8 8 88 Wolves everywhere... 88 88 8 8 88 88 flee in terror. 88 88 88 88888888888 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 8888 88 88 88 88 88 88 8 88 88 888 88 88 88 8 88 88 888 ----------------- 88 88 88 88 888 888 Bulleta FAQ v0.2 88 88 88 888 8888 88 ------ for ------ 88 88 88 888 88888 888 Vampire ~~ Savior 88 88 888888 88888 888 by: "The KiD" === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === Copyright 1999 "The KiD" The following FAQ you are about to go through was made by me, Khris G. . It was made for the use of private and/or personal use only. If reproduced, it may only be done electronically. The correctness and accuracy of the material in this FAQ is not guaranteed, and the author will NOT be held responsible for any problems or damages caused in any way from errors or omissions. So, if you screw something up, tough luck. If placed on a freely-assessable, non-commercial web page or site, this FAQ may be altered to fit within certain guidelines, but this disclaimer and copyright info must remain in its original form and state. Simple. For no reason should this FAQ be used for profitable and/or promotional purpose (i.e- published in magazines, guides, hint books, etc.), or be added to and/or shown on any game sites in ANY way without an express written letter from myself. In any other case, just don't even bother to ask. The answer is no. N-O. This FAQ is NOT to be given out as a sort of gift with purchases. It's not my forte to write all this to get others rich. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it's due... or I will find you. Period. Plagiarism sucks. "The KiD" has written, and so it shall be spoken. =) Bulleta/Baby Bonnie Hood and the characters of Vampire Savior are (c) Capcom of America and Capcom of Japan. All rights reserved. This FAQ is available at: --------------------------------------------------------------- Bulleta FAQ - Fighters NET www.fighters.net GameFAQs www.gamefaqs.com === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === |~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~| The Steps on Preparing for Darkstalker Hunting |~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~| - Introduction - Official Info of Bulleta - How To Read The FAQ - The Listing of Bulleta's Killer Attacks - Universal Moves - Bulleta's Basic Attacks - Bulleta's Hunting Techniques - Bulleta's EX Finishes - Bulleta "Dokkan!" Combos - Using Bulleta Effectively - Fighting The Human Opponent - Miscellaneous Info - The Sayings And Conclusion Of A Killer - Revision History/Special Thanks - Final Note From The KiD === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=-- INTRODUCTION =--=--=--=-- Of course we all heard the story of "Little Red Riding Hood", right? Story about a little girl carrying a basket of goodies to her Grandma. And later we find out that Grandma turns out to be the Big Bad Wolf in a nightgown. Or maybe you remember lines like, "Oh what big teeth you have, Grandma!" and such. That ring a bell? Good. Well, now take that story, give it to Capcom, and add an uzi, exploding apples, and a basket that fires missiles. In the end, you end up with none other than Bulleta, one of the 4 new characters added to "Vampire Savior", the new addition to the Darkstalkers series. This uzi-totin', money lovin', serial killer strikes a huge resemblance to "Red Riding Hood", and dares any wolf to cross her path! ^_^ The reason of this FAQ is to give you a more in-depth look at Bulleta. Alot of people overlook her; perhaps thinking her moves would never stand a chance against that of Morrigan, Demitri, and Lei-Lei. But as you read on, you will see that Bulleta is quite the powerhouse, and people that don't normally use her should give her a chance to see her true killing intent. =) Special note: This FAQ refers to many of the characters by their Japanese names. Below is the list of which characters are which by American names: Aulbath = Rikuo Bulleta = B.B.Hood Gallon = Jon Talbain Lei-Lei = Hsien-Ko Phobos = Huitzil Zabel = Lord Rapter === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- OFFICIAL INFO ON BULLETA =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Name: Bulleta ("Baby Bonnie Hood" or "B.B.Hood" in the US) AKA: Crazy Little Gangsta Birthdate: 1979 Height: 170cm Weight: 85kg Race: Deadly Youth Bloodline: Human and Devil Official Story: It is common sense in the world of humans, that love and courage are no longer as highly prized when compared to the powerful lure of money. Nowadays, people think that proud talk, about such cardinal values as love and courage, is not to be taken seriously, and is on the verge of being laughable. Youthful Bulleta was also a believer of this form of "common sense." One day, while on the way to her work, she was brought into an unknown space by a mysterious means of transportation; she was completely mystified about what her future may hold. The space was a secluded area called Majigen created by the reborn Jedah. The reason why she was brought into Majigen is that she possesses the same mind as the rest of the Darkstalkers; this was unbeknownst to her. Bulleta, rather than remaining disoriented, begins thinking about catching whole devils with one throw of her basket upon arriving in Majigen. "Yes!... everything will be mine! It's gonna be big bucks for Bulleta for many years to come." Appearances: Darkstalkers 3: Jedah's Damnation Pocket Fighter (cameo appearance) Short Bulleta Story: Bulleta B. Hood stood over the body of the hideous winged creature, it's blood glistening in the pale moonlight. She looked to the mayor of the small village, and said, coldly, "Your problem has been eliminated. My fee, please." The mayor couldn't believe his eyes, he never believed this young-looking, blond girl could defeat the demonic thing that had been preying on his village. In fact, it was only that her arrogance had hurt his pride that he had taken her up on her offer to take the thing on in battle. Afterwards, he had felt guilty for sending the pretty youth to her death.. but things hadn't turned out as anyone could have predicted. It had been a short battle. The young woman, just a girl really, had turned out to be an expert in the use of military armaments. Grenades, a machine gun, even a bazooka were all at her disposal. But