XENOSAGA Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht [The Will for Power] Rapid Communication: Basic Info FAQ Ver. 5, written on 03/03/02, modified on 03/23/02 e-mail contact: hjerng@cns.bcm.tmc.edu TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: This is a very basic FAQ to answer some questions in regard to the story and characters in Xenosaga, Episode I. (and to tie import folks over until the walkthroughs are available). PLEASE NOTE: INFORMATION ON STORY AND CHARACTER WERE TRANSLATED FROM HYPERPLAYSTATION2 MAGAZINE, MARCH ISSUE, AND THE INFORMATION ON GAMEPLAY WAS TRANSLATED FROM THE NAMCO WEBSITE. Much more info will become available later as I progress along the game, so sit tight. Check back here at www.gamefaqs.com or at my homepage at www.hhjcollections.com for the latest updates. Later. Henry ORGANIZATION OF THE FAQ I. Introduction II. Main Parties A. Star Cluster Federation (SCF) 1. Federation Contact Sub-Committee 2. Star Cluster Federation Forces B. Gnosis C. Vector Industry 1. Realien 2. Anti-Gnosis Weapons System (AGWS) 3. KOS-MOS D. U-TIC E. Kookai Foundation III. Characters A. Shion 1. Allen 2. Miyuki 3. Andrew 4. Virgil B. Chaos C. Junior (Jr.) 1. Gaignun Kookai 2. Shelly 3. Mary D. MOMO E. Ziggy F. Margulis IV. Game System A. About the Game System B. Basic Battle System 1. Character Data 2. Group Turn Window (GTW) 3. Event Slot 4. Boost 5. Activity Command 6. Strategy Hints C. Character Development 1. How to Use Talent Point (T. Pt.) 2. How to Use Ether Point (E. Pt.) 3. How to Use Skill Point (S. Pt.) V. Story Translation A. Escape from Woglinde B. Inside the Giant Gnosis BASIC INFO System: PS2 Genre: RPG Publisher: Namco Release Date: 02/28/02 (As it appears in HyperPlayStation2, March 2002 issue) "Xenosaga, Episode I" has made its fans waiting long and hard, and many are surely anticipating to its release. In this preview, I'll try to give you a simple introduction to the relationship between organizations important to the story, profiles of the main characters, and the weapons used by the human side against its enemy. Now, check in on the Xenosaga preview to smoothly submerge in the game's world. I. INTRODUCTION It all started with Zohar... In the 21st century, a circular object of unknown origin was discovered at an archaeological excavation site somewhere on the African continent. The professor who received the news took out a plate and fitted it on the object. The plate glowed. As if in response to the plate, a giant ruin and a golden radiant object appeared from the sea. Our story begins from this object, which came to be called Event Transmutation Zohar. Several thousands years later... At the time of Episode I, the human race has abandoned Earth for "some reason" and moved its home to deep space. The existence of Earth already began to be forgotten. Meanwhile, after several thousand years, the human race has successfully expanded into space, established a giant Federation, and accomplished many other developments. However, the Gnosis and an organization called U-TIC began to cast their shadows over the Federation world. Moreover, a special foundation called the Kookai Foundation, established some ten-odd years ago, is becoming well known. Understanding the complex relations between these organizations will certainly deepen our understanding of the story's world. II. MAIN PARTIES A. Star Cluster Federation (SCF) This enormous federation is composed of approximately 500,000 self-governing states in individual solar systems. After expanding into space, man established the SCF based on two technologies: the Unus Mundo Network (UMN) that ties the star systems together with space warp navigation system, and the Planetary Development Technology. The Federation is managed by a central government called State Affair Institute, and its center is located on the Federation's home planet, Fifth Jerusalem. 1. Federation Contact Sub-Committee The Federation government established the Contact Sub-Committee 11 years ago as a research committee aimed at counteracting the Gnosis situation. The members of the sub-committee consist of people with diverse backgrounds- those from related departments, those in the financial world, and researchers from every specialty and branch of the sciences. Total membership numbers around 2000 people, but only 7 members can be on the specialty committee, the core organization of the sub-committee. 2. Star Cluster Federation Forces The Federation Forces is a regular army protecting the Federation from enemy hands, such as the Gnosis. The Gnosis is an enemy whose only apparent reason for existence is the extermination of humankind. To combat the Gnosis, man is unrolling battles all over his inhabited worlds extending several hundred million light years. Fulfilling that role is the central role of the Star Cluster Federation Forces. The Federation Forces completely relies on Vector Industry for everything, from ships to weapons. B. Gnosis They can be called human's natural enemy in outer space. Other than taking hostile attacks against mankind, Gnosis is an entity wrapped in mystery. Gnosis exists in that "other reality" cut off from ours, so you normally cannot come in contact with a Gnosis monster. Very special systems and technologies are needed to detect and attack them. Therefore, battles become only possible when you reveal the Gnosis using what's known as the Hilbert Effect. C. Vector Industry Vector Industry, through the construction of UMN, has a tight grip on the Federation's military affairs and communication network. It has tremendous influence over even the Federation government. Wilhelm is the teenager who presides over Vector. Furthermore, Vector Industry is a giant conglomerate with experience in the production and distribution of all sorts of things. It boasts to be the largest conglomerate in the Federation. This industry manufactures and sells all the goods that reflect this culture and civilization- from foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals to all sorts of software, hardware, and weapons. In terms of weapons, Vector importantly makes the Realiens, AGWS, and KOS-MOS. 1. Realien Realiens are synthetic humans invented by Professor Joachim Mizrahi and his wife Professor Yuri Mizrahi. They are used essentially as slaves to perform various functions from combat to scouting. For example, the Type-100 Observation Realian was developed to observe the Gnosis. The Type-100 Realien carries a system invented by the Mizrahis that combines DSSS (D-Triple-S) and Hilbelt Effect. DSSS is a sensory system using imaginary numbers to perceive the Gnosis, while the Hilbelt Effect is a special wave motion designed to adhere to the monsters. Scores and tons of system capacity is required to realize these indispensable systems required for countering the Gnosis. 2. Anti-Gnosis Weapons System (AGWS) AGWS is the general term for humanoid battle weapons developed to counter the Gnosis threat. Loaded with DSSS, the AGWS can capture the normally imperceptible Gnosis. They have been made smaller and lighter so they can have great advantage in terms of convenience. (In the middle of battle, you can apparently call out your special AGWS and take control of it.) There are two types of AGWS. The AG Series is the type routinely used by the Federation Forces. It is used to deal with various situations because the cockpit module has been standardized and you can choose options. The VX Series is a prototype midst of development by Vector for civilian use. The VX-1000 prototype belongs to Shion, our story's hero. 3. KOS-MOS KOS-MOS is a female combat android developed by Vector Industry to oppose the Gnosis. An entity such as KOS-MOS, one entirely composed of mechanical parts, is rare in this age when technologies for Realiens is far more advanced and mature. KOS-MOS has a height of 167 cm and weight of 92 kg. Her appearance was made to look like an 18-year-old girl's. The name KOS-MOS (from "cosmos", meaning "order") is a general term for the anti-Gnosis combat system, and she herself does not have a name. KOS-MOS is programmed to prioritize the three principles of "logic, verification, and duty" before everything else, and she will protect her developer (Shion) unconditionally. Moreover, an Imitation Personality OS is loaded on her to allow smooth communication with others. However, the words and actions of Shion and other people appear difficult for her to comprehend since she is more like a computer than a person. In terms of firepower, KOS-MOS operates weapons so huge