***************************************************************************** XENOSAGA EPISODE 1: DER WILLE ZUR MACHT for PLAYSTATION 2 ***************************************************************************** XENOCARD FAQ AND CARD LIST (v1.1) ***************************************************************************** By DENOUEMENT (cgparham757@aol.com) ***************************************************************************** .........::,,;;iiiiiiiii;;,,::......... . .......::;;;;iiitjLLLjjtii;;::........ .....:,;;iiiti;tGEEEGftii;;,,:...... ...::;;ittjtiifKEEKEDjttii;,::.... ..:,;;iitjjtjGGGGEEEDGLii;;::... .::;;iijGGjfLGGGEEDDDGti;;::. :ii;.;i;. :;;ifGGGGfjLLfGGGDGGLj;;:. f##WL##j :;;,. :,,:,itfGGGGDGfjLjffLDDDLLj;.:;;,. .;;:,,,. :;;;, j#####K. ,K#WW#Wj ,###K###fLDW#W##WGfL##W##WDfLW#K##K; tW##W##K,,G##W##G: t####Wt :D##DK##G j##Gf##Wtf###GW##EGK##EEKELfKWKf##W;,E##GK##L.fWWEE##D: .K#####t iW##GEEDi.D##fD##EtL###D###EEEW####GfLDWWK##D.j##Wj##Wi jDWW###j t##WK##f.L##Kf##E:iW##jW##LtD##EK##KDK##EW##DfW##fD##j L##WE##D::##Kf###, ,E##LD##L tW##W#D; f##KL##KttG##W##KEEE##W##WfjW##KW##;.jEKGE##j.,##WK##W. .,,: .,,: ,;,: ,;;,,;i;;itjfLLGDEEEDDELfjjttji;;;;::DW###EL. :;::;ti ..::::::,;iitjtffjLLfjLfjtjtti,,,::::::... :.....:::,,::,,,,;;iii;;tii;;;,:..:.:.::.... i;,;,.ii,i,;..;;,, tti;,;i;. .,;,:::,,ij:i;,. ***************************************************************************** CURRENT STATUS: Haven't beaten the Proto Dora yet so I don't have that card's text info, should be very soon though, just need to quit Xenocard and actually resume the game. Also, the strategies section is bare-bones right now, I should add more stuff to it soon. Otherwise, finito! If you have a contribution, please send it and also give a name you would like to be credited by if I put it in the guide. DISCLAIMER: This file is copyright by Denouement (Chris Parham). You may NOT reproduce or distribute this guide in any manner, electronically or otherwise, without the express written permission of the author. You may not display this guide on any page in which there are advertisement banners. Below can be found the list of sites that are permitted to host this guide. This list can be changed at any time. List of acceptable sites: GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com). List of sites which do NOT have permission: www.cheats.de Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com). Remember, plagiarism is a crime and is punishable under the law. Note: You can always find the latest version at GameFAQs, at www.gamefaqs.com Thanks CJayC! ***************************************************************************** E-MAIL POLICY: I welcome e-mails at cgparham757@aol.com but here are the Do's and the Dont's: DO send questions not in the FAQ. DO send questions in text or HTML format. DO send e-mails with "GameFAQs" in the subject line. DO send suggestions and corrections, this is not a final guide. DO tell me if you find this guide on a site where it is not permitted (see above). DON'T send executables. DON'T send vulgar or inappropriate mail. DON'T send mail over and over again, I only check it once every day, at most. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible...unless you did one of the "DONTS", in which case your mail will be summarily ignored and ruthlessly deleted. ***************************************************************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introductory Material II. Table of Contents III. Introduction IV. Explanation of the Card Game A. General B. The Cards C. The Layout D. Turn Phases E. Phase I: Draw F. Phase II: Move G. Phase III: Event H. Phase IV: Set I. Phase V: Block J. Phase VI: Battle K. Phase VII: Adjust L. Mechanics of Xenocard M. Buying Cards V. Strategies VI. Card List A. Battle Cards (#1-#82) B. Event Cards (#83-#120) C. Situation Cards (#121-#142) VII. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) VIII. Card Checklist IX. Document Footer ***************************************************************************** III. INTRODUCTION This FAQ concerns the Xenocard subgame, which is a part of the great new game Xenogears from Namco for Playstation 2. With that taken care of, this FAQ will cover a number of specific things related to the card game. While some aspects of the game may also be tangentially explored as they relate to the card game, please don't expect much beyond discussion of the game. For more extensive discussion, read a complete walkthrough of the game (that should help you a lot more). A number of walkthroughs can be found at this URL: Or, visit the Message Board at GameFAQs and someone should be able to help you. But always check the FAQs first! If you need something explained regarding the card game itself, feel free to e-mail me about it. Don't send me any e-mails about the rest of the game as I will simply not respond to them. Follow the e-mail rules above, please. The Xenocard game is perhaps one of the most extensive and in-depth minigames ever embedded within an RPG. It is stunningly large and you will almost certainly be surprised by it. The only thing that reduces this minigame is that it is very self-contained; that is, it does not have a lot of crossover with the main game in terms of rewards going from one to the other, and so on. Still, it is a lot of fun and is almost a free second game within your original purchase. The first main part of this guide covers the extensive rules of the card game as it functions in the game, and also covers some strategies which I and others have developed to help you win the game. The second large section is the Card List, which is probably what you were looking for when you downloaded this guide. It should be pretty complete. Enjoy! v1.0: Card list essentially complete. v1.1: This is the first update to the guide, there are no major changes, except for more added materials in the Strategies section. Additional updates to this section are forthcoming. ***************************************************************************** +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ IV. PART ONE, PART ONE: EXPLANATION OF THE GAME +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ General ------- You first get your chance to play the card game pretty early in the game. The essential item which allows you to play the card game is the Card Passport. Acquire the Card Passport by, when you are on the Elsa, talking to the bartender robot in the restaurant. For all you Final Fantasy VIII and IX players, you might be in for a surprise as to exactly how complex this card game can be. It's not just a simple play 'em and flip 'em card game. In fact, it's more along the lines of Magic: the Gathering than the War-derivatives that were Tetra Quest and Triple Triad. You would be very well advised to check out the full tutorial that is provided by the game since seeing is always a little more enlightening than just reading in a text file. Still, the full rules of the game are provided here, along with some comments made by me to explicate them a little more fully. The goal of any game of Xenocard is to achieve victory by forcing your opponent to run through his entire deck, leaving him with no remaining cards. You can attack your opponent's deck in a number of ways, forcing him to lose cards and bringing him ever closer to his final defeat. Of course, at the same time you must seek to take protective measures for the sake of guarding your own deck. The Cards --------- There are three types of cards you need to concern yourself with in Xenocard. I kind of feel like expanding the comparison to Magic: the Gathering, so let me correspond each type of Xenocard with the appropriate type of Magic card. (Actually, to be honest, I'll be making a lot of comparisons to M:TG, not because I'm somehow obsessed with it, in fact I haven't played in about five years, but because the mechanics of Xenocard are basically ripped off straight from Magic.) The first type of card is the red-colored BATTLE cards. These are most similar to permanents in M:TG. These cards act as the primary means of attacking your opponent, and they mainly include various types of fighters to add to your side, as well as equipment to give these fighters. Examples of this type of card are the "Lv 1 KOS-MOS" card and the "Battle Suit" card. There are a number of different subgroups of this category, which are called attributes, but these will be explained later. There are 82 Battle cards in the complete Xenocard set, numbered from 1 to 82. Yellow EVENT cards are similar to instants and interrupts in Magic. They are one-turn effect cards, which can be played to somehow effect the game, either helping your efforts or damaging your opponent. Examples of Event cards are the "Curry" card and the "Miltian Conflict" card. There are 38 Event cards in the complete Xenocard set, numbered from 83 to 120. The final type of card is the blue-colored SITUATION card. These are similar to enchantments in Magic. They have a major, lasting effect on the game, and may stay active for a longer period of time. Depending upon the card, it may last specifically from a few turns, to the entire remaining duration of the game. An example of a Situation card is the "Hilbert Effect" card. There are 28 Situation cards in the complete Xenocard set, numbered from 121 to 148. All the cards in the game fit into one of these three categories, however, there are a number of subgroups of which you should be acutely aware, as they play a great role in the progress of Xenocard. First, there are five categories of fighter, or Creature cards, in the game, which all fall under the Battle (Red) broad category. These five types are Humans, Realians, Mechs, Gnosis, and Unknowns. In addition to these five, the Battle cards also include Weapons. I will explain more about the use of these in the strategy and deckbuilding section, but be aware of these subtypes. Let me help you recognize each of the subtypes, by the symbols which appear in the upper right-hand corner of the card: HUMAN card have a blue men's room symbol. REALIAN cards have a similarly shaped symbol, but gray, with a gold plus in the center. GNOSIS cards have a distinctive pink swirl on them. MECH cards have a gray thing which looks a little like a microphone. UNKNOWN creature cards have a pink Bunnie symbol, they are not a category of their own, they just don't belong anywhere else. Finally, a last type of Battle card is a WEAPON, which has a red gun picture. The Layout ---------- During a card game, the layout appears in front of you. You opponent's layout is a mirror image of yours on the other side of the table. Here's a little ASCII image I made of how your card setup looks, I will use it to detail each part of the layout. +------+---+-------+-------+---+------+ First, area A is the deck area. | | | | | | | Here, you can see a little image of | | E | D | D | E | | your deck, as well as a very key | | | | | | | number, that is, the number of | C +---+-------+-------+---+ F | cards you still have left in your | | | | | | | deck. Remember, if your deck runs | | E | D | D | E | | out of cards, the game is over and | | | | | | | you lose. So don't let your deck +------+---+-------+-------+---+------+ run out of cards! | B | A | G | +----------+---------------+----------+ The next area, B in the picture, is your hand. In this area, you can see little images of the cards in your hand. From your hand, battle cards will generally be played to the standby area, C. The standby area can hold a maximum of four cards in readiness. The biggest part of the layout is the battlefield. Up to four cards can be played in the battlefield, in the four D slots. There are two front row and two back row spots. The four E blocks are dedicated to showing info on the adjacent battle card in a D slot. Here, you can see the remaining HP of the card, and the attack value. The F area is the Situation area. Situation cards from your hand are played to this area, and cannot be placed anywhere else on the field. Finally, the G area is where your discarded cards are played. There are two piles here: on the left, the Lost pile, and on the right, the Junk pile. It is much easier to recover cards from the Lost pile than the Junk pile; different effects will send cards to different piles. Next to each pile is a number showing the number of cards to pile contains. All the above layout occupies one-half of the battle screen. Your opponent's identical layout occupies the other half. Also displayed onscreen at all times is a lineup showing whose turn it is, and what phase of that turn you're currently in. Turn Phases ----------- Each turn during a game of Xenocard consists of seven different phases which occur in a specific order. Generally, you will use the Square button to end a phase, it will bring up a confirming window. For some phases, if you are unable to do anything during them, the computer will end it automatically. When a card's action takes place during a certain phase, you will be advised of this by a pop-up window. Another command you should know, for most turn phases, is that if you move around the cursor