottom shows a specific item that has been assigned to the Circle button. 3 - Here you'll see a picture of your character. The window will alternate between an internal and external view of Mulder or Scully. The internal view will show how much damage the agents have taken. Those areas that are damaged will be highlighted in red. If the internal view is green, that means the character is poisoned and will need an antidote. 4 - This area shows all the items and weapons you have obtained throughout the course of the game. Some of these items may include health recovery items or items vital to the game's storyline. - If you press Square while an item is highlighted, you can examine the object up close. This is vital if you need to view an item for a clue. - Pressing the Circle button will select that item for a combination process. Select another item with the same button, and if the two go well together they will combine. A good example is with some ammo clips and the pistol. Combining those two will put more bullets into your gun. You can also use this feature to make Molotov Cocktails. Pressing R1 while in this screen will show the map for the current area. If you have it, that is. Otherwise it gives you nothing. Press L1 while in the Inventory to check the Notes your character has written so far during the game. ============================================================ 7)Walkthrough And now the moment you've been waiting for... THE WALKTHROUGH! ^_^ *fanfare plays* Uh, yeah... To start the game, choose Play Game from the Main Menu, then choose which agent you want to play as. For this guide, I will cover Mulder's game first, then Scully's. So all you Scully players will have to scroll down quite a bit to get to her section. Or you could just use the Search feature on your web browser or whatever program you're viewing this with. =P From the Character Selection screen you will go to the Episode screen. For now you can only select the first episode, and in that menu, the first act. So select those... ============================================================ EPISODE 1: RENASCENCE ACT 1 - RED FALLS - MULDER ============================================================ *SPOILER* The prologue will play, which shows a Russian man leading his wife, who is holding their baby son, through the snow and trees to show them something amazing. They arrive at a cliff and the man shows his wife what he has found: a bright light hovering in the sky. The light gradually grows bigger, and they realize it is falling towards them. They run away as the light hits, and a large explosion of energy radiates from the impact site. The couple tries to outrun it but their efforts are futile, and they are killed. However, their baby survives... only to be surrounded by a strange black goo... The classic opening credits from the show plays, followed by a movie of Mulder and Scully. They are driving their car to a town called Red Falls, located in Colorado, where they must investigate a new case they were assigned. Two twin girls, Mandy and Katlyn Winslow, have been accused of practicing witchcraft. Their practices have been connected to a string of murders that occurred recently in town. Just recently, the two girls have gone missing. The two agents begin to have one of their classic debates over whether witchcraft had anything to do with the murders, and if it exists at all. Scully suddenly tells Mulder to stop the car. They get out and find a body in the road. Scully tends to the person while Mulder goes into the nearby diner to use the pay phone since their cell phones can't get a signal. *END SPOILER* -J.J.'s Diner- A notepad icon will appear at the bottom of the screen, meaning that there are new notes for you to view. To view the notes, go to the Status screen (SELECT) and press L1, or press Down on the D-pad. Read the notes if you like, then walk to the back of the diner. You'll see a waitress sitting at a booth. Talk to her if you like, but she won't say anything. In fact, she kinda looks out of it... Continue walking to the back and then to the bottom-right to find a pay phone. Press the X button when you see the X (get it? Corny, I know...) to trigger an event. All phone services are apparently down, and then you'll hear a noise. Mulder will run back out and see the waitress pushing the jukebox over, blocking the way out! Then she'll turn around and attack you. "I'm a Federal Agent and I will fire!" Time to show off your l33t FBI skills! Like I said earlier, the controls are a little hard to get used to. If you can't remember the buttons, press Start and go to Options > Controls to view them. Or you could just look at this guide. ;) Anyway, shoot her three times to kill her. If she gets too close, then run away or fight her off with Square (Melee Attack). After she's taken care of, examine her body for some Aspirin. Go back to the entrance of the diner and go to the lower left. Head to the room in the back and you'll be in the kitchen. Ignore the dead guy and go to the back... wait a minute, HE'S NOT DEAD! AGH! Quickly target and shoot him until he stays down. Examine the wall for a Rag and then examine the body for Roscoe's Keys. Leave the kitchen and go to the door just opposite from it. Examine it to unlock it and go outside. -Holly's Gas Station- Walk towards the screen until the screen changes. Continue walking towards the Dumpster and a short cutscene will play. After the scene, examine the Dumpster to push it aside. Walk through the open area of the fence and towards the gas station. Go around to the side to go inside the store, and toward the counter with coffee. Examine the paper on the counter to get the Map, and then go behind the counter on the right to get a Gas Station Note and a 9mm ammo clip. Now go left and you'll see an X taped on a door to the left. That will be the Save Point for this game, so use it when you can! After stocking up on stuff here and saving, go back outside and to the back some more to find an icebox. Examine it and a killer cat will jump out! Oh my God, it's that awful "Killer Kitties" episode again! Quickly run away and shoot it from a distance, cause it will do serious damage to your legs. After it's gone, examine the icebox again for a First Aid Kit! Woohoo! Now enter the restrooms in the corner. Another cutscene will play, and then two zombies will attack you. It may be hard to see from where you're standing, so pull down on the control stick some so you can see out the door, but not so much that the zombies can touch you! Once they're gone, examine the body of the dead woman in there to get her driver's license, ya dirty thief. Go outside and there will be another zombie there. Be a nice agent and shoot him. Then go over to the station wagon and open the driver's side door. Examine the car again to get a full can of gas. Save again and heal if you need to, then run down and left to the street, the north to a new area. -Syzygy/Humbug Street- Kill the two zombies you meet and examine them for some ammo clips, then go down and you should see a beer store. Pick up the Box of Beer Bottles there. Keep going down the street shooting at the two zombies until you see a video store at the corner. -Wetwired Video- Make you way to the back slowly and..."Grr!" AGH! Recover from your near-fatal heart attack and shoot him, quick! After he's gone, go to the back and left. Examine the desk for a Gate Clicker. Something interesting to note: the movie posters in here have names of certain X-Files episodes, except the Cow Tipping one. XD You can also go into the area the zombie jumped out of for a funny scene involving Mulder's love for porn. Run back to the start of this area and look for a gate. Use the Gate Clicker (press SELECT, then highlight the Clicker and press X) to open the gate and go into a new area. -Double Deuce- Kill off the two guys in here and go forward into the bar. Pick up a 12oz Empty Beer Bottle on the table to the left. Go behind the counter to the right (your right, that is) and pick up another Empty Beer Bottle. Go to the other side and around to find a sauna. Climb up the stairs to the hot tubs and examine the thing on the ground to get the Lighter. Pick up a 9mm ammo clip behind the counter, then examine the button far in the back to open the door. Go inside and examine the video for a cutscene. You can check the other two rooms next to it but there won't be anything except for a zombie. Head into both bathrooms on the right while leaving the sauna (yes, even the girls. Hehehe...) for another ammo clip and a First Aid Kit. Go back outside and towards the mail truck...SURPRISE! Kill that guy and get the Postal Office Back Door Keys. Then examine the back of the truck for a Package. -Syzygy/Humbug Street- Go back to the video store and run past the burning fire truck. I think the enemies that come out of there are infinite, so just run to the next area. -Town Circle- In here, just walk around killing the zombies that appear and pick up whatever ammo they leave behind. When you can't find anymore, run to the center to activate a cutscene. *SPOILER* Mulder will find Mandy, one of the two missing teens, dead. She was hung, a common punishment for those who were accused of being witches several centuries ago. *END SPOILER* You'll receive the Key to the Twins' Trailer. Then, look around for a bench with a dead woman on it. Examine the corpse for the Post Office Front Door Key. Look around for the Post Office and go inside. -Post Office- Go left and through the door in the back. Kill the zombie here and examine the corpse to get an AK-47! JOY! Equip it if you like (SELECT > Highlight weapon and press X), then go into the next room. Walk forward and to the right into a dark part of the room. Examine the area back here for the Master P.O. Box Key, then go through the double doors to end up behind the counter. Check over by the computer for another ammo clip and save your game. Go back to the previous room and through the single door to go outside again. -Lazarus/Ascension Street- Kill off the zombies here, then go right to yet another new area. -Anasazi/Ascension/Conduit Street/Syzygy Avenue- Bust a cap in all of the zombies and make your way around to the back while killing some more zombies. When you see the Sheriff's Office, go inside. -Sheriff's Office- Walk forward and you'll hear some sickening noises and a man screaming for help. Walk to the back and you see a zombie attacking someone behind bars. Shoot him to see a cutscene where Scully saves Mulder's ass... again. ;) *SPOILER* The zombie that attacked the prisoner turns out to be the deputy. Scully cannot believe it because she shot and killed him. Mulder makes a comment about how when one person rises from the dead, everyone has to do it, which prompts Scully to come up with a logical explanation for what happened. Chaco says he doesn't feel good and starts to act weird. Scully says he's going into shock, and Mulder suggests she examines the deputy to find a cure. She doesn't have any equipment though, and she couldn't find any at the clinic cause there's a crime scene lock on it. Mulder suggests they look at the deputy's files to find out the combination. *END SPOILER* After this, Scully will follow you around and cover you if needed. Cute. After the scene examine the body of the sheriff for the File Cabinet Key. Leave this small area and go to the door in the back that isn't locked. Inside you'll find a First Aid Kit. Go back out to the office and examine the file cabinet to the right. Examine it again to get the Sheriff File Folder. Examine the computer in the room to get the Sheriff's Note. Go back to the previous area and look for the Doctor's Office. -Dr. Henry Dawson's Office- When you get there, go to the door in the back and go down the hall. Enter the only room you can go into and take the Aspirin, then use the Save Point (you'll need it, trust me). Return to the locked door and look in the Sheriff File Folder (press SELECT, highlight the folder, and press Square) to get the 5-digit code (for those who are too lazy to look, it's 57383). Enter it into the door to unlock it. Upon entering head left through the door there. If it's too dark in this room use your flashlight (Circle) or turn up your TV's brightness. Pick up the two ammo clips here and then head to the opposite side of the room for a quick cutscene. A zombie will jump out and bite Mulder, then you and Scully have to kill it. Let Scully handle most of the shooting (you'll need your bullets for the next part), but you can get in a few hits if you like. Kicking him while he's down helps too. When you're done a cutscene will play. *SPOILER* Mulder has been bitten by the zombie, and Scully fears he may have been poisoned. She'll need to perform an autopsy to create an antidote. Mulder draws his gun and says he'll make sure she has plenty of room to work. *END SPOILER* After the cutscene you will have to kill off several zombies while Scully does an autopsy. You have to keep them away from Scully so she can do her work. If they get to her and kill her, you'll die too. It can be pretty hard, especially since she can't heal herself and you can't heal her. Just follow the strategy below and you should be fine. First, once this segment begins, quickly run over to Scully and take out the first zombie that appears. Now go over and take care of the rest. If you need to heal yourself, do so. After a minute or so of shooting, Scully will run over to the microscope. You're almost done! Take out the zombies that start appearing. If you run out of ammo, start kicking them or hitting them with your flashlight to stun them momentarily. Eventually Scully will finish and a rather funny cutscene will play. *SPOILER* Scully will give the antidote to Mulder. Mulder says that the way he was feeling, there's no way Chaco could have survived. Fully satisfied with her medical result, Scully says that they can rule out witchcraft. Mulder tells her that just because there's a medical cure, it doesn't rule out a paranormal cause. Scully says she should've stuck the syringe in Mulder's ass instead. Mulder chuckles in response and thanks her for saving him. Scully asks about the other girl, Katlyn, and Mulder says he saw a vision of her. He believes she may still be alive. Scully suggests they check out their trailer in the park to the south. *END SPOILER* After it's over, Scully will help you kill any remaining zombies. If you have no bullets to help her shoot them, just kick them down so she can pick them off easier. Once they're all gone, pick up any ammo clips they have. Explore the closet the zombie doctor came out of to find another well-deserved ammo clip and a First Aid Kit. After this thrilling and somewhat romantic event, go back to the X and save your game. -Hansen's Motel- From the doctor building, head south and to the right until you see an opening in the fence. Go through to arrive at the motel. Go down to room 6, kill the zombie there, and pick up a Bandage under the night table near the door. Leave the area, head north, and look for another opening on the same wall. Go through it to arrive at... -Skyland Park- Make your way to the back of the park, killing any zombies you encounter. Search the ground very carefully to the right of the pen with the dogs in it to find another beer bottle. Enter the Twin's Trailer and pick up the Aspirin Bottle on the dresser to the right. Head to the back and pick up Mandy's Diary for another cutscene. *SPOILER* Scully finds keys that have a tag attached to them. It says "Hector's Garage". Mulder will find Mandy's Diary and discovers that her last entry was dated two weeks ago, and mentions something called the Wheel House. Scully suggests they split up; she'll check the garage while Mulder checks the Wheel House. *END SPOILER* At the end, Scully will leave you to check out the garage mentioned. Leave the trailer park and go all the way back to the Sheriff's Office. Near the building you'll see a gate with a star shape lock on it (or so it says when you examine it). Now press SELECT to view the Inventory, and highlight Mandy's Diary. Press Square to examine it, then press X to examine it some more and find a Pentagram Necklace. Press X when the Pentagram is highlighted to use it on the gate and unlock it. Go inside... -Wheel House- Look for a bottle of Aspirin on a nearby table, then go through the door to be in a room with a lot of gears. Head right and go up the ladder, and go up the ladder in the following room. When you reach the top, walk forward to find a Pentagram on the floor. Pick up Katlyn's Diary for a short cutscene. *SPOILER* Mulder will read from Katlyn's diary, and then a ghostly image of Katlyn will appear before him. She will ask "Where are you? It's safe here. It's so cold..." Mulder will be concerned over how and why these innocent girls got caught up in this. It seems as though he has a personal connection with this case... *END SPOILER* Afterwards, head right and pick up the Bodyguard Videotape. Climb back down both ladders and Scully will call you. After the scene go back to the first room and up the stairs just to the right of the door you just walked through. Find the Save Point up here and use it (you have to stand in a certain spot to use it), then leave and run straight down the street to meet Scully. After a rather amusing scene of Scully squeezing under the garage, the jack will slip out and you two will be split up again. Now you have to find another way to the store. Fun, ain't it? So now go all the way back to... -Post Office- Save your game, then go to the front entrance. A message will appear on the screen saying that there's a text message on Mulder's cell phone. Press SELECT and scroll down to the cell phone, examine it, then examine it again to see it's from an unknown caller. Hmm... it'll also say to check box #1013... Looks for the label that reads "1003-1024".Examine that section to open box 1013. Examine it again for a short cutscene where you find the famous Stiletto! -Wetwired Video- Return here and go to the back room. Examine the Bodyguard Video in your Inventory to get the Video Key. Push the couch in here (hold X and move right), then use the key to unlock the secret passage. Go inside and you'll be at the... -Shop Easy- Go left to meet Scully again, then save your game and enter the store via the door on the far right. There are some good items in here, so get them. There's a beer bottle, a bandage, and an ammo clip somewhere around there. When you have everything, go to the back corner and into that room. Go to the back and take the first left, and enter the right door to find more ammo clips. Go back out and all the way to the end, and open the door there. You'll find Katlyn there, who will join you briefly. Go back out into the store for a cutscene. *SPOILER* Mulder and Scully will try to calm Katlyn down and say they're trying to help her. Katlyn will say the doctors wanted to help them too, so why did they do those terrible things to them? Suddenly the Sheriff will walk in holding a shotgun. Mulder takes a closer look and sees his eyes are clouded with black. He tells Scully to make a run for it and take Katlyn. *END SPOILER* After the scene ends, it will be time for a boss. BOSS: Sheriff At first he'll seem like an ordinary dude with a shotgun, until he unleashes his gigantic purple beam of death. Start off by running away from him so that you're out of range. As the battle goes on you'll notice a purple glow around him getting stronger and stronger. When it's at full glow, he'll fire this beam that deals major damage. When he does this, RUN! After he fires it he'll stand there for a moment. Use this opportunity to shoot him! Keep doing this pattern until the "X" in the corner is no longer green. The Stiletto icon will then appear. Quickly equip it, and when you get the chance, run behind the Sheriff and stab him in the back. Follow the above steps and heal yourself when needed and you'll be fine. After the battle examine the Sheriff for the almighty Shotgun! w00t! Now the back door is jammed, so go out front and save your game. Go left to fight some more zombies, then behind the fence and through the tunnel. -Old Town- You'll be in an old-Western looking town. Kill the cat (poor neko... ;_;) and any zombies you encounter, picking up any ammo they leave behind. Go all the way to the end for a cutscene. *SPOILER* You'll find Katlyn dead. Mulder will call for Scully and get knocked out from behind... *END SPOILER* -Fallout Shelter- After the cutscene Scully will be with you again. Talk to the one person there two more times for some more info. *SPOILER* Mulder learns from Scully that they are in a Cold War bomb shelter. Everyone in town has hid here so the twins will not get them. Mulder will tell the people there that the twins are dead, and that they are not witches. Upon talking further the agents will learn about a doctor named Allan Greenburg and a facility known as Briar Lake. One man, John Gillnitz, will tells Mulder that he sounds like he knows a lot, then leaves. Mulder will realize something and tell the woman to have everyone evacuate immediately because this was a trap. *END SPOILER* Check the table on the left for an ammo clip. Head to the right and examine the chair for a pair of Night Vision Goggles. A cutscene will