===Shun Guide=== Version 1.00, Shun Di guide for Virtua Fighter 4, Ver C. 16 of December, 2002. IMPORTANT NOTICE This guide is for personal use only, and may not be edited without direct, written consent from the author. You may distribute this guide but it must not be changed in any direct or indirect way, and must be distributed for no profit, be it personal or commercial. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. All praise, criticism and general comments can be sent to the author by email, at TesmarHost@hotmail.com. ===Foreward=== This Shun FAQ has been written as a guide for beginners and experts alike who need help mastering Virtua Fighter's Drunken Old Man. Many people (myself included) have difficulty starting with Shun, as Shun's main weapon is deception, which is just as hard to learn as his long and varied command list. This guide will help you understand not only command lists and combos, but the most valuable tool that every Shun player has: Deception. ===Legend=== P = Punch K = Kick G = Guard u = up uf = diagonal up and forward d = down ub = diagonal up and back f = forward df = diagonal down and forward b = back db = diagonal down and back QCF = quarter circle forward ( d, df, f ) QCB = quarter circle back ( d, db, b ) HCF = half circle forward ( b, db, d, df, f ) HCB - half circle back ( f, df, d, db, b ) ===Contents=== 1.Summery of Shun tactics. 2.Command List. a)Stances. (and moves to enter them) b)Command List. c)Throws. d)Moves from Different Stances e)Moves that Aquire Drinks. f)Moves that Require Drinks. 3.Combos. 4.Mastering Deception. 5.Additional Notes. 1. ===Summery=== As stated previously, Shun is a character which uses deception as his tool. You can often tell the differance between a good Shun player and an average Shun player, as a good Shun player will confuse his opponent at every turn, often making them believe that they have the upper hand, and then surprising them with a well timed attack. Shun is also a hard character to master, as his command list isn't quite as impressive as other characters. He doesn't have punishing hits like Akira, or super speed like Pai, or some of the huge lifebar-sucking combos of Lau, but what he does have is a mixture of all sorts of attacks, including some hard hitting attacks, some super speedy attacks, and even some good combos to go with them. Because he is a mix of so many different moves, he can't really punish another character by using speed like Aoi, or damaging throws like Wolf, because only a few of his commands will have propeties like those of other characters. Instead of Shun having amazing speed or damage, he has the power of deception which has advantages and disadvantages just like speed or strength. Shun is not an easy character to master, but when you do master him, he is one hell of a powerfull Old Man. 2. ===Command List=== a)--Stances-- 'Drunken Stance' - Useful for short to midrange attacks. f+K - Short range mid level kick. Should be executed from just outside the range of a standing P as it is way too slow to interrupt a quick P. Has high priority even on block so if you land a hit with it a common tactic is to try another. The most common tactic used with it is f+K,(from drunken stance) K, P. If the f+K into Drunken Stance is blocked then it is advisable to not go for the second K and use the P straight away. K,K(hold last K) - Is not useful for the transition into Drunken Stance unless the K,K hits the opponent. If it does hit you will also have to hop backwards a few steps in Drunken Stance (using b) to avoid a quick attack when you opponent gets up. K+G(hold K+G) - The usefulness of entering Drunken Stance after K+G is questionable to say the least, but it still can be an effective tactic. If the K+G is blocked, the opponent will be pushed back slightly, but the only move that would beat your opponent would be a K. If the K+G hits, then you are on about equal ground with your opponent when it comes to recovery time, so yet again a quick attack is needed, your most likely choice would be yet again a simple K. In both situations a K+G could also be considered, as your opponent will be at close range, and will most likely do a high attack. b+K+G(Hold all) - A useful transition into Drunken Stance with a useful move. Be warned as because moves from Drunken Stance are almost all short ranged, and by using b+K+G you will distance yourself from your opponent, giving him a possible advantage of range, so be ready to exit Drunken Stance if you have to. 