Warship Gunner 2 Walkthrough Playstation 2 Version 1.02 Last revision 9/15/07 =============================================================================== Copyright 2007 Bill Mulrooney This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. =============================================================================== After some prodding on the boards and lot of repeat questions, I felt inclined to formalize a complete walkthrough of Warship Gunner 2. I had all the information written down but it had no formatting or style. And since this is my first ever walkthrough don't expect anything more than my notes with some commentary. I've completed the game almost 3 times. Not just 3 playthroughs, I mean I've reached 1500 parts almost 3 times. Yes, I've played it that much. I can't say I'm an expert at everything, especially since I've been working on a research guide since my second time playing the game and haven't completed it yet. However, I've learned some tricks and tips to get you through the game easier. In the beginning I had a lot of help from the Gamefaqs boards and the few FAQs posted by tankboy and vyctym. Without their help I probably would have been too frustrated with the game to continue. So, in homage to them, I'm writing this walkthrough for all the new players who need some help getting through Warship Gunner 2. ============ Introduction ============ First off, if you're looking for a complete research guide, this isn't it. This is a walkthrough and is only going to briefly touch on the topic of research. This is primarily a walkthrough of every level of the game, including all the objectives per level, how to defeat bosses, optimal ship design per level, and how to unlock special levels. ========= Game play ========= WG2 is basically a 3rd person shooter, but you command a ship. Sounds a little dull, until you start customizing your ship with all sorts of guns, shields, aircraft, missiles, lasers, and wave guns! And then you see that there are different but parallel story lines in the game, with ever increasingly harder enemies. So the true beauty in the game comes from the endless components for customization and therefore replay-ability. When you start your playthrough, you may choose between 3 different story lines, known as adjuncts. Each adjunct follows a different set of missions and cut scenes. By playing each one, you'll learn the whole background story. Counting different storylines and the two different layouts, there are 306 different missions in the game. Since you can only follow one storyline each time you play, you'll need to play the game several times to see them all. In between most missions you go to your dock where all damage is repaired and ammo is replenished. From there, you can change the design of your ship to customize your weapons for the next stage or upgrade to a new ship. You also perform research to unlock new parts to use on your ship. You also have the option of replaying a previous mission, known as training, to level up or collect more items. To progress through the game you play missions. Each mission will have a main objective you need to accomplish to complete the mission successfully. Most missions will also have secondary objectives to complete. After you complete a mission, you will be given a mission rank that grades you on how many objectives you complete and enemy ships sunk. If you end up completing a primary objective early, but want to increase your mission rank, you can continue playing the same mission right where you left off to finish more of it. Only a few stages do not allow you to return to the battlefield. Some stages will continue to the next mission without letting you stop at the dock to repair or change your design. Whatever damages you sustained will carry over to the next mission. This means you'll carry over just the ammo, aircraft, and repair kits you had at the end of last mission as well. There's a section later to talk about strategies for these levels. There are the occasional boss battles. In WG2, those enemies are called superweapons. You'll need to watch the cut scenes to understand the story behind superweapons. Once you sink the final superweapon in the game and watch the end scenes and credits, don't stash the game away! The best parts are yet to come! When prompted, save the game. Then, on the title screen, instead of starting a new game, select continue. By continuing from the completed game, you retain all your stats, ships, and research and start on FAR-C-60 again. This is the start of your second playthrough. But don't think it'll be a walk in the park. The missions are the same, but the enemies have improved and there are more of them. This is called enemy layout 2 or EL2 for short. But, not only are the enemies better, the part pick ups are better. Wave guns and enigmatechs are soon to be yours. After your second playthrough, you can continue again, but the enemy layout will not change. The enemies will not get harder unless you change the difficulty setting. You can continue playing in this fashion for as long as you want. There is no official end, but you will be totally maxed out when you have all 1500 parts in the game. It'll still be fun to play, but you won't have any more secrets to unlock. ========= Tutorials ========= When you first start the game, DO NOT take the tutorials from the main menu. A couple of the medals you earn in the game are if you complete the tutorials during a playthrough. As you progress through the game, there are natural breaks were tutorials are given and if you take them at that point, it will count toward the medal. If you take the tutorial from the main menu, it will not count. I do encourage taking the tutorials at least the first time you start playing the game. They do contain some helpful game play controls and tactics. If you've never played Navel Ops, the tutorials are the quickest way to learn the controls. At the very least, take the submarine tutorial since the controls are slightly different. ======== Adjuncts ======== There are three different storylines in the game. Each storyline is based on who you have as an executive officer. In order to get on a certain path, you need to play the first two missions in a certain way. They are sometimes referred to in different ways, so here's a little glossary and how to get on their path: Werner path: Wilkian path. The cut scene after the FAR-D-070 battle will be Tsukuba's ship going down in flames. After the points are awarded there's a cut scene where Werner will be on the bridge to the right. 1. In FAR-C-060, sink all enemy ships. Braun path: German path. The cut scene after the FAR-D-070 battle will be Tsukuba's ship going down in flames. After the points are awarded, there's no other cut scene before the next mission briefing. 1. In FAR-C-060, after meeting up with the Allied fleet, exit the mission without sinking all the enemy ships. A few is ok, but avoid hitting them if you can. 2. In FAR-D-070, complete the main objective and flee south without sinking any of the reinforcements. Tsukuba path: Japanese path. The cut scene after the FAR-D-070 battle will not be Tsukuba's ship in flames. It'll be an incoming message from Tsukuba. 1. In FAR-C-060, after meeting up with the Allied fleet, exit the mission without sinking all the enemy ships. A few is ok, but avoid hitting them if you can. 2. In FAR-D-070, destroy the radar installations. Then wait for Tsukuba's ship to catch up, about 5 minutes, before heading south of the peninsula. Each path is distinguished by the last digit of the mission name. Here's how to interpret it (from tankboy's FAQ): ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0: Tsukuba, Braun, and Werner 1: Werner 2: Tsukuba 3: Braun 4: Tsukuba and Werner 5: Braun and Werner 6: Tsukuba and Braun ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For example, if you are Tsukuba, you will not play mission EUR-E-234 during your playthrough. If you still don't understand which level you'll be playing on each adjunct, well, here's the complete list: Werner Tsukuba Braun FAR-C-060 FAR-C-060 FAR-C-060 FAR-D-070 FAR-D-070 FAR-D-070 FAR-E-080 FAR-E-080 FAR-E-080 PAC-A-100 PAC-A-100 FAR-F-093 PAC-A-110 PAC-A-110 PAC-A-100 PAC-C-120 PAC-C-120 PAC-A-110 PAC-D-130 PAC-D-130 PAC-C-120 PAC-E-140 PAC-E-140 PAC-D-130 PAC-G-150 PAC-G-150 PAC-E-140 PAC-H-160 PAC-H-160 PAC-G-150 PAC-I-171 PAC-I-180 PAC-H-160 PAC-I-180 EUR-C-190 PAC-I-180 EUR-C-190 EUR-A-200 EUR-C-190 EUR-A-200 EUR-D-210 EUR-A-200 EUR-D-210 EUR-E-234 EUR-D-210 EUR-I-225 EUR-F-240 EUR-I-225 EUR-E-234 EUR-L-250 EUR-F-240 EUR-F-240 EUR-O-272 EUR-L-250 EUR-L-250 EUR-D-280 EUR-C-263 EUR-D-280 EUR-D-290 EUR-D-280 EUR-D-290 EUR-G-300 EUR-D-290 EUR-G-300 EUR-A-310 EUR-G-300 EUR-A-310 MED-A-320 EUR-A-310 MED-A-320 MED-B-330 MED-A-320 MED-B-330 MED-C-340 MED-B-330 MED-C-340 MED-C-350 MED-C-340 MED-C-350 MED-D-360 MED-C-350 MED-D-360 MED-E-372 MED-D-360 MED-F-380 MED-F-380 MED-F-380 MED-I-411 MED-G-396 MED-G-396 MED-J-421 MED-H-406 MED-H-406 MED-K-431 EUR-A-440 EUR-A-440 EUR-A-440 EUR-B-450 EUR-B-450 EUR-B-450 EUR-K-464 EUR-I-473 EUR-K-464 EUR-H-490 EUR-J-483 EUR-H-490 EUR-M-500 EUR-H-490 EUR-M-500 EUR-N-510 EUR-M-500 EUR-N-510 PAC-I-520 EUR-N-510 PAC-I-520 PAC-F-530 PAC-I-520 PAC-F-530 PAC-G-542 PAC-F-530 PAC-E-561 PAC-J-552 PAC-K-570 PAC-K-570 PAC-K-570 PAC-A-580 PAC-A-580 PAC-A-580 PAC-B-593 FAR-G-600 FAR-G-600 FAR-G-600 FAR-H-615 FAR-H-622 FAR-H-615 FAR-D-630 FAR-D-630 FAR-D-630 FAR-I-640 FAR-I-640 FAR-I-640 FAR-B-650 FAR-B-650 FAR-B-650 FAR-C-660 FAR-C-660 FAR-C-660 FAR-A-670 FAR-A-670 FAR-A-670 FAR-A-680* FAR-A-680* FAR-A-680* ACR-Z-690* ACR-Z-690* ACR-Z-690* * FAR-A-680 and ACR-Z-690 are only available on your second playthrough. As you can see, you'll play the same amount of missions regardless of your path. You'll also notice that in order to play every mission, you'll need to play each adjunct at least once. In my own opinion, and there's nothing scientific about it, I would suggest playing Tsukuba on your first playthrough. My reasons, well, 1) Braun has extra submarine missions and on your first playthrough you probably won't be able to put together a decent sub, so it'll be slow and difficult and 2) on Werner you have to play 411, 421, and 431 in a row which I think is a real pain. ===== Funds ===== Funds are only used for research. If you're familiar with the original game in the series, this is a big difference. Once you spend money on researching an item, you get an unlimited supply of them. But don't be fooled by its simplicity, some research items cost a lot, and you'll be forced to hoard money for most of the game so you can buy new research. You obtain funds in two ways. First, for each mission you accomplish, you will earn a base amount of funds. I've listed the base amounts for each level in the guide if you play on normal or lower. For difficulty hard or higher, add 33%. The second way to earn funds is through pick ups. Crates marked "FUNDS" will have a random amount of funds inside. AFAIK, the size of the box does not relate to the amount of funds it contains. You cannot sell items to generate money. =============== Points and rank =============== As you progress through WG2, you will earn points for accomplishing missions and defeating enemies. When you earn enough of them, you will climb in rank known as your Silver Swan level. You start at Silver Swan 15 and can grow to Silver Swan 1 and eventually to Silver Swan of Honor, the highest rank. When you have enough points to reach a new rank, you will be awarded a medal in your medal case. If you happen to lose points (by failing a mission for example) and your points fall below the rank requirements, you do not lose your medal. Your rank is only used to determine if certain parts should unlock in your research tree. A higher rank does not make the enemies harder, open levels, increase the skills of your pilots, or change any other aspect of the game. Here's a list of the points needed to obtain a Silver Swan level including any bonus for that level: Level Points Discounts SS15 0 SS14 20000 R&D costs -5% SS13 40000 SS12 80000 SS11 150000 SS10 300000 R&D costs -10% SS9 600000 SS8 1000000 SS7 1500000 SS6 3000000 SS5 5000000 R&D costs -15% SS4 8000000 SS3 15000000 SS2 30000000 SS1 50000000 SSH 90000000 R&D costs -20% The discounts are taken off the original cost of the part and are not cumulative. Turns of research are not affected. For example, suppose you waited to research the Swordfish MK3 until SS14. The original requirement was 2 turns and 100 funds, but now would be 2 turns and 95 funds. If you waited until the Silver Swan of Honor, it would have been 2 turns and 80 funds. Each mission has a predefined base set of points you will earn if you complete it. If you fail a mission, that same amount of points is deducted from your score. I've included the base points you'll earn per level in the guide. These are for difficulty level Normal or lower. If you play on a harder difficulty setting, your base points increase according to this table: hard points X 1.5 very hard points X 2 ultra hard points X 3 Therefore, on PAC-H-160, if you play on normal you'd earn 10k points, on hard 15k points, on very hard 20k points and on ultra hard 30k points. Besides difficulty level, you may also increase your points earned by putting certain items on your ship when you play. For example, a Fame Multiplier 1 will increase your rewarded points by 50%. The total points you get for a mission include the base points for the level plus points for each enemy defeated, repair kits not used, and lifeboats picked up. Each enemy has a different point value, and to be honest, I don't have the patience to figure out all of them. Just know that harder enemies are worth more points. TIP: The gap between Silver Swan 1 and Silver Swan of Honor is 40 million points, which sounds insurmountable. However, on SPE-E-740 EL2, there are unlimited spawning superweapons. By using both the Fame Multipliers and Championship Pennant, you can easily sink 100 superweapons and earn millions of points in a short time. More details can be found in the walkthrough below. ======== Research ======== I admit it; research is the most frustrating part of the game. It's the way you get bigger and better ships and weapons. Keeping your research ahead of the enemy is the key to completing missions. Depending on your style of play, you may be more inclined to use certain parts. If you're inclined to rush in and pound the enemy, short ranged weapons and shields are the way to go. If you're more of a stay back and avoid damage type of player, long range missiles will be your focus. The only tactic I would discourage using is one based entirely on aircraft. All aircraft, including the most powerful halberds and ducks lack significant punch to defeat most enemies. That's not to say they aren't useful. You will eventually need helicopters to pick up crates and interceptors will help trim down the waves of aircraft in the later stages of the game. However, as a means for sinking ships and superweapons, forget it. Research is done on the research screen where you are given multiple trees of items. They are divided by type (weapons, hulls, etc.). Here's a complete list of the total number of parts under each category in the research trees: Artillery 160 Main 103 Ammo 6 Hi angle 8 Machine 17 Rapid 10 Proto 16 Launcher 186 Torpedo 118 Explosive 11 Missile 41 Rocket 12 Flare 4 High tech 56 Organic 5 Optical 24 Plasma 15 Magnetic 5 Pulse 6 A-matter 1 Hulls 181 Hulls 181 Structures 276 Bridge 160 Aft 109 Facility 7 Engine 145 Power 105 Rotation 31 Purge 9 Systems 132 Attack 74 Defense 41 Steering 9 Enigma 8 Aircraft 239 Fighter 49 Intercept 105 Bomber 47 Scout 22 Heli 12 Special 4 Total parts 1375 The items in the trees, known as chips, represent a part that can be researched. To open the part to use, you must spend funds and time on the research. Time only advances by successful missions accomplished, even if it's a training mission. If you fail a mission, time will not be spent on research. Most parts, once researched, give you an unlimited amount that can be added to your ship during ship design. A few parts only unlock other parts and aren't an actual part themselves. I call these templates. Templates, such as Destroyer 1 and DD FWD Bridge 1, open up the specific country parts but are not parts themselves. So, just researching Battleship 1 doesn't give you a battleship in your design mode, you must research GER Battleship 1 or JPN Battleship 1, etc. A couple parts, specifically the parts under Ammo, are automatic. Once researched, they are added to your ship without you specifically doing anything to the design. A couple parts also unlock more than their share. Smokestacks, for example, unlock all the country based smokestacks. Research chips are unlocked based on 4 criteria: 1. You have the proper Silver Swan