X-men Legends II : Rise of Apocalypse™ Colossus FAQ (flowerboy_huh@yahoo.com) Copyright 2005 Cheu cccc oooo ll oooo sssss sssss uu uu sssss cc cc oo oo ll oo oo ss ss uu uu ss cc oo oo ll oo oo ssss ssss uu uu ssss cc cc oo oo ll oo oo ss ss uu uu ss cccc oooo lllll oooo sssss sssss uuuu sssss ffffff aa qqqqq ff aaaa qq qq fffff aa aa qq qq ff aaaaaa qq q qq ff aa aa qqqqq q Stuff inside: 1. Profile 2. Intro a2. Why use Colossus? a2.50. Strengths a2.75. Weaknesses b2. Costumes 3. Skills a3. Iron Fist b3. uppercut c3. Thunder Clap d3. Massive Strike e3. Bounding Smash f3. Siberian Express g3. Demolition h3. Unbreakable i3. Steelskin j3. Roar k3. Block l3. Brawler m3. Galvanize n3. Metallurgy o3. Might p3. Mutant Master 4. Equipment a4. Belt b4. Gloves c4. Armor d4. How to get d4.25. Belt d4.50. Glove d4.75. Armor 5. Playing Piotr a5. Strategy b5. leveling up stats c5. leveling up skills 6. Hints, Tips and tricks a6. Easy Techbits b6. Team Choices b6.50. Recommended Team Members b6.75. Colossus's Team Bonuses c6. Colossus' Stats c6.50. Bonus Points c6.75. Hidden Maximums d6. Conversation with Kitty 7.Goodbye =============================================================================== 1. Profile =============================================================================== COLOSSUS Realname: Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin Nicknames: Peter Aliases: (former) Peter Nicholas, The Proletarian Height: (normal) 6'6", (armored) 7'5" Weight: (normal) 250 lbs (113 kg), (armored) 500 lbs (227 kg) Eyes: (normal) Blue, (armored) Silver Hair: Black Location: New York City First Appearance: Giant Sized X-Men #1 (1975) Powers: Organic Steel: Colossus is a mutant with the superhuman ability to convert the tissue of his entire body into an organic steel-like substance, granting him superhuman strength and a high degree of resistance to bodily harm. This substance, resembling organic steel, is of unknown composition but appears to be analogous to osmium and to carbon steel. He is able to transform into this armor-like state at will (the process is virtually instantaneous) and remain in that form for an as yet undetermined amount of time. (The longest time he has remained in armored form by choice so far has been five days). Once in his armored form he remains so until he consciously wills himself back to normal. If he is rendered unconscious, however, he spontaneously reverts to his normal form. While in his armored state, Colossus possesses the same degree of mobility that he does in his normal form. The process by which Colossus transforms himself to armored form and back (including his gain of additional mass from an unknown, perhaps extra-dimensional, force) remains unknown. Colossus cannot become partially or selectively armored; his body is either entirely converted or not. Even his eyes become steel-like. It is not knowned what could pierce his armored body although some super strong energy attacks can damage it. It has always been asked if the adamantium claws of wolverine could plunge into his body in armour state but that remains unseen. Superhuman Durability: In his armored form Colossus is highly resistant to most forms of bodily harm. His armor is capable of withstanding ballistic penetration, including that of a 110 millimeter Howitzer shell. He could survive a collision with a loaded, one-ton flatbed truck at 100 miles per hour or an explosion of 450 pounds of TNT. He can survive extremes of temperature from 70 degrees above absolute zero (-390 degrees Fahrenheit) to approximately 9000 Fahrenheit. However, it is theorized that above the latter temperature, his armored form would begin to melt. Colossus's armored form cannot rust under normal Earth conditions. Self-Sustenance: His normal lungs are capable of holding his breath for 3.6 minutes. in his armoured state Piotr as no need to breath,eat or sleep and by being so he does not become tired like normal people. Organic Steel Healing: ability to heal damage he suffered in his organic steel form when he returns to human form, though he only can do this if the damage is less then 70%. Enhanced Endurance: due to his organic steel form he is granted enhanced endurance. Enhanced Speed: due to his organic steel form he is granted enhanced speed, compinsating for his increased weight, allowing him to move basiclly as fast as he could if he was unarmored. Colossus is in unusually fine physical