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Contributors/Thanks 06. Contact 07. Legal Stuff _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. VERSION HISTORY version 0.5.2, 04.10.04 made a couple of corrections version 0.5.1, 03.25.04 added descriptions for two items under "Tunguska" version 0.5.0, 03.24.04 initial release _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02. INTRODUCTION The X-Files: Resist or Serve is a dream come true for the hardcore X-Phile who also happens to be a hardcore gamer. The first X-Files game released on PC and the original Playstation, simply titled The X-Files Game, was somewhat enjoyable, but also left a lot to be desired for X-Philes and gamers alike. Resist or Serve has in most ways more than made up for the shortcomings of its predecessor by giving fans of the survival horror genre a great game and by giving fans of the television show an awesome X-Files experience. One thing the first game did offer, however, was a whole lot of in-jokes. In-jokes (or inside jokes) are small references to the various episodes of the show and the people who worked on it. Fortunately, Resist or Serve continues this tradition. This guide aims to identify as many of the in-jokes and other X-Files trivia found within the game as possible. For those who may not be crazy obsessed fans or those who are just entering the world of The X-Files for the first time, short explanations will be given for each reference, as will episode names and numbers, if applicable. Feel free to check out the show in reruns or pick up some of the X-Files DVD sets to see what it's all about. For the dedicated X-Files fans in the audience, let's see if we can get them all, shall we? :) Note about episode numbers and timeline: For anyone confused by the episode numbers, (0x00) would be (season x episode). This is the order the episodes were produced in, though not necessarily the order in which they originally aired (though it's probably close). The games also feature episode titles and numbers, as if they were a part of the show. The original X-Files game was created as one "episode" of the show. It would be "Agrippa" (3x99). This places the first game somewhere in the timeframe of the show's third season. Resist or Serve is made up of three "episodes." Their titles are "Renascence" (7x97), "Resonance" (7x98), and "Reckoning" (7x99). This places the episodes in the timeframe of the show's 7th season. According to interviews prior to the game's release, it was stated that these episodes take place after the two-part 7th season premiere "The Sixth Extinction" (7x03) and "The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati" (7x04) and presumably before the season's other mythology episodes. According to Scully in the game, the events of the premiere took place "months" ago. Note about spoilers: This guide does contain spoilers for the game (and the television show, for that matter). Read at your own risk. Reading in-jokes for one section probably won't spoil another, however. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03. IN-JOKES 03.a. Episode 7x97: Renascence -------------------------------------------- 03.a1. RED FALLS, CO -------------------------------------------- Red Falls seems to contain the greatest number of in-jokes of any section of the game. Episode titles and other references are thrown in all over the town. * STREET SIGNS All of the streets in Red Falls are named after X-Files television episodes. They are: Ascension (episode 2x06) Anasazi (episode 2x25) Lazarus (episode 1x14) Humbug St. (episode 2x20) Syzygy Ave.(episode 3x13) Conduit St.(episode 1x03) * WETWIRED VIDEO The Red Falls video store is full of in-jokes, starting with the store's name. The episode "Wetwired" (3x23) centered around subliminal messages hidden in video signals that resulted in paranoid psychotic behavior when viewed for extended periods of time. * MOVIE POSTERS A number of episode titles are also featured as movie posters in the video store. I couldn't make out the text on all of the posters (feel free to e-mail me if you can), but the ones I could read were: Field Trip (episode 6x21) The Host (episode 2x02) The Sixth Extinction II (episode 7x04) Chinga (episode 5x10) Quagmire (episode 3x22) * ALIEN AUTOPSY VIDEO On the counter in the video store is The Stupendous Yappi's "Dead Alien! Truth or Humbug?" video featured in the episode "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'" (3x20). * ADULT VIDEOS Walk into the adult video section with either Mulder or Scully, and they'll each make an amusing comment about one of Mulder's favorite pasttimes. * J.J.'S DINER In addition to Wetwired, there are other stores around town with names that reference episodes of the show. J.J.'s Diner was featured in the black and white episode "Post-Modern Prometheus" (5x06). * VINALRIGHT The telemarketing company in "Folie a Deux" (5x19) was calling on behalf of the VinalRight corporation. * BURGERLICIOUS I'm not sure if this place was ever featured in the show, but I believe this was