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Indeed, Xenosaga stands out Ð not only from Xenogears but from the RPG and videogame pack in general, eschewing the fantasy lore favored by so many RPGs in favor of a serious sci-fi setting, and introducing a heady mixture of philosophy, theology, and moral ambiguity into a medium that generally prefers to remain intellectually neutral. With so much left to be told, it is clear that the MonolithSoft team had to make tough sacrifices to ensure that this (likely) final installment said what needed to be said. Easily the most linear game of the series, there is a distinct sense of urgency to this episode, necessarily keeping any frivolity and extraneous side-quests to an absolute minimum. In every aspect that truly counts, though, no concessions have been made. If this is indeed the swan-song of the Xenosaga series, it will have closed on a high note. ============================================================================== Contents ============================================================================== 1. Character Information 2. Walkthrough Ð Disc One i. Vector S-Line Division ii. Pedea Island iii. Federation Orbital Space Port iv. Fifth Jerusalem v. First Business District vi. CAT Testing Ground vii. Return to Fifth Jerusalem viii. Return to CAT Testing Ground ix. Floating Landmass x. Ancient Temple xi. Rennes-le-Ch‰teau xii. Forest xiii. Dabrye Mine xiv. Miltia xv. Urban A District xvi. Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility xvii. Labyrinthos xiii. Miltia xix. Return to Labyrinthos xx. Return to Miltia xxi. Return to Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility Walkthrough Ð Disc Two In progress 3. Item / Weapon / Ether Index In Progress 4. Legal Statement, Thanks, and Final Words ----===--=----======--=-=-======--==-----=====-----=- 1. C H A R A C T E R S ----===--=----======--=-=-======--==-----=====-----=- Shion Uzuki ----------- The protagonist of the Xenosaga series, Shion was formerly employed by the Vector Corporation conglomerate, where she worked with Kevin, her boyfriend at the time, on KOS-MOS, before Kevin perished in a Gnosis attack. After his death Shion would continue working on KOS-MOS, eventually coming to witness the realization of her work. As the story picks up here, Shion has left Vector following the events of Episode II, taking up residence on a small island and working with a group known as Scientia to investigate possible ties between Vector and the Gnosis phenomenon KOS-MOS ------- An android created to combat the Gnosis phenomenon, KOS-MOS appears to fit the stereotypical vision of a being without feeling, her actions dictated solely by the unwavering rules of logic and probability. Driven to unconditionally protect her creator, Shion, there are hints throughout the series that KOS-MOS may be able to transcend her programming. Her true importance to the series will only become clear in the latter part of this game. Jin Uzuki --------- Something of an anachronism in this age of high technology, Jin dresses in traditional Japanese garb and prefers the sword as his weapon of choice. Jin cares deeply for his sister, Shion, but there is a persistent rift that separates the two throughout the series. chaos ----- A mysterious silver-haired entity, chaos takes the appearance of a teenage boy, but exudes at all times a sense of quiet and deep wisdom. One of the more enigmatic main characters of the series, chaos' ultimate role in the series will also be explained near the close of this game. Jr. --- Jr., who maintains close relations with the Kukai Foundation led by Gaignun Kukai, is persistently haunted by his memories of being a URTV, essentially biological weapons created by Dmitri Yuriev to combat the mysterious entity known as U-DO, which is believed to be connected with the Gnosis phenomenon. Jr.'s ongoing struggle with Albedo, another former URTV, will be crucial to his story in this game. Ziggy ----- Though he possesses great strength, Ziggy is a very soft-spoken individual, not generally prone to emotional outbursts of any kind. Seemingly intensely haunted by his former life, Ziggy rarely speaks candidly of himself and avoids forming close connections with the other characters, with the exception of MOMO, whom he seems to develop a deep but distant kinship with. MOMO ---- A prototype Realian, MOMO is the product of the research of Joachim Mizrahi, who she regards as her father. MOMO's story centers around her search for acceptance and identity, as she silently longs for recognition and love from her parents, Joachim and Juli Mizrahi. With the events that occur later in this game, MOMO will receive a second chance to reconcile with her father. ----===--=----======--=-=-======--==-----=====-----=- 2. W A L K T H R O U G H ----===--=----======--=-=-======--==-----=====-----=- ======================= Vector S-Line Division ======================= Save if you wish, then head up, destroying the gates blocking your path with the Square button. Head up and you'll find two more objects on either side of the path leading up to target. Shoot both of them to proceed. Destroy the obstructions and move on. There's a little puzzle here. First destroy the large central