that you cannot imagine them from her external looks. They are Gatling guns known as Hand Vulcans. In the end, KOS-MOS is a weapon that makes execution of her mission her utmost priority, even if it means killing people for example. Incidentally, there is a version of KOS-MOS that differs in coloring- perhaps one still at the experimental stage. To Victor Industry, she too is one of their most prized "merchandise". D. U-TIC The U-TIC organization exists as an entity independent of the SCF. For some ten-odd years, the organization disappeared from view. However, at the opening of our story, it once again reared its ominous head. U-TIC has technological and military power that once surpassed that of the SCF, so what is its objective...? E. Kookai Foundation Kookai Foundation is a special foundation created 12 years ago by Second Miltia, a self-governing states in the SCF. It is comprised of victims of the "Life Recycle Law", and its base is located on a giant orbit-less space colony. Shaped like an opened flower, the colony supports cities, beaches, and resorts where people live and play, as well as shops where one can acquire items and parts. III. CHARACTERS A. Shion At the beginning of the story, we find Shion Uzuki riding aboard the cruiser Woglinde on its maiden voyage to investigate a case involving a planet's disappearance and to test out KOS-MOS. Developed by Vector Industry, Woglinde is a 100-meters-long battleship designed specifically against the Gnosis. The heart of the cruiser is the bridge, where navigation and battle controls are located. At the tender age of 22, Shion is an elite member of Vector Industry, serving as the managing engineer for Vector's first development team. She is a girl who always behaves in a positive spirit and is filled with life, as if living for tomorrow. All this is in spite of the cruel, tragic experiences she has gone through- Shion lost her parents in war when she was a child, and then her first love died in an accident two years ago. Shion is in charge of developing KOS-MOS, and her main job is the development of the sentient software required to control KOS-MOS. Although a genius scientist, Shion is just another member of an enterprise. Sometimes, she will go face to face with her superiors. She starts out aboard the cruiser Woglinde but will wind up on the cargo ship Elsa and joining her crew in action. Her colleagues on the first development team include: 1. Allen Allen is an elite member of Vector who works as an assistant chief to the KOS-MOS development project under Shion's direction. He is older than she is, but he is a one-year junior to her. His interest is fishing. 2. Miyuki She is the programmer to Vector's first development team, and Shion's junior. In fact, she is a considerable mecha fan. Miyuki's interest is patent application. Shion and others are making various inventions in the laboratory. Expenses for their patent applications are piling up, and they are the source of Shion's headaches. Some of the folks you'll meet aboard the Woglinde include: 3. Andrew Andrew is a commander in the Star Cluster Federation Force's Navy and serves as the assistant captain of the cruiser Woglinde. He looks very serious in his pictures. 4. Virgil He is a first lieutenant of the Star Cluster Federation Force's Navy. As a AGWS pilot, he fights the Gnosis as the team leader to a mixed squad of humans and Realiens. B. Chaos Shion and KOS-MOS eventually wind up on the cargo ship Elsa. This super high-speed ship is 166 m in length, and it boasts of a Lohengrin class heritage. Presently, Elsa is used as a cargo ship by the Kookai Foundation. On board, various personalities work as crews: Matthews, the captain; Tony, the quartermaster; Hammer, the navigator; and others. Chaos, one of the story's main characters, is also aboard the ship, and he will meet Shion and others here. It is unknown whether his meeting with them was arranged by fate or on purpose. Chaos has transparent amber eyes and silver hair, weighing 53 kg and with a height of 169 cm. It is good that Chaos hardly says anything about himself. Other than his name, everything from his birth and personal history to even if he has past memories is shrouded in mystery. He looks like he is around 16-years-old, but his real age is unknown. It is not known if the name "Chaos" is even his real name. Chaos has an expression filled gloom not found typically in teenagers, and he has an aura of being philosophical and far-sighted. His role in Xenosaga will probably become clearer in the story. C. Junior (Jr.) Considering that the Kookai Foundation is running Elsa, I will introduce our next main character. While on the outside he looks like a 12-year-old kid, in fact Junior serves as a representative trustee of the Kookai Foundation. As if to prove that, he shows his considerably extensive knowledge and makes speeches frankly about his position. He is called Junior, but his real name is not made clear. His interest is in collecting antique guns and old books. While he has a position as a representative trustee of a foundation, Junior speaks with an expression and attitude suitable for his apparent age. (Is he a good combination with Chaos?) Here are a couple of mysteries: why Junior, while a child, has such knowledge, and why he has the position of a trustee? Other members of the Kookai Foundation include: 1. Gaignun Kookai Gaignun is a representative trustee like Junior. He has features like Junior, and he seems trustworthy because of his quiet tone and calm nature. 2. Shelly She assists Junior and Gaignun and maintains the Kookai Foundation. 3. Mary Mary is Shelly's little sister. Like Shelly, she is cared for by the Kookais, and she assists both Junior and Gaignun. She came to be where she is now because, 12 years ago, she was a lone test subject illegally owned by some pharmaceutical company, and Gaignun and others had rescued her. D. MOMO MOMO is a prototype to the Realien Type-100 and was made to look like a 12-year-old girl. Created by the now-deceased genius Professor Joachim Mizrahi and his wife, Professor Yuri Mizrahi, MOMO was made to look like their dead daughter, Sakura. By accumulating good deeds, MOMO hopes that she will go to Heaven and meet her father. As a synthetic human created by science, MOMO longs for "real people". Somehow, MOMO became captured by the U-TIC organization and had to be rescued. E. Ziggy During his lifetime, Ziggy worked as the commander of the Special Operations Command Unit in the Federation Police. Then in the year 4665 T. C., he died on duty at the age of 30. Afterwards, his body was sacrifice for mechanical enhancement studies, and then 98 years later, thanks to his previously robust health, he was reborn as a combat cyborg and stationed to SCF's Contact Sub-committee. One of the Sub-committee members was Yuri Mizrahi, caregiver and creator of MOMO. When MOMO was captured, Ziggy was summoned by the Sub-committee and ordered to rescue her. So, alone, he infiltrated Preroma, U-TIC organization's headquarter where MOMO was held. There, his equipment broke down. He fell into a predicament. Still, in the end, he safely rescued MOMO. F. Margulis Margulis is one of the central figures in the U-TIC organization. He has a big sword scar on his cheek, and he is a master swordsman who is heartless beyond comparison. IV. GAME SYSTEM A. About the Game System Xenosaga's game system flows between three scenes that are generally classified below. 1. Event Events make full practical use of PS2's 3D computer graphics. You'll enjoy the story as it unfolds via full-motion and full-voice acting. 2. Quest "Quest" is the time when you're invited to make preparations for battles to move the story forward. The player can move freely on a map, investigate, converse, collect information, and get ready items and weapons. 3. Battle Outside of attacks with weapons, there are Deathblow Techniques and magic attacks known as Ethers on this world. After you've piled up combat, you can of course freely upgrade your special abilities to develop your characters. Please construct a combat strategy while making proper preparations before battle. Again, in Xenosaga, there are special elements that separate it from all the RPGs that came before it. In the next pages, I'll introduce you to them. Please read the FAQs on "Basic Battle System" and "Character Development". B. Basic Battle System 1. Character Data HP: Hit Point (Health) EP: Ether Point AP: Attack Point (Criterion needed for action) BG: Boost Gauge Attack Point The Attack Point is given to the characters at each turn. If you repeat actions such as attack, this point will decrease. The remaining AP is carried over to the next turn, and if this is saved up a lot, the Deathblow Technique will become available. 