------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** ___ ___ __________ __ __ ** ** \ \ / / | _______| | | | | ** Virtua Fighter 4 ** \ \ / / | | | | | | ** Move List/ FAQ ** \ \ / / | | | | | | ** ** \ \ / / | |___ | | | | ** ** \ \ / / | ____| | |___| |_ ** ** \ / / | | |______ __| ** ** \ / | | | | ** ** \ / | | | | ** ** V |__| |__| ** ** ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You'll put it all on the line for one moment of glory... Prepare for the fight of your life! THE 4TH WORLD FIGHTING TOURNAMENT: VIRTUA FIGHTER 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Written by: Ryan "Nemesis300" Kelly E-Mail: original_dark_id@yahoo.com (for questions) or dark_id@hotmail.com (for borrowing information, posting FAQ) Project Started: April 17, 2002 Project Complete: April 22, 2002 Last Update: April 27, 2002 Game/Console: Virtua Fighter 4/ Playstation 2 Version: 1.3 ______________________________________________________________________________ ------1. SECTIONS------ ______________________________________________________________________________ Sections: 1. Sections 2. Updates 3. Disclaimer 4. Notes 5. Story 6. The Basics 7. Modes of Play a. Arcade b. Versus c. Kumite d. Training Mode e. A.I. System 8. Akira Yuki 9. Pai Chan 10. Lau Chan 11. Wolf Hawkfield 12. Jeffry McWild 13. Kage-Maru 14. Sarah Bryant 15. Jacky Bryant 16. Shun-Di 17. Lion Rafale 18. Aoi Umenokouji 19. Lei Fei 20. Vanessa Lewis 21. Secrets 22. FAQ 23. Contact 24. Copyright 25. Credits 26. Closing ______________________________________________________________________________ ------2. UPDATES------ ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.0- Initial Release. All movelists in their basic form are 100% complete. All of the mode descriptions and character bios as well as secrets are done as well. 1.1- Added a few new locations this FAQ is being hosted. 1.2- Added some basic strategies for every character as well as against everyone. Merged the game modes into one section. Added a several new places this FAQ is being hosted. 1.3- Reorganized the Command Lists. It's much easier to read now IMO. All in all, this FAQ is pretty much complete as far as I'm concerned. I'll still answer questions, but don't expect many major updates. This FAQ is offically completed =) ______________________________________________________________________________ ------3. DISCLAIMER------ ______________________________________________________________________________ If you wanna use this FAQ on your site, make sure contact me first of all. After you post it make sure you do all of the following!!! - You do not make any money off of this guide. - You do not edit the FAQ whatsoever(even spacing and gramatical errors) - You give credit when due. - CONTACT ME OR THERE WILL BE TROUBLE! This document can only be placed on a non-commerical or non-profit website. Remember not to alter anything or there will be trouble. You can't use this document as a referrence for your own, unless you give me credit. You can use the layout if you want This is a copyrighted document, so if you steal, I sue! Please try to contact me if your going to use this, I don't want any nasty misunderstandings. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----4. NOTES----- ______________________________________________________________________________ -Legend: F = Forward B = Back D = Down U = Up FU = Forward up FD = Forward down BU = Back up BD = Back down P = Punch K = Kick G = Guard OB = 180 clockwise OF = 180 counter clockwise C = 360 clockwise CC = 360 counter clockwise (H)= Hold + = Hold multiple buttons (ie P+K) -The strategies in this FAQ are just the basics and some pointers. Go look at one of the many, well written FAQs on specific characters. Or venture to a website such as VF.com or VP.com for some more indepth strategy. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----5. STORY----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Prologue***** In the end, it was Kage-Maru who won the Third World Fighting Tournament. After it ended, he defeated a new model of Dural who appeared before him. Kage-Maru finally obtained a new item type required to save his mother, Tsuki-Kage. However, Tsuki-Kage actually got worse, transforming into Dural further when the item was used. Ultimately, she turned into Dural completely and "J6" acquired her once more. With Dural again within their grasp, "J6" started to research how they could mass produce Dural. During their research, "J6" discovered that Tsuki-Kage had remained incomplete for too long which explained her lack of abilities somewhat. "J6" started to look for a new target eligible enough to become a new (complete) Dural. They decided upon "Sarah Bryant." Plans were made so as to aquire her and the Fourth World Fighting Tournament was organized. With many hidden agendas and suspicious machinations going on, the Tournament is now ready to begin. *****Outline of Virtua Fighter Series***** The World Fighting Tournament: a worldwide competition for fighters who believe in the superiority of their own fighting skills and technique. The champion of the First Tournament was Lau Chan, who retrieved the legendary art "Ko'enken." At the end of the Second Tournament, it was Akira Yuki, a young fighter who uses "Hakkyokuken," who walked away the winner. Who was the winner of the Third Tournament? While looking respectable and admirable, the tournaments are anything but, with a mysterious group plotting behind the scenes. "J6" [Judgement 6]- An Organization composed of six global mega-industries that have great influence on everything from weapons development, to world politics. Ultimately, "J6" strives for unrivaled control of the world's fate. The true purpose of J6 holding the World Fighting Tournament is to test the abilities of "Dural" [artifical/programmable human beings], and new materials. Although Kage-Maru managed to rescue and whisk away his mother, Tsuki-Kage, off to freedom at the end of the Third World Fighting Tournament, her medical condition worsened once more. He was able to confirm she was suffering an unknown after-effect of her transformation into Dural. Using his ninja skills, Kage-Maru managed to infiltrate the Organization once more and found that he needed to get a new item to rescue his mother. Those fated to fight are now about to start their endless battles once again. Who will win the battle this time? ______________________________________________________________________________ -----6. THE BASICS----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Controls (during battle)***** -Directional Buttons- /Left= Forward Left/Right = Back Down = Down Up = Up x = Punch O = Kick ￾ = Guard Triangle = Punch Select = Pause/Menu Start = Pause/Menu L1 = P+G L2 = P+K+G L3 = Not used R1 = P+K R2 = K+G R3 = Not used Both analog sticks are not used. *****Basic Techniques***** These are the basic techniques of the game. Everyone can perform these moves at any given time: Walk: How to perform: Hold any directional but but down. The basic way of movement in most fighting games, this one is no exception. However, it is also the slowest way to get around. Dashing or running is almost always a better way to get around. Virtua Fighter 4 features a All Range Movement or "ARM" system which allows you to walk in any given direction. To walk downward, press D then press D again and hold it. Dashing/Back Dashing: How to perform: Tab F,F or B,B Dashing is a very useful technique while fighting. It doesn't make you travel very far, but it is a heck of a lot faster than walking. A quick dash is often useful when avoiding enemy attacks or dashing back to avoid a attack, leaving the opponent open for a counterattack. Crouch Dash/Crouch Back-Dash: How to perform: FD,FD or BD,BD Another useful technique. Crouch Dashing is similar to the standard dash, but it is done in the crouching position, leaving you safe from high attacks and able to move in safely and counterattack. Run: How to perform: Press F,(H)F Unlike dashing, running is not nearly as useful as the dash technique, but it can come in handy on the right occasion. Running is often useful when you or an opponent has been knocked a great distance and you want to go in before they can react. Running is also used in a few moves as well. Jump: How to perform: U,P or U,K Jumping...what can I say. It's not very useful in this game as it may be in other fighters. Jumping can be used to dodge attacks low to the ground, however, unless you follow up quickly with some type of aerial attack, you'll be wide open. Many characters utilize unique jumping attacks of their own. Evade: How to perform: Tap U or D Evading is probably one of the most useful techniques in the game. Easy to use, anyone can do it, very useful indeed. Evading is useful to dodge an enemy's assault and come in with a quick counterattack of your own. *****More Advance Techniques***** These are some slightly more advanced techniques, but anyone can still use them. Guarding: How to perform: (H)G Guarding is one of the single most important techniques to use if you don't want you ass handed to you. Put it this way, use the guard or you gonna be blocking with you face. Guarding can be done from the standing or crouched position. Nearly all high/mid range attacks can be guarded and all low range attacks can be guarded from the crouching position. The only thing a guard can not guard (heh...) is a throw. Remember that... Throws: How to perform: P+G (also unique throws not listed) Throws are a very useful technique to learn. They are often able to make or break a match nearing its end. Throws are useful against opponents who constantly guard are play very defensive. To evade a throw, duck quickly and the attack should pass you, leaving your opponent open for a counterstrike. Throw Escapes: How to perform: (During a throws first few frames) P+G Hmm...this is a bit of a tough one to pull off. To escape a basic throw, you just need to tap P+G the first few frames of the attack. However, to escape an unique throw, one must press the last button of the throw's motion as well as tap P+G. It is often useful to know the opponent's attack motions yourself to have a better chance of escaping the throw. For instance, if the opponent's throw motion is F,P+G then you would need to tap F,P+G to escape the attack. It might sound a bit tricky, but some practice and you'll have a good handle on it. Down Attacks: How to perform: U,P (not including unique moves) Whan an opponent is grounded, you can follow-up with some extra damage by performing a down attack. Useful for that little extra hit. Recovery: How to perform: P+K+G When you are knocked into the air by a strong attack, tap P+K+G to recover and land safely. This is useful when you need to get back into the fray or to avoid a down attack. Rising Attacks: How to perform: P or K from downed position Rising attacks are often useful to surprise an enemy that is nearby while you are down. Tapping P or K from the downed position will make your character get up with a quick punch or kick. You can also roll from the downed position by tapping U,PKG or D,PKG. Rolling is often the best way to go, as it does leave you open to an attack as much as the other possibilities do. Reversals: How to perform: High-Attack B,PK Mid-Attack BD,PK Low-Attack D,PK This technique will allow you to counterattack you opponent's strike with an attack of your own. Not all of the characters have reversals, however. Learning these and when to use them can become a great tool for your fight. Deflecting: How to perform: Varies This attack is a quite similar to the reversal, but instead of dealing any damage, it simply deflects the opponent's blow allowing you a brief period to attack. Jacky and Venessa have an automatic high deflect when they stand still. Charge Attacks: How to perform: Hold the last button pressed (only certain moves can be charged.) Certain moves can be charged in order to deal more damage. To charge a move, you must simply hold the last button in the command until it full charges and is executed. However, charged moves take longer to perform and leaves you wide open to attack. The best time to use these techniques is when the opponent is knocked to the floor, so as you have time to charge without harassement from the opponent. Be careful when performing these type of moves... Using the walls: How to perform: ...you figure it out =) Many stages in Virtua Fighter 4 have walls in them. Some walls are breakable while others are not. Slamming an opponent into a wall can cause a little more damage and give them little room to evade your attacks. Also, an opponent can be ejected from the fight with a ring-out in areas with break- able walls. This can be the key to an easy win. Juggling: How to perform: Varies, must knock character into the air Juggling is an extremely useful way to deal damage in Virtua Fighter 4. To start a juggle, you must first knock the opponent into the air and then keep them up there with a combo of your own. It times time and practice to get good at juggling, but once you do, the rewards are plenty. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----7. MODES OF PLAY----- ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~Arcade Mode~~~~~ The staple single player mode of EVERY fighting game in existence. This is a near Arcade perfect (not completely though) port of the Arcade version of the game. You must fight through 14 stages of opponents including Dural at the end. The difficulty and time limit can be changed in the Options menu. You have infinite continues in this mode except for Dural, which will give you an instant Game Over if you lose to. Unfortunately, as with the other Virtua Fighter games, there is no ending to Arcade mode. Opponent order: 1.) Lion Rafale 2.) Lei Fei 3.) Pai Chan 4.) Kage-Maru 5.) Jeffry McWild 6.) Vanessa Lewis 7.) Lau Chan 8.) Jacky Bryant 9.) Aoi Umenokouji 10.) Shun-Di 11.) Wolf Hawkfield 12.) Sarah Bryant 13.) Akira Yuki 14.) Dural ~~~~~Versus Mode~~~~ Your basic Versus mode, standard in near every fighting game. You can choose your character and stage in this mode. Time and round number is changable through Options. Stages: Palace- Size: 29 ft. x 26 ft. Type: Fence (unbreakable) Arena- Size: 33 ft. x 33 ft. Type: High Fence (unbreakable) Cave- Size: 39 ft. x 39 ft. Type: High Fence (unbreakable) City- Size: 39 ft. x 39 ft. Type: Fence (unbreakable) Castle- Size: 39 ft. x 39 ft. Type: Fence (unbreakable) Island- Size: 46 ft. x 46 ft. Type: Opened Shrine- Size: 46 ft. x 46 ft. Type: Opened Harbor- 33x33 high fence unb Size: 33 ft. x 33 ft. Type: High Fence (unbreakable) Aquarium- Size: 33 ft. x 33 ft. Type: High Fence (unbreakable) Temple- Size: 39 ft. x 39 ft. Type: Fence (breakable) Gymnasium- Size: 39 ft. x 39 ft. Type: Fence (breakable) Colosseum- Size: 39 ft. x 39 ft. Type: Fence (breakable) Great Wall- Size: 46 ft. x 46 ft. Type: Opened Garden- Size: 46 ft. x 46 ft. Type: Opened Training 1- (unlockable) Size: 33 ft. x 33 ft. Type: High Fence (unbreakable) Training 2- (unlockable) Size: 39 ft. x 39 ft. Type: Fence (breakable) Training 3- (unlockable) Size: 46 ft. x 46 ft. Type: Opened Hangar- (unlockable) Size: 46 ft. x 46 ft. Type: Opened ~~~~~Kumite~~~~~ This is the main single player mode of Virtua Fighter 4. This is a tournament mode where you spar against computer opponents in order to gain ranks and unlock various secrets (see Secrets section for details). You can gain various ranks in this mode depending on your ability. This is just a brief list of the ranks and requirements (thanks to Resident Rider): *****Kyu Ranks***** -Ranks are gained through experience. -100 exp. points = 1 rank 1st Kyu 2nd Kyu 3rd Kyu 4th Kyu 5th Kyu 6th Kyu 7th Kyu 8th Kyu 9th Kyu 10th Kyu *****Dan Ranks***** -Ranks are gained through victory points. -Every victory = 1 point. -Every loss = -1 point. -5 victory points = 1 rank. -Minus 5 victory points = loss 1 rank. 1st Dan 2nd Dan 3rd Dan 4th Dan 5th Dan 6th Dan 7th Dan 8th Dan 9th Dan 10th Dan *****Middle Ranks***** -To advance from Hero, you must defeat 10 consecutive 10th Dan opponents. If you lose then its back to 10th Dan =( -Defeat 10 consecutive Champion opponents to reach the next rank. Hero Champion The ranks now branch depending on your winning percent: *****Under 75% Wins***** -One victory over a rank the same or higher = 1 victory point. -One loss over a rank the same or higher = -1 victory point. -You must defeat 5 opponents of the same or higher rank (I think) to go up a rank. Adept Master Grand Master *****Over 75% Wins***** -One victory over a rank the same or higher = 1 victory point. -One loss over a rank the same or higher = -1 victory point. -You must defeat 5 opponents of the same or higher rank (I think) to go up a rank. Conqueror Vanquisher Subjugator The ranks now branch depending on either: *****Over 12 victory points***** -Defeating 10 of the same ranked opponents in a row nets you another rank. -To reach Emperor, one must defeat 20 o_O of the same ranked opponents. Demonlord Shadowlord Battlelord Emperor - end of path *****10 consecutive wins***** -Defeating 10 of the same ranked opponents in a row nets you another rank. -To reach High King, one must defeat 20 o_O of the same ranked opponents. Stormlord Thunderlord Dragonlord High King - end of path ***** -I'm not sure as to which end path rank is better. I personally like the sound of "Emperor" better...but maybe that's because I have it ;) -At the higher end ranks, Dural randomly (I think random) challenges you to a match. Defeating her nets you some goodies. ~~~~~Training Mode~~~~~ This is the training mode, where all come to hone their skills. Virtua Fighter 4's training mode is quite extensive and really helps train newbies and veterans alike. *****Command Training***** Command Training sets you through a trial in which you perform all of the character's moves in order they appear on the command list menu. Start Menu: Command List- Allows you to view all of the commands Command information- Allows you to see either: -Number: How long between button presses -Graph: A chart of the buttons you press and how long you pressed them. Advice Display: Allows the game to give you advice on performing commands. Lock Practice Move: Locks the current move your on so you can practice it repeatedly. Character Select: Err...guess. Return to Main Menu: See above... *****Free Training***** This mode lets you practice commands at your own leisure without pressure from the computer. It is very similar to Tekken's training mode. Start Menu: CPU Settings: Allows you to adjust the dummy opponent's settings -Status settings: Position CPU is in. a. Standing: CPU stands b. Crouching: CPU crouches c. Jumping: CPU jumps d. Action: CPU does selected actions e. Other Stances (if applys): CPU goes into another stance. -Reaction settings: How CPU reacts to situations and its actions. a. Neutral: CPU does nothing b. Normal hit: CPU does standard P attack c. Counter: CPU counters attacks d. Guard (standing): CPU guards high and some mid attacks e. Guard All: CPU guards all but crouch throws f. Evade: CPU evades (sidesteps) attacks -Action settings: CPU's actions (action must be the status setting). a. Attacks: The attack pattern of CPU i. No specification: Attacks randomly ii. Emphasis on throws iii. Emphasis on high attacks iv. Emphasis on mid attacks v. Emphasis on low attacks b. Throws: Turns CPU throwing on or off c. Skill Level (1-5): Difficulty of CPU Command List: List of command motions. Speed Setting: -Normal: Attacks normal speed -Slow attacks only: Attacks are all in slow motion -Slow throws only: Slow motion action movie throws -All slow: Time for the Matrix. Display setting: Adjust display Position setting: Set characters' position to center, back to wall, or opponent back to the wall. Ring Settings: Set ring to unbreakable, breakable, or no walls. Record: Control CPU and record its actions. Play: Replay the recorded actions of CPU. Character Select: Hmmm... Main Menu: Guess. *****Trial Training***** A trial which deals with various objectives. This is the best place to master your technique. ~~~~~A.I. Training Mode~~~~~ Yippee, your own Giga Fighter. This strange little mode lets your train a idiot AI controlled fighter and make him into a lean mean fighting machine (or get his ass kicked...one or the other). There are two means of training your little buggers. First off, you need to create a fighter, give him or her a nice name (I named mine Baka, cute huh?). Now, you can either take him to sparring, where you manually train them to fight, or you can save a replay and play it back to teach them techniques. You can use your created fighters in Kumite and Versus mode. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----15. AKIRA YUKI----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: Japan Sex: Male Blood Type: O Job: Kung-Fu Teacher Hobby: Kung-Fu Height: 5 ft. 11 in. Weight: 174 lbs. B/W/H: 45/35/37 Fighting Style: Hakkyoku-Ken ****Story***** Akira failed to win the Third World Fighting Tournament. After he returned home to Japan and told his grandfather about his loss, he isolated himself in a mountainside retreat to train rigorously to atone for his lack of ability. Whilst questioning himself, "What is true strength?", Akira was surprised to discover a number of devastating new moves. As he continued to improve his style, Hakkyoku-Ken, Akira felt his soul strengthening, and immediately resolved to fight in the tournament once more to demonstrate his improved skill. *****Command List****** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chusui: | P Housui: | D,P Koboku: | D,BD,B,P Hachimon Kaida: | P,P Kansuitai: | P,K Jouho Chouchu: | F,P Rimon Chouchu: | F,F,P Yakuho Chouchu: | F,F,F,P Mouko Kouhazan: | D(H),F,P Jouho Shoushou: | B,F,P Byakko Soushouda: | D(H),B,F,P Fukko: | B,FD,P Youhou: | FD,FD,P Shoutai: | K Youzentai: | D,K Utankyaku: | F,F,K Renkantai: | F,F,K,K Sokutai: | FD,K Maho Shoukou: | D(H),F,P+K Chouzan Housui: | B,F,P+K (charges) Tetsuzankou: | B,F,F,P+K Souka Housui: | FD,P+K Doppo Choushitsu: | K+G (release G after 1 frame) Gekiho honko | D,P+G Kaiko: | F,P+G Tenzankou: | (during evade) P+K+G Soutoushou: | B,F,P+K+G Hougekishu: | FD,P+K+G Gaimon Chouchu: | FD,P+K+G,P Hougeki Unshin | Soukoshou (Bonken): | P+K+G Hougeki Unshin | Soukoshou | (Youshi Senrin): | (During P+K+G) B,FD,P+G Hougeki Unshin | Soukoshou (Soushou): | (During P+K+G,B,FD,P+G) D,F or B,P Shura Ha'ou Koukazan | (Ryusoushiki): | FD,K+G Shura Ha'ou Koukazan | (Maho Chouchu): | FD,K+G,F,P Shura Ha'ou Koukazan | (Tetsuzankou): | FD,K+G,F,P,B,F,F,P+K Fujin Shoushitsu | Fukkoogeki | (Fujinkyaku): | D,K+G Fujin Shoushitsu | Fukkoogeki (Jouho | Choushitsu): | D,K+G,F,K Fujin Shoushitsu | Fukkoogeki (Fukko): | D,K+G,F,K,B,F,P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Toushin Soutai: | P+G Shishi Hougetsu: | FD,P+G Shishi Hougetsu: | (Wall in back) FD,P+G Shinporiko: | BD,P+G Junshin Honko: | F,B,P+G Chinho: | F,B,P+G,D or U Shin'iha: | F,B,P+G,P+K Kouzanheki: | F,B,P+G,D or U,P+G Daiden Housui: | B,F,P+G Youshi Senrin: | B,FD,P+G Shin'iha: | BD,F,P+G Junho Honko: | B,D,P+G Kyuho Chouchu: | (On opponent's side) P+G Daisekkou: | (Opponent facing away) P+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rakusho Shasui: | Jump (while rising) P Rakuhosui: | While jumping P Choushitai: | Jump (while rising) K Choushitai: | Jump (before landing) K Soukahou: | Opponent down FD,P Gekihoushui: | Opponent down U,P Kenhaisui: | Opponent behind P Hairakuheki: | Opponent behind D,P Haitai: | Opponent behind K Hashitsutai: | Opponent behind D,K Chisentai: | Opponent behind (H)D,K Hekiyakutai: | Wall in front B,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Reversals~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gaimon Chouchu/Youhou: | High P reversal B,P+K Gaimon Chouchu/Youhou: | Mid P reversal BD,P+K Tan'yokuchou: | High K reversal B,P+K Tan'yokuchou: | Mid K reversal BD,P+K Gaimon Chouchu: | Elbow reversal BD,P+K Haiho Richu/Jouho | Shoukou: | Mid K reversal B,P+K Senpu Soushou: | Knee reversal BD,P+K Shoutenkou: | Somersault reversal | BD,P+K Souhakushu: | Low K reversal D,P+K Honshin Tanda: | Low P reversal D,P+K Tsutenhou: | High P, high K, or low P parry B,P+K+G Mouko Kouhazan: | F,P (while deflecting with B,P+K+G) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Akira...most likely the best character in the game, yet the most difficult to learn. Make no mistake, masters of Akira can whoop the ass of most anyone, but its gonna take a lot of time and a lot of patience to learn and master his complex combos. Akira's moves are quite strong and some of his combos are devastating. It should be noted that Akira is NOT masher friendly. In other words, he's not a newbie character. Akira has some real good poking attacks as well as extremely devesating single attacks. Akira also has some great defensive attacks as well. All in all, a hard but very rewarding character to learn. *****Strategy***** Akira is opponent that depends solely on the opponent's skill. A master of Akira can and will whip your ass if you don't know how to deal with him. I myself am not much of an Akira player, so I can't really comment on him. There is an excellent Akira FAQ written by ReCharredSigh, I suggest you consult that since I am far from a fountain of knowledge when it comes to good old Akira. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----16. PAI CHAN----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: China Sex: Female Blood Type: O Job: Action Movie Star Hobby: Dancing Height: 5 ft. 5 in. Weight: 108 lbs. B/W/H: 33/21/35 Fighting Style: Ensei-Ken *****Story***** Pai Chan left the Third World Tournament after being defeated by her father, Lau. Upon returning home, Pai realized that despite her loss, her fighting skills closely matched those of her father. While training to improve her Hisou-Ken, Pai learned that Lau had contracted an incurable disease and yet still planned to compete in the fourth tournament. Determined to prove herself a worthy successor to her father's legacy, Pai plans to enter the tournament to defeat him. *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chuken: | P Renshou: | P,P Raigekishou: | P,P,P Renkan Tenshinkyaku: | P,P,P,K Renkan Tenshin | Soukyaku: | P,P,P,D,K Renkan Koutankyaku: | P,P,P,F,K Renkan Haitenkyaku: | P,P,P,BU,K Renken Toukyaku: | P,P,K Renken Toukikyaku: | P,P,K,K Renken Senpuga: | K+G (during P or P,P, or P,P,P hit) Renken Ensenshu: | D,K+G (during P or P,P or P,P,P hit) Renkentai: | P,K Souchuken: | D,P Senchuken: | F,P Jouho Souchushou: | F,B,P Ensei Soushou: | F,B,P,P Ensei Kosouha: | (H)D,F,P Enshi Soushou: | F,F,P Hi'en Dantai: | F,F,P,K Jouho Chushou: | B,P Soukasui: | FD,P Souka Senpukyaku: | FD,P,K (charges) Souka Rensui: | FD,P,P Souka Rensuishou: | FD,P,P,F,P Rensui toukyaku: | FD,P,P,K Rensui Toukikyaku: | FD,P,P,K,K Rikensui: | BD,P Koushutai: | K Koushu Kasui: | K,P Koushu Kasui | Senpukyaku: | K,P,K (charges) Ko'en Senkyaku: | K,K Taitou Risenkyaku: | (While rising from a croutch) K Sensaitai: | D,K Renka Sentai: | D,K,K Rensen Soukyaku: | (H)D,K,K Ensei Toukyaku: | F,K Ensei Toukikyaku: | F,K,K Honshin Choutankyaku: | While running (H)F,K Koutankyaku: | F,F,K Ensei Haikyaku: | B,K Senchutai: | FD,K Haitenkyaku: | BU,K Rensen Haitenkyaku: | BU,K,F,K Hi'en Tankyaku: | FU,K Hi'en Rekkyaku: | FU,K,K Ensei Katai: | U or D,P+K Kasuishou: | B,F,F,P+K (charges) Senpuga: | K+G Ensenshu: | D,K+G Enbu Renkyaku: | F,K+G Ensei Touku Haikyaku: | F,F,K+G Enjin Senpukyaku: | B,K+G Hi'en Youshu: | U,K+G Honshin Soukyaku: | BD,K+G Enshu Haitenkyaku: | FU,K+G Enshu Haiten Renkyaku: | FU,K+G,K Sokushin Senpuga: | During evade P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Bokutai Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bokutai: | B,K,D Bokutai Chuken: | From Bokutai P Bokutai Raigekishou: | From Bokutai P,P Bokutai Renkan | Tenshinkyaku: | From Bokutai P,P,K Bokutai Renkan Tenshin | Soukyaku: | From Bokutai P,P,D,K Bokutai Renkan | Koutankyaku: | From Bokutai P,P,F,K Bokutai Renkan | Haitenkyaku: | From Bokutai P,P,BU,K Bokutai Zensoutai: | From Bokutai K Bokutai Zensou | Taitoukyaku: | From Bokutai K,K Bokutai Kinkei: | From Bokutai P+K Bokutai Kousoutai: | From Bokutai K+G Bokutai Kousou | Soushougeki: | From Bokutai K+G,P,B,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~Meishouho Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meishouho: | B,P+K+G Meishouho Ryusui | Shouda: | From Meishouho P (goes to Bokutai) Meishouho Gekiryu | Shouda: | From Meishouho P,P (goes to Bokutai) Meishouho Gekiryuha: | From Meishouho P,P,P Meiho Zensoutai: | From Meishouho K Meishougei Ensenkyaku: | From Meishouho K+G Meishougei Enshi | Renshou: | K+G,P Meishougei Enshi | Renshou Soukyaku: | K+G,P,K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tenshin Soutou: | P+G Raishin Nyurin: | F,P+G Raishin Nyurin: | (wall in back) F,P+G Hi'en Honko: | FD,P+G Kuretsu Tenhou: | (H)D,F,P+G Toushin Inshou: | F,F,P+G Tenchi Touraku: | F,B,P+G Tenchi Touraku: | (opponent's back to wall) | F,B,P+G Senpu Enjin: | B,F,P+G Sei'en Katou: | B,D,P+G Senpu Enka: | C or CC, P+G Haishin Choushou: | On opponent's side P+G Shun'en Katou: | Opponent facing away P+G Enfu Rinshou: | Opponent crouching F,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: Attack Power: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Touku Soushou: | Jump (while rising) P Toudankensui: | While jumping P Hishitai: | Jump (while rising) K Sokushutai: | While jumping K Sokushutai: | Jump (before landing) K Rai'in Shouda: | Opponent down FD,P Enshu Raigeki: | Opponent down U,P Haihousui: | Opponent behind P Haichutai: | Opponent behind K Haika Housui: | Opponent behind D,P Zaka Sentai: | Opponent D,K Zenshu Koutenkyaku: | Opponent behind FU,K (buffered) Zenshu Koutenkyaku: | K+G (Opponent facing away, after P+G) Hekika Haishu: | Wall in front B,P+K+G Hekika Haiten: | Wall in front BU,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Reversals~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unshu Soushouha: | High P reversal F,P+K Senpu Haikyaku/Senpu | Soukyaku: | High K reversal F,P+K Ensen Hairyu: | High P reversal B,P+K Ensen Hairyu: | Mid P reversal BD,P+K Rasen Anshou: | High K reversal B,P+K Rasen Anshou: | Mid K reversal BD,P+K Unshu Soushouha: | Mid P reversal FD,P+K Mougyu Kenkaku/ | Ryusui Hekiken: | Mid K reversal FD,P+K Sousui Sanmon/Raku'en | Katou: | Elbow reveral FD,P+K Teishitsu Soukyaku/ | Soushitsu Touraku: | Knee reversal FD,P+K He'en Hairyu: | Elbow reversal BD,P+K Kakyaku Senten: | Mid K reversal BD,P+K Shitsuten Toukai: | Knee reversal BD,P+K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Pai is probably one of the easiest characters to master in the game, however she may also be one of the worst characters when fighting more skilled opponents. Though Pai is quite fast, she is also very weak. Pai has many quick combos, however they don't do a lot of damage, and end rather quickly, leaving you open to the opponent's attack if you can't follow up quickly. An advantage she has, however, is she has quite a few good reversals in her arsenal. *****Strategy***** Pai players, much like Lion, usually utilize the characters agility to be a poking machine. Mostly she'll start out with her P,K strings, so watch out for its follow-up. Remember, Pai's attacks, while quick, end quickly as well leaving her open to your counterattack. Also, take into consideration Pai's light weight. It makes her very easy to knock into the air and juggle. All in all, she's not all that tough of an opponent once your get her attacks and patterns down. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----17. LAU CHAN----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: China Sex: Male Blood Type: B Job: Cook Hobby: Chinese Poetry Height: 5 ft. 8 in. Weight: 170 lbs. B/W/H: 39/35/37 Fighting Style: Koen-Ken *****Story***** After losing against Kage-Maru in the final round of the Third Tournament, Lau found himself incurably ill. Fearing his individually developed style, Koen-Ken, may be forever lost upon his death, Lau began looking for a worty successor. His main ambition in entering the fourth tournament is to find that successor and offer them the chance to master his powerful martial arts style. *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chusui: | P Renshou: | P,P Raigekishou: | P,P,P Renkan Tenshinkyaku: | P,P,P,K Renkan Tenshin | Soukyaku: | P,P,P,D,K Renkan Haitenkyaku: | P,P,P,BU,K Souken Senputai: | P,P,K Haisen Renshou: | P,B,P Tenshin Soukoshou: | P,B,P,P Renkentai: | P,K Renken Senpuga: | K+G (During P or P,P or P,P,P) Renshou Ensenshu: | D,K+G (During P or P,P or P,P,P) Souchuken: | D,P Chugeki: | F,P Hou'ou Soushou: | F,P,P Ko'en Hekiken: | B,P Sokushukyaku: | B,P,K Kosoushou: | B,F,P Hi'en Tenshinshou: | B,B,P Hi'en Renshou: | B,B,P,D,P Hi'en Senpukyaku: | B,B,P,K+G Shakashou: | FD,P Renshou: | FD,P,P Renkanshou: | FD,P,P,P Renshou Tenshinkyaku: | FD,P,P,P,K Renshou Haitenkyaku: | FD,P,P,P,BU,K Renshou Tenshin | Soukyaku: | FD,P,P,P,D,K Renshou Senputai: | FD,P,P,K Shajoushou: | (H)D,FD,P Shajou Chusui: | (H)D,FD,P,P Renkan Ko'enshou: | (H)D,FD,P,FD,P+K Junho Chushou: | FD,FD,P Junho Renshou: | FD,FD,P,P Katsumentai: | K Renshu Senpu: | K,K Taitourisenkyaku: | While rising from a crouch K Sensaitai: | D,K Tenshn Risenkyaku: | D,K,K Rensen Saitai: | (H)D,K,K Rensen Soukyaku: | (H)D,K,K+G Chisoutai: | F,D,K Senchutai: | FD,K Senkyaku Chushou: | FD,K,P Senkyaku Renkan | Koshou: | FD,K,P,P Kokyaku Haiten: | BU,K Touku Kosenkyaku: | FU,K Enshishou: | P+K (charges) Honshin Hekiken: | D,P+K Tenshin Senchugeki: | F,P+K Sakosoushou: | B,P+K Ko'en Tenshin Utanchu: | B,P+K,P Souko Reppa: | FD,P+K Senpuga: | K+G Ensenshu: | D,K+G Koryu Tenshinkyaku: | F,K+G Enjin Senpukyaku: | B,K+G Kukokyaku: | FU,K+G Kousokuhi Ko'enshou: | During evade P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kensha Touraku: | P+G Raishin NyuriN: | F,P+G Raishin Nyurin: | Wall in back F,P+G Ryusha Senten: | B,P+G Ryushu Senten: | Wall in back B,P+G Tenshin Ha'inshou: | B,F,P+G Daichi Toushu: | FD,FD,P+G Ryushu Katou: | B,D,P+G Tenshin Souhashou: | On opponent's side P+G Mouko Haishu: | Opponent facing away P+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Touku Shashou: | Jump (while rising) P Touku Chuken: | While jumping P Rekka Kosenkyaku: | Jump (while rising) K Touku Chukyaku: | Jump (before landing) K Tenshin Soutai: | Jump (before landing) D,K Toushugeki: | Opponent down FD,K Kosou Raishu: | Opponent down U,P Haichuken: | Opponent behind P Haichutai: | Opponent behind K Haigo Shakashou: | Opponent behind D,P Zaka Sentai: | Opponent behind D,P Kokyaku Haiten: | Opponent behind FU,K (buffered) Touku Haishou: | Opponent behind U,K+G (buffered) Hekika Haishu: | Wall in front B,P+K+G Hekika Haiten: | Wall in front BU,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Lau is easily one of the best characters in the game. Sure, he has no reversals or good defense to speak of, but he does have an great ability to rush the opponent and has great attack power behind his moves. Lau has several attacks which look similar but hit in completely different areas, giving him a great guessing game tactic. Lau also has several unreversalable moves which will give the unknowning opponent a world of pain. Just rush in and keep the pressure on with his swift, strong attacks and you should be good to go. *****Strategy***** Lau players will usually rush you and try to keep the pressure on the best that they can. The best strategy would be to attack first and try to bust up his onslaught and slow his momentum. Fighting from mid/long range is also a good tactic, since Lau is very much a close range character. Also, try putting Lau on the defensive if possible, since he has no reversals to speak of and isn't the best in a defensive game. Keep the pressure on or have the same done to you... ______________________________________________________________________________ -----18. WOLF HAWKFIELD----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: Canada Sex: Male Blood Type: O Job: Wrestler Hobby: Karaoke Height: 5 ft. 11 in. Weight: 223 lbs. B/W/H: 48/37/39 Fighting Style: Pro-Wrestling *****Story***** The reason Wolf took part in the Third World Tournament was a recurring nightmare of the apocalypse. These nightmares ceased when the tournament ended, and Wolf returned home. He spent his time traveling from one fightin arena to another, traing rigorously. Unfortuantely, the nightmares soon returned. Wolf visited the shamen of his settlement once again and was told that the tournament organizers planned to turn Wolf's nightmare into a reality. Not wanting to witness such a terrible event, Wolf resolved to enter the next tournament and prevent such a thing from happening. *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Straight Hammer: | P Jab Straight: | P,P One Two Upper: | P,P,P Elbow Smash: | P,P,F,P Combo Elbow Butt: | P,P,F,P,B,P Combo Double Arm | Suplex: | P,P,F,P,BD,P+K+G Hammer Kick: | P,K Low Hammer: | D,P Body Blow: | F,P Dragonfish Blow: | F,P,P Reverse Sledgehammer: | (H)D,FD,F,P Axe Lariat: | F,F,P Screw Hook: | OB,P Screw Lariat: | OB,P,P Elbow Butt: | B,P Shoulder Attack: | B,F,P (charges) Shoulder Feint: | D (While charging B,F,P) Arrow Knuckle Real: | B,FD,P Arrow Knuckle: | FD,P Vertical Upper: | (H)D,FD,P Comet Hook: | BD,P Tomahawk Chop: | FU,P Flying Meyere: | F,P+G (During FU,P Hit) High Kick: | K Double High Kick: | K,K Low Smash: | D,K Knee Blast: | F,K Low Drop Kick: | F,D,K Face Lift Kick: | FD,K Drop Kick: | FU,K Level Back Crush: | P+K (charges) Running Shoulder | Attack: | While running (H)F,P+K Tomahawk Flash: | F,P+K Short Shoulder: | B,F,P+K Grizzly Lariat: | FD,P+K Neck Cut Kick: | K+G Rolling Sobot: | F,K+G Flying Kneel Kick: | F,F,K+G Heaby Toe Kick: | B,K+G Toe Kick Stunner: | P+G (During B,K+G hit) Toe Kick Side: | B,K+G,K Front Roll Kick: | B,F,K+G Thrust Kick: | FD,K+G Missile Kick: | FU,K+G Side Step Catch: | During evade P+K+G Jumping Lariat: | While running (H)P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Face Crush Chop: | P+G Brain Buster: | B,P+G Body Slam: | FD,P+G Wall Body Slam: | Opponent's back to wall | FD,P+G Frankensteiner: | FU,P+G Arm Whip: | F,F,P+G Steiner's Screwdriver: | FD,FD,P+G Jackhammer: | FD,FD,P+G,P+G Giant Swing: | OF,P+G Wrist Lock Throw: | OB,P+G Pendulum Lariat: | P+G (During OB,P+G hit) KS: | C or CC, P+G Low Sway Tackle: | B,B,P+G Catch: | F,P+G Thunder Fire | Power Bomb: | During Catch P+G Change: | During Catch B,P+G Push: | During Catch BD,P+G Front Neck Chancery: | During Catch: FD,P+G Slingshot Front | Suplex: | During Catch F,P+G German Suplex: | During Change P+G Push: | During Change F,P+G Calf Branding: | During Change FD,P+G Tiger Suplex: | During Change B,P+G Sliding Leg Scissors: | On opponent's side P+G Cyclone Whip: | On opponent's side B,F,P+G or F,B,P+G German Suplex: | Opponent facing away P+G Dragon Suplex: | Opponent facing away D,P+G Frankensteiner: | Opponent facing away FU,P+G Side Suplex: | Opponent crouching D,P+K+G Tiger Driver: | Opponent crouching FD,P+K+G Big Bridge Bomb: | Opponent crouching FD,FD,P+K+G Double Arm Suplex: | Opponent crouching BD,P+K+G Cross Armbreaker: | On crouching opponent's side | BD,P+K+G or D,P+K+G or FD,P+K+G Germain Suplex: | Opponent facing away and crouching P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Step Hammer: | Jump (while rising) P Rock Punch: | While jumping P Toe Crush: | Jump (while rising) K Toe Crush: | While jumping K Hammer Edge: | Jump (Before landing) K Elbow Drop: | Opponent down FD,P Elbow: | Opponent down U,P Front Roll Kick: | Opponent down B,F,K+G Somersault Drop: | Opponent U,K Double Claw: | Opponent down D,P+G Roling Hammer: | Opponent behind P Back Kick: | Opponent behind K Back Low Hammer: | Opponent behind D,P Back Drop Kick: | Opponent behind D,K Jumping Knee: | Wall in front B,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Reversals~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Captured: | High or mid K reversal B,P+K Dragon Screw: | Mid K reversal BD,P+K Low Punch Cut: | Low P reversal D,P+K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** He's pretty much Jeffry, but a little bigger and a tad bit faster. His strategy is much the same as the afformentioned fisherman, find the opponent's weakness and mix up your attacks when you do. Wolf has quite a bit of powerful throws which you should consider throwing into the mix as well. *****Strategy***** Wolf, he's big, he's pretty slow, so a faster character is always a good way to go. Wolf has some pretty good floaters and a lot of powerful throws, all of which you should try and avoid. A good tactic is to rush in and keep the heat on, break Wolf's attacking momentum if he gets it started and keep the pressure on and hopefully he'll fold before he can regain it. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----19. JEFFRY McWILD----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: Australia Sex: Male Blood Type: A Job: Fisherman Hobby: Raggae Music Height: 6 ft. Weight: 245 lbs. B/W/H: 48/37/38 Fighting Style: Pancratium *****Story***** With the prize money he received from the Third Tournament, Jeffry completed the construction of his ship. Unfortunately, by the time he returned to sea, "Devil Shark" seemed to have moved to another area seeking more fish. In order to have any hope of finding "Devil Shark," Jeffry would need to utilize a high quality fishing research vehicle-- a costly purchase. Unable to afford such high-end equipment, Jeffry jumped at the chance to enter the Fourth World Fighting Tournament in an attempt to take home the prize money a second time. *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Straight Knuckle: | P Double Knuckle: | P,P One Two Upper: | P,P,P Combo Kenka Hook: | P,P,B,P Knuckle Kick: | P,K Low Knuckle: | D,P Elbow Butt: | F,P Elbow Hammer: | F,P,B,P Dash Elbow: | F,F,P Dash Elbow Upper: | F,F,P,P Tornado Hammer: | F,B,P Elbow Stamp: | B,P Kenka Hook: | B,F,P Tornado Punch: | B,F,F,P Double Hammer Down: | B,FD,P Rising Hammer: | B,FD,P,P Smash Upper: | FD,P Fouble Upper: | FD,P,P Combo Kenka Upper: | FD,P,P,FD,P Kenka Upper: | FD,FD,P Vertical Upper: | (H)D,FD,P Upper Kick: | K Killing Toe Kick: | K,K Killing Toe Kick | Splash Mountain: | D,FD,F,P+G (During K,K hit) Killing Toe | Kick Hammer: | K,K,P Toe Kick: | D,K Toe Kick | Splash Mountain: | D,FD,F,P+G (During D,K hit) Toe Kick Hammer: | D,K,P Vertical Kick: | (H)D,K Knee Attack: | F,K Kenka Kick: | F,F,K Knee Push: | B,K Knee Hammer: | B,K,P Heel Axe: | B,F,K Side Kick: | FD,K Hell Stab: | P+K Double Hell Stab: | P+K,P Machine Gun Hell Stab: | P+K,P,P Hell Dunk Hammer: | D,P+K Middle Hell Stab: | F,P+K Running Body Press: | While running (H)F,P+K Heavy Back Knuckle: | B,P+K Stomach Destroyer: | B,P+K,K Stomach Crush: | B,FD,P+K Liftup Throw: | B,P+G (During B,FD,P+K hit) Head Attack: | B,F,P+K Full Swing Hammer: | B,F,F,P+K (Charges) Broad Axe Left: | FD,P+K Right Heavy Upper: | FD,P+K,P Megaton Body Blow: | FD,P+K,P,P Megaton Fist Drop: | BD,P+K Ducking Low: | D,K+G Heel DroP: | F,K+G Running Hip Attack: | While running (H)F,K+G Raiden Drop: | U,K+G Low Kick: | FD,K+G Rolling Heel Attack: | FU,K+G Threat Stance: | P+K+G Catch Blow: | P+K+G,P Heavy Knee Strike: | F,P+G (During P+K+G,P guard) Counter Toe Kick: | P+K+G,K Side Step Elbow: | During evade P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Smash: | P+G Power Slam: | F,P+G Body Lift: | B,P+G Spine Buster: | D,P+G Back Flip: | FD,P+G Wall Back Flip: | Wall in back FD,P+G Wall Back Flip: | Opponent's back to wall FD,P+G Back Throw: | BD,P+G Head Butt: | B,F,P+G Double Head Butt: | B,F,P+G,F,P+G Triple Head Butt: | B,F,P+G,F,P+G,F,P+G Head Crush: | B,F,P+G,F,P+G,B,P+G Head Crush: | B,F,P+G,B,P+G Tackle: | B,FD,P+G Machine Gun Tackle: | Opponent's back to wall B,FD,P+G Machine Gun Hammer: | BD,F,P+G Front Backbreaker: | B,F,F,P+G Splash Mountain: | FD,FD,P+G Coconut Crush: | On opponent's side P+G Armbreaker: | On opponent's side B,F,P+G or F,B,P+G Backbreaker: | Opponent facing away P+G Choke Sweeper Swing: | Opponent facing away D,P+G Power Bomb: | Opponent crouching FD,P+K+G Iron Claw: | Opponent crouching D,P+K+G Machine Gun Knee Lift: | Opponent crouching D,F,P+K+G Corkscrew Knuckle: | On crouching opponent's side D,P+K+G or FD,P+K+G Backbreaker: | Opponent facing away and crouching P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hammer Down: | Jump (while rising) P Step Knuckle: | While jumping P Step Kick: | Jump (while rising) K Heel Drop: | While jumping K Pushing Kick: | Jump (before landing) K Stomping: | Opponent down FD,K Body Press: | Opponent down U,P Devil Reverse Claw: | Opponent down D,P+G Spin Knuckle: | Opponent behind P Back Kick: | Opponent behind K Back Double Hammer: | Opponent behind D,P Back Heel Kick: | Opponent behind D,K Spin Knuckle: | Opponent behind (H)D,P Jumping Knee: | Wall in front B,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Jeffry, the big, slow guy of the game. Though it would seem he'd be nothing but a big target, he does have some real good strikes and throws in his arsenal as well. He has a great striking combo to throw guessing game in his favor. Once you find a weakness in the opponent's defense, its often good to start mixing up some of his moves and go in for those strike throws. Just remember, power is nothing without some good tactics. *****Strategy***** Jeffry, he's big, he's pretty slow, so a faster character is always a good way to go. A good tactic is to go in for some careful poking, making sure not to get surprised by one of his floater techniques such as his knee attacks. Faster characters will often be able to rush in and keep on the pressure and go for the win before Jeffry can recover from the onslaught. Just remember to not give him the advantage and avoid his throws and floaters and you should be alright. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----20. KAGE-MARU----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: Japan Sex: Male Blood Type: B Job: Ninja Hobby: Mahjong Height: 5 ft. 10 in. Weight: 146 lbs. B/W/H: 40/35/35 Fighting Style: Hagakure-ryu Ju-Jutsu *****Story***** Kage took part in the Third Tournament in order to defeat Dural and obtain new parts which he assumed would help him save his mother, Tsuki-Kage. Sadly, the parts seemed to have no possitive effect. Tsuki-Kage's condition worsened and she turned into Dural completely. After recovering from the attacks he suffered from Dural, Kage resolved to infiltrate the Organization and retreive his mother. It was inside the Organization that Kage discovered a new more-complete Dural was poised to compete in the Fourth Tournament to receive a final adjustment. Kage also learned that this new Dural contained the secret to saving his mother. "I cannot let her suffer anymore," he thought. And with this he pledged to enter the Fourth World Fighting Tournament and save his mother's life. *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Danken: | P Resshou: | P,P Sandangeki: | P,P,P Sandan Urageri: | P,P,P,K Sandan Fujinkyaku: | P,P,P,B,K or P,P,P,BU,K Resshou Rasengeki: | P,P,B,P (hold P to go to Jumonji Stance) Sandan Rasen Urageri: | P,P,B,P,K Resshoukyaku: | P,P,K Hagasane: | P,K Jizuridan: | D,P Hijiuchi: | F,P (hold P to go to Jumonji Stance) Kageyaiba: | BF,D,FD,P Naraku Otoshi: | F,D,FD,P,K Rasen: | B,P (hold P to go to Jumonji Stance) Rasen Urageri: | B,P,K Fusenjin: | FD,P Ganzanha: | (H)D,FD,P Sokudan: | BD,P Sokudangasane: | BD,P,K Tsukikaeshigeri: | K Jisuberibashiri: | While running (H)F,K Surigeri: | D,K Ryugakuha: | D,FD,F,K (Charges, can be canceled) Ryueikyaku: | F,F,K (Can be canceled) Fu'eikyaku: | F,B,K Fu'ei Renkyaku: | F,B,K,K Fushin Hizageri: | (H)D,F,K Kodachinuki: | B,K Ryubigeri: | B,K,K Tenshin Agokudaki: | B,K,K,K Kuruwageri: | B,F,K Nakageri: | FD,K Jibashiri: | BD,K Senpugeri: | BU,K Bosatsushou: | P+K (Goes to Jumonji Stance) Senpujin: | D,P+K Fujin Urasuisha: | D,P+K,K Rakusenjin: | F,P+K Rakusenjin Gaeshi: | F,P+K,P+K Kasumi Yaiba: | F,F,P+K (Goes to Jumonji Stance) Rakuyou Senpudan: | U,P+K Fusen Renkyaku: | F,K+G Tsumujigeri: | D,K+G Hagaryu: | F,F,K+G Gen'you: | B,K+G Urasuisha: | FD,K+G Suishageri: | BU,K+G Engetsugeri: | FU,K+G Hagakure Senjin: | During evade P+K+G Rairyu Hishoukyaku: | F,F,P+K+G Sokuten: | B,P+K+G (hold P+K+G to go to Jumonji Stance) Zenten: | OB Kouten: | OC Kouten: | After OB OC,P Kageyaiba: | After OB or OC F,D,FD,P Naraku Otoshi: | After OB or OC F,D,FD,P,K Kouten Jizurikyaku: | OC,K Shinsodan Zenten: | After OB OC,P,OB,P Kaiten Jizurikyaku: | OB,K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jumonji Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hagakure-ryu You | Jumonji Kamae: | D,P+K+G Juji Danken: | From Jumonji Stance P Jumonji Hagasane: | From Jumonji Stance P,K Hagakure-ryu | In Kama'itachi: | From Jumonji Stance P,K,K Suigetsugeri: | From Jumonji Stance K Suimengeri: | From Jumonji Stance D,K Ryu'eiten: | From Jumonji Stance U or D Hagakure-ryu | In Suigetsuhou: | From Jumonji Stance P+K Hagakure-ryu | You Kusabi'uchi: | From Jumonji Stance F,P Hagakure-ryu | You Jumonjibashiri: | From Jumonji Stance F,F Hagakure-ryu | In Kabutowari: | From Jumonji Stance, while running K Hagakure-ryu | You Hi'en: | From Jumonji Stance K+G Hagakure-ryu | In Kabutowari: | From Jumonji Stance F,K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taitou: | P+G Jungyaku Jizai: | F,P+G Ko'enraku: | B,P+G Izuna Otoshi: | B,P+G,U,P+G Katanagasumi: | FD,P+G Fushin Randangeki: | FU,P+G Kagegasumi: | B,F,P+G Fugasumi: | B,D,P+G Kirigasumi: | On opponent's side P+G Jungyaku Jizai: | On opponent's side F,P+G Ha'uragasumi: | Opponent facing away P+G Jungyaku Jizai: | Opponent facing away F,P+G Ha'uragasumi: | Opponent facing away | and crouching P+K+G Fushin Randangeki: | From Jumonji Stance P+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shutou: | Jump (while rising) P Tobi Seiken: | While jumping P Tobi Maegeri: | Jump (while rising) K Tsukikakatogeri: | While jumping K Jitsumuji: | Jump (before landing) K Kakato Otoshi: | Opponent down FD,K Hi'endan: | Opponent down (short-range) U,P Asuka: | Opponent down (mid-range) U,P Hishougeki: | Opponent down (long-range) | U,P Rakujingaeri: | B,B,P Ura Tsumujigeri: | B,B,K Ryubisen: | B,B,K+G Uraha: | Opponent behind P Gyakugeri: | Opponent behind K Urashutou: | Opponent behind D,P Hangetsugeri: | Opponent behind D,K Hairyusou: | Opponent behind U,K Ura Senpugeri: | Opponent behind BU,K In Senpugeri: | Opponent behind FU,K | (buffered) Tachi Shutou: | Opponent behind P+K Shin'youshu: | Opponent behind P+K,K Yamigasumi: | Opponent behind P+G Hagakure-ryu You | Raimeizan: | Opponent behind P+G,P Kaimon Kousui: | Wall in front B,P+K Boukeshu: | Wall in front B,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Reversals~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kotegaeshi: | Hig P reversal B,P+K Kotegaeshi: | Mid P reversal BD,P+K Hagakure-ryu | In Myou'oujin: | High or mid P reversal, from Jumonji Stance Hagakure-ryu You | Chiryu: | Mid K reversal, P+K+G from Jumonji Stance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Kage has been toned down quite a bit in this incarnation of him. He is still quite a quick character with some great long range attacks. Kage also has some of the best throws in the game as well. The main strategy with Kage is to go in for quick pokes now and then, but mainly to open up throw opps. His main game is pretty much his throws, but its gonna take some skill to open up a chance to pull them off. *****Strategy***** What can I say, Kage will mainly spend the match looking for openings in your defense to bust out one of his powerful throws. Look out for a lot of Kage's attacks which will stagger you, leaving you wide open for a throw. The key to winning the fight is not to give him those openings. Learn to look out for his attacks which cause you to stagger and learning his throw motions in order to escape them will help too. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----21. SARAH BRYANT----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: United State of America Sex: Female Blood Type: AB Job: College Student Hobby: Sky diving Height: 5 ft. 8 in. Weight: 121 lbs. B/W/H: 35/22/35 Fighting Style: Jeet Kune Do *****Story***** After regaining her memory and returning hom to a normal life, Sarah still had lingering doubts. Although her brainwashing had been incomplete, her desire to defeat Jacky had been overwhelming. Was there some part of her, then, that also wanted to fighter her brother? Before long, she received a call from her brother informing her that he planned to enter the Fourth Tournament. Hoping to regain her former life back completely, Sarah entered the tournament as well, determined to defeat her brother and put the past behind her. *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Straight Lead: | P Jab Straight: | P,P Flash Piston | Punch (A): | P,P,P Flash Piston | Punch (B): | P,P,B,P Flash Piston | Punch (C): | P,P,U,P Combo Rising Knee: | P,P,P,K Combo Somersault Kick: | P,P,P,BU,K or P,P,P,B,K Combo Rising Kick: | P,P,P,U,K Double Punch | Snap Kick: | P,P,K Punch High Kick: | P,K Punch Side Kick: | P,D,K Squat Straight: | D,P Rising Elbow: | F,P Double Joint Butt: | F,P,K Elbow Side Chop: | F,P,FD,P Snap Side Chop: | FD,P Setup Combination: | FD,P,K (Goes to Flamingo) Moonsault: | FU,P Vertical Hook Kick: | K High Kick Straight: | K,P Double Thrust Kick: | K,K Jackknife Kick: | D,K Jackknife Side Kick: | D,K,K Knee Kick: | F,K Double Step Knee: | F,K,FD,K Dash Knee: | F,F,K Switch Kick: | B,K (Goes to Flamingo) Full Spin Heel Kick: | U,K or FU,K Heel Kick Moonsault: | U,K,P or FU,K,P Middle Kick: | FD,K Illusion Kick: | FD,K,K Mirage Kick: | FD,K,K,K Illusion Jackknife: | FD,K,K,F,K Illusion Low Kick: | FD,K,K,B,K Dragon Smash Cannon: | BD,K Somersault Kick: | BU,K Low Kick: | (H)K Double Low Kick: | (H)K,K Rising Knee: | (H)K,F,K Rising Knee Double: | (H)D,F,K,K Rising Knee Combo: | K (After landing (H)D,F,K) Hide Side Kick: | P+K (Goes to Flamingo) Toe Kick: | D,P+K Toe Kick Jackknife: | D,P+K,K Double Rise Kick: | B,P+K (Goes to Flamingo) Spin Kick: | K+G Crush Tornado: | While rising from a crouch K+G (charges) Running Knee: | While running K+G Leg Slicer: | D,K+G Step Rounk Kick: | F,K+G Spin Edge Kick: | B,K+G Round Kick: | U,K+G Low Spin Kick: | FD,K+G Side Hook Kick: | BD,K+G Tornado Kick: | FU,K+G Spin Heel Sword: | BU,K+G Right Side Kick/ | Left Side Kick: | During evade P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Flamingo Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backroll Escape: | From Flamingo B Step-in Menance: | From Flamingo F (goes to Flamingo) Cut-in Punch: | From Flamingo P Cut-in Chop: | From Flamingo FD,P Moonsault: | From Flamingo FU,P (Goes to Flamingo) Right High Kick: | From Flamingo K (Goes to Flamingo) Round Trip Kick: | From Flamingo K,K (Goes to Flamingo) Side Kick Combination: | From Flamingo K,K,K (Goes to Flamingo) Low Cut Combination: | From Flamingo K,K,D,K (Goes to Flamingo) Cannon Combination: | From Flamingo K,K,K+G (Goes to Flamingo) Crush Low: | From Flamingo D,K (Goes to Flamingo) Hand Hold Neck Cut: | P+G (If D,K hits from Flamingo) Guard Crush Sword: | From Flamingo F,K (Goes to Flamingo) Cut-in Middle: | From Flamingo FD,K (Goes to Flamingo) Somersault Kick: | From Flamingo U,K Fake: | From Flamingo P+K (Goes to Flamingo) Side Neck Cut Sword: | From Flamingo D,P+K or U,P+K (Goes to Flamingo) Heel Sword: | From Flamingo K+G Neck Cut Slash: | P+G (IF K+G hits from Flamingo) Low Spin Kick: | From Flamingo D,K+G (Goes to Flamingo) Heel Sword Slash: | From Flamingo F,K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front Suplex: | P+G Lightning Knee Smash: | B,P+G Lightning Knee Smash: | Opponent's back to wall B,P+G Rolling Face Crush: | FU,P+G Neckbreaker Drop: | F,F,P+G Leg Hold Throw: | B,F,P+G Falling Angel Throw: | F,BD,P+G Shell Break Elbow: | On opponent's side P+G Backdrop: | Opponent facing away P+G Backdrop: | Opponent facing away and crouching P+K+G Leg Hook Throw: | From Flamingo P+G Gatling Kick Beat: | From Flamingo C,P+G or CC,P+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow: | Jump (while rising) P Step Straight: | While jumping P Step Hook Kick: | While jumping K Step Heel Kick: | Jump (before landing) K Soccerball Kick: | Opponent down FD,K Jumping Knee Stamp: | Opponent down U,P Back Knuckle Turn: | B,B,P Back Spin Kick Turn: | B,B,K Spin Turn Kick: | (H)D,B,K Double Spin Kick: | (H)D,B,K,K Turn Knucle: | Opponent behind P Turn Low Straight: | Opponent behind D,P Turn Kick: | Opponent behind K Turn Low Spin Kick: | Opponent behind D,K Dragon Kick: | Opponent behind B,K Turn Rising Kick: | Opponent behind BD,K React Round Kick: | Wall in front B,P+K+G Wall Back Roll: | Wall in front BU,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Sarah, is a very quick character and is probably one of the best mid-range characters in the entire game. She also has good low and mid range attacks, making her one of the most versital ranged characters to choose from. One of the downfalls of Sarah is she is VERY light and quite tall, making her easy to knock into the air and juggle. She is also somewhat predictable, and her throws are pretty easy to get out of. All in all, she's better than her previous incarnations, but still not anything to write home about. *****Strategy***** The key thing to do when battling Sarah is to prevent her from going into her Flamingo stance. Sarah is very light and a bit taller than the other females, making her easy to float and juggle for big combos. Her moves are pretty predictable once you figure them out as are her throws. All in all, not a hard opponent to conquer. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----22. JACKY BRYANT----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: United States of America Sex: Male Blood Type: A Job: Indy car racer Hobby: Training Height: 6 ft. Weight: 165 lbs. B/W/H: 43/34/36 Fighting Style: Jeet Kune Do *****Story***** With Sarah back in his life and the Third Tournament behind him, Jacky was anxious to return to racing and work on his driving abilities. But only three months prior to his first comeback race, Jacky's sponsors were mysteriously attacked. During the same week, Jacky received a letter ordering him to enter the Fourth Tournament if he wanted the attacks to stop. This threat was more than enough to convince Jacky to begin training and enter the tournament once again. *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Straight Lead: | P Jab Straight: | P,P Flash Piston Punch: | P,P,P Double Punch | Snap Kick: | P,P,K Combo Elbow: | P,P,F,P Combo Elbow Spin Kick: | P,P,F,P,K Combo Elbow | Back Knuckle: | P,P,F,P,P Combo Elbow Knuckle | Spin Kick: | P,P,F,P,P,K Short Slide Shuffle: | P,P,F,P,P,K,B (Chains with B,P+K+G combos) Combo Elbow Knuckle | Low Spin Kick: | P,P,F,P,P,D,K Jab Straight | Back Knuckle: | P,P,B,P Combo Back | Knuckle Spin: | P,P,B,P,K Double Punch Low | Spin Kick: | P,P,D,K Double Punch | Knee Kick: | P,P,F,K Jab Double Straight: | P,P,U,P Punch Spin Kick: | From normal stance P,K Short Slide Shuffle: | From normal stance P,K,B | (chains with B,P+K+G combos) Punch Side Kick: | From reverse stance P,K Punch Low Spin Kick: | P,D,K Punch High Kick: | (H)F,P,K Squat Straight: | D,P Rising Elbow: | F,P Elbow Back Knuckle: | F,P,P Elbow Knuckle | Spin Kick: | F,P,P,K Short Slide Shuffle: | F,P,P,K,B (chains with B,P+K+G combos) Elbow Knuckle Low | Spin Kick: | F,P,P,D,K Elbow Spin Kick: | F,P,K Spinning Back Knuckle: | B,P Double Spin Knuckle: | B,P,P Spinning Slant | Back Knuckle: | B,P,BD,P Spinning Arm Kick: | B,P,K Spinning Low | Spin Kick: | B,P,D,K Smash Hook: | FD,P Hook Combo 2: | FD,P,P Lightning Straight: | FD,P,P,P Smash Back Knuckle: | FD,P,P+K (charges) Smash Upper: | (H)D,FD,P Slant Back Knuckle: | BD,P Slant Low Spin Kick: | BD,P,K Vertical Hook Kick: | K Kick, Back Knuckle: | K,P Combo Knuckle | Spin Kick: | K,P,K Combo Knuckle Low | Spin Kick: | K,P,D,K Double Spinning Kick: | K,K 2-Way Spin Kick: | K,D,K Toe Kick: | D,K Fake Toe Slant: | D,K,P (Input before D,K executes) Knee Kick: | F,K Dash Hammer Kick: | F,F,K Side Hook Kick: | B,K Middle Kick: | FD,K Step-in Middle Second: | FD,K,K Somersault Kick: | BU,K Low Kick: | (H)D,K Double Low Kick: | (H)D,K,K Beat Knuckle: | P+K Beat Back Knuckle: | P+K,P Beat Knuckle Spin: | P+K,P,K Beat Knuckle Low Spin: | P+K,P,D,K Beat Spin Kick: | P+K,K Short Slide Shuffle: | P+K,K,B (chains with B,P+K+G combos) Step-in Body: | F,P+K Choppping Left Combo: | F,P+K,P Lightning Kick 1: | D,P+K Lightning Kick 2: | D,P+K,K Lightning Kick 3: | D,P+K,K,K Lightning Kick 4: | D,P+K,K,K,K Lightning Kick 5: | D,P+K,K,K,K,K Lightning Storm 1: | BD,P+K Lightning Storm 2: | BD,P+K,K Lightning Storm 3: | BD,P+K,K,K Lightning Storm 4: | BD,P+K,K,K,K Lightning Storm 5: | BD,P+K,K,K,K,K Lightning Storm 6: | BD,P+K,K,K,K,K,K Lightning Low: | BD,P+K,K,K,K,D,K Sway Hook: | B,P+K Spinning Kick: | K+G Short Slide Shuffle: | K+G,B (chains with B,P+K+G combos) Spinning Kick Low | Spin Kick: | K+G,D,K+G Leg Slicer: | D,K+G Spin Leg Slicker: | D,K+G,K Spin Heel Sword: | B,K+G Middle Spin Kick: | B,F,K+G Head Hook Kick: | FD,K+G Switch Step: | P+K+G (Switches foot position) Switch Spin Kick: | P+K+G,K Slide Shuffle: | B,P+K+G Ducking: | B,P+K+G,FD,FD Heavy Body: | B,P+K+G,FD,FD,P Step-in Sword: | B,P+K+G,K Step-in Sword Cancel: | B,P+K+G,K,G Step-in Low Crush: | B,P+K+G,D,K Step-in Low | Slash High: | B,P+K+G,D,K,K Barrier Kick: | During evade P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throw~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One-Inch Blow: | P+G Northern Light Bomb: | FD,P+G Neck-Breaker Drop: | F,F,P+G Wall Face Crush: | Opponent's back to wall F,F,P+G Knee Strike: | F,B,P+G Sadistic Hanging Knee: | FD,FD,P+G Neck Slashing: | On oppoonent's side P+G Face Crusher: | Opponent facing away P+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow: | Jump (while rising) P Step Straight: | While jumping P Step Hook Kick: | Jump (while rising) K Step Heel Kick: | Jump (before landing) K Soccerball Kick: | Opponent down FD,K Jumping Knee Stamp: | Opponent down U,P Side Hook Turn: | B,B,P Spinning Kick Turn: | B,B,K Turn Knuckle: | Opponent behind P Turn Knuckle | Spinning Kick: | Opponent behind, from normal stance P,K Turn Knuckle | Side Kick: | Opponent behind, from reverse stance P,K Turn Knuckle Low | Spin Kick: | Opponent behind P,D,K Turn Slant Back | Knuckle: | Opponent behind D,P Turn Slant Low | Spin Kick: | Opponent behind D,P,K Turn Kick: | Opponent behind K Turn Low Spin Kick: | Opponent behind D,K Blind Back Knuckle: | Opponent behind P+K React Round Kick: | Wall in front B,P+K+G Wall Back Roll: | Wall in front BU,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Reversals~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pak Sao: | From normal stance, | high or mid P reversal. Pak Sao Knuckle: | While parrying punch P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Jacky is a great character at mixing it up when it comes to the level of his attacks. He's a great character to confuse the opponent and mix-up his attacks, giving them a real headache. Its a good idea to rush down the opponent and mix it up with a small assortment, yet varied, set of moves, adding in a few jabs and throws along the way. Great for beginners and top- tier for experts alike. Add in the fact that he can deflect most standard high/mid punches while standing, Jacky is a great character all around. *****Strategy***** No matter what way you look at it, a good Jacky player can give you a real pain in the ass. Jacky has a great guessing game with his attack level going for him. The opponent will usually try to rush you down and use a few varied attacks along with some jabs, knees, and throws along in the mix. Forget about standard punches while he's standing still, Jacky will automatically knock your blow away and leave you open to attack. Its a good idea to try and play a mid-range game since Jacky, like Lau, is pretty much a close range kind of guy. Try and break his momentum and keep it broken it will be hard for him to regain it. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----23. SHUN-DI----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: China Sex: Male Blood Type: O Job: Herbal Doctor Hobby: Collecting Herbs Height: 5 ft. 5 in. Weight: 139 lbs. B/W/H: 35/34/35 Fighting Style: Drunken Kung-Fu *****Story***** Although he joined the Tournament to look for his pupil, Shun failed to find him. Returning home, Shun found a letter from his pupil. The letter explained that Shun would need to help rescue the pupil if he failed to escape the Organization. After months passed, and the pupil did not return, Shun resolved to train for the Fourth World Fighting Tournament, infiltrate the Organization, and rescue his pupil by force. *****Command List***** *Note: b = bottles* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tenchougeki: | P Rengeki: | P,P Saishu Renkangeki: | P,P,P RengekiKatai: | At least 6b P,P,D,K Rengeki Koukashutai: | At least 6b P,P,D,K,K Gekiten Sentai: | P,K Fukuchougeki: | D,P Chouwan Ryouken: | D,FD,F,P Chouwan Saishu: | At least 5b D,FD,F,P,P Kasen Chugeki: | F,P Kaen Denda: | F,P,K Kasen Soushou: | F,P,P Kasen Renkan Denda: | F,P,P,K Kasen Renkan Haishu: | F,P,P,P Kasenko: | F,P,P,P,K Ousougeki: | B,P Getsuga Gakushu: | B,F,P Rensai Gakushu: | B,F,P,P Rengeki Gakushu: | B,F,P,P,P Shinpo Suikoushu: | B,FD,P Gyou'in Haishu: | FD,P Gyou'in Senshu: | At least 8b FD,P,P Gyou'in Renkan | Tankyaku: | At least 8b FD,P,P,K Suisen Touritsu: | At least 8b FD,P,P,K,P+K+G (goes to Tentouritsu) Getsuga Saigeki: | (H)D,FD,P Haisenchu: | BD,P Haisenchu Kaikakyaku: | BD,P,K Hiten Hougeki: | FU,P Touchi Hanshousou: | BU,P Koushutai: | K (Hold to go to Choukarou) Renhi Chougeki: | K,K (Hold K to go to Choukarou) Renshu Kaishu: | K,K,P Renshu Haikashou: | K,K,D,P Renshu Haikaryukyaku: | At least 16b K,K,D,P,K Gyousentai: | D,K Sokutan Senshu: | F,K (Goes to Choukarou) Chubu Soutenkyaku: | F,F,K Gyoushin Toutai: | B,K Ryubikyaku: | U,K Sokutankyaku: | FD,K Koushu Katai: | BD,K (G to falldown) Koushu Rentai: | BD,K,K (G to falldown) Kuhi Soutanshu: | BU,K Senshi: | FU,K Suisenshu: | P+K Suisen Renkyaku: | P+K,K Suisen Touritsu: | P+K,K,P+K+G (Goes to Tentouritsu) Tenshin Souchushou: | F,P+K (Add 3b) Touku Hitenhou: | At least 8b F,F,P+K Chubushin: | U,P+K (Goes to Tentouritsu) Gekizan Senchu: | FD,P+K (charges) Sourou Tekisen: | BD,P+K Kanshoushi: | BD,P+K,P Tanhi Chougeki: | K+G (Hold to go to Choukarou) Ousoushu: | K+G,P Zensen Soutai: | At least 1b D,K+G Renzensen Soutai: | At least 6b D,K+G,K Renkan Zensen Soutai: | At least 7b D,K+G,K,K Senpu Soutai: | (H)D,FD,K+G Toukyaku: | F,K+G Honshin Rensenkyaku: | B,K+G (Hold K+G to go to Choukarou) Ryubikyaku: | U,K+G Haitou Rensenkyaku: | BD,K+G Gyou'inshu: | P+K+G (Adds 1b) Shasoku Renkyaku: | During evade P+K+G Usuiho/Sasuiho: | D,P+K+G or U,P+K+G Kasen Chugeki: | D,P+K+G,P or U,P+K+G,P Kasen Renchugeki: | D,P+K+G,P,P or U,P+K+G,P,P (goes to Choukarou) Koushinhi: | B,P+K+G Koushinhi Futsushu: | B,P+K+G,P Kousoku Zenhi: | FD,P+K+G or FU,P+K+G Kousoku Kouhi: | BD,P+K+G or BU,P+K+G Kousoku Kouhi | Futsushu: | BD,P+K+G,P or BU,P+K+G,P Kousoku Kouhi Soushu: | BD,P+K+G,P+K or BU,P+K+G,P+K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Zabantetsu Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zabantetsu: | D,P+K Chubu Rakusenkyaku: | From Zabantetsu K Saikeikyaku: | From Zabantetsu D,K Za'inshu: | From Zabantetsu P+K+G (Add 3b) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Tentouritsu Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tentouritsu: | OC Toushin Renkyaku: | From Tentouritsu K (Goes to Tentouritsu) Tenshin Suishukou: | From Tentouritsu P+K Soushoutai: | From Tentouritsu K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Oushin Stance Attacks~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oushin: | OB Nehan Senkyaku: | From Oushin K Nehan Shusui: | From Oushin K,P Gyoushin Toutai: | From Oushin K,P,K Nehan Rengekitai: | From Oushin, At least 10b K,P,D,K Nehan Rengekikatai: | From Oushin, At least 10b K,P,D,K,K Nehan Sousoukyaku: | From Oushin F,K (Goes to Oushin) Nehan Soukyaku: | From Oushin D,K Oushin Inshu: | From Oushin P+K+G (Add 3b, goes to Oushin) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Choukarou Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oushin: | From Choukarou U or D Ousou Sengeki: | From Choukarou P Sokutan Senshu: | From Choukarou K (goes to Choukarou) Zensen Soutai: | From Choukarou K+G Zabantetsu: | From Choukarou P+K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suiho Tenshinchu: | P+G (Adds 4b) Toushu Richu: | B,P+G Toushu Richu: | Opponent's back to wall B,P+G (Adds 5b) Tenshin Souko: | FD,P+G Tenshin Soukeikyaku: | At least 6 B,FD,P+G Gouhai Senbu: | At least 10b C,P+G or CC,P+G (Adds 6b) Tenshin Toushu Richu: | On opponent's side P+G Kanshouri: | Opponent facing away P+G (Adds 5b) Haitou Richu: | At least 5b, opponent behind P+G Honshin Sousentai: | From Tentouritsu P+G Suisen Toushu Sougeki: | From Choukarou P+G (goes to Oushin) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rakuho Chougeki: | While jumping P Saikatai: | While jumping K Jigentai: | Jump (before landing) K Rasen Suichu: | Opponent down FD,P Tenchu Rakukyaku: | Opponent down U,P Touchi Hanshousou: | Opponent down BU,P Tenchi Chugeki: | Opponent down FU,P chougeki Haiten: | B,B,P Asen Kaikyaku: | B,B,K Haihanshou: | Opponent behind P Suisenshu: | Opponent behind P+K Sentankyaku: | Opponent behind P+K,K Haisentai: | Opponent behind K Haika Hanshou: | Opponent behind D,P Teitoukyaku: | Opponent behind D,K Haisen Koushugeki: | Opponent behind P+K+G Haisen Rengekishu: | Opponent behind P+K+G P Haisui Renkoushu: | Opponent behind P+K+G,P,P Koushu Gakusai | Shugeki: | At least 10b, opponent behind (If P+K+G,P,P hits) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Shun is...well...an odd character. He fights with Drunken Style and more attacks open up to him with the drunker he is. To get more drunk, one must perform one of several attacks which cause him to take a swig of his sake bottle (I think 40b is the most he can have). All in all, Shun is pretty slow and very weak, however he can dodge and weave and move around the ring like nobody's buisness. The first line of buisness when using Shun should be to get more bottles in order to open up/strengthen his current attacks. Once that is done, a good tactic is to dodge and weave around the opponent and go in for quick pokes or a short combo or two. *****Strategy***** Hmm...Shun is one unpredictable bastard if I've ever seen one. He tends to dodge and weave around the ring a lot. During the early parts of the match, Shun will usually try to build up his bottle meter before attacking. You might wanna prevent him from doing this if you can, as he won't be as strong and have as many attacks. Just try to keep a clear head and don't get confused by his attacks. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----24. LION RAFALE----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: France Sex: Male Blood Type: AB Job: College Student Hobby: Skateboarding Height: 5 ft. 7 in. Weight: 139 lbs. B/W/H: 35/33/35 Fighting Style: Tourou-Ken *****Story***** After two defeats at previous Tournaments, Lion returned home doubting his own abilities. Proud of his son despite his losses, Lion's father encouraged him to return to training and helped him regain his pride. A few months later, the invitations for the Fourth World Fighting Tournament arrived. With renewed confidence, Lion left home, claiming "I am the only one who will win the championship!" *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tousui: | P Koushu Rensui: | P,P Renkan Senshou: | P,P,P Rensui Soushou: | P,P,D,P Rensuitai: | P,K Katousui: | D,P Ryusei Koushugeki: | D,BD,B,P Ryusei Koushu Rengeki: | D,BD,B,P,P Banchu: | F,P Banchu Renkanshu: | F,P,P Shippo Shousenshu: | (H)D,F,P Senshippo: | F,F,P Haiten Koushu: | B,P Rensen Haikoushu: | B,P,P Tenshin Tourou | Renkyaku: | B,P,P,K Shinpo Tourou Soushu: | B,FD,P Sen'inshou: | FD,P Rakugekishou: | FD,P,P Soukoushu: | (H)D,FD,P Rensou Koushu: | (H)D,FD,P,P Tougekisui: | BD,P Tougeki Rensui: | BD,P,P Senshintai: | K Rensentai: | K,K Atsutai: | D,K Zensoutai: | D,K,K Tousentai: | D,K,K+G Koushu Teishitsu: | F,K Fujinkyaku: | F,F,K Fujin Rentankyaku: | F,F,K,K Senputai: | U,K Katoutai: | U,K,K Dantai: | FD,K Senkyutai: | BD,K Senten Kukyaku: | FU,K Souji Senpu: | P+K Touho Soushu: | D,P+K Tenshin Touho Soushu: | F,P+K Tenshin Touho Soushu: | F,P+K,B Ukoushin: | B,F,P+K Ryusei Renkoushu: | B,F,P+K,P Rensansui Banchu: | B,F,P+K,P,P Taizan Soukoushu: | B,P+K (charges) Juchou Senshou: | U,P+K Sokuho Haisoushu: | FD,P+K Shaho Shasousui: | BD,P+K Kousoutai: | D,K+G Tenshin Ryou'inkyaku: | F,K+G Senpu Rakukyaku: | B,F,K+G Senpu Haisoushu: | B,F,K+G,D,P Senpu Haisoushu: | B,F,K+G,BD,P Senpu Shoukyaku: | B,F,K+G,D,K Shicchi Soutai: | FD,K+G Zensou Tenshinkyaku: | BD,K+G Mabanshu: | During evade P+K+G Shazenho: | FU,P+K+G or FD,P+K+G Shakouho: | B,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hatoushu Shutai: | P+G Shichisei Tenbunchu: | B,P+G Haika Senten: | FD,P+G Shichisei Chouhi | Hozen: | FU,P+G Shichisei Chouhi | Hozen: | Opponent's back to wall FU,P+G Tozan Honshakyaku: | (H)D,F,P+G Saishu Houkou: | F,F,P+G Hiten Soukukyaku: | B,F,P+G Bokuho: | F,BD,P+G Yokushin: | F,BD,P+G,U or F,BD,P+G,D Rakushu Soushu | Rakushu Dantai: | F,BD,P+G,D or U,P+G Tenshin Soukoushu: | OC,P+G Honshin Teishitsu: | On opponent's side P+G Renkoushu Haishu: | Opponent facing away P+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Touku Haigekishou: | Jump (while rising) P Rakuho Tousui: | While jumping P Touku Gekishou: | Jump (while rising) FU,P Touku Shoukyaku: | While jumping K Chisou Shoukyaku: | Jump (before landing) K Touku Shoukyaku: | While jumping BU,K Rakusenshu: | Opponent down FD,P Hiten Rakutai: | Opponent down U,P Senshou haiten: | B,B,P Koushutai: | B,B,K Kasentai Haiten: | B,B,K+G Hairen Senshou: | Opponent behind P Haiho Soushu: | Opponent behind D,P Kousenkyaku: | Opponent behind K Kaikakyaku: | Opponent behind D,K Haishin Senshou: | Opponent behind P+K | (buffered) Suishou Koukyaku: | Wall in front B,P+K+G Hekikai Honkyaku: | Wall in front BU,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Lion is not really quick and weak compared to some of the rest of the characters, yet he has good agility and is great with poking. Lion has several low/mid attacks which start out looking the same and make it difficult for the opponent the guess where it is going and block/dodge accordingly. Lion also has the fact he's pretty short going for him. He's also a great long range character as well. When using him you should probably go in and out poking the opponent and peaking them down to death. *****Strategy***** When fighting a Lion player, its best to play it defensively, since Lion is a poking maniac. It's often a good strategy to keep your guard up and look out for openings in his attacks. Find out some mid range attacks that work well against him, since his small size makes high and low attacks a bit harder to pull off. When you find an opening in his attacks you need to hit him and hit hard. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----25. AOI UMENOKOUJI----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: Japan Sex: Female Blood Type: A Job: College Student Hobby: Ikebana Height: 5 ft. 4 in. Weight: 104 lbs. B/W/H: 32/21/34 Fighting Style: Aiki ju-jutsu *****Story***** Aoi has realized what a small world she was in after losing at the previous Tournament. Returning home, she tried hard not only to learn Aikido and Kobujutsu, but to also improve her knowledge of other martial arts. She is anxious to enter the Fourth World Fighting Tournament so that she can demon- strate her enhanced repetoire of moves. *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Datotsu: | P Nirentotsu: | P,P Nirentotsu Ouchu: | P,P,P Rentotsu Kodachi: | P,P,P,K Rentotsu Kodachi | Tenchi In'you: | P,P,P,K,P+K+G (Goes to Tenchi In'you) Rentotsu Kusanagi: | P,P,P,D,K (can be stopped) Rentotsu Kusanagi | Tenchi In'you: | P,P,P,D,K,P+K+G (Goes to Tenchi In'you) Nirentotsu Ouda: | P,P,F,P (can be stopped) Rentotsu Kinuguruma: | P,P,F,P,P (can be stopped) Nirentotsu Kugikyaku: | P,P,K Shougerigasane: | P,K Gedan Shouda: | D,P Chudan Hijiate: | F,P Tsumujisakura: | F,P,P (can be stopped) Koromoguruma: | F,F,P (can be stopped) Joudan no Ate: | F,B,P Ougibarai: | B,P Kasaneate: | B,F,P Tenkai: | During B,F,P hit P+G Ryoushi: | B,FD,P Sodeshinken: | FD,P (can be stopped) Sodeshinken ~ | Tenchi In'you: | FD,P,P+K+G (Goes to Tenchi In'you) Musouha: | (H)D,FD,P Sodeguruma: | B,P+G During counter hit (H)D,FD,P Sunekudaki: | BD,P Uegeri: | K Kusarigama: | K,K Raijinha: | F,K Raijinha ~ | Tenchi In'you: | F,K,P+K+G (Goes to Tenchin In'you) Kumogeri: | F,K,K Gedan Keri'ate: | D,K Naka Kakatogeri: | FD,K Kakatogeri: | BD,K Hitare: | P+K Hitare 2: | P+K,P Hitare 3: | P+K,P,P Ouda: | F,P+K Oushu Hijiate: | F,P+K,P (can be stopped) Fuzakura: | F,F,P+K Jousei Ryusenshou: | B,B,P+K (can be stopped) Soushouda: | B,F,P+K Hou'oushu: | FD,P+K Kusanagi: | D,K+G (can be stopped) Kusanagi ~ | Tenchi In'you: | D,K+G,P+K+G (Goes to Tenchin In'you) Joudan Keri'ate: | F,K+G Suigetsutotsu: | F,K+G,P Ogamigeri: | B,K+G Kusei Gatotsugeri: | U,K+G Mikawashi Hiji'ate: | During evade P+K+G Tenchi In'you: | B,P+K+G (Hold P+K+G to maintain stance) Ryusui: | From Tenchi In'you D or H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ko'ate: | P+G Rokudan Obitori: | B,P+G Konoha: Otoshi: | FD,P+G Hangetsuha: | BD,P+G Aikinage: | (H)D,F,P+G Okurite Mawashi: | F,F,P+G Chougarami: | OC,P+G Wakigarami: | OB,P+G Yumigatame: | (During OC,P+G or OB,P+G) F,D,P+G or B,D,P+G Itomaki: | (During OC,P+G or OB,P+G) F,U,P+G or B,U,P+G Ebi'ori: | During Yumigatame D,U,P+G Kaibiki: | During Yumigatame U,D,P+G Kiri'e Otoshi: | C,P+G or CC,P+G Taiboku Taoshi: | C,P+G or CC,P+G Taiboku Kudaki: | During C,P+G,OB,K+G or CC,P+G,OB,K+G Ayatetori: | On opponent's side P+G Sugitaoshi: | Opponent facing away P+G Tekime Toushin: | Opponent crouching D,P+K+G Shin no Kurai: | Opponent crouching BD,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tobi Shutou: | Jump (while rising) P Tobi Shutou: | While jumping P Tobi Maegeri: | Jump (while rising) K Tobi Kakatogeri: | While jumping K Tobi Kakatogeri: | Jump (before landing) K Tateshutou: | Opponent down FD,P Kusei Komashutou: | Opponent down U,P Edakudaki/Fuyoujin/ | Unsui/Fudoujin: | Opponent down FD,P+G Uzumaki Shutou: | B,B,P Shutoumawari: | Opponent behind K Kusarigama: | Opponent behind K,K Mawari Sunegeri: | Opponent behind BD,K Mawari Shutou: | Opponent behind D,P Mawari Shitageri: | Opponent behind D,K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Reversals~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tenshin Nyushin/ | Uzuneri: | High P reversal B,P+K Tenshin Nyushin/ | Uzuneri: | Mid P reversal BD,P+K Edasaki/Kusabi Otoshi: | High K reversal B,P+K Edasaki/Kusabi Otoshi: | Mid K reversal BD,P+K Konami: | High spin kick reversal B,P+K Konami: | Mid spin kick reversal BD,P+K Urasenryu: | Opponent behind, High K reversal B,P+K Urasenryu: | Opponent behind, Mid K reversal BD,P+K Urakotegaeshi: | Opponent behind, High P reversal B,P+K Urakotegaeshi: | Opponent behind, Mid P reversal BD,P+K Ryu no Agito: | Elbow reversal BD,P+K Tsutakazura/Ougisaki: | Mid K reversal BD,P+K Fusharin/Ochibamai: | Knee reversal BD,P+K Ouzu: | Somersault reversal BD,P+K Konami: | Low K reversal D,P+K Senryu: | Low P reversal D,P+K Kaede Otoshi: | Low K reversal D,P+K Ryuseishu: | From Tenchi In'you, high or mid P elbow parry Ha'oboro: | From Tenchi In'you, high or mid K parry Hangetsuguruma: | From Tenchi In'you, mid K knee parry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Aoi is the smallest as well as the lightest character in the game. Her speed is great, however her attacks are somewhat slow. She is also very light, leaving her open to floaters which could land you in some deep crap. However, Aoi does have some great mobility and the most widest arrangement of reversals of any character in the game. While playing as her, its best to play it cool and be defensive, going in for the poke or throw whenever possible. *****Strategy***** Aoi is a usually very defensive opponent, with her variety of reversals and parries. A good tactic is to go in close and keep the pressure on, while not falling prey to her reversals are leaving yourself open to a quick combo. Keeping the pressure up and utilizing quick attacks is the key to victory her. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----26. LEI FEI----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: China Sex: Male Blood Type: B Job: Monk Hobby: Prayer Height: 5 ft. 9 in. Weight: 139 lbs. B/W/H: 39/33/33 Fighting Style: Shaolin Style *****Story***** At times in Chinese history, there emerged martial arts styles that wielded power enough to threaten the ruling dynasty. The Emperors, feaing the danger these legendary arts posed, at times used their military might to ban and supress certain styles. For those arts too powerful for the military, it fell to a little-known group of martial arts experts to eliminate the forbidden style and its practitioners. Even now, long after the last Emperor, the group still stands vigilant. Lei Fei, a young monk with outstanding abilities even within the order, was charged with the elimination of "Koen-Ken," a forbidden style resurrcted by Lau Chan. But as Lei Fei prepares for the Tournament, his thoughts are not to destroy Koen-Ken, but to make its legendary power his own... *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Normal Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chugeki: | P Renken: | P,P (Goes to Dokuritsu Shiki) Renken Toushou: | P,P,P (Charges, goes to | Hai Shiki) Fukusoushou: | D,P Shousui: | F,P Rengeki Shousui: | F,P,P (Goes to Dokuritsu Shiki) Rengeki Soushouha: | F,P,P,P (Goes to Hai Shiki) Rengeki Soushou | Touchu: | F,P,P,P,P Toutenshou: | (H)D,F,P Toushou: | F,F,P Yushin Kengeki: | B,P Rakengeki: | B,P,P Souyokugeki: | B,F,P Uryu Banda: | B,FD,P (Goes to Hai Shiki) Shatenshou: | FD,FD,P Shaten Renshou: | FD,FD,P,P Haisenkyaku: | K (Goes to Hai Shiki) Fujinkyaku: | D,K Rigoutai: | F,K (Goes to koko Shiki) Toukyaku: | F,F,K (Hold K to go to Dokuritsu Shiki) Shazen Tenshin | Haikyaku: | U,K (Goes to Koko Shiki) Tenshin Risenkyaku: | U,K,K Tenshin Soutai: | U,K,D,K (Goes to Hai Shiki) Tenshin Senputai: | U,K,F,K Bunkyaku: | FD,K Kinkei Dokuritsu: | P+K Kongou Hekiken: | P+K,P Kongou Renshinhouda: | P+K,P,P Soushou: | D,P+K (Goes to Nehan Shiki) Haishin Chugeki: | D,P+K,P (Goes to Koko Shiki) Kochouheki: | D,FD,F,P+K Kakushu Suigeki: | F,P+K Kakushu: Suirengeki: | F,P+K,P Zaban Hekishou: | F,F,P+K Kyuho Soufuken: | B,F,P+K Sousuigeki: | BD,P+K Katoken: | FD,P+K or FU,P+K Haisetsukou: | FD,P+K,P or FU,P+K,P (Goes to Koko Shiki) Nikibunkyaku: | FU,K Sokutankyaku: | K+G (Goes to Dokuritsu Shiki) Zensoutai: | D,K+G Hansenpu: | F,K+G Senpukyaku: | F,F,K+G (Goes to Koko Shiki) Shouhikyaku: | B,K+G Shouhi Renkyaku: | B,K+G,K (Goes to Dokuritsu Shiki) Soushouhi Kousoutai: | B,K+G,K,D,K Touku Tenshinkyaku: | U,K+G Chisen Choukyaku: | FD,K+G Chisen Choukyaku 2: | FD,K+G,K Fukushin Soukyaku: | FD,FD,K+G Toushintai: | FD,FD,K+G,K Toushin Choukyukyaku: | FD,FD,K+G,K,K Toushin Sen'enkyaku: | FD,FD,K+G,K,K+G Souhikyaku: | FU,K+G Kousoku Toukyaku: | During evade P+K+G (Goes to Dokuritsu Shiki) Teishitsu Sokushou: | During evade P+K+G,P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Hai Shiki Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hai Shiki: | D,P+K+G Housui: | From Hai Shiki P (Goes to Hai Shiki) Housui Rengeki: | From Hai Shiki P,P (Goes to Dokuritsu Shiki) Housui Shouheki: | From Hai Shiki P,P+K Koudantai: | From Hai Shiki K (Goes to Dokuritsu Shiki) Hai Shiki Zensoutai: | From Hai Shiki D,K Senpukyaku: | From Hai Shiki K+G (Goes to Hai Shiki) Senshippo: | From Hai Shiki P+K (Charges) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Dokuritsu Shiki Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dokuritsu Shiki: | U,P+K+G Senshin Toushou: | From Dokuritsu Shiki P (Goes to Hai Shiki) Juji Toukyaku: | From Dokuritsu Shiki K (Goes to Dokuritsu Shiki) Nikikyaku: | From Dokuritsu Shiki K,K Fukushintai: | From Dokuritsu Shiki D,K (Goes to Hai Shiki) Shinpo Bunkyaku: | From Dokuritsu Shiki K+G Sokushin Kousoutai/ | Sokushin Zensoutai: | From Dokuritsu Shiki D,K+G or U,K+G | (goes to Hai Shiki) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Nehan Shiki Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nehan Shiki: | BD,P+K+G Tenshin Housui: | From Nehan Shiki P Sokushukyaku: | From Nehan Shiki P+K (Goes to Dokuritsu Shiki) Hi'en Senpukyaku: | From Nehan Shiki K (Goes to Koko Shiki) Zensoutai: | From Nehan Shiki D,K Nonsha Teiken: | From Nehan Shiki P+K Renkan Honshin Jousui: | From Nehan Shiki P+K,P Renkan Honshin | Mahosui: | From Nahan Shiki P+K,P,P Toutenshou: | From Nehan Shiki, opponent behind P Fukushin Soukyaku: | From Nehan Shiki, opponent behind K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Koko Shiki Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Renkan Sousui: | From Koko Shiki P Koushutai: | From Koko Shiki K (Goes to Nehan Shiki) Haishin Kasoushou: | From Koko Shiki D,K (Goes to Hai Shiki) Kasou Rensengeki: | From Koko Shiki D,K,P (Goes to Dokuritsu Shiki) Kasou Rensen Housui: | From Koko Shiki D,K,P,P Toushou: | From Koko Shiki, opponent behind P Zensoutai: | From Koko Shiki, opponent behind K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Raishin Senbu: | P+G Haizan Toukai: | FD,P+G Kyusen Shouheki: | F,F,P+G Haikyaku Soutou: | F,B,P+G Bokutai Nentou/ | Ryou'in Senshu: | On opponent's side P+G Toushin Soukasui: | Opponent facing away P+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chouhosui: | Jump (while rising) P Choudansui: | While jumping P Choutotsushu: | While jumping K Chouhototsushu: | Jump (before landing) K Toushingeki: | Opponent down FD,K Rakugeki Houda: | Opponent down U,P Haikengeki: | Opponent behind P Haichugeki: | Opponent behind D,P Koushitai: | Opponent behind D,P Koushitai: | Opponent behind K Zasenshu: | Opponent behind D,K Koushu Shoutai: | Opponent behind K+G Hekika Haishu: | Wall in front B,P+K+G Hekia Haiten: | Wall in front BU,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Reversals~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dokuritsu Senshou: | High, mid, low P & elbow reversal from Dokuritsu | Shiki ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Well folks, this is pretty much the masher friendly character of the game. Lei has several stances needed for his attacks, which make him play somewhat like a masher friendly Shun. His mid-range attacks are where its at, since his up close game is somewhat poor. Lei has some decent throws, a few of which open up some good combo openings. All in all, a good character for beginners *****Strategy***** Well...I'm not that great of a Lei player. Many of Lei's attacks are somewhat slow and have a bit of a recovery time. His many stances can easily confuse you if your not careful. A good strategy is to rush in close and fight up close and personal, since his close range game and throws aren't quite up to par. Watch out for his attacks that cause you to collapse, they can open you up to a quick combo if your not careful. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----27. VANESSA LEWIS----- ______________________________________________________________________________ *****Profile***** Country: Unknown Sex: Female Blood Type: AB Job: Security Officer Hobby: Singing Height: 5 ft. 9 in. Weight: 121 lbs. B/W/H: 37/22/37 Fighting Style: Vale Tudo *****Story***** Held by "J6" at a young age, Vanessa developed very powerful abilities. She was later rescued by a special forces officer named Lewis during his assault on "J6." Lewis adopted Vanessa, but was murdered by terrorists on her 20th birthday. Learning that the terrorists were targeting VIPs, Vanessa became a security officer and vowed to find her father's killer. Years later, Vanessa learned that a woman named "Sarah Bryant" was being targeted by "J6." She immediately contacted the Bryants and entered the Fourth World Fighting Tournament to protect Sarah from harm. *****Command List***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Defensive Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jab: | From Defensive P One Two: | From Defensive P,P One Two Low: | From Defensive P,P,K Shadow Combination: | From Defensive P,P,P Shadow Combo | High Kick: | From Defensive P,P,P,K Feint Body: | From Defensive P,FD,P Crush Jaw: | From Defensive, while rising from crouch P Leg Guard Crush: | From Defensive D,P Back Knuckle: | From Defensive F,P Back Knuckle High: | From Defensive F,P,K Back Knuckle Stream: | From Defensive F,P,K,K Back Knuckle Toe Kick: | From Defensive F,P,FD,K Back Knuckle Toe --> | Front Sleeper: | From Defensive F,P+G (During F,P,FD,K counter hit) Ducking Body Blow: | From Defensive F,F,P Ducking Body Smash: | From Defensive F,F,P,P Heavy Impact: | From Defensive B,P Cut Upper: | From Defensive FD,P Intrude Combo: | From Defensive FD,P,P Defensive Elbow: | From Defensive BD,P Front Kick: | From Defensive K Switch Right Slicer/ | Switch Left Slicer: | From Defensive K,D or U,K Half Moon Kick: | From Defensive, while rising from a crouch K Stopping Low: | From Defensive D,K Stopping Low Combo: | From Defensive D,K,P Stopping Low Smash: | From Defensive D,K,P,P Sit Down Low Kick: | From Defensive (H)D,K Cut-in Knee Kick: | From Defensive F,K Cut-in Knee Kick --> | Front Sleeper: | From Defensive F,P+G (During F,K counter hit) Shadow Slicer: | From Defensive F,F,K Counter Strike: | From Defensive B,K Parrying High Kick: | From Defensive B,F,K Parrying Combination: | From Defensive B,F,K,P Right Angle Toe Kick: | From Defensive U,K Bone Crush Middle: | From Defensive FD,K (charges) Heavy Hook: | From Defensive P+K Heavy Hook Combo: | From Defensive P+K,P -Bomber Strike: | From Defensive D,P+K Lightning Lancer --> | Takedown: | From Defensive F,F,P+K Pass Guard Knuckle: | From Defensive P (during F,F,P+K hit) Lightning Smash: | From Defensive B,F,P+K Lightning Combination: | From Defensive B,F,P+K,P Cut-in: | From Defensive B,FD,P+K High Angle Fist Drop: | From Defensive FD,P+K Guard Crush Tornado: | From Defensive K+G Low Spin Slicer: | From Defensive D,K+G Heel Kick: | From Defensive F,K+G Leg Cut Low: | From Defensive F,F,K+G Leg Cut Low --> | Takedown: | From Defensive F,P+G (During F,F,K+G hit) Switch back Middle: | From Defensive B,K+G Back Charge Kick: | From Defensive B,B,K+G (charges) Step Out: | From Defensive B,B,K+G (G while holding K) Step In: | From Defensive B,B,K+G,G Leg Bomber: | From Defensive BD,K+G Stomach Crush: | From Defensive FD,K+G Stomach Crush --> | Front Sleeper: | From Defensive F,P+G (During FD,K+G hit) Intrude Hook: | From Defensive U,P while holding G Intercept Body Blow: | From Defensive D,P while holding G Gliding Slicer: | From Defensive FU,P while holding G Gliding Back Knuckle: | From Defensive FD,P while holding G Gliding Toe: | From Defensive BU,K while holding G Gliding Toe --> Hold: | From Defensive F,P+G (during BU,K while holding G | counter hit) Gliding Middle: | From Defensive BD,K while holding G Gliding Middle --> | Hold: | From Defensive F,P+G (during BD,K while holding G | counter hit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Muay Thai Stance Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Set-up | (Muay Thai Style): | From Defensive: P+K+G Flicker Jab: | From Muay Thai P Flicker Combination: | From Muay Thai P,P Flicker Combo Strike: | From Muay Thai P,P,P Defensive Elbow: | From Muay Thai D,P Elbow: | From Muay Thai F,P Double Elbow: | From Muay Thai F,P,P Elbow Storm: | From Muay Thai F,P,P,K Heavy Straight: | From Muay Thai B,F,P Body Straight: | From Muay Thai B,F,P,P Chopping Right: | From Muay Thai B,F,P,P,P Assault Combination: | From Muay Thai B,F,P,P,P,K Uppercut: | From Muay Thai FD,P Upper Heel Sword: | From Muay Thai FD,P,K Stopping Knee: | From Muay Thai K Stopping High Kick: | From Muay Thai K,K Smash Out: | From Muay Thai K,K,P,P Stopping Knee | Bomber 2: | From Muay Thai K,K,P,K Half Moon Kick: | From Muay Thai, while rising from a crouch K Stopping Low: | From Muay Thai D,K Stopping Low Combo: | From Muay Thai D,K,P Stopping Low Smash: | From Muay Thai D,K,P,P Stopping Low | Knee Bomber: | From Muay Thai D,K,P,K Low Kick: | From Muay Thai BD,K or (H)D,K Knee Kick: | From Muay Thai F,K Double Knee Kick: | From Muay Thai F,K,K Knee Kick Combination: | From Muay Thai F,K,K,P Step-in Knee: | From Muay Thai F,F,K Step-in Knee | High Kick: | From Muay Thai F,F,K,K Step-in Knee Low Kick: | From Muay Thai F,F,K,D,K Step-in Knee Knee | Combination: | From Muay Thai F,F,K,D,K,K Slicer High: | From Muay Thai B,F,K Slicer Hurricane: | From Muay Thai B,F,K,K Short Jump Middle: | From Muay Thai FD,K Heavy Hook: | From Muay Thai P+K Heavy Hook Knuckle: | From Muay Thai P+K,P Heavy Hook | Combination: | From Muay Thai P+K,P,K Lightning Elbow: | From Muay Thai F,P+K Step-in Back Knuckle: | From Muay Thai F,F,P+K Heavy Hook | Combination: | From Muay Thai F,F,P+K,P Heavy Hook Tornado: | From Muay Thai F,F,P+K,P,P High Angle Fist Drop: | From Muay Thai FD,P+K Guard Crush Tornado: | From Muay Thai K+G Low Spin Slicer: | From Muay Thai D,K+G Heel Kick: | From Muay Thai F,K+G Neck Slicer: | From Muay Thai