[ Xenosaga Episode II : Jenseits von Gut und Böse ] [ Compendium Version : 00.03 ] [ Layer 01 ]=[ Introduction ] | | [ Layer 01.01 ]=[ Revision History ] [ Layer 02 ]=[ Controls ] [ Layer 03 ]=[ Walkthrough ] | | [ Layer 03.01 ]=[ Disc 1 ] | | [ Layer 03.01.01 ]=[ Old Miltia ] [ Layer 03.01.02 ]=[ Second Miltia City ] [ Layer 03.01.03 ]=[ Second Miltia ] [ Layer 03.01.04 ]=[ The Subconscious Domain ] [ Layer 03.02 ]=[ Disc 2 ] | | [ Layer 03.02.01 ]=[ Dämmerung ] [ Layer 03.02.02 ]=[ Elsa ] [ Layer 04 ]=[ Characters ] | | [ Layer 04.01 ]=[ Shion Uzuki ] [ Layer 04.02 ]=[ KOS-MOS ] [ Layer 04.03 ]=[ Ziggurat 8 / Ziggy ] [ Layer 04.04 ]=[ MOMO ] [ Layer 04.05 ]=[ chaos ] [ Layer 04.06 ]=[ Jr. ] [ Layer 04.07 ]=[ Jin Uzuki ] [ Layer 05 ]=[ A.M.W.S. ] | | [ Layer 05.01 ]=[ E.S. Asher ] [ Layer 06 ]=[ Skills ] | | [ Layer 06.01 ]=[ Level 1 Skills ] [ Layer 06.02 ]=[ Level 2 Skills ] [ Layer 06.03 ]=[ Level 3 Skills ] [ Layer 06.04 ]=[ Level 4 Skills ] [ Layer 06.05 ]=[ Other Skills ] [ Layer 07 ]=[ Items ] | | [ Layer 07.01 ]=[ Battle Items ] [ Layer 07.02 ]=[ Non Battle Items ] [ Layer 07.03 ]=[ Barter Items ] [ Layer 07.04 ]=[ Key Items ] [ Layer 08 ]=[ Segment Address ] [ Layer 09 ]=[ Global Samaritan Campaign ] [ Layer 10 ]=[ Bestiary ] =========================== [ Layer 01 ]=[ Introduction ]================================================= =========================== The second installment of the Xenosaga series has come out on US shores. So here I am, typing this FAQ up for people who need help with certain parts. I'll try to make this more complete than my previous one, I promise. Once again, I hope if you're reading this, you'll find it to be of use to you. If you need to get to a certain part of this guide, use the Find function [ CTRL-F ] and put in the Layer number that corresponds to the part of the guide you want to access. As with all FAQs and guides and what not, it's Copyrighted by me [ Typhonae ] so don't use it without permission yada yada. I'm sure you've seen disclaimers before. If you want to contact me for corrections, you can e-mail me here : Typhonae@gmail.com ================================== [ Layer 01.01 ]=[ Revision History ]========================================== ================================== Version : 00.01 : Started on 02.16.05 Started the FAQ/Walkthrough Started the Layer Tree Started the Introduction Layer Completed the Introduction Layer Started the Revision History Sub-Layer of the Introduction Layer Started the Controls Layer Completed the Controls Layer Started the Walkthrough Layer Started the Disc 1 Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Started the Old Miltia Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Completed the Old Miltia Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Started the Second Miltia City Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Started the Shion Uzuki Sub-Layer of the Characters Layer Started the KOS-MOS Sub-Layer of the Characters Layer Started the Ziggurat 8 / Ziggy Sub-Layer of the Characters Layer Started the MOMO Sub-Layer of the Characters Layer Started the chaos Uzuki Sub-Layer of the Characters Layer Started the Jr. Uzuki Sub-Layer of the Characters Layer Started the Jin Uzuki Sub-Layer of the Characters Layer Started the A.M.W.S. Layer Started the E.S. Asher Sub-Layer of the A.M.W.S. Layer Started the Skills Layer Started the Level 1 Skills Sub-Layer of the Skills Layer Started the Level 2 Skills Sub-Layer of the Skills Layer Started the Level 3 Skills Sub-Layer of the Skills Layer Started the Items Layer Started the Battle Items Sub-Layer of the Items Layer Started the Non-Battle Items Sub-Layer of the Items Layer Started the Barter Items Sub-Layer of the Items Layer Started the Segment Address Layer Version : 00.02 : Started on 02.17.05 Updated the Revision History Sub-Layer of the Introduction Layer Completed the Second Miltia City Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Started the Second Miltia Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Started the Global Samaritan Campaign Layer Updated the Segment Address Layer Started the Key Items Sub-Layer of the Items Layer Updated the Level 1 Skills Sub-Layer of the Skills Layer Updated the Level 2 Skills Sub-Layer of the Skills Layer Updated the Level 3 Skills Sub-Layer of the Skills Layer Started the Level 4 Skills Sub-Layer of the Skills Layer Updated the chaos Sub-Layer of the Characters Layer Updated the Jr. Sub-Layer of the Characters Layer Updated the Jin Uzuki Sub-Layer of the Characters Layer Version : 00.03 : Started on 02.20.05 Started the Bestiary Layer Updated the Second Miltia Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Updated the Global Samaritan Campaign Layer Completed the Second Miltia Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Started The Subconscious Domain Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Completed The Subconscious Domain Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Completed the Disc 1 Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Started the Disc 2 Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Started the Dämmerung Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Updated the Battle Items Sub-Layer of the Items Layer Updated the Non-Battle Items Sub-Layer of the Items Layer Updated the Level 2 Skills Sub-Layer of the Skills Layer Completed the Dämmerung Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Started the Elsa Sub-Layer of the Walkthrough Layer Updated the Global Samaritan Campaign Layer Updated the Key Items Sub-Layer of the Items Layer Started the Other Skills Sub-Layer of the Skills Layer ======================= [ Layer 02 ]=[ Controls ]===================================================== ======================= "World" controls : Left Analog Stick / Directional Buttons : Move character Circle : Confirm / Talk / Investigate X : Cancel / Back Triangle : Main Menu Square : Destroy Target L1 / R1 : Select Target Left Analog Stick / Directional Buttons + R2 : Walk Start : Pause Battle controls : Left Analog Stick / Directional Buttons : Select Enemy / Ally Circle : Confirm / Attack X : Cancel / Display Command Menu Triangle : Attack Square : Attack 4L1 / R1 : Hide / Show Attack Information R1 / R2 + Circle / Triangle / Square : Boost Character Menu controls : Left Analog Stick / Directional Buttons : Move Cursor Right Analog Stick : Adjust Skill Navigator angle [ in the Skills Menu ] Circle : Confirm X : Cancle / Previous Menu Triangle : Close Main Menu Square : Remove Equipped Skill [ in the Status Menu ] L1 / R1 : Change Character / Page L2 / R2 : Change Menu Catergory Start : Change Leader [ On-screen Character ] Cinematics controls : Start : Pause Triangle : Skip [ while paused ] ========================== [ Layer 03 ]=[ Walkthrough ]================================================== ========================== Welcome to the heart of this guide. In each section I'll include a list of enemies in the beginning so you can cross-reference them to the Bestiary for EXP / Gold / etc information. Hopefully that will allow you to determine a safe level for your characters to be at to fight the enemies. Or, if it is a good place for levelling up. If I come across enemies that can be spoilers, I'll use a place marker in the list, and include the enemy when you fight it. I haven't seen that yet, but I should tell you about that just incase. Boss Fight numbers will skip in this Layer, because an optional boss is availible for the first time. More on the optional bosses in the Side Quest Sub-Layer. Items will appear with a ¤ symbol before them in the walkthrough. Of course, you don't need to get them on your first time through since you can later re-visit areas. If there's a boss coming up, you'll know it from the break in the guide. I won't touch cinematics, so just sit back and enjoy them or skip over them if you want to just get on with the game If you beat Xenosaga Episode I, you can load up the flag data from your memory card in order to acquire extras. This walkthrough will be based on if you do not have the clear data flag. ======================== [ Layer 03.01 ]=[ Disc 1 ]==================================================== ======================== The following is the walkthrough for Disc 1. =============================== [ Layer 03.01.01 ]=[ Old Miltia ]============================================= =============================== Enemies : Stole Marine Kfuga Lily U-TIC Soldier A E2 Hauser U-TIC Soldier B Once the cutscenes are over, head to the South of the road until you encounter a save point. The game will tell you how to use this, save if you'd like. Continue to the south and you will enter a new area. Now you will encounter a broken down truck that blocks your path. Learn how to destroy it, and do so. A little further down the road, destroying things as needed to progress. You will see a large tank blocking the path to the North, destroy it along and continue, the 2nd object here will reveal a chest. Open it to acquire a ¤Power Shield. Equip it, then head back to the main road to trigger a cut- scene. Once the cutscene is over, you'll see an enemy in the road. Engage to start the A.M.W.S. tutorial battle. Once it is over, continue on the path and you'll find out all about Traps. Shoot the Yellow Trap when the enemy A.M.W.S. is approaching, then engage. In this battle, you will realize your Energy, or EC bar, is filled. This is the bonus a Yellow Trap gives. After the battle has been won, head through the broken wall and destroy the 3 objects you see. The third one will give you a ¤Nano Repair A. Head to the East and destroy the two objects barring your path from the cars you see above you. Follow this road to destroy them all, and the large object at the end to receive a ¤Nano Sphere. Head back to where you were with the Yellow Trap before, then head towards the the second enemy you see, engaging it. Once the enemy has been defeated, destroy the objects behind where it was standing in order to obtain a ¤Nano Repair A. Now head to the North, being sure to set off the Red Trap before engaging the floating enemy you see. In this battle, you'll be given a Boost Bonus. This is what the Red Traps give. Defeat the enemies that stand in your way and continue into the next area. You'll once again be treated to another cutscene, when it's over head to the Save Point on the left if you want to use it, then head to the right and plow through the massive amount of rubble you see before you. The large object towards the upper-left will reveal a chest, open it to receive a ¤Revive S. Now head back and engage the enemy you see before you to learn about character combat. Now is a good time to use your Skill Points [ S. Points ] and Class Points [ C. Points ] after using them, head north and enter the next area. Follow the road and destroy the car you see on the left to reveal stairs, unfortunately, you can't enter through the gate on this side, so continue along your way and destroy the door you see on the wall a little further ahead to reveal Segment Address No. 14. Just beyond this point is another U-TIC Soldier, and the second character battle tutorial, this time talking about Double Attacks. Once you've beaten the enemies, continue on the road and climb the ladder you see in the wall. Once to the top, head to the left and destroy the object to reveal ¤Skill Upgrade D x3 items. Use these if you'd like to learn more Skills, then head to the ladder and climb down, contiuing along the road and entering into the next area. Head East to engage the U-TIC Soldier, after the battle head down the ramp and destroy the green light sculptures as you pass, with the second one in the back giving you a ¤Bio Sphere. Keep following the road, ignoring the path to Toys Universe and trigger the Red Trap before engaging the enemy. Once the U-TIC Soldiers are defeated keep following the road and enter the next area. After the cutscene, use the Save Point to heal and save the game, be sure to use S. Points before continuing, as the first boss battle lies ahead. Head around the bend you see and destroy the advertisement monitors, then enter the tunnel. You will be treated to a cutscene, then the battle begins. [ Boss Fight 01 : Margulis : 1,000 HP : BC ] Start the battle by moving the character who can attack first behind Margulis, this will allow you to deal extra damage. Keep attacking him, but be sure to allow both chaos and Jin to get 2 stocks. When Margulis is