================================================================= Virtua Fighter 4 Emergency Lau FAQ Put together by Hyun Supul (hyun@earthling.net) (That's NOT earthlinK.net) ================================================================= Revision History: v0.3 April 24, 2002 Fixed more errors, added Urawamari section and crouch dash section v0.2 April 22, 2002 Fixed some errors. v0.1 April 22, 2002 Initial Version Legal: You can distribute this doc freely as long as you don't make money off of it. (Not beyond the cost of reproduction) If you put this on a website, please let me know as courtesy. All the trademarked names are properties of the trademark owners. Contents: =================================================================== - Why this FAQ? - Terminology and legends - Lau Introduction =================================================================== - Move list with frame stat =================================================================== - Move Analysis 1: Bread and Butter - Move Analysis 2: Throws - Move Analysis 3: Secondary but Important Moves - Combos 1: Bread and Butter - Combos 2: Special Situations - Note About Crouch Dashing - Tricks and Setups - Tips on Fighting Against Lau Players ======================================== Appendix: - About the CPU - Web Sources - Acknowledgements ======================================== ============================================================================ INTRODUCTION ============================================================================ Why this FAQ? ============================================================================ A character guide should have something more than a lame-o movelist (which is on the manual) or some lame four lines long "strategy". This guide will try to give some basic information on what works against human competition. I am not a Lau expert. But since there were no Lau FAQs--not even bad ones-- here is an "emergency" Lau FAQ designed to hold things up until a more complete guide is available. For the Lau veterans from VF3, "Secondary but Useful Moves" section could be more of interest than the "Bread and Butter Section." Possible Future Revisions: Compilation of damage stats for combos. And maybe a minor counter list like the one found in ReCharredSigh's excellent Akira FAQ. ============================================================================== Before we begin: Terminology and legends ============================================================================== Stick directions: b/u u f/u b n f b/d d f/d P Punch button K Kick button G guard button FC = from crouch CD = crouch dash MC = Major counter. Interruting your opponent's attack during its execution mC = Minor counter. Attacking your opponent while s/he is recovering from a move. HCF = half circle forward HCB = half circle backward Closed Stance & Open Stance ------------------------------------- These refer to the relative feet positions of you and your opponent. The following diagram shows the feet positions of you and your opponent when looked down from above. YOU X X The other guy X X The above is "open stance." YOU X X The other guy X X The above is "closed stance." ============================================================================= Lau Introduction ============================================================================= Lau has been progressively weakened in each incarnation of VF. Yet he continues to be a power to be reckoned with. And in VF he is easier to use than ever. That makes Lau a good beginner character. Heck, he is even a good button masher's character. (But mashers are not players.) Lau is best played aggressively. The fundamental, most basic idea of VF4 Lau is this: Dash out attacks. When your opponent blocks, throw. When your opponent fights back to avoid throw, juggle. Dash out attacks. Rinse and Repeat. About Lau's Storyline -------------- If you are interested in the stupidiest fighting game storyline ever conceived (which is saying a lot) just read the "story" presented in the manual of the PS2 version of VF4. I don't think anyone accused Yu Suzuki of being worthy of Shakespeare, anyway. Onto the game. . . ============================================================================== Move list with frame stat ============================================================================== The movelist here is based on the movelist found on VirtuaProject (www.virtuaproject.com) The damage and frame stats are for the Version C (AKA PS2 version) DMG = Damage points LVL = Hit level h = High m = mid m* = special middle (can be blocked crouching) l = low l* = special low (can be blocked standing) EXC = Execution time in number of frames BLK = Advantage time when blocked HIT = Advantage time when hit CNT = Advantage time when counter hit TT = turn toward ***Normal Attacks*** ==================== Name |Cmd |DMG |LVL | EXC BLK HIT CNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- punch |P |12 |h | 12 +2 +5 +10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- low punch |d+P |9 |l* | 12 -4 +3 +5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- elbow |f+P |19 |m | 14 -4 0 +6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- elbow-spear palm |f+PP |20 |mh | 21 -4 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- kick |K |25 |h | 14 -5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sidekick |df+K |21 |m | 16 -5 0 +8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- low kick |d+K |15 |l | 15 -14 -9 -3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Punch String*** ====================== Name |Cmd |DMG |LVL | EXC BLK HIT CNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- punch-heel kick |PK |20 |hh | 14 -8 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- double punch (PP) |PP |10 |hh | 8 -7 -6 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PP-heel kick |PPK |20 |hhh | 15 -10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- triple punch (PPP) |PPP |12 |hhh | 10 -10 -9 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PPP-crescent |PPPK |40 |hhhh | 17 -15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PPP-sweep |PPPd+K |30 |hhhl | 17 -27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PPP-kickflip |PPPb+K |20 |hhhm | 10 -23 -13 -5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- punch-crescent |P(hits) |30 |hh | 15 -16 |K+G | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- punch-sweep |P(hits) |30 |hl | 19 -1~-5 |d+K+G | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- punch-lifting palm |P,b+P |20 |hm* | 17 -5 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- punch-lifting palm- |P,b+P,P |22 |hm*m | 25 -14 double palm | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Knifehand Strings*** ========================= Name |Cmd |DMG |LVL | EXC BLK HIT CNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- knife hand |df+P |13 |m* | 15 -4 -4 +3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- down knife-punch |df+PP |10 |m*h | 9 -9 -5 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- down knife-p-p |df+PPP |12 |m*hh | 10 -11 -10 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- down knife-p- |df+PPPK |40 |m*hhh| 17 -15 crescent | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- down knife-PP-sweep |df+PPP,d+K |20 |m*hhl| 17 -27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- down knife-PP- |df+PPPb+K |30 |m*hhm| 10 -23 -13 -5 kickflip | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- down knife-punch- |df+PPK |20 |m*hh | 14 -7 -4 kick |df+PPK | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- lifting palm |FC,df+P |22 |m | 15 -1 -7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *lifting palm-punch |FC,df+PP |12 |mh | 13 -3 0 +5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- lifting palm- |FC,df+P | | | super knife | ,df+P+K |18 |mm | 20 -14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- lunging knife hand |df,df+P |22 |m | 23 +2 +3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- lunging knife | | | | hand-punch |df,df+PP |12 |mh | 9 +1 +3 +5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Low Kicks And Sweeps*** ========================= Name |Cmd |DMG |LVL | EXC BLK HIT CNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- low kick-heel kick |d+K, n+K |19 |lh | 19 -13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- double low kick |D+KK |10 |ll | 19 -14 -6 -6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- low kick-sweep |D+K,K+G |12 |ll | 18 -19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- lunging sweep |f,d+K |25 |l | 23 -18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sweep |d+K+G |30 |l | 24 -17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Other Moves*** ============================= Name |Cmd |DMG |LVL | EXC BLK HIT CNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- spear palm |b,f+P |24 |h |13 -6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- heel kick |FC, n+K |30 |m |15 -9(-10) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- body blow |b+P |18 |m |22 -5 0 +8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- body blow-kick |b+P,K |18 |mm |18 -10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- turn away palm |b,b+P |30 |m* |23 -11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- turn away palm | | | | -crescent |b,b+P,K+G |28 |m*m |32 -11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- turn away palm | | | | -sweep |b,b+P,d+K |25 |m*l |18 -6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- turn away palm |b,b+P,d+P |18 |m*m* |27 0 0 +7 -knife hand | | | | (contunues into PP.. | | | | string) | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- double palm |P+K |20 |m |23 -12 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- double palm |hold |40 |m |52 (charge) |P+K | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- overhead smash |d+P+K |21 |m |22 -10 -1 +5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- super knife |df+P+K |30 |m |21 -14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- elbow strike |f+P+K |25 |m |20 -9 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- uppercut |b+P+K |22 |m |22 -6 +3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- uppercut-spining |b+P+K,P |22 |mh |17 -9 elbow | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- evading palm |d|u,P+K+G |21 |m |24(26) -13(-14) 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sidekick-punch |df+KP |15 |mh |19 -3 -8 +4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sidekick-punch-spear |df+KPP |15 |mhh |16 -3 palm | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- backflip kick |ub+K |30 |m |20 -15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- cartwheel kick |uf+K |20 |m |20 -14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- kick-crescent |KK |30 |hh |22(16) 0~-3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- crescent |K+G |30 |h |25 -6~-7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- super crescent |f+K+G |35 |h |15 -20~-22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- reverse crescent |b+K+G |30 |h |20 -13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Ground Attack*** ===================== Name |Cmd |DMG |LVL | EXC BLK HIT CNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- jumping pounce |u+P |25 |g |32 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ground stomp |df+K |13 |g |19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***throw*** ============= -All the throws here are high throws Name |Cmd |DMG | EXC BLK HIT CNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- water wheel drop |P+G |30 | 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- shoulder whip |df,df+P+G|60 | 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- roaring thunder |f+P+G |50 | 8 enters forest | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- roaring thunder |f+P+G |60 | 8 enters forest[wall] | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- willow wheel drop |b+P+G |45 | 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- willow wheel drop |b+P+G |60 | 8 [wall] | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- stumbling