__ ___ _ _ _ ____ __ __ ____ \ \ / (_) | __| | / \ | _ \| \/ |___ | ___| \ \ /\ / /| | |/ _` | / _ \ | |_) | |\/| / __| |___ \ \ V V / | | | (_| | / ___ \| _ <| | | \__ \ ___) | \_/\_/ |_|_|\__,_| /_/ \_\_| \_\_| |_|___/ |____/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSION Avril FAQ/Walkthrough By: PeTeRL90 Copyright: 2007-2008 Date Started: August 29, 2007 Date Finished: September 30, 2007 Latest Update: January 4, 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =================== Table of Contents =================== 1.) Introduction 2.) Legal Stuff 3.) Basics 4.) Walkthrough 5.) Medium List 6.) Storyline Bosses 7.) Optional Dungeons 8.) Optional Bosses 9.) Sidequests 10.) Black Market 11.) Badge Synthesis 12.) Credits/Thanks 13.) Version History =================== 1.) Introduction =================== Howdy and welcome to my guide for Wild ARMs 5. Obviously this is the 5th installment in the Wild ARMs series. I'm still relatively new to the series as my first game was 3 back in February. Though I never finished it, I did play and complete 4 and I thought the game was great aside from the story. After learning that WA5 will have returning elements from 4 (including the HEX Battle System), I figured I'd go ahead and get the game when it came out and here I am. =================== 2.) Legal Stuff =================== The latest version of this guide will always be posted at GameFAQs first. This FAQ is copyrighted by me, and may be used for personal use. This FAQ may NOT be used for any kind of profit, or be put in any kind of magazine. I write these on my spare time for free, and you shouldn't be able to get money from ripping this, claiming it as your own, and selling it off. You may NOT use this on your website. You may NOT copy and paste part of any part of my work, as that is still plagiarising. I am no longer allowing any more sites to use any of my present or future FAQs any longer. The only sites that are allowed to use my present and future FAQs are the sites listed below. ALLOWED SITES TO USE THIS FAQ AND FUTURE FAQS: http://www.neoseeker.com http://faqs.ign.com http://www.supercheats.com http://www.gamerhelp.com http://www.honestgamers.com =================== 3.) Basics =================== Here are a couple of the basics for Wild ARMs 5. ========== HEX System ========== The HEX Battle System is back from Wild ARMs 4 and it's still the same as before. The only real difference is that everyone, including the enemies, can move and then attack in the same turn whereas Raquel was the only one in WA4 that could move and attack in the same turn. For those new to the series, here's a small diagram of how the HEX system pretty much looks. H1 H2 H6 H7 H3 H5 H4 That's how the battlefield usually is, but sometimes there are obstacles such as stone statues in the way. The basics of the battle system is easy. You get a menu of what action you want to take. Let's say you want to move and let's say Rebecca is in H3. She can only move to either H2, H7, or H4. After moving, you can Guard in that HEX (Choosing to move in the same HEX allows you to Guard) or attack, depending on where the enemy is. Most enemies can only move 1 HEX at a time as well. There are also special points on the HEX System called Ley Points. There are 4 in total: Fire Ley Point: This Ley Point has a red aura to it. Stepping in this will turn some of your magic into Fire. It also increases your resistance to fire based attacks, but lowers your resistance to Water based attacks. Water Ley Point: This one has a blue aura to it. Like with the Fire one, some of your magic might turn into the Water property. It increases your resistance to Water based attacks, but lowers your resistance to Fire based attacks. Earth Ley Point: Same as before, resistance to earth is increased, but resistance to wind is lowered. Wind Ley Point: Resistance to Wind is increased, but resistance to Earth is lowered. Also keep in mind that boss battles will have different Hex set ups, and after every battle, your HP is recovered to full. ======== GC Graph ======== Whenever you level up, you'll earn GC points that can be distributed in the GC Graph section. Using a point will lower your Max HP by a few points, make sure to invest wisely. These are used to learn new skills. The left number underneath the skill name represents your current level, whereas the right number represents the level that skill is mastered at. ================= ARMs Modification ================= At a certain part of the game, you'll be able to modify your ARMs. You can increase attack power and things like that, so make sure to make good use of this feature as you'll want to upgrade your weapons when you can. You'll need 1 Dragon Fossil to upgrade any part of your ARM. ============ Force Points ============ Force Points, or FP are built up in battle. Each character will learn a certain Force Skill, and each skill requires a certain number of FP Points to use. You can build your FP gauge by just attacking in battles. =================== 4.) Walkthrough =================== A few things to point out first. First, this walkthrough will not give out any plot spoilers. I want you to enjoy the game as it was meant to be, and if you read this guide, then be sure that I won't reveal any kind of plot twist. I learned from my past mistakes with that. Second, I'll split each dungeon or town into areas. The directions will also be based on the compass on the lower right hand of the screen. After the opening scene, you'll have control of Dean. ============== Hillside Ruins ============== Items ----- Break x2 Heal Berry x2 A1: Once you gain control, head south to reach the next area. A2: Continue south and the camera will turn, revealing a switch and some stray Gella on the floor. Run over these to collect them. Step on the switch and go through the door. A3: Continue south and then go east and pick up the stray Gella. Ignore the switch for now and go back and go west and through the door this time. A4: Go south to find two chests at the end of the room. Open them for a [_BREAK X2_] and a [_HEAL BERRY X2_]. Go back to Area 3. A3: Go east and go up to the block for a small tutorial. Pull the block on the switch and go through the door to continue. A5: Go south to the next area. A6: Head south a bit more and break one of the crates here. Just slide into it and jump up and go south. Examine the Notebook on the ground (you'll notice it as it sparkles) and after the small scene, continue to the next area. A7: You'll come across a few hills in this room. You'll also find some Jars. You can slide into them to break them to find some random items. Now dig in the hills until you find a Golem Part. The rest of the hills simply have Gella in them. Now make your way back to Area 1. A1: Simply head north for a few more scenes. ============== Capo Bronco ============== Items ----- Gella Card Heal Berry x3 A2: After the scene, head southwest. A1: Once you enter, talk with the nearby Shopmistress and she'll give you a [_GELLA CARD_] for free. Now head east and then south and go across the bridge. As soon as you step off the bridge, turn and go east for a chest that has [_HEAL BERRY X3_] in it. Go back and continue south until you find a girl kneeling in the grass. Talk with her for a scene. Afterwards, Rebecca will join your party. Now go south to exit. ============== Filgaia ============== Follow the dirt road south, then southeast, and then south again to find a save point. Save your game and go back to the entrance of Capo Bronco. Now follow the dirt path to the west this time and follow it as it turns northwest. Now follow it until you enter the Celestial Peak. ============== Celestial Peak ============== Items ----- 250 Gella Tent x2 Heal Berry x8 Gella Card Lucky Card A1: Follow the path northwest and then north. A2: Go northeast and pick up the stray Gella along the way and then follow the dirt road. A3: Go northwest. A4: At the fork, go northwest for some stray Gella and then head for the next area. A5: Follow the path west and then northeast. A4: Go southeast for some stray Gella and then a scene and a fight will kick in. You'll get your first taste at the HEX system here. This guy might pose as a problem, but if you keep Rebecca and Dean in adjacent Hexes, you can use Heal Berries to stay alive. After the fight, go northeast for two chests that has [_250 GELLA_] and [_TENT X2_] in them. Turn around and crouch to the ground and kick the log. Drop down and head east across the log. A2: Go southeast and a scene will trigger. Afterwards, continue southeast. A6: Follow the path northeast and then follow it as it bends northwest. A7: After a scene, head up a bit to find a fork. Go north and collect the stray Gella. Now go west for a chest containing [_HEAL BERRY X3_]. Kick the log down and go back to the fork and go southwest this time. Cross the log and pick up the stray Gella along the way and use the save point. Enter the next area. A8: Head north for some more Gella and then northwest for more Gella. A9: Go north and follow the path as it turns northwest. Make sure to pick up the stray Gella along the way. A10: Go northwest for a chest containing [_HEAL BERRY X5_] and continue to the next area. A11: At the fork, go northwest and you'll find a black like substance. This is a Sol Niger. If you can defeat the enemy, it'll purify and you can turn Encounters on and off at will. Defeat it if you want and then grab the two nearby chests for a [_GELLA CARD_] and a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Backtrack to the fork now and go northeast and pick up the stray Gella along the way. A12: Head up a bit and a scene will trigger. Once you regain control, go south. A11: Had southwest. A10: Go southeast. A9: Head east and jump up the ledges and kick the log here. Go back and take the southeast route this time. A8: Proceed south. A7: Go southeast and then northeast until you reach a fork. Turn and go east. A6: Head southeast and then west. A2: Simply go northwest. A4: Go west a bit and a scene will trigger, as well as a boss fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Kalivos | Level 3 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 1324 | 13 | 245 | - | Half | - | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Just a quick reference, - means that the boss will take normal damage from that element, Half means it will do half damage, Active means it'll absorb the attack, weak means it's weak against it, and Resist means it nulls out the damage. For a first real boss, this guy isn't that hard. He'll do around to 200 damage to both Rebecca and Dean, so try to keep them in adjacent Hexes if possible. Chances are you'll start at the bottom and Kalivos will start at the top. Try to get Rebecca to a Hex that's in the line of the one Kalivos is in and start shooting at him. Get Dean next to him to start attacking him. If he tries to move away, chase after him and if you can, corner him in the lower right side of the field. It's a straight forward fight. Just make sure to keep Rebecca and Dean side to side so you can use Heal Berries on one another whenever you need to heal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, watch the next set of scenes, and you'll be set to head for your next destination. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- Lucky Card x3 Gella Card x2 Nectar x3 800 Gella Tent x3 Bronze Sun You can examine the nearby Berry Trees to pick some Berries out of them, so make good use of these. Before going any further, let's do some item hunting by using the scanner. These X-Y Coordinates are the approximate range from the actual treasure chest, but they should work. I also might've missed a few chests, so if you spot any that I missed, please do send me the coordinates you found the chest at. X Y Item - - ---- 21222 23610 [_LUCKY CARD X3_] 11229 29356 [_GELLA CARD X2_] 16368 31503 [_NECTAR X3_] 18304 37147 [_800 GELLA_] 24429 43346 [_TENT X3_] 14943 48702 [_BRONZE SUN_] Now follow the dirt path outside of Capo Bronco that goes north and follow it to the circle on your map. =============== Abandonded Path =============== Items ----- Fighter Badge Dragon Fossil Lucky Card Witch Badge Heal Berry x3 Gella Card 800 Gella Thief Badge A1: Head east and then north and you'll get a small tutorial about using Dean's ARMs on the field screen. Shoot the switch to advance. A2: Head north and shoot the next set of switches to open the door to continue. A3: Go east and pick up the stray Gella. A4: Continue east. A5: Push the block on the switch and proceed to the west. A3: After the scene, it's time for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gamorrah Toad | Level 5 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 1270 | 52 | 271 | Weak | Half | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are two of these guys, but they're not all that hard. They'll start off in the top two corner Hexes, but avoid the right one for now since a Fire Ley Point is near it. Getting on that Fire Ley Point will make you vulnerable to Hydro Pressure, to corner the top left one first with Rebecca and start pummeling it. Once it goes down, make sure that the other Gamorrah Toad is either one the Fire Ley Point or on another Hex in which you can get next to it without being on the Fire Ley Point. Just attack it with the previous one to take it down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, head west a bit for a chest that has a [_FIGHTER BADGE_] in it. Step on the switch and make your way back to the save point and go west from it. A6: Go west and then turn north and go through the door. A8: Head up a bit and shoot the chest on the other side of the gate for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. Go back to the previous room. A6: Head west for some stray Gella and then turn and go north. A7: After the scene, go north and either open or shoot the chest to obtain a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Head south and then turn around and go up the stairs and pick up the stray Gella and go through the door. A8: Shoot the switch and open the other chest for a [_WITCH BADGE_]. Proceed to the east now. A3: After the scene, you'll be able to equip Mediums on your characters now. You can only equip two right now. One has the skill Heal on it, whereas the other one has Blast on it. Don't worry about the third one for now. Equip the as you see fit and open the chest for [_HEAL BERRY X3_]. Go north. A9: Use the save point and open the chest for a [_GELLA CARD_]. Head east to reach the next area. A10: Go all the way east in this room and go past the stairs and check behind the staircase for a chest with [_200 GELLA_] in it. Take the stairs this time. A11: After the scene, push the two boxes on the switches and continue west. A9: Step on the switch here and drop down. Jump up the new set of stairs while picking up the stray Gella on the ground and shoot the switches to open the door. A12: Head north for some stray Gella and a scene will occur, and then a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Unknown | Level 6 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3000 | 320 | 594 | Weak | Weak | Weak | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This boss isn't exactly tough, but if you're not careful he can instantly KO one of your characters. Try not to corner the boss just yet as you'll want to keep him away from either the Earth or Wind Ley Point. When you attack him. you'll realize that your attacks do jackcrap. If analyze him, you'll see that he's weak to all four elements, which means magic is the way to go. Whoever has the Medium with Blast in it will be your main attacker for this fight. Have that character hop into one of the elemental Hexes and start using Blast. Blast is naturally a neutral skill, but with the power of the Ley Points, it can become an elemental blast. If you're using this in the Wind or Earth Ley Point, take caution as Unknown can use Blast too, and if he uses it in the opposite Ley Point from you, there's a good chance the character in the Earth or Wind Ley Point can be instantly killed. Just keep using blast on it while Dean and Avril start chipping away at its health. Now would be a good time to use a Lucky and Gella card as well as that experience amount is pretty good for this early in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, proceed northwest and go past the door and head south to find a chest tucked away in the corner. Open it up for a [_THIEF BADGE_]. Go back to the door and go through it. A13: Head north and then go through the door on the west wall. A14: Proceed a bit west and thne turn and go south. A15: Break the Jars in this room and adjust the camera so you can lock onto the switches on the higher level. Shoot them. A16: Open the chest for [_600 GELLA_]. Go back to Area 13. A13: Head north. A17: After the scene, you'll end up on the world map. Enter back into the Abandonded Path to find the Sol Niger. Purify it if you want and exit back outside. ============== Filgaia ============== Head north and follow the path as it bends into a town. ============== Mirapulse ============== Items ----- 600 Gella Fast Gunman LVL Apple A1: After the scene, head northwest past the slope to find two chests tucked away. Open them for [_600 GELLA_] and a [_FAST GUNMAN_]. Go back to the slope now and head down the past. Go past the shop and talk to the man you come across to find a shop. Make sure to upgrade your armor and ARM attachments here. Enter the building you just went by. A2: Head up the stairs and head to the right on the second floor. Examine the shining object for a [_LVL APPLE_]. Make sure to talk to the blonde haired kid, otherwise you won't know where to search for the Hunting License. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- Bronze Moon Hunter's License Priest Badge Sky Twister 2000 Gella Gella Card x5 X Y Item - - ---- 29920 63082 [_BRONZE MOON_] 31528 68245 [_HUNTER'S LICENSE_] 27439 72650 [_PRIEST BADGE_] 34728 66524 [_SKY TWISTER_] 34521 58491 [_2000 GELLA_] 19796 58849 [_GELLA CARD X5_] If you can't find the Hunter's License, go north and follow the tracks leading north until you find an old run down building in the middle of the field. Scan around there to find it. Go back to Mirapulse. ============== Mirapulse ============== After the scene, it's time to make our way to the next dungeon. Exit back to the world map and head for the circled area. =============== Lightless Shaft =============== Items ----- Dog Leash 2000 Gella Light Coat Lucky Card Fairy's Feather Revive Fruit x2 Hard Denim Prism Staff A1: Head northeast. A2: Go northeast and shoot the barrels here. Go back and follow the path as it bends northwest and pick up the stray Gella along the way. Run past the small flight of stairs and open the chest at the end of the path for a [_DOG LEASH_]. Go back and head up the stairs and through the door. A3: Drop down and open the chest down here for [_1000 GELLA_]. Go back up and go east for some barrels. Hit the nearby lever and go back and kick the mine cart. Follow the path north and pick up the stray Gella and the chest at the end for a [_LIGHT COAT_]. Go west to enter the next aera. A4: Proceed to the west. A5: Head south and break the barrels here and grab the chest for a [_LUCKY CARD_]. A6: After the scene, you'll get into a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Spriggan | Level 9 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 2440 | 90 | 472 | Half | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Spriggan has a nasty earth base attack, so you'll want to take over the Earth Ley Point as soon as you can with either Dean or Rebecca/Avril, depending on who has Blast. Once you cover the Earth Ley Point, get the person who has Blast to the Wind Ley Point as fast as possible and start spamming Blast on Spriggan. Try to avoid having your characters in a line on the Hexes, as Spriggan uses an attack that attacks all Hexes in a straight line. Just keep healing with whoever has Heal or use Heal Berries and you should be fine for this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, go east and break the barrels and take the door. A7: Head south for some stray Gella and enter the next aera. A8: Go north and then turn as the path goes northeast. Open the two chests for a [_FAIRY'S FEATHER_] and [_1000 GELLA_]. Go through the door. A9: Head north a bit and open the chest for a [_REVIVE FRUIT X2_]. Go back and head west and break the barrels. Go east now and hit the lever and head south a bit and hit the next lever. Kick the mine cart and go back, ignoring the lever right by you. Hit the second lever instead and kick the cart. Go west and then north and pick up the stray Gella along the way. A10: After the scene, head north for some more stray Gella. A11: Continue east. A12: Simply trek south here. A13: Go south and hit the lever. Go up to where the mine cart is and kick it. Hit the lever again and go back to the mine cart and kick it. Head south and go hit the next lever right next to the mine cart and kick it again. Go to where the mine cart is and hit the lever next to it. Kick the mine cart one last time and head south through the new doorway. A14: Go southeast for some barrels and some stray Gella. Go up the small set of stairs and through the door. A15: Go east and ignore the other route for now and you'll find the Sol Niger for this dungeon. Purify it and go back to the fork and take the north path this time. A16: Go east for two chests containing a [_HARD DENIM_] and a [_PRISM STAFF_]. Head back a bit and go north this time. A17: Go north and use the scene point and go west to reach the next area. A18: Head south a bit for a scene, and then a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Spriggan | Level 10 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3000 | 280 | 1050 | - | Half | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are two of these guys, and the way the Hex field is set up is not favorable to you in any way. They'll both start out in one of the two corners which makes this a nasty set up. You'll want to try to avoid putting all three characters in the line of these two beasts as they can still use that attack that attacks all Hexes in a straight line. There are two ways you can handle this fight. Either corner one of them and gather everyone in the same Hex and start attacking one at a time to take it down faster, or you can corner one with only one character while the other two stay back out of the line of fire. Either way you go, you'll want to use the Ley Changing skill that comes with one of the Mediums you equipped as you don't want them in the Earth Ley Point. Since they can use that skill as well, it may benefit them more than you, so keep changing the Ley Points if they do until the Earth one is either under you or non-existant. If you're going to stick everyone in one Hex to attack, then have someone ready to use Healing Berries and/or the Heal skill. Remember to use a Lucky Card and a Gella Card for this fight. Remember that you don't need to be in the same Hex with the person using it for it to effect you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, watch the scene and another fight occurs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Professor | Level 55 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 46500 | 0 | 0 | Weak | Half | Weak | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Unless you somehow got 70 levels by this point of the game, you can't win this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the scene and make your way to the exit. Go back to Mirapulse. ============== Mirapulse ============== Watch the scenes. Afterwards, make your way to Cavam Valley, which is the Train Station you found the Lisence at. ============== Cavam Valley ============== After the set of scenes, you'll be back on the world map. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- Chain Vest Gather Knight Badge X Y Item - - ---- 22024 65243 [_CHAIN VEST_] 14815 62211 [_GATHER_] 18031 67177 [_KNIGHT BADGE_] Explore around for the above items if you want. Once you're ready, make your way to the first circle on your map. ============== Wayward Path ============== Items ----- 3000 Gella Crescendo Step Lucky Card Spirit Saber Bronze Moon Black Shirt Gella Card A1: Head down the path. A2: After the scene, head north and then east. A3: Go north and pick up the stray Gella along the way. Hit the set of switches to proceed. A4: Go east for some stray Gella. Once you find a chest, open it up for [_3000 GELLA_]. Go back near the entrance of the area and turn the camera until you find a chest behind a pillar. Open it to fight a Mimic. Upon defeating it, you'll obtain a [_CRESCENDO STEP_]. Go south and enter the next area. A5: Head south and open the chest here for a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Go back to the previous area. A4: Climb the ladder here and go east through the door. A7: Continue east and turn north to find some barrels and crates. Shoot them to reveal a switch. Shoot the switch and go back and take the other route. Break the next set of crates and barrels and hit the other switch. Go back and use the save point and go through the door. A8: After the scene, a fight occurs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Ruins Guard | Level 15 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3622 | 275 | 846 | Weak | Resist | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is a pretty simple fight. Your first priority is to get the character with Blast into the Fire Ley Point. Once you do so, pummel it with Blast while your other two characters start attacking it or using Heal Berries. Not much strategy to this fight really since he doesn't have any nasty attacks to worry about. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, go east and climb the ladder. Head south and open the chest to fight a Mimic. Upon defeating it, you'll obtain a [_SPIRIT SABER_]. Go through the door. A9: After the scene, continue east and quickly shoot the switches before they reset to open the door. A10: Pick up the stray Gella and continue east. A11: Go east to find two chests containing a [_BRONZE MOON_] and a fight with a Mimic. Once the Mimic is defeated, you'll obtain the [_BLACK SHIRT_], which is Rebecca's first alternate costume. You can wear it if you want, but if you've upgraded her equipment, then it will lower her stats. Go back to Area 10. A10: Jump up on the boxes and continue north and pull out your ARMs. Keep shooting them until the door is all the way to the top and the switches turn red. Go through the door now. A12: Continue east for some stray Gella and then turn and go north to find a chest containing a [_GELLA CARD_]. Go west and use the save point. Head south a bit for some more stray Gella and go back to the save point. Go north a bit and shoot the switch above the door to open it. A13: After the scene, it's time for another fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Tarasque Gorath | Level 16 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3690 | 650 | 0 | Weak | Half | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Tarasque Mons | Level 16 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 2980 | 0 | 1050 | - | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This fight might seem a bit intimidating at first since you're going to be getting pummeled for the first fight, but it's pretty simple as long as you keep up with the healing. Your first priority is to keep them out of the Fire Ley Point and move either Dean/Rebecca/Avril into the Fire Ley Point. Whoever has Blast should move there and start attacking Tarasque Gorath with it as his Res is pretty low. If you can trap him in the Water Ley Point, then this will go by even quicker. Gorath and Mons will surround the middle hexes and start attacking you. These attacks can be pretty damaging, especially towards Avril, so be ready with Heal Berries or Heal. If you have it, use Quicken in the Fire Ley Point. Once Gorath is down, use physical attacks on Mons as his RES stat is pretty high, but his DEF is low. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, continue north and purify the Sol Niger here. Take the door. A15: After the scene, you'll exit automatically. ============== Filgaia ============== Just head north until you reach the next town. ============== Gounon ============== Items ----- Neutrino Medal RFX Apple Arctic Blade ATK Apple Rabbit Badge A1: Once you enter town, a scene will play. Afterwards, head north and then south until you find a shining object. Examine it for a [_NEUTRINO MEDAL_]. Go back to the entrance and go west across the bridge. Examine the apples to find a [_RFX APPLE_]. Talk with the girl here too. She also happens to be a cameo appearance of Yulie from Wild ARMs 4. Choose the first option to receive a Music Box. Continue north and open the chest at the end for an [_ARCTIC BLADE_]. You can also shop around this area as well. Approach the door for a scene. Enter the door now. A2: Go west and examine the shining object for an [_ATK APPLE_]. Go down the path her and go west behind the machines to find a hidden chest containing a [_RABBIT BADGE_]. Exit. A1: If you go to the fountain, you'll find a cameo appearance from Gallows from Wild ARMs 3 as well. Go to the Graveyard for a scene. Now go back to Area 2. A2: Talk to the man on the left for a scene. Now exit back to the world map. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- Dragon Fossil Heavy Guard Bronze Sun Hydro Pressure Silver Sun Wing Robe X Y Item - - ---- 23805 83026 [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] 27862 82859 [_HEAVY GUARD_] 43803 73432 [_BRONZE SUN_] 50756 79601 [_HYDRO PRESSURE_] 47370 84800 [_SILVER SUN_] 32640 84863 [_WING ROBE_] The Heavy Guard and Wing Robe are alternate outfits for Dean and Avril. Avril's should give a boost to her stats as well, so make sure to try to find it. Head for the circled area on your map once you're ready. =================== Temple of Rejection =================== Items ----- Duplicator x3 Freeze Ray Antidote x5 Dragon Fossil Refrigerator Lucky Card Moonstone 3000 Gella Potion Berry x3 A1: Go north and examine the door. Use the Amulet to advance. A2: After the scene, continue to the west. A3: Open the nearby chest for [_DUPLICATOR X3_]. Use a Duplicator on the blue chest now for the [_FREEZE RAY_]. Now you can shoot Freeze Bullets. Go north and freeze the tiles you come across and cross over. Shoot the flame out on the other side. Now make your way back to Area 2. A2: Go northeast and enter the next door. A4: Go north and freeze the tiles. Advance across while picking up the stray Gella. Use the save point and continue to the west. A5: At the fork, go north for a chest in the ground containing [_ANTIDOTE X5_]. Now go and turn the handle until a blue arrow appears over on the north side of the room. A6: After the scene, you'll get into a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Twilight Venom | Level 19 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 2170 | 382 | 764 | Weak | Half | Absorb | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll only have Dean and Carol for this fight (I'm not exactly a huge fan of her voice work) but it's really not that tough. Twilight Venom will pretty much just poison the Hex Carol and/or Dean is standing on, so have Carol use Antidotes while Dean attacks it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, another scene occurs. Now continue to Area 7. A7: Open the chest for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] and continue to the west. A8: Follow the path and pick up the stray Gella along the way. Freeze the tiles when you come across them and open the chest on the other end for a [_REFRIGERATOR_]. A10: Go north a bit and destroy three of the brown crates and jump up. Open the chest for a [_LUCKY CARD_] and shoot out the flame. Continue east. A11: Follow the path until a scene triggers. At the fork, go north. A13: Break three brown colored crates again and jump up to the platform. Step on the switch up here and go west to where a small stream of water is. Freeze the water and pick up the stray Gella and open the chest at the top for a [_MOONSTONE_]. Go south. A14: Turn the handle until a path leading east opens. A15: Continue east down the ramp to find a chest containing [_3000 GELLA_] and a Sol Niger. If you're going to purify it, make sure to steal from at least one of them as they carry an ARM Part for Dean. Go back to Area 14. A14: Turn the handle until you can go west. A16: Go west and freeze the water. Pick up the stray Gella and open the chest for [_POTION BERRY X3_]. Continue south and shoot out the flames here with the Freeze Bullets. A17: At the fork, go south and break the jars here and go back to the fork. Go east this time and use the save point. A2: After the scene, it's time for another fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Water Scutum | Level 20 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3270 | 600 | 800 | Weak | Absorb | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Fire Scutum | Level 20 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3690 | 600 | 800 | Absorb | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The first thing you'll want to do is cover the Fire Ley Point so that the Fire Scutum doesn't get a chance to get on it. While Blast or Hi-Blast may do less damage if the Fire Scutum isn't on the Fire Ley Point, its Cremation attack while on the Fire Ley Point will do a lot of damage, so get to the Water Ley Point and use Blast or Hi-Blast to quickly take out the Fire Scutum. Sometimes one of them will cast Gather to get you away from it. If that happens, quickly scurry back to the Water Ley Point to finish off the Fire Scutum. Repeat the same process with the Water Scutum, except use the Fire Ley Point to damage it. There's nothing exciting to steal here, so don't bother with it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the scene, take the door. A18: Continue east and at the fork, go north. A15: Step on the switch to lower the gate here. Go back. A18: Go south this time and after the scene, exit and make your way back to Gounon. ============== Gounon ============== After the next set of scenes, prepare yourself. Go talk with the Mayor in the Wine Factory to get a few items. Once you're ready, make your way to the Train Station. ============== Orsaeos ============== After the next set of scenes, you'll be at the next station. Exit it. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- 5000 Gella Regenerate Dragon Fossil x3 Shut Out Protection Robe Bad Omen Protect Bronze Sun Stone Bullet Berserker Badge NOTE: [D] = A Duplicator is required to open that chest. If there is an UNKNOWN next to a Coordinate, that means I haven't been able to open that chest yet, but I'll fill it in once I'm able to do so. X Y Item - - ---- 67405 83166 [_5000 GELLA_] [D] 69963 90732 [_REGENERATE_] 73389 77307 [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] 78573 83002 [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] 70053 62893 [_SHUT OUT_] 75841 62786 [_PROTECTION ROBE_] 78731 70424 [_BAD OMEN_] 82832 72651 [_SILVER MOON_] [D] 84355 70494 [_PROTECT_] 79733 63838 [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] [D] 71888 75575 [_BRONZE SUN_] 68200 71850 [_STONE BULLET_] 76150 68363 [_BERSERKER BADGE_] Make your way to the circle on your map when you're ready. ============== Laila Belle ============== Items ----- Lucky Card Duplicator x4 Quicken Potion Berry x3 ATK Apple Gella Card Hi-Vortex x3 Comet Mark 3000 Gella Neutrino Medal A2: After the scene, go east and open the two chests for a [_LUCKY CARD_] and [_DUPLICATOR X4_]. Now go to the south part of this area and open the two blue chests with those Duplicators you just got for a [_QUICKEN_] and [_POTION BERRY X3_]. Now go north and enter the building. A3: After the scene, go east and examine the plant for an [_ATK APPLE_]. Go a bit more east to find a chest tucked in the corner for a [_GELLA CARD_]. Go back to Area 2. A2: Go north through either of the two doors now. A1: Go northwest to find a chest containing a [_HI-VORTEX X3_]. Go directly northeast now and open the two chests on the other side for a [_COMET MARK_] and [_3000 GELLA_]. Go southwest and examine the shining object in the plant for a [_NEUTRINO MEDAL_]. Now talk around in this area until someone tells you the direction of your next destination. She'll be standing near a wall. Once you're done here, exit. ============== Filgaia ============== With one spare Duplicator in hand, let's open one of the Duplicator chests out here. Go to X: 79733 Y: 63838 to find another Dragon Fossil. If you opened that already, then go find another chest to open that you haven't opened yet. When you get to your next destination, don't enter the building yet. Instead, take the southeast path and follow the winding path until you find a travelling merchant in the middle of the dirt road. Upgrade your equipment here and go back to where you were supposed to enter and proceed. ============== Mithysmere ============== Items ----- Dragon Fossil 4500 Gella Nectar x3 Brave Guard Duplicator x2 Hourglass A1: Once you gain control, head northwest along the path and before going through the door, turn and jump over the fence to find a chest. Open it to fight a Mimic. You'll receive a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_ after the fight. Now go through the door. A2: Stomp on the switch to proceed forward. A1: Go northeast. A4: Go southeast a bit and you'll run into a fork. Go northeast and pick up the stray Gella along the way. A5: Lower the bridge by turning the handle next to it and go north and then turn and go south for a chest containing [_4500 GELLA_]. Lower the next bridge and continue east while picking up the stray Gella. A6: At the fork here, go northeast to find a chest containing [_NECTAR X3_]. Go back to the fork and take the west path this time. A10: Lower the bridge and go east across it to find a Duplicator chest and a Sol Niger. Purify the Sol Niger and go back to the previous aera. A6: Go towards the save point this time and go southeast while picking up the spare Gella. A7: Go south a bit to reach another fork. Go southeast to find a chest that's actually a Mimic. You'll get a [_BRAVE GUARD_] after defeating it. Backtrack to the fork and go southwest this time. A8: Lower the bridge and cross it by going west. Lower the next bridge and continue west. Once you reach the end of the path, turn south and shoot the barrels sitting on the edge. Now go northeast to find a chest containing [_DUPLICATOR X2_]. Lower the next bridge and then make your way back to Area 10, where the Sol Niger and the Duplicator Chest was. A10: Open the Duplicator chest for an [_HOURGLASS_]. Go back to Area 7 now. A7: At the fork, go north and pick up the stray Gella along the way. A10: Go west and lower the bridge and then approach the flames for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Lizard Man | Level 20 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 1472 | 150 | 412 | Weak | Half | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll fight four of these guys. They're not really all that different from normal enemies, but they seem to be a bit stronger. Hurry and get Rebecca or anyone with the Blast spell to the Fire Ley Point and start using Blast or Hi-Blast on them while Dean and Avril/Rebecca heals and attacks. Not that tough of a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, go back to Area 4 with the fork. A4: Head up a bit for a scene, and then go back to Area 10. A10: Approach the flames for a scene, and then another fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Balam | Level 22 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 4388 | 2140 | 1890 | Half | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Now this fight is a step up from the last fight. You'll want to avoid using physical attacks for this fight because Balam will reflect any physical attacks back at you for the same damage it would've hit him for, so Rebecca and Avril will be your two main people for this fight. Try to get Rebecca or Avril, whoever has Hi-Blast to the Water Ley Point as soon as possible (that spot also has an after-battle item) and start spamming Hi-Blast. If you can, also try to get him next to the Wind Ley Point and let Avril use Hi-Vortex's on him to damage him. Have Dean use Heal Berries when necessary and keep defending with him whenever he has nothing to do. Make sure to use a Lucky and Gella card if you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, watch the next set of scenes involving a crossdressing man. Make your way back to Laila Belle. ============== Laila Belle ============== A3: After the scene, exit back out to Area 2. A2: Head north. A1: Go northeast and enter the only building you haven't entered yet. Once you enter, a scene will kick up and a fight will occur. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Elebart | Level 24 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 7570 | 2030 | 1200 | - | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This fight isn't all that hard, but you'll want to watch out for one certain attack. Get Rebecca or Avril to the Wind Ley Point and start spamming Hi-Blast on it while Dean should be up close attacking it. Once you get 50 FP, use Sonic Vision with Dean to make this fight go more quickly. The one attack you'll want to watch out for is when he'll spend one turn building up a Lightning based attack. Greg will warn you when he does this. Take his advice and guard with all of your characters as it'll do a lot of damage to one character. Heal up on the next turn and start using Hi-Blast again while on the Wind Ley Point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== FBC Network Studio ================== A1: Head north. A2: Head north a bit more and you'll come across three different doors. Each door has a different game behind it, and you need to complete all of them in order to advance. Take the northwest door first. Northwest Door -------------- You'll need to find out which door is different from the others and take that door. I'm not sure if the answers are different or not each game, but here's the door orders that I went through. Door 1: South Door Door 2: West Door Door 3: North Door Door 4: East Door If those aren't correct, then look carefully at the doors and look at things such as the color of the door, the size of the jars near the door, the painting above the door and so on. If you go through the wrong door, you'll be in a penality fight. A2: Take the north door this time. North Door ---------- You just need to simply run through a couple of mazes. These are pretty simple to figure out. A2: Take the northeast door this time. Northeast Door -------------- This time, you need to go through the correct door by reading the hints off the signs. Read the hints and make your pick based on the hints you receive. You need to do this twice. A2: Use the save point and go west through the new door this time. A11: Go south down the stairs for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Igoronak | Level 25 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3870 | 1750 | 757 | - | Half | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Not too difficult. Try to corner one and start normally attacking them. They might do a bit more damage towards Avril, but you can fix that with a simple Heal or Hi-Heal. Just corner one and focus on that one. After it falls, go corner the second one and beat the living hell out of it. Sonic Vision doesn't hurt at all either, so abuse it with Dean if you can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the scene, it's time for another fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Nightburn | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 17000 | 0 | 0 | Weak | - | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can't win this fight, but try to hit him anyways for giggles before he obliterates you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the scene, it's time to head back to Mithysmere. ============== Mithysmere ============== After the scenes, make your way to the new destination marked on your map. ================== Memorial Sanctuary ================== Items ----- Fire Bullet 5000 Gella Shooting Star Duplicator x2 Hazel Sprig Gella Card Treasure Tone A1: Head north and you'll find a console up here. Examine it and you'll be prompted to enter a password. Input "Dean" without the quotations to open the door. Continue north and then west. A2: After the scene, continue west and then go south and through the door. A3: Go south a bit and open the two chests on the side for the [_FIRE BULLET_] and [_5000 GELLA_]. Go back to Area 2 now. A2: Shoot the torches with your new Fire Bullets and go through the door. A4: Pull the block on the switch and continue west and then north. A5: Freeze the lower box and then shoot the top box. Push the box on the switch and continue north. Open the Duplo chest for a [_SHOOTING STAR_] and continue to the east. A6: At the save point, go south. A7: You'll get into a fight here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gigamantis | Level 26 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 8540 | 1210 | 1000 | Half | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Roper | Level 26 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 2240 | 428 | 564 | Weak | Half | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Oddly enough, there's no Wind Ley Point here, so you can't target the Gigamantis's weak point. You'll want to focus on getting rid of the Ropers first as these little buggers are the most annoying part of this fight. They have the ability to cast Disease in a Hex, which doesn't allow the healing of a character. However, this can work both ways, so if you can, try to corner the Roper into a Disease Hex if possible. Stand in the Fire Ley Point and use Blast/Hi-Blast with whoever has Blast while Dean starts attacking them. Once they go down, surround the Gigamantis with Dean and Rebecca/Carol/Greg while Avril stays back and uses heal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, continue west and then north. A8: Go east and climb the ladder here. A9: You'll find a bunch of torches lined up around the circular room. You only have to light four torches in total. To light the correct torches, look at the walls and you'll notice that some of them have light coming from them. Light the torches that are between the walls with the lights coming out of them. Now climb back down. A8: Go down the stairs and go north and then west up the stairs for a chest that has [_DUPLICATOR X2_] in it. Return to Area 6. A6: From the save point, go east and south to find a Duplo chest. Open it up for a [_HAZEL SPRIG_]. Now go back to Area 8. A8: Continue north. A10: After the scene, go southeast and pick up the stray Gella along the way. Make sure to shoot the Jars here as one of them contains an item. Continue along the path. A11: Go a bit south and at the fork, go west for a chest containing a [_GELLA CARD_]. Go back and unfreeze the blocks to make them start moving. Make your way south hopping across the blocks and step on the switch. Go back north and then go east. A12: Follow the path while lighting the torches along the way. A13: Go south for a chest containing a [_TREASURE TONE_]. Go back and continue to the east. A14: Follow the path while lighting the torches. A15: Melt the door and examine the console here. Now go behind the huge machine to find five orbs. Turn one orb blue by shooting it with a Freeze Bullet, and then turn three orbs red by shooting it with a Fire Bullet. Now go to the machine on the side wall and ride the elevator. A13: Take the stairs and purify the Sol Niger up here. Go back down and go through the door. A14: You'll get into a fight here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Plague Beetle | Level 27 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 9900 | 7052 | 2150 | - | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The first thing you'll want to do in this fight is use a Lucky Card. The Plague Beetle is a nasty little guy because he hits hard and has the ability to cause Poison and Disease in a Hex, which can be fatal in this fight. Try to occupy the Earth Ley Point as soon as you can to avoid him using Heavy Crush. If he uses Virus Breeding, make sure to back away from him as the next turn, he'll use an attack that hits the Hexes surrounding him doing heavy damage AND it causes the Disease status. Plus, it's a free turn move so he gets to act right away afterwards. Once you occupy the Earth Ley Point, get Rebecca/Avril/Carol or whoever has Hi-Blast to the Wind Ley Point while Avril should stay back and use Hi-Heal. His Blade Arm attack hurts just as much, so make sure not to hesitate when it comes to using Berries to heal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue south and then east and use the save point here. Take a good look at the flame. Go through the door in which the flame blows. A17: Go east and south and light the torch here. Go through the door the flame is pointing to. A18: Go south and then west and light the torch here. Don't go through any of the doors. Instead, go examine the wall on the northwest side of the room. A19: After the scenes, you'll obtain two items, the Baskar Medicine and a Mountain Medium. A2: Exit this area and make your way back to Mithysmere. ============== Mithysmere ============== Items ----- Rapid Shirt After the next set of scenes, try to exit the area and another scene will kick up and you'll also gain a few items, including the Detector. Re-enter now. A1: Go southeast. A3: Light the torch here and go through the door. A1: Go north. A9: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_RAPID SHIRT_]. Before exiting again, look for someone that stands out from the rest of the people here. He'll offer to synthesize Badges for you. Now exit. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- Silver Moon Go to coordinates [X] 82832 [Y] 72651 and open the Duplo chest here for a [_SILVER MOON_]. Now make your way to the marked destination on the map. ============== Starlit Path ============== Items ----- Refrigerator Gella Card Dragon Fossil Silver Sun Nightmare Geo Amulet Ryan's Shield Dog Leash Lucky Card Hazel Sprig A1: Go down the stairs and open the chest for a [_HAZEL SPRIG_]. Continue to the east. A2: Head up a bit and you'll get a small tutorial on the Detector. Use it to reveal some hidden platforms and cross over the gap while picking up the stray Gella. A3: Continue south and approach the pipe for another tutorial. Climb the pipe and jump up on the ledge and continue south. A4: After the scene, continue east and you'll find a chest. Open it up to fight a Mimic. These guys are dangerous since now they have the ability to instantly KO a character. After defeating it, you'll obtain a [_GELLA CARD_]. Continue south and look at the mural on the wall. Light the top most torch to continue. A5: Go down the path and go through the first door on the east wall first. A6: Push the box near the chest and then shoot it to blow it up. The chest will open and you'll obtain a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. Go back to Area 5. A5: Go south and jump across the pipes to cross the gap. Use the save point and go on through the door. A7: After the scene, it's time for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Sand Stag | Level 29 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3900 | 1820 | 1600 | - | Weak | - | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Sand Crab | Level 28 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 5900 | 1487 | 1560 | Weak | Resist | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The first thing you'll want to do is occupy the Water Ley Point since the Sand Crab can use Maelstrom and if he gets in the water Hex first, this can prove to be trouble. Both of these enemies have an ARM Part to steal, so if you want to steal those, that's up to you. Try to keep yourself out of the Wind Ley Point as well since the Sand Stag can use Stone Bullet. Once you occupy by the Water Ley Point, get Rebecca/Avril or whoever has Hi-Blast to the Fire Ley Point and start using Hi-Blast on the Sand Crab. Both of their normal attacks can hit pretty hard, so have Avril ready with Heal/Hi-Heal. Once the Sand Crab is taken down, occupy the Water Ley Point with your Hi-Blast caster and finish off the Sand Stag. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, use the Detector and a hidden switch will appear. Step on it and go east through the door. A8: Go climb the pipes and jump over the fences and open the two Duplicator chests for a [_SILVER SUN_] and a [_NIGHTMARE_]. Go back to Area 7. A7: Continue to the south. A9: Go south and shoot the Jars here as one of them contains an item. Now go to the east side of the room and climb the pipe here and open the Duplicator chest up here for a [_GEO AMULET_]. Drop back down and go to the west side of the room and climb the pipe here. Open the chest at the top to fight a Mimic. Once it's defeated, you'll obtain a [_RYAN'S SHIELD_]. Go through the door up here as well. A12: Open the two chests in this room for a [_DOG LEASH_] and a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Go back to Area 9. A9: Drop down and take the west door. A10: Line two of the boxes right in the middle of the four torches and shoot one of them to light all four torches at once. Go through the newly opened door. A11: Go north while picking up the stray Gella and examine the Mural on the wall. Go back to Area 9. A9: Go to the northeast side of the room and climb the pipe here until you find a switch at the top. Push it in with your head and go through the door that just opened. A13: Like with the previous puzzle, you need to light only a certain amount of torches. * \ T - * | | T - T / \ * T The *'s are the torches you need to light up in order to open the door. Go through the door. A14: Use the save point and step on the three switches. Go northeast and climb the pipe to hit the final switch to open the door. Continue on. A15: Time for another fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Rhinoceros | Level 30 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 10200 | 7800 | 2340 | Weak | Half | - | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Compared to the last fight, this one isn't all that difficult either. He does have an ARM Part to steal, but that's up to you if you want to take the time to snag it. Get your Hi-Blast user to the Fire Ley Point and start using it on him. Get Dean up close to start attacking him while Avril or whoever has Hi-Heal should stay back and heal your other party members. His attacks should be easily counterable with Hi-Heal, so you should be fine for this fight. Make sure to use a Lucky Card as well to get over 15,000 Experience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, continue south and once you reach the bottom of the stairs, turn the camera to find a chest. Open it to fight a Mimic. Once it's defeated, you'll obtain a [_HAZEL SPRIG_]. Go up the stairs and through the door. A17: Take the stairs in this room and exit for a scene. ============== Filagia ============== Make your way to Honeysday, which is circled on the map. We'll do some item exploring in a couple of minutes. ============== Honeysday ============== Items ----- Silver Moon Duplicator x2 Dragon Fossil Neutrino Medal A1: Head north to reach the next area. A2: Go east until a scene triggers. Afterwards, check underneath the nearby stairs for a Duplicator chest containing a [_SILVER MOON_]. Go behind the Cafe now for two more chests containing a [_DUPLICATOR X2_] and a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. Go up the stairs and check behind the first house for a shining object. Examine it for a [_NEUTRINO MEDAL_]. Go back down and head to the Cafe again. Jet should be right near it, so talk with him. Let's do this sidequest now as if you do it later, it will no longer be available. Choose Yes twice and you'll get a Humpty Dumpty. You need to backtrack all the way back to Laila Belle with this. Make sure to run away from all fights. Equip the Rabbit Badge on someone (namely one of your unactive party members) and then equip the armors that have the highest RFX stat on your three active party members. Now make your way to Laila Belle while running from every battle. ============== Laila Belle ============== Go to the guild receptionist and hand over the egg to her. In return, you'll get a few items and some Gella. ============== Filgaia ============== Go back to where Honeysday is, but don't enter the town. Instead, follow the dirt path and you'll find another train station. Enter it. ============== Meisis ============== Talk with the people here and one of them will mention Puzzle Boxes. We can now find Puzzle Boxes on the world map with the scanner. Exit. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- Duplicator x10 Lucky Card x5 Dragon Fossil x2 Holy Berry x3 Gella Card x3 7000 Gella Agony Effect Land Steal Isolate Item Scope Dispel Tent x5 Chick Badge Gunstar Sign Berserker Badge Frog Badge Prism Staff Ninja Badge X Y Item - - ---- 73240 41084 [_DUPLICATOR X5_] 74610 48981 Puzzle Box #1 - [_LUCKY CARD X5_] 77257 42482 [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] 87602 32729 [_DUPLICATOR X5_] 83690 34252 Puzzle Box #4 - [_HOLY BERRY X3_] 90028 41868 [_GELLA CARD X3_] 84463 37201 [_2000 GELLA_] 76690 26100 [_AGONY EFFECT_] 70761 38379 [_LAND STEAL_] 57837 41455 [_ISOLATE_] [D] 71027 31871 [_ITEM SCOPE_] 75803 10040 [_DISPEL_] 68454 7996 [_TENT X5_] 67348 9180 Puzzle Box #11 - [_CHICK BADGE_] 69530 10543 [_GUNSTAR SIGN_] [D] 81687 22101 [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] 80948 17196 [_BERSERKER BADGE_] 83128 14668 Puzzle Box #9 - [_FROG BADGE_] 88592 18125 [_5000 GELLA_] 93374 27666 [_PRISM STAFF_] 91576 37632 [_NINJA BADGE_] I really do like this music for this part of the world map. It reminded me of both Dragon Quest VIII and Final Fantasy VI. Hopefully you've got a couple of hours to spare if you're going for all of those items. Once you're ready, head for the circled destination on your map. ================= Desecrated Shrine ================= Items ----- Duplicator x2 Gella Card Dragon Fossil Lucky Card 7500 Gella Medicine x5 Moonstone Stake Driver Emblem Vest A1: Once the Gob comes around near you, shoot him with a Fire Bullet. He'll light the torch for you. Continue north. A2: Go east. A3: Open the chest in this hall for a [_DUPLICATOR X2_] and follow the hall as it winds around. A4: Shoot the Gob with a Fire Bullet here and go east for a chest containing a [_GELLA CARD_]. Go up the stairs and shoot the Jars here and go back down and through the door. A5: You'll find a Gob sitting on one of the pedestals in this hallway. Shoot it with any bullet and you'll get into a fight. You have to shoot it or else it'll never go away. You'll also be finding many more Gobs like this, so make sure you can handle the fights here. Continue on. A6: Shoot the box near the Gob and step on the switch to open the door. Go through it. A7: Shoot the Gob and then open the chest for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. Continue along and a pretty amusing scene will start up here. Greg pretty much did it for me with his chuckle. After the scene, continue along. A8: Make sure the Gob is away from the box first before shooting it. Now switch to your Fire Bullets and wait for him to get close to you before shooting him. Go through the door. A9: Shoot the Gobs in this hall and continue on. A2: Dean's frickin' hungry for some Gob asskicking! Too bad his negotiation skills suck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Axe Gob | Level 33 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 6300 | 2500 | 2040 | - | Half | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Shotel Gob | Level 32 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 2520 | 611 | 204 | Half | - | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothing too hard here really. Just make sure to avoid sticking more than one character in a Hex as the Gobs have a nasty habit of countering your attacks and they do around 600-700 per hit usually, so have Avril or whoever ready with healing or be ready with some Potion Berries. The Axe Gob also has an ARM Part to steal, but it's a Rare steal, so if you want to take the chance go for it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, pull out your ARMs and shoot the switch. Drop down and go through the door on the west this time. A10: Open the chest for a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Be careful going around the corner as a Gob is waiting for you, so shoot it down. Continue along and shoot the next Gob. Go through the door. A11: Climb the ladder near the entrance of this area. A12: Rotate the camera and open the chest on the other side of you for [_7500 GELLA_]. Pull the blocks in the middle on the tiles with symbols on them and then step on the switch to drop them. Go back down the ladder. A11: Push the blocks into the holes in the ground and then proceed forward. A13: Follow the winding hall as you shoot down any Gobs. Make sure to open the chest in this area for [_MEDICINE X5_]. A14: Shoot the box near the Gob and step on the switch to open the door. A15: After the scene, shoot the Gob and follow the path, shooting the next Gob you come across. A16: Open the two chests in this room for a [_MOONSTONE_] and a [_STAKE DRIVER_]. Climb the ladder in this room. A17: Open the Duplicator chest on the other side of you for an [_EMBLEM VEST_] and push the blocks on the tiles with symbols. Step on the switch and go back down the ladder. A16: Push the blocks in the holes and go through the door. A18: Shoot the Gobs in this area. A2: Climb the ladder and you'll find a Save Point and a Sol Niger. Save your game first and then purify the Sol Niger. Go through the door now. A19: After the scene, it's time for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Boss Olivier | Level 34 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 8350 | 8500 | 2700 | Absorb | Absorb | Absorb | Absorb | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This fight isn't really all that tough, but make sure to cover the Ley Points with all of your characters as soon as you can as Boss Olivier has the ability to regenerate on Ley Points. Once you do so, start attacking him and make sure to use a Lucky Card in this fight. If you corner him, he'll start using attacks that cause the Poison and Disease status on the Hexes, and they can do a bit of damage, so when he's low on health, corner him then and finish him off. A straightforward fight pretty much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the next set of scenes, make your way back to Honeysday. ============== Honeysday ============== A1: Head north to reach Area 2. A2: After the scene, exit and make your way to Meisis. ============== Meisis ============== After the scene, you'll get into a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Veruni Solider | Level 34 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3680 | 1500 | 560 | - | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll fight four of these guys, but thankfully they're not that much tougher than the normal enemies around here. If you can corner them and move multiple Soldiers into one Hex, it'll just make things go by quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the scene, another fight kicks up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Fereydoon | Level 54 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 46200 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Just for giggles, attack him with Chuck then let him kill you off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the next set of scenes, hop on your sexy new Monowheel and make way to Mt. Chug Chug. ============== Mt. Chug Chug ============== Items ----- Lucky Card Item Scope Duplicator x2 Dragon Fossil Mega Berry x5 Revive Fruit x3 King's Crown Power Shot Gella Card Frey Amulet Ebony Shadow A1: As soon as you enter, you're treated to a boss fight right off the bat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Kobold | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 8500 | 4900 | 2090 | - | - | Weak | Absorb | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The Kobold, while not tough, may pose as a small problem because of two things. One, he can do a lot of damage with his attacks, so avoid sticking multiple people in one Hex. Two, he has the Hard Attribute, meaning your physical attacks will do jacksquat in this fight. So bring your Hi-Blast user (always been Rebecca) for me to the Wind Ley Point and start spamming Hi-Blast while one of the other characters heals and while the other one guards or uses berries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, Chuck will join your party. Use the keys you just got on the door to continue. A2: Go through the door on the east wall. A3: Ignore the first chest (we'll come back for it soon) and go to where the second chest is. Shoot the box next to it to open it for a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Go back. A2: Take the southwest door this time. A4: Follow the path. A5: Pick up the Gella and take the ladder going down. Get some more Gella and go down the next ladder and then go northeast. A6: Continue north a bit and go through the left gate for a chest containing an [_ITEM SCOPE_]. Go back and step on the switch and make your way across the tiles by jumping over them. If you land on one, the gate will close and you'll need to reactivate the switch. A7: Follow the path here. A8: After the scene, continue south. A9: Take the ladder going down and pick up the Gella. Take the next ladder and then take the ladder on the bottom going up. Open the chest up here for a [_DUPLICATOR X2_]. Go back down and climb the ladder leading back up to the second ledge and go through the door here. A10: Open the Duplicator chest in here for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. Go back. A9: Drop down and take the southwest door. A12: Continue south. A13: After the scene, go south and open the chest tucked away for some [_MEGA BERRY X5_]. Yum. Now find the cart located in the room and kick it. Go to where it stopped and activate the elevator. A14: Shoot the barrels here for an item and then take the ladder for a chest containing [_REVIVE FRUIT X3_]. Go to the cart and activate it so it starts up. Go to the machine in the middle of the room and turn the handle once to lift the platforms up. Go to where the cart is and kick it again. Follow it and open the chest for a [_KING'S CROWN_]. Hit the cart again and then hit the lever that controls the tracks. Kick the cart once more and drop back down and go back to the handle. Turn it back and the platforms will drop down. Kick the cart once more and head to where it stopped and ride the elevator. A2: Activate the acrt and turn the handle in this room to raise the platforms. Hit the cart again and follow it again. You'll get into a fight along the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chaos | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 11500 | 5800 | 2450 | - | - | Absorb | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Chaos isn't too threatning. If you can corner him on your first turn, do so while your Hi-Blast user gets to the Earth Ley Point and starts spamming Hi-Blast to damage it pretty heavily. His attacks shouldn't be a threat since he tends to stick to his normal attack, which does roughly around 800 damage. Just keep spamming Hi-Blast and this fight shouldn't last that long. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn and go west to find a chest containing the [_POWER SHOT_]. This baby will open the blue chests that we've found so far. Let's test this bad boy out. Drop down and take the east door. A3: Shoot the first chest in here with the Power Shot for a [_GELLA CARD_]. Go back. A2: Go back to the top level and go east this time. A3: Purify the Sol Niger in this room and then continue to the east. A16: Step on the switch and jump over the tiles. Enter the gate on the right and step on the switch here. Go back and enter the other gate and open the chest in here with Power Shot for a [_FREY AMULET_]. Go back to the other end and continue to the northeast. A17: Use the Power Shot to destroy the rocks in your way and follow the path. A18: Drop down to the right side of the room to find a chest containing an [_EBONY SHADOW_]. Go south and use the save point and head through the door. A8: Stomp on the switch here and after the scene, you'll be in another fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Nightburn | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 10500 | 4570 | 1500 | Weak | - | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Veruni Infantryman | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3230 | 1050 | 350 | - | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Yikes. This fight is a nice jump from the past couple of fights we've had. Nightburn still has a lot of RFX, so chances are he'll be acting first. While he most likely won't insta KO you this time, you'll need to stay on your toes for healing since his attacks are nasty. His regular Shooting attack will do roughly around 900, but his Dual Impulse attack will usually do around 1600 or so damage, so have someone ready with Hi-Heal. Focus on taking care of the Infantrymen first before focusing on Nightburn. Nightburn also has the Personal Skill Blocker, which will negate your attacks from time to time, so when you get the chance, keep using Sonic Vision with Dean to bypass it and keep using Hi-Heal and/or Berries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think a Tumbleweed rolling by would've fit this scenario pretty well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Nightburn | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 5500 | 10000 | 2000 | Weak | - | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's a one on one fight with Dean against Nightburn here, so his stats have been softened up a bit, but that doesn't mean you should let your guard down. Your best bet for this fight is to alternate between attacking and healing, whether it's by using Potion Berries or using Hi-Heal. Nightburns shooting will still do around 900 damage and Dual Impulse still does damage in the 1000's, but he seems to use Dual Impulse less often this time around. It's a pretty straightforward fight that consists alternating between attacking and healing, so let him have it and use Sonic Vision to finish him off once you get the FP to do so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the next scene of scenes, make your way to Honeysday. ============== Honeysday ============== A1: After the scenes, continue to the second area. A2: After the next set of scenes, go find the cameo of Jude near the horse and accept his quest. Now that we have the Power Shot, we're going to revisit some dungeons to get some chests we couldn't get before. Some of the items listed might be items that I missed previously in that dungeon, so here's a second chance to get them if you missed them like I did. I'll also do that for the World Map as well. First destination, re-enter Mt. Chug-Chug. ============== Mt. Chug-Chug ============== Items ----- Arctic Blade Princess Saber Potion Berry x5 10000 Gella Return to Area 6. A6: Use the Power Shot on the chest in here for an [_ARCTIC BLADE_]. Go to Area 9. A9: Destroy the rocks here with the Power Shot. A11: Follow the path here. A10: Open the Duplicator chest for [_10000 GELLA_]. Go to Area 14 now. A14: Use the Power Shot on the chest for a [_PRINCESS SABER_] and then blow up the boarded wall. A15: Open the chest in here for [_POTION BERRY X5_]. Now exit. Next up, Starlit Path. ============== Starlit Path ============== Items ----- 8000 Gella Muse Amulet Duplicator x4 Arctic Blade A15: Once you're in Area 15, shoot the boarded up wall with a Power Shot. A16: Go to the other side of this room to find two chests. One's a normal one whereas one is a Duplicator chest. Open them up for [_8000 GELLA_] and a [_MUSE AMULET_]. Make your way to Area 12 now. A12: Open the chest in here with a Power Shot for [_DUPLICATOR X4_]. Make your way to Area 4. A4: Open the blue chest in here with a Power Shot for an [_ARCTIC BLADE_]. Now exit to Northeast Filgaia. =================== Filgaia [Northeast] =================== Items ----- Fish Badge Bronze Moon X Y Item - - ---- 87157 65245 Puzzle Box #10 - [_FISH BADGE_] 61963 86278 [_BRONZE MOON_] Head for the Memorial Sanctuary. ================== Memorial Sanctuary ================== Items ----- Dragon Fossil Lucky Card Gunstar Sign Misty Soul Muse Amulet A3: Once in Area 3, open the two chests in this room for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] and a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Go to Area 11 now. A11: Use the Detector to reveal a hidden staircase and take it to find a chest at the top for a [_GUNSTAR SIGN_]. Go to Area 19. A19: Open the two Duplicator chests in this room for a [_MISTY SOUL_] and a [_MUSE AMULET_]. Exit and make your way to the train station and select Cavam Valley. Enter the Lightless Shaft. =============== Lightless Shaft =============== Items ----- Gella Card Dragon Fossil Potion Berry x3 A1: Open the chest in this room for a [_GELLA CARD_]. Go to Area 2. A2: Use the Power Shot on the chest in here for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. Go to Area 13 now. A13: Use the Power Shot on the chest in here for a [_POTION BERRY X3_]. Go to Area 19. A19: Shoot the barrels in here for some items and exit. =================== Filgaia [Northwest] =================== Items ----- Silver Sun Mega Berry x5 React Plus X Y Item - - ---- 29783 50813 [_SILVER SUN_] 33406 51664 Puzzle Box #3 - [_MEGA BERRY X5_] 33607 53770 [_REACT PLUS_] Enter Mirapulse. ============== Mirapulse ============== A1: Head up a bit for a scene. Ignore the new destination for now. Head go A2. A2: If you go upstairs and go to the left, you'll find cameos of Arnuad and Raquel from WA4. Now exit and head for the Orsaeos station. =================== Filgaia [Northwest] =================== Items ----- Light Vest Ambrosia x3 Dragon Fossil X Y Item - - ---- 37954 76303 [_LIGHT VEST_] 39249 89345 Puzzle Box #6 - [_AMBROSIA X3_] 36091 72688 [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] Next destination, Temple of Rejection. =================== Temple of Rejection =================== Items ----- Gella Card Bad Omen Spiral Edge A1: Shoot both of the orbs here with the Fire Bullet and go west. A17: Open the two chests in this room for a [_GELLA CARD_] and a [_BAD OMEN_]. Go to Area 14 now. A14: Turn the handle until the chest on the south side of the room is revealed. Open the Duplicator chest for a [_SPIRAL EDGE_]. Exit and make your way to the Wayward Path from the North side. ============== Wayward Path ============== Items ----- Potion Berry x5 Replace Dragon Fossil Go to Area 13. A13: Shoot the orbs with the Freeze Bullet and go through the door. A14: Open the two Duplicator chests in here for a [_POTION BERRY X5_] and a [_REPLACE_]. Go to Area 6 now. A6: Open the chest in here for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. Exit by going through the south entrance and make your way to the Abandonded Path from the North side. ============== Abandoned Path ============== Items ----- React Minus Go to Area 16. A16: Use the Power Shot on the chest for a [_REACT MINUS_]. Blow up the boarded wall as well to create a small shortcut. Now exit to Southwest Filgaia. =================== Filgaia [Southwest] =================== Items ----- Dragon Fossil x3 Full Revive x5 X Y Item - - ---- 15367 41541 Puzzle Box #8 - [_DRAGON FOSSIL X3_] 19794 20896 Puzzle Box #5 - [_FULL REVIVE X5_] Next destination, Hillside Ruins. ============== Hillside Ruins ============== Items ----- Nectar x5 Go to Area 7. A7: Use the Fire Bullet on the torches here. A8: Follow the path and shoot the Jars along the way. A9: Take the door on the south wall. A10: Open the chest in here for a [_NECTAR X5_] and go back. A9: Use the Detector and pull the block on the switch to open the door. A0: Go east. A11: Go south from stray Gella and then exit. Head for Celestial Peak. ============== Celestial Peak ============== Items ----- Dragon Fossil Mega Berry x4 Cordyceps x2 Go to Area 9. A9: Destroy the rocks with the Power Shot. A13: Follow the path. A14: Open the chest in this area for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] and continue southeast. A18: Follow the path. A19: Open the chest here for [_MEGA BERRY X4_] and go back to Area 14. A14: Take the other exit in this area. A15: Go southeast. A16: Follow the path here. A17: At the fork, go east for a chest containing [_CORDYCEPS X2_] and then exit. Make your way to Capo Bronco. ============== Capo Bronco ============== Items ----- Hen Badge 250 Gella A1: Check behind the house near you for a chest containing [_250 GELLA_]. Now head up a bit and talk to the man sitting on the ground and you'll need to find three chicks for him. Search in all the jars in the village. Once you find all three, talk with him again to receive a [_HEN BADGE_]. Go to Area 2 now. A2: Head up the small slope and you'll find a Kresnik cameo. Talk with him and you'll hand over the music box. Head for Gounon now. ============== Gounon ============== A1: Talk with the Yulie cameo and you'll get a couple of Blank Mediums and another item. Enter the wine factory. A2: Talk to the man on the right and then turn the handle near you 20 times clockwise. Talk with the man again and he'll give you some wine. Let's continue on with the game. Go to any station and select the Alcedonia station. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- Gella Card x10 Hyper 10000 Gella Laurel Crown Fast Gunman Speed Skates Gold Sun Duplicator x5 X Y Item - - ---- 43906 39547 [_GELLA CARD X5_] [D] 41212 34511 [_HYPER_] 26643 38147 Black Box 28114 43467 Puzzle Box #2 - [_GELLA CARD X5_] 32615 34064 [_10000 GELLA_] 30430 15259 [_LAUREL CROWN_] 36083 27519 [_FAST GUNMAN_] 25608 21872 [_SPEED SKATES_] [D] 34824 23769 [_GOLD SUN_] 37415 21431 [_DUPLICATOR X5_] The Black Box is an optional boss that tells you how many chests you've opened so far. Once you open all chests, you can talk with him to fight him. Enter the circled destination. ============== Twelbit ============== Items ----- Laurel Crown Duplicator x4 18500 Gella Neutrino Medal HIT Apple A1: Go up a bit and turn the camera and go southeast for a Duplicator chest that has a [_LAUREL CROWN_] in it. Go northwest and open the chest here for a [_DUPLICATOR X4_]. Go west now through the nearby exit. A2: Turn north to find two chests. Open the Duplicator one for [_11000 GELLA_] and then open the normal one for [_7500 GELLA_]. Now go to the cafe side of town and at the end, climb the light pole to climb to the roof of the cafe. Examine the two shining objects for a [_NEUTRINO MEDAL_] and a [_HIT APPLE_]. Go back down and proceed west near the mansion for a scene. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- Le Ciel Bleu X Y Item - - ---- 31297 17883 [_LE CIEL BLEU_] If you can't find the coordinates, just go south into the desert and head for the oasis. Look for a bridge to a tiny island and cross it. Use the scanner there and a shining object will appear. They just made it way too obvious, though. Head back to Twelbit. ============== Twelbit ============== A1: Go to Area 2. A2: Head for the Mansion for a scene. After the next set of scenes, you'll regain controls. ============== Rygs Mansion ============== A1: Go south and then east. A2: Shoot the chandelier in this room and drop down near the door that has the blue arrow over it. A3: Follow the path. A4: Head southwest until you step on some tiles that sink a bit. Stomp on it to crash through the floor. A5: After the scene, it's time for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Persephone | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 45200 | 0 | 0 | Resist | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can't win this fight, but just attack her for kicks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the scene, it's time to continue on. ============== Isolated Path ============== Items ----- Landing Bomb Gella Card Fish Badge Lucky Card Dragon Fossil Leather Jacket A6: Go back into Area 5. A5: Open the two chests in this roomm for a [_LANDING BOMB_] and a [_GELLA CARD_]. Go back to Area 6 now. A6: Go west and use the save point. Continue west behind the steps and shoot the Jars here. Go back and take the steps up. A7: Go west a bit and open the Duplicator chest for a [_FISH BADGE_]. Now push the block out of the way and turn the fan so that the green waves start spinning the thing across from the fan. Go through the door. A8: Shoot the blocks with Power Shot. A9: Turn the fans so that they're facing the spinning things and then continue to the south. A10: Turn the fans into their proper places. A11: Drop down and open the three chests next to you. The first one contains a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Use a Power Shot on the second one for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. Use a Duplicator on the third one for a [_LEATHER JACKET_]. Go up a bit more for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Elbucky | Level 40 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 16969 | 4200 | 3300 | - | Weak | - | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Elbucky is one nasty kitty. Methinks it needs to be fixed. Anyways, don't bother using Hi-Blast in this fight, as Elbucky has a RES stat above the 700 mark, so unless your MAG is higher than that, don't bother wasting your MP. Elbucky also has a piece of armor to steal if you want that. Elbucky will use Misery in this fight, which turns your character into a cat. It lowers your DEF and RES, so make sure to cure any Hex that has it right away. Get Dean up close to start pummeling it while your other two characters should either help by attacking or heal. Elbucky's attacks hurt, so make sure to pay attention to your health. As always, Sonic Vision is one of the better options to use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, continue on. A12: Go east. A13: Follow the path for a scene, and then you'll be taken out of the dungeon automatically. ============== Twelbit ============== A1: Go to Area 2. A2: After the scene, it's time for our next destination. You remember when we went to Mirapulse, someone pointed us to a new destination because it involved the person Greg was chasing? Yeah, it's time to head there now. You'll need to go through a dungeon that's west of the circled location first. ============== Decrepit Path ============== Items ----- Gella Card Radical Denim Speed Queen Lucky Card Shining Dress 12000 Gella Dragon Fossil Heart Leaf Hard Jumper Castle Wall A1: Head down the stairs and open the chest down here for a [_GELLA CARD_] and go west through the door. A2: Use the detector and continue north. A4: Jump on the springs here to make your way across the room. Go eastward. A5: After the scene, use the detector and continue east. A6: Open the chest to fight an Imitator. After it's defeated, you'll obtain a [_RADICAL DENIM_]. Open the other chest with a Power Shot for a [_SPEED QUEEN_]. Stand behind one torch so that you're lined up with them and shoot a Fire Bullet. Go through the door. A7: Stomp on the two switches and then pull the block on the switch. Continue to the north. A8: Go west to the corner and shoot the bags here for a Neutrino Medal. Turn around and go through the east door. A9: Head up a bit for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Toy Chopper | Level 42 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 8780 | 1600 | 400 | Half | Half | Half | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Toy Bomber | Level 42 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 7970 | 1400 | 350 | Weak | Half | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Toy Ripper | Level 42 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 10102 | 1500 | 250 | Half | Weak | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothing too difficult here. The Toy Ripper has the most attack out of the bunch, so you'll want your current active party member with the highest DEF and HP stat (most likely either Dean or Greg, depending on your set up) to take the blunt of the blows from it while your Hi-Blast user occupies the Earth Ley Point to take out the Toy Chopper. Avril or whoever has Hi-Heal should stay back as usual and use Hi-Heal to heal up. Try to avoid getting multiple characters in a single Hex as they'll sometimes use Heavy Crush on you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, open the Duplicator chest for a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Go to the other chest and open it for a fight with an Imitator. Upon defeating it, you'll get a [_SHINING DRESS_]. Go through the door now. A10: Go east and check behind the stairs for a chest. Use the Power Shot to open it for [_12000 GELLA_]. Now take the steps up. A11: You'll need to light all four torches here, but it's a bit tricky. The best way to do this is look for an imaginary line connecting the torches. Stand there and two torches should have locked on symbols. Shoot your Fire Bullets to light the torches. This took me about 5 or so minutes to figure out because I'm slow like that. Continue on. A12: Continue west. A8: Use the detector and cross over the revealed steps. Open the chest on the other side for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. Go through the door. A13: After the scene, go through the door on the east wall. A14: Continue east. A15: Proceed north. A16: Go west up and the stairs and then turn around to find a chest. Open it for a [_HEART LEAF_]. Use the save point and continue on. A17: Head up a bit for another fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Prisnum | Level 43 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 28500 | 14500 | 3200 | - | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This guy is a quick little fellow, so you'll want to watch yourself here. The first thing you'll want to avoid is using magic in this fight as the Prisnum is able to reflect your magic out, so take out your Hi-Blast user for this fight [Rebecca for me] and replace him/her with a physical fighter [Greg for me] and start attacking him. Try to avoid getting your characters in a straight line since Prisnum's Psychedelicer hits any character in a Hex across from him. Have Avril or whoever sit back and use Hi-Heal to counter the Kirlian Buster attack while your two physical attackers take it out. Don't forget to use a Lucky Card for this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, go west and through the door. A13: Open the chest for an Imitator fight. Upon defeating it, you'll obtain a [_HARD JUMPER_]. Use a Duplicator on the other chest for a [_CASTLE WALL_]. There's also a Sol Niger here for you to Purify. Once you do so, go back to Area 17. A17: Go north this time. A18: Take the stairs and exit. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- Dark Isolate X Y Item - - ---- 39146 59865 [_DARK ISOLATE_] You'd really need to try your best to get lost here. ============== Harmonde ============== Items ----- Speed Skates Lucky Card Duplicator x5 9000 Gella Magic Pot RFX Apple Neutrino Medal Gella Card A1: As soon as you enter, it's time for another fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Veruni Solider | Level 43 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 9700 | 2020 | 1210 | - | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothing too difficult here. One thing to note is that when they start taking a beating, they'll use an attack called Ring Out to temporarily remove a random character from battle. Other than that, they're not that much of a threat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head up a bit for another scene. You know, Greg is probably one of the few characters that I actually feel sorry for since his past was so sudden. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Kartikeya | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 46750 | 0 | 0 | - | - | Resist | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Although it doesn't seem very fitting, don't get distracted by the awesome music. Let him kill you off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the next set of scenes, you'll have control, so let's do some exploring. A1: From where you start, turn and go west to find a Duplicator chest. Open it up for some [_SPEED SKATES_]. Now go straight east and open the chest for a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Drop down and continue east. A2: If you turn the camera northeast, you'll notice a small gap between the two houses. Go between them and examine the object on the ground for a [_DUPLICATOR X5_]. Now continue to the east and check behind the windmill for [_9000 GELLA_]. Now head back and drop down and go south to a collapsed area near water and examine the object on the ground for a [_MAGIC POT_]. Go back a bit and turn the camera to the west and examine the pier for a [_RFX APPLE_]. In this town, you can also find the Charity Coordinator. Talk with her and offer either items or gella. You'll get some items in return. Here's a list of what you can get for items: Give Receive ---- ------- 20x Heal Berries Blank Medium 5x Tent Second Flash 10x Peppy Acorn Castle Wall 3x Full Revive 2x Blank Medium 2x Gold Sun 6x Level Apple + Ambrosia A1: If you go east from the save parrot, you'll find a [_NEUTRINO MEDAL_] lying on the ground. Also, explore around until you find a sign with a giant lobster on it. Kick this sign to get it out of the way and open the chest on the other side for a [_GELLA CARD_]. Now head for the nearest station and pick any station to go to. After the scene, it's time for another fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Standard Model | Level 41 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 18500 | 9345 | 3870 | Resist | - | Resist | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The Standard Model shouldn't be all that difficult to handle, even if you're around only the average level. His Golem Punch will do only about 700ish damage, so you can counter that real easily. His rolling smash attack will do a lot more than that, so have Avril or whoever ready with Hi-Heal while the other characters start chipping away at it's health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the next scene, head for Laila Belle. ============== Laila Belle ============== A1: Head up for a scene. A2: Make your way to the exit and another scene will play out. Head for Mithysmere now. ============== Mithysmere ============== A1: Make your way to Area 10, where those four torches are. A10: Approach the torches and watch the next set of scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Muspel | Level 52 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 25500 | 30000 | 3800 | Half | Half | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can't win this fight, although the music is pretty kickass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, some more scenes play out. (Dammit! That's hot!) ============== The Mayflower ============== A3: Go south. A2: There's a save point at the other side of this room. Go to the west wing of this area and go through the first door. A6: There's a shop box here, but it sells equipment that was sold in Harmonde. A2: From the save point, go north. A1: Talk with the captain for some more scenes. A2: Go northeast and enter the door in the corner. After some more scenes, you'll be in a new area. ============== Memory Maze ============== A1: Follow the path. A2: Use the detector and continue north. A3: Follow the path until a scene triggers. At the fork, go west. A6: Take any exit here. A3: Go back to the fork and go north. A4: Go north. A3: At the fork, go east this time. A5: Ride the nearby elevator. A3: Touch the new crystal here. A7: After the scene, it's time to continue. Avoid the Avril statues here by going behind them or around them. A8: At the next fork, go west. A10: Go soth. A8: At the fork, go north this time. A11: Go south. A8: Go back to the fork and go east this time. A9: Proceed north. A8: Touch the new crystal here. A12: Go northwest a bit but don't get too close to the Avril statue. Creep up with your ARMs out until you can target the nearest Jar. Shoot it for an item. Go back and follow the northeast path and stop before the statue can see you and shoot the Jars for another item. Go back and go south and follow the path until you reach another fork. Go north this time and follow the path until a scene triggers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Ice Queen Avril | Level 48 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 45500 | 18000 | 4000 | - | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can't win this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the scene, follow the northwest path. A13: Head down the path a bit and then turn the camera east and drop down. Go east some more and use the detector to reveal a hidden path. Cross it and shoot the Jars for an item and then take the crystal. A14: You'll find two Avril statues here. Move yourself a bit to the right before proceeding north. Once you get past the first one, go over to the left and advance north. Once you're at the last part, carefully advance to the north as Avril statues will come flying from the sides. Once they pass you, continue on towards the crystal. A15: Now it's time to pick the real Avril. Go examine the left one and pick the top choice. Oopsies. Looks like we made someone mad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Ice Queen Avril | Level 48 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 29500 | 18000 | 4000 | - | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's time for some revenge. This fight is winable, and you should win it, so let's get started. Ice Queen Avril has a nasty habit of using 4D Pocket to temporarily remove a character from the battle. You'll want to bring in your character that has Hi-Heal for this fight, as Ice Queen Avril isn't screwing around with you. If you're able to, corner her away from any elemental Ley Points as she'll constantly use Hi-Blast which will damage you in the 1000s, so counter this with Hi-Heal. Your other two characters should be attacking her normally. If Avril uses 4D Pocket on your healing character, you'll need to manage by using either Potion or Mega Berries until that character comes back to the battlefield. Once Avril gets low on health, she'll use Mega Berries and Life Drain to restore her HP. Sonic Vision helps a lot in this fight. Just keep countering her Hi-Blast or Begone! attack with Hi-Heal and you'll win this fight eventually. Using a Lucky Card wouldn't hurt either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, watch the next set of scenes. You'll also obtain the Giant's Ocarina, which enables to you use Asgard. Goody goody gumdrops! Time for our next destination. ============== Locus Solus ============== Items ----- Lucky Card x2 Ambrosia Gella Card You'll get a tutorial on Asgard here. X Y Item - - ---- 41066 18475 [_LUCKY CARD_] 30485 20015 [_AMBROSIA_] 18389 25268 [_GELLA CARD_] 22493 28611 [_LUCKY CARD_] Head for the circled destination along the way. There's a boulder blocking the path along the way, so have Asgard destroy it. ==================== The Pilgrims' Cradle ==================== Items ----- Anchor Hook A1: Go east. A2: Open the chest near you for the [_ANCHOR HOOK_]. Head over and you'll notice some boxes on the other side. There are two options. You can do the more time consuming way and pull and push the boxes at the bottom so that you make a small set of stairs with the boxes to advance to the next set, or you can simply use the Power Shot on each box once, then freeze them, and then use your shiny new toy to hook onto them. Continue. A3: Use your Anchor Hook to latch onto the floating objects and continue going north. A4: Activate the terminal here and go east. A5: Step on the switch and leave Rebecca here. Take the east door. A6: Step on one switch and leave Greg and Chuck here. Go north. A9: Step on the switch and leave Avril on it. Go north. A10: Stomp on the switch and a fight will ensue. Don't worry, you have all your characters back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Nyankopon | Level 49 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 23700 | 2450 | 980 | - | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Nyame | Level 49 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 10800 | 3200 | 1050 | Half | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll want to focus your attention on the Nyames first to get them out of the way. These little buffers have a nasty EVA stat of 632, so you may wind up missing quite a bit. Solution? Try to occupy the Fire Ley Point and use Hi-Blast. Your other characters should focus on using Hi-Heal and attacking. They'll generally use Pussy Willow, which is a buffed up version of a normal attack, but they'll also use Meowserable, which causes the Misery Status. Once the Nyame's are gone, the Nyankopon shouldn't be that difficult to take out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, proceed north. A11: Follow the stairs down to the door. A12: Latch onto the orbs and drop down once you're over a platform. Continue doing this until you reach the other side. A13: Latch onto the orbs here and continue west. A14: Go south. A15: Follow the path. A17: Activate the terminal and take the west door. A16: Step on the switch and leave Rebecca here. Take the north door. A19: Step on the switch and leave Greg here. Go north. A22: Step on the switch and leave Chuck here. Go east. A23: Step on the switch and leave Avril here. Go north. A25: Stomp on the switch and then use the save point. Go through the door. A26: Not all that surprising. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chimera [A] | Level 50 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 13800 | 4500 | 950 | - | Resist | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chimera [B] | Level 50 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 15800 | 3500 | 1050 | Resist | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chimera [C] | Level 50 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 16800 | 4000 | 1000 | Weak | Resist | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chimera [All] | Level 50 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 99999 | 0 | 0 | Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll want to focus on one Chimera for the start of this battle, but there's a good chance you won't be able to take it out in time. If Chimera A and C share a same Hex, then use Hi-Blast in the Fire Ley Point while Dean or any other physically strong character attacks them while Avril/Carol or whoever uses Heal/Hi-Heal. After a turn or two, the Chimeras will combine into one, making it invulnerable. It'll have 9999 DEF and RES, so you can't dent it. There are two things you can do here. The first is to guard every turn and heal when needed until it seperates, or you can use Isolate on it to break it apart yourself. Once it breaks back apart, finish off the one you were attacking at the start. Once one of them dies, it can't combine anymore. Each Chimera can use Hi-Blast and each has its own special magic attack. One has Sky Twister, one has Stone Bullet, and one has Hydro Pressure. Don't be afraid to use Ley Change to get yourself underneath a certain Hex. Once one of them falls, the other two should be easy enough to finish off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, a scene will occur (You recognize him?) and you'll regain control. A27: Go back to area 25 and a crystal will appear. Touch it to be warped to the entrance automatically. Make your way back to the Mayflower. ============== The Mayflower ============== After the scene, you'll obtain the Teleport Orb. Monowheel? I don't need no stinkin' monowheel. Okay, maybe I do, but still. After the scene, you'll be in Capo Bronco. ============== Capo Bronco ============== After the scene, you'll be able to equip Asgard with all of those Golem Parts you've been finding. Now that we have the Teleport Orb, want to do a little Gella trick? You do? Good. Split Infinity has been generous enough to share this with all of the Wild ARMs 5 gamers, and he, as well as the original founder (if he's not the original founder) get all the credit for this. First, warp to Honeysday and buy as many Priest Badges and Silver Suns you can afford. Next, warp to Mithysmere and synthesize those badges into Laurel Crowns. Now go talk with the merchant and sell all the Laurel Crowns you made. You can get over 400,000 Gella just by selling 50, and over 800,000 Gella for selling 99. Do this until you think you have enough Gella. Now before advancing further, let's do a bit of backtracking and get some more chests. First stop, Hillside Ruins. ============== Hillside Ruins ============== Items ----- Howl Kirlian Buster 10000 Gella Go to Area 13. A13: Latch onto the orb and ride it to the other platform and drop down. A14: Go through the first door in this area. A15: Open the two Duplicator chests at the other end for a [_HOWL_] and a [_KIRLIAN BUSTER_]. Go back. A14: Hit the block with the Power Shot and then freeze it and use the Anchor Hook to cross over. A16: This puzzle is a bit tricky at first, but once you get the basics of it down, it's real simple. You have three blocks in this room. They look as such (make sure the camera is facing east): X X X ---------- The ----'s underneath them means that's how far they can be shot down. You can't push or pull these. First, shoot all three blocks down (not towards the gate) until they're all next to each other and the middle block is directly across from the block on the other side. Next, step on the switch to raise the gate. Now shoot the middle block so that it lands against the block on the other side of the gate. Next, shoot the right block against the left block so that the block is across from the block you just shot. Step on the gate again and then shoot the right block to make it land against the block you previously shot. Now when you step off the gate, the gate will stop halfway because the blocks are stopping it from closing. Now you can safely go underneath the gate. A17: Rotate your camera and open the chest here for [_10000 GELLA_]. Exit. Next stop, Temple of Rejection. =================== Temple of Rejection =================== Items ----- Magic Pot Red Pepper Make your way to Area 8. A8: Use the Anchor Hook to latch onto the orb across from you. A9: In this room, use a Fire Bullet on the left orb and then an Ice Bullet on the right orb. Open the two Duplicator chest in this room as well for a [_MAGIC POT_] and a [_RED PEPPER_]. Exit. Ready to do some overworld exploring? Now that we have Asgard, we can find a bunch of new chests. ============== Filgaia ============== Items ----- Slide Suit Gold Moon x2 King's Crown Cremation Ambrosia Holly Crown Duplicator x11 Heart Leaf Frey Amulet Ebony Shadow Elder Record Dragon Fossil Wonder Booster Comet Mark Overdrive Cat's Paw Lightning Bomb Fragile Holy Grail Mist Cloak Lucky Bird 30000 Gella Silver Moon Gold Sun Great Apple x3 Sacred Shroud Lucky Card x5 Ancient Blade Genius Protector Jasper Pillar Extra Reaction Tiny Flower Obsidian Spear As you can see, there's a bunch of items to find. One thing to note here is that Asgard has the ability to cross shallow waters, so you can reach those islands you couldn't reach before. I'll also split each section up to make it as non confusing as possible. Let's get started, shall we? Warp to Orsaeos. =================== Filgaia [Northwest] =================== *'s means that's an item you can find if you use a Teleport Orb inside one of the strange rock formations. X Y Item - - ---- 46845 83574 Boulders 46277 87561 Puzzle Box #16 - [_SLIDE SUIT_] 43550 89820 [_GOLD MOON_] [D] 85014 46743 [_KING'S CROWN_]* 42614 73425 Boulders 41278 64744 [_CREMATION_] Just a small note here. The coordinates listing Boulders are actual boulders blocking new paths. Have Asgard punch them out of the way. Also, make sure to look for places where there's a group of rocks hunched together. Using the Teleport Orb in one of them will teleport you to an unreachable place. Also make sure to enter each tower you come across so you can teleport to it later. Once you get all the items here, head for Honeysday. =================== Filgaia [Southeast] =================== X Y Item - - ---- 92775 43972 Boulders 92882 48570 Boulder - [_AMBROSIA_] 95373 50949 Boulder - [_HOLLY CROWN_] 31070 54761 [_DUPLICATOR X5_]* Warp to Capo Bronco. =================== Filgaia [Southwest] =================== X Y Item - - ---- 19066 17820 Boulders 26914 9887 [_HEART LEAF_] [D] 31205 14674 [_FREY AMULET_] 40045 9107 [_GOLD MOON_] [D] 49640 8750 [_EBONY SHADOW_] 21783 10442 Puzzle Box #12 - [_ELDER RECORD_] 12231 22543 [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] [D] 5996 26101 Puzzle Box #17 - [_WONDER BOOSTER_] Warp to the Wayward Path [S]. =================== Filgaia [Northwest] =================== X Y Item - - ---- 17824 73254 Boulders 12871 77007 [_COMET MARK_] [D] 12867 60861 Puzzle Box #15 - [_OVERDRIVE_] 7729 53498 [_CAT'S PAW_] [D] 12927 84397 Puzzle Box #18 - [_LIGHTNING BOMB_] 16379 88540 [_DUPLICATOR X6_] [D] 18863 78307 [_FRAGILE_] Warp to Mt. Chug-Chug. =================== Filgaia [Southeast] =================== X Y Item - - ---- 70544 27036 Icicles 67639 23467 [_HOLY GRAIL_] [D] 64734 26203 Puzzle Box #13 - [_MIST CLOAK_] Warp to the Isolated Path now. =================== Filgaia [Southwest] =================== X Y Item - - ---- 81260 68740 Puzzle Box #20 - [_LUCKY BIRD_]* Warp to Laila Belle. =================== Filgaia [Northeast] =================== X Y Item - - ---- 61911 65017 [_GREAT APPLE X3_] 79573 81034 Boulders 82793 77204 [_15000 GELLA_] 97249 68810 [_SILVER MOON_] 93345 69122 [_GOLD SUN_] [D] 64465 7701 [_15000 GELLA_] [D]* Warp to Twelbit now. =================== Filgaia [Southwest] =================== X Y Item - - ---- 33339 18301 Boulder - [_SACRED SHROUD_] Warp to Provectas. =================== Filgaia [Northeast] =================== X Y Item - - ---- 82930 82053 [_LUCKY CARD X5_] 95053 76873 Puzzle Box #19 - [_ANCIENT BLADE_] 55239 91608 [_GENIUS PROTECTOR_] [D] 52801 95677 [_JASPER PILLAR_] [D] 96983 70454 Boulder - Puzzle Box #14 - [_EXTRA REACTION_] You've now finished all of the Puzzle Boxes. We're almost done. Warp to Mithysmere. =================== Filgaia [Northeast] =================== X Y Item - - ---- 59989 56109 [_TINY FLOWER_] [D] Warp to Cavam Valley now. =================== Filgaia [Northwest] =================== X Y Item - - ---- 29202 66697 [_OBSIDIAN SPEAR_] That's all of them. By the end of this, I was able to make one Sheriff Star. If you can't make one, try to at least make a Punching Bag and stick it on Dean or whatever Physical attacker. Make sure to equip Rebecca properly too before going any further. Once ready, teleport to Tower M. ================== TF System: Tower M ================== Items ----- Divine Crush Lucky Card Dragon Fossil 15000 Gella Miracle Striker Goat Doll Phantom Vision A1: Go north through the door. A2: Follow the path. A1: Light the torch and then step on the platform. Now use the Freeze Bullet to put out the flame and then turn around and light the torch on the west side of the room. A3: Climb the pole to the top. A4: Go north. A7: Climb the pole. A8: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_DIVINE CRUSH_]. Go back to Area 4. A4: Go near the closed door and line yourself up with the torches so that one Fire Bullet will light them all up. Once the fourth one is lit up, quickly run through the door before the flames go out. A5: Climb the poles. A8: Light the torch and jump on the platform and then put out the flame. Turn east and light that torch and continue on to the east. A6: Drop down to the bottom. A4: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Go back to Area 8. A8: Go west this time. A9: Use the springboard to jump up to the platform and then change your camera angle so you can aim down and light all the torches. A10: Ride one of the rotating platforms and light the four torches in the corners of the room. A11: Open the nearby chest for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] and continue up the stairs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Iron Maiden | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 26200 | 6350 | 2480 | Resist | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothing too difficult here, although their attacks do a bit of damage, even if you've got a decent amount of DEF. Executioner and Finger Bullet are two of their most used attacks, so focus on one at a time while you have your healer sit back and use Hi-Heal. It's a pretty straightforward fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proceed. A12: You need to shoot the orbs with a certain bullet. R = Regular Bullet F = Fire Bullet I = Ice Bullet R I R I F I R I R Continue on. A13: Open the chest nearby for [_15000 GELLA_]. Use the springs to go up and then climb the poles to the top. Make sure to open the chest up here for a [_MIRACLE STRIKER_]. A14: Ride one of the moving platforms and light the torches in the corners of the room. There's also a Sol Niger here, but this one is a toughie if you're not well equipped. Fight it if you want to. A15: Use the springs to get up to the platform and then light the torches. Be quick about it. A16: Light the torches and open the two Duplicator chests for a [_GOAT DOLL_] and a [_PHANTOM VISION_]. A17: Use the save point and light and unlight the torch to get across and then use your Anchor Hook on the orb to cross over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Leonhart | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 45800 | 10450 | 5700 | Resist | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is another straight forward fight, and it's not all that difficult either. Leonhart will most likely stick with using Blade Arm, which hurts a lot, and Howl, which will delay a characters turn. As long as you can out heal his attacks, you shouldn't have any trouble at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd suggest going back to save your game real quick. A18: Remember her? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Persephone | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 76000 | 27000 | 5700 | Resist | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Persephone, while not extremely difficult, will still give you a run for your money if you can't keep up with her. You'll want to bring in your Reviver for this fight or have a handful of Revive Fruits on hand. Her Hard Attack does around 1000 damage to a single character, so use a Heal or Hi-Heal right away. She'll often use Quicken, but she'll move out of that Hex the next turn usually if you don't surround her, so make good use of that. The one attack that's real annoying is Gatling Gun. You'll know she's about to use it when she uses Target: ON during her turn. Gatling Gun will always do 9000 damage, so you'll need to counter this quickly with a Revive Fruit or a Revive spell. The annoying thing about it is that she uses it frequently. Just keep up the attack pattern of battering her around, and if you have a Punching Bag or Sheriff Star, use Sonic Vision as much as you can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meow. Catfight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Persephone | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 15200 | 29700 | 6400 | Resist | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's Rebecca vs. Persephone this time, one on one. Persephone will stick to using Hard Attack for most of this fight, and it'll do around 1000 damage still, so if you get low on health, use a Potion/Mega Berry. This fight is mostly an endurance fight, and it's pretty straightforward. Just shoot her and heal when needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the crystal in the middle for the [_GIGA CRUSH_]. Touch the crystal in the back to be warped to the entrance. One down, three to go. ================== TF System: Tower G ================== Items ----- Duplicator x2 Blast Builder Dragon Fossil Geo Amulet Gold Sun Giga Crush A1: Head north. A2: Climb the pole to the top. A3: Head east a bit and open the chest for a [_DUPLICATOR X2_]. Now turn around and go west. A4: Climb the pole and open the Duplicator chest at the top for a [_BLAST BUILDER_]. Go back. A3: In order to advance, you need to make sure all the blocks drop. In order to do that, you need to step on each block in a certain color order. Jump on the blocks in the following order: RED to GREEN to BLUE to YELLOW to RED. Repeat this until all the blocks have fallen and continue through the south door. A5: Stomp on the switches until a platform comes down. Ride it to the top. A6: Step on the blocks in the same colored order as last time and proceed north. A7: Follow the path for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Ghost Rider | Level 54 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 38200 | 10250 | 4970 | Half | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothing too difficult here. The Ghost Rider's attacks usually do around a 1000 damage or so, so if your healer isn't in this fight, switch him/her in. Have Dean steal the MAG Apple from him if you want, and then start pummeling him while using Sonic Vision on the side. This is a pretty simple fight and you shouldn't have that much trouble with it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proceed to Area 8. A8: Step on the blocks in the colored order again. Here's how to do it: Here's how the blocks are positioned from when you enter the room: G4 B4 R3 Y3 R2 Y2 R4 B3 Y1 B2 G2 B1 G3 R1 G1 If you can't tell yet, R = Red, G = Green, B = Blue and Y = Yellow. Follow this order: Start on R1. R1 to G1. G1 to B2. B2 to Y3. Y3 to R4. R4 to G3. G3 to B1. B1 to Y2. Y2 to R2. R2 to G2. G2 to B3. B3 to Y1. Y1 to R3. R3 to G4. G4 to B4. A9: Step on the platform and it'll start moving. Dodge the gates that you come across by stepping either to the left or right. Once the platform stops moving, stomp on it to make it start moving again. A10: Go through the nearby door. A11: Go to where the red pillars are and pull out your Power Shot. You'll need to shoot both of them quickly. Once you do, exit. A10: Go up the stairs and through the door. A11: Go northwest. A12: Climb the poles and open the chest at the top for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. A13: Drop down and use the save point. Continue on. A14: We'll come back here in a second, so go through the available door. A15: Climb the pole here and go through the door. A16: Drop down. A17: Drop down and open the chest for a [_GEO AMULET_]. The Sol Niger is also here, so purify it if you want. Go back to Area 14. A14: You need to hit each crystal here with a certain bullet a certain amount of times. Yellow: Hit this crystal with one freeze bullet. Blue: Hit this crystal with three power shots. Purple: Hit this crystal with two power shots. White: Hit this crystal with two fire shots. Red: Keep shooting it with regular bullets until it goes down. Now go through the newly opened door. A18: Once you enter, it's time for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gremlin | Level 54 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 28200 | 12500 | 6700 | - | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Again, not a difficult fight. He'll often stick to using his 16t and 480t attacks, which do 1000ish and 2000ish respectively, so counter that with a Heal or Hi-Heal. Try to steal the Meteor Strike from him before finishing him off. It's pretty much another straight forward fight that shouldn't be too difficult to handle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ride the platform and dodge the gates and such along the way. Open the chest at the other side for a [_GOLD SUN_]. I'd recommend going back to heal up and save. Make sure to equip Chuck properly as well. When you're ready, proceed into the next room. A19: Anyone feel like stirring someone's pride up? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Fereydoon | Level 54 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 96200 | 31000 | 5250 | - | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Oddly enough, there's no Wind Ley Point here for you to take advantage of, so you'll have to do without it. Make sure to bring in your healer for this fight as it's close to the fight against Persephone in some ways. His Slice attack will do around 1300ish damage to you, so counter that with a Heal or Hi-Heal. Try to occupy the Earth Ley Point so that Fereydoon's Stone Bullet doesn't get any stronger. He'll also cast Protect, but there's hardly a noticeable change when you hit him, so if you can, corner him. You'll want to keep your healer nearby or have a few Revive Fruits on hand. Like with Persephone, Fereydoon has the ability to instantly kill off a character, but he doesn't seem to use it as much as Persephone used hers. When he uses Concentrating..., he'll use Laser Silouette the next turn, which will kill off one character. He'll also use healing factor which restores 5000 HP, so make sure you can outdamage that. That's pretty much all of his attacks, so try to corner him and start attacking and use Sonic Vision when given the chance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh snap! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Fereydoon | Level 54 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 17800 | 28705 | 3870 | - | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's Chuck vs. Fereydoon in a one on one battle this time. Like with the previous 1v1 battles, his stats have softened up a bit, but don't let your guard down. There is a Wind Ley Point this time around, but it's not worth getting into since Fereydoon can still use Stone Bullet, so avoid it. Get up close and start whacking him around. Fereydoon sticks with Slice and Jump for this fight mostly, so just attack him and use Potion/Mega Berries when you start getting low on health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, get the crystal for the [_GIGA CRUSH_]. Use the crystal in the back to warp back to the entrance. Two down. Two to go. Teleport to Tower S. ================== TF System: Tower S ================== Items ----- Muse Amulet Full Revive x2 Dragon Fossil Hourglass Duplicator x2 Pocketbook Blast Breaker Giga Crush A1: Go north. A2: Follow the path. A1: Use your Freeze Bullet to freeze the blocks and then cross over. A3: Use the springboards to get to the top of the room. Open the chest for a [_MUSE AMULET_]. A4: Pull the block on the switch and go south. A6: Climb the pole. A7: Follow the path and a fight will trigger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Sea Bishop | Level 55 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 23789 | 7850 | 3125 | Weak | Active | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are two of these guys. They have a nasty habit of using poison type skills, so make sure to use antidotes when needed. Avoid using the Fire Ley Point until there's only one Sea Bishop left since they can use Hydro Pressure and we don't need back to back Hydro Pressures if we're on a Fire Ley Point, especially if they're on the Water Ley Point. Corner the one at the top first and start pummeling it until it falls. Repeat the same process with the second one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue on. A8: Open the chest for [_FULL REVIVE X2_] and hop up on the platform. Move your camera so that you're getting a overhead view. See the symbols on the ceiling? Move the blocks so that they match up with the formation on the ceiling. A7: Go through the northwest door now. A9: Climb the pole. A10: Go to the right side of the screen and turn the camera north. Leave the orb at the very top as white. Shoot the very bottom orb with a fire bullet. Now shoot the rest of the orbs with a freeze bullet. Go back to area 4. A4: Go to where the two blocks are and push them over the ledge. Form a bridge with them that leads to the other switch and then push the block above you on the other switch. Go north. A5: Open the chest for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_]. This is pretty much the same thing as last time, so get an overhead view of the ceiling. Keep in mind that the top right block has to have that block ontop of it, so carefully line the blocks up and use power shot to line them up. A4: Go east. A11: Open the Duplicator chest for an [_HOURGLASS_] and then climb the pole. A12: Creep up to the side and shoot the chest for [_DUPLICATOR X2_]. Now turn your camera north and shoot the northwest block to the south. Go over to the east block and shoot it to the west and then shoot the north block south. Ignore the Sol Niger for now and go through the door. A13: Pull the block on the switch near the springboard and start working your way up. Open the Duplicator chest at the top for a [_POCKETBOOK_]. Go over to the block and push it over and it'll land on the switch below. A14: Turn the camera north and shoot the block on the west so it goes north. Next, go over to the northeast block and shoot it southwards. Go over to that block you just shot and shoot it west and then shoot it north. Go over to the first block you shot at and shoot it east, south, west, and then north. Use the save point. You can go back and purify the Sol Niger if you wish. A15: Open the chest for a [_BLAST BREAKER_] and proceed. Use the freeze bullet on the blocks and then use the Anchor Hook to latch onto the orb to cross over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Pethamenos | Level 55 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 43500 | 13600 | 2670 | Half | Absorb | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll want to either pull in your healer or pull in someone with the Luck medium as soon as possible since Mystic will come in handy here. The Pethamenos has a nasty attack called Candle in the Wind. You'll know he'll use it when he uses "Getting ready..." on the turn beforehand. What this attack does is it drops all of your characters HP to 1, so you'll want to use Mystic with a Mega Berry or gather everyone in one Hex and use Hi-Heal. After that it'll alternate between using it's One-Two Punch or Hi-Blast, so take it out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back and save. Make sure to equip Carol properly. When you're ready, continue forward. A16: Still a big goofball as always. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Elvis | Level 55 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 86500 | 32400 | 5756 | Weak | Resist | Weak | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Elvis is pretty much the same as the previous two Sentinels as his normal attack does over 1000 damage and he has an attack that can possibly kill you with one hit. However, what makes him different is that he has three different weaknesses for you to exploit, meaning Heavy Crush is a viable option to go with. Try to keep him out of the Water Ley Point as he can use Hydro Pressure and he'll sometimes use his Variant Attack move which will knock off over 5000 HP, meaning a possible instant death, so have Revive or Revive Fruits ready to go. It's pretty much the same as the previous two fights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still a goofball. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Elvis | Level 55 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 17500 | 37800 | 6280 | Weak | Resist | Weak | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's Carol vs. Elvis in a one on one fight this time. I'm not sure if it was my set up or if I was just lucky, but this seems to be the easiest one on one fight of them all. You can keep Carol in the back and keep firing at him from a distance as he slowly works his way towards you. Try to occupy the Water Ley Point and attack him from there so that Hydro Pressure barely scratches you. His Rapid Punch attack might not even eclipse the 1000 mark here. Just keep attacking with Carol and if she has Sonic Vision, use it. Use Potion Berries/Mega Berries to heal as you pummel him from the Water Ley Point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And he's still a goofball until the very end, smacking himself around like that. Touch the crystal for the [_GIGA CRUSH_] and use the crystal in the back to warp to the entrance. One more to go. We saved the hardest for last. Make your way to Tower F. ================== TF System: Tower F ================== Items ----- Wing Amulet Duplicator x2 Dragon Fossil Growth Egg Holy Grail Lucky Card Point Stabilizer Gella Card Gold Moon 15000 Gella Life Charger A1: Go through the east door. A2: Climb the pole. A1: Shoot the orb with a regular bullet and then shoot the next four orbs that reveal themselves. Run across the disappearing platform. A3: Use your Detector and use the Springboards to get to the top. Open the chests for a [_WING AMULET_] and [_DUPLICATOR X2_]. Go back to Area 1. A1: Go north. A4: Climb the pole. A5: Use the Detector and go east. A6: Use the Detector and claim the [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] from the chest and then open the Duplicator chest for a [_GROWTH EGG_]. Go back to Area 5. A5: Proceed south and a fight will kick up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Skyfish | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 24750 | 6500 | 3254 | Weak | Absorb | Absorb | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ If you have Heavy Crush, this fight shouldn't be all that difficult. Get to the Fire Ley Point and just abuse the hell out of Heavy Crush to kill off one of the Skyfish quickly. You'll just need to watch out for Hydro Pressure. Other than that, this fight is a cakewalk and shouldn't prove to be all that difficult. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A7: Climb the pole past the first door and to the top. A8: Use your Detector and open the chest for a [_HOLY GRAIL_]. Now set your map so that the compass is facing north. Move the left fan so it's facing to the south and then move the fan on the right so it faces east. Go back. A7: Climb down to the first door you passed. A9: Use the Detector and set your map so that the compass is facing north. Shoot the southwest and east orbs with a Fire Bullet and then shoot all the other orbs with a Freeze Bullet. A10: Climb the poles. A11: Face your map so that the compass is north. Turn the fan until it's facing to the south and open the chest for a [_LUCKY CARD_]. Go back to the fan and turn it around until it's facing west. Open the Duplicator chest for a [_POINT STABILIZER_]. Finally turn the fan until it's facing east to continue. A12: Follow the path and open the chest at the end for a [_GELLA CARD_]. A13: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_GOLD MOON_] and ignore the Sol Niger for now. Turn the fans so that the flames are pointing in a clockwise direction (North should be facing east, east should be facing south and so forth). A14: Open the nearby chest for [_15000 GELLA_] and go up the stairs for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Jupilasect | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 42750 | 18780 | 6450 | Weak | - | Absorb | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This guy is nothing but cheap. He'll often use Dark Isolate, which can instantly kill off a character and if a character survives it, they'll be teleported to a different Hex. If you want to take the risk, bring your Heavy Crush user over to the Fire Ley Point and start abusing Heavy Crush to damage it badly. Try to revive any fallen party members due to Dark Isolate and keep abusing Heavy Crush, Sonic Vision, or any other attacks like those. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross over the light platform and shoot the form. Turn around and aim down to shoot the other orb. Continue along and use the save point. If you want, go back and purify the Sol Niger. A15: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_LIFE CHARGER_]. Set your map so that the compass is facing to the south. Turn the fan to the west, north, west, and then south. A16: Climb the poles. Once you reach the top, equip Greg properly. A17: Peek-a-boo, Kartikeya sees you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Kartikeya | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 91750 | 37850 | 6270 | - | - | Resist | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Kartikeya is no doubt the toughest of all the Sentinels. He won't hold any punches back in this fight, so neither should you. Try to get to the Earth Ley Point and start spamming Heavy Crush on him if you have it. Kartikeya might not have Healing Factor like the previous Sentinels, but he still has a possible instant death attack. If he uses Evil Grin, he'll use Lock-On on his next turn. This attack IS survivable if you have more than 4500 HP, so make sure to heal up right away afterwards. Kartikeya seems to use this and his Bionic Arm attack the most, so try to corner him and start using Heavy Crush, Sonic Vision, or anything of the sort on him. Go all out in this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moment has arrived. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Kartikeya | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 22750 | 38704 | 4870 | - | - | Resist | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's Greg vs. Kartikeya in a one on one fight this time. This is also the hardest one on one fight there is, so if you didn't set Greg up properly, prepare to get an asswhooping. What makes Kartikeya really dangerous is that he still has Lock-On, but it also has the instant death effect on it and he uses it quite frequently. He'll also start using Sky Twister this time around. His Lock-On Death attack will do 3000-3800 damage if it doesn't kill you off automatically. Mega Berries are your friend in this fight, and you'll be doing a lot of alternating between healing and attacking, so try to build your FP gauge up fast and use Sonic Vision if Greg has it. At least the music is still awesome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seems like Kartikeya isn't exactly the brightest star in the sky. Get the [_GIGA CRUSH_] and use the crystal in the back to teleport. Exit and some scenes will play out. ============== Capo Bronco ============== A1: Now, we can either go straight to the final tower, or we can do a bit of leveling or some sidequests. When you're ready, make your way southwest of Mithysmere until you stumble across the beach. You'll find the final tower on the other side of the sandbar. ================== TF System: Tower O ================== Items ----- Dragon Fossil 20000 Gella Holy Berry x2 Duplicator x2 Full Revive x5 Blank Medium Duel Sign Ambrosia Exodus Orb A1: Right off the bat you're treated to a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Diefighter | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 4710 | 6500 | 207 | Absorb | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll be fighting 9 of these guys, but they'll come in groups of 2, 3, and 4. They're not that difficult to take down, but this battle might last quite a few rounds depending on your levels and set ups. Just keep yourself healed and pummel them with your best attacks. Nothing too hard here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, you'll have to split your party up into two groups of three. Dean's group will be the one climbing the tower, so make sure you bring along your two other active characters. It was Dean, Rebecca, and Greg for me while Avril, Carol, and Chuck stayed behind. The three that stayed behind will get into a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gehenna Neros | Level 57 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 97000 | 25000 | 7000 | - | - | - | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gehenna Neros [Dop] | Level 57 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 9700 | 700 | 70 | - | - | - | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Depending on if you bothered to put a set up on your reserve characters, this fight can be either easy or hard. Gehenna will call upon a Doppelganger of himself, so make sure to take care of that as fast as possible. If you can, try to corner it in the corner so it can't escape and start pummeling it. Like with the previous fight, it's a straightforward fight that shouldn't be all that difficult. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A2: You'll be in control of Dean's party now. Use the detector and ride the platforms. A3: Go south and open the two Duplicator chests for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] and [_20000 GELLA_]. Touch the crystal. A4: Shoot the orb with the Fire Bullet and go west. A5: Charge up your Fire Bullet and wait until there's a clear path to shoot it to light all three torches when the moving platforms are out of the way. Once they're all lit, go back into the previous room. A4: Shoot the orb with the Freeze Bullet this time and go east. A6: Jump on the moving platform and use your Freeze Bullet to unlight the four torches. Go back. A4: Shoot the orb with a regular bullet to advance. A7: Make your way south. A8: Open the nearby Duplicator chest for [_HOLY BERRY X2_]. Go up the stairs and open the chest at the end of the hall for [_DUPLICATOR X2_]. A9: Pull out your Power Shot and hit the orbs in this order: West, East, Middle, West. Switch to a regular bullet and hit the east orb one last time. Continue. A10: Fix your camera so that it's facing north and use the Power Shot on the North, East, South, and West crystals. A11: Follow the path and open the chest at the end of the hall for a [_FULL REVIVE X5_]. A12: Proceed north. A13: Open the chest in this room for a [_BLANK MEDIUM_] and then set your camera to the south. Use your Fire Bullet on the Northwest crystal. Use your Freeze Bullet on the Northeast crystal. Use your Powershot on the Southeast crystal. Use your Regular bullet on the Southwest crystal. Now go open the chest for the [_DUEL SIGN_]. This is your final cartridge, and it's used to break those pesky crystals you've found in some dungeons. Whip out your new Duel Sign and shoot the middle crystal with it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Magnitorse | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 9110 | 9070 | 570 | - | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ These guys have been random encounters in this dungeon and if you've been able to handle them, then these guys shouldn't pose as a problem since they're pretty much exactly the same things. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue to the north. A14: Follow the path and open the Duplicator chest at the end of the hall for an [_AMBROSIA_]. A15: Once you enter, it's time for another fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Vagesta | Level 58 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 97079 | 29500 | 6900 | - | - | Weak | Absorb | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll want to try to keep him off of any Ley Points there are as he's got a nasty arsenal of elemental attacks of all kinds and they don't need to be powered up at all, so if possible, corner him to prevent him from getting on any Ley Points. If he does get on a Ley Point, make room so he can move off of it and keep pummeling him from there. Make sure to get on the Wind Ley Point as soon as possible and start spamming Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast. Just keep this up while healing up with Berries/Hi-Heal and he'll fall eventually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, open the chest in this room for the [_EXODUS ORB_]. This bad boy lets you warp to the entrance of the dungeon you're in, so no more backtracking for you. There's also a Save Point and a Sol Niger in this room. DO NOT TOUCH THE CRYSTAL IF YOU ARE NOT FULLY READY. Once you touch that crystal, there's no going back. I'd recommend making at least three Sheriff Stars, one for each character in your active party. If you feel you're ready, continue forward. A16: Go east. A17: Why hello there! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Volsung | Level 60 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 77777 | 40000 | 7000 | Half | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Pretty awesome battle theme if I do say so myself. By this point of the game, I was Level 100 since I did most, if not all of the sidequests, so I had no trouble with this fight, but if you're around the average level, you'll want to be careful. His attacks can do a decent amount of damage, and he'll often seperate your characters with Isolate and use Hi-Blast or Heavy Crush. The one attack you'll want to watch out for though is GZ Nemesis, which is possibly a one hit kill, so keep yourself healed up and revive any fallen character. Use Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast/Sonic Vision to take him down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examine the crystal for the final [_GIGA CRUSH_] and watch the scene. ============== Laila Belle ============== Pffffft. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Karian Sentinel | Level 62 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 37800 | 15555 | 3888 | - | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll fight two of these guys here, and since they're of the Golem family, using Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast in the Water Ley Point would be the best option, or you can use Greg since his ARM is best suited for piercing Golems armor. They pretty much fight like any other golem you've fought, but there's one attack you'll want to keep note of. When they use Shockwave Ready, if any of your characters are in a Hex surrounded a Sentinel, back off as Shockwave will hurt anyone near them. Other than that, it shouldn't be a difficult fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the next set of scenes, you'll be back in Locus Solus. Exit the dungeon you enter first. ============== Locus Solus ============== Items ----- Cordyceps x2 Ambrosia Gella Card X Y Item - - ---- 33695 37534 [_CORDYCEPS_] 25994 32358 [_AMBROSIA_] 25364 37682 [_GELLA CARD_] 44269 30185 [_CORDYCEPS_] Re-enter the Black Box. ====================== Locus Solus: Black Box ====================== Items ----- Cordyceps Full Revive Lucky Card LS Amethyst P Holy Berry LS Amethyst E Ambrosia LS Amethyst Y LS Amethyst Z A1: This is the final dungeon of the game, so make sure you're absolutely prepared. Examine the shining objects behind the rocks for a [_CORDYCEPS_] and a [_FULL REVIVE_]. Use the shop box if you want and save your game and proceed north. A2: Go north and then west. A3: Freeze three of the boxes and shoot one of them. Now pull the boxes over onto the three switches to open the door. A4: Grab the [_LUCKY CARD_] in this room and continue south. A5: Examine the shining objects in the cells for a [_LS AMETHYST P_] and a [_HOLY BERRY_]. Whip out your Power Shot and shoot the door at the end of the hall. A6: Line up the boxes with a red one being at the end and go stand near the door. Rotate your camera so that you're facing the boxes and change your bullet to the Power Shot. Shoot a bullet and quickly run against the door to go through it. A7: Proceed south and west. A8: After the scene, shoot the jars and follow the path. A9: Shoot the floating bits with regular bullets and proceed north as you do. A10: Shoot the jars and take the lower northwest door. A11: Shoot the switch in here and go back. A10: Take the upper northwest door this time. A12: Go up to the clock for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Titanius | Level 65 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 127500 | 39700 | 8750 | - | - | Weak | Absorb | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothign too strong here. His Mega Crusher and Heavy Crush are attacks you'll want to heal after if you're at the average level here. Try to avoid getting more than one character in the same Hex since he can ues FP Buster which will deplete your FP Gauge depending on how many people are in the Hex. He'll also use Melancholy Breath which will add Misery to the Hexes he aims at, so don't get your characters in a Hex line. Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast/Sonic Vision as always and you'll win eventually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the scene, proceed west. A13: Shoot the jars and go southwest. A14: Shoot the floating bits in here as you proceed south. A15: Grab the [_LP AMETHYST E_] and proceed southeast. A16: After the scene (Goofball!), go to the north side of the room and move your camera up. Pull out your Power Shot and shoot the bar up there and climb the pole. Use the Detector and jump over the now revealed blocks and step on the switch. The flames on the floor indicate the solution to the next couple of puzzles. Go back to Area 12. A12: One handle turns the Minute Hand while the other handle turns the Hour Hand. Turn the handles until the clock is set at 7:55 (you'll need to set the Hour Hand on the 8, keep that in mind) and use the springboard to jump up. A17: Use the Detector and shoot the floating bits while proceeding south. A18: Light all the torches and examine the door. Go back to Area 12. A12: Set the clock so it's set to 3:15 and use the other spring. A19: Use the Detector and shoot the bits while going to the other side of the room. A20: Light the torches and examine the door and go back to Area 12. A12: Set the clock to 6:10. Go back to Area 20. A20: Go through the newly opened door. A21: Attempt to go up the stairs for a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Garyugossa | Level 67 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 68500 | 23700 | 4750 | - | - | Resist | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are two of these guys and even at the average level, they're not all that threatning. The one attack you'll want to watch out for is Dark Isolate, but they'll stick to using Double Shock for the majority of the fight, but they can also use Shockwave, so if they get ready to use it, move your characters away from the Hexes surrounding the one using it to avoid the damage. All in all though, not that tough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the scene, go north and ride the elevator. A22: Go through the south door. A26: Grab the [_AMBROSIA_] and [_LP AMETHYST Y_] and purify the Sol Niger. Go back. A22: Go northwest. A23: Go into the next room. A24: Go into the next room. A25: Step on the symbol on the floor and shoot the switch to be brought up to the next level. Go southwest. A22: Shoot the nearby orb and jump on the platforms as they appear and reappear and then shoot the next orb and proceed through the door. A25: Shoot the orb and jump on the platforms as they appear and disappear and move your camera so you can shoot the upper orb once you get far enough. Continue across the platforms and move your camera again so you can shoot the lower orb. Follow the platforms as they lead to the ledge and go through the door. A24: Stomp on the switch here and go back to Area 23. A23: Step on the symbol on the ground and shoot the orb to rise the platform. Go northeast. A24: Grab the [_LS AMETHYST Z_] and go back. A23: Go southeast. A22: Shoot the orb and ride the platforms until you can shoot the left orb. Do so and continue on. A23: Shoot the orb and ride the platform and shoot the next orb to ride the next set of platforms. A24: Stomp on the switch and drop down and examine the door. Insert the Amethysts you've been gathering. Turn around and go south. A27: Climb the long, set of anti-climatic stairs and examine the door. Choose the second option to save your game and once you're ready, choose the third option to continue forward. A28: METEOR DRIIIIIIIIVE!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Volsung | Level 70 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 99999 | 50000 | 8000 | Half | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Zone Violator | Level 68 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 17500 | 20000 | 1000 | - | Weak | - | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll want to take care of the Zone Violators first as they'll often use Hi-Heal and Protect on Volsung as well as use Isolate on your characters, so get rid of them to get rid of the annoyances. As for Volsung, he's almost the same as last time, but he's got a new trick up his sleeve. He's able to use Double Action, which grants him a second turn. When he uses "Readying Sword!", prepare yourself as GZ Nemesis will do 10000 damage this time around, which means it's an instakill. He also has Blocker and Magic Blocker this time around, so your attacks might not hit all the time. Ignore his sword when it's stuck in the ground and use a Full Revive when he uses GZ Nemesis. Heavy Crush Hi-Blast/Sonic Vision is the way to go as always. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll have control after the next set of scenes. Use the Exodus Orb to teleport away. Use the shop box once more and buy any items you see fit (King's Crowns are sold here and Badges carry over if you use a EX New Game *HINTHINT*) and save your game. Exit. ============== Locus Solus ============== After the long set of scenes, you'll get into a golem battle. You can't win this fight. Afterwards, it's time to tackle the big boy himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Legio Volsung | Level 70 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 150000 | 0 | 0 | - | Weak | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Worst final boss theme ever. The final battle is among us. His Ultimate Claw P attack will hit all of your party members, so you'll want to heal up right after it. He also has a nasty tendency of using Ley Change quite often. He can also use two different elements of Giga Crush as well as Heavy Crush, so start countering him by using the Ley Points to exploit his weak points. He might use Phase Change which will grant him a magic form, which is pretty much the same as the Physical form, except he has more magic at his disposal this time around and a couple of more nasty attacks. Keep yourself healed at all times and use a Full Revive if someone dies. Honestly, even at the average level, he shouldn't pose that much of a threat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now sit back and watch the final set of scenes unfold and the credits will roll. Afterwards, you'll be given the chance to save a Clear Game file. Do so. Congratulations! You've beaten Wild ARMs 5! I hope my guide was able to help you out. =================== 5.) Medium List =================== This section will list the six mediums in the game and what their skills are and what level they can be learned at the natural way. A few things to note: Ma = Magic Ph = Physical Pa = Passive Fo = Force [Which requires use of FP] Ss = Summon Sky Medium ---------- Name Level Type ---- ----- ---- MP/MAG Bonus N/A Pa ----------------------------------------- Blast 2 Ma ----------------------------------------- Gemstone 4 Pa ----------------------------------------- Ley Change 8 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 10 Pa ----------------------------------------- Absorb 12 Ma ----------------------------------------- Magic Blocker 15 Pa ----------------------------------------- Widespread 18 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 20 Pa ----------------------------------------- Hi-Blast 25 Ma ----------------------------------------- Ley MP Regen 30 Pa ----------------------------------------- MP Charge 35 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 40 Pa ----------------------------------------- Extend 50 Ma ----------------------------------------- Conserve MP 60 Pa ----------------------------------------- Solais Emsu 70 Fo/Su ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 80 Pa ----------------------------------------- Sacrifice 90 Ma ----------------------------------------- Ley MAG Up 100 Pa ----------------------------------------- Sword Medium ------------ Name Level Type ---- ----- ---- HP/ATK Bonus N/A Pa ----------------------------------------- Crush 2 Ph ----------------------------------------- Counter 4 Pa ----------------------------------------- Jump 8 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 10 Pa ----------------------------------------- Quicken 12 Ma ----------------------------------------- Dash 15 Pa ----------------------------------------- Sonic Vision 18 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 20 Pa ----------------------------------------- Heavy Crush 25 Ph ----------------------------------------- Ley HP Regen 30 Pa ----------------------------------------- Intrude 35 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 40 Pa ----------------------------------------- React Plus 50 Ma ----------------------------------------- Penetrator 60 Pa ----------------------------------------- Equites 70 Fo/Su ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 80 Pa ----------------------------------------- Hyper 90 Ma ----------------------------------------- Ley ATK Up 100 Pa ----------------------------------------- Mountain Medium --------------- Name Level Type ---- ----- ---- HP/DEF Boost N/A Pa ----------------------------------------- Protect 2 Ma ----------------------------------------- Defender 4 Pa ----------------------------------------- Mystic 8 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 10 Pa ----------------------------------------- Turn Shift 12 Ma ----------------------------------------- Blocker 15 Pa ----------------------------------------- Invincible 18 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 20 Pa ----------------------------------------- Shut Out 25 Ma ----------------------------------------- Ley HP Regen 30 Pa ----------------------------------------- Critical Heal 35 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 40 Pa ----------------------------------------- Reinforce 50 Ma ----------------------------------------- Retaliate 60 Pa ----------------------------------------- Dinoginos 70 Fo/Su ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 80 Pa ----------------------------------------- Regenerate 90 Ma ----------------------------------------- Ley DEF Up 100 Pa ----------------------------------------- Luck Medium ----------- Name Level Type ---- ----- ---- RFX/HIT Bonus N/A Pa ----------------------------------------- Item Steal 2 Ph ----------------------------------------- FP Advantage 4 Pa ----------------------------------------- Mystic 8 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 10 Pa ----------------------------------------- Fragile 12 Ma ----------------------------------------- Gella Up 15 Pa ----------------------------------------- Sonic Vision 18 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 20 Pa ----------------------------------------- Slow Down 25 Ma ----------------------------------------- Ley RFX Up 30 Pa ----------------------------------------- MP Charge 35 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 40 Pa ----------------------------------------- Life Drain 50 Ma ----------------------------------------- Experience Up 60 Pa ----------------------------------------- Chapapanga 70 Fo/Su ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 80 Pa ----------------------------------------- Rare Steal 90 Ph ----------------------------------------- Ley HIT Up 100 Pa ----------------------------------------- Sea Medium ---------- Name Level Type ---- ----- ---- MP/RES Bonus N/A Pa ----------------------------------------- Heal 2 Ma ----------------------------------------- Lifesaver 4 Pa ----------------------------------------- Jump 8 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 10 Pa ----------------------------------------- Revive 12 Ma ----------------------------------------- Crisis Action 15 Pa ----------------------------------------- Widespread 18 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 20 Pa ----------------------------------------- Hi-Heal 25 Ma ----------------------------------------- Ley MP Regen 30 Pa ----------------------------------------- Critical Heal 35 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 40 Pa ----------------------------------------- React Minus 50 Ma ----------------------------------------- Double Healing 60 Pa ----------------------------------------- Lucadia 70 Fo/Su ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 80 Pa ----------------------------------------- Hi-Revive 90 Ma ----------------------------------------- Ley RES Up 100 Pa ----------------------------------------- Moon Medium ----------- Name Level Type ---- ----- ---- RFX/EVA Boost N/A Pa ----------------------------------------- Dispel 2 Ma ----------------------------------------- Observe 4 Pa ----------------------------------------- Ley Change 8 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 10 Pa ----------------------------------------- Replace 12 Ma ----------------------------------------- Status Lock 15 Pa ----------------------------------------- Invincible 18 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 20 Pa ----------------------------------------- Gather 25 Ma ----------------------------------------- Ley RFX Up 30 Pa ----------------------------------------- Intrude 35 Fo ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 40 Pa ----------------------------------------- Isolate 50 Ma ----------------------------------------- HEX Cleaner 60 Pa ----------------------------------------- Celesdue 70 Fo/Su ----------------------------------------- Add Badge Slot 80 Pa ----------------------------------------- Land Steal 90 Ma ----------------------------------------- Ley EVA Up 100 Pa ----------------------------------------- ==================== 6.) Storyline Bosses ==================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Kalivos | Level 3 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 1324 | 13 | 245 | - | Half | - | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Just a quick reference, - means that the boss will take normal damage from that element, Half means it will do half damage, Active means it'll absorb the attack, weak means it's weak against it, and Resist means it nulls out the damage. For a first real boss, this guy isn't that hard. He'll do around to 200 damage to both Rebecca and Dean, so try to keep them in adjacent Hexes if possible. Chances are you'll start at the bottom and Kalivos will start at the top. Try to get Rebecca to a Hex that's in the line of the one Kalivos is in and start shooting at him. Get Dean next to him to start attacking him. If he tries to move away, chase after him and if you can, corner him in the lower right side of the field. It's a straight forward fight. Just make sure to keep Rebecca and Dean side to side so you can use Heal Berries on one another whenever you need to heal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gamorrah Toad | Level 5 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 1270 | 52 | 271 | Weak | Half | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are two of these guys, but they're not all that hard. They'll start off in the top two corner Hexes, but avoid the right one for now since a Fire Ley Point is near it. Getting on that Fire Ley Point will make you vulnerable to Hydro Pressure, to corner the top left one first with Rebecca and start pummeling it. Once it goes down, make sure that the other Gamorrah Toad is either one the Fire Ley Point or on another Hex in which you can get next to it without being on the Fire Ley Point. Just attack it with the previous one to take it down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Unknown | Level 6 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3000 | 320 | 594 | Weak | Weak | Weak | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This boss isn't exactly tough, but if you're not careful he can instantly KO one of your characters. Try not to corner the boss just yet as you'll want to keep him away from either the Earth or Wind Ley Point. When you attack him. you'll realize that your attacks do jackcrap. If analyze him, you'll see that he's weak to all four elements, which means magic is the way to go. Whoever has the Medium with Blast in it will be your main attacker for this fight. Have that character hop into one of the elemental Hexes and start using Blast. Blast is naturally a neutral skill, but with the power of the Ley Points, it can become an elemental blast. If you're using this in the Wind or Earth Ley Point, take caution as Unknown can use Blast too, and if he uses it in the opposite Ley Point from you, there's a good chance the character in the Earth or Wind Ley Point can be instantly killed. Just keep using blast on it while Dean and Avril start chipping away at its health. Now would be a good time to use a Lucky and Gella card as well as that experience amount is pretty good for this early in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Spriggan | Level 9 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 2440 | 90 | 472 | Half | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Spriggan has a nasty earth base attack, so you'll want to take over the Earth Ley Point as soon as you can with either Dean or Rebecca/Avril, depending on who has Blast. Once you cover the Earth Ley Point, get the person who has Blast to the Wind Ley Point as fast as possible and start spamming Blast on Spriggan. Try to avoid having your characters in a line on the Hexes, as Spriggan uses an attack that attacks all Hexes in a straight line. Just keep healing with whoever has Heal or use Heal Berries and you should be fine for this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Spriggan | Level 10 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3000 | 280 | 1050 | - | Half | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are two of these guys, and the way the Hex field is set up is not favorable to you in any way. They'll both start out in one of the two corners which makes this a nasty set up. You'll want to try to avoid putting all three characters in the line of these two beasts as they can still use that attack that attacks all Hexes in a straight line. There are two ways you can handle this fight. Either corner one of them and gather everyone in the same Hex and start attacking one at a time to take it down faster, or you can corner one with only one character while the other two stay back out of the line of fire. Either way you go, you'll want to use the Ley Changing skill that comes with one of the Mediums you equipped as you don't want them in the Earth Ley Point. Since they can use that skill as well, it may benefit them more than you, so keep changing the Ley Points if they do until the Earth one is either under you or non-existant. If you're going to stick everyone in one Hex to attack, then have someone ready to use Healing Berries and/or the Heal skill. Remember to use a Lucky Card and a Gella Card for this fight. Remember that you don't need to be in the same Hex with the person using it for it to effect you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Professor | Level 55 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 46500 | 0 | 0 | Weak | Half | Weak | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Unless you somehow got 70 levels by this point of the game, you can't win this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Ruins Guard | Level 15 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3622 | 275 | 846 | Weak | Resist | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is a pretty simple fight. Your first priority is to get the character with Blast into the Fire Ley Point. Once you do so, pummel it with Blast while your other two characters start attacking it or using Heal Berries. Not much strategy to this fight really since he doesn't have any nasty attacks to worry about. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Tarasque Gorath | Level 16 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3690 | 650 | 0 | Weak | Half | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Tarasque Mons | Level 16 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 2980 | 0 | 1050 | - | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This fight might seem a bit intimidating at first since you're going to be getting pummeled for the first fight, but it's pretty simple as long as you keep up with the healing. Your first priority is to keep them out of the Fire Ley Point and move either Dean/Rebecca/Avril into the Fire Ley Point. Whoever has Blast should move there and start attacking Tarasque Gorath with it as his Res is pretty low. If you can trap him in the Water Ley Point, then this will go by even quicker. Gorath and Mons will surround the middle hexes and start attacking you. These attacks can be pretty damaging, especially towards Avril, so be ready with Heal Berries or Heal. If you have it, use Quicken in the Fire Ley Point. Once Gorath is down, use physical attacks on Mons as his RES stat is pretty high, but his DEF is low. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Twilight Venom | Level 19 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 2170 | 382 | 764 | Weak | Half | Absorb | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll only have Dean and Carol for this fight (I'm not exactly a huge fan of her voice work) but it's really not that tough. Twilight Venom will pretty much just poison the Hex Carol and/or Dean is standing on, so have Carol use Antidotes while Dean attacks it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Water Scutum | Level 20 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3270 | 600 | 800 | Weak | Absorb | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Fire Scutum | Level 20 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3690 | 600 | 800 | Absorb | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The first thing you'll want to do is cover the Fire Ley Point so that the Fire Scutum doesn't get a chance to get on it. While Blast or Hi-Blast may do less damage if the Fire Scutum isn't on the Fire Ley Point, its Cremation attack while on the Fire Ley Point will do a lot of damage, so get to the Water Ley Point and use Blast or Hi-Blast to quickly take out the Fire Scutum. Sometimes one of them will cast Gather to get you away from it. If that happens, quickly scurry back to the Water Ley Point to finish off the Fire Scutum. Repeat the same process with the Water Scutum, except use the Fire Ley Point to damage it. There's nothing exciting to steal here, so don't bother with it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Lizard Man | Level 20 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 1472 | 150 | 412 | Weak | Half | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll fight four of these guys. They're not really all that different from normal enemies, but they seem to be a bit stronger. Hurry and get Rebecca or anyone with the Blast spell to the Fire Ley Point and start using Blast or Hi-Blast on them while Dean and Avril/Rebecca heals and attacks. Not that tough of a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Balam | Level 22 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 4388 | 2140 | 1890 | Half | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Now this fight is a step up from the last fight. You'll want to avoid using physical attacks for this fight because Balam will reflect any physical attacks back at you for the same damage it would've hit him for, so Rebecca and Avril will be your two main people for this fight. Try to get Rebecca or Avril, whoever has Hi-Blast to the Water Ley Point as soon as possible (that spot also has an after-battle item) and start spamming Hi-Blast. If you can, also try to get him next to the Wind Ley Point and let Avril use Hi-Vortex's on him to damage him. Have Dean use Heal Berries when necessary and keep defending with him whenever he has nothing to do. Make sure to use a Lucky and Gella card if you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Elebart | Level 24 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 7570 | 2030 | 1200 | - | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This fight isn't all that hard, but you'll want to watch out for one certain attack. Get Rebecca or Avril to the Wind Ley Point and start spamming Hi-Blast on it while Dean should be up close attacking it. Once you get 50 FP, use Sonic Vision with Dean to make this fight go more quickly. The one attack you'll want to watch out for is when he'll spend one turn building up a Lightning based attack. Greg will warn you when he does this. Take his advice and guard with all of your characters as it'll do a lot of damage to one character. Heal up on the next turn and start using Hi-Blast again while on the Wind Ley Point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Igoronak | Level 25 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3870 | 1750 | 757 | - | Half | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Not too difficult. Try to corner one and start normally attacking them. They might do a bit more damage towards Avril, but you can fix that with a simple Heal or Hi-Heal. Just corner one and focus on that one. After it falls, go corner the second one and beat the living hell out of it. Sonic Vision doesn't hurt at all either, so abuse it with Dean if you can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Nightburn | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 17000 | 0 | 0 | Weak | - | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can't win this fight, but try to hit him anyways for giggles before he obliterates you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gigamantis | Level 26 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 8540 | 1210 | 1000 | Half | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Roper | Level 26 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 2240 | 428 | 564 | Weak | Half | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Oddly enough, there's no Wind Ley Point here, so you can't target the Gigamantis's weak point. You'll want to focus on getting rid of the Ropers first as these little buggers are the most annoying part of this fight. They have the ability to cast Disease in a Hex, which doesn't allow the healing of a character. However, this can work both ways, so if you can, try to corner the Roper into a Disease Hex if possible. Stand in the Fire Ley Point and use Blast/Hi-Blast with whoever has Blast while Dean starts attacking them. Once they go down, surround the Gigamantis with Dean and Rebecca/Carol/Greg while Avril stays back and uses heal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Plague Beetle | Level 27 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 9900 | 7052 | 2150 | - | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The first thing you'll want to do in this fight is use a Lucky Card. The Plague Beetle is a nasty little guy because he hits hard and has the ability to cause Poison and Disease in a Hex, which can be fatal in this fight. Try to occupy the Earth Ley Point as soon as you can to avoid him using Heavy Crush. If he uses Virus Breeding, make sure to back away from him as the next turn, he'll use an attack that hits the Hexes surrounding him doing heavy damage AND it causes the Disease status. Plus, it's a free turn move so he gets to act right away afterwards. Once you occupy the Earth Ley Point, get Rebecca/Avril/Carol or whoever has Hi-Blast to the Wind Ley Point while Avril should stay back and use Hi-Heal. His Blade Arm attack hurts just as much, so make sure not to hesitate when it comes to using Berries to heal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Sand Stag | Level 29 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3900 | 1820 | 1600 | - | Weak | - | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Sand Crab | Level 28 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 5900 | 1487 | 1560 | Weak | Resist | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The first thing you'll want to do is occupy the Water Ley Point since the Sand Crab can use Maelstrom and if he gets in the water Hex first, this can prove to be trouble. Both of these enemies have an ARM Part to steal, so if you want to steal those, that's up to you. Try to keep yourself out of the Wind Ley Point as well since the Sand Stag can use Stone Bullet. Once you occupy by the Water Ley Point, get Rebecca/Avril or whoever has Hi-Blast to the Fire Ley Point and start using Hi-Blast on the Sand Crab. Both of their normal attacks can hit pretty hard, so have Avril ready with Heal/Hi-Heal. Once the Sand Crab is taken down, occupy the Water Ley Point with your Hi-Blast caster and finish off the Sand Stag. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Rhinoceros | Level 30 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 10200 | 7800 | 2340 | Weak | Half | - | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Compared to the last fight, this one isn't all that difficult either. He does have an ARM Part to steal, but that's up to you if you want to take the time to snag it. Get your Hi-Blast user to the Fire Ley Point and start using it on him. Get Dean up close to start attacking him while Avril or whoever has Hi-Heal should stay back and heal your other party members. His attacks should be easily counterable with Hi-Heal, so you should be fine for this fight. Make sure to use a Lucky Card as well to get over 15,000 Experience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Axe Gob | Level 33 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 6300 | 2500 | 2040 | - | Half | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Shotel Gob | Level 32 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 2520 | 611 | 204 | Half | - | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothing too hard here really. Just make sure to avoid sticking more than one character in a Hex as the Gobs have a nasty habit of countering your attacks and they do around 600-700 per hit usually, so have Avril or whoever ready with healing or be ready with some Potion Berries. The Axe Gob also has an ARM Part to steal, but it's a Rare steal, so if you want to take the chance go for it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Boss Olivier | Level 34 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 8350 | 8500 | 2700 | Absorb | Absorb | Absorb | Absorb | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This fight isn't really all that tough, but make sure to cover the Ley Points with all of your characters as soon as you can as Boss Olivier has the ability to regenerate on Ley Points. Once you do so, start attacking him and make sure to use a Lucky Card in this fight. If you corner him, he'll start using attacks that cause the Poison and Disease status on the Hexes, and they can do a bit of damage, so when he's low on health, corner him then and finish him off. A straightforward fight pretty much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Veruni Solider | Level 34 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3680 | 1500 | 560 | - | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll fight four of these guys, but thankfully they're not that much tougher than the normal enemies around here. If you can corner them and move multiple Soldiers into one Hex, it'll just make things go by quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Fereydoon | Level 54 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 46200 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Just for giggles, attack him with Chuck then let him kill you off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Kobold | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 8500 | 4900 | 2090 | - | - | Weak | Absorb | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The Kobold, while not tough, may pose as a small problem because of two things. One, he can do a lot of damage with his attacks, so avoid sticking multiple people in one Hex. Two, he has the Hard Attribute, meaning your physical attacks will do jacksquat in this fight. So bring your Hi-Blast user (always been Rebecca) for me to the Wind Ley Point and start spamming Hi-Blast while one of the other characters heals and while the other one guards or uses berries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chaos | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 11500 | 5800 | 2450 | - | - | Absorb | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Chaos isn't too threatning. If you can corner him on your first turn, do so while your Hi-Blast user gets to the Earth Ley Point and starts spamming Hi-Blast to damage it pretty heavily. His attacks shouldn't be a threat since he tends to stick to his normal attack, which does roughly around 800 damage. Just keep spamming Hi-Blast and this fight shouldn't last that long. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Nightburn | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 10500 | 4570 | 1500 | Weak | - | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Veruni Infantryman | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 3230 | 1050 | 350 | - | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Yikes. This fight is a nice jump from the past couple of fights we've had. Nightburn still has a lot of RFX, so chances are he'll be acting first. While he most likely won't insta KO you this time, you'll need to stay on your toes for healing since his attacks are nasty. His regular Shooting attack will do roughly around 900, but his Dual Impulse attack will usually do around 1600 or so damage, so have someone ready with Hi-Heal. Focus on taking care of the Infantrymen first before focusing on Nightburn. Nightburn also has the Personal Skill Blocker, which will negate your attacks from time to time, so when you get the chance, keep using Sonic Vision with Dean to bypass it and keep using Hi-Heal and/or Berries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Nightburn | Level 36 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 5500 | 10000 | 2000 | Weak | - | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's a one on one fight with Dean against Nightburn here, so his stats have been softened up a bit, but that doesn't mean you should let your guard down. Your best bet for this fight is to alternate between attacking and healing, whether it's by using Potion Berries or using Hi-Heal. Nightburns shooting will still do around 900 damage and Dual Impulse still does damage in the 1000's, but he seems to use Dual Impulse less often this time around. It's a pretty straightforward fight that consists alternating between attacking and healing, so let him have it and use Sonic Vision to finish him off once you get the FP to do so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Persephone | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 45200 | 0 | 0 | Resist | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can't win this fight, but just attack her for kicks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Elbucky | Level 40 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 16969 | 4200 | 3300 | - | Weak | - | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Elbucky is one nasty kitty. Methinks it needs to be fixed. Anyways, don't bother using Hi-Blast in this fight, as Elbucky has a RES stat above the 700 mark, so unless your MAG is higher than that, don't bother wasting your MP. Elbucky also has a piece of armor to steal if you want that. Elbucky will use Misery in this fight, which turns your character into a cat. It lowers your DEF and RES, so make sure to cure any Hex that has it right away. Get Dean up close to start pummeling it while your other two characters should either help by attacking or heal. Elbucky's attacks hurt, so make sure to pay attention to your health. As always, Sonic Vision is one of the better options to use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Toy Chopper | Level 42 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 8780 | 1600 | 400 | Half | Half | Half | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Toy Bomber | Level 42 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 7970 | 1400 | 350 | Weak | Half | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Toy Ripper | Level 42 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 10102 | 1500 | 250 | Half | Weak | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothing too difficult here. The Toy Ripper has the most attack out of the bunch, so you'll want your current active party member with the highest DEF and HP stat (most likely either Dean or Greg, depending on your set up) to take the blunt of the blows from it while your Hi-Blast user occupies the Earth Ley Point to take out the Toy Chopper. Avril or whoever has Hi-Heal should stay back as usual and use Hi-Heal to heal up. Try to avoid getting multiple characters in a single Hex as they'll sometimes use Heavy Crush on you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Prisnum | Level 43 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 28500 | 14500 | 3200 | - | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This guy is a quick little fellow, so you'll want to watch yourself here. The first thing you'll want to avoid is using magic in this fight as the Prisnum is able to reflect your magic out, so take out your Hi-Blast user for this fight [Rebecca for me] and replace him/her with a physical fighter [Greg for me] and start attacking him. Try to avoid getting your characters in a straight line since Prisnum's Psychedelicer hits any character in a Hex across from him. Have Avril or whoever sit back and use Hi-Heal to counter the Kirlian Buster attack while your two physical attackers take it out. Don't forget to use a Lucky Card for this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Veruni Solider | Level 43 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 9700 | 2020 | 1210 | - | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothing too difficult here. One thing to note is that when they start taking a beating, they'll use an attack called Ring Out to temporarily remove a random character from battle. Other than that, they're not that much of a threat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Kartikeya | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 46750 | 0 | 0 | - | - | Resist | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Although it doesn't seem very fitting, don't get distracted by the awesome music. Let him kill you off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Standard Model | Level 41 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 18500 | 9345 | 3870 | Resist | - | Resist | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The Standard Model shouldn't be all that difficult to handle, even if you're around only the average level. His Golem Punch will do only about 700ish damage, so you can counter that real easily. His rolling smash attack will do a lot more than that, so have Avril or whoever ready with Hi-Heal while the other characters start chipping away at it's health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Muspel | Level 52 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 25500 | 30000 | 3800 | Half | Half | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can't win this fight, although the music is pretty kickass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Ice Queen Avril | Level 48 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 45500 | 18000 | 4000 | - | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can't win this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Ice Queen Avril | Level 48 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 29500 | 18000 | 4000 | - | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's time for some revenge. This fight is winable, and you should win it, so let's get started. Ice Queen Avril has a nasty habit of using 4D Pocket to temporarily remove a character from the battle. You'll want to bring in your character that has Hi-Heal for this fight, as Ice Queen Avril isn't screwing around with you. If you're able to, corner her away from any elemental Ley Points as she'll constantly use Hi-Blast which will damage you in the 1000s, so counter this with Hi-Heal. Your other two characters should be attacking her normally. If Avril uses 4D Pocket on your healing character, you'll need to manage by using either Potion or Mega Berries until that character comes back to the battlefield. Once Avril gets low on health, she'll use Mega Berries and Life Drain to restore her HP. Sonic Vision helps a lot in this fight. Just keep countering her Hi-Blast or Begone! attack with Hi-Heal and you'll win this fight eventually. Using a Lucky Card wouldn't hurt either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Nyankopon | Level 49 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 23700 | 2450 | 980 | - | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Nyame | Level 49 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 10800 | 3200 | 1050 | Half | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll want to focus your attention on the Nyames first to get them out of the way. These little buffers have a nasty EVA stat of 632, so you may wind up missing quite a bit. Solution? Try to occupy the Fire Ley Point and use Hi-Blast. Your other characters should focus on using Hi-Heal and attacking. They'll generally use Pussy Willow, which is a buffed up version of a normal attack, but they'll also use Meowserable, which causes the Misery Status. Once the Nyame's are gone, the Nyankopon shouldn't be that difficult to take out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chimera [A] | Level 50 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 13800 | 4500 | 950 | - | Resist | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chimera [B] | Level 50 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 15800 | 3500 | 1050 | Resist | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chimera [C] | Level 50 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 16800 | 4000 | 1000 | Weak | Resist | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chimera [All] | Level 50 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 99999 | 0 | 0 | Resist | Resist | Resist | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll want to focus on one Chimera for the start of this battle, but there's a good chance you won't be able to take it out in time. If Chimera A and C share a same Hex, then use Hi-Blast in the Fire Ley Point while Dean or any other physically strong character attacks them while Avril/Carol or whoever uses Heal/Hi-Heal. After a turn or two, the Chimeras will combine into one, making it invulnerable. It'll have 9999 DEF and RES, so you can't dent it. There are two things you can do here. The first is to guard every turn and heal when needed until it seperates, or you can use Isolate on it to break it apart yourself. Once it breaks back apart, finish off the one you were attacking at the start. Once one of them dies, it can't combine anymore. Each Chimera can use Hi-Blast and each has its own special magic attack. One has Sky Twister, one has Stone Bullet, and one has Hydro Pressure. Don't be afraid to use Ley Change to get yourself underneath a certain Hex. Once one of them falls, the other two should be easy enough to finish off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Iron Maiden | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 26200 | 6350 | 2480 | Resist | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothing too difficult here, although their attacks do a bit of damage, even if you've got a decent amount of DEF. Executioner and Finger Bullet are two of their most used attacks, so focus on one at a time while you have your healer sit back and use Hi-Heal. It's a pretty straightforward fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Leonhart | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 45800 | 10450 | 5700 | Resist | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is another straight forward fight, and it's not all that difficult either. Leonhart will most likely stick with using Blade Arm, which hurts a lot, and Howl, which will delay a characters turn. As long as you can out heal his attacks, you shouldn't have any trouble at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Persephone | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 76000 | 27000 | 5700 | Resist | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Persephone, while not extremely difficult, will still give you a run for your money if you can't keep up with her. You'll want to bring in your Reviver for this fight or have a handful of Revive Fruits on hand. Her Hard Attack does around 1000 damage to a single character, so use a Heal or Hi-Heal right away. She'll often use Quicken, but she'll move out of that Hex the next turn usually if you don't surround her, so make good use of that. The one attack that's real annoying is Gatling Gun. You'll know she's about to use it when she uses Target: ON during her turn. Gatling Gun will always do 9000 damage, so you'll need to counter this quickly with a Revive Fruit or a Revive spell. The annoying thing about it is that she uses it frequently. Just keep up the attack pattern of battering her around, and if you have a Punching Bag or Sheriff Star, use Sonic Vision as much as you can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Persephone | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 15200 | 29700 | 6400 | Resist | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's Rebecca vs. Persephone this time, one on one. Persephone will stick to using Hard Attack for most of this fight, and it'll do around 1000 damage still, so if you get low on health, use a Potion/Mega Berry. This fight is mostly an endurance fight, and it's pretty straightforward. Just shoot her and heal when needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Ghost Rider | Level 54 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 38200 | 10250 | 4970 | Half | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothing too difficult here. The Ghost Rider's attacks usually do around a 1000 damage or so, so if your healer isn't in this fight, switch him/her in. Have Dean steal the MAG Apple from him if you want, and then start pummeling him while using Sonic Vision on the side. This is a pretty simple fight and you shouldn't have that much trouble with it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gremlin | Level 54 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 28200 | 12500 | 6700 | - | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Again, not a difficult fight. He'll often stick to using his 16t and 480t attacks, which do 1000ish and 2000ish respectively, so counter that with a Heal or Hi-Heal. Try to steal the Meteor Strike from him before finishing him off. It's pretty much another straight forward fight that shouldn't be too difficult to handle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Fereydoon | Level 54 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 96200 | 31000 | 5250 | - | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Oddly enough, there's no Wind Ley Point here for you to take advantage of, so you'll have to do without it. Make sure to bring in your healer for this fight as it's close to the fight against Persephone in some ways. His Slice attack will do around 1300ish damage to you, so counter that with a Heal or Hi-Heal. Try to occupy the Earth Ley Point so that Fereydoon's Stone Bullet doesn't get any stronger. He'll also cast Protect, but there's hardly a noticeable change when you hit him, so if you can, corner him. You'll want to keep your healer nearby or have a few Revive Fruits on hand. Like with Persephone, Fereydoon has the ability to instantly kill off a character, but he doesn't seem to use it as much as Persephone used hers. When he uses Concentrating..., he'll use Laser Silouette the next turn, which will kill off one character. He'll also use healing factor which restores 5000 HP, so make sure you can outdamage that. That's pretty much all of his attacks, so try to corner him and start attacking and use Sonic Vision when given the chance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Fereydoon | Level 54 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 17800 | 28705 | 3870 | - | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's Chuck vs. Fereydoon in a one on one battle this time. Like with the previous 1v1 battles, his stats have softened up a bit, but don't let your guard down. There is a Wind Ley Point this time around, but it's not worth getting into since Fereydoon can still use Stone Bullet, so avoid it. Get up close and start whacking him around. Fereydoon sticks with Slice and Jump for this fight mostly, so just attack him and use Potion/Mega Berries when you start getting low on health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Sea Bishop | Level 55 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 23789 | 7850 | 3125 | Weak | Active | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are two of these guys. They have a nasty habit of using poison type skills, so make sure to use antidotes when needed. Avoid using the Fire Ley Point until there's only one Sea Bishop left since they can use Hydro Pressure and we don't need back to back Hydro Pressures if we're on a Fire Ley Point, especially if they're on the Water Ley Point. Corner the one at the top first and start pummeling it until it falls. Repeat the same process with the second one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Pethamenos | Level 55 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 43500 | 13600 | 2670 | Half | Absorb | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll want to either pull in your healer or pull in someone with the Luck medium as soon as possible since Mystic will come in handy here. The Pethamenos has a nasty attack called Candle in the Wind. You'll know he'll use it when he uses "Getting ready..." on the turn beforehand. What this attack does is it drops all of your characters HP to 1, so you'll want to use Mystic with a Mega Berry or gather everyone in one Hex and use Hi-Heal. After that it'll alternate between using it's One-Two Punch or Hi-Blast, so take it out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Elvis | Level 55 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 86500 | 32400 | 5756 | Weak | Resist | Weak | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Elvis is pretty much the same as the previous two Sentinels as his normal attack does over 1000 damage and he has an attack that can possibly kill you with one hit. However, what makes him different is that he has three different weaknesses for you to exploit, meaning Heavy Crush is a viable option to go with. Try to keep him out of the Water Ley Point as he can use Hydro Pressure and he'll sometimes use his Variant Attack move which will knock off over 5000 HP, meaning a possible instant death, so have Revive or Revive Fruits ready to go. It's pretty much the same as the previous two fights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Elvis | Level 55 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 17500 | 37800 | 6280 | Weak | Resist | Weak | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's Carol vs. Elvis in a one on one fight this time. I'm not sure if it was my set up or if I was just lucky, but this seems to be the easiest one on one fight of them all. You can keep Carol in the back and keep firing at him from a distance as he slowly works his way towards you. Try to occupy the Water Ley Point and attack him from there so that Hydro Pressure barely scratches you. His Rapid Punch attack might not even eclipse the 1000 mark here. Just keep attacking with Carol and if she has Sonic Vision, use it. Use Potion Berries/Mega Berries to heal as you pummel him from the Water Ley Point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Skyfish | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 24750 | 6500 | 3254 | Weak | Absorb | Absorb | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ If you have Heavy Crush, this fight shouldn't be all that difficult. Get to the Fire Ley Point and just abuse the hell out of Heavy Crush to kill off one of the Skyfish quickly. You'll just need to watch out for Hydro Pressure. Other than that, this fight is a cakewalk and shouldn't prove to be all that difficult. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Jupilasect | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 42750 | 18780 | 6450 | Weak | - | Absorb | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This guy is nothing but cheap. He'll often use Dark Isolate, which can instantly kill off a character and if a character survives it, they'll be teleported to a different Hex. If you want to take the risk, bring your Heavy Crush user over to the Fire Ley Point and start abusing Heavy Crush to damage it badly. Try to revive any fallen party members due to Dark Isolate and keep abusing Heavy Crush, Sonic Vision, or any other attacks like those. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Kartikeya | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 91750 | 37850 | 6270 | - | - | Resist | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Kartikeya is no doubt the toughest of all the Sentinels. He won't hold any punches back in this fight, so neither should you. Try to get to the Earth Ley Point and start spamming Heavy Crush on him if you have it. Kartikeya might not have Healing Factor like the previous Sentinels, but he still has a possible instant death attack. If he uses Evil Grin, he'll use Lock-On on his next turn. This attack IS survivable if you have more than 4500 HP, so make sure to heal up right away afterwards. Kartikeya seems to use this and his Bionic Arm attack the most, so try to corner him and start using Heavy Crush, Sonic Vision, or anything of the sort on him. Go all out in this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Kartikeya | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 22750 | 38704 | 4870 | - | - | Resist | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's Greg vs. Kartikeya in a one on one fight this time. This is also the hardest one on one fight there is, so if you didn't set Greg up properly, prepare to get an asswhooping. What makes Kartikeya really dangerous is that he still has Lock-On, but it also has the instant death effect on it and he uses it quite frequently. He'll also start using Sky Twister this time around. His Lock-On Death attack will do 3000-3800 damage if it doesn't kill you off automatically. Mega Berries are your friend in this fight, and you'll be doing a lot of alternating between healing and attacking, so try to build your FP gauge up fast and use Sonic Vision if Greg has it. At least the music is still awesome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Diefighter | Level 56 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 4710 | 6500 | 207 | Absorb | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll be fighting 9 of these guys, but they'll come in groups of 2, 3, and 4. They're not that difficult to take down, but this battle might last quite a few rounds depending on your levels and set ups. Just keep yourself healed and pummel them with your best attacks. Nothing too hard here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gehenna Neros | Level 57 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 97000 | 25000 | 7000 | - | - | - | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gehenna Neros [Dop] | Level 57 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 9700 | 700 | 70 | - | - | - | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Depending on if you bothered to put a set up on your reserve characters, this fight can be either easy or hard. Gehenna will call upon a Doppelganger of himself, so make sure to take care of that as fast as possible. If you can, try to corner it in the corner so it can't escape and start pummeling it. Like with the previous fight, it's a straightforward fight that shouldn't be all that difficult. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Magnitorse | Level 53 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 9110 | 9070 | 570 | - | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ These guys have been random encounters in this dungeon and if you've been able to handle them, then these guys shouldn't pose as a problem since they're pretty much exactly the same things. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Vagesta | Level 58 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 97079 | 29500 | 6900 | - | - | Weak | Absorb | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll want to try to keep him off of any Ley Points there are as he's got a nasty arsenal of elemental attacks of all kinds and they don't need to be powered up at all, so if possible, corner him to prevent him from getting on any Ley Points. If he does get on a Ley Point, make room so he can move off of it and keep pummeling him from there. Make sure to get on the Wind Ley Point as soon as possible and start spamming Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast. Just keep this up while healing up with Berries/Hi-Heal and he'll fall eventually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Volsung | Level 60 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 77777 | 40000 | 7000 | Half | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Pretty awesome battle theme if I do say so myself. By this point of the game, I was Level 100 since I did most, if not all of the sidequests, so I had no trouble with this fight, but if you're around the average level, you'll want to be careful. His attacks can do a decent amount of damage, and he'll often seperate your characters with Isolate and use Hi-Blast or Heavy Crush. The one attack you'll want to watch out for though is GZ Nemesis, which is possibly a one hit kill, so keep yourself healed up and revive any fallen character. Use Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast/Sonic Vision to take him down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Karian Sentinel | Level 62 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 37800 | 15555 | 3888 | - | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll fight two of these guys here, and since they're of the Golem family, using Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast in the Water Ley Point would be the best option, or you can use Greg since his ARM is best suited for piercing Golems armor. They pretty much fight like any other golem you've fought, but there's one attack you'll want to keep note of. When they use Shockwave Ready, if any of your characters are in a Hex surrounded a Sentinel, back off as Shockwave will hurt anyone near them. Other than that, it shouldn't be a difficult fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Titanius | Level 65 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 127500 | 39700 | 8750 | - | - | Weak | Absorb | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Nothign too strong here. His Mega Crusher and Heavy Crush are attacks you'll want to heal after if you're at the average level here. Try to avoid getting more than one character in the same Hex since he can ues FP Buster which will deplete your FP Gauge depending on how many people are in the Hex. He'll also use Melancholy Breath which will add Misery to the Hexes he aims at, so don't get your characters in a Hex line. Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast/Sonic Vision as always and you'll win eventually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Garyugossa | Level 67 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 68500 | 23700 | 4750 | - | - | Resist | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are two of these guys and even at the average level, they're not all that threatning. The one attack you'll want to watch out for is Dark Isolate, but they'll stick to using Double Shock for the majority of the fight, but they can also use Shockwave, so if they get ready to use it, move your characters away from the Hexes surrounding the one using it to avoid the damage. All in all though, not that tough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Volsung | Level 70 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 99999 | 50000 | 8000 | Half | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Zone Violator | Level 68 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 17500 | 20000 | 1000 | - | Weak | - | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll want to take care of the Zone Violators first as they'll often use Hi-Heal and Protect on Volsung as well as use Isolate on your characters, so get rid of them to get rid of the annoyances. As for Volsung, he's almost the same as last time, but he's got a new trick up his sleeve. He's able to use Double Action, which grants him a second turn. When he uses "Readying Sword!", prepare yourself as GZ Nemesis will do 10000 damage this time around, which means it's an instakill. He also has Blocker and Magic Blocker this time around, so your attacks might not hit all the time. Ignore his sword when it's stuck in the ground and use a Full Revive when he uses GZ Nemesis. Heavy Crush Hi-Blast/Sonic Vision is the way to go as always. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Legio Volsung | Level 70 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 150000 | 0 | 0 | - | Weak | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Worst final boss theme ever. The final battle is among us. His Ultimate Claw P attack will hit all of your party members, so you'll want to heal up right after it. He also has a nasty tendency of using Ley Change quite often. He can also use two different elements of Giga Crush as well as Heavy Crush, so start countering him by using the Ley Points to exploit his weak points. He might use Phase Change which will grant him a magic form, which is pretty much the same as the Physical form, except he has more magic at his disposal this time around and a couple of more nasty attacks. Keep yourself healed at all times and use a Full Revive if someone dies. Honestly, even at the average level, he shouldn't pose that much of a threat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== 7.) Optional Dungeons ===================== There are four different dungeons you can tackle late into the game: Inferno, Cocytus, Tartarus, and Abyss. ============== Inferno ============== Items ----- Duplicator x2 Lucky Card Ryan's Shield Cordyceps x5 Holy Berry x10 Warp Mega Berry x5 Vital Force Full Carrot Great Apple Gella Card Ambrosia Castle Wall Hi-Devastate x5 Dragon Fossil Spike Boots 18000 Gella Wonder Booster Recovery Program A1: As soon as you enter, open the nearby chest for [_DUPLICATOR X2_]. Go touch the crystal. A2: Proceed east. A3: Go south and open the chest for a [_LUCKY CARD_] and proceed north. A4: Touch the crystal in the middle. A5: Open the two chests in this area for a [_RYAN'S SHIELD_] and [_CORDYCEPS X5_] and go back to area 4. A4: Go west. A2: Go west again. A6: Stomp the switch and cross the platform by going south. Turn and go west to find a chest containing [_HOLY BERRY X2_]. Take the crystal on the north wall. A7: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_WARP_] and go back to Area 6. A6: Ride the platform and jump on the bridge and go east. A2: Step on the switch and drop down to the moving platform and go north by using the anchor hook on the orb. Go east once you drop off for a chest containing [_MEGA BERRY X5_]. Take the west crystal. A12: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_VITAL FORCE_] and go back. A2: Take the stairs and touch the crystal. A8: Go west and use the save point if you want. Use the platform and make your way west. A11: Use the anchor hook to get to the other side and take the crystal. A13: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_FULL CARROT_]. Use the anchor hook to grab onto the orb and time yourself so that you can drop down on the moving platform from above. Make your way to the crystal. A14: Open the chests in this area for a [_GELLA CARD_], [_HOLY BERRY X8_] (this one is a Duplicator chest) and a [_GREAT APPLE_]. Shoot the Jars in here as well. Purify the Sol Niger and go back to Area 11. A11: Use the anchor hook on the nearby orb and drop down on the moving platform and continue to the southwest. A12: Whip out your Power Shot and open the chest for an [_AMBROSIA_] and make your way to the south. A7: Open the two chests in this area for a [_CASTLE WALL_] and a [_HI-DEVASTATE X5_]. Proceed north. A12: Use the anchor hook and make your way northwest. A11: Get on the moving platform and take the east crystal. A8: Step on the switch here and go back. To make this easier, use the Exodus Orb so we can get back here easily. A1: Go north. A2: Proceed north again and keep going until you reach Area 8. A8: Use the moving platform go get to the east side of the room and touch the lower crystal first. A9: Go south and use the anchor hook and then drop down on the stairs. Shoot the jars here and go northeast. A10: Open the normal chest for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] and then open the Duplicator chest for a pair of [_SPIKE BOOTS_]. Go back. A9: Take the southeast crystal. A4: Open the chest for [_18000 GELLA_] and go back to the previous room. A9: Go northeast and jump up on the platforms and take the crystal. A8: Step on the switch and go to the south end of the room. Use the anchor hook to drop off on the lower platform and go east for a chest containing a [_WONDER BOOSTER_]. Take the crystal now. A15: Shoot the jars on the north and east sides of the room. Make sure to put in your healer. Use the Duel Sign on the pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Mictlantecuhtli | Level 82 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 95500 | 220000 | 14000 | Weak | Half | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ That name certainly is a mouthful. You'll want to have your healer ready right off the bat since Mict (I'm not typing out that name again) will use Candle in the Wind as his first attack and he'll proceed to use it a few turns later during the entire battle. Use Widespread and use Hi-Heal. You should have learned Double Healing by now, so it'll recover you to full. After this, all his attacks will do around 2000-3000 damage, depending if he uses an elemental attack and depending on if you're on a Ley Point, so have your healer ready to use Hi-Heal every turn and use Widespread + Hi-Heal when he uses Candle in the Wind again. Rinse and repeat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the Exodus Orb. Next up, the Cocytus. ============== Cocytus ============== Items ----- Cromwell Shamil Metal Suit Seed of Eden Goddess Breath Virtuous Guard A1: Go north. A2: Wait for the platform to appear near the lower west crystal and then take it. A9: Go southwest and take the crystal. A10: Open the chest for a [_CROMWELL_] and to back to Area 2. A2: Wait for the platform to appear before the west middle crystal and then cross over. A11: Go west. A12: Open the chest for a [_SHAMIL_]. If you rotate your camera 180 degrees, you'll notice a Sol Niger on one of the higher platforms. Purify it. Go back to Area 2. A2: Take the upper west crystal. A13: Shoot the jars and proceed northwest. A14: Open the chest for a [_METAL SUIT_] and then go back to area 2. A2: Go to the east side and take the lower east crystal. A7: Shoot the northeast set of jars and then proceed southeast. A8: Open the chest for a [_SEED OF EDEN_]. Go back to area 2. A2: Take the middle east crystal. A5: Go east. A6: Open the chest for a [_GODDESS BREATH_]. Go back to area 2. A2: Take the upper east crystal. A3: Shoot the jars and proceed northeast. A4: Open the chest for a [_VIRTUOUS GUARD_] and go back to area 2. A2: Save your game and go north. A15: Use the duel sign on the pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Lycanthrope | Level 89 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 91001 | 82000 | 5500 | Half | Half | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This fight is tough because there are three of them and their attack is in the 1600s. They'll often use Crush, which will do 2000-3000 per hit, so you'll want to counter this right away. If you can, try to avoid cornering more than one at a time. Once they get past the halfway mark of their health, they'll start using Life Returner which heals them for 10,000. Focus on one at a time and try to avoid having multiple characters in the same Hex to lessen the damage from Crush. Once one of them falls, the battle will get easier from there on out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two down, two to go. Let's tackle the Tartarus now. ============== Tartarus ============== Items ----- Ancient Blade Speed Star Dragon Fossil Ley Change Punching Glove First Security Monopoly Gour Goat Doll Giga Spart Turbo Drive Violator NOTE: This dungeon can be really confusing, so I'll try my best to guide you through this dungeon by using the map as crystal indicators. A1: Take the only crystal here. A2: Whip out your Freeze Bullet and shoot the orb with it. Touch the east crystal. A3: Take the stairs and you'll find two chests above you. You can jump up and shoot the one on the right before you even get up there. Do so to receive an [_ANCIENT BLADE_]. Now use the southwest crystal. A2: Make your way across the platforms and use the northwest crystal. A4: Use the next northwest crystal. A8: Use your Fire Bullet here and hit the orb in this room. Turn and go east and then use the northeast crystal. A9: Use the southeast crystal. A7: Jump across the platforms and use the northeast crystal. A9: Use a Duplicator on the chest here for a [_SPEED STAR_] and then use a Freeze Bullet on the orb and then go back. A7: Make your way across the platforms and go southwest. A6: Shoot the jars and go southeast. A7: Make your way across the platform and go west. A6: Open the chest for a [_DRAGON FOSSIL_] and use the northeast crystal. A10: Use a Duplicator for a [_LEY CHANGE_] and proceed north. A12: Shoot the jars in this room and then go southeast. A8: Make your way across the platform and go south. A4: Go east. A5: Pull out your ARMs and use the Fire Bullet on the orb and then make your way across the platforms and go southwest. A14: Shoot the jars here and then purify the Sol Niger awaiting you here. Go back. A5: Use the Freeze Bullet on the orb and go west. A4: Go south. A8: Make your way across the platform and go southeast. A12: Go south. A10: Use the platform here as a stepping stool to get to the upper level and then go northeast. A12: Shoot the orb with a regular bullet and then go southwest. A10: Make your way across the platforms and go southeast. A11: Use the Power Shot on the chest for a [_PUNCHING GLOVE_] and then shoot the orb with a Freeze Bullet. Proceed to the east. A7: Use the center crystal. A3: Open the chest for a [_FIRST SECURITY_] and then go back. A7: Go east. A11: Go north. A13: Open the two chests in this area for a [_MONOPOLY GOURD_] and a [_GOAT DOLL_]. Use the crystal smack dab in the middle. A15: Shoot the jars and then use the Duel Sign on the pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | King of Angolmois | Level 97 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 101999 | 300000 | 16000 | - | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This guy is pretty strong like all of the other optional bosses you've faced up to this point, but you'll want to keep yourself above 7000 HP at all costs for this fight. Angolmois will use an attack called "The Seventh Moon" which will hit your entire party for 6000-7000 damage, so you'll want to have your Full Revives ready to go in this fight. Since there's really no elemental immunities for this fight, feel free to use the Ley Points to start using Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast while your healer should be tucked away in the corner. Avoid getting multiple characters in the same Hex as Angolmois can use Life Drain as well as FP Buster, which will kill off your FP Gauge depending on how many people are in that Hex. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll get three of each stat Apple after the fight. Go back. A13: Go south. A11: Go northeast. A13: Cross the platform and go east. A9: Go northeast. A5: Go across the platforms and go northwest. A4: Use the center crystal. A8: Pull out your ARMs and shoot the orb with a regular bullet. Go east for two chests containing a [_GIGA SPARK_] and a [_TURBO DRIVE_]. Now use the Freeze Bullet on the orb and go back. A4: Go northeast. A5: Cross the platforms and go northeast. A9: Proceed east. A13: Cross the platform and go southeast. A11: Shoot the orb with a regular bullet and go northeast. A13: Cross the platforms and use the northwest crystal. A12: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_VIOLATOR_]. That's it. Use the Exodus Orb to exit. Three down, one to go. The last one is quite a doozy, so level yourself to 100 before venturing deeper into the dungeon. ============== Abyss ============== Items ----- Dragon Fossil x2 Great Apple Tiny Flower Sonic Burst Double Action Lightning Bomb Heavy Knuckles Cat's Paw Marksman Badge Punching Glove All of the enemies here are leveled in the 90s, and the boss of this dungeon is Level 100, so again, level yourself to 100 before venturing any further. A1: Use the save point and proceed north. A3: Go west. A2: Go northwest. A5: Go northwest. A8: Shoot the jars and go back to Aera 5. A5: Go southeast. A14: Go northwest. A17: Shoot the door only once with a regular bullet and jump up to the second level. Go northwest. A8: Continue to the northeast. A9: Go south. A6: Shoot the door completely and proceed south. A29: Open the Duplicator chest for [_DRAGON FOSSIL X2_] and purify the Sol Niger here. Either use the Exodus Orb or make your way back to Area 3 on foot. A3: Go east. A4: Go northeast. A7: Go northwest. A10: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_GREAT APPLE_]. Go back. A7: Go southeast. A4: Touch the middle crystal. A13: Go southeast. A22: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_TINY FLOWER_] and proceed northeast. A13: Go west. A12: Go north across the door and shoot the jars and then head north. A3: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_SONIC BURST_] and then go northwest. A2: Go north. A5: Shoot the jars and go south. A2: Go northeast. A3: Go northeast. A4: Go north. A7: Go west. A16: Shoot the door once with a regular bullet and jump up to the second level. Go north. A25: Go north and shoot the jars and drop down and open the Duplicator chest for a [_DOUBLE ACTION_]. Go northwest. A28: Turn your camera around and take the nearby crystal. A19: Go west. A18: Open the two Duplicator chests for a [_DUAL CAST_] and a [_LIGHTNING BOMB_]. Go southwest. A27: Shoot the jars. Use the Exodus Orb or go back to the first level of Area 3 on foot. A1: Save your game. A3: Go west. A2: Use the middle crystal. A11: Go southwest. A20: Go northwest. A23: Open the Duplicator chest for some [_HEAVY KNUCKLES_] and use the middle crystal. A14: Go south. A11: Go northeast. A20: Destroy the door and proceed southeast. A21: Shoot the door once with a regular bullet and jump to the second level. Go north. A24: Open the Duplicator chest for a [_CAT'S PAW_] and then put the artifacts on the correct pillars. I'd recommend going back to save your game. Once you're ready, use the crystal that appeared. A30: Open the two Duplicator chests for a [_MARKSMAN BADGE_] and a [_PUNCHING GLOVE_]. Now there are two ways we can fight the next boss. The easy way, which consists of using a 100% Orange, or the hard way which consists of a strict set up and a little luck. If you're going to do the hard way, here's a few items that can come in handy: Sheriff Star [Necessary for all three characters] Violator + Cat's Paw [Necessary for Avril] Sword Medium[s] [On Avril for the Dash ability] Sky/Sea Medium [One Healer/One Magic User + Ley Change] Mist Cloak [50% chance to dodge Giant Impact/Quake is a good thing. Trust me.] Terrace Tiara [For your healer for Hi-Revive] Dual Cast [Optional: For your magic user] Speed Queen[s] [Optional: For a small RFX Boost] Make sure all three of your characters have a decent amount of RFX as well. Once you're ready, use the Duel Sign on the pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Ragu O Ragla | Level 100 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 500000 | 500000 | 50000 | - | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's time to face off against the both famous and infamous Ragu o Ragla. His stats are nasty, and all of his attacks are capable of wiping out one character or all of your characters. If you're doing this without the 100% Orange, it's possible to win, but you need to have a fair amount of RFX and luck on your side, as well as some patience as 500000 HP is not easy to knock off. You'll want to try to keep at least your healer between the Fire and Water Ley Points. Once the battle gets started, Ragu will get the first turn [999 RFX] and he'll often use Giant Impact, which can do well over 6000 damage, so a Mist Cloak will come in handy for that and his Quake attack. Another nasty attack he can uses, but not frequently, is Dark Isolate which can mess up your entire plan. He'll also use Ley Change. If he uses this, keep using Ley Change with your magic user so that both the Water and Fire Ley Points are seperated by one Hex. The thing that makes Ragu O Ragla dangerous is his ability to use two attacks: 1 Trillion Degrees and -1 Trillion Degrees. The former is a fire based attack whereas the latter is a ice based attack. If he uses The Burning Door, he'll use 1 Trillion on his next turn. If he uses The Frozen Door, he'll use -1 Trillion. To counter these, whichever one he uses, get your healer and Avril to the appropriate Ley Point (MAKE SURE TO KEEP HIM OUT OF BOTH OF THEM!) to reduce the damage taken from the attack which makes it surviveable. Resurrect your magic user after this and heal up right away. Now, you'll want Avril with a Violator because her Double DP will work wonders here since it kicks in quite frequently and since she can attack anywhere between 2-5 times with the Violator (depending on how many bullets she has left), he'll get his turn pushed back pretty often, so use that to your advantage to heal up. I'd recommend having your healer occupy the Water/Fire Ley Point whereas your magic user should occupy the other one. That way he can't strengthen his Trillion attack, and if your healer dies, a Full Revive will get him/her back up. Have your magic user use Hi-Blast in the Ley Point they're in, and if you have a Dual Cast, you'll just do even more damage. Keep repeating this process while keeping yourself healed to the max and make sure to keep the Water and Fire based Ley Points seperated by one Hex at all times. It's a long fight, but it's winnable without the 100% Orange. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight, you'll get The Omega, which turns all attacks into Critical Hits. Yummy. That's it for the optional dungeons. =================== 8.) Optional Bosses =================== This section will list the Optional Bosses of the game and where to fight them. Let's get started with something easy. Head for Mithysmere. ============== Mithysmere ============== A1: Talk with Pastel and she'll mention some Hresvelgrs. In order to actually fight them, you need to purchase at least 1 school outfit for each character in the Black Market which costs 30 Levels each. Once you get one for each character (Avril's are hot), make your way to area 10. A10: Equip the school outfits on all your characters and approach the four torches. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Hresvelgr | Level 48 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 5950 | 1860 | 252 | - | - | Active | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ By now your levels should be far superior to theirs, so you shouldn't have any troubles with this fight. Just attack them and they'll fall in a couple of rounds, if not the first round. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1: Talk with Pastel and you'll obtain a Terrace Tiara. This item reduces all MP cost to 0, which is going to be a great badge for the later optional bosses for your healer. ------------------- ============== Harmonde ============== Go to Area 2. A2: If you go to where Clive is standing, you'll notice a magazine in some of the rubble. Make your active party consist of Dean, Greg, and Chuck and then examine the magazine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Adult Mag | Level 82 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 45000 | 20000 | 2000 | Weak | - | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ If you're doing this late into the game (which I recommend doing), then this fight shouldn't be all that difficult. There are 8 of them, and while they don't exactly have a lot of HP, their ATK and MAG stats are still decent enough in this fight, so try to take out as many as you can in the first round. A good way to do this is to get a character that can use Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast to the Wind Ley Point and use one of those skills on the Mags in the Earth Ley Point to double the damage dealt. If you focus on that group, they should fall rather quickly, leaving only 6 to go. Keep using the Wind Ley Point to use Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast while your other characters attack, use Sonic Vision, or heal, depending on your Medium set up. They'll use Ley Change from time to time, but since they're weak to two elements, at least one Ley Point will always be on the battlefield, so take advantage of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOOOOO! THE BOOBIES! ------------------- ============== Black Box ============== Once you've opened all 361 chests in the game, come back to the Black Box near Twelbit and talk with him to trigger a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Black Box | Level 99 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 123000 | 128500 | 9800 | - | Weak | Half | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The Black Box is a nasty little fellow that you'll want to keep away from your healer in this fight. It has the usual Gimmick Hand and Magic Buster attacks that the Mimics/Imitators had earlier in the game, but they're much stronger. Also try to avoid getting in a straight line as the Black Box can use his Melancholy Breath attack to cuase the Misery Status. He can also use Shockwave which means if he gets ready to use it, get any characters surrounding him away from him as soon as possible. The one attack though that you'll want to watch out for is Kirlian Buster which is an instant KO attack, meaning have your healer use Hi-Revive right away. Have your physical attackers surround the Black Box while your healer heals and revives as needed and move away when necessary. It's a straight forward fight that consists of a lot of healing and reviving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ============== Pillar Bosses ============== You might have noticed that there are pillars lying in dungeons and on the world map. You can fight the ones on the world map by punching them with Asgard and you can fight the ones in dungeons with the Duel Sign. Let's start with the easy ones first. Head to the Isolated Path. ============== Isolated Path ============== Go to Area 17. A17: Use the Duel Sign on the pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Rich Melchom | Level 85 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 5555 | 0 | 0 | - | - | Weak | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Make sure not to let him escape. You should be able to take him out rather fast. However, there's a special little formula here that will determine how much Gella you get from this fight. I'm not exactly sure of the exact formula, but I know that the more damage you do, the higher your Gella total will be, so take it out with one strong attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll obtain a Golden Angel after the fight. You can give these to the Cameo characters you've found throughout the game for special armors from their games (Example: Giving a Golden Angel to the Yulie cameo will net you her costume from Wild ARMs 4). Once I get all the costumes, I'll make sure to list all the cameo characters you can give Golden Angels to. ------------------- Head for the Starlit Path from the south side. ============== Starlit Path ============== Go to Area 16. A16: Use the Duel Sign on the pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Super Grow Apple | Level 85 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 7777 | 0 | 0 | Weak | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Like with the Rich Melchom, there's a formula here that will determine how much Experience you'll get at the end of the fight. The more damage you do, the more Experience you get. One shot will most likely take it out, so make it a powerful one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll obtain the second Golden Angel. ------------------- Warp to the Hillside Ruins. ============== Hillside Ruins ============== Make your way to Area 17. A17: Equip the school outfits on your characters to open the door. A18: Save your game and change equipment before using the Duel Sign on the pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Prime Vals | Level 92 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 82800 | 225000 | 14000 | Weak | Half | Half | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Don't let that Level fool you. It might be 92, but its stats are very weak for this point of the game. It's got roughly around 720ish ATK and 675 MAG, so he can't annihilate you all that quickly. Because of this, this battle is a cakewalk since his attacks are easy enough to counter. Megaton Attack shouldn't do all that much damage and Noxious Stream can be cured easily if a Hex happens to get affected. The only annoying thing is that he'll use Life Returner sometimes, but other than that, this is a simple fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll nab another Golden Angel. ------------------- Warp to the Decrepit Path. ============== Decrepit Path ============== Go to Area 3. A3: Use the anchor hook to pull the block on the switch. Prepare yourself and use the Duel Sign on the pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Ape Man Junma | Level 94 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 280000 | 185000 | 13500 | Weak | Resist | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This guy can pose as a pain because he can hit your characters for roughly 3000-5000 damage, depending on the attack he uses, but this fight is winnable without the 100% Orange. If you can, try to get your Healer to occupy the Water Ley Point while your other two characters corner Junma in the corner (do NOT corner him in the Earth Ley Point) while your healer counters his attacks with Heal and Hi-Heal. The annoying part about this fight is that even though he constantly uses Beast Blow and Beast Blow Plus, he'll counter frequently with Beast Blow which can throw your healing tandem off course, so don't be afraid to use Mega/Holy Berries if you need to. Occupying the Water Ley Point will reduce his Hydro Pressure damage and occupying the Earth Ley Point will reduce his Stone Bullet damage. Once you corner him away from your healer, it's just a matter of time until you take him out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll nab another Golden Angel. ------------------- Warp to the Temple of Rejection. =================== Temple of Rejection =================== Go to Area 12. A12: Use the Duel Sign on the Pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Chaugnar Faugn | Level 89 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 350000 | 180000 | 13000 | Half | Absorb | Weak | Resist | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This fight is possible to win without the 100% Orange Badge, but you'll need to be ready to protect your healer at all costs. His Stomp attack can do well over 7000 attack, so you'll want to watch out for that. As you winder his life down, he'll start using stronger attacks. Once his health reaches the halfway mark, he'll use Stampede Level 2 which is a stronger version of Stampede. Once his health is past the 3/4 mark, he'll use Stampede Level 3 which is an even stronger version of Stampede. If you can, occupy the Wind Ley Point as soon as possible and start spamming Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast while your healer sticks to using Hi-Heal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll nab another Golden Angel. ------------------- Warp to Mt. Chug-Chug to take on the final dungeon pillar boss. ============== Mt. Chug-Chug ============== Go to Area 15. A15: You'll want to equip the 100% Orange Badge for this fight. Once you're ready, shoot the pillar with the Duel Sign. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Que Sera Sera | Level 83 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 95680 | 60000 | 4500 | Resist | Weak | - | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are three of these guys and their attacks are pretty strong, so avoid sticking your two attackers in the same Hex. All of their attacks are named Que Sera, Sera but they each have a different use. Try to occupy the Earth Ley Point and start spamming Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast. Once one of your characters die, have your healer use Revive. The 100% Orange will only heal that character for 100 when they get ressed, and healing itself will only do 100, so just keep using Revive when they fall. Try to get multiple Seras into one Hex while you keep spamming Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast/Sonic Vision. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll nab another Golden Angel. ------------------- Let's take care of the world map pillars now. Warp to the Temple of Rejection and proceed south until you find it. Use Asgard to break the pillar. You have the option of using Asgard to fight, and if you do, you won't get any experience at all, even if you fight with your characters if Asgard falls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Bad News | Level 93 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 225000 | 138000 | 10500 | - | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Another fight the 100% Orange Badge will be handy for. Bad News has a high ATK amount and he counters quite frequently, so you'll be using Revive a lot in this fight. Get to any Ley Point and start spamming Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast while your healer revives anyone that falls. Since you get a turn once that character gets revived, you'll have plenty of time to act. With the 100% Orange Badge, this is a pretty straight forward fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll nab another Golden Angel. ------------------- Warp to the Wayward Path from the south side and go south to find the pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Doomsday | Level 92 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 219000 | 168000 | 12000 | - | - | Weak | Half | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You'll certainly want the 100% Orange Badge for this fight since Doomsday has a nasty attack that hits the Hexes around him for damage that can rack up into the 10000 range. Get to the Water or Fire Ley Point and start spamming Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast/Sonic Vision while your healer guard and revives when needed, or you can attack to try to delay Doomsdays next turn. Either way, with the 100% Orange Badge, this is another straight forward fight which consists of alternating between attacking and reviving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll nab another Golden Angel. ------------------- Warp to Twelbit and go south into the desert to find the next pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Graboid | Level 95 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 379000 | 138000 | 12500 | Half | Half | Weak | Active | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Graboid is a nasty little fellow since his attack, Fossa Magna, will hit all of your characters for over 10000 damage, so the 100% Orange Badge will come in handy here. Get to the Wind Ley Point and start spamming Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast. Since the Graboid starts in the Earth Ley Point, they should do around 20000 damage each. Like with the previous fights, it's another straight forward fight with the 100% Orange Badge which consists of attacking and reviving. Just keep spamming Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast until your MP runs low and then slowly chip away at its health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll nab another Golden Angel. ------------------- Warp to the Tartarus and go northwest. Once you get into the valley, rotate your camera around since the pillar is tucked away in the corner on a small hill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Oil Spirit | Level 97 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 95047 | 35000 | 3200 | - | - | Active | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There are 5 of these guys and they're pretty strong, but the good thing is that a couple of them start out in the same Hex, so your Finest Arts will drain their HP quickly if you can get them off. If they use the Wind Call... attack, avoid standing in the Earth Ley Point if it's available and get to the Wind Ley Point. They'll use Mega-Cyclone which is a strong wind based attack, but the Wind Ley Point will reduce this damage by a lot. They'll also sometimes use Bitter Smile which will waste their turn, so take that to your advantage. They'll also use Ley Change from time to time, so if the Earth Ley Point becomes available, stand in it and spam Heavy Crush/Hi-Blast/Sonic Vision. Once two or three of them fall, the battle should go more smoothly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll nab another Golden Angel. ------------------- Warp to Mt. Chug-Chug and go south until you find the pillar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gob General | Level 87 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 95200 | 32000 | 3500 | Active | Weak | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gob Chief | Level 89 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 72100 | 30500 | 3040 | Weak | Active | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gob Director | Level 88 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 129250 | 28000 | 2800 | - | - | Weak | Active | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gob Doctor | Level 86 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 130300 | 33000 | 4500 | - | - | Active | Weak | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Gob Commander | Level 90 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 180540 | 35000 | 5000 | - | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ That's right, you'll be facing off against 5 Gobs this time around, and each of them are really powerful. Well, you can only be facing four at once. Once you hit the Gob Doctor, the Gob Commander will join the fray. I'd recommend focusing your attacks on the Gobs with the least amount of HP first to get them quickly out of the way. The less amount of Gobs in this fight, the better. The Gobs can do a lot of damage to a character, usually around 2000-5000, so you'll want to either use a 100% Orange for this fight on your healer, or you'll need to dish out a lot of Full Revives or use Violators for this fight. This is pretty much an all out slug fest that'll alternate between attacking/healing/reviving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll nab another Golden Angel. ------------------- We saved the toughest ones for last. I'd recommend using a Violator for this next fight, as well as a 100% Orange just incase, but that's up to you. Warp to Honeysday and go to the rock formation and use the teleport orb in it. The pillar is up here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +------+--------------+-------------+ | Furfur | Level 98 | +---------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------+ | HP | Exp | Gella | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | +--------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 358600 | 190000 | 15200 | Half | Half | Half | - | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Not a fun fight. At all. There are two of these guys, and if you came completely unprepared, you're going to get your ass handed to you. The one thing you'll need to watch out for is Lightning Strike. You'll know they'll use this turn beforehand when they use "Storm Warning". Lighting Strike will hit all of your characters for possibly over 10,000 damage. Along with that, they'll use Quicken, which is a huge disadvantage in this fight, as well as Life Drain which can eat up to 5000 HP from a character. So what's a good way of winning this fight? Taking advantage of their low EP. Avril with a Violator works like a charm in this fight since her Double DP skill activates quite frequently. If that doesn't work out, there's always the 100% Orange tactic. Either way, this fight will take quite awhile to finish (358600 HP for TWO enemies isn't exactly a quite walk in the part), so have patience and heal up when needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll get the final Golden Angel. Now what do we do with these Golden Angels? We can give them to certain cameo characters for special armors. Here's a list of what cameos will accept the Golden Angels. -Jet [Honeysday] -Virginia [Harmonde] -Gallows [Memorial Sanctuary] -Cecilia [Gounon] -Tim [Mithysmere] -Anastasia [Harmonde] -Arnaud [Mirapulse] -Yulie [Mirapulse] -Magdalen [Laila Belle] -Jack [Capo Bronco] -Kanon [Meisis] -Lilka [Random locations] =================== 9.) Sidequests =================== NOTE: I'm well aware that I don't have all the sidequests in here. Please don't e-mail me telling me I'm missing some. Most of these sidequests can be done at anytime after completing a certain portion of the game, but there are a few missable quests, so I'll list those first. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MISSABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============= Jet's Request ============= When you first arrive in Honeysday, go to the second screen to find Jet. He'll ask you to deliver something to the Golem Guild in Laila Belle. Agree to do so to receive the Humpty Dumpty. RUN AWAY FROM EVERY BATTLE YOU GET INTO OR ELSE IT WILL BREAK. Once you deliver the egg, you'll get your reward. ------------------- ======================== Shopmistress' Request #1 ======================== After completing Mt. Chug-Chug, to to Capo Bronco and talk with the Shopmistress. She'll ask you to deliver a piece of chicken. Agree to do so. Once you get it in your hands, haul ass to the nearest train station and ride it to Alcedonia. Now make your way to Twelbit and talk to the person in the brown outfit. Go back and talk with the Shopmistress if you want to get your reward. ------------------- ============= Zed's Request ============= NOTE: Doing this will not land you the Doombringer, so pick wisely. Instead of chasing after Zed, choose to help him do his job and head for Gounon. Hand out all the tissues and then go talk with Zed. Now go to Laila Belle and hand out the next set of tissues. Once they're all gone, talk with Zed to complete the quest. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MISSABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =============== Yulie's Request =============== Once you enter Gounon for the first time, talk with Yulie and choose to accept her plea and you'll receive a music box. After completing Mt. Chug-Chug, go to Capo Bronco and go to the second area. You'll find Kresnik here. Give him the music box and then go talk with Yulie to complete the quest. ------------------- ============== Chasing Zed ============== After completing Mt. Chug-Chug, go to Laila Belle and talk with the Handyman and you'll receive the Ebony Key. Now go to Mithysmere and talk with Zed. DO NOT do his job for him and he'll take off. Now to find him. He's in the following dungeons: -Starlit Path -Hillside Ruins -Lightless Shaft -Celestial Peak You'll obtain the Doombringer after finding him for the final time. Also go back to Laila Belle and talk with the man who gave you the Ebony Key. ------------------- ================ Nightburn Poster ================ Talk to the kid next to the well in Mithysmere and he'll ask you to find a poster of Nightburn. To find it, go to Capo Bronco and enter the only house that can be entered and sniff around for the Nightburn Poster. Once you get it, go back to Mithysmere and give it to the kid. ------------------- ===================== Johnny Appleseed Wine ===================== After completing Mt. Chug-Chug, go to Gounon and enter the wine factory. Talk to the person making wine on the right side of the screen and then go over to the open handle. Turn it 20 times to receive some Apple Wine. Next, go to Laila Belle and as soon as you enter, look for a man sitting on a bench. He'll be slouched over, being yelled at by someone. Give him that wine. He'll come into play later, but for now, that's all you have to do. ------------------- ============== Chick Hunting ============== After completing Mt. Chug-Chug, go to Capo Bronco and look for a man sitting on the ground. He'll ask you to find three chicks. Examine the pots near the shop. Examine inside of the only house that can be entered for another one. Examine near Tony to find the last one. Return to the man and he'll give you a Hen Badge. ------------------- ================= Sol Niger Hunting ================= Once you enter Cavam Valley for the first time, talk with Kanon and accept her quest to purify all 25 Sol Nigers. This quest can only be done near the end of the game once you find all four optional dungeons, so make sure to keep this in mind. ------------------- ============== Jude's Request ============== After completing Mt. Chug-Chug, go to Honeysday and talk with Jude (Bowtie Boy) and accept his request to find his cat. After getting the teleport orb, go to Harmonde and look for a cat around the first area. Talk with it. If you found the right cat, Dean will point out that's the cat you've been looking for. Warp back to Honeysday and talk with Jude to get an ARM Part for Dean. ------------------- ======================== Shopmistress' Request #2 ======================== After getting the Teleport Orb, go to Capo Bronco and talk with the Shopmistress. Now go to Orsaeos and give the energy drink to her husband. Go back to the Shopmistress and you'll get your reward. ------------------- ============== Trading Orbs ============== Once you get the Teleport Orb, go to Harmonde and talk with Lilka and agree to trade Teleport Orbs with her. That's it. ------------------- =============== Clive's Request =============== After getting the Teleport Orb, talk with Clive and he'll mention a Podarge Wing. Warp to Mirapulse and examine the doors on the lower level until you find it. Go back to Harmonde and assuming you didn't sell your Golden Nightingale from Yulie, talk with Clive to give him the Podarge Wing and the Nightingale and you'll get an ARM Part for Carol. NOTE: Sometimes this may not work. Save your game beforehand and if it doesn't work, load your game and put Carol as the leader of your party and talk with Clive again. Keep doing this until he takes the items. ------------------- ============== Tim's Request ============== After getting the Teleport Orb, go talk with Tim in Mithysmere and he'll ask to see a Chick Badge. You won't lose the badge, but make sure it's unequipped before showing it to him. You'll receive a Sacred Boy and Crystal Tear for showing it to him. ------------------- ================ Gallow's Request ================ After getting the Crystal Tear, go to the Memorial Sanctuary and give it to Gallows to receive an ARM Part for Greg. ------------------- ============================= Flower Tending Girl's Request ============================= Go to Mithysmere and go to where the merchant is. Talk with the girl up here and she'll ask you to get some things to help her plant. Go to Honeysday and as soon as you enter the second area, talk with Kent to receive some flower planter. Go back to the girl and talk with her to finish the quest. ------------------- ============== Love Letters ============== Go to Honeysday and talk with Mariel (the girl tending flowers) and she'll give you a Flowery Letter. Next, go to Gounon and talk with Cecilia slumped over on the railing of the stairway and she'll give you a Fragrant Letter. Next, go to Laila Belle and talk with Jane to get the Simple Letter. Now find Rudy near the guild (if he isn't there, re-enter the city until he's there) and talk with him. You have to give him one of the letters. Give him Jane's letter to receive an ARM Part for Rebecca. ------------------- ============== Darn Peaches ============== Go to Twelbit and talk with Ema and you'll give up the Second Flash in exchange for some canned peaches. Now go to Honeysday and give Jet the canned peaches for a Werewolf Fang. This will come in handy soon. ------------------- ============== Bread Delivery ============== Go to Twelbit and talk with the baker when Lilka isn't around. If she's near the baker, you can't do this sidequest. Once she's gone, talk with the baker and he'll ask you to deliver an Onion Baguette to Lilka. Make your way to Alcedonia and give Lilka the baguette. If she isn't there, keep re-entering the station until she is. Go back and talk with Ashley to receive a Geo Amulet. ------------------- ======================== Shopmistress' Request #3 ======================== After completing all four towers, go to Capo Bronco and talk with the Shopmistress. Now go to Alcedonia and give the laundry to her husband and go back to Capo Bronco and talk with the Shopmistress to get your reward. ------------------- ============== Black Pass ============== After completing the four towers and after you get the Werewolf Fang (scroll up to see how to get it), go to Laila Belle and talk to the man you gave the wine to and he'll take the werewolf fang from you. In return, you'll get the Black Pass which opens up the Black Market. You can find it by talking to the receptionist in the Golem Hunter Guild. ------------------- ============================ Flower Tending Girl... Again ============================ Go to Mithysmere and talk with the flower tending girl and accept her request. Go to Honeysday and talk with Mariel to get some flower seeds. Now go to Capo Bronco and talk to the girl in the harvest field to get potting soil. Return to Mithysmere and talk with the girl to receive a Tiny Flower. ------------------- ================ Harmonde Dispute ================ Go to Harmonde and talk with the Shouting Man in the first area. Now go to the second area. Talk with the Narcissistic Hunter near the restaurant. Talk with the Shouting Man. Talk with the Narcissistic Hunter. Talk with the Shouting Man and input: silk scarf (all lowercase letters) Talk with the Narcissistic Hunter. Talk with the Shouting Man. Talk with the Narcissistic and then talk with the Stout Woman, and then again with teh Narcissistic Hunter. Talk with the Shouting Man and input: snowdrop Talk with the Narcissistic Hunter. Talk with the Seafood Starved Fisherman in the same area. Talk with Grandpa/Grandma in the same area. Talk with the Girl Who Lost Her Sister in the first area. Talk with the Upward-Glancing Girl nearby. Talk with the Narcissistic Hunter. Talk with the Shouting Man and input: Shrimp Marinade. You'll get a few items. Talk with the Narcissistic Hunter to receive a Might Guy. ------------------- ============== Holy Root ============== Go to Gounon and talk with Yulie. Now go to Mirapulse and talk with Arnaud and Yulie. Next, head to the Memorial Sanctuary and talk with Gallows. Now head for Mithysmere and talk with Tim. You need the Nose Hero, Sacred Boy, Might Guy, Night Princess, and the Cheerful girl. You won't lose them, don't worry. Once you get the Ark Scepter, go talk with Gallows to receive the Holy Root. Finally, talk with Raquel to complete the quest and you'll get the Shooting Nova. ------------------- ============== Four Monsters ============== Talk with Kresnik and he'll mention four different monsters on the world map. Equip Asgard with the best equipment you have and let's get started. Warp to Orsaeos and go to the rock formation and teleport inside it. Look around these coordinates: X Y - - 82210 42503 Kill off the Creeping Chaos. Next, warp to Mt. Chug-Chug and look around these coordinates: X Y - - 58432 41448 Kill off the Jumbo Bearcat. Next, warp to Twelbit and look around these coordinates: X Y - - 31298 17896 Kill off the Vodianoi. Finally, warp to the Temple of Rejection and look around these coordinates: X Y - - 37075 87097 Kill off the Greater Beast. Talk with Kresnik and he'll hand over an ARM Part for Greg. =================== 10.) Black Market =================== This section will list the items in the Black Market and how much they cost. The Black Market takes Levels as a currency instead of Gella, so keep that in mind. It's a good idea to use non-active party members to buy stuff in the Black Market and then go to a place with enemies that give a lot of experience (the Optional Dungeons come to mind) to gain their levels back quickly. Field Items ----------- Name Price ---- ----- LVL Apple -10 20-LVL Apple -100 ATK Apple -15 DEF Apple -15 MAG Apple -15 RES Apple -15 HIT Apple -15 EVA Apple -15 RFX Apple -15 Duplicator -10 Battle Items ------------ Name Price ---- ----- Holy Berry -5 Full Revive -10 Great Apple -10 Ambrosia -10 Lucky Card -2 Gella Card -2 ARM Parts --------- Name Price ---- ----- Ultimate Magazine -25 Last Requiem -25 Queen Saber -25 Dawn Legend -25 Neo Explosion -25 Death Stroke -25 Armor ----- Name Price ---- ----- Black Uniform -30 White Uniform -30 Sky Blazer -30 Silver Blazer -30 Chic Suit -30 Passion Suit -30 Black Bancho -30 White Bancho -30 Junior Green -30 Junior Silver -30 Class President -30 Class VP -30 Badges ------ Name Price ---- ----- Frog Badge -50 Fish Badge -50 Chick Badge -50 Punching Glove -50 Elder Record -50 Lucky Bird -50 Gold Sun -15 Gold Moon -15 Gunstar Sign -15 Arctic Blade -10 Cat's Paw -20 Mist Cloak -25 Silver Sun -10 Silver Moon -10 Tiny Flower -15 Speed Skates -10 Laurel Crown -10 Ebony Shadow -10 Castle Wall -10 Goat Doll -15 Item Scope -15 Pocketbook -20 Growth Egg -25 ==================== 11.) Badge Synthesis ==================== This section will list what Badges you can make in Mithysmere by talking with Tim. Sheriff Star ------------ -Frog Badge -Fish Badge -Chick Badge -Lucky Bird -Elder Record -Punching Glove Frog Badge ---------- -Hazel Sprig -Moonstone -Heart Leaf -Mist Cloak Fish Badge ---------- -Gold Sun -Gold Moon -Magic Pot -Ryan's Shield Chick Badge ----------- -Geo Amulet -Muse Amulet -Frey Amulet -Wing Amulet Punching Glove -------------- -Gunstar Sign -Arctic Blade -Comet Mark -Cat's Paw Elder Record ------------ -Red Pepper -Hourglass -Witch Badge -Priest Badge Lucky Bird ---------- -Spike Boots -Violator -Marksman Badge -Treasure Tone Gold Sun -------- -Silver Sun [x3] Gold Moon --------- -Silver Moon [x3] Gunstar Sign ------------ -Tiny Flower -Fast Gunman -Speed Skates Cat's Paw --------- -Fighter Badge -Ryan's Shield -Prism Staff Magic Pot --------- -Bad Omen -Priest Badge Ryan's Shield ------------- -Holy Grail -Full Carrot Mist Cloak ---------- -Ninja Badge -Castle Wall Violator -------- -Dual Cast -Gold Sun -Chick Badge Spike Boots ----------- -Knight Badge -Castle Wall -Cat's Paw Marksman Badge -------------- -Ninja Badge -Mist Cloak -Ebony Shadow Silver Sun ---------- -Bronze Sun [x2] Silver Moon ----------- -Bronze Moon [x2] Tiny Flower ----------- -Knight Badge -Berserker Badge -Full Carrot Laurel Crown ------------ -Silver Sun -Priest Badge Castle Wall ----------- -King's Crown -Knight Badge Goat Doll --------- -Holy Grail -Refrigerator -Tiny Flower Pocketbook ---------- -Item Scope -Silver Sun Growth Egg ---------- -Item Scope -Silver Moon Hen Badge --------- -Growth Egg -Thief Badge Fast Gunman ----------- -Dog Leash -Arctic Blade Dual Cast --------- -Gunstar Sign -Goat Doll 100% Orange ----------- -Hen Badge -Mist Cloak -Pocketbook -Sheriff Star Speed Queen ----------- -Rabbit Badge -Speed Skates -Dual Cast -Priest Badge Terrace Tiara ------------- -Lucky Bird -Chick Badge -Elder Record -Witch Badge =================== 12.) Credits/Thanks =================== GameFAQs and the other hosting sites: For hosting this guide. SCEI: For making Wild ARMs 5, as well as all the other Wild ARMs games. XSeed: For publishing the game over in the States. They've been doing a great job since their first project which was Shadow Hearts: From the New World. Split Infinity: Many thanks to Damir for his high quality guides. His Wild ARMs 4 was a valuable tool for me when I got stuck on a certain puzzle, and I'm sure that his Wild ARMs 5 guide will prove to be just as helpful for me. He's also one of my favorite FAQers. http://www.rootsecure.net/?p=ascii_generator: For the ASCII. Wild ARMs 5 Artbook: It listed all the characters in the series, as well as their cameo names in the game so I was able to identify them. And a huge thanks to you, the readers. Without you guys I wouldn't be making these guides in the first place. A simple Thank You is enough for me whenever I get feedback. I write all of these for you guys. ==================== 13.) Version History ==================== Version 0.01 - August 29, 2007 - Started on the guide. Finished up to clearing the Celestial Peak. Version 0.02 - August 30, 2007 - Finished up to entering Mirapulse. Version 0.03 - September 4, 2007 - Did a bit more on the walkthrough. Version 0.04 - September 10, 2007 - Added some more to the walkthrough. Version 0.05 - September 13, 2007 - Added some more to the walkthrough. Version 0.06 - September 17, 2007 - Added some more to the walkthrough. Version 0.07 - September 20, 2007 - Added some more to the walkthrough and added in a Medium list. I'm hoping to get a sidequest section up soon. Version 0.08 - September 26, 2007 - Added in a lot this time. Did a bit more with the walkthrough and added in a sidequest, optional boss, optional dungeon, Black Market, and Badge Synthesis sections. The walkthrough itself should be done real soon. Version 1.0 - September 30, 2007 - Finally finished the walkthrough. Also added in a storyline boss section. Version 1.1 - October 12, 2007 - Fixed a few typos up. Version 1.2 - October 19, 2007 - Added in a few missed items as well as the Black Box. Version 1.3 - January 4, 2009 - Went back to the TF System: Tower G section and added in a solution to the third colored block puzzle.