under 300 HP, and the Boost icon is the bonus for this turn, use the Double Attack Ice Brand to finish the battle. Margulis will counter with Coercion when his HP reaches 0, this extra attack changes the Boost icon into a Skill Bonus one. Once you've deafeated Margulis, a cutscene is shown, then you will be asked if you would like to save, do so if you'd like. ====================================== [ Layer 03.01.02 ]=[ Second Miltia City ]===================================== ====================================== Enemies : O-78 Grissly U-TIC Soldier A U-TIC Soldier B Revised E2 Hauser P.S.S. - P P.S.S. - B Ratus TI Mk II Testud Carnicos I The stage starts off with seven cutscenes, once they are done you will take control of Ziggurat 8. The screens by where you start can be used to view a recap of the events in Xenosaga Episode I or give you a review on combat. Head South and into the next area. Here you will be re-united with some of the crew and treated to a couple of cutscenes. After all is said and done, use your S. and C. Points, then save the game. Now head towards the staircase and an enemy will break through the wall. Engage it then afterwards touch the Save Point to regain lost HP and EP then ascend the staircase. Destroy all of the objects between you and the door and open it. Once on the other side, head North a little then go down the staircase you see on your left. Destroy the large crate you find to receive ¤Skill Upgrade A x5 Turn around and climb the stairs, then head to the right to descend the other staircase you see. This leads to the next area. Head North up the canal a little bit, an enemy will attack you from behind. Once the battle is over, continue North to be attacked by another enemy. If you want to, you can backtrack towards the room with the Save Point to heal, then head to the canal again. Doing so will reset the enemies, and you can keep fighting them and gaining EXP along with S. and C. Points. It's suggested that you do this at least to level 10, as it will give you an edge. Once you are ready to continue, destroy the large Keep Out grate and fall down the ledge and into the arms of an enemy. Once victorious, climb the ladder that you see to the right. On the second floor, destroy the crates to the North of your position to acquite an ¤Antidote L. Now break through the door barring your path and follow the hallway until you see another ladder. Climb this, and you'll enter into the next area. Destroy the gate in your path and climb the stairs, then destroy the panel ahead of you to obtain an ¤Ether Pack S. Now run to the West until a soldier attacks you from behind. After the battle follow the hallway, the next panel you see can be destroyed to reveal ¤Revive S x2. Head to the left and yet another soldier will chase you. Keep running until you can destroy the Red Trap, then engage. After the battle run to the left to enter the next area. In this area, just follow the road and when you start running down the ramp a large enemy will appear and give chase. No matter what, it will catch you, so just stand still. [ Boss Fight 02 : Executus Sagitto : 1,760 HP ] You should have your party set up as Jr., chaos, and Ziggurat 8. Have Ziggy move behind the boss since he'll be the main damage dealer, also let him use the Attacker skill. chaos at this point should have the Break Sensor skill, so use it on the boss. There are no Zones to break, so just attack. Heal when needed, the mech should fall in no time. Once the battle is over, follow the road and ascend the stairs to enter another area. Move forwards and you'll be trapped by four enemies. Take care of them then proceed forwards and ascend the small set of stairs you see above you, destroy the crate on the right to receive ¤Revive S x2. Descend the stairs just after a laser net passes, and run towards the other side of the road and into the little alcove. Destroy this crate to receive ¤Skill Upgrade A x5. Wait for the laser net to pass by again before charging up the road and around the corner heading North. Destroy the wall blocking you and use the Save Point. Now if you'd like, head back and run into the laser nets. This is a nice little way of fast points with quick access to a save to heal. When you are done levelling, head towards the save point and ride the elevator to your left. Follow the path once the elevator arrives on the next floor, and destroy the crates blocking you. The first large crate you destroy contains ¤Bio Sphere x2 inside. Get ird of the last large crate and continue following the path. Soon a large mech emerges from underground. [ Boss Fight 03 : O-88 Libra : 3,360 HP : AA ] You should have MOMO, Jr., and Ziggurat 8 in this battle. Start by casting the Break Shield skill on the enemy. Next, raise everyone's Stock to 3. You should also have at least 2 Boost availible to you. Have MOMO unleash all O attacks, with Jr. Boosting into the next turn. Have him do the same, then allow Ziggy to Boost. On Ziggy's turn, follow the O button fury, knocking the enemy down for extra damage. By now the O-88 Libra should have less than 500 HP left, if that. Let MOMO stock up again, then wait for the Skill Bonus icon to appear, and let MOMO kill the enemy. Head North towards the yellow crane you see. Destroy the lock at the base of the crane's neck to allow passage to the other side of the area. Climb the ladder to your right and run over the toppled crane, then right towards the red monitors you see. In this area, follow the road until you encounter a gatehouse. Destroy it to reveal a mechanical enemy. After defeating it, continue along the path and destroy the first crate on your right to receive ¤Revive S x2. The second crate on your left allows another enemy to attack you. Once the battle is over continue North and engage the next enemy you see in your way. When you have disposed of the enemies, enter the tunnel into the next area. Use the Save Point you see in this room to heal and save your game. Now head to the left and follow the path. Nearing the top, enemies will bust through the door you enetered from and give chase. They are easy, so just fight them to get Points. Once they have been dealt with, continue along and enter the door. You will view a cutscene, then start another Boss Fight. [ Boss Fight 04 : Pilum and Scutum : 3,360 HP / 4,800 HP ] Start off by filling up your Stocks on all 3 characters. Once that is set, unload your strongest attacks on Pilum, Boosting your character for a pretty much uninterrupted assault. He will Counter Boost at times to give you messages about a change in his ammunition or attack program. In any event, Pilum should fall before he can use either of those, hopefully on the Skill Bonus icon. Once again, raise your Stocks to 3 for all characters, then unload them on Scutum. At some point during your onslaught, he'll Counter Boost to warn you that his Sentenza has been filled with Lightning energy. This means his attack has gone up. He might also inform you about raising his Armor Shield. Although it sounds like it might be tough, from all your attacking, he should be almost depleted from his HP. So go on, continue the attack and don't let up, he should fall before you can lose HP. After the battle, you'll be treated to a few cutscenes then you'll enter the next part of the game. ================================== [ Layer 03.01.03 ]=[ Second Miltia ]========================================== ================================== [ Sector One ] Once you are in control of Shion, use the Save Point to your right if you'd like, then follow the main road, ignoring the steps you see. Turn right at the corner and you'll have a cutscene with Agent Bunnie. You've just been recruited to help with the Global Samaritan Campaign. Accept the Bunnie's offer and you'll receive the GS Path, which will modify your main menu. As GS Campaigns appear, I will make a note about it, which you will be able to cross-reference in the newly formed Layer 09. Once you're done with Agent Bunnie, continue past him and enter the next area. [ Sector Two ] Go up the escalators you see and head into the building that's a little ways ahead of you. Once inside the Area 40 Publishing Agency, head North and enter the door on the right. In this room you will find a multitude of destructible crates. One of them in the lower right hand corner of this room contains a ¤Boost Max. On the North wall destroy the bookshelf to reveal Segment Address No. 03 Exit the building and follow the road up then around the right corner. Here Shion will meet Angelina Swaine. She's also standing next to a red door, which just happens to be Segment Address No. 06. Angelina gives you the Segment File and Decoder 06, so go on and unlock that red door to obtain the Secret Key 3. Now head to the East and up the ramp, to enter Moby Dick's Cafe. You'll be treated to a plethora of cutscenes, once they are done, exit the building. Now, if you want, you can take part in a some GS Campaigns. There are some items you can obtain on your travels while doing these Campaigns, so if you're going to want those items, you might as well do the Campaigns as well. Because of this, I'll assume the items have already been picked up when I encounter the areas again later on in this guide. The GS Campaigns availible are as follows : GS Campaign 01 : Send Him My Love! GS Campaign 02 : Go Postal! GS Campaign 03 : Operation Squeak Squeak! GS Campaign 07 : Posters a Go-Go! GS Campaign 08 : Miltian Crisis! GS Campaign 09 : The Great Thief GS Campaign 11 : Water Works Worries! GS Campaign 19 : A Precious Life Now, with all that done, it's time to continue with the game, so head to Second Miltia and enter the Uzuki Residence area [ Uzuki Residence ] When you enter the area you'll have to watch alot of cutscenes. When they are finally over, you will automatically leave, but return. Head to the upper right and destroy the plants, the one on the right will reveal a ¤Bio Sphere. Destroy the pieces of wood on your right along the side of the house on your way back to Second Miltia to revela Segment Address No. 09. After this event, a couple more GS Campaigns become availible, so if you did the last grouping, go on and do these. GS Campaign 05 : My Idol, Dr. Uzuki GS Campaign 25 : An Old Dancer Reminisces Once you're done with those two GS Campaigns, head out into Second Miltia and enter the U.M.N. Control Center to progress the story. Upon entering you'll view a cutscene, then take control of chaos. Follow the path and enter the large U.M.N. door you see, head to the upper-right part of this large room and then to the left. Head North once again and go to the first door on your right to view another cutscene. Now head out of this room and South through the large room to go back to where you first entered. Head to the right and go to the door you see to trigger another cutscene. After that cutscene head back through the large room to the North and talk to the man standing outside of the left-hand door in order to enter. Doing so results in, you guessed it, more cutscenes. Now you control Shion in Vector's Second Division. Exit the room to the left then head North and arrive at the elevator. Allen comes and joins you, now it's time to head to the U.M.N. Control Center, so make haste. Upon entering you're treated to more cutscenes. This is a good time to save, so head to the right and then down through the large room, and to the left after passing through the doors to save. Use S. Points if you'd like, then head back and talk to Allen to continue. ============================================ [ layer 03.01.04 ]=[ The Subconscious Domain ]=============================== ============================================ Enemies : Expression Necessity Vacillation Information Type Infected U.R.T.V. In Winter : Glare Catharsis Piercing Scream Creation Type Infected U.R.T.V. Enter the house and head to the upper-right, opening the shutters to allow access to the other side. Go South and open the shutters on the left and you'll receive ¤Skill Upgrade C x2. Now head back to the first room and ascend the staircase, then head into the room with the open door. After the cutscene, follow the phantoms through the house and outside, into the light. Now you'll be in the Yuriev Institue, once the initial cutscene has finished head South and through door, save if you'd like, then continue through the door below you. Outside, head to the left and you'll eventually enter a hallway, keep following the path