-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPLIT INFINITY PRESENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- My YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/SplitInfinity Come! Subscribe to my videos for better games' experience! My personal site : kolardamir.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of game: Wild Arms 3 Type of guide: Personal Skills Guide / FAQ (for formats: PAL, NTSC-U/C) Platform: Playstation 2 Version: Raftina, released on 16th February 2008 Written by: Damir Kolar (alias Split Infinity) Written by: Damir Kolar (alias Split Infinity) Made in: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/line 77 Best viewed: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/line 77 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like this guide, be sure to drop me an e-mail and tell me about it. The only thing this guide cannot do is play the game for you. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= I) LATEST UPDATES ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version Raftina (16th February 2008) # Polishing the guide. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= II) LEGAL INFORMATION ============================================================================= ============================================================================= This document is copyrighted to me, Damir Kolar. It is intended for *PRIVATE* use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form. It cannot be given away freely, as bonus or prize, it can't be given away with the game and so on. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct violation of copyright law. This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective companies. If you are a webmaster of the site that wishes to post this document, you may do so under one condition - you must e-mail me first for permission. If permission is granted, you cannot change a single character of this document, and you must leave it in txt format. Permission will *not be granted* to fan based websites. *ONLY* following sites can host this guide: - http://www.gamefaqs.com - http://www.neoseeker.com - http://faqs.ign.com ============================================================================= ============================================================================= III) TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= SECTION NUMBER AND NAME WHAT IS IT ABOUT? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Latest Updates | Read what was added in last update. II. Legal information | Copyright protection and legal info. III. Table of Contents | Sections of this guide. IV. Short, shorter, shortest | Explaining the abbreviations and whatnot. V. About personal skills | Everything you need to know about them! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Status related PS | PS connected with status protection. VII. Element PS | PS connected with element protection. VIII. Attack PS | PS connected with attacking procedures. IX. Defense PS | PS connected with defending procedures. X. FP (gauge) PS | PS connected with FP or FP gauge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI. Miscellaneous PS | PS that help passively. XII. To do list | List of things that remain to be done. XIII. Update history | Brief overlook of guide's past. XIV. Credits | Who all has helped this guide to be as it is? XV. Contact info | Find out how to contact me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= IV) SHORT, SHORTER, SHORTEST ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Here're the abbreviations I decided to use in my guide: GENERAL PHRASES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS - Personal Skill | PS point - Personal Skill point MP - Millenium Puzzle | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= V) ABOUT PERSONAL SKILLS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Welcome to heavens! This is where all of your questions will be answered. I grew fond of ask/answer type of sections I used for my last two guides, so I decided to use it in here as well. Q1: What is a Personal Skill? A1: Personal Skill...? *looks up in dictionary* Got it! Personal Skills are like pieces of armor. When equipped *and* activated (NOTE 1), they do something. NOTE 1: If Personal Skill is equipped only, it DOESN'T DO ANYTHING on its own. You must activate it at least once to start enjoying bonuses it gives. Q2: What do you mean by 'they do something'? Explain! A2: Range of PS effects is quite wide. To name a few: they can either protect you against various element attacks, shield you from taking physical damage, make your attacks stronger, or just plainly give some bonuses. Q3: How do I equip Personal Skills? A3: You don't equip Personal Skills themselves. More specifically, you equip Gears on mediums, which are attached to your chrs. You can do so by accessing main menu by pressing Triangle, selecting Medium menu, and finally Equip. Q4: Hold your berries! One step at a time! What is a Gear? A4: A Gear is a type of item that 'carries' a PS. Lemme rephrase: if Gear item is selected and you press and hold Triangle, item description will appear at the top explaining what the item does. For example: you select Dark Ring, press/hold Triangle and it will read: 'Adds personal skill that nullifies [dark] attacks.' Q5: So how do I equip this Gear item on a medium? A5: *screen goes black* WARNING: Before making any adjustments, make sure to save your game! We now return to regular program... *wakes up* Where was I? Each medium you obtain already has 3 PS. You can add more PS to certain medium by using Gear items. Max number of additional PS is five. This means that in the end one medium can have a max of 8 PS. Once Equip is selected, choose a medium you wish to equip, then select a gear slot and finally assign desired Gear item. Q6: Ooops, I accidentally added PS I didn't want to... What do I do now? A6: If you messed up, there's not much you can do. Unless you saved your game before tweaking around with Gears and PS, you're screwed. Any Gear you delete is lost permanently and you cannot get it back. Deleting PS is only encouraged once you feel they no longer serve the purpose. Clear example of no-purpose- left-PS is: You obtain Prism Crown, which guards against all element attacks. Obviously, Dark Ward, Light Ward and Co. are no longer needed. Q7: Even though I equipped Gears on mediums, PS still do nothing. What's going on? A7: You forgot to equip mediums on your chrs, silly. This is how you do it: First access main menu by pressing Triangle, select Medium menu, and finally Invoke: main purpose of Invoke is to equip various mediums to your chrs (max number of mediums you can equip is three per one chr). To select a medium you wish to equip, first select a character, then select one of three available slots and finally select the medium. Q8: Still nothing happens! What's going on? *throws a tantrum* A8: Really the last thing needed is to allocate Personal Skill points (PS point from now on) to desired PS. First access main menu by pressing Triangle, select Medium menu, and finally Personal Skill. Then select the chr whose PS you wish to equip/change. Each medium equipped already possesses three PS. You can equip these PS on your chrs by expending PS points your chrs gain each time they level up (you gain one PS point for each level - for example, at Lv50 Virgo has 50 available PS points to allocate). You'll see that most PS have up to four levels