the working title for the episode "Hungry" (7x01), and the name of the burger place before it was changed to Lucky Boy. * SKYLAND TRAILER PARK Skyland Mountain is where Scully was abducted in "Ascension" (2x06) and almost killed in "Patient X" (5x13). * HOLLY'S GAS STATION / KEYCHAIN Holly is the name of series writer Vince Gilligan's girlfriend (wife now?), and he put a reference to her in nearly every episode he wrote. * MORLEY CIGARETTES SIGN There is a sign for them in Holly's Gas Station and a couple of packs near the register in the supermarket. Morley is the brand of cigarettes smoked by the Cigarette-Smoking Man. The brand was featured prominently in the episode "Brand X" (7x19). * VENDING MACHINE The "Cold Drinks" vending machine is the same as the one that held the bomb in the 1998 feature film "The X-Files: Fight the Future." * ARCADE MACHINE When you look at one of the arcade machines in the bar, you'll get a close-up of the screen with the top scores. All of the initials will be D.P.O., as in short for Darren Peter Oswald, the kid who could control lightning in the episode "D.P.O." (3x03). Darren was identified in the episode by a similar set of top scores on a Virtua Fighter 2 machine. * BETTY'S ERGOT ALE When you pick up the beer bottles in the bar, Chaco's trailer, or the supermarket, you may notice a familiar face on the label. Betty was the jealous talking tattoo from the episode "Never Again" (4x13), and ergot was the parasite that lived off of the rye in the tattoo's ink, possibly causing hallucinogenic ergotism. * PEPPERONI PIZZA During Scully's autopsy, she notes that the stomach contains pepperoni pizza. A stomach full of pizza is what led Scully to realize that the "vampire" was the pizza boy in the episode "Bad Blood" (5x12). * CHACO The character Chaco's name might sound familiar. In the episode "Our Town" (2x24), Mulder and Scully investigate the Chaco Chicken processing plant. "Good people, good food," indeed. * JOHN GILLNITZ John Gillnitz is a name used before on both The X-Files and The Lone Gunmen series. The name is a combination of the names of series writers John Shiban, Vince Gilligan, and Frank Spotnitz. * 1013 In Renascence, 10:13 PM appears as a timestamp at the beginning of the episode directly after the opening credits. It also appears on the P.O. Box key, and P.O. Box 10-13 is where Mulder finds the stiletto. As most X-Philes know, Ten Thirteen is the name of the X-Files production company. October 13th is series creator Chris Carter's birthday, and Mulder's birthday as well. 03.a2. BRIAR LAKE INSTITUTE -------------------------------------------- * COMPUTER RECORDS The list of names containing the Winslow girls' records on the computer in the beginning of Scully's Act 2 also contains 17 other names. I've been able to identify most of these people as members of the development team. They are... 1 Neal Addicott - audio programmer 2 Heather Barclay -- lead game programmer 3 Ivan Bouinatchov -- animator 4 Jesse Burneko -- programmer 5 Narry Cinelli -- 2D artist 6 Jake Cotton -- sr. 3D artist 7 Michael Field -- art director 8 Seth Kleinberg -- designer/associate producer 9 Rob Kohout -- programmer/additional designer 10 Kirk Lambert -- lead designer/producer 11 Maggie Langley -- lead animator 12 Eric Matson -- artist 13 Heather Poon -- 3D artist 14 Brian Sanchez -- animator 15 David Turner -- 3D artist 16 Sam Ware -- animator 17 Williams -- (made up name) Thank you to the person who sent in additions and corrections to this list. :) If I've made any other mistakes here, please send your corrections. And, again, if any of you talented folks who worked on this game happen to be reading this, congratulations on an excellent game, and feel free to contact me... :) * PSYCHIC ABILTY TESTING EQUIPMENT ["The Sixth Extinction" (7x03)] * OPERATING TABLE ["The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati" (7x04)] * CONTAINMENT PODS ["The X-Files: Fight the Future"] These things will go in the story section since they relate to the mythology. * IN PROGRESS * 03.b. Episode 7x98: Resonance -------------------------------------------- 03.b1. FBI HEADQUARTERS -------------------------------------------- * OPENING SEQUENCE The opening credits for "Resonance" are the same as the sequence that appeared in the final episode of the show's first season, "The Erlenmeyer Flask" (1x23). This was the first time the show's famous tagline "The Truth Is Out There" was changed, though it was certainly not the last. In "The Erlenmeyer Flask," the tagline was changed to "Trust No One." These were the last words spoken to Scully by Mulder's informant Deep Throat after Scully witnessed him being shot to death. These are words the agents have lived by ever since. In "Resonance," these words are repeated to Mulder by Skinner in Act 4. * CHUCK BURKS One of the men standing alone in the hall is Mulder and Scully's buddy Chuck Burks. He specializes in para science and has helped the agents out on many occasions with his research into the paranormal. He's got some great lines in