until another cutscene occurs. Once again you'll have to give chase to the phantoms, so head right, back the way you came until another cutscene is triggered. Continue to follow the phantoms after the cutscene has ended, and once inside the Yuriev Institute building, go right and through the red door, then a take a few steps fowards and you'll trigger yet another cutscene. After that cutscene, exit the room and the phantoms will be seen running into the center door. So give chase and take a few steps in this room to trigger another cutscene. After the cutscene is over, you'll be back in control of Shion, so if you'd like to save, you can. To your left you'll see three boxes, the one in the middle contains nothing, the one to the upper-left holds ¤Revive S x2, and the one closest to the Save Points contains a Gnosis. Go back to the road and head North, making sure to use the Yellow Trap before encountering the first Gnosis you see. After it's dealt with, continue North and fight the second. Run up into the back of the truck that's sitting on the road and destroy the crate to reveal a chest that contains ¤Med Mit M x2. Go back to the South and take the Eastern route. In this area, follow the path until you arrive to a place with rocks on the ground. Destroying the second rock will reveal a Gnosis. You'll see a shack above you, head to it, fighting the Gnosis in your way. Destroy the shack by using multiple attacks on it, until it reveals a Forbidden Device. Now head back to the main road and use the Yellow Trap against the Gnosis infront of you. Continue to the right and you'll enter into the next area. Run to the right and engage the Gnosis you see, once it's out of the way, keep following the road and fight another Gnosis. Now head to the West and you'll fight a third Gnosis. Destroy the rock behind the Gnosis to reveal a chest that contains ¤Skill Upgrade B x4. Go back to the intersection and go right over the downed tree. From here, take the left-most road and follow it to engage a Gnosis. Destroy the tree that's to your right after the battle, then cross the stream on it, use the Red Trap then engage the Gnosis. After the Gnosis has been dealt with, continue on the path, ignoring the large rock. Head up the Northeastern path you see to enter the next area. Following the road, a Gnosis will attack, after the battle head North then to the left and go to the stream. Destroy the rock in the water, then move to the right and take the next path, destroying this rock. Head back to where the first rock was and topple the tree, which will then float downstream and stop at the third rock. Follow it and cross over, destroying the crate it allows access to. Open the chest that was inside and receive Decoder 04. Cross back over the log and exit this area, then re-enter to reset the rocks. This time, topple the tree without destroying any of the rocks and cross it to the other side. Save your game if you'd like, then head to the North and take the first left to open the chest at the end of the path. Inside you'll find ¤Antidote H x2, once you've gotten them, head to the right then head North and into the next area. In this area, follow the path and destroy the large rock on your left to fight another Gnosis if you so chose, otherwise, head across the healthier looking tree. To your right you'll see a small tree, destroy it and run through the bushses, then jump down and grab the ¤Boost Max in the chest you find. Jump down to the lower level and fight your way South, until you're back in the last area. Destroy the rock you find to obtain another ¤Boost Max, then head back up. Follow the path North a little then take a left up the incline to return to where the two fallen tress are. Cross the healthier one again and lure the Gnosis you see towards you then use the Yellow Trap. After it's defeated continue North to get a cutscene and to enter the next area. This area begins with a battle, once it's over head North along the road and save if you'd like, then use the Red Trap and fight the next enemy. Continue North and fight another enemy, then further North is another. If you're patient you can use the Yellow Trap before the battle. Once all four enemies are gone, head back down, heal, use S. and C. Points, save, then head back North into the next area and into a boss fight. [ Boss Fight 05 : Level 4 : 5,760 HP : CCBB ] Start the round by moving chaos behind Level 4, then have your other two characters use Aura Sword on themselves. Follow this by maxing out your stocks. When ready and you have the Ether, Turn Cancel, Reverse, or Non icon, Boost a second character and start the onslaught with a CC attack, stopping and allowing the second character to attack using the BB combination to allow a Break. Once this happens, use your full set of stocks on that character to hopefully get a Down status and Boost back to the first character. On this turn, continue the assault, using all of your stocks and allow the third character to Boost. Once again, use all of your stocks and after this, either Level 4 will be dead [ on the Skill Point Bonus icon, mind you ] or he'll be almost dead. If he's almost dead, just stock up again and repeat the strategy. After the fight you'll be back in the Yuriev Institute. Head South through the red doors and follow the phantoms to the East and out the door. Once outside, follow the path around the corner, then to the East to trigger another cutscene. When that is over, follow the path south and around the corner, going inside the broken wall to trigger a second cutscene. After that cutscene is over, head back North and re-renter the building, and follow the phatoms back into the room where you started from. Take a few steps towards the left to trigger yet another cutscene and to enter the next area. This area should look familiar, it's where you were before, only now, it's Winter. Head to the Save Point and save your game, as the enemies are harder this time around. The first box to your left now houses a ¤Med Kit S instead of a Gnosis. Head North and fight the two Gnosis you see and destroy the crate behind the billboard to reveal a chest containing ¤Antidote L x2. Now head South and then East into the next area. Follow the path and you'll enter into the second area, the first rock you see now contains a Gnosis. The second rock now contains ¤Ether Pack S x2, fight the Gnosis to the North if you'd like, then head East and fight the Gnosis in your way. Continue East and you'll enter the next area. A head of you will be a Gnosis, engage it then follow the path. At the inter- section, head left and destroy the rock to reveal a Gnosis. After it's dealt with, go back to the East and descend down the toppled tree, then go North. Around the bend you'll encounter yet another Gnosis. After the battle keep running and you'll find another tree, topple it to allow access over the stream. Follow the path and you'll eventually run into an Infected U.R.T.V. Once it's out of the way head South then East and destroy the large rock, to allow access to the chest you see. Open it to obtain ¤Bio Sphere x2. Now go back to the road and head East to fight another Infected U.R.T.V. After the battle follow the path into the next area. Along the run to the East a Gnosis will attack you, make short work of it and head North towards the stream. This time around, you'll need to destroy all of the rocks in the water except for the one on the far right. Then topple the tree and cross it when it stops at the last rock. Destroy the large rock in the back of this small area to reveal a chest that contains ¤Skill Upgrade B x4 and head South and out of this area, then re-enter. This time, destroy the two left-most rocks, then topple the tree. Cross over and destroy the crate to obtain a ¤Bio Sphere. Now go South and exit the area again and re- enter it, then just topple the tree and use the Save Point if you want. To the right an Infected U.R.T.V. will attack you, after it's been defeated take the path to the left and open the chest to receive a ¤Rejuvenator M. Head East then follow the path North and destroy the rock you see near the tree to free a Gnosis. After the battle has been won, head to the North and into the next area. Follow the path and be sure not to provoke the Infected U.R.T.V. you see that is roaming the area, use the Yellow Trap then engage it. At the end of the left-hand path, destroy the rock to obtain an ¤Ether Pack M. Head North and cross the healthier looking toppled tree again and destroy the tree on the right. Journey under the shrubs and go down to discover Segment Address No. 15 head down again and follow the path South, defeating the enemies in your way. Follow the road until you go back to the previous area, destroy the rock to obtain a ¤Revive S, then head back down the path and ascend the incline to the left. Cross the healthy looking tree and keep running North until you reach the next area. Use the Save Point to your left then head up the middle path and cross the toppled tree and fight the Gnosis you encounter. After the battle head North and follow the path downwards, crossing over another toppled tree. There will be an Infected U.R.T.V. around this area, so wipe it out of existance and continue on Northwards before rounding the corner to the West and heading South. Fight the Gnosis guarding the rock, after the battle destroy the rock to reveal a chest containing ¤Ether Pack M x2. Head North from here and engage the Infected U.R.T.V. then destroy the rock it was guarding to obtain ¤Skill Upgrade A x10. Head back down the main path then go East, killing the Gnosis in your way. Destroy the rock to the Northwest to reveal a chest that contains ¤Skill Upgrade C x2. Now head back to the Save Point and use your S. Points, make sure whoever you bring into battle has the Psycho Pocket Ether spell and maybe even some Rare+10 on your characters. [ Boss Fight 06 : Albedo : 7,680 HP : BCCB ] First thing is first, use Psycho Pocket until you take the Awakening I item. Now stock to max, give everyone who needs it Fire Sword, making sure to heal when needed. Once everything is in place, start attacking, but don't use all of your stocks yet. You'll notice that "Break Block" appears, followed by a message telling you Albedo's arms are numb. Attack twice more and his arms should be destroyed, you can now do the Break combination on him. So have someone do the BC portion and Boost another character to finish it with CB and to unload the stocks, with hopefully a Down or Air status. Boost another character and continue the onslaught, Boosting until you're not able to anymore. Now Albedo should be hurting pretty badly at this point, but his arms might regenerate, and when they do, he'll do a very powerful attack that injures everyone. Revive and heal as needed and just assault him, no need to worry about getting the Break status on him again. Just be sure to end the battle on a Skill Point Bonus icon like always. After the battle, watch the cutscenes and save the game. Congratulations, you are done Disc 1. ======================== [ Layer 03.02 ]=[ Disc 2 ]==================================================== ======================== This is the walkthrough for Disc 2. ============================== [ Layer 03.02.01 ]=[ Dämmerung ]============================================== ============================== Enemies : VSS Emissive VSS Fresnol VSS Rayleigh This section starts with quite a few cutscenes, once you're in control of Shion, exit the room you are in through the door to the South. Take a right and follow the hallway, exiting through the door at the end. Now head South and enter the first door on your left, Allen is in this room, talk to him. He says you should go get some rest, so do just that. Return to the room where you started and go to your bed to rest and have a dream sequence. Once Shion is awake, head back to the room where you met with Allen for a cutscene. When it's over, exit the room and head back towards Shion's room, using the Save Point to the left of her door if needed. Head through the glass doors to the left and in this next room, use the elevator in the Northwest. Once you've descended below, follow the path around the bend and Northwards until you see a Red Trap. Open the door and set off the Trap, then engage the enemy. After the battle continue North and open the next door and engage the mech standing in your path. Follow the path down the stairs and into the next area. In this large