health, permitting the transition back and forth from his normal organic flesh state to his armored form to occur with minimal stress on his system. Strength Level: In his normal state Piotr also has superhuman strenght at least several times more than a normal man maybe due to his size and body weight.In his armoured state however he is able of lifting or pressing about 90 tons under optimal conditions and becomes one of the most stronger beings on earth able of put up a fight with the likes of Juggernaut, Thor, Thing and many others and hold his ground. "Known Abilities"- Piotr is the steel warrior with an artist soul and in his heart he as always been more of a farmer than a warrior. His personality is very sweet and tender and he is a very skilled artist in fact he is the "picasso" of the x-men perfering to draw a picture of his teammates than to put up a fight. he is a very noble soul and altought big and tough in aparence his the most sensible of all the x-men. Origin: Piotr Rasputin was born on the Soviet collective farm called the Ust-Ordynski Collective near Lake Baikal in Siberia. His superhuman powers emerged in adolescence. At first, Rasputin was content simply to use these powers to aid the other people of the Collective. However, Rasputin was contacted by Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, when Xavier was organizing a new team of mutant X-Men to help him rescue the original X-Men from the sentient island Krakoa. Rasputin agreed to leave the farm community in which he was born and raised to go to America with Xavier. Xavier gave Rasputin the code name "Colossus" and Rasputin aided Xavier's other new recruits in their battle against Krakoa. After the battle was won, Rasputin remained in the United States with the new X-Men while the rest of his family stayed on the farm. Rasputin's family always remained in his thoughts. Shortly thereafter a woman known as Miss Locke kidnapped many of the X-Men's loved ones to use as hostages in order to force the X-Men to aid her in freeing her employer, Arcade, from captivity by one of Doctor Doom's robots. Among her captives was Colossus's younger sister Illyana, whom Locke had somehow kidnapped from the Siberian collective farm and transported to the United States. The X-Men freed Illyana from captivity, and she went to live with her brother Piotr (known as Peter in America) at Xavier's mansion. Due to her later captivity in a dimension known as Limbo where she spent years while only mere moments elapsed on Earth, Illyana became the adolescent sorceress known as Magik. During the morlocks massacre at the hands of sinister´s marauders Colossus was injured by wildtide shurikens and become unable to return to his human form. Later along with the rest of the X-men he fought the magical being knowned has the Adversary and was named dead altough he and the X-men were ressurected by Roma and given a new home and base in Australia becoming radar invisible. Later after the Inferno Crisis he and the rest of the X-men returned to their base in Australia. After Storm´s " death" he along with Havok,Dazzler and Psylocke crossed the Perilous Siege and he found himself in new york but with no memories of his former life and became a famous artist and became involved in a realtionship with the morlock Callisto. later his memories returned and he once became an x-man. After Illyana was returned to her true Earth age, Colossus thought it would be better for Illyana if she went back to live with their parents. Sadly, her parents were slain and she was kidnapped by a mutant known as the Soul Skinner who hoped to genetically evolve Illyana to the point where she would have the use of her powers again. Colossus, with the help of the X-Men, saved Illyana and brought her back to the mansion. Later, Illyana became the first tragic victim to be infected with the Legacy Virus and die from it. The deaths of his immediate family caused Colossus to rethink his position with the X-Men and join Magneto and his Acolytes, who had offered him an alternative to the X-Men's way of fighting and living. His stay with Magneto was not long once he realized that Avalon was not the place for him, either. He left in search of the only person he felt truly cared for him, his former love and teammate Kitty Pryde, now a member of Excalibur. Colossus traveled to England, where he found Kitty in the arms of her new love, Pete Wisdom. Colossus, enraged, attacked