-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPLIT INFINITY PRESENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- My YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/SplitInfinity Come! Subscribe to my videos for better games' experience! My personal site : kolardamir.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of game: Wild Arms: The 4th Detonator / [NTSC-U/C] Type of guide: Battle Quote List Platform: Playstation 2 Version: Ethelda, released on 16th February 2008 Author: Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) Copyrighted to: (c) Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) - All rights reserved Made in: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 Best viewed: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like this guide, be sure to drop me an e-mail and tell me about it. The only thing this guide cannot do is play the game for you. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 01.) LATEST UPDATES - G0100 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== - Version Ethelda (16th February 2008) # As of now, 47 quotes are either missing or I'm not too sure if I got the wording right. Quotes of this nature are marked with (?), so if you can spare some time, help me out. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 02.) LEGAL INFORMATION - G0200 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== This document is copyrighted to me, Damir Kolar. It is intended for *PRIVATE* use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form. It cannot be given away freely, as bonus or prize, it can't be given away with the game and so on. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct violation of copyright law. This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective companies. If you are a webmaster of the site that wishes to post this document, you may do so under one condition - you must e-mail me first for permission. If permission is granted, you cannot change a single character of this document, and you must leave it in txt format. Permission will *not be granted* to fan based websites. *ONLY* following sites can host this guide: - www.gamefaqs.com - www.ign.com - www.neoseeker.com - www.supercheats.com - www.rpgdreamers.com =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 03.) TABLE OF CONTENTS - G0300 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION NUMBER AND NAME | CODE | WHAT IS IT ABOUT? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01.) Latest Updates | G0100 | Read what was added in last update. 02.) Legal information | G0200 | Copyright protection and legal info. 03.) Table of Contents | G0300 | Sections of this guide. 04.) Introduction | G0400 | Few words about this guide. 05.) Battle Quotes | G0500 | Enil, Belial, Farmel and... Banzai! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06.) Past Revisions | G0600 | History of this guide resides here... 07.) Credits | G0700 | All who contributed... Thank you. 08.) Contact Info | G0800 | Find out how to reach me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 04.) INTRODUCTION - G0400 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Hello! I am Damir Kolar and I welcome you to my new project. There are many great battle quotes Wild Arms 4 has to offer... however, due to unfixable game bug, you can't get access to Voice Studio in a legitimate way. You need to input codes which allow you access to Voice Studio. That's the reason I created this small and nifty guide. It lists all the quotes you can listen to when playing the game. - I'm likely to miss some words or mishear what a person a saying. You're more than welcome to mail me and correct my mistake. Part of quotes I myself am sure of not being correct I will mark like this -> (?); so if you see this mark, help me out. - I'm not going to list the conditions under which you hear the quote. There's over 2000 of them. - There is one quote who is spoken in Japanese (Scythe). - I've listened to some quotes and they're unrecognizable, heh (Kesaran)... I seriously have no idea what it could be saying. - When characters exclaim quotes, such as when taking a hit, I have tried to come up with what I thought likely fits. If you believe I'm wrong, fine. I won't, however, be wasting time on fixing them. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 05.) BATTLE QUOTES - G0500 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Voice Studio is bugged a little bit. There are three entries, which have been deleted and not properly fixed. Because of this, the order is messed up a bit. Here's the info on quotes you will be hearing once you click on the name... ENTRY NAME | WILL HEAR WHO? --------------------------------------- Jude | Jude Yulie | Yulie Arnaud | Arnaud Raquel | Raquel Kresnik | Kresnik --------------------------------------- Kindred Souls | Tony Sally | Jeremy Bobby | Scythe Tony | Belial Jeremy | Hugo --------------------------------------- Scythe | Fiore Belial | Asia Hugo | Enil Fiore | Balgaine Asia | Augst --------------------------------------- Enil | Gawn Balgaine | Farmel Augst | Lambda Gawn | Divine Weapon Farmel | Gadgeteer --------------------------------------- Lambda | Paladienne Divine Weapon | Formula User Gadgeteer | Master Fencer Paladienne | Jane Doe SW Formula User | Jane Doe AX --------------------------------------- Master Fencer | Jane Doe GN Jane Doe SW | Super Soldier Jane Doe AX | Council Knight A Jane Doe GN | Council Knight B Super Soldier | Council Knight C --------------------------------------- Council Knight A | Council Knight D Council Knight B | Axe Gob Council Knight C | Shield Gob Council Knight D | Shotel Gob Axe Gob | Gob Princess --------------------------------------- Shield Gob | Barbaroi Gob Shotel Gob | Balloon Gob Princess | Spartoi Barbaroi Gob | Undead Servant Balloon | Necromancer --------------------------------------- Spartoi | Mictlantecuhtli Undead Servant | Raid Buster Necromancer | Efreet Mictlantecuhtli | Amon Raid Buster | Nybbas --------------------------------------- Efreet | Masa Gnome Amon | Critter Nybbas | Ronove Masa Gnome | Que Sera Sera Critter | Black Box --------------------------------------- Ronove | Grow Apple Que Sera Sera | Melchom Black Box | Orc Grow Apple | Jack-o'-Lantern Melchom | Mage Fox --------------------------------------- Orc | King of Angolmois Jack-o'-Lantern | Bad News Mage Fox | Earthbound Spirit King of Angolmois | Kesaran Pasaran Bad News | Misery --------------------------------------- Earthbound Spirit | Angel Kesaran Pasaran | deleted Misery | deleted Angel | deleted --------------------------------------- I don't have the foggiest why Kindred Souls quotes would go bye bye. Sally and Bobby, however, are the commentators in Battle Arena, who were real chatterboxes in Japanese version. Their blabber mouths have been removed from US version (you also can't choose relevant Speech option in Settings), but their entries in Voice Studio haven't been removed. Oh well, only a minor annoyance. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- JUDE QUOTES 6 quotes unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Uwaagh! 002. Aah! 003. Oow! 004. I'm still okay. 005. They're tougher than I thought. 006. Uggh... I won't lose! 007. Gaaaaah! 008. I can't take anymore! 009. I don't wanna give up yet. 010. This wouldn't have happened if I were better at using my ARM. 011. Guys, I'm so sorry. 012. We haven't lost in our hearts. 013. Oh no, you dont! 014. I'll stope them all! 015. Sorry, try again! 016. Woah, that was close. 017. Hah, no way I'm gonna lose. 018. I'm fine, and I couldn't be better. 019. Time for a comeback! 020. Okay, I'll manage. 021. Hmmm, better be careful. 022. You can't keep me down. 023. Whew, that feels better. 024. There! 025. Fire! 026. I'll make you feel my pain. 027. Don't miss! 028. Got them! 029. I can do it too! 030. Fire away! 031. Yaah! 032. Hwaa! 033. Like Henry taught me. 034. Hai-yah! 035. Take that! 036. Taste my sword! 037. En garde! 038. No way! 039. It didn't work!? 040. Ooops. 041. Damn! 042. Gotcha! 043. Takes care of that. 044. Get lost! 045. Goodbye. 046. You're mine! 047. Outta the way! 048. Time to end this! 049. Track this! 050. Our spirit will prevail. 051. Okay, this is it! 052. Baaam! 053. This one's ours. 054. Hwaaaah! 055. Here I go! 056. Take this! 057. Phantom Line! 058. I'll attack head on! 059. I'll fight along with my ARM! 060. If this one strike can open the way... 061. Ley Boost! 062. I'll harden my defense. 063. If I increase magic... 064. Full power! 065. It's all about speed. 066. MP Recover! 067. Joint Struggle! 068. Customized sword! 069. Dive attack! 070. How about this? 071. Single slash, like Henry taught me. 072. Divine Blade, Core Slicer! (?) 073. Item Steal! 074. Wonder what we'll get? 075. All right! 076. Thanks. 077. They had this...? 078. Uuuuh... huh? 079. Short Circuit! 080. I'll zap you! 081. [?????] circuits fry! (?) 082. Electric shock! 083. Funny Pose! 084. Heeey, over here! 085. C'mon, bring it on! 086. Think you can catch up to me? 087. Assault Buster! 088. If I use Accelerator... 089. The circle slash, like Henry taught me. 090. Absolute Blade, Core Destroyer! (?) 091. Silver Launcher! 092. [?????], open fire! (?) 093. Max power oughta do it! 094. Keep moving forward, no hesitation. 095. Circular Volley! 096. Fragmentation shell! 097. Get them inside the effective range! 098. No escaping my buckshot. 099. Pile Bunker! 100. Now let's see how you like it... 101. I like challenges! 102. Now you're in range. 103. Gatling Raid! 104. I'll hit with everything I've got. 105. Eat my ammo! 106. With all my power...! 107. Apoptosis! 108. End of the line! 109. Your rampage is over! 110. We'll go all the way! 111. Just leave the items to me. 112. Here's another way to use them. 113. Okay, here we go. 114. We can't miss this chance. 115. [?????] (?) 116. This is it! 117. No one can stop us! 118. I'll do my best. 119. Here's our trump card! 120. Ready to roll! 121. Teamwork is about helping each other. 122. I can support everyone, too. 123. Perfect timing! 124. Max power, open fire! 125. Right back at ya! 126. I've got pride too! 127. Come on, Defender, kick in! 128. I'll stop you with my shield! 129. Gun drive... burst! 130. Henry always said: "Never give up.". 131. I won't give up. 132. Disarm! 133. I'll remove that trap. 134. I'm getting warmed up. 135. I'm in high gear. 136. Charge up, I'm gonna floor it! (?) 137. That was close! 138. I'm not gonna lose. 139. I figured we might need this. 140. Here, cheer up. 141. With teamwork... 142. Will this help? 143. This Apple's gonna save us. 144. I think something good's about to happen. 145. No skipping when you need items. 146. Time to rake in the moola. 147. Kind of a shame, but... 148. I'll whittle your life away. 149. This is kinda underhanded, but... 150. This is sorta mean, but... 151. Trap set! 152. Let's see now... 153. Let's do this! 154. My turn. 155. I'm ready to go. 156. I can do it! 157. Come on! 158. Think you can stop me? 159. I know we can do it! 160. It's all about speed. 161. Here goes nothing. 162. All right, let's go! 163. Time to run! 164. Uh-oh. 165. Outta the way! 166. This way! 167. Let's see... 168. I'll stir things up. 169. Hahah, we got it! 170. Tch, darn! We missed it, huh? 171. That takes care of that. 172. Bring it on, we can take it! 173. Gotta keep moving forward. 174. That was a little tough. 175. Looks like we managed somehow. 176. Whew, we barely made it. 177. We gotta get back to Ciel. 178. We can do it! 179. If my ARM can help others... 180. I've got to see for myself what I can accomplish. 181. I can't lose, no matter who I fight. 182. Our path lies straight ahead. 183. We'll make it, no matter how far it is. 184. Stay on guard, our journey isn't over yet. 185. I won't stop until I rescue Mom. 186. Hang on, Yulie. We're almost there! 187. We can't waste any time! 188. Gotta realize the future Mom envisioned. 189. I wanna be stronger... No more sacrifices! 190. If we all work together, someday... there'll be no more war. 191. We'll break the cycle of sadness. 192. It's over? I won? 193. Teamwork brought us this victory! 