****** WILD ARMS 3 ****** Location Guide - Version 1.00 Written by: Tricrokra -> tricrokra@hotmail.com History: ======== 1.00 May, 28th, 2003 -> The day I started on this FAQ 1.00 June, 13th, 2003 -> First release of the FAQ Some data this FAQ is based upon... Game Name: Wild Arms 3 FAQ Type: Location Guide Game by: Media Vision FAQ by: Tricrokra Console: PlayStation 2 Region: NTSC U/C A few terms and disclaimers =========================== This FAQ is NOT officially authorized by Media Vision... Wild Arms is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment and Media Vision... This FAQ is free for download and use, as long as it's unmodified This FAQ may only be placed on a site if it's with Tricrokra's permission... Please e-mail me if you want this FAQ on your site... The sites www.rpgrealm.com, www.gamefaqs.com, www.tricbbs.com, www.psxcodez.com have been granted permission to host this FAQ... If you see this FAQ on any other site, and you think it's without my permission, please contact me... If you want permission to host this FAQ, please make sure that - you mail me for my permission (in most cases no problem) - this FAQ will always be accessible free of charge - this FAQ is in no sort of way modified Note on languages ================= Much of names have been changed when this game was translated from Japanese to English and I don't know why, since all those things and persons had English names to begin with... I played the U.S. version of the game, and I use the names as used in the U.s Game... I know a few things that where unneededly changed in the translation and I'll note them here: Janearth Cascade -> Janus Cascade Milady -> Melody Malic -> Malik Richard -> Leehalt Zeikfried -> Siegfried (Obviously the translator didn't translate Wild Arms 1) Hayonkonton -> Creeping Chaos (A true Wild Arms fan, reallly had to know this, and as a true WA-fan I'll refuse to call them Creeping Chaos)... When you know more of these name changes to update this list, let me know... Once again, in the FAQ I'll stick with the U.S. names... Introduction ============ Completing Wild Arms 3 without a walktrough is next to impossible... That doesn't lie it the high difficulty...., it also doesn't like it the complexibility of the puzzles... The problem is searching the worldmap eternally... This was already a flaw in Wild Arms 2, which frustrated me so bad I started to write a location guide, in Wild Arms 3 things are even worse, and I think I will lend a helping hand, on writing this FAQ... I advise to use this FAQ if you only want to save yourself an eternity of searching the worldmap, but you want the liberty of solving all puzzles and enemies by yourself, so this FAQ only handles how to get at certain locations... As you know, all locations on the map are invisible... When you push the tools button, you can search the area... If you are close enough, and fitting the requirement, the location will become visible, so you can enter it... This FAQ has a few sections - General Locations -> All locations were you need to be... You can't beat the game without visiting those - Optional Locations -> Bonus Locations, not needed to win the game, but nice to visit - Millenium Puzzles -> Puzzle dungeons that gives you a bonus item - Telepath Tower -> Location of the telepath towers, part of a sub-quest Now the fields I use for all locations Location 01 <- Location number and name Type <- Type of location... Town, dungeon or something like that Requirement <- What you must have done before you can get there... (If you don't fit this requirement, you'll be searching the world forever without finding it) Coordinates <- Map coordinates... Handy to know when you have the map or more advanced navigation equipment, so you may find it even quicker... Reward <- Only used at the millenium puzzles and bonus dungeons... What can you earn for taking on this place All locations marked with a "*" are standard on the map, once you fit the requirement, so you don't need to use the search feature (seldom happens, but handy to know) All locations marked with a "$" are "disappearing dungeons"... Once you completed them, the location will disappear from the map, and you can never enter it again... Types of transportation ======================= * On Foot The general type of transportation... This way allows you to search the area, however you'll also face a lot of monsters which roam the lands Get: General * Train AS the game progresses you can travel by train and go from station to station... Only do this when needed, since train tickets are awfully expensive... At least you won't find any monsters this way