============================================= VIRTUA FIGHTER SERIES ABBREVIATIONS GUIDE by Wojciech Dworak version 5.00 ============================================= DISCLAIMER ---------- This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced or placed on a web page or site as long as it is unaltered, with this disclaimer and the copyright notice appearing in full, and with permission granted by the author. Any information used from this document, quoted or no, should have this author's name somewhere clearly as acknowledgement. With the above in mind, feel free to distribute between members of VF community, but this FAQ is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in any way. Copyright Wojciech Dworak, 1999-2002; all rights reserved. To view this document, use a fixed-width font (like Courier), otherwise it will look crappy. CONTENTS ======== 0. Introduction a) Guide-Specific Stuff b) Move Notation (Motions) I. General Abbreviations a) Titles b) Hardware Terms c) Online Community Terms d) Motions e) Movement f) Attack Levels: Moves g) Attack Levels: Throws h) Reversal Levels i) Move Properties j) Movelist Notes k) Move Execution Modifiers l) VF3/4 Universal Option Select m) VF4 Special Stances n) Types of Counters o) Combos p) End Of Round q) Other Abbreviations II. Character-Specific Abbreviations a) Moves Abbreviations =============== 0. INTRODUCTION =============== Without a doubt, Virtua Fighter is a deep game. And sometimes the number of technical terms confuse would-be players. And the situation becomes even more unclear when certain abbreviations are used by experienced players. To save you the bashing when asking for "self-explanatory" meaning ;), here's a list of commonly (or not so commonly) used VF abbreviations. It's an attempt to fill in the place of Jon Tanaka's "shorthand guide" (anyone remembers that one?) I won't go through tactics like BigCat did, I'll only list the abbreviations. For more info, look in appropriate docs. Oh, and one more note: this guide is NOT supposed to serve as a jargon document! It's meant to be used as Virtua Fighter notation encyclopedia (although I may expand it in the future). In other words, the whole guide is just list of acronyms and such; term descriptions are only filled where really needed. Please take into account that some of those terms are OUTDATED and are not used any more; or they were rarely used. I'd write them anyway, just to let you know they existed. They're marked with " * outdated " instances. Every FAQ writer can create his own terms and abbreviations; so if you came up with something not listed here, don't complain! Better send it to me, and I'll see if it fits into this FAQ. If you don't understand something, simply refer to respective doc. There are plenty of those on the web, with www.gamefaqs.com being probably the most popular source. Additions / corrections / comments are always welcome! Stupid questions and all the flames will be ignored! a) GUIDE-SPECIFIC STUFF =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Abbreviations themselves are given on the left side of the table; they are usually sorted by usefulness - with the exception of "characters' moves" section (they're in alphabetical order). Also in that section, move motions are given in []'s. To search for a specific item, use the following template: "| your_term" (without ""s of course) Some terms cannot be found by this method, I'm afraid you'll have to scan the appropriate section by hand. Case sensitive search may bring more accurate results, too. b) MOVE NOTATION (motions) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Although this is fully covered in "IV. Motions" section, here's a quick motions reference chart (it's notation used by me): f,b,d,u joystick motions (forward, back, down, up); hold if capitalized db... diagonals (db,df,uf,ub); again, hold if capitalized P,K,G,E press punch, kick, guard or evade buttons, respectively + buttons must be pressed together , move separator ,, denotes slight pause between motions n return joystick to neutral FC execute from crouching position ======================== I. GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS ======================== /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | a) TITLES | | | |=============================================================================| | VF Virtua Fighter (either general term or first game of the series) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VF1 Virtua Fighter 1, arcade released 12/1993 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VF2 Virtua Fighter 2, arcade released 11/1994 (2.0), 08/1995 (2.1) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VF3 Virtua Fighter 3, arcade released 09/1996 (OB), 09/1997 (TB) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VF4 Virtua Fighter 4, arcade released 08/2001 (A) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VF4E Virtua FIghter 4 Evolution, released in summer 2002 | | VF4 evo | | EVO | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VFK Virtua Fighter Kids, arcade released 04/1996 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VFR Virtua Fighter Remix, applies to VF1, arcade released 06/1995 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VF-X working titles for Virtua Fighter 4 | | VFX | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FMM Fighters Megamix (includes VF characters) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | OB Virtua Fighter 3: Original Battle (1st version until rev.D) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TB Virtua Fighter 3: Team Battle (also: version/revision 3.5) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | rev.x stands for "revision X" (A to D), for Virtua Fighter 3 arcade | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ver.x stands for "version X" (A to C for VF4, A & B for EVOLUTION) | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | b) HARDWARE TERMS | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ST Sega Saturn, VF1/2/K/FMM game console | | SS | | Sat | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DC Sega Dreamcast, VF3tb game console | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CPU Central Processing Unit | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PCB Printed Circuit Board, basically mainboard containing game | | hardware (arcade), also a general term for mainboards and | | electronic peripherals | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ST-V Saturn hardware-based arcade machine (used for eg. VF Kids) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | M1 Model 1 board, VF1 hardware | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | M2 Model 2 board, VF2 hardware | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | M3 Model 3 board, VF3/3tb hardware | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | N2 Naomi 2 board, VF4 hardware | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | c) ONLINE COMMUNITY TERMS | | | |=============================================================================| | THoVF The Home of Virtua Fighter - website | | http://www.vfhome.com (offline) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACPC Anti-Chicken Players Commitee | | http://voxel.net/acpgaming (offline) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VFDC Virtua Fighter Dot Com - website | | http://www.virtuafighter.com | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VP Virtua Project - website | | http://www.virtuaproject.com | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VFIC Virtua Fighter Interest Club, Toronto | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | #vfhome "official" EFnet Virtua Fighter IRC channel ;) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | R.G.V.A. rec.games.video.arcade, a usenet newsgroup that used to be | | VF'ers' paradise before everyone left :( | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | R.G.V.S. rec.games.video.saturn - some of VF2 discussion took place there, | | mostly VFK though | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MoAT Mother of All Tournaments (Toronto tournaments) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BKK Bastard Kage Klan (also BK, for bastard Kage) | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | d) MOTIONS | | | |=============================================================================| | f,b,d,u joystick motions (forward, back, down, up); hold if | | capitalized | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | db... diagonals (db,df,uf,ub); again, hold if capitalized | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | P,K,G,E press punch, kick, guard or evade (escape buttons, respectively) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | All VF1/2/4: press punch, kick and guard buttons simultaneously | | VF3: press punch, kick, guard and evade buttons simultaneously | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | D "defense", old notation for Guard button | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / another notation for a diagonal, eg. d/f, d/b etc. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | + buttons must be pressed together (with or without stick motions) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | > roll the joystick, eg. f>b means f,df,d,db,b | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | , move separator | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ,, slight pause between motions, usually in a combo notation | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7 8 9 this diagram uses PC's numeric gamepad ub u uf | | 4 5 6 to simulate different directions; it's b f | | 1 2 3 seen especially in japanese/korean FAQs db d df | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HCB half-circle backward (f,df,d,db,b), see also HCR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HCF half-circle forward (b,db,d,df,f), see also HCR/HCT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HCR half-circle roll, see also HCB/HCF/HCT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HCT half-circle towards (b,db,d,df,f), see also HCF/HCR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | QCB quarter-circle backward (d,db,b), see also QCR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | QCF quarter-circle forward (d,df,f or b,db,d), see also QCB/QCR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | QCR quarter-circle roll, see also QCB/QCF | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | QCT quarter-circle towards (d,df,f), see also QCF/QCR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SCR semi-circle roll; see also HCB/HCF/HCR/HCT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FC must be executed from crouching position; "From Crouching" | | WC ditto; "While Crouching", do not confuse it with eg. Tekken | | terminology; it means the same as "from crouching" in VF | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FS must be executed from standing position; "From Standing" | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | WS "While Standing Up" | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | n return joystick to neutral; eg. Pai/Lau stand-alone heelkicks | | N (D,n,K) | | neutral | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PG (1) punch-then G-cancel or G-cancelled punch | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PG (2) P+G press (eg. for VF3 high throws) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PKG (1) the senbon punch (P,K,G-cancel) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PKG (2) P+K+G press (eg. db+PKG for Kage's G-cancelled swipe) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PK (1) punch-kick/heelkick, as canned sequence | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PK (2) P+K press (eg. P+K for Jacky's beatknuckle) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PPK double punch-kick/knee | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PPPK triple punch-kick/heelkick/crescent/knee | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Px either PG or PKG... eg. counter vs. a blocked move | | P-x | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PPx denotes option select after a canned move string | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | crsc crescent kick - usually K+G | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | sweep as the name says... usually d+K+G | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BT back-turned; executed with your back to opponent | | [BT] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TA turn-around move/attack; also "turn-away" | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TT turn-towards move/attack | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | e) MOVEMENT | | | |=============================================================================| | d dash (f,f) | | QD "quick dash", as opposed to (f,F) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | qf quick forward (VF3 f+E) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | qb quick back (VF3 b+E) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CD crouch dash | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | eCD evading crouch dash / escape crouch dash (E -> CD) | | ECD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CDE crouch dash escape (CD -> E) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | IR instant recovery, see also QR/TR and IPR/SRR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ER exact recovery, a prefectly timed IR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | QR quick rise, instant handspring; VF4 P+K+G just before hitting the | | ground, see also IPR/IP | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | IPR in-place recovery, same as QR | | IP | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TR tech roll, instant rolling recovery; VF4 d,P+K+G (roll out of | | screen) or u+P+K+G (roll into screen), see also SRR/SR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SRR side-roll recovery, same as TR | | SR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ARM all-range-movement, see also 8W | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8W VF4 8-way-walk, see also ARM | | 8-WAY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CS closed stance (normal stance) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | OS open stance (reverse stance) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KS korean step; VF3 movement technique | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TS taiwan step; VF2 playing style | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | NTS new taiwan step; VF3 playing style | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | f) ATTACK LEVELS: MOVES | | | |=============================================================================| | Lvl hit level | | lvl | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | H high | | h | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | H* special high (VF4 only) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | M mid | | m | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | M* special mid (VF4 only) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | L low | | l | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | L* special low (VF4 only) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | G ground | | grnd | | gnd | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | g) ATTACK LEVELS: THROWS | | | |=============================================================================| | HT high throw | | Ht | | H-T | | T | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HTC high throw combo | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | L-T low throw | | Lt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | B-T back throw | | HBT | | H-B-T | | Bt/HBt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | L-B-T low-back throw | | LBT | | LBt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HCT high-catch throw | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LCT low-catch throw | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | S-T high-side throw | | H-S-T | | HST | | St | | HSt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | L-S-T low-side throw | | LST | | LSt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | W-T wall throw; all are "high" | | Wt | | HWT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | C-T catch throw | | Ct | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | G-T ground throw | | Gt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | H-T hit throw | | HitT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | to denote a throw/strike combo (or a multipart throw): | | =link - 2nd element | | ==link - 3rd element | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | h) REVERSAL LEVELS | | | |=============================================================================| | H*P high-level punch reversal | | H-P | | HP | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | H*K high-level kick reversal | | H-K | | HK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HE high-level elbow reversal | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HCR high-level crescent reversal | | CR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | M*P mid-level punch reversal | | M-P | | MP | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | M*K mid-level kick reversal | | M-K | | MK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | EL mid-level elbow reversal | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MCR mid-level crescent reversal | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | L*P low-level punch reversal | | L-P | | LP | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | L*K low-level kick reversal | | L-K | | LK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | G*P ground-level punch reversal | | G-P | | GP | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | G*K ground-level kick reversal | | G-K | | GK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SK sidekick reversal | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Kn knee reversal | | KN | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Flip kickflip / backflip / somersault kick reversal | | SM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SW sweep reversal | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | i) MOVE PROPERTIES | | | |=============================================================================| | Ex execution / initiation | | Ini | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Co collision (...detection) / coverage | | Hit | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Re recovery | | Rec | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ad advantage in frames | | Adv | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Dmg damage in points, not percentage of lifebar | | Dam | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | () damage, especially in combos, is often put in brackets | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | {} usually denotes statistic change vs. Taka-Arashi in VF3 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ~ denotes proximity damage range | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | j) MOVELIST NOTES | | | |=============================================================================| | ! (1) denotes a quick input, like in Akira's K+G!G | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ! (2) the move always knocks down, regardless hit conditions | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | S denotes stance (feet position) change after a move is executed | | F | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | G a move can be done while holding Guard button (VF1) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | G-full if character is crouching and guarding, this move causes no | | damage and follows a different stun formula than regular stun | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | G-half if character is crouching and guarding, this move does half its | | normal damage | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | f evade to opponent's front (toward their rear foot) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | b evade to opponent's back (toward their leading foot) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | x cannot be evaded | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DPs Shun's drinking points | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | +x DP Shun gains x DPs after performing this move | | drink | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | -x DP move sobers Shun (-x Drinking Points) | | sober | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | x DP move requires x DPs to be performed | | >x DP | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | UC uncounterable if blocked | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TC throw counterable if blocked | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PC punch counterable if blocked | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | GS guard stun | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HS hit stun | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FS force stand; if guarded while crouching, character is forced to | | stand standing position | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FC force crouch; if guarded while standing, character is forced to | | crouch crouching position | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KD kuzure down, also CD for "crumple down" | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HKD head kuzure down | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HC head crumple | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SKD stomach kuzure down | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SC stomach crumple | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FKD feet kuzure down | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FC feet crumple | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BKD back kuzure down | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BC back crumple | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | X attack will hit opponent lying on the ground | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | R the move is reversible | | UR the move is irreversible | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | S recovery position: standing | | C recovery position: crouching | | D / G recovery position: ground | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | F the move floats | | FMC the move floats on major counter | | FmC the move floats on minor counter | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ST the move staggers | | StC the move staggers crouchers | | StCG the move staggers crouching defenders | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gr the move leaves you on the ground when it hits or misses | | GrH the move leaves you on the ground when it hits | | GrM the move leaves you on the ground when it misses | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | % denotes that a taunt is performed after connecting this move | | $ eg. Jacky's b,f+K+G | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | k) MOVE EXECUTION MODIFIERS | | | |=============================================================================| | c- move executed after a crouch dash, eg. c-SgPm | | CD- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | g- executed with some help from VF2 fuzzy guard; G-cancel the low | | kick into crouching position | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | m- modified move; executed from buffering a crouch dash; | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | GC guard cancel | | G-cancel | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | l) VF3/4 UNIVERSAL OPTION SELECT | | | |=============================================================================| | HT high throw | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LT low throw | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TE throw escape | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HTE high throw escape | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LTE low throw escape | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DTE double throw escape [VF3 P+G,x+P+G; VF4 x+P+G,x+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TTE triple throw escape [VF4 x+P+G,x+P+G,x+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | A attack | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | E dodge / evade | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | R reversal | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | G guard | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | - option separator (eg. G-DTE) | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | m) VF4 / EVOLUTION SPECIAL STANCES | | | |=============================================================================| | BO bokutai stance (Lei) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BS backstep stance (Akira) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CE circular evade stance (Pai), see also BS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CT catch position (Brad) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DK ducking (Brad) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DR drunken stance (Shun) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DS defensive style / stance (Vanessa) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | EV evade system (Lei) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FL