Love isn't always peaceful. Sometimes, love requires us to fight. But weapons aren't the only answer. With faith and resolve, even the most intense wars in the world can be overcome with love. Children, take this message to heart, and forge a peaceful future for all... ___ __ __ __ ______ ________ \ \ /\ / / | | | | |___ \ / | GAME SCRIPT \ \\ \/ / | | | | __ | | / /| | by: Shotgunnova \ \\ / | | | |__ | |/ / / / |____| \/ \/ |__| |_____| |_____/ / /_________ ___ _____ ________ __ \_____________| / \ \ |__ \ | ____ \ / / ____ / / \ \ __| | | | _ | | \ \ | | / /___\ \ \__ \ | | | || | _\_ \ | | /_________\ |__| |_| |_||_| /____/ |____| [TABLE OF CONTENTS] ____________________________ 01. Ciel Shelter | | 02. Sunlit Path | Notation Legend: | 03. Ravaged Forest | ---------------- | 04. Sunlit Path II | | 05. Ciel Shelter II | (X) X-button | 06. Forsaken Road | (O) O-button | 07. Port Rosalia | ([]) Square button | 08. Culane Temple | (/\) Triangle button | 09. Celesti Ruins | Phys. Atk. Symbol | 10. Great Stairway | {o} Magc. Atk. Symbol | 11. White Orphanage | Magc. Def. Symbol | 12. Aerial Fortress Eulalia | | 13. Wunderweltraum \__________________________/ 14. Sea of Trees 15. Guara Bobelo 16. Calucion Pass 17. Platapana Passage 18. Neve d'Argento 19. Cerulean Tunnel 20. Autumn River 21. Mim'krilu Skyway 22. Desolate Railway 23. Buckeye Station 24. Etemenanki 25. Buckeye Station II and the Silver Star Express 26. Forgotten City 27. Buckeye Station III 28. Abandoned Village 29. Garra de Leon 30. Dragon Fossil Mine 31. Frontier Town Halim 32. Valley of Oblivion 33. Frontier Town Halim II 34. Blue Amity Beach 35. Port Rosalia II 36. Fallen Bridge XdXS 37. Dievas Airport 38. Illsveil Prison 39. Frontier Town Halim III 40. NPC List 41. Amengard Script 42. Travel Guide Scripts 43. NPC Dialogue Scripts 44. Contributions & Thanks 45. Help Shotty! 46. Updates 47. Legal Junk /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 01. Ciel Shelter | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [On the new game, after a mini-cutscene with some well-wishing dialogue (see: top of document), a boy will be lounging around in a tree on the outskirts of town.] Boy: I think the coast is clear now. Can't believe we're sparring this early in the morning. All it does is make you hungry... Even if I cut class, I don't think my stomach will cut me a break. Oh well...maybe I'll sneak back home and see if Mom'll fix me a snack. [The boy (Jude, is his name) will jump down and head into town for some munchies. When he gets to the edge of the screen he's in, a tutorial will pop up.] Tutorial: *Markers indicating the connections between areas are called Route Trackers. Blue markers indicate routes yet to be explored. Yellow markers indicate routes already taken. Red markers indicate routes most recently used. Press the [SELECT] button to toggle Route Trackers on or off. [In the town square, Jude can find a save point.] Tutorial: *Press the (X) button while at a Break Point to completely restore your characters' MP. You can also save your progress onto a Memory Card (PS2). [Jude goes into his house.] Jude: "What's for lunch, Mom? I'm hungry..." Ethelda: "... Hmm, now why would you be hungry? After all, it's not like you've done anything today to build up an appetite... right?" Jude: "...Uh-oh...Does she know?" Ethelda: "Instructor Henri came by earlier. He asked if you weren't feeling well." Jude: "Oh, great...Henri knows, too. Now I'll get double the punishment." Ethelda: "It's not too late, so you should go and see Henri. Just think, if you work twice as hard at your lessons, lunch will taste twice as good." Jude: "... I...uh, I'll do my lessons later!" [Jude bolts before his mom can protest.] Ethelda: "Now when exactly is 'later?!' If you keep putting everything off, you'll never grow up to be a mature adult!" (I think in raising him by myself, I've spoiled him. ... At times like this, I wish he were here...) [Outside, Jude hangs around his doorstep.] Jude: "I was hoping she'd heat up some leftover stew or something, but I never expected her to know about me skipping class... Now what? Didn't Henri say something about how you should "act on your feelings" when thinking alone doesn't help? I guess I'll just go and see if I can pick some berries in the forest. It's not like I have a lot of other options at this point..." [Jude scrams before anyone can remind him to do his lessons, and he goes in search of some grub in the forest nearby.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 02. Sunlit Path | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [A tutorial comes up when Jude encounters some raised earth.] Tutorial: *Pressing the (/\) button causes Jude to jump. If you press the (/\) button again during a jump, it will turn into a double-jump. [A cutscene plays a ways ahead, where Jude sees a massive hole suddenly break into the sky. Planes fly in through the gap and fly off.] Jude: "What the...? The sky...did it just shatter?! Something's headed toward the forest... I'd better go check it out." [A cutscene soon starts up ahead. The airplanes that had flown in housed soldiers, who have already set up a temporary tent base around a large airship. Out of the cargo bay, two soldiers walk out in conversation.] Thin Man: "An assault within the shelter? Isn't this pushing the limits of our authority?" Fat Man: "This entire mission's under my jurisdiction." Thin Man: "Even so, shouldn't we report in? And perhaps wait for Brionac's arrival so we can work in conjunction? But that'd be your call, sir." Fat Man: "What, are you kidding? And let them take all the credit? Not likely." Thin Man: "That's not what I'm saying. It's just, they're well--" Fat Man: "It's just that they're what? Oh yeah, that's right, they're the 'special elites'. And how'd they get that way? They proved themselves on the battlefield, that's how they did it. I tell ya, we've got to take advantage of every opportunity!" Thin Man: "..." Fat Man: "And just how many more opportunities do 'ya think we'll really get after this?" I'll tell you how many--NONE! And that's why wew've gotta make the most of every opportunity, no matter how small! Ya want better rations and booze?! If you wanna improve your lot in this world, you best do things my way, Archibald!" [A teen in a white jacket runs over, interrupting the conversation.] Teen: "Hey, nobody said anything about any rough stuff when I signed on. And I only agreed to all this because they promised me the girl wouldn't be hurt. I'm responsible for her...and my whole reputation as a Drifter will be stake!" [Tony turns around and gives the teen "the look."] Teen: "Ah, I mean, um...I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job or anything. It's just, well...there's been so many unexpected changes and developments, you know? I was hoping maybe for a bonus to help compensate...?" [The fat man punches the teen out of the way. As he tumbles off to the side, the teen in white spies Jude from afar.] Teen: "Huh? What's a kid doing here? Geez...He sure caught me at an embarrassing...moment..." [The cutscene ends.] Jude: "I wonder if that guy's okay? ... I'll let things settle down a bit before checking it out..." [Later on, at dusk, Jude spies some of the soldiers standing 'neath the berry tree he had planned to reap for lunch.] Jude: "There's one, no two soldiers standing beneath the berry tree... Hmm... First, those things came out of the sky... Then a bunch of adults in uniform appeared... And then, for some reason, that guy got hit. Hmm... What the heck is going on around here?" /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 03. Ravaged Forest | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [Jude runs a bit closer, but the soldiers don't sound an alarm at all. They keep conversing.] Jude: "Hmm, even this close up, they still don't see me, huh... If I hide behind things and stay out of their sight, I might be able to go further in!" [Jude sneaks through the camp in the next screen and hightails it aboard the cruiser at the back. He sees a soldier patrolling in there, too.] Jude: (Man, they're in here, too?! I've got to find somewhere to hide! If I enter his line of sight, he'll spot me. I need to make it through here somehow without getting caught...) [Jude enters the next room after awhile. He stops as he enters.] Jude: "Hmm...? What is that...? I think I hear something... ...Is that...singing?" [Jude goes up to a cell window and spies a girl in a blue dress sitting on her bunk, singing a tune. She spies Jude's unfamiliar face halfway through.] Girl: "Is...someone there?" Jude: "Uh...sorry. It's just...I've never seen a real girl before. I've only heard about them. I didn't mean to interrupt your song. Hi, I'm jude. you don't live here do you?" Girl: "No...those men in unfirom captured me and locked me in here." Jude: "That's what I thought. Don't worry, I'll find a way to get you out, I promise." [Jude runs down the nearby stairs. The girl wonders about the boy helping her break out.] ????: "Jude..." [Meanwhile, Jude is rummaging through a room below.] Jude: "If I'm gonna rescue that girl, I'll need a key for the door and a weapon to protect us. I wonder if I can find that kind of stuff in here. I sure hope I can before anybody comes..." [Jude opens a chest containing a sword.] Jude: "Does this sword belong to one of those soldiers? If push comes to shove, I'll use it to defend myself. ... If I'd have known THIS was going to happen, I would've taken my sword training more seriously..." [Jude opens another chest containing a Key Ring, and runs out, but finds his ascension blocked by some soldiers lounging around on the stair. They don't see the stowaway.] Jude: (...?!) Soldier: "The impact from breaking through the barrier damaged parts of the craft, including the door. Get everything fixed before it's time for us to take off. Otherwise, it may cause an accident." [The soldier heads upstairs and leaves the guards on the stair. Jude can't go up that way, so he heads to the back of the room, prying open the damaged door with his sword. Outside, he finds the soldiers have widened their area of encampment.] Jude: "Giant machines that fly through the sky... And a bunch of adults with weapons... Was that guy who got hit earlier, one of them too? ... Hmm, somehow, I don't think so...but I guess there's only one way to find out..." Tutorial: *Pressing the ([]) button causes Jude to crouch down. If you press a directional button while crouching, Jude will slide in that direction. [Jude uses his sliding skills to slip under the adults' radar, entering a ship opposite the last. He opens a locked door with his ring o' keys and finds the man who got socked by the fat soldier in a cell not unlike the girl's.] ????: "Hey, you're that kid!" Jude: "I have to ask, just to be sure... You're not a bad guy... right?" ????: "What makes you think I'm not?" Jude: "Because you're just a kid, like me." ????: "What? I look like a kid to YOU? Man, how depressing..." [Jude holds up his ring of keys.] ????: "Well, can you get us out of here?! Then again...even if we do escape from here, what can we do...?" Jude: "We've got to hurry and rescue that girl." ????: "'That girl...?' You mean you've seen her?" Jude: "Yeah. It was the first time I've ever seen a real girl." [Jude opens the door, but some soldiers run into the room. Jude barely has enough time to hide in the cell with Mr. ????.] ????: "Looks like something's going on. They're running around all excited... If we leave now, we'll just wind up getting caught. Let's stay here for a bit and see how things go." [The two lounge around for awhile, from dusk to the dead of night, at least.] ????: "You said your name was 'Jude,' right? Do you live in this village?" Jude: "Yeah. I was on my way to the forest when these strange machines suddenly came flying in through a tear in the sky. Do you on the other side of the sky? Um..." Arnaud: "You can call me Arnaud. Anyway, are you telling me you have no idea what kind of place this is you're living in?" Jude: "...? Ciel's the village I grew up in... What's so different about it?" Arnaud: "Sounds like you don't know much about anything... I guess that means you don't know why that girl was brought here, ether..." Jude: "Oh no, the girl!! I promised her that I'd help her get out!" [The two sneak out of the cell.] Arnaud: "Doesn't look like there's a soul in the place, let alone a sentry..." Jude: "Let's go back to where they were keeping her. [They start running back to the other ship, but find no soldiers' watchful eyes on the way.] Jude: "...Where did they all go?! There were so many of them on the way over here---" [When Jude gets back they find the door to her swell ajar.] Jude: "The girl was locked up in that room. I hope the key I obtained fits... [They check it.] Arnaud: "Looks like she's not here." Jude: "Where could they have taken her?" Arnaud: "Any ideas?" Jude: "Hmm... ...None at all. There's nothing around here, other than the village..." Arnaud: "Then that must be where they're headed!" Jude: "Why?!" Arnaud: "There's nothing else around here, right?! Then that's the only place they could've gone to! /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 04. Sunlit Path II | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The Sunlit Path's now the Moonlit Path, and the fireflies are out now. Jude and Arnaud press on, but they're soon attacked by two mechanical balls.] Jude: "What the...?!" Arnaud: "They must have released them on their way to the village! What should we do...?" Jude: "Better think fast...they're headed straight this way!" Arnaud: "Man, why does this always seem to happen to me?" Tutorial: Battles take place on a field divided into seven sections called 'HEXes.' Upon selecting an Attack (Shoot) or Original command, targetable HEXes will be displayed in red. If no enemies are within your immediate attack range, try moving from your current HEX to another one. [The party defeats the two machines.] Jude: "I'm sorry I got you mixed up in all this... You could've just run away once your cell door was open, but instead you're..." Arnaud: "What, and leave a kid like you behind? No, I couldn't do anything that uncool." Jude: "Thanks for fighting alongside me, Arnaud. I'm really glad you're with me." Arnaud: "You're welcome...Do you always just come out and just say what's on your mind?" [After a few skirmishes, another tutorial comes up.] Tutorial: *Attack (Shoot), Original, Item, and other commands are all effective on a per-HEX basis. If there are multiple tragets within a single HEX, they are all affected. So you can damage several enemies during an attack, or heal multiple allies, but only if they are all standing in the same HEX. [In the screen where Jude saw the tear in the sky:] Arnaud: "What's wrong? We need to hurry to the village, right?" Jude: "Yeah... Even if they're just machines, I don't feel very good about hurting and breaking things... I never really thought about all this during my swordsmanship lessons though..." Arnaud: "... But what do you plan on doing if something happens to your village?" Jude: "I...I don't know. If I can't think of what to do even while it's happening...then I'll just do what I feel is right. That's what Instructor Henri taught me. How about you? What do you think we should do?" Arnaud: "Beats me. After all, if thinking alone could solve everything, I wouldn't be in this mess right now. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop thinking, though. In any case, I'll tag along with you for a little while longer. But once we get to the village, you'll have to manage on your own." Jude: "Yeah, no problem. And thanks. I want to keep my promise to that girl, so help me out for just a little longer, okay? It's really helpful to have you with me." Arnaud: " *heh* I can't believe I'm letting this kid take advantage of me..." [The two continue back into town.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 05. Ciel Shelter II | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [Once there, the two find that soldiers have corralled everyone into a group, containing them in the town square. Arnaud and Jude duck down by the entrance.] Arnaud: "Yep, looks like they're here..." Jude: "Let's get a little closer." Arnaud: "Whoa, hey...Don't do anything stupid..." Jude: "They've captured everyone...!" Arnaud: "You think rushing out is going to accomplish anything?! Come on, use your head!" [The fat man from before stands over Jude's mother.] Acting Commander Tony: "Hand it over without a fight and we won't have 'ta use force. I hope you'll make the smart decision." Ethelda: "We decided to live here and withdraw ourselves from the world. The 'smart decision' you're hoping for is merely the one that benefits you most, is it not? Starting 'negotiations' with a show of force like this...Have you no shame?" [From nearby, a soldier signals Tony.] Soldier: "Commander! We've found it! There's no mistaking it!" [The soldiers bring a taped-up box over. It looks like a black casket.] Ethelda: "What do you hope to accomplish with that? That sin left behind by the war? Are you planning on repeating the same mistakes?!" [Jude speaks to himself from afar.] Jude: "War?! What war?" Acting Commander Tony: "What this power. A power necessary to open the future. You think you're so smart just 'cause you carry on hysterically about war, but you're nothing but a foolish woman." Ethelda: "I'd like to think I'm better than you, a man simply drunk on the power of his newfound toy. ... Leave that can't use it. And what's the point of having it, if you can't use it? The only ones who can use that--The only ones who can use an ARM are..." [A soldier brings the girl in blue out. Jude doesn't reveal himself just yet.] Jude: "That girl!" Acting Commander Tony: "'What's the point in having it, if you can't use it?' My, you're a smart one!" Ethelda: "... Don't tell me that child is a gene driver...?" Acting Commander Tony: "Maybe...or maybe not. That's what we're gonna find out right now." [Tony and some soldiers stand near the 'casket', waiting for the girl in blue--the gene driver?--to do her thing. Jude scowls from the entrance.] Jude: "She's terrified! What should I do? How can I get over there?" Arnaud: "Ah, well...that may actually be easier than you think..." [Jude turns around and finds a soldier behind Arnaud. The two boys are pushed out into the open.] Ethelda: "Jude?!" Jude: "Mom!" Acting Commander Tony: "Welcome to the party...The more, the merrier." Jude: "Get away from them! And don't you dare do anything to that girl, either!" Acting Commander Tony: "When I was a kid, I liked to play at being the hero too. But even kids' games can go too far. You need to learn how to address your elders, boy. As an adult, it's only natural that I'm passionate about the proper education of our kids. It wouldn't have come to this, if you had only cooperated with us." [Tony snaps his fingers and some soldiers make Arnaud and Jude dance to avoid bullets fired at their feet. The girl in blue cries out.] ????: "Please, stop! I'll do it! So...please...!" Arnaud: "Hey, kid! It's your fault I got caught up in this! Do something!!" Jude: "I want to, but there's nothing I can do right now! They even took my sword!" [Jude and Arnaud jump away from the gunfire, but Jude trips over the 'black casket', spilling its contents all over the ground. Inside, it appears its white sand. A soldier points a gun barrel at Jude's head.] Jude: "If only I had the power to fight, these guys wouldn't be able to..." [Jude's contact with the sand emits a bright blue light. When all present can see again, Jude's holding a large gun in his hand.] Ethelda: "The neutral state reacted to Jude and activated...?! There's no turning back now..." Arnaud: "That silver transformed into a gun?! What...what the heck is that thing in your hand?!" Jude: "I don't know what it is...But now...maybe I can actually do something! This is...the power to fight...That much, I know. I can feel it's a part of my own body! It's time to turn the tables, Arnaud!! We're gonna save everyone!" [Jude and Arnaud square off with some soldiers, and a Tutorial appears.] Tutorial: *Jude's 'Shoot' command can be used as many times as he has loaded into his ARM. If he is out of ammo, the command will change from Shoot to Attack. Not only does this result in lower offensive power, it also suffers from other weaknesses such as a reduced chance of a Critical Hit. To use the Shoot command again, Jude must use the 'Guard' stance to remain in the current HEX and finish his turn without taking any further action. Then upon completion of the turn, ammo is automatically reloaded. [The soldiers get whipped by Jude's new ARM. As the troops get defeated, Tony appears in a large, powerful-looking machine.] Arnaud: "You're using THAT against us?" Acting Commander Tony: "That's 'cause you forced me to!" Tutorial: *Each character has commands called 'Originals' that consume MP. Originals are more powerful than Attack (Shoot) commands and have special effects that can turn the battle in your favor. The key to victory is to use them effectively as the situation warrants. [After the party's first few turns:] Tutorial: *HEXes with yellow, blue, red, or green borders possess earth, water, fire, or wind elemental properties, respectively. These special HEXes are called ley points, and three of these four elements will always be placed on the outer ring of the battlefield. Characters on a ley point can tap into the specific element with some of their commands. In Arnaud's case, his Original, 'Blast,' changes its functionality based on the ley point. [The party defeats Tony's Land Gear after awhile.] Acting Commander Tony: "How can that kid be so strong?! Is this truly...the power of...ARMs...?! Arnaud: "I can't believe it! The kid did it. He beat those soldiers!" [Jude holds his gun and can't let go.] Arnaud: "Hey...what's the matter? [A bright red light emits from Jude as he points his gun around.] Villager: "A Resistance Impulse? The ARM! He can't control it!" [A piece of Jude's Resistance Impulse flies up and hits the large generator in the center of town, damaging it irreparably.] Villager: "Is this really...the end of Ciel as we know it? [The girl in blue goes over to Jude and lays her hands on him.] Girl: "The power of yours isn't just for must try not to let it consume you." Jude: "Thank goodness. We got rid of those jerks, didn't we? Uh..." Girl: "It's Yulie, Yulie Ahtreide. And it's all because you kept your promise. Thank you...Jude." Villager: "The shield generator can't sustain its output! Ciel's going to fall into the sea!" [The soldier Tony was talking to before, Archibald, speaks up.] Archibald: "We'll cease all operations and withdraw. This man you see here, he's responsible for all of this... Though we can't ask for your forgiveness, I want you to know that we had hoped for a peaceful resolution..." Jude: "If you think I'm gonna just..." Ethelda: "Jude, listen to me, now is not the time. More importantly, we have to escape from here!" Jude: "But, Mom! They're the ones who attacked us!" Ethelda: "But what about your friends? You have to help them, right?" [At the urging of the townspeople, Arnaud, Yulie, and Jude head for the escape pods near Instructor Henri's facility. They hop into the nearest one, but Jude looks back.] Jude: "Aren't you all coming?" Woman: "We'll be escaping very soon, but there are some things we must do first. We'll leave as soon as we're done." [Ethelda runs over, out of breath.] Ethelda: "I've got all the documentation together. If only we had gone ahead and thrown it all away...things never would have happened to us." Woman: "That may be so..." Jude: "Mom!" Ethelda: "I guess it can't be helped. No none can remain a child forever... Your hidden abilities were awakened today. Whether or not you come to regret this must decide that for yourself." Jude: "But Mom..." Ethelda: "Hurry up and close the hatch. We'll be right behind you." [The three in the pod sit in the dark.] Arnaud: "Man, everything's gone crazy..." Yulie: "It's all my fault..." Jude: "No, those stupid soldiers are to blame, not you." Arnaud: "Hey, we've got more important things to worry about now. Like--will this escape pod really work? We're pretty high up, you know..." [Amidst the debris falling from the floating shelter of Ciel, the pod lands safely in the ocean below. Jude opens the hatch and takes his first look at the real world.] Jude: "Is this...the outside world...? Mom?! Anyone?! Helloooooooooo?!" /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 06. Forsaken Road | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [And this is where the real game begins. The opening video sequence plays now, and after its done, the party finds their pod has drifted on a beach. After a game of rock-paper-scissors, Arnaud walks off to search the area.] Yulie: "We may not know where we are, but at least the escape pod made it safely to shore... ... Are you...feeling okay?" Jude: "...Yeah. Actually, I'm feeling a little better than before..." Yulie: "I'm sorry..." Jude: "No, it's not your fault... It's my fault...for not being able to use that power properly... If you hadn't stopped me, things would've been much worse. Even I know that. So please, don't say you're sorry." Yulie: "..." Jude: "It sounded like Mom and the others knew about this power, but never told me about it... Yulie, this power of mine...and yours which calmed my ARM...What the heck are they...?" Yulie: "It's...well..." Jude: "Is that a question I shouldn't have asked?" Yulie: "No, it's not like that... It's just...once you know, you won't be able to turn back. I can't answer knowing that I'd be putting you in danger... I'm sorry..." Jude: "You're saying I'd be better off not knowing? I bet Mom and the others thought the same thing, which is why they didn't tell me anything... But that didn't help at all, did it? Not knowing or understanding anything is what led to me destroying everything... I honestly can't believe that I'd be better off not knowing..." Yulie: "Jude..." Jude: "I understand your fear, Yulie... Ciel Village and the forest made up my entire world... When I think about what's happening now, I get so scared that I can hardly breathe. But I know I can't just stay like this, so..." Yulie: "Jude, you don't know how cruel adults can be... I don't want you--no, I don't want anyone to be hurt because of me...not anymore! I'm sorry..." Jude: "You keep apologizing for everything... But you really don't have to feel bad about everything, you know. For one, you saved me. So I think it's okay for you to be proud of that. Besides... I'll protect you from now on if any adults try to do bad things to you. Remember I promised you that when we first met?" Yulie: "You would honor that promise? No, I can't allow you to get further involved in this than you already are..." Jude: "... I'm tell you the truth, I just wanted to use my power to protect something... And Yulie, you're acting as though everything's your fault, but it's not... I know I'm the one who destroyed Ciel. Because I used my power...but couldn't use it properly, the village and everyone in it..., I want to use my power to do good. If I can use it to protect you, I think I won't come to hate it. Is that a good enough reason to want to protect you?" Yulie: "Perhaps it's because you're a boy, but you're much stronger than I am..." Jude: "Mom warned me though. She said I can't remain a boy forever." (Mom...everyone...) [Arnaud comes back.] Arnaud: "Why do I have to be the one to go look around? Even if I did lose rock-paper-scissors, isn't this a task kids should do?" Jude: "Well if you don't like it, maybe next time you should try to win!" Yulie: "Did you find anything?" Arnaud: "Looks like ours is the only escape pod that made it here. I didn't see any others. Anyway, let's not worry about it right now. Trying to think on an empty stomach isn't very effective. My razor-sharp mind is build in such a way that it doesn't run on empty. Let's look for somewhere where we can eat and get some rest. We'll have plenty of time left to think about our situation afterwards." [The party's gone nary a few steps when everyone stops.] Arnaud: "Uh oh...looks like we're not alone. Don't tell me we're surrounded by monsters?!" Jude: "Monsters?! There are monsters on Filgaia? Do we have to fight...? With that power...? With that power that was awakened in me...?" Yulie: "I'll back you up with my Material, too. If I Material Drive the guardian programs..." Jude: "Guardian? Material? Uh...Yulie...?" Yulie: "..." Arnaud: "So that's why...Is that why they were after you? If you can help, please do! Right now, we really need your power...your Material!" [The battle starts.] Tutorial: *Actions during battle result in an increase of a power called 'Force' (FP). Use the Force Gauge located on the right side of the screen to monitor its accumulation. Each character has special moves or Force Commands used to unleash FP, and these commands require a set amount of FP. Yulie's Material is one such Force Command. When used on a ley point, it executes a magic attack based on the specific element of that ley point. When used on a HEX that is not a ley point, it heals allies in all HEXes on the battlefield. [When the party comes to a rickety bridge, another tutorial appears.] Tutorial: *A new ability, 'Accelerator,' has awakened within Jude. When the [R1] button is pressed, Jude's reaction speed increases dramatically and time slow down around him, relatively. When the Accelerator is in effect (the AC Graph at the top right corner of the screen displays the remaining effective time), you can see hidden gella. Use the Accelerator to get past traps and obtain hidden gella. [In a nearby treasure chest, Jude finds a book.] Tutorial: *The books you find as you progress through the game are not required items, but they contain techniques which can make your progress easier. [The party continues a little ways.] Jude: "This place looks like it's in pretty bad shape..." Yulie: "This isn't the only place that's suffering either." Arnaud: "This region isn't too badly off, comparatively speaking. The place where I grew up was much worse off. Not much point talking about that though..." Jude: "...?" [At the end of the path, everyone stops to look at an old sign.] Arnaud: "It looks like we'll hit a port town if we continue along this road." Yulie: "So, there still are places inhabited by people." Jude: "Let's check it out." /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 07. Port Rosalia | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [When Jude gets to the bustling town of Port Rosalia, he takes a look around and can identify the differences between Ciel and there immediately.] Jude: "Wow... Even from here, I can see the difference... It's a lot bigger and livelier than Ciel... Are all the towns in the outside world this big? And filled with this many people?!" Arnaud: "Well, not all towns's nothing to get excited over." Yulie: "A lively port town... We should be able to rest for a bit here." Arnaud: "Let's look for a place to eat and freshen up. I'm not the only one who's hungry, right?" Yulie: "Yes..." Jude: "Now that you mention it, I haven't eaten anything at all... I bet the food is better and comes in larger portions out here, huh?" Arnaud: "Kid... You're such a country bumpkin. Food's pretty much the same everywhere so let's just find a restaurant and grab some." [If Jude tries to go into the general store:] Tutorial: *The goods sold at shops fall into the following selections: weapons, armor, battle items, and field items. The selection will vary as the game progresses. [The nearest restaurant is the Seabreeze Port, which everyone quickly enters. They order their food, but when it comes, Jude and Yulie just look at it for the most part.] Yulie: "..." Jude: "..." Arnaud: "Hmm? Aren't you guys going to eat? You've only been picking at it." Jude: "Ah, um, yeah..." Arnaud: "I thought you were hungry?" Yulie: "Yes, we were but..." Jude: "The food isn't very good here...uh, I mean I think I've had enough to eat." Yulie: "Me too...I'm sorry..." Arnaud: "Doesn't taste good? Really? It's pretty much the same everywhere. We don't have a lot of money for this trip--so you better eat when you can, or you may regret it later." [A girl in the place comes over.] Lily: "My, you really seem to be enjoying the food, mister. I've never seen anyone eat our food with such gusto... If you like it that much, how about some seconds, 'on the house' of course." Arnaud: "What, are you serious...? You bet! I'll eat as much free food as you've got!" [At that moment, some soldiers burst in the door.] Jude: "Hey, those are the guys that attacked Ciel..." Arnaud: "Don't start any trouble here, Jude!" Jude: "I'm not happy about it, but...fine! I'll keep my face hidden. Will that make you happy?" Soldier: "Bring us some drinks! And make sure they're strong! And some snacks to go with 'em too. But you'd better bring us somethin' tastier than that junk the chef sent us last time--or else! Hey, we're fightin' on the front lines for your protection. Shouldn't you show us a little more gratitude, Missy?" Lily: "..." Soldier: "You don't know how to treat your customers, do you? Once you fill our orders, come over here and entertain us! After all, if we didn't patronize the place, that nasty food of yours would put you outta business in no time!" Jude: "Listen to what they're saying!" Arnaud: "Calm down! What do you think'll happen if we got involved?!" Jude: "We have to do something!" Arnaud: "It has nothing to do with us. Besides, it's not like we have the right to butt in." Jude: "You don't need a 'right' to help someone in trouble!" [At that moment, a girl at one of the tables slams her hands down and gets up.] Girl: "I won't insist that you eat quietly but...can't you behave in a manner that is befitting for you age? It's embarrassing for the rest of us to watch you behave like that in public." Soldier: "Oh, we got ourselves a tough girl, eh? Well then, why don't you serve us instead?" Girl: "You are beyond uncouth...disgusting." Soldier: "What did ya say?!" [In a flash, the girl's sword is pointed at the soldier's neck.] Girl: "I know a thing or two about swords, but unfortunately, 'charming' isn't in my repertoire. I'd be happy to give you a taste, but I may fall short of your expectations." [The soldiers grumble and leave.] Soldier: "Never mind. C'mon, let's go find another joint." Soldier 2: "Yeah, the food's bad, the waitress isn't worth looking at, and even the customers are lame. Better leave, or we might become like 'em. She'll learn her lesson, sooner or later." [When the soldiers are finally gone, Lily speaks up to the girl.] Lily: "Thank you. I don't know what I would have done without you." ????: "I know you can't choose your customers, but if you let those types do as they please, you'll only regret it later." Jude: "That was so cool...I wish I'd taken my sword training more seriously." Yulie: "It's hard to believe...there really are people like that..." Arnaud: " *ahem* And here is where I make my entrance." [Arnaud goes over to the girl's table.] Arnaud: "We intended to jump in, too, but you handled things so flawlessly, we didn't even get the chance. Would you care to join us at our table so that we might introduce ourselves?" ????: "You don't look very trustworthy. Are you with those guys that just left? If so, I won't hold back." Arnaud: "What are you saying?!" Jude: "No, we're not with them. We were just so impressed with you... That was really cool!" ????: "Oh uh, thanks..." Arnaud: "You mentioned you were traveling alone? With the way things are these days, I can't help but worry about a girl like you traveling all by yourself." Jude: "What are you talking about, Arnaud? How can someone as cool as that be in any kind of danger?" Arnaud: "Kid, what the heck do looking cool and being in danger have to do with each other? What I'm trying to say is--" Yulie: "I'm sorry we're making such a fuss...we didn't mean to intrude upon you." ????: "I don't think it's anything you need to apologize for. Besides, they say that 'friendship is a beautiful thing,' do they not? I think a little fuss among friends is just fine." Jude: "Do we look like we're friends?!" Arnaud: "Well I sure would rather be friends with you! Why don't you tell us your name...?" Narrative: Jude and the others introduced themselves to the swordswoman who called herself Raquel and told her about everything that had happened to them so far. Raquel: "An assault by soldiers, the awakening of a mysterious power, your mother and the rest of the villagers gone missing during the destruction of your home... ... I'd thought you looked like an unusual group, but I never expected you to have that kind of history. What do you intend to do now? Do you have an objective or a destination in mind?" Jude: "No...I don't know what to do. I have no idea where Mom or the others are, or what we should be doing next..." Raquel: "..." Yulie: "What's the purpose of your journey, Raquel?" Raquel: "My journey? It's nothing worth talking about... But if I had to choose something, I guess I'd call it sightseeing." Arnaud: "Sightseeing?! That's...almost surprisingly ordinary." Raquel: "Yeah, I feel the same way myself. I don't have any particular destination in mind. I'm just visiting any beautiful sights I hear about. I'm traveling in the hopes of finding something truly beautiful remaining in the world.I'm sure it must exist somewhere." Arnaud: "If that's the case, is there anything we can do to help?" Jude: "Help? If anything, we'll just end up getting in her way. What are you thinking, Arnaud?" Arnaud: "I'm thinking about our travel budget. No matter what we decide to do, we're going to need money. And earning money isn't easy, kid." Jude: " weren't trying to be nice, were you?" Arnaud: "I'm thinking we ought to set up an arrangement to make some money. It's not all that unusual for Drifters to do that." Jude: "A Drifter...?" Raquel: "Well things certainly perked up around here. If you're looking for work, I may be able to help you out. I came here to visit Culane Temple, some ruins on the outskirts of town, and I was just looking for someone to accompany me." Arnaud: "Done and done! I'm yours!" Raquel: "Hey, calm down. How about confirming the payment and conditions, first? I can't give you very much, so it's nothing to get excited about, but...let's see... If we make it to Culane and back to town in one piece, I'll pay you 1,000 gella. Does that work for you?" Arnaud: "You bet! You guys are okay with that, right?" Jude: "Like you'd listen even if we said no..." Arnaud: "It's a deal. Jude, Yulie, I'm counting on you." Jude: "Now you're putting us on the spot." Yulie: "...Are you sure it's okay, Raquel? Even without us, I don't think you'd really have any trouble..." Raquel: "It'll be nice having some company along. Traveling by yourself gets so lonely sometimes. And besides...friendship is a beautiful thing. And it's beauty that I seek. I think I'll enjoy our time together." Jude: "...Are we friends?" Yulie: "We haven't known each other very long..." Arnaud: "..." Raquel: "What is it?" Arnaud: "Ah, it's just, the reason you gave for your journey was awfully simple." Raquel: "Feel free to be suspicious, if you like. But it's a bit childish to expect everything to be extraordinary. ...not to mention rude to the person you're doubting." [Everyone leaves the restaurant together.] Tutorial: *Every time you level up you'll earn Growth Customization (GC) points. Use them to learn Original Commands, Personal Skills, and other special abilities that will aid in the adventure. Use the GC Graph system to Distribute GC points and customize your characters. Adjust your points upon leveling up or as best meets your needs. [On the world map:] Yulie: "Is this...a map of the area?" Raquel: "That's right. I'm planning to use this map to get to Culane Temple. What's wrong?" Yulie: "... No, it's nothing... Let's set out while there's still daylight." [Culane Temple's location opens up.] Tutorial: *This is a map showing a region of Filgaia, the stage upon which this adventure unfolds. Press the (X) button to enter towns and dungeons. Press the ([]) button to save the game or view badges. Press the (O) button to open the main menu. Hold down the (/\) button to speed up cursor movement. /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 08. Culane Temple | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party arrives at the temple's gate.] Jude: "This is...Culane Temple...?" Raquel: "That's right. This once was a holy place where people would make pilgrimages to. I've heard that there's a magnificent statue of a saint inside." Jude: "That statue is the reason why you came here, right? In that case, we'll all go together! *heh heh* I want to check out this statue, too." [The party heads into the temple and soon finds a glowing sphere-like object on the floor.] Tutorial: *When Jude approaches a photosphere, a tool that is key to completing that area will appear within the light. Touch the tool and press the (X) buton to pick it up. Press the ([]) button to activate any tools that Jude is carrying. Keep in mind that Jude cannot jump while he is carrying something. Press the (/\) button first to drop the tool. Jude can carry tools from one area to another. [Further in:] Jude: "Traveling around to see beautiful things must be fun, huh?" Raquel: "Well, it's not fun all the time... But it is fulfilling. I try to capture the things I see and feel, with my brush." Yulie: "You can paint, too?!" Jude: "Can I see?! Show us what you've painted so far!" Raquel: "Ah, um...maybe later..." Arnaud: "It sure sounds like you're hiding something. You know what they say: 'Heaven only grants but one blessing per person...'" Raquel: "You're really rude, you know that?" [In one of the chests Jude finds, he will get some Alter Parts.] Tutorial: *Parts necessary for the control of ARMs. By using Alter Parts, you can upgrade an ARM's ATP and ACN. [A little ways further in:] Jude: "Wow, not only are you great with your sword, but you can paint, too...You're really amazing, Raquel. Unlike me, you're so mature. Speaking of old are you, anyway?" Arnaud: " need to be a bit more careful when you ask a woman her age, you know." Raquel: "Oh, I don't mind. I just turned 19 recently. ... So it's been 19 years since I was born..." Arnaud: "You're a year older than me?!" Yulie: "I thought you were much older...I mean, there's nothing you can't do! And you're so calm and mature...Oh, I'm sorry." Raquel: "I get that occasionally, so it doesn't really bother me. I don't really feel like an adult myself, though.. ... Besides, I can never grow up..." Arnaud: "Man, being a woman must be tough. I mean, you gotta worry about concealing your age and all..." Raquel: "It's not that big of a deal, really. Besides, it's the same for men, too. I mean, what kind of a man would want to appear younger than he actually is? You look far younger than you do. Honestly, if you asked me, I'd say you could easily pass for a child." Arnaud: "What?!" Jude: "So, Arnaud's a kid, too? In that case, I'm not gonna let you treat me like a child anymore..." Arnaud: "What are you talking about? I am an adult!" [After awhile, the party runs into a large boss.] Jude: "That thing's like...solid metal!" Arnaud: "A frontal attack won't get us anywhere. Maybe if we focus our magic against its weak points?!" Yulie: "If we do that, we'll be in trouble when our MP runs out." Raquel: "My sword should be able to penetrate its defenses! We'll need a precision attack combining Arnaud's magic with my sword... Jude, Yulie, you two support us." Jude: "In other words, teamwork, right?! I'll do my best!" Tutorial: *Many enemies possess special attributes so it's important to identify and use attacks that are effective against these attributes. Pay attention to the hints you find, and be sure to make use of the 'Analyze' command." [The party tangles with the boss and overcomes it with some well-placed sword strikes.] Raquel: "A lot of the enemies you'll face will have special characteristics. Monsters like that one, with strong defensive abilities, are best handled by my sword." Arnaud: "On the other hand, my attack magic is effective against soft-bodied monsters which would easily absorb regular physical blows. And with your ranged attack, Jude..." Jude: "So I can attack opponents who are high above us, those that the others wouldn't be able to reach, right?" Yulie: "Since I'm a Paladienne, I can heal injuries. I can also support everyone with my magic." Raquel: "Compared to monsters, human beings are weak creatures. To triumph, we need to combine our limited power and use it intelligently." Arnaud: "Yeah, well, using his intellect isn't exactly Jude's forte. But that's okay. There's more than one way to win a battle. The key to victory is to choose the best card from your hand to deal with the enemy." Jude: "Hmmm... It sounds a little confusing, but I'll give this teamwork thing a try!" [The save point nearby lights up.] Tutorial: *Break Points in a darkened state (sol niger) can be purified by defeating the monster that is attuned to them or by disabling devices in the area. A purified, white Break Point has the ability to control battle encounters in its area. To toggle encounters on and off, press the [R2] button. [The party heads into one of the rooms past the save point.] Jude: "Back in town, you said something about being a 'Drifter?'" Arnaud: "Yeah. Simply put, I'm a jack-of-all-trades for hire... An adventurer who travels from one place to the next in search of jobs. I'm actually kinda famous as a Drifter, you know..." Jude: "So, what sort of things have you done?" Arnaud: "I've explored ruins, exterminated monsters...once, I even guarded a caravan... I've worked all sorts of jobs before but on the most recent one...I was hired to find a certain girl and take her into my protection. I did my job and managed to locate the girl who had gone into hiding, but the employer turned stingy on me... No matter how long I waited, I never got paid! On top of that, they kept secrets from me, too. In order for a job to be successful, a Drifter and his employer need to be able to trust each other, you know? Well they locked up the girl, saying they would 'protect' her, and took her to a floating shelter in the sky. And so I... ... What...?" Jude: "Hey, isn't that what you did to Yulie? Are 'Drifters' people who get paid to do bad things?" Arnaud: "No, it's not like that! I'm sorry about what happened! I mean, I was a victim, too!!" Jude: "..." Raquel: "There are some Drifters who do bad things. In fact, the majority may be that way. However...there are definitely some Drifters who use their skills to help others. Being a Drifter in and of itself isn't a good or bad thing, but there are good ones and bad ones." Jude: "... Are you a Drifter, too, Raquel?" Raquel: "I've lent my strength to others on occasion. And if I don't earn any money, I can't continue my journey. But... I've never taken a job I've regretted. I'd like to keep thinking of myself as a good Drifter." Arnaud: "Exactly! I feel the same way. I want to help people." Jude: "But no one in Ciel needed any special help. Why are there people in the outside world who are in so much trouble, that they need help from others?" Arnaud: "Oh, that's right...You don't know anything about it do you?" Yulie: "..." Jude: "About what?" Raquel: "... A little over 10 years ago, there was a catastrophe which destroyed the planet's environment along with the hearts of its people. The Filgaia you see now, is a direct result of it." [The party arrives finally at the statue they had sought out. Unfortunately, its head is blow clean off.] Yulie: "The statue's been broken...How awful..." Jude: "Who would do something like--" Raquel: "It wasn't a 'who,' but rather a 'what.' The war is responsible for this." Jude: "War? Now that you mention it, Mom did say something about that, back on that day..." Raquel: "The war ended about 10 years ago. It had enveloped the whole of Filgaia, and it seemed like it would go on forever. It destroyed so much... The planet's environment...the hearts of the people...The war destroyed many of the beautiful things in this world... Sadly, this was probably one of them too." Jude: "..." Raquel: "I wonder how many beautiful things remain in this world that I'll be able to see on my journey..." Tutorial: *Pressing the [L1] button causes '!' or '?' to appear before targets of itnerest to Jude. Press the (X) button while holding down the [L1] button to switch between targets. Holding down the [L1] button while locked-on a target will display information pertinent to Jude. [Jude inspects a flower patch by the side of the path.] Jude: "Raquel! There are still beautiful things here, after all! They haven't all disappeared from this world!" [Some gunfire scatters the flowers apart.] Raquel: "Gunfire?! Those soldiers we ran into earlier must have come to settle the score!" Arnaud: "Hey, that's...!" Acting Commander Tony (on probation): "I heard my men were made into total fools earlier. Hardly surprising, but I figured I outta go check things out, and it looks like it paid off!" Arnaud: "Jude! Don't just jump into the fray like that!" Jude: "You're stopping me again, Arnaud?! You want me to just lie down and take it this time, too?! These idiots...they shot the flowers to threaten us! They destroyed these tiny flowers, just for that!" Arnaud: "*argh* Why do I have to get dragged into this?!" Acting Commander Tony (on probation): "Heh, I can't stand you little brats. And this time, I'm gonna pummel you right into the ground! And I'll get credit for capturing you, too, little miss guinea pig..." [The party defeats Tony and his cohorts when they attack.] Acting Commander Tony (on probation): "Wha...?! Fall back, fall back! Retreat, dammit! This isn't the last you'll see of me, you punks!" [Tony flees.] Jude: "Who the heck are those guys?!" Raquel: "They're probably former soldiers. Smoldering violence, walking around in human form, with no place to go, now that the war is over." (Still, those weapons they were carrying, they may, in fact, be more than just a bunch of has-been soldiers...) [Jude holds up a remnant of the once-pretty flowers.] Jude: "They were such pretty flowers..." Raquel: "Are you always doing crazy things like that?" Jude: "No, not all the time. Last time, it was because they were trying to do bad things to Yulie and the people in Ciel... Today, it was because..." Raquel: "You risked yourself just for the sake of some flowers?" Arnaud: "In other words, he's just a kid." Raquel: "Maybe so. But I think it's something to be proud of." Jude: "I...I don't really understand..." Raquel: "It's not something you have to understand yourself. As long as the people around you know, that's enough. ... I'd like to thank you, Jude. For myself, and on behalf of this flower as well... Thanks. If I could have one wish, I'd ask that you never lose that wonderful heart of yours. I'd love to see what you're like when you're all grown up..." [A cutscene takes place, from the Garra de Leon's Onyx Room, wherever that may be. An old man in red stands before a man in a crisp white uniform.] High Minister Clifford: "Let's hear your report, Captain Lambda." Captain Lambda: "Yes, Sir. We have confirmed multiple ARM activation waveforms. We've also pinpointed the source coordinates with a high degree of certainty." Councilman Arlington: "A soldier out to gain a little glory for himself caused some delays earlier, but it sounds as though things will work out somehow." Councilman Buckingham: "Those in power are corrupted by it. As they wield power, they succumb to the pleasures of oppression and become incapable of making wise or constructive decisions. As we have always said, the military must be regulated by civilian representatives. That is to say, our consensus supersedes all." Lambda: "It is as you say. I take full responsibility for failing to properly manage the military. To atone for this shame, I shall deploy my personal elite force, Brionac. You can expect good tidings in the near future." Councilman Ashley: "Brionac, eh? The Special Forces unit which also goes by the name of 'The Piercing Lance'... The lethal dagger you keep close at you're going to send them into action." Councilman Lauderdale: "You graduated at the top of your class at the old academy. I expected innovative strategies from you. Why do you use such orthodox methods?" Lambda: "At the academy, I merely carried out the orders I was given...something even a dog could do. Besides, graduating at the top of the class is quite meaningless in this situation." Councilman Buckingham: " *chuckle* Even standing before us, he speaks his mind clearly. In that case, we'd like you to show us that you're more than just a dog." Councilman Lauderdale: "Allow us to ask...What will you do without any orders?" Councilman Ashley: "What conviction do you seek to carry out?" Lambda: "The only conviction that pierces my heart is to create a future for Filgaia. ... I shall return to Brionac Base at once and send the Lieutenants to secure Yulie Ahtreide!" High Minister Clifford: "Filgaia's future, is our future as well. Show us the future reflected in your eyes Captain Lambda Zellweger..." /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 09. Port Rosalia | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [After the Garra de Leon cutscene, the party's back in Port Rosalia.] Tutorial: *You can use the 'Meeting' command at the green Break Points found throughout the towns and villages. The meeting command allows Jude to converse with his companions, and the content of these conversations changes according to the events that have transpired. Checking them occasionally may provide hints to aid your progress. [Jude holds a meeting with his party at the Break Point in town.] Raquel: "I was thinking those has-been soldiers were after me, but it seems they wanted something else." Yulie: "... They want me...and the power I have to regulate ARMs..." Jude: "The power to...regulate ARMs...? When I lost control of my ARM in Ciel and your power embraced me... Was that the same power I have?" Yulie: "It looks similar, but it's completely different... I can interact with ARMs that are already 'there,' adjusting and controlling them somewhat, but I can't refine an ARM from its raw form. I don't have the kind of high-level driver compatibility that you do. They wanted me to have that power, but..." Jude: "...? Then, what exactly is my power...?" Yulie: "I don't know the truth, myself... ... Jude, when you were young, did you ever live in some sort of facility?" Jude: "A facility...? ... Nope...I think I've always lived in that village. That's the only place I remember..." Yulie: "I see..It seems we ARE different, just as I thought. When I was young, my power was given to me in that facility. I wasn't born with it... But you...that's not true for your power, is it?" Jude: "I have my power for a different reason than you? Then why am I able to use this ARM thing?" Yulie: "I can't answer that for certain, myself... But before we go on, let me tell you this one more time, Jude... If you get any more involved in this, you won't be able to turn back. You may have to keep running and running from the adults who want your power. Do you still want to know about it?" Jude: "... To be honest, I'm scared...But... But, I'm even more scared of never knowing anything. If learning things I don't want to know means broadening my horizons, then I want to get involved. I think somewhere in that bigger world is where I'll find Mom and the others from the village... Yulie...I want to know about myself." Yulie: "... All right... ... When we headed for Culane Temple, I looked at Raquel's map and could tell where we were. I think the area we're in isn't very far from the facility where I grew up. If you go may be able to learn something about yourself, Jude." Jude: "Yulie...I'd like you to take me there...And..." Arnaud: "Whoa, wait--don't tell me you're dragging me into this, too?!" Jude: "I'd like you to come, too. You were my first friend, and the one who rescued me and all." Raquel: "It sounds to me like you had some involvement in what happened. If you're truly an adult, as you claim, then why not show some sincerity?" Arnaud: "... All right, fine! Jeez, a guy can't catch a break..." Raquel: "Now that that's settled, Jude, aren't you going to invite me?" Jude: "But... Of course I want you to come, but... You have your own journey, right? So..." Raquel: "It's always been a journey with no set destination. I don't see any problem with looking for what I seek while I travel with you. ...No, I'm just making excuses. I like you, Jude, so I want to travel with you. Is that a good enough reason?" Jude: "Thanks! I'll help you with your journey, too." Arnaud: "Um...excuse me... I hate to interrupt just as it's getting all emotional, but let's at least go and get ourselves properly prepared before we leave." Raquel: "In that case, in addition to your payment, I'll entrust you with what I have on me. It should help us a bit in getting things for the trip." Jude: "It's teamwork with our wallets, too!" Tutorial: *Jude's companions strengthen their combat power by acquiring new weapons--by purchasing them at shops, for example. Jude, however, strengthens his own combat power by customizing the power of his ARM. You can perform ARM customizations only at Break Points and you will need Yulie's ARM control ability to do so. [As the party leaves Port Rosalia, a cutscene takes place--this time, it's at the Brionac Base. Lambda is walking with a blonde girl and a pensive-looking man.] Lambda: "It's been more than ten years since the end of the war. Some even claim that the post-war period has come to an end. But is it really over? Have the raging flames of war been extinguished? Can the people sleep peacefully through the night? For those who would seek the truth, allow me to clear the veil from your eyes! The war is NOT over!! The chaos which gave rise to the war continues! A growing anarchy threatens to blot out our future like a dark cloud! Yet piercing this darkness is a lance, a weapon of conviction! This lance is Brionac! And we shall herald the future!" [The three walking in the hallway of the base come into a room with people sitting around in simple chairs. Lambda takes his place at a desk.] Lambda: "It looks like all our elite peers are assembled." Woman in Blue: "Oh really? All of us? But what about Commander Kresnik and Jeremy? And besides--" Red Doll: "Silly Heath, he got himself killed a long time ago. So it's impossible for all of us to get together anymore." Green Doll: "Yes...poor Heath..." Confident Man: "These gatherings are always so amateur. You'd never think this was a group was elite soldiers." Man in Shades: "If only I'd gone out in a blaze of glory, I wouldn't have to suffer this ignominious fate..." Vampire?: "It's all right, don't worry, my dear. The only one who's eager to die is that grizzly old macho-man over there. After all, I am a Crimson Noble. I won't be dying that easily." Clingy Woman: "Scythe...if something were to...happen to you, I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably lose my mind..." Blonde Woman: "Oh my, get a room you two! Or maybe we ought to show them a thing or two, ourselves, hmm?" Pensive Man: "I too enjoy a good laugh every now and then, but perhaps now is not the time, Commander Farmel?" Lambda: "I have a special assignment for you all. This is a task pertaining to case #354. We need to recover the girl, the test subject. I've dispatched Jeremy to get a head start on this mission." Confident Man: "Well now we know why Jeremy's not here...but that still leaves two questions. For one, none of us are amateurs. Each member of Brionac is equivalent to an entire batallion. Sending Jeremy alone should suffice. Why then are the rest of Lambda: "The recovery of the girl is a top priority for our esteemed High Council. Though they didn't explain why the task is so important, failure is not an option." Scythe: "A group of tired old men chasing after an innocent little girl...Honestly, what is this world coming to?" Lambda: "And one more thing...we've confirmed the awakening of an ARM. According to the reports however, it doesn't appear that the girl was wielding it." Man in Shades: "ARMs, the legendary weapons of the noble war heroes! So...and ARM-wielding warrior has appeared?!" Confident Man: "Though I'm confident in Jeremy's abilities, the importance of this task makes it necessary for us to have backup plans." Pensive Man: "Very well. And I will be providing updates on the mission, as they arrive." Confident Man: "Alright, here's another question. We're supposed to bring in that girl, unharmed, isn't that correct? If that's the case, is Jeremy the best option? Considering his personality, I can't say he's an ideal candidate." Farmel: "He was assigned to this mission only because he happened to be on standby in this area. But there's no need for you to worry. We've already dispatched a gallant knight to watch over her." Green Doll: "The Pale Rider..." Red Doll: "That makes sense! Commander Kresnik's really nice to girls!" Woman in Blue: "I see. Commander Kresnik as Jeremy's chaperone? He certain fits the bill but those two don't... exactly...let's just say they don't get along so well. Pensive Man: "Indeed Lieutenant. I just hope that those two don't let their personal feelings get in the way of their mission. Otherwise as members of this elite unit, I'm afraid their punishment for misbehaving would entail much more than mere spanking..." Farmel: "It's just that, well your sense of humor is a bit different, you know." Pensive Man: "Well they say an occasional joke or two is essential for good relations. I wish you'd learn to appreciate my jokes. Lambda: "Augst's words of wisdom are going to have to wait. For now my peers, we'll need to focus our energies on the task at hand. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get to it." [The cutscene ends. On the world map, two red dots appear, the nearest one being that of the Celesti Ruins.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 10. Celesti Ruins | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The ruins are none other than a destroyed city.] Yulie: "Past this town, on top of a hill, there's a facility that used to house orphans. If we go there, we might be able to find out something... About you...and me...and perhaps something about what those adults are after..." Jude: "... This town's in bad shape, too...Is this also because of the war?" Arnaud: "Towns like this aren't rare, kid. The town I lived in was this way, too. That war destroyed everything..." Raquel: "..." Jude: "I want to know more about the war... I feel like I need to learn all about this Filgaia I never knew of. I want you to tell me all about it..." Arnaud: "... The war started a long time ago.. The flames of war spread quickly and soon engulfed all of Filgaia... The massive conflict was caused by two groups that split Filgaia in two. One of these was the Global Union, a group which consisted of national leaders from around the world. The other roup was known as the Congressional Knights, a conglomerate of citizens who opposed the Union's absolute rule. Dictatorship vs. parliamentarism... Although the two groups were in direct opposition to one another politically, they were basically fighting with the same purpose in mind... It was all 'For the future of Filgaia.' Firm in their beliefs, the two sides clashed violently, and soon the flames of war engulfed all of Filgaia..." Raquel: "As the fighting spread, the weapons that were used grew ever more powerful and brutal... Soon they were not only harming their enemies, but themselves as well..." Jude: "So, the scars left by that war can still be seen throughout Filgaia..." [In a chest somewhere, Jude can find some Duplicators.] Tutorial: *Duplicators open doors and treasure chests locked by magic. Each time a door or treasure chest is opened, one duplicator is used up. [In one of the houses is a Duplicator Chest containing a Dragon Fossil.] Tutorial: *The fossils of ancient creatures form which ARMs are made. By using Dragon Fossils, you can improve the capabilities of ARMs. [Sooner or later, Jude comes to a ladder.] Tutorial: *If Jude comes in contact with a ladder during a jump, he'll grab onto it. Use the directional buttons to climb up or down. [The party progresses through the town, and eventually comes in contact with an undead spirit of a boss.] Jude: "What is that thing?!" Arnaud: "Oh no! It's the souls of the earthbound dead. We'd better watch out!" Yulie: "I must set them free from their suffering. Please, you must help me!" [The party defeats the spirit.] Yulie: "Let us recite holy verses, and release these whispers of lament... I pray you will find peaceful rest...Focus on the warm feelings in your heart. Someday, you shal find the path to the garden of Toldoka..." [Spirits start to flie up and around Yulie before disappearing.] Jude: "...?!" Yulie: "... After I left the facility...I lived in an abbey for a while, along with my foster father. He regretted his role at the facility and instead chose a life of helping others... Thats where I learned those prayers. I wanted the power to protect people from suffering. focusing on prayer, I wanted to protect myself... I wanted to forget about my power over ARMs... ..." [The party comes to a street that passes in front of a large building.] Arnaud: "The Global Union and the Congressional Knights... Though they fought one another, they ended up hurting themselves. In the end everything was in ruins... The war raged on for 78 years. As time went by, it gradually became more and more of a quagmire. In the final stages of the war, both sides were exhausted and unable to continue fighting. The actual end of the war came about quite suddenly though. An internal coup d'etat caused the collapse of the Global Union. With their opponents gone the Congressional Knights emerged victorious, and this unprecedented world war effectively came to an end. The Congressional Knights had won a victory of sorts, but the path they chose to follow was not a bright one. These 'Knights' the people had elected were either chosen solely for their image, having had no political sense nor background whatsoever, or because they had promised concessions to the districts from which they hailed. Predicably, the post-war deliberations were a chaotic mess, and all attempts at reconstruction went nowhere. Feeling the limits of democratic rule, the leader of the Knights temporarily disbanded the council, and attempted to make a fresh start. However, he was assassinated and the world soon fell into chaos once again, exactly like it was during the war." Raquel: "The war was over... But order had not been restored, and little by little, Filgaia fell into anarchy." Yulie: "In order to protect themselves, the survivors organized into villages and towns. Despite the harsh challenges, they're trying to make the best of a terrible situation. But they've got their hands full just trying to stay alive...The odds of them being able to improve their lives are...well..." Arnaud: "The Congressional Knights disappeared amidst all the chaos and confusion. After all the violence that took place, the peace that arrived seemed like one of tired desperation. But that wasn't the sort of peace people had fought for during the war... With no strength and no on left to build the future, civilization slowly but surely began to regress... That's the kind of world Filgaia has become in the 10 years since the end of the war." Jude: "Isn't there anything anyone can do?" Raquel: "Everyone wants to do something about it. But in this world, sometimes there are things that you just can't do anything about... ... What would you do, faced with something like that, Jude?" Jude: "... I don't know... But... I don't like the idea of doing nothing just because I don't know what it is I that I should be doing... ... I really don't know what I should do, though..." Raquel: "Yeah...I feel the same way...and I'm not one to just mope around, either..." [The party continues for awhile.] Jude: "You said that the Global Union and the Congressional Knights were the ones fighting, right? ... There was one thing I didn't understand though. Which side was the bad one?" Arnaud: "Kid...that's not how war works..." Raquel: "Both sides had legitimate perspectives. That's what caused the war to drag on for so long. Besides, wars can't be categorized solely in terms of good and evil." Yulie: "But a lot of people suffered because of the war... Even if we can't say what's right and what's wrong, I still think it's safe to say that war's a sad thing..." Arnaud: "Well, you know how it is. People who throw around terms like 'good' and 'evil,' usually have a few screws loose anyway." Jude: "Seriously?!" Arnaud: "Remember that 'good' and 'evil' can easily be reversed, depending on the time, place, and interpretation. That's how vague and hard to pin down they are. Folks that were treated as brave soldiers and heroes during the war are now considered war criminals... Do you know what war criminals are? They're the people whose war-time actions have been judged as crimes. Although they were good at the time, the world later labeled them evil. Giancana, the 'Soldier Prince,' Granada, the 'Living Bomb'...they're all being held now on the prison island of Illsveil. And Hauser--the 'Black Reaper'--the hero of the Global Union, who has yet to be caught... At his trial, from which he was absent, his prison sentences added up to over 4000 years... Now do you see what I mean? To put it bluntly, 'good' and 'evil' are just labels, not truths. The only people who can use those words with a straight face are swindlers, egoists, and children." Jude: "Are you trying to treat me like a kid again? But...if what you're saying is true, that's kind of..." Raquel: "You can figure out for yourself what's true and what's not as we go along. Facts don't always match up. The conclusions you reach yourself will ultimately decide what's true for you." Jude: "Thanks, Raquel. Yeah...I'm going to think a lot...and try to find my own truth." [As the party passes through a courtyard with a giant statue, a blast of gunfire stops them in their tracks.] Arnaud: "Where'd that come from...?" Raquel: "There!" [On the top of a steeple off in the distance, a man with a long gun stands looking at the party.] Man: "Look, I know this mission was last minute and all, but I can't belive they sent ME after some little girl..." Jude: "What do you want with Yulie? Why can't you leave her alone! Why do we have to fight one another?! The war... The war is supposed to be over, isn't it?! So...why are you doing this?! Man: "The war over? What are you talking about? Is that what you think? That's the war's over? What'll it take to open your eyes? If I beat her within an inch of her life and tear the rest of you to shreds, will you finally understand?" [Jude's ARM forms in his hand, reflexively.] Man: "You say you want peace but what's that in your hand, huh? It's a weapon! And look at this city! It's dead! Just like the rest of this world destroyed by weapons!! [The man jumps off the steeple and pulls out his gun, blowing the statue to bits on the way down.] Man: "The war...ain't over. Everybody is just pretending... pretending not to see what's in front of their damn eyes! [The man (Jeremy) attacks the party.] Jeremy: "Come on, let's see you use it! The power that sparked and fueled a war... Show me the power of ARMs!" [The party defeats Jeremy with a little trouble.] Jeremy: "What...the...?! Think you're pretty good, huh?" [Jeremy raises his weapon to fire at the party, but midway through, he falls backwards, unconscious. His gun discharges and hits the steeple behind him, collapsing it on top of him.] Arnaud: "Those are the kinds of people after Yulie...? We were really lucky we managed to fight off someone like that. There's no way we'll be as lucky the next time that happens... ... ... ... ...H-hey, guys...Let's hurry up and get moving while we still have the chance!" [The party gets out of the Celesti Ruins while the gettin's good. A cutscene takes place a little while later at the scene of the collapsed building. Jeremy blows his way out of the rubble.] Jeremy: "You bunch of punks! I haven't lost, you hear me! That didn't beat me! Screw the mission! Like I give a damn whether the brat's unharmed or not!! I'm gonna rip her guts out!" [Jeremy starts his pursuit, but sees a man on a motorcycle, holding a music box in his hand (spin-off of A Few Dollars More?).] Man: "The mission objectives must be executed at all costs. No excuse or deviation will be tolerated." Jeremy: "Kresnik! What are you, my keeper or something? Man! What an annoying bastard!" Kresnik: "Listen, your assignment here entailed bringing in the girl unharmed. But if you allow your emotions to cloud your judgment, I'm going to have to report you in. And I'll be your judge, jury, and executioner, right here, right now, if necessary..." Jeremy: "Like I give a rat's ass about your rules. Stay outta my way, Kresnik. I don't need a wet rag like you cramping my style." [Jeremy runs off after Jude's team. On the world map, the route to the Great Stairway opens up.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 10. Great Stairway | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party arrives at the stairway which stretches over and across the hills. It looks like the ruins of the biggest castle wall ever.] Jude: "That guy...He referred to my ARM as the 'power that sparked and fueled a war'... Weapons such as ARMs are responsible for what happened to places like Ciel and that other town, aren't they...? Maybe my power really can't protect anything..." Yulie: "... My power, too, was born from war... Even now, adults are pursuing me in order to obtain it..." Jude: "When you said I wouldn't be able to turn back, this is what you meant, wasn't it?" Yulie: "..." Raquel: "Remember when I told you that there are both good and bad Drifters? And that I wanted to be a good Drifter?" Jude: "Yeah..." Raquel: "Well, it's the same for you. You just need to focus on using your power for good, that's all." Jude: "But I bet it's not as easy as it sounds, is it? I'll try my best, and though I don't know what I should do, I don't want to remain that way. I need to figure it out..." [The party continues into the next screen.] Arnaud: "I hope we won't be facing any more wackos like that guy we ran into earlier, or else..." Raquel: "Or else, what?" Arnaud: "'s know... From the start, I haven't been all that thrilled about this. I've been feeling like it's sure to get me mixed up in something bad..." Yulie: "... I'm sorry..." Arnaud: "..." Raquel: "If this is how you've learned to deal with life, I can't say I'm impressed. Stating your opinions after the fact and talking about how you were right all aong isn't going to convince anyone of anything... Although Jude's younger than you are, even he knows better than that." Arnaud: "Him? He's nothing more than a simple kid... I'm..." Raquel: "What...?" Arnaud: "... Sorry, I just got scared and freaked out a little. I'm sorry, Yulie..." Yulie: "It's okay, don't worry about it..." Raquel: "Fortunately for us, we're not old enough yet to be expected to shoulder every burden in silence. If you're scared, share that with us. Nobody's going to hold it against you." Jude: "She's right, Arnaud. We're friends and partners, right? When something's wrong, go ahead and say so. We'll always be ready to listen." Arnaud: "I know I'm in trouble when a kid has to tell me that... All right, Jude. When that time comes, I'll be counting on you." [The party soon comes upon a merchant standing on the path.] Tutorial: *You'll encounter these merchants during your journey. They deal in weapons, armor, and items. [The party continues on into the next screen.] Yulie: "The facility where I grew up really wasn't an orphanage... ... It's a place where they performed research experiments on orphaned children they had gathered there. In exchange for room and board, we were subjected to various experiments, day after day." Jude: "Yulie..." Yulie: "... I made lots of friends there...Friends who would suddenly disappear without a trace... Each and every night, we went to sleep dreading the arrival of another day." Arnaud: "..." Raquel: "..." Yulie: "Even after the war ended, that facility quietly continued with the experiments...and our suffering... ... The facility was closed three years ago, and the remaining children taken in by foster parents. All of us prayed constantly that we'd never again have to return to that white orphanage..." /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 11. White Orphanage | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party arrives inside the 'orphanage,' and, not surprisingly, find that it isn't a very kind looking place.] Raquel: "It looks more like a large-scale medical facility than an orphanage..." Arnaud: "Other than that, it doesn't look that unusual." Yulie: "... This is the block we lived in. Thinking back on it now, they probably wanted it to look like an orphanage from the outside..." Jude: "Then the clues about my power aren't here, but rather..." Yulie: "Yes, they'll be in the underground research facility... Inside that dark room... Even while they did all those things to us, the adults in the white coats kept saying... 