occur. *SPOILER* Scully tells Mulder that she saw the name Gillnitz on a note on the Sheriff's desk with the initials B.L. next to it. They realize the initials are for Briar Lake, and that Gillnitz is behind the whole thing. They see Gillnitz and Mulder tells him to stop, but he doesn't. *END SPOILER* Afterwards, go back and save your game at the save point. Then go back to the room where you found the goggles. Go into the door on the left and the room after it, picking up any items you see. Put on your goggles in the last room and go through the door. A cutscene will occur where the mines start to collapse. You'll now have to lead Scully through the dark passageway while fighting off zombies. It's pretty much straightforward, but it can be pretty difficult if you just rush in without any idea of what to do. Here's some quick hints on what to expect. - DO NOT RUN cause Scully will lose you, and then you'll have to go back and get her. She's seems to lose you more easily than Mulder does in Scully's game, so walk at a good pace and stop every now and then so she can catch up. Like before, don't let any zombies kill her cause then it's game over for you too. - The trick is to KEEP MOVING at all times, because if you stall it'll just cause more enemies to appear. I think both floors of the mines are timed, too, so you can't waste a lot of time killing enemies. - When you see a bunch of rocks falling in one place, do not walk under it! There'll be an avalanche and you will both die instantly, so steer clear of those areas. - If you keep a steady pace and not stall, you should only encounter one or two zombies before reaching the first ladder. Kick them until they fall down or kill them (if you need to save bullets, just kick them) and keep going. When you reach the first ladder, climb it and those zombies down there won't bother you anymore. - On the second floor, go forward and to the left. There's a lot of zombies here, so get rid of them however you wish (by killing or kicking them down). I recommend only killing a few and kicking down the rest. Either way, keep them away from Scully and keep moving or you'll run out of time. - Go to the very end of the corridor and you'll see a small ramp on the right. Take that path and you'll come to a ladder that will lead you out of this nightmare. -Cable Car House- *SPOILER* If you read your notes, you'll learn that Gillnitz lured the entire community of Red Falls to the mines just to kill them and cover up something even greater. It's really sad... =( *END SPOILER* Go inside the building and save your game at the X, then go forward for a cutscene. Scully will now kill off the zombies coming towards the house while you find a way to power the car. Don't bother helping Scully kill the zombies (unless she calls for you) and focus on getting power to the car quickly before she gets killed. Open the door in the back, aim your weapon, and fire at the guy in the room you opened up. Go in and pick up the Fingerprint Spray from his corpse. DO NOT TOUCH THE ELECTRICITY ON THE PANEL OR YOU WILL TAKE SEVERE DAMAGE! Go to the back and through the opening to reach the control panels for the cable car. Pick up the Rusty Lever and go back into the little room where you got the Fingerprint Spray. Look for a sign that says "Main Power" and attach the Rusty Lever to the panel there, then pull it to turn the power off. Go over to the other lever and pull on it, you should get a message that says power can go to the car now. Pull the other Main Power lever again and power will flow to the car. Scully will rejoin you at this point, and you two can take out the remaining zombies. Save your game again, then quickly board the car before more zombies come and examine the panel to view a cutscene. *SPOILER* Not long after taking off, Mulder and Scully will hear a beeping noise. They look in the corner and see that it's a bomb! Gillnitz set them up! *END SPOILER* The bomb requires a three-digit code to be deactivated. You have less than a minute to disarm it, so quickly use the Fingerprint Spray on the bomb then examine it. However, it doesn't tell you the exact order, so you'll have to try random combinations. If you can't be bothered to try several ones, the correct code is 427. And with that, you've finished Act 1 of Episode 1 with Mulder! You'll also unlock some new storyboards from that act for the Special Features section, and be prompted to save your game, so do so. "That was fun." "I think the fun is just beginning, Scully." ============================================================ ACT 2 - BRIAR LAKE - MULDER ============================================================ Press SELECT and re-equip your weapons (don't know why they suddenly become unequipped). Ignore the dogs, run over to the credenza and to the greenhouse for a cutscene. Continue following the path to the next area. Keep going around until you see a large building. -Briar Lake Institute- Go through the door left of the entrance. Go down to the door at the end with "Allan Greenburg, M.D." on it. Walk to the file cabinets in the corner for a cutscene, then examine the doctor's jacket for Greenburg's Badge and another cutscene. *SPOILER* Scully will find out that Greensburg and Hansen were assigned to a project called Resonance. Mulder believes that through this project a virus was distributed through the building to the people of Red Falls. While Scully looks for computer data, Mulder will decide to look for Greenburg and Gillnitz, who may be in the building. *END SPOILER* Go back to the Lobby and pick up an ammo clip from behind the counter. Examine the panel near the doors behind the counter to gain access. -Security Office- Go left and get the Map from the table. Leave and try to access the elevator at the end, but you'll get denied. Check the notes you just received to learn that Mulder has some special friends that can help you out. In the next hallway, enter the room to the left (your right) and pick up the First Aid Kit. Enter the room opposite it for a save point. Save, then continue down the hall to the second room on your right. Search around for a Blank Security Card, then return to where you got the map. Examine the computer over there. *SPOILER* Mulder will contact The Lone Gunmen via Internet. Ignoring Frohike's question about "the lovely Agent Scully" being with him, Mulder will ask for their help in hacking the Briar Lake Institute security system. Byers will tell you that they discovered that the Institute is getting massive funding from an anonymous source. They will give Mulder a five-digit code and wish him luck. *END SPOILER* Check your notes for the code (or if you're lazy, it's 86592), and look for a black machine on the wall to the left. Use the Blank Security Card and input the code so your card becomes a regular Security Card. Save your game again and use the new card on the elevator. Go inside for a cutscene. *SPOILER* Scully will contact Mulder via cell phone. She'll describe what she found in the Winslow girls' patient files: genetic mapping beyond any current scientific capability. In other words, these girls have DNA unlike any other human being. Mulder will tell her about the security card machine he found and ask her check the second floor for anything. *END SPOILER* Examine the panel to go down to the basement. -Basement- Go down the hall and through the gray double doors on the right. Follow the path to another room and another scene. *SPOILER* Mulder will call Scully and say he found a room with bio-hazardous materials. The containers marked as such have the black oil in them! He concludes that the girls were infected by the black oil, which caused their DNA to be altered. Scully will tell Mulder she's on the way. *END SPOILER* After the scene, go through the door to end up in a room with several containers. They look large enough to hold bodies... pick up the Surgery Bay Key Card on the table at the end. A cutscene occurs where a strange force of energy radiates through the room, and then you'll hear a banging noise. Activate the panel on the wall to the left and the coffins will open. More zombies! Kill them both and get an ammo clip and some shotgun ammo from them too. Leave and approach the double doors to hear a crash, then go inside and kill the guy there... and unleash the black oil! RUN like hell out of there and back to the main hallway, cause it's bye-bye if it touches you. Open the blue double doors and kill the woman there. Unlock the doors here and go inside. Kill the zombie here, then examine the panel to open the door where the two other zombies are. Take them out, go inside, and examine the dead guy in the white coat to get the Reanimation Lab Key Card. Find the save point, save, and go through the double doors here all the way to the next big room. Pick up the First Aid Kit on the table to the left, then pick up the two shotgun ammo sets on the cart in the corner near the giant dome. Go over to the dome and inside for a cutscene, followed by a boss battle. BOSS: Katlyn This is rather easy. Like the Sheriff, Katlyn uses a beam of light that causes major damage. However, since there are no shopping isles in the way, it's much easier to avoid it and her standard swiping attack. Just run around until she uses the beam, then run behind her and shoot her several times. Repeat this until she's dead. Once she's gone, go back to the hallway and enter the area that opened up. Turn right to encounter a dead officer. Check him for a Security Office Key Card, then save at the X up ahead. Go back to the hall and continue down until you reach the security office. Unlock it, then go inside to find a large control panel. The side facing the door has the map, and the other side has two panels to unlock different rooms. One unlocks the containment facility (the room next to the save point), and the other unlocks the armory in the nearby door. Unlock both and go inside the armory for a new weapon: the M4! Pick up some ammo for it and a First Aid Kit in here too. Don't equip your new friend just yet; you'll need it for a boss battle later. Go back to where the save point is, save, then enter the containment facility for a long cutscene. -Containment Facility- *SPOILER* Mulder will pull his gun on the scientists in the room and order them to put their hands up. He'll accuse them of cloning the girls and infecting them with black oil. Someone will touch his shoulder, so Mulder turns around to meet face to face with John Gillnitz, who strikes him with his gun. Gillnitz tells Mulder he knows too much, so he's going to kill him. Before he gets to do so, he is shot from behind. As he falls, we that that it's Krycek who shot him! He proceeds to kill the other scientists in the room. Mulder is angry at him for killing these scientists who could have told him the truth, and asks what kind of game he's playing. Krycek tells him that it's not a game, it's a war. They created Frankenstein, and now it's tearing everything apart. Scully will then show up and put her gun to Krycek's head, ordering him to drop his gun. He does, only to have Mulder punch him in the gut and push him up against the glass. He demands to know what's down there, and Krycek tells him it's his future. The three clones down there are trying to break through a shield to get to an artifact that is alien. Suddenly, the ground rumbles, and another wave of energy is emitted from the artifact. Mulder, Scully, and Krycek are knocked off their feet. Mulder says that "it" is happening again. As Scully tells Mulder they need to leave, Gillnitz suddenly sits up... Krycek will activate the security locks and leave. Mulder and Scully will also head for the door, but Mulder pauses and looks back at the artifact area while Scully goes through. The door closes, and Mulder and Scully are separated again. *END SPOILER* When you regain control, Gillnitz and the two scientists will attack you. Kick them down or stun them with your gun (you absolutely NEED ammo for the next part), then examine the computer to open the locked glass doors. They will only be open for a few seconds, so quickly run inside and go down the stairs through the tube. There are three Katlyn clones down here, and even though your boss battle with one of them was easy, taking on three at a time can be pretty tough. But there's a great trick to killing them: lure them around the area, and have them close enough so that when they swipe at you or use their beam, they will hit one another. Eventually two of them will get killed and you can take down the remaining one. With this strategy your only other concern should be avoiding their attacks and saving your health. It takes some time and patience, but you can do it. After they are dead, approach the artifact and a cutscene will play. *SPOILER* Mulder reaches out to touch the artifact. When he does, a strange bearded man in robes surrounded with blue flames will appear. He will knock Mulder back and say "You will return to me." Then float into the ceiling. Two older men with long beards who are also wearing robes will appear and take the artifact. Then they'll blast a hole in the wall and one will leave. Scully will show up and ask what happened. One of the old men turns around to look at them. *END SPOILER* BOSS: Harvester This guy may seem like a freaking pain to most people, but there's a 100% guaranteed trick to killing him. A lot of people think you have to kill the Katlyn clones before you shoot the boss. Not necessarily. You can still shoot him without killing the clones, but you have to stand on one of the side walkways and not the center platform to shoot him. If you try to shoot him from the center platform, he goes Darth Vader on you and uses some sort of force that prevents you from moving. So when the battle begins, QUICKLY equip the M4 and get close enough to where you can aim at the Harvester, but NOT ON THE CENTER PLATFORM. Shoot the living crap out of him and he'll go down easy. If you're quick enough you can gun him down before he even revives the Katlyn clones. If they do get revived before you kill him, knock them away and go to another walkway to continue shooting. Be sure to help out Scully if they start ganging up on her heavily. Once you win, run over to where the Harvester is to exit this place. *SPOILER* Mulder and Scully will be outside resting up, then two helicopters touch down near them. A man in heavy military gear and mask jumps out and orders another man in similar dress to get them out of here. The two agents will ask who sent them and what is going on, but their questions go unanswered. The mystery man says it's for their own safety and they are escorted to the helicopter. As the helicopter takes off, Mulder and Scully see the whole town go up in flames. Mulder says it's another cover up, and they have no evidence of what really happened there. Scully shows him a computer disk she found and says the answers may be there. *END SPOILER* TO BE CONTINUED. And with that, you have completed all of episode 1 with Mulder! Congratulations! You will also unlock new Storyboards, Concept Art, the B-Roll for the Cigarette-Smoking Man, and the Teaser 2 Movie! ============================================================ EPISODE 2: RESONANCE ACT 1 - FBI HEADQUARTERS - MULDER ============================================================ *SPOILER* A door opens, and we see that it's Krycek. He approaches a desk and says that Mulder made contact, and his reaction was the opposite of what they expected. He tells the man he isn't going to make it. The camera pans over to the desk, and we see an ashtray. As the camera pans the man behind the desk says that it's unacceptable. The camera continues panning upward and we see that it's the Cigarette-Smoking Man. CSM tells Krycek that the success of the project depends on the life and death of Agent Mulder. The opening credits play, and the tagline at the end has been changed to "Trust no one". We open in the FBI Headquarters. Mulder and Scully are in Assistant Director Skinner's office, being briefed. He tells him he read their reports and that despite the work of the firefighters, Red Falls was completely destroyed. He turns to Mulder and says he was disturbed by his reported encounter with Alex Krycek who told him of an artifact. Mulder claims the artifact is indeed alien and that it could return life to anyone within a three-mile radius. Skinner ignores him and asks Scully about the toxin she found. She says that she believes the toxin caused the deaths of the people in Colorado. Skinner tells them that no evidence could be found at the remains of Red Falls, which Mulder tells him was a grade-A cover-up. He says to look for the union label on this one. Sarcasm aside, Skinner says he's helping them, and goes on to say that three of the Colorado murder victim's bodies were found and transferred to Quantico. Scully says she'll head right over, and Skinner says this could be their only chance at finding tangible evidence, unless they had something else. He concludes by telling them to report back when they have results. He also suggests to Mulder that he step back from this case for a while. *END SPOILER* After you regain control, try to leave for yet another cutscene. (Sorry...) *SPOILER* Scully questions Mulder as to why he wants to hide the disk she found. By getting those bodies to Quantico, he surely wants to help them. Mulder says that it's not that he doesn't trust Skinner; he just doesn't trust whom he reports to. He says he rather have the disk decrypted outside the FBI mainstream. *END SPOILER* Once you regain control, go through the double doors in the corner. You can explore the hallways if you want, but you won't find anything except two characters that fans of the show may recognize (see Secrets and Easter Eggs for more info). Go down to the elevator at the end and examine the panel, then go inside to reach the basement office. Go inside for a cutscene. *SPOILER* The Lone Gunmen will be waiting for M&S inside the office. Mulder asks them if they cracked the coding on the disk, and they tell him they did, but it wasn't easy. The surprising thing was the language it was in. Once they broke the coding, they found the information to be completely in Russian, but a simple run through a translator could easily fix it. Frohike tells Mulder to take a look, and Mulder sees the word "Tunguska". Scully recalls that was the place where Mulder was held captive and infected with a virus. An alien virus, corrects Mulder. Mulder reads the document aloud. It says there was an alien artifact unearthed not long ago at an excavation site in Tunguska. Frohike tells him that the document goes on to say a company did experiments involving the artifact known as Roush Biotechnologies. Scully asks if they found anything else, but the Gunmen couldn't. They would do some nosing around and hope to find some more stuff. Mulder thanks them as they leave. *END SPOILER* Walk towards the bottom of the screen towards Mulder's desk for yet ANOTHER quick cutscene (sorry again). *SPOILER* Mulder calls Marita Covarrubias and asks for her help if possible. He says he's sending her a file and wants her to read it. Marita says she'll see what she can do. *END SPOILER* Examine the filing cabinet to open a drawer. Examine it again (you have to be right in front of the open drawer) to get some Sunflower Seeds. Head to the elevator, press the panel again and go inside. And... that's it. O_O Wow, quick act, huh? You get new storyboards as well. ============================================================ ACT 2 - MULDER'S APARTMENT - MULDER ============================================================ Nice place, huh? Go down towards the screen and through the doorway, and down again to find an ammo clip on a counter. Open the door for a cutscene. *SPOILER* Scully walks in, and Mulder asks her what she found. Scully accuses him of hiding things and demands to know what's he not saying. He says he called Marita for her help, which Scully responds to by calling him a fool. Does he really think he can trust her? Mulder gets suspicious and asks what's wrong with her. Scully gets angrier and asks if he trusted Marita more than her. Mulder tries to calm her down, but instead she pulls her gun on her and demands to know what he does. *END SPOILER* Pull out your gun and shoot Scully three times (hard to do it, I know), and yet another cutscene will play... *SPOILER* Scully doubles over, then straightens up. Her body starts to warp and lose shape, and we see who it really is: the Alien Bounty Hunter! *END SPOILER* Okay, now you're in for it! Get the hell away from him, and don't bother trying to kill him. I was able to get far away by running around the coffee table in front of the couch. Run straight to the door and in the next room walk down for a cutscene. *SPOILER* A door will open and a little girl will stand there. Mulder calls out "Samantha?", but there is no response, and the door closes. *END SPOILER* Okay, this is some seriously messed up stuff here. There are numbers above every door, and from what I've gathered there are many different orders to go through them in. Here's one way of doing it. Thanks to Jessa for submitting this info. When the cutscene ends, go through the door that you saw in that movie (it's labeled 00). In the next room, you'll see