Kagero II – Dark Illusion General FAQ Version 2.0 Written by Winston Avalon (C)Copyright 2005. All Rights Reserved. Contents : 1. Introduction 2. Menu Translation 3. Endings 4. Costume 5. Defeating the Dark God 6. Survival Mode 7. Dark Illusion 8. Updates 1. Introduction First of all, I would like to say that if you are looking for a walkthru, this is the wrong FAQ. I only intend to write a general FAQ guide to answer some of the common questions. I will concentrate on completing the game, so I will not cover the details of each level as well as the ultimate trap tricks. I think someone else can write that. At the point of writing, this game is in Japanese only. So I will attempt to translate some of the stuff for you, but please do not laugh at my translation. I know my Japanese is not so good. 2. Menu From the Start Menu, you will only have 2 option. 1. New Game 2. Load Game (If you already have a save game) Next, after loading the game is the Main Menu. 1. Story Mode 2. Survival Mode 3. Load/Save 4. Settings 5. Gallery 5a. Library (Enemies Data) 5b. Dark Illusion (After you have at least done 1 at least) 6. Exit to Start Menu After selecting Story Mode, you have the Story Mode Menu. 1. Equipment 1a. Choose Equipment 1b. Make Equipment 2. Info 2a. Stats 2b. Enemies 2c. Location 3. Side Quest 4. Save 5. Return to Main Menu 6. Mission Start I will just cover the basics here. I won’t drill into the details of each of the menus. 3. Endings As far as I know, there are 3 Official Endings (A,B and C) and 2 unofficial ones which are unlabeled. You will get one new trap for A, B and C. Bad Ending (unlabeled) : At level 10, you are given the choice to let the country and let the bad guy rules. Answering yes, you will greatly disappoint Joyce and have to kill him. Just to mention that he is immune to a lot of traps. Using the vase on head works for me. After you defeat him, you will get this ending. The kingdom fell into chaos. Basically, to avoid this ending, just select not to leave the country and you will continue with your game. Bad Ending (A) : At level 14, you are given the choice to kill Rachel or not. Choosing Yes, you will have to fight and kill her. She can activate your traps so be careful. Anyway after killing her, Alicia will merge with the Dark God. Good or Bad I dun know. I kinda like this. :) Bad Ending (B) : At level 14, you chosen not to kill Rachel and she get killed anyway. You will have to fight the Dark God now in Level 15. If you are killed during the fight. The Dark God will merge with Alicia. You get a chance to kill Mayte in the ending cut scene. Good Ending © : Same as (B), but you defeated the Dark God. The Dark God is sealed and Alicia returns to the castle. The only survivors left are Alicia and Joyce. Joyce scouts around and demons are all over the castle. Alicia sits alone on her empty throne as the new Queen. Good Ending (unlabeled) : This is a reliable rumor. Why I say rumor? Because I have not gotten this ending yet. Basically its same as © but a different end scene. To get this, you will have to kill less than 10 enemies. Enemies will start to escape when badly injured. You are to let them run. Now you know why I did not managed to get this yet. I just add a note so far for this. SO FAR, I have not heard of anyone who did it. So, lets assume this doesn’t exist. I am trying to let 10 escapes instead of killing less than 10 hoping it could be a mistranslation. At least that sounds possible. 4. Costume There are 3 Costume as far as I know for this game. 1. Original Costume FREE The white color original costume. 2. Reinas Costume 100000 Ark The costume used in previous game Deception 3. 3. Kagero Costume 300000 Ark The costume used in previous game Kagero : Dark Deception. There are a lot of people asking how to get the costume. After level 10, you can buy the costume in the Make Equipment screen. There are 2 costumes and the prices are quite ridiculars high amount of Warl and Arc. After you bought the costume, go to Settings in Main menu and you see a highlight which you can change near at the 2nd last option. That is the costume. Yes, and lastly everyone wants to have Rachel’s costume. I wished too… Haha. 5. Defeating the Dark God There are a lot of questions on how to do it. So I figure I include this in my FAQ. At level 15, you will face the Dark God himself. He