'Our task is to evolve the form that life takes.'" Arnaud: "Evolve life?! By man's own hand? That's absurd..." Yulie: "But that's what they said..." [Jude continues on, finding a weird switch in a tunnel.] Tutorial: *Pressing the ([]) button in the middle of a jump causes Jude to drop quickly and stomp the ground beneath his feet. [Inside the room opened by the switch:] Jude: "I'm not really clear on what evolution is, but is it really that special?" Arnaud: "'Special' isn't quite it...Evolution isn't something people can just do when they feel like it. For example... Say we needed people with two or three feet long necks. What would we have to do to make those sorts of people?" Jude: "... What are you talking about? Is this some kind of riddle?" Arnaud: "No! Listen... In order to make people with two feet long necks, you'd put everyone in an environment where two feet long necks are necessary, then wait a really long time. Do that, and their necks'll probably get two feet long, eventually." Jude: "'Probably?' What if they don't?" Arnaud: "Who knows? Generally, living things that are unable to evolve, fail to adapt to their environment and die." Jude: "Die?!" Arnaud: "It's a story that's been repeated countless times throughout the history of Filgaia. Us humans, too, were born from such evolutionary processes which continue into the present... And--" Raquel: "...And research to accelerate these processes into the future may have taken place right here...That's what this means?" Arnaud: "... Artificial evolution...It's definitely a little hard to swallow..." [Arnaud goes over to a computer console.] Arnaud: "... And there we are. That should restore most of the facility's functionality." Jude: "You're amazing, Arnaud. I didn't know you were so good with machines and stuff." Arnaud: "Well what do you know..." Raquel: "What is it?" Arnaud: "Hmm... Oh, it's just that...It looks like this terminal gives me access to some interesting things." Jude: "Interesting things?" Raquel: "Leave this sort of thing to him. It's what he's good at." Jude: "Yeah, I guess that's teamwork, too." Arnaud: "... Allelic character, gene manipulation, ribosomes... oligogenes, polygenes...environmental adaptation...mutation... transition...nanotechnology...? ... Haha...What the hell... They really were working on accelerating evolution... It sounds ridiculous,'s just like Yulie said--it looks like this really was an artificial evolution research facility..." Raquel: "But how could they actually accomplish such a thing?" Yulie: "... Using viruses to alter genes...the acceleration of evolution with nanotechnology..." Arnaud: "That's tough for a regular human being like me to believe..." Jude: "Huh? What do you mean...?!?" Arnaud: "To put it simply...The evolutionary process I explained to you a few minutes ago is called 'natural selection.' It's a common theory that's been held for a long time." Jude: "Uh-huh." Arnaud: "With natural selection, environmental and other factors can lead to some selection, but actual examples of evolution are rare..." Jude: "Uh-huh." Arnaud: "Consequently, a large number of evolutionary hypotheses have been proposed. One of them is the theory of viral evolution." Jude: "Uh-huh." Arnaud: "... It's nice that you're paying attention, but you don't have to pretend to understand." Jude: "Oh." Arnaud: " must understand at least a little about your power... But since it's so extraordinary, you decided that rather than tell us yourself, it would be easier if we learned about it here. ...Am I right?" Yulie: "... Yes...I'm so sorry..." Raquel: "It's okay. This was your way of telling us about yourself, right?" Yulie: "Well...I don't know everything about it myself. But I can tell you what my foster father, who was originally a researcher here, told me after the facility was closed. ... I think it might give us some clues about Jude's power..." Jude: "My...power..." [In one of the hallways, a half-human monster kept in a large tube awakens and lunges out to fight the party.] Arnaud: "What the...? It's functional?! How can that be?" Jude: "Well I remember SOMEONE reactivating the facility!" Arnaud: "Now it's my fault?!" Raquel: "This isn't the time, you two! If you stand there arguing, it's going to get us!" [They defeat the monster.] Jude: "What the heck was that...?" Yulie: "... Here they manipulated genes, and sought to evolve life into new forms. The evolutionary mutant that attacked us just was an unnatural life form... It was created by twisting other pre-existing life forms into something new..." Arnaud: "Some form of previously existing life forms? You mean like animals and insects?" Raquel: " can't mean..." Jude: "..." Yulie: "... The facility took in quite a large number of children. Bitter medicines...the intense pain from immune rejection... the isolated operating table on which I had spent so much time... That's what my days were like. And as time passed, all my friends disappeared one by one. Now that the facility is closed, even the children that were left there are probably..." [Yulie has a flashback. She's crying and a man is comforting her.] ????: "Don't cry, Yulie... I'm leavnig so that I can better protect you, alright? So please stop crying, okay? And it's not just you...I'm going to protect the entire world... I'm going to assure a future in which everyone can live in peace. ... I have to go please don't cry. I'd like to hear you sing, like you always used to do... If you sing for me, I won't feel lonely, either. So, please Yulie..." [The flashback ends with the boy being led out of the room by soldiers. Jude wonders what's going on.] Jude: "...Yulie...? What's wrong? You're spacing out..." Yulie: "...I...I'm sorry...I was just remembering some things that happened a long time ago..." Jude: "..." [In the next room:] Yulie: "After much research, experiments using virus-sized microscopic machines to directly manipulate DNA began. It had finally come to testing artificial viral evolution... ... The inborn characteristics of each individual test subject probably affected the results... An extremely small number of cases were identified as successes. Those included my older brother...the 19 other children who remained...and me." Jude: "Your older brother...? What happened to you and your older brother after that...?" Yulie: "...Technically, the experiment was a success one was able to provide the results the adults were looking for... I was categorized as a B+...The other children were all categorized as F's or lower. In other words, despite everything they did to our bodies, those adults decided we were defective..." Jude: "Defective?! They treated you...You mean they treated people like objects?!" Yulie: "In this place...people, lives, they're all just test subjects. My brother was WG919F...I was WG920B+...Those ID codes were the only identities we had." [In the next room, there are a lot of crates stacked on one another.] Tutorial: *You can break wooden crates, regardless of their size, by sliding into them. [In the next room:] Jude: "...I don't understand. Was evolution so important to them, that they had to do those horrible things to you?!" Yulie: "..." Arnaud: "The evolution itself was just likely a means to an end... Their goal was to probably gain something from its success..." Raquel: "Do you know what that 'something' was, Yulie...?" Yulie: "...I...It's..." Voice: "If you don't want to say it, perhaps I should tell them for you?" [The voice belongs to Jeremy.] Jude: "You! You're that...! Did you follow us?!" Jeremy: "What, did you think you could get rid of me that easily? I'm a Lieutenant of the Brionac Forces. I can't just go back with my tail tucked between my legs, after losing to a bunch of kids." Jude: "The Brionac Forces...Is that what you people chasing after Yulie call yourselves? ... Were you also the ones who built this facility and did those terrible things to Yulie...?!" Jeremy: "No, stupid. Brionac doesn't do stuff like that. This is an artificial evolution lab which the Congressional Knights controlled during the war. They chose the path of evolution in their search for a way to mass-produce heroes. Basically, they wanted to create human weapons that could help them win the war." Jude: "Mass-produce heroes...? Weapons to win the war?!" Jeremy: "Surely you've heard of 'Hauser,' haven't you? He was the 'Black Reaper' of the Global Union... The goal of the research that took place here was to create artificial gene drivers or people with ARM compatibility. Their objective was to mass-produce heroes who were equal in power to Hauser himself!" Yulie: "So many tears and so much blood was shed in this place... And yet, after all that...not a single one of us ever displayed complete ARM compatibility! That's why these terrible experiments and the facility were closed down!" Jeremy: "Yeah...that may be so. But...There IS a gene driver right here. A human weapon..." Jude: "What?! Me...?" Jeremy: "This facility's databanks have no record of your existence. You're not a product of any experiments that took place here... In other words, you're a natural born gene driver!!" Jude: "That can't be... Are you saying...I was born with this power...? This power they couldn't obtain even by doing all those terrible things to Yulie and her brother? Are you saying that my power's...that it's the power to control ARMs?!" Jeremy: "Right you are. A heroic wunderkind who's got the power to control ARMs... *heh heh* Now this is getting interesting." Jude: "What's so funny?! There's nothing funny about it!" Jeremy: "Look, kid, I've got a job to do...I have to take this girl into custody. So tell me what you want to do. My orders said nothing about you--so if you want to run and hide, I'm not gonna come after you..." Arnaud: "...J...Jude, c'mon..." Jude: "My ARM is the very power they wanted for the war...This thing is the reason why Yulie was made to suffer! Yet despite that, I'm going to use this power to protect Yulie! I promised her I would!" [The battle with Jeremy starts.] Jeremy: "Hmph! I've been waiting for this moment. After all, I've got a score to settle with you and your ARM!" Jude: "You'd fight for such little reason? No wonder the war won't end!!" [Jeremy uses Inertia Cancel +1.] Tutorial: *Jeremy's special ability, 'Inertial Canceller,' not only allows him to cancel a reaction to an action, but also take another action on top of that. As such, Jeremy's actions are not determined by the battle turn order, so it is best to proceed with caution. [The party defeats Jeremy.] Jeremy: "What frickin' way..." Jude: "Now you better leave Yulie alone!" [Jeremy kneels in pain.] Jude: "Now I'm gonna..." [Jude runs to attack him.] Raquel: "...?! Jude, stop! Don't go rushing in!" Jeremy: "Gotcha! I was just bluffing." [Jeremy knocks Jude on his rear and points his massive chain gun at his face.] Jude: "Oh no!" Jeremy: "Don't get cocky, ya little brat! You may be an ARM user just like Hauser, but there's no way I'm gonna let some kid get the best of me!" [Yulie steps in front of the chain gun.] Jeremy: "My my...what noble and selfless spirit you have! *hmph* It only serves to annoy me! Little girl, betcha think I won't pull the trigger, huh? Jeez, this whole thing is such a pain... Screw this. I'm just gonna kill you all!" [The chain gun starts to spin, but Kresnik's motorcycle drops down from the glass roof and spins in front of Yulie. He also has a large gun drawn, and he's pointing it at Jeremy.] Jeremy: "...What do you think you're doing?" Yulie: "Huh?! It can't be...! But there's no other way I would mistake him for another. Why is my brother, Kresnik, here?" Jeremy: "Did you! it all makes sense. You volunteered to keep an eye on me, so that you could watch over your dear little sister from the shadows, huh? Are you betraying Brionac?! Huh, Kresnik??" Kresnik: "The only traitor here is you, Jeremy... Remember the highest priority of the mission is to secure the target-- Yulie Ahtreide--completely unharmed... Or had you forgotten?" Jeremy: "You're always so damned serious about everything..." Arnaud: "It looks like there's a lot goin' on here, but this is our chance! Run for it!" Raquel: "Run where?!" Arnaud: "Anywhere! As far away from here as possible. Sorry, Yulie, but your tearful reunion will have to wait!" [The party runs down a mesh walkway and leaves Kresnik and Jeremy to their standoff. A cutscene starts in the Brionac Base.] Augst: "We've received a transmission from the Eulalia. They've successfully secured the girl and are now enroute to Garra de Leon." Farmel: "Just as planned...that's our Augst." Augst: "No, it was the Captain's ability we have to thank. After all, 'Blue Destiny' allowed us to see into the future and know that the children would take this path in search for their roots. As Advisor, I merely analyzed the Captain's data and drew up what I thought was the best plan. I do not possess superhuman powers as you all do... So unimpressive as it may be, my only means to carry out assignments is to use the information I obtain to build up plans, piece by piece." Lambda: "Yes, Brinoac is a collection of people with superhuman abilities. That's exactly why we need someone like yourself. Without some normalcy to light our way, it would be difficult for us to remain standing on a battlefield filled with darkness." Farmel: "Oh just look at how much he needs you...I'm so jealous!" Lambda: "Now Augst...things are going to get busy." Augst: "The work of excavating the Divine Weapon is nearing completion. And once we assemble the keys to unlock its seal..." Lambda: "...the High Council's Future Conception Project can be put into motion. Light will shine once again upon this dying world." Farmel: "But will that project really bring light to Filgaia? You couldn't see into the future of the High Council members, right?" Lambda: "That is correct. However, even if I cannot see into their future, I believe that we work toward the same goals and proceed forward together. Just as you and I, though our thoughts may be different, are able to walk the same path." Farmel: "Yes...As for me, I don't care what kind of world it is, as long as you're there. I'll follow you anywhere, for the world you exist in, is where I want to be." Augst: "Commander Farmel, you're not trying to keep the Captain all to yourself, are you? We can't have any of that, you know. I hope you'll share him with me for at least a good portion of each day." Farmel: "Are you...serious...?!" Augst: "Of course not. I'm only joking. But please do not forget that the Captain is essential in the world to come." Farmel: "Your jokes are as difficult to fathom as ever..." Lambda: "Looks like I may need to clone myself in the near future, just to satisfy everyone around here. But first, we must complete our mission. Augst, continue to maintain communications with the Eulalia, will you?" Augst: "Yes, Sir. After all, the mission can't be considered to be complete until everyone has returned safely to base." Farmel: "You sound like you're talking about a field trip..." [The view changes back to Jude's team, who're locked out from being able to go back and see Kresnik.] Yulie: "I checked the door we came through,'s locked." Jude: "So doesn't that mean that guy can't come after us?" Arnaud: " *heh* Always looking on the bright side, aren't you, kid? It also means we're trapped in here." Jude: "Oh, yeah... Whoa! what the?!" [The ground starts to shake under everyone.] Raquel: "An earthquake?!" Arnaud: "No, it's... ... looks like we walked right into a moving trap..." [Out of the ground, the roof starts to retract, making it evident that this is hangar for an airship. Somewhere, the High Council is talking about the endeavor.] Councilman: "The future shall soon be ours! And Yulie Ahtreide, she is the key to bringing it about!" Councilman: "The means to shape the future...and to think we once opposed this line of thought!! It has been a long journey indeed, to reach this point." Councilman: "Some truths can only be seen from afar. The people are so ignorant, and their ignorance serves only to cloud the future of the world!" Councilman: "Then we shall burn all those clouds away! Democracy cannot illuminate the future, for only the chosen ones are able to do that!" High Minister Clifford: "We, who are the leaders of he future! We, who are worthy to govern that future! We have the wisdom! We have the power! There is but one thing we still lack... Yet with the shrouded sword, and the key to the seal, we shall overcome that as well. Oh Ye Fates, bring us the girl, the key to the future! Guide us as we raise the Divine Weap on from the depths of the earth!" [The cutscene ends and the view switches back to the Jude's team, who are not airborne on the airship.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 12. Aerial Fortress Eulalia | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ Raquel: "To think, we had to take Yulie away from her brother, right after they finally found one another... ... What is it, Arnaud? What are you up to? Are you thinking of a way for us to escape from here?" Arnaud: "Yes, of course I am but... ... Well it's really minor, but there's something that's bugging me. I feel like the facts aren't adding up, and it's making the truth difficult to see." Raquel: "The facts? And what truth...?" Arnaud: "That guy--Jeremy, wasn't it? He said that the facility where Yulie grew up was researching artificial evolution in order to mass-produce gene drivers with ARM compatibility." Raquel: "And that Jude wasn't a product of that research, but rather a natural born gene driver... Wait...?!" Arnaud: "...Exactly. Simply put...why are they after Yulie rather than Jude--who is a complete version of what they were trying to create?" Yulie: "... There's more than one type of genetic ARM compatibility... My ability doesn't allow me to control ARMs directly... But I can interact with ARMs that are already active, and adjust or control them. For example, my ability to perform Material Drives on the Guardian programs is an application of that ability." Arnaud: "How does that work?" Yulie: "I don't know the exact details, myself... Apparently, I can control natural phenomena via microscopic ARM devices which are distributed throughout the land and air..." Arnaud: "Localized weather control? No, it's got to be something more sinister than that...Perhaps some kind of meteorological weapon...? [Jude and Raquel just listen to Arnaud.] Jude: "Do you get what he's talking about?" Raquel: "I understand that we should definitely leave Arnaud in charge of the thinking from now on." Arnaud: "... Yulie's power...The Material Drives on the Guardian programs are certainly impressive, but... If power were their only concern, they'd be interested in Jude as well... It sounds like power isn't the only thing they're after... There may be a hidden truth lurking in between the facts...and the real reason why they're after Yulie..." Jude: "Who cares? Their motive doesn't matter. Even I know that much. Protecting Yulie is what's important." Raquel: "If we're going to do that, we'll need to escape from here. That means there's only one thing for us to do." Jude: "If we give up, it's all over." Arnaud: "You think you can solve everything by rushing headlong into action, don't you? Kids, I tell you..." [The party sets out. Eventually, Jude comes to a pole.] Tutorial: *If Jude comes in contact with a pipe during a jump, he'll grab on to it. Use the directional buttons to climb up or down. [The party continues until they come to a pathway over the open sky.] Jude: "Just when did we get airborne?!" Raquel: "A flying machine from the war...?! No, it's much larger than that!" Arnaud: "There must be a means to escape from here. Perhaps some sort of aircraft..." Yulie: "Arnaud, do you know how to operate one?!" Arnaud: "Although I've never actually held a flight stick myself, my father was a pilot during the war. I've heard him talk about the basics." Jude: "You rule, Arnaud!" Raquel: "...To think, we're going to be relying on some second-hand piloting skills... But it looks like we don't have any other choice. We're counting on you to manage somehow." Arnaud: "Believe me, my gumption surprises even me. But you can count on me and my abilities above the neck." [Later, Jude sees a pipe hanging horizontally.] Tutorial: *If Jude comes in contact with a pipe during a jump, he will grab on to it and hang from it. Press the left or right directional buttons to move while hanging. Press the (/\) button while hanging to climb on top of the pipe. Press the ([]) button to let go of the pipe and drop down. [On the way through, the party's attacked by a boss not unlike the one they fought in White Orphanage.] Yulie: "It's another evolutionary mutant..." Arnaud: "This one doesn't look like the other one. It must be fully functional." Raquel: "Looks like they're pulling out all the stops in their efforts to stop us." Jude: "What should we do?! We don't have that many options." Yulie: "We should keep moving forward...For our sake, as well as his." [The party defeats the evolutionary mutant.] Raquel: "Well, we've managed somehow, but...this place is huge. It's like a flying fortress..." Arnaud: "Something this's got to be an airborne battleship...Or perhaps a flying carrier...Which means there should be at least a few aircraft on board. Let's hurry up and find 'em!" Jude: "Yeah, and get the heck outta here!" [Soon, the party finds a giant box lying near a save point.] Tutorial: *These vending machines can be found hidden away in dungeons and perform the same function as shops. Who placed them there? How do they restock their items? Nobody knows. [Past the save point, the party finds some army members, who stick their gun barrels in their direction immediately.] Raquel: "We'd like to speak to the person in charge! We don't want any bloodshed. Release us, and there won't be any trouble!" Jude: "And stop chasing after Yulie!" Soldier: "No need to bother the Lieutenant with this! They may be aggressive, but they're only children! It's nothing we can't handle!" [The party defeats the last of the soldiers.] Soldier: "Damn...How can these so strong... ... We'll see how you fare against Lieutenant Scythe. He'll teach you a lesson. Lieutenant Scythe is a member of the elite Brionac Forces...and a legendary Crimson Noble. You'll need more... than a strong will...and beat him." [The soldier dies.] Arnaud: "A Crimson Noble...?! It's just one insane thing after another..." Jude: "'Crimson Noble'?" Yulie: "An old race, spoken of in legends and fairy tales. They look like regular people, but they're said to be far more powerful..." Raquel: "They supposedly drink blood, and their names are spoken with fear. They are the rulers of demons, the kings of the undead..." Jude: "Whoa..." Raquel: "To think that they really exist..." Jude: "If...if they really do exist, how are we supposed to fight them?" Arnaud: "That's an easy one...We run! If we start taking on every legendary monster we run across, there's no way we're going to survive!" [In the control room, Arnaud goes over to a flight device.] Jude: "I noticed this as the orphanage, but you're really good with these machines, Arnaud! It's pretty amazing how reliable everything above your neck is!" Raquel: "I won't disagree with you, but you really should choose your words more carefully, Jude. What you just said isn't necessarily a compliment." Arnaud: "It's all right...if there's one thing I'm happy about with myself, it's what I've got goin' on upstairs... ... I lost my mother during the war. Not such an unusual thing in itself, but I was even younger than Jude at the time. I just thought Mom had gone way up into the sky. I begged my father to teach me how to fly so that I could go up and see her someday... ... I admired my father...but because of that, I was also quick to lose respect for him... In the confusion after the war, my father was saddled with a debt he didn't even incur. He was always being hounded by the collectors, and seeing how powerless he was, I swore I'd never wind up like him. I wasn't good at physical activity, so I put my all into studying instead. I wanted an intellect that was as sharp as a razor. I wasn't going to let anyone deceive me. If it came down to 'trick or be tricked,' I was definitely going to be in the first camp..." Jude: "Arnaud..." Arnaud: "Anyway...why is it these stories about the past are always so boring...? All right, this should do it! The door to the deck should be open now. I've located the aircraft, too. Now let's get the heck out of here!" [As the party leaves to the deck, a cutscene at the Brionac Base occurs.] Lambda: "The scheduled communication is late... ...Can you open a channel to Scythe?" Augst: "Under these conditions, could it be that..." Lambda: "...Yes..." Farmel: "What's wrong? It's not like you to be so worried. Or is Scythe, the Crimson Noble, not up to handling this matter on his own?" Lambda: "No...I just wanted to tell him to be careful..." Augst: "The Brinoac Lieutenants possess superhuman combat abilities. You know that as well as any of us, Captain. And most of all, his opponents are mere children... The mere thought that Scythe could lose and wind up looking like a child himself is inconceivable, don't you think?" Lambda: "...It's precisely because his opponents are children that he needs to be careful..." [On the deck of the Eulalia, the party finds the aircraft. Scythe is also standing around, waiting for them.] Scythe: "My...that was fast. I knew if I kept an eye on the aircraft, you'd end up here." Jude: "You're a Crimson Noble?!" Scythe: "Mmm...such fresh, succulent children... You look so tasty and sweet..." Arnaud: "He...he really is a Crimson Noble! Run! There's no way we can take someone like him on!" Raquel: "We're completely surrounded by nothing but sky. Where do you intend on running to? Besides, the very reason we came here was to find the means of escaping, right? Time to face the facts, Arnaud! Our only means of escape lies on the other side of him!" Arnuad: "Why do I always wind up in situations like this? I swear, my life is like a broken record!" [Scythe attacks.] Scythe: "You're probably getting bored with this aerial adventure, aren't you? Well do I have a special treat in store for you. I'll give you a taste of my mastery over the fabric of space on the battlefield!" Jude: "'Fabric of space?' What are you talking about?!" Scythe: "That Lieutenant Scythe is none other than a Crimson Noble... and a master over space itself!" [Scythe's turn comes up.] Arnaud: "The amount of magic welling up in him is insane!" Jude: "You can tell?" Arnaud: "Magic's my specialty...I can't help but sense it. He's beyond inhuman...Maybe he is a Crimson Noble!" Jude: "Arnaud, it's all about teamwork. I'm sure if we combine our powers together--" Arnaud: "It doesn't matter how many of us there are! We're only human! We don't stand a change against him!" [The party defeats Scythe, but not before he uses Noble Madness and brings their HP to one.] Scythe: "My mastery over the fabric of space allows me to attack or defend at will on the battlefield. I've no patience for children who defy adults, nor for mere humans who are to challenge a Crimson Noble!" Jude: "Don't you dare touch Yulie..." Scythe: "I wouldn't dream of it. I'm well used to dealing with women, you know. I've no intention of causing her any harm..." Jude: "... Scythe: "But you children are another story entirely. You've caused a lot of trouble on my ship, and I've no choice but to make you pay for your actions. ... about a little illegal dumping from the sky...?" Arnaud: "W-whoa, wait! You're a Crimson Noble, aren't you? You should just lock us up somewhere! You don't want to kill us! That way, you can feed off us, whenever you like! Mmm, doesn't that sound yummy?!" Scythe: "Mmm...I'm afraid I must decline your offer. If I let you live, there's a chance it might cause problems for Brionac later. Belial is the only one I need to supply me with blood...She satisfies me quite well. Speaking of which... I wonder where she is? I've drained my power, and could use a litlte pick me up..." [Cutscene time. Arnaud runs away, shaking, and hides behind a panel.] Scythe: "My my...where do you plan to go now. Don't you know there's no where to escape on this ship... [Jude stands in front of Scythe as he walks to Arnaud.] Scythe: "Oh...? Don't tell me you're defending that coward?" Jude: "No..." Scythe: "Then what are you doing, standing in front of me with that battered and bloody body of yours?" Jude: "No! Arnaud's not a coward!" Scythe: "Well if he's not a poster child for cowardice, what is he? Not only did he surrender immediately just to save his own hide...but he was ready to betray you all at the drop of a hat!" Jude: "No! How many times do I have to say it?! Arnaud isn't a coward. Arnaud... Arnaud's our friend! And friends look out for each other!" [Arnaud, who was hiding, rises up and pushes some buttons the panel behind him.] Jude: "Arnaud?!" [An airship on the carrier's engines fire up and jets right towards Scythe and Jude.] Scythe: "What in the world...?!" Arnaud: "Juuuuuuuuuuuude!!!" [Jude uses his Accelerator and gets out of the way.] Scythe: "Maximum power!" [Scythe tries to warp out but finds he can't do anything except look at all the airplanes tumbling towards him now.] Scythe: "What the hell am I supposed to--" [All the airplanes blow up on Scythe, killing him.] Jude: "Arnaud! Arnaud, you saved us!! Thank you so much!" Arnaud: "Uh...yeah..." Jude: " can we escape now? Maybe there are others. Let's go look!" [Arnaud just looks at his shivering hand. Raquel puts her hand in his.] Raquel: "Will it help if...if I hold your hand?" Arnaud: "I'm sorry...I'm such a coward. My intellect is the only thing I've got going for me." Raquel: "That may be so. But your intellect alone didnt' save was also your heart." Arnaud: "I don't know if you'll believe me, but I've always wanted to become a better person..and more...more of a man. Hey...your hands! They're really cold..." [Raquel looks around nervously, but any further questions about her hands are interrupted as the woman who hangs around Scythe (Belial) furiously floats in the air.] Belial: "Who...has done such a thing? You! You're the ones that did this? You're the ones...who murdered Scythe, didn't yoooooou?!" [Belial opens a gigantic space-time field and starts sucking the party in, as well as the debris from the airship...and the airship itself. Cut to the Brionac Base.] Augst: "All communications with the Eulalia have been cut off... We can't even determine its present coordinates. What should we do?" Farmel: "I can't believe this could happen to Scythe, the Crimson Noble..." Lambda: "Ah yes, I've been meaning to speak about that... Scythe isn't really a Crimson Noble. He just believed he was." Farmel: "What?! How can you drop a bomb like that and still maintain a straight face?!" Augst: "Scythe is a hematophiliac. He felt a constant urge to drink blood...and eventually began to believe that he was a Crimson Noble." Farmel: "Now that I think about it, in the old fairy tales, Crimson Nobles never could walk outside in broad daylight. But if he's not a Crimson Noble, is he able to control the fabric of space...?" Lambda: "The source of Scythe's power is the woman he keeps at his side, Belial. Unlike Scythe, she really isn't human." Augst: "By sipping Belial's blood, Scythe temporarily gains the power to affect the fabric of space. Conversely, Belial's power is far more powerful than that of Scythe. If Scythe's ability is to 'control' space, then Belial's power could be described as absolute mastery over it..." Farmel: "...That's not one of your jokes, is it?" Augst: "This hardly seems to be the proper time for jokes..." Farmel: "...How unbelievable...Oh well, I guess it really doesn't matter at this point." Augst: "Was my explanation satisfactory?" Farmel: "Well they do say women are monsters, don't they? I guess it isn't too hard to convince myself that it's entirely possible." Lambda: "The problem is that despite the attendance of two powerful members, the progress of the mission has been jeopardized. Have the unknown factors introduced a force so strong that it can alter the future I saw? If so, we must deal with it immediately. Augst, I want you to continue investigating the situation onboard the Eulalia." August: "Understood." Lambda: "Farmel, arrange a train to escort the heretic engineers to Garra de Leon. Also, call a meeting of the Brionac Lieutenants." Farmel: "I've already arranged for the Silver Star Expres so go on ahead and enjoy your private trip, traversing the abandoned tracks. ... But...when you say 'assemble the Lieutenants,' do you mean...Well, are you saying to assemble ALL of them?" Lambda: "Hmm, all of them, eh... ... No, I don't think it's necessary to play our trump card just yet..." Farmel: "Understood. I'll see that the summons reaches all Lieutenants under my command by the time Kresnik returns." /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 13. Wunderweltraum | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party appears in a weird subspace, with floating airship parts all around. Belial floats in front of them.] Belial: "You bastards...You're going to pay for taking my dear Scythe from me... I'll take my sweet time killing you, and I'll make sure you suffer every agonizing moment of it... Otherwise, Scythe will surely never be able to rest in peace. I've created a subspace from which you can NEVER escape. Now, let your struggles begin..." [Belial leaves and the party continues.] Yulie: "Look!" [Part of the broken Eulalia disappears out of thin air.] Raquel: "Part of the subspace disappeared? It seems she's trying to tell us that she cannot only create but destroy this space at will. And it doesn't look like she intends for us to get out of here either..." Jude: "What should we do...?" Arnaud: "If she's the one who made this place, then the only thing we can do is go and find her. If she made it, then she should know how to undo it, too. Man, why did we have to get caught up in this..." [The party continues on a bit.] Arnaud: "Wow, it looks as if a war took place here... No, it's a graveyard for weapons..." Raquel: "... The wounds brought about by the war still remain, even though the war itself has ended...Just like with me..." Yulie: "...Huh...?" Raquel: "Ah, it's nothing...just being sentimental. Right now, we've got more important things to worry about..." [Five monsters attack the party.] Jude: "Go ahead! I'll take you on!" [They defeat the monsters.] Raquel: "By interacting with the subspace, she's able to track us down, no matter where we run. This entire world is her creation... She may have the same ability as that other guy, but she's clearly more powerful." Arnaud: "...You may be right. Nevertheless, that's exactly why we just might have a chance..." Jude: "What are you thinking, Arnaud?" Arnaud: "'s just a hunch but... ... The next time we face her, I want everyone to hit her with everything we've got. Fight like there's no tomorrow, alright? With enough effort, I think we might have a shot at breaking out of this subspace!" [In the seventh area, they find Belial.] Belial: "Welcome to the farthest reaches of my world. Here, you shall meet your end." Jude: "I don't think so! I'm gonna protect everyone... That's the purpose of having this power." Belial: "...Protect? How amusing... Tell me, then, what I should do? Since I was unable to protect my dear Scythe?" Jude: "Huh?!" Belial: "You, who protect those you care about, and I, who failed to do so... Show me the difference between your fight and mine!" [The battle with Belial starts.] Jude: "No...our fight...and your fight...They AREN'T the same..." Belial: "How amusing...Pray tell me then, how do they differ? There is no difference when you take up arms and kill your enemies, is there?" [The party defeats Belial.] Belial: "This isn't...possible! How can mere humans? Spineless, weak, and mortal that they are? And by some snot-nosed kids, no less. How is this possible...? How can I lose to mere humans? What have you done?" Arnaud: "We haven't done a thing. It was all you..." Belial: "...?!" Arnaud: "That other guy who could also control space said, "I've drained my power, and could use a little pick me up.' So seeking revenge and creating this subspace to prevent our escape, is what did you in. Interacting with space consumes an inordinate amount of energy in a short period of time, right? In your case, you didn't just cause minor local alterations, you created an entire alternate universe! And you're that much weaker because of it!" Raquel: "So that's what you meant when you said 'With enough effort, I think we might have a shot at breaking out of this subspace!'" Arnaud: "Just my razor-sharp mind at work..." Belial: "...Foolish humans...think you've won, do you? But you won't escape from here... I'll destroy this subspace...After all, it takes an inordinate amount of energy just to maintain it! You'll be crushed by the collapse of this space! These are the furthest reaches... There'll be no escape from death!" [Belial warps out.] Arnaud: "Listen up, guys! She said this is the deepest part of the subspace, right? If we look at it the other way around, then the farthest place from here, is right where we first came in--" Yulie: "...the entrance to our world?!" Arnaud: "At least it MAY be the place we're looking for... But there's only one way to find out if I'm right or wrong...and for that, we need to run like hell!" [The party runs back to the entrace as the subspace deteriorates around everyone. Raquel stumbles on the last leg, however.] Jude: "Raquel?!" Arnaud: "What are you doing?!" Raquel: "...I'm not good at's go on... Your life has more value than mine." Arnaud: "Don't you dare talk like that! All you need to do is stand up, and follow me!" [Arnaud takes her hand they run across a propeller, just making it back to the start of the world.] Raquel: "Thanks...I owe you one... ... I'm all can let go now..." Arnaud: "I'm not used to doing that sort of thing... I'm...still shaking... ... Just a little bit longer...won't you help me stop the shaking?" [Belial warps in.] Belial: "...I've had enough of you! Now, draw your weapons...let's settle this once and for all. I'll put an end to everything!" [The last battle with Belial starts.] Belial: "When will you recognize that there is no difference between your fight and mine... The strong will crush the weak... from time immemorial, this has been and continues to be the universal rule." Jude: "You're wrong! ... You people attacked my village...and hurt those that I care for...and now, you won't leave Yulie alone... But I... I'm not fighting for vengeance! ... I'm fighting so that the strong won't prey on the weak...and to prevent that from ever happening again! It isn't easy...taking up this ARM... After all, it's a weapon which takes lives away so easily. It's a power born of war! And it's not something to be used lightly, the way you people do!" [Belial racks up another loss on her record.] Belial: *gasp* "...How...amusing...You spout off about the gravity of ARMs...Then you ought to know the weight of your words. Over the ages, I bore witness...As humans waged countless wars, from one generation to the next...Power used to take, not save lives. ...Yet you children, you who inherit the earth and wield this power, you espouse different ideals? How ironic...if such a thing were possible...then Scythe and I...if only we..." [Belial dies, fading away. The entire world starts to be shaken up.] Yulie: "It's if a powerful force is pulling at it. Jude "What's happening...Arnaud?!" Arnaud: "Hey, I don't always have the answers! Why don't you try thinking for yourself?" Raquel: "You think this is way out, don't you, Arnaud? Then we'll just have to trust your instincts!" [A cutscene takes place in the Brionac Base.] Augst: "There has been no communications from the Eulalia at all. It appears that they were unable to complete their mission." Farmel: "It's almost too much to believe. I never would have thought a Brionac Lieutenant could lose." Lambda: "Nevertheless, we must face reality. We have failed the assignment we had sworn to complete and betrayed the expectations of the High Council. Isn't that right? Commander Kresnik...and Lieutenant Jeremy?" Jeremy: "It was a bad thing...and I shouldn't have underestimated them just because they were kids! I won't screw it up next time. I'll secure Yulie Ahtreide, unharmed. The task will be my top priority, over all else. So, Captain--" Farmel: "The only thing less appealing than an unsightly man, is one who doesn't know when to quit." Jeremy: "But Farmel... ... This has to be a joke...and a bad one at that. *laughter* Isn't that right? Augst, this is one of your jokes, right? Say something will ya? Otherwise, I..." Augst: "I do enjoy jokes, but I don't count tolerating failure among my hobbies. After all, it's necessary to acknowledge one's faults." Jeremy: "If that's how it's going to be..." Farmel: "My, what menace he exudes...He looks like he's about to burst. Surely you aren't thinking about doing anything silly? I'd really advise you against it. After all, I am the fortress that guards Brionac's ideals..." Kresnik: "And I am the lance that enforces Brionac's ideals. Know that any misbehavior will need to answer to us." Augst: "Violation of service regulations and second-degree insubordination...You've earned yourself a transfer to a new post, Jeremy. Why don't you cool your heels for a while over at Illsveil Prison island." Jeremy: "Don't forget, Kresnik...I know all about your..." [Some guards come up behind Jeremy.] Lambda: "Jeremy...I do not like your ferocity. We can use your ferocity to force into motion that which has stagnated. When the time comes, let us fight together once again. For you, too, are one of Lambda's Elite...a member of Brionac." Jeremy: "Enlisted soldiers...? You're sending THESE guys to escort me?! Hey! Don't you DARE touch me! I can make it to Illsveil by my damn self!! And I'll make it back that way, too!!" [Jeremy exits.] Lambda: "We appreciate your hard work, Kresnik. Continue to watch over your sister carefully." Kresnik: "If it is for the sake of this world's future..." Augst: "Just before the Eulalia was lost, we observed a spatial distortion reaction...most likely caused by Belial. Let's start our trace near the dimensional nexus stones she established. If anyone is able to return, that is where they are most likely to appear." Farmel: "Who do you intend to send in pursuit?" Augst: "If we are to ensure our success, it would be inadvisable to send the Lieutenants one at a time. To guarantee the completion of the mission, we must concentrate our forces while preparing for all possible contingencies." Lambda: "I'll leave the administration of our forces in this matter to you, Augst. I'd like you to formulate a foolproof plan." Augst: "Yes, Sir. I shall not fail to meet your expectations." Lambda: "Now then, what would you like to do, Kresnik? Will you remain on standby until Augst's plan is ready?" Kresnik: "No...I..." Lambda: "I'll let you decide what's best for you while on standby... You may do as you please." Kresnik: "Understood. I'll be on standby for the time being. As soon as my orders are ready, I'll join in on the operation." Farmel: "You're so considerate, Lambda. But aren't you being a bit lenient? Especially with regard to Jeremy's punishment..." Lambda: "It's only natural that I treat my valuable subordinates well." Farmel: "Jeremy and Kresnik are the valuable ones?" Lambda: "Of course they aren't alone. What matters is the future of this world, and I would sacrifice anything for that." Farmel: "I can't tell if you're really cruel or really kind. Of course, that's what I like about you...It's just, well, following you takes its toll." Lambda: "I do hope you'll continue to follow me, Farmel." Farmel: "Yes, yes...I'll follow you anywhere." [The Base cutscene ends and a mini-flashback happens to someone in Jude's party.] Raquel: Birds..chirping... Just like... that day... Like...death incarnate..." [Jude's voice calling her name wakes her up.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 14. Sea of Trees | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [As the face of a man in black comes closer, it changes into Jude's face. Raquel wakes up in a forest, with the party standing over her.] Raquel: "We made it back...alive..." Arnaud: "You know, I appreciate your trust in me at the crucial moment, but you sure took your sweet time waking up." Raquel: "...Sorry... I don't recognize this place...It looks like we've ended up in some forest I've never seen before." Arnaud: "Yeah, it would be best to keep moving, but..." Yulie: "You don't look well, Raquel. You should rest a bit more." Raquel: "I'm fine. I'll be back to normal once I get back on my feet. If we're going to rest, let's wait until we find a town where we can actually relax." [The party continues until they get to a save point.] Arnaud: "Well...why don't we take a break." Raquel: "We just barely started walking out of the forest. Don't tell me you're tired already...?" Yulie: "He's being considerate of you, Raquel." Raquel: "Oh for crying out loud... I told you that I was fine. But if you keep fussing over me, THAT is going to wear me out." Jude: "Yeah, well, I'm hungry! How about some lunch?" Raquel: "..." Arnaud: "The truth is, I really am beat. Come on, let's rest a bit." Yulie: "I'll make us something to eat." Jude: "Really? You can cook, Yulie?" Yulie: "It's nothing special, just a simple dish." Arnaud: "In that case, Jude and I will take a look around and we'll leave the cooking to you." Raquel: "First he says he's tired, then he says he's going to take a look around. I don't understand him." Yulie: "We'd better have something ready by the time they return." Raquel: "Hmm...I don't understand why you should like you're enjoying this too." [Later on...] Raquel: " is it?" Yulie: "..." Raquel: "...Too good for words?" Yulie: "Raquel...uh...How did you go about flavoring this dish?" Raquel: "Flavoring it? Well, in swordplay terms, I guess you could say I 'read the wind.' In other words, follow the flow, align the blad, show no hesitation...and strike with full power!" Yulie: "I think the 'show no hesitation' and 'strike with full power' is probably where you went wrong..." Raquel: "Oh...I'm just no good at this sort of thing, am I? I hope our rations weren't wasted?" Yulie: "No, I discovered a side of you I never knew about before, so I don't think it was a waste. And I should be able to adjust the flavor, so it'll be fine." Raquel: "I learned something new about you too, Yulie. So you enjoy cooking, do you?" Yulie: "It's a lot of fun to have people enjoy the dishes that you've prepared. I'd be happy to teach you, if you'd like." Raquel: "I'd be greatly obliged. I'd like to learn to be a little more ladylike... Ah, and look who's back..." Jude: "Man, I'm starving" Yulie: "Welcome back every-" Jude: "What's wrong" Raquel: "What did you drag back with you?" Jude: "What are you...talking about?" [From behind Jude and Arnaud, a man rises and yells.] Jude: "It's a bear!!" Man: "Uh...I'm not a bear." Jude: "A monstrous bear-man-thing, then." Man: "Oh man...Bears, bears... What's with the bears, kid? Do I look like some kind of bear to ya? I'm just a starvin' man in search of some grub. Whatcha got there? Sure smells tasty!" Arnaud: "By the way you're acting, you sure seem to be a bear to me." Man: "I haven't eaten in five days. For the love of all that's holy, please, give me some food. Hey what's in the pot? Looks delicious!" [Yulie steps in front of the man's advance to the food.] Yulie: "No!" Raquel: "What's the matter wih you, Yulie?" Yulie: "NO! You can't have any! We haven't adjusted the flavor yet!" It isn't fit to be eaten!" Man: "C'mon, don't be so stingy! I'm frickin' starvin' here! I don't care! It doesn't matter what it tastes like! Yulie: "Yes it does! And if you don't care, I don't want you eating it!" [The man rumbles with power.] Man: "I can't take it any moooore!!! [The man starts devouring the contents of the pot.] Jude: "Whoa... He's sucking it up like a vacuum cleaner... ... But I've never seen you so stubborn, Yulie. You wouldn't even let him taste it until it was done." Yulie: "That's because...I mean, it's...! I'm sorry..." Arnaud: "Think you can wolf it down any faster? Sheesh..." [The man (Gawn) looks up.] Gawn: "Hmm? Oh that's 'cause I came across some guy passed out at the edge of the forest, and I need some energy in order to rescue him." Raquel: "Then how can you sit here eating?! Go rescue him already!" Gawn: "Well, y'know, if I'm gonna rescue him, I'll need enough energy for the both of us..." Arnaud & Raquel: "You've already eaten enough for an entire army!" Jude: "Anyway, we'd better go along on the rescue! We were looking for a way out of the forest anyway, so let's go together!" [They go to the edge of the forest and find a man lying face-down.] Gawn: "That's the guy who's been waitin' for our help. As you can see, he really needs it. By the way, uh...the guy who left him here...was me..." Raquel: "So if anything had happened to him it would be entirely your fault!" Jude: "It's Raymond! He's the guy that was always exercising on his balcony back in Ciel!" Gawn: "You know him?!" Jude: "We're from the same village..." Gawn: "I found him a little whil ago, driftin' out at sea. I had no trouble getting him out of the water, but I got lost as I was carryin' him around and got hungry, then a giant bearcat attacked us. It was just one thing after another..." Jude: "Thank goodness I wasn't the only one that made it... That means the others might be okay, too..." Gawn: "...Uh, sounds like there's more to this than meets the eye." Raquel: "You could say that...It's kind of a long story." Jude: "Thanks for rescuing him mister! Thank you so much!" Gawn: "Oh, uh...yeah...Don't mention it." Arnaud: "It'll make for a better story if we forget about the part where you left him for dead while you went to chow down." Gawn: "Gee, thanks...Yeah, do me a favor and forget about that part, will 'ya?" Yulie: "That sign indicates that there's an old town nearby. We should be able to get treatment for him there..." Raquel: "So he carried this man for several days, all by himself, huh...That's pretty impressive. Guess I'll have to reconsider my opinion of him." Jude: "Lend me a hand until we get to the town, guys. I want to help Raymond!" [On the world map, the town of Guara Bobelo appears in the north.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 15. Guara Bobelo | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party walks into the shady city.] Yulie: "Did we get lost? Didn't the sign say this was supposed to be a town build up around a church?" Jude: "Boy, this sure looks like a really fun town!" Arnaud: "Do you even understand what kind of place this is, kid? But it really does look like a fun sort of place..." Gawn: "Yeah, I betcha we could have some real fun here." Raquel: "I don't know what you two have got in mind, but we've got things we need to take care of, right? This town is pretty sordid, but there should be at least one medical clinic of sorts. Let's get moving." [The party explores. If they talk to the Gamer Geek in Area 1:] Tutorial: *By collecting ROMs scattered throughout Filgaia, you can attempt additional stages of the legendary action game, 'Extra Challenge.' (Each ROM adds one additional stage.) [The party finds a medical center near the arena.] David: "Doc, we've got a patient! Could you take a look at him, please?" Rogue Doctor Black: "Whoa, he's still alive...I'd rather you bring 'em in after they're done for, ya know...Oh, well...Lie down over there." [The doctor fixes Raymond up.] Raymond: "Sorry for the trouble but thanks for saving me, Jude. I'm so glad to see that you're safe too." Jude: "Yeah..." Rogue Doctor Black: "Although at first glance he looked pretty bad, thanks to the expert first aid he received, he isn't too badly off. Still, he's got a couple broken bones so we'll need to keep him in bed for awhile." Raquel: "We'll be waiting outside, Jude. I'm sure you two have plenty to talk about." [The party waits outside.] Jude: "What happened to Mom and everyone else from Ciel?" Raymond: "I was the last one to get into the escape pods, so I'm sure they all made it out okay. But, after that...well, I hope everyone's all right..." Jude: "...Don't worry...I'm sure they all landed somewhere." Raymond: " *heh* I never imagined our little troublemaker Jude would be trying to cheer me up... But the funny thing is that just seeing you makes me feel like things really are going to be okay. Yeah...I'm sure you're right. They probably are just fine." Jude: " *heh heh* " Raymond: "...Jude...about Ciel..." Jude: "Yeah... ... It was a little rushed, but...I learned a lot of things. And to think, I lived there all that time without knowing anything..." Raymond: "I see... So what are you going to do now? Are you going to search for the others?" Jude: "...I've got some things I want to do, and there's a bunch of things I want to know more about. I feel like Mom and the others are waiting for me to accomplish those things too..." Raymond: "You mean, like...staying by that girl's side?" Jude: "Yeah. Yulie warned me that I wouldn't be able to turn back if I got involved. But as long as time moves forward, then no matter how you choose to live your life, you can never really turn back. So, I..I want to do things...And right now, I want to protect Yulie." Raymond: " seem to have grown a bit." Jude: "What?! Really? I don't think so...? ... Now you're embarrassing me...I'm gonna go now but I'll visit you again soon." Raymond: (Being in the outside world sure has changed him...) [Jude goes outside to his party.] Jude: "Sorry to keep you guys waiting." Raquel: "Are you done already?" Jude: "Yeah. Hmm...? Where's Gawn? I wanted to thank him." Yulie: "He said he was going to do his own thing." Arnaud: "He's off to the pubs. Must be nice, not having to worry about babysitting a kid." Jude: "What are you talking about, Arnaud? It's not as if YOU'RE an adult." [Jude goes to the pub to visit Gawn.] Jude: "Oh, there you are. I wanted to thank you earlier, but you already left." Gawn: "Yeah, I wanted some time to wander around by myself. Anyway, what's up? You here to collect? Need more money to pay for his treatment?" Jude: "I said I wanted to say thank you, didn't I? So...thanks! If you hadn't saved him, Raymond might have suffered more than just those injuries." Gawn: "Aww, don't thank me for that. It was just a coincidence I happened to run into him." Arnaud: "By the way, Gawn...what's your profession?" Gawn: "Isn't it obvious? I'm a traveler." Jude: "No, it's not obvious. That's why he's asking." Raquel: "You don't really look like you're dressed or properly equipped for traveling." Gawn: "Well despite that, I am traveling... I don't have a destination, but I do have an objective. My journey doesn't end here though. I've still got to wander around some more." Arnaud: "Oh, so you're like Raquel, then." Gawn: "Speaking of which, what the heck are you all doing anyway?" Jude: "We're traveling, too...We want to go somewhere far away from here. Somewhere so quiet and far away that no one'll ever come after us..." Yulie: "..." Gawn: "...So you wanna go 'far away?' You're the ones with a strange for traveling... I dunno where you're headed, but have you thought about takin' a train? A train'll get you far away from here in no time at all." Jude: "A train?" Arnaud: "It's like an iron car that runs on iron roads. It transports people and cargo at high speeds using powerful machinery." Jude: "Oh! If we can use that...!" Gawn: "I thin there's a station in a town called Buckeye, which is a long, long way from here... And there you'll find tracks that head in all sorts of different places. It's perfect for a journey with no set destination. Well, then...I'd better get back to my journey, too." Jude: "Gawn, you don't have a set destination either, right? If it won't interfere with your objective, would you like to travel together with us?" Gawn: "...That doesn't sound half bad, but...My journey is...well, it's also my job." Jude: "Oh..." Gawn: "I tell ya, bein' an adult's no fun at all. After a while, instead of working to live, you're living to work." (The bill from the clinic, plus what I owe here... Damn, I've spent more than I thought...) "Aww...I was thinking it'd be fun to travel together, even if it's just until our paths split... Actually, uh...I wouldn't mind travelin' with you at least part of the way..." Jude: "Really?!" Arnaud: "That sudden change in your expression... You're scheming something, aren't you, mister?" Gawn: " *chuckle* Just a little give and take, ya know? Besides, we gotta maintain the bonds between us, right? I mean, I could never forget Miss Yulie's home cooking..." Yulie: "...Er...thank you..." Raquel: " *sigh* He's like an adult version of Arnaud." Arnaud: "I'd never become an adult like him! And besides, I'm already an adult!" Jude: " *laughter* It's good to have you along, Gawn!" Gawn: "You bet! But two things you ought to know... One: my wallet's empty. Two: I'm no good at fightin'. So you'll be all on your own for those things." [As the party leaves town, a cutscene takes place in the Silver Star Express's VIP Guest room. Jude's mom and Lambda are there.] Lambda: "Are the refreshments not to your liking? ... You are an important guest, Ethelda. We have no reason to cause you any harm." Ethelda: "Where do you plan on taking us on this train?" Lambda: "Are you not enjoying your time on the Silver Star Express? After all, you've faced so many hardships. Your secret shelter was destroyed...then you were forced to drift at sea in an escape pod...I thought I'd invite you to our main base at Garra de Leon where we can talk more comfortably, and so I arranged this train especially for you." Ethelda: "We cast aside our research and destroyed the results. I don't see how we can be of any use to you at this point." Lambda: "...I'm afraid I really do need your help. What must I say to convince you?" Ethelda: "I've already told you, there's nothing we can do to help you with your little fantasy. The 'Divine Weapon' was nothing more than propaganda dreamed up by the Global Union. It doesn't exist." Lambda: "Brionac is an organization well versed in the acquisition and control of information. For us, discovering the truth behind a rumor is a trivial matter." Ethelda: "..." Lambda: "Illsveil, the permanently neutral territory... Primarily used for holding Class A war criminals, this prison island keeps the ugliness of the war hidden from the eyes of the public... The perfect place to conceal something far too powerful for humans to handle." Ethelda: "Don't tell me you've occupied an autonomous and neutral territory... You know it's too powerful for humans to use, yet you still seek to use it? Why is it that you military types never have any common sense? You probably believe that as long as you use it carefully, even a weapon can be used to build the future, right?" Lambda: "It's not for me to decide how the Divine Weapon should be used. That will be up to the representatives chosen by the people. The Divine Weapon wil not be controlled by the military, but by a consensus of all the people of this world." Ethelda: "I sense the spirit of the Congressional Knights hovering over your shoulder." Lambda: "The path to the future won't be opened by weapons, and certainly not by gods. The ones to build and support this planet's future must be the people themselves." [On the world map, Buckeye Station appears far, far, to the northeast, and the local destination becomes Calucion Pass.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 16. Calucion Pass | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party enters the snowy mountain pass.] Jude: "You're traveling because of your job, right Gawn? What kind of a job is it?" Gawn: "To put it simply, I'm lookin' for someone. My job is to find a certain individual who vanished during the war." Arnaud: "So that's what you meant by a journey with an objective, but no destination." Raquel: "Searching for someone with no set destination is no differently from wandering around aimlessly. Can you really call that a job?" Gawn: " *chuckle* You got me there." Yulie: "This person who it a friend or family member of yours?" Gawn: "This search started out as just another job a friend of mine hired me for...But somewhere along the way, it went beyond just another job, and I started wanting to meet this guy and talk to him myself. He's neither friend nor family, but for me, we're bound by a bond stronger than blood. ... We met once on the battlefield...which is the worst possible way to meet someone, if you ask me. We met...and we parted ways several times. We hardly spoke at all, but I still felt a close bond with him... Back then, he was known by a different nae than the one people use now... ... The guy I'm searching a war criminal." [In the next screen:] Jude: "Gawn, the guy you're looking said he's a war criminal. Did he do something bad?" Gawn: "... 'Bad?' Now that's a good question... ... Well let me ask you something, then. How would you define 'bad?'" Jude: "Huh...?! trouble for people...Or the war that took place 10 years ago...Stuff like that..." Gawn: "...The war...Yeah...A lotta blood, and a lotta tears... Pointless tragedies were repeated over and over again, all around the world. But, then again...was every single aspect of the war 'bad?'" Jude: "..." Gawn: "War itself is stupid and pointless. It's a tragedy that should never be repeated. But does that mean that all the soldiers who fought on the battlefield were 'bad' as well? ... There were those who stepped forward and took up arms to fight for the families they loved--fathers, mothers, wives, and children. And there were those who stepped forward and became shields to protect their friends and lovers, those they were grateful to, their homelands..." Yulie: "..." Arnaud: "..." Raquel: "..." Gawn: "The man I'm pursuing is known as a war criminal. But me? I don't think he's all that bad of a guy." Jude: "How would YOU define 'bad,' Gawn?" Gawn: "...It's when you fail to live up to the beliefs in your heart, your own moral code. Those who fail to folow their own beliefs should be ashamed to call themselves adults... ... That guy always lived and fought for what he believed in...There was nothin' he needed to be ashamed about... He was by far the coolest person I've ever known." [In the third screen:] Arnaud: "I get what you mean about 'bad' being related to looking shameful and pathetic... But what's 'good,' then? Does it have something to do with looking cool?" Gawn: "...Who knows? But that's what I believe in. And believing is a part of being 'good.'" Arnaud: "Huh?" Gawn: "When you're lost in the darkness and feel like you're about to slip down the easy path, stop what you're doing and face your beliefs. Being good means never betraying those beliefs, no matter what the circumstances." Arnaud: "But...they say there's no such thing as 'good' and 'evil'... Tossing those words around like that sounds pathetic--like you're trying to make yourself look good." Gawn: " *laughter* Yeah... I thought the same thing when I was your age. I guess everybody probably does, huh? And they probably think that they're cool for thinking that way." Arnaud: "..." Gawn: "What to think is up to you...but 'good' really does exist. It's in your heart. It's okay to believe in it, and it's not a mistake to do so either." Arnaud: "R...really...?" Gawn: "For example... Say you saw someone dive into the water, with no regard for his own life, to save a drowning child. Wouldn't you say that was something good? Or is putting your own life in danger to rescue another, just an act of foolishness and nothing more?" Arnaud: "..." Raquel: "Although good and evil are hard to see and feel, that doesn't mean they don't exist. And though it may be hard to discern, I think the concept is a beautiful and precious thing." Gawn: "It's important to ask questions about good and evil. That's how children expand their worldview and find their way along the path to adulthood. But if you just stop there, you'll always be a child. You can't grow up without first confronting your beliefs about what's right and what's not. And you gotta be responsible for what you believe in. See, growin' old doesn't automatically make you an adult. It just makes you old..." Arnaud: "..." Jude: "I worry about that sometimes...whether what I thought was right at the time was really right or not. Sometimes, I'd really worry that maybe there was no such thing as right or wrong. But after what you just said, I think I feel a little better. I don't want things to just end with me being scared and unable to do anything." Gawn: "Well, it's not like I'm a paragon of adulthood that I should be lecturing other people about it, either." [The party finally arrives at the exit.] Jude: "...I wish all adults were as understanding and easy to talk to as you, Gawn..." Gawn: "Hmm? Sounds like you're a regular kid after all. Come on, you can tell me what's on your mind. A little adult wisdom'll give you a big boost in growin' up." Jude: "Okay...about our journey... ... We're on the run from some soldiers. I think they call themselves 'Brionac.'" Gawn: "--BRIONAC?!" Arnaud: "You don't have to yell..." Raquel: "You've heard of Brionac?" Gawn: "Ah, um...yeah, kind of...It sounds like you're in some serious trouble." Jude: "Yeah...they're after Yulie. You don't like Brionac either, huh?" Gawn: "I'm not sure 'like' is the right term for it. Let's just say they're a never-ending source of trouble for me, and leave it at that." Jude: "What's wrong, Gawn? Why are you looking back?" Gawn: "Ah, it's just...I'd rather not run into them... I just wanted to make sure they hadn't caught up with us... ... Look, I hate to wimp out on ya, but I think I better split." Arnaud: "After everything you said, the moment you learn that we're up against soldiers, you run away?!" Gawn: "I've got my own problems, too. C'mon, you understand, right...? Besides, it's not like I'm turnin' against you or anything. I'll always be on your side. And if you get in any kind of real trouble with Brionac, I promise I'll come and help you out." Arnaud: "You're making that awfully hard to believe..." Gawn: "What if I told you I want to protect the young lady who made that tasty meal? Is that more believable? In any case, I don't want you to go thinking all adults are your enemies." Jude: "...Gawn...we'll meet again, right?" Gawn: "...Yeah, of course." Jude: "Then--" Gawn: "No need to say goodbye, and we don't need to shake hands, either. Instead, at times like this-- This'll do for sayin' goodbye! And this'll do for shakin' hands!" [Gawn and Jude lock elbows.] Jude: "Gawn!" Gawn: "Yeah!" [Gawn leaves.] Raquel: "Just as suddenly as he appeared, he's gone... He's loud, he's obnoxious, and he--" Yulie: "He's a fun person, isn't he?" Arnaud: "It sounds like he doesn't think things through very much. That's why he's always running around like that." [On the world map, the route to the Platapana Passage opens.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 17. Platapana Passage | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party enters the lava pits and fiery atmosphere of the Passage.] Jude: "Do we really have to go through here to get to the train station...?" Raquel: "According to the map, the path is blocked by several mountains and valleys. In order to reach our destination quickly, we'll have to take a roundabout route." Yulie: "...?!" Jude; "What's wrong, Yulie?!" Yulie: "There's...something...and it's coming this way..." Arnaud: "Oh, no...Don't tell me those Brionac people have already caught up with us...?" Raquel: "No...this one is coming from...underground!" [The party's attacked by a giant one-eyed lava fish.] Jude: "Whoa! It's huge!" Arnaud: "A monster up ahead...and Brionac to the rear... What are we supposed to do now?" [The party defeats the Graboid (homage to Tremors?) and heads into a room with giant flames.] Tutorial: *When Jude triggers an explosion or trap, he'll be knocked back. Although he won't suffer any HP damage, his ACG will be depleted. [The party continues onto a stairwell, and they spy Kresnik at the bottom, waiting.] Jude: "Isn't that Yulie'!" [They go down there.] Yulie: "Kresnik..." Kresnik: "Come with me, Yulie...Filgaia's future needs you." Jude: "You're Yulie's brother, right? Then why are you doing things that frighten her?" Kresnik: "I'm grateful for you taking care of my sister this far. But I can't answer your question. This is strictly between siblings." Jude: "Just because you're her big brother doesn't give you the right to be mean to her!" Kresnik: "...Yulie, do you remember the promise I made to you, way back when? I told you I'd protect you, right? And even now, I haven't forgotten that vow. I want to protect the future of this world, in order to protect you..." Yulie: "...Okay, I understand..." Jude: "You're going with him, Yulie?!" Yulie: "...But...just tell me one thing, Kresnik... ... Do you want me to come with you? Or is it someone else's idea...?" Kresnik: "... Of course, it's...what well..." Jude: "If you really believe that you're protecting Yulie, you ought to be able to answer her question with confidence! Otherwise, she's just gonna get scared!" [Jude takes out his ARM in the shape of a sword.] Kresnik: "If you think you can gain everything without a single sacrifice...It's only illusion only children can fool themselves with. [Kresnik takes out a giant ARM.] Arnaud: "He assembled an ARM from the nanomachines? He can do that?" Raquel: "Anoher...gene driver?!" Yulie: "Kresnik, you're using an ARM?! But, how?! At the orphanage, neither you nor one there was able to assemble an ARM from raw materials... None ever reached that category, and yet now, you have...?!" Kresnik: "Even if it's only an illusion...I swear I'll keep the promise I made on that day...Even if I have to lose everything!" Jude: "I made a promise, too...that I'd protect Yulie! And I'm not gonna let anyone lose anything, anymore!" [Kresnik and Jude start to fight.] Kresnik: "A nature born gene driver?! Yet, is that the extent of your ARM's power?!" Jude: "Power isn't everything! My will to protect Yulie gives me strength!" Kresnik: "Will alone won't suffice to protect her! Even the strongest convictions can sometimes be overcome with power." Jude: "How can you believe that, if you're concerned for her safety?" [Jude defeats Kresnik in battle.] Kresnik: " *gasp* *groan* " Jude: "Wha...what's wrong with him?" Kresnik: "...Ah...argh..." Yulie: "A Resistance Impulse?! No, it's different... His mind and body are rejecting the ARM... He's the ARM?" [Kresnik pushes her away and drops a bunch of pills, which he tries to scoop up again.] Yulie: "You're using drugs to...?! Kresnik, stop it! That'll only..." Kresnik: "...Without them, a Category F like me couldn't even use a prototype ARM...I couldn't even obtain the power I need to protect my own sister!" [Kresnik stands and stretches his hand out.] Kresnik: "Please, come with me...Yulie...I have something I want to give you as well... So please..." Yulie: "...I...I'm sorry I can't go with you... If you really needed me, I'm sure you would have taken my hand. But instead, you... ... I can't go with you...I don't want to go with you..." [At the top of the stair, good ol' Tony and some soldier lackeys are watching the entire scene.] Recon Unit Leader Tony: "I finally found you! To think, you'd be hiding in a hole like this!" Arnaud: "Him again?! He just doesn't know when to quit, does he?" Raquel: "Then we'll just have to take him down!" Arnaud: "If we do that, the main pursuit force is sure to catch up with us! My razor-sharp mind tells me that in times like these, discretion is the better part of valor!" Jude: "Yulie, we have to run!" [Jude's party escapes with the soldiers on his heal. Tony walks over to Kresnik.] Recon Unit Leader Tony: "Well, if it isn't Brionac's Commander Kresnik! We're the special recon team assembled by the Congressional Knights. I'm Corporal Tony, the one in charge of the unit! *ha ha ha* Now that we've gotten this close, there's no need for recon! I'm gonna capture that girl and prove myself once and for all! There's no need for you to trouble yourself with trivial matters like this, Sir! Just leave everything to us!" [Tony salutes and runs off, leaving Kresnik to stand and think about his actions against his sister. After progression through some puzzles, the soldiers come upon the runaways.] Arnaud: "Whoa! Did they somehow get ahead of us while we were busy dealing with the switches?!" [The soldiers attack.] Raquel: "So what do we do in situations when your razor-sharp intellect can't help us?" Arnaud: "Why I let you handle it, of course!" [The party steamrolls the soldiers and continues on to the exit. Yulie lags behind.] Jude: "Yulie, are you worried about Kresnik?" Yulie: "..." Jude: "I understand how you feel, but... Right now, I'm gonna keep pulling you along!" [A cutscene at the Brionac Base takes place. The green doll and the Red Doll are moping around. The Red Doll speaks first.] Fiore: "With Scythe and Belial both gone, it's gotten so lonely." Asia: "And Jeremy was taken to he may never come back. And our master, Heath, was purged a long time ago..." Fiore: "Brionac was once called Lambda's Elite, but now its reputation has been ruined." Asia: "Now, Brionac only has eight members." Fiore: "Wait...are you sure you're counting correctly?" Asia: "Of course I am." Fiore: "But Brionac's other name is 'Lambda's Elite.' And since 'Lambda' means '11' in some ancient language, the name means the 'Elite 11.'" Asia: "Really?" Fiore: "Belial and the two of us aren't regular members so we don't count. That leaves..." Asia: "Captain Lambda..The two Commanders, Kresnik and Farmel... Advisor Augst...And the remaining Lieutenants, Hugo, Balgaine, and Enil. Oh, I guess you're right. There are only seven left... Why is there one missing?" Fiore: "I wonder if there really is an 11th member..." Asia: "Was there someone like that...?" Fiore: "The rumor I heard is that the 11th member is a trump card, unbeknownst even to the others. I wonder if it's true?" [The cutscene ends and the icy mountain location of Neve d'Argento opens up in the north.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 18. Neve d'Argento | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party stops to look at a dazzling light display in the hills.] Arnaud: " *Huff* *huff* *huff* We made it this far...Did we lose them...?" Jude: "...What a mysterious looking night sky..." Raquel: "Yes... It's called an aurora." Jude: "I wish we could spend more time enjoying it. It's really pretty..." Yulie: "...I'm sorry..." Arnaud: "Don't worry about it. After all, it was my idea to run." [In the second screen:] Yulie: "...But even if we're able to run away from Brionac, does that really solve anything? By running away, I'm putting you all in danger..." Jude: "What's wrong with running? I think that's the best thing we can do right now." Raquel: "Yes. If it still bothers you, think of it this way... You're not running away, you're hurrying toward your destination. We're headed for Buckeye Station which is further up this road." Yulie: "...I'm sorry...You're doing this all for my sake..." [In the last screen:] Jude: "Snow is cold and it hurts...but it also sparkles like silver. It's really pretty." Raquel: "Yeah. It can be harsh on people, but it also has a cold, solemn beauty. Not all the beautiful things in this world are warm or gentle." Jude: "What made you decide to go on a journey to see the remaining beauty of Filgaia, Raquel?" Arnaud: "Yeah, I'd like to know, too. How can you go on a journey that won't make you any money?" Raquel: "... My hometown was a cold, industrial place--as far away from beautiful as you can get. My final memories of it were roaring noise, waves of heat, shattered ground, and--...All my eyes could see was a world of ugliness. I left my hometown, and since then I've been seeking out whatever beauty I could find. I keep hoping that if I come across beauty in my travels, it'll help wash away those ugly memories..." Arnaud: "..." [As the party leaves Neve d'Argento, a cutscene on the Silver Star Express' VIP Guest room takes place again.] Lambda: "We've received word from the excavation team. The first stage of excavating the Divine Weapon beneath Illsveil is complete. The research team will begin analyzing it in order to get it operational. We would very much appreciate your assistance." Ethelda: "It wasn't originally intended to be used as a weapon." Lambda: "Yes, you Global Union scientists were researching nanomachines in order to repair the environmental damage caused by the war. 'Ambient-Reorganization-Material.' The research was intended to heal Filgaia's wounds, using swarms of virus-sized microscopic machines." Ethelda: "If you think of the world as a single organism, you could say that it's mortally wounded and close to death. It needs to be revived. Eventually, the damaged environment will make it impossible for humans to live there." Lambda: "That troubles me, as well." Ethelda: "..." Lambda: "The Ambient Reorganization Material project was near completion. However, continued research was not possible because the national budget, long depleted by the war, was unable to support it. So that in turn led to..." Ethelda: "Yes...The research of our research was handed over to the military. In hopes of continuing our research, we agreed to aid them--but we ended up destroying the environment, rather than restoring it. But we still believed that someday, the fruit of our labor would fulfill its original purpose..." Lambda: "Fueled by the massive defense budget, the Ambient Reorganization Material project was completed, with little regard for your anguish. The official project name was an abbreviation of its name--ARM." Ethelda: "ARM...A word that also means 'weapon.' They couldn't have possibly come up with anything more insulting." Augst: "My apologies for the interruption." Lambda: "I expected you'd show up about now." Ethelda: (Augst?!) Augst: "If you've surmised the purpose of my visit, that'll make things go faster, and if you will allow me to be succinct as well. Might I ask you to explain why you disregarded the plan I drew up for the pursuit of the children? Previously, I urged you to concentrate our forces on this matter. But it appears that you went ahead and issued orders for the Lieutenants to deploy separately. I am unable to comprehend the reasoning behind your actions." Lambda: "I examined your proposal and found no flaws with it...I'm well aware of its merits. The order to deploy the Lieutenants separately came directly from the High Council." Augst: "... Knowing that we've already lost one Lieutenant, why would the High Council issue such an order? Not only does it lower the chances of a successful mission, it also needlessly increases the likelihood that our force is further reduced." Lambda: "Judging by what we can see, you are certainly correct. However... The High Council has stated that this is just another step in the process of bringing the Future Conception Project to fruition. Moreover, if those in power wield it as they please, it's the same as despotism--a select few ruling the masses. Behaving in the same manner as the Global Union will not bring about popular rule. And though it may increase the risk to us, all 11 members of Brionac, including myself, are tools that exist to build the future of this planet. If we are to bring a better future to Filgaia, we must gladly allow ourselves to be used." Augst: "... I still don't understand what the High Council is thinking, but if this is your decision Captain, I will support it. I will now assume the operation." [Augst leaves.] Lambda: "I apologize for the interruption." Ethelda: "You spoke of the planet's future just now...yet how much of it is the truth?" [Lambda closes his eyes for a moment before yelling.] Lambda: "What could a false heart possibly accomplish? Never could it pierce the dark clodus that seal our world's future! If is for the sake of mankind's future, I would not hesitate to make the entire world my enemy...! Ethelda: "He's weeping...?" [The cutscene ends. On the world map, the path heads east to the Cerulean Tunnel.