two doors, one says 04 and the other says 01. There's also an alien, but don't bother killing it. Instead, run to the door labeled 01 and enter. Now there are two doors that read 26 and 07, and another alien. Go through door 07, and run straight down the hall to the only other door in this area. Now the door reads 27, and there's yet ANOTHER damn alien. Run all the way down the hall, ignoring the door on the left, and go through the last door to arrive at... -FBI Headquarters- It's empty... go forward and left to find the Shotgun on the couch there. Run down to the other end of the hall and through the door on the right with the blinds. Pick up the Aspirin Bottle, and talk to the receptionist, who will respond in German... trippy. o_O Go through the door to enter Skinner's office. *SPOILER* Skinner will ask Mulder why he's here in German, then repeat it in English. Mulder responds by saying "This isn't real." Skinner pushes a gun towards him and says that he told him to stay away from this case. He tells him to take the gun, and to "Trust no one". Mulder asks what he's supposed to do. He hears a voice telling him to kill Skinner. Mulder turns and sees the Cigarette- Smoking Man dressed in military attire. He's holding a gun to someone's head, and that someone is Mulder! He has his head down, unconscious, with two wires on his forehead. The CSM rants about how he has the power to kill him, but he also needs another power from Mulder: the power to destroy something. "Now, kill him!" *END SPOILER* BOSS: Skinner Oh boy, this isn't pretty. His receptionist has also come by with an AK-47! Don't worry, though, cause this is actually pretty simple. Your main target should be his receptionist, so take her out and pick up the AK-47 and a First Aid Kit from her. Then equip the AK-47 or the Shotgun and shoot Skinner until he dies. Just avoid their attacks and you'll do fine. Examine Skinner's body for Skinner's Key. Use it on the double doors and leave. -Mulder's Apartment- You're in your apartment... again. Go over to the computer and make good use of the save point on the window. Go through the doorway for yet another cutscene. *SPOILER* Scully and the Gunmen will be waiting. Scully tells Mulder that he isn't feeling well and needs to get into bed. Byers also tells him that they found a direct link between Roush Biotechnologies and the alien conspiracy. Langly and Frohike crack some jokes about Plan 9 From Outer Space, but Byers just ignores them and says they found files dating back to 1947, something called the Aurora Project. He goes on to say that all the answers to their questions were in those files. Mulder doesn't respond, which prompts Langly to ask what's wrong. Scully tells him to lie still so she can give him an injection... *END SPOILER* QUICKLY run away from Scully into the living room. If you try to shoot her, or if she gets too close, it's game over. Run around the coffee table and try to get some distance between the two of you. Head out the door and to the elevator. Quickly press the button and go inside. Go down and to the left, ignoring or killing the zombies here. Go into the elevator... -Cathedral- Wow. This is absolutely one of the most impressive areas in the game. Walk down the path and go inside. Keep going through all the rooms until you see a huge altar with the artifact on it and a guy in front of it. Approach him for a cutscene. *SPOILER* The man turns around to reveal himself as the strange man Mulder encountered at the Briar Lake Institute, the one who stole the artifact. He says he's not a disciple, and is not here to serve him. Mulder asks about this place, and the man says it's his mind, but it's turning on him. He says he is the one who prays to the angels, the ones that will bring about the day of reckoning. "You have found me!" *END SPOILER* He'll then summon these two Harvester-looking things and disappear. Now what I'm about to say may startle you, but trust me, it's no joke: DO NOT kill them. Instead, have them kill you. You'll see why... *SPOILER* Mulder awakens in his apartment, and demands to know what was just injected into him. He looks up and sees that Marita Covarrubias was the one who injected him, and she says the antidote she gave to him was to counteract the radiation going through him. Mulder concludes that the artifact is indeed alien, and it is giving off CGR (Cosmic Galactic Radiation), which is what caused him to have those weird hallucinations. He resolves to call Scully, and Marita then tells him that she discovered more about Tunguska. She tells him that if he's going to Tunguska, he needs to leave tonight. Mulder calls Scully, and she tells him their nervous systems are emitting something that is reacting to the toxin. Mulder says it's caused by the CGR they were exposed to from that artifact. Scully asks how he knows, and he says Marita is there and gave him an injection. Scully also says that she caught her own infection just in time, and asks what Marita is doing there. Mulder says that he asked for her help, and that she has arranged a flight to Tunguska. He has reason to believe the artifact was returned there, but not for long. Scully says they found more information about Roush, but questions why he is returning to Tunguska based on... what? Mulder says she just has to trust him, and to find what she can on Roush, cause he needs to go. After hanging up, Marita gives him a passport. *END SPOILER* TO BE CONTINUED Yeah, I know it's short, but ya finished it! For beating this episode, you get new storyboards, concept art, and the Krycek b-roll. Now go rest, play as Scully, or browse through the Special Features, cause something tells me this next episode won't be easy... ============================================================ EPISODE 3: RECKONING ACT 1 - TUNGUSKA - MULDER ============================================================ *SPOILER* Mulder awakens to find himself surrounded by a group of Russians. They all have a missing arm. One of them speaks to Mulder in Russian, but Mulder says he doesn't understand. The man then speaks in English and says he must be taken to a camp for protection. Mulder says he doesn't need protection, and that he knows about the tests. He then sees one of the men removing a knife from a bed of hot coals, and quickly tells them that it's not the answer. Removing the left arm does nothing. His pleas fail, however, as the men continue to surround him. The opening credits play, and this time the tagline at the end has been changed to the game's subtitle: Resist or Serve. *END SPOILER* IMMEDIATELY run away from the men. Head to the back first, then go around them to the left and down towards the screen. Whew... you've escaped, but you have nothing in your inventory! Like Mulder's notes say, you must be cautious until you find a weapon. Head forward and enter the small cabin on the right for a First Aid Kit, then go through the other door here. "Wolves... great." Great indeed. Quickly run down until the camera goes behind Mulder, then go left until you see some double doors. Go inside and you'll get away from those evil wolves... for now. Pick up the Map from the one desk here, then save your game. Head into the other door here, then go down the hall until you see another hallway branching off to the left. Go down this hall, enter the door, and you'll see a desk with your beloved Pistol on top! HORRAY! BUT, don't get all trigger-happy with it. Now is the time to start saving ammo kicking enemies to death instead, cause the bosses you fight later will require a LOT of ammo, especially the final one. So save all that you can, unless you decide to cheat. ;) But for the rest of this guide, when I say to kill a zombie I'm saying to KICK it, not shoot. You can shoot them if you'd like, but don't say I didn't warn ya... Examine the dead dude at the desk for a Business Card, then examine it via the Inventory. Rotate the card to the back to see a number (275), then go to the double doors and use that number on the keypad. Head to the back of this room and into the cell to find two ammo clips. Leave and go up to the first single door you saw. Enter this area and you'll see some doors on your right (Mulder's left). The first one has nothing, the second has a zombie (which you may kill if you like), and the third has a First Aid Kit. Return to the hallway and go down to the end. Enter the door on the left, kill the zombie here, then pick up the Lieutenant's Key from it. Open the various chests in here, and among them you will fine two First Aid Kits and your Flashlight too! Return to the save point and save again, then go back to the hall and to the end. Go through the door to end up back outside. Go right (ignore the wolves if you wish), up the small stairs, and through the door. Kill the zombie in here and pick up an ammo clip from him. Go down the hall he came from, and pick up the First Aid Kit on the table here. Open the left door, kill the zombie, and pick up the Metal Gate Key from him. Return to the first room in this building and open up the metal gate here to find an ammo clip inside. Return to the room the zombie with the key was in, and look around in the two cells for the Shotgun and ammo for it as well. Head out the door. Kill the wolves here with your gun, then climb up the one set of steps for yet another First Aid Kit. Head down and it's time for a boss. BOSS: Avatar This guy can be pretty frustrating, cause he keeps reviving the wolves, and they can make the battle even more frustrating. Also, he's in the very back of the area, while the wolves are in the front, so you'll have to run pretty fast back and forth between the two. A good plan is to take out the wolves with the Pistol, then use the Shotgun on the boss himself until you can't damage him. When he glows, that means he's reviving the wolves, so equip the Pistol and prepare to take them out again. Keep in mind that just like the Harvester in episode 1, Avatar can use a force that prevents you from moving if you get too close. He also has the ability to teleport to three different corners of the small area he's in, which can get kinda annoying. Be patient, make good use of the First Aid Kits, and you'll be fine. Go back to the double doors you passed on your way here and go inside. -Toxic Storage Building- Go through the sliding doors here, then left and through more sliding doors for a cutscene. *SPOILER* Marita calls Mulder and tells him to leave, as Krycek and his gang think he's dead. Mulder accuses Marita of working with them, of leading him to Russia. Marita ignores him and says Scully is waiting outside the south exit with a helicopter. She says to find her and leave, then hangs up. *END SPOILER* Kill the zombie here (if you're kicking him to death, it'll take a while). Then go down to find a computer with a save point (a much needed one at that). Go back to the main room and kill the zombie here, then go up the steps and to the end for a First Aid Kit. Go back to the room with the save point, save, then head out through the one door here. Head into the double doors, up the hall and through the door here for a cutscene. *SPOILER* Mulder will find the Cigarette-Smoking Man strapped into an electric chair. Krycek then sneaks up from behind and knocks Mulder unconscious. The Entity then appears to Mulder in the darkness and says some stuff about destruction and how Mulder is just a man (I really couldn't understand). Scully then shows up and awakes Mulder. She informs Mulder that she saw Krycek. Mulder says he also found the Smoking Man, and says that he was led here to find a ship. A spaceship, that is, that crashed into the Siberian landscape 100 years ago. He claims the alien virus has connected him to the ship, and that he can find it out there. Scully then tells him about the pictures she found of him and the CSM at Roush, and how there was genetic material transferred from Mulder's brain to CSM's. Mulder doesn't understand, because if CSM has the same material, then he also responds to the alien ship the same way. So why does he need him? Scully says cause it's killing both of them, and helps Mulder to his feet, saying that they have to leave. *END SPOILER* Go down the hall into the room there, and you can find an ammo clip on one of the beds. Examine the one door in here to find that it's jammed, but it adds on to your notes some. Leave the building and head north to open the one door here. *SPOILER* Mulder and Scully will find Marita Covarrubias inside the room. She will say that Krycek locked her up after he discovered Mulder was still alive. That's why she placed a tracking device in his passport so she could keep an eye out for him, and have Krycek believe the lie. Scully asks why bring Mulder all this way just to save him. Marita believes that these deceptions could lead Mulder to a deeper truth, one he needs to find. She also mentions the Entity that Mulder encountered, how he has been infused with the power from the alien artifact. Once the shell surrounding the artifact at Briar Lake was broken, the Entity was able to get his power. A power that the Smoking Man thought he could resist. Scully asks where the men are now, and Marita says they've gone to find the artifact. She doesn't think any of them will survive. *END SPOILER* Now Marita will tag along too. Nice... Go back and save your game, then return to the main room. *SPOILER* Marita will get a call. A man will say "Say goodbye to Mulder for me." It's Krycek! Mulder shouts for everyone to run, and then a gas tank is knocked over, separating Marita from the agents. *END SPOILER* Quickly run back to the previous room, cause you'll die if you stay in the room with the leaking gas too long, and save when the cutscene ends. Go back outside for another cutscene, and then you'll be alone again. Run down into the room with all the beds, and a cutscene. *SPOILER* Krycek will be in a room above, speaking through an intercom. Mulder threatens to kill him, which Krycek brushes off and tells Mulder that he's finished. *END SPOILER* Quickly run to the one door that was locked before and run inside. Knock down the zombie and open the door to the left and head outside. Whew! *SPOILER* Mulder will see Scully's helicopter in the sky, and winces as it makes a crash landing. He runs over to check on Scully, who has fallen out of the helicopter. So much for their ride out of here. *END SPOILER* Head north and you'll see a large truck here. Ignore the zombie that appears and examine the truck to end the act. *SPOILER* Scully is hesitant to go find the spaceship Mulder wants to find, and thinks that they are being led into a trap. Mulder claims that it has to be there, and needs to know the truth (I can't remember exactly what he said. Can someone help me out here?). Scully says if he's going, he can't go alone. They drive off. *END SPOILER* Only one more act to go! You get some new storyboards, as usual. ============================================================ ACT 2 - MONESTARY - MULDER ============================================================ -Old Fort Ruins- *SPOILER* Mulder and Scully arrive at some old ruins. Mulder says that it looks like Krycek used the place as a hideout, and Scully notices the lake is being drained. Mulder is convinced that there are more ruins out there, and the spaceship is buried beneath them. Scully shows him the artifact piece she found at Roush and says it's the best evidence they have. If they study the artifact, it could be the key to unlocking the mystery behind everything they've been searching for, the answer to every question about the X-Files! So what more does Mulder want to find here? "The truth." *END SPOILER* Here we go! Keep in mind that if you want to survive the final boss, you should start saving ammo now. Run into the small brick maze thing and kill the zombie by KICKING it, then go to the helicopter in the back and kill the zombie there. You'll see some barrels nearby on the right. Walk up to them and examine the middle one to get a Crowbar, then head right until you see a barn. Go inside and to the end, killing the zombies you encounter. At the other end of the barn, you should find an Empty Gas Can. Head back to where you got the Crowbar and go inside the ruins. Kill the guy here, then look around for a computer monitor glowing green. Ooo... you'll find an ammo clip and the Map here, but it's kinda hard to see them. Continue on and you'll find Night Vision Goggles and a First Aid Kit on the barrels to the right. You'll also find a boat, but it needs fuel... Return to the truck that Mulder and Scully used to get here, and face the front. Use the Crowbar to open the hood, then examine it to get a Rubber Hose. Now go back to the helicopter in the corner and go to the left side. You'll see a door marked "FUEL". Examine it to open it, then go to your inventory and combine the Empty Gas Can and the Rubber Hose. Use your new item to fill the can with gas. Go back to the boat you found earlier and use the Full Gas Can to fill it up. *SPOILER* Mulder and Scully will be on the water, and it's very dark. Scully thinks they've hit shallow water, but Mulder says he can't see the bottom. They hear something moving in the water, and suddenly a huge tentacle comes out of the water, grabs Mulder, and pulls him under. Scully leans over the side to find him, only to find herself being attacked by a tentacle as well. *END SPOILER* -Cross Chapel- You're underwater! Cool! But don't relax, cause it's about to get hard. Go inside and you'll hear a voice... and see some rats! YIKES! Kick them to death (although it only takes one bullet to kill them, Mulder tends to miss half the time), then head right and save your game. Examine the desk on the wall opposite the save point for the Gold Key. Go into the other room on the left, kill the rat, and examine the desk for some Shotgun ammo. Save your game again, then return to the left room and through the double doors. Equip the Pistol and head left. As soon as the camera angle changes, shoot the man standing there and he'll run away. As you go after him, you'll learn that it's Krycek. Keep chasing him, shooting him whenever he stops. Don't get too close or he'll unload his AK-47 on you, and it's an automatic game over cause it's impossible to escape from it. Keep chasing him up to the top and a cutscene will play. *SPOILER* Mulder finds Krycek on the ground at the top, but he's still alive. The Cigarette-Smoking Man is there too, and assures Mulder that Krycek will pay for what he's done. He says Krycek deceived him, and tried to take something important from him. Something from all of them, actually. CSM tells Mulder that more than anyone, he deserves to see what's down there. It's not just a ship, it's much more than that; there's actual alien life down there with it, waiting to be awakened! He tells Mulder he's opened the door for him, and shown him which path to take. Mulder begins to wobble and falls to the ground. Before he loses consciousness, CSM gives him a piece of advice: resist or serve. Mulder suddenly comes to, and stand up. CSM and Krycek are gone. *END SPOILER* Pick up a 9mm ammo clip here, then go down the tower and back into the church. Feel free to hum the theme song as it plays... come on, you know you want to! As soon as you get into the main room of the chapel, it will be time for a boss. BOSS: Eyeless Oh man, this guy is so hard... NOT. Just run away from him and get enough distance between the two of you, then turn around and shoot (Shotgun works well). Remember to reload manually (press L1) so you don't waste time with the rather long auto-reload animation. Avoid his attacks and you'll be fine. Examine his body after the battle for the Silver Key, then combine it with the Gold Key to get the Chapel Key. Save your game, then use your new key on the one door here. Go inside and put on the Night Vision Goggles, then go down the ladder. -Sunken Chapel Basement- Take care of the zombie here, then look around in this room for an ammo clip. Enter the tunnel and weave your way through, knocking off the zombies one by one. There's also a First Aid Kit and two ammo clips somewhere in here (one is on a dead body in the second tunnel you come across). When you get to the tunnel with the room in the corner, head left to find another room. Be careful in here on account of the rats, and look around for some stairs. One set leads you to a room with some dead bodies... and the FLAMETHROWER! At long last! The other set has a First Aid Kit and a save point. Save your game and go back to the previous tunnel and into the corner room to find Scully! Climb the ladder to leave this smelly place. -Monastery Outer Sanctum- Go up some and left to find a save point on a statue. SAVE NOW! Then approach the altar. *SPOILER* The two agents see an old man dressed in robes, and think he looks normal. Then they see his eyes are clouded with black, and decide that normal isn't the best word. "Scully, RUN!" *END SPOILER* IMMEDIATELY after you regain control, RUN back and take cover behind a pillar on either the left or right side. Wait for the enemies to come to you and then take them out with the Pistol. When they're all dead, examine all four of them to get the AK-47 and tons of ammo. Run back and save your game one more time, then go to where the old man was. After the cutscene, you'll