Wisdom, and although the battle was short-lived, they both sustained minor injuries. Colossus accepted Kitty's new life and chose to become a member of Excalibur. Once the team dissolved, Kitty, Colossus and Nightcrawler returned to the States and became active members of the X-Men. Beast, one of his X-Men teammates, claimed to have found the cure for the Legacy Virus after consulting the late Moira MacTaggert's notes. However, it required a mutant to activate their powers, and the process would be fatal. Colossus agreed to use it despite Beast's warnings that it might not work. Colossus was successful, and the cure was spread worldwide, claiming his life in the process. Colossus' body was supposedly cremated, and Kitty scattered the ashes over his Russian farmland home; however, his body had secretly been stolen by Ord, an alien who had learned that an Earthly mutant would be responsible for destroying his world. Ord had come to Earth to declare war, but the spy agency S.W.O.R.D., a sub-division of S.H.I.E.L.D. handling extraterrestrial matters, was able to settle diplomatically with him. Ord had Colossus restored to life and imprisoned him for years while experimenting on him. Ultimately, Ord discovered the Legacy Virus cure still in Colossus' system and presented his findings to Benetech geneticist Doctor Kavita Rao, who modified it to create a "cure" for the "mutant condition." Learning of the cure, the X-Men went to Benetech to investigate. There, Kitty found Colossus alive and, after overcoming her initial shock, took him to aid the X-Men against Ord. Defeated, Ord was taken into custody, and Colossus returned home with the X-Men to adjust to his new lease on life. Currently Colossus has returned to the X-Men and his long love Shadowcat. Despite his impressive physical power and stature, Colossus is actually one of the gentlest and least-aggressive X-Men characters. He would prefer to be a soft-spoken artist, but realizes his responsibility to use his powers for the betterment of humanity. Soon after, Colossus became involved in a mystery involving the deaths of several of his cousins, all of whom (like himself) were descended from the “doom of Old Russia”, Grigori Rasputin. It was eventually revealed that Grigori was attempting to return through his descendants, and that his old ally Mister Sinister had teamed with Colossus' brother Mikhail to hasten the process. Ultimately, Mikhail sought to protect Colossus by exiling himself to ensure Grigori could never return. =============================================================================== 2. Intro =============================================================================== Hello, this is my FAQ on Colossus of X-Men Legends II : Rise of Apocalypse, I am mainly writing this FAQ because I like Colossus and he's my favoritte character. a2. Why use Colossus? Personally, I used Colossus because he was and still is my all time favorite X-Men...but even if he has the lowest ratings, I don't see any difference with him and any other tank in the game so why complain about him. Another thing is that Colossus looks so much cooler than other characters because who else has shiny skin? Aside from this he's got a cool russian accent... a2.50. Strengths He's got big damage, Might and other characteristics of a tank... actually he is a typical tank. Plus! he's got a lot of passives AND really really good damaging attacks PLUS the useful skill Mutant Master so he doesn't lose his energy. and remember...HE IS MIGHTY, HE IS COLOSSUS!!! a2.75. Weaknesses He can't fly, Teleport. that's the worst problem he has... aside from this he only has melee attacks so he can't fight those who are immune to melee but who cares...your not alone, you've got allies b2. Costumes Check these links out to see his costumes... I couldn't really find all of his costumes so I'll just describe the once I couldn't find... Ultimate Colossus (Default): http://www.uncannyxmen.net/images/costume/colossus-ult.jpg Close to the original Colossus: http://mutantvault.xmenlegends2.com/assets/gambit5-thumb.jpg Age of Apocalypse Colossus: http://www.pbrainprojects.com/wp-content/aoa01col.jpg Original Colossus: http://members.aol.com/pgkrumholz/colossus/colossus23.jpg Brown Colossus: In this costume colossus is brown and by this I mean everything is brown, I can't say for sure if he has clothes but he looks like he has a helmet or Something. Xtreme/Winter