The 13th Entity's Guide to: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wild ARMs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Alter Code: F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ version 1.0 The author can be contacted at but, spam not the messenger nor yourself. \^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ < Itenuary (aka. Table of Contents): > < > < I. FAQ Info > < II. Controls > < III. Entity's Corner (Storyline in my words) > < IV. Walkthrough > < ______A. We Who Chase Dreams > < ______0. Per Opening > < ______1. Rudy Roughnight > < ______2. Jack Van Burace > < ______3. Cecilia Raynne Adlehyde > < ______4. Lolithia > < ______5. Fairs, Fires, and Fears > < ______B. Tears of Travel > < ______1. Through the Mountains > < ______2. Guardian Contact > < ______3. The First Seal > < ______4. Saint's Seal > < ______5. Vows and the Last Seal > < ______C. To the Ends of the Inner Sea > < ______1. Running Sands > < ______2. Sanctuaries and Graveyards > < ______3. Forgotten Flowers > < ______4. Burning for Battle > < ______5. Metal Giants > < ______6. Hail . . . Queen of Demons? > < ______D. Until Flight Do Dreams Stay > < ______1. Whirling Paths > < ______2. Sites of the Outer Sea > < ______3. The Demons and the Boy > < ______4. A Millenium After Sin > < ______5. Re-arming the Boy to Fight > < ______E. Altered Codes of Honour, and the Chase > < ______1. Perfecting Flight > < ______2. Caught in Battle > < ______3. Eternal (Very) High Noon > < ______4. Bringing Tides Together > < ______5. Tying Ends Among Even Dreams > < ______6. Into the Abyss > < ______7. From the Bottom to the Top > < ______F. ...And So On > < ______1. Finale? > < V. Subquest Checklist > < VI. Items And Moves > < VII. Q&A > < VIII. Legal Stuff > < IX. Many Thanks > /vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\ To use this guide, you can use ctrl+F (or Command+F on a Mac) to search for the section titles provided above. The same if you're looking for a specific boss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. FAQ Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nov. 16-20, 2005 (Version 0.1) First version of the WA ACF walkthrough. This thing's being constructed for a full account to the remake of my favourite game. I remember the old days of a whistle catching me, a beautiful environment driving me, and a soundtrack and story overwhelming my top 10 list of games. WA ACF was, is, and will remain full of hope for matching those days, and I hereby give to myself and everyone else this FAQ for reference. May it be all some us of will need. Yes, even if this FAQ takes a large number of versions and amount of time to finish, this is where it all starts. Late November, 2005 (Version 0.2) Here's the second version. I fixed the spelling of Cecilia's middle name to how it appears in the game. I added a whole section to the walkthrough. I've also added charts for the ARMs of Rudy and Jane as well as the Fast Draws that Jack gets in the game. I even replayed the previous version of my guide, thus bettering (by correction) what I wrote before. There's still lots more work to do, though. Aug. 10, 2009 (Version 1.0) After a very long wait, I have returned to this game to finally complete this guide. I have also corrected some mistakes in the previous versions. If you see more, then feel free to let me know. I have designed this guide to TRY to make the game plenty easy for you all the while showing you how to play through certain parts. I have whole sections to help you with the Monster Guide, Puzzle Boxes, Secret Garden, all the treasure chests, and so on. Enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II. Controls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please read the manual if you've a copy of it. Otherwise: -------------Terms------------- Gella - Game currency. You need this to buy stuff. Exp - Experience. There's the Exp you need to reach the next level, and there is the Base Exp, which is the worth of an enemy before bonuses kick in. Lv - Level. The max is 100. The higher your level, the stronger you get. Vanguard/Back - In this game's party system, you can have a total of six people by the end, but only three can be on the battlefield at any time. The few who do the fighting are the Vanguard party, and the others are in the Back or Reserve party (however you want to call it). Personal Skills - As you level up, you gain points you can use to equip some skills that enhance your ability to fight. You can neutralize elements, greatly lower susceptability to ailments, or increase chances at success with criticals and counter attacks. Just to name a few. HP - Your health. Should it hit 0 for any one character, they die. Should the entire Vanguard party die, it's Game Over. MP - Some characters' abilities to cast their abilities depend on this. If you run out of MP for that character, then they can't use their abilities. A couple characters instead run on a stock from which they can only use any one skill X number of times. FP - Force Power. As this rises, your characters can use special abilities. The maximum is 100% Force Power for one character. Most abilities that do call for FP cost 25%, except for most of Cecilia's summons. You typically begin a battle with 0% except for the characters equipped with FP Advance. Reaching 100% can clear status ailments, but it does not make you immune. VIT - This gauge, which starts at 100%, replenishes your characters' HP after the end of battle (or after one expired round if they sit in the Back). If the VIT gauge hits 0%, the character dies, or the character is hit with the ailment Disease, then they will not recover. Nectar heals VIT, not anything else in spite of what the game's description says. ATK - The potency of physical attacks per character. DEF - The efficiency of defense from physical attacks per character. MAG - The potency of magical attacks per character. RES - The efficiency of defense from magical attacks per character. REA - The character's speed in battle. Even though you issue the commands for the Vanguard party all at once, the order of their actions, and those of the enemy, is affected by this. REA can be trumped by three abilities. * Cosmic Cog - When Cecilia uses this summon, the Vanguard party can move safely inside that same round as long they don't do the other two Reaction Trumps. The enemy's turn is cancelled for that round. However, this is costly on Cecilia's FP. * Follow Me - This allows Jane to jump in front of even Cosmic Cog at the start of the round. The rest of the Vanguard party follows with REA calculating just their order. When the party is done with their actions, the enemy goes about their own order to the end of the round. * Accelerator - Jack's special FP ability allows him to jump in front of EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING for one turn. The problem? If he is jumping in front of Cosmic Cog during an enemy that can counter attacks, then Jack is exposing himself to damage that round. ACC - The overall efficiency to hit the target when attacking. EVA - The overall chance to avoid taking damage when being attacked. Luck - Ranging in five steps from Worst to Best, this parameter affects your chance to deal criticals, counters, surprises, or greater damage in the damage equations. Don't worry too much about it until around the time of the final stretch of side quests, is what I recommend. Elements - Fire and Ice, Water and Thunder, Wind and Earth, Light and Dark; plenty of enemies have strengths and weakness to these eight elements, and quite a few like to use them on you. In the latter event, it is a good idea to utilize Personal Skills to protect from these elements. Ailments - These can hinder your battles in varying ways. See below. The last few wear off when the battle ends. Poison - The affected character takes damage at the end of each round until the effect subsides one way or the other. Cure with Antidote. Sickness - The affected character becomes unable to be healed unless they rest at an Inn. This is cured with a Medicine. Amnesia - The affected character is unable to gain Exp. Cure by using a Toy Hammer. Helpless - FP growth rate is reduced heavily, and the affected character cannot use their abilities. Cure with a Peppy Acorn. Unable to Fight - When a character runs out of HP, or is hit successfully with Fallen (Instant Death). When a battle ends, this can be cured at the cost of the VIT gauge. During battle, it can only be cured by using a Revive Fruit. Confusion - Affected character uses random attacks against enemy and ally alike until it wears off. Cure with a Pinwheel, or end the battle. Sleep - The affected character is unable to move until this wears off. It can be cured with a Breath Mint or waiting for the battle to end. Stone - Affected character is immobilized when the countdown ends. If all the Vanguard is turned to Stone, it's Game Over. Cure with a Hard Grape or waiting for the battle to end. -------------Movement and Interaction------------- Walking-- You can walk around by using either the "D-Pad" or the left analog stick on your controller. Sneaking-- When walking, hold down the circle button so that your character's pace will be slowed quite a lot. Running-- Have your character face the desired direction, and then hold down the X button. This also works for climbing ladders faster. Camera Rotation-- Use the R1 and L1 buttons to change the camera direction as it goes around your character. Camera Zooming-- You can use the right analog stick to move your view in and out. Examining/Selecting-- The X button is your friend. Cancel Battles-- When a green or white exclamation mark appears overhead, hit the circle button to cancel the coming battle. Actually, the said button cancels most things. Tools Selection-- Use the start button to bring up the character(s) and tool(s) you have available. Move the cursor over the tool and hit start again. Map Modes-- Once you have the ability to view the world map, you can change the modes of viewing it by pressing the select button. Tool Usage-- Press the square button when in town or a dungeon. Scene Skipping-- Some scenes can be skipped. You can tell which ones by how detailed they are, and they can be skipped by pressing Start. Search Web Radar (SWR)-- First, if you're looking for a place, be sure that the character(s) know about the place first. Now, while in the world map, press the square button to use SWR for a medium radius (1/3 the screen in each direction). You can also find items on the world map with SWR once you get the Item Scope. This reveals places and items that are known to the party. Wheel Turning-- In some places you can turn the wheel on a device. Select the wheel with the X button, hold it down, and then rotate your left analog stick in the direction you want the wheel to go. -------------Menus and Such------------- Menu Access-- Press the triangle button for the main menu, or Start for the Tool selection menu. It is through the latter you can change which of three characters you see on the screen walking around. See the "Items and Moves" section to see what the tools do. Item - This has multiple pages. The first is for items used in battle or the field. The second is for special event items needed to unlock passages. The third page is where you find your Migrant Seals, Ex. File Keys, Crest Graphs, and a few other items that affect how you travel or do battle. * Use - Allows you to use items highlighted in white. * Switch - Allows you to manually switch positions of items on the same page. * Organize - Lets the game do the organizing of same-page items Skill - It is through here you can equip/unequip Personal Skills Form - Allows you to change to line-up of your front and back party members. Status - Allows you to view the parameters and abilities of each character. Auto - Allows for a choice between control and no control over your actions in battle. Feel free to play with this on your own. System - Game settings such as controller button assignments and adjustments to your screen and sound. As long you are not in battle, you can reload any of your save files from here. -------------About Battles------------- Beginning the moment you are handed the first Migrant Seal, you gain control over whether or not to fight a battle. By this, I am referring to the "!" that appears over your head. You must then keep an eye on your ENC gauge. If it is too low to cancel the encounter by pressing the Circle when the "!" appears, then you must fight anyways. Green ! - Cancelling the encounter comes at no cost to your ENC gauge. White ! - Cancelling the encounter comes at a cost depending on the type of monster that is about to fight you. Red ! - You aregiven no chance to cancel. This can happen when your party is surprised or if a monster picks a fight with just one character out of the party. With a Red ! the monster goes first, thus skipping your turn for the same round. No ! - If you encounter a boss, or if you use the Old Guitar in an area with a monster, then you will enter a battle without the chance to cancel. Once you are in a battle, you have a selection of options through icons that are stacked in a cross-like pattern. To use an icon other than the center one, hold the analog stick or d-pad in the desired before pressing X. You can also change this so you only have to press that direction once, and that icon will remain your initial position of the cursor until you move it in later rounds or battles. The first set of icons: Status (Up) - Functions like the status menu outside of battle. Auto (Left) - Like the Auto menu out of battle Form (Down) - Just like the Form menu out of battle System (Right) - Like the System menu out of battle, but Load doesn't work. Get Set (Mid) - Go through here to begin issuing commands for that round. Which brings me to the second icon set: Item (Up) - Works like the Item menu out of battle, but only the Usable Item page has items you can use in battle. Guard (Down) - Defend for the round. This allows Jane and Rudy to reload their ARMs as well. Keep this in mind if either one runs out of ammo. Special (Right) - Use a skill that calls for MP (or stock in Rudy's and Zed's cases). This includes Cecilia's Crest Sorcery, Jack's Fast Draws, Rudy's Cartridges, Jane's Calamities, Emma's Emulators, and Zed's Piled Shots. Magdalen/McDullen and Mariel have their own as well. Force (Left) - When a character has enough FP, they can use their Force ability upon selection. Here are a few examples. * Accelerator (Jack) - Pure speed and a power boost * Full Power (Zed) - Power boost * Mystic (Jane) - Expand the effect of an item to a group rather than just one target. This makes Jane a great candidate for Floral Arts should you get it. * Material (Cecilia) - Cecilia's summons; see "Items and Moves" for the details explaining what they do and cost. * Lock-On (Rudy) - At first, it just perfects the accuracy of Rudy's move for that turn. It is upgraded to do more late in the game. * Alchemic Bomb (Emma) - Deals damage based on the number of Emulators Emma has collected. Shot/Attack (Mid) - The character just runs at the target and deals a regular attack. Barring boosts from Force abilities, this is where criticals can happen, and a critical from Jane can mean sudden death to non-bosses. She and Rudy require ammo to deal damage. Guard and ending the battle reload their ARMs. Otherwise, they'd attack melee style and not do much. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III. Entity's Corner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's been a millenium since the epic war which ripped Filgaia apart. Demons and Elws are believed to be gone from the world until one night. Two powerful figures show up in Arctic Castle and begin killing people to reach something guarded inside; only one knight survives the encounter. The man wanders to this day--a couple years later. Some more time passes afterwards, and some characters decide to have a reunion where they had the final battle against the force threatening Filgaia. Most of them are apparently late, but the arrival of the last three sparks a flashback to the discovery, development, and showdown with a great threat . . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IV. Walkthrough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------We Who Chase Dreams------------- ~~Part 0: Per Opening~~ Now, let's set ourselves up IRL if we haven't done so already. Is the PS2 set up with a clean copy of the game's disc inside? Good. After turning on the Playstation 2, you may feel the urge to start whistling along with some of the music. That's perfectly normal, and it may actually enhance gameplay. Watch as much of the intro as you like. There's one that appears when you let the game sit on the title screen for a short while. This "hidden intro" has a bit more backstory for the game . . . okay, a lot. But, unless you're a vet to this series, you'll have to find out why for yourself. When all is well, be sure to have started a new game . . . . ~~Part 1: Rudy Roughnight~~ After a scene taking place at the reunion of some characters, you see a shorter scene that starts you off in Surf Village some time earlier. You are prompted to name Rudy, and then you gain control of him after gaining five Heal Berries. Firstly, let's grab items from around the town. After heading out of the fenced area, go north to between the fence and the house to the east. Pick up a Heal Berry from the barrel. Now, head inside that same house. To the south are three barrels; the south-most barrel has a Heal Berry in it. Head back out of the house. To the east is the Eldar's house. On the way up to it, Tony talks to you about Holy Berries. Before going inside, go along the wooden porch to a few barrels containing another Heal Berry. Go north a room. The Elder will talk to Rudy and tell you about the Berry Cave and the Bombs. Grab the Heal Berry from the southwest barrel, and then go through the east doorway. Open the chest to receive Bombs and intructions how to use them. Go west. After the following scene leave for the first room. Go east, and up the stairs. Go west out to the deck. There's a Revive Fruit in the barrel. Go back inside. Go down the stairs. Head west out of the house. Go south until you can reach the barrels next to another house. Care to guess the contents of the East barrel? (Yes, it's a Heal Berry.) Now, head south out of town. You are given instructions on using a system called the Search Web Radar. You will want to go south a short distance and then west (and a very short north) to find the area to use the SWR at. If done correctly, you will have revealed the Berry Cave. Berry Cave-- The guy at the entrance will ask you if you're going to bring back Tony. You receive a Migrant Seal for any time of accepting. Accepting the first time asked nets you 3 Lucky Cards, waiting to the second to accept gives you three Nectars, and waiting to after that gives you no bonus item. Head further into the cave. * From here on you will be able to control whether or not you enter battle so long as you have the Migrant Level and ECN Gauge for it. As for this cave, allow for enough battles to reach level 6 or 7. Hint: Goblins like to run when alone, so attack them first. Also, if you run out of ammo, then guard to reload. Climb the ramp and blow up the crates to get a Heal Berry. Hop off the ledge, or go around the ramp, to reach the next room. Halfway across the room is some crates. Destroy them before continuing. When looking south, you will see a couple ledges and a couple crates. If you haven't gone over a ledge yet, then you are given instructions about how to deal with them if you haven't already. Now, run over the first ledge, blow up the crates, hop the next ledge, and open the chest for a Heal Berry. Go east off the ledge and to the sign. Use a bomb on the sign, and move south to the next room. Head down the slope, and head southeast of the rock to a cornering area. Use the bombs until one of them blows open the cracked wall. Open the chest for 3 Lucky Cards, and head back through the opening. Head north to another doorway while on the lower ground; it's near three white gems. * When you get a rare item like a small flower, be sure to hold on to it. The reason shall be explained later. Blow up the crates for a Small Flower. Proceed southeast past the three red gems. After the instructions about ladder climbing, go down the ladder. Open the chest for 10 Gimel Coins and instructions for their use. Go back up the ladder to continue southeast to another doorway. Go north, blow up the two crates, and collect a Gella Card from the chest. Go west through the nearby doorway. To the northwest is a path with three white gems and a doorway going north. Grab the Heal Berry from the chest and go back to the previous room. Go east to where the path splits, and head southwest to a few crates. After you blow up the crates, continue to reach the ladder. Ram into the ladder to make a bridge out of it. Go south. Halfway across the room are a bunch of crates. Destroy them not just to open your path, but also be sure to get the Heal Berry from them. Toward the end of this room is 200 Gella in a chest next to the ladder. So, when you're ready, go down the ladder and head through the second-to-last room of the cave. Toward the end of the room is Tony. Head up to the giant rock near him, and lay as many bombs down as you can so that the blast will destroy the rock. Go north. You will witness a scene with a few parts including Rudy grabbing the Holy Berry, an earthquake ensuing, villagers showing up, and the attack of the boss. **Rotting Beast** HP: 250-ish Base EXP: 42 Gella: 200 Lv: 6 This guy's easy enough if you're at level 6, and he's easier at level 7 . . . especially if you have JUST levelled up (HP and Vit Guage are healed). Ready? Attack for one or two rounds just to reach the needed 25% Force (you'll know since instructions pop up). Use Force: Lock-on, and then the ability Boosted Shell once or twice to finish the battle. In the event (only likely below lv.6) you run low on health, then use a Heal Berry. If your ammo runs out, then defend a round. Easy, right? **End of Battle** After the scene, Rudy's scenario will end. ~~Part 2: Jack Van Burace~~ Ruins of Memory-- We're introduced to Jack and Hanpan. During the sequece of scenes, you are given a chance to walk to the terminal and to name your character how you would like. (Note: the names that the device will accept are "Fulcani" and "Keeper", but let's NOT do either of those names, yet.) Per sake of this guide (and for the respect of my favourite character in this game) let's leave the name at Jack. The scene displays will continue as you see Jack dodge some traps. When you have control over Jack again, you may notice that Jack is already at Level 5. Level 6 is a good-and-easy minimum, but let's move on. Run forward (while dodging the spikes in the ground) and through the opening to the north. Open the empty chest, and head east to the next room after hitting the switch to the west. Use Hanpan to hit the switch across the gap, and the South door will open. Hop the ledge to reach the door. Ignoring the chest for now, run past the guillotine. Use Hanpan on the second chest (which you need to climb up toward) to get a Heal Berry; it's a trapped chest that will hurt you otherwise. Continue south. In here you're told about throwing boxes at switches as soon as you pick a box up. That should be obvious as to what to do. Throw a box at the pyramid- shaped switch to open the West door. Dash off the South ledge since that isn't walled off. Grab the 2 Gella Cards from the chest to the south using Hanpan, and continue west up the stairs and through the doorway. Once again, throw the mid box at the switch. In either side-box of the three is a Revive Fruit and a Heal Berry. Hop the ledge to the northwest, and go north. Before the guillotine is a Gimel Coin in a chest. Now, you may want to turn the camera angle to see the full running path. Dash past the guillotine, and stop before the spiked floor. Here, you can see another chest, but you can't reach it from here. Continue north. Not only should you avoid the spikes, but you need to have both switches hit at the same time. How do we do this? Have Jack stand on the East switch facing west. Release Hanpan, and steer the windmouse onto the second switch. That's a nice change from the original. Once both switches are activated, go through the East door. Throw a box at the switch. Go southeast to the Southwest door. Go south and west through another door. Grab the Heal Berry from the chest, and go back east. There are four switches in here. While on the West side of the room, throw the first two boxes at the switches as needed. Next to the door you came from is a bridge; cross over to the East side of the room. Go through the East door. Hanpan the golden trap-chest for 200 Gella, and go back west. Throw the boxes at the other two switches, and the structure in the middle of the room will become a crystal. BE SURE YOU'RE AT LEAST LEVEL 6 OR 7. Also, you may want Speed Fang levelled at least once. Run off a ledge and to the crystal, and Jack will be rejected from the crystal. By what? **Atlachnacha** HP: 310 Base EXP: 64 Gella: 200 Lv: 6 This battle is very much a replay of the boss of Rudy's scenario, but you don't have to worry about ammo. Attack as needed, heal as needed, use a combonation of Force: Accelerator and Speed Fang to finish off the boss. **End of Battle** Touch the crystal to warp into a new room. A scene ensues after you examine the Northwest console. You will see a holo- graphic image of an Elw who warns Jack and Hanpan to stay away from Lolithia. Touch the crystal to the south. The scenario will end with another scene. ~~Part 3: Cecilia Raynne Adlehyde~~ After a short scene of Cecilia being talked to in her sleep, you appear in: Curan Abbey-- After another short scene, you will have control over Cecilia. Go south. You can see the exit, but you can't leave the Abbey. So, let's go east through the door. Continue northeast to the library. Talk to the girl behind the desk. Trish will hand you "Witch Ep.1" and ask you to collect the rest of the series for the library's collection. This begins a sidequest. Head south out of the room. Go southwest to the Abbey's entry. Continue west. Go northwest through the west-most door. Talk to Sister Mary, and go south out of her room. Head east to the next door going north. Welcome to the courtyard. To the northeast is a barrel with a Heal Berry, so grab that. Head through the North door. Head west to the southwest door. Talk to Master Anje about the Teardrop, and you'll learn how to use event items manually. Examine the holograph of Filgaia, and use the Teardrop to see a scene of Cecilia being communicated via her subconscious again. You'll then get the Target Tool (which isn't counted as a tool). Now, you can see things glow when there's something to note. Head out of the room. Directly northeast is another room. Check the barrels for a Heal Berry. The girl in here is Suzanne, and there is a sidequest having to do with collecting music for her. Obviously, that will take the game to do, so head out of the room. Go all the way east to the last door going north. A Save Bird is in here. Save if you wish, and head back out. Head out the Center-South door to the courtyard. Walk into the central area to get in front of the Center-North statue. Examine the statue and use the Teardrop at it. The West door will glow a bit. In this room stand near the eye-pattern on the wall and use the Teardrop to see Cecila warp somewhere . . . . Sealed Library-- * Okay, since Cecilia is at Level 1, you'll want to level up at least five times while you are here. Don't worry about healing, too much. Actually, just keep using Fire once on each monster until Level 4 by which time you can physically attack the Blue Books (but still kill Pillbugs with Fire first). As you level up, your HP and MP will fill up. * Also, if you need to heal quickly (for some reason), then go to the Abbey Kitchen (east of Courtyard) and talk to the chef. Ready? Head down the stairs, and open the chest for the Tinder Crest. Go back up the stairs. Light the torch across the gap for the north door (downstairs) to open. At level 2 or 3 yet? Good. From this second room, go east. Pick up a couple Heal Berries from the chest, and go back west. Continue west past the ladder into the next room. Head through the hallway and down the stairs to reach the door going north. Get on top of the pedestal between the three unlit torches. Face either the North or South torch, and hold down the square button to make a stream of fire start up; rotate in place while the fire-stream is holding, and the torches'll light up. Once the North door opens, go through it. Here's another hallway. Make your way to the East doorway. Head east to the ladder. Climb the ladder, but don't worry about the room to the north as we already have the solution to the five torches across the gap from Cecilia. Out of the five torches light ONLY the center one and the two outer-most torches. Once the three are lit, the East door will open. Liking these hallways yet? Go east and south. Here's a room with another pedestal, but there are five torches. However, they are not any harder to light than in the last pedestal room so long as you know how to rotate in the correct direction while holding the stream of fire. Once the torches are all lit, continue south. Here's the last hallway of this dungeon, I promise. Go south and west. Stand in front of the statue as though to examine it, and use the Teardrop. A piece of the wall structure will lower to just low enough to step on, so just walk or run over it to reach the other side. Beyond the second statue is a Duplicator Door, but since we don't start getting Duplicators for a while, use the Teardrop on the second statue. Now, you have a stairway leading to the North door. Climb the ladder while it is to the west, and head through the door. Collect the 300 Gella from the chest. Go east. You can climb down or dash off the ledge. When you examine the structure in the middle of the low level of the room, you're told about how to operate the wheels. So, hold onto the wheel, and turn it clockwise until the ladder moves to the east. Climb the ladder to enter the next room. Grab the Gimel Coin from the chest, and go west. Go back down to the wheel, and turn it counter-clockwise just enough to lead the ladder north. Climb the first ladder and then the second. Examine the block in the rounded wall to put in a password: "Guardian Blade". Head down to the second level to operate the second wheel. Send the ladder either west or east. Now, be sure that Cecilia is at LEAST Level 4 to make the battle coming up trouble-lacking. However, I suggest going a couple levels to Level 6, and now limit your Fire spell to just the Pillbugs. The Blue Books will do zero damage from here on. You should have a grasp on the EXP bonuses by now. When you're ready, go through the North door as accessed by the ladder being either on the East or West side. Examine the book on the table for a scene. ***Nelgal*** HP: -- Base EXP: 18 for Nelgal, and 6 for each clone created (there'll be 3). Gella: 100 per target Lv: 6 Don't worry about anything, especially if you're at Level 6 or higher. Use a Lucky Card on Cecilia in the first round, and just attack Nelgal twice so he will make his three clones. You'll be told by 'the voice' to summon it. You should easily be over 50% of your Force Gauge, so use Force: Material to end the battle. For winning, you should get a Crest Graph, 4 Water Gems, and about 2.8x EXP. ***End of Battle*** Watch the scene and head south. A couple more scenes will follow before the scenario will end. ~~Part 4: Lolithia~~ Surf Village-- You can now see the opening movie. YAY! Anyways, after the scene, go down the stairs and toward the living room of the Mayor's House to get a couple more scenes. You then leave the village. Head south past the forest and the mountains toward a light amount of trees next to a small forest. Use SWR to reveal Adlehyde. Downtown Adlehyde-- After the scene, enter the second East building while going north. Talk to Abott to have Rudy's ARM upgraded. I suggest expanding the ammo and the attack once each, and you should have the money for it or else go back out of town to train a little. Once the upgrading is done for now, head down the stairs to the north. * Start saving money, here. You'll be glad you did. Enter the main part of the room and talk to Emma for a scene. Head upstairs after you agree to help her. Walk out of the building. Go up the stairs when you're in the Inn, and talk to Cecilia. After she joins the party, head out of the Inn. Just south of Emma's house is a booth which allows for you to make spells so long as you have the money and a Crest Graph for it. Select "Attack Magic", and put together Geo and Muse to get the Spectre spell for 60 Gella. Go north and to the west to reach the West entrance in the wall. Enter there to reach the first area of the castle. Keep going north to the large double doors. Go northwest, up the stairs, and then northwest to the door. Keep going west into another door. Talk to Jack. Once he has joined your party, go east. Head through the first South door you reach when going east. Run down the stairs and exit south. Keep going south until you reach the town. Exit Adlehyde. Head north back to . . . Surf Village-- Head east to the back of the first house. Search the back wall of the house for a small hole, and shoot Hanpan into it to grab 500 Gella. Leave the town. After going south a little bit, run east and use SWR when you have the ocean to the north and a pond to the south (maybe southwest). If done right, you should have revealed the . . . Ruins of Memory-- Run up to the console and examine it. The first password is "Fulcani". Go to the East door since it opened. Turn the camera before running past the guillotine and spiked floor. Stop on the safe spot of ground, and use Hanpan on the three chests across the gap for: Monster Egg, 2000 Gella, and a Migrant Seal. Head out of this room. * Do NOT use the Monster Egg, yet. It summons a couple Level 55 enemies. Examine the console again, and put in "Keeper" to open the West door. Once again, dodge the guillotine and the spiked floor to just before the gap. Open the chests for: 5000 Gella, an Ambrosia, and a Crest Graph. Leave this room when you're done. Head south out the exit. Now that we can cancel a good number of battles without hurting the ECN gauge, let's run southwest past Adlehyde to the peninsula. Keep crossing the penin- sula until it begins to widen, and start using the SWR around here to find the Curan Abbey. Now, since there's no business in the Abbey for now, just train until Jack's Speed Fang is at its third level or better. If his MP is too low, then either level Jack up or rest at the Inn in Adlehyde. When all is well, go into Adlehyde. * If Jack is at least Level 8, and you run into a monster called Grow Apple, then have Jack attack it with his strongest move available. Damage minus one point becomes the EXP gained at the end of battle. Downtown Adlyhyde-- Go to the Crest Graph counter, and pay the 60 Gella needed to put Pressure--is made from Muse and Muse in Attack Magic--on the new Crest Graph. You should have everything ready for the next dungeon, so leave Adlehyde. Go north to the mountain range, and use SWR to reveal Lolithia's Coffin. Lolithia's Coffin-- Head east to the Northeast door. Talk to Emma as Rudy (she'll ask to speak with him if you're anyone else). A chest is behind Emma, but don't worry about it yet. Head back out the door. * Note: If you say you're not ready to Emma a couple times, she'll join your party, but the reward will be reduced from 5000 to 1000 Gella. Some people think it worth it with a chest in this dungeon, but YOU CAN COME BACK LATER ON! Choice is your's, but I suggest not taking in Emma just yet. Go west toward the entrance of the dungeon, but then go north to the next room. After going down the ramp and going towards the door, you should easily see a couple chests. The South chest can be opened by anyone and contains a Crest Graph. The North chest can be opened after being bombed and then opened by Rudy; it contains the cartridge Snipe Bullet. Go north. On the North-half of the room, you will see two bomb-switches (meaning they're activated by bombs). You have to activate the switches together, so line up a few bombs between the switches before the first bomb goes off. Go north when the door opens. Run north down the stairs and past the three red gems. Here's the excavation site which currently serves as the go-between. It does not matter whether you go east or west first, but for guide purposes let's go with starting west (as chosen by two of three coin tosses . . . honest). It's . . . a hallway. Just go west. There are two barrel-like things in the center of the room which separate the two switches. Have Jack stand on one switch facing in a diaginal direction, steer Hanpan around to the other switch. Continue west. Head up the ramp, ignore the North door (for quite a while), and continue into the West door. As you go down the stairs, hold down the circle button to lighten your walking- pace. If you forget to do that, you'll fall through the floor and receive instructions as to how to sneak around. So 'sneak' around the perimeter until you reach the stable bit of ground. Use Hanpan to hit the switch, and head out of the room. Continue down the ramp and through the East door. Go east. Keep going east to the Excavation Site. You'll likely notice one of the two doors to the north has lit up. Continue east. Here's another hallway, so just go east up the stairs and past the white gems. There are a bunch of barrel-like things around the room to make it look harder than it is. Simply stand in the middle as Cecilia and use the Tinder Staff to shoot a stream of fire, and rotate in place to light all four torches. Head east when the door opens. Here's another room with a ramp and a door-to-be-ignored. Go up and through the east door. Head into the lower area and examine a block to get the instructions out of the way. Now, pull the North block south one space. You can either use Hanpan to get the chests, or you can push/pull the blocks together to make a bridge to the chests--3 Heal Berries and an Alter Part--and to the switch. After you step on the switch head west. Down the ramp, and go west. Continue west. Keep going west back to the Excavation Site. Next to the large double doors to the north is a lever. Hit the lever, and go north. To the east is a wheel-device. Turn the wheel counter-clockwise twice to aim the pillers to the center of the room. Stand on the center spot to open the North door. Be sure your characters are level 7 and/or 8 before continuing. After the scene, you get into a battle. ***Magtortus*** HP: 500 Base EXP: 100 Gella: 300 Lv: 7 When I did this battle, my first time Cecilia was at Level 7 while Jack and Rudy were each at Level 8. Speed Fang, Pressure, and either Snipe Bullet or Boosted Shell each round . . . only break away from that with Cecilia's Heal spell if it is needed during the second round. If Jack or Rudy reaches 25% of force, then add their Force abilities for extra strength. About three rounds should be all you really need. Now, mind how easy this was for me with everyone at Level 9 the second time I did this. ***End of Battle*** Go north for a scene, and then go south. Keep going south until you reach the entrance. (No, I do not mean to leave the dungeon.) Head south and east to the door to Emma's room. Talk to Emma as Rudy again for a series of scenes. ~~Part 5: Fairs, Fires, and Fears~~ Downtown Adlehyde-- After the end of the series of scenes, you'll be in town. Go to the booth for Crest Graphs to pay 60 Gella and put Wing and Muse together for the Lightning spell. Once again, be sure that Cecilia has Lightning and Spectre. * Save your game, and make sure that everything is likeable. If everyone is Level 10, with Rudy close to 11, then you're in good shape. Use the Grow Apple trick as needed to get there. Now, go into the Inn after you save again. Select to stay for the night, and you'll get a couple scenes leading to the next morning. Head out of the Inn. Save your game, and go north and east to the East doorway in the North wall. (No, do NOT spend more money on the ARM upgrades than we already have.) Go north into the building. Talk to Emma to receive 5,000 Gella. So, by now, you should have more than enough Gella for something coming up. Oh, and remember in the original Wild ARMs when this is where you could play a few mini-games? I miss those things. So, with Emma talked to, go either west or east (your choice). You can walk around and see the exhibition, but the goal is to reach the mid- North room. So go north a couple times and then the opposite direction of what you chose to go (eg., west if you went east in the first room). You'll see a man standing on the West-side of the room. Talk to him to start the main event. Head out of the Exhibition Gallery. Once you've gotten back to town, save your game. This is the last chance to save before things get . . . interesting. When you're ready, talk to the boy with the red balloon (who stands in front of the Crest Graph booth). You will first battle a couple monsters after the scene. After you win with ease, go northwest until a battle starts in which Cecilia begins alone. Once Jack and Rudy show up for the battle, the easy part to all this will be as good as over. Cecilia tells you that you have five minutes to save the survivors: * Time stops between rounds in battle, when you select tools, and as the battles start or end. * You will want to cancel only every other battle to save time. Try getting Rudy to Level 11 at this point. Also, these monsters are weak to the Light element, so Spectre is useful. * Be sure to run and to have the correct camera angles before moving. 1) Turn to camera to face west, and go south-to-southeast until you reach some stairs that go west. Go up the stairs and then head north to a burning tree between a couple buildings. Talk to Lisett, and head back out. 2) Standing just a foot of where he was before (when he had the balloon), go and talk to Tyrell. 3) Between the stairs going out of town and the fire on the East-side of town is a narrow space. Go south through the space to reach and talk to Dominique. 4) Head north until you see the stairs that go to the east, but do not go up the stairs yet. Instead, go just north of where those stairs start to find and talk to Anderson. 5) After the diagonally-faced stairs, go east through the alley and then south to between the buildings to find and talk to Catori. Note: the alley going east is narrow, but trust it's there between the houses. 6) Finally, go to the Northeast corner of town (just before the Exhibition) to find and talk to Mayor Howard. * With survivors saved and time becoming less, go to the Northwest corner of town to go to the Castle. Castle Adlehyde-- After a couple scenes, you get to do something that was harder in the original version. Ready? Head out of Cecilia's room. Keep south to go through the Southwest door. Pull the statue back once, and then push/pull the staue once either west or to the east. Hop down from the ledge, and go east a very short distance. As soon as you reach stairs leading to the door going south, take them; don't let the guard see you by you going too far east. Head south. After going down the West stairs, steer Hanpan up the center stairs to the two guards to distract them. Go up the East stairs and then north. Lean east so the guard doesn't see you as you go east. Head through the hall until you reach the second door going north. Talk to everyone here. Ozma is the only person in the room you didn't save, and you have to talk to him as Cecilia: 1) Ozma--Shield Badge (Event Item) 2) Dominique--Revive Fruit 3) Mayor Howard--Gimel Coin 4) Catori--Gella Card 5) Lisett--Lucky Card 6) Tyrell--Potion Berry 7) Anderson--Small Flower * When you're done here, go south out of the room. Head west. Get caught by the guard before the stairs to be placed about two-thirds up the path behind him. Go north. Go northeast to the relief sword below the east horse statue, and be in range enough for examining it. Use the Shield Badge to reveal a hidden path. Step into the new path. Under Adlehyde-- This dungeon would be longer if there were battles to be fought, but you have no battles to put up with until the big demon outside. In any case, get off the ladder and go south. While going south, blow up the crates. The one farthest south has a Potion Berry in it. In this room, you're told about wire-nets and how to hang/flip around them. Go under the wire-net west of the room's entrance and grab onto it. Face outward, and flip onto the top. Grab the three Heal Berries from the chest, and hop off the South-end of the wire-net to land by the next door. Go west a bit, north, onto the wire-net, and then east to reach the Northeast door. Continue east across the bridge to the next room. Grab onto the wire-net to cross to the other side, and drop onto the ground to start making your way south and west (and down the stairs going south) to the next door. Head south to the next door going east. Grab the 1000 Gella and the Witch Ep. 2 from the chests, and go to the wheel- device. Turn the wheel clockwise until a gate heightens in the previous room. Head west out of this room. Cross the newly formed bridge while heading west. Head south, and blow up some more crates to not just open the way but to get a Heal Berry and a Revive Fruit. Go south to the last room. This is it . . . Save your game with a Gimel Coin or not at all if you are feeling especially lucky. Climb the ladder to return to . . . Downtown Adlehyde-- You can't save out here right now. Go up to where the demons are when you are ready. ***Berserk*** HP: -- Base EXP: 100 + DMG Gella: 500 Lv: 10 As long as your characters are averaged at Level 11, you'll be fine. You are given five rounds to do what you can, and your damage converts to added EXP. On the first round, have each character use a Lucky Card on his/her self. If Berserk hits Cecilia (thus killing her) then reload the file. If he hits any- one else, then you'll be okay. On the second round, have Cecilia heal whoever needs it, have Jack use Speed Fang, and have Rudy use either of his ARM abilities. Berserk doesn't attack with Torment this round; he uses Taunt which is a turn-waster. On the third round, add Cecilia's Lightning spell and Force from whoever has enough. Again, Berserk uses Taunt. On the fourth round, have Jack and Rudy each use their abilities without using Force, and have Cecilia block. Berserk will use Torment again. On the fifth round, do NOT worry about healing. Speed Fang with Force if it is available, Rudy's strongest ARM ability with Force if it's available, and then Cecilia's Lighting. If you do this battle correctly, then you'll receive double EXP, and the base amount of EXP will be somewhere around 1400. This should bring your party's average level up to 14 or 15. ***End of Battle*** Watch the few scenes. If you have the soundtrack, you might want to listen to the song from the funeral scene in order to hear the song the way it was made. Congratulations, you've officially ended the prologue. -------------Tears of Travel------------- ~~Part 1: Through the Mountains~~ Castle Adlehyde-- From where you start (with Rudy and Jack), go south. Head west. Go south through the center door. Talk to Minister Johan, and then continue south out of the Castle. Keep going south until you reach the town. Go southeast down the stairs and then north into the center building. Cecilia rejoins . . . again. After the scene, you get the Field Viewer, which helps a lot. Talk to Mayor Howard (front of the building you were just in) 3 times. On the second time you talk to him, donate 12,000 Gella. On the third talk with the mayor, you will receive the Item Scope. Southeast of the stairs south of the mayor (and west of Emma's old shop) is Abott. Talk to him to have either of Rudy's two ARM abilities upgraded with an Alter Part. Go northeast back to where the Exhibition used to be. Jeremy is here selling stuff such as status healing items and skills. The four skills (Windbreaker 1, Firebreak 1, Icebreak 1, and Gaia Stop 1) are expensive purchases. One of each skill costs a total of 15,000 Gella. West of Jeremy is the reason for being here. Get the Crest Graph from the chest, and find/break the four boxes for Medicine, Heal Berry, Potion Berry, and a Revive Fruit. Go south back to town after stocking up on Antidotes and Toy Hammers from Jeremy. At the Crest Graph shop, pay 160 Gella for the well-worth-it Support: Wing and Fray (Escape). You NEED this spell for the upcoming dungeon. Save your game, and leave town. Before continuing with the game, let's do a few things around here as best we can: 1) Northeast of the Curan Abbey--use SWR to find a LVL Apple (don't use it, because we're selling it for 10,000 Gella). 2) West of the small lake (east of the large forest that's south of Surf Village)-- Use SWR to find 500 Gella. 3) Next to (west of) Surf Village--SWR to find 1500 Gella. 4) -IF- the Rat Monkeys drop a LVL Apple, be sure to sell it, but don't you worry about them not dropping it since it's a rare drop that I have only received once. 5) Between the Ruins of Memory, the large forest, and the mountains that'll be a short distance to the north--Use SWR to find a Potion Berry. 6) Be sure your party's average level is at 15. Use the Grow Apples around the dark patch of dead soil to make it happen. 7) Melchoms--They've been around for a while, but here's what to do. Have Cecilia be the primary damage dealer using her spells. Such damage is tripled if you kill the Melchom, and that becomes the Gella you earn at the end of battle. * South of the Ruins of Memory, watch the map for a flashing red dot and use the SWR at the spot to find the entrance to the Mountain Path. Mountain Path-- * If you run into a Troll, RUN! That's the current main reason for the spell Escape. Though, it also works to just defend for 3 rounds. * Around the dungeon are these plant-tentacles. They are connected by a sphere, stone-like bulb that's always above ground. Destroy the bulb with a few combined bombs or two crates to move on. Now, go south. While standing just north of the bulb southeast of the entrance, lay some bombs together to destroy the bulb. Continue south until you see a bulb above the ledge to the east. Throw two boxes at it--four boxes are in this room--to be able to move west. As Jack, observe the sword, and your receive Strike Buddy. Head south, and destroy the bulb on the ground with some combined bombs. Go west. Grab the 3 Nectars from the chest, and go back east. Continue east into the next room. Destroy the bulb to the southeast however you choose to (bombs or boxes). Go south, and destroy the three boxes with a bomb to get a Heal Berry. Place the bomb close enough to the cracked wall to make a hole. Go through it. Open the two chests for a Crest Graph and 3 Heal Berries. Head back. Go northeast. Grab the 3 Heal Berries and the Crest Graph from the two chests to the east, and go back west. Grab the boxes, and use them to destroy the bulb to the west. I have noticed it to be easier to throw at this bulb from the southeast. When the bulb is no more, go west. Ignore the wooden structure as you go southwest. Hop down the ledge to reach the two chests--Migrant Seal and 5 Earth Gems. It would be quicker to fall to the south from the chests (thus reappearing at the room's entrance), but you'll notice that falling north and going back around to the ledge before the chests is still quick now that you're at Migrant Level 3. So, be sure you're at the ledge before the chests, and go east. Since the bulb was already destroyed, continue west. Grab the SOS FP Up skill from the chest, and go south to the next room. While going across the bridge, Hanpan the chest for a Gella Card. Go south. There are three bulbs and four chests in here. First, destroy the bulb on the ledge south of the boxes (by using the boxes). Grab the Lucky Card, Revive Fruit, and 1500 Gella from the chests freed by the bulb. The tricky part is here where you have to find the right point to the west of the boxes to stand on while throwing boxes at the bulb across the gap. If you run out of boxes, then leave the room and come back to try again. Once the second bulb is gone, open the newly freed chest for a Gimel Coin. The last bulb is on a ledge to the southeast; destroy the last bulb to be able to go north. The first bulb you reach while going south can be stroyed by your choice of bombs and boxes. However, the second bulb you reach can only be destroyed by using two boxes. Once the bulbs are gone, open the chests for skills Blocker 1 and Defend 1. Continue south. Read the sign before heading south out of the cave. ~~Part 2: Guardian Contact~~ Go south, and watch the map for a flashing green dot. A short distance from the start of the green dot's peninsula, use SWR to get an Alter Part. Go east to a smaller peninsula, and use SWR to find a Revive Fruit. Go back to the green dot, and use SWR to reveal Milama Village. Milama Village-- Enter the first house to the west. Go up to the raised area and talk to Sadie. Agree to help her, and head out of the house. To the north is a Save Bird, so save your game. Go south out of the town. Go north a little and then west to use SWR and find the Sand River. Sand River-- We're only here for a short time. Go north and then west. Head southwest to the chest. Bomb the chest to unlock it, and open it for the tool Radar. Go northeast out of the room. Continue south to the exit. Head back to Milama. Milama Village-- Enter the house to the west. Use the Radar to find the Stuffed Toy under a bed. Use it next to Sadie as you use other event items, and she'll talk to you about her brother. Head out of the house. Keep going east past the bird into the door on the Westside of the building the Crest Graph shop's in front of. Check the barrel south of the entrance for a Potion Berry, and use an Alter Part on the Boosted Shell before heading out the door. Go west to the Save Bird, and head north into the Inn. Talk to Montague (actually select "Talk") to see a scene. Afterwords, you'll stay at the Inn for free that night. Leave the Inn. Save your game again, and leave town. Go north to northeast to use SWR on the flashing red dot, and enter the temple you just revealed. * Be sure your average Level is 15 to 16. Guardian Temple-- Since the West door is a Duplicator Door, we'll be ignoring it for now. Head north toward the clock. There are two wheels here. Turn the right wheel until the minute hand of the clock reaches "6", and then turn the left wheel until the hour hand is just below "3". (You'll see a very small scene that shows the East door opening once the hands are at the right positions.) Go up the stairs to the east, and go north through the door. The three doorways going north in here can only be seen while Radar is being used. Go through the northwest door. Use Radar to go through the doorway behind the statue (eg., go north). Grab the three Heal Berries and five Frost Gems from the chests. Go south. Continue south. Go east halfway across the hallway. Use the Radar to go north through the center doorway. Take the Revive Fruit from the chest before going back south. Continue east through the hallway, and use the Radar to reveal the last North door. After getting the Lucky Card and the Gella Card from the chests, use Radar to go north again. Use Radar to go north again. In the chest is a Gimel Coin. Head south. Use the Radar to go west. Take the 1500 Gella from the chest. Use the Radar to go north. Use Radar, and head west. Grab the skill Counter Up 1 from the chest. Exit to the east. Use Radar one more time to reveal the doorway going north. Run up to the scepter to the north, and you'll be given some options. Accept being able to challenge the Guardians. Per sake of this guide: have Rudy take on Grudiev, Cecilia take on Moor Gault, and Jack take on Fengalon. (Rudy and Jack can switch, but Cecilia MUST take Moor Gault because she has Pressure.) You start off with Rudy's area. While walking, lay down a bomb next to each mini-statue. Once they're activated, go north. Line up some bombs between the mini-statues, and have Rudy north of the first wall by the time the bombs go off. Run around from wall to wall while going north, and you should be near enough to the door before time runs out (causing the lowered wall to rise up again). If you mess up, then try again. If you're close enough to the door, you can just go north. This room's the trickiest one in the whole building. Let's start with being at the Northwest mini-statue. Position Rudy to be facing south (and not into the pit that separates the mini-statues). As soon as you lay the first bomb, run south, lay a second bomb at the second mini-statue as you pass it, run east to a fair enough point, run north, and time the bomb-laying at the third and forth mini-statues. If you do all that correctly, you'll notice the first bomb going off as you pass the third mini-statue, and all four devices will be activated. Go to the scepter when it appears. ***Grudiev*** HP: -- Base EXP: 200 + DMG Gella: 200 Lv: 12 You are given three rounds. On rounds 1 and 2, just use Boosted Shell. On the third round, use Boosted Shell along with Force: Lock-on. ***End of Battle*** You will get a scene about Rudy and the people of Surf Village. Next up is Jack. While going through the path to the north, have Jack step on one switch and have Hanpan step on the second one. Continue to the north. Go all the way north and around to the first switch. Position the camera angle as needed, and have Hanpan press the second switch. Go north. This one's easier than it looks. Push-and-pull the blocks to lead to the first platform (which is to the northeast) with a switch on it. Use Hanpan from the Northwest platform onto the first switch. Quickly get down to the block near where you use Hanpan, and move the block to between the two platforms to the west. Use Hanpan again, but have him go from the Northwest platform to the one to the south to get on the second switch. I'm unsure if this is timed, but you should do this easily enough and get the scepter to appear to the north. ***Fangalon*** HP: -- Base EXP: 200 + DMG Gella: 200 Lv: 12 This battle's a repeat of the one with Grudiev, but the only difference is you have Jack's moves to work with. ***End of Battle*** Sit back and watch the scene about Jack and . . . his past. Cecilia's turn is next. Throughout the area, lit torches create paths that'll last as short of a time as the repective torches. In the first room, light the torch to the west, head north in the path, light the second torch, and go north into the next room. Light the first torch to the west, and quickly go north along the path while lighting the other two torches. When lighting the first two torches, you may want to start with the one on the East-side before rotating to the west. Quickly go north through the path, and light the last two torches. If you're slow, both of the first two torches will extinguish, and you'll have a short time to attanpt to re-light the torches before falling into the pit. Once you're on the other side, touch the scepter. ***Moor Gault*** HP: -- Base EXP: 200 + DMG Gella: 200 Lv: 12 The difference between this battle the the previous Guardians? You'll neither be able to use Force: Material nor need to. Just use Pressure or a Frost Gem during each round. ***End of Battle*** You get a few more scenes before appearing close to Baskar. ~~Part 3: The First Seal~~ You will immediately see a flashing green dot. Use SWR on it to reveal Baskar Village, but don't enter it just yet. 1) A short distance to the northeast of Baskar is 2500 Gella you can find via SWR. 2) Use SWR a longer distance northeast of Baskar to find a Nectar. 3) To the west of Baskar is a small forest. Go west past the forest to use use SWR and find another 1500 Gella. Baskar Village-- Go northeast to-and-through a door of a house. Talk to the Chief for a scene. If you need to rest, you can talk to Demi here. Walk out of the house. Go up the ladder to the east. Go as far east as you can, and grab a Heal Berry from the East barrel. Go back west a bit, and enter the door. Check the barrels next to the entrance for another Heal Berry, and walk out. Go down the ladder, and head north through the archway west of the chief's house. To the east, check the barrels for 10 Gella, and blow up the boxes for a Medicine, Heal Berry, and a Force Carrot. Go back out of the archway, and head southwest to short of another door. Out here, talk to Acroid, who sells items, to buy a Migrant Seal for 5000 Gella. Now, save your game and leave the village when you're ready. * Yes, you'll be at Migrant Level 4 when you'll only need one less for a short while. * The Force Carrots, like Small Flowers, should be saved for now. Go to the north to use SWR on where the flashing red dot appears on the map. Be sure your average of Levels is 16 to 17 before entering . . . Mount Zenom-- * This place is easy enough, even if you get a few surprise attacks. The Shriekers are weak to Fire. Gila Monsters and the boss are weak to Lightning. Also, a Gila Monster is worth 50 exp . . . easy. Ready? Go north. While moving east, use the Tinder Staff on the ice. Touching the ice not only blocks your path, but it damages you. Here, the road splits between north and south. Take north first to blow up the cracked wall, and then take the South route. Where the South path narrows and darkens, tip-toe across the dark ground. Continue through the path until you reach the entrance going north. Blow up the cracked wall to the east. Grab the Gimel Coin from the first chest, use the Tinder Staff on the ice, get the Lucky Card from the second chest, and go back west. Hop down to the lower ground, and use the Tinder Staff to light up the path you can't see otherwise. Toward the end of the invisible path, use Hanpan to get 3 Heal Berries from the chest to the south. Go west. The chest here can be reached by Hanpan from an angle, and it contains five Fire Gems. Continue west until you get to some ice. After melting the ice, go north. Use Hanpan to get the skill Water Break 2 from the chest, and then go south. Melt the ice again. Go west. Melt the ice, and go all the way west until you see another chest. Use Hanpan to get the Gella Card from the chest. Go east a bit, and then head up the hill to the rock. Use the Tinder Staff on the rock to see a scene. Go east past where the rock used to be. Go northwest to the door going west. There are two chests here. In them are the skill Critical 1 and an importantly useful item called Tracker. Go east back into the cave. * Blue triangles are where you've never been. Yellow-only triangles label where you've been in the past. A yellow-with-red trangles show your entry point to where you are. Your location is also labelled with "Floor: X" with X changing each time you go to another room/place. Go east a bit, melt the ice, and go southeast to the door going east. Here's another room that requires the Tinder Staff to see where you're going. When you get all the way to the east, head through the doorway going east after you bomb it open. Melt the ice. Grab the three Duplicators from the North chest, and use one of them on the South chest to be able to grab the skill Initiative from it. Head west back to "Floor: 009". From the Northside of your current area, use the Tinder Staff to see the path leading west. Go through the doorway going north. Be sure to have everyone at Level 17 at this point. Use the Tinder Staff on the large boulder, and lay a bunch of bombs about it to destroy the boulder. Use a Gimel Coin to save your game, and be sure you're healed up before going through the doorway going north. Watch the scene. ***Berserk*** HP: -- Base EXP: 250 + DMG Gella: 550 Lv: 20 Another five rounds. Cecilia still will not survive being hit, but reload the file if she does get attacked. On the first round use Speed Fang and Boosted Shell. Berserk will attack. If you have 3 Lucky Cards handy, Have Cecilia and Rudy each use one. If you do not, then have Cecilia defend. On the second round, have Cecilia heal whoever needs it, and have Rudy and Jack repeat their previous attacks. The third round is a repeat of round one, but there's the addition of Jack and Rudy's Force abilities. Also, Cecilia's use of a Lucky Card would be upon Jack since he'll need the bonus as well. Round four is a total repeat of round two. Round five is closest to round three, but all that varies is whether or not Jack and/or Rudy has/have enough FP. Also, here is where Cecilia can use her Lightning spell (unless she gets killed as a result). This battle should end with everyone at Level 18 or 19. ***End of Battle*** After a scene, go south. You'll then see another scene having to do with Zed and Mother. Go back to Baskar. Baskar Village-- Enter the chief's house. Talk to the chief for a scene, and head out of his house. Save your game, and leave Baskar. ~~Part 4: Saint's Seal~~ Head to the forest to the southwest of Baskar, and use SWR to find Elw's Shrine 1. Enter it. Elw's Shrines 1 and 2-- Go north into the lower door. Head north to the two chests, grab their contents--Alter Part and 1500 Gella-- and go back south. Go up the stairs to enter the top door. Run north into the device. After the skippable scene, you'll be in the second shrine. So south. Hop the ledge, and go north. Go to the two chests. The chest on the west is an EX File Key, and the chest on the east (which has to be bombed to be unlocked) has the cartridge: Solid Storm. Go south. Continue south out of the shrine. 