be alone again. Go right and you'll find a tall door... Inside, walk to the center of the room for a quick cutscene, and afterwards you'll arrive at... -Alien Spaceship- Wow... look carefully in the middle of the room and you'll find a much-needed First Aid Kit. Go down the north hallway... -Cathedral- It's this place again! But this time you're here for a greater purpose. Approach the figure in the distance, and it's time for the big finale. *SPOILER* Mulder sees the Entity float before him, and says that this isn't real, that he was just a man. The Entity taunts Mulder by saying he THINKS he can defeat him, that somewhere in his mind he hopes to find the answer. Mulder: "The answer! The tool of your destruction!" *END SPOILER* FINAL BOSS: The Entity Here we go! If you didn't save ammo like I suggested earlier, then you're in a heap of trouble. Then again, even if you DO have lots of ammo, it still won't be easy, especially if you're low on healing items like I was. This is seriously the hardest boss in the game, so don't get angry if you die a lot. It takes several tries before you can beat him. If you just can't do it and feel the need to use cheats, then by all means do so. Mulder's version of the final boss has five forms, each form being fought in a certain location from the game. You are given short breaks in between each one to stock up on various items... as well as fight off some nasty looking aliens. Fun, huh? You ready? Let's do this! 1ST FORM - Pretty simple. It's like the Eyeless boss you fought earlier mixed in with the Pyro (from Scully's game) and the Harvester. He uses a little of each of their attacks. He has the Harvester's force (used when you're too close to him), the Eyeless' blue fireballs (can be avoided by running), and the Pyro's fire shield. Despite all this, he's still easy... for now. If you're confident in your amount of ammo, then blast away with whatever you got (try to save the AK-47, though). However, there's a great way to hurt him without even shooting him. When he shoots the fireballs, run around him so that he turns and follows you. If he gets close enough he'll end up running into his own fireball and inflict damage on himself! It takes a while, but keep doing this until the X is black, then fire off some 9mm rounds to finish him. -Alien Spaceship- You'll end up back in a chamber of the ship. Kill the alien that appears (you may have to sacrifice some bullets, cause it's hard to kill it physically), then search the northeast corner of the room to find the Shotgun. Then search the north hall for a First Aid Kit and the east one for Flamethrower Fuel. Keep going to arrive at the next form. -Tunguska- 2ND FORM - Same as before, but now there's a zombie with him that he'll keep reviving if you kill it. Kill it first, then go after Entity. He still uses his fireballs, but it's harder to have him run into them when there's another enemy to contend with. One piece of advice for me to give here is to keep your distance from the two of them and not get trapped between them and a wall or you'll get your ass kicked. There are also items laying about, which include a Flamethrower that's right behind you when you start, and a First Aid Kit (or a 9mm clip? Not sure which) at the top of some stairs on the other end of the area. Now back to the boss himself. He may seem tougher when he has some zombie buddies to help him out, but there is a GREAT trick to killing him that will help out a lot in this round and the next two rounds. Kill the zombie first with whatever you like (standard 9mm bullets work well), and then wait for the Entity to revive it. When the Entity starts glowing and waving his hands around, pull out the AK-47 and let loose on him! His health will drop a LOT when you do this, making for a quick and easy victory. Take care of him and you'll move on. -Alien Spaceship- Kill the guy here, then go to the east for a First Aid Kit. Go up the north hallway for some AK-47 ammo, then continue on. -Briar Lake Institute Basement- 3RD FORM - Now he's got two zombies with him, as well as the energy beam used by the Sheriff and the Katlyn clones from episode 1. It's kinda hard to avoid the zombies as well as Entity's Darth Vader-ish force, but you should be okay. As you did in the last round, take out the two zombies with a weapon of your choice, then focus on the Entity when he revives them to deal some good damage. Be wary of his beam attack. When the purple glow around him gets really bright, get out of the way! It's kinda tough, but you can do it! -Alien Spaceship- Oh boy, now there's two aliens to deal with. Take them out, then look in the upper right corner for some more Flamethrower Fuel. Go north for another First Aid Kit, then east for more AK-47 ammo and the next battle... -Shop Easy- 4TH FORM - And then there were three... Start off by looking in the front of the store for some Flamethrower Fuel and a Bandage. I think there's an ammo clip around here too. Then run to the back and you'll see the body of the Sheriff. Examine him to get the Stiletto (YOU NEED THIS!). Now for the boss himself; as you've done before, kill all (or at least one) of the zombies so the Entity does his little revival ceremony thing. Shoot the crap out of him while he does this and he'll go down easy. Sadly, this is the last time you get to use this trick... -Alien Spaceship- 5TH FORM - If you made it this far without cheating, you're pretty damn good. Upon starting this battle, you'll see that the Entity is now a huge nasty alien. He doesn't have any of his old attacks; just standard swiping and biting attacks like the normal aliens. He's also got some dash attack that causes you to catch on fire, but that can be avoided. However, he now has the power to heal himself, which is VERY annoying, especially if you get him down really low and he recovers. When you see a blue shield appear around him, don't hit him cause he's healing and is indestructible at that time. On top of all that, there's ALIENS! HUNDREDS OF THEM! Well, maybe not hundreds, but it sure feels that way because there will be a steady stream of them coming out of the tunnels. Yes, they are annoying, but they are your only source of ammo in this battle. So kill them when you can and pick up whatever they have. With all of the above info in mind, let's take him out! First off, pick up the First Aid Kit in the middle of the floor. If your gun is out, put it away cause it'll slow you down when getting it. Look in the upper left corner for a gun (I think it's the AK-47 but I'm not sure), then it's time to take down Entity once and for all. Start off by getting rid of the aliens surrounding the area. This is where the Flamethrower comes in handy. Use it to wipe out the aliens and do some damage to Entity while you're at it. Once the aliens are dead, it's time to go ballistic until the next batch of aliens arrive. Use everything you got on Entity and drain his health as much as you can. Beware his shield, which as said restores a good chunk of his health. I think you have to be within close range for him not to use it. If you happen to run out of ammo (and that is very likely to happen, so don't panic if it does), kick the aliens to death and hope that one of them drops a 9mm ammo clip. Keep repeating this pattern until his life meter reaches black. Once Entity's health is gone, the Stiletto icon will show up, and he will fall to his knees. IMMEDIATELY equip the Stiletto, run behind him, and press Square to stab him. I think you have to stab him 2-3 times. This will deliver the final blow to the Entity, finishing him for good and ending this long, frustrating, awesome battle. Kill off any remaining aliens then head north... *SPOILER* A rope will be lowered from the ceiling. Mulder grabs on, then takes one last look at the pods containing alien life before climbing up. Once he reaches the top, he tells Scully about the alien life below and begs her to go back down with him. Scully ignores his request and shouts that they have to leave now. A ray of light suddenly shoots up through the hole. *END SPOILER* Go forward and leave the room, then go south down the long hall to the big doors. You can still use the save point, but it's kind of useless cause you're practically done. Go out the large doors, then examine the boat for the final cutscene. CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully completed the game with Fox "Spooky" Mulder! Enjoy the great ending (which I won't spoil for you, cause I'm nice). You'll unlock the last batch of storyboards, more concept art, the finale movie, as well as his Final Notes. Save and take a nice long break. ============================================================ EPISODE 1: RENASCENCE ACT 1 - RED FALLS - SCULLY ============================================================ *SPOILER* The prologue will play, which shows a Russian man leading his wife, who is holding their baby son, through the snow and trees to show them something amazing. They arrive at a cliff and the man shows his wife what he has found: a bright light hovering in the sky. The light gradually grows bigger, and they realize it is falling towards them. They run away as the light hits, and a large explosion of energy radiates from the impact site. The couple tries to outrun it but their efforts are futile, and they are killed. However, their baby survives... only to be surrounded by a strange black goo... The classic opening credits from the show plays, followed by a movie of Mulder and Scully. They are driving their car to a town called Red Falls, located in Colorado, where they must investigate a new case they were assigned. Two twin girls, Mandy and Katlyn Winslow, have been accused of practicing witchcraft. Their practices have been connected to a string of murders that occurred recently in town. Just recently, the two girls have gone missing. The two agents begin to have one of their classic debates over whether witchcraft had anything to do with the murders, and if it exists at all. Scully suddenly tells Mulder to stop the car. They get out and find a body in the road. Scully tends to the person while Mulder goes into the nearby diner to use the pay phone since their cell phones can't get a signal. As Scully struggles to keep the man alive, he suddenly loses consciousness. Scully put her hand to his neck to find a pulse, and curses when she finds out it's too late; the man has died. Or so it seems... suddenly, the man sits up and grabs her by the neck. Scully is thrown to the ground, but she quickly recovers. *END SPOILER* As soon as you can control Scully, kill the man. Pick up two 9mm ammo clips from him and head left into an ally. The action icon will appear, so press X to climb on top of the dumpster and jump the fence into a new area. -Hansen's Motel- A cutscene will play in which Mulder and Scully talk to each other via two-way radio. Walk towards the motel and go right to enter the check-in area. Go over to the bookshelf on the far wall to get the Map, then look behind the counter for a Motel Room Key. Save your game at the X here, then head to room 6 at the other end of the building. A quick cutscene will play upon entering the room. Kill the zombie, then pick up the Bandage from the night table. Go over to the corpse the zombie was feeding off of and pick up the Gatebox key. Head outside, save again, then go over to the chain-link fence. Examine the gray box there to open the way to a new area. -Lazarus/Ascension/Conduit Street- Kill the zombies here, picking up anything they leave behind. Then enter the building with Dr. Henry Dawson written on the door. -Dr. Henry Dawson's Office- Go down towards the screen, then left to the darkest corner of the room (the flashlight is rather useful here). Enter the only door that you can open, then examine the door across from it to add on to your notes some more. Go down the hall and through the door on Scully's left. Examine the dead body in here for Scully's rather gruesome description of how the girl died, then pick up the Aspirin Bottle here. Save your game and leave. Enter the next area. -Anasazi/Ascension/Conduit Street/Syzygy Avenue- Kill the zombies near the entrance, then carefully approach the broken window. I say carefully cause a zombie jumps out and attacks you. Kill him, then look near the window for some Boltcutters. Go around the perimeter of the area, killing off any zombies you find. When you're done, head north to the Sheriff's Office. -Sheriff's Office- Walk forward and Scully will call out to the Sheriff. No response... go to the back and open the gated door here. Enter for a cutscene. *SPOILER* The man in the cell will be complaining about something or another. Scully will approach him and ask him his name and about Katlyn and Mandy Winslow. He tells her his name is Chaco, and that the girls are both witches. He will also go on to say how the Sheriff was crazy for letting them practice witchcraft and instead locking him up for being drunk. Scully notices a vial of medicine on the floor and asks him how long it's been since he last had his medicine. When he tells her it's been too long, she resolves to go get more for him. Chaco tells her there's some in his trailer at the park to the south, then asks her if she was one of the witches. Scully warns him not to make it where she won't help him and goes to get his medicine. *END SPOILER* Leave the cell area, and on the way out Chaco will yell that his keys are on the desk. First go to the bathroom on right (Scully's left) and pick up a First Aid Kit. Then go out to the main office and examine the computer on the far wall to get the Sheriff's Note. Examine the desk to the right of the front door to get the Keys to Chaco's Trailer. Head back outside and go all the way back to where the clinic is, then search the western wall for a sign that says "Skyland Park". However, you can't open the gate, but we have just the tool for that. Use the Boltcutters on the gate and proceed. -Skyland Park- Head to the back of the park, disposing of two zombies along the way, and look for the trailer to the left of the dog cage. Go inside, laugh at Scully's comment, and then look around for some goodies. Pick up an Empty 40oz Beer Bottle from the chair along with Chaco's Medication from the top of the TV. There's also an ammo clip on the dresser and a Cigarette Lighter on the bed. Go back outside and there will be a cutscene in which the dogs break out of the cage! Ignore them for now and run out of there. Head back to the Sheriff's Office. -Sheriff's Office- You'll hear Chaco screaming for help, followed by some gunshots. Quickly run to the back and you'll see Mulder get attacked by a zombie. Shoot him quickly for a cutscene. *SPOILER* The zombie that attacked the prisoner turns out to be the deputy. Scully cannot believe it because she shot and killed him. Mulder makes a comment about how when one person rises from the dead, everyone has to do it, which prompts Scully to come up with a logical explanation for what happened. Chaco says he doesn't feel good and starts to act weird. Scully says he's going into shock, and Mulder suggests she examines the deputy to find a cure. She doesn't have any equipment though, and she couldn't find any at the clinic cause there's a crime scene lock on it. Mulder suggests they look at the deputy's files to find out the combination. *END SPOILER* Once the scene ends, Mulder will follow you around for a while. Cute. ^_^ Pick up the File Cabinet Key from the deputy's body and go back out to the main office. Examine the file cabinet to the right to unlock it, then examine it again for the Sheriff's File Folder. Go over to the desk where you got the Sheriff's Note and examine it to get the Sheriff's Warning. Leave and return to the Doctor's Office. -Dr. Henry Dawson's Office- Go to the save point and save, then go to the locked door at the end and input the five-digit code as seen in your notes and the Sheriff's File Folder. Go into the newly open room and through the door close to you. Get two ammo clips inside, then go back out. Examine the counter to the left where the microscope is for a Box of Slides, then go to the opposite end of the room for a quick cutscene. Afterwards, kill the zombie and another cutscene will play. *SPOILER* Mulder has been bitten by the zombie, and Scully fears he may have been poisoned. She'll need to perform an autopsy on the victim to create an antidote. Mulder draws his gun and says he'll make sure she has plenty of room to work. *END SPOILER* Now you'll have to perform an autopsy on the zombie you just killed while Mulder kills zombies for you. You have to be quick, because Mulder will die if you take too long. Firstly, press Square to open the tray. Select the box of gloves and the safety goggles and press X to equip those. DO THIS BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE! You HAVE to have those equipped or else you'll get poisoned when you try to make an incision. Now select the scalpel (far right) and close the tray. Then cut the body in the following order (you'll know you're at the right spot when you see a little icon appear): Upper left shoulder, upper right shoulder, center of chest, lower abdomen. If you have a weak stomach, try to calm down and concentrate. Open the tray again and select the syringe, then position it over the white mass near the center and press X to fill it with bile. That's it for the autopsy, but you still have work to do. You may want to help Mulder clear the room of zombies before continuing, as they are gathering in rather large numbers. Go to your inventory and combine the bile from the autopsy with the slides, then use that new slide on the microscope you saw earlier. Scully will name off a certain amount of chemicals to use to make the antidote. It's kinda hard to hear though cause she talks really fast and quietly (slow down, Gilly!). If you can't hear it, here is the correct order for it: 4, 3, and 2. Once you get it right, you'll have it. Run over to Mulder and you should see a spinning X logo. Talk to Mulder for a rather funny cutscene. *SPOILER* Scully will give the antidote to Mulder. Mulder says that the way he was feeling, there's no way Chaco could have survived. Fully satisfied with her medical result, Scully says that they can rule out witchcraft. Mulder tells her that just because there's a medical cure, it doesn't rule out a paranormal cause. Scully says she should've stuck the syringe in Mulder's ass instead. Mulder chuckles in response and thanks her for saving him. Scully asks about the other girl, Katlyn, and Mulder says he saw a vision of her. He believes she may still be alive. Scully suggests they check out their trailer in the park to the south. *END SPOILER* Kill off any remaining zombies, then explore the closet the doctor came out of for an ammo clip and First Aid Kit. If you forgot to put on the gloves and goggles during the autopsy, use one of the Antidotes. You know, I've always thought it would be funny to see Scully get stoned as hell and acting all trippy kinda like she is when poisoned in the game. Yeah... ANYWAY, save your game and go back to Skyland Park. -Skyland Park- If you followed my advice and didn't kill the dogs earlier, you'll now see why. Since Mulder's got your back, he'll be able to help you kill these crazy canines with ease. Ain't he great, ladies? *swoon* Anyway, continue on to the trailer at the very back end of the park and go inside. Pick up the Aspirin Bottle here, then examine the jacket on the chair for Hector's Garage Keys. *SPOILER* Scully finds keys that have a tag attached to them. It says "Hector's Garage". Mulder will find Mandy's Diary and discovers that her last entry was dated two weeks ago, and mentions something called the Wheel House. Scully suggests they split up; she'll check the garage while Mulder checks the Wheel House. *END SPOILER* Mulder will leave you to go check the Wheel House. Exit the trailer and go back to the previous area. Go past the entrance to the motel and you'll come across another zombie. Take him out and examine him for the Post Office Back Door Key. Go right and enter the Post Office with your newly obtained key. -Post Office- Go through the double doors to find an ammo clip and a save point. Leave and go through the next two doors to arrive in the main area. Kill the zombie here and steal an ammo clip from him, then leave. -Town Center- Okay, we're in another zombie-infested area. Get your gun ready and bust a cap in everyone's ass. Walk to the center over to Mandy's body to add on to your notes some. Go down to the next area. -Humbug/Syzygy Avenue- Run down the street while killing any zombies you find. Continue running until you reach the gas station. Funny easter egg: If you go inside the video store, kill the guy, then walk into the Adult section behind him, Scully will comment about how it's is smaller than Mulder's collection. HAHAHAHAAAAA... hey wait a minute, how does she know THAT?! *raises eyebrow* -Holly's Gas Station- Inspect the station wagon once to open the door, and again to find a Full Gas Can. Enter the bathroom to find a dead woman. Examine her to get Anne Dawson's Driver License. I don't think it you can use it for anything, but it does add on to your notes some. Go inside the convenience store and get the Gas Station Note from behind the