the way she had administered the final blow, slitting the thing's throat with a short curved knife, sent a chill down the mayor's spine. "My fee," said Bulleta again, an edge creeping into her voice. "We can't pay it," said the mayor, "We are a small village, we can't afford to pay such a bounty. I'm sorry, but I thought you just another boastful charlatan." Bulleta sighed, "Well, my fault really. Get the money first.. That was my grandmother's motto." A tear came to her eye as she thought of her grandmother's death at the hands of one of the "Dark Ones," but she blinked it away before the villagers could see it. "A girl should always listen to her grandmother. Well, I can follow her second piece of wisdom, 'Never give a welcher an even break.' " She brought out her bazooka and aimed at the town hall, as the townspeople scattered in terror. Bulleta stood on a hill, looking down and the burning village. "Don't worry, Grandma," she thought, "Next time, those spineless parasites will think twice about cheating me. You'll be proud of me, you'll see!" She walked down a path lighted by the flames from the burning buildings.... === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--= HOW TO READ THE FAQ --=--=--=--=--=--=- ub u uf Jump Back Jump Up Jump Forward \ | / b -- N -- f Retreat/Block Neutral Advance / | \ db d df Defensive Crouch Crouch Offensive Crouch Reverse left and right if on right side of screen or Player 2. LP MP HP Light Punch Medium Punch Hard Punch LK MK HK Light Kick Medium Kick Hard Kick P - press any Punch button K - press any Kick button PP - press any 2 Punch buttons KK - press any 2 Kick button + - means "and" / - means "or" (air) - can use while jumping ~ - can use anything in that range === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- THE LISTING OF BULLETA'S KILLER ATTACKS =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Hold & Cut When close, f + MP/HP Catch & Cut When close in air, f + MP/HP ES Smile & Missile Charge b,f + P/K ES Happy & Missile Charge d,u + P ES Cheer & Fire f,d,df + P ES Shyness & Strike qcb + P, hold P, then release ES Sentimental Typhoon When close, hcb + MP/HP ES Jealousy & Fake f,d,df + K (Guard Cancel only) Tell Me Why d + KKK Hop & Strike f / b + MP Hop & Knee f / b + MK Dash & Stab f,f + MP Malice & Mine df + HK Double Jump ub~uf, ub~uf Ohh, A Flower Hold d EX Cruel Hunting hcf + PP EX Beautiful Memory hcf + KK EX Apple For You When close, hcb + KK EX Malice Toy (Playstation Only) During Dark Force, b,d,db + KK DF Bazooka Ransha: The Killing Time Press same strength P + K The "ES" moves are those moves that can be enhanced by doing the same motion, but instead, pressing 2 buttons instead of the one. For example, to do the ES version of the Cheer & Fire, you would do f,d,df + PP instead of f,d,df + P. Using the ES of a move takes up 1 stock of Super Meter. The "EX" moves are the Super moves. When one is activated, Bulleta will flash with rainbow colors and become invincible for a second as she attacks. Each require 1 stock of Super Meter to use. The "DF" refers to Bulleta's Dark Force. This is explained in more detail in the "Bulleta's EX Finishes" section. This also requires 1 stock of Super Meter to activate. === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=-- UNIVERSAL MOVES =--=--=--=--=-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DASH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tap --O, --O Bulleta crouches low as she dashes forward, gun at the ready. Her dash is really fast, so it's able to get in close before your opponent realizes it. I advice to NOT press Hard Kick as you dash. With HK, she stops immediately to kick a land mine over (refer to "Hard Kick/Roundhouse" in "Bulleta's Basic Attacks"). Perhaps the best attack to use off the dash is her Hard Punch. It's a nice tactic to dash in, then retreat - repeat if necessary. Each one interrupts the previous one's animation, and can psych out your opponent (usually the CPU) into a misplaced attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RETREAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tap O--, O-- Bulleta runs backwards while screaming in fright. Her retreat is just about as fast as her dash. The same conditions that effect her dash apply here too. However, it is pretty funny to see her scream in fear. =P ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOUBLE JUMP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump ub~uf, ub~uf Bulleta jumps, then jumps again in mid-air. Always a great move to get in at the opponent for an air attack. Great way to avoid huge attacks (i.e- Aulbath's Sea Rage) that normally take up alot of screen room. An unusual tactic with this is to jump in at the opponent, then jump away. Against the uppercut/rising attack users (i.e- Demitri, Morrigan, Gallon), it can cause them to whiff the attack, thus having Bulleta land and counter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TECH HIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As you're thrown, immediately press f / b + MP / MK / HP / HK. Bulleta leaps back from the opponent, taking minimum damage from the throw. The Tech Hit will not work on the following attacks: - Anakaris' Mirror Drop - Aulbath's Crystal Lancer and Gem's Anger - Bishamon's Kirisute Gomen - Bulleta's Sentimental Typhoon - Demitri's Negative Stolen, Midnight Pleasure, and Midnight Bliss - Donovan's Sword Grapple - Felicia's Hell Cat - Gallon's Wild Circular - Jedah's Sangue=Vassale - Lei-Lei's Spectral Slicer - Lilith's Mystic Arrow - Morrigan's Vector Drain - Phobos' Circuit Scrapper - Pyron's Planet Burning - Q-Bee's C.R. and O.M. - Sasquash's Big Brunch, Big Swing, and Big Sledge - Victor's Mega Shock, Mega Spike, and Geldenheim 3 - Zabel's Skull Punish Tech Hits only work on normal throws, and not air throws and command throws (like the ones listed above). A Tech Hit should be used as often as possible if you're against an opponent that likes to throw. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUARD REVERSAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Refer to "Jealousy & Fake" in the "Bulleta's Hunting Techniques" section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PURSUIT (Law of The Bullet) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When opponent is on the ground, press u + any button Bulleta will jump over to stand on opponent, shooting them in the back. Like in many 3D games, after you knock your opponent to the ground, you're able to get in an extra hit. When Bulleta floors an opponent, performing this pursuit will add 6 more hits to the combo. This move can also be ESed by pressing u + any 2 buttons, having Bulleta leap and shoot opponent a total of 11 times, then jump back and toss an apple on them to explode for the 12th hit. At the end of each of the special moves in the "Bulleta's Hunting Techniques" section is a "Pursuit Factor" used to show if a pursuit can be used after that attack. The system uses "X"s to rate: [XX---] One "X" being a pursuit can't happen at all, 5 being a guaranteed pursuit. === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- BULLETA'S BASIC ATTACKS -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIGHT PUNCH / JAB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulleta looks like she's grabbing to catch a butterfly, thus her sticking her hand out is the punch. It's able to trade hits with some jump-in attacks, but don't rely on it. If standing close to the opponent, it acts as a quicker jab, that can be chained into another, then a combo of your choice. Use it on larger opponents (i.e- Victor, Anakaris) as you jump-in to begin an air-chain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEDIUM PUNCH / STRONG ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulleta swings her basket out in an arc, which can be chained after the LP or LK. When you are using her standing version, you can add more range by doing f + MP (refer to Hop & Strike in "Bulleta's Hunting Techniques"). For her jumping version, pressing MP as she leaps straight up makes the basket swing horizontal to stop jump-ins. But if you are jumping toward the opponent, she swings it down-toward for air combo possibility. Very useful when you are jumping over projectiles so you can retaliate with a combo. The standing close version of this is cool since she smacks the opponent right in the head with her basket. =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HARD PUNCH / FIERCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The BEST and funniest attack I've seen in a while. Bulleta removes her uzi to fire up to 5 shots on her victim. And in addition, take a look at that demonic look she's displaying. No more sweet-innocent look! Now, since it's so cool, it has a flaw or two. First of all, it may be a gun, but the bullets DO NOT go full screen. It only hits a small distance in front of her. The length of a life bar is about the maximum range the bullets hit. Moving on, this is a long attack, especially her standing version. On the positive side, it comes out fast, making it able to cancel those attacks that come rushing in at her (i.e- Felicia's Dancing Flash, Morrigan's Darkness Illusion, etc). Next, if used on an opponent while Bulleta is just standing, it will push the opponent back out of range of the bullets. It's best to dash at them with this attack, and with the momentum, she's able to inflict up to 7 hits. A fair jump-in attack, but you have to be right over opponent for it to connect. It seems to have a tendency to miss at times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIGHT KICK / SHORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nothing really too special about this attack. Her standing variation of it looks like she sneezes and her foot kicks up from the reflex. The jumping and crouching kicks are short-ranged, but are comboable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEDIUM KICK / FORWARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulleta performs a backwards kick that has the exact same range as her LK. Her crouching version has a little more reach, however. Pressing f + HK will cause Bulleta to perform a hopping knee attack (refer to Hop & Knee in "Bulleta's Hunting Techniques"). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HARD KICK / ROUNDHOUSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another attack where Bulleta uses a weapon; this time enforcing explosives in the form of land mines. There are so many variations of this attack. 1) Standing - a landmine drops from the inside of her dress (don't ask..) and she kicks it over toward the opponent. Kinda cool, and it hits low for a surprise attack. 2) Jumping - Bulleta does a spin as she leaps, kicking out a mine to explode in the air. Not too much range, making it hard to find a use for. It is popular for scoring that last hit you need to win a round, however. 3) Crouching - Bulleta kicks out both legs to cause opponent to fall - a basic sweep. Very easy to get a pursuit after this. 4) Down-Toward - Bulleta kicks out a mine to fall a little distance in front of her (refer to Malice & Mine in "Bulleta's Hunting Techniques"). === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= BULLETA'S HUNTING TECHNIQUES --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOLD & CUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When close, Tap f + MP or HP Bulleta grabs opponent and leaps onto their back, then slits their throat as she says, "Abayo." [See ya] A very cool looking throw, but alot of problems with it. First, it's very easy to Tech Hit from. Not only does Bulleta have to leap on the opponent back, but it takes another second before the throw actually happens. If the throw connects, Bulleta leaps the opposite way the opponent flies. That make the pursuit difficult UNLESS you activate it the moment Bulleta lands so she catches them before they have a chance to get up. Still, that only works against a few characters. If close to the corner, make it so the throw causes the opponent to fly into the corner. Not only will you have a higher percentage at a pursuit, but advantage over the opponent. Pursuit Factor [XXX--] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATCH & CUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When close in air, Tap f + MP or HP Bulleta grabs the opponent in midair, gets on their back and slits their throat as she says, "Abayo." [See ya] This is the same throw as the Hold & Cut, except since you are grabbing the opponent out the air, their chances to Tech Hit is decreased. Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SMILE & MISSILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charge O-- for 2 seconds, --O + P or K ES: 3 hits P - Bulleta places her basket upside-down on her shoulder and fires a missile from it as she says, "Dokkan!". K - Bulleta holds her basket down at her side, firing a low missile from the front, saying, "Dokkan!". Depending on the strength of the button pressed, the further the missile flies. Besides the ES version, none of the missiles go full screen. Commonly used like a Sonic Boom - after you sweep the opponent, firing it as they are getting up. The missile moves at a rapid pace, but sometimes hard to incorporate into a combo. Like Sagat's High and Low Tiger Shot, you can mix up the heights to confuse the opponent a bit, but both heights of the missiles can be blocked high. In fact, some characters are even able to crouch to avoid the high one. At least they are an auto knockdown. Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HAPPY & MISSILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charge | for 2 seconds, O + P O | ES: 3 hits Bulleta leaps up into the air, holding her basket on her shoulder, fires a missile down at opponent, says, "Dokkan!". Depending on the button pressed, the missile is fired downwards at a different angle. The ES version flies full screen at a 45-degree angle. Common use is to keep enemies back or to counter jump-ins. If you do the MP version as an opponent jumps in or air-dashes at you, the missile will hit if you time it correctly. Another interesting use that I've seen and done is that this move is used as a psych-out. How? Normally people will block this high, allowing you to land and sweep them, following with a pursuit. However, if they catch on and block low, you can walk up with a Sentimental Typhoon, then also pursuit. =) Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHEER & FIRE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --O | \ + P O O ES: 5 hits Bulleta opens a bottle of champagne that sends a fiery burst upwards. Essentially, this is Bulleta's main anti-air attack. Even though the flames shoot up at a near 90 degree angle, then hit in a relative good proximity. Useful on those air dashers and ones with mid-air moves. Just get underneath 'em and let it rip! ^_^ If fighting a opponent that's not too small (i.e- like Lilith and Lei-Lei), the Cheer & Fire will hit if you stand right next to them. The ES version causes the flames to move in a wave - that used to increase the hit rate and range. Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHYNESS & STRIKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | / O-- , hold P, then release O O ES: 1 hit Bulleta spins her basket around as she yawns, causing the basket to increase in size, then hits opponent with it. Ahh.. the guessing game. That's basically the use of this move. It's not a complex guessing game, but it makes the opponent wonder "Is it safe to stop blocking now?" Then, if they think it's safe, send the basket over to show that their judgment was false. Now, moving on to the bad part of this move. You'd THINK that the longer you held the button down, the larger basket would do more damage, right? Correct. I'd THINK that too. Guess what? It _doesn't_. The longer you hold the button does NOT increase the damage. All it does is add range: she steps a little further, and the bigger basket hits more area. The full force of the move reaches a half screen distance. Now, I'm not saying the range thing is bad. Long range is good, granted. But think about it.. You're holding that Punch button kinda long for it to get to full range, thus leaving Bulleta open for some pretty nasty attacks. Making the basket stronger instead of the range addition would be a better option, IMO. At least you get a guaranteed pursuit attack though. If you hold Punch longer then 3 seconds, Bulleta will automatically attack. Pursuit Factor [XXXXX] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SENTIMENTAL TYPHOON ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When close, --O \ | / O-- + MP or HP O O O ES: 1 hit Bulleta grabs opponent by the arms and smirks, spinning to create a typhoon, then tosses opponent up into it to come crashing back down. Bulleta's command throw. Always nice to use when you find yourself close to an opponent all of a sudden (i.e- after a "Tell Me Why"), or when you are standing over an opponent as they are getting up. It doesn't do too much more damage then the "Hold & Cut" though. However, it's better than her normal throw for the obvious reason that it's inescapable. Also, as soon as the opponent starts to fall back down on screen, Bulleta is guaranteed her pursuit to add "injury to insult". =) Pursuit Factor [XXXXX] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JEALOUSY & FAKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --O | \ + K (Guard Cancel only) O O Bulleta disappears with her sheet, then appears on the other side of the opponent. With this, corner traps come to an end. The regular version makes Bulleta appear in the middle of the screen, and her ES makes her appear all the way on the other side of the screen. Against those "must-keep-opponent-back- with-projectiles" players, use the version that will get you behind the opponent while they are still in their attack animation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TELL ME WHY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | + KKK O Bulleta drops on the ground and crawls forward "commando-style" a short distance. Another way to get out of the corner. Not an attack, but a good way to avoid projectiles and get in close. If you are right next to the opponent, using this will place Bulleta on the other side of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOP & STRIKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tap --O + MP Bulleta hops forward, swinging her basket out with a much wider arc. Similar to Cammy's Axle Spin Knuckle, just without the wind-up time. It's able to hit opponents out of start-up animation before they do some attacks. On a similar note, pressing b + MP will make Bulleta hop back and attack. A nice way to get out of range of an incoming attack, countering with your own. For a cheese tactic, keep doing f + MP over and over. Unless your opponent's name initials are "CPU", it's pretty hard to get out of that unless they Guard Cancel. If they just block, you'll work your way in real close, then you can do an "Apple For You" or just throw 'em with a Sentimental Typhoon. =D Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOP & KNEE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tap --O + MK Bulleta hops forward, attacking with an upraised knee. Like her MP, holding forward or back as you press MK will make Bulleta do a hopping attack - this time making it the same attack: a hop-forward knee hit. The "cheap" tactic like in her "Hop & Strike" works here, but her knee has more lag time when she lands. However, it does inflict more damage. Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DASH & STAB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tap --O, --O + MP Bulleta trips and falls forward as she stabs two knifes into the ground. Sorta reminds me of Nicole from Guardian Heroes.. Anyway, this attack does have a decent use. If it connects, and that's _if_, it will cause the opponent to spin out. During that spin, they are unable to block, enabling Bulleta to recover and get another attack in. Normally, it's a Sentimental Typhoon, especially in the corner. Only bad part is that it can be seen a mile away, and if it's blocked, your opponent can counter very easily. Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MALICE & MINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tap \ + HK O Bulleta kicks her legs up as a mine fly from her dress, landing a small distance in front of her to explode. It's kind of slow on it's own, but can be chained to a low combo ender. It's further than her regular crouching HK, so use it to duck those high attacks for a counter. Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OHH, A FLOWER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hold | O Bulleta crouches down, looking to the ground, then a flower grows. To make a long story short, this is a another taunt. Period. === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=-- BULLETA'S EX FINISHES =--=--=--=--=--=--=-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CRUEL HUNTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------ O-- / | \ --O + PP O O O Hits on the ground: 9 Hits in the air: 18 Bulleta pulls the sheet from her basket as two huge men (Smith, the woodsman, and Wesson, the World War 2 Soldier) with guns appear behind her, as they all open fire on opponent. Kind of a disappointment. I mean, here we have a Super where the opponent gets shot down (and I mean REALLY shot down), and it's WEAK. Especially if you hit the opponent while they are on the ground. If you want potential damage with this Super, you have to catch the opponent in the air with it. And thankfully this Super is at least incredibly fast, hitting them out of the air isn't much of a problem. That way, you get the full 18 hits, and 3 times more damage. The next problem is this: the bullets are so high, that some people (i.e- Q-Bee, Lilith) can walk under them. If Bulleta is close, VERY close, to the opponent while you do this Super, her uzi will knock the opponent upwards into the stronger shots. However, the opponent will still receive minimum damage like if they were hit on the ground. Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEAUTIFUL MEMORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ O-- / | \ --O + KK O O O Hits: Alot of hits all counted as one Bulleta gets a vision of her grandmother, says, "Obaasan!", and rushes forward with knives at opponent; first slashing them, then hitting them with a big rock, finally picking them up and throwing opponent down in a puddle of Bulleta's own tears as opponent is shot up in a geyser. This and the Apple For You are the hardest ones to connect with. The range of this Super is good - nearly half screen distance. Use this to catch the opponent coming down from a jump, or if they are stuck in animation. It can hit people in the air, but for only one hit. If it's blocked, Bulleta bounces back off the opponent. Be careful that is doesn't miss or Bulleta will snap her fingers in a "Darn!" fashion, thus leaving her vulnerable. Playstation Changes: She has more start-up time before the initial dash. Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPLE FOR YOU ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --O \ | / O-- + KK (Only works if close to opponent) O O O Hits: 1 Bulleta offers an apple to opponent. If they "accept" it, it fuses as Bulleta leaps back and takes cover, the apple exploding in opponent's hand. Bulleta - Would you like an apple? Donovan - ...the hell? Fight Dark Warrior. There's no time for this.. Bulleta - It's good! You know, "an apple a-day"! Donovan - ..well.. I guess.. Since Anita eat my last BlowPop.. Bulleta - ^_^ Donovan - ..what the..? why is this stem sparkling? Bulleta - ^_^ Donovan - Guah!! If only.. Oh, I'm sorry! Got sidetracked there. Where was I? Oh yeah, the "Apple For You". Ok, the only problem with this super is that is has very little range. You have to be _really_ close to the opponent for it to work. To make up for that, it takes off about as much as her Beautiful Memory. There are a few ways to get this to hit. One way is to get in close with either the "Tell Me Why" or rolling toward the opponent after you are knocked down. That way, once you stand, initialize the motion and you should catch the opponent. A "cheaper", but easier, way to get this to work is once you beat the opponent in a round, stand over them as they are getting up for the next round and do the Super. Useful if you're playing against those people who like to "turtle" (just block or people that stay in the corner). Get in close with attacks (i.e- Hop & Strike), then use this once you get within range. Again, if you miss with this Super, like the Beautiful Memory, Bulleta will snap her fingers, leaving her open. Pursuit Factor [X----] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MALICE TOY (Playstation Version Only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ During Dark Force, O-- | / + KK O O Bulleta releases a small doll of herself (the same as if she was hit by Anakaris' Pharaoh Magic) that can be controlled, which explodes on contact. I'll get back to you on how to