Always read the revision history, as there is always something new there. Wild ARMs 3 Walkthrough and FAQ. Copyright 2002, Strata Razor and Cloud5176. Wild ARMs 3 is an official product of SCEA and Media Vision, all rights reserved, (c)2002. 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Written by Cloud5176 and Strata Razor. ((Note: To use the coordinates, simply press select once you have the map screen. When the full screen map pops up, look at the bottom right, and match it up with the coordinates in the table of contents. Once you get the Map Scope, you can move while searching for locations.)) Table of Contents I. Disclaimer/Copyright Information II. Introduction/Helpful Terms III. Revision History IV. Credits and Thanks V. Contact Information VI. Characters VII. Walkthrough (Prologues [By Cloud] and Chapter One [By Strata Razor]) 1.) Prologues A.) Girl in First Class: Difficulty: 1/3 B.) Boy Who Broke In: Difficulty: 2/3 C.) Suspicious Intruder: Difficulty: 2/3 D.) A Drifter Guardsman: Difficulty: 3/3 2.) Fallen Sanctuary (12900, 8570) 3.) Baskar Colony (12900, 10900) 4.) Jolly Roger (15400, 5400) 5.) Ruins of Memory (18200, 3700) 6.) Jolly Roger (Again.) 7.) Midland Station (14555, 6764) 8.) Westwood (9630, 7146) 9.) Claiborne (11738, 7145) 10.) Serpent's Coils (13756, 7806) 11.) Claiborne (Again.) 12.) Ka Dingel (9706, 4460) VIII. Walkthrough (Chapter Two) 1.) Claiborne (Again.) 2.) Little Twister (6109, 8324) 3.) The Unclean Mark (7243, 9677) 4.) Lunatic Garden (7760, 6753) 5.) Little Twister (Again.) 6.) Sand Canal (4210, 10947) 7.) Little Rock (25277, 12550) 8.) Glimmering Emblem (25293, 15469) 9.) Little Rock (Again.) 10.) Leyline Observatory (22890, 14358) 11.) Humprey's Peak (23130, 11959) 12.) East Highlands (21132, 11975) 13.) Dune Canyon (19560, 9529) 14.) Outside (Random. Boss Fight.) 15.) Fortune Gear (21689, 9264) 16.) Humprey's Peak (Again.) 17.) Jolly Roger (Again.) 18.) The Secret Garden (Very helpful side quest!!! 17673, 8236) 19.) Decaying Labyrinth (15400, 9671) 20.) The Secret Garden (Again.) 21.) Humprey's Peak (Again.) 22.) Gemstone Cave (21599, 15310) 23.) Humprey's Peak (Again.) 24.) Faraway Lands (20923, 11005) 25.) Humprey's Peak (Yet again.) 26.) The Secret Garden (Again.) 27.) Jolly Roger (Again.) 28.) Outside (Sandcraft Battles.) 29.) Ark of Destiny (9000, 2240) 30.) Survey point #17 (10536, 23447) 31.) Ark of Destiny (Again.) 32.) Boot Hill (15714, 512) 33.) Baskar Colony (Again.) 34.) Infinitum (9389, 10901) 35.) Baskar Colony (Again.) 36.) Nidhogg Pass 1 (3326,21917) 37.) Nidhogg Pass 2 (5508, 22654) IX. Walkthrough (Chapter Three) 1.) Boot Hill (Again.) 2.) Ark of Destiny (Again.) 3.) Iron Dragon's Nest (13704, 6416) 4.) Gob's Hideout (Optional for now, but required later.)(15703, 24721) 5.) Fallen Sanctuary (Again.) 6.) The World's Footprint (9351, 15609) 7.) Baskar Colony (Again.) 8.) Ruins of Dreams (20143, 16723) 9.) Fila del Fia (10470, 18314) 10.) Claiborne (Again) 11.) Caging Tower (9394, 9180) 12.) Claiborne (Again.) 13.) Little Twister (Again.) 14.) Laxisland (17833, 19116) 15.) Dragon's Lair (17932, 13126) 16.) Ballack Rise (11939, 14256) 17.) Den of Miasma (11970, 16943) X. Walkthrough (Chapter Four) XI. FAQ XII. Bestiary +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ I. Disclaimer and Copyright Information. Disclaimer/Copyright: This Walkthrough/FAQ has been created by myself and Strata Razor, (c) Copyright 2002. The websites that are allowed to host this FAQ without permission are: If you wish to host this FAQ on any of your websites, email me and ask. I will not host this on any websites that deal with drugs, porn, or any other illegal activities. So if your website mentions any of this, don't even ask. You are not allowed to make any copies of this FAQ, other that the copies made for your personal use. You are not allowed to sell, auction, or buy this FAQ anywhere. If you steal any part of this FAQ, you will be punished to the full extent of the law. Plagiarism is illegal, and I really don't appreciate it. You are welcome to give this to your friends for free, but you are not allowed to sell it to them. Also, feel free to save a copy of this to your hard drive, as long as you do not make illegal copies of it. I have spoken. Wild ARMs 3 and any related content is a registered product of SCEA, (c) 2002. Also, the Wild ARMs series is a registered product of Media Vision, (c) 1997-2002. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ II. Introduction. So... You decided to take a look at my FAQ/Walkthrough for Wild ARMs 3, huh? If you are just browsing this guide, looking for a specific piece of information, feel free to use CTRL+F to find a certain piece of text. Why did I write this, you ask? Well, my young and innocent friend, I'll tell you why. I felt that Zephyr's FAQ was adequate... for people who didn't mind the reading the Japanese names. And since Dark Lord Magus's FAQ only covers Chapter One, I figured that I would cover the whole game. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at the address listed below. Also, the coordinates for the town and dungeon locations will be soon located next to their names in the table of contents. Also, if you notice the fact that the chapters have different layouts, it's because they're written by different people. Just to clear up a few concerns. Helpful Terms: (I will use most of these throughout the course of the FAQ. I feel that it easier for everyone.) TOOLS: T.Crest: Tindercrest (Use this to light fires.) G.Crest: Galecrest (Become invisible and fly really fast. You can fly over one-space gaps. However, you cannot fly over a one-space gap if it is on a different level than you.) C.Crest: Changecrest (Change orange gems into orange blocks. Also used to change certain animals into items. Don't worry, they come back.) BM: Boomerang (Used to break certain obstacles, also used to hit switches.) Radar: Radar (Used to find hidden or forgotten items.) RS: Radical Sneakers (Gives you a little jump power.) Bomb: Bomb (Blows up stuff. It never runs out.) M.Glove: Mighty Gloves (Use this to lift or push heavy things.) G.Hook: Grappling Hook (Use this to reach a high area.) F.Doll: Freezer Doll (Use this penguin doll to freeze things) S.Doll: Steady Doll (Use this doll to open out-of-reach chests and to reach distant switches. You must be on the same level as them.) K.Doll: Kramer Dolls (Use this to attract enemies to you. Also, use them to call secret bosses.) OTHER TERMS: RS Jump: Jump using the RS. TT: Tiptoe by holding O. Dash: Dash by holding X. DD: Drop down to a lower level. Net: Jump and grab an overhead net. RS Net: Use the RS to reach a net. F.Switch: Floor Switch Step on it or place a block on it. G.Switch: Gem Switch. Hit this with something. C.Wall: Cracked Wall. Can be blown up with bombs. J.Pad: Jump with the RS while standing on this. M.Bomb: Use multiple bombs at once. Missile: Fire a missile from Lombardia by pressing R2. Land: Land with Lombardia or the Sandcraft. Search: Search with the [] button for towns and dungeons. SAVE!!!: When I tell you to save, SAVE!!! Usually there's a boss battle coming up. If I missed anything, feel free to email me. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ III. Revision History V.1.0 The first version. Three of the prologues are done. V.1.25 Chapter One is completed. Clive's prologue should be finished soon. V.1.75 Clive's prologue is still not done. Chapter Three is started. I added a few minor things to the layout, as well as a new section about terms that I'll use throughout the FAQ. Strata also wrote part of Chapter Two!!! Chapter Three should be done by the next update. Also, a few side quests will be done by the next update. V.1.76 I added the ASCII art to the top. Also, I fixed a few minor details. V.1.79 I finished the prologues. However, Chapters Two and Three are being worked on still, as well as the side-quests. V.2.0 A lot of Chapter Two has been added. However, Chapter Three is still not done. V.2.5 Lots of Chapter Three is done. However, there is no addition to Chapter Two. I also added a few miscellaneous things, but nothing important. However, you might want to read the updated copyright information, as well as the contact info. Again, it's not much. However, it's still helpful. Also, I fixed some of the errors in the table of contents. And I have an announcement. There will most likely not be a Bestiary. IF anyone wants to contribute one, they will receive recognition. Strata and I will probably not be making one. If anyone wants to contribute anything constructive, please do so. V.2.7 A little more on Chapter Three is done, but not much. I clarified some things in the introduction. V.3.0 Chapter Two is almost done. Chapter Three... A little while... Some of the coordinates are not listed, but will be soon. I noticed a few out-of-order things. If anyone can tell us what is wrong, feel free to email, but put "correction" in the subject. Thank you. There will be a lot more features with the next update, including Side Quests, ARM Upgrading, as well as a few more miscellaneous things. V.3.5 Sorry... No new features, with the exception of a FAQ at the bottom. However, a few new parts are done with Chapter Three. Also, Chapter two will be done soon, hopefully when Strata gets his game back. We now have an "official" corrector. Say hello to Calisaya. She's also writing a bestiary for us. I added some boss strategies for the "gold" guardians. The schedule of when which parts of the Walkthrough will be done when is in the FAQ at the bottom. I also explained how to use the coordinates. Look before the Table of Contents. V.3.8 A few errors fixed, as well as a couple of dungeons added. Explanations of Ex File Keys are at the bottom of the FAQ. This was an unexpected update for me... Expect more to follow this weekend. V.3.8.5 A few more errors were fixed, and a few small things were added. Nothing huge. However, expect an update before January. I know it's been a while since the last update, but bear with me. Also, Strata is working on the sidequests and the rest of chapter two. I'll try to finish chapter three and get chapter four started. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ IV. Credits and Thanks Thanks to Strata Razor for his Chapter One - Chapter Two guide. As you can see on the top, he is the co-writer of this FAQ. Anyone else who contributed anything, thanks. Also, a big thanks goes out to the people who spotted mistakes in the FAQ. This list includes Calisaya, who has been very helpful with this FAQ. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ V. Contact Information Cloud5176 AIM: Levostial MSN: E-Mail: Strata Razor AIM: Sandrock XGP E-Mail: ONLY CONTACT US IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION PERTAINING TO SOMETHING THAT IS NOT MENTIONED IN THE GUIDE. ASKING TO PUT THIS ON YOUR SITE IS ALLOWED, BUT ONLY A FEW PEOPLE WILL BE ACCEPTED. DO NOT ASK US HOW TO BEAT A BOSS!!! MOST LIKELY, IT IS ALREADY IN THE GUIDE, AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO LOOK. IF YOU HAPPEN TO HAVE A LEGITIMATE QUESTION AND ARE ASKING THROUGH E-MAIL, PLEASE PUT SOMETHING LIKE, "WILD ARMs QUESTION," IN THE SUBJECT BAR. WE WILL NOT ANSWER ANY EMAILS THAT HAVE NO SUBJECT. THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY. Also, due to the large amount of emails that Strata and I are receiving, please try to detail your question. We do not have the time to decipher non-detailed questions. Compliments are always appreciated, as are any optional boss strategies or corrections. ANY EMAIL WITH NO SUBJECT, AN UNCLEAR SUBJECT, OR NO SENDER, WILL BE DELETED INSTANTLY AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION. PLEASE SCAN YOUR INBOXES FOR VIRUSES, AS I HAVE RECEIVED SEVERAL OF THEM AS A FORWARDING. THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY. ((Heh...)) +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ VI. Characters (These are taken from the instruction booklet). Virginia Maxwell The Dual Pistol Dreamer Virginia has always dreamed of living the life of a Drifter. As a kid, she was in love with the idea of roaming the open plains and experiencing action and danger every step of the way. As her passion to be a Drifter grew, she decided to leave her comfortable life to live out her dream. Personal Data: Age: 18 Height: 5' 4" Weight: 108lbs. Weapons: Rapier EZ. Bantorain 93R Gallows Caradine The Man Who Makes Freedom His Policy A youth from the Baskar tribe, who are devotees of the Guardian. Gallows carries the bloodline of the priesthood, but he escaped his destiny by running away from his village. His personality is cheerful and optimistic. Personal Data: Age: 24 Height: 6' 3" Weight: 220lbs Weapons: Modified Coyote M17F Jet Enduro The Rebellious Treasure-Hunter Nothing pleases Jet more than priceless treasures. He is a lone wolf drifter not used to accepting help or the company of others. He is cold-blooded and has the potential to do anything to get his way. Personal Data: Age: ??? Height: 5' 4" Weight: 126lbs Weapons: Airget-lamb B/V2 Clive Winslett The Proud Sniper Clive is a bounty hinter that helps preserve the peace by offering his services to fighting monsters and criminals. With a cool head and realistic decision-making skills, Clive makes sure the team is always careful. Personal Data: Age: 30 Height: 5' 8" Weight: 152lbs Weapons: Gungnir HAG35 Other Characters: Janus Cascade Melody Vilente-----| Malik Bendict |--Prophets. Leehalt Alceste----| *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* VII. Walkthrough (Prologues and Chapter One) *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* #@#@#@#@#@#@# 1.) Prologues #@#@#@#@#@#@# A.) Girl in First Class: Difficulty: 1/3 After naming your character (Default: Virginia), you will witness a scene at her village. Demi-Humans will take the village goods. After a short scene, the people see that Virginia is missing... Once you have control of her, walk over and hit the switch in the SE corner. The door will open. Go through it. Virginia will get in a battle with some Gobs. For your first battle, just attack or use a Heal Berry if you need to. After the battle, exit to the north. Pick up the Tool (Tindercrest) in the NE corner. Also smash some boxes to get a Revive Fruit. Read some of the books if you wish, otherwise exit. (Quick note here: I would try to get in every battle here. It will greatly help you later in the game.) Use your Tindercrest to light the missing fire next to the W door. Exit W. Go past the chest and up the N stairs. Exit W. Hold [O] to walk past the loose boards. Don't worry about the ladder right now. Exit to the W. Follow the corridor and exit to the W door. Grab the white gems in the N and light the torch in the SE. Go through the N door. Get the Heal Berry in the chest. Exit and then go through the E door. Get the orange gems and continue down the stairs. Hit the switch at the bottom and go through the door that opened. Get Mini Carrot from the chest, exit, and use the SW door. Rotate the wheel in the N clockwise until the door opens. Enter it. Open all the chests and break all the boxes to get: Heal Berry, 400 Gella, Gimel Coin, and Duplicator. You will also get "Right Half" in the chest where you found the Duplicator. A short cut-scene will begin. When it's done, exit this room and use a Duplicator in front of the S door. Save your game here if you want, because a boss battle is just ahead. BOSS: Hobgob Boss HP: ????? EXP: 24 Gella: 30 Item: Potion Berry Just attack and heal if you need to. If you do happen to die, don't waste a Gimel coin. Just restart from the last save. He should die in a few shots. You may have to reload once. However, the game teaches you to use Gatling. Use this on him when they tell you to, and he should fall. Virginia should have leveled up to level three or four. Several Gobs will surround you, but the villagers come to your rescue. Your uncle slaps (!) you and then you enter another cut-scene. Virginia tells her Aunt and Uncle that she wants to become a drifter. After a few moments, you will see Virginia at her mother's grave. And that's it for Virginia's prologue. B.) Boy Who Broke In: Difficulty: 2/3 Name your character (Default: Jet). You will arrive at an old ruin. Climb up the stairs and search for a way to reach the boards at the top. Use your tool (Boomerang) to break away the boards covering the hole. Walk down the stairs. Try to reach the chest. You will fall through a hole. Read the writing on the wall in front of you. Then, head up the E stairs and fall off to the E. Go up the stairs and fall off. Get the Heal Berry in the chest and go up the stairs. Go up the stairs in the north and stand across the glowing yellow sphere. Throw the boomerang and a section of the wall will lower. Get the 600 Gella from the chest and continue over the wall and through the door. Dash [X] through this hall to avoid the trap. Exit through the door. Dash through again and exit through the door. After a short scene, talk to everyone and exit through the west door. (Note: This scene sort of tells you what type of person Jet is.) Again, run through the trap and ext through the door. Grab the nearest net and climb on top of it by pressing X near the edge. Grab the Mini Carrot from the chest in the W and then head back to the ladder, avoiding the spikes on the blue panels. You should try to get in a couple of battles here to try to gain a level or two. Use the nets to make it over to the W door. You have to drop on to the middle platform and then use the other net. In this room, get the orange gems and exit through the door. Use the S net and then the one above it. Use the one to the North next, and make your way up to the chest with a Heal Berry inside of it. Drop down from next to the chest to the platform and go in the door to the E. Get the white gems and run to avoid the traps. Run through the center, avoiding the spikes. Get the Gimel coin and the Revive Fruit(x2) from the chests. Save and exit north. After