Xenosaga Episode III Also Sprach Zarathustra For the Playstation 2 By ZeldaElf Email: zeldaelf@gmail.com This file is Copyright (c)2006 ZeldaElf. All rights reserved. This file was entirely written by me, unless otherwise noted in the Credits section of this file. If you wish to post this on your website, please e-mail me first. ****************************************************************************** Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Various Quotes from the Series 4. Various Bible References from the Series and Bible verses 5. Credits ******************************************************************************* Introduction: Six months pass since Old Miltia was destroyed by the apperance of Proto Omega in response to the Gnosis phenomenon, which has been accelerating its rate of expansion throughout the universe, the Galaxy Federation Government and autonomous states hurry to implement the grand anti-Gnosis Zohar Project. However, the Gnosis began attacking major cities on planets throughout the galaxy. While investigating this "Gnosis Terrorism", Shion learns that the interstellar network U.M.N. and her father Suou Uzuki were involved with the attacks. Knowing this, she quits Vector Industries and teams up with Scientia, an anti-U.M.N. organization she came across while investigating the Gnosis terrorism, and begins working to expose Vector's secrets. Six more months pass. The year is now T.C. 4768 and the final chapter of this saga is about to unfold. ******************************************************************************* Walkthrough: *Opening scene* After landing, and listening to them all talk, Miyuki will tell you that she has added the Database. It will automatically take you there. Under Category there is a list of Characters, Cultural, Events, Locations, Weapons, Organizations, Unknown, Town Report, Story, Tutorial. Each will have a percentage next to it, though at this time there will be none by Weapons, Town Report and Tutorial. Read through each one if you like, they help to give alot of information about the past two games. This is very helpful, especially if you haven't played either one before now. After you are done, press the X button to exit. Listen to Miyuke explain some more about the Database. Your goal is to get 100% in each category. After getting control of Shion, save at the gold plate on the right side. As you move toward it, Shion will explain what it does, and you get your first Database update! You may check the Database anytime by pressing the triangle button, and scrolling down to it. Press the circle button to open the Database. If you check it now, you will see that you now have a star by Tutorial, and it is at 3%. Now, continue forward and Shion will explain how to get through the locked gate. You will also recieve another Database update. Do as she says, and press the square button to blast through the gate. Running forward, you will see a door on top of the hill but it is locked. At the bottom, on the left and right sides are red pillars. Shoot at each one, by pressing the square button and the door will open. Run through the open door, and you will come to two breakable objects. This time, Shion will explain how to change targets. Press either the L1 or R1 buttons to change the target, then press the square button to destory both objects. Continue to the next obstacle. Shion will say that she," needs to get each key plate into the correct socket in order to disengage the security." If you mess up, stand in front of the console on the left side and press the circle button. It will reset the plates, so you can try again. Move forward, until the target shows up on the plates, then press either the R1 or L1 button to change the target to the large middle plate. Destory it, then target the bottom plate and destory it, and finally destroy the top plate. It will light up and the door will open ahead. Go through the door, and destroy all of the objects. You will get 50G from the middle object! After destroying all the ojects, move forward and press the circle button by the door top open it. After going through the door, Shion will stop and tell you about Segment Address doors. After she is done, you will get your third Database update. Move to the Segment Address door on the left side and press the circle button in front of it. You can't open it yet, but this way it will show up once you get the Segment Address file. Continuing forward, press the circle button at the next door to open it. Once through the door, follow the path around the corner. Immediatley as you move around the corner, there will be a railing on the right side. Turn right by it, and follow the path all the way around. There will be several objects by the exit door to destroy. Destroy each one, you will get an Analyze Ball hidden under the first object. Destorying the second one, causes a and they will all be destroyed. Continue through the next two doors and press the circle by the closed third door top open it. After going through the door, continue down the path and once again there will be more objects to destroy. As before, press the square button and they will all blow up. Hidden underneath them will be 100G, Nano Repair M, and 300G inside the treasure chest(press the circle button to open it). Running down the path, press the square button and and exit door will be blown open. Exiting the door, turn left and press the circle button to open the door in front of you. After going through the door, Shion will tell you that this is the last security point in Sector 1. She will continue to say that it is disengaged by color input. After Shion finishes explaining about the security point, move forward and the colors on the ground will light up. I got white, red, blue and yellow. Now, move forward onto the podium, and the will start to move around. You must destroy them in the order that the lights lit up. So I would destroy white, red, blue then the yellow one. They move quickly, so try to press the square button as soon as the target shows up on the color that you need. Remember, if you mess up, you can press the circle button at the console to reset it. The console is to the left, and back toward the door you came through a little bit. Once you have released the last security point, step off the podium and run to the left side. Go up the ramp, to the end and press the square button to shatter the breakable objects. It takes about 3 hits for the large one, 2 for the middle size, and 1 for the smallest one. You will recieve an anitode after this. Now, run to the right side, and go up that ramp. As before, once you get to the end smash the breakable objects. You recieve an analyze ball. Finally, backtrack down the ramp and move past the podium, to the elevator. Press the circle button, when it asks "move?". You will be brought to Sector 2. Sector 2: Run forward to the gold plate and press the circle button to save your game. From the gold plate, run forward, up the stairs and smash the breakable object for a Med Kit S. Turn around, go back down the stairs and turn left at the intersection. Shion will tell you that their is a guard system. After she speaks, continue forward and "run into" the guard. This will be your first battle in the game, and a Battle Tutorial will explain it. You have no Tech skills at the moment, so just press the cirlce button to attack. Remember, if you are hurt too badly, you can go back to the gold save plate to heal for free. Afterwards, you will recieve another Database Update. Run forward, and turn to the right(there is a wall blocking the path to the left). Don't go toward the next guard yet, instead turn to the right and move down the stairs. There will be two paths, move first to the right and smash the breakable object for a Med Kit M. Now, go straight to the other path, break the wall and smash the breakable object for a Remover. Now, turn around and go back, turning right up the stairs running into the next guard to start a battle. This next Battle Tutorial will explain Boost and Special Attack. To use a characters Special attack, do not boost. Instead the boost must build up to the number in the upper right hand corner, which is 3 right now. You will notice after the first attack, it should say 1. The guards aren't very difficult, so if you want to build up the Boost so you can do a special attack and get extra EXP, SP and G, knock out one guard, then have the last character "escape". You will still recieve some EXP, SP and G. Keep fighting the same guard, until the Boost is built up enough to use a Special attack. Soon as a character is able to use one, have them use it and they should take out one guard themselves, continue to take out the next guard for a special bonus. At this time, Shion is the only one able to use a Special Attack. You will recieve another Database Update afterwords. After the battle, run forward up the stairs, then down the next set of stairs. Continue, down the path breaking the walls. You will again come to two different paths. Turn left, to the treasure chest you could see earlier but couldn't get too. Press the circle button to open it, and recive 300G. From the treasure chest, run straight to the end and smash the breakable object for a Nano Repair M. Now, turn around and run back turning to the left at the intersection. Follow this path back up the stairs and turn left at the top of them at the intersection. You will that the guard isn't facing you. Run into it, and this next Battle Tutorial will be about Back Attacks. After this battle you will recieve yet another Database Update. Now, run forward following the path around and up the stairs. You will see a guard circling around a pillar. As the guard comes around, run into the back of it for a back attack, if you want. After the battle, run foward, and pressing the circle open the doors. At the end, once again press the circle button at the elevator when it asks "Move?". You will end up in Sector 3. Sector 3: After Shion speaks, move off of the elevator and follow the path down and around. You will come to a larger area, with a breakable object. There is nothing under it, but go ahead and smash it if you want. Now, move left to the console, and press the circle button. When it asks if you want to "Press the switch?" press the circle button again. A new path will then appear. From the console, run up the new path and open the treasure chest for a Update File 01 and another Database Update. After getting the treasure, go around to the right and run into the guard. This time, one of the guards may be a V.M.P. Elf which is more difficult, so knock it out first. Now, go down the path and smash the breakable object to battle another guard. Remember, you do not have to do this, however the more you fight, the more EXP, SP, G and items you gain. Also, you cannont escape from these types of battles. After the battle run down the left path, and smash the next breakable object for 100 G. After getting the treasure, turn around and run back up the path and around past the treasure chest. Follow the path down, instead of going back to the console, take the left path. Follow this path down, and smash the breakable object for a guard battle. I am sorry that you cannot avoid this one, because you have to get to the console that is ahead. Continue along the path to the console, and press the circle button at it. Then press the circle button again, when it asks, "Press the switch?". Once again, another new path will appear. From the console, turn around and follow the path up and to the left to the first console. Make your way down the path, to the new one. On the new path, turn right at the intersection(fourth space down). At the end smash the breakable object for a Antidote. After getting the Antidote, turn around and go back,down turning right to continue along the new path. About halfway across the new path, you will see another console and treasure chest. However, you can't get to them right now. So, keep running along the path, smashing the breakable object that is in the way. Run up the path, to the second breakable object. There will be two paths, one to the left and one to the right. Take the left path first. Follow it around to another console. Press the circle button at the console. This time, two new paths will appear. From the console, run back down the path, turning right at the intersection. Make your way back along the path, you will see the console from earlier that you couldn't get too. This time however, you will also see a path to it. Continue along the path to the first console, only this time instead of going up to it, there will be a new path off of