1) Northwest of the shrine is five Potion Berries found by SWR. These are also northeast of the Caging Tower if you want to wait until then-- only a few minutes away. 2) North of the shrine is 500 Gella found by SWR. 3) Further north from the previous item is the flashing green dot on the map. Use SWR to reveal Saint Centaur. Enter the town. After the scene, you'll be in the city. Go west to find the Save Bird. Now, enter the center building. Talk to Kaiser (guy with the hat) for a scene. Accept the mission, and you'll receive an "advance" of 2000 Gella. Leave the building. Head south out of town. * You'll want to have at LEAST 5000 Gella at this point. Go southwest until the soil darkens and you're over the flashing red dot on the map. Use SWR to reveal your next destination. Caging Tower-- You'll only need to go north halfway across the room to see the path splitting into two ladders. For starters, go up the East ladder. Take the five Thunder Gems from the chest, and go back down the ladder. Go up the West ladder. Grab the Wirehook tool from the chest. Head north around the pit to use your new tool on the mini-column across the gap. Go south from there to the ladder. Go east, and hit the switch with the Wirehook. Go across the lowered platform to reach the next ladder. Go around to the east, and hop the ledge to where the three chests are. Hanpan the chests for 2 Lucky Cards, 2 Gella Cards, and 2 Gimel Coins. Wirehook the mini-column to the south to be able to go down the ladder to the west. Examine the glowing sword as Jack to receive Burst Breaker. My advice on this fast draw, for now, is to save the uses for either bosses, battles before you rest, battles you level up in, and/or battles it's absolutely needed in. With that all said, Wirehook the mini-column to the east, and go up the North ladder again. Go around to the east, but, this time, go up the ladder. After ledge-hopping to the north, use the Wirehook to reach the central area. Pull the lever once, go around to the north, and hop the ledge to the chest to get the three Heal Berries. Hop down again, and Wirehook back to the central area once more. Pull the lever again to be able to go around to the south and head up the ladder. You . . . actually start on higher ground. Go across the bridge to the chests to get 2000 Gella and the skill Dark Break 2. Head halfway back across the first bridge to hop down onto the second one, and head east. Climb up to the highest ground of this room, and go around to the ladder to the west. You'll notice a lot of Wire-nets. Ascend onto the wire-net that extends to the north to Hanpan two more chests--Revive Fruit and Force Carrot. Ascend the one which extends to the east to Wirehook a switch. Climb the rest of the way up, and go around to the north to the ladder. Go west a bit to Wirehook across the gap, and continue north to the last ladder of the dungeon. After the first scene you receive, you get to fight one enemy. ***Night Gaunt*** HP: 780 Base EXP: 260 Gella: 300 Lv: 15 Have Jack do regular attacks, have Cecilia use Spectre, and have Rudy use his Sniper Bullet. In about two rounds, the battle should end. ***End of Battle*** You get another scene, and then you get a choice. Choose the first chance you get to pay Jane 5000 Gella. Yes, we know about being ripped off. After the scene finally ends . . . ***Night Gaunt x3*** HP: 780 (each) Base EXP: 260 (each) Gella: 300 (each) Lv: 15 (each) You'll have Jane and Magdalen in the back party if you chose to pay right off the bat. However, I never really used either of them in this battle. So, do as you did last battle on each target, but have Rudy use Boosted Shell instead. When Jack reaches at least 25% FP, use the accelerated Burst Breaker on the target with the least HP remaining. When Rudy has enough FP, add his Force to Boosted Shell. Only have Cecilia heal if it is needed, but keep her on using Spectre. When the battle ends (with the enemy's defeat for once), you'll get the skill Silver Harp 2. ***End of Battle*** After another scene, you'll be outside the tower. So, go back to town. Saint Centaur-- The town's people have been replaced with an abundance of monsters, and your ECN can be dwindled again. After the short scene, go up the stairs closest to the center building, and examine the broken statue from the south. You'll get a scene, and Cecilia will receive Holy Man Sorrow from the guardian Ione Paua. Go back down the stairs and enter the center building. Examine the bookshelf to the northeast to read the journal. After you've read the journal and gotten the location of the next destination, leave the building through the south. Go up the stairs to the west. Keep going west to where the booth for the Crest Graph booth stands. Open the chest behind the counter for a Migrant Seal. Enter the house to the south. Exit to the west. Pick up the three Force Carrots from the chest, and walk back inside. Head out the north exit. Go down the stairs leading to the central area, and climb the stairs leading to the east area. Enter the middle house from the south (not the west). Pick up a Silver Harp 2 from the chest, and then head outside. You can search the houses north and south of here for Heal Berries, but your concern should be to save your game, and leave the town. You'll get a scene. ~~Part 5: Vows and the Last Seal~~ Head southwest to the forest north of Caging Tower, and use SWR to reveal the third Elw Shrine. Elw Shrines 3 and 4-- Run north to the lower door to use a Duplicator on it. Grab the Crest Graph and the five Potion Berries from the two chests, and go back south. Head up the stairs--the ones to the east are easier--to the higher door. Run north into the device. After the skippable scene, you'll be in the fourth shrine. Run south. Hop the ledge, and use your third Duplicator on the lower door going north. Grab the 5000 Gella and the Memoirs Pen 2 from the chest. Head back south. Go south out of the shrine. Go southeast to before the peninsula leading to the flashing green dot. Use SWR to get the 500 Gella, and then head north. Use SWR to reveal the town. Port Timney-- Is everyone at Level 19? Are Burst Breaker and Strike Buddy each at least at their second levels? If 'yes' to all of the above. Then you don't have to worry about training. Head north into the Inn (behind the Save Bird). Talk to Bartholomew who is in the Northwest corner of the room. After the scene, go outside of the Inn. Head west to find and go up the stairs. Enter the building next to the Crest Graph booth. Put an Alter Part to any of Rudy's abilities. Again, don't worry yet about the ARM upgrade. Head back out through the east. On the side of the house in the Southwest corner, use Hanpan to go through the small hole and get a Crest Graph. Head north to the Crest Graph booth. You will want to spend 20 Gella on Support: Fray and Muse (Analyze) and spend another 120 Gella on Support: Wing and Geo (Reflect). Go south across to the house across the wire-net bridge, and enter it. Talk to Wilbur a couple times--the second time you talk to him, select 'talk'. You'll learn greater detail of the upcoming boss. Head out of the house. * Talking to Wilbur the first time also starts the Bestiary sidequest. * Wilbur has a book you can read--"A Mirage in the Sea of Sand"--which may also help. Go east across the bridge, and search the barrels for a Heal Berry. You can go inside the house if you're hard-up for 5 Gella, but head down the stairs and to the north. Blow up the cracked side of the crate and walk inside to get the skill Moonstone 2 (which you may want to equip to Cecilia). To the far-west is another crate to blow up the side of and walk into; you get a skill Defense up 2 (also good for Cecilia). Save your game, and leave the town. After leaving the peninsula, go northeast to just south of a large whirlpool. Use SWR to get another Duplicator. In the middle of the sand dune is the skill Gaia Stop 2 when you use SWR. Now, while running around on the sand dune, do not cancel the battles until you are hit with a boss. ***Phantom*** HP: 1800 Base EXP: 1125 Gella: 500 Lv: 18 Okay, you are given six rounds to kill this thing before it runs away. Here's what you do: Have jack use Speed Fang the whole battle--with exception to if/when he has to heal a status ailment--and Force: Accelerator when it's available. Have Cecilia use Spectre for the most part. On the THIRD ROUND, have her use the spell Reflect on the whole party. If, on that round, Phantom uses its move which lowers magic defense, then it'll have doomed itself. If Cecilia ever has to heal (which is doubtful) then be sure to do so on any other round than the third one. Have Rudy use Boosted Shell (and Lock-On when available). If he needs to use a status healing item, let him do so. History shows that Phantom likes to use Pressure on the fourth round. If it used that weakening move earlier and the barrier os over your party, then this will LIKELY be the move that kills Phantom. If Phantom still floats normally after this, then an additional attack from Cecilia or Rudy will finish things. For the battle, you get the Crystal Flower and 3 Potion Berries. ***End of Battle*** Go back to Port Timney. Port Timney-- Save your game. Head inside the Inn. You don't need to rest, head northeast to the barrell before the stairs. Check the barrel for a Heal Berry. Head up the stairs. Use a Duplicator on the golden chest to get three Revive Fruits, and then head down the stairs. Head over to Bartholomew as though to talk to him, but then use the Crystal Flower from the event items inventory. You'll get a couple scenes as well as 3000 Gella. * According to an email I got from "former_ussr", if you decline to give the Crystal Flower to Bartholomew, he'll raise his offer of Gella. The first time is to 3500 Gella, and the max he'll raise it to is 3875 Gella. In my opinion, go for this if you really need the few hundred more Gella to get by, but this is a nice thing to know nonetheless. Sweet Candy-- Now, you can walk around the ship to learn the customs legitly, or you can go rest up (hence being why I said you didn't need to rest in town). If you want the former, then the three wheels on the Eastside of the hallway are to be turned clockwise (right), counter-clockwise (middle), and clockwise (left). If you chose the latter--to follow the guide--then enter the West room of the two you'd pass while going across the hallway (after talking to Tom in the opened room first). * When turning the wheels, the first one should be closest to the door. Oh, and, yes, you DO have to open the door whether you're going about the answers via guide or seeking for yourself. Sorry for the confusion. Talk to Herschell to rest. During this scene, you are asked 12 questions. Each question has three options to choose from: 1) You move forward (2) 2) Cecilia and Bartholomew (3) 3) 52 (2) 4) Raise the glass with the right hand (2) 5) Old Moon (3) 6) Sweet Candy (1) 7) 7th Question (2) 8) Crystal Flower (1) 9) Small Flower (1) 10) 9 questions (3) 11) Lucadia (1) 12) (1) or (2) -- you can choose either option; don't pick (3) * The scene continues until the interuption from . . . ***Zed*** HP: 2000 Base EXP: 1200 Gella: 550 Lv: 19 You have as many rounds as you like, but this'll take up to four rounds. Hit Zet with your strongest attacks from Jack and Rudy. Have Cecilia attack with whatever you like (except Lucky Shot), and then heal only as needed. ***End of Battle*** Within a couple more scenes, you get the guardian Naua Shax's "Thunder Fang", and you are given some rewards--depending on correct answers--plus the Magic Staff tool from Bartholomew. Then, you reappear in the harbour of . . . Port Timney-- Talk to Tabby Cat with the new tool while going west from the Sweet Candy to get the next location, grab any items you've missed, save your game, and leave town for a couple more scenes. -------------To the Ends of the Inner Sea------------- ~~Part 1: Running Sands~~ Go south to use SWR to reveal another Elw Shrine. Elw Shrines 5 and 6-- The lower doors in both of these shrines cannot be opened without the Teardrop. So, go up the stairs to the upper door going north. Go into the device. Once the skippable scene has passed, go south. Head south again out of the shrine. Go west into Milama. Milama Village-- If you want to save, you can, but here's a good time and place to be sure that Rudy's ATT Bonus and Bullets on his ARM are each at the third level. Leave the town when you're ready. Go further west to Sand River. Sand River-- Head north, and use the Magic Staff on the chimp. After the scene, go through the new door going west. Keep going west to the next door. Go across the small bridge and then east. Grab the Alter Part and the Crest Graph from the chest. Go back west. Move to the southwest (including across the bridge). Head south past the coloured squares. Pick up the five Wind Gems and the skill Blue Circlet from the chests. Leave the room. Go to the squares to the west. The idea is to step on the squares in order of Red, Blue, White, and Brown. So, while facing west--and before stepping on the squares--walk up 2, left 1, up 1, left 2, up 2, right 6, up 1, left 1, up 1, left 2, and up until you're out of the puzzle. The incorrect squares will then collapse behind you. Go west. Go south to the chimp, and use the Magic Staff on it again to reveal another passage. Enter the passage. Head up and around to the hanging boulder. Use a bomb on the boulder to make it fall down below before you go back north. Make your way to the doorway to the northwest (by the red gems). Go north, and search the East wall for a cracked portion. Blow up the cracked wall to go east. Continue east to the chest for a Revive Fruit, and then turn back to the west. Go west a short bit to start going south up the slope. Enter the door at the end. Go to just before the coloured squares. It's a similar deal as before, but you now have that boulder to walk on (which doesn't count as a square). While you face south, go left 2, down 1, left 2, up 2, left 1, down 1, left 2, up 3 (with the boulder counting as a space), right 2, up 1, right 1, up 1, left 2, and up off of the squares. You'll once again see the incorrect squares collapse. Go south. Head southwest out of the cave, which will require using the Wirehook. Re-enter the Sand River. Go north the short distance to use the Magic Staff on the chimp one last time. Enter the new passage going north. Head north to the door going west. Grab the 3000 Gella and the skill Ray Break 2 from the chests. Head back east. Go south. Leave the cave. Now, let's first go southwest of Sand River to pick up a couple items. First is near the ocean (and east of a peninsula); use SWR to find an Ex. File Key. Next, go northwest to a short distance south of the sand structure. Use SWR again to find another 3000 Gella. Continue going Northwest to use SWR on the flashing green dot to reveal the Ship Graveyard. ~~Part 2: Sanctuaries and Graveyards~~ Ship Graveyard-- Go down the stairs and to the west. Enter the house you see. Talk to Jocelyn to begin a sidequest. Now, you can look for and try to solve the Puzzle Boxes. Head out of the house. * See my Checklist section for my guidance through the 30 Puzzle Boxes. Head east to the Crest Graph booth. Use 60 Gella to buy Attack: Muse and Wing (Freeze) from this booth. Next to the Inn (behind the booth) are some crates you can blow up for a Force Carrot. Continue going east until you reach the last house. Talk to Dan. Accept the mission from him, and you'll learn of a place called Gento Soen. Leave the house. Save your game, and leave the town. To the east of Ship Graveyard (and to the south of Sand River), use SWR to find the first Puzzle Box. It's easy enough to solve, and you get 3 Potion Berries for solving the puzzle. When you're ready, go back to the sand structure that is found south of between Sand River and Ship Graveyard. Continue south to the flashing red dot to use SWR and reveal Gento Soen. Gento Soen-- Go to the sceptre to begind the dungeon. Go north, and don't worry about the split in the path since both ways go to the same room. Use the Radar to reveal the path going north. Grab the Nectar, Revive Fruit, and 5 Light Gems from the three chests. Go down the stairs to the east of the entrance; step on the switch next to the bottom of the stairs to lower a wall. Climb the stairs, continue down the stairs to west, and head northwest. While continuing to the northwest, you'll see a bunch of large rubble. As big as the rubble is, most of it can be wiped out with one Bomb. So, clean out the rubble on the way to the other side of the outdoor passage. Use the Radar to find the switch in the middle of the room, and step on it to lower the wall blocking the door to the northeast. There's more rubble to blow up, here. Toward the end of the passage, use the Wirehook to cross the gap to continue going northeast. Go north to the lower area of this side of the room, and flip the switch to lower another wall. Go back south to the middle of the central wall, and use Radar so you can walk/run through the wall. Head to the north to the chests; grab the Gimel Coin, MP Up 1, and 3 Potion Berries. Now, go through the door to the southeast. Keep going southeast. Let's make a slight detour by going to the southwest. Get the Gella Card, Witch Ep. 3, and Lucky Card from the chests. Go back to the previous room. Use the Radar to reveal the fifth torch; the fifth torch will stay unhidden for a good long time. So, have Cecilia light all five torches to open a new door to the west. Cross the room to to door going north. Use the Radar to reveal the boss, and run up to it. ***Gigmantis x2*** HP: 1200 (each) Base EXP: 850 (each) Gella: 350 (each) Lv: 20 I warn you, now: These things love using an attack called Mantis Fist which brings a character's HP down to 1. So, with exception to the first round, have Cecilia heal whoever gets hit with the said attack. Jack should use Strike Buddy and/or Speed Fang for most of the battle. When he has the force, put Accelerator to Burst Breaker when attacking a Gigmantis with the least HP. Hopefully, this'll be the finishing move on one enemy, therefore dealing some damage to the other one. Have Cecilia use Freeze one the first round, and then have her heal during each other round. If she dies, then have Jack use a Revive Fruit. As for Rudy, have him use Snipe Bullet during the first two or three rounds. I shouldn't have to say that you'll want to put any available uses of Lock-on to Boosted Shell. When the battle ends, you'll receive Anna's Bracelet and the skill HP Up 2. ***End of Battle*** We're not done here, yet. Go through the door tat just opened (to the north). Continue across the top of the wall. Go across the bridge to the last room of the dungeon. After the scene, you'll acquire the Flash Hit for Cecilia. Touch the sceptre to be back in the first room. Leave the ruins. Go back to Ship Graveyard. Ship Graveyard-- Head all the way to Dan's house to the east. Go to Dan, and select Anna's Bracelet from the Event Items menu to get a scene and a new Fast Draw--Acute Angle. Leave the house. Someone will shout out that a ship has arrived. Save your game, and go west to the next screen. After talking with Bartholomew, you're given a chance to get ready and tell him that you're good to go. Ghost Ship-- * The monsters here are a one-time deal, so, if you're doing the sidequest of gathering monster data, then be sure to use Analyze on the Helter Skelters and Rachaels. * You can leave at any time that you're in the first room; Bartholomew takes you back to town to get what you need. However, I doubt you'll need this ability since most battles can be cancelled. Head up the stairs and go north. Progress east through the room. Climb the stairs leading to the highest area of the room as well as the door going north. Continue north and east to halfway down the stairs. Use the wirehook from the half-point to hit the switch and open the next door to the north. Set Rudy as the walking character. In the northwest corner of the room is the device in which only Rudy can manage. Once the engines in the ship have begun to move again, you can feel free to observe the three large computers in the room, but head out of the room. Go south and west to the next door. Keep going around the higher area to check the device which opens the door to the south. Drop immediately south of the door, and go around on the wall while blowing up all boxes in the way. Open the chest for Rudy's tool the Mighty Glove. Now, make your way up the stairs and through the door. * The Mighty Gloves will give you the ability to move things you could not move before. Head down the stairs. Go west to the area with two switches and two blocks. A note is that the higher block will be on the lower switch and the lower block will be placed on the higher switch as you move both blocks around with the new tool. The blocks can be dropped off and placed on the ledge as needed. When you have done this simple puzzle, go north through the now-opened door Continue through the hallway to the next room to the north. The blocks in this room are non-liftable, but you can push them by using the Mighty Gloves. As youpish a block, it topples, and you need to have the blocks on the switches "sunny-side up". Let the Northeast block be A and the South- west block be B. A-- south, south, west, west, west, south, east, east, east B-- east, north, north, north, west * Then go through the (Northeast) door going north Keep going north and west to the next door. In here you need to enter the lower area and use the Mighty Gloves to lift the boxes to line them up in a bridge. You have two staircases to work with, and this puzzle's easy to do. I won't force the solution on you. When the bridge has been formed, continue north to the next room. Please learn your way around this room. near the Southwest corner of the inner area you can check the first aid kit with ease from the ground below, and the kit never runs out. Use this opportunity to bring up your levels to around 22 as well as to bring up Jack's Fast Draws a bit--eg., their third levels. When you are ready climb the ladder to the northwest onto the first high platform. Use the Wirehook to get to the second high platform, and drop down to the next platform (which may or may not still have red crystals on it). Use the Wire- hook to east another platform, and drop down to the south. Continue south to the next room. This time there are three blocks to be pushed onto the switches. Let the block to the southwest be A, southeast be B, and middle be C. A-- north, east, south, west, north, east B-- north, north, north, north, west, south, east, north, west, south C-- east, east, north, north * Go through the door to the south. Continue through the hallway, and here's your last chance to save for a while. Go south. Out here, you'll notice a few chests, but ignore them as they can't be opened until the ship vanishes. Go around the platform, climb the ladder onto the platform, go around on the southside of the platform, go down the next ladder, and go north to the stairs. ***Captain Geist and Hatred Soul(s)*** HP: 2600 for Geist; 80 per Soul Base EXP: 2000 for Geist; 80 per Soul Gella: 1000 for Geist; 50 per Soul Lv: 22 for Geist; 20 per Soul This battle varies in difficulty on its own, but you should be able to get it down. Take out the Souls first so that Primary Target Designation will be weaker. Use Snipe Bullet and other attacks from Jack and Rudy as needed. Let Cecilia vary between healer and using Spectre which criticals on every enemy on the field. Typically, the battle will end before Cecilia's FP reaches 50, but if it still lasts by then use the summon Flash Hit to kill everything on the field. The enemy also drops a Toolbox. ***End of Battle*** You are given 15 minutes to escape the ship. Don't waste time on anything unless you are in the middle of selecting turns during one of the 3 battles on the way out. So, go over and around the platform to the door. Run north to the next room. Go around and north to the following room. You're hit with a battle here you cannot get out of. So, if you need a break then do so while selecting turns (which is when the clock is stopped). After the battle, climb the ladder to the north, drop to the west, continue west up the stairs to the next platform, drop west again, and run south through the next door. Make your way to the other side of the room to continue south. Here's where you're struck with another battle. It should be easy to you. So keep going south to the next room. South to the next room. Head through the last hallway of the Ghost Ship. One last battle hits you. Once the battle is over, go west and south to the last room. Go down the stairs and head through the door to the west (with at least eight minutes to spare... right?). Watch the cool little scene before you're back in . . . Ship Graveyard-- You see another scene, and you're asked to get ready. So head to the main part of town. Along the beach are the four chests you couldn't reach about 10-15 minutes earlier. The red chest has to be bombed. Inside the chests are a Blue Virtue, Ice Break 2, Defense Up 2, and Gatling Raid. Talk to Lionel by the beach, and he'll refer to the "blue stone" that washed up on the shore as well as speak a little bit of Giant's Cradle. I wonder if he checked the chests before you got to them? Head up the wooden stairs, and talk to Owen before leaving town. He will tell you about Rosetta Town. Leave Ship Graveyard when you're ready. * Be sure you were told by Lionel about Giant's Cradle! There's the answer to what I've been asked through a few emails. * It's here you're told how to move about in the Sweet Candy. Afterwords, save your game and get on the ship. ~~Part 3: Forgotten Flowers~~ * Sail to south of Curan Abbey, and use SWR to find Sword Swipe (Equitess medium). Nice, no? Sail to the north to reach a shore close to Adlehyde. Run east past the city to the forest next to a lake. In the middle of the forest (18900, 19600 on the map) use the SWR to find Puzzle Box #5. Solve it (which only needs 4 moves) to get the skill FP Advance. Yes, you'll be needing the skill. Put it on Jack once you get it. Get back onto the ship and go south (but a bit west of Ship Graveyard). You'll reach a beach to the north of the flashing green dot (Rosetta). Avoid battles for the time being as you go south. Use SWR to find Rosetta Town, and enter. Rosetta Town-- Be sure to buy the Witch Ep.4 from the merchant on the eastside of town. Go north of there and up the stairs to the mansion. Head north and west to the next room. Go around the room to the stairs leading to the beds. Talk to the mayor to be told correctly about the Secret Garden, but incorrectly about the Elw girl that lives there. Leave the mansion. On your way out of the town, stop at the Save Bird. Go north through the path behind the bird to find a bombable wall. blow up the wall and enter it. First wake up the girl with the Tinder Staff, and then lay a bunch of bombs at her feet to finish waking her up. She'll offer a service to tell you something each day you come to her. I'm sure someone has a list of Armen Guard quotes coming, but let's be on our way out of town. Continue south to reveal the Secret Garden with SWR. Secret Garden-- Here you'll receive a scene in which the Elw Mariel turns out being a nice girl who knows how to cure the mayor but is afraid to try. You decide to help her out, and you learn of the Holy Wood Mound. Leave the garden. * It's nice, at least, to see these places close together. To the northwest of the next dot use SWR until you find a Small Flower; I hope you've been saving these things. Reveal and enter the next destination. Holy Wood Mound-- After the scene and the examining of the stump, you get the Arnica Herb. Leave the mound and return to town. Rosetta Town-- When giving the Herb to the mayor he will begin to think on how wrong he was to pick on Mariel. Mariel will also thank you and return to her garden. On your way out of town, you will encounter and be joined by Jane and Magdalen. They have a mission at the Volcannon Trap, but just save the game for now and leave town. Secret Garden-- Mariel will let you garden things now. So, head into her house to pick up the Mega Berry from the barrel by the door. * For detailed info on how the gardening works, check out the Secret Garden chapter of the Subquest Checklist. * Leave the garden when you're ready. ~~Part 4: Burning for Battle~~ There are 6 things to do at this point of the game (in order of doing them): 1) West of the shore landing to Rosetta use SWR to find Resist Up 2. 2) Level up in the Inner Sea to about level 24 or 25. I made the mistake of not doing this, and thus I had a hard time with an upcoming boss. Jane and Magdalen will make things easier for you. You might find Mega Apples, but they'll run away all too quickly, so wait on them until 25 (and after Volcannon unless you want to skip ahead in my guide to start the reason why). 3) Around Adlehyde are monsters called Rat Monkeys. A rare stealable item they have is a MUST HAVE called the MP Repair. Do not give up on the skill until you have it. Then sell it for 999999 Gella. Use around half of it to finish the 600000 debt the town has. 4) Go north to the Exhibition Grounds once the debt is paid. Talk to the merchant and buy the Crest Graph and the Migrant Seal. Both will be of great value. 5) Next is of the skills. Don't worry too much about Jack (YET!) Make a good effort to have the Shield spell (Support: Geo and Geo) if even you have to erase one of the spells you already have (that's not Heal or Lightning). As for Rudy and Jane, have their ARMs upgraded to about the fifth or sixth time each. Jane'll need more attack than Rudy as far as bonuses goes. When the overall bonuses match in ATK Bonus total, you can do whatever else; I hope that made sense. 6) It will also help if you load up on skills such as Defense Up 1, Resist Up 1, and Fire Break 1. These, plus what you've collected, plus the Shield spell and being Level 24-25 would help you avoid the trouble I had my first time through the game. Toy Hammers should be good to have, too. 7) Once you're ready and saved, sail just southwest of Adlehyde to use SWR and find Volcannon Trap. Volcannon Trap-- Run north to examine the tablet. Select to accept, and your large party will split. WARNING: Once you do this you cannot go back outside until the dungeon is complete. As Rudy, Jack, and Cecilia you'll be in Floor: 002. The green crystal is a special save point that replenishes everything. If you needed to level again or anything, you're certainly able. From the corner next to the crystal, use the Wirehook on the switch. Go west. Wirehook across the lava to continue north. go east. From the two chests that don't require a Duplicator, you can get a Crest Graph and an Alter Part. Head west. Continue west. Get on top of the wirenet, and open the chests with Hanpan to get 2 Lucky Cards and a Tool Shop model. Drop to the north to go east. While going through the room, use Hanpan on all of the switches. This opens the next door. Take a breather. If you rotate the camera you can see why. Heal and save if you need to, but be ready and examine the wall for Zed to attack you after the scene. ***Zed*** HP: 3400 Base EXP: 2400 Gella: 1200 Lv: 25 No, this isn't the boss you need Shield for. In fact, as long as you don't get careless, Zed's still easy enough. Zed's a lot faster, though, so that's a good reason to take care of yourself. Snipe Bullet from Rudy until FP is high enough to use Lock On: Boosted Shell. If Jack's at least level 25, start off with Accelerator. Otherwise, just build FP with regular attacks (or really low-costing Fast Draws) before going into an Accelerated Acute Angle. Let Cecilia heal as needed. If Heaven's Wrath is used by Zed, you really will need that heal. ***End of Battle*** You'll be Jane and Magdallen in Floor: 008. There's another green crystal here to use as needed. The chests have a Duplicator and 3 Potion Berries in them. Run into the east column to topple it onto the next column, which in turn falls onto the switch. Head north into the next room. Continue through the hallway without touching the lava. To the south is a switch in the wall which you have to run into. Doing so will open the next door to the northwest. While heading north, ignore the first door going east. Also, ignore the switch that's to the north as you need a certain tool to press it down. Instead, just go through the last door going east. Run northeast across the ground and the wire net to the next door. This might require you a few tries (or not) to dash over all the switches. All of them have to be active at once to open the door, and you have to stop-and- turn at one switch--third one--to hit the other switches. Once you're done, go through the door that opens. You'll be in control of Jack, Rudy, and Cecilia again. Grab the 1000 Gella and the 5 Ice Gems from the chests before you go west. Use the wire-net to cross to the other side of the room. Have Hanpan grab the Fire Break 2 from the chest, and go north. First go to the north. Second, when the door opens, BACKTRACK TO THE GREEN CRYSTAL!!! With that said, position yourself to be able to hit two of the five switches while running. Use Hanpan on the north-most switch in the room (which you can't run to) and start running. On the corner switch, turn and run over the last two switches. Once you've succeeded, save your game and step through the door I had just warned you about. You get a scene with Berserk. ***Berserk*** HP: -- Base EXP: 0 Gella: 0 Lv: 26 Okay . . . defend. Doesn't matter who, when, or what . . . just defend for all the rounds. Everyone will be knocked down to 1 HP. ***End of Battle*** You get a few scenes. Now, Berserk becomes fightable as well as beatable. ***Berserk*** HP: 3200 Base EXP: 2700 Gella: 1500 Lv: 26 RIGHT off the bat, have Jack use Acute Angle (with Accelerator if possible), have Rudy use Snipe Bullet, and Cecilia should use Shield. All this should help you survive much easier than I had to go through (under-leveled and no Shield). The first round is the easy part. Now, attack and heal as needed. Hope nobody gets hit with Forgetful. If the boss stands and Cecilia's at 50% FP, then release Thunder Fang. Be sure to reuse Shield if/when it wears off. Lastly, it's okay to use Revive Fruits in this battle. Chances are that the one who'll need it most is Cecilia (which would ruin her FP). ***End of Battle*** Go north to the last room. Pick up the Full Libra 2 from the chest and head south for a cool series of scenes. We also are introduced to my favourite villain in this game (though it is questionable only as to whether or not to call him a villain). You receive the Red Malice from Jane on the way out. Rosetta Town-- Jane and Magdallen will leave the party, but not before telling you about their hometown. Once they're gone, save your game and leave as well. You'll receive another scene having to do with Mother. Head to the Secret Garden. Secret Garden-- Take care of any gardening business you need to. * Tip: If you're maxed or near maxed on an item and there are more from the gardening, then sell the extra of the item in town so that the item doesn't max out in the Harvest. Maxed items in the harvest window are removed from the garden, and we don't want that, yet. ~~Part 5: Metal Giants~~ Once you're done with the garden, it's time to do a few things: 1) Head to Adlehyde. Hand the Tool Shop and 2500 Gella to Tom (at the north- east area of town). He'll get started on rebuilding the Items Shop, but he'll need time to do so. Leave town when you've handed Tom the stuff. 2) Head to the Mountain Path to the east. It's time we had a talk about the Trolls. They're level 50, and we've been avoiding them until now. Previously, I said to not yet worry about Jack's skills. However, that changes here: * Have Jack be at least level 25 for HP and Defense reasons. * Look for the Trolls who are likely going to show up less often now that we're looking for them. * You have 3 rounds per Troll battle to coordinate with. Have Jack use his Fast Draws on rounds 1 and 3 while Cecilia (and maybe Rudy with the Heal Berries) heal Jack each round. * Do NOT kill the Troll. Sure, it heals on rounds 1 and 2, but it seems to either show up less often or not at all when you kill the Troll. So, just work on the Fast Draws until the "usage" masters on the first 2 Fast Draws and Acute Angle, and get the Burst Breaker to (at least) level 4. (1 use should be a usage of 50 minus Jack's level) * In my suggestion, master Strike Buddy first. 3) You'll notice rather quickly that Cecilia's and Jack's MP will run out quickly, and there are two easy solutions: * Head to Volcannon Trap and heal using the green crystals. It's easy and free (as well as quick enough). * Level up. Jack should be at least level 25, so the battles should start with him having at least 25% FP. So, look for monsters called Mega Apples, and use Accelerator and a Fast Draw to kill the monster and gain 10x(dmg-1) exp. I've noticed Strike Buddy to do the most damage to this particular enemy--hence being the suggestion to build this one first--so use it when Accelerated to level the party up once or twice (easily). WARNING: The more you level up, the less usage you'll get from each use of the Fast Draws, so use this toward the end of training the first four Fast Draws; limit the leveling up to 30-35 for the next couple areas. 4) We need the activation of the Giant's Cradle. There are two ways I know of in which to get this activation. The first way is talking to the man, Lionel, who stands at Ship Graveyard's beach next to his dog; I made note of when this method became availiable--after the Ghost Ship quest. The other method is to get on the Sweet Candy, press "Start", and talk to Herschell (who is still inside the room with those four beds). So, take your pick of either method or both. 5) Go to to the Giant's Cradle to the northwest of Volcannon Trap . . . maybe more to the west than to the north. Place the Blue Virtue and Red Malice into the large double doors (as event items), and enter. Once the short scene is done, leave for Adlehyde. Adlehyde-- Go into Emma's Workshop and down the stairs. After talking to Emma, she will join your party in the excitement of Giant's Cradle. Leave the town. Head north into Lolithia's Coffin. Lolithia's Coffin-- We're here to pick up what we missed earlier. So, go east to door going north. Pick up the Revive Fruit from the chest and head back a room. Go all the way to the west. Examine the console, and Emma will operate it. Go through the door that opens. Grab the Gimel Coin from the chest, and go back. Head through the North-most door. Keep going north until you reach the expedition (outdoor) area. Go east. Continue east a couple more rooms (to Floor: 015) Go up the ramp to check the console at the South wall. When Emma opens the door, go north. Use Hanpan to grab the Ex File Key from the chest; this key is the one you'll need for being able to start a New Game with new features. Head back south. Go west past the expedition area to Floor: 010. Examine the console to the southeast of the ramp, and go north when Emma opens the door. Grab 4000 Gella from the chest with Hanpan's help. Now, only download Emma's skills wish to do so, and leave Lolithia's Coffin. Save and heal as you need to. When you're ready, go back to . . . Giant's Cradle-- Go north to get inside. Head west and north to the next door. Open the chest to the south for a Change Staff. Step on the switch to the east to make some gems appear. Use the staff on the red gems to form a bridge of blocks. Cross the bridge, ignore the second floor switch (for now) and head to the door going north. On the East path in this room, you will find three chests, which contain five Thunder Gems, a Gimel Coin, and a skill Silver Harp 2 (guarded by a Mimic). As this is your first encounter with Mimics in this game, here's what they are about: they're weak to all elements, drop duplicators upon defeat, and grow more numerous with each encounter. When you're done with the chests, continue to the north. Step on the switch to the east, and use the Change Staff on the white gem that appears to the northwest. Walk over to, and examine the device to the south- east. This will open the door going east (as long as Emma is with you). Continue east through the hallway. Step on the switch to the east, walk around the room to flip the switch to the south, and use the Change Staff on the white gem across the gap. From here, you make make your way to the door going south. Keep going south through this hallway. South again. Another hallway going south. Step on the floor switch to see a bunch of white gems appear. The idea is for you to use your Change Staff on certain gems around the room. From the floor- switch, "Change" with the southeast to the first platform, southwest to the next one on which you step on the blue switch, northwest to the mid platform, and southwest to the chests with a Resist Up 2 and a Gella Card. Continue north and then to the northeast to reach the next door. It's a north-bound hallway. To the northeast is the floor-switch which makes red gems appear in the gap. Turn the red gems into small platforms with the Change Staff, and have Hanpan cross to hit the door switch (which is blue until hit). It may help to stand at the South ledge while facinf directly at the switch, because the switch is somehow easy to miss. When the switch is pressed, go through the door to the north. To the north are a couple chests containing a Potion Berry and a Lucky Card. Head to the door going west. Go around the room to pick up the two Force Carrots and 5000 Gella from the chests. Hit the floor-switch to the south of the chests (west of the first door) to make a bunch of gems appear. They are a mixture of reds and whites. Go between the first two statues to the east of the switch, Change the red gems and block, and head to either of the other two ledges--East or West of the big gap. Change the single red gem to the south, skip the row with white gems, and Change the three rows of red games. If you did all that correctly, there should now be a path leading from the North ledge to the South door. After a long scene, you will be outside, and have control of Asgard. To the west is some shallow water that Asgard can cross. Continue west until you reach the second Asgard crossing to the south. Once you are a short bit of ground away from the large rock (and right by the flashing green dot you received the location of when Jane left the party), you can get off of Asgard to use SWR. This will reveal . . . Court Seim-- To the east, and at the base of the water tower, is a guy who allows for any name of a major character or most NPCs to be changed for a price. I usually take this offer as the time to change the name of Magdalen to McDullen. Your choice as to whether to do that or not (by buying a Name Tag for 800 Gella), but McDullen is how I'll be calling him for the rest of the guide. Also, get onto the side deck by the said guy so you can have Hanpan collect the Crest Graph from the chest. When you're done item hunting around the town, enter the Northeast house. In the Northwest corner is the next door. Go down the ladder, and talk to Nicholli Maxwell. He'll offer to give Rudy a cartridge which is being held somewhere else. Accept the offer, and you'll get the info you need to get to the place. Head out of town after saving. Head to the southwest, and use SWR to find . . . Barrier Shelter-- Talk to Nicholli. He'll open the first barrier for you. Head north. Keep going north. Bomb the chest to be able to grab the cartridge Mighty Avalanche. Go south. Continue south. Talk to Nicholli, and you'll appear back in . . . Court Seim-- You'll get a couple scenes. You'll then learn of the "Sea of Wind" Epitaph. Head upstairs to the first floor. Enter the central door if you decided to change "Magdallen" to "McDullen", or leave the house. * To change his name, stand by him, and use a Name Tag like you would Event Items. Leave Court Seim. We have a couple errands to do. 1) Ride Asgard back toward Giant's Cradle. The Sweet Candy is back at the shore, so board it. 2) Do whatever gardening you need to do. 3) Get your characters' levels to at least 32. That may seem a bit like I'm asking for overkill, but the next few bosses will be easier. The main concern is a Level 32 boss who's coming up fast. By the time you reach the said boss, you'll want to be Level 37 or 38 (as well as fully stocked unlike how I was my first time through). 4) Be sure to have the spells Crush (Attack: Geo x Geo) and Darkness (from Attack: Fray x Wing). They will be helpful. 5) After getting back into Asgard, head toward Court Seim, but break to the west to find the "Sea of Wind" Epitaph (the flashing red dot on the map west of Court Seim . . . not north). "Sea of Wind" Epitaph-- We're not worrying about the Duplicator door to the west just yet. Instead, head around north through the East path to reach a switch (which will be west of your position). After stepping on the switch, climb the ladder found in the Northwest corner, and cross the bridges to the door going east. Continue east to the ladder to the south. Go west to the door. Step into the lower area with your Mighty Glove ready. From north to south, let us label the blocks A-D. You will notice as you hit the blocks that one hit will cause a block to slide all the way to one direction until stopped by anything. So, here's a solution: C) North, west, south. D) North, west. B) West. A) West, south. * Use the short stairway south of the switches (that the blocks sit on) to reach the door going west. Head east. To the north, you'll find three chests--a Lucky Card, a Duplicator, and three Potion Berries. Head back to the west. Climb the ladder to the north. Grab the Nectar, five Water Gems, and the Alter Part from the chests. Also, a Fast Draw--Axle Smash--is available for Jack to grab from the glowing, rusty sword to the west. Now, go through the door to the east. Hanpan the switch to the south to open the door to the main part of the room. To the northeast is a stairway to a raised area; use the raised area to grab the wire-net, and drop onto the switch in the middle of the South path. Now, with all that done, get back onto the wire-net. You have to be on the West end in order to flip onto the top of this wire-net. Go through the recently opened door to the east. Go east toward the ladder to the north. Head west. After climbing the stairs, go west to the chests to acquire a Gimel Coin, the skill Boom Break 2, and 2000 Gella. If you read from the few bookshelves to the north from the chests, you'll learn what the floor inputs are for the elevator--"Terra", "Human", "Sky". In the Northeast corner of the high area is the switch you need to flip. Go north to the elevator. You are currently on the "Sky" level. Examine the console, and put in "Human" to reach your destination. You need the Mighty Glove again, as well as aim your camera view to the north. Labelling the blocks from north to south as A-D . . . : B) Strike west, north, and east. D) Strike north, west, north, and east. A) Strike south. B) Strike south, west, and north. C) Strike west, north, and east. * Climb back up with the stairs to the north to reach the opened door going east. Open the chests to the south for a Gella Card and a Bar. Check the book on the table to the east of the chests to find Walpurgis Night. Head back to the west. Go north. Enter "Terra" in the console. Use a Duplicator on the door to the west. From the four chests, pick up 5000 Gella, a skill Ray Break 2, a skill Defend 1, and a skill Moon Stone 2. Go back east. Continue to the north. Enter "Sky" to be taken back to where the elevator was turned on. Use Walpurgis Night on the door to the west. Head up the ladder. Go through the door to the east. Save your game, here. If you find you need to level, you need to be able. Go east. Open the chest to find . . . it's empty. Okay, you'll go west to find out why it was. ***Boomerang and Luceid*** HP: 3000 550 Base EXP: 2800 300 Gella: 2000 100 Lv: 27 27 Here's the first encounter with this duo of Demon and Guardian. To maximize the spoils, you must defeat Boomerang and Luceid on the same attack. Luceid is revivable by Boomerang, and Boomerang's defeat ends the battle either way. Use a weaker (of moderates) attack or three to bring Luceid down in health as Cecilia does her main support. Most importantly, treat Boomerang with about the same care as Berserk (or less) while keeping Luceid's attacks in mind. Keep track of Boomerang's health, and use a multi-target attack as the finishing move. A good attack for this is an Accelerated Boost Breaker. If this is all done correctly, then both foes will fall, thus netting you every possible reward. You will also receive a Rune Drive. ***End of Battle*** You'll appear outside when the scene is over. I suggest getting another level or two gained. It's your decision, though. I also suggest tending to Secret Garden, and giving over the Bar to Tom in Adlehyde, AND getting Axle Smash up a few levels. Also as a suggestion, use Terra Roar to kill a couple handfuls of weak enemies, because you'll want some Earth Gems for the upcoming battle. When you're ready, go back to . . . Court Seim-- Find Nicholli, and select the Rune Drive from your Event Items list. After you talk with everyone in the house at Dinner, talk to Jane. Once she asks you to see her later, go north to talk to McDullen. Tell him you are ready to rest, and you'll get a long, but skippable, scene leading to a battle. ***Alhazad, Bastis x3, and Esperanza x3*** HP: 3000 350 ea. 350 ea. Base EXP: 3500 100 ea. 100 ea. Gella: 2500 50 ea. 50 ea. Lv: 28 28 ea. 28 ea. In my honest opinion, this battle sucks. If you come in unprepared in items, artillery, or knowledge you will find this battle harder than it must be. I suggest actually having your levels for Rudy, Jane, and McDullen in the mid- thirties (such as 34 or 35). Now, something you have to mind is that the Bastis provide physical defense while the Esperanza is more magical for Alhazad. When all three are knocked out of either one group, Alhazad revives them usually faster than McDullen can perform. Also mind, that each group attacks together depending on the number in their group . . . all on top of Alhazad itself attacking you. So, what's the trick? Remove two Esperanza (with physical attacks) and two Bastis (with magical attacks . . . such as the elemental gems) in order to have a fair window in doing (two-thirds) damage to Alhazad. It will take time, but you can wear the Demon down enough to eventually finish the battle with a good move from either of the three characters. As for healing, Rudy will likely be the main with berries and carrots while he is occasionally backed by Jane to do the same. The use of carrots will not be common, though. Also, there's still a chance to need to re-establish the window of available attacks. As long as you know enough of this, the battle should be fine enough for you. Also, Alhazad is weak to the Earth element, and the Bastis is weak to all elements. The Esperanza halves all elements. ***End of Battle*** After another scene, your usual party will be the only characters in town... unless you want to count the Memory Bird. Leave town after saving. No worries about anything, right now. Just go southwest to . . . Barrier Shelter-- * Be sure you analyze Beast Pillar. After another scene, you'll have control of Rudy, Jack, and Cecilia. Talk to Jane to switch places. Have Jane go east. To the east are a few people, including one who can help you rest if you need it. However, step on the switch in the middle of the room. Agree to switch teams, too. Have Rudy's team go west. To the north are two people and a horse to talk to. Go south. You need the Mighty Glove in here. Pick up either side-most block, and place the one you chose (meaning not both) upon the central spot to the north. The block that was originally in the center can now be moved next to the newly- placed one. This way, you'll be south of the blocks, and the chest (Migrant Seal) can be reached with Hanpan from the other side of the blocks. Continue south after picking up the Migrant Seal. Use the Magic Staff on the dog to enter a battle. ***Anemone*** HP: 4000 Base EXP: 4900 Gella: 1600 Lv: 29 Upside to this thing is its slowness and how weak it should be to you by now. The downside is that this monster loves Sleep and Poison. Oh, and it is weak to Light. Other than what I've listed above, just take a few necessary precautions and bring this poor thing down. Come on . . . do it for the puppies . . . or something like that. ***End of Battle*** Go north. Hop the ledge to the northwest to have easy access to the doorway north. Head east. After stepping on the switch, agree to switch teams. Have Jane go west. Switch with the other team. Have Rudy's team go east. Step on the switch, and switch teams. Have Jane's team go west. Step on the switch, and switch teams yet again. Head north with Rudy's team. Use hanpan by the East-most kid to make to kid run. Now, talk to Diana since she's no longer blocked off. Go back south after you've talked to her. Continue south. Use the Mighty Glove to move the block once east, and again northeast. Now, the block should be between the two platforms in a way which Hanpan can cross to the chest containing a Crest Graph. Continue south. Save now. You'll not get any chances for a little while. Move either of the blocks out of the way, and talk to Otto behind the Southeast structure. You will get a scene. Answer the questions--"Saint Centaur", "Bypassed hiding among humans", "You can blend in with a crowd", and "Came in along with the humans". Pick the middle selection on the next prompt, and you'll receive a few words from Alhazad. You be in the first room with all five people in the party. Go north. * Don't worry about the room we missed, yet. Talk to the humanto the north, and you'll enter a battle as he turns into a monster. ***Diefighter*** HP: 520 Base EXP: 186 Gella: 53 Lv: 34 This . . . Okay, it's COUNTED as a boss battle, meaning you don't have to scan the bloody thing, and that it has some relevance to the progression of the story. However, this monster should be very easy to take out. In fact, spare no force, and have Jack finish the battle in one (decently strong) move. Use more than one attack if you need, though. ***End of Battle*** Continue north. After a short scene will come a battle. ***Alhazad, Bastis x3, and Esperanza x3*** HP: 4000 400 ea. 400 ea. Base EXP: 4500 150 ea. 150 ea. Gella: 3000 100 ea. 100 ea. Lv: 30 30 ea. 30 ea. Don't let the number of bosses in between fool you, if you're skimming through this guide. Yes, you get to have the second match so quickly after the first. Yes, this battle will be very much like the first one, but with a few minor changes in who you can bring in, how strong you are, and so on. With that in mind, continue the old road of knocking down two of each defense unit Alhazad surrounds himself with and then providing to the Demon a fairly- well deserved pummeling. Budget your attacks well as usual, and heal as you may find necessary. This battle should, in theory, be easier and quicker than its predecessor. Of course, a deal of that is from the fact that Cecilia is in your party this time, and the main target of this battle is weak against Earth elemental attacks (which is why I made sure you had Crush). ***End of Battle*** You'll get a scene in which you're invited to the Photosphere. ~~Part 6: Hail . . . Queen of Demons?