Colossus: http://www.spidershadow.com/xpiderman/xmenlegends/screencaps/costumes/ colossus-extreme.jpg Human Colossus: Ultimate Colossus unmetalized (I just made a new word :D) =============================================================================== 3. Skills =============================================================================== a3. Iron Fist Type: Melee Requirements: None Description: Increased melee attack with knockback. Commentary: Good for starters... don't put any other points into it though (Level 1) : +250% physical damage, 40 knockback, 8 EP (Level 4) : +280% physical damage, 53 knockback, 11EP (Level 7) : +310% physical damage, 67 knockback, 15EP (Level 10): +341% physical damage, 81 knockback, 18EP (Level 13): +370% physical damage, 95 knockback, 22EP (Level 16): +400% physical damage, 109 knockback, 25EP (Level 19): +430% physical damage, 123 knockback, 29EP (Level 22): +460% physical damage, 137 knockback, 33EP (Level 25): +491% physical damage, 151 knockback, 36EP (Level 28): +520% physical damage, 165 knockback, 40EP (Level 31): +550% physical damage, 179 knockback, 43EP (Level 34): +580% physical damage, 193 knockback, 47EP (Level 37): +610% physical damage, 207 knockback, 50EP (Level 40): +641% physical damage, 221 knockback, 54EP (Level 43): +670% physical damage, 235 knockback, 58EP (Level 46): +700% physical damage, 249 knockback, 61EP (Level 49): +731% physical damage, 263 knockback, 65EP (Level 52): +760% physical damage, 277 knockback, 68EP (Level 55): +790% physical damage, 291 knockback, 72EP (Level 58): +820% physical damage, 305 knockback, 76EP b3. Uppercut Type: Melee Requirements: Level 7, Iron Fist Description: An increased melee attack that pops enemies into the air. Commentary: This attack can be the better than Massive Strike if you use Thunder Clap and Thunder Clap is one heck of an attack (Level 7) : +310% physical damage, 14EP (Level 10): +341% physical damage, 17EP (Level 13): +370% physical damage, 21EP (Level 16): +400% physical damage, 24EP (Level 19): +430% physical damage, 28EP (Level 22): +460% physical damage, 32EP (Level 25): +491% physical damage, 35EP (Level 28): +520% physical damage, 39EP (Level 31): +550% physical damage, 43EP (Level 34): +580% physical damage, 46EP (Level 37): +610% physical damage, 50EP (Level 40): +640% physical damage, 54EP (Level 43): +670% physical damage, 57EP (Level 46): +700% physical damage, 61EP (Level 49): +731% physical damage, 65EP (Level 52): +760% physical damage, 68EP (Level 55): +790% physical damage, 72EP (Level 58): +820% physical damage, 76EP c3. Thunder Clap Type: Radial Requirements: Level 14 Description: A thunderous clap that sends out a 140 degree blast of damage. Commentary: Best compliment to a melee attack and Colossus is a Tank which means He's got a lot of Melee attacks so I'm meaning to say that you should get it!!! (Level 14): +230% physical dmg, 120 radius, 24EP (Level 17): +250% physical dmg, 121 radius, 28EP (Level 20): +270% physical dmg, 123 radius, 32EP (Level 23): +289% physical dmg, 124 radius, 36EP (Level 26): +309% physical dmg, 126 radius, 40EP (Level 29): +329% physical dmg, 128 radius, 44EP (Level 32): +349% physical dmg, 129 radius, 48EP (Level 35): +368% physical dmg, 131 radius, 52EP (Level 38): +388% physical dmg, 132 radius, 57EP (Level 41): +408% physical dmg, 134 radius, 61EP (Level 44): +427% physical dmg, 136 radius, 65EP (Level 47): +447% physical dmg, 137 radius, 69EP (Level 50): +466% physical dmg, 139 radius, 73EP (Level 53): +486% physical dmg, 140 radius, 77EP (Level 56): +506% physical dmg, 142 radius, 81EP (Level 59): +525% physical dmg, 144 radius, 86EP d3. Massive Strike Type: Melee Requirements: Level 21, Uppercut Description: An increased melee attack with a chance for a 33% instant HP loss on target. Commentary: This is one of Colossus' best melee attacks... use it if you aren't using thunder clap... (Level 21): +541% physical dmg, 16% chance, 28EP (Level 24): +566% physical dmg, 17% chance, 32EP (Level 27): +592% physical dmg, 18% chance, 36EP (Level 30): +618% physical dmg, 19% chance, 40EP (Level 33): +644% physical dmg, 20% chance, 44EP (Level 36): +669% physical dmg, 21% chance, 48EP (Level 39): +695% physical dmg, 22% chance, 52EP (Level 42): +721% physical dmg, 23% chance, 56EP (Level 45): +747% physical dmg, 24% chance, 60EP (Level 48): +772% physical dmg, 25% chance, 64EP (Level 51): +798% physical dmg, 26% chance, 