counter. Save your game here and then go through the door. Go left to find a desk and get a new weapon: a Magnum! Ooh, it shines... go back to the door and examine the panel with the up and down arrows, and the car will rise up... and so will a boss! BOSS: Hector This battle is actually really easy. The only hard thing is having to time everything right. You have to lead Hector over to the car and then quickly activate the panel to make the car fall on him. It can be tricky cause it takes a while for the car to move, and by the time it falls he'll have moved away from it. You can do it, though. ;) Drop the car on him three times to kill him. Investigate the newly-opened cabinet for a Scissor Jack and a Cigar Box. Examine the Cigar Box through the Inventory (SELECT > Highlight Cigar Box > Square > X) to get Kate's Work Key. Save your game again and leave. Mulder and Scully will call each other and resolve to meet at the fire station, so go ALL the way back to the area with the Sheriff's Office and towards the red brick building in the corner. After a cute cutscene, Mulder and Scully will be separated again. -Fire Station- Walk toward the fire truck and find a body in the corner. Examine it for the Firehouse Key. Go through the only door in here and kill the zombie inside. Look on the desk for some Magnum rounds and continue on to the next room, and the room after that. Go into the bathroom just south of here and kill this guy for some more Magnum rounds. Enter the room to the north, then go through the double doors right next to you since there's nothing of interest here. Go through yet another pair of doors to the left and then, being the nice young lady you are, kill the burning guy in here. Pick up the First Aid Kit, then go out the doors with the EXIT sign. As soon as you walk into the next room a dog will come after you. Kill it because it sucks, then investigate the firemen suits for a Rag. Go out the door and down the street, killing some more dogs. Eventually you'll find the Shop Easy and Mulder. After the cutscene, Mulder rejoins you. Save your game and go inside. -Shop Easy- Explore the area for some items, including a beer bottle, bandage, and ammo clip, then head to the back corner. Go into the back and turn left at the first opening, then enter right to find more ammo. Go to the end and into the room down there to find Katlyn. Leave the area. *SPOILER* Mulder and Scully will try to calm Katlyn down and say they're trying to help her. Katlyn will say the doctors wanted to help them too, so why did they do those terrible things to them? Suddenly the Sheriff will walk in holding a shotgun. Mulder takes a closer look and sees his eyes are clouded with black. He tells Scully to make a run for it and take Katlyn. *END SPOILER* Head to the back door and Katlyn will unlock it for you. Go outside and Katlyn will run away. Follow her into the tunnel. -Old Town- Go all the way to the other side, killing or ignoring any zombies. When you reach the end, look for a gate on the left. Go inside. Ignore the zombie and head down and right until you see a building with Katlyn inside. *SPOILER* Scully tries to comfort Katlyn, but she refuses to listen, saying that doctors used her. Scully tells her she's not one of them and that since she's in shock she should calm down. Katlyn suddenly coughs up a strange black substance... the black oil. *END SPOILER* QUICKLY go to the back and press X to climb up, then go forward and press X again to climb down on the other side. If the black oil touches you it's an automatic game over. Run to the end to find a grate. Use your trusty Boltcutters to open it, then press X again to crawl inside. -Fallout Shelter- After a cutscene, investigate the bookshelf behind the one guy for an ammo clip. Leave the room and go down the hall to meet up with Mulder again. Talk to the people some more for some more scenes. *SPOILER* Mulder learns from Scully that they are in a Cold War bomb shelter. Everyone in town has hid here so the twins will not get them. Mulder will tell the people there that the twins are dead, and that they are not witches. Upon talking further the agents will learn about a doctor named Allan Greenburg and a facility known as Briar Lake. One man, John Gillnitz, will tells Mulder that he sounds like he knows a lot, then leaves. Mulder will realize something and tell the woman to have everyone evacuate immediately because this was a trap. *END SPOILER* Check the table on the left for an ammo clip. Head to the right and examine the chair for a pair of Night Vision Goggles. A cutscene will occur. *SPOILER* Scully tells Mulder that she saw the name Gillnitz on a note on the Sheriff's desk with the initials B.L. next to it. They realize the initials are for Briar Lake, and that Gillnitz is behind the whole thing. They see Gillnitz and Mulder tells him to stop, but he doesn't. *END SPOILER* Afterwards, go through the next two rooms and pick up any items you seen, then go back to the large room with chair and save your game at the save point. Head back to the very last room and put on your goggles. Go through the door to see a cutscene where the mines start to collapse. You'll now have to lead Mulder through the dark passageway while fighting off zombies. It's pretty much straightforward, but it can be pretty difficult if you just rush in without any idea of what to do. Here's some quick hints on what to expect. - DO NOT RUN cause Mulder will lose you, and then you'll have to go back and get him. Mulder seems to have an easier time keeping up with Scully than she does in Mulder's game, so just walk at a slow, steady pace. Don't let any zombies kill him cause then it's game over for you too. - The trick is to KEEP MOVING at all times, because if you stall it'll just cause more enemies to appear. I think both floors of the mines are timed, too, so you can't waste a lot of time killing enemies. - When you see a bunch of rocks falling in one place, do not walk under it! There'll be an avalanche and you will both die instantly, so steer clear of those areas. - If you keep a steady pace and not stall, you should only encounter one or two zombies before reaching the first ladder. Kick them until they fall down or kill them (if you need to save bullets, just kick them) and keep going. When you reach the first ladder, climb it and those zombies down there won't bother you anymore. - On the second floor, go forward and to the left. There's a lot of zombies here, so get rid of them however you wish (by killing or kicking them down). I recommend only killing a few and kicking down the rest. Either way, keep them away from Mulder and keep moving or you'll run out of time. - Go to the very end of the corridor and you'll see a small ramp on the right. Take that path and you'll come to a ladder that will lead you out of this nightmare. -Cable Car House- *SPOILER* If you read your notes, you'll learn that Gillnitz lured the entire community of Red Falls to the mines just to kill them and cover up something even greater. It's really sad... =( *END SPOILER* Go inside the building and save your game at the X, then go forward for a cutscene. Mulder will now kill off the zombies coming towards the house while you find a way to power the car. Don't bother helping him kill the zombies (unless he calls for you) and focus on getting power to the car quickly before he gets killed. Open the door in the back, aim your weapon, and fire at the guy in the room you opened up. Go in and get the Fingerprint Spray from him. Don't touch the electricity on the one panel or you'll get whacked upside the head with a 2x4. Okay, not really, but you probably deserve it if you do. Leave the room and go inside the car. Pick up the Rusty Lever in the middle and go back into the room with the control panels. Look for a sign that says "Main Power" and attach the Rusty Lever to the panel there, then pull it to turn the power off. Go over to the other lever and pull on it, and you should get a message that says power can go to the car now. Pull the Main Power lever again and the car will work. Mulder will rejoin you at this point, and you two can take out the remaining zombies. Save your game again, then quickly board the car before more zombies come and examine the panel to view a cutscene. *SPOILER* Not long after taking off, Mulder and Scully will hear a beeping noise. They look in the corner and see that it's a bomb! Gillnitz set them up! *END SPOILER* You have less than a minute to disarm the bomb, so quickly use the Fingerprint Spray on the bomb then examine it. It'll give you the numbers, but not the exact code. Just punch in random guesses until you get it right (or if you don't feel like doing that, the correct code is 427.). And with that, Scully's Act 1 is complete! You'll also unlock some new storyboards from Scully's part of the act for the Special Features section. Save your game when it prompts you to do so. "That was fun." "I think the fun is just beginning, Scully." ============================================================ ACT 2 - BRIAR LAKE - SCULLY ============================================================ Re-equip your weapon (annoying, I know), then run toward the credenza in the center (don't bother with the dogs, it's not worth using your ammo on them). Run forward until you see a greenhouse. Go over there for a cutscene. Afterwards, examine the plant to get a Datura Stramonium Extract. Continue on until you see a large building. Go inside... -Briar Lake Institute- Go forward to the counter and pick up a 9mm Ammo Clip from behind it, then go through the only doors that are accessible. Continue on to another room and go toward the filing cabinet for a quick cutscene. Pick up the Diagram from the tray here, then go over to the computer for another cutscene. *SPOILER* Scully will find out that Greensburg and Hansen were assigned to a project called Resonance. Mulder believes that through this project a virus was distributed through the building to the people of Red Falls. While Scully looks for computer data, Mulder will decide to look for Greenburg and Gillnitz, who may be in the building. *END SPOILER* Once it's over, examine the computer again. Type in RESONANCE to bring up a list of patient files. Select "Winslow" and press X, then highlight "Yes" and press X to unlock a door. Go inside and find a box. Press X when the icon appears and Scully will go into her pushing animation, but don't push! Pull back on the control stick to pull the box away from the wall, then examine the part of the wall it was blocking to reveal a hidden door. Go down a little and to your left (Scully's right) and examine the wall there for another hidden door. Get an Aspirin off the desk then go out the door. *SPOILER* Scully will contact Mulder via cell phone. She'll describe what she found in the Winslow girls' patient files: genetic mapping beyond any current scientific capability. In other words, these girls have DNA unlike any other human being. Mulder will tell her about the security card machine he found and ask her check the second floor for anything. *END SPOILER* Go through the door straight across from the one you came out of and pick up the Map from the table, as well as the Note from Mulder by the computer. Continue down the hall, picking up a First Aid Kit, an ammo clip, and a Blank Security Card in the next couple rooms. Save your game too. Go back to where you got the map and look for a black machine you can interact with. Check the Note from Mulder for the access code, then use your Blank Security Card on the machine along with the code to get a Security Card. Save your game again and go in the elevator. *SPOILER* Mulder will call Scully and say he found a room with bio-hazardous materials. The containers marked as such have the black oil in them! He concludes that the girls were infected by the black oil, which caused their DNA to be altered. Scully will tell Mulder she's on the way. *END SPOILER* After the scene, something weird will happen and the elevator will start to collapse! Quickly climb out (run forward and press X), then kill the two zombies here. Go to the room on the right to find a Vaccination Gun and Psychometer on a counter. Then go to the back and to the left room to find a First Aid Kit and some Empty Chemical Darts. Enter the double doors here. Kill a policeman and a mental patient here, then enter the room to the right for a First Aid Kit. Ignore the crate for now and go all the way to the end of the hall (the next two doors are locked), and into that room. Pick up another First Aid Kit, an ammo clip, and some Datura Stramonium then save your game. Go back down the hall and through the only other door you can enter. Enter the room on the left and talk to the guy there for a cutscene. *SPOILER* Scully will find Dr. Greenburg and ask him what happened. He'll say he was tortured by Gillnitz cause he helped the girls (Katlyn and Mandy) escape from him. He tells Scully that all the answers to Project Resonance are in the "observatory", and that the key to it is somewhere in a "chamber". He dies. *END SPOILER* Pick up the Box of Empty Vials from the table right next to you and go back out into the hall. Kill the mental patient you see and enter the room at the very end. Pick up a Box of Microscope Slides and an Empty Beaker from the counter on the right, then go to the other side of the room and pick up the Clipboard. Examine the body there for another autopsy. Equip the gloves and goggles, then select the scalpel. Click the left shoulder target, then the center to make an incision. Do this for the right shoulder and lower abdomen to make the full Y-incision. Select the syringe and use it on the pink mass near the center of the body to fill it with bile. There, that wasn't so bad, see? Combine the syringe with the Unknown Toxin with the microscope slides, then go over to the shelf with the chemicals and use the Box of Empty Vials to get the chemicals. Combine the Empty Vials again with the Datura Stramonium to get Datura Extract. Use the slide you created on the microscope to get the ingredients for the antidote. Afterwards, go to the Inventory, then use the combine feature to combine the right number of chemicals with the Empty Beaker to make the Orange Toxin. Now combine the Orange Toxin with the Empty Chemical Darts, and combine those darts with the Vaccination Gun. Viola! A new, kick ass weapon! Go to the room with the save point and pick up a Tube of Metal Epoxy. Save your game again, then return to the main hallway and go all the way to the door on the other end. Pick up the First Aid Kit here, then equip the Vaccination Gun. Go all the way to the end and unlock the doors... AAAAAGHHHHH! THERE'S SO MANY! Keep your cool and hit each one with the Vaccination Gun ONCE, as each dart kills them instantly. If you get hit, heal IMMEDIATELY. I don't know if it's cause Scully is weaker or if the zombies are insanely strong, but she seems to die in only three hits. Take out all six and heal as needed. Whew... that was close. Afterwards, go all the way back down the hall and into the room right in front of the desk on the left to pick up TST Room Key, First Aid Kit, and some Empty Chemical Darts. Go all the way back to the Save Point and save your game again, then go to the hallway with the autopsy room and go through the only door you haven't opened here. Walk toward the huge thing in this room and a cutscene will play where Scully is locked in by some zombie. Quickly put on the Night Vision Goggles and look on the wall behind you for a code. Pick up the Screwdriver and the Observatory Key from the dead body in here, then run over to the panel and use the Screwdriver on it. Input the code you saw on the wall and the door will open. Walk outside to see that the zombie here is dead. Who could've killed it? Go save your game again, then look for a door with a sign on it. Enter the next room with your new key and go up the long flight of stairs. Approach the large control panels for a cutscene, then continue right and pick up an Optical Data Disc and an Iron Piece. Leave the Observatory and go back downstairs and into the very first room of this hallway (the one with the movable crate). Pull on the crate to reveal a trap door, then combine the Iron Piece with the Metal Epoxy. Use the item you just made on the trap door and examine the door to open a path to the basement. Go down the ladder and into the next room for a cutscene. -Basement/Containment Facility- *SPOILER* Scully will then show up and put her gun to Krycek's head, ordering him to drop his gun. He does, only to have Mulder punch him in the gut and push him up against the glass. He demands to know what's down there, and Krycek tells him it's his future. The three clones down there are trying to break through a shield to get to an artifact that is alien. Suddenly, the ground rumbles, and another wave of energy is emitted from the artifact. Mulder, Scully, and Krycek are knocked off their feet. Mulder says that "it" is happening again. As Scully tells Mulder they need to leave, Gillnitz suddenly sits up... Krycek will activate the security locks and leave. Mulder and Scully will also head for the door, but Mulder pauses and looks back at the artifact area while Scully goes through. The door closes, and Mulder and Scully are separated again. *END SPOILER* Save your game, then go down for a quick cutscene. Continue going down and kill the two revived police officers. Get a Security Office Key Card from one of them then go right. Enter the Security Office and examine the side of the control panel facing the door for the Map, then go to the other side. Examine the left most panel to unlock the Containment Facility, and the right most one to unlock the Armory, which is found behind a door in here. Go inside to find the almighty M4 Carbine! You can also find some ammo for it and a First Aid Kit in here. Equip the M4 and return to the save point. You'll also want to make another batch of the Orange Toxin and use it to refill the Vaccination Gun, cause you'll need it soon. If you can't remember the exact ingredients, check your Notes or look at the Clipboard you picked up, or right here in this guide ^_~. 