~~ Once you can move around with Asgard again, break open the rock near Court Seim with the square button. Scan where the rock was to find 1000 Gella. Go back to the Barrier Shelter. Barrier Shelter-- After going north a little bit, head west. Keep going west. Grab the skill MP Up 2 from the chest. You can leave here, now. Stock up and use Ice Break 1 skills on all three characters. If you have an Ice Break 2, put it on Rudy as well. The next boss loves its ice element to quite the degree. Secret Garden-- Do the harvest and breed improving. Heal Berries and Potion Berries should be maxed by now. However, even if Potion Berries still need work, look to see how many Heal Berries you have in your inventory. If the Heal Berries are in the best condition for growth, and you have 60-70 of them, then you can have Mariel grow something else in the Beal Berries' place (such as Nectars). You can leave here when you're ready. Be sure your party's level is at least 37, and eveything is fully stocked as far as health, magic, and cartridge uses go. Also be sure to have just enough healing items as you're comfortable with. Southeast of the Photosphere, at (X=10300, Y=17632) is a rock you can reach and break with your Golem. Use the SWR after breaking the rock to find Puzzle Box #9, which gives you three Force Carrots for beating it. Back onto the Arctic continent, let us make our way to Photosphere. You can see the flashing red dot on the map, and you may have noticed a bunch of rocks in the way. Punch away as many of the big rocks as you like until you have access to the barrier, "Soldelita". Punch the barrier, too, after you find the place with SWR . . . actually, it's an automatic punch during a scene. Photosphere-- * Get in your scan of the Retributor. Also, plan this dungeon out to where you will level right before the main boss of this place. * Beware of the Retributor's "Rule of Vengeance" move. It acts as an auto- counter, doing equal damage to what what dealt to it . . . unless it is killed. A trick is to have Jack attack one at the beginning of the first round, and Rudy follow up right after. Note a couple good things from the scans. They have 450 HP each, they are weak to all elements, and their drops are the not-so-common gardening items with exception to Small Flowers. Happy hunting! After going all the way up and around the main part of the room, step on the switch to make gems appear. Use the Change Staff on the red gems to create a bridge to the door. Here, you have to have all of the switches on at once, however, what you step on affects its neighbouring switch. So, first step on the outer-most (having nothing branching out from them) switches, and then step on the middle one. Continue to the north. About halfway up this room is a required battle against the Retributors. Don't worry about it any more than you would already be handling them by now. What you need to look out for is the path going west, because you'll have to dash in through it to not be hit with the lasers. That spotlight merely draws you into battle as well as sends you back to the start of the room. The Northwest door should only be used if you are SOMEHOW in need of a little more Vitality, but the path is good for dodging the light Continue southwest. Climb around the room to the door going north. Run right through without stopping, or else you'll be hit by lasers. There's another required battle in here, but continue north . . . dodging the lasers with another run. Another puzzle like a few rooms ago. This time, step on a corner that branches out diagonally, and then touch the ones NEXT to the other diagonal one. When you have lit up the switches, go east. You'll get a short scene having to do with a robed character who wants you to follow to the Teardrop. Continue to the next door. When the light has moved to the path going south, run through the path going east until you reach the door (after a short scene). Another hallway to run through. To the south is a room with a fast light to dodge, but also a device in which you can be fully recovered. In THIS room, however, there is a light that goes to its destination, turns off, and then turns on where it started. Follow the light as it moves, and keep going until you reach the door. You'll get the Teardrop back in a scene. You may wish to save your game right before (or even right after) stepping through the door to the west. Run, but stop before the last laser. Dash into the switch to the south to open the door, and then run past the last laser into the door. Continue to the door going north. After a scene, you'll be in a battle. ***Lolithia*** HP: 5800 Base EXP: 6500 Gella: 2500 Lv: 31 For some people this will be an easy battle, and for others it won't be. You can guess the obvious that this Golem is weak to Fire. You MIGHT even be able to tell that Ice won't harm this thing. So, set yourself up like any other battle before with Berserk, Boomerang, or some of the others up to now. When you have the force, do what you can with the Lock-on Gatling Raid, Accelerated Fast Draw (of choice), and summoning with the Fiery Rage medium. Be careful, though, of Freezing Zone as that ups all Ice spells and downs those of Fire. Heal as you need to, and the first Golem to be fought against will be down for the count soon enough. ***End of Battle*** I suggest going back to heal (and using the light in the recovery room to train your party's level average up by one). When you're ready, run north from where you fought Lolithia. Climb around the room to the switch to reveal some gems, and Change the red ones to make a path to the door. Another puzzle. Hit the central switch, the last one going north, the last one going west, the second last one going south, and the switch before the last going east. Continue north. Save your game. Run through the hallway, and examine the door. Step through when you are ready. After the scene, you'll be in another battle. ***Mother and Amadeus x2*** HP: 6800 500 ea. Base EXP: 7000 200 ea. Gella: 5000 150 ea. Lv: 32 28 ea. I hope you saved your game. I also hope you came prepared (with everything in a full-enough stock, including Jack's MP and Rudy's uses of ARM abilities). A long enough battle will be ahead of you with thing's prepared properly. I had my party averaged at level 38, but I when in with a couple empty cartridges as well as halved MP for Jack. Don't repeat my mistake. Once again, we have a main target who is defended by subs, and can revive the subs. This will be a pain because certain moves from Mother are the worst when both Amadei are present. Plus, the method of defense from the Amadeus is to take the hits for Mother. Firstly: Kill one Amadeus, and only damage the other one for in case the other is brought back. Killing both will cause the instant revival, and killing one will buy a short time in which Mother's attacks won't be too bad. Second: Fast Draws and Cartridges along with the respective abilities will be just about a must through most of this battle in order for you to do damage to your main target--Mother. This is the one way to get past the Amadei's habit of blocking normal attacks. I'm sure you can do this without the Acceleration or Lock-on, but the extra damage will be a special help to making things go faster. Just be sure you use your Fast Draws and Cartridges to be direct in the damage to mother, if you don't yet have the force. It is usually here I start using Gatling Raid on bosses, and having Lock-On with it may take care of a good part of the battle. Third: Heal. Cecilia has her spells, and everyone has the ability to use the items. I shouldn't HAVE to say this, but you would be amazed how many people think healing is an unneeded ability in RPGs. So, as I must say it again, do not let your HP fall too low, and hope your MP doesn't go to crap either. Fourth: Light and Dark are no good at all, and all other elements are halved. This turns us back to making Cecilia the healer of the battle. However, the Amadeus is weak to Dark. Congratulate yourself when you win the battle. ***End of Battle*** After the battle and cutscene, leave Adlehyde after suiting up with the Water Break skills. -------------Until Flight do Dreams Stay------------- ~~Part 1: Whirling Paths~~ Do what training you will for your Fast Draws and Levels, and head to . . . The Secret Garden-- Harvest your items, and Improve Breed with what items you can spare. I say you have none to spare if the Potion Berries are at 16 or less, the Revive Fruits are at 10 or less, and everything else has 0 or 1. Now, with all that done, leave the garden to go to . . . Rosetta-- Head to the Mayor's house. Talk to Howard (the Mayor) to receive the Dragon Scale and some small info about the whirlpool not far from town. Leave Rosetta when you're ready. Get on the boat. Go south around the peninsula to find the whirlpool. Once you are close enough, use the Dragon Scale to get a cutscene. Dragon Shrine-- You'll notice right off a green crystal, so use it to your advantage. Also, do try your best not to fall into the water unless you want to reappear at the start of the room. Go east off the ledge, and north through the door. Go through the door to the west. You likely won't have Duplicators, but open the center chest for the Jump Boots tool. Head east back out of the room. Continue north down the first ledge. Jump on the floor switch with your boots to open a couple doors. Go through the one to the east. Cross the wire-net to hop down to the center island. Continue south the jump up to the last wire-net. Ascend on it to grab the Revive Fruit and Lucky Card from the chests. Hop back down, and ascend the middle wire-net the same way in order to reach the next door. Grab the River Orb from the chest, and leave the room. Hop off the middle wire-net. Go north to climb the wire-net before the door to take you out of here. Continue west to the next door. Go north, down the stairs, and west to the chest for five Thunder Gems. Now, go south to the next room. Use the East jumping pad to get to the other side of the room. Go south. Grab the Ocean Orb, and go back north. Use the only jump pad to cross over the wall, and continue north. While going east, go up a couple levels of stairs. Grab the Force Carrot from the chest before heading north. Grab the Alter Part and the Ice Break 2 from the chests (which you can just walk up to). Head down to the eight blocks. Face north while following this upcoming list for the puzzle (with Rudy's Mighty Glove): x = switch * = block 1 2 3 4 A x x x x B * * * * C * * * * D x x x x E 1. C3 to E3 2. C4 to D3 3. B4 to D4 4. B3 to A4 5. B2 to A3 6. B1 to A2 7. C1 to A1 8. C2 to D1 9. E3 to D2 (you should obviously be standing outside the blocks) * Enter the newly opened door. Grab the Mountain Orb before tracking back west. Go south to the central room again. Continue up the stairs and north until you reach a door going west. Step on the switch to the south to make some red gems appear. Use the Change Staff to turn the gems into a couple of platforms, and use the Jump Boots to cross the room from jump pad to platform. Go through the high door to the west when you're done. Grab the Sky Orb from the chest, and go back a room. Hop down to the south, and continue east. Go to the central structure. You may have noticed four dragon heads around the pillar. The idea is to enter the Orbs in the correct mouths to open the last door (of this room). From the top-down: Sky, Mountain, River, and Ocean. You probably could have figured that out, right? To be clearer, be sure to use the orbs on the dragon heads (like most other Event Items). Go up and north through the new door. Continue by going west. Here's an interesting room. There are nine platforms in the water which can be turned with the three wheels. Turn the South and Centre wheels clockwise until their respectful platforms turn once, and then turn the North wheel the other way until the last three blocks turn once. Use the jump pad to the south to now reach the three chests for 3000 Gella, a Mimic battle (worth a Duplicator and a Crest Graph), and a Gella Card. Hop over the ledge to the south to head back around to the wheels. From the last setup, turn only the South wheel until the platforms move clockwise once. Use the pad to the south again to reach the next door. Use the jump pad to reach the door going east. * If you have 99 Gimel Coins, and you reach a chest with at least one more in it, then spend what the amount equal to what the chest has so you can grab the Gimel Coin(s) and have the chest count as being opened. Grab the three Potion Berries, Olive Branch 2, and Gimel Coin from the chests. Head back to the previous room. Save your game. Now. Once you go north through the next door, you'll have to enter a boss battle after a cutscene. ***Lady Harken*** HP: 5400 Base EXP: 8000 Gella: 5500 Lv: 33 Okay, normal attacks are worthless; even for building Force, as you may see with them doing zero damage. If you're low on MP or Cartridge stuff, you're in a deep pile of crap. Freeze is effective on Harken. Gatling Raid--especially when locked on--will be of definite help. Jack will likely be good with Accelerate and Axel Smash as long as that move was trained. Heal as necessary . . . duh. Beware of Harken's Burst Breaker and Maximum Risk as one can spread through your party while the other can increase in damage as this opponent gets closer to defeat. Also, before I forget, be sure Rudy uses Snipe Bullet during each of the first two rounds. He'll likely finish with a Lock-on Gatling Raid during the third round if your characters are just strong enough, so that's the best time for Cecilia to defend, as I've noticed the third round to also be when Maximum Risk is used, and it usually kills Cecilia. For that round, also have Jack heal whoever needs it the most with a Potion Berry. Reload the file if someone is killed during the third round, and finish the battle on the fourth round if it isn't already over. **End of Battle** After watching the cutscene that will likely reveal a vital piece of the plot to the people new to this game, the way into the Outer Sea will be opened. ~~Part 2: Sites of the Outer Sea~~ Let's head to Court Seim by going all the way east (and a bit north). Take care, though, as the monsters will be stronger in the Outer Sea. Use the map if you need a reference. * NOTE: You can also buy Teleport Gems to save yourself time. Court Seim-- If you didn't take my advice earlier to buy Teleport Gems, do so now. Also, enter the Northwest house, and talk to Michael by the beds to learn about an old cabin. Leave town after saving. Here's why I said to take the boat. Get back on it, and head east around the next continent to reach a shore by what looks like a strip of desert. Leave the ship to head west and north to the forest where the next destination awaits. * Outside the Forgotten House is a monster called Virsago. Add it to the Monster Guide if you want. Forgotten House-- Head north into the cabin. To the west are some barrels with a Potion Berry. There's another Potion Berry in the barrels to the north of the entrance. Go up the stairs from the second set of barrels, and examine the scale by the window. Open the chest you can now access in order to get the Giant's Ocarina. Leave the cabin when you're done here. * Once outside the forest, summon Asgard with the new Ocarina. Cross the water to the southeast to an island, and use SWR by (X=8300, Y=9800) to reveal 3000 Gella. * Go towards the desert, and get out at around (X=9693, Y=13108) to scan for an item--a Nectar. * Get back on Asgard, and cross the water with it to find Puzzle Box 11 at about (X=8965, Y=15000). Solve the puzzle for Five Nectars. * From Court Seim's beach to the south, continue south with the boat until you reach a shore next to a forest; you'll also be a little to the west of directly south. Cross the continent (including through the forests) until you reach a point where you can cross with Asgard. Summon the Golem, and make your way to about (X=3800, Y=4200) to find Puzzle Box 13. Solve the puzzle to get a Migrant Seal. * After going back across Asgard's path, get off near (X=6000, Y=8600) for Puzzle Box 12. Solve the puzzle for a Level Apple, but, save it and any others you get for the next long while. I'll explain when the time comes. * While crossing back over the continent to get to your ship, be sure to go by (X=3534, Y=10206) to scan and pick up a Small Flower. Please save it for the gardening. * Get back onto the ship. Return toward the west and south, and get off by the rock that's at (X= 21600, Y=9200). Scan for Puzzle Box 14, and solve the puzzle for an Olive Branch 3. * Talk to Dominique at the entrance of Adlehyde. Teleport to the Secret Garden, and get on the Sweet Candy. Go south-to-southwest to a small continent with the next destination on it. Devil's Playground-- We're currently here for two reasons, but the return will be soon enough. To the west and north of the entrance is Rose, who's selling some stuff including a Migrant Seal for 10,000 Gella. Grab it. Now, go up the stairs and west at the parrot to the next door. Go north to the next room. Use a duplicator (from the last dungeon) on the door going north. Grab the With: Ep. 5 from the chest, and leave this place. * Outside Devil's Playground, go to (X=13500, Y=800) to use the scan to find Puzzle Box 10. Solve this puzzle for a Part Scope. Trust me; that will help by a fair amount. * Scan by (X=14992, Y=1497) for a Duplicator. (Use this if you missed the Witch book a couple minutes ago) * Use the SWR by (X=12632, Y=1911) to find a Remove Trap skill. * Head back to the Inner Sea and then to . . . The Secret Garden-- Do more with the gardening. You should be about 20-something Potion Berries from maximizing another plant's growth potential by now. There's still a long way to go before this sidequest will be done. Leave the Garden. * On the side, feel free to find and solve the others of the first eighteen puzzle boxes plus a few others (and please read Milama note below before Puzzle Box 6). 2. (X=17200, Y=11080) Southeast of Ship Graveyard, on raised area that is reached by Inner Sea. You get a Memoirs Pen 2 skill. 3. (X=7500, Y=6200) Forest by shore at southwest-most area of Inner Sea. The reward is a Boom Break 2 skill. 4. (X=6500, Y=18400) Southeast of Photosphere's previous location. With this puzzle's solution you gain 10,000 Gella. 6. (X=22500, Y=14400) Northeast of Milama. The reward is five Revive Fruits. That's actually decent, no? 7. (X=22000, Y=3000) By Baskar. You get the Formula Cut, which allows for the selection to include or exclude the movies played by each time you summon the Guardians. 8. (X=14600, Y=22400) In forest south of Saint Centaur. You get a Dark Break 2 from here. 15. (X=22000, Y=17000) In forest reached by sailing northeast around the continent from Milama. You get ten Gimel Coins from this. 16. (X=8300, Y=5600) Under rock southwest of Port Timney. Asgard can break this rock. The puzzle gives the Witch: Ep. 6. 17. (X=17900, Y=24300) On an island north of Surf Village. You can earn three Mega Berries by solving the puzzle, and you can find another three using SWR on the other side of the same island. 18. (X=3400, Y=1100) Small, protruding piece of land to the southwest of Elw Shrine 5. 20,000 Gella's the reward. 20. (X=19400, Y=12500) After the Asgard crossing to the south of Curan Abbey. You get an Assist Blitz skill from here. 21. (X=13598, Y=20132) Use SWR after breaking the rock. The reward for this puzzle is five Lucky Cards. * THE MILAMA NOTE: While you're in the neighbourhood of Milama and Puzzle Box 6, be sure to visit Milama. Head north and up the stairs while in town to reach the control room for the dam. Pull out the Mighty Glove to turn the handle clockwise, thus opening the dam. Head outside the room, east toward the magic shop, and south through the gate. Go down the stairs to put the Jump Boots to use. You can now go around town for the chests that contain an Angel Quill 2 skill, a Duplicator, and an Olive Branch 2 skill. Leave town when you're ready. * Go to Elw Shrine 5 (by Port Timney). Open the Teardrop door to access the SOS Auto Guard skill and the Hospital. Ride the teleporter to Elw Shrine 6, and open the teardrop door there for a Counter Up 1 skill and a couple Duplicators. * Go to Adlehyde, and hand the Hospital model and 3000 Gella to Tom. Leave town for the next quick errand, and come back to see the Hospital rebuilt. * Go to Curan Abbey and then to the Sealed Library. In the second room, go down the ladder to the Duplicator door. Be sure to get into about four battles while you're here, but do open the door. Grab the Life Charger skill from the chest. Once you have the skill enough battles done, leave the Library and the Abbey for Adlehyde. * Check out the rebuilt Hospital if you wish. Be sure to have as many spells as you can at this point. Also, pour a couple Alter Parts into Gatling Raid and Snipe Bullet. Save here or at Volcannon Trap, and leave. * Use SWR where the Photosphere used to be (X=5200, Y=20500) to find and grab the Shining Star medium. * If you go to Saint Centaur and enter the center building, you can now open a door to the city's last survivor. First, you have to punch the big box repeatedly with the Mighty Glove. Once the box is destroyed, jump on the switch with your Jump Boots. Enter the opened door for a scene in which you're introduced to a blind girl who survived all that happened. It is then promised to Aura that she'll be checked up on by the party to be sure she stays alright. You can now leave this town. * Sail to the frozen island southwest of Surf Village; it is at (X=8394, Y=23590). Use SWR to find and collect the Ice Crystal medium. * It's your choice whether or not to pay another visit to the Secret Garden to improve on a couple breeds. Again: be sure you're rested, you have enough Teleport Gems, and your game is saved. We're finally about to work on the dungeon that rounds up this lengthy section. Ready? Teleport to Court Seim, and get onto the boat (which is to the south). Keep on going south (and a bit to the west) until you reach a shore near some trees. A good way to remember this place is if you did Puzzle Boxes 12 and 13. Pass the first forest to the clearing next to an Asgard path going east. Follow that route with Asgard to reach the location of the Fallen Sanctuary. * Outside the Fallen Sanctuary is a monster called Axe Beak. Analyze it and kill it with Rudy. Same with Coatler. Fallen Sanctuary-- * Note: You're told about this place during the end of the Dragon Shrine. Go northeast from the start. Go north until you're near the red gems. Make a turn for east to reach a door that is made hard to see due to the trees. Save your game now if you need a space for the items in the three chests: a Gimel Coin, the Wind Staff tool, and a Crest Graph. Head back west. Continue to the north. Go along the path going west to find three chests--Residence model, five Dark Gems, and a Lucky Card--as well as Jack's next Fast Draw: Blade Pulse. Now, go north through the center path to the next area (unless you want to raise the bridge to reach a gravestone). Go north past the bridge, read the gravestone, and go west (and up a stairway). Go west to the bridge. In order to raise the bridge, press and hold the square button (with the Wind Staff selected) until the bridge turns and raises twice. Also, here's a gravestone if you wish to read it . . . next to the bridge. Now head east a little to reach some stairs. After climbing the first couple sets, head south for gravestones, or north for treasure (at which point: skip to that paragraph). You can read the gravestone here as well as raise the bridge a couple levels to access and read another gravestone. So you know, the gravestones are meant to act as a hint for you as to what to do in an upcoming puzzle. Head back north when you're ready. Go north across the bridge you raised to another area. The regular chests contain a Gella Card and two Revive Fruits. The other one, however, has a Defense Up 3 skill. Go back south. Go east. Enter the lower part of the area, and raise the bridge only one level. Go back up the stairs to the west, but then go east up some more stairs to cross the bridge. Go north. Use the Radar. Push-and-pull the red statue onto the newly revealed switch, and place the yellow and blue statues onto the switches they are next to (such as yellow on north and blue on east). Step on the switch to the west to now be able to go north. Continue northwest to some stairs for a scene . . . and then a battle. ***Boomerang and Luceid*** HP: 6600 800 Base EXP: 8500 400 Gella: 6000 200 Lv: 34 34 So, how well do you remember the last encounter? Boomerang still revives his comrade when he's not fallen, and Luceid still makes things interesting. With that in mind, have Jack and Rudy each attack Luceid the first round while Cecilia casts Shield. Hopefully, Luceid won't die, or else you'll have to find weaker enough attacks for the second round (or do with less attacks). Now, concentrate on attacking Boomerang while keeping track of his HP. Once Boomerang is low enough, have Jack use an Accelerated Burst Breaker on him to finish the battle. Heal when necessary. Have fun. ***End of Battle*** After the scene... heheh, Luceid stood on the blank pedestal ...go south to the rod that appears after you collect the idols from the three statues, and you'll appear outside. ~~Part 3: The Demons and the Boy~~ Rest up somewhere; your choice. If you're still well enough below Level 50, a good idea might be to train the new Fast Draw a little bit using the Trolls at the . . . Mountain Path-- From Floor:001 (the Adlehyde entrance) go south. Continue south to the door going east. Head south again to reach the next door going west. Here's another room going south and east. Go around the room to the other reachable door in it. To the west is a wooden platform. Use the Jump Boots on it to reveal a ladder going back up and a door doing east. Grab the skills Remove Trap and Silver Harp 3 from the chests before leaving the cave. Lolithia's Coffin-- Head all the way north to Floor 020. There are two jump pads here in the back. Use the west one to reach the chest to the southeast containing a Critical 1 skill, and utilize the east jump pad to reach the southwest chest with a Boom Break 2 skill. These require Jump Boots in case you somehow forgot. Surf Village-- * When you see the chest by the chicken, grab the Crest Graph from it. Make your way to the West fence, and Wirehook to the other side of it. Head north until you reach an area with tall grass and a chicken. Make the chicken float in the air by using the Wind Staff on it. Next, use the Magic Staff on the chicken for it to be so thankful to have "flown" that it gives you an Ex File Key. Leave town for . . . Downtown Adleyde-- Feel free to give Residence to Tom now, or later. Next is . . . Rosetta-- Enter the mayor's house. Head to the mayor's room, and go up to the area with the beds. You may notice at this height where the ceiling fan is. Continually use the Wind Staff until you get the fan moving, and keep moving the fan until a cabinet opens below. Check the cabinet for a Crest Graph. Also, talk to the mayor to receive a Duplicator. Lastly, be sure to put Protect (Geo x Muse) on the new Crest Graph. Before you leave Rosetta, checklist your spells for Shell, Protect, an attack spell for each element, Heal, and Escape. When you're ready, teleport to Baskar, and get on the boat. Sail around south- east to about (X=23582, Y=999) to find a Migrant Seal with SWR. Now, continue north from the Migrant Seal's area until you reach the flashing red dot on the map. Use SWR while on it to reveal . . . Demon's Lab-- Once the cutscene is over, go northeast. Go up the stairs and path going northeast until you reach a globe-like device. Hold the square button to use the Wind Tool until the switch is activated. No, don't worry about going through the new door (until you have the Old Guitar). Instead, go north. Steer away from the switch as you go north, and then use Hanpan on the switch once you're stopped by the second gray slab of stone. Open the chest for a Small Flower, and continue east. Go east and then around the room to the door going north. There are stairs going up to either side of this puzzle, but enter FROM the west. The idea is to step on each green spot once. From the first square: go north 2, east 2, south 2, west 1, south 1, west 1, south 1, east 3, north 4, east 3, south 4, west 2, north 2, east 1, and north 1. Enter the door you've just opened. Talk to the researcher to be attacked by three Amplifiers. I'm not going to bother with a boss strategy since there's no need (other than the music that plays, and the need to win this battle to move on). For this battle, though, you do also get a Migrant Seal (which makes 12 of them by now). Examine the console, shut it down, and leave the room. * Now, as to WHY you would want 12 Migrant Seals by now, I'd like to call it a lazy man's get-it-while-I'm-here preparation. Continue by going south. Go all the way around the room to the last door. Open the chests you see for an Alter Part and two Potion Berries. Go down to the door going northwest. The blue chests in here contain five Thunder Gems and three Lucky Cards. The other chest, which needs to be bombed open, contains the Hound Mine cartridge for Rudy's ARM. Exit to the southwest. Go west to the door going north. Ah, another of these puzzles. I really like these things . . . a little. In any case, go up the stairs to the west of the puzzle. From the first square: go north 2, east 2, south 2, east 1, north 1, east 1, north 1, east 1, south 1, east 1, north 1, and hop off the ledge. Now, go up the other stairs onto the second starter square, from which you go: south 2, west 2, north 1, west 1, south 1, west 2, north 1, west 1, and south 1. Enter the newly opened door now that this puzzle is solved. Talk the the researcher to get in another Amplifier battle. Shut down console number two before exiting the room. Continue by again going south. Go around the room to open the chests for a HP Up 2 skill and three Gella Cards before you enter the door going southwest. Enter the third Amplifier battle by talking to the researcher. Be sure to shut down the console before leaving via the door to the south. Save your game if you need to. Open the chests in this room for 3 Gimel Coins, two Potion Berries, and three Revive Fruits. Go through the door going south- east to continue. Grab the Crest Graph and 5000 Gella from the chests before heading up to the researcher for the last Amplifier battle and console. Shut the bloody thing down, and go through the door going northwest. Go around to the door going north. Head through the other door in this room. Go east a bit to the door going south. One more puzzle. Enter it from the west. From the first square go: north 2, east 1, south 3, west 1, south 1, east 2, north 1, east 1, south 1, east 3, north 1, west 1, north 1, west 2, north 2, and then east 3 as well as right off the ledge. Re-enter the incomplete puzzle from the east, and then finish the puzzle by going north and west each a square. Enter the door to the southeast. The four pillars in the middle of the room are the locks you have released by shutting down those four consoles. If a pillar isn't lit up, go back to look for the console still turned on. Go around the room after you save your game, and enter the large door going north--opened by examining it. * Note: Be sure you have Vortex before walking in, because you won't be able to go back afterwords. I would ALSO like to note that my characters were levelled into their mid 40's--such as 43 to 45--by now. After the short scene, you enter a battle. ***Lady Harken*** HP: 6400 Base EXP: 11000 Gella: 6500 Lv: 35 Round 1: Accelerated Acute Angle, Shield, Snipe Bullet. Round 2: Have Jack and Cecilia heal whoever needs it, and have Rudy use Snipe Bullet again. Round 3: Accelerated Axel Smash, Freeze, Locked-on Gatling Raid. Round 4: Jack and Cecilia to heal whoever needs it, and Rudy to guard/reload. Round 5: Finish the battle off however you see fit. Hope that Harken doesn't use that Risk move of hers, and just follow something alike to what I explained above to win this battle. ***End of Battle*** After the battle will come a sad-and-revealing cutscene. You'll then appear in the first room. Walk out of the dungeon when you get another cutscene. Gate Generator-- This starts off with a battle against a Doppleganger, and also a couple short scenes. Now you can finally walk around in the first room, go up the stairs to go east through the door. Go through the hallway to a door going north. After a very short scene, use Zed as the point for the Wirehook. You read correctly: do it. After Zed has a little more fun with you, you'll still be on the center platform. Use this as a chance to have some fun with Zed. Wire- hook, Tinder Staff, and finally the Change Staff (which is all you needed to make the second crossing. Zed makes his leave, and you can go north. Grab the Gimel Coin from the chest, but use the Green Crystal for the saving. Also, as you grab the item in the chest, you see Zed run to a brown tile and stomp on it to open the door. Repeat that stomp with the Jump Boots (on the same tile, of course) to go north. Continue through this hallway, and go west. Go around and down to a platform and wheel. Turn the wheel clockwise to raise the platform until Zed decides to turn the other wheel. Use the Mighty Gloves to get past Zed's horrid attempt to interfere. Hop down the other side of the wall, and make your way to the door going west. Stomp on the nearby switch with the Jump Boots to open the door. Keep going through another hallway to the door going south. After Zed's little taunt, examine the nearby console with Rudy to access some wire netting. Grab the wire net to make your way to the opposite side of the room. Go south. Here's another hallway. Go down to the door going west. Climb the stairs, and step on the switch. Go back down the stairs. Change the red gems to blocks, cross, change the blocks back into gems, and use the Change Staff on the distant white gem (while leaving the close one alone!!!). Flip the lever, and hit the last white gem with the Change Staff. Make change with the red gems to reach the door. You are drawn into battle with a Golem. ***Diablo*** HP: 5800 Base EXP: 10000 Gella: 3000 Lv: 35 This Golem should not be a problem . . . at all. Perform in the usual tricks of the trade, and rejoice if you have resistance to Fire. ***End of Battle*** After the battle, Zed runs off, and he even says the password for the door. It would be a good idea to examine the panel near the door and put in, "Password". Save your game, heal up, and enter the last room for another scene and battle. ***Ziekfried*** HP: 6600 Base EXP: 13600 Gella: 7000 Lv: 37 That's right; we finally get to fight this guy. Glumzamber's the name of the blade? So be it. Let's play. Start off with Accelerated Acute Angle, Shield, and Snipe Bullet. You will notice that Ziek will use Counter Form, which will be his way of countering all physical attacks from now on. So, expect Rudy to be hit right off after he uses his attack. Now, on the second round, you'll want to have Jack heal with a Potion Berry as Cecilia attacks with Vortex. Rudy shall defend for now. For the next couple rounds will repeat with exception to when Jack is defending (and the obvious of Jack healing someone different than Rudy). Also, once Cecilia has the force, be sure to use Gale Claw. When Ziek Impulse is used, you'll want everyone to heal the following round as needed. When you know you are close enough to the end of the battle, have Rudy Lock-on with Gatling Raid. You'll want to make zero mistakes this battle. ***End of Battle*** You now receive a handful of cutscenes. There's a lot of story in them. ~~Part 4: A Millenium After Sin~~ Downtown Adlehyde-- Leave Emma's house at once. Hand the Residence to Tom before leaving Adlehyde if you didn't give it to him earlier. Your next destination is . . . Secret Garden-- Enter the house, and talk to Mariel. After the scene, we're off to the Holy Wood Mound. However, let's train Mariel's level a bit. You know how by now. Getting Mariel to Level 51 or higher would be a good idea if you're going to play Wild ARMs 4 with the Ex File of this game. I'll explain why later, for those who don't already know. You definitely want Jack and Cecilia to be up in their levels. * Once you have Jack at level 49 or higher, the Troll at the Mountain Path will be useless. So, yes, here is where things get harder for Jack. * Giving your Level Apples to Mariel is a good bet. Use however many you saved until now to get her advanced in the levelling process. Yes, I suggest giving the items to her after battling enough Mega Apples. Holy Wood Mound-- For those who don't remember, this place is practically next to the Secret Garden. Go north along the path to the east. Step into the teleporter for a scene. Elw World-- You'll find mostly beautiful music and scenery here . . . except maybe in the place we'll have to pass through soon. Keep going south until you get a scene. Tarjon Village-- So many scenes... anywho, walk out of the house. Talk to the merchant--Dektus (dressed in green)--to buy stuff with Gimel Coins. If you have 99 coins, you can purchase an Ex. File Key. Use the Magic Staff on the gray gorilla--Alice-- to be able to save your game. Once you are ready, leave the village. * You may notice that there's no map, but you still have a compass and the small overworld surrounding you. To the southeast of the Holy Wood Mound is a Ray Break 3 skill you can scan to find. To the west of Tarjon is a forest you canNOT simply walk through. Use the SWR by the forest to reveal the entrance to . . . Forest Prison-- * This place is a labyrinth in which you could turn around and be lost. We do not need to worry about the chests or the Guardian here, yet. * If you happen to run into an Ape Vargon, RUN. If that doesn't work, then you may have to reload your file, and return to where you were. From the first area, go south. Continue to the southeast. Hop off the north edge of the bridge, and then go north through the lower path. At the intersection, go west. Continue north when you have the chance. Without running off the ledge, go west. * If you did fall off the ledge, go east and then north to get back to above the ledge. Keep following the path to the south. Once you reach the intersection, and hop the ledge, go east. Exit the forest by going north. Once you're outside, scan the other side of the patch of overworld to find the Sinner's Studio, and enter it. Sinner's Studio-- Inside the house, you'll get a scene. You will learn that you must gain the powers of Life and "Evil" (though, it should be "Death" . . . don't mind me). You'll be given a Migrant Seal, a Freedom Key, and items depending on the level Mariel is at: Heal Berry = Lv/ 2 Revive Fruit = Lv/ 3 Potion Berry = Lv/ 4 Alter Part = Lv/ 5 Nectar = Lv/10 Small Flower = Lv/15 Mega Berry = Lv/20 Force Carrot = Lv/25 Ambrosia = Lv/30 LVL Apple = Lv/50 Suprise Guard skill at Lv 51-95 Floral Arts skill at Lv 96-100 * I suggest, whether or not this is your first file, to keep Mariel below Lv 96. After the first file, it'll be all too easy for Mariel to reach Lv 51 or higher since everyone else will likely be maxed. * During my first file, Jack and Cecilia were at Levels 49 and 50, and Mariel was at level 37. Keep in mind, also, that Mariel leaves your party as of this point. ~~Part 5: Re-arming the Boy to Fight~~ Walk out of the house. Behind the West wing of the house, check a barrel for an Alter Part. It's not like you can use these things for the moment, but they are good to have/collect. In front of the house is an Ape, Teres, who can save your game. It might be a good idea; what do you think? Leave the area, and go to . . . Forest Prison-- Head west along the path. Do you see the giant skull-like thing with the light in its mouth? Use the Key you got (from Vassim a moment ago) on the light to begin a sequence. You must now follow the light from room to room. On Floor:009, the light will hop ONTO a ledge before moving on. What you do is go south a screen. From here, you'll need to go west. Go north at the intersection to reach Floor:009 again. Use the Wirehook from the ledge (without falling off) to latch onto the pole on the other side of the gap. Continue to the east. Go north when you have the chance. You will receive the Life Flame medium here before reappearing in Floor:013. From here, it does not matter if you go west or east, since they go to the same place. Go south after hopping off of the ledge. Head east. Go north to leave the forest, but then re-enter it. An Ape, Baker, will appear who can take you to the Tarjon exit. Leave the forest. Go east, and then north to reach . . . Holy Wood Mound-- Keep going north up the steps. Step into the device, and select to go to . . . Filgaia-- Leave the Mound when you're ready, and use a Teleport Gem to go to . . . Curan Abbey-- If you have a Duplicator to spare, feel free to find the door in Floor:002 of the Sealed Library--reached via the West door in the courtyard of the Curan Abbey--or else head east from the Abbey's entrance. Go through the hallway until you see a set of double doors to the east. While in the Abbey's Library--the regular one, mind--check the bookshelves for the Book De La Metallica. You'll want to look in the back aisle. Once you've found the right shelf, and examined it, talk to Trish to receive the ID Card. Leave the Abbey. Teleport to Court Seim, get on the Sweet Candy, sail east, and reach the island with your next destination . . . Forgotten House-- Once inside the house, climb up to the area with the opened chest. Check the insignia on the wall, and use the ID Card on it to open a doorway below. Head through the door to the hidden room. Go down the stairs. The book we're looking for is in the mid-bookcase. Use the Freedom Key on the Book De La Metallica when you find it. De La Metallica-- Run all the way north. First, go north almost to the last doorway of this room. Use Hanpan to open the chests for an Angel Quill 2 skill and a Potion Berry. Next, go back south a bit to hop off a ledge to a couple more chests; you'll find a Crest Graph and a Repair Shop model. Go west through the door Chances are that you'll be in Floor:001 again, but hold tight if you're instead in Floor:003. While in Floor:001, make your way to being able to go north to the previous room you were in. Continue north to the door you . . . didn't go through . . . earlier. If, by doing this, you appear in Floor:001 again, simply take the same route again to appear in Floor:003. You'll see what looks like a bridge with a sigle corner (which is in the middle of the room). In truth, this is an intersection. Don't believe me? Run north from where you see the corner. If you did that correctly, you will be opted to go either west or east. Do the latter. Along the Westside of the room are books which give you hints as to what to do. On the Eastside you will find five chests which you must open and close several times in the right order: North A B C D E South * Open A; Close C; Open and Close B; Open D; Open, Close, and Open E * You receive the Savvy Key for your effort * Go back out the room when you're done. Continue by going west. This room is quite easy, once you know what you should do. Don't believe me? Note that each door has a Roman Numeral for a place-mat. When you enter one door that is correct, the correct next door is the next one while going clock- wise around the room, though the order will seem reversed. So, enter the doors in this order: XII, IX, VI, (jump off the ledge to) III, and XII again. By the time you get to the other door in this room, the two blocks must be back in their starting points (or else you start the room over). So, push the South block north once, walk around the inner area, and push the block back south for the respective space. Next: pull the North block south once, walk around to be on the other side, and pull the block north once more. Go through the door. Feel free to read the stones as you go. This puzzle is really your progression through the next few rooms. So, while in Floor:007, take the door to the east. The next door's to the west. Take the West door again. Now, go through the East door. The last door is the one to the east. See the big circular mark in the center of the room? Stand in the middle of it to use the Teardrop, and receive Hell Scream medium. You then appear back in the Forgotten House. Leave it. Downtown Adlehyde-- Hand the Repair Shop model to Tom. Four battles outside town will now make his house stand in one piece. Make sure you have the proper spells. This means all the attack spells such as Devastate and all the elementals, Protect, Shell, Heal, Permanence, plus any of the other spells you can and wish to carry. * Permanence is made with Support: Muse x Fray, in case you need to know. * You'll need Dispel (Attack: Geo x Fray) in a couple quests. Save and leave. Holy Wood Mound-- Make your way to the teleporter to the northeast. Elw Dimension-- Run south out of the Mound. Go south and west to . . . Forest Prison-- You WON'T be here long. Use the Magic Staff to talk to the Ape, Rodriguez, to be taken to the Studio exit. Leave the forest, and go to . . . Sinner's Studio-- You'll receive a long scene which reveals Rudy's past. At the end of it, you find yourself in a battle. ***Elizabeth*** HP: 4400 Base EXP: 17600 Gella: 4500 Lv: 38 Your party consists of Cecilia and however much patience you wish to bring into this fight. This is your chance to level Cecilia. Now, your physical attacks are worth nothing in terms of dealing damage. This boss also changes her weakness, which you can see at the end of every round. A note to make is that her attack is also low against you, but not so much. So, use your first two rounds to cast Protect and Shell. On the third round, use Permanence. On the fourth round, use a Lucky Card. Spend as many rounds as you like to physically attack Elizabeth, and heal as it is occasionally needed. Keep in mind that the Luchy Card only adds 1.0 to the end of the bonus exp for the battle, but, also, you cannot use additional cards. When enough rounds are passed to where you know you'll be satisfied with the bonus exp, begin attacks with your spells and any mediums whose element matches Elizabeth's weakness. ***End of Battle*** You now get another scene. During this scene, you receive the Love Charm--the medium for Raftina. This medium has the ability to restore MP to Cecilia. You also get to make a choice during this scene. How will you utilize Rudy's Lock- On ability from now-on? 1. "I will use it to ensure a bright future." Lock-On Plus -- This will double the attacks Rudy does when using the Lock-On ability in battle. This is an awesome combo with a built-up Gatling Raid, if you can get the hit in. However, you'll want to defend during any following round in order to reload your ammo. For this reason, my friends and I regard this as being the "medium difficulty" among the choices. In a combonation I'll teach you later, this will cause your levelling up to be hastened, but that's a deal of time away as well as IF you select this one. 2. "I will use it to achieve world peace." Lock-On Destroy -- Anybody else tempted to say the infamous Vash (Trigun) quote? "Love and peace!" *ahem* This makes your Lock-On ability seem normal, but your ability to perform critical hits with Rudy will take off like a rocket. This also copycats Jane's ability to wipe out non-bosses in one critical attack. Since most of my uses of Lock-On have been for bosses, my friends and I rated this as the "Challenge Difficulty". I never really experimented with this, though. 3. "I will eradicate every threat." Lock-On Active -- Lock-On is conventional. Reaction time and Auto-Reload are both up. Many people I've talked to choose this one in combonation with the Gatling Raid so they could keep using it without having to reload all the time. This could be called the "medium mode" by some people, but I'm someone who calls this the "Easy Difficulty" with little space in between the settings. All you need with this is the correct bullets and Gatling Raid shots to make bosses go quickly. Once the scene is over, go outside. While facing to the Ape's right, you can see a cave opening. Enter it. Don't worry about anything below you. Instead, blow up the crates to grab a Mega Berry, and then use the Radar to reveal a chest. Inside the chest is a Secret Tools set, which we'll give to someone in Adlehyde soon enough. Save your game, and leave the studio for . . . Forest Prison-- Have the ape, Baker, take you to the Tarjon exit. Use the Radar in Floor:001 to reveal a couple chests. If you have a Duplicator handy, go up to the two chests on the West path, and open the one to the east of the other in order to get another Crest Graph. Leave the Forest Prison. Now, head to . . . Tarjon Village-- Behind the Southwest hut is a waterfall. Go through it into a cave, and use the Radar to reveal three chests. Use Hanpan to collect the contents: Gaia Stop 2, Water Break 2, and Blue Circlet 2. Leave the village after you have grabbed all the items around town you want to grab. The only place left here is . . . Holy Wood Mound-- Use the Radar, and five chests will be revealed. The Westside only requires to be entered from the top of the stairs and exitted at the bottom; this will net you the Witch Ep.7 and a Windbreaker 2. The Eastside will take two trips. On the first one, look over the side of the stairs for the ledge leading right to a LVL Apple. Plan your next drop to get you to the Olive Branch 2. The last trip down the Eastside should be a well-enough planned one in which you can grab the last chest (an Ice Break 2) with Hanpan. When you're done, head north up the stairs to the teleporter. -------------Altered Codes of Honour, and the Chase------------- ~~Part 1: Perfecting Flight~~ Filgaia-- Once you're back, Mariel will go off to her garden. You'll next find yourself in, yet, ANOTHER cutscene. Adlehyde-- When the scene is finally over, please be in town. We'll play with our new toy soon enough. Hand the Secret Tools to Tom. Since Tom's house was rebuilt, the repairs to the Zeldukes Monument will take two battles instead of four. Be sure you have your Ice Crystal medium and Freeze spell. Also, feel free to upgrade the ATK on Rudy's ARM by a level. Moonstones and Antidotes are a good idea for the upcoming dungeon, too. Leave the town when ready. Secret Garden-- Do the routine you should know by now with the Harvest and Improve Breed. When you're ready, leave here, and get on the Protowing. * At the Northeast and Southwest points of the map, you may find two deserts which are enclosed by mountains and an Asgard path. You can fly over the rocks blocking each entry. So, enter the Southwest desert on the map, and land at the end to the north. Summon Asgard: 1. Go down the desert to (X=3101, Y=3531) where you can find and break a rock. Under this rock is the location of Puzzle Box 25, which gives you three Ambrosias. 2. Continue down the desert, break down the rocks on either end of Asgard's path, and use SWR (at X=22806, Y=22790) to find your next Migrant Seal. Leave the deserts after this. * Fly to (X=2010, Y=23583) northwest of Arctica to find Puzzle Box 19 on an island. Solving this puzzle gives you a Clear Chime 3. * East of Baskar (at X=22690, Y=4434) is Puzzle Box 22, which gives you the Gauge Repair. This item doubles the points your ECN gauge recovers after winning a battle. (No, not doubling over and over again; just goes to two points per victory). You'll want this, I'm sure. * Southwest of Saint Centaur (at X=12300, Y=21933), you will find Puzzle Box 23, which gives its solver four Alter Parts. * Fly north around the mountains to the east of Court Seim to find a section of ground that cannot be reached except by flight (or sailing in from the small body of water to the north . . . which you cannot do with- out a special item). You should be right by the flashing red dot; go walking to where the next destination is, and use SWR to reveal the Gemini's Corpse. * Outside Gemini's Corpse, you can find Orcs. Steal Mega Berries from them when Jane joins you way later. Gemini's Corpse-- Run north. About halfway across the hallway is a door going west. Get to the door going south. Bomb the chest, and open it to grab Rudy's Grenade tool. Leave the room. As you're slowly walking to the west, throw a grenade from the stairs toward a bulb-like switch. Once the grenade is in the air, run east. If your timing is good, then the switch will turn on--lowering the stairs going out--as you get to the stairs, and you'll be by the door before the switch turns off. Keep on trying if you must, but you will eventually be able to go east. * I've noticed that Rudy stops in place the first time you activate the switch, but he does not stop any time after that. Continue to the north. In this room, the switches stay on once activated. With that in mind, throw a Grenade toward each of the two switches to open the door. Use the Mighty Glove in here to move out of your way the stacks of two blocks; the stacks of three cannot be bothered. There are three stacks, and it's the one way to the door going north (or south if you're working your way out of the dungeon). Here's the annoying part of the dungeon: you have to examine the altar, accept to make an offering, and you will lose all MP. This is a requirement for you to advance to the next room (which is reached by going down the new hole that opens). The jump pad is only the way out. Go south. Continue south. Here is another three altars. Each one will take half of the HP and VIT you have, which means you'll have, at most, an eighth of each remaining. After the third altar, however, you can heal up a bit. Head down the hole when ready. Halfway through the room, go east. You need to aim a Grenade so that all four switches activate at once. To do this, you will want to be centered (between north and south) at almost center between the door and the rail. * The following is an attempt to illustrate this. "+" is a switch, "D" is door, and "R" is about where Rudy should be standing when the Grenade is thrown. I even including the indenting of the wall surrounding the door so as to help you further. Oh, and this faces south. ________________ | |_____D__ + | | + + | R | + | ___________|____________ Five chests in here. The four that can be opened without being bombed contain a Gella Card, an Initiative skill (guarded by two Mimics), a Lucky Card, and a Gimel Coin. The chest that needs to be bombed has the cartridge Gun Claymore for Rudy. Go north. Continue west. Now, you may wish to backtrack all the way out of here to recover your health. When you ae done with that, come back to this room (without any worries of more offerings to the altars) to continue north. * Also, be sure to have your skills re-equipped. You see a nice, big gap in the middle of the room, right? Hop into it, a plat- form will rise from the pit, turning this room into a hallway with a stone in the path. Around the raised pedestal are four spheres under pillars. Throw Grenades at each sphere to lower the pedestal. Examine the chest to enter a battle. ***Zukuaba x8*** HP: 2900 ea. Base EXP: 2500 ea. Gella: 600 ea. Lv: 41 ea. These guys two two basic things: counter magic with the same magic, and use poison on you. For the first few rounds, you will need to be good with physical attacks and healing as needed. Try to get a little over a thousand health taken from each enemy. Much of the time, you will be blocking until Cecilia has the Force to use her summoning with the Ice Crystal. One use should be enough to end the battle, but do whatever healing and follow-up attacks may be needed to finish things off, here. ***End of Battle*** After a scene, you'll be outside. Head to Adleyde. Downtown Adlehyde-- Go northwest to the castle. You'll get a scene. Leave Adleyde once the scenes are all done . . . for now. Head to Ship Graveyard. Ship Graveyard-- After going down the stairs, head around west and south (to behind the house) to climb some stairs. Once in range, throw a Grenade at the large crate, and use the Wirehook on the pole that appears. Grab the Surprise Guard skill from the chest. Equip the skill to Rudy, and hop down. Head east along the beach, now, until you see something (or someone) floating in the water. Use the Wirehook on Captain Bartholomew to pull him ashore. You will get . . . you guessed it . . . A SCENE! Oh, and your Protowing has been powered up, and is now called the "Gullwing". ~~Part 2: Caught in Battle~~ Let's do some errands. Get your gardening done in the Secret Garden. Potion Berries, Nectars, and Revive Fruits should be done by now, yes? Good, or else we'll be in for a longer haul a little later. Also, we have a few more Puzzle Boxes and items to take care of. * Puzzle Boxes: #24. (X=12100, Y=19900) -- Between Giant's Cradle, Caging Tower, and Puzzle Box #21. The reward you get is 30000 Gella. Oh, and it can be done in two moves (having to do with the top red and top yellow blocks). #26. (X=8500, Y=16100) -- Enclosed area northeast of Gemini's Corpse. The reward you get is a skill Memoirs Pen 4. #27. (X=13700, Y=12300) -- West of Ship Graveyard in the enclosed area. The reward you get is Witch Ep. 8. #28. (X=24850, Y=11150) -- Island east of Milama; under rock you need to summon Asgard to destroy. The reward you get is the Black Pass. * You now can gain access to the Black Market by entering the item shop in Downtown Adlehyde, and using the Black Pass before Jeremy. * In the West wing of Adlehyde Castle is a door which you need to use a Duplicator on. It's where Jack was standing when the party met him. behind the door is a Crest Graph, 2000 Gella, and 500 Gella inside of three chests not requiring Duplicators. Three more chests up either ladder do require Duplicators (which you should still have at least three of, yes?). In those chests are a skill HP Up 2, Full Libra 2, and a Surprise Guard. Equip this one on Cecilia, or else on Jack if you received one from Vassim. * You can now complete the world map. The easiest--yet consumes time just a little bit--way about it is to fly around in the Gullwing while you have the smaller version of the coloured map at the bottom-right of your screen. Once you see everything coloured in, go to Milama, and find the cat in the Northeast corner. Use the Magic Staff on the cat to see if your map really is at 100%. When it is, the cat will give you an Ex. File Key. * Go to Giant's Cradle, and enter the third room. Use the Jump Boots on the pad in the Northwest corner to reach the door going south. After a hallway, step on a switch to activate some red gems, Change the gems, and use the Jump Boots on the pad to the southwest to reach the red blocks. Open the three chests for a Windbreaker 3, 3 Small Flowers, and 10000 Gella. Leave here when you wish. * Use SWR (on X= 7900, Y=1300) in the exnclosed island northwest of Saint Centaur to find a Small Flower. * Southeast of the flashing red dot (at X=6300, Y=5400) is a Mega Berry you can use SWR to find. * After saving your game (probably at Volcannon Trap again), head to the flashing red dot southwest of Port Timney in order to use SWR to find Pandemonium. Yes, I strongly suggest you save, and do whatever level gaining you can before entering this place. Also, carry in what you can as far as skills protecting against some elements. I suggest a fair spread of PS points over Defense Up, Resist Up, Surprise Guard, and any three elements (or more depending on how much you have). Pandemonium-- As soon as you walk in, you get a scene and a battle. ***Turask*** HP: 9000 Base EXP: 19000 Gella: 6000 Lv: 43 This guy is physically strong, and likes to use Toxic Breath. Also, he starts out loaded with some bonuses. Also, be aware that this guy counters most physical attacks with a strong attack. On the first round, have Jack and Rudy defend as Cecilia casts Dispel. On the second round, have Jack heal if needed, Cecilia should cast shield, and Rudy should use Snipe Bullet. After this, mainly use Ice magic and heals until you know Turask's health is low enough for a Lock-On-Plus Gatling Raid. You'll get a Migrant Seal when the batle ends. ***End of Battle*** You'll get another scene, and the party will be separated into jail cells. A Nice thing to note is that each cell has a pipe going out of it, and you are about to run around as Hanpan. So, search the pipe in Jack's cell to start this nice little run through the pipes. Work your way south to the entry going west. When you turn east, keep going that way until the next entry is almost directly to the south. You'll stop halfway to listen in on a conversation between the demons Alhazad and Ziekfried. Continue zig-zagging around the pipeline to the entry going south. Make your way, and ram into the last grating that blocks the way going east. There's more to the conversation as you cross the path going east. Head around to the north. More conversation at the intersection; head southeast to the entry going south into a big room. Head to the console to the south, and put in "Glumzamber". Hanpan will be with Jack again. So, as Jack, ram into the door to open it. A door awaits you to the east . . . or something like that. Use the Jump Boots on both switches; switch to Rudy (by selecting one of his tools). Ram open all three cell doors. Open the trapped chests--you read correctly!