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For website posting, please e-mail me and ask for my permission first. Let it be known I have no problems with anyone posting if they ask, but I do have problems with those who post and don't ask. Copies of this FAQ and/or its various contents may not be publically distributed. This has been written for personal use only. *In other words, if someone else wants it, let them come on gamefaqs.com and download it for themselves.* The following guide was made to be distributed freely, and any transaction that concerns, allows, or requires any payment of any kind at any time at any place is strictly prohibited. Plagirism is illegal and will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with accordingly. In short: IF YOU COPY MY WORK OR ANY ELSE'S WORK, CREDIT MY OR THEIR WORK. In addition, this and all subsequent versions of this FAQ may not be modified in any context. Thank you for your patience. ======================== Section B: Introduction ======================== This FAQ has been written to deal with solely the extra dungeon, The Abyss. It is not walkthrough for the game and will not be made as such out of respect for those who have already begun their works. This FAQ will be the 1st in a series of FAQs written that will explain in great detail many of the sidequests for this game. I will do my absolute best that you find minimal spoilers in all FAQs in which I am the author. Any potential spoiler material will be appropiately labeled with the the insignia: -=SPOILER=- Personal Note: This is my first FAQ. If it is not up to par with the standards that are expected of FAQs presented on gamefaqs.com, then I implore you to send in suggestions and comments to making this guide to your liking. Let me say this: THIS IS YOUR GUIDE. As such, anything you need, I will do my absolute best to answer on this guide. However, I do not, nor will not tolerate 'hate mail', 'spam mail', etc. I will do my best to make FAQs that are error-free, but I am not,nor will I ever be perfect. Any contributions, error-corrections, etc., are greatly appreciated and will be fully credited to the contributor. Now, let's get to it. =========================== Section C: About the Abyss =========================== The Abyss is a "secret" dungeon that is 100 floors long. During your visit, you cannot save, and escape is only possible in two ways: 1) Reaching the transporter points at levels 10, 30, 60, or 100. 2) Using the Exodus Orb, -=SPOILER=- which is acquired by Shane before your trek to the last dungeon. In each floor, your only means of escape are by collecting 5 blue jewels to attacker the transporter. These Jewels act as a combination of ECN (White) Jewels and Vitality (Orange) Jewels in which they refill those respective guages by '3' and '5' points. -=Note=- Before you get it into your head, no, you can't use the Changecrest to teleport from one jewel to another (as you could with ECN Jewels). The enemies that you encounter will shift (with the exeption of a small number, which will be denoted with an '***')as you make your passing through floors 10, 30, 60, and 100.The enemies increase in difficulty as you traverse from section to section. You will find that enemy encounters will become drastically more difficult with each section. ***** Let me stress now that the term "difficulty" is relative term. Therefore, when I say "difficulty", know that I am speaking in reference to overall -=increase=- (e.g. The overall status of the monsters has risen in "difficulty".) I am not, nor will I ever define "difficult" on a personal standard (e.g. This fight is "hard"). ***** -=SPOILER=- You first have access to this dungeon when you have to access to acquire the Dragon Idol. ============================ Section C1: Abyss Location ============================ *Note: I can't believe I forgot the most important piece of information. Sorry peeps, I'm still very new at this. First, travel to Little Rock and talk to various person's in the town until one of them tells you the location. Abyss Coordinates: X: 25209, Y:10200 *The Abyss is located on the Eastern Continent (Where East Highland Station and Dune Canyon are located) on the northern tip of the Southern Section of the continent. You must have Lombardia to be able to reach the section to