3 Mycotoxin 1 Enderotoxin 2 Datura Extract (remember to combine the Datura Stramonium with the Box of Vials to get the Extract) Save your game again, then go back into the Containment Facility. Examine the computer to open the locks, then run down to find Mulder. After a short cutscene, it will be time for a boss. BOSS: Harvester Scully's strategy for killing this guy is a bit different than Mulder's. With Mulder, the clones will already be dead when the battle starts, and you can easily take out the Harvester before he revives them. However, with Scully, the clones are already alive when the fight starts. It's kind of tricky, but this boss shouldn't be too hard if you know what to do. A lot of people think you have to kill the Katlyn clones before you shoot the boss. Not necessarily. You can still shoot him without killing the clones, but you have to stand on one of the side walkways and not the center platform to shoot him. If you try to shoot him from the center platform, he goes Darth Vader on you and uses some sort of force that prevents you from moving. So when the battle begins, take out your newly acquired M4 Carbine and get to the walkway on the other side. You'll have to go through the Katlyn clones to get there, so knock them down, but don't shoot them. When you get through them, go to the right walkway and aim at the Harvester. DO NOT STAND ON THE CENTER PLATFORM. It's kinda hard to aim at him cause the auto-aim feature makes you aim at the clones, in which case quickly press L2 to change targets until you aim at the Harvester. Shoot the crap out of him and he'll die, and then you'll have to take care of the Katlyn clones. Equip the Vaccination Gun, then aim carefully and shoot at least two darts at each one. I don't remember if it kills them instantly or not, but if you exhaust all your darts and they're still not dead, take out one of your weapons and blast away. Remember to keep Mulder from getting killed as well. Once you win, run over to where the Harvester is to exit this place. *SPOILER* Mulder and Scully will be outside resting up, then two helicopters touch down near them. A man in heavy military gear and mask jumps out and orders another man in similar dress to get them out of here. The two agents will ask who sent them and what is going on, but their questions go unanswered. The mystery man says it's for their own safety and they are escorted to the helicopter. As the helicopter takes off, Mulder and Scully see the whole town go up in flames. Mulder says it's another cover up, and they have no evidence of what really happened there. Scully shows him a computer disk she found and says the answers may be there. *END SPOILER* TO BE CONTINUED Congrats! You have just completed episode 1 with Scully! The Special Features you get for beating it include new concept art, storyboards, the Byers B-roll, and the Episode 2 teaser! Save your game and take a break. ============================================================ EPISODE 2: RESONANCE ACT 1 - FBI HEADQUARTERS - SCULLY ============================================================ *SPOILER* A door opens, and we see that it's Krycek. He approaches a desk and says that Mulder made contact, and his reaction was the opposite of what they expected. He tells the man he isn't going to make it. The camera pans over to the desk, and we see an ashtray. As the camera pans the man behind the desk says that it's unacceptable. The camera continues panning upward and we see that it's the Cigarette-Smoking Man. CSM tells Krycek that the success of the project depends on the life and death of Agent Mulder. The opening credits play, and the tagline at the end has been changed to "Trust no one". We open in the FBI Headquarters. Mulder and Scully are in Assistant Director Skinner's office, being briefed. He tells him he read their reports and that despite the work of the firefighters, Red Falls was completely destroyed. He turns to Mulder and says he was disturbed by his reported encounter with Alex Krycek who told him of an artifact. Mulder claims the artifact is indeed alien and that it could return life to anyone within a three-mile radius. Skinner ignores him and asks Scully about the toxin she found. She says that she believes the toxin caused the deaths of the people in Colorado. Skinner tells them that no evidence could be found at the remains of Red Falls, which Mulder tells him was a grade-A cover-up. He says to look for the union label on this one. Sarcasm aside, Skinner says he's helping them, and goes on to say that three of the Colorado murder victim's bodies were found and transferred to Quantico. Scully says she'll head right over, and Skinner says this could be their only chance at finding tangible evidence, unless they had something else. He concludes by telling them to report back when they have results. He also suggests to Mulder that he step back from this case for a while. *END SPOILER* After you regain control, try to leave for yet another cutscene. Get used to it cause there's a lot of them in this episode. *SPOILER* Scully questions Mulder as to why he wants to hide the disk she found. By getting those bodies to Quantico, he surely wants to help them. Mulder says that it's not that he doesn't trust Skinner; he just doesn't trust who he reports to. He says he rather have the disk decrypted outside the FBI mainstream. *END SPOILER* Once you regain control, go through the double doors in the corner. There's nothing of interest in this hallway except for two characters that fans of the show may recognize (see Secrets and Easter Eggs for more info). Go to the elevator at the end and examine the panel, then go inside to reach the basement office. Go through the door for... yes, another cutscene. *SPOILER* The Lone Gunmen will be waiting for M&S inside the office. Mulder asks them if they cracked the coding on the disk, and they tell him they did, but it wasn't easy. The surprising thing was the language it was in. Once they broke the coding, they found the information to be completely in Russian, but a simple run through a translator could easily fix it. Frohike tells Mulder to take a look, and Mulder sees the word "Tunguska". Scully recalls that was the place where Mulder was held captive and infected with a virus. An alien virus, corrects Mulder. Mulder reads the document aloud. It says there was an alien artifact unearthed not long ago at an excavation site in Tunguska. Frohike tells him that the document goes on to say a company did experiments involving the artifact known as Roush Biotechnologies. Scully asks if they found anything else, but the Gunmen couldn't. They would do some nosing around and hope to find some more stuff. Mulder thanks them as they leave. *END SPOILER* Go through the open door by the computer and back to the elevator. Scully will go it alone in the next area. -FBI Academy- Approach the body for a cutscene, then go around the body to find a Box of Microscope Slides on the desk in the back. Go back and examine the body for another autopsy. Whee.... This one is a bit different, as you have a new tool to use: a pair of pliers. Go through the autopsy like you've done before, and after the Y-incision equip the pliers. Move your cursor along the outer edge of the ribcage, clicking on the spots that appear. Click each of these spots to remove the ribcage and see the organs. Eww... Open the tray again and select the Psychometer you got from the previous episode. Press X and you'll hear Scully grunt, which means she's been poisoned (don't worry, it's supposed to happen). You'll hear Scully say that there is radiation coming from the body... and herself. Take out the syringe and use it on the upper part of the body in the very center of (the heart) to get some blood. The autopsy is complete, but you're slowly dying... Combine the blood with the microscope slides, then go left and use the slide on the microscope. Scully will say some stuff, but all we care about is the right amount of chemicals to use. This time she talks a bit louder, so you can hear the amounts needed better, but she doesn't say the last number. I've heard that the last one is random, but I'm not sure. For me, the order from top to bottom was: .3, .4, .5. If .5 isn't the last one, just quickly cycle through the numbers until you do get it. When you do get it right, quickly go to the Inventory and use the newly obtained antidote on yourself. Exit the screen and a cutscene will play. *SPOILER* The Lone Gunmen show up, and Byers asks Scully if she's okay. She says she's fine, but Langly says he's not and quickly runs into the other room covering his mouth, while Frohike follows him (heh...). Byers tells Scully they found some interesting info about Roush, but before he gets another word out Scully's cell phone rings. Mulder calls Scully, and she tells him their nervous systems are emitting something that is reacting to the toxin. Mulder says it's caused by the radiation they were exposed to from that artifact. Scully asks how he knows, and he says Marita is there and gave him an injection. Scully also says that she caught her own infection just in time, and asks what Marita is doing there. Mulder says that he asked for her help, and that she has arranged a flight to Tunguska. He has reason to believe the artifact was returned there, but not for long. Scully says they found more information about Roush, but questions why he is returning to Tunguska based on... what? Mulder says she just has to trust him, and to find what she can on Roush, cause he needs to go. Scully asks the Gunmen if they're busy tonight, and Frohike is happy to say he's not. Scully meant all of them, and asks what they know about Roush. Langly says they hacked their system, and Byers said that they were receiving a delivery from Colorado. Frohike joins in and says this wasn't just any shipment; this shipment contains bodies. *END SPOILER* And... that's it. O_O Wow, quick act, huh? You get new storyboards as well. ============================================================ ACT 2 - ROUSH BIOTECHNOLOGIES - SCULLY ============================================================ *SPOILER* Scully and the Gunmen are in the Gunmen's van in front of the Roush Biotechnologies building. Scully and Byers are both wearing white lab coats and fake IDs. Byers tells Scully that because of the short notice they could only get them level 1 security clearance. However, Frohike will be sneaking into the basement of the building and playing around with the wiring so he could open up more secure areas. Langly will also be able to check the security cameras and contact you through radio from the van. Before they start, Scully asks them if they were sure the bodies came from Colorado. The Gunmen look at one another, and Langly asks her to define "sure". Scully sighs and shakes her head. "Let's do this." *END SPOILER* Byers will accompany you for this entire act. He won't do anything, though. Also, DO NOT EQUIP YOUR GUN. It's game over if a security guard sees you with it out. Also, like with Mulder, if Byers dies the game ends. BUT there's only one part of the whole act where you have to worry about him dying, and it's really easy to get out of, so don't worry yourself. After some funny dialogue between Langly and Frohike, go down and left to the counter. Speak to the man and he'll ask for identification. Go to the Inventory and select the Forged Roush ID, and you can then enter the door on the right by examining the panel there. Enter this next small area and through the only open door in here (it's straight up). In here, go left and examine the small desk with the typewriter (I think that's a typewriter) for the map. Then examine the filing cabinet all the way to the left to open a drawer, and again for the Repair Service Invoice. Go down some and you'll see two computers, and a shelf on the wall near here with an Invoice for Supplies. Byers will also say something to you about creating a code to get into the other areas of the building. Examine the computer and Byers will ask for a five-digit code. Make one up (it can be any one you want), type in those numbers, then hit the enter key. Ooh, pretty jingle... Leave this room and go to the one door with the keypad on it. Enter the five-digit number you just put in and go inside. Save your game here, then enter the next room. Langly will say he something about deactivating a firewall or something, so go over to the computer in here and open up the Inventory. You'll see an object called a Hacking Shunt. Use it on the computer, and then there's a quick puzzle to solve. Disconnect the three wires on the left by highlighting and clicking X, then highlight the long cord and press X to switch it to the other jack. Quickly reattach the other three wires. You have to be fast cause if the lights reach the red zone you will be caught. Save your game again, then go back out and through the only doors you haven't gone through. Go down some and right and examine the flowers for some notes. Go straight across to the next area, and remember the location of the turning wheels you see on both sets of steps. You'll know why later. After another cutscene, head to the right (Scully's left) and through the side door here. Examine the file cabinet twice for an Optical Data Sheet, then go down and left until you see a Manila Folder (it's near a computer that's not turned on). Pick it up, then examine it through the Inventory screen. Press X to examine it again for some X-Rays. Go to the room on the opposite side. Enter the door in the leftmost corner, and you'll see a device on the wall. Check the Optical Data Sheet for the number by Mulder's name and input it into the device. You can also try the bottom number for something... nice. ;) But you have to enter it BEFORE you put in Mulder's number for it to work. Pick up the Mulder Data Disk that appears, then leave and enter the other door in here. Ooh, the colors... anyway, use the X-Rays on the giant purple screen in here, then examine them for some shocking details. Leave, then use your fake ID on the panel on the one wall in here to gain level 2 clearance. Go out to the elevators and use your new clearance to go down. Enter the door just north of you for a quick cutscene. Walk over to the body for some notes, then walk past it for a save point. Save your game and return to the body for another gruesome autopsy. Go through it as you normally would, putting on the proper equipment, making the incision, etc. When the ribcage is off, select the scissors from the tray, and remove the different organs until you see something long and shiny inside. Use the scissors on it to take it out. *SPOILER* Byers and Scully are amazed by what they have just found. They suddenly hear Frohike yelling and his line goes dead. Langly curses and says Frohike has been caught, and that they've also learned about Scully and Byers and are going after them! Byers tells Scully to run and hide, and that she can rescue him and Frohike later. *END SPOILER* Head through the door in the back. You have to hide quickly or you'll get caught. Upon entering you'll see the body of John Gillnitz on a gurney. Run to the other side of the gurney (where Gillnitz's head is) and you should see the action icon appear. Press X to get under the table. After the short cutscene, try to leave for another one. *SPOILER* A guard will walk in and look around, and leaves when he can't find anything. Scully gets out and asks Langly where Frohike and Byers are. Langly says they're in prison cells to the north in a cryogenics lab, but in order to get in she'll need a handprint of someone with top-level clearance, and Langly can't bypass it. Scully asks if John Gillnitz is in the system, and Langly says yes. He's about to ask how she could use his handprint when he's dead, but quickly changes his mind when he realizes. *END SPOILER* Go back out and head towards the corpse you just did an autopsy on. Pick up the Bone Saw from the tray and head back in. Use it on John Gillnitz's body to get his hand... ew... be sure to laugh at the dialogue that follows before saving your game again. Then go out of the room, down, and to the left. Unlock the door and go in. There are three doors here. The one on the left can't be opened just yet, but the one on the right can! Enter that room and look around for an ammo clip (should be on a desk to the right upon entering) and a First Aid Kit (towards the back). Head to the final door in the back, and use the Severed Hand on the panel to open the door. The zombies in the tubes won't bother you... for now. Go inside and down towards the screen, and follow the path around for a quick cutscene. Afterwards, examine the computer in here for another cutscene, then use the Mulder Data Disk on it. *SPOILER* Scully will see pictures of Mulder lying unconscious, being experimented on (FYI, these are from "The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati"), and is clearly shocked. As she removes the disk, Langly tells her that he's in. *END SPOILER* The two alien-looking zombies that were in those glass cases will bust out and come after you. Quickly run out of there (don't bother killing them) and to the one door you couldn't open earlier. Once inside, go down and left some and you'll see a monitor and some controls. Examine the controls for a quick movie that shows Byers, Frohike, and... something. This tells you which cell numbers to open. Continue to the back and through the sliding doors there. Examine the panels under numbers 1 and 2 to free Byers and Frohike, then leave. *SPOILER* The trio will feel a slight rumble, and Byers will notice something about Scully's jacket. She yelps in surprise, and the artifact falls from her pocket. She'll say it got very hot, and melted the optical disc as well. They watch in amazement as the artifact begins to spin around and around, before it flies toward the door and right through it. *END SPOILER* Exit out the door, and... BAH GAWD HE'S ON FIRE! If you didn't kill the two other aliens, they'll also still be here. Quickly run out of there and back to the main basement area. If Byers or Frohike get caught up, attack the zombies to free them or they'll die. Try to use the elevators here, but they won't respond. Langly will then tell you about a backup generator... pick up an ammo clip from the now dead officer that was next to the morgue, then save your game. Head to the opposite side of the room and look for some stairs that go down. Shoot the panel a few times and go inside. Pick up the First Aid Kit on the left wall, then go down further and you'll see a small red light. Examine it to restore the power, then go down even further and you'll get the Shotgun! Time for some kick-ass Scully. ;) Save your game and get on the elevator. Go back to the greenhouse area for a boss. BOSS: Pyro Simple boss, but it takes a while for him to go down, even with the Shotgun. You can't damage him with firepower at first because... well, he has fire around him. Duh. But keep in mind that this is a greenhouse, and what do plants need to survive? Water, of course! And this guy has fire all over him... see the connection yet? So as you may have noticed earlier, there are four wheels to turn in this room that turns on the sprinklers. Activate each one while avoiding the boss as much as possible. Be very careful not to get too close when he does his fire breath attack, cause it causes MAJOR damage when you're right in front of him and very close. When all the faucets are on, the fire around him will disappear. Go get him! Hit him with everything you got and heal when needed, and this boss will be a cakewalk. Afterwards, examine the body for the Artifact Fragment, then try to leave for another cutscene. Approach the door on the other side and Langly will show up. *SPOILER* Scully is unable to contact Mulder, and concludes that he's already on the way to Tunguska. Byers says that the pyro they encountered was indeed real, but Scully says they have no evidence of the pyro existing. She looks at the artifact and tells them that this was all the evidence they need. *END SPOILER* TO BE CONTINUED Scully's episode 2, while a bit longer than Mulder's, has quickly ended. You get new storyboards, concept art, and the Langly B-roll for completing the episode. Save and go look at your new goodies (the Langly B-roll is REALLY funny), and prepare for the final episode. ============================================================ EPISODE 3 - RECKONING ACT 1 - TUNGUSKA - SCULLY ============================================================ *SPOILER* Skinner is shown sitting at his desk. Scully walks in and thanks him for meeting with her on such short notice. She says that Mulder has gone to Russia and could be in danger. Skinner says that he got word a Russian transport was shot down an hour ago. Scully fears the worst has happened while Skinner tells her he's arranged a flight to Russia for her and needs to leave immediately. Scully thanks him and turns to leave, but she looks back and asks how he knew they wanted to lure Mulder into a trap. Skinner says he has no hard facts, just bits and pieces. He tells her to go before anything else happens. The opening credits play, and this time the tagline at the end has been changed to the game's subtitle: Resist or Serve. A helicopter is shown landing in Tunguska, Russia, 28 hours later. Scully gets up and tells the pilot to wait while she searches the area. He gives her a thumbs up and she gets off. *END SPOILER* I LOVE the music here. Go forward and inside the little tollbooth on the right for a First Aid Kit, then go through the gate. Take out the wolves here (they're a pain, I know), then look around for a cabin. Go inside, then take out the zombie with the gun on the left (Scully's right), and the one that comes from the right. Enter the bathroom where the zombie with the gun was and examine his corpse to get the AK-47! WHEE! You'll also find the map in here, and if you examine the mirror above the sink you can open it and obtain a First Aid Kit inside. Leave the bathroom and go to the bed with a dead body's legs on it. Face the bed and the X icon should appear. Examine this area for the Middle Gate Key. Continue right until you reach the other end of the room, then head towards the screen into the corner and you'll see the X icon appear. Examine this corner for an ammo clip. Head back outside and towards the other gate in this area. Go through it... Go right here and you'll see someone go through a door... go up the steps to find an ammo clip, then go through the door that person went through... -Toxic Storage Building- Kill the zombie, then head down towards the screen. Go up the stairs you see and follow them to the end for a First Aid Kit. Return to the main floor and you'll see two sliding doors. Go through the one with another sliding door behind it, then down towards the screen for a save point. Head out the one door in here. Go down and right to the double doors for a cutscene. *SPOILER* Scully opens the door, then looks around for anyone suspicious. She sees Krycek coming out of a door near where she exited, and quickly pulls her gun on him. He retreats back inside... *END SPOILER* Go through the doors, then down towards the room here. One of the beds here has an ammo clip, so pick it up and return to the previous hallway. Enter the other room here... *SPOILER* Scully then shows up and awakes Mulder. She informs Mulder that she saw Krycek. Mulder says he also found the Smoking Man, and says that he was led here to find a ship. A spaceship, that is, that crashed into the Siberian landscape 100 years ago. He claims the alien virus has connected him to the ship, and that he can find it out there. Scully then tells him about the pictures she found of him and the CSM at Roush, and how there was genetic material transferred from Mulder's brain to CSM's. Mulder doesn't understand, because if CSM has the same material, then he also responds to the alien ship the same way. So why does he need him? Scully says cause it's killing both of them, and helps Mulder to his feet, saying that they have to leave. *END SPOILER* Mulder will tag along with you for a short while. Leave the building and examine the door you saw Krycek go through. *SPOILER* Mulder and Scully will find Marita Covarrubias inside the room. She will say that Krycek locked her up after he discovered Mulder was still alive. That's why she placed a tracking device in his passport so she