Get: As soon as you find a station * Teleport gem You can find them in some dungeons and certain enemies have it Allows you to warp to a station you've been before... Get: The merchant has them for sale * Horse When travelling by horse, you'll be a lot faster than travelling on foot, and thus meet less monsters on a certain distance... The battles are also easier on horse, since enemies will miss you pretty easily, and you're invulnerable to some status changes (some, not all)... Travelling by horse also allows you to jump over gorges Get: Buy them at the barn in Claiborne for 2000 Gella * Sandcraft The sandcraft allows you to travel through the sand dunes, which was actually the ocean, in Filgaia's better days... You can stop at beaches, and you got an auto-pilot to Jolly Roger, which is the only place to upgrade or fix the Sandcraft With your sandcraft you'll find the strongest monsters available, however since your sandcraft is a strong vehicle you'll be able to beat them easily, combat works completely diffrent however... Get: Available at the ARMS shop for 15 dragon fossils * Lombardia Lombardia can fly over Filgaia, and bring you everywere whitout encountering monsters... Lombardia can land on most places except on forests, mountains, the dunes, or any other kind of not-flat material... Later in the game, Lombardia might get into some battles, but mostly you can avoid them all without altering your encounter gauge Get: Defeat Lombardia in his lair * Teleport Orb Unlimmited ammount of warping to any city or railway station you've been before Get: Millenium Puzzle #14 General Section =============== This section contains all locations you need to visit... Refusing to visit them simply makes that you'll never finish the game... One important note, the locations are listed here in the order I visited them... Wild Arms 3 is written that way, that some locations can be visited in random order, but need to be visited in the end... So, you are not always obligated to follow my order, but this FAQ does follow the order I took on to visit all locations... Location 01: Fallen Sanctuary (Gallows' prologue part) Type: Dungeon Requiremment: You need to activate the search feature... You can do this when a guy in Basker tells you about it Coordinates: ?,? Once a guy in Baskar tells you how to use the game's search feature, leave Basker, and head all the way to the south... From the beach head a little east, and a little south, and the mountains will form some kind of corner... Use the search feature here... Location 02: Jolly Roger Type: Town Requirement: After speaking to granny after getting the four guardians, the merchant in Baskar needs to tell you about this place and leave... COordinates: ?,? This is quite an important place, since here is also the workshop for you sandcraft which you'll get later in the game... From Baskar head all the way south (past the sanctuary), and you'll find a bridge... Cross it, and head all the way to the west and search of a beach The town is located near this beach... Location 03: Ruins of Memory Type: Dungeon Requirement: You must have met Janus in Jolly Roger Coordinates: ?,? Walk in a straight line to the East, until you can get no further... Now follow the coast to the south, and keep searching while going south until you find it... Location 04: Midland Station Type: Railway Station Requirement: A guy in Jolly Roger will tell you after you completed the Ruins of Memory Coordinates: ?,? There's a railway between Baskar and Jolly Roger... it's obvious this is the place to look... Once you found the railway, follow it to the west... The station is close to the mountain... Location 05: Claiborne Type: Town Requirements: None, as long as you can reach it, that is :P Coordinates: 11788, 7068 After you took the train to midland, go in a straight line to the East... When you reach the railway, you may need to go a little to the west to find it... Location 06: Serpent's Coils Type: Dungeon Requirements: Somebody in Clayborne must have mentioned the "Eastern Ruins" Coordinates: 13799, 7809 From Claiborne head all the way east... There is some kind of alcove in the Northen mountains... This dungeon is located there.... Location 07: Ka Dingel Type: Dungeon Requirement Serpent's Coils completed Coordinates: 9664, 4367 From Claiborne head all the way west, and you may see a a way to the south, go south, and head West, and you'll find yourself on a gigantic penynsula... Ka Dingel is in the middle of it... Location 08: Little Twister Type: Town Requirement: Ka Dingel completed Coordinates: 6105, 8523 First of all, buy horses in Claiborne if you haven't