194. We didn't have any other choice, did we? 195. No matter who we fight... 196. We're gonna get out of here, no matter what. 197. I've had enough of these guys! 198. We won't go down that easy. 199. We have to help each other, when we're in trouble. 200. There were so many of them. 201. Yulie, I'll be right there! 202. Might as well give us your best shot! 203. Dolls should know better than to attack people. 204. When things get tough, remember - we're here for one another! 205. You think you can stop me with tanks? 206. Where's the escape route? 207. I found her... I won't let anyone get in my way! 208. Those numbers and data don't really mean anything, do they? 209. This, too, is the destructive power of ARMs. 210. I won't let ARMs be used to destroy the world. 211. I have friends who support me, I won't lose. 212. No more... I've had enough! 213. Treasure chests aren't supposed to attack people, are they? 214. This really isn't my kinda thing, you know... 215. Ehhh, better get rid of this before anyone notices... 216. Thinking too hard makes me woozy. 217. Glaring at me won't scare me! 218. What's big deal with money, anyway? Guess kids just can't understand. 219. Hmmm, it was kinda like a flying machine. 220. There's no way we can beat something like this... I-I mean, we just did, huh? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- YULIE QUOTES 5 quotes unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Aagh! 002. Uuuh! 003. Aaaah! 004. I'm still okay. 005. I won't let them win. 006. I can't take much more. 007. Ooooooh! 008. I'm sorry. 009. I can't stand up any longer. 010. It's because I didn't try hard enough. 011. Let's meet again in the garden of Toldoka. 012. It can't end like this... 013. I did it somehow. 014. I blocked it! 015. Nooo! 016. If I can see it... 017. Now even I should be able to... 018. I'll start with doing what I can. 019. I won't make pain into an excuse. 020. I can't relax yet. 021. I don't wanna be defeated so easily. 022. I hate being weak. 023. I think I'm back to normal. 024. Yaaah! 025. Ggggh! 026. Doooh! 027. How about this!? 028. Then take this! 029. I can't do anything. 030. It hit, but... 031. I missed...? 032. I can't catch them! 033. If this connects... 034. Feel my conviction! 035. I've got to follow their movement. 036. Just as I planned! 037. The final blow! 038. Because I don't want to lose! 039. If I attack without hesitation... 040. Let me offer you a peaceful rest. 041. Haaaaaaah! 042. Here I go! 043. Heal! 044. Light of healing, hear my call! 045. Let us sprinkle the waters of compassion! 046. If you need healing, I'm here. 047. Protect! 048. Divine protection, hear my call! 049. A wall to stop pain! 050. Sanctify! 051. Innocent salvation, hear my call! 052. You who defy the ways of life, begone! 053. Calucion's blessing be with us! 054. Revive! 055. Grant the power to stand once more! 056. Blessing of revival, hear my call! 057. Turn Shift! 058. Guiding tides of battle, hear my call! 059. Please, lend me your power. 060. Replace! 061. By the unseen hand of God... 062. Waves of battle! 063. Gather! 064. You who gather, hear my call! 065. Now connected by our strong bonds! 066. Hi-Sanctify! 067. Holy conviction! 068. Swift is the age of [?????]! (?) 069. Calucion! Be with us! 070. Quicken! 071. Team movement! 072. If you can move quickly, then surely... 073. Hi-Heal! 074. Light of the holy land! 075. The gentle breath of Calucion! 076. Our pulsing blood, do not falter! 077. Absorb! 078. Share your wealth with those less fortunate. 079. Foundation of power, hear my call! 080. Sacrifice! 081. Newborn star, hear my call! 082. The guardian of Toldoka shall open for those who are forgiven. 083. Can even I help to forge the future? 084. Safety device, disengaged! 085. Linking to the Material! 086. Conduct a symphony! 087. Driving over: Code G! 088. Wake up: Code S! 089. Ready to operate: Code M! 090. Starting up: Code F! 091. Let's activate: Code O! 092. Optimized secret: Code G! 093. Runout hidden: Code S! 094. Liberate: Code M! 095. Installation forbidden: Code F! 096. Access limited: Code O! 097. My best! 098. Not a burden! 099. I'm the one! 100. With resolve! 101. For the future! 102. No one should suffer. 103. Calucion! Be my guide! 104. I want to help too! 105. Light is always with hope. 106. To be together. 107. I always give my all. 108. With all my strength! 109. I won't just lie down and take it! 110. If I step up right now... 111. I wanna protect, too! 112. With my body as a shield! 113. It feels like my body is going to burst! 114. It's only triage, but... 115. A little healing can go a long way. 116. We've got to put an end to the fighting. 117. I won't flinge away! 118. I won't things end like this. 119. I'll support with items. 120. Please, cheer up. 121. Before it's too late... 122. I'll treat you now. 123. Power of the Great Apple! 124. I'll use this experience. 125. How about if I use this? 126. It'll bring us money! 127. Shine! Crystal of magic power! 128. Let me too feel the pain. 129. I know this is impure, but... 130. I know it's an [?????] power... (?) 131. I don't want to use things like this... 132. I have to be strong. 133. I'll do my best! 134. I'll do it! 135. I wanna help everyone! 136. I wanna help! 137. I won't be afraid! 138. With Calucion's blessing... 139. For the pain of my past is my power of today. 140. I shall fulfill my duty as a Paladienne. 141. There is a beast within me as well. 142. I feel like I can do anything! 143. I want to avoid meaningless fights. 144. Oh no! 145. I'll break this! 146. I can help here! 147. Over there! 148. Even the small step... 149. Our hard work paid off. 150. That's kind of disappointing. 151. Somehow we made it. 152. Now we can at least relax a little. 153. Thanks to everyone who believed in me. 154. I won't forget the pain of battle. 155. I thought we were going to lose. 156. I always wind up alone. 157. Is there anything I can do? 158. I'm glad I could be of help. 159. I wish I could forget all about the facility. 160. My past still haunts me. 161. Because you're all with me, I can keep going. 162. I'm always running away. 163. If taking this [?????] will change the future... (?) 164. This is my chance to atone. 165. I mustn't forget what it means to be family. 166. Please, tell me what I can do. 167. For the sake of the future to come! 168. Fortunate future is the duty of all who live! 169. If we combine our power together, there's no limit to what we can do. 170. So this is what teamwork's about. 171. I'll rescue you! 172. I'm sorry. 173. There's nothing we could've done. 174. Everyone's in trouble because of me again. 175. Am I drawing danger to us? 176. We beat it! 177. Your numbers too me by surprise. 178. Although we were able to overcome them... 179. I want to believe that nightmares vanish when you wake... 180. It was like a black shadow had fallen over my heart... the very beast within me. 181. That was a little startling, but there's no time to rest. 182. Why won't the [?????] stop? (?) 183. Finally, we can bring Jude to his mother. 184. As long as fighting continues, sorrow will not end. 185. Is fighting the only option? 186. It's enough time that heals pain. I belive it's because people have in their hearts the strength to overcome pain. 187. Once we start running, we don't stop easily. 188. The horror, otherwise known as the Wild ARM. 189. I won't let the world and our future be blotted out! 190. I hope Jude and Kresnik are safe. 191. Now a bridge can be built across this river, too. 192. We may be the only ones who've ever had a big fight with a treasure chest. 193. Please use your [?????] energy more productively. (?) 194. Burn the books! Hihi, just kidding! 195. Gazing into the Abyss... is that really path that leads to happiness? 196. There's power to be found even in a gaze. Don't give anyone the evil eye. 197. The way it eats up anything reminds me of Arnaud. 198. Return to the sky! You don't belong on the battlefield. 199. You had the ultimate strength, but you were very lonely. Our victory was because we are not alone. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ARNAUD QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Uwaagh! 002. Aaagh! 003. Ooow! 004. Hey, that hurt! 005. Give me a break here. 006. Lay off a little. 007. Graaaaah! 008. Man, how embarassing. 009. Sorry, I gotta bow out. 010. What a pathetic way to go. 011. No way, not here... not like this. 012. Great, all wiped out together, like one big happy family. 013. Don't gimme a hard time! 014. I can hardly feel that. 015. I'm over here! 016. Try using your brain a little. 017. Let's finish this before I get hurt again. 018. That stopped short, but I guess I can't complain. 019. I guess I'm outta danger, but... 020. Come on, I need more than that! 021. I guess I'll have to manage somehow. 022. Time to get back to work! 023. My sharp wit is back in action! 024. There! 025. Yaaah! 026. Hyaaah! 027. Now hold still! 028. Come on, reach! 029. They blocked it!? 030. Tch, tough enough, aren't they? 031. I missed!? 032. Stop jumping around! 033. Don't underestimate me! 034. Gotcha! 035. You're wide open! 036. You can't escape! 037. I'm not as nice as I look! 038. And that's the end. 039. There's more where that came from. 040. How's that for difference in abilities? 041. Haaai-yaah! 042. Time to cut loose! 043. Blast! 044. Set up formula! 045. I'll finish you with this! 046. Was that a little immature? 047. I'll use the ley point's power! 048. With enough of them, even pebbles can be weapons! 049. Ashes to ashes, earth to earth! 050. I'm going to bury you, while I'm at it! 051. This will send a chill down your spine! 052. Cold enough for you? 053. Try not to freeze to death. 054. Toasty brown! 055. Burn to ashes! 056. You can't escape the flames! 057. Feel the blades of wind! 058. Dance in the surging wind! 059. I'll slice you to ribbons! 060. Fragile! 061. I'll rip your defense away! 062. Let's lower your guard a bit. 063. Slow Down! 064. Time to tangle you up! 065. I think this speed suits you better. 066. Shut Out! 067. Time to close the borders. 068. Sealed off - no one in or out! 069. Isolate! 070. Okay, move apart! Move apart! 071. Let's have you separate a bit. 072. Illusion! 073. Shock, horror and surprise! 074. Have fun chasing phantoms! 075. Reinforce! 076. The calm before the storm. 077. After this, we'll just take care of them all at once. 078. Dispel! 079. I'll wipe the slate clean! 080. Let's start from scratch. 081. Sleep! 082. Nighty night! 083. It's time for your nap. 084. Hi-Blast! 085. Formula adapter! 086. Time to unleash my secret weapon! 087. Don't feel bad... it's not that you're weak. 088. Attachment sorcery! 089. I'll crush you flat! 090. You'll be nothing more than a lump of dirt! 091. Don't worry, I'll dig a grave for you. 092. Frozen to the core! 093. I'll seal you in ice! 094. Time for my cool finish. 095. Taking this head on will burn you to a crisp. 096. Sorry, I'm not good at getting the temperature right. 097. Total combustion! Burning even the heavens! 098. Instantaneous-record-breaking-maximum-wind-speed! 099. Nothing can stop this vortex! 100. Time to whip up a storm. 101. Extend! 102. It'll last longer if I invoke it again. 103. Can't let it end just yet. 104. Hyper! 105. How about I give you a boost? 106. Okay, now let's go! 107. No matter where, I'll come running! 108. Even if we're apart, I'll be there in a flash. 109. This doesn't end with just a jump. 110. It takes more than muscle to win a fight. 111. I'm pretty confident in everything from the neck up. 112. Sharp as a razor! 113. I'll see what my magic can do! 114. Okay, let's take care of this. 115. Aren't I thoughtful? 116. I have a wide variety of talents. 117. Here's something else we can do. 118. Try relying on me a little more. 119. We'll have the last laugh. 120. A single polished strike! 121. That carelessness will be your doom! 122. It's be rude if I didn't return the favor. 123. Here, take that back. No, I insist! 124. If I match the timing... 125. I won't let that reach us! 126. I'll send that right back. 127. Surprise counterattack! 128. There's nowhere for you to run. 129. With preparation, you can do anything! 130. Cos there's no point in rushing. 