this game. * A.D. ALVIN KERSH The man standing over by the elevator is Mulder and Scully's former boss, Assistant Director Kersh. He was in charge of the agents for about half of the show's sixth season, when Mulder and Scully were forced off of the X-Files division following the events of the fifth season finale, "The End" (5x20). He would again make life a living hell for Mulder and Scully (and Skinner and Doggett, too) when he is promoted to Deputy Director in the show's eighth season. He has no shortage of belittling comments to dish out at Mulder and Scully in the game. * SPITZ SUNFLOWER SEEDS Mulder's favorite snack makes an appearance as well when he searches the basement office. They also act as a health item. The packaging is a take off of the "David" brand sunflower seeds. One episode where the Spitz brand is featured prominently is "The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati" (7x04). 03.b2. MULDER'S APARTMENT -------------------------------------------- * MULDERS'S TELEVISION When you first start out in Mulder's apartment, the television will be flashing the pictures used on Kritschau's ESP testing machine in "The Sixth Extinction" (7x03). I guess this was used as a bit of foreshadowing for the events of Mulder's Act 4. * PLAYPEN MAGAZINE Another reference to Mulder's fondness of pornography. His magazine of choice can be found on his coffee table and elsewhere around the apartment. * MULDER'S BEDROOM The door in Mulder's apartment that's blocked by storage boxes is his bedroom. It was hotly debated before the sixth season whether or not Mulder even had a bedroom, since he always seemed to sleep on his couch. In the sixth season episode "Dreamland II" (6x05), Morris Fletcher (in Mulder's body) discovers Mulder's bedroom full of boxes, porn magazines, and other junk and cleans the place up in a rather amusing attempt to seduce Scully. Morris' changes to the apartment remain in place even after other events of the episode are reversed, and Mulder is seen using his bedroom a couple of times later in the sixth season and into the seventh season. One would assume that it remained cleared out until it was last seen in the eighth season, but the developers needed an excuse to block off that unused room, and this in-joke was a cute means of doing so as opposed to the standard "this door won't open." It does beg the question of how Mulder is supposed to access his bathroom, though, considering that in "all things" (7x17) it is shown that the bathroom is connected to the bedroom when Scully spends the night. Of course, this was a problem on the show as well as in the game, and the set for Mulder's apartment has always been somewhat confusing, so it's probably best not to put too much thought into it. :) * LONE GUNMAN CLIPPING Among the many, many things stuck to Mulder's refrigerator is a large clipping from the Lone Gunman newspaper, published, obviously, by the Lone Gunmen. There is also a copy of this paper on his coffee table. * APARTMENT DETAILS Not really an in-joke since these things are supposed to be there, but they did a pretty decent job of replicating important elements of Mulder's apartment, such as Mulder's basketball (there's one in the office, too) and his picture of Samantha. * "TRIANGLE" REFERENCE When Mulder finds himself back at the FBI headquarters after escaping the hallways of his apartment, Skinner and his secretary speak a few lines in German. This is a reference to the episode "Triangle" (6x03) where Mulder boards a ghost ship to find that he's been taken back to the year 1939 and Nazis have overtaken the ship. He discovers alternate versions of Scully, Skinner, CSM, Spender, Kersh, and Kersh's secretary here. What happens in the game doesn't necessarily have much to do with the episode, but it is an interesting nod toward it. Cheezmonky Is I on the GameFAQs board gives a translation of what is said in German: "I remember the secretary said something around the lines of, 'You're too late.' and 'Go! Quickly!', and Skinner said what sounded like, 'I've been waiting', although if I'm not mistaken the full sentence he used was, 'I've been waiting gladly.' Hey, I can't blame the developers/writers, they didn't know any better." In this sequence, the Cigarette-Smoking Man is also dressed like his Nazi counterpart. (Skinner is not... I'm still trying to figure out what the hell he's wearing...) The flags in this part have also changed, but I'm having trouble identifying what flags they were changed to. If anyone knows, please drop me a line. The pattern on the rugs in here seem to be different as well. * HALLWAY GROWTHS/SLIME In the episode "Field Trip" (6x21), Mulder and Scully are subject to hallucinations as a result of being exposed to a fungus. All of Mulder's Act 4 has a similar feeling to it, and the strange growths found in Mulder's hallway may be a reference to the fungus/slime in the underground cave in that episode. It's also been suggested that the small glowing spots might be the glow-in-the-dark bugs from "Darkness Falls" (1x19), though