mass, then target the blue plate, with the red plate going last. Take out all the boxes up ahead to find 50G. Up ahead you'll find Segment Address 8. We can't open it yet, but make a note of the location. You'll come to a fork in the path up ahead. Take the right path for now and shoot everything in the room you come to receive an Analyze Ball and open up the path ahead. Follow the path until you come to another obstruction. Blowing it up will net you a Nano Repair M and a total of 400G. Head up, shoot, and we'll be back in the central hall. Head through the door to arrive at another little puzzle. While you step up to the platform, a series of four random colors will flash, corresponding to the floating objects surrounding the platform. This sequence is completely random, so just remember the colors and destroy the objects in the order the colors appeared. Move on to Sector 2, making use of the save point if desired. Head up and keep going left to grab a Med Kit S. Now take the other path to meet your first enemies. These guys are easily dispatched with your normal attacks, so just bash 'em to meet an easy victory. Now keep heading right past the stairs and down to blast a box containing a Med Kit M. Head back up the stairs and up to arrive at another set of stairs. Keep heading left until you reach an area with a few glass partitions that need to be destroyed. Head down and to the right to find a chest with 300G. Go left and destroy the container to find a Nano Repair M. Go back to the area between the two sets of stairs and head up, following the path until reaching a door which leads to another transport. Follow the path, then head down and right to the terminal. Press the button to activate a path leading to a chest containing Update File 01. Head around this area to find a couple containers, the bottom one leading to an enemy encounter and the one on the right to 100G. Now head back and take the blue path down to reach another terminal. Press the button and a new path will be revealed. Go back to the central area and head left and down to reach this path. While going down there's a short blue path which leads a container that holds an Antidote. When the path diverges, take the left fork to reach a console. Now backtrack all the way to the first terminal and go down to reach the new path. here you'll find a chest with a Revive M and another terminal. Take the new path and head up to where the fork in the path was. Take the right one and head up, grabbing a Med Kit S from a container along the way, ultimately ending at the transport to Sector 4. Head up, grabbing the Traps in the containers along the way. You'll receive a short lesson on using Traps and automatically enter a fight. Now head up, deploying traps to make the enemies flying around here a bit easier. In the center of this room an enemy is guarding a chest with a Med Kit M. Defeat him and take the loot, then head around this area to reach the transport to the final sector. There is a save point here which I recommend you use. There are two transports on either side of this platform which lead to consoles. Use both of them to disengage the secondary security systems, then access the upper console on the main platform to disengage primary security, then use the lower console to arrive in the main server room. Access the console here, and, after some scenes, it's time for our first boss battle... ===================================================== Boss: Sigrdrifa Rare Item: Ether Pack S HP: 3,000 Strong Against: Ice Type: Gnosis Immune to: Poison ===================================================== Canaan's Jackal tech is one of your best allies here, hitting for around 150 HP each time. Shion's Lunar Blade I tech and Break Bash special attack are useful as well. Miyuki can use regular attacks or her Lightning Blast tech. It may also be a good idea to cast Canaan's Heat ether to draw attention away from Shion and Miyuki, who's break gauges will fill up much more quickly than Canaan's. The only attack you really need to watch out for here is Ectoplasm, which deals about 80 HP of damage to all characters. Use Medica to heal if your HP gets low, otherwise just keep bashing him and the fight'll be over before you know it. Watch the scenes after the fight and we'll now be on... ============ Pedea Island ============ Head down to the beach, where you'll find a save point. Target the palm trees around here to knock off coconuts which randomly contain various goodies. Head into the water and go up to arrive at a small island. Destroy the rock for a Med Kit M and head through the cave if you want to grab a nice view. Now head back to the beach and take the lower path. Check your mail and sit back for the long scenes. When they end we'll be in an E.S. battle above Rennes-le-Chateau. Dispatch of them and then Margulis will show up. Use your most powerful attacks until you're able to activate Anima, then simply beat on Margulis with your special attacks. After a Shot Buster and Iron Fist Margulis will have been easily disposed of. After the battle, watch the scenes and we'll be in control of Shion. =========================================================================== Federation Orbital Space Port, Fifth Jerusalem, and First