131. We can't stand still... let's make some noise! 132. Will it make it in time? 133. Time for a comeback! 134. Relax and leave it to me! 135. Bye-bye, pain! 136. Always getting into trouble, aren't you? 137. Keep your chin up! 138. Give us a little extra! 139. One item, coming up! 140. May our wallets always be fat. 141. No MP needed. Don't you just love it? 142. Now watch me in action! 143. Well okay... let's see what I can do. 144. Let's do this smartly. 145. Maybe I'll give that a try. 146. Cool and smart, that's my way. 147. My turn to show off! 148. Let's be clever. 149. Wanna test my razor-sharp intellect? 150. Don't take it all on alone - let me help! 151. Even I have things I wanna protect! 152. In the blink of an eye! No time to react! 153. It's not over yet! 154. Now I'm really ready to roll! 155. Discretion is the better vart of valor. 156. You gotta be kidding me! 157. Now why do I have to clean up? 158. From this range... 159. How about here? 160. No matter where. 161. Looks like it's payday. 162. The one that got away always looks the biggest. 163. Naturally, we owe this victory to my brain. 164. That's about what I expected. 165. Looks like I worked hard enough to cover everyone's share. 166. If we just finished a little faster... 167. This is what happens when you let down your guard. 168. I'd better wake everyone up and discuss what went wrong. 169. What kind of trouble have I gotten myself into now? 170. If we can just make it to the next village... 171. See, kid, this is how adults handle things. 172. Am I this much of a softie? Why am I getting mixed up in this? 173. I keep getting locked up lately... wait, does that mean next comes...? 174. I've come this far. I'm going to see it through to the end. 175. No matter where, no matter how far. 176. If we can get through here, I'm sure we'll be allright. 177. All right, I'll keep you company on your wild adventures. 178. I can't believe I'm playing the knight in shining armor. 179. Come on, we can't be dawdling here! 180. What's wrong, Jude? This isn't like you. 181. There are some things you gotta protect at all costs. 182. I wanna become a cool adult too! 183. There's no place to run, so we'll carve our own path! 184. This teamwork thing isn't half bad. 185. Sorry, this is all I can do for you. 186. Did their research produce this thing? 187. All we want to do is get away from here. 188. Now let's keep going and shake them off our trail. 189. Hurry! If we slow down, they'll catch up to us! 190. I didn't wanna have to clean up that guy's mess. 191. Sometimes it's best to just bash your way through. 192. Because of my mistake our team is in pieces. 193. Man, that was pathetic. 194. What, they've got something else up their sleeves? 195. That's low... Striking at the weakness in people's hearts? 196. This is ridiculous! Is there anything they won't do? 197. If they just let us go, we wouldn't have to do this. 198. It was your conviction that kept me going, Jude. 199. Man, there's no way you can feel good about this one. 200. Is that all we get for winning? 201. I think I'm back in the swing of things. 202. It doesn't get more cliche than that. 203. I won't be eaten that easily! 204. Looks like we'll have to take it out at the source. 205. I'm sure they're doing fine on the other side. 206. It could've been bad if we fought that thing in the water. 207. This is the last treasure chest... let's see what it's got. 208. Personally, I prefer pretty girls with their clothes on. 209. Lately it's split into so many sub-genres, it's hard to keep up. 210. I don't lose very often when the competition is above the neck. 211. I'm afraid I can't return your passionate gaze. 212. If this was an eating contest, you would've won. 213. It's a waste to use those wings for fighting. 214. Rumor had it that it wasn't as strong as it sounded... but what the heck...? It kicked our butts! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RAQUEL QUOTES 4 quotes unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Ungh! 002. Aah! 003. Nnngh! 004. Damn! 005. Is this what my pride has wrought? 006. I still won't give up! 007. Aaaagh! 008. Is this the end for me? 009. My immature skills lacked the strength. 010. We were so close. 011. It's getting darker... I can't... 012. If only my body could move the way I wanted to... 013. Not even worth the trouble of dodging. 014. You'll have to try harder than that. 015. How predictable! 016. Do you really think you can catch me? 017. Now you shall see my sword at full strength! 018. That's plenty - here I go! 019. This is more than enough to win with! 020. Now I just need to press on for the win. 021. As long as I can move, I have no complaints. 022. I don't want things to end so easily. 023. I'm afraid I'm not a woman who knows how to give up. 024. Hyaah! 025. Haaai-yah! 026. Yaaah! 027. I'll cut you down! 028. Here I go! 029. I won't miss! 030. I'll stop you! 031. What!? 032. My blade has no effect! 033. They dodged!? 034. Tch! 035. You picked the wrong opponent! 036. I'll finish you! 037. I'll destroy you! 038. That's as far as you go! 039. Better luck next time! 040. Prepare yourself! 041. Show's over! 042. Time to say goodbye. 043. You won't escape my blade. 044. I'll take you down! 045. I'll clean this up! 046. With this single strike! 047. Yaaaah! 048. Augh! 049. Oh no, you don't! 050. [?????] Comet Strike! (?) 051. Strike them from heavens. (?) 052. It's your fate to fall! 053. Meteor Dive! 054. Dance, evil blossoms! 055. Exploding to bloom! 056. [?????]! (?) 057. Aaah, to bloom and die on the battlefield, but for naught. 058. May the poison bite you! 059. Black Heart! 060. [?????]-tainted seed! (?) 061. The venomous jaws shall claim your life! 062. Ley lines, grant power to my blade. 063. Phazer zap! 064. Your life is mine! 065. Crushing earth! 066. Roaring waves! 067. Searing flames! 068. Slicing wind! 069. The strength of my conviction shall force you back! 070. High pressure! 071. Losing means your heart has given up. 072. So that wasn't enough to make you flinch? 073. Moonlight promises us victory! 074. Whom shall the queen of night smile upon? 075. Lunatic force! 076. Fell the darkness and sweep aside evil. 077. [?????] defeat! (?) 078. Begone, vile nightmare! 079. With the full might of my sword, I bring light! 080. Even iron is no match for my blade! 081. Looks like this battlefield was too much for you. 082. Apocalypse zero! 083. I strive forward, never stopping. 084. No rest for my relentless blade! 085. My motions are without end. 086. Don't underestimate my self-taught style. 087. I shall rend your flesh. 088. I'll strike with all my strength. 089. Until my life burns out...! 090. I place it all on this one strike! 091. I can do more than cut things, you know. 092. Supporting each other is a beatiful thing, too. 093. I won't fail you. 094. In the name of the ties that bind us! 095. I want to protect the lives of those in the future to come. 096. I step toward victory! 097. I just can't control my strength. 098. You won't stop this! 099. I won't miss this opportunity! 100. I can't back down! 101. I'll breach you with my blade. 102. Don't make me laugh. 103. Now it's my turn. 104. Storm and lightning! 105. Looks like you've lit my fuse. 106. Take a number! I'm cutting in line! 107. From within me wells the limitless spirit of the blade. 108. I'll stop that. 109. My pain will become my power! 110. Looks like now's the time for this. 111. May gentle light embrace you! 112. Stand once more! 113. With this... 114. It doesn't hurt to rely on luck sometimes. 115. I've been saving this for you. 116. I don't like to obsess over money, but... 117. Let's use you to see how strong this is. 118. This should be interesting. 119. Think you can take me on? 120. My flashing blade shall pierce the darkness! 121. Don't underestimate me! 122. I'm not good at holding back. 123. Allow me. 124. Good timing. 125. I'll handle this. 126. Who wants to become rust on my sword? 127. I'll put a stop to you. 128. You'll regret underestimating me! 129. Retreat for now! 130. How careless! 131. Outta my way! 132. Nnngh! 133. Were to go? 134. For the sake of my next move! 135. Just as planned. 136. Oh well, can't be helped. 137. Sorry, cute's not in my repertoire. 138. That was nothing. 139. Was it really a beautiful victory? 140. Looks like we were too cocky. 141. Best to heal them now. 142. If only my skilld were greater, this wouldn't have happened. 143. With comrades to depend on, there's nothing we can't accomplish. 144. All I did was lend my strength to beautiful bonds of friendship. 145. One after another... they're sure keeping us entertained. 146. There's not even time for us to enjoy the view. 147. I want to see for myself what lies ahead. 148. As long as you keep looking forward, there's more than one path. 149. We'll just have to push our way through. 150. I risk my life for my comrades. That's all there is to it. 151. This place is their territory. We need to escape quickly. 152. I'm not strong enough to support anyone myself. 153. My friend support me! I won't fall easily! 154. For the sake of preserving a beautiful future! 155. It's precisely because our lives are short, that they shine so brightly! 156. My skills are still immature, but it seems they sufficed. 157. At least you can rest in peace now. 158. It looks like a monster... but, could it be...? 159. Here, too, lie the scars of war. 160. It looks like we'd better not stand around here. 161. Let's keep going. 162. It's certainly keeping us on our toes. 163. They had numbers, but no strength. 164. How careless of me to fall for that. 165. The path of truth conquers the path of trickery. 166. It seems that twisted dreams have the power to bring even dolls to life. 167. A strong heart can sweep away doubts and fears. 168. Never falter, even when faced with the unbelievable. 169. It wouldn't be wise to stay here. Let's go! 170. How gross to interfere with a reunion between mother and son. 171. This isn't how anyone wanted things to end. 172. Hesitation in my blade... is it a reflection of my weakness? 173. To think, having friends has taught me loneliness... 174. You were fools to think that logic alone leads to victory. 175. It stopped moving, but... 176. No matter the obstacle that stands before us...! 177. We must hurry and combine our strength - quickly! 178. What a beautiful, yet fearsome opponent it was. 179. Were we duped by a Mimic? 180. It's kind of cute that people can get excited by this. 181. Should I try to look more like these girls? 182. This world belongs to those who strive to live. 183. An evil eye cannot reflect the future of the world. 184. I know there are those with odd tastes, but eating money is a bit much. 185. That was a difficult victory, we should be thankful for our good fortune. 186. We merely overwhelmed it with strength. It's nothing to be proud of. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- KRESNIK QUOTES 2 quotes unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Gyaah! 002. Nnngh! 003. Eeeh! 004. My convictions are real! 005. You got the better of me... but...! 006. Even if it destroys me... 007. Gyaaaa! 008. Yulie, I'm sorry. 009. Pitiful! 010. It's all because of my lack of strength. 011. Is my incomplete power not enough to protect her? 012. Move! I can still fight! 013. Your attack is shallow. 014. Deflect that! 015. Pathetic! 016. I can see your moves. 017. The Pale Rider can't lose! 018. Great, that'll do just fine. 019. This is more than enough to take them down. 020. What I lack in strength, I will cover with conviction. 021. As long as my conviction holds, I will not lose! 022. I can't lose, not while I still have something to protect. 023. It'll take more than that to beat me. 024. Fire! 025. [?????]! (?) 026. [?????]! (?) 027. Target locked! 028. Hwaah! 029. Haah! 030. At this range... 031. Even without bullets... 032. No effect!? 033. Isn't this enough!? 034. Impressive. 035. I missed!? 036. Howl Spike! 037. Bullseye! 038. Your front is wide open! 039. A requiem of gunshots! 040. Behold what the Pale Rider delivers! 041. Flowers for your grave! 042. Gyaaaah! 043. Hyaaaah! 044. This may only be a prototype ARM... 045. Healing Factor! 