could keep an eye out for him, and have Krycek believe the lie. Scully asks why bring Mulder all this way just to save him. Marita believes that these deceptions could lead Mulder to a deeper truth, one he needs to find. She also mentions the Entity that Mulder encountered, how he has been infused with the power from the alien artifact. Once the shell surrounding the artifact at Briar Lake was broken, the Entity was able to get his power. A power that the Smoking Man thought he could resist. Scully asks where the men are now, and Marita says they've gone to find the artifact. She doesn't think any of them will survive. *END SPOILER* Go back into the Toxic Storage Building... -Toxic Storage Building- Save your game, then return to the main room. *SPOILER* Marita will get a call. A man will say "Say goodbye to Mulder for me." It's Krycek! Mulder shouts for everyone to run, and then a gas tank is knocked over, separating Marita from the agents. *END SPOILER* Quickly run back into the room you were just in. Save your game again after the cutscene, then head back outside. Another cutscene later, you'll be alone again. Head down past the double doors and kill the zombie that shows up. Examine him to get the Crowbar, then use the Crowbar on the door just in front of you. Go inside... -Cabin- Pick up the First Aid Kit from the table, then head left and open the door. Kill the guy here, then examine him for the Metal Gate Key. Examine one of the two gates in here to get the Shotgun! The other gate has ammo for it as well, on the shelf in front of you and to the left. Leave this room, then go down the long hallway, killing the zombie along the way, and you'll find another gate. Look in here for an ammo clip. Return to the room with the Shotgun and head out the door here. Head down the steps and go left until you see a truck and a crate. Head over to the crate and you'll find a Wrench. Continue left and you'll find some stairs with a First Aid Kit waiting at the top. Now head down and right and you'll see a cage with two rabid wolves inside. Call me crazy, but you have to do this: open the cage, then RUN LIKE HELL! Take out the two dogs, then after you heal (which you might have to. They got some pretty good hits on me when I first opened the cage), go inside the cage and you'll see something blue. Examine it (the icon is kinda picky about where you stand, so move around until it shows up) and it'll turn out to be an Empty Bucket. Get out of that cage (probably smells bad in there X_X), then head left down an alleyway. You should see a huge generator and a frozen water sprout. Use the Wrench on the water sprout to get water flowing, then use the Empty Bucket to fill it with water. Go over to the generator and use the bucket of water on it to make it short-circuit. Head down to the other end of this area and examine the gate here to open it. Go through the gate, then head down and right through the other gate to get back to the helicopter. *SPOILER* Scully tells the pilot not to lift off, cause someone else is coming. The zombie turns around and we see he is now a zombie. Mulder will see Scully's helicopter in the sky, and winces as it makes a crash landing. He runs over to check on Scully, who has fallen out of the helicopter. So much for their ride out of here. *END SPOILER* Head north and you'll see a large truck here. Ignore the zombie that appears and examine the truck to end the act. *SPOILER* Scully is hesitant to go find the spaceship Mulder wants to find, and thinks that they are being led into a trap. Mulder claims that it has to be there, and needs to know the truth (I can't remember exactly what he said. Can someone help me out here?). Scully says if he's going, he can't go alone. They drive off. *END SPOILER* With Scully's episode 3, act 1 completed, there's only one act left! You'll get new storyboards for beating this area. ============================================================ ACT 2 - MONESTARY - SCULLY ============================================================ -Old Fort Ruins- *SPOILER* Mulder and Scully arrive at some old ruins. Mulder says that it looks like Krycek used the place as a hideout, and Scully notices the lake is being drained. Mulder is convinced that there are more ruins out there, and the spaceship is buried beneath them. Scully shows him the artifact piece she found at Roush and says it's the best evidence they have. If they study the artifact, it could be the key to unlocking the mystery behind everything they've been searching for, the answer to every question about the X-Files! So what more does Mulder want to find here? "The truth." *END SPOILER* If you played through this part as Mulder, you probably remember me or some other folks advising you to save ammo for the final boss. This strategy also applies to Scully as well. HOWEVER, her final boss is way easier than Mulder's, so this tactic isn't really necessary. It's still very helpful though, and I recommend you use it for the remainder of the game. Okie dokie, first we need to clear the area of any zombies. Start by heading left until you see some crumbled walls. Go inside and kill the enemy here, then head back out and forward towards the helicopter. Kill the zombie here, then head right until you see three barrels. Examine the middle one to get a Crowbar. Go into the large building here, kill the bad guy, and you'll see a computer with a green monitor. Look at the corner of the desk to find an ammo clip, and the other corner for the map. Head towards the boat here and examine the two barrels on the right for Night Vision Goggles and a First Aid Kit. You can try to use the boat but it has no fuel... Head towards the other side of the ruins and out the small entrance at this end. Keep going down and right until you see a barn. Go inside and make your way to the other side, killing the two zombies along the way, and pick up the Empty Gas Can. Leave and go back to the truck. Use the Crowbar on the hood to open it, then examine the inside for a Rubber Hose. Go back to the helicopter here and go to the left. You'll see a door marked "FUEL". Combine the Rubber Hose you just got with the Empty Gas Can, then open the door. Use the Empty Gas Can/Rubber Hose to fill the can up with gas, then return to the boat you saw near the Night Vision Goggles and use the Full Gas Can on it to fill it up with gas. A cutscene will play. *SPOILER* Mulder and Scully will be on the water, and it's very dark. Scully thinks they've hit shallow water, but Mulder says he can't see the bottom. They hear something moving in the water, and suddenly a huge tentacle comes out of the water, grabs Mulder, and pulls him under. Scully leans over the side to find him, only to find herself being attacked by a tentacle as well. *END SPOILER* -Sunken Chapel Basement- Head down, and when the camera changes you'll see a picture on the left with a save point. But first, look carefully on the right and you'll see a rock with a First Aid Kit. Get it, THEN save your game. Head downstairs for a boss. Although the boss' health meter appears, the fight doesn't begin immediately, so relax a little. You may also want to put on the Night Vision Goggles, as it's really dark down here. Go down and kill the rat here (one bullet or one kick will do the trick), then head left and you should see a large opening. Go through and then the fight will start. BOSS: Eyeless A pretty easy boss with easy to avoid attacks. His two main attacks are shooting blue fireballs at you that follow you constantly, and spraying bees from his mouth. These can be avoided simply by running and not getting too close. There's also a rat that shows up, but he's not too much of a problem. Just kick it once to kill it (or have the Eyeless hit it with a swarm of bees. XD). Use the Shotgun and get some good distance between the two of you, and he'll lose a good chunk of health with each bullet. When his health is gone, use the Pistol to finish him off. Examine the Eyeless afterwards for the Reliquary Key, then head right from where you first encountered him and you'll see some stairs. Go up and you'll find a rat and two bodies. Kill the rat, listen to Scully's description of how they died, then pick up the thing next to one of the bodies for the Flamethrower! Return to the main area and head left, then left again and you should see a door. Open it with the key you just found, then go upstairs. Kill the two zombies here, then go up the stairs in the corner to find a body. Examine it for an ammo clip, then go back down and right to the end. In the next room, a cutscene will play. Afterwards, kill the zombie, then head right to find an ammo clip on a shelf and a First Aid Kit on the floor. Take out the two zombies that appear, then follow the path they came from, killing any more enemies you find. At the end you should find an ammo clip on the left (Scully's right). Head all the way back to the room with the stairs in the corner. Kill the bad guy here, then go up the small stairs and into the room here to find Mulder! Examine the ladder to climb out of this smelly place. -Monastery Outer Sanctum- From where you came out of, head forward and left until you find a statue with a save point. Use it, then go down the long hall. *SPOILER* The two agents see an old man dressed in robes, and think he looks normal. Then they see his eyes are clouded with black, and decide that normal isn't the best word. "Scully, RUN!" *END SPOILER* Despite Mulder's warning, DO NOT RUN. Instead, stand your ground and shoot them with the Pistol. Wait until at least one or two of them dies, THEN run away. Head back and hide behind one of the pillars on the right or left. Wait for the rest to come to you and shoot them. When they're all dead, examine all four of them to get an assload of AK-47 ammo. Head towards the door for a cutscene... then a boss! BOSS: Eyeless Yep, it's this guy again. Just use the same strategy as before and you'll be fine. Examine him for the Inner Sanctum Key, then run back and save your game again. Go back to the doors and go inside... -Monastery Inner Sanctum- You'll see something floating in the middle of the room. Upon examining it you'll see that it's the Artifact, and there's a piece missing from it. Go to your Inventory and highlight the lead box with the Artifact Piece. Examine it, then examine it again to get the piece. Use the piece on the floating Artifact for a cutscene, followed by the final boss. FINAL BOSS: The Entity If you fought the Entity with Mulder, you're probably thinking "Not again!" Well, you're in for a treat; with Scully you only have to fight the Entity ONCE! However, despite this, it's still somewhat hard. But if you use your ammo and health items wisely, you should be okay. His attacks consist of using a force on you to keep you from moving, a purple beam, and the standard swiping attack. Plus, he has three zombie friends to help him out. A key factor here is to keep your distance from all four of them, and not get trapped between them and a wall. If that happens then you're pretty much screwed, cause it's hard to escape when you have your back to the wall and there's zombies on both sides and in front of you. With that said, let's take care of this alien freak, shall we? If you fought this guy with Mulder already, you probably remember me telling you to kill the zombies, then shoot Entity while he revives them and he'll take a lot of damage. Guess what? That works here too! So take out all (or at least one) of the zombies with whatever you like. When the Entity starts waving his hands around, pull out the AK-47 and let loose on him. Keep shooting until he falls over. There, that wasn't so bad, huh? Take out the remaining the zombies and leave. -Monastery Outer Sanctum- Go to the door on the right, then approach the hole in the floor for a cutscene. *SPOILER* Scully helps Mulder out of the hole. Once he's out, he tells Scully about the alien life below and begs her to go back down with him. Scully ignores his request and shouts that they have to leave now. A ray of light suddenly shoots up through the hole. *END SPOILER* Leave the room and go down the long hall to the big doors at the end. Don't bother with the save point and go out the doors. Examine the boat for the final cutscene. CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully completed the game with Dana Scully! You'll get the remaining storyboards from her game, the last batch of concept art, the Finale movie, and Scully's Final Notes. Save your game and take a well-deserved break. ============================================================ 8)Inventory Here are all the items and weapons found in the game with complete descriptions. I will also list the locations of the weapons for both Mulder and Scully. This section, however, does not cover story-specific items (keys to certain rooms, etc). NOTE: All weapons that are acquired in an episode are lost once the episode ends and a new one begins. That explains the many differing locations for the weapons with both characters. ============================================================ WEAPON | DESCRIPTION ============================================================ Pistol | Standard FBI gun. Can hold up to fifteen | 9mm bullets. | Location: you start the game with this. ------------------------------------------------------------ Magnum Revolver | A small but powerful gun. Holds up to 6 | bullets. | Location: On the desk in Hector's Garage | (Scully, episode 1, act 1) ------------------------------------------------------------ AK-47 | A big gun that needs to be held with both | hands. Holds up to 30 bullets. | Locations: | + Examine the body of the zombie at the | Post Office (Mulder, episode 1, act 1) | + Examine the body of Skinner's assistant | (Mulder, episode 2, act 2) | + From the zombie in the first cabin | (Scully, episode 3, act 1) | + Get it from one of the four zombies you | kill in the Monastery Outer Sanctum. | (Mulder, episode 3, act 2) ------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun | A very powerful gun that needs to be held | with both hands. It can only hold 8 shells. | Locations: | + Examine the Sheriff's body (Mulder, | episode 1, act 1) | + On a couch at the FBI Headquarters during | the dream sequence (Mulder, episode 2, act 2) | + In the room with the backup generator | (Scully, episode 2, act 2) | + The second building you enter in the Gulag, | before fighting Avatar (as Mulder), or after | escaping from the storage building (as Scully), | use the Metal Gate Key to unlock a cell | containing the weapon. | (Mulder and Scully, episode 3, act 1) | + After beating the Entity's first form, | look in the upper left corner of the room. | (Mulder, episode 3, act 2) ------------------------------------------------------------ M4 Carbine | Holds up to 30 bullets at a time. | Location: the armory in the Briar | Institute (Mulder and Scully, episode 1, act 2) ------------------------------------------------------------ Flamethrower | Requires fuel designed specifically for it | in order to work. | Locations: | + In a room in the Sunken Chapel Basement. Go | to the water area with the rats, then back and | to the left to find stairs that lead to a room | with the Flamethrower. | (Mulder and Scully, episode 3, act 2) | + During the second fight with the Entity, | it's on the ground behind you when you start. | (Mulder, episode 3, act 2) ------------------------------------------------------------ Molotov Cocktail | Made of certain materials found in the | area. These materials consist of beer | bottles, a lighter, and rags or paper. | You must have the lighter equipped to use | this. | Location: Made from materials located | in the playing field. | (Mulder and Scully, episode 1, act 1 ONLY) ------------------------------------------------------------ Stiletto | A sharp needle designed to kill aliens. | Locations: | + From P.O. Box 1013 at the Post Office. | (Mulder only, episode 1, act 1) | + Get it from the Sheriff in the fourth | Entity fight (Mulder only, episode 3, act 2) ------------------------------------------------------------ Vaccination Gun | A gun that can shoot tranquilizer darts. | It can hold up to six darts at a time. | Location: In a room on the second floor | of the Briar Institute. | (Scully only, episode 1, act 2) ============================================================ ============================================================ ITEMS | DESCRIPTION ============================================================ First Aid Kit | Replenishes Mulder and Scully's health Bandages | Location: Everywhere Aspirin | ------------------------------------------------------------ Antidote | Cures poison. | Location: Scully can make these from | different chemicals she finds in autopsies. | She's the only one who can carry them. ============================================================ ============================================================ 9)All the X-Tras One of the game's best qualities is the large amount of extra goodies in it. For those who have read the guide before, this section is simply the "Secrets and Easter Eggs" and "Special Features List" combined into one section. Plus another section which many have eagerly awaited: Cheat codes! ============================================================ SECRETS AND EASTER EGGS ============================================================ There are lots of little gags and secrets hidden throughout the game that refer to the original TV show, its cast, and its crew. Whether you're a veteran of the TV show or a newbie, these are some pretty cool things to look for! NOTE: There are some spoilers for both the game and the TV show in this section, so be warned. EPISODE 1 - ACT 1 + Although this applies to every act and episode in the game, I'm going to list it here just to get it out of the way. The save points in the game are X's made with masking tape. This sort of X was used on the show for a while. Mulder would tape an X onto his apartment window as a way of contacting Mr. X, one of the show's beloved informants. + The number 1013 is used a lot here. It's the time displayed in the corner during the first movie with Mulder and Scully, and the name of the P.O. Box that contains the Stiletto. 