68EP (Level 54): +824% physical dmg, 27% chance, 72EP (Level 57): +850% physical dmg, 29% chance, 76EP (Level 60): +875% physical dmg, 30% chance, 80EP e3. Bounding Smash Type: Radial Requirements: Level 28, Thunder Clap Description: A colossal leap and landing that sends out a radial shock wave of damage. Commentary: This move has good knockback and good damage. This isn't Colossus' best radial move though... (Level 28): +275% physical dmg, 245 knockback, 51 EP (Level 31): +288% physical dmg, 282 knockback, 56 EP (Level 34): +300% physical dmg, 320 knockback, 62 EP (Level 37): +313% physical dmg, 357 knockback, 68 EP (Level 40): +325% physical dmg, 395 knockback, 74 EP (Level 43): +338% physical dmg, 432 knockback, 80 EP (Level 46): +350% physical dmg, 470 knockback, 85 EP (Level 49): +363% physical dmg, 507 knockback, 91 EP (Level 52): +375% physical dmg, 545 knockback, 97 EP (Level 55): +388% physical dmg, 582 knockback, 103EP (Level 58): +400% physical dmg, 620 knockback, 109EP f3. Siberian Express Type: Charge Requirements: Level 28, Massive Strike. Description: Charge against enemies, and objects, knocking them back. (Press and hold.) Commentary: Siberian Express is one of the best press and hold moves. Good Damage, Good Knockback and you can just run around hitting enemies (and knocking them out). (Level 28): +575% physical dmg, 245 knockback, 48 EP/s (Level 31): +610% physical dmg, 282 knockback, 53 EP/s (Level 34): +645% physical dmg, 320 knockback, 58 EP/s (Level 37): +681% physical dmg, 357 knockback, 63 EP/s (Level 40): +715% physical dmg, 395 knockback, 68 EP/s (Level 43): +750% physical dmg, 432 knockback, 74 EP/s (Level 46): +786% physical dmg, 470 knockback, 79 EP/s (Level 49): +820% physical dmg, 507 knockback, 84 EP/s (Level 52): +856% physical dmg, 545 knockback, 89 EP/s (Level 55): +890% physical dmg, 582 knockback, 94 EP/s (Level 58): +925% physical dmg, 620 knockback, 100EP/s g3. Demolition Type: Radial, Xtreme Requirements: Level 15 Description: An Xtreme concussion attack. Commentary: It's got big damage so it's good. But before you put ranks into this skill, check his other Xtreme, Unbreakable (Level 15): +550% physical damage (Level 20): +700% physical damage (Level 25): +850% physical damage (Level 30): +1000% physical damage (Level 35): +1150% physical damage (Level 40): +1300% physical damage (Level 45): +1450% physical damage h3. Unbreakable Type: Boost, Xtreme Requirements: Level 20 Description: Makes Colossus invincible and doubles his damage for a time. Commentary: This skill is better than Demolition...think of it, instead of doing really big damage you become invincible and your damage doubles for 45 seconds so you can do the damage your skills do x2 for 45 seconds. (Level 20): 15 seconds (Level 25): 22 seconds (Level 30): 30 seconds (Level 35): 37 seconds (Level 40): 45 seconds i3. Steel Skin Type: Boost Requirements: None Description: Generates steel armor around his body which absorbs an amount of damage instead of colossus taking it. Commentary: Colossus doesn't have that much EP ya know because after he gets hit while doing this the boost disappears...don't put any points into this skill (Level 1) : 15 physical damage absorbed, 32EP (Level 4) : 17 physical damage absorbed, 46EP (Level 7) : 20 physical damage absorbed, 60EP (Level 10): 23 physical damage absorbed, 74EP (Level 13): 26 physical damage absorbed, 89EP (Level 16): 29 physical damage absorbed, 103EP (Level 19): 32 physical damage absorbed, 117EP (Level 22): 35 physical damage absorbed, 132EP (Level 25): 38 physical damage absorbed, 146EP (Level 28): 41 physical damage absorbed, 160EP (Level 31): 44 physical damage absorbed, 175EP (Level 34): 47 physical damage absorbed, 189EP (Level 37): 50 physical damage absorbed, 203EP (Level 40): 53 physical damage absorbed, 218EP (Level 43): 56 physical damage absorbed, 232EP (Level 46): 59 physical damage absorbed, 246EP (Level 49): 62 physical damage absorbed, 261EP (Level 52): 65 physical damage absorbed, 275EP (Level 55): 68 physical damage absorbed, 289EP (Level 58): 71 physical damage absorbed, 304EP j3. Roar Type: Boost Requirements: Level 14, Steel Skin Description: A battle cry giving all party members a bonus to all character traits. Commentary: If you're desperate use it but I think the bonus is too small to be useful so the choice is yours... (Level 14): 13 seconds, +2 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 