046. Light of healing, hear my call! 047. Adrenaline Rush! 048. Hidden power, awaken! 049. Circular Volley! 050. A barrage of bullets to take you all out! 051. A curtain of bullets shall be your end! 052. I'll wipe you all out at once. 053. Pile Bunker! 054. Try stopping this! 055. Pile set - action! 056. Into the fray to open the path! 057. Gatling Raid! 058. No holding back! 059. You can't take this focused fire! 060. I'll give you everything I've got! 061. Apoptosis! 062. Eat this! An anti-ARM round! 063. I'm going to shut you down! 064. I'll keep going until you're gone! 065. ARM, become one with me! 066. Exceed all limits! At any cost! 067. For the sake of protecting the future! 068. I won't stand down! 069. I've already conquered my doubts! 070. I'll handle this! 071. If you stand in my way... 072. I know we can do it if we try. 073. First, let's get things under control. 074. Fighting consists of more than just barging ahead. 075. We've got to support each other. 076. If we fall here, the future will be lost. 077. You can't escape my aim! 078. Did you underestimated it as a mere prototype? 079. Nothing will stop my piercing conviction! 080. Now's my chance! 081. I'll give you a taste of this! 082. I'll block with this! 083. Three consecutive piles to shoot you with all my heart! 084. If I've got the will to give up, I've got the will to struggle. 085. I'll use this to make it count! 086. Force explosion! 087. Not so fast! 088. I can't fall yet... I'll make one more strike! 089. With this light comes victory! 090. These wounds are nothing! 091. Tread firmly on the battlefield. 092. It's not yet time to give up! 093. We make our own luck. 094. Try this on for size! 095. Let's save up what we can. 096. Magic, go forth! 097. I cannot lose. 098. I'll be your opponent. 099. I'll do what I can. 100. You dare to challenge me? 101. Time to learn what you're up against. 102. My life shall be a bridge to the future. 103. I'll give it everything I've got! 104. My life's flame is burning hot! 105. It's not that we're turning tail... 106. To think, I'd fall for this sort of trick. 107. I'm going to widen our battlefield. 108. This is the path I choose. 109. The course of war is always moving. 110. From over here! 111. Just a concidence, nothing more. 112. This isn't the time to worry about trivial matters. 113. They don't call me the Pale Rider for nothing. 114. I walk the path of thorns. 115. There's no value in living my life for the present. 116. Only for the sake of protecting future lives. 117. It seems they won't let us through easily. 118. Steel yourselves... the headwind will only grow stronger. 119. They're good, but we too have reasons we cannot back down. 120. Let's hurry! There's no time. 121. We're going to keep on moving without looking back. 122. I need my sister's power, for the future of the world. 123. A Wild ARM is nothing I can't handle. 124. Huh! 125. Forgive me! 126. Nnnngh! 127. Mmmgh! 128. Aaaah! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TONY QUOTES 2 quotes unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Nnngh! 002. Now, let's see. 003. I'll hunt you down! 004. Take that! 005. Raaaah! 006. What's wrong? 007. What!? 008. Here's your punishment, kid! 009. That's what you get for challenging an officer! 010. Unnngh! 011. Ugh! 012. Yah! 013. You little brat! 014. Impossible! 015. You damn little kids! 016. Why can't I beat a bunch of kids? 017. You get too big for your bridges, this is what happens to you! (?) 018. It took a while, but I've finally fulfilled my duty. 019. Ha-hah, now I'll get a special promotion for sure! 020. Looks like you need some corporal punishment. 021. I'll straighten you out. 022. Children need to learn their place! 023. I need war! 024. How about this? 025. The legendary Nidhogg! (?) 026. This thing's pretty sharp, you know. 027. You never learn, do you, kids? 028. Respect your elders. 029. Doesn't matter where you are. 030. Yeeeehaaaaa! 031. I'll hit you with full power! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- JEREMY QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Haaaah! 002. Out of range? Hah! 003. It won't reach!? 004. Beat it, kid! 005. Don't make me laugh! 006. Heheheheh! 007. I'll devour you! 008. What!? 009. Whooops! Did I overdo it? 010. Heheh, game over, huh? 011. Ungh! 012. Nnngh! 013. Aah! 014. Uaaargh! 015. You little brat! 016. Is that the best you can do? 017. Damn you! 018. Uaaargh! 019. How can I lose? 020. I can't lose to your sorry asses! 021. Sorry, I'm afraid it's lights out for everybody but the girl! 022. Looks like I overdid it... oh well. 023. What, is that it? 024. Losers will always be losers! 025. I'll show you! 026. I'll knock you flat! 027. Inertial moment control on! 028. Missile Vulcan! 029. Vulcan Shredder! 030. Get a load of this! 031. I'll fill you full of lead! 032. There's no place to run from this! 033. I'll turn you into an exploding chunk of meat! 034. Inertia Cancel! 035. Now the fun begins! 036. Time to take the lead! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SCYTHE QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Do you think you can stop me? 002. I'm free as the wind! 003. Aha! 004. Here I go! 005. How's that? 006. Take this! 007. Oh? 008. I'll finish you off! 009. Let's end this! 010. Yaaargh! 011. Uuungh! 012. Hyaaaah! 013. My-my, not bad! 014. I'm nobility of Crimson Noble! 015. I don't like that at all! 016. [Japanese quote] 017. Was Brionac really needed for this? Sorry, Jeremy... it looks like I get credit for this one. 018. My, aren't you cute... 019. I'll show you the power of the Crimson Noble! 020. Blast! 021. Begone! 022. I'll flatten you! 023. I'll freeze you! 024. I'll incinerate you! 025. I'll shred you! 026. Scatter apart! 027. Feel distortion's grip! 028. Space warp, disperse! 029. Hahahah, that hit's the spot! 030. Aaaaah, delicious. 031. Ooh, too bad... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BELIAL QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Dimensions do not bind me! 002. I'll chase you down! 003. You'll never escape! 004. Hah! 005. You! 006. Yaaah! 007. What!? 008. Diiie! 009. Revenge for Scythe! 010. Pitiful! 011. You can keep Scythe company on the other side! 012. Nnngh! 013. Aaaah! 014. Oooow! 015. Not to the likes of you... 016. The same pain Scythe felt... 017. I swear I'll make you pay... 018. Not until Scythe is avenged..! 019. Aaaaah... gggghhhh! 020. I've been destroyed... by humans!? 021. How could my precious Scythe lose to these... 022. I'll destroy everyone... and everything... I have no interest in the world without Scythe... 023. I'll never forgive you! 024. Do you think you can escape me!? 025. How could you! 026. Impudence! 027. Insolent humans! 028. This is how you use a tank! 029. Open gate! 030. I'll squash you like bugs! 031. Watch this... space distortion! 032. The jaws of spacetime will crush you! 033. You made me angry! 034. You're an eyesore! 035. Begone! 036. Hah, what do you think you're doing! 037. You can't overcome distorted space! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HUGO QUOTES 2 quotes unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. You can't catch me! 002. Can you see? 003. I travel outside of time! 004. What's wrong!? 005. Are you surprised!? 006. You won't get away! 007. That was good... but! 008. You're mine! 009. I shall free you from the flow of time... 010. Ungh! 011. Aaagh! 012. What! 013. ...good, that makes things interesting! 014. You amateurs starting to catch up? 015. Did you overcome time? 016. On behalf of the Brionac forces, I'll take her into custody. 017. Time's a wastin'... 018. It'll take more than amateurs to beat me! 019. Shatter them! Gan! 020. There is nothing this right hand cannot cut! 021. Pierce them! Diva! 022. There is nothing this left hand cannot pierce! 023. The crescent moon illuminates [?????] prey! (?) 024. Gandiva! Pierce their hearts! 025. Time archive! (?) 026. Amateurs! 027. You're way too slow! 028. Time's on my side! 029. I won't give you time for that! 030. You're powerless! 031. You cannot surmount the wall of time! 032. I won't permit it! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FIORE QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hahahah! 002. I'll catch you! 003. I won't let you get away! 004. You're mine! 005. How's this!? 006. Go away! 007. Laaame! 008. Here I go... BOOM! 009. Let's finish the rest of them, too! 010. This is the end for all of you! 011. Me and Asia, with both of our magic! 012. Ooow! 013. Ah! 014. Oooow! 015. You've done it now! 016. I can't believe this... 017. What? No way... 018. It's because you don't believe in the power of dreams. 019. You gotta have fun! 020. My heart is full of dreams! 021. I'll blow you away! 022. Let's see how you do alone! 023. Human beings are so fragile! 024. Let's do it, Asia! 025. I'll lead, okay! 026. Let's get them! 027. Circuits connected, full power! 028. I'm always ready! 029. Let's take care of them! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ASIA QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hihihi! 002. Here I go. 003. Over there? 004. I can do it, too. 005. You need to be punished. 006. I'll get you. 007. Am I not good enough? 008. It's because you're a bad person. 009. As long as we're together, we'll never lose. 010. You won't be lonely, as long as you're together. 011. Fiore and I won together! 012. Aaah! 013. Aagh! 014. Nooo! 015. So you can do things like that... 016. Why... 017. I'm sorry, Heath... I failed... 018. If you have no dreams, there's no point in living... 019. It's time for a break. 020. I can't hold myself back... 021. Right, I'll match the timing... (?) 022. Okay, I'll do my best. 023. Please, break. 024. Split up a happy family! 025. This illusion will deceive you. 026. Fiore, are you ready? 027. Together! 028. I'm ready. 029. Together, we can do it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ENIL QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Drown in your fears. 002. I'll pierce the darkness in your heart. 003. Hope is the real illusion. 004. Unngh! 005. Aagh! 006. Nngh! 007. How dare you fight back... 008. Heh... you'll have to do better than that... 009. What the...!? 010. I can't believe I... 011. ...ugh, impossible... where did this power come from? 012. I didn't defeat you... your fears and doubts brought this upon you. 013. What are you so afraid of? 014. You poor things... you're trembling... 015. Let your fears take shape... 016. Heed the whispers and come forth from the darkness in their hearts. 017. Your own fears will devour you... 018. Now cower before your shadows... 019. Sleep, trembling in the depth of darkness. 020. I summon thee, that which has no form. 021. Can you defeat yourselves? 022. Lose yourself in endless darkness. 023. That's right, everyone fears themselves. 024. What is it you seek in the meaningless future? 025. Now, shadows... Go! 026. You are your own enemy... 027. What's wrong? Are you cowering before your own shadows... 028. How does it feel to be attacked by your own shadow? 029. The shadows will continue to appear. They're the fears in your own hearts. 030. No matter where you run, you cannot escape your own shadows. 031. Fear will crush your hearts. 032. I can hear the terrifying beating of your hearts. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BALGAINE QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Mmmgh! 002. Uwaah! 003. Hyaah! 004. Yes, just like that! 005. Pain is the only true promise... 006. Don't hold back... bring it on. 007. But I won't go down easy! 008. Hahah, hahahahah...! 009. So, this battlefield too is not to be my resting place... 010. I'll teach you! 011. Hear my chainsaw roar! 012. With this it ends! 013. I'll do you in with my anti-tank chainsaw Nidhogg! 014. A slash to level even mountains! 015. On the battlefield the flowers of life wither while only death blooms! 016. My swing can cut down even the stars! 017. One step closer to hell! 018. Live or die, I hope you've prepared yourself!? 019. My swing can slaughter even the gods! 020. Do you think your tricks will help you here!? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AUGST QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Aaaaah... 