------------------------ Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria ------------------------- ------------------------------- FAQ/Walkthrough ------------------------------- --------------------------------- Version 2.4 --------------------------------- ----------------------- By Ken Zhao (kenzhao99@yahoo.com) --------------------- -------------------------------- Aka Kouli/Ice -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Table of Contents ------------------------------ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \Solde/ ~ \Lost Forest/ ~ \Royal Underground Path/ ~ ~ \Dipan/ ~ \Dipan Castle/ ~ \Kythena Plains/ ~ ~ \Coriander/ ~ \Serdberg Mountain Ruins/ ~ \Optional #1 - Ancient Forest/ ~ \Villnore/ ~ \Optional #2 - Turgen Mine/ ~ \Audoula Temple On The Lake/ ~ \Kalstad/ ~ \Sahma Desert/ ~ \Surts Volcano Caverns/ ~ \Crell Monferaigne/ ~ \Optional #3 - Chateau Obsession/ ~ \Crawsus Forest Ruins/ ~ \Dragonscrypt/ ~ \Palace Of The Venerated Dragon/ ~ ~ \Optional #4/ ~ \Sukavia Gorge/ ~ \From Solde To Royal Underground Path/ ~ \Dipan Castle/ ~ ~ \From Dipan Castle To Lost Forest/ ~ \Forest Of Spirits/ ~ \Dipan Castle & Forest Of Spirits/ ~ \Ravine Caverns/ ~ \Bifrost/ ~ \Asgard/ ~ \Yggdrasil/ ~ \Hall Of Valhalla/ ~ ~ \Optional #5/ ~ \Tower Of Lezard Valeth/ ~ ~ \Floor 1/ ~ \Floor 2/ ~ \Floor 3/ ~ \Floor 4/ ~ \Floor 5/ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2006 by Ken Zhao/Kouli. All Rights Reserved. This document is for private & personal use only. It can not be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted in parts or in its entirety in any form, shape, means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without my permission. This document is intended to be free TO VIEW ONLY. You can not sell it nor you can give it away as a prize, a bonus, or a promotional item. It can never be used for profitable, commercial, or promotional purposes unless you have my permission. Further, this FAQ can not be altered, referenced, or distributed by any individual, web site, organization, group, company, magazine, strategy guide author without my permission as well. The above is protected by International Copyright Law. Break or violate any of these rules may resulted in severe civil and criminal penalties. Lastly, all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 99% of the time, this document should only be on GameFAQs/GameSpot, IGN, 1UP and GameHelp. However, I almost always give permission to fan sites of the particular game/series. If you are one of them, please E-Mail and ask. As for other general sites, as long as you aren't one of the thieves(namely Cheat CC), I MIGHT give you permission if you ask. As for which site is good and bad, check out Michael Sarich's FAQ Theft Guide: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=2000094&topic=20885654 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, there are lowlives that are worse than thieves like Cheat CC. Just to make few dollars, there are users on EBay STOLE & SOLD FAQs that can be found on GameFAQs. Unfortunately, such ridiculous and outrageous action is still active in EBay. However, that doesn't mean we can't do anything. As CJayC suggests, the right way to stop these people is to hit them in the pocketbook(boot them off of EBay, ruin their auctions...etc). To start things off, send something called the Notice of Claimed Infringement to EBay: http://pages.ebay.com/help/community/NOCI1.pdf (You need Adobe Acrobat Reader) Sign and send it back to EBay by Fax at (408)516-8811. As for those that try to get away with 'Fair Use', that's just laughable. That is only applicable when it's not being fairly used for profit. Please don't go throwing around legal rhetoric when you don't even know what it means. Further, do not think that you can get away by just deleting these warnings. Due to your obvious Copy&Paste, getting proof of Copyright Infringement will be beyond easy. Besides, I already embedded messages within this document which will definitely be apparent if someone does decide to steal the majority of the document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ/Walkthrough is solely based on the Japanese version of 'Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria', an RPG made/published by tri-Ace/Square Enix. Since this is based on the Japanese version only and I don't play any English version of any game, please refrain from asking questions related to the English version. If you are playing the Japanese version, then I will assume you know kana and at least the basic of Japanese. I'll ignore all questions due to the fact that you can't read any Japanese. Also, I don't put any Japanese in any of my FAQ so it will never be in Shift-JIS or EUC format. Lastly, I no longer do any story based FAQ/Walkthrough, so refrain from asking that. However, I don't mind any specific story question if you are really stuck, likewise with any gameplay related question, as long as you know kana and the basic. This just can't be said enough: Please learn some kana and the basic. For studies of Japanese, try these links: http://www.kanacards.com/ http://web.uvic.ca/kanji-gold/ http://www.lunarforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=1562 Even though I try to avoid putting spoilers in this document, but just to be safe from the complains, this document could contain spoilers. Please read at your own risk. As for the coverage of this FAQ, it is now being revised using the Official Complete Guide and Final Guide. As some of you might know, Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria, Atelier Iris Grand Fantasm, Xenosaga Episode 3 and Persona 3 were coming out one after another, from June 22nd to July 13th, 2006. I have a huge taste in Japanese RPGs, so I bought all 4 and already wrote guides for 3 of them. Since I bought the Official Complete Guide and Final Guide recently and I love the gameplay of Silmeria, so it is now being revised fully. To navigate this document or find what you want, please check the Table of Contents. Better yet, use Ctrl + F to search for the particular thing you are looking for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \June 22nd, 2006/ - Version 0.1, started the walkthrough \June 23rd, 2006/ - Version 0.2, done Chapter 1 \June 23rd, 24th, 25th, 2006/ - Version 0.3, done up to Audoula Temple On The Lake of Chapter 3, also added the Sealed Stones section \June 25th, 26th, 2006/ - Version 0.4, done up to Crell Monferaigne of Chapter 3 \June 27th, 2006/ - Version 0.5, done up to Dragonscrypt of Chapter 3 \June 28th, 2006/ - Version 0.6, done up to the Palace Of The Venerated Dragon of Chapter 3 \June 29th, 2006/ - Version 0.7, done up to Sukavia Gorge of Chapter 4 \June 30th, 2006/ - Version 0.8, done up to early Chapter 5 \July 1st, 2006/ - Version 0.9, done up to Hall Of Valhalla of Chapter 5 \July 2nd, 2006/ - Version 1.0, done the main game's walkthrough and on to Seraphic Gate \July 3rd, 4th, 2006/ - Version 1.1, before the boss of Floor 4 in Seraphic Gate and done the Sealed Stones section \July 5th, 2006/ - Version 1.2, done Seraphic Gate \July 6th, 2006/ - Version 1.3, adjusted and added few things \August 10th, 2006/ - Version 1.4, started the revision and added sections \August 11th, 12th, 13th, 2006/ - Version 1.5, more revision and sections \August 14th, 15th, 16th, 2006/ - Version 1.6, revised up to around Chapter 3 \August 17th, 2006/ - Version 1.7, done the Skill List \August 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 2006/ - Version 1.8, revised up to around Crell Monferaigne \August 23rd, 24th, 25th, 2006/ - Version 1.9, revised up to Chapter 4 \August 31st, 2006/ - Version 2.0, revised up to Chapter 5 \September 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 2006/ - Version 2.1, done the revision on the Full Walkthrough and Seraphic Gate, now finishing up on different sections \September 4th, 5th, 2006/ - Version 2.2, added the Crazy Damage section & done the Main Characters List section \September 10th, 11th, 2006/ - Version 2.3, done the Einferia List section and Enemy Drops section is the last thing to be done \September 14, 16th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 2006/ - Version 2.4, done the Enemy Drops section & that's it for the entire revision ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Solde/ Items: Port Wine, Soldier's Secret Herb Ally: Rufus Importance: Make sure you read the 1st part of the tri-Ace Poem - The end reward(in Chapter 6) is the Tri Emblem Once you get to control Alicia, go back in the Assembly Hall. Check the right corner for a Port Wine. Exit out and go left. Go in the near Villager House. Go check the left box for a Soldier's Secret Herb. Moving on to the left, the next house is a Weapon Armor Shop. If you go left a bit from the shop, there is a path to north. But if you go on to the left more, there are the Inn where you can save your game and the town entrance/exit. At the north, go right for a cat which you can feed it Seafood Meat. However, you don't have any Seafood Meat. We will get back to the cat later. Near the cat, there is another Villager House. Now, if you go left, a path up to the Church & one more Villager House at the left end. Within that left end Villager House, make sure you read the 1st part of the tri-Ace Poem by the left end of the house. Anyway, once you are done, exit out the town to the World Map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Lost Forest/ Items: 400 OTH, Skull Vessel, Union Plum Einferia: Mithra(100%) Enemies: Skeleton, Dire Wolf, Bullets Beetle Go on to the right for more scene. The game will prompt you to view the Battle Explanation: - Use the Left Stick to Move - Press the Left Stick/L3 to Charge Up the AP Gauge - Right or Left of the D-Pad changes the Leader - Get near the enemy and press Square or X - Attack with Square or X - Attack with Square or X again for the Break Mode - Depends On The # Of Parts You've Broken (5% Increment Each Time) - No Part: Minus 70% - 1 Part: Minus 65% - 2 Parts: Minus 60% - 3 Parts: Minus 55% .................... - 28 Parts: 70% - 29 Parts: 75% - 30 Parts: 80% - Equip Break Up skill (10% Increment Each Time) - No Part: Minus 30% - 1 Part: Minus 20% - 2 Parts: Minus 10% - 3 Parts: 0% .................... - 9 Parts: 60% - 10 Parts: 70% - 11 Parts: 80% - Add 40% to the percentage of Break Mode when breaking a part, if you equip the Break Up skill - Dylan's normal attack, High End Spark - Add 40% to the percentage of Break Mode when breaking a part, if Dylan uses the High End Spark - Resets to Minus 70% or Minus 30% after each activation - The percentage is individual, meaning more characters with 80%, the better - The percentage will also be carried on from battle to battle, meaning it is wise to build up the percentage before any boss fight - Can't activate Break Mode when enemy's HP is below 50% or the HP for the remaining parts isn't 75% of the entirety, as well as the percentage is 0% or below 0% - Press R1 to Dash - Single Press: Short Range - Double Press: Medium Range - Long Press: Long Range - Move toward the yellow end of the field for a choice to Escape - Lose all AP if the Escape fails - Extend Gauge - 5 Lights: 30 Bonus Magic Crystals - 4 Lights: 9 Bonus Magic Crystals - 3 Lights: 7 Bonus Magic Crystals - 2 Lights: 4 Bonus Magic Crystals - 1 Lights: 2 Bonus Magic Crystals - Lightless: 0 Bonus Magic Crystal - Bonus EXP: # Of Magic Crystals*0.01875*Normal EXP - Up or Down of the D-Pad changes the Group - Again, Right or Left of the D-Pad changes the Leader - Try the above two: Move around with different Leader and Group - Remaining controls: - Right Stick is for the Camera Movement - Select brings up the Menu - Item, Magic, Weapon Change - L1 is for the Camera Adjust - L2 is for the Target Mode - R2 toggles the Radar - R3 toggles the Camera After, finish up the battle. Anyway, Circle is to Slash/Examine, Square is to shoot the Photon and X is to Jump. As for R1, it toggles the Mini Map and the R2 is to bring up the Full Map. You can shoot out Photon to crystallize the enemy or spirit. If you shoot again at the crystallized enemy or spirit, you will switch place with the crystal. Anyway, moving on and you will need to shoot at the spirit then use it to jump to the right. Next, jump and shoot then shoot again to switch place. Get 400 OTH nearby. Go on to the inner part to get your 1st Einferia, Mithra. Save your game after. Now, don't go right yet. Go left and keep shooting the NW. You will end up at a higher ground. Get a Skull Vessel and a Union Plum. That's 100% for the Map and 100% for the Treasure. Well then, head in the cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Royal Underground Path/ Items: 400 OTH, Soldier's Secret Herb, Soldier's Secret Herb, Gauntlet, Leather Boots, 800 OTH, Elixir, 600 OTH, Union Plum, Thunder Gem, Sallet, Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Soldier's Secret Herb, Union Plum, Shamshir Enemies: Goblin, Skeleton, Skeleton Army, Dire Wolf, Bullets Beetle Einferia: Richelle(25%) or Sylphide(50%) or Jessica(25%), Kraad(50%) or Roland (50%) Ally: Dylan(100%) - If you want 2 overpowered weapons later, train Dylan to Level 45 before the end of Chapter 4 Go on and by the ramp, jump to the left to get a 400 OTH. There is a Soldier's Secret Herb to the right, but you need to shoot at the enemy below and use it to get up to the right. Go on to the right. Shoot at the NE then shoot again, you will switch place. During that, press and hold down X which will have you jump right after. Go on & to the inner part. Go left to get a Soldier's Secret Herb. As for the above box, it contains a Gauntlet but it has a trap as soon as you open it. Anyway, go back and head to the right. Check the sword for more Einferia. After, go down to the next area. Go on and you can go right or down. Go down & the left leads to Leather Boots and 800 OTH. If you check the sword, you can get one more Einferia. Half way to the right, use the enemies to get up to the left for an Elixir. If you head to the right all the way, it leads to 600 OTH. Now go back to the previous area and go right. Go on and head up for more scene. Dylan will join the party and you will get an Old Pendant. Go off from the broken bridge to get Union Plum. After, jump down to the end and go south. The right leads on but if you go left, use the enemies to get up to the right to get a Thunder Gem. If you go further left, you will be back to the area where you got Dylan. If you want 100% for the Map, then you can check that path. Anyway, go right and move along the path then go north at the end. Move on up and go south at the end. Go right for a Sallet. In order to jump to the right, you will need an enemy from the left. At the end, there is a box and it's got another trap. You can then go get a Dwarf's Sacred Herb from it. Go back and go on to the left. Go down for a Soldier's Secret Herb then use that enemy to move on up. By the broken bridge, check for an Union Plum. Go on to the right and go north. Get the Shamshir and that's 100% for the Treasure. Save your game then go on to the right for the 1st boss fight. --------------------- Boss: Ballistic Rhino Race: Giant, Beast Level: 6 HP: 680 EXP: 5000 OTH: 870 ATK: 30 MAG: 10 HIT: 10 AVD: 2 RDM: 6 RST: 1 Weight: 120 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 3 Basic Guard: 10 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: None Abnormal Resist: Paralyze/Silence(80), Poison/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer (100), Freeze(50) Re-Fightable: Yes Since its attacks can Stun you, you might want to equip some Stun Check. As for skills, equip Hard Body for others and Alicia can have Regeneration Heal. If you are using Mithra, he can have Hard Body and Break Up. If you intent on the Break Mode, make sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. It has a long range attack, so Dash in and avoid getting in range. It can drop various items, so you should take it apart, piece by piece. Circle around it and you shouldn't have much trouble with it. --------------------- After, go right and that's 100% for the Map. Save your game and go up to get out the cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Dipan/ Item: Union Plum Importance: Make sure you read the 2nd part of the tri-Ace Poem - The end reward(in Chapter 6) is the Tri Emblem - MUST be done and ONLY in Chapter 2 You can try to go right and up, but the guard won't let you pass. So, head to the left. Near house is the Inn and a save point. Left of the Inn is the Bar. To the left a bit, a path to north. But if you go left further, there are the Weapon Armor Shop and a Villager House. For this Villager House that's to the left of the Weapon Armor Shop, make sure you read the 2nd part of the tri-Ace Poem at the right end of the house. At north, to the near Villager House. Check the left for a Union Plum. To the right, there are the Church and more Villager House. After, go right all the way and speak with the guards. Afterward, you can back track all the way to the beginning and go right then up. There is no guard around, so enter the castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Dipan Castle/ Items: Leather Boots, Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Union Plum, 700 OTH, Cross Bow, Double Search, 1200 OTH, Flare Gem, Crest Estoc Enemies: Skeleton(Event), Goblin, Skeleton Army, Living Armor, Warning Jewel Soul Crush: Crest Estoc is the 1st weapon that enables Decisive Tech/Soul Crush - Decisive Tech/Soul Crush requires the Full/100 Heat Gauge - 1st Soul Crush uses 20 Heat Gauge - 2nd Soul Crush uses 40 Heat Gauge - 3rd Soul Crush uses 60 Heat Gauge - 4th Soul Crush uses 100 Heat Gauge Importance: After meeting Ahly, check at where you met her for Hunting Sword Hilde. This MUST be done before you exit out the Dipan Castle - Hunting Sword Hilde also enables Decisive Tech/Soul Crush Ally: Lezard - If you want 2 decent accessories later, train Lezard to Level 45 before the end of Chapter 4 Move on and go south. Go right for Leather Boots. Back track and go left for a save point. The left leads to a Dwarf's Sacred Herb and Union Plum. After, you can go south and a quick battle. Go on to the right and go south at the end. Go on to the left. Ignore the further left so go south. Go left and shoot at NW to make the crystal. Shoot again to switch place with the crystal. Check the nearby for 700 OTH. Now, repeat to get further up. You might want to jump then shoot NW to get to that enemy. Go left to another area. Go left and get the Cross Bow. Above this box is another. You will need to get a crystal on top of the box with the Cross Bow. With that, you can then jump up to NW to get the Double Search. Now back track and go right. Destroy that red object to unseal the barrier. Now, don't go right yet since there are items up there. Use the first enemy to get up. Next bit looks hard since the enemy is all the way at NE. But, position Alicia right and shoot NE, so that the photon will bounce back to that enemy. Repeat and you will be up there. Get 1200 OTH and next, shoot NW and repeat to get up. Stand on the red object and jump to the left to get the Flare Gem. Now, you can destroy the object and go down to the right. Get the Crest Estoc and that's 100% for the Treasure. Save your game and go to the right for the boss fight. ---------------- Boss: Chaos Ooze Race: Giant, Plant, UnHoly Level: 8 HP: 1200 EXP: 9000 OTH: 1260 ATK: 40 MAG: 20 HIT: 10 AVD: 18 RDM: 5 RST: 10 Weight: 100 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 8 Basic Guard: 1 Counter Rate: 100 Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Flame, 80 Thunder/Earth, 20 Darkness Abnormal Resist: Paralyze(20), Silence/Poison/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer (100), Freeze/Stun(50) Re-Fightable: No Get Alicia to equip Crest Estoc. Her Soul Crush can do decent damage. As for skills, Iron Fist, Hard Body or Regeneration Heal. Since it can Poison you, make sure you have the Gold&Silver Flower's Dew to cure that or equip Poison Check. If you intent on the Break Mode, make sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Like the previous boss, Dash to its back and start attacking. Do not get too close though, Chaos Ooze got rather wide close range. If it starts Log On, it will use Wash Out. That has a chance to Poison you, beware of that. If you were to take out its tentacles, there is a chance for it to use Regeneration which is pretty deadly if you are in range. If you need to heal, you mostly will need to heal the party instead of just one character. It can drop various items, so you should take it apart, piece by piece. Focus on the Tentacles since it can use Regeneration to bring them back. It's not likely for you to get all items from its parts in one try, so gather as many as you can. ---------------- Afterward, go on to the right for more scene. That's 100% for the Map. Now, go back track for scene with Ahly. MAKE SURE you check at where Ahly was for the Hunting Sword Hilde. Continue to back track and Lezard will join the party at the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Kythena Plains/ Enemies: Goblin, Giant Bat, Dire Wolf, Flying Fish, Living Armor, Warning Jewel Cat's Ring: Flying Fish(Tail Fin, 30%) drops the Seafood Meat. Get at least 15 Seafood Meat. Go back to Solde to feed the cat: - Feed it once for Hunted Rat - Feed it 5 times for Tail Broken Lizard - Feed it 10 times for Misfortune Blue Bird - Feed it 15 times for Cat's Poop - Sell these 4 Materials to the Solde shop - Meet the Regulars' Point which is 8000 - Make 80000 OTH worth of purchase - Buy the Cat's Ring Bone-Attached Meat: Giant Bat(Body, 30%) and Dire Wolf(Tail, 30%) drop the Bone-Attached Meat. Get at least 15 Bone-Attached Meat - Dire Wolf also show up in Lost Forest & Royal Underground Path - Hold on to the 15 Bone-Attached Meat, it will come to play soon You will be in Lost Forest. Go west to back track out. Kythena Plains will show up on the World Map. Within, head to the west all the way and you will get 100% for the Map. Exit out at the end and go in Coriander. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Coriander/ Items: Insect Thorn, Blue Soul Flame, Earth Gem Bird's Ring: Skeleton(Left/Right Leg or Left/Right Arm, 20%) and Skeleton Army (Left/Right Leg or Left Arm, 20%) drop the Bone Waste. Skeleton can be found in Lost Forest and Royal Underground Path; Skeleton Army can be found in Royal Underground Path. Get at least 15 Bone Waste. Feed the chicken in Coriander: - Feed it once for Chick's Bait - Feed it 5 times for Vegetable Waste - Feed it 10 times for Packed In Shell Bait - Feed it 15 times for Bird's Poop - Sell these 4 Materials to the General Merchant in Coriander - Meet the Regulars' Point which is 8000 - Make 80000 OTH worth of purchase - Buy the Bird's Ring Go right a bit to see the General Merchant. Speak with the Adventurer nearby to get Insect Thorn and Blue Soul Flame. Go right & go in the 1st Villager House. Check the right for an Earth Gem. Go on to the right to the Inn and another Villager House. Near the 2nd Villager House, there is a chicken. You can feed it Bone Waste. If you already talked to some girl, then exit out at east. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Serdberg Mountain Ruins/ Items: Big Rump, Might Potion, 2500 OTH, Dwarf's Sacred Herb, 3400 OTH, Ice Gem, Prime Elixir, Falchion, Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Gandeva, 5000 OTH, Metal Buckler, Flame Resist Amulet, Metal Greave, Dwarf's Sacred Herb Enemies: Owl Bear, Crusty Golem, Ghost, Kobold, Kobold Knight, Thunder Hawk, Giant Hawk, Sack Mimic Sealed Stones: Misty Commandment, Masochistic Commandment, Heavy Black Anchor's Commandment, Swordian Protection Allies: Leone, Aluze - If you want 2 overpowered weapons, train Leone to Level 40 before the end of Chapter 3; If you want 2 more overpowered weapons, train Aluze to Level 40 before the end of Chapter 3 Einferia: Celes(30%) or Tyrith(70%), Woltar(50%) or Alm(50%) Referral: From this dungeon and on, you will encounter Sealed Stones. You can check the Sealed Stones section to find out more on them Go on to the right and head up. It's rather hard to jump up here. You will need 2 crystals, one on top of the other one. Not only that, you will also need to be able to stand on the lower crystal. Thus, Alicia and the top crystal will be on top of the lower one. As long as the top crystal isn't at the middle top of the lower crystal, then there is a small area for Alicia to jump on. Once you are on the lower crystal, jump on the top crystal. Jump up to get the Big Rump. You can go south or east. If you go east, it leads to Might Potion, 2500 OTH and Dwarf's Sacred Herb. Be sure to walk away upon opening the middle & right boxes since they got traps. After, back track and go south. Go left for more scene. That's the Sealed Stone Misty Commandment. After, go right and use the enemy to jump up to the right. Go on and go south. Ignore the globe that's high up. Go right all the way and slash at the end. It leads to 3400 OTH, Ice Gem and watch out for the next box since it will explode upon opening. It contains the Prime Elixir. Further, there is a sword that can get you another Einferia. Now, get to the top & push the globe to the left & right, to get it to the seal on the ground. That will raise up the stairs. Save your game then go south. Leone and Aluze will join the party. Use the enemy to jump up to the right. A globe here and to the right, see the cracked ground? If you get the globe to fall on that, the ground will collapse and lead to the Falchion, as well as the Sealed Stone Masochistic Commandment. Photon at the globe to freeze it. Go to the cracked ground then jump up from there and shoot the globe. Switch place and the globe will land on the cracked ground. Anyway, move on to the right to the next area. Don't go up yet. To the right, a cracked ground and a globe. Photon at that globe then get to the cracked ground. Jump up and aim at the globe. At the end, you can fight the Crusty Golem. As long as you escape before defeating it, you can fight it over and over. After, you can get the Sealed Stone Heavy Black Anchor's Commandment. To the left, there are Dwarf's Sacred Herb and Gandeva. Upon opening the left most box, be sure to jump up it's got a trap. Anyway, go back up by using that lever then go north. Go right for 5000 OTH. Now, to get up the middle, you will need 3 crystals and all pile up in order to get to Metal Buckler. Go on to the left & go up. You will be in a Protection-Less Room. You can't shoot out Photon and no Sealed Stone effect. Go on to the left and go south. There is a staff to the left and obviously another Einferia. Go on up to the right and there's the Sealed Stone Swordian Protection. Next area, there is a Spring. Use Magic Crystals to Return few Sealed Stones to the Veins Of Earth. Anyway, go right and save your game. Head to the right and don't go up yet. At the right end, get the Dwarf's Sacred Herb. Now, to get up above, you will need to shoot at NE to get up. You can get the Flame Resist Amulet and Metal Greave. That's 100% for the Treasure. Before you go on for the boss fight, set the Masochistic Commandment at the last Altar and bring the Swordian Protection with you. ------------------------- Boss: Wyvern/Upper Lizard Race: Scale Level: 14 HP: 1600 EXP: 10000 OTH: 1750 ATK: 95 MAG: 80 HIT: 34 AVD: 28 RDM: 23 RST: 5 Weight: 90 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 3 Basic Guard: 3 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Ice, 20 Flame Abnormal Resist: Stun(50), Weaken/Transfer(100), Confuse/Petrify(80) Re-Fightable: Yes Boss: Lower Lizard Race: Scale Level: 13 HP: 850 EXP: 6800 OTH: 170 ATK: 110 MAG: 40 HIT: 25 AVD: 10 RDM: 25 RST: 5 Weight: 90 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 3 Basic Guard: 10 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Flame/Thunder/Earth/Darkness/Ice/Holy Abnormal Resist: Death/Confuse/Stun(50), Transfer(100) Re-Fightable: Yes Bring Lezard into this fight for his Menu Magic and Burn Storm. Since they can inflict Poison, so you might want to equip Poison Check. As for Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. As for skills, same old Iron Fist, Hard Body or Regeneration Heal. If you intent on the Break Mode, make sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. If Wyvern has a big fan shape, then use Lezard's Thunder Storm to attack it and hopefully Wyvern will change its attack. If it does, Dash to its back and start attacking it. Once it's down to 50% or 60% HP, it will split up to Upper Lizard and Lower Lizard. Lower Lizard is rather weak, so take it out with few turns. After that, go for the Upper Lizard. If you need to heal, use Alicia's Magic, Cure Plums. ------------------------- After, that's 100% for the Map. Now, just back track all the way to get out. On the World Map, before you go to Villnore, go back to Coriander and check with the chicken to get a Golden Egg. Also in Coriander, speak with a girl and pick the 2nd choice to get a Royal Jelly. Lastly, speak with a Villager to unlock Ancient Forest on the World Map. Keep in mind that you don't have to do Ancient Forest, you can just go straight to Villnore. However, I will cover it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Optional #1 - Ancient Forest/ Items: Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Crystal Wand, Flare Gem, Skrep, Iron Helm, 7000 OTH Enemies: Owl Bear, Goat Man, Kobold Knight, Thunder Hawk, Dinosauroid, Toxic Flower, Troll, Sack Mimic Sealed Stones: Dignity-Dropping Sheath's Commandment, Handcuffs' Commandment, Sting Protection, Treasury Protection Einferia: Chrystie(10%) or Shakon(90%) Go right and up to the area with the Spring. You can go right or left. Let's go left. Shoot the object twice and get a Dwarf's Sacred Herb. Go up to another area. You can go up or right. Go up then left to an Altar, as well as a box. As you open the box, walk away then go get the Flare Gem. Back track and go right this time. Go to the right end and as you open that box, walk away then get the Crystal Wand. Go up from this area. Before you go left, be sure to go right to save the game. The left leads to the Dinosauroid which is not exactly easy. However, it is not unbeatable. It just requires lots of patience and items. If you do beat it, there is the Sealed Stone Dignity-Dropping Sheath's Commandment. We will get back to it later. Now, go back to save your game. From the area with the save point, don't go right yet. Go down and go right to get the Skrep. Check the left end for a bow. Obviously, another Einferia for you. After, go down again. There is the Sealed Stone Handcuffs' Commandment to the left. Get it and jump to the left. If you go to the left, it leads back to the area with the Spring. If you go south, you can get the Sealed Stone Sting Protection. Once you are ready, go get the Dignity-Dropping Sheath's Commandment and set it at the Altar that's at the lower right of the Map. This will affect almost the entire forest. Not only that, bring the Sealed Stone Swordian Protection with you. Save your game and go right for the boss. ------------- Boss: Griffon Race: Giant, Beast Level: 22 HP: 2800 EXP: 47000 OTH: 6400 ATK: 480 MAG: 350 HIT: 54 AVD: 45 RDM: 24 RST: 15 Weight: 85 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 10 Basic Guard: 3 Counter Rate: 20 Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Earth, 20 Thunder Abnormal Resist: Stun(50), Confuse/Transfer(100), Petrify(75) Re-Fightable: No Bring Lezard into this fight for his Poison Blow. As for Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. As for skills, same old Iron Fist, Hard Body or Regeneration Heal. If you intent on the Break Mode, make sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Thanks to the Dignity-Dropping Sheath's Commandment, the boss can now only deal 1/4 damage of its usual. Plus, thanks to the Swordian Protection, you can deal 1.2 times more damage. Get Lezard to use Poison Blow and once it's in Poison state, avoid it and circle around the stage. Finish it off when it's low on HP. If you have enough Dwarf's Sacred Herb, then you can try to take it apart piece by piece, to try to get the various items. ------------- After, Griffon drops the Emerald Formation-Sealing Vessel. A Formation-Sealing Vessel increases the slots of Sealed Stones. Now, you have two slots of Sealed Stones. Anyway, there is the Sealed Stone Treasury Protection. More to the right, there are 7200 OTH and Iron Helm. That will be 100% for the Treasure and 100% for the Map. Anyway, back to Coriander. Speak with a Villager to get a Might Potion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Villnore/ Items: Pulverize Amulet, 2000 OTH Dog's Ring: Giant Bat(Body, 30%) & Dire Wolf(Tail, 30%) drop the Bone-Attached Meat. Giant Bat and Dire Wolf can be found in Kythena Plain. Dire Wolf also shows up in Lost Forest and more frequently. Get at least 15 Bone-Attached Meat. Feed the dog in Villnore: - Feed it once for Sucked Bone - Feed it 5 times for Bitten Shoe - Feed it 10 times for Worn Out Cloth - Feed it 15 times for Dog's Poop - Hold on to these 4 Materials since Dog's Ring is in Crell Monferaigne. You don't get there until later Near right house is the Inn. Outside the Inn, there is a dog. You can feed it the Bone-Attached Meat. To the right a bit, make sure you talk to this Youth. Go on to the right to the 1st Village House. Check the right for a Pulverize Amulet. To the right is the 2nd Villager House and outside this house is the Flower Girl selling Tiny Flower at 10 OTH. It increases your HP by 10% when you equip it, pretty worthy at that price. Anyway, go on to the right to another area. Go in the Bar and speak with the Oldman and Merchant. Go on to the right and it leads to the Weapon Armor Shop. To the right further, it is the 3rd Villager House. Check the right for 2000 OTH. Out on the World Map, if you have talked to the Youth, then the Audoula Temple On The Lake will show up. If you have talked to the Oldman and Merchant in the Bar, then Turgen Mine will also show up. Keep in mind that you don't have to do Turgen Mine, you can just head straight to Audoula Temple On The Lake. However, I will cover the Turgen Mine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Optional #2 - Turgen Mine/ Items: Prism Gem, Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Crystal Chain, Elixir, 5000 OTH, Mine Key, Anoint Cloak, Gold&Silver Flower's Dew, Dwarf's Sacred Herb, 15000 OTH, Over Drive, Prime Elixir Enemies: Clay Man, Giant Snail, Mirage Wasp, Lizard Lord Sealed Stones: Gold-Eating Insect's Reason, Alarm Bell's Protection, Karma Flame's Reason, Shackles' Commandment Einferia: Lylia(50%) or Millidia(50%) Go right and there is a Spring. I will just take the Swordian Protection. There is a lever near, pull it. Go right to another area. Jump to another lever and don't go east yet. Check the lower left for a Prism Gem. Go south to another area. Jump to the lever at upper right. There are 3 boxes here, the middle one and the right one got traps upon opening. Anyway, you can get Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Crystal Chain and Elixir. Jump up to the upper left then fight the enemy to get the Mine Key. Back track and go right. There is a lever nearby. Don't pull it yet, go down and beat the left enemy to get 5000 OTH. There is also an Altar, as well as a lift to the right. Take the lift up to a Gold&Silver Flower's Dew. The left box got a trap, so move away then go get the Anoint Cloak. Drop down from the left & go up to the next area. No thanks to the effect of the Sealed Stone Alarm Bell's Protection, enemies will always get Surprise Attack here. Anyway, clear out some enemies and get the Sealed Stone Shackles' Commandment. Move on to the next area. There is an enemy at upper right. Behind it are a Dwarf's Sacred Herb & a bow which means more Einferia. Go on to the right. There are a Shell with the Sealed Stone Karma Flame's Reason, a save point and a gate. Use the Mine Key to open the gate to the Sealed Stone Alarm Bell's Protection. Save your game. My set up here is to keep the Sealed Stones Alarm Bell's Protection and Karma Flame's Reason, then set the Sealed Stone Shackles' Commandment at the right Altar. Once you are ready, move to the right for the boss fight. ---------------- Boss: Queen Wasp Race: Giant, Insect Level: 20 HP: 4400 EXP: 57000 OTH: 5950 ATK: 198 MAG: 163 HIT: 47 AVD: 36 RDM: 42 RST: 37 Weight: 105 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Female Basic Evasion: 1 Basic Guard: 30 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Earth/Flame Abnormal Resist: Petrify(50), Stun(80), Confuse/Transfer(100) Re-Fightable: No Bring Lezard into this fight for his Burn Storm. As for Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. As for skills, same old Iron Fist, Hard Body or Regeneration Heal. If you intent on the Break Mode, go make sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. As you move around, take out any Mirage Wasp and the Leaf Beetle Egg. Once it's down to Queen Wasp, watch out for its Imitation Eye since it can Confuse you. Use the item Regulatory Principle to cure it. Keep on attacking it and use Soul Crush whenever you can. You can always circle around it to recover AP then keep on attacking. It's better if you focus on one part and hope for a Break Mode. You can take out lots of its life before it goes cheap with Vary Omega. When there is green mist around it, Dash behind a pillar or to the back room. Queen Wasp will use Vary Omega which can damage your party greatly or even wipe you out if it gets you. If you are behind a pillar or in the back room, then it won't get to you. Go on to continue attacking and try to kill it before another Vary Omega. Repeat till you kill it. This is rather easy if you avoid its Vary Omega each time. ---------------- After, there are 2 boxes nearby. Left one is an Over Drive, for the right one, it's Prime Elixir with a trap. To the right, there is a bag with 15000 OTH, as well as the Sealed Stone Gold-Eating Insect's Reason. That's 100% for the Treasure & 100% for the Map. You may exit out now. Head to Villnore and speak with a Villager at east to get 10000 OTH. Now you can move on with the main game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Audoula Temple On The Lake/ Items: Cold Resist Talisman, Union Plum, Strength Bow, Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Thunder Crystal, Crystal Chain, 10000 OTH, Thunder Gem, Demon Eye Pierce, Elixir, Charge Break, Anoint Cloak Enemies: Giant Crab, Skull Fish, Strobila, Deep Man, Lezard Man, Lezard Lord Sealed Stones: Cracking Commandment, Icy Protection, Golden Protection Einferia: Khanon(100%), Phyress(90%) or Ehrde(10%) Recommend: There are few items in this dungeon that are rather hard to reach and there will be more in future dungeons. This is where the game test you, on how well you know about using Photon, Exchange Transfer and After Jump. As you know, a Photon crystallize an enemy. If you shoot again at the crystallized enemy, you and the enemy will switch place over, aka Exchange Transfer. Now, you should know that Photon is like any ball in Billiard/Snooker. Photon can bounce back by the edge, wall, ceiling/top...etc and to a limit. In short, angling is important because you can shoot and hit some enemy from various angles. Next, the technicalities of Exchange Transfer: Crystallized enemy doesn't move but you can. Meaning as a Photon about to hit a crystallized enemy, you can be doing a jump. If you do jump in the air and while you are still in air, the Photon can hit an enemy, then the Exchange Transfer happens. Going by the rule, you'll be at where the crystallized enemy was and the crystallized enemy will be in mid air. This is how you get crystals in mid air and that is what you need to practice in order to reach some spots in this dungeon and future ones. However, whether a crystal can stay in air or not depends on the enemy. Further, don't forget about After Jump. During the Exchange Transfer, press and hold X/Jump. This will have Alicia to Jump at the end. The advantage for this is that if Alicia is near the crystal, the After Jump can get her on top of the crystal. That means at the end, Alicia and the crystal are both in air. Anyway, timing and strategy are also important Go right to the next area. To the right, there is a Spring. I will just take the Swordian Protection. There are 2 paths to south, 2 paths to the east, as well as a Shell with the Sealed Stone Cracking Commandment in mid air. To get up there, use the enemies to do so. Go take the left south path first. To the left is a Dwarf's Sacred Herb. High up above got more boxes, and to get up there, use the 2 enemies from the right. It should be easy if you are good with Exchange Transfer and After Jump. There are 3 boxes, left one got a trap, but you can get a Cold Resist Talisman, a Union Plum and a Strength Bow. After, go right & ignore the lever then right again. Get the Crystal Chain then back to the area with the lever. Go up this time. Head to the right and to get up to the 1st box, Photon at the enemy when it's between the gap. Jump up and get 10000 OTH. Jump to the right for a Thunder Gem. There is another area at the upper right, but it's not easy. You only need to get 1 crystal in between, but if you can't do it, get the lower enemy to help. You can beat the lower enemy first then switch it up. Don't beat the higher flying enemy, you can use that enemy to get back up since that enemy will always fly up. One more thing, that box has another trap that tends to blow you away. Don't jump too early or too later. Otherwise, you have to do this over again. This is where the game test you on Exchange Transfer, After Jump and Angling. Anyway, it is the Demon Eye Pierce within that box. Next, jump down to the lower part. To the right, there is a staff for Einferia obviously. Take the near path up. Go on to the left for more scene. Now, there is a rock and you can push it down to the left or right. Go for the right. Now, back track to the area with the staff/Einferia, go left and take that path up. Go on to the left to get an Elixir. As for getting up, you will need to switch place with the small enemy above. To do that, you have to position yourself and shoot NW. Hopefully, when the Photon hit the top, it will bounce down and up to get to that small enemy. Once you're up, to the left edge is a box with a trap. It is an Anoint Cloak. Jump up to the right to get a Charge Break. You don't need to beat the fixed enemy here, just close enough to the bow for another Einferia. Back to the area with the 1st staff/Einferia, go take the lower left to another area. You can now jump to the Sealed Stone Icy Protection. You should take Icy Protection from this Altar and set in the Sealed Stone Cracking Commandment. Back track all the way to the 2nd area of this dungeon/area with the Spring, go take the left south path to pull the lever then back track to take the right south path. Go left to a Thunder Crystal. That's 100% for the Treasure. Head to the right and save your game. Go right to another area. There is 1 more Sealed Stone up there. To get up there, jump and shoot NW toward an enemy in air to switch place with it. You should be at the left side of the fence. Now, stay by the fence and when that switched enemy breaks the crystal, keep on jumping. It is to lure that enemy to move up. Once the enemy is close to the edge by the Sealed Stone, jump & shoot SE to get to it. If you can't reach, then use the other enemy(that's also at the left side of the fence) to reach higher. As you switch place with that enemy, you need to do an After Jump so make sure you press and hold X/Jump. That gets you to the Sealed Stone Golden Protection. Go back & save your game. For preparation, be sure you already set the Sealed Stone Cracking Commandment around the middle Altar to affect the entire dungeon. Afterward, from the area with the save point, go east all the way for the boss fight. ------------ Boss: Kraken Race: Giant Level: 19 HP: 5000 EXP: 38000 OTH: 4200 ATK: 155 MAG: 130 HIT: 42 AVD: 32 RDM: 40 RST: 15 Weight: 127 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 1 Basic Guard: 20 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Flame, Minus 50 Thunder, 20 Ice Abnormal Resist: Paraly(25), Silence/Poison/Death/Freeze/Confuse/Petrify/Stun/ Weaken/Transfer(100) Re-Fightable: Yes Bring Lezard into this fight for his Thunder Storm. As for Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. As for skills, same old Iron Fist, Hard Body or Regeneration Heal. If you intent on the Break Mode, make sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Forget about the two Water Gates. You don't need to break them. First up, split into 2 groups: 3 Attackers and Lezard. Position one group at one side then the other at another side. If Kraken is near Lezard, then get the 3 Attackers to Dash near to lure Kraken; If Kraken is near the Attackers, get Lezard to Dash near to attack with the Menu Magic Thunder Storm. Repeat and you can end this fight with ease but it will take a while. If Kraken is ever by the edge, those 3 Attackers can Dash in to attack. Once it took enough damage, it will use Tidal Wave. This can be pretty deadly so be sure to keep your HP high/full. However, since you have 2 groups, get the groups to move around to lure Kraken. When you can, use Item or Menu Magic and hopefully Kraken will change to another attack. ------------ Afterward, you will get the Divine Vessel Of Time-Crossing. That allows you to attack more than the fixed number of attacks with a character, but with each additional attack, the AP doubles. Anyway, 100% for the Map as well. You can go back track out to the World Map. Kalstad will show up on the World Map. Head back to Villnore and speak with a Youth. Pick the 1st choice for Prism Crystal. Now you can head to Kalstad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Kalstad/ Items: 5000 OTH, Port Wine Importance: For that boy that you can give 10 OTH to, your reward(in Chapter 6) will depend on how much you give him now: - 100 To 290 OTH -> Famous Blade May Rain - 300 Or More OTH -> Light Sword Claimh Solais Near right, a path to go up and an Inn. There is a Merchant in the Inn. Make sure you speak with the Adventurer in the Inn. Don't go up yet, go right to the 1st Villager House. Check the left for 5000 OTH. Go right and another path to go up. Go up from here or back track to take the path near the entrance. There are more Villager Houses. One of them got a Port Wine within. There is also a boy around and you can keep giving him 10 OTH. Once you've done talking around, go east to exit out. Sahma Desert will show up on the Map. Go there to move on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Sahma Desert/ Enemies: Sand Flower, Giant