of activation. That means you can invest PS points into a particular PS more than once in order to increase this PS' effect. To allocate PS points, select Manual, then the desired skill. PS points are deducted with each activation. You can equip single chr with up to 24 PS. Q9: What do you mean by 'increasing PS' effect'? A9: Here's a simple example of PS' effect increasing: Dark Ward has four levels of activation (1 PS point per level). Each time you invest 1 PS point, your resistance to dark element attacks will increase - first level by 25%, second by 50%, third by 75%, fourth (final) by 100%. Q10: Besides Manual I see two more commands when I'm allocating PS. These commands are Auto and Reset. What do they do? A10: Auto command allows you to automatically distribute available PS points with help of one of five parameters (Average, Attack, Defense, Elemental, Status). Reset command lets you retrieve PS points allocated to a certain PS. Use this command when you wish to assign PS points to a PS which you think is more suitable for the current situation. Q11: I think I now know enough about PS... *begins to back away slowly* A11: Where do you think you're going? Stuff up there is not why you're reading this. I was just about to fill you in on PS and explaining them to the best of my abilities. LEGEND: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SKILL | LEVEL | PSP | GEAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IT DOES? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* 2* 3* 4* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBTAIN GEAR? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12: What do certain stuffs stand for? A12: Below are explanations of legend's parts. PERSONAL SKILL part: Name of the Personal Skill in question. LEVEL part : Amount of activation levels this particular PS has. For example, Dark Ward has four levels of activation, while Counterattack has two. PSP part : How many PS points are needed for one activation level. For example, to activate one level of Dark Ward, you need to invest 1 PS point. To activate one level of Counterattack, you need to invest 2 PS points. GEAR part : Name of Gear item that can teach this particular PS. WHAT IT DOES? part : Detailed description of what does this particular PS do. In some of explanations I'll also let you know the % of success in preventing sth from happening or triggering sth to happen with help of 1*, 2*, 3* and 4*. 1*, 2*, 3*, 4* part: These all denote the appropriate activation level of this particular PS. In short, if you see written 3* Fallen Ward, that means that Fallen Ward has been activated up to third activation level (of possible four). OBTAIN GEAR? part : Info on how to obtain additional units of item that teaches this PS. List of PS skills: ATT Blocker DEF Null Auto-Reload Counterattack Defender Resurrection Amnesia Ward Bronze Ward Misery Ward Paralysis Ward Confusion Ward Glass Ward Disease Ward Poison Ward Sleep Ward Fallen Ward Inoculation Focus Total Ward Earth Ward Water Ward Wind Ward Fire Ward Thunder Ward Ice Ward Light Ward Dark Ward Elemental Ward SOS FP Boost SOS RFX Boost SOS Invisible SOS Guard SOS Critical SOS Support SOS Power Boost ATT Plus FP Save FP Plus Arcana Blocker Green Thumb Critical Hit Weakness Status Guard Necronomicon Power Cancel Finest Arts Force Charge Life Charge Regeneration Restoration ECN Gauge Charge EXP Boost MTC Recovery Initiative Gella Boost Eagle Eye Gun Hero Lifebringer Luck Boost Robber's Ego ============================================================================= ============================================================================= VI) STATUS RELATED PERSONAL SKILLS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Let's begin the dance with PS, that deal with statuses in one way or another. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMNESIA WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Memo Pen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing amnesia status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Memo Pens: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - in one of the chests on F13 of Ruins of Memory - rare item drop from Dryad enemy in Westwood area - common item steal from Marid enemy in Lunatic Garden - rare item steal/rare item drop from Rock Buster enemy in area N from Boot Hill - rare item drop from Shrieker enemy in Yggdrasil area ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRONZE WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Holy Ankh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing bronze (countdown) status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Holy Ankhs: - in one of the chests on F9 of Leyline Observatory - rare item drop from Unknown enemy in Faraway Lands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFUSION WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Clear Chime ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing confusion status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Clear Chimes: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - in one of the chests on F14 of Serpent's Coils - defeat Slickster BOSS in Lunatic Garden - rare item steal/rare item drop from Myconid enemy in Ruins of Dreams ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISEASE WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Hazel Sprig ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing disease status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Hazel Sprigs: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - defeat Olivier BOSS in Fortune Gear - rare item steal/rare item drop from Axe Beak enemy in Little Twister area - rare item drop from Carrion Crawler enemy in Abyss area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Gagison enemy in Ka Dingel - rare item steal/rare item drop from Mad Gasser enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FALLEN WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Holy Grail ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing fallen status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Holy Grails: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - defeat Humbaba BOSS in Ruins of Dreams - complete Millenium Puzzle #5 - rare item steal from Amduscias enemy in Nidhogg Pass - rare item steal from Cannon Buffalo enemy in Abyss - rare item steal from Cyclops enemy in Nightmare Castle - rare item steal/rare item drop from Gorbash enemy in Yggdrasil - rare item steal from Grendel enemy in Abyss - rare item steal/rare item drop from Harvestman enemy in Abyss - rare item steal from Horned Monster enemy in Boot Hill area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Lynch enemy in Ballack Rise area - rare item steal from Masa Gnome enemy in Laxisland area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Scorpius enemy in Sacrifical Altar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOCUS | 4 act. levels | 4 PS points | NO GEAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing bronze (countdown), confusion, fallen, glass, paralysis and/or sleep statuses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Gears which would teach this PS exist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLASS WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Soul Feather ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing glass status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Soul Feathers: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - in one of the chests on F12 of Sand Canal - rare item drop from Comic Book enemy in Leyline Observatory - rare item steal/rare item drop from Nybbas enemy in Caging Tower ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INOCULATION | 4 act. levels | 3 PS points | NO GEAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing amnesia, disease, misery and/or poison statuses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Gears which would teach this PS exist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISERY WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Heart Leaf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing misery status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Heart Leaves: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - in one of the chests on F4 of The Unclean Mark - rare item steal from Buckbaird enemy in Demondor Pillar - rare item drop from Elbucky enemy in Laxisland area - rare item steal from Little Grey enemy in Abyss - rare item steal/rare item drop from Saracenian enemy in The Secret Garden area ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARALYSIS WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Blue Bracer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing paralysis status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Blue Bracers: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - in one of the chests on F11 of Ka Dingel - rare item drop from Black Buzzard enemy in Dim Root Path area - rare item steal from Cockatrice enemy in Yggdrasil - rare item drop from Cult Martyr enemy in Abyss - rare item drop from Cursed Corpse enemy in Leyline Observatory/Little Rock area - common item steal from Cyclops enemy in Nightmare Castle - rare item drop from Drill Mandrill enemy in The World's Footprint area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Eel Volk enemy in Sacrificial Altar area/Sacrificial Altar - rare item steal from Gorg enemy in Caging Tower - rare item steal/rare item drop from Oak enemy in Lunatic Garden/Little Twister area - defeat Ose BOSS in Cradle of the Metal God - rare item steal from Remnant enemy in area SE from Gunner's Heaven - rare item steal/rare item drop from Sandcrab enemy in Survey Point #17 area - rare item drop from Walking Dead in Fila del Fia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- POISON WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Moonstone ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing poison status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Moonstones: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - defeat Trask BOSS in Ka Dingel - rare item steal from Annaberge enemy in Ruins of Memory/Ka Dingel - rare item drop from Anzu enemy in Dim Root Path - rare item steal/rare item drop from Balphon enemy in Abyss - rare item drop from Cockatrice enemy in Yggdrasil - rare item drop from Crab Bubbler in Fortune Gear area - rare item drop from Dust Man in Fila del Fia area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Gerbug enemy in The Unclean Mark - common item steal from Gorg enemy in Caging Tower - rare item drop from Manticore enemy in Infinitum/Infinitum area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Moss Fungus enemy in Humphrey's Peak area - common item steal from Rat Monkey enemy in Decaying Labyrinth - common item steal from Strategy Guide enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESTORATION | 1 act. level | 5 PS points | Evergreen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If wearer is affected with amnesia, bronze countdown, confusion, disease, misery, paralysis, poison and/or sleep and wearer's FP gauge gets FORCE LEV UP, all of these status effects are lifted cos of this PS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Evergreens: - rare item drop from Great Pumpkin enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESURRECTION | 4 act. levels | 4 PS points | Talisman ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If wearer becomes fallen, this PS raises probability of wearer being automatically revived. The amount of FP at the time wearer becomes fallen also plays a role in the formula. 1* success for chr's auto-revival is 6,25%. 2* success for chr's auto-revival is 8,33%. 3* success for chr's auto-revival is 10,42%. 4* success for chr's auto-revival is 12,5%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Talismans: - in one of the chests on F14 of Sacrificial Altar - rare item drop from Master Therion enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLEEP WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Alarm Clock ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing sleep status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Alarm Clocks: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - common item steal from Buckbaird enemy in Demondor Pillar - rare item steal/rare item drop from Mushussu enemy in Nidhogg Pass - rare item steal from Strategy Guide enemy in Abyss - rare item drop from Twin Tail enemy in Humphrey's Peak area ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS GUARD | 1 act. level | 1 PS point | Amulet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If wearer guards while equipped with this PS, any status effect (except explosion) carried by any type of attack will be nullified. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Amulets: - in a lone chest on F12 of Gemstone Cave - in one of the chests on F18 of Nidhogg Pass - in one of the chests on F12 of Ruins of Dreams - complete MP #2 - rare item drop from Masa Gnome enemy in Laxisland area - rare item drop from Oak Warrior enemy in Gunner's Heaven area - rare item steal from Orc Warrior enemy in Gunner's Heaven area - rare item drop from Rat Monkey enemy in Decaying Labyrinth - rare item drop from Zaebos enemy in Ruins of Dreams/Fila del Fia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WARD | 4 act. levels | 5 PS points | Full Libra ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any types of attacks from inducing amnesia, bronze (countdown), confusion, disease, fallen, glass, misery, paralysis, poison and/or sleep statuses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* success of preventing such attacks is 25%. 2* success of preventing such attacks is 50%. 3* success of preventing such attacks is 75%. 4* success of preventing such attacks is 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Full Libras: - in one of the chests on F11 of Mimir's Well - rare item drop from Zohak enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************** IMPORTANT! If the attack in question deals damage AND induces status/es both at the same time, these PS prevent only the status/es from occuring, NOT the damage. In other words, status/es will not be inflicted, but damage will. This note excludes Resurrection and Restoration PS. ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= ============================================================================= VII) ELEMENT RELATED PERSONAL SKILLS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= In this section I'll list element related PS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DARK WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Dark Ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any type of dark based physical/magical attack from dealing dark element damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* reduces this type of element damage by 25%. 