trip |b,d+P+G |10 | 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- choking vortex |b,f+P+G |50 | 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- talon vortex |P+G |40 | 8 [side] | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- firece tiger attack |P+G |50 | 8 [back] | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***With your Back toward your opponent*** =========================================== Name |Cmd |DMG |LVL | EXC BLK HIT CNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TT sweep |d+K |22 |l | 16 -17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TT knife hand |d+P |20 |m | 14 -3 -2 (into PP. . string) | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- reverse kickflip |ub+K |30 |m | 26 -10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- drop kick |u+K+G |30 |m | 22 -22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TT punch |P |12 |h | 11 +3 +6 +11 (into PP. . string) | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TT kick |K |30 |h | 10 -8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***wall*** ================= Name |Cmd |DMG |LVL | EXC BLK HIT CNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- jumping kick off the wall |f+P+K+G |20 |m | 43 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- backflip off the wall|uf+P+K+G | - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***hopping*** =================== Name |Cmd |DMG |LVL | EXC BLK HIT CNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hopping knife |u+P |15 |m |21 -5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hopping punch |u+P(hold)P|25 |m |26 -9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hopkick |u+K |20 |m |16 -6 +13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- landing sidekick |u+K(hold)K|20 |m |16 -6 +13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- landing sweep |u+K(hold) | | | |d+K |20 |l |20 -2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hopping sidekick |uf+K+G |32 |m |25 -2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== Move Analysis 1: Bread and Butter ============================================================================== ==================== Pokes and Strings ==================== P (The universal jab) d+P (The universal low punch) ------------------------------- These are the water you drink and the air you breath. How well you use these can make difference between victory and defeat and scrub and a master. You can use these moves to stop your opponent's attacks. You can use these to keep your momentum as you rush. You can use to setup throws. You can use these to set up juggles. Let's look at the numbers (in frames) P d+P Execution Time 12 12 Advantage When Blocked +2 -4 Advantage When Hit +5 +3 Advantage When Counter-Hit +10 +5 At 12 frames they are some of the fastest moves in the game. They don't have great reaches. But in close range they become difficult to interrupt. And more importantly, with the exception of d+P when blocked, they give you ADVANTAGE even when blocked. This forces the opp to be on defense and you can force throw-strike guessing game on your opponent. COnnecting these moves are great ways to turn the table around when you are on defense, and maintain your momentum when you are offense. Jab (or low jab) into throw is a technique that you need to learn by heart. When your opponent starts to stop your "poke-into-throw" attempt, then you switch to juggle or stagger moves. Once your opponent starts turtling, then you poke into throw. You get the picture. f+P (elbow) ------------------------- Lau's elbow is, quite possibly, the best in the game, rivaled only by Jacky's elbow. If it hits as counter, you get 6 frame advantage which means you can go for throw much the same way as low-punch-throw set up. If it hits a croucher, you get a stagger, forcing throw/juggle guessing game on the defender. It's entirely possible to become a tournament winning Lau just relying on these three moves--punch, low punch and elbow. These provide your high/mid/low pokes and setups for all your throws and juggles. d/f+P,P (downknife followed by a punch) ------------------------------- Think of this as mid hitting version of the jab. However, it's very important to remember that this move DOES NOT give frame advantage like the above two. PPP PPK PPPK PPPd+K PPPb+K (punch strings) d/f+PPK d/f+PPP d/f+PPPK d/f+PPPd+K d/f+PPPb+K (downknife-punch strings) -------------------------------------- These are your basic Lau strings. They all share P or d/f+P as the starter meaning that they are some of the fastest moves in the game. At least when they start, that is. You can be in a world of hurt if any of them get blocked or ducked. They guarrantee throw for your opponent if they get blocked. (That's right, even PPP! As matter of fact, Throw is guarranteed even if PPP hits.) As far as these strings go, there are two types of Lau players. The first one is the orthodox type who will never use these strings unless the opponent is already airbone. There is nothing wrong with this approach and in fact is recommended. The second type mixes these strings against standing opponent. This second type, again divides into two groups: 1. Scrubs. Seasoned players will simply block their PPPd+K or PPPK and crush them. 2. Stylish types who know what they are doing: Now if you want to be this type, it's important not to abuse the above strings in a predictable manner. Mix up, and make use of the delays. (They all can be delayed substantially in different parts.) Mix these up with the shorter strings so that your opponent never knows what comes up next. It's nice to know that if the first hit of the PPK or d/f+PPK hits against male characters, the rest of the string guarranteed. As far as using these moves in combos, refer to the combo section. ==================== Juggle Starters ==================== Super knife (a juggle starter!) d/f+P+K ----------------------------- Lau's most easily accessible juggle starter. You can almost think of this like Lau's juggling knee. In most cases you will be able to follow up with d/f+PPPd+K. If