where you can access the Abyss. Travel to the southeastern peninsula (look on the World Map and you will notice that is outer perimeter of a mountain range that encases Fortune Gear) of that continent and you will find a pile of rocks blocking a small crevice that, if followed, will eventually lead to the northern tip of that part of the continent. Search there in order to find the Abyss. ====================================== Section C2: Getting Items Efficiently ====================================== Now, I don't know about you, but personally, 100 floors of continuous fights doesn't really sound all that pleasant to me. Actually, when you get right down to it, the object is to get what you need and then get the hell out. This section is dedicated to showing you how to steal as efficiently as possible so that you don't have to waste any more time in here than you want or have to. To get the most out of your time here, you are usually going to have to steal like mad. Any accessory you found in Filgaia (side for the coveted Full Libra, Prism Crown, Comet Mark, Golden Dawn, Dist Dims, and a number of others avail- able), you can find here. If you want to begin the ultimate setup, then this is the place to go. But in order to get everything you want as soon as possible, you are going to need a few things. First off, Gallows is your best friend here. Equip him with Chapapanga (Lucky Hand) immediately. Following that, make sure you have Luck Up and Disarm filled up at least to their 3rd level. Lastly, make sure to have Dan Duiram on Clive (or someone slower than Gallows. You will be doing alot of 'Restarting', and of alot of 'Replaying' during your time here. When you have multile enemies that are grouped together, don't hesitate to use Extension 'Pickpocket' to get the job done 3x faster. For even quicker results, combine this with Replay. When you get to Levels 30+ up, there are numerous single enemies that have the best items in the game. Don't even think of trying steal from them without a luck rating of 'Best', and don't waste any time when trying to get their items. A 'replayed' 'Pickpocket' every turn can save you literally HOURS of time. Don't end up like me wasting 2 hours on trying to steal from an enemy. =========================================================== Section D: Abyss "Levels 1-10" =========================================================== Each enemy will be placed in alphabetical orber by the floor by which it first appears in the Abyss.If you find any mistakes, please contact me immediately by either message board, IM, or e-mail so that I may correct the problem. The boss of each section of floors will always be placed on the last slot before the next section of floors. If necessary (I doubt it, though), I will accompany those biographies with fully comprehensive boss strategies. This will be the layout for all proceeding sections until Section G (Abyss "Levels 61-100), where I will compose one comprehensive section on the final boss of the Abyss: Ragu O' Ragla. Note: To begin, you can assume that enemies will drop both Gimel Coins and Dragon Fossils. Because of this, I have chosen not to list them unless they are STOLEN rather than dropped. Also, each enemy has one of two possible items that it may drop and one of two possible items that may be stolen. Those items will be listed in order of 'rarity' of appearance. (due to extensive testing, 40+ hours in the first 30 floors of the Abyss alone and hundreds of attempts at stealing/summoning Chapapanga (Lucky Hand) anything written here can be concluded to be absolutely correct. Any incomplete or ???? section signifies an 'unconfirmed' proposition and will be completed as soon as possible. ------ Aello ------ HP: 1640 EXP: 106 Gella: 50 Halve: n/a Resistance: Wind Weakness: Earth Absorbed: n/a Item Dropped: n/a Item Stolen: n/a Note: Has a move that attempts to steal and run. If you value your goods, make sure to either summon Grudiev (Terra Roar) or use an Earth based attack as soon as you can. Unfortunately though, unless you get the Initiative, they usually go first. -------- Balphon -------- HP: 870 EXP: 151 Gella: 176 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Ice Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Antidote, Moonstone Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Moonstone