room, head South from the staircase and destroy the large box in order to find ¤Med Kit S x2. Now use the Yellow Trap then engage the enemy roaming the hall. Head to your right and destroy the second large box you see to obtain ¤Ether Pack S x2. Engage the mech roaming on this side of the room, then move to the right some more and destroy the small yellow crate near the large green box to reveal a ¤Med Kit L. From here, head South then West and into the bay. Once inside, destroy the second large crate at the bottom to obtain a ¤Rejuvenator DX. Further to the left of this area destroy more boxes to reveal a ¤Med Kit M. After that, destroy the wall just to South to reveal a hidden room with a chest, inside you'll find Decoder 18. Head East into the main area, and climb the ladder and use the gun you see on your right to shoot at the boxes on the conveyor belt. Keep shooting them until an item is dropped. Now head to the other side of this machine and use the other gun to destroy a vehicle to reveal a door. Climb back down the ladder to collect the item from the box on the conveyor belt, Secret Key 7. Now head towards the new door that was behind the vehicle you blew up, engaging the mech in the process. Once inside this new room, head to the upper-right corner and destroy the boxes until you get an ¤Ether Pack M. Now destroy the main pillar that the catwalk rests on, then ascend it and trigger the Yellow Trap before engaging the mech. After the battle, head South and destroy the crate to obtain ¤Bio Sphere x2. Head North through the door after this, and you'll be in a room filled with boxes. First thing is first, climb down the ladder to your left and destroy boxes on a path to the back of the wall. Doing so will reveal Segment Address No. 01, which you have the Decoder for, this is get you Secret Key 8. Make your way back through the boxes then reset them with the red panel you see in the front of the room. Now, it's time to make a path from the right side of the room to the left. From the red panel on the ground, destroy the two single boxes to the right. This will allow you to destroy one of the boxes under the grey one. Now move over to the left by 2 crates, destroying the single one infront of you. Then destroy a single crate under this grey one. Move to the left-most part of the room, destroying all of the crates three deep. This will make the last gray crate be to your left. Destroy a single crate under it, then climb up the ladder. Once on the right part of the room, run towards the back wall and destroy the single crate in front of you. Destroy the two stacks of three crates to your left, then the crate just South of that. You'll now be able to stand on the first grey crate. Destroy the solitary crate in your way and step onto the second grey crate and destroy the other crate in front of you. Turn to the left and destroy the two crates blocking your path to the left hand side of the room. With them gone, follow the path to the South and through the door into the next area. Head South and engage the mech enemy on the walkway, then head South and up the staircase. Back in the large room, head right and check out the large screen to watch Shion mock Allen. After that use the controls by the elevator to bring it up so you can go down if you would like to save. In any event, enter the room next to the screen. Walk onto the main conveyor belt, but make sure you knock down both crates you see. One is on the left hand side by where you start, so just run in place near it until it shows up, then allow the belt to take you closer to the end, running in place once again until the one on the right shows up. Let the conveyor belt drop you off onto the floor below. Room E on your right contains an enemy along with one of the crates you dropped down from above. It contains ¤Skill Upgrade E x2. Room I contains an enemy. Room D contains 5 crates with nothing in them. Room H cannot be opened from this side, we'll get to it later. Room C contains an enemy. Room G also contains an enemy. Room B contains nothing. Room F contains a ¤Rejuvenator DX that was in a crate you knocked down from above. Room A contains boxes that conceal Segment Address No. 07 Head to the left now and exit into the main room, use the elevator and enter into the conveyor belt area again. Head down the main belt and take the last left turn you can, follow this belt into the room that was locked, head down the stairs. Follow the path, destroying the two crates in your way. Ascend both staircases destroying the next crate in your way. This will reveal ¤Skill Upgrade C x2. Ascend the third staircase and enter the door. Make your way to the right and past the window into the hangar, go through the door and then down the stairs and into the door on your left. In this large room, head to the left and look at the glowing red panel. Read the instructions and then destroy the three left most boxes. Climb the stairs and stand on the upper-left hand part of the glass, it'll tilt down. Now run quickly across to the lower-right hand side and the glass will tilt again, this time destroying a box. This frees a chest, which will make it's way across the water. Go down the stairs and to the left by the water to open it to obtain Decoder 15. Now climb back up the stairs and go to the upper-left part of the glass to make it tilt again. Then run back to the lower-right hand part of it and walk onto the catwalk on the right. Head South and into the door on the left. If you'd like, save your game. Cross into the center of the room where the large fan is blowing strong wind at you. Fight the two enemies you see while running towards the center platform ahead of you. Once you are there, hug it while making your way to the right ever so slightly, then hug it again and move up. Then run to the right, if you did it correctly you'll make it behind the glass at the console you see. Now go to the console and hit the button, which will turn off the fan. Head around the platform to your left and climb the ladder, then head South and use the giant elevator. You'll be attack upon arriving at the hangar, so deal with the enemies then head North through the door. Continue to the ship you see and you'll be treated to cutscenes and you will be finished with this section. ========================= [ Layer 03.02.02 ]=[ Elsa ]=================================================== ========================= Once you set foot on the Elsa after the cutscenes, two GS Campaigns become availible, so go and do those. They are : GS Campaign 27 : The Master Bartender GS Campaign 32 : For the Captain! After that, head to the Save Point to your right and save the game. Now use the EVS Plate to the left and go to Old Miltia to open the Segment Address you found there way back in the beginning of the game. [ Old Miltia ] Head down the street and destroy the objects infront of the H.H.H. building, then head right and destroy the console you see to obtain ¤Med Kit S x2. Go around the H.H.H. building to the left and up both sets of stairs. Run across the catwalk and then turn left. Hit the red switch on the wall to lower the ladder, then climb down it. Head all the way to the left and you'll eventually come to a chest. Open it to reveal a ¤Bio Sphere. Head back to the right and down the stairs, destroying the car in your way. To your right you'll see Segment Address No. 14, so open it to obtain Robot Part Right Arm and Decoder 07. Exit the EVS and go back to the Elsa. Back on th Elsa, save your game and hit up the EVS Plate again, this time, head for the Subconscious Domain in Winter. [ Subconscious Domain - Winter ] From the starting point here, head to the right and into the next area. Follow the path and ignore the rocks, you'll run into a Gnosis in the process. It's up to you to either fight or Escape from the battles. Head East into the next area and you'll find another Gnosis. After you're past it, continue to the right and up a little ways, then go down the toppled tree and head North and go around the bend. Encounter another Gnosis then head West and cross the toppled tree, following the path until you run into one of the Infected U.R.T.V. units. Once you've dealt with it, continue to the right, ignoring the path with the opened chest. You'll encounter another Infected U.R.T.V., then head Northeast and into the next area. In this part, head to the right and encounter a Gnosis, then head around the first bend to the left and cross the toppled tree. Head to the Northeast, encountering an Infected U.R.T.V., then take the second left and follow it into the next area. Use the Yellow Trap to stop the Infected U.R.T.V. from moving, then cross the healthy looking tree and head right into the shrubs. Follow this and drop down in order to enter Segment Address No. 15 and to collect Secret Key 5. Now exit the EVS and head back to the Elsa. Back on the Elsa, save your game and use the EVS Plate again, this time, to re-enter the Dämmerung. [ Dämmerung ] Head to the right and up the hallway, using the Red Trap before engaging the mech you see. Head up the halway more and fight the second enemy, then follow the path to the right and down the staircase. Head down a little bit and use the Yellow Trap then lure the enemy towards you. Now head to the right and enter the second door you see. Descend these stairs and head right, then enter Room A and decode Segment Address No. 07 to obtain the Robot Part Left Arm. Exit the EVS and go back to the Elsa. Back on the Elsa, and being finished with EVS diving, take the elevator down to Floor B1. Head left and follow the path then head downstairs to the Robot Academy. Go left and talk to the Professor, now that you have both Robot Arms in your inventory, he'll unlock an Ether Skill for you. After obtaining the new Ether skill, head back to the elevator and save the game if you'd like. [ Coming Soon ] ========================= [ Layer 04 ]=[ Characters ]=================================================== ========================= In this Layer I'll go through the main characters of the game along with support characters later on. Each main character has thier own Sub-Layer where you'll find a lot of information, including bios, attack information, Double Attacks, etc. Since I the Xenosaga Episode II instruction book doe not have any bios in it, I'm just going to re-hash the info for the main people, and just have Jin's attack info until I can find a decent bio for him. The attacks will be in the following context : Button Combination : Target : Type : Range : Zone : Special Attributes While Double Attacks will be handled as follows : Name : Second Person : Target : Type : Condition to Use Attributes How Acquired ============================= [ Layer 04.01 ]=[ Shion Uzuki ]=============================================== ============================= Manual : FEMALE - 163 CM [ 5'4" ] - 48 KG [ 106 LBS ] - 22 YEARS OLD Chief Engineer of the KOS-MOS Project General Operation System Research Center, Vector Industries First R&D Division. When the story opens, she is assigned on a twofold missino : to assist in the investigation of a planetary disappearance which is somehow related to the "Zohar Project" - a plan developed jointly between the government and private industry - and to test KOS-MOS Database : BORN : T.C. 4745 AGE : 22 years old Assigned to Vector Industries' First R&D Division at the age of 18 in T.C. 4763. Her official title is Chief Engineer of the KOS-MOS Project General Operation System Research Center, Vector Industries First R&D Division. Although two years younger than Allen, Shion is a year his senior in the corporate hierarchy of Vector. Although she appears to be clumsy at times, she is actually quite athletic. In particular, her high kicks are powerful enough to render a grown man unconscious. She apparently also wields a jiu jitsu-like technique passed on from her grandfather, but unfortunately this skill does not appear in this episode. ============================================================================== Attacks : [ Coming Soon ] ============================================================================== Double Attacks : [ Coming Soon ] ========================= [ Layer 04.02 ]=[ KOS-MOS ]=================================================== ========================= Manual : FEMALE - 167 CM [ 5'6" ] - 92 KG [ 203 LBS ] - LOOKS ABOUT 18 YEARS OLD A female, armored battle android developed by the interstellar conglomerate, Vector Industries. She