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 19. Cerulean Tunnel | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party arrives in the tunnel.] Raquel: "According to the map, this tunnel runs right under the river. The shortest route is to good thought it..." Arnaud: "Now why did they dig a tunnel through here? If they wanted to get across the river, there are more efficient methods, such as boats and bridges..." Jude: "There must've been a good reason why they couldn't use those methods. Boy, you sure do like to complain, don't you Arnaud..." Arnaud: "Well, that's not my only complaint. This sort of route doesn't leave us with any options to choose from. It's definitely bad for us when we're on the run, and it's good for those people that are chasing us..." Yulie: "..." Raquel: "Our pursuers are showing up shortly?" Arnaud: "That, or they might already be here, lying in wait for us." Jude: "Well, whatever the case, we can't just stand around here. Look at the bright side--if we don't have many paths to choose from, it'll be harder to get lost!" [The party continues until they see a crank in the ground.] Tutorial: *Press the (X) button to grab a handle, then rotate the cylinder by pressing the directional buttons. [The party continues into a smaller section of the tunnels. A man runs back through towards them, from a giant monster chasing it.] Raquel: "Is it the Brionac?!" Jude: "No, it's not them!" Gawn: "Yeah, I'm not the one you should be afraid of! He is!" [The party starts to fight the monster chasing Gawn.] Arnaud: "So why do we have to baby-sit him?" Jude: "He's in trouble, we have to help him." Raquel: "It seems those that need the most help are often reluctant to lend a hand themselves." Arnaud: "Are you talking about me?" Raquel: "I was just making a general statement." Jude: " *laughter* " Yulie: "I don't think this is the best time for joking around. It's definitely coming after us now!" [The party slays the monster.] Jude: "Gawn! What are you doing here?!" Gawn: "This is the only way to get across this river. Why else would I be here? Mind you, I didn't plan on a little accident makin' me run back the way I came..." Raquel: "You're traveling alone with no means to defend yourself?" Gawn: "I told you I'm no good at fightin', remember? I'm also good at eatin' tasty food, but really suck at makin' it. Well, you know how it is..." Yulie: "I see...but..." Arnaud: "Do you always go around getting others to help you out like this? You're something else..." Jude: "But you're not all that different from himn either, Arnaud..." Arnaud: "He, shut up, kid!" Gawn: "By the way...are you all still heading for Buckeye Station?" Jude: "Yeah...and it looks like we were able to shake those Brionac guys off our trail, too..." Gawn: "...I see...What if...instead of chasing after you, they were waitin' for you to show up? Would you still head for Buckeye?" Jude: "...Yeah, I don't know of any other way to take Yulie to somewhere safe. So no, I don't think I'd stop moving forward." Gawn: "You're nothin' but a kid, but ya sure don't talk like one... Actually, that single-minded dedication might be somethin' we all had as children..." Jude: "...?" Gawn: "All right. I'm gonna tag along with you kids for a while!" Jude: "Really?!" Gawn: "Well, to be honest...I don't think I could get past the next part on my own... I think it just may be in my own best interest, then again, maybe not..." Arnaud: "Hmph, I should have known..." Raquel: "Well, it's not as if it's a real big surprise." Gawn: "We'll have a good time together! But there'll be no fightin' for me! *ha ha*" Jude: " *heh heh* " Arnaud: " *sigh* Not a care in the world, for these guys..." [Soon, the party comes to an underground tunnel beneath the river from which they can see up into the water.] Yulie: "I can't believe there really is a path beneath the river..." Gawn: "So whaddaya think? Impressive, huh?" Arnaud: "I don't get why you're so proud of it..." Raquel: "Does it really matter? You ought to be used to him by now..." Jude: "Oh, by the way, were saying that you didn't understand why they built a tunnel beneath the river, right?" Arnaud: "Exactly. Especially when a boat or a bridge would've clearly been easier and less expensive." Gawn: "Boats can't cross, and they can't build a bridge, either. You wanna know why? There's a monster...the king of the river, if you will. He destroys every boat that tries to cross and every bridge that they try to build." Raquel: "What's that?!" [They see a giant red fish outside.] Arnaud: "Is that him?!" Gawn: "It's pretty big...Yeah, it looks like..." [A blue shark-like monster ten times the size eats the red one.] Jude: "No, I think that other bigger one over there, is the king..." Arnaud: "Whoa...uh, I think we'll want to avoid fighting THAT guy..." Gawn: "It looks like his Majesty's had his fill for now. Let's get movin' while the gettin's good! There's no way we can fight somethin' like that..." [In the room past the tunnel, Jude presses a switch. Gawn 'removes' himself from the party and walks out.] Gawn: "Looks like we've hit an obstacle of sorts, so maybe it's time I showed off some of the wisdom and resourcefulness that comes with age." Jude: "You're gonna help us?!" Gawn: "Well the doctor did say I ought to limit helping others to no more than five times a year, but it looks like I don't have much of a choice." Jude: "Gawn...what you need is a shrink, not a doctor. Let's just get this started, okay?" Gawn: "Heh, you may be a kid, but you sure know how to handle people, just like an adult..." Jude: " *heh heh* " Gawn: "You can activate the switches up ahead just by stomping on 'em, but the darn things turn off as soon as you step off. So, while you're standing on a switch, I'll go down the other route." Jude: "And then, when you're standing on a switch, we'll move forward on this side. Teamwork here too, huh? Sounds like fun. Let's give it a try." Gawn: "You're pretty sharp, kid. All right, then, let's get rollin'. The path goes straight to the right, but some of the floor panels are missing. To make 'em reappear, we'll have to use the switches." Jude: "Even if we turn the switches on, they'll turn off again after awhile, which means..." Gawn: "Bingo! You're getting pretty good at guessing at what comes next. That's the sign of an experienced traveler, you know." Jude: "I don't know what these switches are for, but we keep running into them everywhere we go. You'd think it would be inconvenient for the people who built them..." Gawn: "Hey, if you got the time to complain, you've got time to get movin'. I'm getting kinda bored with just standing around." [Gawn and Jude run through and press the switches. At the end:] Gawn: "We need to hit the switches on both sides, at the same time." [They hit 'em at the same time.] Gawn: "I gotta say, these switches are a serious pain. What the heck are they for, anyway?" [The next room has a series of switches, too.] Jude: "Not this setup again..." Gawn: "Hey, I'm the one who should be complaining! I ain't so young no more, so don't make me work any harder than I have to, all right?" Jude: " know, this is a good opportunity for you to quit smoking." Gawn: "What? Oh, this thing I got in my mouth? This ain't a cigarette, it's a freeze-dried noodle." Jude: "What?!" Gawn: "This particular type of noodle is high in nutritional value, and easy to digest. In other words, it's a great source of energy--What? You on a low-carb diet or something?" Jude: "I can't believe what's coming out of your mouth. A freeze-dried noodle? Come on..." Gawn: "Hmm...well, you know how it goes. I'll tell you all about it when you grow up. Alright, let's get started! Same as the last time!" [They run through the course and get to a similar switch setup.] Gawn: "That look on your're thinking, 'Not again,' aren't ya? Well we don't have a choice, all right? It's not like I'm doing this for my health, ya know!" [They press the switches concurrently.] Gawn: "All I can say is that the bathroom better not have the same setup." [Soon, a third room with switches comes into view.] Gawn: "Man, this is the third one already... Hmm...although this one looks exactly the same as the others, we might have some trouble getting past it..." Jude: "How can you tell?!" Gawn: "The punchline always comes the third time around. It's a classic technique in comedy. Don't worry, if it looks like there ain't no punchline, I'll come up with one myself!" Jude: "We're perfectly fine without one! Let's just get through this like we've been doing so far, okay?" Gawn: "Boy, oh boy, what a tough crowd. I'd love to put on a funnier show for ya, kid, but I'm afraid I'm a bit out of practice." Jude: "Don't quit your day job, okay? It's hard enough just trying to work with you on this..." Gawn: "So, that's how it's gonna be, huh? Fine, then! I'm gonna do things at my own pace, so you just match me as best as you can." Jude: "So now you're forcing us to work with you? Nothing you've been saying is making any sense!" Gawn: "It wouldn't be me if it were any other way, right? If you've got time to flap your gums, move your butt instead!" [The party crosses to the set of switches they're familiar with, now.] Gawn: "Ya think you got it bad? You're still at an age where you don't look like an idiot jumping on those switches. But me? I'm 30 years old...uh, that is if you rounded down. I'm old enough to have people staring at me like I'm crazy for doing something like this! But I'm still here, giving it my all, so try to be a bit more cheerful, will ya?" [They press the switches at the same time.] Gawn: "I'd hope that was the last one..." [The party comes to an elevator, but it jams as it rises.] Yulie: "Hmm...? It stopped moving... It looks like this elevator's broken..." Raquel: "We can't get any further this way." Jude: "It's times like these when a razor-sharp mind comes in really handy!" Arnaud: "Hey, don't expect my razor-sharp mind to conveniently come and save you every time you get in hot water." Gawn: "Hey, I've got a good idea! Why don't ya leave it to me." Jude: "All right, Gawn! So what's your plan?" Gawn: "First, we eat! My brain gets weak when I'm feeling hungry!" Jude: "Didn't Arnaud say something along those lines a little while back?" Raquel: "Fundamentally, they're no different. In about 15 years or so, Arnaud will probably turn out just like Gawn." Arnaud: "I'm already an adult, so I won't be any different than I am now!" [Gawn eats his fill and falls asleep.] Jude: "That was delicious. Thanks, Yulie!" Yulie: "It was the least I could do, after all that everyone has done for me... I just wish it wasn't the only thing I could do..." Jude: "Don't say that, Yulie!" Yulie: "I always feel as though I'm taking advantage of everyone's kindness..." [Yulie looks at Gawn.] Yulie: "His incredible! It's like thunder... It might be a bit difficult to talk with all that noise in the background." Jude: " *ha ha* " Arnaud: "...He went out like a light, the moment he had satisfied his appetite." Raquel: "You'd be hard-pressed to find even a wild animal that behaves that simply..." Arnaud: "C'mon Gawn, it's time to wake up! We can't lounge around forever." Gawn: "Hmm? Oh...are we goin' already?" Arnaud: "'Going?' The elevator's still broken, remember? Where exactly do you plan on going to?" Gawn: "Up, of course. That's where the exit is, and beyond that is your destination, Buckeye." Raquel: "But how...?" Gawn: "Jump on top of me, and I'll boost you up! That should be enough to get you up there, right?" Jude: "You mean jump up...and step on you?!" Gawn: "Yeah...pretty much." Jude: "No way! We couldn't do something like that..." Gawn: "But there's no other way, right? So we don't have much of a choice..." Jude: "But then, you'll be..." Gawn: "Aw don't worry, I'm not in a hurry anyway. Besides, it's me we're talking about here. I'll come up with somethin'! Yulie's home cooking recharged me, so let's hurry up and do this before all that energy goes to waste!" Jude: "..." Gawn: "Jude, children always go on to surpass adults and stride into the future. So there's no need for hesitation. Use me as your stepping stone! After all, you're not gonna just stop here, right?!" Jude: "...All right...I'll give it a try!" [Jude's launched onto a platform by Gawn's strength.] Gawn: "Hurry up and go! As long as you keep running at full speed ahead you'll always grow stronger--today more than yesterday, and tomorrow more than today!" Jude: "Thanks, Gawn!" Gawn: "Ehh, don't mention it." [The party continues to the exit, but a man with unruly hair (earlier addressed as 'Confident Man') blocks the way. He wields two swords.] Hugo: "I've been waiting for you children... I'm Hugo, a member of Lambda's Elite--the Brionac Forces. My first priority is to complete the mission, but...I also wanted to see for myself this power that defeated a Brionac Lieutenant. Is your strength due to the ARM's power? Or is it because you, yourself, are a warrior fit to wield the ARM...? Come, face off against ME, and we'll figure out the truth! En garde!" [Hugo advances and, suddenly, he's right in front of Jude, swinging his sword. Raquel's quick blade blocks the attack, and Hugo jumps into the air, throwing his swords at Jude. Raquel rises up to meet him.] Raquel: "You tossed away your weapons!" [She swings her sword, but Hugo's body isn't even there anymore--it's launching downwards to reclaim his weapons.] Arnaud: "He avoided Raquel's weapon by instantaneously changing his position! What, does he have the ability to move faster than the eye can see?!" Jude: "If this is a contest of speed, then he's not the only one who can compete!" [Jude uses his Accelerator to meet Hugo on his descent, but Hugo 'teleports' behind Jude and kicks him in the rear.] Hugo: "Your Accelerator enables super-fast movement by overclocking your biological time. That speed can be a powerful weapon in virtually any situation. However... Extreme acceleration though it may be, it's still subject to the laws of physics. There's no way it can match movement that has been completely liberated from those same constraints..." [Hugo picks up his swords.] Hugo: "They call me 'System Chronos'... My ability is to compress the flow of time, allowing me, and me alone to move amidst high-density time which is practically standing still... Do you understand? No matter how much you accelerate, when I compress time, your speed approaches zero! The super-speed ability of your Accelerator is completely powerless before System Chronos. You shall never surpass me!" Jude: "My power's not enough...? Is this too much for a kid like me to handle...? What should I do?" Hugo: "Now that you amateurs have seen just how powerless you are, it's time to hand over Ms. Ahtreide. That's the mission I was assigned to, and it's your only chance if you hope to survive." Raquel: "I see...time compression. That's an impressive ability no doubt, but as you can see, we're still standing. Don't you think it's a bit premature for you to be claiming a victory?" Hugo: "I don't enjoy pointless killing...but if you're going to resist, you leave me no choice..." [Hugo attacks, but Raquel blocks all of his strikes.] Hugo: "Huh?! That's not possible! My sword attacks executed within compressed time...she blocked them all?!" Raquel: "'System Chronos'...It would appear that time continues to move during the moment of your attack, and that is the weak point of your ability! If we exist in the same moment in time together, even if it's only for a split second, you'll never escape my blade. Follow the flow, align the blade, show no hesitation...and strike with full power!" Arnaud: "We're winning!" [Hugo goes to attack again, but Raquel coughs a bit.] Raquel: " *cough* *hack* " [She still manages to repel Hugo's onslaught, though.] Hugo: "What a fearsome swordswoman! Yet it looks as though you're not in the best of health. This battle is mine!" Jude: "Raquel, what's wrong?!" Raquel: "Don't worry about me! Worry about yourself!" Jude: "What?!" Raquel: "Just because your Accelerator's been defeated, it doesn't mean you're helpless. Believe in your fight...Believe in yourself!" Jude: "Believe in...myself?" Raquel: "That's right! Confidence will make you strong! Believe in yourself and step forward!" Jude: "... ... Hey, over here! Why don't you try me on for size!" [Jude whizzes around Hugo before leaping in the air.] Arnaud: "Jude just doesn't get it! Even if he uses his Accelerator, he'll still get caught by the compressed time!" Yulie: "Jude?! No!" Hugo: "You may be able to use ARMs, but you're still just an amateur...Looks like it was foolish of me to have such high expectations!" [Hugo appears behind the airborne Jude, but his blows strike Jude's ARM in the form of a shield, doing nothing.] Jude: "I didn't rush out...I pulled him in!" Hugo: "He predicted that I'd go behind him, and chose instead to block me with his shield...Did this kid just get the better of me?!" [Jude's shield turns into a gun which blasts Hugo across the room.] Jude: "I'm gonna believe in this power. I promised that I'd protect Yulie with it! Now, c'mon! We've gotta give it our all!" [The battle with Hugo starts.] Hugo: "This isn't...possible." Raquel: "Raquel told me to believe in myself, so I trusted in the Accelerator and my ARM..." Arnaud: "What? Our fate's in the balance and that's all it's resting on?" [Jude attacks, but Hugo simply appears in an adjacent HEX.] Tutorial: *Hugo's special ability, 'System Chronos,' enables him to move to another HEX before an opponent's attack hits, thus nullifying it. It might seem like an unstoppable ability, but it must have some sort of weakness. Find the gaps in his ability and claim victory. [The party traps Hugo so he can't dodge attacks and they defeat him.] Hugo: "How did...that kid...overcome...the time compression?" Jude: "Even when you stopped time, you couldn't stop our progress forward! We won't let time stand still...To be more than we were yesterday...and continue down that path into tomorrow. No one can stop us, except ourselves." Hugo: "...I wasn't some amateur kid... ... I a full-fledged warrior... You've bested me...As a warrior, I acknowledge defeat... Go now...the road you must take stretches into the future... [Hugo dies (?) and the party runs out of the Tunnel. On the world map, the Autumn River opens up a little ways away.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 20. Autumn River | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [A cutscene in the Silver Star Express' VIP Guest Room starts when the August River's first selected.] Lambda: "The development of ARMs proceeded in a direction far from its creators' original intent, and it was eventually completed as a weapon. An ARM cluster is a swarm of virus-sized machines that respond to the psychic commands of the user. In other words the will of the user can instantly organize the cluster into a variety of shapes and uses. Its destructive power is comparable to a warship cannon, and when the limiter is disengaged, the records reflect that its precise output is beyond measurement. According to unofficial accounts, it may be on the same level as that terrible nuclear weapon... Grauswein." Ethelda: "But as a weapon, they had one fatal flaw... ARMs weren't weapons that just anyone could handle, so the number of people who could wield them was severely limited. Only those with heightened senses and psychic ability could operate them, and even then, to a limited degree. They were never able to tap into the full theoretical power... Even when those without combat training tried to use them, they were unable to control them." Lambda: "So a great limitation was placed upon the ARMs' astonishing capabilities...Was this perhaps of your doing?" Ethelda: "..." Lambda: "Despite that, the Global Union did not abandon their plans for deploying ARMs on the battlefield. They moved on to the second stage of their plan. If normal human beings couldn't control ARMs, then they would simply have to build ones that could... They attempted to induce artificial viral evolution in the human species. The result was the birth of a single super-soldier, whose genes were modified by nanotechnology. He drew forth even greater power from ARMs than was predicted, bending them to his every whim and became a Black Reaper of death on the battlefield... It was the birth of a man who would eventually be heralded as a hero." Ethelda: "..." Lambda: "And now...the former 'hero' is called a war criminal." Ethelda: "He lost his life in the nightmare that was Verklarung. 'Hero' and 'war criminal' are names from that bygone era. There's no need to keep them alive." Lambda: "...The accident during the experiment at Verklarung, within the Congressional Knights' territory, can only be described as a tragedy. Many lives were lost, but considering the scale of the accident, even more lives were saved. Saved by a miracle brought about by the hero of the Global Union, who laid down his life for the enemy." Ethelda: "..." Lambda: "He averted disaster not only for his own country, but that of his enemy, too. He was truly a hero amongst heroes. ... What if that hero were still alive today?" Ethelda: "What...?!" Lambda: "At this time, it's nothing more than a rumor, but it won't be long until the truth is verified. Even as we speak, my friend is chasing down that rumor." [The cutscene ends. At the Autumn River, the party sees Gawn looking out into the water.] Jude: "Gawn!" Gawn: "Yo!" Yulie: "You made it safely." Gawn: "Just after we split, I stumbled across a hidden passage. *heh* Looks like I got ahead of you guys." Arnaud: "Unbelievable...We had a hell of a time getting here, you know." Gawn: "Aww gimme a break, will ya? I've got my own problems trying to complete this job." Jude: "That's right, you mentioned you were trying to find someone, right?" Gawn: "Yeah." Jude: "It looks like we're heading in the same direction once again... Could it be that the person you're looking for, is where we're headed?" Gawn: "...If so, then...tell me, where exactly are you all headed?" Jude: "Huh?!" Gawn: "I don't mean Buckeye Station. I mean, once you get on a train there, what kind of a world do you want to head to?" Jude: "...I won't really know until the time comes but...I hope we can get to a place where no one has to fight anymore." Gawn: "I see...The guy I'm looking for isn't likely to be where you're headed then. He was always smack dab in the middle of a battlefield." Jude: "You really think so? I don't think anyone really wants to hurt other people... I'm sure he wants peace, too...even if he's a hero...even if he's a war criminal..." Gawn: "Why don't we stick together until our paths split again, Jude..." Jude: "Yeah..." [In the second screen:] Jude: "Why are you trying to find this person, Gawn?" Gawn: "...Hmm, I guess it's because there are a lot of things I want to ask him. Like what he thought of being called a hero during the war...? And why would someone whom everyone called a hero do what he did...? For that matter, was he really even involved...? ... Still...even if I do catch him, I may not be able to get him to tell me everything." Jude: "Why not?" Gawn: "Because adults are cowardl, selfish, and without honor...And because we're unable to live without lying." Jude: "...Do you lie too, Gawn...?" Gawn: "Yep, I sure do. Like, even when I'm hungry, I try to act like I'm fine." Jude: " *laughter* " Gawn: "So, even if I catch the guy I'm after, I may not be able to get any answers from him. But I'm not about to let that stop me from chasing him." Jude: "..." Gawn: "The war is over...We can't keep dragging it out. This era has no need for heroes. If he wants peace like you say, then he should feel the same way." [In the third screen:] Gawn: "Shortly before the end of the a town within the Congressional Knights territory...there was a storm of terrible destruction. An overwhelming blast of heat and energy seared, melted, and crushed the buildings...And took countless lives, burning and devouring all in its path. In the eye of that storm a single man remained... It was supposedly the man I'm after." Raquel: "...?!" Gawn: "Even today, nobody knows what really happened in that town. But... People whisper that this man may have been responsible... If that's really true...Then I want to ask this warrior, this man who was once called a 'hero,' why he took the lives of innocents." Jude: "So that's the reason behind your journey... But, what town did this happen in...?" Gawn: "Its name, its very existence...everything about it was buried. There are very few who--" Raquel: "...Verklarung..." Gawn: "...?! You...know it?" Raquel: "No matter how hard they try to erase it, they cannot bury the hearts of those who once lived there, and survived..." Gawn: "...One of the few survivors... Please, tell me! What happened in that town?! Why was he there?!" Raquel: "Hold on! Please...I was less than 10 years old at the time. Besides, there's no way anyone could know the whole truth behind such massive destruction." Gawn: "Ah...Yeah, that's true...But, please! Tell me anything, anything you remember about it...anything at all!" Raquel: "All I remember is suddenly being crushed by a collapsing building. The next time I opened my eyes, I saw a man in black who looked like Death himself..." Gawn: "What was he doing?!" Raquel: "He stood alone inside a sea of rubble, yelling at the sky. That's all that I remember. When I finally regained consciousness, I found myself laying in a hospital bed..." Gawn: "I see..." Raquel: "I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help." Gawn: "No, I'm the one who should apologize. I didn't mean to, but I wound up digging up your past..." Jude: "Raquel..." Raquel: "I wasn't trying to keep it hidden, but it's not a very beautiful memory. Besides, there never was a good opportunity to bring it up, anyway." Jude: "I understand..." [The party continues down a ways when Jude sees a dog in a box floating in the river. He uses his Accelerator to snatch it from its ride, but as he jumps back on land, he almost falls in himself. A man in black catches his hand as he falls.] Jude: "Thanks mister." Man in Black: "I saw you rush out to rescue the dog... I intended to do so myself, but it looks like you beat me to it." [The two shake hands, but as they do so, Jude sees a flashback of the man he's shaking hands with. In a sea of rubble, the man looks around from the destruction and fires an...ARM towards the sky?!] Jude: "Wh..what was that...? Just now...something flashed through my head, and... ... Were those your..." [Jude looks behind him and sees his party running to him.] Jude: "Guys! Guys, this man, he...?! Oh..." [The man's already walking away with the dog.] Jude: "I hadn't even thanked him yet..." Gawn: "Jude...What happened here?" Jude: "Hmm...? I was trying to rescue the puppy, but I got rescued instead and--When I shook hands with him, these strange images flashed through my head, and--Gawn...? What's wrong?" Gawn: "That guy...It's him, the former hero. The war criminal...The man I'm chasing!" [The party runs after him a ways.] Gawn: "Looks like this is where we part ways...I have to follow my own path." Jude: "Gawn...That guy...he's..." Gawn: "Yeah, I know. He's not a bad guy. I know that. That's why I--'s because he and I both want the same thing...peace. That's why I have to go." Jude: "Yeah." Gawn: "See ya, kid. We'll meet again someday since all paths cross at some point. [Another cutscene takes place in the Brionac Base. The woman in blue from before is talking.] Enil: "Fiore and Asia should be making contact with the targets soon..." [The Man in Shades from before is also present.] Balgaine: "Heath's pet dolls...I've heard that his deviant obsession breathed life into those two puppets. I can't understand the attraction. The very idea is disgusting." Enil: "'Invisible Stalker'...that was the name of Heath's special ability. He was unable to love anyone, not even himself, so he erased his existence from the perception of others. He became completely invisible, undetectable by any human sense or even machine. The only things he loved were Fiore and Asia. It's hardly a surprise that the dollrs returned his affections." Balgaine: "A miracle born from the obsession of one who never knew love...Like I said, it's a disturbing thought." Enil: "I wouldn't expect you to understand...not that I completely understand it myself." Balgaine: "But I do understand how great a loss it was to lose Heath. He was a fearsome warrior, and his 'Invisible Stalker' was a terrifying ability...But why was Heath purged? I heard he somehow incurred Captain Lambda's disfavor..." Enil: "The 'Invisible Stalker' was to blame. Although Heath existed, he had no form to speak of. The contradiction in logic of existing yet not existing, ended up twisting his psyche." Balgaine: "Don't beat around the bush. You're saying his invisibility made him lose sight of his honor as a member of Brionac? What did he do? Did he leak secrets? Commit espionage...?" Enil: "No, nothing like that. Just eavesdropping and spying on people...specifically, the female staff members." Balgaine: "A Lieutenant of the proud Brionac Forces committed such base acts?! Unthinkable!" Enil: "Behind the hearts of no small number of people lurks a dark and filthy side. Even if they project an image of nobility, honesty, and goodness, the same is not necessarily true with regard to their hearts. Physical existence acts as a lid that not only hides but restrains that darkness from coming forth. Remove that existence, and all that would normally be kept hidden spills out." Balgaine: "That darkness is the weakness in people's hearts. The Captain detests weakness...I can understand why he'd eliminate Heath." Enil: "But weakness is a burden that we all carry. Can Captain Lambda lead us into the future?" [On the world map, the path to the Mim'krilu Skyway appears.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 21. Mim'krilu Skyway | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party comes to the skyway, which floats high above the earth.] Arnaud: "Floating steps that connect one peak to another...It's like a bridge which exists between heaven and earth..." Raquel: "Accompanying Jude on this journey has given us the opportunity to visit so many sights that we'd normally never be able to see. Yulie: "I'm sorry, Raquel... It's my fault everyone got dragged into this, and you don't have time to truy enjoy the sights..." Raquel: ", that's not what I meant..." Jude: "You're always apologizing, Yulie. You've got to keep in mind that we're doing what we want to do. When you're apologizing all the time like that, I worry that we're the ones bothering you, instead of helping you." Yulie: "I'm sorry..." Jude: "Yulie..." Yulie: "..." Raquel: "Jude, don't you go making things hard for her. I don't mind, okay, Yulie?" Arnaud: "I don't mind, either. After all, I really WAS dragged into all this." Yulie: "..." Jude: "Arnaud! How can you say something like that? Yulie's our friend!" Raquel: " *sigh* Even after all that we've been through, it isn't about to get any easier... Let's head towards Buckeye. Once we arrive, we'll have plenty of time to enjoy the scenery." [The party continues on until they see a mesh-wire screen hanging overhead.] Tutorial: *If Jude comes in contact with a metal grating while jumping, he will grab and hang from it. Press the directional buttons to move while hanging. When hanging from the edge of a metal grating, press the (/\) button to flip up on top of it. [The party continues until they're attacked by a bunch of monsters all at once.] Jude: "There are so many of them!" Arnaud: "We can't take on all of them!" Raquel: "We don't have a choice! C'mon!" [The party defeats the twelve enemies, but four more loads of monsters warp in.] Arnaud: "Not again! They just won't quit, will they?" Raquel: "You're getting too far ahead of everyone. You need to work with us to take them out!" Arnaud: "No, if we split up and hit them individually, we'll get past them much faster! Always keep your mind as sharp as a razor!" Raquel: "You're getting carried away!" Jude: "Hey, is splitting up and fighting also a form of teamwork?!" [Arnaud attacks one of the monsters that warped in.] Arnaud: "What the...? It's not like the others!?" [Arnaud defeats the Spriggan and Raquel attacks one of the monsters that warped in, too.] Raquel: "So the others were just decoys? To get us to let our guard down?" [Raquel defeats the Spriggan and Jude's turn comes up.] Jude: "We'll do what we can, but it looks like Yulie may be in danger." [Jude defeats his monster and Yulie's turn comes up. She's heavily outnumbered.] Yulie: "Am I...the one they're after?" [The party comes to Yulie's rescue and defeats the monsters.] Arnaud: "Damn, I totally blew it...It's my fault we...Argh!" Voice: "How pathetic...Despite all your bragging, your razor-sharp mind didn't do much good, did it?" [They turn around to find Heath's pet dolls, Fiore and Asia, making their entrance.] Raquel: "Dolls?! Are they a part of Brionac?!" Fiore: "We're Fiore and Asia. Our job is to secure that girl and finish off the rest of you nobodies." Asia: "People call us the dreaming dolls." Jude: "It doesn't matter who you are--we'll never hand over Yulie!" Fiore: "Oh, look! A hot-blooded boy! He makes my heart pitter-patter just by looking at him..." Asia: "No, Fiore! It's too soon for our hearts to race!" Raquel: "Be gone, little dolls...Yulie is our dear friend. If you insist on threatening her, we will show no mercy." Fiore: "This lady cares about her friends. Yet that other guy ignored his friends' warnings and took off by himself, putting them all in danger..." Asia: "All because of his 'razor-sharp' mind...Must have been a pretty cheap razor for it to break so easily..." Arnaud: " *grrr* Dammit..." Fiore: "Will you hand over the girl quietly? Or will you choose to fight us? Either way, I guess you need time to reach a decision. We'll be waiting for you on the other side of this bridge." Asia: "Please make up your mind before you cross over. I must warn you, if you choose to challenge us, you'd best be prepared. We'll be waiting to welcome you with our hearts-a-racing." [The dolls disappear.] Arnaud: "..." Jude: "It doesn't matter what they say! I still trust you, Arnaud. We can count on what's above your neck, right? Then--" Arnaud: "Yeah...That's right...This time...I'm going to show you what a real razor-sharp mind can do..." Jude: "..." [The party goes to the end of the bridge where Fiore and Asia wait.] Fiore: "So, did you make up your mind?" Asia: "There's no value to a fool's thinking...No matter which choice you made, the lack of quality in your razor won't change." Arnaud: "I don't need to take any lip from a doll...You're in for a big surprise if you think you're going to get the best of me again! Fiore: "Differentiating between humans and dolls...You have no ability to dream, do you?" Asia: "Our master Heath...he loved us. And if you believe in your dreams, they'll always come true. Our master believed in our hearts so strongly, we were brought to life." Arnaud: "Do you think that just having dreams and goals is enough to make you special?!" [The party starts to fight with Fiore and Asia.] Fiore: "How dare you insult our master...our poor old Heath!" Asia: "You're nothing but a flimsy razor that's soon to shatter, anyway!" [The party sticks it to the dolls and defeats 'em.] Fiore: "It's not fair...How can we lose? How can we lose to people who don't even have dreams?!" Asia: "Our loss is Heath's loss...It's so unfair...We can't let it end like this..." Raquel: "This 'Heath' you call your master...Did he really believe in dreams? You inherited all your thoughts and your behavior from him, right? You speak of dreams, yet you look down upon people and toy with them. Looking at you, I'd conclude that this Heath didn't really believe in dreams, but chose to escape into convenient fantasies." Fiore: "Stop saying bad things about Heath!" [Fiore lunges at Raquel and starts to choke her, but Raquel pushes her at arms length. A glowing red energy surrounds Fiore.] Fiore: "I'm going to join Heath, and I'm taking you with me!! My heart races at the very thought!" Raquel: "Run everyone! She's going to try something!" [Raquel tosses Fiore aside and she explodes, but does no damage past knocking everyone down. Asia stands over Yulie.] Asia: "I'm all alone, now...I'm so sad, I feel like my heart is about to burst..." [A glowing red energy surrounds Asia, but Arnaud takes her and uses his Jump ability to launch into the sky with her.] Asia: "You really are a fool. I bet you were trying to look cool rushing out like that, but you're just gonna go 'boom' along with me. I may be unable to continue my mission, but I can still cause some serious damage. In the end, you'll just cause misfortune to your comrades again. I'm sure Heath would be pleased." Arnaud: "Would you shut up already!" Asia: "...Ah, soon my heart will burst...I suppose it was your razor-sharp mind that came up with this futile effort...?" Arnaud: "That's right...but it's not futile...Because my razor is double-edged!" [Jude uses his Accelerator to lunge up and kick Asia away before she explodes, then uses his ARM as a shield to protect the blast from himself and Arnaud.] Raquel: "You never think before you act, do you?! Is rushing out and sacrificing yourself what you call razor-sharp thinking?!" Arnaud: "Now you're saying the same as the doll...All's well that ends well, right? And besides, I wasn't sacrificing myself. I was fully intending to come back." Raquel: "How can you say that when you had us so worried..." Arnaud: "If I used my jump ability and made a big show of rushing out...I figured it'd make the kid jump out after me with his Accelerator. And then...well, I figure he'd come up with something." Raquel: "...You really take the cake, you know that?" Jude: "But, that trusted me enough to risk your life..." Arnaud: "You're not supposed to mention that sort of thing. Kids, I tell you..." Jude: " *ha ha* " Yulie: "" Arnaud: "There's no need to apologize. Saving you was just a side effect of saving myself." Yulie: "...No, I wasn't about to...Arnaud, Jude...thank you..." Arnaud: "...Oh...uh...You're welcome." Jude: "That's it, Yulie! Not an 'I'm sorry,' but a 'Thank you!' Apologizing all the time is weird anyway, and besides...It's much nicer to hear 'thanks' rather than a 'sorry' when you're on the receiving end." Yulie: "R...really?" Jude: "Yeah, definitely! I was really happy to hear you say that!" Raquel: "Buckeye is just ahead. Let's hurry on before anything else gets in our way." [The party leaves and a cutscene takes place in the Garra de Leon's Onyx Room.] Councilman Arlington: "We, the Congressional Knights, emerged victorious in the great war against the Global Union!" Councilman Buckingham: "But lo and behold, what awaited us at the conclusion of the war? The limitations of democracy--in other words, defeat." Councilman Ashley: "The concept of representative democracy is fatally flawed!" Councilman Lauderdale: "The public is ignorant and foolish! They cannot uphold ideals! They cannot understand government!" High Minister Clifford: "Indeed...By opening it up to the masses, the quality of government decreases, and even the simplest issues take an enormous amount of time to resolve. The idea of a democratic government by the people is nothing more than an outdated fantasy. For the future of Filgaia, the guidance of its leaders is all that matters." Councilman Arlington: "We are the true leaders. Only through us can there be a future for this world." Councilman Buckingham: "But we have so very little time. Where is the technology that will make us eternal?" Councilman Ashley: "Eterniy stands before us. Yet what does Brionac do?!" Councilman Lauderdale: " matter the cost, bring us the girl, the sacrifice, at once!" High Minister Clifford: "The Divine Weapon is our future. And the key to opening the door to the future is Yulie Ahtreide. Eternal life unto us...for an eternal future for the world!" [The cutscene ends. On the world map, the path to the Desolate Railway opens.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 22. Desolate Railway | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party enters.] Jude: "So, the trains travel along this iron road...And Buckeye Station is just down this road, right?" Arnaud: " is, but..." Jude: "...?" Arnaud: (They're so rusty...? Don't tell me these tracks are--) Raquel: "Once we make it to Buckeye, we should be able to shake off Yulie's pursuers." Yulie: "Yes, thanks to you all." [In the second screen:] Yulie: (Once I get to Buckeye, I'll be able to run to a land where no one will come after me... I won't have to be scared anymore...More than anything else, I won't have to hurt anyone anymore... ... But will running away to the ends of the earth really mean it'll all be over...? Will my running away really solve everything...?) Jude: "...Are you okay, Yulie...?" Yulie: "Ah,'s nothing..." [In the third screen:] Yulie: (...) Jude "...What's on your mind?" Yulie: "...I was just thinking that our journey will be over soon." Jude: "Yeah..." Yulie: (I only made it this far because of the kindness of my friends... They told me it was okay to run... ... But I've brought them nothing but trouble because that's all I do... ...Running alone won't change anything... ... The paths we take all lead somewhere... These tracks lead to Buckeye... But running away won't lead to the world I want... ... What should I do...? Please, tell me...Kresnik...) [At the end of the area, a short cutscene shows Kresnik sitting on his bunk, listening to a music box. His eyes turn red for a moment before the cutscene ends, and the tracks to Buckeye Station finally come into play.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 23. Buckeye Station | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party arrives through the city gates.] Jude: "We finally made it...So this is Buckeye...We can get a train here!" Raquel: "...I imagined the town would be a little more lively than this..." Yulie: "It's as though a sere and lonely wind blows through the entire town..." Arnaud: "We need to head to the station if we're gonna board a train. We can choose a destination and time once we get there." [The party goes to the station and finds no trains. They talk to the nearest guy.] Station Staffer Emmett: "You want to know the status of the trains coming through this station?! ... Unfortunately, it's been some time since any trains left from or arrived at Buckeye Station." Jude: "But we heard that we could catch a train to take us far away from here..." Station Staffer Emmett: "In the past, Buckeye was a bustling town where lots of trains came and went, but..." Arnaud: "On the way here, I noticed that the tracks were covered in rust so I thought there might be something to that." Station Staffer Emmett: "The last trains were in operation about six or seven years ago. They were used to transport soldiers and weapons during the war. After the war, they were filled with soldiers coming home from the front lines but that didn't last very long either. The long war had finally ended. We had all expected a government of the people to be administrated by the Congressional Knights. But the chaos never abated, and life only got more difficult. For none of us knew anything about political administration. When asked to vote, we could only make our choices based on image. I think a lot of people never even voted at all...When a political regime weakens, cities and public institutions naturally stop working as well. The number of trains visiting Buckeye Station continued to dwindle until things came to be the way they are now." Jude: "Can't you get the train working, mister?" Station Staffer Emmett: " *laughter* Don't be silly. Trains are large contraptions. One person alone can't move something that big." Jude: "Oh..." Station Staffer Emmett: "I still wear my uniform because I'm hoping that someday the trains will start running again and bring this town back to life. I know I should just give it up...but these days, even adults need something to cling to in order to keep our spirits up." Raquel: "It sounds like Gawn's information is a bit past its expiration date." Arnaud: "What should we do? I guess there's nothing we can do... The whole time, we were so sure that it we made it here, everything would work out." Yulie: "..." Jude: "Well, we've gotta do something. So let's see what we can do together! [As the party leaves the station, Yulie gets all excited.] Yulie: "...?!" Jude: "What is it?" Yulie: "Over there...That looks like Kresnik..." Jude: "What...?" Yulie: "It IS him! It's Kresnik!! Kresnik!" Jude: "Where?! Where is he?" Yulie: "He was just over there..." Raquel: "Yulie, calm down. Was he really there...? Jude couldn't see him, and neither could I." Yulie: "But..." Arnaud: "I'm sorry, but I didn't see him either..." Yulie: "I'd never mistake my own brother! That was Kresnik... He looked at me and said, 'I'll be waiting for you at Etemenanki.'" Jude: "" Raquel: "Is that the name of a nearby place or structure? Either way, this is clearly--" Arnaud: "Yeah...another one of Brionac's traps." Yulie: "..." Jude: "What do you want to do, Yulie?" Yulie: "If Kresnik is waiting for me at Etemenanki, I've got to... But, that'll mean..." Raquel: "You remember the reason why we came here, Yulie. Remember?" Arnaud: "I'm used to being dragged into things by now. Don't worry about it." Jude: "Let's go, Yulie!" Yulie: "Thank you...It's because all of you are with me that I'm able to keep going... I'm so glad to have all of you with me..." [On the world map, the eastern path to Etemenanki opens up.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 24. Etemenanki | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party enters the giant tower.] Yulie: "..." Jude: "Are you scared, Yulie...?" Yulie: "A little...but I'm all right." Jude: "Well, we already know there's something here, so there's no need to be scared. Besides, I'll be with you." Yulie: "Thanks. You're right, I'm sure we'll be okay." [In one of the rooms, Jude finds a springboard.] Tutorial: *Use a springboard to jump to high places that are normally inaccessible through regular jumps. [After going through a wing in the tower, the party finds a boss that looks like something Yulie would summon.] Jude: "Yulie's Material?! No, it's something else..." Yulie: "It's as though several guardians all joined into one... (It feels like a giant, twisted terror...a darkness without cease, that's about to devour me... It's just like the indescribable fear I felt when I was at the facility... Yes...this monster represents the very memories within my heart... ... ...those same memories carved into my heart, that I can never escape from. ... ...) [A flashback to White Orphange occurs.] Yulie: "They called me specimin WG920B+. And the only things they gave me were meals and a bed...alone with bitterness, pain and lonenliness. And in return, they sought in me the aiblity to drive ARMs. The environmental repair nanomachines scattered throughout the world...and the ability to control the ARM devices...All my fears...the utter despair in my heart..they manifested themselves and took on the shape of terrible beasts. This wasn't at all the power to heal the planet, but in fact, a tool for utter destruction! I hated it...this frightening power. I wanted to rid myself of it. At first I didn't know what to do, but I could see the adults were pleased. Eventually, I internalized this power. This was power which took on the form of monstrous beasts...That's it...If I do everything they want, then the others...the other children would be freed from these awful experiments. No one has to suffer determination enabled me to raise my drive compatibility coefficient. But as my drive coefficient rose, the others began to disappear from the facility, one-by-one. It wasn't until much later that I learned what happened to them. [The flashback ends and Yulie's back in the present.] Yulie: "My only brings pain and suffering. It destroys everything around me...and everyone I care for." Jude: "Yulie!!!" Yulie: " *gasp* " Jude: "C'mon!" Yulie: "Okay..." [Together, the party defeats the Guardian Chimera.] Arnaud: "Well, that certainly wasn't an illusion..." Raquel: "But what was it?" Yulie: "The dark shadows in my heart...they have taken on physical form..." Jude: "The shadows in your heart...?" Yulie: "The fear...dread...and anxiety...I just can't bring myself to like my power...I can't accept it, the way you have, Jude... because...I'm not strong..." [The party enters a room after a save point and sees Kresnik.] Yulie: "Kresnik!" Raquel: "Is that..." Arnaud: "-Yeah" Raquel: "But is it...really him...?" Arnaud: "I see him too. It isn't a mirage or anything." Yulie: "Kresnik...Why is that you seek me? Why do you want this terrible power? Do you seek it for yourself or for others... If you really need me, Kresnik, then I'll go with you.. But...if this power'll be used to cause pain and suffering in others--" Kresnik: "I need you because there are others who want that power. The future of our world depends on it." Jude: "Yulie..." Kresnik: "You must understand Yulie, there's more to power than just destruction. With that power of yours, we can pick up the pieces and fix all that is broken. Look at this world...This war-ravaged land...The crushed spirit of its people! It's for them that I use my power...It's for them...that I serve as a Brionac. Come with me, Yulie... With your power, we can restore peace and happiness to this world together. And you'll never be alone...or live in fear again. Now...put your hand in mine, Yulie." Yulie: "Wait!" Jude: "Yulie! Is that really your brother?! ... I can't quite explain it...but your brother Kresnik...Well Kresnik, he wasn't such a smooth talker. He didn't try to trick you with words! Instead of relying on words, he took action! And his actions...they spoke form themselves! Our ARMs are a direct link to our hearts...When we fought, I saw the truth!" Kresnik: "Yulie...After all that you've been through, I understand your uncertainty. That's precisely why I want you to put your trust in me. If you do, I know all your doubts will be swept away, and you will be able to see the truth." Jude: "No Yulie!" [Yulie walks to Kresnik, singing a song.] Yulie: "Let us make a promise here and now Walking together hand touching hand Let us make a promise, make it true Never again to cry alone..." Kresnik: "What a beautiful song. You'll have to sing it for me again later." [Yulie runs away from Kresnik.] Yulie: "Are you...are you really my brother?" Kresnik: "In this entire world, all we have is each other, Yulie. So why is that you won't trust me?" Jude: "Don't be fooled, Yulie!" [Jude looks at Kresnik but sees his mother instead.] Jude: "Mom?!" [Kresnik picks Jude up by the neck.] Kresnik: "You have got some nerve interfering in our reunion. You're like a cancer which destroys the order that we bring to this world." [Yulie runs behind Kresnik, but he thinks someone's attacking, so he elbows her in the face as he flings Jude at her.] Kresnik: "Damn I didn't mean to--" Yulie: "It's all clear now...stop pretending to be my brother! Stop doing these cruel things!" Kresnik: "Just what are you talking about...Yulie?" Yulie: "You can't fool me anymore! If you don't know our song... there's no way you can be my brother! My brother Kresnik... he was strong but kind! But're not the brother I love." [Kresnik changes forms into Enil, earlier referred to as 'Woman in Blue'. She stands smirking.] Enil: "I'm quite impressed that you saw through my illusion of Commander Kresnik. It looks as though you've overcome your your doubts about your brother too." Yulie: "When you took his form, it forced me to reaffirm what's in his heart. Kresnik was kind, and he always watched over me. And so I...I've been able to come to terms with everything that he has said and done." Enil: "Then come with me now. After all, it's your brother's wish." Yulie: "I'm afraid that I can't." Enil: "What?!" Yulie: "Because you're a liar and someone who preys on people's fears!" [The battle with Enil starts.] Enil: "The power to materialize someone's deepest doubts and fears. And they're not illusions. My Dark Whisper gives them real physical form! Yes, it's just like your power Yulie. You and I are the same." Yulie: "No we're not! In the past, that may have been true...but Kresnik explained to me the true purpose of my power for the future of this world. So...From now on, I'll only use my power to better our world...and to transform hope into reality! Never again to materialize doubts and fear." [The party defeats Enil.] Enil: "No one is free from doubts and fears. They must learn to live with them everyday. None are immune to this curse... Yet somehow you..." Yulie: "No matter how much I ran, my fears would always follow me. I thought I'd spend my whole life running from my fears... But...then I met you all...And you told me it was all right to run, but at the same time, you gave me the strength not to. And that it's 'Thank you,' not 'sorry.' I'm not going to tremble in fear and run away anymore. I'm going to step forward and overcome my fears." Enil: "...A way to break free from the chains of fear...So, it's not by running, but by overcoming... ...I never knew such a thing was possible...I wish I had met you sooner...If I had, I probably would never have materialized anyone's fears... By giving shape to my own fears, I became unable to trust anyone... ...I won't go after you anymore..." Yulie: "And I won't run anymore, either." Enil: "You're tougher than you look... I wonder if I can gain that strength, too. ...Please...give me the strength to...face... my fears...too..." [Enil dies (?).] Yulie: "I don't want to run anymore...When presented with a choice, I don't want to take the path that lies behind me. If there's no other path, I want to create one for myself. This is my fight. I'm tired of just being protected. I fight!" Jude: "...Okay...if that's what you want, then we won't protect you anymore. Instead, we'll lend you our strength so that you can fight together with us. We'll support your fight." Yulie: "...Thank you...I'm going to be strong, so I can support you all, too." [Cutscene in Garra de Leon's Onyx Room again.] High Minister Clifford: "Yes...! We must grow stronger!" Councilman Ashley: "Strong and superior leaders are necessary in order to bring a secure future to Filgaia. This requires that we evolve!" Councilman Lauderdale: "How ironic that nanotechnology--the heretical technology developed by the Global Union--will now open the path to our future." Councilman Arlington: "We failed to mass-produce super-soldiers, but the data from the experiments at the artificial evolution facility has proved to be useful. *chuckle* Surely those sacrificed during the experiments are resting in peace, knowing that their deaths were not in vain." Councilman Buckingham: "The only means to a stable future is one where the military reports to the representatives of the people, not other soldiers. By deploying Lambda's elite soldiers--the Brionac Lieutenants--one at a time, we have in effect thinned out his ranks. With his power curtailed, he shall be nothing but an obedient dog who fetches ARMs for us. Lambda shall merely be an observer, as we rule over eternity with our ARMs." High Minister Clifford: "And to accomplish that we must have Yulie Ahtreide in hand, for she shall be the holy mother to conceive this planet's future..." [Nothing appears on the World Map, so the party heads back to Buckeye Station.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 25. Buckeye Station II and the Silver Star Express | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [When the party arrives back, the town is talking about the special military train that's arrived in the station. The party goes to check it out.] Raquel: "The train..." Arnaud: "Yeah, but the train's already taking off..." [Jude looks at the train and sees a soldier pushing Ethelda around. He clenches his fists hard enough to break his knuckles. He runs off to catch up.] Raquel: "What's wrong with Jude?!" Yulie: "Jude's on the train?! Raquel: "What?!" [The rest of of the party members beat it to a truck nearby.] Narrative: *The train kicks up dust as it begins to pull out of Buckeye! [Jude runs to a bicycle and starts pedaling in Accelerator mode. Gawn sticks his head out of one of the slide doors.] Gawn: "Jude?! What the hell are you doing?!" Jude: "What does it look like? I'm catching the train!" Gawn: "Jude, don't! There is no regular...service from Buckeye! I got my information mixed up! Believe me, you don't want to GET ON THIS TRAIN!" Jude: "I have to!" Gawn: "Listen to me! Get away from here! This is a Brionac military train! Jude: "I know that!" Gawn: "Well then why are you--?!" Jude: "Because despite all that...I have got to get on that train!" [The old bike falls apart, propelling Jude forward. Jude tries to grab onto something, but can't...but then Gawn's long arm pulls him on board.] Gawn: "You're one crazy kid..." Jude: "But... ... Say...why are you here, Gawn...?" Gawn: "Why? Well...I, uh...Ah, um...hey, we can't just stay here, you know. If anyone serious about their job were to show up..." [Gawn goes to the back of the train.] Jude: "...?" [Just then, some soldiers come into the cabin and point their guns at Jude. The rest of the party members arrive, too, having used the green truck to get aboard.] Arnaud: "They're onto us already?!" Jude: "Then we'll just have to take them head-on!!" [They defeat the soldiers.] Jude: "Gawn!" Gawn: "Y...yeah?" Jude: "Hide here. I won't let 'em get past me." Gawn: "What are you gonna do?!" Jude: "There's something I've gotta do...And I'm gonna do it!" [The team sneaks through the train. When they get to a part where the trains are coupled, Gawn runs after them.] Gawn: "Jude, wait! This is a military train! You don't know what might be onboard!" Jude: "It doesn't matter, I have got to go through this train! My Mom is onboard...they must have captured her!" Gawn: "What...did you say...? Then, that means your mother is... ...She'll most likely be in the first car...If they know you guys have come for her, they'd probably move her there." Jude: "Thanks, Gawn." Gawn: "... ...And remember, if things get really out of hand, just stop what you're doing and apologize. When a kid apologizes, most adults can't help but forgive them. And I'll apologize for you, too." Jude: " *heh heh* But...that isn't something I'd want to do. After all, I know they're not about to free my Mom. So even if it would save me, it wouldn't save Mom!" Gawn: "All right..I won't tell you not to do anything crazy...but don't do anything TOO crazy, all right?" Jude: "All right. You be careful, too, Gawn. Shouldn't you be finding a place to hide?" [The party runs through the cars until they open a door and look down the barrel of a tank. They all jump out of the way and the blast blows the cars behind them off the track.] Jude: "That unexpected cannonfire blew away the rear...Wait, where's Gawn?!" Gawn: "Yo!" [Gawn gets up behind him.] Arnaud: "How the heck did you dodge that?" Raquel: "You've got some unbelievable reflexes, but I'm glad to see you're safe." [The tank approaches the party.] Yulie: "Look out! There's a...tank? Inside the train?!" [The battle starts.] Raquel: "This is just unbelievable!" Arnaud: "Never in a million years did I imagine myself in a situation like this!" Yulie: "Don't worry, I don't think any of us did!" [The party dismantles the tank and continues on. They eventually see some empty cars being uncoupled to impede their progress. They cross and look back to see Balgaine standing in the tracks. He takes out a chainsaw and cuts the cars in half, then uses his rocket pack to jet after the moving train.] Arnaud: "No way!" Raquel: "That's impossible!" [Balgaine lands inside the car.] Arnaud: "He cut the car in half and just kept on coming...! Balgaine: "My partner, this anti-tank chainsaw, is made for close quarters combat against tanks--it's hardly a challenge to tear apart a mere train car." Raquel: "It's not surprising as much as it's ridiculous. Still, this guy is..." Jude: "Yeah, I can tell. He's really strong..." Balgaine: "I give thanks to the gods for this opportunity to face off against the little hero with an ARM...No...for even the gods do not stand a chance against my partner and I. Then to whom shall I show my gratitude?" Jude: "You're happy to fight?! Don't you know it hurts to be wounded? And that it's painful to hurt others?!" Balgaine: "A child who has never known war couldn't possibly understand. Warriors exist by fighting, and by facing death head-on, they give meaning to their lives! They fight on, in search of a place to die! Since the end of the war, my life has lost all meaning. Will you grant me a place to die, little hero? Will you grant me the joy of war, just once more?!" [The battle with Balgaine starts.] Jude: "Why can't you adults understand?! There's no end to war because there'll always be people like you to glorify it." Balgaine: "As long as people are people, wars will never cease! Unless humans evolve their desire, no, their need to fight won't vanish! Little hero, do you think you can lead the way for the evolution of the human race?" Jude: "Big words alone don't make an adult. You say these things, yet you've never really tried to bring about an end to war!" [Someone uses magic on Balgaine.] Tutorial: *Balgaine's special ability, 'Baron of Gore,' enables him to nullify any kind of support magic. Against the Baron of Gore, the only way to prevail is with a head-on assault. [The party defeats Balgaine with much effort.] Balgaine: "You did not disappoint me, little hero. The power of the ARMs was just as I imagined...So where does your path lead you to now?" Jude: "My path stretches behind you...I'll rescue you and protect Yulie, then I want to live without having to fight any more." Balgaine: "Is that truly...peace? Is that what we shall find in a world without war?" Jude: "..." Balgaine: "Don't was only through fighting...that you were open up your path. If what you seek...lies down that path...then go...and embrace your future...little hero...But run as fast as you can...for time is precious, and you may not much you think..." [Balgaine's chainsaw explodes and they both disappear. Jude's party continues on until they see Ethelda being knocked around by some soldiers.] Jude: "Mom!!" Ethelda: "Jude?!" [Jude tries to take another step, but Lambda cracks a whip at him.] Jude: "'re the ones responsible...!" [Lambda only looks at him as the train uncouples and the train starts to steer away.] Raquel: "They've detached the car!" Arnaud: "And switched the tracks! Damn!" [Jude's mom and Lambda take off on one track while the uncoupled car Jude's in go off on another.] Gawn: "Guys! We're on an unfinished track! Everyone get down!!" [The train swandives over the cliff and a cutscene in the Onyx Room takes place again.] Councilman Lauderdale: "So, Balgaine has fallen as well. There aren't that many of Lambda's proteges remaining." Councilman Arlington: "Of Brionac, or Lambda's Elite, only six remain including Lambda himself." Councilman Buckingham: "However...No matter the cost or sacrifices necessary, we must obtain Yulie Ahtreide! Isn't that right, Commander Farmel?" Farmel: "Yes, the final excavation of the Divine Weapon at Illsveil is complete. All that remains is to wait for the arrival of the heretical engineers and the test subject girl." Councilman Ashley: "Did the accursed Global Union think that by entombing it deep beneath Illsveil, they had eliminated all traces of its existence? We simply used the prisoners interned on Illsveil to excavate it. It was a trivial task." Farmel: "May I ask a question? What do the distinguished members of the High Council intend to do with the Divine Weapon and the heretical engineers? And...the test subject, Yulie Ahtreide..." High Minister Clifford: "It is not your job to question us, Commander Farmel! Like the pursuit and capture of war criminals, it is necessary for a better post-war future. Do not burden yourself with needless concerns. You need only to focus on doing your job." /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 26. Forgotten City | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [When the cutscene ends, Arnaud wakes up in some industrial place. Raquel, who was trying to light a fire, looks over at him.] Raquel: "Hey, you're finally awake." Arnaud: "Yeah...Ow...Did you patch me up?" Raquel: "When I came to, I realized that someone had already tended to my wounds. So I assume that same person probably took care of you as well..." Arnaud: "Did we get separated from the others when we were thrown from the train? ... Well, it'd be wise for us to stay put then. At the very least, if we stay here, whoever took care of us might come back." Raquel: "Yeah... *cough* *hack* *gasp* " Arnaud: "H...hey!" [Elsewhere, Jude wakes up alone.] Jude: "Man... ... Looks like I got separated from the others... ... Well, I can't just stand here all day! I've gotta find everyone!" [Jude starts looking for everyone and the view switches back to Arnaud and Raquel.] Arnaud: "Raquel!" Raquel: "It's nothing to be concerned about." Arnaud: "What do you mean, 'Nothing to be concerned about?!' This isn't the first time it's happened, either! Are you injured...? Or sick?!" Raquel: "No... It's not an injury...nor an illness either. It was just over 10 years ago... I suffered an incurable wound... right here, at this very place...and it was the beginning of the end for me." Arnaud: "An incurable...wound? The beginning of the end? Huh...?" Raquel: "When the train went over that cliff, it led us directly to the underground ruins of a city... A city that was buried, never to be seen or spoken of again... ... you know where we are?" Arnaud: "No...I can't say I do." Raquel: "Of course you don't. The events which took place here were buried along with its very name. This is Verklarung...a city whose existence was erased by a sudden catastrophe. This is my hometown." Arnaud: "...That's really tragic...but rather than dwell on the past, we should think about what to do now...Raquel, don't you have any medicine or something?" Raquel: "Unfortunately, there is nothing modern medicine can do for this broken body of mine..." Arnaud: "Are you serious...?" Raquel: "I'm sure it's difficult for you to believe me. But if you saw the body that's hidden beneath this coat, you'd have no choice but to do so. Just a minute...I'll show it to you." Arnaud: "No, stop! You don't have to... ... I don't need to see, because I believe you... Because you confided in me..." Raquel: "I don't have too much time left...I'll never grow up to be an adult, or grow old." Arnaud: "...When you said you wanted to see all the beauty that remains in Filgaia...Is this why...?" Raquel: "I wanted to forget the terrible memories I had of the city and its people, so I set out in search of beautiful things. I didn't want to fall into despair...I wanted to believe there was still some light left in this world." Arnaud: "...When we first met, and you told us about the purpose of your journey...I didn't understand at all...But now..." Raquel: "..." Arnaud: "Everyone seems to be carrying all these burdens... Not just you, but Jude and Yulie, too... ... By comparison, I must look like an idiot, traveling around with no good reason..." Raquel: "Do you need a reason to travel?" Arnaud: "..." Raquel: "If you don't have a reason, then perhaps you just need to find one. What's wrong with a journey where you find your own reason somewhere along the way?" [Raquel hands him some soup.] Raquel: "Here, have some. It'll warm you up...but no guarantees on how it'll taste..." Arnaud: "...Mmm, it's good." Raquel: "Really?" Arnaud: "Yeah. Can I have seconds?" Raquel: "This is kind of nice..." [Jude continues until another cutscene takes place--back to his other two friends.] Arnaud: "Are you feeling any better?" Raquel: "I think the worst is over. I can move now..." Arnaud: "Don't push yourself..." Raquel: "Sometimes you have no choice..." Arnaud: "Well, when those times come--" [They both turn to the door.] Raquel: "...?! Is someone there?!" Arnaud: "Jude!" Jude: "Arnaud! Raquel! You're all right!!" Raquel: "Jude, are you alone?" Jude: "Yeah..." Raquel: "Oh..." Arnaud: "Say, Jude, were you the one who treated our injuries?" Jude: "...? Nope...this is the first I've seen you. And when I woke up, someone had already taken care of me as well." Arnaud: "Then..." Jude: "Yeah...maybe it was Gawn..." Arnaud: "Anyway, we're glad to see you're okay. Come on over and have something to eat." Jude: "Okay. We can't stay here for very long, though. I'm worried about Yulie." Arnaud: " doesn't seem like there are monsters around here, but still, it's almost TOO quiet..." Raquel: "We need to hurry and rejoin Yulie." [Raquel looks over at Arnaud.] Raquel: (Hey, about what I said earlier...) Arnaud: ('s up to you whether you want to say anything to the others or not.) Raquel: (I don't really like talking about myself...I'd prefer you to keep it a secret.) Arnaud: (Someday, you should tell them yourself...) Raquel: (...If that someday comes, I will...) Arnaud: (...) [After awhile, a cutscene shows Yulie being led around in the dark by the war criminal Gawn's been after. He still has the puppy from before.] Yulie: "Um... Thank you for treating my injuries." [He says nothing, just beckoning her on.] Yulie: "Um... Where are we going to?" ????: "We're here." Yulie: "What is this place?" ????: "This is an old battle site. I want you to pray for the lives that were lost, and release the souls of the earthbound dead. You can do that, can't you, Paladienne?" Yulie: "Let us recite holy verses and release these whispers of lament...I pray that you look to the warm feelings in your heart, and find peaceful repose...And someday, you shall find your way to the garden of Toldoka..." [A bunch of souls depart for the sky.] Yulie: "Their thoughts and emotions are flowing over me... There is so much sadness..." ????: "For freeing the spirits of the earthbound dead and ending their suffering, you have my gratitude... On this very day, long, long ago...countless innocents lost their lives in the blink of an eye..." Yulie: "..." ????: "It wasn't just here, either. All throughout Filgaia, people were taking the lives of others..." Yulie: "War..." ????: "I'm sorry to put you through this, but I couldn't free them myself." Yulie: "..." ????: "I too, was an accomplice to the war...My presence would only serve to frighten them. I want to eliminate war from this world... That is my one and only wish..." [The cutscene switches back to Jude's progress for a while, until they come upon Yulie and the war criminal.] Jude: "Yulie! I'm so glad you're okay!" Yulie: "Jude!" Jude: "You saved Yulie, didn't you? Thanks! This is the second time you've helped us out." [The two shake hands, and in doing so, Jude gets a glimpse of the man in black dismantling something that's pulsating with light.] Jude: (Why does this happen when I touch him..? Sights I've never seen before enter my head... Wait...I DO know this place..." [Jude runs around the Ciel Shelter, finding it filled with scientists who resemble all the villagers there before. Jude goes to the area with the large tree, finding a man standing by himself. The man is Augst, but Jude's never met him before so he wouldn't know.] ????: (We can live peacefully within this shelter. Although everyone has got their concerns, my companions are adjusting to their new lives here. But I cannot help thinking...Is this what we ought to be doing? Our heretical technology hurt the world... But I have faith that it can become a force to heal those same wounds. For ARMs were originally a means to heal and restore the world's ruined environment... But all we do is lament our sin, rather than use the power that we still have. We have the knowledge to save everyone, yet we do nothing... Is that not a sin as well? ... I shall leave Ciel Shelter. If the Global Union can only think of ARMs as weapons, then I shall defect to the Congressional Knights. And this time, I will complete the development of ARMs so that they can be used for their original objective...the restoration of the planet's environment. I'm sure there will be those who condemn my actions...and I'm sure I shall stain my hands anew... But with the future of the world at stake, those are trivial concerns... Even if it costs me my life, I shall become a force to open up the future...) Jude: (I've never seen this person before, but I can feel how strong his feelings are... He really cares deeply about the future of the world...) [Jude goes back to the entrance and finds the man in black there.] Jude: "Are these...his memories...? If so... How does he know about Ciel...?" [Jude's back in the present.] Jude: "The same thing...happened the last time. Just who are you...?" [The man's about to answer when a spotlight shines on him. The man standing near it's Gawn.] Jude: "Gawn...?" Gawn: "Remember how I told you that...I had been searching for someone and that he was the one I was looking for? Well his name is Hauser Blackwell. He was a celebrated hero during the war, but now that it's over, he's wanted as war criminal. He's the Black Reaper... Jude...get out of the way. I'm taking him in. And one more thing... You'll be coming with me Yulie Athreide. The Brionac Forces will be taking you into custody. Jude: "Gawn..w...what's wrong with you? You're like a totally different person!" Gawn: "Yes, I suppose so...Today I'm acting in my capacity as a member of the elite Brionac Forces. As Gawn Brawdia." Jude: "You decieved us! All this were lying?" Gawn: "No, it's not like that. Believe me, I really did like all you kids... And that's the honest truth. But... Well..I guess... It doesn't matter what I say at this point... does it..." Raquel: "If that's how you feel...then surely you can understand our position. Yulie's a very good friend of ours. We're not about to just hand her over." Gawn: "I wouldn't expect anything less...from you kids. But I'm an adult, and I've got a job to do. There's no way I can just back away." [A bunch of spotlights hit the team and Hauser, showing that there are a massive amount of soldiers all around them. Helicopters fly around, too.] Arnaud: "All that just to take on a couple of kids?! Some adult you are!" Gawn: "Do you see these soldiers...and weapons? Not to mention, myself as well? We've assembled this entire force just to take you, so don't even think that you have a chance of escaping!" Hauser: "That kind of power is what scorched the planet! You continue to feed the flames of war with your arrogance! Why the hell can't you see that?!" [Hauser forms a massive ARM and points it at a helicopter. Yulie jumps on, hugging it.] Yulie: "No, please don't! No, don't let the anger and frustation take know that's not what you really want. I'll go...with you, and I won't resist. So please...please don't do anything that might end up hurting someone!" Gawn: "Miss Yulie..." Jude: "Yulie!" Yulie: "There's no other way, Jude. We can't avoid all these guns and escape. And besides...I swore to myself...that I'd stop running away... That I'd fight my own fight..." Jude: "But Yulie!" Yulie: "And Kresnik will be there too...I'm sure that he'll watch over me. That's why..." Jude: "But! Yulie...but you're shaking..." Yulie: "Please don't worry, Jude. If we party with a smile, I'm sure...we'll meet again someday. May the blessings of St. with you always..." [She and Hauser are led away. Gawn turns to leave, too.] Arnaud: "Gawn!! Gawn, I thought...I thought that...I had hoped that you would be different." Gawn: "Well kid...what you see... what you get with me. How you feel about it, is up to you. You need to grow up, Arnaud." Arnaud: "Yeah...don't worry! I'd sooner die than grow up to be anything like you!" Gawn: "That's pretty harsh, isn't it, kid? [Gawn gets in a helicopter and takes off.] Jude: "Yulie! Yulie!! Yulie!!! What is that supposed to mean?!" [On the World Map, all that's left to is go back to Buckeye Station minus one of the members.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 27. Buckeye Station III | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party goes back to Buckeye Station and enters the hotel.] Jude: "Now what the heck does that mean?!" Arnaud: "What does what mean...?" Jude: "When she left, Yulie whispered something like, 'May the blessings of St. Calucion be with you.'" Raquel: "..." Arnaud: "It probably means...goodbye..." Jude: "What?" Raquel: "I've heard of people wishing for someone's happiness when they say goodbye, but..." Jude: "...Maybe that's true, and you could probably take it that way, but..." Arnaud: "What are you trying to say...?" Jude: "Well, why didn't she actually say 'goodbye' then?" Arnaud: "How should I know...?" Raquel: "..." Jude: "She didn't want to go...not really..." Arnaud: "Well, yeah...probably not." Jude: "That's precisely why she couldn't bring herself to out-and-out say 'goodbye'..." Arnaud: "..." Jude: "Let's go rescue her...Let's go rescue Yulie!" Arnaud: "Are you out of your mind?!" Raquel: "We don't even know where they took her..." Jude: "That may be so, but...!" Arnaud: "...I don't know for certain where they've taken her, but I just might have an idea... Your mother and the others were taken away, and so was Yulie. The one thing that connects those two events is a hideout. It's probably somewhere nearby." Raquel: "If we ask around town...If we can just get some information...anything at all!" Arnaud: "That would be a lot more effective than just searching randomly. Of course, it'd be very dangerous, too..." Jude: "Thanks! I knew you were worried about Yulie too, Arnaud!" Arnaud: "It's more like I can't stand to watch a kid run around like a chicken with its head cut off!" Jude: "Hah!" Arnaud: "But that's not all... Gawn pulled a fast one on us...and I'm not gonna just let him get away with it..." Raquel: "Wow..." Arnaud: "What?" Raquel: "Oh, it's sounded a bit out of character just now." Jude: "Time to go ask around town. We're gonna rescue Yulie, Mom, and everyone else--no matter what!!" [The party asks around, finally finding their answer at the station.] Station Worker Emmett: "Once you pass the ruins of the Baskar Village to the west, all you'll see if the expansive wasteland of the dunes. Lately, there've been rumors of a suspicious shadow appearing out there, but you'd have to go beyond the village to find the truth. No one in this town has been able to confirm any of this information though." Jude: "A suspicious sandship in the western dunes? Beyond the ruins of a village? That's got to be Brionac's base! We have to hurry...We're going to rescue Yulie!" [On the world map, the passage to the Abandoned Village opens up.