is however invulnerable at the beginning. Anyway, for this level, you definitive have to include the Sledge (switching blade) as well as the vacuum suck (only 1 damage). Ok, here is what you do. Use the Sledge Blade to knock the 4 pillars near the pentagram on the top of the level one by one. You will start to notice a purple line draw joining the 4 pillars. Now you have to be careful not to be in the Pentagram or you will get Ending B straight away. To easily trick Dark God into the Pentagram, you need to place the vacuum trap near. Activate it once he is near. Because he is immune to the trap he will glide away, hopefully into the Pentagram. And you will see one of the Dark Illusion, Seven Judgments. After the Sword Zealots hit Dark God, he will be vulnerable now. Use the trap on him to finish him. Just remember he is still invulnerable to some traps, but remember the vacuum suck, it usually cause him to avoid and fall into another trap of yours. 6. Survival Mode I finally completed it. So let me just say something about this. Its normal enemies, without bosses, but there are Hell Knights in the last few levels. a. There is no saving after Survival Mode start. So choose your equipment properly. Balanced them out. Some classes can totally avoid some of your traps. Also be ready for the Hell Knights as well. b. There are 10 levels and each 10 enemies. You will see the counter at the left corner. c. The levels are fixed. You cannot move into another room as well. d. To make things worse, you have limited time period to kill all of them off or it will be GAME OVER. I would advise you choose the more powerful combination you can think of. Of cos everyone will argue with me as to what is the best, so I wont go into the big details of that. I recommend the Tall Falling Wall. Lay before and after stairs. Follow by an Electrical Spike in the way of the stairs and a Swing Sledge covering the square of the Electrical Spike towards to wall. The normal combo will start will a Electrical Spike which hold the enemy, then the Swing Sledge to swing him towards the wall and fall the wall on the enemies. Most of the enemies will not survive this one, especially mages. 7. Dark Illusions OK, finally I can’t stand the temptation but to write this part as well. Its just way too cool to miss and I hope I can help most of you to get ALL of them. If you miss these, you really miss the BEST part of the game. :) There are 8 Dark Illusion altogether. You can only activate it once per Dark Illusion per section. Section is indicated with the Loading screen. You can see how many have you done at the Gallery Menu. One point I would like to note is that when you play the Side Story, it does not count. So even if you manage to perform a Dark Illusion, it is not recorded in the Gallery Menu. I found out the hard way, but well, it still fun and entertaining anyway to see the enemies roll right into it. a. Melody of Scream Location : House in the Dark Forest – Main Hall Damage : 130 This is the first level you start the game in. There are 2 candlestands. One of the is usually litted. Just lit the other one using a Sledge Swing or a fire missile trap. Then, notice there is 2 square in between the candlestand. Don’t stand on them, let the enemies do it. :) b. Lightning Strike Location : House in the Dark Forest – Bell Room Damage : 150 Another relatively easy one. In the Bell room, there is also a black ball of spike that keeps crushing down at time interval. Use a pushing trap or Sledge Swing, hit the ball towards the Bell when its down. It will crush the Bell. Now avoid the area under the Bell was. Lure the enemies into it. c. Seven Judgments Location : House in the Dark Forest – Seal Room Damage : 310 You can access this until Level 15. It’s use to fight the Dark God. Hit the 4 pillars on the top platform down and lure him into the Center. It is mentioned in details in Defeating the Dark God. d. Legendary Giant Location : House in the Dark Forest – L Shape Corridor of Stairs Damage : 140 This is one of the hard one. You will need a upthrusting trap such as the Pillar (one of the trap you get from ending). I think the Upbursting Fire Trap works as well. Place it under the Head. Get ready another bouncing wall trap or Demon Feet at the corner below the stairs and point it towards the Door or Giant Statue below the last