F,F,K+G Switch Back Middle: | From Muay Thai B,K+G Back Charge Kick: | From Muay Thai B,B,K+G Step Out: | From Muay Thai B,B,K+G (Hold K, then G) Step In: | From Muay Thai B,B,K+G,G Leg Bomber: | From Muay Thai BD,K+G Intercept Body/ | Intrude Hook: | From Muay Thai U,P or D,P while holding G Barrier Kick: | During evade P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws From Defensive~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Canyon Dive: | From Defensive P+G Replace Throw: | From Defensive BD,P+G Elbow Rush: | From Defensive F,P+G Arm Crush Throw: | From Defensive FD,FD,P+G Army Combination: | From Defensive B,BD,D,FD,F,P+G Hell's Gate: | From Defensive F,D,P+G Heaven's Gate: | From Defensive C,P+G or CC,P+G Legbreaker: | From Defensive CC,P+G or C,P+G Wall Kiss: | From Defensive, opponent's back to wall F,F,P+G Stomach Crusher: | From Defensive, opponent's back to wall | F,F,P+G,B,P+G Judgement: Guilty: | From Defensive, opponent's back to wall | F,F,P+G,F,P+G Takedown Blow/ | Head Divider: | From Defensive, on opponent's side P+G Rock Crush Throw: | From Defensive, opponent facing away Rib Crush Body: | From Defensive, opponent crouching D,P+K+G Rib Crush Knee: | From Defensive, opponent crouching FD,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Throws From Muay Thai~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Smash: | From Muay Thai P+G Replace Throw: | From Muay Thai BD,P+G' Triple Heavy Smash: | From Muay Thai F,P+G Double Knee Strike: | From Muay Thai FD,P+G Chinook Strike/ | Head Divider: | From Muay Thai, on opponent's side P+G Rib Crush Body: | From Muay Thai, opponent crouching D,P+K+G Rib Crush Knee: | From Muay Thai, opponent crouching FD,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Jump, Down, and Other Attacks~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Knuckle: | From Defensive, while rising P Elbow: | From Muay Thai, while rising P Step Straight: | While jumping P Step Hook Kick: | While jumping K Step Heel Kick: | Jump (before landing) K Soccerball Kick: | From Defensive, opponent down FD,K Rolling Leg Drop: | From Defensive, opponent down U,P Soccerball Kick: | From Muay Thai, opponent downFD,K Bryants' Knee Stamp: | From Muay Thai, opponent down U,P Back Slash: | From Defensive, opponent behind P Turn Straight: | From Defensive, opponent behind D,P Half Moon Turn Kick: | From Defensive, opponent behind K Stopping Fall Kick: | From Defensive, opponent behind D,K Face Crush Elbow: | From Defensive, opponent behind P+K Turn Low Spin Slicer: | From Defensive, opponent behind D,K+G Back Slash: | From Muay Thai, opponent behind P Turn Straight: | From Muay Thai, opponent behind D,P Half Moon Turn Kick: | From Muay Thai, opponent behind K Stopping Fall Kick: | From Muay Thai, opponent behind D,K Face Crush Elbow: | From Muay Thai, opponent behind P+K Turn Low Spin Slicer: | From Muay Thai, opponent behind D,K+G React Round Kick: | Wall in front B,P+K+G Wall Back Roll: | Wall in front BU,P+K+G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~Reversals~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command: | Motion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Right Hand Hold/ | Left Hand Hold: | From Defensive, high or mid P reversal from | normal stance Hold High Kick/ | Hold Toe Kick: | From Right Hand Hold K Hold Low Kick/ | Hold Shin Kick: | From Right Hand Hold D,K Right Arm Breaker: | From Right Hand Hold P+G Prison Arm lock: | From Defensive, high P reversal B,P+K Prison Arm lock: | From Defensive, mid P reversal BD,P+K Leg Hold Throw/ | Leg Catch Throw: | From Defensive, high K reversal B,P+K Leg Hold Throw/ | Leg Catch Throw: | From Defensive, mid K reversal BD,P+K Leg Hold Smash: | From Defensive, mid K reversal BD,P+K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****Overview***** Woah, pretty buffed out for a girl (no offense to the ladies =). One good thing about Vanessa is that she has an automatic high/mid punch stop when she stands still, which give her a good advantage. When playing as Vanessa, one should use her string attacks and look for an opp. to throw the opponent. You will need a good knowledge of each of her stances and their attacks if you wanna be a good Vanessa player. *****Strategy***** Vanessa players will, like many characters strategy, try to poke you to death. Avoid high/mid punches while she is standing still, as she'll automatically grab your hand and leave you open for an attack or just make you lose focus. You should brush up on both of her stances and their attacks if you wanna be successful in a fight. Her Defensive Stance she will usually utilize her string attacks and go in for a throw. In Muay Thai, Vanessa players will often utilize her increased speek to peak you to death. The key is to out poke her in Muay Thai, and don't let get you with her string/throwing in Defensive. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----28. Secrets----- ______________________________________________________________________________ Virtua Fighter 4 has quite a bit of little goodies to recieve, though not as many as some other fighters. Most of the secrets can be unlocked through Kumite mode. Classic victory pose: Use a created fighter to reach the Second Kyu level. Hold PKG during the replay after winning a match to do a classic victory pose from Virtua Fighter 1. Classic victory pose 2: Use a created fighter to reach the Third Dan rank. Hold PK during the replay after winning a match to do a classic winpose from Virtua Fighter 1 Virtua Fighter 1 fighter model: Use a character fighter to reach at least the First Dan rank. Select that fighter, then hold Punch + Kick until the match begins. The character model will now be Virtua Fighter 1 style (ie block people =) Training Stage 1 in versus mode: Use a created fighter to reach the First Dan rank to unlock the Training Stage 1 (high fence, unbreakable) for use in versus mode. Training Stage 2 in versus mode: Use a created fighter to reach the Fifth Dan rank to unlock the Training Stage 2 (fence, breakable) for use in versus mode. Training Stage 3 in versus mode: Use a created fighter to reach the Monarch rank to unlock Training Stage 2 in versus mode. Dural's stage in versus mode: Use a created fighter to reach the Emperor or Great Emperor rank to unlock the Hangar stage in versus mode. Fight as Dural: Defeat Dural in in Kumite mode to unlock her in versus mode. She is only fightable randomly in higher rankings. You will always go to her stage when you select her. Training trophy: Beat all of the trials in training mode to get a trophy over your character's name. Wallpapers: Go to options mode and press L1 or R1 to change your wallpaper. Pretty neat... ______________________________________________________________________________ -----29. F.A.Q.----- ______________________________________________________________________________ Any questions go here: Q: Can I use -insert character-'s move list for my FAQ? A: Groan...if you wanna use a movelist for your FAQ, first send me a copy of what you have already written. If you have a bare bones FAQ with stuff straight out of the manual, and want a free ride, then no. If you do have a good well written FAQ that needs a move list, then that's a completely different story. Q: Are they gonna kill off Lau? A: Seems that way. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's replaced by a new, younger fighter with nearly the same exact movelist. Q: Which is better, Tekken 4 or Virtua Fighter 4? A: It depends on what kind of player you are. Virtua Fighter is more technical and realistic and a bit more difficult, yet it has better AI and the like. Tekken is less technical, but a bit for fun IMO. Virtua Fighter is more geared for the hardcore of the fighting community, while Tekken is geared more toward the average joe (though both take tons of skill to master). In the end, its up to you to decide which is more your style. Q: Which has more moves, Tekken 4 or Virtua Fighter 4? A: I really don't know. The two games gauge their attacks different ways. In Virtua Fighter, every motion in a string is its own attack i.e. in combo F,P,P,K,P+K+G: F,P is an attack F,P,P is an attack F,P,P,K is an attack and F,P,P,,K,P+K+G is an attack Making up 4 moves for that one combo. While in Tekken F,P,P,K,P+K+G would just be one attack. So its really hard to gauge in the end. Q: Is DOA3 better than Virtua Fighter 4. A: In graphics and arguably music, yes. In everything else, no... Mail me more...I'm dying here... ______________________________________________________________________________ -----30. CONTACT----- ______________________________________________________________________________ dark_id@hotmail or original_dark_id@yahoo.com Feel free to contact me if you have a question, comment, want to use this script on your site (see copyright), or have a correction. But first, follow these guidelines. Please note that I am FAR from a master at Virtua Fighter so you really shouldn't ask me for any help concerning tactics and the like. Go ahead, don't be shy. I love getting some mail every once in a while. Please use "original_dark_id@yahoo.com" for any questions and I'll be more than happy to answer. If you have any questions concerning using some information or posting this FAQ, please contact me at "dark_id@hotmail.com" Do's: - Use good sentence structure. - Use good spelling. - Head the e-mail "Virtua Fighter ______ (comment, question, whatever)" - I speak English...so any messages in another language won't be responded to for obvious reasons (sorry.) However, if you can speak some English, but it's not your primary language, just tell me at the start of you message and I'll try to respond. - Be intelligent. Don'ts: - TaLk lIkE tHiS. - SPEAK IN ALL CAPS. - Ask questions that are easily answered in this FAQ. - Be rude. - Speak in 1337 (I'm not gonna go to through the trouble of reading it.) - Curse like a sailor. Please observe these guidelines and there is a 99% chance you'll get responds right away. Thank you. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----31. COPYRIGHT----- ______________________________________________________________________________ This document can and should be found only at: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseekers.com www.psxextreme.com www.cheatshappen.com If I find it anywhere else, I'm sending you straight to hell... I took a long time making script. If I find you steal it, I won't be able to kill you, but I might pull a drunken-master on you (or just be drunk and come kill you *shrug*). If I do find you plagiarise this document, I will see you in court =) This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the notice of the author. Any violation of this code will result in harsh and swift court action. If this legal document is portrayed in any commercial use, you are therefor stricten under the code of law and will be punished. This FAQ is only to be used by the public itself and cannot be sold. Revisions of this FAQ are only to be done with notice of the author before hand and may be done so as long as the name of the author of the document appears in due credit. This document may NOT be used for sales and broadcasting or commercial use. This FAQ may not be included in a promotional CD, magazine, or any other use of monetary product. This FAQ may not be used in a password protected area nor in a high security area/restricted area. This FAQ is in no way possible to be plagerized, without facing court charges. Doing so will bring about damages in terms of law, whether the punishment be civil or criminal law. In other words: DON'T STEAL MY STUFF!!!! This document is copyright Ryan "Nemesis300" Kelly; 2002. All rights reserved. Virtua Fighter 4 and all characters, locations, and concepts is copyright Sega and AM2. All rights reserved. ______________________________________________________________________________ -----32. CREDITS----- ______________________________________________________________________________ Well, this is the end. I'd like to thank: -Sega and AM2: For making the game. -Elly: My best friend. -CjayC (www.gamefaqs.com): for running one of the best gaming sites on the internet and for hosting my FAQ. -Neoseekers.com: for hosting my FAQ. -Psxextreme.com: ditto. -Cheatshappen.com: notice a trend =) -Resident Rider: For Kumite information -Arthur Barbato: For asking to use my logo on his site. I appreciate non-freeloaders =) ______________________________________________________________________________ -----33. CLOSING----- ______________________________________________________________________________ Well kiddos, its been fun. If your still reading this...your mad. Go outside NOW! Heh...just kidding. Hope you liked this, and try taking a looks see at my other FAQs: -Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver script -Fatal Fury quotes and dialouge -Garou: Mark of the Wolves quotes and dialouge -Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory quotes and dialouge -Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 script Projects working on: -Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain script (85% done) -Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 script (50% done) -Metal Gear Solid 2 script (90% done) -Metal Gear Series Referrence Guide (90% done) -Legacy of Kain Plot Analysis (30% done) Well, later folks. Until next time...