'Handstand Stance' - Useful for it's P+K rolling attack and bicycle kick (K). Good for an opponent that is not ready. HCB - Normal way to get into Handstand Stance. Will move very little from your current position when executed. u+P+K - Another way to enter the stance without attacking. Will hop back into the stance one step or so, meaning it's very useful for dodging short range attacks. Because you options are limited in Handstand Stance, do it near your opponent when they are executing a short ranged attack, so they do not see the transition coming. P+K,K,P+K+G - This is useful as it's a quick transition into Handstand Stance and an attack at the same time. Because the K after the P+K is not guaranteed, most likely the K will be blocked. If it is blocked, then do not make the transition into Handstand Stance, as your opponent will have a good advantage. The best way to make the K hit is to delay it ever so slightly so that the opponent thinks he/she has a chance to attack you, only to be interrupted by your K. P,P,K,P+K+G(Requires 8 drinks) - P,P,K in itself is a very good attack, but has the same problem with the P+K,K, as the K must hit or your opponent will have the advantage. Use the same tactic as the P+K,K attack and delay your K. 'Lying Down Stance' - Useful if your attacks catch your opponent off guard. HCF - Normal way to enter Lying Down Stance. Does not attack opponent. d (From Drunken Stance) - Only useful if used as an evasion from a high/mid attack. Otherwise too slow for anything else. u (From Drunken Stance) - Only useful if used as an evasion from a high/mid attack. Otherwise too slow for anything else. 'Sitting Down Stance' - Useful for drinking at the end of a victory. d+P+K - Normal way to enter Sitting Down Position. P+K (From Drunken Stance) - Too slow to have any use during a match. b)--Command List-- P,P,P - A high, high, mid string. Last P is never guaranteed. Too slow for any practical use, but a single P is still useful :D. f+P,P,P,K - A complex high, mid, high, mid string, but a useful one. Any P in the series can be ended by the K at the end of the series, the combinations being: f+P,K f+P,P,K f+P,P,P,K. The other interesting thing about this string is that if the string is P,P, the time gap between the punches will be quicker than the gap between a P,K. A few things to note about choosing whether to do a P,P and a P,K are: Because the gap between a P,K is longer than the gap between a P,P, if a P,K is executed, and the P is blocked, then an extra twitchy player will actually be able to enter a single P in between the P and the K, giving them a counter and the advantage. It is recommended that if you end the series with a K, that you make sure the P before it hits, to prevent button mashers interrupting you. The other factor of a P,K is that although your opponent will not get a huge advantage if he/she blockes the K at the end of a simple P,K string, if the P hits the slightly longer delay causes the K to not be guaranteed, meaning you will lose your advantage. If you do a P,P, then it is impossible for your opponent to enter a single P between them, even on a block. The downside is that if a P,P is executed, you will have longer recovery time on a hit and even on a counter than if you had done a P,K. This means that if it hits, you will end up being on pretty much equal terms with your opponent, and have more chance of losing any advantage that you had. In the end, if you want to keep on top of your opponent, then the P,K will be your best bet. You should only be doing a P,K or a P,P if you think it is going to hit, don't throw it around like a single P or Crouching P as it's recovery time isn't great. The P,K in the end wins out because if it hits the K can't be interrupted (it's hard to interrupt anyway), and the recovery time on a hit isn't as punishing as if you had done a P,P. The P,P can still be used if you are at the end of a match, and need the damage of two guaranteed hits (P,P) instead of one guaranteed hit (P,K). Other things to note are: The more Punches you enter into the string, the worse the recovery time gets. f+P,P,K is pretty much the limit. As you can use the K at any time during the string, you can also delay it at any time of the string. It's a common tactic to use a P,K (or most commonly) a P,P,K and delay the K to surprise the opponent. Because the first P hits high, it cannot be used for ducking opponents, like most character's f+P attacks. A better mid attack is df+P. df+P - Shun's standard mid attack. Moves forward quite far and fairly quickly, but it's weakness is in its recovery time. The recovery time of Shun's df+P is not very good if blocked, and because it moves you close enough to your opponent to let them throw you, a very nasty guessing game can take place. If the df+P hits, it will not give you and amazing amount of an advantage, but it's definately useful. A guessing game that has come from the df+P is doing a df+P,df+P,throw string. The string works because the way the df+P hits, it looks like Shun is in recovery time, so the opponent might try an attack, even if the df+P hits. To stop your opponent in his/her tracks, you do a second df+P, which, if the opponent is attacking, will counter giving you the advantage, and make your opponent think twice and start guarding. Now that your opponent is expecting a striking attack, you can throw your opponent, making it a very nice setup. One thing to remember is that you are