already done that... Mount your horse, and go from Claiborne all the way west and jump over the gorge (jumping over gorges is very tricky, and does not always work smoothly, try and try again)... After jumping over, head east to the beach... The city is a little north from the beach... Location 09: The Unclean Mark Type: Dungeon Requirement: Hint from innkeeper in Little Twister Coordinates: 7239, 9606 From Little Twister it's all the way to the North East, you can hardly miss it... If you have the map from the merchant already it might even be easier to pinpoint it by the coordinates... :) Location 10: Lunatic Garden Type: Dungeon Requirement: Speak to Claudia at the inn of Little Twister Coordinates: 7790, 6627 From Little Twister follow the coast to the south East, and you may find it! Location 11: Sand Canal Type: Dungeon Requirement: Lunatic Garden completed (to be sure you might talk to Claudia) Coordinates: 4210, 10945 From Little Twister head all the way North... Keep going North until there's no possibility to go further, not even with going around obstacles... Search here... Location 12: Little Rock Type: Town Requirement: Sand Canal completed Coordinates: 25290, 12559 Pretty important that you find it fast, since I'm sure that Janus has really hurt you bad... From the exit of the Sand Canal, follow the soutern coastline to the west, until your way is blocked by a mountain... This is the place to search... Location 13: Glimmering Emblem Type: Dungeon Requirement: At Little Rock, they must have told you about a "Shrine to the North" Coordinates: 25316, 15467 From Little Rock, go all the way to the North... It's close to the beaches Location 14: Leyline Observatory Type: Dungeon Requirement: 1 - Glimmering Emblem Completed 2 - People in Little Rock need to mention this place Coordinates: 22785, 14337 Follow the coastline from Little Rock (you might encounter Jet's prologue dugeon "Doomed to Obscurity" on your way there), just keep following the coast line, and keep searching... You'll find it eventually... Location 15: Humphrey's Peak Type: Town Requirement: Leyline Observatory Completed Coordinates: 23125, 11959 Follow the way south from the Leyline Observatory and cross the bridge, then follow the way south, until you see a beach... Humphrey's Peak is located a little north from the beach... Location 16: East Highlands Type: Railway Station Requirement: Speak to Clive's little girl with anyone but Clive Coordinates: 2182, 12003 From Humphrey's peak all the way to the west until you see the railway station... Can't miss it! Location 17: * Diobarg Type: Boss enemy Requirement: You must be riding a horse, you must have spoken to Clive's wife Coordinates: Random Location? Well, you need to search the worldmap for this one, so here goes... Take the train to Dune Canyon, and call your horse with the horse whistle... Mount your horse, and keep running around until a green exclamation mark appears, just accept this combat and you're set... You need to take on this boss, because until now it's the only way to deal with the requirement to get 15 dragon fossils... Location 18: Fortune Gear Type: Dungeon Requirement: Clive's wife must have mentioned her wedding with Clive Coordinates: 21717, 9269 You need to take the train to the Dune Canyon, from there follow the railway to the East until you can't go further, and then head South... Search here Location 19: Gemstone Cave Type: Dungeon Requirement: You must have been at Clive's place Coordinates: 21607, 15206 From Humphrey's peak, call your horses with a horse whistle if they aren't around... Mount your horse, and go all the way to the North Jump over the gorge, and keep going north until you can't go any further... Location 20: Faraway Lands Type: Dungeon Requirement: Gemstone Cave & Fortune Gear completed, after that return to Clive's house, after that, you'll get a mission from a guy named Albert Coordinates: 20990, 10924 Head west from Humphrey's Peak, when you find the Railway Station head south and a tiny little west... Search here... ************ NOTE ************ Until now, finding locations has been easy, since everything was set up in order, and in the areas you already were... From this point that is going to change, now locations can be found all over the world at the craziest positions... Therefore it's important that you have a map (you can buy it by the merchant)... Without a map you'll be searching forever... It's also pretty important that you memorize which locations you've been so far, especially towns, you can use the train or warp stars to get to towns you need to be easily... Since this is also the point