Scarab, Desert Horn Einferia: Aaron(30%) or Zunde(20%) or Dyn(50%) Go east all the way and you will find a sword at the end. Obviously, that is another Einferia. At the end, that's 100% for the Map. Exit out & Surts Volcano Caverns will show up on the World Map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Surts Volcano Caverns/ Items: Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Union Plum, Might Potion, Over Drive, Ice Crystal, Pallasch, Famous Blade Spider Cutter, 15000 OTH, Royal Glove Enemies: Giant Scarab, Skeletal Army, Fire Bat, Hell Hound, Red Jewel, Red Lizard, Wild Lizard Sealed Stones: Life Spirit's Protection, Wall's Protection, Colorless Reason, Light Fluffy Commandment, Ice Block's Reason, Flaming Protection Einferia: Sophalla(50%) or Arcana(50%), Psoron(40%) or Farant(60%) Importance: After you beat the boss, go back to where you fought the boss and check the Throne at east to get an Amulet. Hand over the Amulet to that Adventurer at the entrance of Kalstad to get Flawless Talisman Go east to another area. Use the enemies to get up to upper right. There are a Dwarf's Sacred Herb and a Union Plum, as well as the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection. After, head down to south. Since you can't go right, so go left. This is a Protection-Less Room, so beware of that. There is a bow at the end. Obviously, more Einferia for you. Go south to another area. Get up and to move on, shoot SE to switch place with an enemy. As you can see, the enemy also carries a Sealed Stone. If you exit and enter this area, the enemy with the Sealed Stone will be back to where they were. You can then beat the enemy for the Sealed Stone Wall's Protection. There are also a Spring and an Altar. Anyway, go east to move on. Jump to the right and you can go east or south. Go east to slash out some rocks by the pillar then back track and go south. To the left, to get up there, stand directly below the enemy, face west and hold Down of the D-Pad. Shoot and there is a chance that the Photon will get to the enemy. Up there, that box has some trap. Stay away upon opening it then go get the Pallasch. To the left, there are more boxes. Just use that enemy to get up there. Both of them got traps. You can get the Over Drive and Ice Crystal. After, you can go east or south. Go south first. Yet another Protection-Less Room, go up at the end. Next room is also another Protection-Less Room. Go open the box at the right end then move away since there is a trap. Get the Royal Glove. As you can see, there are more in mid air but we can't do anything in this room. Back track two areas and go east. There is a bridge here. Don't make any jump yet. Get to the middle and go right a bit more. Jump and the bridge will collapse. You can land on the mid air rock from the 3rd Protection-Less Room. Get the Famous Blade Spider Cutter and 15000 OTH. After, back track up and go on to the east. Go on and move up at the end. There is a staff nearby, yet another Einferia. Go on to the west. There's the Sealed Stone Light Fluffy Commandment & attack the rocks by the pillar. You can now head up. Save your game at the left. There are the Sealed Stones Flaming Protection and Colorless Reason, as well as the Might Potion at the right end. That's 100% for the Treasure. After, go west to another area. Attack the Ice Block & there is the Sealed Stone Ice Block's Reason. Before you jump down and head up, make sure the Sealed Stones Light Fluffy Commandment and Icy Protection are NOT set on any Altar. Further, do NOT bring Sealed Stones Ice Block's Reason and Wall's Protection with you. Other than those, bring the Sealed Stone such as Life Spirit's Protection and Swordian Protection. After, jump down and go up. That's 100% for the Map. Jump toward the east for the boss fight. --------------------- Boss: Evolve (Normal) Race: Giant Level: 26 HP: 6500 EXP: 72000 OTH: 0 ATK: 285 MAG: 185 HIT: 55 AVD: 45 RDM: 50 RST: 15 Weight: 120 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 10 Counter Rate: 100 Attribute Resist: Minus 50 Ice, 50 Earth, 100 Flame Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Silence/Poison/Death/Freeze/Confuse/Petrify/Stun/ Weaken/Transfer(100) Re-Fightable: No Boss: Evolve (Lava) Race: Giant Level: 26 HP: 7200 EXP: 72000 OTH: 105000 ATK: 300 MAG: 200 HIT: 60 AVD: 50 RDM: 45 RST: 20 Weight: 120 Absorb Attribute: Flame Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 10 Counter Rate: 100 Attribute Resist: Minus 80 Ice, 20 Earth Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Silence/Poison/Death/Freeze/Confuse/Petrify/Stun/ Weaken/Transfer(100) Re-Fightable: Yes The 2 fights are consecutive, so be aware of that. Bring Lezard into this fight for his Menu Magic. As for Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. As for skills, Iron Fist, Hard Body, Regeneration Heal, Guts...etc If you intent on the Break Mode, make sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. MAKE sure you don't have any attack that's Flame based and set Cool Damsel as Lezard's Normal Attack. Get to its back and try to use 4 Soul Crushes on it, Leone, Alicia, Rufus then Lezard at the end. If you need to heal, just Dash away and circle around those pillars. If you can get in Break Mode, plus the 4 Soul Crushes, you can get up around 100 Hits. If you do this right, the boss can't even touch you, yet. As for the 2nd form, its attacks are more deadly. Anyway, circle around and attack its back. The thing to watch out for is its wide range. Better stay away and heal. Make sure your HPs are full before each of its attacks. Lastly, don't use any fire based attacks since that will heal him. However, ice attacks will be able to hurt it a lot. My way of dealing with its wide range attack is to send some Mage up, like Lezard. Lezard can get close and the other 3 can stay way. Lezard should use a Magic from the Menu and hope the boss will change its attack back to the normal short range one. --------------------- Afterward, jump to the right to check the Throne at east to get an Amulet. Hand over the Amulet to that Adventurer at the entrance of Kalstad to get Flawless Talisman. next, to Crell Monferaigne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Crell Monferaigne/ Item: Ice Crystal Importance: Make sure you read the 3rd part of the tri-Ace Poem - The end reward(in Chapter 6) is the Tri Emblem Flare Crystal: Feed the dog 3 times Dog's Ring: Giant Bat(Body, 30%) & Dire Wolf(Tail, 30%) drop the Bone-Attached Meat. Giant Bat and Dire Wolf can be found in Kythena Plain. Dire Wolf also shows up in Lost Forest and more frequently. Get at least 15 Bone-Attached Meat. Feed the dog in Villnore: - Feed it once for Sucked Bone - Feed it 5 times for Bitten Shoe - Feed it 10 times for Worn Out Cloth - Feed it 15 times for Dog's Poop - Sell these 4 Materials to the Crell Monferaigne shop - Meet the Regulars' Point which is 8000 - Make 80000 OTH worth of purchase - Buy the Dog's Ring Nearby is the Bar. To the right, a path to go up, a Villager House, the Weapon Armor Shop and another path up. Take the right path up and check the Villager House for an Ice Crystal. To the right, there is a dog where you can feed it the Bone-Attached Meat. Back track and take the left path up. Take the right Villager House at the near right. Make sure you speak with an Old Man. There is actually an Old Woman in here but she usually in the back. Re-Enter this Villager House then quickly go talk to her. She will give you the Broken Staff and Mace Head. To the left, there are the Inn and one more Villager House. Within the Inn, do speak with a Resident by the counter. As for the left end Villager house, check the right end for the 3rd part of the tri-Ace Poem. Once you're done talking around, exit out for more scene. Chateau Obsession and Crawsus Forest Ruins will show up on the Map. Chateau Obsession is optional, but I will cover that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Optional #3 - Chateau Obsession/ Items: Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Silver Scale, Silver Buckler, Double Search, Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Claymore, Golden Egg, Book Of Alchemy Enemies: Will O Wisp, Satyr, Greater Demon, Giant Skeleton, Trash Demon, Dragon, Troll Chief, Berserker Sealed Stones: Soul-Shaving Hook's Commandment, Shield's Protection, Lightless Jump's Commandment, EXP-Coveting Tapir's Reason Einferia: Seluvia(100%) To the right, a Spring and the Sealed Stone Soul-Shaving Hook's Commandment. Go up to another area. There is an Altar to the right, then go south. Check the left for a Dwarf's Sacred Herb. Go on to the right. Get Alicia to stand on a red seal then switch place with the near stone. Go on to the right. Go up to another area then check the lower left box. Move away since it is a trap. Get the Silver Scale. Use the enemy to get up to the left for a staff. It is another Einferia. After, use the enemy to get up further for the Sealed Stone Lightless Jump's Commandment. Back track to the previous area. Go right and there is an Altar. Stand on the seal & switch place with an enemy. Don't go up yet, check above for a box. Just use the two enemies and as for the box, it's got a trap. After, get the Silver Buckler from the box. Go up to move on. To the left end is a Double Search. Just switch place with the enemy that's in air. To the right end, there is a Dwarf's Sacred Herb. Above that item, there is a Claymore. You will need to get the flying enemy(at the left) to the right end since only that flying enemy can stay in mid air when you crystallize it. Once you get the flying enemy in mid air(near the Claymore), switch place and jump to the right. The box also got a trap. After, get the Claymore from that box. Moving on, head up to the next area. There is a Spring to the left and an Altar to the right end. For the right end, there is a big enemy but you can avoid it. Just use the enemy that's in mid air then jump to the right. You will end up at the back of the enemy. To get back up, just switch place to the upper right rock. Once you are up, jump and shoot SW to switch place to the left enemy. Of course, you can always just fight the enemy. You can fight the Dragon and Greater Demon. Anyway, to move on, go up at the left end. Go right to save your game. To the upper right, there is a rock and the Sealed Stone Shield's Protection. Switch place with the rock to get up. Anyway, set the Soul-Shaving Hook's Commandment at the Altar that's behind the large enemy and bring the Sting Protection. Once you are ready, go up for the boss fight. --------------- Boss: Lady Clio Race: UnHoly, Magic Level: 22 HP: 6800 EXP: 70000 OTH: 7200 ATK: 200 MAG: 280 HIT: 58 AVD: 50 RDM: 10 RST: 50 Weight: 85 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Female Basic Evasion: 3 Basic Guard: 5 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 50 Thunder, 100 Earth, 50 Holy Abnormal Resist: Silence/Poison/Death/Petrify/Stun/Weaken/Transfer(100), Paraly/Confuse(50), Freeze(80) Re-Fightable: No Bring Lezard into this fight for his Poison Blow. As for Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. As for skills, Iron Fist, Hard Body, Regeneration Heal, Guts...etc If you intent on the Break Mode, make sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. All enemies will be taking damage from time to time. If you further Poison them, it works even better. Take out the two Trash Demons and as for that one Berserker, you can ignore it but it offers lots of items. At least try to get as many items from it as you can. As for Clio, rather weak. Get close and do 4 Soul Crushes, start from Aluze, Leone, Alicia then Lezard. Clio's magic can still do decent damage, so heal from time to time. --------------- Afterward, you get a Blue Formation-Sealing Vessel. Now you have 3 slots of Sealed Stones. Go right to get a Golden Egg and the Book Of Alchemy. As for the Sealed Stone here, it is the EXP-Coveting Tapir's Reason. BTW, that's 100% for the Treasure and the Map. Anyway, go back to Crell Monferaigne and talk to the Resident in the Inn. Pick the 2nd choice to get the Sage's Secret Herb. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Crawsus Forest Ruins/ Items: Healer's Secret Herb, Silver Greave, Flawless Amulet, Pulverize Amulet, Silver Helm, Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Holy Gem, Union Plum, Elixir, Silver Mail, Healer's Secret Herb, Lightning Avoid Amulet, Illusionary Clothes Mirage Robe Enemies: Unclean Gathering, Vampire, Vampire Bat, Electrical Chip, Tear Soul, Shaman Chief, Phantom Border, Disgust Shell, Wild Troll, Bolt Dragon, Land Kraken - Land Kraken can ONLY show up when you set the Sealed Stone Earthly Protection or Muddy Reason on an Altar Sealed Stones: Earthly Protection, Thunder's Protection, Muddy Reason, Thunder Cloud's Reason Einferia: Fraudir(40%) or Circe(40%) or Rasheeka(20%), Falx(40%) or Adonis(60%) To the left, there is a Spring. Go on to the left. Use an enemy to get up for a Healer's Secret Herb and the Sealed Stone Earthly Protection. Anyway, if you go west, a scene and you can save your game. But you can also head up. You can go save your game then go up. Check the left end for a Silver Greave, then head up. There is an Altar to the left. Go on to the left and at the end, there is a big enemy. Beat it for the Sealed Stone Muddy Reason. There is also a Flawless Amulet within a bag. After, go south to another area. The right box got a trap but it has a Lightning Avoid Amulet. To the left, there is a sword which means more Einferia. To get up, use an enemy. There are a Healer's Secret Herb and the Illusionary Clothes Mirage Robe. BTW, the box got a trap. After, go south to yet another area. To the right, there is an Elixir. Just use that in air enemy. To the left end, there are an Altar and a box with a trap. It's got a Silver Mail. Now, you can back track all the way to the area with the save point. From the area with the save point, go south. To the right, there is a box in the water. It's got a trap as well but it's a Pulverize Amulet. Go to the left, there are 3 paths. The left two lead to Silver Helm, Dwarf's Sacred Herb and a sword/Einferia. After, go south. Go right for a Holy Gem & an Altar with the Sealed Stone Thunder's Protection. To the left end, beat the enemy to get the Sealed Stone Thunder Cloud's Reason. Also, there is a Union Plum. That's 100% for the Treasure. Back to the area with the save point and save your game. Make sure you set any three Sealed Stones at the northern, western and southern Altars. However, do not set the Sealed Stone Muddy Reason and Thunder's Protection at any Altar. Also, don't bring the Sealed Stone Wall's Protection with you. Anyway, the west bridge will lower at the area with the save point. Go west for the boss fight. ----------- Boss: Hydra Race: Giant Scale Level: 29 HP: 11000 EXP: 160000 OTH: 12600 ATK: 348 MAG: 212 HIT: 64 AVD: 30 RDM: 60 RST: 56 Weight: 125 Absorb Attribute: Earth Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 3 Basic Guard: 20 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 50 Ice, 50 Thunder Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Silence/Poison/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Weaken/ Transfer(100), Stun(80), Freeze(50) Re-Fightable: Yes Make sure your characters equip Weak Check and Poison Check. As for Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. As for skills, have Regeneration Heal, Guts...etc If you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Lure it on to the land then circle around it and do 4 Soul Crushes. Its normal attack isn't too bad, you don't need to heal all the time. Watch out for its Poison Breath, cure with Alicia's Ordinary Shave if you don't have any of those Gold&Silver Flower's Dew. Of course, no worries if you have Poison Check. You still need to keep your HP high from time to time since it still got other attacks like Dark Breath and Eternal Pain which reduces lots of your HP. Not only that, Eternal Pain can also cause Weaken. You can't recover HP when you're Weaken. Again, no worries if you have Weak Check. If not, Dash away & take care of it. An Izun's Apple can cure Weaken. Due to the land and water environment, moving around isn't easy but the player can always Dash. For the Hydra, it will have to move around slowly. That's plenty of time for you to recover. ----------- After, that's 100% for the Map. Now, you can exit out to the World Map. The Dragonscrypt will show up on the World Map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Dragonscrypt/ Items: Magic Bangle, Dwarf's Sacred Herb, Arbalest, 20000 OTH, Healer's Secret Herb, Double Search Enemies: Gun Fish, Coral Green Einferia: Lydia(50%) or Atracia(50%) Within Dragonscrypt, head to the right to another area. To the upper left, there is a Magic Bangle. Use 1 or 2 enemies to get up there. To the upper right, use few enemies to get up for the Arbalest. Above that, there is a Dwarf's Sacred Herb. To get up there, you can use all 3 enemies/crystals. It does require quite a bit of Exchange Transfer, After Jump and Angling. What you want to do is get a crystal floating near that box. You can then switch place with that crystal and jump up immediately. After, go right to the next area. There is a bow which means more Einferia. Jump up to the right for a box with a trap. It is 20000 OTH. Go on up to the right to the next area. A bag to the right got Healer's Secret Herb. Go on up & use the enemies to jump up to a box. It's got a trap but it is a Double Search. That's 100% for the Treasure and the Map. Go on to the east to the Palace Of The Venerated Dragon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Palace Of The Venerated Dragon/ Items: Sun Light Stone, Solar Eclipse Stone, Red Flame Stone, Glowing Clouds Stone, Reverse Moon Stone, Red Light Stone, Day Moon Stone, 15000 OTH, 25000 OTH, Golden Egg, Vallo Greave, Healer's Secret Herb, Wiser's EXP, Wiser's EXP, Spell Potion, Ice Clothes Crystal Garb, Ice Clothes Crystal Garb, Vallo Gauntlet, Uroboro Symbol, Elixir, Flare Baselard, Might Potion, Soft Stone, Union Plum, Union Plum, Dragon Armor, Power Bangle, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Book Of Alchemy, Book Of Chaos, 30000 OTH, Liqueur Potion, Charge Break, Dragon Staff Dragon Lore, Guard Potion, Healer's Secret Herb, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Union Plum Enemies: Iron Golem, Gigant Claw, Crarione, Green Jewel, Spectral Knight, Dragon Bat, Necromancer, Muscularity Stalker, Phantom Guardian Sealed Stones: EXP-Providing Friend's Reason, Catapult's Commandment, Sword As The Offering Commandment, Only Life As The Food Commandment, Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment Einferia: Xehnon(90%) or Masato(10%), Gerald(20%) or Ehlen(30%) or Guilm(50%), Lwyn(40%) or Crescent(60%) Importance: Before you end this dungeon, go finish up few things - Get the Cat's/Bird's/Dog's Ring - Clear the optional dungeon, Chateau Obsession - Get Leone and Aluze to Level 40 if you want overpowered weapons Head to the right to the next area. You can go east or north. Go north and save your game. Go back and head to the right. Get the Sun Light Stone to the right and go back to the room with the save point. Check the statue to use the Sun Light Stone. In the new room, get the Solar Eclipse Stone. Go south and check the left for the Book Of Chaos. Head to the right to another area. Get Healer's Secret Herb and jump up to the left for another box. It's got a trap but it's a Liqueur Potion. To the upper right is the Sealed Stone EXP-Providing Friend's Reason, then head to the upper left to another area. Go up to check that box. It's got a trap but it is a Union Plum. For all these statues here, the idea is to attack the statue from behind but you can't be seem by any near statue. Otherwise, you will be in the Poison Room. As for the Poison Room, there are boxes and all of them got traps. The upper right got a staff/Einferia, lower right got a Fairy's Sacred Herb, lower left got a Charge Break and the upper left got the Dragon Staff Dragon Lore. To get out of the Poison Room, just use that statue and use the Sun Light Stone. Anyway, for the statues, slash the left of the middle group, then the right of the middle group then the one at east. You can get the Ring Light Stone and 30000 OTH. Now, back track to a statue and use the Ring Light Stone. Nearby, there is a Spring. Go on to the west. Check the NE and E for the Spell Potion, Flare Baselard, 25000 OTH and Vallo Greave. One of the boxes got a trap BTW. At upper left, there is the Sealed Stone Sword As The Offering Commandment. After, go on to the west. There are paths to west and south. Go west to fight an enemy for the Sealed Stone Only Life As The Food Commandment. There is also a sword/Einferia at the left end. After, back track and go south. Go to the left for the Sealed Stone Catapult's Commandment. Go right to another area. There is an Altar and the box is at upper left. Use the crystals to get up there for 15000 OTH. As for the Altar here, set in any of the four Sealed Stones you found in this dungeon so far. Now go west to go back, then north and east. A new path will show up. Go west to save your game. To the west, beat an enemy to get the Glowing Clouds Stone. After, go east to get Fairy's Sacred Herb, Union Plum & Healer's Secret Herb. Now, go back to a statue and use the Glowing Clouds Stone. Go south to another area. Go east and jump over that statue. In this east room, get the Fairy's Sacred Herb, Vallo Gauntlet and Might Potion. The middle one got the trap to bring out enemies. To the right is the Sealed Stone Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment. Leave it for now, but we will need that later. Go west and to get the Book Of Alchemy to the left end, you will need to jump over 2 statues. That box also got a trap. After, take the middle path up. The west leads to the Ice Clothes Crystal Garb. It's got a trap as well. As for the east, it leads to an Altar, as well as the Reverse Moon Stone. There is 1 more item and it's high up above. Just use crystals to get up and get the Guard Potion. After, go back to a statue and use the Reverse Moon Stone. Jump down & there is an Altar. To the right, beat that enemy to get the Red Flame Stone. Go west to the Protection-Less Room. The west leads to Union Plum and Elixir, then go south. The west leads to Soft Stone and Ice Clothes Crystal Garb. As for the east, you can jump to the upper right for a sword/Einferia. It is better if you have Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment. Just press Up/NE when doing jump/in air. Jump back down and back to a statue. Don't use the Red Flame Stone yet, there is one more item we can get. Make sure you have the Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment, then use the Reverse Moon Stone. Go west and defeat this enemy. Crystallize it and stand on top of it. Jump toward the upper left while using the effect of the Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment. So press UP/NW while you are in air. Once you get to the other side, you can't open the item since you have the Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment. Here is what you do: First, stand by the edge then shoot east, so you would switch place with that crystal. Thus, the crystal will be at the edge which is near the box. Jump down and set the Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment at the Altar. Now, shoot NW and switch place again with that crystal. After, go open that box which has a trap as well. Get the Power Bangle after. Now, go use the Red Flame Stone. There are an Altar and a save point. Well, to the west is the boss. ------------------- Boss: Dragon Zombie Race: Dragon, Giant, UnHoly Level: 35 HP: 18500 EXP: 220000 OTH: 21000 ATK: 495 MAG: 362 HIT: 82 AVD: 44 RDM: 57 RST: 39 Weight: 125 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: N/A Basic Evasion: 1 Basic Guard: 5 Counter Rate: 50 Attribute Resist: Minus 50 Flame/Holy, 50 Ice/Darkness, 100 Earth Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Poison/Death/Confuse/Weaken/Transfer/Stun(100), Silence/Petrify/Freeze(40) Re-Fightable: Yes Make sure your characters equip Weak Check and Poison Check. As for Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. As for skills, have Regeneration Heal, Guts...etc If you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Check the back of the Dragon Zombie, there is a Sun Jewel. Take it out & there are 2 more. They are hidden behind 2 walls, so you need to take out the 2 walls as well. Once you got all 3, circle around it and attack from its back. Keep doing 4 Soul Crushes and you will finish it in no time. Plus, it would help if you get into Break Mode. Be sure to watch out for its range though. If you need to heal, Dash away to do so. Its middle circular range is easy to avoid if you are not that close, but its great circular range isn't easy. BTW, that is its Soul Crush which does decent damage. If you do this right, Dragon Zombie isn't all that hard. After you beat it, you can fight it again and again by checking the left end. ------------------- After, go get the Dragon Armor, Day Moon Stone and Golden Egg. Back track and before you use the Day Moon Stone at the statue, keep in mind that this is your LAST chance to finish up Chateau Obsession, getting Cat's Ring, Bird's Ring, Dog's Ring, level up Aluze and Leone to Level 40. Once you are ready, use the Day Moon Stone at the statue then go west for more scene. Aluze & Leone will leave the party. If they both are at least Level 40, then you will get 4 weapons: - Dragon Slayer Modified (ATK 200, 3 Attacks, SC Enabled) - Bahamut Tear (ATK 600, 3 Attacks, SC Enabled) - Splitting Sword Farewell (ATK 210, Hit 30, 3 Attacks, SC Enabled) - Valkyrie Favor (ATK 500, Hit 50, 3 Attacks, SC Enabled) You will also get Swordsman's Knowledge and Heavy Soldier's Knowledge. Anyway, that's 100% of the Map. Get the Uroboro Symbol & 2 Wiser's EXP. That is 100% for the Treasure as well. Afterward, exit back to the World Map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Optional #4/ Go to Kalstad, check with the eastern chicken to get a Golden Egg; Head to Villnore, you can buy Lily for 10 OTH from the Flower Girl. It works like Tiny Flower; Go to Crell Monferaigne then exit out for a scene; In Coriander, check the 1st Villager House for a Core Emerald. Within Villnore, speak with a Resident near the Bar and pick the 1st choice. Go back to the Turgen Mine. At the end, you can fight Gigant Wasp which is just a powered up Queen Wasp. ----------------- Boss: Gigant Wasp Race: Giant, Insect Level: 42 HP: 20000 EXP: 72000 OTH: 12000 ATK: 1200 MAG: 1000 HIT: 100 AVD: 120 RDM: 132 RST: 70 Weight: 105 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Female Basic Evasion: 1 Basic Guard: 30 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Flame/Earth Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Silence/Poison/Death/Confuse/Transfer(100), Stun/Petrify/Freeze(75) Re-Fightable: No First up, set the Sealed Stone Karma Flame's Reason at an Altar. Other than that, bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for the Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, this will be done in no time. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/ Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. Anyway, if you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. As you move around, take out any Meteoric Swarm & the Leaf Beetle Egg. You can hurt the Meteoric Swarm with Magic, even better if you equip the Ghost Buster skill. Once it's down to Gigant Wasp, it's pretty much the same as Queen Wasp except Gigant Wasp is tougher. Keep on attacking it and use Soul Crush whenever you can. You can always circle around it to recover AP then keep on attacking. It's better if you focus on one part and hope for a Break Mode. You can take out lots of its life before it goes cheap with Vary Omega. When there is green mist around it, Dash behind a pillar or to the back room. Gigant Wasp will use Vary Omega which heavily damage your party or even wipe you out if it gets you. If you are behind a pillar or in the back room, then it won't get to you. Go on to continue attacking and try to kill it before another Vary Omega. Repeat till you kill it. This is rather easy if you avoid its Vary Omega each time. ----------------- Beat it and you can get the Scarlet Formation-Sealing Vessel. Now you have four slots of Sealed Stones. Lastly, report back to the Resident in Villnore for a Metabolizer. More, talk to a Resident in Coriander then to the Ancient Forest. At the end, you can fight Kobold King. ----------------- Boss: Kobold King Race: Beast Level: 40 HP: 16000 EXP: 15000 OTH: 8000 ATK: 3200 MAG: 2400 HIT: 85 AVD: 75 RDM: 115 RST: 30 Weight: 70 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 50 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Earth Abnormal Resist: Silence/Death/Freeze/Transfer/Stun(100), Paraly(95), Poison/Confuse/Petrify(80) Re-Fightable: No Make sure you bring in Lezard for his Thunder Storm. As for Sealed Stones, set Dignity-Dropping Sheath's Commandment at an Altar. Other than that, bring in the Sealed Stones Sting Protection and Life Spirit's Protection. As for the Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, this will be done in no time. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/ Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. Anyway, if you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. There are 5 Kobold Warrior along with Kobold King. Just take your time to take them out one by one or attack them with Thunder Storm. As for Kobold King, if you can't take it out in few turns, better Poison it then stay away. Once its HP is low, go finish it off so it can't heal. If you have Beast Slayer, even better. This should be pretty easy if you did the above preparation. If you are wondering, you can't fight them again but there are other enemies that drop the items they have except for Kobold Hammer. At least try to get that from Kobold Warrior. ----------------- Beat it & report back to the Resident for a Wiser's EXP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Sukavia Gorge/ Enemies: Ice Devil, Ice Troll, Winter Wolf Einferia: Aegis(100%) Technically, this place is optional. You do not have to cross Sukavia Gorge since you can just cross Kythena Plains instead. But, there is an Einferia here so might as well. Within, head to the east. Keep going and that will be 100% for the Map. At the end, check a staff for an Einferia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \From Solde To Royal Underground Path/ Enemies(Royal Underground Path): Gigant Snail, Beast Fort, Flying Killer, Lizard Knight, Meteoric Swarm Importance: Read the 1st part of the tri-Ace Poem in Solde again - If you've read the previous 3 parts, then the 1st part in Solde should have changed. That is an indication that you will get the end reward(in Chapter 6), the Tri Emblem Within Solde, just go east toward the port for more scene. After, get in the Lost Forest to get to the Royal Underground Path. Keep going to the end for a boss fight. --------- Boss: Ull Race: God Level: 42 HP: 27000 EXP: 280000 OTH: 31500 ATK: 700 MAG: 600 HIT: 100 AVD: 75 RDM: 40 RST: 25 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 1 Basic Guard: 5 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 50 Flame/Holy, 50 Ice Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Death/Freeze/Petrify/Transfer/Weaken(100), Confuse(95), Stun(90), Poison(70) Re-Fightable: No Equip Weapons that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, this will be done in no time. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid, Missile Protection...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. Take out Aesir(Body Guard) first. If you have Valkyrie Favor for Alicia and the Bahamut Tear for Dylan, then this battle will end in no time, considering all the damage you can do with those 2 weapons. Once it's down to Ull, go circle around some pillar whenever you need to recover AP. Repeat till you beat it. If you have Holy Gem/Crystal, or the Menu Magic Prevent Sorcery, you can even Silence Ull. If you do this right, Ull should be really easy aside from his Soul Crush Despair Flight. --------- After, go on to save your game then go up to Dipan. Go right and up, then head to the west to get in the castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Dipan Castle/ Items: Wiser's EXP, Wiser's EXP, Wiser's EXP - The last 2 Wiser's EXP are obtained in early Chapter 5 Importance: If you still want the 2 overpowered weapons & 2 decent accessories, then you should try to get Dylan and Lezard to Level 45 before the end of this dungeon Check the left end soldier to get a Wiser's EXP. Go south and head to the west to save your game. Go on to the west and there are a Spring, the Merchant, as well as another save point. As for Sealed Stones, bring Swordian Protection and Life Spirit's Protection, maybe Sting Protection as well. As for your characters, make sure their RST are high. Afterward, go up for the boss fight. ---------- Boss: Gyne Race: Magic Level: 40 HP: 15000 EXP: 230000 OTH: 31500 ATK: 550 MAG: 780 HIT: 82 AVD: 55 RDM: 40 RST: 85 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 10 Basic Guard: 3 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: 50 Flame/Ice/Thunder Abnormal Resist: Death/Petrify/Transfer(100), Stun(70), Paraly(90), Poison/Confuse/Weaken(50), Freeze(80) Re-Fightable: No Boss: Walther Race: Magic Level: 42 HP: 17000 EXP: 250000 OTH: 7000 ATK: 500 MAG: 820 HIT: 92 AVD: 65 RDM: 50 RST: 80 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 1 Basic Guard: 10 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: 20 Earth/Holy/Darkness Abnormal Resist: Silence/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer(100), Stun(50), Paraly(90), Poison(30), Freeze(70) Re-Fightable: No Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for the Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, this will be done in no time. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/ Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. Go after Gyne first since he has lesser HP. If you have Valkyrie Favor and the Bahamut Tear, then you can take him out with 4 Soul Crushes. Repeat and take out the other one. If you don't have Valkyrie Favor and Bahamut Tear, then this might be quite difficult. Circle around & try to lure them around. Their magic will hit you hard, so you might need to heal. It's fine if you have done the above preparation. Further, you can always Poison both of them. After that, keep circling around and take your time with each one. If you have Holy Gem/ Crystal, or the Menu Magic Prevent Sorcery, you can even Silence Gyne. ---------- Afterward, back track and make sure your characters' RDM are high this time. Go switch out the Sting Protection to Shield's Protection. Keep in mind that Dylan and Lezard will leave after the next boss battle. That means this is your LAST chance if you still want the 2 overpowered weapons & 2 decent accessories. Anyway, go east all the way for the next boss fight. ---------- Boss: Ahly Race: God Level: 45 HP: 20000 EXP: 320000 OTH: 17500 ATK: 850 MAG: 600 HIT: 95 AVD: 75 RDM: 80 RST: 50 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Female Basic Evasion: 8 Basic Guard: 60 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: 50 Flame/Ice/Thunder/Earth, 70 Holy, 30 Darkness Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Silence/Poison/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Weaken/ Transfer(100), Stun(90), Freeze(95) Re-Fightable: No Boss: Aluze Race: N/A Level: 42 HP: 21000 EXP: 270000 OTH: 10500 ATK: 1000 MAG: 250 HIT: 85 AVD: 70 RDM: 40 RST: 25 Weight: 70 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 30 Basic Guard: 3 Counter Rate: 50 Attribute Resist: 50 Flame Abnormal Resist: Death/Petrify/Transfer(100), Paraly/Freeze/Confuse/Stun(80), Poison(50) Re-Fightable: No Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for the Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, this will be done in no time. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/ Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. Go after Aluze first since he has lesser HP. With Valkyrie Favor and Bahamut Tear, you can kill him with 4 Soul Crushes. That way, he doesn't have a chance to use Finality Blast. You can also Poison Aluze. As for Ahly, it's fine if your RDM are high. Most of her attacks don't hurt much. She likes to Guard all the time, so you can't beat her as fast as Aluze. But, you can always attack her from behind and finish her off with 4 Soul Crushes so she doesn't have a chance for Nibelung Valesti as well. ---------- After, Dylan and Lezard will leave the party. If they both are at least Level 45, then you will get 2 weapons and 2 accessories: - Immortal King's Sword (ATK 260, 2 Attacks, SC Enabled) - Oppresseder's Sword (ATK 850, 2 Attacks, SC Enabled) - Philosopher's Stone Shard (MAG 100, chance to transfer the target out of the battlefield) - Homunculus' Seed (All elemental resist + 20%) You will also get Ambrosia and Mage's Knowledge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \From Dipan Castle To Lost Forest/ Items: Wiser's EXP, Wiser's EXP Get the 2 Wiser's EXP. That's 100% for the Treasure and the Map. Exit out Dipan Castle then go on for more scene. Exit out Dipan and back to the Royal Underground Path. Exit out to the Lost Forest then to the World Map. Forest Of Spirits will show up at the lower right of the World Map. In Villnore, the flower girl can sell you Valley Lily which works the same as the previous ones; In Coriander, check with the chicken for a Golden Egg. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Forest Of Spirits/ Items: Elixir, Sacred Bow Elven Bow, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Famous Sword Alondite, Flawless Talisman, Spell Potion, Prime Elixir, Double Search, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Elven Boots Enemies: Elven Dog, Elven Hawk, Kobold Warrior, Kobold Lord, Sharp Scissor, Sky Lizard, Prince Of Hell, Man Eater, Mimetic Flower, Life Stealer, Lizard King - Sharp Scissor shows up AFTER you beat the boss/Arectaris Sealed Stones: Chaotic Needle's Protection, Eight Legged Horse's Protection, Hunting Spirit's Protection Importance: Avoid and Crystallize ANY Elf There is a Spring and to the left, there is an Elixir. Go on to the west. You can go west or south. Go south to another area. Beat the enemy to the right to reveal a rock altar. Place that at the left pole at the left end. By doing that, you can reach up to a box with a trap. It's the Sacred Bow Elven Bow. If you jump to the right, there is the Sealed Stone Hunting Spirit's Protection. Go back and go west this time. It's a Protection-Less Room. The secret path doesn't show up on the Mini Map, but go south from the white flowers. Head to the east after. To the right is a Fairy's Sacred Herb. As for the box high up in air, you can't right now. For this area, take the path that leads up. It's near that big enemy. You will be in another Protection-Less Room. Go to the west. To the left is the Flawless Talisman. After, go up. Use the enemies to get up to the Sealed Stone Chaotic Needle's Protection. Go on to the right for the Spell Potion and Prime Elixir. The left box got a trap BTW. After, go up to another area. Use the enemies to get up to Double Search and Fairy's Sacred Herb. Both boxes got traps BTW. Go on to the east. At upper right, there are the Sealed Stone Eight Legged Horse's Protection and the Elven Boots. To get up there, place the crystal to the left most pole. After, go up. To the left is a Spring and near right is a save point. That is 100% for the Map BTW. Go on to the right for the boss fight. --------------- Boss: Arectaris Race: Giant, Plant Level: 47 HP: 25000 EXP: 420000 OTH: 54600 ATK: 489 MAG: 440 HIT: 80 AVD: 15 RDM: 100 RST: 50 Weight: 125 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 5 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: 50 Thunder Abnormal Resist: Silence/Weaken/Death/Poison/Petrify/Transfer/Paraly/Freeze/ Stun(100), Confuse(80) Re-Fightable: No Make sure you equip Weak Check. Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for the Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, that will be better. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. Anyway, if you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Break the Fire, Thunder, Earth and Ice Jewels that are around the field. When Arectaris is using a wide range attack, it spins around rather fast so it's not easy to circle around it. Instead, Dash away and get out of range. Arectaris doesn't move so you should be fine. Try to stay far away since it does have long range attack. If you have Valkyrie Favor and Bahamut Tear, then you should be able to inflict decent damage. If you are using Rufus and he has the Rating Zone, then that Normal Attack works extremely well on Arectaris. The worst of all is when it uses Angel Dust. It will be raining on the battle field which inflict Weaken if you don't have protection against it. That's not all. You will also lose HP and the amount will depend on your level. Further, it will also start reviving those Jewels. Plus, when it's low on HP, he can use his Precede Gravity which can do lots of damage. --------------- Afterward, continue to back track for more scene. Now, if you want the box that you couldn't get earlier, head back to the southern area. There is a flying enemy there now. Use it to get up to a box. It's got a trap and it's the Famous Sword Alondite. That's 100% for the Treasure. Now, you may go back track out and head back to Dipan Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Dipan Castle & Forest Of Spirits/ Enemies(Dipan Castle): Capricorn, Capricorn Leader, Holy Order, Gentleman Go through the Lost Forest and Royal Underground Path to Dipan. The Merchant will be just by the entrance of Dipan. Anyway, back to the castle. Open up the map with R2. The goal is to SE. After, you will get the Ghoul Powder. After, go back to Forest Of Spirits. Head back to where you fought the boss. Go up to get in the Ravine Caverns for more scene and a quick boss fight. ---------------------- Boss: Aesir(Patroller) Race: God Level: 37 HP: 4300 EXP: 12000 OTH: 2450 ATK: 800 MAG: 420 HIT: 62 AVD: 45 RDM: 90 RST: 10 Weight: 74 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 3 Basic Guard: 3 Counter Rate: 25 Attribute Resist: 50 Holy Abnormal Resist: Death(95), Weaken/Transfer(100), Freeze(70), Paraly/Petrify(90), Silence(85), Poison/Stun(80) Re-Fightable: No Not so much of a boss fight. It's just there are 4 of them in total. Since they have short range, it's better if you attack them with Bow Fighter or Mage. If you equip Accessory or Skill that focus on raising Atk or Mag, then you should be fine. ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Ravine Caverns/ Items: Over Drive, Healer's Secret Herb, Swordsman's Knowledge, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Heavy Soldier's Knowledge, Blinking Bow Blue Gale, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Liqueur Potion, Bow Fighter's Knowledge, Thief's Knowledge, Mage's Knowledge, Ambrosia Enemies: Aesir(Shooter), Aesir(Patroller), Eagerness Chaser, Dinosaur King, Capricorn Leader, Gentleman, Life Stealer, Sharp Scissor Recommend: - Blinking Bow Blue Gale + Body Passage(Skill) - Explore Ravine Caverns in Chapter 6 since there is no Time Limit Sealed Stones: Dark Night's Reason, Chaotic Reason, Different Law Eraser's Reason, Enemy Omitting Void's Reason, Silent Needle's Protection, Ravine Reason, Scattered Light's Protection Dinosaur King: This enemy has the Sealed Stone Enemy Omitting Void's Reason. To get to Dinosaur King, go up to north all the way then go west all the way. However, you need the effect of the Sealed Stone Different Law Eraser's Reason to fight it. To get to the Sealed Stone Different Law Eraser's Reason, open up the map with R2. The area is south of the area with Dinosaur King. As to get to the Sealed Stone Different Law Eraser's Reason, just use the Sealed Stone Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment. Once you got the Sealed Stone Different Law Eraser's Reason, be sure to set it on the Altar that's at around the middle of the dungeon. That will affect the area that Dinosaur King is in There is a timer, exactly 8 minutes. Rufus' soul will be gone once that hits 0. That means Game Over, BTW. So, don't waste a lot of time here, or you won't be able to make it. If you ignore everything and go east, you would need about 4 minutes or so. If you want 100% for the Treasure and Map, you probably want to re-enter this place few times(Enter/Exit using ONLY the Eastern Entrance/Exit). Of course, you can always come back in Chapter 6 where there is no time limit. The one box that is hard to get is Ambrosia which is at a SW area. To the right of that box, there is an enemy. You will need to use it to get up. Transfer that enemy to the rock that's just below where Ambrosia is. Move that crystallized enemy to the left edge of that rock. Once the enemy breaks the crystal, it will raise up. Now just wait till it gets up high and close enough to the edge of the higher platform. Switch place with that enemy then jump to the left. The box got a trap to bring out enemy but it's the Ambrosia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Bifrost/ There is a Rainbow Spring nearby. Use it to cure vitality and status. Be sure to save your game. Go on to fight 3 Aesir(Body Guard) and 1 Aesir(Rescuer). Go on to fight Dimension Beast next. Lastly, go on for the boss fight. -------------- Boss: Heimdall Race: God Level: 68 HP: 25000 EXP: 600000 OTH: 16100 ATK: 925 MAG: 815 HIT: 100 AVD: 100 RDM: 100 RST: 25 Weight: 85 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 10 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: 30 Flame/Thunder/Earth, 80 Holy, 50 Darkness Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer(100), Silence(80), Freeze(90), Poison(95), Stun(85) Re-Fightable: No Make sure your characters have Normal Attacks that can Blow Away target, such as Alicia's Deep Impact. As for the Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, that would be nice. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid, Hard Body...