is comprised entirely of mechanical parts, a rarity in an age of advances Realian technology. "KOS-MOS" is not her personal name, but rather the name of the complete battle system designed to combat Gnosis. Database : An armored female android developed by the interstellar conglomerate, Vector Industries. She is comprised entirely of mechanical parts, a rarity in an age of advances Realian technology. The basic tenet to which she adheres to is based on logic, probability, and completion of her mission above all else. She also unconditionally protects Shion, her creator. She is equipped wth a "simulated personality OS" to aid in communication, and through her speed conveys her role as an android in servive to humans, her tendency to put logic and probability first makes her quite diffecult to manage at times. The name KOS-MOS is a general acronym to denote an anti-Gnosis tactical system. It stands for "Kosmos Obey Strategic Multiple Operation Systems." ============================================================================== Attacks : [ Coming Soon ] ============================================================================== Double Attacks : [ Coming Soon ] ==================================== [ Layer 04.03 ]=[ Ziggurat 8 / Ziggy ]======================================== ==================================== Manual : MALE - 191 CM [ 6'3" ] - 98 YEARS SINCE BODY RECYCLING [ LOOKS 30 ] A combat cyborg assigned the task of recovering and protecting MOMO, the prototype 100-series Observational Realian. Instead of embracing the fact that he was once human, Ziggy is constantly tuning his body, eliminating his organic parts in order to erase his own existence and reduce himself from a "person" to a mere "object." Database [ Ziggurat 8 ] : Ziggurat Industries Cyborg version 8.0. Since the advent of Realian technology, all effort to develop new cyborgs was abandoned, but pre-existing models continued to be upgraded. However, with the enactment of the Species Perservation Act this practice was also stopped, making version 8.0 the last in the Ziggurat series. Database [ Ziggy ] : BORN : T.C. 4637 A combat cyborg assigned the task of recovering and protecting MOMO, the prototype 100-series Observational Realian. Upon his death in T.C. 4667 at the age of 30, his body was donated to science, and two years later he was reborn as a combat cyborg. The last rank he held was captain of the 1875th Special Operations Command detatchment of the Federation Police Bureau. He is currently appropriated to the S.O.C.E. According to Federation law, upon death, an individual's body is designated as "public property", thus they are no longer able to control thier own fates. Perhaps this is why Ziggy considers himself simply equipment owned by the S.O.C.E. His thinking is in direct contrast to MOMO, who longs to be human. Ziggy constantly strives to turn himnself completely into a machine through repeated tune-ups that eliminate his human parts, piece by piece. His looks belie his extremely old age, and his advice gained from years of experience is both practical and precise. His former name was Jan Sauer. ============================================================================== Attacks : Square, Square : Single : Physical : Short : BB Strike : Fire Square, Triangle : Single : Physical : Short : BC Strike : Fire Triangle, Triangle : Single : Physical : Short : CC Strike : Fire Triange, Square : Single : Physical : Short : CB Strike : Fire Circle : Single : Physical : Short : B or C : Down Strike : Fire Circle [ Downed Enemy ] : Single : Physical : Short : C Slash : Fire ============================================================================= Double Attacks : [ Coming Soon ] ====================== [ Layer 04.04 ]=[ MOMO ]====================================================== ====================== Manual : FEMALE - 141 CM [ 4'8" ] - 36 KG [ 79 LBS ] - LOOKS ABOUT 12 YEARS OLD A prototype 100-series Observational Realian [ synthetic human ] developed to observe and contact Gnosis, an alien life form that can only be detected by a "special sense." MOMO is short for Multiple Observative Mimetic Organicus. She was created by Joachim Mizrahi, a scientist renowned throughout the galaxy, and his wife, Juli Mizrahi. Database [ 100-series Observational Unit ] : The Anti-Gnosis Observational Realians that were slated for duty onboard the Woglinde. They are capable of unleashing the Hilbert Effect. Database [ MOMO ] : Short for Multiple Observative Mimetic Organicus. Activation date unknown. She is a 100-Series prototype Realian designed to observe and contact Gnosis, an alien life form that can only be detected by a "special sense." She was created by Joachim Mizrahi, and she resembles his deceased daughter, Sakura Mizrahi. Her outward appearance is that of a 12 year old. ============================================================================== Attacks : Circle : Single : Ether : Long : A or B or C Pierce Circle, Circle, : Single : Ether : Long : A or B or C Pierce Circle, Circle, Circle : Single : Ether : Long : A or B or C Pierce ============================================================================== Double Attacks : [ Coming Soon ] ======================= [ Layer 04.05 ]=[ chaos ]===================================================== ======================= Manual : MALE - 169 CM [ 5'7" ] - 53 KG [ 117 LBS ] - LOOKS ABOUT 16 YEARS OLD A slender, young boy who appears 16 years old but whose true age is unknown. His perpetually melancholic expression, as well as the depth and scope of his conversations, give the impression that he hails from a higher plane of existence. His translucent blue eyes and silver hair are his particularly distinguishing features. As he volunteers no information whatsoever about his past other than his name, everything about him, including whether or not he even has any memory of his past, is unknown. Database : BORN : unknown AGE : unknown A slender, young boy who appears 16 years old but whose true age is unknown. His perpetually melancholic expression, as well as the depth and scope of his conversations, give the impression that he hails from a higher plane of existence. As he volunteers no information whatsoever about his past other than his name, everything about him, including whether or not he even has any memory of his past, is unknown. His relationship with Matthews and the crew appears to go back for quite some time, and they all respect him highly. His translucent blue eyes and silver hair are his particularly distinguishing features. ============================================================================== Attacks : Square, Square : Single : Physical : Short : BB Strike : Aura Square, Triangle : Single : Physical : Short : BC Strike : Aura Triangle, Triangle : Single : Physical : Short : CC Strike : Aura Triange, Square : Single : Physical : Short : CB Strike : Aura Circle : Single : Physical : Short : B or C : Down Strike : Aura Circle [ Downed Enemy ] : Single : Physical : Short : C Strike : Aura Circle, Circle [ Downed Enemy ] : Single : Physical : Short : CC Strike : Aura ============================================================================== Double Attacks : Ice Brand : Jin Uzuki : Single : Physical : Stock x2 Slash : Ice Start with Elemental Nocturne : Jr. : All : Ether : Stock x2 Aura GS Campaign 09 ===================== [ Layer 04.06 ]=[ Jr. ]======================================================= ===================== Manual : MALE - 140 CM [ 4'7" ] - 38 KG [ 84 LBS ] - LOOKS ABOUT 12 YEARS OLD One of the directors of the Kukai Foundation, a special organization based on Second Miltia [ an autonomous state in the Galaxy Federation ]. Despite his seemingly carefree attitude, Jr. is actually quite wise and will occasionally make statements, cutting right to the heart of things. Database : Gaignun Kukai Jr., director of the Kukai Foundation His hobby is collecting ancient text and literature, as well as ancient [ relative to his time period ] weapons. The official records state that he was born in T.C. 4755 and is the adopted son of Gaignun Kukai. ============================================================================== Attacks : Square, Square : Single : Physical : Long : BB Pierce Square, Triangle : Single : Physical : Long : BC Pierce Triangle, Triangle : Single : Physical : Long : CC Pierce Triange, Square : Single : Physical : Long : CB Pierce Circle : Single : Physical : Long : B or C Pierce Circle : Single : Physical : Long : A Pierce Circle, Circle : Single : Physical : Long : AA Pierce ============================================================================== Double Attacks : Elemental Nocturne : chaos : All : Ether : Stock x2 Aura GS Campaign 09 =========================== [ Layer 04.07 ]=[ Jin Uzuki ]================================================= =========================== Attacks : [ Coming Soon ] ============================================================================== Double Attacks : Ice Brand : chaos : Single : Physical : Stock x2 Slash : Ice Start with ======================= [ Layer 05 ]=[ A.M.W.S. ]===================================================== ======================= In this Layer you'll find a lot of information about the A.M.W.S. units you can pilot during the game. This includes base statistics, attacks, and attacks based on co-pilots. ============================ [ Layer 05.01 ]=[ E.S. Asher ]=============================================== ============================ [ Coming Soon ] ===================== [ Layer 06 ]=[ Skills ]======================================================= ===================== The way skills are handled are very different compared to Episode I. Now, instead of learning skills from items, you unlock them by using your Class and Skill Points. There are 3 types of Skills, as well. You have ones that can be equipped, of which you can only have 3 at a time. There are ones that are Mastered, meaning that it's always active. And ones that are Ether skills, that cost EP to use. To unlock skills, you must use Skill Points to learn whichever ones you want. Class Points are used to unlock different classes of skills. And after certain requirements are met, you are allowed access to different levels. All will be shown here. ================================ [ Layer 06.01 ]=[ Level 1 Skills ]=========================================== ================================ Level 1 Skills are availible from the start of the game. ============================================================================= Class A Skills : 300 C. Points to Unlock Medica : 200 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 2 EP Low HP recovery relative to Ether Attack Refresh L : 150 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 2 EP Clear L-type status effect based on caster's EATK Poison Guard : 100 S. Points : Mastered Poison resistance +25% Blind Guard : 100 S. Points : Mastered Blind resistance +25% ============================================================================== Class B Skills : 300 Class Points to Unlock Attacker : 200 S. Points : Ether : Self : 4 EP Raise Physical Attack and lower Physical Defense Defender : 200 S. Points : Ether : Self : 4 EP Raise Physical Defense and lower Physical Attack STR+2 : 100 S. Points : Equip Str +2 Increase Physical Attack VIT+2 : 150 S. Points : Equip Vit +2 Increase Physical Defense ============================================================================== Class C Skills : 300 Class Points to Unlock Analyze : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Analyze enemy to see statistics Memory : 100 S. Points : Mastered Recall enemy zones once learned EATK+2 : 150 S. Points : Equip Eatk +2 Increase Ether Attack EDEF+2 : 150 S. Points : Equip Edef +2 Increase Ether Defense ============================================================================== Class D Skills : 300 Class Points to Unlock Down Dex : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower Dexterity and Evasion of B or G enemy Break Sensors : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower Dexterity and Evasion of M enemy DEX+2 : 150 S. Points : Equip Dex +2 Increase Dexterity EVA+2 : 150 S. Points : Equip Eva +2 Increase Evasion ============================================================================== Class E Skills : 300 Class Points to Unlock Ice Blast : 200 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 6 EP Ice Ether Attack Flame Blast : 200 