flight of stairs. Ok, once set, this is how it goes. The upbursting trap will make the Head roll down the first stair, then quickly aim and fire the wall trap and kick the head towards the door or statue. When the head reaches the statue, it will awaken and do its task. Of cos, I need to mention you better have the enemies below the low flight of stairs to do some damage. That, my friend, will be the really hard part. :) e. Twelve Killer Location : Royal Castle – Clock Room Damage : 145 There is a huge clock in this room. Basically to enable the Dark illusion, you need to hit the Pendulum (Yellow Huge round disc that swing left and right when hit). You can do it with a body (even your own, but take damage) or a trap. For me, I swing an enemy right into it. Anyway then you will also notice a bird from the clock is also activated. That is a normal trap. Look on the bridge. There is a yellow square. When a person is standing on it. You will notice the Yellow Diamond Crystal is activated behind the bridge. Do not confused this with the Yellow Healing Spot which is in front of the bridge. What you need to do it to get the enemy to stand on the Yellow Square on the bridge. Then activate the trap by touching the Yellow Diamond Crystal or hitting it with a trap. This can be harder than you think. What I did was I used a Electrical Spike on the Yellow Square. I hit the enemy stunning him. Then use the Sledge Swing to swing the Yellow Diamond Crystal. Then it is time. :) f. Barrel to Hell Location : Old Castle – War Room Damage : 150 There is a Cannon in this room. The activating Yellow Diamond Crystal is all the way in the top. This one is VERY tricky. You only need to activate the Yellow Diamond Crystal and throw someone into the Cannon. Sound easy. Try and you will know. What I did was I used a wall to activate the Yellow Diamond Crystal. Then I use the Sledge Swing (Ok, OK, I admit, this is one of my fav traps. Don’t ask me why I keep using this one.) to swing the enemy into the cannon from the top platform. Position the Sledge Swing on the top platform facing the cannon. However, the strength of the swing need to be compensated. Position it one square into the wall (ie, you lose one square on the map, only 2 square on the platform) facing towards the cannon. Get the enemy to the wall and swing him off. There can be other places and ways as well, but this is just my way to do it. g. Crocodile Service Location : Old Castle – Waterworks Room Damage : 130 There is a huge Water Wheel in this room. What needs to be done is to put a Electrical Spike or similar electrical trap into the water around it. You will notice once you activate the trap the Wheel will spin very fast. During that time you need to swing someone into the Wheel. BUT not from the flat side, rather from the edge section. This prove a bit tricky because you wont want to be in the water when you activate the electrical trap. To get the enemy onto the Wheel can be tricky too. I used the Demon Foot Wall trap all the way to the end in the corner. I lure the enemy there, activate the Electrical Spike, then kick him into the Wheel. Again, there could be easier ways to do it. h. Hell Circus Location : Old Castle – Main Hall Damage : 100 The hardest of them all I felt. In the room with 2 poles and a Yellow Diamond Crystal. You will notice if you activate it, electricity will flow in between the poles. What you need to do when you trap an enemy in it is just to run all the way to the top where 2 stone knights are beside the Dark Crystal Stand. There is a handle for you to swing on. The hard part is you need to lure the enemies into the Electrical Poles. And like me you can use a wall trap to swing the Yellow Diamond Crystal, BUT you will still need to run all the way up to the handle. To give myself more time, I use the Vaccum Suck Floor Trap. I suck the enemy in, but did not activate the Yellow Diamond Crystal until I am on the stairs up. Then I will have enough time for the Electricity to run before I reach the handle to swing. 8. Updates So, I have covered most of what I wanted to cover. I had also included the Dark Illusions part which I wanted to do last time. I had also covered the Survivor Mode, well kinda. And yes, why V2.0? Its the formatting to conform to some sites Standards. Hope this finally get posted. Anyway, Aidos for now.