2. Group Turn Window (GTW) Attack turn during battle is displayed for both allies and enemies, and you can act with the character who has queued up on the left. This active turn order is decided by the "Speed" value and the character's previous activity value. 3. Event Slot The Event Slot shows the "environmental effects" that counter the character actions. Both enemies and allies are affected. (1) No Effect (2) Critical Value Up (3) BG Increase Rate Up (4) Point Received Up 4. Boost (if it's displaced on screen) Once a character's BG value is saved up and becomes able to cut in on a turn, he/she will be displayed here. The character can take its action before other characters (Decide on a character while pressing the R1 Button). If this comes off smoothly, you can dramatically decrease damage from the enemy. 5. Activity Command By pressing one of the buttons shown, you will be given an attack that opposes that. If you press the X Button during the attack, you can make the action end and keep the rest of the AP. 6. Strategy Hints The Event Slot gives effects on every character, and Boost can let a character cut in the turn order. To unfold a battle to your advantage--- a. Consider the action order and event slot, and grasp the effects on both friend and foe. b. Consider the effect of the Event Slot and organize your actions. c. Make your turn order change in time. Using boost, you can have this effect. This strategy will become important. C. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT Other than Experience Points, there are three kinds of points you get in battle. 1) T. Pt. (Talent Point) 2) E. Pt. (Ether Point) 3) S. Pt. (Skill Point) 1. How to Use Talent Point a. Develop Your Parameters If you use the Talent Point, you can make a character's various parameters grow. HP/STR based character: character geared toward physical attacks EP/EATK based character: character geared toward Ether attacks Beyond that, as for ways to develop characters, the rest is up to your taste. b. Develop Your Deathblow Technique The level of attack is established by the Deathblow Technique, and you can level it up by using T. Pt. If you accumulate T. Pt. and level-up "Speed" in Deathblow Technique, then you can start to make Deathblow Technique appear even if your AP is lower than normal (4 points). 2. How to Use Ether Points a. Develop Ether The Ether that every character has can be made to grow by using his/her Ether Point. (For example, Shion can acquire "Medica". To get a better understanding of the translation below, please go to the Namco's website for Xenosaga.) - Shion has the Ether "Medica". If she makes this develop using E. Pt., she will acquire more powerful Ether. - Shion has developed "Medica" and gained "Analyze". - Then, if she uses E. Pt. on "Analyze", she can get "Medicus All" or "Refresh". This way, you can develop your Ethers and have them diverge. You can say that Ether has a genealogical tree of development. - She gets "Medicus All". "Medica" can just recover HP for one person, and now, as a result of Ether development, Shion has succeeded in getting "Medicus All", which is effective for all the characters involved in battle. 3. How to Use Skill Points In Xenosaga, "Accessory" has various effects on the character that equips it. The "Skill" system is where a character wears the accessory and draws its effect. You can acquire S. Pt. in battle, and by using S. Pt., skills are drawn from accessories. (Again, check out Namco's Xenosaga website.) - Here, Shion is spending S. Pt. to draw out a skill called "PDEF Guard" from an accessory (Sea Pendent). V. STORY TRANSLATION (Below contains translations of some text from Xenosaga, beginning with some important cut scenes. The first one begins after the Gnosis has invaded the Woglinde, and the ship is about to blow. This is the notorious ~40 min long cut-scene.) A. Escape from Woglinde Shion, Allen, and Virgil slowly make their way to an open area as they struggle to repulse the Gnosis onslaught. Temporarily leaving Allen and Virgil to deal with the creatures, Shion skips ahead and sees the one remaining escape pod to her left. She then turns and was caught off guard by Andrew. SHION (surprised) Commander Andrew! ANDREW What? What business do you guys have here... Several Gnosis caterpillars march toward the group despite hails of bullets. Following Shion's steps, Allen and Virgil back into the great hall. ANDREW (looking at the creatures) Gn, Gnosis. KOS-MOS casually joins the rest of the party with her Gatling guns in tow. ANDREW (looking at KOS-MOS) Did you ... wake up? KOS-MOS lines up with Virgil and Allen and opens fire with one of her two Gatling guns. All three proceed to launch a barrage of fires. VIRGIL (mad) Come and get it! Come and get it! Come and get it! Eat this! You bastards! Shion picks up a rifle and joins the others in attacking the Gnosis entering the hall. Suddenly, two Gnosis humanoids plop down right behind Shion. Surprised, she tilts her head to look back. Virgil sees Shion in trouble and comes to her rescue. Allen and KOS-MOS finally finished the Gnosis coming through the entrance and start to come to Shion's aid. KOS-MOS' autofiring system tries to target the Gnosis, but Virgil keeps getting in the way. Undeterred, KOS-MOS fires her Gatling gun, landing countless bullets into Virgil. As he fell, he sees the image of a blonde-haired woman. Virgil's death clears the way for KOS-MOS to launch a direct assault on the Gnosis. She quickly finishes them off. Shocked by KOS-MOS' actions, Shion drops her rifle, falls to her knees, and covers her mouth to keep herself from throwing up. KOS-MOS This ship is sinking. Please hurry. KOS-MOS walks toward Zohar, which is surrounded by rings. SHION (still sitting on the ground. angry) Please wait, KOS-MOS. KOS-MOS, (KOS-MOS stops in her tracks) Do you understand what you just did? KOS-MOS (her back facing Shion) The duty assigned to me is the protection of Vector personnels, you two. I do not have instructions to protect military personnels. SHION (shaking her head) Don't say such stupid thing, because it's ridiculous for killing others to be okay. Why did you shoot lieutenant Virgil? Even if you don't sacrifice him, with your power---" KOS-MOS At that time, lieutenant Virgil was in my line of fire. If I had put off my firing and went around him to come to your protection, it's expected that my attack ability would have decreased less than 30% by going from a twelve-o-clock to a one-o-clock direction. Compare to that, by killing the lieutenant first, the decrease in my attack did not drop more than 0.2%. I just made a reliable choice in order to make sure you're alive. (Allen puts his left hand on Shion's left shoulder. KOS-MOS continues.) Besides, the pod's seating capacity is two. It's certainly clear who and who have the priority. SHION (turning to look at KOS-MOS) That is too mean. Don't you have any conscious? KOS-MOS Shion, I am not "human". I am just a "weapon". That is what you're supposed to know the best. (Pause) What are you going to do? Are you going aboard? Are you not going aboard? If you feel like grieving for his death, I would advise you to live. If you do not, he will turn out to have had a "useless death". ALLEN Chief, well, let's go. KOS-MOS walks away as Shion follows. Andrew taps at the control panel for the rings surrounding Zohar. Even he steps back when KOS-MOS nears. KOS-MOS steps on the platform next to Zohar and focuses her attention on a big red "X" at its center. Suddenly, the ground shakes. It's a big Gnosis boss---!! After the boss is defeated, a hoard of little flying Gnosis converges around Zohar. KOS-MOS does her best to exterminate them, but they manage to steal it. The ship breaks apart, and then the bottom part explodes. We see KOS-MOS and Andrew, in spacesuit, standing atop the escape pod. One of the whale-like Gnosis opens up and swallows up the Zohar. KOS-MOS mumbles something that we cannot hear because of the vacuum of space. KOS-MOS' coffin joins up with the pod. KOS-MOS (image of the Zohar pops up on her monitor) ---Yes. The object was not the original. (image of KOS-MOS' brain and brain stem appears. A black spot is magnified from her right cerebral hemisphere , while the "X" on Zohar is enlarged.) ---Yes. It's an emulator. ---Understood. After marking, I will urgently leave the current area, continue the original plan, and head for the second Miltia. The whales open up some spatial fold as they prepare to make a jump. KOS-MOS conjures up a big gun between her hands, points it at the whales, and fires. The shots went into the spatial field, and the Gnosis whales disappear. KOS-MOS then maps the stars and scans for a ship. Luckily, she finds one heading right for them. We see the ship that responded to the distress call making its way through the debris. CAPTAIN'S VOICE Is everything annihilated?