you score a counter the whole combo takes off 40% life bar. You need to be aware of this move's weakness however. First, at 21 frames of execution time, this move is one of the slower moves in the game. A good defender can easily block this on reflex. And once you get blocked, for the defender, throw or punch strings are guarranteed. (-14 frame advantage time once blocked.) Turn away palm (a juggle starter!) b,b+P ----------------------------- This move has been weakened in the PS2 version compared to the arcade version. But it still remains to be one of Lau's important juggle starters. Immediately follow up with canned d+PPPd+K if it hits. Compared to d/f+P+K this move comes out slower and more easily interrupted. But there are other merits of this move. 1. You can directly continue to d+P or d+K follow ups after this. Actually, let me be honest. Even if you do a good player can jab you after blocking b,b+P and before you can do d+P. But it can intimidate less experience players to keep blocking. Will write more on this section if I can find a safe way to use this move. 2. This move is a more reliable juggle starter than d/f+P+K when dealing with the heavyweights. (Jeffry and Wolf) b,b+P,d+PPPd+K will always work even against Jeffry and Wolf. (If the first hit hits) While d/f+P+K doesn't always juggle high enough for combo against Jeff and Wolf. Spear Palm (a juggle starter! sort of. . .) b,f+P ---------------------------- Clearly one of the best moves in the game. It executes at 13 frames (faster than Lau's elbow!) and allows you to combo once it hits. Probably the only real bad thing about this move is that it hits high. (Meaning that your opponent can duck or low punch under this move.) Refer to the combo section for the follow ups. This also takes drinking point off Shun when it connects. lifting knife FC,d/f+P (continues into PPPx strings sequences) --------------------------------------------------- Back in VF2 days, this was Lau's primary juggle starter. Combined with Lau's monstrous juggle options back then, it was the single most feared Lau move. However, these days it has been toned down so it should be now considerd a secondary juggle starter. This can be still very useful if used right. This move starts juggle if hit as a counter. YOu will rarely use this move alone but with the Px sequence that can be followed. All the PPPx sequences can be started from this move so you can do: FC,d/f+PPPPK FC,d/f+PPPPd+K FC,d/f+PPPPb+K FC,d/f+PPPK. . . And so on. Here is an example of usage: You low punch to go into crouch, than execute FC,d/f+P,P. If your opponent tried to hit back after your low punch, he will be floated and you can continue onto d/f+PPPd+K juggle. Mixing low punch, lifting knife with low punch, throw sequences can be a good attack pattern for Lau. ======================= Sweep and Heel kick ======================= Lunging Sweep f,d+K ------------------------ This is Lau's most important sweep against a standing opponent. This arguably is one of the best sweeps in the whole game. It's fast. Ducks under high attacks and even middle attacks in many situations. And you can even juggle off this sweep if the opponent doesn't quickrise/techroll.(Look at the combo section) This move still has a few drawbacks, however. First, this move can be reversed by Akira and Aoi. Secondly this move is half-circular. This means that this sweep can be evaded if the opponent sidesteps to the correct direction. (Unlike most other sweeps in the game that can't evaded.) And as with most sweeps in the game, you are screwed bigtime if you are blocked. The fact that you have 23 frames of disadvantage when blocked means that your opponent can throw out pretty much whatever they want after blocking this move. In case of another Lau for example, they can return rising heel kick (FC, n+k) and there isn't a thing you can do to block. Those with low throws can low throw. Those with elbow can elbow-stagger you. AKira can SPOD you. And so on. Despite these risks, when used right this move is too good to ignore. Just don't abuse it. Heel Kick FC, n+K ---------------------- Depending on your playing style, this could turn into the second most important mid level move next to elbow. This is a fast, long ranged mid level move that knocks down. To do this move you have to be in crouch first then move the stick to to neutral as you hit K. In general you use this move from: 1. After a low punch. Mixing Low punch-throw sequence with low punch-heel kick sequence is another good pattern. 2. Out of crouch dash. This is where crouch dash shines. In Vf4 crouch dash is not too difficult to do. It's highly recommended you practice crouch dash till you can comfortably move back and forth only using crouch dashes. 3. Out of side-tech roll. You recover crouch after techrolling sideways. So you can execue this move just by moving the stick to neutral and hitting K as you tech roll. If you get proficient with crouch dash you can execute this move instantly from standing position. ============================================================================== Move Analysis 2: Throws ============================================================================== Make no mistake. Even though Lau is equipped with multitude of strings and combo starters, he still needs to throw just like everyone else. I am not afraid of Laus who know how to juggle. However I am deadly afraid of Laus who know how to juggle AND how to mix up throws. These are some of basic throw set ups you need to learn: 1. Block and throw. (You need to learn which moves of your opponent give you at least 8 frames of advantage after you block. These are "guarranteed" throw situations. All your opponent can do is to enter escape throw command.) 