1013 is the name of the production company that produced the X-Files TV series and movie. + The diner that Mulder goes into at the beginning is called J.J.'s Diner. In season 5's "The Post-Modern Prometheus", Mulder goes to eat at a diner by the same name. + The street names are names of actual X-Files episodes. The episodes referred to here include: "Ascension", "Anasazi", "Humbug", "Syzygy", "Lazarus", and "Conduit". + In the video store there are movie posters which also have episode names on them. The episodes seen here are: "The Sixth Extinction II", "Chinga", "The Host", "Quagmire", and "Field Trip". + The video store itself is an episode reference: "Wetwired Video". "Wetwired" was an episode about subliminal messages in a video that drove people to kill. + If you walk into the adult section of the video store (it's where the one zombie came out of) with Mulder, he'll sigh in disappointment and say his favorite title is missing! If you go in there with Scully, she'll say it's smaller than Mulder's collection! One of the show's running gags has been Mulder's love for porn. + More fun at the video store! Walk toward the counter from the front and you can see a video labeled The Stupendous Yappi's "Dead Alien! Truth or Humbug?". This was the same video from a season 3 episode called "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'", and in that episode Scully performed an autopsy on an alien while a nerd videotaped it. It turns out the "alien" was actually some guy in a costume. The Stupendous Yappi was also in "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose", another great season 3 episode. + The beer bottles you pick up have a picture of a woman on them. The woman is Betty, the tattoo from season 4's "Never Again". + A writer for the show named Vince Gilligan has a wife named Holly, and made a reference to her in every single episode he wrote. And it looks like they snuck in another reference to her in the game; the gas station is called Holly's! + The gas station has a sign advertising Morley brand cigarettes, and various packs of Morleys are seen on the floor of the supermarket. Morleys are the brand of cigarettes used by the Cigarette-Smoking Man, and was featured in season 7's "Brand X". + At the bar, if you examine one of the arcade machines, you'll see the high scores for the game. All of the initials will say "D.P.O.", another episode name. That episode was about a kid with those same initials who could control lightning. He also played Virtua Fighter 2 a lot, and, like the coin-op in the game, his initials held every place in the top scores listing. + At the Sheriff's Office, the guy in the cell is named Chaco. In season 2's "Our Town" there was poultry company known as Chaco Chicken. + The trailer park is called Skyland, which is also the place where Duane Barry took Scully in season 2 so the aliens would abduct her instead of him. + The John Gillnitz character that you meet in the bomb shelter is a combination of three of the show's writers' names: John Shiban, Vince Gilligan, and Frank Spotnitz. The name was used on the show several times. + The soda machine at the gas station is the same one that was used in the movie. + One of the buildings you see in town is called VinalRight. VinalRight was the telemarketing company mentioned in season 5's "Folie A Deux". + While playing as Scully, during the autopsy sequence she'll say "The contents of his stomach at the time of death was pepperoni pizza". She said this same line in "Bad Blood", a rather popular season 5 episode. EPISODE 1 - ACT 2 + In Scully's game, the names she finds on the computer are names of some of the people who worked on the game (with the exception of Winslow and Williams). EPISODE 2 - ACT 1 + The tagline shown at the end of the opening is Trust No One, a phrase that Mulder and Scully have lived by. This tagline was shown in the opening for "The Erlenmeyer Flask", the finale for season one. Deep Throat, the informant Mulder looked to during this season, says this before he dies at the end of this episode. This phrase has been used a lot throughout the show, including the movie. Skinner even says it to Mulder in Act 2 of this episode. + There are two characters from the TV series that you can find in the hallway in the FBI building. From Skinner's office, head down and you'll see a man with glasses. This is Chuck Burks, who had very few (I think he was only in about 4-5 episodes) but memorable appearances. He provided the agents with some helpful info on some of their cases. You can talk to him as many times as you like; he says some weird but funny stuff. + The other character is found north of where you exit Skinner's office. Near the elevator you'll find none other than Alvin Kersh, the Assistant Director that Mulder and Scully were assigned to for a brief time in season 6. He disappeared for a while after that, but he made a return in the final season as Deputy Director. + The basement office is very true to its television counterpart. The office has everything from the "I Want to Believe" poster to Mulder's basketball and other details that are probably not visible to the naked eye. + The sunflower seeds you find in the filing cabinet as Mulder are Spritz brand, which is the same kind used on the television show. Sunflower seeds, as you may have guessed, are Mulder's favorite snack. =) The seeds also work as a recovery item, lucky for you. EPISODE 2 - ACT 2 + Like the X-Files' office, Mulder's apartment is very well rendered; the fish tank is there, and so are the porn mags and tapes. XD + Another nifty thing in Mulder's apartment is his TV. When you go in there at the start of Act 2, you see various images flash up on the screen. These same images were used to test Mulder's ESP abilities in "The Sixth Extinction". Mulder had three monitors set up in front of him, facing away from him. He had to touch a monitor every time a picture of a UFO appeared on it. As anyone who's seen it knows, he passed. + There's a door in the apartment which, when you try to open it, says there's boxes in the way. Mulder's bedroom is located beyond this door, which was never seen until season 6, in the episode "Dreamland II". When Morris Fletcher (an Area 51 worker who somehow traded places with Mulder) opens the door, he finds boxes of junk all over the room. He cleans it out and puts a waterbed in there, and tries to seduce Scully with it (which fails, XD). At the end of the episode Fletcher and Mulder are switched back into each others bodies and the events of the two parter are erased. However, Mulder's bedroom is still changed... Yet for some reason you can't see it in the game. I guess they never really planned to have it in there, so they came up with something funny that you get when you try to open it. + On Mulder's fridge and coffee table, you can find copies of The Lone Gunman newspaper. It was published by... The Lone Gunmen, of course. ^_^ + During the sequence where Mulder is tripping out, he hears Skinner and his assistant talking in German. This same sort of thing happened in the very popular episode "Triangle". Mulder finds himself on a luxery cruise ship in 1939, on the day World War II began. He sees alternate versions of Scully, Skinner, Smoking Man, Spender, Kersh, and Kersh's secretary, with Skinner, CSM, and Spender as Nazis (Skinner, however, turned out to be a spy for the U.S.). It should also be noted that CSM is in his Nazi attire during this sequence, and the U.S. flags appear to be Nazi flags as well, though it's hard to tell. + When you're running through the hallways, you might see some weird, green, slime-like stuff on the walls. This looks very similar to the slime in the caves from "Field Trip", in which Mulder and Scully were exposed to a certain fungus that caused them to have hallucinations (Mulder and Scully trippin' out on mushrooms... who'da thunk it?). + On the Optical Data Sheet, there are other names on there besides Mulder. The other names are actually names of people who worked on the game. + The pictures Scully finds of Mulder on the optical disk at Roush are actual pictures from "The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati", the episode that this game is set immediately after. We see Mulder strapped down to an operating table undergoing some sort of brain surgery. It doesn't make a lot of sense unless you watch the actual episode, as well as the two that lead up to it ("Biogenesis" and "The Sixth Extinction"). + Not really an easter egg, but more like an odd glitch. When playing as Scully, after the optical disk gets melted, you can go back to where you first got it and get another one! EPISODE 3 - ACT 1 + Once again, the tagline at the end of the opening is changed, this time to the game's subtitle "Resist or Serve". The tagline was also used on an actual episode of the show, "The Red and The Black", and Krycek said this to Mulder in that episode as a warning. CSM and Mulder also say this during this act. + In the Toxic Storage Building, you can see a pic of a weird monster on a large monitor near the entrance. That monster is the Flukeman, a popular enemy from season 2's "The Host". EPISODE 3 - ACT 2 + At the end of the game as Mulder, you're inside an odd structure of metal, and there are several pod-looking things with humans inside, covered in green ice. These are the exact same pods from the movie, "Fight the Future". At the movie's climax Mulder finds himself inside an alien spaceship containing several people who act as hosts to alien life forms. These were all the eggs that I could find. If you've found any more, please tell me! ============================================================ SPECIAL FEATURES ============================================================ As you progress through the game you'll unlock things called "Special Features". These can be accessed through the menu of the same name on the Main Menu screen. The Special Features area functions kind of like Extras on a DVD movie; you can view storyboards, concept art, and certain movies from the game. There are also movies of the actors recording their dialogue! This section covers the different items in the Special Features section, their descriptions, and how to get them. Since I have beaten the game, this section is now complete except for the Final Notes (which I might add sometime in the future). A. THEATER Movies - This sections consists of mostly FMV sequences ============================================================ MOVIE NAME | DESCRIPTION ============================================================ Intro | The movie that plays in the background | while in the main menus. Made up of | several clips from the TV series from the | Pilot episode up to "The Sixth Extinction II". | How to unlock it: Unlocked at start ------------------------------------------------------------ Teaser 1 | The teaser FMV for episode 1. | How to unlock it: Unlocked at start ------------------------------------------------------------ Teaser 2 | The teaser FMV for episode 2. | How to unlock it: Complete Episode 1 with | Mulder or Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ Finale | The ending FMV sequence for the game. | How to unlock it: Complete Episode 3 with | Mulder or Scully ============================================================ B-Roll - Movies of the actors recording their dialogue ============================================================ B-ROLL NAME | DESCRIPTION ============================================================ Frohike | Tom Braidwood recording his dialogue. | How to unlock it: Unlocked at start ------------------------------------------------------------ Cigarette-Smoking | William B. Davis recording his dialogue. Man | How to unlock it: Complete episode 1 with | Mulder. ------------------------------------------------------------ Byers | Bruce Harwood recording his dialogue. | How to unlock it: Complete episode 1 with | Scully. ------------------------------------------------------------ Krycek | Nicholas Lea recording his dialogue. | How to unlock it: Complete episode 2 with | Mulder. ------------------------------------------------------------ Langly | Dean Haglund recording his dialogue. | How to unlock it: Complete episode 2 with | Scully. ============================================================ B. ART Concept Art - Rough drawings of the characters and enemies in the game. ============================================================ CONCEPT ART NAME | DESCRIPTION ============================================================ Roscoe Zombie | Front and profile views of Roscoe | How to unlock it: Unlocked at start ------------------------------------------------------------ Mandy | Front and profile views of Mandy | How to unlock it: Unlocked at start ------------------------------------------------------------ Mandy (2) | Frontal full body view of Mandy | How to unlock it: Unlocked at start ------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Dawson | Front and profile views of Dr. Dawson | How to unlock it: Unlocked at start ------------------------------------------------------------ Crazed Postal | Frontal full body view of the zombie from Zombie | the Post Office. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 1 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ Hector Zombie | Front and profile views of Hector | How to unlock it: Beat episode 1 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ Hector Zombie (2) | Frontal full body view of Hector | How to unlock it: Beat episode 1 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ Mutant Wolf | Full view of the Mutant Wolf | How to unlock it: Beat episode 1 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ Mutant Wolf (2) | Full view of another Mutant Wolf | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ Disciple A- | Front and profile views of the Harvester Harvester | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ Disciple A- | Frontal full body view of the Harvester Harvester (2) | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ Disciple C- | Front and profile views of Pyro Pyro | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ Disciple C- | Frontal full body view of Pyro Pyro (2) | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ Disciple D- | Front and profile views of Pitcher Pitcher | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ Disciple D- | Frontal full body view of Pitcher Pitcher (2) | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ Mutant Slug | Frontal full body view of the Mutant Slug | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ Constantine | Frontal full body view of the Constantine Creature Creature | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ Disciple E & F - | Frontal full body view of the Avatar Avatar Twin | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ Constantine | Front and profile views of the Constantine | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ Constantine (2) | More front and profile views of the Constantine | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3 with Scully ============================================================ Storyboard Art - Storyboards for key moments in the game. *SPOILERS* ============================================================ STORYBOARD # | DESCRIPTION ============================================================ 1-19 | Storyboards for the episode 1 teaser. | How to unlock it: Unlocked at start ------------------------------------------------------------ 20-22 | Storyboards for Mulder's vision of | Katlyn in the gas station bathroom. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 1, act 1 | with Mulder or Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 23-26 | Storyboards for Mulder killing the | zombie at the Sheriff's Office, then | getting attacked by another. Scully | shows up to save him. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 1, act 1 | with Mulder or Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 27 | Mulder finding the Stiletto. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 1, act 1 | with Mulder or Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 28-32 | Scully finding Katlyn, and discovering she | was infected with the black oil | How to unlock it: Beat episode 1 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 33-36 | Mulder finding a zombie clone of Katlyn | How to unlock it: Beat episode 1 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ 37-38 | Scully getting locked in the chamber by a zombie | How to unlock it: Beat episode 1 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 39-41 | The opening teaser to episode 2 | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2, act 1 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ 42-46 | Mulder being questioned by the fake Scully | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ 47-48 | Fake Scully turning into the Alien Bounty Hunter | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ 49-55 | Mulder finding Skinner and the Smoking Man during | the dream sequence. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ 56-59 | The Lone Gunmen meeting Scully at Quantico | after the autopsy sequence. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2, act 1 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 60-61 | Scully in a room with several glass cases, one | containing a zombie that jumps at the glass and | startles her. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 62-67 | The alien artifact becoming hot, then flying | away from Scully, Byers, and Frohike. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 68-70 | Scully, Byers, and Frohike's encounter with the Pyro. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 70-73 | Langly finding Scully, Byers, and Frohike at | the greenhouse, and noting the damage that has | been done. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 2 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 74-84 | The opening scene from episode 3 with Mulder | and the one-armed Russians. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3, act 1 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ 85-86 | Scully finding the helicopter pilot, who is now | a zombie. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3, act 1 with Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ 87-100 | The first part of the final FMV. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3 with Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ 101-115 | The second part of the final FMV. | How to unlock it: Beat episode 3 with Scully ============================================================ C. DOSSIERS All Dossiers are unlocked at the start. ============================================================ DOSSIER NAME | DESCRIPTION ============================================================ Fox Mulder | Complete dossier for Mulder ------------------------------------------------------------ Dana Scully | Complete dossier for Scully ------------------------------------------------------------ A.D. Walter Skinner | Complete dossier for Skinner ------------------------------------------------------------ The Lone Gunmen | Complete dossier for The Lone Gunmen ------------------------------------------------------------ Cigarette-Smoking Man | Complete dossier for the Cigarette- | Smoking Man ------------------------------------------------------------ Alex Krycek | Complete dossier for Krycek ------------------------------------------------------------ Marita Covarrubias | Complete dossier for Marita Covarrubias ------------------------------------------------------------ Alien Bounty Hunter | Complete dossier for the Alien Bounty | Hunter ============================================================ D. FINAL NOTES You have to beat the game in order to unlock the Final Notes. The Final Notes consist of two comprehensive reports (one by Mulder, one by Scully) that cover the events of the whole game. E. CREDITS The credits are... the credits. For the game. Uh, yeah, that's pretty much it. ^_^; ============================================================ CHEAT CODES ============================================================ There are two methods of using cheat codes: the cheat menu in the game, or the use of a cheating device like GameShark or CodeBreaker. I personally recommend using the codes built into the game, cause devices like GameShark can mess up your saved games and such. However, if you insist on using GameShark, then I won't try to stop you, 'cause I'm nice. ;) -In-Game Codes- To get to the game's cheat menu, go to Options > Game Settings > Cheats. There are five circles on the screen, and you must enter a certain combo of buttons to get the correct code. But you don't want to try and guess all the different possible combos, right? So without further ado, here are all the codes you will ever need. Thanks to Hobbkito for finding the Infinite Ammo code, and Notion for getting the rest! Grenade Bullets: X, CIRCLE, SQUARE, L2, R2 Infinite Ammo: L1, L2, X, R2, R1 Player Invincible: UP, SQUARE, CIRCLE, X, DOWN One Shot Kills: CIRCLE, L2, DOWN, R1, X Unlock All Acts: R2, RIGHT, L2, UP, SQUARE Unlock All Bonus Features: LEFT, R1, L1, DOWN, CIRCLE -GameShark- I've never used a PS2 GameShark, so I have no idea how it works. Though I assume it works just the same as an N64 one (which I do have), except it's a CD or whatever. Just create a new game and input the codes manually. Thanks to AmyLeelsHot for these! These codes are said to work with GameShark v2. (M) 0E3C7DF2 1853E59E EE9A3DA2 BCCD5CB2 Infinite Health DE85B90E E0AF9BB5 DE85B90A 6AEFA0C3 Infinite Ammo (All Weapons) DE8DE2A2 BCA99B83 -Action Replay- I have no idea what version to use with these. Credit goes to YCHGrnLantern. (M) Q8NG-WTVB-3XTVT BAC9-Z52C-TTY4H Infinite Item Slot 1 RQ7C-64Z2-7XQF4 WBPV-NU1N-7FDHB Infinite Item Slot 2 7YH0-YZJT-K8NKB DX5A-ZYEA-8E1P7 Infinite Item Slot 3 CMFP-NEWU-JJGGD 2K3J-545C-6XUGT Infinite Item Slot 4 Y3ZK-J8XN-CZZUK PCF0-BT34-91WP7 Infinite Item Slot 5 CKW8-AM5R-6MHMT 7N7N-1RVU-TEZ9D Infinite Item Slot 6 Q0MB-FD1X-Q100C KJQF-R5WK-A210N Infinite Item Slot 7 CTYD-5BYM-03YRZ D7ET-F8H8-JDAV7 Infinite Item Slot 8 UHCK-0BPQ-Y3FCJ Z7CX-H403-5N4PH ============================================================ 10)End Notes COPYRIGHT NOTICE "The X-Files: Resist or Serve" is (c) 2004 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Fox Interactive, "The X-Files" and their associated logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Vivendi Universal Games and the Vivendi Universal Games logo are trademarks of Vivendi Universal Games, Inc. This game was developed by Black Ops Entertainment. Copyright (c) 1994-2004 by Black Ops Entertainment. All rights reserved. This FAQ is (c) to me, Sailor Amaya. See the notes below for information on using this guide. ============================================================ NOTES FROM THE AUTHOR This FAQ was written by Sailor Amaya, and has been uploaded to the following sites with my permission: GameFAQs ( Chaos Caverns of Mobius ( This FAQ is open to public use, and you may do what you will with it. However, this guide is not to be sold for profit or to be used on some other site without my permission. The information in this guide also cannot be used without my permission. Copying this guide and claiming it as your own is considered plagiarism, which is a crime. If you would like to use this FAQ on your site, or if you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me: E-mail: AIM: SuperMechaSally (I'm not on a lot, though...) ============================================================ SPECIAL THANKS TO: Vivendi Universal, Fox Interactive, and Black Ops for creating such a great game. Chris Carter for creating the show. Still waiting for the next movie (which is hopefully a go!)... David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, and the rest of the cast for coming back and taking on the roles of these great characters once again. CJayC for creating GameFAQs and hosting my FAQ on there. The various people on the board for this game that helped me out with certain things. I can't remember any names right now; too many o' them. ^_^; ============================================================ *************************END OF FILE************************ ============================================================