-- for a Gimel Coin, a Gella Card, and three Mega Berries. Save in the second cell with the green crystal. In the cell to the west, bomb the cracked wall to open the way out of the room. Use a couple Grenades to light up all four switches, go East, and switch over to Cecilia. Ram open the door, and go west. Continue south to the door going east. Head around the path to the door going south. Use the Tinder Staff to light each of the three torches before you go west. Go around the narrow path to reach the spot to hang on the wire-net. Cross the wire-net's underside while going south to the ground by the door going south. Light the four torches with the Tinder Staff to open a door Cecilia can't reach from here. Continue to the door going south. Open up a couple of the cells to grab five Light Gems and a Duplicator from the chests. Head to the door going east. Head around the path to step on the switch. Switch to Jack. If you're still in the room "Floor: 018", go to the south-most door going west. Cross the wire-net to reach a door going east. Keep running east. Get onto the first jump pad, and use the Jump Boots on it to cross to the other side of the room. Use the Wirehook to hit the switch to the north, and then go south before switching to Rudy. Cross the narrow path to the door going south. Go around the narrow path to the switch, which lowers a barrier as long as it is stepped on. Switch to Jack. Use the Wirehook to cross the short gap, and have Jack go south. Ram open the last cell to use a Duplicator on the chest, and receive from it an Ex. File Key. Open the middle cell, and use the Jump Boots on the switch there to open the door going west. Go around the path onto the switch, and switch to Rudy. Make your way around to the door going west. Keep going west. Go around Rudy's half of the room to the other door going east. Step on the switch, and the team will reunite. Go through the zig-zagging path to the west (Cecilia's path). Go south to the last cell, and bomb (or throw a Grenade at) the wall. Head in through the new opening going east. Ram open the cell. Use Hanpan to open the trapped chests for a Nectar, three Revive Fruits, and three Potion Berries. Inside the other cell are a couple more trapped chests containing three Lucky Cards and an Alter Part. Head back through the opening. Go north to the door going east. Now, you can backtrack along Rudy's path for the green crystal. After saving, come back here to go south. As you start to progress through the room, you enter a battle. ***Demon Prophet*** HP: 8200 Base EXP: 22000 Gella: 7000 Lv: 45 Here's where those skills are put to work. This guy has you choose which of his attacks he'll do that round. If one of the three elements you chose to protect against is Earth, then look for "Crushed by the rough ground" as an answer. If none of your three elements comes up, then you may have to grit your teeth, and defend, for a round. On the first round use Accelerated Acute Angle, Protect, and Snipe Bullet. The attack you chose will be done, and your healing will be only a little needed. Now, get in your healing and all your attacks as needed. This guy is weak to all elements, but most attacks are no good unless all three characters try for it (at which point you'd have to have Rudy use Gatling Raid with his Lock-On On ability). This battle can sometimes be a pain, but you can do it. ***End of Battle*** Continue up to the door going east. Go up and around to the second door going west. If you have a Duplicator handy, use it on the door to the west. Otherwise, skip ahead a couple paragraphs after going north. In the room behind the sealed door, there are three chests--a Small Flower, a Fire Break 2 skill, and three Force Carrots. Head back out of the room. Go north to continue on the main path (thus ending a long detour, and also a short one). Keep going north. Head up and around to the door going east. Here's the first in a chain of hallways going up a stairway. Go up to the door going west. Halfway up the room are a couple chests with 10000 Gella and a Mayor's Home. Continue up to the door going east. Head up to the door going north. Enjoy the scene, and you'll appear . . . Castle Adlehyde-- Leave the castle. Downtown Adlehyde-- Hand Tom the Mayor's Home. Also, stock up on Full Libra skills. Leave town, do a couple battles, enter town, and check the statue in the middle of the area to receive the Castle Defense medium from Zeldukes. Now, go northwest to the Hospital, and talk to Bartholomew and Drake (automatically as you walk in). A good question arises here: how in blazes does Rudy stuff that Broken Helm into his pocket without anything buldging out? Talk to Tom, and he'll repair the Sweet Candy for 5000 Gella. Get through a couple more battles, and talk to Bartholomew again. Okay... now we leave town to enter the ship, but SAVE FIRST so you don't accidently sail out into battling Leviathon. ~~Part 3: Eternal (Very) High Noon~~ * Use a Teleport Gem to get to the Secret Garden. After yourgardening is done, sail south to the water between Devil's Playground and Baskar. Reports say this is the best area to find Mega Apples, so feel free to level as much as you like. I suggest Level 56. Save when ready. * For Jack, good skills to equip will be MP Up 2, HP Up 2, Blocker 1, the Defense Up and Resist Up skills, and FP Avdance. * Use the Gullwing to fly to the flashing red dot on the Arctic continent, and use SWR to find Arctica Castle. Arctica Castle-- You get a scene and a battle. ***Lady Harken*** HP: 6800 Base EXP: 17600 Gella: 6800 Lv: 46 Start with an Accelerated Acute Angle. From there, keep up your heals and Fast Draws. Speed Fang is an easy attack to keep up because of its low MP cost. Finish the battle with your strongest attack. This battle should not be hard. ***End of Battle*** After another scene, Cecilia will receive the Brave Seal medium, and you will appear in Adlehyde Castle. The exploration of Arctica Castle is optional, so let's come back to it later. Do what levelling, gardening, and game saving you need to. Fly to the island south of Rosetta and north of Devil's Playground. Yes, it's a recently placed island. The idea is to fly to a part of the island next to where Asgard can get into the water, so land near the Southwest corner of the island. Summon Asgard, and head to the peninsula pointing into the shallow water--the point of land nearesrt to the flashing red dot. Use SWR to reveal Ka Dingel, but ride Asgard into the shallow water to reach the tower that way. Ka Dingel-- * Fafneils drop Mega Berries. I mean, it's their top item to be dropped; I suggest farming these guys if you've the patience for it. Run north until you get a scene and a battle with . . . ***Boomerang and Luceid*** HP: 7800 1000 Base EXP: 23000 500 Gella: 8000 1000 Lv: 47 47 "So, how well do you remember the last encounter? Boomerang still revives his comrade when he's not fallen, and Luceid still makes things interesting. With that in mind, have Jack and Rudy each attack Luceid the first round while Cecilia casts Shield. Hopefully, Luceid won't die, or else you'll have to find weaker enough attacks for the second round (or do with less attacks). Now, concentrate on attacking Boomerang while keeping track of his HP. Once Boomerang is low enough, have Jack use an Accelerated Burst Breaker on him to finish the battle. Heal when necessary. Have fun." Does that look familiar? Sure, each opponent will have more attacks to work with, but, as long as you're properly prepared, this should look a lot like the last couple battles against the same duo. Though, don't worry as much about getting the Luceid bonus; you're welcome to use Gatling Raid in this battle. A good heal to use on the last round of the battle is to invoke Life Flame if you have the Force for it. ***End of Battle*** You get a cool scene before appearing in the second room. You can head back now to get the Saber Fang, or you can just move forward for now. To the east is two chests--5000 Gella and 2 Gimel Coins--and to the west is the next door. Halfway up the stairs is a bridge going to a central platform. On a wall to the north of the platform is a blue gem; activate the gem with a Grenade. Head up the stairs to the next door when you're ready. There are three switches which rotate their surrounding lights. The order to use the Jump Boots on the switches is east, northwest, and southwest twice. The doors going north and east will open, but we only want to go east for now. Halfway up the stairs is a switch. Step on it to make red gems appear, and use the Change Staff on them to be able to walk across to the three chests--Sonar Kit, a Moon Stone 3 skill, and two Lucky Cards. Head up the stairs to the next door. * The Sonar Kit is an automatic device which can help you find items on the world map in the form of yellow dots (when not yet grabbed). Here, you see five blocks in a row. However, your arrangement of the blocks in this room will affect blocks in a room coming up. Move the north-most block to the west twice, and then to the south twice. The next block south from where the first one was needs to be moved west once and south once. Continue west. There are three more chests on the central platform. In them are three Small Flowers, three Nectars, and five Light Gems. Continue up the stairs for the room Floor: 009. Cross the path you made to a chest containing 10000 Gella. Head back out of this room and down to Floor: 007. From the last formation, you will want to move the two South blocks around to make the five blocks into a row from west to east. Head back up to Floor: 009. Cross the bridge east to throw a Grenade at the green gem. Once the gem has been activated, go back down the stairs to Floor: 007 (for the last time). From the west-to-east row we have going so far, move the two east-most switches around to the north to make backwards "L" shape. Head back up to Floor: 009. If you did all that correctly, head through the door going north. Ignore the teleporter, and go north. The two chests contain two Gella Cards and three Porion Berries. Head through the door going west. Step on the switch halfway up the stairs to make a couple white gems appear. Use the Change Staff on the one across the gap, use a Grenade on the red gem on the wall to activate it, and use the Change Staff to get back across the gap so you can continue up the stairs to the next door. There are three more switches in here with which to rotate some lights. While facing north, use the Jump Boots on the switches in the order of left, right, middle, middle, and right. Go through the door to the north once it opens. Again, ignore the teleporter as you progress north. Step on the red switch a third of the way up the stairs, and climb the rest of the way up. Change the red gems into blocks, hop off the end of the third one to hit the switch below. Use the Change Staff on the white gem across the gap, and climb all the way back up to the door. Use the Wirehook to get across to the central platform. The chest contains a Remove Trap skill. Get back across the gap, and climb up to the next door. There are four switches in here. So, facing east, the order to use the Jump Boots on the switches is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and top-right twice more. The door to the east should open. Continue all the way up the stairs to the next room. DO NOT GO THROUGH THE DOOR TO THE WEST! That door takes you back to Floor: 016 instead of forward in the tower. Instead, grab the chest's contents--5 Light Gems and the Witch: Last (guarded by a couple Mimics)--before heading back to the east. Halfway down the stairs, use the Radar to reveal the next doorway. Ignore the teleporter in here as you did with the others (unless you need to heal up for some odd reason) as you continue to the door going south. Step on the red switch while heading up the stairs. Use the Change Staff first on the white gem hovering the fair distance over the door switch, and use the Change Staff again upon the white gem to get back across the gap. Head up the stairs to the now-open door going east. On the central platform is two chests containing three Force Carrots and a Boom Break 2 skill. Head up the stairs to the door. I bet these five boxes look familiar. From north to south, label the boxes as 1-5 for the following: * Move Box #3 west twice * Box #5 west once * Box #4 north once and west once * Box #5 east once and north twice * Go through the door to the west. Step on the switch, and use the Change Staff on the red gems to cross over to the three chests. The chests contain 15000 Gella, two Revive Fruits, and an MP Up 3 skill. Head the rest of the way up to Floor: 025. Cross the bridge, use a Grenade to activate the violet gem, and head back down to Floor: 023. From the last setup of boxes: * Box #1 east twice * Box #5 (middle box right now) east once * Box #1 south twice * Box #2 south once * Go back up to Floor: 025 Head across the bridge to the door going east. On the central platform, throw a Grenade at the yellow gem--the last of the 5 wall-mounted gems--before you head up the rest of the stairs to the door. Another four switches connected to some lights. While you face north, use the Jump Boots in the order of top-left twice, bottom-left twice, top-right twice, top-right, and bottom-right. Head through the door to the south. Ignoring the teleporter, continue south. Head to the door going east. You have to use the Wirehook to get across to the central platform, and the chests have two Mega Berries and a Gimel Coin. Continue up the stairs, but be sure you are ready before stepping through the door. After another scene will come a showdown with Alhazad. ***Perfect Alhazad, Bastis x3, and Esperanza x3*** HP: 7000 900 ea. 900 ea. Base EXP: 24000 1500 ea. 1500 ea. Gella: 9000 1500 ea. 1500 ea. Lv: 49 49 ea. 49 ea. Wow . . . Alhazad took off that robe. Now the technique to beat this demon has changed . . . not so much at all. Knock out two of each defense unit (Bastis with magic of any element, and also Esperanza with physical attacks). Heal and attack as needed. Main target weak to Earth. Feel free to do this battle in your sleep. Lock-On-Plus with Gatling Raid can be the candidate for finishing things off again. ***End of Battle*** After the easy battle, you will notice a green crystal in the room. This green crystal should be used to save right now. Head west. After you do what laughing you'd like at the placement of those red and white gems, continue up the stairs to the door. For the last time, we have (five) switches connected to lights. The order for using Jump Boots on them is while facing east: right-most, bottom-left, left- most, top-left, and bottom-left. Yes, one switch won't even be touched. Go through the door to the north. Go all the way around the room to the door going north. It should be open now, since we activated those five gems. Go north. The purpose of this room is to grab from the three chests a Finest Arts skill, a Ray Break 3 skill, and a Blocker 2 skill. Go back south. Step up into the teleporter. Examine and activate the switch. After a scene, you will be in . . . Malduke-- * Here we are: the final dungeon. Yes, there is so much more to do still in the game, but we're only going to be here until we take care of a few places within this dungeon. We will need to grab Jack's last tool, a Migrant Seal, and walk away with an extra Defense Unit to do all the sidequest stuff. Ready? From the green pedestal, head south (since we can't yet go north), and touch the crystal. Use and hold the Wind Staff's effect on the fan to the east until it reveals a Defense Unit. Grab the said item to lower the barrier, and go north. Place the Defense Unit inside the fan-topped device to create a barrier you can walk on. Go north. Use the Wind Staff to take the Defense Unit from the device to the west. Place the Defense Unit inside the device to the east. Go north. To the northeast, bomb to chest to grab the Arc Nova cartridge from it. Head a bit to the west from the chest to cross the bridge, extract the Defense Unit from the device, and go east. Continue around the room to the south-most door. Go north toward the chest, and enter the door to the east of it. Extract both Defense Units from the devices in this room before heading back to the west. * You should have three Defense Units right now. Head all the way west to a door. Place a Defense Unit inside the first device, cross the small gap, and extract the same Defense Unit from the device. Don't worry about the middle device unless you need red gems. Instead, install a Defense Unit in the third device. Cross the bridge, and go east with the last two Defense Units you have. Go east to the first door going north. Place both Defense Units in the devices, and cross the bridge to the chest that contains the Old Guitar--Jack's final tool. Take back the other Defense Units on the way back out of the room. * You may have noticed that grabbing the Old Guitar also causes a crystal to appear on the other side of the room. That means you cannot progress through the dungeon without Jack's last tool. Continue east to the second door going north. Place the Defense Units in the first two devices to make a bridge, and cross to the third device. Extract the Defense Unit from the third device to lower the barrier. Touch the crystal to warp back to Floor: 001 (of Malduke). You'll see a jump pad appear to allow you to get back to the higher area more easily. Go north. * While we could go now to the sidequests, there are two things ahead which will make those sidequests easier. Here's another green crystal. This should be easier than going a few floors down Ka Dingel in order to save. Continue north. You will see three crystals in this room. Each one takes you to a different area within the dungeon. First, touch the green one. * The Green Area is about using the Mighty Glove through some puzzles to get to the chests. After heading up the first set of stairs, go east to the crystal. While facing north inside the area with the block, hit the block to the right once, up three times, and left once. Go around to the crystal to the north. This room is almost a repeat of the last room, but there are two blocks to put on two switches with the correct symbol facing up. So, just hit one block to a switch by going east or west once, north to next to the switch, and east or west onto the switch. Do the same with the other block. Head around to the crystal to the north. There are three blocks in here. The blocks to the east and west each just need to be hit twice to the north. The middle block needs to be hit either to the west or the east once, north once, and then east or west onto the switch. Head to the crystal to the north. Four blocks in here this time. The block to the west needs to go north once, west once, and south once. The block to the east needs to be hit north once, east once, and south once. The middle block requires to go either east or west once, north once, and east or west onto the switch to the north. The block to the south will then need to be hit west or east once, south once, and west or east onto the switch to the south. Now, go around to the crystal to the north. From the four chests, grab a Migrant Seal, an Ambrosia, three Lucky Cards, and 5000 Gella. TO the north is a pedestal; grab the Kizim Green from it before heading south to the crystal to get out of the Green Area. Save if you wish, but go to the blue crystal. Head up the stairs and east to the crystal. Go north into the lower area. For this crystaline switch, you have to hit it three times with the Mighty Glove in order to turn it blue. Head around to the crystal to the north. * Those three hits have to be so consecutive--next to one-another--that you are hitting the tools button on your controller for the third time as the second hit comes to the switch. Otherwise, the crystal will turn yellow, and you'd have to reset by heading to the South crystal. There are three switches in here. The one to the west needs to be hit once with the Wirehook. The middle switch needs one hit from the Change Staff, and the switch to the east needs one hit from the Tinder Staff. Head around to the crystal to the north. In here are four switches. Set a line of bombs from the west-most to the east- most switches in a way that will NOT affect the other two switches, but will activate the side ones at the same time. Of the two remaining switches, use the Wind Staff on the one to the west, and then Hanpan on the one to the east. Once the switches are all blue, go around to the crystal to the north. Grab the Kizim Blue from the pedestal to the north, and turn to the chests. In them you'll find three Gimel Coins, the Penetrator skill, three Mega Berries, and a Crest Graph. Head south to the crystal. Save if you wish, and head to the red crystal. You'll notice orbs of five colours. We're not worrying about the sideboss in here just yet, so we'll have to remember the sequence from east to west. Go to the crystal to the east. * Do yourself a favour while in the Red Area: give Cecilia the FP Advance! In each of the next five rooms, you will need to stand on the switch in the middle of the rooms, play to Old Guitar, fight an enemy, and touch the correct crystal. Firstly, let's go over the enemy fought: ***Power Turask*** HP: 3200 Base EXP: 1800 Gella: 200 Lv: 49 Speed Fang, your choice of Ice Crystal or Aqua Wisp, and Boosted Shell. This "boss" is that easy . . . especially if you're OVER Level 58. However, if you need to do more attacks, then do them. ***End of Battle*** While in Floor: 20 (which is the first of the rooms with this pattern), do the needed battle, and then head to the purple crystal--centered to the north. After the battle in here, the crystal you want is the green--northeast--one. With your third victory, the yellow crystal is centered to the west. The fourth crystal you want--the orange one--is centered to the east. For the fifth crystal, you'll want to head to the crystal to the northwest once Power Turask is beaten up again. Grab the Kizim Red from the pedestal to the north. In the chests, you'll find three Gella Cards, an Assist Blitz skill, an Alter Part, and a Regeneration skill. With all that, head to the crystal to the south. Be sure you have analyzed as many enemies here and in Ka Dingel as you could. Go south from the three crystals. Save if you wish, and continue south. In case you did not use it before, in the middle of the room is the "subspace elevator" which can take you back to Ka Dingel. Ka Dingel-- Head south. Go west. Go down the stairs. Continue going east. Keep going down the stairs. Head north. Now, see the teleporter? We're no longer ignoring it. Get on the device to go to Floor: 005. Go south. Head west. Go down the stairs to the door. Go south again. Grab the Saber Fang if you didn't earlier, and continue south out of the tower. ~~Part 4: Bringing Tides Together~~ * Do some gardening. A fair amount has happened in the story since the last visit, and lots of time has passed as well. What's the harvest look like? * Feel free to do some item hunting around Filgaia. Some items cannot be reached just yet, but go right ahead. * Please have your whole party be at least Level 60. Sure, you can do the whole section in a lesser level, but let's not strain ourselves. * Be sure to have over 30 Teleport Gems on you. First, let's go to an Elw Shrine. Any will do as long as you have enough of the Teleport Gems. Elw Shrine (ANY)-- Ride the teleporter. Keep riding it, in fact, until you see the scene having to do with the beam hitting a broken satelite. Once this happens . . . Elw Shrine 7-- After going south a room, use the Magic Staff to talk to the ape, Ward, to be warned about the Abyss. Don't worry, we're not going there just yet. Instead, use the Radar to rveal a doorway going north (under Ward). The chests contain a HP Up 3 skill and a Crest Graph. Equip the HP Up 3 to Rudy, and head outside the shrine. * Remember, the Abyss is directly south of Elw Shrine 7. To the southeast, use SWR to find a Full Libra 3 skill. If you use SWR to the southwest of the shrine, you'll find a Resist Up 3 skill. Head back into the shrine, and back to . . . Filgaia-- Head to Baskar Village. Baskar Village-- Use the Magic Staff on Old Coyote (next to the village's chief) to learn about a place called Perpetual Engine. Head north along the path to the west of the Save Bird. Get on top of the altar after talking to the guy in front of it, and you will get a scene. Behind the altar is a lowered area with a door. Use the Teardrop on the door, and go through to find a chest containing a skill SOS FP Up. Save your game, and leave town. Be sure you're prepared with such skills as Defense Up, Moon Stone, HP Up, and FP Advance. A couple other good skills are Regeneration and Floral Arts, but I know your PS Points are limited. Surf Village-- * This will only happen if you had that scene in Baskar. You will receive a scene about a miasma through the village, and a battle will pick up. ***Rotting Beast and Rotting Core*** HP: -- 6500 Base EXP: 0 17600 Gella: 0 4500 Lv: 37 37 Yes, there's a 23-level difference, and Rudy does have a lot of skills on him. If you want to do this without the easy way out (Lock-On ability with Gatling Raid), then you'll still have a fair battle ahead of you. Attack and heal as needed, and concentrate on the Rotting Core. You'll get a Moon Stone 3 when the battle ends. ***End of Battle*** After another scene, Zephyr will finally wake up, and the Hope Shard is your's. Leave town when you're ready for the next stop. Court Seim-- Now that you have the Hope Shard, enter the Maxwell house. Enter the first door you can reach to find Jane and McDullen. Talk to each of them a couple times (alternatively) to get a scene which ends with Jane joining your party until the end of the game. You can now leave town. * With Jane in your party, you can now steal from enemies like crazy. Try to get your Gella up to 10 million so you can buy an Ex. File Key at the Black Market--accessed by the Adlehyde item shop with the Black Pass. Try to gather items for healing, and to pour into gardening. Oh, and Jane's "Follow Me" move is useful for getting a few harder enemy scans. * Next, we're picking up Emma. Downtown Adlehyde-- Head northwest to the castle. Once in the throne room, go north a couple rooms. Much like a very long time ago, use the Shield Badge on the emblem to the east to access the sewers. Under Adlehyde-- Head south. Blow up the crates as needed as you continue going south. Cross the wire-net to the first door going west. Blow up both crates, and use the Change Staff on the white gem to the west. Go on the path to the switch. Use the Jump Boots on the switch to open a door. Continue down the hallway to the door going west. Grab the 5000 Gella from the chest, and head back a couple rooms. When back in Floor: 004, blow up the crates to use the Change Staff on the gem to the east. Continue north along the path to the wire-net and the door. Keep going east. Cross the wire-net and the narrow path. After going down the stairs, blow up the crates. Use the Change Staff to get across, but continue along the path to the door going east. Cross the plank to the first door going east. Climb the sequence of wire-nets to the top to turn the wheel. Once the door on the opposite side of the room opens (from the wheel turning), hop off the ledge to the north to reach another door. Grab the 2000 Gella from the chest before heading back out of this room. Hop down to the door going west. While on the plank, bomb all four supports so you can cross to the second door going east. Continue to the east. Grab the Counter Up 2 skill from the chest, BUT DON'T LEAVE, YET. You may have noticed a discoloured section of the floor; bomb it. Drop down the new hole. After a scene, Emma will join your team. Attempt to open the door, and Emma will say she wants her secret base to remain a secret, so she'll have to put blindfolds on you. You then appear back in town. Downtown Adlehyde-- Enter the Inn. Standing in the corner to the southwest is a man who will hand you a Dispellado (only if the town is fully restored). Also, be sure to grab the Retaliation (Support: Geo x Wing) spell. Leave town when you are ready. * You will want to grab some abilities for Emma. * Amplifiers in Demon's Lab have Great Booster and Thunder Zone. * Balau in the valley east of Adlehyde have Full Revive. * Bloodhorns near Court Seim have Wind Zone and Slumber Fog. * Creeping Chaos on the island west of Devil's Playground have Direct Voice and Anti-Matter Bomb (single version). * Flurities on the Arctic Continent have Freezing Zone, Arctic Lance, and Flirtation. * Vivels on the Arctic Continent have Baking Breath, Renovation, and Flaming Zone. * Zonemakers in Volcannon Trap have Flaming Zone, Anti-Magic Zone, and Screaming Mad. * Now that you have the necessary characters, here's a good way to get EXP: * Be sure you have Great Booster, Slumber Fog, a good ARM setup, the FP Advance on Cecilia, the Permanence spell, and Jane in your party. * Get into a battle with Mega Apple. Yes, they're rare. As you know, they give EXP equal to ten times damage minus one. 1) Follow Me, Analyze if needed (or else block with Cecilia), and have Emma use Slumber Fog. Mega Apple should be asleep. 2) Switch out Jane for Rudy. Have Emma use Great Booster. Cecilia will just need more Force (which is easier at higher levels). 3) Have Cecilia use Permanence on Rudy. 4) When Cecilia has the Force, invoke Brave Seal. 5) Have Cecilia cast Permanence on Rudy again if he does not have enough Force. Otherwise, use his Lock-On ('Plus' will be better) with Gatling Raid. * If you want to download Offense Zone from the Cyclops in Malduke, and fit that into this, I won't stop you, though it won't be needed. * The damage should be quite a lot, as the EXP should be. * If ever the Sleepy status wares off, bring Jane back in, and either use Slumber Fog with Emma or finish the battle off with the ARM ability and Jane's Follow Me either way. * Save your game, and be sure you are stocked up. Next is Zed. Saint Centaur-- * You'll need the Defense Unit to get Zed, not to fight him. Enter the central building. Blow up the crate, and use the Jump Boots on the switch. Enter the door to the north. Watch the scene if this is your first time here. Talk to Aura in either case to learn that someone else has been watching her as well. "Strange and very funny", eh? Leave the central building. Try to leave town, when you get a scene after prompted as to whether you will continue or not; say "yes". After the scene will come a battle. ***Monster Zed*** HP: 30000 Base EXP: 60000 Gella: 12000 Lv: 55 For starters, have your party be Jane, Cecilia (with FP Advance), and Rudy. Zed is slower than Jane, which is something we will use to our advantage. On the first round, use Follow Me and Shield (while Rudy defends). Spend the second round with Cecilia using Shining Star and Retaliation, and then heal whoever needs it. On the third round, use Shining Star with Permanence. Rudy and Jane can do whatever makes sense, but please reserve Rudy's regular ammo. * If Emma dies, either revive her or switch her out. If things are going well enough, switch Cecilia with Rudy for one round during which Emma uses Great Booster on Rudy. Jane should use Follow Me again here. When Cecilia is switched back in, have Jane use a healing item if needed, Rudy should use Gatling Raid with his Lock-On ability, and Cecilia should use the Permanence spell on Rudy to keep Great Booster working. Jane and Cecilia should worry only about heals and the Retaliation spell, and Rudy should guard/reload. That is . . . if Zed is still standing. ***End of Battle*** After the following scene, select the Defense Unit from the Event Items screne while by Zed. He'll use it to recreate the town's protection from monsters, and Zed will decide to join your party. Leave town when you are ready. * Zed's deal is he's brutally strong, and a little faster than Jack, but he has little Resistance. * You will notice that Zed starts with Secret Sword as his special attack. To get more attacks, visit Vassim in the Elw Dimension. Vassim will offer to dispel a curse on Zed's blade, but it takes lots of silver (eg., Gella) for each level of the curse. ~~Part 5: Tying Ends Among Even Dreams~~ * For the longest section of this guide, we will be starting in the Elw Dimension. But, before we go there, be sure you have at least eight Duplicators. If you did not open those two chests in the Forest Prison, then make it at least ten. To net Duplicators, the ideal thing to do is fight a bunch of Creeping Chaos o the island west of Devil's Playground. You will want to use Castle Defense and then the Permanence spell with Shining Star to be safe during each battle, so keeping FP Advance on Cecilia is a good bet. Also, have a damage dealer and Jane in your party. Jane can steal, thus practically doubling your gains of Duplicators. Elw Dimension-- Head out of the Holy Wood Mound, and go to the Forest Prison. Forest Prison-- Use Radar and two of your Duplicators for the two chests to the west. If you had gotten them earlier, then go south instead. Use Radar again here. Use Duplicators on the chests to grab a Silver Harp 3 skill and an Angel Quill 3 skill. Continue along the path to go east. Hop off the bridge, and go south. While continuing south, lean east to reach the way to Floor: 001. Use Radar here again to reveal two more chests. Use two Duplicators to grab an Ambrosia and a Memoirs Pen 3 skill. Go back north. Head all the way toward the west (and halfway to the north). You should be in Floor: 006. Keep going west if you are. Use Radar to reveal a couple more chests. Use a couple Duplicators to grab a Clear Chime 3 skill and a Blue Circlet 3 skill. Go west. Continue along the lower path. Go north until you can go west again. Continue going west. At the intersection, go south. Use Radar to find the last two chests. Unlock them with Duplicators to grab a Full Libra 3 skill and an Olive Branch 3 skill. Hop the ledge to go east. Head south along the path to the east. Now that we're back in Floor: 001, use the Magic Staff to talk to Rodriguez. Accept the ape's offer. Leave the forest through the Studio exit. Sinner's Studio-- Take care of any business between Vassim and Zed. Re-enter Forest Prison. * There are four "curses" to be removed for a total of 375000 Gella. After that, each Piled Shot--Zed's specials--can be upgraded with Alter Parts. I suggest putting a couple upgrades into Dancing Heaven and Heaven's Wrath each. Forest Prison-- Have the ape Baker take you to the Tarjon exit. Holy Wood Mound-- Head up the stairs, and into the teleporter. Filgaia-- Pick up a bunch more Duplicators. Volcannon Trap-- After going north to where the path splits, head east to the lower door. Save if you wish, but head north to the door going west. Use the Wirehook to cross the lava, and head north to the door going east. Use a Duplicator on the sealed chest for a Regeneration skill, and leave the room. Head south, crossing the lava with the Wirehook. Continue south. Go west to the other door going north. Continue north. Go around the room to the door going east. Navigate around the lava to the door to the north. Work your way to the north, and use the Jump Boots on the switch. Go through the newly opened door (by the center of the room). From the three chests, grab a Fire Break 3 skill, a Blocker 1 skill, and 10000 Gella. Head out of Volcannon Trap when you're ready. Guardian Temple-- Use a Duplicator on the door to the west. Within the chests are an Alter Part and a Resist Up 2 skill. You're already done with this place. Get on the Sweet Candy, and, anywhere that is water on Filgaia, use the Dragon Scale. Dragon Shrine-- Go east off the ledge, and north to the door. Enter the first door going west. Open the sealed chests (with Duplicators) to get a HP Up 3 skill and a Water Break 3 skill. Grab what scans you missed, and leave the dungeon. You will want to go south of where you appear (unless you want the good chance of Leviathon attacking when you are not ready). Now, you have fourteen more Duplicators to go. Also, remember to be stocked up on the Full Libra skills. While it's not required for the next place, a good level to be at for everyone is 70 or higher. When you're ready, go to . . . Arctica Castle-- * Starting about this time, there is a chance you will encounter a trapped chest at the end of battle called an Imitator Trap. If you are not successful in undoing the trap, you will open a new battle against three Imitator enemies. They look like Mimics, but pack harder hits, and use Vanish--a Download for Emma, and an instant death ability. Be sure you can protect against that before even trying to open those chests. From the first room, go north. I know it's hard to see a lot while you're in the courtyard. However, head to the northeast, and use a Duplicator on the door. Open the two chests for a Migrant Seal and an Assist Blitz skill. The shelves of books in here also tells you of the members of Guardian Knights Corps. Go south out of the room. Head west all the way to another door requiring a Duplicator. Inside the chests, you'll find 10000 Gella and a Blue Circlet 3 skill. Leave the room. This time, head halfway to the east, and then north to the door. * This room requires that you gather all seven dogtags having to do with the Guardian Knights. With these dogtags, you'll have to insert them in their respective slots to open a door. I'll provide the solution, but I made the note about the bookshelf as a means to find the answer for yourself. Head up the stairs to the west; on the landing, head to the blue shine to pick up the Dirty Dogtag. Head east to go up the other stairs since the ones to the west are blocked. In the middle of the higher area of the room is another blue shine. Go to it to grab the Burnt Dogtag. On top of either stairway is some opening in the rail, thus allowing you to use to Change Staff on a white gem. Use this to your advantage to go through the higher door to the south. Go to the blue shine for the Rusty Dogtag, and go back to the north. Hop down, go up the stairs to the east, and go north. Continue around to the door going north. Continue north across the bridge. Step onto the big elevator, and examine the panel to the east to move down the rail. Go north. Continue across the hallway. Here's another of those big elevators; ride it down. Keep going north. Go to the blue shine to grab the Cut Dogtag. Use a Duplicator on the door to the west. Check the chests for two Duplicators and a Crest Graph. Head back east. Continue east. Go all the way north to the blue shine for the Broken Dogtag. This area should look familiar to those of you who watched the scene that follows the title of the game. Go back south and east. Head south. Ride the elevator up. Continue south. Cross through the hallway to the other door. Ride the elevator up. Go south. Keep going south across the bridge. Head through the big door to the south. Go east to the door. Head south to the next door. Grab the Bent Dogtag on the way to the south. Go around the pathway to the door to the south. Head west. Now, you're on the balcony over the first room. Continue going west. Head north. Go around to the next door to the north. North again. Continue along the path to the door to the east. You'll notice the closed door to the north. Please make note of how you got here! Go west. Grab the Old Dogtag, and head all the way back to Floor: 003. Here, I will try to map out and diagram where you place each dogtag. The map is of the central wall structure: 1 | | 7 | | 2 | | 6 \ / 3 \__/ 5 4 _______________________________________ | | Title | Member Name | Dogtag | |=====================================| | 1 | Greave | Marco | Dirty | |-------------------------------------| | 2 | Lance | Kurt | Old | |-------------------------------------| | 3 | Shield | Ryan | Cut | |-------------------------------------| | 4 | Armor | Coldbird | Burnt | |-------------------------------------| | 5 | Helm | Asprilla | Bent | |-------------------------------------| | 6 | Sword | Elmina | Broken | |-------------------------------------| | 7 | Gauntlet | Garret | Rusty | |_____________________________________| * Once the dogtags have been placed correctly, head all the way back to the room in which we saw the closed door--Floor: 011. Head south through the newly opened door. You may wish to save your game. Grab the Maximum Risk ability for Jack (with Jack as your on-screen character), and also the Defense Up 3 skill from the chest. You're now finished with the dungeon, so leave it when ready. After you save, please be sure of the following: * You have a Monster Egg. * You have a FP Advance skill on Cecilia. * You have some Force Carrots. On the island west of Devil's Playground, you may have encountered an enemy called a Ranunculus. Its only item which can be stolen is the Force Carrot. Also, how's your gardening doing right now? Just be sure to have about five Force Carrots. * If Cecilia's level is in the 70's or more, you should be good. * Optionally, look ahead to how to get into De La Metallica's second entry point--a book in Curan Abbey--in order to look for the enemy called Necronomicon. Its main, but still uncommon, drop is the skill with the same name, and you can steal Small Flowers from it. Getting one skill, and putting it on Cecilia would be highly beneficial, but it is also very optional. * Great Booster will help you, as well. * Once you are ready, stand anywhere on the world map, and use the Monster Egg. This will draw you into a battle. ***Humpty and Dumpty*** HP: 15000 15000 Base EXP: 17500 17500 Gella: 13500 13500 Lv: 55 55 This battle was designed to be abused per sake of more exp. What I mean is how either enemy can revive the other one with 9999 HP, and each additional death is an additional 17500 exp. However, Mega Apples, as rare as they love to be, are better than this. On the first round, you will want Jane to use Follow Me, Cecilia to use her Reflect spell, and Emma to use Great Booster on Cecilia. Dumpty attacks with his spells, and Humpty buffs their defenses. Therefore, you will want the next round to be Follow Me, Protect from Cecilia, and Great Booster on Emma. Spend the next two rounds using Reflect again if it is needed, all while the heals and attacks are regulated as needed. Having Jane attack the little guy once or twice should help, but don't be dependent on it. Also, don't waste any turns on Permanence since your effects can be dispelled. When you are ready, utilize the Hope Shard, and have Emma use a Force Carrot on Cecilia. Replenish what you need--FP, HP, Reflect, and Great Booster--to be ready for another use of Hope Shard. If you're lucky enough to get in summons while buffed with Great Booster, then this should be over on the third one. Otherwise, keep it up still. Besides the EXP and Gella, you get another FP Advance from this battle. ***End of Battle*** Save again, preferably with a green crystal in Volcannon Trap. Next, you will want to grab the Stink Cloud download from a Gagison near Adleyde. If you wish to level a bit more, I won't stop you, but the upcoming boss won't need it. Baskar Village-- You can learn of the next place from one of two sources here. The first is the dog in the chief's house (by memory bird) by using the Magic Staff. Unlike the next way of learning about the mini-dungeon ahead, this dog apparently causes the second part of the puzzle to be solvable. (I tried without the dog, and the sceptre did not appear at the end of the mini-dungeon's puzzle). North of the marchant Arcriod is a building. Climb the ladder on its side to reach the roof, and talk to the woman standing there to learn about a place to the Northeast called the Perpetual Engine. This only happens once Ka Dingel is up, but, seeing as how we're past that a bit, and since we should have the Dispellado, let's leave town. Use SWR on the flashing red dot, and enter the new dungeon. Perpetual Engine-- While facing north, go either left or right as you venture inside to find some stairs going into the main part of the room. You should see 12 blue crystals on pedestals in a circle, and you should also see three smaller areas in each of the four directions. The entire idea to this place is to use all 12 tools through the room. Going north to the 12 O'clock position, you will see a red crystal. Use Jack's Old Guitar on it. ***Reckless Ent*** HP: 45000 Base EXP: 30000 Gella: 20000 Lv: 55 Follow Me, Shining Star with Retaliation, and Stink Cloud. That's how the fight should start. Switch Cecilia for Rudy, and then use Follow Me, Guard (from Rudy), and Great Booster on Rudy. Now, switch Cecilia and Rudy back. Recover as you need to, and download Renovation if you don't already have it. Switch out Emma for Rudy this time, and have Cecilia use Permanence on Rudy. Also, hit Ent with Dispel. Once Cecilia has full FP, have her use Brave Seal, and then have Rudy use his Gatling Raid with Lock-On. If it's Lock-On Plus, and if Rudy is at least level 75, and also if Ent is not affected with Great Booster, then the battle is as good as done. You get the Life Charger 1 skill, but also can continue the rest of the mini-dungeon. ***End of Battle*** From where the red crystal was: 0. Continue north, and examine the rectangular switch to activate it. You will notice a chest appear--Floral Arts skill--and the first blue crystal light up. From here, we go clockwise. 1. Use either a Bomb or a Grenade on the switch to lower the wall, and press the switch. The chest has an Alter Part. 2. Hit the switch with Hanpan to extend the bridge to the switch. The chest contains 1000 Gella. 3. The Tinder Staff lights the torch, which unblocks your path to the switch and the Crest Graph in the chest that appears. 4. Nothing here but a wall? No! Use the Radar to reveal the first switch, examine the second one, and grab the five Revive Fruits. 5. Use the Wire Hook to get across to the wallmounted switch, and acquire an Angel Quill 2 skill from the chest. Wire Hook gets you back. 6. Use the Magic Staff on the phantom kitty, hit the switch, grab 3000 Gella from the chest, and continue on. 7. Use the Mighty Glove to turn the wheel to make the wall descend. After the switch will come the chest with a Clear Chime 2 skill. 8. The Change Staff will build you a bridge using the two red gems, but you need to use it, cross the bridge, examine the seal, and obtain a Memoirs Pen 2 skill. 9. Jump on the switch with the Jump Boots to make your way to the seal and a chest containing a Moon Stone 2 skill. 10. A continuous use from the Wind Staff will turn the device until the wall goes down. The seal's activation will net you a Fire Break 2 skill. 11. Lastly, one Grenade is needed to activate the switch on the other side of the wall, which will lower. Activate the last seal, and grab the Defend 2 skill from the chest. * If the next step is done wrong, then walk out, and back in. The pedestals will still be lit, but you have another chance to make them glow. Once they're all lit, you have to use the Dispellado on the pedestals in the correct order. While facing north, the order is: 7, 2, 9, 4, 11, 6, 1, 8, 3, 10, 5, and 12 O'clock. If you don't know what I mean by these numbers, then find yourself a face clock instead of those digital ones. If done right, a sceptre will appear, and you'll get a scene once you touch it. You'll then get the Cosmic Cog medium. Next stop is . . . Milama Village-- Head into the Inn, and talk to the waitress. After a scene, head to the door, and a second scene follows in which Elmina hands Jack her sword. You'll gain the attack Laser Silhouette. Check the garden, level if you wish, save, and proceed to . . . Downtown Adlehyde-- Head north, and break east into the Exhibition Grounds. Go to the corner in the southeast to find the figure that looks like darker versions of Wild ARMs 3's save points. Play the Old Guitar near it after you are prepared. (Floral Arts on Jane, HP Ups, Resist Ups, FP Advance on Cecilia, getting some Water Gems, having Maelstrom and whatever else makes sense.) ***Scrap Figure x3*** HP: 25000 ea. Base EXP: 12000 ea. Gella: 9000 ea. Lv: 55 Alright, things get a LITTLE tricky in staying healed while getting buffed to do mass damage. However, I doubt anybody will die if you pay attention. In other words, this should be no different than any old boss battle, besides you using an all female party through this whole fight. Start off with Follow Me, Protect, and Great Booster on Cecilia. Use the next round to have Jane use a Water Gem on any enemy, Cecilia use Permanence on her- self, and Emma use Water Zone. Heal up as you need to. Finally, use Follow Me along with Cecilia using Aqua Wisp, and Emma use Maelstrom. Chances are that the battle's not over, so just go another round of water attacks (using Follow Me if you're low on health, or else dedicating a round to healing if someone is down). I'm also aware you may need some adjustment to this depending on whether one or more person falls along the way. You get a Migrant Seal for this fight. ***End of Battle*** The next battle awaits in Rosetta. You'll want to have your party as Jane, Cecilia, and Rudy. Also, we're finally going to put one of those Gella Cards to use. Rosetta Town-- Go east and then south down the stairs toward the graveyard. Have Rudy throw Grenades at each of the three crows to make them land on tombstones. Once you have done this, a red crystal will appear. Play the Old Guitar by it. ***Melchom Lich*** HP: 45000 Base EXP: 0 Gella: 0 Lv: 60 The entire point of this battle is the Gella. If you want a good bonus for a future file of this game or Wild ARMs 4, you'll want to do mass damage. If you want to earn Gella from this battle from the get-go, you'll need to use the boss's thievery against it. However, do keep in mind there is a cap to what can be earned here (which I learned the hard way my first time). Firstly, you start with Follow Me and Shining Star with Retaliation. Next, you will want to bring in Emma temporarily to use Great Booster on Rudy. Use the Permanence spell on Rudy the following round, bring back Jane, use Retaliate as needed, BE SURE JANE USES A GELLA CARD, Brave Seal, and Lock-On (Plus) with Gatling Raid will end the battle. Now, you should get back double what was stolen from you. ***End of Battle*** Now, if you've used Analyze on all the lesser enemies thus far, and taken down all the bosses listed so far, then go to . . . Port Timney-- Go upstairs to reach the corer house in town. Inside it, check your progress on the Monster Guide by talking to the man there. If you've accumulated at least half of the enemies in the game--almost half are in the Abyss--then you will receive an Ex File Key for your efforts. If not, then come back here once we've take down a few more sidebosses (or you've gone back to analyze all those enemies up to now). * As I'm about to suggest levelling, and only about 5-10 levels would do at the moment, I'll take this time to explain about getting maxed out in levels. Sure, you should continue to use the strategy I listed with the Mega Apples. That's not what this is about, however. When you get a character to Level 100, the following battle will end with you receiving an Ex File Key. There's one Key for each character you get by now, but none for Mariel or McDullen. Whether or not you're going for 100 by now, the mid 80s will do for a bit. * Also, You may wish to pick up Quick (Support: Wing x Wing). In fact, I highly suggest it. I highly suggest levelling, now, and also making sure Jack's Fast Draws are at their second levels or better. Once you've done that, checked the gardening, stocked up on items, and saved, the next place will be . . . Gento Soen-- Touch the sceptre to get started. Continue north a couple rooms to Floor: 004. Between the doors leading to the outdoor area, go through the one to the west. Continue from room to room--using the Wire Hook in Floor: 007, Radar in Floor: 008, and going through the Southwest door in Floor: 010--to reach the crystal next to the three chests (which should be opened by now). Use the Old Guitar when you're ready (and be sure FP Advance is on Cecilia and Rudy both). ***Sadas (large) and Sadas (small, many)*** HP: 55000 2000 ea. Base EXP: 75000 0 ea. Gella: 30000 500 ea. Lv: 65 65 ea. The little guys explode, and the big guy brings them back one at a time. That is the main deal about this battle, as well you have to be quick. Start the battle with Jack defending, Cecilia using Shining Star and Quick, and Rudy using Lock-On (Plus) with Arc Nova. If anybody dies, revive them, redo Quick for them, and heal up. Now, you will need to kill the new little Sadas, and Cecilia's elemental spells do just that. Build up Jack's FP by having him attack either Sadas, and also have Rudy use Lock-On (Plus) with Gatling Raid on the big Sadas. When Jack has the FP needed, have him use Accelerator and Laser Silhouette on the big Sadas. The fight should be over with that, but keep fighting if it isn't. Rudy should defend/reload the same round as the Fast Draw being used so he can use the next round to do another Lock-On (Plus) with Gatling Raid on the big guy. When the battle ends, you'll get an Olive Branch 4 skill. ***End of Battle*** After that fun little battle is done, leave Gento Soen. After preparations and all else that usually follow between quests, the next stop is . . . Curan Abbey-- Progress your way north past the courtyard. Once you're in the hallway with the multiple doors, go through the first door to the northeast. Talk to Peleira will tell you about a poisonous monster whose nest is not far from Adlehyde, but surrounded by mountains and water. Leave the Curan Abbey. Fly north, and land near the flashing red dot on the map. Use SWR to find the next destination. * Be sure you have at least eight Duplicators for this place before entering the cave, as I'm sure you don't want to backtrack. Killing Stone Cave-- * Here, you're given a timer before you die from the cave's miasma. The way to survive besides moving fast is to collect the blue gems. * There are actually four different types of Colonzon here, which you can differentiate by which has what Condition at the start of the battle. Each one drops skills (such as HP Up, MP Up, Defense Up, and Resist Up; varying from levels 1-3). Only worry about their scans if you're trying to fill up the Monster Guide. Floor: 001 is the one room without the timer. Ignoring the plaque coming from the ground, drop through the whole that has black smoke rising out of it. You have started with 30 minutes. Touch one of the blue gems on the higher ground to get their introduction out of the way, and be sure to have collected all three to get your time up before you go north. Go east through the poorly hidden path to the door. You should be in Floor: 024, now. Go north. Continue north to get the Crest Graph from the sealed chest. Also, grab the blue gems while you're here. Back in Floor: 024, you can either head east to quickly grab the three blue gems, or you back head west. Go north. Continue along the path going to the door to the west. After collecting the blue gems, drop down the hole. Go south to drop down another hole. This should bring you to Floor: 035. Grab the blue gems, and then the Boom Break 3 skill from the sealed chest. Go north. Drop down the hole that's just past the middle of the room. Head east to Floor: 027. Continue to the north. Drop through the black hole at the end of the path. Grab the Ice Break 3 skill from the sealed chest and the blue gems near it. Go west to the next room. Drop down the hole in here. We're in Floor: 006 again. Head west, and then north. Drop down the hole in Floor: 008. Go east. Ah, Floor: 010. Does this happen for everyone else? Grab the blue gems, leave to the north, come back, and the blue gems are there again? If so, use this to your advantage by colecting so many blue gems it'd be practically impossible to run out of time. If it does NOT happen, however, then just continue north. * It's likely not a good idea to hit 60 minutes since the timer hits 00:??. I haven't tested to see if I'd die when those few seconds run out, but I'd rather not risk it. Go west. Go around to the sealed chest containing 20000 Gella. Head back east. Go east again. Grab the three Alter Parts from the sealed chest before going south. Go south again, and then west twice. Pick up the Ray Break 3 skill from the sealed chest. Backtrack to the east. Head east again, and then north. Continue by going east. You should then be in Floor: 014. To the south is a room with a sealed chest containing a Dark Break 3 skill. To the north is a room with a winding path to the next hole. From Floor: 016, go north, west twice, and south. The last sealed chest of this dungeon is in here, and it has a LVL Apple. Now, you can either take the hole back to Floor: 016, or you can go north, and then east twice to Floor: 017 (which is north of where the hole goes). Either way, once you're in Floor: 017, continue north. Head west for a couple rooms. In Floor: 020, drop into the hole. That's it; no more holes. Prepare yourself for some battling. Use the LVL Apple on Cecilia if she's not 100 yet. Head north. When you're ready for a fight, run north. ***Mage Fox and Mage Fox Tail x9*** HP: 65000 2650 ea. Base EXP: 95000 500 ea. Gella: 45000 500 ea. Lv: 75 75 ea. You will want to start right off with Jane's Follow Me, Rudy's Lock-On (Plus) Arc Nova, and Emma using Anti-Magic Zone. The Mage Fox will fully revive one tail each round, so you will want to take out each tail as you prepare for the final blow (whether by attacking Mage Fox or by doing the buffs on Rudy for his Gatling Raid). Also, you might want to use download on Mage Fox during the second round. Keep up the heals and attacks, and don't let the tails stay around for long. That goes double for the healing tail. You're welcome to try stealing the Ambrosia, but the MP Up 4 skill and the Whistle are why we're fighting this thing. Have fun. ***End of Battle*** A hole will have appeared right behind you. Use it to find your way out of the cave. The game will then tell you about the Whistle, which can summon the boat Sweet Candy II to any shore. Now, you can grab missing field items such as a Migrant Seal just south of the Ruins of Memory. You can also now get to the last couple Puzzle Box locations: 29. (X=20000, Y=16000) Island in larger lake east of Curan Abbey. You get a Full Libra 4 skill. * On the same island you can find Ape Jumma and Carrion Crawler 30. (X=5600, Y=16550) On the island in lake south of Arctic Continent. The reward is a MP Repair skill. * Also on this island is Kheim * By now, you should have beaten all 30 Puzzle Boxes. Ship Graveyard-- Head down the wooden stairs and west to the house. Talk to Jocelyn to receive an Ex File Key for having beaten every Puzzle Box in the game. Leave town when you're ready. * Inside the lakes you can now access thanks to the Whistle, there are such enemies as Rahab and Karakokosa. From them, you can acquire through Pilfer or drops some Force Carrots, Mega Berries, and Small Flowers. From here on have 4-5 slots in the Garden dedicated to Small Flowers while you have Jane Pilfer the Rahabs. I suggest not exceeding two or three attempts per one target. The lake by Puzzle Box #30 is good since the enemies are weak to Thunder Fang. You will want to be at Good luck or Best for the bosses. * If you stock up on enough items to finish the gardening, then do pour them into Improve Breed. When you're done, you'll receive another Ex File Key from Mariel. 'Sea of Wind' Epitaph-- Place Zed, Jack, and Rudy in the front party. Climb up the ladder to reach the door going west. In the corner to the northwest is a small bookshelf. Examine it, and select to read the Dirty Mag. You're then drawn into a battle. ***Sukebe x12*** HP: 5000 ea. Base EXP: 6250 ea. Gella: 4150 ea. Lv: 75 ea. Now that we're actually IN the battle, you can switch out the guys with the gals. Also, as you can see, these are a bunch of books. Books are (typically) flamable. Cecilia should be able to end this real quick . . . especially if she's at a high level. Use Follow Me, Fiery Rage, and Ash Reducer (in case the summon somehow is not enough). All done. For this you get Witch: Side. ***End of Battle*** Leave this place, and head back to . . . Curan Abbey-- Head into the library. Select to read each Witch book to Trish. She'll give you an Ex File Key for having completed the series. The next place is reached while you're in the library, still. Save your game, and go to the bookshelf in the Northwest corner. Use the Savvy Key by "De La Metallica" to be drawn in. De La Metallica-- * During this half, you'll have random encounters. Do as you wish with the enemies, but be on the lookout for the Necronomicon since it drops a useful skill. Follow the narrow path to make your way east. * For the puzzles here, moving one block causes the other of the same colour to mirror the movement. For this reason, I'll say we're moving only one side, even though the other will fall into place. The point to the puzzles is not only to reveal chests, but to unlock a boss. We've reached the first puzzle for this visit. We'll only be moving the blocks to the north, and we do so by punching with the Mighty Glove: Move the red one south once, east once, south once, west once, south twice, and west once; the green one should go north once, east once, south thrice (or three times), west once, south once, and east once. Grab the Alter Part from the chest, and then continue north to the door going west. Follow the path going west. For the second puzzle, there are three colours. This time, we're moving the ones to the south: The red one goes north thrice, west thrice, north once, and east twice; the green one goes north once, west once, and north thrice; the yellow block is left with going north once, west once, and north thrice. After grabbing the Penetrator skill from the chest, continue to the door located in the northeast. Follow the path to the switch separated by a gap. Use Hanpan to hit the switch so that some gems appear. Without worrying about the red gems near the switch, head back to the start of the room to see two white gems. Use Cecilia's Change Staff to cross to the second white gem's location. Continue to the doorway to the east. For the third puzzle, there are pairs of three colours again. We're moving the blocks from the north: The yellow one gets punched south thrice, west once, and south once more; move the red one south once; the green one goes east thrice, south thrice, west once, north once, west once, and south once; the red one is left to go south once, and east twice. When you got the 10000 Gella from the chest, head to the doorway to the northwest. Walk along the path until you reach the separated switch. After you hit the switch with Hanpan, head back to use the Change Staff on the red gems. Cross the new bridge to reach the door to the west. You've reached the last of the four puzzles, and the block count has not been changed from the last couple. This time, we move the blocks from the south: Hit the yellow one east once, north twice, and west once; the green one should go north twice, east twice, and north twice; the red block's path is west once, north thrice, and west once. The chest contains a Defend 2 skill, and the door to the northeast is our destination. Follow the narrow path to the east. Now that you have done all four puzzles, examine the tombstone at the bottom of the stairs to make a red crystal appear. Save your game if you wish, but play the Old Guitar by the crystal. ***Balaam and his faces (White Mate, Blue Mate, Red Mate)*** HP: 120000 2500 ea. Base EXP: 70000 1500 ea. Gella: 40000 1000 ea. Lv: 75 75 ea. This guy's attacks are based on which face is out. He's powerful, and he also has Uncertainty Theory for Emma to download. * White Mate does Uncertainty Theory and Rip. * Red Mate does Pierce and "Suppressed Spell?" * Blue Mate does Pummel (which Retaliate does nothing for) and Dispel. Start off the battle with Follow Me, Shield, and Anti-Magic Zone. Pull out Rudy, and have the second round consist of Follow Me, Lock-On (Plus) with Arc Nova, and Download. The change with the third round is to have Rudy use Gun Claymore on the face, and Emma use Great Booster on Rudy. For the fourth round, have Jane use Follow Me again, Cecilia use Permanence on Rudy, and Rudy to kill the face again. On the fifth round, during which the Anti-Magic Zone will have worn off, have Jane shoot at the face, Cecilia use Brave Seal, and Rudy use Lock-On (Plus) and Gatling Raid on Balaam. For the next round, have Jane use Mystic and either a Potion Berry or a Mega Berry, Cecilia should use Devastate on the face, and Rudy should guard/reload. Finally, combine Jane's attack and Cecilia's Devastate on the face while Rudy uses another Lock-On (Plus) with Gatling Raid on Balaam. If the battle does not end with that, then repeat the last few rounds to do it. You get a Windbreaker 4 skill from this battle. ***End of Battle*** Leave the book's dimension, and save your game. Demon's Lab-- * The Blocker skill helps here against what we're about to fight. Also, so do skills that protect against Poison, Disease, and Sleep. The other ailments should not be a bother if the battle is done right. From the entrance, go northeast. Climb the stairs to reach the door to the southeast. You will see a familiar crystal at the end of this room. Play the Old Guitar to begin a battle. ***Egregori x6*** HP: 9000 ea. Base EXP: 8500 ea. Gella: 4000 ea. Lv: 65 ea. There are two ways to do this: either you can use your first round to finish all enemies off (Cecilia's Hope Shard and Rudy's Lock-On with Arc Nova) which would disallow you from getting Aiming Zone for Emma, or you can do this the long way (giving the Download, but also being a pain). So, Let's start off with Follow Me, Shining Star with Retaliation, and Lock-On with Gatling Raid (the "Plus" won't matter here) on the SIXTH enemy. You don't want that one to have the chance to kill you. The other five shouldn't be so much of a problem, but let's continue. You may have noticed by now that these guys love status ailments. With luck, you will not have been hit. For the second round, repeat the first round with the exception of Rudy now defending (and reloading) and also look to see if it is one character in need of Retaliation or more (to decide on whether to use Shining Star or not). In the third round, Follow Me, Retalition with Shining Star if needed, and then Lock-On with Gatling Raid on the last Egregori listed again. Four of them will remain if all is well. For the fourth round, use Follow Me again, but have Cecilia heal whoever needs it most; likely, it'll be herself. Rudy should defend. With luck, whatever you are hit with is something you can recover from. The fifth round should see the next last Egregori go down. Keep on like this until two remain, and then pull out Emma finally to grab Aiming Zone. The last two should be very easy for you to bring down in one or two rounds after that, but be sure to heal as needed, still. Also, when you're dealing with the last two of these little guys, you might want to take down the first one before the second, or else both at the same time if you have enough FP to do it. You receive a Clear Chime 4 skill when the battle is won. ***End of Battle*** After you save your game and heal up, our next stop is in the Elw Dimension. So, Go through Holy Wood Mound to get there. Talk to the ape at the entrance to Forest Prison to get to . . . Sinner's Studio-- If you didn't take care of Zed's Piled Shots earlier, then now may be a good time to do it since you're passing through. Next to the ape Teres (the Game Save ape) is a cave. Enter it. Go down the ladder, but do not simply run or walk across the wooden platforms or they will sink with you on them. Instead, hold down the O button as you walk to creep over to the exit. Follow the path outside until you reach a shoreline, and use the Whistle to bring the Sweet Candy II to the Elw Dimension. While on it, use SWR not far from the village to find an Ambrosia. Finally, use the Dragon Scale. Dragon Shrine-- You're on the side of the first room you could not get to before. Open the sealed chests with Duplicators to receive 10,000 Gella and four Alter Parts. The third chest is blocked off by a crystal. Use the Old Guitar to start the battle. ***Vermilion x2*** HP: 75000 ea. Base EXP: 75000 ea. Gella: 40000 ea. Lv: 75 ea. Open up with Follow Me, Castle Defense, and Freezing Zone. The next round, no matter what, go with Follow Me, Lock-On with Gatling Raid on either Vermilion (just remember which one), and Slumber Fog. If both are asleep, then you are in business; if not, then try another Slumber Fog while either Rudy defends or Cecilia defends whoever needs it. While keeping a look out for the status of the Vermilions, be sure to heal up, and prepare Rudy with Great Booster, Permanence, Brave Seal, and Permanence again. Use Download to recover Emma's MP, but be careful that one or both of the Vermilions will awaken. When it's time to attack, be sure to do Follow Me, Lock-On (Plus) with Gatling Raid on the same one you attacked before, and Slumber Fog. If you have Plus on your Lock-On, then this in combination with the last attack should be enough to down one enemy. If not, then use Slumber Fog again, recover, and attack again. Repeat the attack and recover pattern with the second Vermilion, and the battle should be over in no time. For this fight, you get a Moon Stone 4 skill, as well the ability to get to the Sealed Chest. ***End of Battle*** In the third Sealed Chest is a Silver Harp 4 skill. Touch the blue gem to get out of here, and head back to . . . Sinner's Studio-- Creep across the wooden platforms, climb the ladder, walk out the cave, and you should now be done with being around here (unless you want to load up on those Alter Parts, and use them on Heaven's Wrath and Dancing Heaven to make Zed very useful for those annoying regular battles you can't get out of. Forest Prison-- You should know what to do to get to the other side by now. Holy Wood Mound-- Again, you should know your way back to Filgaia. Rest up when you get there. Also, stock up on healing items and at least 5 Duplicators. Devil's Playground-- * As usual, PLEASE be sure FP Advance is on Cecilia and Rudy. * In the lake in the Arctic region is an enemy called Sammael. Emma should Download