over any card, you can press Triangle to get a detail view of that card. Also, if it is one of your cards which has a text ability that can be used during that phase, you will be able to use that ability if you wish from the detail window. All such special abilities must be activated manually. Phase I: Draw ------------- This is the most basic phase. In this phase, you draw one card off the top of your deck into your hand. This might increase your hand size beyond the usual maximum of six cards, but that's okay. During your turn, you can have more than six cards in your hand; however, any excess cards will be lost during the final phase at the end of your turn. Phase II: Move -------------- The Move phase is all about moving your battle cards around on the battlefield to suit your needs. You can move cards freely between the standby and battlefield areas during this turn. The goal of the Move phase is to set up an ideal attack while also taking into account that this will be your defensive alignment for next turn as well. Phase III: Event ---------------- This phase is when you get to use your yellow Event cards. All the Requirements and Cost must be met for any event card you play (see the Set section below for more on these concepts). Anytime you play an event card, the opposing side gets a chance to Block that event with another card. Conversely, any event the opponent uses during his event phase can be blocked by you. A menu will appear asking if you wish to do this. Phase IV: Set ------------- The Set phase is an important part of the game, when the cards in your hand will be able to be played onto the battlefield. Generally, you may play one battle card per turn, as well as one situation card, but some battle cards ignore the one-card per turn rule. This applies mostly to Realian cards but some Gnosis can do it also. When a card ignores the one-card-per-turn rule, it does not count toward your permitted one card. For instance, you might play two Realian Male cards on your turn, in addition to a Lv 1 Shion card, to which the one-card-per-turn rule applies as usual. When you first play a card, it goes to the standby area of the card layout, and it has an "E" mark on it. Note that you must have space in the standby area for a battle card to be set. This area cannot hold more than four cards. So, if you want to set a card during your turn, be aware of this during the Move phase and leave space open. Note that some cards can be moved straight onto the battlefield. These cards require you to discard a card that is already on the field, and play in its place. For instance, if the Lv 1 Shion card is on the battlefield, the Lv 10 Shion card can be played directly into that space, and the Lv 1 card is lost. In this case, no "E" mark is placed on the card. It can attack that same turn. Back on topic, the "E" mark indicates that this card, since it was just played this turn, cannot count towards the requirements of any other card just yet. Requirements and Costs are two important things you must be aware of while playing a card. The COST is simply a number, and when the card is played, that many cards are moved from your deck to the lost pile. So you must weigh the benefit of the card with the damage it will do to your deck. REQUIREMENTS are also printed on the card as symbols, indicating what kinds of cards must already be on your field in order to play this new card. For instance, if a card has a requirement of 2 Humans, that means two Human- attribute battle cards must be present on your battlefield for this card to be played. Unless the requirements are met, the card cannot be set. Cards with an "E" mark, as stated before, do not count towards any Requirements. Phase V: Block -------------- The Block phase is your enemy's opportunity during your turn, and vice versa. You might say that in the Yin-Yang symbol, it's the little dot of black on the white half! Here, the enemy can use event or effect cards as appropriate to help his side's effort. By this point, he will have seen your attack setup, and will be trying to correct any massive flaws in his defense. Some event cards and some battle card text effects can be utilized during this phase, however, it is basically pretty useless. If your opponent play's an event card, you will be given a chance to block that event if you can and want to do so. Phase VI: Battle ---------------- The Battle phase is when the cards you have on the field will actually do damage against other opposing cards, or, hopefully, the enemy deck! This phase is actually automatic, and only depends on the setup of the different battle cards within the eight battlefield spots there are. During a battle phase, each of that player's cards will attack as appropriate to their attack type. There are four attack types: HAND--Cards with the Hand attack ability can only attack from the front row, and they will only do damage to a card directly in front of them. Consequently, cards in the back row and the deck itself cannot be damaged by Hand attacks. Hand is the worst attack type. BALLISTIC--Cards with the Ballistic ability fire directly ahead and the damage is done to the first target they hit. They can fire from your back row. So, if you have such a card in one of the two left-side spots, they will attack in this order of priority: Enemy Left Front > Enemy Left Rear > Enemy Deck. Obviously, if you are mixing Hand and Ballistic cards, the Hand attack should be in the front, and the Ballistic in the rear for best advantage. SPREAD--Spread attack cards attack all cards on the enemy battlefield simultaneously. However, they do not attack the enemy deck. This is great for clearing the path to the deck for other cards. HOMING--Homing attack cards are very powerful. Regardless of where they are on the field, they will attack the opponent's deck, even if he has battle cards deployed in the way. They cannot attack enemy battle cards. Battle cards attack in a certain order. The order is: Hand first, then Ballistic, then Spread, then Homing. If two cards are of the same type, then the number of their place on the battlefield (the four slots are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4) is used to decide which card will attack first, beginning with 1. The Lv 1 and Lv 10 Jr. cards attack during the enemy turn; this attack is last priority and will occur only after all other enemy cards have attacked. Some other terminology should be addressed here. First, cards with the Penetrating attacks are like Ballistic cards except with rollover (equal to Trample in Magic: the Gathering). Let's say that you card has a penetrating attack with a value of 5. The enemy's front row card has 2 HP left. In this case, that card is destroyed, but 3 damage carries over and is applied to either the back row card, or if there is no card in the back row, the deck. Another term that needs explaining is the term "downed." A downed card cannot do any action, for instance, it cannot attack. The card appears grayed out and has the word DOWN on it. This status lasts for one turn; it is removed during the card's owner's Adjust phase. Finally, let me point out that some cards only attack every OTHER battle phase. These cards need to "charge" for one turn in between attacks; mostly, this applies to cards with the Spread attack type. These cards only charge while they are on the battlefield; you must keep them in the battlefield during their off-turn, or they will not charge up. Note that the card will be uncharged on the first turn you move it into battle, so it will not execute an attack until its second turn on the battlefield. Phase VII: Adjust [Discard] --------------------------- In this phase, you will simply be forced to discard cards from your hand, down to six cards. You get to choose which cards you get rid of, but the cards you lose go to the Junk pile, not the Lost pile. So, you definitely want to avoid having to discard since it is hard to recover those points. Also, some automatic effects take place during the Adjust phase, just so they will happen at the end of your turn. Mechanics of Xenocard --------------------- The above sections explained very well how to play Xenocard, but what about actually PLAYING the minigame when you're in the midst of Xenosaga? It's not that simple! In fact, I've spoken to some players who didn't even realize this game existed until 10-12 hours into their playing of Xenosaga. First, as I said at the top of this section, the number one thing you must do is acquire the Card Passport. You get this on the Elsa, the second ship your main group is on. Get it by talking to the robot in the restaurant, behind the counter. She will provide you with the Card Passport. Your first opportunity to get it comes when you are playing as Shion, trying to take food to Commander Cherenkov. Once you have the Card Passport, go to any Save Point with a blue EVS box on top of it and you can access the card game. Go to the Items menu and then use R1 to access your Special Items; scroll down until you reach the Card Passport, and then press Confirm (default circle) to access the card game. There are a number of menu options available within Xenocard. The four options are: "Game", "Card", "Help", and "Quit". Under Help, you can either view a tutorial on how to play the game, or consult the reference file yourself to find information. The function of Quit should be obvious! Under the Card menu, you can do three different things. First, you can view your cards. A scrolling menu will appear with 148 slots; cards you have will be shown, and a space containing "???????" will be left where you are missing a card from the set. Also, you can open new decks of cards. When you do this, the game will show you all the cards in the pack, then will sell any repeats at 5 G each, half what you paid for them (remember, you cannot hold more than three of any one card). Finally, it will show you all the remaining cards, which you are adding to your collection. Simply keep confirming to get through these menus. Also under the Card menu, you can build new decks. Up to five decks can be stored at one time in memory. The deck builder is pretty self-explanatory; for more tips on building decks see the section below, "Strategies and Deckbuilding". Finally, there is the Game menu, where you actually play the game. There are four options. The last two are Two-Player Mode and Change Background. There are a bunch of different backgrounds. Two-player Mode is where you can play your friends, but I warn you that this mode sucks. The top option is Exhibition Mode, in this version you will play one game only. First, you will have to select the deck you plan to use out of your five saved decks. Then you will be shown what opponent you are going to face. You can keep switching until the opponent you want comes up. Then the game begins. Exhibition victories will reward you with a Booster Pack. The final mode is Tournament Mode. Here, you play five consecutive matches against different opponents, and your goal is to win them all. The best prizes are won by winning tournaments. For winning a tournament, first you get the normal prizes for winning five games, that is, some combination of Booster Packs adding up to five total. Also, the first time you win a tourney, you get a Tuned Circuit item as a prize. After this, you might randomly win one of the two Swimsuit Promo cards, so keep trying! Buying Cards ------------ There are many places in the world where you can buy new cards. You receive a full deck when you are given the Card Passport, but you will need to buy a lot more cards if you want to win games, and certainly if you want to collect the full set of all 148 cards. You can being your purchasing on the Elsa right after you get the passport, since more Starter Decks and Booster Packs #1 are available here. The following list shows all the different places you can buy the different card packs, and their cost. Each type of Pack contains different cards. The Starter Deck contains 40 cards, enough to play the game with. Each Booster Pack type contains 10 cards, distributed as 1 Rare, 2 Uncommon, and 7 Commons, which are randomly selected, though each card appears either in Pack #1 or Pack #2, not both. Some cards come only in special Promo Packs, which contain three of the specific card. There is only one of each Promo Pack in existence. Starter Deck: Many different store sites have the Starter Deck available, the cost is usually 400 G. Booster Pack #1: See above. The cost is usually 100 G. Booster Pack #2: Win this as a prize in the Casino (see below, at the end of this section, for Casino information). You will need 100 coins to buy a deck. This item can also be bought at many stores, after you reach the Durandal stage of the game. Promo Pack F: Costs 1000 coins in the Casino prizes, only available after beating Song of Nephalim stage. Promo Pack G: Same as Promo Pack F. Promo Pack H: Same as Promo Pack F. Promo Pack I: Same as Promo Pack F. Promo Pack J: Same as Promo Pack F. Promo Pack K: Same as Promo Pack F. Promo Pack L: Same as Promo Pack F. Promo Pack M: Same as Promo Pack F. Promo Pack N: Same as Promo Pack