level 2. You have completed a specific stage(s) (sometimes in a certain way) 3. You have picked up a development plan or the part during gameplay 4. You have all dependencies (both direct and indirect) completed Not all criteria are required for every single research chip. Some chips don't have a stage requirement or need a part to open. If you have the funds and you've met all the criteria, you will be able to research the chip. Nothing else affects research: difficulty setting, number of other chips opened, number of missions completed, etc. Most research trees bottleneck at a specific chip before you can unlock more. For example, all lasers bottleneck at the Pulse Laser 1 chip. As soon as you research it, it'll unlock a whole bunch of other research. And since you need a part pick up to unlock Pulse Laser 1, you'll need to farm until you get it, otherwise you won't have access to any of the lasers. Regardless of your play style, here are some guidelines: - If you've played the game several times and you are stuck on research, then I suggest 2 things: get a higher Silver Swan and find the part pick up. This should solve 90% of all stuck research problems. - Try and research the biggest guns with the most barrels. Rather than spend your funds on 65Cal 10.0cm Gun, research a 14.0cm Gun. - Don't research everything right away. Save your money and focus on a particular tree. For example, don't research all versions of Destroyer 1, just the country you plan to use. Or better yet, save a little more and research Destroyer 3. You don't have to research in order. - For research trees that have templates (a chip that you research but is not an actual part), like Destroyer 1, you do not have to research any of the items under the template in order to research the next template. You can research Destroyer 3 without researching Destroyer 2 JPN, U.K, U.S., or GER. Use this to your advantage to save up funds for the things you need. - Throughout the game you will need to change your research focus. In the very early stages of the game you'll need to dedicate research on torpedoes. But at some point you'll need to commit to guns. Eventually you'll want better missiles and then high tech weapons. - If you're low on funds, but need to complete some research before progressing through the game, try not to hurry research if you can. It's much easier to just play FAR-E-80 as a training mission several times. - Don't spend too much time on smokestacks or bridges with purge. Once you find a nuclear reactor (and eventually fusion reactor) you won't need smokestacks. Just research enough to meet the needs of your first couple of ships. - During research mode, you can always back out of any changes. Combined with hurrying research, you can quickly see what else unlocks when you complete a chip. If it's not something you want, just undo the changes. =========== Ship design =========== Once you have a floating dock and some parts, you can design your ship any way you want. Under the design mode from the main menu, you can change every attribute of your ship to meet the needs of the next mission. You can change the hull, add weapons, change systems, increase armor, and load aircraft. You can also name it and change the flag flown. Take the tutorial when the option comes up during the game. That way I don't need to include the basics of design window here. Although early on, you might not have much as far as options, by your second and third playthrough, you will have nearly 1500 parts and plans to work with. You might spend a lot of time in design trying to figure out exactly what you need and the best way to configure it. Weight and deck space will be a nagging problem. In some cases, you'll need to just settle on smaller guns or bridges just you make things fit. For suggestions on how to build a ship see the Ship FAQ on GameFAQs. ==================== Training and farming ==================== Once you have completed a mission it will appear in the "Training" option. You may play that level again with different options, such as weather. If you've beaten a mission with more than one XO, you can choose the path to play under. If you've completed both EL1 and EL2, you can choose between them too. Farming means playing a level over and over again to earn more points, funds, or pick-ups. I'd say that farming is essential for anyone that doesn't want to break their controller or TV. The game difficulty progresses at a fairly quick pace and if your research doesn't keep up with it, you'll find your destroyer outmatched by laser battleships, swarms of planes, and superweapons that repair themselves. If you're stuck in research because you're missing a part, use the Pickup/Rewards List FAQ on GameFAQs to find where to farm to get it. If you need a higher silver swan level, find the highest mission that was easy for you to play and farm it over and over again. ================== Pickups and awards ================== As you defeat enemies in battle, they will sometimes drop crates in the water. Some crates will give you additional health (e.g. +25%), a repair kit, or funds. Ammo and full ammo crates are also available and can be an important part of completing a level successfully. The most important crate, however, is the "parts" crate. Your research tree will eventually stop if you do not pick up certain parts within the game. All the really fun stuff gets unlocked in your research tree when you pick up parts. I've played the entire game without picking up a single PARTS crate, and, well, let's just say it's not much fun and you can't complete the game. You have to pick up parts. If you pick up a part you have not researched, three things happen. First, the part becomes available for you to mount on your ship, but just the number of items you've picked up. For example, pick up two Fusion Reactor 2's, and you can mount the two of them. Second, when you do have a chance to research the item, the cost to research it decreases by 10%. And finally, if an item has a "PART" prerequisite, picking up the part during battle will open up that item to be researched. If you do not pick up a crate within a certain amount of time it will sink. I actually believe this is tied more to the number of items on the map than time, but it's easier to say it'll sink after a while. It was thought that the size of the crate meant something, but I haven't seen a true correlation yet. I always seem to find the rare exception of a small crate containing more funds or better items. If anyone has some data on this, I'd really like the feedback. Unlike parts, a development plan is just the plan for the part. It is not the part itself. Which means you will not have one in your inventory. However, if you have all other prerequisites for the part in the research tree, the development plan will count as if it were a part. Awards are given at the end of a mission for reaching an achievement. It could be for getting an S or A rank, sinking a certain number of ships, clearing a certain level, or completing a playthrough. For all purposes of this guide, an item obtained as a pick up or as an award will mean exactly the same thing. Lifeboats, by the way, are not considered pick ups. They give you more points at the end of the mission and are a requirement for a special medal. Not picking up lifeboats will not change gameplay. Unlike crates, however, lifeboats definitely sink after a minute or so. Underwater bases, surface bases, land bases, cargo planes, penguin transports and UFOs are all special targets that will always drop a parts crate. Depending on the enemy layout, the part dropped could be the treasure for the level. For more information on what parts you can get as pick ups on each level, please see tankboy's FAQ on the subject at GameFAQs. =============== Mission ranking =============== If you accomplish a mission, you will be graded on how well you performed. To get an "S" ranking, in general, you need to be playing normal difficulty or higher, complete all mission objectives, and sink 70% of the ships on the battlefield. ====================== Missions that Continue ====================== After completing some missions during a playthrough, you will not be allowed to visit your dock before the next battle. That means you will not be able to change ships, ship design, or even replenish ammo or health. But don't let that scare you. There are two tactics to make it easier. First, if you set the game on easy or very easy, you will automatically receive full health and ammo before the next mission. Only when you play on normal difficulty or higher will your health and ammo not be replenished. Second, during training mode, you can play just the single missions by themselves. Therefore, during your playthrough, don't worry about secondary objectives or treasures. Just push through meeting the primary objective with as little effort as possible to move through the game. Then, come back to the mission later to get the rank or award you're looking for. I've marked them in the notes for each level. Take into consideration the suggested ship requirements for the levels joined by a continue. ============ Superweapons ============ Think of superweapons as the boss battles for the game. They are usually big, tough ships (and aircraft!) that use advanced weapons and tactics. The storyline of the game will reveal the background behind the superweapons and why they are your target for destruction. Superweapons don't have any particular point of weakness. It's not like you have to focus your attack on one part of the ship. But there are tactics to sinking each one. I've listed those tactics in the walkthrough for each boss battle. After you sink a superweapon the mission will usually end. Whenever possible, select Back to go back to playing the mission. That way, you can go back and pickup all the crates, usually several good ones, left by the sinking superweapon. ============== Extra missions ============== There are 4 types of extra missions: Inferno, Survival, Boss Russ, and Special missions. You access them by selecting it from the title screen and then loading a game save that contains the missions unlocked. All the special missions are hard, and you'll need to have played a couple playthroughs to get the weapons and systems needed to survive. A walkthrough is provided for the Special missions as part of the main section of this faq. For the other extra missions, the strategy is simple: just blow up everything and don't get hit. There will be plenty of ammo crates and repair kit pick ups, so just take your time and be patient. Here's a list of the 4 types of extra missions and how to unlock them: Inferno ---------- Inferno missions open periodically over multiple playthroughs. They are all timed missions where you need to sink a certain number of enemies. Title: Defend Hawaii! Mission: HEL-A-770 Location: FAR-D (Japan) Unlocked: Complete Mission 110 Title: Defend London! Mission: HEL-A-780 Location: EUR-A (London) Unlocked: Complete Mission 300 Title: Search & destroy! Mission: HEL-A-790 Location: PAC-I (Cuba) Unlocked: Complete Mission 160 Title: Repair or Die! Mission: HEL-A-780 Location: EUR-H (Jutland Peninsula) Unlocked: Perform 100 repairs (full or emergency). Training missions and repairs during failed missions do not count. Title: Acquire the source of light! Mission: HEL-A-781 Location: MED-A (Strait of Gibraltar) Unlocked: Complete research on Pulse Laser 1 and then play a non-training mission Title: U.F.O. Mission: HEL-A-782 Location: PAC-H (Panama Canal) Unlocked: Complete research on Halberd IV and then play a non-training mission Survival ---------- In survival mode, you play all EL1 missions except submarine only ones. You take your ship from mission to mission without stopping at a dock. You unlock survival mode by completing the game once, but only for the adjunct you were playing. You need to play each adjunct to open each of the 3 survival paths. WARNING! Save your progress in survival mode in a different save slot. Once you start, you can't get back to normal game play mode. So, if you end up getting stuck because the missions get too tough, you're hosed. Boss Rush ---------- In Boss Rush mode, you play all of the Boss Battle missions on EL2 including the special missions. You unlock it by defeating SPE-G-760. Special ---------- Special missions are an extra 7 missions to play. They are somewhat humorous and use the main gameplay's storyline as a backdrop for some crazy battles, including one of the most bizarre boss battles you'll ever see. They are definitely worth playing, since they provide some of the best part drops and ways to earn points. Special missions unlock after completing the game once. ======== Missions ======== Ok, here's the meat of the walkthrough. I've had some trouble formatting, so this is the best I could do. Future iterations may simplify the format. A couple notes, - All reward points and funds are for normal difficulty. Look above for more details on harder difficulties - Just so I don't have to write it every time, EL2 is going to be harder than EL1. The ships are tougher and have better weapons. So even if I say, there's no difference between EL1 and EL2, I really mean, besides the upgraded ships. - The walkthrough is geared toward completing each level, not completing all objectives on all levels. Once you complete a level you can always use training to go back and play it again to achieve all objectives. Here's some of the nomenclature used in the guide: Adjunct: The letters represent the adjunct path the mission is found on. In order, the letters are: W = Werner T = Tsukuba B = Braun If an adjunct is listed as a dash, it means they don't play that level. Ship design: I found that the recommended ship design described in the mission briefing didn't really tell me enough about what to expect. I used a simple shorthand to keep track. The letters, in order, are: Ships, Air, Submerged, Speed, Armor The letters for each column represent how much of each category you'll need. There are 3 levels: none, some, and a lot. Here's what each symbol means: none some a lot Ships - s S Air - a A Submerged - u U Speed - v V Armor - r R For example, on FAR-E-080, it's listed as s-u--. That means you'll need at least some anti-ship and anti-sub weapons. There won't be any aircraft, and speed and armor can be minimal. However, on EUR-D-280, the recommendation is Sa-VR. So you should design your ship to be very fast with lots of armor. You'll be sinking mostly surface ships (or land targets) and a few aircraft, but no subs. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-C-010 Name: On Course with Destiny Location: Sea of Okhotsk Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: s---- Reward point: 0 Reward fund: 0 EL2 Reward point: 0 EL2 Reward fund: 0 Note: Training mission Main objective: Withdraw from the battle zone! Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Just head south. You don't need to touch the controller or fire back at the ships. EL2 differences: No change. The ship you're sailing is the default ship and it's the same every playthrough. You dock after this mission so you can change to one of your ships then. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-C-060 Name: Rogue Fleet Location: Sea of Okhotsk Weather: Cloudy Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: s---- Reward point: 1000 Reward fund: 900 EL2 Reward point: 5000 EL2 Reward fund: 6750 Note: Continues; If you destroy all enemy ships, you will be put on Werner's adjunct Main objective: Merge with the Royal Fleet Main Objective 2: Withdraw through the passage in the southeast. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 3 enemy cruisers. Secondary Objective 2: Sink enemy battleships. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Turn around and head toward the ally fleet to complete your main objective. Then head south toward the exit point. EL2 differences: A couple of extra fleets and subs are the only changes. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-D-070 Name: Dragon's Lair Location: Japan Weather: Cloudy Time: Dawn Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: s---- Reward point: 2000 Reward fund: 1800 EL2 Reward point: 6500 EL2 Reward fund: 8775 Note: If you didn't sink all the ships on FAR-C- 060, you can select your path on this level. Complete the mission without destroying the reinforcements, you will be put on Braun's adjunct. If you wait at least five minutes before heading south, you'll be put on Tsukuba's adjunct. Main objective: Destroy the radar installations. Main Objective 2: Withdraw from the battle to the south. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink at least 3 vessels from the enemy blockade. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Sail out past the peninsula and head south destroying the radar installations along the way. The targets will show up as big yellow plus signs on your map. You'll hit some light resistance until you complete the main objective. You'll get a new main objective and several fleets will appear to the south. You can sink them or sail through them to reach the bottom of the map to complete the main objective. EL2 differences: A couple of extra fleets after the main objective changes is the only new challenge. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-E-080 Name: Submarine in Distress Location: Bonin Islands Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: s-u-- Reward point: 3000 Reward fund: 2700 EL2 Reward point: 8000 EL2 Reward fund: 10800 Note: Farm EL2 until you find a Pulse Laser 1. Main objective: Rescue the stranded German sub. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 2 enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head southwest until you're in sonar range of the German sub where you'll be given a cut scene. Head west to intercept the 3 destroyers. There are also subs hanging around, but they pose no serious threat to you or the German sub. The whole mission is fairly quick with very low risk. EL2 differences: There are more subs to deal with, but still aren't a serious threat. If you decide to return to the mission after you complete it, you'll trigger 2 additional fleets from the east. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-F-093 Name: In Rough Seas Location: Bonin Islands Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: --B Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: s--v- Reward point: 3000 Reward fund: 2700 EL2 Reward point: 9500 EL2 Reward fund: 12825 Note: Main objective: Rescue at least three boats from the German submarines. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 3 enemy destroyers. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: For this mission you'll need to approach and stop next to 3 out of 4 allied subs. The sub positions are random, so take a moment at the start of the mission to plan your route. There is some enemy resistance, but not hard. However, since you'll be vulnerable for 10 seconds at a dead stop, you might consider taking out the enemy ships first. As you approach a sub you haven't rescued yet, you'll get a cut scene. Make sure you're close enough to the sub or the rescue process won't start. EL2 differences: No change. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-A-100 Name: Wolf Pack Location: Hawaii Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: s-uv- Reward point: 4000 Reward fund: 3600 EL2 Reward point: 11000 EL2 Reward fund: 14850 Note: Main objective: Protect the cargo convoy. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 3 enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Sink 14 enemy destroyers. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head north and take out all the subs. You can complete the mission by just taking out just 4 destroyer groups: the first one on the map, the one that appears to the east, and the 2 that appear in the south. If you have a fast ship, take out the other fleets. EL2 differences: Range for all the ships increases, so more of the fleets become a threat. Use long range main guns and missiles to take out the fleets before they can get in range of the transports. But don't wander away to engage them all, only the original 4 destroyers fleets pose the real threat. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-A-110 Name: Battle Signal Location: Hawaii Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: Sa-V- Reward point: 5000 Reward fund: 4500 EL2 Reward point: 12500 EL2 Reward fund: 16875 Note: unlocks Defend Hawaii! inferno; Only mission with 4 secondary objectives. Cannot go back to battle after completing main Main objective: Defend Hawaii's line of defense at all cost. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 2 enemy cruisers. (After completing the other secondary objectives, changes to: Secondary Objective 2: Sink all enemy destroyers. Secondary Objective 3: Sink 1 enemy aircraft carrier. Walkthrough: You only really need to take out the one fleet that's coming from the west. The others shouldn't be fast enough to reach the perimeter. On harder difficulty levels, the fleets are a little faster, and two more fleets from the west will need to be sunk. EL2 differences: No change. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-C-120 Name: Roaring Cannons at Dawn Location: US West Coast Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: Sa--r Reward point: 6000 Reward fund: 5400 EL2 Reward point: 14000 EL2 Reward fund: 18900 Note: Main objective: Sink 3 enemy cruisers. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink the aircraft carrier (after you approach it) Secondary Objective 2: Sink the enemy battleship. (after 2 cruisers sunk) Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head west and sink the first fleet. Then turn slightly north to engage the aircraft carrier and cruiser. Then turn due north to sink the cruiser detachment which should complete the mission. EL2 differences: The formation is different with several battleship fleets making it harder. But the layout of the cruisers and order to attack them remain the same. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-D-130 Name: Blistering Sun Location: US West Coast Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: S-u-r Reward point: 7000 Reward fund: 6300 EL2 Reward point: 15500 EL2 Reward fund: 20925 Note: Main objective: Sink 32 enemy ships. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 4 enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head northwest and engage 6 subs. Then continue north to engage the middle fleet attacking the allied fleet. The fleet to the west will eventually turn toward the battle and engage. Hopefully you can sink all the ships in the first fleet before getting outnumbered. The fleet to the east will head south and out of your way. When you've taken control of the situation, head after them last. EL2 differences: Some reinforcements show up, but otherwise, no change. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-E-140 Name: Against the Whirlwind Location: US West Coast Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: S--Vr Reward point: 8000 Reward fund: 7200 EL2 Reward point: 17000 EL2 Reward fund: 22950 Note: Main objective: Sink the Wirbelwind. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Rescue survivors from the allied vessels. (approach allied ship) Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The superweapon is a really fast battleship which will quickly out run you. However, it follows a predictable path around the map. It comes south along the coastline until it's near the edge of the map, then turns out to sea and then heads north. Wait along its path and hit it as it goes by. Main guns and torpedoes should be enough to stop it. EL2 differences: There are a lot more enemy fleets. One of the fleets at the center of the map when the mission starts is targeting the allied ship. If you don't get to it quickly enough, you won't be able to complete the secondary objective. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-G-150 Name: Ripples in the Moonlight Location: Galapagos Islands Weather: Clear Time: Night Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine required Ship design: s-u-- Reward point: 9000 Reward fund: 8100 EL2 Reward point: 18500 EL2 Reward fund: 24975 Note: Main objective: Sink 10 vessels of the enemy fleet. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 3 enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: You can stay submerged through the whole mission to avoid damage. Head toward the north end of the island. Sink the enemy subs along the way. Make your way around the fence to the opening to the south. Head into the port and use anti- mine torpedoes to clear the way. Pick off the ships with torpedoes. EL2 differences: As simple as EL1. It's even easier if you've researched cruise missiles. Just surface and send a couple into the port. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-H-160 Name: Through the Gates of Gatun Location: Panama Canal Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: sa--r Reward point: 10000 Reward fund: 9000 EL2 Reward point: 20000 EL2 Reward fund: 27000 Note: Continues; unlocks Search and destroy! inferno Main objective: Destroy the runway near the canal gates. Main Objective 2: Clear your way through the Panama Canal. (300 seconds) Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 15 ships of the Gatun Lake defense forces. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy 6 artillery batteries. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Your primary targets are the runways in the southwest and northeast corners. Eliminating them quickly will keep the number of aircraft in the air down. The aircraft don't do a lot of damage, but they'll follow you around and annoy you. You can take them out in either order, but destroying the northeast air base last puts you in a better position when the reinforcements come. Once the air bases are destroyed, a large reinforcement fleet arrives and you have to survive for 5 minutes. The fleet itself isn't that hard, but battery fire from the canal will be a pain. So, try to attack the fleet from the east side using the mountains to protect you. After a majority of the fleet is destroyed head into the canal to take out the batteries and wait out the rest of the 5 minutes. EL2 differences: The batteries will be really annoying so take them out as you go clockwise around the map. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-I-171 Name: Assassin at Sea Location: Cuba Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: W-- Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: sA-Vr Reward point: 10000 Reward fund: 9000 EL2 Reward point: 21500 EL2 Reward fund: 29025 Note: Continues Main objective: Annihilate the enemy fleet. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy the enemy fleet immediately. [300sec] Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Focus on completing the mission with full ammo and no damage to fight the boss battle next. First, steam forward and take out the batteries and air base on the island right in front of you. Next turn west and broadside the fleet stationed in the strait with torpedoes or guns. But don't take too long, because you also need to take out the batteries on the island to your left. Just beyond the island you'll encounter a full battleship fleet. Take out the entire fleet and turn around. Take out any ships you missed in the strait and continue east. South of the island there's a final fleet to take out and complete the mission. But make sure to go back afterward and repair and collect ammo. EL2 differences: Start the mission the same way taking out the batteries, air base, fleet in the strait, and then the fleet to the west. However, after sinking the fleet, a carrier will appear to the south of the island. Take it out as quickly as you can before it launches aircraft. Then head east to sink the fleet south of the middle island. It's important to take out the batteries along the way since you'll have to come back to the same spot again later. Now, looking at the map, if you've had to sail beyond the little hump on the south part of the island, just keep going around to the east side. Take out the airbase on the east island and work your way along the north shore of the middle island taking out the 3 carrier detachments. If you haven't gone past the hump, it's a little safer and faster to turn around and go through the strait to sink the fleets from west to east. Remember to return to the mission to ammo up and repair. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-I-180 Name: Deep Sea Terror Location: Cuba Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: s-Uvr Reward point: 11000 Reward fund: 9900 EL2 Reward point: 23000 EL2 Reward fund: 31050 Note: Farm EL1 until you find 20mm CIWS Main objective: Stop the Dreadnought. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink the Dreadnought. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head north and the superweapon will be submerged right in front of you. As soon as you're in range, launch your anti-sub rockets or depth charges at it. When it takes some damage, it will surface and you'll be able to use you main armaments. If you don't stop it in time, it will submerge and you'll have to track it down again. The superweapon is fast, even while submerged. EL2 differences: There will be several other fleets to distract you, but just focus on the superweapon. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-C-190 Name: Geirvimul's Spearhead Location: Netherlands Weather: Clear Time: Night Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: sa-vr Reward point: 12000 Reward fund: 10800 EL2 Reward point: 24500 EL2 Reward fund: 33075 Note: Main objective: Destroy all enemy radar installations. (14) Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy 2 enemy air bases. Secondary Objective 2: Sink 2 enemy battleships. (only found on Werner adjunct) Secondary Objective 3: Destroy 4 enemy cruisers. (after 5 minutes) Walkthrough: Head southeast and take on 4 fleets made of cruisers, destroyers, and gunboats. There will be some aircraft, but as long as you have some machine guns, they shouldn't be too much trouble. Once you've cleared out the ships, focus on the radar towers. There are plenty of batteries to make things difficult, so target them before you get in their range. A couple of radio towers are inland a bit, so you'll have to approach the shore eventually. EL2 differences: A bunch more laser and missile gunboats are added. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-A-200 Name: Long and Rocky Road Location: Dover Channel Weather: Clear Time: Dawn Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: S-uVr Reward point: 13000 Reward fund: 11700 EL2 Reward point: 26000 EL2 Reward fund: 35100 Note: Main objective: Escort the cargo fleet. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy all enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Sink all enemy destroyers. Secondary Objective 3: Sink the enemy battleships. (when the transports are in firing range of an enemy Walkthrough: In this mission you need to protect two fleets of transports. Use a fast ship to speed ahead of the fleets and head north. Sink the fleet of subs in the middle of the map. Then target the destroyer fleet a little further north. Try to sink all the ships, but if the transport fleets start to get ahead of you move on. There are two more enemy fleets led by cruisers at the mouth of the bay which you have to punch a hole through in order for the transports to get through without too much damage. The battleships look far away, but can still hit you with their main guns. Head over to the side of the map to take them out if you have time. EL2 differences: Follow the same pattern as before. Some reinforcements will show up in the northwest corner, but don't chase them down right away. An even closer reinforcement fleet will show up in the northwest corner. Take them out first, then speed over to protect the transports. If you're looking for the treasure on this level, the first transport in the west port will sail away if you don't reach it in time. Use a fast ship to take it out after sinking the subs. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-D-210 Name: Storm over Scapa Flow Location: Scapa Flow Weather: Rain Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: sauVr Reward point: 14000 Reward fund: 12600 EL2 Reward point: 27500 EL2 Reward fund: 37125 Note: Main objective: Defend the naval base at Scapa Flow. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 3 enemy aircraft carriers. Secondary Objective 2: Sink 6 enemy battleships. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: There are 3 main fleets. The one in the middle is a standard configuration of a battleship, 2 cruisers, and 4 destroyers. If you can, sink it fast because you really need to focus on the other 2 fleets. Head for the fleet to the southeast, it's the easier of the 2 with a single carrier. As you approach use anti-air to get in close and sink the carrier and battleship first. Finish off the fleet and head north. It has 2 carriers and battleships. Sinking this fleet will trigger reinforcements to the northeast, a destroyer fleet and battleship fleet. If you want to wait, the destroyer fleet will race ahead and be vulnerable by itself. Otherwise, head straight in a sink everyone all at once. EL2 differences: The enemy fleets start using jamming technology. They will only show up sporadically on radar. Also, sub reinforcements will appear. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-I-225 Name: Ancestral Grounds Location: Iceland Weather: Clear Time: Night Adjunct: W-B Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine required Ship design: s-uVR Reward point: 14000 Reward fund: 12600 EL2 Reward point: 29000 EL2 Reward fund: 39150 Note: Main objective: Proceed to the landing spot. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Complete the insertion without being discovered by the enemy. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: First off, don't expect to get an S or A rank on this level on your first playthrough. Even if you've been farming, your sub probably isn't well equipped. So, on your first pass, just surface and head straight into the bay sinking ships with torpedoes. Head to the back of the bay and stop your engines. After you insert your agents, the mission is complete and you can move on in the game. When you've built up your sub after your second playthrough (with enigmatechs and long range missiles) you can play it again in training mode. From firing depth you can use Anti-Ship Missile VLS 3 to sink the destroyers without getting detected. Although the quickest route is the first gap in the fence, turn northwest and sail along the outside of the fence. From a distance, take out the rest of the fleets. Use anti-sub missiles 3 VLS to take out the subs since torpedoes can get caught by the fence. And finally, mount anti-mine torpedoes pointed aft in case mines start tracking you. By sinking all the ships before entering the area behind the fence, you'll complete the secondary objective. EL2 differences: There are some ships outside the perimeter which you'll have to take care of first. Otherwise, use the same plan as before. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-E-234 Name: Chase the Fata Morgana Location: Norwegian Sea Weather: Foggy Time: Dawn Adjunct: WT- Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: s-uV- Reward point: 14000 Reward fund: 12600 EL2 Reward point: 30500 EL2 Reward fund: 41175 Note: Main objective: Search for the destroyer Ratatosk. Main Objective 2: Head south and lead the Ratatosk home. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 15 enemy destroyers. Secondary Objective 2: Sink 8 enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: There are 4 enemy fleets and 12 subs hidden in the fog. You probably won't have a digital enhancement system on your first playthrough, but if you do, you should use it for this mission. You'll be fighting blind, so be prepared to have ships start firing at you out of nowhere. The best way to find the missing ship is to search in a methodical zigzag pattern across the map. Plan for 6-8 passes back and forth across the map to have a thorough search. It may sound slow, but it's far less frustrating. Once you find the missing ship, sail to the south edge of the map. It can't go very fast (20 knots or so) so you may have to wait for it to catch up. EL2 differences: Some reinforcements will come, but otherwise no significant changes. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-F-240 Name: Invasion Force Spotted Location: English Channel Weather: Clear Time: Dawn Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: SA-vR Reward point: 15000 Reward fund: 13500 EL2 Reward point: 32000 EL2 Reward fund: 43200 Note: Main objective: Sink 4 aircraft carriers. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink enemy battleships. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The mission starts with 4 massive fleets to the north. Head for the one in lower right first and sink them all as quickly as possible. You should then sink the aircraft carriers in the center fleet. They are vulnerable once exposed and taking them out early will reduce the pesky aircraft dropping bombs on you. This will complete the missions but you can always go back to sink the other fleets. EL2 differences: 2 additional fleets surround the carrier group. You can get to the carrier group by punching through the one on the right, but unless you have cruise missiles or something to sink them fast, you're going to be totally outnumbered on the sea and in the air. If you want to be more conservative, attack the fleet on the right for as far away as possible, and the circle to the different fleets counterclockwise sinking the others. After 2 or 3 fleets are down, it should be easier to get in and destroy the carriers. The type and quantity of aircraft plus the use of torpedoes makes this a hard level for being early in EL2. Try adding an auto countermeasures system on your ship to add more auto slots for machine guns or anti-air measures. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-L-250 Name: Desperate Alliance Location: Brest Weather: Clear Time: Dawn Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: Sauvr Reward point: 16000 Reward fund: 14400 EL2 Reward point: 33500 EL2 Reward fund: 45225 Note: Main objective: Protect the stationed fleet. Main Objective 2: Sink 3 enemy aircraft carriers. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy the enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Intercept the enemy minelayers! Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: This is a timed based mission at night. Turn around and sink the fleet of submarines sitting in the port. Then target the 5 destroyer fleets. After awhile, several sets of reinforcements will come in. Pick off each fleet as it enters, but try not to wander away from the port too far. All the enemy fleets are headed to the port, so you can just sit and wait until they come into range. The last reinforcement will be 3 aircraft carriers to the south of the port and your primary objective will change to sink them. Don't worry too much about the launching aircraft. Just use your main guns to sink the ships as quickly as possible. EL2 differences: There are a lot more fleets in EL2 plus some have radar jammers. Unless you're going after the treasure in the NE part of the map, don't stray too far from the port. The enemy ships will come to you. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-C-263 Name: Landing at Emden Location: Netherlands Weather: Cloudy Time: Dusk Adjunct: --B Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: sauvr Reward point: 16000 Reward fund: 14400 EL2 Reward point: 35000 EL2 Reward fund: 47250 Note: Cannot go back to battle after completing main objective. Main objective: Destroy the enemy defense force. (15) Main Objective 2: Head into Emden harbor. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 10 enemy submarines. (Approach harbor) Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head southeast at full throttle and attack the two surface fleets head on. They're made up of cruisers, destroyers, gunboats, and a single battleship; nothing too hard. By now, aircraft will be overhead. Just go into engagement mode as you head into port. If you can, come in from the side so you have a chance to take out the batteries first. When the 10 subs are triggered, act quickly to take them out. Finally, sail into port and come to a complete halt. EL2 differences: Instead of two fleets, there are 4 battleship fleets and some sporadic gunboats to sink first. 2 more battleship fleets will come as reinforcements as well. Try not to get surrounded by focusing on the southern most fleet first and working counterclockwise until you meet the main objective. Then head into port avoiding combat with the reinforcements. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-O-272 Name: The Sun Rises East Location: Strait of Gibraltar Weather: Rain Time: Noon Adjunct: -T- Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SAUvr Reward point: 16000 Reward fund: 14400 EL2 Reward point: 36500 EL2 Reward fund: 49275 Note: Main objective: Assist the Italian Fleet on its retreat through the strait. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 12 enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy 3 pursuing enemy vessels. Secondary Objective 3: Destroy the enemy airbase. Walkthrough: The main objective in this mission is to protect your allied fleets. First, take out the fleet of enemy subs right in front of your ship. Then head toward the strait, weaving between your fleet if you have to. The strait is a choke point, so try to engage the wave of enemy ships as they slow down to pass the strait. The batteries along the shore can be annoying, so if you have time, take them out. A small number of aircraft and missiles mean you should have good air defenses. EL2 differences: There are a lot more subs on EL2 so make sure to have plenty of ammo for your anti-sub weapons. The airbase will also be more difficult and send more aircraft than before. A large enemy fleet of reinforcements will appear in the SW corner toward the end. In most cases, the allied fleet should escape before they become a problem, but just in case, don't wander to the other side of the strait until they're taken care of. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-D-280 Name: Returning Nightmare Location: Scapa Flow Weather: Foggy Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: Sa-VR Reward point: 17000 Reward fund: 15300 EL2 Reward point: 38000 EL2 Reward fund: 51300 Note: Main objective: Search for the Superweapon Main Objective 2: Destroy the Dual Crater before she deploys landing troops. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: This boss battle is one of the hardest especially on your first playthrough. There are several battleships and tons of gunboats to distract you, but your focus should be on the Dual Crater. You'll need the best main guns you have available and enough speed to at least keep pace with it. If you're still using a destroyer with torpedoes, then this is the mission you should strongly consider researching battleships for. It's not impossible to sink Dual Crater with a destroyer, but it'll be difficult even on very easy. The key is to sail beside it launching a full spread of torpedoes at it from as close as possible. It follows a predictable path, so you could alternatively drop mines in front of it. Otherwise, big ship, big armor, big guns is the way to go. If the Dual Crater reaches shore, in about a couple of minutes, you'll lose automatically. EL2 differences: Although there are a lot more enemy ships, the strategy is the same, focus on the Dual Crater. It won't be as hard since you should have a lot better ship by your second playthrough. But don't let the fact that the reinforcements are gunboats and destroyers fool you. The gunboats fire missiles and lasers, and the destroyers are extremely tough for their size. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-D-290 Name: Giggling Demon Location: Scapa Flow Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine required Ship design: s-UVr Reward point: 18000 Reward fund: 16200 EL2 Reward point: 39500 EL2 Reward fund: 53325 Note: Main objective: Search for the engine fragment of the superweapon. Main Objective 2: Destroy all enemy ships. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy all submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The objective is easy; approach the 3 areas on the map, in any order. However, there are over 20 submarines out there to slow you down. This is a sub only mission, and if you're like most players, you really don't have that much for your sub yet. Put a lot of torpedoes on your sub and since you never have to surface, you won't need machine guns. You can avoid enemy torpedoes by either turning your boat 90 degrees to sail out of the firing line or diving deep. After you find the superweapon, two surface fleets will appear. Just sink them while submerged. EL2 differences: The beginning is the same, but when the surface ships come, there are 6 fleets to sink. If you have cruise missiles, this would be the mission to use them. The two aircraft carrier fleets are bunched together and are an easy target for two cruise missiles. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-G-300 Name: Clash in the North Sea Location: North Sea Weather: Cloudy Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: Sa-vR Reward point: 19000 Reward fund: 17100 EL2 Reward point: 41000 EL2 Reward fund: 55350 Note: Main objective: Sink 8 enemy battleships. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 15 enemy cruisers. Secondary Objective 2: Sink 3 enemy aircraft carriers. (after a few minutes) Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: You start in the southwest corner with 7 fleets to sink (4 cruiser attachments and 3 battleship attachments). The key to avoiding damage is to focus on one fleet at a time. Hit the 3 southern most cruiser fleets first. Then the single battleship attachment in the middle. Then pick off the northern destroyer fleet and finally the two battleship attachments sailing together. Don't worry about night vision, the weather improves as you fight. EL2 differences: The mission starts with 3 aircraft carriers behind you. Quickly turn around and sink them before they surround you with aircraft. The rest of the mission is similar as EL1. Just focus on one fleet at a time. You don't need to sink every ship on the map to complete the main objective so pick off the easy battleships first. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-A-310 Name: Claws of the Archaeopteryx Location: London Weather: Clear Time: Dawn Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: -A-Vr Reward point: 20000 Reward fund: 18000 EL2 Reward point: 42500 EL2 Reward fund: 57375 Note: unlocks Defend London! inferno Main objective: Destroy the flying superweapon. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The Archaeopteryx is a giant airplane that drops bombs and shoots unguided rockets. Your anti-air defense probably won't be strong enough yet, so use your main guns. As it heads toward your ship aim all guns forward and fire slightly in front of it. Then as it starts shooting, do an S turn around the bombs but under the rockets and then end up behind it safely. As it passes overhead, it will begin to turn around. It's really important that your ship can out turn it so that you can line up for another volley straight on. If your ship is fast enough, you can even stay on the inside of its turn so it can't ever get over your head. There are only 3 transports available to drop crates, so you'll need to take as much ammo as possible into the fight. EL2 differences: Several battleships join the mix to make things a little more difficult. If you can wait, don't sink them too early in case you end up needing an ammo crate later. -------------------------- Mission: MED-A-320 Name: Pillar of Hercules Location: Strait of Gibraltar Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SaUvR Reward point: 21000 Reward fund: 18900 EL2 Reward point: 44000 EL2 Reward fund: 59400 Note: Main objective: Clear the Strait of Gibraltar. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 15 enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Sink 10 enemy ships. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The west fleet has 10 subs and a cruiser detachment. If you can, take out as many of the subs from as far away as possible. The surface fleet will eventually come out to engage you, so take them out as soon as they are in range. The second, eastern fleet will sail through the strait to engage you as well. Make sure you've taken out the first fleet and as many subs as possible so you can focus your attention on it. After you've cleared the ships on the west side of the map, head toward the strait. Take out the batteries and the two airbases as you head through before engaging the next set of subs. If you got an AEGIS on EUR-D-290, this would be the time to use it with your anti-sub armaments. EL2 differences: Although it looks like there's only one giant fleet, after a minute another giant fleet will appear as reinforcements behind you. But wait, there's even a third one that appears later. If you've got a fast ship, just punch through the strait before they can catch up to you. -------------------------- Mission: MED-B-330 Name: Bloody Tyrrhenian Sea Location: Northern Italy Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: sAUvR Reward point: 22000 Reward fund: 19800 EL2 Reward point: 45500 EL2 Reward fund: 61425 Note: Do not destroy civilian buildings. Main objective: Destroy all artillery batteries and radar installations. 