============================================================================== ----------------------[ 3D Delta Developers Presents ]------------------------ ============================================================================== MMM MMM MMM WMM MMM MM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM. MMMMMM MMMM; MMM MMM WMM MMM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MM MM; MMMMMMM MMM MM MMM MM; MMM; MMMM; MM MMM MMMM; MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MM MMM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMMMMMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMMM; MMM MM; MMMM MMMMM MMMWMMM MMM MMMMMMM TM MMMMMMM Episode I Der Wille zur Macht (The Will To Power) ============================================================================== -= Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht =- FAQ / Walkthrough U.S. Version Version 2.7 -= A Snickers and Roots Production =- Text file last updated on 02-24-2004 (05:00 pm) ============================================================================== ------------------------[ Taking YOU to a higher level ]---------------------- ============================================================================== Title : XENOSAGA EPISODE I - FAQ / Walkthrough Created By : Bremen Copyright : Do I really have to say this? [Make your own!] ============================================================================== Table of Contents ============================================================================== The [##] is the search code. Use it to search for specific sections in this FAQ/Walkthrough. ---------------------------------------------------- [01] I. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------- [02] II. How To Use This Guide ---------------------------------------------------- [03] III. Game Information & Story ---------------------------------------------------- [04] IV. Controls ---------------------------------------------------- [05] V. Battling / Boosting ---------------------------------------------------- [06] VI. Characters ---------------------------------------------------- [07] VII. Character Attacks ---------------------------------------------------- [08] VIII. A.G.W.S. ---------------------------------------------------- [09] IX. Main Menu ---------------------------------------------------- [10] Items ----------------------------------------- [11] Items [12] Special Items [13] Character Weapons [14] Character Accessories [15] Character Ammo [16] A.G.W.S. Weapons [17] A.G.W.S. Accessories [18] A.G.W.S. Ammo ----------------------------------------- [19] Ether ----------------------------------------- [20] Shion Uzuki [21] KOS-MOS [22] Ziggurat 8 (Ziggy) [23] MOMO [24] chaos [25] Jr. ----------------------------------------- [26] Tech Attacks ----------------------------------------- [27] Shion Uzuki [28] KOS-MOS [29] Ziggurat 8 (Ziggy) [30] MOMO [31] chaos [32] Jr. ----------------------------------------- [33] Skills ----------------------------------------- [34] Characters ----------------------------------------- [35] Equipment [36] Boosting Stats ----------------------------------------- [37] A.G.W.S. ----------------------------------------- [38] Battle Formation ----------------------------------------- [39] U.M.N. ----------------------------------------- [40] Mail ------------------------------------ [41] Database ------------------------------------ [42] Gnosis / Enemies [43] Keywords ------------------------------------ [44] Plug-in Module ------------------------------------ [45] E.V.S. ---------------------------------------------------- [46] X. Walkthrough ---------------------------------------------------- [47] Introduction [48] Chapter 1. Woglinde [49] Chapter 2. Asteroid Pleroma [50] Chapter 3. Elsa von Brabant [51] Chapter 4. U-TIC BS [52] Chapter 5. Dock Colony [53] Chapter 6. Gnosis - Cathedral Ship [54] Chapter 7. Durandal [55] Chapter 8. Kukai [56] Chapter 9. Encephalon - Miltia [57] Chapter 10. Kukai [58] Chapter 11. Song of Nephilim [59] Chapter 12. Proto Merkabah ---------------------------------------------------- [77] XI. Xenogears ---------------------------------------------------- [78] Introduction ----------------------------------------- [79] Universe Similarities ----------------------------------------- [80] Characters [81] Miscellaneous ---------------------------------------------------- [82] XII. Secrets/Optional Bosses ---------------------------------------------------- [83] Foundation Robot Academy ----------------------------------------- [84] MOMO's Transformation ----------------------------------------- [85] Ace Pilot ----------------------------------------- [86] Meld Gareth [87] Din Gareth ----------------------------------------- [88] Great Joe ----------------------------------------- [89] Mintia ---------------------------------------------------- [90] XIII. Segment Doors & Decoders ---------------------------------------------------- [91] XIV. Mini-Games ---------------------------------------------------- [92] Tag Game [93] Xeno Card [94] Drill Game [95] Casino [96] A.G.W.S. Game ---------------------------------------------------- [97] XV. Glitches ---------------------------------------------------- [98] XVI. Thanks ---------------------------------------------------- [99] XVII. Contact ---------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [01] I. Introduction -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This FAQ was written by bremen to help all of you who may need it or for those of you who are just curious about the game. More than five years ago, a game was created with such intrigue, such mystery, and the most powerful story ever created for an RPG. The game? Xenogears. The game blew gamers away with it's likeable characters, engaging storyline, anime style cinematic's, impressive and innovative battle systems, and some of the best music for an RPG to date. Literally hundreds of pages of text and dialogue tell an amazing story by the end of the game and captured the hearts of many a gamer. Before long the game would amass an enormous and loyal following for years to come. Xenosaga Episode I is the prequel to Xenogears (Episode V). *Note: While I will make every attempt to avoid ruining the story, this is NOT a spoiler free FAQ/Walkthrough! I cannot guarantee the story will not be ruined for you by reading this FAQ. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [02] II. How To Use This Guide -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Use the find feature in conjunction with the section search codes above listed on the "Table of Contents" to page through to specific sections of the FAQ. Basically, the FAQ is divided into 17 sections. Section "X." (10) is the main part of the FAQ and probably the most useful. Everything else is just extra. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [03] III. Game Information & Story -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Title: Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht (The Will to Power) Publisher: Namco Developer: Monolith Soft Genre/Category: Role-Playing System: PlayStation 2 Number of Players: 1 Release Date: 02/25/03 Play Time: 70-100+ Hours Replay: 40 hours - Infinite (depending on your definition of fun) Story: Thousands of years into the future, mankind exists only in deep space. Using their technology and space travel, they discover and collect a mysterious and ancient object called the Zohar. A brutal alien life form, known as the Gnosis, attacks mankind at every turn for unknown reasons. Thus begins the journey of man's survival and race to unlock the secrets of their destiny. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [04] IV. Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The game has some in-game tutorials that aren't particularly helpful. So I have provided a detailed introduction to the games basic control scheme. There are several sets of controls for Xenosaga depending on what mode you are in. That being said, here they are. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Story Mode -- (Mode when you are walking around) -------------------------- Left Analog = Moves your character around on the screen. R2 = Allows your character to "WALK" instead of running. This is helpful in situations where stealth could mean the difference between life and death. O = This is your basic action button. Use "O" to talk to other characters, investigate panels, walls, etc., open treasure chests, and open the save menu when you are standing on a save point. Square = The Square button is used to destroy objects initially in the Encephalon. Eventually you will get a the Vaporizer Plug-in and be able to use it in the real world as well. You can only destroy objects that have a blue circle appear on them when you get close to them. If there is more than one destroyable object within sight, you can toggle between them using the L1 or R1 buttons. L1 = Toggles between destroyable objects if more than one is within range of your character. R1 = Toggles between destroyable objects if more than one is within range of your character. Start = Pause. While the game is paused you can skip cinematic sequences by pressing the "Triangle" button. Triangle = Opens the main menu. "O" is used for confirm and "X" is used for cancel or exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Battle Mode -- (Mode when you are fighting enemies) ----------------------- Left Analog = Move Cursor / Select an enemy on the screen Square = Attack (Physical Attack) Cost: 2 AP Triangle = Attack (Ether Attack) Cost: 2 AP O = Used to finish your characters turn even if the character has remaining AP. This is one method of accumulating AP to build up for "Tech" attacks. Note: Characters that do not have an A.G.W.S. will have an additional attack available to them once they build up enough AP. The "O" button is used to activate this attack. Note: The "O" button is also used to confirm selections within the battle mode sub-menus. X = Opens the battle sub-menus. [Battle Mode Sub-menus] Character Mode: Item - Cost: 3 AP Allows your character to use an item. This command cannot be used in A.G.W.S. mode. W-Item will allow your character to use two items at once. Move - Cost: 2 AP Allows your character to move. Different positions on the battlefield result in different damaged inflicted and received. A.G.W.S. - Cost: 4 AP For characters who have an assigned A.G.W.S., this command will cause your character to get in their A.G.W.S and fight. Your turn is over upon boarding. This command is disabled for characters without an A.G.W.S. Guard - Cost: 2 AP Increases your characters chance to defend an attack. Defending an attack lessens the damage you receive. This is one method of accumulating AP to build up for "Tech" attacks. A.G.W.S. (Anti-Gnosis Weapon System) Mode: W-ACT - Cost: 6 AP Allows a character in A.G.W.S. mode to activate a special attack. This command can only be used when the character has the same weapon equipped in both hands and is not using a weapon that does not allow W-ACT. Move - Cost: 2 AP Allows your A.G.W.S. to move. Different positions on the battlefield result in different damaged inflicted and received. A.G.W.S. - Cost: 4 AP This command will cause yor character to exit their assigned A.G.W.S. Your turn is over upon exiting the A.G.W.S. Guard - Cost: 2 AP Increases your A.G.W.S. chance to defend an attack. Defending an attack lessens the damage you receive. This is one method of accumulating AP to build up for "Tech" attacks. L1 / L2 = Changes attack menu descriptions R1 / R2 = Boost Start = Pause. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [05] V. Battling / Boosting -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The turn-based battle method in Xenosaga can seem very difficult and confusing when first beginning to play. Hopefully this will help you understand it better since the in-game tutorials are only mildly helpful. Unlike most RPG's, random encounters have been replaced in Xenosaga by physical enemies roaming the screens. If your character runs into one of them or alerts them to your presence, you will be attacked and thrown into battle. This is great as it adds a kind of stealth mode to the game that other RPG's lack. Sometimes you can just tip-toe past an enemy instead of fighting it. There will also be times when a cutscene throws you into battle without warning so it will keep you guessing. Just make sure to save often. Now, let's get started, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but stay with me. Battles in Xenosaga rely on AP for the most part. Every turn your character has, gives you 4 AP for that character to use. Every action you take consumes a certain amount of AP. For example, attacking an enemy once with a standard attack, using the "Triangle" or "Square" button, consumes 2 AP. So in effect you can attack twice per turn. However, your character starts with a max AP of 6. So if you save a few AP from a previous turn, you can amass up to 6 AP for the next turn. This will enable you to pull of a special "Tech" attack or a combo. These combos were essentially called "Deathblows" in Xenogears to give you a comparison if you played that game. Now throughout the game you will learn additional "Tech" attacks that are much more powerful. Eventually your combos will and only use 4 AP instead of 6 AP and will allow you to do more, but I wouldn't worry about that for now. In addition to attacking the enemies, there is a special gauge called the event slot. Pay close attention to the rotation of this slot because it can make a huge difference in your attacks and boost the points you receive at the end of a battle. Defeating an enemy when the gauge is on the point bonus can be a huge help in leveling your characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- GTW (Group Turn Window) --------------------------------------------------- The GTW is located in the bottom right corner of the battle screen. It looks like two blue disks with faces on it. This window tells you the order of your characters and the enemies. The order goes from left to right. In other words, whose turn it is and whose turns are coming up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Event Gauge --------------------------------------------------------------- The Event Gauge is located in the bottom right corner of the battle screen. It is just left of the GTW (Group Turn Window). It looks like a blue box with a red arrow pointing to the GTW. Here are the four values for the event gauge. Empty - When the slot is empty, nothing is effected. Critical - When the slot has the critical icon in it (looks like a flame), Any character, friend or foe, that attacks during that turn has an increased chance to do critical damage. Boost - When the slot has the boost icon in it (looks like a yellow ring), Your boost gauge will increase more than in a normal turn when you attack. Points - When the slot has the points icons in it (looks like a coin with a plus sign), you will receive 2x, 4x, or 10x, the amount of Skill points, Tech points, and Ether points at the end of the battle. So you see how useful this effect is. I'd recommend only killing enemies while this icon is in the slot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Boosting ------------------------------------------------------------------ Since the in-game tutorial scarcely does this feature justice, I will "attempt" to put this into layman's terms. First, we will talk about the "Boost Gauge". At the top of the battle screen you will see your characters faces along with HP, EP, AP, and BG listed from top to bottom. The BG bar is the "Boost Gauge". Normally at the start of battle this gauge will be empty. This can vary of course using special skills and items that can give you a boost at the start of battle. But for the sake of simlicity, we will assume it is empty. Now, next to the gauge is a number. At the start it is always 0 unless you have a special item like stated above. For now, we'll assume 0. That number represents how many times that character can use boost. The number next to the gauge will go up by 1 everytime you fill the gauge up. The gauge will fill with a red color. In order to fill the bar, you need to do attack damage to an enemy. The more you attack/damage an enemy, the more the bar will go up. Note however that the bar will reset at the beginning of every battle, so the boost gauge will NOT carry over to the next battles. After the boost gauge fills up, the number will go up by 1 and the bar will reset to being empty. You can fill the gauge many times throughout a battle and acummulate several boosts. So the number could technically raise to 4 or 5 or even more. Each time you execute a boost, the number will go down by 1. Also, in multiple enemy battles, if you kill an enemy while the "Event Slot" is on the "Boost" slot, your boost gauge will get filled by a lot more than it normally does when the event gauge is on any other slot. For information on the Event Gauge see the section immediately above this one. Okay, I've explained how to raise the boost gauge and give your character the ability to boost, now let's talk about the boost itself. First we have the GTW or Group Turn Window (bottom right corner of the screen). This window display's the characters faces in their order from left to right that they will get a turn. Imagine your chacters and the enemies all standing in a long line. The person at the front of the line is whose turn it is. Boosting itself is basically line-jumping. If you are 5th in line and you have your boost gauge up to 1 or more, you can execute a boost. When you execute the boost your character will immediately jump to the 2nd place in line. The coolest part is that you will also stay in line at your 5th spot where you were. So in essence, you get 2 turns without having to go back to the end of the line. You can only execute a boost at two times. The first time is when it is one of your characters turn. The only restriction is that you cannot boost a character while it is that character's turn. This prevents a character from getting 2 turns in a row. Note that enemies can also use boost. If an enemy executes a boost before you, you will not be able to boost until the next turn. The second time you can execute a boost is during an enemies turn. So, while you are being attacked. This is known as a "Counter Boost" but is essentially the same thing as a normal boost, just that you are executing it during the enemies turn instead of on one of your characters turn. Now, to execute the boost, simply hold down the R1 or R2 button during your turn or an enemies turn. This will popup a little boost submenu to the left of the event gauge. It looks like a redish-purple circle with the word boost below it. To the right of the circle will be the faces of any of your characters that are eligible for boosting (Elibility for boosting is as I described above, have a 1 or more next to the boost gauge, etc...). If there are no faces that popup, then none of your characters can use boost at that time for various reasons I have stated above. If there are faces that show up, then those characters are eligible for boosting. The color of the square around the characters face corresponds to the colors of the Square, Triangle, or O button on your controller. Pink represents the Square button because the Square button on your controller is pink. Green for the Triangle button, and Red for the Circle button. As far as what color gets assigned to what character, it is NOT random. It is based on the characters position on the battlefield. If your characters backs are to the camera and they are facing the enemies, the character to the far left of the screen will get assigned the pink square for the square button. The character in the center will get assigned the green square for the Triangle button, and the character to the far right will get a red square around their face for the Circle button. Now, while you are holding the R1 or R2 button down, you simply need to press the button that corresponds to the color/face of the person you want to boost. Example: Shion's face has a green square around it when you press R1. While holding R1, you need to press the Triangle button to execute a boost for her. When you execute the boost, two things will happen. First, the number next to the "Boost Gauge" will decrease by 1. Second, your character will immediately be the next person in line for a turn. So as soon as the character/enemy whose turn it currently is finishes their turn, it will be your boosted characters turn. Congratulations! You should have a good understanding of the most confusing aspect of this game (other than the storyline). Hopefully this was helpful and clears up boosting for you. As an aside, I will list some ethers/items that can affect boosting. Boost 1: Shion has a "Boost 1" ether spell that will automatically increase a characters number next to the boost gauge by 1. Booster Pack: Usable item during battle that increases your boost by 1. Red Containers: Destroying red containers creates a fire effect in the area. If an enemy gets hit with the fire and you engage them in battle, all your characters start the battle with a 1 next to their boost gauge. Boost Pack: Accessory that gives character 1 boost at the start of battle. This skill can also be extracted and set on all your characters. Boost Seal: Some enemies use this to prevent anyone from boosting during a battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Status Effects ------------------------------------------------------------ While battling, many enemies will inflict status effect on your characters. Removal of these effect requires the use of items or ether spells during battle. The effects also go away at the end of the battle. Unconscious - Unable to perform any action Stop - Unable to perform any action Sleep - Unable to perform any action Confusion - A confused person might attack friends Poison - Every turn 20% of max HP will be reduced Ether Bomb - Ether damage will be doubled Reverse - Recovery and Damage are reversed (instead of damage hurting you it heals you) HP Half - HP recovery amounts will be halved Admonish - receive the damage of one's own attack EP Half - EP recovery amounts will be halved EP Over - All Ether costs twice the normal amount Slow - next turn comes 50% slower ACC Down - accuracy down 50% EVA Down - evasion down by 50% STR Down - Physical Strength Down 25% DEF Down - Physical Defense Down 25% AP Half - Each turn the AP received will be half normal amount Ether Down - Ether Power Down 25% Lost - Ether can't be used Boost Seal - Boost can't be used ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- After a Battle ------------------------------------------------------------ When a battle is over you will recieve several things to aid in your character development. Sometimes you will also earn money and items that dropped from a fallen enemy. Here is a list of what you earn. Experience - Levels up your characters. Tech Points - Used to upgrade "Tech" attacks. Ether points - Used to upgrade "Ether" attacks and learn new "Ether" attacks. Skill Points - Used to learn new skills from an unequipped accessory. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [06] VI. Characters -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Main Characters ----------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Name: Shion Uzuki Sex: Female Age: 22 Height: 5'4" Weight: 106 lbs Description Shion Uzuki is the main character of Xenosaga. She is the Chief Engineer of the KOS-MOS project funded by Vector on-board the Woglinde. She is part of the elite First Division of R & D for Vector. Though a skilled scientist, Shion longs to be part of the less prestigious Third Division team. She currently is testing KOS-MOS in the Encephalon preparing KOS-MOS for a field test. One of Xenogears main characters was named Citan Uzuki. No one knows for certain if any correlation between the two exists, though many have said it's just a coincidence. I suppose we won't know for awhile. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: KOS-MOS (Kosmos Obey Strategic Multiple Operation Systems) Sex: Female Age: 18 Height: 5'46 Weight: 203 lbs Description KOS-MOS is a prototype for a new battle android weapon to combat the Gnosis. She is currently only beeing tested within the Encephalon and close to her first field test. She is viewed by most to be an inferior piece of technology because more advanced battle unit called Realians have been in use for some time. She is the object of the KOS-MOS project lead by Shion Uzuki. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Ziggurat 8 (Ziggy) Sex: Male Age: 30 Height: 6'3" Weight: Varies Description Ziggy is a combat cyborg tasked with protecting MOMO. As a human he killed himself and was brought back against his will. Ziggy has an obsession with removing all that was once human in his body and replacing it with inorganic parts so he can be offically dead. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: MOMO Sex: Female Age: 12 Height: 4'8" Weight: 79 lbs Description MOMO (Multiple Observative Mimetic Organicus) is a protoype of the 100-Series Observational Realian. She is viewed as a superior being compared to KOS-MOS because she is a Realian (a synthetic organism). She was created to combat the Gnosis. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: chaos Sex: Male Age: 16 Height: 5'7" Weight: 117 lbs Description A mysterious young boy whose past is unknown, perhaps even to himself. He seems particularly bright and ahead of everyone else as far as intelligence goes. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Jr. (Rubedo) Sex: Male Age: 12 Height: 4'7" Weight: 84 lbs Description Jr. is a director of the Kukai Foundation of the Second Miltia. An uncommonly bright young man that offers practical solutions when others much older than himself are at a loss for ideas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Other Characters ---------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Kevin Sex: Male Description The former chief engineer of the Vector Industries First R & D Division in charge of developing KOS-MOS. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Allen Sex: Male Description Assistant to Shion on the KOS-MOS project of the Vector Industries First R & D Division. He is your basic comic relief character pining for a date with Shion throughout the game. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Togashi Sex: Male Description Member of Vector Industries First R & D Division. He enjoys giving Allen a hard time about Shion. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Virgil Sex: Male Description Soldier on-board the Woglinde that joins forces with you during the Gnosis attack. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Commander Andrew Cherenkov Sex: Male Description Commander on-board the Woglinde. He seems desperate to get the KOS-MOS program moving along faster and has a mysterious past. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Miyuki Sex: Female Description She is one of Shion's subordinate's. She continually provides Shion with new gadgets and information. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Vanderkaum Sex: Male Description Commander on-board the Woglinde in charge of securing the Zohar. He looks almost identical to the Vanderkaum in Xenogears. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Margulis Sex: Male Description Commander of the U-TIC Organization. Currently stationed on the Asteroid Pleroma. He is heavily involved with the Zohar. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Pellegri Sex: Female Description Aide to Margulis. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Sellers Sex: Male Description Unknown. He apparently has designs on the Zohar and is involved in some way with Margulis. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Matthews Sex: Male Description Captain of the Elsa. He's a loud-mouthed opinionated salvage expert. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Tony Sex: Male Description He's the hotshot pilot of the Elsa. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Hammer Sex: Male Description The engineer and navigator of the Elsa. He shares the same name or nickname as a rat-like character in Xenogears. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Gaignun (Nigredo) Sex: Male Description Leader of Kukai Foundation along with Jr. Very little is known about him. He may be related to Jr. in some way. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Mary Sex: Female Description An aide to Jr. on-board the Durandal. She and her sister Shelley were rescued by Gaignun and have served the Kukai Foundation ever since. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Shelley Sex: Female Description An aide to Jr. on-board the Durandal. She and her sister Mary were rescued by Gaignun and have served the Kukai Foundation ever since. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Helmer Sex: Male Description A political ally to Gaignun and Jr. of the Kukai Foundation. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Albedo Sex: Male Description A strange man that seems to have ties with Jr. and Gaignun. He also seems to have an interest in MOMO. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Joachim Mizrahi Sex: Male Description Labelled an insane madman, Joachim was also the genius behind the creation of MOMO and the other 100-Series Observational Realians. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Juli Mizrahi Sex: Female Description A political leader of Galaxy Subcommittee and wife to Joachim Mizrahi. She sends Ziggy to retrieve her daughter MOMO who has been kidnapped and taken to the Asteroid Pleroma. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Wilhelm Sex: Male Description CEO of Vector Industries, the company overseeing the KOS-MOS project. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Febronia Sex: Female Description A Realian found inside a church during the Enchephalon - Miltia mission. Virgil calls out her name at one point during the game so the two may have known each other in the past. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Nephilim Sex: Female Description Little is known about this young red-haired girl. She looks identical to Elly from Xenogears and wears a cross identical to the one worn by Sophia (Elly) as well. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Great Joe Sex: Male Description Optional boss-type character on-board the Durandul. He's a gun-toting powerhouse that wants to challenge Jr. in a shooting match. He may be related somehow to Big Joe from Xenogears. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Mintia Sex: Female Description Optional boss-type character at the Kukai Foundation. She likes her pet's and often calls upon them to aid her in battle. She wants to challenge MOMO to a battle. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Ace Pilot Sex: Male Description Optional boss-type character on-board the U-TIC BS. When he is defeated in human form he calls upon one of two A.G.W.S.'s to aid him in battle. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [07] VII. Character Attacks -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These are the standard two-button combos for each character. Shion Uzuki - Knuckle = Square Firecracker = Triangle Power Kick = Square, Square Stun Shock = Square, Triangle Cherry Bomb = Triangle, Triangle Spin Kick = Triangle, Square KOS-MOS - Punch = Square Blaster = Triangle S-Sault = Square, Square Sword = Square, Triangle Blaster = Triangle, Triangle Needle = Triangle, Square F-Shot = O Ziggy - High Kick = Square Laser Blade = Triangle Jack Knife = Square, Square Ignition = Square, Triangle Laser Swing = Triangle, Triangle Jack Blade = Triangle, Square MOMO - Stardust = Square Melody Ray = Triangle Twin Stars = Square, Square Dream Whirl = Square, Triangle Flower Storm = Triangle, Triangle Cosmic Flip = Triangle, Square Chaos - Tornado Flash = Square Arrow = Triangle Seraphim Rush = Square, Square Electro Upper = Square, Triangle Angel Shot = Triangle, Triangle Star Thrust = Triangle, Square Jr. - Cross Shot = Square Southpaw = Triangle Trick Shot = Square, Square Coin Snap = Square, Triangle Crossfire = Triangle, Triangle Hip Shot = Triangle, Square -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [08] VIII. A.G.W.S. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A.G.W.S. Tuning ----------------------------------------------------------- This can be accessed from an Item shop menu that supports A.G.W.S.'s. The A.G.W.S. Tuning sub-menu is divided into the following parts. Buy Frame - You can purchase A.G.W.S. Frames from here. Frames increase your A.G.W.S. max FHP & DPARM. Buy Generator - You can purchase A.G.W.S. Generators from here. Generators increase your A.G.W.S. DPOW (Strength/Power). Restore HP - Restores A.G.W.S. Frame HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A.G.W.S. ------------------------------------------------------------------ STATS ----- FHP - Frame HP PARM - Physical Armor, lessens physical damage you receive EPARM - Ether Armor, lessens ether damage you receive DPOW - Dynamic Power, offensive strength AGL - Agility, how often you attack W-AGL - Weapons Agility, recovery time by weapon between attacks -------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME FHP PARM AGL DPOW EPARM W-AGL -------------------------------------------------------------------- VX-4000 1200 68 7 51 8 0 VX-7000 VX-9000 VX-10000 360 26 6 51 23 1 VX-20000 AG-01 AG-02 AG-04 2400 88 7 76 0 0 AG-05 6000 120 5 130 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A.G.W.S. Frames ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ NAME FHP PARM A.G.W.S. ------------------------------------------------ AG02-F03 1200 62 AG-02 AG02-F06 2400 108 AG-02 AG04-F06 2920 109 AG-04 VX01-F02 740 40 VX-10000 VX01-F06 2320 106 VX-10000 VX01-F03 1120 60 VX-10000 VX02-F06 2700 110 VX-7000 VX06-F05 1780 78 VX-4000 VX06-F06 2100 98 VX-4000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A.G.W.S. Generators ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ NAME DPOW A.G.W.S. ------------------------------------------------ AG02-G03 71 AG-02 AG02-G06 97 AG-02 AG04-G06 84 AG-04 VX01-G02 60 VX-10000 VX01-G03 70 VX-10000 VX01-G06 95 VX-10000 VX02-G06 100 VX-7000 VX06-G05 60 VX-4000 VX06-G06 68 VX-4000 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [09] IX. Main Menu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The main menu is where all of your party equipping, customization, etc., takes place. You can access this menu by pressing the "Triangle" button while in "Story" mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [10] Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are several categories in the Items menu. You can access them by pressing L1 or R1 while in the Items menu. This will toggle left and right between them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [11] -- Items ---------------------------------------------------------------- Antidote - Removes physical status from 1 ally Booster Pack - Boost +1 Bio Sphere - Can only be used at save points. Full HP & EP recovery for all characters. Cure-All - Removes all statuses from 1 ally Defense Shield - Increases Physical Defense Escape Pack - Used to allow one character to escape from a battle. The only other method for escaping is using Shion's "Goodbye" skill. Ether Pack - Low. Restores 10 EP to ally Ether Pack S - Mid. Restores 20 EP to ally Ether Pack DX - High. EP Recovery Ether Pack MAX - Max. EP Recovery Ether Upgrade A - E.Pts +10 Ether Upgrade A - E.Pts +50 Ether Upgrade Z - E.Pts +100 Frame Repair A - Fix 25% Frame HP (A.G.W.S.) Frame Repair Z - Fix 50% Frame HP (A.G.W.S.) Hemlock - HP=1. When used on ally, reduces HP to 1. Good when used in conjunction with Bravesoul / HP Strong. Junked Circuit A - Barter Item Junked Circuit B - Barter Item Kobold Blade - Barter Item Med Kit - Low. Restore small amounts of health to characters. Cannot be used to recover A.G.W.S. HP. Med Kit S - Mid. Restore medium amounts of health to characters. Cannot be used to recover A.G.W.S. HP. Med Kit DX - High. Restore large amounts of health to characters. Cannot be used to recover A.G.W.S. HP. Med Kit MAX - Max. Restores full HP to 1 ally. Cannot be used to recover A.G.W.S. HP. Neuro Stim - Removes psychological (mental) statuses from 1 ally Precious Stone - Barter Item Revive - Revive an ally who has been KO'd. HP Recovery/Low Revive DX - Revive an ally who has been KO'd. Full HP Recovery/Max Rejuvenator - HP & EP Recovery Max Skill Upgrade A - S.Pts +10 Skill Upgrade S - S.Pts +50 Skill Upgrade Z - S.Pts +100 Speed Stim - Increases Speed 25% Scrap Iron - Barter Item Stim DX - Increases Physical Attack 50% Tech Upgrade A - T.Pts +10 Tech Upgrade S - T.Pts +50 Tech Upgrade Z - T.Pts +100 Veil - Ether effects down 25% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [12] -- Special Items -------------------------------------------------------- Battle Passport - Use at E.V.S. points to play an A.G.W.S. mini-game. Card Pack #1 - Cards for Xeno Card mini-game. Card Pack #2 - Cards for Xeno Card mini-game. Decoders - The keys to the red doors for the hidden storage rooms. Drill Passport - Use at E.V.S. points to play a drill mini-game. Maintenance Data - Adjusts psychological condition of Realians. Mission Key - Key used in the Encephalon. Required to complete level. M.W.S. - (Multiple Weapons System) Portable weapons unit created by Miyuki. Segment File - Given to you by Sergeant Swaine. Keeps track of the hidden storage rooms created by the nano-machines who build structures for unknown reasons. It also keeps track of the decoder keys you have found. Starter Set - Cards for Xeno Card mini-game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [13] -- Character Weapons ---------------------------------------------------- F * MShot - All/Air/Hit - Arm Missile Pod for KOS-MOS. F * FShot - All/Air/Hit - Arm Missile Pod for KOS-MOS. Penguin Rod - Weak rod for MOMO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [14] -- Character Accessories ------------------------------------------------ Angel Ring - Halves EP usage. Beam Coat - Blue Ring - Brave Soul - Increases damage as HP goes down (Similar to the Power Crisis in Xenogears). You can obtain this item by redeeming coins in the Casino. Craft Apron - Skill points earned, up 25% Double Buster - Allows you to perform two tech attacks with only 6 AP. Equip this item and when your character gets to 6 AP in battle, press Square, Circle, Circle or Triangle, Circle, Circle to execute the double attack. Note: You must have tech attacks equipped on your character. D Unit V6 - Physical Defense +48 (KOS-MOS) VOLG50 - Physical Defense +44 (Ziggy) Flame Coat - Golden Dice - Damage fluctuates by HP. You can obtain this item by redeeming coins in the Casino. Green Ring - Guard Pendant - Prevents Physical Defense Down Ice Coat - Neo Armor A - Neo Armor B - Orange Ring - Power Brace - Prevents Physical Attack Down Purple ring - Red Ring - Saint Rod - Physical Attack +12 (MOMO) Samurai's Heart - Scope - Shield Armor - Prevents all status effects/abnormalities. Silver Crown - Soul - Speed Shoes - Spirit - Sniper Goggles - Prevents "Dexterity Down" Star Hat - Physical Defense +14, Also increases E.Pts gained at the end of a battle by 25%. Found in the church where you fight Tiamat AFTER you defeat him. Go back via the E.V.S. Swimsuit - Sword Coat - Techtron Clothes - Physical Defense +38 (All but Ziggy/KOS-MOS) Techtron Helmet - Physical Defense +8 (All but Ziggy/KOS-MOS) Thunder Coat - White Ring - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [15] -- Character Ammo ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [16] -- A.G.W.S. Weapons ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME W-TYPE STATS CHAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SWD21AG Sword Single/Near/Slash/W-ACT chaos SWD34VX Sword Single/Near/Slash/W-ACT Shion LG10AG Rifle Single/Line/Pierce/W-ACT chaos LG24VX Beam Rifle Single/Line/Beam EA120%/W-ACT Shion SMG99AG Sub-Machine Gun Single/Line/Pierce/W-ACT chaos SMG32VX Sub-Machine Gun Single/Line/Pierce/W-ACT Shion BMP45VX Wide Beam Pod All/Air/Beam EA130% Shion SMP53AG Missile Pod All/Air/Hit chaos AXE11AG Axe Single/Near/Slash/W-ACT chaos SHB67AG Beam Rifle Single/Air/Beam EA 130%/Defense chaos FLM64AG Flame Launcher Single/Line/Fire EA 150%/W-ACT chaos HMP33AG Missile Pod All/Air/Hit chaos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [17] -- A.G.W.S. Accessories ------------------------------------------------- Armor Protect Unit - Prevents Armor Failure Auxiliary Armor A - Armor +2 Auxiliary Armor B - Armor +4 EF Circuit A - Ether Defense +2 EF Circuit B - Ether Defense +4 Armor Protect Unit - Prevents "Armor Failure" Engine Shield - Prevents "Engine Stop" Gear Shield - Prevents "Slow" M Chip Guard - Prevents "Wear" AP Shield - Prevents "AP Half" W Circuit Guard - Prevents "Attack Disable" Cockpit Guard - Prevents "Pilot Confusion & Sleep" Guard Cleaner - Clears status abnormalities when guarding Guard Recovery - Recovers 10% of Max FHP when guarding Anti-Fire Armor - Reduces F-Type damage 25% Anti-Ice Armor - Reduces I-Type damage 25% Anti-Lightning Armor - Reduces L-Type damage 25% Anti-Beam Armor - Reduces B-Type damage 25% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [18] -- A.G.W.S. Ammo -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [19] Ether ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ether is used in Xenosaga for various reasons. Healing, attacks, defensive capabilities, etc. They are essentially the spells of this game. The Ether sub-menu is divided into the following parts. Use - This opens your characters Ether menu and allows you to use any Ether skills that can be used outside of combat. Some Ether is only for use while in combat and will be grayed out in story mode. Set - This command enables you to "Set" ether attacks to your characters. You must use this in order to use ether attacks. Use E.Pts - By allocating Ether points to your characters skills, you can get new Ether attacks and transfer them to other characters. Cancel - Cancels out of the Ether sub-menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [20] -- Shion Uzuki ---------------------------------------------------------- Medicate - Low. HP recovery for 1 ally. Medica All - Mid. HP recovery for all allies. Revert - Revive and Mid HP recovery. Analyze - View enemy stats. Goodbye - Escape from battle. Refresh - Remove status changes from one ally. Jamming - Dexterity down for M-type enemies. Boost 1 - Increases boost gauge for one ally by 1. Queen's Kiss - Steal, occassionally causes instant K.O. Medica Rest - Max. Recovers full HP to one ally. Safety Level - Survive with 1 HP. Quick - Speed up 25%. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [21] -- KOS-MOS -------------------------------------------------------------- Mode A7 - Focus physical attack power. Down Dex - Dexterity down for B-type and M-type enemies. Down Force - Attack down for B-type and M-type enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [22] -- Ziggurat 8 (Ziggy) --------------------------------------------------- Bodyguard - Increases STR & DEF when MOMO is behind. My Guard - Focus DEF Recharge - Mid. HP recovery to self only. Ether Shift A - Focus EDEF. Ether Shift B - Focus EATK. Red Mark - 80% critical rate to M-type enemies. Charge X - HP & EP recovery x2 up. Speed Boost - Speed up 50%, self only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [23] -- MOMO ----------------------------------------------------------------- Life Shot - Mid. HP recovery for 1 ally. Miracle Star - Ether attack - non-elemental. Sheep Beam - Induces sleep to M-type enemies. Star Wind - Transformation for MOMO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [24] -- chaos ---------------------------------------------------------------- Healing Dew - Low. HP recovery for all allies. Purifying Storm - Removes all status effects from all allies. Best Ally - Revives all allies. Ice Wings - Ice ether attack. Flame Wings - Fire ether attack. Lightning Wings - Lightning ether attack. Supreme Judgment - HP recovery down 1/2. Cataclysm - Resets attack and wait time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [25] -- Jr. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Psycho Arm - Increases physical attack strength. Psycho Pocket - Steal. Dandism - Revive, when female character is behind. Misty - Knock out G-type and B-type enemies. Chain - Evade down for G-type and B-type enemies. Ether Flare Coin Lock - Block all status effects. Speed Machine - Speed up 25%. Magnum Joe - Summons Great Joe. Buster Joe - Summons Great Joe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [26] Tech Attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As in Xenogears your characters have certain combo moves they can pull off by carring over AP from previous turns. This element gives battling an additional flare that other RPG's lack. Here are the combos for each character and there starting values. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [27] -- Shion Uzuki ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Name: Lightning Blast Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Spell Ray Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Shock Blade Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Thermal Blast Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Ether Amp Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Gravity Well Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Lunar Blade Type: Near -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [28] -- KOS-MOS -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Name: R-Blade Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: R-Cannon Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Shock Blade Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: X-Buster Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: S-Chain Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: R-Hammer Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: R-Dragon Type: Near -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [29] -- Ziggurat 8 (Ziggy) --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Name: Cyber Kick Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Lightning Fist Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Meteor Shot Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Cyclone Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Cross Lancer Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Executioner Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Hell Fire Type: Near -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [30] -- MOMO ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Name: Star Strike Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Floral Tempest Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Meteor Storm Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Star Cannon Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Angel Arrow Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Dark Scepter Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Magic Caster Type: Far -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [31] -- chaos ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Name: Angel Wings Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Lunar Seal Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Heaven's Wrath Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Angel Blow Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Chained Blast Type: Near -- -------------------------------- Name: Arctic Blast Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Demon Banisher Type: Far -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [32] -- Jr. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- Name: Prelude to Battle Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Moonlit Serenade Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Storm Waltz Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Last Symphony Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Mystic Nocturne Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Angelic Requiem Type: Far -- -------------------------------- Name: Soul Rhapsody Type: Far -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [33] Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your characters can learn new skills by extracting them from accessories using skill points. If you cannot extract the skills regardless of how many Skill Points you have, it's because yo need to raise your Skill Level up. To do that, you must extract tons of skills from all kinds of accessories. The more things you extract, the more your skill level will go up. The Skills sub-menu is divided into the following parts. Extract - Extraction screen. Extracts skills from accessories using Skill points. Set - Use to set skills to characters. Must set skills to use them. Cancel - Cancels out of the Skills sub-menu. HP Strong W Special All Guard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [34] Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Characters menu is where you equip/unequip characters and allocate your "Tech" points to raise character stats. The Characters sub-menu is divided into the following parts. Equip - Use to equip characters with weapons/armor/accessories. Unequip - Use to unequip characters with weapons/armor/accessories. Use T.Pts - Use to allocate "Tech" points to improve character stats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [35] -- Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------ Characters have the following four slots to equip: Weapon: Icon looks like a recycle icon (two arrows circling each other) Use this slot to equip a weapon on your character. Armor: Icon looks like a small person. Use this to equip armor such as a Uniform. Accessory: Icon looks like a ring. Use this to equip accessories like a Scope. Accessory: Icon looks like a ring. Use this to equip accessories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [36] -- Boosting Stats ------------------------------------------------------- By allocating your characters earned "Tech" points to your character directly using the character sub-menu, you can boost the following character stats. HP: Health, raise max HP EP: Ether, raise max EP STR: Strength, raise inherent ability VIT: Vitality, raise inherent ability EATK: Ether Attack Power, raise inherent ability EDEF: Ether Defense, raise inherent ability DEX: Dexterity, raise inherent ability EVA: Evasion, raise inherent ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [37] A.G.W.S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the section of the menu where you manage your A.G.W.S. You can equip weapons and ammo, swap them out for other A.G.W.S.'s and bulk them up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [38] Battle Formation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The battle formation sub-menu is divided into the following parts. Formation - This commande enables you to change the formation of your party for battles. When you enter a new battle, your party will start in that formation. This can make a big difference if you place your key characters in the right positions. Replace - Swap characters in and out of your party with characters in your reserves. Cancel - Cancels out of the Battle Formation sub-menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [39] U.M.N. (Unus Mundus Network) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This network is basically like a handheld computer. It is comprised of the following functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [40] -- Mail ----------------------------------------------------------------- Read & reply to emails and download attachments. Read - Read your emails. You can use the "Square" button to page quickly to important parts of the messages. Use the "O" button to reply to messages that require it. History - Review the history of emails. Download - Download attachments from your emails. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [41] -- Database ------------------------------------------------------------- An enormous repository of key information from the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [42] -- Gnosis / Enemies ----------------------------------------------------- This section lists all the enemies in the game. I have broken it up into three subsections: Enemies, Bosses & Mini-Bosses, and Optional Bosses. The listing is in alphabetical order. Key: HP = Hit/Health Points EXP = Experience TP = Tech Points EP = Ether Points SP = Skill Points ------------------------------- Enemies -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Armaros HP: 3000 Weak: None EXP: 4000 TP: 34 EP: 16 SP: 10 Rare: Skill Upgrade S Item: Med Kit DX Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Attack Drone HP: 80 Weak: Lightning EXP: 13 TP: 4 EP: 2 SP: 4 Rare: None Item: None Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Azazel HP: 4600 Weak: None EXP: 6200 TP: 36 EP: 36 SP: 16 Rare: Tech Upgrade S Item: Ether Pack DX Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Baraqijal HP: 2400 Weak: None EXP: 4600 TP: 24 EP: 24 SP: 10 Rare: Ether Upgrade S Item: Ether Pack DX Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Basilisk HP: 480 Weak: Slash EXP: 300 TP: 14 EP: 10 SP: 4 Rare: Ether Upgrade A Item: Ether Pack S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Bugbear HP: 980 Weak: Spirit EXP: 480 TP: 24 EP: 2 SP: 6 Rare: Tech Upgrade A Item: Med Kit S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Byproduct 103 HP: 2600 Weak: Fire EXP: 1360 TP: 42 EP: 24 SP: 8 Rare: Ether Upgrade A Item: Precious Stone Type: Biological Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Byproduct 145 HP: 1600 Weak: Ice EXP: 1140 TP: 30 EP: 10 SP: 4 Rare: Skill Upgrade A Item: Med Kit DX Type: Biological Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Byproduct 172 HP: 1800 Weak: Lightning EXP: 1280 TP: 34 EP: 10 SP: 4 Rare: Tech Upgrade A Item: Booster Pack Type: Biological Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Calx HP: 1100 Weak: Beam EXP: 880 TP: 16 EP: 4 SP: 16 Rare: Veil Item: Med Kit DX Type: Biological Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Capto Mortum HP: 1600 Weak: Beam EXP: 1040 TP: 16 EP: 0 SP: 20 Rare: None Item: Scrap Iron Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Cerberus HP: 500 Weak: Beam EXP: 320 TP: 8 EP: 8 SP: 2 Rare: None Item: Med Kit S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Cyber Crab HP: 160 Weak: Lightning EXP: 50 TP: 4 EP: 0 SP: 4 Rare: None Item: Scrap Iron Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Delphyne HP: 2000 Weak: Ice EXP: 2400 TP: 24 EP: 10 SP: 6 Rare: Med Kit DX Item: Hemlock Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Demon HP: 2300 Weak: None EXP: 3200 TP: 16 EP: 28 SP: 12 Rare: Ether Pack DX Item: Med Kit DX Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Dirlewanger HP: 380 Weak: Fire EXP: 220 TP: 12 EP: 6 SP: 10 Rare: Ether Pack S Item: Med Kit S Type: Biological Cash: 400 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: DOMO HP: 150 Weak: Lightning EXP: 80-90 TP: 8 EP: 2 SP: 4 Rare: None Item: Scrap Iron Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Drone F HP: 68 Weak: Fire EXP: 8 TP: 2 EP: 2 SP: 2 Rare: Med Kit Item: None Type: Biological Cash: 10 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Drone G1 HP: 82 Weak: Slash EXP: 10 TP: 2 EP: 2 SP: 0 Rare: Ether Pack Item: None Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Drone G2 HP: 60 Weak: Beam EXP: 8 TP: 2 EP: 4 SP: 0 Rare: Ether Pack Item: None Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Drone G3 HP: 130 Weak: None EXP: 20 TP: 4 EP: 0 SP: 0 Rare: Med Kit Item: None Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Drone M HP: 50 Weak: Fire EXP: 7 TP: 2 EP: 2 SP: 2 Rare: Med Kit Item: None Type: Biological Cash: 10 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Fairy HP: 180 Weak: Pierce EXP: 100 TP: 3 EP: 4 SP: 2 Rare: Ether Pack S Item: Ether Pack Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Federation Soldier HP: 320-360 Weak: Fire EXP: 180-250 TP: 6-10 EP: 6 SP: 6-8 Rare: None Item: Escape Pack Type: Biological Cash: 200-300 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Gardis F10 HP: 60 Weak: Lightning EXP: 5 TP: 1 EP: 0 SP: 1 Rare: None Item: None Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Gardis M1 HP: 450 Weak: Lightning EXP: 350 TP: 10 EP: 0 SP: 8 Rare: None Item: Med Kit S Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Gel Fish HP: 800 Weak: Lightning EXP: 420 TP: 18 EP: 6 SP: 20 Rare: None Item: Junk Circuit A Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Gertzog FE HP: 580 Weak: Spirit EXP: 360 TP: 18 EP: 4 SP: 16 Rare: None Item: Med Kit DX Type: Mechanical Cash: 400 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Gertzog UT HP: 640 Weak: Spirit EXP: 380 TP: 22 EP: 6 SP: 20 Rare: Med Kit DX Item: Med Kit S Type: Mechanical Cash: 600 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Goblin HP: 180 Weak: Spirit EXP: 40 TP: 6 EP: 0 SP: 0 Rare: None Item: Escape Pack Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Golem HP: 240 Weak: Slash EXP: 110 TP: 8 EP: 8 SP: 4 Rare: None Item: Ether Pack S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Gremlin HP: 100 Weak: None EXP: 50 TP: 3 EP: 3 SP: 3 Rare: Med Kit S Item: Revive Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Gremlin HP: 420 Weak: Pierce EXP: 320 TP: 10 EP: 6 SP: 2 Rare: Cure-All Item: Revive Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Hydra HP: 380 Weak: Fire EXP: 200 TP: 5 EP: 6 SP: 2 Rare: Cure-All Item: None Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Ishu Hariot HP: 100 Weak: Fire EXP: 10 TP: 1 EP: 1 SP: 1 Rare: Med Kit S Item: Med Kit Type: Biological Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Kobold HP: 280 Weak: Lightning EXP: 260 TP: 12 EP: 4 SP: 10 Rare: None Item: Kobold Blade Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Kubel HP: 800 Weak: Lightning EXP: 420 TP: 18 EP: 6 SP: 20 Rare: None Item: Junked Circuit A Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Larva Doll HP: 300 Weak: Healing Items / Healing Spells EXP: 380 TP: 16 EP: 20 SP: 8 Rare: Cure-All Item: Neuro Stim Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Larva Face HP: 300 Weak: Healing Items / Healing Spells EXP: 500 TP: 16 EP: 20 SP: 8 Rare: Cure All Item: Neuro Stim Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Lizard Man HP: 420 Weak: Ice EXP: 260 TP: 10 EP: 3 SP: 2 Rare: Hemlock Item: None Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Manticore HP: 90 Weak: Slash EXP: 30 TP: 3 EP: 4 SP: 0 Rare: Ether Upgrade A Item: None Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Ogre HP: 800 Weak: Spirit EXP: 680 TP: 12 EP: 0 SP: 0 Rare: Skill Upgrade A Item: Antidote Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Shot Crab HP: 1420 Weak: Lightning EXP: 900 TP: 14 EP: 0 SP: 16 Rare: None Item: None Type: Mechanical Cash: 5 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Sky Fish HP: 560 Weak: Pierce EXP: 380 TP: 13 EP: 10 SP: 4 Rare: None Item: Escape Pack Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Troll HP: 1200 Weak: Spirit EXP: 560 TP: 30 EP: 2 SP: 6 Rare: Med Kit DX Item: Med Kit S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Unicorn HP: 1200 Weak: Pierce EXP: 600 TP: 16 EP: 16 SP: 4 Rare: None Item: Unicorn Horn Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: U-TIC Soldier HP: 90 Weak: Fire EXP: 30 TP: 2 EP: 2 SP: 2 Rare: Med Kit S Item: Med Kit Type: Biological Cash: 40 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: U-TIC Soldier HP: 120 Weak: Fire EXP: 40 TP: 2 EP: 2 SP: 2 Rare: Med Kit S Item: None Type: Biological Cash: 80 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: U-TIC Soldier HP: 120 Weak: Fire EXP: 50 TP: 6 EP: 2 SP: 6 Rare: None Item: Antidote Type: Biological Cash: 100 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Vive HP: 1000 Weak: Beam EXP: 780 TP: 12 EP: 4 SP: 12 Rare: Veil Item: Med Kit DX Type: Biological Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Work Droid HP: 2400 Weak: Beam EXP: 1800 TP: 18 EP: 0 SP: 24 Rare: Frame Repair A Item: Junked Circuit B Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Wyrm HP: 1000 Weak: Pierce EXP: 900 TP: 25 EP: 14 SP: 6 Rare: Ether Pack DX Item: Cure All Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [05] -- Bosses & Mini-Bosses (Alphabetical Listing) -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Albedo HP: 7400 Weak: None EXP: 54000 TP: 250 EP: 220 SP: 250 Rare: Rejuvenator Item: Revive DX Type: Biological Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Ambix HP: 1200 Weak: None EXP: 1800 TP: 62 EP: 16 SP: 50 Rare: B-Max Circuit Item: Frame Repair Z Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Athra 26 Series HP: 3000 Weak: None EXP: 2400 TP: 120 EP: 24 SP: 100 Rare: None Item: Revive DX Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Cyclops HP: 560 Weak: Lightning EXP: 560 TP: 30 EP: 16 SP: 24 Rare: SMG99AG Item: None Type: Gnosis Cash: 800 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: DOMO Carrier (Mothership) HP: 1800 Weak: Lightning EXP: 4500 TP: 80 EP: 20 SP: 40 Rare: None Item: Anti-Beam Armor Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Doppelwogel HP: 4400 Weak: None EXP: 24000 TP: 180 EP: 160 SP: 80 Rare: Gemini Clock Item: Samurai Heart Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Drone GX HP: 420 Weak: Slash EXP: 100 TP: 24 EP: 12 SP: 8 Rare: None Item: Ether Pack S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Drone SPX HP: 280 Weak: Lightning EXP: 40 TP: 18 EP: 0 SP: 16 Rare: None Item: Med Kit S Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Ein Rugel HP: 3600 Weak: None EXP: 24000 TP: 180 EP: 160 SP: 80 Rare: Master's Pendant Item: None Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Gargoyle & 2 Oudogogue HP: Gargoyle (3600), Oudogogue (1000) Weak: Gargoyle (Lightning), Oudogogue (Slash) EXP: Gargoyle (7400), Oudogogue (800) TP: Gargoyle (140), Oudogogue (50) EP: Gargoyle (120), Oudogogue (50) SP: Gargoyle (60), Oudogogue (10) Rare: Gargoyle (Commander's Crest), Oudogogue (Frame Repair Z) Item: Gargoyle (Silver Crown), Oudogogue (Frame Repair S) Type: Gargoyle (Gnosis), Oudogogue (Gnosis) Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Gigas HP: 2800 Weak: Spirit / Slash EXP: 7800 TP: 120 EP: 100 SP: 60 Rare: Soul Item: Spirit Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Iosys HP: 4800 Weak: Beam EXP: 5400 TP: 50 EP: 0 SP: 36 Rare: Frame Repair Z Item: Frame Repair A Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Margulis HP: 820 Weak: None EXP: 2400 TP: 58 EP: 60 SP: 26 Rare: Purple Ring Item: Red Ring Type: Biological Cash: 3000 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Minotaur & 2 Sky Fish HP: Minotaur (920), Sky Fish (240) Weak: Minotaur (Beam), Sky Fish (Pierce) EXP: Minotaur (720), Sky Fish (150) TP: Minotaur (42), Sky Fish (3) EP: Minotaur (30), Sky Fish (6) SP: Minotaur (12), Sky Fish (2) Rare: Minotaur (Skill Upgrade Z), Sky Fish (Escape Pack) Item: Minotaur (Skill Upgrade S), Sky Fish (None) Type: Minotaur (Gnosis), Sky Fish (Gnosis) Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Peron HP: 1500 Weak: Spirit EXP: 800 TP: 12 EP: 10 SP: 24 Rare: Ether Upgrade Z Item: Ether Upgrade S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Proto Dora & 2 Schutz HP: Proto Dora (12000), Schutz (3800) Weak: Proto Dora (None), Schutz (Lightning) EXP: Proto Dora (32000), Schutz (5000) TP: Proto Dora (240), Schutz (100) EP: Proto Dora (0), Schutz (0) SP: Proto Dora (200), Schutz (60) Rare: Proto Dora (Fast Circuit 50), Schutz (Fast Circuit 25) Item: Proto Dora (Frame Repair Z), Schutz (Frame Repair A) Type: Proto Dora (Mechanical), Schutz (Mechanical) Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Rianon Se HP: 5600 Weak: Fire EXP: 20000 TP: 120 EP: 24 SP: 100 Rare: Shield Armor Item: Boost Pack Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Simeon HP: 8400 Weak: None EXP: 32000 TP: 220 EP: 200 SP: 180 Rare: Fast Circuit 25 Item: B-Max Circuit Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Sophie Peithos Name: Jaldabaoth (Spawn) Name: Ratatosk (Spawn) HP: 16000 HP: 1200 HP: 1800 Weak: Slash Weak: None Weak: None EXP: 88000 EXP: 2400 EXP: 3800 TP: 250 TP: 150 TP: 180 EP: 250 EP: 80 EP: 120 SP: 250 SP: 20 SP: 20 Rare: None Rare: Revive DX Rare: Revive DX Item: None Item: Revive Item: Revive Type: Gnosis Type: Gnosis Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Stribog HP: 1500 Weak: Fire EXP: 800 TP: 16 EP: 30 SP: 6 Rare: Skill Upgrade Z Item: Skill Upgrade S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Svarozic HP: 1500 Weak: Ice EXP: 800 TP: 30 EP: 16 SP: 6 Rare: Tech Upgrade Z Item: Tech Upgrade S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Tiamat HP: 6400 Weak: None EXP: 15600 TP: 180 EP: 160 SP: 120 Rare: Revenge Power Item: B-Max Circuit Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Xanthosis HP: 4000 Weak: Lightning EXP: 4800 TP: 40 EP: 0 SP: 28 Rare: Frame Repair Z Item: Frame Repair A Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Zolfo & 2 Mercurio (A.G.W.S.'s) HP: Zolfo (820), Mercurio (640) Weak: Zolfo (None), Mercurio (None) EXP: Zolfo (200), Mercurio (150) TP: Zolfo (22), Mercurio (8) EP: Zolfo (50), Mercurio (10) SP: Zolfo (16), Mercurio (6) Rare: Zolfo (None), Mercurio (None) Item: Zolfo (None), Mercurio (Med Kit S) Type: Zolfo (Mechanical), Mercurio (Mechanical) Cash: Zolfo (200), Mercurio (200) Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [06] -- Optional Bosses (Alphabetical Listing) ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Ace Pilot HP: 360 Weak: None EXP: 30 TP: 10 EP: 4 SP: 16 Rare: Ether Upgrade A Item: Skill Upgrade A Type: Biological Cash: 50 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Din Gareth HP: 8500 Weak: None EXP: 8000 TP: 80 EP: 20 SP: 80 Rare: Fast Circuit 25 Item: Frame Repair Z Type: Mechanical Cash: 1000 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Great Joe HP: 9999 Weak: None EXP: 18000 TP: 200 EP: 180 SP: 200 Rare: None Item: Swimsuit Type: Gnosis Cash: 200 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Meld Gareth HP: 5500 Weak: None EXP: 4000 TP: 60 EP: 20 SP: 60 Rare: B-Max Circuit Item: Frame Repair Z Type: Mechanical Cash: 1000 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Mintia HP: 7777 Weak: None EXP: 22000 TP: 160 EP: 240 SP: 200 Rare: Craft Apron Item: Penguin Rod Type: Gnosis Cash: 12000 Strategy: (See Walkthrough Section) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [43] -- Keywords ------------------------------------------------------------- KOS-MOS - Kosmos Obey Strategic Multiple Operation Systems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [44] -- Plug-in Module ------------------------------------------------------- A list of your current plug-ins. Mail Plug-in - Your mail client. Database Plug-in - Your repository of data. Spinkle - Mulit-array computing from Miyuki. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [45] -- E.V.S. (Environment Simulation Service) ------------------------------ This technology enables you to revisit all the places you been. It also allows you to play mini-games at E.V.S. points. I have listed below the places you will be able to revisit using the E.V.S. KOS-MOS (simulator) Asteroid Pleroma Elsa U-TIC BS Gnosis - Cathedral Ship Encephalon Song of Nephilim -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [46] X. Walkthrough -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [47] Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The story begins in the year 20xx, where archaeologists discover something Xenogears fans will immediately recognize. The game then jumps 4000 years into the future and spirals from there. This gives avid fans of the series a great look at how it all began, and new fans to the series, enough information to get going. Note: Don't worry about missing items because you will get an item that enables you to return to places you have already visited to get them, though getting them the first time through is recommended to help you when you need it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [48] Chapter 1. Woglinde ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first chapter begins in deep space where the Woglinde, an interstellar space vessel, and it's fleet, salvage an ancient artifact, known as the Zohar. Several salvage operators disappear when they come into contact with the artifact but it is eventually successfully contained and placed on-board the Woglinde. Thus begins the story... You begin as Shion Uzuki in the KOS-MOS research facility on-board the Woglinde. You enter the Encephalon, a virtual reality training facility for KOS-MOS. Notice the password Shion uses to access KOS-MOS: "Ye Shall Be As Gods" This is obviously a nod to Xenogears. If you played that game you will remember that it is the same exact phrase that poured across the Eldridge display screens during the introduction sequence. When you finally get control of your character, head immedietly to your left and climb the ladder. Shoot the red container inside the room on the second level to take out the enemy there. Open the door and grab the treasure chest. Go back down the ladder and take the path on the right that leads slightly down. Destroy the yellow container when the enemy is near it on the upper level to take it out. Then destroy the pickup truck. Climb to the upper level and either fight or avoid the enemy and duck into the open door into the main building. Once inside the facility, head up the stairs and around to the left. Take out the enemy by watching your "radar" and waiting until he is off the screen to the left. Walk over to the yellow container and wait until he gets close and destroy the container to take him out. Head straight down and outside on the catwalk and grab the treasure chest. Head back up and kill the guard again. Then head to the left and up. You will get another cutscene and a fight before the save crystal. -- Mini-Boss Battle -- Name: Drone SPX HP: 280 Weak: Lightning EXP: 40 TP: 18 EP: 0 SP: 16 Rare: None Item: Med Kit S Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: Have Shion call her A.G.W.S. and then attack once with a 2 AP attack using KOS-MOS. Then attack using Shion's A.G.W.S. Then perform a combo with KOS-MOS and another attack using Shion. That should easily finish him off. -- After the battle, save the game and head to the right. Climb down the ladder and enter the room to the south. Destroy the crates and grab the treasure. One of the crates will have an enemy in it and you will get a little popup about crates containing enemies sometimes too. You will notice if you head to the right that you are now back at the beginning on the other side of the piled up shelves and boxes. Examine the door and head back to the save point. Head to the right and into the room. Grab the key on the desk and you will get a message saying the enemies have been changed and re-calibrated to detect loud noises. From here on out utilize the the R2 button to walk and not attract attention. Destroy the debris blocking the exit to the right of the room and leave. "WALK" down the stairs to the right and use the key on the large bay door for another boss battle. -- Mini-Boss Battle -- Name: Drone GX HP: 420 Weak: Slash EXP: 100 TP: 24 EP: 12 SP: 8 Rare: None Item: Ether Pack S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: Have Shion call her A.G.W.S. and attack with her sword weapon. This Gnosis is vulnerable to slash attacks so two of these will take it out. -- After the battle a cutscene will take place where Xenogears players will see a familiar face. You will then be out of the Encephalon and back on the ship. When you finally get control again, return to the Encephalon by talking to the guy kneeling down near the red chair. "WALK" back to the bay door inside the facility and grab the "Battle Passport" inside where the red box is. Then go ahead and exit. Upon returning to the ship, you will need to head toward the bridge. Use the map stations if you get lost along the way. when you finally get to the Hangar, after several cutscenes, talk to the guy to the far right near the exit of the hangar and give him your email address. Then head out and up. Find the man past the "accident" and talk to him. He will tell you to talk to the man farther up and to the left behind the stage. Talk to him several times until he tells you thanks and tells you to take anything you find in the crates. Also, I would try and talk to everyone and investigate any flashing buttons, etc. you come across as this will help you a little later. Continue going up and you can play with the switch behind the desk on the right to freak the guy out in the corridor out if you want to. Enter your room up on the right and rest and save. Grab the disk on your desk and head out again. Make your way down and to the left until you enter the Realian lab. Talk to the doctor and all the Realians several times. This will trigger a cutscene and advance the story. Head up through the door and talk to the guy waving at you. Get the lowdown on the doors and he'll give you an item to keep track of them. Head to the left and play the tag game with the two soldiers. Run up and around the block and back to the item. You will get a Med Kit. Feel free to explore the ship. When you are ready, head back to the guy who told you about the doors, then to the right and up the elevator to the bridge. After a cutscene, head for the A.G.W.S. Hangar at the top left of the ship, near the tag game. Get your package and then you can talk to the guy up on the right of the A.G.W.S. hangar if you want to practice A.G.W.S. fighting. When you are done exploring and practicing, head for your room and rest. This will advance the story with some cutscenes. The ship is under attack by the Gnosis and you must try to get back to the lab. When you exit the room the doors below you are sealed shut so you must take the long way around. Just run into the first Gnosis blocking you and you will enter into an unwinnable battle. A cutscene ensues and you escape to the next corridor. It is very important that you do not engage the Gnosis at this point. You WILL die. Make a bee-line for the second partition switch and hit it to block the Gnosis off. Continue forward and run to hit the holographic generator switch to turn on the seraphim girls and distract the Gnosis. See, remember when I said investigate everything earlier? That's so you would be aware of exactly what to do later. Now, continue heading up on the screen and duck into the room with the save point and save! Whew! What a rush! Now, exit the room and get the Gnosis attention around the bend to the left of the room and run quickly back into the room. The Gnosis will get frustrated and stomp off the other direction. Leave the room and head back around the corner and through the door to the next corridor. Climb the ladder and hit the switch the guy earlier told you never to touch. This will suck everything out of the room and clear your path. Now head left and down and you will find your path blocked by a car. Talk to the guy in the corner and he will tell you about the Vaporizer Plug-in in the A.G.W.S. hangar. Now go back up and all the way to the left this time to where there are two bug-like Gnosis contained in a small area. Go all the way over to the left side where the crate is blocking the entrance and the bug will shoot and destroy the crate. Grab the money and run back around to the safety of the other side. Then get close to one of the yellow electric nets (look like a police barricade) and the closest bug will try to get you but get zapped instead. Repeat this process for the other bug and then run in and grab the treasure chest containing 2 Veils. Enter the A.G.W.S. hangar and talk to the guys inside. One of them will give you the Vaporizer Plug-in. You now have the ability to destroy objects like you did inside the encephalon. Destroy the crates inside the hangar for an Escape Pack and 2 Frame Repair A items. Exit the hangar, but instead of going back to destroy the car in your way, backtrack all the way back to the room with the save point in it, destroying crates and plants and objects along the way. The crates above the doors the sucked the Gnosis out it contain some money and a Revive DX. Once you get to the save point, save! After saving shoot the window/forcefield thingy out and run past the bug when it's not looking and grab the treasure chest containing Decoder 18. Now return to where the car was blocking your path and destroy it. Continue down and get ready to play the "Tag" game with two Gnosis. If you run to far ahead of them, one might stop and cut you off from the other side, so keep them near you until you get on the other side of the box in the middle of the room and then let loose. If you do manage to screw up, like I did, just run over and into the A.G.W.S. hangar to reset the Gnosis. Run over to Sergeant Swaine and get the Decoder 7 from him and use it on the red door adjacent to you for a Robot Part - Right Arm. Exit the room and head back down to exit the corridor. Don't forget to destroy plants on the walls and other objects along the way like statues, vending machines, etc. After a custscene, search the dead soldier on the ground for his room key. enter his room and grab the SMP53AG from the chest. Exit and enter the second room and save. Exit the room and continue making your way toward the Realian lab. Another cutscene will show the Hilbert Effect and essentially enable you to kill the Gnosis. -- Mini-Boss Battle -- Name: Cyclops HP: 560 Weak: Lightning EXP: 560 TP: 30 EP: 16 SP: 24 Rare: SMG99AG Item: None Type: Gnosis Cash: 800 Strategy: This Gnosis absorbed one of the A.G.W.S.'s and fused with it. It looks like a cross between a squid/starfish/A.G.W.S. This should be a fairly simple battle, just use physical attacks and combos to bring it down quickly. -- After the battle you will get an A.G.W.S. from Allen and you will be able to use it in upcoming battles. I would suggest equipping it with the following: SMP53AG - Shoulder SWD21AG - Right Arm SMG99AG - Left Arm Heal your characters if they need it and move on. Shoot the yellow container and move on. Once you get to the 3-way corridor where 3 Gnosis are feeding on an A.G.W.S., run up and into the room and open the partition that was blocking your path near your room. Then open the red segment 18 door by your room and get a Coat - Lightning. Get to your room and rest/save. Exit your room and this time take the south fork in the corridor, avoiding the Gnosis and continue on toward the hanger with the Zohar in it. At this point you can choose to fight or avoid the Gnosis. It doens't matter. You can fight and level up and rest/save, etc. if you want to, but you don't really need to. Just make sure you have a good amount of HP before entering the hangar. After a cutscene you will fight a boss battle. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Minotaur & 2 Sky Fish HP: Minotaur (920), Sky Fish (240) Weak: Minotaur (Beam), Sky Fish (Pierce) EXP: Minotaur (720), Sky Fish (150) TP: Minotaur (42), Sky Fish (3) EP: Minotaur (30), Sky Fish (6) SP: Minotaur (12), Sky Fish (2) Rare: Minotaur (Skill Upgrade Z), Sky Fish (Escape Pack) Item: Minotaur (Skill Upgrade S), Sky Fish (None) Type: Minotaur (Gnosis), Sky Fish (Gnosis) Cash: 0 Strategy: Quickly take out the 2 Sky Fish first using long range ether attacks. You can also throw Shion into her A.G.W.S. to take some damage if you want, but I would exit the A.G.W.S. before it reaches 0 HP. Once the Fish are out of the way, utilize "Tech" attacks on the Minotaur. It should go down after a couple of rounds. -- VERY lengthy cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [49] Chapter 2. Asteroid Pleroma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This chapter begins with you in control of Ziggurat 8. You will be invisible to the guards and it's fun to play with their heads. Shoot all the crates and containers you can find BEFORE entering the facility and get a Scope and 2 Ether Upgrade S items. Equip the Scope if you want to and head for the door. Upon entering the facility, your cloak will fail and you will be visible. From this point on you will need to utilize "walking" by pressing R2. Hide from the guards using the walls and after you pass the first set of guards, shoot the pillar and the wall just to your left upon entering the next segment right near the entryway. Head into the opening and up the stairs to grab a Snake Hunter. Destroy the wall and check the red segment 4 door. Head back down and slip past the guards. Make sure you destroy the statue in the middle for a Decoder 11. You may have to fight one battle if the guard sees you. Keep heading right and enter the next room. Use the crane to distract the A.G.W.S. and to knock a treasure chest down. Defeating the A.G.W.S. will give you the Decoder 4. But you might want to wait to do this later because Ziggurat may not be strong enough to beat it alone. Now climb down the ladder and head to the right. Take out the two guards, head down the steps, destroy the yellow container when the guard walks by, hurry and grab the treasure the crane knocked down, and head back to th stairs. Wait for the bug bot to come by, "walk" behind it and destroy the crates behind the truck. Then head down and through the door. There are 6 crates in the first room. They are organized like this: [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] The one with the "X" in it is an enemy. Don't destroy it unless you feel like fighting. Now head down to the monitoring station and enter it. Run up and destroy the Sentry and grab the Master Key from the treasure chest. Head back to the cells and enter the first cell for the treasure, then the second cell to save, and then finally the third cell with MOMO in it. After the alarm sounds, head back to the monitoring station for a short scene on Ziggurat's past. Push the flashing red button to unlock the door in the corridor and head through it. Make a break for it, destroying and grabbing items along the way. At the first doorway leading up, enter it to find the sanctuary you saw earlier below you. Grab the treasure and head back. Make a break for it to the right again and try not to fall off the pipes. Climb the ladder at the end of the corridor and another cutscene takes place. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Zolfo & 2 Mercurio (A.G.W.S.'s) HP: Zolfo (820), Mercurio (640) Weak: Zolfo (None), Mercurio (None) EXP: Zolfo (200), Mercurio (150) TP: Zolfo (22), Mercurio (8) EP: Zolfo (50), Mercurio (10) SP: Zolfo (16), Mercurio (6) Rare: Zolfo (None), Mercurio (None) Item: Zolfo (None), Mercurio (Med Kit S) Type: Zolfo (Mechanical), Mercurio (Mechanical) Cash: Zolfo (200), Mercurio (200) Strategy: Guard with Ziggy every other round to build up for "Tech" attacks and lessen the damage he receives. Use MOMO's ether skills to heal Ziggy when he needs it. Don't attack when the enemy has it's shield out! This is very important as it will waste your combo. Take out the 2 Mercurio's first (after 1 is gone the Zolfo will start attacking) Zolfo can hit MOMO as well so heal her if she needs it. Use an Ether Pack S for 20 EP restoration when MOMO needs it. You may also want to use some of the Med Kit S items as well for healing. After the 2 Merc's are gone, combo the Zolfo until it's out of commission. I takes about 3 of Ziggy's Lightning combos to knock out a Merc. -- After the battle, enter the command center and save. Heal your characters up and head out the door and try and avoid the guards on your way out (left). When you exit the facility you will face a difficult boss battle. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Margulis HP: 820 Weak: None EXP: 2400 TP: 58 EP: 60 SP: 26 Rare: Purple Ring Item: Red Ring Type: Biological Cash: 3000 Strategy: Move Ziggy to be in front of MOMO (can do this before battle as well) so that Margulis "push to back row" attack will only do damage and not push you back. The same strategy applies here as in the battle with the A.G.W.S.'s. Do NOT use lightning attacks against Margulis. It will either do 0 damage or heal him depending on the mode he is in. Use physical attack combos and wear him down. Make sure you use Ethers to restore EP and keep healing Ziggy/MOMO with Ether and items. You can also try using a Stim on Ziggy to increase the amount of damage he does per attack. Do not use Ziggy to do anything but guard and attack. Margulis's attacks are devastating if you are not guarding. After what seems like ages, he will go down. Note: You can also just lose this battle and move on without wasting any items, time, etc. -- Cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [50] Chapter 3. Elsa von Brabant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You will now have control of Shion on-board the Elsa. You need to find the Cherenkov (Commander) and give him his food. First, head to the bottom left door and talk to the robot bartender to get the Card Passport. Head up though the door to the cabins and you will get an email containing the E.V.S. You can use this item to revisit places you have already been. Head down into Cabin 2 and grab the Disarm Key on the curved orange couch. You can check the map if you want to in this room. After you are finished, you can head to Cabin 1 and rest by talking to the robot. You don't need to though. Head toward the bridge and hang a right at the fork to the yellow save crystal and the grey shop crystal. You can buy a Starter Deck and some Cards at the shop if you want to. Save. Head down the elevator to B1 to advance the story. Explore B1, destroying crates along the way. When you are done exploring B1, head to B2F. Go across the bridge and activate the Slide Deck to get a Decoder 10 from the crate and red segment door. So far you should have come across doors 14 & 8 on the ship. Explore B2F until you come across a save point near chaos and save the game. In the next room down, the A.G.W.S. hangar, you can talk to the robot to upgrade your A.G.W.S. and heal Frame HP. It's up to you if you want to or not, though it will come in handy in an up-coming boss battle. Note: If you do not upgrade your A.G.W.S. before the story advances to the point of fighting the boss, you will not be able to upgrade your A.G.W.S. until after the boss fight. If your people are strong enough (level 10), you won't need to upgrade and you can save a little money like I did. Now, if you head all the way down to the bottom of the hangar area you can grab a Coat-Beam from the treasure chest. Now head back up and to the lift on the left side into KOS-MOS room to advance the story. Head back to the bridge where Matthews will tell you to take a look at the malfunctioning catapult. If you head back to the hangar first you will come across Tony and he will ask you to help him find the Hazardous Material Map. If you want to find it, go back and speak with the captain and he will give it to you to give to Tony for a Med Kit DX. Then make your way down to B3F to the catapult room to advance the story. Then head back to the bridge and you will see a cutscene where Ziggy & MOMO get picked up in the catapult room. Head back to the catapult destroying crates along the way because the items have re-spawned. About halfway to the catapult, the scene will switch and you will have control of Ziggy & MOMO in the catapult room. Make your way to the bridge with Ziggy & MOMO and you will meet up with Shion & party. Choose 3 characters to use and head down to the A.G.W.S. hangar to find and destroy the "Mothership". When you hit the save point in the connecting room heal up & save the game. You can also deactivate the Mag-Floor in here but I wouldn't. Head out the door on the right and avoid or fight the enemies that are stuck to the ground. Don't worry about your feet being zapped, it doesn't hurt you. Grab all the items by destroying all the crates and head back to the save point. Make your way down to the hangar. You can "walk" to avoid the enemies, or fight them if you want the Exp, Pts, etc. Head through to the next section and run into the boss. -- Boss Battle -- Name: DOMO Carrier (Mothership) HP: 1800 Weak: Lightning EXP: 4500 TP: 80 EP: 20 SP: 40 Rare: None Item: Anti-Beam Armor Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: When I reached this battle, I had not upgraded my A.G.W.S.'s. I ignored them completely because I didn't think they were worth it. As it turns out, I was correct. However, it does make the battle difficult. Once you reach this point in the story, it is too late to upgrade your A.G.W.S. The robot who will sell you stuff is gone for now. Note: If you do not upgrade your A.G.W.S. before the story advances to the point of fighting the boss, you will not be able to upgrade your A.G.W.S. until after the boss fight. If your people are strong enough (level 10), you won't need to upgrade and you can save a little money like I did. At the start of the battle DOMO Carrier will select an event slot where it will perform a "Tremor" attack, that damages everyone in your party, everytime its turn is on that slot. If it selects "Critical" as its slot it will make this battle much more difficult because its "Tremor" will be much stronger. If it selects "Boost" then it will constantly boost ahead for extra turns. Overall, hope it selects "Boost", it's easier. The key to this battle is boosting your characters. This way you can try and limit the amount of times DOMO does its "Tremor" attack. If you see DOMO coming around to land on the slot it picked as its "Tremor" slot, try to boost a character ahead into that slot to prevent DOMO from getting it off. Use lightning attacks against it and KOS-MOS R-Cannon works very well against this boss. It should go down after a few rounds. -- When you are finished with the battle, you can explore the ship if you want. When you are ready to advance the story, head to Cabin 2 on the upper level of the ship. Cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [51] Chapter 4. U-TIC BS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This chapter begins with you in control of Jr. During the cutscene where the enemy uses short jumps to get on-board and the attack at the Zohar hangar, you will hear, in my opinion, one of the best musical scores of the game, if not the best. Take advantage of Jr.'s W-ACT in the first battle. When you finally get control of Jr., save the game and then head inside the ship. In the first room you come to, destroy the generators to disable the red laser lines and hit the switch behind the door to open it and the other door blocking your path. Head down and around the corridor and hit the #4 switch to open the large #4 door blocking your path. Then move down and save in the room on your left. After saving, backtrack and head through the door on the right. Destroy the generators on the walls to disable the alarms on the doors. Otherwise you will be attacked upon touching them. The first door contains a soldier who won't tell you about "Card No. 3". -------------------------------------------------------------------------- deonal@earthlink.net sent me this: I found some information about the soldier that won't talk in the U-TIC BS. It is possible to successfully interrogate him. It can be a little tedious, but for those that want the satisfaction of doing a successful interrogation, it'll be worth it. You have to talk to the two officers a couple of times each to begin. This is a kind of "Good cop, Bad cop" procedure. After then, talk to them, saying "Yes" to them in the following order: 1. Mean 2. Nice 3. Nice 4. Mean 5. Nice 6. Mean 7. Mean 8. Nice 9. Mean 10. Mean 11. Nice When this is done, the soldier will, as the old saying goes, "Sing like a canary", and the information will be correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The second door will throw you into a battle. After the battle destroy the containers to find the Segment Door 11 and open it with your Decoder 11 to get a Coat-Ice. Leave the room and continue on around the corridor until you reach the switch to open Door #5. You can backtrack up and save if you want. Head down towards the A.G.W.S. hangar and grab all you can. Go through the door on the right, destroy the container and grab the U-TIC Card. Card No. 3 is in the second room. Head back to the corridor where the soldier wouldn't talk to you and unlock the 3rd door in the corridor using the U-TIC Card you found. Grab the Decoder 16 from the treasure chest and backtrack back to the beginning where you were blocked by the #3 Door. Use Card No. 3 on panel to active console and then open #3 Door. Then go through the door to the bridge. Hack into the mainframe (center console) and prepare for a boss fight. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Ambix HP: 1200 Weak: None EXP: 1800 TP: 62 EP: 16 SP: 50 Rare: B-Max Circuit Item: Frame Repair Z Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: This boss is easy. Just attack and use W-ACT when you have 6 AP. He'll be down and out in no time. You really shouldn't have a problem. -- Cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [52] Chapter 5. Dock Colony ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Find Ziggy down in his room with the save point on B2F. Rest and save and then head out the airlock to the left of the bridge. Explore the Clinic and the "Talk To Me" store. On the bottom level of the store is Segment Door 2. When you are ready, head all the way down and to the left out on the main screen. After the cutscene, explore the colony, buy anything you may need, upgrade your A.G.W.S.'s (better stuff here than on Elsa), then head back to the bridge on the Elsa and enjoy another cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [53] Chapter 6. Gnosis - Cathedral Ship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The path here is fairly linear so just head along until you see a "disturbing" cutscene involving Cherenkov. Afterwards, keep moving along and head behind the red fish sign. Destroy it and grab the treasure. Go back around and down to the next screen. Climb the ladder and get the items and treasures from destroying the objects along the way. Then head back down and take the bottom path. Destroy the crates blocking the elevator and then head back around to the top path. Take the elevator down and go to the next screen. Get MOMO in your party and set her as your lead character (the one walking around on the screen). Move around and take the first staircase up. On top of the building there will be a couple of indestructible boxes. There should be a little sparkling light on one of the boxes. Go up to it and touch it. You will get the Tech Attack Magic Caster and the Ether Star Wind. Star Wind is a transformation spell for MOMO. Magic Caster can only be used while she is transformed and it allows you to steal rare items from enemies by casting (fishing pole style) onto an enemy and retrieving it. Her transformation isn't that much really, she just changes into a blue outfit and has access to some other magic. Now shoot the bridge to the right and it will fall down allowing you to pass over to the other side. Then take the stairs back down and cross the bridge. You must fight the enemy to get the treasure. -- Mini-Boss Battle -- Name: Svarozic HP: 1500 Weak: Ice EXP: 800 TP: 30 EP: 16 SP: 6 Rare: Tech Upgrade Z Item: Tech Upgrade S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: Do not use fire attacks against him, it heals him. Shion's sword attack in her A.G.W.S. works very effectively. Physical attacks are best against him. Ziggy's Jack Knife is also effective. -- Grab the treasure, a Tuned Circuit, and go back across the bridge and past the first staircase and take the lower path this time. Follow it around and up a different set of staircases. Head across to the right and around until you hit a save crystal and an item crystal. Now might be a good time to extract the "Prevents Poison" skill from an item you should already have in your inventory. If you missed it, buy one. Equip it or extract and set it for each of your 3 main combatants. The reason for this is because there are quite a few Lizard Men ahead that put the smack down on you with poison. Poison in Xenosaga is ridiculously devastating, taking off huge amounts of HP every turn. Important: I highly recommend purchasing at least 1 Guard Pendant and 1 Power Brace to extract the "Prevents Physical Attack Down" and "Prevents Physical Defense Down" skills from. Without these skills an upcoming boss battle will be much more difficult. You can also just buy 3 of each of them to equip if you don't want to waste your skill points. -- Mini-Boss Battle -- Name: Peron HP: 1500 Weak: Spirit EXP: 800 TP: 12 EP: 10 SP: 24 Rare: Ether Upgrade Z Item: Ether Upgrade S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: Do not use lightning attacks against him, it heals him. Similar to the battle against Svarozic, physical attacks are good. Ziggy's Cyber Kick is works well. -- After the battle, climb the escalator and take out the Hydras in the Costmary for the Decoder 15. Grab the flower seeds behind it on the desk and head back out and around to the next area. You could also go back and save and the enemies will not respawn. Go around the upper level of a large warehouse and down the lift in the next room. Head into the crate room and destroy everything. Grab the treasure, items, and the Segment Door 13. If you have trouble defeating the Unicorn's you can run from them or use this strategy. The Unicorn will respawn its blockers 6 times. Or you can kill them both at the same time to clear a path directly to the Unicorn. Unicorn's drop "Horns" that are worth 500 bucks a pop when sold. You can also use them to level up by allowing the Unicorn to continually respawn its blockers and killing them until it runs out. You can get 100 or so Tech Points per person, per battle. Go back up the lift and around and down to head outside. Go down the rocks and you can head either right or left. It's basically a loop around if you go to the right. Left takes you around as well, but has some extra branches off. I recommend heading right to grab the items and when you make your way around to a fork that will take you left, take it. Now you will eventually go under a bridge and encounter a mini-boss guarding a chest. -- Mini-Boss Battle -- Name: Stribog HP: 1500 Weak: Fire EXP: 800 TP: 16 EP: 30 SP: 6 Rare: Skill Upgrade Z Item: Skill Upgrade S Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: Do not use ice attacks against him, it heals him. Similar to the battle against Svarozic and Peron, physical attacks are good. Ziggy's Cyber Kick (fire attack) owns this guy. -- After you defeat him, grab the Decoder 9 from the chest and head back up and to the right to make the complete loop back around. Destroy the rocks blocking your way up and step into the pulsing rings ahead for a cutscene. Enter the Research Laboratory and you will encounter the Lizard Men I was talking about. They are also good for leveling up since they don't damage you much without their precious "poison" attacks. Bwahahaa...denied. Destroy the statue for an Ether Pack Max. Head up to the next room and destroy the two red locks blocking the elevator. Save. Then enter the door to the north and search all the cubes in the room. Go up the stairs on the right side of the room and out the door. Destroy the lock on the right side and hit the switch to lower the ladder. Go back down and up the stairs on the left side of the room and out the door. Destroy the lock and climb up the ladder. Destroy the two locks and shoot the wall to reveal a doorway. Go through the door to discover Segment Door 9. Decode it and grab the Robot Part - Left Arm. Now go all the way back down to the lower level and save the game. Take the elevator down and you will come to a large circular catwalk. Three Lizard Men guard it walking in a clockwise motion. Just trail one of them and shoot the walls blocking both off-shoots on the left and right of the circle. Head back around the circle to the bottom and up into the center to the elevator. Take it down and after a ten minute elevator ride you reach the bottom. Head up and unlock the door the massive door. Go inside the door for a difficult boss battle. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Gargoyle & 2 Oudogogue HP: Gargoyle (3600), Oudogogue (1000) Weak: Gargoyle (Lightning), Oudogogue (Slash) EXP: Gargoyle (7400), Oudogogue (800) TP: Gargoyle (140), Oudogogue (50) EP: Gargoyle (120), Oudogogue (50) SP: Gargoyle (60), Oudogogue (10) Rare: Gargoyle (Commander's Crest), Oudogogue (Frame Repair Z) Item: Gargoyle (Silver Crown), Oudogogue (Frame Repair S) Type: Gargoyle (Gnosis), Oudogogue (Gnosis) Cash: 0 Strategy: Important: I highly recommend purchasing at least 1 Guard Pendant and 1 Power Brace to extract the "Prevents Physical Attack Down" and "Prevents Physical Defense Down" skills from. Without these skills an upcoming boss battle will be much more difficult. You can also just buy 3 of each of them to equip if you don't want to waste your skill points. You can buy these items at the item shop crystal a little ways back on this level (before the warehouse/ shopping mall area). Take out the Oudogogue's first. They do an all-party attack each per round. They will also heal Gargoyle 600 HP when it is damaged. When you take out the 1st Oudogogue, Gargoyle will power up. When you take out the 2nd Oudogogue, Gargoyle will power up again. Do not use A.G.W.S.'s in this battle, they are two slow and ineffective. I had my characters around level 17 when I attempted this battle. My party consisted of Shion, Ziggy, and chaos. I used Shion primarily for healing and reviving. Ziggy for his lightning attack and some healing. chaos was the champ as far as attacking. His Heavens Wrath attack will make or break you. Make sure you have this attack set at HI speed. After the Oudogogue's are gone, just keep landing lightning attacks on Gargoyle and heal as often as possible. He will go down after a tough fight. -- Cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [54] Chapter 7. Durandal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your task is to find MOMO on the ship. She is located at the Park, but I would suggest going there last. Explore the ship as much as possible first. You can find the Casino Passport at the upper right corner of the Residential District. When you are done exploring, head to the Park and find MOMO. Then you will need to go to the 1st room in the Residential District (the one with the red carpet). You will then need to head to the Dock and take the shuttle to Kukai. When you are able to go back to the Dock Colony by talking to MAtthew's outside the Elsa at the Durandal Dock, head to the infirmary at the Dock Colony and give the Flower Seeds you got from the Gnosis - Cathedral Ship to the little girl named Luty in the first room staring at the flower pot. You will come back later to see what happens and receive an item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [55] Chapter 8. Kukai ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leave the beach and head to the A.G.W.S. Parts Shop & Foundation Robot Academy on the Kukai World Map. Play the quiz game on the far right to win a PM Card C. Here are the answers to the Quiz Game: 1. Talk To Me 2. Professor 3. Smelly looking purple T-shirt 4. Holgar (scroll down to see find his name) 5. Luty After playing the quiz, head down to the lower level and talk with the Professor. He will tell you about an invincible robot. Leave the room and come back. Give him the Robot Parts you have collected so far. He will ask you to clear his room of junk, so go around and destroy everything you can and talk to him again. He will reward you with a Summon. Return to the World Map and go to Sectors 26 & 27. Explore this area as much as you can. You can find a PM Card B inside the dryer of the Dry Cleaners. There is also a Segment Door 3 behind the cabinets at the back of the Dry Cleaners. Inside King's warehouse you can find a Pink Bug inside one of the crates. DON'T destroy it. Talk to it. It's the one Tom told you about on the Dock Colony. It will give you some helpful information and enable you to get the Decoder 1 from the Observation Room (Park) on the Durandal. It will also take your picture that you will receive via email with a ghostly picture of Allen's head floating next to yours. Find the Fish Detector on the upper level of the Dry Cleaners, on a white suit hanging on the wall. Return to the Beach and go into the water and catch all the fish. Use the Radar to easily find them. The large fish has an Engagement Ring in its mouth. The other small fish have either nothing or a Med Kit & a Speed Stim. Give the ring to the girl at the far left who is crying at a table inside the Ironman bar/club to get the Decoder 8. When you are finished exploring, rest at the inn and head back to the Elsa at the Durandal Docks. At this point you can speak to Matthews outside the Elsa to return to the Dock Colony if you want to. Grab the Decoder 1 at the far right of the Observation Room (Park) and then return to the Elsa. Save the game and then talk to Allen who is standing just south of the bridge to advance the story. After a cutscene you will be tossed into a battle with chaos against 2 guards. Take them out easily and when you get control back, head to the right and then up the corridor. Take a right at the fork and go inside the room with the item crystal and grab the Equip Item from the treasure chest. Head back out and down to the next corridor towards the Casino. Save the game. Now, it's time to decide about Great Joe. Great Joe is an optional boss. In order to get this encounter you must have Jr. in your party and have him selected as your LEAD character (the guy walking around on the screen). In case you don't know how to do this, go into the menu, select the Characters Item from it, place the cursor on Jr. and hit the "Square" button. After you are ready, Great Joe is back in the room you just came from where you found the Equip Item and the item crystal. Once inside the room, blast the two wall/panels on the top left side of the room to trigger the battle. Choose "Bring it on!" to his question to fight him. Beware, he is quite powerful. I would recommend skipping him for now. -- (Optional) Boss Battle -- Name: Great Joe HP: 9999 Weak: None EXP: 18000 TP: 200 EP: 180 SP: 200 Rare: None Item: Swimsuit Type: Gnosis Cash: 200 Strategy: Good luck. He is very difficult at this point in the game for you. If you have enough revives and Med Kit S's, you could probably survive for. awhile until he starts bombarding you with all party attacks, raises his physical attack, and pulls his 50% reversal move out. I would recommend skipping this boss for now, you can come back later when you are much more powerful. For the Boss strategy for later on in the game: See - [88] Great Joe -- From the Casino, head down and to the left into the red carpet room where you rested earlier. Rest and shoot the wall to grab the chest containing the Armory Key. This is for the Armory at the Hangar you couldn't get into earlier. Head to the transport and to the Hangar. Go inside the Armory and grab the Decoder 5. Then head to the Dock where the Elsa is. Fight the A.G.W.S. blocking the workers corridor to the south and take it down and around and climb the ladder. You will jump on the Elsa and get in through the cargo elevator. Find the Segment Door 8 on your way to KOS-MOS room towards the hangar on the Elsa and grab the Robot Part - Left Leg. Head to KOS-MOS room for a cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [56] Chapter 9. Encephalon - Miltia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ you start this area with Jr., Ziggy, and MOMO. Make your way across to the right grabbing chests and items along the way. If you get hit by a spotlight you will be attacked. Eventually you will trigger another cutscene. You will then be switched over to Shion, chaos, and Allen (though he is not useable in battle). Grab the items in the area and then enter the building straight up. You can save inside. Make your way up destroying all the statues for the loot, however keep your eye on the radar and you will see a green arrow as you progress along the statues. If you get near that one it will turn yellow and come running at you and attack you. Continue on and around and down the steps. You will have to fight some Bugbear's to progress but they aren't difficult. If you get the misfortune of having two of them in the same battle they get a little harder because they keep healing each other, but just keep attacking them and you will wear them down. Along the way a small off-shoot to the right side of the screen will contain a Kobold and a chest. Fight or dodge it to get the PM Card E. Then continue forward until you come to a manhole. Skip it and continue up until you get to a lady standing alone. Talk to her if you want a fight. She will turn into a Larva Doll. She only has 50/300 HP so just toss a Med Kit at her to get rid of her easily. You can also use healing ether, but why waste your EP? Now go down the second manhole near the lady. Follow it outside and hit the switch to unlock the door. Then go down the stairs and to the left under the bridge. You can skate past the Troll and up the steps. Hit the switch there to unlock the door next to you. Go through the door that opened and over to the other door that opened when you hit the first switch and destroy ther panel to get the to the chest. The chest contains a Guard Cleaner. Go back and save inside the building just inside the entrance (notice you are where you began the level). Now head back outside and down the stairs where the Troll was. Take him out. I got lucky and hit the x10 Skill bonus when I dropped him for a cool 150 Tech points each! Destroy the panel behind him to reveal the Segment Door 5. Decode it for a Double Buster! This item owns. It allows you to do TWO Tech attacks per turn with 6AP. Now, backtrack around and come out the manhole you entered. Now go to the first manhole to advance. Head south and then left to destroy the junk and grab an item. Head back up and to the right and kill the Sky Fish and Gremlin. Hit the red flashing switch to unlock the door you can't get to yet. Now head down across the bridge and to the right and take out the enemy in your way. Then head up across the next bridge and take out the Larva Doll easily. Notice this Larva Doll has slightly more HP so you need to use a Med Kit S or Ether spell to take it out in one hit. If you don't it will try and hit you with confuse. Head down the steps and then up to the next area. It will now switch back over to Ziggy, Jr., and MOMO. Go immediately to your left and inside the "Under Girl Cafe" and grab the Rejuvenator in the back. Then go back outside and fight or avoid the robots all the way down and to the left to enter the subway station. Keep going until you hit the save point and save the game. From the save point, head up and right, through the 4th (last) turnstyle, and around by the door. Shoot the junk first, then shoot out the window. Then go through the door and to the left for Segment Door 15. Decode it and grab the Angel Ring. This item is great. It halves your EP usage. Now go back to the escalators and take the one at the top of the screen first. Take out the benches/vending machines to grab a Veil and 5 Neuro Stims. Then head back up the escalator and down the escalators at the bottom of the screen. The first bench contains a Kobold so shoot it at your own risk. Past the bench is a vending machine blocking your path. Take it out and head down the steps. Take an immediate left up the ramp and across the catwalks. Take out the Larva Doll in yor path and continue down. At the bottom, destroy the vending machine and grab the Red Topaz. Then head all the way back across the ramps and go right on the screen past the steps you came down that were blocked by the first vending machine you destroyed. Keep going right to the next area. Keep going to the right and go inside the train car and shoot out the wall to your left when you walk in, but DON'T go through it. Instead, keep going to the right through the train cars and down the ramp. Circle around the train cars and go up the ladder. All the way to the left on the top level is a box. Shoot it and it will fall down and knock the treasure chest down. Now go all the way back to the beginning of the area to get it. The chest contains a Venom Block. Now go back inside the train and go to the left where you first destroyed the wall. This takes you out on top of the train. Take the ramp down to the right at the end of the train. Head up and down the steps into the water. Then go left to the next area. The next room will bring you to the room you were on when you first came down the manhole. Except now you are down in the water. Keep going to the right and take the steps up to the door you unlocked earlier. Climb the small ladder and open the door to grab Decoder 12 from the chest. Go back down the ladder and steps and then to the right and up to leave this area. Cutscene. Save the game. Head past the save and just up around the bend on the right at the bottom part of the trail near the first Basilisk walking around should be a rock you can destroy. Destroy it and walk down under the ground around to the campfire and grab the PM Card D from the chest. Now return to the main path and head over to the right until you see a short scene with a rabbit that looks like your email pal. Keep going, fighting the Basilisk's. On one of the Basilisk encounters I got x10 point bonus on all three Basilisk's in the fight for a massive 210 Tech Points, 150 Ether Points, and 60 Skill Points. That was awesome. Anyhow, back to the game. Keep on going until you kind of circle around a little and reach the lower level of the forest near a short rock outcropping into the water. Head down. If you go to the right you will reach the next screen, instead, go left first. Pass or kill the Kobold stomping around, and destroy the bush and then the wall all the way to the left. This will take you into the water. Follow the water around until it dead ends and shoot out the next wall. Follow it to bring you to the pool of water in the center area with the rock pillar with the chest on top. There is a Sky Fish/Gremlin swimming around in the water so either avoid it or kill it and then shoot out the pillar to get the chest with a Blue Topaz in it. Now, go back to where the Kobold was and take the path to the right to the next screen. Keep going to the right and then up towards the bridge. Just before the bridge there will be a Troll. Take it out to clear a path to the stump on the right. Destroy it for an Ether Pack S. Head across the bridge and to the left where you will be able to either go up or down on the screen. Go down and to the left. If you go down and right, under the bridge, it will take you to the rabbit's house. You'll some back here in a minute. First, head left and shoot the crank/bridge thing to get across the water. Enter the cave ahead to get to the next screen. You will now be on the screen where you saw the rabbit the first time, when he grabbed the carrot juice. First, circle around on top of the cave and shoot the tree to grab 2 Frame Repair Z items. Then go back and head toward the bridge. Cross the bridge to reach the carrots. Shoot all the carrots and grab the carrot juice from each. Head back through the cave and over to the rabbit's house. Put a carrot juice on the tree stump. A cutscene will take place where the rabbit comes out to get the juice. Just hold the control stick in the direction of the rabbit's door to his house. As soon as you get control you will skate right on past the rabbit and he won't even see you until you are between him and his house. This is because his eyes/face are actually in the back of his head. So if you wait for him to turn around before you bolt, he will see you and get to the house before you. So just bee-line it to his house right off. He gets launched. You will get the Decoder 3 from the chest in the rabbit's house. Now head back and around to behind the rabbit's house and go right to the next screen. Cutscene. When you get control back, left will take you back into the forest where Shion and chaos came from. Up through the portal/distortion will take you back to Miltia area where Ziggy, Jr., and MOMO came from. Head to the right and enter the church. Cutscene. Talk to Febronia near the door at the top left to get full HP and EP restored. Save the game. Prepare for a boss battle. You MUST use Shion and Jr. for this battle so make sure you take the time to prepare/upgrade them if they need it. I took chaos in as my other character. Equip the Angel Ring on Shion to halve her EP usage. Also, equip Jr. with the Double Buster. You might also want to put a confusion preventative measure on your characters if you have it. I had it but did not equip it and had no problems without it. IMPORTANT: Equip the "Scope" or the skill "Search Eyes" on one of your characters so you can always see the boss HP without needed to cast Analyze every so often. Enter the door next to Febronia when you are ready. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Tiamat HP: 6400 Weak: None EXP: 15600 TP: 180 EP: 160 SP: 120 Rare: Revenge Power Item: B-Max Circuit Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: This boss is extremely simple. If you know the trick. You will receive several hints before this battle and even during this battle to help you discover how to kill Tiamat. Unfortunately, if you kill Tiamat with Shion or Jr. the first time, you may not understand it. the trick to this boss is that Shion and Jr. MUST deal the finishing blow to Tiamat in order for him to die. Once each. For example, if you finish Tiamat with choas you will get a message something along the lines of "Shion/Jr. must face their own fears". Helpful right? This tells you that they must kill Tiamat. HOWEVER, if you kill Tiamat with, lets say, Jr. first, you get this message "Jr.'s consciousness destroyed". What the heck does that tell you. NOTHING, beyond the fact that now everytime you attack Tiamat with Jr. he won't counter-attack with his Gravity move. This also doens't tell you that Jr.'s consciousness was destroyed BECAUSE Jr. himself dealed the finishing blow...just that it was destroyed. So depending on who you kill Tiamat with, can make this battle difficult because you may never get a helpful message unless you kill him with your third character. Now, enough ranting and on with the show. When Shion gets a turn, Tiamat will ususually "react" to Shion's consciousness and pull of his "Ruined Earth E" counter-attack that damages all party. This is his worst attack, so if you can survive it, he's a piece of cake. I'd suggest trying to deal the finishing blow with Shion first, and then he will revive himself with 1500-1650 HP. So then you will need to bring him down again and deal the finishing blow with Jr. and the battle's over. When Jr. gets a turn he will usually counter with a Gravity attack that takes off 1/4 of one characters HP. No big deal. He also has a normal attack that doesn't do squat. So, here is the strategy: Just use Shion cast "Medica All" as needed to try and keep your characters at close to full HP. Make sure you have the Angel Ring equipped on her to halve her EP usage. If she doesn't need to heal, her Spell Ray does a good amount of damage to Tiamat. Guard with Jr. to get his AP up to 6 and to lessen the damage received from Tiamat's attacks. When Jr.'s AP is up to 6, use the following button combinations to activate the double buster. Triangle, Circle, Circle OR Square, Circle, Circle This will enable Jr. to do 2 Tech attacks per turn using 6AP. Keep doing that to take massive damage from Tiamat. Use chaos to just attack and heal when neccessary. If Tiamat casts confuse on one of your characters: Use Shion's "Refresh" ether to cure it. Use chaos's "Purifying Storm" ether to cure it. Use items with Jr. to cure it. Just use this strategy and he should go down in no time. Just remember to deal the finishing blow to him once with Shion, and after he revives, once with Jr. and it's Kobiashi Maru. -- Cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [57] Chapter 10. Kukai Foundation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You will start with Shion and are supposed to try and find Allen. Now that you are back on-board the Durandal, this might be a good time to try your hand at the Casino. There are some good items I consider must haves that you can get from there. They are: Brave Soul - Increases damage as HP goes down (Similar to the Power Crisis in Xenogears). You can obtain this item by redeeming coins in the Casino. Golden Dice - Damage fluctuates by HP. You can obtain this item by redeeming coins in the Casino. Head to the Casino and save. Once at the save/EVS point jump into the Casino. -- See Section [95] Casino (for tips) Time for a little clean-up. Let's hit an EVS point and jump to the Woglinde. Find the Segment 16 Door on the Woglinde. Find the Segment Door 10 in KOS-MOS Simulator. See [90] XIII. Segment Doors & Decoders for details. Now, head to Kukai via the shuttle and go to Sectors 26 & 27. Head all the way to the left of the second screen and up the stairs to the cleaners. Then head all the way to the back of the cleaners and destroy the cabinets and use the Decoder 3 on the door to get the Robot Part - Right Leg. Now jump over to the Robot Academy and talk to the professor for "Dominion Tank". When you are ready to advance the story, find Allen posing like a muscle man in front of the lifesize poster thing inside the Ironman bar/club in Sectors 26 & 27 of Kukai. This takes you back to the Durandal for a cutscene. When you get control back, head to Sectors 26 & 27 at the Kukai Foundation. Your task is to find all -- 13 -- people left in the city. Now, it's time to decide about Mintia. Mintia is an optional boss. -- (Optional) Boss Battle -- Name: Mintia HP: 7777 Weak: None EXP: 22000 TP: 160 EP: 240 SP: 200 Rare: Craft Apron (Skill points earned, up 25%) Item: Penguin Rod (Weak rod for MOMO) Type: Gnosis Cash: 12000 To find Mintia, you must have MOMO in your party AND have her as your LEAD character. (the girl walking around on the screen). In case you don't know how to do this, go into the menu, select the Characters Item from it, place the cursor on MOMO and hit the "Square" button. Head to Kukai Foundation - Sector 26 & 27 - Ironman bar/club. Right outside the bar is a lever. Turn it to expand the awning above the entrance. Then go to the left and inside the Our Treasures hotel. *NOTE: You can only do this during or after the Kukai Invasion by the Gnosis. Go upstairs in the hotel and take a left through the door into a room. Go down and outside through the next door and take the catwalk all the way to to right until you get stopped by some plants. Shoot them and fall off onto the awning below. Push up and right until you enter the window at the far right. Once inside this upper level room of the Ironman bar walk forward and you will get the encounter. Choose "Yes" to "Will you fight?". For the Boss strategy: See - [89] Mintia -- Now let's find the people. -- #1. -- First, make sure the awning in front of the Ironman is expanded (for later). Head inside the Ironman and talk to the guy hiding inside the Iron 3 poster. Head back outside. -- #2. -- Enter the Our Treasures hotel and talk to the guy on the floor. Go around the desk and grab a Swimsuit from the chest. Head up the stairs on the right side of the room by the save point. Once upstairs take the right passage and destroy the crates. Pass the ladder and go to the right again. Press the switch. Now go back and up the ladder this time. Check the photo on the wall. Grab a Tech Upgrade S from the crate go all the way back down to the first floor of the hotel over to the left where the safe is blocked by a Troll. Take it out and enter 1028 (For October 28) as the PIN # to get the girl inside it. Head back outside. -- #3. -- Go back inside the Ironman and to the left where you raised the cargo elevator earlier when you hit the switch. Destroy all the crates to find a Tech Upgrade S and a guy hiding. Now go behing the desk to grab a Wooden Idol from the chest. Head back outside. -- #4. -- Return to the Our Treasures hotel and go back upstairs and up the ladder again and into the room. This time exit the room through the exit at the bottom of the screen that takes you outside. Walk off the landing pressing and HOLDING right the entire time. You will land on another landing. Destroy the panel for Segment Door 1. Decode it for the Robot Part - Head. Go back out and fall down to the ground. Now go all the way back up to the landing and this time walk off to the left and press left the ENTIRE time. You will land on another landing. go left through the opening to the next screen and follow it until you find a chest with a Decoder 13 inside. Head back over to the right but don't fall off. You should see a little part of the roof sticking out at the bottom, kind of like an off-shoot. Slide off the roof on that part to land you in the garbage dumpster area. Shoot the dumpsters to find the guy hiding. Leave the cage and head left to the next sector over. -- #5. -- Take out the Basilisk trying to get the old lady on top of the statue and then shoot the statue. Talk to the old lady. -- #6. -- Head all the way to the left of the second sector and up the stairs. Go inside the cleaners. Take the first right near the first Larva Doll and circle down around the clothes to the front desk area. Talk to the lady who is looking for her son. -- #7. -- Now head up the ladder behind the clothes rack/wheel where you found the woman looking for her son. Follow the path and pass up the kitty cat you can see in the window. Fight the Larva Doll all the way to the right. After you defeat it, look for a place to shoot the far right wall to uncover the little boy hiding. -- #8. -- Shoot the gate near where you found the little boy and destroy the Gel Fish in your way. Keep going left and then down and take the first door. Shoot out the bookcase and enter the second room. Head out the door on the left to bypass the fire that blocked you a minute ago. Head around the corner and inside the room. Keep going and take out the Troll and then the Basilisk in your way. Destroy the bookcase in the next room that allows you to see inside the adjacent room. Head down outside and take the ramp down to the left and hit the switch. This raises the bridge/ramp. Take the ladder back up and cross the bridge and go inside the room at its center. Take out the Bugbear and talk to the guy. Destroy the racks and take the slide down. -- #9. -- Head up the ladder all the way to the top by the bread shop again. Go up, then right and up and all the way over to the right and finally inside the door. Talk to King. -- #10. -- Follow the catwalk around where you found King and take out the Larva Doll blocking the switch. This opens the bookcase to the right. Head back around the catwalk and inside the opening where the bookcase was. Take the stairs up and all the way down the corridor where the kitty cat was. Kill the Larva Doll and grab the cat (counts as a person). -- #11. -- Head back down and out the bookcase and back around the catwalk where the Larva Doll is and head through the door on the left instead of going right where the switch was. Follow it over and down the steps. Take out the Larva Doll and talk to the girl. -- #12 & #13 -- Head all the way back to where you found King (where you first entered this area near the bookcase) and go back outside. Go down the stairs in front of you and enter the East 6 Warehouse door. Destroy the car for a Rune Crystal. Kill the Troll blocking the guy. Talk to Johnny. He tells you he can't leave without his loved one. Shoot the first crate to release Mina and the two of them will take off. Phew! That's all of them. Now, head back to the Our Treasures hotel and save the game. Prepare for a Mini-Boss Battle (I call it a Mini-Boss because it was so weak). After saving head outside and try to leave Sectors 26 & 27. Gigas will confront you. -- Mini-Boss Battle -- Name: Gigas HP: 2800 Weak: Spirit / Slash EXP: 7800 TP: 120 EP: 100 SP: 60 Rare: Soul Item: Spirit Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: Focus all your attacks on one of the Gigas or use all-enemy attacks like Storm Waltz & Angel Blow. I used Shion, Jr., and chaos for this battle. Use Shion for healing/reviving and the other two for attacking. You shouldn't have any problems with this guy. -- Exit Sectors 26 & 27 and take the Robot Part - Head back to the Professor to get the summon Seraphim Bird. Now go back to the launch pad and after the brief cutscene you will be on the Durandal. You will now need to go get MOMO so take the launch back to the Kukai Foundation. Then take it AGAIN back to the Durandal. Massive cutscene. Save your game. This might be a good time to take out Great Joe if you want. See [88] Great Joe for strategy. Head to the Elsa and talk to Matthews to go to the Song of Nephilim to advance the story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [58] Chapter 11. Song of Nephilim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After a brief cutscene you will have MOMO back in your party. Head inside the structure until you get to a bunch of crates on an elevator. In order to operate the elevator, you must destroy some of the crates on the elevator. Depending on which crates you destroy you will be taken to a different level between 2-7. There are some variations that will take you to the same floors, but I will give you only one way for each level to get you there. Here is a diagram of the elevator and the crates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- Diagram of Song of Nephilim Elevator Puzzle ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Legend ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MMMM MMMM Crates on top of crates {START} - Where you first enter MMMM {SLIDE DOWN} - How you get back from levels MMMM M M Crates on bottom or alone {EXIT} - How you enter a level (2-7) MMMM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {EXIT} (Only available at levels 2-7) MM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM---------MMMMMMM MMM MMM MMM MMM {SLIDE DOWN MMM MMM MMM MMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMM M M MMM MMM MMM M {3}M MMM MMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMM M{5}MM M (Tall Box) MMM MMM MMMMMM M MMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM M M MMM MMM M {4}M MMM MMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM M M MMMMMMMMMMMM M MMMMMMMM MMM MMM M {3}M M {SWITCH} M M MM{5}MMM MMM MMM MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM M MMMMMMMM MMM MMM M MMMMMMMM MMM MMM M M MMM MMM M {5} M MMM MMM M M MMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM M{2}MMM M MMM MMM MMMMMMM {2}M MMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM (Tall Box) MMM MMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMM M M M M MMM MMM MMM M {1}M M {1}M MMM MMM MMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM {START} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, you understand the diagram perfectly right? Yeah, I thought so. So let me explain. Destroy the crates and ONLY the crates I specify in order to access the different levels. I will specify which crates to destroy and what level destroying those crates gives you access to. Keep in mind that some levels require that you destroy more than one crate. So when I say destroy crates marked as #1, there are actually two #1 crates you need to destroy as marked in the diagram. After you destroy the appopriate crates, hit the switch in the middle. Got it? Good. Here is the list. ------------------------------------- DESTROY CRATES ACCESS LEVEL ------------------------------------- 1 2F 1,2 3F 1,2,3 4F 1,2,3,4 5F 1,2,3,4,5 7F ------------------------------------- So, you ask, where the heck is 6F? Well, in order to get to 6F you must destroy all the boxes EXCEPT!!! the 3 small boxes that are on top of the other crates, so in essence, the 3 colored in boxes in the diagram must remain in tact. The information I give you above will work perfectly, but for those of you that want to understand how this puzzle works, it's simple. To the right of each door on every floor is a number. The number starts at 0 for floor 1 and increases by 3 for each floor. Now, each box has a value. A single box is 1. A tall box is made up of 2 single boxes so it equals 2. Box number 4 on my diagram is equal to 3 because it takes up the amount of space that 3 single boxes would. Box 4 also has a single box sitting on top of it that equals 1. And so on and so forth. Understand? Hopefully. So basically, you need to destroy any combination of boxes that will add up to a value of the number to the right of the floor you want to reach. For example to reach level 2 that has the number 3 to the right of the door, you need to destroy 3 boxes. So using the diagram above, you could destroy the single box [1] and the tall box [1] that is essentially equal to 2 single boxes, and it will take you to level 2. Or you could destroy the single box [1] and the tall box [3] and it would also take you to level 2. So the puzzle has some freedom, however my diagram above will get you past it for those who don't care how it works. Now I will discuss each level. They are all almost identical so I have constructed a diagram of it as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Diagram of Song of Nephilim Tower 1 Levels 2F-7F --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Legend ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {A} - Entrance from elevator area {B} - Exit (Slide) back to elevator area {C} - A yellow container (shoot to explode) Not on 6F {D} - A large crate Contains a chest with Decoder 14 on level 5F Contains a Neo Armor B(eta) on 6F Enemy - Capto Mortum or nothing inside on all other levels {E} - Enemy - Shot Crab Not on 6F {F} - Enemy - Vive Not on 6F {G} - Exits to Towers 2 & 3 (only on level 6F) {H} - Exit to area with a switch (only on level 3F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM {G} MMM MMM MMM / MMM MMM / MMM MMM/ {E} {A} MMM MMM MMMMMMM---MMMMMM MMM MMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM \ MMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM \ MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMM MM {B} \ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMM M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM | {F} -->| M {ELEVATOR} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM {G} | | M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM | MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM MMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM \ M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM / MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM {F} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM {C} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM\ ----- MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM \ | | MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM \ | {D} | MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM | | MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM {H} MMM ----- MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM MMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Even more confusing than the previous diagram eh? Well, not to worry, I'll make it easy for you. 3F - contains a switch you need to hit in order to proceed. 