============================================================================ VIRTUA FIGHTER 4 for the PS2 CONFIRMED Methods for ALL CHARACTERS' Items FAQ (This FAQ is best viewed in WordPad) This is not just another item guide. This is a list of CONFIRMED Methods, ones I have seen work with my own eyes. Anything that I have not been able to confirm will not be listed below. Even if a method is known I will not list it until I myself have tested it. If you would like a guide with all methods included, please see Neoarchaic's Item Guide at GameFAQS. If you have any questions or methods you would like to be tested, send me a PM at Versus City, e-mail me, or reply to one of my posts at Versus City. I will help each and every person who asks me for it, so feel free to ask me for help if you have trouble with something (VF4 item related of course). *All methods listed aren't necessarily 100% right. They are the methods I used to win the items and that I know work for me 100% of the time. If you have any alternate methods, please send them to me and I'll make the necessary additions. ============================================================================ Version: 0.1 Date: April 25th, 2002 By: Jasmine Wayne-Wayne (a handle of course) E-mail: unapatata2@hotmail.com Credits: Me, JDeGuzman. All the contributors to the Japanese Sites which is where most of this information first came from. I thank all of you deeply. All the people who have posted and replied to my topics in the GameFAQs and Versus City Message Boards. Your replies were all very useful. To vfighter8323 for replying to almost all my posts in the Versus City message board with helpful info. To HunterRose for scanning the VF items from his white book and to Yupa for re-uploading them. These helped me figure out the number of items each character has. To strychnine for posting the US names for the items. This helped me complete many item lists. To Neoarchaic who wrote the first item FAQ. I have used some of his translations from his FAQ for part of Lau's and Lion's item section. I hope the info I have posted helps you complete your FAQ as well. Everyone should also check out his item FAQ. Thanks to Myke for making my topics VFDC Choice topics. I really hope my posts helped a lot of people. To vf4akira for translating the Dunce Items list at Sega's Japanese AM2 Site. His FAQ on Curse Item Removal was extremely helpful. It can be found at Versus City. To KMegura - THE FAQ author extraordinaire. Your FAQS helped me model this one. I really enjoyed your KOF FAQS! To Altavista and Cafeglobe for programming those wonderful and yet sometimes frustrating online translators. ;) To anyone whom I have forgotten, please forgive me. Send me an e-mail or a PM at Versus City and I will make sure to include you to this list. Links to the preceding sites will be listed at the bottom of FAQ. ============================================================================ This FAQ can only be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.virtuafighter.com This FAQ is strictly PUBLIC DOMAIN - which basically means it is FREE and nobody should or plan to profit from selling any part of this FAQ. If anyone should use part of this FAQ in another publication, please give credit where credit is due. That being myself and every person I have given credit to. Please contact me if you wish to use this FAQ on your site. ============================================================================ Note from the Author: Well, I've owned this game for a month now and I still can't get enough of it. One of the extras that I love about this game is the item hunting. After spending hours and hours on the net, using online translators on Japanese Sites in order to find out more about items, scouring the Japanese Bulletin Boards for info, confirming and verifying each and every method listed, and even discovering a few unexpected tricks, I have decided to compile all my findings into this one huge FAQ. I really hope that this info helps all you VF4 treasure hunters out there! When I first wrote this FAQ I was hesitant to send it in since it was my first FAQ, therefore I decided to just post messages on the message boards at GameFAQs. Then after discovering that other people were doing the same thing I was doing already, I decided to complete my CONFIRMED lists and post them elsewhere. That being Versus City and VFDC. After receiving a few PM's stating that I should compile all my work together, I then decided to finish the FAQ I started a while ago. Remember, if you can't find the info you're looking for here, check out Neoarchaic's Item Guide at GameFAQs. -Jasmine Wayne-Wayne ============================================================================ TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================ 1. VERSION HISTORY 2. INTRODUCTION ORTNI a) How Do I Win Items? b) How Do I Use Items? 3. METHODS IN GENERAL a) Methods SDOTHEM 4. ITEM NOTES SETON a) Game Settings b) Example of an Item Table 5. CHARACTER ITEMS a) Akira Yuki ARIKA b) Aoi Umenokouji IOA c) Jacky Bryant YKCAJ d) Jeffry McWild YRFFEJ e) Kage-Maru EGAK f) Lau Chan UAL g) Lei Fei IELX h) Lion Rafale NOIL i) Pai Chan IAP j) Sarah Bryant HARAS k) Shun-Di NUHS l) Vanessa Lewis ASSENAV m) Wolf Hawkfield FLOWX 6. ADDITIONAL NOTES SETONDDA a) Damaging the Temple Stage Floor b) Winning 100 Consecutive Times c) The Easier Counter Combo d) The Harder Counter Combo e) Making a Comeback 7. LINKS SKNIL 8. LAST WORDS **NOTE: The words beside the names are listed for a quick way to navigate through this large FAQ. Just go to "Find" in your menu bar under "Edit". Enter the word beside each character's name and you should be able to get to that character's section without having to search for it manually. (That would be a bit tiresome, no?) (ie. If I want to get to Lion's Section, I would run the Find option and type or Copy and Paste in "NOIL".) ============================================================================ 1. VERSION HISTORY ============================================================================ 02.04.25 - Version 0.1 - ADDED: EVERYTHING! NEXT UPDATE: MORE DUNCE ITEMS MORE KUMITE MODE OPPONENTS MORE OF ANYTHING I DISCOVER ============================================================================ 2. INTRODUCTION ORTNI ============================================================================ So, how do you like the game so far? Excited about customizing your own fighters? Well, the first step to this is to creating a New Player File under the Data Files Menu. Give 'em a clever ring name and prepare to enter the ring and win those little trinkets that make your character look really cool, powerful or just plain silly! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) HOW DO I WIN ITEMS? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items are won by performing various tasks in VS Mode. These tasks can range from very simple to extremely difficult. They also must be performed flawlessly in order to win an item, therefore, if things go wrong, there is a high chance that you won't win anything. If you do things right, though, you will see a little treasure box in the corner of the screen appear. It can either be a red treasure box or a larger orange treasure box. I'm still kind of unsure what the difference is, but I think it has to do with how difficult the item was to get. Items can also be won another way; through Kumite Mode. Anytime you fight and defeat an opponent in a "mirror match" (where the opponent is the same character as you) and that character is equipped with an item, you will win it. Sometimes, opponents are equipped with more that one item, and in that case, you have to defeat him/her multiple times in order to get all the items from them. In addition, certain items are equipped to either the 1P outfit or the 2P outfit. So, for example you want to win Aoi's Japanese Ponytail, you have to use her 2P outfit because the Japanese Ponytail is equipped only to her 1P outfit. Get it? I'll go into more depth on this in each character section. The third way is to collect Orbs from High Kings in Kumite Mode. Collecting your first set will yield your characters 1st Orb item. Some characters have more than one Orb Item. The more sets you collect, the more Orb Items you will win. Once your character has won all his/her Orb Items, then when you collect the next set, you will be granted basic items you may have missed or don't know how to obtain. There are 7 colored orbs you need to collect: Black, White, Crimson, Blue, Green, Orange, and Purple. You can win orbs from other Players in VS Mode as soon as you hit 2nd Dan as well. The final way to get items is by losing or getting hit by certain attacks frequently. These are called Dunce Items and they attatch themselves to your character until he/she performs a task in order to get rid of it. Each character has 2 Dunce Items except for Sarah who yields only one. After accomplishing a task to get rid of the Dunce Item, it can usually be kept and can be equipped anytime you wish. Others, however, need specific conditions to be met in order to keep them. The King Tut's Mask is a dunce item that all characters can get. If you lose 3 consecutive Excellent Rounds, then you'll find your character equipped with this mask. To get rid of it, simply win 1 Excellent round. None of the characters can keep this item, so therefore won't be included in any of the character sections. *NOTE: Items are strictly cosmetic. They do not boost power, speed or defense in any way. They are just a way to customize your character. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) HOW DO I USE ITEMS? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can equip your items by entering the Data Files Menu and going to Edit File. Here, you can edit the colors of each outfit as well as equip those goodies you have won. All characters have four sections of their body that an item can be equipped to. In addition, some items are either 1P or 2P exclusive. So, customize away! *Note: There will be times when an item won't appear on your character and the item name keeps blinking. Don't worry. Just equip another item, then equip the one that was flashing. It works most of the time. Even if you don't do this, your character will look fine when you start a match. I think this flashing item thing is just a memory problem, and nothing really to worry about. **Caution: You CAN lose items in another mirror match (either against the CPU or another Player File), so if you don't want to lose your items, don't equip them for a match you think you might lose. Listed in each character section are items that can be lost. ============================================================================ 3. METHODS IN GENERAL ============================================================================ Listed here are the basic methods for winning items. Please refer to this section if you are having trouble understanding the methods listed in the character sections. *Note:When the word "frequently" is used, it usually means do the specified move or attack for at least 3-5 times, but to ensure that the item you're after is won, it is best you do the move for the entire round. *Note:Sometimes an item is required to be equipped in order to win other items. If this is the case, the needed item will also be stated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) METHODS SDOHTEM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERFORM STRIKE ATTACKS FREQUENTLY This is when you use single attacks and NOT combos to win. Either use the punch or kick buttons with random directional buttons. Sometimes the task requires you to use ONLY Punch or ONLY Kick Strike Attacks. These will be stated in each character section if needed. PERFORM SINGLE PUNCHES FOR X ROUNDS This is where you have to use jabs (P) for the whole round to win. There are a few cases where you MUST win using a single punch. PERFORM KNOCKDOWN ATTACKS FREQUENTLY Knockdown moves are basically where the opponent is knocked to the ground, not high enough to combo, though. Examples of these are sweeps. PERFORM FLOAT ATTACKS FREQUENTLY A float attack is an attack that sends your opponent high into the air allowing you to juggle or air combo them. Some characters' Kicks (K) such as Pai's are considered to be float attacks. PERFORM CHARGE ATTACKS FREQUENTLY A charge attack is one where you must hold down the attack button in order to charge the move. Characters that don't have any charge attacks cannot win any items this way (duh ;P). Most tasks that use this method require you to charge the move to its maximum charge power. Once it has reached maximum, the character will attack automatically. PERFORM SHOCK ATTACKS FREQUENTLY A shock attack is where you hit the enemy and he/she crumples to the ground. KNOCK THE OPPONENT OFF BALANCE FREQUENLTY These attacks are when the opponent is "stunned", but has the option of a quick recovery. (An animated joystick appears). PERFORM STAGGERING ATTACKS FREQUENTLY A stagger attack is when the character is knocked off balance without the option of quick recovery. They aren't stunned as long as when they are knocked off balance, though. PERFORM DOWN ATTACKS FREQUENTLY Pressing u + P, or u + K while the opponent is lying on the ground will result in a down attack. You can also use the df + P/K down attacks too. PERFORM BOUNCE HITS FREQUENTLY Bounce hits are exactly what they sound like. When your opponent falls from a float attack, they will hit the ground then bounce back up into the air for a fraction of time. Bounce hits are when you hit the character while they are in this state. Most bounce hits can be accomplished with a d + K attack. PERFORM X COMBO FREQUENTLY Sometimes a specific combo is required to win an item. These combos should usually be performed at least twice in many cases. In other cases, you must perform a combo only once OR up to three times. PERFORM X THROW FREQUENTLY Pretty simple here, just throw you opponent for the entire round. In most cases though, a specific throw is required such as side throws or back throws only. This will be stated in each character section. PERFORM COUNTER ATTACKS FREQUENTLY This is an attack where you hit the opponent before he or she hits you. The opponent must already be in the middle of an attacking animation in order for it to be considered a counter attack. The easiest counter attack is a single punch (P). PERFORM REVERSAL ATTACKS FREQUENTLY Some characters have the ability to reverse moves such as Aoi who can catch her opponent's kicks then crack his/her ankle. This is usually performed as b + P+K, but each character's reversal techniques will be listed in their sections. PERFORM EVADE ATTACKS FREQUENTLY This is when the opponent attacks and your character dodges that attack then nails him/her with one of their own. All evade attacks are performed u,u or d,d + P+K+G. In most cases, an actual attack doesn't even have to be evaded. Just have the dummy character stand there while you hit 'em with an evade attack. PERFORM X COUNTER COMBO FREQUENTLY Counter combos are combos that start off with a counter-float attack which allows you to juggle the opponent afterwards. Each character's counter combos will be listed in their sections if this method is used. PERFORM WALL COMBOS FREQUENTLY Wall combos are ones where you bounce the character off a wall then proceed to hit them with an air combo with each hit bouncing them off the wall as well. TURTLE FOR 1 ENTIRE ROUND A "turtle" is a player you guards every single attack coming their way. Simply guard a whole bunch of P,P,P,K combos (approx 10-20) then have your character winor lose, your choice. ESCAPE THROWS FREQUENTLY Pretty self-explanatory here. Press P+G (directional buttons vary depending on which throw was used against you) while being thrown. To ensure you get an item, try escaping 15 - 20 throws. PRESSURE THE OPPONENT This is where you hit the opponent with combos and strike attacks and not allowing them to make any kind of offensive action of his/her own. A pressure combo will be provided if needed. PERFORM SAFE FALLS FREQUENTLY Safe falls are performed by pressing P+K+G when you hit the floor from a knockdown or float attack. An easy way to do this is by getting hit by Pai's basic kick (K) which is a float attack, then performing the Safe Fall when your character hits the ground. WIN/LOSE X CONSECUTIVE MATCHES This is when you win X matches in a row. When attempting a winning or losing streak, it is imperative that you DO NOT exit to the Character Select Screen OR the Main Menu as doing this will disrupt your winning or losing streak. Simply select "Try Again" when the match is done. Also, try not to select Vanessa or Jacky as your dummy character as they catch your punches and this basically is a pain because it slows you down. ACHIEVE AN EXCELLENT VICTORY This is where you win a match with you Life Bar still at 100%. ACHIEVE A RING OUT VICTORY This is where you knock the opponent out of the ring before he or she is KO'ed. You can do this on Jeffry's Stage (Island), Aoi's Stage (Shrine), Kage's Stage (Garden) or