**************************************** * * * WARRIORS OROCHI - Kenshin Uesugi FAQ * * Version 1.11 * * Created by Mythril Wyrm * * * **************************************** Table of Contents I. Update History II. Legal Notice/Disclaimer III. About Kenshin Uesugi A. In History B. In Warriors Orochi IV. Unlocking Kenshin Uesugi V. Using Kenshin Uesugi A. Kenshin's Moveset 1. Regular Attacks 2. Charge Attacks 3. Mounted Attacks 4. Special & Musou Attacks B. Maximizing Kenshin's Effectiveness VI. Kenshin Uesugi's Collectibles A. Weapons 1. Spiked Blade 2. Seven Spirits 3. Barbed Fang 4. Frozen Flame B. Abilities 1. Awakening 2. Power 3. Fortitude 4. Acclaim C. Personal Item 1. Overview 2. My Method 3. Pointers VII. Questions & Answers VIII. Special Thanks IX. Contacting Me To skip to a specific section, press Ctrl + F, type in a section name, and press Enter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Update History v1.00 - Completed all sections. There probably won't be any further updates unless someone sends me corrections. v1.10 - Expanded Kenshin's historical biography and split the About Kenshin Uesugi section into two subsections. Made some corrections to the Special Thanks section and minor changes to several other sections. v1.11 - Made some formatting changes and corrected the requirements for getting Kenshin's Personal Item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Legal Notice/Disclaimer This FAQ is copyright 2007 by Devin McCain. At this time, only the following websites have permission to host this FAQ: GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) IGN (http://www.ign.com) Neoseeker (http://www.neoseeker.com) Super Cheats (http://www.supercheats.com) Please notify me as soon as possible if you find it posted anywhere else. If you want to post this FAQ on your own website, you must obtain my permission in writing and agree to leave the FAQ completely unchanged. If you post it without my permission or change it and try to pass it off as your own, there will be unpleasant consequences when I find out. Feel free to print a copy of this FAQ for personal use, but do not publish or distribute it with intent to turn a profit on it. I'm sharing it free of charge, so please respect that. All other copyrights and trademarks mentioned in this FAQ are the property of their respective owners. I do not claim to own any of them. This FAQ may contain spoilers. Continue reading at your own risk. I take no responsibility for any embarrassment, injuries, or deaths that result from the use of this FAQ or any of the information contained herein. If you're that stupid, it's your own damn fault. Got that? Good. Now, let's move on to the fun stuff... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. About Kenshin Uesugi A. In History The following information (sans section headings) about Kenshin Uesugi is taken from Wikipedia: "Uesugi Kenshin (February 18, 1530—April 19, 1578) was a daimyo who ruled Echigo province in the Sengoku Period of Japan. He was one of the many powerful lords of the Sengoku period. He is famed for his prowess on the battlefield, the legendary rivalry with Takeda Shingen, his military expertise, strategy and his belief in the god of war - Bishamonten. In fact, many of his followers and others believed him to be the avatar of Bishamonten, and called Kenshin god of war. His original name was Nagao Kagetora. He changed his name to Uesugi Masatora when he inherited the Uesugi family name in order to accept the official title of Kantou Kanrei. Later he changed his name again to Uesugi Terutora to honor the Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru, and finally to Kenshin after he became a Buddhist monk; in particular, he would become renowned for being a devotee of Bishamonten. For the majority of this description, the name of Kenshin will be used. Kenshin is sometimes referred to as "The Dragon of Echigo" because of his fearsome skills in the martial arts displayed on the battlefield. His rival Takeda Shingen was called "The Tiger of Kai". In some versions of Chinese mythology (Shingen and Kenshin had always been interested in Chinese culture, especially the works of Sun Tzu), the Dragon and Tiger have always been bitter rivals who try to defeat one another, but neither is ever able to gain the upper hand. In other interpretations, the dragon is superior to the tiger. Born the fourth son of the noted warrior Nagao