Note: ----------- Baskerville ----------- HP: 870 EXP: 151 Gella: 180 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Ice, Holy Absorbed: Fire Items Dropped: Heal Berry, Fire Ring Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Fire Ring Note: --------- Calupdis --------- HP: 2460 EXP: 160 Gella: 80 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: n/a Items Stolen: n/a Note: Uses a technique called Gella Eater, which steals 10% of the total Gella in your possesion. Using this, you can easily make money by equipping four 'Gella UP' PS Skills (Pocket Books) by having them steal 10% of your Gella and then killing them to double what they've stolen. -------------- Cannon Buffalo -------------- HP: 1880 EXP: 318 Gella: 460 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Fire Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Heal Berry, Revive Fruit Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Holy Grail Note: ---------- Mad Gasser ---------- HP: 1640 EXP: 106 Gella: 53 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Fire Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Medicine, Hazel Spring (PS Skill: "Disease Ward") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Hazel Sprig (PS Skill: "Disease Ward") Note: ============ Ephrem Zein ============ HP: ~12,000 - ~12,144 (can't find an exact number) EXP: 17,000 Gella: 20000 Halve: Holy Resistance: n/a Weakness: Dark Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Dragon Idol Items Stolen: n/a Note: Boss of Levels 1-10 of the Abyss. =================================================== Section E: Abyss "Levels 11-30" =================================================== ------- Albion ------- HP- 4700 EXP- 1160 Gella- 1200 Half- Lightning Resist- n/a Weakness- n/a Absorbed- n/a Items Dropped- ????, ???? Items Stolen- Mini Carrot, ???? Note: Thanks to: Graham Windsor "mcdohl666@yahoo.com" ---------- Aligatiger ---------- HP: 1680 EXP: 258 Gella: 364 Halve: Water Resistance: n/a Weakness: Thunder, Ice Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Gunstar Sign (PS Skill: "Critical Hit") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Nectar Note: --------- Brant --------- HP: 2000 EXP: 368 Gella: 80 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Mini-Carrot, Revive Fruit Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Nectar Note: Uses a technique in which they sacrifice themselves and damage one person with the amount of HP they have remaining ---------- Chupacabra ---------- HP: 2460 EXP: 590 Gella: 600 Halve: Earth, Water, Wind, Thunder, Ice Resistance: Dark Weakness: Light Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, ???? Items Stolen: ????, Nectar Note: Rare Encounter (For Levels 11-30) ----------- Cult Martyr ----------- HP: 1830 EXP: 321 Gella: 420 Halve: Earth, Water, Wind, Thunder, Ice Resistance: Dark Weakness: Light Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Pixie Dust, Blue Bracer (PS Skill: "Paralyze Ward") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Full Carrot Note: --------- EM Being --------- HP: 2500 EXP: 1000 Gella: 1300 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Water Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Thunder Ring (PS Skill: "Thunder Ward") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Thunder Ring (PS Skill: "Thunder Ward") Note: Rare Encounter ----------- Fire Genius ----------- HP: 1760 EXP: 296 Gella: 338 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Ice Absorbed: Fire Items Dropped: Heal Berry, Fire Ring (PS Skill: "Fire Ward") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Growth Egg (MTC Level +1) Note: Rare Encounter -------- Gasnoid -------- HP: 3430 EXP: 940 Gella: 1000 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: ????, *Ambrosia* Items Stolen: n/a Note: Extremely Rare Encounter (For Levels 11-30) Physical Attacks rendered useless because of Gaseous Form -------- Gigantes -------- HP: 4200 EXP: 810 Gella: 1000 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Grab Bag Items Stolen: Mini-Carrot, Mega Berry Note: ---------- Hypopomus ---------- HP: 2700 EXP: 500 Gella: 650 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: Water, Thunder Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Thunder Ring (PS Skill: "Thunder Ward") Items Stolen: Mini-Carrot, Mega Berry Note: ---------- Harvestman ---------- HP: 3700 EXP: 960 Gella: 1000 Halve: Earth, Water, Wind, Thunder, Ice Resistance: Dark Weakness: Light Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: ????, ???? Items Stolen: Revive Fruit, Holy Grail (PS Skill: "Fallen Ward") Note: Rare Encounter Thanks to: Graham Windsor "mcdohl666@yahoo.com" ------------ Leprechaun ------------ HP: ????? EXP: 930 Gella: 950 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Weakness to All Elements Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: ????, ???? Items Stolen: n/a ------------ Little Grey ------------ HP: 2200 EXP: 580 Gella: 600 Halve: n/a Resistance: Dark Weakness: Light Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Antidote, ???? Items Stolen: Peppy Acorn, Heart Leaf Note: Rare Encounter ------------- Orgon Energy ------------- HP: 3560 EXP: 950 Gella: 980 Halve: Earth, Water, Wind, Thunder, Ice Resistance: Dark Weakness: Light Absorbed: n/a Item Dropped: Mini-Carrot, Dark Ring (PS Skill: "Dark Ward") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Dark Ring (PS Skill: "Dark Ward") Note: Rare Encounter (Levels 11-30) -------------- Strategy Guide -------------- HP: 1020 EXP: 166 Gella: 200 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Fire Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Antidote, Breath Mint Items Stolen: Moonstone (PS Skill: "Poison Ward"), Alarm Clock (PS Skill: "Sleep Ward") Note: ------------ Unlucky Cat ------------ HP: 3170 EXP: 920 Gella: 920 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Thunder Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, ???? Items Stolen: Tiny Flower, *Missanga* (PS Skill: "Luck Up") Note: Rare Encounter (For Levels 11-30) -------- Vodianoi -------- HP: 14000 EXP: 3500 Gella: 3700 Halve: Earth, Wind, Fire, Ice, Light, Dark Resistance: n/a Weakness: Thunder Absorbed: Water Items Dropped: ????, *Violator* (PS Skill: "Finest Arts") Items Stolen: Pixie Dust, Violator (PS Skill: "Finest Arts") Note: ============== Luranaire Zein ============== HP: ~12000 EXP: 17000 Gella: 20000 Halve: Dark Resistance: n/a Weakness: Light Absorbed: n/a Item Dropped: Booster Kit Items Stolen: n/a Note: Boss of Levels 11-30 of the Abyss ======================================================== Section F: Abyss "Levels 31-60" ======================================================== ----- Amon ----- HP: 13700 EXP: 3400 Gella: 4800 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Light Absorbed: Dark Item Dropped: n/a Items Stolen: n/a Note: -------- Dakleit -------- HP: 3980 EXP: 980 Gella: 1200 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: ????, *Elder Record* (PS Skill "FP Save") Items Stolen: ????, *Elder Record* (PS Skill "FP Save") Note: Rare Encounter ---------- Demiurgos ---------- HP: 24000 EXP: 7023 Gella: 9200 Halve: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Ice Resistance: Light Weakness: Darkness Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Mini-Carrot, ???? Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Mega Berry Note: Semi-Rare Encounter ---------------- De Re Metallico ---------------- HP: 1700 EXP: 358 Gella: 430 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Fire Absorbed: Item Dropped: Mini-Carrot, Full Carrot Items Stolen: ????, ???? Note: ------------ Doppelganger ------------ HP: 1600 EXP: 240 Gella: 260 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: ????, ???? Items Stolen: n/a Note: These enemies mimic your party, including but not limited to: Each Party Member's Stats (the exact numbers) Each Party Member's Arcana *They do not copy your party's immunities or wards. Dispose of them as quickly as possible. Rare Encounter ------- Flauros -------- HP: EXP: Gella: Halve: Resistance: Weakness: Thunder Absorbed: Items Dropped: ????, *Nine Lives* (PS Skill "SOS Guard) Items Stolen: ????, ???? Note: ---------- Forbidden ---------- HP: 6610 EXP: 1652 Gella: 1900 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: All Elements Item Dropped: Potion Berry, Robber's Ego (PS Skill "Disarm") Items Stolen: ????, Robber's Ego (PS Skill "Disarm") Note: All Elemental Properties are absorbed and Physical Attacks have no effect. Use Non-Elemental summon (Zephyr) or Non- Elemental Spell (Arc Impulse, Familar, Devastate, Dark Luceid) to