002. Yaaaar... 003. Yaaarghhh... 004. Uuuurgh... 005. ...forgive me... 006. ...I didn't think this would happen... 007. Oompf! 008. Urrrgh... 009. Uaaaargh... 010. ...what are you doing... 011. ...this body, it's... 012. ...I won't let you... 013. ...yes...that powder... 014. ...Raaaaaarrrghhhh... 015. ...watch it... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GAWN QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Tch! 002. What am I doing... 003. Damn it, why does my mission have to call for this... 004. From this point on, there's no place for children... there's no need for anyone but us to be betting our lives on the future! 005. This old-timer's still got it... 006. I know I ain't the coolest, but... 007. Haaaah! 008. Full frontal! 009. Finest! 010. Okay, reloaded! 011. Here we go! 012. There! 013. Can't escape! 014. Gotcha! 015. Take this! 016. You're mine! 017. Out of my way! 018. This isn't the game! 019. Don't underestimate me! 020. Think you can dodge this? 021. You won't get past me easily! 022. And with this, it ends! 023. Hmph! 024. Hah! 025. What do you think you're doing? 026. I don't think so! 027. Nuh-uh! 028. Pathetic! 029. You're wide open! 030. That won't work on me! 031. My turn! 032. You'll have to do better than that! 033. Stop right there! 034. And with this final shot! 035. Don't mess this up... 036. Three, two... 037. One, two... 038. Match me... 039. Come on, get this right. 040. A hop, skip and a jump. 041. Hop, hop! 042. Ha! 043. Here we go! 044. Uuuoooh! 045. Uaaaargh! 046. Hey this is cold! 047. What do you think you're doing? 048. Sheeze, gimme a break... 049. Hhhhyaaah! 050. Go Jude! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FARMEL QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. I'll give you my all. 002. Tee-hee, ooops, how careless of me. 003. You're so cute, I could just squeeze you to bits. 004. Oh, I can't help it. 005. You're so innocent and defenseless, just the way I like it. 006. I don't believe it. 007. Ooops, I'm so sorry. 008. Aaah! 009. Ooow! 010. Aagh! 011. Not bad... 012. Mwahaha... 013. I can't believe children got the better of me... 014. The only peace you'll find in this world is in dreams. May you slumber for eternity. 015. I can't help but tease you when you're so cute. 016. This may hurt a little. 017. Oooh, is that it, huh... 018. Oooh, clever, aren't we... 019. Such naughty children. 020. Won't you accept my feelings in return? 021. You sure play hard to get. 022. Don't be such a tease... 023. The distance between us is making me lonely. 024. I'm impressed you know my range. 025. Too bad I don't get to touch you... 026. It's okay to come closer, darlings. 027. You can touch if you like, but it'll cost you. 028. Bad little children who use magic will have to be punished. 029. This is way past just playing with fire. 030. Blink Shot! 031. Surprised Heart! 032. Vapor Deposit! 033. Red Shoot! 034. Centering! 035. I want things to center around me... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LAMBDA QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. I see a twisted future... 002. Now surpass the future! 003. I will watch over the tide of battle! 004. Hah! 005. Yaah! 006. Hyaah! 007. So, you overturned my calculations? Impressive. 008. How can you fall so soon? 009. Is that the best you can do? 010. Nyaaah! 011. Urrgh! 012. Ngh! 013. I will show you that people can grow strong... 014. Prove to me that the future rests in good hands... 015. Overcome the walls that block your path... 016. Urrrgh... I saw a light... it was small... but it was a strong, undeniable glow... 017. I had hoped you would be unknown variables that would overturn my calculations... 018. I shall see what you can do! 019. You cannot inherit the world without strength! 020. Don't fall so easily! 021. My calculations are never wrong... 022. I'll optimize the flow of battle. 023. High speed calculation... there! 024. My predictions have no blind spot. 025. You cannot escape the future! 026. I can read which way you dodge! 027. No matter where you dodge, you'll still be hit! 028. Calculating! 029. I see it! 030. Analysis complete! 031. I have already calculated that future! 032. You'll never harm me with already solved illusions! 033. This is already happened! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DIVINE WEAPON QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Tremble in your sleep. 002. You dare challenge a hero... 003. The beginning of the end... 004. Uwaaargh! 005. Hyaaargh! 006. Hyaaaah! 007. Futile struggles! 008. I'll pluck the light from you! 009. The world's future needs no humans! 010. Gggghh! 011. Urrgh! 012. Nnnnggh! 013. Why do you resist... 014. That power gives birth to conflict... 015. Learn what it means to challenge a hero... 016. I already carried the curse of a hero. For the sake of true peace, for the sake of freedom from these days of fighting, I will not back down so easily. 017. Don't think this is the end... I am a hero, the arch-enemy of mankind. To eliminate war... I will continue, until all humans are dead. 018. This is the power to end people's lives... 019. False peace cannot bring freedom. 020. Uuuuuyaaah! 021. Crumble and die! 022. Your life is forfeit! 023. Vanish in this light of hatred! 024. Let there be light... 025. Awaken, slave unit... 026. This should work. Device! 027. Within the guidance area... there! 028. Repair system, activated... 029. Damage level, recovering... 030. Device, block the enemy! 031. Absorb the shock and prepare for the next. 032. Focus your attacks! 033. Slice the target to ribbons! 034. I ask you, fow whose sake is this fight. 035. I will put an end to the seeds of war... 036. Until the world of man burns out... 037. Uuuwaaargh! 038. Woooooaah! 039. Yaaaaah! 040. You still cling to your lives... 041. Soon I'll destroy your friends as well... 042. Eventually I shall destroy all mankind as well..! 043. I... will bring about... peace! Even if it means... sacrificing... the human... race! 044. The final thing that people cling to is hope... but tiny fragments of hope do nothing more than delay inevitable despair. With your dying eye you will witness the end of the world of man. Drown in the sea of war that you yourselves desire! 045. My body burns with seething anger! 046. True peace if built from the corpses of man! 047. I grant you death. 048. Burn where you stand. 049. You shall be consumed. 050. Let us sow destruction. 051. I'll purge your soul. 052. I'll snap you like twigs. 053. I'll send all mankind to join you soon enough. 054. The roar of the heaven shall bring peace and destroy man. 055. Learn how powerless you are against the hero. 056. The ark has been open. Now what do you see within its depths? 057. I shall save you from the sin of being human. 058. Bells of morning ring without [?????] and convey your message of death.(?) 059. Those who carry sin cannot board the ark. 060. You will need no coffins, for you will turn to dust here. 061. I will destroy you, along with the world of man. 062. No eyes can follow my speed. 063. None shall pass me. 064. Let us accelerate your fate. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GADGETEER QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. You're too slow! 002. You're pathetic... 003. What're you doing? 004. Oh, really. 005. This is just sad! 006. You're hopeless! 007. Uwaagh! 008. Ooh! 009. Ooow! 010. You'll pay for that! 011. I'll make you feel my pain! 012. ARMs are weapons of destruction! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PALADIENNE QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Die. 002. Dance. 003. Rejoice! 004. I bet you're proud of yourself? 005. I'll finish you! 006. Curse me. (?) 007. Aaaah! 008. Uuuuh! 009. Ooow! 010. Too bad I can't return that... 011. Drown in pain, writhe in agony! 012. Hurt others! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FORMULA USER QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. You might as well be standing still! 002. You're an eyesore! 003. I don't like you! 004. My my, aren't you talented! 005. You're barely worth the trouble! 006. You all are hopeless! 007. Uwaagh! 008. Aaah! 009. Ooow! 010. No way I'm losing to you. 011. Here's a little payback. 012. You coward! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MASTER FENCER QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Incourtable fools! (?) 002. I'll crush you! 003. Don't die yet, now. 004. No use struggling... it makes no difference in the end. 005. What does it feel like to die? 006. Life is fragile to begin with... 007. Uwaagh! 008. Aaah! 009. Ooow! 010. You'll pay for that. 011. Now let's enjoy the carnage! 012. You will not escape destruction! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- JANE DOE SW QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Start OPS! 002. Now! 003. Go forth! 004. Yaaah! 005. Yes! 006. There! 007. How dare you! 008. This is what it means to fight! 009. It is because they fade that souls are beautiful... 010. Uwaaagh! 011. Aaaargh! 012. Uuugh! 013. I can't believe they're that strong... (?) 014. Estimated values surpassed... 015. Just what are we up against? 016. We lurk in the shadows, we move through the shadows, we are Jane Doe, known to none. 017. Learn your place! 018. Let us shatter your faint hope. 019. Come together! 020. Cursed! Cursed! Cursed! 021. No fair for Karen! Take this instead! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- JANE DOE AX QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Operation start! 002. Here I go! 003. Where to go... 004. Urgh! 005. Yaaah! 006. Ah! 007. What!? 008. Perfect range. 009. Burst into a flower of blood. 010. Eeerrgh! 011. Aaagh! 012. Uuugh! 013. Was the data wrong? 014. How can they have such power? 015. Immeasurable? What is that power you have!? 016. We lurk in the shadows, we move through the shadows, we are Jane Doe, known to none. 017. We'll bury you! 018. Let the slaughter begin... 019. Your tricks are of no concern... 020. Circuit drive! 021. Karen will laugh at you if you go empty-handed. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- JANE DOE GN QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Operation start! 002. Leave it to me! 003. I'll close in on them! 004. Take that! 005. Hit! 006. You won't get away! 007. Not bad! 008. Time for you to disappear! 009. Our bullets shall sound your funeral dirge. 010. Wha? 011. Uuugh! 012. Uwaaagh! 013. I can't believe it... 014. Looks like we'll need to adjust the data in real time... 015. How can our data be wrong? 016. We lurk in the shadows, we move through the shadows, we are Jane Doe, known to none. 017. I shall be your judge. 018. Relying on that won't do you any good! 019. Now what will you do? 020. I'll pluck your limbs! 021. Trinity action! 022. The gate to Hades now opens! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SUPER SOLDIER QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Unnngh! 002. Yaaah! 003. Hrmph! 004. Hmph! 005. Take that! 006. Hrrrmph! 007. Hrrrmph! 008. Got you! 009. Mission complete! 010. Uwaaargh! 011. Uuugh! 012. Aaargh! 013. You dare challenge us? 014. You got some guts challenging a professional warrior. 015. Impossible, we were the elite soldiers of the war. 016. There's no way kids playing at war could beat professionals like us. After all, we've devoted our lives to war. 017. Take this! 018. Serves you right! 019. I'll pierce right through! 020. Don't move! 021. Blast! 022. Hi-Blast! 023. How about this? 024. Is that the best you can do? 025. How predictable! 026. How do you plan to attack now? 027. Damn, they've taken my special gear. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COUNCIL KNIGHT A QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hyaah! 002. Yargh! 003. Haaah! 004. What!? 005. Impossible! 006. Gotcha! 007. Prepare yourselves! 008. Gaaah! 009. Hwaaah! 010. Aaargh! 011. Not bad! 012. Grrrr! 013. What!? 014. Huuwaaah! 015. Noooooo! 016. Is this as far as I go? 017. Did we underestimate them? 018. Mission... failed? 019. I can't believe they got the better of us. 020. You little... 021. Here I go! 022. Take this! 023. I'll pierce right through! 