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. Anyway, if you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Take out the 2 Aesir(Body Guard). As for Heimdall, Dash to his back and use attacks that can Blow Away target, such as Alicia's Deep Impact. Next, Dash away to recover AP. Repeat till he dies. The thing to watch out for is his Soul Crush, Grim Malice. -------------- After, go on to Asgard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Asgard/ Importance: If you have Cat's/Bird's/Dog's Ring, then sell them to the Merchant and meet the Regulars' Point which is 20000(Make 200000 OTH worth of purchase) then buy the Solomon's Ring - It allows you to talk to animals - Animals hint on the Seraphic Gate - Solomon's Ring is also one of the Lucky 7 Accessories - See Monster Drops section for more detail Go on and there are a save point, as well as the Merchant. Don't bother going to the east since Hall Of Valhalla is closed right now. Well then, go north and east to Yggdrasil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Yggdrasil/ Items: Prime Elixir, Valiant Greave, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Charge Break, Flame Clothes Flame Mist, Witch's Secret Herb, 80000 OTH, Flawless Talisman, Holy Staff Unicorn Horn, Union Plum, Prime Elixir, Flawless Talisman, 100000 OTH, Wiser's EXP, Book of God Speed, Noble Elixir, 120000 OTH, Noble Elixir, Over Drive, Book Of Alchemy, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Fairy's Sacred Herb, Power Bangle, Elixir, Flawless Talisman, Valiant Armor, Valiant Helm, Flashing Blade Silvance, Holy Gauntlet Enemies: Armor Beetle, Abyss Dragon, Idisi, Gluttony Bug, Strayer, Giant Troll, Saint Elmo, Snail King, Fatal Vermin, Highlander, Black Jewel, Hersvelgr, Wild Wolf, Roper, Invasive Flamer, Aesir(Security) Sealed Stones: Light Jump's Protection, Cursed Light's Protection, Sharp Sword's Reason, Great Shield's Reason, Papier Mache's Protection, Darkness' Protection Importance: You can slash to break the Crystals There is a Spring by the entrance. Go right to a Prime Elixir and high above is a Valiant Greave. Go on to the upper left for more scene. Get a Fairy's Sacred Herb around the middle then go on to the west. Next area, lower left got the Charge Break and to get that crystal at the mid right, you have to slash that crystal then you can get the Flame Clothes Flame Mist. Now, there are 3 paths here: The north leads to the Sealed Stone Cursed Light's Protection; The west leads to Witch's Secret Herb and the Sealed Stone Light Jump's Protection; Go east once you are ready. Go on to the right and at the gap, there is actually an item to the lower right but you can't jump to it. Hold the Sealed Stone Light Jump's Protection, then keep shooting Photon to switch place with that lower right enemy. The box is a Valiant Helm. Go back up and get the Flawless Talisman before you go to the next area. There is a box at lower right. It has a trap but it is the Flashing Blade Silvance. Above, there is the Sealed Stone Papier Mache's Protection. At upper left, it leads to the Valiant Armor. To get to upper right, you need the Sealed Stone Cursed Light's Protection. While you are floating, shoot down to destroy the pillar/crystal. You will be in a Protection-Less Room. Near left is a box with a trap. It is an Elixir. There are a Spring and a save point. Go up after. Now, at the upper left, there is the Sealed Stone Great Shield's Reason. Above it, there is one more box. To get up to there, you will need the flying enemy that's at the lower part. You will need to transfer the lower flying enemy to the higher part so you can reach the box for a Power Bangle. If you are good with Exchange Transfer and After Jump, this should be easy. After, go upper right to another area. Float up to the right then destroy that blue pillar/crystal to get the Fairy's Sacred Herb. Go south, east then north. Up there is a Book Of Alchemy. Go to the east after. At the upper right is yet another Fairy's Sacred Herb. Go on to the upper left after. Lower left got the Sealed Stone Sharp Sword's Reason & the upper right got Over Drive, as well as Noble Elixir. To get to the Sealed Stone, you will need to switch place with the south enemy then beat the big enemy. As for the 2 items, you will need to stand on the yellow pillar/crystal then shoot NE. Anyway, go on to the upper left after. Jump to the left for a Spring and a save point. West leads to the first boss. But, go jump back to the east a bit and check below the 2 crystals. To get to that area, you need the Sealed Stone Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment. Once you made it there, put the Sealed Stone Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment at the Shell then you can get the Holy Gauntlet. Now jump down all the way to the next area. The west and northwest got 120000 OTH and a Noble Elixir. After you got them, go south and south again. Back track up to the save point & go west for the boss fight. ---------- Boss: Odin Race: God, Magic Level: 56 HP: 30000 EXP: 750000 OTH: 840 ATK: 1600 MAG: 1400 HIT: 130 AVD: 100 RDM: 80 RST: 80 Weight: 72 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 8 Basic Guard: 5 Counter Rate: 100 Attribute Resist: 50 Flame/Darkness, 20 Earth, 80 Thunder/Holy Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer/Silence/Freeze(100), Poison/Stun(80) Re-Fightable: No Make sure you bring in a Mage that can use Poison Blow. Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection and Sting Protection with you. As for Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell & Valkyrie Favor, that will be better. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. For further more Poison, bring in Earth Gem and the Accessory White Petal. His range is often circular so we shouldn't get in range. Instead, Rufus can try using Magic like Reduce Power and Reduce Guard. If he changes his attack to something like a line or fan-shape, get near and attack. You can always Poison him then stay away. Once you reduce enough of his HP, he will use Spiritual Lancer to end the battle. You can also end the fight if you were to defeat him. After, Lezard will join back the party. You will fight Odin again. Repeat the above strategy but get Lezard to attack with Magic like Earth Glaive. Lezard's Normal Attack can be Poison Blow which can inflict Poison on Odin. If you want to be safe, you might want to stay further away since he has a very wide range attack and that's probably his Spiritual Lancer. Make sure your HP is full if you want to go up to attack him. He might just use Spiritual Lancer and you probably can't avoid that if you are close. If you want to be cheap, just keep the Poison on him and stay way. ---------- Afterward, get the Wiser's EXP and the Book Of God Speed. Jump down at the left. Next area, the east got 100000 OTH and the southwest got the Flawless Talisman. Go jump down to south. Get the Prime Elixir and down to the west. Go west again. The west leads to the Sealed Stone Darkness' Protection after you beat a big enemy. As for the southeast, there is a Union Plum. At east, there are 2 boxes. The left one is rather easy to get with 2 crystals. As for the right one, you can't jump up to it but you can drop down from above. Once you are ready, jump down to south. To the right is 80000 OTH and that's 100% for the Treasure. Save your game and go up for the boss fight. ------------------ Boss: White Dragon Race: Dragon, Giant, Scale Level: 51 HP: 20000 EXP: 400000 OTH: 10500 ATK: 1400 MAG: 950 HIT: 115 AVD: 90 RDM: 110 RST: 45 Weight: 90 Absorb Attribute: Ice Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 3 Basic Guard: 3 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 50 Flame Abnormal Resist: Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer/Silence/Freeze(100), Poison(80), Paraly(50), Stun(25) Re-Fightable: No Make sure you have characters that can use Flame based attacks. Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for the Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, that will be better. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. Anyway, if you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Avoid Ice attacks and use Flame attacks. If you want to circle around it, get one character to get very close to it. As long as you circle around, you won't be within the fan-shape range. Overall, rather easy boss. ------------------ Afterward, Rufus joins back the party. That's 100% for the Map BTW. If you go back up to where you fought with Odin, there is an extra scene. Further, keep in mind that Rufus and Alicia's Soul Crush have been powered up. Anyway, go back to Asgard and you can now head east to Hall Of Valhalla. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Hall Of Valhalla/ Items: Double Search, Noble Elixir, Flare Crystal, 200000 OTH, Book Of Alchemy, Mithril Gauntlet, Over Drive, Witch's Secret Herb, Cold Resist Talisman, Noble Elixir, Witch's Secret Herb, Witch's Secret Herb, Spirit's Sacred Herb, Cold Resist Talisman, Power Bangle, Union Plum, Earth Crystal, Guard Potion, Ether Septor, Noble Elixir, Union Plum, Lightning Avoid Talisman, Union Plum, Spirit's Sacred Herb, Demon Sword Gram, Might Potion, Holy Crystal, Golden Egg, Spirit's Sacred Herb, Shadow Crystal, Flawless Talisman, Magic Bangle, Charge Break, Spell Potion, Liqueur Potion, Flawless Talisman, Double Search, Holy Crystal, Union Plum, Silver Plate, Wiser's EXP, Sage's Secret Herb, Pulverize Talisman, Liqueur Potion, Noble Elixir, Life Bow Mysteltain, Swordsman's Knowledge, Bow Fighter's Knowledge, Mage's Knowledge, Thief's Knowledge, Ambrosia, Heavy Soldier's Knowledge - You can't get the Swordsman's Knowledge, Bow Fighter's Knowledge, Mage's Knowledge, Thief's Knowledge, Ambrosia and Heavy Soldier's Knowledge till Chapter 6 Enemies: Aesir(Life Guard), Aesir(Officer), Guardian Diva, Silver Dragon, Sacred Sack, Divine Slave, Death Dog, Magic Mirror, Red Dragon Sealed Stones: Slate's Protection, Holy Light's Reason, Always As Usual Reason, Precious Stone's Protection, Holy Protection, Tough One's Protection Recommend: Holy Sword Ascalon + Body Passage(Skill) - Red Dragon(Body Tail, 15%) drops Holy Sword Ascalon Go right for a save point and on to the right. There is a Spring then go on to the right further. There are a path to go up and down, as well as a Blue Seal. For the Blue Seal, jump and stand on the left jar so it would descend down. Go up after and Aluze will join back the party. There are 2 paths up here. They lead to Double Search, Noble Elixir and Flare Crystal. Two of them have traps, so beware of that. After, go west to another area. There are 2 more paths up. They lead to 200000 OTH and Book Of Alchemy. The 200000 OTH is in a bag, on the top of a bookshelf. The box with the Book Of Alchemy got a trap as well. There is also an Altar in that room. At the west end, push the right jar to the left for the Yellow Seal. Now, take the near south path then south again. At the west end, use an enemy to jump and stand on the left jar so it would descend down. That's the Red Seal. As you can see, there are paths to south and they lead to Mithril Gauntlet, Over Drive, as well as a Witch's Secret Herb. The box with the Mithril Gauntlet got a trap BTW. After, go east. There are 2 more paths to south. They lead to Cold Resist Talisman, Noble Elixir, Witch's Secret Herb, Witch's Secret Herb, Spirit's Sacred Herb, as well as the Sealed Stone Slate's Protection. Few boxes also got traps. After, go up to get back to the area with the Blue Seal. Since you got the Yellow and Red Seals as well, you can head to the east. There is the Sealed Stone Holy Light's Reason nearby. There are paths to south and north. They lead to Cold Resist Talisman, Power Bangle, Union Plum, Earth Crystal and Guard Potion. Three of these boxes got traps BTW. Go to the east. There are 3 enemies here, use them to get up to upper left. There are an Ether Septor and a Spring. Above the Ether Septor, there is another box at the small edge at the upper left corner. It's an Noble Elixir. Anyway, you can go East or SE. Go SE to get Union Plum, Lightning Avoid Talisman, Might Potion, Holy Crystal, Golden Egg, Union Plum, Spirit's Sacred Herb, Demon Sword Gram, as well as the Sealed Stone Precious Stone's Protection. The 2 boxes in the area with the Sealed Stone have traps, so beware. As for the Demon Sword Gram, it is on top of a bookshelf and you need an enemy to get up there. The Golden Egg is also not obvious, but it is in a bag. After, back track and head up to east. Once again, 2 paths to north and 2 paths to south. They lead to Spirit's Sacred Herb, Shadow Crystal, Flawless Talisman, Magic Bangle, Charge Break, Spell Potion, Liqueur Potion, Sealed Stone Always As Usual Reason, as well as a save point. The 2 boxes in the area with the Sealed Stone also got traps, same with the box that contains the Shadow Crystal. After, go on to the east. Looks like you can push the right jar to the Blue Seal. Anyway, go on to the east. There are path to go up and down. Go up first. The paths to go up lead to the Yellow Seal and a Wiser's EXP. For the Yellow Seal, if you crystallize the jar, it won't move. For the box with the Wiser's EXP, it's got a trap so beware. After, go on to the west. Beat the big enemy first. West end got a Flawless Talisman, and for the paths to go up, they lead to Double Search, Holy Crystal, Union Plum, as well as Silver Plate. The three boxes that are together all have traps. The box with the Flawless Talisman also got a trap. As for the Double Search, it is in a bag that's on top of a bookshelf. After, go south but don't go south again. Check the left for a jar. Jump and stand on it for it to descend down. Crystallize it and get the other jar at right. That is for the Blue Seal. After, go east and go south this time. The paths to south lead to the Sage's Secret Herb and the Red Seal. For the Red Seal, the trick is to get a crystal on top of one jar then you can stand on the other jar. After, go on to the west. Beat the big enemy for the Sealed Stone Tough One's Protection. As for the paths to south, they lead to Pulverize Talisman, Liqueur Potion, Life Bow Mysteltain, as well as the Sealed Stone Holy Protection. At the west end, there is also an Noble Elixir. The Pulverize Talisman is in a bag in the area with the Liqueur Potion. After, back track and you can now go east all the way. Save your game and go east for the boss fight. ---------- Boss: Frei Race: God Level: 65 HP: 36000 EXP: 2000000 OTH: 56000 ATK: 1450 MAG: 2000 HIT: 120 AVD: 120 RDM: 135 RST: 150 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Female Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 5 Counter Rate: 100 Attribute Resist: 50 Ice/Thunder, 20 Darkness/Earth, 80 Holy Abnormal Resist: Poison/Paraly/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer/Silence/ Freeze(100), Stun(80) Re-Fightable: No Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell & Valkyrie Favor, that will be better. I would also recommend the Famous Sword Alondite. It works well since Frei is a Female. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/ Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. Her Magic does decent damage, so hopefully your characters' RST are high. If her range is a line, then you can actually get very close to her and circle around. If it's a fan-shape, you should move away and heal. Reduce enough of her HP then she will end the battle with Ether Strike. However, that doesn't mean you can't beat her. You can if you are tough enough. If your party can't survive Ether Strike, you probably want to split up your party. ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allies: Brahms, Ahly, Lenneth You will obtain the Dragon Orb, as well as the Water Mirror. Brahms and Ahly will also join the party. You will be in Tower Of Lezard Valeth. Go west and head north, then Lenneth will join the party. Anyway, there are few things we can do since we are at the last chapter. Thus, exit out to the World Map & Tower Of Lezard Valeth, as well as Asgard will show up. \Optional #5/ Go back to Asgard then back to the Hall Of Valhalla. You should have 100% for the Map, but not for the Treasure. So, go back to where you fought with Frei. Get the Swordsman's Knowledge, Bow Fighter's Knowledge, Mage's Knowledge, Thief's Knowledge, Ambrosia, Heavy Soldier's Knowledge. That is 100% for the Treasure. Check with a chicken in Coriander for a Golden Egg; If you read all parts of the tri-Ace Poem, then go back to the same house where you read the 1st part in Solde. Check the right for the Tri Emblem; Head to Kalstad, speak with that boy for the Light Sword Claimh Solais if you did give him at least 300 OTH previously. If you gave him less than that, you get the Famous Blade May Rain instead; In Villnore, the Flower Girl can sell you the Gladiolus. Of course, it works the same as previous ones; In Coriander, go check a pole in a Villager House for 10 OTH; If you are looking for the Merchant, he's in Coriander now; Lastly, go back to where you fought with the 2 Sages in Dipan Castle. You can get the Sworn Sword Auto Creyl from a Soldier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Tower Of Lezard Valeth/ Items: Ether Shield, Supreme Crown, Bloody Flow, Holy Clothes Britania Garb, Sage's Secret Herb, Splitting Spear Rune Baldiche, Goddess' Sacred Herb, Double Search, Light Sword Claimh Solais, Flawless Talisman, Magic Bangle, Noble Elixir, Mirrored Armor Reflex, Elchanan's Fingertip Enemies: Emeth, Demon Type 44, Uncleanness, Undead Master, Vampire Lord, Elder Vampire, Elder Bat, Gigant Dragon, Gigant Troll, Castle Cannon, Slight Devils, Pyro Hydra, Para Griffon, Baphomet, Prism Jewel, Maelstrom, Lord Bat, Rot Demon Ally: Silmeria Sealed Stones: Six Sparkles' Protection, Foodless Assaulter's Reason, Unprepared Castle's Reason By the entrance, there is a save point. To the left, there is a Spring. Go up to another area. There is a Shell to the left. Anyway, on to the right. South leads to the Sealed Stone Foodless Assaulter's Reason after you beat a big enemy. After, back track and head right for a box with a trap. It's an Ether Shield. Go up after. Go on to the left to fight another big enemy. Go west for 2 boxes with traps. They are the Supreme Crown and Bloody Flow. Now go up for more scene. The east leads to a box with a trap. It's the Sage's Secret Herb. There is also an enemy with the Sealed Stone Unprepared Castle's Reason. To move on, go west. Go south and check the right for a Splitting Spear Rune Baldiche. To the left, there is a Shell. Anyway, go south. Head to the right for a box with a trap. It's the Holy Clothes Britania Garb. Head up and you will be by a Spring, as well as a save point. Head up after you beat that near right enemy. Use an enemy to get up to the upper left edge. The box got a trap but it is a Double Search. There are 2 paths. North leads to Light Sword Claimh Solais and an enemy with the Sealed Stone Six Sparkles' Protection. The south leads to a Goddess' Sacred Herb. They both advance you on, but if you want 100% for the Map, better explore both. Anyway, move on for a boss fight. ----------------------- Boss: Homunculus Lezard Race: Magic Level: 62 HP: 72000 EXP: 700000 OTH: 17500 ATK: 1900 MAG: 1700 HIT: 100 AVD: 100 RDM: 110 RST: 250 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 0 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Flame, 50 Ice/Thunder/Darkness, 80 Earth Abnormal Resist: Silence/Poison/Death/Confuse/Weaken/Transfer(100), Paraly/Petrify(80), Freeze/Stun(50) Re-Fightable: No Boss: Homunculus Silmeria Race: God, UnHoly Level: 59 HP: 36000 EXP: 400000 OTH: 3500 ATK: 2800 MAG: 1800 HIT: 120 AVD: 40 RDM: 40 RST: 120 Weight: 70 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Female Basic Evasion: 3 Basic Guard: 0 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Flame, 20 Earth, 50 Ice/Thunder/Holy/Darkness Abnormal Resist: Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer(100), Freeze/Stun(50) Re-Fightable: No Make sure you can inflict Weaken on the enemies. Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for the Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, that will be better. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. If you have Aluze, use his Increible Ache. That can inflict Weaken. If you can not beat Homunculus Silmeria in one turn, try to Weaken her. As for Homunculus Lezard, just keep up the healings and few Soul Crushes should finish him off. ----------------------- After, Silmeria joins the party. Save your game then head up. You can go north and south. Don't worry about north, go south and it will lead to a Spring and a save point. Go up for another boss fight. ------------------- Boss: Lezard Valeth Race: Magic Level: 62 HP: 72000 EXP: 1000000 OTH: 17500 ATK: 1900 MAG: 1750 HIT: 100 AVD: 100 RDM: 110 RST: 250 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 0 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: 80 Flame/Earth/Ice/Thunder/Darkness, 20 Holy Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Petrify/Silence/Poison/Death/Confuse/Weaken/ Transfer(100), Freeze/Stun(50) Re-Fightable: No His Magic deals decent damage, but his Grand Trigger can deal much more. Make sure you equip Armor and Accessory that raise your Flame Resist. Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for the Weapons, equip the ones that enable Soul Crash or ones that enables 3 Attacks. If you have Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, that will be better. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc The skill Resist Magic also helps. As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. Just make sure your characters' RST are high enough. It would help if you bring the Sealed Stone Six Sparkles' Protection. Lezard's Magic won't be able to deal that much damage. However, he does have a lot of HPs, so this still take some time. With the overpowered weapons, this will take about 3 or 4 Soul Crushes. ------------------- Afterward, Ahly, Lenneth and Silmeria won't be in the party. Now, back track to the west and go north now. The lower left got 2 boxes, both got traps. They are Magic Bangle and Mirrored Armor Reflex. At the north and east, there are three more boxes, all got traps. They are Noble Elixir, Elchanan's Fingertip and the Flawless Talisman. That is 100% for the Treasure. Go on up to the last save point of the game. For 100% of the Map, go up and right. Also, beware that the Seraphic Gate will show up on the World Map once you got 96% of the Map. Once you are ready, go on for the final showdown. ------------------------------------ Boss: Existence That Transcended All Race: Magic Level: 63 HP: 90000 EXP: 0 OTH: 0 ATK: 2100 MAG: 1900 HIT: 100 AVD: 100 RDM: 110 RST: 280 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 0 Counter Rate: 75 Attribute Resist: 80 Flame/Earth/Ice/Thunder/Darkness, 20 Holy Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Petrify/Silence/Poison/Death/Confuse/Weaken/ Transfer/Freeze/Stun(100) Re-Fightable: No Make sure your RST are high, and have good Flame/Holy Resist, as well as against Death. Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for the Weapons, equip the Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, anything that can deal great damage since Lezard got lots of HP. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc The skill Resist Magic also helps. As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. Anyway, if you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Start by going after Lezard Valeth(Existence That Transcended All). Continue to attack him till the barrier is off. Now, focus on the Sealed Crystal. Your goal is to take this Sealed Crystal out. Throw in Over Drive and Charge Break if you can. As for Lezard's Magic, like before, I would recommend the Sealed Stones Six Sparkles' Protection with you. Even then, Lezard can still hit you pretty hard with his Magic if you don't prepare. The battle will end once you broke the Sealed Crystal. ------------------------------------ After, Ahly, Lenneth, Silmeria and Alicia will fuse to become Valkyrie. The game will take you to the Menu, so adjust whatever you wish. ~Ending Variation~ Beat the final boss without using Valkyrie. There will be a variation for few seconds during the ending. Once you're done, exit out the Menu for the final fight. ------------------------------ Boss: He Who Seeks Destruction Race: Magic Level: 65 HP: 100000 EXP: 0 OTH: 0 ATK: 2200 MAG: 2000 HIT: 132 AVD: 122 RDM: 130 RST: 200 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 0 Counter Rate: 50 Attribute Resist: 80 Flame/Earth/Ice/Thunder/Darkness/Holy Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Petrify/Silence/Poison/Death/Confuse/Weaken/ Transfer/Freeze/Stun(100) Re-Fightable: No Keep in mind that Valkyrie CAN'T use Magic. Mostly, just get to his back or side then attack. If his range is a line, then you can get very close and he won't be able to hit you unless with the fan-shape range. It's the same deal from before except His new Magic can hit you harder plus he has about 100000 HPs. This is going to take a long time. Pay attention to his range, that will help you to avoid them. If he has a big round range, better heal up. If you can, separate your party or that attack can wipe you out. ------------------------------ Once you beat him, that ends the game. Sit back & enjoy the ending. Afterward, don't turn off the PS2. Select New Game and you will be in a harder difficulty automatically. If you save your game in this New Game, there is a small yellow star. Further, Seraphic Gate will also show up on the World Map right from the beginning of the game but you can only check out Sound Mode. Lastly, if you enter a battle with L1, the music will be the battle music from the first Valkyrie Profile. Like wise, if you hold down L2, it will be a random piece of music. ~ New Game Plus Difficulty ~ More or less, enemies will be stronger due to their stats increment. With each playthrough, the stat-multiplier(times 1st playthrough) will increase: - 1st Clear, HP*1.2, ATK*1.5, MAG*1.5, HIT*1.2, AVD*1.2, RDM*1.2, RST*1.2 - 2nd Clear, HP*1.5, ATK*2, MAG*2, HIT*1.3, AVD*1.3, RDM*1.3, RST*1.3 - 3rd Clear, HP*1.8, ATK*2.5, MAG*2.5, HIT*1.4, AVD*1.3, RDM*1.3, RST*1.3 - 4th Clear, HP*2.1, ATK*3, MAG*3, HIT*1.5, AVD*1.3, RDM*1.3, RST*1.3 - 5th Clear, HP*2.4, ATK*3.5, MAG*3.5, HIT*1.6, AVD*1.3, RDM*1.3, RST*1.3 ............ - 50th Clear, HP*15.9, ATK*26, MAG*26, HIT*6.1, AVD*1.3, RDM*1.3, RST*1.3 As you can see, multiplier for AVD, RDM and RST will be remain as 1.3 from the 2nd clear and on. HIT will get 0.1 increment each time and HP will get 0.3 increment. Lastly, both ATK and MAG will get 0.5 increment. As for the Leader of the same kind of enemies or just Singular/Boss enemies, the HP is FURTHER doubled from 1st clear & on, where as in the 1st playthrough, the HP multiplier was 1.2 only. One more thing, it is the time for the enemies when they can't act. For 1st clear, it's standard value and for the 2nd clear, it's Minus 0.5 seconds. After that, from 3rd to 50th clear, there is no change. Anyway, as you'd notice, one Magic Crystal will be added to the Title Screen with each clear. You get a bigger crystal once you have 10 smaller crystals/10 clears. In the end, this is the formula for calculating enemies stats: - Enemy's Standard/1st Playthrough Stats * The Stat Multiplier Based On Number Of Clears Of The Main Game * The Stat Multiplier Based On Number Of Clears Of Seraphic Gate - If it's Leader/Singular/Boss enemy's HP, further double the result of the above formula - Since this affects the Seraphic Gate, you might want to Ctrl + F and check out the Seraphic Gate Difficulty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Floor 1/ Items: Goddess' Sacred Herb, Over Drive, Noble Elixir, Prime Elixir, Double Search, Bloody Duster, Dead End, Spirit's Sacred Herb, Double Search, Prime Elixir, Spirit's Sacred Herb, Charge Break, Thunder Break, Flawless Talisman, Ambrosia Enemies: Abyssinian Demon, Kill Bone, Soul Summoner, Berserk Warrior, Phantom Flame, Hell's Cannon Sealed Stone: Soul Squeezing Vise's Commandment Importance: The Sealed Stone is at SE of Floor 1. You will need the Sealed Stone Powerless Carrier Pigeon's Commandment which is found in Floor 4 Sound Mode: You can't get all BGM till 2nd playthrough Demon Staff Apocalypse: This Staff enables any Mage to use the Soul Crush, Pale Flare(42 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits) From the entrance, the left leads to an Altar and a Spring. Further that way will lead to the Sound Mode. You need to pay 1000 OTH to request one piece of music. To the right, there is a blue crystal which shows your Play Data. Go on to the right leads to the boss fight. -------------------- Boss: Dirna Hamilton (From Star Ocean 3) Race: Magic Level: 64 HP: 120000 EXP: 800000 OTH: 10500 ATK: 1700 MAG: 2400 HIT: 120 AVD: 120 RDM: 80 RST: 220 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Female Basic Evasion: 30 Basic Guard: 0 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: 80 Thunder, 50 Earth/Darkness/Holy, 20 Ice, 100 Flame Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Petrify/Silence/Death/Weaken/Transfer(100), Poison(90), Confuse(95), Freeze/Stun(80) Set the Sealed Stone Cracking Commandment at the Altar and bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for the Weapons, equip the Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear, Splitting Sword Farewell and Valkyrie Favor, anything that can deal great damage. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. BTW, combine Life Spirit's Protection, First Aid and Metabolizer/ Heal Ring, you will be nearly invincible. For further more defense, make sure your Flame Resist is high. It's just a boss fight at the entrance, hopefully you can take her on. Heal if you need to. Since she does have a lot of HPs, might as well use the item Might Potion and Over Drive. -------------------- Once you beat her, bring the Sealed Stone Light Jump's Protection and the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. Go on to the right and jump down. Go on to the right. Don't jump down to south yet. Make your way to the east to another area. There are paths to east and north. For the east, hold down and shoot, so the Photon would bounce up to the upper right to get that enemy. The items are Goddess' Sacred Herb and Over Drive; For the north, near left are the switch and Noble Elixir. Ignore that switch and jump to the east for another switch. Hit this switch and jump up to the left. Use that enemy to get up to the ledge above you for Prime Elixir, Double Search & Bloody Duster. Now, there is one more box to the west end. Beat that big enemy first then try to jump to that left pole. It's narrow so you might not land on it. Use that small flying enemy if you need to. Once you are on the pole, jump to the left to get the Dead End. This is a Normal Attack for Aluze. Now, you can back track and go down to south. You will be in a Protection-Less Room. Around the middle left, there is the Spirit's Sacred Herb. At SE and SW, there are more boxes with traps. They got Prime Elixir and Double Search. Go south to another area. The left got Spirit's Sacred Herb and Charge Break. The higher box got a trap BTW. Go on to the east after. Go east again to another area. Jump around to get to the north for an Ambrosia. Middle left and right got Thunder Break and Flawless Talisman. All these boxes got traps BTW. As for the Thunder Break, it is a Normal Attack for Rufus. There is also an Altar around BTW. Once you are ready, ignore SE and go up to NE. Go north and east for the boss fight. --------------------- Boss: Gabriel Celesta Race: God, Demon, Magic Level: 69 HP: 200000 EXP: 940000 OTH: 12600 ATK: 3000 MAG: 2800 HIT: 150 AVD: 140 RDM: 250 RST: 180 Weight: 127 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 3 Basic Guard: 30 Counter Rate: 50 Attribute Resist: 50 Thunder/Earth/Holy/Flame, 80 Ice/Darkness Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Petrify/Silence/Poison/Death/Confuse/Weaken/ Transfer/Freeze/Stun(100) Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection with you. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. This combo will still be useful as ever. Anyway, if you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. You should be fine to stand against his attacks. Just watch out for his Soul Crush, Pale Flare. Keep it up and attack him from the back so he won't Guard it. --------------------- After, you get the Demon Staff Apocalypse. Dylan and Leone will also join the party. Back track and go SE this time. If you need to get back up, check the blue portal here to warp back to the entrance. Anyway, if you go back to the room that's after the Protection-Less Rooms, you can go down to the next floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Floor 2/ Items: Extreme Guard, Holy Clothes Sylph Red, Sonic Edge, Book Of Alchemy, Ether Crown, Goddess' Sacred Herb, Noble Elixir, Noble Elixir, Steel Spear Dinosaur, Extreme Guard, Holy Armor Aleph Strain, Might Potion, Goddess' Sacred Herb, Mithril Helm, Demon Sword Dainslef, Mage's Knowledge, Sage's Secret Herb, Goddess' Sacred Herb, Spirit's Sacred Herb, Thief's Knowledge Enemies: D Clay Man, Demon Type 22, Cosmic Visitor, Chipper Fish, Knee Socked Ull, Strayer(Naive), Hammer Beetle, Heimduoer (Heimdall), Veil Kraken, Demon Flower, WaraWara Sealed Stones: Logical Spinning Great Tree's Protection, Lightfilled Jump's Protection, Changing Gender's Reason Heimduoer (Heimdall): He drops the Demon Sword Actor Nefarious - Leader Item or Drop Item(15%) - Encount the walking human like enemy for a chance to fight him - Use Normal Attacks that can Blow Away him Knee Socked Ull: He drops the Demon Bow Razor Fortel - Leader Item or Drop Item(15%) - Encount the walking human like enemy for a chance to fight him - Silence him would help You can go east or west. I'll start with the east. Jump down to south. At the right, there is an Extreme Guard. At the upper left, there is the Holy Clothes Sylph Red. You will need to transfer a lower floating enemy to get up there. Just a bit middle right, there is a Sealed Stone. To get to it, you will need a crystal in between. Crystallize the floating enemy and position it at the middle left. With Alicia, shoot the right wall and Alicia should quickly get to the interval by the Sealed Stone. The Photon will bounce back by the wall and hit the crystal which will have Alicia and the crystal switch place. This is how you get the crystal at the interval. However, this requires a bit of practice. That's how you get the Sealed Stone Lightfilled Jump's Protection. After, go down to south. At where you land, get the Sonic Edge. This is a Normal Attack for a Heavy Soldier. Anyway, go east and east again. Switch place with the enemy and get the Book Of Alchemy, Ether Crown, as well as the Goddess' Sacred Herb. Use the blue portal here to get back then come back to Floor 2. Go east again. This time, with the Sealed Stone Lightfilled Jump's Protection, shoot NE and try to switch place with that enemy above. This is how you can get up there. Get the Noble Elixir and there is also the Sealed Stone Changing Gender's Reason. Also, you can use this enemy to jump across to further east. Go up and for this area, there are moving rocks you can ride on. Plus, you can use the enemy and stand on the enemy to reach higher. To the near NW is the Noble Elixir. At the SE, there is a small area you can jump to. It's got the Steel Spear Dinosaur. Now, as you can see, there's an enemy to east. Use it to get up further NE to a flying enemy. You can use this enemy to get up to north. If you do this fast enough, the N/NW enemy would still be there. You can then switch place with that enemy. If not, exit and enter back this area to try this again. That box is the Holy Armor Aleph Strain. If you are wondering, you have about 38 seconds before that enemy falls down. As for the west, there is the Extreme Guard. Now, back track to the 1st area of Floor 2. This time, go west. There are an Altar and a Dog House near. If you check the Dog House, you will fight Dog Ahly and Dog Alicia. Anyway, just a bit below the Dog House, there is a Might Potion. Now, you can go south or west. Let's head to the west then go north. The road will collapse if you jump on them. Start things off by switching place with the near right enemy then go right to get a Goddess' Sacred Herb. There is a Sealed Stone to the right. At the SW of the Sealed Stone, there is a ledge you can land on. Switch place with the enemy near the Sealed Stone then jump toward the Sealed Stone. The Sealed Stone is the Logical Spinning Great Tree's Protection. Lastly, there are two more items which are all the way up at NE. Use the floating enemy to get all the way up there for the Mithril Helm and Demon Sword Dainslef. Anyway, back track to the area with the Dog House then go down to south. In this 1st Protection-Less Room, there are four items you can get. They are Mage's Knowledge, Sage's Secret Herb, Goddess' Sacred Herb and Spirit's Sacred Herb. After, jump down to south and get the Guard Potion. Below that box, there is a Dog House. Check it to fight Dog Rufus. After, go west to another area. Go west again and in this area, use the enemies to get up got a Thief's Knowledge. Once you are ready, head to the SE area before the blue portal. Go north and east for the boss fight. ------------------ Boss: Wotan (Odin) Race: God, Magic Level: 72 HP: 400000 EXP: 1000000 OTH: 15400 ATK: 3200 MAG: 3600 HIT: 130 AVD: 120 RDM: 280 RST: 350 Weight: 72 Absorb Attribute: Thunder Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 8 Basic Guard: 5 Counter Rate: 100 Attribute Resist: 50 Darkness/Flame, 80 Holy, 20 Earth Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Petrify/Silence/Death/Confuse/Transfer(100), Poison/Stun(80), Freeze(50) Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection & Six Sparkles' Protection with you. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. This combo will still be useful as ever. More, you can equip more Accessory like Drain Wing. Be sure you have the Demon Sword Actor Nefarious and the Demon Bow Razor Fortel. Those will come in handy to inflict more damage since he has a lot of HPs as well. Further than that, you can also have Magic Slayer and God Slayer skills. This will take some time. Throw in Charge Break, Over Drive, Might Potion if you wish. Hopefully your RST are high enough since his Magic can inflict more damage than his Physical. That's not all, he can use Spell Reinforce. Try to split your party into different groups. The weakest and a Mage can be in one group. The Mage can keep on using spells to affect Odin. The other group will be the stronger ones that will do the damage. When the Mage group isn't doing anything, support the other group. Watch for Odin's range and act on it. If it is a big fan-shape, then get one team to attack from behind. When he's low on HPs, watch out for his Soul Crush, Spiritual Lancer. ------------------ After, Lenneth, Ahly and Silmeria will join the party. Use the blue portal to return to the entrance if you need to. Once you are ready, head to SW to get down to Floor 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Floor 3/ Items: Prime Elixir, Bow Fighter's Knowledge, Spirit's Sacred Herb, Heavy Soldier's Knowledge, Second Ruin, Over Drive, Star Reading Slate, Glittering Armor Infinate Admire, Shadow Crystal, Union Plum, Ether Helm, Sky High Edge Enemies: Sagittarius, Sunspot Visitor(Normal), Sunspot Visitor(Lava), Thunder Bird, Hound From The Corner, Waste No.666, Homunculus Ahly, Homunculus Copy, Insect King Sealed Stones: Law Exchanging Way's Reason, Rusty Commandment Head to the east first. Get the Prime Elixir. As for the box above, it's a bit hard. The crystal won't float in air so you have to jump and shoot it while it is still in air. After that, jump to the right to get Bow Fighter's Knowledge. After, go west. Around the middle right is the Spirit's Sacred Herb. There is also a Dog House where you can fight Dog Ahly, Dog Alicia and Immortal King. After, as you can see, you can go NE or SW. Go SW first. In this big area, switch place with the 2 enemies above to get Heavy Soldier's Knowledge and Second Ruin. Second Ruin is a Normal Attack for Light Soldier. After, go west again to spot another Dog House where you can fight Dog Odin, Dog Aluze, Dog Rufus and Dog Ahly. Now, don't go north from here yet. It leads to the boss. Back track and take the NE path. You can go north and east. Go north first. Here, the game test you on how well you use your Photon's angles. Around the middle, there is a Star Reading Slate. To the west, there are the Sealed Stone Rusty Commandment and an Over Drive. Now for the hardest one, it is at NE. You will need the flying enemy which is at west. You need to be well on using angles, getting crystal in air, jumping after the switching & land on the crystal. Most of the time, you will be in air and making switches. At the NE top, there is Glittering Armor Infinate Admire. After, back track and go east now. You can go East and NE. Head up to NE. There is the Sealed Stone Law Exchanging Way's Reason. After, go back and head east. Go east again to another area. Get the Shadow Crystal and Union Plum. As for the box above, use the enemies to get up. It's a Sky High Edge. It's a Normal Attack for Alicia and Valkyrie. As for the box higher up, this is the same idea from before. First, get one crystal by the box with the Sky High Edge. Jump down and for you to get up, repeat what you did earlier to get the Bow Fighter's Knowledge. Thus, since the lower crystal won't float in air so you have to jump and shoot it while it is still in air. Once you are up there, use the crystal to get to the Ether Helm. Once you are ready, you can go back to the SW area. From there, head up and go right for the boss fight. ------------------------------- Boss: Rejected Stalker (Lezard) Race: Magic Level: 80 HP: 450000 EXP: 1200000 OTH: 28000 ATK: 2600 MAG: 4200 HIT: 110 AVD: 130 RDM: 260 RST: 400 Weight: 48 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Male Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 3 Counter Rate: 75 Attribute Resist: 50 Ice/Thunder, 80 Flame/Darkness, 20 Earth Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Poison/Petrify/Silence/Death/Confuse/Transfer(100), Weaken(50), Freeze/Stun(75) Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection & Six Sparkles' Protection with you. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. This combo will still be useful as ever. More, you can equip more Accessory like Drain Wing. Be sure you have the Demon Sword Actor Nefarious and the Demon Bow Razor Fortel. Those will come in handy to inflict more damage since he has a lot of HPs as well. Further than that, you can also have Magic Slayer skill. For defense against his Soul Crush, Grand Trigger, raise your Flame Resist. Anyway, if you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Since he has a lot of HPs, so this will take a while. Throw in Charge Break, Over Drive, Might Potion if you wish. When he's low on HP, he will start using Grand Trigger. Be sure to heal your party if your Flame Resist aren't high enough. Compare with Odin before, Lezard is actually less deadly. ------------------------------- After, Lezard will join the party. Use the blue portal to get back up if you need to. Otherwise, get to the lift which is at NE, to get to Floor 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Floor 4/ Items: Mithril Greave, Mithril Crown, Ether Greave, Blood Rain, Holy Crystal, Dismember Legion, Union Plum, Prime Elixir, Book Of Alchemy, Swordsman's Knowledge, Advance Furious, Goddess' Sacred Herb, Double Search, Liqueur Bottle, Bloody Ash, Golden Egg, Rebellion Truth, Sewn Clothes Florence Garb Enemies: Umbrella, Escargone, Returned Arectaris, Koutarou, Tiamat, Destiny, Back Packer, Hamster, Black Pain, Hell Diver, Mechanic Third Rater, Lightning Kobold Sealed Stone: Powerless Carrier Pigeon's Commandment Returned Arectaris: It drops the Divine Bow Sylvan Bow - Leader Item or Drop Item(15%) - Divine Bow Sylvan Bow: Given Damage = Bearer's Level*20 - Recommend: Rufus' Rating Zone - NE of Floor 4, the area just before the area with the stairs - Encount the SE enemy within this area - Aside from the SE enemy/Returned Arectaris, there are one enemy at around the middle and another one at NW. Beat the NW enemy and transfer it to around the East. Switch place with the middle enemy then switch place with the SE enemy and jump up right after. Switch place with the crystal that you placed at East earlier. Both of middle enemy and the SE enemy are now at SW. Get to the near NW from the middle, shoot SE to switch place with that enemy/Returned Arectaris. Lastly, switch place with the left enemy which is the initial middle enemy. Now you can slash that enemy to fight Returned Arectaris Tiamat: It drops the Broken Sword Tyrhung - Leader Item or Drop Item(15%) - SE of Floor 4, the area just before the area with the blue portal/ where you can fight the Hamster - Encount the SW enemy within this area for a chance to fight it - Set the Sealed Stone Foodless Assaulter's Reason at an Altar - With that, it can't heal itself Hamster: It drops the Ham Star - 100% Resist against Paraly/Poison/Freeze/Petrify/Stun/Weaken - It is also one of the Lucky 7 Accessories - Flame Clothes Flame Mist is good against Koutarou or Hamster - Also, attack it from behind - Check the empty box at the N of Floor 4 then chase the Hamster to the SE of Floor 4/area with the blue portal Koutarou: It drops the Sunflower Seed which is a Material for Golden Egg - Flame Clothes Flame Mist is good against Koutarou or Hamster - Also, attack it from behind - Check the empty box at the N of Floor 4 then chase the Hamster to the SE of Floor 4/area with the blue portal Back Packer: It drops the Holy Armor Aleph Strain - Drop Item(15%) - SW area of Floor 4 - Encount the SE walking human like enemy that's by the box that has the Rebellion Truth - Get to the South of the area which means you would be standing on the floating enemy. Shoot NW and with the right angle, the Photon would bounce back to the floating enemy which you are standing on. However, before the switch place, jump to the right. Once the switch place takes place, jump back on the floating enemy. You would be at around SE and closer to that walking human like enemy. Switch place with that enemy and wait for it to break the crystal. Drop down and slash it Go west for a Dog House where you can fight Dog Odin and Dog Frei. Back track and go east. You can go north and east. Go north first. To the west is Mithril Greave. As for the globe, you can transfer it to the near NE. It will get the stairs up. Now, transfer a crystal to the east and there is another globe. To the east end, there are an Altar and an opened box. Check it and a Hamster will run off. Anyway, there is a small ledge at lower right. It's got the box with the Mithril Crown. For the 2nd globe, if you transfer it up to near N/NE. It will raise up more stairs. Now, with the 2nd globe and a crystal, transfer them to the west. You can now work your way up to NW. The goal is get the 2nd globe on top of the 1st globe. To do that, you can transfer the crystal(that can't float in air) up one ledge. Same concept as few boxes in Floor 3. Since the crystal won't float in air so you have to shoot it while it is still in air. As for the box at NW, it is the Ether Greave. Anyway, back track and go east. At NW, there is the Blood Rain. It's a Normal Attack for Brahms. At around the middle, a Dog House where you can fight Dog Rufus and Dog Alicia. Nearby, there is a Holy Crystal. Anyway, you can go NE, SW and S. NE leads to Floor 5 but you can't go there yet. As for SW and S, go south to a Protection-Less Room. To the right is the Dismember Legion. It is a Normal Attack for Dylan. To the left, it is an Union Plum. After, back track and go SW. Around the middle, there is a Dog House where you can fight Dog Aluze. Nearby, there is also a Golden Egg. Now, as you can see, you can go NW, W and S. NW is the path to the boss so avoid that for now. Let's start with W. You can get a Prime Elixir, Book Of Alchemy, Swordsman's Knowledge and Advance Furious. They all have traps BTW. Advance Furious is a Normal Attack for Ahly. Back track and go south this time. At the middle, at NE and NW, you can get Goddess' Sacred Herb, Double Search, as well as Liqueur Bottle. Now, you can go east and west. The east leads to the blue portal as well as a chance to fight the Hamster if you've been chasing it. Anyway, go west and north after. First bit looks hard but pretty easy. As you shoot SE to get that enemy, before the switching, you should jump to the NE so you would be in air. Once you and the enemy switched place, you would be at SE and the enemy will be falling. As the enemy falling down, quickly shoot the right wall so the Photon would catch the enemy. Once you caught the enemy, jump to the right. Both you & the enemy are now at SE. Use the enemy to get up. At NE, get the Bloody Ash & Golden Egg. Next, to get to SE corner. See that 2nd enemy near the middle? You have to go jump down and shoot it to switch place. Do it fast enough, you can land on this enemy at south. Once you are at south, shoot the enemy to the right to switch place. Get the item which got the Rebellion Truth. It is a Normal Attack for Silmeria. Lastly, to get to the SW corner. Repeat the above so you would be at the south, standing on a crystal. If you shoot NW, the Photon can bounce back at the crystal for another switch place. Of course, before that, you can jump toward the left. From time to time, jump up a bit and shoot the west. There is another enemy to west so you might be able to switch place. Once you are at the SW corner, get the item which got the Sewn Clothes Florence Garb. Jump up and there is the Sealed Stone Powerless Carrier Pigeon's Commandment. Just a reminder, that last Sealed Stone is the Powerless Carrier Pigeon's Commandment. It allows you to high jump. Just press and hold X. Since you don't have the Sealed Stone at SE of Floor 1, you can high jump up to it. Place the Powerless Carrier Pigeon's Commandment at that Shell and bring the Sealed Stone from the Shell with you. Before the boss fight, set the Sealed Stone Always As Usual Reason at the Altar on Floor 4. Once you are done, back track and go NW for the boss fight. ----------------- Boss: Frau (Frei) Race: God Level: 85 HP: 850000 EXP: 1400000 OTH: 35000 ATK: 5000 MAG: 5000 HIT: 220 AVD: 200 RDM: 420 RST: 350 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Female Basic Evasion: 5 Basic Guard: 30 Counter Rate: 100 Attribute Resist: 20 Ice/Thunder/Flame/Earth, 80 Holy Abnormal Resist: Poison/Paraly/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer/Silence(100), Freeze(90), Stun(60) Bring in the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection & Six Sparkles' Protection with you. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. This combo will still be useful as ever. More, you can equip more Accessory like Drain Wing. The party should have the best weapons that are available. Those will come in handy to inflict more damage since she has a lot of HPs as well. Further than that, you can also have God Slayer skill. If you already set the Sealed Stone Sealed Stone Always As Usual Reason at an Altar, then she can't strengthen herself with Exact Emotion. That way, she can not be more deadly than she already is. The one that can do the most damage is Brahms with his Bloody Ash. If he's at high level, then you can split your party into 2 groups: One with only Brahms, the other 3 of your choice in the 2nd group. Separate the 2 groups but have the 2nd group in range to heal/revive Brahms. Brahms will be facing Frei alone. If Frei kills Brahms, revive him. If not, heal Brahms. Pay attention to Frei's range. If it's a small circle, she won't be attacking. When that happens, get the 2nd group to join with Brahms and 4 Soul Crushes Frei. After, move back the 2nd group and repeat. If you can't do much damage to her, then this is going to take a long time. Make sure you don't attack her from behind since she can counterattack that way. Last thing to watch out for is her Ether Strike. Keep your HPs high through out the battle. ----------------- Afterward, Frei will join the party. Use the blue portal if you need to go back to the entrance. Once you are ready, head up NE to Floor 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Floor 5/ Items: Buster Shoot, Goddess' Sacred Herb, Demon Sword Levantine, Goddess' Sacred Herb, Code Break Enemies: Walther, Gyne, Ghost In The Mirror, Sword Master, Norn, Bahamut, Mythical Saurian, Lower Saurian Sword Master: It drops the Holy Armor Aleph Strain - Right Body Part(30%) - Encounter the fixed big enemy that's blocking the east & west Walther & Gyne: They drop the Ether Crown - Body Part or Drop Item(15%) - Encount any of the 3 enemies within the W area of Floor 5 for a chance to fight them - Encount any of the higher 2 enemies around the middle areas of Floor 5 for a chance to fight them - Equip Ghost Buster skill and Silence Gyne Bahamut: It drops the Glittering Armor Infinate Admire - Leader Item or Drop Item(15%) It drops Demon Dragon's Great Horn as well - Horn Part(15%) - Encount the enemy in the NE area of Floor 5 Dog Lezard: Once you got all Dog Houses, get back to SW of Floor 2. There is another Dog House where you can fight Dog Lezard. You get the Tiny Insect at the end - Dog Lezard's Book/Weapon/Sling drops the Book Of Alchemy Holy Staff Million Terror: This Staff enables any Mage to use the Soul Crush, Phantom Destruction(64 Gauge Increment, 8 Hits) Head to the west for 2 Dog Houses. You can fight Dog Lenneth, Dog Ahly, Dog Silmeria, Dog Rufus, Dog Aluze and Immortal King. Afterward, back track and go to the east. Head to the east before you jump down to south. Beat Bahamut then you can get the Goddess' Sacred Herb and Demon Sword Levantine. Back track and jump down to south. Next area, the east leads to nothing but might as well check it out. As for the west, it leads to Buster Shoot. However, to east & west, there are big enemies in the way. It looks like they are blocking the way, but there is actually a small area for you to jump to. However, you MUST jump from the either edge from the center, otherwise, you won't land. Anyway, Buster Shoot is a Normal Attack for a Bow Fighter. Now, jump down to south. Be sure to fall toward the right so you would land at the lower right ledge to get the Goddess' Sacred Herb. Jump down to south again. This time, fall toward the left & with the Enemy Omitting Void's Reason, you can land on an enemy. Use the enemies to get up to upper left ledge to get the Code Break which is a Normal Attack for Lenneth. After, descend down to south. There is a blue portal if you need to get back up to the entrance. Go to the right then up leads to the boss, but make sure you are prepared. ------------------ Boss: Iseria Queen Race: God, Demon, Magic Level: 90 HP: 1000000 EXP: 1800000 OTH: 56000 ATK: 6000 MAG: 10000 HIT: 230 AVD: 230 RDM: 500 RST: 800 Weight: 72 Absorb Attribute: None Gender: Female Basic Evasion: 3 Basic Guard: 75 Counter Rate: 100 Attribute Resist: 75 Flame/Ice/Thunder/Earth, 50 Holy/Darkness Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Petrify/Silence/Death/Weaken/Transfer/Poison/ Confuse(100), Freeze/Stun(95) I would recommend you to set the Sealed Stones Dignity-Dropping Sheath's Commandment, Handcuffs' Commandment and Cracking Commandment at the Altars at Floor 3 and 4. They will affect Floor 5 as well. Next, you should bring the Sealed Stones Logical Spinning Great Tree's Protection, Six Sparkles' Protection, Life Spirit's Protection and Eight Legged Horse's Protection with you. As for Equipment, at least get one character to wear Illusionary Clothes Mirage Robe. That character should also have the skill Free Item. Prepare some Directional Stones as well. All of this because Iseria Queen can Transfer your party out which means Game Over. Illusionary Clothes Mirage Robe prevents the Transfer status and Directional Stone cures Transfer. While you are at it, make sure your Fire resist is high because she has Explosion. Further, keep in mind that full party healing is important in the fight. Obviously, you can't have enough item like Noble Elixir, so equip the Accessory Trickster's Seal. Don't worry about the side effect of that if you have the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection. More, don't forget the Accessories Metabolizer and Drain Wing. As for Skills, aside from Free Item, get First Aid, Toughness, Magic Slayer, Demon Slayer, God Slayer...etc Anyway, if you intent on the Break Mode, be sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this boss fight. Just in case, use Liqueur Potion. Pay attention to her range. If it's a medium red circle, she will use Explosion which can cause a lot of damage. If she has that range, use an Item or Magic, and pray that she changes her range. If you wish, throw in Charge Break, Might Potion and Over Drive. They can help you from time to time. If you did all the preparation I suggested, she won't be able to deal that much damage. If all of you are at Level 90 or so, you won't have much trouble killing her, given that you are using the best weapons. Like most bosses, she has her own Great Magic which is Phantom Destruction. That is Holy based. As said before, if she uses Astral Maze, she will Transfer all out unless you got something to prevent that. Mirage Robe prevents that so you won't get Game Over. Just be sure to use Directional Stone to bring the characters back. However, if you did use a Liqueur Potion, it would prevent that. Aside from Phantom Destruction, she also got Queen's Chaotic Dance which can do great damage to all. Keep on healing and attack her from her front ONLY. ------------------ Afterward, that's 100% for the Map. Valkyrie will join the party. Get back up to the entrance and save your game. Talk to Dirna and pick the 1st choice. She will fight you if you have beaten Iseria Queen. ------------------- Boss: Serious Dirna Race: Magic Level: 99 HP: 1200000 EXP: 2000000 OTH: 70000 ATK: 5800 MAG: 12000 HIT: 255 AVD: 255 RDM: 400 RST: 1000 Weight: 64 Absorb Attribute: Flame Gender: Female Basic Evasion: 30 Basic Guard: 0 Counter Rate: 0 Attribute Resist: 100 Thunder, 50 Earth/Holy/Darkness Abnormal Resist: Paraly/Petrify/Silence/Death/Weaken/Transfer/Poison/ Confuse(100), Freeze/Stun(90) Make sure you set the Sealed Stone Dignity-Dropping Sheath's Commandment at the Altar. Also, you should bring the Sealed Stones Logical Spinning Great Tree's Protection, Six Sparkles' Protection, Life Spirit's Protection and Eight Legged Horse's Protection with you. As for skills, have Toughness, First Aid...etc As for Accessories, make sure you equip the Heal Ring or the Metabolizer. This combo will still be useful as ever. More, you can equip more Accessory like Drain Wing. The party should have the best weapons that are available. Those will come in handy to inflict more damage since she has a lot of HPs as well. Further than that, you can also have Magic Slayer skill. Aside from Serious Dirna, there are three Demi Shadow. Get those together and use Book Of Alchemy. If you don't get rid of them fast, they will be very annoying. Aside from Book Of Alchemy, you can try to Death them, such with Lenneth's Code Break. Once it's down to Serious Dirna, it is pretty easy if her attacks were quartered. However, this will take a long time since she has insane amount of HP. ------------------- ~Female's Three Size~ Serious Dirna drops True Third. Get a Female to equip that and you can find out that Female's Three Size. Once you beat her, that's one playthrough of the Seraphic Gate. With each one playthrough of Seraphic Gate, one Prophecy Book will show up somewhere in the Seraphic Gate. Clear Seraphic Gate 9 times for all 9 Prophecy Books. For the 10th time, you can get Criminal Sword 'The One That Slayed God' (Angel Slayer). However, the problem is, Seraphic Gate gets harder and harder each time you go through it. ~ Seraphic Gate Difficulty ~ More or less, enemies will be stronger due to their stats increment. With each playthrough, the stat-multiplier(times 1st playthrough) will increase: - 1st Clear, HP*1.5, ATK*1.5, MAG*1.5, HIT*1.2, AVD*1.1, RDM*1.1, RST*1.1, Level+1, Bad Status Resist+30%, EXP*1.1 - 2nd Clear, HP*2, ATK*2, MAG*2, HIT*1.4, AVD*1.2, RDM*1.2, RST*1.2, Level+2, Bad Status Resist+30%, EXP*1.2, Movement Speed*1.1 - 3rd Clear, HP*2.5, ATK*2.2, MAG*2.2, HIT*1.6, AVD*1.3, RDM*1.3, RST*1.3, Level+3, Bad Status Resist+30%, EXP*1.3, Movement Speed*1.1, Spin Speed+10 - 4th Clear, HP*3, ATK*2.4, MAG*2.4, HIT*1.8, AVD*1.4, RDM*1.4, RST*1.4, Level+4, Bad Status Resist+50%, EXP*1.4, Movement Speed*1.1, Spin Speed+10 - 5th Clear, HP*3.5, ATK*2.6, MAG*2.6, HIT*2, AVD*1.5, RDM*1.5, RST*1.5, Level+5, Bad Status Resist+50%, EXP*1.5, Movement Speed*1.2, Spin Speed+10 - 6th Clear, HP*4, ATK*2.8, MAG*2.8, HIT*2.2, AVD*1.6, RDM*1.6, RST*1.6, Level+6, Bad Status Resist+50%, EXP*1.6, Movement Speed*1.2, Spin Speed+20 - 7th Clear, HP*4.5, ATK*3, MAG*3, HIT*2.4, AVD*1.7, RDM*1.7, RST*1.7, Level+7, Bad Status Resist+70%, EXP*1.7, Movement Speed*1.2, Spin Speed+20 - 8th Clear, HP*5, ATK*3.2, MAG*3.2, HIT*2.6, AVD*1.8, RDM*1.8, RST*1.8, Level+8, Bad Status Resist+70%, EXP*1.8, Movement Speed*1.3, Spin Speed+20 - 9th Clear, HP*5.5, ATK*3.4, MAG*3.4, HIT*2.8, AVD*1.9, RDM*1.9, RST*1.9, Level+9, Bad Status Resist+70%, EXP*1.9, Movement Speed*1.3, Spin Speed+30 - 10th Clear, HP*6, ATK*3.6, MAG*3.6, HIT*3, AVD*2, RDM*2, RST*2, Level+10, Bad Status Resist+70%, EXP*2, Movement Speed*1.3, Spin Speed+30 In the end, this is the formula for calculating enemies stats: - Enemy's Standard/1st Playthrough Stats * The Stat Multiplier Based On Number Of Clears Of The Main Game * The Stat Multiplier Based On Number Of Clears Of Seraphic Gate - If it's Leader/Singular/Boss enemy's HP, further double the result of the above formula - Since this affects the Main Game, you might want to Ctrl + F and check out the New Game Plus Difficulty As for the locations of the Prophecy Books and the Criminal Sword 'The One That Slayed God' (Angel Slayer): - Book 1, Floor 1, drop down from the right of Dirna/1st area - Book 2, Floor 2, SW area that's before the Protection-Less Room/stairs - Book 3, Floor 3, 1st west area from the 1st area - Book 4, Floor 3, NE area that's before the area with the stairs - Book 5, Floor 4, NE area that's before the area with the stairs - Book 6, Floor 4, go SW from the area with Book 5 - Book 7, Floor 5, east area - Book 8, Floor 5, NE area - Book 9, Floor 5, area above the area with the blue portal - Angel Slayer, Floor 5, area before Iseria Queen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Serdberg Mountain Ruins and on, you will encounter Sealed Stones. These stones have effects that can affect the player and enemy. Some effects able to bring advantage or disadvantage to the player or the enemy. Sealed Stones will usually stay in a dungeon, unless you spend Magic Crystals to Return them to the Veins Of Earth. To view the effects, simply press Triangle. The left side is for the player, the upper right is for the area & the lower right is for the enemy. There are 3 structures for Sealed Stones: Shell, Altar and Spring. A Shell is merely a place for a Sealed Stone. It does not bring out any effect nor it connects to the Veins Of Earth; An Altar is where you can put Sealed Stones and bring out the effects to affect various areas. Any Sealed Stone on an Altar can affect the area, thus the enemy as well. Also, an Altar connects with the Veins Of Earth, meaning you can spend Magic Crystals to Return them to the Veins Of Earth. That way, you can bring them up from other dungeons as well; A Spring also allow you to Return Sealed Stones to the Veins Of Earth, but you can't put any Sealed Stone in a Spring. A Spring is also where you can bring back any Returned Sealed Stone. As for Magic Crystals, they are obtained from Air Combo. You can try Alicia's Imply React, then get Rufus to use Rating Zone & 2 Mages to use Lightning Bolt. Rufus and the 2 Mages can also equip the Double Edge or Triple Edge skill. The last bit is just make sure you try to end the battle with Direct Assault since that gives 30 more Magic Crystals. BTW, you can only get 80 Magic Crystals in any battle. Heavy Black Anchor's Commandment (100/Serdberg Mountain Ruins) - Either: Invalidate compulsive movement force while moving on the field. It decreases Knock Back or Blow Away in battle Masochistic Commandment (3000/Serdberg Mountain Ruins) - Either: Part of the given damage rebounds back during attacking Misty Commandment (200/Serdberg Mountain Ruins) - Player: Enemies are not displayed on the Mini Map - Enemies: Enemies won't chase the Player Swordian Protection (150/Serdberg Mountain Ruins) - Either: 1.2 times ATK Golden Protection (500/Audoula Temple On The Lake) - Player: 1.5 times OTH/Gold Icy Protection (600/Audoula Temple On The Lake) - Either: 1.5 times ice attacks but flame attacks halved Cracking Commandment (4000/Audoula Temple On The Lake) - Either: RDM and RST halved Light Fluffy Commandment (200/Surts Volcano Caverns) - Either: Increase compulsive movement force effect while moving on the field. It increases Knock Back or Blow Away in battle Flaming Protection (600/Surts Volcano Caverns) - Either: 1.5 times flame attacks but ice attacks halved Ice Block's Reason (20000/Surts Volcano Caverns) - Either: Ice attribute attached to physical attacks & absorb ice attacks, but flame resistance minus 100% Colorless Reason (4000/Surts Volcano Caverns) - Either: Attribute resist all become zero Wall's Protection (1000/Surts Volcano Caverns) - Either: Invalidate damage that's below 50 Life Spirit's Protection (2000/Surts Volcano Caverns) - Either: Two times the HP healing effect Earthly Protection (600/Crawsus Forest Ruins) - Either: 1.5 times earth attacks but thunder attacks halved Thunder's Protection (600/Crawsus Forest Ruins) - Either: 1.5 times thunder attacks but earth attacks halved Muddy Reason (20000/Crawsus Forest Ruins) - Either: Earth attribute attached to physical attacks & absorb earth attacks, but thunder resistance minus 100% Thunder Cloud's Reason (20000/Crawsus Forest Ruins) - Either: Thunder attribute attached to physical attacks & absorb Thunder attacks, but earth resistance minus 100% EXP-Providing Friend's Reason (4000/Palace Of The Venerated Dragon) - Player: Characters that aren't in the active party get to gain one sixth of the total acquired EXP Powerless Cotton Hat's Commandment (200/Palace Of The Venerated Dragon) - Player: Fall velocity lowers but can't acquire item from box or enemy - Press Up during a jump Only Life As The Food Commandment (1200/Palace Of The Venerated Dragon) - Either: Recovers HP from one eighth of the given damage but can not use the Menu Sword As The Offering Commandment (500/Palace Of The Venerated Dragon) - Player: Three times ATK but equipping weapon may be destroyed by one fifth of probability Catapult's Commandment (2500/Palace Of The Venerated Dragon) - Either: Two times shooting attacks but becomes slow-footed Chaotic Needle's Protection (400/Forest Of Spirits) - Either: Invoke confusion effect during attacking Eight Legged Horse's Protection (1500/Forest Of Spirits) - Either: Evasion rate up Hunting Spirit's Protection (400/Forest Of Spirits) - Either: Accuracy rate up Slate's Protection (1000/Hall Of Valhalla) - Player: No purple flame or shining flame stone but you get item instead Holy Light's Reason (30000/Hall Of Valhalla) - Either: Holy attribute attached to physical attacks & absorb holy attacks, but darkness resistance minus 100% Always As Usual Reason (10000/Hall Of Valhalla) - Either: Invalidate bad status, but also invalidate support effects Precious Stone's Protection (4000/Hall Of Valhalla) - Player: Increase the quantity of purple flame stone Holy Protection (1000/Hall Of Valhalla) - Either: 1.5 times holy attacks but darkness attacks halved Tough One's Protection (400/Hall Of Valhalla) - Either: Invalidate received Critical of the target Treasury Protection (400/Ancient Forest) - Player: Slower the Extend Gauge's reduction speed Sting Protection (300/Ancient Forest) - Either: Invoke poison effect during attacking Handcuffs' Commandment (400/Ancient Forest) - Either: No Guard Dignity-Dropping Sheath's Commandment (30000/Ancient Forest) - Either: Given damage quartered EXP-Coveting Tapir's Reason (1200/Chateau Obsession) - Player: Two times EXP, but no OTH/Gold Soul-Shaving Hook's Commandment (2500/Chateau Obsession) - Either: HP decreases in battle as time passes Lightless Jump's Commandment (100/Chateau Obsession) - Player: Number of Photon reflection minus three Shield's Protection (400/Chateau Obsession) - Either: 1.2 times RDM Gold-Eating Insect's Reason (1200/Turgen Mine) - Player: Three times OTH/Gold, but no EXP Alarm Bell's Protection (600/Turgen Mine) - Player: Evade unexpected attack - Enemies: Always surprise attack Karma Flame's Reason (20000/Turgen Mine) - Either: Flame attribute attached to physical attacks & absorb flame attacks, but ice resistance minus 100% Shackles' Commandment (2000/Turgen Mine) - Either: No Evasion and Counterattack Scattered Light's Protection(200/Ravine Caverns) - Player: Able to shoot 3 Photons all at once, but no rapid firing Dark Night's Reason (30000/Ravine Caverns) - Either: Darkness attribute attached to physical attacks & absorb darkness attacks, but holy resistance minus 100% Chaotic Reason (400/Ravine Caverns) - Either: Some effects are given randomly during battle Different Law Eraser's Reason (10000/Ravine Caverns) - Either: Other Sealed Stones become powerless Enemy Omitting Void's Reason (2500/Ravine Caverns) - Either: No getting into battle by touching an enemy, but slashing an enemy can still get you into battle Silent Needle's Protection (500/Ravine Caverns) - Either: Invoke silence effect during attacking Ravine Reason (20000/Ravine Caverns) - Either: Received damage quartered, but can't cure in battle Light Jump's Protection (150/Yggdrasil) - Player: Number of Photon reflection add four Cursed Light's Protection (100/Yggdrasil) - Player: Photon can destroy pillar/crystal in Yggdrasil Sharp Sword's Reason (2000/Yggdrasil) - Either: 1.5 times ATK, but RDM halved Great Shield's Reason (2000/Yggdrasil) - Either: 2 times RDM, but ATK thirded Papier Mache's Protection (800/Yggdrasil) - Either: 1.5 times ATK and MAG when HP is full Darkness' Protection (1000/Yggdrasil) - Either: 1.5 times darkness attacks but holy attacks halved Six Sparkles' Protection (2000/Tower Of Lezard Valeth) - Either: Increase all elemental resist by 20% Foodless Assaulter's Reason (1500/Tower Of Lezard Valeth) - Either: 1.5 times the ATK, but invalidate HP recovery Unprepared Castle's Reason (1500/Tower Of Lezard Valeth) - Either: 2.0 times the RDM, but can't use the Menu in battle Law Exchanging Way's Reason (800/Seraphic Gate, Floor 3) - Either: Exchange the effects of the player's and enemy's Sealed Stones Logical Spinning Great Tree's Protection (4000/Seraphic Gate, Floor 2) - Either: 1.2 times all status Lightfilled Jump's Protection (500/Seraphic Gate, Floor 2) - Player: Number of Photon reflection add twenty Powerless Carrier Pigeon's Commandment (800/Seraphic Gate, Floor 4) - Player: Greatly increase the jumping power, but can't get item from box or from enemy - Press and hold X for high jump Soul Squeezing Vise's Commandment (30000/Seraphic Gate, Floor 1) - Either: Continue to receive great damage from time to time in battle and the damage becomes smaller little by little Changing Gender's Reason (150/Seraphic Gate, Floor 2) - Either: Reverse the player's and enemy's gender - Famous Sword Alondite(Weapon) allows more damage to Female - Pure White Waistcloth(Accessory) allows more damage to Female Rusty Commandment (2500/Seraphic Gate, Floor 3) - Either: Thirded the ATK and halved RDM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep in mind that there are items in question marks at first. They are called Regulars' Items/Rare Items. You need to buy enough at that shop and when you meet the Regulars' Points for the items, those question marked items will be named. However, you still can't buy those items yet. You need to gather the required Materials then sell those Materials to that shop. When you've done all that, you can finally buy the Regulars' Items/Rare Items. As for Regulars' Points, each of the Regulars' Items/Rare Items has it. Each 100 OTH you spent at that shop, you get 10 Regulars' Points. For example, the Poison Check's Regulars' Point is 80, that means you need to make 800 OTH worth of purchase at that shop for the Poison Check to be named. ------- \Solde/ Long Sword(500) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Bastard Sword(1000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Short Bow(400) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Sallet(160) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Leather Mail(240) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Cloak(200) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Leather Glove(200) ~ Rune: Arm(Blue) Cross Greave(180) ~ Rune: Leg(Red) Leather Boots(160) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Soldier's Secret Herb(150) Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(80) Regulatory Principle(80) Bragi's Psalms(150) Snow Thawing Water(80) Pearl Grass(80) Cockatrice's Egg(150) Union Plum(800) Holy Water(150) Izun's Apple(150) Directional Stone(200) Flame Resist Amulet(1200) Cold Resist Amulet(1200) Pulverize Amulet(1200) Lightning Avoid Amulet(1200) Spectacles(150) Vaulting Horse Statue(1000) ~ Rune: Earth(Red) Ruby Bee(1000) ~ Rune: Cure(Red) Shamshir(3500) ~ Update: After Dipan Castle In Chapter 2 ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Two Handed Sword(2500) ~ Update: After Dipan Castle In Chapter 2 ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Cross Bow(2000) ~ Update: After Dipan Castle In Chapter 2 ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Blue Apple(1000) ~ Update: After Dipan Castle In Chapter 2 ~ Rune: Earth(Blue) Dwarf's Sacred Herb(800) ~ Update: After Coriander In Chapter 3 Composite Long(17000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Supreme Garb(9000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Body(Red) Healer's Secret Herb(800) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 Royal Glove(8000) ~ Update: After Surts Volcano Caverns In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Arm(Red) Fairy's Sacred Herb(3600) ~ Update: After Crawsus Forest Ruins In Chapter 3 Famous Blade Lotus Breaker(65000) ~ Update: After Sukavia Gorge In Chapter 4 ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Anoint Crown(5500) ~ Update: After Sukavia Gorge In Chapter 4 ~ Rune: Head(Red) Northern Continent Map(10000) ~ Update: After Sukavia Gorge In Chapter 4 Western Continent Map(1000) ~ Update: After Sukavia Gorge In Chapter 4 Eastern Continent Map(5000) ~ Update: After Sukavia Gorge In Chapter 4 Liqueur Potion(2500) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Charge Break(2500) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Might Potion(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Guard Potion(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Spell Potion(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Over Drive(3000) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Famous Blade May Rain(76000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 2500 ~ Materials: Famous Blade Spider Cutter(1), Hrunting(1), Adamantite(2), Scarlet Fang(3) Elven Taffeta(25000) ~ Rune: Body(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 1500 ~ Materials: Refine Red Ore(1), Compass Scale(1), Monster's Scale(2) Rune Greave(60000) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 2000 ~ Materials: Knight Greave(1), Obsidian Claw(2), Crimson Scale(1) Poison Check(1500) ~ Regulars' Point: 80 ~ Materials: Skull Vessel(3), Onyx Crystal(2), Broken Amulet(2) Stun Check(1500) ~ Regulars' Point: 80 ~ Materials: Amber(2), Stagnant Water(2), Broken Amulet(2) Holy Crystal(6000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Holy Seal Of Red Copper(1), Holy Spinel(1) Witch's Secret Herb(5000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Fatal Seed(1), Augite Of Life(2), Troll Clay(2) Spirit's Sacred Herb(40000) ~ Regulars' Point: 3500 ~ Materials: Augite Of Life(2), Large Pearl(1), Metabolizer(2) Elixir(800) ~ Regulars' Point: 40 ~ Materials: Fish Scale(2), Beast Meat(1), Ritual Book(1) Holy Grail(20000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1000 ~ Materials: Hollow Pearl(2), Gold Coin(1), Silver Coin(1), Copper Coin(1) Soft Stone(20000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1000 ~ Materials: Fairy's Casket(3), Augite Of Life(1), Blood Jewelry(1) Star Reading Slate(20000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1000 ~ Materials: Compass Scale(3), Remex(2), Treaty Chain(2) Golden Egg(50000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1500 ~ Materials: Port Wine(2), Royal Jelly(1), Seafood Meat(3), Sunflower Seed(1) Visional Pearl(10000) ~ Regulars' Point: 500 ~ Materials: Hollow Pearl(1), Demon Eye Jewel(2), Demon Mirror Shard(2), Adamantite(1) Cat's Ring(1) ~ Regulars' Point: 8000 ~ Materials: Hunted Rat(1), Tail Broken Lizard(1), Misfortune Blue Bird(1), Cat's Poop(1) ------- \Dipan/ Rapier(2200) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Two Handed Sword(2500) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Cross Bow(2000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Ruby Mace(600) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) Silver Sallet(1000) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Leather Mail(240) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Chain Mail(1200) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Cloak(200) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Gauntlet(800) ~ Rune: Arm(Blue) Leather Glove(200) ~ Rune: Arm(Blue) Cross Greave(180) ~ Rune: Leg(Red) Leather Boots(160) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Soldier's Secret Herb(150) Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(80) Regulatory Principle(80) Bragi's Psalms(150) Snow Thawing Water(80) Pearl Grass(80) Cockatrice's Egg(150) Izun's Apple(150) Union Plum(800) Holy Water(150) Spectacles(150) Blue Apple(1000) ~ Rune: Earth(Blue) Poison Check(1500) ~ Regulars' Point: 80 ~ Materials: Skull Vessel(3), Onyx Crystal(2), Broken Amulet(2) Stun Check(1500) ~ Regulars' Point: 80 ~ Materials: Amber(2), Stagnant Water(2), Broken Amulet(2) ----------- \Coriander/ Shamshir(3500) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Striking Sword(4500) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Long Bow(4000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Metal Crown(2500) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Cuirass(3000) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Silver Cloak(3500) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Cross Greave(180) ~ Rune: Leg(Red) Leather Boots(160) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Suede Boots(1000) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Soldier's Secret Herb(150) Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(80) Regulatory Principle(80) Bragi's Psalms(150) Snow Thawing Water(80) Pearl Grass(80) Cockatrice's Egg(150) Izun's Apple(150) Directional Stone(200) Union Plum(800) Holy Water(150) Flame Resist Amulet(1200) Cold Resist Amulet(1200) Pulverize Amulet(1200) Lightning Avoid Amulet(1200) Spectacles(150) Bronze Mirror(6000) ~ Rune: Holy(Blue) Blue Doll(6000) ~ Rune: Darkness(Blue) Red Cherry(7000) ~ Rune: Display(Red) Dwarf's Sacred Herb(800) ~ Update: After Entering Serdberg Mountain Ruins In Chapter 3 Beryl Bangle(2500) ~ Update: After Entering Serdberg Mountain Ruins In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Strengthen(Green) Frostbane(15000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Claymore(18000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Composite Long(17000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Infinity Rod(18000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) Duel Helm(7000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Olive Crown(4500) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Duel Armor(9000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Body(Red) Supreme Garb(9000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Body(Red) Duel Guarder(7000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Duel Greave(6500) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Leg(Red) Ruby Bee(1000) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 ~ Rune: Cure(Red) Holy Sword(70000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Famous Sword Veinslay(75000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Vallo Helm(35000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 ~ Rune: Head(Red) Vallo Armor(50000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 ~ Rune: Body(Green) Healer's Secret Herb(800) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 Fairy's Sacred Herb(3600) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 Flare Gem(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 Ice Gem(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 Thunder Gem(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 Earth Gem(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 Holy Gem(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 Shadow Gem(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 Prism Gem(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 6 Falchion(200) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 0 ~ Materials: Onyx Crystal(2), Hollow Shell(2), Treaty Chain(1), Sharp Brunt(2) Ignite Sword(1000000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 20000 ~ Materials: Caliburn(1), Emerald Flame Spinel(3), Immortal Flame(1), Dark Amulet(1) Snake Halberd Basilisk(700000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 40000 ~ Materials: Holy Spear Saint Halberd(1), Penetrate Seal(3), Book Of Alchemy(1) Holy Rod(83000) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 7000 ~ Materials: Ruby Mace(1), Holy Spinel(1), Holy Seal Of Red Copper(2) Rune Crown(25000) ~ Rune: Head(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 1500 ~ Materials: Crown(1), Holy Spinel(1), Demon Mirror Shard(2) Icicle Plate(17000) ~ Rune: Body(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 10000 ~ Materials: Junk Shield(2), Diamond(1), Jewel Of Hail(1) Leather Cloak(3500) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 100 ~ Materials: Beast Fur(1), Bat's Feather(2) Battle Maiden's Pendant(300000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1500 ~ Materials: Core Spinel(1), Demon Mirror Shard(1), Treaty Chain(1), Rose Seal(1) Curse Check(4000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Beetle's Horn(3), Tiny Devil's Heart(1), Geist Core(1) Paraly Check(2500) ~ Regulars' Point: 600 ~ Materials: Bat's Feather(5), Hollow Shell(1), Amber(1) Shadow Crystal(6000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Grudge Piece(1), Onyx Crystal(2) Prime Elixir(10000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1000 ~ Materials: Elixir(1), Royal Jelly(1), Great Egret's Heart(1), Metabolizer(1) Flawless Amulet(5000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Junk Shield(1), Solid Bone(1), Beetle's Shellpiece(1) Bird's Ring(1) ~ Regulars' Point: 8000 ~ Materials: Chick's Bait(1), Vegetable Waste(1), Packed In Shell Bait(1), Bird's Poop(1) ---------- \Villnore/ Walloon Sword(7000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Skrep(5000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Long Bow(4000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Ruby Mace(600) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) Crystal Wand(2500) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) Iron Helm(4500) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Crystal Chain(4000) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Noble Cloak(4500) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Work Boots(2500) ~ Rune: Leg(Red) Soldier's Secret Herb(150) Dwarf's Sacred Herb(800) Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(80) Regulatory Principle(80) Bragi's Psalms(150) Snow Thawing Water(80) Pearl Grass(80) Cockatrice's Egg(150) Izun's Apple(150) Directional Stone(200) Union Plum(800) Holy Water(150) Flame Resist Amulet(1200) Cold Resist Amulet(1200) Pulverize Amulet(1200) Lightning Avoid Amulet(1200) Spectacles(150) Western Continent Map(1000) Blue Apple(1000) ~ Rune: Earth(Blue) Celedon Doll(5000) ~ Rune: Refine(Blue) Healer's Secret Herb(800) ~ Update: After Audoula Temple On The Lake In Chapter 3 Eastern Continent Map(5000) ~ Update: After Surts Volcano Caverns In Chapter 3 Fairy's Sacred Herb(3600) ~ Update: After Crawsus Forest Ruins In Chapter 3 Northern Continent Map(10000) ~ Update: After Fighting Gyne & Walther In Chapter 4 Liqueur Potion(2500) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Charge Break(2500) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Might Potion(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Guard Potion(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Spell Potion(2000) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Over Drive(3000) ~ Update: In Chapter 5 Famous Blade Tiger Cutter(7500) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 550 ~ Materials: Long Sword(1), Beast Fur(3), Iron Ore(3) Famous Sword Moon Falx(700000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 10000 ~ Materials: Broken Sword(2), Saver Tooth(1), Large Pearl(1), Holy Crystal(1) Elemental Edge(6000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 550 ~ Materials: Raptorial Claw(1), Sharp Brunt(2), Iron Ore(2) Supreme Cross Bow(5500) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 550 ~ Materials: Sling Top(1), Feather(3) Crystal Helm(8000) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 600 ~ Materials: Iron Helm(1), Beetle's Horn(1), Tiny Demon's Fang(1) Rune Helm(800000) ~ Rune: Head(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 9000 ~ Materials: Crown(1), Saver Tooth(1), Red Horn(1) Holy Queen's Tiara(5000) ~ Rune: Head(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 400 ~ Materials: White Petal(2), Core Ruby(1), Demon Eye Jewel(1) Silver Cuirass(4500) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 400 ~ Materials: Cuirass(1), Iron Ore(2), Silver Sallet(2) Fairy Garb(50000) ~ Rune: Body(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 3000 ~ Materials: Supreme Garb(1), Red Thunder Pearl(1), Flame Breath Core(1), Ymir's Tear(1), Harm Seed(1) Sacred Guarder(3000) ~ Rune: Arm(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Bone Waste(1), Raptorial Claw(2), Feather(1) Magic Glove(7000) ~ Rune: Arm(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 600 ~ Materials: Flying Swallow's Scale(2), Heat Plate(1) Vane Greave(3000) ~ Rune: Leg(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Alligator Skin(1), Dragon's Gallstone(1) Freeze Check(3000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Vision Sphere(2), Grudge Piece(1), Ray Force(1) Confuse Check(3000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Belladonna(1), Monster's Scale(3), Bended Claw(1) Heal Ring(30000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1000 ~ Materials: Jewel Of Hail(1), Great Egret's Heart(3), Iron Ore(3) --------- \Kalstad/ Shamshir(3500) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Frostbane(15000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Striking Sword(4500) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Claymore(18000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Long Bow(4000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Composite Long(17000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Infinity Rod(18000) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) Duel Helm(7000) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Metal Crown(2500) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Olive Crown(4500) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Cuirass(3000) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Duel Armor(9000) ~ Rune: Body(Red) Silver Cloak(3500) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Supreme Garb(9000) ~ Rune: Body(Red) Duel Guarder(7000) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Duel Greave(6500) ~ Rune: Leg(Red) Cross Greave(180) ~ Rune: Leg(Red) Leather Boots(160) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Suede Boots(1000) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Soldier's Secret Herb(150) Healer's Secret Herb(800) Dwarf's Sacred Herb(800) Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(80) Regulatory Principle(80) Bragi's Psalms(150) Snow Thawing Water(80) Pearl Grass(80) Cockatrice's Egg(150) Izun's Apple(150) Directional Stone(200) Union Plum(800) Holy Water(150) Flame Resist Amulet(1200) Cold Resist Amulet(1200) Pulverize Amulet(1200) Lightning Avoid Amulet(1200) Spectacles(150) Beryl Bangle(2500) ~ Rune: Strengthen(Green) Bronze Mirror(6000) ~ Rune: Holy(Blue) Blue Doll(6000) ~ Rune: Darkness(Blue) Red Cherry(7000) ~ Rune: Display(Red) Ruby Bee(1000) ~ Rune: Cure(Red) Flare Gem(2000) ~ Update: After Surts Volcano Caverns In Chapter 3 Ice Gem(2000) ~ Update: After Surts Volcano Caverns In Chapter 3 Thunder Gem(2000) ~ Update: After Surts Volcano Caverns In Chapter 3 Earth Gem(2000) ~ Update: After Surts Volcano Caverns In Chapter 3 Holy Gem(2000) ~ Update: After Surts Volcano Caverns In Chapter 3 Shadow Gem(2000) ~ Update: After Surts Volcano Caverns In Chapter 3 Prism Gem(2000) ~ Update: After Surts Volcano Caverns In Chapter 3 Fairy's Sacred Herb(3600) ~ Update: After Crawsus Forest Ruins In Chapter 3 Falchion(200) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 0 ~ Materials: Onyx Crystal(2), Hollow Shell(2), Treaty Chain(1), Sharp Brunt(2) Ignite Sword(1000000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 20000 ~ Materials: Caliburn(1), Emerald Flame Spinel(3), Immortal Flame(1), Dark Amulet(1) Snake Halberd Basilisk(700000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 40000 ~ Materials: Holy Spear Saint Halberd(1), Penetrate Seal(3), Book Of Alchemy(1) Holy Rod(83000) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 7000 ~ Materials: Ruby Mace(1), Holy Spinel(1), Holy Seal Of Red Copper(2) Rune Crown(25000) ~ Rune: Head(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 1500 ~ Materials: Crown(1), Holy Spinel(1), Demon Mirror Shard(2) Icicle Plate(17000) ~ Rune: Body(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 10000 ~ Materials: Junk Shield(2), Diamond(1), Jewel Of Hail(1) Leather Cloak(3500) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 100 ~ Materials: Beast Fur(1), Bat's Feather(2) Battle Maiden's Pendant(300000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1500 ~ Materials: Core Spinel(1), Demon Mirror Shard(1), Treaty Chain(1), Rose Seal(1) Curse Check(4000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Beetle's Horn(3), Tiny Devil's Heart(1), Geist Core(1) Paraly Check(2500) ~ Regulars' Point: 600 ~ Materials: Bat's Feather(5), Hollow Shell(1), Amber(1) Shadow Crystal(6000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Grudge Piece(1), Onyx Crystal(2) Prime Elixir(10000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1000 ~ Materials: Elixir(1), Royal Jelly(1), Great Egret's Heart(1), Metabolizer(1) Flawless Amulet(5000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Junk Shield(1), Solid Bone(1), Beetle's Shellpiece(1) Bird's Ring(1) ~ Regulars' Point: 8000 ~ Materials: Chick's Bait(1), Vegetable Waste(1), Packed In Shell Bait(1), Bird's Poop(1) ------------------- \Crell Monferaigne/ Sinclaire Saber(20000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Lightning Edge(30000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Composite Long(17000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Infinity Rod(18000) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) Anoint Crown(5500) ~ Rune: Head(Red) Silver Mail(16000) ~ Rune: Body(Red) Supreme Garb(9000) ~ Rune: Body(Red) Royal Glove(8000) ~ Rune: Arm(Red) Knight Greave(5000) ~ Rune: Leg(Red) Soldier's Secret Herb(150) Healer's Secret Herb(800) Dwarf's Sacred Herb(800) Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(80) Regulatory Principle(80) Bragi's Psalms(150) Snow Thawing Water(80) Pearl Grass(80) Cockatrice's Egg(150) Izun's Apple(150) Directional Stone(200) Union Plum(800) Holy Water(150) Cold Resist Amulet(1200) Pulverize Amulet(1200) Lightning Avoid Amulet(1200) Flare Gem(1200) Ice Gem(1200) Thunder Gem(1200) Earth Gem(1200) Holy Gem(1200) Shadow Gem(1200) Prism Gem(1200) Spectacles(150) Western Continent Map(1000) Eastern Continent Map(5000) Gold&Copper Alloy Mirror(5000) ~ Rune: Resist(Red) Icicle Sword(40000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) ~ Update: After Crawsus Forest Ruins In Chapter 3 Hrunting(45000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) ~ Update: After Crawsus Forest Ruins In Chapter 3 Lotus Wand(30000) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) ~ Update: After Crawsus Forest Ruins In Chapter 3 Fairy's Sacred Herb(3600) ~ Update: After Crawsus Forest Ruins In Chapter 3 Northern Continent Map(10000) ~ Update: After Fighting Gyne & Walther In Chapter 4 Rune Slayer(50000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 3500 ~ Materials: Falchion(1), Onyx Crystal(4), Penetrate Seal(1) Famous Sword Alondite(120000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 8000 ~ Materials: Broken Great Sword(2), Blood Jewelry(1), Rose Seal(1), Demon Mirror Shard(1) Zweihander(30000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 3000 ~ Materials: Broken Great Sword(2), Troll Clay(2), Rotten Stick(2) Azure Sword Grand Sting(115000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 8000 ~ Materials: Skrep(1), Thunder-Sealed Tail Feather(5), Lightning Stone(2) Greenery Slayer(25000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 2000 ~ Materials: Spiral Arrowhead(1), Penetrate Seal(2), Belladonna(2) Mage Slayer(50000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 4000 ~ Materials: Strength Bow(1), Penetrate Seal(1), Demon Eye Jewel(1), Demon Mirror Shard(1) Shiny Rupture(100000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 8000 ~ Materials: Arbalest(1), Shell Shot(1), Remex(2), Harm Seed(1) Soul Slayer(900000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 15000 ~ Materials: Armor Pierce(1), Steal Wing(1), Remex(2), Sylphide Arrow Top(1) Mithril Wand(20000) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 2000 ~ Materials: Broken Staff(2), Mace Head(1), Golem Eye(1) Bloody Claw(600000) ~ Rune: Hit(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 35000 ~ Materials: Raptorial Claw(2), Insect Hook Claw(2), Vampire Claw(2), Devil's Right Arm(1) Phylact Helm(9000) ~ Rune: Head(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 2500 ~ Materials: Refine Red Ore(1), Goat's Front Teeth(1), Bat's Feather(2) Tyrant's Armor(800000) ~ Rune: Body(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 15000 ~ Materials: Silver Mail(1), Fire Rat's Fur(1), Storm-Sealed Tail Feather(1), Deep Doom(1), Emerald Ice Pearl(1) Wind Glove(20000) ~ Rune: Arm(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 1500 ~ Materials: Bat's Feather(1), Bone Mace(1), Ghibli Scale(1) Stone Check(5000) ~ Regulars' Point: 500 ~ Materials: Masked Shard(2), Bone Mace(2), Sticky Liquid(2) Silence Check(5000) ~ Regulars' Point: 500 ~ Materials: Belladonna(2), Tiny Devil's Heart(3), Devil's Hoof(1) Weak Check(5000) ~ Regulars' Point: 500 ~ Materials: Bat's Ear(2), Bat's Feather(2), Belladonna(3) Dog's Ring(1) ~ Regulars' Point: 8000 ~ Materials: Sucked Bone(1), Bitten Shoe(1), Worn Out Cloth(1), Dog's Poop(1) -------------- \Dipan Castle/ Shamshir(3500) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Frostbane(15000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Holy Sword(70000) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) Striking Sword(4500) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Claymore(18000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Famous Sword Veinslay(75000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Long Bow(4000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Composite Long(17000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Red) Infinity Rod(18000) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) Duel Helm(7000) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Vallo Helm(35000) ~ Rune: Head(Red) Metal Crown(2500) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Olive Crown(4500) ~ Rune: Head(Blue) Cuirass(3000) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Duel Armor(9000) ~ Rune: Body(Red) Vallo Armor(50000) ~ Rune: Body(Green) Silver Cloak(3500) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) Supreme Garb(9000) ~ Rune: Body(Red) Duel Guarder(7000) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Duel Greave(6500) ~ Rune: Leg(Red) Cross Greave(180) ~ Rune: Leg(Red) Leather Boots(160) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Suede Boots(1000) ~ Rune: Leg(Blue) Soldier's Secret Herb(150) Healer's Secret Herb(800) Dwarf's Sacred Herb(800) Fairy's Sacred Herb(3600) Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(80) Regulatory Principle(80) Bragi's Psalms(150) Snow Thawing Water(80) Pearl Grass(80) Cockatrice's Egg(150) Izun's Apple(150) Directional Stone(200) Union Plum(800) Holy Water(150) Flame Resist Amulet(1200) Cold Resist Amulet(1200) Pulverize Amulet(1200) Lightning Avoid Amulet(1200) Flare Gem(2000) Ice Gem(2000) Thunder Gem(2000) Earth Gem(2000) Holy Gem(2000) Shadow Gem(2000) Prism Gem(2000) Spectacles(150) Beryl Bangle(2500) ~ Rune: Strengthen(Green) Bronze Mirror(6000) ~ Rune: Holy(Blue) Blue Doll(6000) ~ Rune: Darkness(Blue) Red Cherry(7000) ~ Rune: Display(Red) Ruby Bee(1000) ~ Rune: Cure(Red) Falchion(200) ~ Rune: Slash(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 0 ~ Materials: Onyx Crystal(2), Hollow Shell(2), Treaty Chain(1), Sharp Brunt(2) Ignite Sword(1000000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 20000 ~ Materials: Caliburn(1), Emerald Flame Spinel(3), Immortal Flame(1), Dark Amulet(1) Snake Halberd Basilisk(700000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 40000 ~ Materials: Holy Spear Saint Halberd(1), Penetrate Seal(3), Book Of Alchemy(1) Holy Rod(83000) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 7000 ~ Materials: Ruby Mace(1), Holy Spinel(1), Holy Seal Of Red Copper(2) Rune Crown(25000) ~ Rune: Head(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 1500 ~ Materials: Crown(1), Holy Spinel(1), Demon Mirror Shard(2) Icicle Plate(17000) ~ Rune: Body(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 10000 ~ Materials: Junk Shield(2), Diamond(1), Jewel Of Hail(1) Leather Cloak(3500) ~ Rune: Body(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 100 ~ Materials: Beast Fur(1), Bat's Feather(2) Battle Maiden's Pendant(300000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1500 ~ Materials: Core Spinel(1), Demon Mirror Shard(1), Treaty Chain(1), Rose Seal(1) Curse Check(4000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Beetle's Horn(3), Tiny Devil's Heart(1), Geist Core(1) Paraly Check(2500) ~ Regulars' Point: 600 ~ Materials: Bat's Feather(5), Hollow Shell(1), Amber(1) Shadow Crystal(6000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Grudge Piece(1), Onyx Crystal(2) Prime Elixir(10000) ~ Regulars' Point: 1000 ~ Materials: Elixir(1), Royal Jelly(1), Great Egret's Heart(1), Metabolizer(1) Flawless Amulet(5000) ~ Regulars' Point: 200 ~ Materials: Junk Shield(1), Solid Bone(1), Beetle's Shellpiece(1) Bird's Ring(1) ~ Regulars' Point: 8000 ~ Materials: Chick's Bait(1), Vegetable Waste(1), Packed In Shell Bait(1), Bird's Poop(1) -------- \Asgard/ Emperor Sword Durandal(200000) ~ Rune: Slash(Blue) Blinking Bow Blue Gale(130000) ~ Rune: Penetrate(Blue) Holy Gauntlet(50000) ~ Rune: Arm(Green) Magic Boots(40000) ~ Rune: Arm(Green) Soldier's Secret Herb(150) Healer's Secret Herb(800) Dwarf's Sacred Herb(800) Fairy's Sacred Herb(3600) Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(80) Regulatory Principle(80) Bragi's Psalms(150) Snow Thawing Water(80) Pearl Grass(80) Cockatrice's Egg(150) Izun's Apple(150) Directional Stone(200) Union Plum(800) Holy Water(150) Flame Resist Amulet(1200) Cold Resist Amulet(1200) Pulverize Amulet(1200) Lightning Avoid Amulet(1200) Liqueur Potion(2500) Charge Break(2500) Might Potion(2000) Guard Potion(2000) Spell Potion(2000) Over Drive(2000) Flare Gem(2000) Ice Gem(2000) Earth Gem(2000) Thunder Gem(2000) Spectacles(150) Green Kitten(10000) ~ Rune: Refine(Green) Ritual Equipment Of Darkness(10000) ~ Rune: Darkness(Red) Oreichalkos' Staff(600000) ~ Rune: Hit(Blue) ~ Regulars' Point: 14000 ~ Materials: Lotus Wand(1), Dark Amulet(1), Demon Eye Jewel(3), Steal Wing(1) Thrudr's Manifer(500000) ~ Rune: Arm(Red) ~ Regulars' Point: 13000 ~ Materials: Damascus Ore(2), Obsidian Claw(3), Bloody Cross(1) Miracle Guard(1) ~ Rune: Arm(Green) ~ Regulars' Point: 13000 ~ Materials: Brilliant Peacemaker(1), Gentle Card(1), Sacred OOPARTS(1) Witch's Secret Herb(5000) ~ Regulars' Point: 150 ~ Materials: Fatal Seed(1), Augite Of Life(2), Troll Clay(2) Spirit's Sacred Herb(40000) ~ Regulars' Point: 150 ~ Materials: Augite Of Life(2), Large Pearl(1), Metabolizer(2) Elixir(800) ~ Regulars' Point: 150 ~ Materials: Fish Scale(2), Beast Meat(1), Ritual Book(1) Prime Elixir(10000) ~ Regulars' Point: 150 ~ Materials: Elixir(1), Royal Jelly(1), Great Egret's Heart(1), Metabolizer(1) Flawless Amulet(5000) ~ Regulars' Point: 300 ~ Materials: Junk Shield(1), Solid Bone(1), Beetle's Shellpiece(1) Solomon's Ring(900000) ~ Regulars' Point: 20000 ~ Materials: Cat's Ring(1), Dog's Ring(1), Bird's Ring(1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------- \Alicia/ Three Size: B78/W54/H80 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 20206 HP, 201 STR, 117 INT, 178 DEX, 148 AGL, 139 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Ice, Minus 20% Earth ~Default Skills - None ~Normal Attacks - Imply React, Default, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Cutting Edge, Default, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Mirage Pierce, Default, 8 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Turn Around, Level 8, 5 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Cross Rush, Level 14, 7 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 20, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Deep Impact, Level 30, 6 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Gust Window, Level 38, 8 AP, 5*3 Gauge Increment - Spiral Pierce, Level 49, 9 AP, 5*3 Gauge Increment - Sky High Edge, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Cure Plums, Level 7, 35 AP - Ordinary Shave, Level 14, 12 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 40, 40 AP ~Soul Crush - Nibelung Valesti 1, Default, 52 Gauge Increment, 8 Hits - Nibelung Valesti 2, After Beating White Dragon In Chapter 5, 58 Gauge Increment, 8 Hits ~Combo Examples - Cutting Edge -> Imply React -> Mirage Pierce - Tri Crusade -> Spiral Pierce -> Mirage Pierce - Turn Around -> Mirage Pierce -> Cutting Edge ------- \Rufus/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19115 HP, 208 STR, 180 INT, 194 DEX, 126 AGL, 158 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Thunder, Minus 20% Ice ~Default Skills - None ~Normal Attacks - Absolute Wave, Default, 8 AP, 5*4 Gauge Increment - Thunder Arrow, Default, 7 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Three Way, Default, 6 AP, 5*3 Gauge Increment - Weathering Order, Level 6, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Aiming Wisp, Level 12, 7 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Freezing Lancer, Level 17, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Rating Zone, Level 25, 7 AP, 2*# Gauge Increment - Flake Flap, Level 34, 9 AP, 3*8 Gauge Increment - Thunder Fall, Level 44, 8 AP, 5*3 Gauge Increment - Thunder Break, Item In Floor 1 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 6*3 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Reduce Power, Level 10, 15 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 23, 15 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 30, 15 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 38, 15 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 50, 18 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 60, 18 AP ~Soul Crush - Astonish Glitz 1, Default, 66 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits - Astonish Glitz 2, After Beating White Dragon In Chapter 5, 76 Gauge Increment, 18 Hits ~Combo Examples - Absolute Wave -> Thunder Arrow -> Three Way - Rating Zone -> Aiming Wisp -> Freezing Lancer - Three Way -> Absolute Wave -> Aiming Wisp ~999 Hits (Basic Concept) - Equip Rufus with the Spirit Control and Triple Edge Skills - Knock Down a BIG enemy - Recommend: Returned Arectaris - Keep using Rating Zone ------- \Dylan/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 26075 HP, 324 STR, 105 INT, 144 DEX, 121 AGL, 191 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Holy, Minus 20% Flame ~Default Skills - None ~Normal Attacks - Absolute Glance, Default, 8 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Double Swing, Default, 7 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Heavy Weight, Default, 6 AP, 11*1 Gauge Increment - High End Spark, Level 7, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Grand Edge, Level 13, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Blast Kick, Level 19, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Twister Swing, Level 28, 8 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Spin Edge, Level 36, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Full Swing, Level 46, 9 AP, 15*1 Gauge Increment - Dismember Legion, Item In Floor 4 Of Seraphic Gate, 8 AP, 4*8 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Violent Rage, Default, 38 Gauge Increment, 6 Hits ~Combo Examples - High End Spark -> Absolute Glance -> Double Swing -------- \Lezard/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 17214 HP, 106 STR, 333 INT, 103 DEX, 102 AGL, 124 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Darkness, Minus 20% Holy ~Default Skills - None ~Normal Magic - Burn Storm, Default, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Poison Blow, Level 7, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Cool Damsel, Level 12, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Lightning Bolt, Level 23, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 30, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 55, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Thunder Storm, Default, 20 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 10, 15 AP - Explosion, Level 15, 20 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 18, 20 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 20, 18 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 26, 40 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 34, 15 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 38, 28 AP - Chaotic Rune, Level 40, 24 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 43, 20 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 47, 22 AP - Astral Maze, Level 52, 24 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 60, 18 AP ~Soul Crush - Grand Trigger, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 5 Hits ------- \Leone/ Three Size: B85/W57/H84 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18709 HP, 232 STR, 116 INT, 191 DEX, 207 AGL, 142 CON ~Elemental Resist - Minus 20% Thunder, 20% Earth ~Default Skills - Spirit Control ~Normal Attacks - Assault Step, Default, 5 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Surprise Throw, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Sunset Luster, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Lay Down Sword, Default, 7 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Over Spin, Level 12, 6 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment - Double Wind, Level 20, 8 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Soul Piercing, Level 27, 8 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 35, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Misty Phantom, Level 42, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Surprise Horn, Default, 52 Gauge Increment, 16 Hits ~Combo Examples - Over Spin -> Lay Down Sword -> Surprise Throw - Lay Down Sword -> Sunset Luster -> Surprise Throw ------- \Aluze/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 25040 HP, 446 STR, 101 INT, 182 DEX, 107 AGL, 176 CON ~Elemental Resist - Minus 20% Ice, 20% Flame ~Default Skills - Guts ~Normal Attacks - Spinning Back Knuckle, Default, 6 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - High Wind, Default, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Wrenching Swing, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Increible Ache, Level 8, 7 AP, 11*1 Gauge Increment - Total End, Level 13, 5 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Double Wind, Level 19, 8 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Lost Drive, Level 28, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Stream Edge, Level 36, 8 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Storm Edge, Level 46, 9 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Dead End, Item In Floor 1 Of Seraphic Gate, 8 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Finality Blast, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - High Wind -> Wrenching Swing -> Spinning Back Knuckle - High Wind -> Spinning Back Knuckle -> Wrenching Swing -------- \Brahms/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 31115 HP, 426 STR, 95 INT, 169 DEX, 161 AGL, 243 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Ice/Earth/Darkness, Minus 20% Flame/Holy ~Default Skills - Might Blow, Vital Adjustment, Lost Emotion, God Slayer ~Normal Attacks - Deadly Raid, Default, 8 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Backward Flow, Default, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Bloody Knuckle, Default, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Soul Shaker, Level 49, 8 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Over Hammer, Level 51, 7 AP, 11*1 Gauge Increment - Earth Break, Level 55, 8 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Blood Harken, Level 58, 9 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Buster Hammer, Level 61, 8 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Immortal Blow, Level 65, 10 AP, 2*8 Gauge Increment - Blood Rain, Item In Floor 4 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Bloody Chalice, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 21 Hits ~Combo Examples - Deadly Raid -> Immortal Blow -> Soul Shaker - Backward Flow -> Deadly Raid -> Over Hammer - Earth Break -> Blood Harken -> Soul Shaker ------ \Ahly/ Three Size: B85/W57/H84 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19683 HP, 229 STR, 163 INT, 236 DEX, 236 AGL, 141 CON ~Elemental Resist - Minus 20% Darkness, 20% Holy ~Default Skills - Heat Up, Cure Condition, Spirit Control ~Normal Attacks - Existence Trial, Default, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Side Swing Cut, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Force Attractor, Default, 5 AP, 7*1 Gauge Increment - Hurricane Bolt, Level 46, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Over Arc, Level 50, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Armor Break, Level 54, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Crime Attractor, Level 58, 7 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Hurricane Raid, Level 62, 8 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Split Down, Level 66, 8 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Advance Furious, Item In Floor 4 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Nibelung Valesti 2, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 8 Hits ~Combo Examples - Hurricane Raid -> Split Down -> Advance Furious - Force Attractor -> Hurricane Bolt -> Existence Trial - Advance Furious -> Crime Attractor -> Split Down --------- \Lenneth/ Three Size: B84/W56/H83 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19455 HP, 209 STR, 178 INT, 208 DEX, 208 AGL, 154 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Holy, Minus 20% Darkness ~Default Skills - Heroism, HP Reserve(1000) ~Normal Attacks - Vertical Raid, Default, 7 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Bolt Slash, Default, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Moment Slide, Default, 5 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Grim Force, Level 51, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Feather Sail, Level 54, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Growing Pierce, Level 57, 8 AP, 5*3 Gauge Increment - Multiple Attack, Level 60, 9 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Succession Slide, Level 63, 7 AP, 4*4 Gauge Increment - High Wind Rupture, Level 66, 8 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment - Code Break, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 8 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Evoke Feather, Default, 40 AP - Ordinary Shave, Default, 12 AP - Guard Reinforce, Default, 15 AP - Cure Plums, Default, 35 AP - Might Reinforce, Default, 18 AP - Reduce Power, Level 53, 15 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 56, 18 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 58, 15 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 62, 15 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 64, 22 AP ~Soul Crush - Nibelung Valesti 2, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 8 Hits ~Combo Examples - Vertical Raid -> High Wind Rupture -> Succession Slide - Moment Slide -> Vertical Raid -> Bolt Slash - Vertical Raid -> Multiple Attack -> Succession Slide ---------- \Silmeria/ Three Size: B80/W54/H80 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19042 HP, 220 STR, 191 INT, 214 DEX, 162 AGL, 168 CON ~Elemental Resist - Minus 20% Darkness, 20% Holy ~Default Skills - Regeneration Heal, True Seeing ~Normal Attacks - Weathering Order, Default, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Dual Task, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Restrict Distortion, Default, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Star Dust, Level 48, 7 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Slot Shoot, Level 51, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Flame Shoot, Level 55, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Rising Wisp, Level 59, 8 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment - Wave Motion, Level 62, 7 AP, 9*2 Gauge Increment - Aiming Wisp, Level 66, 7 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Rebellion Truth, Item In Floor 4 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 4*5 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Nibelung Valesti 2, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 8 Hits ~Combo Examples - Rising Wisp -> Rebellion Truth -> Wave Motion - Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -> Dual Task - Flame Shoot -> Wave Motion -> Dual Task ------ \Frei/ Three Size: B88/W58/H87 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 20149 HP, 190 STR, 139 INT, 201 DEX, 134 AGL, 188 CON ~Elemental Resist - Minus 20% Darkness, 20% Holy ~Default Skills - Heroism, True Seeing, Giant Killer ~Normal Attacks - Thunder Strike, Default, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Burst Shot, Default, 8 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Victory Sword, Default, 10 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment - Side Flap, Level 51, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Rouge Strike, Level 54, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Slap Beat, Level 57, 9 AP, 2*5 Gauge Increment - Mystic Chain, Level 60, 9 AP, 3*5 Gauge Increment - Heavenly Punishment, Level 63, 42 AP, 10*14 Gauge Increment - Crisis Point, Level 66, 8 AP, 2*5 Gauge Increment - Mebius Ride, Level 69, 10 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Ether Strike, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Mebius Ride -> Victory Sword -> Heavenly Punishment - Victory Sword -> Crisis Point -> Slap Beat - Victory Sword -> Burst Shot -> Thunder Strike - Crisis Point -> Victory Sword -> Heavenly Punishment ---------- \Valkyrie/ Three Size: Average Of Silmeria, Lenneth & Ahly ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 20052 HP, 257 STR, 177 INT, 207 DEX, 207 AGL, 202 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Flame/Ice/Thunder/Earth/Holy/Darkness ~Default Skills - Toughness, Observation, Lost Emotion ~Normal Attacks - Imply React, Default, 7 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Cutting Edge, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Spiral Pierce, Default, 9 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Mirage Pierce, Level 56, 8 AP, 11*1 Gauge Increment - Turn Around, Level 59, 5 AP, 11*1 Gauge Increment - Gust Window, Level 61, 8 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Cross Rush, Level 64, 7 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 67, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Deep Impact, Level 69, 6 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Sky High Edge, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Nibelung Valesti 3, Default, 64 Gauge Increment, 9 Hits ~Combo Examples - Cutting Edge -> Imply React -> Spiral Pierce - Tri Crusade -> Sky High Edge -> Spiral Pierce - Tri Crusade -> Sky High Edge -> Gust Window ---------------------------- \Damage Coefficient Ranking/ 1/ Heavenly Punishment (42 AP, Frei) - Damage Coefficient: 6.00 2/ Crisis Point (8 AP, Frei) - Damage Coefficient: 2.20 2/ Full Swing (9 AP, Dylan) - Damage Coefficient: 2.20 4/ Advance Furious (10 AP, Ahly) - Damage Coefficient: 2.00 4/ Absolute Wave (8 AP, Rufus) - Damage Coefficient: 2.00 4/ Sonic Edge (10 AP, Heavy Soldier) - Damage Coefficient: 2.00 4/ Dismember Legion (8 AP, Dylan) - Damage Coefficient: 2.00 4/ High Wind Rupture (8 AP, Lenneth) - Damage Coefficient: 2.00 4/ Victory Sword (10 AP, Frei) - Damage Coefficient: 2.00 4/ Mebius Ride (10 AP, Frei) - Damage Coefficient: 2.00 11/ Absolute Glance (8 AP, Dylan) - Damage Coefficient: 1.80 11/ Sweep Dive (9 AP, Heavy Soldier) - Damage Coefficient: 1.80 13/ Dead End (9 AP, Aluze) - Damage Coefficient: 1.75 13/ Dreaded Radius (9 AP, Heavy Soldier) - Damage Coefficient: 1.75 13/ Buster Shoot (9 AP, Bow Fighter) - Damage Coefficient: 1.75 13/ Rebellion Truth (9 AP, Silmeria) - Damage Coefficient: 1.75 17/ Spiral Pierce (9 AP, Alicia) - Damage Coefficient: 1.70 17/ Split Down (8 AP, Ahly) - Damage Coefficient: 1.70 19/ Three Way (6 AP, Bow Fighter) - Damage Coefficient: 1.65 20/ Spiral Pierce (9 AP, Valkyrie) - Damage Coefficient: 1.60 21/ Growing Pierce (8 AP, Lenneth) - Damage Coefficient: 1.50 21/ Storm Edge (9 AP, Aluze) - Damage Coefficient: 1.50 21/ Multiple Attack (9 AP, Lenneth) - Damage Coefficient: 1.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Einferia's starting level depends on the average level of your party. The formula goes like this: Between (A - B) And (A + B) = Einferia's Possible Level A is the average level of the party. If you have more than 6 characters, then take the 6 highest characters. Lastly, round off after the decimal. B is A/10, round off after the decimal and if the result is below 0, then make it 1. Few examples, if the average level is 3, then the Einferia's possible would be between 2 to 4; If the average level is 20, then between 18~22; If the average level is 50, then between 45~55. In order to release an Einferia, that Einferia MUST at least gain 5 levels from its starting level. After, you can just release that Einferia from the Menu. As for what items you get, that depends on the stats of the Einferia. Obviously, it is best for an Einferia to have the best equipment for the releasing. If that Einferia has ATK as the highest stat, then you would get the Scarlet Flame Stone which can permanently increase STR and DEX by 20; If MAG is the highest, then you would get Azure Flame Stone which can permanently increase INT and CON by 20; If RDM is the highest, then you would get Emerald Flame Stone which can permanently increase AGL by 20 and MAX HP by 200. Further, you can also get various other items, also depends on that Einferia's stats: - Swordsman's Knowledge(STR+5), Quantity=ATK/20 - Mage's Knowledge(INT+5), Quantity=MAG/10 - Bow Fighter's Knowledge(DEX+5), Quantity=HIT/5 - Thief's Knowledge(AGL+5), Quantity=AVD/10 - Ambrosia(MAX HP+100), Quantity=RDM/25 - Heavy Soldier's Knowledge(CON+5), Quantity=RST/5 Round off after the decimal for the divisions. Now you can see why it is best for an Einferia to equip the best equipment for the releasing. It is because you can get massive stat-boosting items. Now, imagine if you do Perfect Release (meaning each Einferia with the best equipment) for all Einferia you can get, then feed all those items to one single character...... --------- \Jessica/ Three Size: B82/W58/H84 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18697 HP, 257 STR, 175 INT, 182 DEX, 198 AGL, 181 CON ~Elemental Resist - Minus 25% Ice, Minus 5% Flame/Holy/Darkness/Thunder/Earth ~Default Skills - Heat Up ~Normal Attacks - Assault Step, Default, 5 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Surprise Throw, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Sunset Luster, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Double Wind, Level 7, 8 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Lay Up Sword, Level 10, 8 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Resonate Pain, Level 25, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 35, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Energy Steal, Level 43, 8 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Misty Phantom, Level 52, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Glacial Blizzard, Level 15, 20 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 24, 18 AP ~Soul Crush - Wheeling Ripper, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - Lay Up Sword -> Misty Phantom -> Resonate Pain - Misty Phantom -> Energy Steal -> Surprise Throw ---------- \Sylphide/ Three Size: B79/W55/H80 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18203 HP, 176 STR, 286 INT, 180 DEX, 161 AGL, 126 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Holy/Darkness, Minus 20% Flame/Ice/Thunder/Earth ~Default Skills - Free Item ~Normal Attacks - Assault Step, Default, 5 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Sunset Luster, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Double Wind, Default, 8 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Surprise Throw, Level 9, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 17, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Magic Lock, Level 26, 7 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Holy Smite, Level 34, 9 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Lay Down Sword, Level 43, 7 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Resonate Pain, Level 51, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Ordinary Shave, Level 5, 12 AP - Cure Plums, Level 15, 35 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 26, 18 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 42, 40 AP ~Soul Crush - Wheeling Ripper, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - Sunset Luster -> Double Wind -> Surprise Throw ---------- \Richelle/ Three Size: B86/W60/H85 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19185 HP, 232 STR, 123 INT, 199 DEX, 147 AGL, 138 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Holy, Minus 20% Darkness ~Default Skills - Reflex Movement ~Normal Attacks - Sunset Luster, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Double Wind, Default, 8 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Lay Up Sword, Default, 8 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Assault Step, Level 6, 5 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 14, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Magic Lock, Level 23, 7 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Over Spin, Level 31, 6 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment - Holy Smite, Level 40, 9 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Resonate Pain, Level 48, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Guard Reinforce, Level 15, 15 AP ~Soul Crush - Wheeling Ripper, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - Ray Up Sword -> Double Wind -> Sunset Luster ------- \Celes/ Three Size: B87/W61/H85 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 20185 HP, 237 STR, 136 INT, 214 DEX, 164 AGL, 166 CON ~Elemental Resist - 5% Flame/Ice/Holy/Darkness/Thunder/Earth ~Default Skills - Body Passage ~Normal Attacks - Soul Piercing, Default, 8 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Misty Phantom, Default, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Lay Down Sword, Default, 7 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Lay Up Sword, Level 7, 8 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Surprise Throw, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Over Spin, Level 31, 6 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment - Double Wind, Level 7, 8 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Assault Step, Default, 5 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Energy Steal, Level 43, 8 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Might Reinforce, Level 25, 18 AP ~Soul Crush - Wheeling Ripper, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - Misty Phantom -> Lay Down Sword -> Soul Piercing - Misty Phantom -> Energy Steal -> Surprise Throw -------- \Tyrith/ Three Size: B86/W60/H84 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18208 HP, 209 STR, 136 INT, 203 DEX, 148 AGL, 141 CON ~Elemental Resist - 5% Flame/Ice/Holy/Darkness/Earth, Minus 20% Thunder ~Default Skills - Adversity ~Normal Attacks - Assault Step, Default, 5 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Sunset Luster, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Lay Up Sword, Default, 8 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Surprise Throw, Level 8, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Over Spin, Level 16, 6 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment - Soul Piercing, Level 24, 8 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 32, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Double Wind, Level 40, 8 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Holy Smite, Level 48, 9 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Might Reinforce, Level 15, 18 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 30, 15 AP ~Soul Crush - Wheeling Ripper, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - Over Spin -> Tri Crusade -> Soul Piercing ------- \Circe/ Three Size: B79/W55/H78 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 20192 HP, 234 STR, 177 INT, 221 DEX, 164 AGL, 137 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Flame, Minus 20% Ice ~Default Skills - Hard Body ~Normal Attacks - Energy Steal, Default, 8 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Sunset Luster, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Double Wind, Default, 8 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Assault Step, Level 8, 5 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 16, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Lay Down Sword, Level 24, 7 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Over Spin, Level 32, 6 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment - Soul Piercing, Level 40, 8 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Holy Smite, Level 48, 9 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Guard Reinforce, Default, 15 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 25, 15 AP ~Soul Crush - Wheeling Ripper, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - Over Spin -> Lay Down Sword -> Soul Piercing --------- \Fraudir/ Three Size: B82/W57/H82 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 20195 HP, 204 STR, 117 INT, 197 DEX, 149 AGL, 138 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Darkness, Minus 20% Flame ~Default Skills - Guard Motion ~Normal Attacks - Sunset Luster, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Lay Up Sword, Default, 8 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Resonate Pain, Default, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 8, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Misty Phantom, Level 16, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Shadow Snap, Level 24, 7 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Double Wind, Level 32, 8 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Over Spin, Level 40, 6 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment - Holy Smite, Level 48, 9 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Guard Reinforce, Level 22, 15 AP ~Soul Crush - Wheeling Ripper, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - Lay Up Sword -> Tri Crusade -> Resonate Pain ---------- \Rasheeka/ Three Size: B83/W59/H84 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19169 HP, 201 STR, 117 INT, 200 DEX, 150 AGL, 139 CON ~Elemental Resist - 5% Flame/Ice/Thunder/Earth, Minus 10% Holy/Darkness ~Default Skills - Missile Protection ~Normal Attacks - Assault Step, Default, 5 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Over Spin, Default, 6 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment - Lay Up Sword, Default, 8 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Double Wind, Level 8, 8 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Shadow Snap, Level 16, 7 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 24, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Energy Steal, Level 32, 8 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Misty Phantom, Level 40, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Resonate Pain, Level 48, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Explosion, Level 34, 20 AP ~Soul Crush - Wheeling Ripper, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - Lay Up Sword -> Over Spin -> Tri Crusade ---------- \Crescent/ Three Size: B81/W57/H83 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18700 HP, 244 STR, 181 INT, 178 DEX, 220 AGL, 181 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Flame, Minus 25% Earth ~Default Skills - Guts ~Normal Attacks - Over Spin, Default, 6 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment - Shadow Snap, Default, 7 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Magic Lock, Default, 7 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Assault Step, Level 7, 5 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Lay Down Sword, Level 14, 7 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Lay Up Sword, Level 22, 8 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 30, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Soul Piercing, Level 38, 8 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Misty Phantom, Level 46, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Might Reinforce, Level 15, 18 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 25, 15 AP ~Soul Crush - Wheeling Ripper, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - Lay Up Sword -> Lay Down Sword -> Misty Phantom - Tri Crusade -> Lay Down Sword -> Misty Phantom ------ \Lwyn/ Three Size: B83/W60/H85 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19159 HP, 231 STR, 132 INT, 220 DEX, 221 AGL, 142 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Earth, Minus 25% Holy ~Default Skills - UnHoly Slayer ~Normal Attacks - Assault Step, Default, 5 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Over Spin, Default, 6 AP, 13*1 Gauge Increment - Lay Down Sword, Default, 7 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Surprise Throw, Level 7, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Tri Crusade, Level 12, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Shadow Snap, Level 17, 7 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Misty Phantom, Level 22, 9 AP, 2*4 Gauge Increment - Energy Steal, Level 30, 8 AP, 3*2 Gauge Increment - Soul Piercing, Level 38, 8 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Second Ruin, Item In Floor 3 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 2*6 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Ordinary Shave, Level 14, 12 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 24, 15 AP - Astral Maze, Level 44, 24 AP ~Soul Crush - Wheeling Ripper, Default, 46 Gauge Increment, 12 Hits ~Combo Examples - Surprise Throw -> Shadow Snap -> Energy Steal - Tri Crusade -> Lay Down Sword -> Misty Phantom - Misty Phantom -> Energy Steal -> Surprise Throw ------- \Kraad/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 32032 HP, 359 STR, 100 INT, 142 DEX, 137 AGL, 207 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Flame, Minus 20% Earth ~Default Skills - Iron Fist ~Normal Attacks - Over Left, Default, 6 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Side Swing Cut, Default, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Sweep Dive, Default, 9 AP, 15*1 Gauge Increment - Iron Bash, Level 8, 6 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Quick Stab, Level 16, 5 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Dreaded Radius, Level 24, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Remove Hard, Level 32, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Blast Kick, Level 40, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Bloody Cascade, Level 48, 13 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Sonic Edge, Item In Floor 2 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Soul Evocation, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 4 Hits ~Combo Examples - Sweep Dive -> Over Left -> Iron Bash - Bloody Cascade -> Sweep Dive -> Over Left -------- \Roland/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 28009 HP, 447 STR, 101 INT, 140 DEX, 136 AGL, 207 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Thunder, Minus 20% Darkness ~Default Skills - Spirit Control ~Normal Attacks - Side Swing Cut, Default, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Structure Shoot, Default, 8 AP, 11*1 Gauge Increment - Buster Swing, Default, 8 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Blast Kick, Level 8, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Over Left, Level 16, 6 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Dreaded Radius, Level 24, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Bloody Cascade, Level 32, 13 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Forbid Noise, Level 40, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Current Spine, Level 48, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Sonic Edge, Item In Floor 2 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Soul Evocation, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 4 Hits ~Combo Examples - Structure Shoot -> Over Left -> Side Swing Cut ------- \Aaron/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18725 HP, 361 STR, 101 INT, 140 DEX, 123 AGL, 207 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Ice, Minus 20% Thunder ~Default Skills - Might Blow ~Normal Attacks - Quick Stab, Default, 5 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Side Swing Cut, Default, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Structure Shoot, Default, 8 AP, 11*1 Gauge Increment - Buster Swing, Level 6, 8 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Sweep Dive, Level 14, 9 AP, 15*1 Gauge Increment - Iron Bash, Level 23, 6 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Dreaded Radius, Level 31, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Blast Kick, Level 40, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Bloody Cascade, Level 48, 13 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Sonic Edge, Item In Floor 2 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Soul Evocation, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 4 Hits ~Combo Examples - Iron Bash -> Blast Kick -> Sweep Dive - Dreaded Radius -> Buster Swing -> Sweep Dive ------- \Zunde/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 25046 HP, 443 STR, 100 INT, 180 DEX, 104 AGL, 174 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Darkness, Minus 20% Flame ~Default Skills - Giant Killer ~Normal Attacks - Over Left, Default, 6 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Sweep Dive, Default, 9 AP, 15*1 Gauge Increment - Dreaded Radius, Default, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Blast Kick, Level 3, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Side Swing Cut, Level 14, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Quick Stab, Level 23, 5 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Buster Swing, Level 31, 8 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Structure Shoot, Level 40, 8 AP, 11*1 Gauge Increment - Bloody Cascade, Level 48, 13 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Sonic Edge, Item In Floor 2 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Soul Evocation, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 4 Hits ~Combo Examples - Dreaded Radius -> Buster Swing -> Sweep Dive - Sweep Dive -> Buster Swing -> Over Left - Bloody Cascade -> Sweep Dive -> Over Left ----- \Dyn/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 28014 HP, 362 STR, 102 INT, 175 DEX, 153 AGL, 202 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Flame/Holy/Darkness, Minus 20% Thunder/Earth ~Default Skills - Regeneration Heal ~Normal Attacks - Quick Stab, Default, 5 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Bloody Cascade, Default, 13 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Lower Split, Default, 8 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Armed Break, Level 6, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Iron Bash, Level 14, 6 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Buster Swing, Level 23, 8 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Sweep Dive, Level 31, 9 AP, 15*1 Gauge Increment - Current Spine, Level 40, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Dreaded Radius, Level 48, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Sonic Edge, Item In Floor 2 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Soul Evocation, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 4 Hits ~Combo Examples - Dreaded Radius -> Buster Swing -> Sweep Dive - Iron Bash -> Sweep Dive -> Current Spine -------- \Adonis/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 28009 HP, 451 STR, 100 INT, 182 DEX, 153 AGL, 236 CON ~Elemental Resist - 10% Flame/Ice/Thunder/Earth/Darkness, Minus 30% Holy ~Default Skills - Observation ~Normal Attacks - Armed Break, Default, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Blast Kick, Default, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Remove Hard, Default, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Quick Stab, Level 7, 5 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Over Left, Level 15, 6 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Sweep Dive, Level 23, 9 AP, 15*1 Gauge Increment - Iron Bash, Level 31, 6 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Bloody Cascade, Level 40, 13 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Dreaded Radius, Level 48, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Sonic Edge, Item In Floor 2 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Soul Evocation, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 4 Hits ~Combo Examples - Bloody Cascade -> Sweep Dive -> Dreaded Radius - Bloody Cascade -> Sweep Dive -> Over Left ------ \Falx/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 26059 HP, 324 STR, 122 INT, 143 DEX, 122 AGL, 191 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Darkness, Minus 20% Ice ~Default Skills - Ghost Buster ~Normal Attacks - Side Swing Cut, Default, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Buster Swing, Default, 8 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Lower Split, Default, 8 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Quick Stab, Level 7, 5 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Over Left, Level 15, 6 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Forbid Noise, Level 23, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Dreaded