the scene, you will enter a boss battle! BOSS: Tatzelwurm HP: ????? EXP: 48 Gella: 52 Item: Dragon Fossil Ok, just attack and use Jet's Force ability, Accelerator if it becomes available, otherwise just attack and heal. After a few hit, he should die. Jet should be at level 4 or 5 by now. Talk to Pike and then exit to the SE. The rooms will shake, and Jet will get mad at Pike. In a moment, Pike will open a secret door and lead the way out. In this room, utilize the nets to reach the ladder. Again, use the nets so you can throw your boomerang at the E crystal. Then, climb up and activate the W crystal. Climb up and exit using the ladder. After a short scene, exit using the double doors. Pike's father gives him a pat on the shoulder and Jet's prologue ends. (At least Pike didn't get slapped.) C.) A Suspicious Intruder: Difficulty: 2/3. Name the character (Default: Gallows), and watch the scene. After a conversation with himself about the Ark Scepter, you will enter another scene. You will meet Gallows' brother, Shane. (Yes, I know he looks like a girl.) When you can control Gallows, talk to the small figure wearing a sombrero and save your game. Then enter the large opening in the N. After the short scene, exit this area. Talk to the girl in red in the E. Choose the top option until she gives you Heal Berry (x3) and a Gimel coin. Talk to the guy in brown in the SE to learn about the search system. Then go S until you reach the exit. Once on the World Map, head W, S, and then E to reach an alcove in the rocks. Search near here to find the Fallen Sanctuary. If you reach the desert, you have gone too far. I recommend fighting a few battles on the World Map to gain a level or two. Most of the enemies you encounter will be Balloons. While low on HP and EXP, they sometimes drop Heal Berries. After gaining a level or two (Or if you didn't want to), enter the Fallen Sanctuary by pressing X near the building. A brief explanation of Arcana and mediums ensues, and you can now use Arcana! I highly recommend getting a level or two higher in this place, as the enemies are abundant. For the Pill bugs, you should use Arcana to kill them. Your physical attacks will do little damage to them. Also, for every enemy that you kill with Arcana, you will gain a gem corresponding to the type of Arcana you used. After fighting a few battles, flip the switch near the stairs. Ignore the stairs and enter the N door instead. Move the block onto the floor switch. Enter the N door. Turn E as soon as you enter, and go through the door. Pick up the Heal Berry, Gimel coin, and the Tool (Freezer Doll). Yay! Penguins! Exit this room and head N, E, and N again. Extinguish the blue flame with your Freezer Doll and continue through the door that opened. Follow the hall and enter the door. Stand in the middle of the blue flames and hold square while rotating the left analog in a circle. Go through the new door. Follow the corridor to the E and exit. Get the white gems in this corridor and use the N door. Place the block on the floor switch and then stand on the other floor switch. Go through the W door. Get the orange gems and use the N door. (Ignore the other door for now.) Go north to the next room. Again, stand in the middle of the flames and use your Freezer Doll. The N door will open. Go through it. After reaching for the Ark Scepter, you will enter a boss battle! BOSS: Kesaran Pasaran (x4) HP: ????? EXP: 48 Gella: 52 Item: Ice Gem (x2) or Water Gem (x2). Keep attacking. When the dialog shows up, attack until your FP reaches 25. Use Gallows' Extension and Pressure. After using this attack a couple of times, they should fall. Gallows should reach level 4 or 5. After the battle, you will gain the Ark Scepter! Exit to the S. Keep following the hallways until you enter a scene. Talk to Shane and then use the Ark Scepter from your inventory. Talk to Shane again. After the scenes, Gallows' prologue will end. A Drifter Guardsman: Difficulty: 3/3 Name the green-haired sniper (Default: Clive), and watch the scene. When you can move, talk to Borgnine three times to receive three heal berries. Head N and exit E. Go E and exit E. Get the Heal Berry from the chest. Go N and Bomb the west C.Wall. Exit W. Head W, and exit S. Bomb or avoid the red slimes in the W. Get the Revive Fruit (x2) from the chest. Go back to the previous room. Go E and then N. Bomb the rocks and exit N. Keep going N. Go N, W, and bomb the blue slimes. Get the white gems and exit to the S. Exit S again. Get rid of the blue slimes and get the Gimel coin from the chest in the S. Exit to the W. Bomb the C.Wall and exit to the W. Get the Heal Berry and the 300 Gella. Ignore the sphere. Go back and bomb the rocks in the N. Bomb the blue slimes, and exit to the W. SAVE!!! Head N. The floor will collapse, leading you to a boss battle. BOSS: Goldrake (1) HP: 275-300 EXP: 64 Gella: 60 Item: N/A Just keep attacking until it starts to fly. When it does, build your FP up until you can use Lock On. This should finish the fight. However, you will be poisoned after the battle. You will lose about 3-4 HP when walking, as well as 35-40 HP when in battle. Go to the E and Bomb the C.Wall. Exit to the E. Head E, bomb the annoying slimes, and continue S and M.Bomb the large rock that falls. Exit to the S. Go S and DD. DD to the E, exit S. Continue W and exit W. Clive will fall unconscious and have a flashback. In the new town, you will find that one of the townspeople made an Antidote Syrup for Clive. Borgnine will give Clive an Antidote. Clive will go to the roof and fight... again. BOSS: Goldrake (2) HP: 275-300 EXP: N/A Gella: N/A Item: Antidote Ok, the Goldrake will poison Clive on the first turn. I think this only happens once, so use an Antidote. Then, keep attacking until you can use Lock On. Use this a couple of times and the Goldrake should fall. Clive's prologue is now done. Filgaia Express It will show Virginia leaving on a train. Then you will end up with all of the characters opening the box. A large explosion will shake the train, and you will meet the Janus Trio. BOSS: Janus, Romero, and Dario. HP: Janus: 350, Dario: 310, Romero: 290. EXP: 56 Gella: 200 Item: N/A. Ok, here's the toughest battle so far. First off, attack in this order: Dario, Romero, and then Janus. When Janus uses his MultiBlast, have Virginia use Mystic and a Heal Berry. If she's dead... then just heal individually. DO NOT ATTACK JANUS BEFORE KILLING ROMERO AND DARIO!!! HE WILL BE HEALED!!! Keep it up, and the trio should fall. After, head NW to the Baskar Colony and talk to Halle in the N shrine. She will talk for a few minutes, and take away Gallows' (fake) water medium. So ends the prologues. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Chapter One (By Strata Razor) +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Baskar Colony * After the discussions with Halle, return to the Fallen Sanctuary. 2.) Fallen Sanctuary * Take the stairs going up, and then watch the dialogue. * You're given a choice of the 4 guardians to fight. I suggest fighting in this order: Schturdark to Moor Gault to Grudiev to Fengalon. -(N) is Schturdark. a) Have Virginia defend first turn, because she's the weakest character. On the first turn, and this applies to all 4 of the guardians, Schturdark will unleash his special attack, which should deal hefty damage. From that point on, have everybody constantly attack him, and because he won't be unleashing that move again until after a long time. The worst he'll do from this point on is Pressure. -(S) is Moor Gault. a) Before the fight, equip Virginia with Aqua Wisp, so she can heal everybody. Same rules apply as in the fight with Schturdark. Have her defend on the first turn, while everybody attacks. After the first turn, you can have her heal everybody while the rest of the group attacks. ((From Cloud: I suggest equipping Gallows with Aqua Wisp, since his Extension; Heal heals everyone in the party with one turn.)) -(E) is Grudiev. a) Now equip Jet with Fiery Rage, because he's the second fastest, and he's necessary in the order, just in case he'll have to use the Arcana Revive. Same rules apply as in the previous 2 matches. -(W) is Fengalon. a) I suggest equipping Gallows with the Gale Claw. Then follow the same rules as with the other guardians. ((Oops... you don't get the Gale Claw until AFTER this battle... Our mistake. Thanks to Calisaya for pointing it out. Also, she suggested to equip the Terra Roar on Clive to damage Fengalon.)) * After the final fight, equip Terra Roar on Clive, and then return to Baskar. 3.) Baskar Colony * After talking to Halle, go outside and chat with Roykman, the guy with the green hat. He'll talk about Jolly Roger and its location. * Before you leave, use the PS points to gain Personal Skills. Focus on the non-status prevention first, for better battle results. ((From Cloud: I focused on the status preventions first, but it's up to you.)) Outside * To get to Jolly Roger from Baskar Colony, head back to the area of the Fallen Sanctuary first. * From there, continue (E) to get to another area, with the train tracks. * Follow the tracks going (E). Near the end of the tracks, look (S) and you'll be at a stone bridge. * Cross that bridge then just head (SW) to the shore to reach Jolly Roger. 4.) Jolly Roger * Hit the Bell Starr Saloon on the (S) side of town. * Before talking to Hannah the bartender, go up the stairs to the door. From there, head (E) and take the stairs down. Check the barrels there for a Dragon Fossil. * Chat with her, don't talk to her. Eating through chatting will get you the info you need on where to go. * After the conversation about the Eternal Sparkle, leave the saloon. * After Janus's ramblings, head to the house to the left of the ARMs shop. * In that house is Sterling. She'll tell you where the Ruins of Memory is, which is the next dungeon. But before leaving, I advise that you buy at least 10 Antidotes and Medicines from Roykman. Outside * From the Jolly Roger, head straight (SE) to a very isolated area. 5.) Ruins of Memory * Keep heading (N) past 2 doors until you meet up with Janus and Co. Then, go through the door on the (NE). * Don't go to the (N), go (S), until you see the glass. Run on it to break it, and then step on the switch to open the door. Go through it. * Go (S), and then take the small steps on the (SE) side. Use Jet's Boomerang to hit the gem, and then go through the door that opens. * When you get to the little bridge, use Gallows' Freezer Doll to put out the 4 fires. Go through the door that opens. * Break the 3 glass walls. Push the block into the switch to open the door. Go through the door. * Break the glass to get the chest. Go further (N) until you see the door on the (NE) side. If you need white gems, go (S) of that door, and then come back. If not, go through the (NE) door. * Break the glass to get the chest. Head (NW) to the descending steps, then head (N), and go to through the door all the way (N) to the 3 get the 3 chests. * Go back out of the chests room, and take the door on the (E). The door behind you will lock. There are 4 statues in this room. Blow up the (NW) statue with Clive's Bombs. Step on switch then go through door. * So (S) up the steps. Break the glass on the (SW) side, and then flip the switch. Head up (N) again to the door and go through it. * Go to the (W) side of the room to the cracked door. Blow it up with a Bomb, and go in. * Step in and open the 2 regular chests. Forget the Duplicator Chest, because it only has 3 Name Tags. Face the pillar looking (W). With Jet, use his Boomerang and hit the gem behind the pillar. (Hint: Press <-, then -> immediately after). Go through the door that opens. * In the room with 4 fires, put the blue one out with the Freezer Doll, and then go on the platform that went down. Next, light that fire again with Virginia's Tindercrest. Make necessary preparations, because you're about to enter a boss fight. **Boss: Janus, Romero, and Dario. (You should at least be at level 8.) * Keep the same medium equipment on the characters as you did after leaving the Fallen Sanctuary. * Focus all of your attacks only on Janus, because you won't be able to hurt Romero or Dario because Janus will only heal them. * When Janus leaves the battle, you'll have to deal with his 2 sidekicks. Don't worry, because at level 8, all of your characters should have fairly decent EVA and DEF. The 2 brothers should be defeated in no time. * After all the talking, with Janus taking the Hieraco Shield, head back to the Jolly Roger. 6.) Jolly Roger * After healing up at the saloon, talk to Sterling again, who'll suggest that you head (W) to get to Westwood. For better directions, talk to Dennis, the pirate with the red bandanna, and he'll tell you about Midland Station (NW) of Jolly Roger. Outside * From Jolly Roger, cross the stone bridge, to get to the tracks. Then, head (NW) without crossing the tracks. Midland Station is near the tunnel on the ridge. Before you go in, you need 120 Gella to buy a ticket. If you don't have it, then have a couple of battles outside. 7.) Midland Station * Buy a ticket from the guy on the booth to the left, as soon as you enter the station. Next, talk to the guy on the train to travel to Westwood. 8.) Westwood * Talk to the guy under the clock. He'll tell you to head (E) to visit Claiborne Outside * From Westwood, head straight (E). Right when the tracks begin to curve is Claiborne. 9.) Claiborne * If you have 2,000 Gella, then you'll be able to buy the horses from the barn in the (NE) side of town. It will make traveling much easier. * Behind the barn is Pike, who'll offer to change your name for free. If you talk to him with Jet, you'll have a little extra conversation. * Talk to Otto at the ARMs shop on the (W) side to find directions to the ruins on the (E) mountains. Outside * From Claiborne, head further (E), going (NE) past the tunnel on the ridge. 10.) Serpent's Coils (Everybody must be at least level 10 to make things easier.) * Head (N) past the 1st door. Ignore the 2 doors on either side of you, just continue (N), and go through the door. * Ignore the blocked door and the switch on the (N) and (NE) sides of the room. Just go through the door on the (E). * Hit the switch on the (N) side, and go through the door that just opened. * Open the 2 chests, then pull the lever to activate the navigation system, then leave the room. * Go to through the door on the (NW). From there, head all the way (W), up the steps, then go through the door opposite the ladder. * Go all the way (S), until you reach the steps. Go up these steps, and go through the door on the right. * You'll see the blocked door, and the switch (E) of the door. Hit the switch, watch the door open, and see the new players to the story. * After talking to Blonde and her company, find your way back to that door that you just opened with the switch. * Once you find your way to that door, go through it, then head (N) until you come up to a lever. Pull it to open up the path. Get the chests on the (NE) side, then exit through the (NW) door. * In this room, first, go through the door on the (W) side. Follow the path (S) to a door. Get the 2 chests, and open up the Duplicator Chest to acquire a Nectar. Also, a Migrant Seal should be in one of the chests. Return to the room mentioned in the beginning of this step. * Now, go up the steps to the (S) side, then go up to the door by the white gems. * After the Blonde lady pulls the lever to create a gap in the path, pull the lever again to bridge the gap, then find your way back to that place, and go through the door that Blonde tried to prevent you from going through. * Follow the path to the next room, a room with a frozen lever. Use Tindercrest to melt the ice. Pull the lever. Then, freeze the lever with Freezer Doll. You'll see why. Before you go through the door that the lever opened, prepare yourself for a boss fight. **Boss: Blonde, Timid Boy, Afro, Cat(?) (Try to be at least at level 11.) * Have the person wearing Terra Roar, which should be Clive, cast Protect on everybody because Cat's elemental attacks will hurt a lot more without it. * Focus all your attacks on Afro first because his Healing Factor heals anybody else who gets hurt, but watch out, because of his attacks has a chance of confusing you. * After you kill him, exterminate the Cat. When he's done, go after Timid Boy, who's Homemade Bomb reminds us of why he's called Timid Boy. * After him, focus on Blonde herself. Be careful, because sooner or later the only attack she's use is AW-RSTN87. Basically, a huge rail gun falls from her unmentionables, and she uses it to deal some decent damage on one character. Other than that, the battle should go pretty smoothly, and you'll win a Potion Berry for your troubles. * After the fight, Blonde reveals herself to be Maya Schroedinger, and leaves with her company to catch up to another party of Drifters. * Follow her through the (N) door. Get the Duplicator and Gimel Coin from the right & left chests, then go through the door on the (N). * Before you go through the last door all the way (N), prepare yourself for another boss fight. **Boss: Janus, Romero, Dario (If no level raise, then level 11 is still ok.) * If Janus is targeted for an attack, he will just switch positions with either Romero or Dario, so focus on taking out the 2 brothers first. * The same procedure goes from the last fight with this trio should be used. The only thing that you have to worry about is their Trinity attack. It deals about 150-200 damage, so never let anybody, especially Virginia fall below 175 HP, cause if you do, then you're just asking for trouble. * After eliminating the 2 brothers, Janus should be a piece of cake. Have Virginia constantly heal whoever's hurt, and the battle should be yours. * After the fight, Maya's Cat will fly over everybody's heads and take the Andro Shield. Giving up, Janus tells everybody to head (SW) of Claiborne to Ka Dingel, for a final showdown. * After the he leaves, Virginia's flaws as a drifter surfaces. Then, Maya gives her the Andro Shield, and leaves. After this scene, you end up back at Claiborne. 