the Hypnotizer ability from it before the last battle I'll cover in this place. * If you want to venture into the desert where Barbados is--desert opposite to where Puzzle Box #25 is--but not to fight Barbados, then find an enemy called Yurlungur for the very optional Bright Zone. Yes, we're finally taking care of this place. Since we're either level 100 or somewhere close, the three leagues should be cake, and so should one of the bosses we're about to take. Once you're saved and ready, talk to the person in front of the central door, and agree to pay to enter the first set of battles. ***Novice League*** * 25 rounds or less to complete in order to win special item. (Victory after 25th round disallows winning of item until next attempt) * 5 Battles (which should mean an average of 5 rounds per battle) * Front party must all be alive, or Game Over. Game Over is not undone with a Gimel Coin. * In battles 1-4, death is recovered in the next battle with 1 HP. * FP goes back to initial amounts, hence the suggestion for FP Advance. * Continue to next battle by selecting "Yes", or you leave the arena unfinished. Unfinished sets give only rewards according to what you've won against. * Special reward can only be won once per League. * No, you don't have to use Analyze on the enemies here. -Wight x3- Start with Flash Hit, or else Shining Star with Spectre. I'd prefer you not use MP for something so easy. But, if you go the longer route, be sure to kill one target per round without hitting the others (because they absorb back what you deal to them). -Geldam x4- Fiery Rage; no arguments. There are too many of them not to kill in one move. -Leprechaun x6- Same deal as with the Geldams, only there are 6 instead of 4. Fiery Rage. -Fankelvine x2- Thunder Fang (and maybe Rudy's Arc Nova with Lock-On). -Marshman- I doubt there will be a problem in the 20+ rounds you have left. Actually, you can end this with Lock-On and Gatling Raid, and also Brave Seal if Cecilia is level 100. ***End of Battle*** You get a bunch of rewards including 10,000 Gella and a Suprise Guard skill. Also, the office of Count Pegucchi opens. Now, speak with the registrar again to pay for and enter the next battle set. ***Veteran League*** * 20 rounds instead of 25, and slightly stronger enemies. Still easy. -Annaberg x4- Start off with Gale Claw. -Shambling Mound x6- Fiery Rage is your friend again. -Undead Servant x4- You would think fire for the undead, right? Wrong. Flash Hit works, though. -Nightmare x6- Flash Hit again. -Jabberwocky- With 16 rounds remaining for the reward, this should be cake. Let's do this in two rounds for Emma's sake. So, with that said, use Castle Defense, a Force Carrot, and Download in the first round; Emma should gain at least one new ability from this. On the second round, use Brave Seal and Rudy's Lock-On with Gatling Raid. ***End of Battle*** Among the rewards, you receive 20,000 Gella and a Life Charger skill. Also, a door opens inside Pegucchi's office which leads to the game's shortest dungeon. So, head up the stairs, save your game, and head through the door to the west. Continue north without falling into lower ground, or you can climb up some more stairs. Not a big deal, but it can be annoying. You may or may not remember this room. If that door to the north is still there, then open it with a Duplicator to grab the chest inside. Otherwise, go east into Pegucci's office. Feel free to talk to Pegucchi, but go north. There are five sealed doors here that require Duplicators. Open them, and get to the door with what looks like a dragon or beast's head on it. Examine the door, and put in the password to open the door. * The password is based on the date your Playstation is set to. So, if your console is set to November of 2006, then the password would then be "11/2006", including the slash. In this large, darkened room, you can see the path splits from where you are, and joins back up by a crystal. Get to the crystal, and use the Old Guitar. ***King of Angol Moa*** HP: 300000 Base EXP: 300000 Gella: 80000 Lv: 95 The hard way to fight this battle would be to do it without Sleep or even the Sickness ailment. This classic Wild ARMs boss has his signature move 7th Moon, which could mean death for the unprepared, and he also can heal himself. Now, the easy way to do this is simple. This demon, as powerful as he is, is so weak against Sleep that, when afflicted with it, he sleeps through being smacked across Filgaia. So, on the first round, be sure to use Follow Me, have the second person defend, and Emma use Slumber Fog. Now that Angol Moa is asleep, it's time to buff up Rudy with Great Booster, Permanence, Brave Seal, and Permanence again. On the round of Rudy's attack, use Fragile on Angol Moa. Use Lock-On with Gatling Raid; with the Plus effect, this one attack should be doing over 100k of damage. Chances are that this or the next round will be when this boss wakes up. So, bring Jane back in for Follow Me, Rudy to defend, and Emma to use Slumber Fog. To check on the status of the Sleep ailment, though, select the first person to attack normally, but stop at the targetting; if Angol Moa is waking up, the Z's will stop streaming from him. Use this as your cue for using Slumber Fog like I just mentioned. Once Angol Moa is asleep again, keep up with the Lock-On, Gatling Raid, and Fragile if needed again. Feel free to throw in other attacks from Zed and Jack at this point. You'll get a Resist Up 4 skill for winning. ***End of Battle*** Rest up in the lobby, and save if you wish. Talk to the registrar to pay for and enter the next set of battles. ***Master League*** * Don't be confused when Henry also calls it "Expert League" * This time, it's 15 rounds for the reward. * Also, do not poison the enemy in the fifth battle if you want to take on the additional sixth. The sixth, however, you can do whatever you want in the rounds remaining. -Bombardier x12- Use Follow Me and Ice Crystal. I doubt you want to argue on this one. -Pumpkinhead x6- Gale Claw is the one that'll help you, here. -Apostate x4- Arrange the party with Jane, Emma, and Rudy. Use Follow Me, Download, and Lock-On with Arc Nova. If Emma doesn't get the group version of Hazardous Material 666 and these guys are dead, then you'll have to do this again. You will need this to get some PS Skills. -Olivier- Here's another Wild ARMs classic. Use Follow Me and Lock-On with Gatling Raid. It might seem like overkill against only 6000 HP, but it works. -Bad News (little)- This will take 3 rounds. Follow Me, Great Booster on Rudy, and Lock-On with Gatling Raid; have all defend except Cecilia to put Permanence on Rudy; have Rudy use Lock-On with Gatling Raid again (adjusting to use Follow Me and a Mega or Potion Berry if it is needed). -Bad News (big)- Now, we're talking the big brother, who has less HP, but a bigger punch. Also, we only fight him if the other Bad News is beaten without poison. So, with the Great Booster still on Rudy, but a need to reload, use this round to put up Shield, use Toxic Breath if Emma has it, and defend with Rudy. The next round, Use Follow Me, Brave Seal, and Lock-On with Gatling Raid. It should be over. Congrats, you just did it in 9-10 rounds. ***End of Battle*** You get some rewards including 30,000 Gella and a HP Up 4 skill. Also, if you picked up the Saber Fang in Ka Dingel, then a new entry will open on the roster for the registration. Heal up, save, and take the new challenge. * Before this upcoming battle, PLEASE unequip any elemental ward skills you may have. Otherwise, you'll be asking for death. Boomerang will appear in the arena wishing to finally finish the battle you started in Ka Dingel. ***Boomerang Flash*** HP: 130000 Base EXP: 160000 Gella: 60000 Lv: 85 There are a number of ways to tackle this guy. He is weak to Thunder and Light through this battle, which makes Bright Zone a nice thing to have. He has the Boomerang Maximum attack, which will kill everyone if you are loaded up on the elemental ward skills. Other than that, use Follow Me, Great Booster, attacks, Retaliation, and heals all as needed. Gatling Raid will make this quick, but that's your choice. Having out the gals works very well. Flash Hit with the effects of Great Booster and Bright Zone can carry 25k damage per use, so you can expect about four or five uses at most before this battle is over. Light Gems from Jane will help with that, too. ***End of Battle*** In the scene that follows, you receive the Battle Lust medium. Rest and stock up, and leave this place finally for . . . Port Timney-- After going north a little bit, head west until you're under the bridge. Use the Jump Boots to grab onto the wires, and then drop into the hole to the south which you can't simply walk into. You should now be by the black chest, which can talk. It will tell you how many of the 383 chests you've opened, and then attack you if you opened all the other chests in the world. It will ask you if you're going to open it first, say yes to begin the fight. ***Black Box x3*** HP: 27000 ea. Base EXP: 27000 ea. Gella: 18000 ea. Lv: 80 ea. This isn't hard if you don't do anything stupid. The first round should look like Follow Me, Lock-On Plus with Gatling Raid, and Anti-Magic Zone. On the second round, bring in Cecilia, and have her use Shining Star and Heal every round until one Black Box remains. Have Rudy use Lock-On Plus with Arc Nova a good one or two times to finish off the first Black Box he hit. Jane will be designated to Follow Me until that last Black Box remains. For the second one of these guys, have Rudy guard/reload one round, and then use another Lock-On Plus and Gatling Raid on either Black Box. When one Black Box remains, switch out Cecilia for Emma. Have Jane use Mystic with a Potion Berry, Rudy to guard and reload, and Emma to use Download so she can learn Paradigm Pollution. Finish the battle when Emma knows the ability by Rudy's Lock-On Plus and Gatling Raid. You'll get an EX File Key for winning. ***End of Battle*** Rest and heal up. Also, be sure to have some Water Break skills on Jane, Rudy, Emma, and Cecilia . . . enough to cancel at least half the element's damage. You can buy 1's; you can steal 2's and 3's from Gomoratoads; Krakens drop 4's on grand occasion. When you have this and enough items call the Sweet Candy II to sail in the Inner Sea. Sooner or later, you will encounter a boss. ***Leviathan*** HP: 210000 Base EXP: 210000 Gella: 75000 Lv: 90 The more prepared you are for this, the better. If your protection against water is at half or less, you may have a problem keeping up the heals for very long. The first round should consist of Follow Me, Shining Star with Cecilia's Retaliation spell, and Thunder Zone if your water protection is not at full (or have Emma defend if it is full for the girls plus Rudy). Alternatively, if the levels on your characters are high enough, then you can instead use the first round to have Cecilia do her Retaliation thing, and have Emma use Great Booster on Rudy while he defends (but ONLY try this way if you have all Water Breaks on each of the four characters we're using here. The round after Great Booster is used, be sure Cecilia uses Permanence on Rudy. As usual, Rudy will be defending until we're ready to attack. Over the next couple rounds, supply heals--Emma's Critical Heal should be good, and Download should help with the MP--as well Shield, Brave Seal, and the spell Permanence. If Cecilia is free on the round you're about to attack with Rudy, then use Fragile on Leviathan. If not, then use her for Heal, Shield, or Retaliation as needed. When you see Leviathan turn into what looks like a jet, then you need the very accuracy which Rudy is capable of. Attack magic will not be of much use here since Leviathan resists all elements. After about 6-8 Gatling Raids with Lock-On (or 3-4 with Lock-On Plus), this golem will go down. You get a Water Break 4 skill, and the Inner Sea will once again be free for you to sail. ***End of Battle*** Stock up, rest, and save. For the next boss, be sure to have either full Gaia Stops, or be close enough to it for Rudy, Cecilia, and Emma. When you have finished getting ready, fly to the piece of ground between Elw Shrines 4 and 6, and Pandemonium, and just northeast of the desert. Call out your golem, unless you want the boss to kill you instantly, and ride it across the second desert until you are asked if you want to evacuate the scene. Select "No". ***Barbados*** HP: 180000 Base EXP: 200000 Gella: 75000 Lv: 90 You need your golem not only to survive the start of this battle, but also to be able to beat Barbados. He is weak against wind, so let's begin with Cecilia using Protect, Rudy defending, and Emma casting Wind Zone. For the next round, have Cecilia heal whoever needs it, Rudy defend again, and Emma use Great Booster on Rudy. Round 3: Permanence, Lock-On with Gatling Raid, and Full Revive if needed (or Great Booster on Cecilia). Round 4: Heal up, and get ready to do more damage. Incorporate Vortex when you are able after this, or even Gale Claw. Barbados may pack a punch, but he'll go down fast enough. Pull out Jane if needed for faster healing. You get a Gaia Stop 4 skill for this. ***End of Battle*** From here, stock up like mad on items and skills. There are two places left to go in this game, and we're covering the optional one we have not yet been to. ~~Part 6: Into the Abyss~~ * Before going to the Abyss, go to Malduke to find Dopplegangers. This can take a while just to find one group. When you do, the order to use on them is Follow Me > Cosmic Cog > (group) Hazardous Material 666; Follow Me > Shining Star + Lucky Shot (and third person defend). If you do these two rounds right, the Dopplegangers will die before they can transform. They have NO DROPS if they transform. Keep this up until you have enough Surprise Guards and Initiatives to give to the whole party. * Also while you are in Malduke, have Emma use Download on Delowbunnies once each fight (Follow Me > Download > Lock-On Plus + Arc Nova) until she learns Reset and Critical Heal. * If you want, you can go back to De La Metallica to find Necronomicon. Use the same strategy to kill it with Lucky Shot as you did Doppleganger. You only really need one Skill to give to Cecilia, but even then it's optional. She can knock out much of the Abyss that way. * Find Vivel outside where Photosphere used to be to acquire a bunch of Fire Fire Break 3's. It has 2000 HP, so try to bring that down a bit to allow for Lucky Shot to work within a few uses. It can be tricky when the monster uses Renovation, and the party is so strong. Sadly, you cannot use the Hazardous Material trick with them. * Ifrit in Volcannon Trap - Gain Fire Break 2's by having Cecilia attack it once, use Dispel, and then Lucky Shot until Ifrit dies. All else can guard unless you want one person to kill the Garums. * Be absolutely certain that Heaven's Wrath has enough uses available. Zed will be the primary damage dealer to flying enemies. To make it as powerful as you will need, try to have at least 240 enemies logged in the Monster Guide. Try the beaches, islands, and higher elevations by the Puzzle Boxes to help find some enemies. In order to get to The Abyss, you will need over 30 Teleport Gems, and to watch the movie sequence when teleporting from one Elw Shrine to another. When the screen flashes red from you hitting a broken satellite, you'll be in . . . Elw Shrine 7-- Walk out, and scan to find a dungeon. The Abyss-- There's a lot that goes into doing this. I hope you prepared. * Bring plenty of Small Flowers. Enough to keep everyone at Normal Luck or better through the Abyss, Cecilia at Best the whole time, and all the participants of the Ragu battles at Best when said battles come. For every time you plan to save and reload the game, think to bring more. 80+ can do it. * Bring as many Gimel Coins and Ice Gems (and the other gems) as possible. * Super high Fire Breaks on everyone (starting with the gals), and whatever makes sense besides for elemental warding. If you need more 2's or 3's then the Fire Lizards are a good bet. Bring plenty of the wards to switch in or out as needed. * Full Libra on a couple characters including Cecilia is a good idea. * If you have the Necronomicon skill, equip it to Cecilia, and then to Jane for any second one. You can do this without it, though. * You should have a couple FP Advance skills. Cecilia and Rudy need them. * MP Repair on Cecilia and Jane. Alternate what you have between everyone who needs it, though Emma has a great way to recharge her MP. * Put Surprise Guard and Initiative on everyone. This will NOT eliminate all the surprise attacks, but it will save you plenty of grief. * HP Up, MP Up, Defense Up, and Resist Up skills will help. * Healing items as much as you can carry. I hope you've been hoarding those Ambrosias. You should be maxed out on Force Carrots. * Be sure you have the 19 Migrant Seals from before now. #20 will be inside the dungeon. * Time and patience. I kid you not. A sane person may choose to do this dungeon 20-30 floors per sitting, but you can adjust that little bit of advice in either direction however much you like. * Oh, and the Tools can't help you here. Be on the lookout for shiny things on the ground. There is a Monster's Medal on each floor, and getting all 100 will allow you to summon the hardest boss in the game. Abyss Keys will unlock a few doors. Other than those and the 20th Migrant Seal, we're here to do battle with the lesser and the real Ragu. For beating both, you will gain a Sheriff Star skill and an Ex File Key. Also here are the last of the Crest Graphs and an item called the Exodus Orb. The latter will be useful for teleporting out of dungeons. Nothing quite like receiving that once you've done almost everything, yeah? Let's begin. 001: To the west is the first Abyss Key, and to the east is the first Monster's Medal. Unlock the door blocking the way to the blue warp. Touch the warp. * The monsters begin to appear starting on Floor 002. Don't worry about the Monster Guide. Just kill what you need to, and move on. * Here's a list of the 15 monsters that appear anywhere in The Abyss: * Vacuumon - Kill this one fast, or it'll Eject your party back to the first floor. I suggest one of Cecilia's summons and Rudy's shot with Lock-On Plus. * Earth Lizard - Use Gale Claw * Wind Lizard - Use Terra Roar * Fire Lizard - Use Ice Crystal; small chance to steal a Fire Break 3 from them if you need one. * Water Lizard - Use Thunder Fang * Thunder Lizard - Use Aqua Wisp * Ice Lizard - Use Fiery Rage * Dark Lizard - Use Flash Hit * Light Lizard - Use Hell Scream * Aello - Follow Me, Heaven's Wrath or Lock-On with shot if you face just one. Terra Roar can own them. * Vodiani - This one can put up a fight. Start with Jane attacking, Cecilia using Thunder Fang or Ice Crystal, and Emma using skills from either of the two elements. Heal as needed. * Calupdis - It will steal 10% of your Gella on the first round and run run away on the second turn. Either use this to your advantage to increase your Gella, or kill it fast with Jane's shot and one of Cecilia's non-elemental summons. * Ghostrider - Flash Hit and Light Gems are your best bet. This one has a 12.5% chance of dropping a Fire Break 4 skill. Equip it to whoever needs it if it does. * Stoker - It has a bunch of skills Emma can Download if she doesn't already have them. This is good for regenerating her MP. But, bring down its 13k HP with physical attackers, and use Cecilia to heal as needed. * Buckbaird - Use Dispel before you attack and heal as needed. It is weak to Dark, and it also has a 12.5% chance of dropping a skill Defense Up 4. Equip it to the weakest member of your party that doesn't already have it. * And here is the first specific set: * Grendel - Use Ice Crystal, and have Rudy on back-up with Lock-On Plus and Shot. Jane can attack as well. * Malacoda - Bring it down with Flash Hit. It can drop Small Flowers. * Miann - Follow Me and Flash Hit. Or just the latter in the case of a pre-emptive strike. 002: Second Monster's Medal is to the north. Use the Blue Warp to the south. 003: Only one way to go for now. Go around to the southeast to the Blue Warp. 004: To the northwest is an Abyss Key. Around the walls by going northeast from the Abyss Key is the Monster's Medal. Use the southeast Blue Warp. 003: Unlock the green door by using the Abyss Key. Grab the Monster's Medal before heading back. 004: Northwest Blue Warp. 005: South to Monster's Medal. Use southeast Blue Warp. 006: In the southwest quarter are a Monster's Medal and the 20th Migrant Seal. Use the northwest Blue Warp. 007: Grab both Abyss Keys from the northeast and the Monster's Medal from the southeast. Use the Blue Warp in the middle of the floor. 008: Monster's Medal to the southeast; Blue Warp to the southwest. 009: Head north to the Blue Warp. 008: Go east to the Blue Warp. 009: Claim the Monster's Medal to the south before touching the central Blue Warp. 010: To the southeast is an Abyss Key. A Monster's Medal is to the southwest. You do not need to open the green door, though you are welcome to since there are plenty of Abyss Keys. Touch the Blue Warp to the south. * Welcome to floors 11-20. That ws easy, right? Don't be fooled. Here are the monsters from the second specific set: * Yak - Use Hell Scream. During Pre-emptive Strike, try to download to replenish Emma's MP if needed. * Gigaflame - Ice Crystal, or even an Ice Gem, is your friend here. It is a slow enemy. Moreso then Emma. * Little Grey - It has Undulation Cannon, Cellular Petrifier, and Arc Impulse for Emma to download. If you need an extra round to do that, then Have Cecilia use Cosmic Cog and Jane a Force Carrot on Cecilia. Otherwise, Hell Scream is the answer. * Light Wards can help with what Yak does when it dies, but the ladies are pretty much fine against it. Jane and Emma defending is plenty. 011: Open the green door to get to a Crest Graph and a Monster's Medal. Use the northeast Blue Warp. 012: Open the green door to get to the Monster's Medal, then use the nearby Green Warp. 002: While staying on the higher level, cross to the Blue Warp. 001: Cross the higher level to find the Exodus Orb. Head back. 002: Back again to the Green Warp. 012: Head through the opened door and then north to the Blue Warp. 013: Make your way around to the Monster's Medal and then to the Blue Warp to the south. 014: Go east and north to find two Abyss Keys. The Monster's Medal is to the northwest of the start of the floor. To the east of that is the Blue Warp. 015: Take the Monster's Medal to the southeast before going to the Blue Warp to the southwest. 016: Open the green door to access a Monster's Medal, Abyss Key, and Nectar x3. Then utilize the Blue Warp to the southeast. 017: Go north to the Blue Warp. 018: Go around to the southwest corner to find the Monster's Medal, and head back east a bit to the south Blue Warp. 017: Drop off to the north or west to reach and open the green door. Take the Monster's Medal before going to the northwest Blue Warp. 018: Cross the higher level all the way to the east Blue Warp. 019: Grab the Abyss Keys to the northwest. Drop down to make your way north to the Monster's Medal, and then drop of any side of the floor to appear back at where you started. Cross the higher level to the west Blue Warp. 020: Like before, you do not need to open the green door before the Yellow Warp on this floor. But, please make your way around to the Abyss Key and Monster's Medal. Use the Blue Warp to the north. * So far, so good. Here's Specific Set #3: * Armordrake - Gale Claw and Lock-On with shot as the support. * Flauros - Hope Shard can do the job with Follow Me. Don't try any physical attacks since these guys multiply. * Malice Logic - Flash Hit. Hope Shard works, too in case they are ever grouped with Light Lizards. 021: Unlock both doors. Grab the Monster's Medal (east) and the Abyss Key (southeast) before touching the Green Warp (west). * If you don't want to go all the way to Floor 041 just yet, then just pick up the Abyss Key on Floor 031 before returning to Floor 021. 031: Cross the higher level, taking the Abyss Key on the way to the northeast Green Warp. 041: Drop off to the southwest to open the door. Grab the Monster's Medal, Silver Harp 3 skill, and three Mega Berries. Drop off the floor's side to go back to the Green Warp. 031: Cross back over to the other Green Warp. We'll get these items later. 021: Use the south Blue Warp. 022: Start your way around the room by going west. Take the first fork you get to in order to find the Monster's Medal. In the southeast corner is an Abyss Key. Return partways to the north Blue Warp. 023: Open the door to the southeast to obtain the Monster's Medal. There's an Abyss Key in the southwest corner. Make your way to the south Blue Warp. 024: Go around the west side to acquire a couple Abyss Keys. Navigate through the winding path to the east side for the Monster's Medal. Use the Blue Warp to the north. 025: This is a short, simple maze. West, south, east, north, south at the fork to find the Monster's Medal, back to the fork, and continue east to reach the Blue Warp. 026: Open the door to the north to access the Finest Arts skill and a Monster's Medal. Go aroundthe other way to the Blue Warp. 027: Enter the middle area. Pick up the Monster's Medal and Abyss Key before touching theBlue Warp. 028: Lots of Blue Warps, right? Utilize the northwest one. 029: Cross the higher level southeast to the Monster's Medal, and back a bit to drop off and reach the northeast Blue Warp. 028: Grab the Monster's Medal; use the Blue Warp you just came from. 029: The northwest Blue Warp is next. 028: Cross a bit, drop southwest, and touch the southwest Blue Warp. 029: Drop southeast to get to the Abyss Key. Touch the nearby Blue Warp. 028: Drop off to take the southeast Blue Warp. 029: Navigate to the central Blue Warp. 030: Drop down. To the northeast is a Monster's Medal. To the southeast is the Blue Warp to take you out of this set of floors. Yay! * Specific Set #4: * Archon - Emma can get Captured Web, Vanish and Infra Sonic (single) from them. Use Follow Me and Hope Shard to kill them fast. * Black Buzzard - Follow Me and Flash Hit. * Manitou - Your choice of Wind, Ice, Water, and Dark summons. 031: Head north to the Monster's Medal. Seem familiar? Head west beyond the north Blue Warp to open the door guarding a Crest Graph. Return to the north Blue Warp. 032: In the very open middle of the floor are an Abyss Key and Monster's Medal. Go to the south Blue Warp. 033: Deja vu. It's three items this time; a Monster's Medal and two Abyss Keys just lying around. Go northwest and then south to the southwest Blue Warp. 034: East to the Abyss Key and Monster's Medal. The rest of the way around to the Blue Warp. 035: There's a Monster's Medal to the northwest. Take the southeast Blue Warp. 036: Open the door to the north to reach the Monster's Medal and a skill Water Break 3. Go back to the previous floor. 035: Go to the southwest Blue Warp this time. 036: Northwest Blue Warp. 037: Head southeast to open the green door. Claim the Monster's Medal to the north on the other side, then go around to the Abyss Key and the northeast Blue Warp. 038: To the south are an Abyss Key and Monster's Medal. Continue northwest to the next Blue Warp. 039: Grab the Monster's Medal to the northeast on your way to the southeast Blue Warp. 040: The Monster's Medal and Abyss Key are to the southeast. The green door is optional, but stay away from the Yellow Warp. Go all the way around the floor to the southeast Blue Warp. 039: Cross the higher level to the Abyss Key and the other Abyss Key. You have a choice between the Blue Warp you just came from and the southeast one. 040: Take the northwest Blue Warp. * Ready for specific set #5? Here: * Apocrypha - Fiery Rage is a happy recommendation of mine. * Nosferatu - Watch out for his Vanish. Use Follow Me and Flash Hit. * Harvestman - Again, Flash Hit works well. * Gigatoxic - If Emma needs Contaminated Crust, then get it from this one. Use Gale Claw to kill it. 041: To the south is the door we already opened. Why did we make that trek a while ago? Just to make you see where the Green Warps went. East of the door is the next Blue Warp. 042: The Monster's Medal is to the south. You can open the nearby green door for an Abyss Key (what?), or you can trek around the floor to the Blue Warp on the other side . . . without bothering with the door. 043: Around the south side is an opening into the middle area where you can get a Monster's Medal and two Abyss Keys. Make contact with the east Blue Warp. 044: A Monster's Medal sits in the northwest corner. Continue counterclockwise around the floor to the Abyss Key to the south. Grab the other Abyss Key here as well on the way to the central Blue Warp. 045: Make your way through the pathway to the Monster's Medal and the west Blue Warp. It's simple, but a little lengthy. 046: Head south and east to open the door guarding the Monster's Medal. Head north past the starting Blue Warp (hug a wall) to collect two Abyss Keys and to reach the next Blue Warp. 047: The Monster's Medal and Blue Warp are both to the northwest. 048: Go clockwise around the room to find an Abyss Key to the southwest and a Monster's Medal to the northwest. Use the south Blue Warp. 049: A Monster's Medal sits to the west; northeast to the next Blue Warp. 050: This floor might look all too familiar, but drop down to find a Monster's Medal to the southeast. Go over a side to return to the higher level you were at, and cross south to the next Blue Warp. 049: Cross to southeast corner of higher level. Take that Blue Warp. 048: Same thing here. Don't drop off. 047: Cross again to the Blue Warp to the west. 048: Cross the short distance to the northeast. 049: Cross northeast again. 050: While crossing the higher level, pick up the Abyss Keys. Continue to the next Blue Warp without dropping. * I suggest saving at this point, and once every new set to the end. It's your choice, really. * This next set will be short. Here are #6's specific monsters: * Tsathoggua - Thunder Fang is best against this one. * Dragonewt - Follow Me and Ice Crystal for this one. * Lindwurm - It has Infra Sonic (group). It is weak to Earth and Ice, but it is also faster than Cecilia. Follow Me should do it if the battle isn't a Pre-Emptive Strike. * Wind and Water warding can help. Especially for your back party. 051: Open the green door in the southwest corner so you can get three Nectars and a Monster's Medal. From there, go clockwise along the edge of the floor to the east Blue Warp. 052: Head west along the south side to find the Monster's Medal, and then along the north side to the west Blue Warp. 053: Start by going counter clockwise and north past the central Blue Warp. Open the green door to continue southeast to the Monster's Medal. Use the same Blue Warp that we just skipped. 054: Go northwest a bit to begin a clockwise motion that ends at the southeast, where you'll find an Abyss Key and Monster's Medal. Return to the center of the room to go the other way to the northwest Blue Warp. 055: Head to the south end of the floor, and then east to find the Monster's Medal. Double back toward the starting point. Go east to find your way to the north Blue Warp. 056: If you want a Memoirs Pen 3 skill, there's one to the southeast behind one of those doors. Head south frmo the starting point to find the Monster's Medal on this floor. Go the east route to find the southeast Blue Warp. 057: In the southwest quarter of the room are this floor's Monster's Medal and Abyss Key. Touch the northwest Blue Warp. 058: From the start, drop off to south for the Monster's Medal. Go over a side to reappear at the start. Drop down to the east to collect 3 Force Carrots and an Abyss Key. Take the north Blue Warp. 059: You should appear right next to an Abyss Key (northeast) and a Monster's Medal (northwest). Head around to the southwest Blue Warp. 060: Make your way north to the Monster's Medal. The door is optional. Don't worry about the Yellow Warp. Go back to the south end of the floor to use the southeast Blue Warp. * Ooh, the atmosphere has turned all golden. Here are the monsters from specific set #7: * A Bao A Qu - Use Gale Claw. * Coppelia - Thunder Fang for this one. It has Psychedelicor for Emma. Also use Follow Me if it isn't a Pre-Emptive Strike. * Pazuzu - Terra Roar and Flash Hit work wonders with this one. * As you may have noticed by now, the monsters are getting a little tougher with higher HP and harder hits. They're also probably attacking you from behind more often. Watch everyone's VIT gauges and Luck. 061: Go west, dropping off in the process, to pick up the Monster's Medal. Run over the edge to reappear at the starting point. Cross the higher level enough to be able to drop down by a door guarding 3 Mega Berries. Use the Blue Warp to the northeast of that door. 062: Drop to the south to reach the Monster's Medal in the far corner, and then fall off an edge to return to the start. Cross the higher level until you can drop next to the southwest Blue Warp. 063: Head counter-clockwise around the room to the Monster's Medal found in the northwest corner. Use the northeast Blue Warp. 064: Cross far enough to drop down to the northwest and pick up an Abyss Key and the Monster's Medal. Run an edge to return to the start. Drop down toward the northeast Blue Warp. 065: Drop off (north) to get to the Monster's Medal (northwest). Run over an edge, and then cross the higher level to the next Blue Warp. 066: Head the clockwise direction to open the green door guarding an Initiative skill and a Monster's Medal. Head the other way to the east Blue Warp. 067: You don't have a lot of options. Use the southwest Blue Warp. 068: Head east and then clockwise around the floor to reach the Monster's Medal and the next Blue Warp. 067: Make your way around to the Monster's Medal and back again. 068: Go counter-clockwise to the OTHER northeast Blue Warp. 069: Cross to the Abyss Key before dropping down. There's a Monster's Medal to the east. Go clockwise around the floor to take the west Blue Warp pointing upward. 068: Cross and navigate (without dropping) to the east Blue Warp. 069: Cross in a clockwise pattern to the central Blue Warp. 070: Without dropping, collect the Monster's Medal to the southeast. Cross the other way to the central Blue Warp. * OK, here's set #8: * Zoa Zein - This one's pretty fast. Follow Me and Thunder Fang. * Fascination - They're weak to any element. Do not physicaly attack them. They won't attack, but they'll reflect physical attacks. * Em Being - Follow Me and Aqua Wisp can do it. 071: Unlock the door to the northwest, and then run around clockwise to reach the Monster's Medal and a Crest Graph. Go back to take the north Blue Warp. 072: Pick up the Monster's Medal and Abyss Key to the south before touching the nearby Blue Warp. 073: Go counter-clockwise to the southwest Blue Warp. 074: Use the southwest Blue Warp pointing down. 075: Make your way to the Monster's Medal to the southeast, and then back. 074: Head around the room to the Blue Warp pointing up. 073: Claim the Monster's Medal, and return to the previous floor. 074: Utilize the other southeast Blue Warp. 075: Cross to the southeast Blue Warp. 076: Cross to the western edge for an Abyss Key, and then drop down to open the green door to the east. After picking up the Monster's Medal, take the south- west Blue Warp. 075: Cross north to the other Blue Warp. 074: Cross east to the Abyss Key and Monster's Medal. Drop down to touch the southeast Blue Warp that is pointing down. 075: Cross again to the southeast Blue Warp. 076: Cross to the northwest Blue Warp. 077: Head counter-clockwise to the southeast Blue Warp. 078: Claim the Monster's Medal to the northwest before dropping down to reach the northwest Blue Warp. 077: Cross the higher level the whole time you're here. The Monster's Medal is to the south, and the next Blue Warp is to the northeast. 078: Drop down to the east to claim an Abyss Key, and then over an edge to go back to the starting point. Cross the highest level, going west when you can, until you can drop down one level to the northwest Blue Warp pointing down. 079: Drop down, and head to the southeast Blue Warp. 080: Drop down to the west for a Monster's Medal, and run over an edge. From the starting point, cross the highest level, but drop north BEFORE THE YELLOW WARP! (Seriously, don't touch that thing at this point, else you'll be back in Floor 001) Head west and south a bit so you can drop down by the Blue Warp to the west. 079: Drop to the medium level to the south to collect the Monster's Medal, and then drop down to go over an edge. Cross the highest level until you can drop to the medium level with the higher southeast Blue Warp. 080: Cross to the Abyss Key (southwest), return to the starting point, and drop to the lowest level. Head to the northeast Blue Warp. * Specific Set #9. The Shadow monsters are easy kills as long you follow along with whoever is supposed to knock out their 1 HP. * Shadow Rudy - Move Rudy to the back, hit with anyone else. * Shadow Jack - Move Jack to the back, hit with anyone else. * Shadow Cecilia - Move Cecilia to the back, hit with anyone else. * Shadow Jane - Move Jane to the back, hit with anyone else. * Shadow Zed - Move Zed to the back, hit with anyone else. * Shadow Emma - Move Emma to the back, hit with anyone else. * Moving the original in the back party keeps that person out of harm's way when you damage their Shadow. * Reckless Bomb - Physical does crap. Use Flash Hit. * Dendrobium - 8000 HP, weak to Thunder, and slow enough for Rudy. Use Thunder Fang and Lock-On with shot to bring it down. Use Jane's shot as well. * This set of floors also features some pits you can fall down. They are like falling off a side in that you reappear at that starting point of the current floor. 081: Cross the highest until you can drop down one level to the south, and then open the door to the south. Grab the Ambrosia and the Monster's Medal. Drop down another level to the east to find the final Abyss Key. Use either the pit by the item or a side to get back up, and drop to the west instead of the east to reach the southwest Blue Warp more quickly. 082: Drop down away from the corner pit, and take the central Blue Warp. 083: Cross westward to the Monster's Medal. Drop down to the north of there to what looks like the northwest area, and then travel east along the north edge to find the northeast Blue Warp. 082: Cross west on the highest level past the first medium ledge. Drop down to the south on the second to pick up a Monster's Medal. Fall down a corner pit, and cross west again. This time, drop down south on the first medium ledge. Cross all the way to the southwest Blue Warp pointing down. 083: Cross east to the other Blue Warp. 084: Cross to get the Monster's Medal to the southwest. Drop down twice to the west to reach the northwest Blue Warp. 085: Go clockwise around the sides of the whole floor to make your way toward the Monster's Medal in the middle. Touch the Blue Warp to the southwest. 086: Make your way northeast to the gren door. Open it to gain access to a LVL Apple and a Monster's Medal. Head northeast (past the pit) and west to find the next Blue Warp. 087: Drop down to take the north Blue Warp. 088: You will see a bunch of branches of the highest level. From the start, go east one branch, south, drop down one level, and pick up the Monster's Medal. Drop down again to take the east Blue Warp. 087: Cross all the way souh to the Monster's Medal. Back at the starting point of this floor, drop down on level to the west. Touch the central Blue Warp. 088: Cross south, east, and north to the other Blue Warp. 089: Head clockwise around the edge of the floor until you can go north. Use this path to collect the Monster's Medal. Continue clockwise on the edge until you reach the northwest Blue Warp. 090: Drop down to take the southwest Blue Warp. * Floors 91-99. This is it. Set #10: * Urusuraguna - "You're a sorry goner," what? This one has 10k HP, and it is weak to Dark. Attack with Jane, use Hell Scream, and have Rudy use Lock-On with his shot. Be ready with Ice Wards in case that somehow isn't enough. Repeat to win. * Gasnoid - Follow Me and Hope Shard * Beelzebub - Follow Me and either Terra Roar or Flash Hit 091: Head around to the north a bit to gather the Monster's Medal before you go to open the first green door to the northwest and the second following the path from the first. You'll find a Life Charger skill. Head east and north from the starting point to find the next Blue Warp. 092: Cross to the north end of the highest level, drop down to the medium level to the west, and cross. Go south at the fork to reach the Monster's Medal in the southwest corner. Drop down, and take the nearby Blue Warp. 093: Drop off going east, and touch the southeast Blue Warp within reach. 094: Drop down, and go northeast to find the Monster's Medal. Run off an edge. Back at the starting point, cross to the north Blue Warp. 095: Drop one level to collect the Monster's Medal. Drop again to take the central Blue Warp. 096: Drop down so you can take the northeast Blue Warp. 095: Cross to the south end of the highest level. Drop down one level to the south, and then cross to the Blue Warp at the end. 096: Cross south just enough to be able to drop down and take the southwest Blue Warp. 097: Drop down to get the Monster's Medal to the north. Continue east and then south to the east Blue Warp. 098: Use the west Blue Warp. 099: Drop down a couple levels so we can begin. Open the two doors to the west to find a Boom Break 4 skill. The south door guard 3 Force Carrots. The two to the north block your path to a Revive Fruit, a Monster's Medal, and the 32nd Crest Graph. Open the two doors to the east for Fire Break 4 skill. Equip it to Jane or Emma depending on who needs it most (probably Jane since she has the lower Resistance value). Use the central Blue Warp. 098: Drop down to collect the Monster's Medal (south), and drop northwest to take the west Blue Warp. 099: Cross north and east, drop east, and touch the northeast Blue Warp. 098: West to the other Blue Warp. 097: South to the other Blue Warp. 096: Head east, and open the three doors to the north to find a Monster's Medal and 3 Small Flowers. Utilize the southeast Blue Warp. 095: West to the other Blue Warp. 094: East to the other Blue Warp. 093: West to the other Blue Warp. 092: East again to another Blue Warp. 091: North this time to the other Blue Warp. 090: Cross the highest level until you can drop north to the Monster's Medal. Run over the nearest edge to return to the start. Cross to the end, and drop to the west. Open the door to the north, and use the Green Warp behind it. 100: Save now if you wish. Get Jane, Cecilia, and Emma up to Best luck. Be sure they are fully recovered with MP and HP and have plenty of Fire warding. Drop down to the lowest level, and circle around the floor in either direction until you can head north. Approach the statue. Select "Yes." ***Ragu O Ragula*** HP: 400000 Base EXP: 400000 Gella: 140000 Lv: 100 The first fight against Ragu is a tricky one. If you can manage the setup in the first few rounds, then you have a good chance at winning as long you follow some very basic steps. Step 1: Follow Me, Reflect, and Slumber Fog. Reload as needed until Ragu is inflicted with Sleep. This is too vital of a step to let be ruined by bad luck. After this, watch out for when Ragu wakes; dedicate another round to putting him under again. Step 2: With Ragu asleep, he can't counter your attacks. Have Jane use an Ice Gem, Cecilia should use Shining Star and Permanence, and have Emma utilize her Freezing Zone. Same thing with Freezing Zone as the Slumber Fog. On the second round of this step, have Jane use another Ice Gem, Cecilia use Shining Star and Retaliation, and Emma use Great Booster on Cecilia. For the third round, have Jane use a Force Carrot on Cecilia, have Cecilia use Shining Star and Permanence, and Emma use Download to recover her MP. Use the Force Carrot and Cosmic Cog trick should it fail. Great Booster goes to Jane next. Have Jane use another Ice Gem and Cecilia the Ice Crystal Summon in the meanwhile. When you're able after that, have Cecilia cast Permanence on Jane while Emma casts Great Booster on herself. Complete your setup by having Permanence on Emma while Emma uses Download. * If Sleep goes, then have Cecilia use Feeble Mind if she has a free round. You do not want Ragu to counter-attack. Use Follow Me as well. Step 3: Keep up Slumber Fog and Freezing as best you can. Heal if EVER needed, use a Force Carrot on Cecilia (by Jane or Emma) when she's about to need it, have Jane and Emma only use Ice Gems when Ragu is asleep, and have Cecilia use Ice Crystal. Feeble Mind helps, too. Keep it up, and victory is yours. You will get the Sheriff Star skill for winning. ***End of Battle*** If you only want the Sheriff Star out of this, then congratulations. Use the Exodus Orb, and leave. Otherwise, we still have work to do. When all of the energy where Ragu was disperses, you'll gain another Monster's Medal. You've got 99 of them in your inventory. You are still able to leave the Abyss, and you're still able to save. Once you collect the last Monster's Medal, that'll change. Are you up for it? Keep the Sheriff Star in you invntory for now. * What's the Sheriff Star do, you ask? It gives the wearer a lot of neat stuff like a power boost to attacks/spells (Sorry, no effect on the Gatling Raid), boosts to MP and HP, warding to elements and ailments, and whatever else. However, it does NOT come with protection from surprise attacks. I say hold on to it, then equip it right before you fight a boss. Your choice. Use the Exodus Orb to get started. 001: Use the Blue Warp pointing down that you can access. 002: South to the other Blue Warp. 003: North to the Green Warp. 013: Cross over to the other Green Warp. 023: Head around to the north Blue Warp. 022: Use the south Blue Warp. 021: Use the Green Warp to the west. 031: Cross to the other Green Warp. 041: Drop down to use the southeast Blue Warp. 042: South Green Warp. 052: Use the west Blue Warp. 053: Utilize the Green Warp to the east. 063: Cross to the door, open it, and touch the Green Warp behind it. 073: Drop one level to the southwest. Cross to the other Green Warp. 083: Cross all the way west. Open the door to the next Green Warp. 093: Last chance to save; I suggest you do it before picking up the Monster's Medal. Drop to the north onto the medium level to reach it. They all consume one another until the collection becomes the Beast Medal. Use the Exodus Orb. * You better still have plenty of Ambrosias for this fight. Cecilia and Emma will need Resistance and Defense boosts from Personal Skills. Give Rudy's FP Advance skill to Jane in case you have to heal. Jane must have Floral Arts for the heals to work. * Cecilia needs her Fire warding maxed out. If anything goes wrong, this can help save you. * If you want to use Rudy instead of Jack, go right ahead. Remember to give the Sheriff Star to him instead of Jack. 001: Put the Sheriff Star on Jack. Recover all HP and MP. Get the ladies and Jack all up to Best luck. When you are ready, head south to the ball of energy that had taken the exit's place. ***Ragu O Ragula*** HP: 600000 Base EXP: 999999 Gella: 600000 Lv: 100 Sleep and Ice will no longer cut it. AND, this guy hits harder than the last time you fought him. This will require time and patience. First of all, if you want to steal another Ambrosia from Ragu, you can. What I suggest is pretty much how the rest of the fight may look once you get going. That is, have Jane Pilfer, Cecilia use Cosmic Cog, and Emma use a Force Carrot on Cecilia all until you successfully steal the item. Back to the fight. Each of the first three rounds, Cecilia will be using her Cosmic Cog summon while Jack uses a Force Carrot on her. Have Emma use Great Booster on Jack in the first round, Cecilia on the second, and herself on the third. On the fourth round, Emma should guard, Cecilia should use Shining Star with Permanence, and Jack should guard as well. The next round, if any healing is needed, bring in Jane to replace someone Jack or Emma depending on whichever DOESN'T need it. Have Jane use Mystic or just the proper berry (Potion or Mega) while Cecilia uses Cosmic Cog and the third person uses a Force Carrot on Cecilia. If no healing is needed, skip to the next paragraph. Cosmic Cog and a Force Carrot from Jack continues the fight as Emma Downloads more MP from Ragu. This serves entirely as the safest way to bring up FP for Cecilia, really. On I guess the sixth round, have Jack guard, Cecilia use Brave Seal, and Emma use another Force Carrot on Cecilia. Use the seventh round for another use of Shining Star and Permanence. Set aside extra rounds for healing if needed. Have Emma set up Anti-Magic Zone if attacks like One Trillion Degrees prove to be too much of a hassle for you. You should be fine. * If you go too crazy on buffs, Ragu will use Dispel as an extra turn, so beware of this, and be ready to rebuff everyone. Once you manage all the buffs that you need, Cecilia will be spamming Cosmic Cog, Emma will be spamming Force Carrots for Cecilia's sake, and Jack will be doing mostly Accelerator plus Laser Silhouette. You will periodically need to have Jack use a Force Carrot on himself when he needs the FP, or an Ambrosia should he run too low on MP. Heal Jack if needed, because Ragu can still use his counter. Cosmic Cog will only cancel Ragu's other turns each round it's used, which is why I had you stock up on Force Carrots earlier. * Alternatively, you can have a buffed Rudy use Lock-On Plus with Gatling Raid as long he has enough uses to work with. Ragu wouldn't be able to counter that way. Take your pick. As cheap as I just made this fight for you, enjoy beating Ragu. For winning against his ultimate form, you get an Ex. File Key. ***End of Battle*** You are finally done here. Leave the Abyss through the reformed Blue Warp. Elw's Shrine 7-- Ride the teleporter back to Filgaia, and use a Teleport Gem to get to any town. You can use the four new Crest Graphs to finish your spell collection if you so desire. There's no real need. ~~Part 7: From the Bottom to the Top~~ There actually is one sidequest left that you can do before finishing the first file, but it so happens to be on the way through the last dungeon. * If you had enough space in the Secret Garden dedicated to Small Flowers, then those can be maxed out now. Those and the usual healing items will be of use. You'll need plenty of Force Carrots again. Ka Dingel-- Run up to Floor 005, and use the teleporter to get to the top of Ka Dingel; use the teleporter at the top to enter Malduke. Malduke-- Use the jump pad to go north. Save. We have three more golems to find. Head north again to touch any of the three crystals. I'll do red first. Touch the east crystal in the lobby to get started. Next, touch the colored crystals in the order of red (NW), orange (E), yellow (W), green (NE), and then purple (N). You'll appear in a room with the floor shaped like a cross. Equip Light wards. Put the Sheriff Star on Rudy while keeping Cecilia outfitted with a FP Advance; the other FP Advance to Jane. Use whatever else makes sense. ***Lucifer*** HP: 240000 Base EXP: 240000 Gella: 75000 Lv: 90 On the first round, use the Cosmic Cog trick to have Emma use Great Booster on Rudy. Use the same trick the second round to get Great Booster on Cecilia, and again on the third to put up Dark Zone. On the fourth round, have Jane use Follow Me, Cecilia use Shining Star along with Permanence, and Rudy use Lock-On with Gun Claymore. The Cheap Way: Cosmic Cog trick every round while Rudy uses Lock-On and Gatling Raid every round that he has ammo and guards every round he doesn't. Legit: Use the Cosmic Cog trick to get Great Booster on Jane. Bring back Rudy in Emma's place to fight or heal via berries as needed. Jane will either guard or use Mystic and the right berry depending on your healing needs, and Cecilia will use Permanence on Jane. From there, have Jane main the heals, Cecilia back up the heals and the attacks with Hell Scream, Rudy main the attacks with Lock-On and Gatling Raid, and Emma should bring back Dark Zone if it goes down. If necessary, use the Cosmic Cog trick one round to have Emma use Download and recover her MP. Good Luck. You'll get a Ray Break 4 skill. ***End of Battle*** Touch the crystal to the south to appear back in the lobby. Leave the Red Area since you're done here. Save if you wish. The Blue Area is next. Use the east crystal in the lobby. It's actually harder NOT to reach the next Golem than it is to avoid it. The quickest way is to use the Tinder Staff on all the beacons in each room, except the east beacon in the second room, which should be hit with anything BUT the Tinder Staff, until you reach Floor 030. I say Tinder Staff is the fastest way because you can stand a short distance away, hold down the Square Button, and turn in place. * If you want to do the upcoming boss the "legit" way, then make sure Emma knows Bright Zone. Once at Floor 030, equip Dark warding to your fighters except for the bearer of the Sheriff Star. Choose between Zed or Rudy. If Zed, then give Rudy one of the FP Advance skills while the other remains on Cecilia. Play the Old Guitar on the crystal to the north. ***Sado and minions (Seteph, Setec, Seti, Stec, and Seuteph)*** HP: 200000 12000 ea. Base EXP: 200000 5000 ea. Gella: 72000 5000 ea. Lv: 90 70 ea. The first thing you need to do is take out the minions. Use the Cosmic Cog and Force Carrot on Cecilia to give Emma a free round to use Great Booster on the Sheriff Star bearer. Use the same trick the next couple rounds to let either Zed use Full Power with Dancing Heaven, or Rudy to use Lock-On with Arc Nova. Don't worry too much about Permanence. Do either attack enough times until all the minions are gone. * Personally, I like using Rudy. Just trying to make Zed seem useful. Cheap Route: CCT (Cosmic Cog Trick) with Great Booster on Rudy, Permanence on Rudy, and CCT your way to Lock-On with Gatling Raid and guard every round after that until Sado is scratched off the list. Legit Route: CCT for Emma to use Bright Zone. Then, get Great Booster on the party via CCT before using Shining Star and Permanence. If Bright Zone wears off too fast, and Sado uses Dark Zone, then use CCT to wait out a few turns so Emma can get Bright Zone back up. Treat this like with Lucifer, but with the Flash Hit instead of Hell Scream. Have fun. Sado drops a Dark Break 4 skill. ***End of Battle*** Leave the Blue Area and save. One golem remains. Head to the Green Area. Touch the east crystal in the lobby as usual. You'll have to work a bit to get to this boss. Using Rudy's Mighty Glove, you have to knock around the blocks so that the tops do not match the symbols in each of the rooms. * Blank circles will not work at all. The blocks have to land while their triangle sides face up. 014: There is only one block. Knock it north, west, north, east, and north one time per direction. 015: Start with the north block between the two. Punch it east, north, west, and north. Knock the other block the same ways. You can also switch west for east and vice versa for both blocks. 016: Three blocks. Starting with the west one: North x2, east, south, west, north. With the east block, knock it north twice, west, south, east, and then north. Punch the third block south, east, north, west, and north. 017: Punch the south block east once and the other middle block north once to make room. The two blocks you haven't moved can now be knocked to their sides (west for west, and east for eat) onto their final spots. Punch the north-mid block west, south x3, east, and north x3. The fourth block can be knocked over south, west, north, west, south, and east. 018: Get ready. Defense Up and Blocker skills on Jane and Cecilia. Sheriff Star on Rudy. FP Advance on Jane and Cecilia. Plus whatever else makes sense. Get their Luck to Best as well. Play the Old Guitar by the crystal north of where you entered. ***Berial*** HP: 220000 Base EXP: 220000 Gella: 72000 Lv: 90 This one moves fast and hits hard. But, it has low Defense. Cheap route: Use CCT to establish Great Booster on Jane, Cecilia, and Rudy. On the fourth round, use Shining Star with Permanence after Jane uses Follow Me, and Rudy guards. Use CCT to allow for Rudy to do his Gatling Raid and guards through the remainder of the fight. Don't forget to use Lock-On, especially if Berial uses Optical Camoflage Legit-ish route: Set up like the above, but follow up with Follow Me, Shining Star and Retaliate, and Rudy does his Gatling Raid bit . . . only stopping to help with Force Carrots or Ambrosias where needed. Jane must keep on using the Follow Me ability through this, and Cecilia must replenish Retaliation on any- body who gets hit. I recommend the cheap way. Winning this fight nets you a Defense Up 4 skill. If you managed to beat all the golem battles before this, you will also receive an Ex. File Key. ***End of Battle*** Return to the green save crystal. Once you have saved, it is time to finally move forward with the story. Go north past the three crystals. Keep the Sheriff Star on Rudy and one FP Advance on Cecilia; the other one goes to Jack. At the three pedestals, use the Kizim items west to east in the same order you see the three crystals. So, Green (W), Red (mid), and Blue (E). Go north once the door opens. Look who's back for one last fight. ***Berserk*** HP: 14000 Base EXP: 25000 Gella: 9500 Lv: 50 Compared to the side bosses we just fought, you can kill this guy by blowing air at him. Accelerator + Laser Silhouette, Thunder Fang, and Lock-On with even Arc Nova; any of these should do just fine, though Thunder Fang may only do half the job. He drops a SOS Auto Guard skill. ***End of Battle*** This is your last chance to save the game! What's there left to do besides the last few entries of the Monster Guide, anyways? Head north. Go down the ramp that circles the room. Examine the big door, and choose to open it. You'll see a skippable scene with Ziekfried. He has a big canon poised to fire at Filgaia. He then opts to try to kick your butt. Idiot. ***Ziekfried*** HP: 11000 Base EXP: 26000 Gella: 7000 Lv: 51 If you were still pretty low in level, you would need to implement a Shield and Permenance on the party. Adjust according to who's in the party. He's weak to Wind, as well. BUT, you are level 100. You downed Ragu twice. You can beat him friggin fast. Use whatever attack(s) you want to get the job done. ***End of Battle*** Another big scene. ***Motherfried and Amadeus x4*** HP: 9500 1200 ea. Base EXP: 6000 600 ea. Gella: 27000 500 ea. Lv: 52 50 ea. Use CCT as a means to let Jane steal the Ex. File Key from Motherfried. Once she accomplishes this, the battle begins. If you can call it that. With Jane's Follow Me, Cecilia's Hope Shard, and Rudy's Arc Nova, this is over in seconds. Heck, you can go straight to Lock-On with Gatling Raid against the main targe, and this will be over quickly. ***End of Battle*** Mother finally dies. Make your way back to the space elevator. There are no battles on the way. No saving is available either. ***Ziek Tuvai*** HP: 7000+ Base EXP: 30000 Gella: 8000 Lv: 53 You have 5 rounds to do a minimum of 7000 damage followed by Lucky Shot. Just have Jack use Accelerator + Laser Silhouette, Cecilia use Lucky Shot, and Rudy guard. You need only guard and heal after that. If you managed Lucky Shot after the 7k damage, you'll get an Ex. File Key. You need to deal the 7k damage regardless, or you'll lose the fight when the fifth round ends. ***End of Battle*** Enjoy the ending. It's improved over the original's ending in that a big new scene is added to the end. Remember the opening of the new file when everyone was meeting in one place? -------------...And So On------------- ~~Part 1: Finale?~~ You are asked if you would like to save an Ex. File. I suggest you do in a separate slot from your last save. It is from this Ex. File that you will now see every Ex. File Key except for one. To get the last one, you have to start a new game using the second Ex File Key when you open the Ex. File. As you get to Cecilia's scenario, find the girl who is collecting music. Check the music collection, and then talk to her again to receive the final Ex. File Key. Here's the question, though. Do you use this chance to play another file of Alter Code F, or do you use it to play WA4? I won't press on you how much I don't care for WA4, but here's what happens when you start a new ACF file via the Ex. File Key. You keep the hours played; the number of battles encountered, fled, and won; the Sheriff Star; your levels; the Monster Guide; the music collection, as I've pretty much all but said just a moment ago. However, you have to redo lots of stuff, including leveling Jack's Fast Draws. He's now level 100, so that will go especially slow. There's plenty else that has to be redone as well. If you want to start WA4 with bonuses from Alter Code: * For every Sheriff Star, the characters' starting level is raised by 1. * Gella bonus = ACF's enemies defeated minus the number of times you saved * Item bonus... * Heal Berries - Mariel's level divided by 2 * Revive Fruit - Mariel's level divided by 3 * Potion Berries - Mariel's level divided by 4 * Nectar - Mariel's level divided by 5 * Miracle Berries - Mariel's level divided by 10 * Vibhuti - Mariel's level divided by 15 * Holy Berry - Mariel's level divided by 20 * Full Revive - Mariel's level divided by 25 * Ambrosia - Mariel's level divided by 30 * LVL Apple - Mariel's level divided by 50 * For completing ACF, you get 6 extra "ROMs" which you need to complete a side quest in Wild ARMs 4. * Sword bonuses for Raquel's final weapons depending on how many battles you have fled or won. Lombardia should be quite strong. * Convert badge for Jude's stats is awarded for winning Alter Code with all six characters. * Kresnik can now use Lock-On depending on the one Rudy upgraded to. * And a few other things to help you through WA4. And that's about it. I hope you enjoyed Alter Code F. Thanks for following this guide. I hope it helped. ***End of Walkthrough*** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V. Subquest Checklist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following subquests are featured in WA ACF. This whole section is meant to either help you find certain things, or how to do certain things. In case you think I missed something in the Walkthrough, I hope you can find it here. -------------Secret Garden------------- If you remember from the original WA, you could keep returning to Mariel's home to collect Small Flowers as much as yo can carry. However, in ACF, you have to raise them and other herbal items, or you have to find them in chests and on enemies. Here is how the gardening works. Raise-- For each of the seven plants you can raise, you first have to form a seedling that Mariel can use at any time to start that type's growth in each node. To do this, you must perform a one-time sacrifice of the item you need to make a seedling for. Once you have seedlings for Heal Berries, Potion Berries, Mega Berries, Nectar, Revive Fruit, Force Carrots, and Small Flowers, you can go as far as to tell Mariel to fill all the gardening slots/nodes with Nectar, then with another one of the seven items, and back to Nectar all without spending one item in your inventory. That said, I recommend through the Walkthrough how many slots of any one item you should invest in. There are seven nodes. You can play with however you like. But, you can only benefit from this if you let the plants grow. That takes time, and each plant has its own amount of time needed to grow. The time is broken down in points, but more of that later. That brings me to the next point to be covered. Improve Breed-- Here's the next thing you have to deal with. Each plant not only takes its own required amount of time, but each plant also has ONLY a set chance of success at growing. Below is a chart showing the points needed to grow, as well as the initial success rates. __________ | Pts | % | |=========================| | Heal Berry | 60 | 60 | |-------------------------| | Potion Berry | 100 | 30 | |-------------------------| | Mega Berry | 160 | 15 | |-------------------------| | Revive Fruit | 140 | 30 | |-------------------------| | Nectar | 80 | 20 | |-------------------------| | Force Carrot | 120 | 10 | |-------------------------| | Small Flower | 110 | 5 | """"""""""""""""""""""""" There's really nothing you can do to cut the time the growth takes, but you CAN raise the success rate. To do this, you must spend more of the same items you wish to improve on. Sadly, you can only do this one at a time. Small Flowers can take a long time, even if you somehow had 95 of them ready to use. Every time you pour another item into improvement, Mariel evaluates that type of plant. You can use that to get an idea as to where that plant stands. 