NOTE: This listing (including the table of contents) has MAJOR SPOILERS. X e n o s a g a E P I S O D E I I I A l s o s p r a c h Z a r a t h u s t r a Battle Quote Guide v1.2 (12/19/06) by K_Inuzuka Version history: 12/19/06 - 1.02 - Added Neoseeker to the list of sites with permission to use this guide. Corrected a minor search tag error. 12/17/06 - 1.00 - Submitted to GameFAQs. Character Battle [CHR] Shion........[SUC] KOS-MOS......[KMC] Jr...........[JRC] Jin..........[JUC] chaos........[CYC] MOMO.........[MMC] Ziggy........[JSC] Miyuki.......[MIC] Canaan.......[CLC] Allen........[ARC] E.S. Battle [ESB] KOS-MOS......[KMP] Jr...........[JRP] Jin..........[JUP] MOMO.........[MMP] Boss Battles [BSB] <--MAJOR SPOILERS Citrine......[CTB] Kevin&Shion..[KSB] Mai..........[MLB] Margulis I...[M1B] Margulis II..[M2B] Pellegri I...[PCB] Pellegri II..[PPB] Rich.&Herm...[RHB] Sigma........[EKB] T-elos I.....[T1B] T-elos II....[T2B] Virgil I.....[VCB] Virgil II....[VPB] Voyager I....[ECB] Voyager II...[EPB] Yuriev.......[DYB] NOTE: E.S. battles referred to by pilot. Contact [CTC] Legal [LGL] I've yet to really get around to organizing this well and labeling what each one is, but I think for the most part it should be self-explanatory. Tenative format... Yeah, sorry for the crappy set-up. Quotes are arranged by order in the sound file. All the PCs follow the same pattern, but KM's is a little different. (And temps lack EK and Special Attack quotes.) ...And one last note >_> There may be a few unused quotes tossed in with this since I haven't had time to check out these in-game. _________________ CHARACTER BATTLE \________________________________________________________[CHR] [SUC] Shion OK, good job! We can't give up here! Don't underestimate me! Here we go! Get in my way and you'll pay for it! Ah! Ether Drive! Erde Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Fury! Dark Erder Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Sigma! Hya! Here! I'm just getting started! Huah! Be ready for this! You won't get away! [KMC] KOS-MOS NOTE: KOS-MOS' is a litte different from the other six PCs. Hers change late-game. All systems functioning normally. Shion, please repair my systems. Eliminating enemy threat. Engaging with maximum output. All combat system limits off. Unable to continue combat. Shutting down systems. Ether Drive! Erde Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Fury! Dark Erder Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Sigma! Huh! Here! Combat mode restart confimed. Eliminating. Dispersal mode activated. Is everyone alright? Don't worry, it's OK. I'll draw the enemy away. Here I go! Please stand back. I'm sorry. Ether Drive! Erde Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Fury! Dark Erder Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Sigma! Use this! Here! Thank you. This will end it. I will not miss. Huuh, uh! Relinquish your pain unto me! [JRC] Jr. Try again in ten years! My best suit is ruined! You better run! Looks fun, let's do it! Outta my way! Dammit! Ether Drive! Erde Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Fury! Dark Erder Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Sigma! Alright! Take this! Thanks! Go back to your own world! Don't regret this! You better run! Uah, AH! [JUC] Jin It's just a stratch. It's just a stractch! Here I am. I'll handle this. Attacking! I must... Ether Drive! Erde Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Fury! Dark Erder Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Sigma! It can't be helped! Here! Thank you. Forgive me! Hi-yah! Rh, huh, the end! [CYC] chaos We won. I still have things I must do. Clear a path! Have faith in yourselves! Don't hesitate! Sorry. Ether Drive! Erde Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Fury! Dark Erder Kaiser! Erder Kaiser Sigma! Alright! Use this! Thanks for the help. Grant freedom to this soul bound by flesh! Grant light to the suffering that spreads through the abyss! Tired beings, wounded souls, feel my light of tranquility! [MMC] MOMO I'm built pretty tough. I need to work harder. I wanna help everyone! I'll support you! I won't back down! I can't go on... Ether Drive! Erde Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Fury! Dark Erder Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Sigma! Hya! Use this! I'll do my best! You can't escape my sight! Don't get in our way! Mystic powers, everyone a blessing! [JSC] Ziggy Stay sharp! I think it's about time for maintenence. Be on guard! Be calm! Don't worry, I'll protect you. My body isn't responded! Ether Drive! Erde Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Fury! Dark Erder Kaiser! Erde Kaiser Sigma! Hmph. Don't try too hard! Thank you! *Lots of grunting. (I'm not even gonna try...)