11.) Claiborne * ARMs upgrading is optional, so design the ARMs to your own preferences. * Stock up on status cures, because you'll be needing them in Ka Dingel. Outside * Hopefully with your horses, head straight (SW) until you reach this large rock. Ka Dingel should be around there. 12.) Ka Dingel (This dungeon can be difficult with low levels, so train here.) * Head (N), past the first room. The next room has blocks in it. Go down the steps, and move the 2 blocks so they'll form a path leading to the platform with the single block. Push that single block off the platform on the top-right side, so that you can get to the chest. After you get it, push the block (W) so that you can reach the (NW) door. * Through that door, go up the swirling steps. * On the next room, step on the switch to lower the platform with the 1st wheel. Turn the wheel to raise the platform up again. Go through the door on the (N) to go to a room with 3 chests. * Leave the chests room, and jump off the platform. Repeat the previous step without going through the chests room. This time, jump off the platform on the (E). Turn the 2nd wheel to raise the platform to the 3rd wheel. Turn the 3rd wheel, then go through the door. * Proceed up the swirling steps, up to another door. Before going any further past that door, prepare yourself for a boss fight. **Boss: Trask (It would be better if you were at least at level 13.) * First off have Clive cast Shield on everybody first. Attack Trask once with the other the other 3's ARMs to raise their force points. * When everybody's shielded, make sure the Jet has at least 20 FP so he can execute Devastate, which deals more damage that any of the other Arcana. From this point on, Virginia should be always Heal-ing Jet, and Gallows and Clive should be boosting up Jet's stats. Before the fight ends, use a Gella Card on Trask to get a 3,000 Gella bonus at the end. * Basically, the tactic is: Jet attacks with Devastate, Virginia Heals him, and Gallows and Clive do practically nothing. Believe me, it may seem dumb, but this technique proved more than effective. Trask hits the person who does any Arcana on him with Bio-Missile, which deals some really big damage. If nobody else attacks him, he's almost useless. If Jet is the only one using Arcana, healing the party will be much easier. ((From Cloud: An optional boss strategy is to use Cremate to heat his shell up, and then to use Refrigerate to break it. This drastically lowers his defense.)) * After the fight, continue heading (S). Go up the swirling steps to the door. * Climb up the ladder. Hang from the grate, then climb (S). If you want to get a Heal Berry from the chest closest to you, feel free to get it. If not, make your way to the next 2 grates to get to the next chest, which has 2 Revive Fruits. After that, do everything over again, only this time, flip up over the 3rd grate. You have the choice of 2 doors. Take the one on the right first. * Go down the swirling steps, and through the door. There's a Blue Bracer, and a Booster Kit inside the Duplicator Chest, which will increase the number of battles you can avoid. * Return to the room, with the 2 doors. This time, go to the left one. * Go up the swirling steps and through the door. * Stand right next to the fire on the right, and put out the fire on the left with the Freezer Doll. When the platforms move, run all the way to the right of the un-extinguished fire, and put it out with the Freezer Doll. When the platforms move again, go to the door. * Walk up the swirling steps to another door. In the next room, you'll hear commotion above you. Go (E), but before you do anything, prepare yourself for the final boss fight of Chapter 1. * Hit the elevator all the way (E) to go up. **Boss: Janus (level 14 should be the bare minimum when fighting him.) * After all the commotion, Janus flies solo and takes on Virginia and Co. by himself. * For the first 4 turns, have Clive cast Shield on everybody to increase their DEF, because they'll seriously need it for Janus's ATK resurgence. * Almost every time you shoot him, he'll counter with Heretic Stab. A high EVA would help there. At the end of every turn, he'll either annoy your healing order by using Multiblast, or concentrate on one character using Rising Nova, his most powerful attack. * Stay calm, always Heal with Virginia, and if everybody's Shield-ed by Clive, then the battle should be a little easier. Fight hard, and the battle should be done in no time. * After this fight, you're treated to a nice and long-awaited plot twist, which signals the end of Chapter 1. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Chapter Two (By Strata Razor) *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* 1.) Claiborne After hearing Clive's story, go outside and talk to Becky, the girl with the red ponytail. She'll tell you where Little Twister is. Outside By now you should have horses, cause you'll need them to get to Little Twister. From Claiborne, head straight (W), jumping over the crevasse. Once over the crevasse, keep going (W) until you're near the edge. Little Twister should be near the shore. Make sure you have at least 500 Gella coming into Little Twister. You'll need that money to get info on where you gotta go. 2.) Little Twister Go inside the saloon, which is the building directly (N) of the save statue. Chat with Angela, and choose the option "Point to the 500 Gella bottle" to begin the dialogue. After the dialogue, chat with Angela again to find directions to the next ruin. Before leaving, the building to the right of the saloon has a wheel you gotta turn. Turn it to open the back door. On the farthest area (N), out that back door, you can find a chest and the ARM's shop. Before you leave, make sure you have at least 15 of each status cure item. You'll need them for the next 2 stages that you're headed to, believe me. Outside From Little Twister, head straight (NE), near the edge of the land to find the ruin. 3.) The Unclean Mark Head all the way (N), and go through the door left of the wall. In the next room you'll meet Claudia, the missing girl everybody in Little Twister's been talking about. After accepting to help her, place a Bomb in each of the 4 crystals to open the door. Through that door, open the Duplicator door (W) of the edge with the Duplicator you found on the chest in Little Twister. Get the chests inside, then leave. Head all the way (E), then go through the door. Head to the obvious-looking trap below the steps. While talking to Claudia, hold X to avoid the trap after you're done talking to her. Talk to her before you go through the door she opened for you. Go to the door immediately to the right of you to get the chests, then come back out. Follow the path, then go through the door. Follow the path down the steps. Adjust the view so you can see the gem better. With Jet, hold R2 and direct the Boomerang to hit the gem. Go through the door that opens. This next trap might hurt a lot if you're not careful. When you talk to her, right before the dialogue ends when she hits the switch, hold X, cause the bridge will collapse. If you hold X, you'll run to the other side untouched. If not, you'll fall on the pit below, which will cause mad damage. Go through the door. Just continue (N) following the path of the small gems. The next room should bring back good memories, or bad nightmares, to those who've played Wild Arms 2. Hit the switch, then when the blocks start moving, run to the blocks with Clive, and drop as many Bombs as you can on one spot. When you get through, go to the door. Head (SE) all the way to the already-opened door. Ignore the block and switch, cause you can't do this yet. The next puzzle requires more brains than quick fingers. There are 2 rows of 4 gems. Row 1 has gems #1, #2, #3, and #4. Row 2 has gems #5, #6, #7, and #8. Place a Bomb in-between #1 and #2, between #3 and #4, between, #5 and #6, and between #7 and #8. This should save you a lot of time, effort, and frustration. Go through the door. Hit the gem with the Boomerang, so a path will be cleared. After talking to Claudia, RUN LIKE HELL through that path, and don't stop until you get to the very end! Go through the door at the end of your run. Prepare for a boss fight. In this next room, grab the green gem first before you talk to Claudia. Then, the truth will be revealed, and you'll fight your first prophet. **Boss: Robed Woman (at least lvl 15) Throughout the whole fight, she'll only attempt to kill Clive. After all, wouldn't you do the same thing after he said those things to you? Because of that, Clive should always defend. Have one person cast Shield on him for this first turn. Everybody else should be attacking. If Clive's health gets low, don't be stingy and heal him. If he dies, then the battle will become much harder than it has to be. After she takes Claudia hostage again, go through the door, and just follow the path. Prepare for another boss fight, and you won't believe who it is. **Boss: Neo-Janus (after the last fight, you should at least be at lvl 16) The bad-boy drifter's back, with a new form that will remind you of an alter-ego belonging to another blue-haired bayonet-carrying character from a past WA game. Hopefully, you put Gale Claw on Gallows at least for one turn. When he gets the chance, have him cast Extension + Turbulence, so the fight won't be as hard. Cast shield on Virginia, because she should be the one using Heal. His Negative Rainbow should be the only thing that you have to really worry about. He only uses it EVERY OTHER TURN, so strategize accordingly to his attack pattern. Keep hitting him hard on the non-Negative Rainbow turn, then go defensive on the Negative Rainbow turn. This fight should be rather easy. After the battle, the campfire scene should tell you where to head next. Outside Turn (SE) until you see a large, tall, rock. Head straight, going to the right of that rock. Near the edge of the land is the next ruin. 4.) Lunatic Garden Head (N), then step on the switch to open the door. Open the chests inside that room, and one of them will be Gallows' second tool, the Steady Doll. Outside, use the Steady Doll to flip both switches. The Duplicator door, for those who don't know if they should waste a Duplicator, has a Migrant Seal, 2 Revive Fruits, and a Tiny Flower, an item that will increase LCK. It's up to you. Otherwise, go to (E) door. In the next room, use Steady Doll to push the block on the switch. Go through the door that opens. Follow the steps up to the door on the top. Go through it. Then, run straight to the door. In the next room, push the unstacked block on the (SW) corner of that confined square. Push the stacked block off of the block under it. Push that blocked that you push off to the (NW) switch. Push the last block to the last switch, and go through the door. Follow the steps up to the next door. Make your way up the steps in the next room, then hit the switch on the (N) part of the room. Go through the door that opens. Find your way to the ledge above the switch, then jump on it. Go through the door that opens, making sure that you get the chest by the door. Get the 2 chests. Stand right next to the wall (S) of the switch before hitting it. Now, hit the switch to raise the platform. Go through the door all the way (W). Proceed straight to the next door. Follow the path to the door all the way (E) to go outdoors. Hit the 3 crystals with the boxes lying around. The 3rd one can be seen over the (SW) ledge. Get the Duplicator from the chest, then go through the door that opened. Hit the switch. Jump to the other side to go through the door. That big, rotating object on the next room signals an upcoming boss battle. Prepare for it. **Boss: Slickster (at least lvl 16) His fuzzy appearance means that you won't be able to land a hit on him until you cast Decelerate on him, which should be the first thing you do. Remember when I told you to buy those status cure items? Well, this is where you'll need them the most. His most devastating attack is Tri-Injury, which will inflict 3 different status ailments on one character at once. The only other attack he has is Eliminate Scanner, which does 200+ damage. Other than that, if Fragile is cast on him, this fight should go down quick. After Janus escorts Slickster out of there, Gallows will get the Moon Spark. In my opinion, by now, Virginia should have the Moon Spark, Gallows with Aqua Wisp and Gale Claw so he can be a quick healer, Jet with Fiery Rage, and Clive with Terra Roar. This arrangement is my own recommended one for people at this stage of the game. After getting the medium, prepare for another boss fight. Go back to all the rooms until you catch up to Janus and Slickster. Then, Slickster will unleash another old friend from WA2, one that might have drove countless crazy before, but now, you get your chance at payback, to beat up on an easier form of that old enemy. **Boss: King of Angolmois (at least lvl 17) Much, much easier that the large, purple Angol Mois of WA2, he won't put as hard as fight as before, but you should still be careful. His first attack might be the ever-popular Seventh Moon attack, which is his best attack. Prepare for it, because it almost always is his first move. Casting Shield and Protect are optional, because his only other attacks, Screaming Mad and Agony Effect, deal about 175-200 damage. Casting Fragile is optional, but good. Keep everybody in good health, because you don't want to be caught with low health when he dishes out another Seventh Moon attack. This battle will be very long if your characters' levels are at a minimum. If luck is on your side, he'll never cast Seventh Moon after the first turn. If not, he'll go on a rage and consistently toss out Seventh Moon on every turn. If this happens, consider another battle strategy when you're forced to use a Gimel Coin to continue. Optional (And easier) Strategy from Nightdagger: I found this out in a fit of complete the fight against King of Angolmois in the Lunatic Garden, the person with Moon Spark becomes your best friend. That medium has an Arcana called Grav (which, if you have FP Save maxed out, doesn't take hardly anything to cast) that does literally thousands of damage to the King on the first hit (first casting for me did 2203 damage). Seems to halve his hps every time (not sure of the actual damage done, haven't been playing long), but three or four Gravs can really shorten the fight considerably, being as he has a ton of hps. Not sure if you already knew this or not, but I didn't see it in your FAQ, so I thought, no harm done telling you something you already (but might not) know, especially if it helps people beat that annoying fight more quickly. As it is, I spent about 10 minutes straight with Turbo battle on fighting him before I got bored enough to try Grav (which really surprised me when it worked...a boss getting hit by a cheap HP percent cutting spell?), but only about 5 mins afterwards, and my party was only around level 15 or so when I did it. Little tip that I thought ya might wanna consider adding to your FAQ. Hope it helps. -Nightdagger ((Although several people have emailed both I and Strata Razor about this, Nightdagger was the first person to mention it. Our thanks go out to you all.)) After the fight, watch the prophets (now with names!) put a leash on Janus. 