GameFAQs FAQ Of The Month (February 2003) Award Winner "On the loose, I'm a truck, the rolling hills I'll flatten them out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t's herd behavior... It's EVOLUTION, BABY!" - Pearl Jam =============== ASCII Art by Atom Edge =============== War Of The Monsters PlayStation 2 written by: David "Zoop" McCutcheon e-mail: version: 8.0 date: 10/01/03 this document is Copyright 2003 David McCutcheon. ~ NOTE ~ Due to new regulations, this document will ONLY BE HOSTED BY GAMEFAQS.COM, FFMILITIA.COM, NEOSEEKER.COM AND IGN.COM! Do NOT e-mail me to ask if you can host my FAQ, and do NOT post it without my permission. I DEFINITELY WILL TAKE LEGAL ACTION, as my lawyer is one of the BEST IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Thank you. ~ Revision History ~ ~ 8.0 ~ A LOT of updating done from May through October. My sincere apologies for not updating for so long. Enjoy. ~ 7.0 ~ Added more stuff throughout the guide. Yes, it won FAQ Of The Month! I am happy that people, including Ceejay, understood and appreciated the running theme I gave the FAQ. I thought some people would think it was stupid, or not even get it, but you did, and I am pleased that you all enjoyed it so! Thanks! ~ 6.0 ~ Added odds and ends. Enjoy. ~ 5.0 ~ Added to the FAQ Section, and added more strategies. ~ 4.0 ~ Added, and to host this guide. Also reformatted the guide. Woo! Added more to the boss strategies, too. ~ 3.0 ~ COMBOS GALORE!!! Massive amounts of thanks goes to Claw. Check the credits for his awesome site! Also added more tips for Adventure Mode, and the Boss Section. ~ 2.0 ~ Spell checked. Updated Combos, and added more to the FAQ section. ~ 1.0 ~ Whoooaaa... This will take an awful lot of time. But if you're reading this, I guess it was worth the time spent, eh? Keep in mind that the guide is pretty incomplete, but I'm trying hard to make it better. And for those who're fans of my previous work, you know I will make it as best as I can. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* T A B L E o f C O N T E N T S *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~!~NOTE~!~ If you need to find a certain something in the guide, press and hold Control (Ctrl) and press the F key. Type out the word you are looking for, and search. If you're too lazy to do this, don't bother e-mailing or IMing me. Thank you. Table of Contents: I. Introduction Ia. Contact Me II. Story III. Game Overview/Gaming Tips IV. Togera V. Preytor VI. Congar VII. Robo*47 VIII. Agamo IX. Ultra V X. Magmo XI. Kineticlops XII. Raptros XIII. Zorgulon XIV. Adventure Mode Walkthrough XV. Boss Guide XVI. Unlocks XVII. FAQ XVIII. Credits XIX. Disclaimer *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. INTRODUCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Hello, and welcome to my very homely everything-you-need-to-know guide for the amazing game, War Of The Monsters. Believe it or not, this was my very first projected FAQ/Walkthrough, way before I wrote my infamous Ratchet & Clank FAQ. This was the game that got me into writing these walkthroughs, and I hope that a certain game will inspire future FAQ writers to do the same. As always, I hope that you will find this FAQ as satisfactory as that of a player's guide. The basic layout is a bit more complicated for this game compared to my other guides: The Game Overview/Gaming Tips contains the Controls, the common "What does this item do?" section, and the Gaming Tips section, in which I give a few pointers for those struggling Monsters players. The characters have their individual sections, like my Twisted Metal Black guide, and they will include the selected character's Ending (This IS a SPOILER ALERT. I WILL give away the ENDING for each character at the bio, as they are the Origins of each character), Extra Costumes, Advanced Moves, and Special Moves. The Adventure Mode Walkthrough will give you tips on how to defeat the enemies on each stage, including the bosses, and will denote special items to use in each stage, such as locations of Health/Energy Icons, and certain pieces of rubble that will do more damage to your opponent than the casual car. The Boss Guide will basically feature the same strategies as the walkthrough, with the slight exception that I will add user feedback to this section. The Unlocks section will feature the prices for every single unlockable item on the menu. The FAQ section, as usual, covers everything else. If you have any questions, suggestions, compliments, or quarrels, please feel free to e-mail me. Thank you, and enjoy the guide. -David *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ia. Contact Me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* If you need me for anything whatsoever (as long as it has to do with the guide. Sorry, but I don't feel like hearing about how cute your kitten is if I don't really know you, yanno? Actually, kittens are cute..), You can contact me via e-mail, or sometimes IM. I check my e-mail several times a day; so don't hesitate if you have a question! E-Mail address: AIM: Zoop NOVA Please only e-mail me if it's something you do NOT see in the guide. Try to look for it; If it's not there, feel free to e-mail me. NOTE: Do NOT e-mail me descriptions of the costumes. I plan to finish this section MYSELF. I do, however, need combos desparately. If you see any big Icons in stages that I may have missed, please note them to me. Thank you. If you don't know how to e-mail me, just simply bring up a new, unwritten mail (this varies with different services. It should say "Write Mail" on the button, though) and write out my e-mail address. For the subject, type WoTM FAQ. In the body of the mail, write whatever you like, even hate mail! I don't care what you send, but positive feedback is always nice. But if you're into the hate mail thing, I can dig that, too. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~ II. STORY ~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* The game's storyline is kind of simple and quite funny; Aliens attack Earth in the 1950's, with their flying saucers and laser beams blasting! However, we are smarter than them, as scientists figure out how to stop them. The flying saucers fall from the sky in American glory, we exterminate the aliens, kids grow up wanting to be astronauts, and yada yada yada. But wait... What's this? Ooze and slime are coming from the saucers! Oh no! It pollutes our waters, sewers, and much more! And the result? Mutated creatures that wish destruction upon Earth! This is the (duh-duh-duuuuun!) WAR OF THE MONSTERS! Simple story, isn't it? Now, onto the Basics... *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III. GAME OVERVIEW/GAMING TIPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *************************************** ( CONTROLS ) *************************************** D-Pad = Movement X = Jump O = Pick Up Item/Enemy. Press again to throw item/enemy. [] = Medium Attack / Launch Projectile /\ = Heavy Attack R2 = Block Select = Taunt Start = Pause/Menu L1 + R1 = Lock-Onto enemy [] + X = Nuke Special /\ + O = Advanced Special UP + /\ = Dive Attack Up + Up = Dash *************************************** ( ITEM PICK-UPS ) *************************************** ~!~BLUE ENERGY BALLS~!~ The Blue balls that you will find scattered around the areas (and no, I will not list their locations, as it'd be near impossible) will restore your Energy. To do attacks, and zoom around the stage, you will need Energy. This is indicated by the Blue Bar on the left hand side of the screen. ~!~GREEN HEALTH BALLS~!~ The Green balls that you will find scattered around the areas (and no, I will not list their locations, as it'd be near impossible) will restore your Health. Your Health is needed to survive, and it may be mention by other people as "Life." If you lose enough Health, you will die. ~!~RED SPECIAL BALLS~!~ The Red Special Balls that you will find amongst the rubble, or rooftops, contains the ability to fill up your Energy bar to the point that you will instantly be on your special. If you already have your special full, you will NOT pick this item up. ~!~BLUE ENERGY ICON~!~ Just like the Blue Energy Balls, the Blue Energy Icon will fill up anywhere from 25, 50, or 100 on the Energy bar. I WILL denote their locations in the Adventure Mode Walkthrough. ~!~GREEN HEALTH ICON~!~ Just like the Green Health Balls, the Green Health Icon will fill up anywhere from 25, 50, or 100 on the Health bar. I WILL denote their locations in the Adventure Mode Walkthrough. ~!~CLOAKING DEVICE~!~ The Cloaking Device is quite a nifty... well, device. It is the White Icon that you will find now and then. What it does is exactly what you probably think it does: Cloaks you. You will become invisible, so no one can lock-on to you. Keep in mind that while you're invisible, you can still be attacked. ~!~QUESTION MARK~!~ This is something that you will see from time to time in several stages, and even though it can't help you in a battle sense, it will give you quite a few nice and dandy tips along the way. My girlfriend wanted me to cover all of the tips in my guide, but that's way too much work that will be of no use, considering you can find them yourself very easily in all of the stages. *************************************** ( TIPS AND HINTS ) *************************************** * When you run out of Energy, pick up items, such as cars, rubble, and stones, to throw at your opponent until your energy regains at half * * Another tactic to use when running low on Energy, provided it is ready, use your Special Move * * When your opponent is running away, shoot projectiles at him/her! * * When you are crowded between 2 to 3 monsters, use your Nuke Special ([] + X) to clear the path * * When facing more than one opponent, take it one opponent at a time! If you attack them all at once, it leaves them in the open to go collect health! * * When in an area with a weakened monster, collect as much health in the area as possible so the enemy monster cannot get it! * * If you need to destroy a building, pick up a car, or another object, and throw it at the building. This works better than your fists! * * Reader Lee Daub sent in this noteworthy note: "I was reading your FAQ, and didn't see anything on the glowing hands phenomenom. After defeating an opponent, press the taunt button as they expire. Your character's hands will glow a bright yellow. It doesn't last that long, and I am not sure if it allows you to do more damage, but I thought it was noteworthy." Thanks Lee! * * Reader Angelo Heartilly sent in this lengthy explanation of the above which is worth the read. Thanks Angelo! "First of all, id like to compliment you on your FAQ. WAY TO GO, IDAHO! Now that thats out of the way i will get into what im emailing you about. I noticed that under your tips section near the top of the FAQ someone had mentioned the "glowing hands phenomenom". Im giving myself the pleasure of relating to you all i know about this "phenomenom". I apologize in advance if you have already recieved this information. The state where your characters hands glow is called Rage, you can use it when your energy meter is filled completely up and im pretty sure you can use it any time after that as long as your energy meter is still in the upper half. As for abilities you get from Rage: its timer based, so any attacks you use will not cost energy but it is constantly decreasing(a good way to take advantage of this is to use someone like Ultra V who can really open up on someone with his eye lasers), you do more damage with each strike(although i think the damage modifier resets with each combo and it doesn't work with energy blasts), and I'm pretty sure your speed increases slightly. The Rage lasts until your energy goes down to the halfway point, but you can keep it going longer if you pick up energy power ups while in Rage. My final impression on Rage: Not very useful. You have the potential to do some nice damage but it just runs out too fast, your better off keeping that energy and using it for wiser purposes." * *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~ IV. TOGERA ~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* THE AWAKENING OF... TOGERA! Under the deep blue sea, a creature so big, so destructive, and so full of anger that it is snoring, lies beneath, awaiting a certain something to awaken it from its long sleep, so it can wreck havoc on the innocent... At this moment, a UFO crashes into that very same part of the sea, and the gas zooms into Togera's nose... Above, a lookout ship is searching for the UFO, when suddenly, Togera comes up from the water and screams with vengeance! AHHH! IT'S GODZILLA! COSTUMES! *First Costume: Much like I stated above, the first "skin" for Togera looks much like Godzilla! *Second Costume: This is the awesome purple/green skin. Really cool. *Third