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 28. Abandoned Village | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [Once selected, a cutscene in the Onyx Room of the Garra de Leon takes place. Lambda's present this time.] Councilman Arlington: "It's good to see that you've returned safely. We must congratulate you on your splendid performance. First, the completion of the Divine Weapon's excavation, and now this. All this good news is quite welcome." Councilman Buckingham: "You secured Yulie Ahtreide and brought us the heretical engineers, the nanotechnology authorities who were involved in ARM research. On top of that, you even captured the fugitive war criminal, the Black Reaper. Were these all the results of a future that you had foreseen?" Lambda: "No, it was nothing like that. The future I saw was obscured by unknown factors. We had been proceeding on multiple fronts for quite some time. The synchronization of the schedules was nothing more than a coincidence. In the course of securing the test subject for case #354, I lost many Brionac Lieutenants. The results are not worth of commendation." Councilman Buckingham: "The completion of the mission is paramount. It doesn't matter how many Lieutenants die. Their loss will not affect Filgaia's future." Lambda: "..." Councilman Ashley: "What became of the Black Reaper...of Hauser Blackwell?" Lambda: "Gawn Brawdia captured Hauser and is currently escorting him to Illsveil Prison. After Hauser has been interned, he will rejoin Brionac and operate in conjunction with us." Councilman Lauderdale: "Gawn Brawdia...the man they call the Twin Gunner... The pride of the Congressional Knights, and a warrior capable of facing off with Hauser of the Global Union... ...not to mention your best friend as well, if I'm not mistaken." Lambda: "He's also Brionac's 11th Lieutenant...and my trump card." High Minister Clifford: "Thanks to your work, the project can proceed to the next stage. Our plan to make the world eternal--the Future Conception Project--will now commence. Lambda...we will be expecting even greater dedication from you henceforth." Lambda: "Yes Sir...if it is for the sake of Filgaia's future..." High Minister Clifford: " *laughter* Yes, we know we can count on you... So we shall share with you the entirety of this project...for the sake of a better future..." [The party passes into the second screen of the Abandoned Village, and another scene in the Onyx Room takes place.] High Minister Clifford: "According to records from the artificial evolution research facility, Yulie Ahtreide is classified as a category B+ driver. B+ is not a rank, but rather indicates the vector of her ARM compatibility. Although she lacks the ability to utilize weaponized ARMs, she displays very high capability in their calibration and activation." Councilman Arlington: "This is the reason why we refer to Yulie Ahtreide as the 'key.' And what she unlocks is...the Divine Weapon." Councilman Buckingham: "The Divine Weapon was developed by the Global Union. It's basically an 'egg' which is made up of microscopic machines whose purpose is to repair the planet's environment. Yulie Ahtreide will incubate it until it is ready to hatch. The ARM born from this egg will give us all the time we need, and with it, a future." Councilman Ashley: "The Divine Weapon will not restore the world however, for that alone won't create a future. It was not only the environment that was ruined and lost...What must truly be restored is authority and leadership!" Councilman Lauderdale: "The world needs qualified leaders to guide it towards a proper future! And we, the High Council, are the only ones qualified for that task!" Councilman Arlington: "But we have grown far too old. The sputtering flames of our lives only linger on because of this armor. They not only support our bodily functions, but block all interference from others...including your ability to see into the future. Yet soon, even these sputtering flames supported by the Armor of Leadership will finally fade... If that happens, we will be unable to lead the world into the future." Councilman Buckingham: "Having told you this much, I'm sure you can figure out the rest... That's right...the Divine Weapons will be used to restore our very bodies. Both our bodies and this world are on the verge of succumbing to the Hayflick limit. Using the environmental repair functionality, we shall repair the telomere sequences inside our that eternal life shall be ours." Councilman Lauderdale: "We were initially concerned that our bodies would have autoimmune reaction to the Divine Weapon, but we were able to find a solution. By severing the frontal lobe--the portion that controls the thoughts--from Yulie Ahtreide's brain, this will allow us to control her category B+ driver capability through a terminal. And as our bodies have reached their limit, we shall use ARMs to repair them and maintain them as needed, indefinitely... We shall obtain eternal life! The people and the world shall live in happiness, guided by leaders with absolute authority and immortal bodies. That is the Future Conception Project-- the plan that will conceive and give birth to a new future." Councilman Ashley: "The excavation of the Divine Weapon is complete, we have secured the girl who is the key, and the researchers are here as well." High Minister Clifford: "Our aged and damaged flesh shall not only be repaired, but sublimated into eternal life... A future governed by those who are immortal is absolutely essential for this world. Lambda, you shall bear witness to the moment in which eternity leaves the realm of fantasy and becomes reality. *laughter* " [Another cutscene takes place when Jude's team enters the third screen of the Abandoned Village.] Lambda: "...That's the entirety of the Future Conception Project? ... Do the distinguished members of the High Council intend to become gods?" High Minister Clifford: "We shall become one with the world and live forever. In doing so, we shall build a future. In a way, yes, we will be as gods." Lambda: "Even if the gods did create the world...they do not weave the future. It must be the hand of man that spins the Wheel of Fate. Moreover, your plan opposes the very ideal of representative democracy for which the Congressional Knights stand! It's no different from the tyranny of the Global Union!!" High Minister Clifford: "Over the course of the long and terrible war we finally realized the truth... Government is not something the public can handle. When the war ended just over 10 years ago, we had high expectations for an enlightened form of government. But instead, the democratic government of the people quickly fell into deadlock and collapsed. The public too, desires a society administrated by gifted leaders. I'm sure you understand...Lambda Zellweger..." Lambda: "No, I do not!! We Brionac performed our duties so that we could revive a government of the people in this world once more! And we held our resolve for this ideal, even in the face of condemnation!" High Minister Clifford: "Captain of the Brionac Forces or not, take heed in how you address us." Lambda: "Scythe, Belial, Hugo, Fiore and Asia, Enil, and Balgaine... They gave their very lives for my belief in the restoration of democracy in the post-war future! Yet to you, they were nothing more than tools to be used and discarded! If they had known it was for the sake of this ludicrous objective..." High Minister Clifford: "Lambda Zellweger! We have heard enough! So be it, then. I hereby place your authority as Captain of the Brionac Forces on indefinite suspension. All Brionac operations shall be postponed until further notice! In light of your past achievements, that will be the extent of your punishment--but you'd best learn your place, young one..." [Lambda turns to the door.] High Minister Clifford: "The ideals for which you strive are admirable. But unattainable ideals are nothing more than fantasies. You must become an adult like us, Lambda Zellweger... To realize your ideal, mankind as a whole would have to mature--to evolve, even. Do you intend to somehow accelerate the evolution of the entire human race?" Lambda: "If it is necessary for the future of the world, then so be it." [After leaving the third screen, yet another cutscene onboard the Garra de Leon happens. This time, it shows Kresnik walking down an aisle, thinking back to a meeting that had happened a short while ago (i.e. flashback-ish).] Augst: "All our efforts...for the sake of an absurb plan such as that?" Farmel: "It comes as no surprise considering those dirty old geezers." Kresnik: "...And to think that I didn't realize I was placing Yulie's life in danger..." Lambda: "..." Kresnik: "Captain Lambda, will you petition the High Council to halt the Future Conception Project?" Lambda: "That's what I intend to do. After all, tyrannical rule by a select few was no the reason why I chose to lead Brionac. However, right now, my authority is under suspension. Until it's lifted..." Kresnik: "You're telling me to wait until then?! What guarantees are there for Yulie's safety in the meantime?! None at all!!" [Farmel and Augst look at Kresnik.] Kresnik: "I'm sorry, Sir..." [Kresnik turns to leave.] Lambda: "What do you intend to do?" Kresnik: "Well...I'm going to do something...I don't know what is is that I should do, but...If I don't do anything at all, my sister's life may be in danger!" Lambda: "..." Kresnik: "Captain, what do you intend to do in order to stop this project?" Lambda: "If I am powerless as Captain of Brionac...then I will strive for my ideals as plain old Lambda Zellweger." [The flashback ends and Kresnik's still walking down the hall.] Kresnik: "Then I too, shall go back to plain old Kresnik Athreide..." [The cutscene ends and it Jude: "Well we made it this far... But can we actually get inside?" Arnaud: "Don't worry about that, there's more to me than my charm and my good looks." Raquel: "Putting asside Arnaud's...over-inflated ego...we're all set to go." Arnaud: "Well then, let's get his party started!" [Arnaud sucks in a large breath, but coughs.] Jude: "Are you crazy? If you don't keep it down, they'll catch us." Arnaud: "Yeah, exactly." Jude: "Whaat?" Arnaud: "Okay, let's try that again." [Arnaud yells at his loudest.] Arnaud: "The prisoners have escaaaaaaaaped!" Jude: "What are you doing, Arnaud!?" [The back of the Garra de Leon opens and airboats filled with soldiers come out...leaving the backend wide open.] Arnaud: "Hey kid, relax. This is all part of my plan, you'll see. Watch! The hear the word 'escape' and they all let loose. They're so predictable! Never in a million years would they imagine someone's trying to break in!" Jude: "Arnaud.. You are... a master trickster..." Arnaud: "I guess I'll take that as a compliment, Jude. Raquel, let's do it." [Raquel throws a grappling hook onto the back of the ship, and as it speeds away, it pulls a sled across, letting them have access to the back of the ship.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 29. Garra de Leon | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party climbs onto the back and goes inside.] Arnaud: "Infiltration successful. Looks like everything's going pretty smoothly so far." Jude: "Yeah, so far... Well, what's next?" Raquel: "We're inside the enemy's headquarters. We can't do anything that would draw attention." Arnaud: "In other words, your signature move of rushing in won't work here, Jude." Jude: "What's that supposed to mean...?" Raquel: "Let's slip past the guards and quickly find Yulie. Arnaud, while we're doing that, I'd like you to think of a way for us to get out of here." Arnaud: "Wh...what's that supposed to mean?" Raquel: "I figured you probably haven't thought beyond getting us in here." Jude: "Yeah, Arnaud's signature moves always seem to lack something..." [The party continues until they hear a voice as they open a door.] Voice: "I knew you'd come after her. But as a member of Brionac, I must's a bit embarrassing to see how easily you managed to infiltrate our base." Jude: "That voice...!" [It's Kresnik.] Kresnik: "This way...Follow me..." Jude: "Are you gonna stand in our way again? Yulie's your sister! How can you do this?" Kresnik: "I have something to ask of you. I want to free my sister... and I need your help to do so." Arnaud: "... You're willing to cast aside your standing as a member of Brionac in order to rescue Yulie? I find that difficult to believe. Is this some kind of a trap?" Kresnik: "I don't care if you trust me or not. But there's no time... I need your help." Jude: "...All right. I trust you. ...I want to trust you. I mean, you're Yulie's brother, right? I might get laughed at for being so naive but...I trust you." Kresnik: "I don't intend for this to settle everything between us... but right now..." Jude: "Yeah, saving Yulie comes first. This isn't about who's helping who, but that we should all help each other--and fight together!" [Jude tries to do a handshake, but Kresnik doesn't go for it.] Kresnik: "You have my gratitude... Thank you..." Jude: "...What, you can't even shake hands as a sign of friendship? ...well, whatever. Right now, rescuing Yulie is more important, anyway." [In the next room, they find Tony waiting for them, in his trademark land armor.] Third Class Pilot Tony: "Well, well...If it isn't Commander Kresnik... Never thought I'd see you fraternizin' with the enemy." Kresnik: "Out of my way! I have no business with you. I'm here for my sister." Third Class Pilot Tony: "In other words, you're engaging in an act of treason 'gainst the Congressional Knights... That won't do...even for a member of Brionac, I'm afraid that won't do at all!" Kresnik: "I...I must carry out my conviction. That's all there is to it!" [Kresnik forms his giant ARM in his hand and fires at the land armor.] Third Class Pilot Tony: "ARMs... Those things've only brought me grief. But yours is nothing more than a prototype, eh? I know all about you! You're an incomplete gene driver who can't even taking 'LiNKER,' the medicine developed by Augst! The only reason they tolerate you is because you've got the genes they need to research and control ARMs! Once the development of Limited Apoptosis is complete, they'll have no use for you or your genes. You'll be disposed of, just like the defective product you are! You're nothing but a guinea pig, just like your sister! What can a guinea pig possibly do?! What can you do against a real human being?!" Kresnik: "I can carry out my conviction!" [Kresnik fires off some more shots.] Third Class Pilot Tony: "What are you still blabbing about, guinea pig?" [Kresnik punches the armor with his bare hands, knocking it back.] Kresnik: "I'll carry out my conviction, not with an ARM...but with my own power!" Third Class Pilot Tony: "Impossible! This is a fully-tuned land gear! Yet, with his bare hands...?! This guy's supposed to be defective! He's nothing more than a lab rat raised by the Congressional Knights!" Kresnik: "If you've got any conviction, then do your best to stop me!" Third Class Pilot Tony: "Oh, I'll stop you, all right...I'll put an end to the traitor Kresnik and earn myself a huge promotion! No way my career's ending at this rank! You're gonna be my ticket to greatness! My war's only just beginning!" [The battle with Tony starts.] Third Class Pilot Tony: "I infiltrated Ciel with the intent to capture those ARMs researchers. But then I stumbled across an inactive ARM there, and planned on taking it too. After all, it's only natural to grab as much fame and fortune as possible before the war comes to an end. But you damn brats kept getting in my way! And because of all the trouble you cause I've been demoted down to a Third Class Pilot! So now... it's about time for some payback!" [The party defeats Tony and his land gear.] Third Class Pilot Tony: "Nooo, the war can't end, not yet! For people like us...for us soldiers, there ain't no other way for us 'ta make...a living. I can't let ya...I won't...let you...No way I can let this war end just yet!" [The land gear blows up, taking Tony with it.] Arnaud: "He sounded the alarm!" Raquel: "Then we'll just have to change our plans. Right, Jude?" Jude: "There's no time, so let's just find a spot to break through! We'll take the shortest route possible to rescue Yulie!" Kresnik: "Hmph..." Jude: "What, did I say something funny?" Kresnik: "No, it's just...even in the face of considerable adversity, you don't react any differently. You guys are really strong. No wonder my little sister who used to cry so much, was able to grow stronger." Jude: "Yulie's strong, Kresnik. She came here with the intention to fight her own fight..." Kresnik: (To fight her own fight...? ... What the hell have I been fighting for all this time...? And why...?) [The party continues until they see Yulie behind a cell.] Jude: "Yulie!" Kresnik: "I'm sorry I'm so late, Yulie... It was a long and twisted path that ultimately led me here..." Yulie: "...but you came! You came back to me..." Arnaud: "Let's save the tearful reunions for later, okay? We're right in the middle of enemy territory." Yulie: "Hauser, Jude's mother, and the people from Ciel are being held captive here." Kresnik: "Hauser's not here. He's already been sent to Illsveil Prison as a war criminal. The heretical engineers from Ciel are in a holding facility here, but in a different block." Yulie: "We have to save them! I'm the one who got the people of Ciel mixed up in all this!" Kresnik: "..." Jude: "No...right now, the first thing we have to do is get out of here safely!" Yulie: "Jude?!" Raquel: "But Jude, your mother and the people from your hometown are here." Jude: "With security as tight as it is, I don't know how far we'd get, so..." Arnaud: "You know, he's got a point. They must have brought his mother here for some reason, right? So it's likely that she's not in any immediate danger. ... But, still...Are you sure about this, Jude?" Jude: "Yeah...if we get captured too, we'll never be able to rescue them..." Arnaud: "Al right! Now, as for the escape plan I've come up with--" Kresnik: "This battleship is equipped with small airboats. If you can get onto the deck, you should be able to escape from there." Raquel: "Kresnik knows a lot about this ship. Why don't we trust in him?" Yulie: "Kresnik?! Where are you going?!" Kresnik: "I...I can't go with you." Jude: "But you said you'd fight alongside us!" Kresnik: "I don't recall ever agreeing to that. ... I have something I must do. So...I can't fight by your side." Yulie: "Kresnik..." [The party continues and a cutscene inside the Onyx Room occurs. Kresnik walks to the room and sees Farmel there.] Kresnik: "Is Captain Lambda in the Onyx Room?" Farmel: "He sure is. Was there something you needed?" Kresnik: "I've come to turn myself in for a violation. I must be punished for high treason." Farmel: "As serious as ever, I see... can go in and see the Captain, but... What's beyond this door may be a bit too much for you to handle... Well, if you inside thought...go ahead." [Kresnik walks into the room and finds all the councilmen slaughtered by Captain Lambda's hand. The High Minister sits unmasked on the floor.] Kresnik: "...?! Captain! What is going on here?" High Minister Clifford: "Kresnik! You've got to stop Lambda! He's no longer the Captain of Brionac, but a traitor! You must destroy this evil which threatens the future!" Lambda: "'The evil which threatens the future?' To whom do those words truly apply, Minister?! Me...or you?" High Minister Clifford: " *gasp* S-Stay away from me!" Lambda: "Unable to bear their own frailty, the souls of the weak become twisted and ugly... Lieutenant Heath, a former member of Brionac, suffered in this way... But people, self-aware as they are, strive to conceal this ugliness from others. That's mortality, which in turn guides us between right and wrong. But what of you? You sequester yourselves in an underground society, covering yourselves in armor and masks... You've fallen into a state where no one even knows who you are! From your position of invincibility, you babble on, mindless of the pain you cause others. So weak! And repulsive! Creatures like you fear all that is good and just! You shun those who uphold these virtues! The souls of the weak can't even cope with their own frailty! Becoming an adult isn't about growing old and cowardly! If you truly consider yourself to be adults, you should be ashamed of your actions against the path of righteousness! You create nothing, and you bequeath nothing! Weak creatures cannot build Filgaia's future! High Minister Clifford: " *mwah ha ha* You say that weak creatures cannot build the future...Then, let me ask you this...Who's behind a representative democracy? That's right, it's the public! Now, just what kind of group is this 'public' we're talking about?" Lambda: "..." High Minister Clifford: "Ha! You can't answer that, can you? After all, the 'public' is an entity made up of people who have given up their individuality. They're creatures who have 'fallen into a state where no one even knows who they are,' just as you said! So the 'public' is no different from the High Council! Are you suggesting that we leave the future of the world in the hands of such weak creatures?! Don't make me laugh! There is nothing as weak and repulsive as the public! They're cowards who are eager to hide within the ambiguity of the masses, all in order to avoid individual responsibility! They thirst for a government of the people, yet when they obtain it, they shrink from the responsibilities and abandon their roles. This is the government they why do they not participate in it?! It was their weak hearts that drove representative democracy from the world! The post-war democracy was killed by the very people themselves! Yet in spite of that, you still choose to pursue your ideals?! Answer me, Lambda Zellweger!!" [Lambda hits Clifford with his whip and kills him.] Lambda: "I still want to leave the future of Filgaia to its people. If the people are weak, then they'll just have to become strong. Life would be nothing were it not for its potential to grow stronger..." [Back to Jude's perspective. They run into some soldiers in a hallway.] Raquel: "This way's blocked, too?!" Yulie: "If only we had asked Kresnik how to get to the deck..." Jude: "Let's switch to Arnaud's escape plan!" Arnaud: "What?! We can't just switch plans midstream!" [The party defeats the soldiers. The view switches back to Lambda and Kresnik in the Onyx Room.] Lambda: "Now, what is it that brought you here, Kresnik?" Kresnik: "...It...I...ah... ... I came to report a personal violation of the regulations." Lambda: "You violated regulations? Well, Brionac is about to be reborn...We will no longer be under the command of the High Council. This is a good opportunity, so why don't we let our previous transgressions be bygones." Kresnik: "But..." Farmel: "Isn't that nice? Now why don't you lighten up?" Kresnik: "...Captain Lambda...I've lost sight of what to belive in... ...After all, I was part of an organization that threatened the welfare of my own dear sister. Although I carried out my convictions thinking it was for the sake of the world, in the end, did it really mean anything? Hearing your words and those of High Minister Clifford, I find myself unable to maintain a strong vision of the future in my heart...I...I don't know what to do." Lambda: "If you've lost your faith, then all you must do is find a new one. Then you can carry out your convictions once more..." Kresnik: "Faith isn't the only thing I've lost... ARM...I'm no longer able to..." [Jude's team arrives.] Jude: "You again?!" [Jude rushes at Lambda, but Kresnik punches him in the stomach before he can strike a blow. He fires off a Phantom Line, too, but Farmel's shield absorbs the impact; she then smacks him in the face with it.] Yulie: "Jude!" Kresnik: "Don't move!" Farmel: "Is this child the 'unknown variable' Lambda spoke of? I didn't know he'd be so cute...But, if the order comes through, I'm afraid I'll have to be a bit cruel." Kresnik: "Captain...would you allow me to handle this?" Lambda: "Yes, I shall leave him to you. Besides, it's not as though I dislike spirited children. In fact...strong hearts like his are necessary for our future." [Later on, Gawn lands his airship on the Garra de Leon. He finds Lambda in the Onyx Room and takes his collar, throwing him up against the wall.] Gawn: "Tell me everything, Lambda! What happened through yesterday, what's starting tomorrow, what you're thinking today! I know you! You've got a trump card hidden somewhere, don't you?!!" Lambda: "I never thought I'd be in danger of being killed by my own best friend...I can't talk if I'm dead, you know." Gawn: "Sorry..." Lambda: "...I believe I shared this with you once...I seek a future for this world. Not one controlled by a select few, but a future where all who live in this world take an active role. That's why I fought as a member of the Congressional Knights. That's why I strove to realize my ideals as a member of Brionac. Nothing has intentions are sincere." Gawn: "And that's why you killed the old men of the High Council?! ...I can believe in the ideals you strive for, right...? Your ideals haven't changed from those we shared back at the academy, right?! I can still call you my friend...right?" Lambda: "That's for you to decide, but as for me...I still consider you my friend." Gawn: "All right, then I'll consider you a friend, too. But I want to get one thing straight. The Divine Weapon that was excavated in Illsveil...It looks like you're moving forward with the preparations to activate it. From what you told me earlier, that was a toy the old men were after...So why are YOU playing with it? What are you planning on doing with the Divine Weapon?!" Lambda: "I determined it was necessary for the ideal future I envisioned. After all, everything I do is for that cause. On the prison island, you saw the Gungnir system, didn't you? Illsveil's greatest defense mechanism...It's development was also for that cause." Gawn: "Gungnir...the interceptor system with 10 guided missiles...The very reason why Illsveil is known as the inescapable and unapproachable prison isle..." Lambda: "If it's for an ideal future, I wouldn't think twice about using matter who the opponent may be." Gawn: (They're only children, Lambda...they're the ones who will live in the future you hope to create...) Lambda: ...I want to transfer the ARM researchers to Illsveil. Gawn, ready the gyro." Gawn: "Sure..." Lambda: "..." Gawn: "Even back at the academy, your ideas were always correct. But your one fatal flaw is the way you always try to rush the results. You make a lot of unnecessary enemies that way, you know? Don't you think it's about time you changed your ways? It's getting harder to keep up with you, the older I get." Lambda: "It's because my best friend has always stood by my side, that I've been able to get those results. Thanks, Gawn... I know I can count on you." [Elsewhere, Jude wakes up in a cell with his party.] Arnaud: "Are you all right?!" Jude: "Arnaud...Raquel...Yulie... ... Thank're all... okay..." Arnaud: "Yeah... Thank to Mr. Big Bro shoving us in this lovely prison hotel, free of charge. But I guess there may be a silver lining to this cloud. Thre are some guests that you just might recognize." Jude: "The villagers from Ciel!" Solon: "It's good to see you're all right." Diana: "I guess our little troublemaker can't be dissuade that easily." Jude: "I ran into Raymond a while ago! He was injured, but the doctor said he'll be fine!" Heinrich: "I see...then I'm sure the others are also doing fine, too." Samuel: "Yes, not everyone from the village was brought here...For example..." Jude: "Where's Mom...?" Heinrich: "She was taken somewhere else, apart from the rest of us. She's probably being interrogated about ARMs..." Diana: "We were only researching ARMs in order to repair the how did things end up like this? Because of us, even you children have had to suffer..." Jude: "..." [Just then, Kresnik appears.] Yulie: "Kresnik..." Kresnik: "Now's your chance to escape. The preparations to move the research team to Illsveil are almost complete. Once that happens, no one can escape, and no one will be able to get close to them." Arnaud: "Can we trust you...? Especially after what you just did to Jude..." Jude: "It's okay, Arnaud. I know what he was doing." Yulie: "..." Jude: "I trust him. I know now that even if I had fought that guy, as much as I hate to admit it, there was no way I could have won. Thanks for doing what you did." Kresnik: "It's a straight shot from here to the deck. You won't get lost if you just keep making your way up." Jude: "Will you come with us?" Kresnik: "...I just informed Captain Lambda of my decision to disembark from the ship...However, I cannot walk alongside you." Yulie: "Kresnik!" Jude: "Why not?! You're leaving this ship, right? Then, why not?!" [Kresnik tries to form an ARM, but the light fizzles out.] Jude: "Huh...?" Kresnik: "As a member of Brionac, I once believed in myself and the Congressional Knights...But now...the faith that supported me has crumbled. What can I believe in? What should I believe in?" Jude: "..." Kresnik: "Since then, I haven't been able to wield my ARM...I'm no longer a member of Brionac, nor am I even the Kresnik you knew...I'm nothing more than a burden to everyone." [Kresnik starts to walk away.] Yulie: "Kresnik!" Kresnik: "Don't come after me!! I'm...I'm someone who lacks the power to even protect his own sister!" Yulie: "..." Raquel: "We'll make our own way out of this ship. Surely our paths will cross one another someday. Don't you think so too?" Yulie: "Yes...I'll trust in the bond between us. I can believe in it, now..." [The party continues a ways until they spy Ethelda behind a glass wall.] Jude: "Mom!!" Ethelda: "Jude?!" [As they run to her, a large robotic machine runs and attacks them.] Arnaud: "What the...?! There's no pilot! Is it sentient?" Jude: "Who cares about that! It better get out of my way!" [The party blows up the Proto Gear.] Ethelda: " in the world...?" Jude: "Mom, stand back! I'm gonna break the glass!" [Jude uses his ARM and shatters the glass.] Jude: "Mom! Mom! I finally rescued you..." Ethelda: "Oh, Jude..." Jude: "Everything's gonna be okay, Mom. I'll protect you, so come on, let's escape!" Ethelda: "Escape...? Jude, I can't escape. That man, Lambda...he's planning to use the Divine Weapon for some terrible purpose! I can't go back yet. I must first destroy the Divine Weapon!" Jude: "What are you talking about?! Why do YOU have to do that?!" Ethelda: "We were involved in the development of the Divine Weapon. In all ARM development and research, actually. We have to take responsibility for our actions. You understand this don't you, Jude?" Jude: "Maybe, so, but...! But..." [The villagers from before enter.] Heinrich: "You're still here?!" Samuel: "You wee able to reunite with one another! You must flee immediately!" Jude: "Mom says she won't escape..." Ethelda: "They intend to activate the Divine Weapon. If they do that, the world will..." Diana: "That's understandable, but the Divine Weapon is on Illsveil Prison island. Right now, there's nothing we can do about it!" Solon: "That's right...and besides...On our way over here, we managed to sabotage portions of the ship. Pretty soon this ship will overheat, and then...BOOM!" Heinrich: "...E...exactly! The Divine Weapon certainly is a concern, but right now, we have to get out of here." Ethelda: "All right...let's escape, then. But we WILL stop the Divine Weapon. can't stay a boy forever. You do understand this, right?" Jude: "Y...yeah..." [Jude's team enters the hole the robot broke through, triggering a cutscene above-deck.] Lambda: "Gawn is readying the gyro and says he can take off as soon as we arrive. But... ... Augst...are you really planning to stay?" Augst: "I shall act as a shield to slow down those children. Please, hurry to Illsveil." Farmel: "Is this another one of your jokes?! You don't have any fighting skills. What do you think you're going to do?" [Augst holds out an injector gun in his hand.] Lambda: "Those are the Divine Weapon sample cells we collected for research purposes... I'm trying to maintain a calm facade, but I'm so scared, I can barely stand... I'm afraid I'm in no shape to be telling jokes right now." Lambda: "Yet your rseolve does not waver...Augst...the 'Trifler'..." Augst: "Yes. Besides, if we don't actually test the sample cells, we won't be able to collect the data necessary to activate the Divine Weapon." Farmel: "You know, your jokes weren't funny, but I still liked them..." Augst: "Is that a joke, Farmel? Such words from a beautiful woman are enough to harden the resolve of any man." Farmel: "You silly old fool..." Augst: "I leave the future in your hands, Captain..." [Augst leaves.] Lambda: "Farmel...notify the troops. Garra de Leon's self-destruct mechanism will activate..." Farmel: "Now that Commander Kresnik has left, the development of Limited Apoptosis--which requites the Ahtreide siblings' DNA--can no longer be completed. There's nothing left to stop Augst, is there?" Lambda: "...I'm a contemptible man, aren't I?" Farmel: "Yes...all you do is force awful orders on me. Someday, you might even make me cry..." Lambda: "This is the path I am destined to tread... Whether or not to follow my lead is for you to decide." Farmel: "You know I'll always follow you. I'd follow you to the very depths of Hell itself... After all, the future you see for this world lies on the other side of Hell, doesn't it?" [The cutscene ends and Jude's team sets out for the deck. En route, they have an encounter with Augst. He takes out the injector gun and looks at it.] Augst: "This is a dead end, children. I won't let you go any further." Jude: "'re..." Augst: "Do I know you?" Jude: "Out of our way! You care about the world, too, don't you?! So why are you doing all these terrible things?!" Augst: "...I don't know what you're referring to, but my concern has always been for the future of Filgaia. I do not wish to hurt the children who carry that future on their shouldes. I beg of you, please don't force a confrontation." Jude: "And let you capture Mom and the others again?! No way!" Augst: "...It would seem I have no choice...The power of the sample cells in this syringe shall transform me into a shield to block your way to the deck. Please, stand back. It's dangerous..." [Augst injects himself and writhes in agony. His body bloats, he grows wings, and pulsating flesh comes out of him. He looks like a regular ol' gigantic mutant and attacks the party.] Jude: "A human turning into a monster?!" Arnaud: "That cellular material swallowed him up!" Yulie: "But what about his mind...?" Raquel: "It's probably gone...What a terrible thing!" [The party "defeats" Augst.] Jude: "It's not attacking us...but our attacks aren't affecting it either!" Raquel: "No they are...but...!" Arnaud: "It's absorbing the energy from the attacks and using it to cancerous cells..." [Suddenly, an explosion somewhere rocks the boat.] Yulie: "Explosions...? What's going on?!" Raquel: "Are they sinking their own ship?! They set us up while we were occupied... ... This isn't the time to be dealing with monsters... Looks like there's only one option. It's dangerous, but we'll have to make our way to the deck via the wall damaged by the explosion!" [The party runs into the wall-hole and manage to get on the deck. The Ciel villagers and Ethelda run onto the deck, too.] Ethelda: "You made it to the deck, too?! Good timing! Start the airboat's engine! We're going to jump from the slope to the dunes!" Heinrich: (Why is the ship exploding like this?! Did we really make it overheat?!) Solon: (No way! It should have only caused a little system trouble. You know that as well as I.) Ethelda: (The explosions are increasing in number and the flames are spreading...The ship won't last much longer...) Jude: "Even if we make it out of here, are you still gonna go after those guys?" Ethelda: "Yes...and I'll fight order to stop the Divine Weapon." Jude: "Why do you have to fight?! That doesn't make any sense!" Ethelda: "During the war, we developed ARMs for the sake of Filgaia's future...But then ARMs wound up being used as weapons to hurt Filgaia...I don't want that to happen again...and we must atone for our past. For the sake of the future..." [The party goes over to the airboat and inspects it.] Arnaud: "Dammit, is the engine shot?! It's not responding at all!" Diana: "It probably hasn't been maintained. If it's broken, all we have to do is fix it." Solon: "Exactly. Never underestimate the power of a heretical engineer!" Heinrich: "You kids go on ahead in that airboat. We've already got the engine going for you." [Jude goes over to his mom.] Jude: "For the sake of the future? You have no way of knowing whether Filgaia's future will be better than its present! Why are you going to fight for something you can't even be sure about?!" Ethelda: "...I will fight for the future...I will fight to stop the Divine Weapon...Because mothers are allowed a glimpse into the future..." Jude: "..." Ethelda: "That jacket should fit you perfectly in a couple of years. I want to be around to see that, so I will do everything I can. It looks like your airboat is ready. Hurry, Jude." Jude: "Okay...but you hurry too, Mom. I don't want us to get separated again." [Everyone piles into the boats and set down the Garra de Leon's sinking frame. Unfortunately, an explosive concussion envelopes the villagers' boat in flames, which race towards Jude's boat. All of a sudden, Augst appears on deck in a larger size, having used the fiery air to grow larger.] Arnaud: "It absorbed the energy from the explosion? To increase its size? Raquel: "Does that mean it...saved us...?" [The battle with Augst starts.] Raquel: "An immense amount of's about to explode!" Yulie: "What little remains of his mind is begging us to stop him... but what can we do...?" Raquel: "Something more than lament our inability to do anything!" [The party defeats Augst and Jude looks to the burning wreckage of the second airboat.] Jude: "Mom...!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" [High agove, in the gyro, Farmel and Lambda watch Augst die, with Gawn flying the thing.] Farmel: "Measuring coefficient of sample cell activation. Predicted values exceeded by 43%...Thank you, Augst. I'm sure the Captain will make good use of the data from your final experiment..." Lambda: "Set course for Illsveil Prison island. We must hurry the activation of the Divine Weapon." Farmel: "We have neither the key--Yulie Ahtreide--nor the ARM researchers. What do you intend to do?" Lambda: "I've already prepared another key..." Farmel: "..." Gawn: (I've become such a pathetic adult...I no longer have the right to speak as if my actions are just... If despite all that, you still believe in me Jude, then, when the time comes...) [Gawn flies the gyro out of sight.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 30. Dragon Fossil Mine | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The airboat runs out of fuel eventually.] Raquel: "It looks like this is as far as the airboat can go. At least it got us across the dunes." Yulie: "Yes..." Jude: "..." Arnaud: "Well that doesn't mean we can just hang around here all day. C'mon, let's go." Raquel: "Do you have any idea where we should go?" Arnaud: "The only thing we can do is follow the road. Right, Jude?" Jude: "..." Arnaud: "Jude!" Jude: "Oh...yeah, that's fine..." Yulie: "..." Raquel: "Jude..." Arnaud: "Let's hurry, while it's still light..." [In the second screen:] Raquel: "Jude..." Jude: "..." Raquel: "Jude...I understand how you feel. But you've got to let it go or else you'll never get over it..." Jude: "..." Raquel: "It's because you've always been so energetic that we--" Jude: "That's enough already!! Your Mom didn't die right before your eyes, did she? It's easy for you to be calm like that! But I..." Raquel: "On that day...near the end of the war...I lost both my parents and my little sister...right before my eyes." Jude: "Wh..." Raquel: "You remember that buried city we visited because of the train accident? Everything in that ruined city, including its name, was lost. That was my hometown...Verklarung." Jude: "..." Raquel: "I, too, was more or less killed that day...for my body sustained a wound that'll never heal." Arnaud: " there you go..." Jude: "...I'm sorry..." Raquel: "My intention wasn't to make you apologize... Instead of apologizing, I'd rather you go back to being your normal self." Jude: "Yeah..." [In the third screen:] Arnaud: "...Was it all right not to tell him everything?" Raquel: "You mean about how much longer I have to live? Telling him that wouldn't help since he'll just withdraw further into his shell." Arnaud: "Well, maybe so, but... ... You sure do take a detached view of things, Raquel." Raquel: "Do I give that impression? I wish I could say that it was true... Some nights, I can't sleep because of the bone-chilling coldness in my body. On nights like these, I feel hopelessly scared...I tremble until morning, unable to sleep. How long will I get to live...? How much longer--" Arnaud: "Come on!! There may be some sort of incredible medicine or new method of treatment or something else that could help!! Until you've tried everything, stop talking like you've already given up!!" Raquel: "...I'm sorry...I don't know why I sometimes say these things...I'll apologize to Jude later as well. I'm the one who's acting weak, not him." /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 31. Frontier Town Halim | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [After progressing through the mine's scaffolding, the next stop's at the nearest town, Halim. But, when they get there, they see the people scurrying about cautiously.] Yulie: "Did something...happen...?" [They see some soldiers.] Arnaud: "Soldiers?! Don't tell me...?!" [Jude spies Archibald, a soldier who was involved in the destruction of Ciel. He rushes to punch him but Henri stops him with one hand.] Instructor Henri: "I never taught you to raise your fist in hatred, Jude." Jude: "Instructor Henri...? What are you doing here...? ... That's the guy who ruined Ciel Village! That's why I... ... Didn't you teach me that at times when I don't know what to do, I should do what feels right?!" Instructor Henri: "Jude...when you saw this place, were hatred and anger really the only things you felt?" Jude: "Henri...?" Instructor Henri: "Jude...we should talk. Why don't you meet me just outside of the village, later." [Jude meets Henri later.] Instructor Henri: "This way, Jude..." [Henri leads him to a graveyard not yet grown over. Jude tells his tale to him.] Instructor Henri: "...I that's what happened to your mother and the others...It must have been hard for you..." Jude: "...Henri..." Instructor Henri: "Our escape pod drifted away in a different direction from the others...We were then captured by forces led by that Tony character. All our research materials and weapons were confiscated, and we were about to be sent to the Congressional Knights' main base. But just as they were about to ship us off, Archibald set us free." Jude: "What...?" Instructor Henri: "He and some others had differing opinions on the situation, and they were planning to split off from under Tony's command." Jude: "..." Instructor Henri: "Since then, we've been helping each other and settled together in this developing village." Jude: "..." Instructor Henri: "Jude...What do you intend to do now?" Jude: "...I forgot your teachings and gave in to hatred. All I was thinking of was getting revenge...Not only that...I forgot what Mom and the others had wanted. I was only thinking of myself... I ought to know by now that acting like that won't accomplish anything..." Instructor Henri: "Nobody likes conflict. It's not that unusual to feel hatred over past fights and continue to hold resentment over them. But if you let those feelings shackle you, then the chains of hatred and the vicious cycle of resentment can never be broken. The sea of sadness will merely continue to expand... The objective of my fighting style is ostensibly to increase strength. But that strength is not the strength to defeat the enemy before you. Is is the strength to forgive that enemy, and to master yourself. It is not an easy path. That is why we must devote ourselves to our studies daily. I think you can understand that now, Jude..." Jude: "Yes..." Instructor Henri: "..." Jude: "I...I didn't even stop to mourn for Mom and the others...What the heck was I doing...?" Instructor Henri: "Jude...could you lend us a hand? For the sake of the village?" Jude: "Huh...?" Instructor Henri: "Could you go and listen to what Archibald has to say? He's the one running the village right now." [The party goes to see Archibald, who's up by the windmill.] Archibald: "...So you came because Henri asked you to...?" Jude: "..." Archibald: "Okay...I'll explain what's happened. This place, Halim, is in the process of being developed by settlers. It's a small village made up of people who lost their homes in the war or have nowhere to go." Jude: "..." Archibald: "One day, during routine construction work, an unexploded bomb was unearthed. It was a wide effective range ordnance and it would've dispersed poisonous gas over a large area if detonated. We carefully disarmed it, but there was still another buried in the ground. Although we managed to avoid an explosion, the poisons within the bomb leaked out and contaminated the water supply beneath our village. We've been looking for volunteers to go and purify the water supply, but..." Jude: "The people in this village are probably too busy, right? If it's okay with you, we'd like to help out." Archibald: "...Thank you..." Jude: "..." Archibald: "And...I'm sorry for what's happened." Jude: "...?" Archibald: "I can't blame you for wanting to take out your anger on me. I intended to take whatever blows you gave me... In the hopes of finding some forgiveness in those blows. In the end, all that makes me is a scheming coward..." Jude: "..." Archibald: "I don't think I can make up for everything that's happened, but even so, I'd like to develop this village as part of my atonement." Jude: "So...what do we need to do?" Archibald: "A little ways from this village, there's a valley where the Holy Root supposedly grows. It's a purifying plant known to neutralize all forms of poison." Jude: "Okay...We'll look for it." Archibald: "Thank you so much. Your help is greatly appreciated." [On the world map, the Valley of Oblivion shows up.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 32. Valley of Oblivion | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party enters the rank, dark place.] Arnaud: "Do Holy Roots really glow in such gloomy places like this...?" Jude: "..." Arnaud: "I hope they won't keep sending us to the bonnies like this every time something comes up." Jude: "..." Arnaud: "When you think about it, those soldiers in the village are pretty amazing, aren't they?" Jude: "...Huh?" Arnaud: "They dismantled one of the bombs themselves. And they did it by figuring it out on their own. Bomb disposal is a skill that was born from war, but that's not the only place the technique is being used..." Jude: "..." [Later on:] Jude: "...Maybe the war gave rise to more than just the power to fight and the power to protect... ... Those people used techniques born from war to heal the wounds that the war left behind. So there must be more to my power than just fighting and protecting...This power created by Mom and the others... their hopes and dreams for what it would achieve are built into my ARM... ... The didn't just give rise to the power to fight and to protect... There's also the power to end war, too. I think that's what my ARM was meant to do..." [The party continues until they find a boss floating in the air. It uses a skill called 'Best Smile'.] Arnaud: "Dammit! It's almost as if it's taunting us!" Yulie: "I think that's part of its strategy." Arnaud: "You think so...?" [They defeat the boss and continue on to a bridge. As they try to cross, however, the planks break and they fall into the river. A little ways downstream:] Arnaud: "It's because Jude rushed out across the bridge..." Jude: "Hey, I'm not the only one at fault! It's because we all crossed the rickety bridge together! Hmph... Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean you get to pick on me all the time, you know! Geez, I'm soaking wet... This is all a part of teamwork, so don't try to make it like it's all my fault..." Yulie: " *tee hee* Everyone's soaked... ... But I'm glad you're back to sounding more like your usual self..." Jude: "My usual self...? Really...? Was I acting that different? I can't say for sure, but... If you say so Yulie, then it's probably true..." Arnaud: "...Well, I'm more concerned about how drenched we are. Our clothes are sopping wet!" Raquel: "We better dry our belongings too, or they'll be ruined." Jude: "Guys...I'm sorry...I've probably caused a lot of trouble..." Arnaud: "If we've got time for apologies, how about we spend it obtaining that Holy Root and getting out of here?" [A little while later, the party runs into another boss fight (the boss from Clive's prologue in WA3, actually).] Raquel: "It's powerful...can we defeat it?!" Jude: "Don't worry, Raquel! We can, with teamwork!" Raquel: "Jude..." [The party defeats the Goldrake and continue along until they find a large shining tree with tiny flowers floating at the pond near its base.] Yulie: "It's like a sacred place... The ancient trees stand guard over the land, and the Holy Root grows as if embracing them... This's very mysterious...and powerful..." Raquel: "'s truly beautiful... The light of simple and needing no ornamentation...Life is truly beautiful..." Jude: "Raquel...Why don't you make a painting of it?" Raquel: "...Unfortunately, I can't. When we fell from the bridge my art supplies got soaked...Besides...we need to go back and help the villagers. We can't tarry here." Jude: "Yeah, you're right. In that case, let's hurry! Everyone's waiting for us." Yulie: "So this tiny little plant will remove the poison from the water supply..." Raquel: "..." (Holy Root, a medicine that can cure any poison... Except for the poison that consumes my body...) Jude: "What's wrong, Raquel?" Raquel: "...Ah, nothing..." Arnaud: "...Let's get back to the village. If we don't dry off, we'll catch a cold." Raquel: "...Yeah..." [A cutscene takes place in the Illsveil Prison War Criminal facility. Hauser Blackwell's locked up and bound in chains. Lambda walks in.] Lambda: "Hauser Blackwell, the hero...the Black Reaper...I have a question for you. Do you think YOU can eliminate war from the world of man? Do you think human beings, which you've spent your life protecting, can live peacefully in a world without conflict? I don't think it's possible. As long as humans remain human, wars won't cease in this world. That would deny the very nature of humans. Human beings were once the same as other animals. They struggled within the harsh environment and fought other animals. Only by emerging victorious were they able to evolve into human beings. A direct result of conflict, human beings were developed and polished in the crucible of war." [Lambda holds up a dog collar.] Lambda: "This belonged to the puppy that had the misfortune of following you. Human beings, be they men or women, young or old, are all capable of cruelty. ... No matter how much you dream, war will never disappear. Because the very people you've protected, thirst for war and live for killing. As long as people carry the burden of evil with which they were born, the flames of war will never vanish from the world. I say to you again, human beings are creatures capable of boundless cruelty. You, of all people, should know that." [Lambda tosses the dog collar at Blackwell and leaves. Red flames pulsate from the captured criminal and, for a moment, it shows the Divine Weapon excavation site, with soldiers looking around at something. Back to Halim.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 33. Frontier Town Halim II | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party goes back to Archibald and gives him the Holy Root.] Archibald: "Despite the daner, you persevered...You've brought back the Holy Root... Thank you... On behalf of the entire village...Thank you so much." Jude: "I got a chance to think about a lot of things... And besides, I can't just ignore those in trouble." [Some villagers come over.] Gordon: "Please use the root to purify the water supply." Louise: "Yes...with this, Halim will be saved. All the hard work we've put into developing this place won't be for naught!" Jude: "Yeah!" [Raquel gives the Root to a little boy.] Raquel: "This will restore life to the water, as well as the village...Remember that there's nothing more beautiful than life..." [Raquel wanders off and Arnaud follows her. He finds her crying behind a house.] Arnaud: "Raquel..." Raquel: "You said I was detached, but I wonder whether that's true... I wanted to see for myself...the power of the Holy Root. ... I almost could not hand it over, as waves of greed and desire washed over me... ... Standing before me was a child...with a future that stretched far ahead of him, and yet, I still hesitated, thinking of myself instead. Despite knowing there was no salvation possible, the ugly need for self-preservation arose within me. ... Go ahead and laugh, if you want...I can't ever grow up..." Arnaud: "Who would laugh at that? I wouldn't. Actually, I'm relived..." Raquel: "Relived?" Arnaud: " learn that you're a real human being with weaknesses, just like the rest of us..." Raquel: "Learning that I'm weak makes you feel relieved?" Arnaud: "Well if you were perfect, you wouldn't need my support, right? I want to support you..." Raquel: "Arnaud..." [The two hug and she cries on his shoulder.] Raquel: "I'm so scared...I feel as though I'm drowning in fear... How long can this life hold onto its warmth...? How long can this body hold onto its strength...?" Arnaud: "I'll be with you. I'll always support you. If your legs lose their strength, I'll carry you. If your eyes lose their light, I'll describe the world to you. I'll always be with you... So when I'm with you, please stop trembling... I want to be with you... To always be with you... That's the purpose I've found for my journey..." Raquel: "'re so warm...I see...and understand now... People are warm so that they can help warm others... Since you're with me, I won't tremble anymore..." [The next day, Archibald and Jude go near the river to a structure.] Archibald: "This is the workshop where we make the tools that we need. Please, use it as you like. It's the least we can do to thank you for saving Halim." Jude: "Okay... Thank you..." Instructor Henri: "Are you leaving, Jude...?" Jude: "Mom said that the Divine Weapon must be stopped, so I want to carry out her wish." Instructor Henri: "I see...but, Jude..." Jude: "I know...When it's all over, I plan to come back to Halim. I need to build memorials, for Mom and the others from Ciel... for a lot of people." Instructor Henri: "I'm sure they'd appreciate it." Jude: "...Yeah." Archibald: "I've heard that the Divine Weapon is on Illsveil Prison island. I want you to be careful. That place is known for being unapprochable--and inescapable." Jude: "I know I can't go to a dangerous place like that alone, but... I've never experienced war, but that doesn't mean I can pretend to not see the war that still continues. Mom meant to stop the Divine Weapon in order to protect the future of our world. I want to carry out her wish. So I'd like you all to--" Arnaud: "No. It's too dangerous. It's beyond insane. ... So...we're only gonna do it this once, you hear? 'Protecting the future of Filgaia' is a bit much for us, anyway. Not to mention out of character." [If Jude enters the workshop:] Tutorial: *A workshop where you can take the items and gella you have in your possession, and create more effective items, weapons, armor, and badges. [A cutscene plays as the party leaves town, showing Hauser Blackwell standing at the Divine Weapon's excavation site, with dead soldiers all around him. On the world map:] Jude: "So...How do we get to Illsveil?" Arnaud: "It's known as a 'prison island,' so I'd imagine our destination is somewhere out on the sea. Let's head for Port Rosalia. We can try to find a sea route from there." Yulie: "I can't tell if you're dependable or not. Boys are so mysterious..." Jude: " *laughter* " Raquel: "Anyway, I don't think there's any need to worry. Jude seems to be back to normal." Jude: "Err...that's a good thing, right?" [Far to the southwest, Illsveil appears on an island; closer to home, Blue Amity Beach shows up on the way back to the Port.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 34. Blue Amity Beach | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [In the second screen:] Raquel: "Although there are monsters, there's no sign of Brionac either chasing us, or lying in wait for us... It's quiet..." Arnaud: "But this could be the eye of the storm. The threat is already closing in around Illsveil." [In the third screen:] Yulie: "..." Jude: "What is it, Yulie?" Yulie: "It looks like it might be getting a little cloudy..." Jude: "Really? Hmm... Yeah...maybe so..." /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 35. Port Rosalia II | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party finally enters Port Rosalia.] Arnaud: "To think, we're back in this town again..." Raquel: "Looking back...our journey together started here in this town." Yulie: "Although it feels like a lot of time has passed, thinking about it, everything's happened so fast..." Jude: "Why are you guys talking like our journey's over? It's not over yet. We're heading for Illsveil Prison...and we'll end this fight there. That's why we came here to get a boat, remember?" [The party goes down to the docks and finds a guy named Pico, who's auctioning off a boat the next day.] Pico: "My job is repairing salvaged wrecks and making them useable once more. I have a brand spanking-new one I just finished restoring. If you need a ship, could you come back tomorrow? I'll be holding an open auction where bidding starts at 1,000,000 gella." Jude: "One million gella?!" Pico: "Yep, that'll be the opening bid. Depending on how things go, I think it'll go for higher than that..." Jude: "I see..." Raquel: "Jude! Look!" [They see the back of a man leaving the docks.] Yulie: "Kresnik?!" Pico: "Do you know him?" Arnaud: "You could say that..." Pico: "He recently drifted into town and doesn't work but instead just wanders around all day. The lady doctor's taking care of him but they say he doesn't even really eat or anything... I don't know if I should be jealous or not..." Jude: "Hey mister! So we should come back tomorrow for the ship, right?" Pico: "Yeah..." Jude: "Okay, we'll be back tomorrow!" [The party goes after Kresnik and go to the lady doctor's place up near the edge of town.] Dr. Morgan: "My, what a surprise. Here to visit Mr. Listless? He doesn't get very many visitors. Stay as long as you like, but I'm afraid I can't offer much in the way of hospitality. This is a clinic after all, not a restaurant. *laughter* " [They see Kresnik.] Kresnik: "..." Yulie: "...Kresnik..." Jude: "Are you hurt or something? Did you injure yourself when you left the sandship?" Kresnik: "...My conviction...was broken... That's all. The lance of my heart with which I carried out my conviction...was broken. I can manage my way through daily life, but I can no longer stand upon the battlefield..." Jude: "We want to go to Illsveil...We want to stop the Divine Weapon. We'd like you to help us, Kresnik." Kresnik: "Without the support drug LiNKER that Brionac once supplied me with, I can no longer use even a prototype ARM. How could I possibly help you?" Jude: "..." Kresnik: "I cannot walk the same path as you. I have no conviction to believe in now...nothing to live for. I would be nothing but a burden..." Jude: "..." Dr. Morgan: "When people lose that which holds their hearts together, their bodies begin to weaken, as well... In the case of Mr. Listless here, it's gone to an extreme. He's lost faith in himself, and he's given up on everything around him...It's not uncommon among people who are very serious and diligent. If he can't find something to believe in--some 'conviction,' as he calls it--then sooner or later...well..." Kresnik: "..." Yulie: "Why do you have to find something? Why can't you just be the same Kresnik you were before?" Kresnik: "...The same as I was before...?" Yulie: "You're my dear brother...that's all I need you to be..." Kresnik: "..." [The party goes back outside, leaving Kresnik alone.] Arnaud: "I understand you wanting to rely on Kresnik but we can't assume that he'll be able to pull himself together before something happens at Illsveil. We don't have the time for this, Jude." Jude: "Yeah...I know. But we can't do anything about a ship until tomorrow, anyway. So there's no point in rushing things right now." Yulie: "I'll try talking to Kresnik again tomorrow..." Raquel: "When everyone's ready, let's get a rom at the Seabreeze Port. Things are going to get busy again from tomorrow." [The party goes to the Seabreeze Port. Lily welcomes 'em.] Lily: "Oh...You're the ones who helped me out before, aren't you...? For you, everything is on the house. You can dine or stay the night here for free. I'm happy to be of help to you on your journey." [The party rests up for the next day. That night, the boat that was to go for sale explodes, and the party runs out later to find the town in a panic.] Raquel: "What's going on?! The town... Is Port Rosalia under attack?!" Jeremy?: "Sorry to keep you waiting, 'brother'..." [A disfigured Jeremy shows himself. He looks grotesque and where his right arm used to be is his old missile-launching weapon.] Jude: "It's Jeremy, from Brionac!! Are you responsible for this?! Why are you doing this?! And why did you call me 'brother?!'" Jeremy: "I'm back from Illsveil...and I've got the power of ARMs, just like you..." Jude: "What the heck is going on at Illsveil?!" Jeremy: "Why not go and take a look? Actually, don't bother...Soon, you'll be able to see it no matter where you are. 'Cause it's just a matter of time before this disaster takes over all of Filgaia! Heh heh...hahaha!! Bwaaahahahahahahahahahaha!! Everything will be blotted out! The people...the world... everything!" [Jeremy runs off.] Jude: "Come back!! ... He went towards the pier... Come on, guys! If we don't stop him, he's gonna destroy the town!" [The party sees Kresnik on their way to the pier.] Yulie: "Kresnik!" Jude: "Kresnik, it's Jeremy! He's destroying the town!! He's hurting everyone!!" Raquel: "Jude, we have to hurry! Now that he has that power, we're the only ones who can stop him." Arnaud: "We're going after him! Because we've got to keep moving forward." [The boys and Raquel dash to the pier.] Yulie: "Kresnik..." Kresnik: "..." Yulie: "I have to go, too...But, please, don't leave me again..." [The two hug.] Yulie: "Even though I cried constantly, you always held me... Even when I shook with fear, you always comforted me... ... Even if they're not wielding an ARM, those hands can still do many things... And I still love the things you did for me, even before you ever held an ARM... ... I have to go...they're waiting for me. But please, don't go anywhere... I promise I'll be back...and when I do, please be here to welcome me back...with those same hands, okay...?" [Yulie leaves.] Kresnik: "...The things these hands can do while wielding an ARM... and these things these hands can do when they're not... ... Why have I been hesitating for so long...? I've always carried out my convictions by my own power... Yes...It doesn't matter what organization I'm with. All I have to do is carry out my conviction... I am the lance of Brionac! I am the Pale Rider! I am Kresnik Ahtreide!!" [At the pier, the party squares off with Jeremy.] Jeremy: "There you are, little brother! Oh hold on...he got his ARM first. So does that make him my big brother? But I'm obviously older than he is! Bah, screw it! Who cares!! I'm gonna crush you all right here, so it's not like it matters!!" [The battle starts.] Jeremy: "Don't you know? It's human nautre to prey on the weak, and enjoy it! When humans have power over others, or when they find themselves impervious to harm, this desire, no, this need wells up from inside... This time it's got nothing to do with no's personal!! And we're about to have a!" [The party knocks Jeremy's block off.] Jeremy: "There's no use struggling. Besides, you ought to know by now that I prefer my victims to be weak and helpless, so why don'tcha comply?! [Jeremy fires a net-type thing and traps all the party members in a spherical cage. Elsewhere, Kresnik beats it back to the doctor's office.] Dr. Morgan: "I went ahead and washed your clothes, so that you can wear them at any time." [Kresnik gets ready.] Kresnik: "To protect my sister... To protect those who can't wield ARMs... These are the reasons why I chose to wield an ARM! THIS is the conviction I bring to the world... Proof of my place as a member of Brionac!! What is there to hold me back now? I'll be right there, Yulie..." [Back at the pier, Jeremy sits around, watching the party members' energy being drained in the cage.] Jeremy: "The capture web isn't very strong so you could probably take it out with a single blast of your ARM but... You don't even have the strength to stand right now...due to the restraining effect of the web!" Kresnik: "Then shooting it should suffice." [Jeremy looks up to see Kresnik on the stair.] Jeremy: "Kresnik?!" Yulie: "...Kresnik..." Jeremy: "...I've heard about you from Lambda, and know you quit Brionac. What do you plan to do? Where're your little support meds? Just what do ya think you can accomplish without your ARM?! Bwaahahahahaha! What can you possibly do without your meds? You couldn't possibly do anything alone from there!!" Kresnik: "No matter what the obstacle, I will carry out my conviction and pierce on through. I will show you just who I am!" [Kresnik struggles as he forms his large ARM and shoots the top right off of the capture web. The party members spring out.] Kresnik: "Jude...where is the path that leads to Filgaia's future...?" Jude: "It's the one that runs right through Jeremy!" [The party fights Jeremy again.] Jeremy: "Just what the hell is going on here? I didn't obtain this power to lose to no sorry asses like you!" [The party defeats Jeremy once and for all.] Jude: "Our ship...!" Pico: "Wrong! It's still my ship!! Damn it all...What am I gonna do about today's auction..." Arnaud: "Illsveil isn't exactly close enough to swim to, you know..." Kresnik: "If the sea is closed to you, then why not go by air?" Raquel: "What do you mean?" Kresnik: "There's an old decommissioned military airport, Dievas, not far from here. ... Officially, it's closed, but that was just for appearances. The facilities as well as the equipment and aircraft requisitioned by the Congressional Knights, are still functional." Yulie: "You mean..." Kresnik: "You'll assault the Congressional Knights' facility, seize an aircraft, and penetrate Illsveil Prison--Lambda's final stronghold--from the air!" Arnaud: "Your brother sure likes the dramatic approach..." Kresnik: "The sabotage of the ship was probably part of Lambda's plan to keep anyone from approaching Illsveil." Raquel: "So we'll just take things one step higher, then..." Jude: "Yeah, into the sky!" [Kresnik turns to leave.] Jude: "Huh?" Yulie: "Kresnik...!" Kresnik: "I...cannot walk the same path as you..." [He leaves.] Yulie: "..." Jude: "Don't worry, Yulie. Kresnik's working for the world's future too... Even if his path is different from ours, we still have the same goal in mind...Right?" [On the world map, the path to Dievas opes, as well as the nearer place of the Fallen Bridge XdXS.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 36. Fallen Bridge XdXS | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party enters the destroyed suspension bridge and travels across it, no problem. Nothin's said, either! On the other side's Dievas Airport.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 37. Dievas Airport | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party enters the airport and soon find a runway.] Jude: "Look at all these flying aircraft! Which one should we pick?" Arnaud: "They've all been exposed to the elements for the past 10 years, ever since the end of the war. None of them will function well." Yulie: "You think there are any that still work?" Raquel: "Probably. But...right now, it looks like we've got other things to worry about..." [Three women show up, and it's pretty clear they're undead...ish. If one read a console in White Orphanage, they might be familiar.] Jane Doe SW: "We are the Jane Does. We are the undead corps who serve the Congressional Knights from the shadows. Our orders are but one: to end your lives." Jane Doe GN: "Data from your previous battles has been analyzed and hardcoded into our bodies." Jane Doe AX: "To ensure that we always catch our prey, we are specially tuned fo each and every mission. We are the perfect hunting hounds." [The battle with the Jane Does starts.] Arnaud: "Don't you know you're setting yourself up to lose when you talk smack like that?" Jude: "And when did they obtain this data on us, anyway? Besides, I'm sure by now we're way beyond such numbers." [The party defeats 'em with ease, even without Hi-Sanctify.] Jane Doe SW: "...Do we now wither...? Should our immortal bodies turn to dust?!" Jane Doe GN: "We must return at once and inpput the results of our most recent analysis." Jane Doe AX: "Our lives and our power shall be reconstructed. Next time we return, we shall claim victory..." [The Jane Does die.] Raquel: "In life, there is no 'next time.' That is why it's so important to devote all your power to the moment." [The party continues on into the airport and, in its depths, finds Gawn Brawdia standing around.] Gawn: "Hey! Long time no see." Jude: "'s been a while. ... Tell me, Gawn... What is Lambda trying to do at Illsveil with the Divine Weapon?" Gawn: "For the sake of Filgaia's future--he's..." Jude: "Do you really think so, Gawn?!" Gawn: "..." Jude: "If you think what Lambda's doing is wrong...please let us through. We're here to stop the Divine Weapon." Gawn: "...I'm afraid I can't do that... Us adults...we have responsibilities, you know? We can't just do as we please." Jude: "If it's your job to stop us...If that's really what you have to do, then...!" Gawn: "There's a steep divide between adults and children." [The battle starts and Gawn uses his Finest Art to unload two guns into everyone.] Gawn: "Six to the left...six to the right...Together, these twelve bullets form an impenetrable wall! Let's see how strong your convictions are! If you want to get past me, you'll have to make it past all twelve shots!" [The party survives all twelve shots, even when they do 9999 damage.] Gawn: "" Jude: "That's twelve all together...We're still standing! You haven't beaten us yet!" Gawn: "Are your minds really made up?" Jude: "Yeah." Gawn: "I like you kids and I don't want to let you go on. Lambda's readied 'Gungnir,' the interceptor system...And the Divine Weapon itself...The dangers that await, will show you no mercy..." Jude: "Even so...We're committed to stopping the Divine Weapon. We're going, no matter what." Gawn: "So then I, an adult, have no choice but to watch you children go off to die..." Jude: "There's no need to say goodbye, and we don't need to shake hands in parting, either. Right, Gawn?" Gawn: "...Yeah..." [The party continues until they hit the underground hangar for the airplanes they were looking for.] Arnaud: "Here we are! This is the underground hangar for the aircraft! It even comes with a launch catapul we can use! ... They must have been planning on using these themselves...It looks like they've been carefully maintained!" Raquel: "Then we could..." Arnaud: "Yeah... These machines are Le Bourget 3330s. They're famous from the final days of the war, and the same type my father flew. Sure, it boasts top-of-the-line specs, but more importantly, it's a four-seater. It's perfect for us." Jude: "Let's get going Arnaud." Arnaud: "Yeah, they could shut this facility down at any moment. We can't afford to waste any time." [They all climb in, with Arnaud steering.] Jude: "Yulie, can you tighten my harness?" Yulie: "Sure!" Arnaud: (Who would've thought my first flight would be this chaotic... I should've had Dad teach me a bit more thoroughly... Of course, a little chaos will give me a good kick in the pants. Otherwise I may never get started. Unlike this kid of course...) Jude: "Hmm? Did you say something, Arnaud?" Arnaud: "Nope! Nothing at all! Now then... Listen up, guys! Everything's ready to go. Our aerial tour can begin whenever you're ready! There's gonna be a big shock right as we take off, so make sure you're ready for it!" [The aircraft launchers readies itself, moving the airship out to the pad.] Arnaud: "I learned to fly so that I could go see my mom in Heaven. Thinking back on it now, that was pretty silly. Anyway, I'll give it my best shot! Dad, I hope you're watching over us, right?! Alright! This is it! Here we come!" [Once airborne, Lambda's Gungnir radar picks up their trail easily. He stands at a large console screen.] Lambda: "Ah, the last remaining hope for the future... Let's see if you can fly above this headwind!" [He moves a missile launcher in their direction and lets one fly. It explodes in midair, changing into a volley of more missiles.] Jude: "Something's headed this way! One, two, three... there's a whole bunch of them!" Arnaud: "What?! Do you mean missiles?! Should we dodge...?! Or... shoot them down?!" [Gawn appears in an aircraft.] Gawn: "You kids go on ahead, and shoot straight for Illsveil!" Lambda: "Gawn?!" Gawn: "Lambda! Your intentions aren't misguided but you... you can't rush the results! Wasn't it all to protect the future of the world!? And the people who live in it? Damn you, Lambda! Answer me! You have to listen to me! I won't let you destroy what you sought to protect. Even if I have to...turn my guns against you!" [Gawn shoots down a few of the missiles, letting one crash into his aircraft, too. He flies out of the pilot's seat and, guns blazing, starts to shoot the missiles down with his ammo. When he starts to lose altitude, he flies back up and shoots the last one down. From the smoke, however, another one comes.] Gawn: "What? an eleventh missile?" [His ammo spent, Gawn drops his guns into the sea and punches the head of the missile. As it starts to explode, a slo-mo seen with the party occurs, since they're passing right by there.] Gawn: "Ah, well... it's the way of the world, isn't it? Children going surpass those who have come before them... I've done all I can. Now's it all up to you to go further. Go now... the future of the world... is in your hands, children..." [The missile explodes and turns Gawn's form into dust.] Jude: "Gaaaaaaaaawn!!!" [The party flies away towards Illsveil.] Arnaud: "I hope that someday...I can be half the man he was... but...what can I do!?" Raquel: "Jude...Gawn didn't sacrifice himself so that...we'd turn around and dwell on the past, right?" Jude: "You're right... now's not the time for looking back. Our journey still lies ahead!" [The party lands at their destination...their last.] /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 38. Illsveil Prison | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ [The party lands and looks out to sea, as a way of acknowledging Gawn's sacrifice.] Jude: "...This place is kinda spooky...It doesn't feel like anyone-- or anything, really-is alive here... And this smoke... What the heck's going on in there?" Yulie: "I can sense something stirring, deep within the island... something like an ominous resonance... It's expanding with each passing moment, as if it wants to envelop all of Filgaia... This terrible resonance must belong to the Divine Weapon... Jude...if we don't stop it quickly..." Narrative: *Illsveil's defense system is active. If you attempt to leave the island, you will be targeted by missiles. Unless you destroy Illveil's defense system, you will not be able to escape from the island. [The party enters one of the rooms of Illsveil.] Jude: "Is that..a Wild ARM?" Yulie: "I can sense its uncontrolled emanations from all across the entire island..." Raquel: "You can sense that?" Yulie: "...Yes...and from deep within the island, an even stronger emanation..." Jude: "Is that where Lambda is?" Arnaud: "Never mind where he is. I'm more worried about what he's trying to do with the Divine Weapon." [The party looks around and finds a large computer display.] Arnaud: "If this is what's controlling the system, then...!" [Jude fires a few shots into it and destroys it. Farmel appears.] Farmel: "I applaud your success. You've managed to disarm Illsveil's defense system. Now, this island is vulnerable. If you leave, Gungnir cannot attack you... But that's assuming I would let you go, of course. Lambda is trying to bring about a new future to this I can't let you interfere." Jude: "A new future for this world?! You mean he wants the same thing as Mom?" Farmel: "Human beings are too weak to live in the desolation that is Filgaia. In their current state, they'll never be able to create a decent future. People must evolve and become stronger, for the sake of a better future. Do you understand?" Jude: "No, I don't understand! What the heck does that have to do with any of this?!" Farmel: "You don't understand? That's too bad... Then I suppose you also wouldn't understand the significance of Lambda choosing to be 'the villain' for the greater good..." [The battle with Farmel starts.] Farmel: "If you draw your sword against Lambda, then I shall have no choice but to take up my shield. For I am also known as Asgard--the citadel of the gods--the final and absolute wall which protects the future." [The party attacks Farmel and she counters with a Finest Art, 9999- -hitter doozy.] Tutorial: *Farmel's special ability, 'Citadel of the Gods,' blocks all attacks with one of three impregnable defenses. In particular, her Darkness Stance neutralizes all forms of attack and unleashes an extremely powerful counter upon the surrounding HEXes. She presents a steep wall that cannot be overcome by mere reckless attacks. [The party overcomes the 'steep wall' that is Farmel, but she's not down for the count yet. Jude runs at her after the battle's finished but she repels all his attacks with her shield.] Farmel: "I won't let you past me, or to carry out your convictions. As Asgard, the citadel of the gods, I shall repel your every action!" Jude: "I know you'll counter...but I won't just take it! I'll counter your counter!" Farmel: "I'll send that back as well." Jude: "Then, I'll counter that too!" Farmel: " *chuckle* *laughter* Do you seriously intend on trying to get past me?" Jude: "If I wasn't serious, I wouldn't be here, facing you head-on!" Farmel: "All right... Then I guess I'll permit you to touch me. But in exchange for letting you do so, I'm going to snap your bones with my ultimate counter. If you're not afraid, step forward and accept my embrace." [Farmel blocks Jude's first attack and tries to punch him, but gets her hand stuck with Arnaud's throwing feathers; she tries to kick Jude, but Raquel's sword stops the leg's progress; her shield's batted away by Yulie's series of rings. And all of this without any discussion.] Farmel: "...?! You teamed up to block my triple counter?! But you didn't even signal one another! How did...?!" Raquel: "Human beings are weak, so they learn to work together. That's how they become strong!" [Jude fires a blast of Phantom Line at Farmel and sends her flying against a wall.] Farmel: "You flew straight at me without any fear. How were you able to do that? If you'd hesistated even a little, no amount of cooperation would have been enough to break my counter..." Jude: "...I WAS scared...and nervous. But I knew that cowering in fear wouldn't accomplish anything, so I firmed my resolve and made my move." Farmel: "You thought if you just rushed out, things would somehow work out? Only a child could have that kind of confidence." Jude: "Confidence...Maybe so. But it wasn't just believing in myself...My confidence comes from believing in my friends. I trusted them to help me." Farmel: " *chuckle* So that's why you're so strong." Jude: "Tell me about Lambda...What is he trying to do for the future of the world?" Farmel: "Ask him yourself. Once you learn about his intentions, you can decide what to do next..." Jude: "..." Farmel: "What are you doing? The contamination from the Wild ARM is spreading...This area won't be safe for long." Jude: "Thanks, but we'll search for our own answers. Because after all, that's our future." [The party can then return to the world map. If they do so:] Tutorial: *You can now travel freely all across Filgaia using the aircraft piloted by Arnaud. You can travel instantly to faraway places. [The party continues into the next room into Illsveil, and the view changes to Farmel.] Farmel: "Oh, my...Did they think this would be enough to destroy the defense system? Honestly, they're so naive... If they don't get ot the source of the Wild ARM that's spread itself throughout Illsveil, the control system will just repair itself... Those children will never be able to leave Illsveil like this... ... He is SUCH a cut little boy, after all. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to help him out...just a little..." [The monitor explodes nearby Farmel, the view changes back to Jude, who, after running through some lasers, finds a large boss to cut down.] Yulie: "The Wild ARM's taking over the facility... It's trying to absorb us, too!" Raquel: "It infects, devous, and speads! Is this what our future needs?!" Arnaud: "At this rate, the entire world will be consumed by the Wild ARMs! Surely no one wants that!" [The party defeats the Reclaimer Dragon, but afterwards, a tentacle swoops towards Yulie. It's repeled by some force and the nanomachines break apart.] Arnaud: "Of course...! Yulie's power...! The ablity to regulate ARMs!!" Raquel: "Her power causes its structure to collapse." Jude: "Does that mean Yulie can stop this craziness?" Yulie: "But...I'm not sure I can...over such a large area..." Arnaud: "Right, of course. That's why we have to hit it at the core!!" Jude: "The Divine Weapon!" Yulie: "My reason to fight..." [The party continues on to a statue that's been consumed and entangled by celluar material from the Wild ARM about.] Raquel: "It taints and disfigures everything it touches..." Yulie: "The contamination is spreading!" Jude: "Where's the Divine Weapon?!" Arnaud: "Although we can't find what we're looking for, it seems trouble keeps finding us..." [Two giant tentacles come up and a large monster forms.] Arnaud: "These things take shape by consuming everything that lies in their path, and absorbing it into themselves." Raquel: "Left unchecked, it'll devour the entire world!! Is this the future Lambda desires? No, we can't let this happen! We've got to save all the remaining beauty in this world." [The party defeats the monster.] Raquel: "It's no use..." Yulie: "This ominous presence.. there's no doubt about it. The Divine Weapon lies just ahead." Jude: "Now what do we do?!" Arnaud: "'What do we do?!' What do you think?! At times like do what it takes to survive!" [The party starts to run, but Kresnik rides in on his motorcycle with a tentacle right behind him. Together, they all shoot and stab the tentacles to bits.] Yulie: "Kresnik!" Kresnik: "Yulie... Now that we're all here, we've got to combine our powers! The future of the world depends on it!" [Kresnik and Jude go to shake hands, but the floor gives way and Kresnik's motorcycle falls in. A large chasm forms between them and the rest of the party.] Yulie: "No...why now?" Kresnik: "Even if we take separate paths, we're working towards the same goal. You know that alright..." Yulie: "Yes...but--" Kresnik: "Besides, I have something for you, and until its safely in your hands, I have no intention of going very far." Yulie: "All right Kresnik...but...promise that you'll be the one to give it to me. I won't accept it from anyone else. You have to promise me...Kresnik..." Kresnik: "Okay, I promise...Yulie." [Kresnik and Jude head into the next room.] Jude: "Wow, I never imagined anything like this to be underneath the prison..." Kresnik: "Illsveil was mainly used to hold Class A war criminals... But it was also used to conceal the technology and truths deemed to be unnecessary for the post-war world. A great deal of the ugliness of the war lies hidden here... The ARM known as the Divine Weapon is part of that. The Congressional Knights assumed control of Illsveil and had the war criminals dig up the Divine Weapon..." Jude: "And now the Divine Weapon is out of control. But isn't that kinda strange? How is it running wild without any power from Yulie, you, or me? Don't tell me Lambda also has the power to connect his mind to ARMs...?" Kresnik: "It's probably the work of the Black Reaper, Hauser Blackwell...the captured former war hero..." Jude: "No way! There's no way he'd ever help Lambda! I can tell... he doesn't want any more fighting. He wants peace more than anyone!" Kresnik: "...At the Divine Weapon excavation site, the truth will be revealed..." [Kresnik and Jude continue on into a screen with a large orb housing an hourglass inside.] Tutorial: *If Jude is exposed to the effects of this mysterious object, he will become unable to use his Accelerator. To restore his Accelerator ability, he must neutralize the effect by touching the object, or another of its kind, once again. [Kresnik and Jude continue until they're attacked by a boss.] Jude: "It's blocking our way!" Kresnik: "It's as if it's sentient, and it's actions are thought out. ...?! Jude, have you come across anyone since arriving here...?" Jude: "...? Well, that Brionac lady...What about her?" Kresnik: "Oh, Farmel... No, regular convicts that you'd expect in a prison." Jude: " *gasp* " Kresnik: "They're not out of control... They're out to destroy mankind!" Jude: "If any should escape from here..." Kresnik: "Never mind the future of the world, all humans will be consumed!" [The two kill the monster.] Kresnik: " *groan* " Jude: "Are you okay?" Kresnik: "...It's the Resistance Impulse... Due to my low drive compatibility coefficient, I can't use an ARM, not even a prototype, without the support of drugs... I wasn't able to become a gene driver like you... But I still wanted the power to protect my own sister..." Jude: "Kresnik..." Kresnik: "...I hate you..." Jude: "..." Kresnik: "You're able to wield an ARM without undergoing any physical modifications...yet you maintain the innocence of a child, and never hesitate to charge straight ahead... ... You're doing so many things I couldn't, and for that I hate you..." Jude: "Yeah, well, I hate you too, Kresnik. I can't understand how you could do things that make your sister sad... ... But you won't make Yulie sad anymore, right?" Kresnik: "I'm not planning to... That's why I want to fight alongside you..." [The view switches back to the Yulie/Arnaud/Raquel team after a little while. They're running through the dungeon, too.] Arnaud: "Are you feeling okay?" Raquel: "The future depends entirely on us. We can't stop now." Arnaud: "Ah, well...yeah." Raquel: "And to think, that you're able to show concern for others at a time like this... You sure have changed, Arnaud... Have you grown up a little?" Arnaud: "I already finished growing up a long time ago! So--" [A large boss attacks.] Arnaud: "Let's take care of this and go help the kid!" Yulie: "Even when we're apart, I can feel Kresnik's presence close to my heart. So I won't hesitate or try to run away from my battles!" [The party slays the beast. Parts of the rock shake accordingly.] Raquel: "Look at that!" Arnaud: "It's spreading through the rock. That must be why the rock's getting weaker... ... Be careful...the Wild ARM is a threat, but the cave itself is becoming dangerous, too..." Yulie: "Jude...Kresnik..." [The ground shakes again and the Jude/Kresnik Team comes up. As soon as the part starts, the ground cracks and Kresnik starts to fall in.] Jude: "Kresnik!" [A tentacle rises up behind Jude.] Kresnik: "Javelin!" [Kresnik's motorcycle rides up some debris and explodes on the tenticle behind Jude.] Jude: "...?!!" Jude: "Gimme your hand!" [Kresnik jumps as the ground falls into the darkness, and he manages to cling on the side of the path.] Kresnik: "Is this the end of the road... for a defective gene driver like me? If I could only...just get Yulie... You have to... ...accept it for--" [The cave starts to show the signs of falling apart.] Kresnik: "Stop, let me go, Jude! This cave is going to collapse!" Jude: "No, I can't do it!" Kresnik: "Sometimes all you can do, is make the best of the situation!" Jude: "How can I say I made the best of the situation if...I let you die?! There's been too much suffering already!" [Kresnik forms his ARM and Jude grabs a hold of it.] Kresnik: "Jude...listen to me. I want to protect my sister, but without the ability to use ARMS... With you resides all hope for the future. You can make a leap from the present, and fly towards the future, Jude and so...I entrust Yulie to you--" Jude: "I'll protect Yulie. That's a promise I made to her! And remember your own promise to her! You can't give up! We'll protect her together, Kresnik!" Kresnik: "'re right...together, we'll protect Yulie...she's my precious sister, after all...together... you...and my ARM..." [Kresnik lets go of his ARM and falls into the darkness.] Jude: "Kresniiiiiiiik!! Noooooo!!" [Jude sits at the edge with Kresnik's weapon, furious.] Jude: "Kresnik...nothing's changed...I still hate you. How is... sacrificing yourself the best option? How can there be anything good in making Yulie cry? I hate you Kresnik...I hate you for making Yulie cry! But...I promise you...I promise I'll always protect Yulie...together...along with your ARM...I won't fail!" [Jude continues on into the next screen, finding his party.] Arnaud: "Jude!" Jude: "Guys..." Arnaud: "Jude...What happened to Kresnik...?" [Raquel takes him aside.] Jude: "...Yulie...he..." Yulie: "Where's my brother...?" Jude: "..." [Yulie takes his hand.] Yulie: "Even if we take separate paths, we're working toward the same future... ... I understand...He went on ahead, didn't he?" Jude: "Yulie..." Yulie: "Your left hand, Jude...I can sense Kresnik's conviction emanating from it... He must be worried about me... ... Am I that...undependable? Am I still...a crybaby? I need to show everyone how strong I can be, so Kresnik won't have to worry about me. Right, Jude?" Jude: "Yeah...and I need to be strong, too, or Kresnik will--No, EVERYONE will laugh at me and keep treating me as a kid... ... Let's go, Yulie..." Yulie: "Yes, let's go together, Jude..." [Soon, the party finds Lambda waiting around for them.] Lambda: "The world is soon to be torn apart...but allow me to welcome you." Jude: "What are you scheming, Lambda?! How can any of this be for the sake of the world's future?!" Lambda: "...Filgaia is far too harsh, and its people far too weak, to ever build a future... If they are to build a future for this world, people must first evolve and become stronger... That is why I have activated the Divine Weapon and triggered a catastrophe of global proportions." Jude: "You're not making any sense!!" Arnaud: "Actually...I think I may know what he's talking about...But you're not going to like it..." Raquel: "What do you mean?" Arnaud: "These guys were researching artificial evolution at the orphanage where Yulie was..." Yulie: "...Artificially-inducd evolution that circumvents the natural process... Putting the world through a devastating crisis is a new method of actualizing evolution?!" Arnaud: "Well, it's not necessarily a new way of triggering evolution... It's an attempt to return the original theory and put it into practice, right?" Lambda: "Yes, the theory of natural selection... The Wild ARM that's devouring humans and everything else, in effect creates a harsh environment to live in. The old and the weak will die off, but those who survive will surely evolve into a stronger and more perfect species." Jude: "'Surely?' What happens if they don't?!" Yulie: "Species that are unable to evolve and adapt to their environment simply die out..." Arnaud: "That's right. While there are examples of species dying out due to natural selection, few cases of true evolution exist. What possible reason could make the desire to evolve so strong that you'd be willing to use such uncertain methods?" Lambda: "The reason? Why to overcome weakness, of course... The human species has a weakness which makes it impossible to prevent wars... The same weakness makes them unable to accept the conclusion of wars. It is a defective species where people can't even manage the society in which they live in!" Jude: "Is he...crying? Even though he's an adult?!" Lambda: "If humans are to reach the future, they must become strong! They must evolve to become stronger! I have the ability to get a glimpse of the future with these eyes... I have learned the terrible truth...that the future is closed off to this species. To protect the world for the people of this world, I will bear any shame and condemnation!" [The battle with Lambda starts.] Jude: "You're willing to sacrifice so many lives?! How can you hurt people and still live with yourself?" Lambda: "It's inevitable that humans, by virtue of being alive, will hurt others. This is a karmic burden we cannot escape. That is why humans must evolve and grow more powerful and resilient." Jude: "No, you're wrong! When you know enough to realize that you're hurting others, then all you need to do is just care enough to stop! Evolution isn't about power!" [When Lambda's attacked, sometimes the attack will have no effect.] Tutorial: *Lambda's special ability, 'Blue Destiny,' is also known as the 'Future Veiled in Tears.' It allows him to predict future events via high-speed calculations based on visually-acquired information. When the information within his field of vision is simple, he is able to predict the future with incredible accuracy and neutralize it with a high probability of success. [The party defeats Lambda regardless of his ability.] Lambda: "Will this...change the future I've seen?" Jude: "Blinded by your tears, you could only see a future full of sorrow... C'mon, you're part of the human race, right?! I know that you can change the future if you believe in yourself, your companions, and the people of this world. There's no limit to what we can accomplish together, yet you..." Lambda: "..." Jude: "We're going now...we've got to keep moving forward." Lambda: "Why don't you go ahead and finish me off? You can avenge your mother that way." Jude: "...When we escaped from the battleship, I swore I'd get revenge... But that's not why I'm here now... I didn't fight you to avenge Mom. I fought you to stop the Divine Weapon." Lambda: "Adults are like insurmountable obstacles to children. You never know when I might stand in your way again." Jude: "I'll deal with that when the time comes. I'll show you I can overcome you again." [Just then, debris starts to fall on the party...but Lambda rises up and destroys it with kicks and punches. When a beam from a crane above falls, he catches it bare-handed.] Lambda: " *roar* I have entrusted the future to these children of Filgaia! I will not let their journey end here!" [He throws the beam and forms a makeshift pathway for them.] Lambda: "The Divine Weapon is straight ahead, through there. Go now, and change the future... No...create your own future, by your own hands." [The party approaches the massive door.] Narrative: *The party can sense that once they pass the point, they won't be able to turn back. [The party can save, enter, or leave; they choose to enter. As they do, the cave Lambda's in starts to collapse. At that moment, Farmel enters. Lambda looks at her, seeing her eyes are closed.] Lambda: "Farmel...your eyes...?!" Farmel: "Yes...I had a little trouble getting here as a result." Lambda: "I'm not much better off myself. I no longer have even the strength to stand..." Farmel: "...Lambda, your intention from the very start was to lose to those children, wasn't it? To set loose the Divine Weapon and make them the one last shining hope for mankind, in a world on the eve of destruction..." Lambda: "No, not at all...I fought with all my might...and lost. That's why I changed my plan. I just helped them out a little, so that they might stop the Divine Weapon." Farmel: "Really? I was certain there was no way they could get past you, if you fought in earnest." Lambda: "Those children had already surpassed me. The boy told me that despite striking me, it wasn't to avenge his mother. His eyes were strong and true, without a trace of doubt... I decided to believe in the strength of human beings once more. I decided I would entrust Filgaia to the future that I saw in their eyes." Farmel: "Yes...the strength of their trust in one another was undeniable. That's what made me decide to help them out. In return, I even got a lecture on the importance of believing in your comrades...something we'd forgotten about long ago. It's embarrassing to admit, but that's the reason why they were able to defeat Brionac, isn't it..." Lambda: "...Now I know what Gawn meant when he said, 'You always try to rush the results.' I wasn't able to believe in people the way those children do... I had thought mankind to be a pitiful species that would march toward its own destruction if left unchecked. I didn't believe that people had the strength to direct the world--the future--down a positive path... For the future I saw was filled with the utter darkness of human weakness, ugliness, and cruelty..." Farmel: "Did your ability let you see the future that lies ahead of those children?" Lambda: "My glimpses of the future are distorted by my tears. ... The future I truly wanted is one I cannot create myself... The only ones able to build Filgaia's future...are Filgaia's children." Farmel: "That's too bad...I wanted to see the future you would create." Lambda: "In that case, will you come with me, Farmel? If you'll support this body that can no longer move..." Farmel: "Of course... If you'll be my eyes to gaze upon the world to which we head..." [Lambda and Farmel die, and rubble from the cavern's ceiling quickly falls onto them, just in case. Jude's team heads across a long bridge to where the Divine Weapon rests.] Jude: "Raquel!" [A tentacle picks up Yulie.] Jude: "Yulie!" Yulie: "It's all right! This will allow me to affect the Divine Weapon directly!!" [Just then, some tentacles come up and attack, but Raquel's dead-on sword slices through 'em. Yulie breaks apart the third one.] Yulie: "Intense feelings of negativity, such as the malice of dead souls, made it a Wild ARM. I don't think I'll be able to control it properly. Our only chance is to shut it down..." [Just then, Hauser forms out of nanomachines.] Hauser: "I'm afraid I can't let you stop the Divine Weapon, Paladienne..." Jude: "Hauser...?!" [Hauser forms his massive ARM.] Hauser: "Goodbye." [He fires at Yulie, but Jude makes his ARM into a shield and acts as a barricade.] Hauser: "A single shield isn't enough. You won't last long..." Yulie: "No Jude! please run!" [A flash of white light occurs as Hauser's attack gets pushed back towards him. When it clears, Jude's holding Kresnik's ARM.] Raquel: "He countered...countered and cancelled the attack!" Arnaud: "The kid really did it! And not a moment too soon!" Yulie: "That ARM, it's..." Hauser: "You stopped me with a prototype ARM...? One that's lacking full power?!" [Jude gazes at Kresnik's ARM.] Jude: "I promised that we'd protect Yulie together. Besides... Kresnik's conviction is real! There's nothing lacking about it!" Yulie: "Kresnik..." [Jude runs at Hauser.] Jude: "Why...? Why are we doing this?!!" [Jude runs at Hauser and jump kicks towards him, but Hauser stops the attack with one hand. Just then, a scene from the Blackwell's past plays out. He and a woman are in room.] Hauser: "I'm sorry, Ethelda...I've got to go..." Ethelda: "The accident at's in enemy territory, so why must you go? Is it because they call you a hero? If so...I'm responsible for this curse which made you a hero, I'm going with you! Hauser: "No, you can't! It's too dangerous! And you know as well as I do that the heat and the toxins from the reactor will poison and devour everything in sight! Left unchecked, it's a threat to us all. The air we breathe, the land we live on, our entire world will be poisoned! I can't let that happen!" Ethelda: "..." Hauser: "But I...I can't take you..I can't take the two of you with me..." Ethelda: "Hauser..." Hauser: "I became an ARM driver to rid this world of war...and to provide a future for coming generations. That's why I must go and shut down the reactor in Verklarung. It's for the sake of the coming generations. Ethelda: "As a woman, can't I dissuade you from facing certain death?" Hauser: "Men are able to face danger, only because their women are protecting the hearth and homes to which they'll return to one day. Besides... There's no need to worry, the ARM I'm equipped with was originally created to repair the environment. I'll use the ARM to shield myself and purify the heat and toxins. And even if it should break, all I have to do is regenerate." Ethelda: "No, you can't..." Hauser: "Yes I can and I will do it. And I'll...I'll come home to that's why...I need you to stay here. You're going to be a mother soon. Surely you can understand? The children of the future deserve a peaceful world, free of war and destruction... [The cutscene ends.] Jude: "Why is he...? But that'" Hauser: "They betrayed me! I wanted peace! I wanted to put an end to the war! Yet, why does war still persist?! It's because humans desire it!! If it's human nature to make war, then I'll just have to eliminate all of humanity! Eternal peace has no need for humans!!" [The battle with Hauser starts.] Jude: "By believing that humans were unnecessary...look what that's done to you! What happened to the kind-hearted Hauser I knew?" Hauser: "Kindness changes...nothing!" Jude: "Well power failed to change anything, didn't it? Besides, you can't call a world without people, a peaceful world!" Hauser: "What do you know?! You've never experienced war!" Jude: "Why can't you adults believe in peace, and do what you know is right?! It's just...plain stupid!" [The party defeats Hauser, but he changes into a gigantic monster that resembles nothing like his kindly self that he displayed earlier in the game.] Jude: "I've seen inside your heart, and it's not that I don't understand what you're trying to do... But I know without a doubt, that what you're doing is wrong! You will only bring about more that others will suffer like you did. Just because you rationalized good and evil in the past, it doesn't mean you have to continue doing so, in the future. We'll never attain the peace you're seeking, if you use violence to fight violence." [The party fights and defeats that incarnation, but another comes after it, and this one's flamboyant with its evil energies. Some lackeys accompany it into battle.] Jude: "Is there no way we can stop him? Can't you hear our voices anymore...Hauser...?! ... If you can't stop yourself, then... we'll be the ones to stop you! I'm sick of all this fighting!" Yulie: "And so am I...and I pray that none shall ever suffer from war again!" Raquel: "To live...and weave together a future! This battlefield shall be the last place where blood is spilt to protect the future!" Arnaud: "The children of this world still have so much left to accomplish. So we won't stand by and let you adults have your way unchallenged!" Jude: "We've got to combine our powers! Individually, our powers are limited, but combined together, they become strong!" Arnaud: "Let's do it!" Yulie: "Yes, we must!" Raquel: "Let's go together, into the future!" Jude: "Arc Impulse!!!" [The party defeats the Divine Weapon's third incarnation.] Raquel: "If it means a life enslaved to power, I'll fight it with everything I got." Arnaud: "No matter what, everyone's got the right to choose their own path!" Yulie: "Certain convictions are worth more than life!" Jude: "Combining our powers and our hearts into one...with this final Arc Impulse...we'll strike Hauser will all our conviction!" [The party uses Arc Impulse on the third incarnation that has 1 HP left over, ripping the Divine Weapon apart once and for all.] Arnaud: "The aura of the Divine Weapon's energy has disappeared, and it's turned white and brittle looking... ... It's so quiet... Is it finally over...?" Raquel: "Now that Hauser's gone, the sinister energy given off by the Wild ARM is also fading..." Yulie: "...The Divine Weapon should cease functioning now. The contaminated areas should die out soon, too." Jude: "Yeah..." [All of a sudden, the area starts to shake.] Arnaud: "If the contaminated areas around us are dying that means... the structural integrity of this place is about to drop dramatically!" Raquel: "That doesn't sound good..." Jude: "Let's get out of here, guys!!" [The party starts to run off. As Jude looks back, Hauser reforms from the nanomachines and runs towards him with his ARM. Jude forms his ARM...and tosses it aside, running to Hauser.] Jude: "Stop it! That's enough! You said you wanted to eliminate war from this world...well, guess what?! We both want the same thing! I know that...everything you've done was to protect the world...and I'm grateful for it. Thank you...thank you for fighting in the war...And creating a future for this world and the rest of us. And it's not only you... I want to thank everyone that's fought for the sake of our future. Because of your sacrifices in the past, we have our lives today...and a tomorrow to look forward to. So there's no need to wield your ARM anymore, Hauser. You can put the anger inside your heart to rest. [Hauser slowly lets go of his ARM.] Jude: "Thank you...thank you for everything you've done. From now on, we, the children who inherited this world you fought so hard for, we'll be the ones to forge the future. And we promise to work so that some day, in the future, there'll be no more war... Don't you think that's the true meaning of evolution?" Hauser: "..." Jude: "So your was all to provide us with the time and opportunity to do just this, wasn't it?" [Hauser smiles and pats Jude on the head. With the anger in his heart gone, he fades away into nanomachines, scattering off the side of the bridge. Jude's team, who didn't see the encounter, run back when he starts to wail.] Arnaud: "H...hey...what's the matter?" [Jude hugs Arnaud, crying.] Jude: "I...I..." [They let him cry for a moment. When he turns around, he sees the puppy from the August River looking at them.] Jude: "Is that the puppy from the river?" Dog: "..." [The dog sniffs them each and stands looking at them again.] Jude: "Yeah...that's right...we can't just hang around here, can we? Hey, he probably knows a safe way out. Let's follow him. C'mon, everyone! Let's head back...back to our own world!" [The party leaves and flies out of Illsveil Prison, which is now smoking and smoldering from the internal chaos. The screen blacks out and the view eventually changes to the Halim cemetary.] Narrative: "A few days after the battle... [Jude puts the finishing touches on his mother's memorial.] Jude: "Guys...thank you. With your help, I was able to fulfill Mom's wish and put a stop to the Divine Weapon once and for all. ... And.. We were able to create a resting place for Mom and the other villagers... ... ...and for everyone else... I was able to do things I couldn't have done by myself, because you were all with me." Arnaud: "In the end, all I did was let myself get dragged into one thing after another... But thanks to you, I think I've changed a little, and for the better too." Yulie: "And it's not just Arnaud. Little-by-little, we've all changed since we first met." Raquel: "We didn't just spend time together. This must be--" Jude: "We went to all the trouble of protecting the world's future... so we'd better make good use of it now!" [The party starts to leave.] Jude: "Let's see, before we go, is there anything I've forgotten...? Arnaud...Are you and Raquel really leaving?" Arnaud: "Yeah...I've finally found my purpose. I want to cure Raquel." Jude: "Then why don't we go together?" Arnaud: "You're going to stay and develop this village, right? And Yulie says she's going to take care of the kids in the village..." Jude: "But I thought we'd...always be together..." Arnaud: "Our paths may be different, but we share the same future. We'll cross paths again sometime... Right?" Jude: "Yeah... You're right..." [The four walk toward the workshop.] Arnaud: "Once we retrieve our belongings we left in the workshop... it'll be about time for us to go." Jude: "You're leaving already?" Arnaud: "I don't really want a big send-off...Besides, the longer we wait, the harder it'll be to say goodbye, right?" Jude: "It's already hard enough to say goodbye..." Arnaud: "Sorry for being so selfish Jude, but you understand, right?" [They go into the workshop.] Raquel: "When did you realize we were leaving?" Jude: "I didn't realize anything at first until Yulie mentioned it..." Yulie: "Well, it's just that...Arnaud seemed restless..." Arnaud: "I gave it away?!" Jude: " *heh heh* You're supposed to be a master trickster, but you couldn't keep it hidden at all." Arnaud: "I don't need to take that from you, kid. You'd never know if Yulie didn't say something." Jude: " *laughter* " [Arnaud tells the story of Raquel and him (?) in a quick fade-in/ fade-out scene.] Arnaud: "So anyway, that's the story. We're going on a journey to cure Raquel." Raquel: "I feel bad having Arnaud help me, but... I intend to continue my search for the beautiful things left in Filgaia. My journey with all of you helped me to realize that it's a bit too early for me to be giving up on this world." Yulie: "Please take care, Raquel..." Raquel: "Arnaud will be with me, so there's no need to worry. He's a lot more reliable than he looks." Yulie: "If you really feel that way, you could at least hold hands..." [Raquel blushes.] Raquel: "Wh-what?! You don't do that sort of thing in front of others!!" [This is where the funny Raquel-wielding-sword/Arnaud-running-away picture comes into play.] Arnaud: "Well anyway, that's how things are. And don't worry, there's plenty going on when you two aren't around. Well, we'll be taking off now. Take care, you two." Raquel: "If we find a cure, this'll be the first place we come back to. So I want you to see us off with smiles today." Jude: "I know you'll be back! It's a promise, okay?! And you have to keep that promise no matter what, got it? Remember, no matter what! It's a promise between the four of us! We'll all meet again in this village! Really, I hate that we're parting like this... There's all sorts of things I want to tell you! ... But... I'll save those things for next time. I'll tell you about them when we all meet up again! I'll see you off today with a smile. So you two have to go with smiles too!!" [Raquel and Arnaud leave.] Yulie: "They're gone..." Jude: "Yeah... But we'll see them again soon...'Cause we made a promise..." Yulie: "Everyone's taking steps toward their own futures... I better not fall behind, myself." Jude: "You're gonna take care of the children in the village, right?" Yulie: "Yes, I... All this time, I've been receiving help from others. From now on, I want to help people, too..." Jude: "I know you can do it, Yulie. That sort of thing suits you." Yulie: "Thanks, Jude. When I hear you say makes me feel really happy." [The two walk outside now that their friends have left. On the stone railing nearby, the music box Kresnik used to carry around sits. Yulie opens it to hear her song.] Jude: "Isn't that..." Yulie: "That's the song, the one I used to listen to. Jude: "Someone must have forgotten it." Yulie: "Then, what should we do?" Jude: "Why don't you keep it, Yulie?" Yulie: "Huh?" Jude: "Yeah, hang onto it until someone comes back to claim it." Yulie: "You're just trying to get out of being responsible for it!" Jude: "What do you mean? You wouldn't want me to lose it, would you?" [Jude laughs and runs off back into town with Yulie behind him.] Jude: "Look at us! We're acting like Arnaud and Raquel!" Yulie: "Hey, Jude!" Jude: "What?" Yulie: "What are you going to do?" Jude: "What do you mean?' Yulie: "In the future." Jude: "I'm gonna help develop this place!" Yulie: "No...I mean a little further down the line. Like, when we're older." Jude: "I'm not really's hard to say. But one thing's for certain. I'm never going to let my doubts stop me from moving forward again. I'm going...I'm going to face the future head-on... ...and not get mired in the become more than I am today. After all, I wanna measure up to all those who came before us, and make them proud. Think I can do it?" [Jude turns around to Yulie and sees her trip. He runs to catch her and the screen fast-forwards.] Narrative: 10 years later... [The screen shows pictures of Halim in all seasons, and then Jude up in the mountains looking through binoculars.] Narrative: Jude became a forest ranger, working to protect what remained of Filgaia's precious wilderness after the flames of war subsided. [It shows Jude surrounding by animals, including a large bear.] Narrative: He now lives in a cabin in the mountains near Halim, surrounded by animals rather than people. Perhaps this is why he still retains his youthful innocence to this day. [In Halim, it shows Yulie looking very scholarly and surrounded by her own brood of students.] Narrative: Yulie Ahtreide became a schoolteacher in Halim. The settlement has expanded and she spends much of her time teaching its many children. Although she gets teased from time to time, she's beloved by all. She has also managed to add a few new recipes to her repertoire." [The screen shows a dusty town off somewhere.] Narrative: Arnaud G. Vaszquez married Raquel Applegate somewhere along their journey to find a cure for her illness. Soon after ,they were blessed with the birth of a daughter. [They show the inside of a diner with Arnaud's daughter pointing to a picture of her when she was young, when she was still alive.] Narrative: Later, they settled down in a town they were passing through and opened a restaurant. He currently runs it with the help of his daughter, but business is far from booming. [It shows a wall full of pictures in the restaurant.] Narrative: Raquel never did find a cure for her illness, but she did find something truly beautiful in this world. [The screen shows a picture of Arnaud, Raquel, and their daughter.] Narrative: She was filled with a sense of peace as she caressed her newborn daughter's hand, and her journey quietly came to an end. [The credits roll. Afterwards, a picture shows the four smiling in a framed picture on Arnaud's wall.] Narrative: The four friends may not have been able to fulfill their promise to meet again, but even now, Filgaia's future continues onward... THE END ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 40. NPC List | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ | / | LEGEND: / | TS = Traveling Salesman / | [1],[2],[3] = Area NPC is Located / | 01, 02... = NPC Number / | [Rusty Luster], etc. = Area Name if NPC is Indoors / | ________________________________________________________/ || || | -------------------- | Abandoned Village | | -------------------- || || 01. Brewer [2] || 02. TS ??????? || || | ------------------- | August River | | ------------------- || || 01. TS Lenny [2] || || | ------------------- | Blue Amity Beach | | ------------------- || || 01. TS Julian [2] || || | ------------------- | Buckeye Station | | ------------------- || || 01. Fitz [1] || 02. Charlie [1] || 03. Timothy [1] || 04. Garcia [1] || 05. Jennifer [1] || 06. Andy [1] || 07. Oswald [1] || 08. Vernon [1] || 09. Josie [1] || 10. Ivana [1][The Copper Kettle] || 11. Doris [1][Rusty Luster] || 12. Annette [1] || 13. Grace [1][Comfortably Retired Grace's House] || 14. Francois [1][Widower Francois' Home] || 15. Victoria [1][Buckeye Station Waiting Room] || 16. Leonard [1][Buckeye Station Waiting Room] || 17. Station Worker Emmett [2] || 18. Volcan [2] || 19. Theresia [2] || 20. Henrick [2] || 21. Cid [3][Penman Cid's Cottage] || 22. Sasha [3] || 23. Willy [3] || | ------------------------ | Calucion Pass | | ------------------------ || || 01. TS Kanaan [2] || || | ------------------------ | Ceil Shelter | | ------------------------ || || 01. Hakim || 02. Solon || 03. Diana || 04. Maybell || 05. Wyoming || 06. Samuel || 07. Raymond || 08. Alec || 09. Helga || 10. Heinrich || 11. Instructor Henri || 12. Ethelda || | ------------------------ | Desolate Railway | | ------------------------ || || 01. Rebecca [1] || 02. Black Box [2] || | ------------------------ | Dragon Fossil Mine | | ------------------------ || || 01. Johnny [1] || 02. TS Landis [2] || | ------------------------ | Frontier Town Halim | |.------------------------ || || 01. Gil [1] || 02. Hakim [1] || 03. Archibald [1] || 04. Bill [1] || 05. Wyoming [1] || 06. Maybell [1] || 07. Helga [1][Helga's Temporary Residence] || 08. Blaire [1][Blaire's House] || 09. Charlotte [1][General Store Sweet Teddy] || 10. George [1] || 11. Elaine [1] || 12. Aki [1] || 13. Sasha [1] || 14. Amengard [1][Occult Buff's House] || 15. Gordon [1][Retiree Gordon's House] || 16. Caroline [2] || 17. Pick [2] || 18. Annie [2] || 19. Simon [2] || 20. Rebecca [2] || 21. Mathilda [2] || 22. Instructor Henri [3] || || | ------------------- | Great Stairway | | ------------------- || || 01. TS ___________ [2] || || ------------------- Guara Bobelo | ------------------- || || 01. Matt [1] || 02. Chloe [1] || 03. Jean [1][Jean's Workplace] || 04. Clark [1] || 05. Mitchell [1] || 06. Vilen [1] || 07. Bruce [1][Shopkeeper] || 08. Sarah [1] || 09. Phoebe [1] || 10. Rand [1][Gamer Geek's House] || 11. Trish [2] || 12. Willy [2] || 13. Pierre [2] || 14. Catherine [2] || 15. Gaston [2] || 16. Haley [2] || 17. Jacky [2] || 18. Izzy [2] || 19. Tatiana [2] || 20. Richie [2] || 21. Basil [2] || 22. Abigail [2] || 23. Marcello [2] || 24. Alexando [2][Alexandro's Bar] || 25. Goltres [2][Maiden Goltres' Residence] || 26. Samantha [2] || 27. Kid [3] || 28. Jibril [3][Black Market] || 29. Owen [3] || 30. David [3] || 31. Barbara [3] || 32. Raymond [3] || 33. Black [3] || 34. Sally [3][Screams of the Sacrificed] || | ----------------- | Port Rosalia | | ----------------- || || 01. Audrey [1] || 02. Duke [1] || 03. Pedro [1] || 04. Natalie [1] || 05. Glenn [1] || 06. Russel [1] || 07. Lily [1][Seabreeze Port] || 08. Mike [1] || 09. Anabel [1] || 10. Steven [1] || 11. Sonetica [1] || 12. Camus [1][General Store Gargantua] || 13. Tommy [1] || 14. Stewart [1] || 15. Sasha [1] || 16. Ethan [1] || 17. Felicia [1][Felicia's Club] || 18. Neville [1] || 19. Bernard [1][Fisherman Bernard's House] || 20. Johnson [1] || 21. Rose [2] || 22. James [2] || 23. Kai [2] || 24. Angelica [2] || 25. Lesley [2] || 26. Keith [2] || 27. Alison [2][Merchant Alison's House] || 28. Shiela [2] || 29. Dr. Morgan [2][Dr. Morgan's Clinic] || 30. Colin [2] || 31. Bryan [2] || 32. Monica [2][Monica, Home Alone] || 33. Valentine [2] || 34. Kenneth [2] || 35. Rebecca [2] || 36. Nest [2] || 37. Riber [2] || 38. Brewer [3] || 39. Pico [3] || 40. Umberto [3] || 41. Siemens [3] || 42. Paige [3] || | \_______________________________________________________/| |__________________________________________________________| /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 41. Amengard Script | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ Amengard is a quirky NPC who lives in the treehouse in the Frontier Town Halim. She's an occult fan, so, by nature she knows a lot of mysterious goings-on. She's really a throwback to the WA3 character who found pleasure in telling people about the days of the year. In this game, she tells different spook stories for each day. So, to honor her presence, here's the script of her daily tales, starting with her initial little entrance dialogue (she says it once): Amengard: "Welcome. I am called Amengard. Hmm? Aren't you...? Let me see your face. I have a strange feeling I've met you before in a parallel universe...No, perhaps it was the spirit that accompanies you that I met...? ...Whatever the case, I feel a connection with you, so starting now, I'll tell you my 365(+1) scary stories. Wait...don't run away. Well, actually, you can run if you want, but you'll come back to me again like a boomerang!" January 01 -- "Today is January 1st, New Year's Day. On New Year's Eve, I counted as the bell of desire tolled 366 times for me. My mother was flabbergasted by the sheer number of my earthly desires... But for me, I learned that I possess absolutely no earthly desires other than my interest in the occult, so it was a lovely way to start the year. By the way, how many earthly desires do you possess?" January 02 -- "There once was a man who lived in a village up in the mountains... He claimed he was descended from Balam, the three-faced monster. The people of the village didn't take his claim seriously, for no evidence supported his tale. Then one day, the man fell from a tree while working, and passed away. You can imagine how stunned the villagers were when they saw his body...for on the back of his head were wounds that resembled eyes, nose, and mouth." January 03 -- "There once was a palm reader whose fortunes were rumored to always come true. But the secret to his fortune-telling was that he looked at the blood vessels on the hand to judge a person's health. When his secret was revealed, you would have expected his popularity to go up, but instead he found himself with fewer customers." January 04 -- "Unwrap a piece of caramel, and you'll find pictures of girls with a variety of expressions on the wrappers. There was once a girl who received a box of these caramels as a farewell gift from her classmates. But the girl never got around to eating the caramels for on the day of the move she was hit by a car. It's said that caramel wrappers were scattered all across the road...and they all had faces of weeping girls on them." January 05 -- "There once was a gambler who had a magical item known as the Coin of Ruin...a coin that always came up tails. He used the coin at crucial times and became a very wealthy man. Yet they say his life was not a happy one...For though he could win at gambling by betting on tails, predicting the coin toss of life proved to be much more difficult..." January 06 -- "About 100 years ago, there was a lady in Buckeye named Mathilda. She always wore pure white gloves and never once removed them. Mathilda died of old age, and when her family gathered at her bedside, they saw the gloves liquify and melt away. And with the exception of the ring finger on her left hand-- on which her wedding ring was placed--her hands were gone as well." January 07 -- "When you hear the phrase 'Seven Wonders,' you never hear anyone describe what the seventh one actually is. That's because those who learn what the seventh one is, always lose their lives. It's just like how only six of the spices in seven-spice are revealed." January 08 -- "Many people say they have encountered supernatural creatures on snowy mountains. The creatures are usually white as snow, as if they had no blood. Perhaps it acts as a sort of camouflage amidst the white snow. Because of that, there's no end to the number of people who encounter them...before even realizing what they are." January 09 -- "At night, the statue of the saint in Culane Temple turns into a beautiful woman dressed in white, and travels to Port Rosalia. ...Or so they claim... Many scoff at the tale as nothing but humbug, and yet... After the statue was destroyed during the war, the beautiful woman in white was no longer seen about Port Rosalia." January 10 -- "A traveling salesman was making his way through Calucion Pass when he saw a wrinkled old gob watching him from atop a tree beside the road. The gob asked the salesman for a shotel but considering what would happen after he handed it over, the salesman refused. The old gob persisted, so the salesman sighed and compromised, saying he'd sell it for 102 tree nuts. The old gob nodded and disappeared into the forest to search for nuts, and the salesman promptly fled." January 11 -- "There once was a woman who could fortell how long people had to live. As was common amongst people with such abilities, she kept it hidden. One day, she stepped out onto the street and was stunned to see that everyone who walked by had exactly the same amount of time left. She quickly gathered her belongings and put her hometown of Verklarung behind her." January 12 -- "One day, an honest old man dropped his axe in a spring, but he spirit of the spring admired his honesty and gave him a golden axe instead. When a mean old man heard that, he went to the spring himself and dumped in his own axe. But the spirit of the spring never appeared. The mean old man got mad and invited the other man to come over and drink with him so that he might forget his troubles. But upon arriving, the honest old man seemed a bit nervous. After fidgeting for a while, he suggested they go out for ice cream. The mean old man didn't want to go, but he gave in eventually and went out for a waffle cone. As soon as they left the house, the honest old man said to the other, 'The spirit of the spring was under your bed, clutching an axe.' The spirit of the spring of the spring was arrested, and she confessed that she had planned to strke once the two of them had gone to sleep." January 13 -- "Trish, the girl in charge of the library at Clan, was organizing the books as usual when an old vellum scroll fell from the shelves. The aged, yellow paper was clearly addressed to her, 'Trish S.' She was surprised, but quickly regained her composure and headed for the library office. She addressed a letter to the girl whose name popped in her mind, and placed it back inside the book, and returned it to the shelf." January 14 -- "They say there's an old umbrella shop in the back alley of Port Rosalia. In that shop is an umbrella that, when opened, allows you to see a rainy day-- no matter how nice the weather outside happens to be. It's a useless item, but very valuable when you're walking along the beach and feeling blue." January 15 -- "Today is Alien Day! It's the day when all the aliens who've come to Filgaia from outer space gather together in one place to hold a ceremony. When the ceremony ends, they all receive commemorative gifts. Filgaian dictionaries are always a popular choice." January 16 -- "Once, in a certain town, there was a green-haired demon who lived with a human girl. Shortly after the girl died, the demon passed away as well. His friend buried the body, and a silly looking flower sprouted from the surface of the grave, and it became a spot where the town's children were forbidden to tread." January 17 -- "There once was a woman in Port Rosalia who lamented the fact that she had no money. One day as she was walking along the beach, she found a pendant with a large gem lying on the ground. She quickly pocketed it, and sold it for a large sum of money. She went to bed feeling quite chipper, but she was never able to use the money because she was killed by a burglar who'd heard rumors of her find." January 18 -- "Guara Bobelo, the home of the Arena... They say that experiments where the organs of the dying are exchanged with those of fallen warriors, take place there. ...It's frightening to imagine. I think I'll go ahead and engrave the serial number '666' on my innards." January 19 -- "There was a girl who spent all day and night collecting scary stories. But she couldn't remember when she started this habit of frightening yarns. Maybe I've been doing it since I was a little girl, or maybe I started last year. Hmm, I may have to rely on hypno-therapy..." January 20 -- "There once was a man who found countless candles inside a cave near Calucion Pass. As a joke, he blew on a candle closest to him, but he then felt a warm, wet breeze blow over his body. He shuddered and left the cave. Several days later, he took a friend back to Calucion Pass, but they were unable to find the cave..." January 21 -- "Today's scary-but-true story is 'Pollyanna's Spirit Eye.' Sometimes, a blue eye will appear in your miso soup. But even if this should happen, you must continue eating your soup! That eye belongs to a little girl who died in an accident when she was five. She's a good spirit who loves lurking in miso soup-- her favorite food--and watches the faces of people enjoying it." January 22 -- "Today's scary-but-true story is about the Rorschach test. Cook meat in boiling water, and you'll get tasty meat with all the unwanted fat removed. If you continue cooking the meat, after a while, you'll find fat floating on the surface of the water. In order to keep the meat delicious, you can remove the fat from the surface by using a blotting paper. When you do so, you'll see an image on the paper that can look like a human face or an ominous giant butterfly. When you have friends over for stew on long winter nights, it can be a hoot trying to analyze their personalities based on what they see on the paper." January 23 -- "The monster known as a Greater Beast is a fearsome creature with nine heads. Because its heads are close together, even if it washes itself carefully, there are still spots that are missed. The unwashed parts petrify over time, and right now, the most popular perfume in Filgaia is made by grinding up that stuff. They say that when you wear it, you'll be popular not only with people but with Greater Beats, to boot!" January 24 -- "Every day, my mother would buy vegetables that were labeled 'organic.' But when she learned the veggies had been grown by the Ogre, Nick, who had used his own personal material, she quickly put the kibosh on buying them. I think as long as they taste good, it doesn't matter how they're grown. I guess adults have a lot of unresolved issues..." January 25 -- "There was a statue of a wolf left inside a dilapidated old house. But one day, a female Drifter brought the statue back out into the light of day. The wolf statue felt such gratitude that he presented the Drifter with sliced up people and monsters. I suppose it's just like received a dead mouse from you pet cat." January 26 -- "They say wandering souls still linger upon old battlefields. Human souls emit a bioluminescent green light and cool the area around them, so they make great presents for students who study at night." January 27 -- "It's said that long ago, people would use turtle shells to predict the year's harvest. They would do this buy heating a turtle shell, and reading the cracks that resulted. But after a time, the great turtle general Schturdark grew angry, and any time a turtle shell was used, a flood would follow. The scheming Mizar slipped into an enemy country in the guise of a fortune teller, and performed the turtle shell divination. Just as Mizar planned, Schturdark caused terrible floods in the country and greatly weakened its power." January 28 -- "Today is the day on which Heal Berries were first invented... During the great war, the military distributed canned meat called 'rations' to the soldiers as healing kits. But after a time, rumors spread that the meat in the rations came from cats, rats, and people... The military then developed Heal Berries as a replacement for rations." January 29 -- "Today is Saint Calucion's birthday... Saint Calucion brought miracles to every land she visited. She cured the sick with a touch of her staff. She pioneered flood-control construction, and found a third of the world's hot springs... If this town had been developed during her era, there might have been a hot spring here. We lost a truly great person..." January 30 -- "The eyes of the creeping chaos are yellow, and when people feel its hungry gaze, they lose their will to resist and become dizzy. They're released a short time later, but they can't remember anything that happened during the interim. ...Wait, why am I saying this like it's the absolute truth instead of hearsay? When I start thinking about it, my head hurts so much it feels like it's going to explode...Help me, Drifters!" January 31 -- "A biological weapon developed during the war seeped into the water supply and infected the wells, transforming the villagers into orc-like forms... Well, such an incident occured...supposedly. I'm not certain if it's true or not, but they do say a tribe of violent orcs live in Calucion Pass." February 01 -- "I had a dream in which a black box with a hand growing out of it grabbed me and said, 'To think I would be able to see you in this Filgaia, too...' I woke up thinking I'd had a bad dream, but I found red marks on my wrist. It must have been a very strong manifestation of the subconscious. Does it mean my ideal partner is the square black type?" February 02 -- "Back when trains departed from Buckeye, they say the ghost of a woman in a soaking wet dress would haunt the night trains. Supposedly, those who heard her muttering words of loathing and chagrin all died within a week... Now that trains no longer leave from Buckeye and she's lost her haunting spot, they say she now wanders with even stronger resentment..." February 03 -- "According to legend, if you tell 100 scary stories, a real supernatural creature will visit. The other day, a woman making a living as an exorcist asked me to tell as many scary stories as I could in order to call forth spirits. I was able to summon about three of them. The exorcist was fine, but I was warn out from talking so much. I think he method of having people stand in the four corners of the room and tap each other's shoulders to summon spirits would probably has been more efficient..." February 04 -- "During the war, a flying buff boarded a regularly scheduled flight and headed from Buckeye to Port Rosalia. He was excited to be on board, but marveled at how quiet the trip was and looked out the window. What he saw was two stopped engines and a giant arm reaching out of the sea, supporting and moving the aircraft." February 05 -- "Dr. Alcaste, the man who managed to capture the creeping chaos alive, was surprised when he took off its clothes. No matter how man layers he peeled off, there were always more, like an onion. On top of that, the clothes would not burn, did not get dirty, and never wore out. The doctor was overjoyed for now he had a business that didn't require capital, and would revolutionize the clothing industry. At that point, he didn't realize that indestructable cloth wasn't all that well suited for human garments..." February 06 -- "A long time ago, in Port Rosalia, there lived a boy whose girlfriend since childhood passed away. It was a terrible shock, and he locked himself in his room and would not come out. His exasperated mother opened the door to his room, saying, 'How long to do you plan to keep rotting in there?' They say what she saw before her was her son, now undead, and who was rotting just as she had said." February 07 -- "When I was young, a friend of mine would play a game called 'stairway.' He would gradually crouch down while walking behind a large piece of furniture. One day, while walking behind a large desk, he suddenly disappeared. Surprised, I went around to the other side of the desk and found an open stone stairway. Startled, I lost my balance and fell down those stairs. And that's how I came to find myself here in this village..." February 08 -- "A blacksmith by the name of Libera lived in a village called Boot Hill. He passed away at the age of 41 due to heart failure. But as they were carrying his body to the village graveyard, lightning struck the coffin. The villagers dropped the coffin in surprise, and then leapt in shock a second time as Libera stood up from the pine box. They say that until he was struck by lightning a second time at the age of 81, he lived a life without a single illness." February 09 -- "Supposedly, there's an orchid that only blooms once every 20 years under the light of an aurora. This orchid is as elegant as a white butterfly and charms all who see it, but its flowers signify 'terrible famine.' They say on the years the solar winds cause this orchid to bloom, bamboo seeds ripen in the mountains, and rats appear in great numbers. Then, the world is struck by great famine..." February 10 -- "Today is February 10th...I shall tell another tale from the Fantastic-Yet-True series. It's myserious, but supposedly when children who are terminally ill draw pictures, they always draw white butterflies. White butterflies symbolize the human soul... When children sense that their lives will soon come to an end, they draw white butterflies..." February 11 -- "In the drama 'Saint Calucion's Travels,' there's an episode in each season where a Calucion look-alike appears. ...When you follow the path she actually took, you'll find that some visits must have been fakes. Several times, she covered impossible distances all in one day. This leads to the theory that there were Saint Calucion imposters...or that Saint Calucion was a ninja." February 12 -- "There once was a powerful magic umbrella that could go toe-to-toe with monsters... It's expensive, and for some reason it reduces your popularity with the opposite sex, but there is one good reason to buy it. The holder projects a fearsome aura, and discourages umbrella thieves." February 13 -- "Do you know about the terrible beast known as chupacabra, which chomps on people's necks with a revolting sucking sound? Chupacabras not only devour people but make them part of their own body. They say that a chupacabra's meat has the same pomegranate flavor as people. If you feel like eating pomegranates but there aren't any nearby, you should go after chupacabras." February 14 -- "According to an urban legend, the white threat-like substance that comes out of a piercing in your ear is actually a nerve. If that's true, then if you take two people who both have this same substance coming out of their piercings and connect them, they should be able to share senses. ...At least that was the hypothesis a scientist once dreamed up. He ran the experiment at once, but discovered that the white thread was not a nerve, but fat, and the test subjects shared nothing more than their BMI." February 15 -- "They say there's an abandoned freeway that runs near Port Rosalia. And a long time ago, there was an old lady who would race down it at mach speed. Numerous racers challenged the Racer Granny, but her tactics always prevailed and she defeated them all, one after another. When her once numberous challengers dwindled over time, like an endangered species, a rival to the Racer Granny appeared. ...It was a granny who raced naked, a Racy Granny! Their dead heat was like none ever seen before, and both of them spun out off the highway into the sea, never to emerge." February 16 -- "There once was a motorcycle buff who claimed he could hear the voices of motorcycles. What sounded like an engine roar to us, he understood as a complete and eloquent language. He must have had that ancient tool, the Magic Staff." February 17 -- "They say that people under anesthesia crazily babble things they would normally never say. When I was undergoing appendix surgery, I suddenly started talking about what day it was (Sprout Day). That was so embarrassing...Why couldn't my deep subconscious come up with a scary story about appendixes instead?" February 18 -- "My uncle says that during the great war, he was in charge of food refrigeration at a military base. Inside the freezer were huge slabs of pork and beef, hanging on meet hooks. In that forest of meat dwelt the ghosts of pigs and cows, making for an enjoyable and pastoral--though slightly red--landscape." February 19 -- "They say that beings called 'Guardians' existed in Filgaia in the distant past. Guardians are spirits of power that symbolize earth, water, fire, wind, the stars, light...and emotions such as love and desire. But at the same time, guardian worship is considered to be a cult...I tell you, this is an awful age we live in. Every night a white tiger and a strange turtle appear beside my bed so I wish they'd hurry up and remove that designation." February 20 -- "When I tell these scary stories, Drifters will sometimes stop and ask me what I'm afraid of. Once I answered, 'The thing I fear most is money,' and the Drifter tried to hit me with a bag full of gella. I skillfully evade the attack, making a mental note to myself to answer 'berries and tea' next time." February 21 -- "I once received a magic ring from a traveling salesman. When placed on a maiden's ring finger, the initials of her future husband are supposed to appear on the inside of the band. ...I hesitantly tried it, and five letters from a language I don't know appeared. I'm starting to think it's a gag item." February 22 -- "There once was a girl with a head full of dreams who claimed that flowers had pixies inside them. She said this so often, her classmates called her 'Pixie.' Seeing her happy face upon hearing that nickname, made her classmates joyous as well. Everyone was happy, but it's not a story one can feel completely happy about. Why? You'll have to ask Pixie..." February 23 -- "In the distant past, in a town called Meria Boule, there lived a wise king called Garbeth the 3rd. He was so virtuous, when he passed away, the people cried for days... But too strong an attachment to those who have died can prevent them from passing onto the other side. They say that because of how much he was loved, the good king Garbeth became a ghost that continues to wander the castle..." February 24 -- "It's a well-known story that the Ape Man Vargon was discovered by a maid who was on a mission to find an engine for her employer. But there are few who know that the Ape Man Junma was actually brought back by the maid as a souvenir from her trip to the Amazon..." February 25 -- "Those three large sacks hanging from the front of my house... One of them is a visitor from the great cosmos who emits a sweet aroma and thereby attracts male aliens. If you were a male alien such as 'chaos,' you'd find yourself unable to resist the urge to get inside. If you don't feel that impulse...then you're either a native Filgaian or a female alien." February 26 -- "In a certain castle town with a famous bakery, there once lived a blonde man who stayed cooped up inside the house with the curtains and blinds drawn year-round. The man was beautiful, with delicate features, and many girls fell in love with him, but none of them succeeded in drawing him out. One exasperated girl forced the blinds open and invaded the man's bedroom. In that instant, the man, who had been sleeping in the nude, turned to ash and blew away in the wind. He was a Crimson Noble...a race of vampires to whom sunlight was a mortal enemy." February 27 -- "The beach that connects Port Rosalia to Frontier Town Halim is right next to a shallow, beautiful blue sea... But that shoreline is one full of tragedy... During the great war, a special forces unit headed for the base at Celesti was wiped out by a giant wave... Perhaps it was the lingering spirits of the soldiers who never made it to land... Even now when night falls, a platoon of the dead appears and drags lovers on the beach into the sea. ...You mustn't dismiss this as a silly rumor and go swimming in the sea, you know. The scientific basis is that the long beach's shallow sea generates deadly rip currents that travel from the shore out to sea." February 28 -- "One dark moonless night, a Drifter stepped away from camp to answer a call of nature and saw a woman waving from a group of trees. Having no interaction with the fairer sex for some time, the Drifter approached the grove. The woman smiled and disappeared into the trees. The Drifter suddenly sensed danger and hesitated in front of the grove. Then a woman's slender white hand appeared in front of him and gripped his arm. The Drifter yelped at the ice-cold touch, and the hand vanished into nothingness." February 29 -- "An older member of the village passed away last year, yet the gravestone stated that he'd passed away at the age of 18. Fearing a mix-up by the stonecutter, the family asked why he had used that number. The stonecutter replied, 'The man was born on February 29th. As that day only comes in leap years, he only had 18 birthdays in total.' The family laughed, and then realized they could have saved a buncle on birthday presents had they realized this from the beginning." March 01 -- "Beyond the dark side of the moon is a moon of the moon that follows the moon. Because the moon's moon can't be seen from Filgaia, its existence was doubted for a long time and scholars who subscribed to the theory were ostracized. But calculation's show that even the moon's moon's moon's moon does, in fact, exist. With faacts like that, one starts to imagine that perhaps there could be Filgaias inside Filgaia, like matryoshka nesting dolls." March 02 -- "In the country village of Surf, there once was a chicken that dreamed of flying in the sky. After much great effort, the chicken succeeded in fulfilling her dream of flying, but... The village elders, who hated anything that defied normalcy, declared that she was evil and made her into fried chicken. That is why Surf Village was destroyed by a vengeful chicken's curse." March 03 -- "It's time for a tale from the True Stories series. When people carry good-luck charms, they choose strange looking items. The theory is that something they find creepy, will surely startle evil spirits as well and as chase them away. For example, the primitive Baskar people used tickets, hairpins, batteries, and other such items to ward off evil." March 04 -- "They say that can openers were once warriors in a previous life. They're people who, at the moment of death said, 'In my next life, I want to always be sharp, and cut through opponents that no one else can!' So when you use a can opener, you should be careful to pay it the greatest respect." March 05 -- "'Purple mirror.' If you don't forget this phrase by the time you turn 20, on the night of your birthday, you'll be taken away by a woman dressed in red. 'Yellow mummy.' If you don't forget this phrase by the time you turn 20, on the night of your birthday, you'll be taken away by a beefy man. If you remember both of these phrases, the woman and the man will each grab one of your arms and argue over who owns you." March 06 -- "The woman Drifter in a red jacket spoke of a pair of hungry dead sisters who lurk in the dunes near Buckeye. Those who don't notice the girls as they cross the dunes have their toes nibbled off. With your toes gone, your chances of dying in the dunes increases. It becomes difficult to walk and you die of thirst, or you're unable to escape monsters. The dead sisters enjoy pushing over the first domino which eventually leads to death." March 07 -- "The jumbo bearcat is the king of beasts, whereas Ragu O Ragla is the king of monsters... Many wonder which of the two is stronger...So some guy in Guara Bobelo actually set up a match between the two of them. As all Filgaia watched, the match began, but... Three seconds after it started, the two collided with one another and annihilated the entire coliseum, along with the spectators. Thus, the most powerful being in Filgaia remains unknown to this day." March 08 -- "Sometimes you'll find places you ought to be able to jump across, yet they seem to be blocked by an invisible wall... It's fairly common in ruins. According to Drifters with strong psychic ability, it's caused by lonely spirits who haunt the ruins, floating in the air and repelling intruders." March 09 -- "The foolish King Merkabah the 8th kept three mandragoras as pets. He called them Man, Dra, and Gora, and it's said that they stayed by his grave even after he was violently purged from the throne..." March 10 -- "The other day, I'd invited to tea a Drifter who specialized in exorcisms. He expressed his surprise to me, saying...'It's hard to believe you can stand living in a place like this.' Apparently, there are evil spirits inhabiting the ceiling, fireplace, four corners, and the middle of the room... Feeling uneasy, I asked him to tell me which one was the worst. He averted his eyes and replied, 'She's right in front of me, so she might get upset if I said anything...' I replied, 'Oh, I see...' and backed down, but since then, something's been bugging me..." March 11 -- "'Urban legends'? It's strange how that phrase is still used, even though the war destroyed all urban areas... In the future, even if the human species is gone, I'm sure 'urban legends' will be spread by chaos and gobs..." March 12 -- "They say there once was a chicken that laid golden eggs in Guara Bobelo. If you incubated the eggs, they hatched into the same type of chickens, so the owner became quite rich. But the chickens that laid golden eggs produced large quantities of dangerous metals in their droppings. They caused great pollution downstream from Guara Bobelo, and the owner ended up paying more in damages than he gained." March 13 -- "There once was a young woman who had the unfortunate ability to see ghosts--but they only appeared as faint glows or auras. One night, she visited the local pond, but was blinded by unearthly light emanating from within. It turned out that fishing season had opened the day before, and she was simply seeing the spirits of the fish that had been caught. One cannot help but wonder what she'd see at the local slaughterhouse..." March 14 -- "You know those rumors about the so-called 'suspicious bags' that hang from the front of my house? Well there's nothing suspicious about them... It's true that a Drifter once climbed inside one and never came out again. But that's how the bags are supposed to work, so I wouldn't call that suspicious at all!" March 15 -- "A housewife named Rosa once lived in a town called Milama. One day, she found a shiny gella coin in a waterspout. She pulled it out with a pair of tongs and found that running water had etched her and her husband's names onto the coin." March 16 -- "Were you ever forbidden from playing with Tarot Cards as a child? It seems like a silly restriction, but there's actually a good reason for it. A Far Eastern cook named Taro Tanaka will guide you to make a better future, but since he comes from a different culture than ours, it causes a variety of problems. You'll receive a message like 'it's best to squat and hover when using a toilet...' But honestly, all that's going to do is make extra work for the cleaning lady." March 17 -- "On the mountain path connecting Guara Bobelo to Buckeye lies an underwater tunnel famous as a place of supernatural occurrences. They say a creatur that shouldn't exist lives there--a remnant of dinosaurs from ancient times. The spirits of workers killed in mining accidents merged with the lingering energy of the dinosaurs and took on a physical form in the dark depths of the water. Several Drifters have gone there to challenge the beast. Some had their organs devoured; others returned as mangled corpses tossed up onto the banks of the Autumn River. You ought to be careful, too..." March 18 -- "It seems something about the light of the moon has the power to disturb the human mind. Thus, the phrase 'You'd best be careful on moonless nights' is not just an old wives' tale." March 19 -- "A short while ago, a brand of candy that came with 'Mr. Ragla' stickers was popular for a time. But some kids got so caught up in collecting the stickers, they tossed out the candies that were supposed to be the main draw. One night, all the children who had thrown away the candies suddenly disappeared. The parents frantically searched for their children, but... In the last place each child was seen, there was nothing left but a sticker of Mr. Ragla...with blood on his mouth." March 20 -- "The skewered sweets eaten during the equinox celebration mourn three brothers who were sentenced to death by skewering. And that's why you mustn't eat skewered fish at the same time. Otherwise the three brothers will feel sorry for the fish that met a similar fish as theirs and come for revenge." March 21 -- "There once was an innocent man who was imprisoned at Illsveil. They say he prayed to the statue of Saint Calucion who granted him the power to transform into a white albatross. But he did not make it home, for the albatross was caught and roasted by the other prisoners who were hungry. Calucion grew angry and transformed the prisoners who had devoured the bird into monsters. ...There's also the theory that the story was fabricated to stop albatross poaching off the coast of Port Rosalia." March 22 -- "During the great war, Navy communications operators passed along whispered rumors of a frightening phenomenon. At two in the morning, a message would arrive from a nonexistant number, and in it was a list of people who would die in battle within the next 24 hours. Out of fear, the operators decided to immediately toss the list in the shredder the next time one arrived. But when they tried to do so, the list cried out in a human voice, 'Argh! We'll be torn apart!' ...Just as the operators shuddered in fear, a missile exploded above them, tearing apart the list...and the ship itself." March 23 -- "Many people with supernatural powers exist in Filgaia. For example, take the woman named Sarah from Guara Bobelo. She possessed a special vision that allows her to watch video tapes of Arena matches--without putting the tape in a player. However, since then DVD has replaced video tapes as the most popular video format. Her powers obsolete, Sarah lost her job and now lives the life of a pauper." March 24 -- "When I was still young and Friedrich lived next door to me...One day, an antique chest that my grandfather bought, repositioned itself on its own. Its new location was much more sensible and convenient than before, so we didn't think much about it. Thinking back on it now, I think that chest's ornate cat paws must have been real." March 25 -- "They say that near the Great Stairway on rainy nights, a mother's ghost appears and asks passers-by to hold her baby. It's hard to refuse, but you must not hold her child. The instant you do, the baby will evolve into a bizarre monster and tear into your chest..." March 26 -- "While passing through mountains and dungeons, if a strange creature asks for your name, never give your real name. People's names contain their true essence... A creature that learns someone's name can manipulate that person as they please. So, in that situation, just make up a fake name like 'Fulcanelli' or something." March 27 -- "I heard this story from a woman Drifter...Inside certain ruins, you'll find a variety of statues such as goddesses, lion, etc. If you take those statues to antique brokers, you can sell them for a lot, but... Drifters don't do that very often. If you remove these statues from the ruins, they become homesick for their previous location and cry out, 'Maya-hi! Maya-ho!' So if there's a statue in your way, it'll be less trouble for you to just smash the thing rather than pick it up." March 28 -- "The Mountain of Needles, the Lake of Blood... There are so many different levels in Hell. And in order to come up with those, Hell has a job opening labeled 'Designer from Hell.' They say the pay is good, but the bad karma you rack up from creating facilities to make people suffer means you'll go to Hell, too." March 29 -- "There once was a man who always wore a shirt with many patches on it. One day, the man's friend, who was walking with him, saw that one of the patches had fallen off. He said 'Hey, you dropped this,' and tried to hand it back to his friend, but he stopped in surprise when he saw the words 'You Win!' written on the back. It then became his turn to wear the patch-laden shirt every day." March 30 -- "Let me tell you a scary story about dried noodles. There once was a boy who wanted to smoke cigarettes like his father. But his mother grew angry with him for wanting to smoke when he wasn't old enough, and gave him a dried noodle in jest. But, as is typical, the boy acted stubbornly and held the noodle in his mouth all the time--as if it were a cigarette. The only time the noodle left his mouth was when he saw his own reflection in the water and said, 'Hey, give me that noodle!'" March 31 -- "They say cats can see things that people can't. So when you pick up a cat and look into its eyes, you can sometimes see a ghost hovering over your shoulder in the reflection... If you put a bunch of cats in a circle and sit in the center, you can get a full 360-degree view of the spirit haunting you." April 01 -- "There are 88 guardians in a grain of rice, so if you leave any rice in your rice bowl, you'll be hated as a guardian-killer. So good children must eat every last grain of rice and try to become a guardian-eater instead." April 02 -- "Filgaia is home to a variety of people with supernatural powers. Take Peter for example, the elderly man who's always got a bonfire going in Port Rosalia. He's my pen pal and once was famous as a firestarter but these days, it seems all he's using that power for is roasting yams..." April 03 -- "The monster Argoth has 100 eyes... But he doesn't have 50 noses, so if you make him cry, his nose runs 50 times more than that of a person. As you can imagine, it requires a huge volume of tissues to wipe it. They say this is the reason why several environmental groups started a campaign to eliminate Argoth." April 04 -- "I once went to explore the abandoned hospital in Adlehyde at night. I explored it from top to bottom, but didn't see a single ghost appear. Just as I was leaving in disappointment, the flame on my lantern flickered and then flew out the top! According to my calculations, the lantern's oil should have run out two hours before I left the hospital. Just what was it that had lit my lantern...?" April 05 -- "Amongst the female saints of Filgaia, there once was once who was particularly lustful. She became famous when a baker traveled across the world to go see her... And that led other men to wonder if perhaps the other saints were lustful, too. ...This must be the reason why Mom told me to never let my guard down around men." April 06 -- "There once lived a man who could converse with pigeons. During the water, he served in a carrier pigeon division, but it pained him greatly to see pigeons used in the humans' war. One day, unable to stand it any longer, he released the pigeons in his charge...but he was executed for this act of treason. And so the red ring you see around a white pigeon's eyes is a sign of mourning for that man." April 07 -- "Ahh, the legend of the wandering Drifter... For the crime of wounding the Guardian of Death, he was damned to wander throughout Filgaia for eternity. And his only road to salvation? For a woman to pledge her eternal love to him. But after wandering for so long that he had even forgotten his own name, he knows full well the torture of eternity. Because of that, whenever a girl who would pledge her eternal love would appear, he left her...for her own sake of course." April 08 -- "What's the difference between occult spirits and the things we call monsters? Monsters are born from parents, but spirits and ghosts aren't. So when you put a bunch of dirty clothes and flour into a container, you'd best be careful since the mice that appear are...supernatural spirits." April 09 -- "The house I lived in as a child had a large wooden pillar. On that pillar were marks that looked like eyes and indentations that looked like a nose and mouth. We named the face on the pillar 'Marilyn.' We parted ways with Marilyn one winter morning when a deep masculine voice shouted, 'Come out now!' Startled, my whole family dashed outside, assuming the voice came from the military police. In the next instant, an out-of-control tank crashed into the house from the opposite side. Our house collapsed along with Marilyn, who had warned us for the first and last time..." April 10 -- "The other day, I played with an origami boat I had made, in that stream over there. The sight of the paper boat drifting through the clear stream was soothing, so I made three more which I also sent down the river. I was getting ready to go home as the sun was setting when a boat with seven beautiful men and women drifted by before my eyes. It was a strange sight to behold. Especially since that boat was way too big for how shallow the river was..." April 11 -- "The other day, my sister and I baked some cookies, and ate them together. The next day, I was stunned! For though I didn't eat a pound of cookies, my weight had gone up by MORE than a pound...?! It defied the law of conservation of mass! Am I a living perpetual motion machine...? Before long, if I eat 1 ounce of cookies, they might turn into 10 pounds of fat. ...Help me, Drifters!" April 12 -- "A boy by the name of Jack invited his friend to go mushroom picking one day. They found mountains of rare and delicious mushrooms and were overjoyed. However, when they opened their lunch pail to eat the apple pie they'd brought along, the pie had completely disappeared. The two conversed for a while, and the next day, they brought back another apple pie and left it there without taking any more mushrooms." April 13 -- "Ms. L, one of the women in the village, told me of a strange event that occurred when she went to brush her teeth in the washroom. She started to brush her teeth just like normal, but gagged at the horrible taste in her mouth. The smell of the soap she always washed her face with, filled the washroom... Ms. L thought she had mistakenly put soap on her toothbrush instead of toothpaste, but in her left hand was the tube of toothpaste that she had just used." April 14 -- "As a Drifter opened the door to a ruined castle, a man with the same face as his was also opening the door from the other side... The stunned Drifter hurriedly tried to close the door but his doppleganger pushed back with incredible strength. Realizing he was about to lose the struggle, the Drifter launched a surprise attack and bit his opponent on the nose. His opponent shrunk back from the attack and the Drifter was able to close the door, but... For some time after that, the Drifter was troubled by tooth marks that mysteriously appeared on his nose and would not go away." April 15 -- "One of my friends makes fortune cookies for the local restaurants, so I asked her to make a batch for my friends. As a joke, I made a few dozen messages to put inside, with spooky fortunes like 'You will die tonight!' and 'I'm watching you.' But after I got the cookies back from my friend, the messages inside said 'Expect great fortune soon' and 'Patience is a virtue.' I wonder what happened to the messages I wrote." April 16 -- "There are a lot of stories about the heroes from both sides of the great war, and many were fueled by propaganda. They say the hero named Blackwell could feel the composition of the atmosphere with his skin and accurately predict the weather. And by causing his weapon to resonate with his thoughts, he could cook eggs with his sword. Did the military want to advertise both his startling abilities and his many skills as a hero...?" April 17 -- "One morning, I was blowing on a large glass bottle to make sounds. As I puffed away, I saw a bird fly off from the forest. Ignoring it and continuing, I saw the sky suddenly grow cloudy. In the next instant, a large earthquake shook the ground. 