* Give up, you can't escape! NOTE: I could only find two Special Attack quotes for Ziggy. [MIC] Miyuki No problem! I can't take any more! Here I go! Shion, take care of the rest! Uh-oh. This could be bad! Goodbye, everyone... Ether Drive! Hya! Here we go! What? I have to fight more? [CLC] Canaan Not a challenge! Don't worry about me. It'll only take three minutes. Move! I can hadle this alone! Erh, I was careless. Ether Drive! Ha! Use this! Thanks. [ARC] Allen See, look what I can do! I can't give up here... Watch me, Chief! Even I can do it! Wait a minute, are you serious? Oh, no... Ether Drive! With this! Use this! Uh, thank you. _____________ E.S. BATTLE \____________________________________________________________[ESB] [KMP] KOS-MOS Destroying enemy unit. Locked on. System critical. Retreating from combat. Acknowledged. Attacking! Locked on! I can fight no longer. I'm sorry. Understood. [JRP] Jr. No mercy! Got it! Dammit! Sorry, they got me. OK! [JUP] Jin Attacking! Here I am. It wasn't enough! I must... Uh! [MMP] MOMO Here I go! Please hit! I'm retreating. We can't take anymore! Understood. _____________ BOSS BATTLES \____________________________________________________________[BSB] [CTB] Citrine Ah, you want me to step on you, too? Is that the extent of your power, Rubedo? I think you need some stiff punishment! JR.: Citrine, stop! I...don't want to lose anyone else! CITRINE: I refuse... I refuse to accept this! I refuse...I refuse to accept this! No... Father... Behold the hellfire of the abyss! [KSB] Kevin & Shion K: You cannot stop Shion! JIN: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't hand over my sister to you. KEVIN: You'd let your own sister die? What a heartless brother. S: Please, don't interfere. Leave me alone! S: I want this to end. Leave us alone! K: I won't allow you to harm Shion! S: Stop! Don't hurt Kevin! S: I want this to end. Please understand! KEVIN: Shion! Do my words not reach you? SHION: Kevin, I won't return to you anymore! K: Shion, please listen to me. Shion! K: An empty life is more terrifying than death! K: Eternal rest for tainted souls! K: Shion, come back to me! K: Now you learn of death! [MLB] Mai Hang in there, Leupold. Don't lose to these freaks! How dare you! I'll never fogive you! I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Leupold! I'm not going easy on you just because you're a child! I'll never forgive you. Never! [M1B] Margulis I I'll show you the difference between me and you! Don't make me laugh! Is that the extent of your power? JIN: Let's see how far my blades will go against you. [M2B] Margulis II JIN: Your movement is impressive as I expected, Colonel. But this only the tip of my power! MARGULIS: You always have something to say. Let's see how much you can talk once you've tasted my blade! You think you're capable of stopping my sword?! JIN: How many times have we crossed swords now, Colonel? MARGULIS: Hmph. I'll make this our last battle! I know all your pathetic techniques! Hmph, I'll make this our last battle! I know all your pathetic techniques! I'll send you all to hell! [PCB] Pellegri I How strange. Where's your fighting spirit now? These are flowers for your grave. Will you accept them? Uah! It seems that I have underestimated you... No, this is not the end... [PPB] Pellegri II JIN: Put down your weapons. I don't want to fight you! PELLEGRI: Don't order me around! I'm no longer the girl you knew! Don't make me angry! Damn you! Do you still resist me? [RHB] Richard & Hermann JR.: Why can't you leave us the hell alone! There's no point to this battle! RICHARD: Meaning? There is no meaning, fools! I just want to see your suffering faces. R: Wahahahaha. I'll destroy you all! HERMANN: Richard, please stand down. I'll handle the rest. RICHARD: Silence! Who do you think you're talking to? Just follow my