defeat. ------- Geldam ------- HP: 2710 EXP: 611 Gella: 800 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: All Elements Item Dropped: Potion Berry, Mini-Carrot Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Full Carrot Note: All Elemental Properties are absorbed and Physical Attacks have no effect due to gelatinous composition. Use Non-Elemental summon (Zephyr) or Non-Elemental Spell (Arc Impulse, Familar, Devastate, Dark Luceid) to defeat. --------- Hyperion --------- HP: 6530 EXP: 1560 Gella: 1900 Halve: Water, Fire, Thunder, Ice, Dark Resistance: n/a Weakness: Wind, Light Absorbed: Earth Item Dropped: Potion Berry, Crisis Arm (PS Skill: "SOS Critical") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Crisis Arm (PS Skill: "SOS Critical") Note: ------------- Ivory Lizard ------------- HP: 2600 EXP: 570 Gella: 860 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Earth, Water Absorbed: Wind Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Wind Ring (PS Skill: "Wind Ward") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Mega Berry Note: -------- Leonard -------- HP: 3750 EXP: 868 Gella: 1000 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Earth, Light Absorbed: Dark Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Elder Record (PS Skill "FP Save") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, *Elder Record* (PS Skill "FP Save") Note: --------- Lilly Pad --------- HP: 6120 EXP: 1470 Gella: 1600 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, ???? Items Stolen: Mini-Carrot, ???? Note: ---------------- Obsidian Lizard ---------------- HP: 2600 EXP: 570 Gella: 860 Halve: n/a Resistance: Water Weakness: Thunder Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Water Ring (PS Skill "Water Ward") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Mega Berry ---------------- Radiant Crystal ---------------- HP: 3920 EXP: 923 Gella: 1300 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Dark Absorbed: Light Items Dropped: n/a Items Stolen: n/a Note: ----------- Ruby Lizard ----------- HP: 2600 EXP: 570 Gella: 860 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Ice Absorbed: Fire Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Fire Ring Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Mega Berry Note: ---------------- Sapphire Lizard ---------------- HP: 2600 EXP: 570 Gella: 860 Halve: Thunder Resistance: n/a Weakness: Wind Absorbed: Earth Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Earth Ring (PS Skill: "Earth Ward") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Mega Berry Note: -------- Sabnak ------- HP: 4930 EXP: 1230 Gella: 1300 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Weakness to All Elements Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: ????, ???? Items Stolen: ????, Full Carrot Note: Rare Encounter --------- Spriggan --------- HP: 5120 EXP: 1370 Gella: 1400 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, ???? Items Stolen: Mini-Carrot, ???? Note: Rare Encouter ============= Zaverga Zein ============= HP: ~12000 EXP: 17000 Gella: 20000 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Bone Items Stolen: n/a Note: Uses 'Prepare Intercepts', in which if you attack it, it will counter with 'Paradigm Pollution', a remotely powerful spell that hits all party members. In addition, he also is permanatly affected with the Arcana 'Reflect'. =================================== Section G: Abyss "Levels 61-100" =================================== ----------- A Bao A Qu ----------- HP: 20300 EXP: 6000 Gella: 8500 Halve: n/a Resistance: Wind Weakness: Earth Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: ????, *Power Boost* (PS Skill "SOS Power Boost") Items Stolen: Potion Berry, Power Boost (PS Skill "SOS Power Boost") Note: ----------- Agawogdent ----------- HP: 25500 EXP: 7362 Gella: 8800 Halve: Thunder Resistance: Earth Weakness: n/a Absorbed: Water Item Dropped: Potion Berry, Prism Crown (PS Skill: "Elemental Ward") Item Stolen: Mini-Carrot, ???? Note: ----------- Amon Gamech ----------- HP: 19000 EXP: 5545 Gella: 7200 Halve: n/a Resistance: Dark Weakness: Light Absorb: n/a Items Dropped: Mini-Carrot, Ebony Shadow (PS Skill: "Arcana Blocker") Items Stolen: ????, Dark Ring (PS Skill "Dark Ward") Note: ------------ Black Knight ------------ HP: 5910 EXP: 1679 Gella: 