'No way,' I thought to myself. But the next Sunday when I played the bottle again, a bird flew off once more. I grew fearful and stopped there. If I'd continued playing that bottle, what would have become of Filgaia?" April 18 -- "In the sewers are alligators that were flushed down toilets when they became too large to be kept as pets. Those fake designer bags that suspicious-looking people sell in back alleys are made from those alligators...and smell funny." April 19 -- "The sands of the Arena at Guara Bobelo are stained with the blood and resentment of fallen Drifters and monsters. Because of that, they say sand from the Arena makes excellent curse material. You use it by flinging the sand, as hard as you can, at the one you hate. You can curse your opponent and also enjoy feeling like a sand-chucking ghost, so these sands offer double the fun." April 20 -- "Do you know the story of the cursed red shoes that make the wearer dance until death? I wonder what would happen if you put them on an undead girl. Would she dance her way back to life?" April 21 -- "There once was a great and magnificent cherry blossom tree. An old man who lived in Buckeye loved that tree and went to see the blossoms every year. But one cold, harsh year, he caught a severe cold and was still in bed when spring came. The old man said, 'That tree is waiting for me,' and tried his best, but he still didn't recover. Just as the people around him were beginning to think that he had no hope of recovering... The window shutters flew open and a spring breeze sent a torrent of cherry blossoms onto the old man's bed. The old man was overjoyed. Perhaps that incident strengthened his heart, for they say he quickly made a full recovery." April 22 -- "The seas, the mountains, and towns all have their own resident spirits. You might think this means Filgaia would be packed with spirits, but... Once a year, the spirits hold a rumble to weed out the losers, so the same number of spirits is always maintained. But lately, due to rampant land development, they're having a hard time finding a place to hold the tournament..." April 23 -- "Even if you run out of water in the desert, you mustn't kill your camel. Without a means of transportation, your chances of survival will drop. Rather than offing your camel, you'd have better luck extracting the booze from your beer-bellied merchant." April 24 -- "Ghosts and zombies aren't rare in Filgaia. But on the demons' home planet, Terra, ghosts and zombies are the stuff of legend. Maybe the ghosts talk about Filgaia like 'Hey, I hear that ghosts appear on that planet!' and treat it like a haunted spot..." April 25 -- "When I was young, I once dug up in the desert a communication device used during the great war. I excitedly pushed the power but, and--'Captain! Captain! I don't know my current position! I'm enveloped by something soft in the middle of a weird mist!' That plea for help was quickly followed by a crushing sound. A cold chill ran down my spine, and I pressed the switch again...but no voice came forth." April 26 -- "I ordered a product with the catchy name of 'Satan Bear' from a mail-order catalog. But what I received was an adorable huggable teddy bear with a fluffy white beard. It seems I misread the ad, which actually said 'Santa Bear.' Oh, well..." April 27 -- "A noble once owned a magic pocket watch. It had the power to turn back time for everything except herself. After she wound up becoming a Drifter, she used the pocket watch to elegantly bypass all sorts of dungeon traps. But turning back time for everything but herself meant that time for her did not go back...She used the watch too much and grew older than any of her companions. She set out on a journey to do something about it...but that's another story." April 28 -- "They say that if you whistle at night, a thief will come for you. In other places, they claim that a snake will come instead. Wanting to find out which was correct, I whistled 'All Alone in the World' at night. A snake-man thief promptly slithered out of my kitchen. I guess it's best to listen to advice and not question them too closely..." April 29 -- "Yesterday, I received an anonymous letter, and when I opened it, I read the following... 'You will continue to tell tales for 365 days. You will never be allowed to rest in peace and will wander Filgaia forever. Ha ha ha...what fun!' ...The letter contained even more crazy things like that. What do you think it means?" April 30 -- "They say that money is the worst monster of all. I heard a tale of a haunted mint, where the vengeful spirit of an old miser was contained in coins produced there. The more of these coins someone had, the nastier and stingier they became. The country's richest citizens became truly unpleasant people. I wonder if that story is true? You have to admit there's some truth to it." May 01 -- "My family heirloom is a knife and fork, passed down from a girl wh used the power of a witch to marry a prince. Anyone who uses that knife and fork--even a barbarian--can eat with perfect table manners. What's that? Now you'll be suspicious of anyone who has perfect table manners? It's easy to tell who's being assisted by the Magical Gold-Plated Dinner Set. ...Just serve a dish that requires chopsticks to eat." May 02 -- "A cameraman once told me about taking photos of ghosts. Each time he took a picture of a ghost, his camera vest (that thing with lots of pockets) would get ever so slightly heavier. Using that as a basis for his calculations, he deduced that one ghost weights 21 ounces." May 03 -- "One day, 'Faith' suddenly died. 'Delusion,' who had always used 'Faith' as a cloak to hide behind, didn't know what to do. Bewildered, 'Delusion' tried to get close to 'Righteousness,' but was kicked away and his miserable corpse was exposed to all." May 04 -- "If you don't want any nightmares, draw a picture of a girl wth long black hair and place it under your pillow. The girl has the power to control dreams. She eats people's memories and turns them into nightmares that she has herself. It doesn't sound like she gets anything out of it, and she sounds like a weirdo for wanting to have nightmares. There's a lot that doesn't make sense about it, but there's a load of data proving that it really works, so who am I to question it, eh?" May 05 -- "A long time ago, there was a monster made of stone who lived in the seas of Filgaia. Known as Leviathan, it was a fearsome creature with giant jaws that could swallow anything, and skin that not even harpoons could pierce. With greed rivaling that of a human senator, it ruled the seas, but... One day, a misfit swordsman, an ARM wielding boy, and a gluttonous witch appearead and exterminated Leviathan. We can now cross the sea without worry, and we owe it all to those three." May 06 -- "When walking alone at night, sometimes you hear footsteps from behind you. If those footsteps stop when you stop, 90% of the time it's a supernatural spirit. When that happens, stay calm, don't run, and try out the latest difficult dance steps. Ghosts and spirits are old-fashioned and despise the latest trends, so they should be unable to mimic your steps and wind up tripping and falling." May 07 -- "In the great war, telepath mages--those with the ability to send their thoughts to others--became extinct. Their entire tribe was conscripted, and they despaired the fact that their power was contributing to the meaningless loss of countless lives. One day, all of them began to trasmit a cry for peace to the world. Naturally, the military ordered them to stop their thoughts, but they ignored the order and continued to scream for peace. They were then eliminated..." May 08 -- "They say that something called a baumkuchen tree exists in the south. If you cut one down slice up the trunk, they can be eaten as a truly supreme delicacy. But it takes a baumkuchen tree 20 years to become edible... Because of that, the common people figured out how to make something like baumkuchen out of flour and eggs." May 09 -- "A female Drifter was walking through a field of pampas grass when she noticed something strange and stopped. Blown by the wind, the grass seemed to be saying 'Turn back, turn back!' but she continued walking forward anyway. As a result, she spent a pleasant day with the king and queen of the pampas, who lived in the center of the field. The pampas that had tried to block the human's approach out of needless concern were mowed down as punishment." May 10 -- "They say there are always at least three strangers in Filgaia who are exact duplicates of you. Since I was little, I've had dreams of a girl with the same face as me. She lives in a merchant town near the sea, where the main crop is grain. The dreams were so real that I believe she exists, but... I also feel a vague unease that perhaps she's the real one, and I'm just part of her dream." May 11 -- "I've heard that glasses are cursed items. Why? Well, when you put on your specs, people who get excited by glasses draw near...and may even engage in nefarious deeds. But you can always remove your glasses whenever you please. So I think it would be more appropriate to say glasses are a status ailment, rather than a cursed item." May 12 -- "A loser once boasted to his friend that he could make spaghetti come out his nose, but later regretted saying it. The next time his friend visited, he demanded a demonstration. But the loser claimed that a negative aura coming from his cat prevented him from working his noodle-nosed magic. That night the cat, angered at being blamed for everything, stuffed spaghetti in the loser's nose. But this ended up improving his sinuses, and his grades improved, and he stopped being a loser." May 13 -- "Have you heard of the female spirit called Kasshima? She's a terrible, vengeful ghost who was once defeated by a blond female Drifter long ago, but even now continues to wander Filgaia. If Kasshima takes an unfortunate liking to you, chant the following incantation: 'Kasshima, the lord of fear-- Known by Drifters far and near-- Once a terror, but stopped cold-- By fists of steel and hair of gold.' When you say this, Kasshima will remember the female Drifter and run away in panic." May 14 -- "A woman who liked scary stuff walked around a ruined castle where ghosts were rumored to appear, but nothing happened. Disappointed, she went home, but when she got there her cat that normally greeted her in the doorway, stood in the corner of the room with its hackles raised and hissed at her. Bewildered, she reached out her hand, but the cat leapt out the door and never came back. For the three years since then, she hasn't seen the cat." May 15 -- "'Dusk' and 'Dead of Night' are rivals. Dusk relies on having someone you thought was human, be supernatural. Dead of Night competes with sheer volume and brute force. If you were to personify them as humans, Dusk would probably the studious, glasses-wearing type with a hidden dark side. Dead of Night would be the big, burly jock type." May 16 -- "They say if you place two mirrors so that they're facing each other, a void will appear. Using this, you can make even a cramped one-bedroom studio like mine look big. It does cause a few problems though, like demons appearing at two in the morning and the third mirror from the left showing your death mask... May 17 -- "A boy out sledding one day was moved by the sight of the snowy mountain spread beneath the blue sky and said it resembled a beautiful striped cloth. In that instant, the snowy mountain and the blue sky folded up, and a giant face appeared from behind them. The boy collapsed to the ground in shock." May 18 -- "There once was a rock as flat as a cutting board. Everyone in the area treated the rock as if it were a holy place. But a group of children on a field trip from the city decided to use the rock as a chopping board to cut up ingredients for curry. For some reason, as their task progressed, the temperature around them began to rise. Finally, the rock rose up and swallowed the children and the ingredients in one huge gulp. What everyone had thought was a rock was actually a giant turtle." May 19 -- "People say a supernatural being known as the Turbo Granny frequently appears on the highway beyond Port Rosalia. Her true identity was a Drifter who had obtained an item called 'Rad Blades.' She became delirious with the sensation of speed they generated, and crashed into a wall at high speed and died, but... Even now, she remains obsessed with speed and cruises down the highway on the Rad Blades as an undead being." May 20 -- "I don't recommend flying in a four-seater aircraft with only three passengers because a ghost will sit in the fourth seat. Not only is it disturbing, but because it's a ghost, there's no chance of it chipping in for the fare. May 21 -- "I heard that it's not a good idea to put posters and pictures on all four walls of a room because a ghost will appear in the middle. If that's true, it's like a summoning circle that anyone can master. In the name of occult research, I decided to investigate the relationship between the types of pictures on the walls and the ghosts that appear. But I don't have the ability to see ghosts, so all my efforts were for nothing..." May 22 -- "There's an area of the sea where the seaweed grows wide and thick, and tangles up the ships' propellers, rendering them immobile. When the fisherman J. Watt stumbled into that area, he had a strange experience. He decided to abandon his tangled and immobile ship and escape in a small dinghy. Small waves appeared around the boat, and Watt's dinghy began to sway. When he looked over the side of his ship, he was stunned. Thick muscular-looking seaweed was pulling the dinghy deeper into that mysterious region of the sea." May 23 -- "I put a letter in a bottle and set it adrift in the river near the outskirts of the village. But the next day, when I crossed the bridge, the same bottle I set adrift came floating back. I grabbed it, and the contents were definitely the same as what I had set adrift the day before. How is that possible?!" May 24 -- "The path from the graveyard is said to be one which spirits tread. The various supernatural events that have occurred at Gordon's house attest to that claim. So, there's been talk of moving my house to ward and block the flow to Gordon's house, but... I don't understand why I'm the one that has to do this." May 25 -- "Before the great war, there was a fatal disease that was caused by moth scales. The moth had a skull mark on their backs and were unaffected by insecticide, thus proving troublesome for even the military to deal with. ...That immunity was only to be expected, however. The 'moths' were not insects, but in fact a bizarre type of mushroom that grew on tree bark and drifted on the wind, spreading spores." May 26 -- "I heard this story from a war widow. Three years after she received notice that her husband had died, when her life had finally gone back to normal, a white dove appeared at her window. Wondering what it was, she opened the widow, and the dove stuck out its foot. Tied to it was the final letter from her husband, who had died on a distant battlefield." May 27 -- "There once was a young man who received a letter from his future self. It instructed him to bet his entire fortune on an unpopular horse on a certain day. Not quite convinced, he bought a ticket for half his entire fortune. ...The horse won by a nose, and the man won a fortune...But he lamented that if only he'd bet his entire fortune, he would have won even more. As a result, he got an ulcer and died before he could enjoy his wealth." May 28 -- "'If you don't go to sleep early, the ninjas will come for you.' My mother used to always say that to me. But I would always stay up late, hoping to catch a glimpse of the masked warriors and their cool weapons... Only later did I learn that ninjas were thieves and assassins who stole away people in the night. Mom never told me that part." May 29 -- "There once was a man made of wood, but he had an upbeat personality so he got along well with others in his village. But one day, he overheard the missionary saying, '...we can't allow the wood man to do this.' The wood man was enraged and killed the missionary, but... The missionary was actually a kind person who was saying they couldn't assign the trash-burning duties to the wood man." May 30 -- "Greater beasts may appear threatening, but they're actually tamable...with quite a bit of effort. ...At least, that's what the reknowned zoologist, Zekksfyunf, claimed in his latest lecture. But during the intermission, the greater beast with whom he shared the stage, went into a rage and swallowed him whole. There's a happy ending, though. Zekksfyunf managed to emerge unscathed a few hours later, with only his suit worse for the wear." May 31 -- "Long ago, in Guara Bobelo, there was a strange fellow named Vilen who lived together with a supernatural spirit. These two lived happily together, but the insurmountable differences between their races drove them apart. For one day, Vilen grumbled to the spirit that his head hurt, so the spirit cut off Vilen's head to help." June 01 -- "Every year on this day, I air out the waves of energy that get trapped in my house. If you don't do that the waves, with no place to go to, will seep into household objects. Waves that wind up like that forget how to sing Funiculi-Funicula, and end up dripping poison on people." June 02 -- "When you dream about frogs, it's a sign that your deep subconscious desires change. This comes from the 'frog in the well' theory. The 'id' is the well of emotional energy within people's hearts. When the well dries up, the frog which resides in there, dies too. From that, the phrase 'frog in the well' has come to represent the human soul--And dreaming of frogs is an SOS from your deep subconscious, which is dying of thirst." June 03 -- "If you ignore tools for long periods of time, with nothing to do they become a resentful spirit. Cursed swords that bring misfortune to their wielders are an example of this type of spirit. They're often given modern names like 'Doom Bringer,' but they're actually relatives of the mischievous spirits that live in umbrellas." June 04 -- "There's a stink beetle that spreads to new places by hiding in the clothes and goods of the traveling salesmen who crisscross Filgaia. Perhaps because people left them alone (because to the stink when you crush them), their numbers have increased year-by-year. Once a year, these insects come flying into villages and devour the outer bricks of houses. The whole village them reeks like crazy. When I was little, that kind of stuff didn't happen." June 05 -- "I heard this story from Caroline. One day, she was hoeing as usual when a white string appeared from the ground. Wondering what it was, she pulled it...and was suddenly yanked towards the ground. Staring curiously, she saw a loose thread from her pants leg leading into the ground, and coming back out as a thick rope from a foot away." June 06 -- "I once fished up a Drifter. He was standing beneath my house and looking up in wonder at the bags, so I tried jiggling one. When I did so, the Drifter acted as if possessed and jumped up and down, trying to grab the bag. It was cute, like playing with a cat, but considering the origin of the bag, he probably was possessed for real. Spirits, protect us..." June 07 -- "There once was a man who approached a beautiful girl with impure thoughts in his heart. That night in his dreams, the man was visited by the ghosts of the girl's parents. 'Come near our daughter, and we will kill you' they said. The man was startled, but thought it was just his own conscience giving him a hard time, so he asked the girl about her parents. She replied that her parents were free-spirited individuals. The man was relieved and continued his ill-founded pursuits, but... The ghosts of her parents showed up and killed him anyway. Apparently, 'free-spirited' was referring to ghouls who are independant (but murderous nonetheless)." June 08 -- "An old fairy carrying a chisel emerged from the earth and went to the house of a girl who had complained of a toothache. The fairy swung his chisel, popped out the girl's aching tooth, and tossed it onto the roof. People were unhappy with his violent method, but since then, the girl has minded her oral hygiene and never had another cavity again." June 09 -- "A girl who ate lots of pineapples followed by lots of candy found that her tongue was hurting. Looking at it closely in the mirror, she realized her tongue was covered with bumps. Looking even more closely at the bumps, she saw the message, 'Tonight at midnight, someone will die.'" June 10 -- "There once was a girl who obtained a hair-growth tonic. She figured that it could turn ordinary felt into pelts. But what grew instead was human hair... The girl swore up a storm. Human hair isn't very suitable for making coats." June 11 -- "In the mountains, one can find abandoned houses standing in unlikely places... These are known as 'mayohiga' and are houses connected to other worlds. Some Drifters call my house a mayohiga, but I'm not sure why... I don't know of any other Filgaias beside this one." June 12 -- "Eastern-style stock and Western-style stock are different. The one from the east is thick, while the western one is light. Because the breath of hope was blown into Filgaia by the west wind, this is a light and simple world...right?" June 13 -- "The other day, I saw a human soul at the graveyard, so I said, 'Hi, human soul! Nice weather today, isn't it?" But it barked angrily at me, 'I'm a dog soul! Woof!' That was a little depressing." June 14 -- "The feeling of someone looking at you through a gap is common. Long ago, a wise person one said, 'If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes back at you.' But I think it might have been better if he's said, 'When you look through a gap, the gap looks back at you, too.' June 15 -- "Fat cats are cute, whereas humans are healthier without fat. Based on that idea, a certain demon built a device at the Demon's Lab to transfer human fat to cats." June 16 -- "Sometimes you'll find a fingernail in a book you've bought. That's a sign that the book, which had been sitting on the shelf for so long, had quietly begun sharpening its nails in rebellion against the world that wouldn't acknowledge it. You can tell it's true because if you boil and eat the dirt you dig out from that nail, you'll develop a sour personality." June 17 -- "You'll find many aircraft at the decommissioned airport beyond Port Rosalia. But their resentment over humans never making full use of their capabilities made them rather dangerous. A boy who was counting the aircraft by jumping from one maching to the next, was bitten on his leg. You look like a rambunctious boy so whatever you do, don't even think of trying to count the aircraft that way." June 18 -- "A long time ago, there was a small bakery right next to a pond which was home to many ducks. When the bakery's windows were opened to cool the bread, the ducks would waddle their way inside the bakery, devouring the bread and causing a general mess. The baker, a rather clever fellow, placed several large strips of adhesive near the windows. The next day, the ducks were hopelessly stuck and could not escape. The bakery became famous for its delicious duck pot pie, and for its all-purpose 'duck tape.'" June 19 -- "If you shake a soda bottle before opening it, the carbon dioxide inside will make it gush out. The range it gushes is proportional to the number of times you shake it. A project once existed to use this to launch a soda bottle beyond the reaches of outer space, but it ended in failure at the experimental stage. The platform attached to the shake soda bottle fell all the way down to Filgaia's mantle." June 20 -- "Sometimes you'll see people with eyebrows as thick as hijiki seaweed. It turns out that a certain percentage of them are people who evolved from seaweed. In order to find out whether they're hijiki people or not, observe them at night. If they're hijiki people, they'll surely be doing a slow, waving dance in honor of their undersea ancestors." June 21 -- "A girl bought a prism at a stationery store but got suspicious at how light the box felt, so she opened it as soon as she stepped out of the shop. When she did so, a rainbow with a pair of legs leapt out and ran away as fast as it could." June 22 -- "During the great war, in the dead of night, a mysterious female voice would emerge from the standard-issue tranceivers... Eventually, the soldiers complained about it so the commanding officer checked it out at once, but found nothing wrong with the transceivers. Uncertain what to do, the officer fabricated a story that mental waves from telepath mages were causing interference, and he announced it at the morning assembly, but... That instant, a voice echoed from the transceiver saying, 'I am the guardian of communications!' and everyone fell over in shock." June 23 -- "Many different types of ships were constructed during the war. Since there were as many types of ships as there are flowers in Filgaia, they used flower names as their class designations. For example, the Alstroemeria-class warship was named after a flower from the amaryllis family. Incidentally, despite having the flower-language meaning of 'endurance,' this class of ship was known to catch fire very easily." June 24 -- "Although it isn't located near the poles, for some reason, you can see auroras at Neve d'Argento. For that reason, it's become popular for wealthy schools to take field trips to Neve d'Argento...but I tell you, they've got it all wrong. To truly draw out the flavor of Neve d'Argento you should use catchy phrases like: 'Find the legendary Filgaian Wolf!' 'Unearth Tsuchinoko!' ...Or something along those lines." June 25 -- "When playing tag, sometimes you'll hear voices other than those of your friends. But be warned! You mustn't do what the voices tell you to do, or else they'll lead you to another world. Incidentally, they have a wide selection of worlds they'll lead you to, like the Dragon Dimension or the demon planet of Hyades." June 26 -- "If you tell 100 scary stories, a single supernatural creature will appear. So, if you tell 366 stories, 3.66 creatures will appear. The cross section of that 0.66th is frightening, but I've gotten used to it." June 27 -- "The food I fear most is crab... As a child, I mistook a horseshoe crab for a normal crab and devoured it, which game me a terrible stomachache... When I see crabs of any sort, I remember the experience and my stomach does cartwheels." June 28 -- "A man in black told me the secret why the High Council is called the Cabal. The initials of Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale spell 'CABAL.' But, I'm worried... Is it all right for a mere village girl like myself to have that knowledge? Help me, Drifters!" June 29 -- "Two boys once tried to make crop circles in a grain field one summer night. Working by the light of a small lantern, they found the task to be harder than they expected, and had a difficult time. As they were finishing up, they spotted a small light from beyond the waves of grain. They stood up and looked over, and there they saw two boys who looked exactly like them, making crop circles! ...Because of that incident, my grandfather theorizes that crop circles are the work of gremlins." June 30 -- "In the days before home movies, a wealthy gentleman hired a fast-working sketch artist to 'record' his nightly indiscretions. Upon seeing the finished drawings the next morning, the gentleman told the artist, 'These picture are a bit sketchy.' 'Then I'll ink and shade them next time,' said the artist. 'And could you add a filter here?' asked the gentleman." July 01 -- "When you're in a bathroom, you'll sometimes hear a strange voice trying to sell you a red cape. If that happens, you should swallow five sheets of toilet paper to exorcise the vengeful spirit. I know it isn't terribly pleasant, but if you don't do it, he'll follow you around endlessly, making rude toilet noises that only you can hear." July 02 -- "Sardines are the common man's friend, whereas caviar is the friend of the rich. Even after the human war ends, the fight betwixt the two will go on forever. It's almost as if they've got a grudge match going on." July 03 -- "A girl who rescued a drowning fairly received beauty and a long life of perennial youth in return. But time passed, and after 200 years her beauty was no longer in fashion. No matter what she ate, she never grew fat--but the new age was one of gluttony where fat was a sign of beauty." July 04 -- "There once was a woman who made amazing cream puffs. Everyone wanted to know her recipe, but she kept it a secret until death. After she died, her will decreed that her recipe be revealed to all... The people of the village were shocked and never able to eat cream puffs again." July 05 -- "Did you know that people who die at sea turn into seaweed? They drift out at sea, wishing to be reunited with their families in one form or another. Some end up fulfilling their wish and appear at the dinner table as tasty sushi wrappers." July 06 -- "The phrase 'the north wind and the sun' refers to 'people who are cold' versus 'those who are warm in personality.' But the north wind is an atmospheric current created by the sun... So I think 'the north wind and the sun' should refer to 'people who help others' versus 'those who ride on the shoulders of others to get ahead.' July 07 -- "Today, in the Far East, they celebrate something called the Tanabata Festival. People make colorful paper garlands to hand up inside their houses to celebrate the love of two star-crossed lovers. The gardlands symbolize a means to cross the raging river which separates the two. They aren't by any means a chain to tie them down and prevent them from seeing one another." July 08 -- "An unlucky green-haired demon died from eating some bad fugu (blowfish). He was then buried by his comrades. His friend, an Elw who liked gardening, saw the hair sticking out of the ground and mistook it for weeds. He ended up yanking the demon right out of the ground. Well, you can imagine how stunned and frightened the Elw was. Demons are invaders from another planet, while Elw are a hairy and indigenous people. But the moral of the story is that both of them have seemingly human characteristics so you mustn't discriminate against either of them." July 09 -- "There's an old wives' tale regarding the boiling and eating of dirt under someone or something's fingernails or claws. Because the dirt under the fingernails contains the DNA of the person, eating it allows you to absorb that person's DNA. Because of that, during the war, dirt from the nails of heroes was harvested and given to normal people as a type of genetic modification." July 10 -- "A retired scientist who likd to dabble in farming, happened to see a rabbit hit its head against a tree stump and pass out. A year later, he saw another similar-looking rabbit hit its head on the same stump and pass out as well. Intrigued, the scientist examined the rabbit. He discovered that the rabbit had an inherent suicidal gene. ...Scientists are amazing, aren't they? If it were me, the most I could do would be to wait around until the next year, wondering if the rabbit would come again." July 11 -- "Once upon a time, in a remote village, the summer was so cold that no rice could be harvested. For this reason, the village elder decided it was necessary to regain th earth guardian's favor by sacrificing a beautiful young maiden beneath the light of the full moon. Carrying a rice ball wrapped in bamboo paper, the maiden was buried deep within the earth. That's where the term 'belle of the earth elemental' originated from." July 12 -- "This is a tale I once heard from a sailor. Sometimes, when the sea is stormy, a line of ghosts walking in a row appears. It's fine to look at them, but... You mustn't gaze at the ones that separate from the line and disappear into the waves. If the separated ghosts notice you looking at them, they tend to become attached to you." July 13 -- "One day, my mother said, 'The woman next door broke.' Of course my young mind imagined all sorts of things upon hearing that, but in actuality... The woman next door was an artificial person who was created to protect some ruins. So she remembered her job and returned to her duties." July 14 -- "Sometimes when I'm washing my hair, my dead maternal grandmother, will appear to help me. I'm already 13, but maybe using a shampoo cap to wash my hair makes her feel like I need the help..." July 15 -- "There's a monster called the Sorry Girl. She attacks people on the road at night, saying, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' as she devours them. The only way to drive her off is to tell her she's not a girl but an old woman... Of course that takes a lot of courage to do, so somewhere today, yet another person is becoming a victim." July 16 -- "When a daughter was born to the money lender named Stevens in Buckeye, an old clock passe down for generations in the family, stopped. But when she died at the age of 17, the clock suddenly started moving again. Because it chimes 17 times each hour, on the hour, it was rumored by the townsfolk that the clock had consumed the girl's soul." July 17 -- "They say Filgaia consists of multiple overlapping dimensions, much like a mille-feuille cake. Because the dimensions occasionally overlap one another, information from other worlds enters in the form of a creeping chaos or badges and picture books. So even now, a visitor from another dimension may be right beside you..." July 18 -- "Did you know that a hawk named Sean was the first to come up with the concept of an 'auction'? But because humans are more wicked than most hawks, they stole the concept from him, and the first item ever sold was a roasted bird. It's a tale most fowl..." July 19 -- "This is a story I heard from the woman who runs the hospital in Adlehyde... When a person near death paints a picture, they will invariably include a white butterfly on the canvas. Adults, chilidren, villains, and saints--they all display this phenomenon. They say butterflies are symbols of the soul, and this story seems to affirm it." July 20 -- "Today is Ocean Day, so I'll tell a scary story about the sea. There's a tongue twister that goes, 'She sells seashells by the seashore.' It's tough to say. But the shells themselves are more dangerous. If you buy one from the girl on the shore and hold it to your ear, your hearing will never be the same again. Stick to the souvenir shops." July 21 -- "I found a glass cutter, my grandfather's broken glasses, and a cider bottle, so I put them together and made bottle glasses. When I put them on, the world seen from the bottom of the bottle--in other words, a small, cutoff world--filled my view. It's fun, but the limited visibility is an issue." July 22 -- "During the war, a mysterious and incurable illness broke out inside the Global Union's territory. The investigation revealed that the enemy was mixing parasites resembling sugar into goods which they then exported. They took action at once and incinerated the parasites, but... The whereabouts of the man who made the parasites and his research remain unknown to this day." July 23 -- "When I was young, I spent a whole summer collecting cicadas for my cage. Even now, you can hear the sound of cicadas from that cage when summer comes around. But there's nothing inside it besides a few cicada husks. There sure are some strange phenomena in this world..." July 24 -- "There is something my grandfather used to tell us. Items that are over 100 years old have spirits dwelling inside them. For example, our old clock, abacus, knives and forks. They all like sweet stuff so once a month before going to bed, we give them chocolate or candies as an offering." July 25 -- "This is a tale that's been passed amongst miners. One day, Miner A was digging as usual when he came across one particular area which resonated differently from the others. Curious, he carefully dug around that area and found a large old stone statue. He took it home and after washing the dirt from it, he found that it looked exactly like himself. Before the eyes of the startled miner, the statue grinned, thanked him for the bath, and returned once more to the mountain." July 26 -- "Here on Filgaia, it's fairly common for corpses to move around. If you bury a corpse standing up instead of in a prone position, it can become a jiangshi... So you'd best be careful when burying people." July 27 -- "This is a story I heard from a crewman on a ship... Around midnight, when he was patrolling the ship, he heard mewing coming from the deck. He thought a seagull or something had gotten caught on the deck. He held up his lamp to see, but the only thing topside was the salty sea breeze. Wondering about it, he returned to his rounds and once again heard the mewing sound. When he raised his lamp again, he fell over in shock. Inside of his lamp, the head of a cat stared at him, mewing." July 28 -- "This is the story of a Drifter who found a long and forgotten ruin... In order to stop other Drifters from learning of the ruin, he spread a rumor that anyone who entered that area would be cursed by a woman's ghost... But to Drifters, that sort of rumor has the opposite effect. Everyone raced to the area. ...But the only Drifter who returned was the Drifter who had first found the ruin. And they say he shut every single door and window in his house and remained inside until the day he died." July 29 -- "This is a story about the area near Blue Amity Beach... There once was a mayor who had a white cat. One night, after finishing dinner, the mayor was listening to his favorite record when the cat suddenly got up from the couch. The cat approached the mayor and, in a gruff voice, said, 'I thought this would happen.' It then went outside and didn't come back. The very next day, a tidal wave swallowed up the town." July 30 -- "This is a story from about 40 years ago... There once was a flutist who was invited to attend a village festival. The flutist was very skilled and the festival was a success. But the next day, after the villagers' excitement had died down, they made up excuses not to pay the flutist. The flutist grew angry and yelled, 'I'll take all the children from the village!' He then disappeared. It wasn't until three seasons later that the villagers realized the import of his words, for children were no longer being born in the village." July 31 -- "This is a story I heard from the creeping--ah, I mean, from His Excellency. Imprints from His Excellency's footprints are scattered throughout various places around Filgaia. So, for your own sake, it's best not to play the child's game where you place your own feet in footprints which you find. For if your shoe matches the footprints perfectly, you'll be kidnapped by their flying saucer and subjected to weird biological experiments." August 01 -- "Every year in August, the sea to the northeast of Buckeye turns red as blood. And it's not the work of plankton. When a study was done on the seawater, they could find no logical explanation for why the sea would turn red. The exact reason still remains unknown to this day... Perhaps it really is that the blood and tears of the victims of war that's staining the sea..." August 02 -- "Late at night, a Drifter was walking along Port Rosalia's wharf when he was startled to see the sun starting to rise from the sea. He hurriedly checked his watch, but the hands showed two in the morning. But then he realized it was the anniversary of the end of the war. And what he had thought was the sun was actually a mass of shining faces, made up of those who died in the war..." August 03 -- "The other day, I had a dream in which the Guardians of earth, water, fire, and wind appeared to me. They all asked why people no longer believed in them. I asked them if they wouldn't get mad if I answered honestly, and they nodded, so I said... 'You all have lousy personalities. That's why people no longer have faith in you.' Well, they broke their promise, flew into a rage and sentenced me to exile." August 04 -- "If a person with strong psychic ability looks down a waterfall that's rumored to have ghosts, they can see someone who's not really there. Is it because that person is a dreamer...? Nope, there's strong evidence to prove otherwise. Although the legend never specifides the gender of the ghost, everyone who sees it claims to have seen a man." August 05 -- "I heard this from Caroline the other day... While working outdoors, she dug up a brand-new furry slipper from the ground. She'd been wanting a pair and searched for the other one, but she couldn't find it anywhere. Boy...there sure are some strange things in this world..." August 06 -- "Star-shaped shrimp chips were originally created by a grateful entrepreneur who had eaten a Guardian that tasted like shrimp. But that charming story got corrupted and people started thinking that eating shrimp-flavored Guardians will bring luck to their enterprises. Because of that, the shrimp-flavored Guardians are now extinct. They were eaten up by all the ambitious people throughout Filgaia." August 07 -- "They say a blue dragon lives in the Autumn River. Apparently, blue dragons only live in pure streams, so they use that as testimony to the clarity of the water." August 08 -- "They say placing a teabag on your eyes will help refresh them, so a few days ago I tried it out. Holding the teabag with my right hand and massaging my eyes with my left, I entered a pleasant, restful state, but... I noticed something odd. My left eye--the one without the teabag--also felt damp and cool. I snapped open my eyes and saw a black cat-like creature streaking towards the door." August 09 -- "There once was an old man who walked every day, near the entrance to the Sea of Trees. One day, a lump on a plant happened to catch his eye. He knocked it down with his cane and opened it. Inside was a Calucion statue the size of his pinky. The old man gratefully took it home, but it ended up being something like a praying mantis egg, so he wound up regretting it the following spring..." August 10 -- "There once was a hot spring renown for its ability to heal all those who bathed in its waters. The people called it a healing spring. Both health and strength was recovered, even in those who didn't eat, so it was a great bargain and drew huge crowds. But people overused it, and the water grew dirty and diluted with human grime and eventually lost all its healing powers. So, the authorities took over the protection and management of the healing spring... In other words, they started charging admission." August 11 -- "One summer night, in a cave by the shore, the famous Drifter Alan Smithee obtained an ARM. Rumor had it that its weilder would die. Against the wishes of his companions, he began using the ARM, but its curse did not pass him by... After earning a fortune with the ARM, he died peacefully at age 90, surrounded by his many grandchildren. The rumor that the wielder would die was indeed true..." August 12 -- "A little over 10 years ago, an unidentified flying object crashed inside the Congressional Knights' territory. In the cockpit was an unidentified creature with a face like a monkey, charred black and dead. Dr. Roswell issued an investigative report noting that poisonous spiders had later appeared in great numbers at the crash site, causing much debate." August 13 -- "One theory is that the super-item called the Migrant Seal is a remnant from an advanced civilization, and that it changes the flow of life force. It seems this theory was born from the fact that there are badges that connect to Filgaias in other dimensions, but... The unexpected truth is that it's actually chaos--Oh! I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to say any more. I didn't mean to get you so interested..." August 14 -- "Giant buildings always give me the creeps... Thoughts and emotions reside in them because of the large cost and effort required to build them. The bigger the building, the more walls and windows there are...and thus, the higher the chance of seeing something on the building that looks like a face... Well, that isn't the reason." August 15 -- "They say fate is woven by three female deities, or written on the backs of leaves. Of course the two versions of fate are different. And there are a number of other versions as well, so if you're having trouble in your current life, don't stick to that one fate. Go look for a different one that works to your advantage." August 16 -- "There once was a cursed telephone that would receive calls from the spirit world at exactly two in the morning. But the hero of the Global Union was happy to receive those calls, because he'd save the cost of a call to get the current time. ...Maybe people with a few screws loose are the only ones capable of fulfilling the position of 'hero.'" August 17 -- "Have you heard of an item called the Migrant Seal? Just putting it on makes you instantly stronger, so they were mass-producing during the war. They say it works by emitting electromagnetic waves that jack into your nervous system and optimize your motor abilities. Supposedly, there was a new scientist who abused this system to create a brainwashing badge that takes over the nervous system." August 18 -- "There are 88 guardians in a grain of rice. So when attacked by an evil spirit, you should speak the names of those guardians. But usually, people are panicking at times like that and can't remember any more than the first three, so the spirit devours them. I'd imagine the only one who can calmly recall all the names at times like that are professional exorcists." August 19 -- "There once was a Drifter who loved canned peaches... He formed a party with his close companions, and they enjoyed their travels through the wilderness together. One day, they were attacked by a giant evil spirit. The wisest member of the party said, 'I've heard that peaches have the power to drive away evil spirits.' He tried to use the Drifter's peaches as an item, but... The Drifter who loved peaches wolfed them down like it was an eating contest. Naturally, he even used his Accelerator to do this. The evil spirit, seeing the greed and desire of the living, lost his will to attack and tottered off." August 20 -- "There's something odd I've been wondering about... The land of Filgaia is filled with the ghosts of monsters...but why aren't there ghosts of human beings in towns and villages? Are monsters more attached to this temporal world than people are? I wouldn't generally think so, but...hmm..." August 21 -- "When you hear 'cat snacks,' you naturally don't think they're referring to tuna-flavored cat meat, right? But when you hear the phrase 'human snacks,' you get the scary image of cannibal hors d'oeuvres, right? Maybe the next tie you feed your kitty, you should take a look at the ingredients..." August 22 -- "In a place far from civilization, a Drifter had rented a room at an empty inn. When he went to take a shower, he screamed...for a rain of bright red blood came pouring out of the shower head. He ran out of the room and angrily interrogated the innkeeper. The innkeeper told him that it wasn't blood, but rather leftovers; they had used the holes in the shower head to puree tomatoes. But the innkeeper died during the Drifter's violent questioning, and her lingering spirit makes blood pour from the shower." August 23 -- "A tanuki (badger) once caught me off-guard and asked me what my greatest fear was. I knew the tanuki would probably summon whatever I said... So I lied. Instead of saying 'spiders' or 'alligators,' I told the tanuki I was terrified of cherry cheesecake. The tanuki grinned and vanished, and I figured that was the end of it. But when I went home, I found my house stuffed to the beams with cherry cheesecake. I tried eating my way in, but I barely got past the foyer. I later called some friends to help me... They managed to devour a good portion of it, but then we got full and the cheesecake started to go bad in the hot sun. That's when the kitsune (foxes) showed up.'s best if I end the story here." August 24 -- "There once was a Drifter who thought all Drifters ought to have guitars, so he bought one even though he couldn't play it. But once he got the guitar, he stopped getting jobs, his ears rang, his girlfriend dumped him, and all sorts of rotten things happened to him. Wondering what was going on, the Drifter carefully examined the sound hole the next time he was tuning the guitar... Inside, he saw paper wards with mysterious enchantments taped all over the inside. Terrified, he tossed the guitar into the nearest ruins and went home. In this manner, the cursed, monster-summoning tool known as the 'Old Guitar' was born." August 25 -- "When I was a little girl, my grandmother told me I mustn't go to the swamp in the mountains. But I didn't like being told what to do, so I snuck away and went to the swamp anyway. Above the gloomy swamp, winged cats flew around, meowing happily. They were so cute, I chased after them...and almost sank into the bottomless swamp." August 26 -- "In the mysterious book 'The Night of the Villainous Gisu,' it's written that superweapons called golems were used in an ancient war. By the way, gisu are saltwater fish of the Elopidae family. This book had seven authors, and they must have loved fishing." August 27 -- "You mustn't throw pebbles off a mountain, because the pebbles wind up moving boulders and will cause a landslide. A boy whose father often told him this important fact got lost in the mountains. He was so scared of knocking off pebbles, he didn't move an inch. He became a ghost--a "mountain wrecker" that sets off avalanches to crush naughty children who throw pebbles off mountains. ...But I don't think the mountain wrecker's real motive is causing avalanches. I bet his real aim is to cause children to stand perfectly still out of fear, and thus create new companions for himself." August 28 -- "The proud race of bloodsuckers, the great race of the night, the Crimson Nobles! There's a theory that the Crimson Nobles never appear in Filgaia because a large, nocturnal, striped mosquito was named after them." August 29 -- "During the great war, there was a ferris wheel with beautiful lights in the Congressional Knights' territory. But one day, the people who lived around the ferris wheel started dying in droves. The Global Union had taken control of the ferris wheel lighting and used it to subliminally control the nearby residents." August 30 -- "There once was a master craftsman who swore he would create the most comfortable sofa in the world. After 50 years of trials and error, the master finally succeeded in creating a sofa that satisfied him. He sat down to test it out himself for the very first time, and... He never stood up again. The sofa felt so comfortable, the very notion of standing had been erased from his brain." August 31 -- "Have you ever heard the phrase 'like building a cathedral in a hurricane'? Well, it's been done. Halfway through the construction of one of the greatest cathedrals the world had ever seen, a terrible hurricane hit. The church prayed for the cathedral to remain safe--but the raging winds and twisting tornadoes actually managed to fully assemble the building. The people thought it was a miracle. But on closer inspection, two of the central support beams were missing... To make a long story short, the whole thing collapsed a few days later." September 01 -- "Have you heard the phrase 'eye of the hurricane'? It's what's left behind at the end of the rainbow after a typhoon has passed. They say typhoon eyes are high in DHA and make you smarter if you eat them." September 02 -- "Sometimes, when you're inside a cave, you'll feel a drop of water drip onto the back of your neck. When that happens, you should leave that area as quickly as possible without looking back. Why? Because it's likely that a cave-dwelling floating head is drooling over your delicious-looking neck..." September 03 -- "The monsters Humpty and Dumpty live inside eggs. There's two of them, so if you don't break the egg and exterminate them, they'll keep reproducing via the Humpty Dumpty Equation. If you take the egg with you and wait until it feels like there's a lot of them in there... The best thing to do is boil it and eat it." September 04 -- "Sometimes people ask me, 'Have we met before?' But I assume that I'm being mistaken for Ramengard or Somengard, or someone. Or could it be that we've met in a previous life...? It's really bothering me." September 05 -- "They say when you gaze upon the lights of Guara Bobelo from a distance, you suddenly feel like taking part in the Arena. Is it the power of the demon king that sleeps beneath the Arena? Is it subliminal messages in the flickering lights? No one knows for sure, but if you go to Guara Bobelo, it's best to keep your wits about you." September 06 -- "After Guardian worship waned, people quickly switched to Saint worship. Is it because women are more attractive than beasts...? I often get weak in the knees looking at the mouths of wolves and cats myself..." September 07 -- "Did you know that there really is a disease where you become a werecat? Those infected live normally...for the most part. But on moonlit nights, they exhibit symptoms of turning into a cat. You can make high-quality shamisens with their fur so... It's said that during the war, there was a cruel practice of infecting young people who dreamed of having cat ears...then skinning them." September 08 -- "In the snowy mountains, one can find cute snow-princesses. When spring comes, they melt into the river and help new sprouts grow. So if you come across snowmen in the mountains and don't know who made them, don't be surprised or try adding eyes to them." September 09 -- "This took place when I went to a museum with my mother. While gazing in amazement at a giant elephant trapped in ice, I told him I'd heard another ice age would be coming soon... Then the elephant vanished. He must have been a smart elephant who'd been testing out cryogenics." September 10 -- "They say if you keep telling ghost stories like this, ghosts will gather in the area. If that makes you nervous, try listening carefully in the interval between stories. If you can hear sneezing in places where no one is, that's a sign that a ghost has reacted to being talked about and is hunting for the source of the rumors." September 11 -- "My older sister was good at art in school. The female lizard figure she made out of paper drew all the male lizards from the garden. But my sister had prepared for this and made the tail as a detachable piece, so the male lizards only got that piece. It's said they went to sleep that night hugging the tail my sister made." September 12 -- "We sometimes hear reports of monsters coming up through toilet drains and stealing people's underwear while they're defenseless. That's why a lot of people throughout Filgaia crouch over the toilet, so that they can dash away and save their undergarments if need be." September 13 -- "Filgaia's aviation industry was set into motion by Jezzo, the man who invented the automated weaving machine. He also invented the automated inscribing machine, but that didn't lead to the creation of any industry. Jezzo developed the weaving machine using the inscribing technology, so I think it'd make a good research theme, but..." September 14 -- "On hot days, road mirages appear. No matter how far you chase them, you can never catch these phantom puddles. But that's how it should be. If you did catch up with a road mirage... You'd be sucked inside, trapped forever inside the mirage and forced to wander the world." September 15 -- "When reading scary stories, the first victim is usually someone overweight who goes looking for food. Every time I read that, I let out a bittersweet sigh... We have emergency food stored in our bodies! Why couldn't we endure the situation with that?" September 16 -- "Autumn is typhoon season. Because this house is up in a tree, the sound of the wind is very loud during typhoons. So I got an idea and made eight holes of different sizes in the wall beside my bed. Since then, I've come to like typhoons. The wind that blows in through the holes plays a melody like a flute." September 17 -- "Long ago there existed a pair of red 'Rad Blades,' an item cursed to make the wearer unable to stop until they run into something. The color comes from the bloody noses of their wearers running into walls, so they're a little sticky if you touch them." September 18 -- "There once lived a man who was incredibly hard-headed. He was so hard-headed, he was often compared to diamonds, and he himself viewed diamonds as his rivals. After the years passed and he lost the hair on his head, he had his head brilliant-cut (58 facets) and then his shine, too, exceeded that of diamonds." September 19 -- "I used to love popping bubble wrap. But the other day, when I was popping bubble wrap on the village outskirts, a translucent gel jumped out from a bubble and ran away into the grass. What I'd broken wasn't a bubble, but a seal of some sort..." September 20 -- "Why is the sky blue? It's because the sky's face turned blue at the sight of Filgaia's terrible future. ...There once was a famous scholar who pushed this theory, but... Where's the sky's face? If it's entire body is blue, then the sky either had demon blood, or was anemic." September 21 -- "They say the Guardian of Love, and the Guardian of the Moon take the form of beautiful human females. But they're still beasts...If you're charmed by their appearance and treat them carelessly, you'll be devoured, so be careful." September 22 -- "It happened on a trip into the mountains... Hearing the echo of a brook and feeling thirsty, the Drifter headed in the direction of the sound. Then, he suddenly realized he'd forgotten something back at the inn. When he turned back, the sound of the brook unexpectedly stopped. Curious, he turned around and saw a large gray monkey with a red sack on its neck glaring at him." September 23 -- "Sugar water only tastes good because of the carbonation. So if you just took the carbonation and got rid of the impure sugar water, wouldn't it taste even better...? 'Go ahead, have as much carbonation as you like!' That's what I said the other day when chaos came to attack me. Just as I planned, he collapsed from carbon dioxide poisoning. ...I was nice and warned him it might be hazardous to his health, but..." September 24 -- "I once made a corn husk doll. As I finished up by combing the fuzzy part on the end and drawing a mouth... The doll's mouth moved me and told me its hair should be smoother." September 25 -- "In a farming village called Claiborne, there was a small shack that no one ever used. It was in a good spot for storing tools, but everyone avoided using it. For dozens of years, the villagers wondered why everyone ignored it. There weren't any bad omens associated with it... Then, for some reason, that shack became famous as a place where people from far away would come to end their lives." September 26 -- "A practice known as hara uranai (nose-fortune telling) once existed in ancient Filgaia. It was performed by examining mucus blown from the nose and was good at predicting health, but... They say few people wanted to become nose fortune tellers, and the practice died out..." September 27 -- "'This sore mouth just isn't going away,' said a man to himself, so he looked at it in the mirror and was startled by what he saw. What he had thought was a mouth sore was actually a face. But it turned out to be a really nice guy, and the man became famous as a ventriloquist." September 28 -- "There once was a monster whose true form could be seen if you looked through boiled, semi-translucent harusame noodles. People fought tooth and nail to buy up the harusame, but... A mean udon seller, jealous of the harusame shop's success, spread a rumor that the monster was fabricated by the harusame shop. The people went, 'Oh, well, never mind, then,' and stopped buying harusame. And, unable to detect the monster, they were eaten." September 29 -- "On a dark and stormy night, a Drifter found himself forced to seek refuge in a spooky old house. However, there was a witch living in the basement, and she chased the Drifter all over the house, asking him... 