900 seconds Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 8 enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy the enemy runway. Secondary Objective 3: Sink 6 battleships. Walkthrough: This mission is a little harder to complete than you think. You need to destroy all the radars and batteries on the map, but you can't destroy any of the other buildings. Unfortunately, your machine guns will automatically fire on the other buildings because they are considered enemy structures. And since there are two air bases sending swarms of airplanes at you, you can't turn the machine guns off. Stay away from the shore and thin out the surface fleets and aircraft first. Then, slowly, head toward either shore to take out the primary targets. Use missiles, rockets, or low dispersion guns from as far away as possible. Work you way around the map until you reach the fleet of subs. Take them out from as far away as possible to avoid getting too close to shore. If your ship has high armor and can take a beating from aircraft, a good tip is to save at least one air base until the end so it can launch aircraft at you. This way your machine guns will stay occupied on the planes rather than the civilian buildings. EL2 differences: By now your ship should be much tougher and have bigger guns. Use that to your advantage and hit as many targets from your starting position as you can, without moving. The enemy fleets will head to intercept you, but you should have enough time to take out several targets before you have to engage. Follow the same pattern as before, working your way around the map and staying away from shore. -------------------------- Mission: MED-C-340 Name: Covered by Ashes Location: Vesuvius Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SauVR Reward point: 23000 Reward fund: 20700 EL2 Reward point: 47000 EL2 Reward fund: 63450 Note: Main objective: Sink 30 enemy ships. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy all enemy runways. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy all artillery batteries. (approach north island batteries) Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head southeast for the air base on the island. Fire at the enemy fleet as you pass by, but taking out the air base will make things much easier for the rest of the battle. If you planned it right, you should be able to hit the airbase without much air resistance and the 4 enemy fleets will be toward the northwest part of the map. Turn northeast and head for the other air base in the mainland. Take out the sub fleet as you pass over them. After you take out the second airbase, you can focus on the surface fleets. By now, all 4 should be bunched together in the northwest. Head toward them and use a full broadside of torpedoes or artillery to knock them out. EL2 differences: Three more enemy fleets join the fight and make the original tactic a little harder to execute. But, if you add more speed to your ship, you can race ahead before they become a factor. -------------------------- Mission: MED-C-350 Name: Double Headed Giant Location: Vesuvius Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SA-vR Reward point: 24000 Reward fund: 21600 EL2 Reward point: 48500 EL2 Reward fund: 65475 Note: Main objective: Sink the Harima! Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Turn around and knock out the air base before it can launch aircraft. Don't worry too much about the batteries, the rest of the battle will be at sea. Now head south to the island to take out that air base. You'll need some solid anti-air to get through the several waves of air craft. As you take out the air base try to take out some of the batteries too. You'll be near the island for a while and you don't need the extra headache. The superweapon has big guns and rockets. If you've built up your ship, you can almost go toe to toe with it. It's slow and fires slow. If you're still using a destroyer, the best place for you to be is right next to the superweapon. Sail along side the ship firing torpedoes. You should be under the firing arc of the superweapon and therefore avoid a lot of damage. EL2 differences: There are 4 fleets of battleships with radar jammers added to the map. Take them out after destroying the two air bases. -------------------------- Mission: MED-D-360 Name: Hide and Seek Location: Sicily Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine required Ship design: S-UVr Reward point: 25000 Reward fund: 22500 EL2 Reward point: 50000 EL2 Reward fund: 67500 Note: Main objective: Find the escaping enemy submarine. Main Objective 2: Find the real submarine. Main Objective 3: Sink 12 enemy ships. Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head to the western side of the map to engage the two subs. Then head toward the strait. It is surrounded by mines, so either surface and let your machine guns take them out or use anti-mine torpedoes. Once past the mines, the enemy surface fleet is bunched together and should be an easy target. They shoot unguided torpedoes, so you can avoid them by sinking really fast or turning. EL2 differences: After you sink the two subs, 4 battleships and a sub will appear for you to deal with. Then when you approach the strait, another set of reinforcements will appear around you. -------------------------- Mission: MED-E-372 Name: Salute for an Old Friend Location: Sicily Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: -T- Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: SAuvR Reward point: 25000 Reward fund: 22500 EL2 Reward point: 51500 EL2 Reward fund: 69525 Note: Main objective: Sink 15 enemy battleships. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 4 enemy aircraft carriers. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: All the fleets are lined up in a row. Head forward and when the first fleet is within firing range, stop and go in reverse. This will allow you to pick off the fleet without getting surrounded. Several waves of aircraft will join the fight, but as long as you're sailing backward, you should be able to pick them off before they get overhead to drop bombs. EL2 differences: The fleet formation is different and there are subs. It's really easy to get overwhelmed, especially since there are a lot more aircraft and the battleships have lasers. Focus on one battleship fleet at a time and make sure you sink them all before moving to the next. And bring along a lot of anti-air defenses. -------------------------- Mission: MED-F-380 Name: Carnage on Enemy Shores Location: Greece Weather: Clear Time: Dawn Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SauVR Reward point: 26000 Reward fund: 23400 EL2 Reward point: 53000 EL2 Reward fund: 71550 Note: Main objective: Destroy all land-based batteries. Main Objective 2: Destroy Amagi's fleet. (not on Tsukuba adjunct) Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 20 enemy ships. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy all the enemy air base. (approach airbase on southeast island) Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Although there are two fleets between you and the main land, you don't have to engage them. Head toward the island in the south. Go along the north shore and clear out everything. There is a battery on the south shore, but your main guns or rockets should still reach it. Now head up the east edge of the map taking out batteries. As you head toward the port, engage the fleet positioned there and then the subs. Now, head down the peninsula to take out the last batteries. On the Werner and Braun path, Amagi's battleship fleet will appear and your main objective will change to sink them. EL2 differences: No difference. -------------------------- Mission: MED-G-396 Name: Aida's Tears Location: Suez Canal Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: -TB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: Sauvr Reward point: 26000 Reward fund: 23400 EL2 Reward point: 54500 EL2 Reward fund: 73575 Note: Main objective: Sink all enemy battleships. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy the enemy air base. (approach north island air base) Secondary Objective 2: Destroy 6 artillery batteries. (approach southeast port) Secondary Objective 3: Sink 5 enemy aircraft carriers. (shortly after your complete other 3 objectives) Walkthrough: The fleet in the center of the map is a cruiser detachment. It's not important to the mission, but go ahead and take it out first so it doesn't bug you later. Next, head to the northeast corner to trigger the secondary objective. The fleet there has battleship, so take it out. A few aircraft will launch from the island, but nothing too scary. Take out the airbase and head south. As you head for the canal, take out any subs that get in your way. Once you trigger the next objective, take out the batteries. If you destroyed any on the island, those count too. Now head back to the center of the map where the last two battleship fleets are waiting. Now, here's the tricky part. After you get the mission accomplished screen, select Back to go back to the battlefield. After a few minutes the aircraft carriers should appear in the southwest corner. This doesn't always happen right away, and I'm not exactly sure why. I think it has something to do with the time of day when you finish the other objectives, but I can't prove it. EL2 differences: A few more ships and reinforcements is the only difference. -------------------------- Mission: MED-H-406 Name: Desert Heat Location: Red Sea Weather: Cloudy Time: Dusk Adjunct: -TB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SA-VR Reward point: 26000 Reward fund: 23400 EL2 Reward point: 56000 EL2 Reward fund: 75600 Note: Main objective: Sink the Musspellheim. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: This superweapons primary attack is aircraft. If you give it time, it will launch dozens of aircraft at you. Speed in fast and engage it at close range. Then, it's your standard pounding away until it's defeated. Don't forget to sink the 3 transports or you'll only get a 25% destroyed score. EL2 differences: Several battleship fleets make it harder. -------------------------- Mission: MED-I-411 Name: Storm Tide at the Bosporus Location: Bosporus Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: W-- Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SA-VR Reward point: 26000 Reward fund: 23400 EL2 Reward point: 57500 EL2 Reward fund: 77625 Note: Main objective: Destroy the enemy artillery fortifications. Main Objective 2: Destroy the Dora Durhi. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy the garrisoned enemy fleet. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy all fire control installations. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: This is actually a pretty hard boss battle midway through your playthrough. You'll need powerful main guns and lots of armor to stand a chance. Your primary threat is the giant fireballs from the sky from the superweapon. So, target the control towers first to greatly increase your chance of surviving the hailstorm. Start off by heading to the west island. As soon as it's in range, start taking out the batteries and the control tower. Destroying the blimps won't do anything at first because as long as the control tower exists, it will continue to spawn more. After the control tower is destroyed, head east, staying on the south side of the island to shield you from the surface fleet on the other side. You'll have to engage the 4 cruisers between the islands, but try not to get too distracted. You have to get to the other control tower quickly. As soon as possible, take it out, ignoring the two fleets protecting the island. Once it's destroyed take out all the blimps. You're going to have to take some damage from the fleets, batteries, and superweapon as you do this, but it'll definitely help you in the long run. Now, engage the fleets making sure to pick up ammo and repair kits. When you finally engage the superweapon, make sure to take out the batteries on either side of the bridge to make life easier. Don't focus too much on the locomotives since they will just respawn when it goes back in the tunnels. Instead, work on the superweapon until it's destroyed. EL2 differences: The cruiser fleets are twice as big and in slightly different starting positions, but otherwise no change. The secret base is behind the wall on the west side of the tracks. You'll need a helicopter to pick up the crate. -------------------------- Mission: MED-J-421 Name: Smoke over the Black Sea Location: Black Sea Weather: Rain Time: Dusk Adjunct: W-- Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SA-vR Reward point: 26000 Reward fund: 23400 EL2 Reward point: 59000 EL2 Reward fund: 79650 Note: Continues Main objective: Destroy all enemy base installations. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 30 vessels of the enemy defense force. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy 2 enemy air bases. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: If you had a ship that could pass the last mission, this one should be just slightly harder. Sail along the coast hitting the enemy buildings along the way. Right when you're in range of the massive fleet along shore, stop your engines. There are far too many targets, including the land batteries, to take them all out in one pass. By stopping, it gives you a little extra time to sink the first wave of ships and any enemy aircraft. Keep a chaff grenade ready in case they start launching missiles at you. When you've gotten a handle of the situation, start your engines and start sinking the rest of the shore fleet. There are a lot of buildings to destroy, so take your time with them and make sure you're thorough. Sail to the other end of the bay to take out the small town there. Keep your anti-air defenses up because the air base over there will have had plenty of time to launch a lot of aircraft at you. Sail out to the east island to finish off the buildings on the map. EL2 differences: Two words, cruise missile. About a dozen cruise missiles properly aimed can take out all the batteries and enemy buildings. -------------------------- Mission: MED-K-431 Name: Ideal and Reality Location: Black Sea Weather: Rain Time: Noon Adjunct: W-- Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: S--VR Reward point: 26000 Reward fund: 23400 EL2 Reward point: 60500 EL2 Reward fund: 81675 Note: Main objective: Take control of the enemy ammunition depot. Main Objective 2: Withdraw from the battle zone through the west. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: In my opinion, this is a real pain of a mission. You start with no ammunition or aircraft. You have to travel all the way to the far end of the map, through a strait guarded by batteries and then to a port along the north edge of the map. If you have a slow ship or low armor, like on your first playthrough, this mission can be annoying. Once you dock at the port and reload your weapons, several reinforcements pop up and try and stop you. Sink them on your way back around to the west edge of the map. EL2 differences: There are a lot of questions about the treasure on this level, so here's some tips. First, the treasure, AFAIK, isn't all that important, so don't worry about getting it the first time through. Second, there are only 3 proven ways to get it. 1) if you have an ammo assembler equipped, you start the mission with ammo 2) use a really fast frigate to sail around to the port, reload your weapons, and use a wave gun (or similar weapon) to shoot through the mountain and hit the transport before it leaves 3) use a drillship and ram into it. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-A-440 Name: Iron Will Location: London Weather: Cloudy Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SA-Vr Reward point: 27000 Reward fund: 24300 EL2 Reward point: 62000 EL2 Reward fund: 83700 Note: EL 1 has 12 CVs and 4 BCs to farm. Main objective: Protect allied airfields. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink all enemy aircraft carriers. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy the enemy battlecarriers. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Your primary targets are the aircraft carriers. Quickly engage the fleet in front of you at the start. Take out the four carriers. If you sink the battleship and the support ships in the melee, good, but don't stick around to finish them off. Without stopping or turning, sail past the first fleet to the fleet at the port to the east. Try to take out as many fighters as possible, but as soon as your main guns are in range, take out the carriers. Now turn toward the fleet in the middle. As soon as you take it out, 4 battlecarriers will come in from the north. Head there to take them out. The key here is speed. Don't worry about all the ships. The destroyers and cruisers can't do much damage to the airbases so don't spend too much time on them. If you're having a lot of trouble, this might be one of the few missions where I might suggest using an aircraft carrier loaded with interceptors. EL2 differences: The enemy fleets are a lot different. Unfortunately, instead of harmless destroyers and cruisers, now there are 4 battleship fleets that will attack the land targets as well. Head for the first one in front of you. Focus your entire attack on one ship at a time. Each one is a BB H and is really powerful and tough. So make sure you sink it before moving on to the next since a ship with 1 HP can still fire its weapons. Your primary targets are still the carriers, so don't turn or slow down just to sink the battleships. Head toward the northeast corner of the map and take out the carriers along the way. The cruisers have photon guns and can be tough, but you don't have to sink them if you don't have time. After taking out the carriers in the corner, turn due west. The battlecarriers should arrive and you'll be headed straight toward them. Take them out and complete the mission by defeating the last carriers in the northwest corner. Speed, speed, speed! -------------------------- Mission: EUR-B-450 Name: Hymn for Mersebur Location: Wilhelmshaven Weather: Foggy Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SauvR Reward point: 28000 Reward fund: 25200 EL2 Reward point: 63500 EL2 Reward fund: 85725 Note: Main objective: Destroy all land-based batteries. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink the enemy battleships. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy 2 enemy air bases. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head toward the middle of the east edge of the map. There's a whole sub fleet there to take out first. When you're close to shore, turn south. You'll hit each fleet one at a time as you follow the coast. Take out the 8 batteries along the way to complete the main objective. The gunboats and cruisers fire missiles and torpedoes so make sure you've got chaff grenades and machine guns. If you have a digital enhancement system, this would be the mission to use it on. EL2 differences: At first, it looks like this will be easier than EL1. There aren't any subs to start with. However, as soon as you engage the enemy, 8 destroyer reinforcements appear. And then 4 more destroyer fleets. And did I mention, they all have radar jammers and are all shooting lasers at you at the same time! Make sure you've got the best EM Shield possible. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-K-464 Name: Sheltered by the Fog Location: Trondheim Weather: Snow Time: Dusk Adjunct: WT- Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SauvR Reward point: 28000 Reward fund: 25200 EL2 Reward point: 65000 EL2 Reward fund: 87750 Note: Main objective: Destroy all harbor installations. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 20 enemy ships. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy 2 enemy air bases. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Your primary goal is to destroy most of the enemy buildings. Start with the easy one in the northeast corner. The enemy buildings there don't have any protection and will be an easy score. Turn south and follow the coast. The next town is in a little bay protected y an airbase and a couple batteries. It shouldn't be a problem either. The next installation is easy too, but awfully close to the enemy sub fleet. Go in slow and take out the subs. The bulk of the enemy surface ships are guarding the port. Try to stay away as long as possible taking out the land installations that are easy. But in order to get enough, you'll have to engage the cruiser detachment. Take them out so you can pound the shore without harassment. EL2 differences: If you follow the same strategy as before, you'll notice 3 battleship fleets start chasing you. Plus, when you engage the land targets, battleship fleets start popping up as reinforcements. Cruise missiles make this mission a lot easier, so mount them if you have the space. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-I-473 Name: Bad Omen Location: Iceland Weather: Cloudy Time: Dusk Adjunct: --B Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine required Ship design: s-uVr Reward point: 28000 Reward fund: 25200 EL2 Reward point: 66500 EL2 Reward fund: 89775 Note: Main objective: Pick up our secret agents. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink all enemy destroyers. Secondary Objective 2: Sink 10 enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 3: Sink 8 enemy cruisers. (after completing main objective) Walkthrough: This is the same map as the mission where you inserted your agents except you don't have to use stealth. Surface your sub and head straight past the fence. Use anti-sub missiles to take out the sub fleet in the between the two fence rows and anti-ship missiles to take out the surface fleet of destroyers. Torpedoes will also work but tend to get caught in the fence. Now, look around the beaches for a flashing marker. If you don't see it right away then it's probably tucked away in the bay to the north. Just cruise up to it and stop to pick up the agents. There's one additional sub fleet to the north, but shouldn't be a problem unless you have to go there for the marker. EL2 differences: Some battleship reinforcements is the only change. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-J-483 Name: Sizzling Iceberg Location: Iceland Weather: Cloudy Time: Dusk Adjunct: --B Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: Sa-vR Reward point: 28000 Reward fund: 25200 EL2 Reward point: 68000 EL2 Reward fund: 91800 Note: Main objective: Withdraw from the battle zone through the south. Main Objective 2: Sink the Habakkuk. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy all enemy ships. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The bay with the superweapon is blocked by a line of cruisers. Head south toward the east edge of the cruisers. Take out the missile batteries on the peninsula and then start working on the cruisers. Work east to west taking down each cruiser using chaff grenades to keep the missiles off of you. The superweapon will soon appear so try to sink as many cruisers as quickly as possible. When the enemy ships and missile batteries are thinned out, head full throttle toward the superweapon. Unlike the iceberg in Naval Ops, you can't just use the flamethrower to sink it. Sail right up next to it, and start hitting it with your main guns. Stay focused on one section of the ship until the ice breaks away and you can hit the actual ship itself. Don't get distracted by the planes or other ships (which is why you need to sink as many in the beginning as possible) since the ship will rebuild the ice barrier if you sail away. Keep hitting the ship until it sinks. EL2 differences: There are extra battleship fleets spread out near the bay which need to be sunk before you attack the superweapon. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-H-490 Name: At Close Quarters Location: Jutland Peninsula Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SAuVR Reward point: 29000 Reward fund: 26100 EL2 Reward point: 69500 EL2 Reward fund: 93825 Note: Continues Main objective: Withdraw from the battle zone through the southeast. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 12 enemy cruisers. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy 3 enemy air bases. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Your real objective here is to get out of the mission with as little effort as possible since you continue to the next mission without docking. Push forward and engage the enemy subs. They fire missiles at you so use chaff grenades to avoid damage. By the time you finish off the subs, the first wave of enemy aircraft should be overhead. They attack from 3 different directions, but you really don't have time to deal with them. Take the damage for now and head toward the fleet in the middle. Take them out as quickly as possible and make sure to pick up ammo crates. Now, head south and work on the aircraft. Anti- air missiles work best. Just thin them out enough so you can focus on next fleet to the south. Unfortunately, you're just going to have to engage it head on. Use up your chaff grenades and pound the ships with your main guns. AEGIS and anti-sub missiles can thin out the underwater threat a lot too. It's really important to pick up ammo crates, so be willing to take some more damage to get more ammo. Don't worry about the treasure your first time through. Once you complete the mission you can play it in training mode without having to save ammo. EL2 differences: The mission starts out slow, but will eventually get really crazy when all the aircraft converge on you. A single cruise missile should take out the bulk of the cruiser force to the north. Don't attack the airbase, you just need to get out of there fast and it's too far away. When you start heading south, 5 fleets appear. Focus your attention on the cruisers on the west side since the island will partially protect you from the lasers from the ships to the east. The battleship fleet in the south will be tough so punch through as quickly as possible. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-M-500 Name: The Beginning of the End Location: Kiel Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SauVR Reward point: 30000 Reward fund: 27000 EL2 Reward point: 71000 EL2 Reward fund: 95850 Note: Main objective: Destroy all enemy artillery batteries and air bases. Main Objective 2: Annihilate the enemy battleship group! Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink 10 enemy cruisers. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The strait down the middle looks tempting, but the best way is to work around the map clockwise. Start with the northern part of the north island taking out all the batteries. Although you'll get a warning message that you're out of the area, you can actually sail around the northern tip of the island to the other side. Do this and take out the installations and airbase on the east side of the island. Now head due south to take out the sub fleet and the installations on the main land. Sail along the coast of the mainland until all the batteries are destroyed then head between the islands to the center of the map. If you have to, slow down so you can fire at the targets from a distance. The port is filled with mines, so slowing down will also give time for your machine guns to clear a path for you. Take out the batteries and the fleets stationed there. When you complete the main objective, a very large battleship fleet will appear in the west. All the ammo you hoarded on the previous mission is going to be used here. Take out the battleships to move on. EL2 differences: The battleship fleet reinforcements are spread out on the map so you'll have to chase them down. -------------------------- Mission: EUR-N-510 Name: Merciless Torrent Location: Baltic Sea Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SauVR Reward point: 31000 Reward fund: 27900 EL2 Reward point: 72500 EL2 Reward fund: 97875 Note: Main objective: Sink the Trollsegur. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Turn a little to the left and head for the north side of the island to take out the airbase there. There's actually a second airbase in the southeast corner, but hopefully the mission will end before they become a factor. Engage the superweapon. It uses lasers, a photon gun, and main guns, so get in really close to make them ineffective. Torpedoes, main guns, or anything you can use in a broadside close combat should take out the superweapon. EL2 differences: The first thing you'll notice is that there are several battleship fleets hanging around to make things difficult. But then you'll notice that there's a second superweapon, the Wirbelwind from PAC-E-140! Then, if you have good sonar, you'll also notice a third superweapon, the Dreadnought from PAC-I-180! Take out the airbase as before, but then stop your engines and head back south. The superweapons will all head around toward the south end of the island and into your firing range. Since the battleship fleets are slower, it let's you deal with one threat at a time. Take out the Wirbelwind, then the Trollsegur. If you continue with the battle, the battleship fleet to the west should be right on top of you by now. Take them out along with the battleship fleet to the north, just in time for the Dreadnought to appear. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-I-520 Name: Heading Home Location: Cuba Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: sAuVR Reward point: 32000 Reward fund: 28800 EL2 Reward point: 74000 EL2 Reward fund: 99900 Note: Main objective: Sink 25 enemy ships. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy all enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Airplanes! There are three air bases and two sets of CVs which send tons of aircraft at you. Don't panic and use the anti-air defense you have to stop them. Try to take out the whole fleet in front of you at the start, then turn southwest toward the first CV fleet. The final CV fleet is toward the south. As long as you have some sort of anti-missile defense like a chaff grenade, the submarines can wait. EL2 differences: Just to set your expectations, you're going to die a few times on this mission. After a few seconds, your radar will be mostly yellow, filled with aircrafts and ships everywhere. The strategy for this mission has more to do with ship design than play style. Build a battleship with as many anti-air missiles as possible. It's not about ammo, it's the number of mounts that are important. As you cruise straight for the main fleet, use the engagement mode to fire all your weapons. The more mounts you have, the more missiles that get fired. You'll also need a chaff grenade and some cruise missiles. The chaff grenades are needed to ward off the onslaught of missiles the surface ships send and the cruise missiles are needed because main guns are too slow. You need to wipe out as many ships as possible in a short amount of time and the cruise missile is the way to go. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-F-530 Name: A Saint's Tears Location: El Salvador Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SaUvR Reward point: 33000 Reward fund: 29700 EL2 Reward point: 75500 EL2 Reward fund: 101925 Note: Main objective: Destroy all enemy base installations. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy the enemy's garrisoned forces. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: As in other missions, your goal is to destroy enemy buildings. But there are several fleets along the shore to stop you. The idea here is to go slow. Let the enemy engage you. Take out the southern most buildings on the east side first. Then work your way north to engage the first enemy sub fleet. After they've been taken care of, take out the surface fleet. Before moving further north, make sure you destroy the buildings and pick up more ammo for your anti- sub weapon. The next sub fleet is a little further north just outside the bay. If you've destroyed all the other buildings so far, you can actually just sail over the subs and hit the buildings in the bay to end the mission. Otherwise, stop over the sub fleet to destroy them. Chaff grenades come in handy here since the submarines and cruisers launch missiles. You don't have to engage the final northern surface fleet. BTW, the secret base is in the lake, so you'll need a helicopter to get it. So forget about it now and come back during as a training mission later. EL2 differences: The strategy remains the same, but instead of a sub fleet, there's a destroyer fleet when you first head up the coast and there's a carrier fleet that appears as reinforcement in the southwest corner. If you didn't learn your lesson on the last mission, things are going to get a lot harder here on out, so make sure you take the time to research. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-G-542 Name: Left Behind Location: Galapagos Islands Weather: Cloudy Time: Noon Adjunct: -T- Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SauvR Reward point: 33000 Reward fund: 29700 EL2 Reward point: 77000 EL2 Reward fund: 103950 Note: Main objective: Destroy all long-range missile silos. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy 1 enemy air base. Secondary Objective 2: Sink 8 enemy battleships. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Although there is a whole fleet of submarines waiting for you, the real threat is the aircraft. Not that they cause a lot of damage, but because they distract your machine guns away from the incoming missiles which cause massive damage. You need to remember to switch to your chaff grenade and launch it every 20 seconds to keep the missiles off of you. Head toward the islands and engage the two fleets. They're bunched tightly together so a spread of torpedoes or a salvo of main guns should take care of a majority of them. When the fleets are thinned out, work on the subs. Then take out the missile silo and airbase on the island in the middle of the map. Next, head around the south part of the main island. If you main guns have the distance, you can shoot over the mountains to hit the land targets without any resistance. Before you head around the southwest part of the island, slow down and let your machine guns take care of the mines in the bay. Another sub fleet and battleship fleet await you in the harbor. Stay behind the mountains if you can. Your main guns can fire over them, while the sub and cruisers missiles can't. Methodically deplete the enemy ships before entering the harbor to take out the missile silos. EL2 differences: The addition of destroyer and battleship fleets make things a little more complicated. But like before, the fleets tend to bunch up between the islands to send in a couple cruise missiles to make things go faster. By now you should have big enough main guns that you can fire over the mountains from the safety of the west side of the island. Take out all the silos without exposing yourself to enemy missiles or lasers. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-J-552 Name: Poisoned Dagger Location: Galapagos Islands Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: -T- Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: SA-vR Reward point: 33000 Reward fund: 29700 EL2 Reward point: 78500 EL2 Reward fund: 105975 Note: Main objective: Sink 15 enemy battleships. Main Objective 2: Sink Amagi's flagship, the Hitachi. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: There are 6 battleship fleets to start the mission. They're tightly bunched together so artillery from a distance should thin out the smaller ships. There aren't any aircraft to distract you so push in tight and pound away at the battleships. Your machine gun defenses should be enough to stop the missiles. After sinking the 15 battleships, Amagi's battleship fleet will appear. If you don't think you can take on 8 battleships at once, then start taking out the ones on the end first. From a distance thin out a few ships first, then speed in to attack the Hitachi. EL2 differences: Five battleship detachments and some aircraft carriers raise the difficulty of the level pretty high. Take out the first battleship fleet to clear a path to the carriers. The battleships all have radar jammers, so trust me, the first fleet is right in front of you. As soon as the 2 carrier fleets are in range, stop and go in reverse. This should buy you some time to sink the carriers and deal with the next 2 fleets of battleships. All the fleets are gunning for you, so you don't worry about chasing them down, they'll all end up bunched in front of you. Although it'd be nice to throw in a cruise missile, the enemy uses chaff grenades and anti-air fire to take out cruise missiles. Keep working on them, until 6 more reinforcements show up and then Amagi's fleet to the west. Try to take out one of the carrier fleets before taking on Amagi. The aircraft will distract you machine guns making you vulnerable to missile attacks. Continue pounding until the Hitachi goes down. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-E-561 Name: Redemption Location: US West Coast Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: W-- Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SA-Vr Reward point: 33000 Reward fund: 29700 EL2 Reward point: 80000 EL2 Reward fund: 108000 Note: Main objective: Sink the Musspellheim. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Defend all allied base installations. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Follow the coast north to engage the superweapon. It will have plenty of time to launch aircraft at you, but it splits them up; some to attack the shore, some to attack your ship. Speed in fast and get right beside it. Pound away at it until it goes down. EL2 differences: There are several dozen battleships added to annoy you. Systematically take them out before engaging the superweapon. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-K-570 Name: Predators Lurking Location: Hawaii Weather: Cloudy Time: Dawn Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: SA-vR Reward point: 34000 Reward fund: 30600 EL2 Reward point: 81500 EL2 Reward fund: 110025 Note: Main objective: Destroy the enemy aircraft carriers. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sink the enemy battleships. Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The weather changes throughout the mission. First it's raining, then foggy, then clear. If you don't have digital enhancements then just find a safe corner to wait out the fog and fight during a clear night. Your greatest danger is against aircraft and missiles so load up on chaff grenades and anti- air weapons. First, turn due north and sail as fast as you can. When you're about 75% up the map, turn due west. This should create enough distance between your ship and the fleets so only the aircraft can engage you. While the fog is still thick, take out all the aircraft. When there's a break in the aircraft, take out the entire carrier fleet. If you need to repair, continue west to a remote part of the map, otherwise, turn south to engage the second carrier fleet. If timed right, the fleet should still be by itself. Head in with anti-air blazing and take out the whole fleet. By now, the other 3 fleets should be bunched up, but there should only be 4 aircraft carriers left. If you want to brave it, head straight in to the mass of ships, sink the carriers and end the mission. Otherwise, a hit and fade tactic is the best way to avoid damage. Head toward the fleet, and when they are in range of your main guns, stop your engines and go in reverse. Pick off as many ships as you can, while you give your anti-air defenses a better chance of taking out the aircraft. After you have things under control, shift into full forward and do it again. EL2 differences: You should be able to take out the 2 battleship fleets to the south before any aircraft appear in range. That should make things a little easier. Ignore the third and head straight for the carrier in the 2 fleets to the west. There are 4 in each fleet so make sure you take them out on a single pass. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-A-580 Name: Thunder and Lightning Location: Hawaii Weather: Clear Time: Dawn Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: S--VR Reward point: 35000 Reward fund: 31500 EL2 Reward point: 83000 EL2 Reward fund: 112050 Note: Main objective: Destroy the Vogel Sumera. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The title of the mission won't make sense until EL2. The superweapon is the giant, flying weapon you see during the title sequence that shoots a laser beam down from the sky. It's really fast so don't try to hit it while it's moving. Just stay close to the weapon and follow it around the map. In order to fire, it needs to stop. That's when you target it. You'll have a good 5 seconds to lock on and fire your main guns at it. You can use anti-air weapons, but most likely your main guns are more powerful. Fire everything at it while at the same time turning perpendicular to the weapons line of fire. The beam comes from the arm at the bottom, starts slightly below it, and sweeps outward. It does a lot of damage if it hits, so make sure you're sailing to one side when you hear it power up. Try to stay away from the islands since its harder to take evasive action. EL2 differences: The Whiblewind will make another appearance in this boss battle which makes it the Thunder to the Vogel Sumera's Lightning. Make sure to take out the laser pods before you get surrounded and you'll be fine. -------------------------- Mission: PAC-B-593 Name: Haunted Ruins Location: Hawaii Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: --B Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: s-uvr Reward point: 35000 Reward fund: 31500 EL2 Reward point: 84500 EL2 Reward fund: 114075 Note: Main objective: Investigate all 4 enemy research. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy the remaining enemy forces. (On EL2, there are 12 fleets of gunboats and a Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: In this mission you need to stop at 4 locations on the map. For the first location, turn around and sail around the east side of the big island. Take out the fleet waiting there and come to a halt near the location. Start your engines and head up the west coast. Take out the sub fleet between the islands as you pass by. Go between the two small islands north to the second point of interest on the southwest corner of the next island. Take out the fleet there by shooting main guns or rockets over the island. Continue along the west side of the island to the next island and point of interest. Head between the islands to the east side of the northern most island and the final location taking out the cruise fleet along the way. EL2 differences: The sub fleet is spread out and the surface fleets are in slightly different locations. Follow the same path as before to get to the points of interest. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-G-600 Name: Rising Sun Location: Bonin Islands Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: SA-VR Reward point: 36000 Reward fund: 32400 EL2 Reward point: 86000 EL2 Reward fund: 116100 Note: Best place to farm BCs. 4 BCs and 2 CVs in open water and can be completed in 3 minutes. Main objective: Sink 30 enemy ships. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Destroy the enemy aircraft carriers. Secondary Objective 2: Destroy the enemy battlecarriers. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: You start in the southeast corner with 4 enemy fleets in open water. Start you engines and head straight for the southern most one, made of battleships and cruisers. The aircraft from the carriers should be on you by now, but try to ignore them while you launch a full spread of torpedoes or main guns to knock out all the ships. Now head due north to engage the aircraft carriers. You'll need some strong anti-air defense to push through the waves of aircraft coming at you. As soon as you can, take out the 4 carriers and the rest of the fleet. Turn northwest and sail to the battlecarrier fleet. There are 4 of them, so aircraft will still be a problem, but just head straight for the BCs and knock them. Sinking the 3 fleets should be enough to complete the mission. Speed is your greatest asset, but if you can't build a fast boat your first playthrough, then put as much armor and anti-air on your ship as you can. EL2 differences: The position of the fleets is the same, but each one will contain either a carrier or 2 BCs. This is good because all the aircraft aren't bunched up into one giant wave, but bad because each fleet is protected by aircraft. Although reinforcements will also appear, your best strategy is to sink the original 4 fleets. This is an easy mission to farm using a frigate with an ammo assembler, enigmatech k, and drill missiles. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-H-615 Name: Friend Today, Foe Tomorrow Location: Bonin Islands Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: W-B Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SAuVR Reward point: 36000 Reward fund: 32400 EL2 Reward point: 87500 EL2 Reward fund: 118125 Note: Main objective: Sink 15 enemy battleships. Main Objective 2: Sink Tsukuba's flagship, the Sagami. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head northwest and engage the two cruisers and battleship fleets. Some aircraft will start buzzing around you, but stay focused on sinking all the ships. The next 2 fleets contain carriers. Sink the carriers first and then the rest of the ships. Clean up the area by downing the planes and sinking the subs. Continue northwest and take out the air base on the island. What looks like one big fleet as a reinforcement is actually two fleets stuck together. If you wait a little bit, you can draw out the cruiser fleet by itself. Sail around the port on the north island and sink the Sagami. EL2 differences: Although there are no subs, there are several battleship detachments that come as reinforcements. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-H-622 Name: Rest in Peace Location: Bonin Islands Weather: Clear Time: Dawn Adjunct: -T- Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SauVR Reward point: 36000 Reward fund: 32400 EL2 Reward point: 89000 EL2 Reward fund: 120150 Note: Main objective: Sink the Arahbaki. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Start by heading straight to the island in the middle to take out the air base. Use anti-air to get in close and then destroy everything on the island. Now, head north to engage the drillship. The drillship starts in the northwest corner and then slowly makes its way east. Stay as far back as possible when using your main guns. Slow down your ship to match speed and then pound on it from far away. EL2 differences: When you get close to the drillship, several battleships and gunboats will come as reinforcements. The Harima and Dreadnaught also come as reinforcements. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-D-630 Name: Usurped Nation Location: Japan Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SaUvR Reward point: 37000 Reward fund: 33300 EL2 Reward point: 90500 EL2 Reward fund: 122175 Note: Main objective: Destroy all enemy installations. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Sin 10 enemy submarines. Secondary Objective 2: Sink 30 vessels of the enemy defense force. Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: As soon as the mission starts, take out the batteries and air base on the peninsula right in front of you. The sooner the air base is destroyed the less aircraft you'll have to fend off. Now, steam forward to engage the enemy subs. Try to hug the coastline to avoid fire from the fleet to the west. Engage the first sub fleet, trying to take out as many as possible before the battleship fleets get into range. When they do, focus on taking them all out. Don't worry about the land installations along the way, there are plenty to destroy in the port. Now, head further up the coast and turn west toward the port. Sink the second sub fleet along the way. When you're close to port, turn on engagement mode and let your machine guns take out the buildings. You'll get some fire from the fleet on the other side of the mountains, but nothing serious that you should try and dodge. EL2 differences: The battleship fleets will be able to reach you with their laser fire, so there's no use in trying to hug the coast. Several reinforcement fleets show up to join the fun and a carrier is to the north to send waves of aircraft at you. All the fleets are bunched up, so just use cruise missiles to take them out. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-I-640 Name: Glaring Danger Location: Japan Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: S--VR Reward point: 38000 Reward fund: 34200 EL2 Reward point: 92000 EL2 Reward fund: 124200 Note: Main objective: Sink the Druna Skass. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The Druna Skass is fast battleship with a wave gun mounted in front. Head north to engage it, but don't hit it until you're in close. As soon as it takes damage, it will start using its wave gun. When it's about to fire its wave gun, it will stop, turn toward you and fire. As soon as you hear it charge up, turn your boat out of the line of fire. As long as you can get the timing, it should be easy to avoid the blast. If you wait until you're in really close, you can actually out turn the superweapon and stay away from its bow. It'll keep trying to turn toward you, so just sail along next to it hitting it with everything you have. BTW, since there are 3 transports in close proximity, I used this level to farm transports. EL2 differences: There are 7 battleship fleets to make things harder. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-B-650 Name: Fight for Freedom Location: Schildhafen Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SAuVR Reward point: 39000 Reward fund: 35100 EL2 Reward point: 93500 EL2 Reward fund: 126225 Note: Main objective: Sink 10 vessels of the enemy fleet. Main Objective 2: Sink 20 enemy ships. Main Objective 3: Sink 30 enemy ships. Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: In this mission, your main objective will change twice. In the end, you'll need to have sunk 30 ships. It sounds easy enough, but the problem is the entire sky will be filled with aircraft and missiles. Take as much anti-air defense as you can and make sure you have plenty of armor. Work fast and focus on just sinking the ships and picking up ammo crates for your anti-air defense. EL2 differences: You should consider building a specific ship for this mission that has every anti-air armament you can squeeze on it. Even with shields, you'll be slowly pecked away by 1-10 points of damage from each aircraft. If you setup your AA as auto-fire, you'll quickly run out of ammo unless you have a lot of them. Ditch your AEGIS, digital enhancement, sonar, and pretty much anything that doesn't help your AA. The key to the fight is to survive the waves of aircraft so you can get in close to the ships. Sinking the 30 ships shouldn't be too hard, they're standard battleship fleets. But getting a clean shot on them will be hard. Don't even bother with cruise missiles since you can't even R2 lock on a ship half the time. Just get in close to the ships and use your AGS or main guns. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-C-660 Name: Following the Polar Star Location: Sea of Okhotsk Weather: Foggy Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SAUVR Reward point: 40000 Reward fund: 36000 EL2 Reward point: 95000 EL2 Reward fund: 128250 Note: Main objective: Proceed north through the strait. Main Objective 2: Destroy the Hell Atsche. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: As you approach the platform it will wake up. The easiest way to defeat it is by going backwards. The main laser will aim in the direction your bow is pointed toward, so by going backwards, it'll fire where you've been, not where you're headed. If your ship is slower than 30 knots going backward, you still might get clipped by the main laser. To avoid this, just turn in one direction right before it shoots. This will swing the bow out of the path of the beam. Don't worry about the kites. Destroying them does nothing. Continue hitting the platform with your main artillery. There are several fleets and subs that will bug you, but they shouldn't be much trouble. Sink them for ammo crates. EL2 differences: EL2 has different strategy just because the enemies are different. First, sail toward the west side of the map. You can sail up the west side without waking up the main platform. There's a row of battleships in front of the platform, but only shoot at them as you're headed north, don't engage them. Sink the carrier near the north island to stop the jets flying overhead. Next, use your ASROCs or some other long range missile to take out the subs. Wait in this area for a while as several battleship detachments come as reinforcements. This is mostly to farm ammo crates, but you also don't want to be caught from behind. Next sail along the north edge of the map to the east main land. This shouldn't trigger the platform either. Take out the other carrier and fleets in the northeast along with any subs within range. Now, remember the line of battleships at the beginning. As they followed you around the map, they should have started bunching up and should be pretty close by now. Send in a couple of cruise missiles to take them all out. Now, head for the platform. As soon as it wakes up, stop and start going backward. Without the ships to annoy you, the platform should come down pretty easily. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-A-670 Name: Silence is Golden Location: Schwannburg Weather: Cloudy Time: Dawn Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SAuVR Reward point: 41000 Reward fund: 36900 EL2 Reward point: 96500 EL2 Reward fund: 130275 Note: EL 1 only, cannot go back to the battle after sinking the superweapon. Main objective: Sink 10 enemy cruisers. Main Objective 2: Sink the Leviathan. Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Head southwest to engage the 10 cruisers. Watch out for missiles and head in with main guns blaring. Next, head for the bay. You have to ward off several waves of aircraft, but should reach the superweapon without much trouble. EL2 differences: After you sink the cruisers, over dozen gunboats will come as reinforcements. They can be distracting, so take them out if you have a chance. But stay focused on the superweapon. Don't wander too far away. -------------------------- Mission: FAR-A-680 Name: Against All Odds Location: Schwannburg Weather: Cloudy Time: Night Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: S---r Reward point: 0 Reward fund: 0 EL2 Reward point: 98000 EL2 Reward fund: 132300 Note: Main objective: Sink the Nautilus. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Cannot play El1 EL2 differences: Really easy level for this stage of the game. As soon as the mission starts, target the Nautilus and fire everything you have at it. You don't even have to move. You won't be able to sink it, but after a couple seconds the mission will end. If you're trying to get an S ranking on this level, well, that's a different story. Consider using an ammo assembler, enigmatech k, and drill missiles to take out the waves and waves of gunboats. Otherwise, you'll spend the better part of an hour chasing each one down. -------------------------- Mission: ARC-Z-690 Name: Infernal Machine Location: Arctic Ocean Weather: Snow Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: S-UVR Reward point: 0 Reward fund: 0 EL2 Reward point: 100000 EL2 Reward fund: 135000 Note: Cannot go back to the battle after sinking the superweapon. Main objective: Sink the Ragnarok. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Cannot play El1 EL2 differences: The first time you face the Ragnarok you're going to have a difficult time. The boss shoots guided "black orbs of death" that are faster than 64.6 knots, the fastest your ship can go without enigmatechs. You have to stay as far back as possible at all times just to avoid them. Use a digital enhancement system to make things easier on yourself. When the mission starts, ease into range and fire your main guns as fast as possible while turning perpendicular to the superweapon's path. As soon as it fires 4 orbs, you have to already be going in the opposite direction. Keep running until the orbs dissipate, about 30 seconds, then turn back and do it again. If you got in too close and can't outrun them, you can out turn them. When they're really close, just start turning and they'll sail right by. This doesn't always work, so don't rely on it. Don't worry about the subs and reinforcements at first. Sink them only when you need crates. Make sure to pick up the treasure on this level, the photon gun, it's better than the cruise missile since it can't be shot down. This ends your second playthrough, now you can do it all over again! -------------------------- Mission: SPE-A-700 Name: Seriously Stranded Location: Bonin Islands Weather: Clear Time: Night Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SAUVR Reward point: 44000 Reward fund: 39600 EL2 Reward point: 5000 EL2 Reward fund: 6750 Note: Main objective: Collect the mysterious castaway. Main Objective 2: Wreck Amagi's villa! Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Hey, get rid of these bullies! Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Although the special missions unlock after your first playthrough, you probably won't have a ship that can withstand the types of enemies you'll be facing. They all have shields and lasers and are like nothing you've faced on EL1. Approach the island in the middle of the map. Be sure to take out the batteries from as far away as possible. As soon as you're within range of the villa and you've done some damage to it, it will trigger a horde of ships to surround you. Focus your attention on the fleet to the north since it's the one with the aircraft carriers. Then work your way around to the west, then south, then east. Most of the battleships are spread too far apart for a cruise missile or photon gun to be effective, but cruisers and destroyers tend to bunch up. Try not to get overwhelmed and focus on one fleet at a time. EL2 differences: A bunch of submarines are added to the mix. -------------------------- Mission: SPE-B-710 Name: High Noon Drill Location: Cuba Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: S--VR Reward point: 45000 Reward fund: 40500 EL2 Reward point: 10000 EL2 Reward fund: 13500 Note: Main objective: Clash of the titans with the Arahabaki. Main Objective 2: Beat up the Amaterasu. Main Objective 3: Eat the ham and turn the key... Whatever! Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The superweapon is due south. Head for it and sink it while staying as far back as possible. Once it's sunk, another drillship will appear to the east. Once you sink it, a third and final drillship will appear, but this time a fog will come in to obstruct your vision. The ship is to the west between the islands. Use a digital enhancement system to make things easier. EL2 differences: Reinforcements appear but don't pose any serious threat. However, they are useful if you're running low on ammo or repair kits. -------------------------- Mission: SPE-C-720 Name: Invisible Devils Location: Schildhafen Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: Sa-VR Reward point: 46000 Reward fund: 41400 EL2 Reward point: 20000 EL2 Reward fund: 27000 Note: Main objective: Scrap the platter. Main Objective 2: Where there is one... Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: The first platter is right in front of you. Steam forward and lock onto it with R2 and just start pounding it. If you lose it, look for the white wake it leaves in the water. Sinking it will cause the other 3 platters to appear. Sink them the same way. They are all fast and have formidable armaments, so make sure you prepare your ship accordingly. EL2 differences: A couple aircraft carriers and waves of gunboat reinforcements make it slightly harder. -------------------------- Mission: SPE-D-730 Name: Three Lieutenants and a Captain Location: Japan Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SAUVR Reward point: 47000 Reward fund: 42300 EL2 Reward point: 40000 EL2 Reward fund: 54000 Note: Main objective: Nice day, isn't it? Main Objective 2: Let's go for a ride. Main Objective 3: Take a rest at the romantic sea promenade. Main Objective 4: Date me at the lighthouse. Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: This mission will take you all over the map. First, head over to the southeast corner of the map. The 3 fleets will actually merge by the time you get close and they'll launch tons of aircraft at you. You'll need to take out as many aircraft as possible on your way in, but as soon as the fleet is in range, switch to main guns. It's better to take the damage from the planes than the ships. As you head in, go ahead and launch a chaff grenade; the missiles are coming, but your radar will be so full of aircraft and ships for you to notice the triangles. As quickly as possible, sink all 3 fleets. Take out any remaining aircraft and head for the airbase. The worst part of the mission is over. When you reach the first checkpoint, you'll be told to go to the port. On your way there, a dozen subs will ambush you. Take them out before engaging the surface fleet there. Once you reach the port, you should be able to take a break and repair if you need to. When you're ready, head around the peninsula for the final checkpoint, the lighthouse. Again, more subs and a surface fleet. EL2 differences: The aircraft are much faster so they'll engage you sooner. And there are 7 reinforcement fleets to make the mission longer. -------------------------- Mission: SPE-E-740 Name: Nagi Shall Prevail! Location: Japan Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine optional Ship design: SA-VR Reward point: 48000 Reward fund: 43200 EL2 Reward point: 80000 EL2 Reward fund: 108000 Note: Best place to farm superweapons and points. Main objective: First show the Doctor her place. Main Objective 2: The old man is next. Main Objective 3: Now get the boy out of the way. Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: You will face 3 big fleets headed by each of your XO's, to the west, south and then north. They are tightly packed, so a photon gun or cruise missiles will make the job easier. If possible sink the flagship last, since it's the trigger for the next fleet to arrive. If you get in trouble, head to the west edge of the map to repair. EL2 differences: This is the most important level for you so try and open it up as soon as possible. Everything is the same as EL1 expect a Dual Crater will appear on the west edge of the map at the beginning. Defeat the other objectives first before heading over to the Dual Crater. DO NOT sink it. It has an endless supply of Mini Druna Skass's and will spawn 4-5 of them every couple of minutes. Let it spawn the other superweapons and sink them instead. If you can follow slowly behind the Dual Crater, as the doors open up, pick off each superweapon as it comes out. You should be able to sink 200-300 in an hour and get 20-30 million points. This is the fastest way to an ammo assembler and Silver Swan of Honor. -------------------------- Mission: SPE-F-750 Name: Remnants of the Empire Location: Galapagos Islands Weather: Clear Time: Noon Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SAUVR Reward point: 49000 Reward fund: 44100 EL2 Reward point: 16000 EL2 Reward fund: 21600 Note: Main objective: Clean up the island until it sparkles. Main Objective 2: Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Take care of wild battleships before they bite anyone. Secondary Objective 2: Get rid of stray carriers littering the area! Secondary Objective 3: There are still marauding submarines, go get 'em! Walkthrough: Your job is to destroy everything. You have to fight all sorts of ships, aircraft, and subs. Use photo guns and cruise missiles to destroy large packs of enemies and buildings. It's a really hard mission, so make sure your ship is well prepared. Be careful of not getting surrounded and watch your ammo. Take each group of enemies as slowly as you can keeping as out of range as possible. The aircraft carriers are to the south of the main island so if you're having problems with anti-air, you should head there first. EL2 differences: As hard as EL1 was, this is worse. There are a lot more enemies and what feels like an endless amount of destroyer reinforcements. And not the easy destroyers, the hard ones. Stay focused on not getting surrounded and you should do fine. The points I've listed are correct, it's a glitch in the game. -------------------------- Mission: SPE-G-760 Name: Lord of Terror Location: Antarctic Ocean Weather: Clear Time: Dusk Adjunct: WTB Boss Battle: Boss battle Submarine: Submarine not available Ship design: SAUVR Reward point: 50000 Reward fund: 45000 EL2 Reward point: 32000 EL2 Reward fund: 43200 Note: Cannot go back to battle after completing main objective. Main objective: Search for the Lord of Terror Main Objective 2: Kick the squid's butt! Main Objective 3: Main Objective 4: Secondary Objective 1: Secondary Objective 2: Secondary Objective 3: Walkthrough: Ok, this mission has to be one of the weirdest boss battles ever. You fight a giant squid. A squid with a headband and shoots laser beams at you! Just head north to trigger the squid to appear. He's really tough, so think about using a wave gun or better to beat him. He has a wide range of weapons to attack you, from a sepia pulse cannon to ring lasers. He also moves fast, so you'll have to lead him a bit with the wave gun. EL2 differences: There are some extra battleships to deal with plus the two subs that trigger the penguin transport. The subs are really fast, so depth charges and ASROCs can't hit it. You can use anti-sub missiles or the Sil laser, but I prefer sending a ton of drill missiles at them. BTW, the points I've listed are correct, it's a mistake in the game itself. =========== Final Notes =========== Definitely use the other FAQs available to target your research. Look for a hull or weapon you want to get and focus your funds toward getting it. Don't waste time trying to research everything on your first playthrough. Enjoy the story behind the game by playing the missions, but take time to farm once in a while. If you missed the 20mm CIWS on PAC-I-180, take the time to go back and get it, it won't come up again. Unless you really need an award part, don't bother trying to get an S rank or the treasure on every level your first time through. Besides, in some cases, it's impossible. And lastly, keep playing! If something you want doesn't show up right away keep playing to increase your SS level and find more pick ups. ================ Revision history ================ 1.00 9/13/07 Base faq posted on Gamefaqs 1.01 9/14/07 Fixed cutoff walkthrough descriptions because of export problem; thanks to everyone who caught the problem 1.02 9/15/07 Added some clarification to a couple missions, fixed some typos and finally figured out how to unlock Inferno mission 6, thanks Crypto-140! ======= Credits ======= tankboy vyctym TheLockDown CancerPendragon Crypto-140 ======= Contact ======= If you have any additions or corrections, please email me at: bmulroon@yahoo.com Please include "warship gunner 2" in the subject. =============================================================================== Copyright 2007 Bill Mulrooney This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ===============================================================================