2000 Halve: n/a Resistance: Dark Weakness: Light Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Revive Fruit, *Black Note* (PS Skill "Weakness") Items Stolen: ????, Nectar Note: ------ Coatl ------ HP: 21000 EXP: 6400 Gella: 9800 Halve: Water, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Ice, Light, Dark Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, ???? Items Stolen: ????, *Elder Record* (PS Skill "FP Save") Note: ----------- Dendrobium ----------- HP: 22500 EXP: 6690 Gella: 9200 Halve: Resistance: Earth Weakness: Ice Absorbed: Water Items Dropped: Potion Berry, *Dried Flower* (PS Skill: "Green Thumb") Items Stolen: ????, ???? Note: -------------- Giant Maximum -------------- HP: 9170 EXP: 2644 Gella: 3200 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Item Dropped: Mini-Carrot, ???? Item Stolen: Potion Berry, Force Unit (PS Skill "FP Plus") Note: -------- Grendel -------- HP: 19600 EXP: 5800 Gella: 7800 Halve: n/a Resistance: Resists All Elements Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Sunset Red (PS Skill: "Regeneration") Items Stolen: Revive Fruit, ???? Note: Rare Encounter Cast 'Vanish', which kills all party members instantly. In other words, kill this fool immediately! -------------- Great Pumpkin -------------- HP: 3830 EXP: 1028 Gella: 1320 Halve: n/a Resistance: Earth Weakness: Fire Absorbed: Water Item Dropped: Potion Berry, Evergreen (PS Skill: "Restoration") Item Stolen: Potion Berry, Growth Egg (Raise MTC Level +1) Note: --------------- Last Battalion --------------- HP: 5710 EXP: 1600 Gella: 200 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Thunder Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, *AP Ammo* (PS Skill "DEF Null") Items Stolen: ????, *AP Ammo* (PS Skill "DEF Null") Note: --------------- Master Therion --------------- HP: 21700 EXP: 6500 Gella: 9800 Halve: All Elements Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: ????, *Talisman* (PS Skill: "Ressurection") Items Stolen: ????, Nectar Note: --------------- Melchom Lich ------------- HP: 3980 EXP: 1083 Gella: 10000 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Item Dropped: Gella Card, Missanga (PS Skill: "Luck Up") Item Stolen: Big Grab Bag, PocketBook (PS Skill "Gella Up") Note: --- Mu --- HP: 4120 EXP: 1140 Gella: 1400 Halve: n/a Resistance: Resists All Elements Weakness: n/a Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: ????, ???? Items Stolen: ????, *Pulbo Calbo* (PS Skill "SOS Support") Note: "You have to be lucky and surprise him, steal the first round, and reset the second round if not successful." All Elemental Properties are absorbed and Physical Attacks have no effect due to gelatinous composition. Use Non-Elemental summon (Zephyr) or Non-Elemental Spell (Arc Impulse, Familar, Devastate, Dark Luceid) to defeat. ------------- Necronomicon ------------- HP: EXP: Gella: Halve: Resistance: Weakness: Absorbed: Items Dropped: Mini-Carrot, *Necronomicon* (PS Skill "Necronomicon") Items Stolen: ????, ???? Note: Very Rare Drop --------- Nosferatu --------- HP: 23200 EXP: 6857 Gella: 8800 Halve: Earth, Water, Wind, Thunder, Ice Resistance: Dark Weakness: Light Absorbed: n/a Items Dropped: Potion Berry, Dark Ring (PS Skill: "Dark Ward") Items Stolen: Full Carrot, *Elder Record* (PS Skill "FP Save") Note: ------ Zohak ------ HP: 24800 EXP: 7192 Gella: 10000 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: Light Absorbed: Dark Items Dropped: Potion Berry, *Full Libra* (PS Skill "Total Ward") Items Stolen: Mega Berry, ???? Note: Very Rare Drop ===================================================== Section H: Ragu O' Ragla, Master of Beginning and End ===================================================== Once you reach the 100th floor of the Abyss, you will have to battle with the 'supreme' monster "Ragu O' Ragla". This monster has been present within both of the preceding Wild Arms Series and has been known to be one of the most, if not the most, difficult battles within each of the games. It is no exception here. You can expect, if nothing else, a long battle to ensue when battling him for the first time. Doing so successfully grants you the coveted 'Sheriff Star, which has the 'Gun Hero' PS skill. This skill, once equipped, equips all other PS Skills in posession, regardless of the total cost. However, as a trade-off, you must be level 100 to equip this PS Skill therefore robbing any chance of leveling throughout the game (for those who attempt to equip it early, rather). Once you defeat him, you are transported back to the first floor of the Abyss, where you must battle him again, only he is now more powerful and has access to more skills. However, if you manage to defeat him this time, you are rewarded with one of the 15 coveted "EX File Keys", which allow nifty options that are available at the end of the game. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ragu O' Ragla - Abyss "Level 100" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HP: 750,000 EXP: 0 Gella: 0 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorb: n/a Items Dropped: Sheriff Star (PS Skill: "Gun Hero") Items Stolen: n/a Note: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ragu O' Ragla - Abyss "Level 1 (Returning Home)" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HP: 999,999 EXP: 0 Gella: 0 Halve: n/a Resistance: n/a Weakness: n/a Absorb: n/a Items Dropped: EX File Key Items Stolen: n/a Note: ================== Section I: Review ================== This is going to be solely dependant on the readers. Send in your reviews for the game at soulofignorance@yahoo.com and I will post them as quickly as possible. Please, no comparisons to any other RPG besides the ones in the series or they will not be posted. To Get the Ball Rolling: Let's start with the basics here: Storyline: 6/10 Battle System: 7/10 Gameplay: 7/10 Music: 10/10 Replay Value: 7/10 Overall: 7.4 I think Wild Arms 3 is one of the best looking games I've ever seen. Not to mention that they must of completely filled the disk, Wild Arms 3 can take so long to master it's not even funny. I'm glad someone has started to write things on it for the rest of us who don't want to run around willy-nilly for days to find one item. Thanks, Chris / Wa. USA ======================== Section J: Final Status ======================== *Note: This final check serves two purposes. The first is to give the readers an architype towards possible character develpoment. The second is to provide a challenge to both the readers and the author. Send your Final Status check to soulofignorance@yahoo.com to compare. No lying, exaggerating, etc. please. All contributions will be throughly tested before posted to ensure full validity, including my own. *I will be depending on the readers for that. -=Still working on it=- Strongest Single Attack: 42,586 Character: Jet Skills: DEF NULL, ATT Up, Critical Hit, Luck UP Spells: Double Attack, Attachment: Light Guardians: Fiery Rage, Lucky Hand, Brave Seal Enemy: Nosferatu Strongest Magic Attack: 32,286 Character: Gallows Skills: Necronomicon, Weakness Spells: Fragile Guardians: Aqua Wisp, Flash Hit, Spell Used: Refrigerate Enemy: ======================== Section K: Contributions ======================== I. To CJayC for hosting gamefaqs.com and posting this guide. II. To Riata, of gamefaqs.com for providing the following list of items. _________________________________ ‡¤¤———— Riata™ ²ººº ———— »»»» -In specific, towards providing much of the Level 61-100 stolen and found items. Levels 30-60 1. Alligatiger: Gunstar Sign -found in chest 2. Leonard, Dakleit (two different enemies): Elder Record - stolen and found in chests 3. Hyperion: Crisis Arm - stolen 4. Gasnoid: Ambrosia - found in chest - not a Gear, but I only had about three of these 5. Vodianoi: Violator - stolen usually, but at least one was found in a chest Levels 60 and beyond 1. Dendrobium: Dried Flower - found in chest, but only once out of several attempts???? 2. Master Therion: Talisman - found in chest 3. A Bao A Qu: Power Boost - stolen 4. Coatl, Nosferatu (two different enemies): Elder Record - stolen 5. Black Knight: Secret Note - found in chest 6. Unlucky: Missanga - stolen 7. Flauros: Nine Lives - found in chest 8. Last Battalion: AP Ammo - stolen and found in chest 9. Mu: Pulbo Calbo - stolen (Mu runs away [slimy] so you have to be lucky, surprise him, steal the first round, and reset the second round if not successful) 10. Necronomicon: Necronomicon - found in chest but seems to be a VERY rare drop because I fought tons of these and only have two Necronomicons to show for the effort _________________________________ ‡¤¤———— Riata™ ²ººº ———— »»»»