'Do you know what I can do with my ruby-red lips and green fingertips?' Eventually, she cornered him in the attic. Again, she asked if he knew what she could do with her 'ruby-red lips and green fingertips.' The Drifter who was terrified beyond all belief screamed 'No, I don't know!' The old witch brought her green fingertips to her ruby-red lips... ...and went 'B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b.' Then both of them went downstairs and shared a pot of coffee." September 30 -- "Today is the day our late ancestors appear before us. You may hear sounds in strange places, and the cookies you hid in the cupboard may disappear. So anyone who's hiding anything needs to be careful. My mother had her hidden money stash discovered by her mother-in-law." October 01 -- "In the distant past, there used to be a facility in Filgaia called the Telepath Tower. If you jacked into that facility, you could send your words to the entire world. Hmm...Even if it had to be in a late-night time slot, I wish I could broadcast my thoughts to the world." October 02 -- "Long ago in Buckeye, there once was a yellow canary that would sing beautiful melodies. But one day, the canary suddenly stopped singing. Its worried owner had the Arena's rogue doctor examine the bird to restore its singing voice. The operation was a success, but...the canary recovered its singing voice and turned into a black, wriggling creature." October 03 -- "A son devoted to his parents once heard that a gob's ear hair restored vitality, so he served it every night to his father at dinner. Two weeks after he first served that dish, the son noticed that his father's ear hair had grown thick and long, like a patch of seaweed. The son was confused, but the father tried to remove the ear hair, pulling it with all his strength. The hair came out with a popping sound, but for some reason, in that instant his father's eyes lost their light." October 04 -- "As everyone knows, it's really easy to summon a ghost with the right materials. Just boil some calcium in water and a spirit will pop out. This can be dangerous because the resulting ghost may be vengeful. The first time I tried it, I got a king concert pianist... But the second (and last) time, I managed to summon my old algebra teacher. I guess it was worse because I hadn't even realized she had died." October 05 -- "This is something that became clear from looking at Filgaian statistics... The first name Tony is good at breaking seals, and the last name Maxwell is good at giving birth to devilish children. So, the greatest name in this world would be Tony Maxwell." October 06 -- "'A bath filled with red peppers will be warm and also good for your diet.' ...Yet another baseless theory that gripped the public mind for a time. This theory was spread by a man-eating monster that loved spicy marinades, so there were several incidents of people disappearing from their baths." October 07 -- "Sometimes, what is thought to be a supernatural phenomenon is actually the work of plasma. It was from this truth that magic studies began. So, in this Filgaia of ours, learning magic means mastering the use of plasma. If you excel at magic, you can float your cup over your desk, shoot powerful beams from your hands, become popular with the opposite sex, win the lottery-- Anyway, you get a lot of benefits." October 08 -- "Inside hot chocolate are pixies that make people kind and forgiving. Because it also makes them forgive themselves, they let themselves drink hot chocolate even if it exceeds their targeted daily calorie intake. Those pixies may actually have been evil..." October 09 -- "It's said there are various types of nandina wood. More specifically, there are three: Curldina wood is a troublemaker, and it's difficult to use it to make much of anything. Larrdina wood has a sociable personality and is good for business. Modina wood is tough to work with, but stands tall and strong. If you're thinking of writing a comic book or something, using anthropomorphized versions of these woods would make for a sure-fire hit." October 10 -- "During the war, there was a staff member at Buckeye Station in charge of punching tickets. He was a monster who lived inside the ticket processing machine, and determined the fare from the flavor of the ticket inserted into his mouth. But these days, they don't have the money to pay him, so he's not employed anymore. October 11 -- "There's a rumor that a monster called 'Kudan' appears before and after wars. We haven't seen Kudan lately. There shouldn't be any war for a while..." October 12 -- "There's a creature called Nue with the head of a monkey, the body of a tanuki, the tail of a snake, the legs of a tiger, and the voice of a white thrush. It isn't a supernatural spirit, but a man-made chimera created during the war by combining various skins and an artificial voice. If you see Nue, you will know the depths of human sin." October 13 -- "There once was a man whose friend insulted him by saying, 'You single-celled organism!' The man was startled and asked, 'How did you know, you multi-celled organism?' and squished out into an amoeba shape. The multi-celled organism was shocked by his friend's true form and lost both his consciousness...and his friend." October 14 -- "When I sleep, my freckles leave my cheeks and begin to dance around my face like mandragoras. It's a cursed dance to increase their number, and my cheeks fill with dots." October 15 -- "You sometimes see powerlines arrangedin a circle... The other day, I saw a bird fly through that circle and disappear. Was the bird sucked into the spirit world, or perhaps another dimension?" October 16 -- "There once was a bright student at the academy who stuffed Breath Mints in his nose when he studied. It was because when he breathed like that, his eyes became clearer, but... An inferior student who learned that trick became a playboy with refreshing breath who later made anti-halitosis medicine in his old age." October 17 -- "Supposedly, in the distant past, there was a beautiful, sparkling blue jewel called the Crystal Tear. But if you had this jewel, bad things happened to you. When the princess of one country had it, her kingdom was attacked by monsters and reduced to ruin... A demon who carried it around as an energy source was beaten to a pulp by two female Drifters... So if you find the Crystal Tear, you should find a way to get rid of it at once." October 18 -- "Apparently, today is Secret Radio Transmission Day. Perhaps that's why my wisdom teeth have been throbbing since morning..." October 19 -- "When eating something tasty, you can really enjoy the flavor, but only for a limited time before it goes down your throat. And it's sad to see the meal disappear as you eat it. A knight who lamented this obtained a tablecloth from which the food did not disappear, no matter how much he ate. Since then, the knight did no work and merely continued eating. People say he had fallen into an eternal hell." October 20 -- "Today is Silver Day! Silver drives away the dead. One-gella coins are made of silver, so when you run into a ghost, you can throw them. That coin has a variety of uses, but when putting money in a coffin so the deceased can pay the fare to cross the river Styx, you shouldn't use one. The deceased won't be able to hold it and will be unable to pay." October 21 -- "There's a political party that has an occultish reason for declaring that war is bad. They say the war was caused by aliens who want Filgaia for themselves. ...That they're planning on taking over the planet once mankind has reduced its population by fighting amongst itself. ...It sounds silly, but when you consider the number of aliens on Filgaia, perhaps it's not unthinkable..." October 22 -- "Baseball players have the ability to assemble bats into a tall spiral. One day, the strongest team in Filgaia began piling up bats... The tower grew so tall, it pierced the clouds and reached the heavens. Angered by this insolent act, the guardian of the heavens struck down the tower of bats with lightning." October 23 -- "The proper way to use breath mints is to put them in your nose. The stimulating smell will clear your head immediately. But doing it too much isn't good for you. If the stimulus is too strong, your brain will melt. Ordinary Drifters are fine just biting the leaf." October 24 -- "Giants, cannons, and fried eggs...Now and in the past, children love these three things. I'm no exception, I'd like to have my very own giant, too. But giants only eat the white film that rises when you heat milk. So only the rich can keep giants as pets... So, I decided to try to get a job heating milk at a rich person's mansion." October 25 -- "There is an item called a plush goat. You might think it symbolizes a scapegoat, but its actual purpose is different. When you carry it, when an enemy attack would hit you in a fatal spot, somehow the plush doll is there and blocks the attack. This plush doll was developed base on the way the good luck charm your mother gives you before you go off to war blocks the enemy bullets." October 26 -- "Long autumn nights are perfect for reading scary books by the window. But the other day, while in the middle of reading, I felt something was wrong and glanced at the floor... What I'd thought was the shadow of the floor stand was actually the horns of a female jackalope. I was scared half to death, but it turned out it liked scary stories and had taken an interest in my book, coming every night to read over my shoulder." October 27 -- "The other day, at a used bookstore, I found a book of ghost stories I'd lost when I was little, and I bought it with great joy. It was just as wonderful as I'd remembered, and I turned the pages excitedly, but... When I saw the last page, I was shocked. Written on it were the words of admiration I'd written in the book when I was a little girl." October 28 -- "There was a traveling monk who had an item called the Wonder Gourd. Items of any size could be placed inside it, and nothing would come out until the monk ordered it. He was the envy of Drifters everywhere. Time passed, and the monk aged and fell sick. When he thought he was finally done for, he entered the gourd himself. He must have considered funerals bothersome and hated useless formalities." October 29 -- "I had a dream in which my teeth fell out. Apparently, that isn't a good omen. To drive away evil spirits, I soaked a baby tooth in carbonated water until it dissolved." October 30 -- "Demons are always planning out sneaky ways to take you down. When you drop your guard, that's when they'll make their move. So we ordinary people must never let our guard down, but... Trained demon summoners deliberately let down their guard a little and invite them in." October 31 -- "Today is Halloween. And Halloween means jack-o'-lanterns. Those cute pumpkin lanterns are carried by the ghost of Jack, unable to rest in peace, in order to light the dark spirit world. The lantern itself isn't a ghost; it's just carried by one. You mustn't allow yourself to be drawn in by the charming lantern like prey to a lantern fish." November 01 -- "Dr. Roswell, a famous authority on the Telepath Tower, said this in an interview with Mu & Lemuria Magazine: 'The forces of chaos come from unexpected places.' The next day, a Telepath Tower was standing above the bed where the doctor slept in, and the doctor had vanished..." November 02 -- "It's a common theme for something good to come bobbing by from upstream while you're doing the laundry in the river. I tried doing laundry in the river on the village outskirts, but the only things that floated by were talisman dolls and kappa and things like that. Is it because I'm not virtuous, or because Halim's River is cursed...? I think I'll spend today pondering that one." November 03 -- "Fixed windows always turn up in locked-room murders. Fixed windows, just like elementary school student master detectives, are cursed items that cause murders to occur around them." November 04 -- "I heard this story from Pick. When Pick went into the forest to acquire building materials, a white hand beckons from Halim's Grove. Wondering who it was, he approached, and on the ground at the very spot where the hand had beckoned from sat an old doll." November 05 -- "They say a blue fox appears on stormy nights in Port Rosalia. Those who see the blue fox must make a white flag and place it on their door. By doing so, the fox will like them, and they will be blessed their whole lives. The blue fox is a servant of the wind spirit, so they like flags because they show which way the wind blows." November 06 -- "Every prestigious school has the standard three-piece set of a statue that walks at night, a self-playing piano, and a portrait of the principal whose eyes move. Because of that, there are salesmen who try to sell the three-piece set to schools that want to increase their standing." November 07 -- "On foggy nights in Buckeye, you can sometimes hear a faint train whistle in the distance. The people who live there say that the rusty, sleeping trains blow their whistles when dreaming of the olden days." November 08 -- "Drifters who've been to Verklarung tell of a giant fan that never stops, even though the power isn't running. And at night, children's ghosts can be seen gathering around the fan, laughing spookily as they're blown about by the currents. Sometimes a mother, not realizing she's dead, comes out to stop them, saying it's dangerous. That makes the scene all the more sad..." November 09 -- "Ghosts like water, but dislike salt. When ghosts draw near, precision equipment goes crazy. ...From the above, we can deduce that ghosts' bodies are largely made of water. During the winter and other times when you want a humidifier, having a ghost nearby is convenient." November 10 -- "Until a little while ago, a naughty magazine was sitting in Halim's forest. When I started to open it, Caroline warned me, 'Adult magazines will bite you.' ...The idea of an adult mag attacking people is nonsense and completely impossible, right...?" November 11 -- "A long time ago, a man who lived in the east possessed a rare item called a konshu. It's a miraculous item with the power to instantly recall old memories when you rub it, but... It holds embarrassing memories as well, so they say it's difficult to use." November 12 -- "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? When a Drifter found a talking magic mirror in a ruin, he jokingly asked it that. But the 'beautiful' thing that the mirror showed was sludge-colored and slimy, and the Drifter went insane when he saw it. It seems a great ancient race made the mirror...It wasn't a product of Filgaia." November 13 -- "There were once spirits of death called 'reapers' in Filgaia. But they lost a contest with Ge Ratmos, the guardian of death, to see who could kill the most people in an instant, and they left Filgaia. ...I think it might have been better if the losers had been the ones to say here in Filgaia..." November 14 -- "This is a ghost story a fisherman in Port Rosalia told me. One autumn evening, a man he'd never seen before was wandering the streets with a large bug-catching net. Thinking him suspicious, the fisherman quietly followed him and saw him shake his net at the window of a house. When he did so, the evening sun that shone in the windowpane disappeared, and the inside of the net began to glow red... After collecting exactly ten evening sunsets, the man disappeared into the dark night." November 15 -- "Long ago, in a town called Adlehyde, there lived an elderly architect named Tom. One year, during New Year's celebrations, Tom got a stick rice cake stuck in his throat and almost choked to death. But he used his architectural skils and opened vents in the cake, turning it into a windmill and saving his life. After that, he became famous not as a candy sculptor, but as a sticky rice cake sculptor." November 16 -- "I found two holes in a cliff on the outskirts of the village. When I put my finger in one, a snake came out of the other. I yelled in surprise, but the snake seemed surprised, too, and shrieked in a cute voice and slithered away." November 17 -- "I once bought a magic flute from a peddler. Supposedly, if you play it well, a squirrel will appear and spin a hamster wheel. But there's no hamster wheel at my house, so I haven't actually tried it yet. I'd feel sorry for the squirrel if he mistakenly tried to move the windmill or the waterwheel." November 18 -- "A Drifter was exploring a forest. As night was falling and he was beginning to feel tired, he found a small hut. He decided to spend the night in the hut and went inside, finding a simple bed in the middle. He lay down on the bed and felt like something was wrong, but he couldn't overcome his fatigue and fell asleep. The next morning, he discovered a flower vase with a fresh wildflower next to his bed. Surprised, he stood up, and a white cloth fell from his face. In a panic, he ran away from the hut." November 19 -- "After you sneeze, you must say the word 'gesundheit' to ward off evil. If you don't, the next time you sneeze, your consciousness will fade for a moment and you'll see the eyes of the Ancient Ones which must not bee seen. The Ancient Ones have a sneeze fetish, so the instant someone sneezes, they'll always turn to look." November 20 -- "They say there's a jet-black treasure chest somewhere in the world. It's a cursed chest that never opens. Judging from the fact that, even if you heat it up in a frying pan, it won't open its mouth...that treasure chest may already be dead." November 21 -- "When picking up a rabbit, you need to make sure you securely support it from below. If you pick it up by the ears, the wrath of the rabbit will cause a teacher to pick you up by your ears the next day at school as punishment." November 22 -- "'Entering society means becoming a cog in the machine...' Monroe used to always say that. One day, he felt into the smelting furnace at the cog factory and became a gear. When that gear was sent off to a customer, I attached a pamphlet summarizing Monroe's life." November 23 -- "One day, when I went to the library, the librarian said, 'Today is a special holiday.' When I asked her why, she smiled, saying there was a book with all the world's events written in it. Amazed, I snuck into the library and watched to see what was happening. But inside the library, it was completely quiet. There was not even a murmur from the office, much less sounds of excitement. The next day, the library was burned down by someone and both the books and the librarian were incinerated. What happened that day?" November 24 -- "When a girl saw her friend taking a photograph, she sneakily extended her hand from the shadows to try to make a 'ghost photo.' Her friend later came to talk to her about the ghost in the photo. Giggling, the girl looked at the photo and then fell over in shock. Countless white, translucent hands were outstretched toward the girl's hand that was coming out of the shadows." November 25 -- "My grandfather was good friends with the persimmon tree growing in the garden. The persimmon tree responded to my grandfather's love and bore sweet persimmons every year, but... After my grandfather died, it produced nothing but sour persimmons. It must not have wanted to let anyone besides my grandfather eat its sweet fruit." November 26 -- "Lactic acid bacteria drinks come in a variety of containers, such as large bottles, small bottles, and paper cartons. They say each container has a single lactic acid bacteria the size of the container squeezed into it. It's a little weird, but just think of it like eating an egg. After all, a chicken egg is one cell, too." November 27 -- "Inside seashells are objects that emit sounds of the sea. The object is beautiful, like a pearl, but it's very fragile, so getting it out of the shell without breaking it is extremely difficult. The only ones who can do it are twin girls born on the night of a full moon in winter... When they sing to the shell, the pearl-like object resonates, and they can lead it out of the shell using that minute movement." November 28 -- "There are many races in Filgaia. One of them is the demons. They're visitors from another planet, with mechanical bodies and even more variation than human beings, but just like ants, only their queen is capable of reproduction. Because of that, if you put borax in their territory, their entire colony will be wiped out." November 29 -- "The dinosaur statue on the Mim'krilu Skyway has a secret. If you press the top, liquid soap comes out of it. Considering this, the theory that the Mim'krilu Skyway was built by a race of giants has a certain degree of plausibility." November 30 -- "This is a legend that's been passed down in the Buckeye region. Etemenanki was built by an Elw who, long ago, raised Ragu O Ragla in the abyss. And the Elw who raised Ragu O Ragla is his chambermaid, O-Ragla..." December 01 -- "In the famous snowy mountain range of Neve d'Argento, there once was an UMA named Bigfoot. But fluffy Bigfoot fur was very good for making warm clothes, and they were hunted to extinction. It's said that this matter spurred the creation of the UMA Protection Act." December 02 -- "There once was a brave hero who had a magic key that would fit anything. But the key even opened the human heart, and soon, the hero grew disgusted with human vice. He defected to the monsters' side, but the heart of their kind was twisted as well. The hero fell into despair and no longer cared about anything. He began to play with the demon king's heart like a set of puzzle rings." December 03 -- "The monster called doppelganger copies the genetic information of its opponent and uses the exact same techniques and moves. During the war, a group that wanted to clone heroes tried to employ doppelgangers, but... The only thing they succeeded in doing was making copies of their own group." December 04 -- "One of the superhuman abilities people may have is x-ray vision. A little while ago, an apron that blocks x-ray vision went on sale. It wasn't just a fad. That product captured the hearts of girls and still sells like crazy. It's said that the product developer, who was precognitive, used the profits from that product to assemble others with superhuman abilities and created his own personal military force." December 05 -- "A great mystery novel writer still had the heart of a boy and believed in the existence of pixies. But they say no pixies ever appeared before him. That's because he never had detectives and pixies together in any of his novels. The pixies took that as evidence that the writer viewed pixies as lacking realism." December 06 -- "Have you ever seen a fracture in space-time...? I have. From the fracture, I saw another me who was wearing red clothes. If you see a space-time fracture, I'm sure you'll see another you with different-colored clothes, too." December 07 -- "When I was young, I learned that the guardian of time looks like a cat. And when the flow of space-time warps, that's when the guardian is drunk on catnip. That's a contradictory story that I have a hard time accepting. That would mean it doesn't just 'look' like a cat; it really IS a cat." December 08 -- "When you stay at an inn, check to see whether there are guardian wards behind the picture frames. If there are, that means the place is being managed by an owner who still has devout faith in Calucion. You can rest easy at that inn." December 09 -- "The Dragon Fossil Mine is built from a variety of different woods, giving it an almost athletic atmosphere. Filgaia's original ball game, Dragon's Ball, was born there. Amidst the jungle gym-like wooden structure, two teams throw balls at each other. If you skillfully knock down an opponent, you'll hear 'Nice shot!' from your teammates as they cheer you on." December 10 -- "Long ago, there lived a saintly man who would give presents to children on this day. He lived in a place called Ear Plateau and was said to listen carefully with his own ears to the wishes of the world's children. But the Ear Plateau was also the area that produced nitroglycerin and was occupied by the Congressional Knights during the war. No one knows what happened to the man after that." December 11 -- "'Sent letter seven people. Else you am cry total. Huahuahuahuahua...' I received a letter that said that. The writing style sounds like gobs... I bet this is a gob plot to make humans waste their time." December 12 -- "A man with lots of hair and who wore gold thread that looked like dishwashing sponges stood out from the other townspeople. He was cocking his head as he looked at a map, so being the nice person I am, I went over to help him find his way. When I did so, he said with a serious face, 'You mustn't go near Port Rosalia for a while.' Later, when I described him to Archibald, it turned out the man was someone important in the Congressional Knights..." December 13 -- "Behind the cottage where Helga lives is a graveyard for Halim's initial settlers. And on that wall is a bright red handpring that won't go away, even if it's scrubbed. When I was little, my mother told me it commemorates the time a sumo wrestler visited on a performance tour, that true?" December 14 -- "On cold winter mornings, icicles sometimes hang from the front of the house. On this day a year ago, I absent-mindedly broke an icicle and put it in my mouth. When I did so, a beautiful melody like a music box struck my ears from the inside of my mouth. I tried breaking off another icicle and licking it in the same way, and a different melody ran in my ears." December 15 -- "I picked up a pretty fallen red leaf and used it as a bookmark. The leaf's color steadily faded, and three days later, it had become mere fiber. I had stuck it in a collection of Alhazard's poems. Did it have its energy drained...? It's a real mystery." December 16 -- "They say in a different Filgaia, there was no sea at all. But the people were still able to eat fried shrimp. As a nod to t fact that it tastes the same, the star guardian bred shrimp so that they could live in the dunes." December 17 -- "There once was a magician who could pull anything out of his bag. They secret was his boyish heart, stored in the deepest part of the bag... In other words, a moldy piece of bread from the school cafeteria." December 18 -- "There exists a female ghost called Malice. She utters bits and pieces of resentful sentences. They may sound meaningless, but if you encounter her many times, you'll start to understand as you listen. And when you finally succeed in learning the whole meaning... You can become a ghost like her." December 19 -- "Long ago, two moons hung in Filgaia's sky, the New Moon and the Old Moon. But a drunken bard scooped up and drank the New Moon that was floating in the water, so now Filgaia just has the one Old Moon." December 20 -- "Have you ever heard of Viking-style burials? The corpse is loaded onto a raft and launched into the ocean. I've always wondered where they wind up, though. I think it'd be a bit unpleasant to find a corpse wash up when you were out fishing." December 21 -- "For a time, there was a rumor that there was a dimension beyond the Cerulean Tunnel in which people-faced fish lived. And they dislike us, calling us people-faced monkeys. ...It's kind of depressing, being looked down upon by people-faced fish." December 22 -- "Dragon breath smells like sulfur, but dragoon breath smells like machine oil. So when you want to make soft-boiled eggs, make sure you choose the dragon with the sulfurous breath." December 23 -- "One day, while he was fishing in Port Rosalia, Riber fished up a cool-looking leather boot (the right foot). Riber was annoyed, but it was such a cool-looking boot that he put it in his house and used it as a flower vase. Time passed, and he changed his fishing spot to the waterway near Quartly. A short time after that... He fished up a cool-looking leather boot (the left foot). Pondering the strange coincidence, when he returned to Port Rosalia, he put the boots together and placed them together in a shoebox. When he did so, the boots knocked their heels together as if saluting, and then walked out the door." December 24 -- "In this Filgaia of ours, one can sometimes find game ROMs scattered about. But if you intend to use those ROMs, you must be careful. Those ROMs are cursed to trap the player in the game screen... If you're careless, you'll run away from the problems facing you, and do nothing but play games. Enough of this! Go play outside." December 25 -- "This happened when I was three years old, walking along a mountain path with my mother. Ahead of the path, a winged person floating in midair looked down at me and smiled. 'That means you're blessed by the tengu,' my mother said. Couldn't she at least have said angel...?" December 26 -- "Antiques sometimes have ghosts haunting them. My grandfather's teacup had a ghost, too. It liked delicious tea and would get made if you poured cheap tea into it. My mother, the one who bought the tea leaves, said we didn't have to pretend there was a ghost...but actually, there really was one. Because when I drank juice out of it, a bowl fell from the kitchen cupboard." December 27 -- "Supposedly, there's a kingdom of talking animals beyond the sea. There, humans are despised as nasty creatures. When they tell their children, If you aren't good, the flayers will come for you,' they mean that humans will come capture and skin them. ...I'd love to go there once and say to a kitten or puppy, 'I'm a flayer!'" December 28 -- "I ate chocolate, so I got a nosebleed. I ate ice cream, so I got a headache. When I saw myself in the mirror, bleeding from my nose and moaning in pain, it was truly a scary sight." December 29 -- "There's a supernatural monster known as a nopperabou. It's a face with no eyes or nose attached to a human body. They court each other by offering their faces as pillows to the opposite sex. Apparently, it feels better than even the softest pillow." December 30 -- "The Saint of Port Rosalia was good friends with the guardian of the sea, so after she died, she came to watch over the sea. I often have guardians standing at my bedside, but I've never become very friendly with them. I'd like the Saints to teach me the secret of becoming friends with them." December 31 -- "Sometimes when you're on the toilet, you can feel someone watching you. It'll usually go away if you punch with your fist, but doing that over and over is a pain, so I'll tell you what to do if you don't like being watched. If, on the toilet today, you say 'the cuckoo entered the priesthood,' the being behind the gaze won't appear again for a whole year." /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 42. Travel Guide Scripts | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ Travel guides are little books you can buy for a few gella along the journey that act as a hodgepodge of knowledge. They're found in most shops and traveling salesmen's packs, so they aren't too difficult to get a hold of. There are twenty-five (25) in all. 01: About Critical Hits "When you use the Attack (Shoot) command in battle, a Critical Hit (which causes more damage than a normal attack/shot), may occur. The chance of a Critical Hit varies for each character." 02: About Counterattacks "When hit by a physical attack, there is a chance that the character will retaliate in kind. This counterattack will target the HEX in which the attacker is standing. The chance of a counterattack varies for each character." 03: About Detonation Mode "Occasionally, the text 'Detonation!' appears above a character's HP. While in this mode, all of their parameters as well as the chance of skill activation increase, resulting in explosive combat power. However, this powerful mode is not limited to the player characters only. It is possible to encounter monsters in detonation mode, so proceed with caution when this happens. 04: About the GC Graph "Character growth and customization ('GC') are managed by distributing GC points in the GC Graph. GC points increase each time a character gains a level. You can temporarily acquire unlearned skills and Original Commands to fight battle more effectively. For example, Yulie's 'Sanctify' is very useful against the undead. Be sure to adjust the characters' abilities to match those of the monsters they are facing." 05: About Items (Part 1) "Battle items may be used on the user's HEX or one that is adjacent to it. Usage is also restricted based on whether the item targets enemies or allies. Combine Jude's Force ability, 'Mystic,' with items to affect HEXes that are further away." 06: About Items (Part 2) "Some battle items are categorized as 'advanced items' and they appear greyed out when you try to use them. These advanced items can only be used when Jude and Yulie learn the appropriate skill." 07: About Fleeing from Battle "When fighting a random encounter battle, a character positioned on an outer HEX can easily flee, but there's a risk that gella will be lost in the process. When fleeing, gather as many party members on the same HEX as the fleeing character, since the number of members on that HEX determines the amount of gella lost." 08: About Obstacles "The wooden crates on the battlefield are obstacles that limit movement and interfere with ranged attacks by blocking a shot's line-of-sight. They can be destroyed with a single attack/shot, and the character that performs the attack gains EXP BONUS RATE +0.5." 09: About Battle Traps "Traps are sometimes hidden on the battlefield. Effects like HP damage and action cancellation are very dangerous, but can be used to your advantage against enemies too. Some advanced items are used to place traps on the battlefield. Used effectively, they can offer very powerful support." 10: About Treasure Chests "A treasure chest is occasionally hidden on one of the seven HEXes that comprise the battlefield. If a character is on the same HEX as the treasure chest when the battle ends, you obtain the contents of the chest. The number of characters on the same HEX as the chest, determines the value of the item obtained." 11: About Status Effects "Most status effects, both positive and negative, are effective on a per-HEX basis. Even if you can't remove a status from the HEX, you can escape its effect, by leaving it." 12: About Ley Points (Part 1) "There are four ley point elements: earth, water, fire, and wind. These elements possess opposing properties. Earth and wind oppose each other, as do water and fire. For example, a character on an earth ley point receives reduced damage from earth attacks. But an attack of the opposing element, wind, causes greater damage than normal." 13: About Ley Points (Part 2) "When performing an attack with the same element as a ley point--for example, a fire attack while standing on a fire ley point--the attack power increases. This can allow enemy elemental attacks to strike your characters with unexpectedly high damage, so be careful." 14: About Class Level "When the GC Graph class level increases, parameters increase as well, as do the power of Original Commands." 15: About Gems "By using gems -- earth water, fire, and water -- you can perform elemental attacks independent of ley points. When a character with the 'Gemstone' skill defeats enemies by using an elemental attack, a number of gemstones equal to the number of enemies defeated results. As their name implies, gemstones are also valuable jewels, and can be sold to shops as a means of earning money. 16: About Combination Arts "Combination Arts are learned randomly, but there are a number of necessary conditions that must be fulfilled first. First, the characters that take part in the combination must be in the same HEX. Next, sufficient FP to perform the art must also be available. Additionally, the characters cannot be under the influence of a negative status effect." 17: About Finest Arts "With the 'Punching Glove' badge equipped, there is a chance that Finest Arts may activate when the Attack (Shoot) command is used. Finest Arts are even more powerful than the standard Critical Hit. Increasing the chances of a Critical Hit also increases the likelihood of activating a Finest Arts." 18: About Gobs (Part 1) "Gobs are a race of demi-humans that live throughout Filgaia. There are various types of gobs, each with its own characteristic methods of attack. Gobs grow in strength as the game progresses, so don't assume they're weak just because they look like the ones you've fought before, or you may be in for a surprise..." 19: About Gobs (Part 2) "One characteristic of gobs is that several gobs on a single HEX result in a mutual support effect, and thereby increases their strength. When facing off against gobs, it's important to focus on reducing their number. Using support effects like 'Isolate' to separate them can also be effective." 20: About Grow Apples "This is a special bonus monster that occasionally appears in random encounters. The more damage you inflict on them, the more experience points you'll earn." 21: About Melchoms "This is a special bonus monster that occasionally appears in random encounters. The more damage you inflict on them, the more gella you'll earn." 22: About Event Battles "The event battles that occur at key points throughout the game are difficult challenges with powerful enemies from which you cannot flee. However, the experience points and gella earned are usually appropriately higher as well. Lucky Cards and Gella Cards help you earn experience points and gella more effectively. Lucky Cards add an EXP BONUS RATE of +1.0, and Gella Cards double the amount of gella earned." 23: About Weapons and Armor "Merely carrying weapons and armor has no effect--they must be equipped first. Weapons and armor have their own parameters so be sure to understand these to use them more efficiently. ATP: The larger the value, greater damage for each single strike, and damage against enemies with high defense. ACN: The larger th value, more strikes in a single attack. The hit/miss ratio is determined per individual strike. DFP: The larger the value, greater reduction of physical damage. Physical attacks are those categorized as . MGR: The larger the value, greater reduction of magical damage. Magical attacks are those categorized as {o} and . /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 43. NPC Dialogue Scripts | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ 01. Ciel Village CV01 Initial 02. Ciel Village II CV02 post-Tony fight 03. Port Rosalia PR01 Initial 04. Port Rosalia II PR02 post-Culane Temple 05. Great Stairway GS01 Initial 06. White Orphanage WO01 Initial 07. Aerial Fortress Eulalia AF01 Initial 08. Guara Bobelo GB01 Initial & New Speech 09. Calucion Pass CP01 Initial 10. August River AR01 Initial 11. Desolate Railway DR01 Initial 12. Buckeye Station BS01 Initial & New Speech 13. Buckeye Station II BS02 post-Etemenanki 14. Silver Star Express SS01 Initial 15. Ciel Village III (Past) CV03 Initial 16. Buckeye Station III BS03 Initial 17. Abandoned Village AV01 Initial 18. Garra de Leon GL01 Initial & New Speech 19. Dragon Fossil Mine DF01 Initial 20. Frontier Village Halim FT01 Initial & New Speech x2 21. Dragon Fossil Mine II DF02 post-Valley of Oblivion 22. Blue Amity Beach BA01 Initial 23. Port Rosalia III PR03 Initial & New Speech x2 24. Dievas Airport DA01 Initial 25. Illsveil Prison IP01 Initial 26. Port Rosalia IV PR04 post-Farmel battle 27. Frontier Town Halim II FT02 post-Farmel battle 28. Dragon Fossil Mine III DF03 post-Farmel battle 29. Abandoned Village II AV02 post-Farmel battle 30. Buckeye Station IV BS04 post-Farmel battle 31. [Ciel Village - CV01] Alec: The name 'Ciel' means 'sky' in an ancient language. Did you know that?" Solon: "Morning, Jude! I see you're running around the village as usual. It's good to see children full of energy." Hakim: "Children grow up so fast... It seems like just yesterday when you were a toddler hanging on to your mother's hand... You've grown so quickly..." Diana: "Why, hello there, Jude. What are you doing here? Isn't it time for your swordsmanship lessons at Instructor Henri's dojo? You're blessed to live in a village where there are people who can teach you both physical and mental skills. You mustn't pass up any opportunities to learn, dear." Helga: "It's been ages since we've set aside our old research and let ourselves grow accustomed to this quiet life. Only Heinrich, still dressed in his white lab coat, hasn't changed a bit. He still looks and does the same things. When will he finally learn that you can't fix a broken machine by beating on it?" Samuel: "Everyone in the village wants to do their part to ensure you grow up to be a respectable adult. But we want to be respectable adults ourselves, too. We want to be people who take responsibility for their actions. Especially because we' know... The next time we get the chance, we want to do the right thing." Maybell: "Since you were the only child in Ciel Village, we all felt as though you were our own while watching you grow up these past 13 years. We can't help wanting to be involved in your life." Raymond: "Life in Ciel is the same every day, almost as if time itself has stopped... I guess a child might find it boring when nothing ever changes. But life is best when you have so much free time that you don't know what to do." Wyoming: "My camera suddenly stopped working this morning, though I didn't drop it or anything. I'd been thinking of taking a picture of you to show how much better that jacket is fitting now. It's too bad... It would have been a nice picture to add to your album..." Heinrich: "I think you know this already, but don't mess with any of the machines in the village. Be especially careful about the big one in the center. And no matter what happens, don't mimic me and start banging on it!" [Ciel Village -- CV02] Alec: "The ARM you activated was unit number XERD__003SS, 'Shapeshifter.' It's a powerful third-generation ARM that can evolve and adapt to different situations. But...we didn't want to see someone like yourself, who's never had to know war, to be the one to wield it..." Solon: "Ciel Village is protected by a shelter barrier with stealth functionality. It's supposed to be invisible, undetectable... How did those soldiers find their way to these coordinates...? ...Don't tell me HE leaked them..." Diana: "There's no time to set the launch coordinates for the escape pod. If we leave it up to chance and not know where we'll land, we won't be able to meet up later!" Hakim: "When a base state ARM reacts with the genes encoded within the genome data, it shifts into an active state. When that occurs, a load is placed upon both driver and ARM due to the rewriting of the genome data. That is none other than the 'Resistance Impulse' you experienced earlier. If your genome contains genes that are a perfect match for an ARM, then that will be the only time the genome data is rewritten. But if not, it's possible for the Resistance Impulse to occur repeatedly, which ultimately leads up to the ARM devouring you." Helga: "It looks like the girl they brought with them is an ARM driver, like yourself... But judging from the way she contained the resistance impulse, we can conclude that her driver compatibility characteristics are different from yours... Her abilities may be the result of undergoing calibration..." Ethelda: "Jude, it seems you've... No, now isn't the time for that... Outside Ciel lies Filgaia, a world you've never seen. Filgaia is a rough and desolate place. It won't treat you as gently as Ciel did. But I want you to be strong. Don't let the world defeat you. That's what it means to grow up." Maybell: "In case of an emergency, we set up four escape pods just behind Instructor Henri's dojo. Hurry! There's no time to dawdle!" Wyoming: "To think, you can use ARMs, too... An inborn gene driver... I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise... ... You'll soon find your body is capable of quick and agile movement, like never before. That's a special benefit gene drivers enjoy due to the improved inter-cell nerve impulse transmission caused by ARMs." Raymond: "Jude, listen... This village is different from everywhere else in the world. Ciel Village is actually a shelter floating above the sky in Filgaia. We all decided we'd tell you once you grew up, but we never expected this to happen..." Heinrich: "That shock has started decreasing the output from the maintenance device that's supported Ciel Village these past ten years! It doesn't look like there's time to repair it. If we don't make a run for it, we'll wind up blown to smithereens along with the shelter!" Instructor Henri: "The escape pods are over there. ... Jude... don't forget, that girl protected you. And once you make a promise, you keep it. No matter what happens, promise me you'll remember those two things. I taught you more than how to wield a sword." [Port Rosalia -- PR01] Kai: "When I went to play at the beach this morning, shards of glass and pieces of really weird machines and stuff had washed up on shore. Oh, um, don't tell the grownups, though! They told me I'm not supposed to go there no matter what." Nest: " clothes are plain and cheap, and it's embarrassing when people stare at them... I don't have enough thread or cloth, so they're not really sewn very well..." Pico: "Take a look at that ship there! Is she a beauty or what? Just a little while ago, she was nothing but a wrecked ship on the bottom of the ocean. We pull those poor ships up, repair and polish 'em, then pass them on to deserving owners!" Mike: "You can see all the returning soldiers in this town, too. I wonder if they feel scared or anything. They're just wandering around with no jobs, you know? I bet they feel real uneasy inside." Rose: "I work at the fish market over there. There are rumors that the ships have been catching weird things in their nets lately. Walls from houses, huge trees, pieces of strange machinery...I don't know what happened, but it's a problem. When something heavy and sharp gets caught in the nets, they tear and the fish get away." Riber: "This is a pretty good fishing spot. In fact, it's so good I can share the small fry with the cats and still go home with plenty." James: "You better not get all sympathetic for the boy selling antidotes on the road to the pier. ...If you do, you'll find yourself getting ripped off big time. Sasha: "I'm Sasha, a Drifter traveling across Filgaia! Today, I've come to Port Rosalia to eat some delicious fish! I went to the pub called the 'Seabreeze Port' and it was fantastic! Absolutely de-li-cious! I can't recommend it enough! Ethan: "The war ended and although we won, our lives didn't get any better at all. *sigh* So what in the world was the point of that war anyway?" Camus: [Chat:] "This was a general store... But lately, the number of trade ships coming into the port has dwindled, and it's gotten difficult to restock weapons. I don't even have enough wares to call it a 'general' store right now. The only inventory you're likely to find useful is support items." Tommy: "This is a general store that also deals in weapons--or it's supposed to, anyway. Right now, all it carries is general goods. I'm really disappointed, but I guess there's nothing to do but wait patiently... If a lot of customers came in looking for weapons, I'm sure the owner would bring some in." Keith: "Everyone here knows that the reason we're able to live in peace these days is because of the efforts of the soldiers. I'm sure good things will come if you hang in there and work hard. Heaven's always watching." Pedro: "Port Rosalia is a relatively large market town for these parts. But it's not a dangerous place. The soldiers make use of their military skills and experience to keep the peace here." Paige: "Our job is restoring ships! I pass messages along! So I run all around! The boss handles the business! All by himself! The artisan handles the painting! He works miracles! But my dream is wonderful! I want to perform a recital! On a private ship!" Colin: "Port Rosalia is a great town. Children can play outside, even if no one's watching them." Glenn: "*ugh* No matter how hungry you are, don't go to that pub... The appetizers, dishes, and deserts are all so greasy and hard to digest... ...Huh? 'What's a pub?' Where the heck are you from, kid?" Bryan: "Please buy my antidotes! They're really good tasting antidotes that aren't bitter like the rest." R1 --> Yes R2 --> No R1 --> "Thanks a lot!" R2 --> "*sob**sob* I can't go home till someone buys them." Brewer: "How do you deal with powerful monsters you don't think you can beat? By running away of course! Sure, you lose some money, but when you think about which is more important--a little money or your life, well...the choice is clear, you know?" Shiela: "The building up ahead is the hospital. The doctor there deals with a lot of rough men, and she talks like they do, but she has a good heart." Anabel: "...The amount of wreckage washing up on shore suddenly increased. Was there a large shipwreck or something? It's great that the fish are healthy and all, but if I open one up and find a bunch of human hair inside...!" Russel: "I don't have any money to buy food, so I sit around like this to conserve my energy reserves. ... Um...explaining all this to you is consuming my precious energy, so do you mind moving along?" Steven: "I've got fresh, lively fish today! Check out the fat crabs and squid, too!" Audrey: "Welcome to Port Rosalia, where the scent of the sea is always in the air! This is a bustling market town where people are always coming and going. I hope you meet someone special here." Monica: "Mom says if I don't behave myself when I'm home alone, Saint Calucion will punish me. Is letting a Drifter I don't know into the house really that bad?" Lesley: "It's nice to be back home, but the economy is bad everywhere, and I don't have a job... Just sitting around all day with nothing to do makes me feel useless and jittery..." Stewart: "This device is called a Break Point. It's an all-seeing eye that watches over the comings and goings of people. They say when its gaze falls on you, all your past deeds come to light..." Siemens: "Paige's sense is kind of...unique. Can't really follow it, myself." Umberto: "Safety's our number one concern while working. No one's allowed to enter the ship while it's moored so don't get in the way of the workers." Kenneth: "I've been all over the world, but I like this town's harbor better than any other. They built the docks inside a cave, so we don't have to worry about the ships even on days with heavy winds or rain." Felicia: "I tell you, if you look up 'worthless' in the dictionary, you'll find Ethan's picture. If he at least had the backbone to go to Culane Temple or somewhere and earn a living gathering treasure, I'd be a little nicer to him." Bernard: "If you ask me, young folks these days need to learn how to behave! They finally have a world where they can do what they want, instead of being drafted into the army. I think they could at least show a little more responsibility, so that our generation won't need to worry so much." Rebecca: "I'm a Drifter. I don't have a set home. Instead, I travel all over Filgaia. If you're traveling, too, then perhaps we'll see each other again in another town somewhere." Natalie: "Grandpa, Grandpa... If you keep talking, the yams in the fire will turn to ash, just like last time." Sonetica: "There are some people who say bad things about them, but the soldiers fought to protect us. So now it's our turn to help the soldiers. All the sensible people in town feel that way." Angelica: "Daddy said that Sasha the Drifter likes to 'tell tall tails.' Do Drifters have tails?" Valentine: "Are you here on a work-study program to learn what sort of work adults do? You sure picked a good time. There's a salvaged ship currently being restored in the dock out back. I think it'll make a good project for you to write about." Dr. Morgan: "This is a hospital for sick people to go to. Is there something wrong with you kids? If not, then scram. You're in the way." [If you talk to Bryan and pick 'No' ten times:] Bryan: "*sob**sob* I can't go home till someone buys them. Yeah... that crying bit has gotten old for me too. And by the way, would you stop annoying me by acting like you're going to buy an antidote, then changing your mind? You won't make it far in the wild if you can't be decisive. Here, I'll give you this, so use it to cut away your pathetic side, alright?" [Receive: Fafnir:] [If you buy ten antidotes from Bryan:] Bryan: "Thanks a lot! Say... Did you not notice that I'm selling my antidotes at a higher price than the regular stores? ...Or were you concerned for me? ... As an apology for ripping you off all this time, I'll give you my cherished treasure. You look like you could use this sword well." [Receive: Lombardia] [Port Rosalia -- PR02] Kai: "You can have a lot of adventures without even leaving town, you know. I made friends with the cat that's always on the roof of the house, where the lady with the strong perfume lives. He's cute and likes people! Lily: "Oh, you're back again? Please, make yourselves comfortable. There's plenty of empty seats, and if you like the food, you can have seconds for free." Nest: " my hair look that bad...? I don't have the money to take care of it and can't do much about my looks... So please don't start at me so much." Duke: "There are new weapons in the windows at Gargantua. That shop is finally selling items that befit its sign. Pico: "I know I'm the one that fixed it, but I think that ship turned out beautifully, if I do say so myself. I'm thinking of naming it 'Eulalia,' after the patron saint of sailors... But that was a popular name during the war...It might be bad luck." Mike: "Port Rosalia is actually in pretty good shape compared to the rest of this damaged world. Nearby is a town that became a ghost town, thanks to the military base there." Rose: "We can't predict what the tides will bring, but we know even less about what people will do. Camus over at the Gargantua mentioned that the number of customers looking for weapons has increased, so he's going to reconsider stocking them." Riber: "This isn't a bad fishing spot, but I'm about ready to challenge myself with something new. You wouldn't happen to know of any good fishing holes, would you?" James: "I heard from Rebecca the Drifter that lately, Gobs have learned how to work together. Be careful since they can appear in groups of five and follow the instructions of their leader to work cooperatively. After humans, Gobs may become the next rulers of Filgaia." Sasha: "Port Rosalia is actually the town of Saint Kuchizalia of antiquity. She once blessed this town, saying, 'Port Rosalia, the rotting port town!' ...Huh? Whaddaya mean, 'see, I told you?' For a kid, you sure don't act very cute." Ethan: "My generation likes to complain and feel sorry for themselves. Look at me...I'm off to see Felicia again, just so that she can cheer me up. But without any money...well it won't do any good. So here I am again, looking for some coins on the street." Camus: [Chat] "Weapons found in Filgaia can be roughtly divided into three categories. Those that focus on accuracy, versus those that focus on damage dealt, and ones that strike a balance between the two... Formulate a purchase plan that matches your preferred battle style." Tommy: "Have you seen the weapons that just went on sale? There's quite a selection to choose from, so it's a tough decision!" Keith: "New soldiers wanted...? I'd avoid that, if I were you. After all, anyone trying to rekindle those smouldering flames can't be trusted." Pedro: "Hmm, looks like the yams are done... It's because I live in Rosalia that I get to eat such expensive imported yams." Paige: "Business doubles! On-the-spot sale, completely sold out, things a bubble! We'll snag the contract with clever schemes! We'll slag suspicious offers with fond farewells! Running around the whole time will make us exhausted!" Colin: "You kids have some nice weapons there, but don't go causing any trouble, now. I'm being paid to patrol this area and keep the peace. So don't do anything that'll require me to get involved." Glenn: "This bustling town owes everything to the guidance of a really sharp guy. Thanks to him even a former drunk like me was able to get a normal day job." Bryan: "Please buy my antidotes! If no one buys my antidotes, we won't be able to buy medicine for my sick father." [Y/N] Alison: "They say in the old days, women of the port obediently waited at home for their husbands to return from fishing, out on the high seas. But that's a very obsolete way of thinking! These days, we need to earn enough so that we won't be in trouble if our husbands are drafted by the military and die." Brewer: "Have you ever met a monster named Melchom? He's a nice guy who changes the damage you inflict on him into gella. Consequently, even when I'm in the middle of a mission, I find myself chasing after Melchom... Could it be love?" Shiela: "Dr. Morgan is really quite skilled for her age. But she doesn't seem to be any good at catching men. She always picks slackers who look good but don't do any work." Anabel: "Did the daily special already sell out...? Or was your flyer just a bait-and-switch, hmm? If you don't run an honest business, you'll feel the wrath of Calucion!" Russel: "I can't see the point of saving for the future in a world where you never know when inflation is going to strike. When I think about that, I don't feel like working at all... Besides, it's not like I have any connections or opportunities, anyhow... So I don't think it's inaccurate if people point and call me the kid who bums around all day." Steven: "I swear by the blessed Saint Calucion that my business is completely trustworthy and legit!" Audrey: "Welcome to Port Rosalia! This is a bustling port town where all sorts of products are bought and sold. You're sure to find what you're looking for." Monica: "Mom says if I don't behave myself when I'm home alone, a Crimson Noble will take me away and suck all my blood. But according to the book I read the other day, Crimson Nobles are weakened by sunlight. So if during the day, I watch out for people wearing costumes or clothes that block the sun... And if at night, I watch out for people with weird fangs...I'll be fine, right? Lesley: "Lately, there's been a sudden rise in demand for hiring discharged soldiers like us. I can't sit around doing nothing and it's a job where I could use my skills, so I've been thinking of applying..." Stewart: "Break Points come equipped with a variety of functions to support Drifters. If you want your adventures to go smoothly, you need to master the use of Break Points." Siemens: "Sending regular ships out to Illsveil Prison was one of Port Rosalia's roles. The guys they were escortin' there were all capital cases and war criminals and such, so it was good money." Umberto: "There's three things you need to salvage ships! Good eyes, to find prospective ships. Gentle arms, to pull them up without breaking... And a pure heart, bursting with passion to see the beauties sail the seas once more." Kenneth: "I was once in the Marines. Man, the hazing they gave new recruits was something else... There were so many time I thought I was going to die. I'm really glad we don't have a draft anymore." Felicia: "I tell you, Etan is the epitome of a worthless man. If he at least had the backbone to go to Celesti or somewhere and earn a living gathering treasure... Make sure you don't take after him, little one." Bernard: "If you ask me, there's nothing more stupid than war! Celesti, a city near Rosalia, was once renown for its statue of the moon goddess that was created by a famous artisan. But due to its close proximity to the military base, the statue was hit by heavy shelling and ruined." Neville: "They say there's a statue of Saint Calucion erected deep within Illsveil to console the prisoners. You have to wonder whether hardened war criminals have interest in a statue of a saint, though." Rebecca: "There's a ton of treasures in Celesti left behind by those who lived there. But the monsters there are all undead... I wish I had the power to exorcise them the way Paladiennes can." Natalie: "Grandpa buys yams and roasts them in the fire. They're hot and delicious!" Johnson: "They say that a long time ago, there used to be a military research facility in this area run by the Congressional Knights. And they also say there was a big monster in there that ate rude visitors. And that if you don't forget about it by the time you're 20, the monster will kill you on the night of your 20th birthday. ...I wonder how much of that is true? Sonetica: "After the 70-year-war ended, Port Rosalia fell on hard times as the jobs related to military shipping dried up. Because our generation didn't do what we should have, we're forcing you all to make up for it..." Angelica: "Daddy said that something smells fishy. Funny thing is, I don't smell anything at all." Valentine: "Maybe it's because the war dragged on for so long, but those who displayed amazing military prowess came to be worshipped as heroic spirits. The most well-known is Saint Calucion, but there are others, too, like Eulalia, the patron saint of sailors, and Rosalia, the patron saint of this town." Dr. Morgan: "Do you kids like hospitals or something? It doesn't look like there's anything wrong with you. If you like it here so much, I'd be happy to give you a shot in the butt." [Great Stairway -- GS01] T.S. Julian: [Chat] "This might be a good time to make sure you're not runnin' low on items. Remember, the secret to a safe journey is to never pass up any opportunities to stock up." [White Orphanage -- WO01] Console: *What lies at the end of the road to evolution? Only death... In the evolutionary process of natural selection, life forms that reach a dead end and are unable to adapt to the environment, die out. Then, just what kind of 'death' awaits us at the end of artificial evolution? The answer is, the death of human life as we know it. All test subjects who exhibited a rejection reaction to the gene manipulation transformed into grotesque life forms. The 'Evolutionary Mutants' are sad byproducts which must be cast aside along the long and winding road of evolution... They are beings whose existence as normal humans has come to an end... But we must continue down this path to overcome death and create new life...All this for the sake of the future... Console: *During the course of our research into evolution, a number of other technologies were developed as well. Most of them were totally worthless, but a few were salvaged and put to use on the battlefield. One such technology incorporated the digitization of souls that were overcome by the fear, suffering, and other negative emotions inherent in humans. This data was then installed into the bodies of newly dead soldiers from the battlefield. There are records of an undead combat team created in this manner, and this unit's name is 'Jane Doe.' Known only by this name normally used for unidentified females, even the Congressional Knights only speak of them in whispers. Console: *The nanomachine cluster we obtained, model HS, turned out to be a prototype intended for testing purposes only. Perhaps because of this, our research and development is not quite proceeding as planned. It is necessary for mankind to evolve into an entirely new species, in order to open up our future. It wasn't our intent to create defective products such as evolutionary mutants... With the current state of affairs in this post-war period, the power of the Congressional Knights has dramatically decreased. As things stand now however, this research facility is about to be shut down. Will this be the end of it all? Will human beings have no choice but to live in a world that has lost sight of its future...? Console: *The failure of the Material Drive experiment resulted in the regrettable loss of many research staff and large amounts of data. We found that Category D's were simply unable to fully remove the image noise during the formation and calibration of the energy field. In addition, both the mind and body of the test subject were completely consumed by the nanomachine backfire. (We would later learn that this phenomenon was known as a Resistance Impulse.) However, the loss of Category D subjects is of little concern to us, and we are now attempting to accelerate the creation of Category A's... Console: *The sample required for the experiment to proceed has been obtained from our enemy, the Global Union. It's a nanomachine cluster boasting a high degree of sophistication. These nanomachines have been calibrated to activate in the presence of strong psychic abilities or minds. Thus, nanomachines which respond to a psychic link... A report regarding an interesting effect of utilizing these nanomachines, is available as well. It mentions that with these nanomachines, there is a possibility that two minds could link to one another. Users in category A or above who possess similar genetic profiles, such as siblings, or parents or children, may be able to use this as a means for high-speed data transfers. Although this warrants further study, our current priority is to develop gene drivers who can activate the nanomachines. In order to achieve this, we must produce artificial gene drivers and evolve the human race. Console: *The Marduk Gaze--the access unit to the terminal host-- will soon be complete. With this, the access coefficient for Marduk will increase, and better precision control should be possible. At the same time, the category B test subject we've been anxiously monitoring will soon be ready as well. Artificial evolution has come a long way, indeed. The birth of new life, of a new mankind, of those who will create a new future, is almost upon us... Console: *The devices have been distributed throughout the planet in their default state, and now nanotechnology research has entered a new stage. We will control them through the terminal host, Marduk, which is in orbit over the planet. This satellite, named after the god Marduk who controlled the weather from the heavens, has already been launched into orbit. All that's left, is to create a driver through evolutionary processes, who can access and control it at will. Console: *Sir Augst came by for a visit to the research facility. Although I'd heard he was knowledgeable in nanomachine development, it appears he did not approve of our methods. Apparently, he helped out with the sample acquisition, but I can't say he's a very rational or logical man. He kept telling these stupid jokes, too. Anyway, attaining results is our number one priority, so who cares about the means of achieving them? After all, how can we hope to accomplish such a monumental task while being shackled by petty moralizing? In the end, he took one of the test subjects with him. Does he intend to pursue further research on his own? Besides, it was a Category F subject...What could he possibly hope to accomplish with something so defective? [Aerial Fortress Eulalia -- AF01] Console: *Captain Lambda has at his side a 'lance' and a 'shield' to fend off enemies. And reporting directly to him, an advisor who oversees the execution of missions. Filling out the ranks are the elite Lieutenants, a collection of superhuman agents too dangerous for anyone but Lambda to handle. Each individual is equivalent to an entire fighting force, in and of themselves. They are: 'Dark Whisper,' 'Inertial Canceller,' 'Invisible Stalker,' 'Crimson Noble,' 'Baron of Gore,' 'Double Dragoon,' and 'System Chronos'... Together, they form the Brionac Force, a group which will pierce the dark clouds that cover our future and bring forth the light. They constitute the trump card of the Congressional Knights. Console: *Seeking dominance in the post-war era, the territories that still maintained military power began skirmishing with one another. Some countries focused their energies on obtaining weapons banned by treaty, while others assembled immense tank battalions. Did these countries become the rulers of Filgaia? Did one leader emerge victorious upon this world? The answer is no. And what could have possibly prevented these countries with such power, to fail in their bid to rule the world? On the night preceeding the full-scale deployment of their military might, each of these nations was annihilated. No one knows how or why. Only the scorched earth left behind bears mute testimony to the countries that once existed. The few remaining survivors all agree that an 'incarnation of death' appeared from afar. But is there any truth behind that tale? We, the Congressional Knights must soon fulfill our destiny by taking upon the task of governing this world. And in order to do so, we must locate this 'incarnation of death', this destroyer of nations, and eliminate the threat he poses to the future. [Guara Bobelo -- GR01] NOTE: Dialogue following a [2] symbol is said after taking Raymond to the doctor. Kid: "What? Are you kids thinking of fighting at the Arena, too? It's great you have ambition, but that's a place where people pit their very souls against each other. Baby chicks like you kids, who haven't grown in their pin-feathers, won't even get a chance to flap your wings before you get knocked flat." [2] "A lot of the challenges at the Arena can't be won with brute force. The key to victory is to go in well-supplied and to use your head! Matt: "This is Guara Bobelo, the city that never sleeps. This former town, once known for its church is now a sordid city where low-down, good-for-nothings like myself congregate!" [2] "You can make a living here...and there's the Arena, too...Once you spend a day in Guara Bobelo, you'll never want to leave. People don't want much more than food and entertainment anyway." Owen: "Seems there are some Drifters who want to fight at the Arena, but pass it up because they don't have the money to pay for the entry fee. If you're too stingy to pay the entry fee, there's no way you'll win against the monsters." [2] "The monsters you'll face in the Arena are all old hands. You may have confidence in your abilities, but you'll regret it if you get too cocky." Jean: "There is no NIGHT in Guara Bobelo. There is no NIGHT, so there is no DAY. The NIGHT sky we look UP AT is a FAKE... An IMITATION. It's just magic projecting SPARKLING stars on the BIG dome that covers THE city." [2] "TEN YEARS AGO, I moved FROM a place beyond the TOWN of Buckeye to Guara BOBELO. I don't KNOW exactly where I came FROM. There are LOTS AND LOTS of railroad tracks COMING out of Buckeye. I don't know WHICH one leads to my HOMETOWN." Izzy: "You'll love the Arena, babe. Watching those showdowns between man and monster really gets your blood pumping. I've really been wantin' to show it to ya, so I got us some great seats. ... ...Whaddaya want, kid? I was just startin' to make my move here, so don't ruin it for me." [2] "A woman that stays young forever? That just makes her a monster. I want a woman who'll grow old with me..." Rand: "How's it goin' dude? My name's Rand and videogames are my life. I just love 'em! Right now, I'm collecting ROMs of this game called 'Extra Challenge,' but I'm havin' a hard time. They went out-of-print during the war, and then the factory that made 'em, burned down. What luck, eh? So I got a favor to ask of you... If you find any game ROMs during your travels, could you bring 'em to me? We can chill out and play together." [Chat:] "The game ROMs I'm after are scattered throughout the world. I'm sure it'll be tough to collect 'em all, but do your best!" Annie: "When I was young, a female Drifter in a red jacked saved me from drowning. I wanted to be like her, so I became a Drifter too, but I've never met her since. I've run into other Drifters in different towns all over the place, but never her. It's strange..." [2] "There are some weapons, unavailable to humans, that are possessed by monsters. Although their power balance is extreme, under special conditions, they can provide you with an advantage. In the battles at the Arena, for example..." Sally: [Chat] "I'm the manager of this Arena, Sally Yunkas!! So what are you fresh young sheep looking for today? We have an all-star lineup of chefs waiting to slice & dice, and cook you anyway you like..." [2] "The first law of the Arena is survival of the fittest!! Today, the battle cries of demons echo throughout the old church once more!! Will you, too, become one of them? Or will you be greedily devoured as nothing more than prey?!" David: "Uh oh, have you got an emergency? You're in luck! The doctor is available right now, so please go on in." [2] "I give chunks of meat from the Arena to this dog. Maybe that's why when he smells people he starts panting and runs after them, drooling... I guess I'd better train him better! *laughter*" Chloe: "As conditions keep getting worse, the number of homeless people who come here, rises. They keep adding additional buildings to handle them, and now the city is a complete mess." [2] "You never know what you'll run into during your journeys. You should prepare yourself as much as you can before leaving." Clark: "You're looking for a medical clinic...? There's an old man at the outskirts of the city who makes his living taking care of what's left of the losers from the Arena. He specializes in slicing and dicing, but as long as you pay him, he'd probably take on a living patient." [2] Huh. It's unusual for that old man to care for a patient who's still alive. He usually prefers carving up corpses. You must have given him an awful lot of money. I'll have to go there tonight and see if I can bum some cash." Sasha: "Guara Bobelo--the city that never sleeps--sprang up around a castle built on top of the 'belo,' or tongue, or a monster called the Guara'bo. This is the opposite of the opposite of a lie, okay?" [2] "Have you tried Guara Bobelo's famous rice dish, yet? It's piping hot rice that's smothered in toppings! I love that stuff! I recommend the shibazuke pickles as the best topping, too! ...Hmm? Sounds like a icky combination? Well what do you know, you're just a kid!" Vilen: "Just ahead is a general store. If you're headed for midtown, return down the small dark passage, back the way you came." [2] "Lately I've been seeing soldiers with guns in the areas surrounding Guara Bobelo... I wonder if someone's trying to start another war..." Sarah: "I'd really like to watch the Arena matches from inside the church, but that costs a lot of gella... We lower- -class folks have to watch them on the outdoor monitors, so I'm staking out a good spot before the matches start. They haven't started yet, but once the broadcast begins, this place will get really crowded." [2] "I think the Arena is more real and interesting than any game, myself. I don't understand that Rand." Black: "I'll look after this fellow until his bones mend. The man in the coat paid my fee in advance, so there's no need to worry about it." Haley: "The older folks go on about how we shouldn't forget our faith in Calucion. But Calucion's a saint who doesn't mete out punishment, no matter what unfair or dirty things you do. Praying to her won't make her grant me any blessings." [2] "The older folks seem to feel a weird sort of nostalgia for the military...If I had to choose, I'd say I'm the conscientious objector-type myself. Life is definitely best when it's peaceful." Basil: "I may not look it, but back at the academy I was enrolled in the executive officer prep program, the Strategy Research Lab... I shouldn't be living a debased life in a place like this...If only that man hadn't been there, I would have become the leader of Brionac..." [2] "I may not look it, but I was neck-and-neck with Brionac's captain back at the academy. In the end, he was first in our class...And not because I didn't work hard enough, either. It was because he cheated. He always got a perfect score on every test. It was as if he could see the future!" Jacky: "I tell you, no one in this city pays even the slightest respect to the statue of Saint Calucion in the church." [2] "A friend of a friend is looking for people with martial experience.'re still too young, aren't ya? If you were as big as the older girl traveling with you, I'd introduce you..." Bruce: [Chat] "My shop stocks reasonable and practical weapons that even you can afford! They may not be sufficient for the celebrity status performers at the Arena, but they're plenty for the monsters around here!" [2] "Have you heard of the legendary king of beasts, the jumbo bearcat? Rumors say he's been spotted at the Sea of Trees, recently. Have you run into him yet?" Trish: "This is Guara Bobelo's mid-town area. This part was built during the war on top of the buildings that already existed. It's not a very safe part of the city, so you should be careful." [2] "You can't help but feel sorry for Basil. He can't get over the trauma he underwent during the war and gripes about it even now. And it wasn't long ago that he was hailed as this city's child prodigy, so it makes perfect sense that he'd have trouble getting over it." Richie: "I know I'm not cut out to be a hero, so when I grow up, I'm gonna make a fortune at the Arena! And then we're gonna move to a better area of the city and I'm gonna take care of Mom." [2] "The Black Reaper has a cool rival with the nickname 'Twin Gunner!' He's the hero of the Con...the Con...the um...the Congealed Knights! He holds two guns at once, and he shoots his enemies, bang bang! Man, why did I have to be born after the war was already over?! I'd be way better at being a hero than at studying every day! I can't believe I missed my chance!" Jibril: [Chat] "The people of Guara Bobelo say many things about me, but... Looking at the greed that permeates this city, I do not believe our kind can best humans when it comes to wickedness. So please, rest assured and do business with me." Gaston: "I heard *hic* about a store where a mysterious girl sells mysterious items, and I came all the way to this city on my search... But I've searched all of Guara Bobelo and I still can't find it..." [2] "In my dreams...a young pretty girl calls my name... In a sweet voice, she whispers, 'Are you the one looking for the Black Market? I'm waiting for you...' Everyone says they're the dreams of a drunk... But I'm sure that girl runs the Black Market..." Pierre: "I'm a bookie--a sort of banker who takes bets on whether the Drifters or the monsters will win. I have to say, Drifters these days are pretty wimpy. It's been nothing but monsters winning for some time now, and it's gotten pretty boring. I want to see a match where small warriors like yourselves beat a giant monster..." [2] "My hometown is a grey city, far from Guara Bobelo. But I can't go back there...My hometown was destroyed many years ago, reduced to rubble by a man from the Global Union whom they called a 'hero.'" Phoebe: "That gamer guy lives just past the end of this fence. He says his hobby is collecting all sorts of games." [2] That gamer guy says if you don't have the right 'console,' the 'roms' won't do you any good. But he says he has lots of 'consoles,' so he can play any rom." Tatiana: "My my...will you treat me to a nice dinner in the VIP booth...? If so, then I'll go on a date with you to the Arena." [2] "They say the owner of the Black Market preserves her youth by sucking the life force out of people. If there's a way to do that, don't you think she should share the secret with others, instead of keeping it all for herself?" Barbara: "There are a lot of people who call the Arena blasphemous, but Saint Calucion was a saint of valor! For all we know, she may enjoy watching all these thrilling battles every night, for free." Raymond: "I'm alive today thanks to you and that bearish man. Thanks a lot." Abigail: "I'd rather not see my Richie become a hero or a star in the Arena. I want him to have a life where he studies hard, gets a job that matches his abilities, and earns a steady income. So I'm studying myself and trying to teach him languages, but he's so rambunctious... Richie! Dog is 'canis,' cat is 'felis!' Repeat after me!" [2] "If you don't stick to your studies when you're young, you'll never be able to join the upper class. Richie! Crow is 'corvus,' sparrow is 'passer!' Stop running around and study!!" Goltres: "Oh, my, what a cute little boy! You remind me of myself from 20 years ago. Hmm...? You don't care about that and want to know where the clinic is...? What a rude child! I'll never tell you that it's past the alley beside my house and along the way to the Arena! Never, you cute child, you...!" [2] "I heard from Black that handling the remains of the people who die in the Arena makes for fabulous business. Me? I lie here in wait, just like an antlion, for guests who are trying to calm down after watching the matches... I envy people like him who actively pursue business opportunities like that." Marcello: "If you want to go to the Arena, just go straight down the path between the pub and the girlie-man's house!" [2] "They say the number of people working at the Arena is 5.1 times the number working at the church! That's a lot of people! If I got just one gella from each of them, I'd be super rich!" Samantha: "Guara Bobelo used to be a famous holy site for the worship of Saint Calucion. But during the war, when they started offering free meals to refugees, slackers seeking free food came from all over. You can see what it's like now." [2] "The mountain path that heads north from Guara Bobelo is called Calucion Pass. Saint Calucion came down that path when she first arrived here in Guara Bobelo." Mitchell: "Calucion's church, the former symbol of this city and the goal of many a pilgrim, is filled with many guests again tonight. Only now it serves as a symbol of this city's decadence--an Arena where blood flows like water!" [2] "There are a lot of war criminals who haven't been brought to justice yet... But they're insanely strong. They've taken out both bounty hunters and Drifters galore. That's why a lot of the war criminals are still out there--like Hauser, from the Global Union." Catherine: "He thinks that calling himself a bookie makes him sound cool, but the Drifters are the ones laying down their lives in the Arena, you know? He makes a living off the backs of other people's bets, yet here he is complaining. It's hard to respect someone like that, you know?" [2] "Making a living off gambling is fine and dandy, but I think he'd be better off going back home and getting a real job, you know?" Alexandro: "Are you enjoying Guara Bobelo? It's true this is a dirty, sordid city, but you can also find treasure hidden amongst the trash." [2] "Thinking of Black as a nice guy is as dangerous as thinking of Izzy as a nice guy. You look like you're a good kid, so don't let yourself get suckered by any weirdoes." [Calucion Pass -- CP01] T.S. Kanaan: [Chat] "This path is pretty old, so it doesn't get much traffic. Of course, that's the main reason some people like to use it. Is that why you're here?" [August River -- AR01] T.S. Lenny: [Chat] "I saw a puppy in a box drift by here just a couple of minutes ago! I wanted to save it, but I didn't have a pole or a life preserver or anything like that. There was nothin' I could do from up here on the bank. ... Man, that sort of thing really makes you feel powerless..." [Desolate Railway -- DR01] Rebecca: "I've heard about a talking treasure chest lurking around here, but I can't seem to find it... I've been searching these abandoned freight cars, but I wonder if I may be looking in the wrong places..." T.S. Landis: [Chat] "I spent 20 years following the rules set down by the company I worked for. Then I left that life behind and became an entrepreneur. The life of a traveler is full of hardship, but I get to meet all sorts of people, and I'm free to do as I please, so it suits me just fine." [Buckeye Station -- BS01] NOTE: People with a [2] in their speech denotes new dialogue said after finding the train station empty. People with a [2+] in their dialogue denotes new dialogue said in addition to their previous speech. Cid: "I used to be stationed aboard a sandship called the Garra de Leon. But the leaders of the Congressional Knights at the time sent us on a hopeless mission. I lost many friends, as well as the use of my legs. I returned to Buckeye without waiting for the war to finish." Andy: "...Can't...breathe..." [After sliding into him:] "Ahhhh... phew...I thought I was going to die! Thanks a lot, man. When you smacked my back it dislodged the piece of apple that was stuck in my throat! You saved my life! It's half-eaten, but please take it!" [Afterwards:] "Not being able to breathe is awful. I saw my grandmother waving to me from the other side of a river. But my grandmother's still alive and kicking, so that was sort of strange." Fitz: "Now that the war is over, a brilliant future shall arrive, built by the people themselves! At least that's what they said back when Buckeye's future had shone with promise. It's ancient history, now though..." Ivana: "I'm sorry, I've got my hands full at the moment with preparations for opening up. If you need to talk to me about something, please come back later." [2] "Speaking of Etemenanki, there's a story that's been passed down through the ages in Buckeye... Have you already heard it? It's the legend surrounding Saint Calucion and Etemenanki." R1 --> Yes R2 --> No R1: "I see. I suppose that's no surprise. After all the legends of Saint Calucion are famous." R2: "Long ago, there was a monster that spread calamity and disaster throughout this land. The people lived in constant fear of this monster, and despaired. When Saint Calucion visited this land, she was saddened by what she saw and resolved to eliminate the monster. Calucion gathered the people and announced that she would seal the monster in the tall tower to the east. She then asked the people to bear witness. So the fight began... The people watched the long and fearsome battle with great trepidation. After many days and nights, the contest finally ended. The Saint sealed the monster away, using her own body as the seal. And the people who had gazed up at the tall tower found that they no longer hung their heads in despair. ...Or so the story goes...It's a bit difficult to believe in of course... But Etemenanki, the tower where the Saint is said to have sealed the monster, actually exists to the east of this town." Grace: "That war criminal rumored to be wandering around here lately...I forgot his name, but's said that he actually hated war. There are also stories that he went to various countries that were trying to start wars and crushed their regimes single-handedly." Willy: "There's a rumor going around lately, about a terrible war criminal with a 4000 year sentence on his head wandering around these parts. You'd better be careful...If kids you like you ran into a monster like that, he'd tear you apart in no time." Sasha: "Buckeye...All who gaze upon your ugliness look away, hence the name 'buck-eye.'" Doris: [Chat] "This shop used to be filled with Drifters heading out to Etemananki. But now you can count on the fingers of one hand who come here with a spark in their eyes." [2+] "...What? You folks are headed for Etemenanki, too...? ...It stands to the east of town, but I wouldn't go there if I were you." Josie: "Saint Calucion taught us that you're not supposed to hang your head. So I have to keep my chin up, and continue taking care of the horses. That's what Ivana at the pub told me. She tells me all kinds of old stories about Buckeye." Volcan: "The worst and most frightening thing about the battlefield isn't that you might die. It's that you have to kill people. That's why the higher ups call the enemy 'swine' or 'insects' or 'dogs.' They're trying ot make you forget that the enemy's human, just like you. the end, that's pretty hard to do. There were a lot of guys who shot to miss... That's why I think 'heroes' who went out and got results time after time must have a screw loose somewhere." Vernon: "When I was young, I traveled to a lot of different places, peddling my wares from a backpack on my shoulders. I made some good connections while I was doing that. Now, I can relax and have my subordinates do the work for me." Oswald: "I've gotten several orders from the military so I told my contact in Guara Bobelo to prepare and ship out some rations. But I haven't heard a peep from him. Knowing him, he's probably gone gaga over some sly she-devil...again. Kid, make sure you don't grow up into the kind of adult who gets distracted by women and skips out on his job." Garcia: "They say this town really prospered during the war. But I kind of like the leisurely pace Buckeye has now. I didn't really experience the benefits of the bubble economy as a kid, so I don't think I can make a comparison." Leonard: "If only more young folks like these would come to Buckeye... We'd probably get to see the trains running again." Henrick: "I'm Buckeye's train buff! My favorite one is the Silver Star Express, a train that the military used to run! I've only seen it in encyclopedias, but it's really cool!" Annette: "When the station still operated, Buckeye was a lively place where many people gathered. But now? Buckeye is a rusty old town where people leave as fast as they can. The only people who visit these days are traveling Drifters." Timothy: "The station's over there, but...there's nothing left but rusty tracks and abandoned rail cars. Unless you're a railroad buff, I don't think you'll find anything interesting to look at." Charlie: "They say that train stations are places of meeting and parting, and it's true. I ran into someone whom I'd gone to boot camp with. He'd changed a lot, so I didn't recognize him at first. Boy, was I surprised." Victoria: "Oh, my. Look, Leonard! Some young people have come to visit Buckeye!" Theresia: "Honestly, this child...He's not happy unless he comes here every day. I don't understand why he likes trains so much. Trains are what took his parents away and never brought them back." Jennifer: "This is Buckeye Station, a gloomy town where even the air is tinged with grey." Francois: "In the old days, there were many military bases along the railroad tracks that radiate from Buckeye Station. And this house was worth 100 times what it is now." Station Staffer Emmett: "There aren't any trains left in Buckeye that are still running. I'm sorry I can't help you." [Buckeye Station -- BS02] Cid: "I used to be a gunner onboard a sandship, but I can't do physical labor anymore... Now I live here, using the reading and writing I learned while studying for my promotion boards, working as a public stenographer." Fitz: "There may be a train at the station now, but that doesn't mean regular service's been restored. It's just a special charter for someone, but it sure brings back memories. How many years has it been since I heard that whistle...?" Ivana: "Saint Calucion was born into a tribe that lived in the village that once stood on the edge of the western dunes. They were a unique tribe that worshipped the power of nature which they symbolized in the form of beasts. They say the reason she was able to seal the monster away in Etemenanki was because of the power of her faith." Grace: "When I hear the word 'soldier,' I remember the time an army came from the western dunes and made a surprise attack on Buckeye. We had thought the dunes would protect us from any attacks but they took advantage of our complacency and attacked with a sand-proof ship. Naturally, our side hurried to build a similar ship but all that accomplished was to turn it into a mud-slinging match...but with sand of course." Willy: "I took a glance at the guys on that train and they're wearing emblems that belong to the Congressional Knights. What the heck are they trying to start?" Sasha: "Etemen-anki... The monster on the top floor of that tower must be a dark demon who carries around ankhs. ...What? That's not how you pronounce 'Etemenanki'? Aw, that's just your hick accent..." Doris: [Chat] "On the top floor of Etemenanki there's supposed to be a terrible being that Saint Calucion fought and sealed away. But it's been 1000 years sine then, and the seal is just about undone. Paladiennes occasionally go and try to defeat the monster before the seal collapses but unfortunately, none of those people have ever returned." Josie: "I learned that Saint Calucion was taught to 'return to nature' when she was growing up. 