Costume: A very bad-ass looking version of Togera, Mecha-style! *Fourth Costume: One of the absolutely MUST OWN skins in the game, this Red Satanic version of Togera is a must-see! SPECIAL MOVES! Up + /\ = Headbutt Down + /\ = Tail Whip Up + [] = Blade Thrust Down + [] = Blade Uppercut! COMBOS! [], [], [], /\, [], [], Up + [], [], [], /\, [], [], Up + [] /\, [], [], /\, [], [], Up + [], [], [], /\, [], [], [] /\, [], [], /\, [], [], Up + [], /\, [], /\, [], [], /\ /\, [], [], /\, [], [], Up + [], [], [], [] /\, [], [], /\, [], [], Up + [], /\, [] /\, /\, [], /\, /\, [], [], [], /\ /\, [], [], /\, [], [], Up + /\ [], /\, [], /\, [], [], /\ [], /\, [], /\, [], [], [] [], [], [], /\, [], [], [] /\, /\, [], Up + [], Up + [], /\, /\ [], [], Up + /\, /\, /\ [], [], [], [] [], /\, [] Reader littledude87 sent this one... "square(3) triangle square triangle(2) then use acid breath ( triangle + circle) " If you have a combo not seen here, please e-mail me at *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~ V. PREYTOR ~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* THE ORIGIN OF... PREYTOR! Locked away inside a cold laboratory, a mad scientist decides to play God with an unsuspecting Preying Mantis... Contemplating his decisions, the scientist looks towards the toxic can containing poison toxins extracted from the recent UFOs that have fallen... He removes the eye-dropper from the toxin and feeds it to the poor Preying Mantis... Did I say poor Preying Mantis? What I meant was poor scientist, as the Preying Mantis enlarges to GHASTLY PROPORTIONS! The Mantis falls out of the scientist's hand, as it becomes too large to fit, and according to the shadows presented on screen, Preytor then EATS THE SCIENTIST ALIVE! Tasty. COSTUMES! *First Costume: Green. Looks like your basic, gigantic Preying Mantis. *Second Costume: Red. This costume looks like a fire ant, much like the ones that you fight in Stage 3 of Adventure Mode. Coincidence? *Third Costume: Mecha Preytor! Very cool looking robot mantis! *Fourth Costume: A Queen Bee! Pretty cool looking, if I do say so myself. Stripes and all. SPECIAL MOVES! Up + /\ = Claw Jab! Down + /\ = Hatchet Claws Up + [] = Headbutt Down + [] = High Kick COMBOS! [], [], [], [], /\, [], /\, /\, [] [], [], /\, [], /\, [], /\, /\, [] [], /\, /\, [], /\, /\, [], [], /\ [], /\, /\, [], /\, [], /\, /\, [] /\, [], /\, [], /\, /\, [], [], /\ /\, [], [], [], /\, [], /\, /\, [] /\, /\, [], [], /\, /\, [], [], /\ [], [], [], [], /\, /\, [], [], /\ [], [], [], [], /\, /\, [], [], Down + [] /\, /\, /\, Up + /\, Down + [], Down + [] /\, /\, [], [], [] [], [], [], [], [] /\, /\, /\, [], [] [], /\, /\, [], [] /\, [], [], Down + [], Down + /\ [], [], [], [], [] /\, [], [], /\ [], /\, [], [] /\, /\, /\, /\ [], /\, [], /\ /\, [], /\, /\ If you have a combo not seen here, please e-mail me at *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~ VI. CONGAR ~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* THE ORIGIN OF... CONGAR! Congar was original NASA space monkey. Yup, he was an honorable monkey, whose brave heart had gone into space to take on the unknown! Sadly, like a bad space mission, Congar's spaceship was hit by an enemy UFO, and very quickly was he launched into space... literally! Like a fireball from the sky, Congar was lucky enough to land back on Earth... But to much surprise, Congar had grown to 50 times of his original size! Talk about your BIG SURPRISES! Ha ha ha! Ha... ha... he... heh... um? COSTUMES! *First Costume: This is your basic huge ape. Most known for making the cover art. *Second Costume: ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN! Actually, this is exactly what Congar's second costume looks like. *Third Costume: Mecha Congar! This is the Congar you see in Stage 4. *Fourth Costume: ICED CONGAR! This is one of the coolest skins in the game, according to everyone and their Grandmother. A big, icy Congar. Coo', foo'. SPECIAL MOVES! Up + /\ = Head Basher Down + /\ = Bigger Swinging Uppercut! Up + [] = Somersault Swing Down + [] = Swinging Uppercut! COMBOS! [], [], /\, [], /\, [], /\, [], /\, [], /\ [], [], [], /\, [], /\, [], /\, [], /\ [], /\, [], /\, [], /\, [], /\, [], /\ /\, /\, [], /\, [], Up + [], Up + [], /\, [], /\ /\, /\, [], /\, [], Up + [], Up + [], /\, /\ [], [], [], /\, [], /\, [], /\, [] [], [], [], /\, [], /\, /\, [] /\, /\, [], /\, [], Up + [], Up + [], [] [], [], [], /\, [], Up + [], /\, [] [], [], [], /\, [], Up + [], [] [], [], [], /\, Down + [], [] [], [], [], Down + [], Down + /\ [], [], [], /\, /\ [], [], [], [] /\, /\, [], [] [], /\, Down + [], Down + /\ [], [], Up + [], [] /\, /\, Down + [], Down + /\ [], [], /\ [], /\, /\ /\, /\, /\ Down + [], Down + /\ If you have a combo not seen here, please e-mail me at *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ VII. ROBO*47 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* THE AWAKENING OF... ROBO*47! Locked away in a lone station on military grounds, a huge robot sits, lifeless and dusty... The robot represents the failure of a military experiment. Right outside, however, lays a recent-crashed UFO... The air looms with poison gas, as it slowly creeps through the cracks in the station... Surrounding the dusty robot, the poison air sinks into the metal, and the robot LIGHTS UP! The robot springs forward, busting through the roof of the station, and looks around... What's this? The robot is looking straight at you? A missile comes out from the top of it's head and... And... RUN!!! COSTUMES! *First Costume: A big silver military robot. That's the best way to describe Robo*47. *Second Costume: Robo*47's second costume is one of two that you fight in Stage 7 of Adventure Mode, Silver with Blue Trim. *Third Costume: The second of the two Robo's you go up against in Stage 7, this one is Silver with Red Trim. *Fourth Costume: AWESOME! It looks like a homemade robot from the 50's! Electricity electrifies the top of its head, as well! SPECIAL MOVES! Down + /\ = Twist And Shout Up + /\ = Hammer Time Down + [] = Uppercut! Up + [] = Sword Jab COMBOS! [], [], [], /\, /\, [], [], [] /\, /\, [], /\, /\, Down + [], /\, /\ [], /\, [], /\, [], [], [] [], /\, [], /\, [], [], Down + [] [], [], [], /\, [], [], Down + [] [], [], [], /\, [], Down + [], Down + [] /\, [], [], /\, [], [], [] /\, [], [], /\, [], [], Down + [] /\, [], [], Down + [], [], [], Down + [] [], /\, [], /\, [], /\ [], [], [], /\, [], Down + /\ /\, [], [], /\, /\, /\ /\, [], [], /\, [], /\ [], /\, [], /\, Down + [], Up + /\ [], [], [], [] /\, [], [], [] /\, /\, [], [] [], [], /\, Down + /\ /\, /\, /\, Down + /\ Up + [], Down + /\ Reader littledyde87 sent in this one... "triangle(2) square triangle(2) square(2) then lock on (hold L1 + R1) then use atomic rocket ( triangle + circle)" If you have a combo not seen here, please e-mail me at *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~ VIII. AGAMO ~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* THE ORIGIN OF... AGAMO! Deep within the Amazon, a tribal worshipper is shown, praising the Agamo statue of peace... But what's this? It seems as if the tribal member has different intentions of presenting this God with a gift, "ancient goo," I suppose. The UFO radiation is poured into the fire boiling atop the Agamo's head, and instantly, Agamo comes ALIVE!!! The villager falls from Agamo as he stretches, then, in a SQUASHING GOOD TIME, Agamo steps on the villager as he runs away, and the villager is stained on Agamo's foot! SMASHING, BABY! Ha... ha ha... ha... heh... hm... COSTUMES! *First Costume: A stone-mossy looking creature that tends to roll his detached head on his shoulders. *Second Costume: A pure mossy-looking skin! Totally tubular! *Third Costume: More statue grey-colored than anything, with a tad bit of acid-yellow. *Fourth Costume: This is the infamous Mecha Sweet Tooth costume. You can unlock this COOL costume for free if you have a Twisted Metal Black save file on your memory card. SPECIAL MOVES! Up + /\ = Crushing Blow Down + /\ = Big Swing! Up + [] = Swift Right Down + [] = Heavy Uppercut! COMBOS! /\, /\, /\, Up + /\, /\, /\, /\ [], [], /\, [], [], [] [], [], Down + [], [], [], [] [], [], Down + [], [], /\, [] /\, /\, /\, [], [], [] /\, /\, /\, [], /\, [] /\, [], /\, [], [], [] [], [], /\, /\ /\, /\, /\, /\ /\, [], /\, /\ [], [], [] /\, /\, [] [], Down + [], Up + Up + /\ [], Up + /\, Down + /\ /\, [], [] /\, [], /\ Down + [], Down + /\ Littledude87 sends us this one! "square(2) triangle square(2) triangle(stuns) then Tiki head (triangle + circle)" If you have a combo not seen here, please e-mail me at *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~ IX. ULTRA V ~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* THE BIRTH OF... ULTRA V! Deep away, somewhere in Middle Japan, and deep inside an underground laboratory, hundreds of scientists roam around, getting in place for the wonderful "injection" they've placed upon their work. A gigantic robot is seen, dead and lifeless, just waiting for the "injection" to take place... The "injection," you ask? The toxic gas from the UFOs. With the UFO attached above his head, the green toxin pours into Ultra V's head, and his eyes LIGHT UP! The scientists celebrate with their success... But what's this? The robot is OUT OF CONTROL!!! He destroys everything in his way as he rockets through the ceiling and into the sky... COSTUMES! *First Costume: The version of Ultra V from the cover. Looks like a cool toy, Blue with Red trim. *Second Costume: Silver with Blue Trim. *Third Costume: Silver with Red Trim. *Fourth Costume: Female Ultra V! Purple and pink with a different jetpack! Some notes from friendly reader Samurai824 about the costumes of Ultra V... "The 3rd costume(skin) is as you describe it, and almost certainly(you can find pictures to back this up) an homage to a legendary Anime-mecha named 'Getter Robo' :) The 4th costume was possibly inspired by Neon Genesis Evangelion and the series' robots called 'EVA-units'" Notes from Matt (Wolf451) "One thing though, at one point you say that Ultra V's name is actually Ultra 5. Something samurai824 should have pointed out to you, Ultra V's first costume is actually a huge rip-off of an old anime mecha Mazinger Z. See how the end of the names sound alike ;-)" SPECIAL MOVES! Up + /\ = Up-Top Jot Down + /\ = Kick Flip Up + [] = Slide Punch Down + [] = 360 Armageddon COMBOS! [], [], Up + [], /\, [], [], /\ [], [], [], /\, [], [], Down + /\ [], /\, [], /\, [], [], Down + /\ [], [], [], /\, [], /\, /\ [], [], [], /\, [], /\, [] /\, /\, [], /\, [], /\, /\ [], [], [], /\, [], /\, /\ [], [], [], /\, Up + [], Up + Up + /\ [], [], [], /\, [], [] Up + /\, [], [], Up + /\, Down + /\ [], /\, [], /\, /\ /\, /\, [], /\, /\ [], [], [], /\, /\ [], [], [], Down + [], Down + /\ Up + /\, [], [], Up + /\, Down + /\ /\, /\, /\, Down + /\ /\, /\, Down + [], Down + /\ /\, [], /\, Down + /\ [], [], /\, Down + /\ [], /\, /\, Down + /\ Reader littledude87 sends this one... "(Triangle circle) square(3) triangle square triangle square triangle" If you have a combo not seen here, please e-mail me at *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~ X. MAGMO ~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* THE BIRTH OF... MAGMO! On a hot day in the blazing Amazon, a UFO has been struck down. Several miles away from the site of where the UFO was struck, a volcano awaits, boiling from the blistering heat. The wounded UFO soon comes into the scene, slowly crashing straight into the magma of the volcano! The green poison gas slips into the lava, creating a ghastly evolution of the magma within the Volcano... MAGMO! And boy, is he HOT! COSTUMES! *First Costume: Dark colors mixed with red and orange to give it the "Molten Lava" look. Really cool. *Second Costume: Magmo's second costume looks extremely bright orange. This is a REALLY cool skin. *Third Costume: Potbelly stove Magmo! This version of Magmo features a "fire- eater" in his tummy. Throw some charcoal on it! *Fourth Costume: Looks much like his second costume, only on FIRE!!! Yes! On FIRE! SPECIAL MOVES! Up + /\ = Double Strike Down + /\ = Double Uppercut Up + [] = One Foot Smash Down + [] = Swaying Uppercut! COMBOS! [], /\, [], /\, [], [], [], /\, /\ [], [], [], /\, [], /\, [], /\, /\ /\, /\, [], /\, /\, [], [], /\, /\ /\, /\, Up + /\, /\, /\, [], [], /\, /\ /\, [], [], /\, [], [], [], /\, /\ /\, [], [], /\, /\, [], [], /\, /\ [], [], [], /\, /\, [], [], /\, /\ [], /\, [], /\, [], [], [], [] [], [], [], /\, /\, [], [], [] [], [], [], /\, [], /\, [], [] /\, [], [], /\, [], [], [], [] /\, [], [], /\, /\, [], [], [] [], [], [], /\, [], [], [], [] [], [], [], /\, [], /\, /\ [], /\, [], /\, [], [], /\ [], [], [], /\, /\, [], [] [], [], Down + [], Down + /\ [], [], [], [] [], Down + [], Down + /\ [], /\, /\ /\, /\, /\ /\, [], /\ Reader littledude87 sends in this combo... "square(3) triangle square triangle sqare triangle then use