it. Turn right, onto the new path and run down, smashing the breakable object for a guard battle. After the battle, follow the path straight to the treasure chest. Press the circle at the chest to get a Revive M. Turn around, and turn right down to the last console. Press the circle button at it, and the last new path will appear, making a short cut so you don't have to run all the way around again. From the console, run up the path and turn right. Continue along the path, and turn right onto the new path.Run down the new path, and turn left at the bottom. Finally, run up the path. About halfway, smash the breakable object for a Med Kit S, then continue to the elevator at the top of the path. Press the circle button at the elevator, and you will be brought to Sector 4. Sector 4: Step off of the elvator and run foward through the door. Both the doors to the back of you and front of you will close. After Shion speaks, smash the breakable object for a TrapX5, then smash the next breakable object for another TrapX5. Continue running foward, toward the guard, before you get there, Shion will stop and explain the use of Traps to you. She will automatically set this one, and run into the guard. Remember to set a trap, press the R2+square button, then press the square button to detonate it. Once the battle begins, it will explain Traps also. After the battle, you will recieve another Database Update. Now, run straight ahead and press the circle button to open the doors. On the other side, you will see 3 guards circling around, and one in the middle. You can either attack the guard in the middle first, or the ones circling around. For this, I attacked the guard in the middle first. After knocking out the guards, open the treasure chest by pressing the circle and get the Ether Pack S. Now, turn around and attack the guards circling around. After the battles, run around the left side of the circle to the top. Turn left at the top, and run up the ramp. Press the square button to destroy the wall, then run forward to the elevator. Pressing the circle button will take you to the last section. Sector 5: Run foward and press the circle at the gold plate to save your game. Continue, straight ahead running past the first console, to the circle on the upper left side. Press the circle, and you will be taken to another console. Press the circle at it to secondary security. After doing this, step on the circle and you will be brought back to the main area. Run to the circle on the right side, and press the circle button to be brought to another console. Once again, press the circle button at it to again disengate secondary security. Step on the circle, and when you brought back to the main area run to the console at the top of the screen. Press the circle button at this one to disengage primary security. After doing all this, save your game at the gold save plate. Your first boss battle is just ahead. Otherwise, run straight back to the console you past up earlier and press the circle button to login to the main server. **Scene** After Shion speaks, run forward to the console and press the circle button. **Scene** Boss battle Sigrdrita: As the battle begins it will explain about breaks. During this battle have Canaan use Jackal under Tech, until his EP runs out. You can either have Miyuki use Lightening Blast under her Tech, or she can heal herself/others with either Media S under Ether or items. Have Shion use Lunar Blade 1 under Tech to attack. I had all the 3 characters attack the first few rounds. If either of the ladies get hit too much, they will break and lose 2 turns, so have Caanan use Heat under his Ether to attract the monster away from them. When Sigrita's head hangs, check its HP. When it gets to around to 200-250HP, have Shion use a special attack Break Bash for a final attack. When I did it, she did 290HP damage. **Scene** Pedea Island: **Scene** After Shion and Miyuki speak, you will get another Database Update. After that, run down the path to the beach. Go to the tree on the far left side and press the square button. Press the square button again, after the coconuts fall to get 100G. Now, run forward into the water. You will see a rock pillar ahead, you can press the square button to knock it down if you wish, but there is nothing under it. Run to the right side, to the next rock pillar. Climb on top of it and press the square button to knock it down and also for a treasure chest. Press the circle button to open the chest and get the Decoder 8. Turn around, run off of the pillar and turn right, running across the water to a path on the other side. If you want, you can go into the first cave for a beautiful view of the ocean and some dolphins, otherwise, stay on the path to the top. Press the square button on the large rock for a Med Kit M, and press the square button again when you turn around on the rock wall to reveal a door. Press the circle button at the door, however you can't go into it yet, so head back down the path and run across the water to the beach again. On the left side of the beach, save your game at the gold plate. Run straight up the beach to a path on the left side. Follow the path, until Shion says she has an "incoming mail on the residential PC". After she speaks, run toward the tree on the right side in front of the Dinah and press the square button. Press it again when the coconuts fall to get a Revive M. After getting it, continue running past the Dinah and through the hut, pressing the square button at the tree. Then once again, when the coconuts fall to get 100G. Now, go back into the hut and you may look around if you want. Otherwise, to keep things going press the circle button at the PC to read your e-mail. **Scene** After several scenes, it will ask if you want to save again. End of Prologue **Scene** After several more scenes you will have your first ES battle. The Battle Tutorial will explain ES battles, as it did character battles. **Scene** First boss ES battle Levi: This time the Battle Tutorial will explain about using Anima Awakening. This special attack is like the characters special attack, only with the ES. If you receive too much damage, charge or use items to restore HP to your ES, otherwise keep attacking with normal attacks until the Anima Awakening bar shows one on it. Have each character use their special attack to take out this boss. **Scene** After several more scenes, you will be asked if you wish to save the game. End of Chapter 1 After several scenes, Shion will be at the Federation Orbital Space Port, and you will also have your 10th Database Update. Run forward, and a bit to the left to talk to the man in orange Zozie. He will tell you to press the square button, after you do, he will explain that this is how you start a conversation with another person. After speaking with him, run over to the next man in orange looking out the window, and press the square button. After speaking to Randy, turn around and run past the entrance you came in, to the desk. Speak to Michigan and Missouri, by pressing the square button when prompted. From here, continue to the left and instead of going on the automatic walkway, walk up the small ramp to the lady and little girl. Speak to Maino and Porte, by pressing the square button, then run down the other side of the walkway. Speak to Torino by pressing the square button, before going over to the lady by the elevator, move to the two men by the wall and speak to them by pressing the square button. After speaking to Cyril and Alex, go back to the lady by the elevator. Speak to Iowa by the elevator by pressing the square button, then enter the elevator and press the circle button. **Scene** After the scenes, exit the elevator and speak to the lady on the right side by pressing the square button. After speaking to, Cisca, run down and speak to Paula and Rubala. Once you have talked to them, continue to the left side to the console. Press the circle button if you wish to hear more about the Merkobah. Either way, continue across the bridge to the other side. Once on the other side, speak to Ai right next to the bridge, then speak to Michael and Ran on the left side. From there, turn around and run to the right side and speak to Arnuad and Wood to hear a litle about the game HaKox. Finally, exit the building by pressing the circle buttonat the doors. Outside, after Shion speaks go down the path to the SE to the large red triangle. Press the circle button once you are there to enter the 1st Business District - South. First Business District: Speak to Kunert by the gold save plate, then save your game by pressing the circle button on the plate. Run straight ahead, and turn left up the stairs into Cafe Stream. Once inside, smash the breakable objects on the right side for a Antidote. Then, go to the counter, and speak with Oksana. Tell him you are looking for the secret menu. After speaking with him, turn around and turn right and smash the next breakable objects on the right side for a Remover. After getting the item, continue straight up the steps and speak to Dasha. Then, go back down the stairs and speak to Nadezhda and Fyodar in the first booth. After speaking to them, run along the booths to Kesar and speak to him. From here, run around the corner to the left and speak to Boris then exit the resturant. Go down the stairs, and speak to Wyme and Era, then go up the next stairs across the street. Speak with Pete, then move left to Quincys Select Shop. Press the circle button, to buy some things. Buy the Auto Macer and Denim Jacket for Shion. I bought 3 Snake eyes, Shock Absorbers and Red Oasis for any characters in battle. I purchased 2 more Antidote and 1 more Analyze Ball. Remember to equip all new equipment on your characters. Run to the left and down the ramp, speak to Kitora then continue straight up the path. Speak to Nick, then Marie, and Arthur. After talking to arthur, move forward and smash all of the breakable objects, you will then automatically speak to Theodore who will give you the Segment File. If you open it now, and scroll down, you will notice that you have the address and decoder for the number 8 door. Exit out of this, and he will ask if you want him to explain the segment files to you. If you do, go ahead and say yes, but if not just say no. The Morbius Hotel will be right in front of you, however do not go there yet, as we have a few other things to do first. Turn around and turn left, speak to Jason and Guiness. Then, speak to Void, and finally Helen and Gabriel. From here, run up the ramp to the park. In the park, speak with Barbads, the boy who is straight ahead as you enter, then speak to Hellene who is past him to hear about park at night. Turn around and turn left, smashing the breakable objects on the left side(middle) for 100G. Continue running straight and talk to Isakias about the Database and password for the secret menu at Cafe Stream. He won't know it now, but we will come back later. Past him, smash the breakable objects on the right side for a Down Repair, then speak with Pelegaia before you go up the steps. Now, run up the stairs, and speak to Dario and Paala on the left side. Go toward the bionculars and speak to Duke and Agatha, and finally Zoe by the bionculars. From here, run down the steps on the left side and follow the small ramp down into the water. Follow the path around and smash the breakable object for 200G. Turn around, and make your way back up the stairs and go down the steps on the right side again. Follow the path to the entrance and exit the park area. After exiting the park, continue down the ramp and turn right by Void, pressing the circle button to open the door. In the Merkobah area, run around to all the consoles and press the circle button to learn about the Merkobah. If you wish to play HaKox, turn left at the entrance, and press the circle button at the console. Remember, you can get some good prizes for playing. When you are finished, make your way back and exit. After exiting the building, turn right then right again at the end of the path to the Morbius Hotel. Press the circle button to open the doors at the Morbius Hotel, and smash the breakable object on the left side for 50G. After getting the treasure, move straight ahead and up the ramp to meet with Allen. **Scene** Before taking the elevator up to your room, run to the left and speak with Farin. At the end press the circle button at the console. Press the circle button again when it asks if you want to "kick it". You will recieve 10G. Turn around and speak to Hermie sitting in the booth. Smash the breakable object on the left side for a Med Kit S, then smash the next breakable objects at the end for a Nano