----- They sure did a clean job, those scoundrels. Isn't there anything left? Hey, Tony! About how long ago was the Federation ship seized? We see Elsa's bridge. Tony, the pilot, sits at the front. TONY Let me see. The last distress signal was sent 30 minutes ago. No matter how fast we're going, it still took less than 3 hours. (scratching his head, turning to his left toward Mathews the captain) There are no ships nearby. Well, Hammer? HAMMER (relaxed. with his hands wrapped behind his back) Yep. We're the only ship in an area with a radius of 5000 light years. (looking up at the captain) MATHEWS (sitting with his legs crossed) Okay. (throwing his left fist into his right palm) That's just perfect. Let's pilfer anything that we can try to sell. HAMMER Hey, captain. However close the date for paying your debt to gentleman Gaignun is coming up, isn't this just a little embarrassing? If we're caught by the police, we won't be able to avoid doing 10 years at least. MATHEWS The main point is that you're talking about "if" we get caught. Is the police going to take the trouble to come to such a remote region and make patrols? HAMMER So, even if you're not behaving as if you're stealing from the dead, don't you somehow feel like a hyena, or just becoming a space bearcat or jackal? MATHEWS (steps and pushes on the back of Hammer's seat, throwing him forward) You idiot! What sort of comparison is that? (pointing and waving his right hand at Hammer) Aren't they all extinct animals? For luck, just call it graceful recycling: recycling. TONY (joining in) As if recycling is tied to that master Gaignun. I wonder if it's all right for the Foundation's image to fall. Wait, a ruined ship is discovered in the three-o-clock direction. It's a Ganymede class. MATHEWS Oh. Bravo, Tony! Our interception of UMN emergency bandwidth has just paid off. Let's get there quickly--- Quickly! HAMMER (mumbling) As expected, a vulture--- MATHEWS (sticking his head out) You... Elsa approaches the debris field. HAMMER (typing on his console) Spectral, wide open. Geo crystal is flashing. MATHEWS Okay! This is good omen. First, let's get that. Tony stares out into space and sees a floating body. He gets scared and looks back at Mathews. TONY Isn't, isn't that a corpse? What Geo crystal? What the... MATHEWS ----- "Aren't you the scary cat?" This is the remains of a battlefield. It's nothing especially uncommon. We're just wasting our motor's propulsion. I don't care for it. Push it aside. TONY (after getting out from his seat) Are, are you joking? I was severely told by my dead grand mother to respect my ancestors. No joking- I'll get cursed. Captain, you do it. MATHEWS You idiot! What? That's something like your grandpa? Isn't that some weird reason. Let's move out right now without saying four or five words. TONY Wait. (KOS-MOS crashes into the bridge's window and bounces off) Isn't the captain always like this? You're always imposing all these detestable things on us. KOS-MOS gets lodged on the ship's left side window, with everyone staring. MATHEWS You, you stupid idiot. How about just letting it go. Let it go. I say just let it bounce off. TONY We're heading in a direction to catch it. That isn't my fault. MATHEWS It's all right, so just excuse yourself right now. HAMMER (looking at KOS-MOS) Ah, but this corpse looks like a girl. She may be a splendid beauty. He, he, he (pointing to KOS-MOS) MATHEWS It's no laughing matter, you pervert. There's no reason to salivate over a beauty when it's a corpse. TONY Yeah. And we've run into her. Still, it's regrettable that I can't meet her alive face to face--- KOS-MOS moves and looks at them with her red eyes. That throws the crew into shock and causes them to scream. KOS-MOS (with her hands pressed against the window) Please open a line of communication. I have something I want to talk about. The frequency is 2020. HAMMER (stunned) The corpse talked. MATHEWS (looking at Hammer) You, you fool! Take a good look. This is no corpse. TONY (sitting in the pilot's seat, praying) Nanmandabu, nanmandabu--- MATHEWS A Realien or a cyborg--- probably something like that. HAMMER B, but I've never heard of a Realien that can function in vacuum. MATHEWS So, so it's probably something like a military robot. It's safe, so open a channel. Hammer presses a few buttons and opens a channel. MATHEWS I am captain Mathews of the tramp steamer Elsa. A little while ago, we received your distress signal. By chance you were in the vicinity of this ship's course, and as soon as we heard the emergency we hurried to your rescue--- HAMMER (turning his head toward Mathews) Sure, a rescue. Mathews sticks his big right foot sharply against Hammer's seat, throwing Hammer's face forward. MATHEWS (clearing his throat, crossing his arms) Um, I wonder if there isn't anything we can assist with? HAMMER (whispering) Such rescue----- How about helping with the work or "recycling"? MATHEWS (leaning forward toward Hammer, whispering) You fool! We'll pretend we're here for a rescue and then get rid of her at our first opportunity. It's regrettable, but we can't leave anyone alive behind, you know. KOS-MOS I'm going to get right to the point. Please make a gate jump for the second Miltia right now. MATHEWS (looking up at KOS-MOS) Hah, little sister. If that was sleep talking, then say it in a bed. We still have "work" to do here. Can't we start on that immediately? It would be such a gift. As for second Miltia, do you know just how much it costs, other than it's long distance travel? KOS-MOS Don't worry. If it's the fee for the UMN gate, "we" have it. MATHEWS Can I trust such indecent talk? Even if for argument's sake what you say is true, we are held up by business prearrangments. We have no free time, no free time. KOS-MOS I too have no time. If you do not follow my instructions, I will destroy this window. MATHEWS (mad, waving his right index finger at KOS-MOS) Heh. If you can do it, just you try. (KOS-MOS launches off from the window...) Elsa's front window was made to sustain a direct hit by a debris 6 millimeter in diameter. (KOS-MOS stands up) Something like little sister's soft punch can't even make a crack----- KOS-MOS punches the front window and makes severe cracks in it. KOS-MOS The window will break in my next punch. You apparently are not wearing your spacesuits. (Hammer is hiding behind his seat) Here is my "good faith" proposal. As it stands now, I can occupy the ship after releasing you guys into space. Mathews looks back at KOS-MOS, contemplating what to do next. KOS-MOS quietly lifts her right hand. MATHEWS (arms stretched out in fear) ----- Wow. We'll go. We'll go. Yes, don't be irritated. KOS-MOS If you had simply complied from the start, this could have been settled in 1 minute and 45 seconds without waste of time. (Mathews has his left hand behind his back, moving to give a special signal) Now, I will get aboard. Please open the cargo bay. MATHEWS (still shaking his hand behind his back) Understood. KOS-MOS Or... Tony sees Mathew's signal. MATHEWS Wha, what? Tony reaches for a trigger. KOS-MOS Do not contemplate something like trying to shake me off by making the ship undergo emergency acceleration. Mathews emits a groan. HAMMER (nodding his head) She completely saw through you. MATHEWS (tilting his cap, shaking his head) Shut up. KOS-MOS leaps off the front window. Her coffin catches up with her as she thrusts toward the back of the ship where the cargo bay is located. We find KOS-MOS standing in front of Mathews. HAMMER (leaning back, facing Mathews) Hey, Captain. A communication is coming in on the all-use channel. MATHEWS Communication? Survivors? HAMMER Yes----- Switching over to the speakers now. MALE VOICE Excuse me---------- Isn't there anybody out there?--- We see the drifting escape pod surrounded by debris. Andrew is clinging on tightly for life. ALLEN Anybody? Anyone listening to this communication, somebody please help----. Hey chief, you (help) too. SHION (sitting in the front seat) We'll be all right. Soon enough rescue will come even if you don't do THAT. Hey, more importantly, I wonder where is that KOS-MOS?