Business District =========================================================================== Head left and take the elevator down. After the scenes head right and out the door. We're on the Fifth Jerusalem world map now. The First Business District is the only accessible location now, so let's go south a bit and head there. Head up a bit and go into Cafe Stream. Bust up the glass counters to find an Antidote. You can also find a Nano Repair M in a bottle in the ordering area. To the left you can cause some more wanton destruction and find a Remover. Leave and head to the Item Shop to the right. You've got the cash, so you may as well buy some upgrades here. In the next screen, destroy all the boxes in front of the hotel and Theodore will give you a Segment File. From here you can check out the Merkabah showroom or park off to the right, but our objective is the Mobius Hotel, so head there when you're finished looking around. Upon entering the hotel destroy the pole on the left to nab 50G. Meet up with Allen and take a look around to nab some items before taking the elevator up to your room. After the scenes leave the hotel and meet with chaos at the Cafe. ================== CAT Testing Ground ================== After the scenes our destination is the CAT Testing Ground, so head there on the world map. Go to the transport and hop on board. Go up and to the left and settle in for some scenes. Afterward, go back to the hall, where you'll run into Juli. After the scene grab Decoder 04 from the chest to the right. Leave and head up to the room directly ahead. Navigate to the next area, where you should hop on the transport. The path from here is pretty linear, so just keep going until you get to the Second Division R&D Lab. ========================================================== Return to Fifth Jerusalem and Return to CAT Testing Ground ========================================================== Head back to the hotel after the scenes. It's pretty linear from here as well, so just watch the scenes until it's time to head back to the spaceport. After the Durandal events head back to the hotel and talk to Allen. When you gain control at the CAT facility you'll find a save point and a weapon/item shop. I suggest upgrading everyone's equipment before heading forth. Okay, once you're off the mono-carrier head up and left, taking the stairs down. Destroy the bridge you come to and head back up. From here step on the glowing square to go down and destroy another bridge, this one opening the path to the segment address you passes just a moment ago. This is Segment Address No. 10. Not much to do here for the moment really, so just examine it to add it to your Segment File. Now head back up and take the right path on the upper floor. Destroy the boxes for an item and continue on to the door. Okay, now that we're inside, head up through the open door to open a chest with 500G inside. Now go to the next platform and hop on the transporter. First destination is the room on the left, which contains a chest with a Van Brace. Now take the room on the right to the transporter. Get on, head over to the boxes to get 50G, then go meet up with Miyuki. Of course her plan failed to fall into place, so head up and take the small elevator down. Up the stairs, take out the containers on the wall for an item. Go through the door and operate the console. Leave and take the small lift down and we've got a little puzzle. There are four bridge segments here. Let's label them as 1-4 from left to right. Number 1 controls the movement of segments 1 and 2, number 2 controls the movements of segments 1-3, number 3 controls 2-4, and finally, number 4 controls 3 and 4. To complete this puzzle, simply shoot 1, 2, 1, and 4. Head across the bridge and bust up the wall on the right for an Anti- Crystal. Go through the door and use the console to bring the bridge down. Leave, head up the stairs, and cross the newly-formed bridge. Continue on and a large and angry Gnosis will do some smashing. Uh-oh. I think you know what this means. Use the save point and continue on. Time to fight a couple A.G.W.S. These guys can take a beating, but they're nothing you can't handle. Just use techs and special attacks and you'll be fine. The Beam Bolt ether attack is useful here as well. In the next room bust up the boxes to reveal Segment Address No. 4. We can decode this one now, so enter and grab the KWP- XI. Leave by way of the door on the right and destroy the boxes here to grab 100G and a Med Kit M. Beware, though, as the large box on the left holds an enemy. Now head to the left and open the small gate. Press the switch on the other side to open the grates. Open the chest for the G-Legle/42 E.S. generator. Take the stairs up to the next area. Climb the ladder and head up first to find a chest with a Half Repair, then go down, press the button to disengage the locks, and head forth. Save if you want and take the elevator down. After the scenes simply follow Abel. In the first room you come to, if you go through the north door instead of following Abel to the left, you will come to an odd, sterile white room. Weird... but our objective lies to the door on the left, so exit there when you're ready. Now that KOS-MOS is back where she belongs, it's