5F - contains a Decoder 14 in the crate. 6F - is where you need to go in order to continue, after hitting the switch on 3F. Yep, that's it. After doing all that, head to 6F and proceed out the top left exit and cross the bridge you created with the switch on 3F. This will take you to Tower 2. Once inside the second tower, enter the center area and save your game. Then head through the door straight up. Defeat the enemy and grab the Cross. Head back down to the center area and take the path up and to the right. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmoon@moonproductions.com sent me this: If you take the right path, with MOMO as lead character, you will see a blue light flashing on the wall. This will give you MOMO's tech skill "MOMO's Kiss" and an ether transformation --- Starlight (cute red outfit), which can be evolved into two new Ether Attacks for MOMO. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back down to the center area and then up to the top left exit. Take out the enemy and go down the ladder and once you reach the bottom, continue on and go up the next ladder you come to. Destroy the red container for a Soldier's Honor. Head back down the ladder and go to the right and down the next ladder you come to. Then take a left and go all the way over and take the next ladder up. Go through the door at the top and go to the right. Destroy the boxes for a Defibrillator Vest, Neo Armor B(eta). One of the boxes will have an enemy in it that attacks you. -- Mini-Boss Battle -- Name: Athra 26 Series HP: 3000 Weak: None EXP: 2400 TP: 120 EP: 24 SP: 100 Rare: None Item: Revive DX Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: This guy can suprise you and has some powerful attacks. You shouldn't really have any problems with him. Just make sure you are healed up before you fight him. You will get a decoder for killin him. -- After the battle you will get the Decoder 2 from the enemy. Continue going to the right and you will come across Segment Door 12. Decode it to get a W Hammer Rod. Then go back out and all the way back to the left and through the door. Climb back down the ladder and at the bottom head back to the right. Take the ladder down and head to the right and down the first path you come to. Enter the circular room and hit the switch. Then head back out and all the way back to the left and down that path and into the circular room again. Destroy the power generator and then head back out and all the way to the right again. At the far right go down that path and into the circular room again. Destry the second generator and the wall blicking your path will lower. A Boss will enter. Walk into it. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Rianon Se HP: 5600 Weak: Fire EXP: 20000 TP: 120 EP: 24 SP: 100 Rare: Shield Armor Item: Boost Pack Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure you steal the Shield Armor!!! You can extract the skill All Guard from it that prevents ALL status effects. ------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle should be easy for you. Just ignore the Boost Cancel he puts on you unless you really feel the need to remove it. Just remember that if you have a positive spell like Quick on your character, when you use a refresh ether or something like that, it will also remove your GOOD status effects. Rianon Se has a Life Drain move that can damage your characters around 1000 and gives that amount back to him, so watch out for it by keeping your characters healed up. Just use healing spells with Shion & chaos when needed. My Shion and chaos were healing all characters for around 500 HP each. If you want, you can put Shion behind Jr. or chaos (or whatever characters you have) to prevent him from pushing back one of your characters. But it didn't really bother me. If one of my characters got pushed back, I would just use them to heal for a while until I could move them back. Not a big deal. He should go down easy. -- Head out the door the Boss was blocking and hit the switch. Take the elevator up and go back inside Tower 2. Save the game. Now head on over to the third tower. Once inside the third tower, go down the ladder and stop on the next level. Shoot the containers on the left to lower the bridge to your level. Go across the bridge and destroy the blue container to grab a Field Ring. Then head back across the bridge and down the ladder. Shoot the containers again on the left to lower the bridge to the bottom. Head across and go up the ladder. Head all the way to the left and then all the way up the next ladder. At the top, cross to the right all the way and grab a Skill Upgrade S from the blue container. Go a little back to the left before crossing the bridge again and shoot out the junk on the corner. Jump down the hole for an Ether Pack DX. Shoot the door for a Med Kit and once inside the room, shoot the panel blocking the ladder. Grab the chest containing the Decoder 17. Now go all the way down the ladder. Shoot the crates to lower the bridge and head across. Shoot the blue container for an Ether Pack DX. Head back across the bridge and down through the door. Now head back through the door you just came through (This is to reload the crates for the bridge). Go up the ladder to the first level. Shoot the crates again to get the bridge at your level and go across. Once across, head down the ladder and to the left through the door. The next room contains a puzzle. The puzzle is extremely simple if you have a good ear for music/tones/etc. But can be maddening if you are tone deaf. I got it on my first try where a friend of mine had to have help on it. Trial and error would work as well I suppose but could take forever. Anyhow, the puzzle is basically this. There are three columns of light. A red, blue, and green one. Each column contains six parts to it. By shooting a column it will destroy one part of it and change that columns sound it makes. In order to figure out what sound each column needs to make, you need to head over to the left a little more. In the room adjacent to the columns of light is a small triangle like the one that keep lighting up outside as you complete each tower. There are three circles of light inside the triangle. They correspond to the columns obviously. They will light up, on at a time and emit a tone. Just listen to the tone each color makes and make the columns on the other room be exactly the same. Simple. Right? Here are the columns as they start on the left. Here are the columns as they need to be on the right. R = Red B = Blue G = Green START FINISH ------- -------- R R B R G B R G G B R G R G B R G B R G B --- G B --- G B G B G --- --- --- --- So basically... Shoot the Green column 1 time. Shoot the Red column 4 times. Shoot the Blue column 3 times. After you get it, it will open up the door directly down on the screen. Head through it and then all the way to the right. The third light on the triangle will light up and it will extend the last bridge. You can now access the elevator. Jump on to the blue triangle elevator to take it back to the top of Tower 3. Now head back to Tower 2 and save your game. Then head back to Tower 3 and through the other door back across the bridge towards Tower 1 and jump on the triangle with the three colors that's halfway across. The elevator will take you down. Once at the bottom, head through the door. Cutscene. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Simeon HP: 8400 Weak: None EXP: 32000 TP: 220 EP: 200 SP: 180 Rare: Fast Circuit 25 Item: B-Max Circuit Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: This guy is simple, just a token battle really. Just loot him and throw Quick 25% speed up or whatever you have on all your people, fire away and heal as needed. -- Cutscene. Now. You can either enter into another Boss battle immediately, or go back and save the game first and then fight. I'd suggest saving because this next guy isn't as easy as the last one. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Ein Rugel HP: 3600 Weak: None EXP: 24000 TP: 180 EP: 160 SP: 80 Rare: Master's Pendant Item: None Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: Make sure you steal before you kill him to get the Master's Pendant. Use Ether attacks against this guy. After you smash his first form he will transform to a more difficult form. -- After destroying his first form, he transforms. -- Boss Battle (Transformation) -- Name: Doppelwogel HP: 4400 Weak: None EXP: 24000 TP: 180 EP: 160 SP: 80 Rare: Gemini Clock Item: Samurai Heart Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: You can only use FAR attacks against this guy, so Jr. is a good character to have in your party. Steal the items. Try to stay at full HP because occasionally he will pull out some bull garbage storm move that damages all your party. I'm not sure what the deal is with this move but usually it was taking about 500 HP away from all my characters but all of a sudden he threw out two in a row on me once for 1000 HP damage to all my characters. 2000 damage at once to all chars! Needless to say, I died and was extremely annoyed about it. Now, I would suggest setting All Guard on all three of your characters. You can extract this level 4 skill for 500 skill points from the Shield Armor you picked up earlier. It is very helpful. You can also transfer Jr.'s steal ether to all three chars to get the items faster from him. The faster you can kill him, the less chance he will have of throwing out his storm attacks. The second time I fought him, I killed him so fast he never got the chance to even use it once! -- Cutscene. You might want to do a little clean-up at this point, like getting Segment Door 13 from the warehouse where the Unicorns are on the Gnosis - Cathedral Ship for a Samurai Heart. You can also grab the Segment Door 14 on the Catapult Deck of the Elsa for a pair of Speed Shoes. Also, you can grab the Robot Part - Body from the bottom level of the "Talk to Me" store on the Dock Colony from the Segment Door 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [59] Chapter 12. Proto Merkabah ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you finally get control back, head to the Elsa at the Durandal Docks and talk to Matthew's inside the Elsa on the bridge. Tell him you want to go to Proto Merkabah to advance the story. You can always come back to the Durandal if things seem to difficult on Proto Merkabah. Once you arrive, leave the Elsa through the airlock. Head down the steps and then go north and then left. Take out the enemy and destroy the wall panel to grab a Defibrillator Vest from the chest. Head back up the steps and follow the path around and up. Take out the work droids along the way. When you reach the red container, take a left. Going right is nothing but a dead end. Go up the steps to the next room. Follow the path and go across the moving walkway. Shoot the boxes, there is an enemy in the large box. Go behind the boxes and down the ladder. Destroy any boxes you come across at the bottom. First go to the right and then up. Destroy any droids in the way. At the very top of the screen will be an area seperated by walls from the main area. It should have two consoles with switches on them. Hit the switch on the one on the right side of your screen and leave the other one on the left alone. This should raise a bridge. Now you will notice you are stuck in this room. Just ride the escalator back up. Now go back down the ladder you came down the first time and take a left this time. Go all the way to the left to a similar area with two consoles with switches. Hit both of the switches and then go back to the ladder and climb up it. Take the moving walkway across to the left and follow the path up and around to the elevator. Take the elevator up. Follow the path again and up the stairs. Stop at the first landing and enter the door to the left. Take out the enemy and enter the room up. Once inside, look at the center console for a cutscene. Head all the way back out to the stairs and go up the next flight of stairs and enter the door on the left at the next landing. Go up into the next room and look at the displays inside. The crate all the way to the left contains an enemy. Head back out to the stairs and go up again to the next landing. Go through the door on the left again. The next room has two doors. Enter the first door and shoot the container all the way to the right of the room for 2 Frame Repair Z's from the chest. Go back outside the room and up through the second door labeled the "Control Room". Save the game. Look at the center console up for another scene and then head back to the steps again. Head up the next flight of stairs and you should be at the top on level 44. Go through the door on the left. In the next room, follow the path up to the glass looking door at the top. Shoot it out and grab the Rejuvenator and a Dragon Rod from the chest behind it. Head back down out of the little area with the chest and go left and down to the door. Go through the door to the next area. Yep, you guessed it, more stairs. Go down the steps to the first landing and go through the door on the right. Go to the right and hit the switch to raise the divider. Now go up through the door on the left side of the divider and destroy the wall panel at the top left of the next room to reveal the Segment Door 17. Decode it for a new set of guns for Jr. - Blood9 - a legendary gun hailed as the ultimate firearm. Head back out and if you want to save again, you can go over to the right where the divider was removed and into the control room. Otherwise, head back to the left to the staircase again Go down the steps to the next landing and through the door on the right. Hit the switch to lower the forcefield door all the way back in the room at the top. Go back out to the staircase and go down again to the next landing and inside the door on the right. Inside the next corridor, head up through the doorway. In the next room, take a right and then down through the door to exit the room. Grab the M Chip Guard from the chest and then head all the way back to the stairs. Now, go all the way back to the top of the staircase and into the center room where you lowered the door that was blocking your progress earlier. Head down in the center of that room and through the doorway to reach the next area. In the next area, go to the left and take out the yellow mech blocking your path. Though it is not technically a mini-boss, I will treat it as such. -- Mini-Boss Battle -- Name: Xanthosis HP: 4000 Weak: Lightning EXP: 4800 TP: 40 EP: 0 SP: 28 Rare: Frame Repair Z Item: Frame Repair A Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: Use lightning attacks if you have them available. This guy shouldn't be difficult for you. If he is, you will be in trouble a little later. I would suggest leveling up or allocated unused points, equipping chars with different equipment, etc., if you have trouble with this guy. By this point all three of your main characters should have Revert and Medica All. They should also be able to extract level 4 and possibly level 5 skills from accessories. Make sure you have Angel Ring equipped or extracted for at least one character. I would recommend extracting Speed up 25% from the speed shoes for all three chars and set it as one of their skills. Along with HP Strong, W Special, All Guard, or Angel Ring. If your characters have maxed out EATK stats, as they should if you have been following my guide, Medica All should heal everyone for around 500 HP each. Revert should revive them with around 400-500 HP as well. -- After taking out the yellow mech, keep going to the left and destroy the panels on the wall to the right. Go through the opening it behind them to an area with eight containers like this: ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The container with the "X" on it contains a chest with a Chakra Shield in it. The Chakra Shield prevents EP damage. All the other containers are empty. Now head all the way back to the left and fight the purple mech. -- Mini-Boss Battle -- Name: Iosys HP: 4800 Weak: Beam EXP: 5400 TP: 50 EP: 0 SP: 36 Rare: Frame Repair Z Item: Frame Repair A Type: Mechanical Cash: 0 Strategy: Use beam attacks if you have them available. This guy shouldn't be difficult for you. If he is, you will be in trouble a little later. I would suggest leveling up or allocated unused points, equipping chars with different equipment, etc., if you have trouble with this guy. By this point all three of your main characters should have Revert and Medica All. They should also be able to extract level 4 and possibly level 5 skills from accessories. Make sure you have Angel Ring equipped or extracted for at least one character. I would recommend extracting Speed up 25% from the speed shoes for all three chars and set it as one of their skills. Along with HP Strong, W Special, All Guard, or Angel Ring. If your characters have maxed out EATK stats, as they should if you have been following my guide, Medica All should heal everyone for around 500 HP each. Revert should revive them with around 400-500 HP as well. -- Now, at this point, it's up to you if you want to backtrack to the control room to save your game or not. You are about to encounter a fairly difficult boss in my opinion. More difficult than the final boss for that matter. When you are ready to continue, head left and then down across the bridge from where the purple mech was. Heal up and fill your ether. Then choose to jump down. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Proto Dora & 2 Schutz HP: Proto Dora (12000), Schutz (3800) Weak: Proto Dora (None), Schutz (Lightning) EXP: Proto Dora (32000), Schutz (5000) TP: Proto Dora (240), Schutz (100) EP: Proto Dora (0), Schutz (0) SP: Proto Dora (200), Schutz (60) Rare: Proto Dora (Fast Circuit 50), Schutz (Fast Circuit 25) Item: Proto Dora (Frame Repair Z), Schutz (Frame Repair A) Type: Proto Dora (Mechanical), Schutz (Mechanical) Cash: 0 Strategy: This battle is not easy. Make sure you are at full health and EP before engaging this enemy. I recommend having your fastest character equipped with the Angel Ring. Also, have one of your characters equipped with the item that gives you a boost +1 at the start of battle. This is very helpful. Do not bother using A.G.W.S.'s in this battle unless you have them topped out and like using them. Proto Dora has a basic attack called the Steel Press that does around 300-500 damage to everyone in your party. So try and keep your people just above that in order to take advantage of the HP Strong you have equipped. Use Jr.'s Angelic Requiem or Storm Waltz, Ziggurat's Meteor Shot, and chaos' Angel Blow to take out the Schutz's first while still doing damage to Proto Dora. Once the Schutz's are out of the way, focus all firepower on Proto Dora. If you see Proto Dora call out something about recharging energy, get all your characters to max HP quickly. He is about to unleash a devastating attack on your entire party. Eventually he will begin healing himself with some sort of relief aid drop. Just ignore it and keep pounding him and he will eventually go down. You will receive a Decoder 6 for defeating him. -- After taking out Proto Dora, head across the bridge at the top left of the circular platform. Go up the ladder and take a left. Fight or ignore the yellow and purple mechs and head across the corridor up and through the next door. If you encounter one of them you might get a fight with one of each in it at the same time so be sure you are ready to take them down. Keep going in the next area and enter the next doorway. In the next room, if you take a right you can unlock the door and go back to the center room that sits between the two staircases. You can then take the door at the bottom left of that room to enter the staircase on the left and go down to the first landing. Then inside the door on the right is the control room where you can save the game. Otherwise, head straight up upon entering this new room and touch the console in the center for a cutscene. Then head to the right side of the room where the locked door is but don't enter. Go up instead and on your left will be some crates. Destroy them to access the ladder leading to the lower level. Follow the semi-circle around and destroy the panel at the end to reveal the Segment Door 6. Decode it for a Trauma Plate (prevents critical hits). Congratulations! If you followed my FAQ, you should have all the doors, decoders, and items from them. Now, head back up the ladder to the upper level and go through the door at the top of the room. Follow the corridor to the right and through to the next area. Take out the Armaros (3000 HP) in your way and up through the next door for a cutscene. Head back out of the room and go to the right and down the steps. Take the elevator down. At the bottom, save the game. Now prepare yourself for the final battle. Use a Bio Sphere at the save point if you have one and use all your points, upgrading what you can. Equip whatever you consider your ultimate equipment and let's rock. Your characters should at least be at level 30 or higher (35 or higher recommended) before you head for the end battle. It's up to you though. Now, go to the left and hit the green switch to operate the lift and take you down even farther. Along the way you will be attacked by various enemies. Heal between battles if you need to. At the bottom, go through the doorway on the right and up through the doorway. Head straight up, passing or fighting the enemies along the way, and up the steps to the next area. Go across the next corridor and through the final doorway for a cutscene. -- Boss Battle -- Name: Albedo HP: 7400 Weak: None EXP: 54000 TP: 250 EP: 220 SP: 250 Rare: Rejuvenator Item: Revive DX Type: Biological Cash: 0 Strategy: This battle is sort of a token battle so you should have any trouble. Use physical attacks against him. He should be easy for you. -- Cutscene. ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -- Final Boss Battle -- - Spawned Enemies During Final Battle - ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Name: Sophie Peithos Name: Jaldabaoth (Spawn) Name: Ratatosk (Spawn) HP: 16000 HP: 1200 HP: 1800 Weak: Slash Weak: None Weak: None EXP: 88000 EXP: 2400 EXP: 3800 TP: 250 TP: 150 TP: 180 EP: 250 EP: 80 EP: 120 SP: 250 SP: 20 SP: 20 Rare: None Rare: Revive DX Rare: Revive DX Item: None Item: Revive Item: Revive Type: Gnosis Type: Gnosis Type: Gnosis Cash: 0 Strategy: So, you finally made it to the final battle, eh? Good. Let's get down to business. Sophie Peithos will periodically spawn enemies called Jaldabaoth & Ratatosk in front of it. This will be a futile effort on it's part using the strategy we will be using. I have placed the stats of the Jaldabaoth & Ratatosk above as well. Well, sad to say, the end boss is extremely simple using this strategy, so, here we go. None of his attacks or his spawns' attacks do much damage. Keep your people at around half health and use all enemy air attacks to damage Sophie Peithos as well as any Jaldabaoth's he throws in front of him. If you do not take out the Jaldabaoth quickly enough it will self-destruct, damaging your party. Not to worry though, the damage is minimal. My party consisted of the usual Jr., Ziggy, and chaos. Equip or set HP Strong, All Guard, Speed Up 25% on all three of them. Then equip whatever other two skills you want. You can have five skills equipped and still have great armor equipped as well. Three skill slots and two accessories. Attack with Jr.'s Angelic Requiem or Storm Waltz, Ziggy's Meteor Shot (when there is a Jaldabaoth in the way) and his Cyber Kick when it's just Sophie Peithos, and chaos' Angel Blow (when there is a Jaldabaoth in the way) and his Heaven's Wrath when it's just Sophie Peithos. Revive and heal as neccessary. The battle should be over in no time. -- Cutscene. Sit back and relax, you just beat the game. Enjoy the ending it's awesome and you've earned it! Save your game in a memory slot. It might be used for Xenosaga Episode 2. -- END -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [77] XI. Xenogears -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ------------------------- [78] Introduction ------------------------------ ------------------------------------- So, what's all this talk about Xenogears and Xenosaga being related to that game as a prequel or sequel or a remake? Well,pull up a chair, relax, and let me tell you all about it. Xenogears was released in Japan on Febuary 11, 1998 and released in the U.S. on October 27, 1998. The game was hailed by critics as the one to beat, with argueably the best story of any RPG ever. Controversy surrounded a U.S. release, due to the religious undertones of the game, but nevertheless, the previously thought banned game in the U.S., was pushed through and released to the delight of thousands of gamers. It instantly became my favorite game of all time and remains as thus to this day. So what does all that have to do with Xenosaga? Be patient, I'm getting to that, I have to build it up first... The two disc game, released on the Playstation met thunderous applause and standing ovations as the first disc came to a close and sent gamers reeling into the second disc, with a thirst for more Xenogears. Only to be disappointed. I personally loved the second disc, but also wish it would have been all it could have. But, many, were very disappointed by the second disc. Why you ask? Because the second disc departed significantly from the model of the first disc. The first disc was packed solid with action, story, and battles. The second disc was more like reading a good book. It felt rushed and told you more about what happened instead of actually doing them yourself. Let me give you an example that would parallel Xenosaga. Let's take the Pleroma Mission with Ziggy. If that mission had been on the second disc of Xenogears, instead of actually playing that entire mission you would of had Ziggy, sitting in a chair, telling you how he saved MOMO. He also would have had a slideshow presentation behind him to accompany his speech. So you can see why some people complained about it. Not because it was a lame part of the story, but because they wanted to actually play that part, instead of just hearing about it. Why was it like this? Well, many people have speculated and claim they know, however, I don't know that anyone truly knows the answer. Let me provide you with the most widely accepted reasons. 