----- ALLEN I don't know. As it is, maybe the Gnosis is still around. SHION That's not what I'm concerned about now. We must recover KOS-MOS quickly. ALLEN (placing his left hand on some trackball-looking controller) More important than KOS-MOS is our rescue. Our rescue! Ah, if we get stuck like this, won't we be letting everyone go ahead of us------ I wonder if they're still close by------ What do you think? SHION I can't believe it----- Allen, why were you able to stay so calm earlier, despite what had happened----- Back on the Elsa, the crew and KOS-MOS listen in on the conversation. ALLEN'S VOICE I, I'm shocked. It's quite mortifying. To have you say it in such a way----- Ah, it's shocking. I'm definitely shocked----- For you to have thought of me like some cold and callous android----- SHION'S VOICE Now, nobody is saying such a thing. ALLEN'S VOICE You said it. You think that I'm an android. MATHEWS (listening, leaning against Hammer's console) What is this--- KOS-MOS walks over to the console and rudely imposes herself and presses a button. MATHEWS He, Hey! KOS-MOS Shion. A video image of KOS-MOS, Mathews, and Hammer pops up on Shion's display. SHION KOS-MOS. (Image of Shion appears on Elsa's bridge display) Where are you now? KOS-MOS Inside a passing civilian ship. Please live with that condition for a while. I expect a Federation rescue ship will come soon. SHION A while----- KOS-MOS, what do you intend to do? KOS-MOS Using this ship, I'm heading for Second Miltia. It's my instruction from the company. ALLEN (appearing on the screen) Heading out----- Wa, wait just a minute. What about us? KOS-MOS While regrettable, there was no instruction concerning you. The status quo takes priority. ALLEN Well, what? You'll have us patiently wait here for help? KOS-MOS That is how it will turn out. ALLEN Wait. There's no guarantee that somehow a Federation rescue ship will come to a dead space like this remote region. If it doesn't come, won't we starve to death inside this pod? Hey, I'm declining that idea. KOS-MOS Before that happens, the oxygen will run out, and you'll die of suffocation. That will happen about 46 hours from now. ALLEN What!----- Su, suffocation. KOS-MOS Yes. However, the probability of a rescue ship coming within 15 hours is 96%, so you will surely be rescued before that happens. Yet, I cannot confirm that. ALLEN S, so----- SHION No. There's no way you can be allowed to act on your own. Please admit us to your ship. KOS-MOS There is no time. I am cutting our transmission. Take care, Shion and Allen. SHION Please wait, KOS-MOS. (her hand on switch) If you don't admit us, I'll open the pod's hatch right now. Okay? ALLEN Wha, what are you doing, chief? Don't act foolishly. SHION Allen, shut up. Okay, KOS-MOS. You know what will happen if I make this lever turn, don't you? Aren't you getting anxious? Shouldn't you be making sure we're kept alive?... KOS-MOS stares at Shion with a blank look, as if she's processing the data. KOS-MOS You will not be keeping company with me. Please do it. (KOS-MOS walks away) SHION KOS-MOS, you don't believe me at all, do you? I'm serious. Shion activates the lever, and the alarm goes off aboard the escape pod. ALLEN You're really turning it---- A voice is heard behind KOS-MOS, making her look back. VOICE How about giving her some help. A youngman with silvery hair leisurely steps onto the bridge, yawning and stretching. YOUNG MAN She seems serious. MATHEWS Yo, Chaos. You're awake. CHAOS Who can sleep with all this noise going on. In her mind, KOS-MOS process information on Chaos. Chaos walks briskly over to KOS-MOS, after speaking with Mathews. He puts his right hand on her shoulder. CHAOS Well, okay? She doesn't seem to have any objections, so then we just need the captain's approval----- How about it, captain? I too am asking you as a favor. MATHEWS (smoking a cigarette) Ah. If you say it's okay, I don't care. Chaos waves to Tony. CHAOS Tony. Elsa heads out toward the escape pod, opens its forward bay door, and picks it up. Then, we see Shion on the bridge aboard the ship. SHION (bowing down) Excuse us. Shion, Allen, and Andrew step aboard the bridge and slowly walk toward Mathews. SHION H, hi---- MATHEWS (offering his hand) I'm captain Mathews. SHION (shaking Mathews' hand) I'm Shion Uzuki, from Vector Industry's first development office. (looking toward Allen) This is Allen Ridgely from my office. I'm sorry. On account of our firm's inflexible KOS-MOS, we have troubled you. Oh, Allen also has something to say. ALLEN Ah, yes. Yes, you have really helped. Thanks to my inflexible superior, I was close to dangerously perish among the space rubbish----- (Shion inflicts some pain on Allen) ----- Ouch! We see Shion's right foot stepping on Allen left foot. MATHEWS If you want to say thanks, you should say it to Chaos here. We were planning on deserting you guys. SHION Is that so---- (Shion walks over to Chaos, picks up his left hand, and holds it between hers) Thank you, Chaos. CHAOS It's all right. If I was in trouble, you'd do the same for me. MATHEWS Well, thanks to Chaos here, we have been very much saved before. So, I cannot refuse his request. SHION Is that so? That is so--- (turning to KOS-MOS) Just a second, KOS-MOS. What the hell are you doing? After deserting us, you're going to Second Miltia alone----- Isn't your loaded OS already activated? KOS-MOS -----That may be so. SHION Well, incidentally, what is the company's instruction? KOS-MOS (turning toward Mathews) Captain Mathews, I want to borrow a fitting room in a hanger. SHION Wait, KOS-MOS. MATHEWS Ah, I don't care. Whatever you do is fine with me, KOS-MOS. KOS-MOS With the experimental condenser, my energy is getting used up because of all the battles. To reload, we will install a bypass from the generator. SHION (mad) Look, please answer to people's questions, KOS-MOS. MATHEWS Okay if I demand a fee? KOS-MOS Yes. SHION (interrupting) KOS- KOS-MOS (cutting Shion off) Shion. SHION (surprised) Ye, yes. KOS-MOS There seems to be a irregularity in my sensor. Please adjust it during the time before we arrive at our destination. SHION Wha, why I----- KOS-MOS This is your job, isn't it? I'm entrusting it to you, Shion. KOS-MOS walks off and heads for the door. Shion drops her head and gives out a sigh. She then turns to Mathews. SHION I'm really sorry. I'm sorry to trouble you; that kid is terribly inflexible. CHAOS No. I'm enjoying myself. With more crews, this ship is bound to become very lively. TONY (walking by) Sure. Elsa has been in a 10,000-year-long woman drought. (putting his arm around Shion) How about it? After we arrive at our destination, let's have some wine in a hotel suite... ALLEN (jealous) Ah, ah. Ah, ah--- SHION (not knowing how to respond) W, well----- Sure----- MATHEWS Behave yourself now, Tony. But, as for woman (aboard this ship)... Aside from Miss Uzuki, THAT (referring to KOS-MOS) is an "inhuman", fighting machine. CHAOS I wonder... To me, she doesn't seem that much different from some "humans". ANDREW (walking down a ramp) Captain, was this ship heading for Seniru? MATHEWS We're en route to Koram---. We're about 3 days away from Ataria. We can drop you off if we stop there. ANDREW Is that so? And the fee----- MATHEWS With the way things have gone down, today is free. If you want though, I haven't had a decent experience today. How about a bribe? ANDREW I'd call that a fee. MATHEWS What? It's like the Navy I saw. (turning to look at a spot in space) It's a goodwill gesture for my old haunt----- A Gnosis leaps down on the ship to everyone's surprise. HAMMER (backing off) G, G, G, Gno, Gno----- SHION Gnosis! ALLEN Just as I thought. They were still around. Gnosis passes right through the window. ANDREW It, it's coming through. You, you bastard! (he fires his pistol) The shots just go right through it and bounce around the bridge. It grabs Andrew's head and begins to drain his life from him. MATHEWS Chaos! CHAOS Understood. Chaos walks right up to the Gnosis. SHION Chaos! CHAOS (turning to look at Shion) It's okay. Just as the Gnosis prepares to grab onto him, Chaos thrusts his right hand forward and freezes the monster. Shion looks on in amazement. Chaos just lightly touches the Gnosis' arm, and a sparkling wave spreads right through it and dissolves it. Andrew falls to the ground, gasping for air. SHION The Gnosis... ALLEN Wha, what did you do just now? MATHEWS Well, that is one of the reasons why we're