time to blow this joint. Destroy the large rock in your path to trigger a fight and open up your path. Take out the boxes to grab an Ether Pack S and leave via the elevator. Make a point of SAVING here and start running. A bevy of A.G.W.S. will soon give chase. You can't really outrun all of them, and you really don't want to risk being attacked from behind, so when they start getting close face the lead pursuer and engage in battle. After a couple of these encounters you should have gotten far enough to trigger a scene which will lead to an encounter with our next boss... ============================================== Boss: Aludra Calf S. Item: White Fragment HP: 4,500 Weak Against: Beam Type: Gnosis Immune to: Poison ============================================== Okay, first of all, if he's not already with you, having chaos in your party is a MUST for this encounter. His Phoenix Strike special attack will chop off about 400 HP from this boss. So basically, just pound away until you have enough Boosts to use a special attack. KOS-MOS is good here as well, as is the Beam Bolt ether attack. On the boss's side, you'll need to watch out for his Double Impact attack, which knocks off about 250 HP from one character. With Medica around this should be no problem. Remember to keep an eye on your Boost gauges, though. ================= Floating Landmass ================= Following the battle you'll receive Decoder 09, and when you're back in control you'll be free to shop or enter the U.M.N. I recommend returning to the CAT facility to get cash if you need it, then purchase whatever upgrades you desire for characters or E.S.'s. Head to the Elsa's basement, go down through the door, and shoot the wall at the far end of the room to find Segment Address No. 9. Open the chest inside to receive the Erde Kaiser ether. Now head to the E.S. launch area and head down to the Floating Landmass. Nice music here, eh? Anyway, the path here is pretty linear, so just go with the flow until you reach the save point. Head into the cave and things start to get a bit confusing. First, head all the way left and follow the path up to nab a DF-V2 E.S. frame for the Dinah. Go down, take the next path up, attack the crystal, and we'll be on our way. Follow the path up and we'll have a boss fight... ============================= Boss: E.S. Naphtoli HP: 85,000 Type: Mechanical ============================= Not much to say here, really. Just build up your anima and unleash special attacks whenever possible, though note that due to the unique resonances in this area your anima gauges may experience random variations. Of course, the fact that the general strategy here is rather simple definitely does not equate to this fight being "easy." Quite the contrary, in fact. This is actually the first boss fight where you stand a good chance of getting your ass handed to you. As you chip away at Virgil he'll stop to taunt you a couple times, afterwards unleashing some very punishing attacks such as the Buster Launcher and Nimbus Laser, which in its final form can chop off about half of your party's HP. Don't be stingy with the healing items and guard when you need to and you should eke out a victory against this difficult boss. ============== Ancient Temple ============== Okay, we're on foot now. Head up to find a save point and shop terminal. The enemies in this area are now considerably more difficult than any you have faced before, so be ready. If you haven't already purchased all the character equipment upgrades you should be able to land a pretty penny by pawning off all those junked circuits you've been collecting. KOS-MOS, chaos, Jin, and Ziggy are all good choices for your party here. Now examine the pedestal and take the door out to find a transport going up. Take it and destroy the pedestal on the left for an Anti-Crystal. Ascend the stairs and move on to the next area. Head right and examine the pedestal to open up our path. Take the right path on your way to the next pedestal for an Anti-Crystal. Go up, all the way right, and down to find a crystal with a Med Kit S. There's nothing in either of the other crystal now open to you, so continue on the upper path until you come to the next pedestal. Before activating it head to the left to grab the Blue Oasis ring from the chest. Now activate the last pedestal and you can grab an Ether Pack S from the crystal down and to the left of the pedestal. Now take the transport to the next area. First use the pedestal to open up the path left, which leads to a few items surrounding a chest containing Update File 14. Use the pedestal again and go forth. Use the next pedestal and head all the way up and left to reach another. Use it and a path in the previous area will open up, located to the left of the second pedestal you came to there. This path leads to a chest with Decoder 01. You can grab it now or return later via the UMN, though I suggest the former, as it'll be a while before you'll be able to return here, and the benefit you'll receive in a bit from doing so is well worth the effort. Either way, our next objective in this area, starting from the third pedestal, is down the stairs, left, up the stairs, and up, where we find the next pedestal. Open up the path and