5.) Little Twister After getting a lead on the next guardian shrine, talk to Claudia about the location of the next area. Outside the saloon, talk to Berkley all the way (E) of the town for more info. Outside From Little Twister, head to the very far (NW). The next ruin will be hard to miss. 6.) Sand Canal Right when you begin, prepare for a boss fight. **Boss: Jasna (red), Vendidurt (white), Wisrapt (blue) (at least lvl 18) These funny-looking "knights" belong to the order of Huskarls, which was mentioned when the prophets were placing a bomb on Janus. Bring down Jasna first, because his Deathbringer attack is an instant kill move if it connects. After him, killing the other 2 will be a breeze, especially if Turbulence and/or Shield are cast. Try to put Wisrapt to sleep to make it even easier. It may not work right away, but believe me, he will go to sleep. This battle should be really easy, even at low levels. Go down the steps to the door. In the next room, stand on the light gray block, then hit the switch with Steady Doll. The Duplicator door is optional, because it only contains a Holy Root (cures all status ailments except fallen) and a Name Tag. Go through the door on the (NW) side. Follow the path, past the boxes. Hit the gem with the Boomerang, then go to the door. Follow this path to get the chest. Then, run on the bridge to make it fall. Follow the path up (NW). Head for the crates in the (N) side of the room to get the chest. The door is under the flowing sand. As soon as you enter the room, prepare for another ridiculous boss fight with the knights. **Boss: Jasna (red), Vendidurt (white), Wisrapt (blue) Use the exact same procedure as before. They have more HP than the last fight, but that shouldn't matter because they're still mad easy. After you beat the 3 of them, you'd think that you're done. But wait, there's more... **Boss: Jasna (red), Vendidurt (white), Wisrapt (blue), Jasteuch (green) (at least lvl 18) The leader of the Huskarls, the green knight Jasteuch, has come to join the fight. The very first turn of the fight will be his, and he'll use the Khorda Avesta attack to deal some moderate damage. Focus on him or Jasna first, it's up to you. But those 2 have to be the first 2 to die if you want an easier match. Again, after eliminating those 2, you'll feel like fighting the same guys from the entrance, only with more HP. End it quick, and you're done. ***Believe me when I say that that was the easiest part of the entire stage. The second half, If my directions aren't strictly followed, will be extremely hard as hell. After coming to the realization that people are out to stop your party, head to the door on the (NE). Nab the gems, then go towards the door on the (SE) to get the chests. Then, head (NE) to the door. Here is where it starts getting complicating for some of you. Take my advice if you want to follow this walkthrough to the very last detail. For this room, going up has to be heading (NW), and the directional diamond must be at the top-right corner of the screen. You must keep this view until you leave the room. 1st block up -> very next block up -> second block on the left, not the middle -> block heading to the switch Click the switch, return to same block -> next dark gray block -> next light gray block heading to the chest Open the chest, return to same block -> very next light gray block, not the one that you were on before -> next light gray block ->light gray block on the right to get the chest -> dark gray block to get to switch Click the switch, then jump into the sand to start by the door. Light gray block on the right -> next light gray block to get chest -> jump back into sand Now, just get on the blue block on the left to get to the door. For this next puzzle, and the one right after this one, this will be the legend: LG = light gray block. DG = dark gray block. B = blue block For this room, make sure that going up has to be heading (SW), and the directional diamond is on the bottom-right of the screen. Here we go... Up to LG -> right to DG -> up to the top B -> right to LG -> right to DG -> right to B -> down to LG -> down to DG -> right to B -> right to LG -> right to DG -> right to B -> right to LG -> right to DG -> right to B -> right to LG -> right to DG -> right to B. Go to the door. In the next room, follow the gems in the path. Go through door. For this puzzle, make sure that going up has to be heading (SE), and the directional diamond is on the bottom left. Here we go... Down to LG, stay on the first block -> right to DG -> right to B -> diagonal down-right to LG -> up to DG -> up to B -> right to LG -> right to DG -> down to B -> down to LG -> down to DG -> the 2nd B on the right -> right to LG -> right to DG -> down to B -> down to LG -> right to DG -> right to B -> right to LG -> up to DG -> right to B -> right to LG -> up to DG -> right to B -> right to LG -> up to DG -> left to B -> left to LG. Hit the switch, and go through the door that opens. Get the 2 chests, and then go back to the door, into the sand pit. Prepare for a boss fight, then just head up the steps to the door. The prophets introduce themselves, and begin to talk to you about evolution. After the team aggravates the prophets, Leehalt sends Neo-Janus to fight you. **Boss: Neo-Janus (bare minimum should be lvl 18) This battle only requires you to stay alive for 3 turns. You should even try to attack, because it won't do any good. And don't waste a Lucky Card or a Gella Card, cause he doesn't give EXP or Gella. Increase all defensive stats with Shield and Turbulence, and just defend if you're not casting Arcana. At the very end of the 3rd turn, he'll use Ultranegative Rainbow, which might kill you if you're not blocking, if you're stats aren't increased, and/or your health is low. Avoid those things, and you should walk away from this battle still alive. Outside Head straight (W), and you'll soon hit the next town. 7.) Little Rock This is the hometown of Pike, the boy that Jet rescued in his intro level. Go inside the Rolling Stone, the building next to the save statue. Sleep if you have to. Inside, talk to Gaspar, the old man by the table, and he'll tell you the location of the next guardian shrine. Outside the Rolling Stone, talk to Kovahn, the guy by the ARMs store, and he'll give you more info on where you should go next. Outside From Little Rock, head straight (N). The shrine should be right past the 2nd shore. If you continue (W), you'll find Doomed to Obscurity, Jet's intro level. Go inside the shrine. 8.) Glimmering Emblem This can be a hard level if you're not at least at lvl. 20 because the enemies tend to be frustrating. Be ready for them. You have your choice of going left or right. Eventually you'll have to go through both of them. But don't go straight. *Left* Go up the steps to the door. Use the Steady Doll to push the block off the platform. Then, use the Boomerang to hit the gem. Go through the door that opens. In the next room, move the 3 blocks all the to the (N) side of the area to form a path. Go through the door on the other side. Get the chest. Then, on the (N) edge, use the Freezer Doll on the window to let the light shine in on the floating balloon. Jump off the ledge. *Right* Go up the steps to the door. Get the chest in the room, then go through the door. In the next room, there's a big glass wall. With Tindercrest, copy the image on the other side of the glass to make a mirror reflection of the other side. Bomb/run on the glass to break it, and go through the door that opens. Open the 2 chests with Steady Doll, then go through the door ahead. On the (N) edge, use the Freezer Doll on the window to let the light shine in on the floating balloon. Jump off the ledge. After both balloons are illuminated, the door will open. Go through the door. If your VIT meters are empty, and I won't be surprised if they are, then you can head back to Little Rock to rest up. Return here. Break the glass, then go straight. Again, the same decision will be presented to you, and you have the choice of going left or right. Eventually you'll have to go through them. But don't go straight. *Left* Climb up the ladder, and get the chest all the way (N). Go back and go through the door on the left. Move the blocks so they form a path on the (N) wall. Ignore the switch on the other side for now. As you can see, whichever way the blocks on this side move, the blocks on the other side will move in that direction as well. On the other side, move one of the your blocks to move a block on the other side to the switch. Go through the door. Use Steady Doll to push the 2 crates off the platform. Get the chest using the Steady Doll. Now use those 2 blocks to make a platform on the (S) side. Go through the door. Flip the switch on the (N) side to lower the wall. Jump off the ledge. *Right* Climb up the ladder, and get the chest all the way (N). Go back and go through the door on the right. Go down the steps to the block on the corner. Whichever way this block moves, the block on the upper platform, the platform with the switch, will move in an identical direction. Move the block so that the block on the upper platform will hit the switch. Go through the door. Break the glass first to get a good view of the entire other side. Copy the exact same image as if it were reflected through a mirror, just like the puzzle you encountered before. You must do the same with the boxes, to make it a completely reflected image. You do this by throwing/blowing up the corner box. Go through the door that opens. Get the 2 chests down the steps, then go through the door. Flip the switch on the (N) side to lower the wall. Jump off the ledge. Once both walls are lowered, go through the door. Break the glass in the next room. Prepare for a boss fight. Go through the door. **Boss: Mono-Eye Titan (at least lvl 19) This boss is fairly easy. His Dark Matter attack does about 50-100 damage, and so does his Eyeball attack. Cast Fragile to make this battle faster. You can also cast Extension + Protect, but that's optional, for you might not need it. Constantly hit him hard on every turn, and you should win this quickly. After he dies, go through the door (N) of you. Proceed to the large rotating object, which is revealed to be a Chock. After the discussion, prepare for another boss fight. Head back (S). **Boss: Hecto-Eye Titan (at least lvl 19) The same strategy applies as before, only this time, I highly suggest the Extension + Protect move, because he'll counter every single hit with a slightly stronger version of Dark Matter. With that defense, it shouldn't be a difficult match. After you win, you'll get Stare Roe, the Light Guardian. Then, you're treated to a nice scene, where the prophets introduce a new enemy, the "Divine Fortress," Golem Asgard. It's a shame to see one of Marivel's toys from Wild Arms 2 go bad, but he'll prove to be a fun villain to do battle with. *Outside* Return to Little Rock. 9.) Little Rock After resting up, talk to Goodwin by the ARMs shop to find out about the next place that you gotta go to. *Outside* From Little Rock, head (NW), past Glimmering Emblem. The next area should be (SW) from Doomed to Obscurity, past the large rocks. 10.) Leyline Observatory After Jet gets some gray images in his head, go through the door ahead. As an early reminder, do not waster any Duplicators on the books that are sealed by magic here. You'll need them for far more important things later on in the game. In the hall, first go through the door on the left. In the room with the 2 chests, search the lockers to the right of those chests for Jet's second tool, Radar, or Booty Call to those who're familiar to this tool's 3rd appearance. After getting it, search for the memorandum on the left of the chests for the password. Exit through the first door. Go through the door across the hall. On the computer console up (N), input "Inkapilia" as the password, just in case you didn't know. This will turn the machines on. Go back out to the main hall, then go through the door on the (NE). Next, head (S) and go through the first door on the (W) that you see. Open up the 2 chests, the go out through the door by the chests. Head to the door all the way (S). Use Radar to find the ID Card on the table. Go back to the main hall, and use it on the machine to open the door. Go through it. Out of the elevator, head to the door on the (S) to get the 3 chests, then return to the main hall. Go through the door on the (W) to get the 2 chests. Return to the hall, and go through the door on the (NE). In the next room, as Virginia, talk to Gallows and Clive. Before talking to Jet, examine the computers around you. Then, talk to Jet. Afterwards, go through the door he opens. In the next room, head (N) to the door. But before going through the door, read the books to the right of the door. One will give you a very important piece of information. After reading, go through the door. The lasers ahead will prevent you from going further. On the machine, input "Guiding Word," which is the password given to you by one of the books. Go through the door on the (N). ((A note from Cloud: Finally! Now maybe people will stop asking about the password.)) In the next room, before doing anything else, prepare for a boss fight. On one of the tables you'll find a picture. After Virginia examines it, use her Right Half of the photo to complete the picture. You'll see her go into hysterics after Jet lets her in on something about her father, which will be interrupted by Melody and Asgard. **Boss: Asgard (at least lvl 20) As soon as you can, have Gallows cast Extension + Turbulence/Shield. One of them will help out, but both will be better. Casting Fragile on the metal man will also make the fight easier on you. Have Virginia use Mystic + Lucky Card, because he'll give out some decent EXP. Also, have somebody use a Gella Card on him. Later on, he'll use his High-Power Shield maneuver, which will prevent you from dealing damage for a certain period of time. This will wear off when he uses Optimize Data, so just keep on hitting him, and eventually he will begin to take damage again. The turn after he Optimize-s Data, he'll hit you with an attack that will end the fight, and put everybody on the floor. Don't worry, you'll still end up as the winners, even though it won't look like it. When Melody tries to finish off Clive, Shady the Cat will stop her. Enter the Schroedingers. After Alfred's smoke bomb let's you evacuate, you'll be treated to another long scene. *Outside* Head (S), and cross the land bridge. Keep going (S), until you see the shore. Search around it to find Clive's hometown. 11.) Humphrey's Peak After Clive shows you the way to his house, talk to Albert, the guy by the memory figure. Then, go to Clive's house. When you get to control Virginia, use the Taped Photo to fill some of the team's queries. The next day, you get 2 prospective leads on where to go next. Head to the shrine of the Luck Guardian first. Before leaving, talk to Kaitlin to find out where the train station is. Also, make sure you buy yourself a handful of Call Whistles, if you don't have many already. *Outside* From Humphrey's Peak, head straight (W). Crossing to the other side of the tracks, near the edge, is the station. 12.) East Highlands The ticket to Dune Canyon costs 200 Gella. Make sure that you have that money coming into the station. 13.) Dune Canyon First, use Radar to find the hidden Duplicator on the station. Simon, the train attendant, will be blocking your way. Chat with him, and he'll tell you about Diobarg. Then, he'll let you through. Chat with him again on the booth, and he'll tell you where the shrine is. 14.) Outside Use a Call Whistle to call your horse. First, follow the tracks heading (E). To the right of those tracks, by the mountains, is where the shrine is. After you locate it, don't go in just yet. On your horse, ride around the area around the shrine until you encounter a fight that's signaled with a green "!" Whatever you do, don't avoid this fight, because that green "!" means that it's Diobarg. With that said, while you're out riding, prepare for a boss fight. **Boss: Diobarg (at least lvl 21) Definitely get Virginia to use Mystic + Lucky Card as soon as you can. Also use a Gella Card on him. Try to have Blue Bracer equipped on some of your mediums, because his Paralysis Bite will do as it says, unless you're protected from it. His weakness is ice, so cast Refrigerate on him as much as you can, for that will be your main attack against him. Raising your defenses is optional, for his only other attack is Ram, and it does only about 200 damage, at most. After you get the EXP, the Gella, and the 15 Dragon Fossils as your reward, head to the guardian shrine. 15.) Fortune Gear Head for the door on the (N). In the next room, go up the steps on either side of the door to come up to the Duplicator door on the higher level. Use a Duplicator, then open up the brown chest. The black chest will only tell you how many chests there are in all of Filgaia (320), and how many of them you've already opened. After that, go back down the steps, and go through the door on the bottom level. Go down the steps, then go through the door on the (W). In the next room, do what the tablet on the right says, and match the colors of the crystals that you activate. It's like a memory game. After completing the puzzle, go through the door that opens. Go down the steps, then go through the door in the (W) to get the 3 chests, and come back out. Follow the crystals (S) to the open door. In the next room, the puzzle will be the same as before with the matching. Only this time, there will be holes in the floor that open up when you walk on them. While tiptoeing with the Circle (O) button will work to an extent, my advice is to find all the holes before doing the puzzle. That way, you won't have anything else to worry about when you complete the puzzle. After doing it, prepare for a boss fight. Then, go through the door that opened. **Boss: Olivier (at least lvl 22) The same guy who tried to eat up Lilka in Wild Arms 2 has returned to take on your team. Don't bother hitting him with Arcana, because he'll only absorb it. And don't bother raising your defenses either, because he doesn't have any real direct damage-inflicting attacks His Prohibited Play attack with Poison you with the boogers that he picks from his nose. His only other attack is Bwaaargh!, when he'll deal minimal damage while giving your characters Disease. If you're prepared to defend/heal against those 2 status afflictions, then you should do just fine in this match. After the match, the team will sense the presence of the Dark Spear in the temple. Afterwards, go through the door on the (E). In the next room, step on one of the 4 torches, and watch the fire travel along the 4 torches. What I did was step on the (S) torch, then used the Freezer Doll on the other 3 torches. Then, you step again on the un-frozen torch. I don't know if this works for all the torches, but this worked for me. Go through the door that opens. Here is another matching puzzle, but with a harder twist. After activating one crystal, you only have about a second to activate its match, or it will deactivate. I suggest finding out the locations of the colors. That way, you'll know where to head net after lighting up one crystal. You can also use the Steady Doll to activate the switches as well, if running to them is too hard. After solving the puzzle, go through the door that opens. In the next room, you'll find the Chock of the shrine. This insinuates an upcoming boss fight, so prepare for it. Head to the door on the (N). After watching Janus use the Dark Spear to absorb the guardian's energy, he'll engage you in a very difficult battle. **Boss: Neo-Janus (at least lvl 23) I suggest making Virginia use Mystic + Lucky Card when you can, because you might not be able to do it on the first turn. A Gella Card would also be good to use. His Negative Rainbow on this battle will be right on target, and it will be his most devastating attack. Other than that, his Proton Beam will be concentrated on one character, and his Dark Spear is fairly avoidable and is his weakest attack. For the first few turns, I suggest you have Virginia and Jet, who have the lowest DEF, just defend, because you need to recover from his first blow, which most likely might be the Negative Rainbow. When you raise their defenses, then have them attack. When you can, get Gallows to use Extension + Turbulence/Shield. Each have equal importance, but with his constant barrage, you might only have time to cast one of them, so make your decision wisely. Cast Decelerate on him early, so you can better prepare for his attacks. If 1-2 of your characters die, don't panic. Revive and heal them when you can, because he throws his Negative Rainbow quite randomly. If you trust your luck, then work on finishing the match with everyone alive. Once your defenses are raised, and your HPs are brought back to high standards, then feel free to wail on him with everything you got. After taunting you with his power and messing with Virginia's head, he leaves, but not before giving Virginia a kick good-bye. When you get the Luck Guardian, Chappapanga, return to Humphrey's Peak. *Outside* Return to Humphrey's Peak. 16.) Humphrey's Peak After resting up, talk to Ricardo by the well on the (NE) part of town, and he'll tell you where to go next. *Outside* After the last battle, everybody should be at least at lvl 24. Now would be a good time to go to the Secret Garden, which will be an intricate and important part of your game. Plus, you'll get to do some other things along the way. Return to Jolly Roger by taking the train to Midland Station. 