safe. SHION The reason. How did you do that? What people can dissolve the Gnosis? CHAOS (walking toward Shion) If there are people who are good at drawing pictures, then there are people good at making things disappear. Look, Hammer's talent as a navigator is first-class, and his knowledge about the net is abundant. Tony's piloting skill is the best in the universe; there's no one comparable to him. He's self-styled, though. (turning toward the captain) As for the captain--- The captain has more debt than anybody. MATHEWS Ah, ah, yes--- (realizing he's been insulted) ----- Hey, what's the deal? CHAOS There's something special about everyone. I expect there to be "something" that one can define oneself. Shion, I wonder if you can be defined by something. SHION (surprised) Well, for me----- I... CHAOS That's how it's like in my case. It's probably just that. TONY Yes, it's just that. SHION Ah, is that so? I guess so. If you put it that way, I can vaguely understand it. HAMMER (nodding) That's the case. ALLEN Is that so----- Huh? (waking up from Chaos' lame reason) But, chief, can you really agree with that? It's the Gnosis. Gnosis! CHAOS (speaking to Mathews) Well, captain. We must not head for our destination before they can be tossed back into space. It would seem very "dry" of us to leave her here. MATHEWS Ah, after this matter has been settled and the debt returned, it's my splendid plan to fly to Keltia and try to see the voluptuously charming and energetic live performance of the "Spice Sisters"----- TONY No, our repayment to master Gaignun is utterly unreasonable. It's just too much. But, wait. Captain, you like the Spice Sisters too? HAMMER Captain, even if you can't especially go to Keltia, isn't it okay to just receive on UMN and watch it later? MATHEWS (waving around his picture of Spice Sisters) You, you idiot! The only thing that is sent in the visual field is merely the information. You have to compare it to the actual persons that are literally scorching directly into your eyes. (What you're saying) is just hot air. The point is that it's a matter of reality. TONY They're with you either way. It's all inside your brain. You can't tell. MATHEWS (waving Tony off) Be quiet--- Let's get this ship going right now. TONY (walking back to his pilot's seat) Yes, sir. Understood. Understood. CHAOS Well then, I'll show Shion and the others around the ship. SHION I hope you'll look after us. MATHEWS Oh, you do that, Chaos. Today has been an REALLY unlucky day. Elsa flies off. At the presidential office at Vector Industry's headquarter. A VOICE Mr. Wilhelm, I have a report from KOS-MOS. It seems that Shion Uzuki and Allen Ridgely are traveling with KOS-MOS. WILHELM Is that so. MAN IN RED CLOAK It's fortunate if you think how that ship with unknown registry was already closing in on the battlefield. WILHELM For argument's sake, if they became a threat to her, KOS-MOS will protect her. That's so. MAN Yes, we've made that a priority over all her directives. WILHELM In any case. It was wise of us to let them salvage KOS-MOS. There is no need for her to serve more than this, against an army or him. The data on the maiden Rain was completely loaded. This entire matter will progress in a way the system's compass points to. Afterwards----- complete the necessary factor, and wait for another one to wake up----- A planet is first surrounded by light, and then slowly, beams of light burn right thru the planet's surface. Ultimately, it's completely consumed by the light. Finally, the planet shrinks, explodes, and disintegrates. We see a blonde woman. MAN'S VOICE Merely 1,500,000,000. (the man walks up to the blonde) What are these numbers? WOMAN Innocent people. They should be things that we, quite naturally, respect. MAN What respect? You're sounding like a philanthropist. The experiment was certainly a failure, but I'll clap my hands for the Emulator's retrieval. At a moment of crisis, I wouldn't care to use the original. The point is that we had better repeat (these experiments) until we get the results. You look as if your conscience cannot bear to be patient. If so, won't it be better if you yourself made an official announcement and wait to be convicted? WOMAN It's just like you. MAN Don't make me laugh at a fellow low-class person. We are both standing at a place that pronounces our equal criminal conviction. Or----- Pellegri, are you saying that in these 14 years you forgot our goal? Pellegri looks down SOLDIER Commander Margulis. MARGULIS What is it? SOLDIER I have a report from major Wandercam, a survivor from the advance troop. The squad was annihilated, and they failed to secure the Zohar Emulator. MARGULIS Where is Zohar now? SOLDIER Unknown, but it's possible that the Gnosis snatched it. MARGULIS Is that so? Notify special service fleet #474. We may have to go to plan 31. Have the fleet wait at the appropriate spatial grid until further order. SOLDIER Yes, sir. Place: an orbiting station -----Federation Home Planet 5th Jerusalem, Orbiting Tower----- We see a room with 7 seats arranged in a circle. With the chairman of the sub-committee at the center seat (Man #1), here is the description of the members from left to right: Man #2 (man with green hair) Man #4 (smoking man) Man #5 (old man) Man #1 (chairman) Woman #1 (woman w/ black hair) Man #3 (man with plate) Woman #2 (woman w/ brown hair) MAN #1 By the way, what sort of character is this man? MAN #2 He was a member of a special unit belonging to the old Federation police force. He specialized in counter-terrorism. However, this was more than 100 years ago, and now, as a dedicated cyborg, he performs various jobs. MAN #1 Cyborgs are old style. WOMAN #1 He is a relic of a time when we resurrected dead people and re-used them. Back then, we didn't have the disposable Realiens that we have now. MAN #3 (holding a green plate) Isn't that quite a enormous personal history?----- MAN #2 Rumor says he's a man who always hopes for jobs with low probabilities of success. MAN #4 Is he an eccentric? Or, is he a battle maniac? MAN #2 Psychiatrically speaking, he is normal, and it seems that he doesn't like killing people. MAN #5 Hum. Along with scientific developments, many medical institutions are like drug store shelves for several centuries now. The only ones that exert any influence now are psychiatrists. I can't trust them to just quibble for the sake of this survivor. MAN #5 His mission accomplishment rate is extremely high. I can give my nod to his recommendation. A message arrives on a video panel. MESSAGE I've brought him. MAN #1 Enter. A door opens in the middle of the floor. The elevator brings a man and the visual image of the secretary. MAN #1 That's all. IMAGE OF SECRETARY Yes. Excuse me. MAN #3 You're Ziggurat 8. After dying on T. C. 4667, on your dying wish, you dedicated your body to Ziggurat Industry. ZIGGURAT 8 That's correct. MAN #1 Were you listening to this talk? ZIGGURAT 8 No. MAN #4 Recently, we received information that says there are signs of a resurrection of a armed organization. It's the organization that caused that incident from 14 years ago. ZIGGURAT 8 The U-TIC organization. MAN #5 Yes. From the information we personally gathered, we have determined where the U-TIC organization is hiding. All the seats turn to face the large monitor behind Ziggurat 8. On the screen, a large object is shown. MAN #3 It seems to function as a church for an ancient religion from the old century. After it was abandoned, it was unoccupied for several centuries until now. ZIGGURAT 8 Then you're asking me to infiltrate there and collect information----- MAN #3 It's better to leave that sort of work to the intelligence department. MAN #1 The truth is----- To say it simply----- We want you to rescue someone and swiftly deliver her to a suitable place. Um, if I say it accurately, it's a THING, not a person----- ZIGGURAT 8 Please be concise. Woman with black hair snickers. Man #1 urges her on. She pushes a few buttons, and the screen displays who he's suppose to rescue. ZIGGURAT A child----- Is she a civilian? MAN #3 She's a Realien. A Type-100 Realien. Do you know it? ZIGGURAT 8 Type-100----- I have heard a rumor that they're observational Realiens that were especially manufactured for the Gnosis. However, I never thought that they had a child's disguise. MAN #3 Is this your first time seeing the real thing? ZIGGURAT 8 Yes. However, I suppose they're already in the mass production phase at Vector. MAN #3 This is the prototype. MAN #5 She is the original model that became the mold for all the