2* reduces this type of element damage by 50%. 3* reduces this type of element damage by 75%. 4* reduces this type of element damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Dark Rings: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - defeat Gespenst BOSS in Demondor Pillar - defeat Mono-Eye Titan BOSS in Glimmering Emblem - rare item steal from Amon Gamech enemy in Abyss - rare item steal/rare item drop from Baphomet enemy in Demondor Pillar: Rear area - rare item steal from Black Buzzard enemy in Dim Root Path area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Black Pudding enemy in Iron Dragon's Nest - rare item steal/rare item drop from Evil Dead enemy in Dim Root Path - item drop from Forneus enemy in inner sandseas - common item drop from Harvestman enemy in Abyss - rare item steal/rare item drop from Necromancer enemy in Nightmare Castle - rare item drop from Nosferatu enemy in Abyss - rare item steal/rare item drop drop from Orgon Energy enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EARTH WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Earth Ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any type of earth based physical/magical attack from dealing earth element damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* reduces this type of element damage by 25%. 2* reduces this type of element damage by 50%. 3* reduces this type of element damage by 75%. 4* reduces this type of element damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Earth Rings: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - rare item steal/rare item drop from Albion enemy in Abyss - rare item steal from Carrion Crawler enemy in Abyss area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Chimera Geo enemy in Dissection Facility - rare item steal/rare item drop from Clay Puppet enemy in Yggdrasil - item drop from Dinosaur enemy in inner sandseas - rare item steal/rare item drop from Earth Figure enemy in Demondor Pillar: Rear area - rare item drop from Gargoyle enemy in Sacrificial Altar/Demondor Pillar - rare item steal from enemy Kobold enemy in many places on overworld - item drop from Pantagruel enemy in inner sandseas - rare item drop from Sapphire Lizard enemy in Abyss - rare item steal/rare item drop from Sekmet enemy in Cradle of the Metal God - rare item drop from Spriggan enemy in Abyss - rare item drop from Triffid enemy in Nidhogg Pass area - rare item drop from Urchin Bug enemy in Survey Point #17 - rare item steal from Zaebos enemy in Ruins of Dreams/Fila del Fia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEMENTAL WARD | 4 act. levels | 4 PS point | Prism Crown ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any type of any element based physical/magical attack from dealing element damage. In other words, this PS prevents dark, earth, fire, ice, light, thunder, water and wind damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* reduces this type of element damage by 25%. 2* reduces this type of element damage by 50%. 3* reduces this type of element damage by 75%. 4* reduces this type of element damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Prism Crowns: - in one of the chests on F15 of Demondor Pillar: Rear - rare item drop from Agawogdent enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRE WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Fire Ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any type of fire based physical/magical attack from dealing fire element damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* reduces this type of element damage by 25%. 2* reduces this type of element damage by 50%. 3* reduces this type of element damage by 75%. 4* reduces this type of element damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Fire Rings: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - defeat Salamandra BOSS in Sacrificial Altar - rare item steal/rare item drop from Barnago enemy in Cradle of the Metal God area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Baskerville enemy in Abyss - rare item steal/rare item drop from Chimera Fray enemy in Dissection Facility - rare item drop from Fire Genius enemy in Abyss - item drop from Garpike enemy at sandseas in J. Roger's vicinity - rare item drop from Haborin enemy in Cradle of the Metal God - rare item steal/rare item drop from Jack-O'-Lantern enemy in Dissection Facility area - rare item steal from Quox enemy in Deus Ex Machina - rare item drop from Ruby Lizard enemy in Abyss - item drop from Vermilion enemy in sandsea around Ruins of Dreams ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICE WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Ice Ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any type of ice based physical/magical attack from dealing ice element damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* reduces this type of element damage by 25%. 2* reduces this type of element damage by 50%. 3* reduces this type of element damage by 75%. 4* reduces this type of element damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Ice Rings: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - defeat Lolithia BOSS in Mimir's Well - item drop from Capricorn enemy at sandseas around Yggdrasil - rare item drop from Fleurety enemy in Cradle of the Metal God - rare item drop from Sun Flayer enemy in Nightmare Castle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIGHT WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Light Ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any type of light based physical/magical attack from dealing light element damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* reduces this type of element damage by 25%. 2* reduces this type of element damage by 50%. 3* reduces this type of element damage by 75%. 4* reduces this type of element damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Light Rings: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - rare item steal/rare item drop from Fairy Light enemy in Glimmering Emblem - rare item drop from Hide Bomb enemy in Demondor Pillar - item drop from Nak enemy at sandseas encircling Yggdrasil area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Will-O'-The-Wisp enemy in Nightmare Castle - item drop from Yurlungur enemy at sandseas near rock atol ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THUNDER WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Thunder Ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any type of thunder based physical/magical attack from dealing thunder element damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* reduces this type of element damage by 25%. 2* reduces this type of element damage by 50%. 3* reduces this type of element damage by 75%. 4* reduces this type of element damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Thunder Rings: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - rare item steal/rare item drop from Barbarossa enemy in Fila del Fia/Caging Tower - rare item steal/rare item drop from EM Being enemy in Abyss - rare item drop from Hypopomus enemy in Abyss - rare item steal from Jammer Imp enemy in Mimir's Well - rare item drop from Land Lamprey enemy in Mimir's Well - rare item drop from Lily Pad enemy in Abyss - item drop from Sand Tentacle enemy in inner sandseas - rare item steal/rare item drop from Thunderdrake enemy in Dragon's Lair/Dragon's Lair area ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Water Ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any type of water based physical/magical attack from dealing water element damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* reduces this type of element damage by 25%. 