eruption(triangle+circle)" If you have a combo not seen here, please e-mail me at *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XI. KINETICLOPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* THE ORIGIN OF... KINETICLOPS! A security guard for a local electric company, the human form of Kineticlops was last seen desperately searching for something... A way out, I suppose? And whilst searching under a few electrical towers, LIGHTNING STRIKES! The lightning hit so hard that, mixed with the chemicals from the UFOs in the air; Kineticlops absorbed the lightning, and awkwardly transformed himself into a gigantic eyeball surrounded by electricity! SHOCKING! COSTUMES! *First Costume: Pink electricity surrounds this huge eyeball to give him his own appearance. *Second Costume: AWESOME Green electricity surrounds that pretty little eyeball. *Third Costume: An awesome black with "Blacklight Blue" Eyeball! *Fourth Costume: A GIANT IGUANA LOOKING SEA MONSTER! What this has to do with an electric eyeball, I haven't a clue, but wow, is it COOL! Light green with yellow curves are the colors, and an awesome mouth, to boot. SPECIAL MOVES! Up + /\ = Electric Chair Down + /\ = Electric Uppercut! Up + [] = Electric Jab Down + [] = Electric Avenue COMBOS! /\, /\, /\, Up + /\, /\, /\, [], [] [], [], [], Up + /\, /\, [], [], [] [], [], [], Up + /\, /\, /\, [] [], [], [], Up + /\, /\, /\, /\ [], [], /\, Up + /\, /\, /\, /\ /\, /\, /\, Up + /\, /\, /\, /\ [], [], [], Up + [], /\, /\, /\ [], [], [], Down + [], Down + [], Up + /\ [], [], [], Up + /\, [] [], [], /\, Up + /\, [] /\, /\, /\, Up + /\, [] [], [], [], /\ [], [], /\, /\ [], [], /\, [] [], /\, [], [] /\, /\, /\, /\ [], [], [], [] Reader littledude87 sends in this combo... "square(3) square + down square + down triangle + up then use electric bolt (triangle + circle) " If you have a combo not seen here, please e-mail me at *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ XII. RAPTROS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* NOTE: Raptros does not have an ending, sadly. COSTUMES! *First Costume: Your generic dragon. The same one found on Stage 5 of the Adventure Mode. *Second Costume: Purple and Green mix together to make Raptros' second costume one of the most awesome looking creatures in the game. Bee-yootiful. *Third Costume: Green with Brown Wings. *Fourth Costume: A Skeleton!!! This is one of my personal favorites skins, and it's one of the cheapest in the game. For those of you wanting a big skeleton for the sequel, this is your best bet! SPECIAL MOVES! Up + /\ = Dizzy Dizz Down + /\ = Backflip Juggle Up + [] = Snap! Down + [] = Neck-Connect-Uppercut COMBOS! /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, /\, /\ /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, /\, /\ /\, /\, [], /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, [], [] [], /\, [], /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, /\, /\ /\, /\, [], /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, /\ /\, /\, [], /\, [], [], /\, /\, /\ /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, /\, /\ /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, /\, /\ [], /\, [], /\, [], [], /\, /\, /\ [], [], [], /\, [], [], [] /\, /\, [], /\, [], [], [] /\, [], [], /\, [], [] /\, [], [], /\, /\, [] /\, [], [], /\, /\, /\ /\, [], [], /\, /\, [] /\, /\, [], /\, /\, /\ /\, /\, [], /\, [], /\ [], /\, [], /\, [], /\ /\, [], [], /\, /\, /\ [], [], [], /\, /\, /\ /\, /\, [], Down + [], Down + /\ /\, [], [], [] /\, /\, [], [] /\, [], /\ /\, /\, /\ [], [], /\ Up + /\, Down + /\ If you have a combo not seen here, please e-mail me at *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XIII. ZORGULON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Much like Raptros, no ending exists for Zorgulon. Why not, Incog? His ending could've explained why the UFOs attacked! Darn. COSTUMES! *First Costume: The same exact alien you fight in the UFO stage in Adventure Mode. Green with skin-colored brain. *Second Costume: Just like the above, only Blue with skin-colored brain. *Third Costume: A slug-like colored version of the others. Very gross. *Fourth Costume: This one is pretty awesome! Pure alien skin with one big, red eyeball in the middle of its forehead! SPECIAL MOVES! Up + /\ = Tenticle Tap Down + /\ = Laser Gun Up + [] = Alien Shove Down + [] = UFO Spike COMBOS! /\, /\, [], [], /\, /\ /\, [], [], [], /\, /\ [], [], [], [], /\, [] [], /\, [], /\, /\, /\ /\, /\, [], [], [] /\, [], [], /\, [] [], /\, [], /\, [] [], [], [], [], [] /\, [], /\ If you have a combo not seen here, please e-mail me at *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XIV. ADVENTURE MODE WALKTHROUGH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *************************************** ( DAY OF THE COLOSSUS ) *************************************** Stage: 1/Midtown Park Difficulty: Easy Locations of Icons: +25 health behind the building Congar starts off on (in the corner.) +100 Health Icon in the middle of the park (mid-air) +50 Energy Icon above building behind City Hall +50 Energy Icon above building opposite of City Hall The opening movie sequence kicks off with a bang! Within the Midtown city, as well as the park itself, Congar is seen, destroying up a storm! But what's this? The police! The army! NAMBLA! Okay, NAMBLA isn't there. Sorry. Congar grabs a military vehicle and rips it in two! After this, Congar uses the Congar howl to clear the "path" of military vehicles. He climbs to the top of one of the highest buildings, as he destroys a helicopter. But two helicopters come and try to restrain Congar! But to no avail, with the 'cuffs they've slapped on him only give him support, as he throws his arms down so the 'copters crash into the building below! And now he eyes YOU! This is the easiest thing possible, especially with the default difficulty on "Easy." Your mission, much like the rest of these missions in Adventure Mode, is to crush your opponent(s). What I will do is give you tactics to use IN the level, regardless of character. Feel free to view the characters section (once it's completed) for basic combos and special moves. There are many ways to kill Congar. The first, and easiest, of all of the ways to destroy him is PURE MELEE! Just go in on him with several different combos and other tactics, such as using your Specials (view the Game Overview for more on the controls). If he's getting too much for you in melee combat, simply use your Nuke Special to get him to back off quickly. Then go find energy and health, as well as a Special ball. One of the many other ways, as well as the fastest, is to lure him in a trap and daze him (or spear him with a long pole, which is easier) on the side of one of the two tall buildings in this area. One of the good things to keep in mind is the fact that once you destroy the two tall buildings, they will fall and crush your opponent, given that they are lined up well enough. Remember that you CAN sacrifice one of your lives, as on Easy mode you have three lives on every stage. This will kill both of you instantly, thus, you can move on to the next stage. *************************************** ( REVENGE OF TOGERA ) *************************************** Stage: 2/Gamblers Gulch Difficulty: Easy Location of Icons: Destroy Pagoda to reveal +100 Health Icon Destroy the "Liz Bennett" Theater to reveal a +100 Energy Icon +100 Health Icon atop "Circus" looking building on the end So big, so deadly, so TOGERA! The Godzilla look-a-like is shown in the opening sequence, as he rips a military vehicle in two, then the "Wolverine" claw shows as he slices a chopper in two! Get it? Chopper? Slice? hehe? heh...? Anyways... After this, Togera eyes you, meaning he wants to have a War Of The Monsters! The battle starts off in a straight-forward manner, with a one-on-one confrontation. Much like the Congar battle, give this opponent no respect. It's best to use your time at will here, considering you will have another battle directly after this one, so save the good rubble for the harder battle. Use your basic combos to affect Togera, but keep your mind in place for the spare areas to get ready in the next battle. Once Togera is on the ground, search for the following place to get ready in preparation of Robo*47, your next opponent: See the Pagoda with the flaming dragon head attached towards the bottom of it? Destroy this Pagoda to get the big Health Icon ready for the next part of the battle. This has an added bonus to it in itself, as well: You know that flaming dragon head? It can now be used as a weapon! However, you should save this for your next opponent. As for Togera, you want to finish him off, so across from the Pagoda is a tall building with an Egyptian head on top of it. Destroy the building, and grab the Egyptian head to use it as a weapon! By holding forward and pressing O while locked onto Togera, you can send this boulder-like object towards him to knock him all over the place! If you enjoy these boulder-like weapons, such as the Egyptian head, there's another area, which contains this kind of rubble. See the long building with the pirate ship, and skull in front of it? Destroy the pirate ship! The pieces it presents are exactly like the Egyptian head, and can be thrown in the same fashion. See the castle area? By destroying the castle, you can reveal a Cloaking Device atop of it! You may want to save this for your next opponent, but it's nice to know that it's available to you when you need it. Something else in this area that you can use, and will probably find extremely neat, is the Sword in the driveway of this hotel/resort. Destroy the rock it is in to be able to pick up and use the sword! Note that it does not impale, however. =( After defeating Togera, a cut-scene will ensue. Tons of tanks, military vehicles, and helicopters fly into the force field, along with their marching band leader, Robo*47! One of the things that you will want to note is the fact that you can't get too close to these vehicles, as they WILL shoot you, and take down a lot of damage. Collect the health atop the old Pagoda, and grab the piece of rubble, which is the fire-breathing dragon head. Lock-onto Robo*47 and aim carefully, then throw the rubble at him. This should cause a big explosion, and will do quite a bit of damage, so make sure you take your distance being executing this throw. Go back to the castle and grab the Cloaking Device, then go back towards Robo*47 and use either the pirate ship pieces or the Egyptian head to knock him for a loop. Remember that the military can still hit you, just not as much, while cloaked. Remember to use more Heavy combos with the triangle button, and eventually, Robo*47 will be toasted. *************************************** ( OUTPOST X ) *************************************** Stage: 3/Rosdale Canyon Difficulty: Medium Location of Icons: +100 Health Icon above guarding boulder pillar with boulder atop it. +50 Energy in front of bunker. When you first get to Rosdale Canyon, you notice something is wrong when three Fire Ants come out of their house... However, the bad thing is, the FIRE ANTS ARE AS BIG AS YOU! AHHH!!! Actually, they're very easy. They're red colored Preytors, but they can't fly. They die in one combo, as well. Just use a strong combo to kill each one. There are eight (8) in total, and they come out in threes, except for the final two. Reader TheBigJDMan sends us this nice tip! Thanks! "In the beginning of the Outpost X level (when you're fighting the Preytor- ants, if you toss the boulder onto the hole they're coming out of, it will effectively plug it up, stopping any more ants from entering. This means that if you do it when you're fighting the first three ants, you won't have to worry about the other five." Regardless of which strategy you choose, you shouldn't have a problem, until... *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* > BOSS: ROBOSS < *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ...This comes about. When the opening sequence comes about, Roboss will be on a comfy platform above the battlefield itself. He has a simple pattern that you can go about with two different strategies; so don't worry if one doesn't work. And even then, we have a time-consuming third strategy that is going to work, guaranteed. So go get positioned for combat, k? Strategy 1: The first, and fastest strategy, is to lock-onto Roboss and go to the right portion of the stage. Roboss has an attack, in which he will throw three bombs at you. What you need to do for the first strategy is to time the throw perfectly and intercept the first bomb like you're Shawn Springs and side step to the left to dodge the second bomb and throw the first bomb at him as the second bomb passes you, then intercept the third bomb and throw it at him with ease. Repeat this a few times and he will come down. This is the quickest of the