2. Poke into throw. P, d+P, d/f+PP, f+Px are all good set ups for this. 3. Anticipate your opponent's evasion/dodge, then throw. b,f+P+G ----------------- Lau's biggest guarranteed damage throw. d/f+K stomp is guarranted after the throw, giving 63 damage total (50+13) You should be able to do this throw in your sleep. b,d+P+G ----------------- This is Lau's biggest POTENTIAL damage throw. The throw itself doesn't do much damage (10 points) But you have a multitude of possible follow ups that do enough damage to change tide of the battle. If your opponent doesn't struggle, you can go for d/f+P+K,d/f+PPPd+K for total of 80 points of damage. If your opponent struggles, buffered b,f+P is guarranteed. Well, if your opponent is slow to rise you can just delay b,f+P if you want, rather than going for other juggle starters. Or you can play even more demoralizing psychological game: Simply let your opponent stand up and block, and go for another throw. As you can see b,f+P+G and b,d+P+G are Lau's most damaging throws and should be your primary throws. But sooner or later your opponents will break out of these throws. Also there are some situations where it's advantageous to go for other throws. Let's take a look at them. d/f,d/f+P+G ------------------ Compared to the arcade version, this throw has been weakened in the PS2 version. Still, at 60 points of damage this throw is Lau's another strong throw. Together with the above two throws, you have enough basis to fuel your throw game. Having three high impact throws makes Lau a serious threat in the throw department. P+G --------- Lau's basic P+G throw. With d/f+K stomp it does 43 points of damage (30+13) While damage is not so great, this can be used to throw those opponents who are intent on escaping your command throws. Also this switches the positions of your opponent and the ring. This is true even if the throw is escaped. So this is the most reliable way to switch the position if needed. So here is one devious idea: If you have your back against the edge of the ring, and you have throw opportunity, use this throw. b+P+G --------- Lau's "ring-out" throw. Most players will be weary of this throw if you have your back against an edge of the ring. In other cases this throw is rarely escaped. So while the damage is not so great (45 points) it maybe worthwhile to mix it up time to time. Oh, if you have your back against the wall, this also turns into a special wall throw that does extra damage. f+P+G -------- Use this throw if: 1. This will throw your opponent out of the ring 2. This will smack your opponent against the wall 3. You have a wall right behind your back. I don't I need to explain #1. As far as #2 goes, this will let you JUGGLE your opponent as s/he bounces off the wall, creating a monster damage combo. In case #3, f+P+G becomes a special wall throw that does more damage than usual. (60 points, plus guarranted d/f+K ground kick for total of 73 points of damage.) ============================================================================== Move Analysis 3: Secondary but Important Moves ============================================================================== Extra note: P+K, b+P+K, d+P+K, and f+P+K have certain "evasive property" that can evade punch or low punch or other short ranged moves during their execution. It's somewhat difficult to explain when exactly these moves can override what moves. Just try to mix these moves in your game and develop intuition. b+P+K b+P+K,P --------------------- This is one of the Lau's most useful new moves. b+P+K can evade certain moves during its execution, including high and low punch. Moreover, this string has other qualities that make it very useful. 1. b+P+K juggles if hit as major counter. Although the canned follow up P is guarranted in this case, it's recommended that you go for d/f+PPPd+K as juggle finisher. 2. The second hit in b+P+K, P can be delayed heavily. So you can force a guessing game against your opponent after b+P+K gets blocked or hits without counter. 3. If the second hit hits as major counter, it creates head crumble. Go for d/f+PPPd+K f+P,P (elbow-palm string) --------------------------- Although I am categorizing this as a secondary move, this is an abusable move depending on the situation. The palm is guarranted if the elbow hits. BUT, it's important to know that you actually lose initiative even if it hits (-1 frame) So any character can easily interrupt you with a jab if you go for repeated f+P,P. If your opponent doesn't have a fast punch, d/f+Px sequences are recommended after b+P,P hits. Or you can go for b,f+P. If you think your opponent will try to interrupt with you a jab or elbow, you can go for lunging sweep (f,d+K) after f+PP. Remember that if your opponent is good, s/he can duck under the palm after blocking your elbow. This move takes drinking points off Shun. f/d,f/d+P (lunging palm) ---------------------------- Yet another Lau move that starts PPP. . . string. This juggles on major counter. You can think of this like FC, d/f+P except it's slower and have longer range. This is a classic way to "close the distance" between you and your opponent so you can continue rush. (And if it major counters you can directly go into a juggle.) d/f+K (sidekick) ------------------------------ While this move is not as useful as elbow because of slower speed, remember that this gives you whopping 8 frame advantage on major counter. d/f+K,P,P ----------------------------- Sidekick followed by punch and spear palm. In general it's better to use the first two hits (d/f+K,P) so you can continue on your rush. This can be used as an alternative way to close the distance. As usual, the spear palm part takes a drinking point off Shun. f+P+K ---------------------- Another good evasive move that can duck under high attacks. If this hits as major counter, it causes Tekken style double over stun. (In VF terminology, we call it stomach crumble or kuzure.) After the stun go for d/f+PPPd+K. If your opponent crouches, this move will stagger. while side steping, P+K+G ---------------------- This is another double over stun/stomach crumble creator. On major counter, just like f+P+K, you can follow up with f/d+PPPd+K. (Warning: This doesn't cause stomach crumble on the arcade version (verison B)) b+P,K ---------------------- Another fairly useful string. If K hits as counter, it will land your opponent on his/her butt, much like Jacky's f,f+K. In this situation you can