use this. I have yet to play the Playstation version. I'm hearing that this Super IS an unblockable one and you can control the doll until the Dark Force ends. Still, I have yet to finalize any of this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAZOOKA RANSHA: THE KILLING TIME [Bazooka Random Shooting] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Press same strength P + K simultaneously (Dark Force) Each time Punch is pressed, Bulleta fires a high missile. Pressing Down and Punch will cause Bulleta to fire a low missile. Jumping and pressing Punch will fire a missile down-toward at the opponent. No charging is needed. This is your time to go wild. Once activated, start firing missiles like crazy. If that first missile connects, you're pretty much set for the duration of the Dark Force. You can keep the opponent at bay then. For a little extra annoyance, mix-up standing missiles and jumping ones just in case the opponent gets wise and wants to jump in. Bulleta still retains her kicks, so you can do combos. Bulleta won't be able to fire another missile until the one shot previously explodes. If you catch a cornered opponent that's blocking, you get really little block damage. Make sure your get away from the opponent before the Dark Force ends because Bulleta will pose when it stops, leaving her open for retaliation. Pursuit Factor [X----] === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- BULLETA'S "DOKKAN!" COMBOS -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= 1) On large opponent. J.LP -> J.LK -> J.MP -> J.HP \/ S.LP XX HP.Smile & Missile [6-hit] 2) J.MP -> J.MK \/ S.LP -> S.LK -> (S.MP ->) S.MK -> S.HP [7-hit] 3) On large opponent. J.LP -> J.LK -> J.MP -> J.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LP -> S.HP [9-hit] 4) Opponent in corner. J.MP \/ S.LP -> S.LK -> S.T.MP XX ES Sentimental Typhoon, ES Pursuit [4 + 12 + Throw-hit] 5) J.MP -> J.MK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.MK -> C.HK (sweep) XX ES.Pursuit [18-hit] 6) On large opponent in corner. J.LP -> J.LK -> J.MP -> J.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LK -> S.T.MP -> S.MK -> C.HK (sweep) XX ES.Pursuit [21-hit] [In-depth Explanation] - Combo #2 On smaller opponent (Lilith, Lei-Lei), skip the S.MP because the hit will whiff and mess up the combo. - Combo #4 You may have to take an additional step in before the Sentimental Typhoon. - Combo #6 This will not count as a whole combo unless you're very fast at this part of the combo: S.LK -> S.T.MP -> S.MK. The reason is that after Bulleta lands from the hop of the MP hit, the opponent has a few frames where they can counterattack if Bulleta's next attack isn't executed at the right frame. At times it may be better to just skip the S.MK and just go into the sweep, since it's a "surprise" low hit. But if you insist to add in the S.MK, it must be pressed a split second before Bulleta lands again. It will catch the opponent still in their reeling animation for it to add into the combo. More in-depth info on this combo as I perform it more. Combo Notation _____________________________________________________________ -> indicates to hit the next button in the series XX indicates Super Cancels, or 2-in-1 \/ indicates that you land after the last move and continue on the ground , indicates that no special combo method is needed in between the two moves S. stands for standing C. stands for crouching J. stands for jumping D. stands for dashing CU. stands for cross-up _ stands for "or" ( ) stands for a move that can be added to the combo, but not necessary === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= USING BULLETA EFFECTIVELY --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- If you've read through this FAQ, you'll see that there's been ways to use Bulleta's special moves effectively all throughout it. So, this portion will be short; just a recap along with a little extra stuff. Use Bulleta's speed to your advantage. Her dashes and retreats are your tools to get in there and dominate. Stick to low combos ending in a regular crouching HK. You have a larger chance to adding on her pursuit. If Bulleta's sweep is blocked, immediately 2-in-1 into a Happy & Missile. Some people think they can counterattack after blocking Bulleta's low combo, but firing a missile will hit them first. There's nothing wrong with a game of "keep away" with her missiles. If opponents jump over a missile, counter with the Cheer & Fire or Cruel Hunting. In the throw department, Sentimental Typhoon is the best hands down. Jumping HKs are very useful, especially when it's down to the wire. MP itself is the best basic attack she has in her arsenal. Use it when jumping in since it hits in a down-toward direction, allowing you to easily chain into a MK. Hop & Strike is very useful as long as the opponent is not in the corner. Each one is fast and hard to counter with a Guard Reversal. In my opinion, her best Super is her Beautiful Memory. It covers alot of ground, and really has no negative effects. The Bazooka Ransha is Bulleta's "must win" technique. You get a few combos as well as enough firepower to even outdo Lei- Lei. Overall, keep the opponent guessing. I'll keep ya posted. === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- FIGHTING THE HUMAN OPPONENT =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Like my friend, Synn Syous said, "Why people go into complex detail to explain how to beat the computer is beyond me." I agree. The real opponent is that other carbon-based lifeform with the other controller next to you. Your job: destroy them. This section will go through each of the characters in Vampire Savior, and explain what and what not to do. |----- Anakaris ------------------------------------------------------------| No biggie here. He's slow and he's large, thus making him a target waiting to happen for Bulleta. When close, be sure to block low to stay safe from his dreaded low combo chain. If he does his ES Sarcophagus Slam, then get all the way back in the corner and do the Cruel Hunting. 