Repair DX. Now, turn left and smash all the breakable light balls on the left side for a Med Kit S. Speak with Masha, then smash the breakable light balls on the right side for 50G. Finally, head back to the elevator and press the circle button at the console to be taken to your room. After exiting the elevator, run down the steps on the left side into your room. **Scene** After Shion wakes up, go over to the console to and press the circle button to see an old friend. **Scene** Afterwards, you will recieve another Database Update. Go up the stairs, and save your game at the gold plate, then move to the elevator pressing the circle button to be taken to the lobby of the hotel. Go down the ramp, and exit the hotel. After Shion speaks, run straight ahead, turning right into Cafe Stream. **Scene** After all of the scenes, save your game at the gold plate, then take the elevator to the lobby once more. **Scene** Run down the ramp, and exit the hotel. Turn right to exit the business district. From here, turn right and move past 2 streets. Turn right at the last one, and go all the way E to the red triangle. That is the CAT center. CAT Center: **Scene** After all of the scenes you will recieve another Database Update. Then, speak to Philip on the left side to learn about "transporters", Ymir to learn about "ZMT", and finally Luriel in the information booth to learn about "Entrance", "Demonstration Site", "Gnosis Storage Section", Special Weapon Development", and "Vector Section". After talking to them, run straight ahead and down the ramp. Speak to Hearald about "ZMT" and Deny about "Fourth Special Performance Ground". Now, move past Deny and press the circle button at the gate of #2 to board the transporter. Press it again, to take it. After stopping, you will automatically exit the transporter. Turn right and speak to Zack about "Fourth Performance Grounds". Turn around, and run straight ahead. Speak to Piers about "Special Weapon Development Sector", then move past her and turn left running up the ramp at the end. At the top of the ramp, speak to Pilon about "Special Guests" and Agaser about "invited". Not very friendly, are they? Run to the left side and speak to Samnuel and Meg about "Kos-Mos", then open the door behind them by pressing the circle button. **Scene** After all of the scenes, you will recieve another Database Update. Speak to Kinsey about "Interstellar Weapon System", Henry "TP-XX", and Gregory about "demonstration". Run up the steps and speak to Luft about "box" and Ally about "this Omega" on the left side. Run up the next set of steps and speak to Emmet about "Federation Top Brass". Finally, run back to the right side and press the circle button to open the door and exit. Run straight ahead. **Scene** Doesn't Abel look like Fei as a boy from Xenogears? After all of the scenes, you will recieve another Database Update. Now, run to the right side of the room and press the circle button at the treasure box to open it and recieve Decoder 04. Turn around and run toward the door, you can stop to look at the drawing of "Nephalim" if you wish. Speak to Juli about "research ward", then move to the door and press the circle button to exit. After leaving Juli's room, speak with Pilon about "Committe Member Mizrahi" and Agassi by the double doors about "Roth Mantel". Then open the doors, by pressing the circle button. On the other side, turn right and move down the steps, then up the next set of steps. Speak to Ian and Sienna about "piloting ability". Run past them, and turn right pressing the circle button at the end to open the door. Speak to Ripoll, and Zamora about "Omega's pilot". Continue down the ramp, turning left speak to Jaime about "Vector" then speak to Emily about "#4". Save your game at the gold save plate. Turn around and run back to #4, press the circle button to board the transporter. You will be taken to the next section. After exiting, speak with Thanders about "Section 7". Turn around and run straight ahead, speaking to Elias about "Omega". Continue past him and speak with Lei and Jaffer about "Gnosis" then press the circle button at the door to open it. **Scene* After all of the scenes, run through the next door and speak to Cobretty about "Vector", then press the circle button to open the next door. Through the next door and speak to Julia about "development chief", Larry about "T-elos", Morton "Section 9". Move through the next door and speak to Ted about "Cheif Uzuki", Curia about "face", "Mallot" about "Vector's Labratory", and Murtough about "Special Weapon Development Sector." Open the door by pressing the circle button past him, and save your game at the gold save plate. Press the circle button at the elevator, to open the doors then once again to be taken to the level below. Run straight ahead and press the circle button at the doors on the right to open it. **Scene** After the scenes, exit the CAT Center and return to the hotel. Use the elevator inside the hotel by pressing the circle button and return to Shion's room. **Scene** After all of the scenes, you will recieve another Database Update. Save your game at the gold save plate, then move to the elevator and press the circle button. **Scene** After the scenes, move to the elevator and press the circle button to be taken to the Lobby. Exit the hotel, and turn right to exit the city. Outside the city, turn right, and run straight ahead to the Orbital Elevator. Inside, speak with Michael and Ron on the right side about "battleship", Rubalo on the left side about "pop idol" and finally Ali about "terrorist activity". Run over the bridge past Ali, to the elevator. Press the circle button in the elevator, to be taken to the space station. Turn left, and left again by the window to see the ES Dinah. **Scene** After the scene, turn right and run straight ahead to the elevator. Enter the elevator and press the circle button to be taken to Fifth Jerusalem. After exiting the elevator, turn slightly left, run back across the bridge and exit the building. Outside, turn right and run straight ahead along the main path. Turn left at the street, and enter the city. Open the doors to the hotel by pressing the circle button, and run up the ramp. At the top of the ramp, Shion will automaically stop and speak with Allen. He will explain "Skill Points" and also give you 20 of his! Speak with Allen again to start the next sequence when you are ready. CAT Testing Center at night(Time to save Kos-Mos!): **Scene** After the scene, run down the steps and buy any items/equipment at the blue plate, then save your game at the gold save plate. Now, move to the gate and press the circle button to board the mono-carrier. Upon exiting the mono-carrier, turn left and you will see a guard ahead. Wait until his back is turned, then run into him to start a battle. After the battle, turn right and at the end press the circle button at the elevator. Run straight ahead, and press the square button to move the bridge over. Now, turn around and run back, pressing the circle button on the elevator to be brought up to the upper level. From the elevator, run straight ahead and turn left, going down the stairs. At the bottom, turn left again and run into the guard to start a battle. Afterwards, run straight ahead, following the path around to the right, then turn left at the first intersection, running into the guard. After knocking out the guards, press the circle button on the door for Segment Address 10. Turn around, and turn left. At the end press the square button to move the next bridge into place. Turn around, and run straight ahead, following the path around to the steps. Turn right at the top, continue straight ahead and turn left, running into a guard. Now that you have knocked them out, press the square button to smash the breakable objects on the right side to recieve an Analyze Ball. After getting the item, move straight ahead, turning right and into yet another guard. Press the circle button at the end to open the door. Run up the steps, and press the circle button again to open the door at the top. Turn left and run through the open doorway to the treasure box. Press the circle button to recieve 500G. Turn around, and run straight ahead until you come to #2. Press the circle button at the gate to board the transporter. Upon exiting the transporter, turn left and run up the ramp. At the top, immediatly turn left, then right and into the guard. Press the circle button at the door behind the guard to open it. Inside, turn right, then left down the steps. Turn left again and press the circle button at the treasure box to receive a Van Brace. After getting the treasure, turn around and turn right up the steps, then right again to the door. Open the door by pressing the circle button, and run straight ahead. Turn left, running into the guard. Then run into the robot guard. Now, press the circle button at the door to open it. On the other side, turn right, down the steps, up the steps, then turn right again. At the end press the circle button to open the door. As you exit a robot guard will be waiting right by the door. Run straight ahead and into the next guard. After knocking them out, run down the ramp and turn left. Save your game at the gold save plate at the end. Now, take transporter #6 first and once you exit, turn left. Smash the breakable objects by pressing the square button to recieve 100G. You can't get into this area right now, so board the transporter again. Next, take transporter #5. After exiting, turn right. **Scene** Run straight ahead, and turn right. Press the circle button at the panel on the right side to open the elevator door. Press the circle button again to be taken to the next level. Upon exiting, turn right and press the circle button to open the door. Run across the bridge and press the circle button to open the door on the other side of the bridge. After going through the door, turn left and run into a robot guard. Run straight ahead and up the stairs. Press the square button to smash the breakable objects on the right side to receive a Remover. Turn around and run into the guard. After the battle, turn left and press the circle button to open the door. Run straight ahead and into the guard. Afterwards, press the circle button at the console. Turn around and run back, pressing the circle button at the door to open it. Now, turn left and left again onto the elevator. Press the circle button to brought down to the level below. Run down the steps and press the circle button at the console. You need to press the square button on the various rotating objects(3,2,1,4) to form a bridge. Remember, if you make a mistake you can reset them at the console. After forming the bridge, run back up the stairs and turn right, running across the new bridge. Board the elevator and press the circle button to be brought up to the next level. Exit the elevator, and turn left pressing the circle button to open the door. Through the door, run across the bridge to the guard. After the battle, continue across to the console. Press the circle button at it, then turn around and run back across, pressing the circle button to open the door. On the other side, a guard will be waiting. After knocking out the guards, run straight ahead and press the square button to smash the breakable objects at the end to recieve an Anti-Crystal. Now, turn left and run up the stairs and into the robot guard. Continue running straight ahead, and press the circle button at the end to open the door on the left side. Going through the door, make your way around across the bridge to the left side. Press the circle button to open the door at the end. Then, press the circle button at the elevator to be taken to the next level. After exiting the elevator, turn left and press the circle button to open the next door. Exit through this door, and turn left running to the other side of the room. When you are about half way across the room, there will be a **mini scene**. Save your game at the gold save plate, then press the circle button to open the door. Turn left, and enter the elevator, pressing the circle button to be brought up a level. Run straight ahead and into the huge robot to start a battle. If you need too, return to the previous room with the gold save plate and heal. Whatever you do, run straight ahead and into the next huge robot. I would suggest returning after this second battle to save once again as there is a boss battle ahead. Past the second huge robot guard, press the circle button to open the door. In the next room, press the square button to smash the breakable objects to reveal Segment Address 4. Press the circle button twice, to open it. At the treasure