flamingo stance (Sarah) | | FS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HS handstand position (Shun, also in VF2/3) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | IN independent system (Lei) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | JM jumonji stance (Kage) | | JS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LD lying position (Shun, also in VF3) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MD #1 miss/defeat system (Lei) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MD #2 meishiou dodge (Pai), see also SW | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MT muay thai stance (Vanessa) | | MTS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | OS offensive style / stance (Vanessa) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | RR roar (Wolf) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SB sway back (Brad) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SH slide shuffle / shuffle step (Jacky) | | SS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SL slipping left (Brad) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SR slipping right (Brad) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ST sitting position (Shun, also in VF2/3) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SW sway step (Pai), see also MD #2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TG tiger stance (Lei and Lau, they're different from each other) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TH threat stance (Jeffry) | | CT "counter stance", earlier term | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TK takedown position (Vanessa) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TS tsukami stance (Goh) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | YY yin-yang stance (Aoi) | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | n) TYPES OF COUNTERS | | | |=============================================================================| | MC major counter; opponent is hit in his move's execution stage | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | mC minor counter; opponent hit in his move's recovery stage | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | int interrupt, another name for MC | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SPC special counter | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | o) COMBOS | | | |=============================================================================| | air opponent must be hit while hopping/jumping | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DS downslope (in VF3tb undulation-dependant combos) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | US upslope (in VF3tb undulation-dependant combos) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | NW must hit near the wall | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | OTB on (or "off") the bounce | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | OTG off (or "on") the ground | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | wall character hits the wall, then combo is continued | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | p) END OF ROUND | | | |=============================================================================| | KO knock-out | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | RO ring-out | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TO time-over | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | q) OTHER ABBREVIATIONS | | | |=============================================================================| | -> notation commonly used if flowchart diagrams, eg. dividing two | | moves | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | L / R denotes left/right leg (eg. in stance charts) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | oki oki-zeme; the art of attacking the rising opponent | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ura uramawari; basically, the way of getting behind / to the side of | | the opponent when he's rising; also, making him rise the "wrong | | way" | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PETE punch-elbow-throw-escape; VF3 playing style | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | NDS "no-down-sei"; a player who doesn't use pounces or stomps | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ENDS "extreme no-down-sei"; a player who doesn't use ground attacks at | | all | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CG crouch guard | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | *ack!* BigCat's "move from hell" :> (Akira's/Jacky's iaigeri, Akira's | | knee) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1P/2P left/right side of the machine, respectively | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BGM background music | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | AI Artificial Intelligence, often referred to CPU character | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FMV Full Motion Video, usually ending movies | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ==================================== II. CHARACTER-SPECIFIC ABBREVIATIONS ==================================== /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | a) MOVES ABBREVIATIONS | | | |=============================================================================| | 2/3 DLC first two moves of DLC - canned sequence | | Akira [VF3/4 df+K+G,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 2/3 SPoD first two moves of SPoD - canned sequence | | Akira [VF2/3 P+K+G,b,df+P+K; VF4 P+K+G,b,df+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | AS akira special, also SPoD - canned sequence | | Akira [VF2/3 P+K+G,b,df+P+K,b+P; VF4 P+K+G,b,df+P+G,b+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | AS2 akira special 2, also 2/3 SPoD - canned sequence | | Akira [VF2/3 P+K+G,b,df+P+K; VF4 P+K+G,b,df+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | AS3 akira special 3 (axe blade combo) - canned sequence | | Akira [VF4 d+K+G,f+K,b,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | AutoKn autoknife - special move; certain conditions are required | | Lau [VF2/3/4 ...P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BaB big-ass boot - special move | | Jeffry [VF2/3/4 f,f+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BAK big-ass (arse) kick - special move, see also BaB | | Jeffry [VF2/3/4 f,f+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BB body blow - special move | | Wolf [VF2/3/4 f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BC body check - special move | | Akira, Dural [VF1/2/3/4 b,f,f+P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BD back drop - high throw | | Wolf [VF1/2/3/4 P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BG break guard - special move, see also DBG/GB/LBG/LGB | | Akira [VF3/4 d+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BK beatknuckle - special move | | Jacky [VF2/3/4 P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BKC beatknuckle combo - rolled sequence | | Jacky [VF4 ver.A P+K,P,K -> ... ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BS (1) break stance - VF2 throw, VF3/4 special move, see also FBG | | Akira [VF2/3/4 f+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BS (2) break stance techniques - high throws | | Akira [VF2 f+P+G; d+P+G; b+P+G; db+P+G; b,d+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BToD belly throw of doom, also SToD - rolled sequence | | Pai [VF2 b,d+P+G, {P,P},P,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CA chiropractic adjustment - high throw | | Jeffry, Dural [VF2 b,f,f+P+K+G; VF3/4 b,f,f+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DBC deep body check - special move | | dBC Akira, Dural [VF1/2/3/4 b,f,F,P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DBG down break guard - special move, see also BG/LBG/LGB | | Akira [VF3/4 d+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DbPm double palm - special move | | DbPlm Akira [VF2/3/4 D,b,f+P] | | Lau [VF3 b,f,f+P; VF4 P+K] | | Taka [VF3 D,b,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DE dashing elbow - special move | | Akira, Jeffry [VF1/2/3/4 f,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DEU dashing elbow-uppercut - canned sequence | | Jeffry [VF1/2/3/4 f,f+P,P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DFL double-fisted lift - special move | | Wolf [VF2/3/4 D,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DFS double-fisted strike - special move | | Akira [VF3/4 b,f+P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DJK double jumping kick - special move | | Akira, Dural [VF1/2/3/4 f,f+K,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DLC dragonlance combo - canned sequence | | Akira [VF3/4 df+K+G,f+P,b,f,f+P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DnKn downknife / knifehand - special move | | Lau [VF1/2/3/4 df+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DP dragon punch - special move | | Kage [VF3/4 f,d,df+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DPK dragon punch-heel drop - canned sequence | | Kage [VF4 f,d,df+P,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DSK double swallow kick - special move | | Pai, Dural [VF2/3/4 uf+K,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DSoD drunken sweeps of doom - canned sequence | | Shun [VF2/3/4 d+P+K,K,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | dwp dances with punches - high throw | | Shun [VF2/3/4 P+G] | | Dural [VF3/4 P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | eBC evading body check - special move | | Akira [VF3 b,f+P+K+E, VF4 d,P+K+G or u,P+K+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | EK (1) elbow-heelkick (or -spinkick) - canned sequence | | Jacky [VF1/2/3/4 f+P,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | EK (2) elbow-knee - canned sequence | | Sarah [VF1/2/3/4 f+P,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ESK elbow-spinkick - canned sequence, see also EK (1) | | Jacky [VF1/2/3/4 f+P,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FBG forward break guard - special move, see also BS (1) | | Akira [VF3/4 f+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FRK front roll kick - special move | | Wolf [VF3/4 b,f+K+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | GB break guard - special move, see also BG/DBG/LBG/LGB | | Akira [VF3/4 d+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | GKoD groin kick of doom (early VF4) - canned sequence, see also SPoD | | Akira [VF2/3 P+K+G,b,df+P+K,b+P; VF4 P+K+G,b,df+P+G,b+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | GS giant swing - high throw | | Wolf, Dural [VF1/2 b,db,d,df,f+P; VF3/4 b,db,d,df,f+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HBF high backfist - special move | | Jacky [VF1/2/3/4 b+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HD hell dunk (hammer) - special move | | Jeffry [VF3/4 d+P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | iai iaigeri kick - special move (bug) | | Akira, Jacky [VF2 F,K,G-cancel at 12th frame, version 2.0 only] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | IBC inverted body check - high throw | | Akira [VF3/4 df+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | L/X Lion's exchange - high throw | | Lion [VF3/4 df+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LBC low body check - special move | | Akira [VF3/4 df+P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LBF (1) low backfist - special move | | Akira [VF3/4 df+P+K] | | Jacky [VF1/2/3/4 db+P] | | Dural [VF3/4 db+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LBF (2) low blue fist - special move, see also LP | | Pai [VF3/4 df+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LBG break guard - special move, see also BG/DBG/GB/LGB | | Akira [VF3/4 d+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LDK low dropkick - special move | | Wolf [VF2/3/4 f,d+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LF lunging fist, also OMP - special move | | Shun [VF2/3/4 D,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LGB break guard - special move, see also BG/DBG/GB/LBG | | Akira [VF3/4 d+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LgKn lunging knife / lunging palm - special move | | Lau [VF2/3/4 df,df+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LgPm lunging palm, also LgKn - special move | | Lau [VF2/3/4 df,df+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LK low kick - basic move | | everyone [VF1/2/3/4 d+K or D+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LLP low lunging punch - special move, see also LBF | | Akira [VF3/4 df+P+K] | | Jacky [VF1/2/3/4 db+P] | | Dural [VF3/4 db+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LP lifting palm - special move, see also LBF (2) | | Pai [VF3/4 df+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LU lunging