侍 ~Samurai~ Sword Guide Version 1.03 (3.26.02) Written by 無二 忍 Muni Shinobu (muni_shinobu@yahoo.com) & 無二 正次 Muni Masatsuki (muni_masatsuki@yahoo.com) 刀 SWORDS A fun side-goal in this game is the collection of swords. There are over 40 different swords in this game to collect from, and you acquire them by defeating enemies and keeping their swords once the original sword owners are no more. You can carry up to 3 swords during the game, and together with one extra sword you can give to the swordsmith to keep in the Sword Treasury in advance, that's a total of 4 swords you can add to your collection each time you clear the game. With swords collected in the Sword Treasury, you can choose two swords of your liking to bring with you from your collection before you start a new game. However, if you get yourself killed, resulting in a Game Over, the swords in your possession at the time of your death will be lost. The swords already in your Sword Treasury will remain, only the swords you are carrying within the current game will be lost. SWORD HARDNESS Sword Hardness, or sword durability, whichever way you prefer to think of it, is the amount of punishment your sword is capable of enduring. The higher the Sword Hardness (the longer the sword durability bar at the bottom of the screen), the more punishment your sword can endure. Your sword gets tired as you attack and as your attacks get blocked by the enemies, and each time the red fatigue element exceeds the grey endurance area, your Sword Hardness gets decreased by 1. The red fatigue of your sword can be slowly recovered by resting the sword and not causing it any more stress. Once your Sword Hardness is depleted to 0, your sword is completely shattered, and will no longer inflict damage even if you successfully hit the enemies. You add/recover Sword Hardness by going to the Swordsmith at the 一本松. Shattered swords are no longer mendable. You can also change other statuses of your swords (HP Adjustment, Attack Adjustment, Defense Adjustment) at the Swordsmith's, but the upper limit each time is a 50% change. ----------------------------------------- RANDOM SWORDS * Not all sword pronunciations are absolute, if you know a sword is mistakenly pronounced, please email me and correct me. Thank you. ** Random swords acquired from random enemies have initial statuses that are random, two of the same swords may have completely different statuses. So check the swords in your Sword Menu to make sure what the actual statuses of the swords you got are in order to decide which swords to keep. *** なまくら刀 and 東風 are exceptions, these two have pre-set statuses. The following sword information are all in this format: Japanese Sword Name [Japanese pronunciation] (English pronunciation) Stance / Hilt Color / Initial Hardness Initial HP Adjustment / Initial Attack Adjustment / Initial Defense Adjustment Acquire from **** (drop percentage %) **** Black = Black House 黒生家 (Kurofu Ke) Red = Red Gang 赤玉党 (Akadama Tou) GovernmentS = Small Government Soldiers GovernmentB = Big Government Soldiers Ninja = Ninja 忍者 (Ninja) なまくら刀 [なまくらがたな] (Nama-kura-gatana) Upper Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1 HP ±0 / Attack ±0% / Defense ±0% Acquire from Red (16.2%) なまくら刀 [なまくらがたな] (Nama-kura-gatana) Middle Stance / Orange Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1 HP ±0 / Attack ±0% / Defense ±0% Acquire from Black (37.4%) なまくら刀 [なまくらがたな] (Nama-kura-gatana) Middle Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1 HP ±0 / Attack ±0% / Defense ±0% Acquire from Red (28.7%) / GovernmentS (15%) なまくら刀 [なまくらがたな] (Nama-kura-gatana) Lower Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1 HP ±0 / Attack ±0% / Defense ±0% Acquire