17.) Jolly Roger Use Radar as soon as you step into the town. You'll see that there's an item located inside a giant crate by the tower next to the entrance. Bomb the (S) side of the crate, and get the Migrant Seal inside it. Go inside the ARMs shop, and chat with Emilia. Hear her out, and give her the 15 Dragon Fossils that you got from Diobarg to get your Sandcraft. It's pretty useless right now, so just leave it as it is, and go outside. *Outside* If you don't have your horse yet, call it now. From Jolly Roger, head straight (N), crossing the land bridge. Near the crevasse, across from the forest on the other side, look for a sign. Search for it, and it will tell you the direction to The Secret Garden. When you find the sign, jump across that crevasse to get to the other side, to the area with the small forest. Once you're across, head (NE), going around the forest, until you reach the end of the path. Search there for The Secret Garden. 18.) The Secret Garden Talk to the lone girl there, who'll reveal herself to be Florina. She seems to have a strong bond with the flowers in the garden, as well as an unusual liking to Jet. She'll ask you to help her get rid of the thing that's decaying all her flowers. Giving you 10 Heal Berries as a reward, you take the job. *Outside* From The Secret Garden, head all the way (W), past the sole rock. At the base of a large cliff, scan for the dungeon. Before going in, make sure that you are at least at lvl 25. If you're at a couple of levels below it, then use this time to level up around the area by the dungeon. When you reach the required level, you can proceed to take on the dungeon. 19.) Decaying Labyrinth Go inside the temple. Then go down the steps to the door on the (N). Run straight to the next door. In the next room, follow the path to the next door. In the next room, push the block with Steady Doll, and hit the switch in the center of the room. Go down, then push the other block out of your way, and go through the door that just opened. Go down the steps, then go through the door there. Here, hit the switch under the bridge to open the door. Go to the door. Go up the steps to the next door. As soon as you walk in, the door behind you will close, which means that you have nowhere to go but straight. Jump down to the lower level. Before you open the chest, prepare for a boss battle. Now, open then chest. **Boss: Ring Keeper (at least lvl 25) At the first turn, have Gallows cast Extension + Protect, and have Virginia use Mystic + Lucky Card. Then get Jet to use a Gella Card on him, and have Clive lead off the offensive. That should be the very first turn, which will give you all the defensive powers you need, while giving you a boost in EXP and Gella. The reason for the casting of Protect is to lessen the damage from his strongest attack, Phantom Hazard. His Mighty Swing attack is an occasional counter, and it can be avoided. It's advised that you start at lvl 25 because he has a tendency to cast his Anti-Arcana Zone early on, which will seal away all Arcana attacks. And it's not fair, because while you can't cast Arcana, he has the ability to cast his Phantom Hazard. At lvl 25, and everybody Protect-ed, you should have few problems. When you beat him, you're offered the Corpse Ring. Take the ring, because that's what you're there for. Taking it means that everybody's HP will stay at 1, everybody will have empty VIT meters, and you won't be able to heal yourself or save. The only way to remove these clauses is to escape the dungeon with the ring. With that in mind, pressing Circle (O) to escape battles is a rare commodity, one that must be used with discretion. If at any time you feel that you don't want to fight, nor do you want to waste pressing Circle, just run off the path. If you fall, you will start from the door that you came from. It's a strategy that's smart, and not cowardly. With that said, RUN to the door on the (N). RUN straight (N), then maneuver (W) to the door. Maneuver (NE), then RUN straight (S) up the steps to the door. In the next room, push the block up with Steady Doll, then hit the switch on the right. Push the block (W) of that switch, then hit the switch (S) of the block that you just pushed. Now, push the next block ahead of you further (S), and hit the switch (E) of that block. Push the next block ahead of you further (E), then hit the switch (N) of that block. RUN to the door that just opened. Take the steps on the right, and go through the door up there. RUN straight (S), then maneuver (E) to the door. Run across the bridge to get to the door ahead of you. Examine this path carefully, and you'll see which directions you need to take. By now, if you've been wise, conservative and fast, your ECN meter should still be at 20. So in your attempt to traverse through this path, you can avoid at most 2 fights by pressing Circle. After making your way across, go through the open door. In the next room, push the block (N), then hit the switch on the (W). Go right, then push the block further (E). Stand on the ledge by the closed door, and position yourself so you can push that block off the platform. Push it off, and hit the switch that you freed up. Next, RUN straight (N), and push the block further (N), so you can hit the switch (E) of the block. After hitting the switch, position yourself by that switch so you can push that block off the platform like before. Push it off, then hit the switch that you freed up. Next, RUN (W), and follow the same procedures as you did with the 2 previous blocks, ending it with hitting the last freed-up switch. When the door opens, you have 2 options. Either you RUN there through the path that you created for yourself, or walk off the path and start from the (S) side of the room. Either way, go through the door that you opened. Run straight (S), then maneuver (W) to the door. Then head (NW), then go up the steps to the door on the (S). Examine this next path carefully, and in this room, you can spare 2-3 more fights, if you're still at a good condition with your ECN meter. At the end of the path, hit the switch, and go through the door. After that, RUN straight (S), avoiding the fights if you have to, because all you have left is the exit ahead of you. When you finally see sunlight again, the Corpse Ring dissipates, and you get your health back, return to The Secret Garden. 20.) The Secret Garden Talk to Florina, and her last reward to you is the ability to plant berries, carrots, and flowers in her garden. This is very important in the future, where you'll need a lot of those curative plants, the ones that can't be bought anywhere. She'll give you instructions on ho to sow, breed, and harvest. It's also told on the instruction book. For further help on gardening, feel free to e-mail me, or just look around the message boards for other people with the same problem, and maybe they've been helped already. After that, return to Humphrey's Peak. 21.) Humphrey's Peak If you haven't yet, talk to Ricardo by the well. He'll tell you where to head off to next. Outside Head (NW), and sure enough, to the right of the tracks is a crevasse. Jump to the other side, and go straight to the wall of a mountain, and scan for Gemstone Cave. 22.) Gemstone Cave After the ominous cutscene, head (N) to the door. In the next room, head (SE), following the path, to the next door. Upon entering, you encounter Maya & Co. again. Then, Bomb the rocks on the (N) side to get the chest. Afterwards, follow the path (S) until you get to the door on the (SE) side. After Clive talks about the origins of the gemstones a bit, go up the path, and go through the door by the gems. Cross the small bridge to the next door. Pass by the white gems, and go through the door. Here, Maya will try to block your path with a large rock. To bust the rock, use Tindercrest on it until the rock turns bright orange. Then, immediately switch to Freezer Doll to turn the block black. After that, Bomb the rock until it blows up. Then, go through the door ahead of you. Follow the path of the gems. Use Radar to search for chests in the room. There's one on the (E) side that you use Steady Doll to get. The other one's on a ledge that you can't get yet. On the (NW) side of the room, you notice that there's some unusual lights by the rocks. Look closely at the walls until you see a slightly-cracked part section of the wall. Bomb it to reveal a secret passage. Go through this passage. In the next room, get the chest by the same set of unusual lights in this room. Then head (E), where weak blocks block you way. Bomb them, and go through the door. This is the area with the previously-unreachable chest. Get it, then go back to the room where you came from. Near the chest, right on the unusual lights, you should see another slight crack on the wall. Bomb it, and go through the door. Follow the path until you're outside again. This small detour may be useless now, but it will be helpful in the future. But for now, return to the 1st room with the unusual lights. Once you're there, follow the path heading (NE), and go through the door. After another short geology lesson from Clive, go down the path heading (SE), and go through the door. In the next room, Maya will kick you and make you fall through one of the holes. Use Radar and you'll see that there are 2 chests in this room. Head to the (NE) side of the room, and you'll see a door. Don't go through it yet. Get the 1st chest in this room by jumping off the platform with the door, and you'll land in a platform with the chest on it. Get it, then go through the (NE) door. Follow the path, and go through the door. Now you'll find yourself back into the room where Maya kicked you. To get the 2nd chest, go down the hole on the very far (W) side of the room, close to the wall. Get the chest where you landed, then return to the room with the holes. Finally, go through the hole directly (NW) of the hole you previously fell from to get the 2nd chest. Follow the path (E) and go through the door there. Right before you go in, you'll see Maya's frustrations of constantly falling down the wrong hole. Follow the path, and get the chest by the gems. Right after you get the chest, prepare for a boss battle. After you're ready, attempt to go through the door, and Maya's voice will stop you. The weird leader of the pack will don the outfit of a magician, calling herself "Wonder Witch." After Todd explains the details of Maya's true abilities, her crew will engage you in battle. **Boss: Maya, Alfred, Todd, Shady (at least lvl 27) As always, focus on the order of Todd, then Shady, then Alfred, and finally Maya if you want to get the most EXP out of this fight. Maya's elemental attacks are fairly strong and will hit everybody in your party, so have Gallows cast Extension + Reflect to nullify her attacks. Be careful, for Maya has been known to cast Eraser when you do something like that. Hope that she won't, because her Suppressed Curse? attack is her strongest Arcana attack. Eliminate Todd as quickly as you can, before his Psycho Crack confuses somebody and spoils your attacking order. Use Lucky Card to gain a well-deserved EXP boost, and if you follow the order of attack, and heal when your health gets low, you should be able to end this match without much trouble. When she loses, she tried to conjure up her "ultimate attack," but is stopped by Alfred, who fears the full power of the attack. Upon everybody's realization that the entire venture was a waste of time, you'll be outside. Outside Return to Humphrey's Peak. 23.) Humphrey's Peak After we see more behind the plans of the Prophets, Virginia further dwells on her completed picture. After Dalton barges in and tells the crew of somebody looking for Drifters, go outside and talk to the guy by the Save Statue. When you accept the job, talk to him again to get directions. Outside From Humphrey's Peak, head straight (SW), past the tracks. Search the area for the Faraway Lands. 24.) Faraway Lands After the short cutscene, head down the stairs to the door on the (N). Here, head (NE) up the stairs. Ignore the 1st door, then immediately head (S) to the door at the end of the stairs. Follow the path to the Duplicator Door. Use one, because you'll need the Full Carrot inside one of the chests there for planting. Afterwards, return to the room with the door that ignored before, then go through it. Here, step on the switch to open the furnace. A furnace needs fire, so barrage it with Tindercrest to get the machines started in the place. Then leave the room through the door on the (W). Nab the chest, then climb the steel grate, and cross to the other side to get 2 more chests. Exit through the door on the (SE). Here, take the elevator on the (N) side of the room to go down. In this room, climb the crate, then drop down on the switch to open the door on top. Follow your shadow to place your drop right. Go through the door that opens by swinging to the top of the grate. Get the chests, because one of them will have Clive's 2nd tool, Power Gloves. Return to the room that you were in before. With Clive's Power Gloves, move the brown block out of the way, then proceed through the door. Now, go down the steps, and move the block on the lower-most level to the platform with the switch on it. Then place the block on the switch, and go through the door that opens. The 4 blocks can't be lifted, but they can be pushed with the Power Gloves. Push them all the way (N), beginning with the one furthest up (N), ending with the one furthest down (S). Then push the 4 blocks to the 4 switches. Get the chest by the door that opened, and go through it. Go up the steps to the door up the path. 1st, go (E) and go through the room on the (NE). Get the 2 chests in there, where one will contain the valuable Robber's Ego. Afterwards, return to the room with the blocks. As for the blocks, you see that there are 5 columns. With the camera looking (N), go to the middle column. With Power Gloves, lift the 1st block up (N) and place it on your left. Then lift the block under the block that you just lifted, and stack it on top of the block you 1st lifted. Continuing up path that you're beginning to make for yourself, placing the blocks ahead of you behind you, and keep stacking them behind you. Eventually you'll clear a way for yourself so you can hit the blue switch on the (NW) side of the room. To get back, just repeat the previous process, only with the directions reversed. Go through the door that the switch opened. Get the 2 chests on the (S) end of this hall, then go through the door on the (N). Go down the steps, and go through the door there. In this next room, place the block on the (NW) to the (SE) switch, and place the (SW) block to the switch on the (NE). Go through the door. Go down the steps. Before you go through the door, prepare for a boss battle. Then, go through the door on the (N). After getting the Kizim Fire, leave the room. Here, Melody will stop you in your tracks, and give way for your rematch with Asgard. **Boss: Asgard (at least lvl 28) Do not use Lucky or Gella Card yet, because this 1st part of the battle won't give you any EXP nor Gella. His 1st turn will automatically be his signature move, the Barrier Flood. This will deal 500-650 damage to each of your characters. For your 1st turn, have Gallows cast Extension + Shield, and somebody else cast Fragile on him. Although this won't prevent the Barrier Flood from dealing out the big damage that it gives, it's better to get those minor details out of the way. After the 1st turn, Melody will join the battle, to annoy your group with her Eliminate Scanner attack. Try to imagine that she was never there, because she's just a minor annoyance. Plus, if you aim for her, she'll end up switching places with Asgard, and she won't get hit. Maybe he'll erect his High-Power Barrier, which will reduce all damage dealt to him to 0. Keep hitting him, cause it will only last for about 2 turns, at most. Focus on beating down Asgard, and heal when you feel you have to. At the end of the battle, he'll use Wide Barrier, which will kill everybody. Don't worry, though, cause this only signifies the end of this phase of the battle. After seeing Werner save you from Asgard's final blow, you'll take on Asgard, and this time, he'll take you on solo. **Boss: Asgard This time, use a Lucky and Gella Card, because he'll be giving some decent EXP and Gella. Repeat everything you did as before, where you cast Fragile on him and everybody else constantly beats on him. If you're levels are lower than my recommended levels, then I advise you cast Extension + Shield/Turbulence, both of which can help, but you'll only have the chance to cast one of the two. Keep hitting him hard, and this match will be over soon. After seeing Werner leave Virginia again, return to Humphrey's Peak. Outside Return to Humphrey's Peak. 25.) Humphrey's Peak After resting up, talk to Albert to give him the Kizim Fire. Then when you get your next job, head to Jolly Roger to get there. Outside By now, you should have at least 1 Warp Star. Use it to get to Midland Station. When you arrive at the station, I suggest you go back to The Secret Garden to check up on your crops. 