three strategies, but the most complicated. Strategy 2: The second strategy, in case the above doesn't work, is to stand in the middle portion of the stage, and await the Roboss' attacks. What you will want to do here is to intercept the first bomb, and go to the right to hide behind the convenient boulder so the next two bombs do not hit you, then come out of hiding and throw the bomb at him. Repeat this twice as much as the previous strategy, and he will come down. Strategy 3: This one is the easiest, but the slowest of the three. Are you really, REALLY bad at intercepting the bombs? Then you can take this route, you little slug, you! Get in between two of the guarding boulders and dodge every bomb as he throws them, then go collect them (if they didn't explode), pick them up, and throw them at him! Pretty sloppy, but it's effective, nonetheless. After you destroy his first form, the second and third forms will come out for battle. First will be the "Zooming Fan" version (second form) of Roboss. See the middle guarding boulder? Atop of it, as well as the Health Icon, rests a big boulder. Knock it off, which will be easy with a heavy character, and hard with a light character. Once the boulder is on the ground, you now have your weapon. The Roboss "Zooming-Fan" version has a few attack patterns, which include the "Zooming-Fan," "Combo," and "Grab And Attack." First and foremost is the "Zooming-Fan," which is the most popular. During this attack, Roboss will "wind-up" by having the fans on his shoulders spin quickly. He will then zoom at you, which takes down decent health on you. So pick up the boulder while he's winding up and throw it at him by holding forward and pressing O. Then boulder damages him more than anything else. The "Combo" attack is a three hit combo that will send you flying across the screen, which is, in fact, NOT a good thing. Stray from getting too close to the front of the Rosdale Canyon entrance, considering there are a couple of guns that will take down your health at a decent rate. The "Grab And Attack" is very deadly, as he was grab you and... well... attack you. Several times, at that. Then, he will send you flying across the screen. He likes doing that to you, I think. The next version of Roboss, which I call "Twister" (third version), is not a friendly Roboss. In fact, it's the most deadly version of Roboss yet! Using your specials is good, however, not THAT effective, which makes me sad. The two noteworthy attacks he uses in this form are the "Twister" attack, and the "Water Guns" attack. The "Water Gun" attack doesn't do a lot of damage, so you won't have to worry much. Just hide behind the guarding boulder pillars and you should be okay, even if it hits you a few times. For the "Twister" attack, Roboss will begin spinning in a circle with his arms extended. Uh oh. Yes, he will charge at you and hit you in, possibly, a nasty combo. What you want to do here is to not even allow him to get this far, so throw the boulder at him as he winds up for the attack. Something that I will note now is the fact that you can keep throwing the boulder at him over and over again, as long as you're quick. It's best to do it this way, so he doesn't have a chance to attack you. If he does manage to get into the charging "Twister" form, jump up on one of the guarding boulder pillars and attack him with projectiles, over and over again. If you're running low on energy, let up for a few seconds so it will recharge before you run out. Then attack with projectiles some more. If you're a character like Togera or Raptros, use your "Fire" Advanced Special on him, as it does decent damage. After his death, watch the nifty movie sequence, and travel to the next stage. *************************************** ( THE CREEPING CHAOS ) *************************************** Stage: 4/Metro City Difficulty: Hard Location of Icons: +25 Health Icon is located on the building with the Kat's Kradle Dance Club ad on the side of it (tiny) +50 Energy Icon is located in the heart of Downtown Metro City +25 Health Icon is located near the fountain with the trees +100 Energy Icon located inside a building along the curve of the tracks. Good luck finding it, as I can't describe it. +50 Energy Icon located on the train tracks As the opening sequence begins, Preytor is shown swooping about, grabbing helicopters and crushing them with much ease. This is going to be a very tough battle. Uh oh. A crate just fell from the sky, and Mecha Congar just came out of it. Double trouble. This is the hardest stage in the game due to Preytor flying around after you get her weak. Mecha Congar is pretty easy, though. Regardless, they both have full health, so it's two monsters on one! One of Preytor and Mecha Congar's many annoying attacks include a terrible "Grab And Pound" combination. They will grab you, start punching the living hell out of you, and then throw you into a very large, or very tiny, building(s). This move is pretty much solid, so good luck avoiding it, as it's near impossible. A few other things that these two dweebs are going to do regularly are their special attacks. Preytor is quite fond of that gigantic leech that she carries around, and will launch it at you at least twice in this battle, unless she: A) Doesn't collect the Special balls (you're lucky if this happens), or B) You kill her very quickly. I suggest taking out Mecha Congar first, though. As for Mecha Congar, you will want to kill him right away, and don't let off of him! Just pound away at him. He prefers to block, so beware and look alive. He also prefers to run away after a few hits, so use your Advanced Special on him to daze him, and then keep beating him. NEVER GO AFTER PREYTOR WHEN FIGHTING MECHA CONGAR. This will allow Mecha Congar to get away and find a Health Icon. Once Mecha Congar is eliminated, then you have a much bigger threat to worry about. Preytor is not very fun to fight, and will make you cry if she beats you for too long. And who says girls can't fight? The thing to remember about Preytor is that she likes to run away from battle, even if you hit her only a couple of times. "What about level items?" you ask? Well, there's not too much you can use, really. There's the train that goes along every now and then on the train tracks, but even then, they don't do that much damage. Your best bet is to have a lot of energy for projectiles, and keep your mind balanced. Preytor also likes to lure you into the sky, which is a really, really bad trap. By doing this, Helicopters will shoot at you and very quickly take down half of your health, at the least. If you couldn't tell, the best character to use against Preytor IS Preytor. If you're using Preytor, or your best character, this battle will not be as hard as it seems while I type this. *************************************** ( IT CAME FROM THE SKIES ) *************************************** Stage: 5/Century Airfield Difficulty: Hard Location of Icons: +100 Health Icon at the end of the runway +25 Health Icon atop the tower +50 Energy Icon atop the Control Center The opening sequence at Century Airfield kicks off with two very mean, and very angry Raptros monsters destroying planes as they land and take off, swooping them up from the battlefield and crushing them. They now eye you, which means you have to deal with them. And you don't even get paid for listening to their problems. Tsk, tsk. The very first thing to do here is to destroy the docked airplanes that have already come in, not the oncoming ones. This will give you a big chunk of the plane. Pick this heavy item up and hold forward and press O to launch it at your opponent. This will take a nice chunk of damage out of their life support. Without this tip, this battle will be longer, and much harder. You can take out both of them at the same time (not recommended), or separately (recommended). Either way is acceptable, which is kinda odd, considering I'm strongly against this strategy. Nonetheless, the twin dragons keep up with you, but as long as you grab the very few Health Icons before they do, you should be fine. This battle is best fought as Preytor, or Raptros himself, as they can both fly, which makes getting Health Icons easier. With the battlefield being so tiny in this stage with two far-combat enemies, it can work to your advantage. Use your Advanced Special to get the best of the dragons, and await their awakening. Then take them out with heavy combos, as they fit better here than any other battle (besides the "Easy Critters" battles, with weaker enemies), as all you need to do is keep them grounded. On the left side of the airport is a Cloaking Device. If things get too heated with those pesky Raptros dragons using their projectiles, but sure to come here and grab that lovely Cloaking Device. This will refuse them to lock-on to you, which will help drastically with them using projectiles. Grab the airplane pieces to hit them while they're confused. This should be enough to put'em down. *************************************** ( BATTLE FOR ATOMIC ISLAND ) *************************************** Stage: 6/Atomic Island Difficulty: Easy Location of Icons: +25 health next to central tower. +25 Health Icon near the pipes on the Suburban Area of the Atomic Island +25 Health Icon near the Weeping Reaper Ahhh... Atomic Island. Home of a huge power PLANT (hehe), as well as electricity zooming free in the air... Dangerous, or fun? Neither, as this is the perfect WARZONE! When the level's opening sequence begins, it begs to be destroyed. Four Kineticlops monsters arise from the "Electrical Storm On Ground," of sorts. These are weaker versions of Kineticlops, so don't sweat it. Much like the "Fire Ant" Preytors, these Kineticlops' are not that tough, and will die with two heavy attack combos, easily. Another way to eliminate the Kineticlops monsters easily is to destroy each power tower (heh, that rhymes) and an electrical outburst will occur. This will damage EVERYONE, which includes yourself. This is a good way to get rid of them, and let us not forget about that Dive-Attack switch, either. Get the Health Icon before the level blows up from the ten count (and don't worry, you won't die), then prepare for a boss... *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* > BOSS: WEEPING REAPER < *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* When the battle starts out, you will be placed in a circular area, surrounded by tons of rubble and Energy/Health balls, with one Special ball and one Health Icon. Remember to use these things when needed, not at once, as you DO have three lives. Straight ahead of you will be a three headed plant I refer to as the Weeping Reaper. This is the easiest of the three bosses, so don't let this monster's massive size fool you. Start off by grabbing a piece of rubble (it doesn't matter which piece, they all do the same amount of damage), and hold it for a while. Lock onto the enemy by holding L1 and R1 together, and strife from side to side as the Weeping Reaper launches poison gas at you. He will miss with hitting you, but the radiation from the poison itself will harm you (but not much). Be sure not to get too close to the Weeping Reaper, either, as it WILL knock you back, and it will also damage you... Not to mention the fact that you will lose your rubble, as well. Keep strafing, with rubble in hand, until the farthest left head opens its mouth (it will attack third), revealing a red glowing bulb. Now, throw the rubble at it (while locked on) and hopefully, it will hit the plant in the mouth. After this, you will be presented with a slight problem. The plant goes into the ground, and uses up to 40 vines to come from the ground and hit you while the plant itself is underground. The best way to avoid this is to jump repeatedly. Collect any health you may need, and grab some rubble for when the Weeping Reaper rises again. Repeat this entire process once more until the head that's farthest left is destroyed. One down, two to go. Now that the first head is gone and you have avoided the first two batches of Weeping Reaper Vines, grab your chunk of rubble and start strafing. Each head will attack more than once, making this battle a pretty risky health eater. Know your surroundings, and collect health when needed in midst of strafing. Once the mouth opens, be sure to throw that nice looking piece of the Atomic Island at the Weeping Reaper. If you're fast enough, it will hit the mouth. You know the drill. The Weeping Reaper will go underground yet again and attack from below, vines and all. Repeat this yet again to destroy the next head. Yup, you guessed it. You have one head to go, and unlike Zelda: A Link To The Past, the format of the battle remains the same. So grab your nice piece of rubble and lock onto that mean ol' Weeping Reaper. He was attack extremely viciously, so be prepared. Remember, if you die, you