from Black (8.8%) / GovernmentB (20%) なまくら刀 [なまくらがたな] (Nama-kura-gatana) Single Handed Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1 HP ±0 / Attack ±0% / Defense ±0% Acquire from GovernmentS (30%) なまくら刀 [なまくらがたな] (Nama-kura-gatana) Waist Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1 HP ±0 / Attack ±0% / Defense ±0% Acquire from GovernmentS (40%) 鬼火 [おにび ] (Oni-bi) Upper Stance / Green Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~2 HP ±0 ~ +399 / Attack ±0% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +15% Acquire from Black (0.8%) / GovernmentS (10.5%) 恐山 [おそれざん] (Osore-zan) Upper Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~2 HP ±0 ~ +399 / Attack ±0% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +15% Acquire from Red (10%) 当方不敗 [とうほうふはい] (Tou-hou-fu-hai) Upper Stance / Red Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~2 HP ±0 ~ +700 / Attack ±0% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +1% Acquire from Black (1.3%) / GovernmentS (5%) 初代玉光 [しょだいたまひかり] (Shyo-dai-tama-hikari) Middle Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~3 HP -400 ~ +700 / Attack -30% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +30% Acquire from Red (14%) 権太 [ごんぶと] (Gon-buto) Middle Stance / Red Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~3 HP ±0 ~ +700 / Attack -30% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +30% Acquire from Red (0.5%) / GovernmentS (5%) 東風 [とんぷう] (Ton-puu) Middle Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 3 HP +200 / Attack ±0% / Defense +9% Acquire from Red (2.3%) 中元 [ちゅうげん] (Chyuu-gen) Middle Stance / Green Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~3 HP ±0 ~ +700 / Attack -30% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +30% Acquire from Black (0.5%) / Red (10.5%) ウラオトギ [うらおとぎ] (Ura-otogi) Middle Stance / Green Hilt / Initial Hardness = 2~4 HP ±0 ~ +700 / Attack ±0% / Defense -30% ~ +15% Acquire from Black (1%) / Red (2.5%) 毒虫 [どくむし] (Doku-mushi) Middle Stance / Red Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1 HP -400 ~ +700 / Attack ±0% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +30% Acquire from Black (1%) / Red (0.5%) 馬並 [うまなみ] (Uma-nami) Lower Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~3 HP -400 ~ +700 / Attack -30% ~ +15% / Defense ±0% ~ +30% Acquire from Black (16.2%) / GovernmentS (5%) 網走 [あばしり] (A-bashiri) Lower Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~3 HP -400 ~ +700 / Attack -30% ~ +15% / Defense ±0% ~ +30% Acquire from Black (13.4%) オホーツク [おほーつく] (0-hootsuku) Lower Stance / Red Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~3 HP -400 ~ +700 / Attack ±0% ~ +30% / Defense ±0% ~ +30% Acquire from Black (0.8%) / Red (1%) / GovernmentB (5%) マワルセカイ [まわるせかい] (Mawaru-se-kai) Lower Stance / Green Hilt / Initial Hardness = 2~4 HP ±0 ~ +399 / Attack -30% ~ +15% / Defense ±0% Acquire from Black (2.5%) 大納言 [だいなごん] (Dai-na-gon) Single Handed Stance / Green Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~2 HP -400 ~ ±0 / Attack ±0% ~ +30% / Defense ±0% Acquired from GovernmentB (70%) 紅天女 [くれないてんにょ] (Kurenai-ten-nyo) Single Handed Stance / Red Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~2 HP -400 ~ +700 / Attack -30% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +30% Acquired from Red (1.8%) / GovernmentB (5%) 彼岸 [ひがん] (Hi-gan) Single Handed Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~2 HP -400 ~ +399 / Attack ±0% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +30% Acquire from Black (2.5%) 浮雲 [うきくも] (Uki-kumo) Waist Stance / Green Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~3 HP ±0 ~ +700 / Attack -30% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +30% Acquire