024. Take that back! 025. And now it's my turn! 026. Focus your attacks, follow my lead! 027. Graaaah! 028. Haaai-yah! 029. Damn, retreat! 030. We're not running, we're just regrouping. 031. Fall back and reform! 032. Target acquired! 033. Hit! 034. Return fire! 035. That left you vulnerable! 036. Nap time! 037. This will make 'em helpless! 038. Counter! 039. I won't just lie down and take it! 040. Our guard is strong! 041. We'll form a wall! 042. I'll stop that! 043. This will be our defensive line. 044. Heal! 045. Hi-Heal! 046. Hold the front! 047. We won't fall that easily! 048. Blast! 049. Hi-Blast! 050. Power of magic, unleashed! 051. Power, take form! 052. Illusion! 053. Deceptive arts, commence! 054. Fragile! 055. Crumble and break! 056. Quicken! 057. As fast as the wind! 058. Dispel! 059. I'll shatter your magic! 060. Push 'em back! 061. Come! Gargoyle! 062. Stone, come to life. 063. Hyper! 064. Give us strength! 065. Protect! 066. Body strong as steel! 067. I'll take you head-on! 068. I'll return the favor with my blade! 069. Did you think all I had was brute strength? 070. Can't get through! 071. Oh no you don't! 072. Barbecue party! 073. We'll take you down with chemical weapons! 074. Hyaaaah! 075. Take that! 076. Gooo! 077. Target confirmed! 078. Take these bioweapons! 079. Tactical confusion round... fire! 080. Anti-personnel mines! 081. Support effects confirmed! Commencing removal! 082. Who's there? 083. Come out! 084. Found 'em! 085. An intruder? 086. I see you! 087. Freeze! 088. What are you doing here? 089. Here we go! 090. Time to hit the accelerator. 091. You aren't getting away! 092. Yaaah! 093. Haaai-yah! 094. You little... 095. Eeeegh! 096. Dieee! 097. On the stage of battle, we play the leads... 098. Whoooa! 099. Ugggh! 100. Urgh! 101. You can't do that much longer! 102. I bit my tongue. 103. Do you really wanna make adults angry? 104. I can't believe they overpowered us! 105. We're being forced back? How... 106. Did I get 'em? 107. Let's try some hand-to-hand combat. 108. In range, here we go! 109. I'll get you with this! 110. Eat this! 111. Try this on for size! 112. Will this work? 113. You'll never beat this in a contest of strength. 114. Dance! Dance! 115. I can tell that hurt! 116. Targeting complete. No mercy! 117. I'll take control of this battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COUNCIL KNIGHT B QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hyaah! 002. Yargh! 003. Haaah! 004. What!? 005. Impossible! 006. Gotcha! 007. Prepare yourselves! 008. Gaaah! 009. Hwaaah! 010. Aaargh! 011. Not bad! 012. Grrrr! 013. What!? 014. Huuwaaah! 015. Noooooo! 016. Is this as far as I go? 017. Did we underestimate them? 018. Mission... failed? 019. I can't believe they got the better of us. 020. You little... 021. Here I go! 022. Take this! 023. I'll pierce right through! 024. Take that back! 025. And now it's my turn! 026. Focus your attacks, follow my lead! 027. Graaaah! 028. Haaai-yah! 029. Damn, retreat! 030. We're not running, we're just regrouping. 031. Fall back and reform! 032. Target acquired! 033. Hit! 034. Return fire! 035. That left you vulnerable! 036. Nap time! 037. This will make 'em helpless! 038. Counter! 039. I won't just lie down and take it! 040. Our guard is strong! 041. We'll form a wall! 042. I'll stop that! 043. This will be our defensive line. 044. Heal! 045. Hi-Heal! 046. Hold the front! 047. We won't fall that easily! 048. Blast! 049. Hi-Blast! 050. Power of magic, unleashed! 051. Power, take form! 052. Illusion! 053. Deceptive arts, commence! 054. Fragile! 055. Crumble and break! 056. Quicken! 057. As fast as the wind! 058. Dispel! 059. I'll shatter your magic! 060. Push 'em back! 061. Come! Gargoyle! 062. Stone, come to life. 063. Hyper! 064. Give us strength! 065. Protect! 066. Body strong as steel! 067. I'll take you head-on! 068. I'll return the favor with my blade! 069. Did you think all I had was brute strength? 070. Can't get through! 071. Oh no you don't! 072. Barbecue party! 073. We'll take you down with chemical weapons! 074. Hyaaaah! 075. Take that! 076. Gooo! 077. Target confirmed! 078. Take these bioweapons! 079. Tactical confusion round... fire! 080. Anti-personnel mines! 081. Support effects confirmed! Commencing removal! 082. Who's there? 083. Come out! 084. Found 'em! 085. An intruder? 086. I see you! 087. Freeze! 088. What are you doing here? 089. Here we go! 090. Time to hit the accelerator. 091. You aren't getting away! 092. Yaaah! 093. Haaai-yah! 094. You little... 095. Eeeegh! 096. Dieee! 097. On the stage of battle, we play the leads... 098. Whoooa! 099. Ugggh! 100. Urgh! 101. You can't do that much longer! 102. I bit my tongue. 103. Do you really wanna make adults angry? 104. I can't believe they overpowered us! 105. We're being forced back? How... 106. Did I get 'em? 107. Let's try some hand-to-hand combat. 108. In range, here we go! 109. I'll get you with this! 110. Eat this! 111. Try this on for size! 112. Will this work? 113. You'll never beat this in a contest of strength. 114. Dance! Dance! 115. I can tell that hurt! 116. Targeting complete. No mercy! 117. I'll take control of this battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COUNCIL KNIGHT C QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hyaah! 002. Yargh! 003. Haaah! 004. What!? 005. Impossible! 006. Gotcha! 007. Prepare yourselves! 008. Gaaah! 009. Hwaaah! 010. Aaargh! 011. Not bad! 012. Grrrr! 013. What!? 014. Huuwaaah! 015. Noooooo! 016. Is this as far as I go? 017. Did we underestimate them? 018. Mission... failed? 019. I can't believe they got the better of us. 020. You little... 021. Here I go! 022. Take this! 023. I'll pierce right through! 024. Take that back! 025. And now it's my turn! 026. Focus your attacks, follow my lead! 027. Graaaah! 028. Haaai-yah! 029. Damn, retreat! 030. We're not running, we're just regrouping. 031. Fall back and reform! 032. Target acquired! 033. Hit! 034. Return fire! 035. That left you vulnerable! 036. Nap time! 037. This will make 'em helpless! 038. Counter! 039. I won't just lie down and take it! 040. Our guard is strong! 041. We'll form a wall! 042. I'll stop that! 043. This will be our defensive line. 044. Heal! 045. Hi-Heal! 046. Hold the front! 047. We won't fall that easily! 048. Blast! 049. Hi-Blast! 050. Power of magic, unleashed! 051. Power, take form! 052. Illusion! 053. Deceptive arts, commence! 054. Fragile! 055. Crumble and break! 056. Quicken! 057. As fast as the wind! 058. Dispel! 059. I'll shatter your magic! 060. Push 'em back! 061. Come! Gargoyle! 062. Stone, come to life. 063. Hyper! 064. Give us strength! 065. Protect! 066. Body strong as steel! 067. I'll take you head-on! 068. I'll return the favor with my blade! 069. Did you think all I had was brute strength? 070. Can't get through! 071. Oh no you don't! 072. Barbecue party! 073. We'll take you down with chemical weapons! 074. Hyaaaah! 075. Take that! 076. Gooo! 077. Target confirmed! 078. Take these bioweapons! 079. Tactical confusion round... fire! 080. Anti-personnel mines! 081. Support effects confirmed! Commencing removal! 082. Who's there? 083. Come out! 084. Found 'em! 085. An intruder? 086. I see you! 087. Freeze! 088. What are you doing here? 089. Here we go! 090. Time to hit the accelerator. 091. You aren't getting away! 092. Yaaah! 093. Haaai-yah! 094. You little... 095. Eeeegh! 096. Dieee! 097. On the stage of battle, we play the leads... 098. Whoooa! 099. Ugggh! 100. Urgh! 101. You can't do that much longer! 102. I bit my tongue. 103. Do you really wanna make adults angry? 104. I can't believe they overpowered us! 105. We're being forced back? How... 106. Did I get 'em? 107. Let's try some hand-to-hand combat. 108. In range, here we go! 109. I'll get you with this! 110. Eat this! 111. Try this on for size! 112. Will this work? 113. You'll never beat this in a contest of strength. 114. Dance! Dance! 115. I can tell that hurt! 116. Targeting complete. No mercy! 117. I'll take control of this battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COUNCIL KNIGHT D QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hyaah! 002. Yargh! 003. Haaah! 004. What!? 005. Impossible! 006. Gotcha! 007. Prepare yourselves! 008. Gaaah! 009. Hwaaah! 010. Aaargh! 011. Not bad! 012. Grrrr! 013. What!? 014. Huuwaaah! 015. Noooooo! 016. Is this as far as I go? 017. Did we underestimate them? 018. Mission... failed? 019. I can't believe they got the better of us. 020. You little... 021. Here I go! 022. Take this! 023. I'll pierce right through! 024. Take that back! 025. And now it's my turn! 026. Focus your attacks, follow my lead! 027. Graaaah! 028. Haaai-yah! 029. Damn, retreat! 030. We're not running, we're just regrouping. 031. Fall back and reform! 032. Target acquired! 033. Hit! 034. Return fire! 035. That left you vulnerable! 036. Nap time! 037. This will make 'em helpless! 038. Counter! 039. I won't just lie down and take it! 040. Our guard is strong! 041. We'll form a wall! 042. I'll stop that! 043. This will be our defensive line. 044. Heal! 045. Hi-Heal! 046. Hold the front! 047. We won't fall that easily! 048. Blast! 049. Hi-Blast! 050. Power of magic, unleashed! 051. Power, take form! 052. Illusion! 053. Deceptive arts, commence! 054. Fragile! 055. Crumble and break! 056. Quicken! 057. As fast as the wind! 058. Dispel! 059. I'll shatter your magic! 060. Push 'em back! 061. Come! Gargoyle! 062. Stone, come to life. 063. Hyper! 064. Give us strength! 065. Protect! 066. Body strong as steel! 067. I'll take you head-on! 068. I'll return the favor with my blade! 069. Did you think all I had was brute strength? 070. Can't get through! 071. Oh no you don't! 072. Barbecue party! 073. We'll take you down with chemical weapons! 074. Hyaaaah! 075. Take that! 076. Gooo! 077. Target confirmed! 078. Take these bioweapons! 079. Tactical confusion round... fire! 080. Anti-personnel mines! 081. Support effects confirmed! Commencing removal! 082. Who's there? 083. Come out! 084. Found 'em! 085. An intruder? 086. I see you! 087. Freeze! 088. What are you doing here? 089. Here we go! 090. Time to hit the accelerator. 091. You aren't getting away! 092. Yaaah! 093. Haaai-yah! 094. You little... 095. Eeeegh! 096. Dieee! 097. On the stage of battle, we play the leads... 098. Whoooa! 099. Ugggh! 100. Urgh! 101. You can't do that much longer! 102. I bit my tongue. 103. Do you really wanna make adults angry? 104. I can't believe they overpowered us! 105. We're being forced back? How... 106. Did I get 'em? 107. Let's try some hand-to-hand combat. 108. In range, here we go! 109. I'll get you with this! 110. Eat this! 111. Try this on for size! 112. Will this work? 113. You'll never beat this in a contest of strength. 114. Dance! Dance! 115. I can tell that hurt! 116. Targeting complete. No mercy! 117. I'll take control of this battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AXE GOB QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Gob! 002. I'll get you! 003. I'll crush you! 004. Right in the head! 005. Ow! 006. Ngh! 007. What!? 008. No way! 009. Gobs rule! 010. It's my turn to show off! 011. I'm on fire! 012. The power of Gobs! 013. Gob Gob Gob Gob Gob Gob Gob Gob! 014. A great victory for the Gob! 015. This Gob's on a roll! 016. Gotcha! 017. Ow! 018. Ugh! 019. Nooo! 020. No-ho! 021. You're not supposed to hit a Gob. 022. I'll manage something. 023. My life is on the line! 024. I'm still raring to go! 025. Hyaaaaarrrrgob! 026. This can't be the end of the Gob!? 027. This is farewell! 028. I didn't get to play enough! 029. Pathetic! 030. This Gob's done for. 031. They got me. 032. Impressive. 033. Fierce attack! 034. I'll split you in two! 035. The full power of Gobs! 036. Hyaaaarh! 037. I can't turn back now! 038. In the name of Gob pride! 039. I had enough of this! 040. Retreat! 041. How about you go? 042. Gob's busy! 043. Gobs are Gobs! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SHIELD GOB QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Gob! 002. I'll get you! 003. I'll crush you! 004. Gob Gob! 005. Wowww! 006. Nghah! 007. What!? 008. What!? 009. Gobs are so cool! 010. It's my turn to show off! 011. I'm on fire! 012. I'm so excited! 