26.) The Secret Garden 1st thing you do is to sow the only Full Carrot that you have now. Use one of the remaining spots left to begin planting it. Then, cultivate all the plots you've grown so far. By now, you should have a lot of Heal Berries. Talk to Florina, and keep breeding your Heal Berry crop until she says, "This seedling should grow strong. No, not should... It will definitely grow strong." When she says that, it means that you've maxed out the breeding possibilities for that plant. After she says that to you, breed the other plants to whatever preference you like. When you're done, Florina should give you the Dried Thumb gear. Equip it on a medium that you're positive will stay on Virginia for the duration of the game, because it will benefit her the most. I suggest the Darkness medium, but this one's up to you. When you're done, leave The Secret Garden and go to Jolly Roger. Outside Go to Jolly Roger. 27.) Jolly Roger By now, if you've leveled up your characters well, which will show in their minimum levels for bosses, you definitely should have at least 50 Dragon Fossils. If not, then fight creatures around the area, because it's better to have 50 Dragon Fossils before going any further. When you have your 50 Dragon Fossils, go to the ARMs shop, and customize your Sandcraft by using 50 Dragon Fossils to purchase the best weapon she offers, the Ark Smasher. Set your weapons by equipping it on your Sandcraft. Then, select your crew by making Virginia as your Helmsman, Gallows as Harpooner, Jet as Gunner, and Clive as Deckmate. This is under the assumption that Virginia is your fastest character. If your fastest character is Jet, then switch their places, although I would prefer that Jet is your Gunner because of his higher ATK stats, which will make your Sandcraft stronger. For this to happen, you'll have to give Gale Claw to Virginia, or anybody else but Jet. Either way, whoever's 2nd fastest should be your Gunner. After making the necessary preparations, head out. 28.) Outside Get on your Sandcraft. With the Ark Smasher, your battles will be extremely easy, for nothing will survive the onslaught you'll deliver if you follow the right set-up. When you encounter battles on the sand, with your set-up and the Ark Smasher, the approach is simple. For the 1st turn, just Guard to build up your FP, because you need 25 to make your attack, and unless you have more than 3 Migrant Seals, you won't have 25 FP to begin the match. For your 2nd turn, you should have your Gunner come up next. You should have more than 25 FP now, so all you have to do is use the Fire All Ammo Force Ability to unleash a volley of shells on your enemies. If you follow it right, you should never get touched by an enemy, and none of your enemies should last more than 10 seconds. From Jolly Roger, head for the largest sole island on the southern edge of the map, which is straight (SW) from Jolly Roger. Board the island, then search near the wall for the Ark of Destiny. 29.) Ark of Destiny You find yourself in the Main Hall of the Ark of Destiny. After the group talks about the shrine's atmosphere, go through either the (W) or (E) door before doing anything else. Go down their respective staircases and go through the door below. There are 4 doors along the (S) wall. Use a Duplicator on any of the doors along this wall that need it. One of the doors has a small 3-block puzzle. Move the block ahead of you out of the way, and get the chest inside, which contains the helpful Map Scope. Afterwards, forget about the Duplicator doors by the luminescent orange wall, for you'll need your Duplicators for better things. Just return to the Main Hall. From the hall, head straight (N) past the 2 doors ahead to meet Lamium. After giving him the Kizim Fire, you'll get your reward. Then he'll enchant you with his big words, and give you your next mission. Then talk to Albert on the left, and he'll tell you where to go next. Outside From the Ark of Destiny, head straight (S), to a shore not far away. When you get on the land, head for the land bridge, but don't cross it. Search around the area of the bridge for Survey Point #17. 30.) Survey Point #17 Before you proceed, to save time, just know that there will be items hidden in every bunch of wooden crates that you see. So whenever you step into a room and you see that there are wooden crates, I suggest using Bomb to blow them all up, without leaving the item in one of the boxes unreachable on a wall if you throw it. After getting the item in a crate by the entrance of the mine, enter it. Follow the path up (N) to the door ahead. In the next room, get the item, then follow the path further (N) and go through the door ahead. In the next room, you'll meet up with Maya and Co. After, follow the path to the door all the way (E), and go through it. After, traverse through the zig-zags. Before going through the door ahead, prepare for a boss battle. Malik will get in the way of both Drifter crews, and send 4 beasts in front of you to block your path. Unfortunately, it will be only your crew that will take them on. **Boss: Hound, Feline, Donkey, Flier (at least lvl 30) Don't waste a Lucky nor Gella Card, because they don't give much either. This is a very easy match, and they should be considered more like sub-bosses because of their difficulty level. Anywayz, none of them hit hard enough to get noticed, so just focus on one enemy at a time, and you'll do just fine. After calling a truce with Maya and Co., proceed through the door. Follow the crystals and go through the door on the (W). Here, you take control of Virginia, as you take the left while Maya takes the right. Use Tindercrest on every candle on the (N) to clear Maya's path, and Maya will hit all the switches to clear your path. Go through the door ahead. Follow the crystals, get the item, then go through the door on the (E) Again, you'll work with Maya. Light up the 1st candle, then proceed. Before hastily lighting up the 2nd candle, stand on the (SE) corner of the path. After making an angled shot to light the 2nd candle, quickly walk as far (W) as you can, to prevent your way from being blocked by the switch that Maya hit. Continue up your path and hit the blue switch to lower the wall. Go through the door that Maya went to. Get the items in the crates, and proceed (E) to the door. In the next room is a frustrating puzzle if you lack quick reflexes. The trick to this puzzle is light the candles as always to let Maya clear your way for you. Only this time, there will be spiked blocks closing in on both of your paths. Get spiked, and you gotta start the puzzle over again. To stop the blocks momentarily, you hit them with Tindercrest. So, light the 1st candle. Immediately, keep hitting the block behind you with Tindercrest until Maya clears the path for you. When she finally does, calmly walk over to the next candle, light it, and slow down the block behind you. After Maya says something about teamwork, then returns, this time you'll have to use Tindercrest on the block that's in her path, so she can open up your path and still be able to make her way out without getting hit by her block. When she lifts the last wall in your way, quickly head up the steps. It may take a few tries, but eventually you'll get this done. Before you go through the door, prepare for a boss battle. After you've prepared, go through the door. **Boss: Humpty, Dumpty (at least lvl 30) A far more annoying form than the one from the previous WA games, you'll need a lot of patience and luck if you plan on taking him on at the minimum levels, or less. That means that you can either level up until you're a few levels higher, or take them head-on with confidence. Believe me, it can be done, for I did it in that level. Humpty will only cast status-altering Arcana to himself and Dumpty, and will use Critical Heal if Dumpty gets weakened. This means that you'll need to get rid of him first. The only thing Dumpty will be doing in the meantime will be hitting your crew very hard with Arcana attacks. He's the only threat that you need to worry about. Before you begin hitting anybody, modify your mediums so that you give all of your points to Arcana-nullifying abilities. Equip Rings if you feel that you need to, but the ones that the mediums are automatically equipped with should be fine. This way, some of your characters will have a defense against certain Arcana attacks. For your first turn, Gallows must cast Extension + Protect to lessen the damage dealt by Dumpty. You can use this turn to use Mystic + Lucky Card, because they will give out very decent EXP, and if you don't do this now, you might not get the chance to do it again. For now, just focus your attacks on Humpty. If he ever casts Shield on himself, cast Eraser on him, because if he raises a physical defense for himself, this match will get longer and more painful. Also, take note if he casts Shield on Dumpty, because if he's Shield-ed by the time you take him on and you don't know it, you will not win this match. Have Gallows constantly attack, because you'll definitely need to cast Extension + Protect later on, when the original casting wears off. Virginia will be your main healer, and with the Dried Thumb gear on one of her mediums, Berries and Fruits will have better recuperative effects than Gallows' current ability to Heal right now. When you eliminate the little egg-shaped dog, focus your attention on Dumpty. If Humpty cast Shield on him before, cast Eraser on him right away. If the Protect from before wore off, don't hesitate to cast it again with Gallows. If you don't have at least 5 Mini Carrots before you start this match, you'll have some difficulty, because your situation might be as grave as having to use Mystic on every turn. Have at least 5 before starting this match, especially if you plan to abide by the minimum levels. Hit him hard with everything you have. Aim for Gatlings with Jet, and only use Lock-On with Clive. Heal your characters right, keep your eye on the damage you take to check when the Protect wears off, Protect your characters when you have to, and you should survive this match. If you plan to fight him at the recommended levels or lower, this will be a true test of your abilities in surviving hard battles in this game, because there will be much harder battles to fight, and I doubt you'll be at level 100 when you take on those bosses. This may take a few tries at the minimum levels, but with consistency, you can win this hard battle. After the fight, proceed (N). Just follow the path further up (N) to the door ahead. Before going through the door, prepare for another boss battle, one that is slightly easier, even at the recommended levels. When you go through the door, you'll encounter Maya for the last time in this place, where she'll give you the Aguelite. If you want to get the Germatron, you'll have to fight her for it. **Boss: Maya, Alfred, Todd, Shady (at least lvl 31) As "Fighting Artist," Maya will imitate my favorite Soul Caliber character, Kilik. With her Kali-Yuga-like staff, prepare to get hit hard. Same strategy as always, in regards to the order of elimination. Todd, then Shady, then Alfred, and finally Maya, if you want to get the most EXP for your troubles. Immediately have Gallows cast Extension + Shield, to lower the damage from Maya's Phalanx attack, and Todd's Meteor Dive, which are the 2 main attacks that you have to worry about. Without Protect-ion, those attacks will deal fair damage, so tread with discretion. As before, this match will be just as easy with the minimum levels. After Maya gives you the Germatron for your victory, Virginia will initiate a countdown before the explosion of the entire mine. You have 15 minutes, but it won't hurt to run to the beginning of this dungeon as fast as you possibly can. ((Cloud waits patiently for the emails stating that there is a missing part here...)) 31.) Ark of Destiny Since you blundered the job, you don't get paid. After he lets you go, go to the library on the (NW) room of the Main Hall. Search for a book that will initiate a cutscene, and this will give you info on how to get to Boot Hill, Virginia's home town. Outside From the Ark of Destiny, head straight (S) for a little bit. You'll soon notice a beach on the (E). Get on land, and from the shore, head (NE) a little bit until you see another beach on the (N). Search along that beach to find Boot Hill 32.) Boot Hill Go (N) to the biggest house up ahead and go in. Virginia's Uncle Tesla will give you Werner's journal, which will give you more clues on the Yggdrasil Project. After all the sad words, leave the house. When you get your crew together, rest up by talking to Aunt Shalte if you have to. Pick up your first Tiny Flower on the cemetery (NE) of the town. Then, leave the town to initiate the cutscene. Janus will meet up with you as you leave, extending an invitation to meet him at the last guardian shrine. Like he said, it will be a trap. Outside From Boot Hill, head straight (S) until you reach the end of the land. Search there for Gob's Hideout, which you'll have to return to later on. After you find it, head (NE) from Boot Hill until you reach the train tracks. Cross them, and scan for Southfarm. Then, go to Baskar Colony in any way you want. 33.) Baskar Colony Enter the shrine to talk to Halle, and she'll tell you where to head to next. After you get rested and Gallows talks about a plan, head out. Outside From Baskar Colony, head (NW) via Sandcraft to the nearest shore from there, which should be about 3 seconds away. Once you get on land, head straight (W) as soon as you step off the beach. Don't go too far, for you should be scanning for it around the area. 34.) Infinitum After Gallows' brave speech, head (N) to the door. On the next room, follow the stairs going in a semi-circle to the door on the (SW). In the room with the large gears, turn both wheels to the max, to position the gears correctly. After both are fully turned, step on the blue switch. Go through the door that opens. Follow the stairs up another semi-circular path to the door on the (N). Before going through the door, prepare for a boss battle. After the cutscene with Leehalt in the next room, he'll send his large beast to take on your team. **Boss: Pyrodrake (at least lvl 33) He's a simple enemy, with a weakness to Ice. To play it safe, cast Extension + Protect, to lower the damage from his powerful Fire attacks. His physical attack, Mow Down, is thrown randomly, and you've nothing to be afraid of. When he has enough FP, Gallows will be your main attacker with his Refrigerate attack. Everybody else should attack as well, while Virginia will be healing with Berries when she needs to. Only use Mystic when the Volcannon Trap put your characters in a hole. After the battle, look (E) at the blocks. Move the blocks out of the way to reveal a crack in the wall. Bomb it, then enter the passage. Get the 4 chests, then return to the block room. Now, position the blocks so that they create a path that will let you further in the path. To open the door, go around the path to a funky contraption. Examine it with Gallows, and go through the door it opens. The elevator takes you to a weird room. First, go down the steps on the right and get the chest at the end of the path. Now, return to the beginning, and this time, go down the steps on the left and get the chest at the end of the path. On your way back, you'll notice a crystal under the walkway. Hit it with Boomerang to get the 1st pendulum moving. Now, to get to the switch, let the pendulum hit you there. Stepping on the switch will start up the 2nd pendulum. Let it hit you to the funky contraption, and examine it with Gallows to open the door. In the next room, just follow the path of gems to the door on the (NE). This next room requires patience and timing, so be careful. Go (S) and board the spinning gear. Time it right, and get off the platform on the (N). Head (W), go up the stairs, then board another spinning gear. First, get off on the platform on the (N) to hit the first blue switch. This will activate a swing, which you'll need to get onto next. Board the gear again, then well-time this next move, as you'll need to get on that moving swing. Once you get on, walk to the platform with the white gems and hit the 2nd blue switch, which will activate another swing that you have to get onto. So, return to the gear via the 1st swing, and try to get on the swing on the (S). Time it right, get on the swing, get on the platform, and examine the 3rd contraption with Gallows. Go through the door he opens. Follow the semi-circular path, and go through the door on the (E). In here, use Tindercrest to light the torches clockwise in order from I to XII. Go through the door that opens. When you get off the elevator, you'll notice the Chock in the next room. This means that you have to prepare for a boss battle. When you're ready, go through the door. Janus is already waiting, and he lets Asgard start the party. **Boss: Asgard (at least lvl 34) At your higher levels, you can afford to use Lucky and Gella Cards early without getting into health problems. Use the same strategy as always, where you cast Extension + Shield for protection. Also, use Fragile on him to make this match slightly quicker. He'll counter every hit by hitting you with Barrier Knuckle, so feel free to cast Turbulence if you feel that your EVA stats are low. If you keep hitting him, and healing when he hits you hard with a Barrier Knuckle, this match should be fairly easy. After Neo-Janus shows his insurrection, you must survive 3 turns with Asgard without Gallows. **Boss: Asgard For the next 3 