where you will get your sandcraft, I can say that it's very important that you at least find your from Jolly Roger... Your sandcraft has an auto-pilot to Jolly Roger, so from now on Jolly Roger is the central point of the game, where you'll basically always return to, and thus this FAQ will also pick that as the central point, however keep in mind that some places are easier to find from other towns that Jolly Roger, but all towns I navigate by are ones you've been before if you follow this FAQ in the order I wrote it, so with your map, it should never be hard to find them back... Another thing is that now is also the time that you can pick a diffrent order than this FAQ tells you to... It's up to you if you want to pick diffrent orders, in the end you must have done them all... ****************************** Location 21: Ark Of Destiny Type: Special Requirement: Faraway Lands completed and report to Albert Coordinates: 15345, 9647 First of all, go back to Jolly Roger (quickest way is the train to Midland Station)... Chat with the girl who modifies ARMs and give her 15 dragon fosils to get the SandCraft (You should have beaten Diobarg for that)... Now leave Jolly Roger, and the SandCraft is there... Board the sandcraft and go to the west, and you might come across the beach at Ka Dingel, go south and you'll see an island, go to the beach and leave the sand craft... From here head west and search... Location 22: $ Survey Point #17 Type: Dungeon Requirement: YOu must have spoken to the founder of the Ark Of Destiny Coordinates: 16304, 23482 From the Ark of Destiny, head back to your SandCraft, board it and go South... Right South of the island of the ark, you will see a beach, park your sandcraft there, and follow the way South... If you see a bridge you're close... Don't cross the bridge... The dungeon is a little North-East of the bridge... Location 23: Boot Hill Type: Town Requirement: SUrvey Point #17, destroyed, and read book about prophets in library Ark Of Destiny Coordinates: 15714, 512 From the Ark Of Destiny board your SandCraft. Go to the East until you hit the coastline, follow the coasline to the south, and keep going following it until you find a beach to the North... Park your SandCraft here, and go North and go around the mountain to the East... The town is located between the nortern beach and the mountain. Location --: * Baskar (alternative route, handy when you need your sandcraft close to it) Type: Town Requirement: None Coordinates: ?.? Take your Sandcraft from Boot Hill and go NorthWest... Pass the Island on the North Side (FYI, the Ark Of Destiny is located on it), and you might see a collection of stones in the sand (to the West)... Go to it... Then go North, you might see the Beach to Little Twister now... Follow the coast to the West and go North as soon as you can, and then go East, and follow the coastline to the North, and park your SandCraft at the beach to the East... Now go all the way North and you're there... Remember to park your SandCraft here, when your next target is explained from Baskar... Location 24: Infinitum Type: Dungeon Requirement: Spoken to Granny after you met Janus in Boot Hill Coordinates: 9940, 16849 If your SandCraft is parked at the beach described above, it's easy... Board your SandCraft cross to the beach to the west, go a little more west, and voila! Location 25: Nidhogg Pass (East) Type: Dungeon Requirement: Infinitum Completed Coordinates: 5568, 22627 From Boot Hill, enter the Sandcraft, and go all the way west, and pass the continent on your way on the North Side Keep going west, until the second beach, park the sandcraft here, and walk up the mountain and you'll see a very small forest on the west side, go in that forest and search here... Location 26: Nidhogg Pass (West) Type: Dungeon Requirement: Infinitum Completed Coordinates: 5568, 22627 From Baskar, take your Sandcraft, and go all the way North, Keep going North, and the road will turn slowly to the west... Keep following it until there's a beach on the North... park the SandCraft here, go to the litte forest on the East here, the voila, search the forest.... Location 27: Yggdrasil Type: Dungeon Requirement: Nidhogg Pass Completed Coordinates: 4194, 19649 After completing Nidhogg you'll end up in the Green Logde Head North, and you'll see a lake... At the west of the lake is a clearing... Yggdrasil is located there... Location 28: $ Iron Dragon's Nest Type: Dungeon Requirement: You'll get the mission at the Ark Of Destiny After completing Yggdrasil Coordinates: 13639, 6445 From Ark Of Destiny, all the way North East with the SandCraft, dock at the beach