5-10%: "The chance of this seedling blooming is slim. It's still important to believe in the flower." ============================================================================= 11-20%: "...I am well aware of the fact that Filgaia is not the most ideal place to grow flowers. The least we can do is pray. ============================================================================= 21-30%: "Good soil, water, and a warm-hearted spirit are needed to grow a flower. We also need to be very patient." ============================================================================= 31-40%: "If you listen carefully, you can hear the fragile heartbeat of the flower. It needs support." ============================================================================= 41-50%: "Flowers live their lives to the fullest. The least we can do is give them our warm emotional support." ============================================================================= 51-60%: "I can feel the power of the seedling. The power is subtle, but it is assuring." ============================================================================= 61-70%: "Flowers are known to be fragile. But you can feel the strength of flower by looking at the seedling." ============================================================================= 71-80%: "Looking at the seedling gives me hope that one day Filgaia will be filled with green." ============================================================================= 81-90%: "This seedling taught me the value of living life to its fullest." ============================================================================= 91-99%: "What a wonderful seedling. This will grow up to be as tall as the sky." ============================================================================= 100%: "This seedling will live strong. --Yes, it definitely will. I am sure of it." Keep at it over time. You will eventually get everything to 100% success, and Mariel will hand you an Ex. File Key for that much alone. Then comes the real reward of your efforts. Harvest-- As time passes, the successful growths of your plants yield more of each item. These items appear in a harvest window, and you collect them automatically upon viewing this window as long you don't already have 99 of a certain type of item in your inventory. Honestly, a short time after Heal Berries have reached max efficiency, there's no need to grow more Heal Berries. So, you can switch that node for one of the other plants that still need more work. I recommend holding onto a few of each item at any time. As you Harvest more, you can use them to Improve Breed some more. As I had stated before, growth takes time. With the above table in mind where I explain how many points need to pass for a growth period to complete, here is the info on how to accrue points: * For every full battle fought - 3 pts * For every minute that passes - 1 pt * Every time a major story event passes - max pts per plant So, after doing a dungeon or two relating to the story, you can expect quite a few of each item to appear. Moreso for the items at 100% success with shorter growth rates. When Jane joins you, things can go even faster. Steal what you need, and have more of the same items--Revive Fruit, Force Carrots, Mega Berries, and Small Flowers--growing in the seven nodes. It makes preparing for the Abyss go much quicker. -------------Puzzle Boxes------------- After talking to Jocelyn in Ship Graveyard, all thirty Puzzle Boxes will be unlocked for you to find on the world map. However, you can only find so many at any one time. Below are the puzzles listed in the order I bring them up in the Walkthrough. All grids will assume you're facing north. * I will also mark your starting point with "S" and mark each step with an asterisk as to when blocks will disappear. To play, touch the crystal in the lobby to appear in a room with the puzzle. Match the boxes with the same colors to make them disappear. You can only move the smaller boxes by pushing and pulling. If you fall off or quit, you have to start all over. If you mess up the puzzle, you have to start over. Upon your completion of each puzzle, a chest appears in the lobby. Be sure to collect it if you want to open all the chests. ~~Puzzle Box 01~~ Location: (X=18900, Y=1000) Needed: -- Reward: Potion Berry x3 A B C D E F -+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| | 7| | 8| | 9| S | """"""""""" 1. Blue (8E): Push north* 2. Green (8F): Push north, and pull west 4 times* 3. Blue (8A): Push north, pull east 4 times, and push north twice* 4. Yellow (6F): Push north* 5. Yellow (F1): Pull south 6 times, pull west once 6. Yellow (6C): Push south and then east* 7. Red (6A): Push north* 8. Red (1A): Pull south 5 times, pull east once 9. Red (8C): Move north twice* 10. Green (1E): Pull south once, move west twice* 11. Blue (1B and 1D): Push one toward the other* ~~Puzzle Box 05~~ Location: (X=18900, Y=19600) Needed: -- Reward: FP Advance A B C D E F G H I J K -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| S | 2| | 3| | 4| | """"""""""""""""""""" 1. Green (1A): Pull south once, and pull east 4 times* 2. Green (1K): Pull south twice, pull west 5 times, and push north twice* 3. Red (1H): Move east* 4. Yellow (1J): Pull south once, and move west 7 times* ~~Puzzle Box 09~~ Location: (X=10300, Y=17450) Needed: Asgard Reward: Force Carrot x3 A B C D E F G -+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| S | 5| | 6| | 7| | """"""""""""" * There are like 4 ways to do this depending on which colors you start with. I choose this way since it saves my favorite of the four colors for last. You can adjust accordingly. 1. Green (2D): Push north once 2. Yellow (4B): Push west once 3. Yellow (2B): Pull east once, and push east twice 4. Blue (6B): Pull north thrice, push north once, pull east once, and push east once. 5. Blue (6D): Pull north once, and push north twice* 6. Yellow (2E): Pull north once 7. Yellow (4A): Pull east twice, and push east twice* 8. Red (6F): Pull west twice, push west twice, pull north twice 9. Red (4F): Pull west once, push west twice* 10. Green (1D): Pull south thrice 11. Green (2F): Pull south thrice, pull west once, and push west once* ~~Puzzle Box 11~~ Location: (X=8900, Y=14900) Needed: Giant's Ocarina Reward: Nectar x5 A B C D E F G H -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| | 7| S | 8| | """"""""""""""" 1. Red (5G): Move north once 2. Blue (7D): Move east twice* 3. Yellow (6F): Move north thrice, or north twice and west once* 4. Green (2E): Move west once 5. Green (6E): Move west once, and push up thrice* ~~Puzzle Box 13~~ Location: (X=3800, Y=4200) Needed: Giant's Ocarina Reward: Migrant Seal A B C D E F G H -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| S | 5| | 6| | 7| | """"""""""""""" * Here is another once where you can flip it around for the same results. 1. Green (3F): Pull west twice, pull south twice 2. Red (3G): Pull west twice, pull south once, push south once 3. Green (4D): Push north once, push east twice 4. Red (2C): Pull south twice, pull east once, push south* 5. Yellow (1C): Pull south twice, pull east once, push east once 6. Yellow (5B): Pull east twice, pull north once, push east* 7. Blue (5A): Pull east twice, push north twice 8. Blue (6E): Pull north twice, move west once, push north* 9. Green (3F): Pull west twice, move south once 10. Green (7E): Pull north once, move west twice, pull north twice* ~~Puzzle Box 12~~ Location: (X=6000, Y=8600) Needed: Sweet Candy Reward: LVL Apple A B C D E F G H -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| S | 6| | 7| | 8| | """"""""""""""" 1. Blue (6E): Pull north once, push north once, push east once, and move north twice* 2. Yellow (4G): Pull west twice, pull south once, and push south* 3. Green (3E): Move north once ot twice, push all the way west* 4. Blue (1A): Pull east 5 times, pull south 4 times* 5. Red (1H): Pull south 4 times, push south once, pull west 6 times* 6. Yellow (8A): Pull east once, push east all the way* 7. Green (8H): Move it to the larger block* ~~Puzzle Box 14~~ Location: (X=21600, Y=9200) Needed: Sweet Candy and Giant's Ocarina Reward: Olive Branch 3 A B C D E -+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| S | 4| | 5| | """"""""" 1. Blue (3E): Push north once 2. Yellow (5E): Pull north once, push north once 3. Yellow (4C): Pull east once, push north* 4. Green (2D): Pull south twice 5. Blue (3A): Push south once 6. Red (1A): Pull south once, push south once 7. Red (2C): Pull west once, push south* 8. Blue (2E): Pull west twice* 9. Green (4D): Push west* 10. Blue (4A and 3C): Move either one to the other* ~~Puzzle Box 10~~ Location: (X=13500, Y=800) Needed: Sweet Candy Reward: Part Scope A B C D E F G H I J -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| | 7| | 8| S | """"""""""""""""""" 1. Blue (5H): Drop down to the east of it, and push it west 3 times* 2. Yellow (3C): Pull east twice ad pull south once 3. Red (5A): Pull north once, push north once, pull east twice* 4. Yellow (4E): Push north once and east once* 5. Yellow (4B): Move east twice, and push south twice* 6. Green (3J): Pull south once, push south once, pull west twice* 7. Blue (4I): Move west twice, push north twice* ~~Puzzle Box 2~~ Location: (X=17200, Y=11050) Needed: Sweet Candy Reward: Memoirs Pen 2 A B C D -+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| S | """"""" * The first three steps here can be done in any of six orders. Pick one. 1. Red (5A): Push north 3 times 1. Green (5B): Push north twice, and move east once 1. Yellow (5D): Push north thrice 4. Blue (5C): Move west once, push north twice* ~~Puzzle Box 3~~ Location: (X=7500, Y=6200) Needed: Sweet Candy Reward: Boom Break 2 A B C D E F -+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| S | 5| | 6| | """"""""""" 1. Green (1F): Pull west once, and pull south twice* 2. Red (6F): Move to stack of blocks* 3. Blue (6A): Move to stack of blocks* 4. Yellow (1A and 3C): Move one block to the other* ~~Puzzle Box 4~~ Location: (X=6500, Y=18350) Needed: Asgard Reward: 10000 Gella A B C D E F G H -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| S | 5| | 6| | 7| | """"""""""""""" 1. Red (5C): Pull north once, move east thrice, pull north twice, push north once, move west once 2. Blue (5F): Pull north once, and move west once 3. Yellow (6C): Move west once and north 4 times, and push east once 4. Green (6F): Move north three times* ~~Puzzle Box 6~~ Location: (X=22500, Y=14400) Needed: -- Reward: Revive Fruit x5 A B C D E F G H -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| S | 5| | 6| | 7| | 8| | """"""""""""""" 1. Green (3F): Drop to the east to pull this one south* 2. Blue (6F): Push south once* 3. Blue (5E): Push north twice* 4. Yellow (5D): Push west* 5. Red (4D): Push south twice* 6. Red (3C): Move east once* ~~Puzzle Box 7~~ Location: (X=22000, Y=3000) Needed: -- Reward: Formula Cut A B C D E F -+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| | 7| | 8| S | """"""""""" 1. Blue (6E): Pull west once, push north thrice, push west once* 2. Green (5E): Push south* 3. Yellow (4F): Pull north once, push north once, pull west 4 times* 4. Blue (1A): Pull south twice, and pull east 4 times* 5. Red (5F): Pull west once, and push west twice* 6. Green (1E): Pull south 5 times, and move west thrice* 7. Red (8F): Pull north 4 times, and move west twice 8. Red (8A): Pull north 5 times, and move east thrice* ~~Puzzle Box 8~~ Location: (X=14600, Y=22400) Needed: -- Reward: Dark Break 2 A B C D E -+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| | 7| | 8| S | """"""""" 1. Red (6A): Pull south once and east once, and push east three times 2. Green (6D): Pull south once and west twice; push west once and north* 3. Blue (6C): Pull south once, push east once, and push north once* 4. Yellow (4C): Push east once* 5. Yellow (6B): Push west once and north twice* 6. Red (5B): Push north* 7. Green (2B): Pull east once 8. Green (5C): Push east once and north to the end* 9. Blue (2E): Pull west twice, and push west twice* 10. Red (1C): Pull south 4 times 11. Red (7E): Pull west once, and move north twice* ~~Puzzle Box 15~~ Location: (X=21950, Y=17100) Needed: Sweet Candy Reward: Gimel Coin x10 A B C D E F -+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| | 7| | 8| S | 9| | """"""""""" 1. Blue (9C): Pull north once and east twice; push east once and south once 2. Green (3E): Push west 4 times 3. Yellow (9A): Pull east once, push east once, pull north once and east east twice, push east once, pull north three times, push north twice, pull west twice, and push west to the end* 4. Red (1B): Push east once, pull south 4 times, push west twice* 5. Blue (9F): Pull north once and west 4 times, move north 5 times, and pull east twice* 6. Green (3A): Move south 5 times, and pull 3 times* ~~Puzzle Box 16~~ Location: (X=8300, Y=5600) Needed: Giant's Ocarina Reward: Witch Ep. 6 A B C D E F G -+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| S | 5| | 6| | """"""""""""" 1. Yellow (1E): Push east twice, pull south 4 times, pull north 3 times, and pull west 4 times* 2. Blue (1C): Push west twice, pull south thrice, pull east once, and push east* 3. Red (3E): Move south once and west once 4. Red (5B): Move east two times* 5. Green (5F): Move west 3 times and north twice* 6. Yellow (3B): Move south or north twice, east thrice, and north or south twice to complete the puzzle* ~~Puzzle Box 17~~ Location: (X=17900, Y=24300) Needed: Sweet Candy Reward: Mega Berry x3 A B C D E -+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| S | 4| | 5| | """"""""" 1. Blue (3B): Push west once 2. Red (2C): Push east once 3. Blue (3A): Pull east once, and push south twice 4. Yellow (4C): Pull west once 5. Red (2D): Pull west twice 6. Green (3D): Push south once, east once, and south once 7. Yellow (4B): Push east three times and south once 8. Red (2B): Move east once, and push north once* ~~Puzzle Box 18~~ Location: (X=3400, Y=1100) Needed: Sweet Candy Reward: 20000 Gella A B C D E F G H -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| S | 3| | 4| | """"""""""""""" 1. Blue (4D): Pull east once and north once 2. Red (1D): Pull east once; push east once* 3. Green (2G): Pull west once, and push south twice* 4. Green (1H): Pull west twice, and push west to the end* 5. Green (3H): Pull west once, push south once, push west four times, and pull north* 6. Blue (2A): Pull east once, push north once, pull east 4 times, and push east once 7. Blue (3E): Pull north once and east once, and push east* 8. Yellow (2H): Pull west once, and push west twice* 9. Red (1A and 4A): Move one to the other ~~Puzzle Box 20~~ Location: (X=19400, Y=12500) Needed: Giant's Ocarina Reward: Assist Blitz A B C D E -+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| S | 5| | """"""""" 1. Blue (4C): Move east once 2. Blue (5A): Pull north twice, push north twice, pull east once, and push east twice 3. Blue (4D): Pull west twice 4. Blue (1D): Push east once; pull south twice 5. Blue (4B): Push east to the end* 6. Red (5C): Pull north twice, and push north twice and west once 7. Green (5B): Push east once; pull north once and east once 8. Yellow (5D): Push west once, and pull north twice* ~~Puzzle Box 21~~ Location: (X=13600, Y=20100) Needed: Sweet Candy and Giant's Ocarina Reward: Lucky Card x5 A B C D E F G H -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| | 7| | 8| | 9| | 10| S | 11| | """"""""""""""" * You'll be on top of some platforms and blocks. Drop off to 10-B so you can get started. This can be a doozy. 1. Yellow (10C): Push east* 2. Green (7C): Push west* 3. Blue (11D): Pull north twice; push north twice* 4. Red (7G): Push east once, pull north twice, push north once, pull west once, push west 5 times, pull south twice, push south once, pull east once, push east once, and move south thrice* 5. Yellow (11G): Pull west three times and north once 6. Blue (10H): Push north once* 7. Yellow (11D): Push north 4 times, pull east once and north once 8. Blue (2E): Pull south twice, and move east once 9. Green (1E): Pull south 4 times, and push south* 10. Blue (4F): Move west once, and push north to the end* 11. Red (9G): Push north twice; move west twice and north 5 times* 12. Yellow (2F): Pull west once; push south 5 times and west 4 times* 13. Red (1F): Navigate it to the big block to the southwest* ~~Puzzle Box 25~~ Location: (X=3100, Y=3500) Needed: Protowing and Giant's Ocarina Reward: Ambrosia x3 A B C D -+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| S | 4| | 5| | """"""" 1. Blue (4B): Push south once 2. Yellow (3A): Pull east once, and push south once 3. Green (2A): Pull east once; push east once 4. Yellow (4B): Pull north once; push east once 5. Red (4A): Pull north once, and push north once 6. Yellow (3C): Pull west once; push north once 7. Green (4C): Pull west once; push west once 8. Yellow (2B): Pull south once; push west once 9. Green (2C): Pull south once; push south once 10. Yellow (3A): Pull east once; push south once 11. Red (2A): Pull east once; push east* 12. Blue (1B): Pull south once; push west once 13. Yellow (4B): Pull north once; push west once 14. Green (1D): Pull west once, push west once, pull south once, and push it south two more times* 15. Blue (3D): Pull west once; push south once 16. Blue (2A): Pull east once; push south twice* 17. Yellow (4D): Pull north twice and west once; push west to end* ~~Puzzle Box 19~~ Location: (X=2000, Y=23550) Needed: Protowing Reward: Clear Chime 3 A B C D E -+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| S | """"""""" 1. Red (4B): Pull north once, push north once 2. Blue (3E): Pull west once, and push west twice 3. Red (4E): Pull north once and west once 4. Red (2B): Pull east twice* 5. Blue (3B): Pull east once, and push north once 6. Blue (4A): Pull east once and north once 7. Blue (2C): Pull west* 8. Green (3A): Pull east once, and push north once 9. Green (4D): Pull north once, push north once and west once* ~~Puzzle Box 22~~ Location: (X=22700, Y=4200) Needed: Protowing Reward: Gauge Repair A B C D E F G -+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| S | 5| | 6| | 7| | """"""""""""" * Hurray for ramps 1. Red (2F): Push west twice 2. Green (1F): Pull south once; push west once and south once 3. Blue (1G): Pull west once and south once; push south twice * Drop off the green block to climb the other corner. 4. Yellow (6B): Push east twice 5. Green (7A): Pull north once and east twice; push north once 6. Blue (7B): Pull north once; push west once and north twice. Head down the ramp to push this block all the way east* 7. Green (3E): Pull south once and west twice* 8. Red (7G): Pull west once, push west once, pull north twice, push west twice, and pull north thrice* 9. Yellow (1A): Pull south once and east once, push south twice, pull east three times, and move south twice* ~~Puzzle Box 23~~ Location: (X=12300, Y=21900) Needed: Protowing and Giant's Ocarina Reward: Alter Part x4 A B C D E -+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| S | 4| | 5| | """"""""" 1. Green (3B): Push west once 2. Yellow (2B): Pull east once 3. Green (3A): Push south once 4. Yellow (2C): Push east once 5. Blue (1C): Pull south once and west once; push west once 6. Yellow (2D): Pull west once, and push north once 7. Yellow (4D): Pull north once and west once; push west twice 8. Yellow (1C): Pull south once, and push west once 9. Red (4C): Pull north once, and push north twice* 10. Blue (4E): Pull west once 11. Yellow (1B): Push north once 12. Blue (2A): Pull east twice, and push south* 13. Yellow (1B): Move east once, pull south thrice, and push west twice* ~~Puzzle Box 24~~ Location: (X=12100, Y=19900) Needed: Gullwing Reward: 30000 Gella A B C D -+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| S | 4| | """"""" 1. Red (B1): Pull south once, push west once 2. Yellow (3A): Pull east once, pull north once, push north once* ~~Puzzle Box 26~~ Location: (X=8500, Y=16100) Needed: Gullwing Reward: Memoirs Pen 4 A B C D E -+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| S | 4| | 5| | """"""""" * There are four ways to do this. Face north or south, and the directions below still apply to the grid above. And then the first step can be reversed north for south. 1. Red (3C): Push north once, east twice, and south* 2. Yellow (4D): Push north once 3. Blue (3C): Pull east once, and push east once and north* 4. Green (4B): Push west once 5. Red (3B): Pull south once and east once; push east once 6. Green (4A): Pull east once; push south once and east twice* 7. Red (4D): Pull west twice; push west once and south once 8. Yellow (2B): Push south twice 9. Blue (2C): Pull west once, and push west once 10. Green (2D): Push west twice 11. Yellow (3D): Push south twice* 12. Yellow (4B): Push west once 13. Green (2B): Push north* 14. Yellow (4A): Pull east once 15. Red (5A): Pull north once 16. Yellow (4B): Pull north once 17. Blue (2A): Pull east twice 18. Yellow (3B): Push north twice* 19. Blue (2C): Push west once, pull south once, and push south twice* ~~Puzzle Box 27~~ Location: (X=13700, Y=12300) Needed: Gullwing Reward: Witch Ep. 8 A B C D E F G H I J K -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| S | 7| | 8| | 9| | 10| | 11| | """"""""""""""""""""" * To get started, you'll want to drop off to the north by the red block. 1. Red (5E): Push west three times 2. Green (7E): Push south once 3. Blue (7G): Push east three times 4. Yellow (5G): Pull west once; push west thrice and south once 5. Green (8E): Pull north twice; push north once and west once 6. Yellow (9E): Pull north twice and east once; push east three times and north once 7. Green (3G): Pull south twice and west once 8. Red (9D): Push west once 9. Green (10C) and Blue (10D): Pull the Green north once, and push the Blue west once 10. Green (9C): Pull east once, and push north 4 times* 11. Red (5B): Pull east twice 12. Red (2G): Pull south thrice and west once 13. Red (9C): Pull east twice; push north 4 times* 14. Blue (10C): Pull east once, north three times, and east once 15. Blue (7J): Pull west twice 16. Blue (3H): Pull west once, and push south to the end* 17. Yellow (6I): Pull south once and west twice, pull north once, push north three times, and push west once 18. Yellow (6C): Pull north once and east twice, pull south once, push south south once, pull east once, push east once, pull north three times, and pull east once more 19. Yellow (3F): Pull east twice* ~~Puzzle Box 28~~ Location: (X=24850, Y=11150) Needed: Gullwing and Giant's Ocarina Reward: Black Pass A B C -+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| | 7| | 8| | 9| | 10|S | 11| | 12| | """"" 1. Green (10B): Pull north 5 spaces 2. Red (10C): Pull north once and west once, push west once, move north twice, pull east once, push east once, move north thrice, and pull west once 3. Yellow (11B): Pull north once, push west once, pull north 7 times and east once, and push east once 4. Blue (11C): Pull north once, push north 4 times, and pull west once 5. Green (12B): Pull north 4 times, and push north once 6. Yellow (12C): Pull north twice and west once, push west once, pull north once, push north once, pull east once, and push east once 7. Blue (12A): Pull east once and north 3 times 8. Red (11A): Pull north 3 times 9. Yellow (3C): Push south* ~~Puzzle Box 29~~ Location: (X=20000, Y=16000) Needed: Whistle Reward: Full Libra 4 A B C D E F G -+-+-+-+-+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| | 5| | 6| | 7| | 8| | 9| | 10| | 11| | 12| | 13| S | 14| | 15| | 16| | 17| | """"""""""""" 1. Yellow (8C): Push north twice and west once 2. Red (10C): Pull north 4 times, push north 3 times 3. Green (12C): Push east twice, pull north twice, push north once, pull west twice, and push north 5 times 4. Yellow (6B): Pull east once, push north once 5. Blue (12A): Pull east once and north twice, push north once, pull east once, push north 3 times and east once, and push north again 6. Yellow (5C): Pull south once, and push west once 7. Green (14C): Pull east once; push north twice. Use the nearby ramp and ledge to push the block west 3 times 8. Yellow (17C): Push east twice, pull north twice, push north once, pull west once, push north twice and west twice, pull north twice, and push north once and west once to 9-A 9. Red (17A): Pull east once and north twice; push north once 10. Blue (15A): Pull south once, push south once 11. Red (14B): Pull south twice 12. Blue (17A): Pull east twice. Navigate this Blue like you did the last Yellow until the Blue is at 9-B. Pull east once, and then push north to the end* 13. Yellow (6B): Push north twice 14. Green (4C): Pull south once, and push east once 15. Yellow (9A): Pull east twice, and push north to the end* 16. Green (5D): Pull west once; push west once 17. Red (16B): Push north twice, pull east twice, push north twice and west twice, pull north twice, push north once, pull east once, push north 3 times and east once, and push north to the end* 18. Green (5B): Pull east once; push east once and north twice 19. Green (12A): Pull east once and north twice, push north once, pull east once, push north 6 times* ~~Puzzle Box 30~~ Location: (X=5600, Y=16550) Needed: Whistle Reward: MP Repair A B C -+-+- 1| | 2| | 3| | 4| S | 5| | 6| | """"" 1. Red (5A): Pull north once and east once; push east once 2. Green (5B): Pull north once; push north once and east once 3. Yellow (6A): Pull north twice, push north once 4. Red (4C): Pull west once; push north once 5. Blue (5C): Pull west once; push west once and south once 6. Green (6C): Pull north once and west once; push west once 7. Red (3B): Pull south once, and push west once 8. Green (3C): Pull and push south to 6-C 9. Blue (2B): Pull south twice; push south once 10. Yellow (3A): Pull east once, and push north* 11. Blue (5B): Pull north twice; push west once 12. Red (1C): Pull and push south to 5-C 13. Red (4A): Pull east once, and push south* 14. Green (6C): Pull north once 15. Green (2A): Pull east once; move north three times* 16. Blue (6A): Pull east once, push east once, and pull north thrice 17. Blue (1A): Pull east once and south twice* Congrats on beating all thirty Puzzle Boxes. Even if you're not doing the whole treasure chest thing, these items should help you through the game. -------------Chests------------- Need help finding a few chests? It's a common problem in the Wild ARMs games that you would try to open the Black Box, but you are short a few chests. Here is a checklist to help you find them all. Remember, if your inventory of the item you find is full, then the chest is counted as unopened until you make room for it. _____________________________________________________________________ | Surf Village || Chests: 3 || 3 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Inside northeast house (where you got the Bombs) | | __By southeast building. Use Hanpan on hole by the well outside | | __West of Save Bird, use Wire Hook to pass fence, then go north | | to opening. | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Berry Cave || Chests: 6 || 9 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 004: Drop south to southeast twice; bomb the crates | | __Floor 006: Enter from south (bombed) entry of Floor 005 | | __Floor 007: Bomb through crates to the north | | __Floor 008: From lower Floor 007 entry of Floor 006, go north- | | west to the room there. | | __Floor 006: Next to the ladder you bring down | | __Floor 009: In the little alcove by the ladder | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ruins of Memory || Chests: 12 || 21 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 002: West after entering "Keeper" or "Fulcani" | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 003: East after entering "Keeper" or "Fulcani" | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 005: Yes, you must open the empty chest | | __Floor 007: Enter from east door of Floor 004 | | __Floor 011: Enter from west door of Floor 004 | | __Floor 007 | | __Floor 009 | | __Floor 011 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sealed Library || Chests: 5 || 26 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 001 | | __Floor 003 | | __Floor 012 | | __Floor 014: West and up ladder from Floor 013 | | __Floor 015: East and up ladder from Floor 013 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Adlehyde Castle || Chests: 6 || 32 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __First room in west wing; door opened by Duplicator | | __See above | | __See above | | __Same room as above; chest opened by Duplcator | | __See above | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Lolithia's Coffin || Chests: 10 || 42 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 003 | | __Floor 002: Door opened by Emma in Floor 001 | | __Floor 004 | | __See above | | __Floor 012: Door opened by Emma in Floor 010 | | __Floor 017: Door opened by Emma in Floor 015 | | __Floor 016 | | __See above | | __Floor 020: Use Jump Boots on northeast pad to reach west ledge | | __Same room, but to the west instead | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Exhibition Grounds || Chests: 1 || 43 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __After the demon attack, find this one lying around | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Under Adlehyde || Chests: 6 || 49 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 003: Above the wire-net | | __Floor 008: Use Grenades and Change Staff in Floor 004 to reach | | this room | | __Floor 013: Grenade and Change Staff in Floor 005, east door, | | north door, and up platforms to door to the north | | __Floor 014: The room right before you dropped down on Emma | | __Floor 006 | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mountain Path || Chests: 15 || 64 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 006: Bomb cracked wall by the boxes in Floor 004 | | __See above | | __Floor 005: Drop from highest ledge to platform with two chests | | __See above | | __Floor 005: Drop from previous two chests | | __Floor 007: In Floor 005, use Jump Boots to bring down wooden | | platform to reveal the ladder and the doorway | | __See above | | __Floor 004: Higher level reached from Floor 005 | | __Floor 008: Use Hanpan | | __Floor 009 | | __See above | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 010 | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Milama Village || Chests: 3 || 67 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Drain the water, pass the Save Bird, go south through the gate | | and down the stairs, follow the walkway to chest #1 | | __From chest #1, head back south a bit to the jump pad; use the | | Jump Boots to cross, and go southwest to chest #2 | | __From chest #2, go back to the west jump pad, and follow the | | walkway north and west to chest #3 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Guardian Temple || Chests: 10 || 77 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 002 | | __See above | | __Floor 005: Reach by west doorway in Floor 003 | | __See above | | __Floor 006: Central doorway in Floor 003 | | __Floor 007: Northeast doorway in Floor 003 | | __See above | | __Floor 009: North doorway in Floor 008 | | __Floor 010: West doorway in Floor 008 | | __Floor 012: West doorway in Floor 011 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Baskar Village || Chests: 1 || 78 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __In the room under the altar; door opened with Teardrop | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mount Zenom || Chests: 10 || 88 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 005: Cross the weak bridge to reach the higher level of | | Floor 004, and go east | | __See above | | __Floor 004: Tinder Staff to reveal the walkway, Hanpan to claim | | the chest | | __Floor 002: Higher level; use Hanpan to get the chest | | __Floor 006: Room guarded by ice spires; Hanpan to chest | | __Floor 007: Far west; reach with Hanpan | | __Floor 007: Highest level; melt the ice to reach | | __See above | | __Floor 010: East of Floor 009; melt the ice to reach | | __Same room as above, but open with Duplicator | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Elw's Shrine 1 || Chests: 2 || 90 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __In the lower room to the north | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Elw's Shrine 2 || Chests: 2 || 92 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __In the lower room to the north | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Saint Centaur || Chests: 3 || 95 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Southwest house; head out the back door to find the chest | | __Behind abandoned Magic Shop counter | | __Mid house on east side; enter through south door | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Caging Tower || Chests: 10 || 105 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 002: Reached from east ladder in Floor 001 | | __Floor 002: On west side, but reached from either ladder | | __Floor 004: Drop from east side to central platform | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 005: Flip switch to lower platform to reach the chest | | __Floor 006: Across the bridge; easy reach | | __See above | | __Floor 007: On first Wire-Net going up | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Elw's Shrine 3 || Chests: 2 || 107 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __In the lower room to the north | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Elw's Shrine 4 || Chests: 2 || 109 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __In the lower room to the north | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Port Timney || Chests: 1 || 110 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __In the Inn upstairs; open with Duplicator | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Elw's Shrine 5 || Chests: 2 || 112 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __In the lower room to the north | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Elw's Shrine 6 || Chests: 2 || 114 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __In the lower room to the north | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sand River || Chests: 8 || 122 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 002: You got Radar from this one | | __Floor 002: Reached from Floor 004 | | __See above | | __Floor 006 | | __See above | | __Floor 007: Door across the bridge to Floor 008, north to door | | to find this chest | | __Floor 012: Pathway revealed by chimp at the end | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ship Graveyard || Chests: 5 || 127 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Washed up on shore after Ghost Ship | | __See above | | __See above | | __See above | | __Throw a Grenade at the crate, and use the Wire Hook to reach it | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gento Soen || Chests: 9 || 136 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 004 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 008 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 011: Enter from Floor 010 | | __See above | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ghost Ship || Chests: 1 || 137 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __This is where Rudy obtains Mighty Glove | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Volcannon Trap || Chests: 16 || 153 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 004: East from Floor 003 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 005: On top of the Wire-Net | | __See above | | __Floor 007 | | __See above | | __Floor 012: Reach with Hanpan | | __Floor 017 | | __Floor 008 | | __See above | | __Floor 005 | | __See above | | __Floor 011: Central door in Floor 010 | | __See above | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Giant's Cradle || Chests: 13 || 166 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 003: It held the Change Staff | | __Floor 005: Reached by using the jump pad in Floor 003 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 006 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 013 | | __See above | | __Floor 015 | | __See above | | __Floor 016 | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Court Seim || Chests: 1 || 167 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Use Hanpan from the deck outside the northeast house | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrier Shelter || Chests: 4 || 171 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 013: Mighty Avalanche; needed to move on with story | | __Floor 005 | | __Floor 010 | | __Floor 004 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Sea of Wind" Epitaph || Chests: 16 || 187 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 015: Put in "Human" on elevator | | __See above | | __Floor 002 | | __See above | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 014: East from Floor 008 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 009 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 013 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 019 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Dragon Shrine || Chests: 22 || 209 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 003: Filgaia entrance; go northeast and then west | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 004 | | __See above | | __Floor 005 | | __Floor 006: East wing | | __Floor 011 | | __See above | | __Floor 012 | | __Floor 006: West wing | | __Floor 008 | | __Floor 010 | | __Floor 014 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 015: Central door in Floor 013 | | __See above | | __See above | | __From Elw Dimension entrance go west; open with Duplicator | | __See above | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Forgotten House || Chests: 1 || 210 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Inside the house and up the stairs | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Devil's Playground || Chests: 1 || 211 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __North from outside Pegucci's room | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fallen Sanctuary || Chests: 9 || 220 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 003 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 004 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 007 | | __See above | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Demon's Lab || Chests: 13 || 233 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 004 | | __Floor 008 | | __See above | | __Floor 009 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 010 | | __See above | | __Floor 014 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 015 | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gate Generator || Chests: 1 || 234 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Hard to miss. Just be sure to have a space for 1 Gimel Coin | | before you try to open it | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Holy Wood Mound (Elw) || Chests: 5 || 239 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Use Radar; come down west side of hill | | __See above | | __Same as above, but start on east side; use Hanpan | | __Same as above, but Hanpan isn't needed | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tarjon Village || Chests: 3 || 242 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Cave behind the waterfall; use Radar and Hanpan | | __See above | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Forest Prison || Chests: 10 || 252 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 001: Open with Duplicator | | __See above | | __Floor 003: Open with Duplicator | | __See above | | __Floor 001: Enter from Floor 005; open with Duplicator | | __See above | | __Floor 006: South from Floor 007; open with Duplicator | | __See above | | __Floor 007: Open with Duplicator | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sinner's Studio || Chests: 1 || 253 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __In cave next to the ape you can save with; blow up the crates, | | and use Radar to reveal this chest | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | De La Metallica || Chests: 9 || 262 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 002: From Forgotten House entrance, drop to this chest | | __See above | | __Floor 002: Same entrance; use Hanpan to reach | | __See above | | __Floor 004: If you have the Savvy Key, you did this | | __Floor 013: Reached via Curan Abbey entrance | | __Floor 014 | | __Floor 015 | | __Floor 016 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gemini's Corpse || Chests: 7 || 269 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 004: Granades gained here | | __Floor 014 | | __See above | | __See above | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 016: Needed to progress through story | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Pandemonium || Chests: 16 || 285 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 002: West of Floor 001 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 006: Reached by going north from Floor 001 | | __See above | | __Floor 020 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 027 | | __See above | | __Floor 029 | | __Floor 028 | | __See above | | __See above | | __See above | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Arctica Castle || Chests: 7 || 292 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 005: Northeast of Floor 002's lower level | | __See above | | __Floor 008: Northwest of Floor 002's lower level | | __See above | | __Floor 019 | | __See above | | __Floor 012 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ka Dingel || Chests: 24 || 316 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 002 | | __See above | | __Floor 006 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 008 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 009 | | __Floor 011 | | __See above | | __Floor 016 | | __Floor 019 | | __See above | | __Floor 022 | | __See above | | __Floor 024 | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 030 | | __See above | | __Floor 035 | | __See above | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Malduke || Chests: 14 || 330 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 005 | | __Floor 008: It had the Old Guitar | | __Floor 013: Complete the Green Area | | __See above | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 019: Complete the Red Area | | __See above | | __See above | | __See above | | __Floor 026: Complete the Blue Area | | __See above | | __See above | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Elw's Shrine 7 || Chests: 2 || 332 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __In the lower room to the north | | __See above | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Perpetual Engine || Chests: 12 || 344 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __12 o'clock position | | __1 o'clock position | | __2 o'clock position | | __3 o'clock position | | __4 o'clock position | | __5 o'clock position | | __6 o'clock position | | __7 o'clock position | | __8 o'clock position | | __9 o'clock position | | __10 o'clock position | | __11 o'clock position | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Killing Stone Cave || Chests: 8 || 352 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Floor 026 | | __Floor 035 | | __Floor 038 | | __East, North, and west from Floor 009 | | __East twice from previous chest | | __South twice and west twice from previous chest | | __From previous chest: East twice, north, east, and south | | __Floor 048 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Puzzle Boxes || Chests: 30 || 382 /383 | |=====================================================================| | __Puzzle Box #1 | | __Puzzle Box #2 | | __Puzzle Box #3 | | __Puzzle Box #4 | | __Puzzle Box #5 | | __Puzzle Box #6 | | __Puzzle Box #7 | | __Puzzle Box #8 | | __Puzzle Box #9 | | __Puzzle Box #10 | | __Puzzle Box #11 | | __Puzzle Box #12 | | __Puzzle Box #13 | | __Puzzle Box #14 | | __Puzzle Box #15 | | __Puzzle Box #16 | | __Puzzle Box #17 | | __Puzzle Box #18 | | __Puzzle Box #19 | | __Puzzle Box #20 | | __Puzzle Box #21 | | __Puzzle Box #22 | | __Puzzle Box #23 | | __Puzzle Box #24 | | __Puzzle Box #25 | | __Puzzle Box #26 | | __Puzzle Box #27 | | __Puzzle Box #28 | | __Puzzle Box #29 | | __Puzzle Box #30 | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The last one is the Black Box in Port Timney. Good luck. -------------Monster Guide------------- If you need help tracking down certain monsters, then look no further. In the following chart, I will help you figure out by number the monsters' names, the locations, whether or not they're a boss or a rare encounter, and what you can find/steal/Download from them. * In the charts below, let D mean Drops, S mean Stealables, and E be Emma's Emulators. Three things, three columns. Enjoy. ___________________________ | # 001 | Archon | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 031-041 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Infra Sonic s. | | Revive Fruit 25% | Nectar 25% | Vanish | | Full Libra 3 12.5% | Full Libra 2 12.5% | Captured Web | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 002 | Earth Lizard | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Gaia Stop 1 50% | Gaia Stop 2 50% | Rock Gazer | | Gaia Stop 2 25% | Gaia Stop 3 25% | | | Gaia Stop 3 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 003 | Urchin Bug | |=========================================================================| | Higher land east of Ruins of Memory | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Antidote 25% | Rock Gazer | | Antidote 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Gaia Stop 1 12.5% | Moon Stone 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 004 | Armordrake | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 21-30 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Mega Berry 50% | | | Gella Card 25% | Force Carrot 25% | | | Defense Up 2 12.5% | Blocker 2 12.5% | | | Defense Up 3 6.25% | Defense Up 4 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 005 | Amon | |=========================================================================| | Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Dark Zone | | Revive Fruit 25% | Nectar 25% | Agony Effect | | Resist Up 2 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Heal Berry 6.25% | Resist Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 006 | Iron Maiden | |=========================================================================| | Pandemonium | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Nectar 50% | Hyperion Blaster | | Revive Fruit 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Mega Berry 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Counter Up 1 6.25% | Counter Up 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 007 | Ice Lizard | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Ice Break 1 50% | Ice Break 2 50% | Arctic Lance | | Ice Break 2 25% | Ice Break 3 25% | | | Ice Break 3 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 008 | Aipeloss | |=========================================================================| | Ruins of Memory | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Mega Berry 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 009 | Aello | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Medicine 50% | Slumber Fog | | Potion Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | | Remove Trap 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 010 | Acid Bunny | |=========================================================================| | De La Metallica (Abbey entrance) | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Reset | | Force Carrot 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 011 | Aspick | |=========================================================================| | Filgaia's Scar, desert in southwest/northeast corners of map | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Breath Mint 50% | Breath Mint 50% | Flare Bomb | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | Sediment of the Styx | | Nectar 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | Slumber Fog | | Angel Quill 3 6.25% | Silver Harp 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 012 | Axe Beak | |=========================================================================| | Outside the Fallen Sanctuary | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Antidote 50% | Toxic Breath | | Potion Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Angel Quill 2 6.25% | Angel Quill 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 013 | Atlachnacha | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Ruins of Memory | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * Atlachnacha actually has Captured Web, but you have no way of using Emma's Download ability on it. ___________________________ | # 014 | Annaberge | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Veteran League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Baking Breath | | | | Toxic Breath | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 015 | A Bao A Qu | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 61-70 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Revive Fruit 50% | Mega Berry 50% | Blizzard Breath | | Nectar 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Renovation | | Ice Break 3 12.5% | Ice Break 2 12.5% | | | Life Charger 6.25% | LVL Apple 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 016 | Apocrypha | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 41-50 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | | | Revive Fruit 25% | Force Carrot 25% | | | Resist Up 3 12.5% | Resist Up 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 017 | Apostate | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Master League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Hazardous Material 666 | | | | Hazardous Material 666 | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 018 | Amadeus | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Mother's minion; Photosphere | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 019 | Amadeus | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Motherfried's minion; Malduke | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Harmful Wave | | | | Hyperion Blaster | | | | Noxious Stream | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 020 | Milliscorpion | |=========================================================================| | Southwest island around Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | | | Revive Fruit 25% | Force Carrot 25% | | | Nectar 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 021 | Alligatiger | |=========================================================================| | Outside Volcannon Trap or Giant's Cradle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Revive Fruit 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Water Zone | | Water Break 1 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | Water Break 2 6.25% | Water Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 022 | Alhazad | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Court Seim | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Mega Berry 100% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 023 | Alhazad | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Barrier Shelter | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Mega Berry 100% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 024 | Anzu | |=========================================================================| | Outside Puzzle Boxes 14 and 18, island west of Devil's Playground | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 75% | Antidote 50% | Sky Twister | | Moon Stone 1 12.5% | Potion Berry 25% | Toxic Breath | | Windbreaker 2 6.25% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | | Moon Stone 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 025 | Undead Servant | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Veteran League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Stink Cloud | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 026 | Antlion | |=========================================================================| | Desert outside Rosetta Town | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Revive Fruit 50% | Nectar 50% | Rock Gazer | | Nectar 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 027 | Amplifier | |=========================================================================| | Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Breath Mint 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Great Booster | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | Thunder Zone | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Silver Harp 2 6.25% | Silver Harp 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 028 | Evil Dead | |=========================================================================| | Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Toy Hammer 50% | Screaming Mad | | Toy Hammer 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Nectar 12.5% | | | HP Up 2 6.25% | HP Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 029 | Eel Volk | |=========================================================================| | Dragon Shrine | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Breath Mint 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Peppy Acorn 25% | Potion Berry 25% | Electrigger | | Nectar 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Maelstrom | | Water Break 2 6.25% | Boom Break 2 6.25% | Voltage Spark | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 030 | Ingisfatuus | |=========================================================================| | Malduke | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | HP Up 3 6.25% | HP Up 2 12.5% | | | Boom Break 3 6.25% | Boom Break 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 031 | Ifrit | |=========================================================================| | Rare; Volcannon Trap | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Caloric Sphere | | Revive Fruit 25% | Nectar 25% | Ash Reducer | | Fire Break 2 12.5% | Fire Break 3 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 032 | Imitator | |=========================================================================| | Encounter via Imitator Trap at the end of some random battles | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Slumber Fog | | | | Vanish | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 033 | Vermillion | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Dragon Shrine, Elw Dimension entrance | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Flaming Zone | | | | Slumber Fog | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 034 | Virsago | |=========================================================================| | Outside the Forgotten House | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Small Flower 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Counter Up 1 12.5% | Counter Up 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 035 | Vivel | |=========================================================================| | Rare; outside Photosphere | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Hard Grape 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Baking Breath | | Nectar 25% | Defense Up 2 25% | Flaming Zone | | Fire Break 3 12.5% | Fire Break 2 12.5% | Renovation | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 036 | Will-o'the Wisp | |=========================================================================| | Fallen Sanctuary | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Peppy Acorn 50% | Bright Blast | | Peppy Acorn 25% | Potion Berry 25% | Harmful Wave | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Lucky Card 12.5% | | | Ray Break 2 6.25% | Ray Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 037 | Wind Lizard | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Windbreaker 1 50% | Windbreaker 2 50% | Sky Twister | | Windbreaker 2 25% | Windbreaker 3 25% | | | Windbreaker 3 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 038 | Water Lizard | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Water Break 1 50% | Water Break 2 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Water Break 2 25% | Water Break 3 25% | | | Water Break 3 12.5% | | | | Heal Berry 6.25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 039 | Vodianoi | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Mega Berry 50% | | | Blocker 2 25% | Ambrosia 25% | | | Finest Arts 12.5% | Penetrator 12.5% | | | | FP Advance 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 040 | Volac | |=========================================================================| | Filgaia's Scar, desert in southwest/northeast corners of map | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Hard Grape 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Petrify Cloud | | Revive Fruit 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Screaming Mad | | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 041 | Urusuraguna | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 91-99 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Peppy Acorn 50% | Small Flower 50% | Agony Effect | | Mega Berry 25% | Full Libra 2 25% | Blizzard Breath | | Olive Branch 12.5% | Ice Break 3 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 042 | Egregori | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Aiming Zone | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 043 | Egregori | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Aiming Zone | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 044 | Egregori | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Aiming Zone | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 045 | Egregori | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Aiming Zone | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 046 | Egregori | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Aiming Zone | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 047 | Egregori | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Aiming Zone | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 048 | Esperanza | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Alhazad's minion; Court Seim | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Potion Berry 100% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 049 | Esperanza | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Alhazad's minion; Barrier Shelter | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Potion Berry 100% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 050 | Esperanza | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Perfect Alhazad's minion; Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Mega Berry 100% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 051 | Elizabeth | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Sinner's Studio | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Crest Graph 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * She has Screaming Mad, but you have no way of getting Emma to Download it from her. ___________________________ | # 052 | Ape Jumma | |=========================================================================| | Rare; outside Puzzle Box 29 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Windbreaker 4 12.5% | Small Flower 50% | | | | Mega Berry 25% | | | | Duplicator 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 053 | Ape Vargon | |=========================================================================| | Forest Prison | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Gaia Stop 4 12.5% | Force Carrot 50% | | | | Ambrosia 25% | | | | MP Up 3 12.5% | | | | FP Advance 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 054 | Empusa | |=========================================================================| | Lolithia's Coffin | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 94% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Potion Berry 6.25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Mega Berry .04% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 055 | Orc | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Gemini's Corpse | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | | | Revive Fruit 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Force Carrot 12.5% | Counter Up 1 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 056 | Okypete | |=========================================================================| | Inner Sea | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Medicine 50% | | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | | Revive Fruit 6.25% | Remove Trap 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 057 | Ose | |=========================================================================| | Malduke's green area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Nectar 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 058 | Olivier | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Master League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 059 | Gargoyle | |=========================================================================| | Higher land by Saint Centaur and Caging Tower | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Hard Grape 50% | Nectar 12.5% | Petrify Cloud | | Potion Berry 25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 060 | Cursed Corpse | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Medicine 50% | Stink Cloud | | Potion Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | Counter Up 1 6.25% | Critical 