+=============================================================================+ | Xenosaga Gurus Complete Guide | | for | | Xenosaga: Episode 3 Also Sprach Zarathustra (US) | | | | Author: Tomas | | E-mail: xenosaga@gurus-network.com | | Website: http://www.gurus-network.com/ | | | | Version: 1.0 | | Last update: September 12 2006 | +=============================================================================+ This guide is copyrighted (C) 2005 Tomas Liem & The Gurus Network and may not be reproduced electronically, written, in print or through any other means, partially or completely, under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of the copyright and therefore the rights of the copyright holders. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< <> Section 1: FAQ Information <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< /////////////// //// 1.1 Index //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////// Section 1: FAQ Information 1.1 -- Index 1.2 -- Introduction 1.3 -- Conventions 1.4 -- Version History 1.5 -- Frequently Asked Questions 1.6 -- Contact Information Section 2: Game Information 2.1 -- The Sory So Far 2.2 -- Characters 2.3 -- Gameplay Section 3: Walkthrough --disc 1-- 3.0 -- PROLOGUE 3.0.1 -- Vector S-Line Division 3.0.2 -- Pedea Island 3.1 -- CHAPTER 1 3.2 -- CHAPTER 2 3.2.1 -- Federation Orbital Space Port 3.2.2 -- Fifth Jerusalem 3.2.3 -- First Business District 3.2.4 -- CAT Testing Ground 3.2.5 -- Fifth Jerusalem 3.2.6 -- CAT Testing Ground 3.3 -- CHAPTER 3 3.3.1 -- Elsa 3.3.2 -- Floating Landmass 3.3.3 -- Ancient Temple 3.3.4 -- Rennes-le-Château 3.4 -- CHAPTER 4 3.4.1 -- Forest 3.4.2 -- Dabrye Mine 3.5 -- CHAPTER 5 3.5.1 -- Miltia 3.5.2 -- Urban A District 3.5.3 -- Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility 3.6 -- CHAPTER 6 3.6.1 -- Elsa 3.6.2 -- Labyrinthos 3.7 -- CHAPTER 7 3.7.1 -- Miltia 3.7.2 -- Labyrinthos 3.7.3 -- Miltia 3.7.4 -- Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility --disc 2-- 3.8 -- CHAPTER 8 3.8.1 -- Elsa 3.8.2 -- Ancient Temple 3.8.3 -- Tactical Warship Markabah 3.8.4 -- Elsa 3.8.5 -- Durandal 3.8.6 -- Elsa 3.8.7 -- Abel's Ark -- Blue Orb -- Green Orb -- Red Orb -- Yellow Orb -- Core 3.9 -- CHAPTER 9 3.9.1 -- Elsa 3.9.2 -- Michtam 3.9.3 -- Archon Cathedral 3.9.4 -- Isolated Research Facility 3.9.5 -- Underground Ruins Section 4: Complete Information (under construction) 4.1 -- Skills 4.1.1 -- Ethers 4.1.2 -- Tech Attacks 4.1.3 -- Abilities 4.1.4 -- Special Attacks 4.2 -- E.S. Attacks 4.3 -- Items 4.4.1 -- Items 4.4.2 -- Special items 4.4.3 -- Equipment 4.4.4 -- E.S. Equipment 4.5 -- Bestiary 4.6 -- Segment Addresses Section 5: HaKox (under construction) ////////////////////// //// 1.2 Introduction ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra is the third and most likely final installment of the Xenosaga series of games on the Playstation 2. The first game introduced us to our ragtag group of heroes and set up the plot for the games to come. In the second game you got the chance to delve deep into the pasts of some of the characters to learn of some things that would affect their future forever. It also set some plots into motion, most of which were unresolved at the end of the game. Episode 3 starts one year after Episode 2 and skips over some of the events that happened in between. Whether or not Monolith plans to use that plot for another sidegame is unknown. Thankfully Episode 3 has a vast Database system that lets you review any information and story elements from the previous two games and anything that has occured in this game so far. If you are confused, be sure to read up. The intention of this guide is to help you make your way throughout the game, past the difficult points and with all the extras that have been hidden all throughout the game. If you do not want the game spoiled for you in any way, do not use the guide until you have finished the game at least once. Although spoilers are being kept to a minimum, it is impossible to ensure that they will not ruin your gaming experience. If you have no qualms about that, you should find the walkthrough a useful assistant to get you through the game with as many of the secrets as possible. ///////////////////// //// 1.3 Conventions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// In this guide several conventions are used so that the reader/player can find his/her way through the game with the help of this guide. Directions are described as the four compass directions (or a combination thereof). Assuming the character is in the middle of your screen, north means pushing the directional button (or left analog stick) upwards so that the the character will walk further into the background. South means pushing the pad or stick downwards, causing the character to approach the front and bottom of the screen. West and east are synonyms for the left and right side of the screen respectively. The four buttons are described by the image on top of them, i.e. TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, X and SQUARE. They will always be capitalized to avoid confusion. The same for the START and SELECT buttons, or the R1, R2, L1 and L2 buttons. The guide is divided into several main sections, each of which are divided into subsections and have been numbered to make locating a specific section much easier. ///////////////////////// //// 1.4 Version History ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// Version 1.0 : - Walkthrough completed 12/Sep/2006 //////////////////////////////////// //// 1.5 Frequently Asked Questions /////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////// Send an email with your question to the email address listed under Contact Information and if it is something unanswered, it will be added here. ///////////////////////////// //// 1.6 Contact Information ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// Email: xenosaga@gurus-network.com Website: http://www.gurus-network.com/ Make sure to put "Xenosaga Guide" in the topic, and no attachments, or the mail filter will delete your email as spam. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< <> Section 2: Game Information ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ////////////////////////// //// 2.1 The Story So Far ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// When we left our heroes at the end of Xenosaga II, Shion, KOS-MOS and Allen went back to Vector, MOMO and Ziggy went to live with Juli Mizrahi, while Jr., chaos and Jin went with the Elsa to investigate more about the new threats that had revealed themselves at the end of Episode II. Now it is one year later and a lot has changed. Due to an incident involving Shion and her friends, she no longer feels she can work at Vector Industries anymore and has instead joined with an underground group known as Scientia to find out about Vector's hidden agenda regarding the Gnosis. What she will find however, will have far more impact than even she ever imagined... //////////////////// //// 2.2 Characters /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// --[ Shion Uzuki ]-------------------------------------------------------------- Former Chief Engineer of the KOS-MOS Project in Vector Industries First R&D Division, Shion has suffered greatly. Not only did she lose both her parents in a war that engulfed her hometown when she was just a child, but also her co-worker and lover during an experimental test early in the development of KOS-MOS. Despite this, she always acts cheerfully and positively, hiding her trauma from others. After leaving Vector Industries, she aligned herself with Scientia and is investigating the potential threat of the U.M.N. and the truth behind the Gnosis terrorist attacks. --[ KOS-MOS ]------------------------------------------------------------------ A key figure in the Xenosaga series, KOS-MOS is defined as "Order." A female battle android developed by Vector Industries, she is comprised entirely of mechanical parts - a rarity in an age of advanced Realian technology. She is programmed to prioritize logic, probability and duty above all else, and to protect her developer Shion at all costs. She has been upgraded with the latest technological advancements. --[ MOMO ]--------------------------------------------------------------------- MOMO is a 100-Series Observational realian prototype created by the late Dr. Joachim Mizrahi. Her appearance is based on his daughter, Sakura, who died as a child. Plagued by self-doubt and a complex over her identity as a Realian, she dreams of being reunited with her father again in heaven one day, and to that end she strives to perform good deeds. --[ Ziggy ]-------------------------------------------------------------------- A Ziggurat Industries Type 8 battle cyborg. In his previous life he served as a special agent for the Federation Police, but died in the line of duty at the age of thirty. His body was donated for recycling, whereupon he was revived as a battle cyborg. He is currently assigned to Contact Subcommittee member Juli Mizrahi. His former name was Jan Sauer. --[ chaos ]-------------------------------------------------------------------- A key character in the Xenosaga series, the boy named "chaos" is notable for his melancholic expression, calm voice, piercing eyes and silver hair. He never reveals anything about himself other than his name, leaving his origin shrouded in mystery. He appears to have known Matthews and his companions for a long time, and is trusted implicitly by them. --[ Jr. ]---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jr. is one of the Representative Trustees of the special organization known as the Kukai Foundation. He looks about twelve years old, but is actually over twenty-six. One of the surviving U.R.T.V. anti-existence units which were created to counter the discarnate U-DO entity, his unit number is 666, Rubedo. He was born from the same embryo as No. 667, Albedo. Although he looks like a child, he is very knowledgeable and at times makes profound statements. --[ Jin Uzuki ]---------------------------------------------------------------- Jin was a former Captain in the Galaxy Federation Special Ops Intelligence Bureau, and is Shion's older brother. While in the military he served directly under Margulis and was Pellegri's commanding officer. He left the forces after participating in a descent operation during the Miltian Conflict. Changing his profession numerous times, he operated an antique bookstore a year ago. Aloof by nature, he is a surrealist. --[ Canaan ]------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector Industries lent this special enhanced memory model Realian for Second Miltia. He participated in the descent operation to Miltia during the Miltian Conflict to protect the U.R.T.V. unit. He appears cool and indifferent, but this is because he is programmed to control his emotions to prevent interference from the wave existence known as U-DO. --[ Miyuki Izumi ]------------------------------------------------------------- Former Vector Industries First R&D Division Systems Programmer and subordinate to Shion. She is currently stationed in Vector's Second R&D Divion on board of the Dämmerung, where she long desired to be. A whiz at gadgets, she is obsessed with making new inventions, which she lets Shion and her companions test out. Shion's M.W.S. is such a device. --[ Allen Ridgeley ]----------------------------------------------------------- Current Chief Engineer of the KOS-MOS Project Joint Operation Systems Development in Vector Industries First R&D Division. He served as Vice Chief Engineer when Shion was still at vector, during which time he earned the respect of his colleagues for his diligence in supporting her research. Although he is in love with Shion, he feels inferior to her former boyfriend, Kevin, and keeps his feelings locked inside. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< <> Section 3: Walkthrough <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ------------------------------[ DISC ONE ]------------------------------------- When starting a new game you can load a Clear Game Save from Xenosaga II. This will unlock Shion's Vector Uniform from Episode I. Equipping this on her will change her ingame model. Note that this will not affect the cutscenes. ////////////////// //// 3.0 Prologue ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// "Usus magister est optimus." -Doctus +------------------------------+ --+ 3.0.1 Vector S-Line Division +--------------------------------------------- +------------------------------+ Recommended level: ~4 Enemies: V.M.P. Sechs V.M.P. Elf After an ominous introduction movie, we return to Shion as she and her companions infiltrate Vector’s S-Line Division. This area is basically one big tutorial for the game mechanics. Miyuki will explain about the game’s Database function, which is a repository for all the information you will encounter in the game. If you get stuck or forgot what something is (for), or lost track of some vital plot element, you can look it up here. The game will keep track of your completion percentage, so you will know if you missed something. Since the continuation between episode II and III is somewhat vague at the moment, it’s a good idea to read the Story section item “End of EPISODE II to the present” to be updated on the events between episode II and III. Your party for now will consist of Shion, Miyuki and Canaan. Miyuki and Canaan are both extra characters and their fighting styles are pretty much copies of Shion and Ziggy respectively. Once you are ready, approach the gold plate (a save point). Touching it will completely recover your party’s HP and EP, and allow you to save your game by pressing the CIRCLE button. Proceed north through the door. Lock onto the barrier and destroy it by pressing the SQUARE button. Destroy the two red objects behind it to open the door all the way in the back of the hallway. Proceed north. Destroy the two breakable objects and proceed to your first “puzzle”. Use L1 and R1 to target the middle object, destroy it, and then blow up the top plate, and finally the bottom plate. This will open the door. If you accidentally mess up, examine the nearby console to reset the puzzle. Continue and blow up the boxes for 50G. Head northeast and you will encounter Segment Address 8. Examine it to have it added to your Segment File for later review. Keep going east until you reach a fork with a gold door to the north and a small door to the east. Head east through the small door. Follow the path and blow up the destructible objects for an Analyze Ball and a hidden door. Follow the path all the way to the end until you reach a group of large containers blocking the way. Blow them up with one shot to reveal 100G, a Nano Repair M and a chest containing another 300G. Blow up the wall panel at the end of the path to find yourself back at the gold door. Go north into the next area. Another small puzzle. As your approach the central platform, the floor will light up several times with different colors. Your job is to get on the tiny platform in the back and destroy the moving panels in the same order as you just saw. If you mess it up, use the console to reset the puzzle and try again. Before you proceed, walk up the stairs on the west side of the room and hit the object at the end multiple times to reveal an Antidote. The one on the east side of the room contains another Analyze Ball. Proceed through the teleport platform at the north side of the room. You will enter Sector 2. From here on you will have to fight your way through. Continue all the way west to a container with a Med Kit S inside. Then go back east a little and run up to the enemy to engage the first combat tutorial. If you accidentally skip through, or want to review something, all tutorials can be read again in the Database. You will want to read up on status effects, because some of them may have different effects than you might expect. After the fight, head east and south to another container. This one contains a Med Kit M. Head northwest for another battle and the second tutorial, explaining special attacks. The most important lesson to learn from this battle is that using a Special Attack to get in the finishing blow on an enemy will multiply the experience, skill points and credits obtained from that enemy by 1.5. For most battles it is well worth the trouble to use a little more strategy than just hitting Attack every turn, and time it so you can kill as many enemies as possible every fight with a Special Attack. This will get a little easier once your characters learn attacks that can kill multiple enemies at once. Also, using Special Attacks often will make them more powerful, so use them often. Head west, and keep going west until you reach a row of several barriers. Hit the first one to destroy them all. A little to the southeast you will find a chest containing 300G. To the west is another container holding a Nanon Repair M. Go back north and engage the third enemy for the Back Attacks tutorial. Continue east where you will find another enemy rotating around a block. Taking in mind what you just learned, wait for it to pass and run up behind it to initiate a Back Attack. If you are too slow and it sneaks up on you instead, expect to have the enemy get a Back Attack on YOU instead! Continue through the door and take the teleporter to Section 3. Follow the path until you reach an empty container. Just east of it is a panel on a green floor that will make more (green) platforms appear. Head southeast to another control panel (yellow) to make more platforms appear. Now head north to the large platform and open the chest for Update File 01. These update files will unlock new knowledge in the Database. Collecting all of them will get you a nice bonus later on in the game. On the east side of the platform is another enemy. The container to the southeast contains an enemy, the eastern one contains 100G. Head back to where you destroyed the first empty container (west of the green panel) and head south across the yellow platforms you just created. Southwest is another container with an Antidote. Further east is another container holding an enemy. Keep following the path, destroying another empty container as you go, until you reach a fork and yet another empty container. Follow the path west to another control panel (purple). Backtrack all the way to the yellow panel and cross the purple platforms until you run into another container, which contains an enemy. The chest to the west holds a Revive M. Use the nearby control panel (red) to create a shortcut back to the exit to the next area. Head northeast to the fork, and this time head north instead of west. The container on the way holds a Med Kit S. Step on the transporter at the end of the path to reach Section 4. Continue north, destroying the two objects for Trap x 5 and Trap x 5. Approach the enemy for a Trap tutorial. Use these traps to gain the iniative in tough battles. Continue north and sneak between the moving enemies (or fight them for experience, experiment with traps) and approach the enemy guarding the chest. Since he is static, go ahead and try to use a trap on him. The chest contains an Ether Pack S. Make your way to the transporter behind the destroyable door at the north end of the room to reach Section 5. Step on the light blue platform to the west end of the area to teleport to a small console. Examine it to disengage the secondarty security. Return to the main area and step on the eastern platform to reach another console. Use it to disengage the secondary security as well. Head back to the main area and run up to the northernmost console at the edge of the large platform to disengage primary security. Now run back to the save point to save your game and recover your HP/EP. When you are ready, examine the central console to transport to the main server area. Examine the console at the end for some cutscenes and your first boss fight, which will double as a tutorial for Breaks and Target Control. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 01 | Sigrdrifa | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 3000 | EXP: 380 | N.ITEM: - | | EP: 140 | SP: 10 | R.ITEM: Ether Pack S | | BL: 120 | G: 100 | S.ITEM: Revive M | | TYPE: GNOSIS | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Strong to ice | | Immune: Poison | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Delay Wing – single target ether damage | | 2. Ectoplasm – all-targets medium ether damage | | 3. Scratch – single target high physical damage, increases Break gauge | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is a fairly simple boss fight, mainly intended to familiarize you with the break system and target control. Like the tutorial says, enemies have peculiar targeting behaviour, and you really do NOT want an enemy to go for your already weakened characters at a bad time. Using the Heat ether with Canaan should ensure that all single-target attacks will be directed at him for a few turns. Use regular attacks and Techs as EP permits, healing yourself with Medica S when needed. Use Miyuki’s Lightning Blade Tech to increase Sigrdrifa’s Break gauge considerably. If you can get him into Break status, you will be able to inflict considerably more damage and he cannot react, so use your strongest Techs at this point. Just pound away at him, playing with your attacks and Techs to experiment a little. You can use Shion’s Analyze ether to keep track of his HP if needed. When he drops to about 200 HP, use Shion’s Special Attack, Break Bash, to do a Finish Strike to obtain 1.5x the rewards from this battle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= +--------------------+ --+ 3.0.2 Pedea Island +------------------------------------------------------- +--------------------+ After some cutscenes, you will find yourself back on Pedea Island where Shion has been hiding out. Follow the path to the beach, where you can hit the trees to make them drop their coconuts. They contain an Analyze Ball and 100G. Run into the water and south of the deep hole you will find a rock you can blow up to reveal a chest containing Decoder 08. The one north of the hole is empty. Run further east onto the small island and blow up the big rock at the end of the path for a Med Kit M. You can also blow up the nearby wall to reveal a door marked with D, but you cannot access it at this time. Head back to the beach and exit to the southwest. Hit the nearby palmtree and destroy the coconuts to reveal a Revive M. The other palmtree west of Shion’s little house hides 100G. Approach the computer and examine it for some cutscenes. /////////////////// //// 3.1 Chapter 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// Enemies: Cera 6 F Cera 7 F As your party approaches the landmass known to Ormus as Rennes-le-Château, they are attacked by Ormus. This is also your first E.S. battle and hence you will get another tutorial. Complete the battle to engage in a boss battle with E.S. Levi and another tutorial explaining the use of Anima Awakening and the Special Attacks. Note that you can also gain Finish Strikes in E.S. battles using Anima, so like before, try to kill enemies with Anima attacks for extra bonuses. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 02 | E.S Levi | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 45000 | EXP: 450 | N.ITEM: Half Repair | | EP: - | SP: 10 | R.ITEM: Nano Repair DX | | BL: - | G: 380 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: - | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Bodhisattva’s Moan – medium ether (?) damage vs a single target | | 2. Acala’s Moan – medium physical damage vs a single target | | 3. Anima Awakening – unlocks Special Attacks | | 4. Acala’s Moan III – high physical damage vs a single target | | 5. Bodhisattva’s Moan II – medium ether (?) damage vs a single target | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Keep attacking E.S. Levi with your strongest attacks to build up your Anima gauges. Charge when necessary to recover your HP. Once you reduce E.S. Levi’s HP to about 20%, unleash all E.S.s’ Special Attacks using the Anima command to get a Finish Strike for extra bonuses. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /////////////////// //// 3.2 Chapter 2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// "Good morning, KOS-MOS." -Shion Uzuki +-------------------------------------+ --+ 3.2.1 Federation Orbital Space Port +-------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------+ Now that the game has finally really begun, you find yourself on the space port orbiting Fifth Jerusalem, while on your way to meet Allen on the surface. Any NPCs you encounter will automatically say something if you approach them. If they have more to say, press the CIRCLE button for the next bit. If they have more to say about a specific topic (highlighted in pink), press the SQUARE button to ask them about it. Head west and while passing by you should see the huge Merkabah in the background. Look familiar? Enter the Orbital Elevator at the end of the corridor to descend to the surface of Fifth Jerusalem. +-----------------------+ --+ 3.2.2 Fifth Jerusalem +---------------------------------------------------- +-----------------------+ After some cutscenes you arrive on Fifth Jerusalem. Head out east through the doors to go outside to the city map. Head all the way south to the 1st Business District – South, and enter. +-------------------------------+ --+ 3.2.3 First Business District +-------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------+ You can save at the save point if you want. Head a little north and talk to the kids about the secret menu of Café Stream, then head west into Café Stream. Destroy the objects near the entrance for an Antidote. You can talk to Oksana behind the counter in the back about the secret menu, but since you do not have the password, you cannot do anything with this yet. Destroy the tanks nearby for a Nano Repair M. A little to the west are more objects hiding a Remover. Head back outside and you can go upgrade your gear at the counter of the Convenience Store. Head north into the next area when you are ready. Go east and into the G.F.G. Showroom where you can view some data on the Merkabah. To the southwest and southeast are HaKox consoles that you can use to play the minigame. Progressing in HaKox will unlock bonus rewards for your characters. Back outside, continue east towards the park area. Destroy the bright green glowing containers for 100G. The white containers to the east contain a Down Repair. Head up to the upper platform and talk to the overall guy, Dario, and the old woman, Paola. Then go southwest into the water and blow up the container at the end of the path for 200G. Return to the previous area. Try to access the hotel, and you will find your way blocked by some containers. Blow them all up and you will obtain the Segment File to keep track of the Segment Addresses. Head inside the hotel and destroy the black pillar to the left for 50G. Walk up to Allen for a short cutscene. Head all the way east and kick the console to get 10G. Talk to Hermie, the woman in purple sitting near the elevator. She is looking for Paola, the woman you talked to earlier. Destroy the white pillars in the lobby for a Med Kit S and a Down Repair. To the southwest are spinning globes. One of them holds a Med Kit S. The ones to the southeast are hiding 50G. Go back outside and visit the park area again to talk to Paola. Hermie will drag her off and you will get the Dive Teddy as reward. Now that the two are out of the way, blow up the white object next to the aqueduct gate to lower it. You can now get to a container in the aqueduct that you could not reach before. It contains a Nano Repair M. Head back to the hotel and use the elevator to get to your room for more cutscenes. After taking a nap Shion wakes up again later in the evening. Examine the console to accept the call. Head down into the lobby and go outside. Head south and enter Café Stream to meet up with chaos. After your little chat, you will wake up in your hotel room... again. Go back down into the lobby again to meet up with Allen. Exit the First Business District to the world map and head east to the large white building at the waterfront. +--------------------------+ --+ 3.2.4 CAT Testing Ground +------------------------------------------------- +--------------------------+ Continue north past all the security and enter the ZMT vehicle waiting there for you. Follow the path up the escalator and take the left corridor to enter the demonstration area. After some action-packed cutscenes, exit the room and make your way to the escalator where you will meet up with Juli Mizrahi. After talking to her, open the chest in the east corner of the room for Decoder 04! Go back outside and head north to the V.I.P. demonstration area. Head all the way to the southeast corner into the next corridor. Get on Transporter #4 (you can save first at the plate next to #6) to reach the Vector area. Continue east into the next room where Shion will recognize something familiar. Keep going east until you reach the next area. The second indentation in the wall has a set of stairs leading to a sealed off chest. Press the nearby red button to remove the hatch, but that still leaves the energy field. Go back upstairs and keep following the path to reach the elevator to the Vector laboratory. You can save here if you wish. Take the elevator down to Vector’s Second R&D Division and enter the lab to meet up with some old colleagues. After receiving the bad news, leave the CAT Testing Ground and make your way back to the hotel. +-----------------------+ --+ 3.2.5 Fifth Jerusalem +---------------------------------------------------- +-----------------------+ Make your way back to the hotel and enter your room. More cutscenes, and even more riddles. Once again you end up in your hotel room. Take the elevator to the lobby and you will automatically go to the park with Allen. More cutscenes, and once again you wake up in your hotel room… Before going back into space, revisit the park area and talk to Isakiaos all the way around the aqueduct. Talk to him twice until he mentions the Café Stream password. Go back to the café and order at the counter, using the password (Double Whammy). Talk to Kesar, the green-clothed guy sitting at the table and (accidentally?) destroy his meal. Exit from the café and go back in. Kesar will have a new plate. This time you get the Honey Teddy from his as reward for helping out. Go back to the world map and head to the Orbital Space Station. Go to the Durandal’s dock and you will meet up with your friends. After the cutscenes, head back to the lobby of your hotel (unless you still have unfinished business). Allen will unlock and explain the use of the Skill Line for you. He will also give you 20 skill points for free. When you are ready to continue, talk to Allen and you will go to the CAT Testing Ground. +--------------------------+ --+ 3.2.6 CAT Testing Ground +------------------------------------------------- +--------------------------+ Recommended level: 8 Recommended skills: Rare Steal (Shion level 12) Enemies: Federation Soldier A Federation Soldier B V.G.S. Eins V.G.S. Zwei Yuriev Soldier A Head down the stairs and examine the blue plate to access the item and equipment shop. If you are short on anything, you can stock up here. Since there are no new items for sale yet, just get some accessories for your new companions for now, and fill up the rest with any meds you might need. Take the mono-carrier into the facility. Miyuki will be part of your party, but since she’s only an Extra character, you will want to replace her in the battle party with another member to gain SP. For tougher fights it is usually a good idea to have a Defender character like Ziggy (with Heat), a Supporter (Shion, Miyuki, chaos), Healer (MOMO) and/or Attacker (Jin). If any particular skills are recommended for a boss fight or area, they will be mentioned at the start of each area. Head northwest and take out the federation soldier. Go northwest, take the platform down and shoot the nearby platform to move it into position. Head back up and go down the stairs to the south and head north, taking out another soldier. To the east is another platform to shoot, to allow passage upstairs. Head north and take out the soldier, then examine Segment Address 10. Head back up to the entrance, but this time head east. Sneak up on the soldier, then destroy the nearby panels for an Analyze Ball. Continue north, taking out the final enemy on your way. You will find yourself in the Transporter area. Beyond the door north is a chest containing 500G. Head south and get on Transporter #2 to progress further in. Head up the escalator and take out the enemies, then head down the western corridor to the demonstration area where you were earlier. You can now access the chest here for a Van Brace. Go back out and this time take the east corridor. If you missed Decoder 04 earlier, you can get it from the room to the east. Head north into the central demonstration area, and exit to the southeast. Head south to the transporters and touch the save point to save and restore your HP/EP. If you take Transporter #6, you will arrive at a secluded area where you can destroy some crates for 100G. To the west is the Special Weapon Development Division hangar, which you cannot access at this time. Return to the previous area and this time take Transporter #5. Destroy the crates to the southeast for 50G, then head west. So much for the shortcut. Take the elevator at the end of the corridor and head through the large hangar room. Take out the enemies and destroy the red pillars at the top of the stairs for a Remover. Head north into the large hangar area, and press the button at the end to purge one of the restraint power units. Go south again and this time take the orange elevator down. A small puzzle From left to right, first hit #1, then #4, then #2 and lastly #3 to create a bridge to the other side. Cross over and take the elevator up. Go north and purge the second power unit. Head back out and go east, destroying the red panels for an Anti-Crystal. Take the door at the end of the corridor to end up back in the large hangar. Cross all the way to the west and take the elevator up. Head east to a control room where you discover what purging those power units actually did. Use the nearby savepoint to save your game, and then continue east, taking the elevator upstairs. You have to fight your way past two A.G.W.S. units, which can hit pretty hard. Put Ziggy in your party so he can use Heat to take the hits for the party. Now would be a good time to use some of those Traps you have been carrying around. Continue north and destroy the four crates to reveal Segment Address 4. You should have the decoder already, so open it up and get the KWP-XI inside. A little to the southeast is a blinking button which activates the elevator that did not work before. Take it down below to get to the chest holding a Garuda Bangle. Go back up and exit east. Head southeast, taking out the enemies on the way. In the northwest corner of the room is a red button that will remove the yellow barrier and unlock access to the nearby chest. Inside is a G-Legle/42. The crates in the big room are hiding 100G, an enemy and a Med Kit M. Head east to the Vector section. Climb the leader and check north around the corner for a hidden chest holding a Half Repair. Circle around counter-clockwise and press the switch to unlock the door. Inside, save at the save point and take the elevator down. After the cutscene, continue west out of the hangar to the control room. There is a screen on the east side of the room that shows some information about Omega. The information about Omega Universitas is especially interesting. To the north and up the stairs is another room you might recognize from the ending of Episode I. Follow Abel west out of the control room and across the metal bridge. No way back now... Inside the waste area take out the debris for an Anti-Crystal and continue north for a cutscene. KOS-MOS joins the party! The debris to the east hides an enemy, and just northwest of that is more debris, in which an Ether Pack S can be found, as well as another enemy. In the back is an elevator that will take you to the exercise area where KOS-MOS fought Omega Res Novae earlier. Save at the save point, then continue on south. You will be followed by a group of A.G.W.S. Since you cannot outrun them, either fight them head on or use your traps to gain an advantage, as these enemies hit HARD. If you are in bad shape after the battles, return to the save point to recover, if not, continue on. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 03 | Aludra Calf | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 4500 | EXP: 885 | N.ITEM: Decoder 09 | | EP: 200 | SP: 10 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 270 | G: 260 | S.ITEM: White Fragment | | TYPE: GNOSIS | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Weak to beam | | Immune: Poison | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Fire Bolt I – fire ether damage vs one target | 2. Thunder Bolt I – thunder ether damage vs one target | 3. Double Impact – medium physical damage vs one target | 4. Punish Tail – ether (?) damage vs all targets, increases Break gauge | 5. Defensive – awakens true abilities | 6. Double Impact II – physical damage vs one target +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Hopefully by now you will have Shion’s Rare Steal ether. If so, use it to obtain the White Fragment. Since the boss’s weakness is beam attacks. Have someone use Beam Bolt I to dish out damage while your other characters attack normally and heal. Use your Special Attacks when you can, but be sure to save enough boost so that you can kill the boss with a Finish Strike for extra bonuses. Once the boss starts using his Defensive move when he is at low health, switch in characters with high HP, or use Break Heal S to lower your Break guage, as his Punish Tail attack will quickly render your party helpless in Break mode. Chaos’s Phoenix Strike works exceptionally well here. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /////////////////// //// 3.3 Chapter 3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// +------------+ --+ 3.3.1 Elsa +--------------------------------------------------------------- +------------+ Back on board the Elsa at last! Time to do some exploring before you head out though. Step into the main area of the Elsa and examine the three colored plates nearby. The blue plate lets you shop (new items available), and the turquoise plate is the E.V.S., which lets you visit places you have been to before. Since you have the decoder for Segment Address 8, use the E.V.S. to access the S-Line Division. Just head inside and keep following the path, you will stumble upon it automatically. Inside is the Tears River. You can leave again by selecting the U.M.N. option from the menu. Approach John Bunnie for some help with equipping E.S.s. He will give you a G-Rox/43 for free. Talk to Cabrillo, the pink droid next to the E.S. elevator. She wants to give Ziggy a gift. Sadly she has no idea what to give him until the very end of the game. A little west of the main elevator is the women’s quarters. Your lead character needs to be female to enter. Nothing there at the moment. The room west of that is the men’s quarters. You need a male lead character to enter. In the back of the room is a chest with Survival Wear. All the way to the west is the bar area. Next to Spumoni at the west end is a HaKox arcade machine. Completing stages of the minigame will give you certain rewards, so taking some time to progress in this game is a good idea. Winning the Beginner world (1) will reward you with Decoder 02 and Skill Upgrade A. Clearing Medium world (2) will reward you with a Skill Upgrade B. Go back to the main hall and take the elevator to B1. Off to the east side is the Gunroom, and to the south is the Robot Academy. Enter, and go to Ziggy’s maintenance area to the east. There is a wall panel there that conceals Segment Address 9. Since you should have the Decoder at this point, enter and claim the EK Device, which unlocks the Erde Kaiser ether. Talk to Professor standing near the hangar entrance to unlock the Dark Professor sidequest. Continue to the E.S. hangar. To the east is KOS-MOS’s maintenance bay, west is the main E.S. area. There is a chest next to E.S. Asher that contains the AF-Scout R armor. All the way in the back of the hangar is another panel concealing Segment Address 14. Head back to the main hall and use the E.V.S. to head to Pedea Island. Make your way to the island on the beach and the door that you could not open before. Follow the monkey east and examine the console. You can accept the challenge to fight right away, or wait until you are stronger. Even if you lose the battle, you can still continue, so feel free to give it a try. Regardless, from where you viewed the Dark Professor’s will, go southeast and underneath the chair will be a secret elevator. Down here is Segment Address 3, Update File 02 and Dark Professor’s grave. Head back outside and make your way to Shion’s cabin. Open the chest there for Shion’s Swimsuit. It increases your AGI and LUCK considerably, but has no added VIT or EDEF. It will change Shion's ingame model however. Exit the E.V.S. and make your way to the E.S. elevator to proceed outside. +-------------------------+ --+ 3.3.2 Floating Landmass +-------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------+ Recommended level: 13 Enemies: T183 Oculus T190 Dens Be sure to equip your E.S.s with D-Guard disks to halve the damage they take while guarding. Also have one E.S. equip the D-Sensor so you can view enemy data without having to waste a turn using an Analyze Ball. Head west until you run into an enemy, and another tutorial, this time about Chains and Team Combos. One thing to keep in mind from this tutorial is that you should start your Chains with high accuracy attacks to make sure they hit. Because if the first hit misses, you lose all your consecutive attacks as well! While this will not be an issue with regular enemies, this may make a huge difference when fighting bosses. Also remember that you can recover HP simply by Charging (guarding). Do not waste any items on this, as you may need them for boss fights. Take out the debris nearby and destroy the wall in the back to create a tunnel. Go on through, taking care of any enemies and walls you may encounter on the way. Note that killing enemies here with Finish Strikes can give you considerable bonuses, so you may want to return here later to level up your characters if you are short on Skill Points. You will end up in a large open cave with several levels and tunnels. You will also see several Geocrystals that cannot be destroyed by regular means. Skip the first tunnel for now and head west and up the ramp until you reach the Geocrystal on the ledge. Hit it with your weapon to push it onto the crystal below. Continue the further up until you reach a save point. Save if needed, and head into the nearby tunnel. There will be multiple tunnels to explore here. The west-most tunnel leads all the way upstairs to a chest with the DF-V2 frame for Dinah. Head back down to the bottom and go up the next tunnel. Hit the Geocrystal up at the top to destroy the one at the very bottom of the area. Head back down and this time check out the third tunnel. This one leads further down, but once you reach the bottom, right next to it is another steep tunnel that leads all the way back up. Halfway through, there is a ledge that holds nothing other than another enemy. Further on you will find another ledge with a Geocrystal. Push it down on top of the crystal below... only to miss! Go back inside and head further up to the very top where you will find another Geocrystal. This one will do the trick and destroy the crystal that was blocking the way. You will automatically reappear next to the save point. Grab the Half Repair that appeared from the destroyed crystal, and head back down to the bottom (the first tunnel that you skipped past earlier). You will find a Rough Geocrystal where the large crystal was first, and a spot where you can disembark from your E.S. to find Segment Address 12! Board your E.S. again and head back to the save point. Save, and continue to the top, as you are heading into a boss fight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 04 | E.S Naphtali | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 85000 | EXP: 1900 | N.ITEM: D-Counter | | EP: - | SP: 10 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 580 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: - | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. 