follow it to another pedestal which leads to a crystal containing a Med Kit S. Take it and withdraw this path with the pedestal before returning. Our path to the next transport is now open, so take it to the next area, which is quite linear. Keep going, SAVE, and finally exit to arrive at Rennes-le-Chateau proper. ================= Rennes-le-Ch‰teau ================= Time to desecrate some graves. Head to the left and down a bit to find a stone which reveals a path down when destroyed. Follow it to come to a chest with a Rejuvenator M. Head back up and to the right. Follow the path to come to our next objective. Wait - didn't we just get OUT of a dank pit? Eh. Oh well. Go forth for some scenes, go up again, watch the scenes, and when you try to leave, T-elos will attack. =========================================================== Boss: T-elos S. Item: Green Oasis HP: 7,500 Strong / Weak Against: Beam / Lightning Type: Machinehuman Immune to: Poison =========================================================== Okay, T-elos is weak against Lightning, so use Thunder Bolt with a character with a good EATK value. Right now MOMO is probably your best choice in that regard. Note that T-elos is a unique "Machinehuman" entity, so attacks effective against B and M enemies both work here. This is notable because you'll want to be using break attacks such as Ziggy's to weaken her before unloading your best attacks. KOS-MOS works well here with both her techs and special attack. You may be tempted to use Erde Kaiser here, but trust me, it's really not worth it. For the amount of damage it does I really can't justify blowing that much EP. Just stick with Thunder Bolt for ether attacks. Now, for T-elos's attacks. WATCH OUT for T-Skylla. This will be an instant KO for any character with less than 1,200 HP. ====== Forest ====== Holy shit. Um. You guys still here? Cool. Here's the update: we're in a forest. And that's about all we know, so let's get moving. Head right to the next screen to meet up with your party, sans KOS-MOS for the moment... now head back and left to find a save point, shop terminal, and some breakable boxes containing a Med Kit M and L. The large gates won't open, so head back the opposite way, blasting rocks along the way for items. When you come to a rock facing south, destroy it to reveal a path to a chest with a Hero's Bracelet inside. Continue on. When you reach the summit, there's a breakable area of the large tree trunk leading to the next area. At the fallen tree crossing the waterfall you'll find a chest containing a Warrior's Bracelet. To reach it, stand on the branch opposite its location and target the two branches in the way, avoiding the section that actually holds the chest. Don't worry though, if you accidentally shoot the chest out you can leave this area to come back and have another go at it. At the area with the save point take the path down to find a chest with EX Skill Key 1. Continue and you'll come to a battle with a couple Realians. Keep going to get to the church. After the scenes, exit the church and take the north exit to arrive at the world map. Follow the path to the Dabrye Mines. ============ Dabrye Mines ============ There's a save point and shop terminal here, and you can operate the crane in the right section of this area to smash open a box with a Med Kit M. Now head into the mine and follow the path until you find a couple green-blue stalactites that can be destroyed for items. In this area there's a northern wall that can be destroyed as well. Do so, head through, and in the next area destroy another section of the cavern to find Segment Address No. 1. If you got Decoder 01 back at the Temple you can decode it now and grab the Witch's Eye ring. Back on the main path, we'll be reaching a save point soon. Ride the "Wild Roller Coaster" down (just press up on the control stick). Head up, and we've got a boss fight. ============================================================================== Boss: Leupold and Mai S. Item: Kajic Neck (Mai HP: 6,000 each Mai is strong to Lightning Type: M / B Leupold: strong to Fire and weak against Ice and Lightning ============================================================================== Let's focus on Leupold first. Watch out for his Drill Machinegun attack, especially after Mai casts Defensive, at which point it will increase significantly in power, but if you just keep pummeling him with Ice and Lightning ether attacks he should bow out of the battle before being able to cause any serious damage. Now for Mai. Jin's Skeletal Slash tech seems to work well here. Watch out for her Blast Hammer II. If you're low on HP and she lands a critical or boosts it's a KO, so cast Defensive here if you think you need it and keep your HP up. Oh, and as always, keep an eye on your Break gauges. Just keep pounding on Mai with your best physical techs and specials and she'll eventually fall. =========================== Miltia and Urban A District =========================== After the battle, head into the Elsa and we'll have some scenes. After meeting with the Professor head out to the world map. After the scene continue forth to the city. Here you can buy Haramiya Ice Cream to restore HP, as well as Challenge Coupons and