Type-100's. ZIGGURAT 8 In short, that' why the protection of this girl takes priority over the entire matter. MAN #5 So, you understand and will help. MAN #1 Yes, can you take this mission? ZIGGURAT 8 There are no human rights for dedicated cyborgs. I don't have the right to refuse. As for the necessary weapons and resources, after I have analyzed the circumstances----- (pauses for a second) I will tell you my fee, but would it be all right for me to make one request? MAN #5 Tell us. ZIGGURAT 8 After my return, I want to remove the fragments of memory from my past life, the ones that remain in my living brain. MAN #5 It doesn't matter to me, but if you're old-styled, a complete purge may be difficult. ZIGGURAT 8 Replacing it (the brain) with an artificial part will do. MAN #1 It's a strange demand. Today, we have Realiens insisting on human rights and people becoming machines. I've decided. Let's make the arrangements. ZIGGURAT 8 Thank you. MAN #1, who appears to be the sub-committee's chairman, points to the woman to his left. WOMAN #1 Later, for more details, refer them to her (pointing to the woman #2, one sitting in the last seat on Ziggy's right) Professor Yuri Mizrahi. Ziggy nods for Professor Yuri Mizrahi. The elevator descends, and the door closes behind it. YURI MIZRAHI Indeed----- He is not one to die at his post. The cause of his death seems to be suicide. One shot to his head with his favorite handgun. MAN #5 Suicide? Is it good to entrust the Type-100 to such a man? What would we do if his suicidal tendency surfaced? YURI MIZRAHI Don't worry. He is prohibited from self-destructive behavior and mission abandonment. A safety is installed. Yuri Mizrahi turns her seat around and gets up. She walks to a window and places her right hand on the rail. YURI MIZRAHI He was revived against his will. He will completely become a machine if his remaining biological brain is replaced by an artificial part. Then, for the first time, he will be legally "dead". We're back to U-TIC's headquarter. We see Margulis entering a prison cell. Inside, there's a little girl with red hair and ponytails. MARGULIS How are you doing, Type-100 Realien? (turning to his left and looks at some food on a tray, which is still untouched) Are you unsatisfied with the food here? Realions need supplies too. Can you be so well-mannered that you can't reply, Federation's Type-100 Realien? GIRL I hate that name----- MARGULIS Indeed. My apologies. What do you want to be called, Type-100 Realien girl? GIRL I don't want to be called by someone I don't know well. Where do you plan on taking me? MARGULIS (leaning against the table and crossing his arms) It's not a place you know. GIRL What's going to happen to me? MARGULIS You'll become helpful to us. The life of a machine is designed to serve. As your fate after that, it may be at a place that only God knows. Though, a conversation about the existence of God with you Realiens----- GIRL I cannot find anything other than Gnosis. So, I'm no help to you. MARGULIS May be so. (pointing to his head) However, you're different up "here". We have some use for your "man up here". (Girl stands to attention) What is it? While we can put you to use, we'll keep you alive. Soon, "the fellow" will arrive. He turns and walks out of the cell. The girl sits down and contemplates. GIRL Mama----- I want to return to the research lab----- A spaceship approaches the U-TIC headquarter and enters undetected. It's 46 hours later. Two soldiers walks out of the ship after docking. Just as the ship is about to take off again, the silhouette of Ziggy jumps out from the ship and lands. ZIGGURAT 8 Now...... This time, the mission is the rescue of a Type-100 Realien. The question is where she is kept...... Until I discover my target, I don't want to cause any commotion. It's probably better to avoid careless battles. B. Inside the Giant Gnosis <<>> Elsa disengages from a terminal at Dock Colony and prepares to resume her journey to Second Miltia. We see Andrew toss and turn in the lower bunk of a double-bunked bed. In his nightmare, he witnesses a vision, a flash of the moment when he was picked up by the Gnosis. Andrew then wakes up in cold sweat. Trying to find some relief, Andrew gets a cup of coffee (or its equivalent) from a vending machine. Suddenly, his right hand begins to shake. Then, as it goes limp, Andrew experiences some shock or convulsion. He falls to the ground, still short of breath and gasping for air. Then, his hand seems to disappear right before his eyes. In pain, his drug delivery/injection device drops to the ground and rolls down a couple of stairs. His vision blurs as he tries to find some comfort. A flash of an image of Zohar. Afterwards, we find Shion taking a nap with her portable computing device in her hands. She lays it on the sofa, shutting off the device. A VOICE -----On----- -----Shion----- -----Shion----- Shion. Shion opens her eyes, and to her surprise, there was a little girl in a white dress. It's the same one she saw earlier. The fog clears. GIRL IN WHITE DRESS It just won't do-----anymore----- SHION (taking a couple of steps toward the girl) Who are you? It won't do----- What the hell won't do? GIRL IN WHITE DRESS Which is selected depends on him-----, but it may be that, you, you can understand the feeling of his death. (Suddenly, there is a bright light.) That is tranquility for him---------- Shion awakes and stands up just when the ship comes under attack. She rushes out the door. We see Elsa flying through hyperspace, but something is wrong. Shion rushes onto the bridge. SHION What, what's happening? KOS-MOS A powerful force is acting against the ship from outside the hyperspace. MOMO What's the matter? KOS-MOS Someone---- is trying to contact us. As things stand, we will be returning to normal space. MOMO This, this sensation----- MOMO looks at her hands as they emit a strange glow. Shion also notices the same thing with her hands. SHION What?----- Elsa falls out of hyperspace. Everyone stares out of Elsa's front window. SHION -----Gnosis! The entire space around them is covered by Gnosis. MATHEWS What's happening? Hey, do we have transition co-ordinates? HAMMER N, No----- That----- TONY That's an amazing number (of Gnosis)----- SHION KOS-MOS, deploy super-wide-area Hilbelt Effect! KOS-MOS's goggle clamps down, and she activates her super-wide-field Hilbelt Effect. MOMO In, Incredible----- Even with an amplifier system, a field with 100 kilometer radius is my interference limit----- TONY Captain, the helm is ineffective. CHAOS We're being pulled by an unusual gravitational field. MATHEWS What? Elsa drifts closer and closer to one of the larger Gnosis. Shion regains consciousness. SHION Where----- Where am I-----? She turns to face the others (MOMO, Ziggy, Chaos, and KOS-MOS) Chaos walks toward her. SHION Everyone----- CHAOS It's good to see you're okay. SHION Chaos, you're here too. CHAOS Well, if I remember correctly, we're all surrounded by this light, and then----- MOMO Please wait----- This feeling----- (She looks around) I'm sure of it. This is the inside of a Gnosis. SHION The inside of a Gnosis----- Huh? KOS-MOS To be precise, this is a spot close to the approximate center of a giant Gnosis. The size of this Gnosis is about 16,000 kilometers across. According to our observations to date, we have not discovered a Gnosis larger than this except for a type known as "the Sanctuary Ship". SHION Impossible! Were we swallowed up? CHAOS Our circumstance may be close that----- MOMO I can't sense active response from the Gnosis on the outside. It's as if they are asleep----- Yes. How about Elsa? Where are the captain and the others? ZIGGY I want to think that they're like us, somewhere inside this Gnosis, but----- KOS-MOS steps forward. SHION What is it, KOS-MOS? KOS-MOS There is a response on my sensor----- SHION A response? Surely, it's the Elsa? KOS-MOS Yes. Other than that (Elsa), there is one more object nearby. While the signal is weak, I have acquired response that closely resembled the waveform of Zohar, the object stolen from Woglinde. SHION Zohar's waveform? That golden object kept in the housing warehouse? That is here? ZIGGY What's the distance to Elsa? KOS-MOS The direct distance from here is about 10 kilometer. ZIGGY That is close----- SHION Outside is space----- I'm worried about Allen and others----- CHAOS (nods) Let's get going. We see Andrew walking alone and feeling his way around. ANDREW (scared) How foolish----- Am I seeing a dream? It can't be----- At that time, Ariadne----- (We see an image of Zohar.) was an injury that disappeared with the Zohar overload accident. We see a planet implode. Then, Andrew stands in the middle of a street bustling with people. He takes a good look around. ANDREW Impossible----- A girl with red shirt and white skirt walks in front of him. Andrew walks briskly toward her. Suddenly, everyone disappears, leaving a strange door standing upright and casting its long shadow. Andrew walks up to the door, opens it, and looks inside to see shooting. We see the image of a boy, then a man, standing among the ruins. Aboard the Kookai Foundation's Durandal, an alarm sounds on the bridge. BRIDGE WORKER Official warning announcement in Area D. Abnormal waves are detected from the isolation hanger. Junior arrives on the bridge via an elevator. JUNIOR Area D? Is it Zohar?