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 6 EP Fire Ether Attack Thunder Blast : 200 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 6 EP Thunder Ether Attack Aura Blast : 200 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 6 EP Aura Ether Attack ============================================================================== Class F Skills : 300 Class Points to Unlock Down Force : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower Physical Attack of a B or G enemy Down P Def : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower Physical Defense of a B or G enemy Down Ether : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower Ether Attack of a B or G enemy Down E Def : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower Ether Defense of a B or G enemy ============================================================================== Class G Skills : 300 Class Points to Unlock Break Arms : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower Physical Attack of M enemy Break Armor : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower Physical Defense of M enemy Break Beam : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower Ether Attack of M enemy Break Shield : 150 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower Ether Defense of M enemy ============================================================================== Class H Skills : 600 Class Points to Unlock Psycho Pocket : 300 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Steal an item Break B10 : 400 S. Points : Mastered Break bonus chance +10% Focus 1 : 600 S. Points : Mastered Recover 10% EP with the Stock command ???? : ??? S. Points : ? ================================ [ Layer 06.02 ]=[ Level 2 Skills ]=========================================== ================================ Level 2 Skills are availible after learning all Level 1 Class A Skills ============================================================================= Class A Skills : 600 Class Points to Unlock Ice Veil : 300 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 4 EP Reduce ice damage by 25% Flame Veil : 300 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 4 EP Reduce fire damage by 25% Thunder Veil : 300 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 4 EP Reduce thunder damage by 25% Aura Veil : 300 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 4 EP Reduce aura damage by 25% ============================================================================== Class B Skills : 600 Class Points to Unlock Ice Sword : 300 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 4 EP Add ice to non-elemental attacks Flame Sword : 300 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 4 EP Add fire to non-elemental attacks Thunder Sword : 300 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 4 EP Add thunder to non-elemental attacks Aura Sword : 300 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 4 EP Add aura to non-elemental attacks ============================================================================== Class C Skills : 600 Class Points to Unlock Revert : 600 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 20 EP Revive character with 25% HP Medica 2 : 600 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 4 EP Mid HP recovery relative to Ether Attack Medical All : 600 S. Points : Ether : Allies : 10 EP Low HP recovery relative to Ether Attack Vaccine : 400 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 6 EP Raise status effect resistance 10% ============================================================================== Class D Skills : 600 Class Points to Unlock Stock 1 : 500 S. Points : Ether : Self : 4 EP Increase Stock count by one HP Mind 10 : 500 S. Points : Mastered HP Recovery +10% ST Mind 10 : 400 S. Points : Mastered Status effect recovery +10% Rare+10 : 600 S. Points : Equip Rare item acquisition +10% ============================================================================== Class E Skills : 600 Class Points to Unlock Heavy Guard : 200 S. Points : Mastered Heavy resistance +25% Weak Guard : 200 S. Points : Mastered Weak resistance +25% Ether PD Guard : 200 S. Points : Mastered Ether PD resistance +25% Ether DD Guard : 200 S. Points : Mastered Ether DD resistance +25% ============================================================================== Class F Skills : 600 Class Points to Unlock Ether Spear : 400 S. Points : Ether : Self : 4 EP Raise Ether Attack and lower Ether Defense Ether Shield : 400 S. Points : Ether : Self : 4 EP Lower Ether Attack and raise Ether Defense Junk Beam : 500 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Miracle Star : 400 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 8 EP Non-elemental Ether attack ============================================================================== Class G Skills : 600 Class Points to Unlock Ice Coat : 400 S. Points : Equip Reduce ice damage 25% Flame Coat : 400 S. Points : Equip Reduce fire damage 25% Thunder Coat : 400 S. Points : Equip Reduce thunder damage 25% Aura Coat : 400 S. Points : Equip Reduce aura damage 25% ============================================================================== Class H Skills : 1,200 Class Points to Unlock Boost 1 : 1,200 S. Points : Ether : Self : 8 EP Increase Boost count by one ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ST Resist 20 : 1,200 S. Points : Equip Status effect resistance +20% ================================ [ Layer 06.03 ]=[ Level 3 Skills ]=========================================== ================================ Level 3 Skills are availible after learning all Level 2 Class A Skills ============================================================================= Class A Skills : 1,200 Class Points to Unlock Refresh H : 800 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 6 EP Clear H-type status effect based on caster's Eatk ???? : ??? S. Points : ? ST Mind 15 : 600 S. Points : Mastered Status effect recovery +15% ???? : 300 S. Points : ? ============================================================================== Class B Skills : 1,200 Class Points to Unlock Blade Coat : 500 S. Points : Equip Reduce slashing damage 25% Spear Coat : 500 S. Points : Equip Reduce piecing damage 25% Hammer Coat : 500 S. Points : Equip Reduce strike damage 25% Beam Coat : 500 S. Points : Equip Reduce beam damage 25% ============================================================================== Class C Skills : 1,200 Class Points to Unlock Cleanse : 800 S. Points : Ether : Self : 8 EP Clear statuc effects using half of current HP ???? : Double Power : 1,000 S. Points : Equip Double parameter effects of equipped skills ???? : ============================================================================== Class D Skills : 1,200 Class Points to Unlock Stun Guard : 400 S. Points : Mastered Stun resistance +25% Lost Guard : 400 S. Points : Mastered Lost resistance +25% Poison EP Guard : 400 S. Points : Mastered Poison EP resistance +25% Slow Guard : 400 S. Points : Mastered Slow resistance +25% ============================================================================== Class E Skills : 1,200 Class Points to Unlock Quick : 1,200 S. Points : Ether : Ally : 10 EP Increase turns 25% Charge Time : 800 S. Points : Ether : Self : 4 EP Double HP regeneration [ 1 time ] CRTC+5 : 800 S. Points : Equip Critical +5 Increases critical hit rate 5% ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ============================================================================== Class F Skills : 1,200 Class Points to Unlock Prayer : 1,200 S. Points : Ether : Self : 16 EP Receive a heavenly gift ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? Revenge Power : 1,500 S. Points : Equip 25% chance of Counterboost after taking a critical hit [ only after enemy individual attack ] ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ============================================================================== Class G Skills : 1,200 Class Points to Unlock Misty : 1,000 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 6 EP Block B or G enemy's Ether skills Infection : 800 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 4 EP Lower status resistance of B or G enemy Guard : 800 S. Points : Mastered Damage reduction +20% when guarding ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ============================================================================== Class H Skills : 2,400 Class Points to Unlock ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ================================ [ Layer 06.04 ]=[ Level 4 Skills ]============================================ ================================ Unlock Information Coming Soon ============================================================================== Class A Skills : 2,400 Class Points to Unlock Heaven's Rain : 2,400 S. Points : Ether : All Enemies : 18 EP Aura Ether attack ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? Damage-10 : 4,000 S. Points : Equip Lower all damage received by 10% Samurai Soul : 3,200 S. Points : Equip Increase attack when party member is knocked out ============================================================================== Class B Skills : 2,400 Class Points to Unlock Annihilation : 2,800 S. Points : Ether : Single Enemy : 18 EP Non-elemental Ether attack & clear status effects ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? Lost AGL : 2,400 S. Points : Mastered Retain full Agility after casting Ether Knight Soul : 3,200 S. Points : Equip Increase defense when party member is knocked out ============================================================================== Class C Skills : 2,400 Class Points to Unlock ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ST Resist 30 : 3,200 S. Points : Equip Status effect resistance +30% ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? HP Mind 15 : 2,400 S. Points : Mastered HP recovery +15% ============================================================================== Class D Skills : 4,800 Class Points to Unlock ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ???? : ?,??? S. Points : ? ============================== [ Layer 06.05 ]=[ Other Skills ]============================================== ============================== Not all Skills are taught through the tree in the menu. Here I will tell you what other skills there are and how to obtain them. Erde Storm : Ether : All Enemies : 8 EP Ether Power from Erde Kaiser arms Obtained : Collect both Robot Arms and talk to the Professor ==================== [ Layer 07 ]=[ Items ]======================================================== ==================== This is the Items Layer of this compendium. Within you'll find all the item you can acquire in Xenosaga. Since there are alot of items, I've seperated them into Sub-Layers to make finding the item you're interested in alot easier. ============================== [ Layer 07.01 ]=[ Battle Items ]============================================== ============================== Antidote L : Heals L-type status effects Antidote H : Heals H-type status effects Boost Max : Boost Gauge maxmum +1 [ Up to 5 ] Ether Pack S : Recover 25% of MAX EP Ether Pack M : Recover 50% of MAX EP Med Kit S : Recover 25% of MAX HP Med Kit M : Recover 50% of MAX HP Med Kit L : Recover 75% of MAX HP Rejuvenator M : Recover 50% of MAX HP and EP Rejuvenator DX : Recover all HP and EP Revive S : Revive & recover 25% of MAX HP Revive DX : Revive & recover all HP ================================== [ Layer 07.02 ]=[ Non Battle Items ]========================================== ================================== Bio Sphere : Recover all HP and EP [ entire party ] Class Upgrade C : Class Points +100 Nano Sphere : Recover all HP and EP of all crafts [ E.S. only ] Nano Repair A : Recover 25% of MAX HP and EP [ E.S. only ] Skill Upgrade A : Skill Points +10 Skill Upgrade B : Skill Points +30 Skill Upgrade C : Skill Points +50 Skill Upgrade D : Skill Points +100 Skill Upgrade E : Skill Points +500 ============================== [ Layer 07.03 ]=[ Barter Items ]============================================== ============================== Scrap Iron : Remains of a machine Junked Circuit : A destroyed circuit =========================== [ Layer 07.04 ]=[ Key Items ]================================================= =========================== Club Letter : A letter shaped like a Club which appears to be from a niece to her Aunt Decoder 01 : Decoder used to unlock Segment Address No. 01 Decoder 04 : Decoder used to unlock Segment Address No. 04 Decoder 06 : Decoder used to unlock Segment Address No. 06 Decoder 07 : Decoder used to unlock Segment Address No. 07 Decoder 11 : Decoder used to unlock Segment Address No. 11 Decoder 15 : Decoder used to unlock Segment Address No. 15 Decoder 14 : Decoder used to unlock Segment Address No. 14 Decoder 18 : Decoder used to unlock Segment Address No. 18 Diamond Letter : A letter shaped like a Diamond which appears to be a description of days and nights on Second Miltia Facility Key : Key to the power distrubution facility of Second Miltia Heart Letter : A letter shaped like a Heart which contains work-related documents Love Letter : Love letter from Jacqueline to Sidney Robot Part : The left arm of a giant robot Left Arm : Take both arms to the Professor for an Ether skill! Robot Part : The right arm of a giant robot Right Arm : Take both arms to the Professor for an Ether skill! Secret Box : A box with 'Dominic' written on top and filled with receipts for mice Secret Key 1 : Key to open the Level 1 Class H skill, Psycho Pocket Secret Key 2 : Key to open the Level 1 Class H skill, Break B10 Secret Key 3 : Key to open the Level 1 Class H skill, Focus 1 Secret Key 5 : Key to open the Level 2 Class D skill, Stock 1 Secret Key 6 : Key to open the Level 2 Class D skill, Rare+10 Secret Key 7 : Key to open the Level 2 Class F skill, Junk Beam Secret Key 8 : Key to open the Level 2 Class H skill, Boost 1 Secret Key 11 : Key to open the Level 2 Class H skill, ST Resist 20 Sidney's Letter : A very embarrassing letter to Jacqueline Spade Letter : A letter shaped like a Spade which contains a mail-order catalog Stella's Corset : Stella's favorite stage costume Stella's Hairpin : Stella's hairpin from her last preformance Stella's Shoes : Stella's ballet shoes Teddy Bear : Teddy bear Maple received from her father on her birthday ============================== [ Layer 08 ]=[ Segment Address ]============================================== ============================== In this Layer you'll find a listing of the 18 Segment Addresses, as well as thier corresponding Decoders. Segment Address No. 01 : Dämmerung : Restricted Area, crate room Decoder 01 : GS Campaign 05 Item : Secret Key 8 Segment Address No. 03 : Second Miltia : Sector One, Area 40 back room Decoder 03 : [ Coming Soon ] Item : [ Coming Soon ] Segment Address No. 06 : Second Miltia : Sector Two, by Angelina Decoder 06 : Given by Angelina Item : Secret Key 3 Segment Address No. 07 : Dämmerung : Restricted Area, Room A Decoder 07 : Segment Address No. 14 Item : Secret Key 8 Segment Address No. 09 : Second Miltia : Uzuki Residence, on side of house Decoder 09 : [ Coming Soon ] Item : [ Coming Soon ] Segment Address No. 14 : Old Miltia : By underpass Decoder 14 : GS Campaign 27 Item : Robot Part Right Arm and Decoder 07 Segment Address No. 15 : SC Domain Winter : Past shrubs Decoder 15 : Dämmerung, under large glass Item : Secret Key 5 Segment Address No. 18 : [ Coming Soon ] Decoder 18 : Dämmerung, in secret room Item : [ Coming Soon ] ======================================== [ Layer 09 ]=[ Global Samaritan Campaign ]==================================== ======================================== After encountering Agent Bunnie in Second Miltia, you can join the Global Samaritan Campaign, which will make the world a better place. Below you will find the Campaigns and information about them. GS Campaign 01 : Send Him My Love! Client : Jacqueline Location : Second Miltia, Sector One, outside of the Hospital Walkthrough : Talk to Jacqueline and she will give you a Love Letter that she wants you to delieve to the man she loves, only she doesn't know where he is. So it's upto you to find him. Leave the area and on the map head to the left and enter the Space Port. Once inside enter the left gate to board the Durandal Run to the right and up the escalor you see at Dock 01. Talk to the person standing there and then board Shuttle 08 to the Kukai Foundation. When the shuttle arrives, exit the area via the large staircase to the left. On the map, head South to the Urban Area. Destroy the first car you see to receive ¤Skill Upgrade A x5 and a single ¤Bio Sphere from the second one. A little ways down the road you'll see a green truck, obliterate it to obtain a ¤Med Kit S. Enter the Ironman Bar & Grill, Sidney is standing ahead of you, under the neon purple sign. Talk to him to deliever the letter and he will give you a letter that he wants you to give to Jacqueline. Now head to the left of Sidney and make the gate lift up. Hit the glowing red panel to raise the floor to the second level. Head to the left and out the door to lead you to another building. Destroy the bookshelf in your way and make your way to the left, then down the stairs. Exit the Our Treasure by heading to the Southwest. Re-enter the Ironman Bar & Grill and once again head under the gate where the red panel is. Now there are a couple of boxes you can access, so destroy them all and you will obtain a ¤Boost Max. Exit the Ironman and backtrack to Second Miltia City, Sector One. Once inside, talk to Jacqueline to complete this Campaign. Reward : Secret Key 1 GS Campaign 02 : Go Postal! Client : Sikes Location : Second Miltia, Sector One, in Hospital bed Walkthrough : Talk to Sikes and he will ask you to deliever four letters to four different people since he can't do it himself. Exit the Hospital and head East and up the stairs to Sector Two. Go up the escalator and head into the Area 40 Publishing Agency. Once inside, head towards the back room area and talk to the man with the white hair. This is Enrico, and he is the one who needs the Spade Letter. Deliever it, and exit into Sector Two. Head down and into Sector One, then out into Second Miltia. From here, enter the Space Port once again. Once inside, head towards the Durandal boarding Gate, you should see a small woman in a light blue sweater. This is Ulrica and she is the one who needs the Club Letter. Deliever it, and head to the Durandal. After arriving, head to the West and go to the red train you see. Now, chose to goto the Park Area. Go up the escalators you see and through the door, now in this room, be sure to talk to the Naive Mass Produced 100 Series in the center of this room. When prompted, chose the second line, this will make him ramble about something with the number 11 on it. Then he will ask if you can take it off his hands. Glady accept, and you'll receive Decoder 11. Now head towards the large window and to the left. You'll see a man that seems antsy about something. This is Eugene, and he is the one who needs the Heart Letter. Deliever it, and make your way to the Kukai Foundation's Urban Area. Proceed to the West and enter the new area. Go up the two sets of stairs to reach the third level. Head to the left and pass the fountain. You'll see a woman in a purple dress. This is Patricia, and she is the one who needs the Diamond Letter. Go to the right and down one flight of stairs and enter East 6. Inside head towards the stairs you see ahead of you and destroy the large blue/grey box on the left to receive an ¤Ether Pack M. The first brown crate on the right contains a ¤Med Kit M. Now exit East 6 and the Urban Area, and head back to Second Miltia City, Sector One. Go back into the Hospital and speak with Sikes to complete this Campaign. Reward : Secret Key 2 GS Campaign 03 : Operation Squeak Squeak! Client : Sheila Location : Kukai Foundation, Urban Area, Lavare Dry Cleaning by dryer Walkthrough : Talk to Sheila to learn about her pesky rodent problems. Head North after the conversation is over and climb the ladder into the attic. Talk to the old woman, Amber, to get more details on this Campaign. When you start the chase, be sure to climb the two sets of stairs below you and shoot the pictures, as this will block holes for the mice to escape. Since this is a timed event, you need to act fast. With only one and a half minutes on the clock, you'll have to get those pictures, then the ten mice relatively fast. Just be weary of mice on the second floor of the attic, as there is another hole they can use to zip down to the first floor, and this one you can't block. The game ends once you get all ten mice. Amber will give you a Secret Box, so talk to Sheila to give her the box and to complete the campaign. Reward : Secret Key 6 GS Campaign 05 : My Idol, Dr. Uzuki Client : Jun Location : Second Miltia, Uzuki Residence, left hand wall Walkthrough : Talk to Jun to find out that Jin's books are out of order. He wants you to fix them. The bookshelves have a horizontal and vertical pattern to them, Jun wants you to re-arrange them within time limits, and he'll give you prizes. The Level 1 puzzle is easy, and you have three minutes to arrange the 8 pieces so the Japanese numbers 1, 2, and 3 line up vertically and the red, yellow, and orange mini-pictures line up vertically. Level 2 coming soon. Reward : Decoder 01 and Archangel's Requiem Double Attack GS Campaign 07 : Posters a Go-Go! Client : Miguel Location : Second Miltia, Sector Two, Area 40 Publishing Agency backroom Walkthrough : Talk to Miguel to learn that posters have been printed up to support the Miss Miltia contest and he needs you to put them around the city. You've got 20 posters to put up, so let's get it done. Exit Area 40 and head up the road and place a poster where the light hits the wall infront of you. Follow the path and place another poster just beyond Segment Address No. 06. Run to the South and past the ramp then go to the right. The camera should zoom out here, place 4 posters on that great big wall. Head to the left and go up the ramp and go to the wall where it reads "Second Miltia" and put another poster up there. Now enter Moby Dick's Cafe, once inside go to the small space next to the entrance and place a poster on that wall, then leave. Go down the ramp and head South, going down both sets of stairs you come across. To the right you'll see a small No Tresspassing sign by a ramp, go down and place a poster between the man standing and the number 02 on the wall. Nine posters down, eleven to go. Head into Sector One to put up the remaining posters. On the wall of the Hospital place three posters, then go inside. In the second room, put a poster up on the left wall. Go to the last room on the right and place a poster on the right hand wall. Exit the Hospital and head South, putting a poster to the right of the large blue sign on the wall. Run further South and put a poster in the alcove where the Save Point is. Now head up the stairs and enter the first door on your right. Inside, head to the lower right hand corner of the room and put a poster up on the wall by the stairs, then ascend to the second floor to place another poster on the beige wall at the top. Go back to Sector One now and head North, placing a poster between the two doors, then enter the other door. In this room, place a poster behind the container with the yellow orb, then make your way to Sector Two, Area 40's back room. Talk to Miguel to complete this Campaign. Reward : ¤Skill Upgrade D x3 MOMO's Swimsuit Jr.'s Swimsuit GS Campaign 08 : Miltian Crisis! Client : Lizzy Location : Second Miltia, Sector Two, by the Power Distribution facility Walkthrough : Talk to Lizzy and he'll tell you that the power inside the facility needs to be stabilized, and he's not very good at doing that type of work. So accept the offer to fix it, and he'll give you a Facility Key. Use the key on the door to the left and climb down the ladder. Once at the bottom head left and enter the doors, which will start a five minute timer. Go left on the arrows that face left, alternating between the bottom and top conveyor belts until you see a ladder to the North. Climb up and follow the path, avoiding the electricity generating machines on the walls. Use your shadow on the floor to ensure safety. You will go through two sets of these before reaching a third with a conveyor belt on the floor. This can be tricky since the conveyor belt is going the opposite direction. Once you've passed that, keep following the path until the camera changes angles and looks North. Avoid the electricity here at all costs, as if you are hit you will be pushed onto conveyor belts and forced to start over from the beginning. Please note that even if this happens to you, you can still beat the area as long as it doesn't happen a second time. After