still (should) have another life left. You know the pattern that has formed, so keep up with it. The attacks will cease eventually, revealing the last red bulb! FINALLY! So hit it once, and the vines will be a lot faster, and their attack value has increased slightly, or so it seems. Just remain calm and finish off this moderately easy boss. *************************************** ( BATTLE OF THE TITANS ) *************************************** Stage: 7/Baytown Difficulty: Easy Location of Icons: +50 Energy Icon located atop the very tall building on the left if you're facing the city, right on the shoreline. +50 Energy Icon atop the very, very tall tower. +25 Health Icon located on the docks. +25 Health Icon located on the top of the "Temple" building. +25 for destroying tallest building. The UFOs are attacking! UFOs are attackiiiinnnnggg!!! Well, they were, until the two military robots known as Robo*47 started blowing them up without mercy. I pity tha foo'. You probably remember Robo*47 from Stage 2, in Gamblers Gulch. You better have not found that as a tough battle, because if so, prepare to become robotic lunch! As soon as the battle begins, you will want to get prepared by grabbing that infamous Cloaking Device. "Where is the infamous Cloaking Device?" you ask? Destroy the City Hall-looking building to reveal the Cloaking Device. You will want to grab it right away for several reasons: A) Because the Robo*47s will NOT let up if they attack you, and B) Their projectiles are deadly, not to mention those painful Advanced Specials of theirs. The best character to use to destroy the Robo*47 robots in this area is Robo*47 himself. In case you haven't figured out, for the most part, the best monster to use is the same monster you're fighting. Then again, considering you can't change monsters in mid-game, I guess it's not too good of advice. Nonetheless, learn their patterns with the character if you have trouble. This stage, based on San Francisco, is the quite different from all of the others. Remember to balance out your combos, and separate them in orderly fashion. Example: For combos that juggle low, use them downhill. For high juggling combos, use them uphill. This will REALLY help you if you need to shove your opponent into a building or two. There isn't a lot of unique rubble in the area... There's the boats at the dock, but they do little damage. The Temple area has some nice stuff, but nothing to brag about. The thing to remember about your surroundings here is based strictly off of "jump from one rooftop to another, looking for power generators." As for the Robo*47s in the area, they're very simple of eliminating. With that and the lack of stage interaction, the strategies here are pretty simple. Use fast combos (Square with little Triangle action) to get the best of them, use projectiles every now and then, and if they get to beating you too much, use your Nuke Special. This will clear the area of them. Remember, if you catch fire, make sure to jump into the water. This will put out that annoying flame. Other tips include to be sure to do melee attacks in crowded areas that would more or likely go unsaid. This includes areas surrounded four ways, or close to all the way around you. The more objects your enemies hit, the more damage they take. Thanks to MetalGearRay for this AWESOME strategy on causing the Earthquake in this level. Kudos to you, my friend, and this is bound to help out here. "First, I'll explain something about Baytown. Every time you destroy something (a tree, billboard, car, anything), you get "damage points." If you're player two player mode, the points are not cumulative--they are seperately counted for each monster as each monster destroys them. Certain things give more "damage points" than others. The earthquake is triggered when ONE monster accumulates enough "damage points." Now here's the catch--my brothers and I figured out that Baytown has only enough total available "damage points" for one monster to get. What that means is that if you run around with only one monster, destroying the city, you'll cause the earthquake. If you do it with two, you won't. This is because there's not enough "damage points" available in Baytown to split between both monsters and reach the necessary "earthquake trigger." TIP: If you're going to trigger the earthquake during a two player match, just have one guy run around destroying things while the other puts the controller down and waits for the other player to reach the "earthquake trigger." Now, some things in the city are worth more points than others. If you want to start the earthquake faster, first destroy the higher-point structures. You could just start destroying everything, but that takes more time than going after the good stuff. Here are some things that give you a lot of "damage points." - The tall buildings - Trees - Billboards - The pillars by the monument - The buildings by the docks Anyways, I hope that helps anyone having trouble. Basically, get one guy and run around blowing stuff up. The reason I had so much trouble causing the earthquake was that my brother and I would BOTH run around blowing things up, which as I explained can't work. So yeah, I thought I'd explain that." Thanks MetalGearRay! *************************************** ( TERROR IN PARADISE ) *************************************** Stage: 8/Club Caldera Difficulty: Medium Location of Icons: +25 Health Icon above Puesta del Sol building +100 Health Icon inside of Volcano +50 Energy Icon located inside of the building closest to the Volcano Eruption button +50 Energy Icon located inside of El Flamingo building +50 Energy Icon located in the third building (the second tall one) against the Volcano cliff +50 Energy Icon located on a cliff beside the Volcano Eruption button +50 Energy Icon located atop Brisa del Mar building. Jump from the top towards the Volcano to collect it. In the opening sequence, the ever-so-powerful Magmo destroys Agamo through a building, crushing it at half-point after the impact. Agamo gets angry and decides to beat the living snot out of Magmo for doing this, thus, he picks him up and destroys the poor beast into a building, which is right by you. "Leave no suspects," as they say, and so you are their next target. As you can tell just by looking at the list, this level requires a LOT of energy. With two powerhouses such as Magmo and Agamo, you need a little bit more than your common "Light Attack, Light Attack, Light Attack" for this battle. In fact, light attacks barely do any damage compared to beating them senseless. It's one thing to have to battle them one at a time, and a complete turn- around to fight them together. Why aren't they fighting with each other anymore? =\ Anyway, it looks like you'll have to face them both. Do NOT attempt to beat them at the same time. You will fail with flying colors. In fact, if anything, you should play the field more here than any other stage. In "playing the field," I mean search for ways to set up your opponents. This is the perfect stage, with tons of buildings and atmospheres to work with and around. Juggling combos work best with these two brick-house characters, especially in situations where you're one-on-one. If both monsters are in the area you're in, use your Nuke Special as soon as they both get near you. This will clear the battlefield, and hopefully they will fly into buildings. "Why are you wanting me to throw the monsters into buildings so much?" you ponder? It's because of the simple fact that you WILL need energy, and you WILL need health, both of which you can find by destroying the buildings in the area. If you need a last-minute-desperation Special ball, look BEHIND the volcano completely. You will spot one with several energy balls, and several health balls. The best kind of character in this situation, ironically enough, is not the well-rounded characters, but lighter characters, such as Preytor, Raptros, or Kineticlops. They're more swift, and can get away with little to no struggle. The well-rounded characters, like Congar and Robo*47, get caught up way too much in Magmo's heavy combos, and they tend to let Agamo get away to collect health very easily. Even more tactics await with the Volcano! Yes, you CAN Erupt the Volcano. There is a button located outside of the Volcano, towards the left side of the screen while facing the Volcano. Go over to it and Dive Attack on top of the button (Jump, Press Up + Triangle) and the Volcano will then explode, hitting any enemies in the main section of the stage. Want to use the atmosphere's items to your advantage for bonus strategy? Well, just by looking at you, I can tell that you like throwing big boulder-like objects at your enemies, am I right? No? Work with me here! You do? GREAT! Look into the sea, and notice an oncoming cruise ship. You should know what to do by now. Destroy it, and two pieces of the ship become boulder-like throwing objects! AWESOME! These pieces work best against the two enemies in the level, a lot more than even the Volcano. Just be careful not to waste your throws, as they leave you open, and Agamo likes to run. If all else fails, you can always use the cars. In fact, this stage is flooded with cars. If you need health or energy inside one of the buildings listed in the Icons list, grab a car. Using cars to destroy the buildings is top choice, even over pounding on them with your fists. Also remember that the building named "Dominguin" is a very, VERY helpful spot. If you simply cannot beat either of the two monsters, you can sacrifice a life by standing on the shoreline and luring them towards you, then destroying the Dominguin building. In will fall over, into the ocean, and kill you, as well as anyone else in the area. If all else fails, the logo to Dominguin is now an awesome melee weapon! *************************************** ( WAVE OF DESTRUCTION ) *************************************** Stage: 9/Tsunopolis Difficulty: Medium Location of Icons: +100 Health Icon located on top of the tallest building +50 Energy Icon located atop building where the next building collapses, creating a "bridge" leading up to it (also where you shoot the UFO) When the stage opens for business, you will be confronted by the fan-favored Ultra V. He's what Vega was to the Street Fighter series. Very fast, and has several advantages over your normal character. In fact, most even say that he's *gasp* unbalanced! Regardless, the gymnastics-performing robot wants some action, and even worse, so does his twin! And don't worry; his twin won't use that sword. Wow! A small version of Tokyo in a video game featuring monsters destroying the city itself! What else could anyone want? As you guessed, the battles you will face in this area will work to your advantage, as there isn't a lot of Health Icons in this stage. Not to mention all of those buildings lined up! Speaking of buildings lined up, this will DEFINITELY work to your advantage here. In almost every area, besides around the ocean, you will have buildings surrounding you, no matter where you look! By using heavy juggling combos, you set your opponents up for painful surprise by making them crash into the buildings. One of the things that the Ultra V robots like to do is jump around, and grab as many Health balls as possible. Keep on the Ultra V monsters without mercy, and NEVER let them out of your sight. Even as they are getting away, use your projectiles on them as soon as possible. The thing about the Ultra V robots in this stage is, they will pummel you while you're down, and run from you when you're beating them up. On the shore side, there's a very tall building. This building will save you a LOT of time. If you want both Ultra V enemies dead in a few second, find this building along the shore. It's tall with three sections: Thick, Thin, and Thick. Get on the side towards the water and attack the building. Make sure the Ultra Vs are in the same area as you are, then knock the building down. This will kill the Ultra Vs, as well as you, but it's worth it, now isn't it? If you felt that was too cheap, you can take a risk in killing one of them by crushing them, as building to the left of the last one also collapses. It likely won't kill them both, and will very rarely even kill one of them, but it's worth a shot. The building will fall to the side in graceful fashion. If this doesn't work, the building next to it will shatter and fall in MANY directions. Look alive! You will find another building near the shores on the other side that will collapse from the side, however, this one is very different. It will make at easy access bridge, so walk up the bridge and grab some rubble. You will find an Energy Icon for +50 up here, as well as a clear shot of a UFO. Throw the rubble at the UFO and watch some... wet... and wild fun, as a huge tsunami will wave through the start, damaging