Tamekage, Kenshin's early life presents a unique story. His father had gained some renown as a warlord through his military victories over Uesugi Sadanori and Uesugi Funayoshi. However, in later years, Tamekage found himself at odds with the neighboring Ikko-ikki of Hokuriku, and as the political power in the region started to shift in favor of this rival clan (due largely to the sudden rise of the Honganji), the situation for Echigo quickly deteriorated. It came to a peak in 1536, when Kenshin's father gathered up an army and marched westward, his aim uncertain. However, upon arriving at Sendanno in Etchu, his forces were suddenly attacked by Enami Kazuyori, and in the resulting battle Tamekage himself was slain, and his army put to flight. The impact back at Echigo was immediate. Nagao Harukage, Tamekage's eldest son, immediately made his bid for control of the Nagao, and succeeded in this claim after a power struggle which resulted in the death of one of his brothers, Kageyasu. Kagetora {Kenshin) was removed from the conflict and relocated to Rizen-ji, where he spent his life from 7 to 14 dedicated to study. At the age of fourteen, Kenshin was suddenly contacted by Usami Sadamitsu and a number of other acquaintances of his late father. They urged the young Nagao son to go to Echigo and contest his older brother's rule. It would seem that Harukage hadn't proven the most effective or inspiring leader, and his failure to exert control over the powerful kokujin families had resulted in a situation which was nearly to the point of tearing the province apart. As the story is told, at first Kenshin was reluctant to take the field against his own brother, but was eventually convinced that it was necessary to the survival of Echigo. In a series of engagements led by himself and Usami Sadamitsu, Kenshin succeeded in wresting control of the clan from Harukage in 1547. Harukage's own fate is uncertain, as some sources claim he was allowed to live, but others record his forced suicide. Though his rule over the Nagao clan was now unquestioned, much of Echigo was still independent of this young warlord's grasp. Kenshin immediately set out to cement his power in the region, but these efforts were still in their infant stages when far more pressing concerns appeared. Ogasawara Nagatoki and Murakami Yoshikiyo, two Shinano lords, both appeared before Kenshin requesting his help in halting the advances of the powerful warlord Takeda Shingen. Around the time Kenshin became the new lord of Echigo, Shingen had won major victories in Shinano Province. With the Takeda's conquests taking them remarkably close to the borders of Echigo, Kenshin agreed to take the field. What followed was the beginning of a rivalry which became legendary. In the first conflict between the two, both Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen were very cautious, only committing themselves to indecisive skirmishes. Over the years, there would eventually be a total number of five such engagements at the famous site of Kawanakajima, though only the fourth would prove to be a serious, all-out battle between the two. In 1561, Kenshin and Shingen fought the biggest battle they would fight, the fourth battle of Kawanakajima. Kenshin used an ingenious tactic: a special formation where the soldiers in the front would switch with their comrades in the rear, as those in the frontline became tired or wounded. This allowed the tired soldiers to take a break, while the soldiers who had not seen action would fight on the frontlines. This was extremely effective and because of this Kenshin nearly defeated Shingen. In this battle is the tale of Kenshin riding up to Shingen and slashing at him with his sword. Shingen fended off the blows with his iron war fan or tessen. However, Kenshin failed to finish Shingen off. A Takeda retainer drove him away, and Shingen made a counter-attack. The Uesugi army retreated and many drowned in a nearby river while others were cut down by Takeda's generals. The result of the fourth battle of Kawanakajima is still uncertain. Many scholars are divided on who the actual victor was, if the battle was actually decisive enough to even declare one. Although Kenshin lost 72% of his army compared to Shingen, who lost around 62%, Shingen lost two of his most important generals during the battle, namely his advisor Yamamoto Kansuke and younger brother Takeda Nobushige. Although Shingen and