013. Gob Gob Gob Gob Gob! 014. A great victory for the Gob! 015. This Gob's on a roll! 016. Pathetic! 017. Ooow! 018. Ngggh! 019. Nooo! 020. Woooah! 021. You're not supposed to hit a Gob. 022. I'll manage something. 023. My life is on the line! 024. I'm not down yet! 025. Gooooob! 026. This can't be the end of the Gob!? 027. This is farewell! 028. I can't stand this. 029. Pathetic! 030. This Gob's done for. 031. They got me. 032. How cruel. 033. I'll bash you! 034. I'll split you in two! 035. I'll start with your face! 036. I'll show you on a Gob! 037. Gyaaah! 038. It's tough being a peon! 039. I think I got the wrong end of this deal! 040. I'm a manly Gob! 041. Always looking out for my brethren. 042. I've had enough of this. 043. Retreat! 044. How about you go! 045. Gob's busy! 046. Gobs are Gobs! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SHOTEL GOB QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Gob! 002. I'll get you! 003. I'll crush you! 004. Go away! 005. Gooob! 006. Gaagh! 007. What!? 008. I hate you! 009. Gobs rule! 010. It's my turn to show off! 011. I'm on fire! 012. Leave the finishing blow to me! 013. Gob Gob Gob Gob Gob Gob Gob Gob! 014. A great victory for the Gob! 015. This Gob's on a roll! 016. An elegant Gob kill! 017. Meeep! 018. Owwwgh! 019. Nooo! 020. Woooah! 021. You're not supposed to hit a Gob. 022. I'll manage something. 023. My life is on the line! 024. Cut me some slack! 025. Gooooooooooob! 026. This can't be the end of the Gob!? 027. This is farewell! 028. This isn't my day. 029. Pathetic! 030. This Gob's done for. 031. They got me. 032. Gob can't die. 033. I can do it if I try! 034. You won't get away! 035. It's really sharp! 036. On behalf of all Gobs! 037. Gyaaah! 038. Nothing can stop the Gob! 039. You've done it now! 040. Counterattack! 041. Don't blame me! 042. I've had enough of this. 043. Retreat! 044. How about you go! 045. Gob's busy! 046. Gobs are Gobs! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GOB PRINCESS QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Gob Gob! 002. I'll do my best! 003. Here I go! 004. No way! 005. How could you! 006. So what if I have the beard? 007. I'll never forget you! 008. A sad parting to a sad meeting. 009. Don't call me a bad girl! 010. Oooooh! 011. Oh no! 012. Guwaaah aarrrgh! 013. What to do? What to do? 014. You're so reckless. 015. Love is a mirage... aaah, dragon fly. 016. You're breaking my heart. 017. The end always comes suddenly. 018. I won't regret our time together. 019. You're playing too rough. 020. I'm just like a tragic heroine. 021. It's okay, I'm used to saying goodbyes. 022. Blast! 023. Hi-Blast! 024. Flash, boom! 025. This is just another form of love. 026. The roaring of the earth! 027. The whispers of the water! 028. The anger of the flame! 029. The claws of the wind! 030. Girls and boys are all entranced by me. 031. A Gob in love is an earnest Gob. 032. I'll wear you out. 033. Gobs are Gobs, got that? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BARBAROI GOB QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hyyaah! 002. You wanna piece of me? 003. I'm brave! 004. Whoops! 005. Nooo! 006. I'm so cool! 007. I'm strong! 008. Game over! 009. I'm manly! 010. Gooob! 011. Gwaaargh! 012. Gulp! 013. I won't fall that easily! 014. That [?????] made me stronger! (?) 015. How dare you! 016. This isn't my day. 017. End in front of the other Gobs. How embarassing. 018. I don't want to be seen like this. 019. My fate is to fall like a flower blossom. 020. This won't do at all. 021. I am like a sleeping dream. 022. One of my best points is my strength! 023. I'll show you my courage! 024. Bring the power of Gobs together! 025. Elite courageous warriors, gather with me! 026. Don't think about it, just charge! 027. It's the climax, together Gobs! 028. Uh-oh, I'm in trouble! 029. I'm never alone! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BALLOON QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. [moaning] 002. [moaning] 003. [moaning] 004. [moaning] 005. Diiiiie! 006. [moaning] 007. [moaning] 008. [moaning] 009. [moaning] 010. [moaning] 011. [moaning] 012. [moaning] 013. [moaning] 014. Begone! 015. Burst! 016. Crush! 017. Freeze! 018. Burn! 019. Blow! 020. Shadow and bone, together in greed! NOTE: These guys are funny. Most of the quotes are either moaning, or the words are unrecognizable to me. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPARTOI QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hyaaah! 002. Slice! 003. Huwaaah! 004. Good! 005. Justice! 006. This fight is mine! 007. Aaagh! 008. Ooow! 009. Ow! 010. Not bad! 011. But you'll have to do better. 012. I won't be done in that easily. 013. Impressive. 014. The victory is yours. 015. You shall become rust on my blade. 016. I'll cut you in two! 017. En garde! 018. I'll quarter you! 019. I'll edge you! 020. Bloom and scatter! 021. Learn your place! 022. Follow the sound of my blade. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UNDEAD SERVANT QUOTES 5 quotes unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Crumble! 002. I'll crush you! 003. It's all over. 004. Haaarh! 005. Damn! 006. Uwooogh! 007. Arrrgh! 008. Nggggh! 009. Braaagh! 010. I feel no pain. 011. I forgotten [?????]. (?) 012. [?????] (?) 013. Return to the earth. 014. Sink! (?) 015. You can have that back. 016. Wanna sleep... (?) 017. [?????] (?) 018. Your mind will crumble. 019. Wander in despair. 020. The illusions will overwhelm you. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NECROMANCER QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hwaaah! 002. Yaaah! 003. Gwargh! 004. Nnngh! 005. Gyaaah! 006. Accept your judgement! 007. Become diseased! 008. I cannot stand the sight of you. Begone! 009. Completely hopeless. 010. I shall spread death equally to all. 011. Come my faitful minions. 012. Go my minions, be my hands [?????]. (?) 013. The forbidden art of necromancy! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MICTLANTECUHTLI QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Squirm about, fools! 002. Ignorance is the greatest sin. 003. The unenlightened will never find their way. 004. Graaah! 005. Uwaaaargh! 006. Ngggghaah! 007. Absurd! 008. Did you just [?????] an idiot? (?) 009. I've heard even death can't cure idiocy. 010. Ugh! 011. Egh! 012. Aaah! 013. To think I would flinge before fools. 014. Do you think you're clever? 015. Was I the fool? 016. Absurd. How could I lose to those without knowledge? 017. I am a pillar of wisdom, a tower of knowledge. It would appear you did not think through your decision to challenge me. 018. Those without knowledge might as well be rocks. 019. Allow me to impart my wisdom. 020. Burn in the fires of knowledge. 021. Drown in the waters of knowledge. 022. May disease overcome you. 023. Merely acting clever is not enough. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RAID BUSTER QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Here I go! 002. You won't escape! 003. Correcting program! 004. ARM does not affect me! 005. Damage report! 006. Formula drive! 007. Target in range. Lock-on! 008. Calculation complete. Counterattack! 009. Auto-defender. Activate! 010. Ion-particle cannon. Standing by! 011. Force electron bolts. Ready to fire! (?) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EFREET QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Haaah! 002. Yaaargh! 003. Heh! 004. Aaarg! 005. Accept your fate! 006. This is the end! 007. Ooow! 008. Roar! 009. Grrrah! 010. Impudent insects! 011. Impudent humans! 012. You will regret that! 013. Impossible! 014. How could mere human beings... 015. Shatter and die! 016. Burn to ash! 017. Gather before me! 018. Fall! 019. I'll destroy you! 020. Insolent magics... begone! 021. I will obliterate you all! 022. Uwaaargh! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AMON QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hwaaah! 002. Graah! 003. Hai-yah! 004. Hmph! 005. Booyaka! 006. [?????]. (?) 007. What does your life taste like? 008. Burn to ash! 009. My friends! Gather before me! 010. Appear as promised in the ancient pact. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NYBBAS QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Comin' throuuuugh! 002. Here we gooo! 003. Make waaay! 004. Oh dear. 005. Oh, excuse me. 006. That's the end, my dears. 007. Doh! 008. Oh no! 009. Waaah! 010. My my, what are you doing? 011. How rude! 012. And just what do you think you're doing? 013. Ah, the fleeting life of a flower. 014. There is beauty, even in the flower that fades. 015. You'll need to be punished. 016. I do this out of love. 017. My passion explodes! 018. Here I go! 019. I'm not that easy. 020. It's my special help care treatment. 021. Things will work out somehow. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MASA GNOME QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Wow! 002. Take that! 003. Yaah! 004. What!? 005. I'm really sorry. 006. Now we're safe. 007. Uwaaah! 008. Uwaaah! 009. Nggh! 010. Why are you doing this? 011. Please stop. 012. You aren't very gentle. 013. They got me. 014. I guess that's a do-over, huh? (?) 015. Excuse me. 016. Please go ahead and get some rest. 017. I'll let you do my work for me. 018. I'm feeling miserable myself. 019. I'll bury some goodies here. 020. That's it for today. See ya! 021. It's not good for you to work too hard. 022. Please refrain from using machines. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CRITTER QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Yah yah! 002. I did it! 003. Just watch me! 004. No way! 005. You make me mad! 006. You fools! 007. Nyah! 008. Uggh! 009. Aggh! 010. So that's it, huh? 011. Amusing! 012. What? What? 013. Bye bye. 014. I'll squash you flat! 015. I'll bash you good! 016. Now nothing can hit me. 017. Heh heh heh heh. 018. Ahahahahahaha! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RONOVE QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Grrraaah! 002. Unnngh! 003. Ugggh! 004. Agggh! 005. You'll have to do more than that. 006. Take this! 007. Lose your will to fight. 008. Your heart will be in chaos. 009. Magic power, begone! 010. Faster than lightning! 011. Fill with life! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- QUE SERA SERA QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Kyah kyah! 002. Ahahahahah! 003. Oooh? 004. Graaaah! 005. Mommy! 006. Behold my super move-move-move! 007. Go-go home! 008. Spin-spin-boom! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BLACK BOX QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Is this our fate? 002. This is so sad. 003. We were destined to fight. 004. I know. 005. You're right. 006. But even still... 007. We're all desperate. 008. You won't suffer alone. 009. You must accept your fate. 010. Everyone knows. 011. That's right. 012. Nevertheless. 013. It's true. 014. It's not that you've done wrong. 015. It can't be helped. 016. You won today, but what about tomorrow? 017. No matter how powerful you are, remember... Curiosity killed the cat. 018. That hurt! 019. It's payback time! 020. I want to be stronger. 021. Remain as you are. 022. I understand you. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GROW APPLE QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Aaah! 002. Gah! 003. Gyah! 004. Oh, you're pretty good! 005. Ow! Ow ow! 006. Yeah, not bad. 007. That strike was worth this much... 008. Relive this battle in your hearts! 009. Here's a little something for your effort. 010. Adieu! 011. Till next time! 012. I may not look it, but I'm really busy. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MELCHOM QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Time is money. Let us meet again. 002. I don't enjoy fighting, especially when there's no money involved. 003. The rich don't fight. Mind you, I made a name for myself when I was young. 004. Not bad, I'll pay you [?????] that skill. (?) 005. Hmmm... why does it have to... Alright. I'll ready a proper payment. 006. I suppose I'll have to place a value on your skill. Yeah, take this. 007. What? 008. What's this? 009. Is that how it's going to be? 010. Farewell. 