turns, have everybody defend. Don't even try to hit him, cause it will only lower your defenses. Have Virginia use Mystic + Heal Berry on the 2nd or 3rd turn, depending on if you wanna play it safe. His Barrier Storm will deal 300-400 damage, and that's when you block. After the battle, Gallows will open a rift in the space-time continuum, and Neo-Janus sends Asgard through it after a final stab in the back. When you get the Cosmic Cog (I advise giving it to Clive), Neo-Janus will tell you where you'll finally settle things. You'll need to get some info on where you gotta go, first. Outside Return to Baskar Colony to rest up and get info on where to go. 35.) Baskar Colony Rest up here. Before you leave, talk to Laraina, the red-headed girl by the exit. Ask her about "leylines," and you'll get directions on where to go next. Outside From Baskar Colony, head towards the large C-shaped island structure, with the large island in the middle, on the (NW). Make your way through the sands until you reach the very top of the inner ring, on the inside of the C-shaped island. Now keep cruising (NW) until you see a small area that has a small patch of forest in it, just like the forests by The Secret Garden. Find the shore, get on land, and scan the forest for the 1st Nidhogg Pass. 36.) Nidhogg Pass 1 As soon as you step in, prepare for a boss battle. Proceed (S) until you encounter it. **Boss: Nidhogg 1 (at least lvl 35) Weak to Light, Gallows will be the main attacker with his Spectre attack. To make the fight quicker and easier, cast Feeble Mind on him. His Luminous Moss should be your only worry, for it will confuse one of your characters, unless you're protected from it. After a few turns, with Gallows having a fair amount of FP, have him Summon Stare Roe for an Augoeides attack that should kill him. But before you eliminate him, be sure to use Lucky and Gella Cards. After the fight, continue (S) to the door ahead, and go through it. Proceed further (S), and go through the door ahead. The small walkway on the (E) will collapse if you walk on it. Hold Circle to tip-toe on it without letting the walkway fall. Walk all the way to the other side to get the 2 chests there, but don't go through the door there. Instead, make your way to the center of the walkway, and let the path give way under you. Don't worry, cause you'll end up at a platform with a Duplicator door. Use one on it, and go through the door. Go up the steps, getting the 3 chests there, and go through the (SE) door. Hop down the platform below you, and follow the path to the door ahead of you and go through it. Here, only move the block on the top platform, and position it next to the other block to make a way for you to get to the door, and go through it. In the next room, flip the switch to turn on the 1st light. After this, leave this Nidhogg Pass, because you're basically done for now. Outside To get to the 2nd Nidhogg Pass, I suggest using the auto-pilot to get to Jolly Roger. Rest up there, if you like. Otherwise, we proceed. From Jolly Roger, head towards the shore for Survey Point #17, but don't get off at those shores. Instead, head (W) from those shores until you reach another beach nearby. Dock there, then go towards another small patch of forest. Scan the trees for the 2nd Nidhogg Pass. 37.) Nidhogg Pass 2 Same as before, as soon as you step in, prepare for a boss fight, then proceed (W) to encounter it. **Boss: Nidhogg 2 (at least lvl 36) Follow the same procedure as before, only this time, he'll cause misery to one character with Downhearted, so mend that when you can. As before, use Lucky and Gella Cards before delivering the final blow with the Augoeides attack. Afterwards, proceed to the door ahead. In the next room, to open the door, you'll need to hit the crystal by the water. Angle your trajectory so you're Boomerang will hit the rocks, and it will fall on the crystal, opening the door. This may take a few tries, but you'll get it soon. In the next room, go further (W), and go through the door ahead of you. Next, make your way (S), while getting the chest along the way. Go through the door at the very end. First, open the Duplicator door on the (S), and get the 3 chests inside. Get back, then light the 3 candles to open the door ahead. When it opens, go through it. Flip the 2nd switch to light the 2nd light to open the door. Go through it. First, head for the door all the way in (SE), and go through it. Here, you'll get Virginia's 2nd tool, Galecrest. Test it out as soon as you leave the room. Right away, use Galecrest while looking (E) to get to the other side. Go through the door there. Proceed (S) up the steps to the door ahead, and go through it. Here, make your way to the (SW) corner of the room, and getting the chest along the way, and flip the switch there to move the large stone square. As you make your way back, use Galecrest to fly over the switch in the middle of the path, because hitting it will send the stone square to its original place. Return to the starting point of this room, and use Galecrest to get to the most (S)-ern most part of the room, and go through the door there. First, hit the blue switch to open the door. Then, stand (W) of the block closest to the exit door, lift it, then drop it (N) of you. As for the other block, stand (N) of it, lift it, then drop it (N) of you. In this position, you should be able to angle the Galecrest to make a direct (SW) flight to the door, if you understand the clauses of the Galecrest's flight. Believe me, this set-up will work. In the next room, take the path all the way to the (W), and use Galecrest to get to the very end. Hit the blue switch to unlock the door. Now, take the middle path, use Galecrest, and open the chests at the very end. Finally, use Galecrest to get to the door you opened, and go through it. Here, instantly use Galecrest looking (E) to go through the next door. Then, proceed further (E) and go through the door at the very end. First, push the ice-colored block (S), then push it all the way (W). Now, place the block that was originally closest to the stairs directly (SE) of the ice-colored block. Finally, push the last block 1 space (S), and 1 space (W), in whatever order to you like. Then, use Galecrest to fly straight to the door ahead. In this next room, use Galecrest (W) to the door there, and go through it. Open both chests, including the Duplicator chest. Get back to the room before, and Galecrest yourself (E) so that you get stopped by the sole block on the top platform. Throw this block down, then jump off. Next, Bomb/toss the 3 wooden blocks by the door on the (S) away, so they won't block your flight. Move the block you didn't throw 2 spaces to the (E). Now, move the block you did throw 2 spaces (S), 4 spaces (E), and 1 space (SE). Now Galecrest yourself back to the entrance of the room, then Galecrest yourself to the 1st block below. Then, use Galecrest one more time to arrive at the platform with the door. Before going through, prepare for a boss battle. Afterwards, go through the door. After Leehalt talks to you about evolution, he'll take on your team. **Boss: Leehalt (at least lvl 36) Forget about bumping up anybody's stats, because he only has one attack: Rule of Vengeance. This means that whatever damage you deal him, he'll deal that damage right back at you. This is the only time where power will not be on your side, and patience will be your best friend. I suggest only having Virginia attack, and have Gallows heal her. Since she's your weakest attacker, she will be your best attacker in this situation. Have Jet and Clive defend for every turn, because attacking Leehalt with them will only do you far more harm than good. If nobody attacks Leehalt, he won't attack. It would be good idea to use the Lucky and Gella Cards before you start attacking. With Virginia, after you use the Mystic + Lucky Card, you should aim for at least a 3-bullet Gatling, if you haven't modified the WGT segment of her ARMs. Have patience, and this match will be an easy one. After this battle, Leehalt will inflict Virginia with "muscular ankylosis" and "partial respiratory paralysis." Then, when Werner shows off his skyllz with his ARMs, you'll take on a very annoying boss. **Boss: Balazs (at least lvl 36) Forget about using Lucky nor Gella Cards, because this guy gives out very little EXP and Gella. The only thing he brings to the fight that makes him stand out is his Outer World attack. This attack will leave him invincible from the time of casting to the very end of the turn. That means he will not take damage from any attack, physical or magical, dealt to him, nor can his status be altered in any way. Plus, he will deal an initial 900+ damage at the time of casting. This means that you have to hit him before he casts it and takes advantage of his effects. Have Gallows cast Extension + Quicken, so you'll get to deal him damage before he takes advantage of Outer World's invincible effects. After that advice, I just suggest hitting him with everything you have. If you're lucky, he might skip on the Outer World for 1 turn, and instead hit one of your characters with Agony Effect. He seemed to have low HP when I fought him, so if you land enough hits, and you use my strategy, this guy will go down quickly. After hearing Virginia's emotional pleas, she'll fall. Then you'll end up in Greenlodge, where the stage is set for the end of the chapter. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Walkthrough: CHAPTER 3 [By Cloud] ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ After the surprising cut scenes, you will arrive in Boot Hill. 1.) Boot Hill Walk downstairs and talk to the others. They want you to go to the Ark of Destiny. After this, go to Virginia's mother's grave and get another Tiny Flower. Exit the town and go to the Ark of Destiny. 2.) Ark of Destiny Talk to everyone here, and then go N to the main room. After the scene, talk to Albert. Then leave here. On the world map, get in the Sandcraft and head to the NE of Jolly Roger. You will see a group of three or four boulders. Run into them. You will enter a boss battle. It's very easy to beat. However, you must have the Scud Cannon II or III. Just wait until you can fire all of your ammo at once. Do this two times and you will beat it, giving you access to the Inner Sea and giving you the Suitcase. Take this back to Jolly Roger and to the ARMs Shop. Chat with the girl. She will give you the Goddess Idol. Leave Jolly Roger. Head NE from The Ark of Destiny and land on the beach to the south of Claiborne. Search near the cliffs. 3.) Iron Dragon's Nest. Talk with Helga. She will tell you what you need to do. After a brief bargain about the money, exit N. Go NE and throw the box so that it hits the blue crystal. Exit to the N. Go N to the bridge. Halfway across, the group will stop to discuss the Dragons. Siegfried will be talking to the Prophets. Exit N. Go NW, E, and then step on the switch. Exit to the N. Hit the lever in the N for another conversation, and then exit N. Hit the lever in the NE for yet another little talk. Exit to the W. Go W again and exit to the W. There's a Potion Berry in a box. Go to the N and exit to the E. Hit the lever to the E and watch another scene. Exit to the E. go NE, then NW, then exit to the N. Go W and get the chest with the Radical Sneakers. These are Jet's third tool(s). Go E and RS Jump to the N. Stand on the J.Pad and RS Jump. Go N and set the bomb. A 20-minute time limit will start. You now have 20 minutes to exit the dungeon. This includes any battles. Go S and DD. Exit S. Use the J.Pad and exit W. RS Jump to the S and exit SE, use the J.Pad and exit S. go S and DD. Exit S. RS Jump in the SW and exit SW. Use the J.Pad and DD to the S. Exit S. Continue S and exit. Another J.Pad waits for you. Use it and DD to the S. Save and Exit S. Watch the short scene and fight a boss battle!!! BOSS: Buer HP: 1500~3000 EXP: 9,000 Gella: 10,000 Item: Duplicator Build up your force ability so you can attack with Gatling. However, only do this when his shell is open. Physical attacks done to him when it's closed will do little or no damage. Use Spectre when the shell is closed. Keep a good supply of Heal Berries and Potion Berries and you should be fine. After the battle, you will see a scene where Siegfried transforms the Prophets in to animals (?). The group will feel the guardians calling to them. You will then be on the world map. You cannot enter this dungeon again. Head back to the Ark of Destiny. Go to one of the rooms in the basement and use the RS to get the Duplicator. Talk to Helga (on the W stairs) to get your reward. Talk to her again and learn about the crater. Exit this area. 4.) Gob's Hideout (Optional for now, but required later.) Go to the room with the falling floors. In the NW, use the RS. Climb up the ladder. Get the Tiny flower and the Wolf Idol from the chests. There's a Gimel coin in a box. Read up on the Dragon by checking the bookshelves. Exit to the S. Go down the stairs and get the Duplicator from the chest. T.Crest the candle and exit to the E. Make your way out of this dungeon. 5.) Fallen Sanctuary Go up the central stairs. You should have two idols with you right now. Below is a table of where the Guardians are, what they are called, and which idol you need to fight them. You must use the RS on the J.Pad to reach the guardians. ----------------------------- |Raftina | Goddess Idol | NW| |Luceid | Wolf Idol | NE| |Zephyr | Dragon Idol | SW| |Justine | Lion Idol | SE| ----------------------------- a.) Strategy by Kregg Thrasher ( Luceid - With your characters at around 40th level, (Shouldn't be a problem by this point in the game I believe) simply continue to shoot Luceid with your ARMs till each character has built up a 100 FP guage the unleash a full barrage of Gatlings on him in a single round. Most of Luceids attacks do minimul damage and even his super attack should be easilly handled by the characters. It helps to have worked on your ARMs WGT and STR abit so you can pull off three, four, and five shot gatlings. It is a solid strategy that easilly won the battle for me. Raftina - With you characters at around 40th level, this Guardian Lord is still a challenge. Hopefully you have at least two Full Carrots to spare for this battle as I don't see how you could beat her without them. At the beginning of the battle use Virginia's Mystic ability and a Full Carrot to get everyones FP Gauges to 100 then while everyone else guards the first round to conserve there ammo. With the second round you go all out with a full load of Galting attacks from all the characters. By now she has weakened the party making her magic attacks all the stronger against the group. Hopefully she won't heal fully the damage done to her as this could seriously mess up the ballance of this strategy. The next round have Virginia, Jet, and Clive fire if they still have ammo to do so, if not guard this round to reload and soak damage. Gallows on the other hand should use a Mini Carrot on Virginia so she can start the Full Carrot, Reload, Gatling cycle over. Hopefully she should be defeated with this second Gatling Barrage. If not I would suggest starting the battle over and trying again. Not as solid as my Lucied Strat but it's the way I came out victorious against her. Hope these help. NOTE: This was the best strategy that was sent to me. Everyone else, thanks for your help. You should only have the Goddess and Wolf Idols for now. After beating them, exit the Fallen Sanctuary. ((If anyone wants to help out with boss strategies for Zephyr and Justine, feel free to email me.)) Exit this temple and head to Baskar Colony. There, you should head to the N shrine. You will talk... and talk... and talk... for three and a half hours. ((Not Literally)) Exit Baskar and hop into the Sandcraft. Head NW from Baskar and land on the beach to the E of Gunner's Heaven. The coordinates of the beach are: X: 8316 Y: 17228. It's near the tip of the peninsula near the entrance to the large island with the Green Lodge. 6.) The World's Footprint This used to be a large Guardian Temple. Now people consider it a history museum. Upon entering, exit to the N. Exit N again. Head N and step on the F.Switch. F.Doll the stone tablet to be able to read it. TT N and exit N. You will look at the wall painting, telling of 2200 years ago. ((I will not describe the paintings, as they are a major event.)) Go to the NE and exit E. Exit N. ((Come back here later with Virginia's third tool to get the Migrant Seal and the Big Grab Bag from the Duplicator Room.)) Another painting will be shown (1300 years ago). Head NE and exit to the E. Exit E again. Look at the plaque if you want to figure it out by yourself, otherwise read on. Step on these tiles in the order I tell you to. Center, SW, E, N, NE, S, NW, W. exit to the E. You will look at another painting, this one from 400 years ago. Go SE and exit S. Head SW, and then S. Exit through the door in the W. Get the Warp Star(x2), Lucky Card(x2) and the Gella Card from the chests. Go back and then exit S. You will look at the painting from 150 years ago. Go SW and exit W. Head W and exit S. Get the Gimel Coin, Growth Egg, and a Weather Vane. Head back and exit W. You will look at the wall painting from 100 years ago. Head NW and exit N. M.Glove the yellow block to the yellow square, the green block to the green square, the silver block to the silver square, and the white block to the red square. T.Crest the white block to turn it red. Exit to the N. SAVE!!! Exit to the N again. The party will look at a blank wall. It represents both the present and the future. Shane will talk about the Guardians. Exit S. Head S to Meet the Transformed Prophets. It's time for a boss fight. BOSS: Scarecrow, Steam Gear, and Leonhardt (reminds me of Squall's last name in FFVIII). HP: Scarecrow: 5000. Steam Gear: 5000~8000. Leonhardt: 3700. EXP: 9,900 Gella: 21,000 Item: Adventure 5 DO NOT USE MAGIC ON SCARECROW!!! He has a reflect spell that you might not see him cast. They use a lot of powerful attacks. Use the Flash Hit Summon if you have at least 50 available FP to do mega damage to Leonhardt and Scarecrow. Just keep pounding away until they fall. It's a long but doable battle. Siegfried will appear and teleport away, along with the three Prophets. 