always in a bad position if the df+p is blocked, so use it's advantage of distance and speed to hit your opponent when they are dashing foward/back. df+P is also good for buffering when it hits, and you can even get a Chouwan (QCF+P) in if you are lucky. b+P - An excellent attack, which turns the opponent around. Although nothing is guaranteed from a b+P, your opponent will have to make a guessing game to whether you will use a mid or low attack, or a throw. An excellent attack to use after a b+P is db+k,k, as it's first hit is low and it has good range/speed. If you think your opponent will block low, then a df+p or a df+k will work very well. The attack overall is very good as far as speed/damage are concerned, the only disadvantage being that it hits high, so the best time to use it is to inturrupt your opponent are at mid range from your opponent, so that he/she cannot duck/guard against it. b,f+P,P,P - Shun's fastest punching string, ande a much better alternative to the normal P,P,P. Each punch also moves Shun foward ever so slightly, giving it an advantage over a normal P. One intersting fact about the string that unlike the f+P,P,P,K string, which has worse and worse recovery time the more punches you enter into the string, the statistics of b,f+P and b,f+P,P,P are identical, save one frame, and the b,f+P,P is at the disadvantage. The end result is that because if the first punch hits, all punches after it are guaranteed, so you can enter b,f+P,P,P with very little risk. A single Punch is good for interrupting attacks or counter-attacks, and a P,P,P string is very good for finishing off your opponent, as it's speed is blinding. b,df+P - A quick sliding uppercut that hits mid and crumbles on hit, giving a guaranteed db+P,K. It must be used from a medium range, as it can be beaten by fast attacks. It also ducks under high attacks. The only disadvantage is the awful recovery time if it's blocked. It might also be dodged but it's very fast and most people dodge at a closer range. A highly underestimated, and underused move. d(hold d)df+P - Another sliding move, but with a slightly longer range and doesn't duck under high attacks. It also holds another similarity to it's other sliding move in that it crumbles on counter, and guarantees a d+P, db+P,K. It should be used in the same way as b,df+P, from a medium range, to interrupt a dashing/attacking opponent. db+P,K - db+P is a good, reliable move in Shun's arsonal. Because of its speed it's a special low. It's very useful for interrupting an opponent from a close to medium range. The db+P should only follow with the K if you delay the K to try and trick your opponent, or use it when the opponent is defenceless (ie:While in the air), but only use it when you are certain that the K will hit, as it has an abominable recovery time if blocked. K,K,P/d+P - K,K is an amazingly damaging move, as whenever the first K hits, the opponent floats slightly, making the second K guaranteed. The K,K can also be followed by a P or a d+P, giving a tiny bit more damage. The P/d+P when blocked is pretty useless, as only the P can be used without giving the bad recovery time that the d+P gives. Any good VF player will duck after the K,K, meaning that if you go for a d+P you will have bad recovery time, and if you go for a P you will be at the mercy of a ducking character that is about to counter you. The only real disadvantage of the K,K is that it hits high, so it's a no go for ducking characters. Some other useful tips are the second K can be purposely delayed, and that if your opponent does a low attack during the middle/end of your K,K, you will hop over it. d+K - It's fast, it picks off damage, and Shun ducks very low to the ground whenever it's used. Although one of the best low kicks in the game, don't use it too often, as your opponent will use the recovery time of your blocked d+KS to your disadvantage. u+K (also u+K+G on PS2) - Shun's famous mule kick certainly isn't easy to use, as it's got a very slow execution time. Don't let that discourage you though, is when it connects it's a very nice move to have. It's best used at a mid range, and usually executed before your opponent is going to attack, which makes it a difficult move to use. One good time to use it is if you are in a frenzy of quick blows with your opponent, like d+P, f+P, df+P etc. If you are both in an offensive flurry then the chances of your opponent attacking are much higher. The best time to use it is in one of these flurries, just after you have hit with a quick move that gives you an advantage of just a few frames. If it's too few frames, then you won't have time to execute the kick. If it's too many frames your opponent will block the kick, giving them a very good advantage. After the quick attack to interrupt your opponent, VERY quickly buffer in the u+K. I have seen an u+K buffered in immediately after a d+P counter. The d+P was at the precise range, so that if the opponent did an elbow, it would still have