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 061 | Gerbug | |=========================================================================| | Outside the Ship Graveyard, but not in desert | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Heal Berry 50% | Insect Breath | | Potion Berry 25% | | | | Nectar 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 062 | Dorado | |=========================================================================| | Lake east of Curan Abbey | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Full Libra 4 12.5% | Duplicator 100% | Asphyxiation | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 063 | Kheim | |=========================================================================| | Outside Puzzle Box 30 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Pinwheel 75% | Pinwheel 50% | Infra Sonic s. | | Clear Chime 1 12.5% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Resist Up 1 6.25% | Clear Chime 2 12.5% | | | | Resist Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 064 | Gagison | |=========================================================================| | Outside Adlehyde | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Medicine 50% | Stink Cloud | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | | Revive Fruit 6.25% | LVL Apple 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 065 | Gasnoid | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 91-99 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Nectar 50% | Mega Berry 50% | Asphyxiation | | Revive Fruit 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Luminous Moss | | Silver Harp 2 12.5% | Olive Branch 2 12.5% | Petrify Cloud | | Angel Quill 3 6.25% | Blue Circlet 3 6.25% | Slumber Fog | | | | Stink Cloud | | | | Toxic Breath | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 066 | Gasher Skeleton | |=========================================================================| | Arctica Castle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Peppy Acorn 50% | | | Peppy Acorn 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Mega Berry 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Defense Up 2 6.25% | Defense Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 067 | Catoblepas | |=========================================================================| | Island north of Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Hard Grape 50% | Nectar 50% | Petrify Stare | | Potion Berry 25% | Force Carrot 25% | | | Blue Circlet 3 6.25% | LVL Apple 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 068 | Capricorn | |=========================================================================| | Dragon Shrine | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Medicine 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Pinwheel 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Water Break 2 6.25% | Water Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 069 | Gamygyn | |=========================================================================| | Higher land by Baskar Village | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Breath Mint 50% | Breath Mint 50% | Slumber Fog | | Potion Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 070 | Calupdis | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Gella Card 25% | Gella Card 25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 071 | Karakokosa | |=========================================================================| | Any of the lakes in Filgaia | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Revive Fruit 50% | Force Carrot 25% | Maelstrom | | Mega Berry 25% | | Toxic Breath | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 072 | Garum | |=========================================================================| | Volcannon Trap, Ifrit's minion; outside Rosetta Town (not in desert) | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Baking Breath | | Antidote 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Defend 1 12.5% | Defend 1 12.5% | | | Fire Break 1 6.25% | Fire Break 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 073 | Gigamantis | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Gento Soen | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 074 | Captain Geist | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Ghost Ship | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Toolbox 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 075 | Carrion Crawler | |=========================================================================| | Outside Puzzle Box 29 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Medicine 50% | Crack Tremor | | Potion Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | Sky Twister | | Nectar 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | Gaia Stop 3 6.25% | Windbreaker 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 076 | Gillmore | |=========================================================================| | Rare; lake east of Curan Abbey | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Nectar 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Revive Fruit 25% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 077 | Kraken | |=========================================================================| | Outer Sea, a fair distance away from any land mass | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Revive Fruit 50% | Mega Berry 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Force Carrot 25% | Duplicator 25% | Maelstrom | | Water Break 4 12.5% | Water Break 3 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 078 | Crab Bubbler | |=========================================================================| | Inner Sea | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Antidote 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | Toxic Breath | | Gella Card 12.5% | Lucky Card 12.5% | | | Water Break 2 6.25% | Water Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 079 | Diobarg | |=========================================================================| | Rare; desert outside Port Timney | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Crack Tremor | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | Toxic Breath | | Gaia Stop 2 12.5% | Gaia Stop 3 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 080 | Christine | |=========================================================================| | Arctica Castle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Peppy Acorn 50% | | | Peppy Acorn 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Mega Berry 12.5% | Critical 1 12.5% | | | Critical 2 6.25% | Counter Up 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 081 | Critter | |=========================================================================| | Caging Tower | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Pinwheel 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | | Critical 1 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 082 | Griffin | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Court Seim | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Toy Hammer 50% | Sky Twister | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Force Carrot 12.5% | Nectar 12.5% | | | Windbreaker 2 6.25% | Windbreaker 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 083 | Grudiev | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Guardian Temple | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 084 | Clay Puppet | |=========================================================================| | Gento Soen | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Earth Zone | | Potion Berry 25% | Nectar 25% | Rock Gazer | | Counter Up 1 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Gaia Stop 2 6.25% | Gaia Stop 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 085 | Greater Beast | |=========================================================================| | Rare; lake by Guardian Temple | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Resist Up 4 12.5% | Revive Fruit 50% | Paradigm Pollution | | | Mega Berry 25% | Screaming Mad | | | Duplicator 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 086 | Gremlin | |=========================================================================| | "Sea of Wind" Epitaph | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Breath Mint 50% | | | Breath Mint 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Critical 1 6.25% | Critical 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 087 | Grendel | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 2-10 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Nectar 50% | Mega Berry 50% | Baking Breath | | Revive Fruit 25% | Nectar 25% | | | Fire Break 2 12.5% | Gaia Stop 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 088 | Grow Apple | |=========================================================================| | Rare; any land in Falgaia | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 089 | Cave Taurus | |=========================================================================| | Sand River | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Rock Gazer | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Gaia Stop 2 12.5% | Defend 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 090 | Kelaino | |=========================================================================| | Outer Sea | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Medicine 50% | | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | | Remove Trap 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 091 | Geldam | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Novice League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 092 | Coatler | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Fallen Sanctuary | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Peppy Acorn 50% | Heal Berry 50% | Bright Blast | | Potion Berry 25% | Nectar 25% | Infra Sonic s. | | Lucky Card 12.5% | Lucky Card 12.5% | | | Ray Break 2 6.25% | Ray Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 093 | Ghostrider | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Fire Break 4 12.5% | Force Carrot 50% | Paradigm Pollution | | | Blue Circlet 2 25% | Petrify Cloud | | | Duplicator 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 094 | Cockatrice | |=========================================================================| | Desert outside of Rosetta Town | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Hard Grape 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Earth Zone | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | Petrify Stare | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | Blue Circlet 2 6.25% | Blue Circlet 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 095 | Coppelia | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 61-70 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Psychedelicor | | Nectar 25% | Nectar 25% | | | Clear Chime 3 12.5% | Clear Chime 4 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 096 | Gob | |=========================================================================| | Outside Surf Village | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Toy Hammer 50% | | | Medicine 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Nectar 12.5% | | | | Counter Up 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 097 | Gomoratoad | |=========================================================================| | Lolithia's Coffin | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 75.2% | Potion Berry 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Potion Berry 20.3% | Revive Fruit 25% | Water Zone | | Lucky Card 4.7% | Water Break 2 12.5% | | | | Water Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 098 | Goldrake | |=========================================================================| | Outer Sea | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Antidote 50% | Sky Twister | | Peppy Acorn 25% | Potion Berry 25% | Toxic Breath | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Moon Stone 2 6.25% | Windbreaker 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 099 | Colonzon | |=========================================================================| | Killing Stone Cave; starts with Reflect | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | HP Up 1 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Great Booster | | HP Up 2 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | HP Up 3 12.5% | Duplicator 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 100 | Colonzon | |=========================================================================| | Killing Stone Cave; starts with Reaction Up | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | MP Up 1 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | | | MP Up 2 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | MP Up 3 12.5% | Duplicator 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 101 | Colonzon | |=========================================================================| | Killing Stone Cave; starts with DEF and RES bonuses | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Defense Up 1 50% | Force Carrot 50% | | | Defense Up 2 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Defense Up 3 12.5% | Duplicator 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 102 | Colonzon | |=========================================================================| | Killing Stone Cave; starts with Evasion Up | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Resist Up 1 50% | Nectar 50% | | | Resist Up 2 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Resist Up 3 12.5% | Duplicator 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 103 | Cyclops | |=========================================================================| | Rare; Malduke's green area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Pinwheel 50% | Toy Hammer 50% | Offense Zone | | Potion Berry 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Blocker 1 12.5% | Penetrator 12.5% | | | HP Up 2 6.25% | HP Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 104 | Sadas | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Gento Soen | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 105 | Sadas | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Sadas' minion; Gento Soen | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 106 | Sammael | |=========================================================================| | Lake north of Gemini's Corpse | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Hyperion Blaster | | Breath Mint 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | Hypnotizer | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | Noxious Stream | | Full Libra 2 6.25% | Full Libra 3 6.25% | Radious Breath | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 107 | Saracenian | |=========================================================================| | Outside Port Timney, not in the desert | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Peppy Acorn 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Heal Berry 25% | Peppy Acorn 25% | | | Force Carrot 12.5% | Olive Branch 2 12.5% | | | Oive Branch 1 6.25% | Olive Branch 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 108 | Salamandra | |=========================================================================| | Volcannon Trap | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Baking Breath | | Force Carrot 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Fire Break 2 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | | Fire Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 109 | Stormdrake | |=========================================================================| | "Sea of Wind" Epitaph | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Revive Fruit 74.2% | Heal Berry 75% | Electrigger | | Boom Break 1 21.9% | Revive Fruit 21.9% | Thunder Zone | | Boom Break 2 3.9% | Boom Break 3 3.9% | Voltage Spark | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 110 | Thunder Lizard | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Boom Break 1 50% | Boom Break 2 50% | Voltage Spark | | Boom Break 2 25% | Boom Break 3 25% | | | Boom Break 3 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 111 | Sandcrab | |=========================================================================| | Desert outside Port Timney | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Breath Mint 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Peppy Acorn 25% | Pinwheel 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | | Gaia Stop 1 6.25% | Gaia Stop 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 112 | Sandstag | |=========================================================================| | Filgaia's Scar, desert in southwest/northeast corners of map | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Nectar 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Crack Tremor | | Mega Berry 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Rock Gazer | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 113 | Zeik Tuvai | |=========================================================================| | Boss; subspace between Malduke and Filgaia | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 114 | Zeikfried | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Gate Generator | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 115 | Zeikfried | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Malduke | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 116 | Sea Bishop | |=========================================================================| | Outer Sea | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Nectar 50% | Stink Cloud | | Potion Berry 25% | Lucky Card 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 117 | Jelly Blob | |=========================================================================| | Outside Port Timney, not in desert | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Medicine 50% | | | Medicine 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 118 | Shellworm | |=========================================================================| | Desert outside the Ship Graveyard | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Stink Cloud | | Medicine 50% | Revive Fruit 25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 119 | Jack-o'Lantern | |=========================================================================| | De La Metallica (Abbey entrance) | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Pinwheel 50% | Pinwheel 50% | Caloric Sphere | | Potion Berry 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Spontaneous Combustion | | Fire Break 1 12.5% | Fire Break 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 120 | Shadow | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 81-90; looks like Rudy | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Duplicator 25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 121 | Shadow | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 81-90; looks like Jack | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Duplicator 25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 122 | Shadow | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 81-90; looks like Cecilia | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Duplicator 25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 123 | Shadow | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 81-90; looks like Jane | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Duplicator 25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 124 | Shadow | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 81-90; looks like Zed | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Duplicator 25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 125 | Shadow | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 81-90; looks like Emma | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Duplicator 25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 126 | Jabberwocky | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Veteran League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Anti-Matter Bomb m. | | | | Flare Bomb | | | | Petrify Stare | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 127 | Jammer Imp | |=========================================================================| | Desert outside the Ship Graveyard | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Peppy Acorn 50% | Peppy Acorn 50% | | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Antidote 12.5% | Lucky Card 12.5% | | | Olive Branch 1 6.25% | Olive Branch 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 128 | Shambling Mound | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Veteran League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Luminous Moss | | | | Petrify Cloud | | | | Slumber Fog | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 129 | Jumbo Bearcat | |=========================================================================| | Rare; Outside of Killing Stone Cave | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Ray Break 4 12.5% | Force Carrot 50% | Bright Blast | | | Duplicator 25% | Hyperion Blaster | | | Penetrator 12.5% | Luminous Impact | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 130 | Shrieker | |=========================================================================| | Mount Zenom | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Toy Hammer 29.7% | Heal Berry 50% | Shriek | | Pinwheel 29.7% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Peppy Acorn 29.7% | Memoirs Pen 12.5% | | | Revive Fruit 10.9% | LVL Apple 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 131 | Gila Monster | |=========================================================================| | Mount Zenom | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 79% | Medicine 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Water Break 2 3.1% | Heal Berry 25% | | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | | | | Water Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 132 | Reckless Bomb | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 81-90 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Anti-Magic Zone | | Force Carrot 25% | Nectar 25% | | | Blocker 2 12.5% | Defend 2 12.5% | | | HP Up 3 6.25% | HP Up 4 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 133 | Mega Apple | |=========================================================================| | Rare; any body of water on Filgaia | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 134 | Zukauba | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Gemini's Corpse | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 135 | Scylla | |=========================================================================| | Outer Sea | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Peppy Acorn 50% | Peppy Acorn 50% | Maelstrom | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Olive Branch 1 12.5% | Olive Branch 2 12.5% | | | Boom Break 2 6.25% | Boom Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 136 | Scrap Figure | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Adlehyde's Exhibition Grounds | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Hyperion Blaster | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 137 | Scarecrow | |=========================================================================| | Guardian Temple | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Antidote 50% | | | Antidote 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 138 | Sukebe | |=========================================================================| | Boss; "Sea of Wind" Epitaph | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Agony Effect | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 139 | Seti | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Sado's minion; Malduke's blue area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Undulation Cannon | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 140 | Stec | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Sado's minion; Malduke's blue area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Undulation Cannon | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 141 | Stealth Stalker | |=========================================================================| | Rare; Malduke | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | | | Revive Fruit 25% | Nectar 25% | | | FP Advance 12.5% | Ambrosia 12.5% | | | | Surprise Guard 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 142 | Stanga | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Volcannon Trap and Giant's Cradle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Hard Grape 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Petrify Stare | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | Phantom Hazard | | | | Renovation | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 143 | Stoker | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | MP Up 4 12.5% | Mega Berry 50% | Baking Breath | | | Fire Break 3 12.5% | Blizzard Breath | | | Water Break 3 12.5% | Hrimthur's Eternal Ice | | | | Infra Sonic s. | | | | Tsohanoai's Solar Wind | | | | Vanish | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 144 | Spartoi | |=========================================================================| | Adlehyde, when the demons attack | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 145 | Spelunker | |=========================================================================| | Closed valley north of Rosetta Town | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Pinwheel 50% | Pinwheel 50% | Slumber Fog | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Clear Chime 2 12.5% | | | Clear Chime 1 6.25% | Clear Chime 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 146 | Siren | |=========================================================================| | Raised land near Ruins of Memory | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Pinwheel 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Infra Sonic s. | | Potion Berry 25% | Force Carrot 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 147 | Seuteph | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Sado's minion; Malduke's blue area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Undulation Cannon | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 148 | Sekmet | |=========================================================================| | Outside the Devil's Playground | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Rock Gazer | | Medicine 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Nectar 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 149 | Zed | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Sweet Candy | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 150 | Zed | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Volcannon Trap | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Migrant Seal 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 151 | Setec | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Sado's minion; Malduke's blue area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Undulation Cannon | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 152 | Seteph | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Sado's minion; Malduke's blue area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Undulation Cannon | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 153 | Sado | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Malduke's blue area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Dark Break 4 100% | Ambrosia 12.5% | Dark Zone | | | | Phantom Hazard | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 154 | Zao Zein | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 71-80 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Force Carrot 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Hypnotizer | | SOS Auto Guard 25% | Critical 1 25% | Infra Sonic s. | | Silver Harp 2 12.5% | Silver Harp 3 12.5% | | | SOS FP Up 6.25% | Initiative 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 155 | Zonemaker | |=========================================================================| | Volcannon Trap | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Anti-Magic Zone | | Revive Fruit 25% | Nectar 25% | Flaming Zone | | Resist Up 1 12.5% | Resist Up 2 12.5% | Screaming Mad | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 156 | Silent Chaos | |=========================================================================| | Rare; island north of Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Duplicator 100% | Duplicator 100% | Anti-Matter Bomb m. | | | | Arc-en-Ciel | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 157 | Dark Lizard | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Dark Zone 1 50% | Dark Zone 2 50% | Screaming Mad | | Dark Zone 2 25% | Dark Zone 3 25% | | | Dark Zone 3 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 158 | Tiny Edge | |=========================================================================| | Outside the Ship Graveyard, not in the desert | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 159 | Diefighter | |=========================================================================| | Boss in Barrier Shelter; regular outside Devil's Playground | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Revive Fruit 50% | Force Carrot 50% | | | Nectar 25% | Nectar 25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 160 | Dust Man | |=========================================================================| | Island southwest of Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Revive Fruit 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Nectar 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 161 | Tatzelwurm | |=========================================================================| | Berry Cave | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Baking Breath | | Potion Berry 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Renovation | | Nectar 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | | Fire Break 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 162 | Delowbunny | |=========================================================================| | Malduke | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Critical Heal | | Nectar 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Reset | | Life Charger 12.5% | Floral Arts 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 163 | Turask | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Pandemonium | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Migrant Seal 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * Turask has Toxic Breath, but you can't get Emma to Download from him. ___________________________ | # 164 | Targum | |=========================================================================| | De La Metallica (Abbey entrance) | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Pinwheel 50% | | | Pinwheel 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Nectar 12.5% | | | Resist Up 2 6.25% | Resist Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 165 | Dantalion | |=========================================================================| | De La Metallica (Abbey entrance) | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Pinwheel 50% | | | Pinwheel 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | | Resist Up 2 6.25% | Resist Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 166 | Dumpty | |=========================================================================| | Boss from the Monster Egg | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 167 | Chupacabra | |=========================================================================| | Filgaia's Scar, desert in the southwest/northeast corners of the map | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Hard Grape 50% | | | Hard Grape 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Nectar 12.5% | Assist Blitz 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 168 | Tzar Zein | |=========================================================================| | Malduke's blue area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | Electrigger | | Nectar 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | Great Booster | | Boom Break 2 6.25% | Boom Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 169 | Tsathoggua | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 51-60 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Revive Fruit 50% | Nectar 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Mega Berry 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Slumber Fog | | Silver Harp 2 12.5% | Angel Quill 2 12.5% | Stink Cloud | | Water Ward 3 6.25% | Silver Harp 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 170 | Twin Tail | |=========================================================================| | Outside Port Timney | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Breath Mint 50% | Breath Mint 50% | | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | | Silver Harp 1 6.25% | Silver Harp 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 171 | Diablo | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Gate Generator | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Fire Break 3 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * This Golem has Flaming Zone, but you've no way to Download it from him. ___________________________ | # 172 | Deepones | |=========================================================================| | Lake by the Guardian Temple | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Force Carrot 50% | Nectar 50% | Stink Cloud | | Mega Berry 25% | Lucky Card 25% | | | Memoirs Pen 4 12.5% | Duplicator 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 173 | Decarabia | |=========================================================================| | Caging Tower | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Screaming Mad | | Potion Berry 25% | Nectar 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Defense Up 1 6.25% | Defense Up 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 174 | Death Mask | |=========================================================================| | Outer Sea, away from the mainland | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Nectar 50% | Asphyxiation | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 175 | Devonova | |=========================================================================| | Gemini's Corpse | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Sky Twister | | Revive Fruit 25% | Nectar 25% | Storm Blade | | Force Carrot 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | Windbreaker 2 6.25% | Windbreaker 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 176 | Demon Prophet | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Pandemonium | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Windbreaker 3 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 177 | Durahan | |=========================================================================| | Arctica Castle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | | | Peppy Acorn 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Nectar 12.5% | Olive Branch 3 6.25% | | | Olive Branch 2 6.25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 178 | Dendrobium | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 81-90 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Small Flower 50% | Mega Berry 50% | Crack Tremor | | Silver Harp 3 25% | Clear Chime 2 25% | Luminous Moss | | Clear Chime 4 12.5% | Clear Chime 4 12.5% | Slumber Fog | | | Floral Arts 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 179 | Doomsday | |=========================================================================| | Rare; Malduke's green area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Mega Berry 50% | Undulation Cannon | | LVL Apple 25% | Ambrosia 25% | | | HP Up 4 12.5% | Penetrator 12.5% | | | | Finest Arts 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 180 | Doppleganger | |=========================================================================| | Gate Generator and Malduke | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Surprise Guard 25% | FP Advance 6.25% | | | Initiative 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 181 | Doppleganger | |=========================================================================| | Gate Generator; Rudy #1 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 182 | Doppleganger | |=========================================================================| | Malduke; Rudy #2 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 183 | Doppleganger | |=========================================================================| | Gate Generator and Malduke; Jack | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 184 | Doppleganger | |=========================================================================| | Gate Generator and Malduke; Cecilia | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 185 | Doppleganger | |=========================================================================| | Malduke; Jane | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 186 | Doppleganger | |=========================================================================| | Malduke; Zed | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 187 | Doppleganger | |=========================================================================| | Malduke; Emma | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 188 | Dryad | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Baskar Village | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Toy Hammer 50% | Toy Hammer 50% | | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Memoirs Pen 1 12.5% | Memoirs Pen 2 12.5% | | | | Memoirs Pen 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 189 | Dragonewt | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 51-60 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Force Carrot 50% | | | Nectar 25% | Lucky Card 25% | | | Counter Up 2 12.5% | Critical 1 12.5% | | | | Assist Blitz 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 190 | Triffid | |=========================================================================| | Beach by Puzzle Box 15 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 46.9% | Potion Berry 50% | Stink Cloud | | Medicine 46.9% | Force Carrot 25% | Toxic Breath | | HP Up 2 6.25% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | | HP Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 191 | Troll | |=========================================================================| | Mountain Path | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 77% | Revive Fruit 50% | | | Force Carrot 15.6% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Gaia Stop 2 7% | Gaia Stop 3 12.5% | | | Life Charger 0.4% | Regeration 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 192 | Yak | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 11-20 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Antidote 50% | Bright Blast | | Mega Berry 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Luminous Impact | | Nectar 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Moon Stone 3 6.25% | Moon Stone 4 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 193 | Night Gaunt | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Caging Tower | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Potion Berry * | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * It's nice that the developers were being consistant, but Jane isn't around to steal from the first one. ___________________________ | # 194 | Night Gaunt | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Caging Tower | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Potion Berry 100% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 195 | Nightmare | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Veteran League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Anti-Magic Zone | | | | Screaming Mad | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 196 | Nybbas | |=========================================================================| | Giant's Cradle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Screaming Mad | | Potion Berry 25% | Nectar 25% | | | Resist Up 1 12.5% | Resist Up 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 197 | Necronomicon | |=========================================================================| | Rare; De La Metallica (Abbey entrance) | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Necronomicon 12.5% | Small Flower 50% | | | | Duplicator 25% | | | | LVL Apple 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 198 | Necromancer | |=========================================================================| | Pandemonium | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Revive Fruit 50% | Nectar 50% | | | Nectar 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Gella Card 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Dark Break 2 6.25% | Dark Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 199 | Nelgal | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Sealed Library | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 200 | Nelgal | |=========================================================================| | Boss, clone; Sealed Library | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 201 | Noseferatu | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 41-50 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Vanish | | Force Carrot 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Angel Quill 4 12.5% | Duplicator 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 202 | Perfect Alhazad | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Dark Break 3 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 203 | Purple Worm | |=========================================================================| | Outside Rosetta Town, not in the desert | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Antidote 50% | Toxic Breath | | Potion Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | Blocker 1 6.25% | Moon Stone 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 204 | Harvestman | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 41-50 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Breath Mint 50% | Screaming Mad | | Breath Mint 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Mega Berry 12.5% | | | Full Libra 2 6.25% | Full Libra 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 205 | Hazenberg | |=========================================================================| | Malduke's red area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Hazardous Material 666 s| | Revive Fruit 25% | Mega Berry 25% | The Uncertainty Theory | | Force Carrot 12.5% | MP Up 2 12.5% | | | MP Up 3 6.25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 206 | Hydra | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Pandemonium | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Antidote 50% | Maelstrom | | Potion Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Moon Stone 3 12.5% | Moon Stone 2 12.5% | | | Water Break 3 6.25% | Life Charger 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 207 | Creeping Chaos | |=========================================================================| | Island west of Devil's Playground | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Duplicator 100% | Duplicator 100% | Anti-Matter Bomb s. | | | | Direct Voice | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 208 | Vacuumon | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Antidote 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Force Carrot 12.5% | Remove Trap 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 209 | Pazuzu | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 61-70 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Breath Mint 50% | Sky Twister | | Angel Quill 25% | Silver Harp 2 25% | Slumber Fog | | Silver Harp 4 12.5% | Memoirs Pen 4 12.5% | Storm Blade | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 210 | Bastis | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Alhazad's minion; Court Seim | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Potion Berry 100% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 211 | Bastis | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Alhazad's minion; Barrier Shelter | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Potion Berry 100% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 212 | Bastis | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Perfect Alhazad's minion; Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Mega Berry 100% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 213 | Buckbaird | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Defense Up 4 50% | Mega Berry 50% | Hyperion Blaster | | | Counter Up 2 25% | Renovation | | | Defense Up 3 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 214 | Bad News | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Master League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 215 | Bad News | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Master League if you didn't use Poison on #214 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 216 | Baphomet | |=========================================================================| | Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Phantom Hazard | | Nectar 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Screaming Mad | | Resist Up 2 12.5% | Resist Up 3 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 217 | Haboryn | |=========================================================================| | Volcannon Trap | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Caloric Sphere | | Fire Break 1 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | MP Up 1 12.5% | Fire Break 2 12.5% | | | | MP Up 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 218 | Balau | |=========================================================================| | Outside Killing Stone Cave | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Nectar 50% | Full Revive | | Revive Fruit 25% | Force Carrot 25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 219 | Balaam | |=========================================================================| | De La Metallica (Abbey entrance) | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Windbreaker 4 100% | Ambrosia 12.5% | The Uncertainty Theory | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 220 | Balloon | |=========================================================================| | Outside the Ruins of Memory | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 80% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Potion Berry 19.9% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Lucky Card 0.4% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | | Dark Break 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 221 | Barbados | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Filgaia's Scar, desert in northeast corner of map | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Gaia Stop 4 100% | Ambrosia 12.5% | Crack Tremor | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 222 | Pumpkinhead | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Master League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Ash Reducer | | | | Spontaneous Combustion | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 223 | Humpty | |=========================================================================| | Boss from the Monster Egg | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 224 | Beast Pillar | |=========================================================================| | Outside Court Seim | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Breath Mint 50% | | | Breath Mint 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 225 | Pillbug | |=========================================================================| | Outside the Ruins of Memory | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 88% | Mega Berry 50% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | | Counter Up 1 12.5% | | | | Defense Up 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 226 | Gigaflame | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 11-20 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Mega Berry 50% | Ash Reducer | | Force Carrot 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | Baking Breath | | Nectar 12.5% | Fire Break 2 12.5% | | | Fire Break 3 6.25% | Fire Break 4 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 227 | Fire Lizard | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Fire Break 1 50% | Fire Break 2 50% | Caloric Sphere | | Fire Break 2 25% | Fire Break 3 25% | | | Fire Break 3 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 228 | Fascination | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 71-80 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Nectar 50% | | | Nectar 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Counter Up 2 12.5% | Blocker 2 12.5% | | | HP Up 3 6.25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 229 | Fafneil | |=========================================================================| | Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Mega Berry 50% | Contaminated Crust | | Nectar 25% | LVL Apple 25% | Renovation | | Moon Stone 2 12.5% | Moon Stone 3 12.5% | | | Regeneration 6.25% | Life Charger 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 230 | Fankelvine | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Novice League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 231 | Phantom | |=========================================================================| | Boss; desert outside of Port Timney | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Crystal Flower 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 232 | Fesel Zein | |=========================================================================| | Malduke's blue area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Electrigger | | Nectar 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | Great Booster | | Boom Break 2 6.25% | Boom Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 233 | Fiend | |=========================================================================| | Gemini's Corpse | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Tsohanoai's Solar Wind | | Revive Fruit 25% | Nectar 25% | | | Fire Break 2 6.25% | Fire Break 3 6.25% | | | Ray Break 2 6.25% | Ray Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 234 | Powered Turask | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Malduke's red area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Nectar 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 235 | Boomerang | |=========================================================================| | Boss; "Sea of Wind" Epitaph | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 236 | Boomerang | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Fallen Sanctuary | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 237 | Boomerang | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 238 | Boomerang Flash | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, accepted challenge | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 239 | Fairy Light | |=========================================================================| | Gento Soen | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Bright Blast | | Potion Berry 25% | Lucky Card 25% | | | Ray Break 1 12.5% | Ray Break 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 240 | Fengalon | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Guardian Shrine | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 241 | Flauros | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 21-30 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Mega Berry 50% | | | Force Carrot 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Ice Break 2 12.5% | Ice Break 3 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 242 | Black Buzzard | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 31-40 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Hard Grape 50% | Force Carrot 50% | Rock Gazer | | Mega Berry 25% | Small Flower 25% | Screaming Mad | | Gaia Stop 2 12.5% | Blue Circlet 2 12.5% | | | Blue Circlet 3 6.25% | Gaia Stop 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 243 | Black Box | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Port Timney | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Paradigm Pollution | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 244 | Bloodhorn | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Court Seim | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Toy Hammer 50% | Slumber Fog | | Toy Hammer 25% | Potion Berry 25% | Wind Zone | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | | Dark Break 1 6.25% | Dark Break 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 245 | Blue Book | |=========================================================================| | Sealed Library | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 93% | Revive Fruit 50% | | | Revive Fruit 6.6% | Small Flower 25% | | | Force Carrot 0.4% | Resist Up 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 246 | Flurity | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Photosphere | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Force Carrot 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Arctic Lance | | Nectar 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Flirtation | | Ice Break 2 12.5% | Ice Break 2 12.5% | Freezing Zone | | Ice Break 3 6.25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 247 | Blue Snail | |=========================================================================| | Island east of Milama, surrounded by mountains | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Contaminated Crust | | Force Carrot 25% | Duplicator 25% | Electrigger | | Boom Break 4 12.5% | Defense Up 3 12.5% | Voltage Spark | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 248 | Brave Gob | |=========================================================================| | Outside Puzzle Box 29 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Toy Hammer 50% | | | Pinwheel 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | MP Up 2 6.25% | Regeration 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 249 | Gigafrost | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Photosphere | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Blizzard Breath | | Nectar 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Hrimthur's Eternal Ice | | Ice Break 4 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 250 | Hatred Soul | |=========================================================================| | Boss, Captain Geist's minion; Ghost Ship | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 251 | Hecarde | |=========================================================================| | Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Pinwheel 50% | Electrigger | | Breath Mint 25% | Potion Berry 25% | Voltage Spark | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | | Boom Break 2 6.25% | Boom Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 252 | Betelgeuse | |=========================================================================| | Pandemonium | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Infra Sonic m. | | Medicine 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Stink Cloud | | Nectar 12.5% | Angel Quill 3 12.5% | | | Angel Quill 2 6.25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 253 | Venom Bear | |=========================================================================| | Outside Puzzle Box 23 and on island east of Puzzle Box 22 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Antidote 50% | Stink Cloud | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | Toxic Breath | | Force Carrot 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Defense Up 2 6.25% | Defense Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 254 | Behemoth | |=========================================================================| | Rare; Malduke's red area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Force Carrot 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Duplicator 25% | Lucky Card 25% | Maelstrom | | Blue Circlet 4 12.5% | Duplicator 12.5% | Magic Zone | | | | Petrify Cloud | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 255 | Belial | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Malduke's green area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Defense Up 4 100% | Ambrosia 12.5% | Undulation Cannon | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 256 | Beelzebub | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 91-99 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Force Carrot 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Aiming Zone | | Nectar 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Infra Sonic s. | | MP Repair 12.5% | Full Libra 3 12.5% | Stink Cloud | | | | Vanish | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 257 | Berserk | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Adlehyde during the demon attack | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 258 | Berserk | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Mount Zenom | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 259 | Berserk | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Volcannon Trap | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 260 | Berserk | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Volcannon Trap | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Defense Up 2 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 261 | Berserk | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Malduke | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | SOS Auto Guard 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 262 | Helterskelter | |=========================================================================| | Ghost Ship | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 263 | Hell Hound | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Saint Centaur | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Heal Berry 50% | Baking Breath | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Fire Break 1 12.5% | Fire Break 2 12.5% | | | Defend 1 6.25% | Defend 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 264 | Gigatoxic | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 41-50 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Antidote 50% | Contaminated Crust | | Nectar 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Toxic Breath | | Moon Stone 4 12.5% | Moon Stone 3 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 265 | Horned Monster | |=========================================================================| | Beach by Puzzle Box 18 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Mega Berry 50% | Crack Tremor | | Revive Fruit 25% | LVL Apple 25% | | | Blocker 2 12.5% | Gaia Stop 3 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 266 | Hobgob | |=========================================================================| | Outside of Baskar Village | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Toy Hammer 50% | | | Toy Hammer 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Blocker 1 6.25% | Blocker 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 267 | Pordage | |=========================================================================| | Mountain Path | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Medicine 50% | | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | | | Remove Trap 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 268 | Bombardier | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Master League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 269 | Marshman | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Novice League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Water Zone | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 270 | Myconid | |=========================================================================| | Outside Puzzles Boxes 14 and 18; Island west of Devil's Playground | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Pinwheel 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Luminous Moss | | Heal Berry 25% | Force Carrot 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Clear Chime 2 12.5% | | | Clear Chime 1 6.25% | Clear Chime 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 271 | Angol Moa | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Devil's Playground | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Resist Up 4 100% | Ambrosia 12.5% | Agony Effect | | | | Renovation | | | | Screaming Mad | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 272 | Magtortus | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Lolithia's Coffin | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 100% | | Electrigger | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 273 | Mother | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Photosphere | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Ex. File Key 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 274 | Motherfried | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Malduke | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | Ex. File Key 100% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 275 | Madangler | |=========================================================================| | Inner Sea | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Nectar 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Revive Fruit 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Water Zone | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 276 | Manitou | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 31-40 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Hard Grape 50% | | | Hard Grape 25% | Nectar 25% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Defense Up 2 6.25% | Defense Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 277 | Malacoda | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 2-10 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Small Flower 50% | Hard Grape 50% | | | Revive Fruit 12.5% | Nectar 25% | | | Defense Up 2 6.25% | Critical 1 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 278 | Malice Logic | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 21-30 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Nectar 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Hazardous Material 666 m| | Mega Berry 25% | Force Carrot 25% | | | Ray Break 3 12.5% | Dark Break 3 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 279 | Malphas | |=========================================================================| | Outside the Forgotten House | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Peppy Acorn 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Potion