Lau's Stage (Great Wall). In addition, you can break the walls on Lei Fei's Stage (Temple), Sarah's Stage (Colosseum) and Akira's Stage (Gymnasium), then knock the opponent out of the ring that way. If playing as Kage, you can perform his Ko'enraku throw (b + P+G) to toss the opponent out a ring with low walls like the Palace, Lion's Stage (Palace), or Jacky's Stage (City). Sometimes you will need to win consecutive matches via Ring Out. ACHIEVE A COMEBACK VICTORY Now these are a little fickle. The dummy character must beat on your character until he/she only has a sliver of health remaining in the life bar. Then your character must make a "come back" and defeat the opponent. This is fickle because you MUST do it quickly. You must either try pressure combos or counter combos or bounce hits or perform very high damage combos. This is a 50/50 method because it sometimes doesn't work. All you have to do is to keep trying until it does work. Here's a hint, though. Practice high damage combos in Free Training Mode then see if it will work with this method. See Section 6e "Making a Comeback" for more info. GET HIT BY X FREQUENTLY This is when you are hit with a specific attack or type of attack. BREAK DOWN X WALLS This is where you have to break down a number of walls on Lei Fei's Stage (Temple), Sarah's Stage (Colosseum), or Akira's Stage (Gymnasium). An attack that lets your character break walls will be included in each character section. DAMAGE THE TEMPLE STAGE FLOOR This is where you damage the floor on Lei Fei's Stage. This will be covered more in depth in Section 6a "Damaging the Temple Stage Floor". KUMITE MODE ITEM These items are the ones that can only be won in Kumite Mode against a specific opponent. The opponents will be listed in each character section. Each character has 4 of these kinds of items. ORB ITEM These items can only be acquired by winning against High Kings in Kumite Mode and collecting 7 different colored items. You cannot win more than 1 kind of color at a time (meaning you can't have 2 blues). The colors are Blue, Crimson, Purple, Orange, Green, White, and Black. Orb Items can also be won from other Player Characters in VS Mode as long has they have an orb in their possession and your Player is at least 2nd Dan. ============================================================================ 4. ITEM NOTES SETON ============================================================================ ***A FEW THINGS TO REMEMBER*** 1) While completing tasks for getting items, it is best that you don't equip any other items other than the ones specified. 2) While attempting win streaks, DO NOT win by Ring Out or Time Out. (Except for the 100 win item). 3) While attempting win streaks or when you are to do something for more than one round (ie. performing a specific attack for 8 rounds), DO NOT exit to the Main Menu OR the Character Select Screen. Doing this will disrupt your win streak. 4) You don't have to win a match to gain an item. For example, if you are to turtle for a round and have the opponent win, you will still get the item because you completed the "turtle" task. You only have to win a match if it is stated in the item table. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) GAME SETTINGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In each Item Section a suggested Game Setting is listed. Although it would be wise to follow the suggestions, you don't have to. In an Item Section, there will be a "SETTING" line. In this line, either SIMPLE, BASIC, or CUSTOM will be displayed. SIMPLE SETTING: 1 round. 160 HP for each character. 60 seconds on the clock. BASIC SETTING: 3 rounds. 240 HP for each character. 60 seconds on the clock. CUSTOM SETTING: Each custom setting will be stated in the Item Table. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) EXAMPLE OF AN ITEM TABLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an example of an Item Section. #X (Item Name) -------------- Equipped to: (Where the item can be equipped) Equipped by: (Which costume in can be equipped to, 1P, 2P, or Both) Lose?: (States if the item can be lost in a mirror match.) VS Method: (VS Mode method of obtaining this item). Needed Item(s): (Items needed in order to acquire this item). Game Setting: (Suggested Game Setting) Additional Notes: (Any additional notes, suggestions, or tips). Tested?: (If this method has been verified as being correct). Kumite Method: (Kumite Mode method and Ring Name of Opponent). Rank: (Kumite opponent's rank) Costume: (The costume this item is equipped to, 1P or 2P). (So if it says "1P outfit", then you should be using the 2P outfit in order to get this item.) Tested?: (If this method has been verified as being correct). ============================================================================ 5. CHARACTER ITEMS ============================================================================ Well, here they are! Remember, if you are having trouble obtaining items, first refer to Section 3 "Methods in General". If you need even more help, you can send me a Private Message or post a message at http://virtuafighter.com. My alias there is MsWayneWayne. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) AKIRA YUKI ARIKA CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 20 18 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 0 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 0 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 1 1 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 27 19 CONFIRMED METHODS 70% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akira is one of the only characters that needs to be past a specific rank in order to gain his regular items such as his Headgear and the Big Bear. I believe you must be past 2nd Dan in order to get these items. His hair assortments are cool, especially the Wild Hair. The Long Wild Hair looks a little silly in my opinion, though. The sunglasses are cool additions, especially the black ones. Emblems make him look a little more powerful and the charms give him a little more character. Braces look really cool on him too. And those bears? Well, all characters have a silly looking item, but usually they're the dunce items. #1 WILD HAIR ------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #2 BLUE BANDANNA ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #3 HEADGEAR (WHITE) ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Punch Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Akira must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Tiger Claw" Rank: 3rd Kyu Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #4 HEADGEAR (RED) ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: The opponent must Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Akira must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #5 ARM BRACE ------------ Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 5 consecutive matches. Needed Item(s): None. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 LEATHER BRACE ---------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 20 consecutive matches with the Arm Brace equipped. Needed Item(s): #5 Arm Brace Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Ryuhi" Rank: Vanquisher Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #7 DOUBLE BRACE --------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 8 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Do not let too much time pass in between attacks, just keep attacking. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 SPIKED BRACE --------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #9 SUNGLASSES (BLUE) -------------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently with the Goggle Sunglasses equipped. Needed Item(s): #11 Goggle Sunglasses Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #10 SUNGLASSES (BLACK) ---------------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Safe Falls frequently with the Yuki Dojo Sign equipped. Needed Item(s): #24 Yuki Dojo Sign Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #11 GOGGLE SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Fuzz" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #12 CHAIN EARRING ----------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Reversal Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Tan'yokuchou (b + P+K against high or mid kicks) is one of his Reversal Attacks. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 LUCKY CHARM --------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #14 Prosperity Charm can be won at the same time. Simply guard 20 P,P,P,K Combos. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #14 PROSPERITY CHARM -------------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #13 Lucky Charm can be won at the same time. Simply guard 20 P,P,P,K Combos. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #15 SANSKIRT EMBLEM ------------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Fujin Shoushitsu Fukkogeki for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Fujin Shoushitsu Fukkogeki: d + K+G -> f + K -> b,f P Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #16 DRAGON EMBLEM ----------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 FLAME EMBLEM ---------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 3 consecutive Excellent Victories. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 CONQUEROR'S EMBLEM ---------------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve the Rank of Conqueror Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Akira must be at Champion Rank and defeat 5 Champion ranked opponents. He must also have a Win Percentage of over 78% in order to be promoted to Conqueror. This also works in Kumite Mode. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #19 DEMON EMBLEM ---------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #20 SUN TATTOO -------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: Defeat "Fluffy" Rank: 4th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #21 IMPALA TATTOO ----------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform only Back Throws with the Yuki Dojo Sign equipped. Needed Item(s): #24 Yuki Dojo Sign Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #22 LITTLE BEAR --------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 20 consecutive matches with the Yuki Dojo Sign equipped. Needed Item(s): #24 Yuki Dojo Sign Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "AngryFist" Rank: 5th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #23 BIG BEAR ------------ Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Kage's Ko'enraku Air Combo three times with the Yuki Dojo Sign equipped. Needed Item(s): #24 Yuki Dojo Sign Game Setting: Custom Custom Setting: 1 Round, 240 HP Both Characters, 60 seconds Additional Notes: Akira must be at least 4th Dan. Kage's Ko'enraku Combo: (b + P+G, d + P+K, P,P, f + K+G, f,d,df + P) See Kage's Section and look for the Ninja Sword Set. This combo is covered a little more there. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "AngryFist" Rank: 5th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #24 YUKI DOJO SIGN ------------------ Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: Yes. VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 MR. SQUIRREL ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #26 MR. BUNNY ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #27 LONG WILD HAIR --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Akira must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Akira must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) AOI UMENOKOUJI IOA CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 36 35 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 4 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 0 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 1 1 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 43 40 CONFIRMED METHODS 93% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Moo-Moo, her item collection is one big mamma-jamma! She has to be the most customizable character in the game. Every single item can make her look different! I'm sure no two Aoi players customize her the same way. The tasks needed to get her items are all pretty basic, but it will take quite a while to collect them all. Her hairstyles are by far the best looking in the game. Each one makes her look hella cool. The Kabuki Wigs are my favourite. Pair one with her Kitty Disguise and you have yourself a little lioness. Her masks give her a much darker side. Use these with her black outfits. The Noh Mask makes her look totally freaky when you pair it with a Pink Hood. The Headbands and Earrings are all nice little touches and so are her Necklaces. The skirts give Aoi a lot more color and each can make her look either more feminine (Butterfly Skirt) or more powerful (Dragon Skirt). Her Short Swords and her Folding Fans look pretty cool as well. Experiment with your Aoi, as I'm sure you can find more than a dozen nice looks for her. #1 SHORT HAIR ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 1 match with the Small Drum equipped. Needed Item(s): #40 Small Drum Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Yowwie Aoi" Rank: 6th Kyu Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #2 SHORT HAIR (SILVER) ---------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Break 5 walls on any stage with breakable walls with the Short Hair equipped. Needed Item(s): #1 Short Hair Game Setting: Basic Additional Notes: Her Kumogeri (f + K,K) can break walls. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Aloha Aoi" Rank: 8th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #3 SHORT HAIR (BLOND) --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Damage the Temple Stage Floor with the Short Hair equipped Needed Item(s): #1 Short Hair Game Setting: Custom (See Section 6a "Damaging the Temple Stage Floor for the custom settings) Additional Notes: See Section 6a "Damaging the Temple Stage Floor" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Spaz" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #4 SEMI-LONG (SILVER) --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 100+ Damage. Game Setting: Custom Custom Settings: 1 Round, 400 HP Both Characters, 60 seconds Additional Notes: See Section 6d "The Harder Counter Combo". Tested?: Yes...several times. Kumite Method: Defeat "JoanOfArc" Rank: Champion Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #5 SEMI-LONG (BLOND) -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 JAPANESE PONYTAIL -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Cuddles" Rank: 3rd Kyu Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #7 SILVER PONYTAIL ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 15 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Aloha Aoi" Rank: 8th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #8 BLOND PONYTAIL ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 10 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Spaz" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #9 GOLDEN KABUKI WIG -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform only Side Throws with the Silver Kabuki Wig equipped. Needed Item(s): #43 Silver Kabuki Wig Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Brutal Aoi" Rank: 4th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #10 GREEN KABUKI WIG -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform her Kusai Gatotsugeri (u + K+G) for one whole round with the Silver Kabuki Wig equipped. Needed Item(s): #43 Silver Kabuki Wig Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Nemesis" Rank: 5th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #11 BLUE KABUKI WIG ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Ring Out Victories with the Silver Kabuki Wig equipped. Needed Item(s): #43 Silver Kabuki Wig Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Ph34r Me" Rank: Subjugator Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #12 RED KABUKI WIG ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Excellent Victories with the Silver Kabuki Wig equipped. Needed Item(s): #43 Silver Kabuki Wig Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Zombie Aoi" Rank: Dragonlord Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #13 FESTIVE HEADBAND -------------------- Equipped to: Headband Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Brutal Aoi" Rank: 4th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #14 WHITE HEADBAND ------------------ Equipped to: Headband Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 3 consecutive matches with the Festive Headband equipped. Needed Item(s): #13 Festive Headband Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Aloha Aoi" Rank: 8th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #15 PINK HOOD ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Staggering Attacks frequently with the Small Drum equipped. Needed Item(s): #40 Small Drum Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Aoi's Staggering Attack "Kusanagi": d + K+G Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #16 RED HOOD ------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Kusei Gatotsugeri (u + K+G) for 8 consecutive rounds with the Pink Hood equipped. Needed Item(s): #15 Pink Hood Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Try not to perform any other moves. Also, try to make the move hit the opponent while they are on the ground. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 PURPLE HOOD --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches with the Pink Hood equipped. Needed Item(s): #15 Pink Hood Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 NOH MASK ------------ Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform only her basic throw while only getting hit by her opponent's basic throw for 3 consecutive rounds. Game Setting: Custom Custom Setting: 3 Rounds, 400 HP Both Characters, 60 seconds Additional Notes: This item requires some patience. I'll use Vanessa as the dummy character for this example. For the first round, have Aoi throw Vanessa with her basic throw [Ko'ate (P+G)] until Vanessa is almost knocked out. Then if there is some time remaining, have Vanessa throw Aoi until the clock is at 5 seconds. Then have Aoi finish the round with her Ko'ate throw again. Do this for two rounds. On the third round do the opposite. Have Vanessa throw Aoi with her basic throw [Canyon Dive (P+G)]until she's almost KO'ed and then have Aoi throw Vanessa until the clock is at 5 seconds. Let Vanessa win the round with a throw. Do this for two rounds. On the fifth and final round, just have Aoi throw Vanessa until she'd KO'ed. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Twisty Aoi" Rank: 1st Kyu Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #19 FIEND MASK -------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Reversal Attacks frequently and achieve an Excellent Victory. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Aoi can reverse almost every move in the game. Just use her basic (b + P+K) reversal against high punches or kicks. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Nemesis" Rank: 5th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #20 DEMON MASK -------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Low Reversal Attacks frequently with the Small Drum equipped. Needed Item(s): #40 Small Drum Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Either try her Konami against low spin kicks, her Senryu against low punches or her Kaede Otoshi against low kicks. All of these are performed: d + P+K Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Zombie Aoi" Rank: Dragonlord Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #21 OGRE MASK ------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Low Reversal Attacks with the Demon Mask equipped. Needed Item(s): #20 Demon Mask Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Either try her Konami against low spin kicks, her Senryu against low punches or her Kaede Otoshi against low kicks. All of these are performed: d + P+K Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #22 BUTTERFLY SKIRT ------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Float Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #28 Flowing Wave Skirt can be won at the same time. Get Pai to single kick (K) Aoi over and over again. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Yowwie Aoi" Rank: 6th Kyu Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #23 DRAGON SKIRT ---------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Cuddles" Rank: 3rd Kyu Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #24 ARABESQUE SKIRT ------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #29 Flower Bird Skirt can be won at the same time. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 FLOWER SKIRT ---------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Combo: Rentotsu Kodachi frequently. Rentotsu Kodachi: P,P,P,K Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #26 LOTUS SKIRT --------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform a variety of Throws for 1 entire match. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Spaz" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 2P Tested?: Yes. #27 WHITE FLOWER SKIRT ---------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently and achieve an Excellent Victory. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Spaz" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes #28 FLOWING WAVE SKIRT ---------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Float Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #22 Butterfly Skirt can be won at the same time. Get Pai to single kick (K) Aoi over and over again. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #29 FLOWER BIRD SKIRT --------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #24 Arabesque Skirt can be won at the same time. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #30 WISTERIA EARRING -------------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Whiner" Rank: 3rd Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #31 BLOSSOM EARRING ------------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #32 PLATINUM EARRING -------------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #33 WHITE NECKLACE ------------------ Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Reversal Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Aoi can reverse almost every move in the game. Just use her basic (b + P+K) reversal against high punches or kicks. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "JoanOfArc" Rank: Champion Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #34 GOLDEN NECKLACE ------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 4 consecutive matches with White Necklace equipped. Needed Item(s): #33 White Necklace Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #35 JADE BEADS -------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Excellent Victories Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #36 ORNATE FOLDING FAN ---------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Brutal Aoi" Rank: 4th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #37 DELUXE FOLDING FAN ---------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently with the Ornate Folding Fan equipped. Needed Item(s): #36 Ornate Folding Fan Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Zombie Aoi" Rank: Dragonlord Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #38 SHORT SWORD (BACK) ---------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #39 SHORT SWORD (SIDE) ---------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently with Short Sword (Back) equipped. Needed Item(s): #38 Short Sword (Back) Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #40 SMALL DRUM -------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: Yes. VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #41 CUTE RIBBON --------------- Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: Your attacks must be Reversed frequently. To REMOVE: Win a match without getting Reversed. To KEEP: _unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #42 KITTY DISGUISE ------------------ Equipped to: Face Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: Lose 7 consecutive matches. To REMOVE: Win 2 consecutive matches. To KEEP: _unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #43 SILVER KABUKI WIG --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Aoi must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Aoi must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for her to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) JACKY BRYANT YKCAJ CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 22 17 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 1 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 1 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 2 2 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 30 21 CONFIRMED METHODS 70% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jacky has an pretty good set of items at his disposal. I have to say, though, his methods took me the longest as a few of them didn't follow the basic patterns. All in all, they were quite simple to get. He has a couple sets of hair that can change the way he looks completely. His long hair looks a little odd in my opinion, but not too terribly odd that I won't equip it. A nice set of emblems for his 2P outfit adds a nice touch to his collection. I like how varied they are too. The Pendants, Glasses, and Shoes round out the rest of his item collection. All nice touches to your Jacky...now if only we can do something about that voice of his... One quick note: DO NOT e-mail me or post a message stating that the various colors of his long/short hair are orb items, because they are not. Yes, you can collect a set of orbs and you will get these items, but, there is a way to get them in VS Mode another way. When you collect another set of orbs, you win an item you DON'T have. The higher your rank, the more items that you may have missed can be won this way. #1 LONG HAIR (BROWN) -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: Defeat "Yamiyodare" Rank: High King Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #2 SHORT HAIR (BROWN) --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #3 LONG HAIR (RED) ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #4 SHORT HAIR (RED) ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #5 BANDANNA (BLUE) ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Float Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 LEATHER CAP -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #7 SUNGLASSES ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat with the Bandanna (Red) equipped. Needed Item(s): #26 Bandanna (Red) Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 BLUE SUNGLASSES ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 80+ Damage. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6c "The Easier Counter Combo". Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #9 BROWN SUNGLASSES ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Rank: Costume: Tested?: #10 GOGGLE SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #11 SPORTS SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Switch Spin Kick (P+K+G, K) for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: You MUST perform ONLY this move. If you screw up, you won't get it. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #12 RIMLESS SUNGLASSES ---------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform only Side Throws for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 SILVEREDGE PENDANT ---------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #14 PADLOCK PENDANT ------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #15 ROLLERHEAD PENDANT ---------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round with the Padlock Pendant equipped. Needed Item(s): #14 Padlock Pendant Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #16 GOLD CREST PENDANT ---------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently with the Bandanna (Red) equipped. Needed Item(s): #26 Bandanna (Red) Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 WING HEAD NECKLACE ---------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 BROWN BOOTS --------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #19 BLACK BOOTS --------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Win 15 consecutive matches, each within 15 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #20 HIGH-TOPS (B&W) ------------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Excellent Victories with the Brown Boots equipped. Needed Item(s): #19 Brown Boots Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #21 HIGH-TOPS (GREEN) --------------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Pak Sao Knuckle Reversal Attack for 1 entire round with the Bandanna (Red) equipped. Needed Item(s): #26 Bandanna (Red) Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Jacky automatically catches punches from his normal stance so just hit Punch (P) during this catching animation to perform the Pak Sao Knuckle. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #22 FIRE SOUL EMBLEM -------------------- Equipped to: Back Print Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Win 40 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #23 IRON HORSE EMBLEM --------------------- Equipped to: Back Print Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for one half of the round, then get hit by Counter Combos and lose. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: I know it sounds strange, but it works every time for me. Guard about 20 P,P,P,K combos (I used Sarah). Then get his by Counter Combos (I used Sarah's Easier Counter Combo). It's not exclusive to Sarah, as I've tested this with Pai, Aoi, and Lau. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #24 VICTORY WING EMBLEM ----------------------- Equipped to: Back Print Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Win 80 consecutive matches with the Bandanna(Red) equipped Needed Item(s): #26 Bandanna (Red) Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 FIRE SKULL EMBLEM --------------------- Equipped to: Back Print Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #26 BANDANNA (RED) ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #27 BABY BONNET --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: Lose 5 consecutive matches via Ring Out. To REMOVE: Win 1 match via Ring Out. To KEEP: Do all this at 2nd Dan. Achieve a Ring Out victory without getting hit. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #28 JOKE GLASSES ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: Lose 10 consecutive matches. To REMOVE: Win 2 consecutive matches. To KEEP: _unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #29 LONG HAIR (BLOND) --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Jacky must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is his Orb Item 1. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Jacky must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. #30 SHORT HAIR (BLOND) ---------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Jacky must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is his Orb Item 2. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Jacky must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- d) JEFFRY McWILD YRFFEJ CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 18 16 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 2 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 0 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 2 2 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 26 20 CONFIRMED METHODS 77% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tasks needed to acquire Jeffry's items are all pretty basic and easy to accomplish. You do, however, need a bit of patience as quite a few tasks use the Winning Streak method of getting items such as his Braces and these can take a while. Jeffry's items are all pretty butched-up; pretty fitting for a big man like himself. The tattoos are all very nicely designed and his bandanas and hairstyles give him pretty good customize-ability (is that a word? duh..no). His braces have two looks. For the 1P character it is on his upper left arm and for the 2P character they are on both wrists. His Bone and Skull Necklaces are all very cool touches as well. In addition, his Dunce Items are actually pretty cool and not all that silly. #1 PIRATE'S BANDANNA -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #2 FOLDED BANDANNA ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #3 SNAKE BRACE --------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 5 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #4 EMERALD BRACE ----------------- Equipped to: Wrists Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 15 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #5 TOPAZ BRACE --------------- Equipped to: Wrists Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches with the Emerald Brace equipped Needed Item(s): #4 Emeral Brace Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 NEEDLE BRACE --------------- Equipped to: Wrists Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY his Knee Smash (P+G) for 1 entire round with the Indigo Bandanna equipped. Needed Item(s): #22 Indigo Bandanna Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #7 CLERK'S ARMBAND ------------------ Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 SAPPHIRE BRACE ------------------ Equipped to: Wrists Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform many Throws for 2 consecutive rounds with the Topaz Brace equipped. Needed Item(s): #5 Topaz Brace Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Try doing these move in order; it worked for me. Power Slam : Power Slam : Body Lift : Body Press (f + P+G : f + P+G : b + P+G : u + P) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #9 RUBY BRACE -------------- Equipped to: Wrists Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #10 SILVER SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 10 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #11 GOGGLE SUNGLASSES ---------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 30 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Mad Jeffry" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #12 PURPLE SUNGLASSES ---------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 SLIM SUNGLASSES ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: Defeat "Big Bones" Rank: Subjugator Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #14 SKULL NECKLACE ------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 30 consecutive matches with the Indigo Bandanna equipped. Needed Item(s): #22 Indigo Bandanna Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #15 BONE NECKLACE ------------------ Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Big Fist" Rank: 5th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #16 BLACK TATTOO ---------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "PirateJ" Rank: 3rd Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #17 RED SKULL TATTOO -------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Raiden Drop (u + K+G) for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 WING HEART TATTOO ---------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Mad Jeffry" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #19 TRIBAL TATTOO (RED) ----------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 3 consecutive Excellent Victories. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #20 WHITE SKULL TATTOO ---------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 80+ Damage with the Indigo Bandanna equipped. Needed Item(s): #22 Indigo Bandanna Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6c "The Easier Counter Combo". Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #21 LOVE SKULL TATTOO --------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Side Throws for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #22 INDIGO BANDANNA ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #23 DEMON MASK -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #24 BALD HEAD ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 WILD HAIR ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Jeffry must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is his Orb Item 1. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Jeffry must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. #26 PIRATE'S EYEPATCH ---------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Jeffry must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is his Orb Item 2. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Jeffry must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- e) KAGE-MARU EGAK CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 18 15 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 5 1 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 1 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 1 1 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 26 18 CONFIRMED METHODS 69% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hmmm...Let's just say, you'll need to spend a little time in Free Training Mode in order to master the combos needed to get some of his items. The majority of Kage's items can be won through basic tasks, but some require specific air combos to acquire them. The combos will be listed below. Practice makes perfect, and if you want that deadly Ninja Sword Set, you'll definitly want to practice! Kage has a number of cool items; the coolest in the game perhaps. His various head ornaments are nice, but it's his weapons that are his bread and butter. Kage can equip different weapons to each section of his body, so it is possible for his to be wielding up to 3-4 different weapons. I like to use his 2P outfit, equip the Jagged Tail to his head, the Ninja Sword Set to his torso, the Ninja Claws on his arm, and the Double Blade Sword to his waist. Match that up with a black outfit (or the gold which looks really nice) and you've got yourself one bad-ass ninja waiting to slice up those guppy fighters into sushi. #1 SAMURAI HAIR ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round with the Hair equipped. Needed Item(s): #26 Hair Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Barfly" Rank: 4th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #2 NINJA CIRCLET ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Side Throws for 1 entire round with the Huge Throwing Star equipped. Needed Item(s): #23 Huge Throwing Star Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #10 Flame Crest is won at the same time. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #3 NINJA HEADBAND ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "PounceKing" Rank: 3rd Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #4 FLAME CREST HEADBAND ----------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Headfirst" Rank: 5th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #5 STYLISH HOOD --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_...this one's tough Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: Defeat "Phantom" Rank: Thunderlord Costume: 2P outfit Additional Notes: Won with the #6 Stylish Helmet. Tested?: Yes. #6 STYLISH HELMET ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_...this one's tough Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: Defeat "Phantom" Rank: Thunderlord Costume: 2P outfit Additional Notes: Won win the #6 Stylish Hood. Tested?: Yes. #7 SHARP ARM BRACE ------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 JAGGED ARM BRACE ------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Izuna Otoshi (b + P+G, u + P+G) for 4 consecutive rounds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #9 NINJA SUNGLASSES ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #10 FLAME CREST --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Side Throws for 1 entire round with the Huge Throwing Star equipped. Needed Item(s): #23 Huge Throwing Star Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #2 Ninja Circlet is won at the same time. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #11 NINJA SWORD ---------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through Kumite Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Barfly" Rank: 4th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #12 NINJA SWORD SET -------------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Ko'enraku Air Combo three times with the Huge Throwing Star equipped. Kage's Ko'enraku Air Combo: b + P+G -> d + P+K -> P -> P -> f + K+G -> f,d,df + P Practice this one in Free Training Mode if needed. It becomes much easier once you're used to the timing. Needed Item(s): #23 Huge Throwing Star Game Setting: Custom Custom Settings: 1 round, 300 HP Both Characters, 60 seconds. Additional Notes: The two jabs in the middle must be done quickly in order to keep the opponent high in the air. The last move is a bounce hit. The best opponents to choose are Pai, Aoi, or Sarah. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 SHORT SWORD --------------- Equipped to: Waist Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won though VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #14 NINJA CLAWS --------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently with the Huge Throwing Star equipped. Needed Item(s): #23 Huge Throwing Star Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Stealth" Rank: 9th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #15 DOUBLE BLADE SWORD ---------------------- Equipped to: Waist Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat with the Huge Throwing Star equipped. Needed Item(s): #23 Huge Throwing Star Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Phantom" Rank: Thunderlord Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #16 JAGGED TAIL --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform Reversal Attacks frequently with the 2P outfit. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Try his Kotegaeshi (b + P+K) against high punches. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 TRIPLE STARS ---------------- Equipped to: Waist Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Toxic Kage" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #18 TRIPLE STARS (X2) --------------------- Equipped to: Waist Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #19 SCROLL ----------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Excellent Victories. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #20 TWIN SCROLLS ---------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 3 consecutive Ring Out Victories with the Scroll equipped. Needed Item(s): #19 Scroll Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #21 RICE BALL ------------- Equipped to: Waist Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #22 RICE BALL BELT ------------------ Equipped to: Waist Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently with the Rice Ball equipped. Needed Item(s): #21 Rice Ball Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Venom Fang" Rank: Vanquisher Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #23 HUGE THROWING STAR ---------------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #24 MR. BUNNY -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: Do NOT perform any Safe Falls from Float or Knockdown attacks. To REMOVE: Perform Safe Falls frequently. To KEEP: Do all this at 2nd Dan. Safe Falls must be performed for ALL Float/Knockdown Attacks. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 MR. SQUIRREL ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #26 HAIR -------- Equipped to: Hair Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Kage must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Kage must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- f) LAU CHAN UAL CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 24 21 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 2 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 1 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 1 1 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 31 25 CONFIRMED METHODS 81% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, Lau's item list is pretty fair and all the methods seem simple enough. The only method you really need to work at is the one for the Hero's Helm. The timing is tough at first, but once you get the hang of it it's REALLY simple. Pai's Daddy has quite the assortment of Shoulder Pads. What I like about them is that they all look different from one another. None of them have the same shape. I'm glad they weren't just palette swapped copies of eachother. His Greaves are much nicer than Lei-Fei's (IMO). Now, concerning the Caps. All the Japanese Sites as well as HunterRose's scans list only 2 Basic Caps (Silver Coin Cap/Hero's Helm) and 1 Kumite Mode Cap (Gold Bead Cap), but I've seen a colorful one in Kumite Mode that has not been mentioned before. Is this the Mixed Bead Cap from strychnine's list? #1 SILVER COIN CAP ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 25 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Sir Lau" Rank: 9th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #2 GOLD BEAD CAP ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "AttilaDHun" Rank: Stormlord Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #3 HERO'S HELMET ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform this Counter Combo 3 times in 1 round. Souko Reppa -> Jab -> Sokushukyaku -> Chisoutai/Senchutai df + P+K -> P -> b + P,K -> f,d + K/df + K Game Setting: Custom Custom Setting: 1 Round, 400 HP Both Characters, 60 seconds. Additional Notes: You can either use the Chisoutai or the Senchutai. The Senchutai is much easier to perform. The opponent MUST bounce off the wall after the Jab. The Chisoutai or Senchutai MUST be bounce hits. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "9 La" Rank: High King Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #4 TURTLESHELL PADS ------------------- Equipped to: Shoulder Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Lonely Lau" Rank: 5th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #5 PURPLE PADS -------------- Equipped to: Shoulder Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 50 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 SILVER PADS -------------- Equipped to: Shoulder Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Renkan Tenshinkyaku (P,P,P,K)for 3 consecutive rounds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #7 GREAT EAGLE PADS ------------------- Equipped to: Shoulder Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 PHOENIX PADS --------------- Equipped to: Shoulder Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #9 SPARROW PADS --------------- Equipped to: Shoulder Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve the Rank of 1st Kyu. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #10 GLORIOUS PADS ----------------- Equipped to: Shoulder Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round with the Chinese Opera Mask equipped. Needed Item(s): #28 Chinese Opera Mask Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #11 SPIKED PADS --------------- Equipped to: Shoulder Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY his Chisoutai (f,d + K) for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #12 OCHRE PADS -------------- Equipped to: Shoulder Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Try to turtle while at 6th Dan...might work. Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 WHITE TIGER BRACE --------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #14 RUBY BRACE -------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #15 GOLD BEAD BRACELET ---------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #16 AZURE SPIKED BRACE ---------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Combos with the Chinese Opera Mask equipped. Needed Item(s): #24 Chinese Opera Mask Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Try this Counter Combo: Souko Reppa -> Renkan Haitenkyaku df + P+K -> P,P,P,ub + K Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 GOLD SPIKE BRACE -------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 DRAGON GREAVES ------------------ Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #19 FLAME GREAVES ----------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Ryushu Katou (b,d + P+G) for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #20 ORANGE GREAVES ------------------ Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Float Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #21 WOOD FAIRY GREAVES ---------------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Side Throws for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #22 RED DISK GREAVES -------------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #23 GOLD DISK GREAVES --------------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #24 YELLOW GREAVES ------------------ Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 1 Ring Out Victory with the Chinese Opera Mask equipped. Needed Item(s): #24 Chinese Opera Mask Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 PURPLE GREAVES ------------------ Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve the Rank of 9th Kyu. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #26 SHIELD GREAVES ------------------ Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #27 GLOWING GREAVES ------------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #28 CHINESE OPERA MASK ---------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: Yes. VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #29 BOWL -------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: Your opponent must Guard at least 50% of all your attacks. To REMOVE: More than 50% of your attacks must connect. To KEEP: Do all this at 2nd Dan. 100% of all your attacks must connect. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #30 BIG HEAD (unconfirmed name) ------------------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #31 SPIKED HELM --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Lau must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Lau must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- g) LEI FEI IELX CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 22 21 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 1 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 1 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 1 1 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 29 24 CONFIRMED METHODS 83% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Bowing) You have to respect this Kung-Fu master! His tasks range from insanely simple to insanley difficult. Also, he has so many stances that it is fairly easy to screw up when attempting a task that requires you to perform a specific attack in a specific stance for the entire round. With practice and frequent use of the guard button (returns him back to his regular stance), you will have no problems winning his items. His basic items are all just that: basic. Nothing too spectacular here. No glasses or nose rings...he's not like that. This is a good thing too. It wouldn't be realistic seeing a Chinese Fighting Monk with a nose ring would it. No, I like the items he has and for a reason: they are fitting to his character. His necklaces and bracelets make him look more powerful while his hats and his greaves make him look stylish. A few things to note: there are some instances where you will win two items, but they will be counted as only one. An example of this is the Golden Bracelet and the Brace of Strength. Two items, but only counted as one. Also, his Queue is really neat. Too bad it can only be equipped to the 2P outfit. And now to his Dunce Items. OMG...'nuff said. (Bowing) #1 CAP OF LIFE -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Senshippo (P+K in Hai Shiki Stance) for 8 consecutive rounds. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: You MUST fully charge the move. To go to Hai Shiki Stance: (d + P+K+G). Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #2 BLUE HEAVEN CAP ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Excellent Victories with the Beads equipped. Needed Item(s): #26 Beads Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #3 WESTERN TRAVEL HAT --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits (2 different looks) Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Ring Out Victories. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #4 BROWN SILK HAT ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #5 CLOUD CIRCLET ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Win 20 consecutive matches with the Beads equipped. Needed Item(s): #26 Beads Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 BEAD BRACELET ---------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #7 STEEL BRACELET ----------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Float Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 JADE BRACELET ---------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Housui (P from Hai Shiki) for 1 entire round with the Beads equipped. Needed Item(s): #26 Beads Game Setting: Simple. Additional Notes: To go to Hai Shiki Stance: d + P+K+G Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #9 STONE BRACELET ----------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently and achieve 1 Excellent Victory. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Lei Fei's Evade Attack automatically goes into Dokuritsu Stance. Press Guard in order for him to return to his Normal Stance, then perform the Evade Attack again. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #10 BRACE OF STRENGTH --------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Lei Fei's Evade Attack automatically goes into Dokuritsu Stance. Press Guard in order for him to return to his Normal Stance, then perform the Evade Attack again. This #11 Golden Bracelet comes with this item. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #11 GOLDEN BRACELET ------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Lei Fei's Evade Attack automatically goes into Dokuritsu Stance. Press Guard in order for him to return to his Normal Stance, then perform the Evade Attack again. This #10 Brace of Strength comes with this item. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #12 STEEL GREAVES ------------------ Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Side Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 MEDITATIVE GREAVES ----------------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #14 WOODEN GREAVES ------------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 5 consecutive matches, each within 15 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #15 BLACK GREAVES ----------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Dokuritsu Senshou Reversal Attack for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Step 1) Go into Dokuritsu Stance (u + P+K+G) Step 2) Have the opponent Punch Lei Fei. The Reversal attack is automatic. Step 3) Repeat. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #16 LEATHER GREAVES ------------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 BASIC GREAVES ----------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 DRAGON GREAVES ------------------ Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Uryu Banda (b,df + P) for 2 consecutive rounds with the Beads equipped. Needed Item(s): #26 Beads Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Step 1) Perform Uryu Banda: b,df + P. This goes into Hai Shiki Stance. Step 2) Press Guard to return to his Normal Stance. Step 3) Repeat. This MUST be done VERY quickly. At least 2 hits must connect from each attempt. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #19 WYVERN GREAVES ------------------ Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 80+ Damage. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6c "The Easier Counter Combo". Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #20 GATORSKIN GREAVES --------------------- Equipped to: Shins Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #21 SILVER COLLAR ----------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Paingiver" Rank: 3rd Kyu Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #22 TALISMAN NECKLACE --------------------- Equipped to: Ears/Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #23 SILVER NECKLACE ------------------- Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Win 1 match with the Beads equipped. Needed Item(s): #26 Beads Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #24 FRAGRANT WOOD TAGS ---------------------- Equipped to: Ears/Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 10 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 JADE BEADS -------------- Equipped to: Ears/Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Paingiver" Rank: 3rd Kyu Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #26 BEADS --------- Equipped to: Ears/Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #27 PIGGY MASK -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #28 ELEPHANT MASK ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: Get hit by 15 consecutive hits. Combos okay. (I used Pai's Counter Combo: K -> P,P,P, b+K) To REMOVE: Don't get hit by 15 consecutive attacks. To KEEP: Try this at 2nd Dan. Win the match without getting hit at all. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #29 QUEUE --------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Lei must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Lei must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- h) LION RAFALE NOIL CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 39 36 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 2 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 1 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 1 1 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 46 40 CONFIRMED METHODS 87% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another large item collection, yes, but 40% of the same thing? Caps, caps, and even more caps. The tasks needed to get Lion's items are all relatively easy and all pretty much the basic stuff. As mentioned above Lion has a whole crap load of caps in various shades and colors. Now let's move on to the more interesting items. His various shades of hair are really nice especially the blue one. The helmets are okay, but do look kinda big on his 1P outfit. Where's the black one? That would have been MUCH cooler. Cowboy Hats? Well...The Knit Cap and Suede Cap are alright. He does however have nice earrings and necklaces. The Nose Ring is one of my personal favorites. Sleeves add a bit of color to him as well. Don't get me started on the Prism Cowboy Hat, though. #1 RED HAIR ----------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Side Throws with the Silver Hair equipped. Needed Item(s): #2 Silver Hair Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #2 SILVER HAIR --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently with the Blond Hair equipped. Needed Item(s): # 46 Blond Hair Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #3 BLUE HAIR ------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #4 COWBOY HAT (BLACK) --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Float Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "FreakyL" Rank: 1st Kyu Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #5 BLUE COWBOY HAT ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perfrom ONLY Side Throws with the Cyan Coyboy Hat equipped Needed Item(s): #6 Cyan Cowboy Hat Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 CYAN COWBOY HAT ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Safe Falls frequently with the Red Cowboy Hat equipped. Needed Item(s): #7 Red Cowboy Hat Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Nerdy Lion" Rank: Stormlord Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #7 RED COWBOY HAT ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Float Attacks frequently with the Cowboy Hat (Black) equipped. Needed Item(s): #4 Cowboy Hat (Black) Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 BLACK & ORANGE CAP ---------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Ring Out Victories. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #9 BLUE CAP ----------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: Defeat "Lion 2.0" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #10 BLACK CAP ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently with the Prism Cowboy Hat equipped. Needed Item(s): #43 Prism Cowboy Hat Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Easy Prey" Rank: 7th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #11 BROWN CAP ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #12 GREEN CAP ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win or Lose a match with the Red Cap equipped Needed Item(s): #13 Red Cap Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 RED CAP ------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win or Lose a match. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Wannabe" Rank: Champion Costume: 2P Tested?: Not really...you win this item after 1 loss or 1 win, so there's no way to test this. #14 BACKWARDS CAP ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #15 REVERSE BROWN CAP --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #16 REVERSE BLACK CAP --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently with the Reverse Brown Cap equipped. Needed Item(s): #15 Reverse Brown Cap Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 REVERSE B & O CAP --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve a Comeback Victory. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6e "Making a Comeback" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 REVERSE GREEN CAP --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacs frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "April Fool" Rank: 4th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #19 REVERSE RED CAP ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Excellent Victories. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "ZigZag" Rank: 7th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #20 KNIT CAP ------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform a variety of Throws. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Try NOT to use his basic throw [Hatoushu Shutai (P+G)]. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Nerdy Lion" Rank: Stormlord Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #21 SUEDE CAP ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches. Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #22 HELMET (WHITE) ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #23 Red Helmet is won at the same time. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #23 RED HELMET -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #22 White Helmet is won at the same time. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Lil Lion" Rank: 3rd Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #24 PINK HELMET --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round with the Helmet (White) equipped Needed Item(s): #22 Helmet (White) Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "CrashDummy" Rank: 4th Dan Costume: 1p outfit Tested?: Yes. #25 BLUE HELMET --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 10 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Lucky Lion" Rank: 7th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #26 YELLOW HELMET ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 3 consecutive matches, each within 10 seconds with the Blue Helmet equipped. Needed Item(s): #25 Blue Helmet Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "LittlePunk" Rank: 9th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #27 SLEEVE (BLUE) ----------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 100+ Damage with the Sleeve (Red) equipped. Needed Item(s): #29 Sleeve (Red) Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6d "The Harder Counter Combo". Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "LittlePunk" Rank: 9th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #28 SLEEVE (GREEN) ------------------ Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve a Comeback Victory with the Prism Cowboy Hat equipped. Needed Item(s): #43 Prism Cowboy Hat Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6c "Making a Comeback". Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Phr34K" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #29 SLEEVE (RED) ---------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Ring Out Victories. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #30 SILVER KNUCKLES ------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #31 YELLOW SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Juchou Senshou (u + P+K) for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: You may, if you wish, do this with other Float Attacks, but I know this one works. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Slacker" Rank: Vanquisher Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #32 PINK SUNGLASSES ------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #33 GREEN SUNGLASSES -------------------- Equipped to: Other Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Juchou Senshou (u + P+K) for 1 entire round with the Prism Cowboy Hat equipped. Needed Item(s): #43 Prism Cowboy Hat Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: You may, if you wish, do this with other Float Attacks, but I know this one works. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #34 NOSE RING ------------- Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently with the Prism Cowboy Hat equipped. Needed Item(s): # Prism Cowboy Hat Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Poke-Poke" Rank: 7th Kyu Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #35 SKULL EARRING ----------------- Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: You should NOT have any other Earrings equipped. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #36 DAGGER EARRING ------------------ Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #37 DRAGONCLAW EARRING ---------------------- Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #38 SKULL NECKLACE ------------------ Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 5 consecutive matches with the Skull Earring equipped. Needed Item(s): #35 Skull Earring Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #39 5-SKULL NECKLACE --------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 15 consecutive matches with the Skull Necklace equipped. Needed Item(s): #38 Skull Necklace Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #40 FLARE PENDANT ----------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY his Zensoutai (d + K) for 1 entire round with the Prism Cowboy Hat equipped. Needed Item(s): #43 Prism Cowboy Hat Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #41 WINDHEART NECKLACE ---------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Excellent Victories. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #42 LEATHER CHOKER ------------------ Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Evil Lion" Rank: 3rd Kyu Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #43 PRISM COWBOY HAT --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: Yes. VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #44 EIFFEL HELMET ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #45 MANTIS HEAD --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: Get hit by 15 consecutive hits. Combos okay. (I used Pai's Counter Combo: K -> P,P,P, b+K) To REMOVE: Don't get hit by 15 consecutive attacks. To KEEP: Try this at 2nd Dan. Win the match without getting hit at all. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #46 BLOND HAIR -------------- Equipped to: Equipped by: Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Lion must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Lion must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i) PAI CHAN IAP CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 19 16 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 4 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 1 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 2 2 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 27 23 CONFIRMED METHODS 85% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lovely Pai has only a few items, but they sure make a difference to her appearance when equipped. The tasks needed to acquire these little trinkets are fairly simple except for the Counter Combo needed to win her Colored Bracelet; a combo I haven't been able to pull off as of yet and why it still remains an unconfirmed item. Her Crowns have to be some of the neatest items in the game, especially her Jewelled and Lily Crowns. Her Necklaces are somewhat fair and so are her Bracelets. I really like her Emblems, especially her Lotus Emblem. The kneepads are okay. I prefer the Ruby Greaves and the Egyptian Anklet. All in all, not a bad assortment of items. By the way, you want an Evil Pai? Equip her Chinese Opera Mask with her black outfit...she looks hella cool in that get-up. #1 EMPRESS CROWN ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Leftie" Rank: 3rd Kyu Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #2 JEWELLED CROWN ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 3 consecutive matches with the Porcelain Necklace equipped. Needed Item(s): #23 Porcelain Necklace Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Silent Pai" Rank: 4th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #3 EXOTIC CROWN --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 30 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Sleepy Pai" Rank: Stormlord Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #4 JEWELLED BRACELET -------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently with the Porcelain Necklace equipped. Needed Item(s): #23 Porcelain Necklace Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #5 ENAMEL BRACELET ------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 AZURE BRACELET ------------------ Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 15 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "ILikeCheez" Rank: 7th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #7 COLORED BRACELET -------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ I still can't pull off the combo! Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 LILY BRACELET ----------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Goro 2000" Rank: High King Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #9 FLAMING KNEEPAD ------------------ Equipped to: Shins & Torso Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #10 CRYSTAL KNEEPAD ------------------- Equipped to: Shins & Torso Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Eingy" Rank: 8th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #11 SPIKED KNEEDPAD ------------------- Equipped to: Shins & Torso Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Side Throws for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Sleepy Pai" Rank: Stormlord Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #12 RUBY GREAVES ---------------- Equipped to: Shins & Torso Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform her Hi'en Youshu (u + K+G) for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Try to make the attack connect while the opponent is still on the ground. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 EGYPTIAN ANKLET ------------------- Equipped to: Shins & Torso Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently with the Porcelain Necklace equipped. Needed Item(s): #23 Porcelain Necklace Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #14 ROSE NECKLACE ------------------ Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Reversal Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Try her Unshu Soushouha/Senpu Soukyaku (f + P+K) against high punches or kicks. OR her Ensen Hairyu/Rasen Anshou (b + P+K) against high or mid punches or kicks. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #15 CRYSTAL NECKLACE --------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Pickles" Rank: 2nd Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #16 BRONZE NECKLACE -------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 JADE NECKLACE ------------------ Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 5 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 FIRE DRAGON EMBLEM ----------------------- Equipped to: Shins & Torso Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 10 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #19 FLOWER BIRD EMBLEM ---------------------- Equipped to: Shins & Torso Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 80+ Damage with the Porcelain Necklace equipped. Needed Item(s): #23 Porcelain Necklace Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6c "The Easier Counter Combo". Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #20 LOTUS EMBLEM ----------------- Equipped to: Shins & Torso Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Pressure the opponent for 12 consecutive rounds. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Pressure Combo: Renkan Koutankyuaku (P,P,P f + K) Start the combo again before the enemy recovers from the last hit) If done correctly, the round should be won within 4 seconds. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Pai=3.1415" Rank: Conquerer Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #21 DRAGON GOD EMBLEM --------------------- Equipped to: Shins & Torso Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unconfirmed_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #22 GOLD FLOWER EMBLEM ---------------------- Equipped to: Shins & Torso Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform her Hi'en Youshu (u + K+G) for 10 consecutive rounds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #23 PORCELAIN NECKLACE ---------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: Yes. VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #24 PANDA MASK --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 FROGGIE MASK ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: Rank: Costume: Tested?: #26 CHINESE OPERA MASK ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Pai must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is her Orb Item 1. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Pai must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for her to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. #27 LILY CROWN --------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Pai must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is her Orb Item 2. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Pai must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for her to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- j) SARAH BRYANT HARAS CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 27 22 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 3 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 1 1 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 1 1 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 33 27 CONFIRMED METHODS 82% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This bouncy vixen has a few items that still remain a mystery. A lot of her items are fairly easy to obtain, but there are a few that require some extra time and patience. Her Butterfly Choker requires you to perform a specific Counter Combo. It took me a while to get the timing down, but it was all worth it. The Butterfly Choker has to be one of her nicest items. Aside from the Butterfly Choker, Sarah has a quite the assortment of feminine gems. Various earrings, bracelets, and wrist band can be used to decorate this lethal femme. Her necklaces are half and half. Half nice and half yuck. The ones with the huge baubles like the Greenleaf Necklace make her look a little tacky. I like simplicity when it comes to Sarah. #1 5-RUBY BRACELET ------------------ Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Goosebumps" Rank: 1st Kyu Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #2 TURQUOISE BRACELET --------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round with the Bunny Ears equipped. Needed Item(s): #31 Bunny Ears Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #3 LEATHER BRACELET ------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #4 LEOPARD WRIST BAND ---------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #5 BULLET WRIST BAND --------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Kiss Me" Rank: 2nd Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #6 PYTHON WRIST BAND --------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #7 LEATHER WRIST BAND ---------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 5 consecutive matches, each within 15 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 ORANGE SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Goosebumps" Rank: 1st Kyu Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #9 GOLD SUNGLASSES ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 30 consecutive matches with the Black Sunglasses equipped. Needed Item(s): #11 Black Sunglasses Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Newbie" Rank: 7th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #10 CRIMSON SUNGLASSES ---------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 5 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "SassySarah" Rank: Hero Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #11 BLACK SUNGLASSES -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 15 consecutive matches with the Crimson Sunglasses equipped. Needed Item(s): #10 Crimson Sunglasses Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #12 GREEN SUNGLASSES -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 1 Excellent Victory with the Purple Sunglasses equipped. Needed Item(s): #13 Purple Sunglasses Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 PURPLE SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 1 Excellent Victory. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #14 AMETHYST STAR ------------------ Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 50 consecutive matches with the Bunny Ears equipped. Needed Item(s): #31 Bunny Ears Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Chun Yan" Rank: 4th Kyu Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #15 HEXAGON EARRING -------------------- Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #16 COIN EARRING ----------------- Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform her Double Rise Kick for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Double Rise Kick: b+ K+G Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 STRIPED EARRING -------------------- Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Side Throws for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 GOLD RING EARRING ---------------------- Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 10 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #19 2-HEART EARRING -------------------- Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #20 ANCHOR EARRING ------------------ Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #21 ZIPPER EARRING ------------------ Equipped to: Ears Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Roadkill" Rank: 5th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #22 GREENLEAF NECKLACE ---------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Safe Falls frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Newbie" Rank: 7th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #23 STAR NECKLACE ----------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: Defeat "Dark Moon" Rank: 9th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #24 DUAL NECKLACE ------------------ Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unconfirmed_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 EGYPTIAN NECKLACE --------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "SassySarah" Rank: Hero Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #26 HEIRLOOM NECKLACE --------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve a Comeback Victory. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6e "Making a Comeback". Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #27 7-BALL NECKLACE ------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unconfirmed_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #28 ANCHOR NECKLACE ------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 3 consecutive Excellent Victories with the Butterfly Choker equipped. Needed Item(s): #30 Butterfly Choker Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #29 SECRET CHOKER ----------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Side Throws for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #30 BUTTERFLY CHOKER -------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform her Dragon Smash Cannon Counter Combo with the Bunny Ears equipped. Needed Item(s): #31 Bunny Ears Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Counter Combo: Dragon Smash Cannon -> Setup Combination -> Set Combination -> Somersault Kick (db + K -> df + P,K -> df + P,K -> u + K) Best done near (but not right next to) a wall. The Dragon Smash Cannon MUST be a Counter Attack. This combo gets very easy when you're used to the timing. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #31 BUNNY EARS -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: Yes. VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #32 JOKE GLASSES ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: Rank: Costume: Tested?: #33 HEART NECKLACE ------------------ Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Sarah must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Sarah must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for her to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- k) SHUN-DI NUHS CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 30 29 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 0 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 0 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 1 1 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 37 30 CONFIRMED METHODS 81% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our beloved resident drunk has quite few items to collect. Luckily for us, they're not too much of a problem to get. Many of the tasks required need Shun to be hit quite a lot. Hmmm...beating on drunks again. Anyway, Shun's got a large number of hats and shoes. All very nice, but not too stunning. He has a few nice emblems to stick onto his back, but I think they should have designed them to be different in shape. All of them except for one are circular, so the only real visible difference is the color. They (at Sega) should have taken a page out of their Pai or Jacky book when it came to designing his emblems. Those two have variety. His bottles make up for any item design flaws. They look really cool. #1 FESTIVE CAP -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #2 CAP OF LIFE -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #3 CAP OF MEADOWS ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Gyousentai (d + K) for 1 entire round with the Cap of Life equipped. Needed Item(s): #2 Cap of Life Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #4 CAP OF DARKNESS ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently with the Cap of Life equipped. Needed Item(s): #2 Cap of Life Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #5 GREEN & PURPLE CAP --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat with the Festive Cap equipped. Needed Item(s): #1 Festive Cap Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 BLUE & GOLD CAP ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 80+ Damage with the Green & Purple Cap equipped. Needed Item(s): #5 Green & Purple Cap Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6c "The Easier Counter Combo". Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #7 BLUE HEAVEN CAP ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform this Wall Combo for the entire round. Ryubikyaku -> Touku Hitenhou (u + K+G -> f,f + P+K) Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: You MUST have 8+ Drinks before you do the combo. The Touku Hitenhou removes 1 drink. Remember to refill. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 RED LAMPSHADE ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #9 WOVEN LAMPSHADE ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Ring Out Victories with the Red Lampshade equipped. Needed Item(s): #8 Red Lampshade Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #10 BLUE LAMPSHADE ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Back Throws for 1 entire round with the Woven Lampshade equipped. Needed Item(s): #9 Woven Lampshade Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #11 GREEN WAVE HAT ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 15 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #12 RED WAVE HAT ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches with the Green Wave Hat equipped. Needed Item(s): #11 Green Wave Hat Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 PURPLE WAVE HAT ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 25 consecutive matches with the Red Wave Hat equipped. Needed Item(s): #12 Red Wave Hat Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #14 RED BEAD CAP ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently with the Red Dragon Bottle equipped. Needed Item(s): #34 Red Dragon Bottle Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #15 EMPEROR'S CAP ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #16 HYDRANGEA EMBLEM -------------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 30 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 BANQUET EMBLEM ------------------ Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 GREEN WYRM EMBLEM --------------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 10 seconds with the Red Dragon Bottle equipped. Needed Item(s): #34 Red Dragon Bottle Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #19 RED DRAGON EMBLEM --------------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 80+ Damage. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6c "The Easier Counter Combo". Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #20 SANSKIRT EMBLEM ------------------- Equipped to: Torso Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #21 GREEN SHOES ---------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 5 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #22 PURPLE SHOES ---------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Strike Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: I used Sarah's Crush Low (d + K while in Flamingo Stance) for the whole round. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #23 BLUE SHOES -------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Gekizan Senchu (df + P+K) for 15 consecutive rounds. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: You MUST fully Charge the move. You MUST have 40 Drinks for all the Rounds. Fill up your drinks before attempting the attack. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #24 BLACK SHOES --------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Break 5 Walls on any stage with breakable walls with the the Green Shoes equipped. Needed Item(s): #21 Green Shoes Game Setting: Basic Additional Notes: You can break more than 5 if you wish. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 RED SHOES ------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #26 SHOES OF QUICKNESS ---------------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve a Comeback Victory. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: This Comeback Victory is pretty simple. Just do his Kasenko (f + P,P,P,K) until he wins. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #27 BUTTERFLY SHOES ------------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Single Punches for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #28 EVIL SHARK SHOES -------------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Cause minor damage to the Temple Stage Floor with Throws with the Purple Shoes equipped. Needed Item(s): #22 Purple Shoes Game Setting: Basic Additional Notes: You don't have to damage the floor too much. Just use his throws to put a few cracks here and there. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #29 EMPEROR'S SHOES ------------------- Equipped to: Shoes Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #30 WHITE HORSE BOTTLE ---------------------- Equipped to: Bottle Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 10 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #31 CERAMIC GOURD ----------------- Equipped to: Bottle Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Side Throws for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #32 HERBAL POTION ----------------- Equipped to: Bottle Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win a match with Full (40) Drinks. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Go to Zabantetsu Stance (d + P+K) and perform his Za'inshu (P+K+G) as this move adds 3 drinks as opposed to the 1 you get in Normal Stance. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #33 SECRET POTION ----------------- Equipped to: Bottle Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #34 RED DRAGON BOTTLE --------------------- Equipped to: Bottle Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: Yes VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #35 SILLY MASK (WOMAN) ---------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #36 SILLY MASK (MAN) -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: Lose 5 consecutive matches via Ring Out. To REMOVE: Win 1 match via Ring Out. To KEEP: Do all this at 2nd Dan. Achieve a Ring Out victory without getting hit. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #37 HERBAL TEA BOTTLE --------------------- Equipped to: Bottle Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Vanessa must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Vanessa must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for her to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- l) VANESSA LEWIS ASSENAV CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 31 30 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 4 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 1 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 1 1 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 38 36 CONFIRMED METHODS 95% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This lady really does have looks that can kill. Getting her items are all simple, although there are a couple that still remain a total mystery. I do have methods in mind, and I think I may be getting close to getting the Triple Gold Choker and the Dragon Tattoo/Spear Insignia. Customizing your Vanessa depends on how you view her: feminine or masculine (more than she already is...jj). If you want a delicate looking Vanessa, equip her with Earrings or Circlets, add a Tattoo and maybe a nice Necklace or Choker. You want a buff, in-your-face man killer? Equip her with Berets, Bazookas, and Insignias. My favorite item for her, though, has to be her Long Ponytail. She just looks really hot with this item on. #1 SHORT HAIR -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Charge Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Charge Attack: Bone Crush Middle (df + K). Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Bad News" Rank: 2nd Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #2 COWBOY HAT -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform only Evade Attacks for 1 entire round and achieve 1 Excellent Victory. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Fire Ants" Rank: 5th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #3 ARMY BERET -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Snakebite" Rank: 7th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #4 KNIT CAP ------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Punch Strike Attacks frequently and win the match with a Singe Jab (P). Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Do NOT perform Combos or any Kick techniques. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Scrappy" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #5 HEMP CAP ------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Punch Strike Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Do NOT perform Combos or any Kick techniques. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 SAPPHIRE CIRCLET -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 3 consecutive matches with the Gold Circlet equipped. Needed Item(s): #7 Gold Circlet Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Fire Ants" Rank: 5th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #7 GOLD CIRCLET ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Excellent Victories. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Destroyer" Rank: Vanquisher Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #8 GAS MASK ------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY her "Face Crush Elbow" for 8 consecutive rounds. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Face Crush Elbow: P+K with her back to the enemy. To turn around: Switch Back Middle (b + K+G)--DO NOT hit the opponent with this technique. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #9 BANDIT'S MASK ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "D.K." Rank: High King Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #10 YELLOW SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Reversal Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Try her Prison Armlock against high punches or her Leg Hold Throw/Leg Catch Throw against High Kicks. All are performed b + P+K. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #11 BLACK SUNGLASSES -------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 5 consecutive matches with the Black Beret equipped. Needed Item(s): #35 Black Beret Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "High Voltage" Rank: Champion Costume: 1P Tested?: Yes. #12 GOGGLES ------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Striker" Rank: 9th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #13 CRYSTAL EARRING ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Damage the Temple Stage Floor with the Pink Tuft Earring equipped. Needed Item(s): #14 Pink Tuft Earring Game Setting: Custom (See Section 6a "Damaging the Temple Stage Floor for the custom settings) Additional Notes: See Section 6a "Damaging the Temple Stage Floor" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Striker" Rank: 9th Dan Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #14 PINK TUFT EARRING --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Aoi's Throws frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: This only worked for me with Aoi on the Castle Stage. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #15 MEDAL NECKLACE ------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "D.K." Rank: High King Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #16 TRIPLE GOLD CHOKER ----------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: Defeat "Destroyer" Rank: Vanquisher Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #17 LEATHER CHOKER ------------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 DOG TAGS ------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform ONLY Side Throws with the Black Beret equipped. Needed Item(s): #35 Black Beret Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "High Voltage" Rank: Champion Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #19 BINOCULARS --------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Senorita" Rank: 1st Kyu Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #20 BUTTERFLY TATTOO -------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Bad News" Rank: 1st Dan Costume: 1st Dan Additional Notes: The #34 Basilisk Insignia comes with this item. Tested?: Yes. #21 ROSE TATTOO --------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) The #31 Hero's Insignia comes with this item. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "High Voltage" Rank: Champion Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Tes. #22 EAGLE TATTOO ---------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round with the Black Beret equipped. Needed Item(s): #35 Black Beret Additional Notes: The #32 Victory Insignia comes with this item. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #23 ARABESQUE TATTOO -------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attack frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #33 Crescent Insignia comes with this item. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #24 DRAGON TATTOO ------------------ Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 100+ Damage with the Rose Tattoo equipped. Needed Item(s): #21 Rose Tattoo Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6d "The Harder Counter Combo". The #30 Spear Insignia comes with this item. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "D.K." Rank: High King Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #25 RIFLE ---------- Equipped to: Weapon Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Scrappy" Rank: 10th Dan Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #26 CROSSBOW ------------- Equipped to: Weapon Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Break 5 walls on any stage with breakable walls. Game Setting: Basic Additional Notes: Her Heel Kick (f + K+G) can break walls. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Destroyer" Rank: Vanquisher Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #27 BAZOOKA ------------ Equipped to: Weapon Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Win 20 consecutive mathes with the Black Beret equipped. Needed Item(s): #35 Black Beret Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #28 HAND GRENADES ------------------ Equipped to: Weapon Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform Evade Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #29 WALKIE-TALKIE ------------------ Equipped to: Weapon Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 10 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #30 SPEAR INSIGNIA ------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 100+ Damage with the Rose Tattoo equipped. Needed Item(s): #21 Rose Tattoo Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6d "The Harder Counter Combo". The #24 Dragon Tattoo comes with this item. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "D.K." Rank: High King Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #31 HERO'S INSIGNIA -------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) The #21 Rose Tattoo comes with this item. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "High Voltage" Rank: Champion Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #32 VICTORY INSIGNIA --------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round with the Black Beret equipped. Needed Item(s): #35 Black Beret Additional Notes: The #22 Eagle Tattoo comes with this item. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #33 CRESCENT INSIGNIA ---------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attack frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: The #23 Arabesque Tattoo comes with this item. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #34 BASILISK INSIGNIA --------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Bad News" Rank: 1st Dan Costume: 1P outfit Additional Notes: This item is won with the #20 Butterfly Tattoo. Tested?: Yes. #35 BLACK BERET ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: Yes. VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "D.K." Rank: High King Costume: 2P outfit Tested?: Yes. #36 HORSEHEAD HAT ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #37 OLD HOCKEY MASK ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: Get hit by 15 consecutive hits. Combos okay. (I used Pai's Counter Combo: K -> P,P,P, b+K) To REMOVE: Don't get hit by 15 consecutive attacks. To KEEP: Try this at 2nd Dan. Win the match without getting hit at all. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #38 LONG PONYTAIL ------------------ Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Vanessa must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Vanessa must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for her to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- m) WOLF HAWKFIELD FLOWX CURRENT STATUS: Number of Basic Items = 20 19 CONFIRMED Number of Kumite Mode Items = 4 1 OPPONENT(S) KNOWN Number of Dunce Items = 2 0 CONFIRMED Number of Orb Items = 5 5 CONFIRMED -------------------------------- -------------------- Total = 31 26 CONFIRMED METHODS 84% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big man has big items. Big man's items not very big problem to get. Wolf's items are fairly simple to obtain. For me, the hardest one so far to win was the Clerk's Armband, and that's not even very difficult to pull off. I really, really like his head items. From the Wolf Hat to the Tribal Headdress, Wolf has some very stylish items going on for his head. The other parts, however, are another story. He and Jeffry basically have a few identical items like armbands and the sunglasses. The tattoos are almost the same as well. The only difference is that Wolf's tattoos cover both of his arms. All in all, kinda boring, but also not. (Get it? Good!) #1 COWBOY HAT -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through Kumite Mode. Kumite Method: Defeat "Rabid Wolf" Rank: Stormlord Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #2 SNAKE BRACE --------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Escape Throws frequently Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #3 SPIKED BRACE --------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Sarah's Gatling Kick Beat: (u,b,d,f + P+G while in Flamingo Stance) Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #4 RUBY DOUBLE BRACE -------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Ring Out Victories with the Fire Tiger Mask equipped. Needed Item(s): #24 Fire Tiger Mask Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #5 DOUBLE BRACE --------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: _method unconfirmed_ Needed Item(s): Game Setting: Additional Notes: Tested?: Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #6 CLERK'S ARMBAND ------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Get hit by a Couter Combo that has 80+ Damage. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6c "The Easier Counter Combo". Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: Defeat "Rabid Wolf" Rank: Stormlord Costume: 1P outfit Tested?: Yes. #7 SPRING ARMBAND ----------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win a match within 10 seconds. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #8 WRIST BAND ------------- Equipped to: Wrists Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Reversal Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Try his Captured (b + P+K) against high kicks, although he does take damage from this. If you don't want that to happen, use his Low Punch Cut (d + P+K) against low punches or his Dragon Screw (db + P+K) against mid kicks instead. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #9 WORKOUT GLOVES ----------------- Equipped to: Wrists Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Reversal Attacks frequently with the Wrist Band equipped. Needed Item(s): #8 Wrist Band Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #10 WRIST BANDAGE ------------------ Equipped to: Wrists Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #11 FULL BANDAGE ----------------- Equipped to: Wrists Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Turtle for 1 entire round with the Fire Tiger Mask equipped. Needed Item(s): #24 Fire Tiger Mask Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #12 PURPLE SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #13 SILVER SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform Counter Attacks frequently with the Purple Sunglasses equipped. Needed Item(s): #12 Purple Sunglasses Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #14 GOGGLE SUNGLASSES --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #15 SLIM SUNGLASSES ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform only Side Throws for 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #16 GREEN NECKLACE ------------------ Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform only Jabs (P) for the 1 entire round. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Try not to combo. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #17 FACE PAINT -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 20 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #18 BLACK TATTOO ---------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Excellent Victories Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #19 TRIBAL TATTOO ----------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Perform his Level Back Crush (P+K hold to charge) for 1 entire round with the Black Tattoo. Needed Item(s): #18 Black Tattoo Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: Be sure to charge the move. Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #20 BLACK TATTOO 2 ------------------ Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Achieve 2 consecutive Ring Out Victories with the Tribal Tattoo equipped. Needed Item(s): #19 Tribal Tattoo Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #21 TRIBAL TATTOO 2 ------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Win 10 consecutive matches with the Black Tattoo 2 equipped. Needed Item(s): #20 Black Tattoo 2 Game Setting: Simple Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #22 WOLF HEAD TATTOO -------------------- Equipped to: Arm Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #23 WORKOUT TOWEL ----------------- Equipped to: Neck Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: This item cannot be won through VS Mode. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #24 FIRE TIGER MASK ------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: Yes. VS Method: Win 100 consecutive matches. Game Setting: Simple Additional Notes: See Section 6b "Winning 100 Consecutive Matches" Tested?: Yes. Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #25 PARTY SET ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #26 ANTIQUE MASK ---------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: To GET: _method unconfirmed_ To REMOVE: _method unconfirmed_ To KEEP: _method unconfirmed_ Kumite Method: _opponent unknown_ Rank: Costume: Tested?: #27 LONG HAIR ------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Wolf must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is his Orb Item 1. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Wolf must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. #28 BLACK MASK -------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 1P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Wolf must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is his Orb Item 2. It is won with the #29 Dark Red Mask. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Wolf must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. #29 DARK RED MASK ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: 2P outfit Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Wolf must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is his Orb Item 2. It is won with the #28 Black Mask. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Wolf must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. #30 WOLF HEAD HAT ----------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Wolf must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is his Orb Item 3. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Wolf must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. #31 TRIBAL HEADDRESS --------------------- Equipped to: Head Equipped by: Both outfits Lose?: VS Method: Defeat other Player Characters who have an Orb in their possession. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Wolf must be at least 2nd Dan. Tested?: Yes. Additional Note: This is his Orb Item 4. Kumite Method: Defeat High Kings and collect their Orbs. See Section 2a "Methods" and look for Orb Items. Wolf must be ranked at least Conqueror or Adept in order for him to fight a High King. Tested?: Yes. ============================================================================ 6. ADDITIONAL NOTES SETONDDA ============================================================================ Well, there you have it! A comprehensive (hopefully) guide to items. Before you start treasure hunting, though, here are a few addition notes that can be very helpful to you. Here I will add a few more notes and some suggested game settings for some of the more "involving" methods. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) DAMAGING THE TEMPLE STAGE FLOOR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- At first sight, this may seem to be a daunting task, but it isn't,... well not really. Patience is the key. The Temple Stage Floor comes in 3 layers; the upper tiled layer, the middle tan layer, and the bottom brown layer. For the floor to be counted as "massively" damaged, you must have that bottom brown layer exposed in several areas. Move around the stage to get to all the areas in order to damage them. Follow these steps. For this example, I'll use Vanessa (the Player) and Jeffry (the dummy character). 1) Set the game to 5 Rounds, 400 HP for Both Characters, 60 seconds. 2) For the first round, have Vanessa Throw Jeffry with her basic throw. (Canyon Dive: P+G). Concentrate on one area of the stage, then move to the next as soon as the brown bottom layer is exposed. Do this until Jeffry has only 1 more hit left in his Life Bar. 3) There should be roughly 20 seconds left at this point. For that time, get Jeffry to throw Vanessa. You'll notice that Jeffry's basic throw (Knee Smash: P+G) does NOT do any damage to the floor. In that case, use his Power Slam (f + P+G) instead. Do this until time runs out, or have Vanessa throw Jeffry to win the round before time runs out. 4) Repeat steps 2 & 3 for the next 3 rounds. 5) On Round 5, do the opposite, having Jeffry start the throwing instead of Vanessa. Then have Vanessa throw Jeffry until time runs out or have Jeffry win. Do this for the next 3 rounds. 6) By the time the 9th Round comes along, the Floor should already be pretty damaged. On this round, just have Vanessa throw Jeffry onto the spots that still have some of the upper tile layer. Have her win. 7) Go to Edit File and equip that NEW ITEM! Characters that need this method include: Aoi, Vanessa, and Shun. The throws they should use are: Aoi - Ko'ate (P+G) Vanessa - Canyon Dive (P+G) Shun - Toushu Richu (b + P+G) Vanessa is by far the best dummy character to use in this case. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) WINNING 100 CONSECUTIVE TIMES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, this may seem like an arduous task, but if you use the right settings and if you follow a few of my tips, then it might not take as long as you may think. I will list combos for each character that keep the opponent on their feet, just so that it will be faster to beat them. Follow these steps: 1) Set the game to 1 Round, 160 HP Both Characters, and 15 seconds. 2) If you want, choose a stage with no walls. *Caution: BE CAREFUL if you choose a stage without any walls. You don't want to accidentally fall out at 80 wins! 3) Fight a match and win. At the end, select "Try Again". DO NOT return to the Main Menu OR the Character Select screen as doing so will disrupt your winning streak. 4) Repeat 100X. Tips: Don't select Vanessa or Jacky as the Dummy Character. Their automatic reversals can really slow you down. Time Outs and Ring Outs are counted, so do as you please in this area. Here are some combos that keep your opponent on their feet. You can also use them to plainly push the opponent out of the ring. I'll also list moves that can do the job just as quickly. Combos: Akira: Fujin Shoushitsu Fukkogeki- P,P Pai: Renkan Koutankyaku - P,P,P,f + K Lau: Tenshin Soukoshou - P, b + P, P Wolf: Giant Swing - hcf + P+G Jeffry: Triple Head Butt - b,f + P+G, f + P+G, f + P+G Kage: Ko'enraku - b + P+G (toss 'em out of the Ring) Sarah: Side Kick Combination - K,K,K while in Flamingo Stance Jacky: Lightning Kick 5 (-1) - d + P+K,K,K,K,(K)(don't do last kick) Shun: Kasenko - f + P,P,P,(K) (don't do last kick) Lion: Renkan Senshou - P,P,P Aoi: Tsumujisakura - f + P,P Lei: Anything - Button mashing works best! Vanessa: Assault Combination - b,f + P,P,P,K while in Muay Thai Stance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) THE EASIER COUNTER COMBO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Counter combos are pretty much one of the more difficult tasks to accomplish. I have found 1, though, that works flawlessly for me. Anytime a task calls for a Counter Combo that has 80+ Damage select Sarah as the dummy character and do this: Sarah's Easy Counter Combo: Dragon Smash Cannon -> Setup Combination -> Combo Somersault Kick (db + K -> df + P,K -> P,P,P,u+K) Example: Wolf's Clerk's Armband. 1) Set the game to 1 round 400 HP Both Characters, and 60 seconds. 2) Set up the characters near a wall, but not right next to it. Let's say about 3 steps away. 3) Input Sarah's Dragon Smash Cannon BEFORE inputting an attack from Wolf. This ensures that it's a counter. 4) Continue the combo. * Wolf should hit the wall BEFORE the Combo Somersault Kick and AFTER the last hit of the Setup Combination, so if he doesn't, adjust your distance from the wall. It just makes the combo a little easier to pull off. 5) You only need to pull this combo off once. So if you do, just finish the match with either Wolf or Sarah. At first, the timing of this combo can be a little difficult to grasp, but once you get used to it, it's a piece of cake. To bad I can't say the same for the next section... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- d) THE HARDER COUNTER COMBO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now this one's a doozy. Practice, practice, practice! Anytime a task calls for a Counter Combo that has 100+ Damage select Sarah as the dummy character and do this: Sarah's Hard Counter Combo: Dragon Smash Cannon -> Setup Combination (X2) -> Combo Somersault Kick (db + K -> df + P,K -> df + P,K -> P,P,P,u+K) Example: Aoi's Semi-Long (Silver) hair. 1) Set the game to 1 round 400 HP Both Characters, and 60 seconds. 2) Set up the characters near a wall, but not right next to it. Let's say about 5 steps away. 3) Input Sarah's Dragon Smash Cannon BEFORE inputting an attack from Aoi. This ensures that it's a counter. 4) Continue the combo. * Aoi should hit the wall BEFORE the last hit of the second Setup Combination or in between the two Setup Combinations. It just makes the combo a little easier to pull off. 5) You only need to pull this combo off once, but ALL hits MUST connect. If the Somersault Kick at the end results as a bounce hit THAT'S OKAY. This combo us MUCH harder as there is an additional Setup Combination in the middle. Since Aoi is a light character, it is fairly simple, but for heavier characters such as Jeffry or Wolf, it could be really hard to get all the hits to connect. (I haven't been able to pull off this combo on those two yet...everyone else is no problem though). This combo is difinitely worth the effort to learn as it gets you Vanessa's elusive Dragon Tattoo and Aoi's "once was a mystery" Semi-Long Silver Hair. This also gets you Lion's Blue Sleeves. Who knows what else. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- e) MAKING A COMEBACK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This has to be one of if not the hardest task to accomplish as there is no sure-fire way of making sure that you win the item. The only thing that I know for sure is that your health bar, MUST be in a critical state (1 sliver of green left) while the opponent's should still be full. Another thing I know is that Large Hitting Combos, whether it be a Wall Combo, a Juggle Combo, or even a Counter Combo (although risky) seem to work really well. Bounce hits are also a crucial part in making a comeback. (I usually win the item if a bounce attack connects). Making the opponent stagger or reversing moves might work. I've noticed that if you mix up large combos with strikes, bounce hits, and the occasional down attack, I usually win the item. I have yet to discover a pattern in all this. In the future, if I find a combo for characters that require this task and works 100% of the time, I'll be sure to include it in this section. ============================================================================ 7. LINKS SKNIL ============================================================================ VFDC: http://www.viruafighter.com This is where you can post messages in the message board called "Versus City". Go under the Kumite Topic and you'll see a list of my posts. Any questions or contributions? You can either post a reply or send me a Private Message. You can also get a lot of Virtua Fighter information that's not item related. A great site! PS: My handle there is MsWayneWayne GameFAQS: http://www.gamefaqs.com THE site for FAQs. It also has a great message board. You can also find neoarchaic's Item Guide here. You should check it out! Japanese Sites: http://homepage3.nifty.com/taka-san/vf4/index4.html http://www2.csc.ne.jp/~vfnnet/boxitems/index.htm http://www19.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/zb4/h_mori/ http://k-free.com/spicy (in the process of reconstruction) Translators: CafeGlobe: http://www.cafeglobe.com/cafe/wotg/index_en.html Altavista: http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr ============================================================================ 8. LAST WORDS ============================================================================ Well, that's it for now. I just want to let you all know that all this effort I'm putting in is not without it's rewards. I feel a good sense of accomplishment when I read this FAQ. Of course, I had a lot of help along the way. All you wonderful people at the GameFAQs and Versus City message boards were all a big help in putting this together. I will continue to update this FAQ once a week until every character's status reads: 100% OF ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED I always finish what I start. This document is Copyright 2002 JD De Guzman If you would like this FAQ on your site, please send me an e-mail to and ask first. That would be greatly appreciated. You may use part of this FAQ for your own, as long as you acknowledge your source of information. Peace!