everything in its path! Be sure to stay up top, though, as you'll be safe there! After you destroy the Ultra V monsters, the Tsunami UFO will abduct you! AHHH!!! You're going into space!!! *************************************** ( TERROR IN SPACE ) *************************************** Stage: 10/UFO Difficulty: Easy Location of Icons: +100 Health Icon is located on one side of the upper level +100 Energy Icon is located on one side of the upper level In the opening sequence, the UFO carrying your big, nasty monster is transported to a space location. You can't really tell where you are, but it looks like a UFO base... Kind of... Tiny, I guess. Nevertheless, you're greeted by three Zorgulon monsters, which are the aliens that want the world to end. GRRRR!!! GET'EM! This battle is so straight-forward that even straight-forward says "Damn, this is straight-forwarded." You're placed in a tiny, but pretty cool, battle arena with a few health/energy icons on the upper level. Remember, if you need these icons, there are elevators on the sides. You can use these to get the health and energy. Another good way to "work" the elevators is, right as you're being attacked by the gang of Zorgulons, taking the elevators up. However, this leads to problems itself, as there are tiny UFOs above this area that like shooting you. This isn't the best of times to taunt, or do the hokey-pokey. The Zorgulons are weak creatures; so don't get too frightened by them. They will die after a few combos each, and they tend to crowd around in groups, thus, they are easier to kill if you hit all three with the same exact combo. Using heavy combos work very well here, considering their reflexes aren't too superb. If you're a weaker character that pretty much sucks in melee combat, I suggest grabbing a piece of rubble from the side areas of the elevator shaft. Don't throw them, but use them as melee weapons. While it's not as good as say... Magmo's fist, it still works well if you're someone like Kineticlops or Zorgulon. They don't really have any certain pattern, so they can be hard to figure out when their attacks have ceased. Regardless, this battle is a piece of cake, as they leave themselves open pretty frequently, and since there's only one Health Icon, they can't heal as easily. This works to your advantage very well. After the battle is over, you quickly board the UFO you came to the big UFO on, and get away... Or, at least you thought you did. The UFO gets hit as the giant UFO explodes, and you crash into the Capital... *************************************** ( CEREBULON: DESTROYER OF WORLDS ) *************************************** Stage 11/Capital Difficulty: Medium Location of Icons: +25 Health Icon is located on one side of the stage, long-wise +50 Energy Icon is located on the side opposite of the above +50 Energy Icon on one of the rooftops, hidden away. +25 Health Icon is located inside of a house, towards the middle of the stage on the right *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* > BOSS: CEREBULON < *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* The opening movie sequence ensues, visions show a falling UFO from the sky... Yes, you ARE aboard. Scary, non? Once it lands, you are in the Capital, which is a straight-forward area with not a lot of places to run to, but plenty to run from. You're about to go up against a gigantic UFO with arms and legs, known as Cerebulon. Cerebulon The Destroyer is not easy in any form, but I will present my best strategies against him. Please remember to e-mail me yours, too! When the battle starts out, the beast known as Cerebulon has a force field around his head, making it impossible to hit him. Search for one of the couple of water towers atop the roofs in the area, and grab it in preparation. This version of Cerebulon has one nasty attack, and that's enough to drive anyone batty. This one attack I mentioned is a big laser, in which will sting quite a bit if it hits you. You will notice a lot of pillars in the area, but even they are not strong enough to stand the power of Cerebulon's laser. Regardless, lock- onto Cerebulon and get behind a pillar. Stand there until the pillar gets torn away from the ground and into ashes from the laser. The laser *WILL* hit you, so don't worry. Once Cerebulon's laser is done, he was sit down to catch his breath, and turn off his force field. This is the only time to hit him, so once the force field is down, throw the water tower at hit, and unload all of the projectiles you can at hyper speed until he gets up to go about his business as usual. At this point, hurry up and find the other water tower. Repeat this process. Once the water towers are gone, the other good things to use on this form of the Cerebulon are the fire truck-looking vehicles that blow up when thrown. These, as well as pillars from the Capital itself, work wonders, or lack thereof, against Cerebulon. This is, hands down, the hardest version of his three, considering his massive shield rate at this point in the battle. Repeat these steps around five (5) to six (6) times, and eventually he will fall. In the next movie sequence, the Cerebulon's legs and arms blow off, as well as the screws that hold the air holder closed. Apparently, he's so mad that he doesn't have to breathe. A gigantic brain with tentacles (yes, tentacles) pops out from the UFO shell, and wants to battle with you! Thankfully, to your advantage, this also means that he has a pattern, and one very big weakness! Notice the huge, glowing pieces of rubble that came from the UFO? Well, it's time to pick it up and chuck it at him! Much like Roboss's second and third forms, Cerebulon's second form is EXTREMELY WEAK again big pieces of rubble thrown at him. The second form of Cerebulon's main attack consists of possibly jumping on top of you, and shocking you quite a bit. Obviously, this is the least deadly form of the last boss, and is quite simple compared to that of Roboss. Just be sure to have the piece of rubble ready to be thrown, and destroy his glass covering by holding forward and pressing O to throw the piece of UFO at him. You can get around three hits in with the UFO rubble before he shocks you. In the next movie sequence, Cerebulon's glass covering on his helmet gets busted, and boy, is he P.O.'ed. This is the perfect time to DESTROY HIM!!! Easier screamed that done, though, as Cerebulon's third, and final, form has over half health left still on his health meter, and his defense is almost just as high as the first form. Start off by unloading your Advanced Special of Cerebulon, which should do close to nothing to the big creep. Nonetheless, at least it does SOMETHING. One of the best things to remember is the fact that the true Cerebulon is a melee fighter, which will mean two things: Basic-Advanced combos, ones that add up to around 9 hits on just button combinations alone, are VERY worthy of fighting here. Once the Combos section is finished, I will explain them. Until then, mash your buttons, my friends! The second thing to remember is the importance of blocking. After every combo you perfect against Cerebulon, be sure to hold the Block button down, as he is SURE to unleash a long chain of combos. This battle, in itself, puts the "Fighting Game" in War Of The Monsters. Watch his actions, and the way he moves, to know when to strike, and when to play dead. Unblock too soon and you will surely face dire straights. If you're running low on health, lock-onto Cerebulon and back away WHILE launching projectiles at him. This does very little damage, but that very little damage could also help you in the long run, or even destroy him then and there. The worst part about Cerebulon's final form is that he has no real pattern, only disguises for his attacks, which you can figure out eventually. Remember the essence of throwing objects that can hurt him, as well! Look around the area for anything that might affect him, whether it be throwing it at him, or beating him with it. Either way, this is a last ditch effort that should not be taken unless you have at least half of your health left, or if you're out of energy. After you have destroyed Cerebulon, sit back, relax, and enjoy your Origin/Birth/Awakening/Who-Knows-What of an ending after you collect your massive amount of tokens. Congratulations, you have beaten War Of The Monsters. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XV. BOSS GUIDE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *************************************** ( ROBOSS ) *************************************** Location: Stage 3 in Adventure Mode Difficulty: Medium When the opening sequence comes about, Roboss will be on a comfy platform above the battlefield itself. He has a simple pattern that you can go about with two different strategies, so don't worry if one doesn't work. And even then, we have a time-consuming third strategy that is going to work, guaranteed. So go get positioned for combat, k? Strategy 1: The first, and fastest strategy, is to lock-onto Roboss and go to the right portion of the stage. Roboss has an attack, in which he will throw three bombs at you. What you need to do for the first strategy is to time the throw perfectly and intercept the first bomb like you're Shawn Springs and side step to the left to dodge the second bomb and throw the first bomb at him as the second bomb passes you, then intercept the third bomb and throw it at him with ease. Repeat this a few times and he will come down. This is the quickest of the three strategies, but the most complicated. Strategy 2: The second strategy, in case the above doesn't work, is to stand in the middle portion of the stage, and await the Roboss' attacks. What you will want to do here is to intercept the first bomb, and go to the right to hide behind the convenient boulder so the next two bombs do not hit you, then come out of hiding and throw the bomb at him. Repeat this twice as much as the previous strategy, and he will come down. Strategy 3: This one is the easiest, but the slowest of the three. Are you really, REALLY bad at intercepting the bombs? Then you can take this route, you little slug, you! Get in between two of the guarding boulders and dodge every bomb as he throws them, then go collect them (if they didn't explode), pick them up, and throw them at him! Pretty sloppy, but it's effective, nonetheless. After you destroy his first form, the second and third forms will come out for battle. First will be the "Zooming Fan" version (second form) of Roboss. See the middle guarding boulder? Atop of it, as well as the Health Icon, rests a big boulder. Knock it off, which will be easy with a heavy character, and hard with a light character. Once the boulder is on the ground, you now have your weapon. The Roboss "Zooming-Fan" version has a few attack patterns, which include the "Zooming-Fan," "Combo," and "Grab And Attack." First and foremost is the "Zooming-Fan," which is the most popular. During this attack, Roboss will "wind-up" by having the fans on his shoulders spin quickly. He will then zoom at you, which takes down decent health on you. So pick up the boulder while he's winding up and throw it at him by holding forward and pressing O. Then boulder damages him more than anything else. The "Combo" attack is a three hit combo that will send you flying across the screen, which is, in fact, NOT a good thing. Stray from getting too close to the front of the Rosdale Canyon entrance, considering there are a couple of guns that will take down your health at a decent rate. The "Grab And Attack" is very deadly, as he was grab you and... well... attack you. Several times, at that. Then, he will send you flying across the screen. He likes doing that to you, I think. The next version of Roboss, which I call "Twister" (third version), is not a friendly Roboss. In fact, it's the most deadly version of Roboss yet! Using your specials is good, however, not THAT effective, which makes me sad. The two noteworthy attacks he uses in this form are the "Twister" attack, and the "Water Guns" attack. The "Water Gun" attack doesn't do a lot of damage, so you won't have to worry much. Just hide behind the guarding boulder pillars and you should be okay, even if it hits you a few times. For the "Twister" attack, Roboss will begin spinning in a circle with his arms extended. Uh oh. Yes, he will charge at you and hit you in, possibly, a nasty combo. What you want to do here is to not even allow him to get this far, so throw the boulder at him as he winds up for the attack. Something that I will note now is the fact that you can keep throwing the boulder at him over and over again, as long as you're quick. It's best to do it this way, so he doesn't have a chance to attack you. If he does manage to get into the charging "Twister" form, jump up on one of the guarding boulder pillars and attack him with projectiles, over and