and go all the way East... The Beach is also easy to find from Jolly Roger, head North West with the SandCraft Location 29: The World's FootPrint Type: Dungeon Requirement: Speak to Granny After Destroying the Iron Dragon's Nest Coordinates: 9390, 15515 From Baskar, take your SandCraft North and Go West as soon as you can... Dock at the first beach you find and go South Go a little east to get a "level" lower... If you have the map It's more easy to pinpoint this dungeon since it's located right in the North straight above Infinitum.... (Like Shane already stated) Location 30: Ruins Of Dreams Type: Dungeon Requirement: Map Shred from Clive, he'll give it when the story is at the right moment Coordinates: 20109, 16781 From Baskar, Take the SandCraft Go South, then West and then South... keep going STRAIGHT south, until the way is blocked to you. Go West until the way is blocked. Go around the continent via the North, and go Straight South as soon as you can... You'll find some little islands... One of them contains a beach, and that island is the place to be... Looking at Clive's Map Shred is also a way of navigation to find this place... Location 31: Gob's HideOut Type: Dungeon Requirement: None (as far as I know) Coordinates: 15715, 24721 Virginia's prologue dungeon... All the way South from Boot Hill... Can't miss it... (Here you can find the WOlf Statue which you need to get the Guardian Luceid). Location 32: Fila Del Fia Type: Dungeon Requirement: Werner must have mentioned the place Coordinates: 10472, 18322 From Boot Hill take your SandCraft and head all the way to the SOuth, Dock at the Beach in the West... You see a big Crater, enter the crater by the entrance of the South... Fila Del Fia is located in the middle of the Crater... Location 33: Caging Tower Type: Dungeon Requirement: Fila Del Fia Completed Coordinates: 9378, 9074 Just search the coast line North West from Claiborne Location 34: * Balal Quo Naga Type: Boss Requirement: None Coordinates: 18600, 9036 From Little Twister, go with your SandCraft to the stone collection south of Little Twister, and from there go all the way, straight west, until you hit some continents... Follow the coastline to the North, and you will see a small road blocked with rocks... Balal Quo Naga is hidden by those rocks... Location 35: Laxisland Type: Town Requirement: Neil (who is in Boot Hill) has to mention this city Coordinates: 17766, 19027 From the spot where you fought Balal Quo Naga head North... You'll see a continenent with a volcano on it... Go past it via the West side... You'll see a continent with two beaches... Dock at the EAST beach... The city is at the NorthEast of this continent... Location 36: Dragon's Lair Type: Dungeon Requirement: Kramer Doll Coordinates: 17950, 13130 From LaxisLand, take your SandCraft, go around the continent south of LaxisLand by the West, and Dock at the Beach at the South Side of it! The entrance is at the Volcano a little to the West Location 37: Ballack Rise Type: Town Requirement: A guy at the Ark Of Destiny must have mentioned it Coordinates: 11807, 14178 First of all, you need Lombardia to get here... From Baskar, fly to the North, and as soon as you cross a dune land across and search the area! Location 38: Dissection Facility Type: Dungeon Requirement: After completing the Cage Tower, you must speak to some people in Claiborne if you spoke to all, you'll get a dialog between Maya and Siegfried as soon as you leave the city Coordinates: 17696, 24126 First of all you need Lombardia (From the Dragon's Lair) From Boot Hill, fly over the mountain South-South-East And land on the other side... Search this area... Location 39: Gunner's Heaven Type: Special Requirement: Unknown Coordinates: 2040, 15861 An easy way to pinpoint this location is with Lombardia... It's a little South West from Yggdrasil... You may see some railway tracks here unfinished... Gunner's heaven is located near the end of such a trail Location 40: Lion's Idol Type: Item Requirement: Win the first round in the Gunner's Heaven Coordinates: 20925, 16470 Enter the Gemstone Cave (north of Humphrey's Peak, where you had your second fight with the Schrodingers). Search in this cave for an alternate exit (you'll need Clive to bomb some walls for it)... On this exit you'll be on a small piece of land on the worldmap... Search this area (you might firt find a worthless sign, if that happens search again)... Location 41: The Abbyss Type: Dungeon Requirement: People in Little Rock must have mentioned the place COordinates: 25200, 10200 Board Lombardia at Humphrey's Peak and go DIRECTLY to the South... At the most southern