basically force your a juggle/throw guessing game against your opponent. If your opponent doesn't struggle fast enough, you can go for d/f+PPPd+K which becomes a juggle combo. While the string is not really delayable, there is a built in delay between b+P and K. So it can be used to catch unsuspecting opponents or play throw/strike guessing game after b+P hits or gets blocked. b+P also takes drinking points off Shun when it connects. P+K (can be charged) ----------------------- When this hits, it knocks down. But in general no combo follow ups are possible. When charged this move becomes a guard crusher. b,f+p is guaranteed after a fully charged p+k is blocked. When your opponent is against the wall, the charged version of this move will slams the opponent against the wall even if blocked. You can immediately follow up with b,b+P,d+PPPd+K. d+P+K ------------------------ A good anti-low punch/anti-high punch attack. Use it if your opponent abuses low punch or frequently tries to jab you. Be warned that you can be thrown if blocked. But against inexperienced players, this would look very much like b+P. u+P or u/f+P ------------------------ Hopping knife (not to be confused with pounce that happens when the opponent is down) Actually this can be even a better anti-low punch move since it juggles. (Follow up with d/f+PPPd+K) Use this to interrupt and juggle all kinds of low attacks. b+K+G ------------------------ This is a circular attack that has a sidestep built into it. This is a quite useful move to use in medium range as it has good priority thanks to its circular pattern and built in side step. Also this is one of the moves that are difficult to tech roll from after getting hit. (If the opponent fails to tech roll, go for u+P pounce.) u/f+K ------------------------ Jump kick that can be used to start juggles. Be warned that you can be thrown if blocked. u/f+K+G ------------------------ Although this doesn't juggle, it recovers much faster than u/f+K. After it gets blocked, you can gamble by throwing out b,f+P to hit the opponents who are not aware of the move's fast recovery. u+K ------------------------ This could be a very useful move if used right. This hop kick juggles if hit as a counter. (follow up with d/f+PPPd+K) If it hits without a counter, you get a lot of advantage time. b,f+P is guarranteed as long as it's buffered. Or you can go for throw or other juggle. lifting knife, super knife FC,d/f+P, P+K --------------------------------------------------- I decided to put this move to "secondary moves" section because the value of this move over the normal lifting knife or super knife is somewhat dubious. Sure this is a juggle starter, but just using the normal lifting knife string is safer and works just as well. This move however can be a decent juggle finisher. Refer to the combos section. Low kick strings: d+K (single low kick) d+K,K (double low kicks) d+K,n+K (low kick, heel kick) d+K,K+G (low kick, sweep) ----------------------- In particular, d+K,K is used a lot by scrubs. You can use them if you want to. But it's critical to know this: even if low kick hits, you can be low thrown! A good Wolf or Jeff player will love you for throwing low kicks against them because then they have guarranteed low throws. (I know, since I am a Jeffry player.) And if AKira blocks them, his double palm is guarranteed. You can occasionally use single low kick as poking tool if you want. And throwing out low kicks when your opponent is about to die happans quite often in real matches. But it's important to know that you don't have advantage even if low kick hits, unlike jabs and low jabs. All the follow ups after the single low kick either hits low or high. Not good. You can occasionally delay sweep or the rising kick hoping to trick your opponent. But in general keep the use of these strings to minimum. ============================================================================== Basic Strategy and Flow Charts ============================================================================== At the most basic level VF4 boils down to rock, paper and scissors. Blocking beats strikes. Throws beats blocking. Striking beats throw. Heck, even real life sports like baseball or such could be reduced this kind of idea. Of course in reality things are more complicated. In VF4 we have reversals, parries, sabaki (Deflecting moves) and sidestep/evade and so on. In that sense, Lau is one of the most straightforward characters in the game. Lau doesn't have reversals or a variety of stances. He however has balanced aresenal of strikes and throws. Lau's basic offensive philosophy should be: 1. If opponent defends standing, throw or sweep 2. If opponent ducks, stagger, juggle, or d/f+P or f+PP rush. 3. If opponent strikes back: jab, low punch, sweep, or evade, use one of the moves that have evasive properties (such as b+P+K, d+P+K, P+K or f+P+K or may be even b+K+G if you feel cocky), or block and force the opponent into defense. Lau has plenty of options to turn the table around and go on offense. The idea is that you vary your attacks to force your opponent into one of the above mode, and as soon as he changes his defensive option, you change your offensive option. As far as distance goes: Lau is best at medium-to-close range where your punches can hit but the opponent's low punch wouldn't. COnnecting elbow palm puts you and your opponent into this ideal Lau range. As far as playing style goes. . . There are, IMO, three major types of Lau players. The first is Pai-type Lau. These type of Laus are not big into juggles. But rather into pokes, rushes, and throws. They use flurry of punches and will throw you once you start blocking. The second type of Laus are Jacky-type Lau. They are the most boring type but could be deadly in their effectiveness. They basically use jab, low punch and elbow, throws and little else. They will rarely commit to risky moves so difficult to fight back. Just like the boring Jackys that they resemble, these Laus can be very frusting to play against. The third types are the classic Lau-type Laus. They play a little like Pai-type