F. Promo Pack O: Same as Promo Pack F. Promo Pack P: Same as Promo Pack F. Promo Pack Q: Costs 1000 coins in the Casino prizes, only available after you have defeated Proto Dora at the Proto Merkabah. Other Packs in the game (specifically Promo Packs) cannot be bought, but must be found in the world as you play the game. The following list details where to acquire these Promo Packs. Promo Pack A: During the Encephalon, check the dome in Miltia's playground for this item. One of the kids (Jr. or MOMO) must be your lead character to get the item--that means you cannot acquire it your first time here, since your group then is Shion and chaos. However, it is possible to get this during the Encephalon stage: just before the battle with Tiamat, jump into the swirling purple vortex and run all the way back to the playground, then put Jr. or MOMO as the lead character and acquire the pack from the dome. Promo Pack B: In City Section 27 of the Kukai Foundation City, look in the Cleaners at the far left of this section, go inside, and go back to the middle room (this building is three rooms deep. At the upper right of this room are two cylindrical driers, check the one with stairs going up to it to acquire the Promotional Pack B, which contains this card. Promo Pack C: This pack is won at the A.G.W.S. weapon and armor shop at the Kukai Foundation. At the far right of the upper level is a quiz machine game, win the game to get this pack. The correct answers to the five questions are: Talk to Me; Professor; a smelly-looking purple t-shirt; Holgar; and Luty. Promo Pack D: On the first screen of the forest inside the Encephalon there is a rock you can destroy on the south side of the road. Follow the tunnel this exposes to find a chest containing this Promo Pack. Promo Pack E: In Miltia during the Encephalon sequence, there is an area where the street goes back and forth on itself, in the very south of this area is a chest containing the Promo Pack. Finally, this list details which card is contained in every Promo Pack. Each Promo Pack contains three of its card (the most you may carry). Promo Pack A -- Phenomenon Change Promo Pack B -- Zohar Promo Pack C -- Bunnie Promo Pack D -- Lv 10 KOS-MOS Promo Pack E -- Lv 10 chaos Promo Pack F -- AG-05 Promo Pack G -- Third Armament Promo Pack H -- Testament Promo Pack I -- AG-04 Promo Pack J -- Phase Cannon Promo Pack K -- Invoke Promo Pack L -- Destiny Promo Pack M -- Dammerung Promo Pack N -- So Weak! Promo Pack O -- Rhine Maiden Promo Pack P -- Unknown Armament Promo Pack Q -- Proto Dora THE CASINO: In order to get many of these card packs, it is necessary to access the Casino minigame. To do this you will need to get the Casino Passport. You need to have reached the Durandal to get this; take the train to the Residential Area, go through the door to the left of the train station then go up, and when you see a sign for the game room turn right and go through the door. In this room, go up the stairs and to the right, and you will see a chest that contains the Casino Passport. Use the Casino games to make tons of money. Specifically, you earn coins in the games, which you can convert to money, or use directly to buy a number of different card packs. Poker is a very reliable way to make money if you play with any competence, simply use the Hi-Lo double-or-nothing game to earn vast amounts of cash. Computer Opponents ------------------ There are forty different opponent deck which you might face in Xenocard. Each opponent has a different deck, and consequently, a different playstyle. You can scroll through different players when selecting a game for Exhibition mode, and can in this way choose to try out a new deck against a certain type of opponent. Here is the list of all forty opposing players; their name suggests the style of deck they have. Over time, I will gather information on all the different players. 1 -- Shion & Ziggy Style: 2 -- Hammer Attack Style: 3 -- Citizens Unite Style: 4 -- VX Attack Style: 5 -- Gnosis Attack Style: 6 -- Big Spender Matthews Style: Attrition 7 -- Girls Power Style: 8 -- Human Touch Style: 9 -- Homing Attack Style: 10 -- Realian Blitz Style: 11 -- Cool Attack Style: 12 -- Momo to the Rescue Style: 13 -- Attack of the Gnosis Style: 14 -- Event Attack Style: 15 -- Common Deck Style: 16 -- The Elsa Crew Style: 17 -- Bespectacles Attack Style: 18 -- Standard Attack Style: 19 -- Flat Broke Style: 20 -- All-Stars Style: 21 -- Reset Style: 22 -- Imminent Death Style: 23 -- Realians Style: 24 -- Shion & Jr Style: 25 -- Man & Machine Style: 26 -- Homing Rampage Style: 27 -- The Way of the Sword Style: 28 -- The Zohar Style: 29 -- The Menacing Glare Style: 30 -- Albedo Strikes Back Style: 31 -- Blitz Attack Style: 32 -- The Boyz Style: 33 -- Uncommon deck Style: 34 -- Virgil Attack Style: 35 -- Pandemonium Style: 36 -- A.G. The Anti-Gnosis Style: 37 -- The Big Bluff Style: 38 -- MHG Combo Style: 39 -- Phase Transition Cannon Style: 40 -- Gnosis-Machine Combo Style: +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ IV. PART ONE, PART DEUX: STRATEGIES AND DECKBUILDING +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ In deckbuilding, you cannot just throw out all your best cards onto the table and hope to win. The system of costs and requirements means you need a very balanced deck; you will need weak, low-requirement cards in order to play more costly and powerful cards onto the table. Most decks will be based on just one or two of the categories of battle cards. This is most effective because it concentrates your requirements, thus making it much easier to get cards out. Here's a little summary of the pluses and minuses of each major category. HUMAN--No matter what deck you have, you probably need Humans in it. Many, many cards have human-only or human-and-others requirements. There is a good variety of costs and abilities here, but the stats are at best middling, with no super-powerful cards. Humans are definitely going to be featured in your deck, if only as requirement fillers with a few Citizens. REALIAN--Realian cards have low stats and are not great for major offensives, but since the one card per turn rule does not apply to them they are great to get a fast start with. Also, they make great defensive shields since they are cheap and you can throw down many each turn. The huge downside is that no card has a Realian requirement, therefore, these cards will only contribute to the Additional requirements of your other cards. MECH--Mechs have the most devastating attack cards in the game. If you are able to get them onto the battlefield, you are in great shape to crush the enemy deck. Also, some very desirable Situation cards have Mech requirements. On the negative side, most Mechs have pretty high costs, and also require at least Human and possible other Mechs to be deployed. So Mechs are high-cost, but also high-reward. GNOSIS--Like the Mechs, the Gnosis have some very powerful cards among their number. Also, they will require Humans in the deck with them to get deployed. On the negative side, Gnosis cannot equip weapons. Generally I feel that Gnosis is the weakest of the four attributes and makes for comparatively poor decks, but it can be used fairly effectively as a secondary theme of a deck. With that said, any one deck is probably going to focus on one of these types over the other, though of course all will have a taste of Human. In most decks those Creature cards will likely comprise about 50-70% of your 40 card allotment. The true flavor and playing style of the deck will be determined by the additional Event and Situation cards you add to it. Here are some general rules to keep in mind when building your deck/playing the game: 1) Consider costs and requirements: when deckbuilding, don't put in a 2 Mech requirement Event when you only have 3 Mechs in the entire deck! During the game, consider the cards you want to play later on and get its necessary requirements out there. Keep them in the standby if necessary to keep them safe. Cards with multiple-type requirements are especially difficult to get down and are very often not worth the trouble. 2) Keep track of the score closely--it will determine what you do in some situations. For instance, say a Waste Money is down, and your opponent has two cards in his deck left. Say he plays a Surprise Attack event card-- even if you can block it, you might think twice. If you only have one Miyuki's Email, save it to stop any deck replenishing moves on his part, then, on his next turn, he is guaranteed to lose the game. If you waste your blocker, he might get a Supply Fleet in and buy himself time. 3) Some cards just seem to fit in every deck. Examples are the no-cost human cards, which are great for filling requirements, and the Miyuki's E-mail card, which is always nice for blocking enemy Event cards. Finally, let me discuss some of the broader deck categories, giving a sample of such a deck and some advice on how it should be played to best advantage. I will begin with my personal play style, the Big Spender/Attrition deck: --------------------------- ATTRITION / THE BIG SPENDER --------------------------- Sample Deck: 3x Lv 1 Shion 2x Lv 1 KOS-MOS 2x Lv 10 Shion 3x Civilian Male 3x Realian Male 3x Realian Female 3x Gov't Realian 3x 100 Series 3x Combat Realian M 3x Combat Realian F 3x Bunnie Deck Stats: 3x Matthews 34 Battle Cards 3x Miyuki's E-mail 3 Event Cards 3x Waste Money 3 Situation Cards This is a prototypical attrition deck, also known in this particular CCG as a "Waste Money" deck. It can be tweaked in many ways, but the key cards are the Matthews, and the Waste Money cards. The goal is to destroy the enemy deck by forcing him to draw it down to nothing. Of course, you will be wasting as many cards as him, but since your deck is so low-cost, and you can throw Realians galore in defense of your deck, you should win in a breeze. This type of deck will allow you to defeat almost any opponent. In your opening hand, what you really want to see is a Civilian Male or a Shion card. This will allow you to get that Human out there, opening up the requirements for a number of your other cards. Deploy Realians as they come and simply wait for the Waste Money and Matthews to get out there, then get them in play. Use your quick Ballistic attackers to get a nice start--these are the Lv 1 Shion and the Combat Realians. The KOS-MOS and Lv 10 Shion are just in there for kicks; if your battle cards can do serious damage to the enemy deck and secure the lead, your enemy is toast once attrition begins. The crucial risk time is once the other guy gets his big cannons on the battlefield. At this time, you should be throwing your Realians in front of his tanks to play defense, simply let them die and take the fire to save your deck. At this time you might be drawing 3 cards a turn, so it is actually possible to replace them as they die. But, if it appears that your deck is about to take damage next turn, throw down a Bunnie card to halt the action temporarily. If you work any mechs into this style of deck, the Impregnable Defense card is also effective for wasting an additional turn, allowing you even more time until your opponents deck runs out of cards. It is my policy with this deck to keep a Civilian Male in the standby if possible, to fulfill all Requirement needs. Miyuki's Email should be used selectively to prevent the enemy from refreshing his deck; you do not want him to recoup the losses you are working hard to force upon him. ----------------- GNOSIS SPEED DECK ----------------- Sample Deck: I said that Gnosis are not great, and by themselves they are fairly weak, but they can be incorporated well into Realian and Human decks, and they have many of the speed elements of Realians. --------------- MECH POWER DECK --------------- Sample Deck: As far as winning games goes, this deck is not the best bet, and my Attrition deck would probably destroy it with ease if played correctly. However, attrition is not a particularly fun style of game to play. Conversely, there is nothing more fun that throwing down high-cost, high-power Mech cards and mauling your opponents defenses. ----------------- GNOSIS/MECH COMBO ----------------- Sample Deck: 3x Lv 1 Shion 2x Lv 1 KOS-MOS 1x Lv 10 Shion 3x Civilian Child 3x Civilian Female 3x Civilian Male 2x Drone 2x Zohar Emulator 2x Gremlin 2x Lizardman 2x Hydra 2x Minotaur 2x Golem 2x Gargoyle 2x Miyuki's E-mail 2x Revive DX 2x Song 1x Dammerung 2x Imaginary Space Well, if you've been reading you're aware that I'm not a big fan of dual- class decks, and this is definitely one of those. However, some people definitely like this style, and it is fun to play, though not as consistent a winner. Waste Money and Realian Rush decks are especially trouble against it. However, the presence of Mechs and Gnosis offers some interesting opportunities for Event and Situation cards which I feel is this decks strength. The main weakness of this deck in my opinion is that it's stretched too thin for my liking on requirements, possibly leaving you with a very tough early situation. Getting a Shion and a KOS-MOS would be ideal, if you have that you are in very