'Returnin to nature' means you live in such a way that you become a part of nature." Vernon: "I'm going to take the goods Oswald and Izzy pulled together and sell them for as much as I possibly can! Soldiers don't know anything about cost performance! They won't notice if I bump up the prices a bit! If they did, they'd never be able to do anything as inefficient as fight a war!" Oswald: "Those guys on the train are heading for Garra de Leon, an Alstroemeria-class behemoth! Even with everything Izzy's put together, there aren't enough goods in all of Buckeye to fill the belly of that beast!" Garcia: "West of Buckeye lie the dunes, an area which people call the 'Sea of Sand.' Why do they call it that? Because the grains of sand are so small, when you step on them you sink into the sand like it was water." Leonard: "Really? Then that rumbling I just heard wasn't my imaginations or the angels coming to get me." Annette: "Soldiers are such barbarians. They just took over our station without a word... They even locked out the station staffer, Emmett. There's no telling what evil they're committing further down the tracks." Timothy: "What the heck? Who's the crazy fool running a military train in this day and age?! Why do they need to run a train?! Are they going to start another war?!" Charlie: "Hey, why is my friend who also retired from the service, back in action?! I know train stations are places of meeting and parting, but I never expected this!" Victoria: "Leonard, a train's come to Buckeye for the first time in ages." Jennifer: "Did you hear? There's a train at Buckeye Station!" Francois: "They say that in a city near here where an experimental weapon went out of control, souls still wander, unable to find peace... ...Unaware that the war is over. I hear that to free the spirits of the dead is to set them free from suffering. But with destruction so absolute that hardly anyone was left alive to tell us what happened, well... I don't think a half-hearted relief effort will be enough to free them..." [Silver Star Express -- SS01] Note: Dialogue after the [2] is said after Gawn catches up. Gawn: "What are you kids doin' here?! Anyway, there's no time to talk right now. Jude, take your friends and get away from this train ASAP. This thing is filled with elite soldiers, and I dunno what your reason for bein' here is, but it's too dangerous for you to go on!" [2] "Hmm...I can see from that look in your eyes that there's no way I'm gonna be able to stop you... ... Well don't do anything too crazy, all right? There are some things in life that even youthful enthusiasm can't get you through." [Ciel Village (Past) -- CV02] NOTE: Dialogue after a [2] mark will be Jude's reply. ????: (We can live peacefully within this shelter. Although everyone has got their concerns, my companions are adjusting to their new lives here. But I cannot help thinking...Is this really what we ought to be doing? Our heretical technology hurt the world...But I have faith that it can become a force to heal those same wounds. For ARMs were originally a means to heal and restore the world's ruined environment... But all we do is lament our sin, rather than use the power that we still have. We have the knowledge to save everyone, and we do nothing... Is that not a sin as well? ... I shall leave Ciel Shelter. If the Global Union can only think of ARMs as weapons, then I shall defect to the Congressional Knights. And this time, I will complete the development of ARMs so that they can be used for their original objective...the restoration of the planet's environment. I'm sure there will be those who condemn my actions...and I'm sure I'll stain my hands anew. But with the future of the world at stake, those are trivial concerns... Even if it costs me my life, I shall become a force to open up the future...) [2] (I've never seen this person before, but I can feel how strong his feelings are... He really cares deeply about the future of the world...) Alec?: (Four ARMs were completed as weapons... Hauser's using the second unit, and we brought both the prototype and the third unit to this village... I'm worried about the status of the fourth unit, which was never even tested...) [2] (A prototype...? Was there another ARM in Ciel besides my own...?!) Diana?: (The Alter-Native Project... It's goal was to create soldiers with ARM-compatibility through genetic manipulation... We committed many sins, in order to end the war quickly and to preserve Filgaia...) [2] (Genetic manipulation...? Committed sins...? What's she talking about...?) Hakim(?): (The conflict between the Global Union and the Congressional Knights is hopelessly deadlocked... Even if one side should achieve victory, with both humans and natural resources, as well as the economy in their current state... It's unlikely either side has enough power to establish a stable government to handle the post-war situation... What's going to happen to the future of this world...?) [2] (Everyone was worried about the war, but I never knew anything about it...) Helga?: (Heinrich bangs on that machine as if he's got a grudge against it... It's been giving him problems ever since we came to the shelter. Guess he just can't accept that there are some things in life you're better off giving up on...) [2] (I guess Heinrich's banging on that machine has always bothered Helga...) Henri?: (There are a variety of methods for evolving life forms... Our genetic manipulation of Hauser was based on the theory of viral evolution. The theory of natural selection means that only people able to adapt to a radical change in the environment would survive... We didn't see any way an uncertain theory like that could restore this dying world...) [2] (Henri was a researcher, too?!) Solon?: (The enormous fourth unit was sealed, still intact, deep beneath the ground of that deserted island... Now, it seems they plan to buil a prison on to of it to house war criminals... I don't know whose idea it was to use war criminals to cover up the ugliness from the war...) [2] (Isn't that...Solon? He looks younger...How is that even possible?) Maybell(?): (Was performing genetic calibration on Hauser and giving him the second ARM unit really a good idea...? We made him bear the cross of being a 'hero,' and sent him alone down a difficult path... I wouldn't blame anyone that condemns us for that...) [2] (Hauser...? I never heard that name when I was living in Ciel. I wonder who he is...?) Ethelda: (We developed ARMs to heal Filgaia's wounded lands and to restore the environment so that people could live in it once more... Yet ARMs became weapons for harming the world further. As the ones who created them that is the sin we must bear. Instead of trying to atone for our sin, we live hidden away, averting our eyes from the world's future... How despicable... As adults, we have a responsibility to ensure a future for the next generation... What does Hauser think of us now...?) [2] (But...this is my house...Does that mean she's...) Raymond?: (The fourth ARM unit, the one erased from the records... It's power is as astounding as one would expect from the sight of its gigantic, ominous form... I hope they're not foolish enough to try and obtain it...) [2] (That man must be Raymond. But what's 'the fourth ARM unit'...?) Wyoming(?): (We members of the ARM development team moved to Ciel Shelter so that we wouldn't commit any more sins... But how long can we stay like this...? This shelter does have stealth functionality, but what would happen if the military were to put real effort into tracking us down...?) [2] (ARM development team...? They built Ciel Shelter so that they could run away from the military...? I don't believe it...) Samuel?: (Hidden within Ciel Shelter is the development team, the research reports, the inactivated prototype and the third unit. This should ensure that the heretical technology continues to slumber, never to be used as a weapon...) [2] (The inactivated third unit? Does he mean my ARM, Shapeshifter...?) Heinrich: (ARMs were never intended to be weapons... They were supposed to restore the war-torn environment... To be an 'arm' that reached out toward the future... I can't even express how frustrating this is...) [2] (My ARM isn't a weapon, but a means to reach out to the future... This ARM was built upon the hopes and dreams of Heinrich and all the others from the village...) [Buckeye Station III -- BS03] Cid: "The mysterious shadow that's appeared in the western dunes belongs to an Alstroemeria-class ship, one of the main ships used during the war. That's the same class ship I was on... the Garra de Leon. Is someone out there trying to plant the seeds of war once more...?" Fitz: "After the trains stopped running, I thought time stopped for this town. But lately, with military trains showing up and strange shadows appearing in the dunes, it's been kind of eventful." Doris: [Chat] "To ensure that the monster she had sealed in the tower would not reappear, Saint Calucion placed many seals upon it. The keys to opening the seals are the four holy artifacts of Calucion. Gathering the artifacts is a difficult task itself, but the Saint felt that those who were unable to accomplish this task wouldn't be able to defeat the monster, should they release the seals." Grace: "The desert is steadily growing and spreading into the surrounding areas... The phenomenon is called 'desertification.'" Josie: "I was told not to talk to Vernon and Oswald. If you talk to bad people, Saint Calucion will come and punish you while you're sleeping." Willy: "The western dunes are dangerous! The sands are so fine that if you don't move carefully, they'll swallow your whole body." Ivana: "The nature-worshippers who used to live along the dunes supposedly called themselves the 'Baskar.' But it's been many years since they abandoned their native villages to the encroaching sand, so there's no way to be certain." Vernon: "A dirty, rusted town that'd disappearing into the sand... You could say that Buckeye and its dwindling vitality reflect the current state of Filgaia itself. But being downhearted won't fix anything. If you've got the energy to complain, then use it to earn some money instead." Oswald: "I managed to supply all the necessary goods for the sandship moored in the western dunes. I pushed my subcontractors pretty hard, but then, I'm the one who's footing the bill, right?" Volcan: "Hmm? Oh, I'm not sleeping. I was just closing my eyes and meditating. Lolling around on a beautiful day like this makes me happy to be alive." Garcia: "In the dunes that spread to the west of Buckeye, terrible sandstorm occur every so often. They say that when there's a sandstorm, the visibility drops to zero and sand blasts against your whole body painfully." Henrick: "Soldiers sure are stingy. I wanted to see the Silver Star Express, but they said it was top secret and wouldn't lt me see it. Oh, but there was one nice guy... When I was scrambling around trying to get a peek, he picked me up from behind and lifted me so that I could see the Silver Star Express. He had a rough look about him, kinda like a bear, so I'm sure he was just some underling but I still liked him." Annette: "There used to be a large city at the terminus of one of the tracks that leave from this station. There were a lot of skilled engineers there, and it was rumored they were building large-scale weapons. That's probably why the Global Union sent their hero, the Black Reaper, to destroy the city." Leonard: "Ah, you mean those stories Emmett and his friends are always telling...? They sound like tall tales, if you ask me... Who could possibly benefit from a war starting now, anyway?" Victoria: "Leonard, have you heard the stories about the dunes nearby? I mean the stories about the huge battleships that fought it out during the war." Timothy: "Cid was saying there's a big, suspicious shadow that keeps appearing in the depths of the dunes! I don't know if it's a monster or what, but if it threatens Buckeye, I'll greet it with the gun I keep in my cupboard!" Charlie: "You want to know if there's a military base nearby? I was deployed far away from here on the front lines, so I really don't know... Wouldn't it be faster to ask the elderly folks living around here?...For that matter, why are you looking to stir up a war that's already over?" Theresia: "Honestly, this child. He wasn't frightened at all by the soldiers. I was the one shaking. But I was relieved to find there were some kind soldiers within the group." Francois: "They say there's a war criminal with a 4000 year sentence on his head, wandering around these parts lately. Legend has it, he's a terrifying man who once destroyed an entire city. ...It's been ten years since the end of the war, yet the remnants just won't fade away, will they..." Jennifer: "The train's gone, and life in Buckeye is back to the way it was." Station Worker Emmett: "Once you pass the ruins of the Baskar village to the west, all you'll see is the expansive wasteland of the dunes. Lately, there've been rumors of a suspicious shadow appearing out there, but you'd have to go beyond the village to find out the truth. No one in this town has been able to confirm any of this information though." [Abandoned Village -- AV01] T.S. Landis: [Chat] "Once you get past the Baskar Village ruins, all you'll see is a sea of sand. If you still intend to press on, you'll probably want to be prepared." [Garra de Leon -- GL01] Diana: "Ciel Village was a shelter built in the sky right around the end of the war. Within that shelter, time stood still for us. We decided to stop our research into heretical technology and just live quietly. But we were really only running away from responsibility..." Solon: "When an ARM, which the human body considers to be a foreign object, attempts to rewrite the host's genes, a type of autoimmune reaction known as a 'Resistance Impulse' occurs. Because of this, those who lack genetic compatibility must take a special drug to prevent their body from rejecting the ARM." Samuel: "I see. So Raymond's okay, too? All those daily calisthenics must've really toughened him up." Heinrich: "You probably aren't aware of this, but Augst, the Brionac advisor, once worked alongside us in researching ARMs. But suddenly one day, he took our research results along with a prototype ARM and defected to the Congressional Knights. I don't know what happened to him since then, but to think he'd force us to develop ARMs once again... Surely he must have sold his soul to the devil or something..." [After rescuing Ethelda:] Diana: "There should be some escape airboats on the deck. You kids go on ahead and get the airboats ready. Us old folks aren't very good at running anymore, you know." Solon: "That bit about the ship overheating and exploding was a slight exaggeration. The most we could've hoped to accomplish in such a short time would've been to stop the engine. Hmm? Why did I lie? What do you think? If I hadn't said something to that effect, your Mother would've refused to leave." Samuel: "Your mother was so worried about you. It was painful seeing her suffer. I'm so glad you two were able to see each other again..." Ethelda: "We'll make our way up once we find a way to stop the Divine Weapon. You go on ahead to the deck." Heinrich: "Augst was researching the use of satellites to operate the ARMs scattered throughout the planet, and control the weather. He'd hoped to improve Filgaia's environment and make the planet a better place to live in. But somewhere along the way, it looks like he gave up these goals, leaving only the stupid jokes as reminders of his past..." [Dragon Fossil Mine -- DF01] Johnny: "A little while ago, I saw a huge pillar of fire erupt over the dunes. You guys have any idea what happened?" [Frontier Village Halim -- FT01] NOTE: Dialogue after the [2] is said after speaking with Archibald at Henri's request. [3] is dialogue said after arriving back from the Valley of Oblivion. Aki: [She appears after Valley of Oblivion] "We can play outside like this, because we have you to thank, right? *laughter* Thanks!" Gil: "Not even Archibald and his men can do anything about the situation...? We've invested so much time in developing this village. I can't just give it all up now..." [3] "Please feel free to use our workshop, whenever you want. We used it to forge tools for the development of this village, but you should be able to upgrade you equipment and items, too." Pick: "It's true the village is in a pinch, but we can't stop construction because of that. Even if we did stop working, all we'd be able to do is rush about and worry. And if it's a choice between being useless or swinging my pickaxe here, I think the latter is a lot more productive!" [3] "I'm sure you have a lot of things you need to deal with, but when you've taken care of them, I hope you come back to this village. Frontier Town Halim is always looking for more settlers!" Bill: "The methods employed in the attack on Ciel Shelter were brutal and unwarranted. It bothered the XO Archibald and the rest of us so much that we even suggested alternatives to Tony. But Tony refused to listen and instead he tried to force Archibald to be the scapegoat. So in order to protect Archibald, we joined the people of Ciel and deserted the Congressional Knights." [3] "They say Illsveil has become a living hell since losing its autonomy. The prisoners are used then simply thrown away... Forced into brutal and exhausting labor, their life spans have been cut short. This way, they seal the mouths of the prisoners and hide the truth from the oustide. After all, there's an endless supply of new prisoners for them to draw from." Sasha: "Hey, just so you know, it's bad to go running through poison gas. You have to tiptoe reeeeally slowly through it, or you'll wind up taking a lot of damage. Just to be clear, this isn't an excuse or anything for why a veteran Drifter like me is standing around doing nothing." [3] "The girl who lives up in that tree loves scar ystories, but she won't even give a good-looking Drifter like me the time of day. She's a strange one... She said her name was Amengard, but I told her she should call herself 'Omengard.'" Hakim: "Almost immediately after we escaped Ciel, a different unit captured us. Just as we were despairing that we'd be forced to develop weapons again, Archibald's unit set us free." [3] "We knew that Augst had taken the prototype ARM and defected to the Congressional Knights when he left Ciel... He had a very strong sense of responsibility... He probably couldn't stand the thought of hiding away in the shelter and turning a blind eye on his sins. ...Augst's concern for Filgaia's future exceeded even ours." Annie: [She only appears after Valley of Oblivion] "This is a pleasant village. When I'm an old woman, I'd like to retire and help out with the farming." Simon: [He only appears after Valley of Oblivion] "I've been told that once things settle down, the newcomers are supposed to teach me stuff. But I don't wanna study under those guys. They're scary! If I have to study, I want a nice teacher." Helga: "I understand how you feel, but I'd like you to work together with those people. The true path to ending war doesn't lie in wielding power...but rather by understanding each other and trying to work together. Don't you agree?" [3] "I Raymond was rescued and is now in Guara Bobelo... Maybe I'll start exercising, too, and try to get a body that can withstand any circumstances." Blaire: "I imagine you'd find Henri at the graveyard on the outskirts of the village. The graveyard isn't on this side though. Just turn left when you first enter the village, and you'l find a path that will take you there." [3] "Thanks to you, the water in Halim is pure once more. I cannot thank you enough. During the development of this village, when there was nothing to eat, we filled our bellies with water from that well, so we've grown attached to it." George: "What came after the end of the war wasn't the calm peace we had hoped for, but a chaotic world without government. I responded to Brionac's manifesto to pierce the dark clouds and create a world of order. But when it came to the Knights themselves... They've set things up so that anyone who wishes to do good is ruined!" [3] "Illsveil, the small prison island in the south sea is said to be impenetrable and inescapable. This is partly because it's a solitary island out on the sea, but the main reason is its defense system, 'Gungnir.' Gungnir is a guided missile system that's also known as 'Lambda's trump card.' It's ten-shot system packs quite a wallop, and even the war criminals and other dregs of society that reside there, can feel its fury." Gordon: "The town where we lived was destroyed by the flames of war, so we wandered through the wilderness with nothing but the clothes on our backs. I can't begin to tell you what a struggle it was for us refugees to tame the earth and build this village... If we give up now, it would be an insult to our companions who lost their lives during our efforts to reclaim the land..." [3] "The peole from Ciel have a great knack for inventing things. They've helped us a lot by improving the water pumps and refining the tools that we use." Louise: "At times like these, I know Kid would take care of things, if he were only here..." [She's gone by the time you get back from Valley of Oblivion...?] Elaine: "It's been ten years since the war ended, yet it still continue to threaten us... Are all our efforts hopeless against the overwhelming power of war...?" [3] "You showed us that even when things seem hopeless, they can work out if you try hard enough. Thank you so much...Not just for purifying our water, but for helping us to remember that." Maybell: "When we were captured by the Congressional Knight soldiers, we waited for the opportunity and sabotaged their Land Gears. While that fatso Tony was panicking over the rampaging Land Gears, we escaped with Archibald. After that, we continued to help one another and somehow made it to this village. They took our second hometown of Ciel away from us, and I can't say there's absolutely no bad blood between us, but... We've still managed to work hand-in-hand with one another." [3] "The 'Divine Weapon' we developed was, as its name implies, intended to be a powerful force to restore and protect this planet's environment... Are the Congressional Knights trying to obtain the Divine Weapon so that they can protect Filgaia? Somehow I have a hard time believing that's their intent..." Wyoming: "Jude? Is that you? I'm so glad you're alive... We came to this village after Archibald saved us, but we've run into some trouble and everyone's in a panic." [3] "The 'Divine Weapon' that the Congressional Knights are after, is a cluster of ARMs in an initial uncalibrated state. In this inactive state, it resembles a giant ARM egg... And in order to activate it, a gene driver acting as an ignition key is necessary. Have the Congressional Knights managed to find a driver that we don't know about...?" Rebecca: "My hometown was completely destroyed when an unexploded bomb buried deep beneath the earth went off. When will these sad events finally cease?" [She leaves by the time you get back from Valley of Oblivion] Amengard: [She only appears after Valley of Oblivion; see section devoted to her for her special quotes.] Mathilda: "This isn't good. The poison from the chemical weapon has leached into the river on the outskirts of the village, too... Right now, w're getting by on our emergency supplies, but what will we do once they run out...?" [3] "The river is back to normal, and it looks like we can relax for now. It also appears as though Archibald's unit is going to stay and live here, too. I'm so glad." Caroline: "Is it all right ofr us to be working on construction while the village is in trouble? The looks Mathilda gives us when she walks by are a little frightening." [3] "Are you all going out on a journey again? ...That's a shame. You look like you've got the strong backs necessary for developing this village." Charlotte: [Chat] "Hey you Drifters! You've come to help settle things down, haven't you?! Thank you! I've got my reputation as a weapons pioneer on the line so I'll make sure I've got wonderful and useful weapons for you! [3] "I heard from some Drifters that sometimes new monsters appear in lands they're sure they've explored completely. And those monsters are usually stronger than the ones that were in that area before. But you'll be fine if you've got my weapons on hand when you run into be sure to buy a lot of 'em!" Archibald: "I'm very sorry about what happened at Ciel Shelter... But right now... ... No, with the sins I bear, I'm in no position to ask anything of you..." [2] "We're finding that unexploded ordinance with corroded or cracked casings, is causing unanticipated harm. The incident of the chemical weapon releasing poison gas underground and contaminating the water supply is just one example. Please, hurry to the valley and bring back the Holy Root which is capable of neutralizing any poisons. [3] "This is something I heard from my former commanding officer, Tony... The Congressional Knights are about to put into action a plan they've been developing for some time. Part of that plan involves using the prisoners at Illsveil to dig up something that's sealed away there. Illsveil is supposed to be a self-governed territory by the prisoners themselves, but it looks like the Congressional Knights have taken over it." Instructor Henri: "Try 'doing what you feel.' That doesn't mean you should swing your fist with raw emotion. It means that when you're lost in the darkness, you should listen to the feelings in your heart and follow the path you believe is correct." [If you talk to Henri after trying to leave the cemetary he will say:] "I'd like for you to listen to what Archibald has to say. And if you can accept his words, could you save this village from this crisis?" [3] "Thank you, Jude. You saved this village. I'm very proud of you." [Dragon Fossil Mine -- DF02] Johnny: "The only way for someone like me with no education or skills to strike it rich is to find a dragon fossil! Any dream can come true as long as you believe! I'm not gonna stop until I dig up a dragon fossil and make it big!" T.S. Landis: [Chat] "Back when I was young, this place was an active mining site for dragon fossils... But these days, you hardly ever see any miners out here. It's kind of lonely." [Blue Amity Beach -- BA01] T.S. Julian: [Chat] "If you ever think, 'man, if only Julian were here,' I'll come to your rescue! And what will I bring with me? Nothing less than my priceless smile and a backpack full of everything you need!" [Port Rosalia -- PR03] NOTE: Dialogue after a [2] occurs when the town is attacked; text following a [3] occurs after Jeremy is kaput. Kai: "Know what? I saw that lady doctor's boyfriend! But he looked kind of pale and lifeless. I thought Dr. Morgan would have better taste than that. I'm disappointed in her!" [3] "The man who was staying at the clinic may have been a pretty nice guy after all. During the attack, when my little sister and I were lost in the fire, he came and took us to a safe place. He got mad at me, telling me I needed to protect my sister, but he was a cool and strong grown-up." Nest: " don't look at the stains on my ribbons. They're old and worn out, and kinda embarrassing." [3] " clothes are covered in soot, aren't they...? I was so frantic to escape the monster that I was scrambling up and down, crawling into holes... What...? I look the same as always...? R-really? ...Well, that's a relief." Pico: "The auction starts tomorrow morning. If you really want my ship, you better not oversleep!" [3] "Ohhhh...My ship, my Eulalia, whom I loved so dearly and worked so hard on, is gone...completely gone... That bastard...I could boil and fry him and it still wouldn't be enough!" Duke: "It seems Camus over at Gargantua has got a new lineup. My weapon-obsessed friend goes on-and-on about how he'll buy them even if he has to get a loan to do it. But doesn't it feel kind of sad to own weapons you won't even use, now that the war's over?" [3] "I hear Rosalia was safed by some Drifters that were staying in town. You have to admire their skill. I think I'm going to start my training anew." Lily: "Oh...You're the ones who helped me out before, aren't you...? For you, everything's on the house. You can dine or stay the night here for free. I'm happy if I can be of help to you on your journey." [2] "I wonder if that monster will leave Rosalia on its own if I set out some food our cook said he'd messed up on..." [3] "I heard some customers saying that a party of children defeated that monster. Are you the ones who saved Rosalia...? If you are, I'm thrilled. Have some extra helpings on me!" Mike: "Fish mongers make selling goods to people in the marketplace sound like fun. Because the trade ships have slowed down, I don't have as much work as a crewman as I used to..." [2] "Times like these, we men of the sea have to show what we're made of. We owe a lot to the ladies in the marketplace, too." [3] "Man, the ocean is just incredible, isn't it? I mean, that incredible monster was in it, you know? That makes us, the men who travel those same seas, incredible too, don't ya think?" Rose: "A fisherman kept whispering 'hex' at me, so I cornered him behind the fish market and asked him what it meant. He said it was related to black magic and witches or something. He's got some nerve! Just because I can lift a full crate of fish, is that any reason to call someone a witch?" [3] "The townspeople may appear to be relaxing their guard somewhat, now that the trouble has passed. But it's obvious that our catch is far smaller than what we had when I was a child... I can't really feel very happy about the way things are now..." Riber: "The ship finally goes up for auction tomorrow. I've let Glenn handle the arrangements, so I can just sit back, read a fishing magazine, and look forward to tomorrow. Ahh, retirement sure is great." [3] "I'd planned to buy Pico's ship and go trolling for tuna, so you can imagine my disappointment. I guess I'll start looking for another way..." Ethan: "It's not like I want to be a pimp or that I hate working or anything like that. It's just that I can't think of any way to get Felicia to notice me besides wandering back and forth here." [2] "This is horrible...Rosalia's pier is engulfed in flames... It looks like the fire may even spread to the town... Th-the best thing for me to do would be to observe what he's doing and report to the soldiers, right?!" [3] "Listen to this! The other day, Felicia invited me over for tea! Truth be told, I wasn't really doing anything but running around in a panic... But good things start happening once you actually do something! I'm so happy I could cry!" Sasha: "Rosalia...Oh, Rosalia...Rosalia... By the way, this view is also interesting if you look at it upside down. ...Really! This Drifter no lie!" [2] "That guy attacking the town looks like an old acquaintance of mine who misbehaved so much he was hauled away... Even back then, he was a bit of a miscreant, but he didn't act totally inhuman..." [Sasha leaves after there Jeremy events are over.] Glenn: "Do you know of Pico and his crew down at the pier? He's a salvager who dredges up sunken ships and restores them for selling. His newest work is going to be auctioned off tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it since my teacher's been wanting a new fishing cruiser. He and I are going to be the first ones there tomorrow." [2] "Whoa whoa whoa, this can't be good!! That Pico better be defending the ship we're planning on buying with his life!" [3] "Pico's ship sank...And with it, our dreams have also vanished into the seaweed... Our dreams of eating a big fish that our teacher caugt, wearing aloha shirts and strumming ukeleles while humming tropical songs..." Keith: "The economy's been going downhill since the war ended. Family is important, but I also think you need to be able to earn money when you need it." [3] "Hmm, well, I think it's okay to relax a little and not worry so much about what's 'normal.' What is 'normal,' anyway? I think that worrying about that sort of vague standard is just a waste of time." Colin: "Today, I'm on patrol from nine to five again. It's not a very exciting life, but things had been a little TOO exciting up till now. So this is fairly refreshing and fun." [3] "Boy that monster sure took me by surprise when it attacked. Maybe it was because I've been out playing policeman every day, but my body reacted as if I was still on active duty, and I was able to help people. Maybe this isn't too bad of a life, you know?" Bryan: "Please buy my antidotes! If you don't buy my antidotes, my stepmother won't have money to buy her booze, and then she'll hit me." {Y/N} [3] "Please buy my antidotes! If I don't sell my antidotes, I won't be able to buy my little brother some shoes, and he'll tear up the soles of his feet." {Y/N} Tommy: "I'm more interested in the new weapons than the ship auction. I'll never be able to afford that ship, but if I work hard, I can probably buy those weapons." [2] "I-I-I w-w-was just about to get some weapons from Gargantua and then go face down that guy. I-I w-wasn't just standing here, shaking in fear! I'm not scared of him!" [3] "I became a weapons buff during the war, thanks to my CO. He could handle guns like no other. He held a pistol in each hand, six shots in each, twelve in all. He was known as the 'Twin Gunner.' Supposedly, he got that name because he could take out any opponent with those twelve shots. He'd always tell me how proud of and confident he was in my ability." Paige: "Tomorrow is the ship's auction! All have received the invitation! A secret mission to cause much agitation! Raise the price for super-inflation! We'll all feel great satisfaction! The boss wants a luxurious mansion! At the Seabreeze a congratulation! Then onto a new rotation!" [3] "In his hands, a large helm... He sings sailing songs by heart and travels the routes of the sea... The man of the sea's fantasy... Now, naught but nostalgia... A premonition told of disaster... And, lost to tragedy, the ship shall never return..." Camus: [Chat] "The order I'd placed with a foreign store just arrived the other day. I now have even more powerful weapons for sale. Please, check them out for yourselves." [2] "Seeing young folk like you come in, it looks as though I was right in not closing my store. Now grab your weapons and go get that joker." [3] "Thanks to that attack, some people have realized how important self- -defense is, and started coming to this shop to buy weapons. I'm thankful for the business, but as a resident of Rosalia, I should be sad, shouldn't I..." James: "Tomorrow, it'll finally be time for the restored ship auction. I don't have the kind of money you need to bid, but I plan to go and watch anyway." [3] "I feel bad for Pico because his ship got destroyed, but at least no one in Rosalia got hurt. Just where did that man-monster come from? And what did it want...?" Pedro: "It's important to have a wide variety of experiences. So losing your drive and just running away isn't necessarily a bad thing, either. Once you've hit rock bottom, you can laugh at any hardships that come after that. You can even put up with living on a diet of nothing but roasted yams!" [3] "Losing your composure over a little disturbance like that is a failure at being an adult. No matter the situation, you have to maintain your bearing. Remember that trying to find shortcuts for everything often results in taking the long way around." Brewer: "They say someone escaped from Illsveil Prison just once, a long, long time ago. Supposedly, the prisoner created a huge disturbance that spread throughout the entire island and escaped amidst the chaos. But the official documents contain no record of such an event. It's probably just a legend made up by the prisoners. ...By the way, the legend doesn't end there. It says after the prisoner escaped, he opened up a bakery." [3] "I know that every town, big and small, has its share of problems... But I've never seen anything like that powerful sea monster, outside of the Arena. Man, I tell you, Filgaia is really messed up." Anabel: "'Pretty lady'... He sure knows how to lay it on. But I'll never forget the day I found a human hair inside the fish I bought from him." [2] "What in the world is that man- -monster thing?! He looks disgusting... Where did he come from?!" [3] "When I think about the fish we eat swimming in the same water as that disgusting monster... It's like sharing your bath water with someone else, you know? You can't help but worry the fish might be contaminated somehow..." Steven: "I got fresh fish, caught this very morning, for cheap! Hey there, laddie! How about one for you and the pretty lady?" [3] "Check it out, people! I'm having a sale today to celebrate the extermination of the monster! These fish are so fresh they could bring Calucion back to life, and I'm sellin' 'em cheap, cheap, cheap!" Lesley: "I've returned to my hometown to relax at home, but I found that I'm just not very good with domestic chores. I'm good at swinging blades at my enemies, so why is it so hard to julienne my vegetables?" [3] "They say a young Drifter got rid of the monster that was attacking the town. I'm grateful to him, but it makes me feel old... The younger generation taking that sort of action and all. I'd better find a job and start living a normal life..." Alison: "The ship auction will be starting soon... The townsfolk think that Riber, the fisherman, is going to get it, but I'm not going to lose to him. With a dearth of merchant ships on the sea these days, if I can get hold of one of those rare commodities, I'll be able to ask any price for my business." [3] "If only that monster had tipped us off before he attacked town...I could have bought up building materials and made a killing... *sigh* I can't believe I missed that opportunity." Monica: "Mom says if I don't behave myself when I'm home alone, a scary monster will come and burn me with fire that's one trillion degrees. But in the collection of fairy tales I read, it says the monster is securely sealed away in a tall tower, so it can't come out. As long as I don't go near any tall towers, I'll be fine right?" [3] "Mom says if I don't behave myself when I'm home alone, she'll have the sea monster take me away. But does Mom really have any authority over that monster...? She doesn't, does she...? So I'll be fine, right?" Sheila: "A man who drifted into town recently has been staying with Dr. Morgan at the hospital. He's always wandering about with a pale, lifeless face, and every time he sees a little girl, he lets out a sigh. No offense to Dr. Morgan, but that guy is kinda creepy..." [3] "The man Dr. Morgan was taking care of had a big motorcycle which seemed totally out of character for him. Dr. Morgan seems downhearted lately, but I didn't think that man was good for her anyway. It's probably for the best that they've parted ways." Russel: "People get mad at me, saying I can't just sit around being hungry all the time. But it's not like I choose to be unemployed or anything. Why, just the other day, I tried my hand at working... Maybe it's because I've been off my feet for so long, but the soles of my feet started blistering after walking for about 20 minutes. Getting treatment for that condition cost me my entire food budget for the rest of the month. Working sure isn't very cost effective..." [2] "I'm sitting here and calmly considering what I can do to help. I don't just sit around all the time. But right now I'm so hungry I can't move very fast..." [3] "I hear that Ethan's finally shaped up... Personally, I think getting suckered in by a strange woman and changing the lifestyle you've worked so long to cultivate means that you've lost." Audrey: "Welcome to Port Rosalia, a town embraced by the sea! When you feel the wind on your face while standing on the platform overlooking the beach, all your cares will just blow away..." [2] "That monster-man who came from the sea is on a rampage down by the pier. If you're going there, you'd better be prepared!" [3] "You'll never be bored in Port Rosalia. Sometimes, weird creatures come up out of the sea and cause a big fuss. It's the perfect town for anyone looking to chase away the doldrums." Johnson: "They say that a long time ago, famous UMAs used to wander around here. They were called 'Greater Beasts,' and they say that they were really cool monsters with beautiful curves and wild power." [3] "They say monsters called 'Greater Beasts' appear on the old deserted road. They say they're slimy, disgusting-looking creatures with strange protrusions growing out of them." Stewart: "My hobby is bird watching. Standing in front of the Break Point like this, it's easy to catch sight of the various migrant birds that drift by. White, black, grey... Their plumage comes in a variety of different colors. It's very interesting." [3] Have you met Pico since his shop got burned...? I feel sorry for him and wish I could be of help. But there's only so much a retired old Drifter like me can do." Siemens: "The auction we've been waiting for will be start'n soon. I put 'lot of love and hard wor into this ship, so I've been praying to Calucion that some good folks buy it." [3] "Don't know if I'll get aid this month. How am I going to make a living now?" Felicia: "Ethan's a spineless, worthless good-for-nothing. I've never seen a man as pathetic as he is. If he at least had enough backbone to go kill that incredibly strong monster with the bumps on its back on the road just outside of town... Well, then I'd pay him some attention." [2] "Ethan dashed out, saying he was going to check on things... But what could that pathetic man possibly do? I hope he doesn't screw up and cause any trouble for the soldiers..." [3] "Even a pathetic man like Ethan can still surprise you. It seems he's doing well at his job of observing the pier and reporting back to the soldiers. ... He'd been spending so much time watching me, so perhaps he's gotten good at 'observing' things." Bernard: "If you ask me, the auction for the restored ship is going to be the most fun this town has seen in a while! And if a wealthy merchant bids on it, this town's economy should improve a little, too." [2] "If you ask me, nothing good comes from panicking in a situation like this! The best way to handle it is to stay inside a sturdy building and see what move your opponent makes." [3] "If you ask me, what happened the other day was indicative of the sickness in Filgaia! Parts that were destroyed during the war are coming back to haunt us like that." Kenneth: "It's hard to get hold of a ship right now. The quality shipyards that were valued during the war, all went out of business after the war ended." [3] "The ships that Pico's crew restores are renowned for their durability and quality. ...And then THAT happened to their latest one... I hear they lost everything and are in pretty dire straits, now. They sure didn't do anything to deserve this." Rebecca: "There's a ton of treasures in Celesti left behind by those who lived there. But the monsters are all undead... I wish I had the power to exorcise them the way Paladiennes can." Umberto: "Tomorrow is probably gonna be a long day...I better get to bed early and rest up!" [3] "Last night, we had a farewell party for my buddies who helped with the work. *hic* I drank too much and I feel sick though..." Natalie: "I don't really understand what Grandpa means by 'rock bottom.' He says that all he ate during the war were roasted yams and that he hates them, but then he always grabs the biggest one..." [3] "Grandpa you were dawdling around, worrying about the yams burning rather than evacuating. I don't know if that qualifies as 'being calm.'" Neville: "They say a lot of prisoners being held on Illsveil Prison island were sent there on false charges. Since no one ever comes back from there, I guess the folks don't have to worry about it." [2] "He's on a rampage down by the pier! If he keeps that up, the restored ship's going to be toast!" [3] "They say that guy who attacked the town came from the southern sea. But the only island in the sea south of Rosalia is Illsveil... ...Don't tell me the prisoners on the island have revolted and are planning an attack on Rosalia?" Angelica: "Daddy said that there's going to be an auction for a savaged ship soon. Why would anyone want a ship full of savages?" [3] "Mister Pico said that his ship and his business are going to pot. What's that mean?" Sonetica: "Sometimes I feel like splurging on some expensive gourmet fish, but once I stop to think about it, I always end up buying the same old thing. With the wind whistling through my empty purse, I figure I can just slather the fish with some mayonnaise to give it some flair." [2] "You mustn't wander around here! Leave this to the adults and get yourselves somewhere safe!" [3] "Looking back on it now, it's frightening to think of how much time I spent talking in a dangerous place like that. The world's peaceful now, compared to during the war, but it's still not a place where you can be careless. We have to train both our hearts and minds." Valentine: "I bet a ship that size will fetch at least 100,000 gella at the auction... I'm already looking forward to the auction. If you've got the time, you should come watch, too." [3] "That monster-man was really powerful, so I was worried the whole time we were being evacuated. But Rosalia's docks managed to survive. I'm so thankful for that." Dr. Morgan: [After seeing Kresnik for 1st time] "Visiting hours are over, kids. The patient isn't in good shape, either physically or mentally. He needs his rest." [Kresnik then says:] "..." [3] "If you're looking for Mr. Listless, he gave a perfect textbook salute and headed out the door. I think he'd probably live longer if he were more casual about things, though." [Dievas Airport -- DA01] Gawn: "The aircraft hangar is just ahead. But I don't want to let you kids go... I want you to turn back and run somewhere far away... But...I guess my words alone aren't enough to stop your resolve... In that case, I... I..." [Illsveil Prison -- IP01] Farmel: "You should ask Lambda to reveal his true intentions to you. Once you know what they are, you can decide what to do next. To reach Lambda, you must first traverse a difficult path to the very depths of the island... I have a feeling that you of all people will be able to accomplish this..." [Port Rosalia -- PR04] Kai: "That Sasha is always telling tall tales. He says you can walk on water as long as you put your other foot forward before the other foot sinks. I may be a kid, but even I won't fall for that." Pico: "Crying over what's been lost won't get you anywhere, you know? I'm going to start searching for sunken ships again." Duke: "The world isn't really at peace... I need to polish up on my swordsmanship so that I can protect this town..." Lily: "I'm sure it's tough traveling all over the place as Drifters, but hang in there. Remember, I'm rooting for you." Mike: "Lately, compact aircraft of the same type as those used in the war, have been seen flying overhead. I hope they're not trying to start something behind our backs." Nest: " my cheek bones sticking out that much...? I haven't been able to eat regular meals. All I've had these past few days is seaweed I gathered down at the shore." Rose: "Don't let Riber's looks fool you. That old fisherman is actually one sharp cookie. He's the one who managed the harbor and led Port Rosalia to prosperity. If people like him had run for office, rather than remain a civilian... The post-war representative government might have worked out after all." Glenn: "Oh, hey, kid. You happen to know any skilled Drifters or anything? My teacher's looking for some help, but I don't have those sorts of connections." Ethan: "It definitely took a while, but I finally got a job! It seems someone was impressed by my actions during the attack... Felicia said she'll make me dinner to celebrate. I'm so happy I could die!" James: "Pico seems to be feeling better now that some time has passed. That's good to see. I guess it's like they say, time heals all wounds." Riber: "The other day, I heard a rumor from one of my young assistants about a monster fish that appears on the white beach just south of Rosalia. I wonder if it's true... Do you think you could check it out and see if the rumor is true?" Pedro: "I suppose mankind is still around today because we overcame each difficulty that stood in the way... But when you get to be my age, you don't have the energy to deal with every difficulty that comes your way." Keith: "Really...? If you really think that's best, I won't stop you, but... I'll be sad, losing someone to talk to..." Bryan: "Please buy my antidotes! If I don't sell my antidotes, they're going to take away my little sister!" {Y/N} Colin: "The other day, a child fell down while playing, so I gave him some first aid like I learned in the military. Seems he'd never seen anything like that before. He called me 'cool' and took a liking to me. It felt kind of good, but strange at the same time. During the war, I'd never have imagined myself as a friendly old man paying with kids." Paige: "Gentle to themselves! But harsh to others! There's no time to pay! We're going through hell! Our fate hangs in the balance! Success or bankruptcy. This morn! We mourn! Forlorn!" Tommy: "They say my CO's rival--Hauser, of the Global Union--ran across the battlefield at incredible speed. I remember my CO was always complaining, 'It's not fair that he can use ARMs AND move at superhuman speed.'" Camus: [Chat] "Ever since I opened my store, I've watched as the times, as well as the way in which people fight, have changed...and stocked my weapons accordingly. ...These days, the tide is flowing toward a world where powerful weapons are needed once more. I tell you, thinking about what the future will bring makes me uneasy..." Audrey: "This is Port Rosalia. It's a port town renown for its delicious seafood and friendly folks. Please, enjoy yourselves." Lesley: "I heard form a Drifter friend of mine that an officer I worked with in the service, is helping to develop a frontier village called Halim. I'm thinking of joining him there since working the earth suits me better than working as a merchant, anyway." Brewer: "I know that every town, big and small, has its share of problems... But I've never seen anything like that powerful sea monster, outside of the Arena. Man, I tell you. Filgaia is really messed up." Monica: "Mom says if I don't behave myself when I'm home alone, the creeping chaos will take me away and do things to my head. But the magazine I read says the creeping chaos has only been found in the abandoned military airport. As long as I don't go near there, I'll be fine, right?" Alison: "Before the war, my great-grandfather was commissioned by the Congressional Knights to create the Armor of Leadership. Supposedly, it was a very special armor. For one, it possessed defensive magic to block any interference from external forces. It also had the ability to strengthen the wearer's life force, and thereby slow down the aging process. Our family got into futures trading by using the payment from the job, as seed money." Anabel: "How strange... If what that fish monger says is true, the meals over at the Seabreeze Port--where he sells his fish--should taste better, shouldn't they...?" Russel: "Lately, there have been sightings of monsters and UMAs near Rosalia. Perhaps Filgaia isn't declining, but transforming into a new form... My sitting here like this may be akin to a pupae waiting patiently inside a cocoon." Sheila: "Dr. Morgan's going about her work as usual, acting as if she's forgotten all about that man, but... In the evenings, she gazes out over the sea. I'm a woman too, so I can tell. She must still be attached to him." Steven: "Check it out, people! I got the freshest fish you ever did see! Saint Calucion herself never saw fish like this! They're tasty fried, baked, raw, any way you like 'em!" Siemens: "Gotta quit this job soon... The wife's sick, and without a steady cash flow, we can't manage too well. I feel real bad for the boss, though..." Umberto: "When a man neglects his duty, he's no longer a man. I owe a lot to the boss, so I'm going to stay around a bit longer and continue my work. I can get by eating nothing but plain rice for a while." Kenneth: "To think, human beings are capable of defeating even a big, powerful monster like that. Now that the Drifters have shown us what people can do, I think we should do our part, too." Natalie: "Grandpa, you're getting older now... Mom says you shouldn't worry so much and that you ought to leave things to us." Rebecca: "There's a lot of jobs for Drifters in Filgaia. If you have any extra time on your journey, you should look into helping people who are in trouble." Johnson: "For some reason, lately people have been saying that I have a lot of knowledge of the occult. I have no idea why either. By the way, I know it's hard to believe, but Mayu mentioned that some Drifters were attacked by Greater Beasts. However, rumor has it they were attacked by the legendary ape man... The truth lies shrouded in darkness." Neville: "There's actually still a lot of conflict going on in the world. But it's more fun that way, you know? A peaceful world just makes you bored, and you have a hard time finding ways to unleash your pent-up energy." Sonetica: "I'm tired of all this trouble... And every time something happens, the price on fish goes up. ...I don't care if it's the Congressional Knights or the Global Union or whoever, I just want someone to take charge and govern Filgaia." Angelica: "Daddy says that Rosalia's economy is depressed because of what happened. How can we cheer it up?" Valentine: "Rosalia seems to be in good spirits, now that the monster's been defeated, but... The number of ships using this port is dwindling so you tell the end is near..." Dr. Morgan: "Oh, you're friends of Mr. Listless, aren't you? How's he doing? Hmm, you look like you're uncertain of how to answer that. Well, you don't have to... I'm sure he's off somewhere, worrying himself over something trivial and struggling to keep moving forward." [Frontier Town Halim -- FT02] Aki: "I've decided my wish will come true if I can make it across this board without falling. But I lose my concentration if someone talks to me, so please don't talk to me, okay?" Gil: "How are you enjoying the workshop so far? It's fun making all sorts of items, isn't it? Make sure you try a variety of things to create tools that fit your style." Bill: "Since before the great war, the High Council of the Congressional Knights has also been known as the 'Cabal.' This name is actually an acronym made from the initials of its original members. But if this alternate name is comprised of the initials of its members, then shouldn't it change when new members replace the old? ...Or have the same people been on the High Council all this time...? *ha ha* surely not..." Pick: "That lazy idiot is no son of ours! I can't believe he's clinging to his ridiculous dream of finding a Dragon Fossil and selling it for big money to the people in town. He grew up watching us work. How did he turn into such a worthless bum?" Annie: "There goes Sasha, telling tall tales again... Who ever heard of a motorcycle that can drive across the sea? He needs to cool it a bit. He's going to give us Drifters all a bad reputation." Simon: "If you always get rid of things you don't need immediately, you'll find yourself without enough ingredients for synthesis. I don't know what that means, but that's what Gil said when he was using that workshop over there." Helga: "Our calculations indicate that the odds of Hauser surviving the accident at Verklarung were zero percent... Yet he still came back...Perhaps it should come as no surprise, considering he was a hero...or was there some other factor?" Hakim: "After Augst defected to the Congressional Knights, it appears he continued his research into controlling ARMs via satellites. The focus of his research was the revitalization of the parched earth through the use of ARMs which control the weather. But his research was canceled and the technology, repurposed as a weapon... In the end, none of us heretic engineers were able to create the future we had hoped for..." Sasha: "I s-s-saw a motorbike take off from the promontory at Port Rosalia and head south toward the sea! What's with that town? Are they giving out prizes for extra craziness?!" George: "Although he may not look it, Brionac's leader is actually very fond of dogs. One time during inspection, I saw him off in the shadows petting a puppy on the head." Elaine: "Thank you so much for helping out our village, despite having no obligation to do so. Life in a developing settlement is tough, but thanks to you, we're able to work hard and maintain a positive outlook for the future." Gordon: "From what Archibald says, you'd expect the Congressional Knights' organization to be on its last legs. All things must come to an end. If their leader were a sensible man, he'd realize that and let the next generation take over." Blaire: "There are a lot of uses for Dragon Fossils and they say that every bit of the fossil can be used. I heard that equipping them onto modern machines results in incredible effects, though no one knows how it actually works." Maybell: "Using ingestible nanomachines, even people with incomplete gene compatibility can manage to activate ARMs. ...What? What would happen if someone with incomplete compatibility continued to use ARMs without ingesting those nanomachines? remember the 'Resistance Impulse,' don't you? Every time they activated their ARM, it would continue to devour their body. Don't tell me you know someone like that, Jude...? ...Hah, what am I saying? There's no one alive who could withstand the pain of having their genes rewritten over and over again." Wyoming: "Do you remember how I always took pictures of you back in Ciel? On the morning of the day that Ciel fell, my camera broke, almost as if it were an omen of things to come. But I've finally gotten it fixed. I'd like to take lots of pictures of you again, and I sure hope to get your friends in the photos, too." Caroline: "By the way, did you happen to see our son at the Dragon Fossil mine?" Mathilda: "I'm pretty busy with all sorts of things I have to do. I have a day job to pay the bills, but on top of that I teach reading and writing to the children and take care of the elderly... If I started listing everything that I do, I'd never finish. This village is really needs more people..." Amengard: [See Amengard Script for her special dialogue.] Charlotte: [Chat] "I heard a thing or two from that soldier with the furrowed brow. You've got some task you have to do, right? Well if there's anything I can do, just let me know. After all, you saved this village!" Archibald: "During my stint in the military, the Congressional Knights were mainly comprised of prominent people who had survived the war, as well as a Special Forces division that handled intelligence. Perhaps that's why many of their assignments were questionable in nature and kept strictly confidential from the public due to their unsavory nature. There's no way of knowing what they're up to now, but I doubt their behind-the-scenes way of deciding things, based on their self-righteous logic, has changed." Instructor Henri: "It looks like you're keeping the promise you made to that girl the day Ciel fell... ...Your path is likely to grow more dangerous from here on out, but you must keep protecting her to the very end." [Dragon Fossil Mine - DF03] Johnny: "Not too long ago, a baby chick started living in the abandoned cabin up ahead. I wonder where it flew in from? Can't baby birds even fly? I guess the fact that it's there pretty much answers that question!" T.S. Landis: [Chat] "Back when I was young, this place was an active mining site for dragon fossils... But these days, you hardly ever see any miners out here. It's kind of lonely." [Abandoned Village - AV02] Brewer: "My grandparents used to live in this village. When I was a kid, they'd scare me with stories of beasts embodying forces of nature. They took care of me, an orphan, and sometimes I come here to remember them." [Buckeye Station -- BS04] Cid: "Do you know Kanaan, the traveling salesman who works Calucion Pass? It seems he's been having trouble lately due to a monster that appeared near his store. If there's a chance you're headed that way could you check on him for me?" Andy: "Ever since I choked on that apple, I've started seeing strange things. Like a queue of transparent soldiers standing at Buckeye Station... Or the faces of different people appearing on the shoulders of that genteel acting man who's always in front of the scrap iron heap." Fitz: "Perhaps it's because the land has lost its energy or the world of Filgaia has been exhausted, but... ...Year after year, the dunes continue to spread. Timothy and I built up our savings during the war so we're okay, but I'm worried about the fate of the next generation." Doris: [Chat] "The name of the monster sealed on the top floor of Etemenanki is 'Ragu O Ragla.' It devoured the other 100 monsters forced into the abyss aong with it and became a super-powerful being known as the 'king of monsters.'" Grace: "This'll probably sound a bit strange, but...that young lady over there in the blue dress looks just like a friend I had when I was young. She was a Baskar. Her whole family moved away when the dunes started destabilizing. If she were alive, she'd be about my age...old enough to be your grandmother." Ivana: "At the tallest point of Etemenanki, the king of monsters slumbers for eternity under a seal placed by Saint Calucion. Or, that's how it's supposed to be, anyway. But lately at night, you can hear ominous roars emanating from the direction of the tower. I wonder if Saint Calucion's seal has gotten rusty over the long years..." Josie: "I learned that Saint Calucion's tear became a tiny blue gem and fell uon the king of monsters. That gentle tear is one of the keys that opens the seal. I wonder whether Saint Calucion felt sorry for the king of monsters 'cause he's locked away all the time...?" Vernon: "The name 'Alstroemeria' indictates Garra de Leon's class, and is the name of a large lily-like flower that grows in the dunes. But I didn't expect the ship to take after its namesake and wilt so quickly... Oh, well. I made the right decision when I got an advance for the goods we shipped them." Oswald: "*sigh* And it was my first big deal in a while, too. I can't believe my rotten luck. When I find the perpetrators who blew up my customers' sandship, the Garra de Leon, I won't be satisfied until I've ground them into a pulp." Garcia: "There's a number of legends about the tower to the east of Buckeye. I'm not very smart, so I don't remember them very well, but... When I was a kid, I heard a story about four holy artifacts that protect four different seals." Volcan: "In every era, the ones who put on airs and talk of justice never go out and shed their own blood. The leaders of our military--the leaders of the Congressional Knights--were the same. The seasoned generals who understand the battlefield die off, and useless bureaucrats live long lives. War just doesn't make any sense." Henrick: "I wonder how the guy who showed me the Silver Star Express is doing. He said he'd bring me some pictures of trains the next time he comes to Buckeye. I hope he remembers." Timothy: "Listening to Fitz, it's easy to get depressed but at least we're all alive. The encroaching sand is a big problem, but if you ask me, I think things'll work themselves out somehow." Annette: "No guns in the waiting room! No duels either! Wait patiently for your train! That's what it says here. In the old days, this place was full of hot-blooded youths. It wasn't a salon for grandpas and grannies like it is now." Charlie: "The Congressional Knights knew the value of information, so they gave great authority and a grandiose name to their intelligence bureau! If you want to fight a winning fight, you can't slack off on intelligence gathering!" Leonard: "Yeah...Plum slipped my mind, too... I think it was called the 'Holly Crown,' wasn't it...? That thing Calucion's attendant hid in an invisible treasure chest." Theresia: "Honestly, this child...It seems he's taken a liking to one of the soldiers that closed off the station the other day. It's one thing for him to like trains, but if he says he wants to be a soldier when he grows up, what should I do?" Victoria: "Leonard, I can't remember the last item you needed to unlock the seal on the king of monsters. What was it, again...?" Jennifer: "This town is always the same, you know? If I spend my life here, I feel like I'm going to rust on the inside, too. I hate it." Francois: "Buckeye is dull and colorless, today and every other day. I've been trying to polish things up so that we're not called the 'rust-colored station,' but the young folks keep leaving like lost teeth. An old man like me can only slow the decline, not stop it completely. It's a sad thing." Station Worker Emmett: "They say that the Obsidian Spear, one of the Saint's holy artifacts, was once in the charge of a Baskar priest, but no one knows where it lies now. What's known for sure is that the priest passed the Spear onto a little girl, but that was more than 200 years ago... And that was back when the Baskar lived in the now-abandoned village on the edge of the encroaching sand..." [August River -- AR02] T.S. Lenny: [Chat] "You guys are the first customers I've had in a while! Fortunately, I'm in a good mood from lookin' at all the pretty views out here! I'm gonna bring out my best merchandise for ya, so have a good look!" [Calucion Pass -- CP02] T.S. Kanaan: "Izzy from Guara Bobelo asked me to deliver these goods to his boss in Buckeye. But a powerful monster just appeared in Platapana Passage. I need to get through there, but I'm at my wits' end! A monster like that'll be nothing but trouble for me. You guys are Drifters, right? Could I get you guys to help me out?" [Guara Bobelo -- GB02] Kid: "I've talked about it a lot, but I've never actually fought at the Arena, even once. Would I be better off returning to the village where my girlfriend is waiting, and live a life of service to others as a Drifter-turned-settler?" Izzy: "You sure know how to get what you want, babe... Oh, well. You're my Saint Calucion, and I'm your humble servant. I'll get in touch with some folks to get us front-row seats for a hot fight." Matt: "This is Guara Bobelo. This former town which grew around a church is now a dazzling city that never sleeps, where people with a gleam in their eyes gather." Jean: "The way I SPEAK may perhaps seem STRANGE. During the war, WHEN I was a VERY YOUNG girl, I hit my HEAD. Since THEN, I have talked like THIS. I only remember ONE THING. A man in a black COAT pulled me out from UNDER the rubble..." Rand: [Chat] "If only everyone devoted themselves to gaming, the world would be a more peaceful place... Don't you agree, Jude?" Owen: "I don't know who gathered them or how, but some of the monsters that appear in the Arena are terrible beyond words." Trish: "I've heard that the 'Brionac' organization Basil keeps talking about, is still continuing its secret operations even now. The primary weapon of the Congressional Knights, it consisted of 11 members, all with superhuman abilities... But the reality is that it's just a group of weirdoes who drifted together because they didn't fit in with the regular forces. Did Basil really want to lead a group like that? Anyway...I don't think he's cut out to manage a group of weirdoes." Willy: "I left Buckeye thinking I'd make a name for myself at the Arena, but I'm too scared to even enter... With challenges like the ones they have, there's no way anyone could win without a whole lotta preparation first..." Chloe: "I can't believe they desecrated the church like that... Sooner or later, they'll pay for their blasphemy! Even the villainous criminals on the prison island leave Saint Calucion's statue alone." Sarah: "Hey, have you been to the Arena yet? It's definitely not for the faint of heart, but if you have the courage, the payout can be huge! Be sure you're well prepared before stepping into the Arena though..." Clark: "They call this a sordid city and other bad things, but if you ask me, I like the place. The people who live here are all weirdoes, so hobbies and interests that would raise eyebrows elsewhere are totally okay here." Vilen: "That collector apparently keeps various treasures he's collected from around the world in his home. And he gives them to fellows who share his interests, once he deems them worthy. ...I'd like to have one, myself... Maybe I'll work on my gaming skills so that he'll give me a prize." Bruce: [Chat] "The king of beasts, the jumbo bearcat, can be found near this city. The king of monsters, Ragu O Ragla, is sealed away in a tall tower somewhere. ...A long time ago, I confused those two, and my Congressional Knights- -certified weapon shop classification was reduced to Class 2." Haley: "The older folks all say that the way I make my living is sinful, but I don't think my job as an assistant at the Arena is all that bad. All I know is that the goods Black and I sell have saved lives, too." Jacky: "Back when the church was a respected place, the visitors were all pious believers. But now it's becoming a haven for scoundrels...I tell you, I'm worried about Filgaia's future." Black: "Mr. Raymond is a skilled individual. No, not just with his hands, but also in his ability to blend into this city and not be taken advantage of. That's an impressive feat, too." David: "Oh, you're the ones that carried in Raymond, right? Raymond and Dr. Black have become fast friends! Yesterday, Raymond repaired some of our old surgery equipment for us. He's quite skilled with his hands." Basil: "I may not look it, but I was once a famous scholar at the academy... I'm the one that said we should build an artificial evolution research facility and make children evolve into a new race. My evolutionary theory was correct, too...But the head of Brionac, Lambda, said that what I was doing was immoral and expelled me. He was just scared of how smart I was and didn't want to lose his position to me." Sally: [Chat] "You'll spill your blood upon the alter, pleasing both the customers and Saint Calucion! And I'll be sure to let everyone know just how hard you're tryin'!" Jibril: [Chat] "What I want is not the transient gella of your world. The only way to do business with me is to offer your life force in exchange." Gaston: "Every night in my dreams...a petite and pretty girl beckons and calls out to me... In a sweet voice, she whispers, 'Give me your strength, and I'll give you something good... Hurry! Come and see me...' I bet you she's not even human..." Richie: "I love hearing stories about Hauser, hero of the Globby Union, and Gawn, hero of the Congealed Knights! There's nothing cooler than fighting men! I'm a man, so when I get a nickname, I want to be 'muscleman,' not 'bookworm!'" Pierre: "With no newspapers or TV anymore, no one knows the name of my hometown... There's no one who shares my memories of the past, either. I'm lonely, so I focus on gambling." Phoebe: "That gamer guy says he finds more 'drama' in games than at the Arena. I don't know what 'drama' means, but he screams when playing his games the same way Sarah does when she watches the Arena battles. I guess 'drama' is stuff that makes you scream like that, huh?" Raymond: "Hi there, Jude. I'm glad to see you're well. And it looks like you've grown even more since the last time I saw you. Oh, could you do me a favor? Give that bearish fellow my thanks, would you?" Barbara: "The former church was transformed into an Arena...But it's still a holy place... It's an altar of flowing blood that shines with the sacrifices of monsters and Drifters!" Abigail: "Working steadily each and every day is more important than trying to become a hero. Richie! The word for rabbit is 'cuniculus!' Now settle down and study!" Tatiana: "Izzzzyy...I want you to do something for me, honey. I want to see the best fight at the Arena! Pretty please, Izzy?" Goltres: "I was up late working hard again yesterday. Sometimes I'd like to sleep in a warm soft bed. You can't see the sun in Guara Bobelo, so you can't hang your sheets out to soak up that fresh, sunny feeling..." Marcello: "If you want to try your luck at the Arena, you best be well prepared. For each opponent you face, there are different conditions you'll have to meet, so you better be quick to figure out the best strategy." Mitchell: "The person who manages performance rights and such for Guara Bobelo is Vernon in Buckeye. He gets things done, that's for sure. Riber, the former affairs manager living in Port Rosalia, is rumored to be quite a man himself...but I doubt he can hold a candle to Vernon." Samantha: "If you go through Calucion Pass and head deep into the mountain, you'll come out onto a waterway lined with beautiful trees. But you won't see any people walking along its banks, because a dragon with beautiful scales started living there." Alexandro: "The customers who come here are nothing but scoundrels. They're always talking about how to ensnare someone, or some illegal business deals, and the merciless bad- -mouthing never ceases... They've always got this glint in their eyes...It may be that people feel most alive when they're doing bad things." Catherine: "I sympathize with Pierre's situation, but I can't condone it as an excuse to escape into gambling. My husband's missing, and my daughter was killed by a bomb, so I think most people of our generation have lost something in that war." /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 44. Contributions & Thanks | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ Ragu o Ragula -- Only GT mod to have the game. =p /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 45. Help Shotty! | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ Uh...yeah, some of the auto-scrolling cutscenes might be a little off due to furious typing, and there could be grammatical mistakes around, too, so e-mail me and I'll correct 'em. Make sure to address the mail with 'WA4' in the title so I know what it's related to. Here're some non-general things I could use: 01) Actual text for May 09 Amengard quote, which I had to guess a little on. For some reason, the text actually *leaves* the text box, and goes off-screen. One would probably need to look at a text dump to get this, though. Anyone? 02) September 19 -- Same problem as above. 03) Any help with the incomplete Travel would be appreciated. I don't have #15, #24, or #25 detailed, so check your inventory and see if you can give me a hand. You can also be an honorary member of Brionac II if you do any of these... >_> /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 46. Updates | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ 02-05-06 -- +Full game script +NPC List 02-07-06 -- +Amengard Script, January to May 02-08-06 -- +Amengard Script, June & July 02-09-06 -- +Amengard Script, August & September 02-10-06 -- +Amengard Script Finished +Added Travel Guide Scripts (sans 3) +Updated NPC List (Ciel Shelter) 02-12-06 -- +Added Amengard's entrance quote 04-10-06 -- +Added NPC Dialogue to Guara Bobelo 04-11-06 -- +Added NPC Dialogue to Buckeye Sttn. 04-17-06 -- +Added NPC Dialogue to Drgn Fsl Mine 04-18-06 -- +Added NPC Dialogue to Port Rosalia 04-19-06 -- +Added post-Farmel fight NPC Dialogue 08-08-06 -- +Updated contributor e-mail 10-14-06 -- +Updated Travel Guide listing /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | 47. Legal Junk | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/ This document cannot be hosted, reproduced, edited, or sold without the permission of the author. Such transgressions will probably be followed as much as the law'll allow (if you're bad about it =p). E-mail me at shotgunnova(@)gmail(.)com if you want to host it and we can be like two little Fonzies. The following websites can host this at will: /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ Script copyright (c) Shotgunnova, 1997-2006 (and countin'!) Wild ARMs 4 and its characters copyright (c) respective owners \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/