Laus but will frequently commit to combo/juggle starters. Which type Lau you should be, is up to you. Just find the style that fits you and the situation. A sample flowchart: After jab, low punch or elbow(f+P) connects: ---------------------------------------------- -throw if you think they will block. Much better chance of success if the above moves hit as counter. -Another elbow or sidekick (d/f+K) if you think they will try to duck. They may also interrupt low punch attempt if the above moves hit as counter. -f,d+K sweep if you think they will retaliate with high or mid attack. -juggle starter (risky but worth trying after throwing your opponent several times) Or other "evasive moves" -jab or low punch to keep the rush going After elbow stagger ----------------------------- -throw -juggle starter -f,d+K sweep After elbow gets blocked ------------------------------ Take a defensive move, such as: -low punch -evade (with throw escape buffered in) -go for evasive strike moves ============================================================================== Combos 1: Bread and Butter ============================================================================== Air juggles and such. . . After d/f+P+K or FC, d/f+P,P+K PPPd+K d/f+PPPd+K PPPK or d/f+PPPK after major counter (or use as wall combo) p,b+P,P After b,f+P spear palm (many of these combos become bounce combos for med and heavy weights) P,b+P,P reliable and good damage d+P,d+K,K Doesn't have great damage but reliable. d+P,n+K Stance dependent. Only if you were in closed stance before connecting the palm d+P, FC, d/f+P,P+K Stance dependent. Only if you were in open stance before connecting the palm PPPd+K d/f+PPPd+K After FC, d/f+P,P (major counter) PPPd+K d/f+PPPd+K After f+P+K (major counter) d/f+PPPd+K sidestep+P+K+G (major counter) d/f+PPPd+K After b,b+P hits d+PPPd+K Works Against Everybody. d+PPPK Works against lightweight (ie girls) after major counter. Combos that work only if your opp doesn't tech roll ======================================================= After f,d+K (sweep) PPPd+K FC, d/f+P,P+K FC, d/f+P,P,b+P,P b+P,K (normal hit) d/f+P+K D+K,K u/f+K+G D+K,K ============================================================================== Combos 2: Special Situations ============================================================================== Juggles from throws ================================= After using f+P+G to slam your opponent against the wall: PPPK d/f+PPPK d/f+PPPd+K After b,d+P+G if the opponent doesn't struggle: d/f+P+K, then juggle b,b+P,d+PPP,d+K if the opponent struggles: b,f+P, then juggle General Wall Combo Theory ================================== Air Wall Combos ------------------------ Lau is a serious powerhouse when it comes to wall combos. If you manage to slam your opponent in middle of PPP. . . sequence, you can often finish the combo with high crescent kick (PPPK) instead of sweep (PPPd+K) which does more damage. And when you slam your opponent against the wall with that last crescent kick, you can often add u+P pounce. The reason is that, in VF4, after you get slammed "hard" against the wall, you can't tech roll to avoid ground attacks. Also, some moves that normally don't allow you to juggle, such as b+P+K,P or P+K, turn into juggle starters if they manage to slam the victim into the wall. Just add PPPd+K or d/f+PPPd+K as they bounce off the wall. In the similar vein, hitting the wall at the right time can extend your combo. For example, againt Vanessa I once did this: d/f+P+K, P(g) f+PP (Vanessa hits the wall), PPPd+K Standing Wall Combos ------------------------- Also, when you manage to hit the opponent with his/her back against the wall, you create extra long stun. (You can distinguish this situation by the special wall stun animation.) In this situation, often a follow up move becomes a part of the true, unescapable combo. Here are some examples. P+K (fully charged) against a blocking opponent with his/her back against the wall: d/f+PPPd+K d/f+K (major counter or normal hit) against an opponent with his/her back against the wall u/f+P+K f+P,P d/f+PPP. . .etc Lau is one of the best characters when it comes to pushing the opponents across the ring toward the wall. Make good use of this ability. ============================================================================== Note About Crouch Dashing ============================================================================== While all the VF4 characters can benefit significantly if you can crouch dash comfortably, Lau is one of the characters that especially benefits from crouch dash. Out of crouch dash you can execute lifting palm (FC,d/f+P) and heel kick (FC, n+K). Both moves can be very useful when used right. You can actually buffer crouch dash into recovery time of one of your move to execute instant heel kick or lifting palm. For heel kick I like to do d/b, d/b, n+K. For lifting palm, the standard and most common way to do this is : f/d,d,f/d+P (Rolling motion) If you do f/d,f/d+P you will get a lunging palm instead. So a slight modification of crouch dash is necessary in this case. ============================================================================== Tricks and Setups ============================================================================== Okizeme Trick When your opponent falls face down, head toward you ================================================================== This is one of the peculiarity of VF4 game engine: If your opponent techrolls sideways after falling "face down, head toward you" position, you can do the following: Short dash forward, sidekick (d/f+K) If you timed it right, you will find your sidekick hitting your opponent on his back, staggered with his back turned toward you. Now you are free to smack him from behind. This set up may sound complicated. But you just need to know what situations create this set up, and watch if your opponent tech rolls sideways. Then nail his tech roll with a sidekick. Normally, there are three different situation when you can create this setup with Lau. 1. After major counter f+P+K, followed by a juggle. 