area of this continent you should see a way between the mountains blocked by a rock... Destroy the rock... Land Lombardia and enter the way you opened on foot, follow this way to the end and search the area there... Location 42: Dim Root Path Type: Dungeon Requirement: After beating the Prophets in the Memory Ruins the leader of the Ark Of Destiny must mention this place Coordinates: 8285, 22723 Go to the continent direct South of the Ark of Destiny with Lombardia... Go to the area across the Bridge and look at the North Mountain... Blow up the rock by letting Lombardia shoot at it... Land... Search the spot where the rock first was... Location 43: *$ Deus Ex Machina Type: Dungeon Requirement: Wyvern defeated at least once... Coordinates: Random This dungeon is everywhere and nowhere... Searching it can take forever... It's contineously at a diffrent location... But what you can do is get a hint at the telescope from Ballack Rise... Not too helpful, but still... For the rest, keep flying with Lombardia above the areas of Laxisland and where the cradle (the locked version) was... You may find some strange distortion here... Shoot a few times into it, and the fortress may become visible... One word of wisdom, shooting at random, won't help you! Location 44: Sacrificial Altar Type: Dungeon Requirement: Deus Ex Machina Completed Coordinates: 12912, 12627 Board Lombardia at Baskar, and fly over the mountain and land on the other side, search the area... It's located at the middle of this area... Location 45: Demondor Pillar Type: Dungeon Requirement: Sacrificial Altar Completed Coordinates: 18406, 6388 Just walk the way from Baskar to Jolly Roger, however this time don't cross the bridge but go the East as soon as you reach the bridge... The pillar is here... Location 46: Demondo Pillar-Rear Type: Dungeon Requirement: Go to Clive's home after completing Demondo Pillar (Clive will temporary leave the party) Coordinates: 24612, 10491 South of Humphrey's Peak is a pass... Lombardia can't land on the path itself, but at the start of the pass Lombardia can... Land there, and walk all the way up The dungeon is at the top of this mountain... Location 47: Mimir's Well Type: Dungeon Requirement: Note on grave Virginia's mom Coordinates: 440, 19520 All the wy North from Gunner's heaven! Optional Locations ================== These locations can be visited if you want, you don't need to... A few prices can be obtained, not always usable but still... Location O01: Doomed To Obscurity Type: Dungeon Requirement: None Coordinates: 23970, 16139 Reward: Claim prizes you didn't or couldn't claim in Jet's prologue This dungeon is taken in Jet's prologue, but to find it back later is optional... It's just all the way north from Little Rock... Follow the coast line and keep searching... Can't miss it... Location o02: The Secret Garden Type: Special Requirement: None Coordinates: 17695, 8239 Reward: Gardening for extra healing items, if you fulfill Florina's request All you need is a horse... Head from Baskar to the Fallen Sanctuary From there head all the way east and jump over the gorge... Follow the path between the coast and the forest, and when you are at the end, search and you will find it... Location O03: Decaying Labyrinth Type: Dungeon Requirement: Speak to the girl in the secret garden Coordinates: 15345, 9647 Reward: Secret Garden available for gardening From the secret garden, head back to the gorge, but DON'T jump over it... At the gorge go east... The dungeon is close to the gorge and the mountain... Location O04: Statue 1 Type: Special Requirement: Infinitum Completed Coordinates: 3448, 11537 Reward: Hint on where to find Nidhogg On the island between the sand canal entrance and exit... Oh, doesn't that make sense to you, from Baskar, all the way west with your sandcraft and then you'll see the Island on the south, the beach to park your sandcraft is south of it... Location O05: Statue 2 Type: Special Requirement: Infinitum Completed Coordinates: 18960, 934 Reward: Hint on where to find Nidhogg From Boot Hill all the way North East until you can't go further... Can't miss it! Location O06: Southfarm Type: Railway Station Requirement: None, as far as I know Coordinates: 18960, 934 Reward: Extra railway station. Also the way to the hidden location Sunset Peak At the railway North-East Of Boot Hill.... Can't miss it! Location O07: Den Of Miasma Type: Dungeon Requirement: None Coordinates: 11976, 16941 Reward: Unlock the Arioch enemies Originally Clive's openings Dungeon... You can get back here to unlock the Arioch enemies... Just on foot from Ballack Rise, all the way North-East and search