----- BRIDGE WORKER Area D, increase output of the attract inhibitor of every hanger. There's UMN traffic on EPR radar. I will make resonance waves emanate through hyperspace. JUNIOR Where is it? Junior walks up to Shelly, who is working hard at her console. SHELLY I'm detecting the source of the response. JUNIOR It's resonating with Zohar. Prepare to make the gate jump. (turning right) Mary, report to the Foundation. We'll follow Zohar. MARY Understood. After doing a bit of exploration inside the giant Gnosis, our little group has a nice little chat. ZIGGY "the Sanctuary Ship"?----- It really feels as if we're inside a ship. However, no matter how I look at it, it doesn't seem like a Federation ship----- MOMO It must be an alien spaceship. SHION I wonder how (this is possible)----- (Shion, Ziggy, and Chaos pause in their tracks. Shion points to something.) Look there. They see a sign with "Ariadne Central Shopping Mall" written on it. MOMO This is our language. SHION But, it's strange. The sign, rather than stabbing into the wall, is actually part of the length of the wall. MOMO So, is this plate a part of Gnosis? Impossible----- CHAOS Take a good look around. (We see another plate with a picture of fish and the words "fish?" written on it.) It's not just this plate. There are many others. SHION Is this really the inside of a Gnosis?----- There's an image flash: Black-and-white image of the girl that Shion saw earlier. SHION (shocked by the image) Huh? ZIGGY Did you discover something? SHION Eh, Um, Ummm. It's nothing----- (Thinking to herself: "That kid again----- What the hell is here-----) We see Andrew walking again. Then, there's another change in scene. We see a central podium surrounded by seats in a huge hall. As you'll find out, it's a courtroom. FEMALE VOICE #1 ----- The motive of the accused is yet unknown. Was he distracted by the confusion of war? Or was he "forced to be distracted"? To put things in perspective, (We see a blonde) this in fact shows a case where one can say that the accused himself also is a victim of the Life Recyle Law. (we see Andrew standing in the central podium) Would it be good to turn this poor soul into the first victim of our capital punishment system, one that has been in effect for several thousand years? Certainly, the accused must atone for the crime he committed. However, shouldn't our divergent types of atonement policies have been born out of human consciousness and scientific development? How about making a generous or wise judgement? MALE VOICE ----- Our courtroom decides to sentence the accused, Andrew Cherenkoff, to undergo the 7th type personality correction treatment. FEMALE VOICE #2 With this treatment, the person that you know as you will no longer exist. However, that will also be the birth of your new world. Let's bless this (new start). The mark of a "X" appears on Andrew's forehead. We see the blonde woman from the courtroom (female voice #1) standing near a room's entrance. Andrew walks up to her, holding up a document. ANDREW (angry) What's the meaning of this? (The words "Notice of Cloning Procedure Completion" are written on the document. On the right side of the screen, we see in Japanese text "Notice of Self-Cloning Completion") Why is it hopeless for us to have a kid? BLONDE (laughing) Stop it. Are you saying that you want something returned? Well, I never! They're just genes that caused that abnormality. Don't say such things! Nano-technology isn't all-powerful. It can't compensate for genomic diversity. ANDREW But, you said to me there was a reason? BLONDE How disgraceful. You were given life because of your nucleic acids. It was natural for you to be the way you were at that time. It's because of this "thing" (gene, nucleic acids) that creates you. ANDREW Then, why you're with me----- BLONDE For the sake of this. For the sake of getting your permission. For what do you think I have worked for all this while? "Bolantia. BO, LA, N, TI, A." I've had enough of this joke of your thinking that there's romance between us. (She picks up a headphone) I've had enough of that now. (tossing it at his head. The headphone bounces off and lands on the ground) (walking right pass the headphone) Don't fail to take your control medicine regularly, okay? I'm the one that gets asked about supervisory responsibility (over you)----- She stands in the bedroom. He walks toward her, stepping on the headphone. One moment, she turns to face him; the next, she's dead on the ground. We see an image of Andrew getting locked up in a cell. The door slams. MALE VOICE In accordance to Federation laws, you will undergo the 8th personality correction treatment. Through this, the accused number 12584 will be deprived of individual rights. From now on, the accused will be branded as a living organism under the jurisdiction of the Federation. This measure means that you (the accused) will have qualifications equivalent to those of Realiens as described in our present law. Andrew receives a "N"-shaped letter on his forehead. Scene: Central Tower Ariadne. We see Andrew walking among busy pedestrians. Then, he sees a girl with short blonde hair. Suddenly, she is seen as the blonde woman that Andrew killed. He realizes it was all in his imagination. Andrew stops her in her track. She looks up at his face. GIRL Excuse me----- Andrew screams. We see him picking her off the ground, perhaps killing her. Then, he again winds up in a jail cell. MALE VOICE #1 However,----- I have not seen a stable network up to now. MALE VOICE #2 Did he not receive the 8th correction therapy? MALE VOICE #3 Anyway, his life is precious to us. First of all, as a sample for the 9th correction----- Oddly, the door opens. Outside the facility, the grounds are littered with dead bodies. A spaceship appears and touches down. We see Andrew sitting silently among the bodies. MALE VOICE I heard that a single man completely slaughtered all the personnel here and three squads of the Federation Police's special unit, so I was looking forward to see what sort of man he is.----- You look as if you're some abandoned puppy. Did you really do all this? Andrew turns to face the man. It's Margulis, putting on a smile. Andrew makes a leap at him, but Margulis amazingly jumps aside. MARGULIS Is it due to mutations caused by Life Recyling, as expected?----- Well then, that's why the Federation Police suffered under those hands. That is worthy of praise. However,----- Andrew makes another attack, and this time Margulis takes a jab at Andrew's throat. Andrew lays on the ground, rolls over, and gasps for air. MARGULIS So, in reality, that's how you're like------ SOLDIER (walking up to Margulis) Commander Margulis, the number 308 field troops of Wilgarta----- MARGULIS Understood. We'll take him with us. SOLDIER You're surely not serious (about this)? MARGULIS Ah, he will become something (useful for us). SOLDIER Is that so----- MARGULIS (kneeing before Andrew) You just wanted to return your existence back among the people. (offering his hand) Isn't that so? Andrew looks up at Margulis as if he's seeing an angel. MARGULIS Show me the proof that you exist--- Show me. Andrew continues to walk around the giant Gnosis... Translation Copyrighted 2002 by Henry H. Jerng. Xenosaga, Episode I is copyrighted by Namco. Original Japanese text on story, background, and character appeared on HyperPlayStation2 magazine, March issue, pages 24-31. The information on gameplay came from Namco Japan's website. Original author retains copyrights to the Japanese material. Reproduction and distribution of this material without my consent is strictly prohibited. Thanks go out to CJayC for creating and maintaining www.gamefaqs.com as the premier website for videogame FAQs and information.