2. After major counter evading palm (evade+P+K+G), followed by a juggle 3. After a wall combo that causes the opponent to fall face down For #1 and #2 you might want to go for d/f+PPK instead of d/f+PPPd+K if you want to set up for this trick. (That way you have more time to maneuver.) After a sucessful backstagger with d/f+K sidekick, pretty much anything goes. Go for a juggle starter. Do your worst. Urawamari (AKA Going over your fallen victim go to the other side) =============================================================== Compared to VF3 this trick is not as useful. In ideal situations, you will end up on the other side of the fallen opponent while at the same time making your opponent's rising attack go the wrong way. This was easier to do in VF3 but not as useful in VF4. Still, if you insist on doing this trick, two moves that can be used by Lau for this purpose are: f/d+K and d/f,d/f+P. Try this after one of your throws. (Except b+P+G) ============================================================================== Tips on Fighting against Lau Players ============================================================================== Lau in general is weak against the players who can make good use of evade, as most of his attacks and strings tend to be linear. If you have auto parry/reversal against punches (Jacky, Vanessa, Lei) make good use of them to stop his punch rushes. If Lau abuses f+P,P, learn to the duck under the second hit. Refer to b,d+P+G stumbling throw section to learn what to do after getting thrown by this move. One thing worth remembering is that if the Lau stops his PPP string without finishing it with a kick, you can throw immediately. If the opponent's Lau is good he will delay the kick to interrupt the throw attempt. But it's nevertheless important to remember that you have this option. This way you force Lau to use his risky moves. Low punch is your friend. ============================================================================= Appendix A: The CPU opponents ============================================================================= Q: How do I beat the Kumite CPU opponents? Guess what, I DON'T CARE! This FAQ was primarily meant to help you play against human opponents, not how to "BEAT THE DUMB CPU SO I CAN COMPENSATE FOR MY DEEP-ROOTED INSECURITY BY SPAMMING MY KUMITE RANK AROUND WHICH NO ONE CARES." (Any email sent to me that asks about beating Kumite CPU or items will be summarily ignored. As far as items are concerned I suggest you to check Mitchell Wareham's excellent VF4 PS2 item guide.) Look, the PS2 version of VF4 is designed so that a monkey can become a first dan. And the Kumite opponents with higher ranks are basically "super-human retards." They often show a super human ability to block or even escape throws in most obscure situations. But by and large all kumite AI opponents are jokes. They fall into stupid patterns and don't even do the most basic combos. (CPU Akira is better in this aspect. . . but still a superhuman moron.) Being able to beat AI opponents hardly amount to any significant achievement. You could be a High King or Emperor for all I care, but if you just used cheesy CPU tricks or predictable patterns you could be killed by the first decent human player that comes in your way. **On the other hand**, -------------------------- Information in this FAQ should still be helpful even if your primary focus is playing against the CPU. If you learn the basic Lau patterns and combos listed in this FAQ--as well as the game basics that they teach you in the PS2 trial mode--you should be able to climb up the kumite ranks without too much difficulty. If you run into situation where it seems the CPU opponent blocks everything, you should learn when you can go for throws. And you should keep rotating different throws so the CPU won't break out of them. And attacking the rising opponents should be an integral part of your game, either against CPU or humans. Overall, try to learn the patterns and combos in this FAQ, which should help you against both human and CPU opponents. And try to stay away from using cheesy anti-CPU patterns so you can improve your game. ============================================================================= Appendix B: Web sources ============================================================================= This guide never meant to be an all-inclusive guide for VF4 and you are encouraged to look for other sources. www.virtuafighter.com Probably the English site with the most traffic. To access the site's forum, click on the link named "versus city" You may find useful info if you take patience to wade through the posts. If you have less patience, the site also has its share of organized info. It has move list, general text FAQs, and character guides for Lion, Lei, Jeffry, Pai and Sarah. www.virtuaproject.com An excellent, information oriented site. It has systems info, extensive movelist, combo list (in progress) and damage data for the mathheads, and more. For media and a list of non-English links, FeixaQ's Vf4fx website (http://www.clandxm.com/vf4/) is recommended. You will find a collection of VF4 play video footage from around the world. CreeD also maintains FTP mirrors of VF4 videos. (ftp://vf.dyndns.org) ============================================================================== Appendix C: Acknowledgements ============================================================================== The movelist is based on virtuaproject.com's Lau movelist. Thanks to the people there. I should also thank the people from VFDC who gave me feedback and suggestions. (Alucard, Robyrt, CreeD and Mr Bungle) Note about contacting me: Contributions and comments are welcome. However, individual questions, in general will NOT be answered. (Let's face it, what's the point of writing a FAQ if I have to answer individual questions anyway? Try first to digest the content in this FAQ and study the web sources suggested. If you still can't find answer to your question, post a question on one of the forums. If it's really a FAQ, I may address it in a future revision.)