orders. R: What's wong? Entertain me! I'm in a really bad mood right now. H: It can't be! How could I lose?! It's impossible! Impossible! R: Hermann! How dare you do that to my toy! (...o_O) JIN: Stand down. There's no need to throw away your life here! ???: I see now why Chief Inquistor Margulis respected you so much. But that soft-heartedness will cost you your life, Jin Uzuki! R: Impressive. But you will not escape my attack! RICHARD: Don't lose until I can say you can lose, Hermann! If you die and leave me behind, I'll never forgive you! HERMANN: ...As you command, Richard. H: ...Ghuh. I will avenge Richard! H: If I can rest here, I'll have no regrets. NOTE: I'm not sure about the speaker of one of the lines... [EKB] Sigma You look just as I've expected. This should prove in'eresting. You're too young to defeat me! Your attacks are nothing! Erde Kaiser?! How did you--?! Fury?! Damn you! Dark?! You!!... What?! No EP?! This can't be happenin'! The Kaiser Shield is an invisible defense system that surrounds the Sigma. There is a secret to breaking this defense system. When the eyes of Erde Kaiser shine, its special technique, Kaiser Victory Spark is activated! Whoa! Well done. You have defeated me. Kaiser Victory Spark! Hah! Wha! With the power of the pure black soul within me, Erde Kaiser Sigma has arrived! The black heart of my father is in me. Erde Kaiser Sigma is here! With the hope of Dark Professor within me, Erde Kaiser Sigma is here! [T1B] T-elos I KOS-MOS, surrender and become part of me! There's no need to rush. I'll dispose of you in turn! This is where you die! Don't interfere! Pathetic. Die! [T2B] T-elos II SHION: Why? Why do you and KOS-MOS have to fight? T-ELOS: Maiden who has lost her past, I will awaken all your memories by my hand! T-ELOS: You defective piece of junk! Hand over Mary's consciousness now! KOS-MOS: I am sorry, but I have no intention of following your orders. You see how weak your power is? This is where you die! T-ELOS: Surrend and become part of me, KOS-MOS! KOS-MOS: T-elos, you cannot defeat me now. Leave this place. Mhm, you're providing more entertainment than I expected. I'm impressed you can push me this far. Don't interfere! Pathetic. Die! Come. I'll put you out of your misery. [VCB] Virgil I Come at me with everything you've got! This thing doesn't know restraint! What's wrong? Is it over already? Don't disappoint me now! This is boring. Let's be a little more passionate! Looks like you can fight. At least a little. Hey, what's wrong? Show me the proof of your existence! [VPB] Virgil II Ahaha. I love it! I can clearly feel your hatred. This is boring. Let's be a little more passionate! Hah, you think you've won? Your attacks have no effect on me! [ECB] Voyager I Heheheheheheheh! Ohohohoahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Uahehehehe. NOTE: Not sure if that last line is his or Yuriev's. I'm assuming it's his... [EPB] Voyager II I never thought I'd get to enjoy this experience again. I'm grateful to you, Jan Sauer. Well, will you prostrate yourselves and beg for your lives? Now, let us proceed to the finale! [DYB] Yuriev Behold! This is what it means to have the power of a god! YURIEV: If I die, so will Negredo! Can you still point that barrel at me? JR.: Go to hell! I'm gonna resuce Gaignun! You won't get away with this! JR.: That stupid bastard. Is he seriously going to use that thing? What's wrong, Abel? Do as I command! It will take more than that to defeat me! Do you...think you've...beaten me? ________ CONTACT \_________________________________________________________________[CTC] If you see an error or something I'm missing, please contact me. You might be able to find me on the XSIII board, though you'd probably get a faster/better response if you just email me at ninjapenguinmatt(at)gmail(dot)com. If for some reason you'd like to have this on your personal website, feel free to ask and I may let you. ______ LEGAL \___________________________________________________________________[LGL] Xenosaga EPISODE III Also sprach Zarathustra ©2001-2006 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. This guide is ©2006 Matt Heard. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without permission. The only sites that have permission to display this guide are: GameFAQs Neoseeker