from Black (6.3%) / Red (1.5%) 千草 [ちぐさ] (Chi-gusa) Waist Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~3 HP -400 ~ +700 / Attack -30% ~ +30% / Defense -30% ~ +30% Acquire from Black (7.5%) 忍者刀 [にんじゃとう] (Nin-ja-tou) Ninja Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~3 HP -400 ~ +399 / Attack -30% ~ +15% / Defense -30% ~ +1% Acquire from Ninja (95%) 忍者力 [にんじゃぢから] (Nin-ja-zikara) Ninja Stance / Black Hilt / Initial Hardness = 1~3 HP -400 ~ +700 / Attack -30% ~ +30% / Defense ±0% ~ +30% Acquire from Ninja (5%) ----------------------------------------- CHARACTER SPECIFIC SWORDS * Unlike Random Swords, these swords have pre-set statuses that won't change. ** ニイタカヤマ is an exception, this sword still comes with random statuses that change each time you get it. *** Basically, you acquire Character Specific Swords by defeating the specific characters and taking their swords. The following sword information are all in this format: Japanese Sword Name [Japanese pronunciation] (English pronunciation) Initial Possessor / Stance / Initial Hardness Initial HP Adjustment / Initial Attack Adjustment / Initial Defense Adjustment Acquiring time and method 中庸刀 [ちゅうようとう] (Chyuu-you-tou) 主人公 Main Character / Middle Stance / Initial Hardness = 3 HP ±0 / Attack ±0% / Defense ±0% You start the game with this sword. There is no other way to acquire this sword within the game. 鮫肌刀 [さめはだとう] (Same-hada-tou) 刈部星雲 / Upper Stance / Initial Hardness = 2 HP -100 / Attack +4% / Defense ±0% Acquire at Day One, Dusk. Go to the 館 and join the 赤玉党 Red Gang, after the event, defeat 刈部星雲 and take his weapon or wait until 吉兆 defeats him. Or Acquire at Day Two, Morning. Go to the 高炉, join with 黒生鉄心, defeat 刈部星雲 at the 鉄道 and take his weapon. 大黒生 [おおくろなま] (Oo-kuro-nama) 黒生鉄心 / Upper Stance / Initial Hardness = 1 HP +500 / Attack +11% / Defense ±0% Acquire at Day One, Night. At 宿場, accept すず's plea for help, go to the 屋敷, take the 金庫, escape, then at the 一本松, defeat 黒生鉄心 and take his weapon. 竹富士 [たけふじ] (Take-fu-ji) 堂島軍二 / Upper Stance / Initial Hardness = 3 HP ±0 / Attack -8% / Defense +23% Acquire any time. Go to the 一本松 Swordsmith 堂島軍二, attack him or refuse to pay him to fight with him, defeat him and take his weapon. 活火山 [かつかざん] (Katsu-ka-zan) ドナドナ / Middle Stance / Initial Hardness = 3 HP ±0 / Attack -15% / Defense ±0% Acquire at Day One, Night. At 宿場, accept すず's plea for help, go to the 屋敷, defeat ドナドナ and take his weapon. If you've never met before, remain silent for a while. If you've met before, wait until enemies defeat him. 愛染 [あいせん] (Ai-sen) 黒生邑咲 / Middle Stance / Initial Hardness = 5 HP ±0 / Attack -20% / Defense +9% Acquire at Day One, Night. Go to the 神社, interrupt the secret meeting, then defeat 黒生邑咲 and take her weapon. Or Acquire at Day One, Morning. Go to the 高炉 and join the 黒生家 Black House, with 黒生邑咲 still alive, wait until she's defeated by the enemies. 二代菊正 [にだいきくまさ] (Ni-dai-kiku-masa) 日向隼人 / Middle Stance / Initial Hardness = 3 HP +100 / Attack -10% / Defense±0% Acquire ??? This is the weapon 日向隼人 has equipped when he is in the 赤玉党. Whether this weapon is acquire-able, or the acquiring method, is unknown. 一発丸 [いっぱつまる] (Ip-patsu-maru) 坪内八郎 / Lower Stance / Initial Hardness = 3 HP +200 / Attack -10% / Defense ±0% Acquire at Day One, Night. At 宿場, accept すず's plea for help, go to the 屋敷, defeat 坪内八郎 and take his weapon. Or Acquire at Day Two, Morning. Go to the 高炉 and join the 黒生家 Black House, with 坪内八郎 still alive at the 鉄道, wait until he's defeated by the enemies. Or Acquire at Day Two, Morning. Go to the 高炉 and join the 黒生家 Black House, with 坪内八郎 still alive at the 宿場 during Dusk, wait until he's defeated by the enemies. 