Radius, Level 32, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Bloody Cascade, Level 40, 13 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Current Spine, Level 48, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Sonic Edge, Item In Floor 2 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Soul Evocation, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 4 Hits ~Combo Examples - Buster Swing -> Over Left -> Side Swing Cut ------- \Ehlen/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 28034 HP, 364 STR, 102 INT, 141 DEX, 139 AGL, 206 CON ~Elemental Resist - 5% Flame/Ice/Thunder/Earth/Holy/Darkness ~Default Skills - Double Edge ~Normal Attacks - Structure Shoot, Default, 8 AP, 11*1 Gauge Increment - Dreaded Radius, Default, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Buster Swing, Default, 8 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Side Swing Cut, Level 8, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Forbid Noise, Level 16, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Blast Kick, Level 24, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Current Spine, Level 32, 8 AP, 3*3 Gauge Increment - Bloody Cascade, Level 40, 13 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Sweep Dive, Level 48, 9 AP, 15*1 Gauge Increment - Sonic Edge, Item In Floor 2 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Soul Evocation, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 4 Hits ~Combo Examples - Bloody Cascade -> Sweep Dive -> Current Spine - Dreaded Radius -> Buster Swing -> Sweep Dive ------- \Guilm/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 32082 HP, 324 STR, 101 INT, 106 DEX, 102 AGL, 237 CON ~Elemental Resist - 10% Ice/Thunder/Holy/Darkness, Minus 20% Flame/Earth ~Default Skills - Toughness, First Aid ~Normal Attacks - Over Left, Default, 6 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Dreaded Radius, Default, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Remove Hard, Default, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Iron Bash, Level 9, 6 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Armed Break, Level 14, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Buster Swing, Level 26, 8 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Blast Kick, Level 34, 7 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Quick Stab, Level 42, 5 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Sweep Dive, Level 50, 9 AP, 15*1 Gauge Increment - Sonic Edge, Item In Floor 2 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Soul Evocation, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 4 Hits ~Combo Examples - Dreaded Radius -> Buster Swing -> Sweep Dive - Quick Stab -> Over Left -> Iron Bash -------- \Gerald/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 32042 HP, 360 STR, 106 INT, 137 DEX, 102 AGL, 204 CON ~Elemental Resist - Minus 5% Flame/Ice/Thunder/Holy/Darkness, 25% Earth ~Default Skills - Dragon Slayer ~Normal Attacks - Armed Break, Default, 7 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Quick Stab, Default, 5 AP, 8*1 Gauge Increment - Lower Split, Default, 8 AP, 5*2 Gauge Increment - Buster Swing, Level 8, 8 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Iron Bash, Level 16, 6 AP, 12*1 Gauge Increment - Sweep Dive, Level 24, 9 AP, 15*1 Gauge Increment - Dreaded Radius, Level 32, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Over Left, Level 40, 6 AP, 14*1 Gauge Increment - Bloody Cascade, Level 48, 13 AP, 4*2 Gauge Increment - Sonic Edge, Item In Floor 2 Of Seraphic Gate, 10 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment ~Soul Crush - Soul Evocation, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 4 Hits ~Combo Examples - Buster Swing -> Iron Bash -> Quick Stab - Bloody Cascade -> Sweep Dive -> Over Left - Dreaded Radius -> Buster Swing -> Sweep Dive ---------- \Chrystie/ Three Size: B83/W57/H84 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19113 HP, 206 STR, 146 INT, 221 DEX, 124 AGL, 116 CON ~Elemental Resist - 10% Holy/Darkness ~Default Skills - Protect Magic ~Normal Attacks - Single Shot, Default, 4 AP, 7*1 Gauge Increment - Three Way, Default, 6 AP, 5*3 Gauge Increment - Dual Task, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Star Dust, Level 8, 7 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Slot Shoot, Level 16, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Wave Motion, Level 24, 7 AP, 9*2 Gauge Increment - Flame Shoot, Level 32, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Rising Wisp, Level 40, 8 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment - Restrict Distortion, Level 48, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Buster Shoot, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Ordinary Shave, Level 14, 12 AP - Cure Plums, Level 23, 35 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 45, 40 AP ~Soul Crush - Crumble Gust, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Star Dust -> Single Shot -> Dual Task - Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -> Rising Wisp - Flame Shoot -> Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -------- \Shakon/ Three Size: B80/W56/H81 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 21092 HP, 218 STR, 146 INT, 225 DEX, 142 AGL, 138 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Flame/Thunder, Minus 20% Ice/Earth ~Default Skills - Lost Emotion ~Normal Attacks - Dual Task, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Poison Shoot, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Restrict Distortion, Default, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Flare Shoot, Level 8, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Aiming Wisp, Level 17, 7 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Flake Flap, Level 24, 9 AP, 3*8 Gauge Increment - Weathering Order, Level 31, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Flame Shoot, Level 39, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Wave Motion, Level 46, 7 AP, 9*2 Gauge Increment - Buster Shoot, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Prevent Sorcery, Level 20, 15 AP ~Soul Crush - Crumble Gust, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Restrict Distortion -> Aiming Wisp -> Flake Flap ---------- \Millidia/ Three Size: B79/W54/H78 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 21119 HP, 211 STR, 100 INT, 159 DEX, 112 AGL, 119 CON ~Elemental Resist - Minus 5% Flame/Ice/Thunder/Earth/Holy/Darkness ~Default Skills - Demon Slayer ~Normal Attacks - Single Shot, Default, 4 AP, 7*1 Gauge Increment - Dual Task, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Poison Shoot, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Weathering Order, Level 9, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Slot Shoot, Level 17, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Flare Shoot, Level 26, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Flake Flap, Level 35, 9 AP, 3*8 Gauge Increment - Star Dust, Level 43, 7 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Flame Shoot, Level 52, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Buster Shoot, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Spell Reinforce, Level 55, 18 AP - Explosion, Level 65, 20 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 85, 20 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 86, 15 AP - Reduce Power, Level 88, 15 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 89, 20 AP - Astral Maze, Level 90, 24 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 91, 15 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 92, 22 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 93, 15 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 94, 18 AP - Chaotic Rune, Level 95, 24 AP - Ordinary Shave, Level 96, 12 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 97, 20 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 97, 28 AP - Cure Plums, Level 98, 35 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 99, 40 AP ~Soul Crush - Crumble Gust, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Star Dust -> Single Shot -> Dual Task ------- \Lylia/ Three Size: B84/W58/H85 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 21120 HP, 209 STR, 142 INT, 154 DEX, 114 AGL, 139 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Holy, Minus 20% Flame ~Default Skills - Vital Adjustment ~Normal Attacks - Aiming Wisp, Default, 7 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Single Shot, Default, 4 AP, 7*1 Gauge Increment - Rising Wisp, Default, 8 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment - Dual Task, Level 8, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Flare Shoot, Level 17, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Star Dust, Level 25, 7 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Slot Shoot, Level 33, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Wave Motion, Level 42, 7 AP, 9*2 Gauge Increment - Restrict Distortion, Level 50, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Buster Shoot, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Guard Reinforce, Level 10, 15 AP - Ordinary Shave, Level 23, 12 AP - Astral Maze, Level 44, 24 AP ~Soul Crush - Crumble Gust, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Rising Wisp -> Aiming Wisp -> Star Dust - Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -> Rising Wisp ------- \Ehrde/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18615 HP, 206 STR, 142 INT, 252 DEX, 147 AGL, 116 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Earth/Darkness, Minus 20% Ice ~Default Skills - Magic Slayer ~Normal Attacks - Dual Task, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Flame Shoot, Default, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Poison Shoot, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Single Shot, Level 8, 4 AP, 7*1 Gauge Increment - Slot Shoot, Level 16, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Restrict Distortion, Level 24, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Weathering Order, Level 32, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Star Dust, Level 40, 7 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Rising Wisp, Level 48, 8 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment - Buster Shoot, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Reduce Guard, Level 15, 15 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 35, 15 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 42, 28 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 45, 22 AP ~Soul Crush - Crumble Gust, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -> Dual Task - Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -> Rising Wisp - Flame Shoot -> Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust --------- \Phyress/ Three Size: B83/W57/H84 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19115 HP, 209 STR, 186 INT, 251 DEX, 146 AGL, 118 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Flame ~Default Skills - Feint ~Normal Attacks - Flare Shoot, Default, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Flame Shoot, Default, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Flake Flap, Default, 9 AP, 3*8 Gauge Increment - Poison Shoot, Level 7, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Weathering Order, Level 15, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Slot Shoot, Level 22, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Restrict Distortion, Level 30, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Star Dust, Level 37, 7 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Aiming Wisp, Level 45, 7 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Buster Shoot, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Explosion, Level 20, 20 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 38, 20 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 43, 20 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 52, 20 AP ~Soul Crush - Crumble Gust, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Flame Shoot -> Flake Flap -> Flare Shoot - Flame Shoot -> Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -------- \Arcana/ Three Size: B81/W57/H83 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18612 HP, 200 STR, 144 INT, 212 DEX, 121 AGL, 137 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Ice, Minus 20% Thunder ~Default Skills - Heroism ~Normal Attacks - Wave Motion, Default, 7 AP, 9*2 Gauge Increment - Weathering Order, Default, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Star Dust, Default, 7 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Three Way, Level 7, 6 AP, 5*3 Gauge Increment - Flare Shoot, Level 16, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Flake Flap, Level 24, 9 AP, 3*8 Gauge Increment - Slot Shoot, Level 32, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Aiming Wisp, Level 40, 7 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Restrict Distortion, Level 48, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Buster Shoot, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Cure Plums, Level 25, 35 AP ~Soul Crush - Crumble Gust, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Aiming Wisp -> Star Dust -> Three Way ---------- \Sophalla/ Three Size: B88/W62/H86 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19115 HP, 198 STR, 144 INT, 218 DEX, 142 AGL, 160 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Earth, Minus 20% Darkness ~Default Skills - Cure Condition ~Normal Attacks - Three Way, Default, 6 AP, 5*3 Gauge Increment - Dual Task, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Poison Shoot, Default, 6 AP, 9*1 Gauge Increment - Weathering Order, Level 8, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Wave Motion, Level 16, 7 AP, 9*2 Gauge Increment - Slot Shoot, Level 24, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Restrict Distortion, Level 32, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Aiming Wisp, Level 40, 7 AP, 4*3 Gauge Increment - Star Dust, Level 48, 7 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Buster Shoot, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Ordinary Shave, Level 25, 12 AP ~Soul Crush - Crumble Gust, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Poison Shoot -> Weathering Order -> Slot Shoot - Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -> Dual Task --------- \Atracia/ Three Size: B87/W61/H85 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18620 HP, 202 STR, 140 INT, 197 DEX, 144 AGL, 157 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Holy/Darkness, Minus 20% Thunder/Earth ~Default Skills - Beast Slayer ~Normal Attacks - Dual Task, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Flare Shoot, Default, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Flake Flap, Default, 9 AP, 3*8 Gauge Increment - Weathering Order, Level 8, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Three Way, Level 16, 6 AP, 5*3 Gauge Increment - Flame Shoot, Level 24, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Star Dust, Level 32, 7 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Rising Wisp, Level 40, 8 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment - Restrict Distortion, Level 48, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Buster Shoot, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Prevent Sorcery, Level 13, 15 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 45, 22 AP ~Soul Crush - Crumble Gust, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Rising Wisp -> Flake Flap -> Three Way - Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -> Dual Task - Flame Shoot -> Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust ------- \Lydia/ Three Size: B83/W58/H85 ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19125 HP, 218 STR, 142 INT, 256 DEX, 148 AGL, 140 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Ice, Minus 20% Holy ~Default Skills - True Seeing ~Normal Attacks - Weathering Order, Default, 7 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Star Dust, Default, 7 AP, 3*4 Gauge Increment - Dual Task, Default, 6 AP, 6*2 Gauge Increment - Wave Motion, Level 8, 7 AP, 9*2 Gauge Increment - Slot Shoot, Level 16, 6 AP, 10*1 Gauge Increment - Flake Flap, Level 23, 9 AP, 3*8 Gauge Increment - Rising Wisp, Level 31, 8 AP, 7*2 Gauge Increment - Restrict Distortion, Level 38, 8 AP, 3*# Gauge Increment - Flame Shoot, Level 46, 9 AP, 16*1 Gauge Increment - Buster Shoot, Item In Floor 5 Of Seraphic Gate, 9 AP, 18*1 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Reduce Guard, Level 12, 15 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 35, 18 AP ~Soul Crush - Crumble Gust, Default, 58 Gauge Increment, 20 Hits ~Combo Examples - Wave Motion -> Dual Task -> Star Dust - Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -> Dual Task - Flame Shoot -> Restrict Distortion -> Star Dust -------- \Mithra/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18247 HP, 116 STR, 313 INT, 109 DEX, 144 AGL, 122 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Flame+Ice, Minus 20% Thunder+Darkness ~Default Skills - Break Up ~Normal Magic - Cool Damsel, Default, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Lightning Bolt, Level 8, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Burn Storm, Level 16, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Poison Blow, Level 28, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 43, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 55, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Ordinary Shave, Level 5, 12 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 10, 20 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 12, 18 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 18, 20 AP - Cure Plums, Level 20, 35 AP - Reduce Power, Level 22, 15 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 25, 15 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 30, 40 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 32, 18 AP - Explosion, Level 34, 20 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 36, 15 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 38, 15 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 41, 20 AP - Astral Maze, Level 45, 24 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 48, 28 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 51, 22 AP ~Soul Crush - Tidal Wave, Default, 68 Gauge Increment, 2 Hits ----- \Alm/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18249 HP, 112 STR, 313 INT, 103 DEX, 106 AGL, 121 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Thunder, Minus 20% Flame ~Default Skills - Over Load ~Normal Magic - Lightning Bolt, Default, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Cool Damsel, Level 8, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Poison Blow, Level 16, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Burn Storm, Level 28, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 43, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 45, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Reduce Power, Level 5, 15 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 10, 20 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 12, 15 AP - Explosion, Level 18, 20 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 20, 15 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 22, 18 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 25, 18 AP - Ordinary Shave, Level 30, 12 AP - Cure Plums, Level 32, 35 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 34, 20 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 36, 15 AP - Chaotic Rune, Level 38, 24 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 41, 20 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 48, 28 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 51, 22 AP - Astral Maze, Level 55, 24 AP ~Soul Crush - Precede Gravity, Default, 30 Gauge Increment, 1 Hit -------- \Woltar/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19214 HP, 110 STR, 311 INT, 109 DEX, 102 AGL, 171 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Thunder, Minus 20% Flame ~Default Skills - Plant Slayer ~Normal Magic - Poison Blow, Default, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Burn Storm, Level 8, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Lightning Bolt, Level 16, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Cool Damsel, Level 28, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 45, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 48, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Ordinary Shave, Level 5, 12 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 10, 20 AP - Cure Plums, Level 12, 35 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 18, 20 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 20, 18 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 22, 15 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 25, 18 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 30, 40 AP - Reduce Power, Level 32, 15 AP - Explosion, Level 34, 20 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 36, 15 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 38, 15 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 41, 20 AP - Astral Maze, Level 43, 24 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 51, 22 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 55, 28 AP ~Soul Crush - Growdy Harm, Default, 62 Gauge Increment, 2 Hits -------- \Khanon/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 20195 HP, 104 STR, 290 INT, 102 DEX, 102 AGL, 205 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Darkness, Minus 20% Earth ~Default Skills - Solitary Struggle ~Normal Magic - Poison Blow, Default, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Burn Storm, Level 8, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Lightning Bolt, Level 16, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Cool Damsel, Level 28, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 45, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 55, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Guard Reinforce, Level 5, 15 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 10, 20 AP - Reduce Power, Level 12, 15 AP - Explosion, Level 18, 20 AP - Cure Plums, Level 20, 35 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 22, 18 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 25, 15 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 30, 18 AP - Ordinary Shave, Level 32, 12 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 34, 20 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 36, 15 AP - Chaotic Rune, Level 38, 24 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 41, 20 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 43, 28 AP - Astral Maze, Level 48, 24 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 51, 22 AP ~Soul Crush - Growdy Harm, Default, 62 Gauge Increment, 2 Hits -------- \Psoron/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 18232 HP, 104 STR, 337 INT, 101 DEX, 102 AGL, 169 CON ~Elemental Resist - 10% Flame/Ice/Thunder/Earth, Minus 20% Holy/Darkness ~Default Skills - Mind Burst ~Normal Magic - Burn Storm, Default, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Poison Blow, Level 8, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Lightning Bolt, Level 16, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Cool Damsel, Level 28, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 45, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 55, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Guard Reinforce, Default, 15 AP - Explosion, Level 10, 20 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 12, 15 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 18, 20 AP - Reduce Power, Level 20, 15 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 22, 18 AP - Cure Plums, Level 25, 35 AP - Ordinary Shave, Level 30, 12 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 32, 18 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 34, 20 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 38, 40 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 40, 15 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 41, 20 AP - Astral Maze, Level 43, 24 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 48, 28 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 55, 22 AP ~Soul Crush - Grand Trigger, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 5 Hits -------- \Farant/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19184 HP, 115 STR, 332 INT, 103 DEX, 198 AGL, 203 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Holy, Minus 20% Darkness ~Default Skills - Resist Magic ~Normal Magic - Lightning Bolt, Default, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Cool Damsel, Level 8, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Burn Storm, Level 16, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Poison Blow, Level 28, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 45, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 48, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Ordinary Shave, Level 5, 12 AP - Explosion, Level 10, 20 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 12, 15 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 18, 20 AP - Cure Plums, Level 20, 35 AP - Reduce Power, Level 22, 15 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 25, 15 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 30, 18 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 32, 18 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 34, 20 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 36, 15 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 38, 40 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 41, 20 AP - Astral Maze, Level 43, 24 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 51, 22 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 55, 28 AP ~Soul Crush - Precede Gravity, Default, 30 Gauge Increment, 1 Hit --------- \Seluvia/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19188 HP, 116 STR, 312 INT, 101 DEX, 198 AGL, 203 CON ~Elemental Resist - None ~Default Skills - God Slayer ~Normal Magic - Lightning Bolt, Default, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Burn Storm, Level 8, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Cool Damsel, Level 16, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Poison Blow, Level 28, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 45, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 55, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Ordinary Shave, Level 5, 12 AP - Explosion, Level 10, 20 AP - Cure Plums, Level 12, 35 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 18, 20 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 20, 15 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 22, 40 AP - Reduce Power, Level 25, 15 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 30, 18 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 32, 18 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 34, 20 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 36, 15 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 38, 15 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 41, 20 AP - Astral Maze, Level 43, 24 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 48, 28 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 51, 22 AP ~Soul Crush - Precede Gravity, Default, 30 Gauge Increment, 1 Hit -------- \Xehnon/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 17272 HP, 104 STR, 337 INT, 101 DEX, 102 AGL, 118 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Flame, Minus 20% Holy ~Default Skills - Magic Control ~Normal Magic - Burn Storm, Default, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Poison Blow, Level 6, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Lightning Bolt, Level 15, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Cool Damsel, Level 27, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 42, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 54, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Cure Plums, Level 5, 35 AP - Explosion, Level 9, 20 AP - Ordinary Shave, Level 12, 12 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 17, 20 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 20, 15 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 22, 18 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 25, 18 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 30, 40 AP - Reduce Power, Level 32, 15 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 33, 20 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 35, 15 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 38, 15 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 40, 20 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 44, 28 AP - Astral Maze, Level 47, 24 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 50, 22 AP - Chaotic Rune, Level 52, 24 AP ~Soul Crush - Grand Trigger, Default, 36 Gauge Increment, 5 Hits -------- \Masato/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 17272 HP, 110 STR, 311 INT, 109 DEX, 104 AGL, 121 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Earth, Minus 20% Darkness ~Default Skills - Insect Slayer ~Normal Magic - Poison Blow, Default, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Burn Storm, Level 8, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Lightning Bolt, Level 16, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Cool Damsel, Level 28, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 45, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 48, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Reduce Guard, Level 5, 15 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 10, 20 AP - Reduce Power, Level 12, 15 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 18, 20 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 20, 18 AP - Cure Plums, Level 22, 35 AP - Ordinary Shave, Level 25, 12 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 30, 15 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 32, 18 AP - Explosion, Level 34, 20 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 36, 15 AP - Chaotic Rune, Level 38, 24 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 41, 20 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 43, 28 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 51, 22 AP - Astral Maze, Level 55, 24 AP ~Soul Crush - Growdy Harm, Default, 62 Gauge Increment, 2 Hits ------- \Aegis/ ~Level 99 Stats (Example) - 19194 HP, 110 STR, 332 INT, 101 DEX, 194 AGL, 169 CON ~Elemental Resist - 20% Darkness, Minus 20% Ice ~Default Skills - Scale Slasher ~Normal Magic - Cool Damsel, Default, 16 AP, 8+7+9 Gauge Increment - Poison Blow, Level 8, 17 AP, 28 Gauge Increment - Lightning Bolt, Level 16, 17 AP, 4*# Gauge Increment - Burn Storm, Level 28, 18 AP, 25 Gauge Increment - Prismic Missile, Level 45, 21 AP, 5*# Gauge Increment - Dark Savior, Level 48, 21 AP, 9+6+14 Gauge Increment ~Menu Magic - Ordinary Shave, Level 5, 12 AP - Thunder Storm, Level 10, 20 AP - Guard Reinforce, Level 12, 15 AP - Glacial Blizzard, Level 18, 20 AP - Cure Plums, Level 20, 35 AP - Reduce Power, Level 22, 15 AP - Reduce Guard, Level 25, 15 AP - Spell Reinforce, Level 30, 18 AP - Might Reinforce, Level 32, 18 AP - Explosion, Level 34, 20 AP - Prevent Sorcery, Level 36, 15 AP - Evoke Feather, Level 38, 40 AP - Earth Glaive, Level 41, 20 AP - Reflect Sorcery, Level 51, 22 AP - Spiritual Zone, Level 55, 28 AP - Astral Maze, Level 43, 24 AP ~Soul Crush - Tidal Wave, Default, 68 Gauge Increment, 2 Hits ------------------- After you released Einferia, you can meet up with them at various places. They might also give you items: Mithra(Lost Forest) - Mithra(Mithra's Holy Water, Chapter 1 To 4) - Mithra(Mithra's Holy Water, After Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Jessica/Richelle/Sylphide(Coriander) - Jessica(Ymir's Tear, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) - Sylphide(50000 OTH, Chapter 1 To 4) - Richelle(Wiser's EXP, Chapter 1 To 4) Celes/Tyrith(Solde) - Celes(300000 OTH, After Seraphic Gate Shows Up) - Tyrith(Flawless Charm, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Kraad/Roland(Villnore) - Kraad(Silver Kraad, Chapter 1 To 4) - Roland(50000 OTH, Chapter 1 To 4) Woltar/Alm(Chateau Obsession) - Alm(50000 OTH, Chapter 1 To 4) - Woltar(Flawless Talisman, Chapter 1 To 4) Chrystie/Shakon(Kythena Plains) - Chrystie(50000 OTH, Chapter 1 To 4) - Shakon(Prism Gem, Chapter 1 To 4) - Shakon(Holy Clothes Britania Garb, After Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Lylia/Millidia(Crell Monferaigne) - Millidia(50000 OTH, Chapter 1 To 4) - Lylia(Earth Gem, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Khanon(Sukavia Gorge) - Khanon(Noble Elixir, Chapter 1 To 4) Phyress/Ehrde(Solde) - Phyress(Golden Egg, Chapter 1 To 4) - Phyress(300000 OTH, After Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Aaron/Zunde/Dyn(Coriander) - Aaron(50000 OTH, Chapter 1 To 4) - Zunde(Battle Maiden's Pendant, After Seraphic Gate Shows Up) - Dyn(Earth Gem, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Sophalla/Arcana(Kalstad) - Arcana(50000 OTH, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Psoron/Farant(Turgen Mine) - Psoron(Over Drive, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) - Farant(Over Drive, Chapter 1 To 4) Seluvia(Audoula Temple On The Lake) - Seluvia(Book Of Alchemy, After Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Fraudir/Circe/Rasheeka(Kalstad) - Circe(Kraad Mail, Chapter 1 To 4) - Fraudir(50000 OTH, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) - Rasheeka(Sage's Secret Herb, Chapter 1 To 4) Falx/Adonis(Villnore) - Adonis(Heavy Soldier's Knowledge, Chapter 1 To 4) - Falx(Wiser's EXP, After Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Lydia/Atracia(Crell Monferaigne) - Atracia(Earth Gem, After Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Xehnon/Masato(Sahma Desert) - Masato(Prime Elixir, Chapter 1 To 4) Gerald/Ehlen/Guilm(Ancient Forest) - Ehlen(50000 OTH, Chapter 1 To 4) - Guilm(Prism Gem, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) - Gerald(Goddess' Scared Herb, After Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Lwyn/Crescent(Forest Of Spirits) - Crescent(Noble Elixir, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) - Crescent(10 OTH, After Seraphic Gate Shows Up) - Lwyn(Goddess' Sacred Herb, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) Aegis(Solde) - Aegis(Book Of Alchemy, Chapter 5 To Before Seraphic Gate Shows Up) ---------------- In order to get the most amount of stat-boosting items, it is best to release an Einferia with the best equipment. You should wait and don't release any before you get to Seraphic Gate. Besides, lots of the best equipment are from Seraphic Gate: --------------- \Heavy Soldier/ (Best Equipment For Perfect Release) Broken Sword Tyrhung, Tiamat - Seraphic Gate 4F, Leader Item or Drop Item(15%) Ether Crown, Walther or Gyne - Seraphic Gate 5F, Drop Item(15%) Tyrant's Armor, Shop In Crell Monferaigne Wind Glove, Shop In Crell Monferaigne Red Boots, Crarione - Palace Of The Venerated Dragon, Lower Body Part(30%) --------------- \Light Soldier/ (Best Equipment For Perfect Release) Fear Sword Helgi, Maelstrom - Tower Of Lezard Valeth, Parasol Part(15%) Ether Crown, Walther or Gyne - Seraphic Gate 5F, Drop Item(15%) Holy Armor Aleph Strain, Back Packer - Seraphic Gate 4F, Drop Item(15%) Sword Master - Seraphic Gate 5F, Right Body Part(30%) Wind Glove, Shop In Crell Monferaigne Red Boots, Crarione - Palace Of The Venerated Dragon, Lower Body Part(30%) ------------- \Bow Fighter/ (Best Equipment For Perfect Release) Demon Bow Razor Fortel, Knee Socked Ull - Seraphic Gate 2F, Leader Item or Drop Item(15%) Ether Crown, Walther or Gyne - Seraphic Gate 5F, Drop Item(15%) Holy Clothes Sylph Red, Wotan (Odin) - Seraphic Gate 2F, Leader Item or Drop Item(100%) Wind Glove, Shop In Crell Monferaigne Red Boots, Crarione - Palace Of The Venerated Dragon, Lower Body Part(30%) ------ \Mage/ (Best Equipment For Perfect Release) Holy Staff Million Terror, Iseria Queen - Seraphic Gate 5F, Leader Item or Drop Item(100%) Ether Crown, Walther or Gyne - Seraphic Gate 5F, Drop Item(15%) Holy Clothes Sylph Red, Wotan (Odin) - Seraphic Gate 2F, Leader Item or Drop Item(100%) Wind Glove, Shop In Crell Monferaigne Red Boots, Crarione - Palace Of The Venerated Dragon, Lower Body Part(30%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each Skill has a specific Rune Combo. In order to learn Skills, you will need to equip the proper colored Runes to match the Rune Combo. Next, you will need to fight in battles for Skill Points to raise the Percentages. Once those Percentages reach 100%, you will get the Skills. More, you still need to equip the Skills from the Menu and how many you can equip will depend on the Capacity Point/CP you have. As for the Runes, just check the Equipment for these: Slash Rune - Hit Rune - Penetrate Rune - Head Rune - Arm Rune Leg Rune - Body Rune - Flame Rune - Ice Rune - Thunder Rune Earth Rune - Holy Rune - Darkness Rune - Creation Rune - Display Rune Refine Rune - Cure Rune - Resist Rune - Strengthen Rune - Weaken Rune You start with 4 CP. You get 2 CP every 10 Level. At Level 10, you have 6 CP; At Level 20, you have 8 CP; At Level 30, you have 10 CP; At Level 40, you have 12 CP which is also the MAX. As for Skill Points, they are gained through battles using this formula: Skill Point = 100*(Enemy Leader Level - Own Party Average Level)/2 - If the value within the bracket is below 0, then make it 0.5 In short, prepare 3 Einferia and try to keep them at Level 1. Get those 3 in battle along with the 4th one(the character you want to obtain lots of Skill Points with), then let those 3 die on purpose. Don't worry, the formula even counts the dead. With this trick, any Skill can be learned in few battles at the later part of the game and even in just one battle if it is a boss fight. In order to get 3 Einferia at Level 1, don't train Alicia and Rufus at the beginning of the game. That way, Mithra, Richelle/Sylphide/Jessica and Kraad/ Roland will all be at Level 1 when they join. If you don't want to level up those three Level 1 Einferia but want to get Skill Points for them, you can try the Sealed Stone Gold-Eating Insect's Reason which gives no EXP but three time the OTH. When linking up Runes to learn Skills, you can also link up Accessories along the way. You can get Effect-Boost depending on how many are linked: 2-Squares Link -> 1.5 Times The Unique Effects Of All Linked Accessories 3-Squares Link -> 2 Times The Unique Effects Of All Linked Accessories 4-Squares Link -> 2.5 Times The Unique Effects Of All Linked Accessories 5-Squares Link -> 3 Times The Unique Effects Of All Linked Accessories 6-Squares Link -> 3.25 Times The Unique Effects Of All Linked Accessories 7-Squares Link -> 3.5 Times The Unique Effects Of All Linked Accessories 8-Squares Link -> 3.75 Times The Unique Effects Of All Linked Accessories 9-Squares Link -> 4 Times The Unique Effects Of All Linked Accessories --------------- \Status Skills/ ~Iron Fist CP: 2 Rune Combo: Blue (Body + Flame) Effect: 1.2 times ATK in battle ~Mind Burst CP: 2 Rune Combo: Blue (Body + Ice) Effect: 1.2 times MAG in battle ~Hard Body CP: 2 Rune Combo: Blue (Body + Earth) Effect: 1.5 times RDM in battle ~Resist Magic CP: 2 Rune Combo: Blue (Body + Thunder) Effect: 1.5 times RST in battle ~Adversity CP: 2 Rune Combo: Red (Body + Flame + Ice + Earth + Thunder) Effect: ATK, MAG, HIT, AVD, RDM and RST up when there are more enemies than allies - One difference means 20% up ~Heroism CP: 2 Rune Combo: Red (Body + Flame + Strengthen) Effect: 20% up on given damage with each one enemy killed - Limit is +300% ~Feint CP: 3 Rune Combo: Red (Head + Arm + Display + Ice) Effect: Add ATK and MAG as the strength of the given damage when attacking ~Toughness CP: 5 Rune Combo: Green (Body + Leg + Flame) Effect: 2 times HP in battle ~Training CP: 3 Rune Combo: Red (Leg + Strengthen + Weaken) Effect: 1.5 times EXP but ATK, MAG, HIT, AVD, RDM and RST down by 20% ~Observation CP: 5 Rune Combo: Green (Body + Flame + Strengthen) Effect: ATK, MAG, HIT, AVD, RDM and RST up as time passes by - 10% up in about one minute - Limit is +100% ~Solitary Struggle CP: 4 Rune Combo: Green (Body + Flame + Resist) Effect: ATK, MAG, HIT, AVD, RDM and RST up by 20% with each dead ally --------------- \Attack Skills/ ~Might Blow CP: 2 Rune Combo: Blue (Slash + Thunder + Strengthen) Effect: Low chance to attach Stun effect and 2 times Guard Break ~Break Up CP: 2 Rune Combo: Blue (Arm + Slash + Display + Strengthen) Effect: Add 40% to the percentage of Break Mode when breaking a part - 10% up each time you broke a part instead the default 5% ~Spirit Control CP: 3 Rune Combo: Red (Arm + Slash + Thunder) Effect: More Purple Flame Stone in battle ~Heat Up CP: 4 Rune Combo: Red (Body + Slash + Strengthen) Effect: 1.2 times the Heat increment for the Heat/Soul Crush Gauge ~Double Edge CP: 5 Rune Combo: Red (Slash + Penetrate + Arm + Refine) Effect: # of Hits per attack increases by one Weapons With Same Effect: Chain Bow Double Cross, Famous Blade May Rain ~Over Load CP: 4 Rune Combo: Red (Head + Ice + Darkness + Display) Effect: 1.5 times the damage of offensive magic but the magic can also damage the allies ~Triple Edge CP: 6 Rune Combo: Green (Penetrate + Hit + Refine + Creation) Effect: # of Hits per attack increases by two ---------------- \Defense Skills/ ~Guts CP: 3 Rune Combo: Blue (Body + Cure + Refine) Effect: When the bearer has more than 10% of the MAX HP, HP will be one instead of zero after receiving deadly damage ~Reflex Movement CP: 2 Rune Combo: Blue (Body + Leg + Thunder) Effect: Guard or Evade even during the midst of Knock Back ~Protect Magic CP: 2 Rune Combo: Blue (Head + Hit + Ice + Resist) Effect: Able to Guard or Evade Magic or Magic Based Attacks ~Cure Condition CP: 3 Rune Combo: Blue (Body + Earth + Cure + Resist) Effect: Halve the time to cure Bad Status Accessories With Same Effect: Radish, Fairy's Casket ~HP Reserve (100) CP: 3 Rune Combo: Blue (Body + Leg + Resist) Effect: Invalidates the 1st 100 damage the bearer received ~First Aid CP: 3 Rune Combo: Blue (Body + Cure + Holy) Effect: 50% chance of healing half of the received damage - Works BEST with Accessory Metabolizer/Heal Ring/Boss Kobold Shirt, as well as the Sealed Stone Life Spirit's Protection ~Free Item CP: 3 Rune Combo: Blue (Head + Arm + Display + Resist) Effect: Doesn't consume AP for using Items - You still can't use Items if AP = 0 ~Regeneration Heal CP: 4 Rune Combo: Red (Body + Earth + Cure) Effect: Heals (Character Level*0.75) HP in each 1.1 seconds ~HP Reserve (1000) CP: 4 Rune Combo: Green (Body + Head + Cure + Holy) Effect: Invalidates the 1st 1000 damage the bearer received ~Guard Motion CP: 4 Rune Combo: Red (Arm + Strengthen + Resist) Effect: Reduces 20% received damage but can't Guard or Evade and easier to get Bad Status ~Vital Adjustment CP: 5 Rune Combo: Green (Body + Earth + Cure) Effect: Full HP recovery after winning the battle ~HP Reserve (5000) CP: 6 Rune Combo: Blue (Body + Cure + Resist + Creation) Effect: Invalidates the 1st 5000 damage the bearer received ~Magic Control CP: 6 Rune Combo: Red (Body + Head + Ice + Display) Effect: Halve the effects of healing magic and self-received offensive magic ~Missile Protection CP: 5 Rune Combo: Red (Head + Arm + Resist) Effect: Sure-Guard all projectiles unless they are coming from the back ~Lost Motion CP: 6 Rune Combo: Blue (Head + Ice + Holy) Effect: Blocks all Bad Status and Support/Good Status ----------------- \Critical Skills/ ~True Seeing CP: 2 Rune Combo: Red (Penetrate + Flame + Strengthen) Effect: Increase Critical Rank by 2 - Rank 1 = About 12% - Rank 2 = About 16% - Rank 3 = About 20% - Rank 4 = About 23% - Rank 5 = About 27% - Rank 6 = About 35% - Rank 7 = About 47% - Rank 8 = About 55% - Rank 9 = About 63% - Rank 10 = About 78% ~Beast Slayer CP: 4 Rune Combo: Blue (Slash + Weaken + Flame) Effect: Critical rate up and 1.5 times the given damage to any Beast, plus 100% on breaking enemy parts during Critical Weapon With Same Effect: Famous Blade Tiger Cutter ~Plant Slayer CP: 2 Rune Combo: Red (Slash + Weaken + Flame) Effect: Critical rate up and 1.5 times the given damage to any Plant, plus 100% on breaking enemy parts during Critical Weapons With Same Effect: Famous Blade Lotus Breaker, Greenery Slayer ~Insect Slayer CP: 3 Rune Combo: Red (Penetrate + Weaken + Earth) Effect: Critical rate up & 1.5 times the given damage to any Insect, plus 100% on breaking enemy parts during Critical Weapon With Same Effect: Famous Blade Spider Cutter ~Magic Slayer CP: 4 Rune Combo: Red (Slash + Weaken + Display) Effect: Critical rate up and 1.5 times the given damage to any Magic, plus 100% on breaking enemy parts during Critical Weapons With Same Effect: Rune Slayer, Mage Slayer ~UnHoly Slayer CP: 4 Rune Combo: Blue (Slash + Weaken + Holy) Effect: Critical rate up & 1.5 times the given damage to any UnHoly, plus 100% on breaking enemy parts during Critical Weapon With Same Effect: Wild Chalice ~Scale Slasher CP: 4 Rune Combo: Blue (Slash + Weaken + Thunder) Effect: 1.5 times the given damage to any Scale Weapons With Same Effect: Curve Blade Harpe, Steel Spear Dinosaur ~Ghost Buster CP: 3 Rune Combo: Red (Slash + Weaken + Ice + Resist) Effect: Able to inflict Physical Damage to any Ghost Weapon With Same Effect: Sacred Sword Karlsnaut ~Giant Killer CP: 4 Rune Combo: Red (Slash + Holy + Weaken + Refine) Effect: 1.5 times the given damage to any Giant Weapons With Same Effect: Zweihander, Elchanan's Fingertip, Transparent Weapon Ether Laser ~Dragon Slayer CP: 5 Rune Combo: Green (Penetrate + Weaken + Thunder + Display) Effect: Critical rate up & 1.5 times the given damage to any Dragon, plus 100% on breaking enemy parts during Critical Weapons With Same Effect: Dragon Slayer, Dragon Slayer Modified, Bahamut Tear ~God Slayer CP: 5 Rune Combo: Green (Penetrate + Hit + Weaken + Holy) Effect: Critical rate up and 1.5 times the given damage to any God, plus 100% on breaking enemy parts during Critical Weapon With Same Effect: Criminal Sword 'The One That Slayed God' (Angel Slayer) Accessory With Same Effect: Demon Dragon's Great Horn ~Demon Slayer CP: 5 Rune Combo: Red (Penetrate + Weaken + Darkness + Refine) Effect: Critical rate up and 1.5 times the given damage to any Demon, plus 100% on breaking enemy parts during Critical Weapon With Same Effect: Demon Bullet TasLam Accessory With Same Effect: Incense ~Body Passage CP: 6 Rune Combo: Green (Arm + Darkness + Strengthen + Refine) Effect: 100% on breaking enemy parts during Critical - Works PERFECTLY with Blinking Bow Blue Gale and Holy Sword Ascalon since those 2 weapons ensure 100% Critical ~Desperation CP: 6 Rune