chest press the circle button to recieve a KWP-X1. After getting the treasure, exit segment address room, and turn left. At the end, press the circle button on the console on the right side to bring the elevator up and "hear" Shion and Miyuki argue. Now, press the circle button at the door with the blue light above it, to open it. On the other side, turn right and run into the robot guard. Run straight ahead, and turn left into the guard. The Yuriev guards are a little tougher than the others were. After the battle, run into the next guard, then turn left. Press the switch on the left side of the wall, to open the panel. Run around to the other side, and into the guard. After the battle, press the switch on the right side of the wall, to open the room in the back with the treasure box. Run to the box, and press the circle button to open it and recieve a G-Legal/42. After getting the treasure, turn right and smash the breakable objects on the left side to recieve 100G. Don't smash the large boxes, unless you want to battle another robot guard. Run up the steps, and turn right moving across the bridge. Climb up the ladder, and turn left, opening the treasure box by pressing the circle button to recieve a Half Repair. After getting the treasure, turn around and run straight ahead and around. Continue down the steps, pressing the circle button at the panel on the back wall. Now, press the circle button at the door to open it. Save your game at the gold save plate. Press the circle button to take the elevator. **Scene** After the scenes, run straight ahead and press the circle button to open the big double doors. Continue through the next set of doors by pressing the circle button. In the next room, move to the left side and run through the door. Continue running across the bridge, and through the next door way. Run around the junk on the left side, press the square button to smash the breakable object at the end to receive a Anti-Crystal. After getting the item, run around to the right side. **Scene** After the scenes, run straight ahead, turning left at the top. Press the square button to smash the breakable object that is blocking your path. A robobt guard will be waiting inside. Now, press the square button to smash the breakable objects on the right side to receive a Ether Pack S. If you want to battle another robot guard, smash the top right breakable object by pressing the square button. Run to the top of the room. **Scene** After the scenes, run to the elevator on the right. Press the circle button at the console to be brought up to the level above. Upon exiting the elevator, run to the left side and save your game at the gold save plate. Prepare your party, because several battles are comming with VX-7000's. Run straight ahead, and the doors on the sides will open. Immediatly turn around, and run into the huge robots, so they don't get a back attack on your party. If you are quick enough, you can run back to the save point to heal between each battle. I used Shion, Jin and Kos-Mos. I had Shion use Lunar Blade under her Tech, Jin use Armor Pierce under Tech, and Kos-Mos regular attack. When the boost line was at 2, I had Kos-Mos use her Special Attack, G-Shot. Now, save your game at the gold save plate as a boss battle is just ahead. Run down the path, turning left then right. Continue running straight ahead. **Scene** Boss Alundra Calf: Keep using normal attacks with 2 members, and have someone that can use Beam in your party such as Momo. Shion can steal a White Fragment that can be sold for G. Use analyze every so often to check it's HP, and when it gets down use a Special Attack to end this battle. **Scene** End of Chapter 2 Back on the Elsa: After saving KOS-MOS and boarding the Elsa, speak to Tony, Captain Matthews, Hammer, and Juli on the bridge by pressing the square button. After this, exit this area by pressing the circle button at the door. Outside the bridge area, examine the three colored plates on the left side. There is the standard gold save plate, a green and blue plate. The blue plate is a "shop". You may purchase items and equipment both for your characters and ES's here. The green plate is a UMN plate. When you click on it, you may go back to any area that you have previously visited. This is nice for getting more skill points, EXP, and money. Right now, move your character to the blue plate and press the circle button. Scroll down to where is says "Buy Equipment". You will notice alot of new equipment for sell. Buy and equip all new equipment on your characters and ES's. If you don't have enough money, which I didn't, buy all you can then go to the green plate and back to the CAT center to make more by battling guards. You may also sell some of your used equipment, however, you may not sell the equipment your characters orginally came with. You may also sell any junked circuits, scrap iron or white fragments under your items list. After doing all this, it is time to board your ES. From the plates, run to the right, down the ramp and turn left to the ES elevator. Press the circle button to enter the elevator, then press it again to be taken outside the Elsa, in your ES craft. You will arrive at the Floating Land Mass that was once a part of Lost Jerulsum. Floating Land Mass: Follow the path in your ES, until you see an enemy guard ahead. Run into the guard, and a battle tutorial will come up. ES battles are an excellent way to earn alot of EXP, money, and skill points. After the battle, you will recieve another Database Update. Now, continue along the path and and press the square button to smash the breakable object in front of you. Press it again at the wall, it will take about 3 times to smash it. Follow the path around, and press the square button to smash the breakable object, blocking you way. Once that is done, continue along the path and smash the next breakable object. Continue along the path, and Shion and KOS-MOS in the ES Dinah, will stop, at a Geocrystal. KOS-MOS will explain it, they can't be destroyed by the weapons on the ES's. After the conversation, turn right into a cave a little ways up the path. Destroy the enemy guard, then move over to the Geocrystal. It is blocking a door, so we'll have to figure out a way to destroy it. Exit the cave, and turn right making your way up the path. After you go up the hill, press the square button on the Geocrystal on the right side to push it over the edge. It will fall, smashing the Geocrystal below it. Now, continue up the hill, after quite a ways you will finally come to a gold save plate. There will be a Geocrystal blocking your path, so save your game and enter the cave to the right. At the intersection, turn left and make your way all the way over to the left side. Turn right, and go up the hill. Follow this path to the top, smashing the breakable object about half way. At the top, turn to the right, and continue up the path. Finally, at the end, press the circle button to open the treasure chest and you will recieve a new frame for the ES Dinah! Equip this now, and it will raise your HP to 13000. After equiping the new HP frame, turn around and make your way to the bottom of the path. At the bottom, turn left, then left again up the next path, smashing the breakable object across the path. Make your way to the top of the path, and at the top press the square button to push the geocrystal over the edge. It will smash the geocrystal that was blocking the door in the cave you went into earlier. Now, once again make your way to the bottom of the path and turn left. Go down this next path, and make your way around, to the bottom. At the bottom, turn left, then left again and up the next path. As you are moving toward the top, smash the breakable object in your path. Continue to the top, and at the intersection, you may turn left and push the geocrystal over the edge if you wish. It will miss the one below it. If you do this, turn around and make your way back and go straight, otherwise just turn right at the interestion and make your way to the top,smashing the breakable object in your path. At the next intersection, turn left, the right side is a dead end. At the end, push the geocrystal over the edge. This time, it will smash the one below, and you will automatically go down to the gold save plate. Save your game at the bottom, and instead of going up the path, turn around and go down the path, turning left into the cave. Move to the left side, picking up the Rough Geocrystal and you will exit your ES by the door. Move to the door, and press the circle button for it to be added to the segment file. Now, exit the cave, turn right, and follow the path back up to the gold save plate. Save once more, and make your way up the hill, turning right through the cave. **Scene** Boss fight Naphtali(Blue Testaments ES): Use normal attacks and as soon as a ES's Anima Awakening line fills up, use it immediatly because it changes all the time and can disappear. Use charge and items as needed to heal. As usual, watch its HP and when it gets low, use a Special attack to end the fight. **Scene** After all of the scenes, run forward and save your game at the gold save plate. There is also a shop here, if you need to purchase any items or equipment. After saving and or purchasing items/equipment break the boxes on the right side for a Med Kit L. After recieving this, turn around and turn left onto the dirt road. Follow the road around. **Scene** After the scene, turn left and continue up the dirt road. After moving a little ways, the target will show up on the left side of the road. Press the square button to smash the breakable object for a Med Kit S then continue along the dirt road and run into the guard to start a battle. Now, continue along the dirt road and you will see a large rock on the left side. Smash the breakable object for a Med Kit M, and continue along the road. After the next, battle with the robot there is a large rock on the right side. Smash the breakable object and run down and around through the cave. Open the treasure chest by pressing the circle button for a Hero's Bracelet. Turn around, and run back to the entrance. Turn right, and continue along the dirt road until you come to a large rock on the right side. Smash this breakable object and open the treasure chest for a Rejuvinator M. After receiving this item, turn right and run up the dirt road. At the end of the road, will be a large rock cliff. Move toward the left side of the cliff and the targeting symbol will show up. Smash through the rock by pressing the square button, then once again on the other side. After the scene, continue up the road and run over a log across a river. After smashing the first branch, however be careful as 2 enemies will jump out from the waterfall. After the battle continue up the log, you will see a treasure chest on the right side, however you can't get it yet so continue up the log and save at the gold save plate. Now, run straight down the dirt road, it will continue down and behind the waterfall. At the end, open the treasure chest by pressing the circle button to recieve a EX Skill Key 1. After recieving the treasure, make your way back up the road and save your game once more at the gold save plate, then continue up the dirt road to the left. **Scene** After the scenes, run toward the injured soldier and you will be forced into battle. After taking care of the enemies a scene will follow and Ziggy will pick up the injured soldier. Now, to find a place for him to rest. Continue along the dirt road, and open the treasure chest on the right side for a Update 6 for your Database. On the left side of the road, smash the break objects to a nest that was abandoned. Smash the nest and get the 3 Cornelian Eggs. Turn around and leave this area, turning left and running up the dirt road, smashing a object on the left side for a Med Kit S. After getting the treasure, smash the second rock on the left side for a Remover. Continue along the road, and smash the rock on the left side for a Anti-Crystal. After getting the Anti-Crystal, continue along the road to the church. **Scene** After all of the scenes, you will recieve a Database Update. Now, speak to the young Shion if you wish, and she will tell you that she saw a green ship to the East. Sounds like the Elsa doesn't it? So, time to head there. After exiting the church, turn to the left and go around the church. There will be a small bridge and dirt road on the left side. Take this road and a large map of the whole area will show up. Shion(or whoever you have has a leader) will say that the green ship landed in the cave mine to the east. Follow the road around to another large red