84EP (Level 17): 15 seconds, +2 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 98EP (Level 20): 18 seconds, +3 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 113EP (Level 23): 21 seconds, +4 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 128EP (Level 26): 24 seconds, +5 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 143EP (Level 29): 27 seconds, +6 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 158EP (Level 32): 29 seconds, +7 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 173EP (Level 35): 32 seconds, +8 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 188EP (Level 38): 35 seconds, +9 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 203EP (Level 41): 38 seconds, +10 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 218EP (Level 44): 41 seconds, +11 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 233EP (Level 47): 43 seconds, +12 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 248EP (Level 50): 46 seconds, +13 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 263EP (Level 53): 49 seconds, +14 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 278EP (Level 56): 52 seconds, +15 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 293EP (Level 59): 55 seconds, +16 Strength (Strike), Speed, Body, Focus, 308EP k3. Block Type: Ability Requirements: Level 7 Description: Allows heroes to protect themselves from all attacks by blocking damage at the cost of EP. Commentary: This move isn't good for anybody...save your points for something better (Level 7): 100% EP/Damage blocked (Level 10): 87% EP/Damage blocked (Level 14): 75% EP/Damage blocked (Level 17): 62% EP/Damage blocked (Level 21): 50% EP/Damage blocked l3. Brawler Type: Passive Requirements: None Description Gives a natural ATK increase. Commentary: Good passive. Keep this skill maxed (Level 1): +21% ATK (Level 1): +31% ATK (Level 1): +40% ATK (Level 1): +50% ATK (Level 1): +61% ATK (Level 1): +71% ATK (Level 1): +80% ATK (Level 1): +90% ATK (Level 1): +100% ATK (Level 1): +110% ATK (Level 1): +121% ATK (Level 1): +130% ATK (Level 1): +140% ATK (Level 1): +150% ATK (Level 1): +160% ATK m3. Galvanize Type: Passive Requirements: Brawler Description: Gives a natural DEF increase. Commentary: Another good passive .Keep maxed (Level 1): +15% DEF (Level 1): +24% DEF (Level 1): +31% DEF (Level 1): +39% DEF (Level 1): +48% DEF (Level 1): +55% DEF (Level 1): +63% DEF (Level 1): +72% DEF (Level 1): +79% DEF (Level 1): +88% DEF (Level 1): +95% DEF (Level 1): +103% DEF (Level 1): +111% DEF (Level 1): +120% DEF (Level 1): +127% DEF n3. Metallurgy Type: Passive Requirements: Galvanize Description: Increases natural resistance to elemental, energy and mental damage. Commentary: Don't put anything here...equipment is better for Colossus (Level 1): +5% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +8% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +11% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +14% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +17% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +20% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +23% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +26% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +29% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +32% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +35% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +38% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +41% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +44% energy, elemental & mental resistance (Level 1): +47% energy, elemental & mental resistance o3. Might Type: Ability Requirements: None Description: Increases lifting strength and destruction level of melee attacks. Commentary: Max this out...