35mm Gatling Shell - low physical damage vs one target | 2. Anima Awakening - unlocks Buster Launcher attack | 3. Buster Launcher - high ether damage vs one target (about 10,000) | 4. Smoke Screen - low ether damage vs all targets | 5. Nimbus Laser - medium ether damage vs all targets +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In this battle your Anima gauge will increase and decrease at random due to the resonance with the area. This will make it harder to time your Anima use properly, so except for the last bit of Naphtali’s health, just unload your Special Attacks as soon as you obtain them. Naphtali has no particular weaknesses or strengths, so you should be able to hit for about 10000 damage with every Special Attack. Once Naphtali drops below 33% HP, it will use Anima Awakening and fire its Buster Launcher which will hit one of your E.S.s for about 10000 damage as well. If this happens to be Zebulun, it will be instantly knocked out of the battle and be replaced by whoever is in reserve. One way to prevent this is by having only your other E.S.s on the field once Naphtali drops that low, or have your E.S.s charge until Buster Launcher has been used, which should lower the damage dealt. Heal your damaged E.S. right away, because after that, Naphtali will usually use Smoke Screen and Nimbus Laser consecutively, which will deal a few thousand damage to your units, which will usually take out the damaged unit. Heal up if needed, and unload your Special Attacks to finish Naphtali off before it can use its damaging attacks again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= +----------------------+ --+ 3.3.3 Ancient Temple +----------------------------------------------------- +----------------------+ Recommended level: 17 Enemies: Goblin Manticore Gremlin After disembarking from your E.S. head inside and save at the save point. You can shop at the blue plate. Be sure to have a Red Star (BL +100) equipped on all partymembers you will be using, and a Leather Choker on the Defender characters like KOS-MOS and Ziggy. Since you most likely do not have many Revive ethers yet at this point, you should bring some extra Revive Ms. Monsters here use Poison attacks a lot too, so bring some Antidotes as well. Also, Gnosis have the ability to affect a character with the Crystallize status. If this happens, you have three turns to use an Anti-Crystal, or to switch the character out for another (which will stop the timer until moved back in). Failure to do so will result in the removal of the character from the battlefield. Note that at this level, chaos will have Null G Virus, which renders him immune to this status effect. Walk past the stone tablet and head through the door. Get onto the elevator to reach the upper level. There are some tough Gnosis enemies here that like to use status attacks a lot. The object to the southwest contains an Anti-Crystal, the northeast one a Med Kit S. Get on the elevator at the end to reach the next level. On this floor you can manipulate the platforms by hitting the switches. Walk east and hit the switch to create a path. Walk northeast and destroy the blue crystal for an Anti-Crystal, then head northwest and hit the switch. The crystal to the west is empty, as is the one directly north. The one to the far east contains a Med Kit S. Walk all the way to the back of the room (north) and head west past the Gnosis. Walk past the switch for now until you reach the northwest corner, and walk south to a chest containing a Blue Oasis. You should equip this on a character that uses EP attacks a lot. Go back northwest and hit the switch to create a path south. Southwest is another crystal containing an Ether Pack S. East is the elevator to the next floor. More of the same. Hit the nearby switch to create a path west and uncover the enemies hiding in the crystals (as well as some items). Head over there, take out the enemies and get the Med Kit M, Revive M, 100G, and the Update File 14. Head back to the entrance. Hit the switch at the entrance again and walk northeast for a crystal holding an Anti-Crystal. Continue northwest and head northwest where a Gnosis is guarding another switch. Take out the Gnosis and hit it. Next go south and up the stairs to another switch. Hit it. This will create a path east. Run all the way northeast for a crystal holding a Skill Upgrade A, then hit the nearby button. This will finish the path to the exit. Before you head further up, go down to the previous floor where in the southwest corber a path has now opened up to a chest you could not reach before. Open it for Decoder 01! Now go back up and get on the elevator that you skipped. No puzzles on this floor. Just head all the way to the top, taking out the enemies on the way. You may want to build up some boost for the upcoming boss battle. Get on the elevator to the next floor. Just take out the enemies here as you make your way to the top. Save at the save point. Head through the hole in the wall and destroy the wall at the end of the tunnel. Head up the stairs and you will find yourself outside at Rennes-le-Château. +-------------------------+ --+ 3.3.4 Rennes-le-Château +-------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------+ West of where you appear is a grave you can destroy to reveal a stairway. It leads to a chest containing a Rejuvenator M. Go back outside. To the northeast are some rocks blocking the way to another grave. Get rid of them and blow up the grave to reveal another stairway. Head all the way in and you will see a cutscene. Head to the coffin in the back for another cutscene. Go behind the cross and blow up the wall. Go inside and take the Arcadian Resource off the grave. This will unlock a “secret” dungeon in the Ancient Temple you just went through. Head back to the open area for another cutscene and a boss fight! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 05 | T-elos | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 7500 | EXP: 2800 | N.ITEM: Med Kit L | | EP: 250 | SP: 10 | R.ITEM: Revive M | | BL: 360 | G: 720 | S.ITEM: Green Oasis | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | | HUMAN | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Weak to thunder, strong to beam | | Immune: Poison | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. L-BLADE – low physical damage vs one target (regular attack) | 2. MAGDALENE 16 – medium physical damage vs one target, increases Break | gauge | 3. Satellite I – low beam ether damage vs all targets | 4. Overtaker – increases boost charge rate | 5. T-SKYLLA – high physical damage vs one target (Special Attack), | increases Break gauge | 6. L-BLADE II – medium physical damage vs one target +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ First of all, steal the Green Oasis from T-elos with Shion. Use Defensive to reduce your damage taken, and Quick to speed up your turns. Since T-elos falls under the Machine category, use mainly attacks aimed at Machine enemies (Jin and KOS-MOS come to mind). Thunder-based attacks will be very effective too. Break attacks aimed at human forms will work as well. Keep an eye on your Break gauges and use items or ethers to reduce them when necessary. T-elos will use a lot of attacks that increase your Break gauge considerably, and being knocked out at the wrong time can make you lose the battle. T-elos will analyze your Break gauge, and if she gets the chance, will try to put one character in Break status. If T-elos uses Overtaker, she will use a Special Attack soon. Guard with all characters to reduce the damage taken. Heal/Revive right after in case she decides to hit that character again. As always, be sure to defeat her with a Finish Strike for the maximum bonuses. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /////////////////// //// 3.4 Chapter 4 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// +--------------+ --+ 3.4.1 Forest +------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------+ Recommended level: 18~19 Enemies: U-TIC Soldier A U-TIC Soldier B O-78 Grizzly 1 Asterion Combat Realian You wake up in an unfamiliar forest all alone. Just northeast of you are some bushes concealing an Antidote. Head all the way to the west where you will find a blocked gate and two plates. To the southwest are some bushes you can destroy. There is a chest with a D-Treasure I behind them. The crates conceal a Med Kit M and a Med Kit L. Stock up on items if needed. Head east again and you will eventually run into your friends. Continue further east and in the new area blow up the rock a little down the path for a Med Kit S. Further ahead are patrolling U-TIC Soldiers. Go take them out the pass through. Past the tree roots is another rock with a Med Kit M. Sneak up on the O-78 Grizzlies (they hit hard) to get the advantage. Just east of them is a rock you can destroy to find a path leading down to the bottom of the area, where you can find a chest holding a Hero’s Bracelet. Go back up and continue east. Keep following up the path, sloping slowly upwards. Halfway through, you will find a ledge with a rock block off a chest. Destroy it to get the Rejuvenator M from the chest. Once you reach the top of the slope, blow up the wall to create a path further up. Continue on. After the cutscene exit east. Get on the huge tree trunk to cross to the other side. Destroy the branches to clear a path. You will be assaulted by two enemies halfway through, so take them out to continue. There is a branch protruding to the southeast that you can walk onto. On the next branch is a chest, but you cannot reach it because of some smaller branches. Manually target the smaller branches and blow them up, taking care not to blow up the branch the chest is resting on. If you mess up, exit the screen and come back to try again. Inside the chest is a Warrior’s Bracelet. Continue to the save point, and head down the slope to the south to get behind the waterfall you just passed. There will be a chest there holding EX Skill Key I! Use it from your inventory menu. This will unlock the first set of EX Skills that will allow your characters to learn skills outside of their usual skill trees. Use this to teach more characters Medica ethers and group status boosts or status recovery ethers. Or compensate for low EP/HP values. Return to the save point and continue east. Follow the path east and you will run into a familiar face. Take care of the Realians and continue down the path. You will find a chest holding Update File 06. Northwest of that are some bushes you can destroy to find a nest in the trees. Blow it up so it falls down and take the three eggs. You might remember these from the café on Fifth Jerusalem. The rock further east contains a Med Kit S. Continue to the next area. The second rock you encounter holds a Remover. Head further east and you will encounter yet another familiar face. Further along the path is another rock holding an Anti-Crystal. Head northeast and you should arrive at the old church you know well by now. After the cutscenes, head outside and go west to exit to the world map. Go east along the path until you reach the Dabrye Mine. +-------------------+ --+ 3.4.2 Dabrye Mine +-------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------+ Recommended level: 19~20 Enemies: Byproduct #A156 Byproduct #A283 U-TIC Soldier A U-TIC Soldier B As you walk up the mine, a cutscene will play. Afterwards, walk into Aizen Magus’s house and blow up the crate inside to obtain a Skill Upgrade A. The little hut next to the save point holds a crate with 200G. To the east is a crane you can use to try and destroy the crates to the southeast. Extend it and press CIRCLE at the right time to lock it. It will swing to the side and if you aimed right it will break the crates and make a Med Kit M pop out. Stock up on items at the blue plate if needed, and head north towards the mine entrance. Blow up the rocks and go inside. Inside you find some U-TIC soldiers who had a nasty run-in with Mai Magus and Leupold. Head past them from the west side and follow the path to a chest that holds 3000G. Head further east and take out the enemies. Be careful as they can hit pretty hard with their ether. Also, unlike regular enemies, these enemies will respawn if you leave the current area. A little further on is a stalagmite you can blow up to reveal a chest on a crystal pillar. Walk back down a bit to blow up the foundation. Inside the chest is a G-Legle/56. Continue further east into the next area. Head down the spiraling slope, taking out stalagmites and stalactites on the way down. The first stalactite (the ones on the ground) you encounter contains 500G. There is an empty stalagmite next, but west of it is a piece of wall you can destroy. The path behind it leads to Segment Address 1 (hidden behind a piece of wall). Since you should have the Decoder from the Ancient Temple, open it up to obtain the Witch’s Eye. Back outside continue further down the spiral ramp. The next pillar holds 1000G. The one after that another 1000G! Head all the way to the bottom and take out the Byproducts to get to the chest, which contains an Ether Pack M. Exit to the west. Save at the save point and approach the W.R.C. Cross to the other side of the ravine and exit to the northeast. Head to the clearing and you engage into another boss fight! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 06a | Mai | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 6000 | EXP: 3500 | N.ITEM: Decoder 11 | | EP: 70 | SP: 15 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 300 | G: 620 | S.ITEM: Kajic Neck | | TYPE: BIO | | | | HUMAN | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Strong to thunder | | Immune: Poison, Heat (at first) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Blast Hammer - low physical (fire ether?) damage vs one target, can | induce Slow | 2. Defensive - increases defense and ether defense of both characters | 3. Offensive - increases attack and ether attack of both characters | 4. Blast Hammer II - medium physical (fire ether?) damage vs one target, | can induce Slow +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BOSS 06b | Leupold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 6000 | EXP: 3500 | N.ITEM: Rejuvenator M | | EP: 0 | SP: 15 | R.ITEM: Rejuvenator L | | BL: 480 | G: 550 | S.ITEM: Ether Pack M | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Strong to fire, weak to ice, weak to thunder | | Immune: Poison | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Drill Machinegun - low physical damage vs one target | 2. Crusher Hook - medium physical damage vs one target | 3. Drill Machinegun II - medium physical damage vs one target +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steal the Kajic Neck from Mai and the Ether Pack M from Leupold, then focus all your efforts on Leupold first. Once its HP drops below 25%, its left arm will cease to function and Leupold will be able to nullify any Heats cast on it. Mai will cast Defensive to boost both their defenses. Quickly take Leupold out. Try to go for a Finish Strike. When Leupold goes down, Mai will become susceptible to Heat again and cast Offensive to increase her damage output. Keep your HP up and engage her with regular or anti-B attacks. She will use more damaging attacks now. Use Ziggy’s Choke and Shion’s Break Bash to put her in Break quickly and deal some critical hits to her. Finish her off with a Finish Strike. In all an easy battle if you keep your HP up. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle, head into the Limestone Cave, and open the nearby chest for Update File 07. Now head into the Elsa to meet up with your friends... TRIVIA: Mai Magus is based on the character Maria Balthazar from Xenogears. Her machine, Leupold, is actually a smaller copy of Maria's gear, Siebzehn. Also, Aizen Magus is based on Balthazar from Xenogears, who happens to be Maria's grandfather. Aizen Magus is probably a mistranslation of Eisen Magus, which would mean something like Iron Mage. /////////////////// //// 3.5 Chapter 5 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// +--------------+ --+ 3.5.1 Miltia +------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------+ Leave the Elsa’s women’s quarters and take the elevator to B1. You can find everyone in the Gunroom. Afterwards Allen will accompany you to the city. Leave the Limestone Cave and follow the path west out of the clearing to the city. You will appear on the worldmap. Head northwest and you will encounter something on the way. After the cutscene head towards the city, but before entering, break off east and southeast to a chest containing Jr.’s Swimsuit. North of that on a building is another chest that requires an access code which you do not currently have. If you want to cheat a little, enter 5150 to open it and obtain the Prayer Beads. Now head into the Urban A District. +------------------------+ --+ 3.5.2 Urban A District +--------------------------------------------------- +------------------------+ Just to the southeast is a saveplate and a convenience store that sells the same item as the blue plate on the Elsa. Next to it is the Challenge Coupon shop. Purchase coupons for 68, 37 and 12. You can earn a lot of money with this later on. You can buy some ice cream from the ice cream vendor nearby. Head a little northwest to another building that is blocked off. Destroy the door to get in. Inside you can obtain Update File 08 from a chest. On the roof is a boy that lost his balloon to a cat. Place a trap next to the cat and blow it up to stun it, then grab the balloon with CIRCLE. Don’t blow up the balloon too! The kid will reward you with 2x Berry Ice Cream. Exit the building and leave the area to the west. To the south is a guy, Andy, sitting on a bench. Talk to him to find out about some drug. Head up to the area with the binocular. You can look through it at the ground below. You can see someone familiar sitting on the swing... Blow up the vending machines for a Nano Repair M, and check the trashcans for Federal Report 06. Continue west and take out the glowing blue pillars for a Nano Repair DX. Continue west. Head west up the ramp then south down the stairs. Listen in on Erin and Julia’s conversation about a medicine. On the wall behind them is a U-TIC door that you can destroy. It leads to Lancaster who wants you to destroy the console for him. It contains Federal Report 01. Go up the stairs to the west and destroy the blue machine for a Rejuvenator M. Go around and destroy a similar monitor on the east side for a Half Repair. Continue north. Go all the way northeast and destroy the two panels on the wall for Federal Report 02 and a chest containing C-US3G. Talk to the guy nearby looking at the street, Lodge, about his mistakes. Head back to the Binoculars area to speak with Andy again. Reply “yes” twice to hear his story, then go talk to Lodge again. Lodge is not budging, so talk to Andy again who will give you a Prescription Copy. Talk to Andy again to find out he cannot come along. Head to Lodge again and ask him “Did he know about the side effects?” Lodge decides to make things better. If you talk to him again, he tells you to expect his solution later. Head all the way south (west once the screen turns) to exit the area to the worldmap. Head to Labyrinthos. +-----------------------------------------+ --+ 3.5.3 Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility +---------------------------------- +-----------------------------------------+ Head to the entrance of the building for a cutscene, then go inside. Head straight north for another cutscene. Head to the southwest corner and blow up the cart for a Skill Upgrade B. Save if you wish. On the east side, destroy the overhanging lamp for an Ether Pack M. The Fire Exit is sealed, so use the regular door the southeast. Take the elevator and head to the fourth floor. Head northeast and enter the first room you find. The panel to the northeast will mention the password for the business district gate: 5150. Go back outside and enter the next room. After helping out, go back to the previous room. Then go visit Mizrahi in the other room again. Talk to him about a delivery. Now go back to the elevator and take it to the fifth floor. Destroy the lamp near the bench for an Ether Pack M. Head through the door to the northeast. After passing Area 13, enter the second room for Update File 09. Also examine the console for info on Tethlla Magus. Finally head to the last door in the hallway for another cutscene. Take the elevator back to the first floor and head outside for another cutscene. Leave the facility and follow young Shion back to the church. /////////////////// //// 3.6 Chapter 6 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// "Love and courage!" -Professor +------------+ --+ 3.6.1 Elsa +--------------------------------------------------------------- +------------+ Recommended level: ~21 You will find yourself in KOS-MOS’s maintenance hangar. Make your way to 1F and equip your characters with upgraded gear. Also pick up a few Crimson Rings for your attackers and Cobra Bangles or Rare Braces to prevent Poison status. Head outside and visit the Dabrye Mine. Talk to Mai to obtain Decoder 15. Play with the crane again to obtain an Ether Pack S. Leave the area and play with it again for another reward: Skill Upgrade B. Repeat one more time to obtain MOMO’s Swimsuit. If you did not do so already, you can open the chest behind the locked gate in the business district using the passcode you found earlier (5150) to get the Prayer Beads. When you are ready, head back to the Elsa and save your game. Go to the bar and start up a game of HaKox. Instead of actually playing, just exit again. After some very nice cutscenes, time for another boss fight! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 07 | Voyager | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 10000 | EXP: 3700 | N.ITEM: Ether Pack M | | EP: 500 | SP: 15 | R.ITEM: Ether Pack L | | BL: 600 | G: 1300 | S.ITEM: Venom Ring | | TYPE: BIO | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Weak to fire, strong to ice, strong to beam, nullifies | | lightning | | Immune: Poison, Seal Ether, Seal Boost, Reflect Damage | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Evil Claw – physical damage vs one character, increases Break gauge, | induces Slow (possibly other status effects too) | 2. Evil Claw II – physical damage vs one character, e.a. | 3. Lightning II – medium lightning ether damage vs all characters | 4. HP Vamp – drains HP from one character and adds to the caster | 5. Abyss Walker – physical attacks become ineffective | 6. Devil’s Reception – very high physical damage vs one character | (used during Abyss Walker) | 7. Karma Miasma – medium ether damage vs all characters, inflicts Poison +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ First of all, steal the Venom Ring from him. Voyager will target characters with low health, so keep MOMO out of this fight. Keep the character with low HP cured at all times. Having your melee attackers equipped with Crimson Rings will add damage to their usual attacks, due to Voyager’s elemental weakness. At about 50% HP, Voyager will start using new attacks such as HP Vamp. Keep attacking him, but keep your HP up. Below 25% he will use Abyss Walker which will render physical attacks useless. Have Jr. or MOMO attack with Fire ethers while Ziggy or KOS-MOS uses Heat to keep the hate focused on them. Voyager will use Devil’s Reception on one of your characters, which will do about 1400 damage if unguarded. He will also start using his poison attack. At this point, keep your HP up high, use Antidotes if needed, and kill him as fast possible. Try to get in a Finish Strike if you can. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle and cutscenes, head back to 1F and use the save point to save and recover. After that, head outside and go to Labyrinthos. +-------------------+ --+ 3.6.2 Labyrinthos +-------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------+ Recommended level: 22~23 Enemies: U-TIC Soldier A U-TIC Soldier B DOMO-Beta P.S.S. - A P.S.S. - P O-78 Grizzly 2 Carnicos II Stole Arma Stole Marine Head into the facility using the front entrance. Use force to take out the guards, and go into the restricted area. Take the central elevator into Labyrinthos. Go through the door and go west, destroying the panels for the Med Kit S. Next go all the way east and north to circle around all the way west. The panels next to the bars is hiding Segment Address 15. Since you shoul have gotten the Decoder from Mai Magus, go inside and obtain the Hinoka Kagura. This weapon will make Jin very powerful for his level. It would be a good idea to use him as main attacker in your current party. Go northeast a bit and go through the northern doors. Since the gates are blocked, blow up the panels to the west side to uncover a Med Kit M. The ones on the eastside lead to the air ducts. Progress southeast, take out the panel and take the northeastern door. Head a little north and Shion will recognize something. Continue north. Circle counter-clockwise to the west and go through the door. Go into the room next to the save plate. Destroy the nearest panels for a Med Kit S. Defeat the guard protecting the door and head inside. Inside is a chest with Update File 10 and one with Jin’s Swimsuit. Go back out of the room and continue southeast. Take the elevator down. Enter the nearest room you encounter, which contains a chest with D-Frame I. Head out the west exit and go to the western room. The guard is asleep but blowing up the crates behind him will wake him. Do so anyway as they hold useful items: Med Kit M, Nano Repair M, Ether Pack M, Nullifier and 500G. Head all the way northeast and go through the door to reach the outside balcony. South is a chest with a Revive L. Go through the door to the north. Blow up the cylinders for 200G. Approach the yellow blocks, which are another puzzle. The area is laid out in 5x5 blocks. Numbering them horizontally A-E and vertically 1-5: A B C D E 1. Hit D-1 +-+-+-+-+-+ 2. Hit D-3 1| | | | | | 3. Hit A-3 +-+-+-+-+-+ 4. Hit A-5 2| | | | | | 5. Hit C-5 +-+-+-+-+-+ 6. Hit E-5 3| | | | | | 7. Hit A-1 (chest with D-Nullify Guard appears) +-+-+-+-+-+ 8. Hit E-1 (door opens and 50000G drops down near the 4| | | | | | reset console) +-+-+-+-+-+ 5| | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+ Continue east. Go through the northern door. Head north a little for a sweet cutscene between MOMO and Mizrahi. Continue further east and exit to the south. On the balcony, head east again. Head up the stairs and destroy the panels for a Revive M. Continue south for another cutscene. More mysteries… Grab the glowing item from the console for the Security Level B Card. Head back outside and go west to the elevator that did not work earlier. Use the control panel on the elevator and ride it down. Enter through the large door. Continue further north and destroy the yellow boxes for a Cleanser. Go downstairs and ride the Linear Train to the isolated research area. Disembark and destroy the yellow crates for an Ether Pack S. Exit to the south. Clear out all the enemies in the room, then destroy the panels on the west side for a Cleanser and Med Kit L. Ride the elevator down to the bottom and head through the door. Continue all the way down. Keep following the path all the way to the end and use the switch there to open up the hatch. Go inside. Head further in for another cutscene. Continue northeast and save at the save point. Take the elevator up. Your E.S.s (except Asher) will now be able to use level 2 Awakenings! Continue west and take the elevator up. Head north and turn west, wading your way through the enemies. Destroy crates for a Med Kit L. Go west into the next area, where you can destroy crates for a Nano Repair DX. Continue northwest into the hangar. Take out the enemies if they are in the way and destroy the crates to the southwest for a Cleanser. The control tower to the east contains a Half Repair. You can buy new E.S. upgrades from the nearby blue plate, and save and recover at the save plate. At the very least get a D-Kill R for all E.S.s to neutralize the upcoming boss’s Revenge skill. First go up launch tube 3 (blow it open) all the way to the back to obtain a Revive M. Then go back down and go into tube 2. From tube 2, go sideways into tube 1 and make your way to the back where an All Repair is hidden. Go back to the bottom and save if needed. Then head all the way up through tube 2, and finally through the last bit of tube 3, to engage the boss. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 08 | Omega Universitas | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 200000 | EXP: 4900 | N.ITEM: D-EN I | | EP: - | SP: 15 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 2600 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: - | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Ether Wave – low ether damage vs all characters | 2. Black Wave – physical attack power increased | 3. Martial Flight – low physical damage vs one target | 4. Super Martial Ring – high physical damage vs one target +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ If you have D-KILL Rs equipped on all your E.S.s you should be fine during this fight. Engage with your strongest attacks, just stick to level 1 Special Attacks since there is only one enemy to fight. If he uses Black Wave, have all your E.S.s Charge (guard), because he will unleash Super Martial Ring on the next turn, which could one-shot a damaged E.S. Be sure to cure (charge or use items), because he may use another Super Martial Ring again soon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /////////////////// //// 3.7 Chapter 7 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// +--------------+ --+ 3.7.1 Miltia +------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------+ After the cutscenes, Shion will be gone, but Allen is now an Extra character in your party until you recover her. If there are any items you missed during the previous chapters, now that you have your E.S.s again is a good time to go back for them. Killing some more enemies to get SP and exp may help too. Also, if you have not completed the Advanced stage of HaKox yet, you can do so now. Finishing it will net you a Skill Upgrade C. Go into the Urban A District and check out the Challenge Coupon shop again. The results are in, and you won bigtime! 50,000 + 20,000 + 10,000... that makes a total of 80000G added to your wallet. Unless you need anything specifically, do not spend it yet, because very soon equipment will get a lot more expensive. Before you continue north, press the red switch on the ice cream truck twice to close it off. Just continue along the usual path to Labyrinthos and near the exit of the area you will see the first troops approaching to start the Miltian Conflict. +-------------------+ --+ 3.7.2 Labyrinthos +-------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------+ Recommended level: 27~28 Recommended skills: A-BURST I (KOS-MOS) Raging Sea I (Jin) Rodeo Spike I (Jr.) Fallen Leaves I (chaos) Enemies: U-TIC Soldier A DOMO-alpha DOMO-beta P.S.S. - P P.S.S. - B O-78 Grizzly 2 Carnicos II P.S.S. - A P.S.S. - F P.S.S. - C This time the guards at the Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility will attack you on sight, so either evade them or fight them head on. Go inside and take the large door in the back to take the elevator into Labyrinthos. Head straight north into the control room and take out the enemies on the lower level. Inside the chest you can find the Rosario of Grief. Follow the usual counter-clockwise path deeper into Labyrinthos. Once you reached the locked entrance again, use the path through the airduct you created on the east side earlier. Continue and you will encounter the Area 13 door. Go on through. Go through the open northern door and examine the 27-series Asuras. Head back out and continue southeast until you round encounter a door and more stairs. The blocks to the south contain an Ether Pack S. The panels to the north are concealing Segment Address 5. Head west and save at the save point (if needed). The staff room to the west is locked for now. Go back east and this time take the stairs further down. Continue counter-clockwise along the path until it veers off south. In the northwest corner are some panels you can blow up to reveal a door. Behind it is a chest with a Rejuvenator M. Go back into the hallway and leave through the south door. In this area are several container rooms with destroyable items inside. The first one contains an Ether Pack S and a Rejuvenator M. The second room a Med Kit DX. The third room holds a Med Kit L and a chest with Decoder 13. The fourth room contains a Revive M. Use the stairs to the northeast to exit the area. Continue south for a cutscene. In the next area go west and then northwest, ignore the passage to the south for now since it is blocked off anyway. Just to the east is a small area with four panels. Destroy them to uncover a chest holding the Staff Room Access Key, as well as Med Kit DX. Press the switch nearby to raise the gate, head into the Staff Room and get Suou Uzuki’s PDA from the console. Go back outside and save your game, then head through the corridor where the button is. At the end you will end up in another boss fight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 09a | Pellegri | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 12000 | EXP: 3700 | N.ITEM: Grand design | | EP: 400 | SP: 15 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 300 | G: 1300 | S.ITEM: Double Vestment | | TYPE: BIO | | | | HUMAN | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Weak to ice, strong to fire, strong to lightning | | Immune: Poison | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Thunder Bolt III – medium thunder ether damage vs one target | 2. Lightning III – medium thunder ether damage vs all targets | 3. Brionac – medium physical damage vs one target | 4. Overtaker – boost charge increases greatly, unlocks Special Attack | 5. Megiddo Rosarium – high physical (fire ether?) damage vs one target, | increases Boost gauge | 6. Impulsion – medium physical (ether?) damage vs all targets, | increases Boost gauge | 7. Impulsion II – medium to high physical (ether?) damage vs all targets, | inflicts Soul Down | 8. Brionac II – high physical damage vs one target, inflicts Seal Tech +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BOSS 09b | Pellegri's Soldier x2 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 4000 | EXP: 3700 | N.ITEM: Skill Upgrade A | | EP: 44 | SP: 15 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 60 | G: 1300 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: BIO | | | | HUMAN | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Weak to fire, weak to lightning, strong to ice | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Grip Attack – low physical damage vs one target, increases Break gauge | 2. 5.56 MM U-TIC Shell – low physical damage vs one target +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ First take care of Pellegri’s Soldiers. They are weak to fire and lightning (unlike Pellegri who is only weak to ice), so use fire- and lightning-based ethers or techs to finish them off quickly. Since they have a fair bit of HP, you can try to get Finish Strikes on them. After they are both down focus on Pellegri with physical and ice-based attacks/ethers. Keep your HP up as her lightning-based spells can hurt a lot. Do not forget to steal the Double Vestment from her! At about 60% of her HP, Pellegri will user Overtaker, meaning she will use her Special Attack on her next turn. Have everyone guard (and hopefully they are cured) to reduce the damage. Be careful to keep your Break gauges low, because all of Pellegri’s attacks at this point increase your gauge considerably. Once she assumes the consecutive-attack stance, expect some serious damage from boosted attacks so have everyone guard (again). If she prepares for a special attacks, once again, GUARD! After that, keep pounding away at her (Ziggy with Choke and Devil Break comes to mind). She will go down quickly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= +--------------+ --+ 3.7.3 Miltia +------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------+ Recommended level: 28~30 Enemies: U-TIC Soldier A U-TIC Soldier B Federation Soldier A Federation Soldier B E2 Hauser Zolfo RS Mercurio GM Mercurio GS Standard URTV Berserk Realian After the boss battle, you will find yourself outside of the Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility. If needed, you can head back inside to save and recover. Some of the enemies have been replaced by stronger enemies, so be careful. Head into the Urban A District and you will find most of it destroyed with Federation Soldiers patrolling about. Approach the bridge across the road and a short cutscene plays. Continue south. Make your way down along the west side of the road. At the bottom is some debris you can destroy for Federation Report 04. East of that is some more debris hiding a Skill Upgrade A. Make your way to the street level and destroy the car near the tunnel to the northwest. It holds a chest with an All Repair. To the southwest is a car wreck with a Skill Upgrade B. Continue further east. Walk up to the binocular area and destroy the toppled-over information board. It hides a chest with a Half Coat. Destroy the U-TIC vehicle for Federal Report 03. Continue east into the heart of the city. East near the red-pink billboard is some debris. Destroy it to uncover McDowell. He will give you Federal Report 05. Head southeast to the convenience store, it has a lot of new items that may come in handy. Also, press the red button on the nearby ice cream truck. Haramiya will give you a DX Ice Cream for saving his life. Be sure to save at the save point before you leave through the southwest exit. After some sad cutscenes, head into the church for a fight with some Berserk Realians. Some more cutscenes, and then, another boss fight! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 10 | Virgil | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 14500 | EXP: 11500 | N.ITEM: Gustav Ring | | EP: 700 | SP: 20 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 600 | G: 3000 | S.ITEM: Union Neck | | TYPE: BIO | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Weak to fire, strong to ice | | Immune: Poison, Seal Ether, Seal Boost | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Overtaker – Boost buildup increased greatly | 2. Grudge Claw – low physical damage vs one target, increases Boost gauge | 3. Blizzard II – medium ice ether damage vs all targets | 4. Offensive – increases attack and ether attack | 5. Victim Hail – high ice ether damage vs all targets, | increases Boost gauge a LOT | 7. Vengeance Breath – high physical and ether damage vs one target, | induces Seal Tech +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ First of all, steal the Union Neck from him. He will use Overtaker right away. He will counter any short-range attacks, so preferably use characters with ranged attacks or fire ethers (Shion, KOS-MOS, Jr., MOMO). After a while he will use Offensive to increase his damage output. Be sure to keep your HP up to compensate. Pay close attention to your Boost gauges, as Virgil’s Grudge Claw attacks will increase them quickly. Eventually he will use Victim’s Hail which will put all your characters in Break state and do considerable damage. Guard (or even better, put up Defensive then guard) to reduce the damage. Heal up quickly (use items if needed) before he can finish off a character. He will repeat this move now and then, so give it your all to kill him as fast as possible. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After a sweet cutscene head south to go after young Shion. You will end up fighting some more Berserk Realians. Also, be sure to equip the Union Neck you stole from Virgil on one of your active characters, as it will increase the maximum Boost to 4. Save at the save point and head into the Old Transportation Gate. Once inside, head north, taking out debris and enemies as you go (you should have KOS-MOS’s X-BUSTER by now, so give it a try). The debris east of the red button contains a Skill Upgrade A. Press the red button to make the conveyor belt move. Run back south and destroy the container that just moved there on the belt. It holds a Cleanser. Continue north to the next section. Press the red button just to the east to start the conveyor belt. Clear out the debris and head further north where you will encounter some U.R.T.V.s. Since they hit pretty hard, try to get back attacks in on them to kill them off faster. The container near them holds another Skill Upgrade A. Once again hit the nearby red button to move the conveyor belt, and destroy the container that it delivers for a chest with an Assault Vest inside. Continue north and head outside. Destroy the barrier and head east along the road. Go up the ramp created from the debris, then circle north and go west down the ramp. At the very end is Federal Report 07 lying on the ground. Now go east down the ramp. Get onto the road, and to the west will be some debris you can destroy to get to the chest to the southwest, which contains a D-Type G. Just east of that is a Federal Report 08 lying on the ground. Continue east to leave the area and head to the Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility. +-----------------------------------------+ --+ 3.7.4 Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility +---------------------------------- +-----------------------------------------+ Recommended level: 32~33 Enemies: U-TIC Soldier A Mercurio GS Mercurio GM Standard URTV Berserk Realian A Berserk Realian B Asterion Revised Byproduct #B156 Byproduct #B538 Byproduct #B283 Circle around the burning center of the area to the parking lot. The ambulance to the south holds a Med Kit DX. Destroy the car blocking off the parking lot and destroy the vehicle to the northwest for a Skill Upgrade C. Head into the facility. Save at the save plate and head east.to the elevator. Open it up and you will be ambushed by some Berserk Realians. Take them out and get the Yasoma Sanju from the chest. Head back to the main room and blow up the fire exit. Go inside. Make your way up to the second floor and destroy the water pipes in the back to put out the fire. Head east through the door. Destroy the plant near the door for a Revive M. The lamp on the ceiling conceals a chest, accompanied by some more Berserk Realians. Inside the chest is an Ether Pack L. Head east and go into the first door. Talk to Loria, and if you found all Federal Reports, you will obtain Decoder 07! Go back outside and you should see Segment Address 7 hidden behind a piece of wall. Inside is the Ring of Coercion. Continue east, and destroy the blue cabinet (and then the rest of the debris). It will neutralize all the Realians so that you can take them out (it works like a giant trap) from behind. Go inside the nearby room and take out the Realian to save the scientist. Check the console for some footage that you might recognize from Episode II. Head back outside and use the fire exit to the south to continue. Head up to the fourth floor, taking out the water pipes again to put out the fire. Once you arrive there, you will see a guy, Maltia, trapped in a room. To save him head north into the next room, circle counter-clockwise to the southwest exit and destroy the tube there to enter a fight with more Berserk Realians. Just continue south out of the room for now. Once outside, circle counter-clockwise around the debris, being careful not to head too far west (or Maltia will die). Head south and use the foot switch near the glass to open the door and get inside. Take out the Realians quickly. Maltia will reward you with an EP Upgrade. Also open the chest for Decoder 05. The panel to the southeast hides a Skill Upgrade B. Head back into the room with the tubes you skipped through. The one to the southwest holds Iggy, who will reward you 2000G. The one east of it holds another Berserk Realian. The one north of that holds Deedee, who will reward you with an HP Upgrade. Open the chest for a Rejuvenator L. Circle around to the east side of the room to destroy the last three tubes. The northeast one contains Marky, who will reward you with a Med Kit L. The other two contain Berserk Realians. Leave the room through the southwest exit. You can enter the next room for an extra battle. The next room after that (Kevin’s room) is empty. Once you reach the burning area, you will notice two Realians trapped by the fire. Run to the elevator and press the button to activate the sprinklers. Nielsen to the southwest will give you an Ether Pack S as reward. Steve to the northwest is going Berserk as you speak to him, so talk to him if you wish to fight him. Head into the fire exit for some cutscenes. Head down the stairs to the bottom for a chest with a C-US5G. Head all the way back up and save at the save point. Head inside. Enter the guard post and press the button open up the gate. You will be jumped by some enemies as you try to leave. Head east past Area 13, and enter the first room. Now that the blond guy is finally dead, go destroy the panel in the northwest corner to get to the chest, which holds a Rejuvenator DX (and pops some enemies). Continue east into the next hallway. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 11 | 27-Series Asura x3 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 4000 | EXP: 4200 | N.ITEM: Med Kit L | | EP: 199 | SP: 20 | R.ITEM: Med Kit DX | | BL: 90 | G: 1200 | S.ITEM: Skill Upgrade A | | TYPE: BIO | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Weak to beam | | Immune: Poison | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Brachion – low physical damage vs one character, increases Break gauge | 2. EP Vamp – steals some EP from one character | 3. HP Vamp – steals some HP from one character +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ If you have the opportunity, steal the Skill Upgrade As from every Asura. While the Asuras attack you, keep an eye on your Break gauge. Since the Asuras are weak against Beam attacks, KOS-MOS’s X-BUSTER and Shion’s Lock Shot are invaluable in this battle. The Asuras will spam EP Vamp and HP Vamp, so kill them as quickly as possible. Just whittle down their HP with AoE or strong single-target attacks, then once they are all below 25% HP, use KOS-MOS’s X-BUSTER to wipe them all out at once for a major points bonus. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A long string of cutscenes follows, and then the disc ends with a bang. ------------------------------[ DISC TWO ]------------------------------------- /////////////////// //// 3.8 Chapter 8 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// +------------+ --+ 3.8.1 Elsa +--------------------------------------------------------------- +------------+ After some long cutscenes to update you on the current situation, you will find yourself back on the Elsa on your way to attack Merkabah. Before you go in however, there are some things left to do. First of all, go back to the Elsa’s main area and examine the blue plate to shop for some new items and upgrade your gear and E.S. equipment. Next head down to the Robot Academy. Just to the east is Ziggy’s maintenance area. Run up to the console marked with the large blue S, and read all eight files in a row. Completing it will reward you with Update File 03. The HaKox machine in the bar area now has the new Expert world as well. Complete it to obtain Ziggy’s Swimsuit. Next head into the E.V.S. and go back to Miltia. You will end up at the old church. Your target is Segment Address 5 inside Labyrinthos, so you have some walking to do. Exit to the west and head into Labyrinthos. Use the main elevator in the back to get to the main base. Go north and counter-clockwise to the door on the north end. Go through the airduct to the east and enter Area 13. Leave through the southeast and head straight south. You will encounter Segment Address 5. Open it up for the EK Fury Device. You will learn the Erde Kaiser Fury ether. Leave the E.V.S. +----------------------+ --+ 3.8.2 Ancient Temple +----------------------------------------------------- +----------------------+ Use the E.V.S. again, but this time go to the Floating Landmass. Head all the way to the end where you fought E.S. Naphtali and disembark from your E.S. Enter the temple grounds and examine the pedestal to activate a secret elevator. Use it to go down a level. Your party will be split in two. Basically this area is one big puzzle, you do not have to worry about enemies here. The red crystal will allow you to switch forth between your two groups of characters. Shion: Take the elevator up and use the crystal to the east to switch to Jr. Jr.: Run west and activate the pedestal to raise the platform. Use the crystal again to switch to Shion. Shion: run around the area to find three pedestals which you need to active to lower several platforms. Head back to the nearest crystal to switch. Jr.: You can now reach the chest to the northwest which contains 2000G. Circle clockwise through the area to reach another pedestal which will lower a platform to the east. Circle around from the south side to find another pedestal which will raise a platform to the next level. Head all the way back to the west and and take the outer path clockwise to the platform you lowered. Use it to go up a level. Exit to the north to switch back. Shion: Go through the area clockwise to reach a platform at the bottom south which will take you to the next level. Jr.: After Shion and Jr. experiment a little switch to Shion. Shion: Cross the stream to the north and press the switch on that side. Switch to Jr. Jr.: Hit the southwest switch to create a long bridge west. Cross over and hit the yellow object at the end to create another amplifier. Move back to where you came from and disengage the stream then switch to Shion. Shion: Hit the switch again so you can move back south. Activate the switch to create a bridge using the amplifier you just activated. Cross over west and hit the yellow object to create another amplifier. Hit the nearby switch to create another bridge for Jr. and switch over. Jr.: Hit the southeast switch to create a path. Go south and continue west across the bridge Shion made for you. Hit the first switch to create a bridge south. Cross it and hit the yellow object. Go back north and turn off the stream you just crossed, then hit the second switch to create a bridge north and cross it. Finally hit the last switch to create a bridge back east to the start. Head back to the start and switch again. Shion: Hit the nearby switch to turn off the stream again and cross east. Turn off the stream you just crossed. Hit both nearby switches to create two paths south, and hit the switch at the next platform to create one to the southwest corner. Hit the switch northeast of the elevator to cross east, and hit the switch there to create another short bridge nearby. Go back the way you came all the way to the spot where you created two south bridges. The western one leads to the short bridge you just created. Cross it and hit the nearby pedestal to create a long bridge north to a red switch. This will lower an elevator in the southeast corner. Take the elevator in the southwest corner to the next floor. Jr.: Cross south and use the elevator to go down a level. Get the Metal Sprint from the chest and go back up, using the stairs to the northwest to reach the next floor. Jr: After some more experimenting, touch the pink door to the west and the blue door to the south (the order is important!). Go all the way to the southwest corner and touch the east blue wall. Go all the way north where there is a hole in the floor, and switch to Shion. Shion: Touch the pink wall to the north, and then the pink wall to the west so you can cross north. Head northeast so you are near the part where the floor has a hole in it, and touch the southern yellow wall. Touch the pedestal to make an elevator appear. Switch to Jr. Jr.: Touch the north white wall to lower all walls in the area and open the exit. You will meet up with the others. Make your way to the south side of the area where you find two wall panels which conceal a Med Kit L and 100G. Take the elevator down and destroy the similar wallpanels here for 200G and a Skill Upgrade A. Go back up and open the chest for a Draupnir. Finally take the stairs to the next floor. Open the two treasure chests for a Skill Upgrade D and an Angel’s Experience. Finally open the golden chest for chaos’s Swimsuit. Leave the E.V.S. +---------------------------------+ --+ 3.8.3 Tactical Warship Merkabah +------------------------------------------ +---------------------------------+ Recommended level: ~36 Recommended skills: Recover EP (EX Skill Key II) Enemies: VRA-2100 VRA-3500 Yuriev Soldier A Yuriev Soldier B AG-03 VX-7000 M Once you are ready, talk to Captain Matthews on the Elsa’s Bridge to head to Merkabah. Note that you can use E.S. Asher Anima Awakening normally again now. Once you land, head through the door and in the next large room head to the northwest corner to find a chest with EX Skill Key II. Using it will unlock more skill groups (E-H). If you have any spare Skill Points, teach your characters Recover EP so they can regain EP during a battle without having to use Ether Packs. Continue north. The shaft in the center has a spot where you can disembark from your E.S. to save. While still on your E.S. go out through the northwest door. Go up the first conveyor belt, then head east all the way to the end of the path for a chest with a D-Clean, this will get rid of any status effects if you Charge. Go back a bit and move up another conveyor belt and move east to destroy a tank with a Down Repair. Go up two more conveyor belts and destroy the tank to the east for a Half Repair. Since you cannot go back down, continue all the way to the end where you will find a conveyor belt that will take you back down to the previous room. Re-enter the conveyor belt room and go up the first three conveyor belts, then go up the ramp to the east all the way to the end. You will end up at the top floor of the room with the shaft. To the south of the shaft is a button you can press to open up the elevator shaft below. Exit through the northeast door and go down the conveyor belts back to the shaft room. Approach the shaft and get off your E.S.s. Save if needed, then head into the elevator and go all the way to the top. Head south, taking out the enemies on the way. At the end, destroy all four locks. Go back to the elevator and this time go north. In the first alcove to the west is a chest with Decoder 10. Continue north and destroy the four locks. Make your way back to the elevator and head back down. Get on your E.S.s. Take the northwest door again and head all the way to the top like before to reach the switch on the top floor again. Hit it to stop the shaft’s movement. Take the Core Maintenance Lift to the east to go back down. Disembark from your E.S.s again and head up the shaft. Head north and go through the door you could not pass through earlier. Examine the console to unlock the Booster rooms. Head back down to your E.S.s and take the lift back to the top. Go through the southwest exit and destroy the nearby containers for 1000G. Take the elevator down and destroy the two containers for a Nano Repair DX and a Down Repair. Exit through the door and circle around to the southeast exit. The container holds a Nano Repair M. Go up two elevators and to the east you will find a chest with a Skill Upgrade C. Make your way to the top (the elevators are one-way) and enter the southwest room again. Head back down to the bottom and exit to the main shaft area. Go through the door to the north into the Booster area. Destroy ALL the light pillars here and gather a Med Kit L and a Med Kit M from the debris. Go back outside and take the west lift to head to the first floor. Disembark at the shaft again and head back to the core area. A large number of rooms are laid out here in a honeycomb pattern, with a destroyable object in the center. Be sure to destroy it in every room. Head west first, then northwest, back southwest, and then northeast. Head northwest, a soldier is patrolling here. Continue further northwest, then exit southwest. The object here holds 1000G, and there is a chest with Decoder 12 as well. Go back northeast and continue through the next northeast door. Exit southeast to enter a room with a patrolling A.G.W.S. Back attacks are your friend. Continue southeast into another room with a patrolling soldier. The object in the center holds another 1000G. Head northwest twice, southwest, and then southeast three times to head back to the entrance. Head east and northeast. The object here holds a Med Kit DX. Go back southwest and west to the entrance. From here, go northeast twice. A soldier is patrolling here. Go northwest and take out the A.G.W.S. Head east and then southeast for Segment Address 11. Inside is the Sweet Pain, another accessory that increases your maximum Boost by 1! Head northwest twice to reach a destroyable object with a Med Kit L. Leave southeast and then west, and finally head through the northwest door to reach the exit. If you destroyed all the objects as you were supposed to, the door should open. Continue north and head through the door all the way at the end for a string of cutscenes. +------------+ --+ 3.8.4 Elsa +--------------------------------------------------------------- +------------+ Before you head out, you should stock up and go get some of the Segment Addresses that are available now. First head to the CAT Testing Ground. Take the mono-carrier to the main area. Go west and down the stairs, then all the way north to Segment Address 10. Inside is the KAP-NAR armor. Next head to the Floating Landmass. Head all the way to the end of the first tunnel, then when you reach the next area proceed straight north into the lower area. To the northwest is Segment Address 12. Disembark and access it for the Guardian, a stronger weapon for Shion. Finally, head back to Merkabah. Proceed north all the way to the shaft area, and disembark. Take the elevator up and proceed north to the Booster room. Go northeast twice, then northwest twice and finally all the way north to make your way to the core area where you met Sellers. In the back is a switch. Hit it to open up this area to your E.S.s. Backtrack to the shaft room to board your E.S., or re-enter the E.V.S. Take the west lift to the second floor, and head north through the Booster room. Make your way to the core area and open the two chests there for Update File 11 and G-Ignis I. Leave the E.V.S. back to the Elsa and save up. When you are ready to go on, talk to Captain Matthews. +----------------+ --+ 3.8.5 Durandal +----------------------------------------------------------- +----------------+ Recommended level: 37~38 Recommended skills: Type-B Critical Type-M Critical Fallen Eagle III (Shion) any Techs that hit all enemies Enemies: Yuriev Soldier A Yuriev Soldier B VX-9000 AG-02 Federation Soldier A Federation Soldier B V.G.S. Eins R V.G.S. Zwei R After disembarking from the Elsa, use the transport to get to the Park area. Go up the escalator and head north into the park itself. To the northwest is a wall panel you can destroy to reach the sealed off area of the park and Segment Address 6. Next head to the Bridge Area. Near the elevator is a chest with Update File 12. Mira, the woman lying on the ground nearby tells you where to find Mary and Shelley. Go to the Third Residential Area. Recover and save at the save point to the north, then take the escalator deeper inside. Continue northwest into the main area. All the doors are locked at the moment. Head west and north, turning northeast to make your way to the back of the area. The plants in the northeast lounge contain a Med Kit L. Head all the way west until you reach a control area with a blinking green button. Press it to release all the residence locks. The panel to the west conceals a Rejuvenator L. You can now systematically clear out all the crew quarters for items. They are all layed out similarly, with one table near the console, two plants near the bed, and two cabinets on the wall that can be destroyed. There is usually an item hidden in one of those five places. First go back east and go up the ramp to the north. The room to your west contains nothing of interest. The room a little to the east contains a chest with a Blue Star. The lamps at the end of the hallway contain an Ether Pack M. The nearby room is empty, but holds an enemy soldier. Go back down the ramps all the way past the lounge to the central living area. Head a little south and to the east to find the first quarters you passed when you entered earlier. No items inside. Go back west and head southeast. The lamps to the east hold a Med Kit DX. In the nearby room you will find Mary and Juli, but no items. Continue west past the main hall to more quarters. These are empty as well. Continue further west to the next large area. Heading through here counter-clockwise, the first room just north of where you enter is empty, as is the room just north of that. The northwest room is empty also, but the southwest room contains a soldier and a chest with a Rejuvenator L. Finally, the room down the stairs in the center holds Shelley and Canaan. Make your way back to the transport tube and save your game, then head to the Isolation Area. Proceed inside and you will be stopped by Citrine. Time for a boss fight! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 12 | Citrine | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 29000 | EXP: 13000 | N.ITEM: Weapon Development Area Key | | EP: 220 | SP: 20 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 400 | G: 10000 | S.ITEM: Crescent Moon | | TYPE: BIO | | | | HUMAN | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Weak to beam, strong to fire | | Immune: Poison | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Eclair Rod – low damage vs one character, increases Boost Gauge | 2. Mystique – Seals off ethers of all characters | 3. DY 7.62 mm Shell – medium damage vs one character, increases Boost Gauge | 4. Citrinitas’s Wave – medium damage vs all characters, | increases Boost Gauge | 5. Seal of 666 – Reduces HP to 666 | 6. Red Dragon Killer – 666 ether damage vs all characters +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Citrine is weak to beam attacks, so use Silver Rings or Beam Avatars to enhance your damage, and Shion’s Lock Shot and KOS-MOS’s X-BUSTER whenever possible. Be sure to avoid any fire-based attacks and ethers. Be sure to steal Crescent Moon from her before going all out. Since Citrine has a human form, Shion and Ziggy’s break attacks work very well against her. Try putting her in a Break state and then unload your strongest attacks (if you have the Boost+ items, you should be able to do both Lock Shot and X-BUSTER consecutively). Citrine will use a lot of status attacks, some of which will seal off your ethers. Use Refresh or a Cleanser to get rid of them if needed. If Citrine’s mental activity goes up, it means she will use her Citriniats’s Wave attack next, which will most likely Break all your characters at once. Hopefully at this point you will have enough HP to not be knocked out while you cannot respond. Once Citrine gets into dangerously low HP, she will use Seal of 666 which will reduce your HP to 666. Heal up quickly after that as she will use her Red Dragon Killer attack next, which hits everyone for 666 damage. Recover and finish her off quickly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= +------------+ --+ 3.8.6 Elsa +--------------------------------------------------------------- +------------+ The shop has new items and ES gear available, so be sure to upgrade. If you are short on money, go fight some enemies in the Durandal or Merkabah with Rare+ accessories equipped so that you can sell the extra drops for money. The enemies in the conveyor belt area of Merkabah repop every time you leave the room and they give a lot of points if you kill them with your Special Attack. For the upcoming dungeon, be sure to have four each of D-Fire, D-Lightning, D-Ice, D-Beam, D-Kill C and D-Kill R. D-Clean and D-Charge are also very useful. D-Charge can help you recover a lot of HP in one turn, just by charging. You will also want to build up your most often used characters’ RESIST G to 100% so they do not get crystallized by the large number of Gnosis you will be fighting inside of Abel’s Ark. Also, HaKox now has the Extreme world available (level 5). If you clear this now, you can obtain Vacquero, Jr.’s ultimate weapon, which will make him the strongest character for quite a while. If you are up for the challenge, give it a try. The key you got from Citrine allows you to fight Omega Universitas in the CAT Testing Ground, but you are currently too weak to have any chance of winning, so expect to come back there later. When you are ready to head out, talk to Captain Matthews. +------------------+ --+ 3.8.7 Abel's Ark +--------------------------------------------------------- +------------------+ Recommended level: 40 Recommended skills: Type-G Critical Refresh Medica M All W-FANG (KOS-MOS) Any anti-G Techs Enemies: Ashmed Bapuz VRA-3500 ST VRA-2100 ST Head to the E.S. elevator when you are ready to go. Go east and hit the white crystal, then head north and hit the crystal there as well. At the fork, go northwest and hit the crystal, then go south. The chest at the end contains an Ether Pack L. Return to the fork and head east for another crystal. Head west and continue to the far southwest crystal. It’ll teleport you to a small isle with a chest holding a D-Beam. Return through the crystal and this time take the east path. Head south, and at the fork go southeast. It will lead to another chest, this one holding EX Skill Key III, which will open up the last four groups of EX-skills. Go back to the fork and head southwest this time. On the next few isles, just keep heading towards the end. Once your party spots the Durandal, head north following the path. Try to take out as many enemies here as possible using your level 2 Awakening for extra points. Going through the crystal at the end will deliver you to the core. You can stock up on needed items here, and save at the save point. +------------------+ --+ Blue Orb +--------------------------------------------------------- +------------------+ Enemies: Ai Apaec Kazfa Jina Deion Aiakos Once you are ready, approach the blue orb. You will be teleported into a small pocket with ground that keeps shifting on its axis, so be sure to stay in the center as you move, and also, be sure not to be in the narrow parts where you will fall off if you move too far to the side. About halfway there is a chest on the west side that contains Decoder 14. At the northeast end is another chest with a Sage’s Ring. Continue to the crystal at the north end to teleport to the next area. On this next floor the, the blue floor tiles will not appear until you step on them, so you cannot see where you are going. You cannot fall off however, so just run against the edges of the tiles to see where the path leads you. First head north and take out the Gnosis. The Gnosis here use Curse a lot, so you may want to equip something to negate or shorten that effect. Shortly after, the path branches. Head east and once you encounter a Gnosis, the path branches north to a crystal. Hit it to reach the next area. Head west and then northwest for the Coat Hardy. Head back to the central path and go east to reach a crystal that leads to Segment Address 13. Inside you will find a Dragon’s Eye. Go back to the main room and head north from the center to reach the other crystal, which will take you to the boss. Save at the save point and recover. Take E.S. Dinah out of the battle party and equip all your E.S.es with D-Kill C and D-Beam. Also be sure to equip E.S. Zebulun with Lightning-based weapons only, as Beam attacks will be weakened. When you are good to go, head for the center of the room. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 13 | Natus Lumen | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 225000 | EXP: 13250 | N.ITEM: RF-Acala | | EP: - | SP: 30 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 8000 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: GNOSIS | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Strong against beam | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Pluvia Lumen – medium beam ether damage vs all targets | 2. Tnitros – high beam ether damage vs one target | 3. Sniper – enters Sniper mode, increases accuracy? | 4. Fulmen – medium beam ether damage vs one target | 5. Fulmen II – medium beam ether damage vs one target | 6. Tnitros II – high beam ether damage vs one target +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go at the boss with regular attacks, using Special Attacks when you can. Be sure to avoid any beam-based attacks such as Zebulun’s (might as well use the Anima gauge when it is full though) and Asher’s Shot Buster. Natus Lumen will eventually use Sniper to strengthen its attacks, but this should be no issue if you have D-Beams equipped. Be sure to keep your HP above 10000 however, as he sometimes uses combination attacks to take off a huge chunk of your HP at once. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle, examine the crystal to be returned to the core room. Replenish your supplies if needed, and save. +-------------------+ --+ Green orb +-------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------+ Enemies: Yuriev Soldier A Yuriev Soldier B VX-9000 K AG-03 SPX Deion Kazfa Jina Head to the next orb, the green one. First clear out all the enemies in the area so you can run around without fighting. Once that is done, run up to the green crystal and keep hitting it over and over, pushing it all the way to the top of the spiral. Once you cannot push it up any further, run all the way to the bottom and hit the exposed crystal there to warp to the next area. This time there will be two pillars. Like before, clear out the enemies first. There are two pillars here. Start with the eastern one and push it all the way to the top, then run downstairs to hit the crystal before it submerges again. You will end up in an area with some Gnosis and Segment Address 2. Behind it is G-Ignis III. Equipping this on E.S. Reuben will let it use its strongest sword attack twice per turn. Return to the previous room and this time repeat the procedure on the western pillar. The crystal at the bottom will lead you to the next set of emulators. Equip D-Ice and D-Kill C on your E.S.s to reduce the damage you take from this boss. Be sure to avoid any ice-based attacks, as their damage will be reduced considerably. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 14 | Natus Glacies | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 250000 | EXP: 13250 | N.ITEM: AF-Stealth III | | EP: - | SP: 30 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 8000 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: GNOSIS | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Strong against ice | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Ventus Nivalis – medium ice ether damage vs all targets | 2. Circle of Water – counterattacks vs ether attacks | 3. Impetus Venti – medium physical (ice ether?) damage vs one target | 4. Congelatio – high ice ether damage vs one target | 5. Circle of Iron – counterattacks vs physical attacks | 6. Absolute Seprio – high ice ether damage vs all targets | 7. Inferno – increases attack power (unlocks stronger attacks) | 8. Impetus Venti II – medium physical (ice ether?) damage vs one target | 9. Congelation II – high ice ether damage vs one target +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Attack as normal, using Special Attacks whenever possible. D-Ice should halve most of the damage dealt to you, so healing should not be an issue. About halfway through, Natus Glacies will use Circle of Water which will counter any ether-based attacks. Having D-Kill C equipped will neutralize this however. The boss can still use its Close Revenge attack though. Later on the boss will use Circle of Iron which will counter any physical attacks. D-Kill C should take care of this. It will also start using Absolute Seprio, which can hit your E.S.s pretty hard if you do not have Guard or D-Ice up. Once it uses Inferno it will start using its stronger attacks, at which point you will want to finish the boss off as quickly as possible. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle, hit the crystal to be teleported back to the main room. Replenish your supplies and save your game before continuing. +-----------------+ --+ Red Orb +---------------------------------------------------------- +-----------------+ Enemies: VRA-2100 ST VRA-3500 ST Ashmed Bapuz Once you enter, go west to reach the next crystal. Hit it to go up a floor. There are four differently colored crystals here that will teleport you to different areas. Start with the northernmost one. Continue along the path and destroy the nearby object for a Nullifier. At the end is a chest with Update File 13. Return to the four colored crystals and this time take the green one. The chest at the end contains ZF-Smarakata. Return to the crystals and this time take the purple one. Hit the orange object to create a bridge further ahead. Further down the path is another protrusion concealing a Med Kit DX. Further ahead is another one which holds an Ether Pack M. Return to the crystals and this time take the yellow one. Halfway down the path is a protrusion holding a Nano Repair DX. At the very end hit the orange object to finish a bridge further ahead. Return to the crystals and take the purple one again. Head all the way to the crystal at the end to reach the next floor and four more crystals. Go through the green crystal first. The protrusion holds a Cleanser. Hit the large orange block at the end to create the start of a bridge. Head back to the four crystals. Go through the yellow crystal next. The first protrustion holds a Nano Repair DX. Like before, hit the orange object at the end to continue the construction of your bridge. Return to the four crystals. Go through the white crystal next. Hit the block at the end to finish the bridge, then head back and go through the purple crystal. The protrusion halfway through holds another Nullifier. Cross the bridge, but first go straight west to find a chest holding a G-Legle/85. Then get back on the bridge and go northwest, then through the crystal at the end. Go east and hit the final crystal to end up at the Emulators. Equip D-Fire and D-Kill C on all your E.S.s and avoid any fire-based attacks. Save up and when you are ready head into the center for the next boss fight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 15 | Natus Flamma | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 230000 | EXP: 13250 | N.ITEM: ZF-Rybeus | | EP: - | SP: 30 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 8000 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: GNOSIS | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Strong against fire | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Flucticulus – medium fire ether damage vs all targets, inflicts F-Mine | 2. Unda Duo – low/medium fire ether damage vs one target | 3. Chaos Eye – activates Soul Down reaction | 4. Unda Septum – high physical (fire ether?) damage vs one target | 5. Unda Duo II – medium fire ether damage vs one target | 6. Unda Septum II – high physical/fire ether damage vs one target | 7. Flucticulus II – medium fire ether damage vs all targets, | inflicts F-Mine +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Attack the boss as normal, using Special Attacks whenever possible, just avoid fire attacks (so no Flare Buster) as they will be reduced in damage. D-Fire should reduce the damage you take from the boss’s fire attacks. Natus Flamma will use his Flucticulus attack which may inflict F-Mine status on your characters. This is a timebomb that will detonate after 4 turns to inflict major damage. You can use Down Repair to remove its effect before it detonates. At about 75% the boss will use Chaos Eye, which will inflict Soul Down on anyone that it counters. D-Kill C should take care of this. Once Natus Flamma drops below 25% HP it will start using its stronger attacks. Keep your HP up and try to finish it off quickly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle, hit the crystal to teleport back to the core room. Replenish your supplies if needed and save your game. +--------------------+ --+ Yellow Orb +------------------------------------------------------- +--------------------+ Enemies: VRA-2100 ST VRA-3500 ST Ashmed bapuz Ai Apaec Deion Arakos Kazfa Jina When you are ready, head into the yellow orb. Destroy the nearby protrusions for a Nano Repair M and a Med Kit DX. To the west side is a branching path with another protrusion holding an Ether Pack S. In the chest you can find C-US9G. Continue north to the fork at the end, and go east (underneath the other path). The protrusion at the fork contains 1000G. Hit the crystal at the end to enter the next area. Go north and you will encounter a green barrier. Destroy it with your E.S. You cannot destroy the purple barrier however. Hit one of the crystals to the west and it will switch you to characters. You can now blow up the purple barrier. A little north is another green barrier, so use the nearby crystal to switch back to your E.S.s. Destroy both green barriers, then switch back to your characters. In between where the green barriers were is a path to the west. Destroy the purple barrier there with your characters, as well as the one further north. Switch back to E.S.s. Go back to where you destroyed the purple barrier in the side passage and you should now be able to access the chest there for a D-EN I. Head north into the large area and destroy the green barrier in the back. Touch the nearby crystal to switch to characters. In the northeast corner, where the green barrier was before, you can now reach a chest containing the Yasoma Kagura for Jin. Destroy the purple barrier to the far west and switch back to E.S.s. Head northwest to where you cleared the purple barrier and you should see a final crystal that will take you to the Emulators. Equip D-Lightning and D-Kill R on all your E.S.s and avoid using any lightning-based attacks (such as Garuda’s Wrath or some of Zebulun’s weapons). Save up and head to the center when you are ready. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 16 | Natus Tellus | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 250000 | EXP: 13250 | N.ITEM: DF-XX | | EP: - | SP: 30 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 8000 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: GNOSIS | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: Strong against lightning | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Procella – high physical (lightning ether?) damage vs one target | 2. Chaos Eye – activates Skin Down reaction | 3. Nimbus – medium lightning ether damage vs all targets, | inflicts Balance Down | 4. Tornado – very high physical (lightning ether?) damage vs one target | 5. Protect – increases physical defense (element??) | 6. Nimbus II – medium lightning ether damage vs all targets, | inflicts Balance Down +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Engage as normal, using Special Attacks when available. Just be sure to avoid lightning-based attacks. D-Lightning should reduce the damage you take from Natus Tellus’s attacks to manageable levels. After taking some damage it will use Chaos Eye, which will inflict Skin Down if the boss gets off a Revenge attack. D-Kill R should prevent this. As Natus Tellus starts taking more damage, the likelihood of it using Tornado increases. Because of this, keep your HP above 15000 at all times, just in case it hits you at a bad time. The boss will eventually use Protect, at which point your physical attacks will be halved, so expect your main damage to come from ether-based attacks. Keep whittling away at it and finish it off with a Special Attack for a major bonus. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle Anima Awakening level 3 has been unlocked! Hit the crystal to return to the core room. The core can now be reached, but before then, stock up and save at the save point. +--------------+ --+ Core +------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------+ Recommended level: 47~48 Recommended skills: Break Heal * Medica L (All) Recover EP Any heavy Break Techs Equip your E.S.s with D-Beam and D-Kill R, and be sure to stock up on Revives, Cleansers and Nano Repairs. Also, equipping your battle party with accessories to halve Beam damage will help you out a bit as well. If you need a little bit more experience or skill points, re-enter the yellow orb and kill the groups of enemies with your E.S. level 2 Special Attacks. When you are ready, slip between the orbs and reach the core, then hack away at it until you can enter. Some cutscenes ensue and then a boss fight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 17 | Dmitri Yuriev | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 46000 | EXP: 15000 | N.ITEM: God's Experience | | EP: 770 | SP: 30 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 700 | G: 10000 | S.ITEM: General's Bracelet | | TYPE: BIO | | | | HUMAN | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: strong to fire, strong to ice, strong to lightning | | Immune: Poison, Seal Ether, Seal Boost, Reflect damage | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Mind Wave III – low physical (?) damage vs one character | 2. Telekinetic Wave – low/medium ether damage vs all characters, | increases Break gauge | 3. Curse – damage inflicted upon Dimitrie Yuriev is also inflicted on | character | 4. Disengage – removes positive status effects from all characters | 5. Infinitum – medium/high beam ether damage vs all characters | 6. Rasp All – seals Techs on all characters +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Dmitri Yuriev himself is not much of a threat, but he commands Omega Res Novae, which responds to his commands. However, Omega needs a full Boost to do anything, so until the enemy Boost gauge nears 1, unload as much as you like. Also, if you keep Hate on your defender character, he forgets to command Omega to attack. Since Dmitri Yuriev is human, build up his Break gauge so you can critical him and unload Special Attacks when he goes into Break state. Do not use any attacks that are fire, ice or lightning element or they will only do reduced damage. Keep at least 1 Boost in reserve at all times so that if Omega is about to use its Special Attack, you can heal up or defend to reduce damage. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle, some more cutscenes play and you get to fight another boss in your E.S.s. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 18 | Omega Metempsychosis | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 450000 | EXP: 20000 | N.ITEM: D-Anima | | EP: - | SP: 30 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 20000 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: - | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Seal Program – unlock Prodigium attack? | 2. Sanctio – high beam eather damage vs one target | 3. Prodigium – high beam ether damage vs all targets | 4. Visc – medium (thunder?) ether damage vs one target | 5. Anima Awakening – prepares Special Attack | 6. Ex Natio – Special Attack, very high beam ether damage vs all targets +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Due to Omega’s high HP, this battle will not be over quickly. It hits hard, but with D-Beam and D-Kill R you should be able to reduce or avoid most of the damage. Keep your HP up nonetheless for when it uses its strongest attacks. Start attacking as normal and save your Special Attacks all the way up to level 3. Use them all simultaneously to increase the chance of your characters supporting eachother with Ambush attacks. If your E.S.s are afflicted with bad status effects, either use items to remove them or Awaken the Anima, which will do the same. If Omega uses Anima Awakening, use Anima Awakening on two of your own E.S.s and perform their Special Attacks to interrupt Omega’s Special Attack. If you cannot do this due to a low Anima gauge, Charge quickly to reduce the damage you will take. The battle will take a while, but eventually Omega will fall. Just be sure to finish him off with a Special Attack for a much-needed bonus. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A long sequence of cutscenes wraps up this party of the story. /////////////////// //// 3.9 Chapter 9 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// +------------+ --+ 3.9.1 Elsa +--------------------------------------------------------------- +------------+ After the cutscenes, leave the bridge and approach the control panel near the three plates. Miyuki will get in contact with you about Shion’s ultimate weapon. However, she needs a Geocrystal in return. If you approach the monitor again with the Rough Geocrystal from the Floating Landmass in your inventory, Miyuki will contact you again and give you the Brisingamen. Next talk to Awamori, the droid next to the plates. You will receive the Ring of Eden and a lot of previously unavailable items will be available from the shopping plates now, aside from the regular new items: Ether Pack S, Ether Pack M, Seven Sisters, all the Upgrade items, Hydra Heal, Siva’s Eye, Shiva’s Guard, Beam Absorber, Hero’s Bracelet, Warrior’s Bracelet, Enhance Ring, Real World, Knight Ring, Gypsy Ring and D-Anima. Buy a VB-Crimson from the shop. Also, if you have enough money, you can buy KOS-MOS’s ultimate weapon, the KWP-XX from the shop for 300000G as well. Cabrillo near the E.S. elevator will tell you she wants to make something for Ziggy, but she needs 99 Sephirotic Canes. You cannot obtain those yet, so keep this in mind for later. Next head into the women’s quarters and talk to Kamikaze near the shower. He will mention that Alby has gone missing in the Durandal. After that, talk to Bunnie Bob in the back to refine your Rough Geocrystal into a Geocrystal. Head into the men’s quarters and talk to Panache in the shower room. He can make you a VB-Dawn if you have the VB-Crimson and Prayer Beads. Since you do, hand them over to obtain VB-Dawn, Jin’s ultimate weapon. You will also obtain the Nine Stones. Next head into the bar area and talk to Adonis behind the counter. He will hand you the Grief Stone. If you have not beaten World 5 of HaKox yet, you can still do so now to obtain Vacquero, Jr.’s ultimate weapon. Also, if you have beaten all five worlds, the last one will be unlocked (Master), which will reward you with the Brave Heart if you can beat it. Take the elevator down to B1 next. Head all the way south into the E.S. Hangar. Talk to Valencia underneath the E.S. boarding panel for some hints how to obtain the Heaven’s Door. To the southwest are three federation mechanics from Fifth Jerusalem (the ones that gave you the Segment File). When you complete all Segment Addresses, come back to them for a reward. Head to Segment Address 14 in the back for the Iron Maiden. Head back up to the main level and return to the console where you talked to Miyuki. She will give you the Miyuki Special, Shion’s ultimate weapon. Next use the E.V.S. to access the Durandal. You will spot Alby but he will run away. Follow him to the Park area. Run up the escalator and follow Alby further inside the park. Go east and in the southeast corner you will find Alby again, as well as the Heaven’s Door. Exit the E.V.S. Head back to the women’s quarters and talk to Kamikaze again for the Moon Bridge, MOMO’s ultimate weapon. Head into the E.V.S. again, this time return to Abel’s Ark. If you lack money for some gear upgrades, this is a good time to obtain some, so be sure to equip any Rare Item+ equipment you may have. Make your way to the core area. You need to make your way through all four colored orbs again, and check the holy light in the area where you fought the bosses, then after doing so, you can check the core area where you fought Dmitri Yuriev. Check the Abel’s Ark walkthrough chapter if you get lost. Doing all this will reward you with chaos’s ultimate weapon: the God Breath. You will also obtain The Universe. Next up are two optional boss fights to obtain the last two missing Decoders and some other bonus items. First is the fight against Omega Universitas. Be sure to upgrade all your E.S.s with their strongest upgrades (weapons, frame, reactor, CPU) and have D-Kill R, D-Kill C, D-Charge and D-Nullify Effect on each of them. Be sure to also have D-Sensor on one or two of your E.S.s so you can see his weaknesses. You can use D-Clean to compensate for being unable to use D-Nullify Effect. Stock up on as many healing items as you can afford. When you are ready, save your game and head to the CAT Testing Ground in the E.V.S. Board the mono-carrier and proceed north through the area past the soldiers. Board the #2 Transporter. Go up the escalator and head through the demonstration area to the eastern transport dock. Board Transport #6 to go to the Special Weapon Development Division. Use the key you obtained from Citrine to open the lock and head inside. Operate the console in front of Omega to start the battle. You can change your E.S. formation or re-equip them before starting if needed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS A1 | Omega Universitas | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 70000 | EXP: 0 | N.ITEM: - | | EP: - | SP: 0 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 0 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: - | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Martial Flight – low physical damage vs one target | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Omega Universitas poses no threat, if it can even hit you at all. Just use it to build up your Anima gauges. After a few turns it will be defeated, and will transform into: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS A2 | Omega Id | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 999999 | EXP: 38000 | N.ITEM: Decoder 06 | | EP: - | SP: 0 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 0 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: change every turn, use D-Sensor | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Dark Fist – high damage vs one target | 2. Destruction wave – high damage vs all targets (~15000), can critical | for up to ~30000, inflicts Soul Down | 3. Waves of the Berserker – prepares for Dark Lord | 4. Dark Lord – extremely high damage vs one target | 5. Will of Yin and Yang – will steal anima to recover HP if any craft has | over level 1 anima +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The real fight begins. Omega Id can hit extremely hard, so keeping your E.S.s at full HP is mandatory. D-Charge at this stage should recover over 30000 HP per use, so use it well. Also, Omega’s weakness and resistance change every turn, so you need to have an E.S. equipped with D-Sensor around to detect it. Use your appropriate level 1 Special Attacks when applicable, because charging for higher level attacks usually takes too long. Although if you can get a level 3 Special Attack in when Omega Id has a suitable weakness, go for it. You can take off 10% of its HP that way. As a quick reminder which attacks to use with which weakness: Beam: R-FANG, X-BUSTER, X-CANNON, Lotus Blades, Shot Buster, Aird Star, Aird Rain Fire: Flare Buster, Meteor Burst Lightning: Garuda’s Wrath, Cerberus Ice: none Physical: Iron Blade If there is no appropriate Special Attack for that turn, just hit normally to build up your Anima gauge, or Charge to recover HP if needed. Omega Id has fairly high evasion, so use high accuracy attacks or you will probably end up wasting your turn. After a while, Omega Id will start using Destruction Wave, which will damage all your E.S.s and inflict status effects. Be sure to keep your HP well above 40000 just in case it manages to critical on one of your E.S.s. Heal up right after, in case he decides to follow up with another one. At about 60% of its HP, Omega Id will start using Waves of the Berserker. When you see this, have every character Charge, as it will follow with Dark Lord, which can hit your E.S. for more than 60000 HP if unguarded, which is usually a one-shot KO. Once you get Omega Id to about 30%, expect the fight to get even tougher. He will use Dark Lord twice in a row on the same E.S. for about 50000-60000 damage if guarded against. He will also use Will of Yin and Yang which will recover some of his HP if you have more than 1 Anima gauge stored on an E.S. At this point you will probably want to stick to level 1 and 2 Special Attacks only, or risk Omega recovering a lot of HP. Whittle it down further with small attacks, or if you are doing fine, you can risk a level 3 Special Attack during the right turn to finish this fight with a nice Finish Strike bonus. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the fight you will obtain Decoder 06, as well as the Emperor’s Bracelet. Exit the U.M.N. and head back to the Duranda’s Park Area where you can find Segment Address 6 in the west end of the park behind the barrier. Inside is the EK Dark Device, which will unlock the Dark Erde Kaiser ether for all your characters. You can now participate in the fight against Erde Kaiser Sigma, but to do so you are going to need a few skills that you probably have not obtained yet. You will want to unlock your attackers’ master skill (Blood Dancer, Heaven Tracker, Overtaker, etc.), and have Safety or Best Ally on every participating character. If you are short on skill points, you can either go kill enemies to obtain more (Abel’s Ark E.S. battles), or buy Skill Upgrades from the shop. Or both. Now that you have defeated Omega, return to the Elsa and head to the E.S. Hangar through B1. Talk to Valencia at the bottom of the stairs in the hangar. He will change your Heaven’s Door into a ring that reduces the cost of all Ethers and Techs to 1. When you are ready, head back to Pedea Island and approach the monkey at the hole in the water (if you already talked to him before; if you still need to, head into the laboratory). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS B | Erde Kaiser Sigma | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 100000 | EXP: 60000 | N.ITEM: Gustav Wrist | | EP: 999 | SP: 1000 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 999 | G: 20000 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: weak against beam | | Immune: Poison, Seal Ether, Seal Boost, Reflect Damage | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Kaiser Burst II – high physical damage vs one character | 2. Kaiser Shield I – impenetrable shield, vulnerable against Erde Kaiser | 3. Kaiser Shield II – impenetrable shield, vulnerable against | Erde Kaiser Fury | 4. Kaiser Shield III – impenetrable shield, vulnerable against | Dark Erde Kaiser | 5. Kaiser Flame – high fire ether damage vs all characters | 6. Kaiser Victory Spark - ??? +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ First of all, put on your Safety or Best Ally ethers. Having Recover EP will help as well. Start pounding away at him and he will eventually start using his shields. Counter Kaiser Shield I using Erde Kaiser, Kaiser Shield II using Erde Kaiser Fury, and Kaiser Shield III using Dark Erde Kaiser. After all three shield are down, Erde Kaiser Sigma will start attacking normally. Use Beam attacks and strong break attacks like VALKYRIE to hurt Erde Kaiser Sigma, tossing in an X-Buster or Lock Shot whenever possible. It is highly recommended to use your characters’ offensive master skills (Overtaker, Blood Dancer, Heaven Tracker) to double, triple, or even quadruple their damage output. This will considerably shorten the time this fight will drag out. Your characters will probably get taken out frequently, so if they go down, just reapply Safety/Best Ally quickly, and continue the fight. No need to heal since you usually get one-shotted anyway. When Erde Kaiser Sigma gets low on HP, it will ready Kaiser Victory Spark. Heal up (Safety or Best Ally have priority) and defend. Afterwards, heal up again and unload Shion’s Lock Shot and KOS-MOS’s X-Buster (preferably combined with Blood Dancer and Offensive for maximum damage). Do everything you can to complete this fight with a Finish Strike, as you get some MAJOR points. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once you win, grab Decoder 03 from the ground. Head back into the laboratory and go all the way to the east. Use the secret elevator hidden underneath the chair and descend to the bottom where you can now access Segment Address 3. Behind it is the EK Sigma Device, which unlocks the Erde Kaiser Sigma ether for all characters! Check your Segment File for a completion message, then talk to Theodore in the hangar for KOS-MOS’s Swimsuit. Aside from completing HaKox for Jr.’s Vaquero and the Brave Heart (good luck), as well as Ziggy’s ultimate weapon (which you cannot complete yet), you are now done with the sidequests. When you are ready, use the E.S. elevator in the main area of the Elsa to exit to the surface of Michtam. +---------------+ --+ 3.9.2 Michtam +------------------------------------------------------------ +---------------+ Recommended level: 54+ Recommended skills: Master skills Medica L (All) Medica Rest Best Ally / Safety Enemies: Cera 6 S Cera 7 S Leviat After the cutscene, head northwest to engage into a boss battle with some old friends of yours. D-Kill C and D-Kill R will come in handy as usual. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 19a | E.S. Gad | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 280000 | EXP: 15000 | N.ITEM: D-Nullify Evade | | EP: - | SP: 40 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 4500 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: weak to lightning | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Selene Multus – medium ether damage vs all targets | 2. Lesath Albireo – high damage vs one target | 3. Anima Awakening – follow up Special Attack can only be prevented using | an Ambush | 4. Naglfar – Special Attack: high ether damage vs one target | 5. Lesath Alibreo II – high damage vs one target | 6. Selene Multus II – medium ether damage vs all targets +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BOSS 19b | E.S. Joseph | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 350000 | EXP: 15000 | N.ITEM: D-Half Physical | | EP: - | SP: 40 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 4500 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: weak against fire | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Sentenza – medium physical damage vs one target | 2. Lacteus Orbis – medium ether damage vs all targets, | inflicts Balance Down | 3. Anima Gift – increases Anima gauge? | 4. Anima Awakening – allows usage of defense increase | 5. Fine Ray II – medium ether damage vs one target, inflicts Fist Down | 6. Sentenza II – medium physical damage vs one target | 7. Lacteus Orbis II – medium ether damage vs all targets, | inflicts Balance Down +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ If you remember these two guys from Episode II, their attack pattern comes to mind. E.S. Gad is the offensive one, while E.S. Joseph is the defender. E.S. Gad hits harder, but goes down a lot easier, so focus on that first. When E.S. Gad uses Anima Awakening, either use your own awakening and do a regular attack to hopefully initiate an Ambush, or have everyone Charge to reduce damage. He will keep using this every few turns, so try to finish him off quickly. Once E.S. Gad is out the way, give E.S. Jospeh your undivided attention. He does not hit as hard, but he has far more HP. Just keep attacking him over and over until he goes down. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle, continue northwest along the path. Head a little east and you will get a cutscene and a database update. Head up the ramp to the GFPD and take out the debris. The container in the northeast corner holds the Night Moon a very useful item for if you need to get some SP for a specific skill. Continue east and then southeast at the crossing. Destroy the debris, then disembark at the landing spot you created. Continue south and destroy the remains of the building to get past the rubble. At the south end is a container you can destroy to find a chest with a Rejuvenator DX. Return to your E.S. On the east side of the crossing is some rubble on the ground. Destroy it for 1000G. Get on the platform to the northeast by destroying some rubble blocking the way. One of the rubble hills conceals a Down Repair. Further north is a similar platform with a rubble hill hiding 5000G. Continue west, taking out the huge blast doors as you go. Door 4 contains a chest with D-EXP I. Head through tunnel 3. Save at the save point, and if you do not have them on you already, equip D-Kill C and D-Kill R again, then head north for a cutscene. Continue on for the next boss fight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 20 | E.S. Issachar | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 500000 | EXP: 17000 | N.ITEM: C-US10 | | EP: - | SP: 40 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 10000 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: - | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Vicious Crimson – high (fire?) ether damage | 2. Merciless Lance – high physical damage vs one target | 3. Anima Awakening – unlocks Mal’ach Laser | 4. Mal’ach Laser – very high ether damage vs all targets | 5. Offensive – increases POW and EATK | 6. Fallen Rose II – high fire ether damage vs all targets | 7. Merciless Lance II – high physical damage vs one target | 8. Hysteric Anima – increases anima if hit with a Special Attack +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Attack E.S. Issachar as normal, keeping your HP up and unleashing Special Attacks whenever needed. Issachar has no specific weaknesses, so you can use any attack you want. After you take away a large portion of her HP, Issachar will use Anima Awakening and do the Mal’ach Laser attack, which will hit your party for a lot of damage. Charge or have full HP to compensate. Once Issachar uses Hysteric Anima, be aware that any Special Attack you do may trigger Issachar’s Anima Awakening. Be ready to Charge or heal if needed. Keep pounding away at Issachar until it goes down. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle continue southeast and head to the Archon Cathedral. +------------------------+ --+ 3.9.3 Archon Cathedral +--------------------------------------------------- +------------------------+ Recommended level: 56+ Enemies: Cera 6 S Cera 7 S Leviat Leviat Officer Anathema Head northeast to the center of the square and destroy the statue for a chest with Update File 04. To the southeast is some rubble you can destroy to reach a truck wreck concealing a Half Repair. Continue north through the gate. After the cutscene, continue north to the western pillar and blow it up for a Nano Repair DX. Save at the save point. Head northeast into the church and exit again right away using the southwest exit. Destroy the rubble here for a Down Repair, and open the chest for the Gold Fall. Head back to the save point and recover/save if you got damaged, then head into the northern part of the cathedral. Time for a face-off with Voyager. To increase your survival chances, equip D-Beam on all your E.S.s, as well as D-Kill R and D-Kill C. Equip C-US10 on one of them so you have one more slot for D-Sensor as well. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 21 | E.S. Dan | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 800000 | EXP: 23000 | N.ITEM: D-EN III | | EP: - | SP: 40 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 12000 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: change every turn, use D-Sensor | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Malicious Charge – medium/high damage vs one target | 2. Wicked Laser – high beam ether damage vs one target | 3. Phantom Armor – elemental attributes change each turn | 4. Anima Awakening – unlocks Special Attack: Disrupter | 5. Disrupter – high beam ether damage vs all characters | 6. Devil’s Shell – high damage vs all characters | 7. Great Weapon – attack power increased (unlocks II skills) | 8. Malicious Charge II – high damage vs one target | 9. Wicked Laser II – high beam ether damage vs one target | 10. Devil’s Shell – very high damage vs all characters +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Attack E.S. Dan like normal, it will not really do anything for a while aside from Malicious Charge and Wicked Laser. After taking some damage, E.S. Dan will use Phantom Armor which will change the elemental attributes every turn. Take this into account when deciding what to attack with. Eventually he will start using Anima Awakening, at this point heal up and Charge to fend off the upcoming Special Attack. Disrupter will hit all your E.S.s with beam ether damage, but Charge and D-Beam should keep the damage at manageable levels. Keep on attacking, keeping your HP high to prevent yourself from dying at the wrong time. Also be sure to keep an eye on its weakness so you know which attack will be the most effective. Once E.S. Dan’s HP drops below 33%, it will use Great Weapon and unlock its stronger attacks. It will also combine them in a single turn, so your HP can drop to zero really fast. Be careful! Once its HP drops below 10% it will prepare to use its Anima Awakening one more time to wipe you out, but you should be able to survive, or use a level 3 Special Attack to kill him instead. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle head to the northeast room of the cathedral. Disembark from the E.S. at the platform to reach a chest with a Skill Upgrade D. Return to your E.S. and enter the northwest room this time. On the platform is a switch you must press to turn on the power. You can now go back outside to shop and recover if needed. When you are ready to continue, take the elevator in the northwest room to go deep underground. +----------------------------------+ --+ 3.9.4 Isolated Research Facility +----------------------------------------- +----------------------------------+ Recommended level: 58+ Enemies: Anathema Maranatha Leviat Leviat Officer Yacud Cannon Revised Crustata Serraninae Gadreel Svarozic Perun Once you reach the facility, go south and get on elevator 1 to reach the crates at the bottom. Inside you can find an All Repair. Go back up and destroy the crates near elevator 4. They contain a Nano Repair DX. Go down elevator 5 and destroy the carts at the end to clear a spot where you can disembark. Do so and go up the stairs. Behind the door is a switch that will open gate A-1. Return to your E.S. This time go down elevator 4. Continue south into the next area. A little south of the door you will find another place to disembark. Do so and use the conveyor belts to make your way south. Head all the way to the southeast end of the area and follow the last bit of the path to reach a chest holding a D-SP I. Head west again and you should eventually pass by a control panel. Blast it while in range to fix the conveyor belts so they move in two directions. Just north of where you dropped off is the switch to open gate A-2. Board your E.S. again. Go southeast and head north at the first fork to reach a chest which holds the Delta Edge III. Continue east and head north at the next fork. Save at the save point if you wish. Disembark at the ledge at the far end of the corridor. In the data room there hit all monitors that are still yellow and make them blue. Once all nine consoles have been activated, head through the newly opened door to the north and examine the console at the end. Download the data to obtain Update File 05. Return to your E.S. Return to the save point and disembark there. Head across to the west side to press a button which will open the nearby green gate for your E.S. Board it again and head through the gate. Clear out the enemies, then make your way to the northwest where you can hit a piece of the overhanging catwalk. Do so, then disembark to the northeast. Climb to the top and go west twice, then all the way south. Finally head east to find yourself at the chest which holds a Life Leech. Head northeast to return to your E.S. Look at the image above the red door for the solution to the puzzle. On the west side hit those green pieces that match the green pieces in the solution. For the yellow Zohar on the east side hit those pieces that match the yellow pieces in the solution. If you mess up, you will have to touch the gate and try again. Once the gate is unlocked either head back to save at the save point and return, or go straight through. Either way, you will end up in a boss fight, so equip D-Kill C, D-Kill R and D-Fire on all your E.S.s before heading inside. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 22 | E.S. Levi | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 900000 | EXP: 28000 | N.ITEM: D-Type M | | EP: - | SP: 40 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: - | G: 14000 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: - | | Immune: - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Acala’s Moan – high physical damage vs one target | 2. Indra’s Moan – high fire ether damage vs all targets, inflicts Skin Down | 3. Vajra Armor – increases defenses considerably, can only be broken by | Special Attacks | 4. Anima Awakening – unlocks Special Attack: Blazing Judgment | 5. Bodhisattva’s Moan – high physical damage vs one target, | inflicts F-Mine | 6. Blazing Judgment – very high fire ether damage vs one target | 7. Acala’s Moan II – high physical damage vs one target | 8. Indra’s Moan II – high fire ether damage vs all targets, | inflicts Skin Down | 9. Bodhisattva’s Moan II – high physical damage vs one target, | inflicts F-Mine +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ E.S. Levi has no particular weaknesses so you can use any attacks you want to. This is also your final E.S. battle so you can use any E.S. healing items that you want to. You will not need them anymore after this. If you get afflicted by Skin Down, be sure to remove it or you will take extra damage from Levi’s already powerful attacks. At some point, E.S. Levi will use Vajra Armor which will increase its defense and lower the damage it takes. The only way to remove this effect is to use Special Attacks to break the armor. Several level 1 Special Attacks should do the trick. Once Levi’s HP starts to get lower, it will use Anima Awakening and unleash Blazing Judgment, be sure to be guarding to be able to take the hit. D-Fire helps a lot as well. As Levi’s HP starts to drop in the lowest regions and Jin taunts Margulis again, its attacks will become a LOT more fierce, so save up your Special Attacks up to level 3 so you can unleash them all at once to finish it off quickly if needed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle, pick up Margulis’s Sword to learn Jin’s third Special Attack: Lightning Waltz. Exit east through the door back into the hallway. Save at the save point to the south and disembark from the E.S. You can now enter the door you could not open before. Take the elevator down. Start heading east and destroy the two red containers at the fork for an Ether Pack M. Continue further east from the fork and head up the stairs. Press the red button in the control room to open the shelter barricade. Head back down to the fork and this time head north. Go up the stairs and head into the unlocked shelter. Head north to the fork and destroy the red canisters for a Med Kit L. Continue to the end of the western tunnel and approach the machines near the edge. Blow them up for 5000G. Return to the last fork and head east, destroying more canisters for an Ether Pack L. Continue all the way to the end of the northeasternmost path. The containers at the end conceal a Skill Upgrade C. Head back to the last for and this time head northwest. Save at the save point and stock up on any needed items to fight more Gnosis mobs, then continue on down the path towards the distortion using the Ropeway. Make your way through the tough new Gnosis enemies (you might recognize the names from Episode I and II) all the way to the portal. Step inside to enter the next area. +-------------------------+ --+ 3.9.5 Underground Ruins +-------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------+ Recommended level: 60+ Enemies: Perun, Gadreel, Svarozic, Azazel, Armaros, Iblis Head north until you encounter a shining circle on the ground. These circles change the direction of the wall in front of you by 90 degrees. Step on the circle to try it out. Head west and all the way northeast as far as the path allows, ignoring any other circles you come across. You will eventually run across a chest containing Sarasvati’s Robe. Head west again and step on the circle so you can go northwest to obtain the Gustav Neck from another chest. Head back east and step on the circle. Continue southwest and step on that circle as well. Head to the next circle at the entrance and turn the wall. Head east and then north towards the next circle. Continue west and step on the circle, then keep heading west, turning northeast in a clockwise direction. When you reach the north end, continue into the next area. Head up to the fork. On the west side is the save plate, on the east side is a chest holding a Long Horn. Clear out the enemies, save and equip yourself for the upcoming boss battle with any anti-Beam accessories. When ready, head north into the next area and keep heading north. Shion will find herself in Lost Jerusalem. Head to the northeast corner and destroy the rocks to reach the grave in the back. Destroy it to open the stairs to the tomb and go inside. Showdown time! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 23 | T-elos | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 56000 | EXP: 32000 | N.ITEM: KAP-VEL | | EP: 530 | SP: 40 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 720 | G: 16000 | S.ITEM: Life Demon | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | | HUMAN | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: strong against fire | | Immune: Poison | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. MAGDALENE 16 – medium physical damage vs one target | 2. Satellite III – medium beam ether damage vs all targets | 3. U-TENERITAS – very high beam ether damage vs one target | 4. Heartbreaker – increases break power greatly | 5. Heaven’s Tracker – guarantees critical hits | 6. ECHIDNA – medium physical damage vs one target, increases Break gauge +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ T-elos uses mainly beam attacks, so if you have any beam-reducing equipment on you, that should help a bit. She is also a machine in human form, so break attacks are another option. Do not forget to steal Life Demon from her. Use your master skills when you are about to unload so you deal even more damage. This works exceptionally well with Jin’s Lightning Waltz. Keep your HP up and save a boost so you can interrupt T-elos’s special attacks and heal up if needed. Also keep Safety or Best Ally up at all times, because some of T-elos’s attacks can one-hit kill a character. If T-elos prepares for her special attack, have everyone guard. U-TENERITAS will probably one-shot most of your characters, even when guarding, but only one at a time, so revive if needed and heal. Keep pushing your attack and you should be fine. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle and cutscenes, KOS-MOS learns her final Special Attack, D-TENERITAS. Continue north into the opening that KOS-MOS created. Continue ahead. In the first crystal lies a Revive L. Note that the Gnosis in this area drop the Sephirotic Cahes needed to obtain Ziggy’s ultimate weapon. You will need to backtrack to the Elsa to obtain it once you get 99 of them however. Unless you are a completist, you can just continue on since you are close to the end. Continue northeast up the ramp to the save point. Head a little north, then west, to a path that leads southwest. The crystals here conceal a chest with the VI Emperor, and Skill Upgrade B. Head back to the save point and save, then continue north to the red crystal. Hit it to create a ramp to the next area. Head north along the path, destroying crystals as you go for a Med Kit DX. Once the path branches, head northwest first. To the west is a chest with the Five Stones. Go northeast, taking out the crystal for a Skill Upgrade C. When you hit another fork go southeast to clear out the path you passed by earlier. The nearby crystal contains a Rejuvenator M, the other one is empty. Head all the way north to the red crystal and hit it to create a path up. Halfway up the path is a save point. Save here for the upcoming boss battles. Head all the way up when you are ready. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 24a | Shion | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 9000 | EXP: 5000 | N.ITEM: Rejuvenator DX | | EP: 256 | SP: 40 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 80 | G: 0 | S.ITEM: Research Uniform | | TYPE: BIO | | | | HUMAN | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: - | | Immune: Poison, Heat | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Balance - increases accuracy and evasion | 2. Satellite II – low beam ether damage vs all targets | 3. Break Bash – low physical damage vs one target +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BOSS 24b | Kevin | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 12000 | EXP: 5000 | N.ITEM: Union Ring | | EP: 355 | SP: 40 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 150 | G: 0 | S.ITEM: White Shirt | | TYPE: BIO | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: - | | Immune: Poison, Heat | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Purify Wave – medium physical damage vs one target | 2. Lightning of Abyss – low thunder ether damage vs all targets | 3. Purify Wave II – medium physical damage vs one target | 4. Bird of Hellfire – low fire ether damage vs all targets +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is more like an event battle, so both Shion and Kevin are not very strong. Steal their items and attack them with strong attacks, but do not go all out as you have another battle right after this one. You can easily get Kevin and Shion in Break status to increase your damage. Focus on Shion first since she has the least HP. Once she goes down, Kevin will start using stronger attacks. Just finish him off quickly, but be sure to keep your HP up for the next battle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once you defeat them both, some more cutscenes ensue and the REAL boss battle will start. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 25 | Kevin | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 52000 | EXP: 40000 | N.ITEM: Kajic Ring | | EP: 999 | SP: 40 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 780 | G: 18000 | S.ITEM: Velvet Pannier | | TYPE: BIO | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: strong against ice, strong against thunder, absorbs fire | | Immune: Poison, Seal Ether, Seal Boost, Reflect Damage, Heat | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Dark Dignity: medium (?) damage vs one target | 2. Spark of Cold Flame: medium ice ether damage vs one target | 3. Forgotten Mercy: medium fire ether damage vs one target, | inflicts Seal Boost | 4. Grief of Despair: medium fire ether damage vs one target, | inflicts Seal Ether | 5. Lightning III: high lightning damage vs all targets | 6. Immoral Meridian: Special Attack that inflicts extremely high | fire ether damage vs one target | 7. Destructive Impulse: high fire ether damage vs all targets +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Kevin got an upgrade. Do not use anything other than physical or beam attacks on him, and especially not fire as he will absorb that. His attacks have also gotten considerably more powerful, and keeping yourself at full HP is no luxury. Do not forget to steal the Velvet Pannier for Shion. Be sure to apply Best Ally or Safety on all your characters, then start attacking him. Use Defensive and Offensive if you can spare the mp. Build up your Boost gauge, but try to always keep a Boost in reserve in case you do not get the chance to act before he uses his strongest attacks. Kevin will probably Revenge on quite a few of your attacks. Also be careful as some of his attacks can seal your special abilities. When Kevin prepares for his Special Attack, have everyone guard. Whoever is the target will most likely die as even unguarded his attack will still do tons of damage. If you have Best Ally, you can just keep attacking since you will be put back on your feet right away anyway. Soon after he will use Overtaker, which means he will start using his Special Attack more often. Keep your HP up and have Best Ally on at all times if possible. After that he will use Heaven’s Tracker which will increase his already powerful attacks to new heights. Soon after that he will also use Abyss Walker, which will render your physical attacks useless for a while. Ethers still work however, as do ether-based attacks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle run back to the save point to recover and save. Check your database, it should be complete now. If you return to Guiness in the Elsa’s E.S. hangar, he will reward you with a Kibisis. This is it, the final battle, so if you want to head back now to finish up something go ahead. Be sure to equip an item on one of your characters that allows you to view the enemy data. When you are ready to go, head into the door in the back of the hall for the final boss fight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | BOSS 26 | Zarathustra | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HP: 70000 | EXP: 0 | N.ITEM: - | | EP: 999 | SP: 0 | R.ITEM: - | | BL: 999 | G: 0 | S.ITEM: - | | TYPE: MACHINE | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attributes: strong against fire, strong against ice, strong against | | lightning, strong against beam | | changes during later part of the fight | | Immune: Poison, Seal Ether, Seal Boost, Reflect Damage, Heat | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attacks: | | 1. Trans Volans – high physical damage vs all targets | 2. Rasp – inflicts Seal Tech | 3. Ice Bolt III – high ice ether damage vs one target | 4. Col Passio – high thunder (?) ether damage vs one target | 5. Embryon – low physical damage vs all targets, increases Break gauge | 6. Compto Trio – elemental resistance changes | 7. Gratia – arms regenerate? | 8. Lumen Nebulae – extremely high damage vs one character | 9. Misty – inflicts Seal Ether | 10. Circuitos – extremely high damage vs all characters? +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Give your characters Best Ally immediately and keep it up at all times because most of Zarathustra’s attacks can instantly kill a character. Use whatever items you need to keep up your HP and EP, since you have no need for them anymore after this. Zarathustra is highly resistant to all elements, so only physical attacks will do their full damage potential. Focus on attacking with two characters while a third focuses mainly on healing. Try to focus on Zarathustra with Break attacks so you can eventually get it into Break status. This may take a while, but will eventually pay off as it will give you some time to deal uninterrupted damage. Look out for the Trans Volans attack as it can quickly wipe out your characters if it hits. It may also put them in Break status, so Break Heal when needed. Once you get the message that the core begins to gather energy, Break Heal as much as you can as Embryon will increase the gauges considerably. Once the Chaos of Zarathustra begins, the next phase of the battle starts. The chaos may cancel one of your characters’ turns at random. Zarathustra will also use Compto Trio which will change the elements that Zarathustra is immune against. This is your cue to use the elements you wish to deal out some nice damage. Use Heaven’s Tracker and Blood Dancer to do even more damage. Deal enough damage and eventually Zarathustra will regenerate its arms. It will also shift towards Order and use its very powerful Lumen Nebulae attack which will directly kill its target, so keep up Beloved Ally! Eventually, the circles of Order and Chaos will begin to resonate. At this point, do everything you can to apply Best Ally and guard as Zarathustra is preparing for another powerful attack: Circuitos. After that, a tear will form in space and time. At this point, use Heaven’s Tracker, Overtaker and Blood Dancer and such to increase your damage and just unload. Do not worry about remaining boost or Finish Strikes. You have to defeat Zarathustra before the countdown ends. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Congratulations! Watch the long but sweet ending movie now. When you are done, you can save your game. You can load it into the data viewer to view the database and scenes from the game. You can also use the Swimsuit mode to view the scenes with the characters in their swimsuits instead! Also, loading the Clear Game data will unlock Allen's Swimsuit and chaos's Flawless outfit. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< <> Section 4: Complete Information ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Coming soon...