triangle, Dabry Mine. Dabry Mine: **Scene** After the scene, run through the building on the left side, and smash the breakable object for a Skill Upgrade A, then in the building next to it, smash the next breakable object for 200G. After getting this, save your game at the gold save plate and buy any items/equipment at the blue plate if you wish. After saving and or buying items/equipment, turn left and run up to the enterance of the mine. Smash the rocks blocking it by pressing the square button. Run straight ahead and the U-TIC Soldiers will speak to you. Press the square button when Vegas talks to get some more information about Mai and her auto-tech. From the soldiers, run straight ahead into the gnosis to start a battle. Remember to try and get a back attack. Also, it helps a great deal if you have Chaos in your party to perform Phoenix Strike for a special attack. After the battle, continue up the path past the gnosis to the treasure chest. Open it by pressing the circle button to recieve 3000G. After getting the treasure, turn around and run back down the path past the soldiers, turning left at the intersection. Continue along the path, and run into the next gnosis. Once the battle is over, run up the path around the curves to a U-TIC Soldier, running into him to start the next battle. Afterwards, continue along the path to a spiral surrounding a waterfall. Run into the next U-TIC Solider that you see ahead to begin yet another battle. After the battle, and down the path a little ways, the next battle will be with a gnosis. As you continue past the gnosis, on the left side will be a stalagmite sticking up. Press the square button to smash this breakable object and get 500G. Keep running down the path, to the next stalagmite hanging down on the right side, smashing it by pressing the square button to get 1000G. Again, smash the next stalagmite on the right side, down the path a little ways for another 1000G, then continue down to the gnosis that is straight ahead. After knocking out the gnosis, open the treasure chest that it was blocking for a Ether Pack M. Now, turn around and turn right onto the main path again. Speak to the soldier Crow to get a hint about Mai and her auto-tech. As you enter the next section of the mine, save your game at the gold save plate by pressing the circle button, then run over to the console and press the circle button once more to learn about the WRC(Wild Roller Coaster). After reading about it, run to the right to the bar hanging down. It will ask, "Use the Wild Roller Coaster?". Press the circle button and whoever is your lead character will hang onto it. Press the up direction on the control stick to get across the cable. About halfway across, a giant robot will fly by you. Keep moving to the other side. **Scene** After the scene, you may use the elevator on the left side to go back across the way you just came in case you wish to do more battles to gain EXP, SP, and G. Otherwise, run straight ahead and exit the cave. **Scene** Boss Battle Mai and Leupold: Jin's M attack works well on Leupold as well as Kos-Mos's M Buster. Jin's Skeletal Slash and Kos-Mos's B-Buster work well against Mai. Shion can steal a Ether Pack M from Leupold and a Kajic Neck from Mai. Take Leupold out first, then Mai. Use analyze on each one to check their HP, then us Special Attacks. **Scene** After the scenes, open the treasure chest on the right by pressing the circle button for Update File 7, you will recieve another Database Update. Then, run straight ahead and into the Elsa! **Scene** After all of the scenes, save the game by pressing the circle button. End of Chapter 4. **Scene** Once Shion wakes up in her room, run to the back and speak with Bunnie Bob to get a hint about the Geocrystal you found earlier in the cave, if you haven't done so already. Then speak to MOMO on the right side of the room, to find out where everyone is at. Finally, speak to Kamikaze before exiting to find out more about "pets." Now, turn around, and run straight ahead, opening the door by pressing the circle button to exit. Once you are outside the door, turn left and run up the ramp and around to the gold, blue, and green plates. Save your game at the gold save plate, then run back down the ramp to the elevator immediatley on the right. Press the circle button to to open the doors, then again when it asks, "Go down to B1?" to be taken to the first floor. **Scene** After all of the scenes, Shion will be outside of the ship. Run straight ahead to exit the cave, and then Shion will turn to the right. After listening to her, continue running along the path to the right as you exit, the large map of the whole region will show up. Run down the path to the main road, and turn left. **Scene** After the scene, run to the left to the large red triangle to enter the city. City: **Scene** After the scene, turn around and run back to speak to the soldier Deez at the enterance of the city by pressing the square button. You may pick either option. The first one, he will explain more about what is going on, if you wish to know. When he is finished, run straight to the console by the gold save plate. You will be at Quincy's Select Shop. Press the circle button, to purchase new items/equipment. After purchasing new items/equipment save your game and the gold save plate by pressing the circle button. Now, run straight ahead and speak to Nena on the left side by pressing the square button. After speaking to her, move to the ice cream truck and purchase any ice cream that you want then press the switch on the right side by pressing the circle button. Press it twice so that the cover will completely close. After closing the cover, turn to the right and run down the road, turning to the right at the end and smashing the red gates. Press the square button once more at the door to smash it also, then enter the building. Run up the ramp to the treasure chest and open it by pressing the circle button to recieve Update File 08. After getting the Database Update, continue up the ramp to the roof. On the roof, speak to Colin and he will ask you to get his balloon back from the cat without popping it. Move over toward the cat, set a trap at the base of the pole by pressing the R2 button. Wait for the cat to get the trap, then press the square button to release it. The cat will let go of the balloon. Quickly follow the balloon and press the circle button to catch it. Shion will automatically give the balloon back to Colin, and you will recieve 2 Berry Ice Cream. Now, make your way back down the ramp and exit the building. Once outside, speak to Piquet then run to the binoculars on the right side and look through them if you wish. It is 100G to use them. If you use them, zoom in on the lady on the bottom left side. There is Linda, Piquets girlfriend waiting for him at a different location. If you use them or not, turn to the left and speak to Daniel by pressing the square button to learn more about the sitution. Now, run straight ahead and into the next section of the city. Once you are in the next section, speak to Degville by pressing the square button to learn about the descent operation. Pick the first option. Afterwards, run to the left side and speak to Andy sitting on a bench by pressing the square button to learn more about drug. After speaking to him, move straight and speak to Violetta by pressing the square button to learn about facility. When she asks, pick the first 2 options. After speaking with her, run to the right, then left to speak with Douglas by pressing the square button to learn about being decieved. Pick either option, then run up the stairs and speak to McCoy to learn about the soldiers in the city. After speaking to him, run straight ahead and smash the breakable object by pressing the square button to get a Nano Repair M. Now, turn to the right and press the circle button by the trash can that is next to the 2 machines on the right side for Federal Report 07. If you wish, you may look through these binoculars also on the right side. It is 100G to use them also. Run back down the stairs and to the right back to the main path. Speak to Gig by pressing the square button to learn more about some people. Continue down the path, and smash the breakable object on the left side for a Nano Repair M?. After getting the treasure, run over to the right side and speak to Marcus and Max to learn about someone known as the Turquoise Blade. After speaking to them, run straight ahead to the next section of the city and speak to Prim to learn about soldiers. After speaking to hear, speak to Leik and Tonia that are straight ahead. Finally, you may press the circle button at the console on the left side for the Milita City Planning Corp to get information about different sections of the city. Whether you do this or not, start up the ramp. **Mini scene** After Shion looks up at the building, run up the ramp and speak to Dike about meaning. Afterwards, turn left and run down the stairs, speaking to Po about those "federation dogs". Pick the second option to get more information. Then pick the first option. After speaking with him, run around the corner and speak to Erin and Julia to learn about "unpleasant rumors". Afterwards, smash the door on the right side and run through it, smashing the door on the other side to exit. Once on the other side, speak to Lancaster to learn about helping him. After speaking to him, move to the console and press the square button to destroy it and recieve Federal Report 01. Speak to Lancaster once more, after it is destroyed. Now, go back through the doors and exit. After exiting, turn left and run past Erin and Julia and back up the stairs. Turn right, run back down the ramp and go back to speak to Andy who is sitting on the bench to learn about not letting them "get away with this". Pick the first option both times he asks. After listening to Andy, it is time to speak to Lodge who is in the North Area of the city. Now, run straight ahead, back up the ramp, and turn right at the top of it. Smash the breakable object on the right side to recieve a Half Repair, then continue to the top of long ramp. At the top, speak to Hanmel to learn about a "reconnassance team" then Highway to learn about ""Salvator Faction". Move past Highway and run down the ramp, and smash the breakable object on the right side in the middle of the ramp to recieve a Rejuvitor M. Continue to the bottom and speak to Cyrus and Banu to learn about a dream with "children". Pick the first option when he asks. Afterwards, run back up the ramp and straight ahead to exit this section. In the next section speak to Dennis to learn about "morale", Johansson about "outsiders", Matteo about "respect", Selleck about "here", Barth and Corel and finally run to the right down the ramp and speak to Lodge. Not very friendly is he? Move past him and speak to Bailey, pick the first option both times he asks. Afterwards, run straight ahead smashing both breakable objects at the end. Open the treasure chest by pressing the circle button to recieve a C-U? and Federal Report 02. Turn around, run back up the ramp, turning left and make your way back to Andy. You will recieve "Prescription Copy" from him. Now, run back to Lodge to show him the copy. After speaking with him, go back to Andy once again. He won't be there, but speak to Nashville who is standing by the bench about him, then back to Lodge. Labyinthos: Speak to Ioan to learn about "Special research facility", Tyler to learn about "descent operation" and Anfis to learn about "girl". After speaking to everyone, run toward the guard at the front doors of Labryinthos. **Scene** Open the doors by pressing the circle button, and enter the building. Once you are inside the building, speak with Eli at the left desk to learn about "professor Mizarahi" Rosaana at the right desk to learn about "fourth floor", Torin and Ice on the left side to learn about "name", then speak with Kaoru by the cart. Smash the cart by pressing the square button to recieve a Skill Upgrade B. Finally, speak to Gizem to learn about "door" then move to the gold save plate and press the circle button to save your game. After saving, run to the guard Gemini that is straight ahead and press the square button to speak to him about "elevator". We can't enter that area yet, so run to the right side and speak to Kenneth who doesn't think he has "seen you". Run in between the benches and smash the light hanging down which is a breakable object to receive a Ether Pack M. Now, run down and speak with Sinan and Shirley to learn about "Supervisor". Finally, run to the door marked "elevator" that is past Sianan and Shirley. Press the circle button