(you only need one point anyway) (Level 1): Lift heavy objects, damage reinforced walls and objects (Level 5): Lift massive objects, damage reinforced walls and objects p3. Mutant Master Type: Passive Requirements: Level 7 Description Increases EP regeneration rate. Commentary: This is the remedy to the EP problem of Colossus (Level 7): +30% EP regeneration (Level 8): +42% EP regeneration (Level 9): +54% EP regeneration (Level 10): +66% EP regeneration (Level 11): +78% EP regeneration (Level 12): +90% EP regeneration (Level 13): +102% EP regeneration (Level 14): +114% EP regeneration (Level 15): +126% EP regeneration (Level 16): +139% EP regeneration (Level 17): +150% EP regeneration (Level 18): +162% EP regeneration (Level 19): +175% EP regeneration (Level 20): +187% EP regeneration (Level 21): +199% EP regeneration =============================================================================== 4. Equipment =============================================================================== a4. Belt: Webslinger (Unique) 225 DEF. +20 Speed. +10 Striking (Level 35) b4. Gloves: Hammer of Nimrod (Unique) 250 ATK. 50 DEF. +50%% Bleed Damage over 5 seconds. Double Physical Dmg (Level 35) c4. Armor: Regenerative Plating 700 DEF. +15 Body. +5 HP Regeneration. +25% All Resistances (Colossus) d4. How to get: d4.25. Belt: Beat the Yellow Fonted enemies (Leaders) at the Higher leveled Places until you get What your looking for... d4.50. Gloves: Beat the Yellow Fonted enemies (Leaders) at the Higher leveled Places until you get What your looking for... d4.75. Armor: DANGER ROOM!!! Course: Challenge - Colossus Class: Senior Location: Sewers South, New York, in the first very large room, in the left corner opposite the entrance Objectives: * Defeat 30 enemies * Complete within 3:00 Titanium Award (beat the course): Regenerative Plating Adamantium Award (within 1:30): +1 Strike Vibranium Award (within 1:00): +1 level =============================================================================== 5. Playing Piotr =============================================================================== Here I'll tell how to use, level up, etc. a5. Strategy: Since Colossus is a tank you should help your teammates by charging the enemy head on and staying there fighting serving as a wall for the ranged fighters in the team...When using Colossus the thing you should always remember is to keep hitting because the best defense is a good offense. You won't really be running out of EP since you have a lot of energy and mutant master so you just have to keep attacking. When fighting enemies charge in using Siberian Express than start hitting with one Thunder Clap and then follow it up with a series of Melee attacks than a Thunder Clap and then a series of Melee attacks and then repeat the process until they're dead b5. leveling up stats Level | Stats 2 |+4 Strike 3 |+4 Strike 4 |+4 Strike 5 |+4 Strike 6 |+4 Strike 7 |+4 Strike 8 |+4 Strike 9 |+4 Strike 10 |+4 Strike 11 |+4 Strike 12 |+4 Strike 13 |+4 Strike 14 |+4 Strike 15 |+4 Strike 16 |+4 Strike 17 |+4 Strike 18 |+4 Strike 19 |+4 Strike 20 |+4 Strike 21 |+4 Strike 22 |+4 Strike 23 |+4 Strike 24 |+4 Strike 25 |+4 Strike 26 |+4 Strike 27 | +1 Body |+3 Strike 28 | +4 Body 29 | +4 Body 30 | +4 Body 31 | +4 Body 32 | +4 Body 33 | +4 Body 34 | +4 Body 35 | +4 Body 36 | +4 Body 37 | +4 Body 38 | +4 Body 39 | +4 Body 40 | +4 Body 41 | +4 Body 42 | +4 Body 43 | +4 Body 44 | +4 Body 45 | +4 Body 46 | +4 Body 47 | +4 Body 48 | +4 Body 49 | +4 Body 50 | +4 Body 51 | +4 Body 52 | +4 Body 53 | +4 Body 54 | +4 Body 55 | +4 Body 56 | +4 Body 57 | +4 Body 58 | +4 Body 59 | +4 Body 60 | +4 Body 61 | +4 Body 62 | +4 Body 63 | +4 Body 64 | +4 Body 65 | +4 Body 66 | +4 Body 67 | +4 Body 68 | +4 Body 69 | +4 Body 70 | +4 Body 71 | +4 Body 72 | +4 Body 73 |+4 Focus 74 |+4 Focus 75 |+4 Focus 76 |+4 Focus 77 |+4 Focus 78 |+4 Focus 79 |+4 Focus 80 |+4 Focus 81 |+4 Focus 82 |+4 Focus 83 |+4 Focus 84 |+4 Focus 85 |+4 Focus 86 |+4 Focus 87 |+4 Focus 88 |+4 Focus 89 |+4 Focus 90 |+4 Focus 91 |+4 Focus 92 |+4 Focus 93 |+4 Focus 94 |+4 Focus 95 |+4 Focus 96 |+4 Focus 97 |+4 Focus 98 |+4 Focus 99 |+4 Focus d5. leveling up skills Thunder Clap Why: Big Damage, no need to aim and good w/ Melee When: Everytime you can Uppercut: Why: need for massive Strike When: First level you can than stop leveling it Massive Strike Why: need for Siberian Express When: First level you can than stop leveling it Siberian Express: Why: Good "Press and Hold" Skill When: just one on the first level so the knockback doesn't knockback to much so you can hit the enemy successively Unbreakable: Why: Double Damage and Invinciblity, Good Xtreme... When: One at level 20 and than wait to fill up the others Mutant Master: Why: Unlimited EP!! When: After Filling Up Brawler Brawler: Why: The more damage the Better When If you can't put points into Thunder Clap. Galvanize: Why: The Harder the Better When: After Filling Up Mutant Master Might: Why: Your a Tank you Need it... When: First Level =============================================================================== 