I think this isn't as likely because of the amount of light in the hallway, and the slime would better fit in with the events of this act. 03.b3. ROUSH BIOTECHNOLOGIES -------------------------------------------- * OPTICAL STORAGE REFERENCE SHEET In addition to Mulder's name, four other names appear on this list. Michael Field was the art director for the game, and David Turner, Randy Mills, and Chris Barnes were 3D artists. **easter egg** Before you enter Mulder's number in to get the optical disk, enter the number next to Chris Barnes' name as many times as you want. This will supply you with extra health in your inventory. This trick was added as a thank you to Mr. Barnes for helping out another member of the team. * FIGHT THE FUTURE POSTER Not positive about this one, but the image on one of the monitors here seems to strongly resemble the green ("FIGHT") version of the X-Files movie poster. * ROUSH The significance of Roush will be explained in the story section. * IN PROGRESS * 03.c. Episode 7x99: Reckoning -------------------------------------------- 03.c1. TUNGUSKA -------------------------------------------- * OPENING SEQUENCE Like the opening for the previous episode, the tagline for "Reckoning" was also taken from an episode of the show. The tagline, "Resist or Serve," which the game was named after, was originally used in the episode "The Red and the Black" (5x14). These were the words originally spoken by Alex Krycek as a warning to Mulder. At this point in the series, Mulder's belief in extraterrestrial life had been shaken after the events of "Gethsemane" (4x24), and Krycek, knowing what he did about plans for colonization, was determined to set Mulder back on track. As Krycek said, "Kazakhstan, Skyland Mountain, the site in Pennsylvania. They're all alien lighthouses where the colonization will begin, but where now, a battle's being waged. A struggle for heaven and earth. Where there is one law: Fight or die. And one rule: Resist or serve." This scene is where Mulder sees the truth of the situation, and by the end of the episode, his beliefs are restored. In "Reckoning," these words are repeated by the Cigarette-Smoking Man. "Resist or Serve" was also used as the title of the official 5th season episode guide. * FLUKEMAN In one of the buildings in Tunguska, there is a small picture of the Flukeman on one of the monitors. The Flukeman is the name given to the popular worm-like creature from the episode "The Host" (2x02). The Flukeman was played by writer/actor Darin Morgan, brother of series writer Glen Morgan. Darin Morgan also played the role of Eddie Van Blundht in "Small Potatoes" (4x20), and wrote the humorous episodes "Humbug" (2x20), "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" (3x04), "War of the Coprophages" (3x12), and "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'" (3x20). The Flukeman was also featured as an in-joke in the episode "Pusher" (3x17), appearing on the front page of a supermarket tabloid. * IN PROGRESS * 03.c2. MONASTERY -------------------------------------------- * COMING SOON * _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04. STORY REFERENCES * COMING SOON * _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05. CONTRIBUTORS / THANKS Contributors from the RoS GameFAQs board: Xfyler Cheezmonky Is I Trust No One xfiles7016 Agent Mulder YCHGrnLantern Glock Magnum Thanks, guys. It's great to see people who were just as excited about this game as I was. :) Thank you to FadedStarX for your assistance and proofreading. Thank you to the person who contacted me with corrections to members of the development team. :) Thanks to CJayC for hosting this guide on GameFAQs. And a big thanks to Black Ops, The Collective, Vivendi Universal, and everyone involved in the creation of Resist or Serve for helping to put together a great game that caters to hardcore X-Philes as well as the average gamer. And of course where would we be without Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and all of the insanely talented cast and crew of The X-Files? Thanks for giving us all of your in-jokes. :) Now just give us another game and another movie, and maybe we can forgive you for how seasons 8 and 9 turned out, eh? :) _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06. CONTACT For additions, corrections, and general X-Files discussion, please e-mail me at souldreamx [at] yahoo [dot] com (replace [at] with "@" and [dot] with "." of course) with "In-jokes Guide" as the subject line. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07. LEGAL STUFF This guide is copyright 2004 SoulDreamX. It may not be used in whole or in part without express permission by the author. If you wish to use this FAQ on your site, please e-mail me first for permission. No requests will be granted until this guide is reasonably complete. The latest version of this guide can always be found on GameFAQs.com. As of now, GameFAQs.com is the only site with permission to host this guide. _______________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------