18 free hits. |----- Aulbath/Rikuo -------------------------------------------------------| |----- Bishamon ------------------------------------------------------------| Watch out for his ever-so-annoying low combo chain. It's fast, it's a full Dial-A-Combo (aka Perfect chain) of 6 hits, and it's likely to bring Bulleta in the critical zone soon. |----- Bulleta/Baby Bonnie Hood --------------------------------------------| Fighting against yourself isn't all too hard. Alot of people I play against are too "missile-happy" with her. If you face this type of player, either (double) jump in to avoid them or activate the Bazooka Ransha to counter the missiles and send over your own. Now, there are those that use her "Ryu-strategy". You know what I mean - the "fire a projectile so the opponent jumps over it, then Shouryuuken them" strategy. In Bulleta's case, she has to do a Cheer & Fire. But since you can air block in Darkstalkers, block the Cheer & Fire, then once you land, they should still be in the attack animation for the move, so counterattack. As for Supers, many use her Cruel Hunting - and for good reason. If you aren't caught, counter with a Beautiful Memory or her Bazooka Ransha. |----- Demitri Maximov -----------------------------------------------------| "Shotokan"-esque character #1, people. People have a fetish with two of Demitri's moves: his Chaos Fire projectile and his dash. Since his Chaos Fire is a multi-use setup trap, you have avoid it at all costs. Bulleta's Guard Cancel works well because you'll catch Demitri in the back while he's still in attack animation. When he dashes, Demitri is invulnerable, so you can't hit him out of it with an attack. People usually do the following from his dash: A) Demon's Cradle, B) Midnight Pleasure or Midnight Bliss, or C) low combo. If you block the Demon's Cradle, Demitri's just begging for a Sentimental Typhoon. It is possible to hit him with a Cruel Hunting, but some of the shots may whiff. An effective Demitri player will do his Midnight Pleasure or Midnight Bliss since they are both unblockable grabs. What to do if you see it coming? RUN AWAY.. or low combo. Don't try to hit him with a standing move because his Supers will have a higher chance of connecting. Retreating is fine, but you have to be quick. Best to just counterattack with a low combo, IMO. |----- Donovan Baine -------------------------------------------------------| |----- Felicia -------------------------------------------------------------| This it quite possibly the opponent Bulleta will have the hardest time against. Felicia is annoyingly fast against Bulleta, and people will overly take use of it. First of all, do NOT Double Jump or you are just asking to be hit Felicia's "Please Help Me" Super. |----- Gallon/Jon Talbain --------------------------------------------------| The storybook fight of the century! |----- Jedah ---------------------------------------------------------------| |----- Lei-Lei/Hsien-Ko ----------------------------------------------------| First realize that Lei-Lei outnumbers you in weapons big time AND she's full of traps. Once you knock her down, stay on her. Do not give her the chance to get up, so stick with low combos. That sounds like a strategy against everyone, right? True, but if you don't keep her down, given the chance, she'll do it to you. Lei-Lei randomly tosses out huge items from her Dark Weaponry, resulting in an instant dizzy. If you are hit, shake out of it, then counter with her Bazooka Ransha. Avoid jumping too much since Lei-Lei can counter with an upward Dark Weaponry, Edoga (where she tosses her claws up in a diagonal), or Jireitou (the 6 blade super). Players take advantage of her dash, especially her air-dash to get in close to start air combos. That's when you issue the Cruel Hunting if they even attempt it. As for her dash, Lei-Lei becomes invisible.. but NOT invulnerable. So, bring her out of hiding with Hard Punch. As far as her Supers, the only one you really have the worry about is the Tenraiha. An effective Lei-Lei player will link it onto a blocked low combo, thus the Tenraiha will have a 90% of connecting because it has to be blocked HIGH. If the Tenraiha is done far away, it has to be blocked LOW. As for the Jireitou, it's also used as a trap setup. Mainly to trap opponents in the corner, thus allowing Lei-Lei to air dash in for an attack. Remedy: Guard Reverse the Jireitou into a Cruel Hunting. If you're fast enough and Guard Reverse early, you can catch Lei-Lei in the Super. |----- Lilith Aensland -----------------------------------------------------| |----- Morrigan Aensland ---------------------------------------------------| Oh yeah, how could I forget the other "Shotokan" character. Time to use the Anti- "Ryu/Ken" strategies again. Anyway, since people like her dash.. and since Morrigan so conveniently rises in the air for Bulleta, you have your choice to either roast her with Cheer & Fire, or have her experience South Central L.A. with her Cruel Hunting. If Morri whiffs a Shadow Blade, catch her when she lands in a Sentimental Typhoon. But watch out. Morrigan's hit rate to grab her opponent with a throw first is high. |----- Phobos/Huitzil ------------------------------------------------------| |----- Pyron ---------------------------------------------------------------| |----- Q-Bee ---------------------------------------------------------------| Trust me when I say you'll get SO annoyed at her when you fight her. And the main reason is that people seem to play her JUST like the CPU would. Why? Because the CPU can use her effectively - very effectively. Even if she's your first opponent, you're in for a challenge. Anyway, the move that you have to way out for is her C->R (the move where she flies at you for a grab, and runs you through with her stinger). Since there's no start-up time, nor lag time for the move, you have to be on your toes. I recommend to just block it. Yeah, I know.. on moves that come in at you, I'd normally say to do an attack to stop the advance. But.. the C->R is different. It _will_ grab you no matter what Bulleta tries to counterattack with, so it's best to block. |----- Sasquash ------------------------------------------------------------| |----- Victor von Geldeheim ------------------------------------------------| Yet another guy to try your combos out on. Avoid jumping at him too much because, like Zangief, his 'lariat' attack can hit you before you attack. |----- Zabel Zarock/Lord Rapter --------------------------------------------| === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=-- MISCELLANEOUS INFO =--=--=--=--=--=-- Just extra info on Bulleta that proved worthy to include in this FAQ. [Assorted Camoflage/Colors] LP/Jab - Red outfit/Blonde hair LK/Short - Orange outfit/Blonde hair MP/Strong - Blue outfit/Blonde hair MK/Forward - Green outfit/Pink hair HP/Fierce - Blue outfit/Blue hair HK/Roundhouse - Pink outfit/Blonde hair [Special Intro vs. Gallon/Jon Talbain] Bulleta lies on the ground reading a book (it's obviously the "Little Red Riding Hood" story), stands and looks to Jon as her eye gleams [Win Poses] LP - Punches toward the screen with a grin, says, "??" [??] LK - Punches toward the screen 3 times, says, "??" [??] MP & MK - Bulleta puts in a cigarette and holds her hand out as a business man appears behind her, handing her cash, says, "Thank you, oujosama." Bulleta responds with, "??" [??] HP & HK - The music changes as flowers surround her, a microphone drops from the ceiling as she sings her favorite song, "Dokkan!" === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- THE SAYINGS AND CONCLUSION OF A KILLER -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Quotes - "Ne~, ii mouke hanashi ra nai?" "Hi there, do you know any good news I can make money with?" "??" "I hate poverty. That's why I have to do this. I'm not bad." "Atashi yume ga aru no da~me. "I have a dream. Nope, I'm not gonna tell you." "??" "I'll feel great after I kill everything in this world." "Atashi kodomo dakara wakkan na~i!" Lit- "I'm just a little girl. I don't understand any of this!" "I'm just a girl in this world!" "??" "I'm usually quite nice, but sometimes I lose my temper!" "Michi ni macchatta no. Honto yo!" "I've lost my way. Seriously!" "??" "Live or die? What shall I do with you? Hmm..." "??" "Mess with me again, I'll riddle you with bullets." "??" "No! Please! Don't come any closer! I'll kill you!!" "??" "Oh no, I've wasted time on the way. I'm going to be late." "Gomen ne. Atashi mo seikatsu kaka tte ru no." "Sorry about that, but I have to earn a living!" "Mou, saikin shike ta bakka de iyanna cchau!" "These unworthy customers piss me off!" "??" "Wanna play with an innocent girl like me? You bad boy!" "??" "Would you do me a favor? Hand over all your money!" "??" "You sleepy baby. Do you need a wake up shot?? Ha! Ha!" American Ending - (A small house in the middle of the woods. 2 trees with faces in the foreground.) On a quiet night, in a small house, deep inside the woods.. (TV shown with the "Vampire News" broadcast.) TV - "...next up, another story on that horrible serial killer... I'm switching over to our lady on the field Shoji... Ready??" Shoji - "Hello and welcome, as the inspection goes on.. The witnesses say the villain was a child with a red hood." (A child wolf looking at the TV) Shoji - "Police are saying that this was a ruthless massacre.." (The child wolf turns and looks to the screen) Child - "Ohh, mommy! I'm so scared." (Scene changes to a picture of the family watching the TV) Mother - "Humans are so scary! What can we do!?" Father - "Don't worry sweetie. We're OK. Daddy is always with you." (Scene switches outside again to the house, camera pans over to the left to show the back of Bulleta, looking toward the house.) Japanese Ending - (A small house in the middle of the woods. 2 trees with faces in the foreground.) ?? (TV shown with the "Vampire News" broadcast.) TV - "??. Repo~ta~ no Sho~ji-san?" Shoji - "Hai, tadaima kochira dewa genba ken akashi ga gou ware tei masu." (A child wolf looking at the TV) Shoji - "??" (The child wolf turns and looks to the screen) Child - "Kowai yo~, okaasa~n!" (Scene changes to a picture of the family watching the TV) Mother - "??" Father - "Daijoubu, daijoubu. Watashi ga tsuiteiru yo." (Scene switches outside again to the house, camera pans over to the left to show the back of Bulleta, looking toward the house.) === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= REVISION HISTORY/SPECIAL THANKS --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- REVISION HISTORY ______________________________________________________ Version 0.2 (September 22, 1999) Once again I had to put this thing through a huge editing process. Did find out that the "Dolly For You" move is instead called "Malice Toy"; which sounds better. Found a little side story about Bulleta and added that along with her current game appearances. Added a couple of combos and more info/strategies on fighting opponents. Finally put her ending and winning quotes in with the Japanese text. Some things remain still incomplete, and will be fixed in the next installment. Version 0.1 (May 21, 1999) An update with alot of editing and changes for a few moves. Added the Playstation exclusive "Dolly for You" EX move, but I still need to know more about that. Found another combo in the meantime on those big opponents. Put in a short on how to fight against Bulleta in a mirror match too. Version 0.0 (March 6, 1999) Well, I actually finished this FAQ. Game's been out for a while, but there still might be a use for it. I still need to add the rest of the strategies and other editing jobs. SPECIAL THANKS ________________________________________________________ - Capcom The 2D gods have not let me down yet. I hope Bulleta's back in the next installment of this series. - Sutorappedo Kuruu My peeps! They don't play the game very often (especially "Andi" since he hates 2D games), but they're my peeps, so I gotta give 'em props. ^_^ === Bulleta ============================================ Baby Bonnie Hood === =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- FINAL NOTE FROM THE KID -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Ossu! Well, I FINALLY got this finished. I've had the import of Vampire Savior for so long and just now getting this FAQ out. Well, at least NOW it's posted. Anyway, I hope this helps you get a better look at Bulleta. Here's a list of things that may show up in future installments: 1) Japanese text of the winning quotes (currently being worked on) 2) Future uses for Bulleta 3) The rest of her strategies 4) "Malice Toy" details and usage 5) Playstation differences 6) Official Gamest stratergies Any questions, comments, or your own strategies to using her - all are welcome. I love to receive mail. ^_^ Abayo! - The KiD