uppercut, also OMK - special move | | Shun [VF2/3/4 d,df,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LUpp uppercut from crouch - special move | | Jeffry, Wolf [VF2/3/4 DF+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MP meteor punch - special move | | Lion [VF4 d,db,b+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | mTFT "mini-TFT" - high throw | | Aoi [VF3/4 b+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | OMK old man knife - special move | | Shun [VF2/3/4 d,df,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | OMP old man palm - special move | | Shun [VF2/3/4 D,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PB powerbomb - low throw | | Jeffry [VF1/2/3/4 df+P+K+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PIT pull-in throw - high throw | | Akira [VF3/4 f,b+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PIT-RBC pull-in throw -> reverse body check - canned sequence | | Akira [VF4 f,b+P+G -> u+P+G/d+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PPEK double punch-elbow-heelkick - canned sequence | | Jacky [VF1/2/3/4 P,P,f+P,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | RBC reverse body check - high throw | | Akira [VF1/2 b,df+P+K; VF3/4 b,df+P+G / b,df+P+K in VF3 SPoD] | | Dural [VF2 b,df+P+K; VF3 b,df+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SDE super dashing elbow - special move | | Akira [VF2/3/4 f,f,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SE surprise exchange - high throw | | Akira [VF2/3/4 db+P+G] | | Jeffry [VF3/4 db+P+G] | | Kage [VF3/4 f+P+G] | | Lion [VF3/4 df+P+G] | | Shun [VF3/4 df+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SgPm single palm - special move | | SgPlm Akira [VF1/2/3/4 D,f+P] | | Lau [VF3/4 b,f+P - also canned ones] | | Taka [VF3 b+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SHK side hook kick - special move | | Jacky [VF2/3/4 b+K] | | Sarah [VF2/3/4 db+K+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ShRm shoulder ram - special move | | Akira [VF3/4 D,f+P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SJK single jumping kick - special move | | Akira, Dural [VF1/2/3/4 f,f+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SpEx surprise exchange - high throw, see also SE | | Akira [VF2/3/4 db+P+G] | | Jeffry [VF3/4 db+P+G] | | Kage [VF3/4 f+P+G] | | Lion [VF3/4 df+P+G] | | Shun [VF3/4 df+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SpKn super knife - special move | | Lau [VF3/4 df+P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SPoD stun palm of doom - canned sequence | | Akira [VF2/3 P+K+G,b,df+P+K,b+P; VF4 P+K+G,b,df+P+G,b+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Srm shoulder ram - special move, see also ShRm | | Akira [VF3/4 D,f+P+K] | | Wolf [VF2/4 b,f+P; VF3 f+P+E] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SS (1) senbon swipe - special move | | Sswipe Kage [VF2/3/4 db+P,K,G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SS (2) short shoulder (ram) - special move, see also SSR | | Wolf [VF3/4 b,f+P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SSD steiner screwdriver - high throw | | Wolf [VF2 df,df+P+K; VF3/4 df,df+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SSK single swallow kick - special move | | Pai, Dural [VF2/3/4 uf+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SSR short shoulder ram - special move | | Wolf [VF3/4 b,f+P+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SSW single swallow (kick) - special move, see also SSK | | Pai, Dural [VF2/3/4 f+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ST stumbling trip / stumble throw - high throw | | Akira, Lau, Pai [VF2/3/4 b,d+P+G] | | Dural [VF3/4 b,d+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | StDbPm standing double palm - special move | | StDblPm Akira [VF4 d,db,b+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SToD stumble throw of doom - rolled sequence | | Akira [VF3 b,d+P+G, f,f+K, b,f,F+P+K] | | Pai [VF2 b,d+P+G, {P,P},P,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | StPm standing palm - special move | | StPlm Akira [VF3/4 b,f+P] | | Lau [VF3/4 b,f+P - also canned ones] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T&H twirl & hurl, also GS - high throw | | Wolf, Dural [VF1/2 b,db,d,df,f+P; VF3/4 b,db,d,df,f+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TAP turn-around punch - special move | | Jacky, Kage, Sarah, Dural [VF2/3/4 b,b+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TB taiwan backbreaker - rolled sequence | | Akira [VF2 db+P+G, df,d,DF,f+P, f,f,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TFT ten-foot toss - high throw | | Kage, Dural [VF1/2 b+P; VF3/4 b+P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TFToD ten-foot toss of doom - rolled sequence | | Kage [VF2 b+P, f,f, b,b+P, P,P,P,K) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TFTKoD ten-foot toss knee of doom - rolled sequence | | Kage [VF2 b+P, D,f+K, P,P,P,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TFTKPoD ten-foot toss knee-P of doom - rolled sequence | | Kage [VF2 b+P, D,f+K, P, P,P,P,K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TKoD toekick of doom - canned sequence | | Jeffry [VF1/2/3/4 d+K,d,df,f+P+K+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TNT ticketed & towed - rolled sequence | | Akira [VF2 b,df+P+K, df+K, f,f,f+P, d+P,b,f+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TPoD turn-around punch of doom - rolled sequence | | TAPoD Shun [VF3 b,b+P mC,P+G] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TTS turn-towards sweep - special move | | Jacky, Sarah [VF2/3/4 back-turned d+K] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | UpKn upknife / lifting palm - special move | | Lau [VF1/2/3/4 DF+P] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | XPD crucifix piledriver - high throw | | Jeffry, Dural [VF1/2 df,df+P+K; VF3/4 df,df+P+G] | | Wolf [VF1 df,df+P+K] | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ CREDITS =-=-=-= Major contributors (too many things to mention): * rsw * CreeD * Myke` * Chanchai Minor contributors: * BigCat: Shorthand Guide * PeakDuck: Gamest translations * clopin: TA/TT clarification, typos corrections * Ice-9: a few abbreviations taken from his VF Lexicon (at virtuafighter.com) * Donny Chan: some additions * plus many anonymous contributors & guide authors ;) If you feel you have contributed something, contact me! [end of file, (c) GLC]