011. Take care. 012. Perhaps we shall meet again. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ORC QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hwaaah! 002. Rggh! 003. Hyaaah! 004. Huuuh? 005. Don't mind if I do! 006. Delicious! 007. Ghhhh! 008. Oh no! 009. Oh no! 010. Hey, you hit me! 011. What do you think you're doing? 012. Is this what I get for losing weight? 013. I guess I can't fight on an empty stomach. 014. I'll be slimmer the next time we meet. 015. Porkchop! 016. You tryin' to roast me? 017. Hey I'm just bein' friendly. 018. Meat barrier! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- JACK-O'-LANTERN QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Yaaah! 002. Hai-yah! 003. Take that! 004. What the...? 005. Pathetic! 006. Haha, you losers! 007. Ow! 008. Aaagh! 009. Bwaaagh! 010. You little...! 011. Not bad. 012. Whaaat? 013. Halloween! 014. Naughty naughty! 015. This'll make your head spin. 016. Fresh and piping hot. 017. Burning! 018. Let's stir things up. 019. Everyone burn, burn, burn! 020. Spontaneous combustion! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MAGE FOX QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hyaaah! 002. Unnngh! 003. Yaaagh! 004. Can that power put an end to even eternity? 005. I am eternal, a great and unstoppable monster! 006. Earth, open your maw! 007. The flowing waters will swallow you! 008. The seething flames will sear your flesh! 009. The relentless wind will tear you apart! 010. The overflowing fear becomes my blood, becomes my flesh! 011. Fear is everlasting, as you will soon see! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- KING OF ANGOLMOIS QUOTES 3 quotes unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Raaawr! 002. Urrrgh! 003. Nnnngh! 004. Fool! The king can't lose to mere insects. 005. We are the king of Angolmois, the ruler of terror we spoken of in prophecy. 006. Hyaaaaah! Die! 007. Hyaaaaah! Boom! (?) 008. Suffer, mere mortal! 009. Impudent ones! 010. This [?????] perils the end of time. Tremble at the arrival of the demon king! (?) 011. The time for us to rise is at hand. With the power of destruction we will rule over whole creation! 012. We, the king, aren't immortal! (?) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BAD NEWS QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hai-yah! 002. Yaaah! 003. Contact! 004. You dare oppose me? 005. How rebellious! 006. What!? 007. There was a mishap during the match. 008. There's no need for a countdown. 009. Uwaaargh! 010. I'll listen to what you have to say after you're dead. 011. Congratulations on graduating from life! 012. Arrrgh! 013. Ngggh! 014. Nyaaah! 015. Sorry I couldn't challenge you more. 016. Not bad. 017. I hope you're ready to take that back. 018. Gyaaaaargh! 019. Uwaaaargh! 020. Right back at ya! 021. I'll come back at you from every angle. 022. I'll knock you back. 023. The perfect combination of offense and defense. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EARTHBOUND SPIRIT QUOTES 4 quotes unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. [moaning] 002. [moaning] 003. [moaning] 004. This is not to believe. 005. Your corpse shall rot here. 006. Sleep for all eternity. 007. [moaning] 008. [moaning] 009. [moaning] 010. You who know none, [?????] (?) 011. All your hatred [?????] creation. (?) 012. Why is it always we who suffer? 013. [?????] the light of life dwells. Free us from our suffering. The earth of this battlefield has become our dark prison. (?) 014. Your tool shall become one with us and drown in suffering, from which there is no salvation. (?) 015. We hate your world. 016. The light of life... gyaaah! 017. Your life ends here! 018. Be paralyzed with terror! 019. Your fear is sweet nectar! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- KESARAN PASARAN QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 002. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 003. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 004. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 005. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 006. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 007. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 008. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 009. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 010. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 011. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 012. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 013. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 014. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 015. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 016. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 017. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 018. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 019. I have no idea what this guy is saying. 020. I have no idea what this guy is saying. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MISERY QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Aaaah! 002. Eeeeh! 003. Ooooh! 004. Wwwwhy? 005. You're always like this? 006. Whose fault is it? 007. You... the one that's been staring at me! 008. The one that's always sending messages into my head. 009. Even though I couldn't respond to you, but you kept doing it anyway. 010. What's wrong with you? You're always like that? 011. How much longer do I have to wait? 012. If that's what you want, then that's fine with me. 013. So I wanna ask you one thing. 014. How much longer do I have to be like this? 015. The text is not spoken clearly, and is too hard to understand. 016. The text is not spoken clearly, and is too hard to understand. 017. When the nights came... when the mornings came, I kept waiting. 018. But that loneliness ends today, right? 019. Because you've come for me? 020. I've been wanting you to come this whole time. 021. The text is not spoken clearly, and is too hard to understand. 022. I think I have got to see you. 023. You will answer, will you? Am I right? 024. Because I'm sure you forgot to lock the door. 025. Do you love me? 026. No one noticed me waiting, all by myself. 027. Okay, I'll forgive you. 028. But I want you to tell me one thing, if we ever meet in person. 029. You told me to wait, so I waited all this time. 030. Because you told me to. 031. If I did that... 032. The text is not spoken clearly, and is too hard to understand. 033. If you hadn't come today, I might not have been able to wait any longer. 034. I'd be able to see you before, I grew so sad it drove me crazy. (?) 035. The text is not spoken clearly, and is too hard to understand. 036. You approach me all the time without understanding me at all. 037. Nnnngh! 038. Beeeeh! 039. Heheh! 040. Huh? 041. Hihihihi! 042. Gyahaha! 043. Hohohohoho! 044. Hahahahaha! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ANGEL QUOTES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Hyaaah! 002. Graah! 003. Hai-yaah! 004. Impressive. 005. I shall grant you a peaceful rest. 006. This is the power of we who sustain heaven. 007. Urrrgh! 008. Aaaagh! 009. Uwaaargh! 010. I'm impressed! 011. I mustn't let my guard down. 012. Nevertheless, I cannot retreat. 013. Please forgive my failure. 014. This body will merely return to the light. 015. Holy strike! 016. Heal this impure pain! 017. Burst with blessings! 018. The blessing of earth be upon you. 019. The blessing of water be upon you. 020. The blessing of fire be upon you. 021. The blessing of wind be upon you. 022. Let us bring judgement! 023. You shall be punished for your sins! 024. Magic power, fall before me! 025. I shall not let your strike land! 026. Let us grant our bountiful love equally to all. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FORCE COMBINATION ARTS QUOTES 1 quote unclear -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 001. Blade Diver Arnaud: "Timing!" Jude: "Perfect!" Jude: "Spinning slash!" 002. Cyclone Wheel Yulie: "Go ahead, Jude!" Jude: "Okay, let's combine our powers!" Raquel: "Haaaaaah...! With this one swing...!" 003. Dual Brand Raquel: "Hyaaaah! Let's do it!" Jude: "Hyaaaah!" 004. Gadget Crash Jude: "Let's go!" Kresnik: "Right!" Kresnik: "The trigger's in your hand." 005. Genocide Edge Arnaud: "Let's get this party started!" Raquel: "Now I strike... We'll take 'em head on!" 006. Magus Cannon Arnaud: "Can you keep up?" Yulie: "I'll try!" Jude: "Keep it up...! Here I cooome!" 007. Mind Recovery Yulie: "So we can keep moving forward..." Raquel: "Restore the flames of body strength in my heart." 008. Retreat Wave Yulie: "I'm ready!" Arnaud: "Now we'll just wrap things up!" Raquel: "Let this be a warning!" 009. Riot Fencer Arnaud: "There you go. Make good use of it, you two!" Jude: "Leave it to me!" Raquel: "Do it together, Jude!" Jude: "Raquel!" 010. Rousing Strike Yulie: "To help others, I awaken my power!" Jude: "Phantom Line! Full power!" 011. Sorcery Grenade Yulie: "Silver flame of atonement, heed my call." Arnaud: "Come together and destroy the enemy!" 012. Arc Impulse - version 1 Yulie: "With all my conviction!" Jude: "Unleash it all at once!" Raquel: "For the sake of those who will live in the future!" Arnaud: "Wa can't look back!" All at once: "Hyaaaaah!" - version 2 Yulie: "If we put our hearts together..." Jude: "That's right! The future's wide open!" Raquel: "We will break the chains of conflict!" Arnaud: "We'll show them what that means!" All at once: "Hyaaaaah!" Yulie: "One last time!" Jude: "Leeeend me your pooooower, Kresnik!" Yulie: "Because you're with me..." Jude: [?????] (?) 013. Kindred Souls - version 1 Cecilia: "Everyone has... things they care about in their hearts." Jack: "To keep them from destroying everything...!" Rudy: "We'll go as far as it takes." Rudy: "Put your hearts together!" Raquel: "Hyaah!" Yulie: "Unngh!" Arnaud: "This won't hold for long!" Jude: "I know...! How about... this?" - version 2 Zed: "Now it's my turn." Jane: "You're in the way!. Zed: "Hey!" Emma: "First I'll just push this." Zed: "Hey!... Wait, what are you doing...? Ah, my body's moving on its own." Jane: "Aaand the ball is outta the park." Zed: "It's more than outta the park." Jude: "Hahahah." Yulie: "Here I go!" Arnaud: "Yeah!" Jude: "Yaaaah!" Raquel: "Hyah!" =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 06.) PAST REVISIONS - G0600 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== - Version Ethelda 1.01 (13th February 2006) # All quotes included. - Version Ethelda 1.0 (11th February 2006) # Initial release with 1500+ quotes. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 07.) CREDITS - G0700 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 1. Companies - Media Vision: they made this game possible - Sony: for making PS2 2. People - Rodriguez D.: for fixing two of Raquel's quotes =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 08.) CONTACT INFO - G0800 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Send your comments, ideas for improvements, additional info, correction of mistakes I may have made, and anything else via e-mail at: lifearmor (at) gmail (dot) com I need to put down a few guidelines. - as a subject of e-mail please include Wild Arms: 4, or WA4 - please make your e-mail be readable, ie do not send me e-mails that are written badly or in some strange gibberish - don't ask me to send you updated versions of my guide, because I won't - *make sure* to check if your question is already answered within these pages; I may reply to one of your questions, but if you'll persevere in asking more questions which are answered in my guide, I'll simply direct you to my guide - I accept e-mails in English, German, Croatian and Slovenian language - I will answer the e-mails in English, Croatian or Slovenian language; I can read and understand German well, but my writing skills of German have rusted, therefore I will answer such e-mails in English - when crediting contributors, I won't disclose their e-mails - finally, treat me as you'd like me to treat you 2. Damir Kolar's Contributor page http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/6434.html 3. Damir Kolar's homepage/s http://kolardamir.com http://splitinfinity.50megs.com Yours truly, Damir Kolar End of Document