good shape, as there's a human and mech right there, along with some decent early damage chances. If you can get through the early stages, putting down Drones and Zohars in the front row lets you drop power cards in behind them; when the Zohars are near death, discard it with the text ability and go off on the enemy with souped-up Gnosis cards. A variety of Gnosis pairs is included here, but later refinement will probably lead you to choose 4 cards to have three of instead of six pairs. ---------- CHARACTERS ---------- Sample Deck: 3x Lv 1 Shion 3x Lv 1 KOS-MOS 3x Lv 1 Chaos 3x Lv 1 Ziggy 3x Lv 1 Jr. 3x Lv 1 MOMO 3x Lv 10 Shion 3x Lv 10 KOS-MOS 3x Lv 10 Chaos 3x Lv 10 Ziggy 3x Lv 10 Jr. Deck Stats: 3x LV 10 MOMO 38 Battle Cards 2x 3rd Armament 2 Event Cards 2x Miyuki's Emails 0 Situation Cards Finally, I will throw this deck in just for good measure. As you can see, it features the full game cast reprising their roles. It is in fact a crushingly powerful deck with very simple play. The downside? You must get Lv 1 Shion in your opening hand, and even then, the draw can still leave you high and dry. But the 10% of the time you get a nice shuffle, this deck does kick some ass. It's not a good deck if you want to win every time, but it is quite enjoyable to play. +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ VI. PART THE SECOND: CARD LIST +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ Ah, here's what you were looking for. The complete list of every card in the game! What could be more fun than this? Compare the cards you possess to find out what you have, and what you are missing, then go out and complete your collection. CARD LIST LEGEND: The name in the header for each card shows the name as it appears in the full listing of cards. NAME -- The full name of the card, as it appears on the card. TYPE -- The type of the card: Battle, Event, or Situation. ATTRIB. -- For Battle cards, the attribute or subtype. COST -- The cost in cards lost to play the card. REQ'S -- The requirements to play the card. Only applies to battle cards. HP -- Only applies to battle cards. ATTACK -- Only applies to battle cards. A. TYPE -- Attack type. Only applies to battle cards. TEXT -- The card text, taken straight from the game. RARITY -- The rarity of the card. Cards can be Common, Uncommon, Rare, or Promo, which means they are only available in promotional packs. ACQUIRE -- How to acquire this card. NOTES -- Any additional information. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #001 | | LV 1 SHION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 1 Shion Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : None HP : 4 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Draw a Lv 10 Shion card from your deck and add to your hand whenever this card destroys an enemy card. Shuffle your deck afterwards. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Starter Pack; get from Booster Pack #1. NOTES: This is a very important card in many decks, because certain strong cards can be played free of cost or cheaper if Shion is on the battlefield, including the stronger version of Shion herself. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #002 | | SWIM SUIT SHION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Swim Suit Shion Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 4 Attack : 3 A. Type: Hand Text : No special effect. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Random card tournament prize--just keep playing and you'll get it sometime! +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #003 | | LV 1 ZIGGY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 1 Ziggy Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 5 Attack : 2 A. Type: Hand Text : Any Battle Cards attacked by this card will be downed. This card cannot equip weapons. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #004 | | LV 1 MOMO | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 1 MOMO Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Realian Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 4 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Gain ATK+1 when the enemy is G. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #005 | | LV 1 KOS-MOS | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 1 KOS-MOS Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 5 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 6 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When Shion is on your battlefield, you can play this card without cost. This card cannot equip weapons. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #006 | | LV 1 JR. | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 1 Jr. Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 4 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : This card can attack during the enemy battle phase. This ability is not available when a weapon is equipped on this card. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #007 | | LV 1 CHAOS | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 1 Chaos Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Unknown Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 4 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Each turn, this card recovers 2 HP during your adjust phase. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #008 | | LV 10 SHION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 10 Shion Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 3 Human. HP : 6 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When Lv 1 Shion is on your battlefield, you can play this card even if other conditions are not met. -1 damage when attacked by R. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. NOTES: This card is played directly onto the battlefield, replacing the Lv 1 Shion card, if it uses its special deployment. The Lv 1 Shion card is discarded and lost. Any damage carries over. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #009 | | SWIM SUIT MOMO | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Swim Suit MOMO Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Realian Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 4 Attack : 3 A. Type: Hand Text : No special effect. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Random card tournament prize--just keep playing and you'll get it sometime! +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #010 | | LV 10 ZIGGY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 10 Ziggy Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 7 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When Lv 1 Ziggy is on your battlefield, you can play this card even if other conditions are not met. Battle cards attacked by this card will be downed. This card cannot equip weapons. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #011 | | LV 10 MOMO | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 10 MOMO Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Realian Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 6 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When Lv 1 MOMO is on your battlefield, you can play this card if all conditions are met. When this card is on the battlefield, G cannot move on the battlefield. Gain ATK+1 against G. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #012 | | LV 10 KOS-MOS | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 10 KOS-MOS Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Human, 2 Additional. HP : 8 Attack : 2 A. Type: Spread Text : When Lv 1 KOS-MOS is on the battlefield, you can play this card if all conditions are met. This card can only equip KOS-MOS weapons. This card will attack every other turn. Rarity : Promo Acquire: On the first screen of the forest inside the Encephalon there is a rock you can destroy on the south side of the road. Follow the tunnel this will expose to find a chest containing this Promo Pack D, which contains this card. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #013 | | LV 10 JR. | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 10 Jr. Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 6 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When Lv 1 Jr. is on your battlefield, you can play this card if all conditions are met. This card attacks during the enemy battle phase. This ability is lost if this card equips a weapon. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #014 | | LV 10 CHAOS | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lv 10 Chaos Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Unknown Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 6 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : If Lv 1 Chaos is on your battlefield, you can play this card if all the conditions are met. Each turn, this card recovers 3 HP during your adjust phase. Rarity : Promo Acquire: In Miltia during the Encephalon sequence, there is an area where the street goes back and forth on itself, in the very south of this area is a chest containing the Promo Pack E, which has this card. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #015 | | ALBEDO | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Albedo Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 5 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When this card is alone on your battlefield, add the number of cards in your junk pile to its ATK. Afterwards, remove the cards in the junk pile from the game. This card cannot equip weapons. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #016 | | HAMMER | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Hammer Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : None. HP : 3 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : During battle phase, ATK+1 for every M on your battlefield. This ability is not affected by event cards. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #017 | | CIVILIAN CHILD | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Civilian Child Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : 3 Attack : 1 A. Type: Hand Text : No special effect. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Starter Deck; get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #018 | | CIVILIAN FEMALE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Civilian Female Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : 3 Attack : 1 A. Type: Hand Text : No special effect. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Starter Deck; get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #019 | | CIVILIAN MALE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Civilian Male Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : 3 Attack : 1 A. Type: Hand Text : No special effect. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Starter Deck; get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #020 | | CIVILIAN BOY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Civilian Boy Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : 3 Attack : 1 A. Type: Hand Text : No special effect. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Starter Deck; get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #021 | | SOLDIER | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Soldier Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : None. HP : 3 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : No special effect. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #022 | | SECURITY GUARD | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Security Guard Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : None. HP : 3 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : No special effect. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #023 | | U-TIC SOLDIER | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : U-TIC Soldier Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : None. HP : 3 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : If this card is destroyed, the owner of the card must pay 1 cost. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #024 | | REALIAN MALE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : All-Purpose Realian Male Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Realian Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : 2 Attack : 1 A. Type: Hand Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. If you use this card, select one card from the deck during your adjust phase. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Starter Deck. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #025 | | REALIAN FEMALE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : All-Purpose Realian Male Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Realian Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : 2 Attack : 1 A. Type: Hand Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. If you use this card, select one card from the deck during your adjust phase. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Starter Deck. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #026 | | GOV'T REALIAN | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Gov't Realian Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Realian Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : 2 Attack : 2 A. Type: Hand Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #027 | | 100 SERIES | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Mass Produced 100 Series Realian Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Realian Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : 2 Attack : 2 A. Type: Hand Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Gain ATK+1 when enemy is G. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #028 | | COMBAT REALIAN M | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Combat Realian Male Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Realian Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : 2 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #029 | | COMBAT REALIAN F | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Combat Realian Female Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Realian Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : 2 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #030 | | BUNNIE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Bunnie Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Unknown Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Additional. HP : 5 Attack : 2 A. Type: Hand Text : When the E mark is removed from this card, all the cards on the field of play are downed. Rarity : Promo Acquire: This pack is won at the A.G.W.S. weapon and armor shop at the Kukai Foundation. At the far right of the upper level is a quiz machine game, win the game to get this pack. The correct answers to the five questions are: Talk to Me; Professor; a smelly-looking purple t-shirt; Holgar; and Luty. You will receive Promo Pack C as a prize, which contains this card. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #031 | | AG-04 | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Ag-04 Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 2 Req's : 1 Humn. HP : 6 Attack : 2 A. Type: Hand Text : If this card's attack connects, the hit battle card is downed. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack I from the Casino after you complete the Song of Nephilim stage of the game. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #032 | | AG-02-M | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : AG-02-M Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 2 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 7 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : You can only play one of these cards on the field. If this card's attack connects, the hit battle card is downed. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #033 | | SIMEON | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Simeon Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 4 Req's : 2 Human, 1 Mech, 1 Blank. HP : 9 Attack : 3 A. Type: Spread Text : You can only play one of these cards on the field. This card attacks every other battle phase. Each turn, this card inflicts one damage to enemy battle cards. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #034 | | AG-01 | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : AG-01 Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 2 Req's : 1 Human HP : 4 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : No special effect. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #035 | | PROTO DORA | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Proto Dora Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 3 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Mech, 1 Additional. HP : 8 Attack : 10 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack Q from the Casino after you beat the Proto Dora Boss. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #036 | | AG-05 | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : AG-05 Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 4 Req's : 2 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 8 Attack : 7 A. Type: Ballistic Text : This card attacks every other battle phase. The attacks of this card penetrate. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack F from the Casino after you complete the Song of Nephilim stage of the game. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #037 | | DRONE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Drone Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 2 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 9 Attack : 2 A. Type: Hand Text : No special effect. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #038 | | VX-7000 | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : VX-7000 Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 4 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 6 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : You can only play one of these cards on the field. The attacks of this card penetrate. If Jr. is on the battlefield, you can play this card without cost. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #039 | | VX-9000 | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : VX-9000 Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 3 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 6 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : You can only play one of these cards on the field. When this card is destroyed in the battle phase, select and destroy one battle card in the enemy's standby area. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #040 | | VX-10000 | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : VX-10000 Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 3 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 6 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : You can only play one of these cards on the field. When this card is on the battlefield, all homing attacks miss. If Shion is on the battlefield, you can play this card without cost. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #041 | | VX-4000 | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : VX-4000 Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 3 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 5 Attack : 1 A. Type: Spread Text : You can only play one of these cards on the field. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #042 | | VX-20000 | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : VX-20000 Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 3 Req's : 2 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 5 Attack : 5 A. Type: Homing Text : You can only play one of these cards on the field. This card attacks every other battle phase. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #043 | | SABER | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Saber Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : 0 Attack : 7 A. Type: Hand Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Only M can equip this card. Gain ATK+3 when enemy is G. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #044 | | CANNON | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Cannon Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Mech. HP : 0 Attack : 8 A. Type: Ballistic Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Only M can equip this card. This card's attacks penetrate. This card attacks every other battle phase. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #045 | | SHIELD | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Shield Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 2 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : 0 Attack : 0 A. Type: None Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Only M can equip this card. Equipped cards take -1 damage from normal attacks during the battle phase. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #046 | | AIRD | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Aird Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : 0 Attack : 5 A. Type: Homing Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Only M can equip this card. Directly attacks the deck. This card attacks every other battle phase. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #047 | | BEAM | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Beam Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Mech, 1 Additional. HP : 0 Attack : 4 A. Type: Spread Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Only M can equip this card. This card attacks every other battle phase. After one use, this card is discarded. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #048 | | BATTLE SUIT | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Battle Suit Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 0 Attack : 0 A. Type: None Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Only H and R can equip this card. Equipped cards take -1 damage from normal attacks during the battle phase. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #049 | | MISSILE POD | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Missile Pod Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 0 Attack : 2 A. Type: Spread Text : Only H and R can equip this card. After one use, this card is discarded. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #050 | | HANDGUN | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Handgun Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 0 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Only H and R can equip this card. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #051 | | RIFLE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Rifle Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 0 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Only H and R can equip this card. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #052 | | ROCKET | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Rocket Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 3 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 0 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Only H and R can equip this card. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #053 | | THIRD ARMAMENT | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Third Armament Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Human, 1 Mech. HP : 0 Attack : 10 A. Type: Spread Text : Exclusively for Lv 10 KOS-MOS. This card can only be played when both KOS-MOS and Shion are on the battlefield. This card attacks every other battle phase. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack G from the Casino, after defeating the Song of Nephilim phase of the game. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #054 | | EYEGLASSES | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Eyeglasses Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Weapon Cost : 2 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 0 Attack : 0 A. Type: Spread Text : Only H and R can equip this card. Converts attack to spread. After one use, this card is discarded. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #055 | | VIRGIL | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Virgil Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 4 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When this card is on the battlefield, all R on your battlefield are destroyed, and 4 damage is dealt to the enemy's deck for every R. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. NOTE: Virgil's effect occurs not the same turn you move him onto the battlefield, but on the next enemy Adjust phase. Therefore, you will need to keep him alive through one enemy turn, or, if he is being used against you, you will have one turn to destroy him. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #056 | | MARGULIS | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Margulis Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 4 Attack : 4 A. Type: Hand Text : When the E mark is removed from this card, you can select a situation card to destroy. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #057 | | MATTHEWS | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Matthews Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 5 Attack : 4 A. Type: Hand Text : When this card is on the field, one cost must be paid before the draw phase. When this card is on the battlefield, an additional one cost must be paid. (Both players) Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #058 | | GAIGNUN | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Gaignun Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 5 Attack : 4 A. Type: Hand Text : When the E mark is removed from this card, all R on the battlefield go back to their owners hands. (Both players) Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #059 | | TESTAMENT | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Testament Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Unknown Cost : 2 Req's : 2 Gnosis, 1 Human. HP : 6 Attack : 5 A. Type: Hand Text : When the E mark is removed from this hand [sic--the word card is intended], down one enemy battle card on the battlefield. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack H from the Casino, after defeating the Song of Nephilim stage of the game. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #060 | | WILHELM | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Wilhelm Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 3 Human. HP : 3 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When this card is destroyed from a normal attack, it destroys the attacking card. Then, 4 damage is dealt to the enemy's deck. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #061 | | CHERENKOV | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Cherenkov Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 3 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : If destroyed, and the top card in the junk pile is H, R, or M, switch places with that card during the adjust phase. The switched card will have 1 HP. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #062 | | TONY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Tony Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 2 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 3 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When the E mark is removed from this card, down one enemy card in the standby area. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #063 | | ALLEN | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Allen Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 2 Req's : 1 Human, 2 Additional. HP : 3 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When the E mark is removed from this card, move one card from the battlefield back to the standby area. This ability cannot be used if the standby area is full. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #064 | | JULI MIZRAHI | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Juli Mizrahi Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 2 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : When this card is on the battlefield, discard it during your event or block phase to gain ATK+1 on all of your H during that turn. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #065 | | PELLEGRI | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Pellegri Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Mech. HP : 4 Attack : 1 A. Type: Hand Text : When this card is on the battlefield, discard it during your event or block phase to gain ATK+1 on all of your M during that turn. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #066 | | ZOHAR EMULATOR | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Zohar Emulator Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 10 Attack : 0 A. Type: Hand Text : You can only play one of these cards on the field. This card cannot equip weapons. When this card is on the battlefield, discard it during your event or block phase to gain ATK+2 on all of your G during that turn. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #067 | | KOBOLD | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Kobold Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 5 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Discard one H and play in its place. The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #068 | | GOBLIN | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Goblin Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 5 Attack : 2 A. Type: Hand Text : Discard one H and play in its place. The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Cards attacked by this card are downed. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #069 | | OGRE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Ogre Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 2 Additional. HP : 7 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Discard one H and play in its place. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #070 | | GREMLIN | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Gremlin Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Mech. HP : 1 Attack : 2 A. Type: Spread Text : Discard one H and play in its place. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #071 | | LIZARDMAN | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Lizardman Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Mech. HP : 5 Attack : 2 A. Type: Homing Text : Discard one H and play in its place. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #072 | | HYDRA | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Hydra Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Human, 1 Mech. HP : 6 Attack : 4 A. Type: Homing Text : Discard two H and play in its place. The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #073 | | CERBERUS | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Cerberus Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 10 Attack : 4 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Discard two H and play in its place. Cards attacked by this card are downed. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #074 | | FAIRY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Fairy Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Human. HP : 3 Attack : 1 A. Type: Spread Text : Discard one H and play in its place. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #075 | | MINOTAUR | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Minotaur Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 10 Attack : 4 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Discard one H and play in its place. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #076 | | GOLEM | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Golem Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : 5 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Discard one H and play in its place. The one card per turn rule does not apply to this card. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #077 | | GARGOYLE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Gargoyle Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Gnosis, 2 Human. HP : 10 Attack : 5 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Discard 2 H and play in its place. When this card attacks, all battle cards on the enemy's field takes one damage. Only one of these cards can be played on the field. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #078 | | UNICORN | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Unicorn Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Gnosis, 1 Human. HP : 7 Attack : 2 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Discard one H and play in its place. When this card is on the battlefield, it recovers 3 HP during the adjust phase. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #079 | | SANCTUARY SHIP | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Sanctuary Ship Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Gnosis Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Gnosis, 1 Additional. HP : 8 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : Destroy all battle cards on the field and play in their place. If this card is on the battlefield during the draw phase, this card's player draws two cards from the lost pile instead of the deck. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #080 | | KIRSCHWASSER | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Kirschwasser Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Realian Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Additional. HP : 3 Attack : 1 A. Type: Ballistic Text : If this card is on the battlefield with Albedo or MOMO, those cards gain ATK+1 during the battle phase. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #081 | | DURANDAL | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Durandal Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Mech Cost : 3 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Mech, 1 Additional. HP : 8 Attack : 3 A. Type: Ballistic Text : You can only play one of these cards on the field. This card cannot equip weapons. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #082 | | JOACHIM MIZRAHI | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Joachim Mizrahi Type : Battle (Red) Attrib.: Human Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human. HP : 3 Attack : 0 A. Type: Hand Text : If this card is on the battlefield with MOMO during the battle phase, MOMO's HP cannot fall under 1. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #083 | | MIYUKI'S EMAIL | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Miyuki's E-Mail Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Neutralizes the effect of the enemy's event card. The neutralized card is discarded. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #084 | | CURE-ALL | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Cure-All Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Revives one downed card. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #085 | | CURRY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Curry Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : All your battle cards except G recover full HP. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #086 | | BIO SPHERE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Bio Sphere Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : All your battle cards except G on the battlefield recover 3 HP. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #087 | | SUPPLY SHIP | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Supply Ship Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Your deck recovers five cards. You cannot recover more cards than there are in the lost pile. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #088 | | SUPPLY FLEET | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Supply Fleet Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Human. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Recover the deck with cards equal to the number of battle cards in your field. You cannot recover more cards than there are in the lost pile. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #089 | | RETREAT | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Retreat Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Human. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Move one enemy battle card to the standby area. You cannot use this card if the standby area is full. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #090 | | WOGLINDE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Woglinde Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Move one enemy battle card to the standby area. You cannot use this card if the standby area is full. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #091 | | SURPRISE ATTACK | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Surprise Attack Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Gnosis. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Inflict 2 damage to one enemy battle card on the battlefield. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #092 | | FEDERATION CRUISER | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Federation Cruiser Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Inflict 2 damage to one enemy battle card on the battlefield. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #093 | | INVITATION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Invitation from the Mysterious Girl Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : This card can only be used during your event phase. Recover the deck with cards equal to the total amount of your hand attack cards on the battlefield. You cannot recover more cards than there are in the lost pile. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #094 | | MARY & SHELLEY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Mary & Shelley Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Add two cards to your hand from the deck. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #095 | | U.M.N. INVASION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : U.M.N. Invasion Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Gnosis. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Add two cards to your hand from the lost pile. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #096 | | INVESTIAGTION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Investigation of the Planetary Disappearance Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Look at the top five cards of the deck, choose one, and return the rest. Shuffle the cards afterwards. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #097 | | LANDING OPERATIONS | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Landing Operations Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Destroy one situation card. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #098 | | PREMONITION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Premonition of Gnosis Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 3 Req's : 2 Gnosis. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Destroy one card with an E mark. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #099 | | DRAGON SKULL | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Dragon Skull Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Destroy one downed G card. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #100 | | EXPULSION ORDER | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Expulsion Order Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 3 Req's : 2 Human. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Destroy one enemy H battle card with an E mark. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #101 | | IMPREGNABLE GUARD | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Impregnable Guard Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : You deck will not receive any damage during the battle phase. This effect lasts for one turn. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #102 | | ARTICLE 4-13 | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Article 4 Paragraph 13 Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 2 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Mech, 2 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : This card can only be used during your event phase. The stats of all R on your battlefield will change to ATK=0, HP=1. Then, for each R remaining after the enemy's adjust phase, inflict 6 damage to the enemy's deck. (Cannot be stacked) Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #103 | | PHASE CANNON | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Phase Transition Cannon Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 4 Req's : 1 Human, 2 Mech, 1 Gnosis. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Destroy all G and M battle cards on the battlefield. (Both players) Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack J from the Casino after you have defeated the Song of Nephilim stage of the game. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #104 | | NOTICE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Notice from the Federation Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Destroy the weapon of the selected battle card. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #105 | | RESOLUTION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Resolution of the Assembly Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Destroy all weapons equipped on battle cards that are on the field (Both players). Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #106 | | RECYCLER | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Recycler Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Move one W or M battle cards from the junk pile to the hand. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #107 | | REVIVE DX | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Revive DX Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Move two H battle cards from the junk pile to the hand. This card cannot be used unless there are at least two H cards in your junk pile. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #108 | | STIM DX | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Stim DX Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 3 Req's : 2 Human, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : This card can only be used in your event phase. One selected card will have double the ATK during your turn. Homing and penetrating attacks are not affected by this ability. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #109 | | SIMULATION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Simulation Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 3 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : If a situation card is at the top of your junk pile area, move the card into the situation area. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #110 | | WAR CASUALTY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Honorable War Casualty Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Human. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Discard as many battle cards as you like. For each discarded card, your deck recovers four. You cannot recover more cards than there are in the lost pile. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #111 | | X•BUSTER | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : X•BUSTER Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Inflict one damage to all battle cards on the field (Both players). Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #112 | | CHARGE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Charge Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Down one battle card. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #113 | | PRECISE SHOOTING | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Precise Shooting Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Inflict 1 damage to a battle card. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #114 | | INVOKE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Invoke Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 3 Req's : 1 Human, 2 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Destroy all battle and situation cards. This effect can only be used during your event phase. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack K from the Casino after you have defeated the Song of Nephilim stage of the game. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #115 | | CONFUSION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Confusion Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Gnosis. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Change the enemy's battlefield formation, switching the front row with the back row. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #116 | | MILTIAN CONFLICT | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Miltian Conflict Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Down battle cards that are played in the back row of the enemy's battlefield. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #117 | | SONG | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Song of the Mysterious Girl Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Gnosis, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Neutralizes the effect of the enemy's event card. The neutralized card is discarded. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #118 | | START UP | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Start Up Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Revive one downed card. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #119 | | DESTINY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Destiny Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 3 Human. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Trade one H battle card on the battlefield with one H battle card from the junk pile. Cards restricted to one on the field cannot be traded. The damage carries over, and any equipped weapon is destroyed. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack L from the Casino after you have defeated the Song of Nephilim stage of the game. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #120 | | BREAK THROUGH | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Break Through Enemy Lines Type : Event (Yellow) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Inflict 2 damage on one battle card in the standby. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #121 | | HILBERT EFFECT | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Hilbert Effect Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech; 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : G card on the battlefield are immediately immobilized, and their ATK goes down by 1. This effect lasts 2 turns, then is discarded. (Both players). Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #122 | | ANALYZE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Analyze Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Both players play the game while showing the cards in their hands. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #123 | | TUNE-UP | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Tune-Up Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : During the battle phase, your M cards take -1 damage. This effect can be stacked. This effect lasts three turns, and the card is then discarded. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #124 | | STIM | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Stim Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Human. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : During the battle phase, H cards in your battlefield gain ATK+1. This effect can be stacked. This effect lasts three turns and then the card is discarded. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #125 | | GOOD LUCK | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Good Luck Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Human HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : During the battle phase, H cards on your battlefield will evade all normal attacks. This effect lasts for three turns, and the card is then discarded. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. NOTE: When a card "evades" an attack, the damage simply passes through it as if it was not there. If it was acting as a blocker to your deck or to another card, whatever was behind it will be hit. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #126 | | ARMISTICE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Armistice Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 2 Req's : 2 Human. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : While this card is on the field, both players skip their battle phases. This effect lasts one turn, and the card is then discarded. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #127 | | HUMAN SACRIFICE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Human Sacrifice Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Every time your battle card is destroyed in battle, the deck regains a number of cards equal to the cost of the battle card. This effect cannot be stacked. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #128 | | KUKAI FOUNDATION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Kukai Foundations Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Mech, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : During your battle phase, all battle cards in the standby other than G recovers 1 HP. This effect cannot be stacked. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #129 | | DÄMMERUNG | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Dämmerung Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 3 Human, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Your deck recovers one card per round. If there are no cards in the lost pile, your deck does not recover. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack M from the Casino after you have defeated the Song of Nephilim stage of the game. NOTE: This card's effect can be stacked. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #130 | | SUPPLY ORDER | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Supply Order Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Whenever a R card is destroyed, the owner of the card draws one card from the deck. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #131 | | GNOSIS PHENOMENON | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Gnosis Phenomenon Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Gnosis. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : When your card is destroyed, it goes into the lost pile rather than the junk pile. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #132 | | GNOSIFY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Gnosify Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Gnosis. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : During the event or block phase, discard two cards from your hand. Then, draw one card from the lost pile. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #133 | | COLLECTIVE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Collective Unconsciousness Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : None. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : During your draw phase, look at the top card on your deck and select whether to keep it or place it at the bottom of the deck. This effect cannot be stacked. This card is discarded after three turns if you do not have a G card in your field. Rarity : Rare Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #134 | | TRANSFIGURATION | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Transfiguration Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Gnosis. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : During the event or block phase, discard one G card from your hand. Then, look through the deck and select one G card, and reshuffle the deck. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #135 | | MYSTERIOUS GIRL | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Mysterious Girl Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : During the battle phase, all battle cards except G gain ATK+1. This effect can be stacked (Both players). This card is discarded after one turn. Rarity : Uncommon Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #136 | | TERRITORY SHIFT | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Territory Shift Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Gnosis. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : When a G battle card attacks the deck, the owner of the deck must discard one card from the hand. (Both players) (Cannot be stacked) Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #137 | | PILGRIMAGE FLEET | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Pilgrimage Fleet Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Gnosis, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : G cards in the standby recovers 1 HP during their owner's adjust phase. (Both players) (Effect cannot be stacked) Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #138 | | IMAGINARY SPACE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Imaginary Space Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Gnosis, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : During your draw phase, draw from the lost pile rather than the deck. You cannot draw if you do not have any cards in the lost pile. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #2. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #139 | | A RAT IN A TRAP | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : A Rat in a Trap Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 3 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : When this card is on the field, battle cards cannot withdraw from the field. This card is discarded after two turns during your draw phase. (Both players) Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #140 | | SO WEAK! | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : So Weak! Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 2 Req's : 2 Human, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : When this card is discarded during event or block phase, three damage is inflicted on one battle card on the battlefield. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack N from the Casino after you have defeated the Song of Nephilim stage of the game. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #141 | | WASTE MONEY | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Waste Money Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Human, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Both players can draw one additional card during their draw phase. This effect can be stacked. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. NOTES: Waste Money is an obscenely strong card, especially when you start to stack its effect. Not only does it effectively half the time a game will last, but it makes your opponent more wary to play high-cost cards. This is a great card in nearly any deck; if you plan to have the lead, Waste Money is perfect since it will simply run down both you and your opponent, and you will win first. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #142 | | PHENOMENON CHANGE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Phenomenon Change Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 1 Req's : 2 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : When this card is discarded during the event or block phase, one situation card of the enemy on the field is destroyed. Rarity : Promo Acquire: During the Encephalon, check the dome in Miltia's playground for this item. One of the kids (Jr. or MOMO) must be your lead character to get the item--that means you cannot acquire it your first time here, since your group then is Shion and chaos. However, it is possible to get this during the Encephalon stage: just before the battle with Tiamat, jump into the swirling purple vortex and run all the way back to the playground, then put Jr. or MOMO as the lead character and acquire the pack from the dome. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #143 | | RHINE MAIDEN | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Rhine Maiden Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 2 Req's : 2 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : When this card is discarded during the event or block phase, the enemy's deck takes 4 damage. Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack O from the Casino after you have defeated the Song of Nephilim stage of the game. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #144 | | UNKNOWN ARMAMENT | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Unknown Armament Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 3 Req's : 2 Human, 1 Mech, 1 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : When this card is discarded during the event or block phase, all battle cards on the field receive 2 damage. (Both players) Rarity : Promo Acquire: Buy Promo Pack P from the Casino after you have defeated the Song of Nephilim stage of the game. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #145 | | ZOHAR | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Zohar Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Additional. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : During the battle phase, all battle cards gain ATK+1. (Both players) (This effect can be stacked) Rarity : Promo Acquire: In City Section 27 of the Kukai Foundation City, look in the Cleaners at the far left of this section, go inside, and go back to the middle room (this building is three rooms deep. At the upper right of this room are two cylindrical driers, check the one with stairs going up to it to acquire the Promotional Pack B, which contains this card. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #146 | | D.S.S.S. | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : D.S.S.S. Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 1 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Deploy all G cards that are possible to be deployed. After one turn, this card will be discarded during your draw phase. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #147 | | COMPULSORY SORTIE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Compulsory Sortie Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Mech. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Deploy all battle cards that are possible to be deployed. After one turn, this card will be discarded during your draw phase. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +------+-+-----------------------------+ | #148 | | OVERRIDE CODE | +------+-+-----------------------------+ Name : Override Code Type : Situation (Blue) Attrib.: -- Cost : 0 Req's : 2 Human. HP : -- Attack : -- A. Type: -- Text : Deploy all R cards that are possible to be deployed. After one turn, this card will be discarded during your draw phase. Rarity : Common Acquire: Get from Booster Pack #1. +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ VII. BECAUSE I HAVE TO: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| |J| |A| |K| |Q| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ Here are some of the most asked questions about the Xenocard game. I tell you right now, don't e-mail me with a question in this section. Why? First, your query is already answered in the guide, and then AGAIN in this section! The reason it's here is because I've already seen too many stupid e-mails like yours, asking this question. Anyway, here are the FAQs: Q. How do I play the card game? A. First, the number one thing you must do is acquire the Card Passport. You get this on the Elsa, the second ship your main group is on. Get it by talking to the robot in the restaurant, behind the counter. She will provide you with the Card Passport. Your first opportunity to get it comes when you are playing as Shion, trying to take food to Commander Cherenkov. Once you have the Card Passport, go to any Save Point with a blue EVS box on top of it and you can access the card game. Go to the Items menu and then use R1 to access your Special Items; scroll down until you reach the Card Passport, and then press Confirm (default circle) to access the card game. Q. Where do I get the Swim Suit MOMO and Swim Suit Shion cards? A. You win these cards by defeating tournaments in the card game. That is, you must defeat five consecutive opponents. By using one of my recommended decks it should be possible for you. The cards are given randomly, so don't be disappointed if you don't get the one you want, just keep trying! ***************************************************************************** CARD CHECKLIST Print out the following checklist and mark off the cards you achieve, as you acquire them. The cards are listed in order of their number. ____ 001 Lv 1 Shion |____| 002 Swim Suit Shion |____| 003 Lv 1 Ziggy |____| 004 Lv 1 MOMO |____| 005 Lv 1 KOS-MOS |____| 006 Lv 1 Jr. |____| 007 Lv 1 Chaos |____| 008 Lv 10 Shion |____| 009 Swim Suit MOMO |____| 010 Lv 10 Ziggy |____| 011 Lv 10 MOMO |____| 012 Lv 10 KOS-MOS |____| 013 Lv 10 Jr. |____| 014 Lv 10 Chaos |____| 015 Albedo |____| 016 Hammer |____| 017 Civilian Child |____| 018 Civilian Female |____| 019 Civilian Male |____| 020 Civilian Boy |____| 021 Soldier |____| 022 Security Guard |____| 023 U-TIC Soldier |____| 024 Realian Male |____| 025 Realian Female |____| 026 Gov't Realian |____| 027 100 Series |____| 028 Combat Realian M |____| 029 Combat Realian F |____| 030 Bunnie |____| 031 AG-04 |____| 032 AG-02-M |____| 033 Simeon |____| 034 AG-01 |____| 035 Proto Dora |____| 036 AG-05 |____| 037 Drone |____| 038 VX-7000 |____| 039 VX-9000 |____| 040 VX-10000 |____| 041 VX-4000 |____| 042 VX-20000 |____| 043 Saber |____| 044 Cannon |____| 045 Shield |____| 046 Aird |____| 047 Beam |____| 048 Battle Suit |____| 049 Missile Pod |____| 050 Handgun |____| 051 Rifle |____| 052 Rocket |____| 053 Third Armament |____| 054 Eyeglasses |____| 055 Virgil |____| 056 Margulis |____| 057 Matthews |____| 058 Gaignun |____| 059 Testament |____| 060 Wilhelm |____| 061 Cherenkov |____| 062 Tony |____| 063 Allen |____| 064 Juli Mizrahi |____| 065 Pellegri |____| 066 Zohar Emulator |____| 067 Kobold |____| 068 Goblin |____| 069 Ogre |____| 070 Gremlin |____| 071 Lizardman |____| 072 Hydra |____| 073 Cerberus |____| 074 Fairy |____| 075 Minotaur |____| 076 Golem |____| 077 Gargoyle |____| 078 Unicorn |____| 079 Sanctuary Ship |____| 080 Kirschwasser |____| 081 Durandal |____| 082 Joachim Mizrahi |____| 083 Miyuki's E-mail |____| 084 Cure-All |____| 085 Curry |____| 086 Bio Sphere |____| 087 Supply Ship |____| 088 Supply Fleet |____| 089 Retreat |____| 090 Woglinde |____| 091 Surprise Attack |____| 092 Federation Cruiser |____| 093 Invitation |____| 094 Mary & Shelley |____| 095 U.M.N. Investigation |____| 096 Investigation |____| 097 Landing Operations |____| 098 Premonition |____| 099 Dragon Skull |____| 100 Expulsion Order |____| 101 Impregnable Guard |____| 102 Article 4-13 |____| 103 Phase Cannon |____| 104 Notice |____| 105 Resolution |____| 106 Recycler |____| 107 Revive DX |____| 108 Stim DX |____| 109 Simulation |____| 110 War Casualty |____| 111 X•BUSTER |____| 112 Charge |____| 113 Precise Shooting |____| 114 Invoke |____| 115 Confusion |____| 116 Miltian Conflict |____| 117 Song |____| 118 Start Up |____| 119 Destiny |____| 120 Break Through |____| 121 Hilbert Effect |____| 122 Analyze |____| 123 Tune-Up |____| 124 Stim |____| 125 Good Luck |____| 126 Armistice |____| 127 Human Sacrifice |____| 128 Kukai Foundation |____| 129 Dämmerung |____| 130 Supply Order |____| 131 Gnosis Phenomenon |____| 132 Gnosify |____| 133 Collective |____| 134 Transfiguration |____| 135 Mysterious Girl |____| 136 Territory Shift |____| 137 Pilgrimage Fleet |____| 138 Imaginary Space |____| 139 A Rat in a Trap |____| 140 So Weak! |____| 141 Waste Money |____| 142 Phenomenon Change |____| 143 Rhine Maiden |____| 144 Unknown Armament |____| 145 Zohar |____| 146 D.S.S.S. |____| 147 Compulsory Sortie |____| 148 Override Code |____| ***************************************************************************** LE CONCLUSION Well, that is it for this Xenocard guide. Just to recap, address any questions about the Xenocard game, which are not covered in the guide, to me. For any other questions, direct them to somebody else. I hope this guide was helpful and that you enjoyed it. ***************************************************************************** ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to Namco and everyone else associated with the creation of this game. Thanks to GameFAQs, and especially to CJayC for doing such a great job there. Most of all thanks to me, for the time it took to gather this information and write this FAQ. A bunch of people have sent me some helpful e-mails about the game, problems with the guide, or with tips for material to add to the guide. Thanks! ***************************************************************************** This file is copyright by Denouement (Chris Parham). You may NOT reproduce or distribute this guide in any manner, electronically or otherwise, without the express written permission of the author. You may not display this guide on any page in which there are advertisement banners. Below can be found the list of sites that are permitted to host this guide. This list can be changed at any time. "The Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille Zur Macht Xenocard FAQ and Card List" Last Update: 11 May 2003 Version: 1.1 DENOUEMENT