passing that area, you'll need to avoid two more sets of generators, followed by a set over a conveyor belt going in the same direction, and a final set over a conveyor belt going the opposite direction. Once you've past that set, run to the left and you'll come to a large area filled with boxes. It'll look like this : [A][B][C][D][E][F][G] [H][I][J][K][L][M][N] [O][P][Q][R][S][T][U] [V][W][X][Y][Z][a][b] [c][d][e][f][g][h][i] [j][k][l][m][n][o][p] [q][r][s][t][u][v][w] [x][y][z][Ä][ß][Ç][Ð] N contains ¤Class Upgrade C x2 s contains a ¤Bio Sphere g contains ¤Skill Upgrade A x5 To reach the stabilizer button to bring the power back to it's normal level and beat this campaign, destroy blocks Ð to G, then G to D to reach the path to the button. Once the button has been hit and the power is back to normal, the timer will stop, allowing you to destroy the other boxes to get items. The path behind j leads to a ¤Rejuvenator M. Now back track through the area and exit, then talk to Lizzy to complete the Campaign. Reward : Burst Veil Double Attack GS Campaign 09 : The Great Thief Client : Maple Location : Second Miltia, Secctor One, just past Agent Bunnie Walkthrough : Talk to Maple and you'll learn that someone stole her teddy bear, then took off into Sector Two. Go up the ramp and into Sector Two, then go up the escalators and turn right. This is where you will meet Bonny, the self-proclaimed "ultimate master thief", in a small cutscene. Keep heading to the right until another small cutscene plays out. Continue to give chase down the ramp and past the No Tresspassing sign, and another small cutscene will occur. After it's done playing, examine the small glowing golden light on the ground to pick up the Teddy Bear. Now head back to Maple in Sector One to complete this Campaign. Reward : Elemental Nocturne Double Attack GS Campaign 11 : Water Works Worries! Client : Ciaran Location : Second Miltia, Sector Two, by the Water Works entrance Walkthrough : Talk to Ciaran and he'll tell you how there are a bunch of broken water nanomachine dispensers. You're to help the crew get rid of them. Go down the open manhole cover and enter the Water Works, infront of you is Glenn. Talk to him, and talk to him again and he'll ask if you want help. Tell him yes and he'll offer to show you which dispensers aren't working in each of the eight areas. I plotted out the groupings in each Area, G means the dispenser showed a Green light, and thus, is working properly. R means the dispenser showed a Red light which means you need to destroy it. Once you destroy all of the dispensers that displayed Red lights, go back to the surface and talk to Ciaran again to complete this Campaign. ==========================[ Area A ]========================= | | | [G][G][R][R] | | [R][R][R][R] | | | | | | | | | | [R][R] | | | ==========================[ Area B ]========================= | | | [R][R] | | [R][G] | | [G][G] | | | ==========================[ Area C ]========================= | | | [R] | | | | [R][R][R][R] | | [G][G][R][R] | | | | | | [R][R] | | [R][G] | | | ==========================[ Area D ]========================= | | | [R] [R][R] | | [G] | | | | | | | | | | [R][G] | | [R][G] | | [R][G] | | | ==========================[ Area E ]========================= | | | [R] | | [G] | | | | [R][G] | | [G][R] | | [R][G] | | | ==========================[ Area F ]========================= | | | [R][R][R][R][G][G][G] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [R][R][R][R] | | [G][R][R][G] | | | ==========================[ Area G ]========================= | | | [G][G] | | | | [R][G] | | [R][R] | | [R][R] | | [G][R] | | [G][R] | | [R][R] | | | ==========================[ Area H ]========================= | | | [R][R] | | [R][R] | | | | [G][G] | | [R][R] | | | ============================================================= Reward : Secret Key 11 GS Campaign 19 : A Precious Life Client : King Location : Kukai Foundation, Urban Area, East 6 inner hall Walkthrough : Talk to King to find out that his cat is sick. You need to find a doctor for the porr kitten, so head to Second Miltia, Sector One, and enter the Hospital. Once inside, head to the right and in the second room you'll see a man in white who is sitting infront of a large blue monitor. Talk to him, as this is the doctor King needs for the kitty. When prompted, chose to force him to come. Once that is done, head back to East 6 and meet up with King to complete the Campaign. Reward : ¤Revive DX x2 GS Campaign 25 : An Old Dancer Reminisces Client : Stella Location : Second Miltia, Sector One, inside Ballet Award on the bed Walkthrough : Talk to Stella to learn that Stella wants three of her items back. They are in the hands of locals, so it's off to Sector Two. Head towards the Water Works area and you'll see an old woman to your right, this is Tess and she has Stella's Shoes. Go to the Chef's Door of Moby Dick's Cafe to meet Rachel and to get Stella's Corset. Lastly, on your way back to Section One, talk to the grey haired man outside of Area 40 and tell him that yes, in fact, you do have business with him in order to receive Stella's Hairpin. Go back to Stella and give her the items to complete this Campaign. Reward : ¤Class Upgrade C x2, chaos' Swimwuit, Shion's Swimsuit GS Campaign 27 : The Master Bartender Client : ADONIS Location : Elsa, Elsa Diner, behind the counter Walkthrough : Talk to Adonis to learn that he is trying to make a drink that will help with Captain Matthews' hangovers. Head left from behind the counter to see the group of four andriods hanging around. Talk to GRASSHOPPER, the one standing in the Northwest corner of their group. He will tell you that the Captain likes fruity drinks, like Orange Juice. Next, talk to KIR, the one standing in the Northeast corner of their group. He will tell you that the Captain like Coffee and Tomato Juice about the same. Then, talk to CORONATION, the one standing in the Southest corner of their group. He will tell you that the Captain never drinks just plain old Orange Juice. Lastly, talk to MOCKINGBIRD, the one standing in the Southwest corner of their group. He tells you that the Captain always says that balance is important. Now, you know from talking to ADONIS that the drink you need to make can only have seven parts to it. Based on the clues the other androids have given you, it's safe to assume there are only two possible combinations. Either one part Orange Juice with equal parts Tomoto Juice and Coffee, three of each. Or three parts Orange Juice, with equal parts Tomoto Juice and Coffee, two of each. The answer is the latter, so talk to ADONIS and begin the mixing. The first digit is for Orange Juice, so set that to three. The second digit is for Tomato Juice, so set that to two, and do the same for the third and final digit which represents Coffee. Now that the drink is mixed, head to the left and give it to the MATTHEWS ROBOT, then back to ADONIS to complete the Campaign. Reward : Decoder 14 GS Campaign 32 : For Captain Matthews! Client : KAMIKAZE Location : Elsa, B1, underneath the Weaponry sign Walkthrough : Talk to KAMIKAZE to learn that he and K-2 want to open up a shop on the Elsa, but can't because Captain Matthews won't allow them to because of his debt. You need to give K-2, who is at the Second Miltia Space Port, items that he will in turn sell off to pay off the debt. Be warned, this will take a long time, seeing as the debt is 99,999,999 G. @_@; Reward : ???? ======================= [ Layer 10 ]=[ Bestiary ]===================================================== ======================= Name : Carnicos I Type : Mechanical HP : 700 Break : CC EXP : 550 S. Points : 34 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Scrap Iron Rare Item : ¤Junked Circuit Weak VS. : Ether : Beam, Thunder Physical : ---- Name : Catharsis Type : Gnosis HP : 1,470 Break : CB EXP : 1,000 S. Points : 44 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Med Kit S Rare Item : ---- Weak VS. : Ether : Fire Physical : ---- Name : Creation Type Type : Gnosis HP : 860 Break : BB EXP : 900 S. Points : 36 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Ether Pack S Rare Item : ¤Antidote L Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Fire Physical : Piece, Slash Name : Expression Type : Gnosis HP : 700 Break : BB EXP : 680 S. Points : 40 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Antidote L Rare Item : ---- Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Fire Physical : Pierce, Slash Name : Glare Type : Gnosis HP : 860 Break : BC EXP : 840 S. Points : 40 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Antidote L Rare Item : ¤Antidote H Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Fire Physical : Pierce, Slash Name : Infected U.R.T.V. Type : Biological HP : 480 Break : CC EXP : 700 S. Points : 32 C. Points : ---- Item : ---- Rare Item : ¤Skill Upgrade A Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Thunder Physical : Slash Name : Infected U.R.T.V. [ In Winter ] Type : Biological HP : 600 Break : CC EXP : 880 S. Points : 32 C. Points : ---- Item : ---- Rare Item : ¤Skill Upgrade A Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Thunder Physical : Slash Name : Information Type Type : Gnosis HP : 660 Break : BB EXP : 740 S. Points : 36 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Ether Pack S Rare Item : ¤Antidote L Weak VS. : Ether : Beam, Fire, Ice Physical : Piercing Name : Necessity Type : Gnosis HP : 1,280 Break : BC EXP : 760 S. Points : 44 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Med Kit S Rare Item : ---- Weak VS. : Ether : Ice Physical : ---- Name : O-78 Grisly Type : Mechanical HP : 480 Break : CB EXP : 360 S. Points : 34 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Scrap Iron Rare Item : ---- Weak VS. : Ether : Beam, Thunder Physical : Strike Name : Piercing Scream Type : Gnosis HP : 1,130 Break : ABB EXP : 1,080 S. Points : 42 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Med Kit S Rare Item : ¤Revive S Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Thunder Physical : Pierce Name : P.S.S. - B Type : Biological HP : 320 Break : BC EXP : 320 S. Points : 24 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Ether Pack S Rare Item : ---- Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Fire Physical : ---- Name : P.S.S. - P Type : Biological HP : 260 Break : BB EXP : 260 S. Points : 22 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Med Kit S Rare Item : ---- Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Fire Physical : ---- Name : Revised E2 Hauser Type : Mechanical HP : 440 Break : CC EXP : 300 S. Points : 32 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Scrap Iron Rare Item : ---- Weak VS. : Ether : Beam, Thunder Physical : ---- Name : Rotus TI Mk II Type : Mechanical HP : 880 Break : ---- EXP : 580 S. Points : 38 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Bio Sphere Rare Item : ¤Class Upgrade A Weak VS. : Ether : Beam, Thunder Physical : ---- Name : Testud Type : Mechanical HP : 450 Break : CC EXP : 460 S. Points : 32 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Scrap Iron Rare Item : ¤Junked Circuit Weak VS. : Ether : Beam, Thunder Physical : Pierce Name : U-TIC Soldier A Type : Biological HP : 170 Break : BB EXP : 200 S. Points : 20 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Med Kit S Rare Item : ---- Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Fire Physical : Slash Name : U-TIC Soldier B Type : Biological HP : 200 Break : BC EXP : 220 S. Points : 22 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Ether Pack S Rare Item : ---- Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Fire Physical : Slash Name : Vacillation Type : Gnosis HP : 960 Break : ABB EXP : 820 S. Points : 42 C. Points : ---- Item : ¤Med Kit S Rare Item : ¤Revive S Weak VS. : Ether : Aura, Thunder Physical : Pierce Name : VSS Emissive Type : Mechanical HP : 1,840 Break : ?B?? EXP : 880 S. Points : 44 C. Points : 15 Item : ¤Scrap Iron Rare Item : ¤Junked Circuit Weak VS. : Ether : Beam, Thunder Physical : ---- Name : VSS Fresnel Type : Mechanical HP : 2,720 Break : BB EXP : 1,180 S. Points : 48 C. Points : 15 Item : ¤Scrap Iron Rare Item : ¤Junked Circuit Weak VS. : Ether : Beam, Thunder Physical : ---- Name : VSS Rayleigh Type : Mechanical HP : 960 Break : ---- EXP : 800 S. Points : 40 C. Points : 15 Item : ¤Scrap Iron Rare Item : ¤Junked Circuit Weak VS. : Ether : Beam, Thunder Physical : Pierce [ More to Come ]