Combo: Red (Arm + Darkness + Creation) Effect: 100% on breaking enemy parts during Critical but bearer's MAX HP = 1 ----------------- \Reaction Skills/ ~Just Guard CP: 3 Rune Combo: Red (Arm + Ice + Resist) Effect: At the moment of receiving an enemy's attack, you can Guard by pressing the bearer's assigned button with sufficient timing - The enemy can also be Down if you succeed ~Scramble Attack CP: 2 Rune Combo: Red (Head + Leg + Slash + Resist) Effect: Use the D-Pad to use the 4th Pre-Set Normal Attack to replace the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Normal Attack in battle ~Counter Attack CP: 2 Rune Combo: Blue (Head + Arm + Darkness + Resist) Effect: When the bearer Evades an enemy's attack, a Sword Icon will appear on the bearer's head then press the bearer's assigned button during that ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most parts of an enemy are easy to get if you use the right attacks. However, there are parts like a Bat's Ear, it's rather difficult. Luckily, there is an item called Prism Gem/Crystal. It attacks an enemy part randomly. You can also take out other parts then use the Prism Gem/Crystal. As for Leader Item, you need Direct Assault which means to kill the Leader while the Extend Gauge is still full. As for the drop rate, it's annoying but the game does offer a way to increase or perfect the rate. It is rather similar to Final Fantasy VII's Lucky 7/7777. Instead of doing 7777 damage, the similar effect in Valkyrie Profile 2 will increase the drop rate, as well as the critical rate. BTW, if you don't know, Lucky 7 is just HP = 7777. In Valkyrie Profile 2, it doesn't have to be 7777. It can be any number. However, 7777 or 77777 are the best and since 77777 is harder to get, HP = 7777 is the obvious BEST choice. Anyway, you will need any of these Accessories: - Afrohead, Lightning Kobold(Head, 30%) in Seraphic Gate 4F - Bat Umbrella, Umbrella(Right/Left Wing, 15%) in Seraphic Gate 4F - Practical Book, Dog Ahly(Upper Body, 100%) in Seraphic Gate 2/3/5F - Sacred OOPARTS, Sacred Sack(Body, 15%) in Hall Of Valhalla - Solomon's Ring, General Merchant in Asgard - Dipan's Pennant, Back Packer(Body, 5%) in Seraphic Gate 4F - Ham Star, Hamster(Drop Item, 100%) in Seraphic Gate 4F - Light Of Firefly, Phantom Flame(Right Side, 15%) in Seraphic Gate 1F As said, have identical numbers for the HP. The effect will depends on how many digits and what numbers are the same: - 2 To 5 Digits, Any Number, Critical Rate increases based on the # of Digits - 2 or 3 Digits -> 16% Increment - 4 Digits -> 20% Increment - 5 Digits -> 23% Increment - 4 To 5 Digits, 3 or 7 - If HP = 3333 or 33333, 25% Increment for Drop Rate - If HP = 7777 or 77777, Drop Rate = 100% - 4 Digits, Any Number Other Than 3 and 7 - 15% Increment for Drop Rate - ONLY for the parts with Drop Rate that's below 30% - 5 Digits, Any Number Other Than 3 and 7 - 15% Increment for Drop Rate - ONLY for the parts with Drop Rate that's below 30% As for making your HP = 7777, your MAX HP should be above 9001. Equip the Desperation skill so your HP would be 1 after a battle. Unequip the skill and use 6 Healer's Secret Herb to recover your HP to 9001. Bring the Sealed Stone Soul-Shaving Hook's Commandment with you and go in a battle. Once the 7777 gets to 7777, escape using a Book Of God Speed. Another way is to have your MAX HP above 15301. Make it down to 1 with the above method. Use 10 Healer's Secret Herb and 1 Soldier's Secret Herb, so your HP would be at 15301. Let yourself in Poison state so your HP would decrease. Once it gets to 7777, cure the Poison. Obviously, 7777 works best with Body Passage skill when using the Blinking Bow Blue Gale or Holy Sword Ascalon. ------------- \Lost Forest/ - Skeleton -> Broken Amulet(Leader Item) -> Skull Vessel(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Blue) -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Chest/Stomach, 40%) -> Onyx Crystal(Waist, 80%) -> Bone Waste(Left/Right Leg or Left/Right Arm, 20%) - Dire Wolf -> Beast Fang(Head, 30%) -> Beast Meat(Feet, 30%) -> Bone-Attached Meat(Tail, 30%) -> Beast Fur(Body, 75%) - Bullets Beetle -> Stagnant Water(Leader Item) -> Insect Thorn(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Blue) -> Amber(Left/Right Body, 50%) -> Stagnant Water(Left/Right Arm, 30%) -> Beetle's Shellpiece(Outer Wing, 50%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) ------------------------ \Royal Underground Path/ - Skeleton -> Broken Amulet(Leader Item) -> Skull Vessel(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Blue) -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Chest/Stomach, 40%) -> Onyx Crystal(Waist, 80%) -> Bone Waste(Left/Right Leg or Left/Right Arm, 20%) - Dire Wolf -> Beast Fang(Head, 30%) -> Beast Meat(Feet, 30%) -> Bone-Attached Meat(Tail, 30%) -> Beast Fur(Body, 75%) - Bullets Beetle -> Stagnant Water(Leader Item) -> Insect Thorn(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Blue) -> Amber(Left/Right Body, 50%) -> Stagnant Water(Left/Right Arm, 30%) -> Beetle's Shellpiece(Outer Wing, 50%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) - Goblin -> Leather Glove(Leader Item) -> Rune: Arm(Blue) -> Tiny Demon's Fang(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Darkness(Blue) -> Tiny Devil's Heart(Upper Body, 40%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Port Wine(Lower Body, 50%) -> Bat's Feather(Feather, 20%) -> Iron Ore(Weapon, 40%) - Skeleton Army -> Death Ash(Leader Item) -> Skull Vessel(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Blue) -> Dwarf's Sacred Herb(Chest, 40%) -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Stomach, 40%) -> Onyx Crystal(Waist, 80%) -> Bone Waste(Left/Right Leg or Left Arm, 20%) -> Long Sword(Right Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Ballistic Rhino -> Chain Mail(Leader Item) -> Rune: Body(Blue) -> Big Rump(Horn, 80%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Treaty Chain(Head, 50%) -> Rune: Holy(Blue) -> Baraka(Upper Body or Right/Left Shield Cover, 75% or 60%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Onyx Vessel(Lower Body, 80%) -> Iron Ore(Tail, 40%) -> Hollow Shell(Upper Armor, 65%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Junk Shield(Right/Left Shield, 50%) -> Spiral Arrowhead(Right/Left Arrow, 80%) -------------- \Dipan Castle/ - Goblin -> Leather Glove(Leader Item) -> Rune: Arm(Blue) -> Tiny Demon's Fang(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Darkness(Blue) -> Tiny Devil's Heart(Upper Body, 40%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Port Wine(Lower Body, 50%) -> Bat's Feather(Feather, 20%) -> Iron Ore(Weapon, 40%) - Skeleton -> Broken Amulet(Leader Item) -> Skull Vessel(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Blue) -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Chest/Stomach, 40%) -> Onyx Crystal(Waist, 80%) -> Bone Waste(Left/Right Leg or Left/Right Arm, 20%) - Skeleton Army -> Death Ash(Leader Item) -> Skull Vessel(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Blue) -> Dwarf's Sacred Herb(Chest, 40%) -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Stomach, 40%) -> Onyx Crystal(Waist, 80%) -> Bone Waste(Left/Right Leg or Left Arm, 20%) -> Long Sword(Right Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Living Armor -> Leather Boots(Leader Item) -> Rune: Leg(Blue) -> Vision Sphere(Head, 30%) -> Onyx Crystal(Upper Body, 75%) -> Hollow Shell(Lower Body, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Treaty Chain(Left/Right Arm, 30%) -> Rune: Holy(Blue) -> Sharp Brunt(Spear, 80%) - Warning Jewel -> Ritual Book(Leader Item) -> Blue Soul Flame(Core, 25%) -> Rune: Flame(Blue) - Chaos Ooze -> Earth Gem(Leader Item) -> Eye Pearl(Head, 80%) -> Rune: Weaken(Blue) -> Heart Core(Body, 100%) -> Seafood Meat(Upper Right/Left Shoulder, 80%) -> Tentacles(Upper Right/Left Arm, 60%) -> Solid Bone(Lower Right/Left Shoulder, 80%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Bone Mace(Lower Right/Left Arm, 60%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) ---------------- \Kythena Plains/ - Goblin -> Leather Glove(Leader Item) -> Rune: Arm(Blue) -> Tiny Demon's Fang(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Darkness(Blue) -> Tiny Devil's Heart(Upper Body, 40%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Port Wine(Lower Body, 50%) -> Bat's Feather(Feather, 20%) -> Iron Ore(Weapon, 40%) - Giant Bat -> Book Of God Speed(Leader Item) -> Bat's Ear(Ear, 40%) -> Rune: Weaken(Blue) -> Bone-Attached Meat(Body, 40%) -> Bat's Feather(Right/Left Wing, 20%) - Dire Wolf -> Beast Fang(Head, 30%) -> Beast Meat(Feet, 30%) -> Bone-Attached Meat(Tail, 30%) -> Beast Fur(Body, 75%) - Flying Fish -> Fish Scale(Leader Item) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Fish Scale(Front/Back Body, 40% or 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Seafood Meat(Tail Fin, 30%) - Living Armor -> Leather Boots(Leader Item) -> Rune: Leg(Blue) -> Vision Sphere(Head, 30%) -> Onyx Crystal(Upper Body, 75%) -> Hollow Shell(Lower Body, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Treaty Chain(Left/Right Arm, 30%) -> Rune: Holy(Blue) -> Sharp Brunt(Spear, 80%) - Warning Jewel -> Ritual Book(Leader Item) -> Blue Soul Flame(Core, 25%) -> Rune: Flame(Blue) ------------------------- \Serdberg Mountain Ruins/ - Owl Bear -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Beak(Head, 15%) -> Bended Claw(Upper Part Of Upper Body, 30%) -> Great Egret's Heart(Lower Part Of Upper Body, 30%) -> Feather(Waist/Lower Body, 30% or 20%) -> Blue Decoration Feather(Decoration Feather, 15%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) - Crusty Golem -> Flame Resist Amulet(Leader Item) -> Sacred Sword Karlsnaut(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Golem Eye(Head, 70%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) -> Ray Force(Core, 100%) -> Geist Core(Body, 60%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Shear(Front Right/Left Pincer, 30%) -> Bended Claw(Body Side Right/Left Pincer, 20%) -> Seafood Meat(Back/Feet, 30% or 50%) -> Blade Claw(Right/Left Tail Fin, 25%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) - Ghost -> Earth Gem(Leader Item) -> Blue Soul Flame(Center, 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Blue) -> Flare Gem(Right Side, 30%) -> Grudge Piece(Left Side, 30%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) - Kobold -> Beast Fur(Head/Upper Body, 30%) -> Iron Ore(Lower Body/Armor, 30%) -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Tail, 25%) -> Sling Top(Sling, 15%) -> Rune: Weaken(Blue) - Kobold Knight -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Beast Fur(Head/Upper Body, 30%) -> Copper Coin(Lower Body, 20%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 25%) -> Silver Sallet(Armor, 15%) -> Rune: Head(Blue) -> Kobold Lancer(Sling, 15%) - Thunder Hawk -> Book Of God Speed(Leader Item) -> Great Egret's Heart(Right Body, 40%) -> Thunder Breath Core(Left Body, 80%) -> Rune: Thunder(Blue) -> Feather(Right/Left Wing, 20%) -> Thunder-Sealed Tail Feather(Right/Left Tail, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) - Giant Hawk -> Great Egret's Heart(Right Body, 40%) -> Feather(Left Body, 30%) -> Raptorial Claw(Right/Left Wing, 15%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) - Sack Mimic -> Flawless Amulet(Leader Item) -> Thunder Gem(Drop Item, 100%) -> Brilliant Peacemaker(Body, 15%) -> Healer's Secret Herb(String, 100%) - Wyvern/Upper Lizard -> Metal Buckler(Leader Item) -> Rune: Arm(Red) -> Compass Scale(Head, 80%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Dragon's Gallstone(Upper Chest, 80%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) -> Flying Dragon's Flight Bone(Right/Left Wing, 60%) - Lower Lizard -> Holy Gem(Body, 60%) -> Dragon's Red Liver(Tail, 60%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Flying Swallow's Scale(Right/Left Front Feet, 40%) -> Dragon's Slashy Claw(Right/Left Back Feet, 40%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) ---------------- \Ancient Forest/ - Owl Bear -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Beak(Head, 15%) -> Bended Claw(Upper Part Of Upper Body, 30%) -> Great Egret's Heart(Lower Part Of Upper Body, 30%) -> Feather(Waist/Lower Body, 30% or 20%) -> Blue Decoration Feather(Decoration Feather, 15%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) - Goat Man -> Lightning Avoid Amulet(Leader Item) -> Goat's Horn(Horn, 15%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) -> Goat's Front Teeth(Head, 15%) -> Izun's Apple(Upper Body, 30%) -> Shell Shade(Front Feet, 30%) -> Armor Tail(Lower Body, 15%) -> Penetrate Seal(Right Arm, 45%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Eagle's Seal(Left Arm, 15%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Heavy Cross Bow(Bow, 30%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) - Kobold Knight -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Beast Fur(Head/Upper Body, 30%) -> Copper Coin(Lower Body, 20%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 25%) -> Silver Sallet(Armor, 15%) -> Rune: Head(Blue) -> Kobold Lancer(Sling, 15%) - Thunder Hawk -> Book Of God Speed(Leader Item) -> Great Egret's Heart(Right Body, 40%) -> Thunder Breath Core(Left Body, 80%) -> Rune: Thunder(Blue) -> Feather(Right/Left Wing, 20%) -> Thunder-Sealed Tail Feather(Right/Left Tail, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) - Dinosauroid -> Flare Gem(Leader Item) -> Flare Gem(Drop Item, 80%) -> Dragon's Red Liver(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Alligator Skin(Body/Tail, 50% or 30%) -> Scarlet Scale(Lower Body, 60%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> Bended Sword(Weapon, 50%) -> Junk Shield(Shield, 75%) -> Flare Gem(Belt, 75%) - Troll -> Iron Helm(Leader Item) -> Rune: Head(Blue) -> Huge Front Teeth(Head, 75%) -> Rune: Earth(Blue) -> Healer's Secret Herb(Upper Body, 40%) -> Heart Core(Lower Body, 40%) -> Troll Clay(Feet/Right Arm/Left Arm, 20% or 15%) - Toxic Flower -> Lily(Leader Item) -> Belladonna(Flower, 15%) -> White Petal(Upper Body, 15%) -> Poison Seed(Lower Body, 25%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) - Sack Mimic -> Flawless Amulet(Leader Item) -> Thunder Gem(Drop Item, 100%) -> Brilliant Peacemaker(Body, 15%) -> Healer's Secret Herb(String, 100%) - Griffon -> Charge Break(Leader Item) -> Emerald Formation-Sealing Vessel(Drop Item, 100%) -> Diamond(Head, 45%) -> Feather(Waist/Upper Part Of Upper Body/Lower Body, 45% or 60%) -> Great Egret's Heart(Lower Part Of Upper Body, 45%) -> Large Beast's Wing(Body Side Right/Left Back Wing, 45%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) -> Griffon's Claw(Front Right/Left Back Wing, 45%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Remex(Right/Left Front Wing, 60%) -> Pure Decoration Feather(Decoration Feather, 45%) ------------- \Turgen Mine/ - Clay Man -> Book Of Chaos(Leader Item) -> Eye Pearl(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Blue) -> Heart Core(Body, 40%) -> Electric Bone(Upper Right/Left Shoulder, 20%) -> Rune: Thunder(Blue) -> Bone Mace(Upper Right/Left Arm, 15%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Solid Bone(Lower Right/Left Shoulder, 20%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Tentacles(Lower Right/Left Arm, 15%) - Giant Snail -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(Head, 15%) -> Gas Barrel(Body, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Black Pearl(Front Shell/Both Side Middle Body, 30% or 60%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Stone Bullet(Right/Left Back Side Shell, 20%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) -> Sticky Liquid(Right/Left Middle Body, 45%) - Mirage Wasp -> Spectacles(Leader Item) -> Long Sword(Leader Item) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Legion(Main Body 1, 25%) -> Royal Jelly(Main Body 2, 15%) - Lizard Lord -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Dragon's Gallstone(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) -> Alligator Skin(Body, 40%) -> Monster's Scale(Lower Body/Tail, 75% or 20%) -> Rune: Resist(Blue) -> Penetrate Seal(Weapon, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Junk Shield(Shield, 40%) -> Fairy's Casket(Belt, 40%) - Queen Wasp -> Royal Jelly(Leader Item) -> Olive Crown(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Head(Blue) -> Great Ventral Eye(Head, 30%) -> Giant Amber(Upper Body, 75%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Royal Jelly(Stomach, 100%) -> Banshee Scale(Back, 60%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> Big Needle(Tail, 75%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Insect Hook Claw(Front/Middle/Lower Arm, 40%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Blue Feather(Upper Right/Left Feather, 30%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Tuning-Fork Feather(Lower Right/Left Feather, 30%) ---------------------------- \Audoula Temple On The Lake/ - Giant Crab -> Golem Eye(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) -> Ray Force(Core, 45%) -> Geist Core(Body, 60%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Cliff Pincer(Front Right/Left Pincer, 20%) -> Shear(Body Side Right/Left Pincer, 15%) -> Seafood Meat(Back/Feet, 30%) -> Solid Fin(Right/Left Tail Fin, 25%) -> Rune: Resist(Blue) - Skull Fish -> Fish Scale(Front Body, 15%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Seafood Meat(Back Body, 20%) -> Thunder Gem(Touch, 15%) -> Solid Fin(Tail Fin, 15%) -> Rune: Resist(Blue) - Strobila -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Electric Bone(Flower, 20%) -> Rune: Thunder(Blue) -> Wax Piece(Stalk, 30%) -> Plant Seed(Body, 35%) -> Walking Flower's Crane(Right/Left Hand, 20%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Walking Flower's Root(Right/Left Tentacle, 10%) - Deep Man -> Cold Resist Talisman, Spell Potion(Leader Item) -> Saver Tooth(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Tiny Devil's Heart(Upper Body, 40%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Port Wine(Lower Body, 40%) -> Secret Cult's Staff(Weapon, 25%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) - Lezard Man -> Viking Sword(Leader Item) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Dragon's Gallstone(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) -> Alligator Skin(Body/Tail, 30%) -> Monster's Scale(Lower Body, 15%) -> Rune: Resist(Blue) -> Sacred Sword Karlsnaut(Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Junk Shield(Shield, 45%) -> Empty Casket(Belt, 45%) - Lizard Lord -> Soldier's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Dragon's Gallstone(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) -> Alligator Skin(Body, 40%) -> Monster's Scale(Lower Body/Tail, 75% or 20%) -> Rune: Resist(Blue) -> Penetrate Seal(Weapon, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Junk Shield(Shield, 40%) -> Fairy's Casket(Belt, 40%) - Kraken -> Over Drive(Leader Item) -> Divine Vessel Of Time-Crossing(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Seafood Meat(Upper Head, 30%) -> Scarlet Cartilage(Lower Head, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Bone Mace(Right/Left Mouth Tentacle, 80%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Tentacles(Feet, 30%) -> Stone Bullet(Missile Back Right/Left Tentacle, 45% or 40%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) -> Shell Shot(Missile Front Right/Left Tentacle, 20%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Mace Head(Mace Right/Left Tentacle, 25%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -------------- \Sahma Desert/ - Sand Flower -> Earth Gem(Leader Item) -> Belladonna(Flower, 30%) -> White Petal(Upper Body, 50%) -> Giant Amber(Lower Body, 60%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) - Giant Scarab -> Holy Water(Leader Item) -> Beetle's Horn(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Stone Bullet(Right/Left Body, 75%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) -> Insect Hook Claw(Right/Left Arm, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Beetle's Shellpiece(Outer Feather, 50%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) - Desert Horn -> Prism Gem(Leader Item) -> Break Rump(Horn, 30%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Baraka(Head/Upper Body, 30% or 50%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Onyx Vessel(Lower Body, 80%) -> Accordion Armor(Tail, 30%) -> Hollow Shell(Upper Armor, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Junk Shield(Right/Left Shield, 50%) -> Spiral Arrowhead(Right/Left Arrow, 50%) -> Heat Plate(Right/Left Shield Cover, 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) ----------------------- \Surts Volcano Caverns/ - Giant Scarab -> Holy Water(Leader Item) -> Beetle's Horn(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Stone Bullet(Right/Left Body, 75%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) -> Insect Hook Claw(Right/Left Arm, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Beetle's Shellpiece(Outer Feather, 50%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) - Skeletal Army -> Book Of Chaos(Leader Item) -> Vision Sphere(Head, 15%) -> Flame Armor(Upper Body, 15%) -> Rune: Body(Red) -> Lightning Stone(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Jewel Of Hail(Right/Left Arm, 15%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Broken Staff(Spear, 20%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) - Fire Bat -> Bat's Ear(Ear, 40%) -> Rune: Weaken(Blue) -> Fire Rat's Fur(Body, 40%) -> Bat's Feather(Right/Left Wing, 20%) - Hell Hound -> Beast Fang(Head, 20%) -> Beast Fur(Feet, 30%) -> Blaze Ore(Tail, 15%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Fire Breath Core(Body, 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) - Red Jewel -> Flare Gem(Leader Item) -> Core Ruby(Core, 25%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) - Red Lizard -> Scarlet Scale(Head/Lower Body, 15%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> Alligator Skin(Body/Tail, 35%) -> Penetrate Seal(Weapon, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Junk Shield(Shield, 45%) -> Dwarf's Sacred Herb(Belt, 30%) - Wild Lizard -> Dwarf's Sacred Herb(Leader Item) -> Green Flame Ore(Body, 30%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Dragon's Slashy Claw(Tail, 25%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Flying Swallow's Scale(Right/Left Front Feet, 15%) -> Spike Claw(Right/Left Back Feet, 15%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) - Evolve (Normal) -> Flare Crystal(Leader Item) -> Flamberge(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Blaze Ore(Right Arm, 100%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Green Flame Ore(Left Arm, 100%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Phosphoric Ore(Right/Left Hand With Lava, 50%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) - Evolve (Lava) -> Flare Crystal(Leader Item) ------------------- \Chateau Obsession/ - Will O Wisp -> Shadow Gem(Leader Item) -> Blue Soul Flame(Center, 50%) -> Rune: Flame(Blue) -> Headless Doll(Right/Left Side, 30%) - Satyr -> Cask Wine(Leader Item) -> Goat's Horn(Horn, 20%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) -> Goat's Front Teeth(Head, 20%) -> Regulatory Principle(Upper Body, 40%) -> Shell Shade(Front Feet, 40%) -> Armor Tail(Lower Body, 30%) -> Penetrate Seal(Right Arm, 60%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Eagle's Seal(Left Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Broken Bow(Bow, 45%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) - Greater Demon -> Flare Crystal(Leader Item) -> Demon Horn(Right/Left Horn, 60%) -> Rune: Darkness(Blue) -> Jewel Of The Dead(Upper Body, 80%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Demon's Blaze(Waist, 80%) -> Rune: Darkness(Blue) -> Devil's Hoof(Right/Left Feet, 60%) -> Red Thunder Pearl(Right Arm, 60%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Blue Thunder Pearl(Left Arm, 60%) -> Rune: Thunder(Blue) -> Lotus Wand(Staff, 100%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -> Onyx Wing(Body Side Feather, 65%) -> Rune: Darkness(Blue) - Giant Skeleton -> Cuirass(Leader Item) -> Rune: Body(Blue) -> Skeleton Cup(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Blaze Breath Core(Chest, 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Blue) -> Grudge Piece(Stomach/Left Arm, 60% or 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Onyx Crystal(Waist, 80%) -> Bone Waste(Right/Left Feet, 20%) -> Broken Great Sword(Right Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) - Trash Demon -> Thunder Gem(Leader Item) -> Devil's Canine(Head, 30%) -> Tiny Devil's Heart(Upper Body, 50%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Port Wine(Lower Body, 40%) -> Bat's Feather(Feather, 30%) -> Broken Staff(Weapon, 40%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) - Dragon -> Dragon's Horn(Horn, 80%) -> Rune: Holy(Blue) -> Dragon's Fang(Head, 60%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Dragon Sapphire(Body, 80%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Holy Breath Core(Waist, 80%) -> Rune: Holy(Blue) -> Dragon Slayer(Body Side Tail, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Dragon's Scale(Front Tail/Right Feet/Left Feet, 60% or 80%) -> Spike Claw(Right/Left Wing, 60%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Dragon's Slashy Claw(Right/Left Arm, 60%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) - Troll Chief -> Healer's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Huge Back Teeth(Head, 75%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Diamond(Body, 40%) -> Heart Core(Waist, 40%) -> Troll Clay(Feet/Right Arm/Left Arm, 20% or 15%) -> Rotten Stick(Staff, 40%) - Berserker -> Curve Blade Harpe(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Curve Blade Harpe(Right Body, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Demon Eye Pierce(Left Body, 100%) -> Refine Blue Ore(Upper Right Hand Weapon, 80%) -> Rune: Earth(Blue) -> Blue Thunder Pearl(Lower Right Hand Weapon, 80%) -> Rune: Thunder(Blue) -> Blue Ice Pearl(Upper Left Hand Weapon, 80%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Azure Flame Spinel(Lower Left Hand Weapon, 80%) -> Rune: Flame(Blue) -> Broken Great Sword(Upper Right/Left Hand, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Broken Sword(Lower Right/Left Hand, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Lady Clio -> Supreme Garb(Leader Item) -> Blue Formation-Sealing Vessel(Drop Item, 100%) -> Blue Soul Flame(Ghost, 80%) -> Rune: Flame(Blue) -> Orchid Silverwork(Altar/Middle Right Mirror/Middle Left Mirror, 100% or 80%) -> Demon Mirror Shard(Bottom Right Mirror/Bottom Left Mirror/Tip Of Right Mirror/Tip Of Left Mirror, 80%) ---------------------- \Crawsus Forest Ruins/ - Unclean Gathering -> Lightning Avoid Talisman(Leader Item) -> Demon Eye Jewel(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Heart Core(Body, 40%) -> Bone Mace(Upper Right/Left Shoulder, 75%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Hrunting(Upper Right/Left Arm, 10%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Solid Bone(Lower Right/Left Shoulder, 20%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Tentacles(Lower Right/Left Arm, 15%) - Vampire -> Shadow Gem(Leader Item) -> Vampire Fang(Head, 15%) -> Rose Seal(Upper Body, 40%) -> Aura Force(Waist, 30%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Blood Jewelry(Core, 60%) -> Bat's Feather(Right/Left Wing, 15%) -> Vampire Claw(Right/Left Arm, 20%) -> Citrine(Feet, 20%) - Vampire Bat -> Union Plum, Regulatory Principle(Leader Item) -> Devil's Parabola(Ear, 40%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) -> Beast Fur(Body, 40%) -> Bat's Mantle(Right/Left Wing, 70%) -> Rune: Darkness(Blue) - Electrical Chip -> Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(Leader Item) -> Elec Breath Core(Main Body 1, 25%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Platina Eye(Main Body 2, 15%) - Tear Soul -> Pearl Grass(Leader Item) -> Holy Spinel(Center, 50%) -> Rune: Holy(Blue) -> Splint Cell(Right/Left Side, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) - Shaman Chief -> Masked Shard(Right/Left Head, 30%) -> Thor Rage(Right Body, 40%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Sun Jewel(Left Body, 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Red Thunder Pearl(Front Right/Left Mantle, 20%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Blue Thunder Pearl(Right/Left Mantle, 20%) -> Rune: Thunder(Blue) -> Darkness Mantle(Back Right/Left Mantle, 20%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) -> Ray Force(Right/Left Arm, 30%) - Phantom Border -> Holy Gem(Leader Item) -> Holy Spinel(Ghost, 50%) -> Rune: Holy(Blue) -> Alchemy Wand(Altar, 15%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -> Demon Mirror Shard(Bottom Right Mirror/Bottom Left Mirror/ Tip Of Right Mirror/Tip Of Left Mirror, 15%) -> Lotus Wand(Middle Right/Left Mirror, 10%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) - Disgust Shell -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Lightning Stone(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Red Barrel(Body, 30%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Black Pearl(Front Shell/Both Side Middle Body, 30% or 60%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Shell Shot(Right/Left Back Side Shell, 20%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Sticky Liquid(Right/Left Middle Body, 45%) - Wild Troll -> Prime Elixir(Leader Item) -> Distorted Front Teeth(Head, 75%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Diamond(Body, 40%) -> Refine Emerald Ore(Waist, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Elixir(Feet, 20%) -> Troll Clay(Right/Left Arm, 15%) -> Refine Red Ore(Stake, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) - Bolt Dragon -> Healer's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Compass Scale(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Bolt Breath Core(Upper Chest, 30%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Ghibli Scale(Right/Left Wing, 25%) - Land Kraken -> Pulverize Talisman(Leader Item) -> Famous Blade Spider Cutter(Upper Head, 15%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Scarlet Cartilage(Lower Head, 40%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Kraken Fang(Right/Left Mouth Tentacle, 25%) -> Tentacles(Feet, 50%) -> Stone Bullet(Back Right/Left Tentacle, 15%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) -> Armor Piece(Side Right/Left Tentacle, 15%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Solid Bone(Mace Right/Left Tentacle, 20%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) - Hydra -> Fairy's Sacred Herb(Leader Item) -> Dark Breath Core(Middle Head, 75%) -> Rune: Darkness(Blue) -> Black Breath Core(Outer Right Head, 60%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Gas Breath Core(Inner Right Head, 60%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Dragon's Scale(Inner Left Head, 60%) -> Poison Breath Core(Outer Left Head, 60%) -> Rune: Earth(Blue) -> Jade Scale(Front Body, 80%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Dragon Sapphire(Back Body, 80%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Metabolizer(Tail, 70%) -------------- \Dragonscrypt/ - Gun Fish -> Ice Gem(Leader Item) -> Blue Bubble Core(Front Body, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Blue) -> Fish Scale(Back Body, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Sword Horn(Touch, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Seafood Meat(Tail Fin, 30%) - Coral Green -> Healer's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Seafood Meat(Flower, 20%) -> Metabolizer(Stalk, 30%) -> Scarlet Cartilage(Body, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Bone Mace(Right/Left Hand, 80%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Mace Head(Right/Left Tentacle, 10%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -------------------------------- \Palace Of The Venerated Dragon/ - Iron Golem -> Guard Potion(Leader Item) -> Golem Head(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Head(Red) -> Golem Heart(Body, 40%) -> Junk Shield(Right/Left Arm 1, 30%) -> Splint Cover(Right/Left Arm 2, 15%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> Damascus Ore(Right/Left Arm 3&5, 15%) -> Rune: Resist(Green) -> Adamantite(Right/Left Arm 4, 15%) - Gigant Claw -> Liqueur Potion(Leader Item) -> Serstine Lock Gun(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Aura Force(Core, 60%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Gremlin Core(Body, 40%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Cliff Pincer(Front&Body Side Right/Left Pincer, 25% or 15%) -> Seafood Meat(Back/Feet, 30%) -> Battle Axe Shell(Right/Left Tail Fin, 25%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) - Crarione -> Elixir(Leader Item) -> Electric Bone(Parasol, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Blue) -> Demon Eye Jewel(Upper Body, 30%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Red Boots(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Leg(Red) -> Cutting Claw(Right/Left Arm, 25%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Solid Fin(Right/Left Fin, 15%) -> Rune: Resist(Blue) - Green Jewel -> Prism Gem(Leader Item) -> Core Emerald(Core, 25%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) - Spectral Knight -> Healer's Secret Herb, Guard Potion(Leader Item) -> Vision Orb(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) -> Augite Of Life(Upper Body, 40%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Splint Cell(Lower Body, 40%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Holy Seal Of Red Copper(Right/Left Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Holy(Red) -> Broken Spear(Spear, 35%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Demon Mirror Shard(Armor, 40%) - Dragon Bat -> Holy Crystal(Leader Item) -> Compass Scale(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Flame Breath Core(Upper Chest, 30%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Ghibli Scale(Right/Left Wing, 25%) - Necromancer -> Spell Potion(Leader Item) -> Masked Shard(Right/Left Head, 20%) -> Thor Rage(Right Body, 40%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Sun Jewel(Left Body, 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Red Thunder Pearl(Front Right/Left Mantle, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Blue Thunder Pearl(Right/Left Mantle, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Blue) -> Darkness Mantle(Back Right/Left Mantle, 15%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) -> Ray Force(Right/Left Arm, 20%) - Muscularity Stalker -> Might Potion(Leader Item) -> Hrunting(Drop Item, 20%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Holy Seal Of Red Copper(Right Body, 60%) -> Rune: Holy(Red) -> Bloody Cross(Left Body, 40%) -> Refine Red Ore(Upper Right Hand Weapon, 30%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Red Thunder Pearl(Lower Right Hand Weapon, 30%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Red Ice Pearl(Upper Left Hand Weapon, 30%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Scarlet Flame Spinel(Lower Left Hand Weapon, 30%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Broken Sword(Upper Right/Left Hand, 40%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Hrunting(Lower Right/Left Hand, 20%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) - Phantom Guardian -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Red Soul Flame(Center, 30%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Holy Water(Right Side, 15%) -> Immortal Flame(15%) -> Rune: Flame(Blue) - Dragon Zombie -> Earth Crystal(Leader Item) -> Dragon's Skull(Head, 40%) -> Dragon Rib(Rib, 60%) -> Dragon Maggot(Bowel, 80%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Rotten Scale(Body/Tail, 75% or 40%) -> Rune: Weaken(Green) -> Obsidian Claw(Right/Left Front Feet, 45%) -> Iris Wing(Right/Left Feather, 50%) -> Rune: Holy(Red) -> Silver Fly(Right/Left Back Feet, 55%) ------------- \Turgen Mine/ (Second Time) - Meteoric Swarm -> Flame Resist Amulet(Leader Item) -> Legion(Main Body 1, 40%) -> Tuning-Fork Feather(Main Body 2, 25%) - Gigant Wasp -> Royal Jelly(Leader Item) -> Scarlet Formation-Sealing Vessel(Drop Item, 100%) -> Great Ventral Eye(Head, 30%) -> Amber Core(Upper Body, 50%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) -> Royal Jelly(Stomach, 75%) -> Banshee Scale(Back, 40%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> Lancer Needle(Tail, 50%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Insect Blader(Front Arm, 45%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Insect Hook Claw(Middle/Lower Arm, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Blue Feather(Upper Right/Left Feather, 25%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Tuning-Fork Feather(Lower Right/Left Feather, 25%) ---------------- \Ancient Forest/ (Second Time) - Kobold Warrior -> Healer's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Beast Fur(Head/Upper Body, 30% or 40%) -> Silver Coin(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 25%) -> Adamantite(Armor, 15%) -> Kobold Hammer(Sling, 15%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) - Kobold King -> Gold Coin(Leader Item) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Magician Hat(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Head(Red) -> Holy Spinel(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Holy(Blue) -> Crown(Upper Body, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Green) -> Gold Coin(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 25%) -> Immortal Silver(Armor, 15%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Broken Staff(Sling, 15%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) --------------- \Sukavia Gorge/ - Ice Devil -> Izun's Apple(Leader Item) -> Devil's Canine(Head, 30%) -> Ice Breath Core(Upper Body, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Port Wine(Lower Body, 40%) -> Drain Wing(Feather, 30%) -> Red Ice Pearl(Weapon, 40%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) - Ice Troll -> Witch's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Huge Back Teeth(Head, 75%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Diamond(Body, 40%) -> Ymir's Tear(Waist, 40%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Troll Clay(Feet/Right Arm/Left Arm, 20% or 15%) -> Blue Ice Pearl(Stake, 40%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) - Winter Wolf -> Book Of God Speed(Leader Item) -> Scarlet Fang(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Obsidian Claw(Feet, 30%) -> Beast Meat(Tail, 30%) -> Ice Breath Core(Body, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) ------------------------ \Royal Underground Path/ (From Chapter 4 And On) - Gigant Snail -> Elixir(Leader Item) -> Gold&Silver Flower's Dew(Head, 30%) -> Jet Barrel(Body, 30%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Large Pearl(Front Shell, 40%) -> Shell Shot(Right/Left Back Side Shell, 50%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Metabolizer(Right/Left Middle Body, 50%) -> Prime Elixir(Both Side Middle Body, 75%) - Beast Fort -> Liqueur Potion(Leader Item) -> Big Rump(Horn, 30%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Baraka(Head/Upper Body, 30% or 50%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Onyx Vessel(Lower Body, 80%) -> Accordion Armor(Tail, 30%) -> Hollow Shell(Upper Armor, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Damascus Ore(Right/Left Shield, 50%) -> Rune: Resist(Green) -> Assault Missile(Right/Left Arrow, 50%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Mithril Ore(Right/Left Shield Cover, 40%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) - Flying Killer -> Pearl Grass(Leader Item) -> Green Bubble Core(Front Body, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Seafood Meat(Back Body/Tail Fin, 50% or 30%) -> Bunker Horn(Touch, 30%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) - Lizard Knight -> Holy Gem(Leader Item) -> Deep Green Scale(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Resist(Green) -> Alligator Skin(Body, 50%) -> Jade Liver(Lower Body, 60%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) -> Scarlet Scale(Tail, 30%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> Sharp Brunt(Weapon, 40%) -> Splint Cover(Shield, 60%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> Fairy's Casket(Belt, 50%) - Meteoric Swarm -> Flame Resist Amulet(Leader Item) -> Legion(Main Body 1, 40%) -> Tuning-Fork Feather(Main Body 2, 25%) - Aesir(Body Guard) -> Holy Seal Of Red Copper(Body, 40%) -> Broken Sword(Sword, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Ull -> Flawless Talisman(Leader Item) -> Chain Bow Double Cross(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -------------- \Dipan Castle/ (Chapter 4) - Gyne -> Ice Clothes Crystal Garb(Drop Item, 100%) - Walther -> Dirge Septor(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) - Ahly -> Book Of God Speed(Leader Item) -> Empress Coronet(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Head(Red) - Aluze -> Azure Sword Grand Sting(Drop Item, 100%) ------------------- \Forest Of Spirits/ - Elven Dog -> Cold Resist Talisman(Leader Item) -> Huge Canine(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) -> Blade Claw(Feet, 15%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Beast Meat(Tail, 15%) -> Beast Fur(Body, 40%) - Elven Hawk -> Spectacles(Leader Item) -> Great Egret's Heart(Right Body, 40%) -> Elec Breath Core(Left Body, 40%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Remex(Right/Left Wing, 30%) -> Storm-Sealed Tail Feather(Right/Left Tail, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) - Kobold Warrior -> Healer's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Beast Fur(Head/Upper Body, 30% or 40%) -> Silver Coin(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 25%) -> Adamantite(Armor, 15%) -> Kobold Hammer(Sling, 15%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) - Kobold Lord -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Magician Hat(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Head(Red) -> Noble Cloak(Upper Body, 15%) -> Gold Coin(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 25%) -> Mithril Ore(Armor, 15%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) -> Broken Staff(Sling, 15%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) - Sharp Scissor -> Shadow Crystal(Leader Item) -> Rose Seal(Head/Upper Body, 30%) -> Sharp Scissor Heart(Waist, 50%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Hollow Pearl(Core, 60%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Sharp Scissor Wing(Right/Left Wing, 15%) -> Scissor Hand(Right/Left Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) -> Citrine(Feet, 20%) - Sky Lizard -> Flare Crystal(Leader Item) -> Saver Tooth(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Dragon's Red Liver(Upper Chest, 30%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Bora Scale(Right/Left Wing, 25%) - Prince Of Hell -> Silence Check(Leader Item) -> Devil's Canine(Head, 30%) -> Blue Ice Pearl(Upper Body, 40%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Hollow Pearl(Lower Body, 75%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Steal Wing(Feather, 30%) -> Iron Ore(Weapon, 40%) - Man Eater -> Elixir(Leader Item) -> White Petal(Flower, 20%) -> Wax Piece(Stalk, 30%) -> Plant Seed(Body, 15%) -> Walking Flower's Sword(Right/Left Hand/Tentacle, 20% or 10%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Mimetic Flower -> Book Of God Speed(Leader Item) -> Belladonna(Flower, 15%) -> Harm Seed(Upper Body, 15%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Fatal Seed(Lower Body, 30%) - Life Stealer -> Liqueur Potion(Leader Item) -> Devil's Canine(Head, 30%) -> Trickster's Seal(Upper Body, 40%) -> Hollow Pearl(Lower Body, 50%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Steal Wing(Feather, 30%) -> Broken Sword(Weapon, 40%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Lizard King -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Crown(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Weaken(Green) -> Deep Green Scale(Body, 45%) -> Rune: Resist(Green) -> Jade Liver(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) -> Scarlet Scale(Tail, 15%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> Broken Sword(Weapon, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Damascus Ore(Shield, 30%) -> Rune: Resist(Green) -> Fairy's Casket(Belt, 30%) - Arectaris -> Prime Elixir(Leader Item) -> Spirit King Sword Arectaris(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Crystal Mask(Body, 80%) -> Beauty's Jade(Trunk, 60%) -> Beauty's Phosphoric Light(Side Right/Left Tentacle, 50%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Core Spinel(Upper Right/Left Tentacle, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Beauty's Flame(Back Right/Left Tentacle, 50%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -------------- \Dipan Castle/ (Chapter 5, After Beating Arectaris) - Capricorn -> Dwarf's Sacred Herb(Leader Item) -> Distorted Horn(Horn, 40%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Distorted Front Teeth(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Protect Shade(Upper Body, 40%) -> Sun Jewel(Front Feet, 40%) -> Baraka(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Sure-Hit Seal(Right Arm, 20%) -> Assault Missile(Left Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Broken Bow(Bow, 45%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) - Capricorn Leader -> Pulverize Talisman(Leader Item) -> Distorted Horn(Horn, 40%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Distorted Front Teeth(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Protect Shade(Upper Body, 40%) -> Sun Jewel(Front Feet, 60%) -> Steel Sole(Lower Body, 30%) -> Whirlwind Crest(Right/Left Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Assault Missile(Bow, 45%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) - Holy Order -> Vallo Greave(Leader Item) -> Vision Orb(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) -> Holy Seal Of Red Copper(Upper Body, 50%) -> Treaty Chain(Lower Body, 50%) -> Rune: Holy(Blue) -> Might Symbol(Right/Left Arm, 30%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Broken Spear(Spear, 50%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Evil Mirror(Armor, 50%) - Gentleman -> Flare Crystal(Leader Item) -> Flare Crystal(Drop Item, 100%) -> Gentle Card(Body, 15%) -> Fairy's Sacred Herb(String, 100%) ------------------- \Forest Of Spirits/ (Chapter 5, After Above/Dipan Castle) - Aesir(Patroller) -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Witch's Secret Herb(Body, 