items/equipment at the two shops to the right immediately as you enter the area. First of all, head to the left and shoot one of the bushes to reveal a Miltia Waterworks underground passage. Take it and you'll come to a console that controls the fountain. Choose the third option and a Skill Upgrade C will pop out. Head back to the main area to grab it. May as well head over to the Challenge Coupon shop. Buy coupons with the numbers 68, 37, and 12. This will net you a nice amount of cash a bit later on. Now head straight up and enter the building on the right. Ascend a few flights of stairs to find a chest with Update File 08. Head all the way up to find a boy who has found himself victim to a... CAT BURGLAR. *rimshot* I apologize. Now back to business. Notice that if you have any traps in your inventory you are able to set them in this area, so place one at the base of the pole and wait for the cat to come close. Set it off and grab the balloon with the O button as soon as it passes overhead. The boy will give you Berry Ice Cream x 2 for your trouble. Now leave this building and exit this area to the left. Take the stairs here and search the left canister on the northern wall for Federal Report 06. Now exit to the left. Head down and around to find a door with the U-TIC logo that can be destroyed. Take the path to find a console you can destroy to receive Federal Report 01. Now head up and take the north exit to the next area. The right path leads to a machine that can be destroyed to receive Federal Report 02 and a chest with an E.S. CPU upgrade. Now leave to the left to find yourself back on the world map heading toward Labyrinthos. Once inside the building head to the bottom left and destroy the cart to receive a Skill Upgrade B. On your way to the elevator shoot the chandelier for a Med Kit M. ================================================= Labyrinthos and Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility ================================================= Take the elevator to the fourth floor and take the first door in the hallway. Check the console to learn the Business District Gate password, which is 5150, and receive Suou Uzuki's Memo. Leave and enter the next door down. After the scene head back left for another scene. Talk to Joachim and he'll instruct you to go to the fifth floor. Once there destroy the object on the ceiling for an Ether Pack M. Continue on. In the hallway with the two doors, take the second one to find a chest with Update File 09. Continue on to the last door. After the scene with Suou, leave the building. Finally we'll be back on board the Elsa. Now we're going to check out the HaKox game in the Elsa's lounge, but before heading there make sure to SAVE, and prepare yourself for battle. In the Elsa's lounge head to the back to get some "surrealistic puzzle" action goin'! This game is actually quite a fun little diversion, and you'll need to play it to unlock all the Segment Addresses and get rare items, so give it a shot for a bit. When you're done, exit the game and some scenes will follow, all leading to a surprise boss encounter... ============================================================================= Boss: Voyager S. Item: Venom Ring HP: 10,000 Strong / Weak Against: Ice, Beam, Lightning (Nullifies) / Fire Type: B Immune To: Poison ============================================================================= Voyager is weak against fire, so start by pounding him with your best fire ethers and KOS-MOS's Cannon I tech. The latter here will probably be your best ally in this battle. If you choose to keep Ziggy in your party for the duration of the battle I would advise having him use break attacks against Voyager, as by the time you chip off enough BL from him you'll both welcome a reprieve from his barrage of punishing attacks and possibly have the opportunity to end the battle with a few well-chosen attacks of your own. Bringing MOMO in would be a good choice as well for her ether attacks, but if you choose to do so understand that Voyager targets characters with low HP, so be prepared to pay close attention to healing her if you decide to bring her in. As for Voyager's attacks, Devil's Reception is the one you're really going to have to be watching out for. He'll start using it about midway through the battle and will probably get it off a couple more times following that. It hits for about 1,000 - 1,200 HP, so keep your HP up even in the initial stages of the battle, as this attack can easily spell the end of even a lightly- damaged character. One other thing to note, near the end of the battle Voyager will nullify the effectiveness of physical attacks against him. Note that special attacks ARE NOT an exception to this, remember this, because you'll be really pissed if you blow those hard-earned boosts on an attack that ends up doing 0 HP of damage to this tough foe. ====================================================== Miltia and Return to Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility ====================================================== Now, upgrade and head back toward Miltia. There's nothing new (that's presently accessible) in the UMN, so if you want to gather some experience or SP before heading forth take a detour