6. Hints, Tips and Tricks =============================================================================== a6. Easy Techbits (Thanks to techiedude) Want techbits? All you have to do is to go to the Tower Apex (end of Act 4) and break stuff...Want more? Read-on then... here's how you do it in 5 easy steps: 1. Replace two of your current team members with Gambit and Toad, if you aren't already using them on your team... 2. Ramp up Toad's Xtreme power "Plunder" and "Secretion" as high as you can and ramp up Gambit's Xtreme power "Prince of Thieves" and Energy Form as high as you can and a rank on staff Slam... 3. Go to the Tower Apex and Get ready to break stuff (not yet)... 4. Select Toad and activate "Plunder"and "Secretion" then select Gambit and activate "Prince of Thieves" and "Energy Form" making Gambit really Quick... 5. Break Stuff using staff slam... Notes: Keep in mind that their Xtreme powers are time-limited so you'll need to use their Xtreme powers 3-4 times to clear the entire level of canisters and get the maximum benefit (depending on how high their XTreme power is leveled-up) but trust me you won't run out of Xtreme tokens because of all things you break that give tokens (It practically pays for itself). By doing this you'll get alot of techbits and I mean A LOT...this trick is great for buying Skill points and levels. b6. Team Choices b6.50. Recommended Team Members Toad: Nice Character who can support Colossus from behind and Secretion makes up for the lack of Speed of Colossus Storm: Another good behind support and Static Charge Makes Colossus do even more damage Gambit: Another good support and Energy Fury makes Colossus do even more Damage Bishop: See Gambit's reasons Jean Grey: Calming Presence makes attacks unlimited b6.75. Colossus's Team Bonuses Some Team bonus's that could be useful. (all have Colossus in em') Team Name/bonus Team Members Age of Apocalype: Any 4 heroes with AoA skins +100% attack rating Bruiser Brigade: Wolverine, Rogue, 20 Energy gained per knockout Juggernaut, Colossus Heavy Metal: Colossus, Juggernaut, +10 to all Stats Iron Man, Magneto New X-Men: Nightclawler, Storm, Colossus, +15% max health Wolverine, Sunfire, Bishop c6. Colossus' Stats (Thanks to Majestros and PapaGamer) c6.50. Bonus Points All four stats have 250 point ceilings and there is no way to take back assigned stat points. At every level increase, several bonus points are automatically allocated to predetermined areas. Melee-oriented characters typically receive regular Strike upgrades while spell-caster characters end up with frequent Focus boosts. Thus, reaching the 250 point cap for any one stat before hitting the lvl99 maximum equates to wasted stat points. Here are the stats of an untouched Colossus at level 1 and 99: At level 1: Body : 20 Focus : 8 Strike: 24 Speed : 16 At level 99: Body : 69 Focus : 8 Strike: 147 Speed : 41 c6.75. Hidden Maximums Only Tech Stations and Danger Room missions can provide permanent increases past the 250 point limit. However, stats have been known to reset if pushed above their hidden preset maximums, making unplanned Tech Station usage risky. Luckily, Danger Room mission bonuses have no effect on maxed out stats. Use Tech Stations to swiftly approach a desired stat limit, then switch over to Danger Room missions the rest of the way. The following table catalogues every stat point cap in the game, taking the guesswork out of the Tech Station gamble. Equipment enhancements are not bounded by these limits. Here are the Hidden Maximums of Colossus: Body : 304 Focus : 250 Strike: 310 Speed : 274 d6. Conversation with Kitty In Act 4 Kitty Pryde will be there standing near the sewers and if you talk to her using Colossus, you will get cute but cheezy conversation between the two lovers... P.S. I don't have the full conversation yet, I'll update it when I get it... =============================================================================== 7. Goodbye =============================================================================== Ok...this is the part where I say goodbye to you...but before that I'd like to say thank you to... ...the people who make gamefaqs.com... ...Activision for making the game... ...and you for taking time to read my FAQ... Aside from that please E-mail me at... ...joly_stumbling_klutz@yahoo.com... ...for any mistakes or suggestions... Ok...that's all I have to say so... !!! G O O D B Y E !!!