Berry 25% | Nectar 25% | | | Nectar 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 280 | Miann | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 2-10 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Nectar 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | | | Mega Berry 25% | Force Carrot 25% | | | Full Libra 3 6.25% | Full Libra 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 281 | Mictoranquiztli | |=========================================================================| | Rare; Malduke's blue area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Dark Break 4 12.5% | Small Flower 50% | Apocalypse's Thunder | | | Duplicator 25% | Phantom Hazard | | | LVL Apple 12.5% | Screaming Mad | | | | Vanish | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 282 | Minatous | |=========================================================================| | Island northeast of Surf Village | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Antidote 50% | Caloic Sphere | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | Crack Tremor | | Force Carrot 12.5% | | Renovation | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 283 | Mimic | |=========================================================================| | Some trapped chests in dungeons, starting in Giant's Cradle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Duplicator 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 284 | Moor Gault | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Guardian Temple | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 285 | Mu | |=========================================================================| | Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Medicine 50% | Hydro Launcher | | Medicine 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Ice Break 2 12.5% | Ice Break 4 12.5% | | | Ice Break 3 6.25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 286 | Mage Fox | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Killing Stone Cave | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | MP Up 4 100% | Ambrosia 12.5% | Ash Reducer | | | | Crack Tremor | | | | Electrigger | | | | Flirtation | | | | Luminous Impact | | | | Maelstrom | | | | Phantom Hazard | | | | Storm Blade | | | | Full Revive | | | | Renovation | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 287 | Mercurius | |=========================================================================| | "Sea of Wind" Epitaph | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Toy Hammer 50% | | | Toy Hammer 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Revive Fruit 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 288 | Melchom | |=========================================================================| | Rare; any land in Filgaia | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Gella Card 25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 289 | Melchom Lich | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Rosetta Town | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 290 | Mourn Skull | |=========================================================================| | Land south of Giant's Cradle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Hard Grape 50% | Nectar 50% | Baryon Corrida | | Potion Berry 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Cellular Petrifier | | | | Hazardous Material 666 s| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 291 | Monster Zed | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Saint Centaur | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 292 | Ukoback | |=========================================================================| | Outside Puzzle Box 14 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Toy Hammer 50% | Toy Hammer 50% | Caloric Sphere | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Nectar 12.5% | Force Carrot 12.5% | | | Memoirs Pen 1 6.25% | Memoirs Pen 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 293 | Yurlungur | |=========================================================================| | Filgaia's Scar; desert in northeast corner of map | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Bright Blast | | Revive Fruit 25% | Nectar 25% | Bright Zone | | Force Carrot 12.5% | Small Flower 12.5% | | | Ray Break 3 6.25% | MP Up 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 294 | Larva | |=========================================================================| | Outside Saint Centaur | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Antidote 50% | | | Heal Berry 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Moon Stone 1 12.5% | | | Moon Stone 1 6.25% | Moon Stone 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 295 | Largon | |=========================================================================| | Inner Sea | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Nectar 50% | Maelstrom | | Revive Fruit 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Magic Zone | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 296 | Light Lizard | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Ray Break 1 50% | Ray Break 2 50% | Bright Blast | | Ray Break 2 25% | Ray Break 3 25% | | | Ray Break 3 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 297 | Ragu O Ragula | |=========================================================================| | Boss; the Abyss, floor 100 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Sheriff Star 100% | Ambrosia 12.5% | Agony Effect | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 298 | Ragu O Ragula | |=========================================================================| | Boss; the Abyss, floor 001 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Ex. File Key 100% | Ambrosia 100% | Paradigm Pollution | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 299 | Rat Monkey | |=========================================================================| | Outside Adlehyde | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 84% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Potion Berry 11.7% | Nectar 25% | | | LVL Apple 3.9% | MP Repair 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 300 | Ranunculus | |=========================================================================| | Island west of Devil's Playground | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Force Carrot 12.5% | Hydro Launcher | | Nectar 25% | | Rock Gazer | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 301 | Rahab | |=========================================================================| | Any of Filgaia's lakes | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Medicine 50% | Small Flower 25% | Blizzard Breath | | Nectar 25% | Force Carrot 12.5% | Slumber Fog | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 302 | Rufflesia | |=========================================================================| | Outside Puzzle Box 20 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Breath Mint 37.5% | Potion Berry 50% | Crack Tremor | | Medicine 37.5% | Gaia Stop 1 25% | Slumber Fog | | MP Up 1 12.5% | Defense Up 3 12.5% | Stink Cloud | | Floral Arts 6.25% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 303 | Lamia | |=========================================================================| | Guardian Temple | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Antidote 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Slumber Fog | | Breath Mint 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | Toxic Breath | | | Silver Harp 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 304 | Land Anemone | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Barrier Shelter | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Dark Break 2 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * Land Anemine has Slumber Fog, but Emma isn't around for this fight. ___________________________ | # 305 | Leviathan | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Inner Sea | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Water Break 4 100% | Ambrosia 12.5% | Hydro Launcher | | | | Infra Sonic s. | | | | Maelstrom | | | | Water Zone | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 306 | Lizardman | |=========================================================================| | Mountain Path | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 80% | | | | Toy Hammer 20.3% | | | | Defend 1 0.8% | | | | Counter Up 1 0.8% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 307 | Retributor | |=========================================================================| | Photosphere | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Revive Fruit 50% | Nectar 50% | Rule of Vengeance | | Mega Berry 25% | Force Carrot 25% | | | Force Carrot 12.5% | Blocker 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 308 | Little Grey | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 11-20 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Hard Grape 50% | Arc Impulse | | Revive Fruit 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Cellular Petrifier | | Small Flower 12.5% | Lucky Card 12.5% | Undulation Cannon | | Resist Up 2 6.25% | Resist Up 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 309 | Lolithia | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Photosphere | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Ice Break 3 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * She has Freezing Zone, but Emma's never around for this fight. ___________________________ | # 310 | Lindwurm | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 51-60 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Peppy Acorn 50% | Peppy Acorn 50% | Infra Sonic m. | | Small Flower 25% | Mega Berry 25% | Storm Blade | | Olive Branch 2 12.5% | Resist Up 2 12.5% | | | Windbreaker 3 6.25% | Windbreaker 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 311 | Luceid | |=========================================================================| | Boss; "Sea of Wind" Epitaph | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 312 | Luceid | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Fallen Sanctuary | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 313 | Luceid | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Ka Dingel | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 314 | Lucifer | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Malduke's red area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Ray Break 4 100% | Ambrosia 12.5% | Bright Zone | | | | Luminous Impact | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 315 | Wraith | |=========================================================================| | Malduke's red area | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Nectar 50% | Luminous Moss | | Revive Fruit 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Screaming Mad | | Clear Chime 3 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 316 | Rachael | |=========================================================================| | Ghost Ship | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | | | Potion Berry 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Critical 1 12.5% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 317 | Raidbuster | |=========================================================================| | Giant's Cradle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Nectar 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Hyperion Blaster | | Revive Fruit 25% | Mega Berry 25% | | | Counter Up 1 12.5% | Counter Up 2 12.5% | | | Defense Up 2 6.25% | Defense Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 318 | Reckless Ent | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Perpetual Engine | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | | | Great Booster | | | | Renovation | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 319 | Lady Harken | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Dragon Shrine | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 320 | Lady Harken | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 321 | Lady Harken | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Arctica Castle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Critical 2 100% | | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 322 | Leprechaun | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Novice League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 323 | Remnant | |=========================================================================| | Outside Volcannon Trap and Giant's Cradle | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Hard Grape 50% | | | Hard Grape 25% | Potion Berry 25% | | | Potion Berry 12.5% | Nectar 12.5% | | | Blocker 1 6.25% | Blocker 2 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 324 | Rock Buster | |=========================================================================| | Rare; desert outside Rosetta Town | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Potion Berry 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Crack Tremor | | Blocker 1 25% | HP Up 1 25% | Rock Gazer | | Defense Up 2 12.5% | Gaia Stop 2 12.5% | | | Gaia Stop 3 6.25% | Defense Up 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 325 | Rock Baboon | |=========================================================================| | Sand River | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Heal Berry 50% | Potion Berry 50% | Rock Gazer | | Force Carrot 25% | Revive Fruit 25% | | | Gaia Stop 1 12.5% | Gaia Stop 2 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 326 | Rotting Beast | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Berry Cave | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 327 | Rotting Beast | |=========================================================================| | Boss; Surf Village | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * The Rotting Core part of this beast has Hyperion Blaster, but Rudy has to fight it alone. Sorry, Emma. ___________________________ | # 328 | Ronway | |=========================================================================| | Fallen Sanctuary | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Pinwheel 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Luminous Moss | | Peppy Acorn 25% | Nectar 25% | | | Force Carrot 12.5% | Heal Berry 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 329 | Wise Man | |=========================================================================| | Demon's Lab | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Pinwheel 50% | Revive Fruit 50% | Luminous Moss | | Peppy Acorn 25% | Nectar 25% | | | Force Carrot 12.5% | Heal Berry 12.5% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 330 | Wight | |=========================================================================| | Devil's Playground, Novice League | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___________________________ | # 331 | EM Being | |=========================================================================| | The Abyss, floors 71-80 | |----------(D)----------|----------(S)----------|-----------(E)-----------| | Mega Berry 50% | Nectar 50% | Electrigger | | Revive Fruit 25% | Force Carrot 25% | Undulation Cannon | | Memoirs Pen 2 12.5% | Boom Break 2 12.5% | Voltage Spark | | Memoirs Pen 3 6.25% | Boom Break 3 6.25% | | """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VI. Items and Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------Items------------- ~~Part 1: EX File Keys~~ Here's how these bloody things work: There are 25 keys, and each one does one function different. With this, I try to place these items in the order which my guide speaks of them: ______________________________________________________________________ | Display | Location | |=====================================================================| | __ Status | Elw Shrine 2 in a chest | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Event Movie | Filgaia Outfield (16,900 x 7900) | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Ex New Game | Lolithia's Coffin, Floor:017 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 4 | Dropped by Mother in Photosphere | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 2 | Surf Village chest via Wind Staff | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 1 | Buy in Tarjon Village; 99 Gimel Coins | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 15 | Finish 'Map Completion' | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Encyclopedia of Chars. | Pandemonium in a sealed chest | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 7 | Black Market purchase; 9999999 gella | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Monster Encyclopedia | Port Timney; minimal 50% monster data | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 9 | Get Rudy to Lv 100 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 10 | Get Jack to Lv 100 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 11 | Get Cecilia to Lv 100 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 12 | Get Jane to Lv 100 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 13 | Get Zed to Lv 100 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 14 | Get Emma to Lv 100 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Opening Movie | Ship Graveyard; Solve all Puzzle Boxes | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 16 | Complete the Gardening event | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 6 | Collect all Witch Books | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 8 | Defeat the Black Box | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 18 | Defeat Ragu O Ragula the second time | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 5 | Defeat all Golems | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 17 | Steal from Motherfried | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ End Movie | Over 7k dmg to Zeik Tuvai + Lucky Shot | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ Illustration Gallery 3 | Complete music collecting event | |_____________________________________________________________________| ~~Part 2: Migrant Seals~~ The more you gather, the easier it is to avoid battle. You start with 0, and the most is 20. Again, I'll be trying to get these in order. ______________________________________________________________________ | | Location | |=====================================================================| | __ 1 | Given to Rudy after accepting mission into Berry Cave | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 2 | Ruins of Memory, Floor:003 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 3 | Mountain Path, Floor:005 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 4 | Baskar Village; purchase from merchant for 5000 gella | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 5 | Saint Centaur; access after residents vanish | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 6 | Adlehyde; 30,000 gella purchase after lv.4 resoration | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 7 | Volcannon Trap; dropped by Zed | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 8 | Barrier Shelter, Floor:005 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 9 | Devil's Playground; purchase from merchant for 10,000 gella | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 10 | Puzzle Box 13 (3800 x 4200) | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 11 | Filgaia Outfield (23,600 x 1000) | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 12 | Demon's Lab, Floor:007 after beating the researcher | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 13 | Sinner's Studio; given by Vassim after showing up w/ Mariel | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 14 | Filgaia Outfield (22,800 x 22,800) | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 15 | Pandemonium; dropped by Turask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 16 | Malduke, Floor:013 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 17 | Arctica Castle, Floor:005 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 18 | Adlehyde Exhibition Grounds; destroy the Scrap Figures | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 19 | Filgaia Outfield (19,800 x 20,000) | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 20 | Floor: 006 of The Abyss | |_____________________________________________________________________| ~~Part 3: Tools~~ Eight characters, you can keep six of them, and three have tools. Rudy ______________________________________________________________________ | | Tool | Function | |=====================================================================| | __ 1 | Bombs | Blow up rocks/crates/etc., | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 2 | Radar | Reveal items, paths, and switches. | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 3 | Mighty | Lift heavy objects; some objects can now be | | | Glove | pushed or destroyed with the extra strength. | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 4 | Grenade | Hit distant switches, and blow things up from a | | | | distance. | |_____________________________________________________________________| Jack ______________________________________________________________________ | | Tool | Function | |=====================================================================| | __ 1 | Hanpan | Switches and chests handled from distance | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 2 | Wirehook | Cross gaps by latching onto mini-columns; hit | | | | distant switches; rake in a few targets. | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 3 | Jump | Jump into air (boosted by special pads) for a | | | Boots | variety of reasons. | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 4 | Old | Summon monsters to be battled. This can break | | | Guitar | open large crystals that seal a few bosses. | |_____________________________________________________________________| Cecilia ______________________________________________________________________ | | Tool | Function | |=====================================================================| | __ 1 | Tinder | Light torches . . . melt ice | | | Staff | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 2 | Magic | Communicate with animals | | | Staff | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 3 | Change | Exhange of orange blocks/gems; | | | Staff | Trade places with white gems | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 4 | Wave | Rotate and raise things | | | Staff | | |_____________________________________________________________________| More items on the way. -------------Moves------------- ~~Part 1: ARMs~~ Rudy and Jane use ARMs. Each ARM can be remodeled 15 times, and each has five things to choose from: ATT Bonus--What gets added to character's STR during attacks/abilities AIM Bonus--An addition to character's AIM Bullets--Number of shots allowed per battle before having to reload. Easiness--Ups reflexes and chances for counter and auto-reload. Critical--Amount of extra damage done when a hit criticals. * Typically, you don't have to worry about most of these for this game. The following charts should help you even more in planning your funds and so on through the game: Remodeling Expenses (In Gella) ______________________________________________________________________ | Lv. | ATT Bonus | AIM Bonus | Bullets | Easiness | Critical | |=====================================================================| | __ 1 | 1000 | 400 | 600 | 100 | 200 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 2 | 4000 | 1600 | 2400 | 400 | 800 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 3 | 9000 | 3200 | 5400 | 900 | 1800 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 4 | 16000 | 6400 | 9600 | 1600 | 3200 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 5 | 25000 | 10000 | 15000 | 2500 | 5000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 6 | 36000 | 14400 | 21600 | 3600 | 7200 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 7 | 49000 | 19600 | 29400 | 4900 | 9800 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 8 | 64000 | 25600 | 38400 | 6400 | 12800 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 9 | 81000 | 32400 | 48600 | 8100 | 16200 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 10 | 100000 | 40000 | 60000 | 10000 | 20000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 11 | 121000 | 48400 | 72600 | 12100 | 24200 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 12 | 144000 | 57600 | 86400 | 14400 | 28800 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 13 | 169000 | 67600 | 101400 | 16900 | 33800 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 14 | 196000 | 78400 | 117600 | 19600 | 39200 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 15 | 225000 | 90000 | 135000 | 22500 | 45000 | |_____________________________________________________________________| Rudy's Remodeling Parameters _________________________________________________________________ | Lv. | ATT Bonus | AIM Bonus | Bullets | Easiness | Critical | |===============================================================| | Start | 10 | 8 | 3 | 1 | 1.5 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 1 | 16 | 12 | 4 | 2 | 1.6 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 2 | 24 | 18 | 5 | 3 | 1.7 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 3 | 34 | 28 | 6 | 4 | 1.8 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 4 | 46 | 36 | 7 | 5 | 1.9 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 5 | 60 | 48 | 8 | 6 | 2.0 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 6 | 76 | 60 | 9 | 7 | 2.1 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 7 | 94 | 76 | 10 | 8 | 2.2 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 8 | 114 | 92 | 11 | 9 | 2.3 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 9 | 136 | 108 | 12 | 10 | 2.4 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 10 | 160 | 128 | 13 | 11 | 2.5 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 11 | 186 | 148 | 14 | 12 | 2.6 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 12 | 214 | 172 | 15 | 13 | 2.7 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 13 | 244 | 196 | 16 | 14 | 2.8 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 14 | 276 | 220 | 17 | 15 | 2.9 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 15 | 310 | 248 | 18 | 16 | 3.0 | |_______________________________________________________________| Jane's Remodeling Parameters _________________________________________________________________ | Lv. | ATT Bonus | AIM Bonus | Bullets | Easiness | Critical | |===============================================================| | Start | 6 | 7 | 5 | 1 | 1.5 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 1 | 10 | 11 | 6 | 2 | 1.6 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 2 | 15 | 18 | 7 | 3 | 1.7 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 3 | 21 | 25 | 8 | 4 | 1.8 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 4 | 28 | 34 | 9 | 5 | 1.9 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 5 | 36 | 44 | 10 | 6 | 2.0 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 6 | 45 | 56 | 11 | 7 | 2.1 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 7 | 55 | 69 | 12 | 8 | 2.2 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 8 | 66 | 84 | 13 | 9 | 2.3 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 9 | 78 | 100 | 14 | 10 | 2.4 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 10 | 91 | 117 | 15 | 11 | 2.5 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 11 | 105 | 137 | 16 | 12 | 2.6 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 12 | 120 | 157 | 17 | 13 | 2.7 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 13 | 136 | 179 | 18 | 14 | 2.8 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 14 | 152 | 202 | 19 | 15 | 2.9 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | __ 15 | 170 | 228 | 20 | 16 | 3.0 | |_______________________________________________________________| Then, you'll have to consider the abilities Rudy and Jane have. Rudy's can be upgraded with Alter Parts (AP). Rudy's Remodeling Parameters ____________________________________________________________________________ | Cartridge | Range | Power | Reaction | Hit | Start | AP Per | | | | (Attack) | | | Shots | Upgrade | |==========================================================================| | Boosted Shell | Single | x3 | 75% | +50 | 3 | 1 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Snipe Bullet | Single | x2.5 | 200% | +100 | 3 | 1 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Solid Storm | Group | x1.5 | 50% | -25 | 3 | 1 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gatling Raid | Single | x2 | 25% | -50 | 2 | 2 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mighty | All | x4 | 75% | -50 | 2 | 2 | | Avalanche | (Random) | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hound Mine | Group | x2 | 100% | +25 | 2 | 2 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gun Claymore | Single | x5 | 100% | +/-0 | 1 | 3 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Arc Nova | All | x4.5 | 25% | -50 | 1 | 3 | |__________________________________________________________________________| Jane's Calamities _____________________________________________________________________ | | MP | Description | |===================================================================| | Sucker | 4 | Provoke enemy group to keep attacking | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | Pilfer | 2 | Steal from enemy--easier with low-level enemies | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | What Can | 6 | Interupt an enemy's attack with basic shot | | You Do? | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | Follow Me | 8 | Jane attacks first, and your party follows her. | | | | Think of Jack's "Accelerator" on crack. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | I'll Show | All | Attack single enemy with a giant bomb | | You | | | |___________________________________________________________________| ~~Part 2: Fast Draws~~ There are 8 Fast Draws that Jack gets in the game. Collect them all to raise Jack's stats. Level them by using them, and their MP Costs will be reduced. Speed Fang _____________________________ | | Usage | MP Cost | |===========================| | Level 1 | 0 | 10 | |---------------------------| | Level 2 | 2 | 8 | |---------------------------| | Level 3 | 22 | 6 | |---------------------------| | Level 4 | 75 | 4 | |---------------------------| | Level 5 | 225 | 2 | |___________________________| Strike Buddy _____________________________ | | Usage | MP Cost | |===========================| | Level 1 | 0 | 5 | |---------------------------| | Level 2 | 3 | 4 | |---------------------------| | Level 3 | 27 | 3 | |---------------------------| | Level 4 | 90 | 2 | |---------------------------| | Level 5 | 270 | 1 | |___________________________| Burst Breaker _____________________________ | | Usage | MP Cost | |===========================| | Level 1 | 0 | 15 | |---------------------------| | Level 2 | 3 | 12 | |---------------------------| | Level 3 | 32 | 9 | |---------------------------| | Level 4 | 105 | 6 | |---------------------------| | Level 5 | 315 | 3 | |___________________________| Acute Angle _____________________________ | | Usage | MP Cost | |===========================| | Level 1 | 0 | 15 | |---------------------------| | Level 2 | 4 | 12 | |---------------------------| | Level 3 | 36 | 9 | |---------------------------| | Level 4 | 120 | 6 | |---------------------------| | Level 5 | 360 | 3 | |___________________________| Axle Smash _____________________________ | | Usage | MP Cost | |===========================| | Level 1 | 0 | 20 | |---------------------------| | Level 2 | 4 | 16 | |---------------------------| | Level 3 | 41 | 12 | |---------------------------| | Level 4 | 135 | 8 | |---------------------------| | Level 5 | 405 | 4 | |___________________________| Blade Pulse _____________________________ | | Usage | MP Cost | |===========================| | Level 1 | 0 | 20 | |---------------------------| | Level 2 | 5 | 16 | |---------------------------| | Level 3 | 27 | 12 | |---------------------------| | Level 4 | 160 | 8 | |---------------------------| | Level 5 | 455 | 4 | |___________________________| Maximum Risk _____________________________ | | Usage | MP Cost | |===========================| | Level 1 | 0 | 25 | |---------------------------| | Level 2 | 5 | 20 | |---------------------------| | Level 3 | 42 | 15 | |---------------------------| | Level 4 | 140 | 10 | |---------------------------| | Level 5 | 415 | 5 | |___________________________| Laser Silhouette _____________________________ | | Usage | MP Cost | |===========================| | Level 1 | 0 | 30 | |---------------------------| | Level 2 | 6 | 24 | |---------------------------| | Level 3 | 45 | 18 | |---------------------------| | Level 4 | 150 | 12 | |---------------------------| | Level 5 | 450 | 6 | |___________________________| ~~Part 3: Spells and Materials~~ Cecilia can choose between 32 spells, but she can carry as manay as you have collected Crest Graphs. Each spell is gained by having available Crest Graphs and the gella. Below are two tables (for Support and Attack magic). Combo means the elements (such as Geo, Fray, Wing, and Muse) placed from column to row. Gil Cost is the one-time cost of gil for placing a spell onto a Crest Graph. However, you can dissolve a spell from a Crest Graph, receive no refund for it, and then pay the amount of gil again to re-obtain the spell. Support Magic ____________________________________________________________________________ | Combo & | MP | Gil | Range | Effect | | Name | Cost | Cost | | | |==========================================================================| | Geo x Geo | 10 | 100 | Ally | Increase Defense for 6-10 turns | | Shield | | | Group | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Geo x Fray | 50 | 500 | Single | Places an auto-revive on ally | | Resurrection | | | Ally | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Geo x Wing | 12 | 120 | Single | Causes single reflection of phys. | | Retaliation | | | Ally | attack | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Geo x Muse | 10 | 100 | Ally | Increase Resist for 6-10 turns | | Protect | | | Group | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fray x Geo | 36 | 360 | Single | Execute previous command for 2-6 | | Command | | | Ally | turns | | Replay | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fray x Fray | 18 | 180 | Single | Increases FP growth for 3-7 turns | | Reinforce | | | Ally | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fray x Wing | 12 | 120 | Single | Increases Luck temporarily | | Hocus Pocus | | | Ally | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fray x Muse | 2 | 20 | Single | Reveal an enemy's stats; needed | | Analyze | | | Enemy | for a sidequest | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wing x Geo | 12 | 120 | Ally | Reflect magic attacks for 1-5 | | Reflect | | | Group | turns | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wing x Fray | 16 | 160 | Ally | Allows party to escape from any | | Escape | | | Group | non-boss battle | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wing x Wing | 6 | 60 | Single | Increase Reaction for 6-10 turns | | Quick | | | Ally | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wing x Muse | 10 | 100 | Ally | Increase Evasion for 1-5 turns | | Turbulence | | | Group | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Muse x Geo | 8 | 80 | Single | Brings a fallen ally back to life | | Revive | | | Ally | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Muse x Fray | 10 | 100 | Single | Makes a character's positive stat | | Permanence | | | Ally | boost(s) last to end of battle | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Muse x Wing | 18 | 180 | Single | Cures all negative status except | | Restore | | | Ally | Unable to Fight | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Muse x Muse | 4 | 40 | Single | Recover a character's HP; amount | | Heal | | | Ally | based on user's Magic | |__________________________________________________________________________| Attack Magic ____________________________________________________________________________ | Combo & | MP | Gil | Range | Effect | | Name | Cost | Cost | | | |==========================================================================| | Geo x Geo | 6 | 60 | Single | Deals Earth-elemental damage | | Crush | | | Enemy | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Geo x Fray | 4 | 40 | Single | non-reflectable eraser of status | | Dispel | | | Enemy | effects . . . the positive ones | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Geo x Wing | 18 | 180 | Single | Absorbs HP from the target to the | | Life Drain | | | Enemy | user | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Geo x Muse | 6 | 60 | Single | Deals Light-elemental damage | | Spectre | | | Enemy | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fray x Geo | 12 | 120 | Single | Deals non-elemental damage | | Devastate | | | Enemy | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fray x Fray | 6 | 60 | Single | Deals Fire-elemental damage | | Fire | | | Enemy | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fray x Wing | 6 | 60 | Single | Deals Dark-elemental damage | | Darkness | | | Enemy | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fray x Muse | 4 | 40 | Single | Lower an enemy's defense | | Fragile | | | Enemy | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wing x Geo | 10 | 100 | Single | Does damage depending on Magic | | Graviton | | | Enemy | and FP amount | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wing x Fray | 32 | 320 | Single | Strike an enemy with weak damage; | | Lucky Shot | | | Enemy | Adds chance for item if finisher | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wing x Wing | 6 | 60 | Single | Deals Wind-elemental damage | | Vortex | | | Enemy | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wing x Muse | 6 | 60 | Single | Deals Thunder-elemental damage | | Lightning | | | Enemy | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Muse x Geo | 10 | 100 | Enemy | Deals damage which spreads out | | Spread | | | Group | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Muse x Fray | 4 | 40 | Single | Lowers resistance to magic | | Feeble Mind | | | Enemy | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Muse x Wing | 6 | 60 | Single | Deals Ice-elemental damage | | Freeze | | | Enemy | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Muse x Muse | 6 | 60 | Single | Deals Water-elemental damage | | Pressure | | | Enemy | | |__________________________________________________________________________| And, then, there are the summons--Materials--Cecilia can use once they've been found and obtained. The table is in order of when the mediums are found (in my guide). Materials ___________________________________________________________________________ | Medium | Guardian | FP | Attack | Effect | |=========================================================================| | Aqua Wisp | Schturdark | 50 | Assault | Water dmg to enemies; | | | | | Tide | Magic x3 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Terra Roar | Grudiev | 50 | Planet | Earth dmg to enemies; | | | | | Breaker | Magic x3 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fiery Rage | Moor Gault | 50 | Vapor | Fire dmg to enemies; | | | | | Blast | Magic x3 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gale Claw | Fengalon | 50 | Hi-Speed | Wind dmg to enemies; | | | | | Ripper | Magic x3 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Holy Man | Ione Paua | 25 | Sacred | Makes a field guarding | | Sorrow | | | Isolator | from attributed dmg | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Thunder Fang | Naua Shacks | 25 | Rage | Thunder dmg to enemies; | | | | | Hammer | Magic x3 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Flash Hit | Stare Roe | 50 | Augoeides | Light dmg to enemies; | | | | | | Magic x3 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sword Swipe | Equitess | 75 | Genocide | Single blow to enemies | | | | | Edge | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ice Crystal | Aru Saluto | 50 | Icicle | Ice dmg to enemies; | | | | | End | Magic x3 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Shining Star | Rigdobrite | 25 | Shining | Charges Crest Sorcery's | | | | | Star | effect to group | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Life Flame | Odoryuk | 75 | Live Horn | Recover HP and from bad | | | | | | status; Magic x5 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hell Scream | Dras Drum | 50 | Primitive | Dark dmg to enemies; | | | | | Dark | Magic x3 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Love Charm | Raftina | 100 | Affection | Recover Cecilia's MP | | | | | Embrace | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Castle | Zelduke | 25 | Status | Barrier against status | | Defense | | | Lock | effects (not Fallen). | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Brave Seal | Justine | 100 | Brave | Add to party's attack; | | | | | Weapon | lessen special defenses | | | | | | of enemies. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hope Shard | Zephyr | 100 | Phantasm | Non-elemental dmg upon | | | | | Heart | all enemies; Magic x4 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Cosmic Cog | Dan Dairam | 75 | System | Stops the flow of time | | | | | Kronos | for a round. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Battle Lust | Luceid | 100 | Black | Non-elemental dmg upon | | | | | Renegade | enemy group | |_________________________________________________________________________| Cosmic Cog can be used before anyone's (or anything's) attack. It is trumped only by Accelerator and Follow Me. So, if an enemy counters attacks, then Jack will still need to be healed. Otherwise, Cosmic Cog will cancel that enemy's turn for the round it is used. ~~Part 4: Emma's Downloads~~ Emma is Wild ARMs Alter Code F's resident blue mage. She can Download skills from enemies, and utilize them for the party's well-being. * When Emma already has all the skills that the targeted enemy has, then Download acts as Emma's MP healer when it hits the same target. First is an example of what the table will look like. _________________________________________________________________________ | Emulator | MP | Range | Ex. Enemy w/ Skill | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Effect | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Download | 0 | Single Enemy | N/A | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Download available skill(s); Heal own MP when already own skills*. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Rock Gazer | 24 | Single Enemy | Antlion, Cave Taurus | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Earth damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Crack Tremor | 36 | Enemy Party | Rock Buster, Sandstag | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Earth damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Hydro Launcher | 24 | Single Enemy | Capricorn, Eel Volk | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Water damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Maelstrom | 36 | Enemy Party | Eel Volk, Hydra, Largon | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Water damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Caloric Sphere | 24 | Single Enemy | Ifrit | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Fire damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Ash Reducer | 36 | Enemy Party | Ifrit | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Fire damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Sky Twister | 24 | Single Enemy | Devonova | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Wind damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Storm Blade | 36 | Enemy Party | Mage Fox | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Wind damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Voltage Spark | 24 | Single Enemy | Stormdrake | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Thunder damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Electrigger | 36 | Enemy Party | Mage Fox | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Thunder damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Arctic Lance | 24 | Single Enemy | Flurity | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Ice damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Flirtation | 36 | Enemy Party | Flurity, Mage Fox | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Ice damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Bright Blast | 24 | Single Enemy | Fairy Light | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Light damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Luminous Impact | 36 | Enemy Party | Mage Fox | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Light damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Screaming Mad | 24 | Single Enemy | Zonemaker | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Dark damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Phantom Hazard | 36 | Enemy Party | Baphomet, Stanga | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Dark damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Agony Effect | 28 | Single Enemy | Amon | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Paradigm Polution | 40 | Enemy Party | Black Box | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Flare Bomb | 38 | Single Enemy | Aspick, Jabberwocky | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Fire damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Reset | 4 | Field | Acid Bunny, Delowbunny | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sets battle back to how it was at the very start. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Baking Breath | 32 | Single Enemy | Hell Hound, Vivel, Garum | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Fire damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Blizzard Breath | 32 | Single Enemy | Rahab | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Ice damage. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Stink Cloud | 18 | Enemy Party | Gagison, Sea Bishop | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict the ailment Sickness | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Toxic Breath | 18 | Enemy Party | Anzu, Crab Bubbler | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict the ailment Poison | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Slumber Fog | 18 | Enemy Party | Aello, Rahab | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict the ailment Sleep | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Luminous Moss | 18 | Enemy Party | Myconid, Wraith | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict the ailment Confusion | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Petrify Cloud | 18 | Enemy Party | Behemoth, Gargoyle | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict the ailment Petrify Countdown (2) | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Asphyxiation | 18 | Enemy Party | Gasnoid | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict Fallen | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Noxious Stream | 22 | Single Enemy | Sammael | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage; inflict the ailment Sickness | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Harmful Wave | 22 | Single Enemy | Will-o' the Wisp | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage; inflict the ailment Poison | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Hypnotizer | 22 | Single Enemy | Sammael | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage; inflict the ailment Sleep | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Psychedelicor | 22 | Single Enemy | Coppelia | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage; inflict the ailment Confusion | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Cellular Petrifier | 22 | Single Enemy | Little Grey, Mourn Skull | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage; inflict the ailment Petrify Countdown (2) | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Radious Breath | 22 | Single Enemy | Sammael | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage; inflict the ailment Fallen | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Baryon Corrida | 12 | Single Enemy | Apostate | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Undulation Cannon | 32 | Single Enemy | EM Being, Little Grey | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Hyperion Blaster | 46 | Single Enemy | Sammael | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Infra Sonic | 14 | Single Enemy | Coatler, Kheim | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Infra Sonic | 20 | Enemy Party | Lindwurm | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Anti-Matter Bomb | 36 | Single Enemy | Creeping Chaos | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Anti-Matter Bomb | 48 | Enemy Party | Silent Chaos | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Hazardous Material 666 | 40 | Single Enemy | Apostate | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reduce HP to 1 | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Hazardous Material 666 | 60 | Enemy Party | Apostate | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reduce HP to 1 | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Petrify Stare | 12 | Single Enemy | Catoblepas, Jabberwocky | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict the ailment Petrify Countdown (1) | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Insect Breath | 80 | Single Enemy | Gerbug | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reduce HP to 1 | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | The Uncertainty Theory | 48 | Single Enemy | Balaam | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage; inflict the ailments Sickness and Poison | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Shriek | 42 | Enemy Party | Shrieker | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict the ailments Sickness and Confusion | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Direct Voice | 48 | Enemy Party | Creeping Chaos | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict the ailments Sickness and Poison | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Arc-En-Ciel | 56 | Enemy Party | Silent Chaos | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict ailments Sickness/Poison/Sleep/Confusion/Petrify Countdown (2) | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Petrify | 20 | Single Enemy | Cockatrice | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Earth damage; inflict Petrify Countdown (1) | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Vanish | 72 | Enemy Group | Imitator, Nosferatu | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Inflict the ailment Fallen | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Tsohanoai's Solar Wind | 38 | Enemy Party | Fiend | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Fire and Wind damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Apocalypse's Thunder | 38 | Enemy Party | Mictoranquiztli | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Thunder and Light damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Hrimthur's Eternal Ice | 38 | Enemy Party | Gigafrost, Stoker | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Earth and Ice damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Sediment of the Styx | 38 | Enemy Party | Aspick | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Water and Dark damage | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Renovation | 8 | Self | Fafneil, Mage Fox | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Recover moderate HP | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Critical Heal | 130 | Party | Delowbunny | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Recover up to 9999 HP | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Spontaneous Combustion | 36 | Single Enemy | Pumpkinhead | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal special Fire damage based on target's relationship to fire | | Weakness: 3x max HP Neutral: Up to current HP Halve: 1/4 HP | | Resist: No damage Active: Recover full HP | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Arc Impulse | 64 | Single Enemy | Little Grey | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal Non-Elemental damage based on number of allies Guarding | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Great Booster | 48 | Single Ally | Fesel Zein, Tzar Zein | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Temporary raise in ally's stats; ATT/MAG are doubled, DEF/RES raised by | | 25%, REA doubled, ACC/EVA raised by half | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Flaming Zone | 15 | Field | Zonemaker | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Double Fire damage and halve Ice damage for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Freezing Zone | 15 | Field | Flurity | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Double Ice damage and halve Fire damage for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Water Zone | 15 | Field | Madangler | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Double Water damage and halve Thunder damage for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Thunder Zone | 15 | Field | Stormdrake | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Double Thunder damage and halve Water damage for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Wind Zone | 15 | Field | Bloodhorn | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Double Wind damage and halve Earth damage for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Earth Zone | 15 | Field | Cockatrice, Clay Puppet | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Double Earth damage and halve Wind damage for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Bright Zone | 15 | Field | Yurlungur | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Double Light damage and halve Dark damage for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Dark Zone | 15 | Field | Amon | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Double Dark damage and halve Light damage for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Contaminated Crust | 24 | Field | Blue Snail, Fafneil | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Enemies lose 10% Max HP for each of 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Anti-Magic Zone | 24 | Field | Zonemaker | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Magical damage is cut by 2/5 for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Offense Zone | 24 | Field | Cyclops | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Physical damage is raised by 1/2 for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Magic Zone | 24 | Field | Largon | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Magical damage is raised by 1/2 for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Aiming Zone | 24 | Field | Egregori | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Accuracy is raised by 1/2 for 4 rounds | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Full Revive | 50 | Single Ally | Mage Fox, Balau | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bring back to life with full HP | |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Rule of Vengeance | 25 | Self | Retributor | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | User returns damage dealt to them as long they survive; lasts until KO, | | or until the battle ends. |_________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________________________________________ | Captured Web | 10 | Single Enemy | Archon | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Halves REA, and reduces EVA to 1, for 1 round | |_________________________________________________________________________| ~~Part 5: Of Swords and Piled Drives~~ When Zed joins you, you will notice that he has one Piled Drive. This is fixed by giving Vassim silver to break the levels of a curse Zed has on him. What this means is that you spend Gella to undo the curse. Alter Parts are then used to increase how often you can use the Piled Drives. * The charts below list the name, the gella needed to unlock the ability, the initial Bullet count (B), and the Alter Parts needed to upgrade the number of bullets the Piled Shot has (AP). They then list what each Piled Shot does. ____________________________________ | Piled Shot | Gella | B | AP | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Effect | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ | Secret Sword | none | 5 | 2 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal damage, but extra damage recoils if this kills the target. | | ! Strengthened by Full Power | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ | Heaven's Wrath | 25000 | 4 | 4 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Nails single enemy for damage based on completion of Monster Guide. | | Great against flying enemies. | | ! Strengthened and range widened by Full Power | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ | Ruin Blade | 50000 | 3 | 6 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Shares Zed's ailments with target enemy. Deal damage made greater by | | Zed taking damage. | | ! Range widened by Full Power | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ | Dancing Heaven | 100000 | 2 | 8 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Six hits have chance to instantly kill random enemy targets. | | ! With Full Power, damage takes place of failed instant death | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ | Star Blast | 200000 | 1 | 10 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deal damage, but equal damage extra recoils if target survives. | | ! Strengthened with Full Power depending on number of battles Zed | | has seen victory over | |_________________________________________________________________________| * Star Blast takes an exceptionally long time to build up to where it would be useful against those stronger side bosses. Even with Sheriff Star equipped, that's so many battles ending with Zed in Vanguard that you might start to wonder if he's even worth it. ~~Part 6: Herb Magic~~ These abilities of Mariel's act like healing items as long as she has the MP to use the ability. These abilities are gained just by leveling up. The charts below reflect the name, the level learned, the MP cost, and the effects. ________________________ | Herb Magic | Lv | MP | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Effect | |_________________________________________________________________________| ________________________ | Heal Berry | 1 | 1 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Recover 100 HP* to one ally | |_________________________________________________________________________| ________________________ | Revive Fruit | 10 | 1 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Recover full HP to fallen ally | |_________________________________________________________________________| ________________________ | Nectar | 20 | 3 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Undoes any reduction to one ally's Max HP, and recovers VIT gauge | |_________________________________________________________________________| ________________________ | Potion Berry | 30 | 6 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Recover 500 HP* to one ally | |_________________________________________________________________________| ________________________ | Magic Carrot | 40 | 6 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Recover 50 MP* to one ally | |_________________________________________________________________________| ________________________ | Status Apple | 50 | 10 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Temporary raise in ally's stats; ATT/MAG are doubled, DEF/RES raised | | by 25%, REA doubled, ACC/EVA raised by half | |_________________________________________________________________________| ________________________ | Mega Berry | 60 | 10 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Recover 2000 HP* to one ally | |_________________________________________________________________________| ________________________ | Force Carrot | 70 | 15 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Raise single ally's FP to 100% | |_________________________________________________________________________| * These ones I marked can be boosted with the Sheriff Star, in case you have one to spare and an interest to see by how much. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VII. Q&A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q. How does one tell the direction they're facing? A. There's a little compass that appears on the screen, and the red half of it points north. The rest is simple deduction. Q. I see something wrong with what you wrote in your guide. A. Okay, please explain in enough detail for me to look into it and make all corrections that are necessary. Thanks. Q. When I pick up an item on the world map, the game glitches and some of the map vanishes (turns into water). Sometimes, it's beneath my character; I can't move when this happens. What do I do? A. Get into a battle. When the graphics glitch appears beneath you, dash at the 'invisible wall' surrounding your character over and over until the battle starts. Once you've finished the battle, the graphics will return to normal. (Tip: It helps for your PS2 and disc to be clean, but glitches still happen.) Q. Why do I have to follow that light around in the Forest Prison? A. How long do you think the light (Guardian) has been locked up? With that in mind, you can guess that the Guardian simply wanted to either have a little fun first, put its legs (or whatever) back to use for the first time in ages, or both. Q. Leviathan did not use any physical attacks. Why did I use Retaliation? A. True, Levi's "Sting Ray" attack is not a common one. It's better to toss that small bit of damage back at it than to take the hit, I would think. Better safe than sorry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VIII. Legal Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This FAQ is copyright material by me. GameFAQs and/or my website is/are the home(s) for where this FAQ may be found. So, please don't ask to include my work on your page without consent and recognition. This includes quotes and/or plagarism . . . Just don't do it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IX. Many Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to my friend Kent for introducing me to the first WA those many years ago. Otherwise, that'd have been a boring Summer. Thanks to Prima and a couple FAQ authors for having guides which helped me get started in some areas. Thanks to those who read this FAQ and followed it. Thanks to the friends who cheered me on in writing this FAQ. Thanks to the boards for some info here and there. I'd like to thank Agetec for trying.