to the Dabrye Mines for a bit. Now, when you first enter Miltia on the world map, take the first right to find a path down that leads to a chest with Jr.'s Swimsuit. Now take the other path in this area up to arrive at the Business District gate. Enter the code (5150) and grab the Prayer Beads from the chest. Now, on to Labyrinthos. After the fight, just head forth; the doors to the other elevator are sealed. When you get off the elevator head completely around the right side to uncover a Segment Address No. 15. Take the upper door out and bash the left side of the gated area for a Med Kit M. Do the same to the right side and move on. Follow the path to the save point, then enter the large door. Take the first door you find to find to two chests, one with Update File 10 and another with Jin's Swimsuit. On the next floor head into the door to find a chest containing a D-Frame. Leave and enter the room with the sleeping guard in front. Bash everything here to receive some items. Once your looting gets too merry the guard will wake up and you'll have a fight, so beat 'em and move on. In the next area head down to find a chest with a Revive L. Head up, and we've got a puzzle... First target and shoot the uppermost box. Do the same for the box this moved. And the same for the box that moved. Now destroy the box on the green square to find a chest with a D-Nullify Guard. Reset the boxes. Start the same way, by destroying the uppermost box. You should be in the third column now, so head down and shoot the box you come to. Now go to the very lower right of this area, position up, and shoot the box. Destroy the box on the green square and head forth. Leave the room you're in after the scene and follow the path down. After climbing the stairs destroy the crates to find a Revive M. Continue on. After the scene grab Security Card B from the console. Leave and take the left door. Look familiar? Return to the Central Hall (where the save point is), and take the elevator down. The path from here is quite linear, so follow it all the way to where you'll meet back up with your E.S.'s. Once inside them, head up and ride the elevator. There's no reason to leave your craft now, so just keep following the path, destroying containers along the way for items. A couple things to note now: don't waste the Anima you're drawing from the fights with these easy enemies. You can get a serious head start by saving them for the upcoming boss fight. Also note that as Asher does not actually have a Vessel of Anima installed, it will not be able to draw anima, so you'll probably want to leave Asher out of this fight as well. At the save point do some shopping. You should have the cash, so get some E.S. upgrades. Head up. Destroy the far right door first to grab a Revive M. Destroy the center door and take the path left. Head up and destroy the door for an All Repair. Head back to the main path. Boss time. ========================================== Boss: Omega Universitas N. Item: D-EN1 HP: 200,000 Type: M ========================================== Watch out for Super Martial Ring. Black Wave is the signal that this devastating attack will be coming your way next turn, so charge or use healing items if you're damaged, even a small bit; seriously Ð don't underestimate this attack. If you have D-Kill R's, equip them to make this fight a bit easier. You don't need to be picky with your special attacks here, so you can stick to level 1 attacks and do fine here, but c'mon, you want to see those sweet new specials, right? All right, you know where we're going, right? YEP! Back to Labyrinthos. So get moving. Once there just take the same path you took the first time around to come before the Area 13 door. One detour along the way, though. The door straight up when you get out of the elevator? We couldn't access the room inside before, but it's open now, so head in to find a chest with the Rosario of Grief necklace. Head through the Area 13 door and take the lower door. In the next room destroy the plates covering the northern wall to uncover Segment Address No. 5. Take the escalator down. Head all the way left and destroy a couple boxes to uncover a door. Take it to find a chest with a Rejuvenator M. Head down. There are four rooms in this area with items. Loot them all and leave the room via the stairs in the upper right. Take the lower door. At the T-intersection keep going left. Take the first path right and destroy the containers for the Staff Room Access Key. Open the shutters, save, grab Suou Uzuki's PDA from the Staff Room, and take the path right. Time for a boss fight. ================================================================== Pellegri S. Item: Double Vestment N. Item: Grand Design HP: 12,000 Strong / Weak Against: Fire and Lightning / Ice Type: B Immune to: Poison ================================================================== Let's take care of Pellegri's two cronies here first. They're weak to fire and lightning, so use appropriate techs and ethers to dispose of them quickly. On to Pellegri now. Ziggy, as always, is useful for breaking, so use Choke to chip away at Pellegri's BL, and bash her with ice-based attacks Ð her sole weakness. Watch out for her special attack that comes after she casts