over again. If you're running low on energy, let up for a few seconds so it will recharge before you run out. Then attack with projectiles some more. If you're a character like Togera or Raptros, use your "Fire" Advanced Special on him, as it does decent damage. After his death, watch the nifty movie sequence, and travel to the next stage. Skullion sends this small tip... "When RoBoss/G-Prime uses his Water Guns attack, you can run between the barrels and attack him while he's helpless" Scougs sends us this strategy! Thanks Scougs! "not much of a strategy, just to say when hes in his third stage and firing his missiles, instead of hiding behind a piller you can go right up to him and hell keep firing missles but cant hit you! you can then dish out a combo but as soon as he stumbles back, helll stop firing his missiles so run away quickly as soon as he stumbles. one more thing, when hes doing his helicopter charge attack thing in his second stage you can use a charge attack against him!" *************************************** ( WEEPING REAPER ) *************************************** Location: Stage 6 in Adventure Mode Difficulty: Easy When the battle starts out, you will be placed in a circular area, surrounded by tons of rubble and Energy/Health balls, with one Special ball and one Health Icon. Remember to use these things when needed, not at once, as you DO have three lives. Straight ahead of you will be a three headed plant I refer to as the Weeping Reaper. This is the easiest of the three bosses, so don't let this monster's massive size fool you. Reader bwuest sent us this strategy. "The Weeping Reaper is a difficult boss, but knowing this makes it a lot easier: While the Reaper has three heads, he'll spit at you twice before trying to eat you. While he has two heads, he'll spit at you three times before trying to eat you. While he has one head, he'll spit at five times before trying to eat you." Start off by grabbing a piece of rubble (it doesn't matter which piece, they all do the same amount of damage), and hold it for a while. Lock onto the enemy by holding L1 and R1 together, and strife from side to side as the Weeping Reaper launches poison gas at you. He will miss with hitting you, but the radiation from the poison itself will harm you (but not much). Be sure not to get too close to the Weeping Reaper, either, as it WILL knock you back, and it will also damage you... Not to mention the fact that you will lose your rubble, as well. Keep strafing, with rubble in hand, until the farthest left head opens its mouth (it will attack third), revealing a red glowing bulb. Now, throw the rubble at it (while locked on) and hopefully, it will hit the plant in the mouth. After this, you will be presented with a slight problem. The plant goes into the ground, and uses up to 40 vines to come from the ground and hit you while the plant itself is underground. The best way to avoid this is to jump repeatedly. Collect any health you may need, and grab some rubble for when the Weeping Reaper rises again. Repeat this entire process once more until the head that's farthest left is destroyed. One down, two to go. Now that the first head is gone and you have avoided the first two batches of Weeping Reaper Vines, grab your chunk of rubble and start strafing. Each head will attack more than once, making this battle a pretty risky health eater. Know your surroundings, and collect health when needed in midst of strafing. Once the mouth opens, be sure to throw that nice looking piece of the Atomic Island at the Weeping Reaper. If you're fast enough, it will hit the mouth. You know the drill. The Weeping Reaper will go underground yet again and attack from below, vines and all. Repeat this yet again to destroy the next head. Yup, you guessed it. You have one head to go, and unlike Zelda: A Link To The Past, the format of the battle remains the same. So grab your nice piece of rubble and lock onto that mean ol' Weeping Reaper. He was attack extremely viciously, so be prepared. Remember, if you die, you still (should) have another life left. You know the pattern that has formed, so keep up with it. The attacks will cease eventually, revealing the last red bulb! FINALLY! So hit it once, and the vines will be a lot faster, and their attack value has increased slightly, or so it seems. Just remain calm and finish off this moderately easy boss. Reader Skullion sends this tip... "Explosives like tankers and Robo*47's nuke Advanced Special can take down one of Weeping Reaper's heads in one hit; Robo can take down Veg' with little effort. Hope these tips help in the boss battles." Reader Scougs send us this strategy... "when he's firing his globs at you, you can just block with some debris and it wont damage you. BUT, in his second and third stage the rubble will break before he opens his mouth, so make sure your right beside another piece so as soon as the piece your holding smashes you can pick the other one up." *************************************** ( CEREBULON ) *************************************** Location: Stage 11 in Adventure Mode Difficulty: Medium Some will argue whether this is easy, or hard, so I decided to place it in the "Medium" difficulty. It just depends how you play, I guess. The opening movie sequence ensues, descripting a falling UFO from the sky... Yes, you ARE aboard. Scary, non? Once it lands, you are in the Capital, which is a straight-forward area with not a lot of places to run to, but plenty to run from. You're about to go up against a gigantic UFO with arms and legs, known as Cerebulon. Cerebulon The Destroyer is not easy in any form, but I will present my best strategies against him. Please remember to e-mail me yours, too! When the battle starts out, the beast known as Cerebulon has a force field around his head, making it impossible to hit him. Search for one of the couple of water towers atop the roofs in the area, and grab it in preparation. This version of Cerebulon has one nasty attack, and that's enough to drive anyone batty. This one attack I mentioned is a big laser, in which will sting quite a bit if it hits you. You will notice a lot of pillars in the area, but even they are not strong enough to stand the power of Cerebulon's laser. Regardless, lock- onto Cerebulon and get behind a pillar. Stand there until the pillar gets torn away from the ground and into ashes from the laser. The laser *WILL* hit you, so don't worry. Once Cerebulon's laser is done, he was sit down to catch his breath, and turn off his force field. This is the only time to hit him, so once the force field is down, throw the water tower at hit, and unload all of the projectiles you can at hyper speed until he gets up to go about his business as usual. At this point, hurry up and find the other water tower. Repeat this process. Once the water towers are gone, the other good things to use on this form of the Cerebulon are the fire truck-looking vehicles that blow up when thrown. These, as well as pillars from the Capital itself, work wonders, or lack thereof, against Cerebulon. This is, hands down, the hardest version of his three, considering his massive shield rate at this point in the battle. Repeat these steps around five (5) to six (6) times, and eventually he will fall. Reader Underground Dave sends us this massive, awesome strategy! Thanks! "Immediately once the level starts, climb up on top of the capital building behind you. While facing Cerebulon, back up to the back of the roof on the left-hand side of the dome. Cerebulon will unleash his super laser, but the building will protect you for most of the blast! And, as an added bonus, the blast will destroy the building. As he powers down, grab the large column pieces and throw them at Cerebulon (you should be able to get in about 4 hits this way). Now run over to the first pillar to your left and hide behind it. Cerebulon's second laser blast will start by taking out some of the columns in the building behind you, and then the pillar you are hiding behind. As soon as he powers down, grab the columns Cerebulon just broke free and chuck those at him! You should be able to get in about three throws, then quickly climb up to the top of the building. This time, navigate to the right side of the rooftop, so you are protected by the overhang. Again, Cerebulon's blast will destroy the building before hitting you. Now, you have more large pillars to throw at Cerebulon! About four throws here and you should be done with him! If not, just move forward to hide behind a pillar for the next blast (pick up the health while yer there) and once he's done, simply back into the rubble from the last destroyed building and finish him off! I beat the other two forms pretty much exactly as you described. My favorite thing to do is play with Preytor and then when Cerebulon has only a little bit of health left in his final form, hit him with that leech. The leech then is present during the final cinematic. It looks like it is burying into Cerebulon's head and then the head explodes. Almost as if he was made to be destroyed by that attack - it sure looks the coolest in the final cinema!" Reader TheBigJDMan sends us yet another cool tip. Thanks. "I was using Congar on the easy difficulty. When fighting the last boss I found his first form to be the easiest. If you were facing the large building from the crashed U.F.O. I would first hide behind the farthest left pillar. I would use my ranged special (O+/\) then grab the large blue icon and hide behind the next pillar. I would use my special again then run toward the large building and hide in the corner. He would destroy it and I would get the red pick-up and use my special again. Then I would run and get three small blue orbs and hide behind a pillar. I would use my special again and he would collapse. For the next form I would throw the large glowing pieces until he came after me. I would run and sometimes managed to throw the pieces 4-5 times before he caught me. The last form I would run from him and keep taking pick- ups that would refill my ranged special (O+/\) and keep using that. Sometime in his third form he wouldn't even get a melee hit on me. Also the gas truck does good damage to the third form." In the next movie sequence, the Cerebulon's legs and arms blow off, as well as the screws that hold the air holder closed. Apparently, he's so mad that he doesn't have to breathe. A gigantic brain with tentacles (yes, tentacles) pops out from the UFO shell, and wants to battle with you! Thankfully, to your advantage, this also means that he has a pattern, and one very big weakness! Notice the huge, glowing pieces of rubble that came from the UFO? Well, it's time to pick it up and chuck it at him! Much like Roboss's second and third forms, Cerebulon's second form is EXTREMELY WEAK again big pieces of rubble thrown at him. The second form of Cerebulon's main attack consists of possibly jumping on top of you, and shocking you quite a bit. Obviously, this is the least deadly form of the last boss, and is quite simple compared to that of Roboss. Just be sure to have the piece of rubble ready to be thrown, and destroy his glass covering by holding forward and pressing O to throw the piece of UFO at him. You can get around three hits in with the UFO rubble before he shocks you. Reader elandruss sends us this nice tip that works well! "Here is a little strategy to help you beat Cerebulons third form. In the second form, where you have to throw his parts at him, wait until about one more hit will kill him. Get two parts close together. Pick one up and throw it up in the air. Take the other one and throw it at him. Hopefully the first part will still be in the air when it changes from second to third form. When the battle begins. The part will be right in front of you. The battle will be much like the boss fight at Outpost X. Note: This also works if you are holding a part when the second fight begins." In the next movie sequence, Cerebulon's glass covering on his helmet gets busted, and boy, is he P.O.'ed. This is the perfect time to DESTROY HIM!!! Easier screamed that done, though, as Cerebulon's third, and final, form has over half health left still on his health meter, and his defense is almost just as high as the first form. Start off by unloading your Advanced Special of Cerebulon, which should do close to nothing to the big creep. Nonetheless, at least it does SOMETHING. One of the best things to remember is the fact that the true Cerebulon is a melee fighter, which will mean two things: Basic-Advanced combos, ones that add up to around 9 hits on just button combinations alone, are VERY worthy of fighting here. Once the Combos section is finished, I will explain them. Until then, mash your buttons, my friends! The second thing to remember is the importance of blocking. After every combo you perfect against Cerebulon, be sure to hold the Block button