some time to travel, and the mule kick was done immediately after the counter. The Mule kick causes a flop, leaving your opponent open to different combos. Although it has to be timed precisely (about the moment when your opponents legs get to the peak of the flop, and are just about to flip back down to the ground) you can enter F+P,P,P, which is the most common follow up to a Mule. You can add an extra K at the end if you have more drinks, but the best on a damage/drink ratio is an u+P pounce (which is what i use). Also a tactic that has been discussed before is using f+P+K after the Mule for DP, (Drink Points) but if your opponent keeps on their toes they will tech roll after the f+P+K and launch an attack during the drinking animation. df+K - Shun's sidekick. Causes stagger on crouch hit, and is Shun's only stagger move (apart from the last K in the P+K,K string, which is not as accessible). It's vulnerable to evade attacks, but is other wise a very good option if you need to do a mid attack. Shun's game can be helped alot by moves which guarantee or at least increase the chance of a hit so using df+K for follow ups for hitting your staggered opponent can be very useful. db+K,K - One of Shun's best weapons, right up there with the Chouwan (HCF+P), df+P,P,K, df+P etc. attacks. Because the first kick hits low while Shun is still in a standing position, it's adds greatly to Shun's deceptive playing style. The range of the kick, is actually quite a long way for such a powerful attack, and the second kick reaches just a bit further. This move is not used nearly as much as it could be by Shun players, and is one of those moves that you must always have at the back of your mind. If the timing is right, it will even track players that evade the first kick. That's not to say that it doesn't have its disadvantages. If your opponent blocks the first kick, then expect some punishment, but if you execute it at the right time, then your opponent won't even see it coming. Generally, you want to use this on your opponent during the heat of battle, when they least expect it. Good times to use the db+K,K are: Just after dashing backwards or fowards, as your opponent will most likely think that after a dash that a simple mid or throw will come out. When your opponent is dashing towards you. Just after your opponent gets up from a crouch. You should be using this move quite often, but not when the chance of it connecting is low. You should do it when the examples above happen, or when your opponent least expects it. Because you will probably be using it often, throw in a quick mid like a df+P or df+K when you would normally do the db+K,K to keep your opponent guessing. HCF+P - Shun's all famous floater move: The Chouwan. Has decent range, good damage,a decent recovery time and most importantly sets your opponent up for a damaging combo. Like the db+K,K it should be used alot, but even more that the db+K,K. Because of the way Shun leans in when he executes the Chouwan, it's almost like a poking move, and is good for interrupting an opponent when they are about to execute an elbow or other attack at mid range. It's also a mid special, so it won't completely whiff when your opponent ducks. A good tactic is to buffer the Chouwan while doing another move. Buffering the Chouwan while doing a single P or a df+K (if it hits) is an excellent tactic. Use this move often, as it is the starter for Shun's most dangerous combos. K+G - Another important move for Shun. It's execution time is average, but it's a mid so it's excellent on crouching opponents. It's also half circular, so it gives your opponent only a fifty/fifty chance of evading it successfully. You can add a P to the end of the K+G, but it is too slow to be of any use. Stick to using the quick, simple K+G to beat down your opposition. b+K+G - Yet another important move (!). This move makes Shun hop back a long way across the screen, kicking as he goes. It's a mid, best used at a close to medium range. It's an incredible move if your opponent is on the offense all the time, and if you're being hassled by lots of quick Punches and elbows, then you can take a dash back and execute the b+K+G while your opponent moves to attack you. The move isn't perfect though, as it takes just a bit of time for Shun to start hopping, so very quick moves like singles Punches will interrupt him. Also if you pick the wrong time and your opponent blocks the kicks, then they can get a good followup at the end of the move. Another thing to remember is that if you hold K+G after the move is finished, you will go into Drunken Stance, giving you more follow ups for your opponent to manage. It's also used commonly as an okizeme move, executed just as your opponent is about to K to get up from the ground. d+K+G(hold down d) - Shun's standard sweep. Quite slow, but your opponent won't see it coming if you play your cards right. Actually increases damage if you are further away. d or u (pressed quickly for an