Kenshin were rivals for more than fourteen years, they are known to have exchanged gifts a number of times, most famously when Shingen gave away a precious sword, which he valued greatly, to Kenshin. Shingen died in 1573, and Kenshin was said to have wept aloud at the loss of so worthy an adversary, and reportedly vowed to never attack Takeda lands. The two sides became allies in 3 years. In addition, there was an incident when a number of other daimyo (including the Hojo clan) boycotted salt supplies to Kai province. Kenshin heard of Shingen's problem with a daimyo of the Hojo clan who refused to send rice to him. Kenshin secretly sent salt to the Takeda (salt was a precious commodity as it was used in preserving food) and wrote to his enemy, Shingen, that in his opinion, the Hojo lord had committed a hostile act. Although he could have cut off Shingen's supplies and "lifeline", Kenshin decided not to do so because it would be dishonorable. In reflection, Kenshin made a statement "Wars are to be won with swords and spears, not with rice and salt." In this, Kenshin set a noble example for all time in his treatment of his rival Shingen. Though his rivalry with Takeda Shingen was legendary, Uesugi Kenshin actually had a number of other ventures occurring around the times of these famous battles (1553, 1555, 1557, 1561, 1564). In the year 1551, Kenshin was called upon to provide refuge for his nominal lord, Uesugi Norimasa, who had been forced to flee there due to the expansion into the Kanto by the Hojo clan. Kenshin agreed to give the warlord shelter, but was not in a position at the time to move against the Hojo. In the year 1559, he made a trip to pay homage to the shogun in Kyoto, and visited many religious and historical sites in the area. This served to heighten his reputation considerably, and added to his image as a cultured leader as well as a warlord. This same year he was pushed once again by Uesugi Norimasa to take control of the Kanto back from the Hojo, and in 1560 he was able to comply. Heading a campaign against the Hojo, Kenshin was successful in taking a number of castles from the clan, which ended in his striking against the Odawara Castle in Sagami Province. He managed to break the defenses and burn the town, but the castle itself remained unconquered, and lack of supplies forced his retreat soon after. However, it was during this time that he visited the Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine and took the name Uesugi. The other main area which interesting Uesugi Kenshin was Etchu Province. The land was inhabited by two feuding clans, the Jinbo and the Shiina. Kenshin entered the dispute as a mediator for some time, but he later took sides with the Shiina and took over the Jinbo clan. A number of years later, he then took the field against the Shiina (for seeming a bit too friendly with the Takeda), and when he took their main castle in 1575, Etchu Province was effectively under his control. Starting in the year 1576, Kenshin began to consider the issue of Oda Nobunaga, who had since grown to be Japan's most powerful warlord of the time. With both Takeda Shingen and Hojo Ujiyasu dead, Kenshin was no longer blocked off from this realm of expansion. So, when the death of a Noto lord in the area sparked up confusion and conflict, Kenshin was quick to use the opportunity, taking land from the weakened clan which put him in a position to threaten Nobunaga and his allies. In response, Nobunaga pulled together his own forces and those of two of his generals to meet Kenshin at Tedorigawa. Nobunaga sent forth Shibata Katsuie, one of his best generals, who served Nobunaga since the beginning. According to some accounts, Shibata led 18,000 men into battle first, and Nobunaga himself followed up with 20,000 reinforcements. If this information is accurate, it would make the battle between the two one of the largest fought in the Sengoku period. Despite Nobunaga's overwhelming numbers, Kenshin managed to score a solid victory on the field, and Nobunaga pulled back to Omi province while Kenshin contented himself with building a few forts in Kaga province before returning back to Echigo province. In the winter of 1577-1578, Uesugi Kenshin arranged to put forth a grand army to continue his assaults into Nobunaga's land. However, he was reported to be in horrid health during this time, and on April 9 he suffered a type of seizure while using the lavatory. He died four days later." B. In Warriors Orochi Kenshin Uesugi's role in the game is relatively minor. Fighting alongside his nemesis Shingen Takeda, he spends most of the story allied with Nobunaga Oda's Resistance and aiding them in their battles with Orochi's army. After a defeat at Nagashino, he and Shingen unexpectedly appear to reinforce the Resistance at Wu Zhang Plains and agree to accompany Nobunaga in his assault on Koshi Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Unlocking Kenshin Uesugi Kenshin Uesugi will become available for use after you clear SW Chapter 7 - Battle of Wu Zhang Plains. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Using Kenshin Uesugi A. Kenshin's Moveset These are the attacks that will be available to Kenshin Uesugi once his full combo has been unlocked. Some attacks will vary if his full combo has not yet been unlocked. 1. Regular Attacks S | A right-to-left downward slash. SS | A left-to-right upward slash. SSS | A straight thrust. SSSS | A left-to-right upward slash. SSSSS | A right-to-left downward slash. SSSSSS | A left-to-right slash. SSSSSSS | A right-to-left downward slash. SSSSSSSS | A sword twirl. SSSSSSSSS | A sword twirl. SSSSSSSSSS | A sword twirl. SSSSSSSSSSS | A sword twirl. SSSSSSSSSSSS | A spinning slash. X + S | A left-to-right slash. Dash attack | A left-to-right slash. 2. Charge Attacks C1 / T | Kenshin fires a blast of divine energy that circles clockwise | around him, launching the enemy into the air. It then explodes, | knocking the enemy away. C2 / ST | Kenshin slashes upward, launching the enemy into the air. C3 / SST | Kenshin does a right-to-left upward slash that stuns the enemy. C4 / SSST | Kenshin swings his sword and produces a shockwave that knocks | away all surrounding enemies. C5 / SSSST | Kenshin slams his sword into the ground, creating a shockwave | that launches enemies in a small area in front of him into the | air. C6 / SSSSST | Kenshin dashes forward at high speed, stunning all enemies he | strikes and breaking the guard of blocking enemies. C7 / SSSSSST | Kenshin grabs one enemy and does a palm strike, sending him | flying. Unblockable. C8 / SSSSSSST | Kenshin swings his sword and fires a blast of divine energy | that zigzags forward, knocking away all enemies it strikes. X + T | Kenshin thrusts his sword into the ground, knocking down all | nearby enemies. 4. Mounted Attacks SSSS(SSSSSSSS) | A series of four slashes followed by a number of sword twirls, | all off the right side of the horse. T | Kenshin's horse leaps into the air, knocking away all enemies | around it when it lands. ST | An upward slash. Launches the enemy into the air. SST | A downward slash. Stuns the enemy. SSST | A left-to-right slash. Knocks the enemy away. Musou | Kenshin's horse charges forward at high speed, knocking away | anyone in its path. 5. Special & Musou Attacks R1 | Kenshin summons three avatars of Bishamonten, each of which does | five thrusts with its sword. One remains with him for 10 seconds | afterwards, increasing his reach and damage. Musou | Kenshin does a series of alternating right-to-left upward and | left-to-right downward slashes that hit in a wide area. Ends with | a shockwave that knocks away all surrounding enemies. True musou | Same as regular musou, but adds three rapid slashes before the | final shockwave. B. Maximizing Kenshin's Effectiveness Kenshin's biggest drawback is his speed. He's rather slow on foot, which can be a great hindrance when you're trying to get somewhere quickly or dodge arrows and bullets. He also has relatively few moves that can combo easily and, until you get his last charge attack, has no way to effectively attack enemies from a distance. If you can compensate for Kenshin's lack of speed, chances are you'll find him to be a very strong character. He's a Power type, and he boasts a great deal of attack and defense power, so don't be afraid to get down and dirty when you're faced with a horde of enemies. At lower levels, use your regular combo and C4 against groups of peons and your C3 and regular combos to make short work of generals. Your special, due to its large area of effect, is best used in fights with generals to dispatch their bodyguards, soften them up, and turn the tables by giving you a reach and power boost. C5, once acquired, works well against small or medium-sized groups of enemies and those pesky Base Captains, but its limited area of