down, as he is SURE to unleash a long chain of combos. This battle, in itself, puts the "Fighting Game" in War Of The Monsters. Watch his actions, and the way he moves, to know when to strike, and when to play dead. Unblock too soon and you will surely face dire straights. If you're running low on health, lock-onto Cerebulon and back away WHILE launching projectiles at him. This does very little damage, but that very little damage could also help you in the long run, or even destroy him then and there. The worst part about Cerebulon's final form is that he has no real pattern, only disguises for his attacks, which you can figure out eventually. Remember the essence of throwing objects that can hurt him, as well! Look around the area for anything that might effect him, whether it be throwing it at him, or beating him with it. Either way, this is a last ditch effort that should not be taken unless you have at least half of your health left, or if you're out of energy. Another strategy sent in by reader bwuest... "A great but slow strategy for beating the end boss Cerebulon is this: Start off by holding R2 to block (you won't receive just about any damage this way), then when Cerebulon finishes attacking you, he'll move his arms back and shake his head. Then press square 4-5 times until you send him flying back. Then quickly press R2 to block and repeat this process until Cerebulon is dead. Sometimes it will take Cerebulon to finish his attack but definitely make sure you don't release R2 until Cerebulon moves his arms back and shakes his head." And more third form strategies, provided by reader Eddy MJ! "-During The third part of the final boss battle, get close to the pile of rubble that runs with electricity. There are two locations where this will work, both on one side of the map. Get on top of the building right next to the rubble, and hold the block button. Continue holding the button while Cerebulon hits you. If done right, he should hit you straight into the rubble, shocking you. The electricity should go through you and into Cerebulon. It will hurt him more, and should kill him before it kills you. -After Cerebulon gets shocked you can get in a couple more hits before he gets it together." More tips from reader king6475... "An easy way to kill the alien is, when you're on his third form, keep using stun hits (up+/\). This works best as someone with big fists. When he is stunned, use /\ hits to really hurt him. If you miss, use block because he will do a big combo on you!" SuperSaiyan sent in this great strategy... "My best guy is Congar (Note that it is Mecha Congar, but only for looks) First off, In the mech form, he's pretty easy. First, run and find something to grab. Hid right behind a pillar and block, he fires, you get hit a little, he goes down, chuck the thing at him. You can hit him with your fists, but when he gets back up, you fry. Lather, rinse, repeat. Next form is a piece of cake. Find a big chunk thing, chuck it at him a few times, get fried. Repeat one or two more times till he busts out of that weak form and prepares to kick your ass. The last form is hardest for newbs, but for someone who knows the pattern it's a piece o' cake. For Congar, quickly lock-on to him and use the long range special. This will knock him back. If you are damaged, forget about looking for health, this guy is unbelieveably fast. Mostly, he will use a long combo, block. When he finishes, use the up triangle attack to stun him, then use down triangle. Possibly, you can make an infinate combo by quickly using up triangle again, then down triangle, but I only used it at the end, getting it three times then Cerebulum died... If he stops a combo early, nail him with the up trangle down triangle combo. I also use that combo for endurance mode, first I roar, find a red icon or a blue one, roar again, then nail the person. I easily got 100 kills then let myself be beaten. Those guys suck ass, I went downstairs in my house for a minute and was still alive." After you have destroyed Cerebulon, sit back, relax, and enjoy your Origin/Birth/Awakening/Who-Knows-What of an ending after you collect your massive amount of tokens. Congratulations, you have beaten War Of The Monsters. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ XVI. UNLOCKS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *************************************** ( CHARACTERS ) *************************************** ZORGULON: 200,000 (NOTE: This is "Costume 1" for Zorgulon, which also unlocks the character itself) RAPTROS: 200,000 (NOTE: This is "Costume 1" for Raptros, which also unlocks the character itself) *************************************** ( STAGES ) *************************************** VOLCANO: 45,000 MINI BAYTOWN: 65,000 UFO: 85,000 CAPITAL: 105,000 *************************************** ( COSTUMES ) *************************************** ~!~AGAMO~!~ First: Freebie Second: Freebie Third: 25,000 Fourth: SPECIAL (Unlocked by having a Twisted Metal Black game save on your memory card) ~!~CONGAR~!~ First: Freebie Second: Freebie Third: 45,000 Fourth: 50,000 ~!~KINETICLOPS~!~ First: Freebie Second: Freebie Third: 25,000 Fourth: 50,000 ~!~MAGMO~!~ First: Freebie Second: Freebie Third: 45,000 Fourth: 60,000 ~!~PREYTOR~!~ First: Freebie Second: Freebie Third: 30,000 Fourth: 60,000 ~!~RAPTROS~!~ First: 200,000 Second: 15,000 Third: 15,000 Fourth: 15,000 ~!~ROBO*47~!~ First: Freebie Second: Freebie Third: 25,000 Fourth: 50,000 ~!~TOGERA~!~ First: Freebie Second: Freebie Third: 30,000 Fourth: 60,000 ~!~ULTRA V~!~ First: Freebie Second: Freebie Third: 35,000 Fourth: 50,000 ~!~ZORGULON~!~ First: 200,000 Second: 15,000 Third: 15,000 Fourth: 15,000 *************************************** ( MINIGAMES ) *************************************** DODGEBALL: 105,000 BIG SHOT: 65,000 CRUSH-O-RAMA: 85,000 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~ XVII. FAQ ~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Q. When was this game released? ~ A. January 15th, 2003 Q. Was there ever a playable demo? ~ A. Yes. The Official PlayStation Magazine released a playable demo that featured one stage and two characters: Midtown Park was the stage, and the characters were Congar and Kineticlops. In fact, a lot of people on the GameFAQs War Of The Monsters message board called Kineticlops "Triclops." Why, you ask? Don't ask me. Q. Is it wise to pick up cars and such to use them as weapons? ~ A. Every now and then, yes, but for the majority, it is not. If you can grab a huge piece of a building, or something such as the Pharoah Head in Gambler's Gulch, then of course it's wise to do, but keep in mind that if you try to do this over and over again, you leave yourself wide open for attacks. This is most useful when facing bosses, or single opponents. If you are fighting more than two opponents, picking up an object, or an enemy, is not a smart decision. Q. What are "Tokens"? ~ A. Tokens are the currency in War Of The Monsters. You can use these tokens to unlock things such as Minigames, Hidden Characters, Alternate Skins (Costumes), and Hidden Levels! Q. How do I collect Tokens? ~ A. You can collect Tokens by beating a level in Adventure Mode. Adventure Mode is one player only, so getting enough Tokens can be hard. The average level gives away 4000 Tokens, and the Boss levels give away many, many more. This may seem like a lot of Tokens, but certain items in the "Unlocks" section of the game menu are very expensive, some as costly as 20,000 Tokens. You get more tokens for destroying more things, as well. Q. Is there an easy way to get tokens? I don't have enough free time to get the tokens the hard way! ~ A. Yes. Well, not VERY easy, however, it is a lot faster than the casual way. In Adventure Mode, get to the last stage (The Capital, which is right after the UFO stage) and save your game. Defeat the last boss and collect your tokens, then after the credits roll, load up your saved game and keep defeating the last boss. The last boss gives away a truckload of tokens, and you can keep doing this again and again. Q. Can the opponent monsters get the pick-ups? ~ A. Yes, they can. Q. How do you pronounce Ultra V? ~ A. Ultra 5 is his correct name, however, it's easier to say Ultra V. You pick. Q. I keep running out of Energy! What do I do? ~ A. Quit being a button masher! Seriously, though, try looking for some Energy (Blue) pick-ups. Also, quit ganging on creatures in the corner, and do NOT go for the "Let me hit this button ten thousand times without stopping!" technique, as you will run out of Energy. Also, when grabbing an opponent, don't hold on too long, as it takes away your Energy. Q. Which characters do you prefer? ~ A. My favorite characters are Robo*47 and Magmo. My least favorite character is the huge fan-favorite Ultra V. Odd, isn't it? Q. How can I unlock Sweet Tooth (NOTE: Agamo's fourth costume) without having Twisted Metal Black? ~ A. You can't yet. Simple as that. Q. Do different skins have different endings? ~ A. The HIDDEN CHARACTERS don't even have endings! What makes you think the different SKINS do!? Q. Metro City isn't in Free-For-All. Why not? ~ A. It is. The thing about Metro City is that only Two Players can play in it, meaning 1 Player vs 2 Player, or 1 Player vs Computer 1. If there are three or four characters in the battle, it won't work. If any of the developers happen to read this, mind giving me an explanation, considering three characters are in the Adventure Mode Metro City? Q. Do the skins have better abilities? (Jump, punch, etc.) ~ A. Nope, they just change the costume itself. Q. Is it true that the Twin Towers were in the game during the Beta? ~ A. No. That makes you gullible for believing that, by the way. Q. Is this game like Rampage? ~ A. Not really. This is a fighting game, if anything. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XVIII. CREDITS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* I would like to thank Jeff Veasey at GameFAQs for (hopefully) accepting this guide. The first version was very early, and very incomplete, but he accepted it for the better of the gaming community. You rock, my man. And once again, thanks to the amazing Stephen Ng over at's FAQ Section. It's looking good, and running strong. Thanks Stephen. Big ups to the amazingly talented Atom Edge, as well. Look how good that art is! A lot of thanks and much love to the group over at Incog Inc. First Twisted Metal Black, now this! You guys rock my PlayStation 2 like no other company can. The only question is, what game shall be next from the amazing Incog Inc? I would like to thank my lovely girlfriend, Valerie Meerschaert. She's not only beautiful, smart, witty, and caring, but she also helps me take down posters that I no longer wish to view in my rooms. She's such a good handyman. And she enjoys beating me up on this game, as well. If she doesn't, she cries. I love her, nonetheless. Big thanks go to my readers and contributors, including... *Claw and his Combos message over at the belated http://forum.war-of-the- *MetalGearRay (awesome strategy on causing the earthquake in Baytown) *MrXero (Good Ultra V combos!) *Sunfordark (Those long Magmo combos belong to him, and one of Robo*47's, as well) *skaggz on the GameFAQs WoTM Board for the Togera combo. *Mario for a Congar combo and an Ultra V combo. *spblat for the Congar combo (the first one!). *elandruss for some Boss tips. *TheBigJDMan for some tips. *Samurai824 for the Ultra V homage notes. *Wolf451 for the Ultra V homage note. *Underground Dave sent me an awesome Cerebulon strategy. Thanks man. *bwuest sent in Boss Strategies. *Eddy MJ for the Cerebulon strategy. *Lee Daub for the "Glowing Hands" note. *King6475 for a Cerebulon strategy. *reaper281 for something or another. *Aaron for some cool info. *skullion for some information regarding two bosses, and corrections on the power-up placements. *Scougs for boss strategies. *Littledude87 for combos that were not listed prior to him telling me. *Super Saiyan for a Cerebulon strategy. *Angelo Heartilly for the awesome Glowing Hands/Rage explanation. *CVXFREAK, BTB, and Brian Sulpher for keeping me company while I was working on this. Without you three, my sanity would be lost and gone forever. Thanks to Toad The Wet Sprocket, for getting back together and coming to my hometown of St. Louis, Missouri. The best band ever is back! At least for now, anyway. Also, thanks to Bob Odenkirk and David Cross, too. Mr. Show fans unite! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XIX. DISCLAIMER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* This document is Copyright 2003 David McCutcheon. It may not be reproduced nor retransmitted in any form. It may not be altered, published, sold, given as an incentive to buy, etc. without advance permission from the author. Violation of the above terms can and will result in a lawsuit. Thank you.