Overtaker. ================ Return to Miltia ================ Leave Labyrinthos and head to the city. Swing around the area where you destroyed the door with the U-TIC logo to find Federal Report 04. Continue on. In the next area head to the raised section and destroy the object in the middle to find a chest with Half Coat inside. Continue on and destroy the U- TIC vehicle for Federal Report 03. In the last area grab the Talisman from the chest on the way out. In the east area you can destroy some debris to rescue McDowell. He'll give you Federal Report 05 in return. Now, before leaving you may want to purchase a Flame Avatar for one of your good attackers, because the coming boss is weak to fire. I'd also recommend beefing up the BL of all the characters you're planning on taking to the coming fight. Now, leave and after some scenes it's time to face off against Virgil. ======================================================== Boss: Virgil S. Item: Union Neck N. Item: Gustav Ring HP: 14.500 Strong / Weak Against: Ice / Fire Type: B Immune To: Poison, Seal Ether, Seal Boost ======================================================== KOS-MOS's Cannon II and Fire Bolt III (likely with MOMO) will be your bread- and-butter attacks here if you have them, as Virgil is weak against fire. I also used Shion's Lunar Blade II attack while equipped with the Flame Avatar. If you've been following the Attacker skill line for Shion this should also be able to land some good criticals. Once Virgil casts Offensive, WATCH OUT. Cast Defensive, heal, do whatever you need to minimize the damage he's about to inflict. Victim's Hail will knock a good chunk of HP from all your characters and likely cause at least two of them to enter their break state. Needless to say, this is NOT good. After this, spend a turn healing and resume bashing Virgil with your fire attacks. He'll probably get Victim's Hail off one more time before this battle ends, so watch out. Leave via the south path to fight a few Realians. Save and continue on. In the tunnels you can operate the consoles on the side to activate the conveyor belts, which will then carry items for you to grab. Exit the tunnels, head right and up the stairs. Take the right left path down to find Federal Report 07. Now take the right path. Head all the way south. The left path leads to a chest with a D-Type G. The right leads to Federal Report 08. =========================================== Return to Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility =========================================== Now go right to leave this area and arrive at Labyrinthos. First head to the elevator you sued the first time you were here to find a chest with the Yasoma Sanju. Take the fire exit to the second floor to find a Revive M and Ether Pack L (from shooting the object on the ceiling). Head to the hallway to uncover Segment Address No. 7. Now bust through the barricades and fight off the Realians who pursue you. On the fourth floor, enter the door and fight your way through the Realians to find a chest with a Rejuvenator L. Leave. There's no reason to go in either of the doors on the northern wall, so head down and enter the operating room to find a chest with Decoder 05. Head around the elevator and activate the sprinkler system. Talk to Nielsen and head out the door. Go down to receive a C-US5G. Now go all the way up to the fifth floor. On the fifth floor, press the switch in the guard station to open the door. Continue on. Remember the room with the treasure you couldn't get before? You can grab it now. Head forth. We've got a boss fight... ===================================================== Boss: 27-Series Asura x 3 S. Item: Skill Upgrade A HP: 4,000 each Weak Against: Beam Type: B Immune To: Poison ===================================================== Try to nab a Skill Upgrade A from each of them. Okay, now, aside from their tendency to fill up your break gauge at an ungodly speed, these guys are pretty easy pickins'. They're weak against Beam, so equip a Beam Avatar if you have one, make good use of MOMO's Satellite III and Beam Bolt III, and use KOS-MOS and Shion's second-level specials (Lock Shot and X-BUSTER) when appropriate, taking care to land a nice Finishing Attack on them for bonus points. That's really all there is to it. Keep pounding them and they'll be down soon enough. Watch all the scenes and it's time for Disc Two! DISC TWO WALKTHROUGH IN PROGRESS. ----===--=----======--=-=-======--==-----=====-----=- 3. I N D E X ----===--=----======--=-=-======--==-----=====-----=- In progress. ----===--=----======--=-=-======--==-----=====-----=---- 4. L E G A L , T H A N K S , A N D F I N A L W O R D S ----===--=----======--=-=-======--==-----=====-----=---- This document is Copyrighted © 2006 by John Rockstad. It may not be hosted on any other website but GameFAQs without my consent, and may never be reprinted by any commercial publication under any circumstances. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the team at MonolithSoft for having the vision and courage to produce these unique and wonderful games. I'd like to thank my iTunes playlist for keeping me sane and, of course, CJayC for maintaining GameFAQs for all these years. Safe journeys space fans.