effect makes it a poor staple move. C6, on the other hand, works wonders against enemy generals, as it will either stun them or break their guard if it hits them. Use it and abuse it to make quick work of them. C7 should be reserved for duels, but C8 does very well at clearing out enemies who are directly in front of you. It can easily score hits from afar, but it's even more effective at close range, where it can score multiple hits and give you a chance to catch your breath as it sends your foes flying. All said, you're gen- erally safe using your C4 and C8 combos to cut through crowds and your regular or C6 combos to deal with the stragglers. Save your musou for emergencies. I recommend adding the following special effects to Kenshin's weapon: Absorb - Stealing musou means you get to use your special more often. Woo-hoo! Agility - Helps reduce the delay on Kenshin's charge attacks, making his C4 and C6 even more deadly. Brave - Doing more damage to generals is good for anyone. Drain - Stealing life from enemies works wonders for your lasting power. Flash - Makes your charge attacks unblockable. Especially wicked with C8. Might - Doing more damage to everyone is good for anyone. Range - Allows you to hit more enemies at once and increases the margin of error on your attacks. Slay - Invaluable for toppling juggernauts like Lu Bu and Orochi. Once you see it in action, you'll understand. If the suggestions above don't suit your playing style, try these instead: Bolt - Improves your crowd control ability and allows you to chain attacks more easily. Consider it as a replacement for Range. Flame - Increases the damage that enemies take as C8 sends them flying away. Especially mean when combined with Bolt. Consider it as a replacement for Drain or Absorb. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Kenshin Uesugi's Collectibles A. Weapons 1. Spiked Blade Base Attack: 11 Attack bonus, effects, and number of slots will vary. 2. Seven Spirits Base Attack: 22 Attack bonus, effects, and number of slots will vary. 3. Barbed Fang Base Attack: 44 Attack bonus, effects, and number of slots will vary. 4. Frozen Flame Base Attack: 88 Attack bonus, effects, and number of slots will vary. B. Abilities 1. Awakening Requirements: Defeat 3 officers. 2. Power Requirements: Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers. 3. Fortitude Requirements: Defeat 110 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the battle. 4. Acclaim Requirements: Defeat 6 officers, while maintaining 65% Life Gauge status, without performing any attack using the Musou Gauge. Tips: Abuse C6 and C8, and switch characters if you start getting hurt. As an alternative, you can bring along a higher-level character to soften up the enemy generals and switch to Kenshin to land the finishing blows. C. Personal Item 1. Overview Item: Chalice of Bishamonten Scenario: SW Chapter 8 - Battle of Koshi Castle Requirements: Occupy all cannon fortresses and defeat 500 enemies within 8:00 of the start of the battle. (The 8:00 time limit may not apply to the 500 KOs. If anyone can confirm this, please e-mail me.) Location: To your right as you enter Orochi's inner ward. 2. My Method As soon as the battle began, I charged east and dispatched Hognose to capture the northeast fortress. I then headed for the northwest corner of the battle- field and flushed Patchnose out of the fortress there. I captured the base in the northwest to stymie the flow of troops to the north, then headed south and east for Mi Fang and the left central fortress. From there it was but a short walk east to reach Boomslang, whose defeat allowed me to capture the right central fortress. With all four cannon fortresses under my army's control, I evaded Da Ji's attacks and cut my way through Shigemoto Makabe to the troops in the west. I cut down Da Ji and Kazutada Nakamura shortly after getting my 500th KO and the item report, then headed east to save a struggling ally from Sadatsugu Tsutsui, Copperhead, Zhang Ji, and Minbu Satomi. I continued east to take out Yellowbelly and stop Lu Bu's charge, and defeated Yan Baihu on my way to Koshi Castle's front door. Once inside, I secured the item and slew Orochi as quickly as I could. With a Lv. 48 Kenshin, a Lv. 62 Guan Ping, and a Lv. 25 Pang Tong, I was able to obtain the item and finish the battle in 14:54. 