2* reduces this type of element damage by 50%. 3* reduces this type of element damage by 75%. 4* reduces this type of element damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Water Rings: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - rare item steal/rare item drop from Chimera Muse enemy in Dissection Facility - rare item steal from Crab Bubbler enemy in Fortune Gear Area - item drop from Grodine (walking) enemy in inner sandsea - common item drop from Hypopomus enemy in Abyss - common item steal from Jammer Imp enemy in Mimir's Well - item drop from Jenny Green Teeth enemy at sandseas around Yggdrasil - common item drop from Land Lamprey enemy in Mimir's Well - rare item steal from Marid enemy in Lunatic Garden - rare item drop from Obsidian Lizard enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAKNESS | 4 act. levels | 2 PS points | Secret Note ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If an enemy has one/few element weaknesses, this PS allows wearer to incrementally increase element damage done to that particular enemy's weakness. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* increases this type of element damage by 25%. 2* increases this type of element damage by 50%. 3* increases this type of element damage by 75%. 4* increases this type of element damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Secret Notes: - rare item steal/rare item drop from Black Knight enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARD | 4 act. levels | 1 PS point | Wind Ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevents any type of wind based physical/magical attack from dealing wind element damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* reduces this type of element damage by 25%. 2* reduces this type of element damage by 50%. 3* reduces this type of element damage by 75%. 4* reduces this type of element damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Wind Rings: - sell at least one unit of this item in any shop; this makes it available for buying in Black Market in Little Twister - rare item steal from Anzu enemy in Dim Root Path - rare item steal/rare item drop from Chimera Wing enemy in Dissection Facility - rare item drop from Devonova enemy in Nightmare Castle - item drop from Gara Diablo enemy at sandseas S from Gunner's Heaven - common item drop from Gargoyle enemy in Sacrificial Altar/Demondor Pillar - rare item steal/rare item drop from Griffin enemy in Fortune Gear - item drop from Hresvelgr enemy in sandsea near rock atol - rare item drop from Ivory Lizard enemy in Abyss - rare item steal from Manticore enemy in Infinitum/Infinitum area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Vermithrax enemy in Abyss area ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= VIII) ATTACK RELATED PERSONAL SKILLS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= PS that are related to attacking in one way or another are in this part. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATT PLUS | 4 act. levels | 10 PS points | Comet Mark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS incrementally increases wearer's physical attack power, if wearer decides to use Shoot, Attack or Gatling. If: (ATT+SHT) = x With comet mark, (ATT+SHT) = level 1: 1.5x level 2: 2x level 3: 2.5x level 4: 3x ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* raises damage inflicted by 50%. 2* doubles damage inflicted. 3* raises damage inflicted by 150%. 4* triples damage inflicted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Comet Marks: - defeat Kraken BOSS in Little Twister ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTO-RELOAD | 2 act. levels | 2 PS points | Bullet Clip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS will automatically reload wearer's ARM when it becomes empty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* enables 9,375% chance for Auto-Reload to trigger. 2* enables 18,75% chance for Auto-Reload to trigger. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Bullet Clips: - defeat Donkey BOSS in Survey Point #17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTERATTACK | 2 act. levels | 2 PS points | Arctic Blade ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS inrcreases wearer's probability of launching counterattack after taking any type of physical damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* enables 9,375% chance for counterattack to trigger. 2* enables 18,75% chance for counterattack to trigger. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Arctic Blades: - complete MP #17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL HIT | 4 act. levels | 2 PS points | Gunstar Sign ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS increases damage done by critical attacks via normal Shoot hit VS one enemy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* increases critical hit damage by 25%. 2* increases critical hit damage by 50%. 3* increases critical hit damage by 75%. 4* increases critical hit damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Gunstar Signs: - complete MP #20 - rare item drop from Alligatiger enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEF NULL | 4 act. levels | 2 PS points | AP Ammo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increases wearer's chances to score a DEF-ignoring hit via normal Shoot or Attack against one enemy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* enables 9,375% chances of scoring such hit. 2* enables 18,75% chances of scoring such hit. 3* enables 28,125% chances of scoring such hit. 4* enables 37,5% chances of scoring such hit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional AP Ammos: - in one of the chests on F10 of Caging Tower - rare item steal/rare item drop from Last Battalion enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINEST ARTS | 4 act. levels | 2 PS points | Violator ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS, when equipped raises wearer's attack damage when performing combination attacks, ie Gatling. However, Finest Arts only activate if wearer performs 100 FP 5-hit Gatling with bare hands, in other words, his/her bullet count must be zero at the time wearer selects Gatling. When bare hands Gatling is performed, 5th hit delivers enormous damage to the target. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* raises 5th-hit-in-bare-hand-100FP-Gatling's damage by 1000%. 2* raises 5th-hit-in-bare-hand-100FP-Gatling's damage by 2000%. 3* raises 5th-hit-in-bare-hand-100FP-Gatling's damage by 3000%. 4* raises 5th-hit-in-bare-hand-100FP-Gatling's damage by 4000%. IDEALLY, last hit's damage *should* usually equal: chr's level x 1000 = damage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Violators: - in lone chest on F8 of Dim Root Path - rare item steal/rare item drop from Vodianoi enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INITIATIVE | 1 act. level | 3 PS points | 10-Gal Hat ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS raises the probability for wearer to make first move in battle for current turn by 25% (this excludes Accelerator, which still takes priority). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional 10-Gal Hats: - in one of the chests on F5 of Dragon's Lair - complete MP #15, MP #16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NECRONOMICON | 4 act. levels | 10 PS points | Necronomicon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS incrementally increases the power of certain Arcanas, when cast by wearer. Arcanas affected are Petrify, Cremate, Inspire, Vortex, Refrigerate, Pressure, Dark Matter, Spectre, Heal, Lifedrain, Devastate, Magnarize, Arc Impulse and Familiar. This PS affects Arcanas *only*, summon damage is not affected. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* increases damage done by named Arcanas by 50%. 2* increases damage done by named Arcanas by 100%. 3* increases damage done by named Arcanas by 150%. 4* increases damage done by named Arcanas by 200%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Necronomicons: - rare item drop from Necronomicon enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWER CANCEL | 1 act. level | 4 PS points | Baselard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS reduces wearer's Inertia Cancel cost to zero. Extremely useful, as Inertia Cancel otherwise consumes 25 FP to be performed, but with this PS activated you can now cancel commands regardless of how full FP gauge is. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Baselards: - defeat Janus BOSS in The Unclean Mark - in one of the chests on F18 of Yggdrasil - rare item drop from Grabsk enemy in Ruins of Dreams/Ruins of Dreams area - rare item drop from Vacuumon enemy in Faraway Lands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOS CRITICAL | 4 act. levels | 2 PS points | Crisis Arm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When wearer's HP becomes critically low, this PS increases damage done by critical attacks via normal Shoot hit VS one enemy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* increases critical hit damage by 25%. 2* increases critical hit damage by 50%. 3* increases critical hit damage by 75%. 4* increases critical hit damage by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Crisis Arms: - rare item steal/rare item drop from Hyperion enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOS POWER BOOST | 4 act. levels | 4 PS points | Power Boost ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When wearer's HP becomes critically low, and wearer decides to use Shoot, Attack or Gatling during these conditions, this PS increases wearer's damage done. SOS Power Boost is tossed into the big FP Boost pile. This means that although the BASE damage boost is indeed 100%, it tends to be alot lower because you tend to have over 0 FP. So if damage is: (2*ATT-DEF)*rand*(mults) The mults go like this: (1+FP/100+K/4+Z) K = SOS Power Boost level Z = Lockon So it's basically adding +25 FP onto your shot for every point. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* increases damage done by 25%. 2* increases damage done by 50%. 3* increases damage done by 75%. 4* increases damage done by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Power Boosts: - in one of the chests on F13 of Demondor Pillar - rare item steal from A Bao A Qu enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= IX) DEFENSE RELATED PERSONAL SKILLS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= This section deals with PS that are related to your defense or are triggered by defending in battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCANA BLOCKER | 4 act. levels | 4 PS points | Ebony Shadow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS defends wearer against Arcana attacks relative to wearer's FP level. Arcanas you can guard against are: Petrify, Decelerate, Pressure, Refrigerate, Cremate, Fragile, Vortex, Inspire, Feeble Mind, Sleep, Eraser, Grav, Spectre, Banish, Dark Matter, Lifedrain (!), Curse. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* will ensure Arcana Blocker kicking in if FP gauge is at least 100. 2* will ensure Arcana Blocker kicking in if FP gauge is at least 75. 3* will ensure Arcana Blocker kicking in if FP gauge is at least 50. 4* will ensure Arcana Blocker kicking in if FP gauge is at least 25. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Ebony Shadows: - defeat John Dee BOSS at Greenlodge - rare item drop from Amon Gamech enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATT BLOCKER | 2 act. levels | 2 PS points | Vambrace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Completely nullifies any and all physical attacks directed against the wearer. Physical attacks directed VS whole party can't be nullified with this PS. One thing that's so great about ATT Blocker is: in case wearer is a target of physical attack, which can induce fallen, but ATT Blocker kicks in, that attack will be deflected! It doesn't matter if wearer is protected against fallen, if ATT Blocker triggers, that attack won't have any effect, no matter how many status changes it carries. Same applies for element based physical attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* triggers ATT Blocker kicking in with 9,375% probability. 2* triggers ATT Blocker kicking in with 18,75% probability. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Vambraces: - complete MP #19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFENDER | 2 act. levels | 2 PS points | Lion Shield ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wearer shields one ally from any type of physical attack that targets that ally. Wearer takes the reduced damage instead. Defender won't trigger if a physical attack is used that targets the whole party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* triggers Defender kicking in with 9,375% probability. 2* triggers Defender kicking in with 18,75% probability. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Lion Shields: - complete MP #13 - rare item steal from Bonedrake enemy in Leyline Observatory - rare item drop from Decarabia enemy in Fila del Fia area - rare item steal from Dust Man enemy in Fila del Fia area - rare item steal/rare item drop from Helter Skelter enemy in Nidhogg Pass - rare item steal/rare item drop from Troll enemy in area E from Gunner's Heaven - rare item drop from Undead Reptile enemy in Decaying Labyrinth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIFE CHARGE | 4 act. levels | 3 PS points | NO GEAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When wearer guards, this PS restores a fraction of HP in regards to wearer's MAX HP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* restores 5% of wearer's MAX HP when guarding. 2* restores 10% of wearer's MAX HP when guarding. 3* restores 15% of wearer's MAX HP when guarding. 4* restores 20% of wearer's MAX HP when guarding. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Gears which would teach this PS exist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOS GUARD | 1 act. level | 3 PS points | Nine Lives ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once wearer's HP becomes critically low, this PS triggers - it reduces any type of damage received until wearer's HP rises back up from critical range. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Nine Lives: - in one of the chests on F14 of Sand Canal - rare item drop from Flauros enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOS INVISIBLE | 1 act. level | 5 PS points | Cute Ribbon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once wearer's HP becomes critically low, he/she becomes invisible to enemy party and can no longer be targeted. However, even with this PS in effect, wearer can still be hit by enemy's multi-target physical/magical attacks, or in case wearer is the last member standing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Cute Ribbons: - rare item steal/rare item drop from Stealth Stalker enemy in Nightmare Castle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOS RFX BOOST | 2 act. levels | 2 PS points | Cait's Boots ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When wearer's HP becomes critically low, this PS increases wearer's RFX. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* increases RFX by 50%. 2* doubles RFX. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Cait's Boots: - in one of the chests on F23 of Yggdrasil - complete MP #1 - rare item drop from Critter enemy in Fortune Gear - rare item steal/rare item drop from Oak Shaman enemy in Gunner's Heaven area - rare item steal from Oak Warrior enemy in Gunner's Heaven area - rare item drop from Rachael enemy in Decaying Labyrinth - rare item drop from Remnant enemy in area SE from Gunner's Heaven - rare item drop from Toy Soldier enemy in Nightmare Castle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOS SUPPORT | 1 act. level | 2 PS points | Pulbo Calbo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When wearer's HP becomes critically low, this PS triggers all supportive Arcana wearer currently has equipped. Please note that wearer must also have sufficient FP available to cast respective Arcanas. For example: Valiant can be cast with minimum of 24 FP. If at the time SOS Support kicks in wearer has 10 FP, Valiant will NOT be cast. Arcanas falling into this category are: Distortion, Hox Pox, Hyper, Permanence, Protect, Quicken, Reflect, Shield, Status Lock, Turbulence, Valiant. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Pulbo Calbos: - rare item steal/rare item drop from Mu enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= X) FORCE POINTS / FORCE GAUGE RELATED PERSONAL SKILLS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Next are PS connected to either FP or FP gauge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORCE CHARGE | 1 act. level | 5 PS points | NO GEAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whenever wearer guards, this PS adds 25 FP to wearer's FP gauge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Gears which would teach this PS exist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FP PLUS | 4 act. levels | 2 PS points | Force Unit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS allows wearer to gain additional FP for anything that triggers FP gauge to rise. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* adds 1 additional FP for anything that triggers FP gauge to rise. 2* adds 2 additional FP for anything that triggers FP gauge to rise. 3* adds 3 additional FP for anything that triggers FP gauge to rise. 4* adds 4 additional FP for anything that triggers FP gauge to rise. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Force Units: - rare item steal/rare item drop from Giant Maximum enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FP SAVE | 4 act. levels | 2 PS points | Elder Record ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reduces FP cost of Arcana currently equipped on the wearer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* reduces FP cost of equipped Arcanas by 12,5%. 2* reduces FP cost of equipped Arcanas by 25%. 3* reduces FP cost of equipped Arcanas by 37,5%. 4* reduces FP cost of equipped Arcanas by 50%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Elder Records: - in one of the chests on F12 of The Unclean Mark - rare item steal/rare item drop from Coatl enemy in Abyss - rare item drop from Dakleit enemy in Abyss - rare item steal/rare item drop from Leonard enemy in Abyss - rare item steal drop from Nosferatu enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGENERATION | 2 act. levels | 3 PS points | Sunset Red ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restores wearer's HP in tandem with FP gauge (for each Force LVL UP and CONDITION GREEN) and MAX HP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* restores 10% of wearer's MAX HP. 2* restores 20% of wearer's MAX HP. Please note that in case FP gauge gets full in one shot (like for example Full Carrot being used on chr with 0 FP), HP restored is *still* 10% or 20% (depending on activation level). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Sunset Reds: - rare item drop from Grendel enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOS FP BOOST | 4 act. levels | 4 PS points | Prism Stick ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When wearer's HP becomes critically low, this PS adds few additional FP to wearer's FP gauge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* adds 25 FP to wearer's FP gauge in case of critical HP. 2* adds 50 FP to wearer's FP gauge in case of critical HP. 3* adds 75 FP to wearer's FP gauge in case of critical HP. 4* adds 100 FP to wearer's FP gauge in case of critical HP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Prism Sticks: - defeat Bombur BOSS in Ark of Destiny - rare item drop from Demiurgos enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= XI) 'MISCELLANEOUS' RELATED PERSONAL SKILLS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= And finally miscellaneous PS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISARM | 4 act. levels | 2 PS points | Robber's Ego ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS allows the wearer to disarm trapped chests left after battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* raises successful disarm chances by 12,5%. 2* raises successful disarm chances by 25%. 3* raises successful disarm chances by 37,5%. 4* raises successful disarm chances by 50%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Robber's Egos: - in one of the chests on F12 of Faraway Lands - rare item steal/rare item drop from Forbidden enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EAGLE EYE | 1 act. level | 3 PS points | Weather Vane ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allows wearer to avoid Danger! battles. Once all four chrs have this PS equipped and activated, your party also avoids Ambushed! battles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Weather Vanes: - in one of the chests on F15 of The World's Footprint - complete MP #7, MP #11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECN GAUGE CHARGE | 1 act. level | 4 PS points | Magic Candle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If wearer has this PS equipped, your ECNG is charged by two points instead of just one after battle ends. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Magic Candles: - travel to Greenlodge after obtaining Changecrest; there's a brown bird there that can be changed into this Gear ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXP BOOST | 4 act. levels | 2 PS points | NO GEAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allows wearer to receive more EXP at end of battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* increases EXP awarded by 10% of base EXP received. 2* increases EXP awarded by 20% of base EXP received. 3* increases EXP awarded by 30% of base EXP received. 4* increases EXP awarded by 40% of base EXP received. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Gears which would teach this PS exist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GELLA BOOST | 1 act. level | 3 PS points | Pocketbook ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If wearer has this PS activated, there's a 25% chance of receiving double amount of gella at the end of battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Pocketbooks: - in one of the chests on F15 of Fila del Fia - complete MP #3, MP #12 - rare item steal from Melchom enemy in Sunset Peak area - rare item steal from Melchom Lich enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREEN THUMB | 4 act. levels | 5 PS points | Dried Flower ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This PS incrementally increases effects of Berries when used by wearer *inside* battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* increases Berry effects by 25%. 2* increases Berry effects by 50%. 3* increases Berry effects by 75%. 4* increases Berry effects by 100%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Dried Flowers: - breed at least one flower to 100% breed rate at The Secret Garden - rare item drop from Dendrobium enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUN HERO | 1 act. level | 100 PS points | Sheriff Star ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allows wearer to activate any and all PS wearer currently has in possession, regardless of their combined PS point value. Wearer must be level 100 before he/she can equip this PS, you must Reset all of the activated PS so that PS point total will read 100, and only then can you activate Gun Hero. Doing this will boost up all other PS wearer has equipped on mediums to their maximum activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* This PS has only one activation level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Sheriff Stars: - defeat Ragu O Ragla BOSS on 100th floor of Abyss (the second time you kick its ass, you'll get EX File Key) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIFEBRINGER | 4 act. levels | 3 PS points | Golden Dawn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiplies the longevity of wearer's VIT gauge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* enables VIT gauge to recover 2x MAX HP. 2* enables VIT gauge to recover 3x MAX HP. 3* enables VIT gauge to recover 4x MAX HP. 4* enables VIT gauge to recover 5x MAX HP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Golden Dawns: - defeat Power Trask BOSS in Ka Dingel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUCK BOOST | 4 act. levels | 3 PS points | Missanga ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raises wearer's LCK stat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* ensures LCK rating to always be at least BAD. 2* ensures LCK rating to always be at least NORMAL. 3* ensures LCK rating to always be at least GOOD. 4* ensures LCK rating to always be BEST. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Missangas: - after getting Changecrest go to Ark of Destiny and use Changecrest on Bombur to have it change into this Gear - rare item steal from Elbucky enemy in Laxisland area - rare item drop from Melchom enemy in Sunset Peak area - rare item drop from Melchom Lich enemy in Abyss - rare item steal from Unlucky enemy in Abyss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTC RECOVERY | 4 act. levels | 10 PS points | Dist Dims ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restores MTC during traveling. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1* will recover 1 MTC point after 70 steps. 2* will recover 1 MTC point after 60 steps. 3* will recover 1 MTC point after 52 steps. 4* will recover 1 MTC point after 45 steps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can obtain additional Dist Dims: - defeat Emperor Marduk BOSS in Gunner's Heaven ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= XII) TO DO LIST ============================================================================= ============================================================================= I'll be having this section as a reminder to what I still need to do. You can help me out by reading it, seeing what I'm missing and if you have the answer, sending me an e-mail with your answer. - I have a feeling that not all PS can be obtained by items, so... Are LIFE CHARGE, FORCE CHARGE, EXP BOOST, FOCUS and INOCULATION available only on mediums? Ie, you cannot obtain an item which would add this PS. - complete 'where to get?' parts one time in the future:) - for items I'm not sure if they are common or rare, I left a mark C/R? ============================================================================= ============================================================================= XIII) UPDATE HISTORY ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version 1.11 (12th April 2004) # Fixed a mistake I made with EXP boost PS. - Version 1.1 (21st July 2003) # Small update - I fixed two mistakes and added info on buying certain gears from black market (sent in by contributor). - Version 1.0 (22nd May 2003) # Initial release. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= XIV) CREDITS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= It was he that helped me. It was her advice that made it possible to complete this. It was their game which forced the guide to exist... It was... a) Internet sites - http://www.gamefaqs.com: for hosting my guide b) Companies - Sony: without PS2 console days as I know them wouldn't exist - SCEE, UBI Soft, Media Vision: for creating third game in a popular series - Wild Arms 3 Official Strategy Guide: for information on item steals/drops for information on effects per act.lv. c) People - Raccoonmask: for reminding me that you can buy most status and element gears in Black Market - LourdeIncarnadine: for telling me about few very needed item drops - Darth Mom: for telling me about few very needed item drops - Andreas W.: for fixing EXP Boost mistake I had - Andvareel: for the time and pains he takes to come up with formulas and fixing ATT Boost equations ============================================================================= ============================================================================= XV) CONTACT INFO ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 1. Send your comments, ideas for improvements, additional info, correction of mistakes I may have made, and anything else via e-mail at: lifearmor (at) gmail (dot) com I need to put down a few guidelines. - as a subject of e-mail please include Wild Arms 3, or WA3 - please make your e-mail be readable, ie do not send me e-mails that are written badly or in some strange gibberish - don't ask me to send you updated versions of my guide, because I won't - *make sure* to check if your question is already answered within these pages; I may reply to one of your questions, but if you'll persevere in asking more questions which are answered in my guide, I'll simply direct you to my guide - I accept e-mails in English, German, Croatian and Slovenian language - I will answer the e-mails in English, Croatian or Slovenian language; I can read and understand German well, but my writing skills of German have rusted, therefore I will answer such e-mails in English - when crediting contributors, I won't disclose their e-mails - finally, treat me as you'd like me to treat you 2. Split Infinity's Contributor page http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/6434.html 3. Split Infinity's Homepage http://kolardamir.com http://splitinfinity.50megs.com Yours truly, Split Infinity End of Document