to open the doors. Then again at the elevator. Go the 5th Floor first. Speak to Blair and Term to learn about "DZ Series", then smash the breakable object in the ceiling to recieve a Ether Pack M. After getting the treasure, run straight ahead to the guards at the desk. Speak to Rion on the left side to learn about "test subject management wing" and Lydon on the right side to learn about "door". We can't get in here yet either, so let us go back to the elevator, and move to the 4th floor. After exiting the elevator, speak with Alessio and Domenico to learn about "post", then run straight ahead and speak with Luther about "connection experiment" and finally Cecilia and Ruprecht to learn about "this planet". After speaking to everyone, run down the hall to the right and press the circle at the first door to open it. Press the circle button at the console on the right side to recieve the business district gate enterance password(5150) and to also recieve a special memto. Now, exit the room and turn left and continue down the hallway opening the second door by pressing the circle button. **Scene** After the scene, exit the room and turn right. **Scene** After the scenes, you will recieve another Database Update. Now, turn left and go back to the second door. Once inside, speak to Joachim to learn about "todays experiment" and recieve a report to be delievered to the 5th floor. Before exiting the room, speak to Garry and Macy on the left side to learn about "antsy". Exit the room, and return to the elevator. Move to the 5th floor, turn right and run to the door by the guards desk on the right side and press the circle button. **Scene** After the scenes, enter the open door and speak to Simenon to learn about "area 13", then open the doors by pressing the circle button. Continue running down the hallway and press the circle button at the first door to open it Speak to Coolidge on the left side to learn about "destory", Ines on the left side to learn about "skilled researcher", and finally Loria to learn about "federal report". After speaking to everyone, exit the room and turn left and run to the second door, opening it by pressing the circle button. Run to the treasure chest on the left side, and open it by pressing the circle button to recieve Update File 09. Speak to Murdoch about "Febronia", and finally move to the console at the right side. Press the circle button to learn about test subject Tethlla Magus(Mai's dad). Exit the room, and turn left to the glass doors at the end. Open them by pressing the circle button, then run to the door at the end of the hallway on the left side, opening it by pressing the circle button once again. **Scene** After all of the scenes, run straight ahead down the hallway pressing the circle button at the glass doors to open them. Continue through the next door, turn left to go back to the elevator. At the elevator, move to the 1st floor. After exiting the elevator, speak to Ice and Torin to learn about "daughter", then press the circle button at the glass doors to open them. Speak to Shirley to learn about "febronia", then open the next set of doors by pressing the circle button. Speak to Sinan about "militarization", Kenneth to learn about "new type of Relian", Gizem about "Proto Merkabah" then save your game at the gold save plate. After saving, turn around and exit the building. **Scene** After the scenes, exit this area. **Scene** End of Chapter 5 **Scene** After all of the scenes, exit the room and turn right and open the door by pressing the circle button. Continue down the hallway, speaking to Bunnie to learn about "HaKox". Continue through the next door to the elevator. Press the circle button to be taken to the first floor. After exiting the elevator, run up the ramp to the left and around to the blue, green and gold save plates. Equip the other members with the new equipment that you bought earlier, then save your game at the gold save plate. Move to the blue plate, and sell any used equipment and or items such as junk circuits, Carnelian Egg, Scrap Iron and Salt Pillar. Use the EX Skill 1 under items to open another line in your skills menu. Go to the Skill line, and spend some skill points on new skills. Finally, purchase any equipment/items that you couldn't earlier and save your game one final time because there is a boss battle ahead. Run down the ramp, and straight ahead opening the door at the end by pressing the circle button. Continue past the bar and up the ramp to the HaKox game on the right side. Press the circle button to start it, if you do not wish to play now wait until it loads then press "See you Again" when it appears. **Scene** Boss Battle Black Testament: When this battle starts Kos-Mos will automatically be placed in your party, so it doesn't matter who you have. **Scene** After all of the scenes you will receive another Database Update. Listen to Shion, then exit the room, turning right to the elevator. Ride the elevator the the first floor, turning left speak to John Bunnie to learn about "menu". After speaking to him, run to the blue, gold and green plates. Buy any equipment/items that you need, then save your game at the gold plate. After saving, exit the ship. Run straight ahead and exit the cave. Turn right outside of the cave and turn left onto the main road. Follow the road around, turn right at the first road to the right, then right again on the diagonal road. Follow it around, to the treasure chest. Open it by pressing the circle button to recieve Jrs Swimsuit. Now, turn around and follow the diagonal road back, but go straight ahead instead of turning left back to the main road. Press the circle button at the treasure chest, and you will be asked for a password to proceed. Input 5150(that you recieved earlier in Labrinthos) and open the treasure chest by pressing the circle button to recieve Prayer Beads. After receiving the treasure, turn around and follow the road back to the main road. Enter the city at the East Entrance. City East Entrance: Speak to Deez to learn about "connection experiment" then save your game at the gold save plate on the right side. After saving, turn right immediatly at the next console and press the circle button for the Challenge Coupon Association Offical Shop. Each ticket costs 100G and you may purchase up to 5 tickets. (68, 33, and 12). Go back behind Deez and smash the bushes with the square button to revel the Miltia Waterworks System. Press the circle button to enter, and at the bottom press the square button to smash through the gate. Run to the console on the left side, and press the circle button to bring up the menu. Pick each choice, and on the last one the fountain will blow something off the top. It will ask one more time which fountain you wish to pick, but choose cancel. Now, make your way back up to the sidewalk. Turn left and press the circle button by the shiny object to pick it up. You will receive a Skill upgrade C. Speak to Nena on the left side to learn about "super coward", then go up the steps behind the arches. Run up the second arch and press the square button to smash the breakable object. There will be someone hiding beind it, press the square button again to make them move. **Mini-scene** Turn around, and run back down to the bottom of the arches. Move over to the right side of the sidewalk. If you want too, you can enter the building again on the right side and go to the top to speak to Colin about his "balloon", however that is all there is to do in there. Whether you go into the building or not, speak to Piquet to learn about "spy" straight ahead from the building. You may look through the binoculars here again also if you wish, it is 100G each time. Speak to Daniel to learn about "Area 13" then move to the next section. Speak to Degville on the right side to learn about "descent operation" then run to the left side past the bench and speak to Violetta and Douglas to learn about "Milta". Now, run to the right side and speak with McCoy to learn about "U-Tic", Max on the left side to learn about "trash can", Gig and Pelogia on the right side about "strange people", and finally Marcus on the right side to learn about "new weapon". In the next section speak to Tonia on the left side about "Aizen", run up the ramp and speak with Leik and Dike on the right side about "U-TIC". Turn to the left and speak with Prim about "soldiers", run down the stairs and speak with Po to learn about "Salvatorifaction". Turn to the left around the corner and move past Erin and Julia that are talking and speak to Banu and Cyrus to learn about "Dr Yuriev". Now, run up the stairs and at the top speak to Highway to learn about "new weapon" and Hamel to learn about "AMWS Pilot" then run past them to the next section of the city. In the next section speak with Carlos and Matteo on the left side to learn about "mobile weapon", Dennis in the middle to learn about "attacked", Johansson on the right side to learn about "true purpose", and Corel on the left side to learn about "detail", Owusu and Emil to learn about "Realian", and finally speak with Selleck on the left side at the bottom of the ramp to learn about "emergency alert". Exit the city. Outside of the city, instead of going to Labryinthos, we are going to take a short detour. Turn around and run past both entrances to the city and turn right onto the main road. Continue down the main road, and turn right on the dirt path that goes back to the cave the Elsa is in. Don't go into the cave, instead move past it and continue along the path to Dabry Mine. Enter the mine at the large red triangle by pressing the circle button. Run up the hill and speak with Mai by pressing the square button when she asks about her "father". You will recieve Decoder 15. You may speak to her again by pressing the square button to learn more about "mine". Turn around, run back down the hill and exit the mine. Turn right and follow the path down to the city. Run past the enterances to the city, and turn left, then right and press the circle button at the large red triangle at Labryinthos. Labryinthos: Outside of Labryinthos speak with Morgan on the left side about "suspicous people" and Loan on the right side about "here". Now, move to the front doors and press the circle button to open them. Prepare the party that you want.(I had Shion, Kos-Mos and Ziggy) then enter the building. **Scene** There will be an immediate battle after the scene with the guards. Heal at the save point if needed, then run into the guard on the left side to start another battle. After the battle, save your game at the gold save plate, then move to the right side for some more battles with guards. Save your game at the gold save plate afterwards, and turn left pressing the circle button to open the doors. Press it again when it asks, "Go to Labyrinthos?" At the bottom, turn left and at the end press the square button to smash the breakable object on the left side to recieve a Med Kit S. Turn around and go back around, you may enter the doors on the left side if you wish, however we can't do anything there for now. Continue past the doors and run into the guard ahead to start a battle. After knocking out the guards, run to the next guard that you see ahead to start yet another battle. Now, run to the robot guard, then after you have knocked them out move past the doors and continue along the path to the left running into yet another robot guard. After the battle with the guards, press the square button to Press the circle button twice to open it, and after entering open the treasure chest by pressing the circle button to receive Hinoka Kagura. Immeditly equip this new weapon on Jin, then exit. After exiting from the door, turn left and run down the path to the double doors on the left side. Press the circle button to open them. Run through the doors, however you can't continue straight ahead. Smash the break objects on the left side first to recieve a Med Kit M. Then smash the breakable objects on the right side, move down the path and smash the door at the end. Enter the door, and turn right, smashing the next door on the left wall. Enter through this door, and turn left, pressing the circle button to go through the double doors. After you enter this room, run straight ahead. **Scene** After the scene, you can't enter the Area 13 door yet, so run straight ahead, pressing the circle button to open the double doors in front of you. Continue, down this path running into the robot guard to start a battle. I replaced Ziggy with Jin. His Tech skill Skeletal Slash is excellent against human guards and anArmor Pierce under Tech Skill is excellent against robot guards. After the battle, move ahead and open