evade) P+K+G - Shun's evade move is, in my opinion, one of the best evade moves in the game. It's quick, does good damage and has quite alot of range as well. It can even be used if your opponent is dashing in from far away. bd+P+K+G,P or bu+P+K+G,P - A very useful dodging attack for Shun. The only one of any real use out of the P+K+G dodge attack moves. Use just as your opponent is attacking, to stop them dead in their tracks. c)--Throws-- P+G - Shun's standard, impressive looking throw. Adds four drinks. Should not be used if your opponent is good at throw escapes, the drinks aren't worth it. b+P+G - Does the same damage as P+G but is harder for people to escape. A commonly used move. df+P+G - Ends throw with Shun behind the opponent, with an advantage. The most common follow up is Chouwan (HCF+P), b,f+P,P,P, f,f+K. Another commonly used throw by Shun players. b,df+P+G - Essentially the same as df+P+G, only does 10 points more damage, and requires six drinks. Use it as an alternative to the above move. d,f,u,b or u,f,d,b+P+G - Shun's 270 degree throw. Requires 10 drinks to use, and gives you a whopping 6 if you succeed in using it against your opponent. It's important to be able to do this throw quickly and consistantly, even though not all of your matches with Shun will end up with him having 10 drinks. The incentive of huge damage and 6 DPs is enough for any Shun player, and it can be used quite successfully during a match. A good tactic, although difficult, is to evade an attack launched by your opponent and VERY quickly enter the 270 throw. If you get a chance to use this throw, then go for it, because with it's huge damage, it can turn a match quickly to your favor. d)--Moves from Different Stances-- 'Drunken Stance' P - Essentially the same as the b+P, and just as useful in Drunken Stance. K - A high priority, short range kick. Can interrupt even after block. K+G - A short range, low damage attack much like a sweep in the d+K+G,K,K series. Is useful at close range, especially when you think your opponent is going to use a high attack. 'Handstand Stance' K - Only use when you absolutely know it will hit. The fastest attack from Handstand Stance and useful as it's a mid. P+K - A very useful rolling attack. Will roll under high attacks and hits mid. If you hold G just after execution it will fake the roll, and immediately enter Lying Down Stance, useful for giving your opponent a nasty surprise. 'Lying Down Stance' K,P,K - A useful move that hits mid, high, mid, all guaranteed after first hit. Does a large amount of damage as well K,P,d+K,K(Ten DP required) - A variation of the above move, but hits with a disorientating mid, high, low, high, and is also guaranteed after the first hit. d+K - A nice sweep move, giving the Lying Down Stance a mid/low guessing game. Will exit Lying Down Stance when executed. f+K - A quick, low hitting move, useful for when you have to advance quickly in the Lying Down Stance. 'Sitting Down Stance' P+K+G - Adds three drinks. At the end of every match, you should drink once with P+K+G, and then enter sitting stance and press P+K+G again. The only useful move in the Sitting Down Stance :P :D. e)--Moves that Aquire Drinks-- P+K+G - Standard move for aquiring one DP. Use when far from your opponent or when safe. P+K+G(From Sitting Stance) - Use at the end of the match for DPs. P+K+G(From Lying Down Stance) - Another alternative to gain DPs after a match. If Shun wins the match with a very quick move, such as a P, then you can quickly input a HCF and hit P+K+G twice for six drinks instead of four. Very hard to time. f+P+K - Will avoid some high attacks, and does give you three DPs, but is so slow that it's better left alone. P+G - A good throw for getting four DPs, but is the easiest to escape. P+G(From behind opponent) - You can't really plan to get a back throw, although it might be possible to get one after a b+P, but extremely unlikely. Adds 5 DPs. b+P+G(Opponent's back must be near wall) - Again it's hard to plan an attack like this. Also adds 5 DPs. d,f,u,b or u,f,d,b+P+G - An excellent way of getting 6 drinks, but requires 10 DPs to execute. f)--Moves that Require Drinks-- P,P,d+K,K - A good fast combo that introduces a mid/low guessing game between P,P,P and P,P,K,K. Requires 6 DPs. HCF+P,P - An extra punch for the Chouwan, giving it just that little bit extra damage. Can be delayed for a surprise attack. Requires 6 DPs. df+P,P,K,P+K+G - Adds a guaranteed P after the df+P, and also adds a K that can be delayed and stumbles on crouch hit. Enter P+K+G to enter Handstand Stance after the string. Requires 8 DPs. K,K,d+P,K - Adds a very quick low P and special mid K to an already excellent attack. Needs a whopping 16 drinks to execute. d+K+G,K,K(hold D for whole duration of attack, but execute K+G in the first few frames - A very quick set of three, low damaging sweeps, commonly called Drunken Sweeps. Requires 1DP for d+K+G, 6DP for D+K+G,K, and 7DP for D+K+G,K,K. f,f+P+K - A flying headbutt