3. Pointers The requirements may look daunting, but they're not terribly hard to fulfill as long as you work quickly. Equip Impulse or Cavalier before trying to get this item, and bring a fast teammate if Kenshin's at a lower level. Capturing the cannon fortresses is your top priority, so don't bother fighting any generals except the ones who protect the fortresses. You'll have plenty of time to mop up the remaining generals once you've gotten the item report. Be sure to cap- ture the northern bases; this will increase the flow of enemy troops from the bases in the south, which is where you'll get the lion's share of your KOs. As long as you don't waste any time capturing the cannon fortresses and are strong enough to stand up to Orochi, you'll be in good shape. Like all Personal Items, the Chalice of Bishamonten can be obtained in Story Mode or Free Mode on any difficulty setting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Questions & Answers Q: Why a Kenshin Uesugi FAQ? A: It hadn't been done yet, and I really like him as a character. Q: It's Uesugi Kenshin, not Kenshin Uesugi! You're an illiterate dolt who knows nothing of Japanese! A: Blame KOEI for that one. I know that they anglicized his name, but I also know that most of the people who read this FAQ are going to be more used to seeing the anglicized name than the original Japanese. Therefore, I decided to use the anglicized name to keep the confusion to a minimum. Q: Kenshin Uesugi's a religious nutjob. A: That's not a question, and it's just plain wrong. He's not a nutjob simply because he pays homage to a god. Q: A: Sorry, but that's beyond the scope of this FAQ. Look for an "enlightened" high school student if you want to argue about personal belief systems. Q: Kenshin's new voice actor sucks! They should've kept Beau Billingslea! A: I miss Beau, too. His voice seemed to fit Kenshin better than either of the others they've used. Q: Why can't I get a 4th weapon for Kenshin? A: Because you're a pansy. Q: Seriously, what do I need to do to get one? A: Play any battle on Chaos mode, or any battle with a difficulty rating of three stars or more on Hard mode. They'll randomly appear in weapon boxes. Q: I fulfilled the requirements to obtain the Chalice of Bishamonten, but I didn't get it! What gives? A: Make sure that Kenshin personally gets 500 KOs and captures all four cannon fortresses within the time limit. Q: Your FAQ sucks! I've crapped out better FAQs than this! A: As soon as you find a way to upload excrement, you should post your wondrous creation for all to see. Q: I posted my FAQ, and everyone I know thinks it's better than yours! Your FAQ really DOES suck! A: Congratulations! I am in awe of your superior FAQ-writing skills! Now go away. Q: This is the best FAQ I've ever read! You're a genius and a god among men, and I want to know more about you so that I can immortalize you! A: Yeah, I get that a lot. My contact info's listed below. Q: A: See the second sentence of my previous answer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Special Thanks I would like to thank... ...KOEI and Omega Force, for creating Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, and Warriors Orochi. ...Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uesugi_Kenshin), for providing a detailed biography of Kenshin Uesugi. ...KWMrHonda, for his informative and well-written Personal Items FAQ. ...opfer_gv, for clarifying the requirements to obtain Kenshin's Personal Item. ...my friends, for helping me unlock many of the game's secrets. ...CJayC of GameFAQs, for posting this FAQ. ...Leo Chan of Neoseeker, for posting this FAQ. ...Dennis of Super Cheats, for posting this FAQ. ...the folks at IGN, for posting this FAQ. ...you, for reading this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Contacting Me If you want to get in touch with me, send an e-mail to mythrilwyrm@gmail.com. Be sure to put the word "FAQ" in the subject line of your e-mail, or I'm likely to mistake it for spam and delete it. I check my e-mail every day, so you should receive a reply quickly in most cases. I accept praise, corrections, and constructive criticism, and will give you credit for any information you share with me that I decide to add to the FAQ. Rude, crass, or incomprehensible e-mails will be ignored or shamelessly ridiculed as my mood dictates, so keep your e-mails clear and polite if you want me to respond in kind. I also use AIM occasionally. If you want my Screen Name, ask for it via e-mail. Happy gaming!