the glass door on the right side by pressing the circle button. On the other side, after Kos-Mos speaks you won't be able to use the elevator yet, so run straight ahead to the blue and gold plates. Buy any items/equipment that you want, then save your game at the gold save plate. After saving, open the door next to the plates by pressing the circle button. Once you are through the door, smash the breakable objects on the right side for a Med Kit S, then run into the robot guard to start a battle. Next, turn left and run down the path running into the guard in front of the door on the left side to start the next battle. Open the door by pressing the circle button after the battle, and run to the bottom right hand corner. Open the treasure chest by pressing the circle button to receive Update File 10. You will then recieve another Database Update. Now, exit the room and turn left continuing down the path. As you turn the corner to the left there will be another guard waiting for you. After knocking them out, open the elevator doors on the left side by pressing the circle button, then press it once again when it asks, "move?" to be taken to BF1. Exit the elevator and turn right, then right again at the doors. Open the double doors by pressing the circle button, and inside there will be a guard to do battle with. Run straight ahead and open the treasure chest by pressing the circle button to receive a D Frame?. After getting the treasure turn right and press the circle button to exit the doors. Move down just a little bit, and enter the doors on the right side by pressing the square button. The guard will be sleeping and won't notice you, however soon as you start smashing enough things, he will come in and attack. Smash the rest of the breakable objects by pressing the square button then pick up all your goodies, Nullifier, Med Kit M, Nano Repair M, Ether Pack M, and 500G. After getting all of the treasure, exit the room and turn left. Continue running down the path, into a robot guard. After knocking out the guards, run to the end and open the door by pressing the circle button. On the other side, turn left and run down to a treasure chest. Open it by pressing the circle button to receive Revive L. Now, turn around and run past the doors, to the next set of doors on the left side. Open them by pressing the circle button. Inside the room, move to the left side and smash the top left breakable object to receive 200G. After getting the money, run back to the right side and press the circle button at the console. It will be the Container Receiving System. Read the instructions, then we have to move the containers in the green squares by the doors at the end to destroy them. If you make a mistake, you can come back to the console and repostion all of the containers. From the console, run down the second ramp to the left and press the square button at the 5th container. It will knock the 4th container next to the 3rd one. Now, go back to the ramp you came down, and smash the 1st container(the one next to the wall). It will knock the second container to the other side. Then go next to the wall and smash, the next container, so it knocks the one in the room into the wall on the other side. Run back up the ramp and smash the first container on the left side. Then, run down the row and smash the 3rd container next to the wall. Afterwards, run back to the front of them and smash that one, so it knocks the last container into the green square on the left side. Smash both containers to destroy the door, then go through it and open the treasure chest to receive D-Nullify Guard. After getting the treasure, run back up either ramp and reposition the containers. We have one more door to destroy, this time on the right side. Once again, from the console run down second ramp to the left and destroy the 5th continer on the right side. Run back to the front and destroy the 1st container on the right side.(closest to the wall). Now, destroy the container(closest to the wall) knocking the container in the middle of the room to the other side. Run back up the ramp and destroy the first container on the left side and it will knock the furthest one all the way to the end. Now destroy the second one, then the third one will knock the last one into the green square on the left side. Finally, destroy the one in the green square on the left side and it will knock the last container to the green square on the right side. Destroy the last container to blast open the door. Exit the door and turn left, opening the door straight ahead by pressing the circle button. Run straight ahead. **Scene** After the scenes, exit the room and turn left, then right and follow the path down opening the doors at the end by pressing the circle button. Open the next doors on the left side by pressing the circle button and a guard will be waiting on the other side for a battle. Run up the stairs after the battle, and smash the breakable objects on the left side to receive a Revive M. After getting the treasure, turn around and run straight ahead for another guard battle. Run down the path after the battle. **Scene** Inside the room, run to the console on the left side and press the circle button at the shiny object. Press it again to get the Security level B card. Now, exit the room and run straight across pressing the circle button to open the doors. Turn right, and follow the path around. Open the doors at the end on the right side, by pressing the circle button. After going through the door, run straight ahead and save your game at the gold save plate. Then turn around and run back to the elevator that you just passed. Press the circle button at the console on the elevator to be taken to a level down. Open the doors in front of you, by pressing the circle button. Press it again to open the next set of doors. In the next room, run to the left side and smash the breakable objects to receive a Cleanser. Now, turn around and move to the right side, going down the steps to the train. Press the circle button at the train, to go to the isolated research area. After getting off the train, run up the steps and destroy the breakable objects on the left side to receive a Ether Pack S. Turn around and run back, turning left at the doors. Press the circle button to open them. On the other side, first go to the right side and knock out the guards. After destroying all the guards, smash the breakable objects on the right side for a Cleanser and Med Kit L. Continue around to the elevator and press the circle button at the console to be taken to the level below. Open the door on the left side, by pressing the circle button then run down the steps on the left side. At the bottom of the steps, turn left and run straight ahead, opening the door at the end by pressing the circle button. Turn right after going through the door and run straight ahead. Press the circle button on the wall on the left side at the end, to open the air lock. Continue running straight ahead to the next section. **Scene** After the scenes, turn to the right, then right again. In the next room, save your game at the gold save plate on the left side then open the doors straight ahead by pressing the circle button. Press it again to move the elevator. **Scene** After all of the scenes, you will receive another Database Update. Also, equip your ES's with any new equipment that you have. I put the C-US3G on the Reuben. I then put the disks, D-Sensor and D-Guard. After you are finished, move straight ahead to the elevator and press the circle button. In the upcomming battles you will also have Anima 2 now available for a special attack. Also, the Asher cannot gain Anima so use the Zebulon. **Scene** After exiting the elevator, move straight, then turn left. About halfway, open the big double doors by pressing the circle button. In this room, move to the ES on the right side to start a battle, then smash the breakable objects behind it for a Med Kit L. After getting the treasure, approach the next ES guard to start a battle. Move straight ahead to the doors, after the battles and press the circle button to open them. On the other side, battle more ES's, then smash the breakable objects on the top left side to receive a Nano Repair DX. Now, open the doors by pressing the circle button and move to the next room. In the next room will be several more ES's to battle. Smash the breakable objects on the right side to receive a Half Repair, then save your game at the gold save plate. After saving, move to the blue plate and buy new equipment for your ES's. This is a good place to get alot of money to purchase what you need because of all the battles. Smash the breakable objects on the far left side to receive a Cleanser. Buy any last minute items/equipment for your ES's, then save your game at the gold save plate. After saving, move up the ramp to the right, and press the square button to smash the door in the middle. As you go through the door, a ES guard will be waiting. Smash the door on the right, unless you want an extra ES battle, then smash the door on the left. After going through the door, turn right, then left and finally move through the last door. Boss Battle End of Chapter 6 **Scene** After all of the scenes, you will have control of Kos-Mos. Speak to Hammer to learn about "third descent operation", Tony about "no time to lose", Febroina about "someone who's helping", and Matthews about "interferring with this world". Open the door by pressing the square button and save your game at the gold save plate. Buy any items/equipment at the blue plate, or go back to other areas and battle some more in the green plate. Run down the ramp to the left and open the elevator by pressing the circle button. On the first floor, run straight ahead and press the circle button to open the door that is straight ahead. Going through the door, turn left into the professor's room. Smash the breakable object past the large console, by pressing the square button to reveal Segment Adress 9. Press the circle button to open it. Run straight ahead and press the circle button again, to open the treasure box to receive the EK Device. All of the characters will learn the ether skill: Erade Kaiser! After getting the treasure, move to the large console that you went past and press the circle button. You may read all of the Federal Reports that you have gotten so far. If you press the circle button at the console next to it, you can learn about the Erade Kaiser types. When you are finished, exit this room and make your way back to the elevator. Press the circle button to be taken to the main floor of the Elsa. Once you are back to the main floor and before continuing to save Shion, you can also go to the lounge and play HaKox. After you have finished everything that you wish to do, exit the ship and run straight ahead to leave the cave. Outside of the cave, turn right, and run down the dirt path, turning left onto the main road. Follow the road around and enter the city, at either entrance. I entered from the East entrance. East Entrance to the city: Speak to Deez on the left side as you enter the city to learn about "test subject management wing". Save your game at the gold save plate on the right side, then run to the coupon game console and press the circle button to get the winning prize. Now, run straight ahead and speak with Piquet to learn about "woman", then speak with Daniel about "list". Exit to the next section of the city. In this part, speak to Degvill on the right side about "reactors", Bonham on the left side(past the bench) to learn about "main supervisor", Rowd on the right side to learn about "combat realians", Max on the left side about "individual", Pelogia and Violetta about "Labryinthos", Richie on the right side about "Federation Spies", and finally Marcus on the right side about "powerful organization". In the next section, speak with Ryack on the right side about "descent operation", Bailan and Dike about "Ormus" then run to the top of the ramp and turn left. Speak with Bill about "activities", then run down the steps. Speak with Po about "biomedical industry", run around to the left and speak with Dawson about "safety". Continue running up the steps and speak with Tatsu about "black mobile weapon" then move to the top of the ramp. At the top speak with Highway about "purpose" and Hamel about "boy". Exit this area and turn left at the end to leave the city. **Scene** After all of the scenes, you will automatically be in front of Labryinthos and after some talking will recieve another Database Update. Now, run into the guards in the front of the building to start a battle. After the battles, open the doors