十六門 [じゅうろくもん] (Jyuu-roku-mon) 保世大佐エ門 / Lower Stance / Initial Hardness = 1 HP +500 / Attack ±0% / Defense -20% Acquire when you fight 井ノ頭茂吉. After decreasing 井ノ頭茂吉's HP somewhat, he will call 保世大佐エ門, defeat 保世大佐エ門 and take his weapon. 神風 [かみかぜ] (Kami-kaze) 吉兆 / Single Handed Stance / Initial Hardness = 1 HP +100 / Attack +9% / Defense ±0% Acquire at Day Two, Morning. Go to the 高炉 and join with 黒生鉄心, then defeat吉兆 and take his weapon. 微熱 [びねつ] (Bi-netsu) チェルシー / Single Handed Stance / Initial Hardness = 1 HP ±0 / Attack ±0% / Defense ±0% Acquire at Day One, Night. Go to the 鉄道, unsheath your sword and defeat チェルシー and take her weapon. Or Acquire at Day Two, Morning. Go to the 高炉 and join with 黒生鉄心, then defeat チェルシー and take her weapon. Or Achieve Ending 5, retrieve the weapon during the battle with 玉川上水. 妹守辰政 [いものかみのたつまさ] (Imono-kamino-tatsumasa) 万次 / Single Handed Stance / Initial Hardness = 3 HP +400 / Attack +30% / Defense +30% Accumulate over 2,000 GP, then change the Main Character's name into Manji "万次", and this sword will come equipped. There is no other way to acquire this sword within the game. 十戒丸 [じゅっかいまる] (Jyuk-kai-maru) 知床総一郎 / Waist Stance / Initial Hardness = 2 HP -100 / Attack ±0% / Defense +12% Acquire at Day One, Night. Don't join the 黒生家 Black House, go to the 神社, interrupt the secret meeting, defeat 知床総一郎 and take his weapon. Or Acquire at Day Two, Morning. Go to the 高炉 and join the 黒生家 Black House, with 知床総一郎 still alive, wait until he's defeated by the enemies. Or Acquire at Day Two, Morning. Go to the 高炉 and join the 黒生家 Black House, with 知床総一郎 still alive at the 一本松 during Dusk, wait until he's defeated by the enemies. 花鳥風月 [かちょうふうげつ] (Ka-chyou-fuu-getsu) 東横苑仙 / Waist Stance / Initial Hardness = 2 HP +250 / Attack +6% / Defense +6% Acquire by defeating the traveling/roaming 東横苑仙 and taking his weapon. 東横苑仙 Appearances: - Day One, Morning. After you leave the 橋 area, see an event then return, he is under the bridge. - Day One, Morning. Go to the 館, he will be in the 鉄道 area when you return. - Day One, Dusk. Go to the 神社, he will be there but you won't be able to kill him. - Day One, Night. Go to the 鉄道, but if チェルシー is there he won't be there. - Day One, Night. Go to the 橋 after seeing an event. - Day Two, Morning. Go to the 橋, he will be there. - Day Two, Dusk. Go to the 橋, he will be there. * Whether these are times and locations during which he always appears are not completely certain. There is the possibility that his appearances could be completely random. ** When you start a fight with 東横苑仙, you won't be able to leave the area until the battle has arrived to a conclusion. *** It is rumored that after hearing about the information from 東横苑仙 at Day One, Dusk, the side door of the 黒生家屋敷 will be open in the night time. ニイタカヤマ [にいたかやま] (Nii-taka-yama) 玉川上水 / Waist Stance / Initial Hardness = ??? HP Random / Attack Random / Defense Random Acquire at Day Two, Night. Achieve Ending 1, after defeating the last boss 玉川上水, quickly pick up his weapon before the ending cut-scene starts. 残月 [ざんげつ] (Zan-getsu) 日向隼人 / Ninja Stance / Initial Hardness = 2 HP ±0 / Attack ±0% / Defense -9% Acquire at Day Two, Morning. At the 高炉, join with 黒生鉄心. At Dusk, go to the 屋敷. At Night, go to the 宿場, defeat 日向隼人 and take his weapon. ----------------------------------------- This Info Walkthrough is written based on the Japanese version of the game "侍 ~Samurai~". Samurai official website (Acquire): http://www.acquire.co.jp/samurai/ Samurai official website (Spike): http://www.spike-online.net/samurai/ This FAQ/Walkthrough can also be found at Muni Shinobu's FAQ Page: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/faq/index.html This Document Copyright 2002 無二 忍 "Muni Shinobu" & 無二 正次 "Muni Masatsuki"