1. Squaresoft cut the Xenogears project funding in order to allocate more to Final Fantasy 7. 2. Squaresoft cut the Xenogears project funding for other reasons. 3. Xenogears was taking too long to make and neaded to be rushed along to get it out the door so it could start turning a profit. 4. The game was too long by the end of the first disc, so they had to cut out a lot of the stuff they had planned. 5. Any combination of the things reasons listed above. So, isn't it possible that they just had it planned that way from the beginning? Anything is possible I guess, but no. The reason I say this is because many things are left unresolved in the game. I am not referring to things that get left unresolved because there may be a sequel in the works, I talking about things that were partially in the game and then left unfinished or partially taken out. You would have to play the game to understand what I mean. There is also a debug room in Xenogears that also alludes to my reasoning. Do a search on the web for info on that if you want to know about it. Okay, okay, thanks for the history lesson, but what does this have to do with Xenosaga? Hold your horses...I'm getting there... Upon completion of Xenogears, many of the team members that created Xenogears, left Squaresoft and formed their own company named Monolith Soft. The reasons for them leaving range from just a plain old, Squaresoft didn't need them because the game was complete, to Squaresoft and them having a falling out over Xenogears. Whatever the case may be it doesn't really matter. So, here we are, Monolith Soft is essentially the same team of people that created Xenogears. And we all know that they are also the same team responsible for creating Xenosaga. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- firestarter sent me this: First off, the whole Xenogears project being screwed up may have had more to do with their following project, "PROJECT KID" (more on this later), and their need to work on it over anything else, considering they had both projects going on at the same time. Second, I think we need to dive into the history of this development team, because there is a whole lot more to them than the Xeno games. The team's first major project was an effort that not only included some of Square's best (composers Nobuo Uematsu and newcomer Yasunori Mitsuda, as well as Hironobu Sakaguchi), and two of Enix's best men, producer Yuji Horii and character designer Akira Toriyama, both from the Dragon Quest series. The result was probably the best Super Nintendo/Famicom game, and a game that could outlast the best of them: Chrono Trigger. The team would be involved in two other projects before Xenogears, one I do not remember the name of, the other being the text-based Broadcast Satellaview SFC game, Radical Dreamers. Upon their completion of Xenogears, they became deeply involved in "PROJECT KID". When the game gained enough shape and form for the full name to be released to the company in late 1998, and the public 8 months later: "PROJECT KID" = "CHRONO CROSS". It was released in 2000 to much praise, but with lacking sales: It barely hit gold in North America and Japan. Many people complained afterward that the game itself had quite a few gaping problems, one of them being the Suikoden-size list of characters (there are 48 accessible characters in the game), and the lack of focus towards many key characters because of it, as well as a lack of uniqueness and multi-techs in the game. It was otherwise a great game, however. Which brings us to how this development team became Monolith Software. Well after the release of Chrono Cross, Sakaguchi-sama had said that a third Chrono game was in development with the same team, and he had a major hand in it. At the same time, they were also developing what seemed to be Xenosaga at the time. It was even at this point that Chrono Break (the (un)official name of the third game) had its name trademarked in Japan. Unfortunately, in late 2001, Square literally told the team that both projects were to be on hold, for they were trying to focus more on its key pillar series, Final Fantasy, and they were close to being in the red with the bomb of the Final Fantasy movie. The team responded surprisingly by uniting and becoming Monolith Soft, leaving Square to become an independent developer. Namco immediately signed them on, and they continued work on Xenosaga, Though the status of Chrono Break remains uncertain. Recently, Monolith Soft announced that after Xenosaga Episode II and the game Baten Kaitos are completed (as well as a slight remaking of Xenosaga Episode I), they will be available to any company that wishes to have them join, possibly even their former employer, now Square-Enix. As far as where this information came from most of it came from news sources like GameSpot, the Magic Box, and GameSpy.The knowledge that they were the same team is implicative simply by comparing credits between XenoGears and either Chrono Trigger or Chrono Cross. The whole Chrono Cross announcement began as a rumour that Square themselves spread back in 1999, that their next big game was to start with "Ch-" and since there was just a recent release of a Chocobo game at the time, all signs pointed to the long-awaited sequel. I learned a lot about the team through the official announcement of Chrono Cross, which was on a bunch of game sites that weeded through the entire announcement. Around late 2000, Hironobu Sakaguchi himself (news source: GameSpot) said that he has begun early development of the next Chrono game and that he was shown several storyboard ideas, and the team behind Chrono Cross and XenoGears would develop it once again. A small note in the news article mentioned that this team was also working on another project related to XenoGears, this was probably the first article that actually mentioned what would eventually be Xenosaga. Sometime later in 2001, Square had registered the trademark of Chrono Break for their use. Trademarking records tend to be public, though the trademark offices in Japan and the United States don't exactly announce it, and gaming companies tend to trademark a specfic name ahead of time so it isn't used before they officially announce it (see: Sony's PS3 trademarking in mid-2002, and their "Shock and Awe" trademarking in 2003). It was sometime after this, however, that we would see the massive bomb that was "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within." It pretty much put Square in the red once again. They didn't want to become another "bubble-bursted" company (this was still the beginning of the post-bubble recession in Japan), so they saved themselves from going bankrupt (like they almost did when they released Final Fantasy back in 1986) by doing two things: 1. They closed Square Movie Studios. 2. They halted the development of any game that was considered excessive and unprofitable in the immediate time table. In other words, any game that was not related to the Final Fantasy franchise was to be put on hold or cancelled. This is notable by the fact that before Square and Nintendo finally kissed and made up in 2002, the only games that were in development at Square in late 2001/early 2002 were Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy I & II Remake, Final Fantasy XII, and Final Fantasy X-2. This meant that Chrono Break and Xenosaga were halted for the time being. Sakaguchi-sama was probably the one who gave them the news considering he was the executive at the time. They soon left. In early 2002, we get the official announcement of Xenosaga from Monolith Soft. But, when the announcement officially came down, the team did a lot of interviews with the big gaming magazines, and when asked for the reasons they left Square, they stated the above, though it was a lot softer in tone, making it obvious that their main man Sakaguchi-sama was the one who not only told them the bad tidings, but put it as softly as possible. Thus, we still see a possibility with Monolith Soft and Square-Enix jointly working on Chrono Break again. Look through the August and September archives on The Magic Box (http://www.the-magicbox.com). They're free and a lot of recent Monolith Soft news has been on the table recently (including a notice that they'll be available to any publisher once they complete the three games being worked on right now). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And there you have it. So, is Xenosaga a prequel or a sequel to Xenogears? Well, that question is not easy to answer. Since Squaresoft owns the copyright to Xenogears, Monolith Soft can't legally create a game like Xenogears. So the powers that be are playing some games with the Xenosaga universe to try and skate around that fact. Many feel that it is a direct prequel to Xenogears, while others feel it is just a game similar to the Xenogears universe, but not the same. Keep in mind that Xenogears was Episode V as is revealed in the end credits and Xenosaga is called Episode I. This just adds fuel to the fire. Whatever the case may be, the universe in Xenosaga and Xenogears are very similar. The next section discusses the similarities between the Xenogears universe and the Xenosaga universe. Many of these can just be taken as the developers having fun and giving fans of Xenogears little nuggets, but others are unmistakably the same elements of the core story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- --------------------- [79] Universe Similarities ------------------------- ------------------------------------- ---- BEGIN MASSIVE SPOILERS (TURN BACK NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE!!!) ---- - - - ----------------------------------------------------- [80] -- Characters ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Fei Fong Wong ------------------------------------------------------------- Also known as: The Contact, Abel, Kim Kasim, Lacan, Id (persona), Grahf, Kahn (inhabited by Grahf), and Wiseman (Grahf) Wow! As you can see, Fei was a very complex hero. His character as the Contact went through the most powerful story ever conceived for an RPG hero. His first incarnation of Xenogears was as Abel, the sole survivor of the Eldridge incident. He was killed and reborn many times over a period of many years. His final incarnation in Xenogears was as Fei. Fei was the main character of Xenogears and his destiny was forever entwined with Elly and another character named Miang. The boy who is seen playing in the end sequence of Xenosaga looks identical to Fei. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Elhaym Van Houten --------------------------------------------------------- Also known as: Sophia, Elly, Antitype, and part of the duality of the Mother along with Miang When Abel came into contact with the Zohar, it created the Mother. The Mother's purpose was to spawn Emperor Cain and the 13 elders of the Gazel Ministry. After that was complete the Mother split into two people, Elly and Miang. Elly's purpose was to be a companion for Abel. Miang's purpose was to prepare for the reawakening of Deus. Elly is the other main character of Xenogears and Fei's love interest. Nephilim from Xenosaga looks identical to Elly. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Citan Uzuki --------------------------------------------------------------- Also known as: Shitan Uzuki, and Hyuga Ricdeau Citan was Fei's mentor and companion on his journey to discover himself. He was born on Solaris but eventually was captured during a war with Shevat. That is were he met Yui, his future wife and mother of his child Midori. The two eventually return to the planet and create a life for themselves along the outskirts of Lahan, a small village near the mountains. It is there that Citan first meets Fei. Citan has a long history and a mysterious past that is revealed throughout the game. He is a very interesting character and possesses pefect skill with a blade. Citan has the same last name as Shion & Jin Uzuki from Xenosaga. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Billy Lee Black ----------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so Billy doesn't have anything to do with Xenosaga other than being a gun-toting hotshot like Jr. But he's just too cool to leave out. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Emeralda Kasim ------------------------------------------------------------ Emeralda was a engineered being created with nano-technology. While Emeralda is not in direct relation to Xenosaga, she is an engineered being much like teh Realians and MOMO. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Big Joe ------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Joe was a laughable character who provided some comic relief in Xenogears. Throughout the game you will interact with him and even fight him. He's a ladies man and the crowd loves him. During an optional mission in Xenogears, a visit to the Zeboim civilization that has long since died out due to war and conflict, a newspaper/ magazine store has an article on Big Joe. The newspaper records that Big Joe was an impeccable athlete who excelled in most every type of sport or event. He was a national hero and praised by all. It then goes on to detail an accident in which Big Joe hit his head somehow and became a bumbling oaf. It is truly a sad tale. Great Joe is an optional boss / summon in Xenosaga. His face is very similar to Big Joe's in Xenogears. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Vanderkaum ---------------------------------------------------------------- Vanderkaum was the commander of Gebler forces. He is in charge of the Warship Kefeinzel and pilots an enormous Gear called Dora. He looks almost identical to the Vanderkaum in Xenogears. The only difference is that the Vanderkaum in Xenogears has a purple plus symbol or cross on his face, while the Vanderkaum in Xenosaga has a purple X across his face. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Hammer -------------------------------------------------------------------- Also known as: "The Supplier" Hammer operates an black-market in the detention area for criminals in Nortune, commonly referred to as "D Block". He is a good gear mechanic and is able to gather intelligence from some less than reputable sources. He's also somewhat cowardly as well as a little sleazy. Hammer is the name of the engineer/navigator on-board the Elsa in Xenosaga. He is also described in the U.M.N. database as being a brilliant computer hacker before he got in trouble with some criminals and has been on the run ever since. He is very similar to the Hammer from Xenogears. Hammer from Xenogears and the Hammer from Xenosaga even look very similar. Though Hammer is a rat-like mutant in Xenogears and a human in Xenosaga, they still manage to look almost identical. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Executioner --------------------------------------------------------------- Also known as: Miang Executioner was the name of Miang when she wore a purple & blue mask to hide her identity in public. Executioner is also the name of one of Ziggurat's tech attacks. ---- ----------------------------------------------------- [81] -- Miscellaneous ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ye Shall Be As Gods ------------------------------------------------------- The phrase "You Shall Be As Gods" is in Xenogears during the opening sequence when the Eldridge is taken over by Deus. That phrase fills up all the computer screens and displays. The phrase "Ye Shall Be As Gods" is the password for the KOS-MOS project in Xenosaga and Shion also speaks this phrase during one of the cutscenes. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Merkava ------------------------------------------------------------------- Merkava is a mobile facility constructed by Krelian in Xenogears and is also referred to as "god's ark". It is where the final battle essentially takes place in Xenogears. Proto Merkabah is where the final battle in Xenosaga takes place and also has a creature similar to Deus/Zohar inside it. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Zohar --------------------------------------------------------------------- An object of extreme significance in Xenogears, it is a powerful object that apparently is the source of Ether power. The Zohar and a creature called Deus are connected. In Xenosaga, the same exact object, exact in appearance even, is also the focal point of the game. At the end of the game, a Gnosis merges with the Zohar and creates powerful creature that you must defeat. Similar to Deus in a way. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ether --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ether power comes from the Zohar object in Xenogears. Ether power also exists in Xenosaga, though it's source is not specified. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Pendant of Nisan ---------------------------------------------------------- The Pendant of Nisan is a cross shaped necklace that is seen throughout Xenogears. What the pendant represents is unclear, though we know it has travelled from Miang, to Fei's mother, to Sophia (Elly) and then to Fei. The same exact pendant appears in Xenosaga. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Eldridge ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Eldridge is a inter-planetary space vessel that is transporting Deus during the opening sequence of Xenogears. The significance of this vessel is that it's bridge and pilots/navigators look almost identical to the bridge of the Woglinde/Durandal and it's Realian pilots/ navigators. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Gears --------------------------------------------------------------------- Gears in Xenogears are large mech-like machines that are pilotable by humans. They draw their power from the Zohar. Xenosaga has mech's similar to the Gears, called A.G.W.S.'s (Anti-Gnosis Weapon Systems), though they are much more primitive and smaller in size. This makes sense since Xenosaga takes place thousands of years before Xenogears. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Dora ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dora is the name of Vanderkaum's enormous gear he uses in Xenogears. Proto Dora is the name of an enormous A.G.W.S. in Xenosaga. ---- - - - ---- END MASSIVE SPOILERS ---- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [82] XII. Secrets/Optional Bosses -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---- BEGIN SPOILERS ---- - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- -------------------- [83] Foundation Robot Academy ----------------------- ------------------------------------- This is sort of a secret, but one that's easy to be aware of, but not so easy to complete. The Foundation Robot Academy is located at the A.G.W.S. Parts Shop & Foundation Robot Academy on the Kukai world map. Once you get there head to the lower level to talk with a man called Professor. He tells you that he is searching for the parts to build an invincible robot. Wow. So you basically need to find all six parts of the robot and bring them to him. This is what you will get for returning the parts. Right & Left Arms - Throni Blade (Summon) Right & Left Legs - Dominion Tank (Summon) Body - Kelbim Dragon (Nothing, cannot be used) Head - Seraphim Bird (Summon) ALL (Completed) - Erde Kaiser (Ultimate Summon) You must find the Professor's Assistant Scott in the Ironman bar/club before you can get it though. Song Lyrics - Show up when you view the parts you have collected at the center console in the lab after getting Erde Kaiser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- -------------------- [84] MOMO's Transformation -------------------------- ------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: To get this transformation, you must have MOMO in your party AND have her as your LEAD character (the girl walking around on the screen). In case you don't know how to do this, go into the menu, select the Characters Item from it, place the cursor on MOMO and hit the "Square" button. Head to Gnosis - Cathedral Ship via the course of the story or through an EVS point. Follow the path along until you come to an open area with a staircase leading up to the top of a building. On top of the building there will be a couple of indestructible boxes. There should be a little sparkling light on one of the boxes. Go up to it and touch it. You will get the Tech Attack Magic Caster and the Ether Star Wind. Star Wind is what transforms MOMO when used in battle. Magic Caster can only be used while she is transformed and it allows you to steal rare items from enemies by casting (fishing pole style) onto an enemy and retrieving it. Her transformation isn't that much really, she just changes into a blue outfit and has access to some other magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ---------------------------- [85] ACE PILOT ------------------------------ ------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: To get this encounter, you must have access to the U-TIC BS via the E.V.S. Head to the U-TIC BS in the EVS simulator. Make your way along past the area where there were the two red laser barriers the first time you came through. Go all the way to the right and then go down. Take the door on your right and then go down again and then through the door to your right again until you reach the corridor where you had to destroy the generators on the walls to disable the door alarms. There should be three doors in this hallway. The first one leads you to the room where the U-TIC soldier wouldn't talk to you and tell you where the key was earlier. The third one is the one you had to use the key on to get the treasure inside, and the second one is where you need to go to get the Ace Pilot encounter. Enter the second room and walk up to the soldier standing inside. *Note: You can repeat this battle as many times as you want by simply leaving the room and returning. -- (Optional) Boss Battle -- Name: Ace Pilot HP: 360 Weak: None EXP: 30 TP: 10 EP: 4 SP: 16 Rare: Ether Upgrade A Item: Skill Upgrade A Type: Biological Cash: 50 Strategy: This is just a token battle. You might want to use this battle to prepare for the next stage. For example, you might want to boost your characters speed, get into an A.G.W.S., etc... before killing him. It should only take one hit to kill this guy so make sure you steal from him if you want the items, before you kill him. After he dies he will change into one of two things. If you have two characters in A.G.W.S.'s at this point, he will get into his Meld Gareth A.G.W.S. If not, he will get into his Din Gareth A.G.W.S. ------------------ -- [86] MELD GARETH -- ------------------ IMPORTANT: To get this encounter, you must have access to the U-TIC BS via the E.V.S and have two characters with access to A.G.W.S.'s. Take a look at the information above about the Ace Pilot to find out how to find Meld Gareth. Once you have found the Ace Pilot, you need to have two characters in their A.G.W.S.'s before killing the Ace Pilot in order to get this encounter. -- (Optional) Boss Battle -- Name: Meld Gareth HP: 5500 Weak: None EXP: 4000 TP: 60 EP: 20 SP: 60 Rare: B-Max Circuit Item: Frame Repair Z Type: Mechanical Cash: 1000 Strategy: This A.G.W.S. has an all party attack that does some good damage, but not enough to kill you with one hit. So just leave one of your characters outside their A.G.W.S. to heal and throw out frame repairs as needed. Try to use someone with decent attack power as well because they can really take Meld Gareth down quickly. Ziggurat is a good choice if you have boosted his EATK stat. Ziggurat takes a lot less damage but can still heal himself. Having a pair of speed shoes or the skill set on Ziggurat can be helpful, as well as his 50% speed up. Combine the two for a super quick Ziggurat that get two to three turns per round and does killer damage with HP Strong or Golden Dice equipped. Just keep attacking and he'll go down. ----------------- -- [87] DIN GARETH -- ----------------- IMPORTANT: To get this encounter, you must have access to the U-TIC BS via the E.V.S. Take a look at the information above about the Ace Pilot to find out how to find Din Gareth. Once you have found the Ace Pilot, just kill him outside of your A.G.W.S.'s to get this encounter. -- (Optional) Boss Battle -- Name: Din Gareth HP: 8500 Weak: None EXP: 8000 TP: 80 EP: 20 SP: 80 Rare: Fast Circuit 25 Item: Frame Repair Z Type: Mechanical Cash: 1000 Strategy: Don't use A.G.W.S.'s for this battle. Din Gareth is extremely simple. All of his attacks only damage one person so just revive that person when they go down. His 71 Series Rail Cannon does about 700-1200 damage per person. Use physical attacks to inflict huge amounts of damage. Ziggurat's Cyber Kick, Jr.'s Storm Waltz, and chaos' Heaven's Wrath all work extremely well against him. Don't bother healing your people. Just let them die and revive them immediately. That way you can even take advantage of HP Strong if you have it and not waste turns healing a character when he will probably still die after one hit. Simple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ---------------------------- [88] GREAT JOE ------------------------------ ------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: To find Great Joe, you must have Jr. in your party AND have him as your LEAD character (the guy walking around on the screen). In case you don't know how to do this, go into the menu, select the Characters Item from it, place the cursor on Jr. and hit the "Square" button. Head to Durandal - Residential District - Casino. Now, from the Casino, leave the Casino and head to the left until you reach the next corridor and go all the way up until it dead ends with a fork leading left and right. Take a right and go inside the room. There should be a grey item crystal and a chest in the room. Once inside the room, blast the right wall/panel on the top left side of the room to trigger the battle. Choose "Bring it on!" to his question to fight him. Beware, he is quite powerful. I would recommend fighting him AFTER the Encephalon - Miltia area. After Miltia and after you have control over Jr. again, you should be strong enough to take Great Joe down. -- (Optional) Boss Battle -- Name: Great Joe HP: 9999 Weak: None EXP: 18000 TP: 200 EP: 180 SP: 200 Rare: None Item: Swimsuit (Plus some extras, see below) Type: Gnosis Cash: 200 Strategy: Your characters should be around level 24 for a safe bet on winning. Recommended Party: Jr. - Must use him Shion - For healing Your third character can be anybody but I recommend either chaos or Ziggy. Recommended Equipment/Skills: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipment Skill Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brave Soul HP Strong Increases PHYSICAL damage as HP goes down (Similar to the Power Crisis in Xenogears) You can obtain this item by redeeming coins in the Casino. Golden Dice Damage fluctuates by HP You can obtain this item by redeeming coins in the Casino. Angel Ring N/A Halves EP usage. You will find this item. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure you extract and set the Brave Soul/Golden Dice/Angel Ring skill on all three characters. This will help more than you can imagine. If you cannot extract the skills regardless of how many Skill Points you have, it's because yo need to raise your Skill Level up. To do that, you must extract tons of skills from all kinds of accessories. The more things you extract, the more your Skill Level will go up. I also recommend having Ether spells that increase your SPEED during battles as they are extremely helpful. Ziggy has one he can use on himself that increases his speed 50%. Try to boost Shion's Ether Attack as much as possible with Skill Points and her healing spells will work much better. To defeat Great Joe, use Ether spells to increase your speed. Use Shion to heal and revive anytime it is needed. With Jr. at low HP he can deal out over 1000 damage per round. When Great Joe does his 50% chance heal/damage reversal spell, from that point on, either healing potions/spells, or attacks will damage him. For example, if he chooses Reverse, then healing spells will damage him and attacks will heal him. If he chooses Normal, then it is the way it usually is. Healing would heal and damage would damage. Just keep healing/reviving with Shion, and blasting the other two characters. He should go down easily using this strategy. When you defeat Great Joe you get the following: Swimsuit - +1 Armor, 25% increase to Tech Points received after battles. Your character will also appear in his/her swimsuit. Anyone who was at the beach scene earlier can equip it. Magnum Joe - A summon for Jr. Soul Rhapsody - Tech for Jr. Absorbs G Types. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ----------------------------- [89] MINTIA -------------------------------- ------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: To find Mintia, you must have MOMO in your party AND have her as your LEAD character. (the girl walking around on the screen). In case you don't know how to do this, go into the menu, select the Characters Item from it, place the cursor on MOMO and hit the "Square" button. Head to Kukai Foundation - Sector 26 & 27 - Ironman bar/club. Right outside the bar is a lever. Turn it to expand the awning above the entrance. Then go to the left and inside the Our Treasures hotel. *NOTE: You can only do this during or after the Kukai Invasion by the Gnosis. Go upstairs in the hotel and take a left through the door into a room. Go down and outside through the next door and take the catwalk all the way to to right until you get stopped by some plants. Shoot them and fall off onto the awning below. Push up and right until you enter the window at the far right. Once inside this upper level room of the Ironman bar walk forward and you will get the encounter. Choose "Yes" to "Will you fight?". -- (Optional) Boss Battle -- Name: Mintia HP: 7777 Weak: None EXP: 22000 TP: 160 EP: 240 SP: 200 Rare: Craft Apron (Skill points earned, up 25%) Item: Penguin Rod (Weak rod for MOMO) Type: Gnosis Cash: 12000 Strategy: Recommended Party: MOMO - Must use her Jr. - For FAR attacks Your third character can be anybody but I recommend either chaos or Ziggy. Recommended Equipment/Skills: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipment Skill Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shield Armor All Guard Prevents ALL status effects/abnormalities Brave Soul HP Strong Increases PHYSICAL damage as HP goes down Angel Ring N/A Halves EP usage Having men in this battle does make it slightly more difficult, but I say, eh, too bad, I like my guys. Every once in a whil shee will shout out "I hate men!" when she is attacked by one and throw out some damage, but she should still be pretty easy. Make sure you STEAL the two items from here before you kill her! Having All Guard is helpful in this battle, but Brave Soul/HP Strong is the real bread winner here. Mintia will call on her "pet" frequently and use and attack the takes one character down to 1 HP. Oh yeah, damage extraordinaire with HP Strong set. Jr. will be doing over 1000 damage each time you use his Storm Waltz. Now, I know leaving your characters at low health is scary, but don't worry, most of her attacks are one person at a time so you can quickly revive them. She does have an all party attack that can wipe you out so it's a good idea to keep MOMO and your third character at 300-400 health. Leave Jr. at 1 HP. Remember, if your character has 900 HP and the "pet" takes it, it adds that amount back to Mintia, so you keep healing her. Don't do this, keep them at low health. You may even have to use items because my people heal revive with around 500 HP since I maxed out their Ether Attack Stat. Something I think is very important in this battle and many to come is the ability to heal/revive each other, instead of relying on one person with these abilities. So I recommend transferring Shion's healing spells to all your characters. The spells you will need the most are Revive & Medica All. Also, transferring Jr.'s steal spell can also be helpful when looting tough bosses. Just keep this strategy going and she will go down easily. When you defeat Mintia you get Dark Scepter - A tech attack for MOMO. After the battle Mintia mentions something about fighting her again, next time with her #1 pet. Hmmm... - - - ---- END SPOILERS ---- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [90] XIII. Segment Doors & Decoders -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #1 -- Door Location: Kukai - Sectors 26 & 27 - Our Treasures hotel. Go upstairs and up the ladder and into the room. Exit the room through the exit at the bottom of the screen that takes you outside. Walk off the landing pressing to the right and continue HOLDING right the ENTIRE time. You will land on a landing. Destroy the panel to find the door. Decoder Location: Durandal - Park - Observation Room. First head over to Kukai - Sectors 26 & 27 - King's Warehouse. You can find a Pink Bug inside one of the crates. DON'T destroy it. Talk to it. It's the one Tom told you about on the Dock Colony. Choose great information for the location of the decoder. Then head over to the Oberservation Room on the Durandal and it's on the far right side near a bush when you first walk in. Reward: Robot Part - Head ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #2 -- Door Location: Dock Colony - Talk To Me Store - Bottom Level. Destroy the crates to find the door. Decoder Location: Song of Nephilim - Tower 2. Once inside the second tower head through the exit at the top left. Take out the enemy and go down the ladder and once you reach the bottom, continue on and go up the next ladder you come to. Destroy the red container for a Soldier's Honor. Head back down the ladder and go to the right and down the next ladder you come to. Then take a left and go all the way over and take the next ladder up. Go through the door at the top and go to the right. Destroy the boxes. Kill the Series 26 that attacks you from one of the boxes for the decoder. Reward: Robot Part - Body ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #3 -- Door Location: Kukai - Sector 26 & 27 - Dry Cleaners. At the very back on the first floor, behind the cabinets. Destroy the cabinets to reveal the door. Decoder Location: Encephalon - Miltia - Forest - Rabbit's House. Get a carrot juice by destroying the carrots. Put a carrot juice on the tree stump. A cutscene will take place where the rabbit comes out to get the juice. Just hold the control stick in the direction of the rabbit's door to his house. As soon as you get control you will skate right on past the rabbit and he won't even see you until you are between him and his house. This is because his eyes/face are actually in the back of his head. So if you wait for him to turn around before you bolt, he will see you and get to the house before you. So just bee-line it to his house right off. He gets launched. You will get the decoder from the chest in the rabbit's house. Reward: Robot Part - Right Leg ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #4 -- Door Location: Asteroid Pleroma - After you pass the first set of guards on Asteroid Pleroma, shoot the pillar and the wall just to your left upon entering the next segment right near the entryway. Head into the opening and up the stairs and destroy the wall. The door is behind the wall. Decoder Location: Asteroid Pleroma - In the room where you distract the large A.G.W.S. enemy by operating the crane and dropping the treasure chest down. Defeat the A.G.W.S. and it will drop it. Reward: Thief Ring ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #5 -- Door Location: Encephalon - Miltia - Just up from the playground area and down the stairs behind the door on the left. It's at the bottom to the left just past the Troll. Decoder Location: Durandal - Hangar. During the lock-down on the Durandal. From the Casino, head down and to the left into the red carpet room where you rested earlier. Rest and shoot the wall to grab the chest containing the Armory Key. This is for the Armory at the Hangar you couldn't get into earlier. Head to the transport and to the Hangar. Go inside the Armory and grab the decoder. Reward: Double Buster ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #6 -- Door Location: Proto Merkabah - After defeating Proto Dora, follow the path until you come across a room with a projection of the universe in it. Head to the right side of the room where the locked door is but don't enter. Go up instead and on your left will be some crates. Destroy them to access the ladder leading to the lower level. Follow the semi-circle around and destroy the panel at the end to reveal the door. Decoder Location: Proto Merkabah - You get this decoder for defeating Proto Dora. Reward: Trauma Plate ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #7 -- Door Location: Woglinde - Next to Sergeant Swaine. Decoder Location: Woglinde - Get from Sergeant Swaine as he is dying after the Gnosis attack. He is the person who intially told you about the doors and gave you the Segment File. Reward: Robot Part - Right Arm ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #8 -- Door Location: Elsa - Near the slide deck on B2F. Get the Disarm Key off the curved orange couch in Cabin 2 of the Elsa and use it on the panel near the slide deck to extend it. The door is on the left. Decoder Location: Kukai - Sectors 26 & 27 - Ironman bar/club. A woman at the Dock Colony tells you that the Fish Detector is on a tuxedo at the Kukai Dry Cleaners. Find the Fish Detector on the upper level of the Dry Cleaners, on a white suit hanging on the wall. Go to the private Beach and go into the water and catch all the fish. Use the Radar to easily find them. The large fish has an Engagement Ring in its mouth. Give the ring to the girl at the far left who is crying at a table inside the Ironman bar/club to get the decoder. Reward: Robot Part - Left Leg ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #9 -- Door Location: Gnosis - Cathedral Ship. At the very end of the level, just before the boss, in a large open room with a save point and an elevator that was blocked. The area where you had to destroy the red locks in order to lower the elevator. At the very top level of that room, all the way to the right, shoot the panel on the wall to reveal an opening. Walk through and you will see the door. Decoder Location: Gnosis - Cathedral Ship. Defeat Stribog to get to the chest that contains the decoder. Just past the warehouse area with the unicorns. Head outside and take the left path and then down around the loop and take the first left you come to and you should go under a bridge. After the bridge, hang another left and you should see him. Reward: Robot Part - Left Arm ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #10 -- Door Location: KOS-MOS Simulator. Take the ladder down where you first fought the enemy that walked through the wall near the save point that is no longer there while in EVS mode. At the bottom, go down a screen into the room with all the junk. It's at the top right of the room. Destroy anything in your way. Decoder Location: Elsa - Near the slide deck on B2F. Get the Disarm Key off the curved orange couch in Cabin 2 of the Elsa and use it on the panel near the slide deck to extend it. destroy the crate on the right for the decoder. Reward: 2 Booster Pack's ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #11 -- Door Location: U-TIC BS - In the corridor up and across from the first save point in the area. It's in the room behind the second door, after the one where you first encountered the soldier who wouldn't tell you about the "Card No. 3". The door is behind the containers in the second room. Decoder Location: Asteroid Pleroma - Destroy the statue just past the first set of guards, about halfway into the second set of guards. Reward: Coat - Ice ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #12 -- Door Location: Song of Nephilim - Tower 2. Once inside the second tower head through the exit at the top left. Take out the enemy and go down the ladder and once you reach the bottom, continue on and go up the next ladder you come to. Destroy the red container for a Soldier's Honor. Head back down the ladder and go to the right and down the next ladder you come to. Then take a left and go all the way over and take the next ladder up. Go through the door at the top and go to the right. Destroy the boxes. Continue going to the right and you will come across the door. Decoder Location: Encephalon - Miltia - Sewers. Down the first manhole, hit the switch to unlock the door. Then keep going around through several screens until you end up back at the same room but on the bottom level. Keep going to the right and take the steps up to the door you unlocked earlier. Climb the small ladder and open the door to grab the decoder from the chest. Reward: W Hammer Rod ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #13 -- Door Location: Gnosis - Cathedral Ship. In the large warehouse about halfway through the level. The room with all the crates and a forklift. There are also two Unicorn's in the room. The door is behind the crates on the upper right part of the room. Decoder Location: Kukai - Sectors 26 & 27 - Our Treasures hotel. You cannot get this decoder until a certain point in the game. The girl blocking the stairs going up inside the hotel will eventually be gone. This will allow you to get up there. Go upstairs and up the ladder and into the room. Exit the room through the exit at the bottom of the screen that takes you outside. Walk off the landing pressing to the left and continue HOLDING left the ENTIRE time. You will land on a landing. Go left through the opening to the next screen and follow it until you find a chest. The decoder is inside. Reward: Samurai Heart ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #14 -- Door Location: Elsa - Catapult Deck. Decoder Location: Song of Nephilim - Tower 1 - Level 5F. Destroy the crate at the end of the corridor to reveal a treasure chest. The decoder is in the chest. Reward: Speed Shoes ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #15 -- Door Location: Encephalon - Miltia - Subway Station. From the save point, head up and right, through the 4th (last) turnstyle, and around by the door. Shoot the junk first, then shoot out the window. Then go through the door and to the left to get the door. Decoder Location: Gnosis - Cathedral Ship. Kill the Hydra in the Costmary just up the escalator where you fought Peron. You get the decoder from the Hydra. Reward: Angel Ring ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #16 -- Door Location: Woglinde. Near the room with the save point in it, up one screen from Shion's quarters. Where the guy was hiding whose girlfriend got killed because he was a wuss. Decoder Location: U-TIC BS - In the corridor up and across from the first save point in the area. It's in the room behind the third door, after the one where you first encountered the soldier who wouldn't tell you about the "Card No. 3". Use the U-TIC Card to unlock the door and grab the decoder. Note: If you do not get this the first time through the U-TIC BS, you may encounter the "glitch" upon returning via the EVS and be unable to get this decoder. Reward: Stim DX ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #17 -- Door Location: Proto Merkabah - After climbing a long staircase, you will enter a room at the top. Cross the room to the door on the left leading out. This should bring you to another long staircase going down. Go down the steps to the first landing and go through the door on the right. Now go up through the door on the left side of the divider and destroy the wall panel at the top left of the next room to reveal the door. Decoder Location: Song of Nephilim - Tower 3. Once inside the third tower, go down the ladder and stop on the next level. Shoot the containers on the left to lower the bridge to your level. Go across the bridge and destroy the blue container to grab a Field Ring. Then head back across the bridge and down the ladder. Shoot the containers again on the left to lower the bridge to the bottom. Head across and go up the ladder. Head all the way to the left and then all the way up the next ladder. At the top, cross to the right all the way and grab a Skill Upgrade S from the blue container. Go a little back to the left before crossing the bridge again and shoot out the junk on the corner. Jump down the hole for an Ether Pack DX. Shoot the door for a Med Kit and once inside the room, shoot the panel blocking the ladder. Grab the chest containing the decoder. Reward: Blood9 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Segment Door & Decoder #18 -- Door Location: Woglinde - Near Shion's quarters Decoder Location: Woglinde - In the room one screen up and over from Shion's quarters. The room has a glass/forcefield type wall. Shoot it and grab the chest. The decoder is in the chest. Reward: Coat - Lightning -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [91] XIV. Mini-Games -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- [92] Tag Game ------------------------------------------------------------- A game on-board the Woglinde to get you ready for the real thing when the Gnosis attack later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- [93] Xeno Card ------------------------------------------------------------ A cool but far too complicated game for me. After about 50 pages of rules and instructions I was done. Just open you packs/boosters and check out the cards. Play at your own risk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- [94] Drill Game ----------------------------------------------------------- A completely frustrating and horrible Mini-Game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- [95] Casino --------------------------------------------------------------- To get to the casino, head to the Durandal - Residential District. At the top right area of that district you will find a room with a sort of mini-casino inside. There is also a save point in there. Go up the stairs on the right side of the room to where there is a game table. Talk to one of the people standing next to the table and you will receive the Casino Passport. In order to use the Casino Passport, you will have to find an E.V.S. point. It is basically a save point with a large blue E.V.S. sign over the yellow save crystal. As luck would have it, the save crystal inside the room you are already in has one. If it does not have a blue E.V.S. sign on top of it, then you are not far enough into the game yet. You will have to wait. Now, go and stand inside the save/E.V.S. crystal and go into the main menu. Find the Casino Passport in your items list and use it. This will take you to the Casino mini-game. Now, you will have three options. Play Poker, play the Slots, or redeem your coins. As far as the slots go, I never touched them. But I have heard that once you learn how to play them, they are suprisingly simple and the best way to get cash in the game. I've heard that playing the slots can win you a million or more coins in just one round of playing. How does that give you cash you ask? Well, if you max out the number of coins you have 9,999,999 then every coin you get after that gives you 8 gold instead. So if you hit it big at the slots you could potentially get millions in cash in just a few seconds. This is much better than buying a bunch of Med Kit's with coins and then selling them. Now, if only there were a faster way to get up to 9,999,999 coins. Hmm...I would check out a Slot FAQ for that kind of information. Instead I will be focusing on the Poker game and getting 200,000 coins (enough to clean out the items in the casino) in under a half an hour. Now, let's play some Poker. Purchase 1000 coins and get ready to go at it. Start on the lowest level first until you get a feel for the game. The deck is not a standard card deck. The difference is that an ACE is ALWAYS a 1 and never 11. The KING is ALWAYS the highest card. Here is my basic strategy. If you get a pair (match) then draw all the other cards. If you don't get at least one pair, redraw ALL the cards. Occasionally you will get something close to a straight or flush so you may want to play with that, but mostly, just stick to one pair. Many times you will end up landing one pair, two pairs, or three of a kind. That's all you need. The key to owning this game is the HI-LOW that comes after. See, you should almost always make it to the HI-LOW game with every hand this way. HI-LOw is where the real money is made. It basically some down to this, the computer sets down a card. If you think the next card that will be draw will be higher than the one showing, you pick HI. If you think it will be lower, you pick...*gasp*...LOW. You can also cash out at that point as well. Keep in mind that your bet will be subtracted from you winnings. So if you were playing the highest level of 100 coin bets and you won 200 coins, you would only actually get 100 coins if you cashed out. Once you get a handle on the game, go straight for the 100 coin bets. You WILL lose a lot of cash, but you will WIN more! I almost always played it through to the end of HI-LOW sometimes losing 1000 coins of my winnings. Now you might think I'm stupid and I should have cashed out, but trust me, I did just fine. The only time I would cash out was if the card that came up was a 7 and I had already accrued a good amount of coins. You see, I didn't mind losing 500 coins because I guessed HI on a 6, it was when I lost because I guessed HI on a 2 and an ACE dropped in. That sucks. Using my method I racked up over 150,000 coins in under 30 minutes. Of course it helped that I totally owned a Straght and a Full House at x16 on a 100 coin bet. Oh yeah, play the big risks baby! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- [96] A.G.W.S. Game -------------------------------------------------------- Good for 2 players, worthless for 1 player. Plus you get nothing for winning. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [97] XV. Glitches -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Shuttle to Kukai from the Durandal Docks When getting on the shuttle at the Docks on the Durandul, the one that takes you to Kukai, the ship won't activate at first. Upon clicking all around inside the ship and to the left, the ship finally started to spin and then stopped after it spun counter-clockwise about 45 degrees. Then the question popped up about wanting to take the ship to Kukai. I said "No" and tried leaving the ship. I could walk right through the wall of the ship and down an invisible staircase where the staircase used to be. I then climbed back up the stairs and said "Yes" to the question, and the ship took off like it normally does, except the ship was still rotated 45 degrees. I've heard of a few other strange glitches, but they never happened to me, so I won't add them here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sinistermarks@hotmail.com sent me this: yup i found a very frustrating glitch just the other day in xenosaga. this is how it goes... i got the u-tic key card which opens the locked door leading to a decoder.. i believe.. i never actually got inside the room. originally i had gotten the key card and never went into the room figuring when i went back to it using EVS i could easily open the door.. but little did i know upon activating the lock it asks.. "would you like to use the u-tic key card".. or something along those lines and there is no yes or no bubble to answer the question.. the game just freezes and i have attempted it multiple times to no avail! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- crucible@collective.sh sent me this: I forgot to get Decoder 16 from the U-TIC Battleship while I was there with Jr. When I attempt to go back to get it using the EVS, I cannot insert the U-TIC card in the slot. I approach the slot, hit circle, the prompt comes up "Use the U-TIC card?" but I never get the "Yes/No". Seems that the game locks up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [98] XVI. Thanks -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Me - for playing the game and creating this walkthrough (pats self on back) Roots - for helping me gather some of the Boss HP/Stats/Strategies CJayC - for creating and maintaining GameFaqs.com, and keeping it free... Sony - for creating the PS2 Namco - for publishing Xenosaga Monolith Soft - for developing Xenosaga ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------- deonal@earthlink.net - for the information on how to get the U-TIC soldier to talk. vze4czfe@verizon.net - for the HP on the Zolfo & Mercurio battle. sinistermarks@hotmail.com - for the Decoder 16 glitch. crucible@collective.sh - for the Decoder 16 glitch. cmoon@moonproductions.com - for the info on MOMO's second transformation. et_d@comcast.net - for the info on Ether Amp, Gravity Well, & Lunar Blade misterroboto - for the EXP/TP/EP/SP information on many of the enemies. nicholsonadam@hotmail.com - for telling me I should explain how the elevator puzzle in SoN actually works. stewie121@aol.com - for info on the Stim to help beat Margulis. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [99] XVII. Contact -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GameFaqs ID: bremen Email: bremen@3ddelta.com [co-founder] Website: http://www.3ddelta.com THANX, AND I SINCERELY HOPE YOU FOUND THIS FAQ HELPFUL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Copyright 2004 3D Delta Developers. All rights reserved. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-