30%) -> Broken Sword(Sword, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) ---------------- \Ravine Caverns/ - Aesir(Shooter) -> Spirit's Sacred Herb(Body, 25%) -> Rune Crown(Hat, 10%) -> Sacred Bow Elven Bow(Bow/Quiver, 15%) - Aesir(Patroller) -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Witch's Secret Herb(Body, 30%) -> Broken Sword(Sword, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Eagerness Chaser -> Might Potion(Leader Item) -> Demon Eye Pierce(Right/Left Body, 40%) -> Refine Emerald Ore(Upper Right Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Emerald Thunder Pearl(Lower Right Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Emerald Ice Pearl(Upper Left Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Emerald Flame Spinel(Lower Left Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Broken Sword(Upper Right/Left Hand, 40%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Broken Great Sword(Lower Right/Left Hand, 40%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) - Dinosaur King -> Prism Gem(Leader Item) -> Red Horn(Horn, 60%) -> Rune: Holy(Red) -> Crimson Breath(Head, 80%) -> Rune: Creation(Green) -> Dragon Emerald(Body, 80%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Jade Scale(Waist/Front Tail, 80% or 40%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Dragon Slayer(Body Side Tail, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Deep Green Scale(Right Feet/Left Feet, 60%) -> Rune: Resist(Green) -> Spike Claw(Right/Left Wing, 40%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Dragon's Palm(Right/Left Arm, 50%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) - Capricorn Leader -> Pulverize Talisman(Leader Item) -> Distorted Horn(Horn, 40%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Distorted Front Teeth(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Protect Shade(Upper Body, 40%) -> Sun Jewel(Front Feet, 60%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Steel Sole(Lower Body, 30%) -> Whirlwind Crest(Right/Left Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Assault Missile(Bow, 45%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) - Gentleman -> Flare Crystal(Leader Item) -> Flare Crystal(Drop Item, 100%) -> Gentle Card(Body, 15%) -> Fairy's Sacred Herb(String, 100%) - Life Stealer -> Liqueur Potion(Leader Item) -> Devil's Canine(Head, 30%) -> Trickster's Seal(Upper Body, 40%) -> Hollow Pearl(Lower Body, 50%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Steal Wing(Feather, 30%) -> Broken Sword(Weapon, 40%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Sharp Scissor -> Shadow Crystal(Leader Item) -> Rose Seal(Head/Upper Body, 30%) -> Sharp Scissor Heart(Waist, 50%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Hollow Pearl(Core, 60%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Sharp Scissor Wing(Right/Left Wing, 15%) -> Scissor Hand(Right/Left Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) -> Citrine(Feet, 20%) --------- \Bifrost/ - Aesir(Body Guard) -> Holy Seal Of Red Copper(Body, 40%) -> Rune: Holy(Red) -> Broken Sword(Sword, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Aesir(Rescuer) -> Full Plate(Leader Item) -> Rune: Body(Red) -> Spirit's Sacred Herb(Body, 25%) -> Rune Crown(Hat, 10%) -> Sacred Bow Elven Bow(Bow/Quiver, 15%) - Dimension Beast -> Full Plate(Leader Item) -> Rune: Body(Red) -> Full Plate(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Body(Red) -> Fairy's Sacred Herb(Upper Head, 80%) -> Scarlet Cartilage(Lower Head, 80%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Kraken Fang(Right/Left Mouth Tentacle, 75%) -> Tentacles(Feet, 80%) -> Armor Pierce(Back Right/Left Tentacle, 60%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Bullets Of Evil(Side Right/Left Tentacle, 60%) -> Rune: Weaken(Green) -> Mace Head(Mace Right/Left Tentacle, 80%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) - Heimdall -> Golden Egg(Leader Item) -> Divine Sword Gjallarhorn(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) ----------- \Yggdrasil/ - Armor Beetle -> Holy Water(Leader Item) -> Beetle's Horn(Horn, 15%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Armor Pierce(Right/Left Body, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Insect Hook Claw(Right/Left Arm, 15%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Guard Potion(Outer Wing, 30%) - Abyss Dragon -> Double Search(Leader Item) -> Dragon Corpse Bone(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Dragon Rib(Rib, 60%) -> Dragon Maggot(Bowel/Body, 80% or 60%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Rotten Scale(Tail, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Green) -> Dragon's Palm(Right/Left Front Feet, 40%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) -> Lucid Wing(Right/Left Feather, 50%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Blackened Scale(Right/Left Back Feet, 55%) - Idisi -> Sage's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Scarlet Cartilage(Parasol, 15%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Eye Pearl(Upper Body, 30%) -> Rune: Weaken(Blue) -> Emerald Heart Core(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Assault Claw(Right/Left Arm, 25%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Crushed Bone(Right/Left Fin, 15%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) - Gluttony Bug -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Platina Eye(Head, 40%) -> Amber Core(Upper Body, 40%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) -> Royal Jelly(Stomach, 30%) -> Banshee Scale(Back, 30%) -> Lancer Needle(Tail, 50%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Insect Blader(Front/Middle/Lower Arm, 25%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Blue Feather(Upper Right/Left Feather, 20%) -> Rune: Ice(Blue) -> Tuning-Fork Feather(Lower Right/Left Feather, 20%) - Strayer -> Thunder Crystal(Leader Item) -> Bone Mask(Right/Left Head, 20%) -> Chaos Force(Right Body, 40%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Immortal's Book(Left Body, 40%) -> Bone Relief(Front Right/Left Mantle, 15%) -> Darkness Mantle(Side&Back Right/Left Mantle, 15%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) -> Aura Force(Right/Left Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Display(Red) - Giant Troll -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Huge Canine(Head, 75%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) -> Diamond(Body, 40%) -> Blood Jewelry(Waist, 40%) -> Troll Clay(Feet & Right/Left Arm, 20% or 15%) -> Tonelico's Fossil(Stake, 40%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) - Saint Elmo -> Shadow Crystal(Leader Item) -> Red Soul Flame(Center, 30%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Headless Doll(Right Side, 15%) -> Immortal Flame(Left Side, 15%) -> Rune: Flame(Blue) - Snail King -> Metabolizer(Head/Both Side Middle Body, 30% or 65%) -> Red Barrel(Body, 30%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Large Pearl(Front Shell, 40%) -> Armor Pierce(Right/Left Back Side Shell, 20%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Sticky Liquid(Right/Left Middle Body, 50%) - Fatal Vermin -> Might Potion(Flower, 15%) -> Red Petal(Upper Body, 15%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Fatal Seed(Lower Body, 25%) - Highlander -> Dragon Slayer(Leader Item) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Elixir(Right Body, 40%) -> Bloody Cross(Left Body, 40%) -> Refine Emerald Ore(Upper Right Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Emerald Thunder Pearl(Lower Right Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Emerald Ice Pearl(Upper Left Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Emerald Flame Spinel(Lower Left Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Broken Great Sword(Upper Right/Left Hand, 40%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Broken Sword(Lower Right/Left Hand, 40%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Black Jewel -> Shadow Crystal(Leader Item) -> Core Ruby(Core, 25%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) - Hersvelgr -> Holy Crystal(Leader Item) -> Great Egret's Heart(Right Body, 40%) -> Bolt Breath Core(Left Body, 40%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Scarlet Feather(Right/Left Wing, 30%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Storm-Sealed Tail Feather(Right/Left Tail, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) - Wild Wolf -> Saver Tooth(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Obsidian Claw(Feet, 15%) -> Beast Meat(Tail, 30%) -> Core Spinel(Body, 40%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) - Roper -> Elixir(Flower, 20%) -> Wax Piece(Stalk, 30%) -> Emerald Heart Core(Body, 50%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Extra Solid Bone(Right/Left Hand, 20%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) -> Crushed Bone(Right/Left Tentacle, 10%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) - Invasive Flamer -> Flame Resist Amulet(Leader Item) -> Sun Jewel(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Emerald Flame Spinel(Body, 50%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Adamantite(Right/Left Feet, 30%) -> Blaze Ore(Right Arm, 30%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Green Flame Ore(Left Arm, 30%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Phosphoric Ore(Right/Left Hand 2 With Lava, 30%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) - Aesir(Security) -> Flame Resist Amulet(Leader Item) -> Witch's Secret Herb(Body, 30%) -> Broken Sword(Sword, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Odin -> Nobel Elixir(Leader Item) - White Dragon -> Prism Crystal(Leader Item) -> Dragon's Fang(Head, 35%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Jade Liver(Upper Chest, 50%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) -> Kamsheen Scale(Right/Left Wing, 45%) -> Dragon Emerald(Lower Chest, 75%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Obsidian Claw(Right/Left Front Feet, 45%) -> Dragon's Palm(Right/Left Back Feet, 30%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) -> Tail Bunker(Tail, 45%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) ------------------ \Hall Of Valhalla/ - Aesir(Life Guard) -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Divine Clothes Phoenix Garb(Drop Item, 15%) -> Rune: Body(Blue) -> Witch's Secret Herb(Body, 30%) -> Bended Blade(Weapon, 30%) - Aesir(Officer) -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Divine Clothes Phoenix Garb(Body, 15%) -> Rune: Body(Blue) -> Rune Crown(Hat, 15%) -> Blinking Bow Blue Gale(Bow/Quiver, 15%) - Guardian Diva -> Aura Force(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Mithril Plate(Body, 40%) -> Rune: Body(Green) -> Orihalcon(Right/Left Arm 1, 60%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Damascus Ore(Right/Left Arm 2&4, 15%) -> Rune: Resist(Green) -> Mithril Ore(Right/Left Arm 3, 15%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) -> Adamantite(Right/Left Arm 5, 15%) - Silver Dragon -> Prism Crystal(Leader Item) -> Emerald Horn(Horn, 80%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Crimson Breath(Head, 50%) -> Rune: Creation(Green) -> Dragon Emerald(Body, 80%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Jade Scale(Waist/Front Tail, 60% or 30%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Dragon's Scale(Body Side Tail, 60%) -> Spike Claw(Right/Left Wing, 40%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Dragon's Palm(Right/Left Arm, 50%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) -> Deep Green Scale(Right/Left Feet, 60%) -> Rune: Resist(Green) - Sacred Sack -> Shadow Crystal(Drop Item, 100%) -> Sacred OOPARTS(Body, 15%) -> Fairy's Sacred Herb(String, 100%) - Divine Slave -> Holy Seal Of Red Copper(Right Body, 40%) -> Rune: Holy(Red) -> Divine Vessel Of Darkness(Left Body, 40%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Sun Jewel(Upper Right Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Thor Rage(Lower Right Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Ymir's Tear(Upper Left Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Deep Doom(Lower Left Hand Weapon, 60%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Broken Sword(Upper Right/Left Hand, 40%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Caliburn(Lower Right/Left Hand, 10%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) - Death Dog -> Earth Crystal(Leader Item) -> Saver Tooth(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Beast Meat(Feet, 35%) -> Adamantite(Tail, 15%) -> Harm Breath Core(Body, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) - Magic Mirror -> Witch's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Core Spinel(Ghost, 25%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Silver Frame Casula(Altar, 35%) -> Evil Mirror(Bottom Right/Left Mirror, 15%) -> Witch's Secret Herb(Middle Right/Left Mirror, 30%) -> Lake Surface Mirror(Tip Of Right/Left Mirror, 15%) - Red Dragon -> Red Horn(Horn, 30%) -> Rune: Holy(Red) -> Red Fang(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Dragon Ruby(Body, 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Flame Breath Core(Waist, 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Holy Sword Ascalon(Body Side Tail, 15%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Crimson Scale(Front Tail/Right Feet/Left Feet, 20% or 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Dragon's Wing Bone(Right/Left Wing, 20%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Dragon's Palm(Right/Left Arm, 50%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) ------------------------ \Tower Of Lezard Valeth/ - Emeth -> Directional Stone(Leader Item) -> Meth Seal(Head, 30%) -> Immortal Silver(Body/Right Arm 4/Left Arm 4, 60% or 40%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Orihalcon(Right/Left Arm 1&2, 40%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Mithril Ore(Right/Left Arm 3, 40%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) -> Adamantite(Right/Left Arm 5, 40%) - Demon Type 44 -> Witch's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Diablo Horn(Right/Left Horn, 30%) -> Fool's Jewel(Upper Body, 50%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Demon's Blaze(Waist, 50%) -> Rune: Darkness(Blue) -> Devil's Hoof(Right/Left Feet, 30%) -> Devil's Right Arm(Right Arm, 30%) -> Devil's Left Arm(Left Arm, 30%) -> Snake Staff Kerykeion(Staff, 15%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -> Darkness Wing(Body Side Feather, 30%) - Uncleanness -> Liqueur Potion(Leader Item) -> Demon Eye Jewel(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Emerald Heart Core(Body, 50%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Extra Solid Bone(Upper Right Shoulder/Lower Left Shoulder/ Lower Right Shoulder/Upper Left Arm, 30% or 25%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) -> Crushed Bone(Upper Right Arm/Lower Right Arm/Upper Left Arm/ Lower Left Arm, 30% or 25%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) - Undead Master -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Bone Mask(Right/Left Head, 30%) -> Chaos Force(Right Body/Right&Left Arm, 50% or 75%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Immortal's Book(Left Body, 50%) -> Bone Relief(Front Right/Left Mantle, 20%) -> Darkness Mantle(Side Right/Left Mantle, 20%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) -> Dark Amulet(Back Right/Left Mantle, 20%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) - Vampire Lord -> Prime Elixir(Leader Item) -> Vampire Sword(Drop Item, 10%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Blood Sucking Fang(Head, 40%) -> Rose Seal(Upper Body, 60%) -> Vampire Heart(Waist, 50%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) -> Ray Force(Core, 80%) -> Darkness Wing(Right/Left Wing, 45%) -> Vampire Claw(Right/Left Arm, 35%) -> Rune Greave(Feet, 30%) - Elder Vampire -> Ice Crystal(Leader Item) -> Blood Sucking Fang(Head, 30%) -> Rose Seal(Upper Body, 50%) -> Vampire Heart(Waist, 40%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) -> Ray Force(Core, 75%) -> Darkness Wing(Right/Left Wing, 15%) -> Vampire Claw(Right/Left Arm, 20%) -> Rune Greave(Feet, 15%) - Elder Bat -> -> Spectacles(Leader Item) -> Devil's Parabola(Ear, 40%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) -> Fire Rat's Fur(Body, 40%) -> Black Patagium(Right/Left Wing, 20%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) - Gigant Dragon -> Guard Potion(Leader Item) -> Deep Green Scale(Body, 50%) -> Rune: Resist(Green) -> Tail Bunker(Tail, 30%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Homing Scale(Right/Left Front Feet, 25%) -> Jade Scale(Right/Left Back Feet, 25%) -> Rune: Display(Green) - Gigant Troll -> Sage's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Rune Helm(Drop Item, 10%) -> Huge Canine(Head, 75%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) -> Diamond(Body, 40%) -> Blood Jewelry(Waist, 40%) -> Troll Clay(Feet & Right/Left Arm, 20% or 15%) -> Tonelico's Fossil(Stake, 40%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) - Castle Cannon -> Drill Rump(Horn, 30%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Sage's Secret Herb(Head, 30%) -> Steel Sole(Upper Body, 80%) -> Augite Of Life(Lower Body, 80%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Immortal Silver(Tail, 30%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Hollow Shell(Upper Armor, 50%) -> Rune: Ice(Red) -> Adamantite(Right/Left Shield, 50%) -> Assault Missile(Right/Left Arrow, 50%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Mithril Ore(Right/Left Shield Cover, 40%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) - Slight Devils -> Rune Helm(Head, 10%) -> Holy Seal Of Red Copper(Upper Body, 40%) -> Rune: Holy(Red) -> Augite Of Life(Lower Body, 40%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Might Symbol(Right/Left Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Red) -> Broken Spear(Spear, 40%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Evil Mirror(Armor, 40%) - Pyro Hydra -> Wild Chalice(Leader Item) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Bolt Breath Core(Middle/Inner Left Head, 75% or 60%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Thunder Breath Core(Outer Right/Left Head, 60%) -> Rune: Thunder(Blue) -> Elec Breath Core(Inner Right Head, 60%) -> Rune: Thunder(Red) -> Crimson Scale(Front Body, 80%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Dragon Ruby(Back Body, 80%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Wild Chalice(Tail, 15%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) - Para Griffon -> Izun's Apple(Leader Item) -> Penetrate Beak(Head, 50%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Immortal Silver(Upper Part Of Upper Body/Lower Body, 50%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Feather(Waist/Lower Part Of Upper Body, 50%) -> Deep Green Feather(Front Right/Left Back Wing, 30%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) -> Griffon's Claw(Body Side Right/Left Back Wing, 30%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Large Beast's Wing(Right/Left Front Wing, 30%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) -> Blue Decoration Feather(Decoration Feather, 45%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) - Baphomet -> Elixir, Witch's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Distorted Horn(Horn, 40%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Goat's Front Teeth(Head, 20%) -> Divine Vessel Of Darkness(Upper Body, 40%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Thor Rage(Front Feet, 40%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Steel Sole(Lower Body, 40%) -> Whirlwind Crest(Right Arm, 20%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Sylphide Arrow Top(Left Arm, 20%) -> Demon Bullet TasLam(Bow, 15%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) - Prism Jewel -> Prism Crystal(Leader Item) -> Soul Pearl(Core, 25%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) - Maelstrom -> Fairy's Sacred Herb(Leader Item) -> Fear Sword Helgi(Parasol, 15%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Demon Eye Jewel(Upper Body, 40%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Emerald Heart Core(Lower Body, 40%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Cutting Claw(Right/Left Arm, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Extra Solid Bone(Right/Left Fin, 30%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) - Lord Bat -> Devil's Parabola(Ear, 30%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) -> Beast Fur(Body, 50%) -> Darkness Wing(Right/Left Wing, 80%) - Rot Demon -> Vallo Armor(Leader Item) -> Black Skull(Head, 20%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Black Breath Core(Chest, 60%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Deep Doom(Stomach, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Augite Of Life(Waist, 40%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Bone Waste(Left/Right Feet, 20%) -> Devil's Right Arm(Left/Right Arm, 20%) - Homunculus Lezard -> Rune Greave(Drop Item, 100%) - Lezard Valeth -> Book Of Alchemy(Leader Item) - Existence That Transcended All -> Noble Elixir(Leader Item) -> Book Of Alchemy(Any, 30% or 10%) - He Who Seeks Destruction -> Union Plum(Upper Body Head, 100%) -> Flawless Talisman(Upper Body Left Chest, 100%) -> Noble Elixir(Lower Body, 100%) -> Goddess' Sacred Herb(Right/Left Arm&Feet, 100%) ------------------------- \Seraphic Gate - Floor 1/ - Abyssinian Demon -> Lotus Wand(Leader Item) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -> Devil's Canine(Head, 30%) -> Trickster's Seal(Upper Body, 40%) -> Port Wine(Lower Body, 50%) -> Steal Wing(Feather, 30%) -> Broken Hammer(Weapon, 40%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) - Kill Bone -> Black Skull(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Dark Breath Core(Chest, 30%) -> Rune: Darkness(Blue) -> Dark Matter(Stomach, 30%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Augite Of Life(Waist, 30%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Bone Waste(Left/Right Feet, 15%) -> Devil's Right Arm(Right Arm, 15%) -> Devil's Left Arm(Left Arm, 15%) - Soul Summoner -> Bone Mask(Right/Left Head, 15%) -> Chaos Force(Right Body/Right&Left Arm, 30% or 15%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Immortal's Book(Left Body, 30%) -> Dark Matter(Front Right/Left Mantle, 10%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Dark Amulet(Side Right/Left Mantle, 10%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Darkness Mantle(Back Right/Left Mantle, 10%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) - Berserk Warrior -> Liqueur Potion(Leader Item) - Phantom Flame -> Witch's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Immortal Flame(Center/Left Side, 30% or 15%) -> Rune: Flame(Blue) -> Light Of Firefly(Right Side, 15%) - Hell's Cannon -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Diablo Horn(Right/Left Horn, 15%) -> Fool's Jewel(Upper Body, 30%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Dark Matter(Waist, 30%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) -> Devil's Hoof(Right/Left Feet, 15%) -> Devil's Right Arm(Right Arm, 15%) -> Devil's Left Arm(Left Arm, 15%) -> Ymir's Tear(Staff, 30%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Darkness Wing(Body Side Feather, 15%) - Dirna Hamilton -> Over Drive(Leader Item) - Gabriel Celesta -> Demon Staff Apocalypse(Leader Item) -> Pure White Waistcloth(Body, 75%) -> Broken Spear(Spear, 30%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Tri Emblem Alpha(Back Booster, 55%) -> Rune: Creation(Blue) ------------------------- \Seraphic Gate - Floor 2/ - D Clay Man -> Lightning Avoid Amulet(Leader Item) -> Eye Pearl(Head, 45%) -> Rune: Weaken(Blue) -> Green Bubble Core(Body, 60%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Mace Head(Upper Right Shoulder/Lower Left Shoulder, 45%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -> Incense(Upper/Lower Right Arm, 25%) -> Crushed Bone(Lower Right Shoulder/Upper Left Shoulder, 45%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) -> Extra Solid Bone(Upper/Lower Left Arm, 25%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) - Demon Type 22 -> Spirit's Sacred Herb(Leader Item) -> Prism Crystal(Head, 15%) -> Chaos Force(Core, 30%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Gremlin Core(Body, 40%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Cliff Pincer(Front&Body Side Right/Left Pincer, 20% or 15%) -> Seafood Meat(Back/Feet, 20% or 40%) -> Battle Axe Shell(Right/Left Tail Fin, 15%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) - Cosmic Visitor -> Directional Stone(Leader Item) -> Rainbow Scale(Head/Body/Tail, 15% or 20%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> True Dragon Liver(Lower Body, 30%) -> Fairy's Casket(Belt, 30%) - Chipper Fish -> Ice Gem(Leader Item) -> Green Bubble Core(Body Front, 30%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Seafood Meat(Body Back/Tail Fin, 30% or 15%) -> Bunker Horn(Touch, 15%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) - Knee Socked Ull -> Demon Bow Razor Fortel(Leader Item) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Demon Bow Razor Fortel(Drop Item, 15%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) - Strayer(Naive) -> Flawless Amulet(Leader Item) -> Tri Emblem Alpha(Body, 15%) -> Rune: Creation(Blue) -> Broken Sword(Sword, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) - Hammer Beetle -> Flame Resist Amulet(Leader Item) -> Banshee Scale(Horn, 15%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> Insect Blader(Body Right/Left, 30%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Beetle's Shellpiece(Outer Feather/Right&Left Arm, 15% or 30%) -> Rune: Cure(Blue) - Heimduoer (Heimdall) -> Demon Sword Actor Nefarious(Leader Item) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Demon Sword Actor Nefarious(Drop Item, 15%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) - Dog Ahly -> Practical Book(Upper Body, 100%) -> Copper Coin(Lower Body, 100%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Beast Fur(Head, 100%) -> Remex(Armor, 100%) -> Diecast Lance(Sling, 100%) -> Prime Elixir(Tail, 100%) - Dog Alicia -> Alicia's Robe(Upper Body, 100%) -> Radish(Lower Body, 100%) -> Steel Hair Band(Head, 100%) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Armor, 30%) -> Broken Sword(Sling, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Dog Rufus -> Lowered Kobold Shirt(Upper Body, 100%) -> Comedian's Proof(Lower Body, 100%) -> Gale Bandana(Head, 100%) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Armor, 100%) -> Broken Bow(Sling, 100%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Dog Lezard -> Beast Fur(Upper Body/Head, 15%) -> Iron Ore(Lower Body, 15% or 30%) -> Book Of Alchemy(Sling, 100%) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 15%) - Veil Kraken -> Cold Resist Talisman(Leader Item) -> Seafood Meat(Upper Head, 50%) -> Jade Cartilage(Lower Head, 60%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Devil's Right Arm(Right Mouth Tentacle, 80%) -> Devil's Left Arm(Left Mouth Tentacle, 80%) -> Tentacles(Feet, 60%) -> Stone Bullet(Back Right/Left Tentacle, 45%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) -> Bullets Of Evil(Side Right/Left Tentacle, 45%) -> Rune: Weaken(Green) -> Extra Solid Bone(Mace Right/Left Tentacle, 55%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) - Demon Flower -> Red Petal(Flower, 45%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Seafood Meat(Stalk, 45%) -> Emerald Heart Core(Body, 60%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Bone Mace(Right/Left Hand, 45%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Blue) -> Devil's Right Arm(Right Tentacle, 10%) -> Devil's Left Arm(Left Tentacle, 10%) - WaraWara -> Elixir(Leader Item) -> Crimson Wasp(Main Body 1, 30%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) -> Tuning-Fork Feather(Main Body 2, 15%) - Wotan (Odin) -> Holy Clothes Sylph Red(Leader Item) -> Holy Clothes Sylph Red(Drop Item, 100%) ------------------------- \Seraphic Gate - Floor 3/ - Sagittarius -> Book Of God Speed(Leader Item) -> Distorted Horn(Horn, 45%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Goat's Front Teeth(Head, 15%) -> Protect Shade(Upper Body, 30%) -> Immortal Silver(Front Feet, 30%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Orihalcon(Lower Body, 15%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Whirlwind Crest(Right Arm, 15%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Sylphide Arrow Top(Left Arm, 15%) -> Broken Bow(Bow, 30%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) - Sunspot Visitor(Normal) -> Sage's Secret Herb(Leader Item) -> Sun Jewel(Head, 45%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Emerald Flame Spinel(Body, 60%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Adamantite(Right/Left Feet, 45%) -> Blaze Ore(Right Arm/Right Arm 2 With Lava, 45%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Green Flame Ore(Left Arm/Left Arm 2 With Lava, 45%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) - Sunspot Visitor(Lava) -> Prime Elixir(Leader Item) - Thunder Bird -> Lightning Avoid Talisman(Leader Item) -> Great Egret's Heart(Body Right, 30%) -> Thor Rage(Body Left, 30%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Raptorial Claw(Wing Right/Left, 15%) -> Rune: Display(Blue) -> Storm-Sealed Tail Feather(Tail Right/Left, 15%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) - Hound From The Corner -> Directional Stone(Leader Item) -> Saver Tooth(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Beast Fur(Feet, 45%) -> Beast Meat(Tail, 15%) -> Crimson Breath(Body, 30%) -> Rune: Creation(Green) - Waste No.666 -> Sage's Secret Herb(Leader Item) - Homunculus Ahly -> Mithril Greave(Leader Item) -> Rune: Leg(Blue) -> Mithril Greave(Drop Item, 15%) -> Rune: Leg(Blue) - Homunculus Copy -> Mithril Crown(Leader Item) -> Rune: Head(Red) -> Mithril Crown(Drop Item, 15%) -> Rune: Head(Red) - Insect King -> Pulverize Talisman(Leader Item) -> Platina Eye(Head, 45%) -> Amber Core(Upper Body, 60%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) -> Royal Jelly(Stomach, 60%) -> Banshee Scale(Back, 60%) -> Rune: Resist(Red) -> Lancer Needle(Tail, 45%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Insect Blader(Front/Middle/Lower Arm, 30%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> King Insect's Feather(Upper&Lower Right/Left Feather, 25%) - Dog Ahly -> Practical Book(Upper Body, 100%) -> Copper Coin(Lower Body, 100%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Beast Fur(Head, 100%) -> Remex(Armor, 100%) -> Diecast Lance(Sling, 100%) -> Prime Elixir(Tail, 100%) - Dog Alicia -> Alicia's Robe(Upper Body, 100%) -> Radish(Lower Body, 100%) -> Steel Hair Band(Head, 100%) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Armor, 30%) -> Broken Sword(Sling, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Immortal King -> Flawless Amulet(Upper Body, 100%) -> Purple Mirror(Lower Body, 100%) -> Unpleasant Face(Head, 100%) -> Blood Sucking Fang(Armor, 100%) -> Bone-Attached Meat(Sling, 100%) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Dog Odin -> Boss Kobold Shirt(Upper Body, 100%) -> Lightning Coin(Lower Body, 100%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Head, 100%) -> Wisdom Mask(Armor, 100%) -> Kunknir(Sling, 100%) -> Prime Elixir(Tail, 100%) - Dog Aluze -> Over Drive(Upper Body, 100%) -> Brand-New Guide Book(Lower Body, 100%) -> Unpleasant Face(Head, 100%) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Armor, 100%) -> Bended Blade(Sling, 100%) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Dog Rufus -> Short Bow(Leader Item) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Lowered Kobold Shirt(Upper Body, 100%) -> Comedian's Proof(Lower Body, 100%) -> Gale Bandana(Head, 100%) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Armor, 100%) -> Broken Bow(Sling, 100%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Rejected Stalker (Lezard) -> Divine Spear Gungnir(Leader Item) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -> Divine Spear Gungnir(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -> Lenneth Doll Amber(Upper Body Head, 100%) -> Lenneth Doll Full Color(Upper Body Left Chest, 100%) -> Lenneth Doll Crystal(Lower Body/Right&Left Arm, 100%) -> Lenneth Doll Metallic(Right/Left Feet, 100%) ------------------------- \Seraphic Gate - Floor 4/ - Umbrella -> Cold Resist Amulet(Leader Item) -> Devil's Parabola(Ear, 30%) -> Rune: Darkness(Red) -> Beast Fur(Body, 30%) -> Bat Umbrella(Right/Left Wing, 15%) - Escargone -> Pulverize Amulet(Leader Item) -> Metabolizer(Head/Right&Left Middle Body, 15% or 30%) -> Jet Barrel(Body, 30%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Moon Pearl(Front Shell, 40%) -> Armor Pierce(Right/Left Back Side Shell, 20%) -> Rune: Weaken(Red) -> Prime Elixir(Both Side Middle Body, 60%) - Returned Arectaris -> Divine Bow Sylvan Bow(Leader Item) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Divine Bow Sylvan Bow(Drop Item, 15%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Crystal Mask(Body, 60%) -> Beauty's Jade(Trunk/Upper&Back Right&Left Tentacle, 60% or 45%) -> Beauty's Flame(Side Right/Left Tentacle, 45%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) - Koutarou -> Goddess' Sacred Herb(Leader Item) -> Sunflower Seed(Drop Item, 100%) - Tiamat -> Broken Sword Tyrhung(Leader Item) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Broken Sword Tyrhung(Drop Item, 15%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Crimson Breath(Middle/Inner Right/Outer Left Head, 45% or 25%) -> Rune: Creation(Green) -> Five-Color Breath Core(Inner Left/Outer Right Head, 25%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> True Dragon Liver(Front Body, 60%) -> Five-Color Scale(Back Body/Tail, 60% or 40%) -> Rune: Creation(Green) - Destiny -> Union Plum(Leader Item) -> Belladonna(Flower, 15%) -> White Petal(Upper Body, 15%) -> G Seed(Lower Body, 5%) - Back Packer -> Holy Armor Aleph Strain(Drop Item, 15%) -> Dipan's Pennant(Body, 5%) -> Goddess' Sacred Herb(String, 100%) - Hamster -> Goddess' Sacred Herb(Leader Item) -> Ham Star(Drop Item, 100%) - Black Pain -> Mithril Helm(Leader Item) -> Mithril Helm(Drop Item, 15%) -> Dragon Corpse Bone(Head, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Red) -> Dragon Rib(Rib, 45%) -> Rotten Dragon Liver(Bowel, 60%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Dragon's Meat Miso(Body, 60%) -> Onyx Dragon Scale(Tail/Right&Left Back Feet, 30% or 55%) -> Silver Fly(Right/Left Front Feet, 45%) -> Arcane Shell(Right/Left Feather, 50%) -> Rune: Creation(Green) - Hell Diver -> Flawless Amulet(Leader Item) -> Penetrate Beak(Head, 30%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Feather(Waist/Upper Part Of Upper Body/Lower Body, 30%) -> Great Egret's Heart(Lower Part Of Upper Body, 30%) -> Large Beast's Wing(Body Side Right/Left Back Wing, 15%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) -> Griffon's Claw(Front Right/Left Back Wing, 15%) -> Rune: Display(Red) -> Deep Green Feather(Right/Left Front Wing, 15%) -> Rune: Cure(Green) -> Pure White Decoration Feather(Decoration Feather, 15%) - Mechanic Third Rater -> Guard Potion(Leader Item) -> Chaos Force(Head, 15%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Wind-Up(Body, 30%) -> Rune: Creation(Red) -> Junk Shield(Right/Left Arm 1, 15%) -> Damascus(Right/Left Arm 2, 15%) -> Adamantite(Right/Left Arm 3, 15%) -> Orihalcon(Right/Left Arm 4&5, 15%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) - Lightning Kobold -> Thunder Crystal(Leader Item) -> Afrohead(Head, 30%) -> Thor Rage(Upper Body, 30%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Lightning Coin(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 25%) -> Orihalcon(Armor, 15%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Broken Hammer(Sling, 15%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) - Dog Odin -> Boss Kobold Shirt(Upper Body, 100%) -> Lightning Coin(Lower Body, 100%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Head, 100%) -> Wisdom Mask(Armor, 100%) -> Kunknir(Sling, 100%) -> Prime Elixir(Tail, 100%) - Dog Frei -> Good-Up Chaps(Upper Body, 100%) -> Lightning Coin(Lower Body, 100%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Beast Fur(Head, 100%) -> Frei Cap(Armor, 100%) -> Crystal Ball(Sling, 100%) -> Prime Elixir(Tail, 100%) - Dog Rufus -> Lowered Kobold Shirt(Upper Body, 100%) -> Comedian's Proof(Lower Body, 100%) -> Gale Bandana(Head, 100%) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Armor, 100%) -> Broken Bow(Sling, 100%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Dog Alicia -> Alicia's Robe(Upper Body, 100%) -> Radish(Lower Body, 100%) -> Steel Hair Band(Head, 100%) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Armor, 30%) -> Broken Sword(Sling, 100%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Dog Aluze -> Over Drive(Upper Body, 100%) -> Brand-New Guide Book(Lower Body, 100%) -> Unpleasant Face(Head, 100%) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Armor, 100%) -> Bended Blade(Sling, 100%) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Frau (Frei) -> Star Guard(Leader Item) -> Rune: Arm(Green) -> Star Guard(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Arm(Green) ------------------------- \Seraphic Gate - Floor 5/ - Walther -> Ether Crown(Drop Item, 15%) -> Ether Crown(Body, 15%) - Gyne -> Ether Crown(Drop Item, 15%) -> Ether Crown(Body, 15%) - Ghost In The Mirror -> Liqueur Potion(Leader Item) -> Red Soul Flame(Ghost, 30%) -> Rune: Flame(Red) -> Orchid Silverwork(Altar, 30%) -> Lake Surface Mirror(Bottom&Tip Right/Left Mirror, 15%) -> Silver Frame Casula(Middle Right/Left Mirror, 15%) - Sword Master -> Holy Armor Aleph Strain(Right Body, 30%) -> Tri Emblem Alpha(Left Body, 30%) -> Rune: Creation(Blue) -> Deep Doom(Upper Right Hand Weapon, 40%) -> Rune: Earth(Green) -> Thor Rage(Lower Right Hand Weapon, 40%) -> Rune: Thunder(Green) -> Ymir's Tear(Upper Left Hand Weapon, 40%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Sun Jewel(Lower Left Hand Weapon, 40%) -> Rune: Flame(Green) -> Broken Great Sword(Upper Right Hand, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Blue) -> Broken Sword(Lower Right Hand, 30%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Broken Spear(Upper Left Hand, 30%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Green) -> Broken Hammer(Lower Left Hand, 30%) -> Rune: Hit(Green) - Norn -> Spirit's Sacred Herb(Leader Item) -> Jade Cartilage(Parasol, 15%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Demon Eye Jewel(Upper Body, 30%) -> Rune: Cure(Red) -> Soul Pearl(Lower Body, 30%) -> Rune: Ice(Green) -> Assault Claw(Right/Left Arm, 25%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Extra Solid Bone(Right/Left Fin, 15%) -> Rune: Strengthen(Green) - Bahamut -> Glittering Armor Infinate Admire(Leader Item) -> Glittering Armor Infinate Admire(Drop Item, 15%) -> Demon Dragon's Great Horn(Horn, 60%) -> Demon Eye Of Killing Vision(Head, 40%) -> Shining Breath Core(Body, 60%) -> Rune: Holy(Green) -> Onyx Dragon Scale(Waist/Front Tail, 60% or 45%) -> Dragon God's Reverse Scale(Body Side Tail, 45%) -> Dragon's Wing Bone(Right/Left Wing, 45%) -> Rune: Display(Green) -> Scythe Claw(Right/Left Arm, 45%) -> Rune: Slash(Red) -> Darkness Shell(Right/Left Feet, 45%) -> Rune: Darkness(Green) - Mythical Saurian -> Demon Eye Of Killing Vision(Head, 45%) -> Black Dragon Liver(Upper Chest, 60%) -> Kamsheen Scale(Right/Left Wing, 30%) - Lower Saurian -> Kamsheen Scale(Body, 60%) -> Five-Color Scale(Tail, 45%) -> Rune: Creation(Green) -> Homing Scale(Right/Left Front Feet, 40%) -> Onyx Dragon Scale(Right/Left Back Feet, 40%) - Dog Lenneth -> Battle Maiden's Kobold Mail(Upper Body, 100%) -> Silver Coin(Lower Body, 100%) -> Rune: Refine(Red) -> Over Drive(Head, 100%) -> Remex(Armor, 100%) -> Diecast Lance(Sling, 100%) -> Goddess' Sacred Herb(Tail, 100%) - Dog Ahly -> Practical Book(Upper Body, 100%) -> Copper Coin(Lower Body, 100%) -> Rune: Refine(Blue) -> Beast Fur(Head, 100%) -> Remex(Armor, 100%) -> Diecast Lance(Sling, 100%) -> Prime Elixir(Tail, 100%) - Dog Silmeria -> Battle Maiden's Kobold Mail(Upper Body, 100%) -> Gold Coin(Lower Body, 100%) -> Rune: Refine(Green) -> Beast Fur(Head, 100%) -> Remex(Armor, 100%) -> Diecast Lance(Sling, 100%) -> Prime Elixir(Tail, 100%) - Dog Rufus -> Lowered Kobold Shirt(Upper Body, 100%) -> Comedian's Proof(Lower Body, 100%) -> Gale Bandana(Head, 100%) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Armor, 100%) -> Broken Bow(Sling, 100%) -> Rune: Penetrate(Red) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Dog Aluze -> Over Drive(Upper Body, 100%) -> Brand-New Guide Book(Lower Body, 100%) -> Unpleasant Face(Head, 100%) -> Double Sided Tape's Shard(Armor, 100%) -> Bended Blade(Sling, 100%) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Immortal King -> Flawless Amulet(Upper Body, 100%) -> Purple Mirror(Lower Body, 100%) -> Unpleasant Face(Head, 100%) -> Blood Sucking Fang(Armor, 100%) -> Bone-Attached Meat(Sling, 100%) -> Tail Holder(Tail, 100%) - Iseria Queen -> Holy Staff Million Terror(Leader Item) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -> Holy Staff Million Terror(Drop Item, 100%) -> Rune: Hit(Blue) -> Tri Emblem Beta(Body, 75%) -> Rune: Creation(Red) -> Steel Spear Dinosaur(Spear, 30%) -> Tri Emblem Alpha(Back Booster, 55%) -> Rune: Creation(Blue) ------------------------- \Seraphic Gate - Floor 1/ (After Iseria Queen) - Serious Dirna -> Noble Elixir(Leader Item) -> True Third(Drop Item, 100%) - Demi Shadow -> Flawless Talisman(Drop Item, 100%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At least get 5 Level Up for all 20 Einferia so they are ready to be released. Equip them with the Best Equipment For Perfect Release. Release them all for great amount of stat-boosting items. Here is the end result: - For the 7 Mages: - 7 Scarlet Flame Stone - 693 Mage's Knowledge - 28 Bow Fighter's Knowledge - 98 Thief's Knowledge - 84 Ambrosia - 238 Heavy Soldier's Knowledge - For the 4 Light Soldiers: - 4 Scarlet Flame Stone - 76 Swordsman's Knowledge - 48 Mage's Knowledge - 16 Bow Fighter's Knowledge - 16 Thief's Knowledge - 48 Ambrosia - 40 Heavy Soldier's Knowledge - For the 4 Heavy Soldiers: - 4 Scarlet Flame Stone - 396 Swordsman's Knowledge - 88 Mage's Knowledge - 56 Bow Fighter's Knowledge - 36 Thief's Knowledge - For the 5 Bow Fighters: - 5 Scarlet Flame Stone - 155 Swordsman's Knowledge - 60 Mage's Knowledge - 20 Bow Fighter's Knowledge - 70 Thief's Knowledge - 55 Ambrosia - 90 Heavy Soldier's Knowledge Add them up, the total is: - 20 Scarlet Flame Stone - 187 Ambrosia - 627 Swordsman's Knowledge - 889 Mage's Knowledge - 120 Bow Fighter's Knowledge - 220 Thief's Knowledge - 368 Heavy Soldier's Knowledge Instead of 20 Scarlet Flame Stone, some people can have 13 Scarlet Flame Stone and 7 Azure Flame Stone. This is depended on the levels of the Einferia. If you are wondering, it doesn't really matter all that much if all your Einferia are at Level 99 or just at the required release level. Hence, don't waste time to level them up after gaining 5 levels/ready for release. While getting all those items, pick the character and feed all of them to him/ her. Dylan and Rufus are the top choices, Frei is another. One more thing to remember is that you can hold up to 99 quantity of any item. That means you really should feed all the items from one Einferia before you release another. ~Golden Egg~ After using up all these stat-boosting items, you won't get more other than the Golden Egg which you can buy in Solde. Here comes the example for crazy damage, with Dylan against Gabriel Celesta: - Normal Attack: Full Swing - Skills: Feint, Solitary Struggle, Magic Slayer - Equipment: Angel Slayer, Ether Crown, Tyrant's Armor - Accessories: Demon Dragon's Great Horn, Incense, Bloody Cross, Pure White Waistcloth - Sealed Stones: Logical Spinning Great Tree's Protection, Sharp Sword's Reason, Foodless Assaulter's Reason, Sword As The Offering Commandment - Put Changing Gender's Reason on the Altar at Floor 1 - Get all members dead except for Dylan - Start the battle against Gabriel Celesta - Use Might Potion and Spell Potion then attack from Gabriel's back - You will most likely inflict around 9,999,999 damage which means Direct Assault - In the Battle Data, it only records the Max Damage up to 9,999,999 That's the basic concept of doing crazy damage. Overall, the enemy's Race is important, as well as their Gender; If you don't like the Sealed Stone Sword As The Offering Commandment, then switch that to Swordian Protection; Dragon Rib is another nice Accessory since that increases stats after losing HPs. That means the more HPs you lose, the stronger you get. Once you are below 20% of the Max HP, you can inflict tons of more damage; The Accessory Bone Mask is also decent, but you need to be in Weaken(Returned Arectaris' Angel Dust). If you are going to use Bone Mask, check out the Accessory Onyx Crystal as well; As for Sealed Stones, the Cracking Commandment and Rusty Commandment can also help; Lastly, don't forget about the Iron Fist and Mind Burst skills, as well as the Adversity skill when you are fighting Serious Dirna & the 3 Demi Shadow. In the end, you can customize by corresponding to each boss in Seraphic Gate and make Direct Assault on all of them. Remember that I would recommend using the Normal Attack in the Damage Coefficient Ranking(Ctrl + F to find it). And yes, Dylan's Full Swing isn't the best, Frei's Heavenly Punishment is. However, Full Swing is One Hit which is best if you are looking for the maximum damage you can do in One Hit. If you are looking for 20 or 30 Million damage, then you will need to do a Soul Crush while having 999 Hits. Use Alicia's Turn Around and Rufus' Rating Zone, along with Triple Edge and Spirit Control skills. As for the enemy, Returned Arectaris or Tiamat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Me - tri-Ace - Square Enix - triAce_Fanboy - For pointing out the Hunting Sword Hilde in Dipan Castle(Chapter 2) - For pointing out Dire Wolf shows up in Lost Forest & more frequently - Master LL - For strategy on avoiding Queen Wasp's Vary Omega - Squall Inverse - Fore strategy on silencing one sage with the battle against Gyne & Walther - Eclesis - For pointing out the right kanji for Heavy Black Anchor's Commandment cuz I had Heavy Black Cat's Commandment - Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria Final Guide (671 Pages) - Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria Official Complete Guide (655 Pages) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- The End ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------