with longe range and bad recovery time. Will sacrifise 1DP when used. Although it looks useless, may be able to be used when tensions are high, such as the end of a tough match. Requires 8 DPs. 3. ===Combos=== HCF+P,P,HCF+P,df+P (this is with 5 or LESS DPs) - Closed stance only. You must hold df immediately after the second HCF+P or it will do Shun's down attck. HCF+P,P,df+P,P,K,P+K+G - Closed stance only. You must hold df immediately after the HCF+P or it will do Shun's down attck. Optional P+K+G to go into Handstand Stance to set up your opponent. Requires 6 DPs. u+K, u+P(pounce) - u+K, f+P,P,P,K - Time first P just as the opponents legs are about to flop back down to the floor. Last attacks will only hit if you have a certain amoumt of DPs. d,df+P(hold down d), d+P, db+P,K - b,df+P,db+P,k - 4. ===Mastering Deception=== This is the theory only part of my Shun guide, and as such, will probably be very hard for me to explain. As said before, Shun's main weapon is deception, and mastering it can be very difficult. I wondered whether I should try and explain this to anyone who is starting out Shun, as it may be something that only comes with experiance. Never-the-less I will try and explain what Shun is all about. There are a few reasons why I did not include any flowcharts in this guide. I didn't want to spark any debate as to which flowchart is better than another. I didn't want people to just use the flowcharts suggested, as there are still more Shun tactics to be found. Learning your own flowcharts and seeing what will and will not work will help you understand how Shun's deception tactics work. Shun's flowcharts, are at least in their most basic form, endless. Yes some moves will work better than others in certain situations, but if you do an evade move like db+P+K+G,P, depending on a lot of things, the follow up will be different. Shun's flowcharts must be deceptive to be successful, and as anyone who has seen a deceptive Shun in action will know, the tactics and flowcharts change by the second. For Shun to be deceptive, he must be ever changing, and so should your tactics. I said in the Command List under db+K,K that because you will use it often, you should throw in some mid attacks to confuse your opponent. This is what I mean by Shun's deceptiveness. You must take what your opponent is expecting, and give them the opposite. If you stagger your opponent, don't do what is obvious, and go for striking attacks. Wait for your opponent to recover and attack you, and then evade and counter-attack. Or you could go for a throw. It's doing what is unexpected, and unconventional that is important. I included alot of moves in the command list, but I didn't put in one move that I think you can't use in a match. There are quite a few Shun players that try to play like Lau, constantly doing moves like df+P, d+P, P, throw etc., but they do not have a high win ratio. They don't use the db+P+K+g evade attacks, or the d+K+G,K,K Drunken Sweeps. They probably never exit their default stance. Some people would say that Shun doesn't have a good enough command list to be doing these other risky moves, but it isn't true. These deceptive and strikingly different moves are what gives Shun his strategy. I remember the famous Shun player SHU doing a b+K+G, and then holding K+G to make the transition to Drunken Stance. Alot of Shun players don't even use b+K+G, and those that do don't even think about entering Drunken Stance. But SHU's strategy didn't end there, as because he had gained distance from his opponent, he had plenty of time to hit d in Drunken Stance and enter the Lying Down Stance. SHU's opponent thought he could attack SHU while he was down, so he dashed in. SHU performed the f+K attack in Lying Down Stance. SHU missed, by the closest of margins, and lost the round (but not the match). Although the attack didn't work, I was astonished by the tactic used, and I thought it was just bad luck that SHU misjudged the range of the attack. I had never even thought of entering Drunken Stance from a b+K+G, and had SHU hit his opponent, his amazing stunt would have paid off. This is the type of flow chart I am talking about when I talk about Shun's deceptiveness. Not only did he escape his opponent, he changed stance, twice, keeping his opponent on their toes. Anyway I know this description has been long and vague :D so I hope you enjoyed my guide and good luck with your Shun playing. :D:D:D 5. ===Additional Notes=== I didn't include every move in the command list, and every combo available, simply because these are the tried and true combos that work on most characters, and there are some moves in Shun's command list that are simply useless. If you have any feedback, again send it to TesmarHost@hotmail.com. I would especially like any suggestions on how to improve the guide in any way. I can also be contacted on the www.virtuafighter.com forums under the name DrunkenCat, and sometimes on the #vfhome IRC channel under the name Pred1ct.