7.) Baskar Colony You will have a nice chat with Halle about Siegfried's speech. Clive will have a flashback about him and his mentor. He then suggests that the party go back to the ruins. You will receive the Map Shred. Look at it to see the location of the next dungeon. The location is on a NW island, near the Gemstone Cave. Then, talk to Harold to learn about releasing the Guardian's power in the Fallen Sanctuary. Also, talk to Roykman to learn about Laxisland. Talk to Shane to learn about the Golden Mediums. Finally, talk to Halle. She will tell you to find the four stone statues that contain the Guardians' will. She will tell you place them in the Fallen Sanctuary. You should have already done this with the Goddess and Wolf Idols. Outside Head to the island NW of the Gemstone Cave. Search for the Ruins of Dreams. 8.) Ruins of Dreams RS Net. Exit E. Get the chests with a Lucky Card and Duplicator. Exit this room. Head W and exit W. Get the three chests with a Revive Fruit, 12000 Gella, and Gella Card(x2). Exit here. DD and exit N. Head N and turn the handle to the right. Exit N. Go down the stairs and exit W. Your party will talk. Exit E. Head E and exit E. Go E and throw the box at the crystal. It helps if you are at the ground level. Head N and exit W. Bomb the laser generators. DD in the S and exit N. Climb up the stairs and use the Net. Climb on top of it to get the Potion Berry from the chest. RS Jump underneath the Gem Switch. Hit it with a BM. DD and exit E. Head down the stairs and run into the button on the wall. Exit N. You will talk for a bit. Warner will appear. Exit to the E. Get the chests that contain a Name Tag, Amulet, and a Mini Carrot. The Amulet chest has a mimic. Exit out of here. Exit W. Get the Gimel Coin from the chest in the W and DD, being careful not to fall into the pit. RS Net. Drop and land on the button. RS Net and exit to the top E. Go E and BM the Gem Switch before the platform retracts. Exit E. Head up the stairs and exit W. After a few more chats, a boss fight will commence. BOSS: Funbaba or Humbaba (Different translations.) HP: ???? EXP: 10,000 Gella: 12,000 Item: Holy Grail This one is tough. If he uses his gas attack, the three party members that do not have the Cosmic Cog medium equipped will most likely die, unless you have a good supply of Holy Grails (which I doubt). Do not revive them, as he'll just kill them over and over again. If the three party members are dead, his attacks will seem laughable. Just attack him until he dies. Exit to the S. Get the Grab Bag from the chest in the E. Exit N. Exit N again. Clive will talk to the spirit of his mentor. Then it will show a scene where the Prophets are trying to make a system that will give off energy like the Yggdrasil generator. Warner will leave, saying that he has to atone. He tells you to find the energy source that the Prophets are looking for. He calls it "Fila Del Fia," the crashed city in the sky. (Fila del Fia sounds like Philadelphia. Just pointing it out.) Outside Head to the area NW of the Ruins of Dreams. Inside the crater, search for Fila del Fia. 9.) Fila del Fia Head NW and exit in that same direction. Go NW and DD. Exit SW. Get the chests that contain Gella Charm(x2), Potion Berry, and the Grappling Hook (Clive's third tool). Head out. Use the G.Hook below the pipe to go up. Press circle to fall in the direction you are facing. Use the G.Hook again in the N, and exit. Go NW and look at the console in the middle. You will talk. Exit to the W. Go NW and get the Lucky Card from the chest on the upper level. Use the G.Hook to hit the Gem switch above you. Exit W. TT N, go down the stairs to the E and use and S.Doll to get the Warp Star(x3) from the chest. Head W and bomb the C.Wall. Exit W. Get the chests in the N containing 15,000 Gella, a Migrant Badge, and Adventure 6. Go back and then exit N. Head NW and look at the other console. After the nice chat, exit in the E. Move the blocks to the N to make a platform next to the floor, and in front of the pipe overhead. Use the G.Hook to go up, and land on the blocks. Exit E. SAVE!!! Now head N and exit. BOSS: Chameleon Man HP: 15,000 EXP: 12,000 Gella: 13,000 Item: Duplicator Halfway through this battle, you will be saying, "All this for a freaking duplicator!!!???" Well, I know how it feels. When he is invisible, you cannot hit him, with the exception of Clive's Lock On Force Ability. Just keep using Lock On, and sometimes use Refrigerate. Cure Downhearted, unless it's on Clive. Don't bother reviving the dead, unless you have more than enough Revive Fruits. After he falls, exit E. Turn the handle in any direction to make the Gem Switch turn over. Use the F.Doll on the handle to freeze in place, and then go back down the stair to hit the Gem Switch with the G.Hook. Back up the stairs, exit W. Exit N. DD in the NE and exit NE. get the Gimel Coin and Pocketbook from the chests. The Pocketbook chest has two mimics. Exit this room. Exit NW and look at the console. You will talk about the Teardrop. Go back. A cutscene will show Maya and company in the desert searching for the Teardrop. They had heard a rumor from an old man in Claiborne. However, they are going the wrong way. Head back to Claiborne. 10.) Claiborne Talk to Otto in the ARMs Shop to learn about a tower in the NW. Also, it doesn't hurt to talk to Dessinsey. When you are finished, rest up and exit Claiborne. Outside Ride your horses NW to reach Caging Tower. 11.) Caging Tower Upon entering here, go up the stairs and exit E. More stairs, and exit W. Avoid the bubbles. Move around to break out if you get caught. Get the chest Lucky Card (x2), and Bomb the device. Exit to the W. Stairs, and exit N. Get the chests containing a Revive Fruit and a Potion Berry. Exit this room. Finish the stairs and exit to the E. Exit at the E again. Head up the stairs and exit to the W. Avoid some more bubbles. RS Jump on the J.Pad and get the chest with the Gella Card in it. DD in the S and RS Jump on the J.Pad. Bomb the device and get out of here by exiting W. Take the stairs to the N door and exit. Get the chests with Gimel Coin, AP Ammo, and the Grab Bag. Exit here. SAVE, prepare for battle, and take the stairs to the E exit. You'll meet Maya again. Now it's time for a boss battle. BOSS: The Schroedingers HP: Maya (7000), Shady (6200), Todd (6500), Alfred (5000). EXP: 12,400 Gella: 12,800 Item: None Ok. This is a tough battle. First off, defeat Todd. (Try setting his afro on fire.) After he's down, they will not perform their damaging Wild Bunch attack. Then, just keep attacking Alfred and Shady. Once they're down, hammer Maya with all you've got. If she gets a move in when her HP is low, she'll do an extremely powerful attack, called Calamity Jane. Try to kill her before this. Mystic some curative items, and use spells like Protect and Shield. Once they go down, you never fight them again. Be thankful. RS Jump on the switch to activate the elevator. Use it to go to the 1st floor. Get the Mega Berry, and use a duplicator on the chest to get the Black Pass. Head back to the 5th floor. Exit to the E and head up the stairs. Exit to the W. Avoid some more bubbles, and head NW. Use the G.Hook on the ceiling. Get the chest. There is a Growth Egg in one of them, but you have to fight three Mimics. The other chest has 17,000 Gella! Head S and DD. Go W and use the G.Hook to reach the device. Bomb it and exit to the W. Head up some more stairs and exit to the E. Avoid some more bubbles and use the first J.Pad. Get the chests with Gimel Coin and Call Whistle (x3). Use the second J.Pad to get to a chest with a Duplicator. Use the next J.Pad to reach the platform in the N. Bomb the device and exit to the E. Climb the stairs and exit to the W. You'll find the Teardrop. However, Shady gets trapped when he tries to take it. It turns out that it was a fake, and the real one is near Jolly Roger. The three Prophets will appear and trap Maya. They'll tell her to give them the location of the real Teardrop, and take her away. Alfred will be upset, and will look at the fire. He'll then tell you that Maya was taken to the SE. Outside Head back to Claiborne. 12.) Claiborne Talk to Myra in the Saloon to learn about the light that was headed to the SE. Talk to everyone else, and leave town. A cutscene will be shown with Maya being questioned about her book. 13.) Little Twister Head to the area behind the ARMs shop, and go inside the hut there. Use the Black Pass on the door at the bottom of the stairs. There, you can buy several things. Also, when you sell certain gears to any merchant, they will appear here for sale. It's better to wait to buy stuff here until you get the Gold License. Outside Head to Jolly Roger. Once there, get in the Sandcraft and go to where you beat Balal Quo Naga (The Sandcraft boss), and enter the inner sea. Land on the N island, and search in the NE for Laxisland. 14.) Laxisland. Ok. Talk to EVERYONE here. Also, search every house for items. In the ARMs shop, talk to Zim with Gallows to get his third tools, the Kramer Dolls. After you are completely finished here, exit this town. Outside Head S to the big island, and search near the W of the volcano. Enter the Dragon's Lair. 15.) Dragon's Lair Ok. First off, do not get touched by the steam. Ever. Head W and climb the ladder. Exit to the NW. Climb the next ladder in the N and exit NE. DD in the E and Climb up the ladder to reach some chests. They contain a Call Whistle and a Gimel Coin. One of the chests makes you fight two Imitators. Bomb the C.Wall and exit to the S. DD in the SW hole. Head S and use the ladder. Get the Potion Berry from the chest and then bomb the C.Wall in the E to exit. Climb yet another ladder in the N and grab the Gella Card from the chest. Bomb another C.Wall in the E and exit there. Head SE and exit S. Snatch the chests that have a 10-Gal Hat and Duplicator. Exit. DD and bomb the E C.Wall. Exit through that door. Get the Name Tag and Lucky Card from the chests. Use the ladder to exit. Use the next ladder and walk W. Now, exit to the NW. DD in the SW hole. Exit to the SE. DD in the E and climb the final ladder. SAVE!!! SAVE!!! SAVE!!! SAVE!!! Get the point? Good. Now head N and bomb the N wall. Exit N. An earthquake will cause the S exit to cave in. Exit N. Now, use Gallows's K.Doll to call the boss. BOSS: Lombardia HP: 15,000 EXP: 13,000 Gella: 28,000 Item: Lombardia (You'll see.) Ok. This was more time consuming than anything else. When you fight him, it will use three of its turns to increase his stats. After his third turn, use Eraser. Too bad for him. Just keep up the attacks, and he should fall. After the battle, it'll ask four questions. ANSWER THEM CORRECTLY OR GET KILLED! (Literally.) 1st Answer: I want what you want. (Choice 2) 2nd Answer: Yes! (Choice 1) 3rd Answer: I will give you something more. (Choice 3) 4th Answer: Something to quench your desire. (Choice 1) Now you have Lombardia!!! You can now fly and land at any patch of land that looks flat. If it is very discolored, or is uneven, the odds are that you cannot land there. Time for cruising! Lombardia Controls: X: Move forward. O: Transform/Land. Triangle: Status screen. []: Nothing. Directional Buttons, Left Analog: Move Lombardia left, right, up, or down. R1: Move the dragon right. L1: Move the dragon left. R2: File Missile. L2: Toggle Camera Fixed/Moving. Start: Nothing. Select: Change map view. L3: Nothing. R3: Nothing. Outside (Air) Fly to Baskar Colony. Once there, fly N until you reach the cliffs across the sand. Land and search for Ballack Rise near the S cliffs. 16.) Ballack Rise Search the whole town for items. Some nice ones can be found here. Also, it doesn't hurt to read some of the books. One item you may want is the Migrant Seal in the barrel in the Inn. Exit the town after talking to everyone. Outside Fly N to the U-Shaped cliff and search near there. 17.) Den of Miasma Ahh... Good old prologue dungeon. Head N and exit E. Go E and exit E. Go N and exit W. Head W, and exit S. Bomb or avoid the red slimes in the W. Go back to the previous room. Go E and then N. Bomb the rocks and exit N. Keep going N. Go N, W, and bomb the blue slimes. Get the white gems and exit to the S. Exit S again. Get rid of the blue slimes and exit to the W. Exit to the W. Now, use the K.Doll to get in a boss fight. No use saving before this. BOSS: Arioch (x4) HP: 1 each. No, it's not a typo. EXP: 1 each. Gella: None worth mentioning. Items: Gimel Coin and 2 dragon fossils. Start counting, while you hit "X" really fast. One, two, three, four. Now you beat them. They are that easy. Now you have to find 99 more groups of them, scattered throughout Filgaia. Each time you fight them, the get harder and harder. You get an Ex File key for beating all groups. Exit here. Outside Note: You can now do the Telepath Tower side quest. Check the Side Quests section for locations. If you don't start the quest before you go to the Cradle of the Metal Gods dungeon, the quest will not start. Also, take this time to finish any Millennium Puzzles that are available. When you are done, fly to the SE of Boot Hill, to a place that can only be accessed by air. (It's past a cliff. Search at the coordinates in the table of contents.) 18.) Dissection Facility Note: There are a lot of ambushes here. Be sure to come prepared for lots of battles. The Chimera monsters can do serious elemental damage. Ok, use a Duplicator on the W door to exit. Get the chests containing Name Tag (x3). Go back to the previous room and then exit N. Head N and exit E. Go E and use the M.Glove to push the big block E. G.Crest N and exit E. Get the Potion Berry from the chest and go back. Push the block to the S, past the gap. Go around and then push it N, to fit in the gap. Climb the stairs and go across. Exit W. Exit N. Dash into the doors of the cells to open them. Get the chests here. They contain 18,000 Gella, Mini Carrot, and a Heal Berry. You have to break a box for the Heal berry. Head to the NE door. Todd will cut the door for you, after a cutscene. Exit E. Exit N. Now, head N and get the Gimel Coin from the chest. Stand on the second discolored floor piece, and S.Doll N. Now, move the doll to hit the second lever. Head E, then S, and exit S. Exit to the E. Get the Lucky Card from the chest and go back. Now, exit N. Stand between the second and third rising walls, and S.Doll the first lever. Exit to the N. Look at the N door, to start a cutscene. Shady will fly to a ledge and hit the lever to open the door for your party. Exit to the N. Down the stairs, push the S block E with the M.Glove. Exit S. Get the chests. They contain a Grab Bag and Nectar. You need a Duplicator for the Nectar chest. Also, you can use the sphere to fight an optional battle. I suggest that you come back later. Go back. Push the N block N to make a gap one space from the S block. Go back up the ladder and DD on to the S block. G.Crest to the N and get the Gella Card (x2). Exit W. Dash into the cell door to get a chest with a Potion Berry. Exit to the N. Break a box in the W to get a Gimel Coin. SAVE!!! Use a Duplicator on the W door and exit there. There's an optional boss fight here. Any strategies are welcome. Ok, head back after beating the boss, and pick up the book on the floor. Alfred will talk for a bit, and then he'll bomb the N door. Exit N and look at the console. After a cutscene, you should exit here. Outside Head back to the Ruins of Memory. 19.) Ruins of Memory Head N and exit N. Now, exit N again. Exit to the NE. Exit S. Exit W. Exit W again. Exit to the N. Exit to the SE. Now, stand to the left of the statue, near the wall. Use the G.Hook and exit N. Turn all of the lamps on. Look at the (going left to right) 1st, 5th, and 3rd, statues. Exit to the N. Exit N yet again. Use the T.Crest to burn the painting of fire. Exit N. Look at Maya's book to get the key card. Use it to open the N door. Exit N. Pick up the Teardrop and SAVE!!! Now, go back to the room you had to use the G.Hook in. After a cutscene, here's a boss battle for you. BOSS: Leehalt, Malik, and Melody HP: Leehalt: 8500, Melody: 6600, Malik: 7000 EXP: 15,900 Gella: 16,500 Item: Dragon Fossil For this battle, decelerate Malik in order to be able to hit him. Melody uses poison attacks, so moonstones are helpful here. Also, Leehalt uses a very powerful series of attacks. Just keep up the attacking and healing, and you should be fine. After the long scenes, you should be back on the map. The next update will (hopefully) finish Chapter Three. As soon as Strata gets his game back, Chapter Two will be done. XI. FAQ Q. What are the passwords for the Leyline Observatory? A. The first one is Inkapilia, and the second one is Guiding Word. Q. When do I get the dragon? I really wanna fly! A. After the Dragon's Lair, in Chapter Three. Q. When will this FAQ be done? A. HAHA! I took a little break from writing this... Expect it within the next five years. Q. How come you stop at certain points and don't continue the FAQ? A. I don't have the time to write every part in one sitting. I'll try to be faster. Q. Where's the Iron Dragon's nest? A. Land at the beach south of Claiborne, and search near the cliffs. Q. What are the Ex File Keys good for? A. They unlock special secrets at the end of the game. 1 Key: See character status. 2 Keys: Ex New Game. Ever Play Chrono Trigger or Chrono Cross? It's like New Game+. You keep all money and stats that you had at the end when you start a new game. You also keep any Sheriff Stars you had. 8 Keys: Watch different versions of the opening movie. 4 keys: Watch different versions of the movie that plays when you quit the game. That's all the questions for now. Feel free to ask anything that isn't in the Walkthrough. ~EOF~