by pressing the circle button and enter the building. Run straight ahead and save your game at the gold save plate. This is an excellent place to try out your ether skill Erade Kaiser, since there is a save plate here. I had KOS-MOS, Momo and Jin in my party. I had Jin use Erade Kaiser, KOS-MOS regular attack, and Momo regular attack the robot guards until their special attack bar was up to 3, then I had Momo use her Special Attack Guilty Rain, to take out the 2 remaining enemies. From the save point, turn left and press the circle button to open the door. Press the circle button once again, when you are on the elevator to be taken to be taken down to the next level. When you are on the bottom level, run straight ahead and press the circle button to open the door. Continue running straight ahead, and press the circle button again to open the doors. Inside the room, turn left and go down the steps. Turn right, and run into the first guard that is in the roomm to start a battle. After knocking out both of the guards, move to the treasure box on the right side of the room and press the circle button to receive Rosorio of Grief. Now, turn around and exit the room. Turn left as you leave the room, and follow the path around. About half way around, turn right and press the circle button to open the double doors. On the other side, run straight ahead, then turn right at the end. Continue through the doorway, turning right, then left into the room. Inside the room, run to the doors at the top and press the circle button to open them. Run straight ahead, and turn right at the #13 door. Press the circle button to open them. On the other side, turn left into the open doorway. **Mini scene** After the short scene, turn around and exit the room. Running straight ahead, press the circle button to open the doors at the bottom right. Past the door and down a little ways, there will be a guard waiting for battle. After the battle, continue ahead through the next doorway where a robot guard will be waiting. After knocking out the robot guard, smash the containers at the bottom of the room by pressing the square button to receive a Ether Pack S. Now, after getting the treasure, smash the breakable objects at the top of the room to reveal Segment Address 5. Afterwards, run down the ramp on the left side, where a robot guard is waiting. After the battle, run straight ahead and smash the breakable object at the end, by pre ssing the square button. Open the door by pressing the circle button, then press it again at the treasure box on the other side to receive a Rejunvenator M. Go back through the doorway, turning right to continue dowwn the hallway. Run into the guard to start a battle, then run to the end and open the door by pressing the circle button. On the other side, turn left, then right into the guard. Turn around, and turn right and into the guard for a back attack. After knocking out the guards, enter either door on the left or right. For this, I entered the door on Kos-Mos's right. Press the square button to smash all of the breakable objects in the room to receive a Ether Pack S and a Rejuvenator M. Now, go into the door on the other side and smash the breakable objects by pressing the square button to receive a Med Kit DX. After getting the items, exit the room, and turn left, then left again where yet another guard will be waiting. Turn right, then right again into another guard. Then open the door on the right by pressing the circle button. Inside the room, smash the breakable objects by pressing the square button to receive a Med Kit L, then open the treasure box by pressing the circle button to recieve Decoder 13. Now, move across the hallway and open the door by pressing the circle button. Smash all of these breakable objects by pressing the square button to receive a Revive M. Exit the room, and Turn left twice then right up the stairs. Press the circle button to open the door at the top, then look into the window on the right to see Shion. The door is locked, so open the door past the window by pressing the circle button. **Scene** After the scenes, continue through the doorway and into the guard that is waiting. Turn right and run into the robot guard that is waiting. After the battle, turn right and into the next guard. Then continue running straight ahead and press the circle button at the console on the right side that is red to open the gate. Save your game at the gold save plate. Turn around and run back, turning left by the console where you pressed the button. A robot guard will be waiting down a little bit. After the battle, continue down the hallway, pressing the circle button to open the large double doors. **Scene** Boss Battle Pelligri and her soldiers: Start this battle off by using Erade Kaiser to break the guards. Then steal the Double Vestment from Pelligri. If you use Erade Kaiser 3 times, it will take the guards out and break Pelligri. Hit her with tech skills and about halfway, she will use overtaker. It will tell you that she is getting ready to use a special attack, so be sure to heal your party. Keep after her with attacks, I changed out KOS-MOS for Jr and Momo for Ziggy when they ran out of EP. As always, check her HP with analyze, then use a special attack to take her out. Jin's Dragon Dance works well. **Scene** After the scenes, you will automatically be outside of Labryinthos. Battle the guards here if you wish, then exit this area. On the large map of the area, turn left and run straight ahead, entering the city again. Run straight ahead into the city. **Scene** After the scenes, move straight ahead into the Federation soldiers. Now, run straight ahead into the next section. Battle the guards here, then run down the ramp on the right side. When you get to the bottom, turn left and onto the highway. Knock out the guard there, then run straight ahead. Press the square button to smash the breakable objects, then the circle button to open the treasure box to receive an All Repair. After getting the treasure, turn around, and run back turning to the left. Run straight ahead and down the path to the next section. **Mini Scene** After the short scene, battle the guards, then press the square button to blow up the transport to recieve Federal Report 03. After getting the report, run straight ahead. **Scene** After the scene, turn right and smash the breakable object on the right side by pressing the square button. Speak with McDowell by pressing the square button again to recieve Federal Report 05. Afterwards, run around the obstacles to the left and into the guard. After the battle run to the right side, and smash the breakable object by pressing the square button, then press the circle button to open the treasure box to receive the Tailsman. After by pressing the square button and run into the large robot guard. Run straight ahead and save your game at the gold save plate on the right side. Press the circle button at the console to purchase new equipment and any items for your characters. Speak with Hartman to learn about "exit" after purchasing items/equipment. Keep moving straight ahead to the damaged ice cream truck, and press the circle button the red console to open it and speak with Haramiya by pressing the square button to receive a DX Ice Cream. Finally, turn around and run to the left side to exit the city. **Scene** After the scenes, run into the old church. **Scene** Afterwards, there will be a battle with the out of control combat realians. **Scene** Boss battle Blue Testament: I had Jin use Skeletal Slash, Momo use Fire Bolt 2 and Shion steal the Union Neck/heal/and attack with Lunar blade. About halfway he will use the special attack Victims Hail. Make sure that you are fully healed before this move, or it will wipe out your party. Every so often use analyze to check his HP, when it is low enough use a special attack to end this battle. I used Jin's Dragons Dance. Remember to heal your characters afterwards. **Scene** After the scene you will recieve another Database Update. Now, run straight forward to exit the old churche's area. **Scene** After the scene, there will be a battle with more combat relians. **Scene** Before entering into the old transportation gate, run to the right side and save your game at the gold save plate. You may also purchase any items/ equipment that you need from the blue plate. More to Come! ******************************************************************************* Various Quotes From the series: Xenosaga 1 "What's one and a half billion people to us?" Margulis "Me, tried in a court of ignoble commoners? Don't make me laugh!" Margulis Xenosaga 2: "Death is rest for the soul. If the body did not die, and the fears borne in the mind just continued to pile up, the world would be nothing more than an eternal prison." Ziggy Xenosaga 3: "Learning the truth doesn't always lead to happiness. They might even be better off if they live without it. But sometimes, the truth seeks you out." Chaos to Nephelim "I don't think there's only a single future. A single human thought can change the world. You're the one who taught people that." Nephelim to Chaos." "But you know, if he's clean on the surface, he's probably dirty as hell deep down" Doctus If you wish to add any quotes to the game series, please e-mail me. I will add it to the list, as well as your name to the credits section. ******************************************************************************* Various Bible References from the series and the Bible verses: From Xenosaga 1 reference to a saying by Jesus from Albedo "Do you know what he said while he coughed up his lifeblood? "Except corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone." Wheat, eh? There's enough of it, we can afford to waste as much as we want. Like my head, you see? John 12:24 "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, It produces many seeds." From Xenosaga 2 reference to Yeshua: Wilhelm: "It's been a long time... Yeshua. I'm pleased that you've come. But.. didn't you say you weren't going to intervene?" Chaos: "I've made up my mind. I won't hold back anymore." Wilhelm: "That's wonderful. I'm thrilled that you'll finally be entering the stage." Yehsua: Hebrew name for Jesus. From Xenosaga 2 reference to the red horse and black horse when Chaos speaks about Rubedo and Nigredo before rescuing them Canaan: "I appreciate the offer, but you may want to reconsider. A regular human can't ride in that thing." Chaos: "Right. That's why I'm here. Don't Worry." Chaos: "The red horse carries war, and the black horse famine. Upon those tiny backs bear a great calamity" Canaan: "What did you say, Chaos? I didn't read that." Chaos: "It's nothing. Let's go rescue them." Revelations 6:4-6 "Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. It's rider was give the power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword." When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked,, and there before me was a black horse! It's rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oile and the wine!" Xenosaga 3 reference to different ES's names: ES Reuben Genesis 29:32 "Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, for she said, "It is because the Lord has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now." ES Levi Genesis 29:34 "Again she conceived and when she gave birth to a son, she said, "Now my husband will become attached to me because I have borne him three sons." So he was named Levi." ES Naphatali Genesis 30:7 "Rachel's servant Bilhah conceived again and bore Jacob a second son. Then Rachel said, "I have had a great struggle with my sister and I have won. So she named him Naphatali." ES Asher Genesis 30:12 "Leah's servant Zilpah bore Jacob a second Leah said,"How happy I am!" The women will call me happy. So she named him Asher." ES Zebulun Genesis 30:20 "Then Leah said, "God has presented me with a special gift. This time my husband will treat me with honor, because I have borne him six sons." "So she named him Zebulun." ES Dinah Genesis 30:21 "Some time later she gave birth to a daughter and named her Dinah." If you wish to add any Bible references in the game series, please e-mail me. I will add it to the list, as well as your name to the credits section. ******************************************************************************* Credits: CJayC: For having a great website! Bandi Namco: For making the game! Instruction Manual: For the Introduction! Pastor Larry Paulson and Dorothy Dunlap: For help with the bible quotes! New International Version Bible: For the Bible verses! Anyone who reads this! *******************************************************************************