the mountain when you can't continue... Location o08: Cradle of the metal Gods Type: Dungeon Requirement: Alfred must have mention its coordinates Reward: Finding out you're not able to enter this building and you never will be! Located on a higher platform west from Laxisland... Use Lombardia to get there... But you can't enter this building :P You'll never be able to do it... You can only enter it from underground via a diffrent dungeon... Location O09: * Balal Quo Naga (optional boss version) Type: Boss Requirement: Beat the first version of Balal Quo Naga Reward: EX File Key Make sure your SandCraft has been parked in Little Twister... Use Lombardia and shoot in the stone collection in the dunes south of Little Twister, you'll see it act strange... Then go there with your SandCraft Location O10: * Sunset Peak Type: Raiway Station Requirement: Teleport Orb Reward: EX-File Key, access to thepath Tower #15, and millenium Puzzle #20 Sunset Peak is an abandoned railway station, and there's no way you'll reach it on the Worldmap, since there are no beaches around and ways to get there on foot or horse and Lombardia can't land there... But there IS a way... Go to SouthFarm (station close to Boot Hill), and buy a ticked to the East-Highlands, and voila... Millenium Puzzle ================ The Millenium Puzzles are over all the world, they contain a puzzle which gets you an item if you solve it... The requirement is for all the same, you must have spoken to the ticket attendant (chat) in the Dune Canyon Station after you defeated Diobarg... In this first version I might not have them all covered... That will surely happen in my updates Millenium Puzzle #10: 16630, 18896 Reward: Tracker You may see a higher platform NW of Laxisland... That is the place to go... Millenium Puzzle #13: 1310, 2671 Reward: Lion's shield Go all the way North East, past the mountain beside Boot Hill... It's close to the west coast... Millenium Puzzle #14: 21380, 5736 Reward: Teleport Orb Not really the easiest to find... :( First of all you need Lombardia... Maybe the easiest way is to go South from Humphrey's Peak with Lombardia It's located on an island without any beaches... Millenium Puzzle #15: 4550, 1838 Reward: ? From Green Lodge head North to the lake. Head West, and search... The puzzle is South Of The Lake Telepath Towers =============== The telepath towers are a subquest on their own... You have to search them on the world map, once found you can fight them... Destroying them can lead into meeting Hayonkontons, and in the end an optional Boss (Mother Ship) You must have spoken to a guy in Laxisland who mentions an alien invasion... It doesn't always work so well to activate the towers with that, but try and try again... I managed to unlock them after beating the Prophets in the Memory Ruins (after the disection facility)... If you destroyed all towers you can go for tower #0... For the rest the order doesn't matter, but the higher the number, the harder the fight... Telepath Tower #1: 16651, 18221 Walk from Laxisland to the beach and keep searching on your way, and you will find it sooner or later... Telepath Tower #7: 2086, 76656 At the South of the continent of Humphrey's Peak is an area with only a small place of Lombardia to land, and a path going up a mountain where Lombardia can't land... Land Lombardia on the small place were you can land, and walk a little South East... There's the telepath tower... Telepath Tower #10: 24096, 8343 If you take the route from Demondo-Pillar-Rear (location 46), you're get close... It's a little more South east on the top area Telepath Tower #11: 13914, 1364 From Boot Hill fly to the area North-West of it, and let Lombardia shoot at the rock... Land here and search the area where the rock once was! Telepath Tower #12: 22433, 2261 From Gunner's heaven follow the way NorthWest... You might find a gorge here... Call for you horses and jump over... Here you'll see a giant rock shaped like a portal or something... The telepath tower is right under it! Telepath Tower #13: 6796, 2277 Hard to explain, but it's located north of the Yggdrasil area... use Lombardia to get there Telepath Tower #14: 15342, 4846 You need Lombardia and the Sandcraft... Make sure your SandCraft is parked in Jolly Roger... Fly with Lombardia from Jolly Roger over the dunes, and destroy the big rock at the coastline beside Jolly Roger... Now use your SandCraft to go to the hole you made with shooting at the rock...Dock your SandCraft in this hole, and search here... Telepath Tower #15: 5854, 12902 From SunSet Peak, call your horses, and go North Jump over the gorge and search here...